Ap09 640 PDF
Ap09 640 PDF
Ap09 640 PDF
Parameter Reference
Advanced Process Manager - 3
TotalPlant and TDC 3000 are U.S. registered trademarks of Honeywell Inc.
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Use of This Publication
1.3 Parameter Definition Format
1.4 Parameters Per Point Type and Algorithm Type
1.5 Full Points and Component Points
1.6 Abbreviations
1.7 CL Access
1.7.1 Parameters Not Accessible to CL
1.7.2 CL Restricted Parameters
Section 1
This publication defines the user-visible parameters that exist in the TotalPlant Solution
(TPS) system Advanced Process Manager (APM) and Network Interface Module (NIM).
It also provides listings of parameters that are applicable to various APM point types and
For information on how the parameters are related to each other in terms of point types
and algorithms, refer to the Advanced Process Manager Control Functions and
Algorithms manual in the Implementation/Advanced Process Manager - 1 binder.
Use this publication during configuration and during operation when detailed information
about APM and NIM parameters is required.
For use in data point configuration, this publication provides definitions for each entry
that can be made on the Advanced Process Manager Point Configuration Forms,
in the Implementation/Advanced Process Manager, and in the Parameter Entry Displays
at the Universal Station.
For use in process operation, this publication provides information about the parameters
that appear for the process data points and APM Box Data Point on the displays of
Universal Stations that are running with the Operator personality.
In this dictionary, the parameter definitions are listed in alphabetical order according to
the parameter name, which can be up to eight characters in length. Each parameter in this
publication is defined using the format shown below for the ALMOPT parameter, as an
example. The following paragraphs describe the entries that appear within each
parameter definition.
Type: e($ALMOPT) Alarming Option—Defines the alarming option for a digital input point whose DITYPE
Lock: Eng/PB is Status.
Default: None
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-None (No alarms are to be detected)
1-Offnorml (Off Normal; alarm if current PV state is not the PVNORMAL state. PVNORMAL is
defined by the STATETXT(0) or STATETXT(1) descriptor, as configured by the user.)
2-ChngofSt (An alarm is generated when the digital input changes state in either direction).
For many parameters, the function of the parameter is described using the long name of
the parameter (Alarm Option), followed by a description as shown in the above example.
Some parameters in this dictionary do not have functional descriptions following the long
name; this is because the long name of the parameter sufficiently describes the parameter
This entry is the data type that defines how the parameter is viewed by the system. The
following data types are used in this dictionary:
• E:—Enumeration; the value for the parameter is chosen from a set of predefined
character strings. In the above example, the enumerations of $ALMOPT are None,
• Integer—a 16-bit whole number that does not contain a decimal point (+ 32767).
• Logical—a binary type with the values of ON (True) and OFF (False), or 0 (Off) and
1 (On).
• NaN—although not a data type, is used to represent "Not A Number" and is stored in
IEEE format.
• Time—The time of day in one of the following formats: DDD HH:MM:SS for
durations, and DDMMYY HH:MM:SS for an absolute date or time stamp.
The access lock defines "who" or "what" can change the parameter’s value or option and
the access level defines "who" or "what" is requesting a parameter value or option change.
For example, if a requestor with an access level of Supr tries to change a parameter that
has an access lock of Engr, the request will be denied. The two charts below describe how
access levels and access locks work.
Access Level Used By Who Or What When A
Parameter Change Request Is Made
Oper Operator
Supr or Sup Supervisor
Engr, Eng, or Eg Engineer
Cont Continuous_Control (from a Module on the LCN)
OnProc On Process
APMMCc APMM_Continuous_Control (from APMM)
Prog CL/APM Sequence_Programs
PtBld or PB Point_Builder (Data Entity Builder)
Access Lock Access Level of Requestors That Can Change The Parameter
This defines where the parameter physically resides. The following residency locations
are used in the parameter definitions:
PtRes Definition
This defines the range of the value that can be entered for this parameter. Integers that
precede APM resident enumeration parameters are sometimes needed by advanced CL
users. These integers specify the member’s position within the set (that is, the ordinal).
CL programs external to the UCN (such as AM/CL) will see the same enumeration
strings, but in some cases, with different ordinal values.
Helpful Hint
Some parameter definitions contain a Helpful Hint box at the end of the definition. This
box contains additional information about the parameter, such as prerequisites, etc.
In addition to the parameter definitions, this dictionary also contains listings of the
parameters that are applicable to each APM point type and algorithm type. Parameters-
per-point-type are defined in Section 2; parameters-per-algorithm-type are defined in
Section 3.
Separate functional elements of the APM are used to implement various parts of typical
control loops and control strategies. Each of these functional elements can be assigned a
user-defined tag name to allow for location-independent reference to the data associated
with that function. For example, point tags are assigned by the user for analog input and
analog output slots. The I/O Processor data (engineering-unit range for inputs,
characterization option for outputs, etc.) is configured as part of the point-build process
for these points. A separate tag is configured for each regulatory control (RegCtl) slot
that is linked to the assigned analog I/O tags through input/output connections.
AM Application Module
AnalgIn Analog Input Data Point
AnalgOut Analog Output Data Point
AO Analog Output
APM Advanced Process Manager
APMM Advanced Process Manager Module
APM Box APM Box Data Point
Array Array Data Point
AutoMan Auto Manual algorithm
Box Box Data Point
Calcultr Calculator algorithm
CM Computing Module 50 or 60
DevCtl Device Control Data Point
DI Digital Input
DigComp Digital Composite Data Point
DigIn Digital Input Data Point
DigOut Digital Output Data Point
DISOE Digital Input Sequence of Events
DO Digital Output
Flag Flag Data Point
FlowComp Flow Compensation algorithm
FTA Field Termination Assembly
GenLin General Linearization algorithm
HiLoAvg High Low Average algorithm
HLAI High Level Analog Input
IncrSum Incremental Summer algorithm
The following parameters are not accessible to PM/CL sequences. They are not directly
available to AM/CL sequences. Access to AM/CL is through a custom data segment
parameters attached to AM regulatory points as described below.
These parameters are available to user schematics using the NIM reserved data point, e.g.,
$NMuuBnn.param, where uu = UCN number and nn = UCN node number.
AM/CL programs can access the restricted parameters as Regulatory Point General inputs
(using ordinary point parameter access). They must be transferred to parameters of AM
regulatory points. There are two ways to do this:
This section contains listings of parameters that are applicable to each data point type in the APM,
except for the Regulatory Control and Regulatory PV data points which can be found in Section 3.
Refer to Sections $ - X for the definitions of the parameters.
The parameters of the Analog Input Data points are listed below in alphabetical order.
(F) indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
The parameters of the Analog Output Data point are listed below in alphabetical order.
(F) indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
2.3 Array
The parameters of the Array Data Point are listed below in alphabetical order.
The parameters of the Advanced Process Manager Box Data Point are listed below in
alphabetical order.
Some of the parameters in the above listing are arrays and are not defined in this
The parameters of the Box Flag Data Point are listed below in alphabetical order. (F)
indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full; an * indicates that
the parameter is applicable to flag slots 1-128.
The parameters of the Box Numeric Data Point are listed below in alphabetical order.
The parameters of the Box Timer Data Point are listed below in alphabetical order.
Continuation of the Device Control parameters are listed below in alphabetical order. (F)
indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
The parameters of the Digital Composite Data Point are listed below in alphabetical
order. (F) indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
The parameters of the Digital Input Data point are listed below in alphabetical order. (L),
(S), or (A)—parameter applies only when DITYPE = Latched, Status, or Accum. (F)
indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
The parameters of the Digital Output Data point are listed below in alphabetical order.
(S) or (P) parameter applies only when DOTYPE = Status or Pulse Width Modulated
(PWM). This point type is available only in the component form.
2.12 IOP
The parameters of the Input/Output Processor Point are listed below in alphabetical order.
Some of the parameters in the above listing are arrays and are not defined in this
2.13 Logic
The parameters of the Logic Data Point are listed below in alphabetical order. (F)
indicates that the parameter is applicable when the
The parameters of the Process Module Data Point are listed below in alphabetical order.
(F) indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
Listed below in alphabetical order are the parameters of the UCN Data Point (system
parameter $NTWRKnn where nn = the UCN number).
The parameters of the NIM Data Point ($NMuuNnn) are listed below in alphabetical
order. uu is the UCN network number, and nn is the UCN node number.
The parameters of the Auto Manual control algorithm are listed below in alphabetical
order. (F) indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
The parameters of the Calculator PV algorithm are listed below in alphabetical order. (F)
indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
The parameters of the Data Acquisition PV algorithm are listed below in alphabetical
order. (F) indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
The parameters of the Flow Compensation PV algorithm are listed below in alphabetical
order. (F) indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
The parameters of the High-Low Average PV algorithm are listed below in alphabetical
order. (F) indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
The parameters of the Incremental Summer control algorithm are listed below in
alphabetical order. (F) indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM =
The parameters of the Middle-Of-3 PV algorithm are listed below in alphabetical order.
(F) indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
The parameters of the Override Selector control algorithm are listed below in alphabetical
order. (F) indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
3.10 Pid
The parameters of the Pid control algorithm are listed below in alphabetical order. (F)
indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
The parameters of the Pid with External Reset Feedback control algorithm are listed
below in alphabetical order. (F) indicates that the parameter is applicable when the
The parameters of the Pid with Feed Forward control algorithm are listed below in
alphabetical order. (F) indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM =
The parameters of the PID Position Proportional control algorithm are listed below in
alphabetical order.
The parameters of the Position Proportional control algorithm are listed below in
alphabetical order. (F) indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM =
The parameters of the Ramp Soak control algorithm are listed below in alphabetical
order. (F) indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
The parameters of the Ratio-Control control algorithm are listed below in alphabetical
order. (F) indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
3.17 Summer
The parameters of the Summer PV algorithm are listed below in alphabetical order. (F)
indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
3.18 Switch
The parameters of the Switch control algorithm are listed below in alphabetical order. (F)
indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
The parameters of the Totalizer PV algorithm are listed below in alphabetical order. (F)
indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM = Full.
The parameters of the Variable Dead Time with Lead/Lag PV algorithm are listed below
in alphabetical order. (F) indicates that the parameter is applicable when the PNTFORM
= Full.
$ADD (Array)
Type: Logical Add Point Last Parameter Indicator—The last parameter sent to the APM
Lock: PtBld during point build of an array point.
Default: On
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
Helpful Hint: Do not remove $ADD from an exception build file or the point will not load
Type: E:UNIT Auxiliary Unit—The Auxiliary Unit of an alarmable process point. If an
Lock: Oper Auxiliary Unit ID is specified, alarms from this point go to the Auxiliary Unit
Default: Null instead of the Primary Unit. If the $AUXUNIT parameter is set to null (- -),
PtRes: NIM alarms go to the Primary Unit. Available in Release 520 and later software.
Range: A-Z, 0-9 and Null - (Any valid unit ID as configured in the NCF)
Helpful Hint: A Network configuration option sets the keylevel required to change $AUXUNIT.
Type: Integer IOP Address—Returns the physical address of the IOP with (soft address)
Lock: View (File-1)*16 + card + 127
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 0, 129 - 255
$SPTOL (RegCtl)
Type: Real (in Setpoint Tolerance Parameter Definition—Tolerance limit for a manually
Engineering entered SP. The difference between a new SP and a current SP is compared
Units) against $SPTOL. If the tolerance is violated in either a positive or negative
Lock: Engineer direction from the current value of the SP, operator confirmation is required
Default: 0.0 before the value is stored. A value of 0.0 disables this check. An NaN or a
PtRes: APM negative value is not allowed.
Range: >= 0.0
Type: Real Local UCN Communications Statistics
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Type: Real Local Statistics Block—The number of auto reconnects.
Lock: View
Default: 0
Range: ≤0
AB_DATA1 (SI - Array)
Type: Real Auxiliary A-B Data 1—Specifies the Allen-Bradley PLC family type: 2.0, 3.0,
Lock: Eng or 5.0. Refer to the APM/HPM Serial Interface Options manual when
Default: NaN configuring for diagnostics.
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Helpful Hint: Use of this parameter is only required to configure Serial Interface mapping
to/from an Allen-Bradley programmable logic controller device. This parameter
should be set to NAN if it is not being used.
Helpful Hint: Use of this parameter is only required to configure Serial Interface mapping
to/from an Allen-Bradley programmable logic controller device. This parameter
should be set to NAN if it is not being used.
Helpful Hint: Use of this parameter is only required to configure Serial Interface mapping
to/from an Allen-Bradley programmable logic controller device. This parameter
should be set to NAN if it is not being used.
Helpful Hint: Use of this parameter is only required to configure Serial Interface mapping
to/from an Allen-Bradley programmable logic controller device. This parameter
should be set to NAN if it is not being used.
Type: Logical Abnormal Handler Emergency Shutdown Enable Flag—Indicates if the
Lock: View Emergency Shutdown abnormal handler sequence is currently enabled.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: On (Emergency Shutdown abnormal handler is enabled)
Off (Emergency Shutdown abnormal handler not enabled)
Type: Logical Abnormal Handler Hold Enable Flag—Indicates if the Hold abnormal handler
Lock: View sequence is currently enabled.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: On (Hold abnormal handler is enabled)
Off (Hold abnormal handler not enabled)
Type: Logical Abnormal Handler Restart Enable Flag—Indicates if the Restart abnormal
Lock: View handler sequence is currently enabled.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: On (Restart abnormal handler is enabled)
Off (Restart abnormal handler not enabled)
Type: Logical Abnormal Handler Shutdown Enable Flag—Indicates if the Shutdown
Lock: View abnormal handler sequence is currently enabled.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: On (Shutdown abnormal handler is enabled)
Off (Shutdown abnormal handler not enabled)
Type: Time Acceleration Time—The amount of time the SECVAR parameter exceeded the
(Duration) SVHITP parameter while not in State0. This parameter resets to zero each time
Lock: View the state transitions to State0.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 4000 days (With a resolution of 1 second)
ACCTYPE (Totalizer)
Type: E:$ACCTYPE Accumulator Operation Mode—Specifies the type of input.
Lock: Eng/PB
Default: Analog
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Pulse Pulse input
1-Analog Analog input
ACP (ProcMod)
Type: Ent_Id Advanced Control Point ID—Defines the name of the point in the CG or CM to
Lock: PtBld which this process module is assigned. The NIM notifies the advanced control
Default: Null point when the process module sends a special sequence message.
PtRes: NIM
Range: Tag name can be up to 16 characters, and the
permissible character set is as follows:
Alphabetics A-Z (uppercase only)
Numerics 0-9 (an all numeric tag name is not allowed)
Underscore (_) cannot be used as the first character
or the last character, and consecutive
underscores are not allowed.
Embedded space characters are not allowed.
Type: Logical Advisory Deviation Alarm Flag—Indicates whether an advisory alarm has been
Lock: View detected.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Alarm has not been detected)
On (Alarm has been detected. PV - ADVSP is greater than ADVDEVTP)
Type: E:ALPRIOR Advisory Deviation Alarm Priority—Determines the priority of the advisory
Lock: Engr deviation alarm.
Default: Low
PtRes: NIM
Range: JnlPrint (Alarm is historized and reported to the printer but not annunciated)
Printer (Alarm is reported to the printer but not historized and not annunciated)
Emergncy (Alarm is historized, annunciated, and reported to all alarm summary displays)
High (Alarm is historized, reported to Area Alarm Summary Display and Unit Alarm Summary
Low (Alarm is historized, reported to the Unit Alarm Summary Display, and annunciated)
Journal (Alarm is historized but not reported to Universal Stations and not annunciated)
NoAction (Alarm is not reported to the system and not annunciated)
Helpful Hint: ADVDEVPR configuration requires SPOPT = Asp.
Type: Real Advisory Deviation Alarm Trip Point—An alarm will be generated when the
Lock: Supr difference between PV and ADVSP exceeds the value in this parameter.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0
Type: Real Advisory Setpoint in Engineering Units
Lock: Supr
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Type: Real Advisory Setpoint in Percent
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: E:ALENBST Alarm Enable Status—Defines the alarm reporting function that is to be used
Lock: Oper when an alarm condition is detected in this data point. Note that even when
Default: Enable alarms are disabled, the alarm indicators still appear on the Group and Detail
PtRes: NIM displays. With Release 510 and later software, the word DIS appears in half
height text above the tag name on the Point Detail or Group Display for a point
with ALENBEST set to Disable.
Helpful Hint: ALENBST should not be set to Disable or Inhibit for points critical to safe
operations. For Box Flag points, this parameter applies to only slots 1
through 128.
The access lock for the ALENBST parameter is configurable through System-Wide Values.
Type: E:$ALMOPT Alarming Option—Defines the alarming option for a digital input point whose
Lock: Eng/PB DITYPE is Status.
Default: None
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-None (No alarms are to be detected.)
1-Offnorml (Off Normal; alarm if current PV state is not the PVNORMAL state. PVNORMAL
is defined by the STATETXT(0) or STATETXT(1) descriptor, as configured by the user.
2-ChngofSt (An alarm is generated when the digital input changes state in either direction. Note
that IOP firmware must support Change of State Reporting.)
Helpful Hint: Access to ALPRIOR is by schematic or CL. ALPRIOR is retained in R600 for
compatibility with earlier software. Use SEQPR for new points.
Helpful Hint: Access to ALPRIOR is by schematic or CL. No value is actually read from
ALPRIOR on a read and no value is actually stored to ALPRIOR on a write.
Values are copied to and from the separate alarm priorities.
ANAME(1)–(3) (ProcMod)
Type: String_8 Abnormal Sequence Name—Indicates the name of the abnormal handler
Lock: View currently being executed by the process module. A value of " " means that an
Default: Spaces abnormal handler is not executing. ANAME(1) returns the abnormal handler
PtRes: APM name, while both ANAME(2) and ANAME(3) return the names of the two
abnormal subroutine levels being executed.
Range: N/A
Type: Logical AO Calibration In Progress Flag—Shows which AO modules are in the process
Lock: Eng/PB of calibration.
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (No calibration in progress)
On (Calibration in progress)
Type: E:WINDUP Windup Status of the Input—Indicates the windup status for the SP or another
Lock: View initializable input.
Default: Normal
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Normal (Free to move in either direction)
1-Hi (Free to move in the lower direction)
2-Lo (Free to move in the higher direction)
3-HiLo (Not free to move in any direction)
ARWOP (RegCtl)
Type: E:WINDUP Windup Status of the Output—Indicates the output (OP) windup status.
Lock: View
Default: Normal
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Normal (Free to move in either direction)
1-Hi (Free to move in the lower direction)
2-Lo (Free to move in the higher direction)
3-HiLo (Not free to move in any direction)
Type: String_8 Associated Display—Specifies a user configured schematic that is associated
Lock: Engr with this point. Available on Release 510 and later software.
Default: Blank
PtRes: NIM
Range: N/A
Helpful Hint: The specified associated display can be called from a Point Detail Display, or
from any summary display or the Group display when the point is selected.
Type: E:ASPPROC Advisory SP Processor State
Lock: Supr
Default: Disable
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Disable (Disallow advisory deviation alarming)
1-Enable (Allow advisory deviation alarming)
ASTEP(1)–(3) (ProcMod)
Type: String_8 Abnormal Step Name—ASTEP(1) indicates the step name of the abnormal
Lock: View handler that is executing in this process module. A value of “ “ means no
Default: Spaces abnormal handler is presently executing. Both ASTEP(2) and ASTEP(3) indicate
PtRes: APM the step names of the first and second level subroutines called from the abnormal
Range: N/A
ASTMT(1)–(3) (ProcMod)
Type: Integer Abnormal Statement Number—ASTMT(1) indicates the statement number of
Lock: View the abnormal handler that is presently executing in the process module. Both
Default: Blank ASTMT(2) and ASTMT(3) give statement numbers for first and second level
PtRes: APM subroutines executing from an abnormal handler. A value of 0 indicates no
sequence is being executed.
Range: 0 to 255
Type: Logical Automatic Mode Flag—Indicates whether the current mode of the point is
Lock: View Automatic.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Current mode is not Automatic)
On (Current mode is Automatic)
Helpful Hint: AUXDATA1 can be configured separately for each Array point. No two Array
points should write to the same coil address. This parameter should be set to
NAN if it is not being used.
Helpful Hint: After three retries, a message timeout error is displayed on the Point Detail
display. AUXDATA2 can be configured separately for each Array point. This
parameter should be set to NAN if it is not being used.
Helpful Hint: All array points that are loaded to the same FTA must have the same
AUXDATA3 settings. This parameter should be set to NAN if it is not being
Helpful Hint: All array points that are loaded to the same FTA must have the same
AUXDATA4 settings. This parameter should be set to NAN if it is not being
AV (DigIn)
Type: Integer Accumulated Value in Engineering Units—Indicates the current value
Lock: Oper accumulated in the accumulator.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0..32767
Type: Integer The Last Half-second’s AV
Lock: View
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: >0
AVDEV1FL (Totalizr)
Type: Logical Accumulated Value; 1st Deviation Flag—Indicates whether PVCALC is
Lock: View greater than AVTV minus AVDEV1TP. (PVCALC > AVTV - AVDEV1TP).
Default: N/A This is the first "slowdown" or "near-target" flag.
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (PVCALC is not > AVTV - AVDEV1TP)
AVDEV1TP (Totalizr)
Type: Real Accumulated Value; 1st Deviation Trip Point (deviation from AVTV)
Lock: Supr
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0,
AVDEV2FL (Totalizr)
Type: Logical Accumulated Value; 2nd Deviation Flag—Indicates whether PVCALC is
Lock: View greater than AVTV minus AVDEV2TP. (PVCALC > AVTV - AVDEV2TP).
Default: N/A This is the second "slowdown" or "near-target" flag.
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (PVCALC is not > AVTV - AVDEV2TP)
AVDEV2TP (Totalizr)
Type: Real Accumulated Value; 2nd Deviation Trip Point (deviation from AVTV)
Lock: Supr
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0,
Type: E:PVVALST Value Status of AV
Lock: View
Default: Bad
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Bad
AVTV (DigIn)
Type: Integer Accumulator Target Value—Specifies the target value of the accumulator.
Lock: Oper AVTV appears on a group or detail display as the SP value.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 32767
AVTV (Totalizr)
Type: Real Accumulator Target Value—Specifies the target value of the totalizer. AVTV
Lock: Oper appears on a group or detail display as the SP value.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A,
Type: Logical Accumulated Value Target Reached Flag—AVTVFL is the accumulated
Lock: View value's "target value reached" flag. It is turned On whenever PVCALC • AVTV.
Default: N/A Parameter AVTV contains the target value last entered by the operator.
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
B1 (RatioCtl)
Type: Real Output Bias Constant—If the Calcultr PV algorithm is being used in
Lock: Supr conjunction with this algorithm, the value of B1 should be the same as C3.
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
B2 (RatioCtl)
Type: Real Bias for Input X2—If the Calcultr PV algorithm is being used in conjunction
Lock: Supr with this algorithm, the value of B2 should be the same as C4.
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Logical Bad-Control Alarm Flag—Indicates whether a bad control alarm has been
Lock: View detected.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Bad-control alarm not present)
On (Bad-control alarm present)
Type: E:$BADCTLO Bad Control Option—Indicates if the mode sheds to manual when bad PV or
Lock: Engr CV occurs for regulatory control points. It also shows the value of the output.
Default: No_Shed
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-No_Shed (The point holds its output and mode, resuming control after initialization upon
1-ShedHold (The mode sheds to manual, the mode attribute goes to operator, while the output is
held and external mode switching is disabled)
2-ShedLow (The mode sheds to manual, the mode attribute goes to operator, while the output
goes to -6.9% and external mode switching is disabled)
3-ShedHigh (The mode sheds to manual, the mode attribute goes to operator, while the output
goes to 106.9% and external mode switching is disabled)
4-ShedSafe (The mode sheds to manual, the mode attribute goes to operator, while the output
goes to SafeOP and external mode switching is disabled. If SafeOP is NaN, the
output is held as if the Bad Control Option is ShedHold.
Type: E:ALPRIOR Bad Control Alarm Priority—Defines the priority of the bad control alarm.
Lock: Engr
Default: Low
PtRes: NIM
Range: JnlPrint (Alarm is historized and reported to the printer but not annunciated)
Printer (Alarm is reported to the printer but not historized and not annunciated)
Emergncy (Alarm is historized, annunciated, and reported to all alarm summary displays)
High (Alarm is historized, reported to Area Alarm Summary Display and Unit Alarm Summary
Low (Alarm is historized, reported to the Unit Alarm Summary Display, and annunciated)
Journal (Alarm is historized but not reported to Universal Stations and not annunciated)
NoAction (Alarm is not reported to the system and not annunciated)
Type: Logical Bad Output Connection Flag (BADOC) Alarm—ON indicates that the RegCtl
Lock: View point cannot drive at least one Analog Output point (out of 4 possible). The
Default: OFF alarm appears on the Alarm Summary display and in the Real Time Journal as a
PtRes: APM BADOC alarm. If it is the highest level alarm on the point, it appears on the
Point Detail or Group displays as BOC.
Type: Logical Bad Output Connection Flag 1—ON indicates that the RegCtl point cannot
Lock: View drive Output 1 to an AO point (if configured).
Default: OFF
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
Type: Logical Bad Output Connection Flag 2—ON indicates that the RegCtl point cannot
Lock: View drive Output 2 to an AO point (if configured).
Default: OFF
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
Type: Logical Bad Output Connection Flag 3—ON indicates that the RegCtl point cannot
Lock: View drive Output 3 to an AO point (if configured).
Default: OFF
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
Type: Logical Bad Output Connection Flag 4—ON indicates that the RegCtl point cannot
Lock: View drive Output 4 to an AO point (if configured).
Default: OFF
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
Type: E:ALPRIOR Bad Output Connection (BADOC) Alarm Priority—Indicates the priority of
Lock: Engr the Bad Output Connection (BADOC) alarm
Default: Low
PtRes: NIM
Range: NoAction
Helpful Hint: The value of this parameter can be changed on the Point Detail display with
Engineering keylevel access.
Type: Logical Bad Output Connection Alarm Option (BADOC)—ON indicates that the Bad
Lock: Eng/Pb Output Connection (BADOC) alarm can be generated (or is permitted).
Default: OFF
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (BADOC alarms are suppressed)
On (BADOC alarms are permitted)
Helpful Hint: The value of this parameter can be changed on the Point Detail display with
Engineering keylevel access.
Type: Logical Bad PV Flag—Indicates that a bad PV value has been detected at this data point.
Lock: View For an analog input, a bad PV is defined as a PV whose value is NaN (Not a
Default: Off Number).
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (PV is not bad)
On (PV is bad)
Type: Logical Serial Interface Database Status Flag—This parameter can be set by either an
Lock: View Array point, a Serial Interface IOP, or a Serial Interface FTA-driver program
when the data in the array is not being updated. An example would be loss of
communications between the SI FTA and the field device. When the
EXTDATA parameter = None, BADPVFL is always Off.
Default: On when
Off when
PtRes: APM
Type: Logical Bad PV Flag—Indicates that a bad PV value has been detected at this data point.
Lock: View BADPVFL is shown on the detailed display only when PNTFORM = Full.
Default: On
For a Digital Input, the Bad PV Flag is on when:
PtRes: APM
• The PV source is not equal to Manual and DITYPE is set to Accumulator.
• The PV source has just been switched to Substituted but the PV has not
yet been updated.
• The PV source = Substitute or Auto and PTEXECST = Inactive or the
module is not in the RUN state.
• PVSOURCE = Auto and there is no FTA connected or there is a Soft Fail
that is preventing this chanel from working.
Type: E:ALPRIOR Bad PV Alarm Priority—Defines the priority of the bad PV alarm.
Lock: Engr
Default: Low
PtRes: NIM
Range: Emergncy (Alarm is historized, annunciated, and reported to all alarm summary displays)
High (Alarm is historized, reported to Area Alarm Summary Display and Unit Alarm Summary
Low (Alarm is historized, reported to the Unit Alarm Summary Display, and annunciated)
JnlPrint (Alarm is historized and reported to the printer but not annunciated)
Printer (Alarm is reported to the printer but not historized and not annunciated)
Journal (Alarm is historized but not reported to Universal Stations and not annunciated)
NoAction (Alarm is not reported to the system and not annunciated)
Range: The permissible character set for the up to eight character descriptor is as follows:
Alphabetics A-Z (upper case only)
Numerics 0-9,
Underscore (_)
Type: Logical Bad SV Alarm Flag—Indicates a bad secondary value alarm.
Lock: View
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Good data being read)
On (SV parameter = BAD or NaN)
Type: E:ALPRIOR Bad SV Alarm Priority—Indicates the alarm priority for the secondary value.
Lock: Engr
Default: Low
PtRes: NIM
Range: JnlPrint (Alarm is historized and reported to the printer but not annunciated)
Printer (Alarm is reported to the printer but not historized and not annunciated)
Emergncy (Alarm is historized, annunciated, and reported to all alarm summary displays)
High (Alarm is historized, reported to Area Alarm Summary Display and Unit Alarm Summary
Low (Alarm is historized, reported to the Unit Alarm Summary Display, and annunciated)
Journal (Alarm is historized but not reported to Universal Stations and not annunciated)
NoAction (Alarm is not reported to the system and not annunciated)
BFF (PidFf)
Type: Real Feed Forward Input Bias—Defines the bias value for multiplicative action.
Lock: Supr
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: String_2 Alarm Flags
Lock: View
PtRes: NIM
Range: Hexadecimal characters 00 - FF
Type: Real Bias High Limit—Defines the upper limit of the bias.
Lock: Supr
Default: 50.0
PtRes: APM
Range: > BSLOLM,
Helpful Hint: Entering NaN disables the BSHILM function with NaN being stored in the
Type: Real Bias Low Limit—Defines the lower limit of the bias.
Lock: Supr
Default: -50.0
PtRes: APM
Range: < BSHILM,
Helpful Hint: Entering NaN disables the BSLOLM function with NaN being stored in the
Type: Logical Override Input Bypass Enable—Allows the operator to select the bypass
Lock: Oper function for the X1-X4 inputs.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Bypass of inputs is not allowed)
On (Bypass of inputs is allowed)
Type: Logical Bypass X1–X4 Input—Refer to the APM Control Functions and
Lock: Oper Algorithms manual for a detailed description. BYPASSXn being On
does not bypass
Default: BYPASSX1 = Off X1–X4 unless BYPASS = On.
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
C1–C2 (FlowComp)
Type: Real Correction Constants—Values in C1 and C2 are used in the calculation of
Lock: Supr PVCALC, and serve as factors in compensating for assumed design conditions.
Default: 1.0 Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for a detailed
PtRes: APM description.
Range: C1 > 0.1
C2 > 0.1
C1–C2 (PI)
Type: Real Scaling Constants—Values in C1 and C2 are used in the calculation of
Lock: Supr PVCALC. Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for a
Default: 1.0 detailed description.
PtRes: APM
Range: C1 > 0
C2 > 0
C1–C2 (VdtLdLg)
Type: Real Scaling Constant For Input P1–P2—Values in C1 and C2 are used in the
Lock: Supr calculation of TD (fixed time delay) and TDNEW (calculated new delay time).
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0
C1–C4 (Calcultr)
Type: Real Intermediate Results of Calculations
Lock: Supr
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
C1–C6 (Summer)
Type: Real Scaling Constants 1-6—Defines the scaling constants to be used with the
Lock: Supr respective inputs P1-P6.
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
C1–C4DESC (Logic)
Type: String_8 Custom Alarm Descriptors—Defines the state for each of the four custom
Lock: Engr alarms.
Default: Blank
PtRes: APM
Range: 8 Character String
C1–C4FL (Logic)
Type: Logical Custom Alarm Flags—Defines the state for each of the four custom alarms.
Lock: Program These flags can be written to if C1–C4SRC=None.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (A custom alarm is not active)
On (A custom alarm is active)
C1–C4PR (Logic)
Type: E:ALPRIOR Custom Alarm Priorities—Defines the alarm priorities for each of the four
Lock: Engr custom alarms.
Default: Low
PtRes: NIM
Range: JnlPrint (Alarm is historized and reported to the printer but not annunciated)
Printer (Alarm is reported to the printer but not historized and not annunciated)
Emergncy (Alarm is historized, annunciated, and reported to all alarm summary displays)
High (Alarm is historized, reported to Area Alarm Summary Display and Unit Alarm Summary
Low (Alarm is historized, reported to the Unit Alarm Summary Display, and annunciated)
Journal (Alarm is historized but not reported to Universal Stations and not annunciated)
NoAction (Alarm is not reported to the system and not annunciated)
C1–C4SRC (Logic)
Type: E:$LGALSRC Custom Alarm Source—Indicates the alarm source for each of the four custom
Lock: PtBld alarms.
Default: None
PtRes: APM
Range: NONE (No source configured for alarms)
L1..L12 (Alarm source is the configured input connection; they can be either On or Off)
SO1..SO24 (Alarm source is the status output (SOn) from another logic block)
FL1..FL12 (Alarm source is a local flag; they can be either On or Off)
Type: Integer Overall Cable Status for a UCN Node
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: NIM
Range: 0-(Both cables are OK)
1-(Cable A has failed)
2-(Cable B has failed)
3-(Both cables have failed)
CALCEXP (Calcultr)
Type: String_40 Calculator Expression—Allows the user to set up an equation that can be up to
Lock: Eng/PB 40 characters in length, which is to be solved by the Calcultr algorithm. Input
Default: blank values P1-P6 and intermediate results values C1-C4 can be used in the equation.
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
CALIBALL (1)–(168)
Type: Logical Full Calibration Enable Flag
Lock: Eng/PB
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Card calibration is disabled)
On (Card calibration is enabled)
CALIBRJ (1)–(168)
Type: Logical Reference Junction Calibration Enable Flag
Lock: Eng/PB
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Disable Reference Junction calibration)
On (Enable Reference Junction calibration)
Should the point shed while it is in the remote cascade mode, MODE goes to the
state defined in SHEDMODE, and CASREQ goes back to Request.
Helpful Hint: CASREQ does not apply for an AnalgOut point if RCASOPT = None.
CASREQ does not apply for a RegCtl point unless RCASOPT = Spc, Ddc,
or DdcRsp.
If Spc has been entered for the RCASOPT parameter, the AM writes to the
Ddc is the only remote cascade option for an analog output point.
Type: E:CHPINDAC Automatic Checkpoint Inhibit
Lock: Supr
Default: Enable
PtRes: NIM
Range: 0-Enable (Enable automatic checkpointing of data bases on this UCN)
1-Inhibit (Inhibit automatic checkpointing)
CIDSTN(1)–CIDSTN(4) (RegCtl)
Type: Prm_ID Control Input Connection Destination—Defines the parameter name (PV, SP,
Lock: PtBld etc.) in the RegCtl point that is to receive the value fetched using the
Default: Based on "Tagname.Parameter" or the hardware reference address specified in parameter
CTLALGID, CISRC, Control Input Connection Source.
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Helpful Hint: 1. CIDSTN must contain a legitimate parameter of one to eight characters.
2. Default to PV, SP, or some other parameter depends on parameters
CISRC(1)–CISRC(4) (RegCtl)
Type: Ent.Prm Control Input Connection Source—Defines the "Tagname.Parameter" of the
Lock: PtBld parameter whose value is to be obtained and then stored in one of up to four
Default: null.null RegCtl algorithm inputs. Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms
PtRes: APM manual for a detailed description.
Range: Use Tagname.Parameter for tagged points where Tagname can be up to 16 characters, and the
permissible character set is as follows:
Alphabetics A-Z (uppercase only)
Numerics 0-9 (an all numeric tag name is not allowed)
Underscore (_) cannot be used as the first character or the last character, and consecutive
underscores are not allowed.
Embedded space characters are not allowed.
An * is used to default to this point’s tag name.
Parameter name can be up to eight characters and must be a legitimate parameter name.
Type: Logical Internal Cold Junction Temperature—Defines whether the smart temperature
Lock: Eng/PtBld transmitter’s internal cold-junction reference is to be used, or an externally-
Default: On provided cold-junction reference is to be used.
PtRes: APM
Range: On (Transmitter’s internal cold-junction temperature is active)
Off (External cold-junction temperature is active)
Type: Logical Overall Cable Status for UCN Cable A
Lock: View
Default: N/A
Range: Off (Cable A status is OK)
On (Cable A status is not OK)
Type: Logical Overall Cable Status for UCN Cable B
Lock: View
Default: N/A
Range: Off (Cable B status is OK)
On (Cable B status is not OK)
Helpful Hint: A slow-responding field device can cause a premature alarm. If so, adjust the
time in parameter FBTIME.
Type: String_2 APMM Communications Daughter Card Revision
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Hexadecimal characters 00 - FF
Type: E:ACCLVL Control Lock—Attempts to write values in the following parameters are
Lock: Engr subject to the access-lock value contained in CNTLLOCK. The check is
Default: OPERATOR bypassed for the exceptions.
PtRes: APM
Parameter Exceptions
Range: 0-OPERATOR - Operator and higher keylock positions allow store access.
1-SUPERVIS - Supervisor and higher keylock positions allow store access.
2-ENGINEER - Engineer and higher keylock positions allow store access.
3-PROGRAM - Only the program has store access.
Use the hardware reference address !MTmmSss.Parameter for untagged or tagged points where
MT is the IOP type, such as AO (analog output)
mm is the IOP Card number (1-40)
ss is the slot number on the IOP Card (refer to SLOTNUM parameter)
Parameter name can be up to eight characters and must be a legitimate parameter name.
Type: Logical APMM Communications Daughter Card Present Flag.
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (No daughter card present)
On (Daughter card present)
Type: Integer Creation Day of APMM Communications Personality.
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 - 31
Type: String_2 APMM Communications Firmware Revision.
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Hexadecimal characters 00 - FF
Type: String_2 APMM Communications Hardware Revision.
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Hexadecimal characters 00 - FF
Type: E:COMMAND Accumulator Commands—Allow the operator to control the accumulator.
Lock: Oper
Default: None
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-None (No effect on accumulator)
1-Start (Start the accumulator)
2-Stop (Stop the accumulator)
3-Reset (Reset the accumulation to zero)
Type: E:COMMAND Command—Allows the user to do database transfers between the STI point and
Lock: Oper the smart transmitter, and to calibrate the transmitter.
Default: None
PtRes: APM
During an up-load operation, previously unseen data is read from the transmitter database
and stored in the STI database. If this data is not desired, the data can be restored by using
the checkpoint restore or load IDF functions.
Range: 0-None (A command has not been issued by the STI point)
1-DnLoadDb (Loads the transmitter parameters from the STI point data base into the
2-UpLoadDb (Loads the transmitter data base from the transmitter into the STI point)
3-Set_LRV (Sets the Lower Range Value)
4-Set_URV (Sets the Upper Range Value)
5-Cor_LRV (Corrects the Lower Range Value)
6-Cor_URV (Corrects the Upper Range Value)
7-Cor_Inpt (Corrects the zero point for the PV value)
8-RstCor (Sets all input calibration parameters to their default values)
Helpful Hint: If PV or PV_SV has been entered for the DECONF parameter, the only
command supported is DnLoadDB.
Type: E:COMMAND Timer Commands—Allow the operator to control the operation of the timer
Lock: Oper data point.
Default: None
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-None (No effect on the timer)
1-Start (Starts the timer)
2-Stop (Stops the timer)
3-Reset (Resets the timer to zero)
4-RestStrt (Resets the timer, then starts the timer)
COMMAND (Totalizr)
Type: E:COMMAND Totalizer Commands—Allow the operator to control the operation of the
Lock: Oper totalizer.
Default: None
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-None (No effect on totalizer)
1-Start (Starts the totalizer)
2-Stop (Stops the totalizer)
3-Reset (Resets the totalizer to RESETVAL)
Type: Integer Creation Month of APMM Communications Personality
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 - 12
Type: String_8 APMM Communications Personality Name
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Type: Real Compensation Term High Limit—Defines the upper limit of the COMPTERM
Lock: Supr (compensation term) parameter.
Default: 1.25
PtRes: APM
Range: COMPLOLM to 10.0,
Helpful Hint: Entering NaN disables high-limit checking by forcing its value to the extreme
Type: Real Compensation Term Low Limit—Defines the lower limit of the COMPTERM
Lock: Supr (compensation term) parameter.
Default: 0.8
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to COMPHILM,
Helpful Hint: Entering NaN disables low-limit checking by forcing its value to the extreme
Type: Real Compensation Term—This term differs in each of the five flow compensation
Lock: View equations, A through E. Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms
Default: 1.0 manual for a detailed description.
PtRes: APM
Type: Integer APMM Communications Software Revision
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Type: Integer APMM Communications Software Version
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Type: Integer Creation Year of APMM Communications Personality
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 - 99
Type: Logical Contact Cut Out —Defines whether alarms detected at this data point are to be
Lock: Prog cut out to prevent this data point’s alarms from being reported to the operator.
Default: Off The alarms continue to be reported to the AM or CM through the EIPPCODE
PtRes: APM parameter.
CONTCUT can be used to cutout alarms on a point when the alarms are
generated because of specific conditions at other points which themselves have
alarms. As an example, the user could configure a logic point so that the logic
point would monitor the nuisance alarm conditions and then store the contact
cutout state of this point using an output connection. It can also be stored by the
sequence program in the APM or the AM which could monitor the process
conditions to determine when the alarms have to be suppressed.
Helpful Hint: Cutout alarms behave the same as inhibited alarms; that is, when a point’s
contact cutout state is true—
• alarms are not distributed to the US or HM
• return to normal events are not distributed to the US or HM
• EIP events triggered by the alarm condetion are not distributed
For APM Box Flag points, CUTOUT applies to only slots 1–128.
Type: Logical Accumulator Count Down Flag—Determines whether the accumulator is to
Lock: Eng/PB count down or count up.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Accumulator is to count up)
On (Accumulator is to count down)
Type: Real Number of Checkpoint Messages—Specifies the Number of Checkpoint
Lock: View Messages per second.
Default: 0
PtRes: NIM
Range: N/A
Type: Real Averaage Time to Complete a Checkpoint Request—Specifies the Average
Lock: View Time (in msec.) to Complete a Checkpoint Request.
Default: 0
PtRes: NIM
Range: N/A
Type: Real Maximum Time to Complete a Checkpoint Request—Specifies the Maximum
Lock: View Time (in msec.) to Complete a Checkpoint Request.
Default: 0
PtRes: NIM
Range: N/A
Type: E:POLARITY Control Action—Defines the direct/reverse action of this algorithm’s output.
Lock: Eng/PB
Default: Reverse
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Direct (As PV increases, output increases)
1-Reverse (As PV increases, output decreases)
Type: E:$PMMCTAL Control Algorithm Identifier—Defines the algorithm that is to be used
for this RegCtl point.
Lock: PtBld
Default: Null
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Null (No algorithm selected)
1-Pid (Proportional, Integral, Derivative)
2-PidFf (PID with Feedforward)
3-PidErfb (PID with External Reset Feedback)
7-RatioCtl (Ratio Control)
8-RampSoak (Ramp Soak)
9-AutoMan (Auto Manual Station)
10-IncrSum (Incremental Summer)
11-Switch (Switch)
12-ORSel (Override Selector)
13-PosProp (Position Proportional)
14-PIDPosProp (PID with Position Proportional output)
Type: Integer Creation Day of APMM Control Personality
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 - 31
CTLEQN (AutoMan)
Type: E:ALGOEQN Control Equation Type
Lock: Eng/PB
Default: EqA
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-EqA (CV = X1 + B +BI)
1-EqB (CV = X1 + (K*X2) + BI)
Type: E:ALGOEQN Control Equation Type—Defines whether the highest or the lowest input is
Lock: PtBld to be selected.
Default: EqA
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-EqA (Selects the highest input)
1-EqB (Selects the lowest input)
Type: E:ALGOEQN Control Equation Type—Defines how Proportional (P) or gain, Integral (I)
Lock: PtBld or reset, and Derivative (D) action is applied to a PID-type algorithm’s
Default: EqA calculated Error (PV - SP).
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-EqA (P, I, and D act on Error)
1-EqB (P and I act on Error, D acts on PV)
2-EqC (I acts on Error, P and D act on PV)
3-EqD (Integral-only control)
CTLEQN (Switch)
Type: E:ALGOEQN Control Equation Type—Defines whether the operator, the user-written
Lock: Eng/PB program, or the logic slot controls the selection of one of the four inputs
Default: EqA (X1-X4) as the input to this algorithm.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-EqA (Operator controls switch position)
1-EqB (Program or logic point controls switch position)
Type: String_2 APMM Control Firmware Revision
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: Hexadecimal characters 00 - FF
Type: String_2 APMM Control Hardware Revision
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: Hexadecimal characters 00 - FF
Type: Integer Creation Month of APMM Control Personality
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 - 12
Type: String_8 APMM Control Personality Name
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Type: Logical APMM Control Redundancy Present Flag
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
Type: Integer APMM Control Personality Revision
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Type: Integer APMM Control Personality Version
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Type: Integer Creation Year of APMM Control Personality
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 - 99
Type: Logical Control Initialization Request Flag—A user-written program or a logic slot
Lock: Prog can cause a data point to initialize by setting the point’s control initialization-
Default: Off request flag to On.
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
Type: E:$PMMHFST Current APMM Communications Board Failure
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Null (Unknown Error)
Pwrdwn (Power Down )
Lr_Par (Parity Error)
Lr_Lram (Local Ram Error)
Lr_Ck (Local Ram Check)
Lr_Exc (Local Ram Exception)
Lr_Hrev (Local Ram Hardware Revision)
Mm_Hrev (Memory Board Hardware Revision)
Lr_Tmr (Local Ram Timer Error)
Lr_Ptrn (Local Ram Pattern Check Error)
Lr_Byte (Local Ram Byte Error)
Lr_Adcd (Local Ram Address Decode Test)
Lr_Addl (Local Ram Additional Check)
Lr_Clrr (Local Ram Scrub Incomplete)
Sr_Par (Shared Ram Parity)
Sr_Ptrn (Shared Ram Pattern Check Error)
Sr_Adcd (Shared Ram Address Decode Test)
Sr_Addl (Shared Ram Additional Checks)
Gr_Par (Global Ram Parity)
Gr_Ptrn (Global Ram Pattern Check Error)
Gr_Byte (Global Ram Byte Error)
Gr_Adcd (Global Ram Address Decode Test)
Gr_Addl (Global Ram Additional Checks)
Gr_Clrr (Global Ram Scrub Incomplete)
31_Nr (IOL Processor, No Response or Failure)
31_Aliv (IOL Processor, Transmitter Not Alive)
31_Iltn (IOL Processor, Illegal Transition)
Nmi_Unk (Unknown NMI Request)
Baducnn (UCN Address Parity or Duplicate Address)
Nr (No Response From Other Processor)
Mrft (Memory Reference Table (Pattern Build Fail)
Nomtos (No MTOS Readout)
Llc_Comm (LLC Communication Fatal Error)
Ucndrv (UCN Driver, Fatal Error)
Rd_Hrev (Redundancy Card Version/Revision Mismatch)
Sw_Error (Software Error)
Md_Hrev (Modem Card Version/Revision Mismatch)
Da_Ptrn (Daughter Card Pattern Test)
Da_Byte (Daughter Card Byte Write Test)
Da_Adcd (Daughter Card Address Decode)
Da_Addl (Daughter Card Additional Test)
Da_Clrr (Daughter Card Scrub Incomplete)
Rd_Snps (Redundancy Card 96 Kw Snapshot Error)
Rd_Bslk (Redundancy Card Bus Lock Fail)
Type: E:$PMMHFST Current APMM Control Failure
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Null (Unknown Error)
Pwrdwn (Power Down )
Lr_Par (Parity Error)
Lr_Lram (Local Ram Error)
Lr_Ck (Local Ram Check)
Lr_Exc (Local Ram Exception )
Lr_Hrev (Local Ram Hardware Revision)
Mm_Hrev (Memory Board Hardware Revision)
Lr_Tmr (Local Ram Timer Error)
Lr_Ptrn (Local Ram Pattern Check Error)
Lr_Byte (Local Ram Byte Error)
Lr_Adcd (Local Ram Address Decode Test)
Lr_Addl (Local Ram Additional Checks)
Lr_Clrr (Local Ram Scrub Incomplete)
Sr_Par (Shared Ram Parity)
Sr_Ptrn (Shared Ram Pattern Check Error)
Sr_Adcd (Shared Ram Address Decode Test)
Sr_Addl (Shared Ram Additional Checks)
Gr_Par (Global Ram Parity)
Gr_Ptrn (Global Ram Pattern Check Error)
Gr_Byte (Global Ram Byte Error)
Gr_Adcd (Global Ram Address Decode Test)
Gr_Addl (Global Ram Additional Checks)
Gr_Clrr (Global Ram Scrub Incomplete)
31_Nr (IOL Processor, No Response or Failure)
31_Aliv (IOL Processor, Transmitter Not Alive)
31_Ilatn (IOL Processor, Illegal Transition)
Nmi_Unk (Unknown NMI Request)
Baducnn (UCN Address Parity or Duplicate Address)
Nr (No Response From Other Processor)
Mrft (Memory Reference Table - Pattern Build Fail)
Nomtos (No MTOS Readout)
Llc_Comm (LLC Communication Fatal Error)
Ucndrv (UCN Driver, Fatal Error)
Rd_Hrev (Redundancy Card Version/Revision Mismatch)
Sw_Error (Software Error)
Md_Hrev (Modem Card Version/Revision Mismatch)
Da_Ptrn (Daughter Card Pattern Test )
Da_Byte (Daughter Card Byte Write Test )
Da_Adcd (Daughter Card Address Decode)
Da_Addl (Daughter Card Additional Tests)
Da_Clrr (Daughter Card Scrub Incomplete)
Rd_Snps (Redundancy Card 96 Kw Snapshot Error)
Rd_Bslk (Redundancy Card Bus Lock Fail)
Type: E:$IOMHF Current APMM IOL Interface Failure
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Unknown - (Unknown Error)
Powerdwn - (Power Is Off)
Invprgex (Invalid Program Execution)
Epromerr (EPROM Error)
Ramcnter (Ram Contents Error)
Ramadrer (Ram Address Error)
Dpaerror (Device Physical Address Error)
Dsaerror (Device Soft Address Error)
Rxbufofl (Receive Buffer Overflow Error)
Ioljaber (IOL Jabber Error; Module saw or talked too much on link)
Badpgjmp (Bad Program Jump)
Adcincmp (A/D Incompatible)
Adoutovf (A/D Overflow)
Adoutudf (A/D Underflow)
Adccaler (A/D Calibration Error)
Baddcltc (Bad DC LTC)
Dmt_tmot (Deadman Time Out)
Mltoutfl (Multiple Output Failure)
Datbusfl (Data Bus Failure)
Baddarng (Bad A/D Range)
Mstrtmot (Master Timeout)
Ctrcktfl (Counter Circuit Failure)
Type: String_8 Current PI Filename—Defines the personality Image filename that
Lock: View currently resides in this IOP whenre n is the IOP number 1 - 40.
Default: N/A
PtRes: IOP
Range: N/A
Type: E:CURSEGID Current Segment ID—Defines the current ramp or soak segment.
Lock: Oper
Default: Ramp1
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Ramp1 1-Soak1
2-Ramp2 3-Soak2
: and :
20-Ramp11 21-Soak11
22-Ramp12 23-Soak12
CUTOFFLM (Totalizr)
Type: Real Zero-Flow Cutoff Limit—Allows the user to specify a cutoff limit such that
Lock: Supr when the value of input parameter P1 falls below the limit specified, its value is
Default: 0.0 replaced by 0.0.
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0,
NaN (Cutoff limit is not applicable)
Type: Real Zero-Flow/Belt-Speed Cutoff Limit—Allows the user to specify a cutoff limit
Lock: Supr for equations C and D.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0,
NaN (Bypasses the limit check)
Type: Real Calculated Variable—The result (calculated value) of the calculation of the
Lock: Prog control algorithm. The value can be in percent or in engineering units depending
Default: NaN on the control algorithm.
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Real Calculated Value's High Limit in Engineering Units
Lock: Engr
Default: 100.0
PPH, etc.)
PtRes: APM
Range: > CVEULO
Helpful Hint: CV ranges track X-input ranges if CTLALGID = AutoMan, ORSel, IncrSum,
or Switch. For CTLALGID = PidErfb and RampSoak, CV ranges are
configurable. For CTLALGID = Pid, Pidff, and RatioCtl, if NOCOPTS = 0,
then the CV ranges are configurable, otherwise, the CV ranges track the ranges
of the secondary output connection.
Type: Real Calculated Value's Low Limit in Engineering Units
Lock: Engr
Default: 0.0 (GPM,
PPH, etc.)
PtRes: APM
Range: < CVEUHI
Type: E:$CYCLOPT Ramp/Soak Cycle Option—Defines whether the ramp/soak cycle stops
Lock: Oper after a single cycle, or is continuous. For detailed information, refer to the
Default: Cyclic APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Single (Stop after completing one complete cycle)
1-Cyclic (Repeat complete cycles over and over)
Helpful Hint: If Cyclic is entered, repeats complete ramp/soak cycles after Mode is changed
from Man to Auto. If Single is entered, performs one ramp/soak cycle and then
D (Summer, VdtLdLag)
Type: Real Overall Bias—Defines the overall bias used in calculating PVCALC.
Lock: Supr
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
D1 (VdtLdLag)
Type: Real Fixed Deadtime in Minutes—Bias value for the variable time delay.
Lock: Supr
Default: 0.0 minutes
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to 400.0 minutes
Helpful Hint: Applies only if NODINPTS = 1. D1_0 is always the opposite state of D1_1.
Helpful Hint: D1_1, Digital Input 1 Equal To A PV State Of 1, applies only if NODINPTS =
1. D1_1 is always the opposite state of D1_0 and vice versa.
D2 (VdtLdLag)
Type: Real Bias for Input P2
Lock: Supr
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0
Any real number in the range of damping specified by the transmitter user
manual can be used. It can be changed only when the STI point execution state
PTEXECST is Inactive.
Transmitter Type
Spt Stt Sfm
DEADBAND(1)–(24) (Logic)
Type: Real Deadband Value—Defines the value of the deadband for the specified logic
Lock: Supr block within the logic slot.
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0
Helpful Hint: DEADBAND requires LOGALGID = EQ, NE, GT, GE, LT, or LE.
Type: Real Deadband in Percent of Full Scale—Defines the error deadband.
Lock: Supr
Default: 5.0 %
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to 100.0 %
Type: Real Deadtime (in seconds)—Additional pulse time required to overcome the friction
Lock: Supr in the motor when it begins to move or change direction. It is added to the
Default: 0.0 calculated pulse time except when the pulse that was issued in the last cycle time
PtRes: APM was in the same direction (as the pulse this time), and the pulse width was equal
Range: 0.0 to 60.0 seconds
Type: Integer Contact Debounce Time in Milliseconds—The length of time an input must
Lock: Engr/PB remain in a new state for it to be declared as a valid event by the DISOE IOP.
Default: 10 Refer to the Absolute Delay Across parameter located in the Digital Input
milliseconds Processor table of the APM Specification and Technical Data.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 50 milliseconds
Type: E:$DECONF Digitally Enhanced Configuration Mode—Defines the contents of the data that
Lock: Eng/View will be sent by the smart transmitter to the STI point.
Default: Pv_Sv_Db The use of Pv_Db and Pv_Sv_Db is recommended because they offer database
PtRes: APM mismatch detection and on-process mismatch recovery.
This parameter can be changed only when the STI point execution state
PTEXECST is Inactive.
DELCV (IncrSum)
Type: Real Delta CV in Engineering Units—Indicates the calculated change in the CV
Lock: View output value in engineering units.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Real Delta CV in Percent—Indicates the calculated change in the CV output value in
Lock: View percent.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
DEV (RegCtl)
Type: Real Deviation—Indicates the deviation (PV - SP) in engineering units.
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Real Serial Link Device Address—Indicates the serial link address of the device
Lock: PtBld containing data.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Logical Deviation High Alarm Flag—Indicates whether the DEVHITP has been
Lock: View exceeded.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (No DEVHI alarm)
On (DEVHITP has been exceeded)
Type: E:ALPRIOR Deviation High Alarm Priority—Defines the priority of the deviation high
Lock: Engr alarm.
Default: Low
PtRes: NIM
Range: JnlPrint (Alarm is historized and reported to the printer but not annunciated)
Printer (Alarm is reported to the printer but not historized and not annunciated)
Emergncy (Alarm is historized, annunciated, and reported to all alarm summary displays)
High (Alarm is historized, reported to Area Alarm Summary Display and Unit Alarm Summary
Low (Alarm is historized, reported to the Unit Alarm Summary Display, and annunciated)
Journal (Alarm is historized but not reported to Universal Stations and not annunciated)
NoAction (Alarm is not reported to the system and not annunciated)
Type: Real Deviation High Alarm Trip Point—Defines the upper limit for the deviation.
Lock: Supr
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0,
Type: Logical Deviation Low Alarm Flag—Indicates whether the DEVLOTP has been
Lock: View exceeded.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (DEVLOTP has not been exceeded)
On (DEVLOTP has been exceeded)
Type: E:ALPRIOR Deviation Low Alarm Priority—Defines the priority of the deviation low
Lock: Engr alarm.
Default: Low
PtRes: NIM
Range: JnlPrint (Alarm is historized and reported to the printer but not annunciated)
Printer (Alarm is reported to the printer but not historized and not annunciated)
Emergncy (Alarm is historized, annunciated, and reported to all alarm summary displays)
High (Alarm is historized, reported to Area Alarm Summary Display and Unit Alarm Summary
Low (Alarm is historized, reported to the Unit Alarm Summary Display, and annunciated)
Journal (Alarm is historized but not reported to Universal Stations and not annunciated)
NoAction (Alarm is not reported to the system and not annunciated)
Type: Real Deviation Low Alarm Trip Point—Defines the lower limit for the deviation.
Lock: Supr
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0,
Range: Use Tagname.Parameter format for tagged points where Tagname can be up to 16 characters and
the permissible character set is as follows:
Alphabetics A-Z (uppercase only)
Numerics 0-9 (an all numeric tag name is not allowed)
Underscore (_) cannot be used as the first character or the last character, and consecutive
underscores are not allowed.
Embedded space characters are not allowed.
An * is used to default to this point’s tag name.
Parameter name can be up to eight characters, and must be a legitimate parameter name.
Use the hardware reference address !MTmmSss.Parameter for untagged or tagged points where
MT is the IOP type, such as DI (Digital Input)
mm is the IOP Card number (1–40)
The letter "S" is a constant
ss is the slot number on the IOP Card (refer to SLOTNUM parameter)
Parameter name can be up-to-eight characters and must be a legitimate parameter name.
Type: E:$DITYPE Digital Input Type—Defines the type of digital input point.
Lock: PtBld
Default: Status
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Status (Point is to be used for alarming and event reporting)
1-Latched (Point is to be used for event reporting)
2-Accum (Point is to be used for accumulating pulses)
Type: Integer Delay Time—For an off-normal alarm, defines the time (in seconds) that a point
Lock: Supr with a previously detected alarm condition is guaranteed to remain in alarm,
Default: 5 seconds even if the condition clears. If an alarm condition exists when the delay timer
PtRes: APM expires, the point is held in alarm.
For a change of state (COS) alarm, if the PV is in the same state when the delay
timer expires, future state changes are immediately alarmed. If the PV is in the
opposite state, a second COS alarm is produced and the delay timer is restarted.
Range: 0 to 60 seconds
DLYTIME(1)–(24) (Logic)
Type: Real Alarm Delay in Seconds for Logic Block
Lock: Supr
Default: 1 second
PtRes: APM
Range: 1–8000 seconds
Use the hardware reference address !MTmmSss.Parameter for untagged or tagged points where
MT is the IOP type, such as DO (Digital Output)
mm is the IOP Card number (1–40)
The letter "S" is a constant.
ss is the slot number on the IOP Card (refer to SLOTNUM parameter)
Parameter name can be up to eight characters and must be a legitimate parameter name.
Type: E:$DOTYPE Digital Output Type—Determines the type of digital output point.
Lock: PtBld
Default: Status
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Status (Status output type)
1-Pwm (Pulse Width Modulated output type)
Type: Integer Device Soft Address—The logical address of an IOP: 1-40 for primary
Lock: View IOPs and 129 - 168 for secondary IOPs.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 - 40 for primary IOPs
129 - 168 for secondary IOPs
Type: Ent_Id Event-Initiated Processing Point Identifier—Defines the tag name of the point
Lock: Engr in the AM or CM that is to be notified when an event is detected by this point.
Default: Null
PtRes: NIM
Range: Tag name of the data point can be up to 16 characters and the permissible character set is as
Alphabetics A-Z (uppercase only)
Numerics 0-9 (an all numeric tag name is not allowed)
Underscore (_) cannot be used as the first character or the last character, and consecutive
underscores are not allowed.
Embedded space characters are not allowed.
Helpful Hint: EIPPCODE configuration requires PNTTYPE = DigIn, DigComp, Logic, Flag
or DevCtl and EVTOPT = Eip or Eip_Soe. For APM Box Flag points, this
parameter applies only to slots 1 through 128.
Type: String_8 Serial Interface/Serial Link Communication Error Code—When the
Lock: View BADPVFL parameter = ON, this parameter provides additional information if
Default: Spaces initialized by the serial interface FTA driver program.
PtRes: APM
SI Array Point Error Code Values
APM Idle—When the APMM status is IDLE, Array point configuration may or
may not be loaded to the SI IOP.
Iop Comm—When the APMM status is RUN, Array point configuration is NOT
loaded to the SI IOP.
No_FTA—Appears when the power adapter panel is not connected to the IOP.
FTA_Comm—Appears when the corresponding FTA is not connected to the
power adapter panel, or when communication between the IOP and FTA has
CFG_Load—Appears when configuration data is downloaded to the FTA.
Mod_Idle—Appears when configuration data is downloaded to the FTA and the
IOP is in IDLE mode, or when the IOP operating state is switched from RUN to
Range: N/A
Type: Logical External Switching Flag for Automatic Mode—When On, means that this
Lock: Prog point’s operating mode has been switched from some mode other than automatic
Default: Off to the automatic mode by an external source.
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
Type: Logical Eternal Switching Flag for Cascade Mode—When On, means that this point’s
Lock: Prog operating mode has been switched from some mode other than cascade to
Default: Off cascade mode, by an external source.
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
Type: E:ENBLSTAT External Mode Switching Enable State—Defines whether external mode
Lock: Oper switching is permitted for this point.
Default: Disable
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Disable (Does not allow external switching of point’s mode)
1-Enable (Allows external switching of point’s mode)
Type: Logical External Switching Flag for Manual Mode—When On, means that this point’s
Lock: Prog operating mode has been switched from some mode other than the manual mode
Default: Off to the manual mode by an external source.
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
Type: String_8 Engineering Units Descriptor—An eight-character descriptor that defines the
Lock: PtBld name of the engineering units (EU) that are displayed on the Group and Detail
Default: Blank Displays for this point as shown in Figure N-1 (see NAME). In this figure,
PtRes: NIM LBS/SEC is the engineering unit descriptor.
Range: Permissible character set consists of all characters on the Engineer’ s Keyboard. Basically this set
consists of alphabetics A-Z, numerics 0-9, and the following special characters: space ! % & ’
( ) * + - / : ; > < = ? _ , . $
EUNDESC (1)–(168)
Type: String_72 IOP Generic Descriptor—Used as additional display text to help the operator
Lock: View diagnose potential problems with the IOP. It is primarily used with diagnostic
Default: Blanks displays.
PtRes: APM
Range: nn = 1-40 specifies one of the 40 acting primaries.
nn = 129-168 specifies one of the 40 acting secondaries.
Type: Logical NIM Event Recovery in Progress Flag
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
EVTOPT (DigComp)
Type: E:$EVTOPT Event Reporting Option—If EVTOPT = Eip and the PV changes or a PV
Lock: PtBld alarm is generated, the AM or CM data point named EIPPCODE is notified and
Default: None a "process special" on that data point takes place.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-None (Event-Initiated Processing is not allowed)
1-Eip (Process special is triggered in AM/CM)
Type:E:$EXTDATA External Data Option—Indicates if either the Array point flags, numerics, or
Lock: PtBld strings are mapped from a serial interface.
Default: None
PtRes: APM
Range: None (None of the flags, numerics, or strings are mapped from a serial interface)
IO_FL (IO flags are mapped from a serial interface)
IO_NN (IO numerics are mapped from a serial interface)
IO_STR (IO strings are mapped from a serial interface)
UCN_FL (Reserved for future use)
UCN_NN (Reserved for future use)
UCN_STR (Reserved for future use)
Helpful Hint: You can map either flags, numerics, or strings from the Serial
Interface to a single Array point.
Type: E:EXTSWOPT External Mode Switching Option—External mode switching is typically
Lock: Eng/PB used to establish mode interlocks, or under certain process conditions, to
Default: None restrict the use of a mode that invokes a higher level of control. Refer to the
PtRes: APM APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for a detailed description of
external mode switching.
F (FlowComp)
Type: Real Flow Input—Indicates the value of the uncompensated flow input. This input is
Lock: View a square-rooted, differential pressure input.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: E:IOMHF I/O Processor Hard Fail Status—
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: IOP
FAILOPT(1)–(168) (IOP)
Type: E:$FAILOPT Failure Option for Outputs—Defines the state which an AO or DO IOP goes
Lock: Eng/PB into if the IOP itself, or the APMM fails. If the IOP failure is due to power loss,
Default: Unpower outputs go to unpowered regardless of the FAILOPT value. When power is
PtRes: APM restored to the module, outputs are reset regardless of the FAILOPT values.
Helpful Hint: FBTIME can be increased to compensate for a slow-responding field device
that does not respond to the operator’s command in time to prevent a
command-disagree alarm.
FF (PidFf)
Type: Real Feed Forward Algorithm Input—FF is the feedforward input signal value that
Lock: View is added to (FFOPT = Add) or multiplied by (FFOPT = Multiply) the PidFf
Default: N/A algorithm’s incremental output, before the full-value output is accumulated. FF
PtRes: APM is normally a parameter with a percentage value.
Range: N/A
Type: E:FFOPT Feed Forward Type—Determines whether a PidFf algorithm’s feedforward
Lock: Eng/PB input signal (FF) is added to or multiplied by the incremental output, before the
Default: Multiply full-value output is accumulated.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Add (Scaled Feedforward + Feedback)
1-Multiply (Feedback x Scaled, Biased Feedforward)
FL(i) (Array)
Type: Logical Array Point Flag Variables—The flags are mapped from either the APM
Lock: Determined by box (defined by FLSTIX and NFLAG parameters), or from a serial
SPLOCK interface IOP-connected device (when EXTDATA=IO_FL, mapping is
parameter defined by IOPNUM, FTANUM, DEVADDR, FLSTIX, and NFLAG
Default: N/A parameters).
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 ≤ I ≤ Array parameter NFLAG
FL(1)–(127) (ProcMod)
Type: Logical Local Flag Variables—Each process module in the APM has 127 local
Lock: Determined flags that can be used for implementing batch operations. These flags are
by SPLOCK local to the process module and are different than the 12 logic-slot flags,
parameter and the 1023 flags provided in each APM box.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Flag is off)
On (Flag is set)
Helpful Hint: For the first 128 flags, the On state is alarmed.
FLDESC (Array)
Type: String_64 FL Array Descriptor—Describes FL data for the Array point.
Lock: PtBld
Default: Spaces
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
FLSTIX (Array)
Type: Real Flag Array Start Index—Defines the flag array start index in Box FL variables
Lock: PtBld or serial interface-connected devices.
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 99,999 (When EXTDATA = IO_FL, 0 can be a valid device index)
0 to 16,384 (When EXTDATA • IO_FL, 0 indicates that no flags are configured)
Type: Logical Forced Input Request Flag—Defines whether the operator, a user-written
Lock: Oper program, or an input connection has requested that an input be used as the forced
Default: Off input for this algorithm.
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (No request to force an input)
On (Request has been made to force an input)
Type: Logical Forced Input Permissive—Defines whether an operator or a user-written
Lock: Eng/PB program can force-select an input. FRCPERM must be On before the operator
Default: Off or a program can select an input to be used as a forced input to this algorithm.
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Forced-selection function is disabled)
On (Forced- selection function is enabled)
Type: E:FRQ6050 Frequency 60/50Hz—Defines the 60/50 Hz frequency configuration needed for
Lock: Eng/PB a Low Level AI Mux or STI Temperature Transmitter. For the STI, if a
Default: 60Hz mismatch occurs between this parameter and the transmitter’s internal 60 Hz/50
PtRes: APM Hz frequency parameter, a database download from the STI IOP to the
Range: 0-60 Hz transmitter will clear this condition.
1-50 Hz
Type: E:PINP Force Selected Input—Defines the one of six inputs to be used as the forced
Lock: Oper/PB input to this algorithm.
Default: SelectP1
PtRes: APM
Range: 1-SelectP1 (Input P1 is the forced input)
2-SelectP2 (Input P2 is the forced input)
3-SelectP3 (Input P3 is the forced input)
4-SelectP4 (Input P4 is the forced input)
5-SelectP5 (Input P5 is the forced input)
6-SelectP6 (Input P6 is the forced input)
FSTS (FlowComp)
Type: E:PVVALST Flow Input Value Status—Indicates the current status of flow input F.
Lock: View
Default: Bad
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Bad (Value is bad and replaced with NaN)
1-Uncertn (Status of the value is uncertain)
2-Normal (Value is good)
FTANUM (Array)
Type: Integer IOP FTA Number—Indicates the FTA number of the serial interface IOP.
Lock: PtBld
Default: 1
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 to 10
Type: Logical IOP FTA Present Flag—For primary and secondary IOPs.
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (FTA Missing)
On (FTA Present)
G (FlowComp)
Type: Real Specific Gravity Input—Indicates the value of the measured or calculated
Lock: View specific gravity or molecular weight.
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: E:GAINOPT Gain (K) Option
Lock: Eng/PB
Default: Lin
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Lin (Applies linear gain, with overall gain (K) = KLIN)
1-Gap (Reduces the sensitivity of control action when the PV is within a narrow band around the
setpoint. If the PV is outside the gap, overall gain (K) = KLIN. If (SP - GAPLO) < PV <
(SP + GAPHI), K = KLIN times KGAP)
2-Nonlin (Makes control action proportional to the error (PV - SP) squared with overall gain (K)
=KLIN times KNL, where KNL = NLFM plus (NLGAIN times PV - SP)/100)
3-Ext (Applies external gain. Overall gain (K) = KLIN times KEXT, where KEXT is the
positive external gain modifier)
Type: Real Gap High Limit—Defines the upper limit of the gap in the same engineering
Lock: Supr units as the PV.
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0
Type: Real Gap Low Limit—Defines the bottom limit of the gap in the same engineering
Lock: Supr units as the PV.
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0
GENDESC (1)–(12)
Type: String_8 Generic Descriptors—Define up to 12 generic descriptors that can be assigned
Lock: PtBld to logic-slot parameters. As an example, six descriptors could be assigned to six
Default: Blanks logic-slot inputs, two descriptors to the logic block flags which will describe the
PtRes: NIM current state of the logic slot based on the inputs, and two descriptors to the SO
outputs from the logic slot. Refer to the description of the PRMDESC
parameter, and to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for a
detailed description.
Range: Permissible character set for the eight-character generic descriptors consists of all characters on
the Engineer’ s Keyboard. Basically this set consists of alphabetics A-Z, numerics 0-9, and the
following special characters: space ! " % & ’ ( ) * + - / : ; > < = ? _ , . $
Helpful Hint: Example: GENDESC(7) is the descriptor for parameter PRMDESC(7), etc.
Type: String_72 Generic Descriptor—Used as additional display text to help the operator
Lock: View diagnose potential problems with the IOP. It is primarily used with diagnostic
Default: Blanks displays.
PtRes: APM nn = 1–40 specifies one of the 40 acting primaries.
nn = 129–168 specifies one of the 40 acting secondaries.
Type: E:PVVALST Gravity Input Value Status—Indicates the status of the gravity input value.
Lock: View
Default: Normal
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Bad (Value is bad and replaced with NaN)
1-Uncertn (Status of the value is uncertain)
2-Normal (Value is good)
Type: E:ALPRIOR Highest Level Alarm's Priority—Defines the priority of the highest alarm
Lock: View currently detected at the data point. Associated with HIGHAL
Default: NoAction
PtRes: NIM
Range: Emergncy (Alarm is historized, annunciated, and reported to all alarm summary displays)
High (Alarm is historized, reported to Area Alarm Summary Display and Unit Alarm Summary
Low (Alarm is historized, reported to the Unit Alarm Summary Display, and annunciated)
JnlPrint (Alarm is historized and reported to the printer but not annunciated)
Printer (Alarm is reported to the printer but not historized and not annunciated)
Journal (Alarm is historized but not reported to Universal Stations and not annunciated)
NoAction (Alarm is not reported to the system and not annunciated)
Type: Real Highest Peak SECVAR Value—The highest peak value of the SECVAR
Lock: View parameter since the most recent reset of maintenance statistics.
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: ≥0
Type: Logical HLAI in Calibration Flag—Shows which HLAIs are presently in calibration
Lock: Eng/Pb
PtRes: APM
Range: Off - Calibration is not in progress
On - Calibration is in progress
HOLDCMD (RampSoak)
Type: Logical Hold Command Flag—If On, allows users to hold the ramp or soak segment at
Lock: Prog its current position to customize the guaranteed ramp and soak function.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
Type: E:$NODFSTA UCN Network Functional State
Lock: Supr
Default: Basic
PtRes: NIM
Range: Full (All LCN devices can do read/write operations to this UCN)
Basic (AM and CM cannot write to this UCN)
Helpful Hint: 1. When I0 is On, forces the output to STATE0, regardless of the permissives
or any other overrides.
2. When I1 is On and I0 is Off, forces the output to a STATE1, regardless
of the permissives or any other overrides.
3. When I2 is On and I0 and I1 are both Off, forces the output to STATE2
regardless of the permissives or any other overrides.
4. I0-I2 change by the engineer, requires PTEXECST = InActive
or PNTSTATE = Idle for each interlock.
I0CONF (DigComp,DevCtl)
Type: Logical Override Interlock 0 Alarm Confirmation Flag—Indicates that the Override
Lock: Oper Interlock 0 Alarm needs to be confirmed.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: String_8 I0-I2 Alarm Descriptor—The override Interlock for States 0, 1, or 2 indicating
Lock: Engr which text should be copied into the OVRDDESC parameter when an override
Default: Blank alarm occurs. The text appears in the Alarm Display and can be configured to
PtRes: APM indicate the cause for the alarm.
I1CONF(DigComp, DevCtl)
Type: Logical Override Interlock 1 Alarm Confirmation Flag—Indicates that the Override
Lock: Oper Interlock 1 Alarm needs to be confirmed.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
I2CONF (DigComp,DevCtl)
Type: Logical Override Interlock 2 Alarm Confirmation Flag—Indicates that the Override
Lock: Oper Interlock 2 Alarm needs to be confirmed.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
IN0–12 (GenLin)
Type: Real Input Coordinates 0–12—Define the input value at the respective coordinate.
Lock: Supr IN0 <IN1 <IN2 ......., <IN12
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: > prev. coord.
< next coord.
Type: Logical Initialization Manual Flag—When On, indicates that this point is in
Lock: View Initialization Manual. The mode of the point does not change; however, INIT
Default: Off appears on the point’s detail or group display to indicate that the point is in
PtRes: APM Initialization Manual. While the point is in Initialization Manual, an operator,
supervisor, or engineer cannot change the point’s output. The output is
indisposable because initialization is being requested from downstream. Upon
leaving Initialization Manual, the point’s output is initialized from the point’s
secondary as determined by the point’s output connection.
Helpful Hint: OP changes with Operator, Supervisor, or Engineer access level, requires MODE
= Man and INITMAN = Off. SP changes with Operator, Supervisor, or
Engineer access level, for non-PID algorithms requires MODE = Auto and
INITMAN = Off, while for PID algorithms requires that MODE = Auto, and
also that INITMAN = Off and PTEXECST = Active if PVTRACK = Track.
INITREQ(1)–(4) (RegCtl)
Type: Logical Initialization Request Flags (1–4)—Indicates whether an initialization request
Lock: View has been made. Each flag represents a request to the primary point pushing to
Default: Off the corresponding input to be initialized as follows:
PtRes: APM Flag 1: SP or X1
Flag 2: RATIO or X2
Flag 3: X3
Flag 4: X4
Range: Off (No initialization request)
On (Initialization request)
Type: Logical Initialization Request Flag—Indicates whether a Serial Interface-connected
Lock: View device can be written to, where OFF = yes, or ON = no. The flag is always OFF
if EXTDATA = None.
Default: On when
Off when
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (EXTDATA=None, or Serial interface-connected device can be written to)
On (Serial interface-connected device cannot be written to)
Range: Off
Type: Real Initialization Value—Indicates the value to which the primary point is to be
Lock: View initialized.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: E:POLARITY Analog Input Direction—Specifies direct or reverse action for the PV input
Lock: Eng/PB at this data point. Direct means PVCALC increases as PVRAW increases.
Default: Direct Reverse means PVCALC decreases as PVRAW increases.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Direct (Highest energy from sensor = 100% PV)
1-Reverse (Highest energy from sensor = 0% PV)
PV = ON. PV = OFF.
State 1 Box is State 0 Box is
ON lighted. lighted.
State 0 Box is State 1 Box is
extinguished. extinguished.
PV = OFF. PV = ON.
State 0 Box is State 1 Box is
OFF lighted. lighted.
State 1 Box is State 0 Box is
extinguished. extinguished.
Type: E:POLARITY Digital Input Direction—Defines the contact conditions required to light the
Lock: Eng/PB upper or lower boxes on a Group or Detail Display for a digital input point.
Default: Direct See Figure I-1.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Direct
State 0 (lower) box lighted =>PVRAW = Off
State 1 (upper) box lighted =>PVRAW = On
State 0 (lower) box lighted =>PVRAW = On
State 1 (upper) box lighted =>PVRAW = Off
Type: E:$PMMDTY IOP Actual Type — Actual type of IOP at module address.
Lock: View This should match the configured type.
Default: None
PtRes: APM
Range: None (Not Configured)
LLAI (Low Level Analog Input)
HLAI (High Level Analog Input)
DI (Digital Input)
DO (Digital Output)
AO (Analog Output
APMM (APM Module)
LLMUX (Low Level Analog Input Multiplexer) Also includes RHMUX (Remote Hardened
Analog Multiplexer).
STIM (Smart Transmitter Interface Module)
PI (Pulse Input)
Type: Integer IOP Channel A Error Count—for a specific IOP
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 - 255
Type: Integer IOP Channel A Silence Count—for a specific IOP
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 - 255
Type: Integer IOP Channel B Error Count—for a specific IOP
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 - 255
Type: Integer IOP Channel B Silence Count—for a specific IOP
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 - 255
Type: E$:IOMCOM IOP Communications Error Status—for a specific IOP
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: None - No error
Invalert - Invalid alert; message bit problem
Invdest - Invalid destination
Invchcnt - Invalid character count; message corrupted
Invsourc - Invalid source
Invcmd - Invalid command
Checksum - Checksum error
No_resp - No response
Chtimout - Channel time out
Msgovrun- Message overrun
Gaperror - Gap error; message gap too long
Lpbckerr - Loopback error
Nth_0 - Next token holder equals zero
Tknrecov - Token recovery in progress
Rplbufov - Reply buffer overflow
Type: Ascii_2 IOP Card Firmware Revision Status
Lock: View (This is not the same as the external letter code on the card)
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: X.Y X = Version, Y = Revision
(For Release 300, X = 3)
Type: Ascii_2 IOP Card Hardware Revision Status
Lock: View The status of R300 boards appears as $2x, the status of R210
Default: N/A appears as $0x, where x is the version (0=A, 1=B, 2=C, etc.)
PtRes: APM
Range: Hexadecimal characters 00–FF
Type: E:$IOMHF Input/Output Processor Last Hard Fail Status—Refer to the APM Service
Lock: View Manual for a detailed description and the recommended corrective action.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Unknown (Unknown Status)
1-PowerDwn (This IOP Powered Down)
2-InvPrgEx (Invalid Program Execution)
3-EpromErr (EPROM Checksum Error)
4-RamCntEr (RAM Contents Error)
5-RamAdrEr (RAM Addressing Error)
6-DpaError (Device Physical Address Error)
7-DsaError (Device Soft Address Error)
8-RxBufOfl (I/O-Link Receive Buffer Overflow)
9-IOLJaber (I/O-Link Jabber Circuit Failure)
11-BadPgJmp (Illegal Value of Case Control)
12-AdCIncmp (A-to-D Conversion Incomplete)
13-AdOutOvf (A-to-D Output Value Overflow)
14-AdOutUdf (A-to-D Output is less than Zero)
15-AdCCalEr (A-to-D Calibration is incorrect)
16-BadDcLtc (Bad DC LTC)
17-Dmt_Tmot (Dead Man Timer Timeout)
18-MLtOutFl (Multiple Output Failures)
20-BadDaRng (Bad D-to-A Range)
21-MstrTmot (Master 68 k Timeout)
Type: Integer IOP Number—IOMNUM specifies the IOP on the I/O Link that this point
Lock: PtBld references for its process data.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 to 40
UnAvail (Transient state during which status for this IOP is unavailable)
IOMTYPE(1)–(168) (IOP)
Type: E:$PMMDTY Input/Output Processor Type
Lock: View
Default: None
PtRes: APM
This parameter is available to the nodes on the LCN, but cannot be accessed on the UCN,
either by APM/CL programs or print connections.
IOPDESC(1 - 40)
Type: String_8 IOP Description—Provides an 8-character description of the IOP.
Lock: View
Default: Spaces
PtRes: APM
Helpful Hint: An 8-character string is read from the IOP’s EPROM and stored in the APMM.
The text string appears on the IOP Detail Display. Even if the IOP fails, an
operator can identify the IOP/FTA for maintenance. Not all IOPs have this
feature yet.
Range: 8 characters
IOPNUM (Array)
Type: Integer Serial Interface IOP Module Number—Defines the module number of the
Lock: PtBld serial interface IOP.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 to 127
Type: Integer IOP Token Drop Count
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 32767
K (AutoMan)
Type: Real Gain Constant for X2 Input—Refer to the APM Control Functions and
Lock: Supr Algorithms manual for a detailed description.
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
K (Pid)
Type: Real Overall Gain—Value of K depends on the chosen gain option. Refer to the
Lock: Supr APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for a detailed description.
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to 240.0
K (PosProp)
Type: Real Gain Constant
Lock: Supr
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to 10.0
K1 (PidErfb)
Type: Real External Reset Feedback Gain
Lock: Supr
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to 1.0
K1 (PIDPosPr)
Type: Real Gain Constant
Lock: Supr
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to 10.0
K1–K2 (RatioCtl)
Type: Real K1 = Ratio Scale Factor; K2 = Scale Factor for X2 Input—When used in
Lock: Supr conjunction with the Calcultr algorithm, K1 must be equal to C1, and K2 must be
Default: 1.0 equal to C2.
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
K1–K4 (IncrSum)
Type: Real Gain Constants for X1–X4 Inputs
Lock: Supr
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0
Type: Real External Gain Modifier—Defines the external gain modification factor. It can
Lock: Prog be entered by a user-written program, or it can be an input from another data
Default: 1.0 point.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to 240.0
Type: String_8 Keyword Descriptor— An eight-character descriptor that is used to describe an
Lock: PtBld important aspect of this particular data point. For example, in Figure N-1 (see
Default: Blank NAME) the keyword for the data point is REFLUX.
PtRes: NIM
Range: Alphabetics A-Z (upper case only).
Numerics 0-9 (an all numeric keyword is not allowed).
Underscore (_) cannot be used as the first character or the last character in a keyword.
Consecutive underscores are not allowed. Do not use quote marks (").
KFF (PidFf)
Type: Real Gain for Feed Forward Input—Scale factor which is used in converting the FF
Lock: Supr input value to percent.
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0 to < 1.0
KGAP (Pid)
Type: Real Gap Gain Factor—Defines the gain-modification factor.
Lock: Supr
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: 00 to 1.0
KLIN (Pid)
Type: Real Linear Gain Factor—Defines the linear gain in percent per percent.
Lock: Supr
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to 240.0
KNL (Pid)
Type: Real Nonlinear Gain Modifier—Indicates the calculated value of the nonlinear gain
Lock: View modifier.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Helpful Hint: L, if accessed from the LCN, must be accessed as a Logical data type.
Type: Integer NIM Library Number—Specifies the number of the NIM Library being
Lock: PtBld configured. For PED use only.
Default: 1
PtRes: NIM
Range: 1-3
Type: String_8 NIM Library Text
Lock: PtBld
Default: N/A
PtRes: NIM
Range: N/A
LIDESC(1)–(12) (DevCtl)
Type: String_8 Input Descriptor—External input descriptors.
in an Array
Lock: Engr
Default: Blank
PtRes: APM
Range: 8 Character String
LINEPERD (1)–(168)
Type: Real Line Period in Microseconds
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 15616.0 to 21759.0
Use the hardware reference address !MTmmSss.Parameter for untagged or tagged points where
MT is the IOP type, such as DI (Digital Input)
mm is the IOP Card number (1–40)
The letter "S" is a constant
ss is the slot number on the IOP Card (refer to SLOTNUM parameter)
Parameter name can be up to eight characters and must be a legitimate parameter name.
LMREV (DevCtl)
Type: E:POLARITY Local Manual Polarity—Indicates whether point processing inverts the local
Lock: Engr/PB manual input value.
Default: Direct
PtRes: APM
Range: Direct (Value is not inverted)
Reverse (Value is inverted)
Type: Universal Local Manual Source—The input connection for the local manual input.
Ent.Prm Only inputs with logical data types are valid.
Lock: PtBld
Default: Null.null
PtRes: APM
Range: Use Tagname.Parameter for tagged points where Tagname can be up to 16 characters and the
permissible character set is as follows:
Alphabetics A-Z (uppercase only)
Numerics 0-9 (an all numeric tag name is not allowed)
Underscore (_) cannot be used as the first character or the last character, and consecutive
underscores are not allowed.
Embedded space characters are not allowed.
An * is used to default to this point’s tag name.
Parameter name can be up to eight characters and must be a legitimate parameter name.
Use the hardware reference address !MTmmSss.Parameter for untagged or tagged points where
MT is the IOP type, such as DI (Digital Input)
mm is the IOP Card number (1–40)
The letter "S" is a constant
ss is the slot number on the IOP Card (refer to SLOTNUM parameter)
Parameter name can be up to eight characters and must be a legitimate parameter name.
Type: Integer Node Load Failure Information
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Type: String_2 Load Flag
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Hexadecimal characters 00 to FF
Type: Integer Current Personality Image Packet Being Loaded to This Node
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Type: E:$LOADSCP Load Scope—Defines the scope of the point-build procedure for NIM and
Lock: PtBld APM configuration. Indicates whether the point information is loaded to both
Default: NIMAndPm the NIM and APM or to the NIM only. A value of NIMONLY is typically
PtRes: NIM used to configure points only in the NIM during installation of a new system
without APMs.
When points are built to a NIM and the NIM is restarted with no database, the points need
to be reloaded from checkpoint or the points must be reconfigured. If the database is to
be reconfigured, the APMM must be in Idle, and the point execution state must be Inactive.
This allows the point build operation to override the database that already exists there.
To delete active entities from the APM database, the point must be put to the inactive state.
An alternative is to delete the entity in the NIM only by changing the LOADSCOP parameter
for the NIM to NimOnly and deleting the point. Be sure to restore LOADSCOP to NimAndPM
after deleting points.
Type: E:LOADSTAT Load Status
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Notload
Type: Real Low Signal Cut Off For Flow Inputs—Defines the low cut-off point for flow
Lock: Eng/PB inputs.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: PVEULO to PVEUHI; > 0
LODSTN(1)–(12) (Logic)
Type : Blind Record Logic Output-Connection Destination—Specifies up to 12 destinations to
in an Array which the current values of the logic slot outputs are supplied. The destinations
(1..12) can be specified using the "Tagname.Parameter" format or the hardware
Lock: PtBld reference address format. Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms
Default: null.null manual for a detailed description.
PtRes: APM
Range: Use Tagname.Parameter for tagged points where Tagname can be up to 16 characters, and the
permissible character set is as follows:
Alphabetics A-Z (uppercase only)
Numerics 0-9 (an all numeric tag name is not allowed)
Underscore (_) cannot be used as the first character or the last character, and consecutive
underscores are not allowed.
Embedded space characters are not allowed.
An * is used to default to this point’s tag name.
Parameter name can be up to eight characters, and must be a legitimate parameter name.
Use the hardware reference address !MTmmSss.Parameter for untagged or tagged points where
MT is the IOP type, such as DO (Digital Output)
mm is the IOP Card number (1-40)
The letter "S" is a constant
ss is the slot number on the IOP Card (refer to SLOTNUM parameter)
Parameter name can be up to eight characters and must be a legitimate parameter name.
LODSTN(1)–(2) (DevCtl)
Type: Blind Record Control Output Connection Destination—Specifies up to 2 destinations to
in an Array which the current values of the Device Control slot outputs are supplied. The
(1..2) destinations can be specified using the "Tagname.Parameter" format or the
Lock: PtBld hardware reference address format Refer to the APM Control Functions and
Default: Null Algorithms manual for a detailed description.
PtRes: APM
Range: Use Tagname.Parameter for tagged points where Tagname can be up to 16 characters and the
permissible character set is as follows:
Alphabetics A-Z (uppercase only)
Numerics 0-9 (an all numeric tag name is not allowed)
Underscore (_) cannot be used as the first character or the last character, and consecutive
underscores are not allowed.
Embedded space characters are not allowed.
An * is used to default to this point’s tag name.
Parameter name can be up to eight characters and must be a legitimate parameter name.
Use the hardware reference address !MTmmSss.Parameter for untagged or tagged points where
MT is the IOP type, such as DI (Digital Input)
mm is the IOP Card number (1–40)
The letter "S" is a constant
ss is the slot number on the IOP Card (refer to SLOTNUM parameter)
Parameter name can be up to eight characters and must be a legitimate parameter name.
LOENBL(1)–(2) (DevCtl)
Type: E:$PMDVPRM Device Control Output Enable—Allows the respective output connection
in an Array defined by LODSTN to write the value of the specified Device Control
(1..2) parameter to the destination. The logic output is allowed when the enable
Lock: PtBld function, selected from the list below, is On. If the FL1 parameter is
Default: FL2 specified and the output data type is logical, output occurs only during
PtRes: APM change (normally, it is continuous).
LOENBL(1)–(12) (Logic)
Type: E:$PMMLGPM Logic Output Enable—Allows the respective output connection defined
Lock: PtBld by LODSTN to write the value of the specified logic-slot parameter to the
Default: FL2 destination. The logic output is allowed when the enable function, selected
PtRes: APM from the list below, is On. If the FL1 parameter is specified and the
output data type is logical, output occurs only during change (normally, it is
LOGALGID(1)–(24) (Logic)
Type: E:$PMMLGAL Logic Block Algorithm Identifier—Defines the logic algorithm to be
Lock: PtBld used for a particular logic block. A different logic algorithm can be
Default: NULL specified for each logic block within a logic slot. Refer to the APM
PtRes: APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for a detailed description of
each logic algorithm.
Algorithm ID Description Input(s)
0-NULL No logic algorithm is executed ---
1-AND AND Gate *S1, S2, S3
2-OR OR Gate *S1, S2, S3
3-NOT NOT Gate S1
4-NAND NAND Gate *S1, S2, S3
5-NOR NOR Gate *S1, S2, S3
6-XOR XOR Gate S1, S2
7-QOR2 Qualified OR Gate with 2 Inputs On S1, S2, S3, S4
8-QOR3 Qualified OR Gate with 3 inputs On S1, S2, S3, S4
9-SWITCH Switch S1, S2, S3
10-EQ Compare equal with deadband R1, R2, DEADBAND
11-NE Compare not equal with deadband R1, R2, DEADBAND
12-GT Compare > than with deadband R1, R2, DEADBAND
13-GE Compare > than or = with deadband R1, R2, DEADBAND
14-LT Compare < than with deadband R1, R2, DEADBAND
15-LE Compare < than or = with deadband R1, R2, DEADBAND
16-CheckBad Check for Bad R1
17-Pulse Fixed-size Pulse S1, DLYTIME
18-MinPulse Pulse with minimum time limit S1, DLYTIME
19-MaxPulse Pulse with maximum time limit S1, DLYTIME
20-Delay Either Direction S1
21-OnDly Off-On Delay S1, DLYTIME
22-OffDly On-Off Delay S1, DLYTIME
23-WatchDog Watchdog Timer FL6
24-FlipFlop Flip Flop S1, S2, S3
25-ChDetect Change Detect S1, S2 , S3
LOGMIX (Logic)
Type: E:$LOGMIX Logic Mix—Defines the number of input connections, logic blocks, and output
Lock: PtBld connections this logic slot contains.
Default: 12_24_4
PtRes: APM
LOSRC(1)–(2) (DevCtl)
Type: E:$PMDVPRM Device Control Output Connection Source—Defines the Device Control
in an Array parameter that is to provide its value to the output connection specified by
(1..2) parameter LODSTN(n), Device Control Output Connection Destination.
Lock: PtBld
Default: FL1
PtRes: APM
Range: FL1...FL12 [Local flag; either a 1 (On) or a 0 (Off])
D1, D2 [Digital PV inputs, either a 1 (On) or a 0 (Off)]
SI0 [Safety interlocks, either a 1 (On) or a 0 (Off)]
I0, I1, I2 [Interlocks, either a 1 (On) or a 0 (Off)]
P0, P1, P2 [Permissives, either a 1 (On) or a 0 (Off)]
PISO1..PISO12 [Primary Input Gate Values (logical)]
SISO1..SISO12 [Secondary Input Gate Values (logical)]
PGSO1..PGSO4 [Primary Gate Output Values (logical)]
SGSO1, SGSO2 [Secondary Gate Output Values (logical)]
L1..L12 [Logic input value to device control slot (either logical or real)]
NN1..NN8 [Local numerics (real)]
PINN1..PINN12 [Numeric constant for arithmetic comparisons (real)]
SECVAR [Secondary variable input value (real)]
LOSRC(1)–(12) (Logic)
Type: E:$PMMLGPM Logic Output Connection Source—Defines the logic-slot parameter that
Lock: Eng/PB is to provide its value to the output connection specified by parameter
Default: FL1 LODSTN(n), Logic Output Connection Destination.
PtRes: APM
Range: FL1...FL12 [Local flag; either a 1 (On) or a 0 (Off)]
SO1...SO24 [Logic block output; logical 1 or 0)]
L1...L12 [Input to the logic slot (logical or real value)]
NN1...NN8 [Local numeric; data type of Real]
Type: Real Lower Output Pulse Time (In Seconds)—Indicates the lower output pulse time
Lock: View in seconds. This value is clamped to MAXPULSE or CYCLETIM, whichever is
Default: N/A lower. If LOWERTIM is smaller than RP*MINPULSE, no pulse is issued.
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Universal Lower OP Pulse Destination—Defines the destination of the Lower output
Ent.Prm pulse. LOWRDSTN must point to parameter ONPULSE or parameter
Lock: PtBld OFFPULSE of a DigOut point.
Default: Null
PtRes: APM
Type: Real Lower OP Stroke Rate in Percent/Second
Lock: Supr
Default: 100.0%/sec.
PtRes: APM
Range: >0.0 percent/second
Type: Real Lower Range Limit—Indicates the lower range limit of the PV at the smart
Lock: View transmitter. This limit is fixed and cannot be changed. Refer to description of
Default: NaN the STI_EU parameter for the LRL engineering units.
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A, NaN
Type: Real Lower Range Value—Defines the lower end of the operating range for the
Lock: Supr/View PVRAW value. User entry for PVEULO is the user-entered engineering-unit
Default: NaN value that corresponds to LRV. Refer to description of the STI_EU parameter
PtRes: APM for the LRV engineering units.
This parameter can be changed only when the STI point execution state
PTEXECST is Inactive.
Range: N/A, NaN
Type: Integer Last Sequence Number—Specifies the sequence number of the last personality
Lock: Eng image file packet received by the IOP.
Default: 0
PtRes: IOP
M (IncrSum, ORSel, Switch)
Type: Integer Number of Inputs
Lock: PtBld
Default: 2
PtRes: APM
Range: 2 to 4
Helpful Hint: This parameter is reset when the RESETFL parameter = ON.
Type: Logical Manual Mode Flag—Indicates whether the current mode of the slot is Manual.
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Current mode is other than Manual)
On (Current mode is Manual)
Type: E:$MANOPCM Manual Output Pulse Command—Defines the output pulse command
Lock: Oper issued by the operator for raising and lowering the output. See also,
Default: None MANOPTIM.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-None (No change)
1-Raise_1 (Raise output by 1 MANOPTIM each keystroke)
2-Lower_1 (Lower output by 1 MANOPTIM each keystroke)
3-Raise_10 (Raise output by 10 MANOPTIMs each keystroke)
4-Lower_10 (Lower output by 10 MANOPTIMs each keystroke)
Type: Real Manual Output Pulse Time (in seconds)—Defines the width of the raise or
Lock: Eng/PB lower output pulse that is issued by the operator.
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to 60.0 seconds
Type: Integer Masktime—The amount of time the SECVAR parameter alarms are masked
Lock: Supr after a change in the output state.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 1000 seconds
Type: Real Maximum Pulse Time Limit—Defines the maximum pulse time limit. If the
Lock: Supr calculated pulse time is greater than this value then a pulse of length
Default: 60 MAXPULSE is issued.
PtRes: APM
Range: MINPULSE to 60.0 seconds
Type: Real Maximum Available Slots—Returns the maximum number of slots that can be
Lock: View configured in an IOP.
Default: 0
PtRes: IOP
Range: 0 - 127 slots
Helpful Hint: Applies to the following IOP types: AO16, DI32 and DO32.
Type: String_2 Memory Firmware Revision
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Hexadecimal Characters 00 to FF
Type: String_2 Memory Hardware Revision
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Hexadecimal Characters 00 to FF
Type: Real Minimum Pulse Time Limit—Defines the minimum pulse time limit for the
Lock: Supr Raise pulse. If the calculated pulse time value is smaller than this value, no
Default: 0.0 pulse is issued.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 seconds to MAXPULSE
Type: E:MODATTR Mode Attribute—Defines whether the operator or the sequence program has
Lock: Oper the authority to change certain parameters of this data point. At the Universal
Default: Operator Station, the mode attribute is displayed next to the mode of the data point. If
PtRes: APM the mode attribute is Program, a -P appears to the left of MODE. If the
attribute is operator, blanks are displayed to the left of mode.
Range: 0-Operator (Operator can set Mode, OP, SP, Ratio, Bias)
1-Program (Program can set Mode, OP, SP, Ratio, Bias)
3-None (No mode attribute)
Helpful Hint: MODATTR change requires SHUTDOWN = Off and REDTAG = Off. When
the "normal mode" button on the Operator’s keyboard is pressed, MODATTR =
Type: E:MODE Mode—Defines the current mode of the data point. Parameter MODATTR
Lock: Oper determines whether operator or the sequence program provides the output value
Default: Man for this point. If PNTFORM is Component, then MODE parameter is not
PtRes: APM applicable for this data point.
Range: 1-Man (Operator or Program provides the point’s output value (OP))
2-Cas (Data point receives its output value from a primary data point.
If RCASOPT is DDC, data point receives its output value from an AM point.)
5-Normal (Parameter NMODE determines this point’s mode)
MODE (RegCtl)
Type: E:MODE Mode of Regulatory Control Slot—Defines the mode of the RegCtl point.
Lock: Oper
Default: Man
PtRes: APM
Range: 1-Man (Operator or discontinuous program controls slot’s output (OP), regardless of any
automatic control strategy)
2-Cas (Upstream slot’s OP is this slot’s SP)
3-Auto (OP value is computed by the configured RegCtl algorithm, and the setpoint (SP)
comes from the local setpoint (LSP) location in the RegCtl point. An operator or a
discontinuous program can change the setpoint value.
4-Bcas (Local cascade mode where the RegCtl point receives its setpoint from the OP of a
primary data point, even though the entry for the RCASOPT parameter is Spc,
DdcRsp, or Rsp (where the AM provides the setpoint). In this way, should the AM
or the NIM fail, the control strategy will shed to the local cascade mode.)
5-Normal (Parameter NMODE determines the normal mode of this slot)
Type: E:MODEPERM Mode Permissive—Determines whether the operator can change the
Lock: Eng/PB mode of this data point.
Default: Permit
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Permit (Operator can change this point’s mode)
1-NotPerm (Operator cannot change this point’s mode)
Type: Integer APMM/IOP Module Number—Defines the module number in the APM. The
Lock: PtBld APMM is module number 0; the IOP Cards are module numbers 1–40.
Default: N/A
PtRes: NIM
Range: 0 to 40 (0 is reserved for the APMM)
Type: Logical Moving PV Flag—Indicates whether the PV is moving from one state to another
Lock: View state.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (PV is not moving)
On (PV is moving)
Range: The permissible character set for the up to eight character descriptor is as follows:
Alphabetics A-Z (uppercase only)
Numerics 0-9,
Underscore (_)
Type: Logical Sequence Message Pending—Indicates that a confirmable sequence message
Lock: View requiring confirmation has been issued to the operator.
Default: None
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
MSGTXT(0)–(15) (NIM)
Type: String_8 in an Status Message Text—Indicates the text for the self-defined enumeration of
Array (0..15) STSMSG. MSGTXT(0) is always NONE, and cannot be configured. Refer to
Lock: PtBld “Status Messages” in the Control Functions and Algorithms Manual for more
Default: Blank information.
PtRes: NIM
Range: 0 to 15
Type: Real Maximum Ramp Deviation Value—If the PV falls behind the SP during a
Lock: Supr ramp segment by more than the value of MXRMPDEV, the ramping action is
Default: NaN stopped until the PV reaches the SP.
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0,
Type: Real Maximum Soak Deviation Value—If the PV falls behind the SP during a soak
Lock: Supr segment by more than the value of MXSOKDEV, the soak timer is stopped until
Default: NaN the PV reaches SP.
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0,
N (Calcultr)
Type: Integer Number of Inputs—Defines the number of inputs to this algorithm.
Lock: PtBld
Default: 1
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 to 6
N (HiLoAvg, Summer)
Type: Integer Number of Inputs—Defines the number of inputs to this algorithm.
Lock: PtBld
Default: 2
PtRes: APM
Range: 2 to 6 inputs
Type: String_16 Point Name—Identifies this point to the system and on displays, reports, and
Lock: PtBld logs. Figure N-1 shows examples of the Group and Detail Displays on which the
Default: N/A point name appears.
PtRes: NIM
Digital Input, Digital Output, Analog Output, Flag, and Numeric-type data points
do not have to be configured by using the point builder (DEB). All other types
of data points have to be configured by using the DEB and require that a point
name be specified during the point build process.
Range: Point name can be up to 16 characters, and the permissible character set is as follows:
Alphabetics A-Z (uppercase only)
Numerics 0-9 (an all numeric point name is not allowed)
Underscore (_) cannot be used as the first character or the last character, and consecutive
underscores are not allowed.
Embedded space characters are not allowed.
5Ø% -
25% -
SP 5Ø.7
PV 5Ø.9U
OUT % 25.9
Type: Real Number of Event Initiated Processing Requests—The number of Event
Lock: View Initiated Processing requests sent in the last 15 seconds.
Default: 0
PtRes: NIM
Range: N/A
NFLAG (Array)
Type: Integer Number of Flags in Array Point FL Array—Defines the number of mapped
Lock: PtBld flags from either the APM box (EXTDATA• IO_FL) or a serial interface IOP-
Default: 0 connected device (EXTDATA=IO_FL).
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 512 (When EXTDATA = IO_FL)
0 to 1023 (When EXTDATA • IO_FL)
Helpful Hint: This parameter can be changed by the engineer only if the point is inactive
or if the APM is idle.
Type: Integer Revision Number of the NIM Personality
Lock: View
Default: 0
PtRes: NIM
Range: N/A
Type: Integer Version Number of the NIM Personality
Lock: View
Default: 0
PtRes: NIM
Range: N/A
Type: Integer Nonlinearity Form—Defines the form of the nonlinear gain.
Lock: Supr
Default: 1
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 or 1
Type: Real Nonlinear Gain—Defines the value of the nonlinear gain factor KNL.
Lock: Supr
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to 240.0
NLOC (VdtLdLag)
Type: Integer Number of Locations in Delay Table
Lock: Eng
Default: 30
PtRes: APM
Range: 2 to 30
NMIN (HiLoAvg)
Type: Integer Minimum Number of Good Inputs—Defines the minimum number of valid
Lock: Supr inputs (PV status is good or uncertain) to this algorithm.
Default: 1
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 to N (N is the number of inputs selected by N parameter)
Type: E:MODATTR Normal Mode Attribute—Defines whether an operator or a program can
Lock: Engr change certain parameters such as the mode, SP, or OP of a data point when
Default: None the point is in the normal mode.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Operator (MODATTR can be set equal to Operator)
1-Program (MODATTR can be set equal to Program)
3-None (MODATTR is not affected by this parameter)
Helpful Hint: If NMODATTR = Operator or Program and the "normal mode" button on the
Operator’s keyboard is pressed, MODATTR = NMODATTR. If NMODATTR
is to be changed, the engineer must change it.
NMODE (AnalgOut)
Type: E:MODE Normal Mode—Allows user to define the normal mode for this data point.
Lock: Engr/PB
Default: None
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-None (No configured "normal" operating mode)
1-Man (Manual is configured "normal" mode)
2-Cas (Cascade is configured "normal" mode)
Helpful Hint: NMODE configuration for the Cas option requires RCASOPT = Ddc.
NMODE (RegCtl)
Type: E:MODE Normal Mode—Allows user to define the normal mode for this data point.
Lock: Engr
Default: None
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-None (No configured "normal" operating mode)
1-Man (Manual is the "normal" operating mode)
2-Cas (Cascade is the "normal" operating mode)
3-Auto (Automatic is the "normal" operating mode)
4-Bcas (Backup Cascade is the "normal" operating mode)
Helpful Hint: Mode. If NMODATTR = None and the "normal mode" button on the Operator’s
keyboard is pressed, MODE is set to the contents of NMODE.
Type: Integer Number of Message Text Items—Defines the number of message text items
Lock: PtBld that you can enter. See MSGTXT.
Default: 0
PtRes: NIM
Range: 0 to 15
NN(i) (Array)
Type: Real Array Point Numeric Variables—Numerics are mapped from either the APM
Lock: Determined by box (defined by NNUMERIC and NNSTIX parameters) or from a serial
SPLOCK interface IOP-connected device (when EXTDATA=IO_NN, mapping is defined
Default: N/A parameters).
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 ≤ i ≤ Array
parameter NNUMERIC
NN(1)–(80) (ProcMod)
Type: Real Numeric Variables—Each process module in the APM has 80 numerics that
Lock: Determined can be used for implementing batch operations.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
NNDESC (Array)
Type: String_64 NN Array Descriptor—Describes NN data for the Array point.
Lock: PtBld
Default: Spaces
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
NNINSET(1)–(10) (DevCtl)
Type: Integer Numeric 1 - 10—A set of 10 integers that are used by the primary input gate
in an Array IN_SET algorithm.
Lock: Supr
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 32767
NNSTIX (Array)
Type: Real Numeric Array Start Index—Defines the start index in Box NN variables, or a
Lock: PtBld serial interface-connected device.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 99,999 (When EXTDATA=IO_NN, 0 can be valid device index)
0 to Box parameter NNUMERIC (When EXTDATA•IO_NN, 0 indicates no numerics are
Type: Integer Number of Numerics in Array Point NN Array—Defines the number of
Lock: PtBld numerics mapped from either the HPM box (EXTDATA• IO_NN), or a serial
Default: 0 interface IOP-connected device (EXTDATA=IO_NN). For external data, the
PtRes: APM valid range depeneds on how numeric data is organized in the device.
Type: Integer Number of Control Input Connections—Defines the number of control input
Lock: PtBld connections for this algorithm.
Default: Based on
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 4
Type: Integer Number of Control Output Connections—Defines the number of control
Lock: PtBld output connections from this RegCtl point.
Default: 1
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 4
Helpful Hint: Control output engineering ranges (CVEULO, CVEUHI) must be entered
for CTLALGID = PidErfb and Rampsoak, and must be entered for
CTLALGID = Pid, PidFf, and RatioCtl when NOCOPTS = 0. For
CTLALGID = Pid, PidFf, and RatioCtl, with NOCOPTS > 0, the CV
ranges are obtained from a secondary output connection.
Helpful Hint: NODEASSN configuration requires NODETYP = NIM or APM (or HPM or
Type: Integer Node Number—Defines the address of the NIM on the UCN.
Lock: PtBld
Default: N/A
PtRes: NIM
Range: 1 to 64
The node number assigned to the NIM should be the lowest node number on the UCN (see
Type: E:$PRIMSEC Node Operating Mode
Lock: View
PtRes: NIM
Range: Primary (APM/NIM is the acting primary node)
Secndry (APM/NIM is the acting secondary)
NODESC (Logic)
Type: Integer Number of Generic Descriptors—Defines the number of user-defined generic
Lock: PTBLD descriptors that are to be used on this logic slot. For each descriptor, the
Default: 0 parameter in the logic slot to which the generic descriptor is attached is defined
PtRes: NIM by the PRMDESC(n) parameter, and the corresponding descriptors are defined
Range: 0 to 12 by the GENDESC(n) parameters. This allows the user to customize the
descriptors used for displaying the logic slot on the Universal Station displays.
Type: E: $DSPSTAT NIM Node Summary Status—Indicates the current overall status of the NIM.
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: NIM
Range: OffNet (NIM cannot communicate with APMM)
OK (NIM is performing normally)
Helpful Hint: Loading the APMM's operating personality requires NODESTS = Alive.
Type: E:$NODESTA NIM’s Node Status
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: NIM
Range: OffNet (NIM is not running on UCN)
OK (NIM is configured and running)
Type: E:$NODESTA APM Node Status
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: OffNet (APM is not running on UCN)
ConfgMis (APM has a configuration mismatch)
OK (APM is configured and running)
Type: E:$UCNNDTY UCN Node Type—Defines the node type of this UCN node.
Lock: PtBld
Default: NIM
PtRes: NIM
Range: NIM (Network Interface Module)
Type: Integer Number of Logic Blocks—Indicates the number of logic blocks that have been
Lock: View configured for a particular logic slot.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 24
Type: Integer Number of Primary Gates—Indicates the number of primary gates configured
Lock: PtBld for a particular Device Control slot.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 4
Helpful Hint: All configured primary gates must have at least one input.
Type: Integer Number of PV Input Connections—Defines the number of PV input
Lock: View connections to this algorithm.
Default: Based on
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 6
NORSSEQ (RampSoak)
Type: Integer Number of Ramp/Soak Pairs in the Sequence
Lock: Eng/PB
Default: 2
PtRes: APM
Range: 2 to 12
Type: Integer Number of Secondary Gates—Indicates the number of secondary gates
Lock: PtBld configured for a particular Device Control slot.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 2
Helpful Hint: All configured secondary gates must have at least one input.
The node address (n) is an odd number (1, 3, 5,...63). Using an even number
results in a Parameter_Invalid error. Using n = 0 returns average total number of
parameter requests to all other nodes.
The node address (n) is an odd number (1, 3, 5,...63). Using an even number
results in a Parameter_Invalid error. Using n = 0 returns maximum total number
of parameter requests to all other nodes.
The node address (n) is an odd number (1, 3, 5,...63). Using an even number
results in a Parameter_Invalid error. Using n = 0 returns average total number of
parameter responses to all other nodes.
The node address (n) is an odd number (1, 3, 5,...63). Using an even number
results in a Parameter_Invalid error. Using n = 0 returns maximum total number
of parameter responses to all other nodes.
Helpful Hint: This parameter can be changed by the engineer only if the point is inactive, or if
the APM is idle.
Type: Integer Number of Strings in Array Point String Array—Defines the number of
Lock: PtBld strings (length specified by the STRLEN parameter) mapped to the Array point
Default: 0 from either the APM box (EXTDATA ≠ IO_STR), or a serial interface IOP-
PtRes: APM connected device (EXTDATA=IO_STR).
Range: 0 to 8 (When EXTDATA=IO_STR)
0 to 240 (When EXTDATA ≠ IO_STR)
Helpful Hint: When EXTDATA ≠ IO_STR, the range for this parameter applies regardless
of the value of the STRLEN parameter (up to 240 strings, either 8, 16, 32, or
64 characters in length can be mapped to the Array point from the APM box).
When EXTDATA=IO_STR, only 64 characters of string data are available
(i.e., one 64-character string, two 32-character strings, four 16-character
strings, or eight 8-character strings).
NTIME (Array)
Type: Integer Number of Times in Array Point Time Array—Defines the number of Times
Lock: PtBld the Array point has mapped from the APM box.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 240
The node address (n) is typically an odd number (1, 3, 5,...63). Using an even
number results in a Parameter_Invalid error. Using n = 0 returns average total
number of transaction requests to all other nodes.
The node address (n) is an odd number (1, 3, 5,...63). Using an even number
results in a Parameter_Invalid error. Using n = 0 returns maximum total number
of transaction requests to all other nodes.
The node address (n) is an odd number (1, 3, 5,...63). Using an even number
results in a Parameter_Invalid error. Using n = 0 returns average total number of
transaction responses to all other nodes.
The node address (n) is an odd number (1, 3, 5,...63). Using an even number
results in a Parameter_Invalid error. Using n = 0 returns maximum total number
of transaction responses to all other nodes.
Type: Integer Network Number—Defines on which UCN the NIM and APMs reside.
Lock: PtBld
Default: N/A`
PtRes: NIM
Range: 1 to 20
Type: String_8 Next PI File to be loaded—Defines the personality image file that will be
Lock: Eng loaded on the next personality load request for this IOP.
Default: N/A
PtRes: IOP
Range: N/A
Type: Real Next Soak Value
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0
OFFNRMFL (DevCtl, DigIn, DigComp)
Type: Logical Off-Normal Alarm Flag—Indicates whether an off-normal alarm has been
Lock: View detected at this data point.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (No alarm)
On (Current PV state is not the same as the configured PVNORMAL state.)
Type: Real Off Pulse Command—Command that sets output SO to Off for the specified
Lock: Oper number of seconds. At the end of the pulse time, SO is set to On. If 0.0 is
Default: N/A entered for OFFPULSE, SO is immediately set to On.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to 60.0 seconds
Helpful Hint: OFFPULSE can be written to by only those entities that possess the
APMM Cont_Ctl (continuous control) access level. These are Digital
Composite points, Logic points, and Regulatory Control Position
Proportional points.
Type: Integer Old Accumulated Value—The value of parameter AV (accumulated value) just
Lock: View before the accumulator was reset. This parameter makes the previous
Default: N/A accumulated value available for those functions that need it.
PtRes: APM
Range: ≥0
Type: Real Old Accumulated Value—The value of parameter PVCALC (calculated PV) just
Lock: View before it is reset. This parameter makes the previous total available to those
Default: N/A functions that need it.
PtRes: APM
Range: ≥ 0.0
Type: Real On Pulse Command—Command that sets output SO to On for the specified
Lock: Oper number of seconds. At the end of the pulse time, SO is set to Off. If 0.0 is
Default: N/A entered for ONPULSE, SO is immediately set to Off.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to 60.0 seconds
Helpful Hint: ONPULSE can be written to by only those entities that possess the APMM
Cont_Ctl (continuous control) access level. These are Digital Composite
points, Logic points, and Regulatory Control Position Proportional points.
OP (AnalgOut)
Type: Real Output in Percent—Defines the output value from this point in percent.
Lock: Oper
Default: -6.9% of full
PtRes: APM
Range: -6.9 to 106.9%
Helpful Hint: To manually change the output value requires MODE = Man and
OP (DevCtl, DigComp)
Type: E:SD- ENM:STATETXT Digital State Output—Indicates the last commanded output
Lock: Oper state. See also OPFINAL. For Status Outputs, use SO.
Default: STATETXT(0)
PtRes: APM
Range: STATETXT(0) Descriptor
STATETXT(1) Descriptor
STATETXT(2) Descriptor (internally set to $NULL for two-state devices)
STATETXT(3) None (Not configurable)
Helpful Hint: OP indicates text for the last commanded output state (i.e., On, Run, etc.).
Output state change requires MODE = Man, SHUTDOWN = Off, and
OP (DigOut)
Type: Real Pulsed Digital Output—OP is the percent on-time for the pulsed output. It can
Lock: Prog be written to by only the controlling slot in the APMM, such as from the
Default: 0.0% PosProp RegCtl algorithm. Output change requires DOTYPE = Pwm. OP
PtRes: APM (DigOut) has the same access-level requirement as OFFPULSE and ONPULSE;
Range: 0.0 to 100.0% the writing entity must have an APMM access level of Cont_Ctrl (continuous
control). For Status Outputs, use SO.
OP (RegCtl)
Type: Real Regulatory Control Output—OP is derived from CV, the variable
Lock: Oper calculated by the control algorithm. OP is checked for minimum
Default: -6.9% of full scale output change, output rate-of-change, and output high and low limits.
PtRes: APM If any of the limits is exceeded, OP is adjusted or clamped as applicable.
Range: -6.9 to 106.9% OP remains in percent of full scale if it is going to a final control
element through an IOP Card. If OP is going to a secondary data point,
its value is converted to the engineering units of the receiving data
point’s setpoint (SP).
Helpful Hint: OP change requires MODE = Man, SHUTDOWN = Off, and REDTAG = Off.
If the OP is manually set above or below the OP limits and the mode is then
changed to automatic or cascade, a process bump may occur.
Type: Real Output Alarm Dead Band—The deadband for the Regulatory Control OP
Lock: EngPB alarm. It is used to prevent excessive recurrence of alarms by adjusting
Default: 5 Output Units the range of the output at which the alarm "returns to normal."
PtRes: APM Available on Release 510 and later software.
Range: 0 to 25 Output Units
Helpful Hint: The value of OPALDB must be less than or equal to (OPHITP - OPLOTP)/2.
Type: Logical Output Characterization Option—Defines whether the output
Lock: PtBld characterization option is to be used for this data point. If this option is
Default: Off to be implemented, the user must supply the values for the input
PtRes: APM coordinates (OPIN 1–4) and output coordinates (OPOUT 1–4). Refer to
the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for a detailed
description of output characterization.
Range: On (Output characterization is to be used)
Off (Output characterization is not to be used)
Helpful Hint: If state change did not occur, OPCMD has to be set to the current state,
and then to the desired state.
Type: E:$OPCMD Output Command—Indicates the current output command.
Lock: View
Default: NA
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Idle (Output is not being affected by Output Command)
1-Lower (Output is being lowered)
2-Raise (Output is being raised)
Type: Real Output Value in Engineering Units
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Real Final Percent Output Sent to Control Element—Output value after
Lock: View direct or reverse control action and output characterization have all been
Default: -6.9% of full applied. If output has been configured for direct action (OPTDIR),
scale 0.0% represents 4 mA to the control element and 100% represents 20
PtRes: APM mA. If configured for reverse action, 0.0% represents 20 mA, and
Range: N/A 100% represents 4 mA.
Type: Logical Output High Alarm Flag—Indicates when a Regulatory Control Output High
Lock: View alarm has been detected at this data point. This flag is set when the output value
Default: Off (OP) exceeds OPHITP and is reset when OP is below OPHITP minus the
PtRes: APM deadband. Available on Release 510 and later software.
Type: Logical Output High Limit Flag—Indicates whether the OP value has reached its upper
Lock: Prog limit specified by OPHILM. If this parameter is set by a program, it will
Default: Off inhibit “raise” commands.
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
On (OP value has reached its upper limit)
Type: Real Output High Limit in Percent
Lock: Supr
Default: 105.0%
PtRes: APM
Range: OPLOLM to 106.9%,
Helpful Hint: Entering NaN disables limit checking by forcing OPHILM to its extreme value
Type: E:Alprior Output High Alarm Priority—Specifies the priority of the Regulatory Control
Lock: EngPB Output High alarm. Available on Release 510 and later software.
Default: Low
PtRes: NIM
Range: JnlPrint (Alarm is historized and reported to the printer but not annunciated)
Printer (Alarm is reported to the printer but not historized and not annunciated)
Emergncy (Alarm is historized, annunciated, and reported to all alarm summary displays)
High (Alarm is historized, reported to Area Alarm Summary Display and Unit Alarm Summary
Low (Alarm is historized, reported to the Unit Alarm Summary Display, and annunciated)
Journal (Alarm is historized but not reported to Universal Stations and not annunciated)
NoAction (Alarm is not reported to the system and not annunciated)
Type: Universal Output High Flag Input Source—Defines the input connection that fetches the
Ent.Prm OPHIFL parameter to determine windup state.
Lock: PtBld
Default: Null
PtRes: APM
Range: Use Tagname.Parameter for tagged points where Tagname can be up to 16 characters and the
permissible character set is as follows:
Alphabetics A-Z (uppercase only)
Numerics 0-9 (an all numeric tag name is not allowed)
Underscore (_) cannot be used as the first character or the last character, and consecutive
underscores are not allowed.
Embedded space characters are not allowed.
An * is used to default to this point’s tag name.
Parameter name can be up to eight characters and must be a legitimate parameter name.
Use the hardware reference address !MTmmSss.Parameter for untagged or tagged points where
MT is the IOP type, such as DI (Digital Input)
mm is the IOP Card number (1–40)
The letter "S" is a constant
ss is the slot number on the IOP Card (refer to SLOTNUM parameter)
Parameter name can be up to eight characters and must be a legitimate parameter name.
Type: Real Output High Alarm Trip Point—The Regulatory Control Output High alarm is
Lock: Supr set when the output value (OP) exceeds the high alarm limit specified by
Default: NaN OPHITP. The alarm is removed when OP returns to normal. A suitable dead
PtRes: APM band is provided by OPALDB. See also OPHIPR and the drawing with
OPLAFL. Available on Release 510 and later software.
Helpful Hint: The Regulatory Control Output High alarm is only available for points
configured as full. The alarm is disabled if OPHITP is not configured.
Type: Real Input Coordinate Number 0 in Percent—Defines the OPIN0 coordinate when
Lock: View output characterization has been selected (OPCHAR is On). This coordinate is
Default: -6.9% fixed at -6.9%.
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Real Input Coordinate Number 1, 2, 3, or 4 in Percent—Define the OPIN1–OPIN4
Lock: Supr coordinates when output characterization has been selected (OPCHAR is On).
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: • previous coordinate
• next coordinate
Type: Real Input Coordinate Number 5 in Percent—Defines the OPIN5 coordinate when
Lock: View output characterization has been selected (OPCHAR is On). This coordinate is
Default: 106.9% fixed at 106.9%.
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Logical Output Low Alarm Flag—Indicates if a Regulatory Control Output Low alarm
Lock: View has been detected at this data point. This flag is set when the output value (OP)
Default: Off is less than OPLOTP and is reset when OP is above OPLOTP plus the
PtRes: HPM deadband. Available on Release 510 and later software.
The drawing below illustrates the relationship of the output high/low alarm flags,
the low alarm trip point OPLOTP, and the deadband OPALDB.
OPHAFL is turned off
if OP is below this point
Type: Logical Output Low Limit Flag—Indicates whether the output value OP has reached
Lock: Prog the low limit. This parameter must be set by a program or logic point. It will
Default: Off inhibit "raise" commands.
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (OP is above the low limit)
On (OP has reached the low limit)
Type: Real Output Low Limit in Percent
Lock: Supr
Default: -5.0%
PtRes: APM
Range: -6.9% to OPHILM,
Helpful Hint: Entering NaN disables limit checking by forcing OPLOLM to its extreme
value (-6.9%).
Type: E:Alprior Output Low Alarm Priority—Specifies the priority of the Regulatory Control
Lock: EngPB Output Low alarm. Available on Release 510 and later software.
Default: Low
PtRes: NIM
Range: JnlPrint (Alarm is historized and reported to the printer but not annunciated)
Printer (Alarm is reported to the printer but not historized and not annunciated)
Emergncy (Alarm is historized, annunciated, and reported to all alarm summary displays)
High (Alarm is historized, reported to Area Alarm Summary Display and Unit Alarm Summary
Low (Alarm is historized, reported to the Unit Alarm Summary Display, and annunciated)
Journal (Alarm is historized but not reported to Universal Stations and not annunciated)
NoAction (Alarm is not reported to the system and not annunciated)
Type: Universal Output Low Flag Input Source—Indicates which input connection fetches the
Ent.Prm OPLOFL parameter to determine the windup state.
Lock: APM
Default: PtBld
PtRes: Null
Range: Use Tagname.Parameter for tagged points where Tagname can be up to 16 characters and the
permissible character set is as follows:
Alphabetics A-Z (uppercase only)
Numerics 0-9 (an all numeric tag name is not allowed)
Underscore (_) cannot be used as the first character or the last character, and consecutive
underscores are not allowed.
Embedded space characters are not allowed.
An * is used to default to this point’s tag name.
Parameter name can be up to eight characters and must be a legitimate parameter name.
Use the hardware reference address !MTmmSss.Parameter for untagged or tagged points where
MT is the IOP type, such as DI (Digital Input)
mm is the IOP Card number (1–40)
The letter "S" is a constant
ss is the slot number on the IOP Card (refer to SLOTNUM parameter)
Parameter name can be up to eight characters and must be a legitimate parameter name.
Type: Real Output Low Alarm Trip Point—The Regulatory Control Output Low alarm is
Lock: Supr set when the output value (OP) drops below the low alarm limit specified by
Default: NaN OPLOTP. The alarm is removed when OP returns to normal. A suitable dead
PtRes: APM band is provided by OPALDB. See also OPLOPR. Available on Release 510
and later software.
Helpful Hint: The Regulatory Control Output Low alarm is only available for points
configured as full. The alarm is disabled if OPLOTP is not configured.
Type: Real Output Minimum Change in Percent
Lock: Supr
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0,
Helpful Hint: OP changes only if new output % - old output % is greater than the percentage
in parameter OPMCHLM. Entering NaN disables limit checking by forcing
OPMCHLM to its extreme value (0.0).
Type: Real Output Coordinate Number 0 in Percent—Defines the OPOUT0 coordinate when
Lock: View output characterization has been selected. (OPCHAR = On) This coordinate is
Default: -6.9% fixed at a value of -6.9%.
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Real Output Coordinates Number 1, 2, 3, or 4 in Percent—Define the OPOUT1–
Lock: Supr OPOUT4 coordinates when output characterization has been selected (OPCHAR
Default: N/A is On).
PtRes: APM
Range: • previous coordinate
• next coordinate
Type: Real Output Coordinate Number 5 in Percent—Defines the OPOUT5 coordinate when
Lock: View output characterization has been selected. (OPCHAR = On) This coordinate is
Default: 106.9% fixed at a value of 106.9%.
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Logical Operator Mode Attribute Flag—Indicates whether the current mode attribute is
Lock: View Operator.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Current mode attribute is Program or None)
On (Current mode attribute is Operator)
Type: Real Operator Input—Defines the value entered by the operator in response to the last
Lock: Oper sequence message.
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Real Output Rate of Change Limit in Percent Per Minute
Lock: Supr
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.1
OPTDIR (AnalgOut)
Type: E:POLARITY Analog Output Direct/Reverse Action—Defines the output action of the
Lock: Eng/PB OPFINAL value of the data point.
Default: Direct
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Direct (For final OP: 0% = 4 mA; 100% = 20 mA)
1-Reverse (For final OP: 0% = 20 mA; 100% = 4 mA)
Type: E:POLARITY Output Direction—Defines the direct/reverse action of the PWM digital
Lock: Eng/PB output.
Default: Direct
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Direct (OP is the % On time)
1-Reverse (OP is the % Off time)
Type: Logical Override Offset—When OROFFSET is On, override initialization of Pid-type
Lock: Eng/PB algorithm points connected to this ORSel algorithm applies an override offset
Default: On equal to Gain times Error (PV - SP).
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (No override offset is applied)
On (Offset of Gain times Error is applied)
Type: Logical Override Option—Defines whether the operator can put the point in a bypass
Lock: Eng/PB state where any of the X1-X4 inputs can be bypassed. Also, when on, the
Default: Off feedback value is propagated to nonselected primaries of the override selector
PtRes: APM algorithm. Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for a
detailed description.
Range: Off (No override)
On (Inputs can be overridden)
OUT0–12 (GenLin)
Type: Real Output Coordinates 0 -12—Define the output value at the respective coordinates.
Lock: Supr
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: Any value but NaN
Type: Logical Accumulation Overflow Flag—Indicates whether the accumulated value has
Lock: View overflowed.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (No overflow)
On (Overflow)
Type: Integer Overlapping Array Slot Number—Indicates the Array slot number containing the
Lock: View data being referenced by the slot currently being built.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 through the number of Array slots (NARRSLOT)
Type: E:JUMPDIR Override Current Phase—Allows the operator to override the current phase of
Lock: ONPROC and the sequence by skipping forward to the next phase, or backward to the previous
CNTLLOCK phase. A phase can be overridden in this manner only when the sequence
parameters execution state is PAUSE, FAIL, or ERROR.
Default: Blank
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Forward (Skip to next phase)
1-Backward (Go back to previous phase)
Type: E:JUMPDIR Override Current Statement—Allows the operator to override the current
Lock: ONPROC and statement of the sequence by skipping forward to the next statement, or backward
CNTLLOCK to the previous statement. A statement can be overridden in this manner only
parameters when the sequence execution state is PAUSE, FAIL, or ERROR.
Default: Blank
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Forward (Skip to next statement)
1-Backward (Go back to previous statement)
Type: E:JUMPDIR Override Current Step—Allows the operator to override the current step of the
Lock: ONPROC sequence by skipping forward to the next step, or backward to the previous step.
Default: Blank A step can be overridden in this manner only when the sequence execution state
Range: 0-Forward (Skip to next step)
1-Backward (Go back to previous step)
Type: Integer Overview Value in Percent—Defines the amount of deviation (PV - SP, in
Lock: Eng/PB percent) that causes the PV to reach the overview limit. For digital points, the
Default: 25 display shows the current state of the point.
PtRes: NIM As shown in Figure O-1, The baseline shows the normal operating value for this
Range: 0 to 100 (Entering a 0 suppresses the value; value is not shown on the display)
(Normal Value)
Type: Time Time Over High Trip Limit—The amount of time the SECVAR parameter is
Lock: View continuously greater than the SECVAR high trip limit.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: Duration (0 to 9999 days, with a resolution to 1 second)
OVRDALOP (DevCtl,DigComp)
Type: E:$OVRALOP Override Alarm Option—The override alarm option for I0, I1, and I2
Lock: Eng/PB parameters.
Default: None
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-None (No override alarming)
1-Auto_Rtn (Return to normal when override is cleared)
2-Cnfm_Rqd (Confirm to clear, after interlock is cleared)
P (FlowComp)
Type: Real Pressure Input—Indicates the measured actual gage pressure.
Lock: View
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: ≥ 0.0
Type: Real Zero Reference for Pressure—P0 is the zero reference pressure input and is in the
Lock: Supr same engineering units as the P input. P0 is typically 14.696 if P is in psig or
Default: 0.0 101.325 if P is in kiloPascals. Enter the absolute value of the number.
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
P1–P6 (RegPV)
Type: Real PV Inputs 1-6—Indicates the current values at the inputs to the RegPV
Lock: View algorithm. For Totalizers, P2 is the floating point input of AV.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A,
Type: E:PVVALST P1–P6 Status—Indicate the status of the up to six inputs at the RegPV
Lock: View algorithm.
Default: Bad
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Bad (Value is bad and replaced with NaN)
1-Uncertn (Status of the value is uncertain)
2-Normal (Value is good)
Type: Real Period—Defines length of period for an SO output from DigOut point that has
Lock: Eng/PB been configured for a PWM output.
Default: 10.0 seconds
PtRes: APM
Range: 1.0 to 120.0 seconds
PGALGID(1)–(4) (DevCtl)
Type: E:$GTALGID Primary Gate Algorithm ID—Defines the algorithm IDs for primary gates.
in an Array (1..4) The Boolean logic gates beginning with “P” have a user-defined pulse size.
Lock: PtBld
Default: Null
PtRes: APM
Range: NULL (No algorithm)
AND (And Gate algorithm)
OR (Or Gate algorithm)
NAND (Nand Gate algorithm)
NOR (Nor Gate algorithm)
XOR (Exclusive Or Gate algorithm)
PAND (Pulse Nand Gate algorithm)
POR (Pulse Or Gate algorithm)
PNAND (Pulse Nand Gate algorithm)
PNOR (Pulse Nor Gate algorithm)
PXOR (Pulse Exclusive-Or Gate algorithm)
PGPLSWTH(1)–(4) (DevCtl)
Type: Integer Primary Gate Pulse Width—Indicates the pulse width for primary gates whose
in an Array (1..4) algorithm starts with a “P”.
Lock: Supr
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 8000 seconds
PGSO(1)–(4) (DevCtl)
Type: Logical Primary Gate Status Output—Indicates the output value of the primary
in an Array (1..4) gate.
Lock: View
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
PHASE (ProcMod)
Type: String_8 Phase Name—Indicates the current phase of the sequence executing in the
Lock: View process module.
Default: Spaces
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Logical Phase Alarm—Indicates whether the current phase of the sequence has been
Lock: View completed within the specified time.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: On (Phase has not been completed in the specified time)
Off (No phase alarm)
Type: Integer Phase Time —Indicates the time remaining in minutes in the current phase
Lock: View before a phase alarm is generated. The maximum time allowed for the phase is
Default: 0 seconds defined by the phase statement.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 9999 minutes
Type: Time Phase Time Remaining—Indicates the time remaining in time duration before a
Lock: View phase alarm is generated. This value is displayed in the APM Detail display.
Default: 0 seconds
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
PIDEADBD(1)–(12) (DevCtl)
Type: Real Primary Input Gate Deadband—The deadband for primary input gates that is
in an Array (1..12) configured for an arithmetic algorithm.
Lock: Supr
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: >0
Type: E:PIDFORM PID Controller Form—Defines the type of Pid controller form. Refer to the
Lock: Eng/PB APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for a detailed description.
Default: Interact
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Interact [(Proportional + Integral) x Derivative]
1-Ideal (Proportional + Integral + Derivative)
Type: Ent.Prm PV Input Connection Destination—Defines the parameter in the data point that
Lock: View is to receive the value provided by the respective input connection. There can be
Default: Based on up to six input-connection destinations for a RegPV point.
PtRes: APM
Range: 1–8 character valid parameter name
PISRC(1)–(12) (DevCtl)
Type: E:$GATESRC Primary Input Source—The source for the second input of primary input gates for
in an Array (1..12) arithmetic comparison algorithms that use a second external input (i.e., XX2
Lock: PtBld algorithms).
Default: Null
PtRes: APM
Range: NULL (No source for input)
L1..L12 (These values correspond with the LISRC(1)—(12) parameter)
Type: Ent.Prm PV Input Connection Source—Define the parameters whose current values are to
Lock: PtBld be fetched and then written to the up to six RegPV algorithm inputs. The
Default: null.null source parameter name can be specified using the "Tagname.Parameter" format.
PtRes: APM Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for a detailed
Range: Use Tagname.Parameter for tagged points where Tag name can be up to 16 characters and the
permissible character set is as follows:
Alphabetics A-Z (uppercase only)
Numerics 0-9 (an all numeric tag name is not allowed)
Underscore (_) cannot be used as the first character or the last character, and consecutive
underscores are not allowed.
Embedded space characters are not allowed.
An * is used to default to this point’s tag name.
Parameter name can be up to eight characters, and must be a legitimate parameter name.
PIUOTDCF(1)–(168) (LLAI)
Type: Logical LLAI Open Sensor Detection Enable—Defines whether an
Lock: Supr open-sensor condition is to be detected for all eight LLAI points.
Default: On
PtRes: APM
Range: On (Detect open-sensor conditions)
Off (Do not detect open-sensor conditions)
During Node Specific configuration, if you choose Nonredund or Redun_IO, you must type in
file and card numbers for the I/O cards. Refer to the tables below or the APM Node Specific
Configuration Form if necessary.
Hardware File Card Slot Hardware File Card Slot
APMM 1 1-5 APMM’s 1 1 – 10
IOM-A 1 – 10 1 6 - 15 IOM-A 1 - 5 1 11 – 15
IOM-A 11 – 25 2 1 - 15 IOM-A 6 - 20 2 1 – 15
IOM-A 26 – 40 3 1 - 15 IOM-A 21 - 35 3 1 – 15
IOM-A 36 - 40 4 1–5
Hardware File Card Slot Hardware File Card Slot
Primary APMM 1 1-5 Primary APMM 1 1-5
Secondary APMM 2 1-5 Secondary APMM 2 1-5
IOM-A 1 – 10 1 6 - 15 IOM-A 1 - 10 1 6 - 15
IOM-A 11 – 20 2 6 - 15 IOM-A 11 - 25 3 1 - 15
IOM-A 21 – 35 3 1 - 15 IOM-A 26 - 40 5 1 - 15
IOM-A 36 – 40 4 1-5 IOM -B 1 - 10 2 6 - 15
IOM -B 11 - 25 4 1 - 15
IOM -B 26 - 40 6 1 - 15
Type: Logical APMM Event Overflow Flag
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (No overflow)
On (Overflow has occurred)
When points are built to a NIM and the NIM is restarted with no database, the points need
to be reloaded from checkpoint or the points must be reconfigured. If the database is to
be reconfigured, the APMM must be in Idle, and the point execution state must be Inactive.
This allows the point build operation to override the database that already exists there.
Type: E:$RECCHN APMM Active Receive Channel
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: ChannelA
Type: Logical APMM Soft Failure
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
Helpful Hint: Loading the APMM’s operating personality software requires PMMSTS = Alive.
Loading the APMM’s database requires PMMSTS = Idle. Use parameter
PMMCMD’s "Shutdown" and "Idle" command requests, respectively.
Type: E:$PNTFORM Point Form—Defines the form of the data point that is implemented. Refer
Lock: View/PB to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for a detailed
Default: Full description of this function.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Full (Point is fully displayed and alarmed)
1-Componnt (Point is partially displayed but not alarmed)
Helpful Hint: This parameter is not applicable to DigOut points. For unconfigured DigIn and
AnalogOut points (used for Hardware Reference Addressing; see xPM
Parameter Reference Dictionary), the default value is Component.
Type: E:$PMMDTY Point's Module Type—Defines where the data point resides. Control points
Lock: View such as DigComp, RegPV, RegCtl, Logic, Process Module, Array, Box
Default: N/A Flags, Box Numerics, and Box Timers reside in the APMM.
Range: AO (Analog Output)
AO_16 (Analog Output 16 point)
DI (Digital Input)
DO (Digital Output)
DO_32 (Digital Output 32 point)
HLAI (High-Level Analog Input)
LLAI (Low-Level Analog Input)
STIM (Smart Transmitter Interface)
NotConfg (Not Configured)
PI (Pulse Input)
APMM (Advanced Process Manager Module)
LLMUX (Low-Level Analog Input Multiplexer) All references to LLMUX also apply to
RHMUX, except that RHMUX does not support SENSRTYP of RTD.
DISOE (Sequence of Events)
SI (Serial Interface)
Type: E:$UCNNDTY Point's Node Type—Defines the type of node on the UCN
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: NIM
Range: NIM (Network Interface Module)
APM (Advanced Process Manager)
NotConfg (Node not configured)
Type: E:PNTSTATE Point's Overall State—Defines the state of the data point, which is based on
Lock: View the state of the APMM and the IOP Card in which it resides.
Default: N/A
PtRes: NIM
Range: Failed (NIM cannot communicate with point’s APMM/IOP)
Idle (Point’s APMM or IOP is in the Idle State)
OK (Point’s APMM or IOP is the Run State and is OK)
Uncertn (Point’s APMM or IOP is uncertain)
Type: E:PNTTYPE Point Type—Defines the type of point in the APM.
Lock: PtBld
Default: Null
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Null (Not configured)
1-AnalgIn (Analog Input)
2-AnalgOut (Analog Output)
4-DigIn (Digital Input)
5-DigOut (Digital Output)
6-DigCom (Digital Composite)
8-RegPV (Regulatory PV)
9-RegCtl (Regulatory Control)
10-Logic (Logic)
11-Array (Array)
12-Flag (Flag)
13-Numeric (Numeric)
14-ProcModl (Process Module)
22-Timer (Timer)
28-DevCtl (Device Control)
Helpful Hint: PNTTYPE of DigOut has a restriction that PNTFORM cannot be = Full.
Helpful Hint: This statistic is displayed on the Control Configuration page of the APM
Diagnostic Display.
Type: Ent_Id Primary Module Identifier—Typically used in Batch Processing, this parameter
Lock: Engr contains the tag name of an APM point to which this data point is assigned.
Default: Null Other points that belong to the Batch Equipment Unit should have their
PtRes: NIM PRIMMOD set to this same point. Primmod is used to collect alarms and
events from this point along with others related to the specified Primary Module
point. Information is collected into a common file, accessible from the Event
History Menu.
Range: Tag name of the process module point can be up to 16 characters, and the permissible character
set is as follows:
Alphabetics A-Z (uppercase only)
Numerics 0-9 (an all numeric tag name is not allowed)
Underscore (_) cannot be used as the first character or the last character, and consecutive
underscores are not allowed.
Embedded space characters are not allowed.
Helpful Hint: For Box Flag points, this parameter applies to only slots 1 through 128.
LCN entities that can be stored to PRIMMOD in NIM points are restricted to local NIM points.
PRMDESC(1)–(12) (Logic)
Type: E:$PMMLGPM Parameter Descriptor Assignment—Defines up to 12 logic-slot parameters
Lock: Eng/PB to which custom generic descriptors entered through parameters
Default: N/A GENDESC(1-12) are to be assigned.
PtRes: NIM
Range: L1...L12 (Logic-slot inputs)
FL1...FL12 (Logic-slot flags)
NN1...NN8 (Logic-slot numerics)
SO1...SO24 (Logic-slot outputs)
Type: E:PROCMOD Process Module Operating State—Represents the operational condition of
Lock: Determined by a process module. Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms
CNTLLOCK manual for a state diagram.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Off (Off)
2-Norm (Normal)
4-Hold (Hold)
5-Shdn (Shutdown)
6-Emsd (Emergency Shutdown)
7-Strt (Start)
8-Stop (Stop)
Type: E:$NODESTA Previous APMM Status
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Type: E:$PMMHFST Previous APMM Communications Board Failure
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: NULL (Unknown Error)
PWRDWN (Power is Off)
LR_PAR (Local Ram Parity Error)
LR_LRAM (Local Ram Error)
LR_CK (Local Ram Check)
LR_EXC (Local Ram Exception )
LR_HREV (Local Ram Hardware Revision)
MM_HREV (Memory Board Hardware Revision)
LR_TMR (Local Ram Timer Error)
LR_PTRN (Local Ram Pattern Check Error)
LR_BYTE (Local Ram Byte Error)
LR_ADCD (Local Ram Address Decode Test)
LR_ADDL (Local Ram Additional Checks)
LR_CLRR (Local Ram Scrub Incomplete)
SR_PAR (Shared Ram Parity)
SR_PTRN (Shared Ram Pattern)
SR_ADCD (Shared Ram Address Decode Test)
SR_ADDL (Shared Ram Additional Checks)
GR_PAR (Global Ram Parity)
GR_PTRN (Global Ram Pattern Check Error)
GR_BYTE (Global Ram Byte Error)
GR_ADCD (Global Ram Address Decode Test)
GR_ADDL (Global Ram Additional Checks)
GR_CLRR (Global Ram Scrub Incomplete)
31_NR (IOL Processor, No Response or Failure)
31_ALIV (IOL Processor, Transmitter Not Alive)
31_ILTN (IOL Processor, Illegal Transition)
NMI_UNK (Unknown NMI Request)
BADUCNN (UCN Address Parity or Duplicate Address)
NR (No Response From Other Processor)
MRFT (Memory Reference Table - Pattern Build Fail)
NOMTOS (No MTOS Readout)
LLC_COMM (LLC Communication Fatal Error)
UCNDRV (UCN Driver, Fatal Error)
RD_HREV (Redundancy Card Version/Revision Mismatch)
SW_ERROR (Software Error)
MD_HREV (Modem Card Version/Revision Mismatch)
DA_PTRN (Daughter Card Pattern Test)
DA_BYTE (Daughter Card Byte Write Test)
DA_ADCD (Daughter Card Address Decode)
DA_ADDL (Daughter Card Additional Tests)
DA_CLRR (Daughter Card Scrub Incomplete)
RD_SNPS (Redundancy Card 96 Kw Snapshot Error)
RD_BSLK (Redundancy Card Bus Lock Fail)
Type: E:$PMMHFST Previous APMM Control Failure
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Type: E:$IOMHF Previous IOL Failure
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: UNKNOWN (Unknown Error)
POWERDWN (Power is Off)
INVPRGEX (Invalid Program Execution)
RAMCNTER (Ram Contents Error)
RAMADRER (Ram Address Error)
DPAERROR (Physical Address Error)
DSAERROR (Soft Address Error)
RXBUFOFL (Receive Buffer Overflow)
IOLJABER (IOL Jabber Circuit - saw too much traffic)
BADPGJMP (Bad Program Jump)
ADCINCMP (A/D Incomplete)
ADOUTOVF (A/D Output Overflow)
ADOUTUDF (A/D Output Underflow)
ADCCALER (A/D Calibration Error)
DMT_TMOT (Dead Man Time Out)
MLTOUTFL (Multiple Output Failure)
DATBUSFL (Data Bus Failure)
BADDARNG (Bad D/A Range)
MSTRTMOT (Master Time Out 68 K)
CTRCKTFL (Counter Circuit Failure)
PSTS (FlowComp)
Type: E:PVVALST Pressure Input Value Status—Status of the P input value.
Lock: View
Default: Normal
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Bad (Value is bad and replaced with NaN)
1-Uncertn (Status of the value is uncertain)
2-Normal (Value is good)
Type: String_24 Point Descriptor—A 24-character descriptor which is used to describe the point
Lock: PtBld and appears on the Group and Detail Displays for the point. Refer to
Default: Blank Figure N-1.
PtRes: NIM
Range: Permissible character set consists of all characters on the Engineer’ s Keyboard. Basically this set
consists of alphabetics A-Z, numerics 0-9, and the following special characters: space ! % & ’
( ) * + - / : ; > < = ? _ , . $
Type: E:PTEXECST Point Execution State—Defines the current execution state of the point.
Lock: Supr
Default: Inactive
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Inactive (Point is not scanned or processed)
1-Active (Point is scanned and processed)
Type: E:ORSTATUS Point Override Status—Indicates the override status of the point.
Lock: Prog
Default: NotCon
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-NotCon (Not connected to ORSel algorithm. Also indicates that point has been returned from
inactive to active status, or it is undergoing a cold restart, or it is being initialized.)
1-Sel (Selected as a part of ORSel strategy)
2-NotSel (Not selected as a part of ORSel strategy)
Type: E:$NODESTA Redundant Partner Status as Seen From the IOL
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: OffNet (NIM cannot communicate with the APMM)
ConfgMis (Configuration mismatch detected)
Idle (Event reports but no point processing)
Idlesf (Soft failure occurred in Idle state)
Ok (APMM is operating normally)
SoftFail (Soft failure while APMM is running)
Fail (APMM can be accessed but CPU is halted; box hard failure has been detected)
Powron (Power is on)
Alive (No event reports or point processing)
Alivesf (Soft failure during Idle state)
Test (APMM is in the Test mode)
TestSF (Soft failure has been detected while the APMM is in the Test mode)
Loading (Personality or database is loading)
Type: E:$NODESTA Redundant Partner Status as Seen From the UCN
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Offnet (NIM cannot communicate with the APMM)
Confgms (Configuration mismatch detected)
Idle (Event reports but no point processing)
Idlesf (Soft failure occurred in Idle state)
Ok (APMM is operating normally)
Softfail (Soft failure while APMM is running)
Fail (APMM can be accessed but CPU is halted; box hard failure has been detected)
Powron (Power is on)
Alive (No event reports or point processing)
Alivesf (Soft failure during Idle state)
Test (APMM is in the Test mode)
Testsf (Soft failure has been detected while the APMM is in the Test mode)
Loading (Personality or database is loading)
PV (AnalgIn, PI)
Type: Real Process Variable—PV is the PV’s current value after the PV is selected from one
Lock: Oper of the following possible sources: a field device, an operator, or a program. See
PtRes: APM
Helpful Hint: PV change by a program requires PVSRCOPT = All and PVSOURCE = Sub.
PV change by an operator requires PVSRCOPT = All and PVSOURCE = Man.
PV (DevCtl, DigComp)
Type: E:SD_ENM:PVSTATES Current State—PV is the PV’s current state after the PV is selected
Lock: Oper from one of the following possible sources: a field device, an
Default: BADPVTXT operator, a program, or the output of the PV’s data point. See
Helpful Hint: PV change by a program requires PVSRCOPT = All and PVSOURCE = Sub.
PV change by an operator requires PVSRCOPT = All and PVSOURCE = Man.
PV (DigIn)
Type: E:SD_ENM:STATETXT Current State—Indicates the current state of the PV input to this
Lock: Oper data point. Not appropriate if DITYPE = ACCUM.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Helpful Hint: PV is derived from the open or closed state of field contacts and from the
configured direct or reverse input direction (INPTDIR).
PV (Flag)
Type: E:SD_ENM:STATETXT Current State—Indicates the current state of the flag data point, and
Lock: Oper it is derived from PVFL. STATETXT(1) is the alarmed state.
Default: Blank
PtRes: APM
PV (Numeric)
Type: Real Process Variable—Indicates the value of the numeric. This value maps into
Lock: Oper parameter NN(n) in the APM box where n = SLOTNUM.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
PV (RegCtl, RegPV)
Type: Real Process Variable—Indicates the current value of the PV after the PV is selected
Lock: View for from one of the following possible sources: a field device, an operator, or a
RegCtl, program. See PVSRCOPT and PVSOURCE.
Oper for
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Helpful Hint: PV change by a program requires PVSRCOPT = All and PVSOURCE = Sub.
PV change by an operator requires PVSRCOPT = All and PVSOURCE = Man.
PV (Timer)
Type: Integer Current Value—Indicates the current time in seconds or minutes. The timer
Lock: View starts at 0 and is incremented towards the preset time established by the SP
Default: 0 parameter.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 32000
Type: E:$PMMPVAG PV Algorithm Identifier—Defines which PV algorithm is to be used for a
Lock: PtBld RegPV point.
Default: Null
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Null (No algorithm configured)
1-DataAcq (Data Acquisition)
2-FlowComp (Flow Compensation)
3-MidOf3 (Middle-Of-3 Selector)
4-HiLoAvg (High Low Average Selector)
5-Summer (Summer)
6-VdtLdLag (Variable Dead Time with Lead Lag)
7-TotaLizr (Totalizer)
8-GenLin (General Linearization)
9-Calcultr (Calculator)
Type: E:STATETXT Current PV State—Indicates the current PV state that corresponds to the field
Lock: View contact input after direct/reverse correction.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Type: Real PV Auto Value Fetched Using Control Input Connection—Indicates the current
Lock: View value of the PV when the RegCtl point is in the Auto mode.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Real Calculated PV—Indicates the value of the PV after the PV has been calculated by
Lock: View the PV algorithm.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A,
Type: E:VALCHAR PV Characterization Option—Defines the display characterization to be
Lock: PtBld used for characterizing the input PV value. Characterization is based on the
Default: Linear field sensor type.
PtRes: APM
STI — PV Characterization
(Pressure and Magnetic Flow Transmitters)
Range Spt_Dp Spt_Gp Spt_Ap Sfm
Linear X X X X
Sqrroot X -- -- --
Type: E:VALCHAR PV Characterization Option—Defines the display characterization to be used
Lock: PtBld for characterizing the input PV value of Regulatory PV point configuring with
Default: SqRoot Flow Compensation.
PtRes: APM
Range: 12-Linear (The COMPTERM compensation is not square rooted)
13 SqRoot (The COMPTERM compensation is square rooted)
Type: Integer PV Change Delay time in Seconds—Defines the time(in seconds) that a point
Lock: Supr with a previously detected PV change event is guaranteed to remain at the new
Default: 0 seconds value even if the PV returns to its original value. If the point remains at its
PtRes: APM new value when the delay timer expires, the point is held at the new value.
Range: 0 to 60 seconds
Type: E:PVCLAMP PV Clamping Option—Defines whether PV clamping is to be used for this
Lock: Eng/PB data point. If PVCLAMP = Clamp and the PV extended range is exceeded, PV
Default: NoClamp value status PVSTS is marked Uncertain and the PV is set equal to the
PtRes: APM extended limit that was violated.
PVEQN (FlowComp)
Type: E:ALGOEQN PV Equation Type—Defines the equation type (EqA-EqE) to be used for this
Lock: PtBld PV algorithm. Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual
Default: EqA for more information.
PtRes: APM
Range: Comp. Inputs Type of Compensation
0-EqA G Mass/Volumetric flow of liquid
1-EqB P and T Mass flow of gases and vapors
2-EqC G, P, and T Mass flow of gases and vapors w/specific gravity
3-EqD G, P, and T Volumetric flow of gases and vapors
4-EqE P, T, X, and Q Mass flow of steam
G = measured or calculated specific gravity or molecular weight, P = measured actual gage pressure, T =
measured actual temperature, X = measured actual steam compressibility and Q = measured actual steam
Type: E:ALGOEQN PV Equation Type—Defines the equation type (EqA-EqC) to be used for this
Lock: Eng/PB PV algorithm. Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for
Default: EqA more information.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-EqA (Select and identify highest of up to six inputs)
1-EqB (Select and identify lowest of up to six inputs)
2-EqC (Calculate the average of up to six inputs)
PVEQN (MidOf3)
Type: E:ALGOEQN PV Equation Type—Defines the equation type (EqA-EqC) to be used for this
Lock: Eng/PB PV algorithm. Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual
Default: EqA for more information.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-EqA (Highest good input when one or two are bad)
1-EqB (Lowest good input when one or two are bad)
2-EqC (Average of all good inputs)
PVEQN (Summer)
Type: E:ALGOEQN PV Equation Type—Defines the equation type (EqA or EqB) to be used for
Lock: PtBld this PV algorithm. Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms
Default: EqA manual for more information.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-EqA (P1 input is scaled and biased)
1-EqB (Up to six inputs are scaled and summed with an overall bias applied)
PVEQN (Totalizr)
Type: E:ALGOEQN PV Equation Type—Defines the equation type (EqA-EqF) to be used for this
Lock: Eng/PB PV algorithm. Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual
Default: EqA for more information.
PtRes: APM
Range: Option Warm Restart Action Bad Input Handling
0-EqA Continue Use zero
1-EqB Continue Use last good value
2-EqC Continue Set Bad and stop
3-EqD Set Bad, and stop Use zero
4-EqE Set Bad, and stop Use last good value
5-EqF Set Bad, and stop Set Bad and stop
Type: E:ALGOEQN PV Equation Type—Defines the equation type (EqA-EqD) to be used for this
Lock: PtBld PV algorithm. Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual
Default: EqA for more information.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-EqA (Lead-Lag)
1-EqB (Fixed dead time)
2-EqC (Variable dead time)
3-EqD (Variable dead time with two lags)
Helpful Hint: For Equations C and D, the dead time is changed in steps of NLOC*NRATE*TS
where NLOC is configurable from 2 to 30, for better resolution of dead time.
Helpful Hint: For Smartline transmitters, refer to Table A-3 in the PM/APM Smartline
Transmitter Integration Manual, PM12-410.
Helpful Hint: For Smartline transmitters, refer to Table A-3 in the PM/APM Smartline
Transmitter Integration Manual, PM12-410.
Type: Real PV Extended Engineering Unit Range High—Both PVEXEUHI and
Lock: Engr PVEXEULO are used to clamp or detect a bad PV value. Refer to parameter
Default: NaN PVEXEULO. Note that PVEXEUHI cannot be written with NaN. NaN is the
PtRes: APM default value only.
Range: > PVEUHI, NaN
Type: Real PV Extended Engineering Unit Low Range—For the LLAI IOP with
Lock: Engr Thermocouple and RTD sensor types, extended PV range parameters are VIEW
Default: NaN ONLY. Their values are defaulted based on the sensor types, the thermocouple
PtRes: APM range option, and temperature scale. The tables below show the default values in
degrees C. For other engineering units, these values are appropriately converted.
Note that PVEXEULO cannot be written with NaN. NaN is the default value
Range < PVEULO, NaN
Defaults for Extended Range PV Parameters When SENSRTYP = THERMCPL, PVTEMP = Degrees C
Btherm 600 1650 100 1820
Etherm -150 500 -200 1000
Jtherm -100 750 -200 1200
Ktherm 0 1100 -100 1370
Rtherm 550 1500 0 1700
RPtherm 550 1500 0 1770
Stherm 550 1500 0 1700
Ttherm -200 300 -230 400
PVEXEULO (continued)
Defaults for Extended Range PV Parameters When SENSRTYP = RTD, PVTEMP = Degrees C
PtDinRTD -180 800
PtJisRTD -180 650
NicklRTD -45 315
CopprRTD -20 250
Type: Logical PV Extended High Range Violation—Indicates that the PV has exceeded the
Lock: View extended-high range alarm trip point.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Extended high range not exceeded)
On (Extended high range exceeded)
Type: Logical PV Extended Low Range Violation—Indicates that the PV has exceeded the
Lock: View extended-low range alarm trip point.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Extended low range not exceeded)
On (Extended low range exceeded)
Type: Real PV High Alarm Trip Point—Defines the trip point for the PV high alarm for
Lock: Supr this point.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Type: Logical PV Initialization Request Flag—Indicates that an initialization request has been
Lock: Prog made for this point.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (No 1-shot initialization)
On (Initializes the PV filter and the algorithm for a 1-shot single sample time).
Type: Real PV Low Low Alarm Trip Point—Defines the trip point for the PV low low
Lock: Supr alarm for this point.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Helpful Hint: PV normal state text descriptor describes the normal (desired) state,
such as Run, Stop, Open, Closed.
Helpful Hint: PVNORMFL change requires ALMOPT = Offnorm for Digital Input points,
or that PVNORMAL • None for Digital Composite or Device Control points.
If set to On, causes text in STATETXT (1) to be used to describe the normal
state of the PV, otherwise text in STATETXT (0) is used.
PVRAW (AnalgIn)
Type: Real PV Raw Value—Indicates the raw input value of the PV from the Field
Lock: Operator Termination Assembly (FTA) before PV characterization is performed. The
Default: NaN units of value for the PV are determined by the field sensor type as described
PtRes: APM below.
Range: N/A
Type: Logical Raw State of Field Contacts—Indicates the current state of the field contacts.
Lock: View
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Off Open contacts
On Closed contacts
Type: Real PV Raw Value—Indicates the raw input value of the PV in pulses per second.
Lock: View
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Real PV Raw Value—Indicates the raw input value of the PV in % of span based on
Lock: View the transmitter PV after PV characterization (PVCHAR) and DAMPING have
Default: NaN been performed. The span of the PV is determined by using LRV as a 0%-point
PtRes: APM and URV as a 100%-point.
Range: N/A
Type: Real PV Raw High Range—Defines the high end of the normal operating range for
Lock: Eng/PB the raw PV value (PVRAW). For a slidewire input, the units are ratio, for a
Default: NaN 0_100_MV input, the units are in millivolts.
PtRes: APM
Range: PVRAWLO to 100 for a 0_100_mv input (microvolts)
PVRAWLO to 1 for a slidewire input (ratio)
Type: Real PV Raw Low Range—Defines the low end of the normal operating range for the
Lock: Eng/PB raw PV value (PVRAW).
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: 0–PVRAWHI (0 to 100 microvolts for a 0_100 mv input, or 0 to 1 ratio for a slidewire input)
Helpful Hint: For RegPV points, RegCtl points, and points in a HLAI or LLAI, the
maximum rate of change is one step away from PVEXEUHI to PVEXEULO
in eight seconds; therefore, the maximum rate of change is
(PVEXEUHI - PVEXEULO) * 7.5 units/minute. For SENSRTYP = RTD, the
maximum is [800 - (-180)] * 7.5, which is 7350.
The maximum rate of change value must be less than the absolute value of:
Range: > 0.0,
Helpful Hint: For RegPV points, RegCtl points, and points in HLAI or LLAI, the maximum
rate of change is one step away from PVEXEUHI to PVEXEULO in eight
seconds; therefore, the maximum rate of change is:
(PVEXEUHI - PVEXEULO) * 7.5 units/minute.
Example: for SENSRTYP = RTD, the maximum is: [800 - (-180)] *7.5,
which = 7350.
Helpful Hint: PVSOURCE change by an operator requires PVSRCOPT = All and DITYPE =
Latched if PNTTYPE = DigIn.
Type: E:TEMPTURE PV Temperature Scale—Defines the temperature scale to be used in
Lock: PtBld characterizing the PV input.
Default: Degrees C
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Degrees C (Celsius)
1-Degrees F (Fahrenheit)
2-Degrees R (Rankin)
3-Degrees K (Kelvin)
Type: E:TRACKING PV Tracking Option—Defines whether SP is to be set equal to PV.
Lock: Eng/PB
Default: NoTrack
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-NoTrack (SP is never set equal to PV)
1-Track (Man mode or initialization causes SP to track PV)
Helpful Hint: SP is set equal to PV if PVTRACK = Track and the point is:
a. in manual mode
b. being initialized from a secondary
c. undergoing 1-shot initialization during the first sample time after
becoming active.
Type: Real PV Target Value in Engineering Units—Defines the target value of the PV in
Lock: Oper engineering units.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Type: Real PV Target Value in Percent—Indicates the target value of the PV in percent.
Lock: View
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0%, NaN
Type: Real Steam Quality Factor Input—Indicates the measured actual steam quality factor.
Lock: View
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0,
QSTS (FlowComp)
Type: E:PVVALST Q Input Value Status—Indicates the status of the steam quality-factor input.
Lock: View
Default: Normal
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Bad (Value is bad and replaced by NaN)
1-Uncertn (Status of the value is uncertain)
2-Normal (Value is good)
Helpful Hint: R1 configuration requires LOCALGID = EQ, NE, GT, GE, LT, LE, or
Type: Universal Raise Output Pulse Destination—Defines the destination of the Raise output
Ent.Prm pulse. RAISDSTN must point to parameters ONPULSE or OFFPULSE of a
Lock: PtBld DigOut data point.
Default: Null
PtRes: APM
Type: Real Raise Output Pulse Time—Indicates the Raise output pulse time in seconds. It
Lock: View is clamped to MAXPULSE or CYCLETIM, whichever is lower. If the value of
Default: N/A RAISETIM is smaller than MINPULSE, no pulse is issued.
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A,
Type: Real Raise OP Stroke Rate in Percent/Second
Lock: Supr
Default: 100.0% per sec.
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0% per second
Type: Real Ramp Time in Minutes
Lock: Oper
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0
Helpful Hint: RAMPTIME change by an operator requires SPOPT = Tv. The minimum value
is clamped to TS, the point sample time in minutes, while the maximum value
is clamped to 32767*TS. To change the RAMPTIME from a logic point
requires Node=Auto and Mode Attribute=Program.
Type: E:WINDUP Remote Anti-Reset Windup Status
Lock: View
Default: Normal
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Normal (Free to move in either direction)
1-Hi (Free to move lower)
2-Lo (Free to move higher)
3-HiLo (Not free to move in any direction)
RATE1 (RatioCtl)
Type: Real Internal Bias Ramps Down Rate—Rate in EUs per minute at which the internal
Lock: Supr bias (BI) ramps down from the initialization value to the last value entered by
Default: NaN the operator. If BIAS = NaN, initialization for the primary is determined
PtRes: APM through back calculation. If zero is entered, the ramp down of BI is disabled.
Range: > 0.0, NaN
RATE1 (AutoMan)
Type: Real Rate at Which Bias Ramps Down—Rate at which the bias (B) ramps down from
Lock: Supr the initialization value to the last value entered by the operator. If zero is
Default: 0.0 entered, the ramp down of B is disabled. If set to NaN, the internal bias BI will
PtRes: APM instantaneously change to 0 and cause a bump in the output.
Range: > 0.0, NaN
RATE1–12 (RampSoak)
Type: Real Ramp Rate for Ramp Soak Segments 1–12
Lock: Supr
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: Negative values are accepted to allow ramping down.
Type: Real Ratio—Defines the ratio value by which the SP is multiplied.
Lock: Oper
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Type: E:RBOPT Ratio/Bias Option—Defines the type of ratio/bias option to be used for this
Lock: Eng/PB algorithm. Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for a
Default: NoRatBi detailed description of bias and ratio options.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-NoRatBi (No ratio/bias is used to calculate the SP)
1-FixRatBi (Fixed ratio (R) and fixed bias (B) are used)
2-AutoRat (R is back-calculated during initialization)
3-AutoBi (B is back-calculated during initialization)
RCASOPT (AnalgOut)
Type: E:$RCASOPT Remote Cascade Option—Defines whether the AM is to provide the output
Lock: Eng/PB value for this data point. This option is available only when the point has
Default: None been configured as a Full point.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-None (No cascade mode of any type is allowed)
2-Ddc (Direct Digital Control; in cascade mode, AM point controls this point’s OP)
Type: E:$RCASOPT Remote Cascade Option—Defines the type of remote cascade mode to be used.
Lock: Eng/PB Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for a detailed
Default: None description.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-None (Local cascade is the only valid cascade)
1-Spc (AM writes to SP within SP limits)
2-Ddc (AM writes to OP. No OP limits)
3-Rsp (AM writes to SP when this point is in Auto and is being initialized by its secondary. SP
limits are applied)
4-DdcRsp (AM does Ddc and Rsp functions)
Helpful Hint: MODE for a point cannot be changed to Cascade by the operator or program if
a.parameter RCASOPT is configured to Ddc, Spc, or DdcRsp
b.the AM strategy has not yet stored to MODE, SP, or OP.
Even if PVTRACK = Track, PV tracking is not performed in auto mode with
Type: E:$RCASOPT Remote Cascade Option—Defines the type of remote cascade mode to be used.
Lock: Eng/PB Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for a detailed
Default: None description.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-None (Only local cascade mode is allowed)
1-Spc (In cascade mode, AM point provides the SP for this point)
2-DDC (In cascade mode, AM point provides the OP for this point)
3-Rsp (In Auto mode with INITMAN = ON, the AM point provides the SP for this point)
4-DDCRsp (In cascade mode, AM point provides the OP for this point)
Type: Logical Remote Cascade Shed—Indicates whether the mode has shed from the Cas mode
Lock: View to the preconfigured backup mode.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (No mode shed)
On (Mode has shed to the preconfigured backup mode)
Type: String_2 APMM Control Daugher Card Revision
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Hexadecimal Characters 00 to FF
Type: E:REDTAG Red Tag State—Allows the user to set the point as being "out of service,"
Lock: Sup/Eng indicating that this point or the associated control loop needs repair or is being
Default: Off repaired. Once this point is put in the red tag condition, the output OP is frozen
PtRes: APM at the last value or state.
Range: 0-Off (Data point is in service. Point’s OP is not frozen)
1-On (Data point is out of service = point’s OP is frozen)
Helpful Hint: REDTAG change requires MODE = Man and MODATTR = Oper. Once a
point is red tagged, parameters MODE, MODATTR, and OP (output) cannot
be changed. In addition, for a RegCtl point, ESWENBST cannot be changed.
Type: Real Remaining Soak Time—Indicates the amount of time remaining in the current
Lock: Oper soak segment.
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to 120.0 minutes
Helpful Hint: This parameter can be reset by the operator only while it is red tagged. A
program may reset at anytime.
Type: Logical Reset Flag—Resets the accumulator to zero when the command flag transitions
Lock: Prog from the Off to the On state.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (No Reset command)
On (Reset command is issued to the accumulator)
Type: Logical Reset Totalizer Command Flag—Resets the total RESETVAL when this flag
Lock: Prog changes from Off to On.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
Type: Integer Accumulator Reset Value—Value that is preset in the accumulator. Value can
Lock: Oper then be incremented or decremented depending on the COUNTDWN parameter.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0–32767
RESETVAL (Totalizr)
Type: Real Reset Value—Value used for presetting the value to be totaled.
Lock: Oper
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: E:RESTART Process Module Restart State—Indicates the type of restart last performed by
Lock: View the process module. This value will be set to a value other than “None” until
Default: None the first preemption point.
PtRes: APM
Helpful Hint: RESTART can be used to determine if the startup was caused by failover.
Following failover, RESTART takes on the value “Failover.” This value
remains until the first preemption point after which it returns to “None.”
Type: Real Reset Feedback Input in Percent—Indicates the PV value of another data point
Lock: View that is receiving its setpoint from this data point.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0
RG (FlowComp)
Type: Real Reference Specific Gravity—Defines the reference specific gravity or reference
Lock: Supr molecular weight, in the same engineering units as G (measured or calculated
Default: 1.0(molecular specific gravity or molecular weight).
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Logical Remote Initialization Request—Indicates whether an initialization request has
Lock: View been made.
Default: On for
Off for
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (No request)
On (Request has been made)
Type: Real Remote Initialization Value
Lock: View
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A,
Type: Real Reference Junction’s Raw Count in µVolts
Lock: View
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Real Reference Junction Temperature—Displays the current temperatures (°C) of the
Lock: View reference junction sensor. This value is updated only if the thermocouple input
Default: NaN is configured.
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
RP (FlowComp)
Type: Real Reference Pressure—RP is the reference pressure input and it is in the same
Lock: Supr Engineering Unit as the P (measured or actual gage pressure) input.
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Real Minimum Pulse Time Ratio
Lock: Supr
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.01 to 100.0
RQ (FlowComp)
Type: Real Reference Steam Quality Factor—Defines the reference steam quality factor
Lock: Supr which is in the same units as the Q (measured actual steam quality) input.
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
RSPBGP$$ (RampSoak)
Type: Real Ramp/Soak Percent Bar Graph Parameter—If in a ramp sequence, the value of
Lock: View the next soak percent is displayed. If in a soak sequence, the value of parameter
Default: N/A REMSOAKT as a percent of total soak time is displayed.
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0
Type: E:$RSTROPT Restart Option—Defines how the sequence program is to be started following
Lock: Eng an Idle to Run, or power up to Run transition or a warm restart.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Off (Sequence is waiting for the operator command to start)
1-Restart (Sequence is to be restarted from the beginning)
RT (FlowComp)
Type: Real Reference Temperature—RT is the reference temperature input and is in the same
Lock: Supr Engineering Unit as the T (measured actual temperature) input.
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Real Deadtime Ratio
Lock: Supr
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.01 to 100.0
Type: Real Ratio High Limit
Lock: Supr
Default: 100.0
PtRes: APM
Range: RTLOLM to 100.0,
Helpful Hint: Entering NaN forces RTHILM to its extreme value (100.0%).
Type: Real Ratio Low Limit
Lock: Supr
Default: 0.01
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.01 to RTHILM,
Helpful Hint: Entering NaN forces RTLOLM to its extreme value (0.01).
Type: Logical Run State—Indicates that the point is in the RUN sequence execution state.
Lock: View
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Process Module point is not in the RUN state)
On (Process Module point is in the RUN state)
RV (Timer)
Type: Integer Remaining Time—Indicates the amount of time remaining (in seconds or
Lock: View minutes) that the timer is to run.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: >0
RX (FlowComp)
Type: Real Reference Steam Compressibility—Defines the reference steam compressibility,
Lock: Supr and is in the same engineering units as the X (measured actual steam
Default: 1.0 compressibility).
PtRes: APM
Range: Anything except NaN
S1 (PidErfb)
Type: Logical Tracking Switch—Determines whether the CV value of this data point is
Lock: Prog replaced by the tracking value.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (CV value is not replaced)
On (CV value is replaced by the tracking value)
S1 (STI)
Type: String_127 Transmitter Status—Indicates the current status of the smart transmitter
Lock: View associated with this STI point. Transmitter status consists of
Default: Blank - Transmitter scratch pads 1, 2, 3 & 4
PtRes: APM - Detailed transmitter status
Range: N/A, Blank - List of parameters whose values are not the same in both the STI IOP database
and the transmitter’s database. (Parameters are mismatched.)
S1, S2 (RampSoak)
Type: Logical Mark 1 and Mark 2 Flags—These flags are used to indicate to other data points
Lock: View that a specified time has elapsed from the beginning of a specified ramp or soak
Default: Off segment. Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for
PtRes: APM detailed information.
Range: Off
S1–S4 (Switch)
Type: Logical Select X1-X4 Request Flag—Indicate whether the respective input (X1-X4) has
Lock: Oper been selected as the input to this algorithm.
Default: On
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
On (Respective input has been selected)
Helpful Hint: Reversed (inverted) inputs apply only to LOGALGID = And, Or, Nand, and Nor.
Type: Real Safe Operation For Safety Shutdown—Defines the safe output value (OP) for a
Lock: Engr point when the SHUTDOWN parameter is set to On.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: -6.9 to 106.9%,
Type: E:$SCANPRI SI Data FTA Scan Priority—Indicates which scan priority the serial interface
Lock: PtBld FTA is using when reading data from the serial link.
Default: Low
PtRes: APM
Range: Low (Scan at low priority)
High (Scan at high priority)
If you attempt to load a new SCANRATE or a new point mix from the DEB, the following items should be noted:
a. If the new SCANRATE and point mix are accepted by the APMM and if they differ in any way from
their previous values, then the point database will be set to the default state and must be
reloaded from the IDF.
b. If the SCANRATE or any part of the point mix is rejected by the APMM, then the APMM database
remains unchanged; the SCANRATE and the point mix also remain unchanged.
c. If the SCANRATE and the point mix are equivalent to the previous values, then the APMM
database remains unchanged.
Type: E:$SECSYNC Secondary Synchronization Status
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Synched (Modules are synchronized)
NoSynch (Modules are out of synchronization)
Type: Real Secondary Variable—The analog feedback, normally the motor current or flow.
Lock: View
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: Real Numbers including NaN
Type: Real Secondary Variable—Displays the value of the secondary variable of the smart
Lock: View transmitter as follows:
Default: NaN Pressure transmitter—temperature of the transmitter
PtRes: APM Temperature transmitter—cold junction temperature
Flow transmitter—totalized value.
Range: N/A, NaN
Type: Integer Total Number of Segments—Defines the total number of segments in the curve.
Lock: Supr
Default: 1
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 to 12
SEGTYPE (RampSoak)
Type: E:SEGTYPE Segment Type—Indicates the current segment being executed by the RegCtl
Lock: View point.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Ramp (Ramp segment)
1-Soak (Soak segment)
Type: E:$SENSRTY Sensor Type—Defines the Smart Transmitter type. Refer to PVCHAR for
Lock: PtBld more information. Note that SENSRTYP must match the FTA. The point
Default: Spt_Dp status is set to SOFTFAIL if a mismatch occurs.
PtRes: APM
Range: 8-SPT_DP (ST3000—differential pressure)
9-SPT_GP (ST3000—gauge pressure)
10-SPT_AP (ST3000—absolute pressure)
11-STT (STT3000—temperature)
12-SFM (MagneW 3000—magnetic flow and most Multivariable transmitters)
Helpful Hint: For multivariable transmitters, refer to the transmitter manual for the default
value of the specific device.
Type: E:SEQEXEC Sequence Execution State—Indicates the current execution state of the
Lock: View sequence program that is executing in the process module. Refer to the APM
Default: NL Control Functions and Algorithms manual for a detailed description of the
PtRes: APM execution states.
Range: 0-NL (Not Loaded)
1-DLL (Down-line loading is in progress)
2-Loaded (Sequence has been loaded into the process module)
3-End (Sequence has stopped because it has run to completion)
4-Pause (Sequence has stopped because of a PAUSE statement, or after each step is executed
while in the SnglStep sequence execution mode.)
5-Fail (Sequence has stopped because a sequence failure was detected)
6-Error (Sequence has stopped because a sequence error was detected)
7-Run (Sequence is running in the process module)
Type: E:SEQMODE Sequence Execution Mode—Defines the manner in which the sequence is
Lock: Determined by executed.
Default: Auto
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Auto (Normal mode of sequence operation. Sequence runs from beginning to end without
operator intervention.)
1-SemiAuto (Sequence stops at all PAUSE statements in the sequence. Operator action is
required to restart the sequence.)
2-SnglStep (Sequence is executed one step at a time, and operator action is required to resume
execution. This mode is normally used for debugging.)
Type: String_8 Sequence Name—Defines the name of the CL sequence that currently resides in
Lock: View the process module.
Default: Blank
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: Integer Sequence Program Size—Indicates the number of memory blocks used by the
Lock: View sequence currently loaded in this process module.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: >0
SEQPR (ProcMod)
Type: E:ALPRIOR Sequence Priority—Defines the alarm priority for Process Module points. Note
Lock: Engr that even when the Sequence priority is Journal, the alarm indicators still appear
Default: Low on the Group and Detail displays.
PtRes: NIM
Range: Emergncy (Alarm is historized, annunciated, and reported to all alarm summary displays)
High (Alarm is historized, reported to Area Alarm Summary Display and Unit Alarm Summary
Low (Alarm is historized, reported to the Unit Alarm Summary Display, and annunciated)
JnlPrint (Alarm is historized and reported to the printer but not annunciated)
Printer (Alarm is reported to the printer but not historized and not annunciated)
Journal (Alarm is historized but not reported to Universal Stations and not annunciated)
NoAction (Alarm is not reported to the system and not annunciated)
Type: Integer Sequence Slot Size—Defines the size of the program memory allocated for this
Lock: PtBld process module in terms of blocks. Each block is 32 words long. The actual
Default: 0 size is limited by the available memory.
PtRes: APM
Range: >0
Type: String_8 Serial Number/PROM Number of the Smart Transmitter
Lock: View
Default: Blank
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
SGALGID(1)–(2) (DevCtl)
Type: E:$GTALGID Secondary Gate ID—Defines the algorithm IDs for secondary gates.
in an Array
Lock: PtBld
Default: None
PtRes: APM
Range: NULL (No algorithm)
AND (And Gate algorithm)
OR (Or Gate algorithm)
NAND (Nand Gate algorithm)
NOR (Nor Gate algorithm)
XOR (Exclusive Or Gate algorithm)
PAND (Pulse Nand Gate algorithm)
POR (Pulse or Gate algorithm)
PNAND (Pulse Nand Gate algorithm)
PNOR (Pulse Nor Gate algorithm)
PXOR (Pulse Exclusive or Gate algorithm)
SGDSTN(1)–(2) (DevCtl)
Type: E:$GATDSTN Secondary Gate Destination—Defines the output destination for the secondary
in an Array gates.
Lock: PtBld
Default: None
PtRes: APM
Range: None (No destination)
SI0 (Output goes to Safety Interlock)
I0, I1, I2 (Output goes to Interlocks)
P0, P1, P2 (Output goes to Permissives)
SOCMD0, SOCMD1, SOCMD2 (Output is commanded to go to SOCMD0, 1 or 2)
OPCMD (Output is commanded to go to OPCMD parameter)
SGPLSWTH(1)–(2) (DevCtl)
Type: Integer Pulse Width for Secondary Gate—Indicates the pulse width for gates whose
in an Array algorithms begin with “P”.
Lock: Supr
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 8000
SGSO(1)–(2) (DevCtl)
Type: Logical Status Output for Secondary Gates
in an Array
Lock: View
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
Type: E:MODE Shedmode—Defines the mode to which this point sheds when it sheds from the
Lock: Engr Cas mode.
Default: Man
PtRes: APM
Range: 1-Man (Manual)
3-Auto (Automatic; applies to only Pid, PosProp, and RatioCtl algorithms)
4-Bcas (Backup Cascade)
Helpful Hint: 1. SHEDMODE configuration requires RCASOPT = Spc or Ddc for Pid
2. SHEDMODE configuration requires RCASOPT = Ddc for the following
3. SHEDMODE configuration requires RCASOPT = Spc for the following
Type: Integer Remote Cascade Shed Time—Defines the amount of time between successive
Lock: Eng/PB updates of the SP or OP value from the AM. If the update is not received within
Default: 0 the specified time, the AM or the NIM is assumed to have failed, and the backup
PtRes: APM control strategy is substituted by means of changing the mode to a preconfigured
backup mode.
Range: 0 to 1000 seconds
Helpful Hint: SHEDTIME configuration requires RCASOPT = Spc, Ddc, or DdcRsp, which
indicates that the SP or OP value is provided by the AM. To disable mode
shed, use the default value of 0 for this parameter.
Type: Logical Shutdown Command Flag—This optional parameter allows the user to
Lock: Prog implement safety interlocks that can effectively shutdown a single control loop.
Default: Off When the SHUTDOWN flag is set to On by a user-written program or logic
PtRes: APM block, the mode and mode attribute are changed to Man and Oper, respectively,
Range: Off and the OP output is set equal to a predefined safe output value (SAFEOP). As
On long as the SHUTDOWN flag is On, the MODE, MODATTR, ESWENBST,
and OP parameter values cannot be changed. When the SHUTDOWN flag is set
to Off, the control loop must be manually restarted.
Helpful Hint: Before a program sets this flag to the On state, it should write into parameter
SAFEOP a safe shutdown value of 0%, 100%, or NaN (which causes the
last good OP value to be used).
A Logic Point or CL program must be used to reset the Shutdown Flag.
Helpful Hint: This parameter can be changed by the engineer only when the point is
inactive or when the APM is idle.
SIALGID(1)–(12) (DevCtl)
Type: E:$I2ALGID Secondary Input Gate Algorithm ID—Indicates the algorithm IDs for secondary
in an Array input gates.
Lock: PtBld
Default: Null
PtRes: APM
Range: NULL (No algorithm)
DLY (Input is Delayed algorithm)
ONDLY (On Delay algorithm, transition to ON is delayed)
OFFDLY (Off Delay algorithm, transition to OFF is delayed)
PULSE (Input is Pulsed algorithm)
MAXPULSE (Maximum Pulse Width algorithm)
MINPULSE (Minimum Pulse Width algorithm)
SIDLYTIM(1)–(12) (DevCtl)
Type: Integer Secondary Input Gate Delay/Pulse Width—Indicates the delay or pulse width for
in an Array secondary input gates.
Lock: Supr
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 8000 seconds
SIDSTN(1)–(12) (DevCtl)
Type: E:$GATDSTN Destination for Secondary Input Gates—Defines the output destination of the
in an Array secondary gate.
Lock: PtBld
Default: None
PtRes: APM
Range: None (No destination)
SI0 (Output goes to Safety Interlock)
I0, I1, I2 (Output goes to Interlocks)
P0, P1, P2 (Output goes to Permissives)
SOCMD0, SOCMD1, SOCMD2 (Output is commanded to go to SOCMD0, 1 or 2)
OPCMD (Output is commanded to go to OPCMD)
SG1, SG2 (Output goes to Secondary gates 1 or 2)
PG1, PG2, PG3, PG4 (Output goes to Primary gates 1, 2, 3 or 4)
Type: String_8 Simulation Indicator—see also DISP_SIM
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
SI0CONF (DigComp,DevCtl)
Type: Logical Safety Override Interlock Alarm Confirmation Flag—Indicates that the safety
Lock: Oper override interlock alarm needs to be confirmed.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
SISO(1)–(12) (DevCtl)
Type: Logical Status Output for Secondary Input Gates—Indicates the output value of the
in an Array secondary input gate.
Lock: View
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off
Type: Integer Slot Number—Defines the slot number where this point resides. For IOP point
Lock: PtBld types (AnalgIn, AnalgOut, DigIn, DigOut), it defines the hardware subslot on
Default: N/A the module (IOP card) in which the point resides; refer to description of
PtRes: NIM MODNUM parameter. For control points (DigComp, DevCtl, and Array),
Logic, RegPV, RegCtl, Flag, Numeric, Timer and ProcMod) it defines the
software slot in the PMM. The processing capacity of the APM depends on the
number and mix of configured control points. Refer to the APM Control
Functions and Algorithms manual for a detailed description of how to determine
the processing capacity of the APM, based on the number of control points
being used.
Range: AnalgIn (1-16 for HLAI and STI; 1-32 for LLMUX and RHMUX)
AnalgIn (1-8 for LLAI)
Array (1-256, but WKHYDOXHRI1$556/27
DevCtl (1-160, but WKHYDOXHRI1'(96/27
DigComp (1-512, but WKHYDOXHRI1'&6/27
DigIn (1-32)
DigOut (1-16 or 1-32)
Flag (APM Box Flag 1-2047)
Logic (1-80, but WKHYDOXHRI1/2*6/27
Numeric (APM Box Numeric 1-2047)
ProcMod (1-160, but WKHYDOXHRI1306/27
PI (1-8)
RegCtl (1-160, but WKHYDOXHRI1&7/6/27
RegPV (1-80, WKHYDOXHRI1396/27
Timer (APM box Timer 1-64)
AnalgOut (1-8 or 1-16)
Helpful Hint: SLOTNUM configuration for Array, DigComp, DevCtl, Flag, Numeric, Timer,
ProcMod, Logic, RegCtl, and RegPV points require CTLOPT = On.
Type: String_96 Slot 0 Soft Failures—Returns blind record of box soft failures present at a
Lock: View module address.
PtRes: APM
Range: Hexadecimal Characters 00 to FF
Type: Integer Slidewire Voltage Source Identifier—Defines the slot number of the voltage
Lock: Eng/PB source for the slidewire.
Default: 1
PtRes: APM
Range: 1–16
Helpful Hint: SLWSRCID configuration requires SENSRTYP = Slidewire.
SNAME(1)–(2) (ProcMod)
Type: String_8 Subroutine Name—Indicates the name of the subroutine currently used by the
Lock: View process module. A value of “ “ means that no subroutine is executing.
Default: Spaces SNAME(1) and SNAME(2) display the name of the first and second level
PtRes: APM subroutines called from the main sequence.
Range: N/A
SO (DigOut)
Type: Logical Status Output—The output from a DigOut point.
Lock: Oper
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Field contact is to be de-energized.)
On (Field contact is to be energized.)
Helpful Hint: Only the APMM Cont_Ctl access level can write to this parameter.
SO (Timer)
Type: Logical Status Output of Timer—Indicates whether the PV (elapsed time) has reached
Lock: View the SP (preset time).
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: On (PV has reached the SP)
Off (PV has not reached the SP)
SO(1)–(24) (Logic)
Type: Logical Logic Block Status Output—Indicates the output state of the logic block.
Lock: View
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Output is false)
On (Output is true)
Type: Real Soak Time for Soak Segments 1–12—Define the soak time in minutes for each
Lock: Supr soak segment.
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to 120.0 minutes
Type: Real Soak Value for R/S Segments 1–12— Defines the soak values in engineering
Lock: Supr units for each soak segment.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
SP (RegCtl)
Type: Real Setpoint of the PV in Engineering Units
Lock: Oper
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Helpful Hint: SP usually does not require a control input connection. If a cascade
connection to SP is required, it is typically configured by specifying a control
output connection on the primary point.
SP (Timer)
Type: Integer Preset Time—Defines the amount of time in seconds or minutes that the timer
Lock: Oper is to run.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 32000
Type: Real Setpoint Engineering Unit High Range
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: > SPEULO
Type: Real Setpoint Engineering Unit Low Range
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: < SPEUHI
Type: E:VALFORMT Setpoint Decimal Point Format—Indicates the format of the SP value.
Lock: View SPFORMAT tracks with the selected PVFORMAT.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-D0 (XXXX.)
1-D1 (XXX.X)
2-D2 (XX.XX)
3-D3 (X.XXX)
Type: Logical Setpoint High Limit Violation Flag—Indicates the SP has exceeded the upper
Lock: View limit established by SPHILM.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (High limit not exceeded)
On (High limit exceeded)
Type: Real Setpoint High Limit—Defines the upper limit for the SP.
Lock: Supr
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Helpful Hint: 1. Entering NaN disables limit checking by forcing SPHILM to its extreme
value (SPEUHI).
2. SPHILM does not apply for the RampSoak algorithm.
SPLOCK (ProcMod)
Type: E:ACCLVL Setpoint Lock—Stores to the process module point’s own flags, numeric,
Lock: Engr strings, and time parameters, and are checked against the access lock specified
Default: Operator by SPLOCK.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Operator (Operator and higher keylock positions allow store access.)
1-Supervis (Supervisor and higher keylock positions allow store access.)
2-Engineer (Engineer and higher keylock positions allow store access.)
3-Program(Only the program has store access.)
SPLOCK (Array)
Type: E:ACCLVL Setpoint Lock—Indicates the access lock for array point parameters FL, NN,
Lock: Engr STRn and TIME.
Default: Operator
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Operator (Operator and higher keylock positions allow store access.)
1-Supervis (Supervisor and higher keylock positions allow store access.)
2-Engineer (Engineer and higher keylock positions allow store access.)
3-Program(Only the program has store access.)
Type: Real Setpoint Low Limit—Defines the lower limit for the SP.
Lock: Supr
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Helpful Hint: 1. Entering NaN disables limit checking by forcing SPLOLM to its extreme
value (SPEULO).
2. SPLOLM does not apply for the RampSoak algorithm.
SPOPT (RegCtl)
Type: E:SPOPT Setpoint Option
Lock: Eng/PB
Default: None
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-None (No specialized options are available)
1-TV (Target Value processing; provides a smooth transition from an existing setpoint to a
desired setpoint)
2-Asp (Advisory setpoint processing for Advisory Deviation Alarming)
Helpful Hint: 1. If component has been entered for the PNTFORM parameter, the Asp option
cannot be configured.
2. SPOPT does not apply for the RampSoak algorithm.
SPP (RegCtl)
Type: Real Setpoint in Percent
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
SPTV (RegCtl)
Type: Real Setpoint Target Value in Engineering Units
Lock: Oper
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
SPTVP (RegCtl)
Type: Real Setpoint Target Value in Percent
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0
SSTEP(1)–(2) (ProcMod)
Type: String_8 Subroutine Step Name—Indicates the current step of the subroutine executing in
Lock: View this Process Module. A value of “ “ means that no subroutine is executing.
Default: Spaces SSTEP(1) and SSTEP(2) display the step name of the first and second level
PtRes: APM subroutines called from the main sequence.
Range: N/A
SSTMT(1)–(2) (ProcMod)
Type: Integer Subroutine Statement Number—This parameter points to the statement number
Lock: View (in the NIM sequence library) of the current subroutine. A value of 0 indicates
Default: 0 that no subroutine is executing. The array index indicates nesting level.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 255
Type: Logical Start Command Flag—Starts DigIn accumulator or RegPV totalizer when flag
Lock: Prog transitions from Off to On.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (No effect on accumulator/totalizer)
On (Allows the accumulator/totalizer to begin counting up/down)
Type: E:STATE Current State—Indicates the current state of the STI point.
Lock: View
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 2-Loading (Indicates that database loading between the STI point and the transmitter is occurring.)
3-Loadcomp (Indicates that the database transfer between the STI point and the transmitter has
been successfully completed)
4-Loadfail (Indicates that the parameter transfer between the STI point and the transmitter has not
been successfully completed)
5-Calib (Indicates that certain parameters are being calibrated at the transmitter by the STI point)
6-Calcomp (Indicates that the calibration has been successfully completed)
7-Calfail (Indicates that the calibration has not been successfully completed)
8-OK (Normal state; indicates that the STI point and the transmitter are OK. Transmitter is
updating the PV value at the STI point. STATE remains OK when the point is made inactive.)
9-DBChange (Indicates that a database mismatch between the STI point and the transmitter has
been detected. Transmitter is not updating the PV value at the STI point. STATE remains
DBChange when the point is made inactive.)
STATE (Totalizr)
Type: E:STATE Accumulator State—Indicates the current state of the totalizer.
Lock: View
Default: Stopped
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Stopped (Stopped)
1-Running (Accumulating)
Type: String_8 Current State—These parameters represent the state text (STATETXT)
Lock: View descriptors as follows:
Default: 1 = On STATE0 = STATETXT(0)
0 = Off STATE1 = STATETXT(1)
2 = State 2 STATE2 = STATETXT(2); Digital Composite and DevCtl points only
PtRes: NIM Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for a detailed
description of the Digital Composite point states.
Range: N/A
Range: N/A
Type: Integer Statement—Indicates the current statement of the sequence executing in this
Lock: View process module. A statement number of 0 indicates that no statement is being
Default: 0 executed.
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 to 255
Type: Logical Standby Status Flag—Returns blind record of STDBYMAN status
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (No Standby Manual present)
On (Standby Manual is activated)
STEP (ProcMod)
Type: String_8 Step Name—Indicates the step name of the sequence executing in this process
Lock: View module.
Default: Spaces
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Helpful Hint: Loading an invalid STI_EU type causes an error. An attempt to correct it from
the Detail Display is rejected as CONFIG MISMATCH. To recover, load the correct STI_EU
parameter from the PED or perform an UPLOAD from the point Detail Display.
0-InH20 (Pressure transmitter—Inches of water)
1-MMHG (Pressure transmitter—Millimeters of mercury)
2-PSI (Pressure transmitter—Pounds per square inch)
3-KPA (Pressure flow transmitter—Kilopascals)
4-MPA (Pressure transmitter—Millipascals)
5-MBar (Pressure transmitter—Millibars)
6-Bar (Pressure transmitter—Bars)
7-G_SQCM (Pressure transmitter—Grams per square centimeter)
8-KG_SQCM (Pressure flow transmitter—Kilograms per square centimeter)
9-MMH20 (Pressure transmitter—Millimeters of water)
10-INHG (Pressure transmitter—Inches of mercury)
11-Deg_C (Temperature transmitter—Degrees Centigrade)
12-Deg_F (Temperature transmitter—Degrees Fahrenheit)
13-Deg_K (Temperature transmitter—Degrees Kelvin)
14-Deg_R (Temperature transmitter—Degrees Rankine)
15-MV (Temperature transmitter—Millivolts)
16-V (Temperature transmitter—Volts)
17-Ohms (Temperature transmitter—RTD Ohms)
18-CM_HR (Magnetic flow transmitter (volume)—Cubic Meters per hour)
19-Gal_HR (Magnetic flow transmitter (volume)—Gallons per hour)
20-LIT_HR (Magnetic flow transmitter (volume)—Liters per hour)
21-CC_HR (Magnetic flow transmitter (volume)—Cubic Centimeters per hour)
22-CM_Min (Magnetic flow transmitter (volume)—Cubic Meters per hour)
23-Gal_Min (Magnetic flow transmitter (volume)—Gallons per minute)
24-Lit_Min (Magnetic flow transmitter (volume)—Liters per minute)
25-CC_Min (Magnetic flow transmitter (volume)—Cubic centimeters per minute)
26-CM_Day (Magnetic flow transmitter (volume)—Cubic meters per day)
27-Gal_Day (Magnetic flow transmitter (volume)—Gallons per day)
28-KGal_Day (Magnetic flow transmitter (volume)—Thousands of gallons per day)
29-BRL_Day (Magnetic flow transmitter (volume)—Barrels per day)
30-CM_Sec (Magnetic flow transmitter (volume)—Centimeters per second)
31-KG_HR* (Magnetic flow transmitter (mass)—Kilograms per hour)
32-LBS_HR* (Magnetic flow transmitter (mass)—Pounds per hour)
33-Ft_Sec (Magnetic flow transmitter (velocity)—Feet per second)
34-M_Sec (Magnetic flow transmitter (velocity)—Meters per second)
35-KG_Min* (Magnetic flow transmitter (mass)—Kilograms per minute)
36-KG_Sec* (Magnetic flow transmitter (mass)—Kilograms per second)
37-LBS_Min* (Magnetic flow transmitter (mass)—Pounds per minute)
38-LBS_Sec* (Magnetic flow transmitter (mass)—Pounds per second)
39-PRCNT (Percent)
*Not implemented
Type: String_8 Software Revision Level of the Smart Transmitter
Lock: View
Default: Blank
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: String_8 Transmitter Tag Name—Identifies the name of the Smart Transmitter to the
Lock: Eng/PB system and on displays, reports, and logs.
Default: All Spaces
PtRes: APM
Helpful Hint: For multivariable transmitters, an identical STITAG must be entered for each
active slot related to that transmitter. The IOP uses the number of identical STITAG names to
calculate the number of PVs associated with with a given transmitter.
Range: Tag name can be up to 8 characters, and the permissible character set is as follows:
Alphabetics A-Z (uppercase or lowercase)
Numerics 0-9
Embedded space characters are allowed.
Type: Logical Stop Command Flag—Stops the DigIn accumulator or RegPV totalizer when
Lock: Prog the flag transitions from Off to On.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (No effect on the accumulator/totalizer)
On (Stops the accumulator/totalizer from counting up/down)
STR8(1)–(16) (ProcMod)
Type: String_8 Local String Variables—Each Process Module point has 16 local STR8
Lock: Determined by variables that are different from the APM Box STR8 variables.
Default: Spaces
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
STR16(1)–(8) (ProcMod)
Type: String_16 Local String Variables—Each Process Module point has 8 local STR16
Lock: Determined by variables that overlay the local STR8 variables [for example,
SPLOCK STR16(1)=STR8(1) concatenated with STR8(2)].
Default: Spaces
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
STR32(1)–(4) (ProcMod)
Type: String_32 Local String Variables—Each Process Module point has four local STR32
Lock: Determined by variables that overlay the local STR8 variables.
Default: Spaces
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
STR64(1)–(2) (ProcMod)
Type: String_64 Local String Variables—Each Process Module point has two local STR64
Lock: Determined by variables that overlay the local STR8 variables [for example,
SPLOCK STR64(1)=STR8(1-8)].
Default: Spaces
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
STR8(i) (Array)
Type: String_8 Array Point String Variables—8-character string variables that are mapped to the
Lock: Determined by Array point. The number of variables is dependent on the NSTRING and
SPLOCK STRLEN variables.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 ≤ I ≤(Array parameter NSTRING)/(8/STRLEN)
STR16(i) (Array)
Type: String_16 Array Point String Array Variables—16-character string variables that are
Lock: Determined by mapped to the Array point. These variables overlay the STR8 variables.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 ≤ I ≤ (Array parameter NSTRING)/(16/STRLEN)
STR32(i) (Array)
Type: String_32 Array Point String Variables—32-character string variables mapped to the Array
Lock: Determined by point that overlay the STR8 variables.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 ≤ I ≤ (Array parameter NSTRING)/(32/STRLEN)
STR64(i) (Array)
Type: String_64 Array Point String Variables—64-character string variables mapped to the Array
Lock: Determined by point that overlay the STR8 variables.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 1≤I ≤ (Array parameter NSTRING)/(64/STRLEN)
Type: String_64 String Array Descriptor—64-character string describing the Array point string
Lock: PtBld data.
Default: Spaces
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
STRLEN (Array)
Type: Integer Array Point String Length—Indicates the length of the configured string (with
Lock: PtBld the STRSTIX and NSTRING parameters) displayed on the Array Point Detail
Default: 8 display. Strings can be accessed by STR8, STR16, STR32 or STR64 regardless
PtRes: APM of this value.
Range: 8, 16, 32, 64
STRLEN (ProcMod)
Type: Integer Process Module String Length—Indicates the displayed string length on the
Lock: PtBld Process Module Detail display. Strings can still be accessed by STR8, STR16,
Default: 8 STR32, or STR64 regardless of this value.
PtRes: APM
Range: 8, 16, 32, 64
Type: Real String Array Start Index—Defines the string array start index in Box STR8
Lock: PtBld variables, or the Serial Interface-connected device.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
0 to 99,999 (When EXTDATA=IO_STR, 0 can be a valid device index)
Type: String_2 Startup/Failover Information
Lock: View
PtRes: APM
Range: Hexadecimal characters 00 to FF
Type: E:MSGTXT Status Message—A self-defining enumeration of the MSGTXT parameter that
Lock: Oper provides additional descriptive information regarding the red tag, batch state, or
Default: MSGTXT(0) device state.
PtRes: APM
Range: MSGTXT(0) to MSGTXT(15)
Type: E:$SUSPST Suspend State
Lock: View
Default: None
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-None
Type: Integer Suspension Timer—The remaining time (in minutes) before the sequence
Lock: View program resumes execution. This timer is started when a sequence program
Default: 0 executes a wait statement.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 32, 767 minutes
Type: E:PVALDB SECVAR Alarm Deadband—The deadband for the SECVAR alarm.
Lock: Engr/PB
Default: One
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Half (1/2 of 1% of Engineering Unit range)
1-One (1% of Engineering Unit range)
2-Two (2% of Engineering Unit range)
3-Three (3% of Engineering Unit range)
4-Four (4% of Engineering Unit range)
5-Five (5% of Engineering Unit range)
6-EU (Value is defined by SVALDBEU parameter)
Type: Real SECVAR Alarm Deadband in Engineering Units—Indicates the alarm deadband
Lock: Engr/PB in engineering units when the SVALDB parameter = EU.
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: Allowable Engineering Units
Type: String_8 SECVAR Descriptor—Defines the SECVAR parameter or secondary variable
Lock: PtBld descriptor.
Default: Blank
PtRes: APM
Range: 8 Character String
Type: String_8 SECVAR Engineering Unit Descriptor—Defines the engineering unit descriptor
Lock: PtBld for the SECVAR parameter or secondary variable descriptor.
Default: Blank
PtRes: APM
Range: 8 Character String
Type: Real SECVAR Range High—Defines the high engineering unit range for the
Lock: Engr/PB SECVAR parameter.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: <> NaN
Type: Real SECVAR Range Low—Defines the low engineering unit range for the
Lock: Engr/PB SECVAR parameter.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: <> NaN
Type: Logical SECVAR High-High Alarm Flag
Lock: View
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (SECVAR parameter is below the SVHHTP parameter minus the deadband)
On (SECVAR parameter has exceeded the SVHHTP parameter)
Type: E:ALPIOR SECVAR High-High Alarm Priority
Lock: Engr
Default: Low
PtRes: NIM
Range: JnlPrint (Alarm is historized, reported to printer, but not annunciated)
Printer (Reported to printer only)
Emergncy (Reported to all alarm summary displays)
High (Reported to Area Alarm Summary Display and Unit Alarm Summary Display)
Low (Reported to Unit Alarm Summary Display)
Journal (Logged but not reported to Universal Stations)
NoAction (Alarm is not reported to the system)
Type: Real SECVAR High-High Alarm Trip Point—No alarms are generated when this
Lock: Supr parameter is set to NaN.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: 69+,73RUNaN
Type: Real SECVAR High-High Trip Point Percent—The SECVAR High-High Trip Point
Lock: Supr in terms of engineering units in percent.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 100
Type: Logical SECVAR High Alarm Flag—This flag is set when the SECVAR exceeds
Lock: View SVHITP and is reset when SECVAR is below SVHIFL minus deadband.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (SECVAR parameter is below SVHIFL minus the deadband)
On (SECVAR parameter has exceeded SVHIFL)
Type: E:ALPRIOR SECVAR High Alarm Priority
Lock: Engr
Default: Low
PtRes: NIM
Range: JnlPrint (Alarm is historized and reported to the printer but not annunciated)
Printer (Alarm is reported to the printer but not historized and not annunciated)
Emergncy (Alarm is historized, annunciated, and reported to all alarm summary displays)
High (Alarm is historized, reported to Area Alarm Summary Display and Unit Alarm Summary
Low (Alarm is historized, reported to the Unit Alarm Summary Display, and annunciated)
Journal (Alarm is historized but not reported to Universal Stations and not annunciated)
NoAction (Alarm is not reported to the system and not annunciated)
Type: Real SECVAR High Alarm Trip Point—When this parameter is set to NaN, no
Lock: Supr alarms are generated.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: ≥ SVEULO or NaN
Type: Real SECVAR High Alarm Trip Point Percent—The SECVAR High Trip Point in
Lock: Supr terms of engineering units percent.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 100
SVP (DevCtl)
Type: Real SECVAR in Percent of Engineering Range—The percentage for this parameter is
Lock: View calculated from the SECVAR parameter, using both the SVEVHI and SVELVO
Default: NaN parameters.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 100
Type: Real Peak Value of SECVAR—Indicates the highest value of the SECVAR parameter
Lock: View since the device changed from state 0.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: Real or NaN
SVSRC (DevCtl)
Type: Universal SECVAR Input Connection—Specifies input connection to which the current
Ent.Prm values of Device Control inputs are supplied. The connection can be specified
Lock: PtBld using the "Tagname.Parameter" format or the hardware reference address format
Default: Null Refer to the APM Control Functions and Algorithms manual for a detailed
PtRes: APM description.
Range: Use Tagname.Parameter for tagged points where Tagname can be up to 16 characters and the
permissible character set is as follows:
Alphabetics A-Z (uppercase only)
Numerics 0-9 (an all numeric tag name is not allowed)
Underscore (_) cannot be used as the first character or the last character, and consecutive
underscores are not allowed.
Embedded space characters are not allowed.
An * is used to default to this point’s tag name.
Parameter name can be up to eight characters and must be a legitimate parameter name.
Use the hardware reference address !MTmmSss.Parameter for untagged or tagged points where
MT is the IOP type, such as AI (Analog Input)
mm is the IOP Card number (1–40)
The letter "S" is a constant
ss is the slot number on the IOP Card (refer to SLOTNUM parameter)
Parameter name can be up to eight characters and must be a legitimate parameter name.
SVTV (DevCtl)
Type: Real Secondary Variable Target Value—Indicates the normal or operating setpoint for
Lock: Oper the SECVAR parameter.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
SVTVP (DevCtl)
Type: Real Secondary Variable Target Value in Percent—Indicates the normal or operating
Lock: Oper setpoint for the SECVAR parameter as a percent.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 100
T (FlowComp)
Type: Real Temperature Input—Indicates the measured actual temperature.
Lock: View
Default: 1.0
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0
T0 (FlowComp)
Type: Real Zero Reference for Temperature—T0 is the zero reference temperature input and
Lock: Supr it is in the same engineering units as the T (measured actual temperature) input.
Default: 0.0 T0 is typically -459.69 degrees F or -273.15 degrees C. Enter the absolute value
PtRes: APM of the temperature.
Range: N/A
Type: Real Integral Time in Minutes—Defines the integral time constant in
Lock: Supr minutes-per-repeat.
Default: 0.0 minutes
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to 1440.0 minutes
Type: Real Derivative Time in Minutes—Defines the derivative time constant.
Lock: Supr
Default: 0.0 minutes
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to 1440.0 minutes
Type: E:$TCRNGOP Thermocouple Range Option—Defines the thermocouple range option.
Lock: Eng/PB Applies only if a thermocouple (TC) sensor type is used for this data point.
Default: Normal
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Normal (Use PVEXEULO’s normal range table)
1-Extended (Use PVEXEULO’s extended range table)
TD (VdtLdLag)
Type: Real Total Dead Time in Minutes—Defines the fixed delay time in minutes for
Lock: Supr equation B, and the actual variable delay time in minutes for equations C and D.
Default: 0.0
PtRes: APM
Range: > 0.0 minutes
Type: Real PV Filter Lag Time in Minutes—Defines the filtering time lag to be used after
Lock: Supr the PV range has been checked. A value of 0.0 specifies that the PV is not
Default: 0.0 minutes delayed.
PtRes: APM
Range: 0.0 to 60.0 minutes
TIME(i) (Array)
Type: Time Array Point Time Variables—Times are mapped from the APM Box defined by
Lock: Determined by the TIMESTIX and NTIME parameters.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 ,$UUD\SDUDPHWHU17,0(
TIME(1)–(4) (ProcMod)
Type: Time Local Time Variables—Four local Time variables are available in each Process
Lock: Determined by Module point. These variables are different than the APM Box Time variables.
Default: 0 seconds
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
Type: E:TIMEBASE Time Base—Defines the time base to be used for the Timer data point.
Lock: Engr
Default: Seconds
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Seconds
Type: String_64 Time Array Descriptor—Sixty four-character string describing Time data.
Lock: PtBld
Default: Spaces
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
TIMESECS(1)–(240) (Array)
Type: Time Array Point Time Variables—Times mapped from the APM box defined by
Lock: Determined by TIMESTIX and NTIME parameters.
Default: N/A
PtRes: APM
Range: 1 i 17,0($UUD\SDUDPHWHU
Type: Real Time Array Start Index—Defines the Time data start index in the Box
Lock: PtBld Time variables.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to Box parameter NTIME (0 indicates there are no Times configured for this point)
Type: E:ENBLSTAT Timesynch Control—Defines whether SOE timesynch can be performed by
Lock: PtBld this NIM or NIM pair. Normally, the NIM with the lowest address is
Default: Disable configured for this function.
PtRes: NIM
Range: Enable (This NIM or NIM pair is able to perform SOE time synchronization)
Disable (This NIM or NIM pair does not perform SOE time synchronization, but can receive and
report SOE events)
TLD (VdtLdLag)
Type: Real Lead Time Constant in Minutes—Defines the lead-compensation time constant
Lock: Supr in minutes. A 0 (zero) entry specifies no lead compensation.
Default: 0.0 minutes
PtRes: APM
Range: -1440.0 to 1440.0 minutes
TMPV(1)–(64) (Timer)
Type: Integer Timer PV—Indicates the current (elapsed) time of the Timer data point in
Lock: View seconds or minutes.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: >0
TMRV(1)–(64) (Timer)
Type: Integer Timer RV—Indicates the remaining time (TMSP minus TMPV) for the Timer
Lock: View data point.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: >0
TMSO(1)–(64) (Timer)
Type: Logical Timer Status Output—Indicates the current state of the timer output.
Lock: View
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
On (TMPV = TMSP; elapsed time has reached the preset time)
TMSP(1)–(64) (Timer)
Type: Integer Timer Setpoint—Defines the preset time of the Timer data point, in seconds or
Lock: Oper minutes.
Default: 0
PtRes: APM
Range: 0 to 32000
TMST(1)–(64) (Timer)
Type: E:STATE Timer State—Indicates the current state of the Timer data point.
Lock: View
Default: Stopped
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Stopped (Timer is currently stopped)
1-Running (Timer is currently running)
TMTB(1)–(64) (Timer)
Type: E:TIMEBASE Timer Time Base—Defines the time base of the timer.
Lock: Engr
Default: Seconds
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Seconds
Type: Logical Selected Input Tracking—Allows the selected input to be changed without
Lock: Eng/PB bumping the output.
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: Off (Tracking disabled)
On (Tracking is to be used)
Helpful Hint: If On, causes nonselected inputs to track the selected input.
TRFB (PidErfb)
Type: Real Tracking Feedback Input in Engineering Units—Indicates the value of the PV or
Lock: View SP of another data point that is receiving its setpoint from this data point.
Default: NaN
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A
TSTS (FlowComp)
Type: E:PVVALST Temperature Input Value Status—Status of the T input value.
Lock: View
Default: Normal
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Bad (Value is bad and replaced with NaN)
1-Uncertn (Status of the value is uncertain)
2-Normal (Value is good)
Type: E:TVPROC Target Value Processor State
Lock: Oper
Default: Off
PtRes: APM
Range: 0-Off (No target value processing)
1-Preset (Set up setpoint target value and ramp time)
2-Run (Perform ramping function)
Type: E:$RECCHN UCN Receive Channel—Indicates the channel to which the node is listening.
Lock: View
Default: ChannelA
Range: 0-ChannelA
Type: Integer UCN Software Revision
Lock: View
Default: N/A
Type: Integer UCN Software Version
Lock: View
Default: N/A
Type: String_2 Unit Identifier—Defines the process unit to which this point is assigned. The
Lock: PtBld unit identifier is originally assigned during network configuration, and it appears
Default: N/A in displays and listings throughout the system.
Restriction: Two characters are required; blanks are not allowed. For example,
unit 3 must be entered as 03.
CL and Picture Editor — An integer is returned. This number is equivalent to
the unit position in the Unit Names configuration list.
Type: E:UPGRADE NIM Upgrade Status
Lock: Oper
Default: OK
Range: OK (NIM has not been upgraded and is OK)
Upgrade (NIM is upgraded and is questionable)
Type: Real Upper Range Limit—Indicates the upper range limit of the PV at the Smart
Lock: Eng/View Transmitter. This limit is a fixed limit and cannot be changed. Refer to the
Default: NaN description of the STI_EU parameter for the URL engineering units. During
PtRes: APM configuration, the value entered for this parameter must agree with the URL
value of the transmitter. Although any value can be entered during
configuration, a database mismatch will occur when the point is put on-process
because the transmitter’s URL value and the STI IOP’s URL value are not the
same. If the values are not the same, the STATE parameter value becomes
DBChange and PVSTS becomes Bad. Refer to URL in the PM/APM Smartline
Transmitter Integration Manual for more information.
The corresponding LRL parameter is not a configurable parameter at the
Universal Station.
The upper range limits for the Smart Transmitters are as follows:
For the ST3000 Smart Pressure Transmitters (Spt_Dp, Spt_Gp and Spt_Ap):
Xmtr Range URL (In H2O)
URL (in meters3/hour) = x 3600 x (N + 1)
where: D = the detector diameter in millimeters as follows: 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 25,
40, 50, 80, 100, 150, 200, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600, or 700
N = the number of dummy submerged detectors, from 0 to 9
Range: N/A, NaN
Type: Real Upper Range Value—Defines the upper end of the operating range for the
Lock: Supr/View PVRAW value. Refer to the description of the STI_EU parameter for the URV
Default: NaN engineering units.
PtRes: APM
Range: N/A, NaN Although the following maximum values can be entered, values greater than the
URL are not recommended and accuracy is not guranteed in such cases.
This parameter is a view-only parameter when the STI point execution state
PTEXECST is Active (indicating that changes cannot be made in this parameter
value from the Universal Station).
Type: String_16 User ID Reservation—The user ID that currently has reserved this point. The
Lock: Oper user can be changed by either a point, program, or operator. The operator can
Default: Dashes overwrite the USERID parameter at anytime. A program can store a nonblank
PtRes APM string in this parameter only if it is blank. If the USERID string starts with
three or more dashes (- - -), only the operator can overwrite the ID.
Range: 16 Character String
Type: Logical Warm Start Flag
Lock: View
Range: On (Warm start executed)
Off (Cold start executed)
X (FlowComp)
Type: Real Steam Compressibility Input—Indicates the measured actual steam
Lock: View compressibility.
Default: 1.0
Range: > 0.0
Type: Real X1 Input Value to be Biased
Lock: Prog
Default: NaN
Range: NaN
Type: Real Bias Adjustment Input
Lock: View
Default: N/A
Range: N/A
X2 (RatioCtl)
Type: Real Input Number 2—Indicates the value of the uncontrolled process variable.
Lock: View Source should be the same as for P2 of the Calcultr algorithm, if it is being used
Default: N/A in conjunction with the Calcultr algorithm.
Range: N/A
X2FILT (RatioCtl)
Type: Real Filtered value of the X2 input
Lock: View
Default: N/A
Range: N/A
Helpful Hint: Filter time is determined by X2TF. This filter is only active if the point is in
the AUTO or CASC mode.
X2TF (RatioCtl)
Type: Real X2 input filter lag time in minutes
Lock: Supr
Default: 0.0
Range: 0 - 60 minutes
XSTS (FlowComp)
Type: E:PVVALST X Input Value Status—Status of the steam compressibility input.
Lock: View
Default: Normal
Range: 0-Bad (Value is bad and replaced with NaN)
1-Uncertn (Status of the value is uncertain)
2-Normal (Value is good)
Reader Comments
Title of Document: Advanced Process Manager Parameter Reference Dictionary
Document Number: AP09-640 Issue Date: 2/99
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