Buntis Congress Budget Proposal
Buntis Congress Budget Proposal
Buntis Congress Budget Proposal
RATIONALE Maternal, infant, and child health and nutrition including breastfeeding, Family planning
information, and services are some of the elements of Republic Act 10354 also known
as Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health, thus, as mandated by the
Presidential Proclamation 569, the National Day for Pregnant Women aims to promote
the needs of a pregnant woman to have a healthier pregnancy. It also aims to recognize
all pregnant women who are considered heroes in their own right as they bring and
nurture another life into the world.
OBJECTIVES This aims to educate women on pregnancy-related issues and to instill the importance
of prenatal consultation during pregnancy.
Expected Output Increase numbers of pregnant clients coming for their regular prenatal check-up.
Decrease on WRA with UNMEET Needs.
PARTICIPANTS 50 pregnant Constituents of Irisan
Irisan District Health Center Staff,
20 Facilitators
LOGISTICS Sound System, microphones, projector (provided by Irisan HC)
BUDGET Food Requirement
Snacks - PhP 2,000 ( camote, boiled banana, coffee, juice)