ATV600 Communication Parameters EAV64332 V1.5
ATV600 Communication Parameters EAV64332 V1.5
ATV600 Communication Parameters EAV64332 V1.5
• The designer of any control scheme must consider the potential failure modes of control paths
and, for critical control functions, provide a means to achieve a safe state during and after a
path failure. Examples of critical control functions are emergency stop, overtravel stop, power
outage and restart.
• Separate or redundant control paths must be provided for critical control functions.
• System control paths may include communication links. Consideration must be given to the
implications of unanticipated transmission delays or failures of the link.
• Observe all accident prevention regulations and local safety guidelines (1).
• Each implementation of the product must be individually and thoroughly tested for proper
operation before being placed into service.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.
(1) For USA: Additional information, refer to NEMA ICS 1.1 (latest edition), Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation, and Maintenance of Solid State Control and to NEMA ICS 7.1 (latest
edition), Safety Standards for Construction and Guide for Selection, Installation and Operation of Adjustable-Speed Drive Systems.
Electrical equipment should be installed, operated, serviced, and maintained only by qualified personnel. No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for any
consequences arising out of the use of this material.
This Excel file is for reference only. Refer to programming manual and communication protocols manuals for full information.
This Excel file can be used to carry out searches (example: parameter address and format) and sort operations.
Logic address: Address for the Modbus messaging are in decimal and hexadecimal (preceded by 16#) format.
To optimize Modbus messaging performance, two addresses are given for the control word (CMD) and the status word (ETA).
The addresses annotated "speed" are for use in rpm; the addresses annotated "frequency" are for use in Hz.
CANopen index: CANopen index/subindex in hexadecimal format, to be used for variable assignment of PDOs and SDO messaging.
Link: For WORD type parameters, a dynamic link opens the description of a bit register or a listing. Listings are common to several parameters; only one
part is valid for a given parameter. Refer to programming manual to determine the valid values. If an invalid value is written to a configuration parameter,
the drive will indicate a fault [Invalid config.] (CFI).
Category: Defines the role of the parameter, for example: Command parameter, Status parameter, etc.
WORD (bit register): Word where each bit represents a command or a state
WORD (listing): Word where each value represents a possible choice for a configuration or state
INT: Signed integer
UINT: Unsigned integer
DINT: Signed double integer
UDINT: Unsigned double integer
Display: Parameter name displayed on the graphic display terminal, in square brackets [---], and parameter code displayed by the 7-segment digits on the
integrated display terminal, in round brackets (---).
Menu: Indicates the menus or menus where the parameter is located. Menu name displayed on the graphic display terminal, in square brackets [---], and
menu code displayed by the 7-segment digits on the integrated display terminal (if existing), in round brackets (---).
Order: Gives the initial storage order of the parameter in the file, from 1 to n. This makes it possible, after sorting operations, to put this file back in its initial
order by sorting the column in ascending order.
Parameters 756750136.xlsx
Logic CANopen DeviceNet
Code Name Link Category Access Type Units Factory setting Range Display Menu Order
address index path
CMI Extended control word 16#2138 = 8504 16#2037/5 16#8B/01/69 = 139/01/105 - Control parameters R/W WORD (BitString16) - - 1
CMD Cmd Register 16#2135 = 8501 16#2037/2 16#8B/01/66 = 139/01/102 CMD Control parameters R/W WORD (BitString16) - - [Cmd Register] (CMd) [Communication map] (CMM-) 2
[Counter Management] (ELt-)
RPR Time Counter Reset 16#0C30 = 3120 16#2001/15 16#70/01/79 = 112/01/121 RPR Control parameters R/W WORD (Enumeration) - [No] (nO) - [Time Counter Reset] (rPr) 3
[Maintenance] (CSMA-)
LFRD Speed setpoint 16#219A = 8602 16#2038/3 16#8C/01/03 = 140/01/03 - Setpoint parameters R/W INT (Signed16) 1 rpm 0 rpm -32767 ... 32767 4
[Drive parameters] (MPI-)
LFR Ref Frequency 16#2136 = 8502 16#2037/3 16#8B/01/67 = 139/01/103 - Setpoint parameters R/W INT (Signed16) 0.1 Hz 0.0 Hz -500.0 Hz ... 500.0 Hz [Ref Frequency] (LFr) 5
[Display] (SUP-)
PISP PID Set Point 16#2137 = 8503 16#2037/4 16#8B/01/68 = 139/01/104 - Setpoint parameters R/W UINT (Unsigned16) 1 0 ... 1000 6
AIV1 AIV1 Image input 16#14A1 = 5281 16#2016/52 16#7B/01/52 = 123/01/82 - Setpoint parameters R/W INT (Signed16) 1 0 -8192 ... 8192 [AIV1 Image input] (AIU1) [Drive parameters] (MPI-) 7
[Drive parameters] (MPI-)
MFR Multiplying coeff. 16#2E37 = 11831 16#2058/20 16#9C/01/20 = 156/01/32 - Setpoint parameters R/W UINT (Unsigned16) 1% 0 % ... 100 % [Multiplying coeff.] (MFr) 8
[Settings] (SEt-)
ETA CIA402 State Reg 16#0C81 = 3201 16#2002/2 16#71/01/02 = 113/01/02 ETA Status parameters R WORD (BitString16) - - [CIA402 State Reg] (EtA) [Communication map] (CMM-) 9
HMIS Drive State 16#0CA8 = 3240 16#2002/29 16#71/01/29 = 113/01/41 HMIS Status parameters R WORD (Enumeration) - - 10
ETI Internal State Reg 16#0C86 = 3206 16#2002/7 16#71/01/07 = 113/01/07 ETI Status parameters R WORD (BitString16) - - 11
CRC Ref Freq Channel 16#20F9 = 8441 16#2036/2A 16#8B/01/2A = 139/01/42 CRC Status parameters R WORD (BitString16) - - 12
CCC Active command channel 16#20FA = 8442 16#2036/2B 16#8B/01/2B = 139/01/43 CCC Status parameters R WORD (BitString16) - - 13
[Drive parameters] (MPI-)
CNFS Config. active 16#1F54 = 8020 16#2032/15 16#89/01/15 = 137/01/21 CNFS Status parameters R WORD (Enumeration) - - [Config. active] (CnFS) 14
[Simply (SUP-)
start] (SIM-)
STUN Tune selection 16#2591 = 9617 16#2042/12 16#91/01/12 = 145/01/18 STUN Status parameters [always] WORD (Enumeration) - [Default] (tAb) - [Tune selection] (StUn) 15
[Motor tune] (MtU-)
SMOT Saliency mot. state 16#25AD = 9645 16#2042/2E 16#91/01/2E = 145/01/46 SMOT Status parameters R WORD (Enumeration) - - [Saliency mot. state] (SMOt) [Motor tune] (MtU-) 16
RFRD Output velocity 16#219C = 8604 16#2038/5 16#8C/01/05 = 140/01/05 - Actual values parameters R INT (Signed16) 1 rpm -32767 ... 32767 17
[Drive parameters] (MPI-)
RFR Motor Frequency 16#0C82 = 3202 16#2002/3 16#71/01/03 = 113/01/03 - Actual values parameters R INT (Signed16) 0.1 Hz -3276.7 Hz ... 3276.7 Hz [Motor Frequency] (rFr) 18
[Motor[Display] (SUP-)
parameters] (MMO-)
OTR Motor torque 16#0C85 = 3205 16#2002/6 16#71/01/06 = 113/01/06 - Actual values parameters R INT (Signed16) 0.1 % -3276.7 % ... 3276.7 % [Motor torque] (Otr) 19
[Fan[Display] (SUP-)
Dashboard] (FAn-)
LCR Motor Current 16#0C84 = 3204 16#2002/5 16#71/01/05 = 113/01/05 - Actual values parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) Refer to programming manual Depends of rating [Motor Current] (LCr) 20
[Motor parameters]
[Motor parameters] (MMO-)
UOP Motor voltage 16#0C88 = 3208 16#2002/9 16#71/01/09 = 113/01/09 - Actual values parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 1V 0 V ... 65535 V [Motor voltage] (UOP) 21
[Motor[Display] (SUP-)
parameters] (MMO-)
OPR Motor Power 16#0C8B = 3211 16#2002/C 16#71/01/0C = 113/01/12 - Actual values parameters R INT (Signed16) 1% -32767 % ... 32767 % [Motor Power] (OPr) 22
[Display] (SUP-)
FRHD Speed reference before ramp 16#219D = 8605 16#2038/6 16#8C/01/06 = 140/01/06 - Reference parameters R INT (Signed16) 1 rpm -32767 ... 32767 23
FROD Speed reference after ramp 16#21C1 = 8641 16#2038/2A 16#8C/01/2A = 140/01/42 - Reference parameters R INT (Signed16) 1 rpm -32767 ... 32767 [Fan Dashboard] (FAn-) 24
FRH Pre-Ramp Ref Freq 16#0C83 = 3203 16#2002/4 16#71/01/04 = 113/01/04 - Reference parameters R INT (Signed16) 0.1 Hz -500.0 Hz ... 500.0 Hz [Pre-Ramp Ref Freq] (FrH) [Drive parameters] (MPI-) 25
FRO Frequency reference after ramp 16#233D = 9021 16#203C/16 16#8E/01/16 = 142/01/22 - Reference parameters R INT (Signed16) 0.1 Hz -32767 ... 32767 [Communication map] (CMM-) 26
[Control] (Ftr-)
RPC PID reference 16#2ECE = 11982 16#2059/53 16#9C/01/B7 = 156/01/183 - Reference parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) Refer to programming manual Refer to programming manual [PID reference] (rPC) [PID display](Ftr-)
[Control] (PIC-) 27
RPF PID feedback 16#2ECD = 11981 16#2059/52 16#9C/01/B6 = 156/01/182 - Reference parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) Refer to programming manual Refer to programming manual [PID feedback] (rPF) [Application Parameters]
[PID display] (PIC-)(APr-) 28
[PID display](Fdb-)
[Feedback] (PIC-)
RPE PID Error 16#2ECC = 11980 16#2059/51 16#9C/01/B5 = 156/01/181 - Reference parameters R INT (Signed16) Refer to programming manual Refer to programming manual [PID Error] (rPE) 29
[Display] (SUP-)
[PID display] (PIC-)
RPO PID Output 16#2ECF = 11983 16#2059/54 16#9C/01/B8 = 156/01/184 - Reference parameters R INT (Signed16) 0.1 Hz -3276.7 Hz ... 3276.7 Hz [PID Output] (rPO) 30
[Drive (SUP-)
parameters] (MPI-)
ULN Mains Voltage 16#0C87 = 3207 16#2002/8 16#71/01/08 = 113/01/08 - Measurement parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 0.1 V [No meas.] (----) ... 6553.5 V [Mains Voltage] (ULn) 31
[Drive (SUP-)
parameters] (MPI-)
THD Drive Therm State 16#0C89 = 3209 16#2002/A 16#71/01/0A = 113/01/10 - Measurement parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 1% 0 % ... 200 % [Drive Therm State] (tHd) 32
[Fan[Display] (SUP-)
Dashboard] (FAn-)
THR Motor Therm State 16#259E = 9630 16#2042/1F 16#91/01/1F = 145/01/31 - Measurement parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 1% 0 % ... 200 % [Motor Therm State] (tHr) [Counter Management] (ELt-) 33
[Motor parameters] (MMO-)
RTH Motor Run Time 16#0CAC = 3244 16#2002/2D 16#71/01/2D = 113/01/45 Measurement parameters R/WS UINT (Unsigned32) - - [Motor Run Time] (rtH) [Variable Speed Pump] (MPP-) 34
PTH Power-on time 16#0CAE = 3246 16#2002/2F 16#71/01/2F = 113/01/47 Measurement parameters R/WS UINT (Unsigned32) - - [Power-on time] (PtH) [Display]
[Counter (SUP-) (ELt-)
Management] 35
IL1R Logic inputs states 16#1452 = 5202 16#2016/3 16#7B/01/03 = 123/01/03 IL1R I/O parameters R WORD (BitString16) - - 36
OL1R Logic outputs states 16#145C = 5212 16#2016/D 16#7B/01/0D = 123/01/13 OL1R I/O parameters R/W WORD (BitString16) - - 37
AI1C AI1 16#147A = 5242 16#2016/2B 16#7B/01/2B = 123/01/43 - I/O parameters R INT (Signed16) Refer to programming manual -32767 ... 32767 [AI1] (AI1C) [Display] (SUP-) 38
AI1R Analog input 1 standardized value 16#1470 = 5232 16#2016/21 16#7B/01/21 = 123/01/33 - I/O parameters R INT (Signed16) 1 -32767 ... 32767 39
AI2C AI2 16#147B = 5243 16#2016/2C 16#7B/01/2C = 123/01/44 - I/O parameters R INT (Signed16) Refer to programming manual -32767 ... 32767 [AI2] (AI2C) [Display] (SUP-) 40
AI2R Analog input 2 standardized value 16#1471 = 5233 16#2016/22 16#7B/01/22 = 123/01/34 - I/O parameters R INT (Signed16) 1 -32767 ... 32767 41
AI3C AI3 16#147C = 5244 16#2016/2D 16#7B/01/2D = 123/01/45 - I/O parameters R INT (Signed16) Refer to programming manual -32767 ... 32767 [AI3] (AI3C) [Display] (SUP-) 42
AI3R Analog input 3 standardized value 16#1472 = 5234 16#2016/23 16#7B/01/23 = 123/01/35 - I/O parameters R INT (Signed16) 1 -32767 ... 32767 43
AO1C AQ1 16#1497 = 5271 16#2016/48 16#7B/01/48 = 123/01/72 - I/O parameters R/W INT (Signed16) Refer to programming manual -32767 ... 32767 [AQ1] (AO1C) [Display] (SUP-) 44
AO1R Analog output 1 standardized value 16#148D = 5261 16#2016/3E 16#7B/01/3E = 123/01/62 - I/O parameters R/W INT (Signed16) 1 -32767 ... 32767 45
ERRD CiA402 fault code 16#219E = 8606 16#2038/7 16#8C/01/07 = 140/01/07 ERRD Fault parameters R WORD (BitString16) - - 46
LFT Last Error 16#1BD1 = 7121 16#2029/16 16#84/01/7A = 132/01/122 LFT Fault parameters R WORD (Enumeration) - - [Last Error] (LFt) [Diag. data] (ddt-) 47
CIC Incorrect configuration 16#1BDA = 7130 16#2029/1F 16#84/01/83 = 132/01/131 CIC Fault parameters R/WS WORD (BitString16) - - [DEVICENET DIAG] (dUn-) 48
CNF Fieldbus Com Interrupt 16#1BDC = 7132 16#2029/21 16#84/01/85 = 132/01/133 - Fault parameters [always] UINT (Unsigned16) 1 0 ... 65535 [Fieldbus Com Interrupt] (CnF) [PROFIBUS DIAG] (Prb-) 49
ILF1 InternCom Error1 16#1BDE = 7134 16#2029/23 16#84/01/87 = 132/01/135 - Fault parameters [always] UINT (Unsigned16) 1 0 ... 65535 [InternCom Error1] (ILF1) 50
FNB Fault counter 16#1CE1 = 7393 16#202B/5E 16#85/01/C2 = 133/01/194 - Fault parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 1 0 ... 65535 51
DP0 Fault code on last fault 16#1C20 = 7200 16#202A/1 16#85/01/01 = 133/01/01 LFT History parameters R WORD (Enumeration) - - 52
ULP0 DC bus voltage 16#1C66 = 7270 16#202A/47 16#85/01/47 = 133/01/71 - History parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 0.1 V [No meas.] (----) ... 6553.5 V 53
LCP0 Motor current 16#1C48 = 7240 16#202A/29 16#85/01/29 = 133/01/41 - History parameters R INT (Signed16) Refer to programming manual Depends of rating 54
RFP0 Output frequency 16#1C52 = 7250 16#202A/33 16#85/01/33 = 133/01/51 - History parameters R INT (Signed16) 0.1 Hz -3276.7 Hz ... 3276.7 Hz 55
THP0 Motor therm state 16#1C70 = 7280 16#202A/51 16#85/01/51 = 133/01/81 - History parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 1% 0 % ... 65535 % 56
EP0 ETA state word 16#1C2A = 7210 16#202A/B 16#85/01/0B = 133/01/11 EP0 History parameters R WORD (BitString16) - - 57
IP0 ETI state word 16#1C34 = 7220 16#202A/15 16#85/01/15 = 133/01/21 IP0 History parameters R WORD (BitString16) - - 58
CMP0 Cmd word 16#1C3E = 7230 16#202A/1F 16#85/01/1F = 133/01/31 CMP0 History parameters R WORD (BitString16) - - 59
DCC0 Command Channel 16#FB2C = 64300 = CNL History parameters R WORD (Enumeration) - - 60
DRC0 Ref Freq Channel 16#FB36 = 64310 = CNL History parameters R WORD (Enumeration) - - 61
CRP0 Channels active on last fault 16#1C7A = 7290 16#202A/5B 16#85/01/5B = 133/01/91 CRP0 History parameters R WORD (BitString16) - - 62
RTP0 Elapsed time 16#1C5C = 7260 16#202A/3D 16#85/01/3D = 133/01/61 - History parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 1h 0 h ... 65535 h 63
OTP0 Motor Torque 16#1CA2 = 7330 16#202B/1F 16#85/01/83 = 133/01/131 - History parameters R INT (Signed16) 0.1 % -3276.7 % ... 3276.7 % 64
TDP0 Drive Thermal State 16#1CAC = 7340 16#202B/29 16#85/01/8D = 133/01/141 - History parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 1% 0 % ... 255 % 65
TJP0 IGBT Junction Temp 16#1CB6 = 7350 16#202B/33 16#85/01/97 = 133/01/151 - History parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 1 °C 0 °C ... 255 °C 66
SFP0 Switching Frequency 16#1CC0 = 7360 16#202B/3D 16#85/01/A1 = 133/01/161 - History parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 1 Hz 0 Hz ... 65535 Hz 67
DP1 Fault code on fault n-1 16#1C21 = 7201 16#202A/2 16#85/01/02 = 133/01/02 LFT History parameters R WORD (Enumeration) - - 68
ULP1 DC bus voltage 16#1C67 = 7271 16#202A/48 16#85/01/48 = 133/01/72 - History parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 0.1 V [No meas.] (----) ... 6553.5 V 69
LCP1 Motor current 16#1C49 = 7241 16#202A/2A 16#85/01/2A = 133/01/42 - History parameters R INT (Signed16) Refer to programming manual Depends of rating 70
RFP1 Output frequency 16#1C53 = 7251 16#202A/34 16#85/01/34 = 133/01/52 - History parameters R INT (Signed16) 0.1 Hz -3276.7 Hz ... 3276.7 Hz 71
THP1 Motor therm state 16#1C71 = 7281 16#202A/52 16#85/01/52 = 133/01/82 - History parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 1% 0 % ... 65535 % 72
EP1 Last Error 1 Status 16#1C2B = 7211 16#202A/C 16#85/01/0C = 133/01/12 EP1 History parameters R WORD (BitString16) - - 73
IP1 ETI state word 16#1C35 = 7221 16#202A/16 16#85/01/16 = 133/01/22 IP1 History parameters R WORD (BitString16) - - 74
CMP1 Cmd word 16#1C3F = 7231 16#202A/20 16#85/01/20 = 133/01/32 CMP1 History parameters R WORD (BitString16) - - 75
DCC1 Command Channel 16#FB2D = 64301 = CNL History parameters R WORD (Enumeration) - - 76
DRC1 Ref Freq Channel 16#FB37 = 64311 = CNL History parameters R WORD (Enumeration) - - 77
CRP1 Active channels on fault n-1 16#1C7B = 7291 16#202A/5C 16#85/01/5C = 133/01/92 CRP1 History parameters R WORD (BitString16) - - 78
RTP1 Elapsed time 16#1C5D = 7261 16#202A/3E 16#85/01/3E = 133/01/62 - History parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 1h 0 h ... 65535 h 79
OTP1 Motor Torque 16#1CA3 = 7331 16#202B/20 16#85/01/84 = 133/01/132 - History parameters R INT (Signed16) 0.1 % -3276.7 % ... 3276.7 % 80
TDP1 Drive Thermal State 16#1CAD = 7341 16#202B/2A 16#85/01/8E = 133/01/142 - History parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 1% 0 % ... 255 % 81
TJP1 IGBT Junction Temp 16#1CB7 = 7351 16#202B/34 16#85/01/98 = 133/01/152 - History parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 1 °C 0 °C ... 255 °C 82
SFP1 Switching Frequency 16#1CC1 = 7361 16#202B/3E 16#85/01/A2 = 133/01/162 - History parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 1 Hz 0 Hz ... 65535 Hz 83
DP2 Fault code on fault n-2 16#1C22 = 7202 16#202A/3 16#85/01/03 = 133/01/03 LFT History parameters R WORD (Enumeration) - - 84
ULP2 DC bus voltage 16#1C68 = 7272 16#202A/49 16#85/01/49 = 133/01/73 - History parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 0.1 V [No meas.] (----) ... 6553.5 V 85
LCP2 Motor current 16#1C4A = 7242 16#202A/2B 16#85/01/2B = 133/01/43 - History parameters R INT (Signed16) Refer to programming manual Depends of rating 86
RFP2 Output frequency 16#1C54 = 7252 16#202A/35 16#85/01/35 = 133/01/53 - History parameters R INT (Signed16) 0.1 Hz -3276.7 Hz ... 3276.7 Hz 87
THP2 Motor therm state 16#1C72 = 7282 16#202A/53 16#85/01/53 = 133/01/83 - History parameters R UINT (Unsigned16) 1% 0 % ... 65535 % 88
EP2 Last Error 2 Status 16#1C2C = 7212 16#202A/D 16#85/01/0D = 133/01/13 EP2 History parameters R WORD (BitString16) - - 89
IP2 ETI state word 16#1C36 = 7222 16#202A/17 16#85/01/17 = 133/01/23 IP2 History parameters R WORD (BitString16) - - 90
= 1: The check is deactivated. The drive is locked in stop mode. In this drive state, the configuration can be written parameter by parameter
and the drive does not modify the values that are written.
The switch from 1 to 0 triggers a calculation of the consistency of the configuration. Some parameters can be modified automatically by the
CMD Possible values in CiA402 profile, separate or not separate mode:
CMP0 Bit 0 Switch on/Contactor command.
CMP1 Bit 1 Disable voltage/Authorization to supply AC power.
CMP2 Bit 2 Quick stop/Emergency stop.
CMP3 Bit 3 Enable operation/Run command.
CMP4 Bit 4 Reserved (set to 0).
CMP5 Bit 5 Reserved (set to 0).
CMP6 Bit 6 Reserved (set to 0).
CMP7 Bit 7 Fault reset/Fault acknowledgment active on 0 to 1 rising edge.
CMP8 Bit 8 Halt Stop according to the [Type of stop] (Stt) parameter without leaving the Operation enabled state.
CMP9 Bit 9 Reserved (set to 0).
CMPA Bit 10 Reserved (set to 0).
CMPB Bit 11 to 15 Can be assigned to commands.
CMPC Possible values in the IO profile on state command [2 wire] (2C).
CMPD Bit 0 Forward (on state) command
CMPE = 0: No forward command
CMPF = 1: Forward command
The assignment of Bit 0 cannot be modified. It corresponds to the assignment of the terminals. It can be switched. Bit 0 (Cd00) is only active if the channel
of this control word is active.
Bit 1 to 15 Can be assigned to commands.
Possible values in the IO profile on edge command [3 wire] (3C).
Bit 0 Stop (run authorization).
= 0: Stop
= 1: Run is authorized on a forward or reverse command
Bit 1 Forward (on 0 to 1 rising edge) command.
The assignment of Bits 0 and 1 cannot be modified. It corresponds to the assignment of the terminals. It can be switched. Bits 0 (Cd00) and 1 (Cd01) are
only active if the channel of this control word is active.
Bit 2 to 15 can be assigned to commands.
ETA Possible values in CiA402 profile, separate or not separate mode:
EP0 Bit 0 = 1: "Ready to switch on", awaiting power section line supply
EP1 Bit 1 = 1: "Switched on", ready
EP2 Bit 2 = 1: "Operation enabled", running
EP3 Bit 3 = 1: Fault detection
EP4 Bit 4 "Voltage enabled", power section line supply present
EP5 = 0: Power section line supply absent
EP6 = 1: Power section line supply present
EP7 When the drive is powered by the power section only, this bit is always at 1.