Diner Cio
Diner Cio
Diner Cio
Numero: 26
Classe: 10a
Turma: 05
Trabalho de investigação
científica a ser avaliado na
disciplina de inglês
Prof: Cátia
I introduced that we use used to when we refer to things in the past, which are no longer true.
He used to play football for the local team , but he’s too old now .
List of gerunds
You can turn any verb you want (except a modal verb) into a gerund . Here is a list of
gerunds formed from a variety of verbs :
The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action
rather than the person or object that performs the action . In other words , the most important
thing or person becomes the subject of sentence .
Used to
We used to when we refer to things in the past, which are to a state or situation:
He used to play football the local team, but he’s too old now.
That white house over there used to belong to my family (It belonged to my family in the past
but not anymore.)
The verb “used to” is utilized to indicate something that happened on a regular basis in the
past .It is also used for things that were true in the past but are no longer true. As with the
other modal verbs “used to” is followed by the base form of the principal verbs
I used to in a sentence I used to play tennis twice a week before I injured my knee.
What is gerund?
A gerund is a form of a verb that ends in –ink that is used as a noun. As you may know, a
verb is a word that refers to actions or states of being, and a noun is a word that we use to
refer to people, places, things, and ideas.
A gerund is like a blend of verb and nouns. It looks like a verb, but it acts like a nouns.
When used in sentences, gerunds are treated as third person singular nouns (like he, she, and
Example of gerunds
1- They risk losing their job or they will never up a stage.
2- Elis suggests eating two plate of fish every week.
3- My family cannot tolerate watching some film since my family are old.
4- Playing basketball has been you favourite sport branch since I was a two year.
5- Eating too much fish is not good for her body.
Passive voice
The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action
rather than the person or object that performs the action.
In other words, the most important thing or person becomes the subject of the sentence.
Sometimes we use the passive voice because we don’t know or do not want to express who
performed the action.
The passive voice is formed by the verb to be + main verb in the past participle. However, we
can only form the passive voice with transitive verbs, that is, verbs that are accompanied by
an object, since the object of the sentence in the active voice will occupy the subject position
in the passive voice.
Types of pronouns
As well as personal pronouns, there are many other types, which we summarise here.
Present Perfect
Present Perfect is used when we express some action in the past that has repercussions in the
present or continues in the present.
In this case, we are talking about the stable meaning and its recognition can be facilitated
when we have the expressions since and for by, there are. Look at the examples:
In this example, we have information that the family has lived in Miami for years and still
lives in the same place.
He has worked at the same place of 20 years.
The present perfect is marked by the form: Subject + have /has + main verb in participle +
Formation of adjective
Adverbs ending in –ly are usually adverbs of manner (slowly) and degree ( completely ,
Past perfect
The past perfect , also called the pluperfect , is a verb tense to talk about something that
happened before something else that is also in the past.
The formula for the past perfect tense is had +[past participle].
The formula for the past perfect tense is had +[past participle].
Código : 09596
Edioma : English