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East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences

EAJESS January –February 2024, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-10

ISSN: 2714-2132 (Online), 2714-2183 (Print). Published by G-Card
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46606/eajess2024v05i01.0343.

Qualitative Research Approach in Higher Education: Application,

Challenges and Opportunities
*Fennie Mantula
ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3609-8006
Department of Nursing and Midwifery, National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
Email: [email protected]
Amos C. Mpofu
ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0009-0001-3223-9003
Department of Accounting, National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe.
Email: [email protected]
Favourate Y. Mpofu
ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6309-1697
Department of Accounting, National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe.
Email: [email protected]
Prof. George N. Shava
ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1890-9605
Department of Technical and Engineering Education and Training, National University of Science and
Technology, Zimbabwe
Email: [email protected]
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Copyright resides with the author(s) in terms of the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY-NC 4.0.
The users may copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work, but must recognize the author(s) and the
East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences

Abstract: Qualitative research has become increasingly significant due to its ability to provide valuable
perspectives on the intricate dynamics of educational environments. However, researchers have not
fully accepted it. In response, this study reviewed literature about underlying assumptions, practical
application, challenges and potential opportunities in qualitative research, using the content analysis
technique. The study revealed that qualitative research is a valuable approach in higher education as it
allows for a deeper understanding of complex phenomena and provides a rich description of
experiences and perspectives. Challenges in qualitative research include poor understanding of its
potential and lack of time and sufficient funding. The study recommends that researchers in HEIs be
encouraged to adopt qualitative research when exploring complex educational phenomena as this
approach provides a more comprehensive understanding of experiences and perspectives.
Educational institutions need to provide support to researchers, including funding, training and
guidance on ethical considerations.
Keywords: Qualitative research; assumptions; application; challenges; opportunities.
How to cite: Mantula, F., Mpofu, A. C., Mpofu, F. Y. and Shava, G. N. (2024). Qualitative Research Approach in
Higher Education: Application, Challenges and Opportunities. East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences
5(1)1-10. Doi: https://doi.org/10.46606/eajess2024v05i01.0343.

Introduction with society through their faculty members and the

Higher education institutions (HEIs) serve as a students they instruct. The role of HEIs in preparing
medium for the creation and sharing of knowledge future professionals includes teaching and
conducting research that addresses the needs of
1 East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences (EAJESS) 5(1)1-10.
society, and engaging with community and other single established methodology (Kahlke, 2014). It is
stakeholders to deal with local, national, regional therefore essential for researchers to have
and global challenges (UNICEF, 2022). Accordingly, knowledge of both quantitative and qualitative
HEIs are a vanguard in the provision of solutions research approaches since they both provide
required to advance the Sustainable Development solutions that respond to society's problems if
Goals (SDGs). This mandate underscores the appropriately applied, although they vary in several
fundamental role of education in creating healthy aspects (Addo & Eboh, 2014; Barroga &
and inclusive societies as envisioned in the 2030 Matanguihan, 2022; Mehrad & Zangeneh, 2019;
Agenda (UNICEF, 2022), and driving sustainable Mohammed, 2021).
development (Shava, 2020). Stakeholders require
evidence-based knowledge that would enable them Review of related literature
to effectively work towards achieving the education There has however been an on-going debate within
SDGs (DeJaeghere et al., 2020). To meet the growing academic disciplines on which the best research
demands of stakeholders, civil society and method is, based on the philosophical assumptions
governments hold HEIs accountable to these the researchers bring to the study (Adedoyin, 2020;
outcomes and require continuous assessment of Creswell, 2014). Consequently, the succeeding
educational goals to ensure they are being achieved section compares qualitative and quantitative
(Jones et al., 2021). research methods in order to provide a
comprehensive understanding of research
Research output also serves as a framework in
approaches in higher education. This background
university rankings for academic performance,
creates a holistic perspective on research
although this has attracted contention among
methodologies and provides a broader context for
academics (Vernon et al., 2018). Consequently,
understanding the specific focus on qualitative
there is a need to examine the capability of
research. Furthermore, the background on both
educators and learners to conduct research and the
research approaches can also highlight how
quality of their research outputs. It is therefore
qualitative research adds value and brings unique
critical for HEIs to engage in research not only to
insights that the quantitative approach misses.
give learners the latest developments and novel
information relevant to their disciplines, but also to Quantitative Research Basic Concepts
raise the university rankings and additionally to According to Creswell (2014), quantitative research
instill a research culture among learners to aid their is a systematic approach that is used to collect,
career growth in this era of globalisation (Gupta, analyse and interpret numerical data in the quest to
2017). Through focused research, learners acquire understand, explain and predict phenomena. The
critical thinking as well as analytical and quantitative paradigm is based on positivism, which
communication skills (Adebisi, 2022). These high believes that science is characterized by empirical
order skills are essential for economic and social research and all phenomena can be reduced to
development of the globalised society. As Clark et empirical indicators which represent the truth
al. (2006) maintain, knowledge generated through (Mehrad & Zangeneh, 2019). The paradigm seeks to
research is the foundation of sustainable describe current situations, establish relationships
development that requires appropriate between variables and explain causal relationships
dissemination and application for universal benefits. between variables (Creswell & Creswell, 2022).
Appropriate application of research approaches Quantitative research uses large sample sizes to
assumed to be one of the crucial factors in the ensure generalisability of findings to a wider
science world, informs generation of evidence- population (Addo & Eboh, 2014). The nature of the
based knowledge (Mehrad & Zangeneh, 2019). The inquiry is objective and relies on different statistical
qualitative and quantitative approaches widely used and computational methods to draw generalizable
in research have proved to be practical and essential conclusions. This approach is hence useful in testing
in most studies especially in the social sciences. or confirming theories and assumptions determined
However, Mehrad and Zangeneh (2019) noted that at the beginning of the study, although research
researchers often face challenges in selecting questions cannot be reviewed and reformulated in
between qualitative and quantitative investigation response to the deriving data (Barroga &
strategies. This is especially true if research Matanguihan, 2022).
questions do not fit neatly within the confines of a
2 East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences (EAJESS) 5(1)1-10.
Several works (Addo & Eboh, 2014; Creswell, 2014) analyses of documents, observation of behaviors or
have described the most common quantitative interviewing participants (Creswell, 2014). Thus, the
research designs as the experimental designs that researcher is the main data collection instrument
include randomised controlled trials, pre and post- (Teherani et al., 2015) and uses various data
test studies and quasi-experiment observations and collection methods that provide thick descriptions
surveys, which could be comparative, correlational, of phenomenon within the context in which it
longitudinal, cohort or descriptive. Arguably, the occurs, instead of relying on a single source of data.
quantitative design methods all produce tangible
evidence that is concrete and measurable, which The multiple forms of data collection methods
gives it a high ranking in the hierarchy of evidence include interviews, focus group discussions and
due to its observable robustness (Mohammed, participant observations (Creswell, 2014). Open-
2021). ended questions used and probes applied, allow
participants to respond more elaborately and in
Qualitative Research Basic Concepts detail in their own words, instead of restricting
The qualitative research paradigm is based on them to choose from fixed responses as in
interpretivism, which seeks to explore and quantitative methods (Australian Government
understand social or human problem in order to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2019).
understand reasons entrenched in those Correspondingly, there is an establishment of a
experiences (Addo & Eboh, 2014). Furthermore, holistic picture about the phenomenon, thus
Shava and Nkengbeza (2019) view qualitative increasing confidence in the findings through
research as an inquiry that aims at gaining in-depth triangulation of the different data sources. Notable,
understanding of human behaviour and the reasons the small sample used and gradually selected with
that govern such behaviour. Unlike quantitative the primary goal of collecting exact cases that can
research, where numerical data is collected and clarify and enable deep understanding of a
analysed for statistical analysis, qualitative research phenomenon is among the key characteristics of
collects and analyses non-numerical data such as qualitative research (Mehrad & Zangeneh, 2019).
text and video or audio recordings to understand Data is collected only to the point of saturation, the
concepts, opinions or experiences (Creswell, 2014). level to which new data repeats what has already
The nature of the inquiry is thus subjective and been expressed in previous data (Sebele-Mpofu,
explorative and generative, rather than testing 2020).
hypotheses (DeJaeghere et al., 2020). Accordingly,
qualitative research does not rely on pre-identified Qualitative and Quantitative Limitations
assumptions or models, but rather collects data The use of mixed methods has been suggested by
relating to the phenomenon under study and several scholars to address the weaknesses of using
develops theory from that data (Addo & Eboh, either qualitative or quantitative social research as
2014). The investigation occurs in natural settings, stand-alone methodological approaches
where participants experience the issue or problem (Knoblauch,2013; Creswell, 2014; McBride et al.,
under study, unlike in quantitative research, where 2019). Mixed methods attend to specificities of the
some experiments may be conducted in non-natural research problem, which neither quantitative nor
settings like laboratories (Khankeh et al., 2015; Polit qualitative data can provide by itself. Shava and
& Beck, 2017; Shava & Nkengbeza, 2019). Nkengbeza (2019) further concede that integrating
quantitative and qualitative data in a single study
Whereas quantitative research responds to
does not mean combining the two methodologies.
questions regarding the “what” and the “to what
The principles and philosophy that inform the
extent” a phenomena exists, qualitative research
research are what identifies a methodology.
provides understanding on “why” phenomena exist,
and “how” they work, including why and how they Devoid of underplaying the importance of
change or are resistant to change (Australian quantitative research, the authors concur with
Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Wilhelmy and Köhler (2022) that qualitative
Trade, 2019). This knowledge is critical in education research methods are a powerful set of tools that
for appropriately restructuring the teaching and play an important role in the scientific knowledge
learning processes to yield positive outcomes generation cycle.
towards advancing the SDGs. Qualitative
researchers collect data themselves through
3 East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences (EAJESS) 5(1)1-10.
Methodology According to Creswell and Poth (2018), assumptions
of the discipline shape the way a research problem
and research questions are formulated, and the
This study utilized a critical review of literature to
methods used to gather information to answer
establish the assumptions, application, challenges,
and opportunities associated with the qualitative
research approach in higher education. Through the Philosophical Assumptions
analysis of existing scholarly works, the study aimed Creswell and Poth (2018) present four philosophical
to provide a comprehensive understanding of the assumptions made by researchers in qualitative
theoretical foundations, practical implications and research: ontology, epistemology, axiology and
emerging trends related to qualitative research in methodology.
higher education.
Data Collection Methods Ontology refers to the researcher’s beliefs about the
The researchers conducted a systematic and nature of reality, which they view as relative,
comprehensive search of academic databases, intangible, changeable and a product of human
research articles, books and selected websites. experience (Al Ahmadi, 2019). The assumption is
Keywords such as 'qualitative research', 'higher that multiple realities exist in any study (The
education', 'assumptions', 'application', 'challenges', California State University, 2023). Hence when
and 'opportunities' were used to ensure relevant studying individuals, the intention is to report
literature was identified. The literature selection multiple realities through the use of multiple
based on the inclusion criteria, which entailed evidence in themes, including verbatim quotes that
relevance to the research objectives and the quality reflect different perspectives (Creswell & Poth,
of the research. 2018). Consequently, the researchers capture
Data Analysis multiple perspectives including voices of informants.
The researchers conducted a critical analysis of Epistemology
literature to identify themes, patterns and Epistemology refers to what counts as knowledge
controversies related to qualitative research in and how knowledge claims are justified. The
education. They synthesized the findings from the assumption is that researchers should be close to
literature review to offer a comprehensive the participants they are conducting research on to
understanding of the assumptions, application, facilitate gathering subjective evidence based on
challenges and opportunities of qualitative research their individual views. Knowledge gets to be known
in higher education. through people's subjective experiences (Creswell &
Ethical Considerations Poth, 2018). Accordingly, it is essential to conduct
As this study involved a critical review of literature, qualitative studies in the participants' contexts to
ethical considerations mainly revolved around obtain an understanding of their responses.
proper citation and acknowledgement of original Researchers interact with those under study and
authors' work. actively work to minimize the distance between
them and those being researched (The California
Findings and Discussion State University, 2023).
Assumptions can be broadly defined as beliefs that Axiology
researchers bring into studies, which influence the Axiology is the role of values in research with the
way research is conducted. Researchers apply these assumption that researchers explicitly recognize and
assumptions research paradigms, defined as a acknowledge the value-laden nature of the research
cluster of beliefs and dictates that influence what (The California State University, 2023). While all
should be studied in a particular discipline, how researchers bring their values to a research study,
research should be done and how results should be qualitative researchers actively make their values
interpreted. Furthermore, each paradigm has a set and biases known since these may play a role in the
of known and understood guiding principles and way the study is conducted and findings interpreted
philosophical assumptions, approaches to research, (Creswell & Poth, 2018). The researcher thus
methods used to conduct research and research positions themselves through declaring their
quality criteria (Al Ahmadi, 2019). demographic profile, professional role and personal

4 East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences (EAJESS) 5(1)1-10.

experiences, all of which could have a bearing on knowledge of the studied phenomenon, but
the research process requiring continuous completely sheds new light on it, which is relevant
reflexivity. for curriculum design and review as facilitator of
improvement in educational processes (Dzogovic &
Methodology Bajrami, 2023).
Methodology focuses on the research process. The
underlying assumptions are that qualitative research Evaluation of Teaching and Learning
is context-bound and based on inductive forms of Application of qualitative methods in HEIs can be
logic that build up from the data. It is not entirely utilized as means of evaluation since educators are
informed by an already existing theory (Creswell & enabled to get precise data on the extent to which
Poth, 2018; The California State University, 2023). students are satisfied with particular courses,
The procedures are shaped by the researcher's data implementation of the educational process and
collection and analysis experience which may similar parameters. Researchers can achieve this by
determine a change in the research questions using focus group discussions, which are suitable for
during the process, and modification of the data situations where certain knowledge cannot be
collection strategy in response to that change obtained through the classic way. Attitudes of
(Creswell & Poth, 2018). The California State learners and educators on specific teaching and
University (2023) alludes to the categories of learning areas, and discovery of much more
interest that may emerge internally from the complex behaviors and motivations can be
participants and that may be used externally to evaluated through focus groups (Dzogovic &
frame the understanding of the phenomenon. The Bajrami, 2023).
goal is to uncover patterns or theories that could
help explain a phenomenon of interest. Accuracy is Formulation of Educational Policies
determined through information verification with Complementary to focus group discussions, in-depth
participants and triangulation from different data interviews are appropriate for sensitive and private
sources. research topics that require extensive analysis
(Coric, 2021). These constitute a conversation with
Therefore, qualitative research assumes that one participant whose purpose is to ascertain their
meaning and context are important in beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, experiences and
understanding complex phenomena in HEIs (Kivunja motivations. Researchers can appropriately use in-
& Kuyini, 2017). Moreover, the subjective depth interviews on key informants like educators,
experiences of individual stakeholders within HEIs administrative personnel and policy makers.
provide valuable insights applicable to further the Qualitative methods are thus applicable in the
education agenda for sustainable development. scientific educational process to describe events,
processes and situations of theoretical importance
Application of qualitative Research (Dzogovic & Bajrami, 2023). Based on the research
Curriculum Design and Review results, policies can be developed or modified to
The need to choose qualitative research improve the quality of education and approaches of
methodology in educational research has been acquiring knowledge. Relating research to the
argued for by Shava and Nkengbeza (2019), formulation of educational policies makes up
considering that the quantitative research design another alternative to improve education (Ponce et
does not take full account of the interaction effects al., 2022).
that take place in a social setting. In concurrence,
Yin (2018) advocates for considering qualitative case In summary, qualitative research can explore the
study research as an integral method for program lived experiences, motivations, challenges and
evaluators, given its ability to capture the learning outcomes within HEIs, and hence aids in
complexity of a case including temporal changes, as understanding learning experiences. Secondly,
well as exploring the contextual conditions of a case. qualitative research plays a role in enriching
Furthermore, Dzogovic and Bajrami (2023) allude institutional policies and practices since it can
that a systematic and in-depth study of qualitative provide in-depth insights into the effectiveness of
methodological issues is still needed to contribute particular policies or practices, thus enabling
to literature and increase its value in scientific and administrators to make informed decisions. Finally,
educational research practices. Moreover, qualitative research can help investigate educators'
qualitative analysis not only deepens researchers' experiences and teaching methods and approaches

5 East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences (EAJESS) 5(1)1-10.

to curriculum design, which can lead to implications for adopting inappropriate research
improvements in the teaching and learning strategies and methods in research influence senior
processes. As has been demonstrated, qualitative academics in non-social sciences disciplines to
research is a methodology with the robustness, display negative attitudes towards qualitative
flexibility and scope to capture the complexity and research. This is because qualitative research may
dynamism of education (Ponce et al., 2022). be considered different from what some of the
educators know or have been taught, and this
Challenges and Complexities enhances resistance to change (Umeokafor &
There are a number of challenges and complexities Windapo, 2018).
associated with qualitative research in higher
education institutions as follows: Time and Financial Constraints
Some educators have highlighted that qualitative
Underrating Qualitative Research research does not fit into their duties and
Quantitative research has for long been sheltered in responsibilities due to lack of resources (Umeokafor
the positivist social research philosophy, which & Windapo, 2018). This is in view of the time
focuses on causal relationships and universal laws expended since the researcher is the main research
that explain learning in schools (Ponce et al., 2022). instrument, and high volumes of data that are
Alongside, qualitative research suffered relegation generated, requiring extensive analysis. Besides, it is
to the background evidenced by the dominance of usually costlier to conduct qualitative than
quantitative articles in scientific publications (Ponce quantitative research since participants are met at
et al., 2022). This could imply publication bias of times and venues convenient to them. DeJaeghere
scientifically sound articles of a qualitative nature. et al. (2020) further concedes that the education
However, although qualitative methods have been sector has suffered lack of resources for academic
marginalized in contemporary research, they are capacity building in low-income countries and this
increasingly being accepted and integrated has resulted in the scarcity of experts with
particularly in the social sciences (Jones et al., 2021; contextual knowledge. The need for investing
Knoblauch, 2013). substantial time and resources for data collection,
transcription, analysis and reporting thus pose a
Perceived Complexity
substantial challenge to HEIs who often are
Due to the design's philosophical foundations,
constrained in time and resources.
challenges in conducting qualitative research related
to identifying the problem, formulating research Lack of Skills
questions and objectives, and selecting an Another challenge that has been raised about
appropriate methodology have been observed qualitative research is the methodological quality of
(Khankeh et al., 2015; Ponce et al., 2022; Silverman, manuscripts submitted to journals (Jones et al.,
2020). These may affect the quality of research 2021). Lack of rigor has been noted where
design (Kanduri & Suripeddi, 2018). What makes it researchers choose to draw on a single established
more complex is that there is no single definition of methodology, but deviate from its intent, rules, or
qualitative methodology, just as there are no studies guidelines in a way that they see as beneficial to the
that do not require the dimensions of different study. The aspect of methodology is often poorly
approaches (Dzogovic & Bajrami, 2023). It is thought out and articulated, which results in loss of
fundamental that HEIs be skilled in negotiating the congruence characterized by contradictions in the
complexities of qualitative research since they play a description. The subsequent absence of explicit
critical role in preparing students as researchers discussion and lack of reflections and deep
(Jones et al., 2021). engagement with philosophical assumptions that
differentiate knowledge regimes weaken the
Limited Understanding
presented argument (Khankeh et al., 2015). Such
The underrepresentation of qualitative research in
complexities cause researchers to shun qualitative
HEIs could be associated with lack of understanding
research to avoid such pitfalls.
of its potential in education (Umeokafor & Windapo,
2018). Attributed to this are information constraints Qualitative research produces large amounts of data
where researchers demonstrate partiality towards in the form of narratives, quotes, discussion notes,
research methods dominant in their own disciplines and detailed ethnographic accounts of the life and
(DeJaeghere et al., 2020). In addition, serious behaviors of individuals or community groups

6 East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences (EAJESS) 5(1)1-10.

(DeJaeghere et al., 2020). Such data can be potential of qualitative methods for scientific and
complicated to manipulate and analyze, and hence educational processes which have been untapped
require careful planning on how the researchers hitherto (Wilhelmy & Köhler, 2022).
reduce large amounts of data to more meaningful
parts that are conceptually theoretically important. Exploration of Novel Research Areas
As Shava and Nkengbeza (2019) noted, data We argue that qualitative research methods
analysis is arguably the most complex phase of constitute a powerful set of tools to explore novel
qualitative research and one that receives the least research topics and phenomena that are not well
thoughtful discussion in research literature. It is understood. Special reference is made to
unsurprising then that most qualitative researchers Zimbabwe's Education 5.0 approach, which is built
often fail to apply proper procedures to the analysis around teaching, research, community service,
process. Rather, they just present a theoretical innovation and industrialization as key elements of
description of the data analysis plan, which transformative education in HEIs (Zimbabwe
frequently does not portray the procedure. Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, 2019).
Qualitative research has the potential to derive in-
Although several computer-aided data analysis depth insights into how best the five higher learning
packages such as MAXQDA, NVIVO and ATLAS.ti elements, particularly the latest introduced of
exist, these are just to help researchers organize and innovating and industrializing higher education, can
extract qualitative data. The packages do not be contextually applied for sustainable
automatically analyse the data for the researcher, development. The effective and efficient use of
who still needs to decide on data coding and novel approaches for sustainable development in
analysis protocols to explain patterns, comparisons higher education, although not so new, can be
and relationships, and disconfirm evidence among further explored, and strategies crafted for
the themes to answer research questions improving teaching and learning outcomes in less
(DeJaeghere et al., 2020). These steps need to be resourced settings using qualitative research. Higher
informed by the methodological and related analysis education approaches that can employ qualitative
approach taken, which some qualitative researchers research in their investigation could also include
in HEIs may be lacking in. implementing and improving virtual learning
environments made more essential during the
Subjectivity and Limited Generalizability
COVID-19 era (Keche, 2022).
Subjectivity and bias is prevalent in qualitative
research with potential for the researcher's own Development of Effective Frameworks
biases and perspectives to influence data collection, Jakovljevic (2018) maintains that although extensive
analysis and interpretation (Silverman, 2020). Since research and awareness about the role of
the data is often subjective and open for innovation generally exists in higher education,
interpretation, the researcher's own biases can lead there is no model that provides a holistic approach
to poorly conducted research, which affects the to innovation in academic institutions. This gap
utility of research findings (Galdas, 2017). Bias is requires obtaining insights of individual educators
therefore a critical aspect to manage during the and learners on how to make education respond to
conducting and reporting of qualitative data. the SDG 4 which talks to inclusive and equitable
quality education that contributes to a progressive
Moreover, qualitative research focuses on small
healthy society (Zimbabwe Ministry of Higher and
samples, which may limit generalizability of findings
Tertiary Education, 2019), as opposed to
to the broader population (Creswell, 2014). This is
implementing a top-down approach in a highly
because the research focuses on a particular set of
dynamic business environment. Collectively, the
population that has its own unique demographic,
stakeholders' perspectives could inform HEIs on the
psychological and cultural characteristics.
frameworks and nature of innovations that could be
Challenges may thus differ in HEIs.
adopted within higher education through
Opportunities for Qualitative Research conducting qualitative research. Jakovljevic (2018)
Based on the academic criticism of the quality and further maintains that an inward-looking profession
reliability of qualitative research (Dzogovic & that learns from encounters within an active and
Bajrami, 2023) and the foregoing discussion, this self-regulated system is more sustainable than one
section proffers opportunities for harnessing the that is both external and imposed, a gap that
qualitative research could address. The aggressive
7 East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences (EAJESS) 5(1)1-10.
nature of the implementation of Education 5.0 in for a deeper understanding of complex phenomena
HEIs tends to force educators into passively and provides a rich description of participants'
receiving the prescription without any commitment experiences and perspectives. The application of
to seize opportunities for developing curricula that qualitative research in higher education can lead to
are responsive to society's needs. Effective adoption insights that inform pedagogical practices,
of qualitative research could consequently secure curriculum development, and institutional policies.
the buy-in of educators for the implementation of Several assumptions underpin qualitative research
curriculum reforms. including the belief that knowledge researchers
construct knowledge socially. Challenges in
Addressing Challenges conducting qualitative research in higher education
Several scholars (Addo & Eboh, 2014; Creswell, include issues related to poor understanding of the
2014; Dzogovic & Bajrami, 2023; Patton, 2014) have potential of qualitative research, lack of time and
established that qualitative research allows for a funding to conduct qualitative research, lack of
comprehensive understanding of complex issues methodological skills, management of data, and
while considering the various perspectives and addressing potential bias. Opportunities exist in
contexts of various stakeholders. The holistic employing qualitative research, to explore under-
approach that the paradigm offers is appropriate to researched areas, develop effective frameworks for
apply in HEIs research considering the various innovation and foster a more inclusive and equitable
complex issues that need response. Moreover, the teaching and learning environment while enhancing
approach allows for flexibility in adjusting research continuous professional development.
questions, methods and analysis as new insights
emerge (Creswell, 2014). Most importantly, Recommendations
qualitative research can involve various HEI The study recommends that researchers in HEIs
stakeholders, thus fostering collaborative should be encouraged to adopt qualitative research
relationships between researchers, administrators, methodologies when exploring complex educational
faculties and students. This collaborative phenomena, as this can provide a more
engagement can change the research landscape in comprehensive understanding of experiences and
support of policies that are responsive to the perspectives of students, educators, and other
achievement of sustainable development, contrary stakeholders. Secondly, educational institutions
to those formulated in offices uninformed by need to provide support to researchers interested in
societal and industry educational needs. conducting qualitative research, including funding
opportunities, access to training workshops and
The lack of competence in conducting qualitative guidance on ethical considerations. Thirdly,
research demonstrated in several studies (Jones et researchers should strive for rigour and
al., 2021; Khankeh et al., 2015; Ponce et al., 2022; transparency in their qualitative research by clearly
Umeokafor & Windapo, 2018) and also observed articulating their research design, data collection
among HEIs necessitates the need for a more methods, and data analysis techniques. Next,
deliberate effort to ensure that educators are educational institutions need to foster collaboration
adequately trained on qualitative research. This between researchers, educators and students to
could enhance competence and skills for the ensure integration of qualitative research findings
preparation of students in identifying inherent into practical applications, such as curriculum
qualitative research challenges and how to development and review, and pedagogical
overcome them (Khankeh et al., 2015), given that approaches. Finally, higher education practitioners
complex education issues cannot be solved just by should be open to engaging in reflective practices
numbers. when conducting qualitative research, and critically
examining their own biases to ensure the research is
Conclusion and Recommendations inclusive. By implementing these recommendations,
Conclusions the field of higher education can benefit from the
This study assessed the underlying assumptions, robust insights provided by qualitative research and
practical application, challenges and potential use them to drive positive change in teaching,
opportunities for qualitative research in higher learning, and institutional practices in the quest to
education, employing a critical review of literature. achieve the 2023 global agenda for sustainable
The study revealed that qualitative research is a development.
valuable approach in higher education as it allows
8 East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences (EAJESS) 5(1)1-10.
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