Crux v1n08 Oct

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Journal title history:

➢ The first 32 issues, from Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 1975) to
Vol. 4, No.2 (February 1978) were published under the
name EUREKA.
➢ Issues from Vol. 4, No. 3 (March 1978) to Vol. 22, No.
8 (December 1996) were published under the name
Crux Mathematicorum.
➢ Issues from Vol 23., No. 1 (February 1997) to Vol. 37,
No. 8 (December 2011) were published under the
name Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical
➢ Issues since Vol. 38, No. 1 (January 2012) are
published under the name Crux Mathematicorum.
Vol. 1, No. 8
October 1975
Sponsored by
Carleton-Ottawa Mathematics Association Mathematique d'Ottawa-Carleton
A Chapter of the Ontario Association for Mathematics Education
Published by Algonquin College
Send all communications to the editor: Leo Sauve, Math-Architecture,
Algonquin College, Col. By Campus, 281 Echo Drive, Ottawa, Ont., KlS 5G2.

LEO SAUVE, Algonquin College
Debunking is always delightful. It is a pleasure to watch the bubbles burst
when a trained mathematician applies his steel-trap mind and directs the cold light
of his intellect upon the conventional wisdom of his age. Some of the most undis-
puted aphorisms of the populace then stand revealed as arrant misconceptions. For

7. Any &tick wWL do to beat a dog.

Wrong. A cane (from aanis, the Latin word for dog) is the only appropriate
weapon to use. However, it is true that any stigma will do to beat a dogma.

2. One man'A meat AJ> another. man'i poiAon.

Wrong. Clearly what is meat for one man is meat for another man, just as
what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Some have stretched plausibi-
lity to the limit by claiming that the thinly disguised meaning is: the butcher's
meat is the customer's poison; but since the saying greatly antedates the recent
Quebec rotten meat scandals, some other explanation must be found. The only rational
explanation, and good philologists will hasten to agree, is that it is merely a
phonetic corruption of the historical axiom: one man's Mede is another man's Persian.

3. SUGAR and SUMAC axe the only two wondi, -Ln the English language uilvich begin
with SU and axe<ph.onown.cedshu'-.
Sure, everybody knows that.
- 70 -

4. Some ncutuAaZ numbeAA axe not tntexuting.

Wrong. Every natural number i s i n t e r e s t i n g , f o r otherwise the set o f

u n i n t e r e s t i n g natural numbers would be nonempty and, by the w e l l - o r d e r i n g p r i n -
c i p l e , would contain a l e a s t u n i n t e r e s t i n g natural number, which i s i n t e r e s t i n g .

5. That ti a. hoHAe o& a dl^exent colovJi.

Impossible. A l l horses are o f the same c o l o u r , since the statement:

in every collection of n horses all horses are of the same colour, is true f o r
every natural number n. The statement c e r t a i n l y holds i f n = l . Suppose i t holds
f o r some n, and consider a c o l l e c t i o n o f n + l horses. I f we remove the f i r s t ,
there i s l e f t a c o l l e c t i o n o f n horses which are a l l of the same colour by the
induction assumption; i f we put the f i r s t back i n and remove the l a s t , the r e -
maining horses are a l l o f the same colour f o r the same reason. Hence the f i r s t ,
l a s t , and a l l the other horses, t h a t i s , a l l n + l horses, are o f the same c o l o u r ,
and the induction i s complete.

6. The imalleit positive. Integex ti> 1.

Wrong, l i s the largest positive integer. For i f ff^i i s the l a r g e s t

p o s i t i v e i n t e g e r , then N+l>N, which c o n t r a d i c t s the hypothesis.

7. Euclid said: Vaxa&LeZ AtAalght tinu axe t,txaJLght, which, beting in
the. iame plane and being produced indefinitely -in both dixeationi, do not meet
one another in elthen

Wrong. What Euclid said was: IlapaAAnAoi eicuv EUSETCU, cuxives EV TW

auxfi eTTiirefiw ouaou KCU EKBaAAoyEVai z\s aiTEipov sc|) EKaxepa xa y£pn ETU ur|6ETEpa
aoyTritrxouaiv aAAnAcus.


The editor would be happy to receive your reactions and comments about EUREKA,
as well as your suggestions for the improvement of its contents and presentation.
Unless you request otherwise, your letters may be published in a Letters to the
Editor column. In this way, contacts may be established between readers through
the pages of this magazine.
There is a desperate need for interesting short articles (two to four pages)
pitched at an appropriate level accessible to high school teachers and university
undergraduate students.
The few readers who have so far submitted problem proposals could probably
continue to do so indefinitely, but greater participation by the other readers
would be desirable. Send in any interesting problem you come across, giving the
source if known, even if, or perhaps especially if, you don't know how to solve it.
- 71 -

Problem proposals, preferably accompanied by a solution, should be sent to
the editor, whose name appears on page 69.
For the problems given below, solutions, if available, will appear in EUREKA
Vol. 2, No. 1, to be published around January 15, 1976. To facilitate their con-
sideration, your solutions, typewritten or neatly handwritten on signed, separate
sheets, should be mailed to the editor no later than January 1, 1976.

7 1 , Proposed by Leo Sauve, Algonquin College.

If ten sheep jump over a fence in ten seconds, how many would jump over
the fence in ten minutes?
72 • Propose par Leo Sauve, College Algonquin.
Determiner le couple (p,q) sachant que p et q
(a) sont les racines de 1'equation x2+px + q = o;
(b) sont chacun racine de 1'equation x2+px + q = 0.
73, Proposed by Viktors Lin-is, University of Ottawa.
Is there a polyhedron with exactly ten pentagons as faces?
7 4 , Proposed by Viktors Linis, University of Ottawa.
Prove t h a t i f the sides a, b, c o f a t r i a n g l e s a t i s f y a2jrb2 = kc2, then k>i.

751 Proposed by R. Duff Butterill, Ottawa Board of Education.

M i s the midpoint of chord AB o f the c i r c l e w i t h centre C shown i n the
f i g u r e below. Prove t h a t RS>MN.

76, Proposed by E.G. Dworschak, Algonquin College.

What i s t h e remainder when 2 3 i s d i v i d e d by 53?

77, Proposed by E.G. Dworschak, Algonquin College.

Let An , Gn , and Hn denote the a r i t h m e t i c ,> geometric,
a > and harmonic means
of t h e n p o s i t i v e i n t e g e r s n + i , w + 2 , . . . , n + n. Evaluate
A ff
n v, R
H m lT> 1im
^ > 11m—.
-11 -
781 Proposed by Jacques Sauve, student, University of Ottawa.
There is a well-known formula for the sum of all the combinations of
n objects: ? C(n,r) = 2 . But is there a simple formula for the sum of all the
permutations £ P(n,r)l

The need for such a formula arose in a study of reliability in systems


79. Proposed by John Thomas, University of Ottawa.

Show that, for x > o,
sin (t2) dt 2

80. Propose par Jacques Marion, University d'Ottawa.

Existe-t-il une s u i t e d ' e n t i e r s {a } t e l l e que l i m a =°° e t que la

s u i t e { s i n a n a ; } converge pour t o u t a: E [O,2TT] ?

41, Propose par Leo Sauve, College Algonquin.
Ayant donne log B 3=p et log 3 5=q, exprimer log105 et logi06 en fonction
de p et q.
Solution du proposeur.
On a 2 = 3 e t 3<7 = 5. Si l o g 1 0 5 = a ; , a l o r s I O * = 5 donne 2x-23pqx = 23pq,
d'ou (.3pq + 1) x - 3pq et
' 3pq + l •
De meme, s i l o g 1 0 6 = # , a l o r s 10^ = 6 donne 2y-23pqii - 2 3 p + 1 , d'ou (3pq + Dy = 3p + l e t
3p 1 1
V =•
3pq + 1
Also solved by H.G. Dworschak, Algonquin College; G.D. Kaye, Department of
National Defence; Viktors Linis, University of Ottawa; F.G.B. Maskell, Algonquin
College; and Jim Mattice, Ancaster, Ont.
Editor's comment.
Maskell, with characteristic thoroughness, gave the following table, in
which the entry in row a and column b is log a & . The inverse symmetry about the
principal diagonal illustrates the well-known property log b-log ^ a = 1.
- 73 -

2 3 5 6 10
2 1 3p 3?<7 3p t 1 3pq + 1

1 3P t 1 3P<? + 1
3 1 <7
3p 3p 3p
1 1 3p + 1 3P4 + 1
5 1
3pq <7 3P<? 3pq
1 3P 3P<? 3pq + 1
6 1
3p + 1 3p + 1 3p + 1 3p + 1
1 3P 3pq 3P + 1
10 1
3p<7+ 1 3pc7 + 1 3pt7 + 1 3pq\ 1

421 Proposed by Viktors Linis, University of Ottawa.

Find the area of a quadrilateral as a function of its four sides, given
that the sums of opposite angles are equal.
Solution de Jacques Sauve, etudiant, Universite d'Ottawa.
Puisque les sommes des angles opposes sont egales, les angles opposes
sont supplemental res et le quadrilatere est cyclique. D'apres la formule classique
de Brahmagupta, l'aire du quadrilatere est done
/(s-a)(8-i)(s-c)(s-d) ,
ou a, b, a, d sont les longueurs des cotes et s est le demi-perimetre.
Also solved by H.G. Dworschak, Algonquin College; G.D. Kaye, Department of
National Defence; and the proposer.

43, Proposed by Andre Bourbeau, Ecole Seaondaire Garneau.

In a 3x3 matrix, the entries a^ are randomly selected integers such
that o <a^j < 9. Find the probability that
(a) the three-digit numbers formed by each row w i l l be divisible by 11;
(b) the three-digit numbers formed by each row and each column w i l l be
divisible by n .
Solution of (a) by H.G. Dworsahak, Algonquin College.
The number of multiples of 11 from ooo to 999 is 1+[999/11] = 91; hence
the probability that a row is divisible by 11 is p - 91/1000, and the probability
that all three rows are divisible by n is p 3 = 0.000753571.
Part (a) was also solved correctly by F.G.B. Maskell, Algonquin College, and
incorrectly by one additional reader.
Editor's comment.
Only one solution to part (b) was received. It did not appear convincing
to the editor, who could be wrong, and was returned to the sender for additional
clarification. Part (b) must therefore still be considered as open.
- 74 -
l\i\, Proposed by Viktors Linis, University of Ottawa.
Construct a square ABCD given its centre and any two points M and N on
its two sides BC and CD respectively.
Solution by the proposer.
The construction uses symmetry properties of the square. Rotating the
triangle OMN by 90" clockwise and then counterclockwise we obtain additional points
M', N', M" , N" which all lie on the sides of the square. Also by central symmetry
with respect to 0 (or by 180° rotation) two more points M'", N1" can be generated,
as shown in Figure l. The rest is then obvious and the solution is unique. If
after 90° rotation N and M' coincide, this means that the angle MON is 90° and
0M = 0N. In this case, there are infinitely many solutions: the vertex C is any
point on the semicircle with MN as a diameter. This is illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 1. Figure 2.
Also solved by G.D. Kaye, Department of National Defence; and Leo Sauve,
Algonquin College. One additional incorrect solution was received.

i|5, Proposed by E.G. Dworsehak, Algonquin College.

Find constants A , B, C, D, p , q such that
A(x -p)2 + B(x - q)z = 5x2 + Bx + 14,
C(x -p) + D(.x - q)2 -X2 + WX + 1.
Solution by the proposer.
Substituting successively x - q and x = p in the first given equation, we get
A(q-p)2 = 5<72 + 8^ + 14, (1)
B(p - q)2 = 5p2 + 8p + 14; (2)
and doing the same with the second given equation yields
C(q-p)2 =q2 + 10q + 7, (3)
2 2
D(.p- q) = p + 10p + 7. (4)
- 75 -
Adding ( l ) and (2), and noting that yl+B = 5, gives
4(p + q) +5p<7 = - 14; (5)
and similarly the sum of (3) and (4), with C + D = l, reduces to
5(p + q) + pq = - 7. (6)
Solving (5) and (6) yields (p+q,pq) = (-1,-2), from which (p)£?) = (i,-2) or (-2,1).If we now
substitute (p,q) - (1,-2) into (1), (2), (3), and (4), we obtain U,B,C,D) = (2,3,-1,2),
so that
2(x- l ) 2 t 3(a;+ 2) 2 = 5a:2 + 8a: + 14,
-(a:- l ) 2 + 2(x + 2 ) 2 = x 2 t 10a: + 7 .
Substituting (p,^) =(-2,1) gives the same solution, which is therefore unique.
Also solved by G.D. Kaye, Department of National Defence; and Leo Sauve,
College Algonquin.
Editor's comment.
The problem as originally proposed had 17 in the second equation instead
of the 7 given here. 7 was the intended number, and the 17 was a misprint for
which the editor apologizes. The method of solution is not affected, but with 17
the results are considerably messier.

£j5, Proposed by F.G.B. Maskell, Algonquin College.

If pj, p 2 , p 3 are the altitudes of a triangle and r is the radius of its
inscribed circle, show that

Solution by Viktors Linis, University of Ottawa.

For the area A of the triangle with sides a, b, c, we have the identities
24 = ap = bp - cp = (a + b + c)r.

Dividing the first and the last by 2Ar, we obtain

l_g +fe+ o _ l 1_ 1_
r~ 24 ' p p p '
r r
M 2 3
Also solved by H.G. Dworschak, Algonquin College; G.D. Kaye, Department of
National Defence; Jim Mattice, Ancaster, Ont.; Leo Sauve, College Algonquin; and
the proposer.
Editor's oomment.
Many geometry and trigonometry textbooks contain dozens of formulas of
a similar character involving the inradius r , the exradii rz, r2, r3, and the
altitudes p , p , p . Representative samples were given by Mattice and Maskell.
- 76 -
l\], Propose par Jacques SauvS, Studiant, Universite d''Ottawa.
00 jr 2

Si a>i, calculer la somme de la sSrie £ — j - .

fe=l ab-
solution de Jacques Marion, VniversitS d'Ottawa.
Sur 1'identite
T ^ = I **• W*1
on effectue 1'operation qui consiste 3 calculer la derivee de chaque membre puis
multiplier chaque membre de l'equation qui resulte par z. Cette operation est
permise et peut etre repetge a volonte a l'interieur de \z\ <l. Une premiere
application de 1'operation donne

(l-z)2 ~kl=1 '

et une deuxieme application amene

(1- S ) 3 ki±
Si l'on pose maintenant z= — <i, on obtient
Vfe2_ a(a + l)

OO 7,W

On pourrait de meme calculer £ i - en repetant 1'operation n fois.

Also solved by G.D. Kaye, Department of National Defence; Viktors Linis,
University of Ottawa; F.G.B. Maskell, Algonquin College; Leo Sauve, College
Algonquin; and the proposer.

Z{3, Propose par Leo Sauve, College Algonquin.

La fonction f:R+R est definie par les relations
f(x) = 2 + Sin a; COS — , SI i)!0,

f(0) = 2.
Pour tout entier n > \ , on consid&re 1'integrale
n = f 2 {»+(|-»)X n ^}/ra!;<iB,

1 —
ou v designe la fonction caracteristique de 1'intervalle [-—, 1 .] . Calculer

l „ en fonction de n et en deduire la valeur de limT,,.

n-^oo n
- 77 -
Solution by Viktors Linis, University of Ottawa.
Let ifrU) =sina;cosi if a: 7*0 and <ji(o) = o; then $(.-x) =-$(.x). Therefore
n ' \ 2 {*+ ^~n ~ "^ Xtx)} <\>(.x) dx = 0

— — —

n n n

= t + A-,
so that liml„ = 4.

Also solved by Jacques Marion, Universite d'Ottawa; and the proposer.

i}9 • Proposed by H.G. Vworschak, Algonquin College.

The series

5 7 11+ -" 6n - 5 " 6n - 1

clearly converges. Find its sum.
I. Solution by Leo Sauve, Algonquin College.
A routine expansion of the constant function
f(x) =^, 0 < x < ir

into a Fourier sine series gives

^=sinK+-^sin3a;+- F sin5a:+ — sin7a;+ ..

and setting x=^ gives

1 - ^(i i + i J-+ , * l 1 >

4 ~ 2 5 7 11 6n - 5 6n - 1 " '

from which the required sum is seen to be — — .

II. Solution by Viktors Linis, University of Ottawa.
Using the standard technique define a power series
00 6n-5 6n-l

which converges for |a| <i. Verify that
p U ) = -; 5 IT
- 78 -

and p ( o ) = o . Integrating we find

p(x) = - ^ ( a r c t a n - ^ ^ + a r c t a n ^ ^ i )
/3 /3 /3

p ( l ) = - ^ ( a r c t a n - ^ + arc tan / I ) = —£=- .

/3 /3 2/3
The passage p ( l ) = li_mp(a:) is j u s t i f i e d by Abel's theorem.

Also solved by Jacques Marion, Universite d'Ottawa; and the proposer.

501 Proposed by John Thomas, Digital Methods Ltd.

I found the following fascinating two-part problem in Martin Eisen's
Introduction to Mathematical Probability Theory (Prentice-Hall 1969). Infprmation
as to its origin and history would be appreciated.
(a) Show that 2n can begin with any sequence of digits.
(b) Let N be an r-digit number. What is the probability that the first r
digits of 2 represent N ?
Solution by Leo Sauve, Algonquin College.
In solving Eisen's problem, I soon became aware that the base 2 had no
essential role to play, and that it could be replaced by other positive numbers.
The only positive real numbers which could be safely excluded were the rational
powers of 10, for their positive integral powers only generate a finite number of
distinct sequences of significant digits. I will show that all other positive
numbers can be used in place of 2 without affecting the conclusion.
Let IF be a positive integer. If x is a positive real number, I shall for
convenience use the expression "x begins with N" to mean that the sequence of
significant digits in the decimal representation of x begins with the sequence of
digits in the decimal representation of N. Logarithms to base 10 are used throughout.
(a) The following theorem generalizes the first part of Eisen's problem:
THEOREM 1. If N is a positive integer and a is a positive real number
that is not a rational power of 10., then infinitely many terms of the sequence
S= {cr} .= 1 begin with II.
The proof of Theorem 1 will hinge on the following lemma, which expresses a
property of real numbers that is interesting in its own right.
LEMMA. Let a and S be as in Theorem 1. If, for x > 0, \i(x) represents
the mantissa of 1 og x , that is,
\i(.x) = logs - [loga:],
then \x(S) is dense in the open interval (0,1).
The lemma is actually a special case of Kronecker's Theorem whose proof, in
full generality, is quite difficult; but as stated here, a relatively easy proof
is possible.
- 79 -
Proof of the Lemma. It will be sufficient to show that, for arbitrary a and h
such that o <a<b <i, there exists at least one positive integer n such that
a < u(a") <b.
We first observe that the restriction of y to S is infective, and hence that
v(S) forms an infinite set, since
y(a m )=y(a")
=* — =10 fe =* m = n,
for mfn implies a = lo^/to-n^ contrary to the hypothesis. Since the interval [0,1]
is of finite length, it contains at least one point of accumulation of \i(S). In a
neighbourhood of such a point, there are at least two elements of y(Sj, say u(a r )
and y ( a r + s ) , whose distance apart is \d\ <b-a, where d = y(a r + s ) -yCa 2 ").
Now the values under y of the geometric progression

ar, a r + s , a r + 2 s , a r + 3 s , ...
form an arithmetic progression modulo 1 of common difference d. It follows that at
least one of these values, say y ( a r + ^ s ) , must fall inside the interval (a,b), and
we have
a<v(.ar+ks) <b,
which completes the proof.
Proof of Theorem 1. We assume for the time being that the digits of N are not
all 9's. It is clear that any x > o begins with JV if and only if
\l(N) &\l(x) <]l(N+l). (1)
Since, from the lemma, y(Sj is dense in the interval (0,1), infinitely many elements
of v(S) fall in the interval [yf/Vj ,yfffl + 1)); hence, by (1), infinitely many elements
of S begin with ff.
If the digits of N are all 9's, the proof is still valid, provided we replace
yfff + lj by 1 wherever it occurs.
(b) The following theorem generalizes the second part of Eisen's problem:
THEOREM 2. If n is a positive integer, the probability that an begins with
N is independent of a. It is, in fact, log (1 +•=) .
Proof. The probability that a" begins with N is the probability that y(a")
lies in the interval l = L]i(N),\i(N+D), whose length is

IJI = yrw+ i; - yCffJ = log (N + l) - logff = log (1 +~).

If f(n) represents the number of points of the sequence y(cO, y(a z ), ..., y(a n )
which lie in I, the required probability is clearly lim •* . By Theorem 445 on
page 390 of Hardy and Wright's Introduction to the Theory of Numbers (Oxford i960),
the points of \x(S) are uniformly distributed in the interval (0,1), which means
- 80 -
precisely that

l i n ^ - = iJi = iogu+4)-
n-«» n N
Here again, we must replace \ I ( N + I ) by l if the digits of N are all 9's.
Part (a) was also solved by Viktors Linis, University of Ottawa.
Editor'8 comments.
Linis gave the following examples for the case a = 2 , using the
notation (a;) for x-Lxl, the fractional part of x.
(i) Ifff=25, then (l) becomes (using 3 decimals):
0.398 < (0.301W) < 0.415.
By straightforward calculations (checking n = i, 2, . . . ) , one finds n = 8 the
smallest positive integer satisfying the inequality, and we have 2 s = 256.
(ii) If ff=l6, then n = 4 is an obvious solution. However, there
are others: the inequality (l) becomes
0.204 < (0.301n) < 0.230
(the equality corresponds to n = 4 ) . Direct calculations give n = 14 and n = 24
as solutions, and we have 2llf = _16384, 221* = 16777216.
2. As a further example, if a = IT and ff=2l7, then (1) becomes
0.336459734 < (0.497149873n) < 0.338456494.
We f i n d ra=57 as the smallest p o s i t i v e integer s a t i s f y i n g t h i s i n e q u a l i t y , and
indeed we have
IT57 = 2.175418. .. x 1 0 2 8 .
The next solution is n = 759, and it turns out, wonder of wonders, that
TT759 = 2.171467..• x 1 0 3 7 7 .
Is it not a reassuring thought, in these uncertain times, to know that there
are infinitely many powers of TT that begin with, say, a million l's?
3. References to this problem in the literature.
(i) Leo Moser and Nathaniel Macon have shown that every finite
sequence of digits appears as the first digits of some power of 2, in their paper,
On the distribution of first digits of powers, published in Scripta Ma.thema.tica,
Vol. XVI (1950), pp. 290-2. This is the earliest reference I have been able to
(ii) Those famous Russian mathematicians and expositors, the twin
brothers Akiva and Isaak Yaglom, proved both parts of the problem for the case
a = 2 in their book, Neelementarnye Zadachi v Elementarnom Isloshenii, originally
published in 1954. Their proof can also be found on pp. 199-202 in Volume 1 of
an English translation of their book entitled Challenging Mathematical Problems
with Elementary Solutions, published in 1964 by Holden-Day. It is characteristic
- 81 -
of the expository work of the Yagloms that they prove both parts of the problem
ab ovo in a painstaking, immensely detailed fashion which should surely be within
the reach of the average high school genius.
(Hi) On pp. 38-45 of his fascinating book, Ingenuity in Mathematics,
in the New Mathematical Library series (Random House, 1970), University of Waterloo
professor Ross Honsberger gives a very clear paraphrase of the Yagloms1 proof of
part (a). He makes the interesting remark that, although fairly low powers of 2
begin with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8, the smallest power of 2 beginning with 7 is 2 5 6
and the smallest beginning with 9 is 2 5 3 .
(iv) This last reference was pointed out to me by Jacques Marion
and John Thomas. It is the article, Integers with given initial digits, by R.S.
Bird, published in the American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 79 (1972), pp. 367-70.
Here Bird restricts himself to sequences of positive integers. He proves that a
wide category of sequences of positive integers have the property that at least
one member of the sequence begins with a given N, giving as examples the sequences
of primes, squares, powers of 2, and factorials.

LEO SAUVE, Algonquin College
In 1889 a Hamburg mathematics professor named Hermann Schubert wrote:1
Conceive a sphere constructed with the earth as its center, and imagine
its surface to pass through Sirius, which is 8.8 light years distant from the
earth. Then imagine this enormous sphere to be so packed with microbes that
in every cubic millimeter millions of millions of these diminutive animalcula
are present. Now conceive these microbes to be all unpacked and so distri-
buted singly along a straight line that every two microbes are as far dis-
tant from each other as Sirius from us, 8.8 light years. Conceive the long
line thus fixed by all the microbes as the diameter of a circle, and imagine
its circumference to be calculated by multiplying its diameter by IT to 100
decimal places. Then, in the case of a circle of this enormous magnitude
even, the circumference so calculated would not vary from the real circum-
ference by a millionth part of a millimeter.
This example will suffice to show that the calculation of TT to 100 or
500 decimal places is wholly useless.
The uselessness of the exercise, which would have delighted G.H. Hardy, has never
prevented mathematicians over the centuries from trying to find more and more digits
in the decimal expansion of ir, which is now known to at least one million decimal places.2
As a service to the readers of EUREKA, I will give below a small sample of this
expansion, a mere 300 decimal places. But first, in order to make the task of remem-
bering a piece of TT a piece of cake, I give a few mnemonic devices in which the number
of letters in a word represents the corresponding digit in the expansion.
'Quoted in A History of" IT, by Petr Beckmann, The Golem Press 1971, p. 98.
See EUREKA, Vol.1 (1975), p. 5.
- 82 -

1. Fifteen significant d i g i t s . 3
How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures
involving quantum mechanics.'
2. Thirty-one significant d i g i t s . "
Que o'aime 3 faive apprendre un nombre utile aw; sages'.
Immortel ArchimSde, artiste ingSnieur,
Qui de ton jugement peut priser la valeur?
Pour moi, ton probleme eut de pareils avantages.
3. Thirty-one significant d i g i t s .
Viv, o Held, o alter Philosoph, du riesen Genie'.
Wie viele Tausende bewundern Geister
Himmlisch wie du und Gottlichl
Noah reiner in Aeonen
Wird das uns strahlen
Wie im lichten Morgenrot!
4. Thirty decimal places.5
To Mr. H. Bailey
(who has to have recourse to Greek Iambics when he wants to remember the value of ir)
I nunc, 0 Baili, Parnassum et desere rupem;
Vic sacra Pieridum deteriora quadrisl
Subsidium hoc ad vos, quamquam leve, fertur ab hymnis
Quos dat vox Sophocli (non in utroque probrwnst?)*
5. Thirty decimal places.
6 irals 6 KUKAO) irepiijiopav irp YPCt<J>(d\)a
OUK EU0US n^iro'priae 6ictueTpov yexpouv.
avaAoyias Y"P flv V^v EUijiopxov rapa,
axrivia 6e yvfjcns' aXAa vuv etjirij
aKEiJ«a6£ TTSS ye K\)oE,ios irapnYopEi.'
Budding poets w i l l please note that, since the 32nd decimal place of IT is a
zero, there is mercifully a l i m i t to the possible lengths of such mnemonic verses.
And now here is the promised expansion:
TT= 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510
5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679
8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128
4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196
4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091
4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 ...
Attributed by Petr Beckmann (op. cit.) to C.B. Boyer (1968) .
"This poem and the next are due to the pen of that prolific polyglot author
Anonymous. They are both quoted by Petr Beckmann (op. cit.) .
This poem and the next are by Monsignor Ronald A. Knox (1917). They are quoted
by Clifton Fadiman in The Mathematical Magpie, Simon and Schuster 1962, pp. 287-8.
"Will you dare any longer, Bailey, to turn your back on Parnassus hill, telling
us that the sacred rites of the Muses are less important than constructing squares?
Here is aid brought to you, though it be but slight, by poetry, and poetry couched
in the language of Sophocles—there is a double thrust at your vanity!"
The author, by request, made this translation many years later.

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