Statcom Impact On Distance Relay Performance: Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences
Statcom Impact On Distance Relay Performance: Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences
Statcom Impact On Distance Relay Performance: Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences
Vol. 09, No. 03, pp. 59-70, September 2016
Qais M. Alias
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Technology-Baghdad, Iraq
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] 2
(Received: 7/5/2015; Accepted: 4/10/2015)
Electric power systems are made up of infrastructure to generate, transmit and
distribute electrical energy. These power systems are the most complex and costly systems.
Faults in these power systems are an unavoidable reality. Electrical faults impose strain on all
levels of this infrastructure. If left uncorrected, these faults would quickly destroy this
infrastructure and lead to the collapse of the power system. This fact identifies the need for
another system responsible for the protection of the infrastructure against faults and abnormal
operating conditions [1].
The continuous pressure to cut down expenditure and the difficulty in obtaining power
transmission lines rights of way drove the power utilities to look for better and efficient use
of the available transmission capabilities [2]. Such notion, confronted by the constraints of the
various system stability criteria, is worthless unless modern techniques are introduced.
Flexible AC Transmission (FACTS) devices are among the lately introduced techniques to
the power transmission sector in order to manipulate the system dynamics towards better and
optimal use of the existing power transmission corridors and raise the stability markers up [3].
The use of FACTS devices in the power transmission systems gave rise to many new
conflicting issues regarding the requirements for the power system protection philosophy.
Due to the presence of the FACTS device in the fault current path, the relaying point signals
(voltage and current) are definitely affected in the steady-state as well as in the transient state
. Therefore, the protection system performance, for example a distance protection scheme,
will be definitely changed compared with that when no FACTS devices are present.
Moreover, the timing issue is of importance as FACTS devices are fast, and whichever
protection scheme is to be used, its performance need to be analyzed carefully [5].
One of the shunt FACTS devices is the STATCOM; it is designed based on conversion
of voltage sources. The device can inject a 3-phase sinusoidal current wave with variable
amplitude to the power system. In general STATCOM’s have been connected at the mid-
point of power transmission lines or at buses in high power loading areas in order to control
the voltage at the device connection point. The voltage control strategy is based on
absorbing/injecting reactive power at the connection point [6].
This work reports the results of a comprehensive study carried out to explore the impact
of a STATCOM device installation on the distance protection relaying system in a power
transmission line. Important issues like settings, timing are need to be identified and explored
and protection engineers need to consider during the stages of design and operation of the
distance-protection system.
1.1 STATCOM Compensator
The STATCOM is a shunt connected reactive power compensation FACTS device. It is
capable of generating and/or absorbing reactive power which can be varied to control specific
parameter in an electric power system (see Figure (1)). It is a voltage source converter that,
from a given input of DC voltage, produces a set of three-phase AC outputs, each coupled to
the corresponding AC system voltage through a relatively small reactance (which is provided
by either an interface reactor or the leakage inductance of a coupling transformer). The DC
voltage can be provided by an energy storage capacitor [7].
1.2 STATCOM principles of operation
Basically, the STATCOM controls its terminal voltage via reactive power injection or
absorption at the point where it is connected to the system. The STATCOM acts capacitive
to boost the system low voltage, and acts inductive to reduce system high voltage. The modes
of operation is performed by means of a voltage source convertor (VSC) connected on the
secondary side of the coupling transformer. The VSC uses forced-commutated power
electronic devices (GTO’s, IGBT’s or IGCT’s) to synthesize an AC voltage from a DC
voltage source. Figure (2) shows the active power (P) and the reactive power (Q) transfer
between the power system (source V1) and the VSC (source V2). In Figure (2), V1 represents
the voltage to be controlled, while the voltage V2 is that generated by the VSC, and is in
phase with V1 (∅𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑚 = 0o), so that only Q- power flows and (P=0). If V2 is lower than V1,
Q flows from V1 to V2 (STATCOM is absorbing reactive power). If V2 is higher than V1, Q
flows from V2 to V1 (STATCOM is generating reactive power). The amount of reactive
power transfer is:
V (V −V )
Q = 1 X1 2 (1)
A capacitor connected on the DC side of the VSC acts as a DC voltage source. The
voltage V2 has to be phase shifted slightly behind V1 in order to compensate for the
transformer and VSC losses and to keep the capacitor charged [8].
2. Transmission Line Distance Protection
Protective relays are the most important piece of equipment used in the protection of
power systems. Distance relay is one of the effective protective relays that are used for the
protection of extra high voltage transmission lines. Distance relays are considered of the high
speed class and can provide both primary and back-up protections [9].
Distance protection principles involve the implementation of Ohm’s law at the relaying
point, i.e. Zapparent= (V/I). The apparent impedance so calculated is compared with the relay
reach point impedance (i.e. zone setting). If the apparent impedance is less than the reach
point impedance, i.e. relay to fault point distance is less than the zone setting, the distance
relay must initiate the removal of the fault [10].
2.1 Mho self-polarized characteristics
The mho-relay characteristic is defined as a circle in the impedance plane which passes
through the origin. The characteristic can be obtained by using phase comparison of sets of
Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 09, No. 03, September 2016
vectors derived from the current and voltage signals of the protected line at the relaying point.
The phase comparator input signals of the mho characteristic can be represented by the
following equations:
S1 = Ir ZR − Vr (2)
S2 = Vr
S1 the operating voltage;
S2 the polarization voltage;
Ir fault loop current;
Vr impedance loop voltage;
ZR reach setting of the distance relay.
To represent the mho-relay characteristic in the R-X diagram, it is necessary to use the
voltage phasors S1 and S2 in the impedance plane. This is accomplished by dividing
Equation (2) by the current (Ir), yielding:
S′1 = ZR − Zr (3)
S′2 = Zr
Where; Zr is Zapparent seen by the distance relay.
Figure (3 a) demonstrates an example of the mho-relay with the operating conditions met. It
can be seen that with Zr measured inside of the characteristic circle, the angular difference
between S'1 and S'2 will be less than 90 degrees, which fulfils the operating condition. Figure
(3 b) demonstrates an example of the mho -relay with the operating conditions not met [11].
2.2 Relay modeling and simulation
Distance relay zone settings are based upon the line positive sequence impedance,
therefore, appropriate voltage and current inputs and a processing algorithm are required to
calculate the line positive sequence impedance seen by the relay at the relaying point for all
fault types.
A MATLAB/SIMULINK phasor model of mho-characteristic distance relay is built based on
the apparent impedance equations for each fault type with phase comparator inputs of the
forms given in Equation (2) for mho-characteristic. The distance relay model contains 6
elements, 3 for multi-phase faults and the other 3 elements for phase to ground faults. The
inputs for the phasor relay model are the fundamental frequency component of voltages and
currents at the relaying point. The structure of the phase element models of a 3-zone distance
relay is presented in Figure (4), ground elements have similar structure to that of the phase
element but with two alterations, using zero sequence compensation factor and apparent
impedance equations for faults including ground.
2.3 Distance relay zones setting
Selectivity in distance relays is provided by using different impedance reaches in
conjunction with different time delays associated with those settings. Careful selection of the
reach settings and tripping times for the various zones of protection enables correct
coordination between distance relays in a power system [12]. Typical settings for three
forward-looking zones of a basic distance protection system are given in the following sub-
A. Zone-1 setting
The impedance reach of zone-1 is usually set on 80% to 85% of the transmission line
impedance (depending on relay accuracy), leaving the remaining 20% to 15% of the line
impedance as a safety margin. Zone-1 of protection has no intentional time delay, i.e. operate
instantly [10].
Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 09, No. 03, September 2016
B. Zone-2 setting
The reach setting of zone-2 protection should be at least 120% of the protected line
impedance or a maximum equal to the protected line section plus 50% of the shortest
adjacent line. To allow for selectivity, time setting of zone-2 must be graded with the
operating time of zone-1 plus circuit breaker trip time [10].
C. Zone-3 setting
The main function of zone-3 is to offer remote back-up protection for faults occurring
in lines emanating from the remote bus, that is time delayed to discriminate with zone-2
protection plus circuit breaker trip time for the adjacent line. Zone-3 reach should be set to at
least 1.2 times the impedance presented to the relay for a fault at the remote end of the second
line section [10].
3. Apparent Impedance Analysis
The mathematical analysis of a power transmission system including a STATCOM
device connected at mid-point is dealt with here. The formulation concerns the calculation of
Zapparent seen by the line distance relay. The same procedure can be followed if the
STATCOM is situated at any other location along the line.
A simplified impedance equivalent circuit of a power system is shown in Figure (5), for a
fault in the second half of the power transmission line (i.e. after the STATCOM position). For
a fault before the STATCOM, (fault in the first half of the transmission line) the apparent
impedance seen by the distance relay can be calculated conventionally. From the previous
sections, the STATCOM device can be represented as a shunt branch containing, a voltage
source with impedance in series. The Zapparent, seen by the distance relay, will be derived for a
single phase to ground (Ph-G) fault in the following subsection (same procedure can be
followed for the other types of fault).
The first term (H ZL1 ) in Equation (10), represents the line impedance to a solid
fault with no STATCOM. The error in Zapparent introduced as a result of the STATCOM
installation is given as:
Zerror = (H − 0.5)ZL1 ( ) (11)
From Equation (11), the error, is directly proportional to the fault position (H) and the
current ratio( Ish ).
The positive value of this current ratio, as a result of current injection by the
FACTS device, would lead to higher impedance seen by the relay, which would result in
relay underreach. On the other hand, the negative value of the current ratio would
result in the relay seeing the fault at a closer position than the actual location and hence
would lead to an overreaching effect.
4. Simulation Results
Following the above given analysis, the model system of Figure (6) was built to
explore the impact of installing a STATCOM device on distance relay performance. The
STATCOM model is a phasor type uses an IGBT PWM voltage source converter, the system
parameters are given in Table (1). The overall system model shown in Figure (6) combines
the transmission system, the distance relay and the STATCOM models. Throughout the
study, two STATCOM connection points to the power system have been considered and as
A. STATCOM connected at bus-1
With reference to Figure (6), the STATCOM positioned at bus-1 station, Figures (7 a)
and (7 b) show the impedance trajectory seen by the mho distance relay for a (Ph-G) and 3Ph
faults at 135 km distance from bus-1. Table (2) shows the relay performance for a (Ph-G)
fault, in this table the without STATCOM column represents the system relay performance
considering No STATCOM connected to the line for comparison purposes. Figure (8) shows
the elements of the apparent impedance seen by the relay for 3Ph fault along the line with
STATCOM device connected to bus-1 in the transmission line system. For both (Ph-G) and
3Ph faults, the results show the state of higher impedance seen by the relay with the presence
of the STATCOM at bus-1 station.
Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 09, No. 03, September 2016
B. STATCOM connected at mid-point
With reference to Figure (6), the STATCOM positioned at the mid-point under the
same loading conditions, Table (3) shows the relay performance for a (Ph-G) fault. Figures
(9 a) and (9 b) show the impedance trajectory with mho distance relay for 3Ph and (Ph-G)
faults at 135km from bus-1. Figure (10) shows the elements of the apparent impedance seen
by the relay for a 3Ph fault along the line length. Similar to bus-1 STATCOM position; the
impedance seen by the distance relay is increased with the STATCOM connected at mid-
5. Conclusions
The primary system studied throughout this work involved a 177km, 400kV
transmission line. Comprehensive series of simulation studies were conducted to evaluate the
effect of the FACTS device (STATCOM in this work) on the distance relay situated at bus-1
The simulations revealed that, the STATCOM main impact is on the relay seen
apparent impedance. That impact is presented as relay underreach for all fault positions when
the STATCOM is situated at bus-1. That was true also for faults beyond mid-point when the
STATCOM was connected there. Furthermore, translated as relay underreach for all fault
positions when the STATCOM is situated at bus-1, the results show clearly the dependency
of the distance relay operation on many design and operational factors. These include the
FACTS device connection point or location, the fault type and fault point location along the
line. Finally, in order to mitigate FACTS impact, adaptive settings of the distance relay
tripping boundaries need to be investigated instead of fixed type settings.
[1] Aggarwal, R. K. et al., (2005), ''Power System Protection: Principles and components'',
The Institution of Electrical Engineers, England,.
[2] Song Y. H., and Johns A. T., (1999), ''Flexible AC Transmission Systems'', IEEE Press,
New York.
[3] Hingorani N. G., and Gyugyi L., (2000), ''Understanding FACTS: Concepts and
Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems'', IEEE Press, New York.
[4] Wen-Hao Zhang, Seung-Jae Lee and Myeon-Song Choi, (2010), ''Setting Considerations
of Distance Relay for Transmission Line with STATCOM'', Journal of Electrical Engineering
and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 522-529.
[5] Dash P. K., et al., (2000), ''Adaptive Relay Setting for Flexible AC Transmission Systems
(FACTS)'', IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol. 15, No. 1.
[6] Gharedaghi F., et al., (2011), ''Analysis of Statcom Operation in Electric Transmission
System'', Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, Vol. 1, No. 12, pp. 2908-2915.
[7] Javid Akhtar, and Sinto George, (2012), ''Modeling and Simulation of STATCOM for a
Power System Network Using MATLAB/SIMULINK'', IOSR Journal of Engineering
(IOSRJEN), Vol. 2, Issue 8, pp. 12-17.
[8] Gabriela Glanzmann, (2005), ''FACTS Flexible Alternating Current Transmission
Systems'', EEH-Power System Laboratory, ETH Zurich.
[9] General Electric Company, Alsthom Measurements Limited, (1987), ''Protective Relays
Application Guide'', Stafford Eng., 3rd edition, England.
[10] AREVA T&D Energy Automation & Information, (2002), ''Network Protection and
Automation Guide'',1st edition, Cayfosa, Spain.
[11] J. Roberts, et al, (1993), '' Z=V/I Does Not Make a Distance Relay'', 20th Annual Western
Protective Relay Conference, Washington.
[12] Les Hewitson, Mark Brown, and Ben Ramesh, (2004), ''Practical Power Systems
Protection'', Newnes-Elsevier, Oxford.
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Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 09, No. 03, September 2016
Figure (5) Simplified faulted network for a power system with STATCOM device
Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 09, No. 03, September 2016
Zone1 Zone1
Zone2 Zone2
100 With STATCOM 100 With STATCOM
80 80
Appatent reactance (Ohm)
40 40
20 20
0 0
-20 0 20 40 60 80 -20 0 20 40 60 80
Apparent resistance (Ohm) Apparent resistance (Ohm)
20 80
Apparent resistance (Ohm)
15 60
10 40
5 20
0 0
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Distance (km) Distance (km)
Figure (8) Apparent impedance against distance: 3Ph fault, STATCOM at bus-1
Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 09, No. 03, September 2016
Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 09, No. 03, September 2016
Zone1 Zone1
Zone2 Zone2
100 Without STATCOM Without STATCOM
Apparent reactance (Ohm)
12 80
Apparent resistance (Ohm)
6 40
Without STATCOM 10 Without STATCOM
0 0
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Distance(km) Distance(km)
Figure (10) Apparent impedance against distance: 3Ph fault, STATCOM at mid-point
Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 09, No. 03, September 2016
تدعم االستخدام االمثل النظمة نقل الطاقة الكهربائية المنشئة قديمًا ان اجهزة نظم النقل المرن )(FACTS
وحديثًا وانظمة القدرة المحدثة .ان استخدام مثل هذه االجهزة في انظمة نقل الطاقة الكهربائية يؤدي الى حاالت وظروف
تشغيل جديدة موجبةُ االخذ بنظر االعتبار في مجال عديدة مثل حماية نظم القدرة ,استق اررية نظم القدرة الخ.
في هذا البحث ,تم تحليل تاثير استخدام جهاز نظام نقل مرن ( ) STATCOMيربط في جهة االرسال او نقطة
المنتصف لخط نقل قدرة طويل نوعا ما ,على نظام الحماية المسافية لخط النقل .تم دراسة عدة حاالت اخطاء باستخدام
برنامج MATLAB/SIMULINKوذلك بواسطة استخدام نماذج لكل من ,مناولة الحماية المسافية ,جهاز ((STATCOM
ونظام نقل القدرة المستخدمين في الدراسة .بينت النتائج تغير الممانعة الظاهرية المرئية من قبل مناولة الحماية المسافية
وبالتالي امكانية التشغيل الغير معتمد للمناولة في حالة وجود مثل هذه االجهزة ما لم يؤخذ ذلك بنظر االعتبار مسبقا في
مرحلة التعيير لمناولة الحماية المسافية.
Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 09, No. 03, September 2016