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Ajol-File-Journals 589 Articles 267012 65f4399c79d5b
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East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences
Abstract: Qualitative research has become increasingly significant due to its ability to provide valuable
perspectives on the intricate dynamics of educational environments. However, researchers have not
fully accepted it. In response, this study reviewed literature about underlying assumptions, practical
application, challenges and potential opportunities in qualitative research, using the content analysis
technique. The study revealed that qualitative research is a valuable approach in higher education as it
allows for a deeper understanding of complex phenomena and provides a rich description of
experiences and perspectives. Challenges in qualitative research include poor understanding of its
potential and lack of time and sufficient funding. The study recommends that researchers in HEIs be
encouraged to adopt qualitative research when exploring complex educational phenomena as this
approach provides a more comprehensive understanding of experiences and perspectives.
Educational institutions need to provide support to researchers, including funding, training and
guidance on ethical considerations.
Keywords: Qualitative research; assumptions; application; challenges; opportunities.
How to cite: Mantula, F., Mpofu, A. C., Mpofu, F. Y. and Shava, G. N. (2024). Qualitative Research Approach in
Higher Education: Application, Challenges and Opportunities. East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences
5(1)1-10. Doi: https://doi.org/10.46606/eajess2024v05i01.0343.
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