Arduinouno, spirometer, respiratory, pulmonary, Spirogram
A spirometer is an apparatus for measuring the volume of air inspired and expired by
the lungs. A spirometer measures ventilation, the movement of air into and out of the lungs.
The Spiro gram will identify two different types of abnormal ventilation patterns, obstructive
and restrictive. There are various types of spirometers which use a number of different
methods for measurement (pressure transducers, ultrasonic, water gauge).Through a set of
medical tests it is used to identify and quantify defects and abnormalities of various lung
conditions in human respiratory system .These tests also help in monitoring the response of
lungs to medical treatment. With the help of a spirometer, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease (COPD) can be detected well in advance (American Thoracic Society, 1995a).
Monitoring cough and wheezing may not provide an accurate assessment of the severity of
asthma in a patient. With the help of the breathing tests conducted using a spirometer, the
response and improvement in an asthma patient’s condition during the treatment can be
monitored accurately. This improves the quality of treatment by reducing the judgement
The rural areas in India don’t have as many medical facilities as those available in the
urban areas. Hence, people face a lot of problems in getting treatment or even at times
receiving suitable emergency aid. The surveys conducted on this topic with pulmonologists
revealed many issues which are faced by them while treating patients who are suffering from
pulmonary diseases. These problems persist not only in cities but also in rural areas. The cost
of the spirometers used in testing is very high; also, accessibility is a major issue when it
comes to remote areas. Thus, the proposed device is aimed mainly at the aforementioned
This project is focusing on development of a spirometer that is low in cost and can be
connected with the computer. Also other features include web connection by which the data
of the patient can be transmitted to the doctor sitting far away from the patient.
The feature of web connection can be integrated with many other medical devices for
other diseases. Also, the use of expensive components that are expensive can be avoided. A
well conducted survey brings forth a plethora of choices for cheaper components that can be
used in the mass production of devices as well.
The Spirometer has been divided into 2 units. They are :
Sensor Block includes a mouthpiece and a Pressure Transducer.
The mouthpiece is used as an input device for the patient to inhale or exhale in it, such
that the difference in the pressure at two ends is given to the Pressure Transducer via two
pipes as shown below in Fig 2.2.
In this project, we had configured and implemented alow cost spirometer with a
differential pressure transducer being the heart of the device and tested its feasibility and
reliability with a simple experimental setup. On the other hand we obtained the real time
graph of mass flow versus volume using a simulation software. Also, we created a website
which enables patients to register themselves on it and upload there acquired graphs such that
a distantly located doctor can have access to it and give valuable feedbacks. This spirometer is
very low cost and when it is produced in bulk it can be made all the more low cost and sold at
a lesser price. The software that we have created is not device specific and is an executable
file which can be use with any device. As we saw the project to completion we had gotten a
mouth piece 3D printed also built a signal conditioning circuit with LM358 as the amplifier.
After multiple hardware tests and simultaneous software simulation of the networks, we
propose this particular model of Spirometer. Our proposed device is portable, compact,
rugged, very economical and user friendly. The device thus gives you an extra edge over other
available devices in the market which are costly, complex and are not that user friendly.