Science Education Graduates of A State University From 2008-2018: A Tracer Study

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Science Education Graduates of a State University from

2008-2018: A Tracer Study

Article · June 2020


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3 authors, including:

Denn Harry Ruelos Reusia Danilo Rogayan Jr.

President Ramon Magsaysay State University President Ramon Magsaysay State University


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The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

Science Education Graduates of a

State University from 2008-2018: A
Tracer Study

Denn Harry R. Reusia, Danilo V. Rogayan Jr.*,

Karen P. Andres
President Ramon Magsaysay State University - San Marcelino
[email protected]

Abstract This descriptive research determined the extent of

employability of science education graduates from 2008-2018 in a
state university in the Philippines. The study also ascertained the
graduates’ retrospective evaluation of the science education
program in the aspects of adequacy and relevance. A total of 49
purposively selected graduates responded to the online survey
questionnaire. Results revealed that there is a very high
employability rate of the graduates of the university. Their
educational experience and skills learned are very relevant in their
current workplace. They evaluated the 10 program areas as good
and indicated that the program outcomes are adequate and relevant.
These graduates also suggested that content and pedagogy among
pre-service teachers be enhanced. A curriculum review may then
be considered for better alignment of the program to the demands
of the 21st century learning landscape and to the fourth industrial
revolution to produce industry-ready and globally-competitive
science educators.

Keywords: descriptive research, graduate tracer study,

retrospective evaluation, science curriculum, science education


The feedback of graduates through tracer study is one reliable indicator

to affirm the effectiveness of the educational institution in providing
quality education and services. This process is significant to
continuously improve the curricular programs to respond to the
changing educational landscapes, and the emerging needs of industry
4.0 (IR 4.0). Morales (2017) emphasized that the knowledge-based
society and knowledge economy seek new and appropriate skills to meet

Reusia, D. H. R., Rogayan, D. V. Jr., & Andres, K. P. (2020). Science education graduates of a state university from 2008-2018:
A tracer study. The Normal Lights, 14(1), 56-79.
The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

countries’ growing global and economic development. Hence, higher

education institutions (HEIs) must ensure the relevance of the program
outcomes in the new industrial era in which machine intelligence and
disruptive technologies are transforming the educational setting.

Globally, HEIs conduct regular tracer study to get the most

reliable feedback from its graduates on their program’s effectiveness. In
Africa, Flomo (2013) investigated the congruence between higher
education and the labor market among college graduates. Additionally,
the tracer study conducted by European Training Foundation (2017)
supplemented the existing knowledge on the skills that graduates of
secondary vocational schools and HEIs have to offer and to determine
the experiences of the graduates in their transition from education to the
world of work. In Southeast Asia, Nazron, Lim, and Nga (2017)
investigated the relationship between graduates’ soft skills attributes and
employment status in Malaysia using empirical evidence obtained from
a tracer study.

In the Philippines, numerous tracer studies (Belecina & Ocampo,

2017; Cuadra, Aure, & Gonzaga, 2019; Gonzales, 2019; Sira, Celda,
Valenciana, & Sobrepaña, 2018) have been done to track the graduates’
employability in various disciplines. However, there are only a few
tracer studies conducted with a focus on science education program.
Evangelista and Morales (2017) conducted a tracer study that
determined the adequacy, relevance, and alignment of the science
education program of the graduate education offered by the Philippine
Normal University Manila. Similarly, another local study was conducted
by Cañizares (2015) which traced the science and mathematics
education graduates of the University of San Carlos, to determine the
relevance of its programs.

In the local scene, there is no formal tracer study that has been
conducted solely for science education graduates of the university for
the past decade. Thus, this prompted the researchers to conduct the
study. The study aimed to trace the employability of the graduates, and
evaluate the science curricular programs for alignment to the 21st
century learning and global metric such as 4IR. The locale of the study
offers programs that include Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd)
with specialization in general, physical, and biological sciences under

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

the College of Teacher Education (CTE). As envisioned, the graduates

of CTE shall demonstrate professional competencies, specialized skills,
and desirable personal and social traits for effective instruction,
contribute to the development in teacher education through research and
strengthen external linkages in response to the changing needs of the
people and the institutions in the service area (CTE, 2018).

To determine whether the graduates have acquired the necessary

competencies in their undergraduate preparation and whether these
skills are useful in their current work, a tracer study needs to be done.
This step may be able to show the success of its educational efforts on
its graduates, the labor market, and employers (Aquino et al., 2015).
Tracer study enables the institutions to get information that may be
useful for the revision of their program (Schomburg & Teichler, 2011).
This idea was also supported by the study of Nivera, Toledo, Sualibio,
Boral, and Asuncion (2013) as they stressed that results of the tracer
study would be the bases for review and evaluation of the program

Graduate Tracer Study

Tracer study is a practical process in getting reliable and quick inputs

which ensure that the human capital from educational institutions is
relevant and ready in the constantly-changing job market. Furthermore,
higher education institutions are responsible for equipping students with
advanced knowledge and skills which are relevant for their job positions.
Thus, tracer studies’ main goal is to collect essential information
concerning the current status of graduates (Llego & Bañez, 2017) and to
enable institutions to gain information about the possible deficiencies in
instruction for future improvements (Egesah & Wahome, 2014).

Moreover, some researchers likewise emphasized that tracer study

measures the relevance of competencies to the field of work, which can
improve curriculum for better human resources (Evangelista & Morales,
2017; Nivera et al., 2013). Henceforth, tracer studies are important
feedback mechanisms on the graduates’ employability and
competencies acquired. This can likewise document the graduates’
retrospective evaluation of the program outcomes as a basis for further

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

Science Education Program Competencies

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) continuously updates

the program outcomes and the corresponding sets of competencies of
teacher education programs (TEPs) to align with the needs of the current
times. These competencies are stipulated in the intended learning
outcomes of the TEPs to guide the teacher educators on the skills that
they should teach the future educators.

According to CHED Memorandum Order 75 (2017), the BSEd

program aims to develop highly motivated and competent teachers
specializing in the content and pedagogy for secondary education. In
consonance, the commission ventures on the belief of the Philippine
government that the capabilities of STEAM (science, technology,
engineering, arts and mathematics) education and careers may be able
to meet the demands of the emerging technological revolution that
eventually influences the citizen’s quality of life. Hence, improved
STEAM education in the country may eventually lead to a strong and
skilled workforce for the Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0 and a better
economic stance of the country (Morales, Anito, Avilla, Abulon &
Palisoc, 2019).

Consequently, tracing and evaluating the science education

program through a tracer study may contribute to improving STEAM
education. Hence, graduate tracer study is a useful tool in ascertaining
graduates’ employment rate. The present study utilized tracer study as a
way to ensure that the graduates of the university are doing well in the
workplace. Moreover, this study hopes to fill in the dearth of tracer
studies in science education graduates, particularly in the Philippines.

Framework of the Study

The present study is anchored on the concept of institutional evaluation

through self-evaluation, which may be provided by graduate tracer
studies (Evangelista & Morales, 2017). Self-evaluation allows
educational institutions to have an in-depth and comprehensive
assessment of the quality of its programs and services, and its
institutional effectiveness in support of student success (Accrediting
Commission for Community and Junior Colleges [ACCJC], 2020).

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

Thus, the progress and development of the program and competence of

the faculty to train and equip young individuals may be tracked through
a tracer study. The self-evaluation process offers an opportunity for the
institutional leadership to take stock of the quality and processes for
continual improvement of the institution in collaboration with the
stakeholders (ACCJC, 2020).

As shown in Figure 1, the science education graduates provided

the data needed for the tracer study, which includes their demographic
and educational profile, employment and job profile, and the
competencies learned. The study also determined the evaluation of the
program. The results of the study will serve as a basis for the updating
of the graduates’ directory and the improvement of the curriculum.

Figure 1. The diagrammatical framework of the study

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

Purposes of the Research

The study generally aimed to trace the employability of the science

education graduates in a state university in the Philippines. The study
was designed to determine the graduates’ personal and educational
background, employment characteristics, and competencies learned. It
also determined their retrospective evaluation of the program and their
suggestions for its improvement.


Research Design

The study used descriptive research employing both quantitative and

qualitative approaches in describing the graduates’ profile, employment
characteristics, competencies learned, and the participants’ retrospective
evaluation of the program.


The 49 science education graduates of the university from year 2008 to

2018 were purposively selected as participants of the study.

Figure 2 shows the distribution of the graduate-participants in the

tracer study.

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

4 5 5
1 0 1 1
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Figure 2. Distribution of Graduate-participants

Only 49 (out of 74, 66.22%) graduates for the past 11 years who were
traced, responded in the online survey. Some were not able to respond
to the online survey due to busy schedule or some other viable reasons.


The Science Education Graduate Tracer Study (SE-GTS) survey

questionnaire was used in gathering the data. This instrument is a
modified version of the instrument used by CHED and from some
studies (Evangelista & Morales, 2017; Nivera et al., 2013). Likewise, an
informal interview from select participants deduced qualitative data for
data triangulation. Sample questions include: (1) what are your
suggestions to improve the science education curriculum further; and (2)
how did your program help you in your current workplace.

The survey tool determined the general profile of the graduates,

employment data, and their retrospective evaluation of the program. The
last part is an open-ended question on their suggestions for improving
the curriculum. The tool was subjected to construct and content validity
and yielded excellent internal consistency (α=.977).

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

Data Collection


After the instrument development and approval from concerned

authorities, an initial tracing of graduates was made through networks
based on the list obtained from the registrar’s office. Using email and
social media, the researchers provided a brief orientation to the
participants and explained that their involvement in the study was
voluntary. Informed consents were obtained from them prior to the


The survey tool was transformed into a Google form for easier data
gathering. The link of the survey was sent to the participants through
their Facebook accounts and/or email. The researchers gave them two
weeks to provide the required data, follow-up was made to increase the
retrieval rate. The data gathering started from November 2 until
December 24, 2018.


The researchers organized the data in tabular format to appropriately

respond to the aforementioned research objectives. After organizing the
data, the researchers analyzed both the quantitative and qualitative data
to generate relevant findings.

Data Analysis

The study employed both quantitative and qualitative methods in

analyzing the data. The descriptive and inferential statistics were
computed, while manual coding of qualitative data from the interview
responses was done to identify the emerging themes. Validation of the
identified themes was likewise made through informant feedback.

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

Results and Discussion

Demographic and Educational Profile of the Participants

Table 1 presents the demographic and educational profile of the


Majority of the graduates are aged 22 to 24 and are still single.

This is due to the fact there are more participants who just recently
graduated and are still beginning to build their careers. This is consistent
with the findings of some studies (Cañizares, 2015; Sentilleces &
Rungduin, 2013). The results further suggest that recent graduates are
easy to trace and have a higher response rate than the older graduates
(Sentilleces & Rungduin, 2013). Male graduates are greater in number
than the females in the science education program (Evangelista &
Morales, 2017). This is because most women in the university enrolled
in language and elementary education programs.

Table 1. Science Education Graduates’ Demographic and Educational

Profile Frequency Percent
Age 22-24 26 53.06
25-27 15 30.61
28-30 6 12.24
31-34 2 4.08
Civil Status Single 41 83.70
Married 8 16.30
Sex Male 27 55.10
Female 22 44.90
Specialization Biological 36 73.50
General 2 4.10
Physical 11 22.40
Highest Bachelor’s 32 65.31
educational With 15 30.61
Master’s 2 4.08

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

Most of the participants recently graduated and have taken

biological science as their major or specialization. More than half
(65.31%) of them have not pursued advanced studies due to the nature
of their teaching job and financial constraint. The results negate the
study of Belecina and Ocampo (2017) who claimed that graduates like
to pursue advanced studies immediately for promotion purposes.

Educational Reasons of the Participants

As regards participants’ educational reasons, graduates chose the

program due to its availability (55.10%), and they were inspired by a
previous teacher (51.02%). The foremost reason of the participants for
choosing the university are affordability (79.59%), school location
(59.18%), and their desire to be a teacher (36.73%). These results imply
that the university is true to its mandate of providing quality education
to the poor but deserving students. Economics is the major reason for
choosing a particular institution to study (Belecina & Ocampo, 2017;
Gines, 2014). Most of them consider pursuing advanced studies for
professional development, but only a few reasoned out that they enroll
in advanced studies for promotion.

Licensure Examination Profile of the Participants

The participants obtained a mean LET (Licensure Examination for

Teachers) rating of 80.13 which implies that most of the graduates
obtained satisfactory scores for their license. Majority chose to prepare
for the board by self-review (75.51%). The institution has also been
offering in-house review for teacher education graduates of the campus
for five years already. With the offering of the said program, the
institutional passing rate has been consistently above the national
passing rate. For many teacher-education institutions (TEIs), the
performance of graduates in LET is an indicator of high quality and
standard (Gerundio & Balagtas, 2014).

Employment Data of the Participants

Table 2 presents the participants’ employment data.

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

Table 2. Participants’ Employment Data

Employment Data Frequency Percent
Employment Employed 47 95.90
Status Not employed 2 4.10
Tenure Permanent 24 49.00
Temporary 6 12.20
Contractual 17 34.70
Not-employed 2 4.10
Employment Full time 45 91.80
characteristic Part time 2 4.10
Not employed 2 4.10
Present Public school teacher 17 34.69
occupation Private school teacher 24 48.98
College/university 1 2.04
Government(Non- 1 2.04
Private(Non-teaching) 4 8.16
Type of Government 18 36.73
Employer Private 29 59.18
Employment Within Zambales 35 71.43
Location Olongapo City 8 16.33
Outside Zambales 4 8.16
Nature of Teaching 42 85.71
current work Sales 4 8.16
Teaching Instructor 1 1 2.04
position Teacher I 18 36.73
Teacher II 3 6.12
Teacher III 2 4.08
Private School Teacher 18 36.73
Not applicable 7 14.29
Level Elementary 4 8.16
taught Secondary 33 67.35
Tertiary 3 6.12
Monthly 25,001 – 30,000 1 2.04
income 20,001 – 25,000 14 28.57
15,001 – 20,000 6 12.24
10,001 – 15,000 8 16.33
5,001 – 10,000 8 16.33
5,000 below 1 2.04
Job Very satisfied 7 14.29
satisfaction Satisfied 33 67.35
Fairly satisfied 4 8.16
Not satisfied 3 6.12

Table 2 also shows that there is a high employment rate of science

education graduates (95.90%). Almost half have permanent status and
their tenure is aligned with their undergraduate degree. This suggests

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

that teachers are highly-needed in the country confirming the findings

of some studies (Cañizares, 2015; Evangelista & Morales, 2017).

Most of the graduates are private school teachers since a license

and teaching experience are requirements in the public school, even for
new entrants. Additionally, most of them applied for a teaching position;
thus, the participants’ major source of income is teaching. In the
Philippines, the teaching profession is highly regarded, as teachers are
viewed to be catalysts of change and nation-builders (Rogayan, 2018).
Majority of the graduates are employed within Zambales implying that
they chose to serve their province, opting to be employed locally and
near their home residence (Sentilleces & Rungduin, 2013).

Remarkably, almost all are in the teaching field, serving at the

secondary level since they took up BSEd program. The result conforms
to that of Nivera and company (2013) who found out the graduates’
current position is appropriate to their degree, suggesting they are not
underemployed. Majority answered that they are satisfied in their
current work. This implies that most of the teachers are happy in the
field that they have chosen. As reported by Abulon and Rungduin
(2015), teacher education graduates saw that being a teacher is a
profession that is treated with the highest regard and admiration.

Employment Preparation and Job Profile

Most of the graduates landed on their first job as walk-in applicants.

They (71.42%) were employed in less than a month to six months after
graduation conforming to the description of Sentilleces and Rungduin
(2013) of a typical teacher education graduate hunting a job in the field.
The results connote that a lot of teachers are really needed in the field,
thus the ease in the application processes with available vacancies.
Furthermore, their first employment is related to their course (77.60%)
implying that the graduates chose to be in the teaching career as per their
preparation as aligned in this line of work. Cuadra and colleagues (2019)
stated that most of the graduates recognized that their degree programs
provided them the necessary knowledge and skills useful in their
respective careers. Majority (53.06%) of the participants indicated that
their current job is their first job after college. Only two (4.08%) have
not been employed for personal reasons.

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

Although, some (34.69%) are still in doubt and few (24.49%)

consider career shift, still most of the participants (40.82%) are not
planning to change their career. Such was their choice despite the idea
flooding their minds that burden of workload in the profession,
especially in the public school, entices some teachers to find another job.
Despite complaints by public school teachers against excessive paper
works and required documents (Tomacruz, 2018), the graduates still
managed to stay in their current jobs.

Competencies Learned in College

Table 3 presents the useful competencies learned by the participants

which they found useful in their first job.

Table 3. Useful Competencies Learned by the Graduates

Competencies Learned Frequency* Percent
Communication 34 69.39
Life and career 29 59.18
Critical thinking 29 59.18
Instructional and assessment 29 59.18
Knowledge and technical 27 55.10
Information, media & technology 25 51.02
Leadership 23 46.94
Research and innovation 23 46.94
Content-based 22 44.90
Problem-solving 20 40.82
Human relations 19 38.78
Hands-on^ 1 2.04
Total 49 100.0
*multi-response item ^added

Majority found communication (69.39%), life and career

(59.17%), and critical thinking (59.18%) as useful skills. Since the
teachers are handling science students, these competencies are deemed
essential in developing scientific and functional literacy of the learners.
Incidentally, Aquino and colleagues (2015) found the same result that
learners perceived communication skill as the most useful skill that they
have learned.

Retrospective Evaluation of the Science Education Program


Table 4 shows the participants’ retrospective evaluation of the program.

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

Table 4. Retrospective Evaluation of the Program Areas

Area Mean SD VD Rank
1. Vision, Mission, Goals & 3.55 0.68 VG 1
2. Faculty Competence 3.35 0.69 G 3.5
3. Curriculum and Instruction 3.35 0.66 G 3.5
4. Support to Students 3.16 0.62 G 6
5. Research Development 3.53 0.74 VG 2
6. Extension and Community 3.24 0.69 G 5
7. Library Services 2.80 0.71 G 10
8. Physical Plant and Facilities 2.88 0.78 G 9
9. Laboratories 3.02 0.83 G 7.5
10. Administration and 3.02 0.78 G 7.5
Overall 3.19 0.54 Good
*VG-Very Good; G-Good

Results reveal (Table 4) that the graduates’ overall retrospective

evaluation of the science program areas is “good” with an overall mean
of 3.19. The VMGO (M=3.55); and research and development (M=3.24)
obtained the highest mean rating which implies that the program is
congruent with the thrusts of the university and other national agenda.
Faculty (M=3.35); and curriculum and instruction (M=3.35) ranked
next. Research development has been rated very high since the
institution has redirected its vision to be a research university, thus,
relentless in its pursuit to develop its research culture.

Lower means, but within the “good” assessment, were obtained in

the library services (M=2.80); and facilities (M=2.88). Establishment of
adequate educational facilities has to be one of the major concerns of
institutions (Jacob & Orleans, 2016). Nevertheless, the “good" to “very
good” evaluation of the participants in the 10 program areas are
indicative that the university is a good training ground which can help
graduates in their career. Institutions of higher learning can evaluate the
results of education and training provided to students through evidence
gleaned from tracer study (Cuadra et al., 2019).

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

Adequacy and Relevance of the Science Education Program


Table 5 presents the extent of adequacy and relevance of the science

education program outcomes. Results show that the graduates found the
curricular program outcomes adequate (M=3.37) and relevant (M=3.24).
Generally, the participants found the outcomes sufficient and useful in
their professional growth as teachers. Evidently, these are also the
required competencies in the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers framework (DepEd-Teacher Education Council, 2017) and the
Philippine science teacher education framework (SEI-DOST &
UPNISMED, 2011).

Table 5. Adequacy and Relevance of the Curricular Program Outcomes

Curricular Program Adequacy (A) Relevance (R)
Outcomes Mean SD VD Mean SD VD
1. Display basic and 3.37 .76 A 3.22 .80 R
understanding of the
2. Apply the scientific 3.35 .72 A 3.22 .85 R
principles in solving
current problems.
3. Manifest meaningful and 3.35 .69 A 3.22 .80 R
pedagogical content
knowledge of science.
4. Uses scientific inquiry in 3.47 .68 A 3.29 .82 R
understanding and
explaining natural
5. Provide examples to 3.39 .73 A 3.27 .84 R
illustrate the application
of mathematical concepts.
6. Design and utilize 3.41 .76 A 3.27 .81 R
appropriate instructional
materials in science.
7. Employ effective teaching 3.41 .67 A 3.24 .72 R
techniques for diverse
types of learners.
8. Design and utilize variety 3.49 .74 A 3.33 .72 R
of appropriate assessment
9. Analyze assessment 3.41 .73 A 3.20 .74 R
results and use these to
improve learning and

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

10. Provide regular feedback 3.18 .75 A 3.10 .82 R

to students.
11. Utilize appropriate 3.39 .67 A 3.24 .78 R
pedagogy and use of
technology for different
science content areas.
12. Demonstrate learning 3.35 .75 A 3.18 .83 R
skills in various methods
of teaching-learning in
the sciences.
13. Create and utilize 3.24 .69 A 3.18 .83 R
learning experiences to
develop learner’s skills in
discovery learning,
problem learning and
critical thinking.
14. Manifest creativity and 3.41 .70 A 3.24 .85 R
critical thinking when
selecting examples and
problems to be used in the
15. Use varied resources for 3.24 .78 A 3.22 .87 R
selecting problems to
develop students’
problem solving skills.
16. Develop lessons that can 3.35 .80 A 3.29 .84 R
help students appreciate
the use of science in daily
17. Possess positive values 3.49 .77 A 3.33 .88 R
and attitudes in science
18. Develop innovative 3.37 .73 A 3.20 .87 R
curricula, instructional
plans, resources and
training programs for
diverse science learners.
19. Propose curricular 3.29 .76 A 3.22 .87 R
reforms in science
relevant to the emerging
trends and issues.
20. Exhibit proficiency in 3.43 .71 A 3.22 .85 R
relating science to other
curricular areas.
Overall 3.37 .65 A 3.24 .75 R
Legend: VA-Very Adequate/VR-Very Relevant (3.50-4.00), A-Adequate/R-Relevant (2.50-
3.49), MA-Moderately Adequate/MR-Moderately Relevant (1.50-2.49), IA-Inadequate/IR-
Irrelevant (1.00-1.49)

As shown in Table 5, the outcome in creating and utilizing

learning experiences to develop learner’s skills in discovery learning,
problem learning and critical thinking is commonly high to both

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

adequacy and relevance. The graduates found this outcome evident in

their work as science teachers as they design and implement learning
activities which develop scientific literacy among learners deemed as
significant goal of science education (Sunga & Hermosisima, 2016). The
design and utilization of appropriate assessment techniques is high only
in adequacy while the indicator on acquiring positive values and
attitudes in science education is high only in relevance. The selection
and use of assessment tools in science has been adequately taught in the
program, while the acquisition of positive disposition towards science is
seen as very relevant by the participants. Hence, science teachers need
to be more innovative to improve student achievement and attitudes
(Gernale, Duad, & Arañes, 2015). Commonly low to both adequacy and
relevance is the provision of regular feedback to students deviating from
what Fortes (2016) believe that teacher’s regular feedback gives students
an impression that teachers are with them in their entire journey. The
authors claim that the failure of providing regular feedback to students
is due to the bulk of paperwork assigned to teachers and class size.

Meanwhile, the use of varied resources to develop students’

problem solving skills is low only in adequacy, while the outcome on
demonstrating learning skills in various methods of teaching-learning in
the sciences is low only in relevance. The graduates feel that selection
of varied resources on solving problem must be given further emphasis
in the program. It is surprising that the graduates rated the outcome on
the learning demonstration through different pedagogies as low in terms
of relevance implying that they do not often see the relevance of varied
techniques in demonstrating learning skills. This result may be sourced
from what Opre (2015) stated that the conceptions on assessment are
shaped by teacher’s personal and professional decisions about their

Proposing curricular reforms in science relevant to the emerging

trends is on average in terms of adequacy. The graduates feel that the
program provides the students enough avenue to develop their skills in
curriculum review and development based on the emerging needs. The
faculty and pre-service teachers should have the stronger voice on how
the curriculum in school should actually work (Reyes & Murray-
Harvey, 2018). Relatedly, the outcome on analyzing assessment results
is on average on relevance. The participants see assessment as a critical

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

process in improving student achievement and teaching practices. In

congruence, Gardner (2012) stated that the ultimate intention of
assessment is to advance student learning. These results may serve as
baseline information to align the science education program with the
national and global standards and to further enhance the students’ 21st
century competencies. As indicated by Evangelista and Morales (2017),
modifications may provide better results which will raise the global
competitiveness index of the country in terms of education in the 21st
century and IR 4.0.

Furthermore, science education graduates also gave suggestions

on improving the science education curriculum. Based on the interview
responses, they suggested that the university may consider upgrading the
laboratory and instructional facilities to improve the curriculum. One
graduate said, “the university must provide more laboratory rooms with
adequate equipment.” Procurement of additional laboratory apparatuses
and equipment may be given priority. In terms of science learning, there
should be sufficient classrooms and laboratories with adequate and up-
to-date instructional resources (Jacob & Orleans, 2016).

Some participants also suggested that the university may

spearhead capability building activities to enhance the holistic skills of
pre-service teachers. Another suggestion given was to enhance the
teachers’ pedagogical practices which are aligned with the 21st century
mileu and responsive to IR 4.0. One respondent suggested, “teacher
educators need to undergo retooling to make science teaching more
responsive to the current educational setting.” This may imply that the
College may also consider sending the faculty to trainings to enhance
their teaching competence further. Additionally, one participant
suggested that the undergraduate curriculum must be aligned with the K
to 12 program.

Conduct of research-based extension programs to improve the

students’ research and innovation skills was also suggested. Exposing
the students to research activities may enhance their proficiency in
conducting science investigatory projects and action research. Science
teachers are encouraged to conduct research in science teaching and
learning (SEI-DOST & UP NISMED, 2011). Hence, the institution may
consider conducting capability building activities to help students

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

enhance their research skills which are relevant for the workforce 4.0
(Kaur, Awasthi, & Grzybowska, 2020).

Quality higher education in the global perspective translates into

employment, efficiency, and productivity. All of these elements drive
sustainable economies and desirable social transformations (Egesah &
Wahome, 2017). Hence, the suggestions of the graduates may serve as
initial inputs in order to further develop the curriculum, which will
eventually produce more globally-competitive and well-equipped

Conclusions and Implications

The study sought to trace the employability of science education

graduates. It likewise ascertained the retrospective evaluation of the
graduates on the adequacy and relevance of the program. The graduates
of the university are in their early 20s, recently graduated and have
specialized in biological science. The university has been committed to
its mission of providing quality education which is accessible and
affordable to the poor but deserving students.

The graduates are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills,

and attitude as manifested with the majority of students having a
satisfactory licensure (LET) passing rate. The passion and commitment
for teaching have been developed among the graduates. Improving their
craft in teaching will contribute a lot in producing holistic students in
the new industrial era. Hence, TEIs must continue to spearhead
programs and activities that will enrich prospective teachers’ personal
growth and professional development.

The institution has remained to be the top producer of industry-

equipped and globally-ready science teachers in the province and
surrounding areas. This is exhibited by the high employment rate of
science education graduates of the university. These results have
significant implications on the policy of the university on quota courses.
The institution may include science education as a priority program so
that more students can enroll in the program. The 21st century skills
were the most useful competencies that the participants learned in the

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)

The science education program areas are good, and the program
outcomes are adequate and relevant as shown in the high average rating
of the graduates. Furthermore, the graduates suggest that the curricular
program could further be enhanced. The initial evaluation of the
graduates gathered from this tracer study suggests that the program
outcomes are responsive. These results have important implications in
terms of recommendatory policies and guidelines on how to integrate
the aspects of Education 4.0 and the integration of 21st century skills in
the offering of the curricular programs towards producing industry-
ready and globally-competitive graduates who will provide leadership
in various fields, specifically in science education.


The study recommends that the College may devise a more

functional system to trace all the graduates and monitor their
condition and their extent of employability. Stricter policy on
admission must be institutionalized to ensure that the would-be
teachers are academically prepared and passionate to enter the
program. The institution may also revisit the program adequacy
and relevance to ensure its congruence to the current curriculum.
Support teacher educators to attend capability building activities
to improve their pedagogical competence. The college may
strengthen the career guidance program to encourage takers to
enroll in a science-oriented program. Upgrading of the
instructional facilities may be given priority to further develop
students’ competencies in response to the demands of IR 4.0.

Since the present study is limited only to science education

graduates, a similar tracer study may be done for other disciplines
to have a feedback mechanism towards continuous curricular
improvement. Further, inclusions of the employers’ feedback of
graduates’ competencies may be considered to have an external
assessment of graduates’ readiness in the workplace.

The Normal Lights
Volume 14, No. 1 (2020)


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