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Indispensable for-
All Competitive Exams

Neetu Singh
Paramount Coaching Centre Pvt. Ltd.

Published by:

Paramount Reader Publication

704, 1st floor, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-110009
First Edition – May 2012
Second Edition –February, 2013

Price: ` 300 /-

• All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in
any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior
permission of the author and the publishers.
• The publishers have taken utmost precaution in publishing the book, yet if any mistake has inadvertently crept in,
the publishers shall not be responsible for the same.
Dedicated to my beloved son
whose time I stole to write this one
To the First Edition

This book ‘ English for General Competitions- from Plinth to

Paramount’ is my gift to the aspirants of competitive exams who
will surely be benefited by the approach of this book alongwith
the numerous questions given at the end of every chapter carefully
picked from different question papers of various competitive
exams. The solution of every question has detailed explanation
for easy understanding . All the latest questions especially of
Passive Voice and Narration have been incorporated to help the
students know the lattest pattern of the questions being asked in
different competitive exams. In nutshell, I would like to say that
this book is an attempt to fill the void that aspirants of Hindi
Medium felt when it came to preparing English for Competitive
I earnestly thank the students of Paramount Coaching Centre Pvt.
Ltd. who helped me detect all the typographical and other mistakes,
that might have crept inadvertently, had they not detected them
with their keen sight.
Our students’ constructive feedback and suggestions are most
welcome which have always remained and will remain our guiding
light . I will be highly obliged if you message/mail me your feedback
or suggestion on 8860330003 or on [email protected].

Neetu Singh
May 31, 2012
1. VERB (BASIC) ................................................................................................................................. 01 – 24
2. TENSE ............................................................................................................................................... 25 – 40
3. PASSIVE VOICE ............................................................................................................................. 41 – 75
4. NARRATION .................................................................................................................................. 76 – 109
5. QUESTION TAG ............................................................................................................................ 110 – 112
6. SUBJECT VERB AGREEMENT .................................................................................................... 113 – 126
7. CONDITIONAL SENTENCE ....................................................................................................... 127 – 133
8. VERB (ADVANCE) ......................................................................................................................... 134 – 148
9. NOUN ............................................................................................................................................... 149 – 165
10. PRONOUN ....................................................................................................................................... 166 – 185
11. ADJECTIVE ..................................................................................................................................... 186 – 201
12. CONJUNCTION ............................................................................................................................. 202 – 215
13. ARTICLE ........................................................................................................................................... 216 – 230
14. PREPOSITION ................................................................................................................................ 231 – 269
15. ADVERB ........................................................................................................................................... 270 – 283
16. WORDS OFTEN CONFUSED & MISUSED .............................................................................. 284 – 294
17. VOCABULARIES ............................................................................................................................ 295 – 318
18. SYNONYMS (PRACTICE SET) .................................................................................................... 319 – 328
19. ANTONYMS (PRACTICE SET) .................................................................................................... 329 – 338
20. ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION ..................................................................................................... 339 – 356
21. ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION (PRACTICE SET) ..................................................................... 357 – 366
22. IDIOMS & PHRASES- 1 ................................................................................................................ 367 – 380
23. IDIOMS & PHRASES- 2 ................................................................................................................ 381 – 396
24. IDIOMS & PHRASES (PRACTICE SET) .................................................................................... 397 – 416


S/ Sub  Subject P  Pronoun V1  First Form of Verb

O/Obj  Object S.P  Singular Pronoun V2  Second Form of Verb
V  Verb P.P  Plural Pronoun V3  Third Form of Verb
S.V  Singular Verb Adj.  Adjective Aux. Verb  Auxilliary Verb
P.V  Plural Verb Adv.  Adverb U.N  Uncountable Noun
N  Noun Prep  Preposition S.C.N.  Singular Countable Noun
S.N  Singular Noun H.V  Helping Verb P.C.N.  Plural Countable Noun
P.N  Plural Noun M.V  Main Verb


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Passive Voice


 Verb Voice

 Verb active voice (Sub) (verb)
General Formula:- Sub + verb + obj

 Verb Passive Voice (obj) (verb)

Obj + Helping Verb + V3 + by + sub

General Formula:- Tense

 Passive Voice
Tea grows both in Assam and Ceylon. (×)
Tea is grown both in Assam and Ceylon. ()
He was rushed to the hospital where he was declared brought dead.

People were relocated from the flood affected villages.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 41

Passive Voice
Tense Active Passive Voice

Indefinite Tense Active Passive

Simple Present Sub + V1 + obj Obj + is/am/are + V3 + by + sub.

Simple Past Sub + V2 + obj Obj + was/were + V3 + by + sub.

Simple Future Sub + shall/will + V1 + obj Obj + shall/will + be+ V3 + by + sub.

Modal Sub + modall + V1 + obj Obj + modal + be+ V3 + by + sub.


Active Passive
1. Police arrested him. 1. He was arrested.
2. People speak english all over the world. 2. English is spoken all over the world.
3. A teacher teaches English here. 3. English is taught here.
4. No one desire riots. 4. Riots are not desired.
5. I will not tolerate this nonsense. 5. This nonsense will not be tolerated
by me.
Explanation of sentences no. 1, 2 & 3.
 sub active voice sub
passive voice sub
 indefinite pronoun vague noun Passive
voice 'by + sub' 'sub'
 Be forms main verb passive voice
1. I am
 happy. (A.V)
2. He should be
 polite. (A.V)
m. v.
 passive voice
Continuous Tense Active Passive
Present Continuous Sub + is/ am/ are/ V1 + ing + obj obj + is/am/are + being + V3 + by + sub
Past Continuous Sub + was / were + V1 + ing + obj obj + was/were + being + V3 + by + sub
Future Continuous Sub + shall/will + be + V1 + ing + obj Future Continuous Passive
Modal Continuous Sub + modal + be + V1 + ing + obj Modal Continuous Passive

Passive Voice 'Continuous Tense' 'being'

42 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Passive Voice
1. The committee is looking into the matter. (Active)
The matter is being looked into by the committee. (Passive)
Verb preposition P.V.
2. They are laughing at you. (Active)
You are being laughed at by them. (Passive)
3. The accused is being produced before the court. (Passive)
The police are producing the accused before the court. (Active)
4. Right to protest peacefully is being demanded by the revolutionaries. (Passive)
The revolutionaries are demanding right to protest peacefully. (Active)
5. You were not taking the exam seriously. (Active)
The exam was not being taken seriously by you. (Passive)
Perfect Tense Active Passive
Present Perfect Sub + has/have + V3 + obj Obj + has / have + been + V3 + by + sub
Past Perfect Sub + had + V3 + obj Obj + had + been + V3 + by + sub
Future Perfect Sub + shall/ will + have + V3 + obj Obj + shall / will + have + been + V3 + by + sub
Modal Perfect Sub + Modal + have + V3 + obj Obj + modal + have + been + V3 + by + sub

Passive Voice 'Perfect Tense' 'been'

1. Who has seen him? (Active)
By whom has he been seen? (Passive)
2. The news has surprised us. (Active)
We have been surprised at the news. (Passive)
3. He will have understood your ulterior motive by that time. (Active)
Your ulterior motive will have been understood by him by that time. (Passive)
4. The committee had looked into the matter impartially before he was found
The matter had been looked into by the committee impartially before it found him
verbs fixed preposition
known to, surprised at, amazed at, astonished at, startled at, vexed at, annoyed
with somebody, annoyed at something, contained in, embodied in, crammed with,
decorated with, filled with, ornamented with, thronged with, tired of. engulfed in.
1. The fire engulfed the building.
The building was engulfed in the fire.
2. This box contains ten cigars.
Ten cigars are contained in this box.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 43

Passive Voice
 Yes/No Questions Passive Interrogative Words Wh-
Active: Have you broken the glass?
Passive: Has the glass been broken by you?
 Yes/No Questions Interrogative Word
Active: Why have you broken the glass?
Passive: Why has the glass been broken by you?
 
Interrogative word Yes/ No Question
 Rule - Why, How, When, Where, What Who Whom
Questions Passive
Active: Who wrote the Ramayana?
Passive: By whom was the Ramayana written?
Who was the Ramayana written by?
[Whom was the Ramayana written by? ]
Active: Whom have you invited?
Passive: Who has been invited by you?


1. With obj 2. Without obj Moral Suggestion

(i) Shut the door (A.V.) (i) Go away. (A.V.) (i) Help the poor. (A.V.)
1st way Let the door be shut. (P.V.) You are ordered to The poor should be
go away. (P.V.) helped. (P.V.)
Let + obj + be + V3
2nd way You are ordered to shut You are ordered/ requested/ Obj + should + be + V3
the door. (P.V.) forbidden etc. + to + V1 + obj.
You are ordered/ requested/
forbidden etc. + to + V1 + obj.


Active: To + V1

Passive: To + be + V3

1. Active : I am to do it.
Passive : It is to be done by me.
2. Active: You are to write it in ink.
Passive: It is to be written in ink.
44 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Passive Voice
'to + V1' passive voice 'to + be + V3'
'to + V1' subject 'to + V1' 'to + V1' 'to + be +
V3 '
Active: The teacher gave me a book to read.
Passive: I was given a book to read by my teacher.
Active: S + have / has/ had + to + V1 + Obj

Passive: Obj + have / has / had + to + be + V3 + by + sub .

(i) Active: I have to finish this work .

    
S have to V1 Obj

Passive: This work has to be finished by me

      
Obj has to be V3 by sub
(ii) Active: You have to choose a dress.
Passive: A dress has to be chosen by you.
 Verb- Let, bid, help make active voice direct infinitive 'to'

1. She let me go.

2. I bade him leave the room.
3. They must help me finish the work.
4. I made him wash all the clothes
 Bid, help make passive voice 'to'
1. He was bidden to leave the room by me.
2. I must be helped to finish the work.
3. He was made to wash all the clothes by me.
'Let' Passive voice
1. Let me play
I may be allowed to play.
2. Let him do this work.
Let this work be done by him.
3. Let us organize a party object
A party should be organized.
4. Let us help the poor.
The poor should be helped.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 45

Passive Voice
Rose smells sweet. (Active)
Rose is sweet when it is smelt. (Passive)
Sub + verb
 + adjective + when + pronoun + H.V
 + V3
 
according to tense according to according to M.V in
and number number tense and V3 form.

1. Quinine tastes bitter. (Active)

Quinine is bitter when it is tasted. (Passive)
2. Those mangoes tasted sour. (Active)
Those mangoes were sour when they were tasted. (Passive)
Directions: A sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four
alternatives suggested below, select the one which best expresses the same sentence
in Passive/Active Voice.
1. What amused you?
(a) What you are made to amuse by?
(b) By what are you being amused?
(c) By what were you amused?
(d) By what have you been amused?
2. Smoke and flames engulfed the area and made rescue operations difficult.
(a) The area was engulfed in smoke and flames and make rescue operations difficult.
(b) The area was engulfed in smoke and flames making rescue operations difficult.
(c) The area has been engulfed in smoke and flames and made rescue operations difficult.
(d) The area was engulfed in smoke and flames and rescue operations were made difficult.
3. He asked me to finish the work in time.
(a) I was asked that I should finish the work in time.
(b) He asked me that I should finish the work in time.
(c) I was asked to finish the work in time.
(d) I was asked to finished the work in time by him.
4. Quinine tastes bitter.
(a) Quinine is bitter when it is tasted.
(b) Quinine is bitter tested.
(c) The taste of quinine is bitter.
(d) Quinine is tasted bitter.
5. The vintage cars hold a special place in the hearts of their owners.
(a) A special place in the hearts of the vintage car owners is held by them.
(b) A special place was held by the vintage cars in the hearts of their owners.
(c) A special place is held by the vintage cars in the hearts of their owners.
(d) A special place is being held by the vintage cars in the hearts of their owners.

46 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Passive Voice
6. The accountant took the cheque from the customer.
(a) The cheque is taken from the customer by the accountant.
(b) The cheque was taken from the customer by the accountant.
(c) The customer was taken the cheque by the accountant.
(d) The cheque had been taken from the customer by the accountant.
7. The gatekeeper refused him admittance.
(a) He was refused admittance by the gatekeeper.
(b) Admittance is refused to him by the gatekeeper.
(c) Admittance was refused by the gatekeeper .
(d) Admittance is refused him by the gatekeeper.
8. Sohan was interviewing the political leaders.
(a) The political leaders were being interviewed by Sohan.
(b) The political leader was being interviewed by Sohan.
(c) The political leaders are being interviewed by Sohan.
(d) The political leaders is being interviewed by Sohan.
9. The builders have built a perfect dam across the stream.
(a) A perfect dam has built by the builders across the stream.
(b) A perfect dam has been built by the builders across the stream.
(c) A perfect dam have been built by the builders across the stream.
(d) A perfect dam was being built by the builders across the stream.
10. They should follow all the instructions carefully.
(a) All the instructions are carefully followed by them.
(b) All the instructions should be carefully followed by them.
(c) All the instructions have to be followed by them.
(d) All the instructions can be carefully followed by them.
11. Shut the door and leave.
(a) Let the door be shut and you are ordered to leave.
(b) Let the door be shutted and you are ordered to leave.
(c) Let the door be shut and you be left.
(d) Let be the door shut and you are ordered to leave.
12. Who knows you?
(a) By whom are you known?
(b) Whom are you known by?
(c) To whom are you known?
(d) Who are you known?
13. Help others but do not expect anything in return.
(a) You are advised to help others and expect anything in return.
(b) Let others be helped and expect nothing in return.
(c) You were advised to help others and expect anything in return.
(d) You are advised to help others but forbidden to expect anything in return.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 47

Passive Voice
14. We are taught English here.
(a) A teacher teaches us English here.
(b) English is taught here.
(c) A lady teaches us English here.
(d) You teach us English here.
15. The news surprised us.
(a) We were surprised at the news.
(b) We were surprised by the news.
(c) We were surprised with the news.
(d) We were surprised on the news.
16. Spain expected to win the world cup.
(a) The world cup was expected to be won by Spain.
(b) It was expected by Spain to win the World Cup.
(c) To win the World Cup has been expected by Spain.
(d) Spain expected that the World Cup be won by it.
17. After taking her to the hospital, I dropped her at her place.
(a) After being taken to the hospital, she was dropped at her place by me.
(b) After been taken to the hospital, she was dropped at her place by me.
(c) After being taken she was sent to hospital and dropped at her place by me.
(d) After being taken to the hospital, she was dropped on her place by me.
18. Have this lock broken.
(a) Break this lock.
(b) Get someone to break this lock.
(c) Let this lock be broken.
(d) Have broken this lock be.
19. Think before you speak.
(a) Let thinking be done before you speak.
(b) Let speaking be not done before you think.
(c) You are advised to think before you speak.
(d) You are requested to think before you speak.
20. The case is being investigated by the police alongwith the CBI.
(a) The police alongwith the CBI are investigating the case.
(b) The police alongwith the CBI is investigating the case.
(c) The police alongwith the CBI was investigating the case.
(d) The police alongwith the CBI were investigating the case.
21. He doesn’t like people to call him cheat.
(a) He doesn’t like to be called a cheat.
(b) He doesn’t like to be call is a cheat.
(c) He doesn’t like anyone to call him cheat.
(d) To call cheat is not liked by him.
48 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Passive Voice
22. At Paramount every question is answered as we believe that even Einstein
asked questions.
(a) At Paramount every question is answered as we believe that even questions
were asked by Einstein.
(b) At Paramount every question is answered as that is believed by us that Einstein
even asked question.
(c) At Paramount we answer every question as it is believed by us that questions
were asked by even Einstein.
(d) Every question is answered by Paramount as we believe that Einstein asked
even questions.
23. You must hit the nail on the head.
(a) The nail must hit on the head.
(b) The nail must be hit on the head.
(c) The nail has to be hit on the head.
(d) The nail on the head must be hit.
24. Those mangoes smell sweet.
(a) Those mangoes are sweet when they are smell.
(b) Those mangoes are sweet when they are smelt
(c) Those mangoes were sweet when those are smelt.
(d) Sweet are smelt by those mangoes.
25. The little boy asked the man the way to Athens.
(a) The man has been asked the way to Athens by the little boy.
(b) The man was asked the way to Athens by the little boy.
(c) The man was being asked the way to Athens by the little boy.
(d) The way to Athens was asked by the man from the little boy.
26. Shut the door and go away.
(a) Let the door be shut and you are ordered to go away.
(b) You are ordered to go away and shut the door.
(c) Let the door be shut and let you be gone.
(d) Shut the door and let you be gone.
27. Your proposal was objected to and everyone laughed at you.
(a) Everyone objected your proposal and laughed at you.
(b) Everyone objected to your proposal and you were laughed at.
(c) Everyone objected to and laughed at you and your proposal.
(d) Your proposal was objected and you were laughed.
28. Let everyone be given a chance.
(a) Give everyone a chance.
(b) Give a chance for everyone.
(c) Let a chance be given to everyone.
(d) I will give up a chance.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 49
Passive Voice
29. Do not make a noise.
(a) Let a noise be made not.
(b) You are requested to not make a noise.
(c) You are ordered to not make a noise.
(d) You are forbidden to make a noise.
30. People are raising a hue and cry and are breaking the furniture.
(a) A hue and cry is being raised and the furniture is being broken by the people.
(b) A hue and cry is being raised and the furniture are being broken by the people.
(c) Hue and cry and the furniture is being broken.
(d) A hue and cry has been raised and the furniture has been broke.
31. The fur coats were imported from Sweden by us.
(a) Sweden imported the fur coats.
(b) Sweden was imported the fur coats.
(c) We imported the fur coats from Sweden.
(d) We had imported the fur coats from Sweden.
32. A bullet in the chest is adored by the brave.
(a) The brave adores a bullet in the chest.
(b) The brave adore a bullet in the chest.
(c) The brave adored a bullet in the chest.
(d) The brave have adored a bullet in the chest.
33. Decisions must be taken.
(a) Decisions should be taken.
(b) We must take decisions.
(c) It is good to take decisions.
(d) We should take decisions.
34. Are they not cheating us?.
(a) Are we not being cheated?
(b) Are not we being cheated?
(c) Are we being not cheated?
(d) Are we being cheated?
35. The room was cleaned.
(a) The cleaner cleaned the room.
(b) The room should be cleaned.
(c) I cleaned the room.
(d) Someone cleaned the room.
36. I should have met him yesterday.
(a) He should have met by me yesterday.
(b) He should be meeting me yesterday.
(c) He should have been meeting by me yesterday.
(d) He should have been met by me yesterday.
50 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Passive Voice
37. One could see her lying on the flowerbeds.
(a) Flowerbeds could be seen lying on her.
(b) She could see on lying on flowerbeds.
(c) She could be seen lying on flowerbeds.
(d) She could be lying on flowerbeds seen.
38. We expect good news.
(a) Good news is expected by us.
(b) Let good news be expected.
(c) Let us expect good news.
(d) Expecting good news from them.
39. My teacher gave me a journal to read.
(a) I was given a journal by my teacher to be read.
(b) A journal to read was given to me by my teacher.
(c) A journal was given me to read by my teacher.
(d) I was given a journal by my teacher to read.
40. It is impossible to do this.
(a) This is impossible to be done.
(b) To do this by it is impossible.
(c) It is impossible to have done this.
(d) It can’t be done.
41. Physically challenged people should not be laughed at by the public.
(a) Physically challenged people should not laugh at the public.
(b) The public will not be laughing at physically challenged people.
(c) The public shall not be laughing at physically challenged people.
(d) The public should not laugh at physically challenged people.
42. They say that people live on distant planets .
(a) It was said that people live on distant planets .
(b) It is being said that people live on distant planets .
(c) It is said that people live on distant planets .
(d) It is saying that people live on distant planets .
43. Can we send the parcel tomorrow?
(a) Can be the parcel sent by us tomorrow?
(b) Can we be sent by the parcel tomorrow?
(c) Can the parcel be sent by us tomorrow?
(d) Can the parcel sent by us tomorrow?
44. A detective arrested him as soon as he got home.
(a) An arrest was made by a detective as soon as he got home.
(b) He was arrested by a detective as soon as he got home.
(c) A detective was arrested by him as soon as he got home.
(d) An arrest was detected by him as soon as he got home.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 51
Passive Voice
45. They cooked the food and sent it to the orphanage.
(a) They cooked food was sent to the orphanage by them.
(b) The food was cooked and sent to the orphanage by them.
(c) The food was sent to the orphanage by them.
(d) The food was cooked and sent by them.
46. Where were they playing the cricket match?
(a) Where was the cricket match played?
(b) Where has the cricket match been played?
(c) Where will the cricket match be played?
(d) Where was the cricket match being played?
47. They say he can teach almost anything in this world.
(a) It is said that almost anything in this world can be taught by him.
(b) It was said that almost anything could be taught by him.
(c) They say almost anything could be taught by him.
(d) They say anything almost will be taught by him.
48. Please enter by the left door.
(a) Let the left door be entered by you.
(b) You are requested to enter by the left door.
(c) Let it be entered by the left door.
(d) The left door is requested to be entered.
49. I would advise you not to get on the wrong side of your boss.
(a) It would be advised by me not to get on the wrong side of your boss.
(b) It would be my advice not to get on the wrong side of your boss.
(c) You would be advised by me not to get on the wrong side of your boss.
(d) My advice to you would be not to get on the wrong side of your boss.
50. They have done this to defuse the crisis.
(a) The crisis has been defused by them.
(b) This has been done by them to defuse the crisis .
(c) To defuse the crisis this was done by them.
(d) To defuse the crisis this is done by them.
51. Open the door.
(a) The door must be opened.
(b) The door will be opened.
(c) The door is opened.
(d) Let the door be opened.
52. I did not trust anybody.
(a) Nobody was trusted by me.
(b) Anybody had been trusted by me.
(c) Nobody would be trusted by me.
(d) Nobody has been trusted by me.
52 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Passive Voice
53. Did he remember the date and time?
(a) Are the date and time remembered by him?
(b) Was he remembering the date and time?
(c) Were the date and time remembered by him?
(d) Did the date and time be remembered by him?
54. The boys were digging a hole in the ground.
(a) A hole was being dug in the ground by the boys.
(b) In the ground, the boys dug a hole.
(c) A hole in the ground has been dug by the boys.
(d) A hole in the ground has been dug by the boys.
55. We must now deal with these problems.
(a) These problems must now be dealt with by us.
(b) These problems must now be dealing with by us.
(c) These problems must now deal with by us.
(d) These problems are to be dealt with by us.
56. The audience loudly cheered the leader’s speech.
(a) The leader’s speech was loudly cheered by the audience.
(b) The leader’s speech in loudly cheered by the audience.
(c) The audience loudly cheered the leader for his speech.
(d) The speech of the leader was loudly cheered by the audience.
57. Someone is following us.
(a) We are following by someone.
(b) We are being followed by someone.
(c) We were being followed by someone.
(d) We had been followed by someone.
58. He hasn’t slept in his bed.
(a) His bed hasn’t been slept in.
(b) He had not been slept in his bed.
(c) His bed had been slept in.
(d) His bed had not been slept in.
59. I was recommended another lawyer.
(a) Somebody recommended another lawyer.
(b) Somebody recommended me to another lawyer.
(c) Somebody recommended me another lawyer.
(d) Somebody recommends me another lawyer.
60. Many a person has been saved from the man-eaters by these hunters.
(a) These hunters will save many a person from the man-eaters.
(b) These hunters say many a person from the man-eaters.
(c) These hunters saved many a person from the man-eaters.
(d) These hunters have saved many a person from the man-eaters.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 53
Passive Voice
61. Must we cut this tree?
(a) Must this tree will cut?
(b) Must this tree be cut?
(c) Must his tree was cut?
(d) Must his tree is cut?
62. You will be looked after well.
(a) They will look after you well.
(b) They can’t look after you well.
(c) They may look after well.
(d) They shall look after you well.
63. Didn’t they tell you to be here by six o’clock?
(a) Weren’t you told to be here by six o’clock?
(b) Haven’t they told you to be here by six o’clock?
(c) You were expected to be here by six o’clock.
(d) They expected you to be here by six O’clock.
64. Don’t touch this switch.
(a) This switch does not be touched.
(b) This switch must not be touched.
(c) This switch don’t be touched.
(d) This switch need not be touched.
65. One cannot gather grapes from thistles.
(a) Thistles cannot be gathered from grapes.
(b) Grapes cannot be gathered from thistles.
(c) Grapes and thistles cannot be gathered by one.
(d) Grapes cannot be gathered by them.
66. They will have completed the work by the time we get there.
(a) The work will be completed by the time we get there.
(b) The work will have been completed by the time we get there.
(c) The work will have completed by the time we get there.
(d) The work will have been completed by the time we have got there.
67. You will have to pull down this sky-scraper as you have not complied with the
town planning regulations.
(a) This sky-scraper will have to be pulled down as the town planning regulations
have not been complied with.
(b) This sky-scraper will have to be pulled down by you as the town planning
regulations have not been complied by you.
(c) This sky-scraper will be pulled down as the town planning regulations have not
been complied with.
(d) This sky-scraper will have to be pulled down as the town planning regulations
have not been complied.

54 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Passive Voice
68. He has written a poem which fascinates every one.
(a) A poem has been written by him which fascinates every one.
(b) Everyone is fascinated by the poem which has been written by him.
(c) Poem written by him fascinates everyone.
(d) Every one fascinates the poem which is written by him.
69. Will those happy days be ever forgotten by me?
(a) Will I ever forget those happy days?
(b) Shall I ever forget those happy days?
(c) Would I forget these happy days?
(d) Ever shall I forget those happy days?
70. You are requested to permit him.
(a) Please permit him.
(b) I request you to permit me.
(c) He requests to permit him.
(d) I plead you to permit him.
71. I am not going to tolerate this nonsense anymore.
(a) This nonsense is not going to be tolerated by me anymore.
(b) This nonsense is not being gone to be tolerated by me anymore.
(c) This nonsense is not being going to be tolerated by me anymore.
(d) Tolerate is not being going to be done by me of this nonsense.
72. The boys were being laughed at by the passers-by on the busy thoroughfare last
(a) The passers-by laughed at the boys on the busy thoroughfare last evening.
(b) The passers-by were laughing at the boys on the busy thoroughfare last evening.
(c) The boys were laughing at the passers-by on the busy thoroughfare last evening.
(d) None of the above.
73. The police are questioning Mr. and Mrs. Sharma.
(a) Mr. and Mrs. Sharma are questioned by the police.
(b) Mr. and Mrs. Sharma have been questioning the police.
(c) Mr. and Mrs. Sharma have been questioned by the police.
(d) Mr. and Mrs. Sharma are being questioned by the police.
74. Before they invented printing, people had to write everything by hand.
(a) Before printing was invented everything had to be written by hand.
(b) Before printing was invented by them, everything had to be written.
(c) Before printing was invented people had to write everything by hand.
(d) Before printing was invented everything was written by hand.
75. Did any one ever make it clear how one operates the machine?
(a) Was it ever made clear how the machine is operated?
(b) Did any one ever make it by clear how the machine is operated?
English – from Plinth to Paramount 55
Passive Voice
(c) Was ever it made clear how to operate the machine?
(d) Was how to operate the machine ever made clear?
76. Why did your father refuse to give the money to you?
(a) Why was your father refused money to you?
(b) Why was the money not given to you by your father?
(c) Why was the money refused to be given to you by your father?
(d) Why the money was refused to be given to you by your father?
77. Do you expect your parents to come from Hyderabad today?
(a) Did your parents come today from Hyderabad?
(b) Were your parents expected to come from Hyderabad today?
(c) Are your parents expected to come today from Hyderabad?
(d) Do your parents are expected to come today from Hyderabad?
78. Why are you raising a hue and cry?
(a) Why are a hue and cry being raised by you?
(b) Why is a hue and cry being raised by you?
(c) Why a hue and cry are being raised by you?
(d) Why a hue and cry is being raised by you?
79. They say that there are living beings on Mars.
(a) They say that Mars has living beings.
(b) It is said that there are people living on Mars.
(c) On Mars, there are living beings.
(d) It is said that there are living beings on Mars.
80. A fortnight after he was convicted for the rape and murder of his classmate, the
Delhi High Court sentenced him to death on Monday.
(a) A fortnight after he had been convicted for the rape and murder of his classmate
he had been sentenced to death by the Delhi High Court on Monday.
(b) A fortnight after he was convicted for the rape and murder of his classmate he
has been sentenced to death by the Delhi High Court on Monday.
(c) A fortnight after he was convicted for the rape and murder of his classmate he
was sentenced to death by the Delhi High Court on Monday.
(d) A fortnight after he was been convicted for the rape and murder of his classmate
he was sentenced to death by the Delhi High Court on Monday.
81. Their dog bit our neighbour yesterday.
(a) Our neighbour bit their dog yesterday.
(b) Our neighbour bitten by their do yesterday.
(c) Our neighbour was bitten by their dog yesterday.
(d) Our neighbour were bit by their dog yesterday.
82. The MD told us about the new project.
(a) We were told about the new project by the MD.
(b) We are told about the new project by the MD.
56 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Passive Voice
(c) We told by MD about the new project.
(d) We had been told by MD about project.
83. The Minister had already informed his Cabinet about his decision.
(a) His Cabinet was already informed about the Minister’s decision.
(b) His Cabinet has already informed the Minister about his decision.
(c) His Cabinet had already been informed about his decision by the Minister.
(d) His Cabinet will have already been informed about the Minister’s decision.
84. Sayali gave the beggar an old sari.
(a) An old sari was given to Sayali by the beggar.
(b) An old sari was given to the begger by Sayali.
(c) The begger was being given on old sari by Sayali.
(d) The begger had to be given on old sari by Sayali.
85. They are going to perform “Hamlet”.
(a) “Hamlet” is going to be performed by them.
(b) “Hamlet” is going to perform by them.
(c) “Hamlet” is to perform.
(d) “Hamlet” has to be performed.
86. I was shocked by the letter.
(a) They shocked me with the letter.
(b) I am shocked.
(c) The letter shocked me.
(d) I shocked with the letter.
87. Somebody stole my car last week.
(a) Last week my car was steal by somebody.
(b) My car was stolen last week by somebody.
(c) My car was stolen that week by somebody.
(d) Somebody last week has stolen my car.
88. Do they sell construction material?
(a) Does construction material sold by them?
(b) Is construction material selling by them?
(c) Is construction material sold by them?
(d) Does construction material sell by them?
89. Sharma was cleaning the house.
(a) The house was cleaned by Sharma.
(b) The house will be cleaned by Sharma.
(c) The house was being cleaned by Sharma.
(d) The house is being cleaned by Sharma.
90. I bought a new shirt last week.
(a) Last week a new shirt was bought by I.
(b) Last week a new shirt is bought by I.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 57
Passive Voice
(c) Last week a new shirt was bought by me.
(d) Last week a new shirt had been bought by me.
91. The plants have been watered by the gardener.
(a) The gardener is watering the plants.
(b) The gardener has been watering the plants.
(c) The gardener has watered the plants.
(d) The gardener have watered the plants.
92. The children could use the place always.
(a) The place can be used by children always.
(b) The place is used by children always.
(c) The place could always be used by children.
(d) The place has been used by children always.
93. They say that the earth is round.
(a) It has been said that the earth is round.
(b) That the earth is round is said by them.
(c) It is said that the earth is round.
(d) It was said that the earth was round.
94. This machine must not be used after 5.30 p.m.
(a) You can’t use the machine after 5.30 p.m.
(b) You mayn’t use the machine after 5.30 p.m.
(c) You need not you the machine after 5.30 p.m.
(d) You must not use the machine after 5.30 p.m.
95. Tiny houses dot the landscape.
(a) The landscape was dotted by tiny houses.
(b) The landscape is being dotted by tiny houses.
(c) The landscape is dotted by tiny houses.
(d) The landscape has been dotted by tiny houses.
96. Dogs always chase cats.
(a) Cats are always chasing dogs.
(b) Cats have been always chased by dogs.
(c) Cats are always chased by dogs.
(d) Cats are being always chased by dogs.
97. The farmer prepared the field.
(a) The field was prepared by the farmer.
(b) The field was being prepared by the farmer.
(c) The field were prepared by the farmer.
(d) The field were being prepared by the farmer.
98. Teachers should be respected.
(a) Teachers deserve respect.
(b) Teachers are to be respected.
58 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Passive Voice
(c) We shall respect teaches.
(d) We should respect teachers.
99. He will do the work tomorrow.
(a) The work will be done by him tomorrow.
(b) The work would be done by him tomorrow.
(c) The work could be done by him tomorrow.
(d) The work will have been done by him tomorrow.
100. She gave me a book.
(a) I was given a book by her.
(b) She was given a book.
(c) A book is given by her to me.
(d) I was given her a book.
101. I have bought a new car.
(a) A new car was bought by me.
(b) A new car is brought by me.
(c) A new car has been bought by me.
(d) A new car had been bought by me.
102. Teachers might have given their students some concessions.
(a) Their students might have given some concessions to their teachers.
(b) Their students might be given some concessions by their teachers.
(c) Their students might be giving some concessions to their teachers.
(d) Students might have been given some concessions by their teachers.
103. You should not offer meat to vegetarians.
(a) Vegetarians should not be offered meat.
(b) Meat should be offered to non-vegetarians.
(c) Vegetarians should not offer meat.
(d) You should offer no meat to non-vegetarians.
104. You must write off all those bad debts.
(a) You must be written off by all those bad debts.
(b) All those bad debts must be written off by you.
(c) Write off all those bad debts .
(d) All those bad debts could be written off.
105. Are they receiving the chief guest at the station ?
(a) Was the chief guest being received at the station ?
(b) Is the chief guest being received at the station ?
(c) Will they be received by the chief guest at the station ?
(d) Will the chief guest be received at the station ?
106. We make butter from milk.
(a) Butter is make from milk by us.
(b) Butter is made from milk by us.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 59
Passive Voice
(c) Butter is make with milk by us.
(d) From milk butter is made by us.
107. I don’t like people telling me what to do.
(a) I don’t like being told what to do.
(b) People telling me what to do was not liked by me.
(c) I do not like being told by the people.
(d) People don’t like telling me what to do.
108. The meeting has been called off by the chairman.
(a) The chairman called off the meeting.
(b) The chairman has called off the meeting.
(c) The chairman is calling off the meeting.
(d) The chairman had called off the meeting.
109. The police arrested 200 students on the University campus.
(a) 200 students had been arrested on the University campus by the police.
(b) 200 students has been arrested by the police on the University campus.
(c) 200 students were arrested by the police on the University campus.
(d) 200 students are arrested on the University campus by the police.
110. Why do you like him so much ?
(a) Why has he been liked so much by you ?
(b) Why was he liked by you so much?
(c) Why is he liked by you so much ?
(d) Why he is liked by you so much ?
111. The invitation cards will be sent today.
(a) They will sent the invitation cards today.
(b) They will have sent the invitation cards today.
(c) They will send the invitation cards today.
(d) They will be sending the invitation cards today.
112. She has baked several cakes for her friends.
(a) She has several cakes to be baked for her friends.
(b) Her friends had several cakes baked by her.
(c) Several cakes have been baked by her for her friends.
(d) Her friends baked several cakes for her.
113. We believe that God gives us misery.
(a) It was believed that God gave us misery.
(b) It has been believed that God gives us misery.
(c) It is believed that God gives us misery.
(d) It is a belief that God gives us misery.
114. A lot of saplings have been planted by the chief guest.
(a) The chief guest is planting a lot of saplings.
(b) The chief guest has planted a lot of saplings.
60 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Passive Voice
(c) The chief guest have planted a lot of sapling.
(d) The chief guest has been planting a lot of saplings.
115. The Prime Minister has discussed the matter with the other ministers.
(a) The matter was discussed by the Prime Minister with the other ministers.
(b) The matter is discussed- by the Prime Minister with the other ministers.
(c) The matter had been discussed by the Prime Minister with the other ministers.
(d) The matter has been discussed by the Prime Minister with the other ministers.
116. The Principal will meet the students this evening.
(a) The students will be met by the Principal this evening.
(b) The students could be met by the Principal this evening. .
(c) The students would be met by the Principal this evening.
(d) The students will be meeting the Principal this evening. .
117. The Chief Justice of India is appointed by the President.
(a) The President “of India appointed the Chief Justice.
(b) The President appoints the Chief Justice of India.
(c) The President appointed the Chief Justice of India.
(d) The appointment order of the Chief Justice of India was given by the President.
118. A meeting was convened by the Principal.
(a) The Principal convened a meeting.
(b) The Principal was convening a meeting.
(c) The Principal has convened a meeting
(d) The Principal is convening a meeting.
119. Someone has stolen my suitcase.
(a) My suitcase is stolen by someone.
(b) Someone has been stolen my suitcase.
(c) My suitcase has someone been stolen.
(d) My suitcase has been stolen by someone.
120. Anu is interviewing Radhika and Sarath Kumar.
(a) Radhika and Sarath Kumar are being interviewed by Anu.
(b) Radhika and Sarath Kumar are interviewing Anu.
(c) Radhika and Sarath Kumar were interviewed by Anu.
(d) Radhika is being interviewed by Sarath Kumar and Ami.
121. Our task had been completed before sunset.
(a) We completed our task before sunset.
(b) We have completed our task before sunset.
(c) We complete our task before sunset.
(d) We had completed our task before sunset.
122. The boy laughed at the beggar.
(a) The beggar was laughed by the boy.
(b) The beggar was being laughed by the boy.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 61
Passive Voice
(c) The beggar was being laughed at by the boy.
(d) The beggar was laughed at by the boy.
123. The government has launched a massive tribal welfare programme in Jharkhand.
(a) A massive tribal welfare programme is launched by the government in
(b) A massive tribal welfare programme has been launched by the government
in Jharkhand.
(c) Jharkhand government has launched a massive tribal welfare programme.
(d) T h e g o v e r n m e n t i n J h a r k h a n d h a s l a u n c h e d a m a s s i v e t r i b a l
welf ar e pr ogramme.
124. The boys were playing cricket.
(a) Cricket had been played by the boys.
(b) Cricket has been played by the boys.
(c) Cricket was played by the boys.
(d) Cricket was being played by the boys.
125. They drew a circle in the morning.
(a) A circle was being drawn by them in the morning.
(b) A circle was drawn by them in the morning.
(c) In the morning a circle have been drawn by them.
(d) A circle has been drawing since morning.
126. They will demolish the entire block.
(a) The entire block is being demolished.
(b) The block may be demolished entirely.
(c) The entire block will have to be demolished by them.
(d) The entire block will be demolished by them.
127. The burglar destroyed several items in the room. Even the carpet has been torn.
(a) Several items destroyed in the room by the burglar. Even the carpet he has torn.
(b) Several items in the room were destroyed by the burglar. Even the carpet has
been torn.
(c) Including the carpet, several items in the room have been torn by the burglar.
(d) The burglar, being destroyed several items in the room, also carpet has torn.
128. We must respect the elders.
(a) The elders deserve respect from us.
(b) The elders must be respected.
(c) The elders must respected by us.
(d) Respect the elders we must.
129. We have warned you.
(a) You have been warned.
(b) We have you warned.

62 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Passive Voice
(c) Warned you have been.
(d) Have you been warned.
130. Has anybody answered your question ?
(a) Your question has been answered ?
(b) Anybody has answered your question ?
(c) Has your question been answered ?
(d) Have you answered your question ?
131. The shopkeeper lowered the prices.
(a) The prices lowered the shopkeeper.
(b) The prices were lowered by the shopkeeper.
(c) Down went the prices.
(d) The shopkeeper got down the prices.
132. One must keep one’s promises.
(a) One’s promises are kept.
(b) One’s promises must kept.
(c) One’s promises were kept.
(d) Promises must be kept.
133. The government has not approved the new drug for sale.
(a) The government approval for the sale of the new drug has not been given.
(b) The new drug has not been approved for sale by the government.
(c) For the sale of the new drug we have not been given the approval.
(d) The new drug was not approved by the government.
134. They have published all the details of the invention.
(a) All the details of the invention have been published by them.
(b) The publication of the details of invention was done by them.
(c) All the details have been invented by the publishers.
(d) All the inventions have been detailed by them.
135. He teaches us grammar.
(a) Grammar was taught to us by him.
(b) We are taught grammar by him.
(c) Grammar will be taught to us by him.
(d) We were teached grammar by him.
136. The manager could not accept the union leader’s proposals.
(a) The union leader’s proposals could not be accepted by the manager.
(b) The union leader’s proposals were not accepted by the manager.
(c) The union leader’s proposals will not be accepted by the manager.
(d) The union leader’s proposals would not be accepted by the manager.
137. Prepare yourself for the worst.
(a) You be prepared for the worst.
(b) The worst should be prepared by yourself.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 63
Passive Voice
(c) Be prepared for the worst.
(d) For the worst, preparation should be made by you.
138. Please shut the door and go to sleep.
(a) The door is to be shut and you are to go to sleep.
(b) Let the door be shut and you be asleep.
(c) You are requested to shut the door and go to sleep.
(d) The door is to be shut and you are requested to sleep.
139. Small strokes fell great oaks.
(a) Great oaks are fallen by small oaks.
(b) Great oaks are felled by small oaks.
(c) Great oaks are fell by small oaks.
(d) Great oaks were fallen by small oaks.
140. We must take care of all living species on Earth.
(a) All living species on Earth are taken care of by us.
(b) All living species on Earth must be taken care of by us.
(c) All living species on Earth had been taken care of by us.
(d) All living species on Earth will be taken care of by us.
141. People call him a fool.
(a) He has been called a fool.
(b) He is called a fool by the people.
(c) The people have been calling him a fool.
(d) We all people have called him a fool.
142. It is being read by us.
(a) We are reading it.
(b) It will be read by us.
(c) We can read it.
(d) We have to read it.
143. He had committed a mistake.
(a) A mistake had committed by him.
(b) A mistake was committed by him.
(c) A mistake had been committed by him.
(d) A mistake has been committed by him.
144. The most useful training of my career was given to me by my boss.
(a) My boss has been giving me the most useful training of my career.
(b) My boss gives me the most useful training.
(c) My boss is giving me the most useful training.
(d) My boss gave me the most useful training of my career.
145. We have decided to open a new branch.
(a) To open a new branch was decided by us.
(b) To be opened a new branch has been decided.
64 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Passive Voice
(c) It has been decided to open a new branch.
(d) It may be decided to open a new branch by us.
146. The loan will be sanctioned by the bank.
(a) The bank sanctioned the loan.
(b) The bank is going to sanction the loan.
(c) The bank would sanction the loan.
(d) The bank will sanction the loan.
147. Paint the windows.
(a) Windows should be painted.
(b) Let the windows be painted.
(c) Let be the windows painted.
(d) Windows are let to be painted.
148. The traitors should be shot dead.
(a) They should have shot the traitors dead.
(b) They shall shoot the traitors dead.
(c) They should shoot the traitors dead.
(d) They shot the traitors dead.
149. Rahul is teaching the children in the slum areas.
(a) The children in the slum areas are taught by Rahul.
(b) The children are taught by Rahul in the slum area.
(c) In the slum areas the children are learning from Rahul.
(d) The children in the slum areas are being taught by Rahul.
150. One cannot expect children to understand these problems.
(a) Children cannot be expected to understand these problems.
(b) Children to understand these problems cannot be expected.
(c) Children cannot be expected to be understood these problems.
(d) To understand these problems cannot be expected from children by one.
151. Why did she break the garden wall ?
(a) Why the garden wall was broken by her?
(b) Why had the garden wall been broken by her ?
(c) Why was the garden wall broken by her?
(d) Why will the garden wall be broken by her ?
152. The students were laughing at the old man.
(a) The old man was being laughed at by the students.
(b) The old man was laughed at by the students.
(c) The old man was being laughed by the students.
(d) The old man is laughing at the students.
153. He admonished her for the error.
(a) She was admonished by him for the error.
(b) She has been admonished by him for the error.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 65
Passive Voice
(c) She would be admonished by him for the error.
(d) She is admonished by him for the error.
154. Can we send this big parcel by air ?
(a) Can this big parcel be sent by air?
(b) Can this big parcel sent by air ?
(c) Could this big parcel be sent by air?
(d) Could this big parcel sent by us by air?
155. The boys saved many elders from drowning.
(a) Many elders are saved from drowning by the boys.
(b) Many elders are being saved from drowning by the boys,
(c) Many elders were saved from drowning by the boys.
(d) Many elders have .been saved from drowning by the boys.
156. He was refused admittance.
(a) The guards refuse him admittance.
(b) The guards refused him for admittance.
(c) The guards have refused him admittance.
(d) The guards refused him admittance.
157. You will be taken care of by me.
(a) I will be taking care of you.
(b) I would take care of you.
(c) I will take care of you.
(d) I will being take care of you.
158. Promises should be kept.
(a) You must keep the promises.
(b) We must keep their promises.
(c) Kept the promises.
(d) One should keep one's promises.
159. Circumstances forced him to resign his post.
(a) Circumstances make him to resign his post.
(b) He was forced to resign his post.
(c) He is forced to resign his post.
(d) He is forced and resigned his post. .
160. He would have written this essay in time.
(a) The essay was written on time.
(b) This essay would haye been written by him in time.
(c) The essay was written by him in
(d) He wrote the essay on time.
161. I give alms to the poor on Saturdays.
(a) Alms are given to the poor by me on Saturdays.
(b) Alms is given to the poor by me on Saturdays.
66 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Passive Voice
(c) Alms are given to the poors by me on Saturdays.
(d) Alms were given to the poor by me on Saturdays.
162. God helps the brave.
(a) The brave is helped by God
(b) The brave are helped by God
(c) The brave are help by God
(d) The brave helped by God
163. I haven’t read Three Muskeeters.
(a) Three Muskeeters have not been read by me.
(b) Three Muskeeters has not been read by me.
(c) Three Muskeeters has been not read by me.
(d) Three Muskeeters has not been readed by me.
164. I am going to buy new spectacles tomorrow.
(a) New spectacles are going to be bought by me tomorrow.
(b) New spectacles is going to be bought by me tomorrow.
(c) New spectacles are being bought by me tomorrow.
(d) New spectacles are to be bought by me tomorrow.
165. Our mothers use tongs while making chapaties.
(a) Tongs are used by our mothers while making chapaties.
(b) Tongs is used by our mothers while making chapaties.
(c) Tongs are used by our mothers while chapaties are being made.
(d) Tongs are use by our mothers while making chapaties.
166. I play Billiards during my free time.
(a) Billiards are played by me during my free time.
(b) Billiards were played by me during my free time.
(c) Billiards are being played by me during my free time.
(d) Billiards is played by me during my free time.
167. Have the car painted black.
(a) Paint the car black.
(b) I have painted the car black.
(c) Get someone to paint the car black .
(d) Black has been painted by the car.
168. Who has stolen my binoculars?
(a) By whom my binoculars have been stolen?
(b) By whom have my binoculars been stolen?
(c) By whom has my binoculars been stolen?
(d) By whom my binoculars has been stolen?
169. He has been arrested and sent to jail.
(a) The police arrested him and the court sent him to jail.
(b) The police has arrested him and the court have sent him to jail.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 67
Passive Voice
(c) The police have arrested him and the court has sent him to jail.
(d) The police has arrested him and the court has sent him to jail.
170. Anna and his team hope to fight corruption with Jan Lokpal Bill.
(a) It is hoped by Anna and his team that they would fight corruption by Jan Lokpal Bill .
(b) To fight corruption is been hoped by Anna and his team by Jan Lokpal Bill.
(c) To fight corruption was being hoped by Anna and his team by Jan Lokpal Bill.
(d) To fight corruption is being hoping by Anna and his team by Jan Lokpal Bill.
171. The Greeks expected to conquer Carthrage.
(a) People expected the Greeks to conquer Carthrage.
(b) It was expected by the Greeks to conquer Carthrage.
(c) To conquer Carthrage was expected by the Greeks.
(d) Carthrage was expected to be conquered by the Greeks.
172. Rome was not built in a day.
(a) They did not build Rome in a day.
(b) They could not build Rome in a day.
(c) The Romans did not build Rome in a day.
(d) They have not built Rome in a day.
173. The ship is being taken to safe water by the Captain and not his crew.
(a) The Captain and not his crew is taking the ship to safe water.
(b) The Captain and not his crew are taking the ship to safe water.
(c) The Captain and not his crew have taken the ship to safe water.
(d) The Captain and not his crew is being taking the ship to safe water.
174. Strong Anti-Corruption law is liked by neither the Central Government nor the
State Governments.
(a) Neither the Central Government nor the State Governments likes strong Anti-
Corruption law.
(b) Neither the Central Government nor the State Governments like strong Anti-
Corruption law.
(c) Neither the Central Government nor the State Governments liked strong Anti-
Corruption law.
(d) Neither the Central Government nor the State Governments are liking strong
Anti-Corruption law.
175. If you cannot change the master, you cannot change the destiny.
(a) The destiny cannot be changed if masters cannot change.
(b) The destiny could not be changed if masters cannot be changed.
(c) The destiny cannot change if masters cannot be changed.
(d) The destiny cannot be changed if masters cannot be changed.

68 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Passive Voice
176. The curd smelt sour.
(a) The curd is sour when smelt.
(b) The curd was sour when it was smelling.
(c) The curd was sour when it was smelt.
(d) The curd is sour when it was smelt.
177. People are not going to tolerate Government’s despotism.
(a) Government’s despotism is not going to be tolerated by people.
(b) Government’s despotism was not going to be tolerated by people.
(c) Government’s despotism is not being tolerated by people.
(d) Government’s despotism is not to be tolerated by people.
178. He is writing a letter.
(a) A letter is being written by him.
(b) A letter is written by him.
(c) A letter has been written by him.
(d) Let a letter be written by him.
179. The man cut the tree into thin strips.
(a) The tree was cut into thin strips by the man.
(b) The tree cut itself into thin strips by the man.
(c) The tree has cut into thin strips by the man.
(d) The tree can be cut into thin strips by the man.
180. My father gave me a hundred rupee note yesterday.
(a) A hundred rupee note was given to me by my father yesterday.
(b) A hundred rupee note was being given to me by my father.
(c) A hundred rupee note had been given to me by my father.
(d) Yesterday, my father was given a hundred rupee note by me.
181. The pilot landed the plane safely.
(a) The plane had been landed safely by the pilot.
(b) The plane was landed safely by the pilot.
(c) The plane has been landed safely by the pilot.
(d) The plane was to be landed safely by the pilot.
182. Abha sent me a card.
(a) A card will be send to me by Abha.
(b) A card was sent to me by Abha.
(c) A card will be sent to me by Abha.
(d) A card is sent to me by Abha.
183. He will never forget it.
(a) It will never be forgotten by him.
(b) It can never be forgotten by him.
(c) It should never be forgotten by him.
(d) It may never be forgotten by him.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 69
Passive Voice
184. Let not his insulting words be minded.
(a) Don’t be insulted his words.
(b) Don’t mind his insulting words.
(c) Don’t insult him with his words.
(d) Do mind his insulting words.
185. The students have been punished by the teacher for negligence of duty.
(a) The teacher has punished the students for negligence of duty.
(b) The teacher had punished the students for negligence of duty.
(c) The teacher punished the students for negligence of duty.
(d) The teacher have punished the students for negligence of duty.
186. The storm has destroyed twelve houses.
(a) Twelve houses had been destroyed by the storm.
(b) Twelve houses have been destroyed by the storm.
(c) Twelve houses were destroyed by the storm.
(d) Twelve houses have been stormed.
187. She is reading a novel.
(a) A novel is being read by her.
(b) A novel has been read by her.
(c) A novel is read by her.
(d) A novel was being read by her.
188. The whole village was ravaged by the man-eater.
(a) The man-eater ravages the whole village.
(b) The whole village is ravaged by the man-eater.
(c) The man-eater ravaged the whole village.
(d) The whole village is being ravaged by the man-eater.
189. The purity of justice is maintained by the reports of proceedings in the law courts.
(a) The law courts maintain purity of justice in the reports of the proceedings.
(b) The reports of the proceedings in the law courts maintain the purity of justice.
(c) Pure justice is maintained in the proceedings of the law courts.
(d) The maintenance of justice is pure in the proceedings of the law courts.
190. Newton wrote this letter yesterday.
(a) Yesterday was written letter by Newton.
(b) This letter is written by Newton Yesterday.
(c) This letter was written by Newton yesterday.
(d) This letter was wrote by Newton yesterday.
70 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Passive Voice
191. An awareness is being created among the people by the Government about the
importance of trees.
(a) The Government is creating an awareness among the people about the
importance of trees.
(b) The Government are creating an awareness among the people about the
importance of trees.
(c) The Government creates an awareness among the people about the
importance of trees.
(d) The Government created an awareness among the people about the
importance of trees.
192. Ads on TV increase the sale of any commodity.
(a) The sale of any commodity is being increased by ads on TV.
(b) The sale of any commodity are increased by ads on TV.
(c) The sale of any commodity are being increased by ads on TV.
(d) The sale of any commodity is increased by ads on TV.
193. The Indian Government is encouraging the Europeans to visit India.
(a) The Europeans are encouraged by the Indian Government to visit India.
(b) The Europeans are encouraging by the Indian Government to visit India.
(c) The Europeans are being encouraged by the Indian Government to visit India.
(d) The Europeans is being encouraged by the Indian Government to visit India.
194. He handed her a chair.
(a) She was handed a chair by him.
(b) He handed a chair to her.
(c) He will hand a chair to her.
(d) A chair will be handed to her by him.
195. Call the police at once.
(a) Let the police be called at once.
(b) The police was to be called at once.
(c) The police is to be called at once.
(d) Let the police called at once.
196. Post the letter.
(a) The letter is posted.
(b) The letter was posted.
(c) Let the letter be posted.
(d) The letter will be posted.
197. Who painted it?
(a) It was painted?
(b) Was it painted?
(c) Had it been painted by?
(d) By whom was it painted?
English – from Plinth to Paramount 71
Passive Voice

Answer key
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (b)
10. (b) 11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (a) 15. (a) 16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (b)
19. (c) 20. (a) 21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (b) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (b)
28. (a) 29. (d) 30. (a) 31. (c) 32. (b) 33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (d)
37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (d) 40. (a) 41. (d) 42. (c) 43. (c) 44. (b) 45. (b)
46. (d) 47. (a) 48. (b) 49. (c) 50. (b) 51. (d) 52. (a) 53. (c) 54. (a)
55. (a) 56. (a) 57. (b) 58. (a) 59. (c) 60. (d) 61. (b) 62. (a) 63. (a)
64. (b) 65. (b) 66. (b) 67. (a) 68. (b) 69. (b) 70. (a) 71. (a) 72. (b)
73. (d) 74. (a) 75. (a) 76. (c) 77. (c) 78. (b) 79. (d) 80. (c) 81. (c)
82. (a) 83. (c) 84. (b) 85. (a) 86. (c) 87. (b) 88. (c) 89. (c) 90. (c)
91. (c) 92. (c) 93. (c) 94. (d) 95. (c) 96. (c) 97. (a) 98. (d) 99. (a)
100. (a) 101. (c) 102. (d) 103. (a) 104. (b) 105. (b) 106. (b) 107. (a) 108. (b)
109. (c) 110. (c) 111. (c) 112. (c) 113. (c) 114. (b) 115. (d) 116. (a) 117. (b)
118. (a) 119. (d) 120. (a) 121. (d) 122. (d) 123. (b) 124. (d) 125. (b) 126. (d)
127. (b) 128. (b) 129. (a) 130. (c) 131. (b) 132. (d) 133. (b) 134. (a) 135. (b)
136. (a) 137. (c) 138. (c) 139. (b) 140. (b) 141. (b) 142. (a) 143. (c) 144. (d)
145. (c) 146. (d) 147. (b) 148. (c) 149. (d) 150. (a) 151. (c) 152. (a) 153. (a)
154. (a) 155. (c) 156. (d) 157. (c) 158. (d) 159. (b) 160. (b) 161. (a) 162. (b)
163. (b) 164. (a) 165. (a) 166. (d) 167. (c) 168. (b) 169. (c) 170. (a) 171. (b)
172. (c) 173. (a) 174. (b) 175. (d) 176. (c) 177. (a) 178. (a) 179. (a) 180. (a)
181. (b) 182. (b) 183. (a) 184. (b) 185. (a) 186. (b) 187. (a) 188. (c) 189. (b)
190. (c) 191. (a) 192. (d) 193. (c) 194. (a) 195. (a) 196. (c) 197. (d)

16. (a) Spain
Question 16. Spain (b)
Question 16
18. (b) 'Have' Causative Verb (b)
32. (b)'The brave' plural common noun brave, poor, rich adjectives
article 'the' plural common noun plural verb

35. (a) Passive Voice 'by + sub'

39. (d) 'to read' 'to be read' 'by + sub' option
'to read' sub. 'I' 'to read'
161. (a) Alms Plural Noun Plural verb 'are'
164. (a) Spectacles plural noun spectacles 'are'
165. (a) Tongs plural noun tongs plural verb 'are'
166. (d) Billiards form plural singular singular
verb 'is'
167. (c) Passive voice Causative verb 'have' Sub
72 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Passive Voice
168. (b) Binoculars plural noun binoculars plural verb
169. (c) Police plural noun plural plural verb
171. (b)
173. (a) subjects 'and not' verb 1st sub 'the
captain' verb 'is'
174. (b) sub 'neither.....nor' verb subject
verb 'State Governments' (Plural noun)
1. (a) The officers/ (b) who were on inspection in this factory / (c) were discovered many
discripancies. /(d) No error.
2. (a) The teacher asked / (b) the students whether they could/ (c) tell the name of
the man who had been invented steam engine. / (d) No error.
3. (a) He held a bomb / (b) in his hand which was totally hiding / (c) in the long cloak
that he was wearing. / (d) No error.
4. (a) I was surprise / (b) at his brazenness/ (c) as he was considerd an obedient student
/ (d) No error.
5. (a) Had the police not/ (b) reached here / (c) on time, the traders would have robbed .
/ (d) No error.
6. (a)He seriously wounded / (b) during the cross fire and / (c) was rushed to hospital / (d)
No error.
7. (a) Police Officers sent / (b) to the theatre and every nook and corner /(c) was
throughly checked. /(d) No error.
8. (a) When the minister was shot dead,/ (b) people were run here and there / (c) to
save themselves. /(d) No error.
9. (a) Mother's milk / (b) cannot substituted by / (c) any thing else./(d) No error.
10. (a) When the thief broke into their house / (b) they raised a hue and cry / (c) and the
thief caught immediately by the people. / (d) No error
11. (a)The city / (b) was tore / (c) by riots./(d) No error.
12. (a) It was suggested / (b) by him that the baby / (c) should be immediately taken
care. / (d) No error.
13. (a) The truck driver was accused / (b) the lady for walking / (c) in the middle of the
road./(d) No error.
14. (a) Some passengers / (b) were flew/ (c) to Paris on the last trip./(d) No error.
15. (a) By the time he arrived, / (b) everybody had / (c) been gone./(d) No error.
16. (a) I am extremely annoyed / (b) by/ (c) the mismanagement./(d) No error.
17. (a) The mall was / (b) engulfed/ (c) by the fire/ (d) No error.
18. (a) It believed earlier / (b) that the sun/ (c) revolved round the earth./(d) No error.
19. (a) As she was wearing / (b) skimpy clothes/ (c) she was stared./(d) No error.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 73
Passive Voice

20. (a) You behave in such / (b) a weird manner that / (c) everybody disgusted with you./
(d) No error.
21. (a) Ten mangoes / (b) are contained / (c) by this box./(d) No error.
22. (a) A gang of robbers were arrested/ (b) by the police / (c) last night near the island./
(d) No error.
23. (a) The streets of Rome / (b) were thronged/ (c) by the common people./(d) No error.
24. (a) Everyone says that/ (b) he born / (c) of poor parents./(d) No error.
25. (a)The ship sank / (b) and everyone / (c) aboard drowned./(d) No error.
26. (a) If motorists do not observe the traffic regulations, (b) they will be stopped, ticketed
/ (c) and have to pay a fine. / (d) No error
27. (a) There will be no more supplies/ (b) unless all arrears of payment / (c) were
cleared by next Monday. / (d) No error
28. (a) The news of his father's death / (b) was not declared / (c) so far. / (d) No error
Answers with Explanation
1. (c) 'were' 'Past Indefinite' Active Voice V2 'were
+ V3'
2. (c) 'been' Active Voice 'had + V3' 'had + been +
V3' Past Perfect Tense Passive Voice
3. (b) ‘hiding’ ‘hidden’ 'which was totally hiding'
'which was totally hidden'
4. (a) ‘Surprise’ ‘surprised’ Passive Voice Main Verb V3 form
5. (c) 'would have' 'been' ‘traders would have robbed’ ‘traders’
'traders would have been robbed'
6. (a) 'He was seriously wounded' 'He wounded'
‘He was wounded’
7. (a) 'sent' 'were'
8. (b) ‘were run’ ‘ran’
9. (b) Cannot 'be' Passive Voice 'Cannot + be + V3'
10. (c) 'thief was caught' 'thief caught

11. (b) 'was' ‘V3’ passive voice torn (tear V3 form)

12. (c) ‘Care’ 'of' Passive Voice ‘Preposition'

13. (a) 'truck driver' subject 'was' passive voice
14. (b) ‘were’ 'V3' 'fly' V3 form 'flown'
15. (c) ‘been’
16. (b) ‘by’ 'at' 'annoyed' 'at' 'something'
Eg- 'annoyed at the mismanagement.' 'someone' 'annoyed'
'with' 'Eg- annoyed with you'.
74 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Passive Voice
17. (c) ‘by’ 'in' Indirect Speech 'Simple Present', 'Simple Past'

18. (a) ‘It was believed’ 'Engulfed' 'in'

19. (c) ‘Stared’ preposition 'at'
20. (c) ‘everybody is disgusted’
21. (c) ‘by’ 'in' Contained 'in'
22. (a) ‘Gang’ Collective noun 'were' 'was'
23. (c) ‘Thronged’ 'with' 'by' 'By' 'with'
24. (b) ‘he was born’
25. (c) ‘drowned’ 'was'
26. (c) 'and will have to' formation 'and' sentence formation 'active voice'
'and' helping verb 'will' 'and'

27. (c) 'Were' 'are' 'future conditional'

simple present
(arreas of payment are cleared) simple future tense (there will
be no more supplies)
28. (b) 'Was not declared' 'has not been declared 'So far'
'Present Perfect'

English – from Plinth to Paramount 75



Narration Direct Indirect Speech

 Direct
Ram 
says , " I
 ."
Reporting Reported Speech

 Indirect Speech

Ram says that he works hard.

(1) He says, "I work hard." (Direct Speech)
He says that he works hard. (Indirect speech)
(1) Comma inverted commas Conjunction 'that'
(2) Pronoun

Sub Obj No
S O N st nd rd
1 Person 2 Person 3 Person
1 2 3
I, we you he,she, it, they

1. He says, " I work hard"

sub. 1st

changes to
according to
He says that he works hard.
76 English – from Plinth to Paramount
2. He says to me, " You work hard."
sub. obj 2nd

changes to
according to

He tells me that I work hard

3. He says to me, "She works hard."

no change

He tells me that she works hard.

(3) Say/said indirect speech 'say to' 'tell' 'said to'
He says to me, "you work hard".
He tells me that I work hard.
1. tell told to
2. tell told obj ordered, requested,
forbade object
(4) Reporting verb present future tense reported speech tense

He says, "I come here ".

He says that he comes here.
(5) Reporting verb past reported speech universal truth / Idiom /
Phrase/ habitual action historical fact reported speech tense

He said, "The Sun is a star"

He said that the Sun is a star
(6) Reporting verb past Reported speech idiom / phrase
Reported Speech
He said, "I came here yesterday".
He said that he had come there the previous day.
Simple present Simple past Past perfect
    No change
V1/do/does V2 /did had V3
Present continuous Past continuous Past perfect continuous
    No change
is/am/are was/were had been
Present perfect / present perfect continuous Past perfect / past perfect continuous
 has/ have

 No change

English – from Plinth to Paramount 77

shall/will  should / would
may  might
can  could
today  that day, tomorrow  the next day, yesterday  the previous day/
the day before, tonight  that night, Last  the previous, here  there,
this  that, these  those, ago  before, now  then.
1. She said, "I cannot help you at this time."
She said that she couldn't help me at that time.
2. He said to me, "I shall come to meet you tomorrow."
He told me that he would come to meet me the next day.
3. Ram said, "I haven't taken any exam this year but I intend to take two exams
the next year"
Ram said that he hadn't taken any exam that year but he intended to take two
exams the next year.
4. He said, "Virtue is its own reward"
He said that virtue is its own reward phrase
5. Our teacher said, "We have to finish this work today as we know that tomorrow
never comes."
Our teacher said that we had to finish that work that day as we know that tomorrow
never comes.


He said to me, "Are you coming?" He said to me, "when are you coming?"
wh family
He asked me whether I was coming. He asked me when I was coming.


(1) 'Said to' asked, questioned, enquired, interrogated
(2) Question mark (?) full stop (.)
(3) formation interrogative helping verb subject

(4) Tense, pronoun

(5) conjunction 'if' 'whether'
'wh family' conjunction
78 English – from Plinth to Paramount
1. He said to me, "Do you know me?"
He asked me if I knew him.
2. She said to him, "What are you doing now?"
She asked him what he was doing then.
3. He said to him, "Did you intend to come with me?"
He asked him if he had intended to come with him.
4. He said to her, "Haven't you seen this movie?"
He asked her if she hadn't seen that movie.
5. He said to her, "Madam, can I help you?"
She said, "no"
He asked her respectfully if he could help her.
She answered in the negative.
6. He said to me, "When will the train arrive?"
He enquired of me when the train would arrive
Explanation to sentence 5:
5. Direct Speech Sir/Madam / Your Honour
Indirect Speech 'respectfully'
 Dear / Darling / My beloved
'lovingly' 'affectionately'
 'yes' 'answered in the affirmative' 'No'
'answered in the Negative'
He said to me, "Go away."
He ordered me to go away.
1. 'Said to' ordered / requested/ forbade / suggested
2. Conjunction 'to'
3. 'To' V1
4. Tense, pronoun
1. She said to me, "Do not come here"
She forbade me to come there.
She ordered me not to come there.
2. He said, "call the first witness now."
He ordered them to call the first witness then.
3. She said, "Spread the clothes in the sunlight and do not wash anything else."
She ordered him to spread the clothes in the sunlight and not to wash anything else.
4. The captain said to the soldiers, "Stand at ease."
The captain commanded the soldiers to stand at ease.
5. My mother said to me, "Help others but do not expect anything in return."
My mother advised me to help others but not to expect anything in return."
English – from Plinth to Paramount 79
She said, "Alas! I am undone."
She exclaimed with sorrow that she was undone.

1. (a) Said + Alas ! 

changes to
 exclaimed with sorrow.
Said + Hurray ! 
changes to
 exclaimed with joy
Said + Fi ! / Ugh ! 
changes to
 exclaimed with despise/disgust.
Said + Wow ! 
changes to
 exclaimed with joy.
Said + Oh ! 
changes to
 exclaimed with surprise / regret.
2. Conjunction 'that'
3. Tense, pronoun
1. She said, "Hurray ! we have won this match."
She exclaimed with joy that they had won that match.
2. She said, "How beautiful is the rain!"
She exclaimed with joy that the rain was very beautiful.
3. He said,"Bravo ! you have done well."
He applauded him saying that he had done well
4. She said, "What a pleasant surprise!"
She exclaimed that it was a pleasant surprise.
He said, "May God bless you."
He prayed that God might bless me.
1. 'Said' 'wished' 'prayed'
2. Conjunction 'that'
3. Tense, pronoun
1. She said, "May, God pardon him."
She prayed that God might pardon him.
2. They said, "long live the king."
They prayed that the king might live long.
80 English – from Plinth to Paramount

1. Need not, used to, would rather, would better, had rather, had better

He said, “I used to go to school by bus.”

He said that he used to go to school by bus.
2. past continuous time clause tense
He said to me, “While I was studying, you were playing.”
He told me that while he was studying, I was playing.
3. past indefinite tense time clause tense
He said, “When I met him, he was playing.”
He said that when he met him, he was playing.
4. past indefinite simultaneous actions tense
She said, “I prepared the tea and he fried the chips.”
She said that she prepared the tea and he fried the chips.
5. past indefinite historical tense

He said, “Gandhiji started the Quit India Movement.”

He said that Gandhiji started the Quit India movement.
6. Will/ shall would/ should will/ shall ‘should’

1. He said, “I shall come tomorrow.”

He said that he would come the next day.
2. She said to me, “What shall I do after the exam?”
She asked me what she should do after the exam.
7. modals
1. She said, “If I get selected, I need not take any exam further.”
She said that if she got selected, she would not have to take any exam further.
2. He said, “Need I send an e-mail?’
He asked me if he had to send an e-mail.
3. He said, “When I was a kid, I could not go out alone,” ‘could’

He said that when he was a kid, he was not allowed to go out alone.
4. She said, “Rohit, you must be prudent.” ‘must’
She ordered Rohit to be prudent.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 81

Directions: A sentence has been given in direct/Indirect form. Out of the four
alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in
Indirect/Direct form.
1. “Call the first witness”, said the Judge.
(a) The judge commanded to call the first witness.
(b) The judge commanded them to call the first witness.
(c) The judge commanded that the first witness be called.
(d) The judge commanded the first witness to be called.
2. The queen said to her son, “You must go to the forest and remain there till your
father calls you back.”
(a) The queen ordered her son to go to the forest and remain there till his father
calls him back.
(b) The queen told her son that he must go to the forest and remain there till his
father called him back.
(c) The queen told his son that you must go to the forest and remain there till your
father called you back.
(d) The queen told her son to go to the forest and remained there till his father
called him back.
3. I said to her, “All your faults will be pardoned if you confess them.”
(a) I told her that all her faults will be pardoned if you confess them.
(b) I told her that all her faults would be pardoned if she confessed them.
(c) I told her that all her faults will have to be pardoned if she confessed them.
(d) I told her that all her faults would have to be pardoned if she confessed them.
4. He said to Sita, “When do you intend to pay back the money you borrowed from me?”
(a) He enquired Sita when did she intend to pay back the money she borrowed from him.
(b) He enquired Sita when she intended to pay back the money she borrowed from him.
(c) He enquired Sita when she intended to pay back the money she had borrowed
from him.
(d) He enquired when Sita intended to pay back the money she borrowed from him.
5. “Let’s give a party”, said Jaya.
“Let’s not”, said her husband.
(a) Jaya suggested giving a party but her husband answered in the negative.
(b) Jaya suggested giving a party but her husband opposed the idea.
(c) Jaya suggested giving a party but her husband contradicted her.
(d) Jaya suggested giving a party but her husband refused.
6. The old man of Latur said, “Alas! my only son is dead.”
(a) The old man of Latur exclaimed with sorrow that his only son was dead.
(b) The old man of Latur told with pain that his only son was dead.

82 English – from Plinth to Paramount

(c) The old man of Lature expressed with anguish that his only son was dead.
(d) The old man of Latur sorrowfully narrated that his only son was dead.
7. She said to the girl, “Did you do this ?”
(a) She asked the girl that she did that.
(b) She asked the girl if she did that.
(c) She asked the girl if she had done that.
(d) She told the girl that she had done that.
8. “Many happy returns of your birthday”, we said.
(a) We greeted him on his birthday.
(b) We said that many happy returns of your birthday.
(c) We wished him many happy returns of his birthday.
(d) We prayed for many happy returns of his birthday.
9. “Doctor”, the patient cried, “please tell me how much time I have.”
(a) The patient pleaded the doctor how much time he will have.
(b) The patient exclaimed to the doctor that how much time he had.
(c) The patient pleaded with the doctor to tell him how much time he had.
(d) The patient cried to the doctor that how much time had he.
10. “So help me Heaven!” he cried, “I never steal again.”
(a) He wanted Heaven to help him so that he would never steal again.
(b) She exclaimed to heaven that he would never steal again.
(c) He exclaimed heaven to help him that he would never steal again.
(d) He called upon heaven to witness his resolve never to steal again.
11. She said, “I’ll give you Rs. 100/- to keep your mouth shut.”
(a) She said that she would give him Rs. 100/- to keep his mouth shut.
(b) She offered him Rs. 100/- to keep his mouth shut.
(c) She suggested to him that she would give him Rs. 100/- to keep his mouth shut.
(d) She proposed that she would give him Rs. 100/- to keep his mouth shut.
12. From one of the windows of my flat I can see the Qutub Minar’, said my friend.
(a) My friend told that from one of the windows of his flat he could see the Qutub Minar.
(b) My friend said that from one of the windows of his flat he can see the Qutub Minar.
(c) My friend said that from one of the windows of his flat he could see the Qutub Minar.
(d) My friend told that from one of the windows of his flat he can see the Qutub Minar.
13. The teacher said to the student, “Why were you absent yesterday?”
(a) The teacher asked the student why had been he absent the previous day.
(b) The teacher asked the student why had he been absent the previous day.
(c) The teacher informed the student that why he had been absent the next day.
(d) The teacher asked the student why he had been absent the previous day.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 83
14. The teacher said to Ashok, “I shall report the matter to the Principal if you
misbehave again.”
(a) The teacher told Ashok that he would be reporting the matter to the Principal if
he misbehaved again.
(b) The teacher warned Ashok that he would report the matter to the Principal if
he misbehaved again.
(c) The teacher threatened Ashok to report the matter to the Principal if he
misbehave again.
(d) The teacher cautioned Ashok about reporting the matter to the Principal if he
misbehaved again.
15. “Fi! A soldier and afraid of fighting!” said Babar.
(a) Babar exclaimed with surprise that a soldier should be afraid of fighting.
(b) Addressing a soldier, Babar cursed him that he should be afraid of fighting.
(c) Babar cursed the soldier who was afraid of fighting.
(d) Babar cursed and exclaimed that a soldier should not be afraid of fighting.
16. The teacher said to Ram, “Would you like to go on a trip to Kashmir?”
Ram said, “Yes.”
(a) The teacher asked if Ram would like to go on a trip to Kashmir and Ram replied yes.
(b) The teacher asked Ram if he would like to go on a trip to Kashmir and Ram replied yes.
(c) The teacher asked Ram if he would have like to go on a trip to Kashmir and
Ram replied in the affirmative.
(d) The teacher asked Ram if he would like to go on a trip to Kashmir and Ram
replied in the affirmative.
17. Everybody said, “How well she sings!”
(a) Everybody told us that she sings very well.
(b) Everybody exclaimed that she sings very well.
(c) Everybody exclaimed that she sang very well.
(d) Everybody told us that how she sang very well.
18. “Suppose your children go out for a nice long walk”, she said.
(a) She proposed that his children went out for a nice long walk.
(b) She advised that his children go out for a nice long walk .
(c) She suggested that his children go out for a nice long walk.
(d) She suggested that his children should go out for a nice long walk.
19. I said, “When it gets dark, light the lantern and hang it out.”
(a) I said that when it got dark he light the lantern and hung it out.
(b) I requested that when it got dark he may light the lantern and hang it out.
(c) I said that when it got dark he should light the lantern and hung it out.
(d) I said that when it got dark he should light the lantern and hang it out.
20. “Do as you wish, but don’t come and ask me for help if you get into difficulties.”,
He said to me
84 English – from Plinth to Paramount
(a) He told me to do as he wished or he wouldn’t come and help me if I got into difficulties.
(b) He told me to do as I wished, but not to come and ask him for help if I got into difficulties.
(c) He ordered me to do as I wished, but not to come and ask him for help if I got
into difficulties.
(d) He told me that unless I did as I wished he would not come and help me if I got
into difficulties.
21. “May you live long and prosper”, said the old lady to her son.
(a) The old lady blessed her son with long life and wished him prosperity.
(b) The old lady prayed for her son’s long life and prosperity.
(c) The old lady prayed for her son and said that he might live long and prosper.
(d) The old lady blessed her son and prayed for his long life and prosperity.
22. Socrates said, “Virtue is its own reward.”
(a) Socrates said that virtue had its own rewards.
(b) Socrates says that virtue is its own reward.
(c) Socrates said that virtue is its own reward.
(d) Socrates said that virtue was its own reward.
23. He said to the interviewer, “Could you please repeat the question?”
(a) He requested the interviewer if he could please repeat the question.
(b) He requested the interviewer to please repeat the question.
(c) He requested the interviewer to repeat the question.
(d) He requested the interviewer if he could repeat the question.
24. He said, “It used to be a lovely, quiet street.”
(a) He said that it used to be a lovely, quiet street.
(b) He pointed out that it had used to be a lovely, quiet street.
(c) He said that there used to be a lovely, quiet street.
(d) He inquired whether there was a lovely, quiet street.
25. The Prime Minister said that no one would be allowed to disturb the peace.
(a) The Prime Minister said, “We shall not allow any one to disturb the peace.”
(b) The Prime Minister said, “We would not allow any one to disturb the peace.”
(c) The Prime Minister said, “No one will disturb the peace.”
(d) The Prime Minister said, “No one can disturb the peace.”
26. The spectators said, “Bravo ! Well done, players.”
(a) The spectators shouted that the players were doing very well.
(b) The spectators exclaimed with joy that the players were doing very well.
(c) The spectators applauded the players saying that they had done well.
(d) The spectators applauded the players joyfully to do well.
27. I said to my friend, “Good Morning.Let us go for a picnic today.”
(a) I told good morning to my friend and asked to go for a picnic that day.
(b) I wished my friend good morning and proposed that we should go for a picnic that day.
(c) I wished my friend good morning and proposed that they should go for a picnic
English – from Plinth to Paramount 85
that day.
(d) I told good morning to my friend and suggested to go for a picnic today.
28. The new student asked the old one, “Do you know my name?”
(a) The new student asked the old one if he knew his name.
(b) The new student asked the old one that whether he knew his names.
(c) The new student asked the old one did he know his name.
(d) The new student asked the old one if he knows his name.
29. I warned her that I could no longer tolerate her coming late.
(a) I said to her, “You can no longer tolerate my coming late.”
(b) I said to her, “I can no longer tolerate your coming late.”
(c) I said to her, “He can no longer tolerate her coming late”.
(d) I said to her, “I can no longer tolerate she coming late.”
30. I said to my mother, “I will certainly take you to Bangalore this week.”
(a) I told my mother he would certainly take her to Bangalore that week.
(b) I told my mother that I would certainly take her to Bangalore that week.
(c) I told my mother that she would certainly take her to Bangalore that week.
(d) I told to my mother that I would take you to Bangalore that week.
31. “How clever of you to have solved the puzzle so quickly!” said the mother.
(a) The mother exclaimed admiringly that it was very clever of him to have solved
the puzzle so quickly.
(b) The mother expressed that he was so clever to have solved the puzzle quickly.
(c) The mother told that he was very clever in solving the puzzle so quickly.
(d) The mother exclaimed with joy that he was clever enough to solve the puzzle so quickly.
32. He said that he went for a walk every morning.
(a) He said, “I went for a walk every morning”.
(b) He said, “I go for a walk every morning”.
(c) He said, “I will go for a walk morning”.
(d) He said, “he went for a walk every morning”.
33. I reiterated, “I don’t care about the job”.
(a) I reiterated I didn’t care about the job.
(b) I said again and again I didn’t care about the job.
(c) I reiterated that I did not care about the job.
(d) I repeatedly said that I cared about the job.
34. I said to my brother, “Let us go to some hill station for a change.”
(a) I suggested to my brother that they should go to some hill station for a change.
(b) I suggested to my brother that we should go to some hill station for a change.
(c) I suggested to my brother that let us go to some hill station for a change.
(d) I suggested to my brother that let them go to some hill station for a change.
35. I wondered how many discoveries went unheeded.
(a) I said, “How many discoveries have gone unheeded?”
86 English – from Plinth to Paramount
(b) I said, “How many discoveries went unheeded?”
(c) I said, “Do discoveries go unheeded?”
(d) I said, “How many discoveries go unheeded?”
36. Gopan said to me, “Can you do these sums for me?”
(a) Gopan asked me if I could do those sums for him.
(b) Gopan asked me if I can do those sums for him.
(c) Gopan asked me if I can do those sums for him.
(d) Gopan asked if I could do these sums for him.
37. The boss said, “It’s time we began planning our work”.
(a) The boss said that it was time they had begun planning their work.
(b) The boss said that it was time we had began planning our work.
(c) The boss said that it was time they began planning their work.
(d) The boss said that it was time we began planning his work.
38. He said to the judge, “I did not commit this crime.”
(a) He told the judge that he did not commit the crime.
(b) The told the judge that he had not committed the crime.
(c) He told the judge that he had not committed that crime.
(d) He told the judge that he had not committed this crime.
39. Rahul said, “I will do it now or never”.
(a) Rahul said that he will do it now or never.
(b) Rahul said that he will now or never do it.
(c) Rahul said that he would do it then or never.
(d) Rahul said that he would now or never do it.
40. My father once said to me, “If I can’t trust my people, then I don’t want to be
doing this.”
(a) His father once told him that if he couldn’t trust his people then he didn’t want
to be doing that.
(b) My father once told me that if he couldn’t trust his people then he didn’t want to
be doing that.
(c) My father once told me that if he couldn’t trust my people then he didn’t want to
be doing that.
(d) My father once told me that if he couldn’t trust his people then he didn’t want to
be doing this.
41. Doshi said to his wife, “Please select one of these necklaces.”
(a) Doshi requested his wife to select one of these necklaces.
(b) Doshi said to his wife to please select one of these necklaces.
(c) Doshi told his wife to please select one of these necklaces.
(d) Doshi requested his wife to select one of those necklaces.
42. He wrote in his report, “The rainfall has been scanty till now.”
(a) He reported that the rainfall has been scanty till now.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 87
(b) He reported that the rainfall had been scanty till now.
(c) He reported that the rainfall has been scantly till then.
(d) He reported that the rainfall had been scanty till then.
43. “Govind,” said the manager sternly, “I command you to tell me what the old
man said.”
(a) The manager sternly commanded Govind to tell him what the old man had said.
(b) The manager commanded sternly to Govind to tell him what the old man had to say.
(c) The manager commanded Govind to tell him what the old man said.
(d) The manager told Govind to tell him what the old man said.
44. He says, “I am going to the market now.”
(a) He says that he is going to the market now.
(b) He said that he was going to the market then.
(c) He says that he was going to the market then.
(d) He said that he was going to the market now.
45. She said to Rita, “Please help me with my homework.”
(a) She requested Rita to help her in her homework.
(b) Rita requested her to help her with her homework.
(c) She requested Rita to help her with her homework.
(d) She requested Rita to help her homework.
46. He said to me, “Do not run after money and then you will see money running
after you.”
(a) He told to me that I did not run after money and then I would see money running me.
(b) He advised me not to run after money and then I would see money running
after me.
(c) He warned me not to run after money and then I will see money running after me.
(d) He warned me not to run after money and then money would run after me.
47. He said to me, “Do you know English?”
(a) He asked me if I did know English.
(b) He asked me if I knew English.
(c) he asked me that if I know English.
(d) He asked me if I know English.
48. My father said to me, “Bravo! You have done well.”
(a) My father applauded me saying that I had done well.
(b) My father applauded me saying that I have done well.
(c) My father applauded me saying that I did well.
(d) My father applauded me saying that you had done well.
49. Tom said that he had had a strange experience the day before.
(a) Tom said, “I have a strange experience yesterday.”

88 English – from Plinth to Paramount

(b) Tom said, “I have had a strange experience yesterday.”
(c) Tom said, “I had a strange experience yesterday.”
(d) Tom said, “I had had a strange experience yesterday.”
50. Our teacher said to us, “I am not going to tolerate your nonsense anymore.”
(a) Our teacher warned us that she is not going to tolerate our nonsense anymore.
(b) Our teacher warned us that she was not going to tolerate our nonsense anymore.
(c) Our teacher told us that she was not going to be tolerate our nonsense anymore.
(d) Our teacher said that she was not going to tolerate our nonsense anymore
51. Sheela said, “I am going to finish this work now before I start a new work
(a) Sheela told me that she was going to finish that work then before she started a
new work the next day.
(b) Sheela said that she was going to finish that work then before she started a
new work the next day.
(c) Sheela said that she is going to finish that work then before she started a new
work the next day.
(d) Sheela told that she was going to finish that work then before she started a new
work the next day.
52. "Do you suppose you know better than your own father?" shouted her angry
(a) Her angry mother shouted and asked that she supposed whether she knew
better than her own father.
(b) Her angry mother shouted and asked that she supposed that she knew better
than her own father.
(c) Her angry mother shouted whether she supposed that she known better than
her own father.
(d) Her angry mother shouted and asked her whether she supposed that she knew
better than her own father.
53. "So help me, Heaven !" he cried "I will never drive recklessly".
(a) He called upon Heaven to see his resolve never to drive recklessly.
(b) He called upon Heaven to witness his resolve never to drive recklessly.
(c) He called upon Heaven to witness his resolved never to drive recklessly.
(d) He ordered Heaven to witness his resolve never to drive recklessly.
54. The dwarf said to her, “Promise me that when you are a queen you will give me
your first-born child."
(a) The draft advised her to promised that when she was a queen she would give
him her first born child.
(b) The draft requested her to promise that when she had been a queen she would
give him her first born child.
(c) The draft requested her to promise that when she is a queen she would give
English – from Plinth to Paramount 89
him her first born child.
(d) The draft asked her to promise him that when she was a queen she would give
him her first born child.
55. "Dear bird", she said, stroking its feathers, "have you come to comfort me in my
(a) Stroking the bird’s feathers, she asked affectionately that she had come to
comfort her in her sorrow.
(b) Stroking the bird’s feathers, she asked affectionately whether it had come to
comfort in her sorrow.
(c) Stroking the bird’s feathers, she asked affectionately whether they had come to
comfort her in her sorrow.
(d) Stroking the bird’s feathers, she asked affectionately whether it had come to
comfort her in her sorrow.
56. He said, "My God ! I am ruined."
(a) He exclaimed sadly that he was ruined.
(b) He exclaimed that he was ruined.
(c) He exclaimed sadly that he had been ruined.
(d) He exclaimed sadly that he ruined.
57. "Ah me!"exclaimed the man, "What a rash and bloody deed you have done!"
(a) The man exclaimed that he had done a very rash and bloody deed.
(b) The man exclaimed sadly that he had done a very rash and bloody deed.
(c) The man exclaimed with sorry that you had done a very rash and bloody deed.
(d) The man exclaimed with sorrow that they had done a very rash and bloody deed.
58. Bhishma said, "Boys! Boys! Remember you are playing a game. If it be Arjuna’s
turn let him have it."
(a) Bhishma asked the boys to remembered that they were playing a game. If it
was Arjuna’s turn he must have it.
(b) Bhishma asked the boys to remembered that they were playing a game. If it is
Arjuna’s turn he must have it.
(c) Bhishma asked the boys to remember that they were playing a game. If it was
Arjuna’s turn he must have it.
(d) Bhishma asked the boys to remember that we were playing a game. If it was
Arjuna’s turn he must have it.
59. "What are you doing, grandma?"said the little boy. "I’m planting saplings, my
little prince." "Ah, how interesting! Let me try , if I can also do so."
(a) The little boy said to his grandma what she was doing. She replied affectionately
that she was planting saplings. The boy exclaimed that it was very interesting
and wanted to try if he could also do so.
(b) The little boy asked his grandma what she was doing. She replied affectionately

90 English – from Plinth to Paramount

that she was planting saplings. The boy exclaimed that it was very interesting
and wanted to try if he could also do so.
(c) The little boy asked his grandma that she was doing. She replied affectionately
that she was planting saplings. The boy exclaimed that it was very interesting
and wanted to try if he could also do so.
(d) The little boy asked his grandma what was she doing. She replied affectionately
that she was planting saplings. The boy exclaimed that it was very interesting
and wanted to try if he could also do so.
60. "You say," said the judge, "that the bag you lost contained one hundred and ten
pounds". "Yes, your honour," replied the cheat. "Then as this one contains one
hundred pounds it cannot be yours."
(a) The judge asked the cheat if the bag he had lost contained one hundred and ten
pounds. The cheat replied respectfully in the affirmative. Then the judge
concluded that as that one contained one hundred pounds it could not be his.
(b) The judge ordered the cheat if the bag he had lost contained one hundred and
ten pounds. The cheat replied respectfully in the affirmative. Then the judge
concluded that as that one contained one hundred pounds it could not be his.
(c) The judge ordered the cheat that the bag he had lost contained one hundred
and ten pounds. The cheat replied respectfully in the affirmative. Then the
judge concluded that as that one contained one hundred pounds it could not be
(d) The judge asked the cheat that the bag he had lost contained one hundred and
ten pounds. The cheat replied in the affirmative. Then the judge concluded as
this one contained one hundred pounds it could not be his.
61. The child said, ‘Mommy, can you bring the moon for me?’ Mommy said, ‘No.’
(a) The child asked his mommy if she could bring the moon for him. Mommy replied
in the negative.
(b) The child told his mommy if she could bring the moon for him. Mommy replied
in the negative.
(c) The child asked his mommy if she could bring the moon for him. Mommy replied
(d) The child said to his mommy that she could bring the moon for him. Mommy
replied in the negative.
62. He said, "Fi!" and vomited
(a) He exclaimed with disgust and had vomited
(b) He exclaimed with disgust and vomited
(c) He exclaimed with sorrow and vomited
(d) He exclaimed with disgust and then had vomited

English – from Plinth to Paramount 91

63. The captain said to the soldiers, " Stand at ease."
(a) The captain commanded the soldiers to stand at ease.
(b) The captain said the soldiers to stand at ease.
(c) The captain told the soldiers to stand at ease.
(d) The captain commanded the soldiers that they stand at ease.
64. "I can show no mercy," said the king, "except permitting you to choose what
kind of death you wish to die."
(a) The king asked that he could show no mercy except permitting him to choose
what kind of death he wished to die.
(b) The king advised that he could show no mercy except permitting him to choose
what kind of death he wished to die.
(c) The king ordered that he could show no mercy except permitting him to choose
what kind of death he wished to die.
(d) The king said that he could show no mercy except permitting him to choose
what kind of death he wished to die.
65. Kausalya said to Rama, " Do not desire, O my child, to possess the stars, because
they are thousands of miles off.”
(a) Kaushalya forbade her child Rama to desire to possess the stars because they
were thousands of miles off.
(b) Kaushalya requested her child Rama to desire to possess the stars because
they were thousands of miles off.
(c) Kaushalya ordered her child Rama to not desire to possess the stars because
they were thousands of miles off.
(d) Kaushalya said to her child Rama not to desire to possess the stars because
they were thousands of miles off.
66. “What a stupid fellow you are!” she remarked.
(a) She exclaimed that what a stupid fellow he was.
(b) She exclaimed that he was a very stupid fellow.
(c) She exclaimed in disgust how he could be so stupid.
(d) She asked him what a stupid fellow he was
67. The police said to the thief, “Don’t move.”
(a) The police ordered the thief not to move.
(b) The police ordered the thief that he should not move.
(c) The police told the thief that he did not move.
(d) The police ordered to the thief to not move.
68. He said, “I am going to college just now.”
(a) He said that he was going to college just now.
(b) He asked that he was going to college just then.
(c) He said that he was going to college just then.
(d) He asked that he was going to college just now.
92 English – from Plinth to Paramount
69. The teacher said to the student “Can you explain this?”
(a) The teacher asked the student whether he can explain this.
(b) The teacher asked the student whether he can explain that.
(c) The teacher asked the student whether he could explain this.
(d) The teacher asked the student whether he could explain that.
70. Ramu said, “My master is planning to build a huge house in Khandala.”
(a) Ramu said that his master planned to build a huge house in Khandala.
(b) Ramu said that his master is planning to build a huge house in Khandala.
(c) Ramu said that his master’s plan is to build a huge house in Khandala.
(d) Ramu said that his master was planning to build a huge house in Khandala.
71. Nandita said to Nitin, “Can you solve this sum?"
(a) Nandita asked Nitin if could he solve this sum.
(b) Nandita asked Nitin if could he solve that sum.
(c) Nandita asked Nitin if he could solve this sum.
(d) Nandita asked Nitin if he could solve that sum.
72. He said, “How lovely the scene is!”
(a) He exclaimed that the scene is very lovely.
(b) He exclaimed that how the scene was lovely.
(c) He exclaimed that the scene was very lovely.
(d) He exclaimed that the scene is indeed lovely.
73. Bill said, “I am here to help you all.”
(a) Bill said that he is here to help you all.
(b) Bill said that he was there to help us all.
(c) Bill said that he was here to help us all.
(d) Bill said that he is there to help us all.
74. The kids yelled in a loud voice, “We love our family.”
(a) The kids yelled loudly that they love our family.
(b) The kids yelled in a loud voice that they loved their family.
(c) The kids yelled in a loud voice that they loved our family.
(d) The kids were shouting loudly that they loved their family.
75. He said to me, “Please visit my company tomorrow”.
(a) He said to me to visit his company tomorrow.
(b) He requested me to visit his company tomorrow.
(c) He requested me to visit his company the next day.
(d) He said to me to visit his company the next day.
76. He said, “My parents are arriving tomorrow”.
(a) He said that his parents are arriving the next day.
(b) He said that his parents were arriving the next day.
(c) He said that his parents are arriving tomorrow.
(d) He said that his parents have arrived the next day.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 93
77. He said, “How cruel of him!”
(a) He remarked that it was very cruel of him.
(b) He remarked on his great cruelty.
(c) He remark that it was very cruel of him.
(d) He remarked that it is very cruel of him.
78. “How did it get here?” She wanted to know.
(a) She wanted to know how did it get here.
(b) She wanted to know how it had got there.
(c) She wanted to know how did it got there.
(d) She wanted to know how it get there.
79. The author said, “It took me three years to finish the novel.”
(a) The author said that it took him three years to finish the novel.
(b) The author said that it had taken me three years to finish the novel.
(c) The author said that it would take him three years to finish the novel
(d) The author said that it had taken him three years to finish the novel.
80. “Go away!” she said to the man, “do not trouble your family anymore”.
(a) She asked the man to go away and not trouble the family any more.
(b) She asked the man not to trouble the family that was away, any more.
(c) She asked the man not to trouble your family any more and go away.
(d) She asked the man to go away and not to trouble his family any more.
81. He asked me, “Have you finished reading the magazine?”
(a) He asked me whether I had finished reading the magazine.
(b) He asked me if had I finished reading the magazine.
(c) He asked me if I have finished reading the magazine.
(d) He asked me whether I finished reading the magazine.
82. He said, “We have done our work.”
(a) He said that he had done his work.
(b) He said that they have done their work.
(c) He said that they had done their work.
(d) He said that they should do their work.
83. “I’m sorry I’m unable to repay the loan in time,” said the customer.
(a) The customer regrets that he was unable to repay the loan in time.
(b) The customer regretted that he is unable to repay the loan in time.
(c) The customer regretted that he was unable to repay the loan in time.
(d) The customer said that he could be unable to repay the loan in time.
84. “Please, take me to the officer,” said the visitor.
(a) The visitor requested them to take him to the officer.
(b) The visitor told them to take him to the officer.
(c) The visitor requested for the officer to be taken.
(d) The visitor wanted the officer to take him there.
94 English – from Plinth to Paramount
85. Nitin said, “What a pleasant atmosphere this place has!”
(a) Nitin exclaimed with joy that that place was a pleasant atmosphere.
(b) Nitin exclaimed with joy that was a pleasant atmosphere in that place.
(c) Nitin exclaimed with joy that that place had a pleasant atmosphere.
(d) Nitin exclaimed with joy that what a pleasant atmosphere that place had.
86. Aarti said, “I am in a hurry today.”
(a) Aarti said that she was in a hurry that day.
(b) Aarti said that I am in a hurry today.
(c) Aarti said that she is in a hurry today.
(d) Aarti said that she is in a hurry that day.
87. They said, “We are practising for the next match.”
(a) They said that they are practising for the next match.
(b) They said that they practised for the next match.
(c) They said that they were practising for the next match.
(d) They said they were going to practise for the next match.
88. He said, “ May you live long.”
(a) He suggested that my life might be long.
(b) He prayed that my life might be long.
(c) He prayed that my life may be longer.
(d) He declared that my life is longer.
89. “When did you meet my brother?” She asked me.
(a) She wanted to know when did I meet her brother.
(b) She asked when did I meet my brother.
(c) She asked me when I had met her brother.
(d) She wants to know when I had met my brother.
90. Ruby requested me to lend her Rs. 1000 the next day.
(a) Ruby said to me, “Please lend me Rs. 1000 the next day.”
(b) Ruby said to me, “Please lend her Rs. 1000 the next day.”
(c) Ruby said to me, “Please lend her Rs. 1000 tomorrow.”
(d) Ruby said to me, “Please lend me Rs. 1000 tomorrow.”
91. “You’d better leave the dog along,” the man said.
(a) The man said to me to leave the dog alone.
(b) The man told me to better leave the dog alone.
(c) the man warned me to leave the dog alone.
(d) The man said I should leave the dog alone.
92. “I’d have enjoyed the journey more if the man next to me hadn’t snored all the
time,” said John.
(a) John said that he enjoyed the journey but the man next to me snored.
(b) John said that he would have enjoyed the journey more if the man next to him
hadn’t snored all the time.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 95
(c) John said that he would have enjoyed the journey if the next man hadn’t snored
all the time.
(d) John said that he would have enjoyed the journey if the man next to him did not
93. A poet said, “The night is dark and I am far from home.”
(a) A poet said that the night was dark and he was far from home.
(b) A poet told his friend that the night is dark and that he is far from home.
(c) The friend was told by the poet that the night was dark and he was far from home.
(d) A poet said that the night is dark and he is far from home.
94. The players reported that the spectators were cheering while they were playing.
(a) “The spectators have been cheering while we played.”, said the players.
(b) “The spectators cheered while we were playing.”, said the players.
(c) “The spectators were cheering while we were playing.”, said the players.
(d) “The spectators played while we cheered.”, said the players.
95. She requested the boys to listen to what she was saying.
(a) She said to the boys, “Please listen to what I am saying.”
(b) I said to the boys, “Listen to what I am saying.”
(c) She said, “Boys, listen to what I was saying.”
(d) She said, “I requested you to listen to what I am saying.”
96. “Do you want balloons ?” he said to the child.
(a) He asked the child if it wanted balloons.
(b) He asked the child whether it had wanted balloons.
(c) He asked the child did it want balloons.
(d) He asked the child if it would want balloons.
97. She said, “How ugly I look in this dress!”
(a) She said that how ugly she was looking in that dress.
(b) She exclaimed how ugly she looked in that dress.
(c) She expressed how ugly she looked in that dress.
(d) She exclaimed that she looked very ugly in that dress.
98. She said “You can leave the books here.”
(a) She said that they can leave the books there.
(b) She said that they could leave the books there.
(c) She said that they can leave the books here.
(d) She said that they could leave the books here.
99. My friend said “I am leaving today.”
(a) My friend said that he is leaving today.
(b) My friend said that he was leaving today.
(c) My friend said that he leaves today.
(d) My friend said that he was leaving that day.

96 English – from Plinth to Paramount

100. Mukta said to Puneet, “My mother is a good cook.”
(a) Mukta told Puneet that her mother was a good cook.
(b) Mukta told Puneet that my mother was a good cook.
(c) Mukta told to Puneet that her mother is a good cook.
(d) Mukta asked Puneet that her mother is a good cook.
101. The commander said to the army, “March forward”.
(a) The commander asked the army march forward.
(b) The commander ordered the army to march forward.
(c) The commander requested the army to go forward.
(d) The army requested the commander to march.
102. He promised, “I will do it tomorrow.”
(a) He promised that he will do it tomorrow.
(b) He promised that he will do it the next day.
(c) He promised that he would do it tomorrow.
(d) He promised that he would do it the next day.
103. Geeta said, “I did not do this deliberately.”
(a) Geeta said that I had not done that deliberately.
(b) Geeta said that she had not done that deliberately.
(c) Geeta said that she has not done this deliberately.
(d) Geeta said that I have not done this deliberately.
104. She said, “I’m afraid we are rather late!”
(a) She exclaimed that they were frightened of being late.
(b) She exclaimed that she was afraid that they were rather late.
(c) She shouted that they were scared that they would be late.
(d) She screamed that she was worried that they would all be late.
105. She said to me, “What can I do for you ?”
(a) She asked me what she could do for me.
(b) She asked me what can she do for me.
(c) She asked me what she can do for me.
(d) She asked me whether she can do anything for me.
106. He said, ‘Alas! I am undone !’
(a) He said that it was his undoing.
(b) He exclaimed pathetically that he was undone.
(c) He stated that he was undone.
(d) He cried that he was being undone.
107. “I shall unlock the secrets of their success,” he said.
(a) He said that he shall unlock the secrets of their success.
(b) He said that he should unlock the secrets of their success.
(c) He said that he would unlock the secrets of their success.
(d) He said that he will unlock the secrets of their success.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 97
108. “I wonder what he wants of us,” said Quint.
(a) Quint said that he was wondering what he wanted of them.
(b) Quint said that he wondered what he wanted of us.
(c) Quint said he wondered what he wants of them.
(d) Quint said that he wondered what he wanted of them.
109. Dinesh said, “I want to eat a good mango one of these days.”
(a) Dinesh said he wants to eat a good mango one of these days.
(b) Dinesh said that he wanted to eat a good mango one of those days.
(c) Dinesh said that he wants to eat a good mango one of those days.
(d) Dinesh said that he wanted to eat a good mango one of these days.
110. He said, “I intend to leave for Delhi tonight.”
(a) He said that he will intend to leave for Delhi tonight.
(b) lie said that he should intend to leave for Delhi that night.
(c) He said that he intended to leave for Delhi that night.
(d) He said that his intention is to leave for Delhi tonight.
111. He said, “The Sun rises in the east.”
(a) He said that the Sun rised in the east.
(b) He said that the Sun rises in the east.
(c) He said that the Sun will rise in the east.
(d) He said that the Sun may rise in the east.
112. Ram asked Krishna, “Where are you going today?”
(a) Ram asked Krishna where he was going that day.
(b) Ram asked Krishna as to where he was going on the previous day.
(c) Ram asked Krishna where was he going the next day.
(d) Ram asked Krishna where was he going the day before.
113. He said, “What a fool Tom is!”
(a) He exclaimed that he was a big fool.
(b) He exclaimed that Tom was a big fool.
(c) He wondered what kind of a fool Tom was.
(d) He claimed that Tom was a big fool.
114. “What kind of scheme do you have ?” Amif said to the insurance agent.
(a) Amit asked the insurance agent what kind of scheme he/she had.
(b) Amit asked the insurance agent what kind of scheme he/she has.
(c) Amit asked the insurance agent what kind of scheme he/she is having.
(d) Amit asked the insurance agent what kind of scheme he/she was having.
115. The doctor said to the patient, “Take complete rest.”
(a) The doctor told to the patient that take complete rest.
(b) The doctor advised the patient to take complete rest.
(c) The doctor suggested the patient to take complete rest.
(d) The doctor asked the patient take complete rest.
98 English – from Plinth to Paramount
116. Mini said to me, “I have bought this flat for my mother.”
(a) Mini told that she had bought that flat for her mother.
(b) Mini said that she bought that flat for her mother.
(c) Mini said she has bought that flat for her mother.
(d) Mini told me that she had bought that flat for her mother.
117. He said, “I will come again.”
(a) He said that he will come again.
(b) He says he is coming again.
(c) He says he’ll come again.
(d) He said that he would come again.
118. “Don’t do any more work until you have had a rest,” her mother said to her.
(a) Her mother advised her not to do any more work until she has had a rest.
(b) Her mother advised her not to do any more work until she had had a rest.
(c) Her mother advised her that she not do any more work until she had had a rest.
(d) Her mother advised her that she need not do any more work until she had had
a rest.
119. “Make me another suit like this,” he said to the tailor.
(a) He asked the tailor to make him another suit like this.
(b) He asks the tailor to make him another suit like this.
(c) He told the tailor to make him another suit like that.
(d) He told the tailor to make me another suit like this.
120. My Principal told me, “Don’t conduct any test tomorrow.”
(a) My Principal told me not to conduct any test tomorrow.
(b) My Principal told me not to conduct any test tomorrow.
(c) My Principal ordered me don’t conduct any test.
(d) My Principal ordered me not to conduct any test the next day.
121. Kiran said to me, “Did you see the cricket match on television last night?
(a) Kiran asked me if I saw the cricket match on television the earlier night
(b) Kiran asked me if I had seen the cricket match on television the previous
(c) Kiran asked me did I see the cricket match on television last night
(d) Kiran asked me whether I had seen the cricket match on television last night
122. David said to Anna, “Mona will leave for her native place tomorrow.”
(a) David told Anna that Mona will leave for her native place tomorrow
(b) David told Anna that Mona left for her native place the next day
(c) David told to Anna that Mona would be leaving for her native place tomorrow
(d) David told Anna that Mona would leave for her native place the next day
123. I said to him, “Why are you working so hard ?”
(a) I asked him why he was working so hard
(b) I asked him why was he working so hard
English – from Plinth to Paramount 99
(c) I asked him why he had been working so hard
(d) I asked him why had he been working so hard
124. Pooja said, “Ridhi, do you want another cake?”
(a) Pooja asked Ridhi do you want another cake.
(b) Pooja asked Ridhi if she wanted another cake.
(c) Pooja said to Ridhi you wanted another cake.
(d) Pooja said if you wanted another cake.
125. The tailor said to him, “Will you have the suit ready by tomorrow evening?”
(a) The tailor asked him that he will have the suit ready by the next evening
(b) The tailor asked him that he would had the suit ready by the next evening
(c) The tailor asked him if he would have the suit ready by the next evening
(d) The tailor asked him if he will like to have the suit ready by the next evening
126. He ordered his servant to do as he was told.
(a) He ordered his servant, “Do as you are told.”
(b) He said to his servant, “Do as you are told.”
(c) He said to his servant, “Do as I told you.”
(d) He said to his servant, “Do as you were told.”
127. He said, “Be quiet and listen to my words.”
(a) He urged them to be quiet and listen to his words
(b) He urged them and said be quiet and listen to words
(c) He said they should be quiet and listen to his words
(d) He said you should be quiet and listen to my words
128. He said to me, “I have often told you not to play with fire.”
(a) He said that he has often been telling me not to play with fire
(b) He told me that he had often told me not to play with fire
(c) He reminded me that he often said to me not to play with fire
(d) He said to me that he often told me not to play with fire
129. “I have seen the film before” Sunita says.
(a) Sunita said that she had seen the film before.
(b) Sunita says that she has seen the film before.
(c) Sunita said that the film was seen by her before.
(d) Sunita said that she saw the film earlier.
130. Pawan said to me, “If I hear any news, I’ll phone you.”
(a) Pawan told me that if he heard any news, he will phone me
(b) Pawan told me that if he will hear any news, he will phone me
(c) Pawan told me if he had heard any news, he would phone me
(d) Pawan told me that if he heard any news, he would phone me
131. The teacher said to Mahesh, “Congratulations ! Wish you success in life.”
(a) The teacher congratulated Mahesh and said wish you success in life
(b) The teacher wished congratulations and success in life to Mahesh
100 English – from Plinth to Paramount
(c) The teacher said congratulations to Mahesh and wished him success life
(d) The teacher congratulated Mahesh and wished him success in life
132. The poor examinee said, “O God! take pity on me.”
(a) The poor examinee prayed God to take pity on him
(b) The poor examinee, invoking God, implored him to take pity on him
(c) The poor examinee exclaimed that God take pity on him
(d) The poor examine asked God to take pity on him
133. “Where will you be tomorrow,” I said, “in case I have to ring you ?”
(a) I asked where you will be the next day in case I will ring him
(b) I asked where he would be the next day in case I had to ring him
(c) I said to him where he will be in case I have to ring him
(d) I enquired about his whereabouts the next day in case I would have to ring up
134. Seeta said to me, “Can you give me your pen ?”
(a) Seeta asked me can I give her my pen
(b) Seeta asked me if I can give me your pen
(c) Seeta asked me if I could give her my pen
(d) Seeta asked me if I gave her my pen
135. The father warned his son that he should be beware of him.
(a) The father warned his son, “Beware of him !”
(b) The father warned his son, “Watch that chap !”
(c) The father warned his son, “Be careful about him.”
(d) The father warned his son, “Don’t fall into the trap.”
136. Manna said to Rohan, “Have you sat in a trolley bus before ?”
(a) Manna asked Rohan whether he had sat in a trolley bus earlier.
(b) Manna asked Rohan had he sat in a trolley bus before.
(c) Manna asked Rohan-if he sat on a trolley bus before.
(d) Manna asked Rohan if he has ever sat in a trolley bus
137. Farhan said to Geeta, “Could you lend me a hundred rupees until tomorrow ?”
(a) Farhan asked Geeta whether she could lend him a hundred rupees until tomorrow.
(b) Farhan asked Geeta whether she could lend him a hundred rupees until the next day.
(c) Farhan asked Geeta whether she could lend me a hundred rupees until the next day.
(d) Farhan asked whether Geeta could lend me a hundred rupees until the next day.
138. “What about going for a swim,” he said, “It’s quite fine now.”
(a) He asked me what about going for a swim as it was quite fine then
(b) He proposed going for a swim as it was quite fine.
(c) He suggested going for a swim as it was quite fine.
(d) He advised me to go for a swim as it was quite fine.
139. “You can’t bathe in this sea,” he said to me, “it’s very rough.”
(a) He said that I can’t bathe in this sea because it’s very rough.
(b) He said that you couldn’t bathe in that sea if it was very rough.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 101
(c) He said that I couldn’t bathe in that sea as it was very rough.
(d) He said that you can’t bathe in this sea since it was very rough.
140. Jagdish said, “We passed by a beautiful lake when we went on a trip to Goa.”
(a) Jagdish said that they passed by a beautiful lake when they had gone on a trip to Goa.
(b) Jagdish said that they had passed by a beautiful lake when they went on a trip to Goa.
(c) Jagdish said that they had passed by a beautiful lake when they had gone on
a trip to Goa.
(d) Jagdish said they passed by a beautiful lake when they went on a trip to Goa.
141. He said to me, “I expect you to attend the function.”
(a) He told me that he had expected me to attend the function.
(b) He told me that he expected me to attended the function.
(c) He told me that he expected me to have attended the function.
(d) He told me that he expected me to attend the function.
142. He said, “Why didn’t you send your application to me ?”
(a) He enquired why I had not sent my application to him.
(b) He enquired why I did not send my application to him.
(c) He enquired why had I not sent my application to him.
(d) He enquired why did I not send my application to him.
143. Dinesh asked, “Are you going to the party tomorrow, Eliza ?”
(a) Dinesh asked whether Eliza was going to the party the next day.
(b) Dinesh asked Eliza whether you are going to the party the next day.
(c) Dinesh asked Eliza whether she was going to the party the next day.
(d) Dinesh asked Eliza are you going to the party tomorrow.
144. John said, “How long will it take to travel from Germany to South Africa?”
(a) John asked how long it will take to travel from Germany to South Africa.
(b) John asked how long would it take to travel from Germany to South Africa.
(c) John asked how long it would take to travel from Germany to South Africa.
(d) John was asking how long must it take to travel from Germany to South Africa.
145. “What did you see at the South Pole ?” Ashok asked Anil.
(a) Ashok asked Anil if he saw anything at the South Pole.
(b) Ashok asked Anil what he had. seen at the South Pole.
(c) Ashok asked Anil what did he see at the South Pole.
(d) Ashok asked Anil that he saw anything at the South Pole.
146. “Do you want some more sweets ?” asked my friend.
(a) My friend asked me if I want some more sweets.
(b) My friend said to me if I wanted some more sweets.
(c) My friend asked me whether I wanted some more sweets.
(d) My friend asked me that I wanted some more sweets.

102 English – from Plinth to Paramount

147. I said to my sister, “I brought you a doll yesterday.”
(a) I told my sister that I brought you a doll the previous day.
(b) I told my sister that I had brought her a doll the previous day.
(c) I told my sister that I had brought her a doll yesterday.
(d) I told my sister that I brought her a doll yesterday.
148. The captain said to the army, “March forward, now.”
(a) The captain said to the army that march forward now.
(b) The captain ordered the army to march forward then.
(c) The captain ordered the army to march on that day.
(d) The captain ordered the army to attack the enemy.
149. They said, “We’ve lived here for a long time.”
(a) They said that they have lived there for a long time.
(b) They said that they lived here for a long time.
(c) They said that they had lived there for a long time.
(d) They said that they have lived for a long time.
150. “Would you open the door please ?”
(a) She asked me to please open the door.
(b) She requested me to open the door.
(c) She requested me to please open the door.
(d) She asked me open the door.
151. The teacher said, “Gandhiji was born in India.”
(a) The teacher said that Gandhiji had been born in India.
(b) The teacher says that Gandhiji was born in India.
(c) The teacher said that Gandhiji had born in India.
(d) The teacher said that Gandhiji was bom in India.
152. “Where do you live ?” asked the stranger.
(a) The stranger asked where I lived.
(b) The stranger enquired where I was living.
(c) The stranger questioned where did live.
(d) The stranger wanted to know where I live.
153. I said to him, “How do you know this ?”
(a) I asked him how I knew that.
(b) I asked him that how he knew that.
(c) I told him how I knew that.
(d) I asked him how he knew that.
154. He said, “We are all sinners.”
(a) He said that we are all sinners.
(b) He said they were all sinners.
(c) He said that he was a sinner.
(d) He said all were sinners.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 103
155. “Would you mind taking off your shoes before entering the house ?” He said to
the foreigner.
(a) He requested the foreigner to take off his shoes before entering the house.
(b) He told the foreigner that he must take off his shoes before entered the house.
(c) He said the foreigner that to take off His shoes before entered the house.
(d) Before entering the house he said that shoes must be taken off.
156. “I lost my book yesterday”, she said to her teacher.
(a) She admitted to her teacher that she had lost her book the previous day.
(b) To her teacher she was admitted that she has lost her book the previous day.
(c) She admitted losing her book to her teacher yesterday.
(d) She said to her teacher that I have lost my book the previous day.
157. They said, “The boy will soon be found and we will bring him.”
(a) They said that boy would be found and brought.
(b) They said that the boy would soon be found, and that they would bring him.
(c) They informed him that the boy would soon be found, and they ought to bring him.
(d) They told that the boy will be found soon and they will bring him.
158. “Stop talking children,” said the teacher.
(a) The teacher ordered the children to stop talking.
(b) The teacher asked the children to stop talking.
(c) The teacher told to the children to stop talking.
(d) The teacher said the children to stop talking.
159. The teacher said that the Earth moves round the Sun.
(a) The teacher stated: “The Earth has been moving round the Sun.
(b) The teacher said, “The Earth is moving round the Sun.”
(c) The teacher said, “The Earth will move round the Sun.”
(d) The teacher said, “The Earth moves round The Sun.”
160. The lady said that they had been witnessing the programme.
(a) The lady said, “We were witnessing the programme.”
(b) The lady says, “We are witnessing the programme.”
(c) The lady said, “We witnessed the programme.”
(d) The lady says, “We had witnessed the programme.”
161. The Principal told us, “Wait here till I return.”
(a) The Principal told us wait here till her return.
(b) The Principal told us to wait there till he returned.
(c) The Principal told us to wait there till I return.
(d) The Principal told us please wait here till he returned.

104 English – from Plinth to Paramount

162. My mother said to me, “Who is your best friend?”
(a) My mother questioned me as to who my best friend was.
(b) My mother asked me who was my best friend.
(c) My mother asked me who my best friend was.
(d) My mother asked me who my best friend is.
163. The teacher said to the boys, “If you do your best you will surely pass.”
(a) The teacher asked the boys to work hard so that they can pass.
(b) The teacher told the boys that unless they work hard they will not pass.
(c) The teacher requested the boys that if they work better, they will surely pass.
(d) They teacher told the boys that if they did their best they would surely pass.
164. The boy pleaded that he had not stolen the book.
(a) The boy said, “I don’t steal the book.”
(b) The boy said, “I didn’t steal the book.”
(c) They boy said, “I hadn’t stolen the book.”
(d) The boy said, “I haven’t stolen the book.”
165. Kavitha said, “I saw the photograph.”
(a) Kavitha told that she saw the photograph.
(b) Kavitha said that she had seen the photograph.
(c) Kavitha said that the photograph was seen by her.
(d) Kavitha said that she has seen the photograph.
166. The king said to his man, “Put the man in prison.”
(a) The king implored his men to put the man in prison.
(b) The king commanded his men to put the man in prison.
(c) The king requested his men to put the man in prison.
(d) The king informed his men to put the man in prison.
167. He said, “I have made a kite.”
(a) He says that he made a kite.
(b) He will say that he had made a kite.
(c) He said that I had made a kite.
(d) He said that he had made a kite.
168. Dravid’s neighbour said, “Do you like to play golf?”
(a) Dravid’s neighbour questioned him and said if he liked to play golf.
(b) Dravid’s neighbour asked him to like golf.
(c) Dravid’s neighbour asked him if he would like to play golf.
(d) Dravid’s neighbour asked him if he liked to play golf.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 105

169. She announced that they had selected Pradeep as their leader.
(a) She said, “Pradeep is our leader.”
(b) She announced, “We have selected Pradeep as our leader.”
(c) She announced, “Let us select Pradeep as our leader.”
(d) She declared, “Pradeep had been selected as our leader.”
170. He told the boy not to sit there.
(a) “Didn’t sit here,” he said to the boy.
(b) “Don’t sit there,” he said to the boy.
(c) “Didn’t sit there,” he said to the boy.
(d) “Don’t sit here,” he said to the boy.

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (c)
10. (d) 11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (a)
19. (d) 20. (b) 21. (c) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (b)
28. (a) 29. (b) 30. (b) 31. (a) 32. (a) 33. (c) 34. (b) 35. (d) 36. (a)
37. (a) 38. (c) 39. (c) 40. (b) 41. (d) 42. (d) 43. (a) 44. (a) 45. (c)
46. (b) 47. (b) 48. (a) 49. (c) 50. (b) 51. (b) 52. (d) 53. (b) 54. (d)
55. (d) 56. (a) 57. (b) 58. (c) 59. (b) 60. (a) 61. (a) 62. (b) 63. (a)
64. (d) 65. (a) 66. (b) 67. (a) 68. (c) 69. (d) 70. (d) 71. (d) 72. (c)
73. (b) 74. (b) 75. (c) 76. (b) 77. (a) 78. (b) 79. (d) 80. (d) 81. (a)
82. (c) 83. (c) 84. (a) 85. (c) 86. (a) 87. (c) 88. (b) 89. (c) 90. (d)
91. (c) 92. (b) 93. (a) 94. (c) 95. (a) 96. (a) 97. (d) 98. (b) 99. (d)
100. (a) 101. (b) 102. (d) 103. (b) 104. (b) 105. (a) 106. (b) 107. (c) 108. (d)
109. (b) 110. (c) 111. (b) 112. (a) 113. (b) 114. (a) 115. (b) 116. (d) 117. (d)
118. (b) 119. (c) 120. (d) 121. (b) 122. (d) 123. (a) 124. (b) 125. (c) 126. (b)
127. (a) 128. (b) 129. (b) 130. (d) 131. (d) 132. (b) 133.(b) 134. (c) 135. (a)
136. (a) 137. (b) 138. (a) 139. (c) 140. (c) 141. (d) 142. (a) 143. (c) 144.(c)
145. (b) 146. (c) 147. (b) 148. (b) 149. (c) 150. (b) 151. (d) 152. (a) 153. (d)
154. (a) 155.(a) 156.(a) 157. (b) 158. (a) 159. (d) 160.(a) 161. (b) 162. (c)
163. (d) 164. (d) 165. (b) 166. (b) 167. (d) 168. (d) 169. (b) 170. (d)

106 English – from Plinth to Paramount



1. (a) He said/ (b) that / (c) he will come. / (d) No error
2. (a) He said/ (b) that / (c) I shall work hard if I want to pass. / (d) No error
3. (a) He asked me/ (b) that if / (c) I was fine./ (d) No error
4. (a) He asked me/ (b) that what / (c) had happened./ (d) No error
5. (a) He asked me/ (b) what / (c) did I say about him./ (d) No error
6. (a) He told to me / (b) that / (c) the Sun is a star./ (d) No error
7. (a) The king commanded to / (b) call the/ (c) first witness./ (d) No error
8. (a) The judge asked me / (b) if I knew the / (c) accused or not./ (d) No error
9. (a) Ram was telling / (b) that everyone / (c) was happy with the bonus./ (d) No error
10. (a) My teacher said that / (b) a bad carpenter / (c) fights with his tools./ (d) No error
11. (a) She ordered the servant shut / (b) the door / (c) and leave the room./ (d) No
12. (a) She exclaimed with surprise / (b) that / (c) how tall has she grown./ (d) No error
13. (a)The teacher asked the little boy/(b) if he knows the / (c) correct answer to the
question./(d) No error
14. (a) Mother allowed me to / (b) go wherever/ (c) I want./ (d) No error
15. (a) The father forbade his son / (b) not to make the / (c) same mistake again./ (d)
No error
16. (a) He exclaimed with sorrow / (b) that his father died just two / (c) months before. /
(d) No Error.
17. (a) She requested him/ (b) to take her to the doctor / (c) as she has very high fever. /
(D) No Error
18. (a) When my boss said / (b) that he was coming to see / (c) me the next day, I
wondered what problems he will have with me. / (d) No Error
19. (a) I suggested that she should / (b) stay at home if it / (c) rained but she does not
give any answer. / (d) No Error
20. (a) He asked me / (b) why had I gone to office / (c) when I knew there would be
fewer buses on road that day. / (d) No Error
21. (a) My friend asked me / (b) what could she do/ (c) for me in that critical situation.
/ (d) No Error
22. (a) The Government warned the multiplexes that if / (b) they continue charging
prices higher than MRP , their / (c) licences would be cancelled. / (d) No Error
23. (a) My father told me / (b) that if I work for the / (c) betterment of mankind, God
would certainly do good to me . / (d) No Error
24. (a) My teacher wanted to know / (b) if I had done / (c) the homework or not. / (d) No
25. (a) She says, “I studied / (b) hard so that I / (c) may get good marks/ (d) No Error
26. (a) She said that she was going to / (b) theatre and wanted to know that I could /
(c) accompany him. / (E) No Error
27. (a) She requested me / (b) to wait for her / (c) until she returns from school. / (d) No Error
English – from Plinth to Paramount 107
28. (a) The players exclaimed / (b) with joy that / (c) they have won the match / (d) No
29. (a) The Principal said / (b) that the gates should / (c) be locked as the classes have
started. / (d) No Error
30. (a) He told us / (b) that / (c) he has not read the book. / (d) No Error

Answers with explanation

1. (c) will would Said (Reporting Verb) Past reported speech
(he will come) past
2. (c) Shall should want wanted
3. (b) ‘that’ ‘if’ 'that'
‘wh family’ Conjunction ‘if’ ‘whether’
4. (b) ‘that’ ‘what’ ‘that’ ‘wh family’
5. (c) Reported speech Question form ‘did I say’ ‘I said’

6. (a) 'Tell' 'told' ‘to’

7. (a) Commanded object (them/ him Commanded
reporting verbs tell , told, advise, forbid object

8. (b) ‘if’ ‘whether’ ‘or not’ ‘whether…….or’

Co-relative ‘If’ ‘or’
9. (a) Telling object
10. (d) Reported speech (idiom) Present tense
11. (a) shut ‘to’ Imperative sentences
Conjunction 'to'
12. (c) ‘How tall has she grown’ interrogative form formation ‘She has grown
very tall'.
13. (b) Knows knew
14. (c) ‘I want’ ‘I wanted to V1 (go)
15. (b) ‘forbade’ ‘not’
not Until, Unless, deny, decline lest
Both ‘not’
Both of them did not go. ( ×)
Neither of them went. ()
16. (b) ‘died’ 'had' 'Simple Past' 'past perfect'
17. (c) ‘has’ 'had' Indirect Speech 'Simple Present', 'Simple Past'

108 English – from Plinth to Paramount

18. (c) ‘Will’ 'would' Indirect Speech will/shall would/should

19. (c) ‘does not’ 'did not' 'Simple Present', 'Simple Past'

20. (b) ‘had’ 'I' Indirect Speech 'Question Form' 'sentence

21. (b) ‘She’ 'Could' Indirect Speech 'Question Form'
22. (b) ‘Continue’ Past 'Continued' Indirect Speech 'Simple Present' 'Simple
23. (b) ‘Work’ 'worked' 22
24. (b) ‘if’ 'whether' 'if' 'or' 'whether....or' pair
25. (c) ‘May’ 'Might'
26. (b) ‘that’ 'if'
27. (c) ‘returns’ 'returned' 'Simple Present' 'Simple Past'
28. (c) ‘have’ 'had' 'Indirect Speech' 'Present Perfect' 'Past Perfect'

29. (c) ‘have’ 'had' 28

30. (c) ‘has’ 'had' 28

English – from Plinth to Paramount 109

Question Tag


Ram works hard, doesn't he?

He is not coming, is he?
 'Question tag'
QUESTION TAG cukus ds fu;e
1. Question tag tense
2. ' ' positive 'Question tag' negative ' ' negative
'Question tag' positive
3. Question tag Pronoun
4. Negative question tag helping verb not contracted form
didn't, hadn't, won't

1. 'am not' contracted form Question tag 'aren't'

I am fine, aren't I?
2. Everyone, everybody, no one, none, each, every form singular
singular verb, singular pronoun Question tag

Everyone has come, hasn't he? (×)

Everyone has come, haven't they? ()
None of your friends likes her, do they? ()
Everybody can speak English, can’t they? ()
3. Collective noun singular form Question Tag singular
verb singular pronoun

 taken its
The jury has  decision, hasn't it?
S.V . S.P.

110 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Question Tag
4. collective noun plural verb
plural pronoun

The committee are

 divided in their
 opinion, aren't they?
P.V. P.P.

The audience have

 taken their
 seats, haven't they?
P.V. P.P.

5. hardly, seldom, scarcely 'not'

Question tag positive
1. He hardly does any work, does he?
2. He has barely anything to eat, has he?
3. He is seldom absent, is he?
6. sentence 'Let us'/Let's' Question tag 'shall we'
Let us go to party tonight, shall we ?
7. (a) (Imperative sentences) Question Tag
'won't you?'
Come in, won't you?
(b) offer 'will you/
would you?'
1. Open the door, would you?
2. Have some more tea,would you?
(c) 'Can't you?' (impatience)
Shut your mouth, can't you?
(d) Negative imperative 'will you?' 'Question tag'
Don't worry, will you?
8. 'there' subject 'there' verb 'there'
question tag
There is no water, is there?
There weren't good schools, were there?
9. Question Tag
I think, he is right, isn't he?
English – from Plinth to Paramount 111
Question Tag
Find the meaning of the difficult words and learn them by heart
1. I am happy, 20. We hadn’t got any remuneration,
2. I don’t write letter, 21. Polygamy has been banned in many
3. I didn’t go to college yesterday, countries,
4. It is very cold, 22. Charles Shobraj was an imposter,
5. You haven’t eaten anything, 23. Hindus practise idolatry,
6. She doesn’t drive carelessly, 24. My nephew is an ambidextrous,
7. I have called him up, 25. He is a pessimist,
8. The boys are quite boisterous, 26. Everyone has come late today,
9. My friend Ram is an egoist, 27. The mob has lynched the thief,
10. God is Omnipotent, omnipresent and 28. The audience have taken their
Omniscient, seats,
11. The mob killed the District Magistrate, 29. Have some more tea,
12. Bhim was a glutton, 30. Wait for me,
13. We see somnambulists in movies very 31. Let's go out for a walk,
often, 32. He has barely anything to wear,
14. Bhagat Singh was a martyr, 33. Somebody entered the room,
15. We see conjurors in circus, 34. I think, you are right,
16. Asthma is not a contagious disease, 35. I feel, he is hungry,
17. We used to see epidemic in villages 36. There are many boys in this school,
earlier, 37. Nobody bothers,
18. Sanjivini was considered to be a 38. It hardly rains here,
panacea, 39. The jury was unanimous in its
19. We find too many monologues in decision.
Shakespeare’s plays, 40. I am tired,

1. aren’t I? 11. didn’t it 21. hasn’t it? 31. Shall we?
2. do I? 12. wasn’t he? 22. wasn’t he? 32. Has he?
3. did I? 13. don’t we? 23. don’t they? 33. didn't they?
4. isn’t it? 14. wasn’t he. 24. isn’t he? 34. aren't you?
5. have you? 15. don’t we? 25. Isn’t he? 35. Isn't he?
6. does she ? 16. is it? 26. haven’t they? 36. aren't there?
7. haven't I? 17. didn’t we? 27. hasn’t it? 37. do they?
8. aren’t they? 18. wasn’t it? 28. haven’t they? 38. does it?
9. isn’t he? 19. don’t we? 29. will /would you? 39. wasn't it?
10. isn’t he? 20. had we? 30. will you?/can you? 40. aren't I?

112 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Subject Verb Agreement



 Sentence Subject Number Person Verb Subject-

Verb Agreement
1. He . (
 comes

 Subject 'Singular' Verb 'Singular'

2.  . (
They come Subject 'Plural' Verb 'Plural'


 Verb Singular Plural Verb

Singular Verb Plural Verb Singular Verb Plural Verb

is are was were

has have V1+s/es (plays, goes etc.) V1 (play, go etc.)

Verb Noun
Noun + s/ es  Plural Noun (Noun s/es Plural
Verb + s/ es  Singular Verb (Verb s/es Singular
 Sub. ‘and’ Plural Verb
(1) Ram and Shyam are
 coming.

 Nouns Adjectives ‘and’ ,
idea Singular verb
My friend, philosopher and guide have come. (change ‘have’ to ‘has’)
Slow and steady win the race. (change ‘win’ to ‘wins’)
Fish and chips is my favorite dish.()
(i) uncountable nouns 'and' sentence subject
sub. plural verb
(1) Poverty and misery

  together. ()
  P.V

English – from Plinth to Paramount 113

Subject Verb Agreement
 Sub ‘as well as’, ‘with’, ‘alongwith’, ‘together with’, ‘and not’, ‘In addition
to’, ‘but’, ‘besides’, ‘except’, ‘rather than’, ‘accompanied by’, ‘like’, ‘unlike’, ‘no
less than’, ‘nothing but’ 'verb' sub
(1) Ram is coming.
 as well as his parents 
S. S. S. V .

(2) The Captain along with the sailors was

 drowned.
S. S. S. V .

(3) My father
 unlike my uncles 
is very strict.
S. S. S. V.

 Article 1st sub
singular verb
(1) A white and black gown was
 bought by her.
S. V .
(2) Churchil was a great orator and a great politician of his time.(×)
Churchil was a great orator and politician of his time.()
Article Sub.
plural verb
The director and the producer have
 come.()

 subject ‘neither.........nor’, ‘either........or’, ‘not only’........‘but also’, ‘nor’,
‘or’ ‘none-but’ verb sub
(1) Neither Ram nor Shyam 
has come.
 
S. S. S. V .

(2) Either Ram or his friends

 have come.
 
P. S. P.V.

(3) Has
 Ram
 or Shyam come?
S. S. S.S.

 'Neither of .....' 'none of'

114 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Subject Verb Agreement

Neither of his four sons looked after him. (×)

None of his four sons looked after him. ()
 'Either of ......' 'One of'
Either of the five members is at fault. (×)
One of the five members is at fault. ()
'Both' 'not' 'neither of

Both of them did not take the exam. (×)

Neither of them took the exam. ()
 'Noun' form Plural Singular. singular Verb

(a) Measles, Mumps, Rickets, Shingles etc.

(b) Billiards, Darts, Draughts, etc.
(c) The United States, The West Indies, etc.
(d) The Arabian Nights, Three Muskeeters, etc.
(e) Physics, Economics, Civics, Statistics, Politics,Linguistics.
is an interesting subject.
(1) Mathematics 
S. V .
is not my cup of tea.
(2) Politics 
S. V .
‘Statistics’ ‘data’ , ‘Mathematics’ ‘Calculation’
‘Politics’ ‘
Statistics have
 revealed multiple scams in the organisation of Commonwealth
 verb subject main subject verb
subject match
(1) The quality of apples is good.
(2) He and not his parents is guilty.
(3) The appeal of the victims for the transfer of the cases related to riots to some other States has

been accepted.
 Collective Noun Singular Verb
(1) The herd
 of cows is
 grazing in the field.
S. S. S. V.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 115

Subject Verb Agreement
(2) The committee
    unanimously taken 
has its decision.
S. S. S.V. S.P .

Collective Noun 'Plural verb'

'Plural Pronoun'
(1) The jury 
are divided in their
 opinion.
P. V. P. P.

 taken their
(2) The audience have  seats.
P. V. P. P.
 Plural plural verb
Hundred boys 
are in my class.
P. V.
Cardinal Adjectives (one, two, three, four…etc.) Plural Noun
Plural Noun certain amount certain weight
certain period certain distance certain height
Singular Verb Plural Verb
Plural Singular unit singular verb
(1) Hundred rupees 
is in my pocket.
S. V.

(2) Ten miles 

is a long distance to cover on foot.
S. V.
Cardinal Adjectives Plural Noun unit
Plural Plural Verb
Hundred rupees 
are to be distributed among the students. ()
P. V.
Note the difference
 Five
 thousand
  rupees
 
  a handsome amount.
Numeral (Adj.) P. N. S. V.

 Five
 thousand
  rupees  been spent on different useful commodities.
 
Numeral (Adj.) P. N. P. V.

 Relative Pronoun( who, which, that ) sub verb
verb sub Relative Pronoun antecedent
(1) She is one of the noblest women that
  has ever lived on this earth.
R.P have

(2) I am not one of those who

 will trust everyone whom 
I  .
R .P they meet

‘I meet’ ‘They meet’
116 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Subject Verb Agreement
 Each, Every, Everyone, Someone, Somebody, Nobody, None, One, Any, Many a,
More than one Singular Singular verb, Singular noun Singular
(1) Each student has come.
(2) Each boy and each girl has come.
(3) One must tolerate one’s friend as well as 
his enemy.

(4) Many a student 

have not done   home work.
has his

(5) More than one man  present there.

 was
S.N S. V

(1) Many a man
 has
 come.
S.N. S.V.

(2) Many men

 have
 come.
P.N. P.V.

(3) A great/ A good many men

 have
 come.
P.N. P.V.

 each, every, one 'of' 'of' Noun
Pronoun plural Verb, Pronoun Singular
One of the boys/them has done his
  work.
  
Noun/Pronoun (Plural) S.V. S.P.

Plural Noun Plural Pronoun each Plural
Plural Verb
 each have
We  a duty towards our nation. ()
P.S. P.V.

Indefinite Pronoun – ‘One’ Sentence Subject
Singular Verb Singular Pronouns – one, one’s,
oneself he, him, his, himself
One should keep his promise. (×)
One should keep one’s promise. ()
 if, as if, as though, suppose, I wish, in case would that

English – from Plinth to Paramount 117

Subject Verb Agreement
Number Person Subject Plural Verb ‘were’
(1) I wish, I were a bird.
(2) If he were rich, he would help others.
 Optative Sentence Singular Subject Plural Verb
(1) God  the king!
 save
S.S. P.V.

(2) Long live

 the Queen !
 
P.V. S.S.

 A number of/A large number of/A great number of Plural Countable
Noun Plural Verb
A number of students were
 present. ()
P.S. P.V.

The number of Plural Sub.

Sentence Subject Singular Verb

The number of boys are fifty. (×)

P .S. P .V .

The number of boys

 is  fifty. ()
P .S. S. V.

 'Amount of/quantity of' Uncountable Noun
Sentence Subject Singular Verb
The amount of money are not sufficient.(×)

 
U. N. P.V.

The amount of money 

is not sufficient. ()

U. N. S. V .

 All uncountable Singular Singular
is well that 
All   well.
 
S. V S.V
 'All' Plural
Plural verb
are well at home. ()
All 
118 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Subject Verb Agreement
 Furniture, advice, work, evidence, equipment, news, information, luggage,
baggage, percentage, poetry, knowledge, dirt, dust, traffic, electricity, music,
breakage, stationary, scenery, confectionery, pottery, bakery, crockery,
behaviour Uncountable Nouns Singular Verb

(1) The scenery of Kasmir has

 enchanted us.
S . N. S.V.

(2) I passed but the percentage

  of marks was
 not good.
S.N. S.V .

 Nouns Plural form Nouns s
Singular Plural Plural
Scissors, tongs , pliers, pincers, bellows ,
trousers, pants, pajamas, shorts,
gallows , fangs ,
spectacles, goggles,binoculars , sunglasses,
Alms , amends , archives , arrears, auspices,
congratulations, embers , fireworks, lodgings, outskirts, particulars, proceeds,
regards, riches, remains, savings, shambles, surroundings, tidings, troops, tactics,
thanks, valuables, wages,belongings, braces, etc.
(a) Where are my pants?
(b) Where are the tongs?
(c) The proceeds were deposited in the bank.
(d) All his assets were seized.
(e) Alms were given to the beggars.
(f) The embers of the fire were still burnings.
 Nouns Plural Singular Singular
News, Innings, Politics, Summons, Physics, Economics, Ethics,
Mathematics, Mumps, Measles, Rickets,Shingles, Billiards, Athletics etc.
(a) No news is good news.
(b) Politics is a dirty game.
(c) Economics is an interesting subject.
(d) Ethics demands honesty.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 119

Subject Verb Agreement
 Nouns Singular Plural cattle,
cavalry, infantry, poultry, peasantry, children, gentry, police, people, etc.
‘s’ cattles, childrens
(a) Cattle are grazing in the field.
(b) Our infantry have marched forward.
(c) Police have arrested the thieves.
'People' 'Peoples' ' '
 Nouns Singular form Uncountable Nouns
Article A/An
Scenery, Poetry, Furniture, Advice, Information, Hair, Business, Mischief, Bread,
Stationery, Crockery, Luggage, Baggage, Postage, Knowledge, Wastage, Money,
Jewellery, Breakage, Equipment,Work, Evidence, Word 'word'
Fuel Paper.
(a) The scenery of Kashmir is very charming.
(b) I have no information about her residence.
(c) The mischief committed by him is unpardonable.
(d) His hair is black.
(e) I have bought some equipment that I needed for the project.
(i) Nouns Sceneries, informations, furnitures, hairs

(ii) Noun Singular Plural forms

(a) He gave me a piece of information.

(b) All pieces of information given by her were reliable.
(c) Many kinds of furniture are available in that shop.
(d) I want a few articles of jewellery.
(e) He ate two slices of bread.
(f) Please show me some items of office stationery.
(g) The Police have found a strand of hair in the car.
 Nouns, Plural Singular deer,sheep, series ,
species, fish, crew, team, jury, aircraft, counsel etc.
(a) Our team is the best.
(b) Our team are trying their new uniform.
(c) There are two fish in the pond.
(d) There are many fishes in the aquarium.('Fishes' fish)
120 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Subject Verb Agreement
 Table


1. No + U. N Singular Verb
2. No + S. C. N Singular Verb
One-third of / three-fourths of / The rest of / A
3. quarter of / Part of / Ten percent of / Twenty + U. N. Singular Verb
Percent of
One-third of / three-fourths of/ P art of / Ten
4. + P. C. N. Plural Verb
percent of / Twenty percent of
M ost of / Some / Some of / Half of/ Enough /
5. Enough of / Not enough of/ Plenty of / A lot of/ + U. N. Singular Verb
Lots of
M ost of / Some / Some of /Half of/ Enough /
6. Enough of / Not enough of/ Plenty of / A lot of/ + P. C. N. Plural Verb
Lots of
7. The percentage of + U.N./P.C.N. Singular Verb
8. M ore than one + S. C. N. Singular Verb
9. M ore than two/three. etc. + P. C. N. Plural Verb
10. M ore + P. C. N. + than one Plural Verb

1. No air is present on the Mars.

2. No student was interested in taking the exam.
3. One-third of the work has been finished.
4. One- third of the students have passed.
5. Ninety percent of the work is done.
6. Most of the knowledge is gained by experience.
7. Most of the girls are absent today.
8. Ninety percent of the students have passed with good marks.
9. Half of the candidates have passed with flying colours.
10. Some of the students have not taken the exam.
11. The percentage of unsuccessful candidates is ten.
12. More than one city was in ruins.
13. More cities than one were in ruins.
14. More than two theives have been caught red handed.
15. More plans than one were made.


1. (a) Neither of them/ (b) are going to attend/ (c) the party on 10th October./ (d) No
2. (a) He walked five miles which are really a great distance/ (b) for a man like him
who is not only old but also ill./ (d) No error
English – from Plinth to Paramount 121
Subject Verb Agreement
3. (a) Either my colleague/ (b) or a peon are coming home/ (c) with the material today./
(d) No error
4. (a) The rise and fall/ (b) of the tide are due/ (c) to lunar influence./ (d) No error
5. (a) Many a man/ (b) have succumbed/ (c) to this temptation./ (d) No error
6. (a) The introduction of tea, coffee/ (b) and such other beverages/ (c) have not been
without some effect./ (d) No error
7. (a) The newer type of automatic machines/ (b) wash/ (c) clothes faster./ (d) No
8. (a) Each of the students in the computer class/ (b) has to type/ (c) their own research
paper this semester./ (d) No error
9. (a) Everyone of the films/ (b) you suggested/ (c) are not worth seeing./ (d) No error
10. (a) The Secretary and Principal of the college/ (b) are attending/ (c) the District
Development Council Meeting at the Collectorate./ (d) No error
11. (a) There is/ (b) only one of his novels/ (c) that are interesting./ (d) No error
12. (a) Knowledge of/ (b) at least two languages/ (c) are required to pass the examination./
(d) No error
13. (a) It is I/ (b) who is to blame/ (c) for this bad situation./ (d) No error
14. (a) Romansticism of melancholy/ (b) in art and literature are the reason/ (c) for
insensitivity to those suffering from depression./ (d) No error
15. (a) Patience as well as perseverance (b) are necessary/ (c) for success./ (d) No error
16. (a) In Singapore/ (b) my brother-in-law with his wife/ (c) were present at the function./
(d) No error
17. (a) A hot and/ (b) a cold spring/ (c) was found near each other./ (d) No error
18. (a) Either of the roads/ (b) lead/ (c) to the park/ (d) No error
19. (a) One of my desires/ (b) are to become/ (c) a doctor./ (d) No error
20. (a) The whole block of flats/ (b) including two shops were/ (c) destroyed in fire./ (d)
No error
21. (a) The sum and substance/ (b) of his poem/ (c) are as follows./ (d) No error
22. (a) Neither of the/ (b) five accused/ (c) could be convicted./ (d) No error
23. (a) The strain of all/ (b) the difficulties, vexations and anxieties/ (c) were more
than he could beat./ (d) No error
24. (a) Everybody/ (b) it must be admitted/ (c) has their ups and downs./ (d) No error
25. (a) Every woman in the world/ (b) fervently hopes that their child/ (c) will be a
normal and healthy baby/ (d) No error
26. (a) Neither of them/ (b) sent their papers/ (c) in time for the last seminar/ (d) No
27. (a) This is a strange world/ (b) where each one pursues their own golden bubble/ (c)
and laughs at others for doing the same./ (d) No error
28. (a) If it were possible to get near when/ (b) one of the volcanic eruptions take
place/ (c) we would see a grand sight./ (d) No error
122 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Subject Verb Agreement
29. (a) A rise in rents and wages/ (b) have been found/ (c) to go together./ (d) No error
30. (a) He is one of those few post-colonial writer who believes/ (b) that this talk about
colonialism has gone too far/ (c) and has turned into a cliche./ (d) No error
31. (a) One of the peculiarities/ (b) which distinguishes the present age/ (c) is the
multiplication of books/ (d) No error
32. (a) Neither of them/ (b) are going to attend/ (c) the party on 10th October/ (d) No
33. (a) Ten miles are/ (b) a long distance / (c) to cover on foot./ (d) No error
34. (a) If Mahatma Gandhi/ (b) was alive, he would feel sorry for the poor and downtrodden
who/(c) still struggle everyday to make both ends meet. / (d) No Error
35. (a) Having acquired some experience/ (b) she is no longer one of those who believes/
(c) every explanation they are given./ (d) No error
36. (a) With regard to implementation of the/ (b) details of the proposal, the committee
was divided/ (c) in their opinion./ (d) No error
37. (a) Most of the funds/ (b) we get from/ (c) America is used to build roads and bridges./
(d) No error
38. (a) The tiger was not/ (b) the only dangerous animal/ (c) in the forest there was
hyenas too./ (d) No error
39. (a) She immediately quit/ (b) the job in which/ (c) neither skill nor knowledge were
required./ (d) No error
40. (a) The type of qualities you acquire/ (b) depend upon your company/ (c) and so you
associate yourselves with simple and good natured people./ (d) No error
41. (a) Our success or our failure/ (b) largely depend/ (c) upon our actions./ (d) No error
42. (a) He is/ (b) one of the tallest boy/ (c) in the class./ (d) No error
43. (a) That day when they brought her back for the last time/ (b) there was many old-
timers/ (c) who were shocked and fearful./ (d) No error
44. (a) A computer virus works exactly/ (b) like the biological variety/ (c) which invade
the human body./ (d) No error
45. (a) Many a boy/(b) have not done their/ (c) homework properly./ (d) No error
46. (a) Two miles beyond/ (b) that building was seen dozens/ (c) of antisocial elements/ (d)
No error
47. (a) Along the northern frontier/ (b) of India is seen/ (c) the beautiful and mighty
Himalayas./ (d) No error
48. (a) A body of volunteers/ (b) have helped in/ (c) making this celebration a great success/
(d) No error
49. (a) There appears/ (b) a number of problems/ (c) and I really do not know how to
solve them. (d) No error
50. (a) Shingles are a disease/ (b) in which a person develops/ (c) lots of inflamed spots
round the waist./ (d) No error
51. (a) Whether she should get married/ (b) or whether she should remain/ (c) single
are her personal problem./ (d) No error
English – from Plinth to Paramount 123
Subject Verb Agreement
52. (a) Two and two/ (b) makes/ (c) four./ (d) No error.
53. (a) Many a men/ (b) attended the meeting/ (c) last night./ (d) No error.
54. (a) The perquisites/ (b) to this job makes it/ (c) even more attractive than the
salary indicated/ (d) No error.
55. (a) Either you/ (b) or he/ (c) are happy./ (d) No error.

Note: Noun

Answers with explanation

1. (b) ‘is’ ‘Neither of ‘noun/pronoun’ plural
‘them (Pl. Pronoun) ‘ verb singular

2. (a) ‘five miles’ plural singular unit five

miles singular verb ‘is’ ‘are’
3. (b) ‘are’ ‘is’ subjects either . . . . or, neither. . . . nor, ‘or’
‘nor’ verb ‘sub’ Peon (S.S.) S.V. ‘is’

4. (b) ‘The rise and fall’ singular subject singular verb ‘is’
5. (b) ‘Many a’ singular pronoun noun, verb pronoun singular form
have (P.V.) (S.V.)
6. (c) ‘verb’ ‘sub’ sub ‘introduction’
singular verb singular ‘has’ ‘have’
7. (b) Verb sub ‘newer type’ verb singular ‘washes’
8. (c) ‘Each of ….’ verb pronoun singular ‘their’ ‘his’

9. (c) Verb sub ‘everyone’ ‘Everyone’ singular singular verb

10. (b) ‘the’ ‘Secretary’ Secretary
Principal ‘sub’ singular verb singular 'is'
11. (c) ‘Are’ ‘is’ ‘Novels’ ‘one’ ‘One’
singular sub Verb singular
12. (c) languages sub ‘knowledge’ sub knowledge
verb verb ‘are’ ‘is’
13. (b) ‘is’ ‘am’ who, which that Relative Pronouns
verb antecedents number person
14. (b) Verb ‘is’ ‘are’ sub ‘Romansticism’ singular sub
15. (b) subjects ‘as well as’ verb 1st subject
‘Patience’ singular subject verb ‘are’ ‘is’ (s.v.)

124 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Subject Verb Agreement
16. (c) Were ‘was’ subjects ‘with’ verb
sub ‘Brother-in-law’ singular subject verb
17. (c) ‘was’ ‘were’ subjects and sub
‘article’ sub Plural verb
18. (b) ‘Either of ……’ noun/pronoun plural
verb/pronoun singular
Either of the roads/ them leads to the park.
  
Plural Plural Singular
Noun Pronoun Verb
19. (b) ‘One of ……’ ‘Either of ……’

neither of ……, none of …., any of .….., everyone of ….., each of …….

20. (b) ‘were’ ‘was’ sub ‘shops’ block verb

sub match verb sub match
Block was
Singular Sub Singular Verb.
21. (c) The sum and substance’ verb ‘are’ ‘is’
subjects ‘and’
verb singular form
22. (a) ‘Neither of’ ‘none of’ ‘Neither of’

23. (c) ‘Were’ ‘was’ 'Strain' singular verb singular

24. (c) Everybody singular sub singular pronoun ‘his’
25. (b) ‘Their’ ‘her’ ‘Every woman’ singular subject pronoun
26. (b) ‘Neither of P.N./P.P …..’ verb/pronoun singular ‘Their’ ‘his’

27. (b) ‘Each one’ ‘his’

28. (b) ‘One of ….’ singular verb ‘Take’ ‘takes’
Past Tense 'took'
29. (b) Verb ‘have’ (Plural verb) ‘has’ (singular verb)
30. (a) ‘One of ……’ Plural noun ‘writers’ ‘believes’ ‘believe’

31. (b) ‘Which’ antecedent ‘perculiarities’ Plural noun Which

verb plural Distinguishes’ ‘distinguish’
32. (b) ‘Neither of …..’ singular verb ‘is’ ‘are’
33. (a) ‘Ten miles’ Plural Singular unit singular
English – from Plinth to Paramount 125
Subject Verb Agreement
verb ‘is’
34. (b) If ‘was’ ‘were’
35. (b) ‘Those’ relative pronoun ‘who’ antecedent who verb those (Pl.
Sub) Believes (S.V.) believe (P.V.)
36. (b) Was the Plural verb ‘were’ committee
37. (c) ‘is’ ‘are’ sub ‘funds’ plural noun
38. (c) ‘Hyenas’ plural noun Plural verb ‘were’ ‘Hyenas’
39. (c) subjects ‘Neither ……. Nor’ verb sub
‘were’ ‘was’
40. (b) The type, (singular sub) verb ‘depends’ (singular verb)
41. (b) sub ‘or’ verb nearest sub ‘failure’
verb ‘depends’
42. (b) ‘One of …..’ ‘noun’ plural ‘Boys’
43. (b) Many old timers plural verb ‘were’ There ‘was’ ‘were’

44. (c) Which antecedent ‘variety’ (Singular noun) singular verb ‘invades’

45. (b) ‘Many a’ noun, pronoun verb singular form ‘have’

‘has’ ‘their’ ‘his’
46. (b) ‘Was’ ‘were’ ‘dozens’ (Plural sub) were (plural
47. (b) ‘is’ ‘are’ ‘verb’ sub (Himalayas)
Confusion India ‘is seen’
Himalayas ‘Himalayas’ ‘is seen’ ‘are
48. (b) Body, group, class singular verb ‘have’ ‘has’

49. (a) verb ‘appears’ (s.v.) ‘appear’ (p.v.) sub (a number of

problems) plural form
50. (a) ‘Shingles’ form plural singular singular verb ‘is’
51. (c) ‘are’ ‘is’
52. (b) ‘makes’ ‘make’
53. (a) ‘Many a’ ‘man’
54. (b) ‘makes’ ‘make’ ‘Perquisites’ plural noun
55. (c) ‘are’ ‘is’

126 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Conditional Sentences


 conditional sentence

You will succeed provided you work hard.

 Conditional Sentences
1. ................. 2. 3. ....................
If ..................... , provided as soon as.................,
....................... no sooner.............than
4. ................... 5. ...................
when ............... , Unless.................. ,
Until..................... ,
Conditional Sentence
1. If Clause
2. Main Clause
Conditional Sentences
A. 'If clause' in present tense.
B. 'If clause' in past tense.
C. 'If clause' in past perfect tense.
D. Other types of conditional sentences.

General Formula— If + Simple Present, Simple Future

 Conditional Sentences 'If Clause' Simple Present 'Main Clause'
simple future

If I will come
 to Delhi
  , I
will meet you
  (×)
I action IInd action

If I come to Delhi, I will meet you. ()

English – from Plinth to Paramount 127
Conditional Sentences

Simple Present Tense Simple Future Tense

1. She will come to meet you as soon as you will reach Delhi. (×)
She will come to meet you as soon as you reach Delhi. ()
2. If the government will become strict, corruption will surely finish. (×)
If the government becomes strict, corruption will surely finish. ()
3. I will help him provided he will mend his ways. (×)
I will help him provided he mends his ways. ()
4. Unless he will not take care of his health, he will not recover. (×)
Unless he takes care of his health, he will not recover. ()
5. There will be rush at the platform when the train will arrive. (×)
There will be rush at the platform when the train arrives. ()
 If will/shall/would
sub + will / shall
If, as soon as, provided, before, after, until, unless, in case, when, lest.
1. Unless or until not 4 )
2. Conditional Sentences when will/shall 5 )
 'Main Clause' Simple Present
1. If it rains, the schools remain closed.
 'will' may/might
1. If it rains, the students may not come for class.
2. If the fog remains, the plane may get late.
 'will' 'May'
1. If you finish your work, you may go home.
 'will' should/must
1. If you want to remain healthy, you should exercise daily.
2. If you do not know him, you must not open the door.
 could, may
1. If you meet him, could you tell him to call me up?
2. If you come to Delhi, would you come to meet me?
 'If' clause simple present tense present continuous tense

1. If you are waiting for the bus, you should better take a taxi.
2. If you are not reading the newspaper, you should let others read it.
128 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Conditional Sentences
 'If' Clause Present perfect tense
1. If you have finished the work, you may leave.
2. If they have bought tickets, they will surely go to see the movie.


General Formula— If + Simple Past, Subject + would+ V1

If I had money, I would lend it to you.

 'improbability' 'If clause'
 If I had money

General Formula— If + Past Perfect, Sub + would + have + V3

If I had seen you, I would have stopped my car.

 'If clause' 'If I had
seen you' 'I had not seen you.'
 'If' 'had' replace Formula

Had + Subject + V3 + obj, Subject + would + have + V3

Had I seen you, I would have stopped my car.


 If + Present Indefinite , Simple Future

 If + S + had + V3 , S + would + have + V3

 If + S + V2 , S + would + V1



General Formula— If + subject + were, subject + would + V1

If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 129
Conditional Sentences
 (Post) subjects 'were'
If, as though, in case, as if, would that I wish.
Ex. He scolded me as if he was my father. (×)
He scolded me as if he were my father.()
(ii) 'If' Clause 'Unless' so long, as soon as, when, provided, suppose, in case, but
, for
(1) Unless you work hard, you will not pass.
Unless 'not' Unless you work hard 'If you do
not work hard.' 'Unless + affirmative = If + negative.
2. I shall support him so long as I am alive.
3. As soon as the train comes, there will be rush for seats.
4. When he comes to Delhi, I will go to meet him.


1. (a) If he came to me / (b) I would have given/ (c) him my car. / (d) No error
2. (a) Had he invited me / (b) I would have attended / (c) the function. / (d) No error
3. (a) If he had called me up (b) I would inform/ (c) him ./ (d) No error
4. (a) If he will work hard / (b)/ he will surely / (c) get the job of his choice. / (d) No
5. (a) Unless I do not / (b) see his ticket, / (c) I will not let him sit here. / (d) No error
6. (a) Before the police will come / (b) You should better / (c) get the anticipatory bail.
/ (d) No error
7. (a) We will come to know the truth / (b) after / (c) the investigation finished. / (d)
No error
8. (a) Until the train will not get the signal , (b) it will not / (c) leave the platform. / (d)
No error
9. (a) If I had money/ (b) I will have lent / (c) it to her. / (d) No error
10. (a) If I was you/ (b) I would not tolerate him / (c) for a moment. / (d) No error
11. (a) Suppose she does not agree/ (b)what could/ (c) we do ? / (d) No error
12. (a) Supposing if you do not reach / (b) the station in time,/ (c) what will you do? / (d)
No error
13. (a) If you saw a tiger / (b) what will your / (c) reaction be?/ (d) No error
14. (a) If I had two houses, / (b) I would have given / (c) one to you./ (d) No error
15. (a) If we will heat dry ice / (b) it turns / (c) to vapour. / (d) No error
16. (a) "Suppose if you are / (b) late, you will be / (c) in trouble." / (d) No error.

130 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Conditional Sentences
17. (a) Unless / (b) he will not understand the concept/ (c) he will not be able to solve the
questions. / (d) No error
18. (a) If he tried again,/ (b) he can pass the exam/ (c) with flying colours. / (d) No error
19. (a) I will wait for you / (b) unless / (c) you come. / (d) No error
20. (a) If I was you / (b) I would teach/ (c) him a lesson. / (d) No error
21. (a) If I were the Prime Minister of India / (b) I will work for the / (c) welfare of the
poor. / (d) No error
22. (a) If she would have come to me / (b) I would have given her the / (c) money she
needed / (d) No error
23. (a) If he drove fast/ (b) he can reach the station / (c) in time / (d) No error
24. (a) If I was a millionaire/ (b) I would support / (c) the millinium project / (d) No
25. (a) If both of you stood / (b) on the table/ (c) it would have broken/ (d) No error
26. (a) If she would have worked hard , / (b) she would / (c) have passed. / (d) No error
27. (a) If you had seen me, / (b) you should have stopped your car / (c) and come to help
me. / (d) No error
28. (a) If the Government will make strict law/ (b) the law and order situation / (c) will
improve. / (d) No error
29. (a) But for his help / (b) the patient would / (c) have died. / (d) No error
30. (a) But for his prompt action / (b) many people would/ (c) have lost their savings. /
(d) No error
31. (a) I will not come / (b) in case / (c) it will rain. / (d) No error
32. (a) Had the river overflown its bank,/ (b) flood would / (c) have come. / (d) No error
33. (a) Had I known him, / (b) I would allow him / (c) to enter my house. / (d) No error
34. (a) You will not get well / (b) unless you will not / (c) follow the doctor's instructions.
/ (d) No error
35. (a) Supposing if he refuses / (b) to meet you, / (c) what will you do? / (d) No error
36. (a) I shall take you for a long drive /(b) after you /(c) will return from the meeting.
/ (d) No error
37. (a) When you complete your service / (b) you will be / (c) retired on pension / (d) No
38. (a) Were she I, / (b) she will not allow/ (c) you to go anywhere at this time of crisis./
(d) No error
39. (a) I told her when / (b) she came to Delhi,/ (c) I would show her all historical
monuments. / (d) No error
40. (a) You can scale this high peak, / (b) provided you/ (c) will wear the right kind of
shoes. / (d) No error
41. (a) Had you / (b) worked hard/ (c) you will have passed./ (d) No error
42. (a) When I shall see him/ (b) I shall/ (c) tell him/ (d) No error.
43. (a) He will tell you/ (b) about it when/ (c) he will come back/ (d) No error.
44. (a) When I will get back/ (b) I shall pay back/ (c) the money that I borrowed/ (d) from
you last month
English – from Plinth to Paramount 131
Conditional Sentences
45. (a) I will/ (b) meet him/ (c) when he will come./ (d) No error.
46. (a) Had I realized/ (b) your house was such a long way off, / (c) I would take a taxi./
(d) No error.

Answers with Explanation

1. (a); ‘If he had come’
2. (d);
3. (b); ‘I would have informed’ ‘if cluase’ sub + had + v3 main
clause 'sub + would + have + v3'
4. (a); ‘If he works hard’ ‘If clause’ will
5. (a); ‘do not’ ‘Unless 'not'
6. (a); ‘Before the police come’ ‘Before’ 'will/ shall'
7. (c); ‘the investigation has finished’
8. (a); ‘Until the train gets’ ‘Until’ 'not'
9. (b); ‘will have lent’ ‘would lend’ 'If clause' past tense 'main
clause' past tense
10. (a); ‘If I were you’ ‘If clause’ 'was'
'subjects' 'were'
11. (b); ‘could’ ‘can’ 'If clause' present tense main clause
present tense
12. (a); ‘Supposing’ ‘if’
13. (b); ‘will’ ‘would’
14. (b); ‘I would give’
15. (a); ‘will’
16. (a); ‘Supposing’ ‘if’
17. (b); ‘he understands’
18. (b); ‘Can’ ‘Could’ 'If clause' past tense
19. (b); ‘Unless’ ‘Until’ 'Until' 'Unless'
20. (a); ‘Was’ ‘were’
21. (b); ‘Will’ ‘would’
22. (a); ‘If she had come to me’
Formula  If + Sub + had + V3 , Sub . + would + have + V3
23. (b); ‘Can’ ‘Could’
24. (a); ‘Was’ ‘were’
25. (c); ‘it would break’
Formula  If + Sub + V2 , Sub . + would + V1

132 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Conditional Sentences
26. (a); ‘If she had worked hard’
27. (d);
28. (a); ‘If the government makes’
29. (d); 'but' 'without'.
30. (d);
31. (c); ‘it rains’
32. (a); ‘overflow’ V3 ‘overflowed’
33. (b); ‘I would have allowed him’
34. (b); ‘Unless’ ‘will’ 'not' 'Unless you follow'
35. (a); ‘Supposing’ ‘If’
36. (c); ‘will return’ ‘have returned’
37. (a); ‘when you have completed your service’
38. (b); ‘will’ ‘would’
39. (a); ‘I told her’ ‘that’
40. (c); ‘will’
41. (c); ‘will’ ‘would’
42. (a); ‘when I see him’ ‘formation’
43. (c); ‘he will come’ ‘he comes’
44. (a); ‘when I will get back’ ‘when I get back’
45. (c); ‘when he will come’ ‘when he comes’
46. (c); ‘I would take’ ‘I would have taken’

English – from Plinth to Paramount 133

Verb (Advance)


2. Non-Finite Verbs
3. Transitive Verbs
1. FINITE VERBS: Finite Verbs Sub Subject Person

He is playing.
They are playing.
2. NON-FINITE VERBS: Non-Finite Verbs Person limited
I like watching television.
She wants to go abroad.
(A) INFINITIVE: 'to + V1' Infinitive noun verb
infinitive verb-noun
1. To err is human
2. I want to study
3. I want to study English.

(1) 'to err' (to + V1) subject

(2) 'to study' (to + V1) object
(3) 'to study' want (verb) object 'English' object
'to study' verb
 'to + V1' noun verb
(B) GERUND: 'V1 + ing' Gerund verb 'ing' noun

134 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Verb (Advance)
1. Swimming is a good exercise.
2. I learnt driving.
3. I love watching television.

(1) 'Swimming' (V1 + ing) subject

(2) 'driving' (V1 + ing) object
(3) 'watching' love (verb) object television object
'watching' verb 'V1 + ing' 'noun' 'verb'

Verbs/adjective/phrase 'to' 'to' 'V1'

'V1 + ing'
Verb + used to, accustomed to, averse to, with a view to, addicted to, devoted to,
in addition to, look forward to, object to, owing to, given to, taken to, prone to.
1. He is addicted to smoking.
2. I am looking forward to meeting you.
3. He was used to driving on the right when he was in London.
 Phrasal verb 'to' 'V1' 'V1 + ing'

(a) I am looking forward to meeting you.

 
V1 +ing

(b) He is given to drinking .

V1 +ing

(c) He is prone to making

 the same mistake again and again.
V1 +ing

(d) He got used to driving on the right when he was in London.

 
V1 +ing

modals 'used to' V1

(e) I used to drive
 on the right.

d e

Sentence (d) Sentence (e)

used to verb used to used to verb
(1) (1)
V1+ing used to V1
(2) (2) past routine action
(3) tense Used to (3) Past tense
verb tense

English – from Plinth to Paramount 135

Verb (Advance)
(C) PARTICIPLE: 'verb' 'adjective' Participle
1. Hearing the noise, we rushed out of the restaurant.
2. Thinking all is well, he went to bed.
 'V1 + ing' incomplete

'V1 + ing' Present Participle

1. Driven by poverty, he committed suicide.
2. Deceived by his best friend, he was left in the lurch.
 'V3' Complete 'V3'
form Past Participle
1. Having done with it, they got down to work.
2. Having rested, they started their journey again.
 Complete
'having + V3' Perfect Participle


transitive verb
1. I write  .
 essay
V obj.
2. Children fly .

V obj.
intransitive verb
Birds fly

She slept
verb transitive (t.v.) verb
1. He killed
He killed
 a rabbit
 .
t.v. obj.
2. I helped
I helped him .
  
t.v. obj.
136 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Verb (Advance)
 Have, Get Make 'Causative verb' (sub)
(verb) (obj.)
helps the poor.
  
Sub. Verb obj.
 'sub' verb experience
Causative verb
1. He got caught.
2. The environment gets polluted due to our ignorance.
 S1
1. I made him do the whole work

       .
S2 'Make' according to tense S1 V1 obj.

2. We got him arrested by the police .

    
S2 'Get' according to tense obj. V3 S1

3. Have
 the
  box opened .
 
'Have' according to tense obj. V3

4. We have to make

  the system 
   
S2 'make' according to tense S1 V1

5. I
 cannot get your work 
 by 
 .
    
S2 'get' according to tense obj. V3 S1

Make/Have Get
1. Get/Have S1 by + S1 form Passive voice
Make S1
2. Get/Have V3
Make V1
 'Get'/'Have' 'Make' tense
Verb Pattern patterns verb
Subject + Verb
 'Verb' Pattern sentence formation sub
(intransitive verb) (object)
sentence pattern to passive voice
English – from Plinth to Paramount 137
Verb (Advance)

tSls% S.N Subject Verb

1. Birds fly.
2. The moon is shining
3. The baby is sleeping.
4. I was going


Subject + verb + subject complement

 'sentence form' complement Noun pronoun adjective.

sentence pattern passive voice

tSls% S.N. Subject Verb Subject Complement

1. This is a pen.
2. It is I
3. He looks happy.
4. My father got angry.


Subject + verb + direct object

 'verbs' (transitive verb) Transitive verbs object

tSls% S.N. Subject Verb Direct Object

1. I know him.
2. She opened the door.
3. You should help yourself.


Subject+verb + indirect object + direct object

 'objects' Indirect object
direct object
S.N. Subject Verb Indirect Object Direct Object
1. I gave her my book.
2. I bought her a purse
3. He showed me his notes.
138 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Verb (Advance)

Subject + verb + direct object + preposition + prepositional object

 pattern 4 direct object direct
object preposition indirect object

tSls% S.N. Subject Verb Direct Object Preposition Prepositional object

1. I gave my book to her.
2. I bought a purse for her.
3. He showed his notes to me and my friends.
 verbs pattern 4 5 Pattern 5
direct object indirect object

Subject + verb + noun/ pronoun + adjective

 sentence form adjective noun
adjective object

tSls% S.N. Subject Verb Direct Object Adjective

1. He pushed the door open.
2. She washed the plates clean.
3. I like my tea strong.
 pattern verbs get, keep, beat, drive, make, paint, leave, turn, find,
like, wish.

Subject + verb + preposition + prepositional object.

tSls% S.N. Subject Verb Preposition Prepositional object

1. This car belongs to me.
2. She met with an accident.
3. He succeeded in his attempt.

Subject + verb + to-infinitive (as object of the verb)

tSls% S.N. Subject Verb Infinitive

1. She wants to sleep.
2. He forgot to take his medicine.
3. I hoped to pass the exam.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 139
Verb (Advance)

 pattern verbs like, love, prefer, begin, start, agree, try,

attempt, choose, continue, intend, propose, desire, wish, want, hate, dislike,
hope, expect, promise, fear, remember, forget, offer, learn.

Subject + verb + noun/ pronoun + infinitive.

tSls% S.N. Subject Verb Noun/ Pronoun Infinitive + etc.

1. I want you to help him.
2. The doctor advised him to rest.
3. I allowed Rohit to go.

 pattern verb ask, tell, order, command, persuade, encourage,

urge, want, wish, request, intend, expect, force, tempt, teach, invite, help, warn,
like, love, hate, allow, permit, remind, cause, mean, dare.


Subject + verb + gerund.

 pattern Gerund object

tSls% S.N. Subject Verb Gerund, etc.
1. She started singing.
2. He has finished talking.
3. I love teaching.

 pattern begin, start, love, like, hate, stop, finish,

enjoy, prefer, fear, remember, forget, mind, miss, suggest, practice, try,
understand, keep, help, advise, admit, avoid, consider, intend, delay, deny, detest,
can't help, rest, defer, worth, risk , it is noun/good, propose, regret, anticipate.

Subject + verb + noun/ pronoun + present participle.

S.N. Subject Verb Noun/ Pronoun Present Participle
1. I saw him crossing the bridge.
2. I heard him shouting
3. You kept me waiting

 pattern verbs see, hear, smell, feel, watch, notice, find,

observe, listen, get, catch, keep, leave, set, start.
140 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Verb (Advance)

Subject + verb + noun/ pronoun + plain infinitive.

tSls% S.N. Subject Verb Noun/ Pronoun Plain Infinitive

1. I will not let you go
2. We made him finish the work.
3. I bade the boy leave the room.

 pattern verbs see, watch, notice, observe, hear, listen,

feel, make, let, help, bid.
VERB ds dqN IMPORTANT RULES ftu ls iz'u iwNs tkrs gSa%
1. (i) Being ill, I could not come. ()
(ii) Being a rainy day, I could not come (×)
(iii)Walking along the road, my pen fell down. (×)
(i) being subject 2nd sub 'I'
sub (i)
(ii) 'being' sub 'it' 'I', rainy day sub
'It being a rainy day'
(iii) walking sub. 'my pen'
'While I was walking along the road'
2. (i) The girls watched intendly as the model applied her make-up with a practiced
Verb) adjective) Noun
3 form
Practised (v) form
'Practice' noun
Spoken English
Revised edition
Written document
 English, edition document (Noun)
'verb' Verb 3rd form
 (Verb) (continuous) verb 'ing' form
(i) Rising price.
(ii) Developing country.
(iii)Steaming cup of tea.
3. noun form 'ing form' (Gerund)/'to+V1 form' (Infinitive)/

(i) Smoking is prohibited here.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 141
Verb (Advance)

(ii) Swimming is a good exercise.



(iii) 
 is human.

4. adverb of manner adverb of manner 'ly'

(i) He works

 honestly .
Verb Adv

 politely
(ii) He talks  .
Verb Adv

 verb adverb adjective

(i) He looks
 honest
 .
Verb Adj

(ii) He sounds
 polite
 .
Verb Adj

verbs of sensation -
Look, seem, sound, appear, smell, taste, feel
 Verbs of sensation be, become, turn, get, grow, keep make
prove adverbs adjective modify
When he heard the news, he became sad

5. We adapt to the environment. (×)

We adapt ourselves to the environment. ( )
 Adapt verbs Reflexive Pronoun
Acquit (to do better than expected), absent, avail, reconcile ( to accept a situation
reluctantly), amuse, resign, avenge, enjoy, exert, apply (to work hard on something),
adapt, adjust, pride
1. The officers acquitted themselves well during the crisis.
2. She has reconciled herself to the demands of her in laws.
3. The students exert themselves a lot at the time of examination.
4. You will have to apply yourself to this task whole heartedly.
5. I pride myself on being able to work smoothly under pressure too.
6. You should avail yourself of this opportunity.
7. He resigned himself to yet another day without food.
(1) They enjoyed the party. (reflexive pronoun )
They enjoyed during vacation. (‘themselves’ enjoyed’ )
 enjoy object reflexive pronoun object
reflexive pronoun
142 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Verb (Advance)
(2) He was absent. ( )
He absented himself. ( )
absent verb reflexive pronoun
(i) 'acquit' 'acquit' reflexive pronoun
The court acquitted him.
 'acquit' 'acquit' reflexive pronoun
He acquitted himself well during the riot.
 'recorncile' reconcile reflexive pronoun

I reconciled with him after the bitter argument.

 'reconcile' reflexive pronoun

He reconciled himself to the arrogant attitude of his boss.

 sub receiver verbs reflexive
(b) (1) Keep yourself away from bad company. (×)
Keep away from bad company. ( )
(2) He hid himself in the room. (Drop ‘himself’).
 keep verbs Reflexive Pronoun
Keep, stop, turn, qualify, bathe, move, rest, hide.
6. (i) I prefer tea than coffee. (×)
I prefer tea to coffee. ( )
(ii) He invited me on/for tea. (×)
He invited me to tea. ( )
 Verb preposition fixed preposition
verb Preposition Hindi Translation
7. (i) The poor had no bed to sleep in.
(ii) He had no pen to write with.
(iii)Do you have a chair to sit on?
 noun (bed, pen infinitive (to sleep, to write qualify
'infinitive' preposition (in, with
8. (i) I have never and will never cheat you. (×)

 and will never cheat

I have never cheated
  you. ()
V3 V1

(ii) Nothing has or will be more tragic than his demise. (×)

English – from Plinth to Paramount 143

Verb (Advance)

Nothing has been  more tragic than his demise. ()

 or will be
V3 V1

 verb forms forms form

9. (i) If he was a millionaire, he would help the millennium project. (×)

It he were a millionaire, he would help the millennium project. ()
 sub were

 the  ! ()

10. (i) Long live king
 
P.V. S.S.
 optative singular subject plural verb
11. verbs article Noun
(i) He is walking
 .

(ii) He is going for a walk


(iii)He 
 a horse.

(iv) He went for a ride

12. verb preposition preposition

(i) Amphibians can live on land and in water.

(ii) He was acquitted of and absolved from all the charges of corrution.
13. (i) I am having a car. (×)
I have a car. ()
 verbs 'ing' form
Verbs of Perception- See, taste, smell, hear, prefer, please, notice, recognize.
Verbs of Thinking Process- Think, know, mean, mind, remember, suppose.
Verbs Showing Possession- Own, have, belong, comprise, possess, contain, consist.
Verbs expressing Feeling or State of Mind- Believe, like, dislike, love, adore,
want, wish, desire, hate, agree, trust, imagine.
(5) Verbs in General- Look, seem, appear, affect, resemble, cost, require, become,
hope, refuse.
Tense Continous
14. (A) Adverb ‘as’ verbs
‘regard, describe, define, treat, view, know’.
(B) Adverb ‘as’ verbs
‘name, elect, think, consider, call, appoint, make, choose.’
1. I regard him my brother. (Add ‘as’ after ‘him’)
144 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Verb (Advance)
2. Biology has been defined the study of organism. (Add ‘as’ after ‘defined’)
3. She is considered as the best student of my class. (Drop ‘as’ after ‘considered’)
4. The teacher called him as stupid. (Drop ‘as’)
5. The principal appointed him as a lecturer. (Remove ‘as’)
6. He thinks her as a fool. (Remove ‘as’)
15. 'It is high time' 'it's time' 'sub'
sub 'V2'
It's high time you did something.
16. noun verb
Have — lunch etc. take —an exam make —a demand
a good time advantage a gesture Launch scheme
a shower an action a noise Render help
a dream risk a promise Impart education
a conversation your time a request
a mistake
17. 'To' 'V1' Prepositions 'verb'
verb 'v1+ing' form
1. He is afraid to do
 anything against his boss.

2. He is afraid of going

 out after sunset.
V1 +ing


1. (a) Walking along the road/ (b) a car knocked/ (c) him down./(d) No error.
2. (a) Having done my homework/ (b) my mother allowed me/ (c) to go out and play./(d)
No error.
3. (a) Being a rainy day,/ (b) I had to cancel/ (c) all my appointments./ (d) No error.
4. (a) A few selfish leaders/ (b) are bent to harm/ (c) the very foundation of Democracy./ (d)
No error.
5. (a) As I have worked hard,/ (b) I am confident to pass/ (c) with flying colours ./ (d) No
6. (a) We went to that place/ (b) with a view to help/ (c) the earthquake victims./ (d)
No error.
7. (a) You should avoid/ (b) to go to school/ (c) as you have severe eye infection./ (d) No
8. (a) I have/ (b) no achievement/ (c) to boast./ (d) No error.
9. (a) One must avail of/ (b) every opportunity/ (c) that comes in life./ (d) No error.
10. (a) Have the letter/ (b) send/ (c) by someone who is trustworthy./ (d) No error.
11. (a) Would you please order/ (b) for tea and buiscuits/ (c) for all of us./ (d) No error.
12. (a) Everyone considered him as/ (b) a brave man/(c) but he fled from the battlefield./
(d) No error.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 145
Verb (Advance)
13. (a) My father does not mind/ (b) to be disturbed/ (c) while he is reading the
newspaper./(d) No error.
14. (a) Perhaps you do not know/ (b) I am having a car and a jeep/ (c) besides a big
house in a good locality./ (d) No error.
15. (a) The lawyer asked me/ (b) if it were worth to take/ (c) the matter to court./ (d) No
16. (a) I bade him/ (b) to submit all the important documents/ (c) before he left the job./
(d) No error.
17. (a) He thinks/ (b) himself/ (c) as a great scholar ./ (d) No error.
18. (a) All the candidates/ (b) will give/ (c) a test on Friday./ (d) No error.
19. (a) Mrs Dorai would rather/ (b) spend a quiet evening/ (c) than attending a party./
(d) No error.
20. (a) The audience/ (b) watched the clowns/ (c) performed their act ./ (d) No error.
21. (a) The life-guard would not/ (b) let the children/ (c) to swim at the deep end of the
pool ./ (d) No error.
22. (a) He denied/ (b) to help/ (c) me./ (d) No error.
23. (a) Walking along the/ (b) bank of the river/ (c) the road began to rise./ (d) No error.
24. (a) It is time you/ (b) decide on your next/ (c) course of action ./ (d) No error.
25. (a) As I was feeling sleepy/ (b) I asked for/ (c) a steamed cup of tea./ (d) No error.
26. (a) I remember/ (b) meet him/ (c) five years ago./(d) No error.
27. (a) I have always/ (b) and will always/ (c) be faithful to you./ (d) No error.
28. (a) I am afraid/ (b) I did a mistake/ (c) in the calculation./ (d) No error.
29. (a) The lights went out/ (b) while we/ (c) took the examination./ (d) No error.
30. (a) His assistants have and/ (b) are still doing/ (c) excellent work for the organization./
(d) No error.
31. (a) After the teacher had told the boys/ (b) how to pronounce the word/ (c) all of
them in one voice repeated the word again ./ (d) No error.
32. (a) The company is not doing well./ (b) Isn't it time you/ (c) sell off your shares in it?./
(d) No error.
33. (a) He caught the boy/ (b) steal/ (c) the parcel./ (d) No error.
34. (a) I declined the invitation/ (b) not because I did not want to go,/ (c) but because I have
no time./ (d) No error.
35. (a) It is a known fact/ (b) that time does not return back/ (c) once it is lost./ (d) No error.
36. (a) Even after sixty years of independence/ (b) lakhs of people/ (c) do not have bed to
sleep./ (d) No error.
37. (a) The dinosaurs could not/ (b) adapt to the/ (c) changing environment./ (d) No error.

146 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Verb (Advance)
38. (a) The students were/ (b) looking forward to/ (c) meet the eminent scientist./ (d) No error.
39. (a) The lady made the/ (b) little boy to wash/ (c) all the clothes./ (d) No error.
40. (a) We must get this letter/ (b) send/ (c) as soon as possible./ (d) No error.

Answers with explanation

1. (a) 'walking' 'while he was' 'a car' verb subject
2. (a) After I had done my homework' my mother
(having done my homework) subject
3. (a) 'Being' 'it'
4. (b) 'Bent on harming' 'bent to harm' 'Bent on' 'determined
to do' 'Bent on' 'harming' (V1 + ing) 'bend on' verbs/
phrases 'Gerund' (V1 + ing)
5. (b) 'Confident to pass' 'Confident of passing' Confident 'of'
'of' 'V1 + ing' (Gerund)
6. (b) 'with a view to' ‘V1 + ing’ 'help' 'helping'
7. (b) ‘to go’ ‘going’ ‘Avoid’ ‘gerund (V1 + ing)’
8. (c) ‘boast’ ‘of’ ‘noun’ ‘infinitive qualify’
'infinitive' preposition
9. (a) ‘Avail’ ‘reflexive pronoun’ ‘one’ subject
‘avail’ ‘oneself’
10. (b) ‘Send’ V3 ‘sent’ ‘Get’ ‘Have’ ‘Causative Verb’
Main Verb 'V3' form
Eg: Have it painted .
 

Get it done

11. (b) ‘Order’ ‘for’

12. (a) ‘Considered’ ‘as’ ‘as’ (Chapter adverb
13. (b) ‘Mind’ ‘Gerund’ ‘to be’ ‘being’
14. (b) ‘Have’ ‘to possess’ ‘have’ ‘ing’ ‘I am having’
‘I have’
15. (b) ‘worth’ ‘V1 + ing’ ‘worth taking’
16. (b) ‘bade’ (bid V2) plain infinitive ( V1) ‘infinitive’ (to + V1)
17. (c) ‘as’ ‘think’ ‘as’
18. (b) ‘transtation’ English ‘Candidates

English – from Plinth to Paramount 147

Verb (Advance)
will give test’ ‘Give’ ‘take’
19. (c) ‘than’ ‘attend’ ‘would rather’ verb ‘V1’ form
20. (c) ‘watch’ ‘gerund’ (V1 + ing) plain infinitive (V1)
‘Performed’ ‘performing’ ‘perform’
21. (c) 'Let' V1 'to + V1' 'to'
22. (b) ‘to help’ ‘helping’ ‘Deny’ ‘gerund’
23. (a) ‘while I was’ ‘walking along’ 1
24. (b) ‘decide’ ‘decided’ ‘It is time + sub’ ‘V2’
25. (c) ‘steamed’ ‘action complete’ Action still going on ‘V1
+ ing’ adjective ‘Steaming’
‘action in continuation’
26. (b) ‘remember’ ‘Gerund’ ‘Meet’ ‘meeting’
27. (a) have ‘V3’ will ‘V1’ 'will always' ‘be’
have always ‘V3’ ‘been’
28. (b) ‘Mistake’ ‘do’ ‘make’ ‘did’ ‘made’

29. (c) ‘took’ ‘were taking’ 'while'

Continuous Tense
30. (a) ‘have’ ‘done’ ‘verb’ do forms
‘done’ ‘doing’ ‘forms’ form

31. (c) ‘repeat’ ‘again’

32. (c) ‘sell’ ‘sold’ ‘It's time + sub’ ‘V2’
33. (b) ‘steal’ ‘stealing’ ‘catch’ ‘Verb ing’ form
34. (c) ‘have’ to ‘had’ past
35. (b) ‘Return back’ superfluous English ‘back’
36. (c) ‘Sleep’ ‘in’ Noun infinitive infinitive
37. (b) ‘adapt’ ‘themselves’
38. (c) ‘Meeting’ (V1 + ing) ‘looking forward to’
39. (b) ‘to’ ‘make’ plain infinitive 'V1'
40. (b) ‘Send’ ‘sent’ ‘Get’ verb V3 form

148 English – from Plinth to Paramount



‘ Noun ’
A noun is a word used as a name of a person, place or thing.
1. Proper Noun
2. Common Noun
3. Collective Noun
4. Material Noun (
5. Abstract Noun
 Proper noun
Ram, Delhi, Gita etc.
(a) Ram is my friend.
(b) I live in Delhi.
 Noun Common Noun
King, boy, girl, city etc.
(a) According to the boy, the nearest town is very far.
(b) The boys are going to the nearest village.
 Noun Collective Noun
Team, Committee, Army etc.
Collective Noun Singular Plural

(a) The flock of geese spends most of its time in the pasture.

(b) The jury 

is deciding the matter.
S.V .

(c) The committee meets

 every week.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 149


(d) The team are

 divided over the issue of captainship.

(e) The audience have

 taken their
 seats.
P.V. P.P.


 Noun Material Noun

Silver, iron, wood etc.

(a) The necklace is made of gold.
(b) She has purchased a tea set of silver.
(c) He got his furniture made of teak wood.
 Material Nouns, Countable
Singular verb Article


 Abstract Noun,

Honesty, bravery (quality), hatred, laughter (action), poverty, youth (state).

 Abstract Noun Singular
(a) People respect his sincerity.
(b) Honesty is the best policy.
 Noun (A) Countable (B) Uncountable
(A) Countable Nouns
 Countable Noun Noun
(a) We bought six tables.
(b) I have a few friends.
(c) She saw many movies last month.
 Uncountable Noun Noun
(a) J. Priestly discovered oxygen.
(b) They decided to sell the furniture.
(c) Much money was wasted on the show.

Countable Noun Uncountable Noun

M oney, time, know ledge
Eg:- Stars, Seconds, R upees etc.
Singular w ith P lural w ith
Verb- Singular P lural Singular Verb
Noun Noun
M any, few , a number of, the number
Adjective- M uch, little, quantity of
Article - A/An/ the can be used. only 'the' can be used

150 English – from Plinth to Paramount

 Nouns Plural form Nouns s
Singular Plural Plural
Scissors, tongs , pliers, pincers, bellows , trousers, pants, pajamas,
shorts, gallows , fangs , spectacles, goggles,binoculars ,
eyeglasses, Alms , amends , archives , arrears,
auspices, congratulations, embers , fireworks, lodgings, outskirts,
particulars, proceeds, regards, riches, remains, savings, shambles, surroundings,
tidings, troops, tactics, thanks, valuables, wages,belongings etc.
(a) Where are my pants?
(b) Where are the tongs?
(c) The proceeds were deposited in the bank.
(d) All his assets were seized.
(e) Alms are given to the beggars.
(f) The embers of the fire were still burning.
'Wages' singular plural forms

Form Example
Plural Wages are paid in cash.
Wages P.v
Singular Wages of hard work is sweet.

 Nouns Plural Singular Singular
News, Innings, Politics, Summons, Physics, Economics, Ethics,
Mathematics, Mumps, Measles, Rickets,Shingles, Billiards, Athletics etc.
(a) No news is good news.
(b) Politics is a dirty game.
(c) Economics is an interesting subject.
(d) Ethics demands honesty.
 Nouns Singular Plural cattle,
cavalry, infantry, poultry, peasantry, children, gentry, police, people, etc.
‘s’ cattles, childrens
(a) Cattle are grazing in the field.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 151
(b) Our infantry have marched forward.
(c) Police have arrested the thieves.
'People' 'Peoples' ' different races '
 Nouns Singular form Uncountable Nouns
Article A/An
Scenery, Poetry, Furniture, Advice, Information, Hair, Business, Mischief, Bread,
Stationery, Crockery, Luggage, Baggage, Postage, Knowledge, Wastage,
Jewellery, Breakage, Equipment,Work (Works , Evidence,
Word 'word' Fuel, Cost.
(a) The scenery of Kashmir is very charming.
(b) I have no information about her residence.
(c) The mischief committed by him is unpardonable.
(d) His hair is black.
(e) I have bought some equipment that I needed for the project.
(i) Nouns Sceneries, informations, furnitures, hairs

(ii) Noun Singular Plural forms

(a) He gave me a piece of information.

(b) All pieces of information given by her were reliable.
(c) Many kinds of furniture are available in that shop.
(d) I want a few articles of jewellery.
(e) He ate two slices of bread.
(f) Please show me some items of office stationery.
(g) The Police have found a strand of hair in the car.
Money plural form 'Monies' 'sums of money'.
Monies have been collected and handed to the women's welfare society.
 Nouns, Plural Singular deer,sheep, series ,
species, fish, crew, team, jury, aircraft, counsel etc.
(a) Our team is the best.
(b) Our team are trying their new uniform.
(c) There are two fish in the pond.
(d) There are many fishes in the aquarium.('Fishes' fish)

152 English – from Plinth to Paramount

 Hyphenated noun plural form
(a) He gave me two hundred-rupees notes. rupees rupee
(b) He stays in five- stars hotels. stars star
 nouns

1. Cousin brother Cousin

Cousin sister
2. Pickpocketer Pickpocket
3. Good name Name
4. Big/small blunder Blunder (Blunder big

5. Strong breeze Strong wind (Breeze light gentle

6. Bad dream Nightmare
 nouns confusion -
1. Floor Ground

2. Skill Talent
3. Envy Jealously

 Nouns Plural
(Definite numeral adjective) Noun Pluralise
Pair, score, gross, stone, hundred, dozen, thousand, million, billion, etc.
(a) I have two pairs of shoes.
(b) I have two hundred rupees only.
(c) She purchased three dozen pencils.
(d) He has already donated five thousand rupees.
 Indefinite countable Pluralise
dozens of women, hundreds of people, millions of dollars, scores of shops, many
pairs of shoes etc.
(a) Hundreds of people came to see the fair.
(b) He donated millions of rupees.
 Noun Preposition 'Noun' repeat 'Noun'
Singular form
(a) Town after town was devastated.
(b) Row upon row of marble looks beautiful.
(c) He enquired from door to door.
(d) Ship after ship is arriving.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 153

 Towns after towns, Rows upon rows, doors to doors ships after ships

 Common Gender Nouns Teacher, student, child, clerk, advocate, worker,
writer, leader, musician etc. nouns male female
Dual Gender Noun Singular
(1) Every leader should perform his duty.
(2) A teacher should perform his duty sincerely.
Masculine Gender (He/His etc.)
 matter legal his
1. A band of musicians. 19. A curriculum of studies.
20. A flight of steps, stairs.
2. A board of directors, etc.
21. A fleet of ships or motorcars.
3. A bevy of girls, women, officers etc.
22. A flock of geese, sheep and birds.
4. A bunch of grapes, keys, etc.
23. A gang of robbers, labourers.
5. A bundle of sticks and hay. 24. A garland/bunch/bouquet of flowers.
6. A caravan of Merchants, pilgrims, 25. A heap of ruins, sand, stones.
travellers. 26. A herd of cattle.
7. A chain/range of mountains or hills. 27. A litter of puppies.
8. A choir of singers. 28. A pack of hounds, cards.
9. A class of students. 29. A pair of shoes, scissors, compasses,
10. A retinue of servants/ attendants. trousers.
11. A clump/grove of trees. 30. A series of events.
12. A code of laws. 31. A sheaf of corn, arrows.
13. A cluster / constellation/ galaxy of stars. 32. A swarm of ants, bees or flies.
14. A company/regiment/army of soldiers. 33. A train of carriages, followers etc.
15. A convoy of ships, cars etc.moving 34. A troop of horses (cavalry) scouts; etc.
under an escort. 35. A volley of shots, bullets
16. A course or series of lectures. 36. A forum of people (discussing issues)
17. A crew of sailors. 37. A congregation of people (discussing
18. A crowd/mob of people. religious issues)
(1) Masculine Gender Noun male sex Masculine Gender
Tiger, Power, Violence, Father, Sun, Summer, Time, Thunder etc.
(2) Feminine Gender Noun Female sex Feminine Gender
Tigress, Woman, Lioness, Mother, Sister, Peace, Nature, Earth, Goddess etc.
(3) Common Gender Noun Common
Gender Child, Baby, Teacher, Servant, Student, Cousin, Infant,
Thief, Neighbour etc.
(4) Neuter Gender Noun male
female Neuter Gender Copy, Book, Room, Paper, T.V., Box, etc.
154 English – from Plinth to Paramount
RULE 1 Masculine Feminine
 cases Masculine Noun Emperor Empress
‘ess’ Feminine Noun Governor Governess
Duke Duchess
Masculine Feminine God Goddess
Author Authoress Master Mistress
Host Hostess Sorcerer Sorceress
Jew Jewess
Mayor Mayoress
Poet Poetess  cases Compound Masculine Noun
Tutor Tutoress first second
Shepherd Shepherdess
Giant Giantess Masculine Feminine
Heir Heiress Man-servant Maid - servant
Lion Lioness Washerman Washerwoman
Priest( Priestess Buck-rabbit Doe-Rabbit
Tailor Tailoress Brother-in law Sister-in-law
He-bear She-bear
RULE 2 Bull-calf Cow-calf
 cases Masculine Noun Jack-ass Jenny-ass
vowel consonant Headmaster Headmistress
Milkman Milkmaid
‘ess’ Feminine
Postmaster Postmistress
Noun Peacock Peahen
Masculine Feminine Landlord Landlady
Actor Actress Father-in-law Mother-in-law
Benefactor Benefactress Step-Father Step-Mother
Hunter Huntress He-goat She-goat
Cock-sparrow Hen-sparrow
Prince Princess
Dog-wolf Bitch-wolf
Waiter Waitress Stepbrother Stepsister
Ambassador Ambassadress Grandson Granddaughter
Director Directress
Negro Negress
Tiger Tigress  Foreign words
Masculine Feminine gender
 cases Masculine Noun Masculine Feminine
change ‘ess’ Administrator Administratrix
Feminine Noun Executor ( Executrix
Lad( Lass
English – from Plinth to Paramount 155
Prosecutor Proscutrix Czar Czarina
Sultan Sultana Hero Heroine
Boar Sow Testator Testatrix
Brother Sister Bachelor Maid
Colt Filly Boy Girl
Dog Bitch Cock Hen
Buck Doe Drake Duck
Earl Countess Drone Bee
Monk Nun Bull Cow
Gander Goose Father Mother
Hart Roe Bridegroom Bride
Horse Mare Gentleman Lady
King Queen He She
Man Woman Husband Wife
Mr. Miss Lord Lady
Sheep Ewe Male Female
Son Daughter Nephew Niece
Uncle Aunt Sir Madam/ Dame
Fox Vixen Widower Widow
Ox Cow Wizard Witch

Singular Noun: Tax Taxes Dish Dishes
Boy, Girl, Box Boxes Coach Coaches
 Exceptions
Plural Noun:
Cities, Boys, Singular Plural Singular Plural
Girls. Stomach Stomachs Radius Radii
Changing Singular to Plural: Locus Loci Ox Oxen
Some Rules RULE 3
 Noun ‘o’
 Noun 's' Plural (consonant) Plural
Boy, Girl, Kite, Telephone etc. Noun 'es'
Singular Plural Singular Plural
 Noun s, ss, ch, sh, z x
Plural es Hero Heroes Potato Potatoes
Mosquito Mosquitoes Mango Mangoes
Singular Plural Singular Plural Cargo Cargoes Echo Echoes
Bus Buses Fox Foxes  Exceptions
Watch Watches Switch Switches Singular Plural Singular Plural
Ass Asses Canvas Canvases Dynamo Dynamos Memento Mementos
Fix Fixes Class Classes Ratio Ratios Piano Pianos
Church Churches Quiz Quizes Solo Solos Photo Photos
156 English – from Plinth to Paramount
RULE 4  Exceptions
 Noun double vowel Singular Plural Singular Plural
Plural Belief Beliefs Chief Chiefs
s Cliff Cliffs Dwarf Dwarfs
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Grief Griefs Gulf Gulfs
Bee Bees Tree Trees
Zoo Zoos Radio Radios Proof Proofs Roof Roofs
Woe Woes Portfolio Portfolios Safe Safes Scarf Scarfs
Turf Turfs Brief Briefs
 Noun 'y' 'y'
consonant) 'y'  Compound noun ‘s’
'ies' plural Plural
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Cry cries Country countries Brother-in-law Brothers-in-law
Family families Pony ponies Bed-room Bed-rooms
City cities Dictionary dictionaries Commander-in- Commanders-in-
Lorry lorries Reply replies chief chief
RULE 6 Step-daughter Step-daughters
 Noun 'y' 'y' Maid-servant Maid-servants
Vowel 's' Plural Pea-hen Pea-hens
Peacock Peacocks
Singular Plural Singular Plural Mother-in-law Mothers-in-law
Key Keys Donkey Donkeys
Sister-in-law Sisters-in-law
Ray Rays Monkey Monkeys
Member of Members of
Way Ways Valley Valleys
Parliament Parliament
Toy Toys Storey Storeys
Man hater Man haters
Woman lover Woman lovers
 Noun 'f' 'fe' Plural Man lover Man lovers
'f' 'fe' 'ves' RULE 9
 Nouns Plural
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Inside Vowels
Calf Calves Half Halves
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Wife Wives Thief Thieves Man Men Woman Women
Wolf Wolves Life Lives Foot Feet Tooth Teeth
Leaf Leaves Knife Knives Mouse Mice Louse Lice
Shelf Shelves Loaf Loaves Goose Geese Oasis Oases
English – from Plinth to Paramount 157
 Nouns Plural  Latin
'en' ‘um’ Plural
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Child Children Ox Oxen
Singular Plural
Asylum Asylums
 Nouns Plural Museum Museums
Premium Premiums
(1) Brother Forum Forums
Brothers - Sons of the same Pendulum Pendulums
(B) Latin words 'us'
Brethren - Members of a society,
community or a Plural ‘us’ ‘i’
religious group.
(2) Cloth Singular Plural Singular Plural
Cloths - Unstitched cloth. Radius radii Syllabus syllabi
Clothes - Stit ched clothes
(Garments) (C) Greek ‘is’
(3) Die Plural ‘is’ 'es'
Dies - Stamps used for Singular Plural
printing and coining. Analysis Analyses
Dice - Small cubes used in
Crisis Crises
(4) Index Hypothesis Hypotheses
Indexes - tables of contents in a Basis Bases
book. Thesis Theses
Indices - Signs used in algebra. (D) Greek ‘on’
Plural ‘on’ ‘a’
(A) Latin words: Latin Phenomenon Phenomena
'um' Plural Criterion criteria
'um' ‘a’ (E) Nouns Plural
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Singular Plural If Ifs I I’s
Datum Data 5 5s P P’s
Ovum Ova BA BAs ATM ATMs
Agendum Agenda
But Buts T T’s
Dictum Dicta
Memorandum Memoranda 10 10s MP MPs
Stratum Strata MA MAs UPC UPCs
158 English – from Plinth to Paramount
(F) Nouns Singular Plural forms

Singular Meaning Plural Meaning

Air Airs
Return Returns
Iron Irons
Sand Sands
Wood Woods
Abuse Abuses
Good(adj) Goods
Water Waters
Work Works
Fruit Fruits
Wit Wits
(G) Nouns Singular form Plural Form
Singular Meaning Plural Meaning
Custom Customs
Manner Manners
Pain Pains ,
Quarter Quarters
Letter Letters

NOUN ds lkFkOF/ APOSTROPHE dk iz;ksx

(A) Apostrophe Possessive case
(a) Mohan’s book (b) a cow’s horn (c) a woman’s purse
(2) (Personification)
(a) Sun's fury (b) Nature's love
(3) Nouns
(a) a day’s leave. (b) arm’s length. (c) a pound’s weight.
(4) Nouns
(a) court’s orders (b) at duty’s call
(5) Phrases
(a) at one’s wit’s end. (b) at a stone’s throw
(a) Earth's atmosphere.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 159

(B) Plural ‘s’ apostrophe ‘s’
(a) Boys’ college (b) Girls’ school (c) Working women's hostel
(C) Noun (hissing sound) ‘s'
for peace’ sake, for conscience’ sake, for goodness’ sake, for Jesus’ sake, Ganesh'
God's sake.
(D) Possessive Pronoun ( his, hers, yours, ours, theirs) apostrophe
Yours faithfully, Yours truly.
(E) titles apostrophe
(a) Commander-in-chief’s orders.
(b) My son-in-law’s sister.
(F) 's 'Of'
Table's leg Leg of table
(G) ‘Double apostrophe’
(a) My wife’s secretary’s mother has expired. ×

The mother of my wife’s secretary has expired.

(b) Mrs. Sharma the society’s chairman's proposal was rejected by the members of the
society. ×
The proposal of Mrs. Sharma, the chairperson of society, was rejected by the
members of the society. ()
(H) anybody/ Nobody/ Everybody/ Somebody/ Anyone/Someone/No one/Everyone
(a) Everyone’s concern is no one’s concern.
(b) Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.
 else apostrophe else
(a) I can rely on your words, not somebody else’s.
(b) I obey your orders and nobody else’s.
Somebody’s else Nobody’s else


1. (a) My sister / (b) has read / (c) pages after pages of the Bible./ (d) No error
2. (a) I went to the temple / (b) with my parents, aunts / (c) and cousin sisters. / (d) No
3. (a) He / (b) takes pain / (c) over his work./ (d) No error
4. (a) The Manager put forward / (b) a number of criterions / (c) for the post./ (d) No
5. (a) I like / (b) the poetries / (c) of Byron and Shelley./ (d) No error
160 English – from Plinth to Paramount
6. (a) The beautiful / (b) surrounding of the place / (c) enchanted me./ (d) No error
7. (a) No Porter being available/ (b) he carried / (c) all his luggages himself./ (d) No
8. (a) The table’s legs / (b) have been / (c) elaborately carved./ (d) No error
9. (a) The sceneries / (b) of Kashmir / (c) is very charming./ (d) No error
10. (a) The driver showed / (b) great talent in keeping / (c) the damaged car under
control./ (d) No error
11. (a) When I entered the bedroom / (b) I saw a snake crawling / (c) on the ground./ (d)
No error
12. (a) Alms / (b) are given/ (c) to the poors./ (d) No error
13. (a) Lasers are / (b) indispensable tools / (c) for the delicate eyes surgery./ (d) No
14. (a) If you have a way with words / (b) a good sense of design and administration
ability / (c) you may enjoy working in high pressure world of advertising./ (d) No
15. (a) Last week’s sharp hike in the wholesale price of beef / (b) is a strong indication
for / (c) higher meat costs to come./ (d) No error
16. (a) Whenever he goes to Mumbai / (b) he stays in/ (c) five-stars hotels./ (d) No error
17. (a) The company has ordered / (b) some / (c) new equipments./ (d) No error
18. (a) A strong breeze / (b) blew his / (c) cap off./ (d) No error.
19. (a) One of her firmest belief among the Hindus is that/ (b) Karma affects their / (c)
life and also the life after death./ (d) No error
20. (a) He was advised to take/ (b) two spoonsful of / (c) medicine times a day./ (d) No
21. (a) It is a big blunder/(b) but we had /(c) to ignore it/(d)No error
22. (A) The police have received / (b) two important informations / (c) that can help
them solve the triple murder case (E) No error
23. (a) The sheafs / (b) of the wheat plants were too heavy / (c) for the weak farmer to
carry them on his head./ (d) No error
24. (a) The population of India /(b) is divided into two classes- / (c) Haves and Haves
not./ (d) No error
25. (a) All his sister-in laws /(b) are extremely co- operative / (c) and she doesn’t miss
her real sisters at all./ (d) No error
26. (a) Envy strikes a woman / (b)when she sees her husband / (c) talking to another
woman./ (d) No error
27. (a) Two summons have been issued by the court / (b) but he has not / (c) yet
appeared before the court./ (d) No error
28. (a) The Vaidya's / (b) have been living here / (c) for about a decade./ (d) No error.
29. (a) You are among those/ (b) man who earned name and fame not by / (c) chance
but by hard work ./ (d) No error
30. (a) Children are playing / (b) and making mischiefs/ (c) as their holidays have
started./ (d) No error.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 161

31. (a) Sheeps are economically useful/ (b) and so they are reared/ (c) for wool and meat./
(d) No error.
32. (a) I read the letter/ (b) and made him aware/ (c) of its content./ (d) No error.
33. (a) I shall not go to party tonight/ (b) since I have many works to complete/ (c)
before I give presentation tomorrow./ (d) No error.
34. (a) One must be always/ (b) true to one's words/ (c) if one wants to get respect from
everyone./ (d) No error.
35. (a) Even after the enactment of several Acts and Provisions /(b) we can see five
years old boys/ (c) working in hazardous factories./ (d) No error.
36. (a) The fan’s blade / (b) has broken/ (c) and we must buy a new fan before disposing it
of./ (d) No error.
37. (a) She wears spectacle/ (b) and so she was unable to see the gansgter/ (c) that
attacked her last night./ (d) No error.
38. (a) All the furnitures have been/ (b) sold for a song/ (c) as we were in a hurry to
leave the town./ (d) No error.
39. (a) The angry mob/ (b) attacked the police officers/ (c) when they came to raze the
illegal construction./ (d) No error.
40. (a) They left/ (b) their luggages/ (c) at home by mistake and went to the railway
station./ (d) No error.
41. (a) The car could not/ (b) ascend the steep hill/ (c) because it was in the wrong
gears./ (d) No error.
42. (a) The ticket window/ (b) remained closed / (c)throughout the day./ (d) No error.
43. (a) Satyajit Ray, who conceived, co-authored / (b) and directed a number of good
films, was/ (c) one of India’s most talented film maker./ (d) No error.
44. (a) I think this/ (b) is not your book. / (c) It is some body’s else./ (d) No error.
45. (a) You should not put/ (b) your sign on any paper / (c) that you haven’t read./ (d) No
46. (a) Towns after towns were/ (b) conquered / (c) by him but he found no peace./ (d)
No error.
47. (a) When we reached the fair/ (b) we found that there / (c) was no place to stand./
(d) No error.
48. (a) All the evidences were/ (b) against him and he was / (c) held guilty./ (d) No
49. (a) My cousin brother is a cheater/ (b) and he / (c) cheats his family members and
friends too./ (d) No error.
50. (a) The committee/ (b) could not come to/ (c) a final conclusion./ (d) No error.
51. (a) The cattle in the meadow/ (b) was terrified to hear/ (c) the roar of a lion which
appeared to be wild with anger./ (d) No error.
52. (a) There should be/ (b) no furnitures/ (c) in my room./ (d) No error.
53. (a) That house/ (b) is built of/ (c) stones./ (d) No error.
54. (a) Santosh lives/ (b) by the principals/ (c) he professes./ (d) No error.
55. (a) The astronomer/ (b) who predicts the future/ (c) has arrived./ (d) No error.
56. (a) He told me that/ (b) it was/ (c) his friend’s Sankar’s house./ (d) No error.
162 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Answers with explanation

1. (c) 'Page after page' preposition same noun
noun 'singular form'
2. (c) 'Cousin sisters' Cousins
3. (b) takes pains phrase
4. (b) 'Criterion' plural form 'Criteria'
5. (b) 'Poetry' uncountable noun
6. (b) 'Surroundings' 'Surrounding' surround
(verb) 'ing' form
7. (c) 'Luggage' 'Luggage' uncountable noun plural form
8. (a) table's legs 'Legs of table' s

9. (a) 'Scenery' 'Scenery' uncountable noun

10. (b) 'talent' 'skill' Talent natural ability to do something.
'Skill' 'type of activity that requires special training and knowledge'.Driving
11. (c) Ground ' ' Ground 'floor'
floor '
12. (c) 'the poors' 'the poor' 'The poor' 'Poor' adjective
's' 'The poor' plural common noun
13. (c) 'eyes surgery' 'eye surgery' 'Eyes' noun 'eyes'
surgery adjective noun adjective
singular form 'eyes' 'eye'
14. (b) 'administration' noun 'ability' 'adjective'
administration adjective form 'administrative'
15. (c) 'Costs' 'Cost' Noun 'Cost' uncountable noun

16. (c) 'five-stars' hyphenated noun plural form 'five star'

17. (c) 'Equipment' uncountable noun plural form

18. (a) 'breeze' gentle 'Strong wind'
19. (a) 'One of the' 'noun plural form 'One of the firmest beliefs'

20. (b) 'Spoonsful' 'Spoonfuls'

English – from Plinth to Paramount 163

21. (a) 'blunder' 'big mistake.' blunder 'big'
22. (b) 'Information' uncountable noun plural 'pieces of information'

23. (a) 'Sheaf' plural form 'Sheaves' 'Sheafs'

24. (c) 'Have nots'
25. (a) 'Sisters-in-law' 'Sister-in-law' 'Sisters-in-law'
26. (a) Jealousy
27. (a) 'Summons' Countable noun Singular plural summonses
'two summonses'
28. (a) Vaidyas apostrophe (')
29. (b) 'men' 'Those' plural countable noun
30. (b) 'Mischief' uncountable noun plural form
31. (a) 'Sheep' singular plural form 'sheep' 'Sheeps' Sheep

32. (c) Content 'Contents' 'Contents' 'things contained in

33. (b) 'work' uncountable noun 'Many pieces of work'
34. (b) 'true to one's word'
35. (b) 'five year old boys' five year adjective plural form

36. (a) fan 's' 'fan' 'The blade of fan'

37. (a) 'Spectacles'
38. (a) 'furniture' 'furniture' singular noun singular
verb 'has'
39. (a) 'angry mob 'Mob' Mob Angry
mob superfluous
40. (b) 'luggage' luggages
41. (c) 'wrong gear' Car gear
42. (a) 'ticket window' 'ticket counter'
43. (c) 'One of' noun plural form 'One of' 'film
makers' 'film maker'
44. (c) 'Somebody else's'
45. (b) 'Sign' verb your noun signature
46. (a) 'Town after town' preposition same noun
noun singular form
164 English – from Plinth to Paramount
47. (c) 'no place' 'no room' 'Room' noun 'enough empty
space for people or things to be fitted in'
48. (a) 'evidence' uncountable noun plural form (evidences)
singular verb 'was'
49. (a) 'Cousin brother' 'Cheater' nouns
Cousin Cheat
50. (c) 'final' Conclusion final
51. (b) 'Cattle' plural noun 'was' 'were'
52. (b) 'furniture' 's'
53. (c) 'stones' 'stone' 'Stone' material house

54. (b) 'principals' 'principles'

55. (a) 'Astronomer' 'astrologer' 'furure predict' 'astrologer

56. (c) 'friend's' 'friend' 'double apostrophe'

English – from Plinth to Paramount 165



 Pronoun A word used in place of a Noun.

 Noun Pronoun
 Noun repetition Pronoun Noun
Noun Pronoun

Mrs. Shukla, being a good teacher, she is liked by all the students. (She Noun
pronoun Noun
PRONOUNS ds izdkj%
1. PERSONAL PRONOUNS I, me, we, us, you, he, him, she, her, it,
they, them.
2. POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Mine, ours, yours, his, hers, theirs.
3. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS This, that, these, those.
4. DISTRIBUTIVE PRONOUNS each, either, neither, every, none
5. RECIPROCAL PRONOUNS - each other, one another.
6. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS Myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves,
himself, herself, itself, themselves, oneself.
yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves, oneself subject
Emphatic Emphasizing Pronouns

You, yourself are responsible for your problems.

He hurt himself.
8. INDEFINITE PRONOUNS everybody, somebody, nobody,
anybody, everybody, someone, no one, anyone, everything, something, nothing,
anything, all, some, any, both, another, much, few, little.
9. RELATIVE PRONOUNS Who, whom, whose, which, that

10. INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS Who, whom, whose, which

166 English – from Plinth to Paramount


Possessive Possessive
The Case of Personal Pronouns Subject Object
Adjectives Pronouns
Singular I me my mine
First Person
Plural We us our ours
Second Person Singular/ Plural You you your yours
Singular She, He, It her, him, it her, his, its hers, his, ---
Third Person
Plural They them their theirs

 Pronouns Pronouns First person, Second person Third person
Personal pronouns


Nominative Case Objective Case Nominative Case Objective Case

I me He him
She her It it
They them You you
We us

sentence verb Pronoun Nominative case
Pronoun verb Objective Case
(1)  teach him. (Active Voice)
 (2) He is taught by me (Passive)
Sub. Verb Obj.

Pronouns sentence 231
2nd Person, 3rd Person 1st Person.
1. You, he and I shall study for the exam. (231)
2. He and I have finished our work. (31)
3. You and he have done a great job. (23)
Pronouns 123
English – from Plinth to Paramount 167
1. I, you and he have made a blunder. (123)
2. You and he have done this mischief. (23)
Pronoun Pronoun 123 1st Person, 2nd
Person 3rd Person.
1. We, You and they should now get down to work.
Let, like, between, but, except prepositions Objective Case

1. Let me do this work.

2. There is no problem between she and I. (×)
There is no problem between her and me. ()
3. Everybody but him was present for the meeting. ()
4. He laughed at I. (×)
He laughed at me. ()
5. Everyone attended the party except he. (×)
Everyone attended the party except him. ()
nominatives As/than Nominative Case Pronoun

1. He is as fast as me
 . (×)
Objective Case

2. He is as fast as 
 . ()
Nominative Case
3. I run faster than  . (×)
Objective Case

4. I run faster than he

  . ()
Nominative Case
 subjects Pronoun 'nominative case'

objects ‘as/than’ Objective Case Pronoun

I know you as much as him. ()

I know you as much as I know him.
'It' subject 'be' 'form'
pronoun nominative case
It is  I  who am to blame.
Nominative case

168 English – from Plinth to Paramount


It 'It' 'they'
America is a developed country. It is a super power.
Sri Lanka and Pakistan are developing countries. They are facing internal terrorism.
It time, weather temperature distance
express Introductory subject
case ‘it’ 'empty ‘it’
It is raining. It is morning.
It is winter. It is 6 o’clock.
It is March. It is Monday.
It Infinitive, Gerund Clause
It is easy to solve it.
It is said that virtue is its own reward.
Rule 4: It sentence subject noun pronoun
It was 
he who made this mistake.

It Phrase clause introduce
That the record will break today is probable.
  
= It is probable that the record will break today.
Differences Between 'This' and 'It'
 This
This is a book.
This is a pen.
 It This
It is 10 a.m.
It is winter.
It is night
(1) This noun
This book
 is mine.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 169

 It ‘noun’ noun pronoun
It book is mine (×)
It is my book ()
 This singular noun noun
This boy is very intelligent.
 It singular pronoun
It is a splendid monument.
 (1) This noun
This book is mine.


Nominative Case Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun

I my mine
We our ours
You your yours
He his his
She her hers
It its ×
They their theirs


‘Possessive pronouns noun

Ours school
 was closed for four days. (×)

Our school was closed for four days. ()

(i) : Possessive adjectives Noun
This is my book.
(ii) Noun
Possessive Pronoun
This book is mine.

Possessive pronouns Meaning (Possessive Adjective + Noun)

M ine M y + noun
Ours Our + noun
Yours Your + noun
His His + noun
Hers Her + noun
Theirs Their + noun

170 English – from Plinth to Paramount

(iii) His Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun
(iv) Its Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun

Possessive Pronouns sentence verb subject
Yours 
is a new car.

Your car is a new car.

Hers 
is a beautiful house.

Her house is a beautiful house.

Possessive Pronouns sentence verb object
He has
 my books as well as yours.

He has lost my books as well as your books.

Save your time and mine
 too.

Save your time and my time too.

Possessive Pronouns sentence preposition object
to her
(1) I prefer your help  . (×)
Prep. Obj.

to hers
I prefer your help   . ()
Prep. Obj .

 my
(2) Your house is better than . (×)
Prep. Obj.

 mine
Your house is better than  . ()
Prep. Obj .

‘Separation, leave, excuse, mention, report, pardon, sight, favour’
Possessive case

1. Your separation is very painful to me. (‘separation from you’ )

2. At his sight the robbers fled. (‘At the sight of him’ )
English – from Plinth to Paramount 171
3. I need your favour, please. ('favour of/from you' )
4. She did make mention of you. ()
Possessive Pronoun 's' 'apostrophe' your's, her's, it's

1. The bear had a ring around it's nose. (×)

2. The bear had a ring around its nose. ()
Gerund 'possessive adjective'
1. I was confident of my winning the match.
2. She was not confident of her doing well in the examination.


, , , Reflexive
The poor man poisoned himself and his children.

‘Acquit , avail , reconcile
, amuse , resign ,
avenge , exert , apply , adapt ,
adjust, pride, absent enjoy reflexive pronoun
1. The officers acquitted themselves well during the crisis.
2. She has reconciled herself to the demands of her in-laws.
3. The students exert themselves a lot at the time of examination.
4. You will have to apply yourself to this task whole-heartedly.
5. I pride myself on being able to work smoothly under pressure too.
6. You should avail yourself of this opportunity.

1. They enjoyed the party. (reflexive pronoun )

2. They enjoyed during vacation. (‘themselves’ enjoyed’ )
 enjoy object reflexive pronoun object
reflexive pronoun

He was absent. ()

He absented himself. ()
 absent verb reflexive pronoun
Keep, stop, turn, qualify, bathe, move, rest hide reflexive pronoun

You should keep yourself away from bad boys. (‘yourself’ .

He hid himself in the room. (‘himself’ .
172 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Subject object reflexive pronoun
1. Myself Ramesh from Delhi. ('myself' 'I am' ’)
2. Yourself and he reached there in time. ('yourself' 'you' ’)
3. I myself did this work()
4. Rohit will do this work for myself ('myself' 'me' ’)
Either of these three friends is naughty. (×)
Either of these two pens is red. ()
'any' 'one'
One of these three friends is naughty.()
Neither of these two girls is active. ()
Neither of his four sons looked after him. (×)
None of his four sons looked after him. ()
 ‘Each other’ ‘one another’ ‘Reciprocal pronoun’

‘Each other’ ‘one another’

1. He was so afraid that his knees knocked one another (‘one another’ ‘each other’

2. After the farewell, the students of class XII bade each other goodbye. (each
other one another )
 Pronouns point out demonstrate
Demonstrative Pronouns This, that, these, those, such,
the same.
 nouns Demonstrative Adjectives
‘This’ ‘These’

English – from Plinth to Paramount 173


This is a cat
S. N.

These are cats

P. N.

‘That’ ‘those’

That is a book
S. N.

Those are books

P. N.

 Singular noun repetition ‘that of’ plural noun repetition

‘those of’
The climate of Pune is better than that ( climate) of Mumbai.
The streets of Delhi are wider than those ( streets) of Mumbai.

sentence Singular Countable Noun ‘one’
Plural Countable Noun ‘ones’
1. This is the new version, but that is an old one.
2. These are new books, but those are old ones.


 Pronouns Relative pronouns who, which, that, what,
I met Veena, who was returning from school.

Relative Pronouns (who/which/that) subordinate clause subject

The boy who

 came here is a player.

174 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Relative Pronouns (whom/which/that) subordinate clause verb

 I love
I have a son whom  very much.
Obj. Verb

‘and’ antecedents
Relative Pronoun ‘that’
The man and his dog that I saw yesterday have been kidnapped.

Superlative degree ‘that’
Mr. Mishra is the most laborious man that I have ever seen.

All 'who/that' whom/which
All who/that are interested to do this work can start now.

All 'that' who, whom, which
All that glitters is not gold.
All + Uncountable Noun that
All the money that I gave her has been spent.

Everything, nothing, the only, any, all, everyone, none, no, nobody, much, little,
the same, the few, the little that
My father has given me everything that I needed.
This is the only pen that I bought yesterday.
My wife has spent the little money that I gave her.

Verb 'the same + Noun' 'that'
This is the same man that deceived
 me.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 175

 Pronouns Interrogative pronouns
Who, whom, whose, which Interrogative pronouns
A, B C
(A) Who subject
Who is playing ?
(B) Whom object
Whom has he invited?
(C) Whose
Whose book is this?

Preposition + whom Preposition + who

(A) By whom was the Ramayana written?

Preposition who

Who was the Ramayana written by?

1. Who are
  you ? ()
V sub.

2. I don't know who are you. (×)

you are
I don't know who   . ()
V sub.

1. Who is your brother in the crowd? (×)
Which is your brother in the crowd?()
2. Who of the servants do you want? (×)
Which of the servants do you want? ()
 'Questions' 'wh' family tense interrogative form sub
verb/helping verb. 'wh' family relative
pronoun relative pronoun tense assertive form

176 English – from Plinth to Paramount

subject helping verb/ verb.

1. Whose book is this? ()
2. This is the flyover whose inaugration was done by the transport minister. (×)
This is the flyover the inaugration of which was done by the transport minister? ()


 'Pronoun' 'subject-verb agreement'



subjects ‘as well as’, ‘with’, ‘alongwith’, ‘together with’, ‘and not’, ‘In
addition to’, ‘but’, ‘besides’, ‘except’, ‘rather than’, ‘accompanied by’, ‘like’,
‘unlike’, ‘no less than’, ‘nothing but’ Possessive Pronoun 1st subject

(1) Rita as well as her friends has done her work.

(2) My friend Reena along with her sister is doing her job at Delhi.


Subjects either-or, neither-nor, not only-but also, none-but’.

possessive pronoun nearest subject

Neither the staff members nor the manager was taking his task seriously.


‘each, every, neither, either, anyone’ subject possessive

case third person singular
Neither of the two brothers has brought their luggage. (our 'his' )
Each one of us is doing our duty properly. ('Our' 'his'
collective noun Jury, army, fleet, crew, sentence subject
English – from Plinth to Paramount 177
singular pronoun adjective it, its, itself

The jury has given their verdict. (×)

The jury has given its verdict. ()
collective noun sentence subject separate
individuals plural
plural pronoun plural adjective – they, them, their, theirs, themselves

The team are divided in its opinion. (×)

The team are divided in their opinion. ()
singular nouns ‘and’ plural pronoun
adjective (they, them, their, theirs, themselves)
Ram and Shyam do their work. ()

singular nouns ‘and’ singular noun Article

Possessive Adjectives
singular pronoun adjective – he, him, his, himself
it, its, itself they, them, their, theirs, themselves
The secretary and treasurer is negligent of their duty. (×)
The secretary and treasurer is negligent of his duty. ()
singular nouns ‘and’ singular noun article
possessive adjective
Plural pronouns Adjective – They, them their, theirs, themselves

The secretary and the treasurer did not do his work. (×)
The secretary and the treasurer did not do their work. ()
singular nouns ‘and’ singular noun
each every singular pronoun, singular adjective
singular verb plural pronoun plural adjective

178 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Every soldier and every sailor was in their place. (×)
Every soldier and every sailor was in his place. ()

Many a/an + Singular noun sentence subject

singular pronoun adjective

Many a soldier
  met his
 has  death in the battlefield. ()
S. N. S.V. S.P.


Each of / Either of / Neither of plural noun plural pronoun
Each of the boy has a note book. (×)
Each of the boys
 has a note book.()
P. N.

Each of / either of / neither of plural noun ‘the’
 Each, either, neither, any singular pronoun singular verb
Each of the boys has their own book. (×)
Each of the boys has  own book. ()
  his
P. N. S.V. S.P.

each subject each subject auxiliary verb

We have each advised him to give up smoking. (×)

 each have
 advised him to give up smoking. ()
Sub. Aux. Verb

'verb' sub

All of the two students are guilty. (×)
Both of the two students are guilty. ()
 Both
Both of them are not going. (×)
Neither of them is going. ()
English – from Plinth to Paramount 179

‘One’ sentence subject Nominative case – one
Objective pronoun - oneself
1. One should do one’s duty oneself.
2. One should keep one’s promise.
'Pronoun' 'Question Tag' 'Question Tag'
1. (a) Unless two or more members object/ (b) to him joining the club, we shall have
to/ (c) accept his application for membership./ (d) No error.
2. (a) I was surprised and pleased (b)/ when I was informed of me (c) winning the
contest./ (d) No error.
3. (a) Our dog may look/ (b) fierce but/ (c) that wouldn’t hurt a fly./ (d) No error.
4. (a) No one can/ (b) challenge destiny,/ (c)isn’t it?/ (d) No error.
5. (a) All the doubts are cleared/ (b) between/ (c) you and I./ (d) No error.
6. (a) The front page story was about a school girl/ (b) that had hurt herself/ (c) while
saving a child in an accident./ (d) No error.
7. (a) The last thing that the fond mother/ (b) gave her only son/ (c) was his blessing./ (d)
No error.
8. (a) It is not/ (b) I who is/ (c) to blame./ (d) No error.
9. (a) I shall avail of/ (b) this opportunity/ (c) to meet you there./ (d) No error.
10. (a) Put you in my position/ (b) and you will realise/ (c) the problems faced in my
profession./ (d) No error.
11. (a) Each of them/ (b) has to understand/ (c) their responsibility/ (d) No error.
12. (a) We are proud to announce/ (b) that every one of us have earned/ (c) a good name./
(d) No error.
13. (a) Here is/ (b) the man whom I think/ (c) committed the crime./ (d) No error.
14. (a) He took/ (b) his younger sister/ (c) with himself./ (d) No error.
15. (a) The company is in debt/ (b) and has been unable/ (c) to pay their employees’
salaries/ (d) for the past six months./ (e) No error.
16. (a) The company has appointed/ (b) consultants to help them/ (c) increase its
revenue and/ (d) improve its financial position./ (e) No error.
17. (a) You cannot change/ (b) people, but you/ (c) can definitely/ (d) change own./ (e)
No error.
18. (a) Governments and business houses must reduce/ (b) its own energy use/ (c) and
promote conservation/ (d) to their citizens and employees./ (e) No error.
19. (a) Even those which/ (b) have no previous/ (c) work experience have/ (d) applied
for this job./ (e) No error.
20. (a) He talked on the phone/ (b) for hours together/ (c) who really irritated/ (d) his
180 English – from Plinth to Paramount
parents a lot./ (e) No error.
21. (a) Instead of laying off/ (b) the workers, the company/ (c) decided to ask them/ (d)
to avail voluntary retirement./ (e) No error.
22. (a) The two sisters shouted/ (b) at one another/ (c) in public./ (d) No error.
23. (a) We must supplement/ (b) our diet with vitamins and minerals/ (c) in order to
keep/ (d) oneself fit.
24. (a) Mrs. Pratap, being a good teacher/ (b) she is selected/ (c) for the National Award./
(d) No error
25. (a) The poor man/ (b) poisoned him/ (c) and his own children./ (d) No error.
26. (a) It was in 2006/ (b) that we first flew/ (c) to the United States./ (d) No error.
27. (a) I was driving under the bridge/ (b) as a football/ (c) hit my window./ (d) No error.
28. (a) Many a student/ (b) have passed/ (c) the I.I.T. examination./ (d) No error.
29. (a) It was me who was/ (b) responsible for/ (c) making all the arrangements for the
successful completion of his studies./ (d) No error.
30. (a) I wonder/ (b) why are you tinkering with the wire./ (c) You might get a shock./
(d) No error.
31. (a) John, I and Hari/ (b) have finished/ (c) our studies./ (d) No error.
32. (a) He doesn’t/ (b) know/ (c) to swim./ (d) No error.
33. (a) All the dresses/ (b) looked good and so I/ (c) bought all of it./ (d) No error.
34. (a) Those people who/ (b)do not work hard/ (c) they do not succeed in life./ (d) No
35. (a) He bathed himself/ (b) in/ (c) a river./ (d) No error.
36. (a) She could not/ (b) bear/ (c) his separation./ (d) No error.
37. (a) If you want this job/ (b) you will need/ (c) his favour./ (d) No error.
38. (a) Both of them will not/ (b) refute/ (c) the charges./ (d) No error.
39. (a) She is the kind / (b) of woman whom every body knows/ (c) is benign and
magnanimous./ (d) No error.
40. (a) The master did not know/ (b) who of the servants/ (c) broke the expensive
dinner set/ (d) No error.
41. (a) The Congress Party stood/ (b) for implementation of the Nuclear Liabilty Bill/ (c)
and was ready to stake their political existence/ (d) No error.
42. (a) He is not one of those/ (b) who will help every Tom, Dick and Harry/ (c) whom he
meets/ (d) No error.
43. (a) It is not easy for anyone to command/ (b) respect from both one’s friends and
critics/ (c) as Mahatma Gandhi did/ (d) No error.
44. (a) He, You and I/ (b) shall arrange everything/ (c) and shall not ask them for help/
(d) No error.
45. (a) Was it me/ (B) who had to face/ (c) the music?/ (d) No error.
46. (a) The audience/ (b) are requested/ (c) to be in its seats and stay away from the
track/ (d) No error.
47. (a) The number of vehicles/ (B) plying on the roads of Delhi/ (c) is more than on the
roads of Bangalore/ (D) No error.
48. (A) Being a destitute/ (b) I admitted him/ (c) to an ophanage/ (d) No error.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 181
49. (a) One should keep/ (b) his promise/ (c) if one wants respect from both friends and
enemies/(d) No error.
50. (a) Last summer I went to Shimla/ (b) and enjoyed very/ (c) much/ (d) No error.
51. (a) If I were him/ (b) I would teach/ (c) him a lesson/ (d) No error.
52. (a) Being a/ (b) rainy day I/ (c) could not go to school/ (d) No error.
53. (a) One of them/(b) forgot to take their passport/ (c) and found himself in a difficult
situation/(d) No error.
54. (a) Mr. Sharma, our representative,/ (b) he will attend the meeting/ (c) on our
behalf./ (d) No error.
55. (a) Each girl was/ (b) given a packet of sweets/ (c) and she was happy/ (d) No error.
56. (a) Myself and he/ (b) will manage/ (c) everything/ (d) No error.
57. (a) The Ganga is a river/ (b) whose origin/ (c) has always been a matter of
speculation/ (d) No error.
58. (a) My friend/ (b) is laborious and intelligent, (c) isn’t it?/ (d) No error.
59. (a) It is difficult to say/ (b) who is the better/ (c) of the two players/ (d) No error.
60. (a) It is the best/ (b) which the government can do/ (c) for the downtrodden/ (d) No
61. (a) Neither of the two friends/ (b) has got their money back/ (c) from the company/
(d) No error.
62. (a) This is the road/ (b) whose inaugration/ (c) was done by the President/ (d) No
63. (a) Many women/ (b) reconcile to the/ (c) demands of their in-laws./ (d) No error.
64. (a) May I know/ (b) to who/ (c) I am speaking?/ (d) No error.
65. (a) The person who/ (b) I met yesterday/ (c) was my classmate./ (d) No error.
66. (a) Owing to me being a new comer/ (b) I was unable/ (c) to get a good house./ (d) No
67. (a) A good friend of/ (b) me has been/ (c) in London for twenty years/ (d) No error.
68. (a) It was him/ (b) who came running/ (c) into the classroom./ (d) No error.
69. (a) I and Raju/ (b) left for Delhi/ (c) last summer./ (d) No error.
70. (a) I will certainly/ (b) avail of your offer/ (c) when the occasion arises./ (d) No
71. (a) The book/ (b) is well illustrated/ (c) and attractively bound/ (d) making altogether
an attractive volume
72. (a) Besides me/ (b) many other/ (c) were present./ (d) No error.
73. (a) My house/ (b) is farther/ (c) than her's./ (d) No error.
74. (a) He is the person,/ (b) whom, everyone thought,/ (c) has stolen the ring./ (d) No
Answers with explanation

1. (b) ‘his joining' ‘Joining’ possessive adjective ‘his’

2. (b) Winning possessive adjective ‘my'

182 English – from Plinth to Paramount

3. (c) ‘Dog’ Pronoun ‘it’
4. (c) Isn’t it?’ ‘Can they’
5. (c) ‘Between …….. and’ pronoun objective form
6. (b) ‘that ‘who’ ‘School girl’ subject
relative pronoun ‘who’
7. (c) ‘Mother’ possessive pronoun ‘her’
8. (b) ‘is’ ‘am’ Relative pronoun verb relative pronoun
antecedent match 'I' relative pronoun ‘who’ antecedent
verb ‘am’ ‘is’
9. (a) ‘Avail’ ‘reflexive pronoun’ ‘I’ ‘myself’

10. (a) ‘You’ ‘yourself’

11. (c) their ‘his’
12. (b) ‘everyone’ singular verb ‘has’
13. (b) ‘the man’ subject relative pronoun ‘who’
‘I think’ Confusion
14. (c) ‘himself’ ‘him’
15. (c) ‘Company’ singular noun singular possessive pronoun ‘its’
16. (b) ‘them’ ‘it’ Company singular noun singular pronoun ‘it’

17. (d) ‘Own’ ‘yourself’

18. (b) 'its' ‘their’ ‘Governments and business houses’ plural
noun plural pronoun ‘their’
19. (a) Which ‘who’
20. (c) relative pronoun ‘who’ ‘who’ ‘which’

21. (d) Avail reflexive pronoun preposition ‘of’ 'Avail'

‘themselves of’
22. (b) ‘One another’ ‘each other’
23. (d) ‘Oneself’ ‘ourselves’ Reflexive pronoun ‘sub’
‘we’ ‘ourselves’ Keep reflexive pronoun
Page 172 Rule 2) 'Ourselves'
24. (b) ‘She’ noun (Mrs. Pratap) pronoun (she)
25. (b) ‘Him’ 'himself'
26. (b) ‘That’ ‘when’ ‘2006’
27. (b) ‘as’ 'when'
English – from Plinth to Paramount 183

28. (b) ‘Many a’ singular singular verb ‘has’

29. (a) ‘It was I’ ‘I’ sub
30. (b) 'You' 'are'
31. (a) 231 1st person John, Hari and I
32. (c) 'know' 'wonder' ‘wh’ family ‘to swim’
‘How to swim’
33. (c) ‘All of it’ ‘all of them’
34. (c) ‘They’ ‘Those people’ ‘they’ subject

35. (a) ‘Bathe’ reflexive pronoun ‘Himself’

36. (c) ‘His separation’ ‘Separation from him'
37. (c) ‘his favour’ favour from/of him’
38. (a) ‘Both’ ‘not’ ‘Both of them will not ‘Neither of them will’

39. (b) ‘Whom’ ‘who’

40. (b) ‘who’ 'which' ‘of’ ‘which’ ‘who
41. (c) ‘their’ ‘its’ Congress Party (Singular noun) singular
possessive pronoun ‘its’
42. (c) ‘he meets’ ‘they meet’
43. (b) Critics one’s
44. (a) 231 ‘you, he and I’
45. (a) ‘Was it I’
46. (c) ‘its’ ‘their’ Collective noun
Plural Pronoun Plural verb
47. (c) 'than' ‘that of’ 'the number of vehicles' (Delhi ) 'number
of vehicles' (Bangalore ) 'number of vehicles' repeat
‘that of’
48. (a) 'Being' ‘he’ 'destitute' sub 'he' ‘I’ destitute
49. (b) 'his' one's 'One' possessive pronoun one's
50. (b) Enjoyed ‘myself’ 'enjoy' ‘object’ 'reflexive pronoun'

51. (a) ‘Him’ 'he' ‘him’ object 'I' (sub) 'were'

52. (a) Being ‘it’ 48

184 English – from Plinth to Paramount

53. (b) ‘their ‘his’ 'One' singular pronoun 'One of them'
singular possessive pronoun 'his'
54. (b) ‘He’ noun ‘Mr Sharma’ pronoun ‘he’

55. (c) ‘She was’ ‘they were’ ‘and’

56. (a) ‘Myself’ ‘I’ ‘Myself’ subject 231

he and I
57. (b) ‘Whose origin ‘the origin of which’ ‘Whose ‘non-living

58. (c) ‘Isn’t it?’ ‘Isn’t he?’ ‘My friend is …..’ Question tag ‘isn’t
59. (b) ‘Who’ ‘which’ ‘of’ ‘which’ ‘of’ who
60. (b) best ‘that’ Superlative Degree ‘that’
61. (b) ‘Their’ ‘his’ Neither of/Either of/Each of
noun pronoun plural verb/pronoun singular

Neither of the two

 friends
   his money back.
has got 
Plural Noun Singular Singular
Verb Pronoun

62. (b) ‘Whose inaugration’ ‘the inauguration of which’

63. (b) Reconcile reflexive pronoun Reconcile themselves

64. (b) 'who' ‘whom'

65. (a) 'who' ‘whom'
66. (a) 'being' ‘V1 + ing' possessive case 'my'
67. (b) 'me' ‘mine'
68. (a) 'him' ‘he'
69. (a) '231' ‘Raju and I'
70. (b) 'avail' ‘reflexive pronoun' 'myself'
subject 'I'
71. (c) 'making' ‘it'
72. (b) 'many' plural pronoun ‘others'
73. (c) 'her's' ‘hers'
74. (b) 'whom' ‘who'
English – from Plinth to Paramount 185


Adjective An adjective is a word used to qualify a Noun or a Pronoun.

 Adjective Noun Pronoun
Ram is a good boy.
He is intelligent.
 ‘good’ ‘intelligent’ ‘Ram’ ‘he’
Adjective Adjective noun verb
1. Adjective of Quality
2. Proper Adjective
3. Adjective of Quantity
4. Adjective of Number
5. Demonstrative Adjective
6. Distributive Adjective
7. Interrogative Adjective
8. Possessive Adjective

1. Adjective of Quality Adjective Noun

Adjective of Quality an honest man.
 Adjective of Quality
(i) Attributive use: Adjective Noun Adjective
Attributive use
Solomon was a wise king .

 king wise Attributive
(ii) Predicative use: Adjective Verb Adjective
Predicative use
The weather 
is pleasant
186 English – from Plinth to Paramount
 pleasant Predicative part

2. Proper Adjective Proper Noun Adjective Proper Adjective

Buddhist Monastery, British rule.
‘Buddhist’ ‘British’ Proper adjective

3. Adjective of Quantity Adjective Adjective

of Quantity Some milk; enough oil; sufficient sugar;
no manners. ‘some’, ‘enough’, ‘sufficient’ ‘no’ adjective of quantity

4. Adjective of Number Adjective of

(i) Definite (ii) Indefinite
 definite adjective of number
Five boys, fifth class.
(i) Indefinite: Indefinite adjective of number
Few girls, several boys.

(a) Cardinal Adjectives one, two three, four

Adjectives Cardinal Adjective
He has four pens.
She has two books.
(b) Ordinal Adjectives (order)
Adjectives Ordinal Adjectives
First, second, third, fourth…. etc.
The first chapter of this book is on verb.
 Article ‘the’ ordinal cardinal
Lesson one is on verb.
The first lesson is on verb.

5. Demonstrative Adjective Adjective Noun

Demontrative Adjective
This boy, that group, these people, those countries.
this, that, these, those Noun Demonstrative Adjectives
Verb Demonstrative Pronouns

English – from Plinth to Paramount 187

Demonstrative Adjective Demonstrative Pronoun
This girl is good. This is a good girl.
That pen is new. That is a new pen.
These shirts are white. These are white shirts.

6. Distributive Adjective Adjective

Distributive Adjective
Each candidate is honest.
Every boy is present today.
Each, every, either, neither Noun Distributive Adjectives
each, every, either, neither Distributive
Distributive Adjective Distributive Pronoun
Each boy took the test. Each of the boys took the test.

7. Interrogative Adjective Adjective Interrogative

Which room is hers?
Whose book is this?
What, which, whose Noun Interrogative Adjectives
Verb Interrogative Pronouns
Interrogative Adjective Interrogative Pronoun
What colour is your bag? What did you do?

8. Possessive Adjectives Adjectives

Possessive Adjectives
My book, our class.
 Adjective degrees Positive, Comparative Superlative
 Positive degree
He is a good boy.
 Comparative degree
He is better than you.
 superlative degree
He is the best student of my class.

188 English – from Plinth to Paramount


adjective comparative degree positive degree ‘er’

superlative degree positive degree ‘est’
I. Positive Comparative Superlative
Bold Bolder Boldest
Deep Deeper Deepest
High Higher Highest
Strong Stronger Strongest
Thick Thicker Thickest
Weak Weaker Weakest

positive degree ‘e’ comparative ‘r’ superlative ‘st’

II. Positive Comparative Superlative

Able Abler Ablest
Brave Braver Bravest
Fine Finer Finest
Noble Nobler Noblest
True Truer Truest
Wise Wiser Wisest

positive degree consonant short vowel

consonant double ‘er’ ‘est’ comparative superlative
III. Positive Comparative Superlative
Big Bigger Biggest
Fit Fitter Fittest
Hot Hotter Hottest
Sad Sadder Saddest
Thin Thinner Thinnest
Wet Wetter Wettest

positive degree ‘y’ consonant ‘y’ ‘i’

Comparative superlative ‘er’ ‘est’
IV. Positive Comparative Superlative
Dry Drier Driest
Happy Happier Happiest
Heavy Heavier Heaviest
English – from Plinth to Paramount 189
Pretty Prettier Prettiest
Merry Merrier Merriest
‘y’ vowel ‘er’ ‘est’
Positive Comparative Superlative
Grey Greyer Greyest

(syllables) adjectives adjectives

comparative superlative ‘more’ ‘most’
V. Positive Comparative Superlative
Beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
Courageous more courageous most courageous
Intelligent more intelligent most intelligent
Pleasant more pleasant most pleasant
Positive Comparative Superlative
Good/well better best
Bad/ill worse worst
Little less/lesser least
Fore former foremost/first
Late later/latter last/latest
Far farther farthest
Near nearer nearest/next
Old older/elder oldest/eldest
Much/many more most


1. Use of ‘some’ and ‘any’
 Some/ any
(a) Some Affirmative Sentence Uncountable Noun (U.N.)
(quantity) Plural Countable Noun (P.C.N.)
I have some water
 .

I have some friends

 .

 Some +ve
 Any -ve Questions
1. I have some problems.
2. I do not have any problem.
190 English – from Plinth to Paramount
3. Do you have any problem?
 Questions ‘some’
Do you have some food?
‘no any’

a few
Few few
the few
a little
Little little
the little


1. ______ Knowledge is a dangerous thing.

2. The doctor advised him to rest for _____ days.
3. ______ water I kept for you has been finished by him.
4. The show was cancelled as ____ people turned up to see it.
5. I cannot prepare tea for you. There is ____ milk in the refrigerator.
1. A little Knowledge

2. a few. (days countable noun few little Doctor

a few
3. The little. (‘water’ uncountable definite
‘the little’
4. Few show cancel few
5. Little. milk

English – from Plinth to Paramount 191

 'Quantity' 'Number' 'Little' 'Few'
Little quantity of food was wasted. (×)
Small quantity of food was wasted. ()
ADJECTIVE ds dqN lgh iz;ksx

'as ….. as'and 'so …' adjective/adverb positive degree
He is as good
 as his brother

He ran as fast
 as he could.

Comparative degree 'adjective + er…. than' Than
comparative degree
He is better than his brother.
Comparative degree 'than'
Today I am feeling better.
Superlative degree' article 'the'
He is the best player of the team.
superlative degree
comparative degree article ‘the’
preposition 'of '
She is the best of the two sisters. (×)
She is the better of the two sisters.()
 'superlative degree' article
'the' preposition 'of '
He is the best of all the players.
Noun Pronoun Comparative degree
more+ positive degree
He is wiser than intelligent (×)
He is more wise than intelligent. ()

192 English – from Plinth to Paramount

exclude ‘any other’
Gold is more precious than any metal. (×)
Gold is more precious than any other metal. ()

Diamond is more precious than any metal. ()

Diamond metal
‘ior’ adjectives ‘than’ ‘to’
superior, inferior, senior, junior, prior, anterior, posterior.
He is senior than me. (replace ‘than’ by ‘to’)
adjectives - interior, exterior, ulterior, major, minor, empty, excellent, circular,
extreme, chief, entire, complete, perfect, final, last, unique, universal, round,
square, triangular, eternal, everlasting ideal, absolute, impossible supreme
comparative superlative degree
1. This is more inferior to that. (×)
2. This is inferior to that. ()
3. Good deeds are more everlasting (more )

adjectives positive superlative degree Comparative

Positive Superlative
top topmost
northern northernmost
southern southernmost
eastern easternmost
western westernmost

Adjective “preferable” Comparative degree

 ‘to’ ‘than’ ‘more’ Prefer(v)
This is more preferable than that. (×)
This is preferable to that. ()
 ‘prefer’ ‘to’ ‘rather than’
I prefer tea to coffee.
I prefer tea rather than coffee. ( 'prefer' 'to' 'rather than' )

English – from Plinth to Paramount 193


noun pronoun adjectives

Conjunction adjectives degree
Gandhiji was the noblest and wiser of all the leaders . (×)
Gandhiji was the noblest and wisest of all the leaders. ()

adjectives ‘the’ adjective plural common noun

Plural verb
rich, poor, needy, aged, blind, dead, meek, wicked, etc.
The rich (rich people) usually exploit the poor (poor people).

verbs adverbs modify

He works

 honestly
V adv.
 Adjective 'ly' Adverb
Adjective Adverb
Polity Politely
Bad Badly
Sincere Sincerely
 Verbs of sensation( seem, look, appear, feel , taste, sound smell)
adverb adjective
He feels badly. (×)
He feels bad. ()
The soup smells deliciously. (×)
The soup smells delicious. ()
 Verbs of sensation be, become, turn, get, grow, keep, make prove
adverbs adjective modify
When he heard the news, he became sad

noun hyphenated Compound adjectives plural

I delivered a two–hours lecture. (×)

I delivered a two–hour lecture. ()
He gave me two hundred–rupees notes. (×)
He gave me two hundred–rupee notes. ()

Noun Adjective Plural form

194 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Lasers are indispensable tools for delicate eyes surgery. eyes 'eye'

adjectives confusing
(1) Farther Further
She lives at the farther end of the lane.
I did not receive any further order.
(2) Last Latest
The last ruler of Mughal Empire was Bahadur Shah Jafar.
What is the latest score?
(3) Elder Older
He is my elder brother
He is older than his friend.
(4) Nearest Next
Which is the nearest hospital?
The bank is in the next building.
(5) Later Latter
I will call you later.
The latter part of the movie was boring.
Latter opposite former'

'All' 'Both' possessive case

My all friends have got selected. (×)
All my friends have got selected. ()
English – from Plinth to Paramount 195

adjective positive Comparative degree 'as...

as' 'than' 'As ...... as' 'so ...... as' positive degree
'than' 'Comparative degree'
He is as intelligent as if not more than his brother.
'times' Comparative degree
My house is four times bigger than yours. (×)
My house is four times as big as yours. ()
adjective of size, colour, age
Size  shape  age  colour
   emotion
  nationality  material
  noun

   
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. The police arrested a twenty two year - old black  Negro.

   
age colour nationality

2. The thief flashed a big sharp knife and asked the cashier to fill the
 
size shape

black  bag with money.

 leather
colour material

Comparative Superlative degree
He is the most cleverest of all the officers. (×)
He is the cleverest of all the officers. ()
2. This is more better than that. (×)
This is better than that. ()
Adjectives prepositions prepositions

He is senior and more experienced than you. (×)

He is senior to and more experienced than you. ()


1. (a) Anurag is eclipsed by his wife, / (b) who is cleverer and / (c) amusing than
he is. /(d) No error
2. (a) The two first to arrive / (b) were the lucky recipients / (c) of a surprise
gift. /(d) No error
196 English – from Plinth to Paramount
3. (a) Of the billions of stars in the galaxy, (b) how much are / (c) suitable for life? / (d)
No error
4. (a) A few word of / (b) gratitude are enough / (c) to express your / (d) feelings sincerely.
/ (e) No error.
5. (a) He feels his troubles / (b) as much or / (c) even more than they. / (d) No error
6. (a) I like reading / (b) more than / (c) to play games. / (d) No error
7. (a) There is not many traffic / (b) along the street / (c) where I live. / (d) No error
8. (a) The police arrived and discovered / (b) a large number of hoarded sugar/ (c) in
his shop. / (d) No error
9. (a) As a dramatist / (b) Shaw is superior than / (c) any other twentieth century
writer. / (d) No error
10. (a) Of the two great cities/ (b) the former is / (c) biggest. / (d) No error
11. (a) A non banking financial company is a / (b) financial institution similarly to a
bank / (c) but it cannot issue cheque books to customers. / (d) No error
12. (a) Everyone agrees that / (b) the Ganga is the holiest / (c) of all other rivers of
India. / (d) No error.
13. (a) Krishna ran to the / (b) nearing grocery store to / (c) buy biscuits as his parents
were expecting guests. / (d) No error
14. (a) While giving a loan/ (b) you must check / (c) if the borrower has sufficiently
collateral to repay it. / (d) No error
15. (a) Although his speech / (b) was not very clearly everyone understood / (c) the
underlying meaning. / (d) No error
16. (a) He is the most / (b) intelligent and also / (c) the very talented student of the
college. / (d) No error
17. (a) Having been found / (b) guilty of the theft / (c) Sunny was sentenced to five
year’s imprisonment. / (d) No error
18. (a) The Railways have made / (b) crossing the tracks / (c) a punished offence. / (d)
No error
19. (a) Alms / (b) are given / (c) to the poors. / (d) No error
20. (a) Lasers are / (b) indispensable tools / (c) for the delicate eyes surgery. / (d) No
21. (a) The number of applications has risen / (b) this year by / (c) as many as 50%. /
(d) No error
22. (a) Two lakh of people / (b) attended the meeting / (c) held in parade ground. / (d) No
23. (a) These sort of men / (b) attain success by hook or by crook / (c) so they do not
deserve any applause. (d) No error
24. (a) Can you tell me how / (b) many eggs and / (c) milk he has brought / (d) No error
25. (a) Whole the chapter / (b) is full of printing errors which are the outcome / (c) of
the proof reader’s carelessness. (d) No error

English – from Plinth to Paramount 197

26. (a) Her black long / (b) hair adds / (c) glamour to her looks. (d) No error
27. (a) I trembled when I saw / (b) a sharp long knife / (c) in his hand. / (d) No error
28. (a) I saw / (b) an anxious pale girl / (c) who was fidgetting near the ICU / (d) No error
29. (a) Mumbai is / (b) further from / (c) Delhi than / (d) Patna. (e) No error
30. (a) This book is / (b) undoubtedly preferable than / (c) that and its printing / (d) is
also comparatively good. (e) No error
31. (a) You can trust / (b) this channel/ (c) for the last news of this hour. (d) No error
32. (a) Everybody knows / (b) that Radha is the most unique / (c) singer of this college
/ (d) No error
33. (a) The faster he completes / (b) the work given to / (c) him, the largest will be his
profit. / (d) No error.
34. (a) He does not have / (b) some money to buy a new machine so he is / (c) anxious
/ (d) No error
35. (a) This young lady is / (b) more beautiful but not so cultured / (c) as her sister. (d)
No error
36. (a) Now-a-days, / (b) the weather / (c) is getting cold and colder. / (d) No error
37. (a) This photograph / (b) was comparatively better / (c) than that which he had kept
in his purse. / (d) No error
38. (a) Ram is as good, / (b) if not better than / (c) they./ (d) No error
39. (a) Gopal felt happily / (b) to learn that I / (c) had got a job in the Bank./ (d) No error
40. (a) He is comparatively / (b) weaker / (c) in maths / (d) no error.
41. (a) Many a / (b) boys are / (c) absent today / (d) no error.
42. (a) Honest are / (b) rewarded / (c) sooner or later / (d) no error.
43. (a) My all / (b) friends will come / (c) tomorrow to meet me / (d) no error.
44. (a) He is wiser / (b) enough to / (c) understand your trick / (d) no error.
45. (a) Ramayana is more / (b) sacred than / (c) all the mythologies of Hindus / (d) no
46. (a) He offered / (b) me a / (c) steamed cup of tea / (d) no error.
47. (a) I will buy / (b) the book when / (c) the revise edition will come / (d) no error.
48. (a) He ran so fastly / (b) that he reached / (c) the destination in just two minutes. /
(d) No error.
49. (a) I am sure that / (b) all my monthly expenses / (c) would exceed the income if I do
not economise. / (d) No error.
50. (a) I am more lonelier/ (b) here than/ (c) I was in the USA./ (d) No error.
51. (a) To me it appears that/ (b) Anthropology is the more interesting/ (c) of all the
subjects./ (d) No error.
52. (a) The circulation of The Statesman/ (b) is greater than/ (c) that of any newspaper/
(d) No error.

198 English – from Plinth to Paramount

53. (a) In the garden/ (b) were the more beautiful flowers/ (c) and silver bells./ (d) No error.
54. (a) In his old age,/ (b) a person is likely to get/ (c) more weak day by day./ (d) No error.

Answers with Explanation

1. (c) amusing more Cleverer more amusing

Conjunction adjectives degree
2. (a) two first first two
3. (b) much many Stars countable noun
4. (a) Word words a few plural countable noun
5. (b) correct use ‘as much as’
6. (c) Reading playing ‘Gerund’ form
7. (a) Traffic uncountable many much
8. (a) Sugar uncountable ‘large number’ ‘large quantity’
9. (b) Superior ‘to’ ‘than’.
10. (c) biggest ‘the bigger’ Comparative degree

11. (b) similarly adverb verb similar

12. (c) all other rivers all the rivers superlative degree
sentence other
13. (b) ‘Nearing’ verb near ‘ing’ form ‘Nearby’ adjective ‘Nearing’ ‘nearby’

14. (c) Collateral sufficient (adjective) sufficiently (adverb).

15. (b) Clearly adverb verb Speech (noun) clear
(adjective) Clear
16. (c) Very most Conjunction adj adjectives
degree ‘the most intelligent the most talented
17. (c) five-year imprisonment Hyphenated adjective singular form
18. (c) Punish adjective form punishable
19. (c) the poor poors
20. (c) eyes surgery eyes noun surgery adjective
noun adjective singular form eyes eye

English – from Plinth to Paramount 199

21. (c) 50% much
22. (a) Definite numeral adjective ‘of’ Two lakh people.
Indefinite numeral adjective ‘of’ Lakhs of people.
23. (a) These plural noun sort sorts
24. (c) 'Eggs' countable many 'milk' uncountable 'milk'
'how much'
25. (a) the whole whole ‘The whole chapter’
26. (a) ‘black long’ ‘long black’ noun adj of size
adjective of colour adjective of size adjective
of colour.
Long 
black hair.
Adj. of size Adj. of colour

27. (b) ‘Sharp long knife’ ‘long sharp knife

28. (b) ‘An anxious pale girl’ ‘a pale anxious girl’ Adjective of human
emotion/personality adjective of colour
a  anxious
  girl.
Adj. of colour Adj. of emotion

29. (b) ‘further’ ‘farther’

30. (b) Preferable ‘than’ ‘to’
31. (c) Last Latest (Latest) news
32. (b) Unique superlative comparative degree Rule 8 unique
33. (c) largest larger (increase) (decrease)
express double comparative degree
34. (b) Some any negative ‘any’
35. (b) more beautiful than
36. (c) Cold colder gradual development comparative
37. (b) Comparatively comparative degree better good

38. (a) ‘as good’ as

39. (a) happily (adv) happy (adj) verbs of sensation (look, sum,
appear, feel, smell, taste sound) adj adverb
40. (b) Comparatively comparative degree weaker weak

41. (b) Many a singular noun singular verb ‘Boys are’ ‘boy is’
200 English – from Plinth to Paramount

42. (a) Honest adjective noun article ‘the’

‘the honest’
43. (a) ‘All my’ ‘My all’
44. (a) Wiser wise enough positive degree
45. (c) All other mythologies Ramayana exclude
46. (c) Steamed cup of tea cup of tea. ‘Steamed momos’
cup of tea steaming cup of tea
47. (c) revise revised edition already revise revised edition

48. (a) fastly fast fastly fast

Adjective or Adverb
49. (b) all Monthly expenses
50. (a) 'more' comparative degrees
51. (b) Superlative degree 'most'
52. (c) 'any newspaper' 'any other newspaper 'Any newspaper' 'The
53. (b) 'more' 'most'
54. (c) 'more weak' 'weaker'

English – from Plinth to Paramount 201



 Conjunction (Words), (Phrases),

(Clauses) (Sentences)
1. Ram and Shyam will come.
2. People’s ignorance and population explosion are two inter-related problems.
3. She said that she would come.
 (1) ‘and’ ‘Ram’ ‘Shyam’ (2) ‘and’
‘people’s ignorance’ ‘population explosion’ (3) ‘that’
‘she said’ ‘she would come’ ‘and’ ‘that’ Conjunctions

Some Common Meaning in Some Common Meaning in

Conjunctions Hindi Conjunctions Hindi
And As well as
Otherwise, or else So, hence
Therefore, Either.....or
Consequently Both.... and
Neither... nor
Whether......or But
As soon as No sooner.......than
Or............ Scarcely.......when
Not only........but also Hardly.........when
Wherever When
Whenever Until/Unless….,
While Because
As…. , Lest......should

202 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Such.....that If
Provided As if
Though Although
Whereas Nevertheless (in spite of)
As though As far as
1. Co-ordinating Conjunction.
2. Subordinating Conjuncion.
1. He read the notes and returned it to me.
2. He came to meet me, but I was not at home.
3. She worked hard yet she failed.
 ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘yet’ Conjunctions
Principal Clause Co-ordinate Clause
 Conjunction Co-ordinate Clause Conjunction Co-ordinating
Co-ordinating Conjunctions
(i) Cumulative conjunctions
‘And’, ‘also’, ‘both ..... and’, ‘as well as’, ‘now’, ‘too’, ‘no less than’.
 Conjunctions sentence sentence noun, pronoun
1. He is rich
 and happy .

adj. adj.

 as well as Shyam
2. Ram  is coming.
Noun Noun
(ii) Alternative Conjunctions
‘Either . . . . . or’, ‘neither . . . . . nor’, ‘else’, or, ‘otherwise’.
 Conjunctions sentences, nouns, pronouns

1. Either sit quietly or go away.

2. You must run fast else you will miss the train.
(iii) Adversative Conjunctions
 ‘But’, ‘yet’, ‘still’, ‘only’, ‘however’, ‘nevertheless’, ‘while’, ‘whereas’.
Conjunctions Nouns, Pronouns

1. He is rich but he is not happy.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 203

2. He is industrious still he does not get good marks.
(iv) Illative Conjunctions
 conjunctions
I was ill so I could not come.

1. If you work hard, you will succeed.
2. Since I was busy, I could not call you up.
 sentences ‘if’, ‘since’ Conjunctions Clause Clause

sentences Clause Principal Clause Subordinate

 Conjunction Subordinate Clause Subordinating Conjunction
Subordinating conjunctions
(i) Time:- When, whenever, till, until, before, since, while, as soon as, as long as,
just as.
1. When I saw him, I stopped my car.
2. As soon as it rains, the farmers will sow the seeds.
(ii) Place Where, wherever,
1. You can go wherever you want.
(iii) Cause Since, because, as,
1. She came because I called him up.
2. As he is a miser, no one likes him.
(iv) Purpose That, so that, in order that, lest
1. We eat so that we may live.
2. Run fast lest you should miss the train.
(v) Result So . . . . ., that, such . . . that
1. He is so weak that he cannot even stand.
2. He is such a fool that he doesn’t understand anything.
(vi) Condition If, supposing, unless, provided.
1. He cannot succeed unless he works hard.
2. I will help him provided he mends his ways.
(vii) Manner As, as if, as though, as far as.
1. He scolded me as if he were my father.
‘as’ the ‘so’
As I was ill, so I could not come (Remove ‘so’)
 ‘Since’ ‘so’
Since he is a liar , so I do not trust him (Remove ‘so’)
(viii) Comparison As, as ..... as,, than
1. A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend.
2. He is as good as she at English.

204 English – from Plinth to Paramount

(1) So . . . as/As. . . as
(A) So . . . as Negative
(i) He is not so good as you. (Negative)
 As . . . as Affirmative Negative
(i) He is as good as you. (Affirmative)
(ii) He is not as good as you. (Negative)
(ix) Contrast Though, although, however
1. Though he worked hard, he failed.
2. I tried very hard however I could not win the race.
3. CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTION:- Conjunctions (pair)
Correlatives ‘Either ...... or’, ‘neither ..... nor’, ‘both ..... and’,
‘not only ...... but also’, ‘though .... yet’, ‘whether...or’
Neither his friends nor his parents knew about his evil intention.
I do not know whether he will come or not.
4. COMPOUND CONJUCTION:- Conjunctions Compound Conjunction

In order that. The announcement was made in order that all might know the new
date of exam.
On condition that I will give you money on condition that you will not misuse it.
Even if She will succeed in life even if she faces some initial failures.
So that We eat so that we may live.
Provided that You can take any dress provided that you return it after the
As though He shows off as though he is very rich.
As well as Ram as well as his friends has come to the party.
As soon as The farmers will sow the seeds as soon as it rains.
As if He scolded me as if he were my father.
CONJUNCTION ds dqN IMPORTANT RULES ftu ls iz'u iwNs tkrs gSa%
1. And
2. as well as
2. Both ——— and
3. Not only ——— but also
 conjunctions Noun , Pronoun
adjective desirable adjectives undesirable
He is both intelligent and hard working.
He is not only dishonest but also lazy.
 Sub ‘as well as’/’with’/’alongwith’/ ‘and not’/ ‘In addition to’/ ‘but’/
’besides’/‘except’/ ‘rather than’/’accompanied by’ verb
sub (Subject - Verb Agreement )
English – from Plinth to Paramount 205
Ram as well as his friends is coming.

He and not his parents is guilty.

 Conjunction
Not only he cheated his friends but also his parents. (×)

  but also his parents

He cheated not only his friends   . ()
1st Noun 2nd Noun

 'his friends' 'his parents' ‘not only’ ‘his friends’

‘but also’ 'his parents'

Sit either quietly or go away. (×)

(2) Neither the poor villagers grow nor eat vegetables. (×)
 Conjunctions (Co-Relatives)

(1) Either sit

 quietly or go
 away. ()
1st Verb 2nd Verb

(2) The poor villagers neither grow

 nor eat
 vegetables. ()
1st Verb 2nd Verb

 Conjunctions
Though Yet/,
Although Yet/,
No sooner than
Hardly/Scarcely when
As as
So as
Lest should
Too to
So that
Between and
From to
Else but
Other/Rather than
Such that
Whether or
The same that
Both and
Not only but also

206 English – from Plinth to Paramount

(1) Though he worked hard but he failed. (×)
Though he worked hard yet he failed. ()
(2) He is both intelligent as well as industrious. (×)
He is both intelligent and industrious. ()
(3) The party is between 7 p.m and 9 p.m. ()
(4) The party is from 7 p.m to 9 p.m. ()
(5) I have no other aim but to succeed in life. (×)
(6) I have no other aim than to succeed in life ()
(7) Nothing else but arrogance ruined him. ()
(8) He asked me if I was coming or not. (×)
(9)He asked me whether I was coming or not. ()
So ......... that

(1) I am so happy. (×)

I am very happy. ()
(2) 1. He is so tired that he can’t walk.( 'so—that 'too ..... to'

He is too tired to walk.

2. It is too hot to go out.
It is so hot that we cannot go out.
3. She is so weak that she cannot walk.
She is too weak to walk.
4. This problem is so complicated that no one can solve it.
This problem is too complicated for anyone to solve it.
 ’to solve’ for ‘any one’ solve sub ‘problem’
‘that' ‘sub’ ‘to + v1’ 2nd
5. It is so expensive that I cannot buy it.
It is too expensive for me to buy it.
 Passive voice
by + Sub 2 nd
sub 1 sub
‘by+sub’ form

to + V1 (infinitive) active voice

to + be + V3 - Passive voice
4. This problem is too complicated to be solved by anyone.
5. It is too expensive to be bought by me.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 207

neither...............nor (
either....................or (
Neither Ram nor Shyam has come.
 
S.S. S.V.

Neither Ram nor his friends

  have
 come.
P.S. P.V.

Has  or his friends come?

 Ram
S.V. S.S.

 sub ‘Neither.........nor’, ‘either......or’, ‘nor’ ‘or’ verb

subject Sub-Verb Agreement )

 Neither of … 'None of'

 Either of … 'one of'

Neither of his four sons looked after him. (×)
None of his four sons looked after him. ()
Either of the students of your class has done this mischief. (×)
One of the students of your class has done this mischief. ()
as soon as ………………….,

As soon as he will come, I will call you up.(×)

As soon as he comes, I will call you up. ()

Simple Present Tense Simple future tense (Future Conditional
If/when then
When I come, then, I will meet you.
 Since/as/because so/therefore
Since I was ill, I could not come.
As you sow, so shall you reap as so

208 English – from Plinth to Paramount

No sooner .................. than
Hardly ....................... when
Scarcely .................... when
(1) Co-relatives
No sooner did he see me when he ran away (when than
No Sooner had the thief seen the police then he ran away.(change ‘then’ to ‘than’)
(2) co-relatives Past Tense
(3) Hardly, Scarcely etc. formation
interrogative Helping verb + Sub + main verb (Had + S + V3 or
Did + S + V1)
Hardly I saw him when I stopped my car. (×)
Hardly did I see him when I stopped my car. ()
Lest..................... Should

Run fast lest you will miss the train. (×)

Run fast lest you should miss the train. ()
Unless , Until and Till
1. Until unless until unless
Until the light turns red, no one will stop.
Unless you work hard, you won’t succeed.
2. till
Till the train gets the signal, it will not proceed (×) (Till Until
 'Until / Unless' not
Until the train will not get the signal, it will not run. (×)
Until the train gets the signal, it will not run. ()
Until Unless will/would/shall
Unless the Government will not take action , corruption will not stop. (×)
Unless the Government takes action , corruption will not stop. ()
Conjuctions, Prepositions, Pronouns Adjectives

Unless and until you work hard, you won’t succeed.

2. The selling price of every commodity was over and above the M.R.P.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 209

3. The first and foremost duty of every citizen is to respect his country.
4. Each and every student must take the exam.
 Doubt affirmative sentence if/whether negative
Interrogative sentence doubt that
 Doubtful 'Affirmative sentence' 'if/whether' Negative
Interrogative sentence doubtful that
Doubt————— if/whether Doubt————— that
Doubtful————— if/whether Doubtful————— that
1. He doubts that she will help him. (×)
He doubts if/whether she will help him.(Affirmative Sentence)
2. I have no doubt if/whether he will cheat me.(×)
I have no doubt that he will cheat me. Negative
3. I am doubtful that my parents will allow me to go to the party. (×)
I am doubtful if/whether my parents will allow me to go to the party. (Affirmative
4. He is not doubtful if/whether I will finish his work in time (×)
He is not doubtful that I will finish his work in time. (Negative Sentence)

 ‘The same’ Relative Pronouns ‘that’ ‘as’
 ‘The same’ ‘that’ Verb
(i) This is the same book that I wanted

(ii) He is the same boy that met

 me in the market
 'the same' ‘as’ Verb
(i) This is the same book as mine. (as verb
‘the same’ who/which
(i) As .... as so .... as As ..... as Positive
negative negative
1. He is as intelligent as you. (+ve
2. He is not as intelligent as you. (-ve
3. He is not so intelligent as you. (-ve
(ii) so .... as adverb adjective Positive Degree

210 English – from Plinth to Paramount

1. He ran as faster as he could. (faster fast
2. He is as better as you. (better good


1. (a) You are quite cynical/ (b) when you say that the reason why we have/ (c) such
a large turnout is because we are serving refreshments./ (d) No error.
2. (a) That store/ (b) hadn’t hardly/ (c) any of those goods./ (d) No error.
3. (a) I needed that money/ (b) so desperately, it was/ (c) like manna from heaven
when it arrived./ (d) No error.
4. (a) The period/ (b) between 1980 to 1990/ (c) was very significant in my life./ (d)
No error.
5. (a) No sooner had the hockey match started/ (b) when it began/ (c) to rain./ (d) No
6. (a) She is very/ (b) beautiful/ (c) but intelligent./ (d) No error.
7. (a) Your success in the IAS examinations depends not only on/ (b) what papers
you have selected/ (c) but on how you have written them/ (d) No error.
8. (a) No sooner had/ (b) he arrived then/ (c) he was asked to leave again./ (d) No
9. (a) I haven’t been/ (b) to New York before and/ (c) neither my sister./ (d) No error.
10. (a) Scarcely had/ (b) I arrived than/ (c) the train left./ (d) No error.
11. (a) The reason why/ (b) he was rejected/ (c) was because he was too young./ (d)
No error.
12. (a) Unless you do not give/ (b) the keys of the safe/ (c) you will be shot./ (d) No
13. (a) None of the diplomats at the conference/ (b) was able either to/ (c) comprehend
or solve the problem./ (d) No error.
14. (a) I have found that he is/ (b) neither willing/ (c) or capable./ (d) No error.
15. (a) We are extremely pleased/(b) for excited as well to invite you/(c) to attend the
meeting./(d) No error.
16. (a) When her son got a job/ (b) then she was/ (c) very happy./ (d) No error.
17. (a) Bread and butter/ (b) is/ (c) all we want./ (d) No error.
18. (a) The cost of the new/ (b) machines is likely to/ (c) be so high as ten/ (d) times
the existing ones./ (e) No error.
19. (a) He walked as faster/ (b) as he could so that/ (c) he would not miss the train to
work./ (d) No error.
20. (a) She was running/ (b) a very high fever/(c) and thus her mother takes her to
the doctor./(d) No error.
21. (a) No sooner the teacher/ (b) enter the class/ (c) than the students stood up./ (d) No
22. (a) Unless/ (b) you will work hard,/ (c) you cannot pass./ (d) No error.
23. (a) Keep him at an arm's lenght/ (b) lest you may not repent/(c) in the long run./

English – from Plinth to Paramount 211

(d)No error.
24. (a) The briefing/ (b) will be held/ (c) between 2 P.M. to 3 P.M./ (d) No error.
25. (a) Unless you do not meet/ (b) all the requirements/ (c) your application will be
rejected./ (d) No error.
26. (a) How do you manage to speak/ (b) to her with/ (c) so great patience./ (d) No error.
27. (a) No sooner she had realized/ (b) her blunder than she began/ (c) to take
corrective measures./ (d) No error.
28. (a) She was not/ (b) so well versed in/ (c) English that we had expected./ (d) No error.
29. (a) Mr. Sinha, my friend, philosopher and guide not only stopped coming/ (b) here
but also going to any place/ (c) which is related to his wife’s life./ (d) No error.
30. (a) Neither the doctor nor the nurses/ (b) were asleep when/ (c) the injured was
brought to the hospital./ (d) No error.
31. (a) As soon as the peon rings the bell, then all/ (b) the students come to the
assembly room/ (c) for prayer./ (d) No error.
32. (a) Hardly had he come out of the bus/ (b) then the bomb exploded/ (c) and shattered
the bus into pieces./ (d) No error.
33. (a) Scarcely had I bought/ (b) the ticket when the train/ (c) left the platform with
a hissing sound./ (d) No error.
34. (a) Many of the freedom fighters/ (b) are so respectful as Gandhiji/ (c) if not more. /
(d) No error.
35. (a) This is perhaps the same place who/ (b) was chosen by us/ (c) for the picnic./
(d) No error.
36. (a) She asked me that why I was/ (b) not preparing for the/ (c) Civil Service
Examinations./ (d) No error.
37. A) Run fast/ (b) lest you will/ (c) lose the race/ (d) No error.
38. (a) As Amir Khan is a perfectionist,/ (b) so he always insists/ (c) on retakes till he
is satisfied with the shot./ (d) No error.
39. (a) You must either/ (b) work hard/ (c) else be prepared to lead a miserable life./
(d) No error.
40. (a) I don’t know if any of the students/ (b) of our school is going/ (c) to pay any
heed to the principal’s order or not./ (d) No error.
41. (a) This is not such a/ (b) complicated problem who cannot be solved/ (c) with
determination./ (d) No error.
42. (a) Although these books/ (b) are not useful but the students buy them/ (C) because
their seniors did so./ (d) No error.
43. (a) He did not/ (b) succeed in the examination,/ (c) yet he had worked hard and
had adopted the right strategy./ (d) No error.
44. (a) He has lots/ (b) of money and/ (c) he will not help any one/ (d) No error.
45. (a) Because he is intelligent,/ (b) therefore he gets good/ (c) marks in all the
examinations./ (d) No error.
46. (a) Both the rich alongwith/ (b) the poor are affected equally/ (c) when prices of
petrol and diesel increase./ (d) No error.

212 English – from Plinth to Paramount

47. (a) I cannot say/ (b) if he has paid/ (c) the fee or not./ (d) No error.
48. (a) Ten years have passed/ (b) that I returned from/ (c) America and settled in India./
(d) No error.
49. (a) It was almost/ (b) ten years ago since he wrote/ (c) a letter to me enquiring
about my well being/ (d) No error.
50. (a) He would not/ (b) have died when you had/ (c) helped him in time./ (d) No error.
51. (a) Scarcely we had/ (b) reached the office/ (c) when it started raining cats and dogs./
(d) No error.
52. (a) The labourers/ (b) relax/ (c) between 4.00 p.m. to 5. 00 p.m./ (d) No error.

Answers with Explanation

1. (c) ‘the reason why’ ‘because’
2. (b) ‘Hardly’ ‘not’ Hadn’t ‘had’
Hardly had’
3. (b) ‘So’ ‘that’ ‘So desperately’ ‘that’
4. (b) Between ‘and’ ‘to’
5. (b) ‘No sooner’ ‘than’ ‘when’
6. (c) ‘but’ ‘and’
7. (c) ‘Not only’ ‘but also’ ‘but’ ‘also’
8. (b) ‘No sooner’ ‘than’ ‘then’
9. (c) ‘Neither’ helping verb sub ‘neither has my sister’

10. (b) ‘Scarcely’ ‘when’ ‘than’

11. (c) ‘The reason why’ ‘because’
12. (a) Unless ‘not’ ‘unless you give’
13. (b) ‘Comprehend’ ‘solve’ verb ‘comprehend’
‘either’ ‘Either’ ‘to’
14. (c) ‘neither’ ‘nor’ ‘or’
15. (b) 'for' ‘and’
16. (b) ‘when’ ‘then’ ‘then’ ‘,’
17. (c) ‘all’ ‘that’
18. (c) So . .. . . . . as negative ‘as . . . . . as’
19. (a) as . . . . . as adjective/adverb positive degree ‘fast’

English – from Plinth to Paramount 213

20. (c) ‘Thus her mother takes’ ‘So her mother took’
21. (a) ‘No sooner’ ‘helping verb’ ‘sub’ ‘No sooner did the
teacher enter’
22. (b) Unless/ if/ until/ provided/ before/ after/ in case/ as soon as ‘will/
shall/would’ ‘you will study hard’ ‘you study hard the

23. (a) ‘may not’ ‘should’

24. (c) ‘Between’ ‘and’ ‘from’ ‘to’
25. (a) ‘Unless’ ‘not’ ‘Unless you meet’ formation
26. (c) ‘So’ ‘that’
27. (a) ‘No sooner’ ‘had’ sub ‘she’
28. (c) ‘So . . . . . as’ pair ‘that’ ‘as’
29. (a) ‘not only’ ‘Not only’ ‘coming’
30. (d)
31. (a) ‘As soon as’ ‘then’
32. (b) ‘Hardly’ ‘When’ ‘then’
33. (d)
34. (b) ‘So . . . .as ‘as . . . . as’
35. (a) ‘The same’ ‘that’ ‘who’
36. (a) ‘Wh family’ ‘that’ ‘why’ Conjunction
37. (b) Lest should ‘will’
38. (b) ‘As’ ‘as’ Conjunction ‘So’
‘As. . . .so’ Eg- ‘As you sow, so shall you reap.’
39. (c) ‘Either’ ‘or’ ‘else’
40. (a) If ‘whether’ ‘Whether’ ‘or’ ‘if’
41. (b) Such ‘that’
42. (b) ‘Although’ ‘but’ ‘yet’
43. (c) ‘Yet’ ‘though
44. (b) ‘and’ ‘but’
45. (b) ‘Because’ ‘therefore’ Because / as/ since Conjunctions
of Reason so/therefore
46. (a) ‘Both’ ‘and’ along with’
47. (b) ‘Whether’ ‘or’ ‘if’ ‘whether’
48. (b) ‘that’ ‘since’ Since
214 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Present Perfect + Since + Simple Past
Ten years have passed since I returned
49. (b) ‘since’ ‘when’
50. (b) ‘when’ ‘if’ Conditional sentence
51. (a) ‘we had’ ‘had we’
52. (c) ‘between’ ‘and’ ‘from’ ‘to’

English – from Plinth to Paramount 215



‘A’, ‘An’ ‘The’, ‘Articles A/An Indefinite ‘The’ Definite article


(A) (B)
Indefinite - A/An Definite-The

(a) This is a chair.

(b) Sita sang a song.
(c) This is an umbrella.
 'A/An'
 Singular Countable Noun Article 'A/An'

(a) This is chair. (Incorrect)

(b) Sita sang song. (Incorrect)
(c) This is umbrella. (Incorrect)
She is _____ excellent.
 'excellent' 'an' article
'excellent' noun
She is an excellent student.
 Article noun
She is a student
 .
 noun adjective article adjective

 student
She is an excellent .
adj noun

216 English – from Plinth to Paramount

 adjective adverb article adverb
very excellent
She is a   student .
adv adj noun

A, An ?
1. A/An (Indefinite) Singular Noun
Noun ‘The’ A/An Indefinite articles

(a) I have a car. (b) He sang a song.

(c) This is an orange. (d) Ram is a student.

2. ‘A/An’ (First sound

of pronunciation) ‘An’ ‘a’
(a) A, E, I, O, U, (Vowels) Vowels

An umbrella A university
A union A ewe
A one rupee note An honest man
 letter , (First Sound of
(b) (A, E, I, O, U)
(Consonants) (Consonants)
M, F, H

ABBREVIATION esaHkh mPpkj.kds vuqlkjpysaA

(a) He is an MLA/ MP
(b) He lodged an FIR.
(c) He is an IAS officer.
(d) He is an SDO.
(e) I have an x-ray machine.
(f) She in an LLB.
(g) I have been waiting for an hour.
(h) He is an heir to the throne.
(i) Ram is an honest person.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 217

dqN vU; mnkgj.k
1. An hour. 14. A unit.
2. An honour. 15. A union.
3. An honourable person. 16. An Umbrella
4. An honest man 17. A unique planet.
5. An heir. 18. A useful book.
6. A house 19. A year.
7. An honorarium. 20. A one-rupee note.
8. A historical monument. 21. A one-eyed man.
9. A young man. 22. An orange
10. A ewe. 23. An F.O.
11. An eagle. 24. A forest officer.
12. A European. 25. An M.P
13. A university. 26. A Member of Parliament.
1. Singular Countable noun A/An Countable
Noun Article
(a) I have a pen (b) She has a car. (b) Ram has an umbrella. (d) She is a house wife.
'Noise' uncountable Noun Article ‘a’
Do not make a noise.
2. Exclamatory 'What/How' Singular Countable nouns A/An

(a) What a grand building!

(b) What a pretty girl!
3. A/An
(a) This car runs twenty kilometers a litre.
(b) I earn Rs. ten thousand a month.
(c) This train runs seventy kms. an hour.
4. hundred, thousand, million, dozen, couple ‘a’

(a) A dozen pencils were bought by her.

(b) I have a hundred pens.
5. Half a
(a) 2 Metre -two and a quarter metre.
(b) 3 Kilo-three and a half kilo.
(c) She has to run half a mile every day.
6. Verb Noun A/An
218 English – from Plinth to Paramount
(a) He goes for a walk daily.
(b) He has gone for a ride.
(c) I had a long talk with them.
(d) I want to have a drink.
7. Many/rather/quite/such singular noun noun A/An

(a) Many a citizen would welcome such a change.

(b) It is rather a pity.
(c) It was quite an impossible task.
(d) It was such a foolish decision.
8. Phrases A/An
In a fix, in a hurry, in a nutshell, make a noise, make a foot, keep a secret, as a
rule, at a stone’s throw, a short while ago, at a loss, take a fancy to, take an
interest in, take a liking, a pity, tell a lie.
(a) Never tell a lie.
(b) Do not make a noise.
(c) Twelve inches make a foot.
 phrases article
to lose heart, to set foot, to give ear, at home, last but not least, to catch fire, in
hand, set on fire, by car/bus etc, at last, by mistake, in danger, to take heart.
(a) I am at home.
(b) The house was set on fire.
(c) I go to college by bus.
(1) Plural noun A/An
A boys have come (×)

Boys have come ( )

The boys have come ( )
(2) Uncountable nouns A/An Advice,
Accommodation, Baggage, Luggage, News, Permission, Progress, Scenery,
Weather, Traffic, Knowledge, Music, Wine, Equipment,Information, Poetry,
Furniture, Hair, Business, Mischief, Bread, Stationery Crockery, Postage,
Wastage, Money, Jewellery, Breakage, Work, Evidence.
(a) He gave me an advice (remove 'an' )
(b) I will buy a furniture today (remove 'a')
 Uncountable nouns A/An
Countable Noun
(a) I have a piece of information for you.
(b) I ate a slice of bread.
(c) He gave me a piece of work to do.
 Article 'kind of', 'sort of', 'type of', 'variety of' Nouns
English – from Plinth to Paramount 219

What sort of a man is he ! (×)

What sort of man is he ! ( )


 ‘The’ noun ‘The’
Definite article

Once upon a time there lived a king. The king was very kind. One day he met an
old man. The old man was very poor.
(a) king ‘a’ introduction
introduction king old man ‘a’
‘the’ old man
already introduced
(b) The man in white shirt is my brother.
(c) The boy standing near the gate is my brother .
(b) (c) ‘the’ Noun


1. Article
Ram was an ideal son.
Rome is an ancient city.

 Proper Noun A/An

(a) A Mr Sharma has come to meet you.
(b) This book is written by a Suresh Mishra.
'Mr. Sharma' proper noun ‘a’
Mr. Sharma

He is the Ram of modern India.
Jaipur is the Rome of India.
He is a Hitler.
 Article ‘The’
220 English – from Plinth to Paramount
The Ukraine
The Great Britain
The Netherlands
The Hague.
2. Article -The Punjab.
3. Article
America, Russia.
 Union, United, Republic Kingdom Article ‘The’

The Soviet Union, the United States, the Irish Republic

4. ‘The’
The Himalayas, the Alps,
 Article
Mt. Everest, Mt. Abu.
5. Nationality ‘The’ Article

The English speak English.

The English defeated the French.
6. Article

The Measles, the Rickets, the Mumps , the Plague, the Flu.
7. Proper Noun Article ‘The’

(a) The Yamuna, the Ganga, the Godawari, the Sutlej.

(b) The Arabian sea, the Caribbean sea.
(c) The Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean.
(d) The lakshdweep, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
(e) The Sun, the Venus, etc.
Unique ‘the’
 The world, the universe, etc. Heaven, Hell, God, Parliament ‘article’

(a) The world is in danger due to green house effect.

(b) Go to hell.
(c) God resides in heaven.
(d) The Bill was passed in Parliament.
 Environment Atmosphere ‘The’

English – from Plinth to Paramount 221


(a) The atmosphere consists of three layers.

(b) We must protect the environment.
 Space Space article Space
' ' ‘The’
(a) Many astronauts dream of going to space.
(b) He tried to park his car but the space was not sufficient.
8. The East, the West, etc.
Place ‘The’ West
 Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western article Western

1. The sun rises in the east.

2. He is going to North America.
3. Rajasthan is in Western India.
4. Sweden is in Northern Europe.
9. The Bay of Bengal
10. The Sahara desert
11. The Suez Canal
12. The Hindu, The Times of India
13. The Gita, the Bible
 Valmiki’s Ramayan, Banabhatt’s Kadambiri, ‘The’

14. The Taj Mahal, the Red Fort.

 Buildings Monuments
Delhi Airport, Victoria Palace, London Zoo, Jai Singh Palace, Indira Gandhi Airport
15. The Quit India movement
16. The United Nations,
17. The Jet Airways, the Intercity, the Rajdhani Express.
18. The B.J.P, the Congress, the Communist Party.

19. The Indian Penal Code, the Legislature

20. The Flute, the Violin
222 English – from Plinth to Paramount
21. The Hindus, the Muslims, the Sikhs.
22. The Chairman, the Director
a director, an author a/an
23. (Invention) The telescope.
24. The Lions' Club, The Rotary Club.
25. The Marathas, the Peshwas.
26. (Parts of the body) ‘the’ possessive adjective
(my, his, etc.) Article He was wounded in his/the eye.
27. The 10th of May.
28. The Army, the Police.
29. (Planets) The Venus, the Mars.
30. The Taj Hotel.
31. The World Cup.
32. The French revolution,the Middle Ages.
 Proper Noun Article
1. June, July, September etc.
2. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday etc.
3. Mathematics, Physics etc.
4. M.G. Road, Mall Road etc.
5. Meals Lunch, Dinner, etc.
6. English, Hindi, etc.
7. Hobbies Gardening, singing.
8. Hockey, Cricket.
9. Noun Complement appoint, make, elect, select
They elected him the president.

1. Understood ‘The’
(a) Kindly return the book. (That I gave you)
(b) Can you turn off the light? (The light in the room.)
2. Singular Common Noun Article
Singular verb
A dog is a faithful animal.
Man is mortal.
3. Noun article

English – from Plinth to Paramount 223

(a) The judge (moral of judge) in him, prevailed upon the father (Love of father for
his son) and he sentenced his son to death.
(b) A mother (feelings of motherhood) was born in her when she saw the baby.
4. article

Children should go to school.

I go to temple every morning.
 Article
My house is behind a school.
The college is next to the temple.
 Abstract/Material noun Article Uncountable
Nouns A/An
Gold is precious.
Honesty is the best policy.
 Noun Sentence formation Article ‘The’

Article + Noun + of + …
The cotton of Egypt is known for its superior quality.
The honesty of this boy is liked by all.
1. Superlative degree ‘the’
(a) He is the best student of our class.
(b) She is the most beautiful girl of the town.
2. Comparative Degree article 'the' comparative
degree directly inversely proportional
(a) The more electricity you use, the higher your bill will be.
(b) The higher you rise, the greater is the fall.
3. Comparative degree
‘the’ ‘of’
(a) He is the stronger of the two wrestlers.
(b) She is the better of the two players.
 superlative degree Superlative
Degree article 'the' 'of'
224 English – from Plinth to Paramount
She is the best of all the players.
4. Adjectives honest, rich, poor, meek ‘the’
Plural Verb
(a) The honest are always rewarded.
(b) The rich exploit the poor.
(c) The young and the old, the poor and the rich, all demand corruption free India.
5. Proper noun Adjective/Noun Noun qualify
Proper Noun ‘the’
Ashoka, the great, the great Akbar.
Napolean, the warrior.
6. Ordinals ‘The’ first, second, third…ordinals one,
two, three…cardinals
(a) Chapter two of this book is very difficult.
(b) The second chapter of this book is very difficult.
(c) Volume one is on verbs.
(d) The first volume is on verbs.
7. Adjective 'same' 'whole' 'all' 'both' article 'the'

(a) He is the same boy that met me in the market.

(b) The whole period was wasted.
8. Few little 'a' 'the'

a few
Few few
the few
a little
Little little
the little

9. Adjective so, as, too, how, quite A/An (Indefinite

(a) It is too heavy a box for me to carry.
(b) Rohit is not so big a businessman as you think.
1. Noun ‘The’ Noun

(a) The secretary and treasurer was present there.

(b) The director and Producer has come for the shooting.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 225
 Secretary and treasurer director and producer
article 'the'
(a) The secretary and the treasurer were present there.
 secretary treasurer

A/AN ,oaONE ds chp dk varj

1. A/An Article One Adjective
2. ‘a’ ‘one’
Ten rupees a kilo, four times a day, Sixty kilometers an hour, Twelve rupees a
3. ‘a’ ‘one’ noun A/An any every

One cow is not enough for the family’s requirement. (We need two or more
A cow is a useful animal. (Cows are useful.)
4. ‘One’ another/other ‘a’
(a) One student wants to study, another wants to play.
(b) One day he comes, the other day he does not.
5. ‘One’ day/week/month/year/summer/winter etc.

(a) One night there was a terrible storm.

(b) One day Ravana came to Sita’s cottage.
6. One day ' '
(a) One day you’ll realise your mistake.
(b) One day you will feel sorry for what you have done.
7. ‘One’ ‘a/an’ pronoun
(a) Did you get any berth? Yes, I managed to get one.
 ‘One’ (plural) 'some'
Did you get berths? Yes I managed to get some.
8. ‘Noun’ ‘repetition’ pronoun 'one' the
(a) This car is better than that one.


1. (a) The loss of jobs/ (b) is regarded by some as an necessary evil/ (c) in the fight
against inflation./ (d) No error.
2. (a) It is a/ (b) quarter to ten/ (c) by my watch./ (d) No error.
3. (a) Gita doesn’t usually/ (b) wear jewellery but yesterday/ (c) she wore ring./ (d) No
226 English – from Plinth to Paramount
4. (a) The police asked us/ (b) about our movements/ (c) on a night of crime./ (d) No
5. (a) In science the credit goes to a man/ (b) who convinces the world,/ (c) not to the
man to whom the idea first occurs./ (d) No error.
6. (a) It is only after/ (b) the match is over/ (c) that people realize/ how exciting it is./ (d) No error.
7. (a) Of the two/ (b) sisters, she/ (c) is better./ (d) No error.
8. (a) It is unfortunate enough/ (b) to lose few friends we make/ (c) during our school
days./ (d) No error.
9. (a) There were a number of intelligent gentlemen at the party/ (b) but it was Mr.
Subramaniam, an eminent scientist,/ (c) who remained a centre of attraction./
(d) No error.
10. (a) I have been/ (b) informed that/ (c) Mr. Sharma, the director and the chairman
will visit Patna the following month./ (d) No error.
11. (a) He is/ (b) the best worker/ (c) of the factory but unfortunately least paid./ (d) No error.
12. (a) He has come out/ (b) with an unique proposal/ (c) for his friends (d) No error.
13. (a) When the house was/ (b) set on the fire, all the people/ (c) started shouting at
the top of their voices./ (d) No error.
14. (a) Little knowledge/ (b) of medicine that he possessed/ (c) proved to be a blessing
for him when he was in great pain./ (d) No error.
15. (a) It was/ (b) by a mistake/ (c) that he injured her hand./ (d) No error.
16. (a) These orders of/ (b) the Manager/ (c) may put the lives of two thousand workers
in a danger./ (d) No error.
17. (a) I inspired him/ (b) to take the heart/ (c) in all adverse situations and deserve to
be called a real hero./ (d) No error.
18. (a) The most happy/ (b) marriage would be/ (c) a union of a deaf man and a blind
woman./ (d) No error.
19. (a) John suggested to/ (b) the children of his village that they should/ (c) go to the
school regularly and do their home work sincerely./ (d) No error.
20. (a) Some people say that/ (b) her husband is in the jail/ (c) and so she lives
alone./ (d) No error.
21. (a) The Greek peoples/ (b) are considered/ (c) very brave/ (d) No error.
22. (a) His father/ (b) asked him to go/ (c) to the temple every morning/ (d) No error.
23. (a) There was little/ (b) milk in the refrigerator and she gave it/ (c) to her crying son./
(d) No error.
24. (a) He leads/ (b) a very luxurious life / (c) so he goes to every part of India by a car./ (d) No error.
25. (a) Thanks to an effort/ (b) and persistence of the doctors, the victims of the blast/
(c) have been able to start a normal life again./ (d) No error.
26. (a) In a hour’s time/ (b) I will be back/ (c) but now I have to go./ (d) No error.
27. (a) Terrorist organizations/ (b) kill innocent people/ (c) to spread a violence./ (d)
No error.
28. (a)Whole world is/ (b) today facing the threat of extinction/ (c) due to the inventions
of Science./ (d) No error.
29. (a) The answer/ (b) to all the sufferings of / (c) human beings lies in the Science./ (d)
No error.
30. (a) The police should exercise/ (b) their authority with little/ (c) bit of sensitivity
English – from Plinth to Paramount 227
and humanity./ (d) No error.
31. (a) This is/ (b) most important/ (c) lesson which we will have to study very
carefully./ No error.
32. (a)The Ganges/ (b) is for North India/ (c) what Krishna is for South India./ (d) No error.
33. (a) I like to travel/ (b) by the air as/ (c) I am a very busy person./ (d) No error.
34. (a) The Chairman and the Trustee/ (b) was removed from his/ (c) post because he
had misappropriated the fund./ (d) No error.
35. (a) She found/ (b) herself in a trouble/ (c) when she saw the stalker following her
persistently./ (d) No error.
36. (a) All the people/ (b) of India know that/ (c) Gandhi ji was a very wise and a noble
soul./ (d) No error.
37. (a) The man/ (b) is the only creature/ (c) that is endowed with the art of humour./
(d) No error.
38. (a) It is very difficult/ (b) to find out the number of/ (c) the creatures living on the
earth./ (d) No error.
39. (a) While climbing/ (b)the hill, to his amazement , the/ (c) poor man found the box
of pearls./ (d) No error.
40. (a) The blast derailed the lives / (b)of many people but in an year/ (c) time leaving
apart the victims,no one remembered anything/ (d) No error.
41. (a)Cowards die/ (b) several times,/ (c) the braves die but once/ (d) No error.
42. (a) Akbar became a heir/ (b)to the throne at/ (c) a young age of thirteen/ (d) No error.
43. (a) The both brothers/ (b) are safe now/ (c) and are recuperating./ (d) No error.
44. (a) When the principal entered the classroom/ (b) all boys shook/ (c) in their shoes/
(d) No error.
45. (a) Father in him/ (b) could not bear the condition of/ (c) his ailing daughter/ (d) No error.
46. (a) Let judge in you/ (b) decide what/ (c) punishment should be given to him/ (d) No error.
47. (a) My teacher said that/ (b) Sun is a/ (c) star/ (d) No error.
48. (a) Due to its beauty/ (b) Kashmir is known as/ (c) Switzerland of India/ (d) No error.
49. (a) Most of the people of Southern India/ (b) do not know/ (c) the Hindi/ (d) No error.
50. (a) He went for the lunch/ (b) at 1 p.m. and then/ (c) returned/ (d) No error.
51. (a) The honesty/ (b) is/ (c) a virtue./ (d) No error.
52. (a) Every morning the Sun/ (b) rises/ (c) in east/ (d) No error.
53. (a) He is/ (b) best player/ (c) in India./ (d) No error.
54. (a) When I met him/ (b) the couple of days back/ (c) he was writing a new
book,/ (d) No error.

Answers with explanation

1. (b) ‘necessary evil’ ‘an’ ‘a’ ‘necessary’ vowel consonant sound

2. (a) ‘Quarter to ten’ ‘a’

228 English – from Plinth to Paramount
3. (c) ‘ring’ singular countable noun ‘a’
4. (c) ‘night of crime’ crime definite article ‘the’
5. (a) world convince definite article ‘the’
6. (b) match ‘the’
match match exciting match
7. (c) better ‘the’ comparative
degree ‘the’
8. (b) ‘few’ ‘the’ school days
noun definite article ‘the’
9. (c) ‘centre of attraction’ ‘the’ 'Mr. Subramaniam' noun
definite article ‘the’
10. (c) Mr. Sharma director ‘the’
Chairman (sub-verb agreement )
11. (c) ‘Least’ superlative degree of adjective least ‘the’
adjective superlative degree ‘the’
12. (b) Unique sound ‘an’ ‘a’
13. (b) ‘Set on fire’ Phrase
14. (a) ‘little’ ‘medicine’
definite 'the little' 'a little'

15. (b) ‘By mistake’

16. (c) ‘in danger’
17. (b) ‘to take heart’ phrase
18. (c) ‘Union’ ‘the’ ‘union’
19. (c) ‘school’ ‘school’ article
20. (b) ‘jail’ jail jail article
21. (a) ‘Peoples’ ‘The Greeks/The Greek people’ Greek
22. (c) ‘temple’ temple ‘the’
23. (a) ‘a little’
24. (c) ‘By car’
25. (a) ‘effort’ ‘the’ effort
26. (a) ‘hour’ hour ‘a’ ‘an’
27. (c) ‘Violence’ Countable ‘violence’ ‘a’

English – from Plinth to Paramount 229

28. (a) Whole ‘the’
29. (c) article ‘Science’ ‘the’
30. (b) little a 'a little' 'little'

31. (b) ‘most’ superlative degree most ‘the’

32. (c) Krishna ‘the’ ‘the’
33. (b) ‘by air’
34. (a) ‘the’
(chairman) ‘Trustee’ ‘the’
35. (b) ‘trouble’ uncountable noun ‘a’
36. (c) Gandhiji 2nd adjective ‘noble’
37. (a) ‘Man’ ‘man’ ‘the’
38. (c) ‘Creatures’ ‘the’ ‘number of’ ‘the’
39. (c) ‘a box of pearls’ ‘poor’ man’ box of
pearls definite
40. (b) ‘year’ ‘a’ year
41. (c) ‘The brave’ ‘brave’ adjective Adjective
‘Cowards’ noun
42. (a) ‘heir’ 'heir' ‘an’ ‘the’

43. (a) Both ‘the’

44. (b) ‘All’ ‘the’
45. (a) ‘father’ ‘the’
46. (a) 45
47. (b) 'sun' 'the'
48. (c) 'Switzerland' 'the'
49. (c) 'Hindi' 'the'
50. (a) 'lunch' 'the'
51. (a) 'The' Abstract noun 'article'
52. (c) 'east' 'the'
53. (b) 'best' 'the'
54. (b) 'The' 'a'

230 English – from Plinth to Paramount



Preposition Noun Pronoun Noun

(i) There is a cat sitting under the table.
(ii) We need a roof over us.
(iii) I go to school by bus
! " Preposition Noun Pronoun
(i) Who was he talking to?
(ii) He does not have a pen to write with.
Between - Among Beside - Besides For - Since
Across - Through on - upon on - over
in - into in - within by - with
before - in front of at - in in spite of - despite
(1) Among Between
 Among
1. A lot of co-operation is needed among the different States to combat naxalism.
2. Alms were distributed among the beggars.
3. The teacher distributed sweets among them.
 Between
The match will be played between India and Australia.
 Between (Mutual relationship)

(i) There is a tournament to be played between India , Australia and New Zealand.
(ii) There is an alliance between the three European nations.
 Between objective case

English – from Plinth to Paramount 231


(i) There is no enmity between him and me he and I)

 Between 'and' Conjunction
(i) The meeting will be held between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
 Between Noun Pronoun Plural form
(i) Between the countries.
(ii) Between the students.
(iii)Between them.
(iv) Between us.
 Between each, every
(i) Between each boy. (×)
(ii) Between every girl. (×)
 Amongst among
(a) 'The' 'amongst' 'among'
(i) Among the boys.

(ii) Amongst the boys.

 'Among' Consonant Sound amongst
Vowel Sound
(i) among them
(ii) amongst us
 Amid Amidst among
amongst Amid amidst uncountable noun
(i) The Bill was passed amid pandemonium.
(ii) You are sitting amidst us and talking against us.

(2) Beside Besides

(i) He sat beside me.

(ii) Besides his children, his nephews and nieces were also present at the
(3) For Since
 Perfect Perfect Continuous Tense 'for'
1. I have eaten nothing for a long time.
2. She has been living here for ten years.
 Perfect Perfect Continuous Tense 'since'
I haven't seen him since 2009.

232 English – from Plinth to Paramount

 Since
Since he drove recklessly, he met with an accident.
 Since, because as Pair so
since..............., (), since ............... so /therefore(×)
as ..............., (), as..................... so /therefore (×)
because ..............., (), because..................... so/therefore (×)
Since I was ill so I could not come. (×)
Since I was ill , I could not come. ()
!" As you sow, so shall you reap
Phrase as so
 'For'
The police is for our safety.
(4) Across Through

1. I swam across the river. 1.The message was conveyed to me by him

through her.
2.The train passed through the tunnel.
Across —
 (on the opposite side of)
(i) He is waiting for me across the road.
 (both sides)
(i) A tree fell across the railway line that caused the accident.

 come across
(i) When I was going to college, I suddenly came across my childhood friend.(×)
!" (1) 'come across' ' ' 'come across'
When I was going to college, I came across my childhood friend. ()
(2) come across with
(i) I came across with him. (×)
(ii) I came across him. ()

(5) on upon

English – from Plinth to Paramount 233

1.The book is on the table. on
2.The cat jumped upon the rat. upon motion

(6) over

We need a roof over our head. over

 'over' touch

1. The bridge was built over the river.

2. Put a blanket over the baby.
(7) Over Under vertical position
Over Under

(i) There is a fan over your head.

(ii) A cat is sitting under the table.
(8) In Into

1. We are sitting in the classroom. in

2. The boy jumped into the river . into motion
!" Enter 'into' 'Throw' 'into' 'in'

He entered into the room. (into
He threw the ball into the well. (into in
!" Enter into agreement/alliance enter on/upon to undertake)

(9) On time In time

1. We reach the examination centre in time.

2. The examination starts on time.
3. We thought that the train would be late but it arrived exactly in on time.

(10) By With

1. The paper was signed by him with a parker pen in black ink.
2. The snake was killed by the man with a stick.
3. You cannot catch a big fish with a small rod.
(11) Before In front of

234 English – from Plinth to Paramount


I came before you.

India raised the issue of cross-border terrorism before the U.N.

In front of:

Don't park your car in front of my gate.

(12) At - In
 'at' 'in'
I live at Mukherji Nagar in Delhi.
(13) In spite of Despite

In spite of working hard, he failed.

!" 'Despite' 'of' error 'Despite' 'of'
Despite being rich, he is not happy.
(14) By - In
1. I am sitting in the car. ()
2. I am going in car. (×)
3. I am going by car. ()
 'By + vehicle'
'on foot'
I go to Paramount on foot.
(15) exact time (hour) month year Day Date
at in in on on
I reached Delhi at 7 O' clock
in May
in 2005
on Monday
on 7th September

 'At'
at dawn, at dusk, at day break, at sunrise, at noon, at sunset, at night, at midnight etc.
! " Morning/evening in Morning/evening date/day
(i) in the morning.
(ii) in the evening.
(iii)on sunday morning.
(iv) on the evening of May, the 2nd.
 today, tomorrow, yesterday, the following day, the next day, yesterday evening,
yesterday afternoon, last night, this morning, this afternoon, tonight, tomorrow
English – from Plinth to Paramount 235
morning, tomorrow evening Preposition
(i) He will go there on tomorrow. ('on'
(ii) They arrived here on last night. ('on'

(16) After Before :

(i) He returned India after a long time.
(ii) I left America before Christmas.
(17) Till/until Point of Time
(i) The Government will not pass any Bill until/till next session.

(18) By Preposition of Time Point of Time

(i) We shall have finished the syllabus by the end of next month.

(19) During (duration)

(i) During the strike, many people died.

(20) Up Down Upto

1. He climbed up the tree.

2. He ran down the stairs.
3. Children can get free education upto the age of 14.
(1) TO (destination)
(i) Ram is going to college
(ii)Send him to school.

(2) Towards (in the direction of);

(i) He is going towards the college.

(3) For Preposition of direction (destination)

(i) He is leaving for America tonight.
(4) Along

 along
1. I walked along the railway line.
2 .He walks along the road. on the road)
come alongwith me.
(5) Against

236 English – from Plinth to Paramount

 (a) (opposite)
It is difficult to sail against current.
 (b)
I am against terrorism.
 (c)
Do not stand against the railing. You may fall down.
(6) Onto

He jumped onto his horse and rode away.

(7) With

I am with you through all thick and thin.

(8) Beyond

The case is beyond the jurisdiction of the court.

(9) About
 (a)
I know about him.
 (b)
It is about 100 kms. away from Delhi.
 (c) 'about + Infinitive'
I am about to start a new lesson.
 'about + to+V1' 'going + to+V1' '
 + to + V1 '
any form

1. I am going to start a new lesson now.

2. The minister is to deliver a speech.

(10) Above Below level (standard), (level)

(mark) Above Below
(i) The river is flowing above the danger level.
(ii) His English is below average.
(iii)The selling price of every commodity in the Multiplex is above MRP.
(vi) The score was below hundred when the last batsman was declared out.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 237

(11) Of
 'Of'
1. Table's wood (×) 2. Chair's leg (×)
Wood of table () Leg of chair ()
 Of
 (a) (origin)
(i) He comes of a royal family.
 (b) - 'die of'. - 'die from' .
(i) He died of cancer.
(ii) He died from thirst.
 (c) (relation)
(i) The problems of Delhi.
(12) Off (separation)
(i) Keep the dog off the flower beds.

(13) Behind
(i) The police are running behind the thief.
(ii) She hid behind the curtain.
PREPOSITION ds ckjs esa dqN vko';d rF;
(1) Preposition Objective Case

(i) I do not depend on

 
Prep. Objective Case

(ii) She relies on me

  .
Prep. Objective Case

(2) Conjunction (and, or) Prepositions

(i) She is conscious of and engaged in her work.
(ii) I was surprised at as well as pleased with her performance.
(iii) He is senior and older than I. (Use 'to' after 'senior')
(iv) His watch is different and cheaper than mine. (Use 'from' after 'different')
(v) She is younger and taller than her brother. ()

(3) Prepositions 'verb' verb 'v1+ing' form

I am looking forward to going

 to London.
V1 +ing

238 English – from Plinth to Paramount


He is afraid of going

 out after sunset.
V1 +ing

(4) Home Preposition verb

Bring, go, get, arrive, reach.

(i) I went home by car.
!" 'home' 'Possessive Case' Adjective my, your, his, her,
our, their) noun 's Ram's, Rohit's) home 'to'

(i) I went to his home.

(ii) I decided to go to Ram's home.

(5) Stress, emphasise, investigate, comprise, accompany, consider, violate, pervade,

precede, succeed, invade, resist, enter, eschew, direct, join, sign, affect, ensure,
board, discuss, describe, reach, order, tell, demand, attack, control, resemble,
verbs 'Active Voice' Preposition

1. The teacher emphasised on the need of discipline in life. (Drop 'on').

2. I have ordered for a cup of tea. (Drop 'for')
3. I shall discuss about the problem with you. (Drop 'about')
4. (a) He described/ (b) about the incident/ (c) in his story./ (d) No error
[ (b) 'about' ]

(6) (Communication) verb (object)

to verb advise, tell, ask, beg, command, encourage, request,
inform, order etc.
(i) I advised to him to go. (Drop 'to')
(ii) I informed to the police of the accident. (Drop 'to')

(7) Say / suggest / propose 'to' Preposition Object

(i) You suggested to him that he should leave the place.

(ii) She said to me that she would help me.

(8) Speak, reply, explain, complain, talk, listen, write 'to' Preposition
(i) He did not reply to me.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 239

(9) Preposition verb objects (Direct/Indirect)
(i) 'Furnish, Intrust, Present, Provide, Supply'
I provided him money. (Incorrect)
I provided him with money. (Correct)
or I provided money to him.
(ii) Object verbs
Compensate, Explain, Fine, Propose, Recommend, Rob, Suggest,
(i) Rob a person of something.
(ii) We informed the police of an accident.
(iii)I explained the matter to him.
(iv) He robbed her of her jewellery.
(1) According to-
According to the terms and conditions, he will have to finish it in two days.
(2) By dint of-
I passed the exam by dint of hard work.
(3) In case of-
In case of emergency, call 100.
(4) by virtue of-
The judge can pass the order by virtue of his powers.
(5) Owing to -
Owing to Due to
'owing to' 'due to'
Due to heavy rains, I could not come. (×)
Owing to heavy rains, I could not come.()
'Be' form 'due to'
The accident was owing to heavy rains.(×)
form of 'be '
The accident was due to heavy rains.()
form of 'be '
(6) With reference to-
With reference to your letter, dated 27th July 2011, I hereby submit my reply.
(7) In order to-
We vacated the premises in order to avoid litigation.
(8) In course of-
In course of time, I faced many problems
(9) On behalf of-
He came to receive the award on behalf of his brother.
(10) Agreeably to-
Agreeably to the terms of the agreement, we will pay you ` 1 lakh.
240 English – from Plinth to Paramount
(11) By means of-
He amassed a lot of money by means of sharp practices.
(12) For the sake of-
Save plants atleast for the sake of your children.
(13) In favour of-
He voted in favour of his friend.
(14) In lieu of-
He got fifty thousand rupees in lieu of his claim.
(15) On account of-
On account of his negligence, the company suffered heavy loss.
(16) In relation to-
There are some rules in relation to the organization of the match.
1. I acted according to your order.
I acted in accordance with your order.
2. Mother Teresa had affection for all.
Mother Teresa was affectionate to all.
3. He has ambition for fame.
He is ambitious of fame.
4. I am capable of doing hard work.
I have capacity for doing hard work.
5. I have confidence in myself.
I am confident about myself.
6. He has desire for money and fame.
He is desirous of money and fame.


Abhorrence of ......................................................
Abhorrent to .........................................................
Absorbed in ..........................................................
Abstemious in ......................................................
Abstinence from ..................................................
Acceptable to ........................................................
Access to ..............................................................
Accessible to ........................................................
Accession to .........................................................
Accomplished in ...................................................
Accurate in ..........................................................

English – from Plinth to Paramount 241

Accused of ............................................................
Accustomed to......................................................
Acquaintance with ...............................................
Acquainted with ...................................................
Acquit of ...............................................................
adapted to ............................................................
Addicted to ...........................................................
Adjacent to ...........................................................
Affable to ..............................................................
Affection for .........................................................
Affectionate to......................................................
Afflicted with ........................................................
Afraid of ...............................................................
Agreeable to .........................................................
agree with someone .............................................
Agree to something ..............................................
Akin to .................................................................
alarmed at ............................................................
Alien to ................................................................
Allegiance to ........................................................
Alliance with ........................................................
Alternative to .......................................................
Ambition for .........................................................
Amenable to .........................................................
Analogous to ........................................................
angry with (someone) ...........................................
Angry at (something) ............................................
annoyed at (something) ........................................
annoyed with (someone) .......................................
Antidote to ...........................................................
Antipathy to .........................................................
Anxiety for ...........................................................
anxious about something .....................................
Apologise for a fault. .............................................
Apologise to a person. ...........................................
Apology for ............................................................
Appetite for ..........................................................
Applicable to .........................................................
242 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Apply for a post etc. ...............................................
Apply to a person, office etc. ..................................
Appoint to a post ...................................................
Apprehensive of ...................................................
Apprise of .............................................................
Approach to ..........................................................
Appropriate to ......................................................
Approve of ............................................................
Argue before someone ..........................................
Argue with a person .............................................
Arrive at (a place) .................................................
Arrive in (a country) .............................................
Ashamed of ..........................................................
Ask for (a thing) ...................................................
Ask of or from somebody for something. ...............
Assent to ..............................................................
Assiduous in ........................................................
Associated with ....................................................
Assurance of ........................................................
Assure of ..............................................................
Astonished at .......................................................
Attachment to ......................................................
Attend to (duty etc.) ..............................................
Attention to .........................................................
Attract to or towards (a person or thing) ...............
Avail of (opportunity etc.) ......................................
Averse to ..............................................................
Aware of ...............................................................
Abound in (mineral etc.) ......................................
Abound with (things) .............................................
Absolve from (guilt, promise, duty etc.) .................
Absorb in (work) ....................................................
Abstain from (bad habits) ......................................
Accede to (a request or proposal) ...........................
Adhere to (rules) ..................................................
Approve of (proposal) .............................................
Acquaint with ......................................................
Attain to (a position/post) .....................................
English – from Plinth to Paramount 243
Attraction for (a thing or person) ..........................
Aloof from (bad company) ......................................
Abide by (rules) .....................................................
Admit to (school etc.) ............................................
Admit of ...............................................................
Alight on (the ground) ...........................................
Alight from (a bus, car, train) ................................
Amuse at ...........................................................
Amuse with ..........................................................
Answer to (a person) .............................................
Answer for (etc.) ...................................................
Antipathy to (a thing) ...........................................
Antipathy against (a person) ................................
Affiliated to (a University or Board) .......................
Affiliated with (a party) .........................................
Attend to ..............................................................
Antidote to (poison) ...............................................
Antidote against ..................................................
Agree with (a person) ............................................
Agree on (a point) .................................................
Agree to (views) ....................................................
Atone for (a fault, sin) ...........................................
Acquiesce in ........................................................
Act upon (advice etc.) ...........................................
Adept in (art etc) ...................................................
Adept at (thing) .....................................................
Adapt to (environment) .........................................
Aspire after (fame) ...............................................
Aspire at (the post) ...............................................
Attracted to ..........................................................
Avail of .................................................................
Abide by ...............................................................
Admit to ...............................................................
Alight at ...............................................................
Account for ..........................................................
Allowance for .......................................................
Aptitude for ..........................................................
244 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Backward in .........................................................
Bargain with ........................................................
Bathe in ...............................................................
Beg for (a thing) ...................................................
Beg of (a person) ...................................................
Begin with ............................................................
Belong to (a person, place, etc) ..............................
Beneficial to ........................................................
Bent on (doing something) ....................................
Bereft of ...............................................................
Beset with ............................................................
Bestow (something) upon (a person) ......................
Beware of (something) ..........................................
Bigoted in .............................................................
Blame for .............................................................
Blind in (love etc) ..................................................
Blind in an eye. ....................................................
Blind to (something) .............................................
Born of parents/Born in family ............................. Parents ‘of’ family
Born to them (past participle when used passively)Passive voice 'born to'
Borrow of or from a person. ...................................
Break into (a building etc.) ...................................
Break with (a person) ...........................................
Burdened with (work etc.) .....................................
Busy with .............................................................
Blush at (praise) ...................................................
Blush for (a fault) .................................................
Benefit by ............................................................
Believe in ............................................................
Benefit from .........................................................
Callous to ............................................................
Candidate for .......................................................
Capacity for .........................................................
Care for or about (something) ..............................
(take) Care of child etc. ........................................
Careful about .......................................................
Cautious of ..........................................................
English – from Plinth to Paramount 245
Certain of ............................................................
Characteristic of ..................................................
Charge of .............................................................
Charge with (responsibility, blame etc.). ...............
Cheat a person of money etc. ............................... cheat Preposition
cheat of
Cling to (a seat, job or place) .................................
Command on (language) .......................................
Common to ..........................................................
Comparable to ......................................................
Comparison with ..................................................
Compassion for ....................................................
Compatible with ...................................................
Compensation for .................................................
Compete with (a person/etc.) ...............................
Competent for a job. .............................................
Complain against (someone) ................................
Complain of (something) ......................................
Complain to (a person) ......................................... (Complain (verb)
Complaint with .................................................... (Complaint (Noun) 'with'
Comply with (rules, wishes etc.) ...........................
Composed of .........................................................
Concede to (a request) .........................................
Concession to ......................................................
Condemned to ......................................................
Conducive to (health) ...........................................
Confer honour on (a person) .................................
Confidence in a person. ........................................
Confident of .........................................................
Confined to ........................................................
Conformity with/to ..............................................
Congenial to ........................................................
Conscious of ........................................................
Consent to (a proposal) .........................................
Consistent with ...................................................
Contempt for ........................................................
Content with ........................................................
Contrary to ..........................................................

246 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Conversant with ..................................................
Convicted of .........................................................
Convinced of ........................................................
Convulsed with ....................................................
Copy from a book. .................................................
Copy of something. ...............................................
Count on something. ............................................
Covetous of ..........................................................
Craving for ...........................................................
Cure for ...............................................................
Cured of (disease) ................................................
Compensate for (loss etc.) ....................................
Cure of (a disease) ...............................................
Cure for (treatment) .............................................
Compete with (person) ..........................................
Cling to (something/someone) .............................
Cordone off ..........................................................
Commit to (a promise, pledge, sentence) ..............
Confide in (a person) ............................................
Consist in ............................................................
Consist of ............................................................
Commence with ...................................................
Clamour for .........................................................
Clamour against ..................................................
Cause for .............................................................
Cause of ...............................................................
Condole with (a person) .......................................
Count on ..............................................................
Charge of (noun) ..................................................
Charge with (verb) ................................................
Cope with .............................................................
Cash in on ...........................................................
Contribute to .......................................................
Commence (On a day, at time, in a month) ..........
Concern for ..........................................................
Concerned with ....................................................
Congratulate on ...................................................
Deaf to .................................................................

English – from Plinth to Paramount 247

Deal in (a commodity) ...........................................
Deal with (a subject or person) ..............................
Defective in .........................................................
Defend from or against danger. ............................
Deficient in ..........................................................
Delight in .............................................................
Delighted with......................................................
Deliverance from .................................................
Deluged with ........................................................
Depend on or upon something. .............................
Deprive of (advantage, right etc.) ..........................
Derogatory to .......................................................
Descent from .......................................................
Desire for .............................................................
Desirous of ..........................................................
Destitute of ..........................................................
Detrimental to .....................................................
Devoid of (certain quality) .....................................
Devoted to ............................................................
Die for (a cause) ...................................................
Die from (reason like thirst/ hunger etc.) ............ (
Die of (some disease.) .......................................... (
Differ from a thing. ...............................................
Differ on a point. ..................................................
Differ with a person. .............................................
Different from ......................................................
Diffident of ...........................................................
Diligent in ............................................................
Disastrous to .......................................................
Disgrace to ..........................................................
Disgusted with .....................................................
Displeased with ....................................................
Distinguish between two things. ..........................
Distinguish one thing from another. ....................
Divide into shares, parts. .....................................
Doubt of ...............................................................
Drenched with .....................................................
Due to ..................................................................
Duty to (parents etc.) ............................................

248 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Dwell in (a house etc.) ..........................................
Disappoint of (hopes) ...........................................
Despair of (hopes) ................................................
Dabble in/at (art, politics etc.) ..............................
Destined for (some future) ...................................
Disgrace on (family etc.) .......................................
Dispense with ......................................................
Dispense .............................................................. Prep
Dispose of ............................................................
Disposed to ..........................................................
Decamp with (cash etc.) .......................................
Disgust with (a person, life) ..................................
Disgust at (an act) ................................................
Discriminate against ...........................................
Discriminate between .........................................
Disappoint of ........................................................
Dabble in (art/politics etc) ....................................
Dwell on/upon .....................................................
Eligible for (appointment/ election etc.) ................
Enamoured of .......................................................
Endowed with .......................................................
Enmity to .............................................................
Enquire into (a matter) ........................................
Enquire of (a person) ...........................................
Entitled to ............................................................ /
Entrust a person with a responsibility, work etc. ..
Enveloped in .........................................................
Envious of ............................................................
Equal to ................................................................
Escape from .........................................................
Essential to (health, etc.) .....................................
Exception to .........................................................
Exemption from ....................................................
Experience of .......................................................
Experienced in .....................................................
Embark on (venture) ............................................
Enter (place) ......................................................... Prep
Enter into (alliance, agreement) ...........................
English – from Plinth to Paramount 249
Enrage at (a thing, an act) ....................................
Enrage with (a person) ..........................................
Enlarge upon/on ..................................................
Enamoured with (a person) ...................................
Failed in ...............................................................
Failure of .............................................................
Faithful to ............................................................
False to (promise) .................................................
Familiar to ...........................................................
Familiar with (a subject). .....................................
Famous for (something) ........................................
Fatal to (life/ future prospects etc.) ......................
Fatigued with .......................................................
Favourable to .......................................................
Fearful of .............................................................
Fertile in ..............................................................
Fond of .................................................................
Fondness for ........................................................
Foreign to ............................................................
Fought against .....................................................
Free from (worries). ..............................................
Free of cost. .........................................................
Full of ..................................................................
False of (heart) .....................................................
Fascinated by (a thing) .........................................
Fascinated with (a person) ...................................
Fly into (anger) .....................................................
Feed on (live on) ...................................................
For lack of ............................................................
For short of ..........................................................
For want of ...........................................................
Get at (the truth). .................................................
Get on (with a person). .........................................
Get out of (gate etc.) .............................................
Get over (the difficulty). ........................................
Gifted with ...........................................................

250 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Good at (English/singing etc). ...............................
Grateful to a person. ............................................
Greedy of (wealth etc.) ..........................................
Guilty of (an offence) ............................................
Grieve for (a person) .............................................
Grieve over (a thing) ............................................
Grieve at (an event) .............................................
Guard against (mistakes, temptations) ................
Guard from (a danger, a thing etc.) .......................
Glance at (someone etc.) ......................................
Glance through (letter etc.) ..................................
Good for (nothing) .................................................
Hatred of or for something. ...................................
Heedless of ..........................................................
Heir to (the throne). .............................................
Honest in .............................................................
Hope for (good or success etc). ...............................
Hopeful of (some result) ........................................
Hostile to .............................................................
Hurtful to .............................................................
Hear from (a person) ............................................
Hear of (something) ..............................................
Hear by (post, communication) .............................
Hard by ................................................................
Hard up ................................................................
Hanker after ........................................................
Healed of (a disease) ............................................
Ignorant of ...........................................................
Ill with .................................................................
Immaterial to ......................................................
Impertinent to .....................................................
Impervious to .......................................................
Implicated in ........................................................
Inclined to ...........................................................
Indebted to ...........................................................
Indifference / indifferent to .................................
Indigenous to .......................................................
English – from Plinth to Paramount 251
Indispensable to ...................................................
Indulge in ............................................................
Infaturated with ...................................................
Infected with ........................................................
Inference from .....................................................
Inferior to (something or somebody) ...................... (quality
Infested with ........................................................
Informed of ..........................................................
Inimical to ...........................................................
Injurious to ..........................................................
Innocent of ..........................................................
Inquired of ...........................................................
Insensible to ........................................................
Insist on...............................................................
Inspired with ........................................................
Interested in ........................................................
Interfere in a matter. ...........................................
Intimacy with ......................................................
Intimate with .......................................................
Introduce to .........................................................
Inured to ..............................................................
Invitation to .........................................................
Invite to ...............................................................
Involved in ...........................................................
Irrelevant to .........................................................
Irrespective of ......................................................
Impress with (a thing) ..........................................
Impress upon (a person) .......................................
Inquire for/about (a thing) ..................................
Inquire after (welfare) ..........................................
Inquire of (ask a person) ......................................
Inquired into (investigate) ...................................
Interfere in (a thing) ............................................
Interfere with (course of justice etc.) ....................
Influenced with (a person) ....................................
Influence over (the people) ...................................
Influence of something on someone .....................
Intrude into (room) ...............................................
Intrude on (privacy) .............................................. Privacy
Incensed at (thing) ...............................................

252 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Indignant at (thing) ..............................................
Insight into (reality, situation) .............................
Impress (with a thing) ..........................................
Invest with (authority) ..........................................
Influence on (a thing) ...........................................
Irritated at (thing) ................................................
Irritated against (person) .....................................
Jealous of (a person) ...........................................
Junior to (a person) ..............................................
Judge of (things) ...................................................
Judge by ...............................................................
Jump to (conclusion) ............................................
Jump at (an offer) .................................................
Jeer at (a thing) ...................................................
Jest at (a thing) ....................................................
Key to ..................................................................
Kind to (a person) .................................................
Knock at (the gate) ...............................................
Known to .............................................................. Passive voice known 'to'

Known by .............................................................
Known for (a quality) ............................................
Knock at (the door) ............................................... 'knock' verb
Knock on .............................................................. 'knock' noun
Lame of (a leg) ......................................................
Laugh at (a person or thing) ..................................
Lax in ...................................................................
Lean against ........................................................
Leniency to ..........................................................
Liable to ...............................................................
Liable to (punishment) .........................................
Liking for .............................................................
Limited to ............................................................
Listen to ..............................................................
Live by (hard labour). ............................................

English – from Plinth to Paramount 253

Live on (a meagre income/ food). ......................... /
Live within (means etc). ....................................... (
Look after ............................................................
Look at something. ...............................................
Look for ................................................................
Look into ..............................................................
Lost to (one's opponent) ........................................
Loyal to ................................................................
Laugh with (others) ..............................................
Laugh at ...............................................................
Lean on (someone) ...............................................
Lean to ................................................................
Live in (region, area, country) ...............................
Live at (indicate the place) ...................................
Live by (livelihood, manner) .................................
Live off (source) ...................................................
Liable for ..............................................................
Liable to (punishment) .........................................
Lacking in ............................................................
Likeness to ..........................................................
Limit to ................................................................
Mad after/about/for/on (a thing or subject) .........
Mad with anger. ...................................................
Malice against a person. ......................................
Match for .............................................................
Material to /Immaterial to ..................................
Menace to ............................................................
Motive for .............................................................
Muse upon a subject. ...........................................
Move to (tears)......................................................
Move with (pity) ....................................................
Married to (a woman) ...........................................
Married with (a man) ............................................
Mix with (a thing) .................................................
Mock at (a thing) ..................................................
Meditate on (past act) ...........................................
Meditate (future act) .............................................
254 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Menace to ............................................................
Natural to .............................................................
Necessary to ........................................................
Need for ...............................................................
Negligent /neglectful of one’s duty. ......................
Neglectful of (a person, work, a thing) ...................
Negligent in (duty) ................................................
Neglectful of (a person, working a thing) ...............
Need of .................................................................
Obedience to ........................................................
Obedient to a person. ...........................................
Objected to ...........................................................
Objection to .........................................................
Obliged by or to a person. .....................................
Obstruction to ......................................................
Offensive to .........................................................
Opportunity for .....................................................
Opposite to ...........................................................
Originate in .........................................................
Overwhelmed with (joy) ........................................
Originate in (place as a source) ............................
Originate with (a person) ......................................
Occupied in (doing a thing) ...................................
Occupied with (a thing) ........................................
Operate on/upon (leg etc.) ...................................
Oblivious of ..........................................................
Offend at (thing) ...................................................
Offend with (person) .............................................
Overwhelm with (feelings) ....................................
Overwhelm by (a book etc.) ...................................
Painful to .............................................................
Part from (a person) ..............................................
Parted with (something) .......................................

English – from Plinth to Paramount 255

Partial to ..............................................................
Passion for ...........................................................
Peculiar to ...........................................................
Penetrate into something. ...................................
Pertinent to .........................................................
Pity for .................................................................
Pledged to ............................................................
Popular with .........................................................
Postscript to .........................................................
Pray to God for something. ...................................
Precaution against (disease) ................................
Predilection for ....................................................
Preface to ............................................................
Prefer to ...............................................................
Preferable to ........................................................
Prejudicial to .......................................................
Prepared for .........................................................
Preside over .........................................................
Pretext for ............................................................
Prevent from (doing an act.) .................................
Prior to .................................................................
Productive of ........................................................
Proficient in .........................................................
Profit by ...............................................................
Profitable to .........................................................
Prone to ...............................................................
Proof of .................................................................
Proud of ................................................................
Provide with .........................................................
Partiality for (a thing) ...........................................
Partiality to (a person) ..........................................
Perish by (famine, sword) .....................................
Perish with (hunger) ............................................
Point at ................................................................
Point to ................................................................
Preside at (a party) ...............................................
Preside over (meeting, president) .........................
Provided against (adversity) .................................
Provided for (family etc.) .......................................
Pine for ................................................................
256 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Pine away ............................................................
Play at (cards) .......................................................
Play upon (a musical instrument) .........................
Partake of (food) ...................................................
Prey on .................................................................
Passion for ...........................................................
Feel(Pity) for (noun) ..............................................
Take(Pity) on (noun) .............................................
Pity (verb) ............................................................. Pity verb Prep
Pride on (verb) ......................................................
Pride in (noun)......................................................
Prompt in .............................................................
Prevail against (a thing, face) ...............................
Prevail on/upon (a person, to compel) ...................
Popular for (a good quality) ....................................
Popular with (the people) ......................................
Quarrel over (some affair) ....................................
Quarrel with (some person) ..................................
Quest for (knowledge) ...........................................
Quick at (a thing) .................................................
Quick in (doing a thing) ........................................
Rebel against (government , customs etc.) ............
Recovered from ....................................................
Reduced to ...........................................................
Reference to ........................................................
Refrain from (an act) ............................................
Regard for ............................................................
Regardless of ........................................................
Rejoice at (success). .............................................
Related to ............................................................
Relations with ......................................................
Relevant to ..........................................................
Remorse for .........................................................
Remarkable for ....................................................
Remiss in .............................................................
Replete with .........................................................
Reply to ................................................................
English – from Plinth to Paramount 257
Repugnance to .....................................................
Repugnant to .......................................................
Reputation for ......................................................
Resemblance to ...................................................
Respite from ........................................................
Responsible to ......................................................
Restricted to ........................................................
Result of ...............................................................
Revenge on (a person or anything) ........................
Revolt against (king, dictatorship, etc.) ................
Revenge oneself (a person) ...................................
Revenge for (noun) (an injury) ..............................
Reconcile oneself to (a thing) ...............................
Reconcile with (a person) .....................................
Reckon on/upon ..................................................
Remonstrate with (a person) ................................
Remiss in (duty) ...................................................
Reason with (a person) .........................................
Replace by ............................................................
Repent of ..............................................................
Recourse to ..........................................................
Sacred to ..............................................................
Sanguine of .........................................................
Satiated with .......................................................
Satisfied with .......................................................
Save from ............................................................
Search for (something). ........................................
Search into (a matter) ..........................................
See into (a case) ..................................................
Sensible of ...........................................................
Sensitive to .........................................................
Sentenced to (imprisonment/death/etc.) .............
Sequel to (a film etc.) ...........................................
Short of (funds) .....................................................
Sick of .................................................................
Smiled on .............................................................
Sorry for ...............................................................
Stick to (promise, etc.) .........................................
258 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Subject to (conditions etc.) ...................................
Submission to ......................................................
Subsist on ............................................................
Succession to ......................................................
Suffering from......................................................
Sufficient for (a purpose). .....................................
Suit to (a purpose). ...............................................
Suitable to ...........................................................
Superior to ...........................................................
Supplement to......................................................
Sure of .................................................................
Surprised at .........................................................
Surrender to (a person). .......................................
Susceptible to ......................................................
Suspicious of .......................................................
Sympathise with ..................................................
Show off ...............................................................
Speak for (someone) .............................................
Speak of (praise) ..................................................
Start on (journey) .................................................
Strive for ..............................................................
Strive with ...........................................................
Side with (someone) .............................................
Search for (a thing) ..............................................
Seek (shelter) ......................................................
Seek after ............................................................
Suffer (loss) ..........................................................
Suffer from (disease) ............................................
Smile at ...............................................................
Smile on ..............................................................
Substitute for (for old object) .................................
Shoot at, Strike at, Hit at, Catch at (unsuccessful in attempt)
Shoot, strike, hit, catch (successful in attempt) ....
Spark off ..............................................................
Seek for ...............................................................
Seething with (anger etc.) ....................................
Slow at .................................................................
Scare of ...............................................................
English – from Plinth to Paramount 259
Sentence to (death, etc.) ......................................
Talk over (a matter) .............................................
Talk to someone ..................................................
Tantamount to .....................................................
Taste for ..............................................................
Teeming with ......................................................
Temperate in (one's behaviour) ............................
Temptation to ......................................................
Think of ...............................................................
Think over (a matter) ...........................................
Threaten with (revolver/bad consequences, etc.) .
Tired of (bad person/continued sickness, etc.) ......
Tired with (hard labour). .......................................
Tolerant of ...........................................................
Touched with .......................................................
Trade in commodity ..............................................
Trade with someone. ............................................
Traitor to .............................................................
Triumph over (enemy etc.) ...................................
True to (one's word/one's soil) ..............................
Trust in ................................................................
Turn to a direction. ..............................................
Trifle with ............................................................
Trespass on land ..................................................
Tresspass against (law) ........................................
Treat of (a subject) ...............................................
Useful for .............................................................
Useful to (a person) ..............................................
Usher in ...............................................................
Versed in ..............................................................
Victory over (enemies etc.) ...................................
Void of ..................................................................

260 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Vote for (a person) ................................................
Vote on (resolution) ..............................................
Vote to (power) ......................................................
Vain of .................................................................
Vexed with (person) ..............................................
Vexed at (a thing) .................................................
Venture upon .......................................................
Wait for a person, etc. ..........................................
Want of ................................................................
Warn of (danger/bad consequences etc.) ...............
Weary of ...............................................................
Wonder at .............................................................
Worthy of (trust, etc.) ............................................
Wait for (person, thing) .........................................
Weary of (a thing) .................................................
Warn against (fault, danger) .................................
Warn of (danger) ...................................................
Wish for (a thing) .................................................
Ward off (evils etc.) ...............................................
Warn of ................................................................
Wanting in ...........................................................
Yield to (force/ threat, etc.) ...................................
Yearn for ..............................................................
Zeal for (social reform etc.) ...................................

English – from Plinth to Paramount 261



1. (a) He took/ (b) leave of/ (c) four days/ (d) No error.
2. (a) Children/ should always/ (b) listen the advice of their elders/ (c) and well
wishers./ (d) No error.
3. (a) He will not/ (b) listen/ (c) what you say./ (d) No error.
4. (a) Nobody denies/ (b) that my ideas/ (c) are different than yours./ (d) No error.
5. (a) It was I who was responsible of/ (b) making all the arrangements for the/
(c)successful completion of his studies./ (d) No error.
6. (a) She was in the courtyard/ (b) when the burglars/ (c) entered into her house./
(d) No error.
7. (a) Our teacher/ (b) emphasised on/ (c) the use of correct grammar./ (d) No error.
8. (a) On the time/ (b) of the opening ceremony of the theatre/ (c) a large crowd had
assembled/ (d) No error.
9. (a) While they were returning/ (b) from school,/ (c) a stalker attacked on them with
a knife./ (d) No error.
10. (a) The decline of his moral values/ (b) has caused a lot/ (c) of pain to his parents/
/ (d) No error.
11. (a) Without thinking/ (b) for a moment he/ (c) entrusted me in all the responsibilities
./ (d) No error.
12. (a) Sudha fell in/ (b) the well and nobody / (c) tried to save him./ (d) No error.
13. (a) I / (b) prefer coffee/ (c) than tea/ (d) No error.
14. (a) Suresh is busy / (b) in his work/ (c) for his presentation/ (d) No error.
15. (a) While crossing the road/ (b) an old man was/ (c) run out by a bus/ (d) No error.
16. (a) Amphibians / (b) can live / (c) in water as well as land./ (d) No error.
17. (a) My mother is fond off/ (b) cooking different / (c) types of dishes/ (d) No error.
18. (a) Our teacher/ (b) cannot/ (c) control on the students./ (d) No error.
19. (a) The lawyer has been waiting/ (b) for the prisoner / (c) since two hours / (d) No
20. (a) Mr. Bacon has / (b) great affection to/ (c) his family./ (d) No error.
21. (a) Rekha has a great/ (b) enmity for her/ (c) brother's friend./ (d) No error.
22. (a) He threw the bucket/ (b) into the river/ (c) and returned home without any
water./ (d) No error.
23. (a) There appears/ (b) to be very little/ (c) understanding among the two brothers
/ (d) No error.
24. (a) She was/ (b) angry on me because I/ (c) had not invited her to party./ (d) No error.
25. (a) He got a prestigious job though/ (b) he was not worthy/ (c) for it./ (d) No error.
26. (a) He described about/ (b) the incident/ (c) in a very interesting way./ (d) No error.
27. (a) My father/ (b) deals/ (c)with garments/ (d) No error.
28. (a) I cannot / (b) deal from/ (c) those unruly students/ (d) No error.
29. (a) Despite of / (b)working hard/ (c) he failed/ (d) No error.
30. (a) Ashok/ (b) married with/ (c) Rekha last month./ (d) No error.
31. (a) The earth's atmosphere/ (b)comprises of/ (c) three layers/ (d) No error.
32. (a) The court held/ (b) the local MLA responsible/ (c) for the loss or damage to any
public property./ (d) No error.

262 English – from Plinth to Paramount

33. (a)He was debarred to attend/ (b) the monsoon session/ (c)of the Parliament./ (d) No error.
34. (a) We will have to await for/ (b) the result/ (c) as the managent is on strike./ (d) No error.
35. (a) He should refrain/ (b) to associate himself with any party/ (c) because people
have faith in his integrity./ (d) No error.
36. (a) The songs of / (b) the old movies are/ (c) worthlistening to./ (d) No error.
37. (a) It should be obvious to you/ (b)that if you persist bothering him,/ (c) he will get
angry with you/ (d) No error.
38. (a) I certainly/ (b) differ with you/ (c) in this matter (d) No error.
39. (a)He had a suspected fracture, / (b) so he was/ (c)admitted into the hospital/
(d) No error.
40. (a) If you put your / (b) heart to it,/ (c) you will be a winner/ (d) No error.
41. (a) He walked/ (b) ten miles/ (c) by foot/ (d) No error.
42. (a) He is good / (b) in mathematics/ (c)but his friend isn't./ (d) No error.
43. (a) Those who are in power/ (b) have to be sensitive of/ (c)the sufferings of the
poor/ (d) No error.
44. (a) Which newspaper/ (b) do you/ (c) subscribe for?/ (d) No error.
45. (a) We thought that the train/ (b) would be late but/ (c) it arrived exactly in time./
(d)No error.
46. (a) Despite of repeated warnings, / (b) he touched a live electric wire,/ (c) and was
electrocuted./ (d) No error.
47. (a)It is my pleasure / (b) to congratulate you for your success/ (c) in the Civil Services
Examination/ (d) No error.
48. (a) I will avail/ (b) myself with/ (c) this golden opportunity/ (d) No error.
49. (a) It is half/ (b) past two/ (c) in my watch/ (d) No error.
50. (a) She can / (b) cope up with any difficult situation/ (c) as she is a braveheart./
(d) No error.
51. (a) Ravi/ (b) told to his friend/ (c) to buy a car./ (d) No error.
52. (a) He is/ (b) accused with/ (c) committing the murder./ (d) No error.
53. (a) The poet/ (b) described about/ (c) the spring season./ (d) No error.
54. (a) The atmosphere/ (b) comprises of/ (c) many inert gases also./ (d) No error.
55. (a)We disposed off / (b) our old furniture/ (c) before moving to Mumbai./ (d) No error.
56. (a)He was/ (b) bereft from / (c) all his possession./ (d) No error.
57. (a) He assented of/ (b) my proposal/ (c) as it was very attractive./ (d) No error.
58. (a) A large sign near/ (b) the entrance warns the visitors/ (c) to beware about
bears./ (d) No error.
59. (a) The teacher was tense/ (b) when he entered/ (c) the class which comprised of/
(d) a hundred students.
60. (a) There is no rule/ (b) regarding the length of a precis/ (c) with relation to/ (d)
that of the original passage.
61. (a) He/ (b) is suffering/ (c) with flu./ (d) No error.
62. (a) He wanted to go/ (b) to home/ (c) as he was sick./ (d) No error.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 263


Answers with Explanation

1. (b); 'leave for four days'
2. (b); 'listen' ‘to’
3. (b);
4. (c); 'different ‘from’
5. (a); ‘responsible’ ‘for’
6. (c); ‘entered’ ‘into’
7. (b); ‘emphasised’ ‘on’
8. (a); ‘On’ ‘at’
9. (c); ‘attack’ ‘on’
10. (a); ‘decline’ ‘in’
11. (c); ‘entrusted’ ‘with’
12. (a); ‘fell into’
13. (c); ‘than’ ‘to’ ‘Prefer’ ‘to’
14. (b); busy ‘with’ ‘in’
15. (c); ‘run out’ ‘run over’ ‘Run over’
16. (c); Land ‘on’
17. (a); Fond ‘of’ ‘off’
18. (c); ‘Control’ verb ‘on’
19. (c); ‘Since’ ‘for’ ‘two hours’
20. (b); ‘affection’ ‘for’ ‘to’
21. (b); ‘enmity’ ‘towards’ ‘for’
22. (b); ‘threw’ ‘in’ ‘into’
23. (c); ‘among’ ‘between’
24. (b); ‘angry’ ‘with’
angry with someone.
angry at something.
25. (c); ‘worthy’ ‘of’ ‘for’
26. (a); ‘describe’ ‘preposition’
27. (c); ‘deal’ ‘deal’ ‘in’
28. (b); ‘deal’ ‘fuiVuk’ deal ‘with’
29. (a); ‘Despite’ ‘of’
30. (c); ‘with’
31. (b); ‘Active Voice’ ‘Comprise’ ‘of’
32. (c); ‘Loss’ ‘of’
33. (a); ‘debarred from attending’
34. (a); ‘await for’ ‘wait for’ ‘to’
35. (b); ‘Refrain’ ‘preposition’ ‘from’ ‘to’
36. (c); ‘listen’ ‘to’ ‘worthlistening’
264 English – from Plinth to Paramount
37. (b); ‘persist’ ‘in’
38. (b); ‘differ’ ‘from’ ‘with’
39. (c); ‘admitted to’
40. (b); ‘put your heart into it’
‘to’ ‘into’
41. (c); ‘on foot’
42. (b); ‘Good’ ‘at’
43. (b); ‘Sensitive’ ‘to’
44. (c); ‘subscribe’ ‘to’
45. (c); ‘On time’ ‘in time’ Exactly ‘On time’

46. (a); ‘Despite’ ‘of’

47. (b); ‘Congratulate’ ‘on’
48. (b); ‘avail’ ‘of’ ‘Avail myself of this’
49. (c); ‘in’ ‘by’
50. (b); ‘Cope with’ to handle
51. (b); ‘told’ ‘tell’ ‘to’
52. (b); ‘accused’ ‘of’ ‘with’
53. (b); ‘described’ ‘about’
54. (b); active voice ‘comprise’ ‘of’
55. (a); ‘disposed’ ‘of’ ‘off’
56. (b); ‘bereft’ ‘of’
57. (a); ‘assented’ ‘to’ ‘of’
58. (c); ‘beware’ ‘of’ ‘about’
59. (c); active voice ‘comprised’ ‘of’
60. (c); ‘with relation to’ ‘in relation to’
61. (c); ‘with’ ‘from’ ‘suffer’ ‘from’
62. (b); ‘to’ ‘Get, arrive, reach, go, come’ ‘home’


1. He drove from Maharashtra ______ Karnataka without stopping to rest.
(a) is (b) to (c) into (d) towards.
2. Bill’s fight ______ hunting put 26 professional shikar companies out of jobs.
(a) towards (b) for (c) over (d) against
3. The court has absolved him _____ all the charges leveled against him.
(a) off (b) with (c) in (d)of

English – from Plinth to Paramount 265

4. you are welcome to partake ________ their light refreshment.
(a) in (b) for (c) at (d) of
5. We met a lot of people ______ our holidays.
(a) on (b) in (c) during (d) at
6. The firm has been dealing ______ luxury goods for more than two decades.
(a) in (b) with (c) out (d) on
7. Today students should be reconciled _______ the way things are changing.
(a) with (b) to (c) for (d) at
8. That week the dollar dropped _____ its lowest levels.
(a) to (b) at (c) into (d) by
9. He went _______ sea alone.
(a) in (b) to (c) into (d) on
10. Everyone in this world is accountable to God _____ his actions.
(a) actions (b) for (c) to (d) over
11. Speed is ____ essence in a project of this type.
(a) in (b) for (c) about (d) of
12. A wise man profits _____ the mistakes of others.
(a) through (b) from (c) with (d) by
13. Ram agreed _____ my proposal .
(a) with (b) for (c) on (d) to
14. He is addicted _____ smoking.
(a) to (b) with (c) on (d) for
15. He sat ____ the shade of a tree.
(a) under (b) into (c) in (d) on
16. There is something wonderful _____ him
(a) of (b) about (c) for (d) in side
17. When will you hand _____ your assignment?
(a) in (b) back (c) down (d) into
18. A new minister has taken ______ after the election.
(a) to (b) over (c) off (d) down
19. There is a bridge ______ the river.
(a) over (b) on (c) down (d) across
20. Please make yourself ____ home.
(a) with (b) at (c) in (d) on
21. The brave youth immediately jumped _____ the river to save the drowning child.
(a) in (b) into (c) inside (d) to
22. We can make no progress if we continue working ______ these conditions.
(a) into (b) with (c) under (d) for
266 English – from Plinth to Paramount
23. Keep your dog ____ the flower beds. It may damage the flowers.
(a) out (b) from (c) beside (d) off
24. _______ a moment she felt disappointed for no stockings hung from the fire place.
(a) just (b) for (c) at (d) since
25. We were completely taken ____ by the estate agent who turned out to be a crook.
(a) for (b) on (c) off (d) in
26. Dr. Sharma concluded his speech ______ explaining the importance of charity.
(a) by (b) with (c) at (d) in
27. Shivaji Maharaj fought _____ every kind of aggression.
(a) against (b) to (c) with (d) at
28. Don’t depend _____ others; you must stand on your own feet.
(a) at (b) on (c) to (d) for
29. Our life promises a lot ______ pleasure and we must learn to enjoy it.
(a) with (b) for (c) of (d) at
30. He travelled all ______ the world when he was eighty years old.
(a) in (b) over (c) with (d) of
31. My father lives ______ Delhi
(a) in (b) at (c) inside (d) on
32. Madhav is good ______ English.
(a) in (b) at (c) on (d) with
33. Naina did not disclose the fact ______ her husband.
(a) to (b) before (c) from (d) on
34. The child did not approve ______ the father's plan.
(a) to (b) by (c) of (d) with
35. The tribes lived ______customs different from the English had ever seen.
(a) on (b) by (c) off (d) with
36. The strike has been called ______ .
(a) of (b) at (c) off (d) by
37. We warned her ______the danger
(a) from (b)about (c) against (d) of
38. We laughed ______ the affair.
(a) over (b) about (c) for (d) on
39. Put a blanket _____ the baby.
(a) over (b) about (c) at (d) on
40. Stay______ your limits.
(a) within (b) in (c) at (d) on
41. She was happy to partake______ the festivities.
(a) in (b) of (c) at (d) for
English – from Plinth to Paramount 267
42. I can cope ______ any problem.
(a) up with (b) with (c) up (d) from
43. His manners ______ him.
(a) speak of (b) speak out (c) speak up (d) speak for
44. A thorough search of the aircraft was carried ______ in the airport.
(a) out (b) off (c) on (d) along
45. Discrimination ______ any form should be avoided.
(a) of (b) by (c) from (d) in
46. A large number of people have fallen victim ______ dengue fever.
(a) to (b) of (c) from (d) with
47. She scoffed ______ the idea of revolution.
(a) for (b) at (c) about (d) on
48. This work of art is worthy ______ praise.
(a) of (b) for (c) for (d) to
49. It is our duty to get ______ the truth.
(a) to (b) over (c) into (d) at
50. For a child, a blow ______ self-esteem is a terrible thing.
(a) of (b) with (c) to (d) on
51. He is a descendent ______ the Mughal royalty.
(a) of (b) from (c) in (d) for
52. Fate smiled ______ him in all his ventures.
(a) above (b) below (c) on (d) at
53. Don't put ______ until tomorrow what you can do today.
(a) up (b) of (c) on (d) off
54. The train is arriving ______ platform number 4.
(a) at (b) on (c) before (d) upon
55. The criminal was totally taken ______ when the police recognized him.
(a) aback (b) up (c) for (d) away
56. The examination will begin ______ Monday.
(a) from (b) in (c) at (d) on
57. You must apologise ______ him for this.
(a) with (b) to (c) of (d) for
58. She seems cursed ______ bad luck.
(a) by (b) with (c) for (d) on
59. He was brought ______ by his aunt as his mother had died when he was just a lad.
(a) up (b) put (c) off (d) with
60. As she became tired, errors began to creep ______ her work.
(a) with (b) into (c) off (d) up.
268 English – from Plinth to Paramount
61. Small pox has been eradicated ______ India.
(a) in (b) from (c) within (d) out of
62. I complimented him ______ his success.
(a) about (b) for (c) on (d) at

Answer Key

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (d) 12. (b) 13. (d) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (b)
21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (b) 25. (d) 26. (a) 27. (a) 28. (b) 29. (c) 30. (b)
31. (a) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (c) 35. (b) 36. (c) 37. (d) 38. (a) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (a) 42. (b) 43. (d) 44. (a) 45. (d) 46. (a) 47. (b) 48. (a) 49. (d) 50. (c)
51. (a) 52. (c) 53. (d) 54. (a) 55. (a) 56. (d) 57. (b) 58. (b) 59. (a) 60. (b)
61. (b) 62. (c)

English – from Plinth to Paramount 269



ADVERB og 'kCn gS tks&

(i) (Verb)
He  hard

verb Adv .

(ii) (Adjective)
very good
He is 
 .
Adv . Adj.

(iii) (Adverb)
very hard
She works 
 .
Adv . Adv.

(iv) Preposition
The helicopter hovered exactly
  his house.
Adv . Prep.

(v) Conjunction
He likes her simply
   she has a clear conscience.
Adv . Conj.

(vi) (Sentence)
Fortunately, no one was hurt
  .
Adv . Sentence

(vii) Noun Pronoun Adjectives

Adverbs Noun Pronoun adverbs Only, even,
at last, almost;
270 English – from Plinth to Paramount

1. I know the truth.

Only 
Adv . Pronoun

2. Only Rohit can help you.

 
Adv . Noun

ADVERB rhuizdkjdsgksrsgSa%&
1. Simple Adverb
2. Relative Adverb
3. Interrogative Adverb
 Simple Adverb (time), (place), (number or frequency),
(manner), (reason), (degree), (affirmation or negation)

(a) Adverb of Manner

 Adverb of manner shows how
He works honestly.
He walks slowly.
Remember: Adjectives Adverbs -ly Adverbs of Manner

Adjective Adverb
Slow Slowly
glad gladly
Honest Honestly.

Miser, Niggard Coward nouns adjective forms adverb forms

nouns adjective adverb forms

Noun Adjective Form Adverb Form

Coward Cowardly In a cowardly manner

Niggard Niggardly In a niggardly manner

Miser Miserly In a miserly manner

Scholar Scholarly In a scholarly manner

English – from Plinth to Paramount 271


(1) He is miser. (×) (miser noun miser ‘a’ )

He is a miser. ()
(2) He is a miser man. (×) (man adjective 'miserly' )
He is a miserly man.()
(3) He behaved miserly. (×) ('behaved' verb adjective 'miserly'
adverb ‘in a miserly manner’ )
He behaved in a miserly manner. ()

1. (Form) Adverb Adjective ‘Fast, straight,
outright, direct, hard, late’, ‘high’, ‘safe’, quiet adjective adverb
Adverb Adjective
He works hard. This is a hard task.
He wakes up early. He came by an early flight.
Do not talk loud. We should not speak in a loud tone.
Run fast. He is a fast runner.
He waited long for me. He went on a long journey.
Come near. He is of my near relation.
2. Adverbs
(a) Late Lately
1. I haven't seen Akila lately.
2. He came late for the meeting.
(b) Hard Hardly

1. She works hardly to make both ends meet. (×)

She works hard to make both ends meet. ()
2. He hardly does any work. ()
(c) Free Freely

1. We can move about freely in India.

2. Rides are provided free in this water park.
 ‘Loudly’ and ‘Aloud’ adverbs Aloud
audible Loudly ‘with a lot of noise’.

272 English – from Plinth to Paramount

(b) Adverb of Time
 Adverb of Time shows when
I came late.
 Adverbs
after, ago, early, late, now, then, soon, today, tomorrow
(c) Adverb of Place
 Adverb of place shows where
I could not find him anywhere.
 Adverb
here, there, in, out, up, down, within above, below
(d) Adverbs of Frequency or Number
 Adverb of Frequency or Number shows how often frequency

I can never do so.

She seldom goes there.
She often comes to meet me.
 ‘Frequency’ Adverbs
once, twice, thrice, always, never, seldom, often, frequently
(e) Advers of Degree
 Adverb of degree shows how much

The work is almost complete.

I am quite well.
 ‘Degree’ Adverbs
very, much, more, too, quite, little, almost
(f) Adverb of Reason
 Adverb of Reason shows why
I could not come because I was not well.
I don’t like him since he has cheated many people.
 ‘Reason’ Adverbs
So, hence, therefore, on account of, consequently
(g) 1. Adverbs of Affirmative
She will truly help you.
I will surely repay the loan.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 273
 ‘Affirmation’ Adverbs
surely, certainly, truly
2. Adverbs of Negation
She did not reply to my letter.
I have never cheated anybody.
 ‘Negation’ Adverbs
No, not, never

 Relative Adverb antecedent Noun Pronoun)
time, place, reason manner Relative Adverbs When,
Where, Why How.
I don’t know where he has gone.
He will come when I call him.

 Interrogative Adverbs Why, when, where, how.
Why are you surprised?
Where has she seen me?
Adverb: Comparison

 Adjectives Adverbs Degree of Comparison

Positive Comparative Superlative
(a) Hard harder hardest
Fast faster fastest
Soon sooner soonest
near nearer nearest
early earlier earliest
(b) Beautifully more Beautifully most beautifully
Carefully more carefully most carefully
Swiftly more swiftly most swiftly
Slowly more slowly most slowly
Wisely more wisely most wisely
(c) Ill, Badly worse worst
Forth further furthest
Far farther farthest
Late later latest, last
Little less least
Much more most
Well better best

274 English – from Plinth to Paramount

 Adverb modify Adverb Position

Only she saw my dress.

She only saw my dress.
She saw only my dress. dress,
She saw my only dress. dress
She saw my dress only. dress,
1. (At the beginning)
(i) Interrogative Adverb sentences
When are you returning home?
(ii) modify Adverb
Surely, I will take care of you.
(iii) Emphasis Adverb
Off she goes.
Here comes the prince.
2. (In the Middle)
(i) Adverbs of Time (always, never, ever, often, seldom, sometimes ) Verbs
She never comes here.
I seldom go there.
(ii) sentences Auxiliary Verb Adverb Auxiliary Verb Main
He will
 never come
 here.
H.V. M.V.

 seldom gone
I have  there.
H.V. M.V.

(iii) Verb ‘to be’ Main Verb Helping Verb Adverb Verb

is always happy.
She 

I am
 never sad.

is always praised for his sweet voice.

He   
H.V. M.V.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 275

I. He comes often every Sunday. (Place ‘often’ before ‘comes’)
II. He goes usually to shop every Sunday. (Place ‘usually’ before ‘goes’)
III. He is always happy. ()


1. Very Much
(A) Very Positive degree very good, very wise, very lucky, very
honest much Comparative Degree much better, much wiser,
much luckier, much more honest etc.
very much + comparative degree Very much better, very much
wiser, very much luckier etc.
(B) Very much Superlative Degree
(a) The
 very
 best
 boy.
The+ very+ Sup.

(C) Very Present Participle very interesting, very daring, very

confusing, very boring, very entertaining. much Past Participle
much surprised, much grieved, much admired etc.
Very Past Participle Past Participles Very

very tired, very dejected, very contented, very discontented, very pleased, very drunk,
very limited, very delighted.
2. Quite ‘perfectly completely’ ‘very’

(i) She is quite lovely. (×)

(ii) You are quite handsome. (×)

(i) She is very lovely.

(ii) You are very handsome.
3. Fairly Rather
(A) Fairly Positive Degree fairly wise, fairly good, etc.
 Rather Positive Comparative Degree rather bad,
rather difficult, rather worse, rather hotter, etc.
(B) Fairly too Rather too
(i) fairly too good rather too good
(C) Fairly Pleasant Adjectives
fairly wise, fairly beautiful, etc.

276 English – from Plinth to Paramount

 Rather unpleasant adjectives rather wicked, rather difficult, rather
troublesome, rather dull etc. rather amusing, rather good, rather clever, rather
pretty, rather beautiful
4. Too
(a) Too = also
I too was invited to tea.
(b) Too – more than required
 Unpleasant Adjectives too bad, too naughty, too wicked,
too fat, too dull, etc.
too glad, to happy, to pleased, too healthy
 I am too glad to meet you

I am very glad to meet you.

(c) Too …. to too Pleasant Adjective

(i) He is too intelligent to be cheated. (=He is so intelligent that he cannot be

Too + Adjective
1. He is too tall.
2. She is too slim.
3. It is too cold.
Verb + Adjective
1. He is very tall.
2. She is very slim.
3. It is very cold.
5. So
 ‘So’ 'very' 'So' 'that' 'Too' 'to'

1. I am so happy (Incorrect)
2. I am very happy (Correct)
3. I am so happy that I am unable to control my feelings (Correct)
6. Enough
(A) ‘Enough’ adjective adverb 'enough' adverb
adjective Adjective
 Noun Adjective Adverb
1. She is wise enough to understand your intention.
2. He has enough money to buy this car. (Correct)

English – from Plinth to Paramount 277

 Enough Adjective Adverb Positive Degree
1. (A) He is / (B) faster enough / (C) to defeat / (D) you. / (E) No Error.
2. (A) He is bravest / (B) enough to be / (C) selected for / (D) the post of soldier. / (E)
No Error.
 (i) Part (B) faster fast (ii) Part (A) bravest brave
Positive Degree + enough
7. Yet
 Yet (up to the moment/time of speaking)
Interrogative Negative Sentence verb verb + object
Yet present perfect -ve Past Tense
1. The postman did not come yet. (×)
2. The postman has not come yet. ()
3. Didn't the postman come yet? (×)
4. Hasn't the postman come yet? ()

‘Else’ ‘but’
 ‘Rather’, ‘Other’ ‘otherwise’ ‘than’
1. I would rather die than beg.
2. It is nothing else than sheer foolishness. (Use ‘but’ in place of ‘than’)
3. Rahul had no other alternative but to work hard. (Use ‘than’ in place of ‘but’)
4. Rohit has no one else to talk to except his wife. (Use ‘but’ in place of ‘except’)
 Adverbs ‘Seldom, nowhere, never, nothing,hardly, scarcely, neither, barely,
1. I rarely went to meet nobody. (Use ‘anybody’ in place of ‘nobody’)
2. She hardly knows nothing about me. (Use ‘anything’ in place of ‘nothing’)
3. I hardly know somebody in the city. (Say ‘anybody’ in place of ‘somebody’)
 Negative, 'not' 'never' ‘deny, forbid, Unless, Until, lest,too .... to
1. She denied that she had not done anything wrong. (Delete ‘not’)
2. Both of us are not going there. (×)
Neither of us is going there. ()
3. Unless he will not come, I will not go. (×)
Unless he comes, I will not go. ()

278 English – from Plinth to Paramount

(A) Adverb ‘as’ verbs
‘regard, describe, define, treat, view, know’.
(B) Adverb ‘as’ verbs
‘name, elect, think, consider, call, appoint, make, choose.’ e.g.,
1. I regard him my brother. (Add ‘as’ after ‘him’)
2. Biology has been defined the study of organism. (Add ‘as’ after ‘defined’)
3. She is considered as the best student of my class. (Drop ‘as’ after ‘considered’)
4. The teacher called him as stupid. (Drop ‘as’)
5. The principal appointed him as lecturer. (Remove ‘as’)
6. He thinks her as a fool. (Remove ‘as’)
 'adverb' 'Helping verb' 'subject'
1. Seldom he comes to Delhi. (×)
Seldom does he come to Delhi. ()
2. Never I’ll go there. (×)
Never shall I go there. ()
3. No sooner she reached the station than the train left. (×)
No sooner did she reach the station than the train left. ()
4. Hardly she had reached the station when the train arrived. (×)
Hardly had she reached the station when the train arrived. ()
5. So quickly she ran that she overtook her friends. (×)
So quickly did she run that she overtook her friends. ()
6. His wife comes here and so does he.
7. He doesn’t know any one here and neither do I.
(A) ‘Too’ and ‘as well’ ‘Besides’, in ‘addition to’, ‘also’ affirmative
sentences ‘Also’
She found her bag and money too/as well.
 'Seldom or never', 'seldom, if ever', 'little or nothing', 'little, if anything'
'seldom or ever' 'little or anything'
He seldom or never goes to see movies.
 Verbs of sensation (Taste, Smell, Feel, Appear, Seem, Sound, Look)
adverb adjective

English – from Plinth to Paramount 279


I 
 honest.
Verb of Adjective

I 
 honestly.
ordinary adverb

I  bad.

verb of adj

I sing badly.

 
Ordinary Adv

 Verbs adverb adjective be, become, turn,

get, grow, keep, make prove.
He got angry
 .

 Manly, masterly, slovenly, friendly, orderly, gentlemanly, sickly, weekly,
monthly Adjectives 'ly' adverb
He behaved friendly. (×)
He behaved in a friendly manner. ()


1. (a) A soldier is/ (b) taught never to/(c) fight cowardly/(d) No error.
2. (a) A man of fifty/ (b) cannot be called/ (c) as young./ (d) No error.
3. (a) He is being/(b) very politely/ (c) for the reason best known to him. /(d) No error.
4. (a) He is enough tall/(b) to be selected as Sub Inspector/ (c) in Delhi Police/(d) No
5. (a) He is niggard/ (b) and saves each/(c) and every paise/(d) No error.
6. (a) I am full of energy/(b) today because I /(c) soundly slept last night/(d) No error.
7. (a) I did not know hardly/(b) anyone in the college/ (c) and so I felt lonely all the
time/(d) No error.
8. (a) I have never seen/ (b) a coward man /(c) like Sohan/(d) No error.
9. (a) I never remember/(b) to have met a more intelligent/(c) man in my life/(d) No error.
10. (a) I refused to accompany him/(b) because he was/(c) so boring/(d) No error.
11. (a) I refused to consider/(b) him as an honest boy /(c) as he had cheated many

280 English – from Plinth to Paramount

people/(d) No error.
12. (a) I see him often/(b) at the/(c) bus terminal/(d) No error.
13. (a) Mangoes taste /(b) more sweetly than /(c) any other fruit of this world/(d) No error.
14. (a) My father /(b) is very quicker than/(c) I at Chess/(d) No error.
15. (a) Never in the history/(b) there has been/ (c) as shrewd a mentor as Chanakya/
(d) No error.
16. (a) Outright rejection/(b) of my plea /(c) disappointed me/(d) No error.
17. (a) She did her job/ (b) as better as she/(c) could do/(d) No error.
18. (a) She does her/(b) work good as she/(c) is a trained nurse/(d) No error.
19. (a) She had barely/(b) nothing to wear/(c) when she came to me for help/(d) No error.
20. (a) She is either/(b) dumb or deaf,/ (c) if not both/(d) No error.
21. (a) She knows/(b) riding/ (c) a horse/(d) No error.
22. (a) Great leaders tried / (b) to eradicate social evil practices/(c) with tooth and nail/
(d) No error.
23. (a) It rained/ (b)like cats and dogs/ (c)throughout the night./(d) No error
24. (a) The State Government/(b) appointed him as /(c) officer-in-charge/(d) No error.
25. (a) The teacher asked/ (b) the students to/(c) talk loudly/(d) No error.
26. (a) Though he was brave,/ (b) he could not face the ups and downs/(c) of life manly/
(d) No error.
27. (a) We must try /(b) to save our hardly /(c) earned money/(d) No error.
28. (a) We seldom or ever/(b) go out these days /(c) because it is too hot now-a-days/
(d) No error.
29. (a) We should /(b) keep our belongings/(c) orderly/(d) No error.
30. (a) Vijay could not scarcely conceal/ (b) his happiness /(c) at my resignation./
(d) No error.
31. (a) When I read his biography,/(b) I hardly found something/(c)in his character
that I could admire/(d) No error.
32. (a) When she received the good news,/ (b) she ran straightly /(c) to call up her parents/
(d) No error.
33. (a) You always /(b) come lately/ (c) to class/(d) No error.
34. (a) You have /(b) acted nobler than/(c) all of us/(d) No error.
35. (a) You should have/(b) sufficiently collateral/(c) to pay back the loan d) No error.
36. (a) Veena worked /(b)very hardly /(c)as she wanted to be a surgeon/(d) No error.
37. (a) She sounded /(b)very sadly after /(c)the death of her pet/(d) No error.
38. (a) Her speech was not clearly /(b)but we understood /(c)the underlying meaning/
(d) No error

English – from Plinth to Paramount 281

39. (a) All the pupils/ (b) stood up respectively/ (c) as the Guru entered the room./ (d)
No error.
Answers with Explanation
1. (c); fight adverb ‘Cowardly’ adjective adverb form
‘in a cowardly manner’
2. (c); 'as' ‘call’ ‘as’
3. (c); 'politely' ‘polite’
4. (a); enough ‘adjective’ tall ‘enough’
5. (a); ‘Niggard’ noun niggard article ‘a’
6. (c); Slept (verb) soundly (adverb)
7. (a); Hardly not ‘I hardly knew
8. (b); ‘Man’ noun adjective ‘Cowardly’
9. (a); Never ‘remember’
10. (c); ‘So’ ‘that’ ‘So’ ‘very’
11. (b); Consider ‘as’
12. (a); Often the main verb ‘see’
13. (b); ‘taste’ verb of sensation ‘adverb’ ‘adjective’ Sweetly
14. (b); Comparative degree (quicker) ‘very’ ‘much’
15. (b); Never (adv) helping verb ( -has) Sub
( -there)
16. (d);
17. (b); As……as adjective/adverb positive degree ‘as well as’

18. (b); ‘Good’ adjective adverb ‘well’

19. (b); ‘Barely’ negative negative ‘nothing’
20. (c); If not both ‘if neither’.
21. (b); Know wonder verbs ‘wh’ family ‘knows how
to ride’
22. (c); ‘with’
23. (b); ‘like’
24. (b); appoint ‘as’
25. (c); loudly aloud ‘Aloud’ audible
voice loudly (with a lot of noise)
26. (c); Manly manfully Manly adjective brave/strong.

282 English – from Plinth to Paramount

27. (b); Hardly hard earned money Hardly Hard

28. (a); Seldom never

29. (c); Orderly adjective ‘In an orderly manner’
30. (a); ‘Scarcely’ negative negative ‘not’
31. (b); ‘hardly’ ‘anything’
32. (b); ‘Straight’ adjective adverb ‘Straightly’
33. (b); ‘Lately’ ‘late’
34. (b); ‘more nobly’ ‘nobler’
35. (b); ‘Collateral’ noun ‘sufficient’ (adj) ‘sufficiently’ (adv).
36. (b); ‘Hard’
37. (b); Sound (verb of sensation) ‘sad’ (adj)
38. (a); ‘Clearly’ ‘clear’ ‘Speech’ noun ‘clear’ (adj)
‘clearly’ (adv).
39. (b); 'respectively' ‘respectfully’

English – from Plinth to Paramount 283

Word Often Confused & Misused


S.N. WORD Meaning in English

1. Accept To receive a thing.
Except Leaving apart or excluding.
2. Expect To hope
Suspect To apprehend
3. Adopt To accept/to take another person's child
Adept Proficient
Adapt To change accordingly.
4. Allude Refer to
Elude To escape
5. Alternate One after another.
Alternative Available instead /substitute
6. Aural Of ear
Oral Verbal
7. Access Approach
Excess More than due.
8. Averse To dislike
Adverse Unfavourable
9. Advice (N) An opinion
Advise (V) To offer an opinion.
10. Affect (V) To influence
Effect (N) Result
11. Apposite Proper
Opposite In front of/ contrary
12. Amend To improve
Emend To remove the mistakes
13. Amoral Having no moral sense.
Immoral Not conforming to moral standards.
284 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Word Often Confused & Misused
14. Antics Tricks
Antiques Ancient pieces of art.
15. Appraise Assess the quality/ value of.
Apprise Inform
16. Allusion Indirect reference
Illusion Deception
17. Beside By the side of
Besides Apart from
18. Bridle Headgear of horse
Bridal Related to bride/ bridegroom
19. Beneficial Useful
Beneficiary One who receives benefit.
20. Boar A pig
Bore To tolerate or to produce (V2 of bear)

21. Bought V2 and V3 of buy.

Brought V2 and V3 of bring.
22. Catch To take hold of something when it is
Hold To take hold of something when it is static.
23. Childish Foolish
Childlike Innocent
24. Continual Happening repeatedly
Continuous Without break
25. Credible Believable
Creditable Praiseworthy, honourable
26. Censure To criticise
Censor Official licensing of films etc.
27. Canon Rule
Cannon A powerful gun fixed to wheels.
28. Canvas Coarse cloth
Canvass Visit houses to get political support.
29. Cemetery A burial place
Symmetry Harmony
30. Casual Not formal, not taking much interest.
Causal Relating to cause
31. Climactic Relating to climax
English – from Plinth to Paramount 285
Word Often Confused & Misused
Climatic Relating to climate
32. Coarse Rough
Course A line of action.
33. Confidant A person who is entrusted with secrets.
Confident Sure and certain.
34. Contagious A disease that spreads by contact.
Contiguous Near
Infectious A disease that spreads by air or water.
35. Corps A division of army.
Corpse A dead body.
Carcass The dead body of a large animal.
36. Conscious To know
Conscientious With a sense of duty.
37. Complain (V) To say that something is wrong or not
Complaint (N) A report of a problem.
38. Complacent Self-satisfied.
Complaisant Obedient and compliant.
39. Complement N-a thing that completes or improves.
V-add to something in a way that it
Compliment A remark of admiration.
40. Custom Social usage.
Habit Personal usage.
41. Compose Make up the whole.
Comprise Consist of.
42. Career Course through life.
Carrier That which carries.
43. Credible Believable
Credulous Too ready to believe.
44. Discreet Careful not to cause offence by speech
or behaviour.
Discrete Separate, distinct.
45. Disease Ailment or illness.
Decease Death.
46. Decent Nice, respectable.
Descent Downward motion.
Dissent Difference of opinion.

286 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Word Often Confused & Misused
47. Dual With two parts.
Duel A fight between two persons using guns or
48. Deface Disfigure.
Efface Wipe out.
49. Deny To declare untrue.
Decline Refuse to accept an offer.
Refuse Show unwillingness towards.
Refute Prove wrong.
50. Defy To break the law.
Deify To make someone or something a god.
51. Defuse Remove the tension.
Diffuse Spread out; not clear or concise.
52. Desert N- V- N- An area where there is little rain.
V- To leave someone.
Dessert Sweet dish eaten at the end of a meal.
53. Depression Hollow/ A mental state of despair.
Depreciation Undervalue.
54. Disinterested Impartial.
Uninterested Not interested.
55. Delightful Very pleasant.
Delicious Pleasing to taste.
56. Deprecate To hate.
Depreciate To reduce in value.
57. Defective Having a certain imperfection.
Deficient Lacking something.
58. Decided Clear and definite.
Decisive Deciding.
59. Effective Producing effect.
Efficacious Able to produce the desired result.
Efficient Competent.
60. Elicit To get or produce something.
Illicit Illegal or disopproved of by society.
61. Economical Involving less expenditure.
Economic Relating to economy.
62. Enduring Existing for a long time.
Endurable Bearable.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 287
Word Often Confused & Misused
63. Emigrant A person who leaves his country to settle in
Immigrant One who comes to another country.
64. Enormity Extreme seriousness.
Enormousness Great in size or scale.
65. Ensure To make sure.
Insure To protect against risk.
Assure To make certain of.
66. Envelop To cover or surround something
Envelope A flat usually square paper container for a
67. Especially In particular, above all.
Specially For a special purpose.
68. Excite To arouse feelings of happiness or
Incite To arouse unpleasant or violent feelings.
69. Expedient Helpful or useful in a particular situation.
Expeditious Prompt.
70. Extinct No longer existing.
Instinct Inborn impulse.
71. Flair Natural ability.
Flare A burst of flame or light/ to become angry.
72. Flaunt Display ostentatiously/to show off.
Flout Disregard a rule or custom.
73. Fortuitous Happening by change.
Fortunate Lucky.
74. Felicity A blessing, happiness.
Facility Ease or comfort
Faculty Ability/departments of college/ the people
who teach
75. Fatal Deadly
Fateful Important but with usually negative
76. Fain Gladly
Feign To pretend to feel something.

288 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Word Often Confused & Misused
77. Floor The flat surface of room on which we walk.
Ground The surface of earth outside the room.
78. Graceful Handsome or attractive
Gracious Merciful
79. Gate An entrance
Gait A particular way of walking.
80. Gourmand A glutton
Gourmet A food connoisseur.
81. Hear To receive sound.
Listen To hear carefully.
82. Hoard To store in a secret place.
Horde A large group of people.
83. Humility The quality of being humble.
Humiliation Disrespect
84. Historic Important
Historical Relating to history
Histrionic Dramatic and exaggerated
85. Human Relating to man
Humane Kind
86. Illegal Against the law
Illicit Disapproved of by society.
87. Incredible Unbelievable
Incredulous Not ready to believe something/ someone.
88. Ingenious Clever and involving new ideas.
Ingenuous Honest and sincere.
89. Intense Extreme and forceful.
Intensive Involving a lot of effort.
90. Invent To create something which never existed
Discover To find something for the first time which
nobody was aware of.
91. Industrial Relating to industry
Industrious Hard-working
92. Imperious Haughty
Imperial Majestic, relating to empire.
93. Incumbent To be necessary
Recumbent Lying down
94. Jealous When we are afraid of losing the person/
thing we love, we feel jealous.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 289
Word Often Confused & Misused
Envious When we wish we had what someone else
have, we feel envious. Envy and jealously
are slightly different in meaning.
95. Judicial Relating to a judge or justice.
Judicious Wise, Prudent
96. Light V- Verb-to start flames in order to spread light/
N- Adj- Noun-radiance/Adj-not heavy.
Burn V- V-to start flames to destroy something/N-
N- part of body damaged due to heat.
97. Lightening To make bright/ less heavy/ pale/ less
Lightning A flash of bright light seen in the sky.
Lighting The arrangement of lights.
98. Loath Reluctant, unwilling
Loathe To hate
99. Loose Not tight.
Lose Be defeated.
Loss The state of not in posession of something
or having it less than before.
100. Luxuriant Strong in growth
Luxurious Very comfortable and expensive.
101. Lovely Beautiful
Lovable Worthy of love
102. Metal A chemical element. Eg-gold, iron etc.
Mettle Ability.
103. Metre A unit of length.
Meter A device used to measure the amount of
something that is used.
104. Negligent Careless
Negligible Very little
105. Momentary Short-lived
Momentous Very important
106. Minor Underage
Miner One who works in mines.
107. Militate To hinder
Mitigate Make less severe.
108. Naval Relating to a navy.

290 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Word Often Confused & Misused
Navel Small round part in the middle of the
109. Notable Important and deserving attention.
Notorious Known for bad qualities.
Famous Well known
Eminent Well known and respected
110. Official Relating to an office.
Officious Too eager to tell others what to do.
111. Ordinance A law made by the government.
Ordnance Military material such as weapons,
ammunition etc.
112. Pane A flat piece of glass used in a window/
Pain Feeling of physical suffering.
Pains A lot of efforts.
113. Palate The roof of the mouth/ the sense of taste.
Palette An artist's mixing board.
Pellet A small ball of any substance.
114. Pedal A foot-operated lever.
Peddle To sell goods by going from one place to
115. Perpetrate To commit (a crime).
Perpetuate To cause something to continue.

116. Personal Private

Personnel Staff
117. Pore Small hole.
Pour Flow, cause to flow.
118. Practice (N) Regular activity.
Practise (V) To do something regularly.
119. Practicable Able to be done.
Practical/ Effective or realistic.
120. Prescribe To recommend
Proscribe Forbid or condemn.
121. Proceed To continue
Precede To come before/happen before.
122. Popular Liked by all.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 291
Word Often Confused & Misused
Populous Thickly populated.
123. Pray To offer prayer to God.
Prey (V) (N) Hunt and kill/ victim
124. Principal One who is in charge of a school/ first in
order of importance.
Principle Most important basic idea / moral rule.
125. Quite Completely/a little/ Note: both meanings
are different from each other
Quiet To be silent
Quit to give up
126. Respectable Worthy of respect.
Respectful Showing respect
Respective Particular
127. Resource Means
Recourse Resort
128. Refute Prove to be wrong.
Repudiate Refuse to accept as true or correct.
129. Regrettable Causing regret, undesirable.
Regretful Feeling sorry
130. Rise To get up, to progress.
Raise To lift
Raze To demolish
Rage Anger
131. Ride To sit on an animal or two-wheeler and
Drive To travel by a four-wheeler.
132. Rout To defeat completely and easily.
Route Path
Root The underground part of a plant.
133. Septic A medical term involving sepsis.
Sceptic Doubtful of an idea or belief.
134. See Perceive with eyes.
Look To direct the eyes in order to see.
Watch To look at something for a period of time/
to keep an eye on.
Stare To look continuously for a long time.
Peep To see secretly or through a hole.
Glance To give a quick short look.
Glare To stare angrily.
Glimpse To see someone very briefly.
Glower To see angrily.
292 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Word Often Confused & Misused
135. Sever To break/ to separate.
Amputate Cut off a body part that is permanently

Maim To damage any body part permanently.

Severe Extreme
Sewer Drain
136. Story Account of any event.
Storey Floor
137. Suit Action in a law court.
Soot Black substance in smoke.
Suite A set of rooms / furniture.
138. Statue Image
Statute Written law
139. Straight Extending without a curve.
Strait Narrow passage of water.
140. Stationary Not moving.
Stationery Things needed for writing.
141. Sight Ability to see/view.
Site A place of construction.
Cite To mention.
142. Shear To cut off-hair, wool etc.
Sheer Utter, complete
143. Toe Any of the five separate parts at the end
of the foot.
Tow To pull a vehicle using a rope or chain
tied to another vehicle.
144. Temper Anger, rage
Tamper To interfere with.
145. Temporary Short lived
Temporal Earthly or worldly
146. Titillate Stimulate or excite especially in a sexual
Titivate To make smarter or more pretty.
147. Topical Related to present time.
Tropical With hot climate
148. Vain Not successful/arrogant.

Vein Tube that carries blood to the heart in our body.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 293
Word Often Confused & Misused
149. Verbal Relating to words
Verbose Containing more words than necessary
Oral Spoken
Verbiage Use of too many words due to which it
becomes difficult for one to understand
the speech or article.
150. Virtuous Having good moral qualities
Virtual In effect, though not in fact
151. Vile Immoral
Wile Tricks
152. Vale Valley
Veil Cover of face
Wail Weep
153. Vocation Profession
Vacation Holidays
154. Violence Force
Violation Infringement of law
155. Wither To fade
Whither Where
Weather Atmospheric condition (of a short period)
Whether 'Whether ..... or' is a co-relative
156. Wave (N) (V) Raised mass of water in sea/ to move.
Waive To give up

294 English – from Plinth to Paramount



S.N. WORD ............ #' ()*.......................... Meaning in English

! "#$%
1. Abase ............... ............................. Degrade.
2. Abash .............. ............................ To embarrass.
3. Abattoir ........... ............................... Place where animals are killed.
4. Abdicate .......... ................................. Give up.
5. Aberrant .......... ................................. Abnormal.
6. Abetment ........ ................................... The act of helping someone in
7. Abeyance ......... ......................... Suspended action.
8. Abhor ............... ............................... Detest, dislike, hate.
9. Abject .............. .............................. Extremely poor or unhappy.
10. Abjure .............. ............. Renounce upon oath.
11. Ablution .......... ............................ The act of washing oneself.
12. Abnegation ...... ............. To give up a right or a claim.
13. Abode .............. ..................................... The place where someone lives.
14. Abolish ............ ............................ To put an end to.
15. Abominable ..... ..................................... Very bad or unpleasant.
16. Aboriginal ....... ................................. Native.
17. Abortive .......... ................................... Fruitless, futile.
18. Abrasive .......... ........................ Substance used for rubbing.
19. Abridge ............ ............................. Shorten.
20. Abrogate .......... Abolish some custom etc.
21. Abscission ....... ...................................... Cutting off.
22. Abscond ........... ................................ Depart secretly.
23. Absolute .......... ............................... Complete.
24. Absolve ............ ...................... Pardon.
25. Abstain ............ .................... Refrain from.
26. Abstract ........... . A shortened form of speech/existing
as an idea or feeling only.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 295
27. Abstruse .......... .......................... Difficult to understand.
28. Abysmal .......... ................................. Not measurable, very bad.
29. Accede ............. ................................ Agree to do.
30. Acclaim ........... ............................. Applaud.
31. Accolade .......... ................................... Award of merit.
32. Accomplice ...... .......................... Partner in crime.
33. Accord ............. ............................... Do something in complete
34. Accused ........... .................................... One who is under trial in a court.
35. Acme ............... ..................................... Peak.
36. Acquit .............. ................................ Declared to be not guilty.
37. Adapt ............... ............................ To change to suit different
38. Adept ............... ..................................... Proficient.
39. Adolescent ...... .................................... One who is growing into an adult.
40. Adulteration ... ................................... Mixing some undesired commodity.
41. Adultery .......... ................ To have sex outside marriage.
42. Adverse ........... ................................... Unfavourable.
43. Aftermath ....... .... The period which follows an undesired
44. Aghast ............. ........................... Sudden feeling of shock and worry.
45. Agile ................ .................................... Able to move your body quickly.
46. Agony .............. ........................................ Extreme sufferings.
47. Aisle ................ .. Narrow, long space between the two
...................................... rows of seats.
48. Alchemist ........ ...................................... One who tries to turn other base
metal into gold.
49. Alimony ........... ....... Money paid usually to a wife after
break-down of marriage.
50. Altar ................ ....................................... Table/place where offerings are put
in a religious place.
51. Altercation ...... ..................... A loud argument.
52. Ambiguous ...... ........................... Having more than one possible
53. Amenable ........ ........... Willing to accept a suggestion.
54. Amiable ........... ................................... Pleasant and friendly behaviour.
55. Angst ............... ..................................... Great anxiety.
56. Anguish ........... ............................... Extreme unhappiness.
296 English – from Plinth to Paramount
57. Annotate ......... .................................... To add a brief explanation.
58. Anonymous ..... .................................... Made/done by someone unknown.
59. Antecedent ...... ................................... Something/someone existing before.
60. Apathy ............. ................................. Lack of interest/enthusiasm/
61. Appalling ......... .............................. Very bad and shocking.
62. Appeasement .. ................................. The act of giving advantage to one
63. Archives .......... . Place where historical records are
64. Argumentative ......................... Often arguing or ready to argue.
65. Articulate ........ ............................... A good orator.
66. Asceticism ...... ............................ Religious beliefs and avoidance of
life of pleasure.
67. Assault ............ ............................. A violent attack.
68. Asset ............... .................................... Valuables.
69. Atrocities ........ ...................................... Violent and cruel act.
70. Attenuate ........ ............................... To calm or soothe.
71. Attrition .......... ................................. The gradual weakening of something.
72. Augment.......... ..................................... Add to/increase.
73. August ............. .......................... Important/Magestic.
74. Aura ................ ...................................... A feeling or character a person/place
seems to have.
75. Averse ............. .................................... Strong disliking.
76. Awful ............... ................................ Hateful.
77. Babble ............. ................................. Talk in a way which is difficult to
78. Bacchanalian .. ..................................... Drunken.
79. Backbite .......... .............................. To speak something at the back of
80. Badger ............. ............................. Annoy.
81. Badinage ......... ........................ playful teasing/banter.
82. Baffle ............... ................................ Confuse.
83. Bait ................. ...................................... Snare, Trap, Decoy.
84. Baleful ............. ....................... Deadly.
85. Balk ................. .......................... To be unwilling to do something.
86. Balmy .............. ....................................... Pleasantly warm.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 297
87. Bane ................ .................................. Curse.
88. Banter ............. ........................ Conversation which is funny and not
89. Barb ................. ...................................... Sharp projection from fish hook.
90. Barbaric ........... ...................................... Savagely cruel.
91. Bard ................. ...................................... Poet.
92. Barefaced ........ ..................................... Shameless.
93. Baroque ........... ................................ Highly ornate.
94. Barrage ............ ....................................... Structure built across a river.
95. Beeline ............ .......................... Direct or quick route.
96. Beget ............... ................................ To father or produce.
97. Begrudge ......... ............................. To give unwillingly.
98. Beguile ............ ....................... Cheat or mislead.
99. Behemoth ........ ........................... Huge creature.
100. Behest ............. .................... At the request or order of.
101. Benevolence ... ....................................... Kindness.
102. Betray ............. ................................ To be disloyal/ to deceive.
103. Blackguard ...... ................... A man who has no moral principles.
104. Blatant ............ ................. Open and unashamed.
105. Blister ............. ................................... Swellings on skin.
106. Blizzard ........... ............................. Stormy weather.
107. Blunder ........... .......................... A big mistake.
108. Blush ............... ......................... To become pink in the face due to
109. Boisterous ....... ..... Noisy and full of energy.
110. Bombast .......... ........................... Pompous language with little
111. Boost ............... ..................................... To improve/increase.
112. Booze ............... ................................ To take alcoholic drink.
113. Brickbat .......... ................................. An insult, spoken attack.
114. Brutal .............. ...................................... Savagely violent
115. Buckle ............. ........................ Crumble under pressure.
116. Bully ................ ..................... To hurt/frighten someone.
117. Bunk ................ ............... To leave without permission.
118. Butcher ........... ............................... To kill/murder someone.
119. Cabal ............... ................ Group of people who plan secretly.

298 English – from Plinth to Paramount

120. Cache .............. ......................... Hiding place.
121. Cacophony ...... ................................... Harsh mixture of sound.
122. Cadaver ........... ....................................... A dead human body.
123. Cadence .......... ..................... Regular rise and fall of voice.
124. Cahoots ........... ................................... Acting together generally for a
dishonest purpose.
125. Calamity ......... ..................................... Disaster.
126. Caldron ........... ..................................... Large kettle.
127. Calibre ............ ..................................... Ability.
128. Calligraphy ..... ......................... Art of writing beautifully.
129. Callous ............ ..................................... Cruel.
130. Callow ............. ................................ One with little experience or
131. Canvass ........... ................ Seek votes.
132. Capitalize ....... ...................... To supply money to a business.
133. Capitulate ....... ...................... Surrender.
134. Capricious ....... .................................... Fickle-minded.
135. Carcass ............ .................. A dead body of a large animal.
136. Cardinal .......... ...................................... most important.
137. Careen ............. Sway from side to side while moving
forward quickly.
138. Carnage ........... .................................. Slaughter/massacre.
139. Casanova ......... ................................... One who has lots of sexual
140. Catastrophe .... ............................. A sudden destructive event/
unpleasant and disastrous.
141. Cave (V) ........... ........................ Collapse/give in to demands.
Cave (N) ........... ...................................... A large hole on the side of a hill.
142. Censor ............. ........................... To ban unacceptable parts.
143. Censure ........... ............................... Strongly criticise.
144. Chaos .............. ................................. Complete disorder.
145. Charismatic .... .................................. Attractive.
146. Chaste ............. ...................................... Pure.
147. Chauvinism .... .... Feeling of superiority due to race or

English – from Plinth to Paramount 299

148. Cheat .............. ..................... One who cheats or deceives/the act
of deceiving.
149. Chide ............... ..................................... To reprimand and to speak severely
to someone.
150. Clamour .......... .. To make a loud complaint or demand.
151. Clandestine .... ....................................... Planned/done in secret.
152. Clasp ............... ............................ To hold something firmly.
153. Cloak ............... ...................... Long gown/ to hide.
154. Coalition ......... ...................................... A temporary alliance.
155. Coddle ............. ............ To protect something/ someone too
156. Collate ............ To put in proper order.
157. Collision ......... ..................................... The act of hitting something with other
158. Combat ............ ..................................... A fight especially during a war.
159. Commendable . .................................. Praiseworthy.
160. Commute ........ ... To make the same journey regularly/ to
161. Complement ... ...................................... A thing that improves.
162. Conceal ........... .................................... To hide.
163. Concede .......... ......................... Admit to be true.
164. Concurring ...... ............................... To agree with someone.
165. Condolence ..... ...................... Sympathy for the family of a person
who has recently died.
166. Confrontation .................................... Fight/argument.
167. Consecrate ...... .......... Make or declare sacred.
168. Conspicuity ..... ................................ Clarity.
169. Conspirator ..... ............................... One who plans something illegal.
170. Contemplate ... .............................. Think of a particular thing for a long
171. Convalesce ...... ....................... Regain health after illness.
172. Conversant ..... .................................. Having knowledge of.
173. Convict ............ ......... One proved guilty/to be proved guilty.
174. Conviviality .... ................................... Friendly.
175. Corporal .......... .................................. Bodily.
176. Corpse ............. ................................. A dead body of a person.
177. Corroborate ..... ................................ Confirm or support.

300 English – from Plinth to Paramount

178. Countenance ... ............................. The expression of the face.
179. Couplet ........... .................. Two successive rhyming lines of
180. Cramp ............. ........................ Hamper or restraint/painful
involuntary tightening of a muscle.
181. Credentials ..... ....................... Qualities/documents proving ability
and experience.
182. Crooked ........... ........................ Dishonest/not forming a straight
183. Culminate ....... ............... To reach a point and then finish.
184. Culprit ............. ...................................... Someone who has done something
185. Curb ................ ............................. To check/restrain.
186. Dab hand ......... ..................... An expert in something.
187. Dabble ............. .......... Work in non-serious way.
188. Daft ................. ....................................... Silly or stupid.
189. Dainty ............. ........................... Small and graceful.
190. Dally ................ ............... Procrastinate/to waste time or do
something slowly.
191. Damsel ............ .......................... A young unmarried girl.
192. Dank ................ ................................ Damp/wet.
193. Dapper ............. ............................... Neat and tidy.
194. Dappled ........... ................................. Spotted.
195. Daub ................ ..................................... Smear.
196. Daunt .............. ..................................... Intimidate, frighten.
197. Dauntless ........ ...................................... Bold.
198. Dearth ............. ...................................... Lack of.
199. Debauched ...... One who is given to sex, alcohol etc.
200. Debilitate ........ ........................... Weaken.
201. Debonair.......... ................................... Friendly.
202. Debunk ............ ................... To show that some thing is less
203. Debut .............. ............................. Something performed for the first
204. Decency ........... ............................... good and moral behavior.
205. Decimate ......... ............................... Kill/destroy.
206. Decipher .......... Decode.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 301

207. Declivity ......... ...................................... Downward slope.
208. Deface ............. .......................... Disfigure.
209. Defacto ............ ................................. Existing in fact.
210. Defeatist ......... ................................ One who accepts defeat easily.
211. Deference ........ .................................... Respect.
212. Defiant ............ ................................ Disobedient.
213. Deforestation .. ......................... Cutting down of trees in a large area.
214. Defuse ............. ......................... Reduce tension.
215. Deluge ............. ....................................... A large amount of rain/water.
216. Demographer .. ............. A person who studies changes in
number of births.
217. Denounce ........ ............................... To criticize strongly.
218. Deplorable ...... ..................................... Very bad.
219. Deposition ...... ...................................... A testimony.
220. Derail .............. ........................... To come off the railway track.
221. Desecration ..... ........................ Treatment of something sacred with
222. Desperate ........ . Feeling involving great willingness.
223. Despicable ...... ..................................... Unpleasant, causing strong feeling of
224. Detente ........... ........................... The easing of hostility between
225. Deterrent ........ .................... Discouragement from action.
226. Detrimental .... ............................. Harmful.
227. Diffuse ............. ................................. Spread over a wide area.
228. Dine ................ .......................... Eat dinner.
229. Discord ............ ........................ Lack of agreement.
230. Disembarked ... .......................... To leave a ship/plane after the
231. Disillusion ...... ........................... Disappointment.
232. Disinterested .. ..................................... Impartial.
233. Disparagement ..................................... Insult/abuse.
234. Dispassionate . ..................................... Not influenced by emotion.
235. Dispense with . ............................. Get rid of or manage without.
236. Disseminate .... ..................................... Spread widely.
237. Docile .............. ................................. Obedient.

302 English – from Plinth to Paramount

238. Dolorous .......... ...................................... Sad.
239. Draconian ....... .............................. Extremely severe.
240. Drain ............... .............................. (V) removing things; (N) pipes and
241. Drizzle ............. ............................ Rain in very small light drops.
242. Drowsy ............. ..................................... Sleepy.
243. Ebb .................. .................... Recede.
244. Ebullient ......... .................................. Very energetic and positive.
245. Eccentric ......... ................................... Of strange behaviour.
246. Eclectic ........... ................ Selected from various sources.
247. Ecstasy ............ ............................. A state of extreme happiness.
248. Edict ................ .............................. Official command, order.
249. Edify ................ ....... To educate morally or spiritually.

250. Eerie ............... ................................... Weird/strange in a frightening way.

251. Efface .............. ................................. Wipe out.
252. Effect .............. ................................... Result.
253. Effeminate ...... ............................. Having womanly traits.
254. Effete .............. ................................... Weak and without power.
255. Effigy .............. ...................................... A model representing someone,
256. Effluvium ........ ...................................... Noxious smell.
257. Effrontery ....... ......................... Extreme rudeness.
258. Egalitarian ...... ................................. Believing all people are equal.
259. Egregious ........ ........................ Notorious/extremely bad.
260. Egress ............. ................................... Exit.
261. Elated ............. ...................................... Overjoyed.
262. Elicit ............... ............................... Draw out by discussion.
263. Elite ................ ..................................... A superior group.
264. Elope ............... ................... To leave home secretly to get
265. Elucidate ........ ............................... To make clear and easy to
266. Elusive ............ ......... Difficult to find/discribe.
267. Emaciated ....... ...................................... Thin and weak.
268. Emanate.......... .................................. Emitting/ejecting.
269. Emancipate ..... ............................... Set free.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 303

270. Embark ........... .............................. To begin .
271. Embarrass ....... ............................. To cause someone feel
272. Embellish ....... ........................... To ornate or decorate.
273. Embolden ........ ............................. To make someone brave.
274. Eminent .......... ................................... Known and respected .
275. Emulate .......... ............................. Try to be equal.
276. Endangered ..... ................................. To put at risk.
277. Endear ............. ................................ To cause someone to be liked.
278. Enmity ............ .................................... Animosity, a feeling of hatred.
279. Enormity ......... .................................. Of very great size or importance.
280. Enthrall .......... .............................. Attract.
281. Enthusiastic ... .................................. Causing excitement.
282. Envisage ......... .......................... To expect as a possibility.
283. Eradicate ........ ............................. Remove/destroy completely.
284. Errand ............. .. A short journey to deliver/collect
285. Errant ............. ........................... One who does something wrong.
286. Escalate .......... ..................................... To increase/to expand step by step.
287. Espouse ........... ............................. Support/adopt a cause or way of life.
288. Estrange.......... ................................. No longer friendly.
289. Etch ................ ............................. Make clearly defined.
290. Ethical ............ ..................................... Beliefs which control behaviour.
291. Eunuch ............ .................................... A person who is neither a man nor a
292. Exasperate ...... ..................... To irritate
293. Exceptionable . ............................... Objectionable.
294. Exceptional ..... .................................... Unusual.
295. Excruciating ... ........................ Extremely painful.
296. Executioner .... .................................... One who carries the job of executing
297. Exhaust ........... .................. To spend/to make tired.
298. Exhilarate ....... ........................... Cause to feel very happy.
299. Expostulate .... ....................... Disagree strongly.
300. Extravaganza .. ................................ Exciting and expensive event.
301. Fad .................. ............................. A craze.
302. Falter .............. .............................. Hesitate.

304 English – from Plinth to Paramount

303. Fanatic ............ ..................................... Extremely enthusiastic of one's
religion, belief etc.
304. Fancier ............ ..... Breeder or dealer of animals.
305. Farce ............... .................... An absurd event.
306. Fatal ................ ..................................... Having serious and deadly effect.
307. Fate ................. ...................................... Destiny.
308. Fateful ............ .................. Having important but negative effect.
309. Fatuous ........... ................................. Foolish.
310. Fauna .............. .................... Animals of a particular area.
311. Faux pas .......... .......................... Word/behavior that is social mistake.
312. Feasible .......... ................................ Practical.
313. Feeble ............. ................................... Weak and without energy.
314. Feign ............... ............................... To pretend.
315. Felicity ............ ...................................... Happiness/ bliss.
316. Felony ............. ............................ A major criminal act.
317. Feral ................ .................................... Wild.
318. Ferry ............... ................. To transport people or goods/a boat for
319. Fetter .............. ............... To keep someone within limits.
320. Fiends ............. ...................... An evil person.
321. Finesse ............ ................................... Great skill or style.
322. Flabbergast ..... ............................. Dumbfound/astonished.
323. Flare ................ ................................... To start suddenly such as violence,
pain or anger.
324. Flaunt ............. ............................. Display ostentatiously.
325. Flex ................. ........ Tighten a muscle.
326. Flog ................. ................ To beat with a whip or stick.
327. Flout ............... ............................ To disobey rule/law.
328. Folly ................ ............................ Foolishness.
329. Foresee ........... ........................ Predicting something.
330. fragile ............. ................ Which can be easily broken.
331. Fraught ........... ............. Full of unpleasant things.
332. Frown .............. ....... Facial expression showing anger/
333. Furore ............. ...................................... An outbreak of public anger.
334. Gag .................. ...................... To put cloth etc in the mouth.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 305

335. Gallantry ......... ..................................... Bravery.
336. Garish ............. ....................... Overbright in colour/gaudy.
337. Garner ............. ............................ Store up, gather.
338. Gawk ............... ................. Stare foolishly.
339. Genesis ........... .................................. The origin of something.
340. Gigantic .......... .................................... Extremely large.
341. Glare ............... ............................. A long angry look.
342. Glee ................. ...................................... Great delight.
343. Glimmer .......... .............. A faint light/a slight sign of
something good.
344. Glum ............... ...................... Disappointed or unhappy and quiet.
345. Glutton ............ ........................................ One who eats too much.
346. Gourmet .......... .................... A person who knows a lot about food
and cooking.
347. Grandeur ......... ...................................... The quality of being very beautiful and
348. Grapple ............ ............................... Wrestle.
349. Grievous .......... ........................ Having very serious effect or causing
350. Grotesque ....... ............................... Unpleasant /distorted.
351. Grumble .......... ..................... To complain about something in an
annoyed way.
352. Guffaw ............. .................................... Noisy laughter.
353. Haggard ........... ........................... Looking ill or tired.
354. Hailstorm ........ ...................... A sudden heavy fall of hail.
355. Hallucination .. ....................................... To see or feel something or someone
that does not exist.
356. Hapless ............ ..................................... Unlucky/ helpless.
357. Hard hearted ... ................................ A person who is not kind.
358. Harrowing ....... ........................ Extremely upsetting.
359. Harry ............... ............................. To annoy.
360. Hasten ............. ............................... Hurry and do things quickly.
361. Hatch ............... ( ) ........................... To make (a secret plan).
362. Haughty .......... ..................................... Arrogant.
363. Hazardous ....... .................................. Dangerous.
364. Head Strong .... ...................................... Stubborn.

306 English – from Plinth to Paramount

365. Heckle ............. . To interrupt with loud unfriendly
questions or statements.
366. Heinous ........... .................................... Atrocious.
367. Heir ................. .............................. One who legally receives money or
368. Hermetic ......... .................................. Air-tight.
369. Hermitage ....... ....................................... Home of a hermit.
370. Hideous ........... ....................................... Extremely ugly/bad.
371. Hobble ............. ......................... To walk in a way as if the leg is
372. Homage ........... .................................. Deep respect shown.
373. Honorary ......... ................................. To work without salary.
374. Honourable ..... ................................. Respectable.
375. Horde ............... ...................................... A large group of people.
376. Horrendous ..... .................................... Horrifying.
377. Hulk ................ ..................................... Large and heavy.
378. Hurdle ............. ................................... Obstacle.
379. Hush up ........... .......................... Trying to prevent the discovery of
particular facts.
380. Ideal ................ ..................................... Without fault/to be perfect.
381. Idle .................. .................... Not working.
382. Illegal gratification ........... Unlawful satisfaction.
383. Illegible .......... .................................. Which cannot be read.
384. Illicit ............... ..................................... Disapproved by the society.
385. Imbecility ....... .................................... Stupidity.
386. Imbibe ............. ................................. To absorb/receive.
387. Immerse .......... ..................................... To become completely absorbed.
388. Imminent ........ ....................................... Likely to happen very soon.
389. Immolate ......... ...................... Offer as a sacrifice by burning.
390. Immune ........... ........................... Resistant to.
391. Immure ........... ............................... Imprison.
392. Immutable ...... .............................. Unchangeable.
393. Impairment ..... ..................................... Handicap and disabled.
394. Impalpable ...... .......... Difficult to feel or understand.
395. Impasse ........... ................................. A deadlock.
396. Imperialism .... ................................ System in which a country rules
other countries.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 307
397. Implicate ......... .................. To show that somone is involved in a
398. Impound .......... ............................. Seize and take legal possession of
399. Impromptu ...... ............................ Done/said without preparation.
400. Impulse ........... ..................... Sudden urge to do something.
401. Impunity ......... ............................. Freedom from punishment.
402. Incarnate ........ ............................. In human form.
403. Incessant ........ ................................... Never stopping.
404. Incision ........... ...................................... An opening made by a sharp tool.
405. Incongruous .... ...................................... Unusual/different from others.
406. Inconspicuous . ............... Not easily noticed or seen.
407. Incumbent ...... ................................. Necessary as a duty.
408. Incur ................ ..... To experience something usually
409. Indelible.......... ..................................... Unable to be removed.
410. Indigence ........ ..................................... Poverty.
411. Inducement ..... .................................... Act done to persuade someone or
412. Indulge ............ .............................. Allow oneself something enjoyable.
413. Inhibition ........ ..................................... A feeling preventing one from acting
414. Insane ............. ..................................... Mentally ill.
415. Instigate ......... .................................. To urge to do some action.
416. Interlocutor .... ...................... Someone involved in a conversation.
417. Intermittent ... ............................. Not happening regularly or
418. Intertwined ..... ................................. To be twisted together.
419. Intimidate ....... ..................................... Frighten.
420. Intruder ........... ................................. One who enters a place without
421. Irony ................ .................................. Meaning opposite but in a sarcastic
422. Irrevocable ...... .................... Impossible to change.
423. Isolate ............. ....................... To place apart or alone.
424. Jack ................ ..................................... To raise something/increase the
308 English – from Plinth to Paramount
425. Jamboree ........ ......... A large gathering to have fun.
426. Jeopardy ......... ................................... In danger.
427. Jittery ............. ..................... Nervous.
428. Jovial .............. ................................... Good natured.
429. Jubilation ....... ...................................... Rejoicing.
430. Juncture ......... ...................................... Joining point.
431. kneed .............. ..................................... To prepare dough.
432. Knotty ............. ..................................... Difficult to solve.
433. Languor ........... .................................. Quiet/peaceful.
434. Lanky .............. .............................. Long and thin (not attractive).
435. Latent ............. ....................................... Dormant.
436. Laud ................ .............................. To praise.
437. Laurels ............ ............................ Honour/praise.
438. Lax .................. ................................. Careless.
439. Lechery ........... ................................. Lustfulness.
440. Leery ............... .................................... Suspicious.
441. Legend ............ ................... Very old and popular story.
442. Legitimate ...... ..................................... Allowed by law.
443. Lenient ........... ................................ Not strict.
444. Lessen ............. ................................ To make less strong.
445. Lethargic ........ .................................... Lacking energy/lazy.
446. Liability .......... .................................... Legally responsible.
447. Lopsided .......... ..................................... With one side lower than the other.
448. Loquacious ...... ..................................... Talkative/Garrulous.
449. Lunacy ............ ................................... Insanity.
450. Macho ............. ..................................... Masculine.
451. Magnitude ...... ..................................... The large size or importance of
452. Majestic .......... ....................... Powerful/dignified and impressive.
453. Malady ............ .................................... An illness.
454. Malcontent ..... ................................... Person dissatisfied with existing state
of affairs.
455. Malign ............. ................................ Baleful, harmful, Deadly.
456. Mammoth ....... .................................... Huge.
457. Maniac ............ ..................................... A person who behaves in an uncontrolled

English – from Plinth to Paramount 309

458. Manifestation . ................................ Clear to become noticeable.
459. Marine ............ .................................... Related to sea.
460. Massacre ......... ................................... An act of killing many people.
461. Maze ............... ...................................... A complicated set of path or passages.
462. Melancholy ..... ...................................... Sad.
463. Menace ........... .................................... A dangerous or troublesome person/
464. Milestone ....... ............................ An important event in the history of
465. Miniscule ........ ............................... Very small.
466. Mirth ............... ...................................... Laughter, happiness.
467. Miscreant ....... ................................... One who behaves badly/doesn't obey
468. Mitigate .......... ................................ To make/become less severe.
469. Momentum ..... ................................ The force that keeps motion on.
470. Monstrous ...... .......................... Like a monster (cruel and/or very
471. Morbidity ........ ........................... Unpleasant and strange.
472. Moron ............. ................................... A stupid person.
473. Mounting ........ ................................ Gradually increasing.
474. Mow ................ ................................ Kill by knocking down with vehicle.
475. Mull ................ .............................. To think carefully about something.
476. Muster ............ .............................. Gather together/sum up a feeling.
477. Mutilate .......... ................................ To damage severely.
479. Mythology ...... ............................... Myths in general.
480. Myth ............... .................................... Ancient story.
481. Nadir ............... ............................... The worst moment/the lowest point.
482. Nape ................ ...................................... The back of the neck.
483. Nemesis .......... ........ Rival that is difficult to defeat.
484. Neologism ....... ................ New meaning.
485. Neophyte ......... ................................. Beginner, novice.
486. Nexus .............. ................................. Connection.
487. Nightmare ....... .................................... Frightening dream/an unpleasant
488. Nocturnal ........ ................................... Occurring/ active at night.
489. Nomad ............. Member of a tribe who travels from
place to place.
310 English – from Plinth to Paramount
490. Nonchalant ..... ......................... Careless/ lacking interest.
491. Oblivion .......... .................................... The state of being unaware/
492. Obnoxious ....... ..................................... Unpleasant.
493. Obscene ........... ................................... Rude or shocking.
494. Obsessive ........ ......................... Related to thinking about something
495. Obsolete .......... ...................................... Not in use any more.
496. Obstinate ........ ....................................... Stubborn.
497. Occlude ........... ................................. close up or block.
498. Occult .............. .......... Secret, mysterious, relating to magical
499. Ogre ................ ..................................... A frightening character of children's
stories who eats children.
500. Ombudsman .... .................................. Officer who deals with complaints.
501. Ominious ......... ............... Suggesting that something
unpleasant is likely to happen.
502. Opportunist ..... ................................ One who grabs every opportunity.
503. Optimistic ....... ................................. One who is hopeful.
504. Orator .............. ...................................... A skilled speaker.
505. Ordain ............. ................................ Order officially.
506. Ostensible ....... .................................. Showy.
507. Oust ................ ............................... Force out from the position of power.
508. Outrage ........... ............................ Insult/offence.
509. Overestimate .. ..................... To think that one is greater than he
really is.
510. Palate .............. ............. The top part of the inside of your
mouth/Appreciation for food or drink.
511. Palatial ........... .................................. A huge and splendid house.
512. Paltry .............. .................................. Worthless.
513. Pan .................. ......................... Criticise harshly.
514. Panacea ........... ................................... A remedy for all diseases.
515. Panache .......... ................................... Confidence/elegance/style.
516. Pandemic ........ ................................... Widespread.
517. Pandemonium . ............................... Great confusion/noisy disorder.
518. Panic ............... ........................................ Sudden uncontrolled fear.
519. Paramount ...... .................................... Supreme, zenith.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 311
520. Parched ........... ...................................... Dried out due to heat.
521. Pariah ............. ...................... Social outcast.
522. Parley .............. .................................. Conference.
523. Parochial ......... .................... Narrow in outlook.
524. Patronage ....... .................................... The support given to an organization.
525. Pawn................ ...................................... People of little importance.
526. Peck ................ .............................. Kiss lightly.
527. Peddler ............ ................................ One who travels door to door to sell
528. Pellet .............. ................................ A small ball of something.
529. Pelt ................. .................................... Throw.
530. Perfidious ....... .............................. Unable to be trusted.
531. Persevere ........ ..... Continue inspite of difficulty.
532. Persist ............. ................................ Continue and last.
533. Personify ......... ........................ Represent in human form.
534. Perspire ........... .............................. To sweat.
535. Perturb ............ ................................. Disturb.
536. Perverse .......... ................................ Contrary to what is accepted or
537. Pessimist ........ ................................ One who is not hopeful by nature.
538. Pious ............... .................................... Religious.
539. Pivotal ............. ...................................... Central and important.
540. Plaint .............. ................................... A legal complaint.
541. Plight .............. ............................... Unpleasant condition.
542. Polygamy ........ ................................ To have more that one wife/
543. Pomp ............... ................................... Splendid and colourful ceremony.
544. Populace.......... ................................ Ordinary people.
545. Posthumously . .............................. Awarded/published after death.
546. Pragmatic ....... ................................ Practical.
547. Precedent ........ ................................... An action already taken place/
decision already taken.
548. Precincts ......... ...... Part of a city where vehicles
are not allowed/limits.
549. Predicament ... An unpleasant situation, which is
difficult to get out of.
312 English – from Plinth to Paramount
550. Prejudice ......... .................................... Unfair opinion.
551. Preposterous ... ............................. Very foolish/ridiculous.
552. Prey ................. .................................... Victim/an animal hunted by another
for food.
553. Proclivity ........ .................................... Tendency or inclination.
554. Proliferation ... ................ Increasing greatly and suddenly in
555. Promising ....... ................................ Showing signs of being successful in
556. Propensity ...... ................ Tendency towards behaving badly.
557. Provocative ..... ............................. Causing an angry reaction/ inciting.
558. Prudence ......... .................................. Wisdom.
559. Pugnacious ..... ................................... Quarrelsome.
560. Punitive .......... ................................. Intended as a punishment.
561. Purge ............... ................ To get rid of people you don't like/to
make free for harmful things.
562. Pyre ................. ...................................... A large pile of wood on which a dead
body is burnt.
563. Quantum ......... .................... Unit of something.
564. Quell ............... .................................... To stop something especially by using
565. Quench ............ ........................... satisfy (thirst).
566. Query .............. ............................... A question/doubt.
567. Quiescent ........ ...................................... Dormant, at rest.
568. Quietude ......... ...................................... Tranquility.
569. Quotidian ........ ................................... Common/ordinary.
570. Racial .............. ....................... Connected with a particular race or
571. Rancor ............. .................................... Bitterness, hatred.
572. Rankle ............. ............................. Irritate.
573. Rapport ........... ................................... Harmony.
574. Ratify .............. ........................... Confirm formally by signing it or voting
for it.
575. Ravenous ........ ................................ Extremely hungry.
576. Raze ................ ................................ To destroy.
577. Rebellious ....... .................................... One who opposes the system.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 313

578. Rebuff ............. ..... To refuse a helpful suggestion.
579. Rebuke ............ ....................... Scold harshly.
580. Recalcitrant .... ..................................... One who is unwilling to obey orders.
581. Reckless .......... ................................. Without caring for the result of an
582. Recluse ........... .................................... One who lives alone.
583. Recuperate ...... ................ To recover from illness.
584. Redundant ...... ................................. Unnecessary.
585. Refute ............. ............................. To say/prove that a person opinion is
586. Regime ............ ..................................... Rule of.
587. Reign ............... ..................................... The monarch's period of rule.
588. Rein ................ ..................... Piece of leather which helps you to
control the headgear of a horse/to
bridle/to restrain.
589. Relegate .......... ............................. Place in a lower position.
590. Reluctant ........ ................................. Unwilling.
591. Remorse .......... .................................. Feeling of guilt or regret.
592. Renewable ...... ............................. Which can be used again and again.
593. Repent ............. ................................... To be sorry for something.
594. Repercussions . ................................... Consequence.
595. Replica ............ ................................... An exact copy of an object.
596. Reprehensible . ................................... Deserving condemnation.
597. Reprieve .......... ..................................... An escape from a bad situation.
598. Repugnant ...... ..................... Unpleasant behavior or belief.
599. Resentment .... .................................... Feeling of dislike.
600. Respite ............ ..................................... Relief from something.
601. Resurgence ..... . A new increase of idea which had
been forgotten for some time.
602. Resurrect ........ ..................... To bring someone back to life.
603. Retrieve .......... ....................... To find and bring back something.
604. Reverence ....... .................................... Respect.
605. Rhetoric .......... Effective speech but not essentially
606. Rumour ........... ................................... Piece of news that may or may not be

314 English – from Plinth to Paramount

607. Ruthless .......... ........................................ Cruel.
608. Sacrament ...... .............................. An important religious ceremony.
609. Sadist .............. .................................. One who obtains pleasure by hurting
610. Salubrious ...... .............. Good for health.
611. Salvation ........ ....................................... The act of saving someone from
danger, loss sin etc.
612. Sanctity .......... ................................... The quality of being holy.
613. Sanguine ......... ................................. Hopeful.
614. Sarcasm .......... ................................. Scornful remarks.
615. Scant ............... ............................. Barely enough.
616. Scrap ............... ............................ Small pieces /Argument.
617. Scum ............... ........ Dirt (on the surface of liquid).
618. Seasoned ......... ................................... Having a lot of experience.
619. Sensuous ......... ........ Relating to physical senses./
Physically attractive.
620. Severity .......... ..................................... Extremity.
621. Shambles ........ .............................. A state of confusion/untidiness.
622. Shirk ............... ................................. To avoid work/ duty.
623. Shrewd ............ ........................................ Based on clear understanding and
624. Shroud ............. .................................... Hide.
625. Shrug .............. . To raise and then lower the shoulder
to show lack of knowledge/interest.
626. Site ................. ............. Place where something is built.
627. Sizzle .............. ........................... (of food) make a hissing sound when
being fried.
628. Skeptical ......... ..................................... Doubtful.
629. Slay ................. ............................... Murder.
630. Solace ............. .................................... Comfort in time of distress.
631. Solidarity ........ .................................... Support.
632. Solitary ........... .................................... The only person/thing in given place.
633. Spectre ............ ...................................... The idea of something unpleasant
that may happen in future.
634. Spinster .......... ............................. A woman who is not married.
635. Sporadic .......... ......................... Occurring at irregular intervals.
636. Spouse ............. ............................... Life partner.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 315

637. Spurious .......... .................................. False and not what it appears to be.

638. Squirm ............ .................................. To move from side to side in an

awkward way because of
nervousness, pain etc.
639. Stack ............... ................. Pile on one another.
640. Stagger ............ ................................ To walk showing imbalance.
641. Strangle .......... ...................... To kill by pressing the throat.
642. Stringent ........ ..................................... Strict and demanding.
643. Stroke ............. ............. An act of hitting/a sound of a striking
644. Subdue ............ ......................... To reduce the force of something.
645. Substantiate ... ............... To support a claim.
646. Subterfuge ...... ...... A trick or a dishonest way of
achieving something.
647. Subtle ............. ............. Small but important.
648. Succour ........... ......................... Help given to someone in need.
649. Sully ................ ................................ Stain/to spoil someone's perfect
650. Sultry .............. ................................. Warm and moist.
651. Sumptuous ...... ..................................... Luxurious/showing wealth.
652. Suo-moto ......... .................................... On its own.
653. Surge ............... ........................... A sudden or great increase.
654. Swathe ............ ............ Broad strip of cloth/land.
655. Sycophancy ..... ................................... Attempt to win favour by flattery.
656. Symposium ..... .............................. Official meeting.
657. Synchronize .... ................... To (Cause to) happen at the same
658. Tangible .......... ...... Real, which can be touched or
659. Tawdry ............. ...................... Cheap and gaudy.
660. Temerity ......... .................................... Boldness.
661. Temperate ...... ......................... Self controlled.
662. Tempestuous .. ............... Full of strong emotion.
663. Tendentious .... .............. Supporting a particular opinion.
664. Tenements ...... .............................. A large building divided into

316 English – from Plinth to Paramount

665. Terse ............... .................................... Concise/using few words.
666. Thumping ........ .................................. Extremely great or important.
667. Thunder .......... ...................................... Sudden large noise from the sky.
668. Thunderbolt .... A flash of lightening and sound of
669. Timid ............... ................................... Lacking courage/ cowardly.
670. Tiptoe .............. ............... To walk on toes with heels not
touching the ground.
671. Tormentor ....... .................................... One who causes sufferings.
672. Tout ................ ..................................... The act/the person encouraging sale
of anything.
673. Toxic ............... ................................... Poisonous.
674. Traffic ............. .............. Illegal trade.
675. Trail ................ ....................... Path/ to follow the path of someone/
to move slowly.
676. Traitor ............. ...................................... A person who is not loyal.
677. Trauma ............ .......................... Severe emotional shock.
678. Treason ........... ..................................... The act of being not loyal.
679. Triumph .......... ................................. A great success.
680. Twitch ............. ................................... Any part of body making sudden, small
681. Unanimous ...... .................................. To agree/support together.
682. Uncanny .......... .................................... Strange/impossible to explain.
683. Under-privileged ...................................... Poor.
684. Underestimate ....................... To estimate that one is inferior to
what he really is.
685. Uninterested ... ......................... Not interested.
686. Unison ............. ................................. Two/more things happening at same
687. Unruly ............. ................................. Not easy to control.
688. Upbeat ............. ................................. Cheerful, optimistic.
689. Uproar ............. ............................... A loud noise or disturbance.
690. Uproot ............. ....................... To remove from their home place/
691. Vague .............. .................................... Not clearly expressed.
692. Valediction ...... ............................. Speech in which one says goodbye.
693. Validate ........... ........................... Confirm, Ratify.
694. Vandalism ....... ............... Crime of damaging property.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 317

695. Veil .................. ............................... Thing that hides or disguises.
696. Vengeance ...... .......................... Revenge.
697. Vengeful .......... .................... To have strong desire to punish
someone who has hurt one or one's
dear ones.
698. Venom ............. ...................................... Poison.
699. Verbose ........... .............................. Using more words than necessary.
700. Verily .............. ............................. In a completely truthful way.
701. Vestige ............ ................................... A still existing small part of
702. Veteran ........... ................................... A person who has a lot of experience.
703. Vicarious ......... .............. Experienced in one's imagination
rather than directly.
704. Vicious ............ ................................... Violent and aggressive.
705. Victimize ......... ..................................... To treat someone in a cruel and
unfair manner.
706. Vigorous .......... ................................... Energetic.
707. Virtuous .......... .......................... Having good moral qualities.
708. Volatile ........... .................................... Likely to change suddenly.
709. Voluminous ..... .............................. Loose and full.
710. Vow .................. ..................................... Solemn promise.
711. Vulnerable ...... Prone to physical/ emotional hurt.
712. Vie ................... ........................... To compete with other people to
obtain something.
713. Wan ................. ................................... Weak/pale/tired-looking.
714. Wanderlust ..... ................... Strong desire to travel.
715. Wholeheartedly ................................ With complete interest and
716. Witty ............... ................................... Using words in a clever manner.
717. Wizard ............. .................................... Magician.
718. Woes ............... ....................................... Sorrow/distress.
719. Wretch ............ .................................... An unhappy person.
720. Yawn ................ ............................... To breathe taking in a lot of air with
mouth open.
721. Yearn ............... ............................. Crave.
722. Zealous ............ .................................. Enthusiastic, causing excitement.

318 English – from Plinth to Paramount



Directions: in questions no. 1 to 274, out of the four alternatives, choose the one
which best expresses the meaning of the given word and mark it in the answer sheet.

1. Irrevocable 8. Docile 15. Restrict

(a) Change (a) Submissive (a) Curtail
(b) Done (b) Stubborn (b) Prohibit
(c) Unalterable (c) Strong (c) Retain
(d) Reversible (d) Changeable (d) Retail
2. Adorn 9. Considerate 16. Anticipate
(a) Trust (a) Agreeable (a) Antagonise
(b) Writer (b) Kind (b) Expect
(c) Suspect (c) Like-minded (c) Accept
(d) Beautify (d) Thoughtful (d) Hope
3. Repose 10. Irresolute 17. Tremendous
(a) Place (a) Undecided (a) Awesome
(b) Keep (b) Angry (b) Remarkable
(c) Rest (c) Ignorant (c) Considerable
(d) Replace (d) Firm (d) Excessive
4. Commotion 11. Frugal 18. Meticulous
(a) Cheer (a) Economical (a) Correct
(b) Imbalance (b) Miserly (b) Clean
(c) Disturbance (c) Splendid (c) Methodical
(d) Movement (d) Hungry (d) Painstaking
5. Nurture 12. Motive 19. Abundant
(a) To encourage (a) Reason (a) Sufficient
(b) To grow (b) Occasion (b) Plentiful
(c) To see (c) Intention (c) Significant
(d) To maintain (d) Preparation (d) Vibrant
6. Deny 13. Pity 20. Acquaint
(a) Regain (a) Offence (a) Arouse
(b) Refuse (b) Mercy (b) Introduce
(c) Repair (c) Kindness (c) Appoint
(d) Reduce (d) Joy (d) Acquire
7. Abuse 14. Quash 21. Change
(a) Use (a) Question (a) Alter
(b) Praise (b) Pledge (b) Renew
(c) Scorn (c) Reject (c) Review
(d) Raise (d) Slash (d) Repeat
English – from Plinth to Paramount 319
22. Surreptitiously 32. Poach 42. Prospective
(a) Calmly (a) Catch (a)Preceded
(b) Secretly (b) Hunt (b) Prosperous
(c) Suggestively (c) Preach (c) Perplexed
(d) Quitely (d) Plunder (d) Possible
23. Forebode 33. Repartee 43. Lousy
(a) Alarm (a) Refuse (a) Unbearable
(b) Foretell (b) Celebrate (b)Awful
(c) Failure (c) Quick witty reply (c) Loose
(d) Forefront (d) Question (d) Stinking
24. Genuine 34. Exhort 44. Accentuated
(a) Good (a) Recommend (a) Accent
(b) Real (b) Coax (b) Devalued
(c) Attractive (c) Urge (c) Mitigated
(d) Lovable (d) Push (d) Sharpened
25. Adverse 35. Lurid 45. Predominantly
(a) Negative (a) Happy (a) Emphatically
(b) Facilitating (b) Abundant (b) Forcefully
(c) Decorative (c) Bright (c) Mostly
(d) Derogative (d) Shocking (d) Profoundly
26. Elastic 36. Familiar 46. Paucity
(a) Rubbery (a) Well-known (a) Sincerity
(b) Flexible (b) Familial (b) Shortfall
(c) Expensive (c) Relative (c) Publicity
(d) Exciting (d) Common (d) Downfall
27. Vacillate 37. Dessert 47. Avert
(a) Waver (a) Wasteland (a) Hide
(b) Never (b) Abandon (b) Obey
(c) Quiver (c) Sweet-dish (c) Excuse
(d) Queer (d) Broth (d) Avoid
28. Impeccable 38. Affiliate 48. Pensive
(a) Perfect (a) Control (a) Careless
(b) Fair (b) Associate (b) Thoughtful
(c) Faultless (c) Copy (c) Penitent
(d) Criminal (d) Discriminate (d) Unattached
29. Impediment 39. Explicit 49. Cordial
(a) Clear (a) Clear (a) Smooth
(b) Ailment (b) Obvious (b) Friendly
(c) Incapable (c) Cautious (c) Sophisticated
(d) Obstruction (d) Exorbitant (d) Reserved
30. Advance 40. Diligent 50. Provisional
(a) Reduce (a) Intelligent (a) Casual
(b) Halt (b) Energetic (b) Lucky
(c) Progress (c) Modest (c) Visible
(d) Extend (d) Industrious (d) Temporary
31. Prognosis 41. Infuriate 51. Horrendous
(a) Diagnosis (a) Burn (a) Very huge
(b) Forecast (b) Disgrace (b) Greatly unpleasant
(c) Preface (c) Threaten (c) Mildly sincere
(d) Identity (d) Enrage (d) Most pleasant
320 English – from Plinth to Paramount
52. Authentic 62. Frontier 72. Emulate
(a) Admirable (a) Edge (a) Praise
(b) Genuine (b) Landmark (b) Find out
(c) Adjustable (c) Boundary (c) Follow
(d) None of the above (d) Corner (d) Assess
53. Rectify 63. Rout 73. Boast
(a) Correct (a) Death (a) Cry
(b) Alter (b) Defeat (b) Abuse
(c) Erase (c) Loss (c) Hate
(d) Continue (d) Crash (d) Brag
54. Miraculous 64. Irreproachable
74. Mass murder
(a) Mysterious (a) Remarkable
(a) Patricide
(b) Sudden (b) Extraordinary
(c) Faultless (b) Fratricide
(c) Amazing
(d) Immense (c) Regicide
(d) Unexpected
55. Warranty 65. Felicity (d) Genocide
(a) Threat (a) Prosperity 75. Executioner
(b) Guarantee (b) Honesty (a) Executive engineer
(c) Order for arrest (c) Bliss (b) Explorer
(d) Issue (d) Sorrow (c) Experimenter
56. Knave 66. Judicious (d) One who inflict
(a) Emperor (a) Biased capital punishment
(b) Enchanter (b) Sensible 76. Maiden speech
(c) Soldier (c) Exact (a) Farewell speech
(d) Scoundrel (d) Honest (b) Short speech
57. Prodigal 67. Transpired (c) First speech
(a) Huge (a) Was communicated (d) Speech about
(b) Prodigious (b) Was discussed women
(c) Enormous (c) Happened 77. Interfere
(d) Wasteful (d) Conspired (a) Meddle
58. Impost 68. Obstinate (b) Help
(a) Fertilizer (a) Foolish (c) Object
(b) Dispatch (b) Unyielding (d) Copy
(c) Tax (c) Unreasonable
78. Tedious
(d) Postage (d) Mischievous
69. Sundry (a) Tiresome
59. Coarse
(a) Countless (b) Dull
(a) Academic
(b) Various (c) Interesting
(b) Grain
(c) Rough (c) Certain (d) Exciting
(d) Training (d) Several 79. Magnificent
60. Forego 70. Menial (a) Magnanimous
(a) Renounce (a) Lowly (b) Modest
(b) Disown (b) Tough (c) Generous
(c) Leave (c) Dangerous (d) Splendid
(d) Accumulate (d) Low-paid 80. Spirited
61. Recipients 71. Impetus (a) Heated
(a) Creators (a) Financial support (b) Drunk
(b) Donors (b) Accelerated growth (c) Enthusiastic
(c) Receivers (c) Retarded growth (d) Possessed
(d) Instigators (d) Driving force
English – from Plinth to Paramount 321
81. Gloomy 91. Fortitude 101. Homage
(a) Misty (a) Composure (a) Humility
(b) Morose (b) Confidence (b) Tribute
(c) Murky (c) Courage (c) Obedience
(d) Shadowy (d) Produce (d) Allegiance
82. Grumble 92. Sanitise 102. Clue
(a) To scold (a) Pleasant (a) Hint
(b) To complain (b) Disinfect (b) Inkling
(c) To sheer (c) Pious (c) Intimation
(d) To fight (d) Crazy (d) Signal
83. Crude 93. Favourite 103. Amazement
(a) Unrefined (a) Preferred (a) Shock
(b) Cruel (b) Focused (b) Wander
(c) Rude (c) Pleasurable (c) Surprise
(d) Savage (d) Disliked (d) Suspicion
84. Hostile 94. Novice 104. Consistency
(a) Poor (a) Beginner (a) Constancy
(b) Antagonistic (b) Virtuous (b) Competence
(c) Delinquent (c) Trainer (c) Permanence
(d) Reticent (d) Learner (d) Uniformity
85. Friendly 95. Adversary 105. Electrifying
(a) Gentle (a) Poverty (a) Attractive
(b) Amiable (b) Contestant (b) Fearsome
(c) Considerate (c) Opponent (c) Exciting
(d) Industrious (d) Intruder (d) Disturbing
86. Veil
96. Dishonour 106. Refrain
(a) Seclude
(a) Infamy (a) Dissuade
(b) Moan
(b) Glory (b) Desist
(c) Conceal
(c) Uncouth (c) Prevent
(d) Repent
87. Recurrent (d) Wicked (d) Curb
(a) Flowing backward 97. Erudite 107. Merited
(b) Healing quickly (a) Scholarly (a) Deserved
(c) Happening (b) Friendly (b) Encouraged
repeatedly (c) Miserly (c) Prompted
(d) Timely (d) Lovely (d) Supported
88. Peculiar 98. Idea 108. Candid
(a) Same (a) Comprehension (a) Overconfident
(b) Strange (b) Notion (b) Frank
(c) Surprising (c) Emotion (c) Arrogant
(d) Tiring (d) Gist (d) Careless
89. Prosper 99. Takes after 109. Zealous
(a) Cherish (a) Follows (a) Ardent
(b) Promote (b) Comes after (b) Jealous
(c) Thrive (c) Resembles (c) Furious
(d) Rich (d) Imitates (d) Impatient
90. Eminent 100. Ill-favoured 110. Industrious
(a) Confident (a) Unlucky (a) Indolent
(b) Authentic (b) Weak in health (b) Industrial
(c) Ingenious (c) Short-tempered (c) Hard-working
(d) Illustrious (d) Ugly (d) Economic
322 English – from Plinth to Paramount
111. Feasible 121. Ancestors 131. Aversion
(a) Practical (a) Extinct tribes (a) Aggression
(b) Rejoice (b) Relatives (b) Assertion
(c) Accentuate (c) Forefathers (c) Dislike
(d) Accurate (d) Old people (d) Impudence
112. Atrocity 122. Embrace 132. Desperation
(a) Envy (a) Impress (a) Depression
(b) Violence (b) Except (b) Jubilation
(c) Jealousy (c) Embarrass (c) Fascination
(d) Absurdity (d) Accept (d) Hopelessness
113. Fortify 123. Meek 133. Jubilant
(a) Create (a) Light-hearted (a) Brilliant
(b) Generate (b) Serious (b) Proud
(c) Prohibit (c) Submissive (c) Ecstatic
(d) Strengthen (d) Benign (d) Gloomy
114. Pacify 124. Cajole 134. Liberty
(a) Calm down (a) Insist (a) Freedom
(b) Satisfy (b) Persuade (b) Equality
(c) Rouse (c) Direct (c) Charity
(d) Rejoice (d) Recommend (d) Democracy
115. Barren 125. Fragrance 135. Blister
(a) Good (a) Taste (a) Chatter
(b) Wholesome (b) Aroma (b) Travel
(c) Unproductive (c) Sight (c) Attack
(d) Profitable (d) Touch (d) Wound
116. Infamy 126. Fictitious 136. Trauma
(a) Notoriety (a) False (a) Accident
(b) Glory (b) Frail (b) Art form
(c) Integrity (c) Foul (c) Type of medicine
(d) Familiarity (d) Flattering (d) Emotional shock
117. Intrepid 127. Obscene 137. Fabulous
(a) Hesitant (a) Dirty (a) Beautiful
(b) Fearless (b) Unhealthy (b) Marvellous
(c) Extrovert (c) Indecent (c) Interesting
(d) Familiarity (d) Unwanted (d) Charming
118. Perspicuous 128. Imitate 138. Laudable
(a) Relevant (a) Follow (a) Sincere
(b) Precise (b) Copy (b) Praiseworthy
(c) Brief (c) Think (c) Benevolent
(d) Clear (d) Allude (d) Welcome
119. Sufficient 129. Enigmatic 139. Surpass
(a) Full (a) Magnetic (a) Outdo
(b) Complete (b) Automatic (b) Pass over
(c) Enough (c) Speeding (c) Overdo
(d) Less (d) Puzzling (d) Pass by
120. Benevolent 130. Despondent 140. Defer
(a) Beneficial (a) Deserted (a) Indifferent
(b) Kind (b) Dejected (b) Deft
(c) Helpful (c) Rejected (c) Differ
(d) Supportive (d) Repentant (d) Postpone
English – from Plinth to Paramount 323
141. Cease 151. Crass 161. Ostracise
(a) Begin (a) Casual (a) Censure
(b) Stop (b) Formal (b) Sentence
(c) Create (c) Unrefined (c) Banish
(d) Dull (d) Sterile (d) Berate
142. Pious 152. Accomplish 162. Appalled
(a) Religious (a) Amass (a) Shocked
(b) Sympathetic (b) Acquire (b) Saddened
(c) Afraid (c) Adhere (c) Scared
(d) Faithful (d) Achieve (d) Alarmed
143. Abandon 153. Cursory 163. Imbecility
(a) Forsake (a) Little (a) Stupidity
(b) Keep (b) Quick (b) Rusticity
(c) Cherish (c) Eager (c) Verbosity
(d) Enlarge (d) Tender (d) Incoherence
144. Intimidate 154. Envisaged 164. Collusion
(a) Calm down (a) Ensured (a) Conflict
(b) View (b) Idealized (b) Secret agreement
(c) Leave (c) Contemplated (c) Consultation
(d) Frighten (d) Imagined (d) Misunderstanding
145. Regard 155. Clandestine 165. Hesitant
(a) Respect (a) Awkward (a) Antagonistic
(b) Liking (b) Inconsistent (b) Grumbling
(c) Love (c) Secret (c) Contradict
(d) Suspicion (d) Ugly (d) Undecided
166. Deceptive
146. Swap 156. Resentment
(a) Disagreeable
(a) Snap (a) Annoyance
(b) Misleading
(b) Exchange (b) Dispatch
(c) Mistake
(c) Break (c) Disagreement
(d) Debatable
(d) Exclude (d) Dismissal 167. Palpable
147. Prudent 157. Obdurate (a) Obvious
(a) Wise (a) Angry (b) Immense
(b) Cunning (b) Calm (c) Sufficient
(c) Frank (c) Obsessed (d) Hidden
(d) Severe (d) Adamant 168. Laid-back
148. Genius 158. Obscure (a) Lie in wait
(a) A generous person (a) Unknown (b) Sorry state
(b) A foreigner (b) Neglectful (c) Lame
(c) An intellect (c) Occasional (d) Easy-going
(d) An athlete (d) Old 169. Sauntering
149. Culmination 159. Reluctant (a) Jogging
(a) Conclusion (a) Unwilling (b) Brisk walking
(b) Climax (b) Forego (c) Travelling
(c) Abyss (c) Redundant (d) Strolling
(d) Cultivation (d) Amendable 170. Pompous
150. Sporadic 160. Revelation (a) Grandiose
(a) Surviving (a) Anticipation (b) Polished
(b) Sweeping (b) Imagination (c) Modest
(c) Irregular (c) Revel in (d) Skilled
(d) Persistent (d) Disclosure
324 English – from Plinth to Paramount
171. Poignant 181. Hostility 191. Reticent
(a) Showy (a) Illness (a) Sensitive
(b) Sad (b) Enmity (b) Secretive
(c) Silly (c) Disturbance (c) Not feeling well
(d) Snobbish (d) Derogatory (d) Not saying much
172. Querulous 182. Indifferent 192. Reciprocal
(a) Critical (a) Dissimilar (a) Formal
(b) Curious (b) Various (b) Favorable
(c) Quarrelsome (c) Interference (c) Mutual
(d) Ambiguous (d) Unconcerned (d) Sustainable
173. Audacious 183. Condemn 193. Apprise
(a) Brilliant (a) Censure (a) Inform
(b) Powerful (b) Despair (b) Estimate
(c) Bold (c) Kill (c) Admire
(d) Frightening (d) Hit (d) Require
174. Perilous 184. Defect 194. Consensus
(a) Hazardous (a) Loss (a) Awareness
(b) Rigorous (b) Harm (b) General agreement
(c) Resilient (c) Shortcoming (c) Careful observation
(d) Requisite (d) Delicate (d) Praiseworthy
175. Reverie 185. Jealous 195. Unceremonious
(a) Determination (a) Envious (a) Impolite
(b) Day-dream (b) Unhappy (b) Informal
(c) Reality (c) Regretful (c) Incomplete
(d) Realization (d) Remorse (d) Irregular
186. Weary
176. Genial 196. Treason
(a) Careless
(a) Cordial (a) Absurdity
(b) Shivering
(b) Unselfish (b) Disloyalty
(c) Troubled
(c) Careful (c) Dishonesty
(d) Weak
(d) Specific 187. Plausible (d) Deception
177. Accrue (a) Pleasing taste 197. Amiable
(a) Accumulate (b) Seemingly true (a) Popular
(b) Accommodate (c) Manageable (b) Generous
(c) Grow (d) Cannot be proved (c) Friendly
(d) Suffice 188. Creditable (d) Reasonable
178. Loquacious (a) Able to lend money 198. Lucid
(a) Talkative (b) Bringing praise (a) Fluent
(b) Slow (c) Able to repay a loan (b) Clear
(c) Content (d) Fit to be believed (c) Musical
(d) Unclear 189. Salient (d) Familiar
179. Vindictive (a) Most important 199. Ravaged
(a) Imaginative (b) Salt-like taste (a) Destroyed
(b) Accusative (c) Pleasing (b) Spoiled
(c) Spiteful (d) Satisfactory (c) Conquered
(d) Aggressive 190. Fragile (d) Robbed
180. Inclement (a) Soft 200. Perplexed
(a) Selfish (b) Smooth (a) Annoyed
(b) Active (c) Flexible (b) Disappointed
(c) Unfavourable (d) Easily broken (c) Puzzled
(d) Inactive (d) Ruined
English – from Plinth to Paramount 325
201. Anonymity 211. Solicit 221. Squander
(a) Reputation (a) Command (a) Expensive
(b) Publicity (b) Request (b) Waste
(c) Being unknown (c) Sympathize (c) Litter
(d) Wrong address (d) Agree (d) Economical
202. Ephemeral 212. Surmount 222. Abated
(a) Disturbing (a) Discount (a) Reduced
(b) Filthy (b) Surround (b) Vanished
(c) Short-lived (c) Overcome (c) Increased
(d) Poverty-stricken (d) Capture (d) Stabilized
203. Caption 213. Pertinent 223. Abrogate
(a) Joke (a) Indirect (a) Repeal
(b) Definition (b) Relevant (b) Destroy
(c) Meaning (c) Direct (c) Delay
(d) Title (d) Important (d) Dismiss
204. Battered 214. Nebulous 224. Abstemious
(a) Destroyed (a) Revolutionary (a) Resistant
(b) Dashed on (b) Vague (b) Temperate
(c) Struck hard (c) Starting (c) Superstitions
(d) Struck off (d) Idiotic (d) Careful
205. Extravagant 215. Ubiquitous 225. Allegiance
(a) Hardworking (a) Omnipresent (a)Servility
(b) Good (b) Omnipotent (b)Obedience
(c) Extraordinary (c) Omniscient (c) Loyalty
(d) Spendthrift (d) Affluent (d) Passivity
206. Redundant 216. Corroborate 226. Amicable
(a) Superfluous (a) Collaborate (a) Poisonous
(b) Uninterested (b) Substantiate (b) Co-operative
(c) Introspective (c) Co-operate (c) Satisfying
(d) Knowledgeable (d) Correlate (d) Heartening
207. Hindered 217. Adequate 227. Ample
(a) Damaged (a) Necessary (a) Meagre
(b) Disturbed (b) Sufficient (b) Quantitative
(c) Obstructed (c) Procured (c) Sufficient
(d) Protested (d) Additional (d) Tasty
208. Concealed 218. Solecism 228. Baleful
(a) Covered (a) Abuse (a) Harmful
(b) Closed (b) Witty quip (b) Doubtful
(c) Sealed (c) Clever argument (c) Useful
(d) Hidden (d) Grammatical error (d) Helpful
209. Relish 219. Delirious 229. Benevolence
(a) Realize (a) Delicious (a) Ill will
(b) Taste (b) Pleasing (b) Morbidity
(c) Enjoy (c) Desperate (c) Kindness
(d) Reveal (d) Excited (d) Vision
210. Acute 220. Licentious 230. Camouflage
(a) Dull (a) Immoral (a) Hide
(b) Drowsy (b) Intellectual (b) Reveal
(c) Unpleasant (c) Moral (c) Disguise
(d) Sharp (d) Without license (d) Pretend
326 English – from Plinth to Paramount
231. Chivalrous 241. Evoked 251. Irreverence
(a) Crude (a) Escaped (a) Disrespect
(b) Gallant (b) Called forth (b) Cruelty
(c) Handsome (c) Produced (c) Unkindness
(d)Tinkering (d) Summoned (d) Invalidity
232. Covenant 242. Flabbergasted 252. Latent
(a)Case (a) Scared (a)Primitive
(b) Coupon (b) Embarrassed (b) Hidden
(c) Contract (c) Dumbfounded (c) Potent
(d) Settlement (d) Humiliated (d) Talented
233. Dainty 243. Flimsy 253. Massive
(a)Carefree (a) Weak (a) Tall
(b)Feminine and happy (b) Strong (b) Large in size
(c)Delicacy (c) Justified (c) Total
(d)Small and graceful (d) Impulsive (d) Little
234. Deference 244. Garish 254. Obnoxious
(a) Indifference (a) Unusual (a) Depressing
(b) Sympathy (b) Exciting (b) Disgusting
(c) Respect (c) Confused (c) Arrogant
(d) Flattery (d) Gaudy (d) Filthy
235. Dormant 245. Implacable 255. Panacea
(a) Sleeping (a) Relentless (a) Flatter
(b) Humble (b) Unappeasable (b) Praise
(c) Quick (c) Dangerous (c) Inactivity
(d) Active (d) Courageous (d) Cure-all
236. Dramatic 246. Indict 256. Pragmatic
(a) Unprecedented (a) To accuse (a) Practical
(b)Thrilling (b) Entrapment (b) Playful
(c) Spectacular (c) Indoctrination (c) Causal
(d) Effective (d) Inducement (d) Clever
237. Dubious 247. Indigent 257. Reparation
(a) Doubtful (a) Indian men (a) Compensation
(b) Disputable (b) Poor (b) Co-relation
(c) Duplicate (c) Guilty (c) Aspersion
(d) Dangerous (d) Untried (d) Delegation
238. Duplicity 248. Innocuous 258. Salutary
(a) Repetition (a) Abominable (a) Premature
(b) Artlessness (b) Harmless (b) Terrible
(c) Deception (c) Harmful (c) Disastrous
(d) Cleverness (d) Useful (d) Beneficial
239. Eternal 249. Innuendoes 259. Shrink
(a) Innumerable (a) Indications (a) Contract
(b) Immeasurable (b) Inspiring quotes (b) Physician
(c) Prolonged (c) Witty remarks (c) Reduce
(d) Perpetual (d) Insinuations (d) Shrivel
240. Evince 250. Insolent 260. Soporific
(a) Look (a) Violent (a) Soothing
(b) Try (b) Polite (b) Terrific
(c) Apply (c) Insulting (c) Supreme
(d) Show (d) Frivolous (d) Sleep-inducing
English – from Plinth to Paramount 327
261. Vagary (c) Brave 266. Transparent
(a)Lapse of memory (d) Famous (a) Translucent
(b) Companionship 264. Blaze (b) Opaque
(c) gang (a) Rage (c) Clear
(d) impulse (b) Rush (d) Sharp
262. Coax (c) Fire 267. Fruitless
(a) Pacify (d) Mark (a) Successful
(b) Punish 265. Tangential (b) barren
(c) Persuade (a) partly (c) Useless
(d) Please (b) forcefully (d) Insufficient
263. Renowned (c)superficial
(a) Notorious relevance
(b) Great (d) fitfully

1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (a)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (d) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (b)
21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (b) 24. (b) 25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (a) 28. (c) 29. (d) 30. (c)
31. (b) 32. (b) 33. (c) 34. (c) 35. (d) 36. (a) 37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (a) 40. (d)
41. (d) 42. (d) 43. (b) 44. (a) 45. (c) 46. (b) 47. (d) 48. (b) 49. (b) 50. (d)
51. (b) 52. (b) 53. (a) 54. (c) 55. (b) 56. (d) 57. (d) 58. (c) 59. (c) 60. (a)
61. (c) 62. (c) 63. (b) 64. (c) 65. (c) 66. (b) 67. (c) 68. (b) 69. (b) 70. (a)
71. (b) 72. (c) 73. (d) 74. (d) 75. (d) 76. (c) 77. (a) 78. (b) 79. (d) 80. (c)
81. (b) 82. (b) 83. (a) 84. (b) 85. (b) 86. (c) 87. (c) 88. (b) 89. (c) 90. (d)
91. (c) 92. (b) 93. (a) 94. (a) 95. (c) 96. (a) 97. (a) 98. (b) 99. (c) 100. (a)
101. (b) 102. (a) 103. (c) 104. (d) 105. (c) 106. (b) 107. (a) 108. (b) 109. (a) 110. (c)
111. (a) 112. (b) 113. (d) 114. (a) 115. (c) 116. (a) 117. (b) 118. (d) 119. (c) 120. (b)
121. (c) 122. (d) 123. (c) 124. (b) 125. (b) 126. (a) 127. (c) 128. (b) 129. (d) 130. (b)
131. (c) 132. (d) 133. (c) 134. (a) 135. (d) 136. (d) 137. (b) 138. (b) 139. (a) 140. (d)
141. (b) 142. (a) 143. (a) 144. (d) 145. (a) 146. (b) 147. (a) 148. (c) 149. (b) 150. (c)
151. (c) 152. (d) 153. (b) 154. (d) 155. (c) 156. (a) 157. (d) 158. (a) 159. (a) 160. (d)
161. (c) 162. (a) 163. (a) 164. (b) 165. (d) 166. (b) 167. (a) 168. (d) 169. (d) 170. (a)
171. (b) 172. (c) 173. (c) 174. (a) 175. (b) 176. (b) 177. (a) 178. (a) 179. (c) 180. (c)
181. (b) 182. (d) 183. (a) 184. (c) 185. (a) 186. (c) 187. (b) 188. (b) 189. (a) 190. (d)
191. (d) 192. (c) 193. (a) 194. (b) 195. (a) 196. (b) 197. (c) 198. (b) 199. (a) 200. (c)
201. (c) 202. (c) 203. (d) 204. (a) 205. (d) 206. (a) 207. (c) 208. (d) 209. (c) 210. (d)
211. (b) 212. (c) 213. (b) 214. (b) 215. (a) 216. (b) 217. (b) 218. (d) 219. (d) 220. (a)
221. (b) 222. (a) 223. (a) 224. (d) 225. (c) 226. (b) 227. (c) 228. (a) 229. (c) 230. (a)
231. (b) 232. (c) 233. (d) 234. (c) 235. (a) 236. (c) 237. (a) 238. (c) 239. (d) 240. (d)
241. (b) 242. (c) 243. (a) 244. (d) 245. (b) 246. (a) 247. (b) 248. (b) 249. (d) 250. (c)
251. (a) 252. (b) 253. (b) 254. (b) 255. (d) 256. (a) 257. (a) 258. (d) 259. (d) 260. (d)
261. (d) 262. (c) 263. (d) 264. (c) 265. (c) 266. (c) 267. (c)

328 English – from Plinth to Paramount



Directions: in questions no. 1 to 298 choose the word opposite in meaning to the
given word and mark it in the answer sheet.
1. Fastidious 8. Urban 15. Rapidly
(a) Fussy (a) Rustic (a) Lazily
(b) Cooperative (b) Rural (b) Secretly
(c) Promising (c) Civil (c) Slowly
(d) Adjustable (d) Foreign (d) Firmly
2. Shallow 9. Incredible 16. Extol
(a) High (a) Possible (a) Heckle
(b) Long (b) Believable (b) Censure
(c) Wide (c) Enjoyable (c) Hate
(d) Deep (d) Imaginary (d) Scold
3. Explicit 10. Concur 17. Make
(a) Elusive (a) Disagree (a) Liberate
(b) Allusive (b) Disappear (b) Break
(c) Ambidextrous (c) Disarrange (c) Emancipate
(d) Ambiguous (d) Discourage (d) Bind
4. Immune 11. Quiet 18. Terminate
(a) Free (a) Strong (a) Hasten
(b) Vulnerable (b) Pandemonium (b) Depart
(c) Powerful (c) Incomplete (c) Begin
(d) Weak (d) Violent (d) Change
5. Bleak 12. Vague 19. Successor
(a) Dull (a) Clear (a) Failure
(b) Dark (b) Dull (b) Loser
(c) Bright (c) Unknown (c) Predecessor
(d) Exposure (d) Shady (d) Predator
6. Veneration 13. Inevitable 20. Demolish
(a) Fear (a) Avoidable (a) Shift
(b) Reverence (b) Unnecessary (b) Build
(c) Remorse (c) Inseparable (c) Repeat
(d) Disrespect (d) Uncertain (d) Hide
7. Insolent 14. Humility 21. Genial
(a) Ignorant (a) Dignity (a) Stupid
(b) Proud (b) Cruelty (b) Stingy
(c) Laudable (c) Anger (c) Boorish
(d) Humble (d) Pride (d) Unkind

English – from Plinth to Paramount 329

22. Prevent 32. Innovate 42. Brave
(a) Protect (a) Sell (a) Sorry
(b) Black (b) Buy (b) Bold
(c) Hinder (c) Close (c) Timid
(d) Induce (d) Copy (d) Boisterous
23. Plausible 33. Asceticism 43. Duplicity
(a) Inplausible (a) Comfort (a) Complexity
(b) Unplausible (b) Luxury (b) Honesty
(c) Implausible/ Unbe- (c) Anti-semitism (c) Serenity
lievable (d) Humility (d) Originality
(d) Displausible 34. Enduring 44. Opaque
24. Frailty (a) Fleeting (a) Brilliant
(a) Energy (b) Painful (b) Bright
(b) Intensity (c) Permanent (c) Transparent
(c) Vehemence (d) Long lasting (d) Lustrous
(d) Strength 35. Dissolution 45. Jocular
25. Flair (a) Retribution (a) Merry
(a) Spreading outward (b) Establishment (b) Morose
(b) Inability (c) Persuasion (c) Jugular
(c) Spotlight (d) Compliance (d) Juggler
(d) Taste 36. Progressive 46. Hinder
26. Collapse (a) Repressive (a) Encourage
(a) Rise (b) Retrogressive (b) Acknowledge
(b) Handicap (c) Repulsive (c) Prohibit
(c) Crush (d) Aggressive (d) Instruct
(d) Crumble 37. Unnerved 47. Uncompromising
27. Dormant (a) Confident (a) Courteous
(a) Acute (b) Nervous (b) Flexible
(b) Active (c) Hopeful (c) Awesome
(c) Able (d) Anxious (d) Soft
(d) Ablaze
38. Vague 48. Zeal
28. Anxious
(a) Unclear (a) Disinterest
(a) Crafty
(b) Sharp (b) Apathy
(b) Light
(c) Carefree (c) Precise (c) Carelessness
(d) Careless (d) Actual (d) Hatred
29. Hazy 39. Harmony 49. Desecration
(a) Plain (a) Disagreement (a) Consecration
(b) Light (b) Melody (b) Discouragement
(c) Clear (c) Confusion (c) Despondency
(d) Dull (d) Concord (d) Expectation
30. Thrifty 40. Purposely 50. Shimmering
(a) Clean (a) Half-heartedly (a) Gloomy
(b) Loyal (b) Timidly (b) Glimmering
(c) Wasteful (c) Unintentionally (c) Refreshing
(d) Reverent (d) Hesitatingly (d) Repining
31. Fantastic 41. Guilty 51. Far-fetched
(a) Old (a) Innocent (a) Wise
(b) Ordinary (b) Ignorant (b) Prudent
(c) Classic (c) Irreverent (c) Located for
(d) Rational (d) Immature (d) Realistic
330 English – from Plinth to Paramount
52. Takes off 62. Reckless 72. Frugal
(a) Travels (a) Careful (a) Economical
(b) Falls (b) Frank (b) Extravagant
(c) Explodes (c) Diffident (c) Miserly
(d) Lands (d) Smart (d) Greedy
53. Niggardly 63. Scorn 73. Eminent
(a) Hastily (a) Contempt (a) Illustrious
(b) Lavishly (b) Joy (b) Notorious
(c) Likely (c) Admiration (c) Intelligent
(d) Gorgeously (d) Pity (d) Known
54. Melodious 64. Grandiose 74. Barbarous
(a) Harmonious (a) Simple (a) Civilized
(b) Tuneless (b) False (b) Modern
(c) Odious (c) Ideal (c) Polite
(d) Mellifluous (d) Proud (d) Praiseworthy
55. Advanced 65. Trivial 75. Embark upon
(a) Progressed (a) Serious (a) Launch
(b) Outpaced (b) Violent (b) Analyse
(c) Receded (c) Wild (c) Break off
(d) Run back (d) Unimportant (d) Conclude
56. Enlightened 66. Lurid 76. Falling off
(a) Slander (a) Dismal (a) Shrinkage
(b) Bemoan (b) Mild (b) Erosion
(c) Ignorant (c) Murky (c) Improvement
(d) Before (d) Mysterious (d) Descent
57. Exceptional 67. Loquacious 77. Depressed
(a) Great (a) Reserved (a) Satisfied
(b) Occasional (b) Miserly (b) Elated
(c) Common (c) Eloquent (c) Impressed
(d) Absorbing (d) Healthy (d) Affected
58. Permanent 68. Unscrupulous 78. Yield to
(a) Long (a) Conscientious (a) Submit to
(b) Short (b) Dedicated (b) Persuade
(c) Durable (c) Single-minded (c) Resist
(d) Temporary (d) Superfluous (d) Seek terms with
59. Moderate 69. Confiscate 79. Paucity
(a) Abnormal (a) Produce (a) Overflow
(b) Weak (b) Release (b) Inflow
(c) Extreme (c) Destroy (c) Plenty
(d) Separate (d) Exhibit (d) Grim
60. Diffidence 70. Contaminate 80. Conclusive
(a) Boldness (a) Sanctify (a) Powerful
(b) Outspokenness (b) Invigorate (b) Indecisive
(c) Fluency (c) Taint (c) Exclusive
(d) Obstinacy (d) Purify (d) Partial
61. Superficial 71. Often 81. Triggered
(a) Careful (a) Usually (a) Choked
(b) Of surface (b) Rarely (b) Tapered off
(c) Thorough (c) Sometimes (c) Diluted
(d) Casual (d) Occasionally (d) Ignited
English – from Plinth to Paramount 331
82. Parallel 92. Expand 102. Genuine
(a) Divergent (a) Contract (a) Genius
(b) Difficult (b) Contrast (b) Honest
(c) Similar (c) Consist (c) Affected
(d) Crooked (d) Controvert (d) Fictitious
83. Manifested 93. Prosperity 103. Ham-fisted
(a) Displayed (a) Propriety (a) Simple
(b) Concealed (b) Property (b) Adroit
(c) Suppressed (c) Adversity (c) Difficult
(d) Marked (d) Perspicacity (d) Vague
84. Blocked 94. Stimulate 104. Implicit
(a) Facilitated (a) Encourage (a) Explicit
(b) Started (b) Discourage (b) Implied
(c) Checked (c) Tempt (c) Explained
(d) Promoted (d) Instigate (d) Exquisite
85. Vindictive 95. Deliberate 105. Capture
(a) careless (a) Unconditional (a) Catch
(b) forgiving (b) Unintentional (b) Detain
(c) heedless (c) Unilateral (c) Liberate
(d) refined (d) Emotional (d) Stop
86. Turn coat 96. Perilous 106. Repulsive
(a)Loyal (a) Pitiable (a) Attractive
(b) Disappointing (b) Difficult (b) Offensive
(c) Thrilling (c) Safe (c) Defensive
(d) Nail-biting (d) Comfortable (d) Pensive
87. Inaugurate 97. Disputable 107. Misery
(a) Terminate (a) Undisputable (a) Sorry
(b) Inculcate (b) Indisputable (b) Careless
(c) Facilitate (c) Nondisputable (c) Joy
(d) Ameliorate (d) Adisputable (d) Content
88. Embellish 98. Audacious 108. Escalate
(a) Dishonour (a) Cautious (a) Decrease
(b) Demolish (b) Timid (b) Descend
(c) Spoil (c) Rude (c) Deliver
(d) Suffice (d) Proud (d) Derive
89. Detest 99. Meticulous 109. Anarchy
(a) Test (a) Unmerited (a) Curfew
(b) Dislike (b) Unimaginative (b) Permanence
(c) Like (c) Carefree (c) Wholesome
(d) Interest (d) Careless (d) Order
90. Intentional 100. Repel 110. Commotion
(a) Accidental (a) Attract (a) Transmission
(b) Undecided (b) Interest (b) Tranquillity
(c) Concentrated (c) Tempt (c) Transparency
(d) Broken (d) Like (d) Transition
91. Commence 101. Dim 111. Monotony
(a) Start (a) Transparent (a) Enthusiasm
(b) Schedule (b) Luminous (b) Repetitiveness
(c) Conclude (c) Opaque (c) Variety
(d) Dissolve (d) Dazzling (d) Singularity
332 English – from Plinth to Paramount
112. Latter 122. Disorderly 132. Antique
(a) Earlier (a) Chaotic (a) Common
(b) Before (b) Organized (b) Recent
(c) Later (c) Adjusted (c) Innovative
(d) Former (d) Arranged (d) Youthful
113. Dynamic 123. Elevation 133. Contented
(a) Stable (a) Reduction (a) Dissatisfied
(b) Still (b) Humiliation (b) Emptied
(c) Lazy (c) Increment (c) Happy
(d) Static (d) Debasement (d) Unfriendly
114. Diligent 124. Glossy 134. Rapid
(a) Intelligent (a) Dull (a) Happy
(b) Lazy (b) Shining (b) Fall
(c) Boastful (c) Weary (c) Slow
(d) Notorious (d) Tired (d) Abnormal
115. Hereditary 125. Boon 135. Severe
(a) Carried (a) Dull (a) Sharp
(b) Acquired (b) Bane (b) Mild
(c) Possessed (c) Hurt (c) Important
(d) Regained (d) Harsh (d) Cut
116. Philistine 126. Accomplish 136. Initiated
(a) Cultured (a) Fail (a) Complicated
(b) Libertine (b) Improper (b) Simplified
(c) Sober (c) Disagreeable (c) Concluded
(d) Educated (d) Scatter (d) Commenced
117. Heretical 127. Famous 137. Consensus
(a) Contradictory (a) Obscure (a) Accept
(b) Doubtful (b) Eminent (b) Opinion
(c) Impious (c) Lenient (c) Disagreement
(d) Orthodox (d) Fabulous (d) Permission
118. Ingest 128. Orderly 138. Fatigued
(a) Disrupt (a) Unclear (a) Weakened
(b) Disgorge (b) Valueless (b) Energised
(c) Dismiss (c) Chaotic (c) Tired
(d) Display (d) Incomplete (d) Activated
119. Implicate 129. Gloomy 139. Autonomy
(a) Exonerate (a) Radiant (a) Slavery
(b) Impersonate (b) Fragrant (b) Subordination
(c) Complicate (c) Melodious (c) Dependence
(d) Impose (d) Illusory (d) Submissiveness
120. Laceration 130. Strife 140. Flexible
(a) Convalescence (a) War (a) Rigid
(b) Recouperation (b) Peace (b) Cruel
(c) Healing (c) Anger (c) Humble
(d) Palpitation (d) Woe (d) Easy
121. Liberty 131. Isolation 141. Artificial
(a) Serenity (a) Segregation (a) Artful
(b) Slavery (b) Association (b) Machine-made
(c) Serfdom (c) Seclusion (c) Artistic
(d) Subordinate (d) Deportation (d) Natural
English – from Plinth to Paramount 333
142. Delete 152. Callous 162. Chivalry
(a) Regress (a) Persuasive (a) Cawardish
(b) Interpolate (b) Caring (b) Discourtesy
(c) Infer (c) Gentle (c) Disobedience
(d) Include (d) Sensitive (d) Disaffection
143. Benefactor 153. Cessation 163. Dismal
(a) Helper (a) Commencement (a) Bright
(b) Victor (b) Renewal (b) Indifferent
(c) Disciple (c) Ongoing (c) Fast
(d) Enemy (d) Interruption (d) Energetic
144. Evanescent 154. Procrastinate 164. Sanguine temper
(a) Clean (a) Experiment (a) Despairing nature
(b) Tight (b) Expedite (b) Peaceful tempera-
(c) Eternal (c) Exclude ment
(d) Cheap (d) Propagate (c) Rude behaviour
145. Barren 155. Potent (d) Selfish nature
(a) Fertile (a) Inefficient 165. Meagre
(b) Rich (b) Soft (a) Extravagant
(c) Prosperous (c) Fragile (b) Abandon
(d) Positive (d) Weak (c) Prosperous
146. Virtue 156. Probity (d) Surplus
(a) Vice (a) Dishonesty 166. Imperil
(b) Failure (b) Timidity (a) Safeguard
(c) Fault (c) Treachery (b) Construct
(d) Offence (d) Insincerity (c) Create
(d) Brighten
147. Nervous 157. Gregarious
167. Flamboyant
(a) Flawless (a) Recluse
(a) Elaborately
(b) Immature (b) Social
(b) Really
(c) Smooth (c) Laudatory
(c) Not showy
(d) Composed (d) Rustic (d) Sensibly
148. Confident 158. Sporadic 168. Consolidated
(a) Worried (a) Surviving (a) Disjointed
(b) Pessimistic (b) Sweeping (b) Broken
(c) Diffident (c) Restrained (c) Weakened
(d) Depressed (d) Continual (d) Lost
149. Evident 159. Implication 169. Chronic
(a) Suspected (a) Consideration (a) Pathetic
(b) Disagreed (b) Exoneration (b) Characteristic
(c) hidden (c) Conclusion (c) Temporary
(d) Unimportant (d) Interpretation (d) Mild
150. Adamant 160. Apposite 170. Vituperative
(a) Yielding (a) Intemperate (a) Joyous
(b) Permissive (b) Inappropriate (b) Laudatory
(c) Liberal (c) Indecent (c) Critical
(d) Tolerant (d) Incriminatory (d) Virtuous
151. Professional 161. Gregarious 171. Awkward
(a) Novice (a) Indecent (a) Awful
(b) Amateur (b) Unsociable (b) Satisfactory
(c) Dabbler (c) Above reproach (c) Graceful
(d) Apprentice (d) Unlovable (d) Easy
334 English – from Plinth to Paramount
172. Smug 182. Controversial 192. Harmonious
(a) Satisfied (a) Indisputable (a) Selfish
(b) Dissatisfied (b) Restrained (b) Aggressive
(c) Serious (c) Controlled (c) Mechanical
(d) Delighted (d) Appeasing (d) Discordant
173. Oppressive 183. Synthetic 193. Inconspicuous
(a) Gentle (a) Natural (a) Open-hearted
(b) Harsh (b) Plastic (b) Open-minded
(c) Smooth (c) Cosmetic (c) Prominent
(d) Orderly (d) Apathetic (d) Smooth
174. Obscure 184. Accord 194. Factual
(a) Inconspicuous (a) Disagreement (a) Actual
(b) Veiled (b) Welcome
(b) Idealistic
(c) Clear (c) Disrespect
(c) Unrealistic
(d) Distinct (d) Conformity
175. Clinch 185. Infirmity (d) Verbal
(a) Lose (a) Employment 195. Abandon
(b) Clasp (b) Indisposition (a) Assert
(c) Deal (c) Strength (b) Retain
(d) Seal (d) Weakness (c) Produce
176. Enervate 186. Feasible (d) Twist
(a) Decelerate (a) Useful 196. Assent
(b) Strengthen (b) Impractical (a) Breakdown
(c) Push forward (c) Uneven (b) Misunderstand
(d) Aggravate (d) Important (c) Dispatch
177. To put up with 187. Deny (d) Disagreement
(a) To stay together (a) Accept 197. Fickle
(b) To talk politely (b) Proceed (a) Constant
(c) To dislike (c) Hold (b) Convenient
(d) To move along with (d) Promote (c) Questionable
178. Autonomous 188. Acquit (d) Faithful
(a) Self-government (a) Inform 198. Discreet
(b) Dependent (b) Release (a) Worthy
(c) Defensive (c) Abuse (b) Wishful thinking
(d) Neutral (d) Condemn (c) Honest
179. Deceitful 189. Benediction (d) Careless in
(a) Sincere (a) Best wishes behaviour
(b) Useful (b) Use 199. Articulate
(c) Plain (c) Curse (a) Unable to under-
(d) Honest (d) Blessing stand
180. Exonerate 190. Affluence
(b) Unable to express
(a) Admit (a) Not being fluent
(b) Release (b) Poverty
(c) Unable to agree
(c) Convict (c) Difficult
(d) Reject (d) Unhealthy (d) Unable to live
181. Exaggerate 191. Forbid 200. Unjust
(a) Underwrite (a) Defy (a) Serious
(b) Understate (b) Dislike (b) Self-centred
(c) Ignore (c) Permit (c) Fair-minded
(d) Condemn (d) Understand (d) Considerable

English – from Plinth to Paramount 335

201. Humble 211. Deterrent 221. Candid
(a) Rich (a) Determinant (a) Frank
(b) Powerful (b) Detriment (b) Diplomatic
(c) Haughty (c) Encouragement (c) Reserved
(d) Strong (d) Enrichment (d) Impertinent
202. Exemptions 212. Spurious 222. Comaraderies
(a) Generalisation (a) Truthful (a) Curiosity
(b) Liberalisation (b) Authentic (b) Ferocity
(c) Exclusions (c) Credible (c) Impetuosity
(d) Inclusions (d) Original (d) Animosity
203. Prominent 213. Slander 223. Convicted
(a) Unknown (a) Gain (a) Charged
(b) Treason (b) Profit (b) Relieved
(c) Loyalty (c) Praise (c) Dismissed
(d) Distrust (d) Loss (d) Acquitted
204. Alleviate 214. Reveal 224. Convoluted
(a) Intensity (a) Appeal (a) Simple
(b) Magnify (b) Relax (b) Complicated
(c) Mitigate (c) Recover (c) Difficult
(d) Aggravate (d) Conceal (d) Majestic
205. Disperse 215. Admonish 225. Curtail
(a) Converge (a) Condemn (a) Lengthen
(b) Smile (b) Bless (b) Shorten
(c) Dispense (c) Praise (c) Entail
(d) Sing (d) Congratulate (d) Close
206. Ambiguous 216. Adulation 226. Dense
(a) Truthful (a) Flattery (a) Scarce
(b) Lucid (b) Encomium (b) Slim
(c) Logical (c) Confession (c) Sparse
(d) Systematic (d) Condemnation (d) Lean
207. Hilarious 217. Affirmation 227. Diminished
(a) Unworthy (a) Denial (a) Created
(b) Unpleasant (b) Refusal (b) Rose
(c) Ill-fated (c) Opposition (c) Increased
(d) Serious (d) Obstruction (d) Lessen
208. Tolerance 218. Affluent 228. Ephemeral
(a) Loathing (a) Poor (a) Eternal
(b) Brawl (b) Ordinary (b) Transitory
(c) Plea (c) Infamous (c) Mortal
(d) Forbid (d) Backward (d) Temporal
209. Steadfast 219. Agony 229. Escalating
(a) Staunch (a) Ecstasy (a) Fixed
(b) Feeble (b) Laughter (b) Fluctuating
(c) Faint (c) Humdrum (c) Falling
(d) Wavering (d) Ecstasy (d) Reasonable
210. Conceited 220. Appalling 230. Esteem
(a) Proud (a) Shocking (a) Power
(b) Honest (b) Consoling (b) Guess
(c) Modest (c) Scaring (c) Contempt
(d) Modern (d) Horrifying (d) Estimate
336 English – from Plinth to Paramount
231. Exotic 241. Intimidating 251. Parsimonious
(a) Wonderful (a) Authoritative (a) Prodigious
(b) Cosmopolitan (b) Casual (b) Selfless
(c) Irrelevant (c) Non-serious (c) Extravagant
(d) Common (d) Friendly (d) Ostentatious
232. Fetter 242. Jest 252. Predilection
(a) Restore (a) Gravity (a) Acceptance
(b) Liberate (b) Grim (b) Attraction
(c) Exonerate (c) Genial (c) Dislike
(d) Distract (d) Sport (d) Choice
233. Flourish 243. Latent 253. Profound
(a) Perish (a) Unspoken (a) Deep
(b) Degenerate (b) Later (b) Superficial
(c) Decay (c) Implicit (c) Hollow
(d) Dismiss (d) Obvious (d) Fallow
234. Futile 244. Maladroit 254. Protean
(a) Waste (a) Authoritative (a) Amateur
(b) Expensive (b) Skilful (b) Catholic
(c) Useful (c) Maladjusted (c) Unchanging
(d) Cheap (d) Malevolent (d) Rapid
235. Garrulous 245. Malevolence 255. Quiescent
(a) Vociferous (a) Tenderness (a) Restless
(b) Eloquent (b) Kindness (b) Exempt
(c) Taciturn (c) Benefiting (c) Malignant
(d) Vocal (d) Indulgence (d) Mendicant
236. Gratuitous 246. Malice 256. Perilous
(a) Uncharitable (a) Sympathy (a) Safe
(b) Grand appearance (b) Goodwill (b) Developed
(c) Warranted (c) Friendship (c) Sophisticated
(d) Being grateful (d) Attraction (d) Communicative
237. In toto 247. Monotonous 257. Revelation
(a) Bluntly (a) Disastrous (a) Rejection
(b) Partially (b) Terrifying (b) Elimination
(c) Entirely (c) Terrible (c) Concealment
(d) Strongly (d) Interesting (d) Introduction
238. Fleeting 248. Obscene 258. Repulsion
(a) Glossy (a) Disobedient (a) Attraction
(b) Perpetual (b) Decent (b) Disapproval
(c) Aspiring (c) Dislocate (c) Disparagement
(d) Sufficient (d) Cautious (d) Denigration
239. Inert 249. Opposed 259. Segregate
(a) Active (a) Resistant (a) Sever
(b) Lazy (b) Against (b) Unite
(c) Strong (c) Favouring (c) Separate
(d) Resolute (d) Similar (d) Aggregate
240. Initial 250. Ostracise 260. Significant
(a) Terminal (a) Amuse (a) Substantial
(b) Commencing (b) Welcome (b) Miniscule
(c) Delayed (c) Entertain (c) Incoherent
(d) Disastrous (d) Host (d) Unimportant
English – from Plinth to Paramount 337
261. Despair 262. Validate 263. Vicious
(a) Sneer (a) Disprove (a) Godly
(b) Compliment (b) Authenticate (b) Virtuous
(c) Irony (c) Ingenuine (c) Sublime
(d) Hope (d) Legalise (d) Friendly

1. (d) 29. (c) 55. (c) 81. (a) 107. (c) 133. (a) 159. (b) 185. (c) 211. (c) 237. (b)
2. (d) 30. (c) 56. (c) 82. (d) 108. (a) 134. (c) 160. (b) 186. (b) 212. (b) 238. (b)
3. (d) 31. (b) 57. (c) 83. (b) 109. (d) 135. (b) 161. (b) 187. (a) 213. (c) 239. (a)
4. (b) 32. (d) 58. (d) 84. (a) 110. (b) 136. (c) 162. (a) 188. (d) 214. (d) 240. (a)
5. (c) 241. (d)
33. (b) 59. (c) 85. (b) 111. (c) 137. (c) 163. (a) 189. (c) 215. (c)
6. (d) 242. (b)
34. (a) 60. (a) 86. (a) 112. (d) 138. (b) 164. (a) 190. (b) 216. (d)
7. (d) 243. (d)
8. (b) 35. (b) 61. (c) 87. (a) 113. (d) 139. (c) 165. (d) 191. (c) 217. (a)
244. (b)
9. (b) 36. (b) 62. (a) 88. (c) 114. (b) 140. (a) 166. (a) 192. (d) 218. (a) 245. (b)
10. (a) 37. (a) 63. (c) 89. (c) 115. (b) 141. (d) 167. (c) 193. (c) 219. (a) 246. (b)
11. (b) 38. (c) 64. (a) 90. (a) 116. (a) 142. (d) 168. (a) 194. (c) 220. (b) 247. (d)
12. (a) 39. (a) 65. (a) 91. (c) 117. (d) 143. (d) 169. (c) 195. (b) 221. (c) 248. (b)
13. (a) 40. (c) 66. (b) 92. (a) 118. (b) 144. (c) 170. (b) 196. (d) 222. (d) 249. (c)
14. (d) 41. (a) 67. (a) 93. (c) 119. (a) 145. (a) 171. (c) 197. (a) 223. (d) 250. (b)
15. (c) 42. (c) 68. (a) 94. (b) 120. (c) 146. (a) 172. (b) 198. (d) 224. (a) 251. (c)
16. (b) 225. (a) 252. (c)
43. (b) 69. (b) 95. (b) 121. (b) 147. (d) 173. (a) 199. (b)
17. (b) 253. (b)
44. (c) 70. (d) 96. (c) 122. (b) 148. (c) 174. (c) 200. (c) 226. (a)
18. (c) 254. (c)
45. (b) 71. (b) 97. (b) 123. (a) 149. (c) 175. (a) 201. (c) 227. (c)
19. (c) 255. (a)
20. (b) 46. (a) 72. (b) 98. (b) 124. (a) 150. (a) 176. (b) 202. (d) 228. (a)
256. (a)
21. (d) 47. (b) 73. (b) 99. (d) 125. (b) 151. (b) 177. (c) 203. (a) 229. (c) 257. (c)
22. (d) 48. (b) 74. (a) 100. (a) 126. (a) 152. (d) 178. (b) 204. (d) 230. (c) 258. (a)
23. (c) 49. (a) 75. (d) 101. (b) 127. (a) 153. (a) 179. (d) 205. (a) 231. (d) 259. (b)
24. (d) 50. (a) 76. (c) 102. (d) 128. (c) 154. (b) 180. (c) 206. (b) 232. (b) 260. (d)
25. (b) 51. (d) 77. (b) 103. (b) 129. (a) 155. (d) 181. (b) 207. (d) 233. (a) 261. (d)
26. (a) 52. (d) 78. (c) 104. (a) 130. (b) 156. (a) 182. (a) 208. (b) 234. (c) 262. (a)
27. (b) 53. (b) 79. (c) 105. (c) 131. (b) 157. (a) 183. (a) 209. (d) 235. (c) 263. (b)
28. (c) 54. (b) 80. (b) 106. (a) 132. (b) 158. (d) 184. (a) 210. (c) 236. (a)

338 English – from Plinth to Paramount

One Word Substitution



S.N. WORD .................... #' ()*................ Meaning in English

! "#$%
1. Abattoir ................... .................... Place where animals are killed for food.
2. Abbot ....................... ........ A man who is the head of a monastery
or an abbey.
3. Abbreviation ........... ................ A shortened form of a word or phrase.
4. Abdication ............... .. To formally give up.
5. Ablution .................. .................. Ritual washing of the body.
6. Abstruse .................. ........... Hard to understand.
7. Abundance .............. ............. A quantity that is more than enough.
8. Accentuate .............. ...................... Give more force or importance to.
9. Accomplice .............. .................. Helper in a wrong deed or crime.
10. Acronym .................. ................ Word formed from initial letters of a
11. Addendum ............... ....................... Thing to be added at the end of a book,
12. Advertisement ........ ....................... A public notice offering or asking for
goods, services, etc.
13. Afforestation ........... ...................... The act of forestation by planting many
14. Agenda .................... .................... Items of business for consideration at
a meeting.
15. Aggressor ................ .................. Someone who attacks first.
16. Agnosticism .............. Doubtful about the existence of God.
17. Alien ........................ ................... One who belongs to different country,
race of group.
18. Alimony ................... . Allowance fixed after divorce to a wife.
19. Allegory ................... ................... Story in which ideas are symbolized as
20. Alliteration ............. ....................... Commencement of adjacent words with
the same letter.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 339
One Word Substitution
21. Altruist .................... ...................... One who lives and works for the welfare
of others.
22. Amateur .................. ..................... Lacking professional skill or expertise.
23. Ambassador ............. ......................... A diplomatic representative of one
country in another.
24. Ambidextrous .......... .......... Equally skillful with each hand.
25. Ambiguous .............. ....... Having more than one possible
26. Amnesia .................. ....................... Partial or total loss of memory.
27. Amnesty .................. ................... A general pardon of political offenders.
28. Amphibian .............. ....................... Animals which live both on land and in
29. Amphitheatre .......... .............. A designated section of seats in any part
of a theater.
30. Analgesia ................ ...... The loss of ability to feel pain while still
31. Anarchist ................ ....................... One who wishes to destroy all
established government's law and
32. Anarchy ................... ..................... The absence of government in a
33. Anecdote ................. ......................... Short amusing story about some real
person or event.
34. Anniversary ............ .................... Yearly return of the date of an event.
35. Annual ..................... ........................ That which happens once in a year.
36. Anomaly .................. ..................... Deviation or departure from common
rule or standard or what is normal.
37. Anonymous ............. ........................ A book or a work of art whose author is
not known.
38. Antagonist .............. ......................... One that opposes other.
39. Antidote .................. .................. A medicine to cure the effect of poison.
40. Aphasia ................... ...................... Loss of ability to understand speech.
41. Apostate .................. ..................... One who abandons his religious faith.
42. Aquatic .................... ......................... Animals which live in water.
43. Arbitrator/ Arbiter .. ........................ Someone chosen to judge and decide a
disputed issue.
44. Aristocracy .............. .................... A government by the nobles.
45. Armistice ................ .................... The cessation of warfare before a treaty
is signed.
46. Ascetic ..................... ........................ One who practices self denial as a
spiritual discipline.
340 English – from Plinth to Paramount
One Word Substitution
47. Assassination .......... .... Killing or murder for political reasons.
48. Astrology ................. ................. Science of the influence of the stars on
human affairs.
49. Astronomy .............. ................. Science of universe with sun, moon,
stars and planets.
50. Atheist .................... ....................... A person who does not believe in the
existence of God.
51. Audience ................. ..................... An assembly of listeners.
52. Autobiography ........ .................. The life-history of a man written by
53. Autocracy ................ ........................ A government by one person.
54. Avaricious ............... ........................ One who is greedy.
55. Bachelorhood .......... ...................... The state of being unmarried (of a
56. Bankrupt/Insolvent . ...................... A person unable to pay his debts.
57. Bay .......................... .......................... A part of the sea/ lake enclosed by a wide
curve of the shore.
58. Beach ...................... ...................... A stretch of sand/ stones along the edge
of the sea/ lake.
59. Bellicose ................. ......................... A person who is fond of fighting.
60. Belligerent .............. ......................... Engaged in war/fight.
61. Benefactor .............. ..................... One who gives financial help to a school,
hospital, etc.
62. Bibliophile .............. ................... One who loves and collects books.
63. Biennial .................. ........................ That which happens once in two years.
64. Bigamy .................... ................ The custom of having two wives or two
65. Bigot ........................ ......................... One who is filled with narrow and
prejudiced opinion.
66. Bilingual ................. ....................... One who can speak two languages.
67. Biography ................ ......................... The life-history of a man written by
someone else.
68. Biped ....................... ......................... Animal with two-feet.
69. Blaspheme .............. ..... Speaking irreverently about God or
sacred things.
70. Bliss ........................ ...................... Perfect happiness.
71. Bohemian ................ .................... One who does not follow the usual norms of
social life.
72. Bookworm/Bibliophilic ................ One who is interested in reading books
and nothing else.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 341
One Word Substitution
73. Boorish .................... .......................... Person who is rough and ill mannered.
74. Botany ..................... ............... The science of vegetable life.
75. Brittle ..................... ........................... A thing which can be easily broken.
76. Bureaucracy ............ ..................... A government by the officials.
77. Cabaret ................... ..................... A series of cabre dance/ acts at a night
78. Cabby, Cabdriver ..... ................. The driver of a taxi cab.
79. Cacophony .............. ................... Harsh sound.
80. Cajole ...................... ................ Persuade by flattery.
81. Calligraphy ............. ........................ Art of beautiful hand writing.
82. Cannibal.................. ........................ The man who can eat human flesh.
83. Cannibal.................. .............. One who eats human flesh.
84. Capsize .................... ........................ Overturn in water.
85. Carnage ................... ...................... Killing of large numbers of people.
86. Carnival .................. ................ Public merry making and feasting.
87. Cartographer ........... ................... A person who draws maps and charts.
88. Cartography ............ ................ Art of map making.
89. Catalogue ............... ................... List of books and other articles.
90. Celibate .................. ....................... One who has taken a vow not to have
91. Cemetery ................ ...................... The place for corpses to be buried.
92. Centenary ............... ........................ Hundredth anniversary.
93. Chronological ......... ........... According to sequence of time.
94. Circumlocution ....... .... A roundabout way of expression.
95. Cloakroom .............. ................... The place for luggage at a railway
96. Coerce ..................... .................. Compel to a course of action.
97. Cognate ................... ............ Having the same source or origin.
98. Colleagues .............. ....................... Persons working in the same
99. Collusion ................ ................... Secret agreement for a fraudulent
100. Conflagration .......... ............. Huge destructive fire.
101. Congregation .......... .................... Gathering of worshippers.
102. Congruent ............... ...................... Identical in all respect.
103. Connoisseur ............ .............. One who is well-versed in any subject/
104. Conscription ........... .......... Compulsory enlistment for military or
other services.
342 English – from Plinth to Paramount
One Word Substitution
105. Contagious .............. ...................... Which spreads by physical touch or
106. Contemporary ......... .................... Of the same time.
107. Contiguous ............. ...................... Two countries or States touching a common
108. Contrite .................. ..................... Showing deep sorrow for wrong doing.
109. Convalescence ........ .... The period of gradual recovery of health
after illness.
110. Conventicle ............ .... Secret and illegal religious meeting.
111. Coquette ................. .............. A seductive woman who uses her sex
appeal to exploit men.
112. Coronation .............. .................... Ceremony of crowning a king.
113. Cosmopolitan .......... ........ A person who regards the whole world as
his country.
114. Credulous ............... .................. One who is simple and easily believes
whatever is told.
115. Crematory ............... .................. The place for corpses to be burnt.
116. Cripple .................... ............ Someone who is unable to walk
normally because of an injury or
disability to the legs or back.
117. Curfew ..................... .......................... An order that certain activities/
movement are prohibited.
118. Cynosure ................. ................ Centre of attraction.
119. Dead ........................ ............ A language that is no longer spoken.
120. Demagogue ............. ..................... Political leader who delivers sentimental
121. Democracy .............. ....................... A government by the people, of the people,
and for the people.
122. Denizen ................... ........................ A person, an animal or a plant that
lives, grows or is often found in a
particular place.
123. Depraved ................. .................... Morally bad or evil.
124. Deprecate ................ .................. Express earnest disapproval of.
125. Dermatology ........... .................. The medical study of the skin and its
126. Despondency ........... ......................... Loss of complete hope.
127. Destitution ............. .................. Lacking basic necessities of life.
128. Detrimental ............ ....................... Causing harm or damage.
129. Dexterous ............... ......................... Skilful at handling things.
130. Diatribe ................... ..................... Bitter and violent attack in words or
English – from Plinth to Paramount 343
One Word Substitution
131. Dictatorship ............ ......... Government carried on by an absolute
132. Diplomacy ............... ....................... The skill and policy of a country’s
statesmen and politicians/ skill in
dealing with people.
133. Discrepancy ............ ....................... Difference between two things that
should be the same.
134. Dissimulate ............ ........................ To hide or disguise.
135. Diurnal .................... .......................... Of the daytime.
136. Draper ..................... ........................ A shopkeeper selling cloth and
137. Draw ........................ ...................... The result of the match where neither
party wins.
138. Dwarf ....................... ........................... A person, plant or animal who/which
is below the usual size.
139. Dynasty ................... ............................ Succession of rulers belonging to one
140. Eavesdropper .......... ..... One who witnesses secretly to private
141. Economical ............. ...................... One who is careful in the use of money/
fuel etc.
142. Edible ...................... ..................... That which is fit to be eaten.
143. Effeminate .............. ............ A man who is womanish in his habits.
144. Egalitarianism ........ ...................... Belief that all people are equal and
have the same rights and opportunities.
145. Egoist ...................... .............. A lover of one’s ownself/supercilious.
146. Eligible ................... ........................... Fit to be chosen; qualified.
147. Emergency .............. ................... A sudden serious situation requiring
immediate action.
148. Emeritus ................. .... One who is honourably discharged from
149. Emigrant ................. ......................... A person who goes to another country
to live.
150. Emissary ................. ............... A person sent on a mission (usually
151. Epicure .................... ...... Person fond of delicious food.
152. Epidemic ................. .................. Disease affecting many people at the same
place and time.
153. Epilogue .................. ..... A speech or a poem recited at the end
of a play.
154. Episode ................... ................. Part of story (especially T.V. or Radio
show story)
344 English – from Plinth to Paramount
One Word Substitution
155. Episodic .................. . Happening only some times and
156. Epistle ..................... ............. A letter.
157. Epitaph ................... ........... Words which are inscribed on the grave.
158. Epithet .................... ............... Adjective added to a person’s name
usually to criticise or praise him.
159. Epitome .................. ............... A perfect example.
160. Epitomize ............... ......... To be a perfect example.
161. Equanimity ............. ............................ Calmness of mind and temper.
162. Erotica .................... ................. Books, pictures, etc. intended to arouse
sexual desire.
163. Erudite .................... ................... A learned or scholarly person.
164. Espionage ............... ........................ Practice of spying.
165. Eternal .................... .......................... Existing for ever — without any
beginning or end.
166. Etymology .............. ........... The science which deals with
derivation of words.
167. Euphemism ............. .................. Bombastic style of writing.
168. Euphonious ............. ......................... Sounding pleasant.
169. Euphoria ................. .................. A strong feeling of happiness.
170. Evanescent ............. ....................... Of a very short duration or period.
/ Ephemeral/Transient
171. Explicable ............... .................. That which can be explained.
172. Extempore .............. ........ A speech delivered without any
173. Extravaganza .......... ............... Public activity which takes place in a
very elaborate, colourful and expensive
174. Fallacy .................... ............................ False or mistaken belief.
175. Fanatic .................... ......................... One who is filled with excessive and mistaken
176. Fastidious ............... ...................... One who is hard to please.
177. Fatal or mortal ........ ....................... Resulting in death.
178. Fatalist ................... ...................... One who believes in destiny.
179. Fauna ...................... ...................... Animals of a certain region.
180. Feminist.................. ....................... One who works for the welfare of
181. Fiasco ...................... ................ Complete failure.
182. Flagstaff .................. ...................... A long pole on which a flag is flown.
183. Flora ........................ ....................... All the plants of a particular area or
period of time.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 345
One Word Substitution
184. Fluke ....................... .......... Stroke of good luck.
185. Forgery .................... ..................... Counterfeiting of document.
186. Fratricide ................ ...................... Killing/killer of one’s brother.
187. Frenzy ..................... ......................... A state of extreme excitement.
188. Frostbite ................. ........................ Injury to the nose, fingers or toes, caused
by extreme cold.
189. Gallery .................... .................. A room or building for showing works of
190. Gamble .................... .......................... To play games of chance, etc. for
191. Gastronomy ............ .......... Science and art of preparing and
appreciating good food.
192. Genocide ................. ..................... Extermination of a race or community.
193. Geology ................... .................. The science of earth’s history and
194. Germicide ............... ................ A substance that kills germs.
195. Glutton .................... ............................. One who eats too much.
196. Gobble ..................... ....... Eat fast, noisly and greedily.
197. Gratis/Gratuitous ... ...................... Done or obtained without payment.
198. Gregarious .............. ........... Animals that live in flocks.
199. Hallucinogen ........... .......... A drug that causes one to hallucinate.
200. Hedonism ................ ........................ Belief that the most important thing in
the world is pleasure.
201. Henchman ............... .......................... Faithful supporter.
202. Herbivorous ............ ...................... Animals which feed on vegetation.
203. Herculean ............... ................. Having enormous strength or size.
204. Heterogeneous ........ .......................... Things which contain elements of
different nature.
205. Hexagon .................. ..................... A plane figure with six sides and angles.
206. Holocaust ................ ....................... Large scale destruction by fire.
207. Homicide ................. ................... Murder or murderer of a man.
208. Homogeneous ......... .......................... Things which contain elements of the
same nature.
209. Honorary ................. ..................... A post for which no salary is paid.
210. Horticulture ............ ....................... Art of growing vegetables, fruit, etc.
211. Hospitable ............... .................. Fond of entertaining guests.
212. Hypochondria .......... ............. Imaginary ailments.
213. Iconoclast ............... ............... One who opposes established institutions
or beliefs.

346 English – from Plinth to Paramount

One Word Substitution
214. Idolatry ................... ..................... The worship of idols or images.
215. Illegal ...................... .......................... Contrary to law.
216. Illegible .................. ...................... Incapable of being read.
217. Illicit ....................... .......................... A trade or act prohibited by law.
218. Illiterate ................. ........................ One who does not know reading and
219. Imaginary ............... ..................... Existing only in the mind.
220. Immigrant ............... ....................... A person who comes to one country from
another in order to settle there.
221. Immune ................... ...................... Free from infection.
222. Impalpable .............. ...................... Incapable of being perceived by touch.
223. Impenetrable .......... ....................... That which cannot be penetrated.
224. Imperceptible .......... ......................... That which cannot be perceived by
225. Imperialism ............ .................... Policy of extending a country’s empire and
226. Impertinent ............ ........................ Not showing proper respect.
227. Impiety .................... .............. Lack of respect or religious reverence.
228. Imponderable .......... ..................... That which cannot be guessed or
229. Imposter .................. ..................... One who assumes a character or title
not his own to deceive others.
230. Impracticable .......... .................. Incapable of being practised.
231. Impregnable ............ .......................... Too strong to be overcome or defeated.
232. Impregnable ............ .................. That which cannot be taken by force of
233. Impresario .............. ....................... A manager or director of a ballet, a
concert, a theatre or an opera company.
234. Impromptu .............. ............... Something said or done without
235. Impudent ................. ........... Rude and not respectful.
236. Impunity ................. ..................... Freedom from punishment.
237. Inaccessible ............ ...... Incapable of being reached.
238. Inadmissible ........... ..................... That which cannot be admitted or
239. Inaudible ................. ............... A sound that cannot be heard.
240. Incendiary ............... ..... Designed to cause fire/likely to cause
241. Incombustible ......... .................. That which cannot be burnt.
242. Incomparable .......... ............ That which cannot be compared.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 347
One Word Substitution
243. Incorrigible ............. .... Incapable of being corrected.
244. Incredible ................ .................. Which can’t be believed.
245. Incurable ................. ........................ Which cannot be cured.
246. Indefatigable ........... .................. Incapable of being tired.
247. Indefensible ............ ...................... Which cannot be defended.
248. Indelible.................. ......................... Which cannot be erased or forgotten.
249. Indemnity ............... ...................... Compensation for loss.
250. Indestructible ......... ....................... That which cannot be destroyed.
251. Indignant ................ ....... Angry at injustice.
252. Indispensable .......... ...................... That without which one can’t do.
253. Indivisible ............... ...................... That which cannot be divided.
254. Ineligible ................ ........................ Not suitable to be elected or selected
under the rules.
255. Inevitable ............... .......................... Incapable of being avoided.
256. Inexcusable ............. ........................ That which cannot be excused.
257. Inexplicable ............ ...................... Which cannot be explained.
258. Inexplicit ................ ........................ Not definitely or clearly expressed.
259. Inexpressible .......... ...................... That which cannot be expressed in
260. Infallible ................. ............. Never wrong.
261. Infanticide .............. ...................... Killing of an infant.
262. Infectious ................ ...................... A disease which spreads through air
and water.
263. Inflammable ........... .................... Which catches fire easily.
264. Inimitable ............... ......... Incapable of being imitated.
265. Insecticide .............. .................... A substance that kills insects.
266. Insolvent ................. ...................... A person who is unable to pay his debt.
267. Insurrection ............ ........................ Rising in arms against an established
268. Intercede ................. ............... Plead to obtain a favour to save
someone else.
269. Intercept ................. ......................... To check or stop on way.
270. Intrigue/conspire ... ................. Make or carry out secret planning.
271. Introspection .......... ................ Examination of self thought or feeling.
272. Invincible ................ .......................... That which cannot be defeated.
273. Invisible .................. ......................... That which cannot be seen.
274. Invulnerable ........... ........................ Incapable of being harmed.
275. Irreconcilable .......... ........................ Impossible to find agreement between.
276. Irrecoverable ........... ... That which cannot be recovered.
348 English – from Plinth to Paramount
One Word Substitution
277. Irreparable .............. ...................... Incapable of being repaired.
278. Irrevocable .............. ................... That which cannot be altered.
279. Itinerant ................. ...................... One who travels from place to place.
280. Journal ................... ....................... A newspaper or magazine that deals
with a particular subject or professional
281. Juxtapose ............... ............... Placing a thing beside another.
282. Lagoon .................... ...................... Salt water lake separated from the sea by
sand banks.
283. Lexicographer ......... ........ A person who compiles a dictionary.
284. Linguist .................. .. One who speaks many foreign
285. Logic ....................... ............................ The science of reasoning.
286. Maidenhood ............ ...... The state of being unmarried (of a girl).
287. Mammals ................ ...................... Animals which give birth to babies and
feed them with their milk.
288. Manuscript ............. ...................... Matter written by hand.
289. Mariticide ............... ..................... Killing of one’s husband.
290. Martyr ..................... .......................... One who dies for a noble cause.
291. Masque ................... .................... A play or a dramatic performance in
verse, with music, dance and fine
292. Massacre ................. ................ Killing of large numbers of people.
293. Materialist .............. .................... A person for whom money is the most
important consideration.
294. Matins ..................... .............. Morning prayer.
295. Matricide ................ ...................... Killing of one’s own mother.
296. Matrimony .............. ......................... Marriage.
297. Maxim ..................... ........................ A short statement of a general truth.
298. Memento ................. ........................ Something kept to remember place or
299. Mercenary .............. ............... One who acts only for money.
300. Metamorphosis ....... ...................... Complete change in appearance.
301. Meticulous .............. .......................... Very particular about small details.
302. Migration ................ .......................... Movement from one country to another.
303. Misandrist .............. ...................... One who hates males.
304. Misanthrope ........... .................. A hater of mankind.
305. Misogamist ............. ... Hater of marriage.
306. Misogynist .............. .. A hater of womankind.
307. Misologist ............... ..... Hater of learning.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 349
One Word Substitution
308. Misoneist ................ .................... Hater of new things.
309. Missionary .............. ................... A person sent to teach Christian
310. Monastery .............. ............................ Place where monks live.
311. Monogamy .............. ................ The practice of keeping only one wife.
312. Mortal ..................... ............. Subject to death.
313. Mortuary ................. ......................... A place where dead bodies are kept
before post-mortem.
314. Mutilation .............. ..... Cutting off body parts.
315. Naive ....................... .................... Having natural simplicity of nature.
316. Narcotics ................. ................ A medicine that induces sleep.
317. Naturalism .............. ...................... Adherence or attachment to what is
318. Neogamist ............... .................... One who is recently married.
319. Nepotism ................. .............. Undue favour shown to one’s own
320. Neurotic .................. . Excessive sensitive, anxious or
321. Newfangled ............. ............ Newly developed and unfamiliar.
322. Nonentity ................ ................... Person of no importance.
323. Nonpareil ................ ....................... Person or thing which has no equal.
324. Notorious ................ .............. Having an evil reputation.
325. Nuance .................... ...................... Subtle difference in colour, meaning
326. Numismatics ........... ............. The study of coins.
327. Nursery ................... ...................... The place where young plants are
328. Obscurantist ........... ............... Person who is opposed to enlightment.
329. Obsequies ............... ................ Funeral rites.
330. Obsolete .................. .... That which is no longer in use.
331. Octagon ................... ...................... A plane figure with eight sides and
332. Oligarchy ................ ............... A government by a small group of
powerful persons.
333. Omniform ................ .................... Having every form or shape.
334. Omnigenous ............ ................ Comprising all kinds.
335. Omnipotent ............. .................. All-powerful (God).
336. Omnipresent ........... ................. Present everywhere (God).
337. Omniscient ............. ....................... Knowing everything (God).

350 English – from Plinth to Paramount

One Word Substitution
338. Opaque .................... ...................... That which cannot be seen through.
339. Optimist .................. ..................... A person who looks to the bright side of
340. Orator ...................... .......................... One who makes an eloquent public
341. Orchard ................... .............. A garden of fruits.
342. Orphan .................... ......................... A child whose parents are dead.
343. Ostracize ................. ........... To turn out of society.
344. Oviparous ................ .................... Bearing eggs and not young ones.
345. Pacifist .................... ..................... A person who believes in the total
abolition of war.
346. Pageant ................... ....... Elaborate public spectacle.
347. Palatable ................. ........................ Food or drink that has a pleasant taste.
348. Panacea ................... ....................... A remedy for all kinds of diseases.
349. Pandemonium ......... ........................ A wild and noisy disorder.
350. Panegyric ................ ..................... Piece of writing full of praise.
351. Pantomime ............. .................. Dramatic performance with dumb
352. Paramour ................ ... Sexual partner or lover.
353. Parasite ................... ........................ One who entirely depends on another.
354. Parasol .................... .................... A lady’s umbrella.
355. Parricide ................. ....... Killing of both the parents.
356. Patricide ................. ....................... Killing of one’s own father.
357. Patrimony ............... .......................... Inherited from father or male ancestor.
358. Patriot ..................... ....................... One who loves one’s country.
359. Patronymic ............. ...................... Name derived from that of father or
360. Pauper ..................... ......................... One who has no means of livelihood.
361. Peculation .............. ........................... Use of public money for one’s own
362. Pedantic .................. ........ A style in which a writer makes a
display of his knowledge and learning.
363. Pedestrian .............. .................... One who walks on foot.
364. Peninsula ................ ........................ Area of land almost surrounded by sea.
365. Pentagon ................. ........................ A plane figure with five sides and
366. Perceptible .............. .................... That can be perceived by the senses.
367. Peroration ............... .............. Concluding part of a speech.
368. Perseverance .......... .......................... Constant efforts to achieve something.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 351
One Word Substitution
369. Perspicacious .......... ............... Quick in judging and understanding.
370. Perversion .............. ......................... Change to something abnormal or
371. Pessimist ................ .................... A person who looks at the dark side of
372. Philanderer ............. ....................... A man who amuses himself by love-
373. Philanthropist ........ .................. A lover of mankind.
374. Philatelist ............... .......... Collector of stamps.
375. Philistine ................ ........ Person who is indifferent to art and
376. Philogynist ............. .... A lover of womankind.
377. Philology ................. ............. Science of study of language.
378. Pilgrim .................... ...................... One who travels to a sacred place.
379. Pioneer .................... ......................... One who leads others in any field.
380. Piquant ................... ............ Pleasant or sharp to the taste/
381. Placard/Poster ........ ....................... Written or printed notice pasted in
public places.
382. Plagiarism .............. ............... The practice of borrowing words and
ideas from other authors and using
them as one’s own; literary theft.
383. Platitude ................. ............... Statement that is obviously true and
hence dull or not stimulating.
384. Plutocracy ............... ...................... A government by a rich and powerful
385. Polyandry ................ ................... The custom of having more than two
husbands at the same time.
386. Polygamy ................ ............... The custom of having more than two
spouses at the same time.
387. Polyglot ................... .................... Person having command over many
388. Polygon ................... ........................ A figure with many angles or sides.
389. Posthumous ............ ..................... Received after death.
390. Postscript ................ ...................... Anything written in a letter after it is
391. Predicament ........... .......................... Difficult or dangerous situation.
392. Prejudiced ............... ........................ Be biased against.
393. Premonition ............ ....................... Forewarning of an impending danger.
394. Prerogative ............. .................. Absolute right.
395. Prodigy .................... .......... A child with unusual or remarkable
396. Prognostication ...... .................... Act of forecasting by examining present
352 English – from Plinth to Paramount
One Word Substitution
397. Prologue .................. .................... A speech or a poem recited at the beginning
of a play.
398. Promiscuous ........... .................. Having a lot of different sexual
399. Proponent ............... ...................... Person who proposes something.
400. Propriety ................. ......................... State of being correct in behavior or
401. Protagonist ............. ............ An important supporter of an idea or
political system/Chief actor or
character in a story or drama.
402. Protectorate ............ .................. Country under the protection of a more
powerful country.
403. Prudent ................... ....................... Wise.
404. Pseudonym ............. ................... Name taken by an author instead of his
real name
405. Punctitious ............. ................ Very careful to behave correctly.
406. Pyrotechnic ............. .... Art of making fireworks.
407. Quadruped .............. ........................ Four footed-animal.
408. Rebel ....................... ........................... One who takes up arms against the
409. Recapitulate ........... ............. Repeat the main points.
410. Recluse ................... .................... One who lives alone and avoids
411. Reconcile ................ ............ Bring about harmony or agreement.
412. Reconnaissance ...... .. Information gathering activity about
enemy forces.
413. Red tapism .............. ............... Too much official formality.
414. Redundancy ............ .................. When something is unnecessary
because it is more than what is needed.
415. Regicide .................. ................ Killing of a king.
416. Relegate/Demote ... .................... Reduce to a lower position.
417. Reluctant ................ ..................... Unwilling
418. Remission ............... ........................... Pardon or forgiveness for breaking
religious laws.
419. Rendezvous ............. ................... Place fixed for meeting or assembling
420. Renegade ................ ................... Person who changes his religious
belief/support to someone else or some
other nation.
421. Repartee.................. ................. Witty and clever answers.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 353
One Word Substitution
422. Repercussion .......... .......................... Effect of some event, action or decision.
423. Replica .................... ....................... Copy or reproduction of a work of art.
424. Repository .............. ......................... Place where things are stored for safety.
425. Republic .................. ......................... A political system in which the
supreme power lies in a body of citizens
who can elect people to represent them.
426. Requiem .................. ..................... Prayer for the dead.
427. Restitution ............. . Return of object stolen or lost.
428. Retaliate ................. .................... Return the same sort of ill-treatment.
429. Reticent/Taciturn .. ..................... Person who does not speak too much.
430. Retrospective .......... ....................... An effect which has a reference to the
431. Rumous/Hearsay .... ....................... Unverified information.
432. Sacrilege ................. ............ Treating something holy without
433. Sarcasm .................. ........................... Bitter and ironical remark.
434. Savage ..................... ......................... Violent and uncivilized.
435. Scapegoat ............... ................ One who is blamed for the mistakes of
436. Sceptic .................... .......................... One who is doubtful.
437. Screech ................... ........................ Cry out in shrill voice.
438. Scrimmage .............. ..................... Confused struggle or fight.
439. Scurry ..................... ... Move hurriedly with short steps.
440. Sedition .................. .. Act or speech for inciting the public
against the government.
441. Senility ................... ..................... Extreme old age when a man behaves
like a fool.
442. Siesta ...................... ............. Period of rest or sleep after lunch.
443. Simultaneous ......... ..................... Occurring at the same time.
444. Sinecure .................. . An office for which high salary is paid
for little or no work or responsibility.
445. Smother .................. ..................... Kill by suffocation (especially by
covering the face with something).
446. Sojourn .................... ..... Stay for a short time.
447. Soliloquy ................. Speaking aloud while alone.
448. Somnambulist ........ ........... One who walks in sleep.
449. Somniloquist .......... ........... One who talks in sleep.
450. Sonorous ................. ......................... Having a deep and pleasant sound.
451. Sorocide .................. ................ Killing of one’s own sister.

354 English – from Plinth to Paramount

One Word Substitution
452. Spendthrift ............. ................... One who spends one’s money
453. Spinster .................. ................. An unmarried woman.
454. Spiritualist ............. .................... A person who believes in spiritual
455. Sporadic .................. ........................ Occurring irregularly.
456. Stoic ........................ ......................... A person who is indifferent to pleasure
and pain.
457. Strangulate ............. ............. Kill by putting pressure on the throat/
to apply pressure.
458. Subdue .................... ................ To bring under control.
459. Subjugate ................ .................. To bring under control.
460. Suicide .................... ..................... Taking of one’s own life.
461. Supercilious ............ ......................... Thinking oneself superior to others.
462. Sycophant ............... ....................... Person who tries to win a favour by
flattering other.
463. Synagogue .............. ............. Place where Jews worship.
464. Talkative/Garrulous .. ......................... Person who is fond of talking.
465. Tantrum .................. ......................... Fit of bad temper or anger.
466. Teetotaller .............. ..................... One who abstains from alcoholic
467. Theist ...................... ....................... A person who believes in existence of
468. Theocracy ............... ....................... A government by religious leaders.
469. Thermometer .......... ................ An instrument for measuring
470. Traitor ..................... ........................ One who betrays one’s country.
471. Transgressor ........... ................ One who violets a rule or law.
472. Transmigration ....... ..... The passage of soul after death from one
body to the other.
473. Transmogrification . ..................... Complete change in appearance or
character (especially in a magical or
surprising way).
474. Transparent ............ ........................ That allows the passage of rays of light.
475. Truant ..................... ....................... One who stays away from school/work
without permission.
476. Truism ..................... .................... A truth which is often repeated.
477. Turncoat.................. ........................... Disloyal.
478. Unanimous .............. ........................ Consent of all.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 355

One Word Substitution
479. Unavoidable ............ ...................... That which cannot be avoided.
480. Unique ..................... ........................ The only one of its type.
481. Universal ................ .................... Belonging to all parts of the world.
482. Usurper ................... .......... One who grabs somebody's else property
or title.
483. Uxoricide ................. .................... Killing of one’s wife.
484. Uxorious/Henpecked ............. Foolishly fond of one’s wife.
485. Vacuous ................... ....................... Suggesting absence of thought or
486. Vendetta.................. ...... Feud in which the relatives of the dead or
injured take revenge.
487. Verbatim ................. ........................ Repetition of a writing, word for word.
488. Verbose ................... ................... Using or containing more words than are
489. Versatile ................. ....................... One who possesses many talents.
490. Verso ....................... ....................... Any left hand page of an open book.
491. Vespers .................... ............... Evening prayer in the church.
492. Veteran ................... ....................... One who has grown old in or has long
experience of (specially military)
service or occupation.
493. Vincible ................... ........... That which can be conquered.
494. Vindictive/Vengeful .. ...................... Having or showing a desire for revenge.
495. Virulent ................... ....................... Highly poisonous effect.
496. Viviparous ............... .................. Bearing living young ones and not eggs.
497. Volte-face ................ .......... Sudden change from one set of beliefs
to other.
498. Voluntary ................ ...................... Of one’s own free will.
499. Voyage ..................... .................... Journey by water or sea.
500. Vulnerable .............. .................. That which can be easily damaged or
501. Widow ..................... ......................... A woman whose husband is dead.
502. Widower .................. .......................... A man whose wife is dead.
503. Wreathe .................. ........................ Flowers fastened in a circle.
504. Zealot ...................... ....................... Person who shows great and
uncompromising enthusiasm for a
religion, party, cause, etc.

356 English – from Plinth to Paramount

One Word Substitution



Directions: In question nos.1 to 225, out of the four alternatives, choose the one
which can be substituted for the given words/sentence and choose the appropriate
alternative which best expresser the sentences.

1. A person who has no money to pay 9. Place that provides refuge

off his debts (A) shelter (B) house
(A) Insolvent (B) Poor (C) country (D) asylum
(C) Destitute (D) Pauper 10. A person who gambles or bets
2. Words uttered impiously about God (A) punter (B) backer
(A) amoral (B) philosophy (C) customer (D) client
(C) logic (D) blasphemy 11. Art of writing for newspapers and
3. A number of ships. magazines
(a) fleet (b) galaxy (A) Literature (B) Journalism
(c) constellation (d) group (C) Biography (D) Artistry
4. One who compiles a dictionary 12. An abandoned child of unknown
parents who is found by somebody.
(A) geographer (B) lexicographer
(A) Foundling (B) Sibling
(C) lapidist (D) linguist
(C) Urchin (D) Orphan
5. A test in which cells from diseased
13. Parts of a country behind the coast
organs are removed and tested
or a river bank.
(A) Biopsy (B) Autopsy
(A) Swamps (B) Marshes
(C) Operation (D) Amputation (C) Hinterland (D) Isthmuses
6. A small room in a big house, hotel, 14. A written statement about
ship etc. where glasses, dishes, someone’s character, usually
spoons, food etc. are kept. provided by an employer
(A) Portico (B) Pantry (A) testimonial (B) memorandum
(C) Mezzanine (D) Kitchen (C) certificate (D) license
7. A foreigner who settles in a country. 15. One who does not make mistakes
(A) Immigrant (B) Emigrant (A) Pessimist (B) Optimist
(C) Alien (D) Visitor (C) Infallible (D) Hypocrite
8. Doing something according to one’s 16. Able to use the left hand and right
own free will. hand equally well
(A) Willfully (B) Obligingly (A) ambivert (B) ambidextrous
(C) Voluntarily (D) Compulsorily (C) ambivalent (D) ambitious
English – from Plinth to Paramount 357
One Word Substitution
17. One who hates women 30. The action of looking within or into
(A) philanthropist (B) ascetic one’s own mind
(C) misogamist (D) misogynist (A) observation (B) examination
18. a system of naming things (C) introspection (D) introvert
(A) horticulture (B) miniature 31. To confirm with the help of evidence
(C) genocide (D) nomenclature (A) corroborate (B) implicate
19. A raised passageway in a building (C) designate (D) extricate
(A) walkway (B) walkout 32. One who is a dabbler in arts, science
(C) walkabout (D) walkover or literature:
20. A cure for all diseases (A) Dilettante (B) Aesthete
(A) laxative (B) panacea (C) Maestro (D) Connoisseur
(C) antidote (D) purgative 33. The time between midnight and noon:
21. One who cannot speak
(A) Afternoon (B) Antipodes
(A) deaf (B) dumb (C) Ante – meridiem (D) Antenatal
(C) visionless (D) lame 34. Still existing and known :
22. Pertaining to cattle
(A) Extent (B) Extant
(A) Canine (B) Feline
(C) Eternal (D) Immanent
(C) Bovine (D) Verminous
35. Fear of height:
23. To look at someone in an angry or
threatening way (A) Agoraphobia (B) Hydrophobia
(A) Glower (B) Gnaw (C) Acrophobia (D) Pyrophobia
(C) Gnash (D) Grind 36. The highest point
24. A post with little work but high (A) zenith (B) height
salary (C) zeal (D) ridge
(A) Director (B) Trustee 37. Feeling inside you which tells you
(C) Sinecure (D) Ombudsman what is right and what is wrong :
25. Something that causes death (A) cleverness (B) conscience
(A) Dangerous (B) Fatal (C) consciousness(D) fear
(C) Brutal (D) Horrible 38. Release of a prisoner from jail on
26. A person who writes decoratively certain terms and condition
(A) Calligrapher (B) Colliery (A) Parole (B) Parley
(C) Choreographer (D) Cartographer (C) Pardon (D) Acquittal
27. A person who loves mankind 39. Loss of memory
(A) misanthrope (B) anthropologist (A) Ambrosia (B) Amnesia
(C) philanthropist (D) mercenary (C) Insomnia (D) Forgetting
28. Capable of being interpreted in two 40. To struggle helplessly
(A) Flounder (B) Founder
(A) confusing (B) unclear
(C) Fumble (D) Finger
(C) ambiguous (D) ambivert
29. One who has narrow and prejudiced 41. One who tends to take a hopeful view
religious views of life
(A) religious (B) fanatic (A) Magnate (B) creator
(C) bigot (D) god-fearing (C) pacifist (D) optimist

358 English – from Plinth to Paramount

One Word Substitution
42. Belonging to all parts of the world 54. An involuntary action under a
(A) Common (B) universal stimulus is described as a
(C) worldly (D) international (A) complex (B) reflex
43. To be known for bad acts (C) reflection (D) response
(A) Famous (B) notorious 55. A continuous process of change is
(C) criminal (D) terrorist known as
44. Words of similar meaning (A) transformation (B) metamorphosis
(A) Homonyms (B) pseudonyms (C) flux (D) dynamism
(C) antonyms (D) synonyms 56. The use of many words where only a
45. Instrument to measure atmospheric few are necessary.
pressure (A) circumlocution (B) circumspection
(A) Metronome (B) compass (C) circumscription (D) circumvention
(C) pedometer (D) barometer 57. Circular building or hall with a dome.
46. A speech delivered without previous (A) edifice (B) palace
preparation (C) rotunda (D) spire
(A) Soliloquy (B) Extempore 58. One who is a citizen not of a country
(C) Rhetoric (D) Expression but of the world.
47. One who pretends to be what he is (A) Bohemian (B) Cosmopolitan
(C) Philanthropist (D) Internationalist
(A) crocodile (B) flatterer
59. An order requiring a person to attend
(C) hypocrite (D) counterfeiter
a court.
48. Study of heavenly bodies
(A) Courtship (B) Agreement
(A) astrology (B) astronomy
(C) Subpoena (D) Command
(C) stargazing (D) astrophysics
60. An imaginary name assumed by an
49. An official call to appear in a court
author for disguise.
of law
(A) Facsimile (B) Surname
(A) summon (B) notice
(C) Alias (D) Pseudonym
(C) memorandum (D) petition
50. To cut apart a person’s body 61. An extreme fear of being in a small
confined place.
(A) amputate (B) mutilate
(A) Hydrophobia (B) Paraphernalia
(C) ambush (D) mitigate
51. Murder of a brother (C) Claustrophobia (D) Progeria
(A) Patricide (B) Fratricide 62. An inscription on a tomb.
(C) Homicide (D) Parricide (A) epitaph (B) crypt
52. One who is filled with excessive and (C) obituary (D) legacy
mistaken enthusiasm about his 63. Allowance due to a wife from her
religion husband on separation.
(A) Fatalist (B) Lunatic (A) patrimony (B) antimony
(C) Fanatic (D) Stoic (C) parsimony (D) alimony
53. A list of items to be transacted at a 64. Practice of employing spies in war.
meeting (A) Esplanade (B) Espionage
(A) Menu (B) Agenda (C) Espadrille (D) Estrangement
(C) Minutes (D) Records
English – from Plinth to Paramount 359
One Word Substitution
65. A fixed territory in which authority 77. A war of religions
can be exercised. (A) Calligraphy (B) Contraband
(A) Jurisdiction (B) judiciary (C) Cavalry (D) Crusade
(C) jurisprudence (D) juristic 78. The Government by the nobility
66. An appearance of objects often
simulating the appearance of water: (A) Bureaucracy (B) Aristocracy
(C) Autocracy (D) Oligarchy
(A) image (B) mirage
79. To store and stock
(C) reflection (D) refraction
67. The art of making fireworks : (A) Hail (B) Hide
(A) Chromatics (B) Numismatics (C) Hoard (D) Horde
(C) Pyrotechnics (D) Cosmetics 80. Study of relations of organisms to
68. Give off bubbles of gas : one another and to their
(A) efface (B) effervesce
(C) effloresce (D) effuse (A) Biology (B) Ecology
69. A system of governance controlled by (C) Psychology (D) Physiology
persons of high intellectual ability : 81. A body of persons appointed to hear
(A) oligarchy (B) democracy evidence and give their verdict in
(C) meritocracy (D) snobbery trials.
70. Sudden and violent change : (A) association (B) council
(A) Cataclysm (B) Catalysis (C) bar (D) jury
(C) Catacombs (D) Catechism 82. A person who dishonestly pretends
71. A small waterfall or group of to be somebody else :
waterfalls flowing down a Rocky hill (A) Imperialist (B) Impressionist
side is called : (C) Implorer (D) Impostor
(A) Hurricane (B) Stream 83. Violent storm:
(C) Volcano (D) Cascade
(A) weather (B) rains
72. One who eats human flesh
(C) breeze (D) tempest
(A) non-vegetarian(B) vegetarian 84. Careful and thorough enquiry :
(C) cannibal (D) man-eater
73. Instrument which records earth’s (A) Investigation (B) Interview
tremor: (C) Examination (D) Exploration
(A) Monograph (B) Geographer 85. A situation that stops an activity
(C) Seismograph (D) Barometer from progressing :
74. The practice of a woman having more (A) Bypass (B) Breach
than one husband at the same time: (C) Bottleneck (D) Block head
(A) Polygamy (B) Polyphony 86. A disease which is spread by direct
(C) Polyandry (D) Polygyny contact
75. Specializes in nose diseases : (A) Contagious (B) Infectious
(A) Otologist (B) Rhinologist (C) Epidemic (D) Endemic
(C) Endocrinologist (D) Gerentologist 87. The study of ancient civilizations
76. Boundary of an area (A) History (B) Anthropology
(A) Porch (B) Periphery (C) Ethnology (D) Archaeology
(C) Balcony (D) Verandah
360 English – from Plinth to Paramount
One Word Substitution
88. An animal story with a moral 101. Difficult or impossible to read
(A) Fable (B) Tale (A) Illogical (B) illegible
(C) Anecdote (D) Parable (C) ineligible (D) legible
89. A thing likely to be easily broken 102. An unexpected piece of good fortune
(A) vulnerable (B) flexible (A) Turnstile (B) Windfall
(C) brittle (D) delicate (C) Philanthropy (D) Benevolence
90. Body of singers 103. Those who go on to someone else’s
land without the owner’s permission
(A) Coir (B) Quorum
(C) Quire (D) Choir (A) Delinquents (B) trespassers
91. Very dramatic (C) offenders (D) culprits
104. Something that cannot be taken
(A) Histrionic (B) Hippocratic away.
(C) Hirsute (D) Hoary
(A) inalienable (B) edible
92. A figure of speech by which a thing
(C) legible (D) natural
is spoken of as being that which it
105. Scale used f or measuring the
only resembles strength of an earthquake.
(A) Metaphor (B) Simile (A) Celsius (B) Newtons
(C) Personification (D) Alliteration (C) Richter (D) Linear
93. The process by which a person or an 106. Something kept as a reminder of an
organization reduces the amount of event.
money it spends
(A) Trophy (B) Souvenir
(A) budgeting (B) retrenchment (C) Prize (D) Antique
(C) saving (D) closure 107. One who practises one of the fine arts:
94. An established principle of practical
wisdom : (A) painter (B) artist
(C) designer (D) architect
(A) Marxism (B) Maxim 108. A general pardon of offenders.
(C) Neologism (D) Platonism
(A) Parley (B) Amnesty
95. Person with whom one works
(C) Parole (D) Acquittal
(A) contemporary (B) companion 109. Place where wine is made
(C) colleague (D) partner
(A) bakery (B) cloakroom
96. Honesty of character (C) tannery (D) brewery
(A) integrity (B) rectitude 110. A paper written by hand
(C) honour (D) dignity (A) handicraft (B) handiwork
97. Expressions of sympathy (C) manuscript (D) thesis
(A) congratulation (B) condolence 111. The art of preserving skin of animals,
(C) compliment (D) condemnation birds and fish
98. An instrument used to record sound (A) taxonomy (B) taxidermy
(A) gramophone (B) hydrophone (C) philology (D) seismology
(C) phonograph (D) megaphone 112. Related to moon
99. Pertaining to horses (A) solar (B) moony
(A) Equine (B) equestrian (C) lunar (D) honeymoon
(C) equinox (D) equation 113. Sum of money to be paid for freeing
100. One who cannot be corrected a person from captivity.
(A) Incurable (B) incorrigible (A) Ransom (B) Compensation
(C) hardened (D) vulnerable (C) Tribute (D) Penalty
English – from Plinth to Paramount 361
One Word Substitution
114. Book giving information about every 127. A place where gambling is practised
branch of knowledge. (A) hotel (B) casino
(A) Directory (B) Dictionary (C) restaurant (D) theatre
(C) Encyclopedia (D) Dissertation 128. An object or portion serving as a
115. Member of a tribe that wanders from sample
place to place with no fixed home.
(A) Specification (B) Spectre
(A) Vagabond (B) Nomad (C) Spectacle (D) Specimen
(C) Wanderer (D) Truant 129. The practice of submitting a proposal
116. Fit to be chosen. to popular vote
(A) Eligible (B) Capable
(A) Election (B) Reference
(C) Suitable (D) Valuable
(C) Popularity (D) Referendum
117. An animal or plant living in or upon
another. 130. Code of diplomatic etiquette and
(A) master (B) dependant
(C) insect (D) parasite (A) Statesmanship (B) Diplomacy
118. Strong dislike between two persons (C) Hierarchy (D) Protocol
131. To renounce a high position of
(A) aversion (B) antipathy
authority or control
(C) apathy (D) despair
119. The killing of whole group of people (A) Abduct (B) Abandon
(A) genocide (B) germicide (C) Abort (D) Abdicate
(C) patricide (D) suicide 132. Talking about the affairs of other
120. The plants and vegetation of a region people
(A) fauna (B) flora (A) teasing (B) gossiping
(C) landscape (D) environment (C) criticising (D) slandering
121. That which is without opposition 133. Medical examination of the body
(A) unaware (B) verdict after death
(C) unanimous (D) spontaneous (A) diagnosis (B) irradiation
122. Animal that feeds on plants (C) corpse (D) autopsy
(A) Carnivorous (B) Herbivorous 134. A person born or living at the same
(C) Insectivorous (D) Graminivorous time as another
123. A number of stars grouped together (A) corollary (B) accessory
(A) Orbit (B) Constellation (C) contemporary (D) auxiliary
(C) Solar system (D) Comet 135. Bad beyond reform
124. Lasting only for a very short while (A) irreversible (B) irrevocable
(A) Transparent (B) Temporal (C) irredeemable (D) irreparable
(C) Temporary (D) Temperate 136. That which is certain to happen
125. Murder of a man
(A) inevitable (B) invincible
(A) Regicide (B) Fratricide (C) incorrigible (D) immediate
(C) Homicide (D) Genocide 137. The process of deciding the nature
126. Use of force or threats to get of a disease by examination
someone to agree to something
(A) test (B) perusal
(A) Coercion (B) Conviction
(C) diagnosis (D) operation
(C) Confession (D) Cajolement
362 English – from Plinth to Paramount
One Word Substitution
138. That which makes it difficult to 150. Science of the races of mankind
recognise the presence or real (A) Genealogy (B) Etiology
nature of somebody or something. (C) Ethnology (D) Sociology
(A) cover (B) comouflage 151. Impossible to describe
(C) pretence (D) mask (A) Miraculous (B) Ineffable
139. To bear a hand
(C) Stupendous (D) Appalling
(A) interfere (B) join 152. One who criticises popular beliefs
(C) assist (D) rejoice which he thinks is mistaken or
140. One who makes an of ficial unwise
examination of accounts
(A) Philistine (B) Iconoclast
(A) auditor (B) accountant (C) Imposter (D) Cannibal
(C) clerk (D) official 153. One who hides away on a ship to
141. A government by the officials obtain a free passage.
(A) Plutocracy (B) Aristocracy (A) Compositor (B) Stoker
(C) Bureaucracy (D) Monarchy (C) Stowaway (D) Shipwright
142. One who offers his services without 154. Clues available at a scene
charging for it
(A) Circumstantial (B) derivative
(A) Philanderer (B) Volunteer (C) inferential (D) suggestive
(C) Mercenary (D) Missionary 155. An emolument over and above fixed
143. A tank where fish or water plants are income or salary.
(A) Honorarium (B) Sinecure
(A) aviary (B) aquarium (C) Perquisite (D) Prerogative
(C) nursery (D) sanatorium
156. The animals of a particular region.
144. Avoiding wastage
(A) Flora (B) Museum
(A) economic (B) economical
(C) Zoo (D) Fauna
(C) minimal (D) optimational
157. A person who is physically dependent
145. Sole right to make and sell some
on a substance.
(A) Criminal (B) Martyr
(A) Franchise (B) Authorize
(C) Gladiator (D) Addict
(C) Dealership (D) Patent
146. The scientific study of living 158. A child born after the death of its
organisms father is called.
(A) Biochemistry (B) Zoology (A) A deprived child (B) An orphan
(C) Organic chemistry (D) Biology (C) A posthumous child (D) A waif
147. One who lives for more than a 159. A legal agreement by which a person
hundred years borrows money from a bank usually
to buy a house.
(A) saint (B) meteorologist
(C) demagogue (D) centenarian (A) Document (B) Mortgage
148. Detaining and confining someone (C) Lease (D) Invoice
160. Failing to discharge one’s duty.
(A) Interruption (B) Interrogation
(C) Interment (D) Internment (A) Debacle (B) Dereliction
149. An underhand device resorted to in (C) Determination (D) Deterrent
order to justify misconduct 161. A movement of part of the body to
express an idea or feeling.
(A) Subterfuge (B) Manoeuvre
(C) Stratagem (D) Complicity (A) Jibe (B) Gesture
(C) Pose (D) Mimicry
English – from Plinth to Paramount 363
One Word Substitution
162. To surround a place with the 174. One who collects postage stamp.
intention of capturing it (A) philatelist (B) stamp collector
(A) Bivouac (B) Besiege (C) vendor (D) lexicographer
(C) Invade (D) Intern 175. What cannot be heard.
163. To send back a person to one’s (A) inaudible (B) audible
country (C) unheard (D) ineffaceable
(A) Repatriate (B) Expatriate 176. A poem of mourning.
(C) Migrate (D) Emigrate (A) elegy (B) sonnet
164. One who is opposed to intellectual (C) lyric (D) epic
progress 177. A game in which no one wins.
(A) Impostor (B) Chaperon (A) abandoned (B) drawn
(C) Prospector (D) Obscurant (C) postponed (D) obsolete
165. A woman with dark brown hair 178. Too much official formality.
(A) Blonde (B) Brunette (A) delayed (B) officiousness
(C) Termagant (D) Coiffure (C) formality (D) red tapism
166. One who has special skill in judging 179. One who knows many languages.
art, music, tastes, etc.
(A) linguist (B) polyglot
(A) Connoisseur (B) Raconteur (C) stylist (D) debator
(C) Sybarite (D) Amateur 180. That which can be carried.
167. One who devotes his life to the
welfare and the interests of other (A) portable (B) edible
people (C) potable (D) bearable
181. A writer who steals ideas from others.
(A) Minion (B) Martyr
(C) Altruist (D) Fugitive (A) plagiarist (B) copier
(C) editor (D) translator
168. A place where animals are kept alive,
and nearly as possible as in their 182. Examination of a dead body.
natural state (A) autopsy (B) surgery
(A) Vivarium (B) Orchard (C) operation (D) tanning
(C) Paddock (D) Zoo 183. A speech made to oneself.
169. One who hates mankind (A) dialogue (B) speech
(A) Misanthropist (B) Misnomer (C) soliloquy (D) monologue
(C) Misogynist (D) Philanthropist 184. A commonplace remark.
170. The period between two reigns (A) platitude (B) ramark
(A) Interregnum (B) Interval (C) statement (D) epigram
(C) Interdict (D) Intercept 185. That which cannot be captured.
171. One who walks in one’s sleep. (A) impregnable (B) incorrigible
(A) dreamer (B) somnambulist (C) imperishable (D) invincible
(C) neomatic (D) ignorant 186. The study of birds
172. A place where money is coined. (A) ornithology (B) philology
(A) mint (B) press (C) ontology (D) geology
(C) treasury (D) bank 187. An insect with many legs is called.
173. The house of an Eskimo.
(A) centipede (B) mammal
(A) hamlet (B) downy (C) herbivorous (D) vertebrate
(C) igloo (D) hut

364 English – from Plinth to Paramount

One Word Substitution
188. Government in which all religions 201. A sweet music.
are honoured.
(A) lullaby (B) melody
(A) fanatic (B) secular (C) folk song (D) duet
(C) catholic (D) progressive 202. A place where everything is perfect.
189. One who lives among strangers.
(A) heaven (B) platoon
(A) recluse (B) alien (C) cosmos (D) utopia
(C) stoic (D) rustic 203. Decision that cannot be taken back.
190. A word no longer in use.
(A) irrevocable (B) rigid
(A) extant (B) obsolete (C) order (D) brief
(C) out-dated (D) nervous 204. Fear of strangers.
191. A sneering person who always finds
(A) sitophobia (B) hydrophobia
faults. (C) xenophobia (D) whoopee
(A) cupid (B) kleptomaniac 205. Physical features of an area.
(C) cynic (D) crone
(A) geography (B) sociology
192. A place for keeping bees. (C) contour (D) topography
(A) aviary (B) apiary 206. Scientific study of fungi.
(C) cage (D) nest
(A) mycology (B) botany
193. A long journey, especially by sea. (C) physiology (D) zoology
(A) flight (B) voyage 207. A funeral bell.
(C) odyssey (D) safari
(A) knell (B) replica
194. A short walk for pleasure or exercise. (C) windfall (D) call
(A) stroll (B) gallop 208. A person who is pure and clean.
(C) jog (D) promenade
(A) immaculate (B) neat
195. A place where government or public (C) clean (D) irrevocable
records are kept. 209. A person who has just started
(A) attic (B) museum learning.
(C) cellar (D) archive (A) novice (B) foreman
196. A person who kills somebody (C) supervisor (D) apprentice
especially for political reasons.
210. A person who is appointed by two
(A) criminal (B) assassin parties to solve a dispute.
(C) murderer (D) hangman (A) judge (B) arbitrator
197. A person who opposes another.
(C) advocate (D) barrister
(A) soldier (B) fighter 211. A person who wishes to throw over
(C) antagonist (D) prophet all establishments.
198. A person who does not want to see
(A) anarchist (B) hooligan
the realities of life and tries to (C) criminal (D) rebel
escape. 212. A person who is bad in spelling.
(A) escapist (B) hovel
(A) cacographist (B) linguist
(C) plunderer (D) scavenger (C) calligraphist (D) pedant
199. A person who is very selective, 213. A person leaving his native country
disgusted easily, and is hard to
to settle in another.
(A) immigrant (B) emigrant
(A) misanthrope (B) fastidious (C) traveller (D) nomad
(C) selector (D) ambiguous
214. A person who is always dissatisfied.
200. A person who can be cheated easily.
(A) heresy (B) malcontent
(A) credulous (B) faithful (C) felon (D) surrogate
(C) client (D) egoist
English – from Plinth to Paramount 365
One Word Substitution
215. A person who enters without any (A) lover (B) beloved
invitation. (C) feminist (D) womanizer
(A) thief (B) burglar 221. A man who hates marriage
(C) vandal (D) intruder (A) polyandrist (B) bigot
216. A person who is talkative. (C) misogamist (D) widower
(A) garrulous (B) faithful 222. Thick skinned animal
(C) client (D) egoist (A) pachyderm (B) prehensile
217. One who cuts precious stones. (C) monotreme (D) hand-skinned
(A) lapidist (B) philatelist 223. Cow - like
(C) teweller (D) drover (A) aquiline (B) bovine
218. A hospital for recuperation or for the (C) feline (D) vulpine
treatment of chronic diseases 224. The words with opposite meanings
(A) sanatorium (B) asylum used together
(C) funny farm (D) bedlam (A) oxymoron (B) irony
219. A professional rider in horse races (C) pun (D) alliteration
(A) horse rider (B) jockey 225. Specialist of kidney
(C) screw (D) rider (A) nephrologist (B) paediatrist
220. One who champions the cause of (C) orthopaedist (D) oncologist

1. (A) 24. (C) 47. (C) 70. (A) 93. (B) 116. (A) 139. (C) 162. (B) 185. (A) 208. (A)
2. (D) 25. (B) 48. (B) 71. (D) 94. (B) 117. (D) 140. (A) 163. (A) 186. (A) 209. (A)
3. (A) 26. (A) 49. (A) 72. (C) 95. (C) 118. (B) 141. (C) 164. (D) 187. (A) 210. (B)
4. (B) 27. (C) 50. (B) 73. (C) 96. (B) 119. (A) 142. (B) 165. (B) 188. (B) 211. (A)
5. (A) 28. (C) 51. (B) 74. (C) 97. (B) 120. (B) 143. (B) 166. (A) 189. (B) 212. (A)
6. (B) 29. (C) 52. (C) 75. (B) 98. (C) 121. (C) 144. (B) 167. (C) 190. (B) 213. (B)
7. (A) 30. (C) 53. (B) 76. (B) 99. (A) 122. (B) 145. (D) 168. (A) 191. (C) 214. (B)
8. (C) 31. (A) 54. (B) 77. (D) 100. (B) 123. (B) 146. (D) 169. (A) 192. (B) 215. (D)
9. (D) 32. (A) 55. (B) 78. (B) 101. (B) 124. (C) 147. (D) 170. (A) 193. (B) 216. (A)
10. (A) 33. (C) 56. (A) 79. (C) 102. (B) 125. (C) 148. (D) 171. (B) 194. (A) 217. (A)
11. (B) 34. (B) 57. (C) 80. (B) 103. (B) 126. (A) 149. (B) 172. (A) 195. (D) 218. (A)
12. (A) 35. (C) 58. (B) 81. (D) 104. (A) 127. (B) 150. (C) 173. (C) 196. (B) 219. (B)
13. (C) 36. (A) 59. (C) 82. (D) 105. (C) 128. (D) 151. (B) 174. (A) 197. (C) 220. (C)
14. (A) 37. (B) 60. (D) 83. (D) 106. (B) 129. (D) 152. (B) 175. (A) 198. (A) 221. (C)
15. (C) 38. (A) 61. (C) 84. (A) 107. (B) 130. (D) 153. (C) 176. (A) 199. (B) 222. (A)
16. (B) 39. (B) 62. (A) 85. (C) 108. (B) 131. (D) 154. (A) 177. (B) 200. (A) 223. (B)
17. (D) 40. (A) 63. (D) 86. (A) 109. (D) 132. (B) 155. (C) 178. (D) 201. (B) 224. (A)
18. (D) 41. (D) 64. (B) 87. (D) 110. (C) 133. (D) 156. (D) 179. (B) 202. (D) 225. (A)
19. (A) 42. (B) 65. (A) 88. (A) 111. (B) 134. (C) 157. (D) 180. (A) 203. (A)
20. (B) 43. (B) 66. (B) 89. (C) 112. (C) 135. (C) 158. (C) 181. (A) 204. (C)
21. (B) 44. (D) 67. (C) 90. (D) 113. (A) 136. (A) 159. (B) 182. (A) 205. (D)
22. (C) 45. (D) 68. (B) 91. (A) 114. (C) 137. (C) 160. (B) 183. (C) 206. (A)
23. (A) 46. (B) 69. (C) 92. (A) 115. (B) 138. (B) 161. (B) 184. (A) 207. (A)

366 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Idioms And Phrases - 1



S.N. PHRASES .................. #' ()*.................. Meaning in English

! "#$%
1. Achilles’ heels ............... ...................... A small but fatal weakness.
2. Add fuel to fire .............. ............... To make a matter worse.
3. An arm chair job ............ .......... Good income job with high
...................... comfort.
4. An axe to grind .............. .............. Something done for selfish
5. An iron-will .................... .................. Strong will power.
6. An old flame .................. ....................... A person, one had a romantic
relationship with, in the past.
7. An old head on .............. .............. A child or young person who
young shoulders ............ .................... thinks and talks like an older and
experienced person.
8. An olive branch ............. ..................... Peace request/ peace treaty.
9. Apple of discord ............. .................. Matter of dispute.
10. Apple of one’s eye ......... ..................... Very lovable/ dearest one.
11. Apple-pie-order .............. .......... In good condition
12. At a loss ........................ ................ To be unable to decide.
13. At a pinch ...................... .................. In a trouble.
14. At arm’s length ............. ..... Avoid becoming too friendly.
15. At daggers drawn ........... .............. To have bitter enmity.
16. At ease .......................... ...................... Free from pain and anxiety.
17. At one’s finger’s ends .... ............... To have complete knowledge.
18. At one’s wit’s end .......... ............................ Puzzled / confused / perplexed.
19. At sixes and sevens ....... ....................... In disorder.
20. At stake ......................... ........................... At risk and insecured.
21. At the eleventh hour ..... .................. At the last moment.
22. Back stairs gossip ......... ...... Talk among servants/ unfair

English – from Plinth to Paramount 367

Idioms Ans Phrases - 1
23. Bad blood ....................... ............................. Enmity/ bitter relations.
24. Bag and baggage ........... - .............. With all belongings.
25. Baker’s dozen ................ .................... Thirteen in number.
26. Be born with a silver ..... ........ To be born in a rich family.
spoon in one’s mouth
27. Be in the driving seat .... .. Bearing all responsibilities.
28. Bear the brunt of ........... .................. To bear the main part of
something unpleasant.
29. Beat about the bush ...... ....... To talk in a roundabout
manner/ circumlocution.
30. Beat black and blue ....... ........... Beating mercilessly.
31. Beat hollow ................... .................... To defeat thoroughly and
32. Beck and call ................. .................... Ready to obey order instantly.
33. Bed of roses ................... .................. Pleasant situation of comfort.
34. Bed of thorns ................. ..... A situation of extreme difficulty.
35. Beggar description ........ ......................... A person with no resource.
36. Bell the cat .................... .................... Taking first step at personal
37. Between the devil and ... ..... Between two difficult situations.
the deep sea
38. Big gun .......................... ........ An influential person
39. Bird of passage .............. .............. One who comes occasionally.
40. Bird’s eye view .............. ..................... Overview.
41. Birds of feather ............. ........... People with the same idea,
charact-eristics and interests.
42. Bite the dust ................. ..................... To be defeated.
43. Black sheep ................... . A person who is regarded as
disgrace for his family/ team etc.
44. Blind alley ..................... ......... A situation in which no further
........................ progress can be made.
45. Blind date ...................... .. A meeting between a girl and
a boy, who have not met before.
46. Blow one’s own trumpet ........... To praise oneself.
47. Blue blood ..................... ...................... Royal or aristocratic descent.
48. Blue book ...................... .................... Government report.
49. Body and soul ................ ........................... Entirely.
50. Bolt from the blue ......... ................ Unexpected problem.
51. Bone of contention ........ ............ Subject of a dispute.
368 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Idioms And Phrases - 1
52. Boon/blessing in disguise ................ Hidden blessing.
53. Bosom friend ................. ...................... Fast friend.
54. Break the ice ................. ...................... To start a conversation.
55. Breathe one’s last ......... ......................... To pass away/ to die.
56. Broad day light .............. ........................ In day light (when crime cannot
be hidden).
57. Broken reed ................... ................ A weak, unreliable person.
58. Brown study .................. ...................... A state of deep thought.
59. Bull in the china shop ... ..... One who is out of place in a delicate
60. Burn a hole in the pocket ............ Money spent quickly.
61. Burn one’s fingers ......... ...... To get oneself into trouble.
62. Burn the candle at both ends ............... To waste money.
63. Burn the midnight oil ... ....... Labouring/studying till late
64. Burning question .......... ..................... Hot issue.
65. Bury the hatchet ........... .............. To end a hostility.
66. By fits and starts ........... Irregularly.
67. By hook or by crook ....... .. By any means, right or wrong.
68. By leaps and bounds ...... ........ At a rapid pace.
69. By the skin of one’s teeth/ ............... Narrowly/by a hair breadth
by a whisker
70. Carry the coal to newcastle ........... Spending time and energy in
doing something that is useless
and wastage of energy.
71. Cast pearls before swine ......... A right thing in a wrong hand.

72. Castles in the air .......... ............... Day dream/ a hope or desire
unlikely to be realized.
73. Cat and dog life ............. .................. Troublesome life.
74. Catch a tartar ................ ... To grapple with a unexpectedly.
........................ formidable opponent.
75. Cat’s paw ....................... ...... A person used by another as
..... a dupe or tool.
76. Chew the cud ................ ....................... To ponder over / meditate.
77. Chicken hearted ........... ............................. Lacking courage / cowardly.
78. Cock-and-bull story ....... .................. A concocted story.
79. Crocodile tears .............. .................... An false display of grief.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 369
Idioms Ans Phrases - 1
80. Cross swords ................. ............................. To quarrel or fight.
81. Cry for the moon ........... .... To desire the unattainable.

82. Cry over spilled milk .... ..................... Regret in vain for what cannot be
83. Cut a sorry figure .......... ........... To give a poor show.

84. Cut both ways ............... ......... Argue in favour of both sides.

85. Cut no ice ...................... .......... To fail to make an impression.

86. Cut one’s coat according .......... To live within one’s means.
to one’s cloth ................
87. Dance to one’s tune ...... ........... Obeying one's order.
88. Dark horse .................... ..One who wins unexpectedly.
89. Dead letter .................... ............ A law or ordinance that is no
longer enforced.
90. Democle’s sword ............ ........... Constant threat.
91. Die a dog’s death ........... ........... To die a shameful death.
92. Die in harness ............... ........... Die while in service.

93. Dog in the manger ........ ............ A person who prevents others
from enjoying what he cannot.

94. Donkey’s years .............. ................. A long time.

95. Draw a line .................... ................. Set a limit.
96. Duck in a thunder storm .......................... In a painful condition.
97. Eagle eyed .................... .................. With keen eye sight.
98. Eat humble pie ............. .................. To apologize.
99. Eat one’s words ............. .................. Take a statement back.
100. Elbow room ................... ......... Sufficient scope to move or
101. End in smoke ................ ........ Come to nothing.
102. Escape one’s lips ........... ........................ Speak unintentionally or
103. Fabian policy ................ ....... Deliberate slow policy/ policy of
delaying decisions.
104. Fair and square ............. ............................ In an honest way .
105. Fair sex ......................... ........................ Women.
106. Fair weather friend ....... ............... Selfish friends who are with us
370 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Idioms And Phrases - 1
only in comfortable situation.
107. Fancy price .................... ................... At any cost/ at demanded price.
108. Feather in the cap ......... ................... Additional success.
109. Feather one’s nest ........ ............... To enrich oneself by taking
advantage of one's position.

110. Fight shy of ................... ............................ To attempt to avoid a thing or

111. Fish in troubled waters .. . To take advantage of the problems
of others.
112. Fish out of water ........... ............... Out of one’s usual and comfortable
113. Fly in the ointment ....... .......................... A slight unpleasant thing that
obstruct the enjoyment of
114. Fool’s paradise .............. ........ A state of being happy for foolish
or unfounded reasons.
115. Forty winks ................... ............................ A nap.
116. French leave ................. . A leave without information or
117. Fringe benefits ............. .......... An additional benefit apart
....................... from salary.
118. From hand to mouth ..... .................. Providing only bare essentials.
119. Gala day ........................ .............. Celebration day.
120. Get away with ................ ..................... To escape.
121. Get down to ................... . To attend to work seriously.
122. Get into a soup .............. ................... Get into trouble.
123. Get into hot water ......... ................. Get into trouble.
124. Get off scot free ............. ........... To escape without punishment.
125. Get on one’s nerves ....... ........................ To irritate or annoy.
126. Gibble-gabble ................ .............. Foolish talk.
127. Gift of the gab ............... .......... Talent for speaking.

128. Give a piece of mind ...... ............................. To rebuke or scold.

129. Go through fire and water ...... To brave any danger.
130. Go to dogs ..................... ........................ To deteriorate/ degenerate.
131. Go to rack and ruin ....... ...................... To decay or get destroyed.
132. Good Samaritan ............ ..................... A person who helps and pays
English – from Plinth to Paramount 371
Idioms Ans Phrases - 1
sympathy to those in distress.
133. Grass widow ................... .......... A woman who is separated,
divorced or lives apart from her
134. Grease the palm ............ ....................... To bribe.
135. Green room ................... A lounge in a theater or studio
for the performers to get ready.
136. Grist to one’s mill ......... .......................... Something that can be used for
one's advantage.
137. Halcyon days ................. .................... Peaceful days.
138. Hammer and sickle ....... ............. A symbolic representation of
commu-nism in general.
139. Hammer and tongs ........ .......... With great effort or energy.
140. Hand and glove with ...... ................. In close co-operation.
141. Hang by a thread ........... ..... Be in a risky situation.
142. Hard nut to crack .......... ........... A difficult problem to solve/ A
person difficult to understand.
143. Haul over the coals ....... ........... To take to task, to reprimand.
144. Have finger in the pie ... ..... To be involved in something.
145. Have one’s hands full .... ........ To be completely occupied.
146. Have one’s way .............. .......... The way one wants.
147. Have several irons ........ ...... To be involved in many projects
in the fire ...................... ..................... or activities at the same time.
148. Hen-pecked husband ..... .................. Admirer of one’s own wife in a
servile manner.
149. Herculean task .............. ................ Task requiring tremendous
150. High and dry .................. ............................ In a deprived situation (alone).
151. High handed .................. ........................... Overbearing.
152. High living .................... .......... Living with comfort and ease.
153. Hit below the belt .......... ...... To strike unfairly.
154. Hit the jackpot .............. ............ Gaining a big/ great success
(speci-ally by luck).
155. Hit the nail on the head .............. To do the right thing at the
right time
156. Hobson’s choice ............. ............ No alternative.
157. Hole and corner policy .. ......................... Secret policy.
158. Hue and cry ................... - .......................... Any loud public outcry.
372 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Idioms And Phrases - 1
159. Hush money .................. .... Money given to someone to
....... keep something secret.
160. In a nutshell ................. .......................... In very brief form.
161. In black and white ......... ........................ In printed or written form.
162. In full swing .................. ...................... At the height of activity.
163. In the blues ................... .................... In dumps depressed.
164. In the long run .............. ............................ Ultimately.
165. In the nick of time ........ ................... At the last possible moment.
166. In the same boat ........... ................ Sharing the same problems.
167. In vogue ........................ ........................... In the current fashions.
168. Ins and outs .................. .................... Intricacies or complications/ full
169. Iron hand/ Iron fist ....... ......................... Rigorous control.
170. Itching palm .................. ...... Craving for bribe.
171. Itsy bitsy ....................... ..................... Very small or tiny.
172. Jack of all trades and .... ... A person who knows many
master of none ........ different kinds of work but is a
.... master of none.
173. Jail bird ........................ ........... A person who is or has been
...................... confined to jail.
174. Jaundiced eye ............... ............. To look at something with a
prejudiced view.
175. Judas kiss ..................... ......................... False love.
176. Jump to a conclusion .... ......... To come to a conclusion
......................... prematurely.
177. Kangaroo court ............. - ............. An illegal court.
178. Keep one’s cards close .. ........... Hiding something.
to one’s chest
179. Keep one’s fingers crosses . To wait expectantly.

180. Keep one’s word ............ ................ To keep one’s promise.

181. Keep the ball rolling ..... ....................... To maintain the progress of a
project or plan.
182. Keep the wolf from the door ........... To avert poverty/ starvation.
183. Kill two birds with one stone Doing two things at the same
....................... time while effort is made for one
184. Kith and kin .................. ...................... Blood relations.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 373

Idioms Ans Phrases - 1
185. Knit one’s brow ............. .. To frown.
186. Lady’s man .................... . A man who is fond of the
.................. company of women.
187. Lame excuse ................. ............. False excuse/ baseless excuse.
188. Left- handed compliment ....... An insult disguised as a
189. Lion’s share .................. ................. Large part.
190. Live in an ivory tower ... ........... Living in comfort and being
unaware of realities of others'
191. Loaves and fishes .......... ................... Material benefit.
192. Look off colours ............ .............. Look ill or unhealthy.
193. Look through coloured ....... ............ To see with different/ wrong
glasses views.
194. Lump in the throat ....... A tight or uncomfortable feeling
in throat due to emotions.
195. Mad as a march hare ..... .......................... Crazy and insane.
196. Make a clean breast ...... .................. To confess especially something
bad or illegal.
197. Maiden name ................ ........... A women’s surname before
198. Maiden speech .............. .......... First speech.
199. Make a hash ................. .................. To mess up.
200. Make a mountain .......... ........... To exaggerate a minor difficulty.
out of a mole hill
201. Make both ends meet ... .. To live within one’s means.
202. Make hay while the ..... ............ To take the benefit of an
sun shines opportunity.
203. Make or mar ................. ............... To make or destroy.
204. Make the best of ........... ............... Getting benefited from both the
both the worlds sides.
205. Make up one’s mind ...... .................... To decide.
206. Man of means .............. ..................... A wealthy man.
207. Man of iron ................... ........... Man with strong will-power.
208. Man of letter ................. ..................... Learned person.
209. Man of parts .................. .................... A man of qualities.
210. Man of spirit ................. .................. A man full of enthusiasm.
211. Man of straw ................. A weak person.

374 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Idioms And Phrases - 1
212. Man of the world ........... ................... An experienced person.
213. Man of word .................. ................. True to one's word.
214. Mare’s nest ................... ..................... A false invention.
215. Midas touch .................. A man with extraordinary
power or capacity to make any
venture profitable.
216. Mince matters .............. To moderate or restrain one's
217. To Mind one’s P’s .......... .. Taking care of behaviour
and Q’s properly.
218. Miss the beat ................ ..................... To lose an opportunity.
219. Mother wit .................... ................... Common sense.
220. Move heaven and earth ...... To try one's best.
221. Much cry and little wool/ ............ Lot of fanfare for something
Much ado about nothing ................................... which has very little importance.
222. Narrow escape/Close Shave .............. To escape by a little margin.
223. Nig-nag .......................... ......... A noun used to address someone
(African-American (with joke or frustation).

224. Nine day’s wonder ......... .......... Something that arouses great
interest but for a very short
225. Nip in the bud ............... ....... To put on end to something in
its initial stage.
226. Null and void ................. ............................. Ineffective.
227. Nurse a grudge .............. ........ Bear resentment for long period.
228. Oily tongue ................... ................ Flattering words.
229. On one’s guard .............. .............. Vigilant.
230. On one’s last legs .......... ... Close to collapsing.
231. Once for all .................... ............ For the last time/ Conclusively.

232. Open question ............... . A question which may have more

than one answer.
233. Palmy days .................... ........... Prosperous/ affluent days.
234. Pandora’s box ................ ............. A source of extensive but
unforeseen troubles.
235. Part and parcel .............. .................... Inseparable part.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 375
Idioms Ans Phrases - 1
236. Past master ................... ........................... An expert.
237. Pay the piper ................. ................. To bear the cost of something/
some service rendered.
238. Pay through his nose .... ...... To pay dearly.
239. Penny wise pound foolish .... Careful about trifles but wasteful
in large ventures.
240. Pick up the gauntlet ..... ........... To accept the challenge.
241. Play ducks and drakes .. .................. To waste money.
242. Play second fiddle ......... .......... To be at a subordinate position.
243. Play truant .................... ............ To be absent from duty without
...................... permission.
244. Poison someone’s ears .. ........................ To speak against one to another.
245. Poke one’s nose ............ ....................... To Interfere.
246. Pour oil on troubled waters ................ To pacify the matters.
247. Pros and cons ................ .................. For and against.
248. Pull ones’ legs ............... ... To make fun of or to tease.
249. Pull the wool over ......... ........................ To mislead.
somebody’s eyes
250. Put a spoke in one’s wheel ... To obstruct.
251. Put in cold storage ........ ....... To keep a work pending.
252. Put one’s foot down ....... ....... To act firmly.
253. Put one’s shoulders ....... ...... To work or exert oneself heavily.
to the wheel ..................
254. Put the cart before the horse ............ To do things wrongly.

255. Put the cat among pigeons ...... To say/ do something that
causes trouble or make many
very angry.
256. Quarrel with one’s ......... ....... To fight with the executive or
bread and butter ............ ..... employer, who is providing one’s
means of living.
257. Queer fish ..................... .... Strange person.
258. Rain cats and dogs ........ .................. Rain very heavily.
259. Rainy day ...................... ............ Future time of need, especially
financial need.
260. Read between the lines . ..... To understand the hidden

376 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Idioms And Phrases - 1
261. Red handed ................... .............. Exactly while committing a
crime or doing something wrong
262. Red letter day ............... .............. A memorably important or happy
................... occasion.
263. Red tapism .................... .................. Strict adherence to excessive
paper work and official
264. Rest on one’s laurels .... .............. Depending on the achievement
.................... made in the past.
265. Rhyme or reason ........... ............... Sense, logic or meaning.
266. Right hand man ............ ............ One’s most valuable assistant or
267. Rise like a phoenix ....... .. To make a miraculous comeback
from its ashes after a seemingly insurmountable
268. Rock the boat ................ .................. To disturb a situation which was
otherwise stable.
269. Rolling stone ................ A restless person.
270. Royal road ..................... ..................... An easy or direct way of
achieving a desired result.
271. Rule the roost ............... ....................... To dominate.
272. Run amuck .................... ................ Mad with murderous frenzy.
273. Run in the same groove .... Maintaining a sweet
274. Run-of-the mill .............. ........................... Average/ common.
275. Run the gauntlet .......... ............ To go through an unpleasant
276. Sail under false colours ........................ To pretend to be something that
you are not.
277. Save ones’ skin ............. .................. To save oneself.
278. See eye-to-eye ............... .............. Showing agreement/ to agree.
279. See pink elephants ....... ................. Any visual hallucination arising
...... due to intoxication.

280. See red .......................... ..................... Be very angry.

281. See through .................. ....................... Comprehend/ understand.
282. Set at naught ................ .................. To disregard or treat as of no
283. Set one’s face against ... ............... To oppose with determination.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 377

Idioms Ans Phrases - 1
284. Set one’s heart on ......... ...................... To have as one’s ambition to
obtain something.
285. Set one’s teeth on edge . ..................... To irritate or annoy someone.
286. Set the Thames on fire . ........ To achieve something amazing.
287. Shoulder to shoulder .... ............. With united effort.
288. Show white feather ....... ............... To show cowardice.
289. Sine die ......................... ......... Indefinitely.
290. Sit on the fence ............. ......... Refuse to take side in a dispute.
291. Slip of the tongue ......... .................. Spoken unintentionally.
292. Slow coach .................... ................... A person with lazy approach of
293. Small fry ....................... ............. Insignificant person.
294. Smell a rat .................... .................. To suspect of something wrong
295. Smooth sailing .............. ................. Easy progress.
296. Snake in the grass ........ ... A secret enemy.
297. Shake in the shoes ....... .................... A tremble with fear or
298. Sow the dragon’s teeth . ............ To create future troubles for
yourself or others.
299. Speak one’s mind .......... ............... Speak what one really thinks.
300. Spick and span .............. ....................... In order/ neat and clean.

301. Stand on one’s own legs ................ To be self dependent.

302. Stand/Stick to one’s guns .................... To be strict and determined.
303. Stand somebody in ............ ........... To be of great use and benefit to
good stead someone.
304. Steal a march ................ ... To obtain an advantage by secret
305. Step into another’s shoes ....... To take over a job/responsibility
of some other person.
306. Stiff-necked person ....... ............................... Stubborn or arrogant.
307. Stir a finger ................... .................... Making effort.
308. Stone’s throw ................ ..................... Very near.
309. Street Arabs .................. .................. A homeless person (especially
who survives by begging).
310. Sum and substance ....... ............................ Main idea or gist.
311. Swan song ..................... ... The last ceremony or farewell.

378 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Idioms And Phrases - 1
312. Sweat of one’s brow ....... ...................... Hard labour.
313. Swelled head ................. ............................. Grand opinion of oneself/
314. Sworn enemies .............. ..................... People hating each other a lot.
315. Take away one’s breath . ................ To overwhelm with surprise.
316. Take by storm ............... ......... To surprise unexpectedly.
317. Take into account ......... ................. To consider.
318. Take one at one's word .. ............... To be convinced of one's
sincerity and act in accordance
with his/her statement.
319. Take the bull by the horns ... To adopt the most direct but the
most dangerous way of facing
320. Take to one’s heels ....... ........................ To run away.
321. Talk big ......................... ....................... To boast or brag.
322. Talk of the town ............ ....................... To be the person or subject
everyone is talking about.
323. The printer’s devils ....... ........................ Error in printing.
324. Think twice ................... ..... To consider carefully before
325. Through thick and thin . .............. In good and bad times.
326. Throw cold water upon .. ................ To discourage.
327. Throw down the gauntlet ..................... To challenge.
328. Tooth and nail ............... ..................... Violently.
329. True to one’s salt .......... ........... Loyal person.
330. Turn a deaf ear to .......... .................... Not to pay attention to.
331. Turn over a new leaf ..... .. To be entirely changed (for good).

332. Turn the corner ............. ... To pass through a critical point
in a process.
333. Turn turtle .................... ................. To overturn.
334. Turn up one’s nose at .... ..................... To take lightly with contempt.
335. Under the nose of .......... . Right in front of someone.
336. Under the thumb of ....... .................. Under the power or influence of.
337. Up and doing ................. ... Active in work.
338. Up one’s sleeves ............ . An item kept hidden and used
whenever required.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 379
Idioms Ans Phrases - 1
339. Uphill task .................... ................ Difficult task.
340. Upon one’s sweet will .... .................. On self desire or wish.
341. Ups and downs ............... ...................... Good and bad times.
342. Utopian scheme ............ ....... A visionary scheme though
................. Impractical.
343. Weather the storm ........ ......... Survive by coming out of
344. Well-to-do ...................... ............................ Affluent.
345. Wet blanket .................. ....... One who spoils the enjoyment.
346. Wheels within wheels ... ............. A series of intricately connected
347. White elephant ............. ................ Expensive but of no use.
348. White lie ....................... - ..... A minor lie.
349. Will O’ the wisp ............. .................... Elusive/ unreal.
350. Windfall ........................ .............. Sudden gain received
351. With a grain of salt ....... To accept with misgiving.
352. With one accord/ in one voice ...................... Unanimously.
353. Wolf in sheep’s clothing ................ A malicious person in harmless
................... or benevolent disguise.
354. Word for word ................ ............................ In exactly the same word.
355. Word of mouth .............. ........... Informal oral communication.
356. Yeoman’s service .......... ........................ Excellent work.

380 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Idioms And Phrases - 2




1. Above board (honest and straightforward, Gandhi ji was above board
and hence had nothing to hide.
2. Adam’s ale (pure water, In the remotest parts of Rajasthan, people walk
miles for Adam’s ale.
3. Add a new feather in one’s cap (to acquire a new honour or distinction,
Paramount Coaching Centre has added a new feather in its cap by starting
Paramount Reader Publication .
4. Add insult to injury (to harm as well as humiliate, She has added
insult to injury by returning the gift and sending a ‘get lost’ note.
5. After one’s own heart (similar to you, Seeing your inclination
towards art and Literature, I can say that you are clearly a person after my own
6. An eye wash (a pretence, The whole investigation was just an eye wash as
no one was held guilty.
7. An hair-breadth escape (very narrow escape, He had a hair-breadth
escape when his bike skid on the oil drenched road.
8. An old flame (long time love, )- He met his old flame in the market yesterday
but prudently avoided eye contact .
9. An old head on young shoulders (to be more matured than one’s own age,
He is an old head on young shoulders as he teaches Physics at a
university at an young age of 25 .
10. As fit as a fiddle (strong and healthy, He feigned illness but I knew that he
was as fit as a fiddle.
11. Assume airs (to pretend superiority, After becoming an IAS officer he
has assumed airs.
12. At a stone’s throw (at a little distance, Lal Quila is at a stone’s throw
from my house.
13. At large (absconding, Many terrorists are at large and posing
serious threat to the security of India.
14. At logger heads (to be at strife, Congress is always at logger heads
with the BJP.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 381
Idioms And Phrases - 2
15. At naught (to disregard or treat as of no importance, Leaders today set
Gandhiji’s ideals at naught.
16. At odds (in disagreement, Various political parties are at odds in the
matter of Women Reservation Bill.
17. At sea (to be confused, He was at sea when he saw the question paper.
18. At one’s beck and call (at service, The servants were always at the
beck and call of the rich merchant.
19. Back stairs influence (improper and private influence,
He tried to get a government job by back stair influence.
20. Bad egg (a worthless person, Often a prodigal son of a rich father
becomes a bad egg for the society.
21. Bandy words (to argue, The two neighbourers usually bandy words and
create a lot of nuisance.
22. Bank upon (depend on, count on, You can bank upon us at the time of
23. Bated breath (holding your breath, in anxiety, We waited for the
good news outside the delivery room with bated breath.
24. Caught red-handed (to be caught while committing a crime, My
brother felt ashamed when he was caught red handed reading my personal diary.
25. Be in bad books of (out of favour, She is in bad books of her parents
as she went to see a movie without informing them.
26. Be in bad odour of (to be out of favour, A corrupt minister is
always in bad odour of the public.
27. Be in good books of (to be in kind favour, ½ She is in good books of her
employer as she is very efficient and hardworking.
28. Be in good odour of (to be in good favour, An honest minister
is always in good odour of the public.
29. Be in the driving seat (to take the whole responsibility,
Ramesh is the eldest son and so he is in the driving seat after his father’s death.
30. Bear the palm (to be victorious, ½ Our school bore the palm in the dance
competition held at the district level.
31. Beat the air (to make useless efforts, Trying to reform a hard-core
criminal is like beating the air.
32. Bed of roses (an easy and comfortable situation, The life of the
prince was a bed of roses.
33. Bee in one’s bonnet (go on talking about something which other people think is not
important, She has a bee in her bonnet
about recycling of waste material.
34. Behind the scene (secretly, The minister is the mastermind behind the
scene and the police are arresting small fries.
35. Below the belt (to strike unfairly, One must compete with
others in a fair manner and should not hit anyone below the belt.
382 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Idioms And Phrases - 2
36. Beside oneself (to feel extremely nervous or worried,
Before any exam I am beside myself.
37. Beside the mark (irrelevant, The judge did not hear any argument that
was beside the mark.
38. Between Scylla and Charybdis (between two great dangers,
She is between Scylla and Charybdis: If she obeys her mother-in-law she will lose
her job and if she does not she will lose her family.
39. Bid defiance (to defy, The army is bidding defiance by going against the
40. Bite the dust (to be defeated, In every match , the Pakistani team bit
the dust.
41. Blaze the trail (to be pioneer and make path for others, Only a
man of iron can blaze the trail.
42. Blessing in disguise (something intrinsically good but having a bad appearance,
He missed the train but it was a blessing in disguise
as the train met with an accident.
43. Blow one’s own trumpet (to praise one’s ownself, Every political
party always blows its own trumpet and denounces the other political parties.
44. Blue stocking (an educated intellectual lady, A blue stocking was
rarely found in Medieval India.
45. Book worm (a bibliophilic person, She is not a book worm but still
comes first.
46. Break the ice (to break silence by speaking first, Shyam broke the ice
by talking to me after a long time.
47. Bring down the house (receive great applause, The performance of
Lata Mangeshkar brought the house down.
48. Bring home (to explain, I was unable to bring my views home before
my parents.
49. Bring to book (to punish, The guilty should be brought to book.
50. Bring to light (to disclose, ’ The CBI has brought many
indiscripancies to light in many high profile cases.
51. Brow beat (to intimidate, The Government must not brow beat the social re-
formers if they protest against any unjust law.
52. Burn one’s boats (point of no return, By signing the agreement
he burnt his boat. Now he will have to work in this organization for two more years.
53. By and by (gradually, You will learn the norms of this organization by and by.
54. By and large (on the whole, ½ My friend is by and large an
honest person.
55. By dint of (by means of, You can succeed by dint of hard work only.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 383

Idioms And Phrases - 2
56. By fair or foul means (by any way right or wrong, He will try
to get a job by fair or foul means but will ultimately lose his peace of mind.
57. By the rule of thumb (according to practical experience, By rule of
thumb we must not allow children to take major decisions.
58. Call a spade and spade (to be frank, ½ He never hesitated in calling a
spade a spade and hence he has few friends.
59. Call names (to abuse, ½ He has a bad habit of calling names.
60. Capital punishment (death penalty, Capital punishment should be
abolished as it is the cruelest form of punishment.
61. Carrot and stick policy (reward and punishment policy, The
multinational companies adopt carrot and stick policy to get maximum output.
62. Carry matters with a high hand (to deal with a person strictly, The
police carry matters with high hand.
63. Cast a slur (to bring disgrace, ’ ½ Taking bribe could cast a slur on
the honour of your family.
64. Cave in (yield, One must not cave in under pressure or temptation.
65. Chapter and verse (in full detail, I cannot narrate the whole inci-
dent in chapter and verse.
66. Cheek by jowl (close together, Many poor people live cheek by jowl in a
small room.
67. Child’s play (a very easy task, ½ It is not a child’s play to address a crowd.
68. Clinch the issue (to clear the controversy, The college administration
clinched the issue by accepting the demands of the students.
69. Clip one’s wings (to weaken the power, Sonia Gandhi clipped the wings of
some ministers by withdrawing the powers delegated to them.
70. Close shave (a narrow escape, ½ His family had a close shave in the bus
71. Cloven hoof (symbol of disgrace or evil intention, Usually
some or other leader of the BJP shows cloven hoof to the BJP leadership.
72. Cock a snook (to show impudent contempt, He refused to accept the
award, cocking a snook at the Filmfare Award jury.
73. Cock sure (very sure and certain, I am cock sure, we will win the match.
74. Cold reception (not a hearty welcome, ’ We were very
unhappy when we were given cold reception at his marriage party.
75. Come across (meet by chance, ½ I came across a problem when I was
solving the equation.
76. Come home to (to understand, At last, it came home and we got the
correct answer.
77. Come in handy (to be useful, This opener comes in handy when we
need to open this container.
78. Come to a pass (a difficult situation, The accident came to pass due
to the negligence of the driver.
384 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Idioms And Phrases - 2
79. Come true (to prove true, My dreams have come true as I have got
80. Cool one’s heels (to be kept waiting, We sat down and cooled our
heels for the minister who didn’t turn up.
81. Corporal punishment (bodily punishment, Corporal punishment is
banned in schools.
82. Count chickens before they are hatched (To anticipate profit before hand,
’ Don’t dream of profit now as it is futile to count your chickens
before they are hatched.
83. Cross one’s mind (to occur to oneself, I was resting when sud-
denly a new idea crossed my mind.
84. Curry favour (to win favour by flattery, Many developing
countries curry favour with America.
85. Curtain lecture (a private scolding by wife to her husband,
Don’t tell me that your father has never got any curtain lecture in his life.
86. Cut both ends (to argue in support of both sides of the issue,
Mahesh always cuts both ends and hence he has neither friends nor foes.
87. Cut the Gordian knot (to solve a difficult problem, ½ The
national leaders cut the Gordian knot by making India a secular country.
88. Cut throat (tough, We face cut throat competition in every field.
89. Damp squib (complete failure though earlier thought to be exciting,
The performance of team India turned out to be a damp squib.
90. Dance attendance upon (to be in servile attitude all the time, ½
The mother-in-law wanted the lady to dance attendance upon her.
91. Dark Horse (unexpected winner, An unknown independent candidate
came out as a dark horse after the election.
92. Days of reckoning (a time when the effects of one’s past mistakes or misdeed catch up
with one, You have been manipulating the
account for a long time. Now days of reckoning have come.
93. Dead broke (penniless, Due to recession he has become a dead broke.
94. Die-hard (obstinately resistant to change, He is a die-hard
fan of Devanand.
95. Dig one’s own grave (to do something which causes you harm,
You are digging your own grave by writing your pass word in your diary.
96. Dog’s life (very miserable life, Due to unchecked inflation, the poor
are living a dog’s life.
97. Double dealing (deceitful actions, The double dealing of the lawyer
was exposed by a sting operation.
98. Double-edged sword (act that will harm oneself as well as the others,
Corruption is a doubled edged sword for the public as
well as the Government.
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Idioms And Phrases - 2
99. Down and out (lacking funds, resources or prospects, He
was down and out when his factory was burnt to the ground.
100. Down in the mouth (filled with melancholy and despondency,
She was down in the mouth when she saw her husband’s dead body.
101. Draconian law (extremely severe law, There are still many draconian
laws in under developed countries.
102. Draw the long bow (to tell large stories or to exaggerate,
Come to the point. Don’t draw a long bow.
103. Drawn battle /match (a battle or match in which no party wins, The
drawn battle created a lot of excitement till the last ball.
104. Drop in the ocean (very insignificant amount, My knowledge about
Archeology is only a drop in the ocean.
105. Ducks and drakes (to waste money, I cannot allow you to play ducks
and drakes with my hard earned money.
106. Dutch courage (bravery under alcoholic influence, His
dutch courage will vanish when he will gain his sense.
107. Easy money (bribe, Many officers make easy money.
108. Eat one’s word (to admit that something you said in the past was wrong,
Those who said that Amitabh Bachhan’s charm was over had
to eat their word after the success of Kaun Banega Crorepati.
109. Egg on (to urge somebody to do some thing that is generally wrong,
He egged me on to drive faster.
110. Eke out (to support (existence) with difficulty and effort or to add (something insuffi-
cient), especially with effort, He is trying to eke out an
income by doing over time.
111. Elixir of life (nectar of life, Contentment is the elixir of life.
112. Enough and to spare (plentiful, He earns enough and to spare.
113. Ever and Anon (now and then, The night was dark and we could hear the
howling of dogs ever and anon.
114. Every dog has his day (good fortune comes sooner or later, When
he bagged three movies in a row, he realized that every dog has his day.
115. Every Inch (Completely, ½ She is an honest person by every inch .
116. Eye wash (ineffective remedy which is just for show, The committee set
up to look into the multiple scams was just an eye wash.
117. See eye-to-eye (showing agreement/ to agree, The two competitiors
never see eye to eye.
118. Face the music (to face opposition, ½ Every leader has to
face the music if he doesn’t fulfill promises made by him.
119. Fan the flame (to aggravate, ½ I don’t want to fan the flame of the tension
between the husband and the wife.
120. Few and far between (very rare, The houses in this remote village are few
and far away.
386 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Idioms And Phrases - 2
121. Fight to the finish (to fight to the end, When she was blamed
and sued without any rhyme or reason, she pledged to fight the case to the finish.
122. Fish in troubled waters (to take advantage of the difficulties of others,
Many lawyers don’t hesitate from fishing in troubled waters.
123. Fit to hold a candle to (match for, equal in quality, He is such a miser
that he is not fit to hold a candle of such a lavish reception.
124. Flash in the pan (something or someone that became successful quickly and is unlikely
to be repeated, The success of
Kumar Gaurav in his debut movie ‘Love Story’ was a flash in the pan.
125. Flesh and blood (human nature or physical existence, together with its weaknesses /
substance and depth in artistic portrayal,
The movies of late seventies lacked flesh and blood with their ketchup blood and
round the tree romance.
126. Flog a dead horse (to waste one’s energy, Trying to reform a
terrorist is like flogging a dead horse.
127. Fly in the face of (to defy/ to brave/ to withstand, The
theory about the existence of heaven and hell flies in the face of all logic and com-
mon sense.
128. Fly into a passion (to be enraged, He flies into a passion within seconds
if someone ignores his instructions.
129. Fool’s errand (a fruitless mission or undertaking, Many projects of
Mohammad -bin-tuglaq were fool’s errand.
130. Foot the bill (bear expenses, You had ordered these tasteless pizzaz .
Now you will have to foot the bill.
131. For good (for ever, He educated him and sent him to America for good.
132. For the rainy day (precaution for emergency, I have kept
some money in the bank for the rainy days.
133. Foul Play (treachery, Foul play destroys the fun of life.
134. French leave (leave without information, If you take french
leave, you will be fined.
135. From the bottom of one’s heart (very sincerely, I thanked him from the
bottom of my heart for his timely help.
136. Gain ground (to progress/ advance, Due to the misgovernance
by the ruling party, the opposition is gaining ground.
137. Gentleman at large (wealthy man with time on his hands,
Here he was, talking like a gentleman at large who was free to come and go
and roam about the world at pleasure,
138. Get down to brass tacks (discuss the basic facts or realities/ to deal with the matter
straight, After avoiding the thorny question of tax reforms
for months, the ruling party finally got down to brass tacks last week and drafted a
preliminary proposal.
139. Get into a scrape (find oneself in a difficult or awkward situation,
By signing the bond he will get into a scrape.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 387
Idioms And Phrases - 2
140. Get the better of (to overcome, At last he got the better of his problems
and opponents.
141. Get wind of (to know the secret, ½ The opposition got the wind of the plans
of the ruling party.
142. Gird up the loin (to be well prepared for some difficult task,
½ If we all gird up the loin, we can remove illiteracy.
143. Give a wide berth (to give ample space or distance to avoid an unwanted consequence,
Being an understanding father, you should
give a wide berth to your son and wait for the right time to talk to him.
144. Give cold shoulder (pay no attention to, He went to the police for help but
they gave him cold shoulder.
145. Give somebody enough rope (to hang themselves) (to allow someone to do what he
wants to, knowing that he will probably fail or get into trouble,
Don’t stop him.Give him enough rope to hang.
He will be rejected for his poor performance and will return home.
146. Give the devil his due (even the wicked person should be given the credit due to him,
½ In spite of being so rude, he helped me in need. The
devil should be given his due.
147. Give up the ghost (to die, My grandfather gave up to ghost last Sunday.
148. Give vent to (to express one’s thoughts or feelings,
Every Indian is free to give vent to his thoughts.
149. Wool-gathering (to engage in fanciful daydreaming, Work
hard. Wool gathering will not help you in any way.
150. Go back on one’s word (to change one’s mind about/ repudiate, She
has decided to do charity and she should not go back on her word.
151. Go broke (become bankrupt, He has gone broke and is unable to make
both ends meet..
152. Whole hog (the whole way/Completely, She went the whole hog and checked
the account of the whole month in one go.
153. Golden opportunity (very favourable opportunity or chance, ½ He missed
the golden opportunity by declining the offer.
154. Green horn (an inexperienced or immature person, especially one who is easily
deceived, He incurred heavy loss because he
relied on the green horn who was his own nephew.
155. Hang in balance (have two equally possible results/ be uncertain, After
the opposition party won the election, whether or not the new highway will be built,
hangs in the balance.
156. Hang over one’s head (to have something bothering or worrying one,
He committed suicide because troubles and court cases hung over his head.
157. Hard and fast (definite, There is no hard and fast rule for solving these

388 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Idioms And Phrases - 2
158. Harp on the same string (to keep on talking on the same topic,
Some obsessed people have the habit of harping on the same string.
159. At the nick of time (at the last possible moment, I reached the exami-
nation hall at the nick of time.
160. Heart and soul (with complete faith and dedication, He has put heart and
soul in his work.
161. Heart to heart (very frankly, The two friends had a heart to heart
talk as they met after many years.
162. Hen-pecked husband (admirer of one’s own wife in a servile manner,
Every boy boasts, “I will never become a hen pecked husband.”
163. Himalayan blunder (a serious mistake, He committed a Himalayan blun-
der by leaving for work without his body guards and was shot dead.
164. Hit the nail on the head (to act in the right way, ’ You have hit
the nail on the head by making the bid at the right time.
165. Hold good (valid/ applicable, Rule of triple talaq doesn’t hold good
even in the Islamic countries.
166. Hold one’s ground (to stand firm, The Indian soldiers held their
ground to the end.
167. Hold one’s jaw (to stop talking, Please hold your jaw else I shall
go away.
168. Hold the fort (to stand firm on one’s position, Our soldiers held
the fort and proved their valour.
169. Hold the scales even (to be impartial, The Judge must hold the
scales even.
170. Hold water (to stand up to critical examination, Your argument does not
hold water.
171. Hot water (trouble, Your cousin is in hot water due to his controversial speech.
172. In a fix (in a difficult mental state, He was in a fix when he saw his
mother in ICU.
173. In a tight corner (in difficult situation, I found myself in a tight corner
when I lost my journey ticket.
174. In doldrums (to be depressed, He was found in doldrum when he could not
succeed even in his third attempt.
175. In embryo (immature/ in the making, My plan of expanding my
business is still in embryo.
176. In no time (in a very short time, He can solve any mathematical
problem in no time.
177. In one’s teens (from thirteen to nineteen years of age, A person in
his teen is spirited, full of dreams and optimistic.
178. In the air (in circulation/ in people’s thoughts, News of his cold blooded
murder is very much in the air.

English – from Plinth to Paramount 389

Idioms And Phrases - 2
179. Down in the dumps (unhappy, depressed, He is down in the dumps after
his father’s death.
180. In the family way (pregnant, She has applied for leave as she is in the
family way.
181. In the good books of (to be in favour with a person, People usually flatter
their boss to remain in their good books.
182. In the jaws of (in the grip of, ½ The boy was in the jaws of the
183. In the limelight (at the centre of attention, Film stars are habitual of
remaining in the lime light.
184. In the lurch (in a difficult and embarrassing position,
when the experiment failed, the sub-ordinates left the eminent scientist in lurch.
185. Melting pot (a place where immigrants of different cultures or races form an integrated
society, With immigrants
from all over the world getting an easy passage to India, our country is becoming a
melting pot.
186. In the red (in debt, The company is in the red due to its unfeasible projects.
187. In the teeth of (in opposition to or defiance of/facing danger or threats,
The tribe was in the teeth of starvation.
188. In the twinkling of an eye (in a moment/in no time, The house came down
in the twinkling of an eye.
189. To fish in troubled waters (to take advantage of the problems of others,
Many self-centred lawyers fish in troubled water.
190. For all intents and purposes (for all practical purposes, This
dictionary is useful for all intents and purposes.
191. Snake in the grass (a secret enemy, Politicians playing caste
based politics are snakes in the grass.
192. Keep abreast of (not to fall behind, We must keep ourselves abreast of
the latest development in technology.
193. Keep an eye on (to watch, It is very necessary for us to keep an eye on
our growing children.
194. Keep an open table (to entertain all, It is not very difficult to keep
an open table in a party.
195. Keep at an arm’s length (to keep at a distance, You must keep bad
habits at arm’s length.
196. Keep at bay (To keep someone at a distance, ½ He held the police at bay with
a gun for several hours.
197. Keep body and soul together (to be able to pay for just those things that you need in
order to live, They can barely keep body and soul
together on what he earns.
198. Keep the pot boiling (to keep going on actively, One has to keep
the pot boiling inspite of all odds one has to face in life.
390 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Idioms And Phrases - 2
199. Keep up appearance (to keep one’s prestige/to maintain outward show,
Inspite of being a bankrupt, he is able to keep up his appearance.
200. Kick one’s heels (wait impatiently to be summoned, The
whole day we kicked our heels outside the court room.
201. Kick the bucket (to die, He kicked the bucket and left his family in ex-
treme financial difficulty.
202. Kill the fat calf for (to arrange a lavish reception for someone,
½ India killed the fat calf for the Common Wealth Games.
203. Kiss the dust (to be humiliated, In Indo-Pak war our enemies had to
kiss the dust.
204. Knock against (to hit against, I couldn’t see the transparent door and
knocked against it.
205. Lapped in luxury (brought up in luxury, Great people are generally
not lapped in luxury.
206. Laugh in one’s sleeves (to laugh secretly, Our neighbours laughed in their
sleeves when they saw my grand father wearing a pair of fashionable googles.
207. Lead by the nose (to lead someone by coercion/ to guide someone very carefully,
I had to lead him by the nose to the meeting.
He will never find his way through the admission form unless you lead him by the nose.
208. Lead to the altar (to marry, He promised her to lead her to the altar.
209. Leap in the dark (to do something though there is uncertainty about the outcome,
To play lottery is to leap in the dark.
210. Leave no stone unturned (to make all possible efforts, He
worked very hard to pass the Civil Services Exams and left no stone unturned.
211. Leave one in the lurch (to leave one in difficulties, He
kicked the bucket and left his family in the lurch.
212. Let by-gones be by-gones (to forget old things, India and Paki-
stan must start bi-lateral talks and let by-gones be by-gones.
213. Lick the dust (to get defeated, The team licked the dust in the final match.
214. Lie in wait (wait in hiding to attack, The policemen were lying in
wait for the kidnappers.
215. Live in an Ivory tower (where one can be aloof from the realities of life ,
The queen lived in an ivory tower and did not know the mean-
ing of poverty.
216. Long and short (all that can or need be said., The long and short of the whole
discussion will be made available to all in black and white.
217. Look down upon (To hate a person, I hate those people who
look down upon the poor.
218. Lose the day (to be defeated, My favourite football team lost the day.
219. Make a fortune (To grow rich, He made a fortune by selling smuggled
English – from Plinth to Paramount 391
Idioms And Phrases - 2
220. Make after (to pursue or chase, The people made after the chain snatcher
and caught him.
221. Make amends (to compensate, He had to make amends for his bad behav-
222. Make head or tail of (to understand, The doctor could not make the head or
tail of his illness.
223. Make one’s mark (to achieve distinction, India has made its mark in
the field of technology.
224. Make out (to understand, I could not make out what he was saying.
225. Make up the leeway (struggle out of a bad position, especially by recovering lost time,
The Government will have to make up the
leeway by taking remedial actions immediately.
226. Make up one’s mind (To determine, ½ She has made up her mind to
divorce her cruel husband.
227. Make a clean breast (to confess especially something bad or illegal,
After months of lying about the money, he decided to make a clean
breast of it and tell the truth.
228. Man in the street (common man, The life of a man in the street has
become very difficult because of rising price.
229. Man of iron (man with strong will-power, Nothing can deter a
man of iron .
230. Meet half-way (to be prepared for compromise, ½ We were ready to
meet the other party half way and settle all litigation.
231. Milk of human kindness (human compassion, Milk of human
kindness is necessary for the existence of humanity.
232. Narrow circumstances (hard days/ poverty, After his father’s death, he
is living in narrow circumstances.
233. Neither chick nor child (no child, She feels very lonely because
she has neither chick nor child.
234. No love lost (having no love, There is no love lost
between these two neighbours who are fighting an endless court case.
235. Nook and corner (at every place, I searched for my book at every nook
and corner of the house.
236. Oil someone’s hands (to bribe, We should stop oiling the officials’ hands.
237. Beauty is only skin deep (physical beauty is not important, She
took a wrong decision by not marrying this gentleman.She doesn't know that beauty
is only skin deep.
238. On and on (to continue, She went on and on but nobody listened to her.
239. On the horns of a dilemma (to face a difficult situation between two problems,
The demolition drive has put many shops on the horns
of a dilemma because if they do not shut down, their shops will be sealed and if they
do, they lose their means of livelihood.
392 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Idioms And Phrases - 2
240. On the wrong side of (one’s age being more than, He is on the wrong
side of fifty now.
241. Open secret (known to all, He is bankrupt and this is an open secret now.
242. Order of the day (some common things of the time, Following new
fashion is the order of the day.
243. Out of the wood (out of difficulties, At last India came out of the wood
and got independence.
244. Pay one back in one’s own coin (tit for tat, The person doing wrong
should be paid back in his own coin.
245. Pell mell (very fast and not organised, Every thing was
done pell mell as we got the order at the eleventh hour.
246. Petticoat-Government ( undue influence of women, Petticoat-
government may adversaly influence your whole project.
247. Pick holes in (to find fault with, ½ My boss has the habit of picking
holes in our performance.
248. Pin prick (troubles that are for short time, We should
ignore such pin pricks and get on with the job.
249. Play a double game (to act dubiously, My friend was playing a double
250. Play fast and loose (be unreliable, How can you trust a man who
plays fast and loose changing his statement every minute?
251. Play one false (to deceive, He played her false and married again.
252. Play one’s cards well (to do the correct things to achieve a desired result,
If you play your cards well, you will get selected..
253. Play the fool (to act foolishly, Why do you play the fool when it comes to
spending money?
254. Pocket an insult (to bear insult, Indians had to pocket much
insult during their fight for Independence.
255. Poison one’s ears against (to set a person against another, She
has poisoned the ears of my mother-in-law.
256. Past master (an expert, He is a past master in cheating others.
257. Pour oil on troubled waters (to pacify the anger of others, He
solved the matter by pouring oil on troubled waters with his good behaviour.
258. Pull the string (to exercise secret influence, When I saw extreme
level of red-tapism in the organization, I had to pull my strings to get my work done.
259. Pull to pieces (to criticise severely, The leader of opposition has
pulled the ruling party to pieces.
260. Put an end to (to finish, She has put an end to her unfeasible ideas.
261. Put pen to paper (to start writing, In my board examination I put
my pen to paper without wasting a second.
262. Put the saddle on the right horse (to blame the really guilty person,
The court put the saddle on the right horse and passed the right order.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 393
Idioms And Phrases - 2
263. Put to the sword (to kill, Nadir Shah put even children to the sword.
264. Put up with (to tolerate, Maharana Pratap could not put up with insult.
265. Rank and file (lower middle class people, The extra-ordinary
speeches of the great orators cannot be appreciated by the rank and file.
266. Red rag to a bull (something that will surely produce a violent reaction,
The racial comments against the Indians proved to be a red rag to a
bull and the riot took place.
267. Rise to the occasion (to show that you can deal with a difficult situation,
Mahatma Gandhi rose to the occasion and dared
the British.
268. Roll up one’s sleeves (to be prepared for hard work, We will
have to roll up our sleeves as the time of examination has come.
269. Rub shoulders with (to meet and spend time with, He claims
to have rubbed shoulders with Salman Khan during his journey to Sydney.
270. Run down (reduced in health/to criticize, I was worried
because she looked run down .
Do not run down your friends in public.
271. Run short/ Hard up (not proving sufficient, shortage of money/ something,
I am running short of money these days.
If you are hard up, you can come to me.
272. Scratch one’s head (to be perplexed, I scratched my head when I saw
the puzzles in the PO exam.
273. Screw up one’s courage (to gather courage, Working women have to
screw up their courage to handle eve teasing incidents at their working places.
274. Seal of love (kiss, They validated their marriage with a seal of love.
275. See the light (to be born, Many female babies are aborted before they see
the light.
276. Set price on one’s head (to offer reward for killing or helping in the arrest of a criminal,
½ The government of America had
set price on Osama’s head.
277. Show a clean pair of heels (to run away, The chain snatcher showed a
clean pair of heels and the people were unable to catch him.
278. Sink fast (to deteriorate in quality or condition, The patient was sink-
ing fast.
279. Slip of the pen (a small unintentional mistake in writing,
The slip of the pen created a lot of confusion.
280. Snake in the grass (some hidden enemy, Many leaders are snake in the
grass creating disharmony in the society.
281. Sow wild oats (indulgence in youthful follies, Mothers always
keeps an eye on their daughters to see that they do not sow wild oats.
282. Square meal (full meal, A poor person does not get even one square
meal a day.
394 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Idioms And Phrases - 2
283. Stand in good stead (to be of great service, Your experience will
always stand in good stead when you join a full time job.
284. Storm in a tea cup (much hue and cry over a little matter,
Do not worry about these silly rows. They are just storm in a tea cup.
285. Strain every nerve (to make every possible effort, I strained
every nerve to get out of the problem.
286. Sword of Damocles (an imminent danger, Terrorism is a sword of
Damocles hanging over the whole world.
287. Take a leaf out of another man’s book (to imitate another person, He has
no originality of thought; he only takes a leaf out of another man’s book to make
quick money.
288. Take an exception to (to be offended by something, She took an
exception to his joke.
289. Take into one’s head (to suddenly decide to do some thing, often silly or surprising,
It took into their heads to get married
next sunday.
290. Take pains (to work hard, She took pains to bring up her children
after her husband's death.
291. Take the bull by the horns (to face danger with courage,
Bhagat Singh took the bull by the horns and bravely challenged the British empire.
292. Take to one’s heels (to run away, when the police came, the robber took
to his heels.
293. Tall talk (boasting, One of my friends Rajesh is famous for his tall talks.
294. The Fourth Estate (the press, Today the fourth estate can influence the court
proceedings of any case.
295. The knock down price (very low price, I bought every thing at the
mega sale at knock down prices.
296. Sheet anchor (a person or thing to be relied upon in an emergency,
His uncle proved to be his sheet anchor after his father’s death.
297. Thick-skinned person (not easily offended, insensitive, He is
such a thick- skinned person that he laughed when people cursed and abused him.
298. Think lightly (not to be serious about a thing, Don’t think of your
married life lightly.
299. Throw light on (to make something easier to understand, I
wanted to throw light on the pitiful life of the bar dancers.
300. Throw mud at (try to make a low opinion of someone by saying unpleasant things about
him, Companies should think carefully before slinging mud at someone
who may respond with a libel action costing it crores of rupees.
301. Tool in the hands of (under the authority of another, The
whole legal system has become a tool in the hands of the politicians.
302. Turn one’s coat (to change one’s party, Some people are so ambitious
that they often turn their coat.
English – from Plinth to Paramount 395
Idioms And Phrases - 2
303. Turn the tables (to change the situation completely, The ruling
party had an easy victory in the last Lok sabha election but inflation and corruption
have totally turned the table.
304. Under a cloud (under suspicious conditions, Ever since the rumours of
corruption started, the former chief minister has been under a cloud .
305. Under the rose (secretly, He is selling confidential documents under the rose.
306. Under the thumb of (completely under one’s power or influence,
He is under the thumb of his mother and does not listen to the problems of his wife.
307. Upto the mark (up to standard, I have to watch my staff all the time to
keep them up to the mark.
308. Vexed question (much debated and discussed, 'Mercy
killing should be granted or not' has become a vexed question.
309. Wash dirty linen in public (to expose private affairs in public,
There is nothing as bad as washing one’s dirty linen in public.
310. Wash one’s hand of (to be free from, Police have washed their
hands of the kidnapping case.
311. Wear a long face (to look gloomy, Inspite of losing his job, he did not
wear a long face.
312. Wild goose chase (useless efforts, Pakistan’s efforts to grab Kashmir
have proved to be a wild goose chase.
313. Win laurels (to win honours, ’ Sachin won laurels for India.
314. Without rhyme or reason (without any justification, Don’t shout at anyone
without rhyme or reason.

396 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Idioms And Phrases



Directions : In questions 1 to 300, four alternatives are given for the idiom/ phrase
underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning
of the idiom/phrase and mark it in the Answer Sheet.
1. To strain every nerve 7. She could never measure up to her
(A) to make utmost efforts parent’s expectation.
(B) to feel weak and tired (A) Reach the level
(C) to be a diligent worker (B) Work as hard
(D) to be methodical in work (C) Assess the amount
2. To flog a dead horse (D) Increase her height
(A) to whip a dead horse 8. The little girl with her flawless
(B) attempt to do the impossible performance stole the show.
(C) waste one’s efforts (A) Stole something from the show
(D) to take advantage of a weakness (B) Crept into the show
3. To show a clean pair of heels (C) Won everybody’s praise
(A) to hide (B) to escape (D) Disappeared from the show
(C) to pursue (D) to follow 9. The thief was on good terms with the
4. To die in harness police.
(A) premeditated murder (A) Kept terms and conditions
(B) dying young in an accident (B) Was friendly
(C) to die while in service (C) Followed the rules
(D) to be taken by surprise (D) Agreed with them
5. To feather one’s nest 10. John’s offer of help was turned down
(A) to make a residential house by the police.
(B) something that lasts for a short (A) Sent back
time (B) Twisted around
(C) to profit in a dishonest way (C) Refused
(D) none of the above (D) Handed over
6. To doctor the accounts 11. To be all at sea
(A) to make changes in account books (A) a family voyage
(B) to clear the doctors’ bill (B) lost and confused
(C) to verify the accounts in detail (C) in the middle of the ocean
(D) to manipulate the accounts (D) a string of islands

English – from Plinth to Paramount 397

Idioms And Phrases
12. To take to one’s heels (A) wander across the words
(A) to walk slowly (B) speak in a haphazard manner
(B) to run away (C) speak in a round-about manner
(C) to march forward (D) make use of irrelevant reference
(D) to hop and jump
20. They were offered six months’ rent
13. To bite the dust in lieu of notice to vacate the
(A) eat voraciously building.
(B) have nothing to eat (A) in spite of
(C) eat roots (B) in place of
(D) to fail (C) despite of
14. A bolt from the blue (D) in addition to
(A) a delayed event 21. We know that he is the one
(B) an inexplicable event responsible for the discord but as he
(C) an unexpected event is well - connected all we can do is
(D) an unpleasant event send him to Coventry.
15. Cold comfort (A) transfer him
(A) absurdity (B) commend him
(B) deception (C) boycott him
(C) slight satisfaction (D) dismiss him
(D)foolish proposal 22. The noble man gave up the ghost.
16. The reputed company is in the red (A) left the ghost
due to the recession. (B) lived like a ghost
(A) making money (C) invited ghost
(B) losing money (D) died
(C) in danger 23. A Prime Minister cannot ride
(D) spending money roughshod over his ministerial
17. When the Principal was entering the colleagues for long.
class, all my friends quietly (A) deal unkindly with
disappeared, leaving me alone to (B) take for granted
face the music. (C) be high-handed with
(A) to listen to him (D) exploit wilfully
(B) to enter into the class 24. He was down in the mouth as he was
(C) to bear the criticism defeated in the elections.
(D) to listen to a favourable comment (A) unable to speak
18. The Kenyan team proved to be the (B) very depressed
dark horse in the ICC World Cup (C) very angry
Cricket. (D) very confused
(A) a strong intruder 25. They say, join the Army to drink life
(B) a skilled team to the lees.
(C) the most powerful (A) to have the best of fun and fortune
(D) an unexpected winner (B) to enjoy a life of drinking and
19. Having no arguments to defend his dancing
point, the speaker began to beat (C) to have a life full of adventures
about the bush. (D) to have the best of life

398 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Idioms And Phrases
26. The car in the backyard is proving 34. Since the company has lost a good
to be a white elephant. deal of time and money, you will
(A) very huge item have to make good the loss.
(B) costly and useless possession (A) make a good effort
(C) very expensive investment (B) try to minimize the loss
(D) useful material (C) compensate for the loss
(D) ensure that there are no forth
27. He takes leave once in a blue moon. losses
(A) regularly
(B) often 35. a damp squib
(C) rarely (A) rainy weather
(B) a disappointing result
(D) once a fortnight
(C) a skirt in a laundry
28. The meeting has been put off (D) none of the above
36. in cold blood
(A) cancelled
(A) angrily
(B) postponed (B) deliberately
(C) advanced (C) excitedly
(D) announced (D) slowly
29. The rules of the deal are set forth in 37. to take someone for a ride
the brochure. (A) to give a ride to someone
(A) stated (B) to deceive someone
(B) accepted (C) to be indifferent
(C) contradicted (D) to disclose a secret
(D) printed
38. to move heaven and earth
30. She bought her new house for a song. (A) to cause an earthquake
(A) very cheaply (B) to try everything possible
(B) on loan (C) to pray to all Gods
(C) at a loss (D) to travel in a rocket
(D) very easily 39. to smell a rat
31. Raju had given up doing exercise after (A) to smell foul
surgery. (B) to see a rat
(A) learned (B) started (C) to chase a rat
(C) continued (D) stopped (D) to be suspicious
32. The chairman tried to get his point 40. The possession of Jerusalem is a
across, but the members just bone of contention between Israel
wouldn’t listen. and Palestine.
(A) give them a lesson (A) a subject of peace
(B) insist on (B) a subject of trade
(C) make them understand (C) a subject of dispute
(D) motivate them (D) a subject of exports
41. My friend turned a deaf ear to my
33. Ashok had all fair-weather friends.
tale of loss and refused to help me.
(A) friends who face difficulties calmly.
(A) paid no heed
(B) favourable friends (B) went far away
(C) friends who desert you in difficulties (C) listened carefully
(D) reliable friends (D) turned his ear away

English – from Plinth to Paramount 399

Idioms And Phrases
42. Helena was over head and ears in 50. to cast aspersions
love with Demetrius. (A) to act as the pillar of support
(A) carefully (B) completely (B) to raise aspirations
(C) brilliantly (D) cautiously (C) to make unpleasant remarks
43. Gopi works by fits and starts. (D) to dissolve all the differences
(A) consistently 51. on the cards
(B) irregularly (A) impossible
(C) in high spirits (B) shocking
(D) enthusiastically (C) evident
44. Naresh Goyal had to stand on his (D) anticipated
feet very early in his life. 52. To turn over a new leaf
(A) to be physically strong (A) to change for the better
(B) to be independent (B) to start writing a new book
(C) to stand erect (C) to work on a novel idea
(D) to be successful
(D) to clear the garden
45. It is high time he came out of his
53. To keep up one’s appearances
(A) to make public appearances now and
(A) appeared suddenly
(B) became more sociable then.
(C) became a loser (B) to maintain one’s looks and
(D) removed his clothes appearance.
(C) to keep up an outward show of
46. Every political party is at present prosperity.
playing to the gallery. (D) to make it appear that one is not
(A) adopting cheap tactics
(B) befooling the common man
(C) fighting for votes 54. Off and on
(D) appeasing the masses (A) repeatedly
(B) always
47. His blood ran cold when he heard his
uncle was murdered. (C) occasionally
(A) He was frightened (D) never
(B) He was horrified 55. To take with a grain of salt
(C) He was disgusted (A) to make more palatable
(D) He was depressed (B) to take a small quantity of
48. This is so simple that even a man in (C) to make something meaningful
the street can understand it. (D) to accept with misgiving
(A) an ordinary person 56. To talk through one’s hat
(B) an illiterate person (A) to talk carefully
(C) an unknown person (B) to talk softly
(D) a stranger (C) to talk nonsense
49. When he went to claim insurance for (D) to talk secretively
his car, the agent said he hadn’t a leg 57. Ins and outs
to stand on. (A) entrances and exits
(A) had been injured in an accident (B) details and complexities
(B) was lame (C) passages and pathways
(C) did not have much hope of getting it (D) rules and regulations
(D) would have to wait for some time
400 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Idioms And Phrases
58. The thief passed himself off as a 65. He looked blank when he was
ticket examiner. informed about his dismissal.
(A) described himself (A) was without any emotion
(B) deceived everyone (B) was puzzled and surprised
(C) disguised himself (C) was uninterested
(D) was regarded (D) was unhappy
59. A brave soldier will never show the 66. That fellow trumped up a story
white feather in the face of his
(A) translated
(B) sang with the music of a trumpet
(A) show signs of cowardice
(C) concocted
(B) act arrogantly
(C) show intimacy (D) copied
(D) act impudently 67. Though he is not a scholar, he wins
60. The poor man moved from pillar to arguments because he has the gift of
post to get money. the gab.
(A) went to pillars (A) gifts from many people
(B) went to post (B) a lot of money
(C) went to money lender (C) talent for speaking
(D) tried his best (D) a good memory
61. You have to be tactful in handling 68. The A.T.S. set the bait to arrest the
the sensitive matters rather than terrorists.
putting the cart before the horse. (A) laid the trap
(A) treating these indifferently (B) announced the reward
(B) behaving thoughtlessly (C) set the record
(C) dealing with these in haste
(D) put the bet
(D) tackling things in the wrong way
69. I have decided to give it a shot.
62. The boys cried with one voice that
(A) click a picture
the examination should be
postponed. (B) try something
(A) unanimously (C) pose for a picture
(B) vehemently (D) injure someone
(C) loudly 70. He turned a blind eye to his son’s
(D) strongly pranks.
63. The scheme appears worthless at the (A) pretended not to notice
first blush. (B) paid special attention to
(A) first attempt (B) first sight (C) covered up for
(C) first step (D) first phase (D) punished severely
64. His pronunciation was so bad and his 71. All his schemes to murder the king
voice so low that the speech he made ended in smoke.
was all Greek to me. (A) fructified gradually
(A) strange (B) came to nothing
(B) incomprehensible (C) were discarded
(C) inaudible
(D) were partially carried out
(D) uninteresting
English – from Plinth to Paramount 401
Idioms And Phrases
72. This fashion of long flowing skirts 79. Even though the new clerk was
will run its course. given a difficult task, he remained
(A) continue for a long time cool as a cucumber.
(B) become very popular (A) not nervous or emotional
(C) develop and then come to its usual (B) caught cold
end (C) was happy
(D) end very soon (D) was scared
80. Some people do not grease anybody’s
73. The police caught the thief red-
palm on any account.
(A) bribe (B) flatter
(A) in a red uniform
(C) cheat (D) fight
(B) with blood in hands
(C) at the time of committing the crime 81. I had to pull strings to put up a good
(D) after reading the rules
(A) play music
74. I was so disappointed when my close (B) use personal influence
friend left me in the lurch. (C) use the instrument
(A) went away without waiting for me (D) play a song
(B) helped me in difficult times 82. You can easily overcome this
(C) abandoned me when I needed help situation if you keep your head.
(D) stopped helping me in emergency (A) keep faith in
75. His position in the company was on (B) remain calm
the brink of disaster. (C) believe in
(A) at the top of (D) trust the others
(B) at the point of 83. It is clear that the ideas of both
(C) on the side of reformers ran in the same groove.
(D) on the back of (A) promoted each other
(B) clashed with each other
76. The car broke down just as it reached
(C) moved in harmony
the edge of a cliff. It was indeed a
(D) moved in different directions
close shave.
(A) to share one’s brand 84. This place affords a bird’s eye view
(B) very risky of the green valley below.
(C) narrow escape from danger (A) a beautiful view
(B) a narrow view
(D) to be happy
(C) an overview
77. The parents are in high spirits as (D) an ugly view
their son has got a decent job. 85. To foam at one’s mouth
(A) in good position (B) drunk (A) to brush properly
(C) cheerful (D) shocked (B) to get very angry
78. When she realised that she had (C) to salivate on seeing food
bought a fake product, she knew that (D) none of the above
her money had gone down the drain. 86. To feel like a fish out of water
(A) was lost forever (A) disgusted
(B) dropped in the drain (B) uncomfortable
(C) got washed away (C) disappointed
(D) her money was safe (D) homeless

402 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Idioms And Phrases
87. At the eleventh hour 96. to explore every avenue
(A) too late (A) to search all streets
(B) too early (B) to scout the wilderness
(C) immediately (C) to find adventure
(D) at the last moment (D) to try every opportunity
88. to burn one’s fingers 97. a red letter day
(A) to get hurt physically
(A) a dangerous day in one’s life
(B) to suffer financial losses
(B) a sorrowful day in one’s life
(C) to find work
(D) to suffer nervous breakdown (C) an important or joyful occasion in one’s
89. to add fuel to fire (D) both a dangerous and sorrowful day
(A) to investigate (B) to insulate
in one’s life
(C) to initiate (D) to incite
98. to have something up one’s sleeve
90. To bring to light
(A) to reveal (A) to hide something in the sleeve
(B) to conceal (B) to play a magician trick
(C) to provide luminescence (C) to have a secret plan
(D) to appeal (D) to play hide and seek
91. To hit the jackpot 99. on the spur of the moment
(A) to gamble (A) to act at once
(B) to get an unexpected victory (B) to ride a horse in a race
(C) to be wealthy (C) to act deliberately
(D) to make money quickly (D) to act at the appointed time
92. To burn the candle at both ends 100. When my friend was in Kolkata, he
(A) to spend cautiously ra n in to an o l d f r i en d a t th e
(B) to be stingy theatre.
(C) to be extravagant
(A) hit
(D) to survive difficulty
(B) met accidentally
93. Status quo (C) planned to meet
(A) unchanged position (D) invited
(B) excellent place
(C) unbreakable statue 101. The news of the President’s death
(D) long queue spread like wild fire.
(A) spread rapidly
94. By fair means or foul
(A) without using common sense (B) caused a major confusion
(B) without difficulty (C) was a wild rumour
(C) in any way, honest or dishonest (D) set the nation on fire
(D) having been instigated 102. Going abroad for a holiday was out
95. at one’s beck and call of the question.
(A) to attend a call (A) undesirable
(B) to be helped by someone (B) impossible
(C) to be useful to someone (C) unpleasant
(D) to be dominated by someone (D) irresistible
English – from Plinth to Paramount 403
Idioms And Phrases
103. As a businessman, my father always (C) gave away the gift
maintained that his transactions (D) withdrew from the plan
constituted an open book. 111. The actress took cue from her
(A) an account book always open brother and became successful.
(B) a book of open confessions (A) some help
(C) an opening for new ventures (B) a hint
(D) straight forward and honest (C) some money
dealings (D) learnt acting
104. The project advanced by leaps and 112. Let us have a heart to heart talk to
bounds. solve this problem.
(A) rapidly (B) slowly (A) good talk
(C) sharply (D) simply (B) emotional talk
105. She is too fond of her own voice. (C) frank talk
(A) loves singing (D) loving talk
(B) very selfish 113. To miss the bus
(C) does not listen properly to anyone (A) to miss the bus that one regularly
else takes
(D) very talkative (B) to miss an opportunity
(C) to have something to fall back upon
106. Indian police is, on the whole, high (D) to find fault with others
handed in dealing with citizens.
(A) kind 114. Birds of the same feather
(B) overbearing (A) persons of same caste
(C) prompt (B) persons of same colour
(D) adept (C) birds with same type of feather
(D) persons of same character
107. I take exception to your statement
115 To fight tooth and nail
that I am bad tempered.
(A) to fight a losing battle
(A) do not agree
(B) to fight heroically
(B) feel unhappy
(C) to fight cowardly
(C) object (D) to make every possible effort
(D) feel angry
116. To call a spade a spade
108. His speech fell short on the audience. (A) to be frank
(A) had no effect (B) to be sly
(B) moved the audience (C) to be rude
(C) impressed the audience (D) to be diplomatic
(D) was quite short
117. by putting two and two together
109. The officer called for an explanation (A) to mix several things
from the cashier for the shortage of (B) to make an arit hmetical
cash. calculation
(A) asked (B) begged (C) to keep people in pairs
(C) served a notice (D) demanded (D) to deduce from given facts
110. We wanted the gift to be a surprise 118. to look down one’s nose
for my mother, but my sister gave the (A) to show anger
game away. (B) to retaliate
(A) lost the game (C) to insult in the presence of others
(B) gave out the secret (D) to regard with contempt

404 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Idioms And Phrases
119. to shed crocodile tears 128. on this side of the grave
(A) to weep profusely (A) outside the grave
(B) to pretend grief (B) by the side of the grave
(C) to grieve seriously (C) in this world
(D) to mock something (D) before going to grave
120. To call it a day 129. A man who, while pretending to be
(A) to conclude proceedings your friend, sets a spy to watch your
(B) to initiate proceedings activities is indeed a snake in the
(C) to work through the day grass.
(D) None of the above (A) secret enemy
121. To put up with (B) mean fellow
(A) to accommodate (B) to adjust (C) dangerous man
(C) to understand (D) to tolerate (D) cunning fellow
122. To take to heart 130. The audience was greatly impressed
(A) to be encouraged though I spoke off the cuff.
(B) to grieve over (A) away from the mike
(C) to like (B) without preparation
(D) to hate (C) off the subject
123. Yeoman’s service (D) about the cuff
(A) medical help 131. After listening to the student’s
(B) excellent work statements, the teacher had to eat
(C) social work her words.
(D) hard work (A) withdraw her words
124. to go scot-free (B) stop speaking
(A) to walk like a native of Scotland (C) apologize
(B) to get something free (D) quarrel
(C) to escape without punishment
132. to lose ground
(D) to save tax
(A) to become less powerful
125. to see red (B) to become less popular
(A) get broke (C) to lose foundation
(B) get angry (D) to be without a leader
(C) feel lucky
(D) become rich 133. to make both ends meet
(A) to buy costly articles
126. in the nick of time (B) live a luxurious life
(A) in an unexpected time (C) to live within one’s income
(B) after some time (D) to please all people
(C) at a time when it was too late
(D) precisely in the right time 134. to fall back on
(A) to oppose something important
127. the stage has been set (B) to suffer an injury on the back in an
(A) the conditions are beyond control accident
(B) the platform for meeting is ready (C) to fail to do something important
(C) the situation is getting worse in time
(D) the situation is conducive (D) to seek support out of necessity

English – from Plinth to Paramount 405

Idioms And Phrases
135. to make one’s blood boil 143. When things go wrong, everyone
(A) to make somebody furious starts passing the buck.
(B) to develop fever (A) analyses the problem
(C) to get excited (B) prepares to resign
(D) to make someone nervous (C) pays a bribe
136. She decided that she would get this (D) blames someone else
job by hook or by crook. 144. To keep the wolf away from the door.
(A) by compromising or other (A) to avoid a bad person
responsi-bilities (B) to clean the house
(B) by impressing the interviewers (C) to avoid extreme poverty
(C) by any means, right or wrong (D) to visit the zoo
(D) by becoming a specialist in the
145. To break the ice
(A) to clear the snow
137. In a debate, no one is allowed to sit (B) to start quarreling
on the fence. (C) to commence an interaction
(A) to avoid taking sides (D) to revive old enmity
(B) to insult a speaker
146. Spick and span
(C) to relax while others speak
(D) to agree with everyone (A) neat and clean
(B) hard-working
138. The matter has been sorted out. (C) kitchen implements
(A) revised (B) supported (D) calm and quiet
(C) resolved (D) changed
147. The pros and cons
139. The soldiers carried out the orders (A) good and evil
of the General very effectively. (B) first and last
(A) exited (B) executed (C) fair and foul
(C) supported (D) applied
(D) for and against
140. They set off by car for Mumbai late in
148. Build castles in the air
the evening.
(A) waste time (B) daydream
(A) started (B) travelled
(C) build houses (D) work hard
(C) entered (D) resonated
149. Sought after
141. Once his crime was discovered, he
(A) highly paid
had no option but to come clean.
(B) pursued by
(A) to deny the crime
(C) in great demand
(B) to confess to the crime
(D) with great talent
(C) to accuse someone else of the
crime 150. All at sea
(D) to apologize for the cirme (A) very proud (B) overjoyed
142. The employees were kept in the dark (C) puzzled (D) excited
about the latest developments. 151. To hit below the belt
(A) were informed after office hours (A) to punish
(B) were informed when it was too late (B) to tie with a belt
(C) were given secret information (C) to hit with a belt
(D) were not informed at all (D) to attack unfairly

406 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Idioms And Phrases
152. Pot-luck dinner (C) deep in thought
(A) dinner where everybody brings (D) practical advantage
something to eat 159. The young boy was kicking his heels
(B) dinner where everybody brings his inspite of his mother’s stern
food warnings.
(C) dinner where only soup is served (A) playing happily
(D) dinner where people eat and play (B) kicking someone
games at the same time (C) forced to wait
153. His friends beat the boy to pay off old (D) passing a gesture of disrespect
scores. 160. She denied point-blank her
(A) to refund old dues.
involvement in the crime.
(B) to take revenge.
(A) directly
(C) to force him to be a scorer in a
(B) desperately
(C) stubbornly
(D) because he had not scored well
(D) rudely
161. It is hard to strike a bargain with a
154. Chintan is so innocent that he wears
his heart on his sleeve.
(A) to finalize a deal
(A) Wears dress that does not match.
(B) to negotiate a deal
(B) Expresses his feelings openly.
(C) to negotiate
(C) Wears colourful dresses.
(D) to deal
(D) Expresses his feelings with the
shape of a heart printed on its sleeve. 162. He took his father’s advice to heart.
(A) casually (B) patiently
155. Tagore was a man of letters.
(C) seriously (D) quietly
(A) of wide contacts.
(B) an excellent letter dictator. 163. Can you give me a hand with this
(C) a great writer of letters. luggage?
(D) proficient in literaterary art. (A) keep a watch on
(B) handle
156. The poor subordinates are made
(C) provide me with
scapegoats by their superiors.
(D) help me with
(A) punished for others’ misdeeds.
(B) developed poor relations. 164. Fling away
(C) treated humbly and respectfully. (A) to have an affair (B) to flare up
(D) scolded with arrogant reactions. (C) to throw violently (D) to swing
157. She was on the horns of a dilemma 165. Stick by
as she had either to leave her job or (A) to adhere closely
divorce her husband. (B) stand by someone
(A) in nervous condition (C) to paste
(B) in terrible mood (D) to pass by
(C) in difficult situation 166. Wink at
(D) in suspense (A) to tease somebody
158. Brown study (B) to like someone
(A) to study sincerely (C) to pretend not to see
(B) to study uselessly (D) to stare at

English – from Plinth to Paramount 407

Idioms And Phrases
167. To be on the wane 175. To plough the sands
(A) to complain (A) to be extremely accomplished
(B) to be sick (B) to be resourceful
(C) to be on boat (C) to be dejected
(D) to be diminishing (D) to busy oneself in an unprofitable
168. To give a person the cold shoulder
(A) to offer someone ice-cream 176. To rip up old sores
(B) to be humble (A) to destroy something
(C) to threaten (B) to act cruelly
(D) to treat coldly (C) to reopen a quarrel
(D) to inflict pain on someone
169. To get one’s back up
(A) to become irritated or angry 177. To rate soundly
(A) to censure strongly
(B) to sit straight
(B) to acquire heavy profits
(C) to act proud
(C) to be at peace
(D) to give support
(D) to assure somebody
170. To strike oil
178. To be no spring chicken
(A) to have found an oil well
(A) to be brave
(B) to have lucky success (B) to be honest
(C) to have a close escape (C) to be no longer young
(D) to be unsuccessful (D) to be childish
171. To talk shop 179. To take to one’s bed
(A) to talk a lot (A) to be very attached to one’s
(B) to use phrases peculiar to one’s belongings
employment (B) to lie in bed due to illness
(C) to like to shop (C) to fight with one’s husband
(D) to lie (D) to agree with someone
172. To draw a line 180. To stand on ceremony
(A) to fix a limit (A) to celebrate an occasion in a grand
(B) to caution someone way
(C) to be stern (B) to be extravagant
(D) to insult someone (C) to get married
(D) to insist on excessive formality
173. A swan song
181. To be at sixes and sevens
(A) melodious song (A) a state of total confusion and
(B) disharmonious display disorder
(C) utterance/statement made just (B) to be a great success
before death or retirement (C) to be certain
(D) concocted tale (D) to give away generously
174. Knit one’s brows 182. To break the ice
(A) to disappoint somebody (A) a strong man
(B) to frown (B) to start a quarrel
(C) to have a headache (C) to break the awkward silence
(D) to express discontentment (D) to become violent

408 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Idioms And Phrases
183. Put one’s foot down 192. To bury the hatchet
(A) to demand (A) to have found a treasure
(B) to take rest (B) to make peace
(C) to be firm about something (C) to purchase something without
(D) to do something stupid discretion
184. Backstairs influence (D) to act in a suspicious manner
(A) one who is easily influenced 193. To beggar description
(B) influential person (A) something of least importance
(C) influence exerted secretly (B) something beyond description
(D) wife’s influence on her husband (C) to describe a beggar
185. Long in the tooth (D) an accurate description
(A) distant journey (B) rather old
194. To beat the air
(C) ailment (D) young
(A) efforts that are vain or useless
186. A brazen-faced fellow
(B) to be satisfied with one’s
(A) cruel person
(B) ugly person
(C) to be extremely relieved
(C) dark-complexioned person
(D) to be very happy
(D) impudent fellow
187. To see pink elephants 195. To provide against a rainy day
(A) to dream (A) to provide plentiful
(B) to anticipate luck (B) to provide for a possible future, in
(C) to be afraid of time of difficulty or need
(D) to have hallucination due to (C) to store for the family
excessive alcoholic intake. (D) to store for the rainy season
188. Elbow room 196. To be all eyes
(A) opportunity for freedom of action (A) to be cautious
(B) special room for the guest (B) watching closely and attentively
(C) to give enough space to move or (C) to be amazed
work in (D) to be non-plussed
(D) to add a new room to the house
197. Swollen headed
189. French leave
(A) to be suffering from illness
(A) a person who does not take leave
(B) to be conceited
(B) leave without permission
(C) to be narrow-minded
(C) to take long leave
(D) to be dumb
(D) to take a day off and have fun
190. To commit to memory 198. To stir up a hornet’s nest
(A) to learn by heart (A) to excite the hostility of people
(B) to tax one’s memory (B) to do some social service
(C) to be forgetful (C) to be totally at a loss in a situation
(D) to commit oneself totally to a task (D) to be bankrupt
191. To burn a hole in the pocket 199. My hands are full
(A) to steal from someone’s pocket (A) I am having a lot of things to carry
(B) to destroy other’s belongings (B) I am having lots of money
(C) to be very miserly (C) I am very busy
(D) money that is spent quickly (D) I am anxious
English – from Plinth to Paramount 409
Idioms And Phrases
200. No love lost between them 209. To snap one’s fingers at
(A) to have a fight (A) to honour someone
(B) to dislike each other (B) to greet someone
(C) to be as friendly as ever (C) to beckon someone
(D) to be upset (D) to treat with contempt
201. To be hand and glove with someone 210. Falling foul of
(A) to be social (A) quarrelling with
(B) becoming friends with
(B) to be playful
(C) being dishonest with
(C) to be annoyed
(D) being scared of
(D) to be intimate
211. Harp on the same string
202. To play fast and loose (A) to play music
(A) to deceive someone (B) to dwell tediously on the same
(B) to be agile subject
(C) say one thing and do another (C) to beat someone
(D) to be efficient (D) to acknowledge
203. To take stock of 212. Keep a good table
(A) to imagine (B) to supply (A) to have an artistic taste
(C) to survey (D) to attract (B) to throw a party
204. A man of straw (C) to be a good host
(A) a man of no substance (D) to be extravagant
(B) a man without means 213. Take up the cudgels
(C) a man of character (A) to take notice
(D) a generous man (B) to accept a present
(C) to defend someone vigorously
205. Wolf in sheep’s clothing (D) to accept a challenge
(A) to act on the sly
(B) to be a good actor 214. Splitting hairs
(C) to be a hypocrite (A) to be worried
(D) to be money-minded or materialistic (B) to be venturesome
(C) to trouble someone
206. To cut someone short (D) to dispute over petty points
(A) to oblige someone
215. A great hand at
(B) to assist someone
(A) to be a good artist
(C) to interrupt someone
(B) to be an expert
(D) to insult someone (C) to be a good player
207. To stick to one’s colours (D) to be generous
(A) to refuse to yield 216. To make a pile
(B) to be patriotic (A) to make a fortune
(C) to be notorious (B) to make a mess
(D) to be straightforward (C) to be absent-minded
208. An old head on young shoulders (D) to be corrupt
(A) to be old before one’s age 217. Under someone’s wing
(B) to be wise beyond one’s age (A) to work under someone
(C) to be youthful in spite of one’s old (B) to be under someone’s protection
age (C) to be alert
(D) to maintain good health (D) to be in the army

410 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Idioms And Phrases
218. To sow one’s wild oats 226. A grass widow
(A) to swear (A) a young widow
(B) to be at ease (B) widow who has illicit relations with
(C) to engage in youthful excesses men
(D) to till the land (C) a woman whose husband is
219. An olive branch temporarily away from her
(A) an offer of peace (D) a working old woman
(B) an idea 227. Mad as a March hare
(C) a lady (A) sane
(D) a wicked person (B) intoxicated
220. Not worth a rap (C) as mad as a hare in spring
(A) worth nothing (D) slightly touched in the brain
(B) very expensive 228. Halcyon days
(C) worth a lot (A) long days
(D) modestly priced (B) short days
221. In merry pin (C) happy and peaceful days
(A) perplexed (D) disturbed days
(B) merry making 229. Mother wit
(C) embarrassed (A) to have an intelligent mother
(D) in a cheerful mood
(B) university
222. To leap the pale (C) silly
(A) to throw a bucket (D) common sense
(B) to get into debt, to spend more than 230. A blind date
one’s income (A) a cloudy day
(C) to have much of fear
(B) unknown future
(D) to become pale
(C) meeting with someone you do not
223. To cut the gordian knot know
(A) to perform the opening ceremony (D) death-day
(B) to be present at the opening
231. Much ado about nothing
(A) to take something seriously
(C) to solve a difficult problem
(D) to get a sharp cut (B) to play false
(C) to make a fuss
224. To sow the wind and reap the (D) to add
232. Judas’ kiss
(A) to enjoy the fruits of hard work
(A) wooing
(B) to be deprived of one’ s reward
(C) to act wisely (B) a narrow escape
(D) to suffer for one’s foolish conduct (C) hypocritical affection
(D) a religious person
225. To play possum
233. To have no truck with
(A) to play hide and seek
(B) to feign ignorance or pretend the (A) have no means of conveyance
be sleeping or dead (B) scientifically backward
(C) to cheat somebody (C) to have no trade with
(D) to play seriously (D) to have no dealings with

English – from Plinth to Paramount 411

Idioms And Phrases
234. To clean the Augean stables 242. To egg on
(A) to purge/ clean the administration (A) to egg on slowly
of its abuses (B) to destroy slowly
(B) to buy horses (C) to give a walk over
(C) to sell horses (D) to instigate/ cause to proceed
(D) to improve working conditions further
235. A fly in the ointment 243. To haul over the coals
(A) to clean a thing (A) to walk over the fire
(B) to sterilise (B) to burn
(C) Small annoyance that spoils a (C) to scold for something done wrong
pleasant experience. (D) to throw into fire
(D) an unsuccessful attempt 244. To draw a bead on
236. Of the deepest dye (A) to say prayers
(A) of the worst/ extreme type (B) to count the beads
(B) of the best type (C) to do one’s best
(D) to take careful aim at
(C) of the most colourless type
(D) of the colourless type 245. Fabian policy
(A) dictatorial policy
237. To throw up the sponge
(B) democratic policy
(A) to accept the challenge (C) systematic policy
(B) to forget the past offences (D) policy of cautious persistence
(C) to admit defeat
246. To play to the gallery
(D) to send message
(A) to try to get the appreciation from
238. To rule the roost the least intelligent people
(A) to measure the height of something (B) to try to win appreciation of
(B) to measure the depth intelligent people
(C) to strike with a stick (C) to play in the gallery
(D) to dominate (D) to disturb people sitting in the
239. Bats in the belfry
(A) to be mad 247. Pyrrhic victory
(A) Permanent victory
(B) something needed cleanliness
(B) Defeat
(C) an impending danger (C) Easy victory
(D) to be deceived (D) Victory at high cost
240. To have a jaundice eye 248. Go the whole hog
(A) to have jaundice (A) to do something thoroughly
(B) to have fever (B) sleep
(C) to be prejudiced (C) to neglect duty
(D) to lose colour (D) to mishandle the case
241. Rank and file 249. To bite one’s lips
(A) Common people (A) to feel sorry
(B) to repress one's anger or other
(B) Officers
(C) People of high rank (C) laugh at others
(D) Army personnel (D) to have doubt
412 English – from Plinth to Paramount
Idioms And Phrases
250. To hold someone in leash 258. With a string
(A) to restrain (A) not to give any aid
(B) to be firm (B) to give unconditional aid
(C) to be unsure (C) gift or aid with condition
(D) to touch the exact point (D) to accept aid

251. To cool one’s heels 259. To set stores by

(A) to value highly
(A) to give a cold treatment to somebody
(B) to hoard a large quantity of
(B) to be kept waiting for sometime
(C) a closed chapter (C) to set up store
(D) a hot issue (D) fix a price
252. Bag of bones 260. To draw the long bow
(A) a bag full of bones (A) to shoot
(B) a dead person (B) to exaggerate
(C) a person about to die (C) to criticize
(D) an extremely weak person (D) to admire
253. All moonshine 261. To know the ropes
(A) show (A) to recognize the lost things
(B) lighted only by moon (B) to do rigging
(C) false (C) to know the procedure of doing a
(D) far from reality job
(D) to flog
254. To shake the dust off one’s feet
262. To give the devil his due
(A) to wash feet
(A) to be just to a person even though
(B) to walk fast
he does not deserve such treatment
(C) to leave a place with a sense of (B) to surrender oneself willingly when
resentment one’s mistake is detected
(D) to rest after a long journey (C) to punish an innocent person
255. Off hand (D) to punish a guilty person
(A) Without preparation 263. In the swim
(B) Out of hand (A) knowing latest current things
(C) Rehearsed (B) to cross a river by a boat
(D) In hand (C) to cross a river by swimming
(D) to be in the river
256. A bird of passage
(A) a flying bird 264. To knuckle under
(B) an unreliable person (A) to be in a crisis
(C) one who stays for a short time (B) to submit
(C) to take rest
(D) bad time
(D) to go to bed
257. Count on
265. To have a dig at
(A) Depend on
(A) to criticise someone
(B) as a result of (B) to sow seeds
(C) ceremonially (C) to weed out
(D) to wait for the benefactor (D) to praise someone
English – from Plinth to Paramount 413
Idioms And Phrases
266. In vogue (B) to pull down a building
(A) in fashion (C) to defame one’s family
(B) fair (D) to pass a bill unanimously
(C) smooth 275. To have an edge on
(D) total absence (A) to cut with a knife
267. Three R’s (B) to threaten to wound
(A) radiogram, radiograph, radio (C) to be slightly better than
telescope (D) to be in a dangerous situation
(B) rabble, rattle, razzle 276. In sackcloth and ashes
(C) reading, writing, arithmetic (A) to cremate
(D) rail, radar, raft (B) in a state of great mourning
268. A wild goose chase (C) dirty clothes
(A) foolish and useless enterprise (D) cheap clothes
(B) to hunt 277. To put two and two together
(C) a violent chase (A) to progress steadily
(D) to speak harshly (B) to compare the debit and credit
(C) to conclude keeping in view the
269. To rest on one’s laurels
merits and demerits
(A) to cease to strive for further glory
(D) to oppose as a last resort
(B) to be lazy
(C) to be proud of one’s victory 278. To weather the storm
(D) to die (A) to face a crisis
(B) to survive a crisis
270. Raw deal (C) to be the victim of a crisis
(A) unjust treatment (D) to create crisis
(B) unripe fruit
(C) early stage of business 279. Lump in the throat
(A) to be hoarse
(D) contract not yet finally decided
(B) a highly emotional state
271. A forlorn hope (C) food of low type
(A) a plan which has remote chances of (D) wind-pipe
280. To fight shy of
(B) hope about unforeseeable future
(A) to keep aloof from
(C) hope of a single person
(B) to fight social evils
(D) hope of a silly person
(C) to be bold
272. Printer’s devil (D) to fight and win
(A) an apprentice in a printing office
281. Hobson’s choice
(B) blunder
(A) lion’s share
(C) low type of printed material
(B) the best choice
(D) delay in printing
(C) option of taking the one offered or
273. To call on the carpet nothing
(A) subject to criticism (D) the last chance
(B) to summon for a scolding 282. To hit it off
(C) a heartfelt welcome (A) to quarrel
(D) on the ground (B) to be hostile
274. To bring the house down (C) to agree or be congenial
(A) to appeal greatly to the audience (D) to threaten

414 English – from Plinth to Paramount

Idioms And Phrases
283. To whitewash (C) to engage in idle or aimless day
(A) to clean a place dreaming
(B) to work hard (D) to live in the countryside
(C) to retrieve damaged reputation 292. Between Scylla and Charybdis
(D) to use cosmetics
(A) between two hills
284. Within an ace of
(B) between two rivers
(A) very close
(B) within one’s means (C) between two enemies
(C) within a narrow circle (D) between two dangers
(D) near centre 293. Achilles’ heel
285. To keep an open mind (A) bare-foot
(A) to remember (B) to run fast
(B) to forget (C) to wait on somebody
(C) to come to no decision on a subject
until one knowns all the facts (D) one’s vulnerable or susceptible spot
(D) to be clear-headed 294. To know which side the bread is
286. Open question buttered on
(A) a question put to all (A) to know where one’s interest lies
(B) a question without any generally (B) to be a glutton
agreed answer (C) to be fond of rich diet
(C) a permanent problem
(D) to know how to increase one’s
(D) a clearly-wr itten/expressed
question income
287. On one’s mettle 295. To eke out
(A) roused to do one’s best (A) to subtract
(B) to put on an overcoat (B) to supplement
(C) to safeguard against attack (C) to etch
(D) to use one’s own money properly
(D) to oust
288. To keep the pot boiling
(A) to maintain interest 296. To be in the doldrums
(B) to heat (A) to be in low spirits
(C) to show anger (B) to be within doors
(D) to do experiments (C) to praise loudly
(D) to be in a crisis
289. Grist to one’s mill
(A) grain to be ground 297. Wild cat strike
(B) useful for one’s purpose (A) a furious attack
(C) income from will (B) strike not approved by the trade
(D) to work one’s machine union
(C) a strike in which violence is
290. Kangaroo court committed
(A) a group of kangaroos (D) to face a strong enemy
(B) the young kangaroo
(C) unofficial court 298. Blind alley
(D) unofficial estimate (A) blindness due to old age
(B) a dark room
291. Wool gathering
(C) unprofitable action
(A) to become a shepherd
(D) to continue to make efforts in spite
(B) to shear sheep
of confusion
English – from Plinth to Paramount 415
Idioms And Phrases
299. Tied to the apron strings of 300. Our school is within a stone's throw
(A) be independent from the railway station
(B) to be dominated by (A) Very far-off
(C) to live together (B) with a certain radius
(D) to fall in love with (C) at a short distance
(D) within a definite circumference

1. (A) 31. (D) 61. (D) 91. (D) 121. (B) 151. (D) 181. (A) 211. (B) 241. (A) 271. (A)
2. (B) 32. (C) 62. (A) 92. (C) 122. (A) 152. (B) 182. (C) 212. (C) 242. (D) 272. (A)
3. (B) 33. (C) 63. (B) 93. (A) 123. (B) 153. (B) 183. (C) 213. (C) 243. (C) 273. (B)
4. (C) 34. (C) 64. (B) 94. (C) 124. (C) 154. (B) 184. (C) 214. (D) 244. (D) 274. (A)
5. (C) 35. (B) 65. (A) 95. (D) 125. (B) 155. (D) 185. (B) 215. (B) 245. (D) 275. (C)
6. (D) 36. (A) 66. (C) 96. (D) 126. (D) 156. (A) 186. (D) 216. (A) 246. (A) 276. (B)
7. (A) 37. (B) 67. (C) 97. (C) 127. (D) 157. (C) 187. (D) 217. (B) 247. (D) 277. (C)
8. (C) 38. (B) 68. (A) 98. (C) 128. (C) 158. (C) 188. (C) 218. (C) 248. (A) 278. (B)
9. (B) 39. (D) 69. (B) 99. (A) 129. (A) 159. (C) 189. (B) 219. (A) 249. (B) 279. (B)
10. (C) 40. (C) 70. (A) 100. (B) 130. (B) 160. (A) 190. (A) 220. (A) 250. (A) 280. (A)
11. (B) 41. (A) 71. (B) 101. (A) 131. (A) 161. (A) 191. (D) 221. (D) 251. (B) 281. (C)
12. (B) 42. (B) 72. (C) 102. (B) 132. (B) 162. (C) 192. (B) 222. (B) 252. (D) 282. (C)
13. (D) 43. (B) 73. (C) 103. (D) 133. (C) 163. (D) 193. (B) 223. (C) 253. (D) 283. (C)
14. (D) 44. (B) 74. (C) 104. (A) 134. (D) 164. (C) 194. (A) 224. (D) 254. (C) 284. (A)
15. (C) 45. (B) 75. (B) 105. (D) 135. (A) 165. (A) 195. (B) 225. (B) 255. (A) 285. (C)
16. (C) 46. (D) 76. (C) 106. (B) 136. (C) 166. (C) 196. (B) 226. (C) 256. (C) 286. (B)
17. (C) 47. (A) 77. (C) 107. (C) 137. (A) 167. (D) 197. (B) 227. (C) 257. (A) 287. (A)
18. (D) 48. (A) 78. (A) 108. (A) 138. (C) 168. (D) 198. (A) 228. (C) 258. (C) 288. (A)
19. (C) 49. (C) 79. (A) 109. (D) 139. (B) 169. (A) 199. (C) 229. (D) 259. (A) 289. (B)
20. (B) 50. (C) 80. (A) 110. (B) 140. (A) 170. (B) 200. (C) 230. (C) 260. (B) 290. (C)
21. (C) 51. (D) 81. (B) 111. (B) 141. (B) 171. (B) 201. (D) 231. (C) 261. (C) 291. (C)
22. (D) 52. (A) 82. (B) 112. (C) 142. (D) 172. (A) 202. (C) 232. (C) 262. (A) 292. (D)
23. (C) 53. (C) 83. (C) 113. (B) 143. (D) 173. (C) 203. (C) 233. (D) 263. (A) 293. (D)
24. (B) 54. (C) 84. (C) 114. (D) 144. (C) 174. (B) 204. (A) 234. (A) 264. (B) 294. (A)
25. (C) 55. (D) 85. (C) 115. (D) 145. (C) 175. (D) 205. (C) 235. (C) 265. (A) 295. (B)
26. (B) 56. (C) 86. (B) 116. (A) 146. (A) 176. (C) 206. (C) 236. (A) 266. (A) 296. (A)
27. (C) 57. (B) 87. (D) 117. (D) 147. (D) 177. (A) 207. (A) 237. (C) 267. (C) 297. (B)
28. (B) 58. (C) 88. (B) 118. (D) 148. (B) 178. (C) 208. (B) 238. (D) 268. (A) 298. (C)
29. (A) 59. (A) 89. (D) 119. (B) 149. (C) 179. (B) 209. (D) 239. (A) 269. (A) 299. (B)
30. (A) 60. (D) 90. (A) 120. (A) 150. (C) 180. (D) 210. (A) 240. (C) 270. (A) 300. (C)

416 English – from Plinth to Paramount

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