Working With Abstraction Lab
Working With Abstraction Lab
Working With Abstraction Lab
input output input output input output input output
1 * 2 * 3 * 4 *
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Create a PrintRow() method to easily reuse code.
On the first line read the coordinates of the top left and bottom right corner of the Rectangle in the format:
“<topLeftX> <topLeftY> <bottomRightX> <bottomRightY>”.
On the second line, read an integer N and on the next N lines, read the coordinates of points.
For each point, print out the result of the Contains() method.
input output input output input output
0 0 3 3 True 2 -3 12 3 True 5 8 12 15 False
5 True 4 True 6 True
0 0 False 8 -1 False 0 0 True
0 1 False 11 3 False 5 8 True
4 4 True 1 1 12 15 True
5 3 2 4 8 15 True
1 2 7 15
8 12
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Problem 3. Student System
You are given a working project for a small Student System, but the code is very poorly organized. Break up the
code logically into smaller functional units – methods and classes and don’t break the functionality.
The program supports the following commands:
“Create <studentName> <studentAge> <studentGrade>” – creates a new student and adds them to the
“Show <studentName>” – prints on the console information about a student in the format:
“<studentName> is <studentAge> years old. <commentary>”, where the commentary is based on the
student’s grade.
“Exit” – closes the program.
Do not add any extra validation or functionality to the app!
input output
Create Pesho 20 5.50 Pesho is 20 years old. Excellent student.
Create Mimi 18 4.50 Mimi is 18 years old. Average student.
Create Gosho 25 3
Show Pesho
Show Mimi
On a single line you will receive all the information about the reservation in the format:
“<pricePerDay> <numberOfDays> <season> <discountType>”, where:
The price per day will be a valid decimal in the range [0.01…1000.00]
The number of days will be a valid integer in range [1…1000]
The season will be one of: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
The discount will be one of: VIP, SecondVisit, None, but it can also be omitted from the input
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On a single line, print the total price of the holiday, rounded to 2 digits after the decimal separator.
input output
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