Fruit Bagging Reduces The Postharvest Decay and Al
Fruit Bagging Reduces The Postharvest Decay and Al
Fruit Bagging Reduces The Postharvest Decay and Al
Background: Fruit bagging is an effective technique for fruit protection in the orchard management. Bagging can
create a micro-environment for fruit growth and affect fruit quality during storage, in which the diversity of micro-
organisms may play an important role. Therefore, various methods including biochemistry, analytical chemistry, and
bioinformatics methods were used to reveal the influences of fruit bagging on postharvest fruit quality, physiological
characters, decay and surface fungal community of ‘Yali’ pear fruit were investigated in this study.
Results: Fruit bagging significantly decreased the postharvest decay after 15 days of ambient storage. There were
no significant differences in fruit firmness, titratable acid and ethylene production rate between the fruit-bagging
and non-bagging group after 15 days of storage, while the soluble solids contents (SSC) and respiration rate in non-
bagging fruit was significantly higher than that in fruit-bagging after 15 days of storage. Furthermore, the surface
microbes of pear were collected and determined by the new generation sequencing technology. The alpha diversity
of fungi in non-bagging fruit decreased significantly after 15 days of storage, while there were no significant changes
in bagging fruit. Ascomycota and Basidiomycota were the two major phyla detected in the bagging fruit, and the
dominant fungal genera were Alternaria (23.7%), Mycosphaerella (17.25%), Vishniacozyma (16.14%), and Aureoba-
sidium (10.51%) after 15 days of storage. For the non-bagging pear, Ascomycota was the only phylum detected, and
the dominant genera was Pichia (83.32%) after 15 days of storage. The abundance of Pichia may be regarded as the
biomarker to indicate the degree of fruit decay.
Conclusions: This study showed that fruit bagging could significantly reduce postharvest fruit decay and respiration
rate of ‘Yali’ pear. Significant differences were found in fungal composition between bagging and non-bagging pear
after storage for 0 or 15 days. Fruit bagging maintained the diversity of fungi on the fruit surface, increased the abun-
dance of non-pathogenic fungi, and even antagonistic fungi such as Aureobasidium, Vishniacozyma, and Mycosphaere-
lla. A reduction in the abundance of pathogenic fungi and incidence of postharvest decay during the storage of ‘Yali’
pear were also recorded. In conclusion, fruit-bagging changed the fungal diversity on fruit surface of ‘Yali’ pear, which
had significant effect on reducing postharvest fruit decay, and thus prolong the storage period of ‘Yali’ pears. The
Congcong Gao and Yang Zhang share equal contribution.
*Correspondence: [email protected]
Institute of Biotechnology and Food Science, Hebei Academy of Agriculture
and Forestry Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050051, China
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Gao et al. BMC Microbiology (2022) 22:239 Page 2 of 12
future thrust of this study will focus on the isolation of fungi or bacteria from pear fruit surface and identify their roles
in causing fruit decay and changing fruit quality during storage.
Keywords: Postharvest decay, Fruit bagging, Fungal community, ‘Yali’ pear, Pichia
Fig. 2 Effects of fruit bagging on firmness (A), soluble solids content (B) and titratable acid content (C) of ‘Yali’ pear. B: bagging; NB: non-bagging
Fig. 3 Effects of fruit bagging on respiration rate (A) and ethylene production rate (B) of ‘Yali’ pear during storage at ambient temperature. B:
bagging; NB: non-bagging
higher than that of bagging fruit after 5 days of storage, Beta diversity analysis
and reached the level of bagging fruit after 10 days of According to the results of beta diversity, the bagging
storage (Fig. 3B). (B0) and non-bagging groups (NB0) at the beginning of
storage could be clearly separated on PCoA2, indicating
that fruit bagging significantly affected the fungal com-
Fruit bagging changed fungal diversity on the surface munity on the surface of pear at harvest (Fig. 5). After
of pear fruit 15 days of storage, fruit bagging (B15) and non-bag-
Alpha diversity analysis ging (NB15) group could also be clearly differentiated
Five indexes, including Chao1, Good’s coverage, Shan- on PCoA1, indicating that fruit bagging significantly
non, Pielou, and Observed species, were used to show affected the fungal community on the surface after
the effect of bagging on the alpha diversity of fungal storage. However, bagging fruit after 15 days of storage
community on fruit surface. The results showed that (B15) could not be clearly differentiated in PCoA1 or
the diversity and richness of fungal species on the sur- PCoA2 from 0 day of storage (B0), while non-bagging
face of non-bagging fruit were significantly higher than fruit after 15 days of storage (NB15) could be clearly dif-
that on the surface of bagging fruit at harvest (Fig. 4). ferentiated in PCoA1 from 0 day of storage (NB0). This
The surface fungal diversity of non-bagging fruit result indicates that bagging treatment could maintain
decreased significantly, while there was no significant the fungal diversity on fruit surface of ‘Yali’ pear.
change in bagging fruit after storage for 15 days.
Gao et al. BMC Microbiology (2022) 22:239 Page 5 of 12
Fig. 4 Alpha diversity of fungal community on surface of ‘Yali’ pear. Chao1 and Observed species index indicate the richness of fungal community;
Shannon index represents the fungal diversity; Pielou was used to characterize evenness of fungal community; Good’s Coverage indicates the
amount of determined species. B: bagging; NB: non-bagging
Fungal composition on the surface of pear fruit Exobasidiomycetes (8.8%), and Agaricomycetes (3.9%).
The main fungal composition on pear fruit surface at The most abundant genera were Mycosphaerella (30.3%),
phyla, class, order, family and genus level was shown in Papiliotrema (15%), Aureobasidium (7.4%), Vishniaco-
Fig. 6. At the initial storage stage of the bagging group, zyma (9.6%), Golubevia (8%), and Acremonium (1.6%).
Ascomycota (72%) and Basidiomycota (25%) were the After 15 days of storage, Ascomycota (96%), Saccharo-
dominant phyla, and the main classes were Dothideo- mycetes (95%), Saccharomycetates (95.4%), Pichiaceae
mycetes (68%), Tremellomycetes (22%), Sordariomycetes (83.5%), and Pichia (83.3%) were the dominant phyla,
(3.5%), and Exobasidiomycetes (2.5%). The most abundant class, order, family and genus in the non-bagging group,
fungal genera were Alternaria (38.2%), Aureobasidium respectively. On the other hand, the fungal composition
(16%), Vishniacozyma (18.2%), Mycosphaerella (12.5%), on the surface of bagging fruit was much more diverse.
Acremonium (3%), Papiliotrema (2.2%), and Golubevia Ascomycota (57%), and Basidiomycota (42%) were the
(2.1%). Ascomycota (49%), and Basidiomycota (39%) were dominant phyla. Dothideomycetes (52%), Tremellomy-
the dominant phyla in the non-bagging group at the ini- cetes (20%), Exobasidiomycetes (21%), and Sordariomy-
tial storage stage. The main classes were Dothideomycetes cetes (3.8%) were the main classes. Hypocreales (3.7%),
(40%), Tremellomycetes (26%), Sordariomycetes (5.7%), Exobasidiales (11.4%), Golubeviales (9.8%), Dothideates
Gao et al. BMC Microbiology (2022) 22:239 Page 6 of 12
Fig. 5 Beta diversity of fungal community on surface of bagging or non-bagging ‘Yali’ pear with 0 or 15 days of storage. B: bagging; NB:
non-bagging. The PERMANOVA (adonis) test was used for identifying the differences
(10.5%), Capnodiales (17.3%), Pleosporales (24.3%), degree of fruit decay, Pichia had the potential as a bio-
and Tremellales (19.3%) were the dominant orders. marker of fruit decay.
Cryptobasidiaceae (3.3%), Golubeviaceae (9.8%), Rhyn-
chogastremataceae (3%), Aureobasidiaceae (10.5%), Differences in the abundance of the yeast
Bulleribasidiaceae (16%), Mycosphaerellaceae (17.3%), Because the functions of yeast are complex and many of
and Pleosporaceae (23.7%) were the dominant fami- them act as healthy fungi antagonizing pathogens, the
lies. Acaromyces (3.3%), Acremonium (3%), Meira (8%), differences in the abundance of yeast between differ-
Golubevia (9.8%), Papiliotrema (3%), Aureobasidium ent groups were analyzed. As shown in Fig. 8, the rela-
(10.5%), Vishniacozyma (16%), Mycosphaerella (17.2%), tive abundance of Pichia was significantly higher in NB15
and Alternaria (23.7%) were the main genera. than other groups, while yeasts including Vishniacozyma,
Aureobasidium, and Golubevia showed significant higher
Biomarker identification by LEfSe abundance in B15 than other groups. Hence, indicat-
Linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) was used ing they might play positive roles in healthy fruit. On
to analyze the fungal biomarkers on the surface of pear the other hand, the abundance of fungi including Meira,
different groups. As shown in Fig. 7, biomarkers in all Acaromyces, and Papiliotrema showed no significant dif-
groups at different taxonomic levels were identified. ferences between groups.
Alernaria, Vishniacozyma, and Aureobasidium can be
regarded as the biomarkers of B0 group. There are also Correlation analysis of postharvest fruit decay
three fungal genera that can be used as biomarkers in the and microbial diversity
NB0 group: Mycosphaerella, Papiliotrema, and Nigros- The canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was
pora. Five fungal genera including Golubvia, Meira, Acre- performed to show the relationships of bagging, stor-
monium, Acaromyces, and Simplicillium were identified age time, microbial diversity, and fruit qualities. Given
as biomarkers for the B15 group. The biomarker of NB15 that fruit firmness, respiration rate, and decay index
group was Pichia. Since the NB15 group had the highest were significantly affected by bagging, they were used
Gao et al. BMC Microbiology (2022) 22:239 Page 7 of 12
Fig. 6 Fungal composition on surface of ‘Yali’ pear at phyla (A), class (B), order (C), family (D) and genus (E) level. B: bagging; NB: non-bagging
Fig. 7 Fungal biomarkers on the surface of pear of different groups by linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe). A: Histogram of LDA value
distribution. B: Taxonomic cladogram. The threshold of linear discriminant analysis was set as 4. B: bagging; NB: non-bagging
Gao et al. BMC Microbiology (2022) 22:239 Page 9 of 12
Fig. 8 Differences in the abundance of yeasts between bagging and non-bagging groups in ‘Yali’ pear
storage, which may be due to the little variations in tem- community does not change drastically due to environ-
perature and relative humidity after bagging [19, 20]. The mental changes. In addition, abamectin was used after
micro-environment inside fruit bag is controlled, hence, fruit bagging. Although no effect of abamectin on phyl-
microbial competition is relatively harmonious, and the lospheric fungi was found, it however, significantly affect
Gao et al. BMC Microbiology (2022) 22:239 Page 10 of 12
Fig. 9 Correlation of postharvest fruit decay and microbial diversity by canonical correspondence analysis in ‘Yali’ pear. DI: Decay index. RR:
Respiratory rate. B: bagging; NB: non-bagging
bacterial diversity [21]. The effect of pesticides on fungal such as leaf spot, leaf litter, and branch blight [29–32]. In
diversity of fruit surface in non-bagging pear should be addition, Mycosphaerella sp. has been reported to be the
noticed. Therefore, the decrease of fungal diversity on causal organism of pear skin stain which had a stronger
fruit surface of non-bagging pear was probably resulted pathogenicity than Penicillium spp. and Alternaria spp.
by the use of abamectin as well. Most of the pathogens [33]. Pichia was found to be the dominant genus in the
colonize the fruit surface in the form of latent infection non-bagging group after storage for 15 days. Pichia has
and will not cause disease in the short term, thus main- been reported to have a negative impact on the growth of
taining the diversity of fungal community on the fruit Zygosaccharomyces spp., Botrytis cinerea, and Brettano-
surface. It was found that bagging significantly reduced myces bruxellensis, and it could secrete toxins or organic
postharvest decay after storage for 15 days, and the fun- acids, which were lethal to other yeasts and filamentous
gal diversity of bagging group was higher than that of fungi [34–37]. These characteristics therefore, gave it an
non-bagging group. Thus, indicating that the dominant advantage to become the dominant species by negatively
strains that appeared were associated with fruit decay. affecting the growth of other fungi.
Fungal composition on the surface of pear fruit showed Bagging helped to maintain the fungal diversity on
that the main fungi on the surface of pear were Ascomy- the fruit surface of ‘Yali’ pear after storage for 15 days.
cota, which grow fast and can survive harsh conditions In addition to common pathogenic fungi such as Alter-
with low nutrient level [22]. They can adapt to a wide naria, Mycosphaerella, and Acremonium [38–41]. A
range of substrates in challenging environments such as number of yeast or yeast-like fungi including Vishniaco-
ultraviolet light, water and high temperature stress [23]. zyma, Aureobasidium, Papiliotrema, Golubevia, Meira,
Ascomycota has been shown to be pathogenic fungi in and Acaromyces, which have been reported to have a
plants and insects [24]. However, Mycosphaerella was variety of functions were also observed in this study.
dominant in non-bagging group at the beginning of the Vishniacozyma was reported to have an inhibitory effect
storage period which was significantly different from the on Penicillium, which can control blue mold in apple,
bagging group. Mycosphaerella is widely distributed on and is widely existed [42, 43]. Aureobasidium was also
trees, herbaceous plants, and cultivated crops such as reported for its effectiveness against blue mold caused by
saprophytes, plant pathogens, or endophytes [25–28]. It Penicillium expansum in stored apple fruit, and can be
has been reported Mycosphaerella can cause leaf diseases found in a variety of environments and with a worldwide
Gao et al. BMC Microbiology (2022) 22:239 Page 11 of 12
distribution from cold to warm climates [44, 45]. Papili- HL, QG, and YC. Writing-review & editing-preparation: SOO. All authors read
and approved the final manuscript.
otrema was found to be present in plant leaves which
was non-pathogenic, producing β-galactosidase [46, 47]. Funding
Golubevia has been found to regulate the plant defense We appreciate the financial assistance provided from the Agriculture Science
and Technology Innovation Project of Hebei Academy of Agriculture and For-
system and has certain antagonistic effect on powdery estry Sciences (HAAFS, 2019-2-1), the Hebei Postdoctoral Science Foundation
mildew of cucumber [48]. Acaromyces and Meira was (B2021003034), and the Talents Construction Project of Science and Technol-
reported to be the pathogens causing fruit stain of Japa- ogy Innovation of HAAFS (C21R1303).
nese pear [49]. Result from this study has shown that Availability of data and materials
the abundance of Vishniacozyma, Aureobasidium, and Data of ITS amplicon sequencing of the samples were submitted to NCBI
Golubevia, which have been reported to have antagonis- under the Bioproject ID PRJNA835258.
tic effects, were significantly higher in B15 than NB15.
The abundance of Vishniacozyma and Aureobasidium Declarations
were positively correlated with fruit firmness. Therefore, Ethics approval and consent to participate
Vishniacozyma and Aureobasidium were supposed to be All methods were performed in accordance with the relevant guidelines and
regarded as the healthy fungi after fruit bagging. regulations. Permission was obtained for collection of the plant sample and
conducting experiment in Zhaoxian orchard Shijiazhuang.
Previous results have shown that fruit bagging signifi-
cantly increased fungal diversity and promote healthy Consent for publication
fungal communities which protect fruit from the inva- Not applicable.
sion of pathogens [50]. This report [50] is however, con- Competing interests
sistent with the results of this study. Therefore, fruit The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest concerning this
bagging has generated a diverse fungal community on the article.
fruit surface of pear, in which antagonistic yeasts were Author details
relatively abundant, which may be involved in inhibiting 1
Institute of Biotechnology and Food Science, Hebei Academy of Agriculture
the reproduction of pathogens and reducing the occur- and Forestry Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050051, China. 2 Plant Genetic Engineering
Center of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050051, China. 3 State Key Laboratory
rence of postharvest decay. of Rice Biology, Ministry of Agriculture Key Lab of Molecular Biology of Crop
Pathogens and Insects, Institute of Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, Hang-
zhou 310013, China.
Conclusions Received: 6 May 2022 Accepted: 23 September 2022
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