Infant and Young Child Feeding
Infant and Young Child Feeding
Infant and Young Child Feeding
Acknowledgments vi
Abbreviations vii
Introduction 1
Session 1 The importance of infant and young child feeding and recommended practices 3
Session 2 The physiological basis of breastfeeding 9
Session 3 Complementary feeding 19
Session 4 Management and support of infant feeding in maternity facilities 29
Session 5 Continuing support for infant and young child feeding 37
Session 6 Appropriate feeding in exceptionally difficult circumstances 51
Session 7 Management of breast conditions and other breastfeeding difficulties 65
Session 8 Mother’s health 77
Session 9 Policy, health system and community actions 81
Annex 1 Acceptable medical reasons for use of breast-milk substitutes 89
Annex 2 Growth standards 92
Annex 3 Growth velocity (weight-for-age) tables 95
Annex 4 Indicators for assessing infant and young child feeding practices 97
Figure 1 Major causes of death in neonates and children under five in the world, 2004 3
Figure 2 Trends in exclusive breastfeeding rates (1996–2006) 4
Figure 3 Anatomy of the breast 11
Figure 4 Prolactin 11
Figure 5 Oxytocin 11
Figure 6 Good attachment – inside the infant’s mouth 13
Figure 7 Poor attachment – inside the infant’s mouth 13
Figure 8 Good and poor attachment – external signs 14
Figure 9 Baby well positioned at the breast 15
Figure 10 Energy required by age and the amount from breast milk 21
Figure 11 Gaps to be filled by complementary foods for a breastfed child 12–23 months 23
Figure 12 Back massage to stimulate the oxytocin reflex before expressing breast milk 32
Figure 13 Feeding a baby by cup 33
Figure 14 Measuring mid-upper arm circumference 40
Figure 15 Assessing and classifying infant and young child feeding 46
Figure 16 Useful positions to hold a LBW baby for breastfeeding 52
Figure 17 Cup feeding a low-birth-weight baby 53
Figure 18 Baby in Kangaroo mother care position 54
Figure 19 Using supplementary suckling to help a mother relactate 58
Contents v
Table 1 Practical guidance on the quality, frequency and amount of food to offer children
6–23 months of age who are breastfed on demand 22
Table 2 High-dose universal distribution schedule for prevention of Vitamin A deficiency 25
Table 3 Appropriate foods for complementary feeding 26
Table 4 Identifying growth problems from plotted points 41
Table 5 Food Intake Reference Tool, children 6–23 months 47
Table 6 Feeding low-birth-weight babies 51
Table 7 Recommended fluid intake for LBW infants 53
Table 8 Recommended feed volumes for LBW infants 53
Table 9 Reasons why a baby may not get enough breast milk 70
Table 10 Breastfeeding and mother’s medication 78
T he development of this Model Chapter was initiated by the Department of Child and Adolescent Health and
Development of the World Health Organization, as part of its efforts to promote the integration of evidence-
based public health interventions in basic training of health professionals. The Model Chapter is designed for use
in textbooks used by health sciences faculties, as a result of the positive experience with the Model Chapter on
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness.
The process of development of the Model Chapter on infant and young child feeding started in 2003. Drafts were
presented in meetings with professors of health sciences schools in various regions and modifications made
accordingly. There was an external review of the document in 2006, with the group of reviewers including Anto-
nio da Cunha, Dai Yaohua, Nonhlanhla Dlamini, Hoang Trong Kim, Sandra Lang, Chessa Lutter, Nalini Singhal,
Maryanne Stone-Jimenez and Elizabeth Rodgers. All of the reviewers have declared no conflict of interest. Even
though the document was developed with inputs from many experts, some of them deserve special mention.
Ann Brownlee edited an earlier version of the document, while Felicity Savage King wrote the final draft. Peggy
Henderson conducted the editorial review. The three have declared no conflict of interest.
Staff from the Departments of Child and Adolescent Health and Development and Nutrition for Health and
Development were technically responsible and provided oversight to all aspects of the developmental work.
While developing the Model Chapter, several updates of existing recommendations were conducted by WHO,
and these were integrated into the Chapter. The updates include information on HIV and infant feeding (2007),
management of uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition (2007), infant and young child feeding indicators
(2008) and medical reasons for use of breast-milk substitutes (2008)
The chapter is expected to be updated by the year 2013.
Session 1
feeding and recommended practices
Adequate nutrition during infan- Deaths among children under five Neonatal deaths
cy and early childhood is essen-
Noncommunicable diseases
tial to ensure the growth, health, (postneonatal) 4%
Other infectious and
and development of children to parasitic diseases 9% Injuries (postneonatal) 4% Other 1.3%
their full potential. Poor nutrition HIV/AIDS 2% Congenital anomalies 6.8%
Neonatal tetanus 3.4%
increases the risk of illness, and is Measles 4%
Diarrhoeal diseases 2.6%
responsible, directly or indirectly, Malaria 7%
Other non-infectious
for one third of the estimated 36% perinatal causes 5.7%
Neonatal infections 26%
9.5 million deaths that occurred Diarrhoeal diseases
Birth asphyxia and
(postneonatal) 16%
in 2006 in children less than 5 birth trauma 23%
Prematurity and
years of age (1,2) (Figure 1). Inap- Acute respiratory low birth weight 31%
infections (postneonatal)
propriate nutrition can also lead 17% 35% of under-five deaths are due to the presence of undernutrition
to childhood obesity which is an
increasing public health problem Sources: World Health Organization. The global burden of disease: 2004 update. Geneva, World Health Organization,
in many countries. 2008; Black R et al. Maternal and child undernutrition: global and regional exposures and health consequences.
Lancet, 2008, 371:243–260.
Early nutritional deficits are also
linked to long-term impairment in growth and health. 1.2 The Global Strategy for infant and
Malnutrition during the first 2 years of life causes young child feeding
stunting, leading to the adult being several centime-
In 2002, the World Health Assembly and UNICEF
tres shorter than his or her potential height (3). There
adopted the Global Strategy for infant and young child
is evidence that adults who were malnourished in ear-
feeding (10). The strategy was developed to revitalise
ly childhood have impaired intellectual performance
world attention to the impact that feeding practices
(4). They may also have reduced capacity for physical
have on the nutritional status, growth and devel-
work (5,6). If women were malnourished as children,
opment, health, and survival of infants and young
their reproductive capacity is affected, their infants
children (see also Session 9). This Model Chapter sum-
may have lower birth weight, and they have more
marizes essential knowledge that every health profes-
complicated deliveries (7). When many children in a
sional should have in order to carry out the crucial
population are malnourished, it has implications for
role of protecting, promoting and supporting appro-
national development. The overall functional conse-
priate infant and young child feeding in accordance
quences of malnutrition are thus immense.
with the principles of the Global Strategy.
The first two years of life provide a critical window
of opportunity for ensuring children’s appropri- 1.3 Recommended infant and young child feeding
ate growth and development through optimal feed- practices
ing (8). Based on evidence of the effectiveness of WHO and UNICEF’s global recommendations for
interventions, achievement of universal coverage of optimal infant feeding as set out in the Global Strat-
optimal breastfeeding could prevent 13% of deaths egy are:
occurring in children less than 5 years of age globally,
while appropriate complementary feeding practices K exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months (180 days)
would result in an additional 6% reduction in under- (11);
five mortality (9).
4 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
Figure 2
Trends in exclusive breastfeeding rates (1996–2006)
44 45 around 1996
Percentage of infants exclusively breastfed
40 37 around 2006
for the first six months of life
32 33
30 30
30 27
20 19
CEE/CIS Middle East/ Sub-Saharan East Asia/Pacific South Asia Developing countries
North Africa Africa (excluding China) (excluding China)
Source: UNICEF. Progress for children: a world fit for children. Statistical Review, Number 6. New York, UNICEF, 2007.
K nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods are often introduced too early or too late and are
feeding starting from the age of 6 months with con- often nutritionally inadequate and unsafe.
tinued breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond.
Data from 64 countries covering 69% of births in
Exclusive breastfeeding means that an infant receives the developing world suggest that there have been
only breast milk from his or her mother or a wet improvements in this situation. Between 1996 and
nurse, or expressed breast milk, and no other liquids 2006 the rate of exclusive breastfeeding for the first
or solids, not even water, with the exception of oral 6 months of life increased from 33% to 37%. Sig-
rehydration solution, drops or syrups consisting of nificant increases were made in sub-Saharan Africa,
vitamins, minerals supplements or medicines (12). where rates increased from 22% to 30%; and Europe,
with rates increasing from 10% to 19% (Figure 2). In
Complementary feeding is defined as the process start-
Latin America and the Caribbean, excluding Bra-
ing when breast milk is no longer sufficient to meet the
zil and Mexico, the percentage of infants exclusively
nutritional requirements of infants, and therefore oth-
breastfed increased from 30% in around 1996 to 45%
er foods and liquids are needed, along with breast milk.
in around 2006 (15).
The target range for complementary feeding is gener-
ally taken to be 6 to 23 months of age,1 even though
breastfeeding may continue beyond two years (13). 1.5 Evidence for recommended feeding practices
These recommendations may be adapted according Breastfeeding
to the needs of infants and young children in excep- Breastfeeding confers short-term and long-term
tionally difficult circumstances, such as pre-term benefits on both child and mother (16), including
or low-birth-weight infants, severely malnourished helping to protect children against a variety of acute
children, and in emergency situations (see Session 6). and chronic disorders. The long-term disadvantages
Specific recommendations apply to infants born to of not breastfeeding are increasingly recognized as
HIV-infected mothers. important (17,18).
Reviews of studies from developing countries show
1.4 Current status of infant and young child that infants who are not breastfed are 6 (19) to 10
feeding globally times (20) more likely to die in the first months of life
Poor breastfeeding and complementary feeding prac- than infants who are breastfed. Diarrhoea (21) and
tices are widespread. Worldwide, it is estimated that pneumonia (22) are more common and more severe
only 34.8% of infants are exclusively breastfed for the in children who are artificially fed, and are responsi-
first 6 months of life, the majority receiving some other ble for many of these deaths. Diarrhoeal illness is also
food or fluid in the early months (14). Complementary more common in artificially-fed infants even in situ-
ations with adequate hygiene, as in Belarus (23) and
When describing age ranges, a child 6–23 months has complet-
1 Scotland (24). Other acute infections, including otitis
ed 6 months but has an age less than 2 years. media (25), Haemophilus influenzae meningitis (26),
1. The importance of infant and young child feeding and recommended practices 5
and urinary tract infection (27), are less common and were exclusively instead of partially breastfed for the
less severe in breastfed infants. first 4 months of life (48). Exclusive breastfeeding for 6
months has been found to reduce the risk of diarrhoea
Artificially-fed children have an increased risk of long-
(49) and respiratory illness (50) compared with exclu-
term diseases with an immunological basis, including
sive breastfeeding for 3 and 4 months respectively.
asthma and other atopic conditions (28,29), type 1
diabetes (30), celiac disease (31), ulcerative colitis and If the breastfeeding technique is satisfactory, exclu-
Crohn disease (32). Artificial feeding is also associ- sive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life meets
ated with a greater risk of childhood leukaemia (33). the energy and nutrient needs of the vast majority of
infants (51). No other foods or fluids are necessary.
Several studies suggest that obesity in later childhood
Several studies have shown that healthy infants do
and adolescence is less common among breastfed chil-
not need additional water during the first 6 months
dren, and that there is a dose response effect, with a
if they are exclusively breastfed, even in a hot climate.
longer duration of breastfeeding associated with a low-
Breast milk itself is 88% water, and is enough to sat-
er risk (34,35). The effect may be less clear in popula-
isfy a baby’s thirst (52). Extra fluids displace breast
tions where some children are undernourished (36). A
milk, and do not increase overall intake (53). How-
growing body of evidence links artificial feeding with
ever, water and teas are commonly given to infants,
risks to cardiovascular health, including increased
often starting in the first week of life. This practice
blood pressure (37), altered blood cholesterol levels
has been associated with a two-fold increased risk of
(38) and atherosclerosis in later adulthood (39).
diarrhoea (54).
Regarding intelligence, a meta-analysis of 20 studies
For the mother, exclusive breastfeeding can delay
(40) showed scores of cognitive function on average
the return of fertility (55), and accelerate recovery of
3.2 points higher among children who were breastfed
pre-pregnancy weight (56). Mothers who breastfeed
compared with those who were formula fed. The dif-
exclusively and frequently have less than a 2% risk of
ference was greater (by 5.18 points) among those chil-
becoming pregnant in the first 6 months postpartum,
dren who were born with low birth weight. Increased
provided that they still have amenorrhoea (see Session
duration of breastfeeding has been associated with
greater intelligence in late childhood (41) and adult-
hood (42), which may affect the individual’s ability to
contribute to society. Complementary feeding from 6 months
From the age of 6 months, an infant’s need for energy
For the mother, breastfeeding also has both short- and
and nutrients starts to exceed what is provided by
long-term benefits. The risk of postpartum haemor-
breast milk, and complementary feeding becomes
rhage may be reduced by breastfeeding immediately
necessary to fill the energy and nutrient gap (57). If
after delivery (43), and there is increasing evidence
complementary foods are not introduced at this age
that the risk of breast (44) and ovarian (45) cancer is
or if they are given inappropriately, an infant’s growth
less among women who breastfed.
may falter. In many countries, the period of comple-
mentary feeding from 6–23 months is the time of
Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months peak incidence of growth faltering, micronutrient
The advantages of exclusive breastfeeding compared deficiencies and infectious illnesses (58).
to partial breastfeeding were recognised in 1984,
Even after complementary foods have been intro-
when a review of available studies found that the risk
duced, breastfeeding remains a critical source of
of death from diarrhoea of partially breastfed infants
nutrients for the young infant and child. It provides
0–6 months of age was 8.6 times the risk for exclu-
about one half of an infant’s energy needs up to the
sively breastfed children. For those who received no
age of one year, and up to one third during the second
breast milk the risk was 25 times that of those who
year of life. Breast milk continues to supply higher
were exclusively breastfed (46). A study in Brazil in
quality nutrients than complementary foods, and also
1987 found that compared with exclusive breastfeed-
protective factors. It is therefore recommended that
ing, partial breastfeeding was associated with 4.2
breastfeeding on demand continues with adequate
times the risk of death, while no breastfeeding had
complementary feeding up to 2 years or beyond (13).
14.2 times the risk (47). More recently, a study in Dha-
ka, Bangladesh found that deaths from diarrhoea and Complementary foods need to be nutritionally-
pneumonia could be reduced by one third if infants adequate, safe, and appropriately fed in order to meet
6 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
the young child’s energy and nutrient needs. How- 12. W HO/UNICEF/USAID. Indicators for assessing
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The physiological basis of breastfeeding
Session 2
2.1 Breast-milk composition a baby. The concentration of protein in breast milk
Breast milk contains all the nutrients that an infant (0.9 g per 100 ml) is lower than in animal milks. The
needs in the first 6 months of life, including fat, car- much higher protein in animal milks can overload
bohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water the infant’s immature kidneys with waste nitrogen
(1,2,3,4). It is easily digested and efficiently used. products. Breast milk contains less of the protein
Breast milk also contains bioactive factors that aug- casein, and this casein in breast milk has a different
ment the infant’s immature immune system, provid- molecular structure. It forms much softer, more eas-
ing protection against infection, and other factors ily-digested curds than that in other milks. Among
that help digestion and absorption of nutrients. the whey, or soluble proteins, human milk contains
more alpha-lactalbumin; cow milk contains beta-
lactoglobulin, which is absent from human milk and
to which infants can become intolerant (4).
Breast milk contains about 3.5 g of fat per 100 ml of
milk, which provides about one half of the energy
Vitamins and minerals
content of the milk. The fat is secreted in small drop-
lets, and the amount increases as the feed progresses. Breast milk normally contains sufficient vitamins for
As a result, the hindmilk secreted towards the end of an infant, unless the mother herself is deficient (5).
a feed is rich in fat and looks creamy white, while the The exception is vitamin D. The infant needs expo-
foremilk at the beginning of a feed contains less fat and sure to sunlight to generate endogenous vitamin D –
looks somewhat bluish-grey in colour. Breast-milk or, if this is not possible, a supplement. The minerals
fat contains long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids iron and zinc are present in relatively low concentra-
(docosahexaenoic acid or DHA, and arachidonic acid tion, but their bioavailability and absorption is high.
or ARA) that are not available in other milks. These Provided that maternal iron status is adequate, term
fatty acids are important for the neurological devel- infants are born with a store of iron to supply their
opment of a child. DHA and ARA are added to some needs; only infants born with low birth weight may
varieties of infant formula, but this does not confer need supplements before 6 months. Delaying clamp-
any advantage over breast milk, and may not be as ing of the cord until pulsations have stopped (approxi-
effective as those in breast milk. mately 3 minutes) has been shown to improve infants’
iron status during the first 6 months of life (6,7).
Anti-infective factors
The main carbohydrate is the special milk sugar lac-
tose, a disaccharide. Breast milk contains about 7 g Breast milk contains many factors that help to protect
lactose per 100 ml, which is more than in most other an infant against infection (8) including:
milks, and is another important source of energy. K immunoglobulin, principally secretory immuno
Another kind of carbohydrate present in breast milk globulin A (sIgA), which coats the intestinal mucosa
is oligosaccharides, or sugar chains, which provide and prevents bacteria from entering the cells;
important protection against infection (4).
K white blood cells which can kill micro-organisms;
The protection provided by these factors is unique- 2.3 Animal milks and infant formula
ly valuable for an infant. First, they protect without Animal milks are very different from breast milk
causing the effects of inflammation, such as fever, in both the quantities of the various nutrients, and
which can be dangerous for a young infant. Second, in their quality. For infants under 6 months of age,
sIgA contains antibodies formed in the mother’s body animal milks can be home-modified by the addition
against the bacteria in her gut, and against infections of water, sugar and micronutrients to make them
that she has encountered, so they protect against bac- usable as short-term replacements for breast milk in
teria that are particularly likely to be in the baby’s exceptionally difficult situations, but they can never
environment. be equivalent or have the same anti-infective proper-
ties as breast milk (13). After 6 months, infants can
Other bioactive factors receive boiled full cream milk (14).
Bile-salt stimulated lipase facilitates the complete
Infant formula is usually made from industrially-
digestion of fat once the milk has reached the small
modified cow milk or soy products. During the
intestine (9). Fat in artificial milks is less completely
manufacturing process the quantities of nutrients are
digested (4).
adjusted to make them more comparable to breast
Epidermal growth factor (10) stimulates maturation of milk. However, the qualitative differences in the fat
the lining of the infant’s intestine, so that it is better and protein cannot be altered, and the absence of
able to digest and absorb nutrients, and is less easily anti-infective and bio-active factors remain. Pow-
infected or sensitised to foreign proteins. It has been dered infant formula is not a sterile product, and may
suggested that other growth factors present in human be unsafe in other ways. Life threatening infections
milk target the development and maturation of nerves in newborns have been traced to contamination with
and retina (11). pathogenic bacteria, such as Enterobacter sakazakii,
found in powdered formula (15). Soy formula con-
2.2 Colostrum and mature milk tains phyto-oestrogens, with activity similar to the
Colostrum is the special milk that is secreted in the human hormone oestrogen, which could potentially
first 2–3 days after delivery. It is produced in small reduce fertility in boys and bring early puberty in
amounts, about 40–50 ml on the first day (12), but is girls (16).
all that an infant normally needs at this time. Colos-
trum is rich in white cells and antibodies, especially 2.4 Anatomy of the breast
sIgA, and it contains a larger percentage of protein, The breast structure (Figure 3) includes the nipple and
minerals and fat-soluble vitamins (A, E and K) than areola, mammary tissue, supporting connective tis-
later milk (2). Vitamin A is important for protection sue and fat, blood and lymphatic vessels, and nerves
of the eye and for the integrity of epithelial surfaces, (17,18).
and often makes the colostrum yellowish in colour.
The mammary tissue – This tissue includes the alveoli,
Colostrum provides important immune protection
which are small sacs made of milk-secreting cells, and
to an infant when he or she is first exposed to the
the ducts that carry the milk to the outside. Between
micro-organisms in the environment, and epidermal
feeds, milk collects in the lumen of the alveoli and
growth factor helps to prepare the lining of the gut
ducts. The alveoli are surrounded by a basket of
to receive the nutrients in milk. It is important that
myoepithelial, or muscle cells, which contract and
infants receive colostrum, and not other feeds, at this
make the milk flow along the ducts.
time. Other feeds given before breastfeeding is estab-
lished are called prelacteal feeds. Nipple and areola – The nipple has an average of nine
milk ducts passing to the outside, and also muscle
Milk starts to be produced in larger amounts between
fibres and nerves. The nipple is surrounded by the
2 and 4 days after delivery, making the breasts feel
circular pigmented areola, in which are located Mont-
full; the milk is then said to have “come in”. On the
gomery’s glands. These glands secrete an oily fluid that
third day, an infant is normally taking about 300–400
protects the skin of the nipple and areola during lac-
ml per 24 hours, and on the fifth day 500–800 ml (12).
tation, and produce the mother’s individual scent that
From day 7 to 14, the milk is called transitional, and
attracts her baby to the breast. The ducts beneath the
after 2 weeks it is called mature milk.
areola fill with milk and become wider during a feed,
when the oxytocin reflex is active.
2. The physiological basis of breastfeeding 11
Figure 3 Figure 4
Anatomy of the breast Prolactin
Sensory impulses
from nipples
in blood
2.5 Hormonal control of milk production More prolactin is produced at night, so breastfeeding
There are two hormones that directly affect breast- at night is especially helpful for keeping up the milk
feeding: prolactin and oxytocin. A number of other supply. Prolactin seems to make a mother feel relaxed
hormones, such as oestrogen, are involved indirectly in and sleepy, so she usually rests well even if she breast-
lactation (2). When a baby suckles at the breast, sensory feeds at night.
impulses pass from the nipple to the brain. In response, Suckling affects the release of other pituitary hor-
the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland secretes prolac- mones, including gonadotrophin releasing hormone
tin and the posterior lobe secretes oxytocin. (GnRH), follicle stimulating hormone, and luteinising
hormone, which results in suppression of ovulation
Prolactin and menstruation. Therefore, frequent breastfeeding
Prolactin is necessary for the secretion of milk by the can help to delay a new pregnancy (see Session 8 on
cells of the alveoli. The level of prolactin in the blood Mother’s Health). Breastfeeding at night is important
increases markedly during pregnancy, and stimulates to ensure this effect.
the growth and development of the mammary tissue,
in preparation for the production of milk (19). How- Oxytocin
ever, milk is not secreted then, because progesterone Oxytocin makes the myoepithelial cells around the
and oestrogen, the hormones of pregnancy, block this alveoli contract. This makes the milk, which has col-
action of prolactin. After delivery, levels of progester- lected in the alveoli, flow along and fill the ducts (21)
one and oestrogen fall rapidly, prolactin is no longer (see Figure 5). Sometimes the milk is ejected in fine
blocked, and milk secretion begins. streams.
When a baby suckles, the level of prolactin in the
Figure 5
blood increases, and stimulates production of milk Oxytocin
by the alveoli (Figure 4). The prolactin level is highest
about 30 minutes after the beginning of the feed, so
its most important effect is to make milk for the next Sensory impulses
feed (20). During the first few weeks, the more a baby from nipples
suckles and stimulates the nipple, the more prolac- Oxytocin
tin is produced, and the more milk is produced. This in blood
effect is particularly important at the time when lac-
tation is becoming established. Although prolactin is
still necessary for milk production, after a few weeks Baby suckling
• Makes uterus
there is not a close relationship between the amount
of prolactin and the amount of milk produced. How-
ever, if the mother stops breastfeeding, milk secretion
may stop too – then the milk will dry up. Works before or during a feed to make the milk flow
12 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
The oxytocin reflex is also sometimes called the “let- Psychological effects of oxytocin
down reflex” or the “milk ejection reflex”. Oxytocin Oxytocin also has important psychological effects,
is produced more quickly than prolactin. It makes the and is known to affect mothering behaviour in ani-
milk that is already in the breast flow for the current mals. In humans, oxytocin induces a state of calm,
feed, and helps the baby to get the milk easily. and reduces stress (22). It may enhance feelings of
Oxytocin starts working when a mother expects a affection between mother and child, and promote
feed as well as when the baby is suckling. The reflex bonding. Pleasant forms of touch stimulate the secre-
becomes conditioned to the mother’s sensations and tion of oxytocin, and also prolactin, and skin-to-skin
feelings, such as touching, smelling or seeing her baby, contact between mother and baby after delivery helps
or hearing her baby cry, or thinking lovingly about both breastfeeding and emotional bonding (23,24).
him or her. If a mother is in severe pain or emotion-
ally upset, the oxytocin reflex may become inhibited, 2.6 Feedback inhibitor of lactation
and her milk may suddenly stop flowing well. If she Milk production is also controlled in the breast by a
receives support, is helped to feel comfortable and lets substance called the feedback inhibitor of lactation, or
the baby continue to breastfeed, the milk will flow FIL (a polypeptide), which is present in breast milk
again. (25). Sometimes one breast stops making milk while
Understanding the oxytocin reflex is important in the other breast continues, for example if a baby suck-
practice, because it explains why it is important to les only on one side. This is because of the local con-
keep a mother and baby together and for them to have trol of milk production independently within each
skin-to-skin contact, to help the flow of milk. breast. If milk is not removed, the inhibitor collects
and stops the cells from secreting any more, helping
Oxytocin makes a mother’s uterus contract after to protect the breast from the harmful effects of being
delivery and helps to reduce bleeding. The contrac- too full. If breast milk is removed the inhibitor is also
tions can cause severe uterine pain when a baby suck- removed, and secretion resumes. If the baby cannot
les during the first few days. suckle, then milk must be removed by expression.
Signs of an active oxytocin reflex FIL enables the amount of milk produced to be deter-
mined by how much the baby takes, and therefore
Mothers may notice signs that show that the oxytocin
by how much the baby needs. This mechanism is
reflex is active:
particularly important for ongoing close regulation
K a tingling sensation in the breast before or during a after lactation is established. At this stage, prolactin
feed; is needed to enable milk secretion to take place, but it
does not control the amount of milk produced.
K milk flowing from her breasts when she thinks of
the baby or hears him crying;
2.7 Reflexes in the baby
K milk flowing from the other breast when the baby
The baby’s reflexes are important for appropriate
is suckling;
breastfeeding. The main reflexes are rooting, suckling
K milk flowing from the breast in streams if suckling and swallowing. When something touches a baby’s
is interrupted; lips or cheek, the baby turns to find the stimulus, and
opens his or her mouth, putting his or her tongue
K slow deep sucks and swallowing by the baby, which
down and forward. This is the rooting reflex and is
show that milk is flowing into his mouth;
present from about the 32nd week of pregnancy.
K uterine pain or a flow of blood from the uterus; When something touches a baby’s palate, he or she
K thirst during a feed. starts to suck it. This is the sucking reflex. When the
baby’s mouth fills with milk, he or she swallows. This
If one or more of these signs are present, the reflex is the swallowing reflex. Preterm infants can grasp
is working. However, if they are not present, it does the nipple from about 28 weeks gestational age, and
not mean that the reflex is not active. The signs may they can suckle and remove some milk from about
not be obvious, and the mother may not be aware of 31 weeks. Coordination of suckling, swallowing and
them. breathing appears between 32 and 35 weeks of preg-
nancy. Infants can only suckle for a short time at that
2. The physiological basis of breastfeeding 13
age, but they can take supplementary feeds by cup. K the baby is suckling from the breast, not from the
A majority of infants can breastfeed fully at a gesta- nipple.
tional age of 36 weeks (26).
As the baby suckles, a wave passes along the tongue
When supporting a mother and baby to initiate and from front to back, pressing the teat against the hard
establish exclusive breastfeeding, it is important to palate, and pressing milk out of the sinuses into the
know about these reflexes, as their level of maturation baby’s mouth from where he or she swallows it. The
will guide whether an infant can breastfeed directly baby uses suction mainly to stretch out the breast tis-
or temporarily requires another feeding method. sue and to hold it in his or her mouth. The oxytocin
reflex makes the breast milk flow along the ducts,
2.8 How a baby attaches and suckles at the breast and the action of the baby’s tongue presses the milk
To stimulate the nipple and remove milk from the from the ducts into the baby’s mouth. When a baby
breast, and to ensure an adequate supply and a good is well attached his mouth and tongue do not rub or
flow of milk, a baby needs to be well attached so traumatise the skin of the nipple and areola. Suckling
that he or she can suckle effectively (27). Difficulties is comfortable and often pleasurable for the mother.
often occur because a baby does not take the breast She does not feel pain.
into his or her mouth properly, and so cannot suckle
effectively. Poor attachment
Figure 7 shows what happens in the mouth when a
Figure 6 baby is not well attached at the breast.
Good attachment – inside the infant’s mouth
The points to notice are:
K only the nipple is in the baby’s mouth, not the
underlying breast tissue or ducts;
K the baby’s tongue is back inside his or her mouth,
and cannot reach the ducts to press on them.
Suckling with poor attachment may be uncomfort-
able or painful for the mother, and may damage the
skin of the nipple and areola, causing sore nipples and
fissures (or “cracks”). Poor attachment is the com-
monest and most important cause of sore nipples (see
Session 7.6), and may result in inefficient removal of
milk and apparent low supply.
Figure 7
Good attachment Poor attachment – inside the infant’s mouth
Figure 6 shows how a baby takes the breast into his
or her mouth to suckle effectively. This baby is well
attached to the breast.
The points to notice are:
K much of the areola and the tissues underneath
it, including the larger ducts, are in the baby’s
K the breast is stretched out to form a long ‘teat’, but
the nipple only forms about one third of the ‘teat’;
K the baby’s tongue is forward over the lower gums,
beneath the milk ducts (the baby’s tongue is in fact
cupped around the sides of the ‘teat’, but a drawing
cannot show this);
14 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
K the baby’s lower lip is curled outwards; Towards the end of a feed, suckling usually slows down,
with fewer deep suckles and longer pauses between
K the baby’s chin is touching or almost touching the them. This is the time when the volume of milk is
breast. less, but as it is fat-rich hindmilk, it is important for
These signs show that the baby is close to the breast, the feed to continue. When the baby is satisfied, he
and opening his or her mouth to take in plenty of or she usually releases the breast spontaneously. The
breast. The areola sign shows that the baby is taking nipple may look stretched out for a second or two, but
the breast and nipple from below, enabling the nipple it quickly returns to its resting form.
to touch the baby’s palate, and his or her tongue to
reach well underneath the breast tissue, and to press Signs of ineffective suckling
on the ducts. All four signs need to be present to show A baby who is poorly attached is likely to suckle inef-
that a baby is well attached. In addition, suckling fectively. He or she may suckle quickly all the time,
should be comfortable for the mother. without swallowing, and the cheeks may be drawn in
The signs of poor attachment are: as he or she suckles showing that milk is not flow-
ing well into the baby’s mouth. When the baby stops
K more of the areola is visible below the baby’s bot- feeding, the nipple may stay stretched out, and look
tom lip than above the top lip – or the amounts squashed from side to side, with a pressure line across
above and below are equal; the tip, showing that the nipple is being damaged by
K the baby’s mouth is not wide open; incorrect suction.
K the baby may pull away from the breast out of frus- Figure 9
tration and refuse to feed; Baby well positioned at the breast
Position of the mother K He or she should be facing the breast. The nip-
The mother can be sitting or lying down (see Figure 9), ples usually point slightly downwards, so the baby
or standing, if she wishes. However, she needs to be should not be flat against the mother’s chest or
relaxed and comfortable, and without strain, particu- abdomen, but turned slightly on his or her back
larly of her back. If she is sitting, her back needs to be able to see the mother’s face.
supported, and she should be able to hold the baby at K The baby’s body should be close to the mother
her breast without leaning forward. which enables the baby to be close to the breast,
and to take a large mouthful.
Position of the baby
K His or her whole body should be supported. The
The baby can breastfeed in several different positions
baby may be supported on the bed or a pillow, or
in relation to the mother: across her chest and abdo-
the mother’s lap or arm. She should not support
men, under her arm, or alongside her body.
only the baby’s head and neck. She should not
Whatever the position of the mother, and the baby’s grasp the baby’s bottom, as this can pull him or
general position in relation to her, there are four key her too far out to the side, and make it difficult for
points about the position of the baby’s body that are the baby to get his or her chin and tongue under
important to observe. the areola.
K The baby’s body should be straight, not bent or These points about positioning are especially impor-
twisted. The baby’s head can be slightly extended tant for young infants during the first two months of
at the neck, which helps his or her chin to be close life. (See also Feeding History Job Aid, 0–6 months,
in to the breast. in Session 5.)
16 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
Session 3
3.1 Guiding Principles for Box 1
Complementary Feeding
Guiding principles for complementary feeding
After 6 months of age, it becomes increasingly diffi-
of the breastfed child
cult for breastfed infants to meet their nutrient needs
from human milk alone. Furthermore most infants 1. Practise exclusive breastfeeding from birth to 6 months of
are developmentally ready for other foods at about 6 age, and introduce complementary foods at 6 months of
months. In settings where environmental sanitation age (180 days) while continuing to breastfeed.
is very poor, waiting until even later than 6 months to 2. Continue frequent, on-demand breastfeeding until 2 years
introduce complementary foods might reduce expo- of age or beyond.
sure to food-borne diseases. However, because infants
are beginning to actively explore their environment at 3. Practise responsive feeding, applying the principles of
this age, they will be exposed to microbial contami- psychosocial care.
nants through soil and objects even if they are not 4. Practise good hygiene and proper food handling.
given complementary foods. Thus, 6 months is the
5. Start at 6 months of age with small amounts of food
recommended appropriate age at which to introduce
and increase the quantity as the child gets older, while
complementary foods (1).
maintaining frequent breastfeeding.
During the period of complementary feeding, chil-
6. Gradually increase food consistency and variety as the
dren are at high risk of undernutrition (2). Comple-
infant grows older, adapting to the infant’s requirements
mentary foods are often of inadequate nutritional
and abilities.
quality, or they are given too early or too late, in too
small amounts, or not frequently enough. Premature 7. Increase the number of times that the child is fed
cessation or low frequency of breastfeeding also con- complementary foods as the child gets older.
tributes to insufficient nutrient and energy intake in
8. Feed a variety of nutrient-rich foods to ensure that all
infants beyond 6 months of age.
nutrient needs are met.
The Guiding principles for complementary feeding of
9. Use fortified complementary foods or vitamin-mineral
the breastfed child, summarized in Box 1, set standards
supplements for the infant, as needed
for developing locally appropriate feeding recom-
mendations (3). They provide guidance on desired 10. Increase fluid intake during illness, including more
feeding behaviours as well as on the amount, consist- frequent breastfeeding, and encourage the child to eat
ency, frequency, energy density and nutrient content soft, favourite foods. After illness, give food more often
of foods. The Guiding principles are explained in more than usual and encourage the child to eat more.
detail in the paragraphs below.
A Guiding Principle 1. Practise exclusive breastfeeding but also in industrialized countries. According to the
from birth to 6 months of age and introduce WHO growth standards, children who are exclusively
complementary foods at 6 months of age (180 days) breastfed grow better in the first 6 months than other
while continuing to breastfeed infants (4).
Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months confers several By the age of 6 months, a baby has usually at least
benefits to the infant and the mother. Chief among doubled his or her birth weight, and is becoming
these is the protective effect against gastrointestinal more active. Exclusive breastfeeding is no longer suf-
infections, which is observed not only in developing ficient to meet all energy and nutrient needs by itself,
20 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
and complementary foods should be introduced to have revealed that a casual style of feeding predomi-
make up the difference. At about 6 months of age, an nates in some populations. Young children are left to
infant is also developmentally ready for other foods feed themselves, and encouragement to eat is rarely
(5). The digestive system is mature enough to digest observed. In such settings, a more active style of feed-
the starch, protein and fat in a non-milk diet. Very ing can improve dietary intake. The term “responsive
young infants push foods out with their tongue, but feeding” (see Box 2) is used to describe caregiving that
by between 6 and 9 months infants can receive and applies the principles of psychosocial care.
hold semi-solid food in their mouths more easily.
A child should have his or her own plate or bowl so
that the caregiver knows if the child is getting enough
A Guiding Principle 2. Continue frequent on-demand
food. A utensil such as a spoon, or just a clean hand,
breastfeeding until 2 years of age or beyond
may be used to feed a child, depending on the culture.
Breastfeeding should continue with complementary The utensil needs to be appropriate for the child’s age.
feeding up to 2 years of age or beyond, and it should Many communities use a small spoon when a child
be on demand, as often as the child wants. starts taking solids. Later a larger spoon or a fork may
Breast milk can provide one half or more of a child’s be used.
energy needs between 6 and 12 months of age, and Whether breastfeeds or complementary foods are giv-
one third of energy needs and other high quality en first at any meal has not been shown to matter. A
nutrients between 12 and 24 months (6). Breast milk mother can decide according to her convenience, and
continues to provide higher quality nutrients than the child’s demands.
complementary foods, and also protective factors.
Breast milk is a critical source of energy and nutrients A Guiding Principle 4. Practise good hygiene and
during illness (7), and reduces mortality among chil- proper food handling
dren who are malnourished (8, 9). In addition, as dis-
Microbial contamination of complementary foods is
cussed in Session 1, breastfeeding reduces the risk of a
a major cause of diarrhoeal disease, which is partic-
number of acute and chronic diseases. Children tend
ularly common in children 6 to 12 months old (12).
to breastfeed less often when complementary foods
Safe preparation and storage of complementary foods
are introduced, so breastfeeding needs to be actively
can prevent contamination and reduce the risk of
encouraged to sustain breast-milk intake.
diarrhoea. The use of bottles with teats to feed liquids
is more likely to result in transmission of infection
A Guiding Principle 3. Practise responsive feeding
than the use of cups, and should be avoided (13).
applying the principles of psychosocial care
All utensils, such as cups, bowls and spoons, used
Optimal complementary feeding depends not only
for an infant or young child’s food should be washed
on what is fed but also on how, when, where and
thoroughly. Eating by hand is common in many cul-
by whom a child is fed (10,11). Behavioural studies
tures, and children may be given solid pieces of food
to hold and chew on, sometimes called “finger foods”.
Box 2
It is important for both the caregiver’s and the child’s
Responsive feeding hands to be washed thoroughly before eating.
K Feed infants directly and assist older children when they Bacteria multiply rapidly in hot weather, and more
feed themselves. Feed slowly and patiently, and encourage slowly if food is refrigerated. Larger numbers of bacte-
children to eat, but do not force them. ria produced in hot weather increase the risk of illness
K If children refuse many foods, experiment with different (14). When food cannot be refrigerated it should be
food combinations, tastes, textures and methods of eaten soon after it has been prepared (no more than 2
encouragement. hours), before bacteria have time to multiply.
K Minimize distractions during meals if the child loses Basic recommendations for the preparation of safe
interest easily. foods (15) are summarized in Box 3.
0–2 m 3–5 m 6–8 m 9–11 m 12–23 m
Age (months)
The age ranges should be interpreted as follows: a child 6–8
Table 1
Practical guidance on the quality, frequency and amount of food to offer children 6–23 months of age
who are breastfed on demand
Age Energy needed per day in Texture Frequency Amount of food an average
addition to breast milk child will usually eat at
each meala
6–8 months 200 kcal per day Start with thick porridge, 2–3 meals per day Start with 2–3 tablespoonfuls
well mashed foods per feed, increasing gradually
Depending on the child’s appetite, to ½ of a 250 ml cup
Continue with mashed 1–2 snacks may be offered
family foods
9–11 months 300 kcal per day Finely chopped or mashed 3–4 meals per day ½ of a 250 ml cup/bowl
foods, and foods that baby
can pick up Depending on the child’s appetite,
1–2 snacks may be offered
12–23 months 550 kcal per day Family foods, chopped or 3–4 meals per day ¾ to full 250 ml cup/bowl
mashed if necessary
Depending on the child’s appetite,
1–2 snacks may be offered
Further information
The amounts of food included in the table are recommended when the energy density of the meals is about 0.8 to 1.0 kcal/g.
If the energy density of the meals is about 0.6 kcal/g, the mother should increase the energy density of the meal (adding special foods) or increase the amount of food per meal. For
— for 6 to 8 months, increase gradually to two thirds cup
— for 9 to 11 months, give three quarters cup
— for 12 to 23 months, give a full cup.
The table should be adapted based on the energy content of local complementary foods.
The mother or caregiver should feed the child using the principles of responsive feeding, recognizing the signs of hunger and satiety. These signs should guide the amount of food
given at each meal and the need for snacks.
If baby is not breastfed, give in addition: 1–2 cups of milk per day, and 1–2 extra meals per day (18).
A Guiding Principle 6. Gradually increase food to give more kcal and to include a variety of nutri-
consistency and variety as the infant grows older, ent-rich ingredients including animal-source foods.
adapting to the infant’s requirements and abilities There is evidence of a critical window for introducing
‘lumpy’ foods: if these are delayed beyond 10 months
The most suitable consistency for an infant’s or
of age, it may increase the risk of feeding difficulties
young child’s food depends on age and neuromus-
later on. Although it may save time to continue feed-
cular development (19). Beginning at 6 months, an
ing semi-solid foods, for optimal child development it
infant can eat pureed, mashed or semi-solid foods. By
is important to gradually increase the solidity of food
8 months most infants can also eat finger foods. By
with age.
12 months, most children can eat the same types of
foods as consumed by the rest of the family. However, A Guiding Principle 7. Increase the number of times
they need nutrient-rich food, as explained in Guiding that the child is fed complementary foods as the child
principle 8, and foods that can cause choking, such as gets older
whole peanuts, should be avoided.
As a child gets older and needs a larger total quantity
A complementary food should be thick enough so of food each day, the food needs to be divided into a
that it stays on a spoon and does not drip off. Gen- larger number of meals.
erally, foods that are thicker or more solid are more
energy- and nutrient-dense than thin, watery or soft The number of meals that an infant or young child
foods. When a child eats thick, solid foods, it is easier needs in a day depends on:
3. Complementary feeding 23
K how much energy the child needs to cover the ener- Figure 11
gy gap. The more food a child needs each day, the Gaps to be filled by complementary foods for a breastfed
more meals are needed to ensure that he or she gets child 12–23 months
enough. 100 Gap
K the amount that a child can eat at one meal. This
vitamin A, but not of iron. A child needs the solid young children can consume a variety of foods from
part of these foods, not just the watery sauce. the age of six months, including cow milk, eggs, pea-
nuts, fish and shellfish (18).
K Dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yoghurt,
are useful sources of calcium, protein, energy and
A Guiding Principle 9. Use fortified complementary
B vitamins.
foods or vitamin-mineral supplements for the infant as
K Pulses – peas, beans, lentils, peanuts, and soybeans needed
are good sources of protein, and some iron. Eat-
Unfortified complementary foods that are predomi-
ing sources of vitamin C (for example, tomatoes,
nantly plant-based generally provide insufficient
citrus and other fruits, and green leafy vegetables)
amounts of certain key nutrients (particularly iron,
at the same time helps iron absorption.
zinc and vitamin B6) to meet recommended nutrient
K Orange-coloured fruits and vegetables such as car- intakes during complementary feeding. Inclusion of
rot, pumpkin, mango and papaya, and dark-green animal-source foods can meet the gap in some cases,
leaves such as spinach, are rich in carotene, from but this increases cost and may not be practical for
which vitamin A is made, and also vitamin C. the lowest-income groups. Furthermore, the amounts
of animal-source foods that can feasibly be consumed
K Fats and oils are concentrated sources of energy,
by infants (e.g. at 6–12 months) are generally insuf-
and of certain essential fats that children need to
ficient to meet the gap in iron. The difficulty in meet-
ing the needs for these nutrients is not unique to
Vegetarian (plant-based) complementary foods do not developing countries. Average iron intakes in infants
by themselves provide enough iron and zinc to meet in industrialized countries would fall well short of
all the needs of an infant or young child aged 6–23 recommended intake if iron-fortified products were
months. Animal-source foods that contain enough not widely available. Therefore, in settings where lit-
iron and zinc are needed in addition. Alternatively, tle or no animal-source foods are available to many
fortified foods or micronutrient supplements can fill families, iron-fortified complementary foods or foods
some of the critical nutrient gaps. fortified at the point of consumption with a multinu-
Fats, including oils, are important because they trient powder or lipid-based nutrient supplement may
increase the energy density of foods, and make them be necessary.
taste better. Fat also helps the absorption of vitamin
A Guiding Principle 10. Increase fluid intake during
A and other fat-soluble vitamins. Some fats, espe-
illness, including more frequent breastfeeding, and
cially soy and rapeseed oil, also provide essential fatty
encourage the child to eat soft, favourite foods. After
acids. Fat should comprise 30–45% of the total ener-
illness, give food more often than usual and encourage
gy provided by breast milk and complementary foods
the child to eat more
together. Fat should not provide more than this pro-
portion, or the child will not eat enough of the foods During an illness, the need for fluid often increases,
that contain protein and other important nutrients, so a child should be offered and encouraged to take
such as iron and zinc. more, and breastfeeding on demand should continue.
A child’s appetite for food often decreases, while the
Sugar is a concentrated source of energy, but it has
desire to breastfeed increases, and breast milk may
no other nutrients. It can damage children’s teeth,
become the main source of both fluid and nutrients.
and lead to overweight and obesity. Sugar and sug-
ary drinks, such as soda, should be avoided because A child should also be encouraged to eat some com-
they decrease the child’s appetite for more nutritious plementary food to maintain nutrient intake and
foods. Tea and coffee contain compounds that can enhance recovery (20). Intake is usually better if the
interfere with iron absorption and are not recom- child is offered his or her favourite foods, and if the
mended for young children. foods are soft and appetizing. The amount eaten at
any one time is likely to be less than usual, so the
Concerns about potential allergic effects are a com-
caregiver may need to give more frequent, smaller
mon reason for families to restrict certain foods in
the diets of infants and young children. However,
there are no controlled studies that show that restric- When the infant or young child is recovering, and his
tive diets have an allergy-preventing effect. Therefore, or her appetite improves, the caregiver should offer
3. Complementary feeding 25
Table 3
Appropriate foods for complementary feeding
What foods to give and why How to give the foods
Breast milk: continues to provide energy and high quality nutrients Infants 6–11 months
up to 23 months
K Continue breastfeeding
Staple foods: provide energy, some protein (cereals only) and
K Give adequate servings of:
K Examples: cereals (rice, wheat, maize, millet, quinoa), roots — Thick porridge made out of maize, cassava, millet; add milk, soy, ground
(cassava, yam and potatoes) and starchy fruits (plantain and nuts or sugar
— Mixtures of pureed foods made out of matoke, potatoes, cassava, posho
Animal-source foods: provide high quality protein, haem iron, zinc (maize or millet) or rice: mix with fish, beans or pounded groundnuts;
and vitamins add green vegetables
K Examples: liver, red meat, chicken, fish, eggs (not good source of
K Give nutritious snacks: egg, banana, bread, papaya, avocado, mango, other
fruits, yogurt, milk and puddings made with milk, biscuits or crackers, bread or
Milk products: provide protein, energy, most vitamins (especially chapati with butter, margarine, groundnut paste or honey, bean cakes, cooked
vitamin A and folate), calcium potatoes
K Examples: milk, cheese, yogurt and curds
Children 12–23 months
Green leafy and orange-coloured vegetables: provide vitamins
A, C, folate K Continue breastfeeding
K Examples: spinach, broccoli, chard, carrots, pumpkins, sweet
K Give adequate servings of:
— Mixtures of mashed or finely cut family foods made out of matoke,
Pulses: provide protein (of medium quality), energy, iron (not well
potatoes, cassava, posho (maize or millet) or rice; mix with fish or beans
or pounded groundnuts; add green vegetables
K Examples: chickpeas, lentils, cowpeas, black-eyed peas, kidney
beans, lima beans — Thick porridge made out of maize, cassava, millet; add milk, soy, ground
nuts or sugar
Oils and fats: provide energy and essential fatty acids
K Examples: oils (preferably soy or rapeseed oil), margarine, butter K Give nutritious snacks: egg, banana, bread, papaya, avocado, mango, other
or lard fruits, yogurt, milk and puddings made with milk, biscuits or crackers, bread or
chapati with butter, margarine, groundnut paste or honey, bean cakes, cooked
Seeds: provide energy
K Examples: groundnut paste or other nut pastes, soaked or
germinated seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower, melon, sesame
Foods rich in iron
K Liver (any type), organ meat, flesh of animals (especially red meat), flesh of birds (especially dark meat), foods fortified with iron
Foods rich in Vitamin A
K Liver (any type), red palm oil, egg yolk, orange coloured fruits and vegetables, dark green vegetables
Foods rich in zinc
K Liver (any type), organ meat, food prepared with blood, flesh of animals, birds and fish, shell fish, egg yolk
Foods rich in calcium
K Milk or milk products, small fish with bones
Foods rich in Vitamin C
K Fresh fruits, tomatoes, peppers (green, red, yellow), green leaves and vegetables
4. WHO. Training course on child growth assessment. 15. WHO. The five keys to safer food. Geneva, World
Geneva, World Health Organization, 2008 (in Health Organization, 2001.
press). 16. WHO. Complementary feeding. Family foods for
5. Naylor AJ, Morrow AL. Developmental readiness of breastfed children. Geneva, World Health Organi-
normal full term infants to progress from exclusive zation, 2000.
breastfeeding to the introduction of complementary 17. Drewett R et al. Relationships between nursing
foods. Washington DC, LINKAGES/Wellstart patterns, supplementary food intake, and breast-
International, 2001. milk intake in a rural Thai population. Early
6. Dewey KG, Brown KH. Update on technical issues Human Development, 1989, 20:13–23.
concerning complementary feeding of young chil- 18. WHO. Guiding principles for feeding non-breastfed
dren in developing countries and implications for children 6–24 months of age. Geneva, World Health
intervention programs. Food and Nutrition Bulle- Organization, 2005.
tin, 2003, 24:5–28.
19. WHO/UNICEF. Complementary feeding of young
7. Brown KH et al. Effects of common illnesses on children in developing countries: a review of cur-
infants’ energy intakes from breast milk and oth- rent scientific knowledge. Geneva, World Health
er foods during longitudinal community-based Organization, 1998 (WHO/NUT/98.1).
studies in Huascar (Lima), Peru. American Jour-
20. Brown K. A rational approach to feeding infants
nal of Clinical Nutrition, 1990, 52:1005–1013.
and young children with acute diarrhea. In: Lif-
8. Briend A, Bari A. Breastfeeding improves surviv- schiz CH, ed. Pediatric gastroenterology and nutri-
al, but not nutritional status, of 12–35 months old tion in clinical practice. New York, Marcel Dekker
children in rural Bangladesh. European Journal of Inc., 2001.
Clinical Nutrition, 1989, 43(9):603–8.
21. WHO/UNICEF/IVACG Task Force. Vitamin A
9. Mobak K et al. Prolonged breastfeeding, diarrhoeal supplements: a guide to their use in the treatment of
disease, and survival of children in Guinea-Bissau. vitamin A deficiency and xerophthalmia. Geneva,
British Medical Journal, 1994, 308:1403–1406. World Health Organization, 1997.
10. Engle P, Bentley M, Pelto G. The role of care in 22. WHO/UNICEF. Joint statement: iron supplemen-
nutrition programmes: current research and a tation of young children in regions where malaria
research agenda. Proceedings of the Royal Society, transmission is intense and infectious disease highly
2000, 59:25–35. prevalent. Geneva, World Health Organization,
11. Pelto G, Levitt E, Thairu L. Improving feeding 2006.
practices: current patterns, common constraints, 23. WHO. Conclusions and recommendations of the
and the design of interventions. Food and Nutri- WHO consultation on prevention and control of
tion Bulletin, 2003, 24(1):45–82. iron-deficiency anaemia in infants and young chil-
dren in malaria-endemic areas. Geneva World
Health Organization, 2006.
28 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
24. WHO/UNICEF Joint Statement. Reaching optimal 27. FAO. World Food Dietary Assessment System. Rome,
iodine nutrition in pregnant and lactating women Food and Agriculture Organization, 1996 (http://
and young children. Geneva, World Health Organ- en.stm,
ization, 2007. accessed 27 August, 2008).
25. WHO/UNICEF. Joint statement on clinical man- 28. Linear programming module. NutriSurvey (http://
agement of acute diarrhoea. Geneva, World Health, accessed 27 August
Organization, 2004. 2008).
26. WHO. IMCI adaptation guide. Part 3: the study
protocols. Geneva, World Health Organization,
Management and support of infant
Session 4
feeding in maternity facilities
A Step 1: Have a written breastfeeding policy that is Antenatal preparation of the breasts for breastfeed-
routinely communicated to all health care staff ing is not helpful. Exercises to stretch flat or inverted
nipples, and devices worn over the nipples during
A hospital policy and related guidelines should cover
pregnancy, are not effective in increasing breastfeed-
all aspects of management outlined by the Ten Steps,
ing success (9). Providing skilled support to help the
and all staff should be fully informed about the policy.
baby to attach soon after delivery is more effective.
To be accredited as baby-friendly, a hospital is required
to avoid all promotion of breast-milk substitutes
(BMS) and related products, bottles and teats, and not
4.4 Early contact
to accept free or low-cost supplies or to give out sam- The first hour of a baby’s life is of great importance for
ples of those products (see Session 9.1.2 on the Code). the initiation and continuation of breastfeeding, and
to establish the emotional bond between mother and
A Step 2: Train all health care staff in skills necessary to baby. Delays in initiation of breastfeeding after the
implement this policy first hour increase the risk of neonatal mortality, in
particular neonatal deaths due to infections (10,11).
All health care staff with responsibility for mothers
and babies should be trained to implement the policy, A Step 4: Help mothers initiate breastfeeding within
which includes being able to help mothers to initiate one half hour of birth
and establish breastfeeding, and to overcome difficul-
ties. Training courses have been developed by WHO A baby should be delivered straight onto the mother’s
and UNICEF for this purpose (7,8). abdomen and chest, before delivery of the placenta
or any other procedures, unless there are medical
4.3 Antenatal preparation or obstetric complications that make it impossible
(12,13). The baby must be dried immediately to pre-
Preparation of mothers before they give birth is fun-
vent heat loss and then placed in skin-to-skin contact
damental to the success of the BFHI.
with the mother, usually in an upright position. Skin-
to-skin contact means that both the mother’s upper
A Step 3: Inform all pregnant women about the
body and her baby should be naked, with the baby’s
benefits and management of breastfeeding
upper body between the mother’s breasts. They should
Women need information about: be covered together to keep them warm. Skin-to-skin
K the benefits of breastfeeding and the risks of artifi- contact should start immediately after delivery or
cial or mixed feeding; within at least half an hour; and should continue for
as long as possible, but for at least one hour uninter-
K optimal practices, such as early skin-to-skin con- rupted (12). Mothers usually find the experience a
tact, exclusive breastfeeding, rooming-in, starting pleasure and emotionally meaningful.
to breastfeed soon after delivery, and why colos-
trum is important; Skin-to-skin contact is the best way to initiate breast-
feeding. A few babies want to suckle immediately.
K what to expect, including how the milk “comes in”, Most babies remain quiet for some time, and only
and how a baby suckles; start to show signs of readiness to feed after 20–30
K what they will need to do: skin-to-skin contact, minutes or more; some take over an hour (14). Car-
putting the baby to the breast, and appropriate pat- egivers should ensure that the baby is comfortably
terns of feeding. positioned between the mother’s breasts, but they
should not try to attach the baby to the mother’s
Some questions are usefully discussed in groups,
breast; the baby can do this in his or her own time.
while for others individual counselling is more appro-
Eventually a baby becomes more alert, and may start
priate. Opportunities for both are needed antenatally
raising his or her head, looking around, making
and postnatally, when mothers visit a health facility,
mouthing movements, sucking his or her hands, or
or during contacts with a community health worker.
massaging the breast with them. Some babies move
At group sessions, women can raise doubts and ask
towards and may find the areola and nipple by them-
questions, and discuss them together. Women who
selves, guided by their sense of smell (15). The mother
have concerns that they do not want to share with a
can help move her baby closer to the areola and nip-
group, or who have had difficult experiences before,
ple to start suckling. Many babies attach well at this
need to discuss them privately.
time, which helps them to learn to suckle effectively
4. Management and support of infant feeding in maternity facilities 31
Figure 12
Box 7
Back massage to stimulate the oxytocin reflex before
How to express breast milk by hand expressing breast milk
The mother should:
K Have a clean, dry, wide-necked container for the expressed
breast milk;
K Wash her hands thoroughly;
K Sit or stand comfortably and hold the container under her
nipple and areola;
K Put her thumb on top of her breast and her first finger
on the underside of her breast so that they are opposite each
other about 4 cms from the tip of the nipple;
K Compress and release her breast between her finger and
thumb a few times. If milk does not appear, re-position her
thumb and finger a little closer or further away from the
nipple and compress and release a number of times as before.
This should not hurt – if it hurts, the technique is wrong. At
first no milk may come, but after compressing a few times,
milk starts to drip out. It may flow in streams if the oxytocin A health worker or counsellor should explain to the
reflex is active; mother the basic principles:
K Compress and release all the way around her breast, with K Express both breasts each time.
her finger and thumb the same distance from the nipple; K Express the milk into a cup, glass, jug or jar that
K Express each breast until the milk drips slowly; has been thoroughly washed with water and soap.
K Repeat expressing from each breast 5 to 6 times; K Store EBM in a glass with a cover indicating time
and date.
K Stop expressing when milk drips slowly from the start of
compression, and does not flow; K Keep EBM at room temperature for 8 hours or in
a refrigerator for 24 to 48 hours. If she has a deep
K Avoid rubbing or sliding her fingers along the skin; freeze she can store it for 3 months (21).
K Avoid squeezing or pinching the nipple itself.
Stimulating the oxytocin reflex
Before the mother expresses her milk, she should
weight or premature may be separated from the stimulate her oxytocin reflex, to help the milk flow.
mother in a special care baby unit (see Session 6.1 She may do this herself by lightly massaging her
on low-birth-weight babies). breasts, or stimulating her nipples, and at the same
time thinking about the baby, watching him or her
K If a baby is able to take oral or enteral feeds, breast
if nearby, or looking at a photograph of him or her.
milk is usually the best feed to give.
She can also ask a helper to massage up and down her
K If a baby cannot take oral feeds, then it is helpful back on either side of her spine between her shoulder
for the mother to express her milk to build up and blades (see Figure 12).
maintain the supply, for when the baby is able to
start breastfeeding. Expressed breast milk (EBM) 4.6 Creating a supportive environment for
can be frozen and stored until the baby needs it breastfeeding
(21). In some facilities that are able to operate ade- Maternity facilities should ensure that their practices
quate standards for milk banking, it may be pos- are supportive, so that babies stay close to their moth-
sible to donate milk for other infants (22). ers for demand feeding, and that babies are not giv-
en unnecessary supplements, fed by bottle, or given
dummies (pacifiers).
4. Management and support of infant feeding in maternity facilities 33
A Step 6: Give newborn infants no food or drink other mother should offer the other breast, but the baby
than breast milk unless medically indicated may or may not want to take more. She can start on
the other breast at the next feed. In the first few days,
Foods and drinks given to a newborn baby before
babies may want to feed very often, and this is ben-
breastfeeding has started are called prelacteal feeds.
eficial because it stimulates milk production. The
Giving these feeds increases the risk of illnesses such
health worker should make sure that the baby is well
as diarrhoea and other infections and allergies, par-
attached and suckling effectively, and help the mother
ticularly if they are given before the baby has had
to understand that the baby will feed less often when
colostrum. Prelacteal feeds satisfy a baby’s hunger
breastfeeding is established.
and thirst, making him or her less interested in feed-
ing at the breast, so there is less stimulation of breast A Step 9: Give no artificial teats or pacifiers (also called
milk production. If a bottle is used, it may inter- dummies or soothers) to breastfeeding infants
fere with the baby learning to suckle at the breast.
Since prelacteal feeds can interfere with establish- Feeding a baby from a bottle with an artificial teat
ing breastfeeding, they should not be given without may make it more difficult for the baby to learn to
an acceptable medical reason (23). (See Annex 1 for attach well at the breast and may make it more dif-
acceptable medical reasons for use of breast-milk ficult to establish breastfeeding satisfactorily (26). If
substitutes). an infant cannot feed from the breast, then the safest
alternative is to feed from a cup (see Figure 13 and Box
A Step 7: Practice rooming-in – allow mothers and 8). Even low-birth-weight and premature babies can
infants to remain together – 24 hours a day cup feed. The reasons to feed with a cup include:
Babies should be allowed to stay in the same room K Cups are easier to clean, and can be cleaned with
as their mother, either in a cot beside her bed or in soap and water, if boiling is not possible.
the bed with her, 24 hours a day (24). They should be K Feeding from a cup does not interfere with the
separated only when strictly necessary, for example baby learning to suckle at the breast.
for a medical or surgical procedure. A cot should be
beside the mother’s bed, where she can easily see and K A cup cannot be left for the baby to feed him- or
reach her baby, not at the end of the bed, where it is herself. Someone has to hold the baby and give him
more difficult. Studies have shown that babies cry less some of the contact that he needs.
and mothers sleep as much when they are together as K Cup feeding is generally easier and better than
when the infant is in a separate room (8). Separating spoon feeding: spoon feeding takes longer and
infants from their mothers may be associated with requires an extra hand, and sometimes a baby does
long-term psychological trauma (25). not get enough milk by spoon.
Rooming-in is essential to enable a mother to breast-
feed her baby on demand and for her to learn the cues
such as wakefulness, rooting and mouthing, which Figure 13
Feeding a baby by cup
show that her baby is ready for a feed. It is better to
feed the baby in response to these cues than to wait
until the baby is crying.
9. The MAIN collaborative trial group. Preparing 20. Nissen E et al. Effects of routinely given pethi-
for breastfeeding: treatment of inverted nipples in dine during labour on infants’ developing breast-
pregnancy. Midwifery, 1994, 10:200–214. feeding behaviour: effects of dose delivery time
interval and various concentrations of pethidine/
10. Edmond KM et al. Delayed breastfeeding initia-
norpethidine in cord plasma. Acta Paediatrica,
tion increases risk of neonatal mortality. Pediat-
1997, 86:201–208.
rics, 2006, 117(3):e380–386.
21. United Kingdom Association for Milk Banking.
11. Edmond KM et al. Effect of early infant feeding
Guidelines for the collection, storage and handling
practices on infection-specific neonatal mortality:
of mother’s breast milk to be fed to her own baby
an investigation of causal links with observational
in hospital, 2nd ed. London, United Kingdom
data from Ghana. American Journal of Clinical
Association for Milk Banking, 2001 (http://www.
Nutrition, 2007, 86(4):1126–1131.
12. Widstrom AM et al. Gastric suction in healthy
22. United Kingdom Association for Milk Banking.
newborn infants. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavia,
Guidelines for the establishment and operation
1987, 76:566–572.
of human milk banks in the UK. 3rd ed. London,
13. Moore ER, Anderson GC, Bergman N. Early skin- United Kingdom Association for Milk Banking,
to-skin contact for mothers and their healthy 2003 (
newborn infants. Cochrane Database of Systematic
23. Perez-Escamilla R et al. Prelacteal feeds are nega-
Reviews, 2007, Issue 2.
tively associated with breastfeeding outcomes
14. Righard L, Alade MO. Effect of delivery room rou- in Honduras. Journal of Nutrition, 1996, 126:
tines on success of first breastfeed. Lancet, 1990, 2765–2773.
24. Christenson K et al. Temperature, metabolic adap-
15. Varendi H, Porter R. Breast odor as the only stim- tation and crying in healthy, full-term newborns
ulus elicits crawling towards the odour source. cared for skin-to-skin or in a cot. Acta Paediatrica,
Acta Paediatrica, 2001, 90(4):372–375. 1992, 81:488–493.
16. Mikeil-Kostyra K, Mazure J, Boltrusko I. Effect of 25. Christenson K et al. Separation distress call in the
early skin-to-skin contact after delivery on dura- human neonate in the absence of maternal body
tion of breastfeeding: a prospective cohort study. contact. Acta Paediatrica, 1992, 84:468–473.
Acta Paediatrica, 2002, 91:1301–1306.
26. Collins C et al. Effects of bottles, cups, and
17. Irons DW, Sriskandabalan P, Bullough CHW. A dummies on breastfeeding in preterm infants: a
simple alternative to parenteral oxytocics for the randomized controlled trial. British Medical Jour-
third stage of labour. International Federation of nal, 2004, 329:193–198.
Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 1994, 46:15–18.
27. Coutinho S et al. Comparison of the effect of two
18. Chua S et al. Influence of breastfeeding and nipple systems of promotion of exclusive breastfeeding.
stimulation on postpartum uterine activity. Brit- Lancet, 2005, 366:1094–1100.
ish Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1994,
28. Merten S, Dratva J, Ackerman-Liebrich U. Do
baby-friendly hospitals influence breastfeeding
19. Klaus M. Mother and infant: early emotional ties. duration on a national level? Pediatrics, 2005,
Paediatrics, 1998,102:1244–1246. 116:702–708.
Continuing support for infant
Session 5
and young child feeding
K Refer the mother and child if needed Building confidence and giving support
K Help the mother with feeding difficulties or poor K Accept what a mother thinks and feels.
practices K Recognize and praise what a mother and infant are doing
K Support good feeding practices right.
K Counsel the mother on her own health, nutrition K Give practical help.
and family planning. K Give a little, relevant information.
Follow-up K Use simple language.
K Make one or two suggestions (e.g. small “do-able”
5.3 Using good communication and support skills actions), not commands
If a health care worker is to effectively counsel a moth-
er or other caregiver, he or she should have good com-
munication skills. The same skills are useful in many be able to follow, and which may even make her
situations, for example for family planning, and also unwilling to talk to you again.
in ordinary life. They may be described in slightly
different ways and with different details in different Listening and learning skills
publications, but the principles are the same. The Using helpful non-verbal communication. Non-
tools described here include the basic skills useful in verbal communication means how you communicate
relation to infant and young child feeding. There are a other than by speaking. Helpful non-verbal com-
number of similar tools that can be used for the same munication shows that the health worker respects
purpose. the mother and is interested in her. It includes: keep-
ing your head about level with the mother’s, and not
towering over her; making eye contact, nodding and
smiling; making sure that there are no barriers, such
The sections that follow provide concrete guidance on infant as a table or conspicuous papers, between you and the
and complementary feeding counselling. They are written in a mother; making sure that you do not seem to be in a
direct style and often address the reader with ‘you’ to make it hurry; touching her or the baby in a culturally appro-
more interesting and easier to absorb the content. priate way.
Asking open questions. “Open questions” often
start with “how”, “when”, “who”, “what”, “why”. To
There are two groups of skills (see Box 10):
answer them it is necessary to give some information,
K listening and learning skills help you to encour- so they encourage a person to talk, and conversation
age a mother to talk about her situation and how becomes easier. The opposite are “closed questions”,
she feels in her own way, and they help you to pay which usually start with “Do you?”, “Are you”, “Is
attention to what she is saying; he?”, “Has she?”. A person can answer them with a
“yes” or “no”, thus giving little information. Open
K building confidence and giving support skills help
questions can also be more general, for example “Tell
you to give a mother information and suggest what
me more about…”.
she might do in her situation, so that she can decide
for herself what to do. Supporting a mother is more Using responses and gestures that show interest.
useful than giving direct advice which she may not Such responses include “Oh dear”, “Really?”, “Go
5. Continuing support for infant and young child feeding 39
on…” or “Eeeeh”. Gestures such as nodding and smil- of advice or has been struggling with her baby, this
ing are also responses that show interest. Showing kind of practical help may be the best way to show
interest encourages a mother to say more. that you understand, and she may be more receptive
to new information and suggestions. Helping with
Reflecting back what the mother says. Reflecting is
her breastfeeding technique is also practical help, but
a very helpful way to show that you are listening and
of a different kind as it involves giving her informa-
to encourage a mother to say more. It is best to reflect
tion too. She may not be ready for that at first.
back using slightly different words from the mother,
not to repeat exactly what she has said. You may only Giving a little relevant information. After you have
need to use one or two of the important words that listened to a mother or caregiver, think about her sit-
she used to show that you have heard her. uation and decide what information is most relevant
and useful at the time. You should avoid telling her
Empathizing. Showing that you understand how she
too much, because she may become confused and for-
feels lets the woman know that you understand her
get what is most important. Sometimes the most use-
feelings from her point of view, using phrases such as
ful information is a clear explanation of what she has
“you are worried”, “you were very upset” or “that is
noticed, for example the baby’s behaviour, or changes
hard for you”. You can also empathize with good feel-
in her breasts; or what to expect, for example how
ings, for example, “you must feel pleased”.
breast milk “comes in”, or when and why the infant
Avoiding words that sound judging. These are words needs foods in addition to breast milk. Helping her
such as “right”, “wrong”, “good”, “well”, “badly”, to understand the process is better than immediately
“properly”, “enough”. For example, the care provider telling her what to do.
should not say “Are you feeding your baby properly?
Using simple language. It is important to give infor-
Do you have enough milk?” This can make a mother
mation in a way that is easy for a person to under-
feel doubtful, and that she may be doing something
stand, using simple, everyday words.
wrong. It is better to ask “How are you feeding your
baby? How about your breast milk?” Sometimes ask- Making suggestions, not commands. If you tell a
ing “why” may sound judging, for example “Why did mother what to do, she may not be able to do it, but it
you give a bottle last night?” It is better to ask “What can be difficult for her to disagree with you. She may
made you give a bottle?” just say “yes” and not come back. Giving a suggestion
allows her to discuss whether or not she can follow
Confidence and support skills it. You can make other suggestions, encourage her to
Accepting what a mother thinks and feels. Accept- think of more practical alternatives and help her to
ing means not disagreeing with a mother or caregiver, decide what to do. This is particularly important in
but at the same time not agreeing with an incorrect the case of infant and young child feeding, when there
idea. Disagreeing with someone can make her feel often are different options.
criticised, and reduce her confidence and willing-
ness to communicate with you. Accepting involves 5.4 Assessing the situation
responding in a neutral way. Later, you can give the 5.4.1 Assessing the child’s growth
correct information.
Assessing a child’s growth provides important infor-
Recognizing and praising what a mother and baby mation on the adequacy of the child’s nutritional sta-
are doing right. Health workers are trained to look tus and health. There are several measures to assess
for problems and may only see what is wrong and growth, including weight-for-age, weight-for-height,
then try to correct it. Recognizing and praising a and height-for-age. In the past, many countries used
mother’s good practices helps to reinforce them and weight-for-age to assess both children’s growth and
build her confidence. You can also praise what a baby their present nutritional status. National growth curves
does, such as growing and developing well. were based on weight-for-age. With the availability of
the WHO growth standards (4), countries may revisit
Giving practical help. Helping a mother or caregiver
their growth charts and introduce weight-for-height as
in other ways than talking, often quite simply, such
the standard for measuring nutritional status, and pro-
as giving her a drink of water, making her comfort-
vide training for health workers. It is recommended to
able in bed or helping her to wash are examples of
use separate standards for boys and girls.
practical help. When a mother has had a great deal
40 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
When counselling on infant and young child feed- indicator can help identify children who are stunted
ing, it is important to understand growth charts. If (or short) due to prolonged undernutrition or repeat-
growth is not recorded correctly, and charts are not ed illness. Children who are tall for their age can also
interpreted accurately, incorrect information can be be identified, but tallness is rarely a problem unless
given to a mother, leading to worry or loss of confi- it is excessive and may reflect uncommon endocrine
dence. The following sections explain briefly the dif- disorders. Acute malnutrition does not affect height.
ferent measures.
Mid-upper arm circumference
Weight-for-age Another useful way to assess a child’s present nutri-
Weight-for-age reflects body weight relative to the tional status is to measure the mid-upper arm cir-
child’s age on a given day. A series of weights can tell cumference (MUAC) (5). MUAC below 115 mm is an
you whether or not a child’s weight is increasing over accurate indicator of severe malnutrition in children
time, so it is a useful indicator of growth. This indica- 6–59 months of age (6). MUAC should be measured
tor is used to assess whether a child is underweight in all children who have a very low weight-for-age (see
or severely underweight, but it is not used to clas- Figure 14). MUAC can also be used for rapidly screen-
sify a child as overweight or obese. Because weight is ing all children in a community for severe malnutri-
relatively easily measured, this indicator is commonly tion. Management of severe malnutrition is discussed
used, but it cannot be relied upon in situations where in Session 6.
the child’s age cannot be accurately determined. Also,
it cannot distinguish between acute malnutrition and Figure 14
chronic low energy and nutrient intake. Examples of Measuring mid-upper arm circumference
weight-for-age charts for boys and girls are included
in Annex 2.
Weight-for-length/height reflects body weight in pro- Deciding whether a child is growing adequately or not
portion to attained growth in length or height. This The curved lines printed on the growth charts will
indicator is especially useful in situations where chil- help you interpret the plotted points that represent a
dren’s ages are unknown (e.g. refugee settlements). child’s growth status. The line labelled “0” on each
Weight-for-length/height charts help identify chil- chart represents the median, which is, generally speak-
dren with low weight-for-height who may be wasted ing, the average. The other curved lines are z-score
or severely wasted. These charts also help identify lines,2 which indicate distance from the average.
children with high weight-for-length/height who may
be at risk of becoming overweight or obese. However, Z-score lines on the growth charts are numbered pos-
assessing weight-for-height requires two measure- itively (1, 2, 3) or negatively (−1, −2, −3). In general,
ments – of weight and height – and this may not be a plotted point that is far from the median in either
feasible in all settings.
Length of children less than 2 years of age is measured lying
length or height at the child’s age at a given visit. This Z-scores are also known as standard deviations (SD).
5. Continuing support for infant and young child feeding 41
Table 4
Identifying growth problems from plotted points
Z-score Growth indicators
Box 13
Breastfeed Observation Job Aid
Mother’s name......................................................................................................................... Date..............................................................
Baby’s name............................................................................................................................. Baby’s age....................................................
Recognize if the child has any signs of severe illness decide on management. Figure 15 summarizes three
that require immediate referral: categories of actions that may be required, namely:
Refer urgently; Help with difficulties and poor prac-
K unconscious or lethargic
tices and refer, if necessary; Support for good feeding
K severely malnourished
K not able to eat or drink
K not able to breastfeed even after help with attach
ment 5.5.1 Refer urgently
K copious vomiting after all feeds. Refer the infant or young child urgently to hospital if
he or she:
Also check for conditions that can interfere with
breastfeeding: K is unconscious or lethargic, and thus may be very
K blocked nose (makes suckling and breathing
difficult) K is severely malnourished;
K jaundice (baby may be sleepy and suckle less) K is not able to drink or eat anything;
K thrush (Candida) (baby may take short feeds only,
or may refuse to feed) K is not able to breastfeed even after help with
K cleft lip or palate (makes attachment difficult and attachment;
baby may have low milk intake) K vomits copiously, which may be both a sign of
K tongue tie (makes attachment difficult, may cause serious illness and of danger because he or she
sore nipples and low milk intake). will not be able to take medications or fluids for
Assessing the health of the mother
There may be a need to give one or more treatments
During feeding counselling it is also important to in the clinic before the infant or child leaves for
enquire about the mother’s own health status, her hospital:
mental health, her social situation and her employ-
ment. These are all factors that will affect her abil- K Oral or intramuscular antibiotic for possible severe
ity to care for her young child. Important topics to infection;
address are listed in the Feeding History Job Aid (Box K Rectal or intramuscular antimalarial for severe
11), and include: malaria;
K Observe the state of her nutrition, general health K If a child is still able to breastfeed, particularly if
and breast health as part of the observation of a malnourished, ask the mother to continue offer-
breastfeed. ing the breast while being referred. Otherwise give
K Try to learn her ideas about another pregnancy, and sugar water to prevent low blood sugar (hypogly-
if she is adequately informed about family plan- caemia) by mixing 2 teaspoons (10 g) of sugar with
ning and has access to appropriate counselling. half a glass (100 ml) of water;
K If a mother seems to have serious clinical or mental K Ensure warmth, especially for newborn babies and
health problems or if she is taking regular medica- malnourished children.
tion, make an additional physical examination and
refer as necessary for specialized treatment (see 5.5.2 Help with difficulties and poor practices
Session 8). Breastfeeding
K If not recorded on medical records, ask the moth- Most feeding difficulties and poor practices can be
er if she has been tested for HIV. If not, encour- managed with outpatient care or care in the commu-
age her to do so (depending on current national nity.
You may be concerned about poor practices, even
though the mother is not aware of particular difficul-
5.5 Managing problems and supporting good ties. You may need to help a mother to position and
feeding practices attach her baby at the breast to establish optimal and
The results of the assessment are used to classify the effective breastfeeding (see Session 4.5) and discuss
mother and baby according to their situation and to with her how to improve her breastfeeding pattern.
46 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
Figure 15
Assessing and classifying infant and young child feeding
A mother may ask for help with a difficulty that she Complementary feeding
herself has become aware of. Session 7 describes the Sometimes a child over 6 months of age may be mal-
most common feeding difficulties and summarizes nourished or growing poorly, or may not be eating
key steps in their management. well. Mothers and other caregivers may not complain
Non-urgent referral may be necessary if more spe- of difficulties with complementary feeding, but their
cialized help is needed than is available at your level. practices are not optimal. In either situation, you
Refer children with: should recognise the need to counsel them about
improving the way in which they feed the child.
K poor growth that continues despite health centre
or community care; Use the Food Intake Reference Tool (Table 5) to find
out if the child is fed according to recommendations.
K breastfeeding difficulties that do not respond to
Decide what information the mother needs, and what
the usual management;
she is able to do to improve the child’s feeding.
K abnormalities including cleft lip and palate, tongue
The first column contains questions about what the
tie, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy.
child has eaten in the previous 24 hours, to help you
learn how the child is fed. The second column shows
the ideal practice and the third column suggests a key
5. Continuing support for infant and young child feeding 47
Table 5
Food Intake Reference Tool, children 6–23 months
Feeding practice Ideal practice Key message to use in counselling the mother
Growth curve rising? Growth follows the reference curve Explain child’s growth curve and praise good
Child received breast milk? Frequently on demand, day and night Breastfeeding for 2 years or longer helps a child
to develop and grow strong and healthy
Child ate sufficient number of meals and snacks K Child 6–8 months: 2–3 meals plus 1–2 snacks A growing child needs to eat often, several times
yesterday, for his or her age? if hungry a day according to age
K Child 9–23 months: 3–4 meals plus 1–2 snacks
if hungry
Quantity of food eaten at main meal yesterday K Child 6–8 months: start with a few spoons and A growing child needs increasing amounts of food
appropriate for child’s age? gradually increase to approx. ½ cup at each meal
K Child 9–11 months: approx. ½ cup at each meal
K Child 12–23 months: approx. ¾ to 1 cup at
each meal
How many meals of a thick consistency did the K Child 6–8 months: 2–3 meals Foods that are thick enough to stay on the spoon
child eat yesterday? (Use consistency photos K Child 9–23 months: 3–4 meals give more energy to the child
as needed)
Child ate an animal-source food yesterday Animal-source foods should be eaten daily Animal-source foods are especially good for
(meat/fish/offal/bird/eggs)? children to help them grow strong and lively
Child ate a dairy product yesterday? Give diary products daily Milk, cheese and yogurt are especially good
for children
Child ate pulses, nuts or seeds yesterday? If meat is not eaten, pulses or nuts should be eaten Peas, beans, lentils and nuts help children to grow
daily – with vitamin-rich fruits to help absorb iron strong and lively, especially if eaten with fruit
Child ate red or orange vegetable or fruit, or a dark A dark green vegetable or red or orange vegetable Dark green leaves and red or orange coloured
green vegetable yesterday? or fruit should be eaten daily fruits and vegetables help the child to have
healthy eyes and fewer infections
Small amount of oil added to child’s food A little oil or fat should be added to a meal each Oil gives a child more energy, but is only needed
yesterday? day in small amounts
Mother assisted the child at meal times? Mother assists and encourages the child to eat, A child needs to learn to eat: encourage and give
but does not force help responsively and with lots of patience
Child had his or her own bowl, or ate from Child should have his or her own bowl of food If a child has his/her own bowl, it makes it easier
family pot? to see how much the child has eaten
Child took any vitamin or mineral supplements? Vitamin and mineral supplements may be needed Explain how to use vitamin and mineral
if child’s needs are not met by food intake supplements if they are needed
Child ill or recovering from an illness? Continue to feed during illness and recovery Encourage the child to drink and eat during illness,
and provide extra food after illness to help the
child recover quickly
48 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
particular in the first weeks of their life (see Session 6 for further
50 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
Session 6
difficult circumstances
One of the operational targets of the Global Strategy maintenance, hygienic cord and skin care, and early
for Infant and Young Child Feeding addresses specifi- detection and treatment of infections can substan-
cally the needs of mothers and children in exception- tially reduce excess mortality (2,3).
ally difficult circumstances. These circumstances
This section deals with feeding low-birth-weight
include babies who are low birth weight, and infants
babies. It summarizes what, how, when and how
and young children who are malnourished, who are
much to feed to low-birth-weight babies. Table 6 sum-
living in emergency situations, or who are born to
marizes the information that is discussed in more
mothers living with HIV.
detail in other parts of this Session.
Nevertheless, experience from developed and devel- K expressed breast milk (EBM) (from his or her own
oping countries has shown that appropriate care of mother);
LBW infants, including their feeding, temperature K donor breast milk (4);
Table 6
Feeding low-birth-weight babies
Feeding low-birth-weight babies
Borderline pre-term and term LBW 32–36 weeks gestational age < 32 weeks gestational age
WHAT breast milk breast milk, expressed or suckled from expressed breast milk
the breast
HOW breastfeeding cup, spoon, paladai naso-gastric tube
WHEN K start within one hour of birth K start within one hour of birth or as K start 12–24 hours after birth
K breastfeed at least every 3 hours soon as the baby is clinically stable K feed every 1–2 hours
K feed every 2–3 hours
HOW MUCH feed on demand see Tables 7 and 8 see Tables 7 and 8
52 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
wish. Offer the full amount of feed by cup initially. If at each feed. The quantity needs to be exact. However,
the baby has already had some milk from the breast, babies less than < 1500g may need to receive some of
he or she may refuse to finish the cup feed. If the baby these requirements as intravenous fluids, as they may
is suckling well and gaining weight, cup feeds can be not tolerate full enteral feeds.
reduced. If the baby is still having difficulties attach-
The quantities in the table are calculated according to
ing correctly at the breast, encourage the mother
the baby’s need for:
to express her milk directly into her baby’s mouth
(see instructions in Box 15). Bottle feeding should be K 60 ml/kg on day 1, increasing by 10 or 20 ml per
avoided, as it may interfere with the baby learning to day over 7 days up to 160 ml/kg/day.
breastfeed. K 8 feeds in 24 hours.
Babies less than 32 weeks gestational age usually need If a baby has more than 8 feeds in 24 hours, the amount
to be fed by gastric tube. They should not receive any per feed must be reduced accordingly, to achieve the
enteral feeds in the first 12–24 hours. Table 7 shows the same total volume in 24 hours.
quantity of milk that a LBW baby fed by gastric tube
needs each day and Table 8 shows how much is needed
Cup feeds
Table 7
A baby who is cup fed (see Figure 17) needs to be offered
Recommended fluid intake for LBW infants 5 ml extra at each feed. This slightly larger amount
allows for spillage with cup feeding. Also, a baby hav-
Day of life Fluid requirements (ml/kg/day)
ing cup feeds may take more or less than is recom-
2000–2500 g 1500–2000 g 1000–1500 g mended. Adding 5 ml allows for different amounts to
Day 1 60 60 60 be taken at each feed. It is important to keep a record
of the 24-hour total and ensure that it meets the
Day 2 80 75 70
required total ml/kg per day for the baby’s weight.
Day 3 100 90 80
Day 4 120 115 90 Figure 17
Day 5 140 130 110 Cup feeding a low-birth-weight baby
Day 6 150 145 130
Day 7 160+ 160 150*
* if the infant is on intravenous fluids, do not increase above 140 ml/kg/day
Table 8
Recommended feed volumes for LBW infants
Day of life Feed volumes (ml)
Day 1 17 12 6
Day 2 22 16 7
Day 3 27 20 8
Day 4 32 24 9
Day 5 37 28 11
Quantities after 7 days
If a baby is still having EBM by cup or gastric tube
Day 6 40 32 13
after 7 days, increase the quantity given by 20 ml/
Day 7 42 35 16 kg each day until the baby is receiving 180 ml/kg per
If the baby is cup feeding, add 5 ml per feed to allow for spillage and variability of day.
infant’s appetite.
The baby’s weight needs to be monitored. Satisfactory
* For infants with birth weight <1250 g who do not show signs of feeding
readiness, start with small 1–2 ml feeds every 1–2 hours and give the rest of the weight gain should be more than 15 g/kg each day.
fluid requirement as intravenous fluids. If the weight gain is less than 15 g/kg each day over
54 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
A LBW baby can be discharged from hospital when
he or she is:
K Breastfeeding effectively or the mother is confident
using an alternative feeding method;
K Maintaining his or her own temperature between
36.5 °C and 37.5 °C for at least 3 consecutive days;
K Gaining weight, at least 15 g/kg for three consecu-
tive days; and
K The mother is confident in her ability to care for
her baby.
Before discharging a mother and her LBW baby from
hospital, a discussion should take place with her on
how she can be supported at home and in the com-
munity. If a mother lives a long distance from the hos-
pital and it is difficult for her to return for a follow-up The mother keeps her baby in prolonged skin-to-skin
visit, her baby should not be discharged until he or contact day and night, in an upright position between
she fully meets the criteria. If possible, the mother her breasts (Figure 18). The baby is supported in this
should stay with her baby to establish breastfeeding position by the mother’s clothes, or by cloths tied
before discharge. She should be given the name and around her chest. The baby’s head is left free so that
contact details of any local breastfeeding support he or she can breathe, and the face can be seen. The
groups, whether health facility or community based. baby wears a nappy for cleanliness and a cap to keep
the head warm.
6.1.3 Follow up of LBW babies KMC has been shown to keep the baby warm, to
The baby should have follow-up visits at least once stabilize his or her breathing and heart rate, and to
2–5 days after discharge, and at least weekly until reduce the risk of infection. It helps the mother to ini-
fully breastfeeding and weighing more than 2.5 kg. tiate breastfeeding earlier, and the baby to gain weight
Ideally these should be home visits by a community faster. Most routine care can be carried out while
breastfeeding counsellor, or visits by the mother to the baby remains in skin-to-skin contact. When the
a nearby health facility. Further follow-up can then mother has to attend to her own needs, skin-to-skin
continue monthly as for a term baby. contact can be continued by someone else, for exam-
ple by the father or a grandparent, or the baby can be
6.1.4 Kangaroo mother care wrapped and put into a cot or on a bed until KMC can
be continued.
Kangaroo mother care (KMC) is a way in which a
mother can give her LBW or small baby benefits simi- It is not essential for a baby to be able to coordinate
lar to those provided by an incubator (5). The mother sucking and swallowing to be eligible for KMC. Other
has more involvement in the baby’s care; and she has methods of feeding can be used until the baby is able
extended skin-to-skin contact, which helps both breast- to breastfeed. Close contact with the mother means
feeding and bonding, probably because it stimulates that the baby is kept very near to her breasts, and can
the release of prolactin and oxytocin from her pituitary easily smell and lick milk expressed onto her nipple.
gland. KMC helps a mother to develop a close relation- He or she can be given breast milk by direct expres-
ship with her baby, and increases her confidence. sion into his mouth until able to attach well.
6. Appropriate feeding in exceptionally difficult circumstances 55
KMC should be continued for as long as necessary, The first form of RUTF was invented in the late 1990s.
which is usually until the baby is able to maintain his Products qualifying to be called RUTF are energy-
or her temperature, is breathing without difficulty dense mineral- and vitamin-enriched foods equiva-
and can breastfeed without the need for alternative lent in formulation to Formula 100 (F100), which is
methods of feeding. It is usually the baby who indi- recommended by WHO for the treatment of malnu-
cates that he or she is ready and ‘wants to get out’. trition in in-patient settings. However, recent studies
If the mother lives near the hospital or health facil- have shown that RUTF promotes faster recovery from
ity the baby may be discharged breastfeeding and/ severe acute malnutrition than standard F100. It has
or using an alternative feeding method, such as cup little available water (low water activity), which means
feeding with the mother’s EBM. that it is microbiologically safe, will keep for several
The mother and her baby should be monitored regu- months in simple packaging and can be made easily
larly. In the first week after discharge, the baby should using low-tech production methods. RUTF is eaten
be weighed daily, if possible, and a health care worker uncooked, and is an ideal vehicle to deliver many
should discuss any difficulties with the mother, pro- micronutrients that might otherwise be broken down
viding her with support and encouragement. Moni- by cooking. RUTF is useful to treat severe malnutri-
toring should continue until the baby weighs more tion without complications in communities with lim-
than 2.5 kg. When the baby becomes less tolerant of ited access to appropriate local diets for nutritional
the position, the mother may reduce the time in KMC rehabilitation. As full replacement of the normal diet,
and then stop altogether over about a week. Once the 150–220 kcal/kg per day should be provided until the
baby has stopped KMC, monthly follow-up should be child has gained 15% to 20% of his or her weight.
continued to monitor feeding, growth and develop- However, if a child has severe malnutrition with an
ment until the baby is several months old. associated complication, most commonly an infec-
tion, the child should be admitted to hospital (7,8).
6.2 Severe malnutrition Infections are the most common complications, and
Severe malnutrition in children 6–59 months of age is can manifest themselves by lack of appetite only.
defined as weight-for-height less than 70% of the medi- The initial management should include preven-
an, or less than –3 Z scores, or the presence of oede- tion or treatment of hypoglycaemia, hypothermia,
ma of both feet, or a mid-upper arm circumference dehydration and infection, and regular feeding and
(MUAC) of less than 115 mm (see Session 5.4). Children monitoring. A special therapeutic formula diet, F75,
with a MUAC <115 mm should be treated for severe is required. In the initial phase, a child’s metabolic
malnutrition regardless of their weight-for-height. state is fragile, and feeding must be cautious, with
frequent small feeds of low osmolarity and low in lac-
There are no defined cut-off points for MUAC for
tose. If a child is breastfed, this should be continued,
infants less than 6 months. In this age group, visible
but scheduled amounts of therapeutic formula given
severe wasting and oedema, in conjunction with dif-
first. When a child improves and his or her appetite
ficulties in breastfeeding, are criteria for identifying
is returning, he or she should be given a special diet
infants who are severely malnourished.
adapted for catch-up growth. A child aged more than
Severely malnourished children are in need of special 6 months can be offered RUTF. If intake is satisfac-
care both during the early rehabilitation phase and tory, treatment can continue at home, with weekly or
over the longer term. They are at risk of life-threat- bi-weekly follow-up.
ening complications such as hypoglycaemia, hypo-
thermia, serious infections, dehydration, and severe For infants aged less than 6 months, continued fre-
electrolyte disturbances. quent breastfeeding is important, in addition to any
necessary therapeutic feeds. If breastfeeding has
Malnourished infants and young children should been discontinued or if breast-milk production has
be assessed clinically to look for associated compli- decreased, it can often be re-established by use of the
cations. Above the age of 6 months, if the general supplementary suckling technique with therapeutic
condition of the child is good, and in particular if feeding (see Session 6.4). Relactation by supplementary
the appetite is maintained, the child can be treated suckling, or by allowing the baby to suckle as often as
at home with provision of a ready-to-use therapeutic he or she is willing while cup feeding, is an important
food (RUTF), in addition to breastfeeding and com- part of management (9). Malnutrition often has its
plementary feeding, with weekly or bi-weekly follow- origin in inadequate or disrupted breastfeeding.
up by a trained health care provider (6).
56 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
are hygienically prepared and easy to eat and digest. K If a mother is very ill (temporary use may be all
Blended foods, especially if they are fortified with that is necessary).
essential nutrients, can be useful for feeding older
K If a mother is relactating (temporary use).
infants and young children. However, their provi-
sion should not interfere with promoting the use of K If a mother tests HIV-positive and chooses to use a
local ingredients and other donated commodities breast-milk substitute (see Session 6.5).
for preparing suitable complementary foods (see Ses- K If a mother rejects the infant, for example after
sion 3). The use of feeding bottles should continue to rape (temporary use may be all that is necessary).
be discouraged.
K If an infant (born before the emergency) is already
Skilled help in the community to: dependent on artificial feeding (use BMS to at least
K teach mothers how to breastfeed and continue to six months or use temporarily until relactation is
support them until their infant reaches 24 months; achieved).
K teach mothers about adequate complementary For an infant identified according to agreed criteria
feeding from 6 months of age using available as in need of BMS, supplies should be provided for
ingredients; as long as the infant needs them. Caregivers should
receive guidance about hygienic and appropriate
K support mothers to practise responsive feeding;
feeding with BMS (10). Every effort should be made
K identify and help mothers with difficulties, and to prevent “spill over” of artificial feeding to mothers
follow them up at home if possible; and babies who do not need it, by teaching the care
giver privately to prepare feeds, and by taking care not
K monitor the growth of infants and young children,
to display containers of BMS publicly.
and counsel the mother accordingly.
Adequate health services to: 6.4 Relactation
K support breastfeeding and complementary feed The re-establishment of breastfeeding is an important
ing; management option in emergency situations, and for
infants who are malnourished or ill (9).
K help mothers to express their milk and cup feed
any infant who is too small or sick to breastfeed;
Motivation and support
K search actively for malnourished infants and young
Most women can relactate any number of years after
children so that their condition can be assessed
their last child, but it is easier for women who stopped
and treated;
breastfeeding recently, or if the infant still suckles
K admit mothers of sick or malnourished infants to sometimes. A woman needs to be highly motivated,
the health or nutrition rehabilitation clinic with and well supported by health care workers. Continu-
their children; ing support can be provided by community health
workers, mother support groups, women friends,
K help mothers of malnourished infants to relactate
older women and traditional birth attendants.
and achieve adequate breastfeeding before dis-
charge from care, in addition to necessary thera-
peutic feeding. Stimulation of the breasts
Stimulation of the breasts is essential, preferably by
Controlled use of breast-milk substitutes (BMS): Breast-
the infant suckling as often and for as long as possible.
milk substitutes should be procured and distributed
Many infants who have breastfed before are willing to
as part of the regular inventory of foods and medi-
suckle, even if there is not much milk being produced
cines, in quantities only as needed (see also UNHCR
currently. Suckling causes release of prolactin, which
policy (13)). There should be clear criteria for their
stimulates growth of alveoli in the breast and the pro-
use, agreed by the different agencies that are involved
duction of breast milk. The mother and infant must
for each particular situation (14), but usually includ-
stay together all the time. Skin-to-skin contact, or
ing the following:
kangaroo mother care (see Session 6.1.4) are helpful. If
K If a child’s mother has died or is unavoidably the infant is willing to suckle, the mother should put
absent. him or her to the breast frequently, at least 8–12 times
every 24 hours, ensuring that attachment is good. If
58 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
the infant is not willing to suckle, she can start the Figure 19
relactation process by stimulating her breasts with Using supplementary suckling to help a mother to relactate
gentle breast massage and then with 20–30 minutes
of hand expression 8–12 times a day.
needs to be balanced with the need to support opti- K Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for HIV-
mal nutrition of all infants through exclusive and infected mothers for the first 6 months of life unless
continued breastfeeding and adequate complemen- replacement feeding is acceptable, feasible, afford-
tary feeding. able, sustainable and safe for them and their infants
before that time (see Box 16 for definitions).
Mother-to-child transmission of HIV K When replacement feeding is acceptable, feasi-
In 2007, about 2.5 million children under 15 years ble, affordable, sustainable and safe, avoidance
of age were living with HIV, and an estimated 420 of all breastfeeding by HIV-infected mothers is
000 children were newly infected. The predomi- recommended.
nant source of HIV infection in young children is
K All HIV-exposed infants should receive regu-
MTCT. The virus may be transmitted during preg-
lar follow-up care and periodic re-assessment of
nancy, labour and delivery, or during breastfeeding
infant feeding choices, particularly at the time of
(15). Without intervention, an estimated 5%–20%
infant diagnosis and at 6 months.
of infants born to HIV-infected women acquire the
infection through breastfeeding. Transmission can K At 6 months, if adequate feeding from other sourc-
occur at any time while a child is breastfeeding, es cannot be ensured, HIV-infected women should
and continuing to breastfeed until the child is older continue to breastfeed their infants and give com-
increases the overall risk. Exclusive breastfeeding in plementary foods in addition, and return for regu-
the first few months of life carries a lower risk of HIV lar follow-up assessments. All breastfeeding should
transmission than mixed feeding (16). stop once an adequate diet without breast milk can
be provided.
The main factors which increase the risk of HIV
transmission through breastfeeding include (15): K Breastfed infants and young children who are HIV-
infected should continue to breastfeed according
K acquiring HIV infection during breastfeeding,
to recommendations for the general population.
because of high initial viral load;
Women who need anti-retroviral drugs (ARVs) for
K the severity of the disease (as indicated by a low
their own health should receive them, as they are the
CD4+ count or high RNA viral load in the mother’s
women most likely to transmit HIV through breast-
blood, or severe clinical symptoms);
feeding. Comparative studies in women who do not yet
K poor breast health (e.g. mastitis, sub-clinical mas- require treatment on the safety and efficacy of ARVs
titis, fissured nipples); taken during breastfeeding solely to reduce transmis-
K possibly, oral infection in the infant (thrush and sion are ongoing. There is increasing evidence from
herpes); observational studies that women taking ARVs are
likely to have a low risk of transmission (18).
K non-exclusive breastfeeding (mixed feeding);
Five priority areas for national governments in the
K longer duration of breastfeeding; context of the Global Strategy are proposed in HIV
K possibly, nutritional status of the mother. and Infant Feeding: Framework for Priority Action
(19) that has been endorsed by nine United Nations
Current feeding recommendations (17,18) agencies:
The United Nations recommendations for feeding of 1. Develop or revise (as appropriate) a comprehen-
infants by mothers who are HIV- infected include:1 sive national infant and young child feeding policy,
which includes HIV and infant feeding.
K The most appropriate infant feeding option for an
HIV-infected mother depends on her individual 2. Implement and enforce the International Code
circumstances, including her health status and of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and sub-
the local situation, but should take consideration sequent relevant World Health Assembly resolu-
of the health services available and the counselling tions.
and support she is likely to receive.
3. Intensify efforts to protect, promote and support
appropriate infant and young child feeding prac-
A full listing can be found in Annex 1 of the HIV and Infant
1 tices in general, while recognising HIV as one of a
Feeding Update (18). number of exceptionally difficult circumstances.
60 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
Baby-friendly hospitals and HIV To feed children aged 6–23 months satisfactorily, all
Baby-friendly hospitals have a responsibility to care the principles of safe, adequate complementary feed-
for and support both HIV-positive and HIV-negative ing apply, as described in Session 3. However, to cover
women. the requirements that would otherwise be covered by
breast milk, a child needs to be fed a larger quantity of
K If a mother is HIV-positive, and after counselling the foods containing high-quality nutrients.
has chosen replacement feeding, this is an accepta-
ble medical reason for giving artificial feeds, and is This can be achieved by giving the child:
thus compatible with a hospital being baby-friend- K extra meals, to help ensure that sufficient amounts
ly. The staff should support her in her choice, and of energy and nutrients are eaten;
teach her how to prepare feeds safely. However, they K meals of greater energy density, to help ensure that
should give this help privately, and not in front of sufficient energy is consumed;
other women who may not be HIV-positive. This
is necessary both to comply with the Code, and K larger quantities of foods of animal origin to help
also to prevent the spillover of artificial feeding to ensure that enough nutrients are eaten;
women who do not need it. These women may lose K nutrient supplements, if foods of animal origin are
confidence and interest in their own milk if they not available.
see replacement feeds being prepared.
K If an HIV-positive mother chooses breastfeeding, Extra meals
the staff have an equal responsibility to support Non-breastfed children need to eat meals 4–5 times
her to breastfeed exclusively, and to ensure that she per day with additional nutritional snacks 1–2 times
learns a good technique. per day as desired.
K For women who are HIV-negative or of unknown
Energy density of meals
status, staff should make sure that they are fully
informed and supported to breastfeed optimally. Foods of thick consistency, or with some added fat,
help to ensure an adequate intake of energy for a
Although baby-friendly hospitals should not accept child.
free or low-cost supplies of breast-milk substitutes
from manufacturers or distributors, the government
Foods of animal origin
may supply them or the hospital or mothers may pur-
chase them for use during the hospital stay. Only the Some meat, poultry, fish, or offal should be eaten eve-
quantity that is actually needed should be available ry day to ensure that the child gets enough iron and
in the hospital, and distribution should be carefully other nutrients (see Table 3 in Session 3.3).
controlled. Dairy products are important to provide calcium. A
A course for hospital administrators provides guid- child needs 200–400 ml of milk or yoghurt every day
ance for how to implement the baby-friendly Ten if other animal source foods are eaten, or 300–500 ml
Steps in settings with high HIV prevalence (27). per day if no other animal source foods are eaten.
Follow-up of Infants and young children 10. Emergency Nutrition Network. Infant feeding in
who are not breastfed emergencies. Module 1: For emergency relief staff,
The same principles of follow-up and referral apply orientation and reference; Module 2: For health and
to non-breastfed children as to breastfed children nutrition workers in emergency situations. Geneva,
(see Session 5.6). They should be followed up regu- ENN, 2007 (
larly for at least 2 years to ensure that their feeding is aspx?tag=74, accessed 3 November 2008).
adequate, and that they are growing and remaining 11. Jacobsen M et al. Breastfeeding status as a pre-
well-nourished. dictor of mortality among refugee children in an
All infants of HIV-positive mothers, at whatever age emergency situation in Guinea-Bissau. Tropical
they stop breastfeeding, should be followed up for at Medicine and International Health, 2003, 8(11):
least 2 years to ensure that their feeding is adequate, 992–996.
and to establish if they are HIV-positive themselves. 12. Save the Children Alliance. Meeting the nutritional
needs of infants in emergencies: recent experiences
References and dilemmas. Report of an International Work-
1. WHO. Optimal feeding of low-birth-weight infants: shop. London, Institute of Child Health, 1999.
technical review. Geneva, World Health Organiza- 13. United Nations High Commissioner for Refu-
tion, 2006. gees. Policy on the acceptance, distribution and use
2. WHO. Managing newborn problems: a guide for of milk products in feeding programmes in refugee
doctors, nurses and midwives. Geneva, World Health settings. Geneva, United Nations High Commis-
Organization, 2003. sioner for Refugees, 1989.
3. WHO. Hypoglycaemia of the newborn. Geneva, 14. Seal A et al. Review of policies and guidelines on
World Health Organization, 1997 (WHO/CHD/ infant feeding in emergencies: common grounds
97.1). and gaps. Disasters, 2001, 25(2):136–148.
4. United Kingdom Association for Milk Banking. 15. WHO/UNICEF/UNAIDS/UNFPA. HIV trans-
Guidelines for the establishment and operation of mission through breastfeeding: a review of avail-
milk banks in the UK. 3rd edition. London, Unit- able evidence, 2007 update. Geneva, World Health
ed Kingdom Association for Milk Banking, 2003 Organization, 2008.
( 16. Coovadia HM et al. Mother-to-child transmission
5. WHO. Kangaroo mother care: a practical guide. of HIV infection during exclusive breastfeeding in
Geneva, World Health Organization, 2003 the first 6 months of life: an intervention cohort
study. Lancet, 2007, 369(9567):1107–1116.
6. Prudhon C et al., eds. WHO, UNICEF and SCN
informal consultation on community-based man- 17. WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA/UNAIDS. HIV and
agement of severe malnutrition. Food and Nutri- infant feeding technical consultation held on behalf
tion Bulletin, 2006, 27(3):S99–S108. of the Inter-agency Task Team (IATT) on preven-
tion of HIV infections in pregnant women, moth-
7. WHO. Management of severe malnutrition: a man-
ers and their infants: consensus statement. Geneva,
ual for physicians and other senior health workers.
World Health Organization, 2006.
Geneva, World Health Organization, 1999.
8. WHO. Management of the child with a serious infec-
feeding update. Geneva, World Health Organiza-
tion or severe malnutrition: guidelines for care at the
tion, 2007.
first-referral level in developing countries. Geneva,
World Health Organization, 2000. 19. WHO. HIV and infant feeding: framework for pri-
ority action. Geneva, World Health Organization,
9. WHO. Relactation: review of experience and rec-
ommendations for practice. Geneva, World Health
Organization, 1998 (WHO/CHS/CAH 98.14). 20. WHO/UNICEF/USAID. HIV and infant feeding
counselling tools: reference guide. Geneva, World
Health Organization, 2006.
64 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
21. WHO. Infant and young child feeding counsel- 25. WHO. Home-modified animal milk for replacement
ling: an integrated course. Geneva, World Health feeding: is it feasible and safe? Discussion paper for
Organization, 2007. technical consultation on HIV and infant feeding,
October 2006 (
22. WHO/FAO. Guidelines for the safe preparation,
cent_health/documents/a91064/en/, accessed 5
storage and handling of powdered infant formula.
November 2008).
Geneva, World Health Organization, 2007 (http:// 26. WHO. Guiding principles for feeding non-breastfed
pif2007/en/, accessed 5 November 2008). children 6–24 months of age. Geneva, World Health
Organization, 2005.
feeding: guidelines for decision-makers (revised). 27. WHO/UNICEF. Baby-friendly Hospital initiative:
Geneva, World Health Organization, 2003. revised, updated and expanded for integrated care.
Section 2: strengthening and sustaining the Baby-
24. Sidley P. Wetnursing increases the risk of HIV
friendly Hospital Initiative: A course for decision-
infection among babies. British Medical Journal,
makers. Geneva, World Health Organization,
2005, 330:862.
Management of breast conditions and
Session 7
other breastfeeding difficulties
Management for a woman who is HIV-positive: K There may be a red rash over the nappy area (“dia-
per dermatitis”).
K She should avoid breastfeeding on the affected side
while the condition persists. Cause: This is an infection with the fungus Candida
albicans, which often follows the use of antibiotics in
K She should remove the milk from the affected
the baby or in the mother to treat mastitis or other
breast by expression, to help the breast to recover
and to maintain the flow of milk. She should be
helped to make sure that she can express her milk Management: Treatment is with gentian violet or nys-
effectively. tatin. If the mother has symptoms, both mother and
baby should be treated. If only the baby has symp-
K If only one breast is affected, the baby can continue
toms, it is not necessary to treat the mother.
to feed on the unaffected breast, and can feed more
often from that side to increase production and Gentian Violet paint:
ensure an adequate intake. Apply 0.25% solution to baby’s mouth daily for 5
days, or until 3 days after lesions heal.
K Give antibiotics for 10–14 days, rest and analgesics
as required, and incision if there is an abscess, as Apply 0.5% solution to mother’s nipples daily for 5
for an HIV-negative woman. days.
K She can resume breastfeeding from the affected Nystatin:
breast when the condition subsides. Nystatin suspension 100,000 IU/ml; apply 1 ml by
dropper to child’s mouth 4 times daily after breast-
K Some mothers decide to stop breastfeeding at this
feeds for 7 days, or as long as the mother is being
time if they are able to give replacement feeds safe-
ly. They should continue to express enough milk to
allow the breasts to recover, until milk production Nystatin cream 100,000 IU/ml; apply to nipples 4
ceases. times daily after breastfeeds. Continue to apply for 7
days after lesions have healed.
K If both breasts are affected, she will not be able
to feed the baby from either side, and will need
to consider other feeding options as a permanent 7.9 Inverted, flat, large and long nipples (3)
solution. She may decide to heat-treat her own Signs to look for: Nipples naturally occur in a wide vari-
milk and give that, or to give formula. She should ety of shapes that usually do not affect a mother’s
feed the baby by cup. ability to breastfeed successfully. However, some nip-
ples look flat, large or long, and the baby has difficulty
7.8 Candida infection (thrush) in mother and baby attaching to them. Most flat nipples are protractile –
(3) if the mother pulls them out with her fingers, they
stretch, in the same way that they have to stretch in
the baby’s mouth. A baby should have no difficulty
In the mother: suckling from a protractile nipple. Sometimes an
K Sore nipples with pain continuing between feeds, inverted nipple is non-protractile and does not stretch
pain like sharp needles going deep into the breast, out when pulled; instead, the tip goes in. This makes
which is not relieved by improved attachment. it more difficult for the baby to attach. Protractil-
ity often improves during pregnancy and in the first
K There may be a red or flaky rash on the areola, with week or so after a baby is born. A large or long nipple
itching and depigmentation. may make it difficult for a baby to take enough breast
In the baby: tissue into his or her mouth. Sometimes the base of
the nipple is visible even though the baby has a widely-
K White spots inside the cheeks or over the tongue,
open mouth.
which look like milk curds, but they cannot be
removed easily. Cause: Different nipple shapes are a natural physical
feature of the breast. An inverted nipple is held by
K Some babies feed normally, some feed for a short
tight connective tissue that may slacken after a baby
time and then pull away, some refuse to feed alto-
suckles from it for a time.
gether, and some are distressed when they try to
attach and feed, suggesting that their mouth is sore.
68 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
In some cases, a baby does have a low intake of breast If the baby has a low milk intake, then it is necessary
milk, insufficient for his or her needs. Occasional- to find out if it is due to breastfeeding technique, or
ly, this is because the mother has a physiological or low breast-milk production.
pathological low breast-milk production (4). Usually,
7. Management of breast conditions and other breastfeeding difficulties 69
If the baby’s intake is adequate, then it is necessary to physical condition; and baby’s condition (illness or
decide the reasons for the signs that are worrying the abnormality).
Breastfeeding factors
Low breast-milk intake A low breast-milk intake may be due to:
Signs: There are two reliable signs that a baby is not
K delayed initiation of breastfeeding, so that milk
getting enough milk:
production does not adjust in the early days to
K poor weight gain. match the infant’s needs;
K low urine output. K poor attachment, so that the baby does not take the
milk from the breast efficiently;
Passing meconium (sticky black stools) 4 days after
delivery is also a sign of the baby not getting enough K infrequent feeds, feeds at fixed times or no night
milk. feeds, so that the baby simply does not suckle
enough; breastfeeding less than 8 times in 24 hours
Poor weight gain in the first 8 weeks, or less than 5–6 times in 24
Babies’ weight gain is variable, and each child follows hours after 8 weeks;
his or her own pattern. You cannot tell from a single K short feeds, if a mother is very hurried, or if she
weighing if a baby is growing satisfactorily – it is nec- takes the baby off the breast during a pause before
essary to weigh several times over a few days at least he or she has finished, or if the baby stops quickly
(see Annex 3 for tables showing the range of weights for because he is wrapped up and too hot, then he or
babies of different birth weights). she may not take as much milk as needed, espe-
Soon after birth a baby may lose weight for a few days. cially the fat-rich hind milk;
Most recover their birth weight by the end of the first K using bottles or pacifiers which replace suckling at
week, if they are healthy and feeding well. All babies the breast, so the baby suckles less. Babies who use
should recover their birth weight by 2 weeks of age. A pacifiers tend to breastfeed for a shorter period.
baby who is below his or her birth weight at the end of Pacifiers may be a marker or a cause of breastfeed-
the second week needs to be assessed. ing failure (5). They may interfere with attach-
From 2 weeks, babies who are breastfed may gain from ment, so the baby suckles less effectively;
about 500 g to 1 kg or more each month. All these K giving other foods or drinks causes the baby to
weight gains are normal. The baby should be checked suckle less at the breast and take less milk, and also
for illness or congenital abnormality and urine out- stimulates the breast less, so less milk is produced.
put. The technique and pattern of breastfeeding, and
the mother-baby interaction should also be assessed, Psychological factors of the mother
to decide the cause of poor weight gain, as explained
A mother may be depressed, lacking in confidence,
worried, or stressed; or she may reject the baby or
dislike the idea of breastfeeding. These factors do
Low urine output not directly affect her milk production, but can
An exclusively breastfed baby who is taking enough interfere with the way in which she responds to her
milk usually passes dilute urine 6-8 times or more in baby, so that she breastfeeds less. This can result in
24 hours. If a baby is passing urine less than 6 times the baby taking less milk, and failing to stimulate
a day, especially if the urine is dark yellow and strong milk production.
smelling, then he or she is not getting enough fluid.
This is a useful way to find out quickly if a baby is Mother’s physical condition
probably taking enough milk or not. However, it is
A few mothers have low milk production for a patho-
not useful if the baby is having other drinks in addi-
logical reason including endocrine problems (pitui-
tion to breast milk.
tary failure after severe haemorrhage, retained piece
Causes: The reasons for a low breast-milk intake are of placenta) or poor breast development. A few moth-
summarised in Table 9, and classified as breastfeeding ers have a physiological low breast-milk production,
factors; psychological factors with mother; mother’s for no apparent reason, and production does not
70 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
Table 9
Reasons why a baby may not get enough breast milk
Breastfeeding factors Mother: Psychological factors Mother: Physical condition Baby’s condition
increase when the breastfeeding technique and pat- K suckles for a long time at each feed (more than one
tern improve. half hour, unless newborn or low birth weight);
Other factors that can reduce milk production tem- K is generally unsettled.
porarily include hormone-containing contraceptive
Management of perceived insufficiency and low breast milk
pills, pregnancy, severe malnutrition, smoking and
production: A health worker may use counselling skills
alcohol consumption.
to listen and learn, to take a feeding history and to
understand the difficulty, particularly if there may
Baby’s condition
be psychological factors affecting breastfeeding. A
A baby may fail to gain weight, or may fail to breast- breastfeed should be observed, checking the baby’s
feed well and stimulate milk production because of attachment. The mother’s physical condition and the
illness, prematurity or congenital abnormality, such baby’s condition and weight should also be noted. A
as a palate defect, heart condition or kidney abnor- health worker should decide if the difficulty is due to
mality. It is always important to consider these factors low milk intake, or perceived insufficiency.
and to examine a baby carefully before concluding
that a mother has low breast-milk production. If the difficulty is low milk intake, a health worker
Conclusion K decide the reason for the low milk intake;
The common reasons for a baby not getting enough K treat or refer the baby, if there is any illness or
breast milk are due to poor technique or mismanage- abnormality;
ment of breastfeeding, which can be overcome. Only
a few mothers have long-term difficulty with milk K help the mother with any of the less common caus-
production. es, for example if she is using oestrogen-containing
contraceptive pills. Referral may be necessary;
Perceived insufficiency K discuss how the mother can improve her breast-
Signs: If a baby is gaining weight according to the feeding technique and pattern and improve the
expected growth velocity, and is passing dilute urine 6 baby’s attachment;
or more times in 24 hours, then his or her milk intake K use counselling skills to help her with any psycho-
is adequate. If the mother thinks that she does not logical factors, and to build her confidence in her
have enough milk, then it is perceived insufficiency. milk supply.
Causes: Poor attachment is likely to be the cause if a If the difficulty is perceived insufficiency, the health
baby: worker should:
K wants to feed very often (more often than 2 hour-
K decide the reason;
ly all the time, with no long intervals between
feeds); K explain the difficulty, and what might help;
7. Management of breast conditions and other breastfeeding difficulties 71
7.11 Crying baby K For colic or a high-needs baby, the mother can
carry and rock the baby with gentle pressure on the
Signs or symptoms: The baby cries excessively, and is
abdomen. She may need reassurance that the cry-
difficult to comfort. The pattern of crying may sug-
ing will lessen as the baby grows.
gest the cause.
Cause: 7.12 Oversupply of breast milk
K Pain or illness. This may be the case when a baby Symptoms:
suddenly cries more than before.
K The baby cries as if he or she has colic and wants to
K Hunger due to sudden faster growth, common at ages feed often.
2 weeks, 6 weeks and 3 months (sometimes called a
K The baby may have frequent loose stools, which
“growth spurt”). If the baby feeds more often for a
may be green.
few days, the breast milk supply increases and the
problem resolves. K He or she may grow well, or may have poor weight
gain, suggesting low milk production.
K Sensitivity to substances from the mother’s food. This
may be any food, but is commonly milk, soy, egg K The mother may have a forceful oxytocin reflex, so
or peanuts. Caffeine in coffee, tea and colas, and that her milk flows fast. This can make the baby
substances from cigarette smoke can also upset a choke and pull away from the breast during feeds.
baby. If the mother avoids the food or drink that Cause:
may be causing the problem, the baby cries less.
K The baby may be poorly attached, and suckling a
K Gastro-oesophageal reflux. The baby cries after lot but not removing the milk efficiently. Constant
feeds, often on lying down, and may vomit a large suckling may stimulate the breast to produce a lot
amount of the feed, more than the slight regurgi- of milk.
tation that is very common. The opening between
the oesophagus and the stomach (cardiac orifice) is K The mother may take her baby off the first breast
weak, allowing milk to flow back into the oesopha- before he or she has finished to put him on the sec-
gus, which can cause pain. ond breast. The baby may get mostly low-fat fore
milk, and suckle more to get more energy, and so
K Colic. Often crying occurs at certain times of day, stimulate the breasts to make more milk.
typically the evening. The baby may pull up his legs
as if in pain. He or she wants to feed but is difficult K Large amounts of foremilk overload the baby
to comfort. The cause is not clear. Babies with colic with lactose, causing loose stools and colicky
usually grow well, and the crying decreases after behaviour.
3–4 months. Carrying the baby more, using a gen- Management:
tle rocking movement, and pressure on the abdo-
men with the hands, or against the shoulder, may K The mother should be helped to improve her baby’s
help. attachment.
K High-needs babies. Some babies cry more than oth- K The mother should offer only one breast at each
ers, and they need to be carried and held more. feed, until the baby finishes by him- or herself. The
This problem is less common in communities baby will get more fat-rich hindmilk. She should
where mothers carry their babies with them, and offer the other breast at the next feed.
keep them in the same bed.
72 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
K If a forceful oxytocin reflex continues, she can lie K avoid shaking her breast or pressing the baby’s
on her back to breastfeed, or hold the breast with head to force him or her to the breast;
her fingers closer to the areola during feeds.
K feed the baby by cup, if possible with her own
breast milk, until he or she is willing to take the
7.13 Refusal to breastfeed breast again.
Symptoms: The baby refuses to breastfeed, and may cry,
arch his or her back, and turn away when put to the 7.14 Twins
breast. The mother may feel rejected and frustrated,
and be in great distress.
Twins who are low birth weight need to be managed
Causes: There may be a physical problem such as:
accordingly (see Session 6.1).
K illness, an infection, or a sore mouth, for example
For larger twins, management should be as for single-
thrush (see Session 7.8);
tons, with early contact, help to achieve good attach-
K pain, for example bruising after a traumatic deliv- ment at the breast, and exclusive on-demand feeding
ery or gastro-oesophageal reflux; from birth, or from as soon as the mother is able to
respond. Early effective suckling can ensure an ade-
K sedation, if the mother received analgesics during
quate milk supply for both infants.
Mothers may need help to find the best way to hold
The baby may have difficulty or frustration with
two babies to suckle, either at the same time, or one at
breastfeeding because of:
a time. They may like to give each baby its own breast,
K sucking on a bottle or pacifier; or to vary the side. Holding one or both babies in the
K difficulty attaching to the breast; underarm position for feeding, and support for the
babies with pillows or folded clothes is often helpful.
K pressure applied to his or her head by someone Building the mother’s confidence that she can make
helping with positioning; enough milk for two, and encouraging relatives to
K the mother shaking her breast when trying to help with other household duties, may help her to
attach him or her. avoid trying to feed the babies artificially.
Most mothers can breastfeed normally after a caesar- K express milk in the morning before she leaves for
ean delivery if they are given appropriate help. Dif- work;
ficulties in the past have often been because mothers K express her milk while she is at work to keep up
did not receive enough help to establish breastfeeding the supply. She can refrigerate the milk if this is
in the post-operative period, and because babies were possible, or keep it for up to 8 hours at room tem-
given other feeds meanwhile. perature and bring it home. If this is not possible,
If a baby is too ill or too small to fed from the breast she may have to discard it. She needs to understand
soon after delivery, the mother should be helped that the milk is not lost – her breasts will make
to express her milk to establish the supply, starting more. If a mother does not express when at work,
within 6 hours of delivery or as soon as possible, in her milk production will decrease.
the same way as after a vaginal delivery (see Session
4.5). The EBM can be frozen for use when the baby is TEMPORARY SEPARATION FOR OTHER REASONS
able to take oral feeds. A mother and her baby may be separated and unable
If the mother is too ill to breastfeed, the baby should to breastfeed if either of them is ill and admitted to
be given artificial milk or banked breast milk by cup hospital, or if the baby is LBW or has problems at birth
until the mother is able to start breastfeeding. and is in the Special Care Baby Unit (see Session 6.1).
7.16 Mother separated from her baby
While separated, encourage the mother to express
SHORT-TERM SEPARATION SUCH AS EMPLOYMENT OUTSIDE her milk as often as the baby would feed, in order to
THE HOME establish or keep up the supply. If facilities are avail-
The commonest reason for a mother being separated able, she can store her milk by freezing it (see Session
from her baby for part of the day is because she is 4.5). Help the baby to start breastfeeding as soon as he
employed outside the home, for example when mater- or she is able and can be with the mother again.
nity leave is not adequate to enable her to continue
breastfeeding exclusively for 6 months. 7.17 Illness, jaundice and abnormality of the child
Management ILLNESS
Options should be discussed with the mother. She Symptoms related to feeding
should be encouraged to breastfeed the baby as much K The infant may want to breastfeed more often than
as possible when she is at home, and to consider before.
expressing her milk to leave for someone else to give
to her baby. K Local symptoms such as a blocked nose, or oral
thrush can interfere with suckling. The infant may
suckle for only a short time and not take enough
Expressing her milk for the baby
A trained health worker should teach her how to
express and store her breast milk (see Session 4.5), how K The infant may be too weak to suckle adequately,
to feed her baby by cup (Session 4.6), and why it is best or may be unable to suckle at all.
to avoid using a feeding bottle. K During surgery an infant may not be able to receive
any oral or enteral feeds.
Management: Infants and young children who are ill
should continue to breastfeed as much as possible,
74 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
while they receive other treatment. Breast milk is the and to feed her infant using supplementary suckling
ideal food during illness, especially for infants less to stimulate breast-milk production (see Session 6.4).
than 6 months old, and helps them to recover. With appropriate skilled support, many mothers can
resume exclusive breastfeeding within 1–2 weeks.
Babies under 6 months of age
If a baby is in hospital, the mother should be allowed Infants and young children over 6 months of age
to stay with him or her, and to have unrestricted A young child may prefer breastfeeding to comple-
access so that she can respond to and feed the baby mentary foods while he or she is ill, and breastfeed
as needed. more than before. Milk production may increase,
so that the mother notices increased fullness of her
If a baby has a blocked nose breasts. She should be encouraged to stay with her
The mother can be taught how to use drops of salt- child in hospital and to breastfeed on demand.
ed water or breast milk, and clear the baby’s nose by The mother or caregiver should continue to offer
making a wick with a twist of tissue. She can give complementary foods, which may need to be given
shorter more frequent breastfeeds, allowing the baby more often, in smaller quantities and of a softer con-
time to pause and breathe through the mouth until sistency than when the child is well. Offer extra food
the nose clears. during recovery as the child’s appetite increases.
continue breastfeeding until the infant has been fully This is effective and can now be done simply and
assessed. safely (6).
Session 8
When counselling a mother on infant and young take enough food to cover any extra needs. However,
child feeding, it is important to remember her own a woman with a poor diet may not have laid down
health, and care for her as well as the baby. Issues to body stores in pregnancy. She needs to eat an extra
address include any illness she may have, her nutri- meal with a variety of foods each day to cover her
tional status and food intake, maternal medication, needs and protect those stores that she has.
and birth spacing and family planning.
It is generally helpful to advise the woman to eat a
greater amount and variety of foods, such as meat,
8.1 Mother’s Illness fish, oils, nuts, seeds, cereals, beans, vegetables, cheese
If a mother has an illness or other condition, it is and milk, to help her feel well and strong. It is impor-
important to consider what effect it might have on tant to determine if there are taboos about foods, and
breastfeeding. She may need extra support to enable to advise against any harmful taboos. Pregnant and
her to breastfeed, for example if she has a disability, lactating women can eat any foods normally included
or is mentally ill. If a mother is very ill and unable in the local diet – these will not harm the breastfeed-
to breastfeed, options for feeding her infant or child ing baby. Very thin women and adolescents require
until she can resume will need to be considered. special attention, and they may need more intensive
nutrition counselling. Family members, such as the
If a mother has tuberculosis, she and her infant should
partner and mother-in-law, also influence a mother’s
be treated together according to national guidelines,
feeding practices. They can help to ensure that the
and breastfeeding should continue (1).
woman eats enough and avoids hard physical work.
If a mother has hepatitis (A, B, or C) breastfeeding
If extra food is not available, this should not prevent
can continue normally as the risk of transmission by
a mother from breastfeeding. Even when a woman
breastfeeding is very low (2).
is moderately malnourished, she continues to pro-
If a mother is HIV-positive, she needs counselling duce good quality breast milk. Only when a woman
about different feeding options and support for her is seriously malnourished does the quantity of breast
choice (see Session 6.5). milk decrease. Where household resources are scarce,
breast milk is likely to be the most complete and safest
8.2 Maternal nutrition (3) food for the baby, and breastfeeding the most efficient
During lactation, a mother’s intake should be way for the mother to use her own and her family’s
increased to cover the energy cost of breastfeeding: resources to feed the child.
by about 10% if the woman is not physically active, Mothers with specific micronutrient deficiencies may
but 20% or more if she is moderately or very active. A need supplements of fortified products both for their
diet that is poor in quantity or quality may affect her own health and that of their breastfeeding infants.
energy and ability to breastfeed or to feed and care
for her infant or child. In practice, a lactating mother 8.3 Medication and drugs (4)
uses about 500 kilocalories (roughly equivalent to one
Some medications taken by a mother may pass into her
extra meal) each day to make 750 ml of breast milk
milk. There are very few medicines for which breast-
for an infant. Some nutrients come from her body
feeding is absolutely contra-indicated. However there
stores, laid down during pregnancy. Others need to
are some medicines that can cause side-effects in the
come from an increased intake.
baby – they may warrant use of a safer alternative or
A woman who is well nourished with a varied diet avoidance of breastfeeding temporarily. Table 10 pro-
and who eats according to her appetite will usually vides a guidance for medicines listed in the Eleventh
78 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
Table 10
Breastfeeding and mother’s medication
WHO Model List of Essential Drugs (4), while Annex 1 ovulation, and so delay the return of menstruation
includes an additional summary of medicines with and fertility after childbirth (see Session 2.5). This is
side-effects. called the Lactation Amenorrhoea Method (LAM),
and all mothers of infants and young children should
8.4 Family planning and breastfeeding know about it. They also need to know the limita-
The harmful effects of pregnancies too close together tions of LAM, including when they are not protected
are well recognized. Birth-to-pregnancy intervals of against pregnancy, even if they are breastfeeding.
6 months or shorter are associated with a higher risk LAM is effective under the following three conditions
of maternal mortality. Birth-to-pregnancy intervals of (see Box 18):
around 18 months or less are associated with a signifi-
The mother must be amenorrhoeic – that is, she must
cantly higher risk of neonatal and infant mortality, low
not be menstruating. If she menstruates, it is a sign
birth weight, small size for gestational age and preterm
that her fertility has returned, and she can become
birth. Couples should be advised to wait at least 24
pregnant again.
months after a live birth and 6 months after a miscar-
riage before attempting the next pregnancy (5). The baby must breastfeed exclusively,1 and feed fre-
quently during both day and night. If the baby has
8.4.1 Lactational Amenorrhoea Method (6,7) any artificial feeds, or complementary food, then he
Breastfeeding is an important method of family
planning, because it is available to women who are 1
Evidence shows that LAM remains effective even if a baby is
unable for social or other reasons to obtain or use fully or nearly fully breastfed (meaning that the child may have
received vitamins, minerals, water, juice or ritualistic feeds
modern contraceptives, and it is under their control. infrequently in addition to breastfeeds), as long as the vast
Hormones produced when a baby suckles prevent majority of feeds are breastfeeds
8. Mother’s health 79
WHO model list of essential drugs. Geneva, World Health Organization Task Force on Methods for
Health Organization, 2003. the Natural Regulation of Fertility. Fertility and
Sterility, 1999, 72(3):431–440.
5. WHO. Report of the WHO consultation on birth
spacing: 13–15 June 2005. Geneva, World Health 7. Labbok M et al. Guidelines: breastfeeding, family
Organization, 2006. planning and the lactational amenorrhoea meth-
od. Washington DC, Institute for Reproductive
6. The World Health Organization Multinational
Health, 1994.
Study of Breast-feeding and Lactational Amenor-
rhea. III. Pregnancy during breast-feeding. World
Policy, health system and
Session 9
community actions
The Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding K Ensure that the health and other relevant sectors
(1) is the overarching framework for action by gov- protect, promote and support exclusive breastfeed-
ernments and all concerned parties to ensure that the ing for 6 months and continued breastfeeding up
health and other sectors are able to protect, promote to 2 years of age or beyond, while providing women
and support appropriate infant and young child feed- access to the support they require – in the family,
ing practices. The Global Strategy was endorsed unan- community and workplace – to achieve this goal;
imously by WHO Member States in the 55th World
K Promote timely, adequate, safe and appropriate
Health Assembly in 2002 and adopted by UNICEF’s
complementary feeding with continued breast
Executive Board in the same year.
The Global Strategy reaffirms and builds on the Inno-
K Provide guidance on feeding infants and young
centi Declaration on the Protection, Promotion and
children in exceptionally difficult circumstances,
Support of Breastfeeding that was adopted in 1990 and
and on the related support required by mothers,
revitalized in 2005. It identifies four operational tar-
families and other caregivers;
gets (2):
K Consider what new legislation or other suitable
K Appoint a national breastfeeding co-ordinator
measures may be required, as part of a comprehen-
with appropriate authority, and establish a multi-
sive policy on infant and young child feeding, to
sectoral national breastfeeding committee com-
give effect to the principles and aim of the Code.
posed of representatives from relevant government
departments, non-governmental organisations To implement the Global Strategy, actions at interna-
(NGOs) and health professional associations; tional, national and local level are needed to:
K Ensure that every facility providing maternity serv- K Strengthen policies and legislation to protect infant
ices fully practises all of the “Ten steps to success- and young child feeding;
ful breastfeeding” set out in the WHO/UNICEF K Strengthen health system and health services to
statement on breastfeeding and maternity services support optimal infant and young child feeding;
K Strengthen actions to promote and support optimal
K Give effect to the principles and aim of the Inter- infant and young child feeding practices within
national Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Sub- families and communities.
stitutes and subsequent relevant Health Assembly
resolutions in their entirety (4);
9.1 Strengthening national policies and
K Enact imaginative legislation protecting the breast- legislation
feeding rights of working women and establishing A primary obligation of governments is to formulate,
means for its enforcement (5). implement, monitor and evaluate a comprehensive
The Global Strategy includes five additional targets, national policy on infant and young child feeding
namely: (see Figure 22), to ensure a better use of resources and
coordination of efforts.
K Develop, implement, monitor and evaluate a
comprehensive policy on infant and young child Internationally recognized policy instruments to pro-
feeding, in the context of national policies and mote, protect and support optimal infant and young
programmes for nutrition, child and reproductive child feeding practices include the:
health, and poverty reduction; K United Nations Convention on the Rights of the
Child (CRC)
82 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
Figure 22
Elements of a comprehensive infant and young feeding programme
K National coordinator and coordinating body
for infant and young child feeding
K Health system norms
K Code of marketing of breast-milk substitutes
K Worksite laws and regulations
K Information, education and communication
K International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Sub- the advantages of breastfeeding”. The CRC is an
stitutes, and subsequent relevant WHA resolutions important tool to hold governments to account on
progress in the area of infant and young child feeding.
K International Labour Organization (ILO) Maternity
The periodic review and reporting process also pro-
Protection Convention 2000 (183).
vides an entry point for making recommendations to
strengthen national plans and actions in the area of
9.1.1 Convention on the Rights of the Child
infant and young child feeding.
The CRC is an instrument for protecting and ful-
filling the rights of children (6). It was adopted by
United Nations member states almost universally in 9.1.2 International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk
November 1989, and countries which have agreed to Substitutes and subsequent relevant Health Assembly
it (also referred to as States Parties) are required to resolutions – the Code
report regularly to the United Nations about progress The Code was adopted by WHO Member States in
in implementation. 1981 in response to the realization that wide-spread
marketing of breast-milk substitutes was leading to
Article 24 of the CRC addresses child health and
adverse health outcomes in infant and young children
nutrition, and some quotations are particularly rel-
all over the world (4). Progress in the implementa-
evant. States Parties agree to “take appropriate meas-
tion of the Code is reported every alternate year in the
ures to diminish infant and child mortality”, and “to
World Health Assembly (WHA), and through this
combat disease and malnutrition … through the pro-
process, a series of resolutions to further clarify the
vision of adequate nutritious foods and clean drink-
Code have been adopted by WHO Member States.
ing water”; and to “ensure that all segments of society,
particularly parents and children, are informed, have Manufacturers of infant formula often promote and
access to education and are supported in the use of market their products in ways which encourage moth-
basic knowledge of child health and nutrition, and ers and health workers to believe that breastfeeding
9. Policy, health system and community actions 83
and artificial feeding are equivalent. This under- and their children. This consensus is reflected in the
mines mothers’ confidence in breast milk and in their international labour standards of the ILO, which set
ability to breastfeed according to global recommen- out basic requirements of maternity protection at
dations. The Code seeks to regulate the marketing of work. ILO Maternity Protection Convention No. 183,
breast-milk substitutes, including infant formula and adopted by ILO Member States in 2000 (5), covers:
other milk products, foods and drinks, and bottle-
K 14 weeks of maternity leave, including 6 weeks of
fed complementary foods, when they are presented as
compulsory postnatal leave;
replacements for breast milk. The Code also seeks to
regulate the marketing of feeding bottles and teats. K cash benefits during leave of at least two thirds of
previous or insured earnings;
The Code addresses the quality and availability of the
products, and information concerning their use. It K access to medical care, including prenatal, child-
provides recommendations concerning the market- birth and postnatal care, as well as hospitalization
ing of industrially-prepared complementary foods, when necessary;
encouraging the use of locally-available foods. Thus K health protection: the right of pregnant and nurs-
the Code does not seek to ban products, but to control ing women not to perform work prejudicial to their
promotion that may influence families to use them health or that of their child;
when they are not needed.
K breastfeeding: minimum one daily break, with pay;
Health workers have important responsibilities to
K employment protection and non-discrimination.
comply with the provisions of the Code (7). For exam-
ple, health care facilities should not be used for the Few countries have ratified this Convention, although
purpose of promoting or displaying infant formula or many countries have adopted some provisions
other products within the scope of the Code. If prepa- through ratification of previous ILO maternity pro-
ration of formula feeds has to be demonstrated, this tection conventions. Health professionals have an
should be done only by trained health workers and important role to advocate for good legislation on
only to mothers or family members who need to use maternity protection, and hospitals and other health
formula, or who have made an informed decision to facilities should offer maternity leave and breastfeed-
do so. Health workers should explain clearly the dan- ing support for their own personnel.
gers of using the products.
9.2 Strengthening the health system and
Health facility administrators and staff need to
health services
understand and fulfil their responsibilities under the
Code. These include: Health workers have a critical role in protecting,
promoting and supporting infant and young child
K to encourage and protect breastfeeding; feeding. The advice given by health workers has been
K not to accept financial or material inducements to identified as one of the key determinants influencing
promote these products; mothers’ feeding practices. Health workers therefore
should have the necessary knowledge and skills to
K not to give samples of infant formula to pregnant
counsel caregivers and help them overcome feeding
women, mothers of infants and young children, or
difficulties when they occur. They should comply
members of their families.
with the Code and ensure that breast-milk substitutes
The fact that HIV can be transmitted through breast are not displayed in the health facility but only intro-
milk should not undermine efforts to implement the duced to those mothers and babies who need them.
Code. HIV-positive mothers, as all women, need to be To protect, promote and support optimal infant and
protected from commercial promotion of infant for- young child feeding, health services should:
mula and other products, and to remain free to make
an informed decision regarding infant feeding. The K Adhere to the Code and maternity protection legis-
Code fully covers their needs. lation for their own workers;
K Implement and maintain the BFHI (see Session 4);
9.1.3 ILO Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183) K Ensure that health workers are trained and sup-
Maternity protection at work is essential for safe- ported to provide breastfeeding counselling and
guarding the health and economic security of women complementary feeding counselling (see Session 5);
84 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
The ENA approach promotes seven essential nutri- K training and support of community health workers;
tion actions: K training and support of lay or peer counsellors;
K exclusive breastfeeding from birth to 6 months; K fostering breastfeeding support groups.
K appropriate complementary feeding from 6 months
with continued breastfeeding up to 24 months or 9.3.1 Behaviour change communication
beyond; Mothers do not make infant or young child feeding
K appropriate feeding of infants and young children decisions alone. Other people in the family and com-
during and after illness; munity influence them. To improve practices, a com-
munication strategy must address the beliefs of these
K adequate nutrition of women; other people, so that there is a change in family and
K control of vitamin A deficiency; community norms.
K control of anaemia through iron supplementation When developing a communication strategy, it is use-
and de-worming of women and children; ful to understand the stages of an individual person’s
9. Policy, health system and community actions 85
change. A person often moves from pre-awareness of birth to at least one child and breastfed successfully.
a recommended practice to awareness, contemplation Lay counsellors may not have so much in common
of trying the new practice, trial of the practice, adop- with those whom they help, and may not have breast-
tion of the practice, maintenance, and finally advo- feeding experience. However, both can be effective if
cacy of the new practice (13). committed and well trained. They may provide indi-
vidual counselling, visit the homes of pregnant or
When communicators understand this process, they
breastfeeding women, lead support groups, give talks
can identify the stage of their target group, and then
to community groups, or work alongside a commu-
can design a strategy to move them to the next stage.
nity health worker in a health facility.
For someone in the “pre-awareness” stage, the most
important need is information. If a person is con- Peer and lay counsellors can be trained in necessary
templating trying out what he or she has learned, skills using local adaptations of the courses developed
it is useful to encourage him or her, and to provide for health workers (18). They need an on-going con-
opportunities to try it. If a person is already trying nection to someone who can support them to sustain
a new practice, the health workers should emphasise their efforts, and to whom they can refer difficult cas-
the benefits and help him or her to overcome resist- es. This support may be a health worker or a health
ance from family or community, through home visits facility, or a NGO.
and support groups.
9.3.4 Fostering breastfeeding support groups
Moving from one stage of change to another requires
a mixture of communication approaches, including Breastfeeding support groups, or mother-to-mother
mass, electronic and print media; community advo- support groups, enable mothers to encourage and assist
cacy and events; and interpersonal communication each other to establish and sustain breastfeeding (19).
(community groups, individual counselling, mother- They can also support appropriate complementary
to-mother support groups and home visits). These feeding. A hospital that is designated Baby-friendly is
approaches need to be directed towards mothers and required, when discharging a mother, to refer her to
family members, community leaders, and others who a breastfeeding support group, if there is one nearby,
are influential in the community. and to foster and promote the establishment of such
groups (see Step 10 in Session 4.7).
9.3.2 Training and support of community health workers Group meetings are led by members with experi-
Community health workers can be important agents ence and some training, but depend on a sense of
of change in a community and provide services to equality and acceptance, which encourages moth-
support infant and young child feeding (14). How- ers to share experiences, ask questions and help each
ever, to do so effectively they need to be trained in other in a familiar, non-threatening community set-
the requisite knowledge and skills, and be supported ting. Breastfeeding support groups can be initiated
by supervisors and more highly-skilled health work- by health workers from primary and referral level
ers to practise accordingly. WHO and UNICEF have facilities, community health workers, or lay or peer
developed several courses that can be used for such counsellors.
training (15,16). Research shows that infant and
young child feeding counselling provided by commu- 9.3.5 Health workers’ roles in supporting community-based
nity health workers can improve caregiver knowledge approaches
and practices and lead to improved health outcomes Involvement of the health sector is necessary for
including child growth. community-based approaches to succeed (12). Health
workers’ supporting roles include:
9.3.3 Training and support of lay and peer counsellors
K Helping with the training of lay or peer counsel
Health workers often do not have enough time to lors;
provide all the help that mothers and families need.
Peer and lay counsellors can extend the reach of K Providing feedback to lay or peer counsellors when
health services, and provide more easily-accessible they refer infants with feeding difficulties;
infant and young child feeding counselling (17). Peer K Initiating and participating in breastfeeding sup-
counsellors have a similar background to those whom port group meetings to provide information and
they help; they typically are women who have given discuss appropriate feeding practices;
86 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
In 2008, WHO and partners issued a set of indicators 5. ILO. Maternity protection convention No. 183. Gene-
for assessing infant and young child feeding practices va, International Labour Organization, 2000.
(20). The indicators are intended for use in large-scale 6. United Nations. Convention on the rights of the
population-based surveys such as Demographic and child. New York, United Nations, 1989.
Health Surveys, and Multiple Indicator Cluster Sur-
veys. They provide information on key dimensions 7. WHO. International code of marketing of breast-
of appropriate infant and young child feeding, in milk substitutes: frequently asked questions. Gene-
accordance with the Guiding principles for comple- va, World Health Organization, 2006.
mentary feeding of the breastfed child (21) and the 8. WHO, UNICEF. Integrated management of child-
Guiding principles for feeding non-breastfed chil- hood illness: chartbook and training course. Geneva,
dren 6–23 months of age (22). A summary list of the World Health Organization, 1995.
core indicators and their definitions is in Annex 4. In
addition to population-based coverage data, periodic 9. Santos I et al. Nutrition counseling increases
assessment of quality care in health facilities (23) and weight gain among Brazilian children. Journal of
of progress towards the attainment of the operational Nutrition, 2001, 131(11):2866–2873.
targets defined by the Global Strategy is also impor- 10. Zaman S, Ashraf RN, Martines J. Training in
tant to increase the proportion of infants and young complementary feeding counselling of health care
children who are reached by effective feeding inter- workers and its influence on maternal behaviours
ventions (24). and child growth: a cluster-randomized trial in
Lahore, Pakistan. Journal of Health, Population
and Nutrition, 2008, 26(2):210–222.
11. WHO, UNICEF, BASICS. Nutrition essentials: a
guide for health managers. Geneva, World Health
Organization, 1999.
12. WHO. Community-based strategies for breastfeed-
ing promotion and support in developing countries.
Geneva, World Health Organization, 2003.
13. Prochaska JO, DiClemente CC. Transtheoreti-
cal therapy toward a more integrative model of
change. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Prac-
tice, 1982, 19(3): 276–287.
14. Bhandari N et al. An educational intervention
to promote appropriate complementary feed-
ing practices and physical growth in infants and
9. Policy, health system and community actions 87
young children in rural Haryana, India. Journal of 20. WHO, IFPRI, UC Davis, FANTA, USAID,
Nutrition, 2004, 134:2342–2348. UNICEF. Indicators for assessing infant and young
child feeding practices. Part I. Definitions. Geneva,
15. WHO, UNICEF. Breastfeeding counselling: a train-
World Health Organization, 2008.
ing course. Geneva, World Health Organization,
1993. 21. PAHO/WHO. Guiding Principles for complemen-
tary feeding of the breastfed child. Washington DC,
16. WHO, UNICEF. Infant and young child feeding
Pan American Health Organization, 2003.
counselling: an integrated course. Geneva, World
Health Organization, 2007. 22. WHO. Guiding Principles for feeding non-breastfed
children 6–23 months of age. Geneva, World Health
17. Haider R et al. Effect of community-based peer
Organization, 2005.
counsellors on exclusive breastfeeding practices
in Dhaka, Bangladesh: a randomized controlled 23. WHO/UNICEF. Indicators for assessing health
trial. Lancet, 2000, 356:1643–1647 facility practices that affect breastfeeding. Gene-
va, World Health Organization, 1993 (WHO/
18. Haider R et al. Training peer counsellors to pro-
CDR/93.1, UNICEF/SM/93.1)
mote and support exclusive breastfeeding in
Bangladesh. Journal of Human Lactation, 2002, 24. WHO/LINKAGES. Infant and young child feeding:
18:7–12. a tool for assessing national practices, policies and
programmes. Geneva, World Health Organization,
19. de Maza IC et al. Sustainability of a community-
based mother-to-mother support project in peri-
urban areas of Guatemala City: La Leche League
study. Arlington, Virginia, BASICS, 1997.
Annex 1
Maternal conditions that may justify permanent avoidance K Substance use2 (11):
of breastfeeding — maternal use of nicotine, alcohol, ecstasy,
K HIV infection:1 if replacement feeding is accept- amphetamines, cocaine and related stimulants
able, feasible, affordable, sustainable and safe has been demonstrated to have harmful effects
(AFASS) (6). on breastfed babies;
— alcohol, opioids, benzodiazepines and canna-
Maternal conditions that may justify temporary avoidance
bis can cause sedation in both the mother and
of breastfeeding
the baby.
K Severe illness that prevents a mother from caring
for her infant, for example sepsis. Mothers should be encouraged not to use these
substances and given opportunities and support to
K Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1): direct con- abstain.
tact between lesions on the mother’s breasts and
the infant’s mouth should be avoided until all
active lesions have resolved.
1. Technical updates of the guidelines on Integrated
K Maternal medication: Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI). Evidence
— sedating psychotherapeutic drugs, anti-epilep- and recommendations for further adaptations.
tic drugs and opioids and their combinations Geneva, World Health Organization, 2005.
may cause side effects such as drowsiness and 2. Evidence on the long-term effects of breastfeeding:
respiratory depression and are better avoided if systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Geneva,
a safer alternative is available (7); World Health Organization, 2007.
— radioactive iodine-131 is better avoided given 3. León-Cava N et al. Quantifying the benefits of
that safer alternatives are available – a mother breastfeeding: a summary of the evidence. Wash-
can resume breastfeeding about two months ington, DC, Pan American Health Organization,
after receiving this substance; 2002 (
— excessive use of topical iodine or iodophors (e.g., Main.htm, accessed 26 June 2008).
povidone-iodine), especially on open wounds 4. Resolution WHA39.28. Infant and Young Child
or mucous membranes, can result in thyroid Feeding. In: Thirty-ninth World Health Assembly,
suppression or electrolyte abnormalities in the Geneva, 5–16 May 1986. Volume 1. Resolutions
breastfed infant and should be avoided; and records. Final. Geneva, World Health Organi-
— cytotoxic chemotherapy requires that a mother zation, 1986 (WHA39/1986/REC/1), Annex 6:
stops breastfeeding during therapy. 122–135.
breast can resume once treatment has started (8). mother depends on her and her infant’s individual circumstan-
ces, including her health status, but should take consideration
K Hepatitis B: infants should be given hepatitis B of the health services available and the counselling and support
vaccine, within the first 48 hours or as soon as pos- she is likely to receive. When replacement feeding is acceptable,
sible thereafter (9). feasible, affordable, sustainable and safe (AFASS), avoidance
of all breastfeeding by HIV-infected women is recommended.
K Hepatitis C. Mixed feeding in the first 6 months of life (that is, breastfeeding
while also giving other fluids, formula or foods) should always
K Mastitis: if breastfeeding is very painful, milk must be avoided by HIV-infected mothers.
be removed by expression to prevent progression of Mothers who choose not to cease their use of these substances
5. Hypoglycaemia of the newborn: review of the litera- 9. Hepatitis B and breastfeeding. Geneva, World
ture. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1997 Health Organization, 1996. (Update No. 22)
10. Breastfeeding and Maternal tuberculosis. Geneva,
1997/WHO_CHD_97.1.pdf, accessed 24 June
World Health Organization, 1998 (Update No.
6. HIV and infant feeding: update based on the techni-
11. Background papers to the national clinical guidelines
cal consultation held on behalf of the Inter-agency
for the management of drug use during pregnancy,
Task Team (IATT) on Prevention of HIV Infection
birth and the early development years of the new-
in Pregnant Women, Mothers and their Infants,
born. Commissioned by the Ministerial Council
Geneva, 25–27 October 2006. Geneva, World
on Drug Strategy under the Cost Shared Funding
Health Organization, 2007 (http://whqlibdoc.
Model. NSW Department of Health, North Syd-
ney, Australia, 2006.
pdf, accessed 23 June 2008).
Further information on maternal medication and
7. Breastfeeding and maternal medication: recom-
breastfeeding is available at the following United States
mendations for drugs in the Eleventh WHO Model
National Library of Medicine (NLM) website: http://
List of Essential Drugs. Geneva, World Health
Organization, 2003.
8. Mastitis: causes and management. Geneva, World
Health Organization, 2000 (WHO/FCH/CAH/00.13;
CAH_00.13.pdf, accessed 24 June 2008).
Annex 2
Growth standards
In 1993 the World Health Organization (WHO) and related information from 8440 healthy breastfed
undertook a comprehensive review of the uses and infants and young children from diverse ethnic back-
interpretation of anthropometric references. The grounds and cultural settings (Brazil, Ghana, India,
review concluded that the NCHS/WHO growth refer- Norway, Oman and USA). The weight-for-age charts
ence, which had been recommended for international presented in this Annex are part of these standards.
use since the late 1970s, did not adequately represent The selection of standard deviations (SD) curves and
early childhood growth and that new growth curves the presentation of the charts are adapted for use in
were necessary. The World Health Assembly endorsed the IMCI context, with weekly divisions in the first
this recommendation in 1994. The WHO Multicentre two months and monthly divisions from 2 to 60
Growth Reference Study (MGRS) was undertaken months of age. Expanded reference tables necessary
in response to that endorsement and implemented for construction of national child health records are
between 1997 and 2003 to generate new curves for available at
assessing the growth and development of children the ards/weight_for_age/en/index.html, where there are
world over. The MGRS collected primary growth data detailed instructions on how to use them.
IMCI – Weight-for-age (girls)
Weight (kg)
Age (completed weeks and months)
Annex 2. Growth standards
94 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
Weight (kg)
Annex 3
Table 1
Boys weight increments (g) by birth-weight groups
Birth weight (g)
Reference: WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group.
WHO Child Growth Standards. Growth velocities based on
weight, length and head circumference: Methods and develop-
ment. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2009.
96 Infant and Young Child Feeding – Model Chapter for textbooks
Table 2
Girls weight increments (g) by birth-weight groups
Birth weight (g)
Annex 4
Exclusive breastfeeding
2. Exclusive breastfeeding under 6 months: Proportion of infants 0–5 months of age who are fed exclusively with
breast milk.
Infants 0–5 months of age who received only breast milk during the previous day
Infants 0–5 months of age
Continued breastfeeding
3. Continued breastfeeding at 1 year: Proportion of children 12–15 months of age who are fed breast milk.
Children 12–15 months of age who received breast milk during the previous day
Children 12–15 months of age
Dietary diversity
5. Minimum dietary diversity: Proportion of children 6–23 months of age who receive foods from 4 or more food
Children 6–23 months of age who received foods from ≥ 4 food groups during the previous day
Children 6–23 months of age
Meal frequency
6. Minimum meal frequency: Proportion of breastfed and non-breastfed children 6–23 months of age who receive
solid, semi-solid, or soft foods (but also including milk feeds for non-breastfed children) the minimum
number of times or more.
The indicator is calculated from the following two fractions:
Breastfed children 6–23 months of age who received solid, semi-solid or soft foods
the minimum number of times or more during the previous day
Breastfed children 6–23 months of age
Non-breastfed children 6–23 months of age who received solid, semi-solid or soft foods or milk feeds
the minimum number of times or more during the previous day
Non-breastfed children 6–23 months of age
Optional Indicators
Considering the need to limit the number of indicators and quantity of data to be collected to a minimum,
it is proposed that the indicators described above are the most critical for population-based assessment and
programme evaluation. However, to ensure continuity in monitoring of previously used indicators and recog-
nizing that some programmes may wish to measure additional indicators, the following optional indicators are
9. Children ever breastfed: Proportion of children born in the last 24 months who were ever breastfed.
Children born in the last 24 months who were ever breastfed
Children born in the last 24 months
10. Continued breastfeeding at 2 years: Proportion of children 20–23 months of age who are fed breast milk.
Children 20–23 months of age who received breast milk during the previous day
Children 20–23 months of age
11. Age-appropriate breastfeeding: Proportion of children 0–23 months of age who are appropriately breastfed.
The indicator is calculated from the following two fractions:
Infants 0–5 months of age who received only breast milk during the previous day
Infants 0–5 months of age
Children 6–23 months of age who received breast milk, as well as solid, semi-solid or soft foods, during the previous day
Children 6–23 months of age
12. Predominant breastfeeding under 6 months: Proportion of infants 0–5 months of age who are predominantly
Infants 0–5 months of age who received breast milk as the predominant source of nourishment during the previous day
Infants 0–5 months of age
Duration of breastfeeding
13. Duration of breastfeeding: Median duration of breastfeeding among children less than 36 months of age.
The age in months when 50% of children 0–35 months did not receive breast milk during the previous day
Bottle feeding of infants
14. Bottle feeding: Proportion of children 0–23 months of age who are fed with a bottle.
Children 0–23 months of age who were fed with a bottle during the previous day
Children 0–23 months of age