Applied Soil Ecology: Sciencedirect
Applied Soil Ecology: Sciencedirect
Applied Soil Ecology: Sciencedirect
Keywords: The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of the inoculation with the plant growth-promoting
Zea mays rhizobacteria Bacillus thuringiensis RZ2MS9 and Burkholderia ambifaria RZ2MS16, both from the Brazilian
Inoculant Amazon, on the bacterial community of the rhizobiome and leaves of maize grown in field. For comparison, we
analysed the effects of inoculating Azospirillum brasilense Ab-V5, a strain that is commercialized as inoculant for
Azospirillum brasilense
maize, as well as the combinations RZ2MS16 + Ab-V5 and RZ2MS9 + Ab-V5. The treatment RZ2MS9 + Ab-V5
Bacillus thuringiensis
Burkholderia yielded the highest plant height and stalk diameter, which were significantly different from the non-inoculated
control (p < 0.05). The core microbiome of maize was mainly composed of the bacterial classes Gammapro
teobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, Cytophagia, and Bacilli. Overall, the
inoculation process had no effect either on the composition of the maize-associated bacterial community or on
the total bacterial biomass. However, we detected significant differences in the richness and in the community
structure among the plant niches analysed. Linear discriminant analysis identified that the class Actinobacteria,
and the order Actinomycetales were enriched in leaf and root of plants treated with RZ2MS16 + Ab-V5 and in
rhizosphere of plants treated with RZ2MS9 + Ab-V5. Functional analysis of the soil samples revealed significant
differences in the abundance of predicted genes encoding proteins related to respiration and solubilization of Cu,
Mg, and K among treatments. Furthermore, the NMDS ordination showed association between different func
tional gene categories and some plant traits. Our findings contribute to understanding the efficacy of microbial
inoculants for maize in field conditions.
1. Introduction significantly in the coming decades to meet the needs a growing world
population (FAO, 2020). Thus, a production system based on sustainable
The contribution of agriculture to the global economy has been agriculture is urgently required especially for primary crops.
growing in recent decades, increasing the use of agrochemicals and their One emerging strategy to promote sustainable agriculture is the use
negative impacts on the environment and human health (FAO, 2020). of inoculants formulated with Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria (PGPB)
For instance, the accumulation of synthetic pesticides in the soil can (Aydinoglu et al., 2020; Florio et al., 2019; Hu et al., 2017; Ullah et al.,
cause deterioration of soil properties and reduce plant growth or make 2020). PGPB can benefit plant growth directly by facilitating the uptake
the plant unsuitable for consumption (Pascale et al., 2020). At the same of soil nutrients when employing biological nitrogen fixation or miner
time, the production of primary crops such as maize needs to increase alization/solubilization of phosphate. They can also provide
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.C. Quecine).
These authors have contributed equally to this work and share first authorship.
Received 10 June 2021; Received in revised form 21 August 2021; Accepted 27 October 2021
Available online 8 November 2021
0929-1393/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.A. Ferrarezi et al. Applied Soil Ecology 170 (2022) 104297
phytohormones to plants and protect them against biotic and abiotic Microorganisms “Prof. João Lucio de Azevedo” at the University of São
stresses. Indirect benefits include priming the plant's resistance response Paulo. Both strains have been deposited at the Brazilian Collection of
against stresses (Trivedi et al., 2020). Environmental and Industrial Microorganisms (CBMAI). RZ2MS16 and
Although inoculants containing PGPB have been applied to plant RZ2MS9 are routinely grown in Luria-Bertani (LB) medium (Sambrook
crops for over 120 years (Arora et al., 2017), the inconsistent efficacy of and Russell, 2001) at 28 ◦ C.
these products, especially in field conditions, prevent the adoption of The A. brasilense strain Ab-V5 has been kindly provided by Dr.
microbial inoculants as a standard agricultural practice worldwide Mariangela Hungria from the Culture Collection of Diazotrophic and
(Mitter et al., 2021; Naamala and Smith, 2020). The inconsistent effi Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria of “Embrapa Soja”. The strain is
cacy of microbial inoculants in field may be explained by several un routinely grown in Dextrose Yeast Glucose Sucrose (DYGS) medium
controlled biotic and abiotic factors that can work against the (Rodrigues Neto et al., 1986) at 28 ◦ C. Conventional maize (Zea mays L.)
introduced microbe's survival (French et al., 2021). In addition, the in seeds, semi-flint hybrid DKB 390 (Dekalb, Monsanto), were used in the
oculants can be incompatible with other products applied to crops or can field trial.
even be defeated by the indigenous plant-associated microbiota per
sisting in low and ineffective levels in the soil (French et al., 2021). Thus, 2.2. In vitro compatibility of PGPB strains
testing microbial products in field conditions and analysing their
compatibility with other products and their effects on the indigenous The compatibility among RZ2MS16, RZ2MS9, and Ab-V5 was veri
plant microbiota is crucial for understanding the persistence and effi fied in pairwise combinations using the plate confrontation method
cacy of such products. described by Loaces et al. (2011) with modifications. Briefly, each strain
Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing have allowed re was inoculated into its respective liquid medium and incubated at 28 ◦ C
searchers to portray the plant-associated microbiome community as and 180 rpm for 8 h. Bacterial suspensions (each strain containing 1 ×
sembly under different conditions as well as the microbial recruitment to 108 CFU⋅ml− 1) were spread on plates containing their respective agar
host tissues over space and time (Dickey et al., 2020). These tools will medium, which were allowed to air-dry in a laminar-flow cabinet. Then,
greatly assist in the development of bioinoculants formulated with PGPB four drops (10 μl each) of the other bacterial suspension (containing 1 ×
that work effectively in a complex agricultural setting, such as the field, 108 CFU⋅ml− 1) were inoculated on the same plate. The experiment was
for improved and sustainable plant production. performed in three replicates, and we tested all possible combinations
The Brazilian Amazon is a biodiversity hotspot containing unique among the three tested strains. After the inoculation, the plates were
plant species such as the Amazonian guarana (Paullinia cupana). Studies incubated at 28 ◦ C for 24 h. A growth inhibition zone around the bac
about the microbes associated with these plants are scarce (Azevedo terial colonies indicated incompatibility between the two strains tested.
et al., 2000; Batista et al., 2018; Bogas et al., 2015; Bonatelli et al., 2016,
2019). Therefore, it is possible that the Amazon is a valuable source of 2.3. Field experiment set-up
unknown microbes with unexplored biotechnological potential that can
be used as inoculants in agriculture. The PGPB Burkholderia ambifaria Bacterial pre-inoculums were prepared by growing each bacterial
strain RZ2MS16 (Batista et al., 2016b) and Bacillus thuringiensis strain strain at 28 ◦ C and 150 rpm, in its respective culture medium, for 24 h.
RZ2MS9 (Batista et al., 2016a, 2021) were previously isolated from the Initial cell density was adjusted to 1 × 108 CFU⋅ml− 1 in 50 ml of liquid
guarana rhizosphere by our group (Batista et al., 2018). These strains medium. Then, the bacterial suspensions were grown at 28 ◦ C and 150
remarkably promoted the growth of maize in greenhouse conditions. rpm for 8 h and adjusted to a final cell density of 1 × 109 CFU⋅ml− 1 for
Increases of around 250% and 140% in maize root dry weight were each bacterial inoculum. Cell density was determined using the LB
obtained by applying RZ2MS9 and RZ2MS16, respectively, as compared medium microdrop technique (Estrada-Bonilla et al., 2017, 2021). The
to the non-inoculated control, 60 days after seeding (Batista et al., inoculums were shortly kept at room temperature prior to seed
2018). However, the effects of these strains on maize growth and pro inoculation.
ductivity under field conditions have not been evaluated until now. For inoculation, the maize seeds were washed with sterile distilled
The commercial use of the bacterium Azospirillum brasilense strain water and rinsed in a sterile 10% (w/v) sucrose solution for 10 min.
Ab-V5 on maize has been growing exponentially in Brazil (Fukami et al., Then, the seeds were drained and dried at room temperature. After
2016, 2017; Hungria et al., 2010; Marks et al., 2015). The first inoculant drying, they were submerged into the bacterial treatments and incu
containing A. brasilense produced in the country was released to the bated by shaking at 45 rpm for 30 min at room temperature. The control
market in 2009 and, ten years later, it is estimated that about 10.5 treatment involved washing the seeds and treating them with the su
million doses of inoculants carrying Ab-V5 were applied in cereal crops crose solution as previously described and submerging them into a 1:1
in Brazil (Santos et al., 2021). Considering the high adoption of mix of the LB and DYGS media with no bacterial growth.
A. brasilense products by Brazilian farmers, it is desirable that any new The seeds were manually sowed with the aid of a hoe in a field
microbial product for maize be compatible with these strains. Several located in the “Luiz de Queiroz” College of Agriculture in Piracicaba-SP,
studies suggest that a consortium of microbes can be more effective in Brazil (22◦ 42′ 23′′ S, 47◦ 38′ 14′′ W, 535 m altitude, Köppen-Geiger climate
increasing disease resistance and promoting plant growth than the type Cfa). The soil in the area is a Dystrophic Red Latosol (Rhodic
inoculation of single bacterial strains (Armanhi et al., 2018; Hungria Hapludox) (Soil Survey Staff, 2010). Soil fertility was corrected by
et al., 2010, 2015, 2016; Lopes et al., 2021). Therefore, the present study adding 290 kg ha− 1 of 8-28-16 NPK fertilizer in the whole experimental
analysed the effect of B. ambifaria RZ2MS16, B. thuringiensis RZ2MS9, area.
and A. brasilense Ab-V5, as single strains and as consortia on the growth The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete blocks
of maize and on the assembly of maize-associated bacterial communities design with five blocks (replicates). The six treatments were: (i) single
under field conditions. inoculation of B. thuringiensis RZ2MS9 (RZ2MS9 hereafter); (ii) single
inoculation of B. ambifaria RZ2MS16 (RZ2MS16 hereafter); (iii) single
2. Materials and methods inoculation of A. brasilense Ab-V5 (Ab-V5 hereafter); (iv) co-inoculation
of RZ2MS9 and Ab-V5 (RZ2MS9 + Ab-V5 hereafter); (v) co-inoculation
2.1. Bacterial strains and plant material of RZ2MS16 and Ab-V5 (RZ2MS16 + Ab-V5 hereafter); and (vi) non-
inoculated control. Maize seeds were sown in the 5 m × 8 m blocks,
Three PGPB strains were used in this study: Burkholderia ambifaria which were composed of 11 rows that were 80 cm distant from each
RZ2MS16, Bacillus thuringiensis RZ2MS9, and Azospirillum brasilense Ab- other. Each row in a block corresponded to a plot. From the 11 plots per
V5. The first two strains belong to the Laboratory of Genetics of block, 6 plots received the treated seeds, and 5 plots received seeds with
J.A. Ferrarezi et al. Applied Soil Ecology 170 (2022) 104297
no treatment, these plots were used as buffers between the treatments CAA CGC GAA GAA CCT TAC C –3′ ) and 1046R (5′ – CGA CAG CCA TGC
plots to avoid inoculants mixing in the soil by runoff. The distance be ANC ACC T –3′ ) for the V6 region of 16S rRNA gene (Sogin et al., 2006).
tween the blocks was of 1 m (Supplementary Fig. 1). Twenty seeds were Barcodes containing a set of five nucleotides were added to the primer
sown per plot. 967F, which were used as markers for each sample. The amplification
conditions were as previously described.
2.4. Assessment of the treatments' effect on the maize growth and yield All fragments containing barcodes were mixed at equimolar con
centrations and purified with the ChargeSwitch® PCR Clean-Up Kit
Sixty days after sowing (DAS), at the R1 growth stage (silking stage), (Invitrogen) and quantified with Qubit® 2.0 Fluorometer (Life Tech
we collected leaf (5 cm2 of the middle third of the second leaf below the nologies). Subsequently, samples were prepared to be loaded on a 316
cob), root, and rhizosphere soil samples from one randomly selected chip for posterior sequencing (Ion Sequencing Kit User Guide v2.0, Life
plant in each plot (5 plants per treatment). The samples were ice-cold Technologies) using the Ion Personal Genome Machine™ (PGM™) (Ion
transported to the laboratory, where they were kept at 4 ◦ C until Torrent, Life Technologies). The procedures for library preparation were
being processed for DNA extraction. On the same day, we counted the carried out at the Environmental Microbiology Laboratory, at “Embrapa
number of plants per plot, and measured the plant height, cob insertion Meio Ambiente” (São Paulo, Brazil).
height (ear height), and stalk diameter of all plants in the experiment.
The stalk diameter was measured using a digital pachymeter at the first 2.7. Sequencing data analysis
knot under the cob. At the end of the growth cycle (after physiological
maturity), the whole experiment was harvested, and the cobs were Sequencing data were processed with tools from USEARCH pipeline
classified by plot and counted. The cob length was measured, and the v.11 (Edgar, 2010) and Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) (Cole et al.,
grains of all cobs were mechanically detached and weighed. One hun 2014). The raw reads were pre-processed for quality control, with
dred grains per plot were randomly selected and weighed. The dry adapters trimmed and data filtered. The main criteria for trimming were
matter of grains was measured, and the grains' moisture was used to sequencing oligonucleotides and barcodes length, and low-quality bases
correct the estimate yield per hectare for each treatment. at 3′ extremes (quality score < 20). For filtering, the threshold of
maximum error rate of 3% was established. After that, the reads were
2.5. DNA extraction and quantification of bacterial communities oriented to the RDP database to improve data annotation, submitted to
dereplication (removal of redundant reads) and to singletons removal
DNA extractions from leaves, roots, and rhizosphere soil samples (single reads or low-quality ones), and finally clustered at 100% identity
were performed using DNeasy® Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen), following the to form ZOTUs (zero-radius OTU). The ZOTUs were counted per sample
manufacturer's instructions. The integrity of the extracted DNA was and annotated with RDP taxonomy information. At the end of the
determined by 1.0% (w/v) agarose gel electrophoresis with SYBR® Safe analysis, four files were generated and submitted to analysis at Micro
(Life Technologies). The concentration of DNA was estimated by spec biomeAnalyst platform ( The ZOTUs count
trophotometer NanoDrop™ (NanoDrop Technologies). table (which records the number of times each ZOTU was observed in
The number of 16S rRNA gene copies was estimated per nanogram of each sample), the metadata sheet, the ZOTUs mapping file, and the
total DNA by quantitative PCR using a IQ™5 (Bio-Rad) Real-Time PCR Newick phylogenetic tree. Phylogenetic distances between ZOTUs were
Detection System with SYBR® Green I. We used the primers 534F (5′ – estimated and used for the creation of Newick phylogenetic trees (Junier
CCA GCA GCC GCG GTA AT –3′ ) and 783R (5′ – ACC MGG GTA TCT AAT and Zdobnov, 2010). The sequence data reported in this study are
CCK G –3′ ) (Rastogi et al., 2010) to quantify the bacterial community. available at the MG-RAST repository (Meyer et al., 2008) under the IDs
Amplification was performed by applying the following conditions: 487318 (root and leaf samples) and 487340 (rhizosphere soil samples).
95 ◦ C for 3 min, 40 cycles at 95 ◦ C for 30 s, 53 ◦ C for 30 s, and 72 ◦ C for To obtain the functional profile of the soil samples, their read data
30 s. The final reaction volume was 25 μl, which contained 12.5 μl of were reprocessed with DADA2 using QIIME2 v. 2020.8 (Bolyen et al.,
Platinum® Quantitative PCR SuperMix-UDG (Invitrogen), 0.20 μM of 2019) and PICRUSt2 (Douglas et al., 2020) for the functional prediction
each primer, 5 ng of template DNA and Milli-Q water to complete the (full pipeline, excluding sequences with NTSI > 2), following the Agri-
reaction volume. Standard curves were obtained by performing ampli Analysis pipeline established by Biome4All. A database of maize crop
fications with the number of known copies of the template DNA added to soil was provided by Biome4All (São Paulo, Brazil) for comparison. The
the reaction with the primers POF27F (5′ – GAG AGT TTG ATC CTG GCT database is organized into curated sets of functional categories derived
GAC –3′ ) and 1378R (5′ – CGG TGT GTA CAA GGC CCG GGA ACG − 3′ ) from MetaCyc and KEGG pathways. The distribution of percentiles
(Heuer et al., 1997) using E. coli DNA. The amplification data of DNA across samples for each set of pathways was used for the direct com
extracted from the samples were interpolated with the standard curve to parison. For each functional category, a score was assigned that was
determine the number of copies of the gene of interest (Estrada-Bonilla equivalent to its placement in relation to the percentiles, according to
et al., 2017). Biome4All's pipeline. The set of scores for the samples were assessed
with non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), using the metaMDS
2.6. 16S rRNA gene sequencing function for the VEGAN R package with the Bray-Curtis distance matrix
(Dixon, 2003). Envfit (999 permutations) was used to fit the vegetable
The extracted DNA was amplified using the primers 799F (5′ – AAC growth parameters into the ordination.
ACG –3′ ) (Chelius and Triplett, 2001) to avoid amplification of chloro 2.8. Statistical analyses
plast DNA. The amplification conditions were determined for a final
reaction volume of 50 μl, composed of 1× PCR Buffer, 2.5 mM MgCl2, Plant growth data were analysed by a one-way analysis of variance
0.2 μM dNTP, 0.2 μM of each primer, 0.4 mM BSA, 2 U of Platinum® Taq (ANOVA) using R software v. 3.5.2 (R Core Team). A post hoc test
DNA Polymerase (Invitrogen), 50 ng of template DNA and Milli-Q water (Fisher's Least Significant Difference – LSD) was performed to determine
to complete the reaction volume. PCR reactions and band excision pairwise differences among the means of each phenotypic attribute at
procedures were carried out according to Carvalho-Estrada et al. (2020). 5% of significance. The log10 number of 16S rRNA gene copies was
PCR products were purified in 1% (w/v) agarose gel, with GFX™ analysed by LSD test at 5% significant level using the R software.
PCR DNA and Gel Band Purification Kit (GE Healthcare), following the The changes in the bacterial community diversity and composition
manufacturer's instructions. After purification, these samples were used were assessed by analyses of alpha- and beta-diversity. The alpha-
as the DNA template in a new reaction using the primer set 967F (5′ – diversity estimates were performed using the online tool
J.A. Ferrarezi et al. Applied Soil Ecology 170 (2022) 104297
Fig. 1. Effects of bacterial inoculation on maize growth at 60 days after seeding: Plant height (A); Ear height (B); Stalk diameter (C); Number of leaves (D); Cob size
(E); Weight of 100 grains (F); Number of cobs (G); Grain yield (H). Different letters indicate statistically significant differences among means (LSD test, p-value <
0.05). RZ2MS16 = Burkholderia ambifaria strain RZ2MS16; RZ2MS16 + Ab-v5 = Burkholderia ambifaria strain RZ2MS16 and Azospirillum brasilense strain Ab-v5; Ab-
v5 = Azospirillum brasilense strain Ab-v5; RZ2MS9 = Bacillus thuringiensis strain RZ2MS9; RZ2MS9 + Ab-v5 = Bacillus thuringiensis strain RZ2MS9 and Azospirillum
brasilense strain Ab-v5; Control = non-inoculated control.
J.A. Ferrarezi et al. Applied Soil Ecology 170 (2022) 104297
when compared to RZ2MS9 + Ab-V5, Ab-V5, and RZ2MS16 (Fig. 1C). In indices assessed can be found in the Supplementary Table 1.
addition, Ab-V5 significantly increased the number of leaves by 9.7%, PCoA displayed the bacterial community structure associated to
7.8%, 12.8%, and 14.1% when compared to the control, to RZ2MS16, to maize samples. No significant dissimilarities were observed among the
RZ2MS9 + Ab-V5, and to RZ2MS16 + Ab-V5, respectively (Fig. 1D). treatments, but clear differences in the bacterial community structure
Finally, the treatment RZ2MS16 + Ab-V5 significantly reduced plant were detected when comparing the maize niches (Fig. 3). However, we
height and ear height in comparison with the control (Fig. 1A and B). could observe a slight separation of the samples belonging to the
For the maize productivity parameters, we observed that the treat treatment RZ2MS16 + AbV5 in the root (Fig. 3).
ments Ab-V5, RZ2MS9 + Ab-V5, RZ2MS16, and RZ2MS9 did not have Finally, according to the PCA, a direct and positive correlation was
any effect on cob size when comparing with the control, but these observed between the variables stalk diameter and plant height, which
treatments significantly increased cob size when comparing with clustered together close to PC1, corresponding to 43.9% of the samples'
RZ2MS16 + Ab-V5 (Fig. 1E). The treatments RZ2MS16 + Ab-V5, Ab-V5, variability. A null correlation was detected between the variables ear
and RZ2MS16 significantly increased the weight of 100 grains by height and number of leaves (Supplementary Fig. 4).
13.75%, 13.66%, and 10.43%, respectively, against the control
(Fig. 1F). Additionally, the treatment RZ2MS16 + Ab-V5 significantly 3.5. Bacterial community taxonomic composition
reduced the number of cobs (− 19.7%) in contrast to the control
(Fig. 1G). Nevertheless, the treatments did not statistically differ from The sequencing of bacterial communities associated with maize leaf,
each other for the estimated average yield (Fig. 1H). root, and rhizosphere soil samples generated a total of 2,409,067 high
quality sequences with an average of 133,837 reads per treatment per
3.3. Bacterial community abundance niche (Supplementary Table 2). After data processing, 5861 ZOTUs were
obtained and these sequences were classified into 25 different classes.
The treatments had no significant effect on the bacterial abundance The predominant classes were Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobac
associated with maize leaves and roots. The bacterial abundance teria, Actinobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, and Cytophagia (Fig. 4).
detected in the leaf samples were similar among the treatments, but The treatment RZ2MS16 seems to have increased the RA of Gam
lower than in the roots, except for the treatments RZ2MS16 and maproteobacteria and decreased the RA of Actinobacteria in leaf tissues
RZ2MS16 + AbV5 (Supplementary Fig. 3). Considering only the plant when compared to the control. Other treatments had no effect over the
niches, roots presented significantly higher bacterial abundance as RA of bacterial taxa in the community (Fig. 4). We observed that the
compared to the leaves (Supplementary Table 1). bacterial communities associated with maize roots presented increased
relative abundance (RA) of Gammaproteobacteria and lower RA of
3.4. Bacterial community diversity and structure Betaproteobacteria when treated with RZ2MS16 and RZ2MS16 + AbV5,
as compared to the non-inoculated control (Fig. 4). Rhizosphere samples
The alpha-diversity estimated by Chao1 index significantly differed presented homogeneous RA of bacterial taxa among treatments, indi
according to the plant niches. Rhizosphere samples presented higher cating that the bioinoculant treatments did not affect the bacterial
bacterial richness than root and leaf samples (Fig. 2A). On the other community associated with this plant niche (Fig. 4).
hand, similar values of Chao1 richness index were observed among In the leaf core microbiome, four bacterial classes were identified:
treatments (Fig. 2B), indicating that the maize-associated bacterial Gammaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, and Cyto
community responded to niche variation but not to the inoculation phagia (Fig. 5A). In root, seven classes were identified: Gammaproteo
treatments. More information about the bacterial richness and diversity bacteria, Actinobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, Bacilli, Cytophagia, and
Fig. 2. Alpha-diversity estimated by using Chao1 index for plant niches (A), and for the treatments (B). RZ2MS16 = Burkholderia ambifaria strain RZ2MS16;
RZ2MS16 + Ab-v5 = Burkholderia ambifaria strain RZ2MS16 and Azospirillum brasilense strain Ab-v5; Ab-v5 = Azospirillum brasilense strain Ab-v5; RZ2MS9 = Bacillus
thuringiensis strain RZ2MS9; RZ2MS9 + Ab-v5 = Bacillus thuringiensis strain RZ2MS9 and Azospirillum brasilense strain Ab-v5; Control = non-inoculated control.
J.A. Ferrarezi et al. Applied Soil Ecology 170 (2022) 104297
Fig. 4. Taxonomic profile, at the class level, of the bacterial community of maize according to the different plant niches (Leaf, Root, and Rhizosphere). The group
“Others” plots the bacterial groups with counts < 10 based on total counts. RZ2MS16 = Burkholderia ambifaria strain RZ2MS16; RZ2MS16 + Ab-v5 = Burkholderia
ambifaria strain RZ2MS16 and Azospirillum brasilense strain Ab-v5; Ab-v5 = Azospirillum brasilense strain Ab-v5; RZ2MS9 = Bacillus thuringiensis strain RZ2MS9;
RZ2MS9 + Ab-v5 = Bacillus thuringiensis strain RZ2MS9 and Azospirillum brasilense strain Ab-v5; Control = non-inoculated control.
J.A. Ferrarezi et al. Applied Soil Ecology 170 (2022) 104297
Fig. 5. Heat map of the relative abundance and prevalence of maize core microbiome, at the class level, according to the different plant niches: leaf (A), root (B), and
rhizosphere (C). Only taxa contributing to ≥0.1% of relative abundance were selected for the heat map, which were represented in decreased order of prevalence.
Color legend and scale are provided in the figure.
Sphingobacteria (Fig. 5B). In rhizosphere, the most abundant bacterial groups were differentially abundant among the treatments (p-value <
classes were Betaproteobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, 0.05, LDA score > 2.0) (Fig. 6A). Three bacterial groups were signifi
Bacilli, Nitrospira, Deltaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, and cantly enriched in leaf samples of plants treated with RZ2MS16 + Ab-
three groups (Gp1, Gp3 e Gp5) of Acidobacteria (Fig. 5C). V5, including the class Actinobacteria, the phylum Actinobacteria, and
the order Actinomycetales (Fig. 6A). One bacterial group (Lactoba
cillales order) was significantly enriched in leaf samples of plants treated
3.6. Analysis of differentially abundant bacterial taxa
with RZ2MS9 + Ab-V5. For root samples, the class Actinobacteria, the
phylum Actinobacteria, and the order Actinomycetales were also
The linear discriminant analysis (LDA) effect size (LEfSe) was used to
enriched in plants treated with RZ2MS16 + Ab-V5, while the families
identify the bacterial taxa that significantly differed in abundance
Bradyrhizobiacea and Alcaligenaceae were enriched in the roots of
among treatments inside each plant niche. In leaf samples, 4 bacterial
J.A. Ferrarezi et al. Applied Soil Ecology 170 (2022) 104297
Fig. 6. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) effect size (LEfSe) computed for bacterial differentially abundant ZOTUs among the treatments grouped by niche (leaf,
root, and rhizosphere). Significant differences are defined at p-value < 0.05 and a LDA score > 2.0. RZ2MS16 = Burkholderia ambifaria strain RZ2MS16; RZ2MS16 +
Ab-v5 = Burkholderia ambifaria strain RZ2MS16 and Azospirillum brasilense strain Ab-v5; Ab-v5 = Azospirillum brasilense strain Ab-v5; RZ2MS9 = Bacillus thuringiensis
strain RZ2MS9; RZ2MS9 + Ab-v5 = Bacillus thuringiensis strain RZ2MS9 and Azospirillum brasilense strain Ab-v5; Control = non-inoculated control.
plants treated with RZ2MS16 (Fig. 6B). Finally, we detected that the 3.7. Functional analyses
bacterial class Actinobacteria, the order Actinomycetales, and the family
Intrasporangiaceae were significantly enriched in rhizosphere samples We observed significant differences in the functional categories
from maize plants treated with RZ2MS9 + Ab-V5 (Fig. 6C). Also, the “Respiration” and “Solubilization of Cu, Mg, and K” among the bacterial
class Alphaproteobacteria was significantly enriched in rhizosphere treatments used in this study (Fig. 7). Rhizosphere soil samples from
samples collected from plants treated with RZ2MS9 (Fig. 6C). plants treated with RZ2MS16 presented the highest respiration capacity,
J.A. Ferrarezi et al. Applied Soil Ecology 170 (2022) 104297
Fig. 7. Differential abundance of predicted genes related to respiration (A), and solubilization of Cu, Mg, and K (B) among treatments. RZ2MS16 = Burkholderia
ambifaria strain RZ2MS16; RZ2MS16 + Ab-v5 = Burkholderia ambifaria strain RZ2MS16 and Azospirillum brasilense strain Ab-v5; Ab-v5 = Azospirillum brasilense strain
Ab-v5; RZ2MS9 = Bacillus thuringiensis strain RZ2MS9; RZ2MS9 + Ab-v5 = Bacillus thuringiensis strain RZ2MS9 and Azospirillum brasilense strain Ab-v5; Control =
non-inoculated control.
while rhizosphere samples treated with RZ2MS9 presented the lowest best of our knowledge this is the first study to evaluate Ab-V5 strain
capacity for the same attribute (Fig. 7A). Soil from plants treated with performance alone or in combination with Burkholderia ambifaria and
RZ2MS16 also showed the highest capacity for the functional category Bacillus thuringiensis.
“Solubilization of Cu, Mg, and K”, while Ab-V5, RZ2MS9, and RZ2MS9 Here, we observed that the RZ2MS9 + AbV5 consortia significantly
+ Ab-V5 presented similarly low capacity for this attribute (Fig. 7B). The increased maize plant height and stalk diameter in comparison with
functional categories were then associated with the production param non-inoculated control and the other treatments. Moreover, PCA ana
eters using NMDS (Fig. 8). We noticed the following close associations: lyses indicated that stalk diameter and plant height had a strong and
(1) among the solubilization of heavy metals, cob size, and stalk diam positive correlation between each other, suggesting that plant height
eter; (2) between salicylic acid production and plant height, (3) among increase is in great part related to stalk diameter increase. In fact, the
organic sulfur metabolism, iron reduction, number of cobs, number of superiority of consortia over single strains is well known since several
leaves, and cob height; (4) between calcium precipitation and the studies suggest that more complex consortia can provide plants with
weight of 100 grains (Fig. 8). increased disease resistance and growth promotion effects as compared
to single bacterial strains (Armanhi et al., 2018; Hungria et al., 2010,
4. Discussion 2015, 2016; Lopes et al., 2021). In addition, recent studies have reported
bacterial strains that show little or no effects as single inoculants but
The successful application of bacterial inoculants to enhance plant exhibit plant growth promotion effects when used in a consortium
productivity relies mainly on the ability of microorganisms that show (Armada et al., 2016; Bai et al., 2003; Khan et al., 2020; Mishra et al.,
promising results in laboratory and greenhouse trials to overcome bar 2009; Zhikang et al., 2021).
riers and retain their characteristics when applied in the field (Sessitsch Here, our treatments have slightly affected maize growth, with
et al., 2019). Analysing the effect of biological products on the plant- inferior increases to those reported by Batista et al. (2018) with inocu
associated microbiota as well as their compatibility with products lation of RZ2MS9 and RZ2MS16 in maize in controlled conditions. The
adopted by the farmers is essential to understand the persistence and authors reported an increase of up to 40% on the maize shoot dry weight
efficacy of the introduced microbes. when inoculated with these two PGPB (Batista et al., 2018). The effect of
Many PGPB have been reported as successfully promoting the the inoculation with the strain Ab-V5 in our study was also inferior to
growth of plants in controlled conditions (Hu et al., 2017; Maqsood that reported by Hungria et al. (2010) in field conditions, where in
et al., 2021), including with maize as the host plant (Aydinoglu et al., creases of up to 25% in the wheat and maize biomass were observed
2020; Batista et al., 2018; Ullah et al., 2020). Fewer studies have when treated with Ab-V5 and Ab-V6. It is important to clarify that
extended PGPB assays to field conditions (Fukami et al., 2016; Hungria although the study conducted by Hungria et al. (2010) was carried out in
et al., 2010, 2015, 2016; Marks et al., 2015). In this study we analysed field conditions, the Ab-V5 strain was tested only in co-inoculation with
the effects of the PGPB Burkholderia ambifaria RZ2MS16, Bacillus thur other Azospirillum strain Ab-V6. Furthermore, plant genotype (Compant
ingiensis RZ2MS9, and Azospirillum brasilense Ab-V5, as well as of two et al., 2020; Cregger et al., 2018), soil properties (Florio et al., 2017),
bacterial combinations (RZ2MS16 + Ab-V5 and RZ2MS9 + Ab-V5) on diverse environmental or climatic conditions, agricultural management
the growth of maize (hybrid DKB 390) in a field trial. practices, and land use (Saad et al., 2020) can also be important sources
To compose the consortia treatments used in this study, we first of variation. Thus, different outcomes can be expected.
examined the compatibility among the PGPB strains to be tested and no Although reports on enhancement of plants growth through PGPB
negative interactions were detected. Ab-V5 has been used in co- inoculation are widely available, there has been high variability and
inoculation with other bacteria, including Azospirillum brasilense Ab- inconsistency in the results of studies carried out in laboratory, green
V6 and Bradyrhizobium spp. (Hungria et al., 2010, 2015, 2016). To the house, and field conditions (Gouda et al., 2018; Saad et al., 2020). For
J.A. Ferrarezi et al. Applied Soil Ecology 170 (2022) 104297
Fig. 8. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination of the metabolic pathways identified through functional prediction. Distribution of samples by
treatment group and production parameters vectors determined by envfit (A). Distribution of metabolic pathways against the production parameters vectors (B).
instance, field experiments using Azospirillum spp. and other PGPB have plant genotype on the degree of beneficial response to PGPB inoculation,
shown increases in maize grain yield ranging from 5 to 75% (Marks including with A. brasilense Ab-V5 (Vidotti et al., 2019).
et al., 2015). The variable performance of bacterial inoculants under We also investigated the impact of the microbial treatments on the
field conditions may be due to uncontrolled abiotic and biotic factors abundance, diversity, and structure of the leaf-, root-, and rhizosphere-
that can affect the growth and performance of the applied microbes associated bacterial communities. We observed that the inoculation did
(Saad et al., 2020). Some studies have also reported the influence of not affect the bacterial abundance in the maize rhizosphere, leaves, or
J.A. Ferrarezi et al. Applied Soil Ecology 170 (2022) 104297
roots. Similar results were found by Estrada-Bonilla et al. (2021) when Alphaproteobacteria were the most abundant bacterial groups associ
applying compost and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria to sugarcane in a ated with maize leaves, which is consistent with the phyllosphere mi
greenhouse experiment. The authors found only a small effect in the crobial composition of many plant species (Bodenhausen et al., 2014;
diversity of microbes in soil samples, although inoculation shifted the Müller et al., 2016; Trivedi et al., 2020; Vorholt, 2012). The PGPB
soil bacterial community structure. Also, like other studies, we observed RZ2MS16 slightly affected the class Gammaproteobacteria but not the
that microbial richness and structure differed among plant-associated class Actinobacteria in leaf and the class Betaproteobacteria in root,
niches (Cregger et al., 2018; Dickey et al., 2020). Previous studies indicating a factor that should be better investigated.
have proposed that the occurrence, abundance, and activities of indi The linear discriminant analysis (LDA) identified a differential
vidual bacterial taxa depend on the microenvironment provided by the abundance of the class Actinobacteria and the order Actinomycetales
plant compartment, meaning that the niche adaptation may have a (class Actinobacteria) in leaf and root of plants treated with RZ2MS16 +
major role in selectively filtering and recruiting different microorgan Ab-V5. The same bacterial group was enriched in rhizosphere with the
isms (Compant et al., 2020; Trivedi et al., 2020). treatment RZ2MS9 + Ab-V5, including the family Intrasporangiaceae
Our results confirmed previous findings that the roots and leaves (class Actinobacteria). Also, the class Alphaproteobacteria was enriched
harbor a lower diversity and distinct microbial communities as in rhizosphere samples collected from plants treated with RZ2MS9. In
compared to bulk soil or rhizosphere (Kudjordjie et al., 2019). In the maize plants, Alphaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Gammaproteo
present study, the bacterial richness in the maize rhizosphere was bacteria are generally the most abundant classes (Barrera et al., 2019;
greater than that in the roots, which was greater than that in the leaves. Müller et al., 2016). In addition, certain Gammaproteobacteria have
The same pattern was observed in Populus trees by Cregger et al. (2018), been shown to be plant protective agents (Bodenhausen et al., 2014) and
who also reported that both archaeal/bacterial and fungal community their presence in maize leaves could be due to its mobility towards
composition shifted more across habitats than among tree genotypes. nutrient sites on the leaf, with significant advantages over immobile
Peiffer et al. (2013) analysed 26 different maize genotypes and observed bacteria (Barrera et al., 2019).
that a large proportion of microbial diversity among maize inbred ge The order Lactobacillales (class Bacilli) was enriched in leaf samples
notypes was field-specific. Furthermore, Dickey et al. (2020) found from plants treated with RZ2MS9 + Ab-V5. Also, the families Bra
variation in alpha diversity of microbial communities in rhizosphere dyrhizobiacea (class Alphaproteobacteria) and Alcaligenaceae (order
samples when collected at different depths, where the richness Burkholderiales) were enriched in the roots of plants treated with
decreased with increasing sampling depth. Thus, our findings corrobo RZ2MS16. The differential occurrence of the order Lactobacillales (class
rate the knowledge of the niche-mediated plant microbiota structure Bacilli) in leaf samples and Burkholderiales in root samples was previ
and possible low heritability between field trials. ously described by Given et al. (2020) in wild and bait plants of Oxyria
In the present study, the more abundant bacterial classes in the core digyna (Mountain sorrel). The authors reported that the Bacilli class was
microbiome were Betaproteobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, Gammap highly enriched in the leaf samples. In contrast, several OTUs repre
roteobacteria, and Actinobacteria. This finding is in accordance with senting Burkholderiales were more abundant in the root communities.
other studies (Cregger et al., 2018; Gouda et al., 2018; Pascale et al., Also, based on our results, the inoculation did not modify the bac
2020; Trivedi et al., 2020). Although microbial composition varies terial community associated with maize. One explanation may be the
throughout plant development, a small fraction of microbial taxa excessive overlap between the resident and introduced communities.
belonging to the core microbiota are consistently maintained in high Possibly, the introduced microbes were not able to outcompete existing
relative abundances throughout plant development (Trivedi et al., microbial taxa and to use available resources to grow and spread. In fact,
2020). Noteworthy, in our study, the community composition of these the higher the number of vacant niches, the higher the chances of the
classes remained similar in different plant-associated niches, indicating inoculant to successfully establish in their new habitat. Also, the high
a conservative adaptation to the plant environment. level of overlap between the resident community and the niche of an
Taxonomy analysis revealed which ZOTUs (at genus level) are more inoculated bacteria reduces invasion success (Mawarda et al., 2020;
strongly associated with each host-niche within the maize plant. How Yang et al., 2017).
ever, due to the high microbial diversity found in the plant tissues and However, it is hard to ensure that the sample collection for micro
the high throughput sequencing resolution of this study, more mean biome analyses in this study was done at the right time to detect any
ingful interpretations are given at higher taxonomic levels. It has been inoculant impact on the maize microbiome. A few studies have accessed
reported that seed-borne microorganisms preferentially become associ inoculation effects over time. Some of them have reported impacts on
ated with aboveground plant tissues, whereas soil-derived microorgan microbiome several months after inoculation (Wang et al., 2018; Yin
isms are mainly associated with the rhizosphere and roots (Torres-Cortés et al., 2013), others only few days after inoculation (Johansen and
et al., 2018). Olsson, 2005). For instance, Johansen and Olsson (2005) found that
The highly abundant Proteobacteria group, especially Betaproteo Pseudomonas fluorescens DR54 affected the structure of rhizosphere
bacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria, detected in microbiome associated with barley up to 6 days after inoculation but,
maize roots and rhizosphere samples in this study, has been reported to after 9 days, it returned to its original structure. Recently, Mawarda
be commonly associated with soil and/or plant roots of several plant et al. (2020) published a meta-analysis study to assess whether microbial
species (Chauhan et al., 2011; Johnston-Monje et al., 2016; Kudjordjie inoculants alter soil microbial community composition. The authors
et al., 2019) including maize (Niu et al., 2017; Peiffer et al., 2013). found that, from 26 studies using high-throughput sequencing, over 96%
Proteobacteria are well known to respond to labile carbon sources and reported that microbial application led to changes in the native micro
are generally considered to be fast-growing microbes, whose pop bial community composition. However, from the 78 reviewed studies
ulations fluctuate opportunistically (Peiffer et al., 2013). Corroborating that used profiling methods, 82% detected an impact following inocu
our results, Cotton et al. (2019) and Niu et al. (2017) also found Acti lation whereas 18% did not report any significant effect.
nobacteria as one of the main bacterial classes prevailing in maize The variability among studies over the inoculant impact on plant and
rhizobiome. soil microbiome might also be correlated with the inoculant concen
In comparison with belowground tissues, the richness in the cereal tration, the method of application, and the diverse environmental con
phyllosphere was low especially considering the low relative abundance ditions, including the soil type (Florio et al., 2017; Fukami et al., 2016;
of Betaproteobacteria. This could be related to limited nutrient re Marks et al., 2015). Florio et al. (2017) reported contrasting effects of
sources in leaves and harsh environmental conditions, such as high ra inoculation with denitrifiers PGPB between different soil types. Fukami
diation and temperature fluctuations (Barrera et al., 2019). We found et al. (2016) tested the inoculant application in-furrow, via soil spray at
that the classes Gammaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and sowing, and via leaf spray after seedlings emergence, in comparison to
J.A. Ferrarezi et al. Applied Soil Ecology 170 (2022) 104297
seed inoculation. Different leaf N contents were detected among treat solubilization of heavy metals, cob size, and stalk diameter is the result
ments, and inhibitory effects of the soil spray inoculation treatment were of a biochemical connection or if it is just a random occurrence.
observed. Marks et al. (2015) compared the inoculation via leaf spray
and seed inoculation with and without lipo-chitooligosaccharides 5. Conclusions
(LCOs) metabolites. The authors found that, when the inoculant was
applied alone on the seeds, significant increases in maize grain yield Our study contributes to understanding the efficacy of microbial
were observed in two out of six experiments. However, when supple inoculants for maize in field conditions and their effect on the maize
mented with LCO-enriched metabolites, the effect of the inoculation native microbiome. The inoculation did not significantly alter the plant-
method seemed to be reduced and significant increases in grain yield in associated microbiome and had no remarkable effect on maize growth.
comparison to the non-inoculated control were observed in five out of Therefore, our findings add evidence to the lack of consistent efficacy of
six field experiments for both leaf spray and seed inoculation strategy. microbial inoculants when scaled up from controlled conditions,
It is important to add to this complex scenario that the plant whether in the laboratory or greenhouse, to a complex field trial.
microbiome composition varies along the plant life cycle (Edwards et al., Moreover, assessments over time may be better suited to investigate the
2018). The microbial communities can be highly dynamic in the early inoculants fate and their impact on the microbiome associated with
vegetative phase, then begins to converge throughout vegetative growth maize when grown under field conditions. We believe that this knowl
and stabilizes during the reproductive phase. Further studies are needed edge can be applied to improve the development process of microbial
and should consider evaluating the impact of inoculation over time and products for agricultural use, considering the need for inoculants whose
using more than one plant genotype, as the plant genotype is also an effects are persistent and replicable under field conditions.
important source of variation for the plant-associated microbial com Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
munities (Compant et al., 2020; Cregger et al., 2018). org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2021.104297.
In our trial, the potential microbial soil respiration and solubilization
of some macro and micronutrients were estimated by using the abun CRediT authorship contribution statement
dance of functional predicted genes related to these parameters. Soil
respiration is an important indicator of soil fertility and biological ac PACE: Writing – Original Draft, Writing- Reviewing, and Editing.
tivity, which in turn impacts plant yield (Bojarszczuk et al., 2019). A JAF: Formal analysis, Writing – Reviewing, and Editing. BDB: Investi
study with maize correlated soil respiration with the plant's biological gation, Writing – Reviewing, and Editing. RMA: Investigation, Writing –
activity and biochemical parameters. The results showed that soil Reviewing, and Editing. BAPT: Investigation, Writing – Reviewing, and
respiration had a positive correlation with the grain and straw yield of Editing. PAMA: Formal analysis, Writing – Reviewing, and Editing. BML:
maize and a negative correlation with evapotranspiration and soil Formal analysis, Writing – Reviewing. MLB: Investigation, Formal
moisture (Bojarszczuk et al., 2017). analysis, Writing – Reviewing. EJO: Formal analysis, Writing –
The abundance of functional predicted genes related to solubiliza Reviewing, and Editing. JLA: Writing – Reviewing, and Editing. MCQ:
tion of Cu, Mg, and K shows the potential of the plant to keep biological Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing – Reviewing, and Editing.
and biochemical reactions functioning properly (Ribeiro et al., 2020).
Copper is a cofactor for several metalloproteins and other macromole Declaration of competing interest
cules involved in essential metabolic processes, including cell wall
lignification, respiration, photosynthesis, and various protection mech The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
anisms (Abdel Latef et al., 2020; Nazir et al., 2019). Magnesium is an interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
essential element for the formation of the chlorophyll molecule, a the work reported in this paper.
cofactor for many enzymatic processes, and acts as a binding element for
the combination of ribosome subunits that are mandatory for the for
mation of proteins (Gaj et al., 2018; Guo et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2020).
Also, when potassium is lacking, plants present poorly developed roots
We thank the Department of Genetics in the name of Dr. Roberto
and small seed production and are more susceptible to diseases and
Fritsche-Neto for providing the maize seeds used in this study. We also
insects attacks (Meena et al., 2018).
thank Dr. Mariangela Hungria, researcher at Embrapa Soja, for
The association with the plant production parameters and functional
providing the commercial bioinoculant Ab-V5 and Dr. Itamar Soares de
gene categories showed a positive association between salicylic acid
Melo and Dr. Rodrigo Gouveia Taketani from Embrapa Meio Ambiente
production, plant height, and dry matter. Previous work, carried out by
for sequencing support.
Hussein et al. (2007) shows that maize plants irrigated with salicylic
acid increased the production of all amino acids (except methionine),
promoting the development of all plant-growth parameters (plant Funding
height, number and area of green leaves, stem diameter, and the dry
weights of the stem, leaves, and whole-maize plant), corroborating our We thank São Paulo Research Foundation – FAPESP for the grants
results. Another relevant and positive association found is the one be (Proc. No. 2015/01188-9 and 2019/04697-2) and for the fellowship to
tween calcium precipitation and the weight of 100 grains. Calcium JAF (Proc. No. 2019/25720-2). We thank the National Council for Sci
concentration in maize tissues at physiological maturity was reported by entific and Technological Development - CNPq for the fellowships
Szczepaniak et al. (2016) as a diagnostic tool to evaluate yield perfor granted to PACE, RMA, PAMA, BDB and BML and to also Coordination
mance during the growing season. These authors found that the higher for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel-CAPES for the
the Ca concentration in the grain, the lower the maize yield, drawing a fellowship granted to BAPT and MLB.
parallel with the number of kernels in the cob.
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