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NAME:abdul jabar


RESEARCH AGENDA: This research explore about different problem that make our study hard when using our listening skill and
different ways or strategies to make our listening skills improve

TOPIC PROPOSAL:Enhancing our mastery in listening, set of tactics to improve our characteristi and listening skill and different ways
for us to lear using listening ability


Listening is the one of our wonderful sense that is given to us. This skill give us the key to develop our self or give us a way
to learn new thing just by hearing it,listening is an important skill that plays an important role in our lives.Listening is the
developer of an effective communication and can greatly enchance our skill to discover , flourish, and form a significant
relationships accompanied by the people around you.But at some point there so some of the people around us having difficulty
about hearing like some student, some words they hear is they cannot understand because of this they find it difficult to learn
like in the research of Ahkam Hasan Assaf(2015) The study aimed to investigate the difficulties EFL students encounter in
listening comprehension as perceived by ELC students at the AAUJ. The aims of the study were to identify the difficulties
students face in listening comprehension and to study the relationship of the difficulties encountered by EFL students with
students’ academic level, academic year, gender, type of school and number of school years studying English.

We also doesn't focus on some lessons that is teach to us, base on their study Sara Noroozi, Tam Shu Sim, Vahil
Nimehchisalem, Gholamreza Zareian (2014) In the body of literature on listening strategies to EFL learners, what seems to be
lacking is that the focus is on teaching listening strategies to learners with little attention to their listening comprehension
problems. No local research has been conducted on the nature of the Iranian tertiary level students' EFL listening
comprehension problems or strategies. Therefore, no instrument is available to investigate these constructs.

We are also having a bad setting where we have to learn Bahzad Ameen, Saeed A Saeed(2022)physical setting in the
listening comprehension process has been proven to be one of the troublesome issues for EFL learners, The current study
looks into the possibility that the physical environment impacts students' listening comprehension process


Where so many problems comes in hearing but at some point researcher Ahkam Hasan Assaf(2015) In order to achieve the
study objectives, the researcher developed a two different data collection instruments: A questionnaire and an interview. First,
the questionnaire was developed and given to a sample of 189 EFL students studying at the English Language Center (ELC).
The sample was chosen randomly. The interview then was held with 12 students chosen randomly from the sample of the study.
It consisted of 4 questions. The researcher conducted this study on university-level students who take English courses at the
English Language Center (ELC) at the Arab American University-Jenin (AAUJ). The sample consisted of (95) males and (94)
females. The results of the study showed that disability of word recognition, lacking background information about the topic,
noises around, poor quality listening equipment and not enjoying the listening excerpt got high effect degree. In addition,
speed rate of speech and gliding over words while speaking, which got a moderate effect degree in the questionnaire results,
were the problems students stated in the interviewBesides, the researcher found out that there were no significant differences in
the difficulties students encountered in listening comprehension due to academic level, academic year, gender, type of school
and number of school years studying English. In the light of the findings of the study, the researcher recommended that more
research should be conducted on the difficulties and importance of listening comprehension and strategies to improve listening
comprehension. She also recommended that the ministry of education on the one hand and English teachers on the other hand
have to pay attention to teaching listening skills at schools. We also need to communicate to them having a face time to them to
develop their fellowship.

On the other hand some researcher study to find a way to or strategies to learn Sara Noroozi, Tam Shu Sim, Vahil
Nimehchisalem, Gholamreza Zareian (2014) This paper reports the findings of a study that made an attempt to develop and
test an instrument that will aid researchers identify students’ specific listening problems and listening strategy repertoire. The
instrument was developed by integrating and validating the available instruments in the related literature. The two developed
questionnaires were: the Listening Comprehension Problems Questionnaire (LCPQ) and the Listening Strategy Use
Questionnaire (LSUQ). Problems related to designing and testing this instrument is shared and the modifications made to it
are presented. The instrument is expected to be useful for researchers interested to study the area of EFL listening in a similar
setting.We also need to experience doing it in difficult for us to expand our adaptation

At some point some researchers study to find out problems with hearing due to the physical environment Bahzad Ameen,
Saeed A Saeed(2022) study to find out problems with hearing due to the physical environment. To do this, a questionnaire
survey was prepared to serve the aim of the study. The sample of this study consists of 87 participants. Eighteen males and
sixty-nine females from 2nd year English department students of the College of Basic Education, University of Duhok, took
part in the study. The results of this study show that due to a noisy physical setting (or learning environment) and listening
aids, materials, or equipment with volume or sound quality issues, students frequently or often have difficulty listening to
aurally presented texts. Finally, according to the literature review, the current study's findings are consistent with those of other

We can also find help in some audio books Galip Kartal(2012) The purpose of this study is to examine the potential effects
of audio books on general reading comprehension achievement, general listening comprehension skills, and reading and
listening comprehension of randomly chosen books.The study was based on experimental research design consisting of pre
and post-tests conducted with control and experimental groups. The research was conducted throughout the fall semester of
2011-2012 academic year with 66 advanced level freshman students at Selcuk University, Ahmet Kelesoglu Faculty of Education,
English Language Teaching Department.The study participants were divided into two groups: experimental (32 Students) and
control (34 Students) groups. Based on their General Reading Comprehension Achievement Test (GRCAT) and General
Listening Comprehension Skills Scale (GLCSS) pre-test results, both groups had similar reading and listening skill levels.Both
in experimental and control groups, the classes were given by the researcher, and the implementation of the study lasted for 13
weeks. The findings of the research can be summarized as following:1.Using audio books in advanced level reading class
improved students? general reading comprehension achievement at a limited level.2.Using audio books in advanced level
reading class developed students? general listening comprehension skills.3.Using text accompanied by audio did not increase
students? reading comprehension test scores of randomly chosen novellas.4. Using text accompanied by audio increased
students? listening comprehension test scores of randomly chosen novellas at a limited level.Key Words: Audio Book, Reading
Comprehension Achievement, Listening Comprehension Skills,Freshman, EFL.

In this era we can also use gadgets to search what we need we can also use to communicate with each other some
researchers conducted a study of how multi media help us in listening comprehension Tagor Pangaribuan, Andromeda Sinaga,
Kammer Tuahman Sipayung(2017) Listening comprehension is a complex skill particulaly in mastered by non-native speaker
settings. This research aimed at finding out the effect of multimedia application on students' listening. The research design is
experimental, with a t-test. The population is the sixth semester of HKBP Nommensen University at the academic year of
2016/2017, six classes of listening comprehension, 3 classes for experiments and the other for control, each class of 20 students.
The findings states that the Tcount = 14.68 > Ttable = 2.02 in a significance 0.05 and degree of freedom 38. It means that,
multimedia application is effective than conventional media. Multimedia in this study can be used by other lecturer or teacher
as the optional instrument in teaching listening comprehension. But we don't need to rely on just this we also need to
experience it.

General Problem:

The problem is that we are having a tough time in learning about some word because we doesn't it just by hearing, but
remember the to learn is patience and understanding. On the other hand if we are too focused in internet and mobile phone
and We can no longer do the things we used to do normally and this disrupted many of our conventional understandings of
ourselves and our relationships, raising anxieties and hopes about their effects on our lives, but remember not all times we need
technology to do things, sometimes we also need to socialize, try other things that will help you grow


Ahkam Hasan Assaf(2015) The difficulties encountered by EFL learners in listening comprehension as perceived by ELC
students at the Arab American University, Jenin

Sara Noroozi, Tam Shu Sim, Vahil Nimehchisalem, Gholamreza Zareian (2014) Developing an instrument for Iranian EFL
learners’ listening comprehension problems and listening strategies, Advances in Language and Literary Studies 5 (3), 63-69

Bahzad Ameen, Saeed A Saeed(2022)The Effects of the Physical Setting on Students’ Listening ComprehensionInternational,
Journal of Language and Literary Studies 4 (4), 39-51

Galip Kartal(2012) The effects of audio books on freshman studentsreading comprehension achievement and listening
comprehension skills, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü,

Tagor Pangaribuan, Andromeda Sinaga, Kammer Tuahman Sipayung(2017)The Effectiveness of Multimedia Application on
Students Listening Comprehension, English Language Teaching 10 (12), 212-218

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