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Rate Comparative ( With Rebate )

Current Tender Details

IFB / Tender Notice No : E-Tender No.9 OF 2022-23 Tender ID: 561993
Augmentation of Valsad Periphery, Name of Project :-“Bid
Documents for “Working Survey, Soil Investigation,
Design , Build ,Trial Run Contract for construction of Water
Treatment Plant @ Abrama HW , RCC U/G Sump, RCC ESR,
Pump House at MHW & Providing, Supplying, Lowering,
Name of Work : ECV (INR): 298724787.22
Laying & Jointing Rising Main & Gravity main Pipeline,
Compound wall , Approach Road & Supply, Installation,
Testing & Commissioning of HSCF Pumps With Associated
Mechanical and Electrical Equipment’s, Instruments &
Last Date & Time For Submission of Bid: 07-02-2023 18:00:00 Type Of Tender: open

SOR for the Year of : 2022-2023 Estimated Rate for the Year of : 2022-2023
Subwork Name : SCHEDULE – B1 Water treatment Plant at Main Head works
Item Rate(With Submitted Rate Submitted Rate Submitted Rate
S.NO No Item Description Quantity Unit Sor Estimated Rate Rebate) (With Rebate) (With Rebate) (With Rebate)

Conventional WTP -
Designing (hydraulic,
process, structural
and aesthetic),
constructing and
Conventional Water
Treatment Plant
consisting of all Civil,
Mechanical and
components of
various sub-works as
given below
including necessary
hydraulic testing,
structural testing,
equipment testing,
trial run for 3
months, etc.
complete as directed
by Engineer-in-
charge (turn-key
job). The design
shall conform to IS /
CPHEEO Manual.
Aerator Ventury
Flume/ Partial flume
With necessary flow
consisting of
indicator. Flash
Mixer Rapid mixing
device design
conforming to IS :
7090 of 1985.
Detenion time
60second, velocity
gradient 300-400
sec-1 with fans gear
and motor assembly
as per design.
Flocculator Design
confirming to IS :
7208 – 1974 (Type-
C). Detention period
30miutes with
flocculator paddles
with gear and motor
assembly as per
design. Clarifier
Circular tank with
horizontal flow
pattern, detention
period 2.5 hours,
overflow rate 30
cubic meter per
square meter per
day (to be
specified), Weir
loading not more
than 300 cubic
meter per meter per
day, with mechanical
sludge scraper
confirming to IS :
10313 – 1982 and 13/04/2023
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bridge of standard
make as per design
with gear and motor
assemblies. Rapid
Sand Filters and
Filter House Filter
designed for
filtration rate of
6,000 liters per
square meter per
hour, minimum 2
beds for plant up to
10 MLD, for larger
plants as specified,
pipe gallery and
platform minimum
5.5 meter in width.
a) Filter Media
Effective size of filter
sand 0.45 to 0.70
mm, uniformity
coefficient not more
than 1.7 nor less
than 1.3, depth of
fillter 0.75 M, free
board 50 cm, gravel
0.45 M in depth,
sand and gravel
conforming to IS :
8491 (i) – 77,
backwash by air
wash(if specified)
and hard wash by
water, standard
appurtenances (to
be specified), rate of
flow controller, filter
gauge, sand
expansion gauge,
etc. b) Wash Water
Tank Wash water
tanks of capacity
equal to 2% of
designed quality of
filtered water in a
day (+) 10% with 8
to 10 m head (as
specified) Wash
water tank shall be
constructed on RCC
column/slabs only.
c) Wash Water
Pumps Capacity to
fill water tank in 1
hour with 100%
standby. d) Air
Blowers Capable of
delivering 600 LMP
per square meter of
free air, of filter area
with pressure@ 0.4
kg/square cm at the
under drains (100%
standby). e)
Valves/gates Inlet,
outlet, wash water
inlet – outlet and all
types and sizes of
valves /gates as per
design (MOC of gate
shall be CI). f)
Gauges/meters All
types gauges and
meters required for
filter operations and
backwashing etc. as
per design. Chemical
House in Two Stories
(floor wise area as
specified) RCC
framed strcture with
brick masonary infill
walls. Ground floor
and first flour as per
shall be provided.
Minimum clear head
room for doors,
passages, galleries
etc. shall be 2.10 m.
It shall be 2.4 m in
case of Alum dosing
Tank. Ground floor
to accommodate 90
days alum
requirements and a)
Sundry storage b)
First floor to
accommodate alum
and lime tanks, etc.
c) Solution Tanks
Minimum 3 tanks
(one for preparation,
second for dosing
and third as
standby), each tank
capable of giving 8
hours maximum 13/04/2023
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dose without
minimum free board
0.30 M, trays for
dissolving, level
indicator, mechanical
agitation devices,
solution feed and
drain lines, solution
feed device
(constant head
device, strength of
solution up to 10%
only) confirming to
IS : 9222 Part –
1/1979. Store House
(area as specified)
Suitable for alum
storage of three
months requirement
in monsoon with
10% extra capacity
for other sundry
articles. Vacuum
feed type
Chlorinators – make
to be specified and
approved by
Confirming to IS :
10533 – A Part –
2/1983. b) Rate of
withdrawal shall be
as per clause 6.1
Table-1 confirming
to IS 10553 (2)-
1983. (c) Chlorinator
equipment and
container room to
confirm to IS 10533
Part - 1/1983. d)
100% standby shall
be provided. By pass
arrangements – for
inlet to CCT,
Clarifloculator to
Filter bed through
channel & Filter feed
channel to CCT - C.I.
or M.S. pipes (as
specified) of size as
per design Drainage
arrangements – RCC
pipes up to plot
boundary (as
specified) diameter
as per design.
(Backwash drain
with RCC pipe to
plant boundery or to
recirculation sump),
sludge removing
drain with RCC
pipes) Electric
installation. Both
internal and external
including entire plant
area (as specified).
equipments As per
requirement (to be
specified during
tendering). Sanitary
blocks. Sanitary
Block area – 15
square meter
minimum up to 25
MLD and 25 square
meter above 25 MLD
(or as specified).
Administrative block
and internal roads.
To accommodate
office room, chlorine
room, laboratory
room, panel board
room, blower room
etc. and asphalt road
to connect all units
from main gate of
plot. Dewatering
during entire work
using any technique.
Instrumentation and
control as per
specifications (for >
10 MLD WTP.) The
plant shall be
provided with
equipment for
measurement &
control functions,
indicated below as a
minimum, but not 13/04/2023
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limited to the
following: Rate of
Flow (ROF)
Measurement at WTP
Inlet Parshall Flume
and at each Filter
Bed Outlet. Flow
Meter shall be
Ultrasonic type with
remote display to
indicate level and
proportionate Flow
values on field.
Torque switch at
Clariflocculator for
alarm of Overload
and Trip function of
mechanism. Loss of
Head (LOH)
Measurement across
each Filters. LOH
Meter shall be
Ultrasonic type with
remote display to
indicate level values
and Head Difference
on field. Level
measurement at
each Sump/ Tank/
ESR. Level Indicator
shall be Float &
board type to
indicate level values
on field. Level switch
shall be
Displacer/Float type
with Low & High set
point to start/ stop
respective pumps.
Float & Horizontal
Scale type level
gauge at Chemical
dosing tanks to
indicate level values
on field. Pressure
Gauges at each
pump/ blower
delivery line and at
common header.
Constant Head Flow
Measurement at
Alum dosing tanks
1.0000 Job 2,18,37,314.9300 2,18,37,314.9300 2,00,00,000.0000 2,02,00,000.0000 2,43,77,500.0000 2,40,00,000.0000
with Float operated
flow meter. All
shall be provided in
instrument chamber
of MCC. pH indicator
cum Transmitter
(Online Analyzer) to
measure, display &
transmit pH Value of
Raw Water
(Location: WTP Inlet
Parshall Flume) and
Clear Water
(Location: CCT
Outlet). Turbidity
Indicator cum
Transmitter (Online
Analyzer) to
measure, display &
transmit Turbidity
Value of Raw Water
(Location: WTP Inlet
Parshall Flume),
settled water
outlet) and Clear
Water (Location:
CCT Outlet).
Chlorine Indicator
cum Transmitter
(Online Analyzer) to
measure, display &
transmit Residual
Chlorine Value of
clear water
(Location: CCT
Outlet) and Chlorine
Leak Detector at
Chlorination Room.
Sampling Pump for
Sampling to
Laboratory at Raw
Water Channel, At
Inlet to Filter &
Outlet to Filter. PLC
based control panel
with SCADA system
shall be provided in
central control room
of treatment plant
for monitoring,
control, recording, 13/04/2023
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and logging etc.

Necessary alarms,
status signals along
with the
measurements of
process parameters
etc. shall be
displayed in SCADA
System. Additional
instruments &
control equipments if
any for safe, reliable
& efficient operation
of treatment
process. Following
conditions shall form
a part and parcel of
the tender Filter
house tiles should be
glazed vitrified mat
finish and tile on wall
up to window sill.
Around valve area
granite flooring to be
provided. All
channels should be
with inside china
coated. All railing
should be SS railing
(SS 304) as per
latest IS standard.
External paint should
be of weather proof
coating with primer
and 3 coat paint.
Opening of window &
door should be
framed with granite.
All platform for
shall be of granite
and fixed in
sandwich with
bottom of kota/white
marble. All Window
shall be of Anodised
Aluminum section
(1.2mm guage
section) with wired
glasses, also
provided with grill/
weldmesh to prevent
birds entry. Doors
shall be of anodised
aluminum section
(1.2mm guage of
section) partial
glazed and partial
panel with 4mm
backelite sheet. Main
entry door should be
2.0meter wide with
3.0mtr entry poarch.
Roof top of all unit of
the WTP is
approchable through
staircase. All
staircase of entire
WTP should be RCC
only. (No MS ladder
or No MS Staircase)
Bathroom should
have shower facility.
neutralized pits(Lime
pit) shall be made
and mock drill
practice for leakage
neutralization to be
carried out while
commissioning. Fire
safety equipment
with Safety kit. At
chlorination room
safety mask and
hand gloves, gum
boots etc. should be
available. All vehicle
access roads shall be
of RCC and balance
of Paver block type
Proper arrangement
shall be made for
storage of PAC
solution and Alum
with arrangment of
vertical lifting of
platform through
guide rails operated
by motors. Proper
sludge disposal
arrangement shall be
made with sludge
drying beds. All
building terrace shall
be finished with high 13/04/2023
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quality water
proofing like china
mosaic flooring with
proper slope and
drainage for rain
water. Minimum
plinth height of filter
house shall be 0.6
m. Also outlet
channel RL shall be
at plinth level. Clear
walkway excluding
column and valve
operating valves
shall be 1 meter. Air
blower shall be
placed on ground
floor. Pipe gallery
shall be embedded in
flooring. Inlet pipe
from flash-mixture
to Clariflocculator
shall be epoxy
coated. Flooring of
Loading area like
tonner/alum store
etc. shall be of
Polished Kota stone
flooring and
open/other space
shall be of paver
block pitching. Notes
(1) Conditions from
Sr.No.1 to 1.16 &
2.1 to 2.20 shall
from a part and
parcel of the tender
and must be
incorporated in draft
tender papers of
treatment plants. (2)
Aerator must be
provided. (3)
Hydraulic design
criteria approved by
Technical committee
shall be referred and
item description shall
be modified
accordingly. (4)
Structural design
criteria approved by
technical committee
shall be applicable
for design. (5)
Design flow shall be
specified in
M^3/hour in data
sheet considering 22
hours WTP run time
in a day to treat
requirement water
quantity of a day
(i.e. 24 hours) of
population to be
served with design
rate of water supply.
No separate
provision shall be
kept in any tender
clause. (6) All other
details shall be as
per design criteria
and detail
specifications and as
directed by Engineer
in Charge. (7) The
following rates are
for sites falling in
seismic zone III For
sites falling in Zone
IV and V rates shall
be increased 5% &
8% respectively. (8)
The rates includes
excavation, refilling
and throwing away
extra stuff at all
lead. 9) The
Following rates are
for preliminary or
rapid estimate of
WTP :- Capacity of
WTP in MLD Cost of
15.5 MLD treatment
MHW (15.5 MLD)

Subwork Name : SCHEDULE – B2 Part-1 Pipe line Work

CO. Submitted PVT LTD. PVT. LTD. Submitted
Item Estimated Rate(With Submitted Rate Submitted Rate Rate(With
S.NO No Item Description Quantity Unit Sor Rate Rebate) (With Rebate) (With Rebate) Rebate) 13/04/2023
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Providing and supplying D.

I. K-7 grade pipes for
following nominal bore
diameter with internal
cement mortar lining
including all taxes,
insurance, transportation,
freight charges, octroi,
1 . 1.0 inspection charges, loading, 3,110.0000 Rmt 2,379.0000 2,379.0000 2,700.0000 2,600.0000 2,587.0000 2,700.0000
unloading, conveyance to
departmental stores,
stacking etc. complete. (IS
8329-2000).Rate for DI pipe
based on Wholesale Price
index of Pig Iron as 149.2
for the month of Jan -2022 .
1) 250 mm Dia
2 . 1.1 2) 300 mm Dia 50.0000 Rmt 3,000.0000 3,000.0000 3,002.0000 3,300.0000 3,283.5000 3,440.0000
3 . 1.2 3) 350 mm Dia 6,190.0000 Rmt 3,722.0000 3,722.0000 5,000.0000 4,100.0000 3,955.1250 4,120.0000
4 . 1.3 4) 400 mm Dia 15.0000 Rmt. 4,421.0000 4,421.0000 5,200.0000 5,000.0000 4,850.6250 5,411.0000
5 . 1.4 5) 600 mm Dia 4,365.0000 Rmt. 8,184.0000 8,184.0000 10,600.0000 9,198.0000 8,830.6250 10,350.0000
6 . 1.5 5) 700 mm Dia 8,805.0000 Rmt. 11,234.0000 11,234.0000 14,000.0000 12,310.0000 12,039.5000 12,500.0000
Providing and supplying in
standard length ISI mark
rigid unplasticised PVC pipes
suitable for potable water
with ring fit joint including
cost of rings, as per IS
specification no. 4985/1988
including all local and
central taxes,
transportation, freight
charges, octroi, inspection
charges, loading, unloading,
conveyance to the
7 . 2.0 departmental stores and 521.0000 Rmt. 1,166.8800 1,166.8800 140.0000 1,200.0000 1,288.5250 2,000.0000
including cost of jointing
meterial etc. complete.
Note: 1. One Coupler/ring
shall be provided with each
full length pipe cost of which
is included in rates below. 2.
3% (Three) Discounted rate
to be considered for coupler
jointed pipe. 3. Rate for PVC
resin as per Rs. 134700/MT
(Price Without GST) test
Pressure 6 Kg/cm^2 (1) 225
mm Dia
Manufacture, Supply &
Delivery of Ductile Iron
Flange socket spigot bends,
tees, reducers or any other
specials as per BS-EN-
545/1995 Class-A series
K12 suitable for use with
D.I. Pipes manufactured as
per IS:8329/1994delivery of
8 . 3.0 1,021.0000 Kg. 148.0000 148.0000 5.0000 335.0000 109.4500 140.0000
specials is to be made to
GWSSB store or site of
works any where in Gujarat
including all taxes, loading,
unloading, carting, stacking,
insurance, inspection
charges, octroi etc.
complete. 1) For 80 to
300mm Dia Pipe
2) For 350mm and Above
9 . 3.1 20,894.0000 Kg. 151.0000 151.0000 5.0000 195.0000 119.4000 150.0000
Providing and supplying ISI
mark CI D/F Sluice Valves
as per IS:14846 (Latest
Edition) of following class
and diameter including all
taxes, insurance,
transportation, freight
10 . 4.0 charges, octroi, inspection 2.0000 Nos. 9,813.0000 9,813.0000 14,530.0000 22,500.0000 10,746.0000 13,271.0000
charges, loading, unloading,
conveyance to departmental
stores, stacking etc.
complete. P.N.1.0 with hand
wheel/cap operated (PD
type short body) (1) 200
mm Dia.
11 . 4.1 2) 250 mm. Dia 6.0000 Nos. 15,920.0000 15,920.0000 23,005.0000 26,500.0000 17,412.5000 23,000.0000
12 . 4.2 3)300 mm Dia 1.0000 Nos. 20,384.0000 20,384.0000 27,850.0000 32,500.0000 22,288.0000 28,000.0000
13 . 4.3 4) 400 mm Dia 5.0000 Nos. 45,750.0000 45,750.0000 58,115.0000 42,500.0000 49,750.0000 60,000.0000
For Scour Valve (1) 125 mm
14 . 4.4 1.0000 Nos. 4,464.0000 4,464.0000 500.0000 18,500.0000 4,875.5000 4,800.0000
15 . 4.5 2) 150 mm Dia 1.0000 Nos. 5,848.0000 5,848.0000 500.0000 19,500.0000 6,368.0000 6,200.0000
16 . 4.6 3) 200 mm Dia 1.0000 Nos. 9,813.0000 9,813.0000 500.0000 22,500.0000 10,765.9000 13,200.0000
17 . 4.7 4) 350 mm Dia 1.0000 Nos. 30,125.0000 30,125.0000 500.0000 38,500.0000 32,337.5000 24,300.0000
18 . 4.8 5) 400 mm dia 5.0000 Nos. 45,750.0000 45,750.0000 500.0000 42,500.0000 48,755.0000 60,000.0000

Providing and supplying C.I.

Air valves of approved make
& quality of following class
and diameter including all 13/04/2023
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taxes, insurance,
transportation, freight
charges, octroi, inspection
charges, loading, unloading,
conveyance to departmental
19 . 5.0 8.0000 Nos. 2,496.0000 2,496.0000 2,665.0000 9,500.0000 4,975.0000 3,600.0000
stores, stacking etc.
complete. Tamper Proof Air
valves. Air valves double
acting (DS2) Type 1) 50 mm
20 . 5.1 2) 80 mm Dia 22.0000 Nos. 3,660.0000 3,660.0000 4,000.0000 14,500.0000 7,960.0000 5,000.0000
21 . 5.2 3) 100 mm Dia 1.0000 Nos. 5,267.0000 5,267.0000 6,300.0000 16,500.0000 10,447.5000 6,000.0000
22 . 5.3 4) 150 mm Dia 28.0000 Nos. 12,384.0000 12,384.0000 10,295.0000 18,500.0000 13,432.5000 13,500.0000
Temper proof Air valves
23 . 5.4 With Isolating Sluice Valve 1.0000 Nos. 13,789.0000 13,789.0000 8,720.0000 19,500.0000 15,124.0000 9,200.0000
PN 1.0 1) 80 mm Dia
Excavation for pipe line
trenches for water supply,
sewerage line, manhole etc.
all with shoring and struting
if required as per required
gradient and line including
safety provisions using site
24 . 6.0 rails and stacking excavated 35,075.8300 Cum 102.3500 102.3500 70.0000 70.0000 94.5250 90.0000
stuff including up to all
required lead cleaning the
site etc. complete for all lifts
and strata as specified. 0.0
to 1.5 mt depth. a) In all
sorts of soil and soft
b) In hard murrum, boulders
25 . 6.1 21,045.5000 Cum 155.2500 155.2500 70.0000 80.0000 99.5000 111.0000
incl. macadam road.
c) In soft rock and/or
masonary in CM or LM or
26 . 6.2 14,030.3300 Cum 187.4500 187.4500 70.0000 105.0000 109.4500 165.0000
Lime Concrete.(20% of Total
Quantity of Excavation)
1.5 to 3.0 mt depth.b) In
hard murrum, boulders incl.
27 . 6.3 macadam road.(50% of 5,558.6800 Cum 170.2000 170.2000 70.0000 190.0000 109.4500 145.0000
Total Quantity of
c) In soft rock and/or
masonary in CM or LM or
28 . 6.4 4,446.9400 Cum 205.8500 205.8500 70.0000 105.0000 119.4000 200.0000
Lime Concrete.(40% of Total
Quantity of Excavation)
d) In hard rock and/or in
C.C. 1:2:4 or R.C.C. with
29 . 6.5 blasting and chiselling or by 1,111.7400 Cum 446.2000 446.2000 70.0000 300.0000 298.5000 420.0000
chiselling (10% of Total
Quantity of Excavation)
Providing bedding incl.
ramming, watering,
levelling, consolidating etc.
complete as per standard
30 . 7.0 and instruction of engineer 1,118.7300 Cum 202.4000 202.4000 10.0000 300.0000 348.2500 300.0000
incharge. As above with
Murrum brought from
outside including all lead-
For DI K-7
Lowering, laying and
jointing C. I. S & S Spun
pipes suitable for Tyton
joints / Mortar lined D. I.
Pipes of various classes with
CI / MS specials of following
31 . 8.0 3,110.0000 Rmt. 113.8500 113.8500 120.0000 150.0000 99.5000 160.0000
diameters in proper
position, grade and
alignment as directed by
Engineer-in-charge including
hydraulictesting etc. comp..
(1) 250 mm Dia
32 . 8.1 2)300 mm Dia 50.0000 Rmt. 178.2500 178.2500 130.0000 150.0000 124.3750 175.0000
33 . 8.2 3) 350 mm Dia 6,190.0000 Rmt. 216.2000 216.2000 150.0000 150.0000 124.3750 170.0000
34 . 8.3 4) 400 mm Dia 15.0000 Rmt. 258.7500 258.7500 170.0000 150.0000 134.3250 220.0000
35 . 8.4 7) 600 mm Dia 4,365.0000 Rmt. 464.6000 464.6000 200.0000 150.0000 199.0000 260.0000
36 . 8.5 7) 700 mm Dia 8,805.0000 Rmt. 589.9500 589.9500 250.0000 150.0000 248.7500 300.0000
Lowering, laying, fixing and
jointing PVC/uPVC/cPVC
pipes and specials of
following class and diameter
including cost of conveyance
37 . 9.0 from stores to site of works 510.0000 Rmt. 54.0500 54.0500 60.0000 100.0000 39.8000 60.0000
including cost of labour,
material, cement solvent,
giving satisfactory hydraulic
testing as per ISI code. (1)
225 mm dia. Pipe

Erection of airvalve riser by

installing new M.S. pipe of
6mm thick and 3.2mt length
with necessary fittings such
38 . 10.0 as flange of appropriate size 8.0000 Nos. 3,578.8000 3,578.8000 500.0000 1,500.0000 3,880.5000 4,200.0000
nut bolts and embeded the
pipe in R.C.C. M:15 with
offset of 10cm around pipe
with necessary steel etc 13/04/2023
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complete. (1) 50 mm Dia.

39 . 10.1 2) 80 mm Dia 23.0000 Nos. 5,002.5000 5,002.5000 500.0000 1,500.0000 5,472.5000 4,500.0000
40 . 10.2 3) 100 mm Dia. 1.0000 Nos. 6,374.4500 6,374.4500 500.0000 1,500.0000 6,965.0000 6,000.0000
41 . 10.3 4) 150 mm Dia. 28.0000 Nos. 8,960.8000 8,960.8000 500.0000 1,500.0000 9,452.5000 8,000.0000
Lowering, laying and
jointing in position following
C. I. / D/F Reflux valves,
Butterfly valves, Sluice
valves and air Valve
including cost of all labour,
42 . 11.0 jointing material, including 2.0000 Nos. 853.3000 853.3000 100.0000 800.0000 796.0000 850.0000
nut bolts and giving
satisfactory hydraulic
testing, etc. complete.
P.N.1.0 with hand wheel/cap
operated (PD type short
body) (1) 200 mm Dia
43 . 11.1 2) 250 mm. Dia 6.0000 Nos. 1,087.9000 1,087.9000 100.0000 800.0000 796.0000 1,200.0000
44 . 11.2 3)300 mm Dia 1.0000 Nos. 1,312.1500 1,312.1500 100.0000 800.0000 995.0000 1,400.0000
45 . 11.3 4) 400 mm Dia 5.0000 Nos. 2,266.6500 2,266.6500 100.0000 800.0000 1,592.0000 2,400.0000
For Scour Valve (1) 125 mm
46 . 11.4 1.0000 Nos. 550.8500 550.8500 100.0000 800.0000 398.0000 600.0000
47 . 11.5 2) 150 mm Dia 1.0000 Nos. 672.7500 672.7500 100.0000 800.0000 597.0000 750.0000
48 . 11.6 3) 200 mm Dia 1.0000 Nos. 853.3000 853.3000 100.0000 800.0000 796.0000 900.0000

Subwork Name : SCHEDULE – B2 Part-2 Pipe line Work

CO. Submitted PVT LTD. PVT. LTD. Submitted
Item Estimated Rate(With Submitted Rate Submitted Rate Rate(With
S.NO No Item Description Quantity Unit Sor Rate Rebate) (With Rebate) (With Rebate) Rebate)
1 . 11.7 4) 350 mm Dia 1.0000 Nos. 2,003.3000 2,003.3000 100.0000 800.0000 1,592.0000 1,800.0000
2 . 11.8 5) 400 mm dia 5.0000 Nos. 2,266.6500 2,266.6500 100.0000 800.0000 1,592.0000 2,250.0000
3 . 11.9 Air Valve (1) 50 mm Dia 8.0000 Nos. 435.8500 435.8500 100.0000 800.0000 298.5000 480.0000
4 . 11.10 (2) 80 mm Dia 23.0000 Nos. 472.6500 472.6500 100.0000 800.0000 398.0000 500.0000
5 . 11.11 3)100 mm dia 1.0000 Nos. 604.9000 604.9000 100.0000 800.0000 398.0000 670.0000
6 . 11.12 4)150 mm dia. 28.0000 Nos. 695.7500 695.7500 100.0000 800.0000 597.0000 750.0000
Drain pipe : Providing ,
Supplying , Laying and
Jointing including
7 . 12.0 Excavation of drain for 9.0000 Nos. 86,126.5100 86,126.5100 100.0000 3,500.0000 54,725.0000 15,000.0000
scour Valve, 10 m pipe
for each scour valve (1)
Gravity Main
Construction of valves
chambers in brick or
bela stone masonry,
locally available in C. M.
1:6. Foundation
concrete 150 mm thick
in C. C. 1:4:8 of trap
metal size 25 mm to 40
mm thick, inside cement
plaster in C. M. 1:3 and
cement pointing outside
in C. M. 1:3 and top
cover of precast RCC
slab 100 mm thick (with
key hole in two parts,
each with handles or MS
8 . 13.0 5.0000 Nos. 8,898.7000 8,898.7000 1,000.0000 6,500.0000 9,452.5000 9,000.0000
Bar etc. complete as
given size) Upto 1 Mt.
depth from G. L. to pipe
invert level incl.
complete civil works but
excl. cost of excavation
and refilling, with cast in
situ RCC slab in one
single piece with fixing
of CI-MH Frame and
cover (excl. cost of CI-
MH Frame and cover)
with 23 mm thick brick
masonry wall in C.M.1:6
(1) 0.9m L X 0.9m B X
1.0m H
For 0.40 Mtr. Extra
9 . 13.1 0.8000 Rmt 5,150.8500 5,150.8500 1,000.0000 5,000.0000 5,472.5000 7,000.0000
For 0.20 Mtr. Extra
10 . 13.2 0.6000 Rmt 5,150.8500 5,150.8500 1,000.0000 5,000.0000 5,472.5000 5,200.0000
(2) 1.3m L X 0.9m B X
11 . 13.3 8.0000 Nos. 10,797.3500 10,797.3500 1,000.0000 6,500.0000 11,442.5000 11,000.0000
1.0m H
For 0.50 Mtr. Extra
12 . 13.4 4.0000 Rmt 6,074.3000 6,074.3000 1,000.0000 5,000.0000 6,467.5000 6,200.0000
(3) 1.3m L X 1.3m B X
13 . 13.5 10.0000 Nos. 13,053.6500 13,053.6500 12,000.0000 7,500.0000 13,930.0000 11,000.0000
1.0m H
14 . 13.6 For 1 Mtr. Extra Depth 10.0000 Rmt 6,996.6000 6,996.6000 1,000.0000 7,000.0000 6,467.5000 9,000.0000
Refilling the pipeline
trenches including
15 . 14.0 ramming, watering, 74,037.4000 Cum 25.3000 25.3000 10.0000 25.0000 9.9500 25.0000
consolidation, disposal
of surplus stuff as 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 10 of 32

directed within a radius

of 3 KM
Drilling of 1300 mm dia
Horizontal borehole for
watermain pipeline
crossing under the road
incl in all strata with
required length incl
fixing of 500 mm dia
MS/RCC casing pipe
16 . 15.0 with pushing etc 20.0000 Rmt 47,367.7900 47,367.7900 500.0000 48,900.0000 44,775.0000 45,000.0000
complete various size of
pipe for 559 to 711 mm
dia watermain Without
Water main & with MS
Casing Pipe-1200
thick:12 jn-4 to jn -5
(state highway crossing)
(600 mm dia.)
MHW to Jn - 1 (national
17 . 15.1 Highway - 48) (700 mm 45.0000 Rmt 47,367.7900 47,367.7900 500.0000 56,500.0000 44,775.0000 45,000.0000
18 . 15.2 Village level Road 10.0000 Rmt 47,367.7900 47,367.7900 500.0000 48,900.0000 44,775.0000 30,000.0000
Drilling of 500mm dia
Horizontal borehole for
watermain pipeline
crossing under the road
incl in all strata with
requried length incl
fixing of 400mm dia
M.S/RCC casing pipe
with pushing etc
19 . 16.0 complete various size of 30.0000 Rmt 9,169.0500 9,169.0500 500.0000 38,500.0000 8,955.0000 15,000.0000
pipe for 193.7 to
244.5mm dia watermain
(For 45 mt Length)
Without Water main &
with MS Casing Pipe-
400 thick:6 Jn- 1 to
Vejalpore Village (state
Highway )(200 mm
20 . 16.1 Village level Road 10.0000 Rmt 9,169.0500 9,169.0500 500.0000 24,500.0000 8,955.0000 25,000.0000
Drilling of 600mm dia
Horizontal borehole for
watermain pipeline
crossing under the road
incl in all strata with
requried length incl
fixing of 500mm dia
M.S/RCC casing pipe
with pushing etc
21 . 17.0 45.0000 Rmt 13,344.7800 13,344.7800 500.0000 39,200.0000 12,935.0000 15,000.0000
complete various size of
pipe for 273.1 to
355.6mm dia watermain
(For 45 mt Length)
Without Water main &
with MS Casing Pipe-
500 thick:8. MHW to Jn
- 1 (national Highway -
48) (350 mm Dia.)

Drilling of 1300mm dia

Horizontal borehole for
watermain pipeline
under the railway tracks
incl all strata with
requried length
including fixing of
1200mm dia MS casing
pipe of minimum 8mm
thick Or IRS Casing Pipe
with welding pushing etc
complete. Providing &
fixing various size of
pipe for
dia watermain of
G.I/M.S pipe of
minimum 6.3mm thick
for railway permises as
per instruction &
regulations of Railway
22 . 18.0 authority & under 1.0000 Nos. 23,50,674.7500 23,50,674.7500 25,00,000.0000 14,75,000.0000 22,38,750.0000 20,25,000.0000
supervision of Railway
authority incl
Provinding, supplying &
fixing of spacer at
specified interval if
required between
Casing pipe and water
main, ISI make sluice
valve of required size at
both side of railway
boundry with
construction of
brickedge pavement
including C:C encasing
1:3:6 in 10mtr length at
both side. Incl
provinding & fixing of
M.S/Iron Manhole frame
with cover for valve
chamber with loaking
arregment etc complete 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 11 of 32

with all material labour

testing of pipe & valve
etc complete for total 45
mt Length which
includes horizontal
pushing and with open
Water main & withMS
Casing PipeMHW to Jn -
1 (Railway Track) (700
mm Dia.)
Pipe Encasing:-
Providing C.C.M.:100 for
encasing pipes using
trap metal size 12 mm
to 50 mm incl. form
23 . 19.0 work curing 62.5200 Cum 4,730.8700 4,730.8700 4,800.0000 4,600.0000 4,477.5000 4,000.0000
consolidation etc.
complete for various
location on pipe line
Using Trap Metal 20mm
nominal Size
For Steel Work -
Construction of Steel
bridge with RCC support
at middle & at End for
canal crossing.Work
include providing,
supplying, febrication of
steel work in beams &
joists, channels angles
Tees, chequre
palte,flats, with
connecting plates or
angles cleats as in main
& cross beams. Hip &
jack rafters,purlins
connected to common
rafters. as per GA
drg.Applying priming
24 . 20.0 90.0000 RMT 11,389.6000 11,389.6000 500.0000 14,500.0000 22,387.5000 9,000.0000
coat over new steel and
other metal surface
after and including
preparing he surface by
thoroughly cleaning oil,
grease, ditrt and other
foreign matter and
scoured with brushes
fine steel wood,
scrapper and sand
paper with ready mixed
priming paint brusing
red lead & Applying red
oxide and two coats of
synthetic enamel paint
etc completed. MHW to
Jn - 1 (Wanki River )
(700 mm Dia.)
MHW to Jn - 1 (Wanki
25 . 20.1 90.0000 RMT 11,389.6000 11,389.6000 500.0000 14,500.0000 22,387.5000 9,000.0000
River ) (700 mm Dia.)
Jn- 1 to Vejalpore
26 . 20.2 Village (state Highway ) 250.0000 RMT 11,389.6000 11,389.6000 500.0000 3,500.0000 17,412.5000 5,000.0000
(200 mm Dia.)

For RCC Supports -

Constuction of RCC
support at middle and at
end portation for canal
crossing at various
location on pipeline
route. Providing and
casting in situ mass
cement concrete in M-
10 ( Approx. Corresp to
Prop. 1:3:6 ) using
granitr quartzite trap
Metal of Size 12mm to
25mm including
consloidation curing etc.
Complete (with Form
Work), Providing and
casting RCC Column and
Footing in situ mass
cement concrete in
27 . 21.0 grade M-20 7.2000 Cum 10,915.8000 10,915.8000 1,000.0000 9,500.0000 9,950.0000 9,000.0000
( proportions as per mix
design or as per table 9
of IS:456-2000 in
masses bt weigh
batching ) using granite
quartzite trap Metal of
size 6mm to 20mm for
RCC work, including
scaffolding centering,
formwork, needle
vibrated consolidation,
curing complete upto 6
m depth or height
(Excluding Cost of
Reinforcement and neat
finishing ) with
centering and
etc. complete. for
Structure other than 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 12 of 32

water retaining (Below

G.L) - Footing for
Column or Foundation
(With Form Work) MHW
to Jn - 1 (Wanki River )
(700 mm Dia.)
MHW to Jn - 1 (Wanki
28 . 21.1 7.2000 Cum 10,915.8000 10,915.8000 1,000.0000 9,500.0000 9,950.0000 9,000.0000
River ) (700 mm Dia.)
Jn- 1 to Vejalpore
29 . 21.2 Village (state Highway ) 7.2000 Cum 10,915.8000 10,915.8000 1,000.0000 9,500.0000 9,950.0000 5,000.0000
(200 mm Dia.)
TMT Bar Reinforcement
- Supplying, cutting,
bending, binding, and
placing in position steel
as per plan and design
and as per ISS 2502
including cost of steel
and binding wire for
30 . 21 A 1,728.0000 Kg. 84.1900 84.1900 80.0000 68.0000 69.6500 70.0000
reservior/structures only
including lift up to 6 mt.
height or depth below
G. L. for all diameters.
DO - Thermo
Mechanically Treated
(TMT) Bars Fe-415
Grade for all diameters.

Subwork Name : SCHEDULE – B3 Clear Water Sump

Item Rate(With Submitted Rate Submitted Rate Submitted Rate
S.NO No Item Description Quantity Unit Sor Estimated Rate Rebate) (With Rebate) (With Rebate) (With Rebate)

Preparing structural
design of RCC Under
Ground / Partially
under ground /
above high ground
level Reservoir of
required capacity as
per relevant I.S.s
and constructing the
same, including
excavation in all
types of soil strata
(including rock)
including shoring
strutting if required,
for loose soil / to
protect from collapse
due to near by traffic
load, casting 100
mm thick P.C.C.
leveling course in M-
10, Refilling the pit
with proper soil and
disposing of the
surplus stuff within a
lead of 50 meters.
structural design of
RCC Under Ground /
Partially under
ground / above high
ground level
Reservoir of required
capacity as per
relevant I.S.
standards and
constructing the
same, including
excavation in all
types of soil strata
(including rock)
including shoring
strutting if required,
for loose soil / to
protect from
collapse, casting 100
mm thick P.C.C.
levelling course in M-
15, Refilling the pit
with proper soil and
disposing of the
surplus stuff at all
lead. Including
cement plaster in CM
1:2 with approved
water proofing
compound to all over
inside container (i.e.
walls, base, top
slab/dome bottom
etc. all). Including all
types of labour and
material charges of
lowering, laying,
erecting / hosting
and jointing of pipe
assembly to inlet,
and bye pass 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 13 of 32

arrangement as per
hydraulic design.
Providing and fixing
accessories, CI
Manhole frame and
cover,water level
indicator, adequate
cowl type ventilators
or lantern type
ventilator with
stainless steel jail.
RCC chambers for
valves.Providing and
applying three coats
of cement paint /
snowcem to the out
side face of
structure. It also
includes satisfactory
water tightness test
as per relevant I.S.
code and painting
name of scheme and
capacity on the tank
as per direction of
engineer in
cement plaster in CM
1:2 with approved
water proofing
compound to inside
water touching
surface to container.
Including all types of
labour and material
charges of lowering,
laying, erecting /
hosting and jointing
of pipe assembly to
inlet, outlet overflow,
washout and bye
pass arrangement as
per hydraulic
design.Providing and
fixing accessories
like MS / GI Ladder,
CI Manhole frame
and cover,water
level indicator,
adequate cowl type
ventilators or lantern
type ventilator with
stainless steel jail.
List of Indian
Standards for Design
of GSR / SUMP:- The
structural design of
GSR shall be in
accordance with
provisions relevant
I.S standards (1)
I.S. 3370 part I & II
2009 or Its latest
revision (1.1) I.S.
3370 part III & IV
1965 or Its latest
revision (2) I.S. 456
– 2000 or Its latest
revision. (3) I.S.
1893 – 2000 – 1984
or Its latest revision.
(4) I.S. 875, Part – 1
to 3, 1987 or Its
latest revision.
Specification :- (1)
Water depth in
container shall be
adopted as per data
of tender. Capacity
shall be calculated
excluding free board
of the reservoir. If
water depth is not
specified, the
suitable water
depth / acceptable to
field engineer in
accordance with
hydraulic (2) Shape
of container (in plan)
specified by in data
shall be adopted. (3)
Size shall be fixed as
per availability of
space (land area) at
site / acceptable
engineer in charge.
(4) Effect of
overlapping of
pressure bulbs on
soil due near by
structure and
proposed sump
should be
considered. (5) Care
shall be taken that
no damage should 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 14 of 32

occur to nearby
existing structure.
Compensation shall
be paid for the same
by agency. (6) The
minimum concrete
grade for RCC shall
be M-30. (7) HYSD
Fe 415 / 500 grade
reinforcing bars
confirming to I.S.
1786 / 1139 shall be
considered in design.
CRS / TMT bars shall
be provided. In
saline atmosphere
corrosion resistance
stainless steel / HCR
rebar shall be
provided. Any other
steel can be used
with approval of
C.E./ in situation of
non availability in
market without extra
cost. (8) Minimum
size (or thickness) of
various components
shall be provided as
per tender criteria /
specifications in
absence as per I.S./
Std. practice of
G.W.S.S.B. Minimum
dimensions specified
for various
components in
tender data /
specifications shall
be provided without
fail. (9) The safe
bearing capacity
(SBC) shall be
referred from SBC
test report. In
absence of report it
shall be referred
from data sheet. If
poor soil is found /
water table is met
with during
excavation SBC shall
be scientifically
ascertained and
1 1.0000 No. 1,35,58,618.0900 1,35,58,618.0900 1,35,00,000.0000 1,25,00,000.0000 1,27,85,750.0000 2,25,00,000.0000
design shall be
revise. No extra shall
be paid for increase
in quantity. (10) DI
pipes and special
shall only be used if
type is not specified
in tender. (11) The
rate shall include
cost of dewatering
during excavation
making all
arrangement when
water table meets
within depth. (12)
The structure shall
be designed properly
to resist uplift due to
ground water table
specified in data or
actual ground water
table meets with
during excavation. If
GWT / Uplift is
mentioned in tender
and during
excavation it dose
not meet 7.5% rate
shall be reduced.
(13) SS pipes railing
shall be provided
over sump perifery
when sump height is
= 1.5 meter above
ground level. (14.a)
RCC staircase/RCC
Steps should be
provided from GL to
sump top slab based
on the height of the
GSR above/below
the ground. (15)
Appearance of
structure should be
aesthetically good
looking acceptable to
authority. (16) Any
change in size,
shape, depth below
GL, height above GL,
water depth, F.B.,
size of member etc
can be permitted in
exceptional case due 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 15 of 32

to site condition or
hydraulic design
requirement by C.E.
No extra shall be
paid for change. (17)
Any change in data,
dimensions, shape,
water depth,
reduction in size if
permitted by
competent authority
and if it reduces
quantity then
payment shall be
reduced prorate.
(18) When capacity
of GSR / Sump is >
20 lakh litres two or
acceptable to
executive engineer
shall be designed
and provided. (18)
When capacity of
GSR / Sump is > 20
lakh litres two or
acceptable to
executive engineer
shall be designed
and provided. (19)
Agency shall engage
qualified (at least
graduate) consulting
engineer for
designing the
structure and he /
she shall visit the
site for guidance of
work. (20) 75% part
rate shall be payable
for concrete,
reinforcement and
plastering items of
container until
satisfactory hydraulic
testing for water
tightness is
performed as per
tender condition. Till
the work shall be
treated as
conditions / general
specifications Sr. No.
1 to 20 are part and
parcel of tender
(contact) and prevail
over other provisions
in tender. As above
rectangular sump
with water table
(Sub soil water level
foundation) ,Capacity
of GSR/Sump. At
Abrama MHW
(Capacity 5300000

Subwork Name : SCHEDULE – B4 Elevated Storage reservoir at Main Head works

Item Rate(With Submitted Rate Submitted Rate Submitted Rate
S.NO No Item Description Quantity Unit Sor Estimated Rate Rebate) (With Rebate) (With Rebate) (With Rebate)

Designing structurally
(and aesthetically)
complying provisions of
relevant Indian
standards and
constructing RCC
Elevated service
Reservoir of the
following capacity and
height , using latest Soil
Investigation Report of
proposed site , Seismic
zone, Wind speed Zone.
Including (1) Container
shape any suitable type
(or as specified), (2)
Staging consisting of
column brace trestle /
shaft / combination
column- brace trestle
and shaft as
appropriate(or as
specified) and (3)
Appropriate foundation
system. This includes
excavation in all types
of soil strata(including 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 16 of 32

hard rock,casting100
mm thick P.C.C.
levelling course in M-
10 , Refilling the pit
with proper soil and
disposing of the surplus
stuff at all required
lead. (4) This will also
include cement plaster
in CM 1:2 with
approved water
proofing compound all
over inside container
(i.e. walls, base, top
slab/dome bottom etc.
all).. (5) All types of
labour & material
charges of lowering ,
laying, erecting /
hoisting & joining of
pipe assembly of Inlet,
washout and bye pass
arrangement as per
hydraulic design are
including. (6) Providing
and fixing of any
CI Manhole frame and
covers, water level
indicator , lightening
conductor, GI Pipe
railing around walk
way, at roof level, at
gallery and around
landing of inside shaft,
Adequate cowl type
ventilators or lantern
type ventilator with
stainless steel jali. (7)
Scope of work includes
constructing RCC spiral
staircase with adequate
tie beams,staircase
footing ,Rcc chambers
for valves. ventilating
shaft and ventilators as
well as door in shaft,SS
grating to be provided
to outlet pipe (inside
container) for safety.(8)
including providing and
applying three coats of
cement paint/snowcem
1. 1 1.0000 Nos 2,10,72,451.9500 2,10,72,451.9500 2,10,00,000.0000 2,60,00,000.0000 1,89,05,000.0000 2,40,00,000.0000
(as specified) to the
whole structure. (9) It
also includes
satisfactory water
tightness test as per
relevant I.S. Code and
painting name of
scheme &capacity on
the tank as per
direction of engineer in
charge. List of Indian
Standards for design of
ESR:Note: The
structural design of ESR
shall be in accordance
with provisions of
relevant Indian
Standards.(1) I.S. 3370
part I & II 2009 or Its
latest revision. (1.1)
I.S. 3370 part III & IV
1965 or Its latest
revision . (2) IS 456-
2000 or Its latest
revision. (3) IS 11682-
1985 or Its latest
revision. (4) IS 1893-
2002 part I to V or Its
latest revision. (5) IS
13920-1993, or Its
latest revision. (6) IS
875 part I to III,1987
or Its latest revision.
(7) IS 11089- 1987 or
Its latest revision.
General specifications:
(1) The Min. concrete
grade for RCC shall be
M :30. Proportion of
concrete ingredients
shall be as per Mix
design using weigh
batching. (2) HYSD( Fe
415)or higher grade
reinforcing bars
confirming to IS
1786/1139 or CRS /TMT
bars shall be used as
per detailed
specification. (3) In
case of column –brace
trestle type staging
having more than 6
columns internal 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 17 of 32

horizontal bracing is
obligatory. One bracing
shall be at foundation
level in case of
Individual footings . (4)
Min. size/ thickness of
various components
shall be provided as per
Code ( or as per std.
practice). Capacity of
the ESR shall be
considered excluding
free board. (5)
Minimum dimensions
specified for various
components in tender
data /specifications
should be provided. (6)
The Safe bearing
(SBC) /allowable
pressure on soil shall be
referred from latest
SBC test report or
tender datasheet.
During execution If
poor soil strata or
ground water table is
encountered, the SBC
shall have to be re
ascertained and the
design should be
revised accordingly.(7)
Maximum spacing
between horizontal
bracings shall be 5 m
(storey height). (8) The
BB Masonry cabin with
MS door shall be
constructed when spiral
staircase is outside the
staging. (9) RCC
Staircase/ MS Staircase
shall be provided and
fixed for access to roof
when height of roof
from G.L. is up to 10 m.
For ESR having more
than 10 m height
proper RCC staircase or
suitable RCC spiral
staircase shall be
constructed. Railing
should be provided
through out the
staircase and around
the top ring beam. (10)
For ESR-having staging
height more than 15 m
the spiral staircase shall
be provided inside the
staging with effective
tie beams in more than
one direction. (11)
Water level indictor
shall be provided and
fixed float
type /electronic (as
specified ). (12) The
rate shall include
providing and fixing
pipes, specials, and
valves required for
inlet, outlet , wash out,
over flow and bye pass
arrangement. The
scope of work includes
constructing supporting
RC pillars, erecting,
laying ,fixing and
joining pipes and
specials etc up to 5m
length from face of
staging (outer most
column). (13) DI pipes
& specials shall only be
used . (14) The rate
shall include cost of
dewatering during
execution making all
arrangement with any
dewatering technique.
(15) The structure shall
be designed properly
for uplift due to Ground
water table specified in
data or GWT
encountered during
execution. No extra
payment shall be paid
for the same. (16)
Effective curing shall be
carried out up to
required period as per
specifications. (17)
Agency shall engage 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 18 of 32

qualified (at least

engineer for designing
the structure and
he/she shall visit the
site for guidance of
work at all levels (i.e.
below foundation, up to
GL, above GL for all lifts
up to container). (18)
75 % part rate shall be
payable for Concrete,
Reinforcement and
Plastering items of
container until
satisfactory hydraulic
testing for water
tightness is performed.
Or as per tender
condition. Till then the
work shall be treated as
incomplete. Above
conditions / general
specifications Sr. No. 1
to 18 are part & parcel
of tender(contract) At
Abrama MHW (2600000
litre Capacity 15 MTR)

Subwork Name : SCHEDULE – B5 Pump House

CO. Submitted PVT LTD. PVT. LTD. Submitted
Item Estimated Rate(With Submitted Rate Submitted Rate Rate(With
S.NO No Item Description Quantity Unit Sor Rate Rebate) (With Rebate) (With Rebate) Rebate)
Pump House Designing
(aesthetically) and
constructing R.C.C frame
structure of pump room
with positive suction /
Negative suction Note:- 1.
Minimum 15 % opening for
ventilation should be
provided. 2. Pump room
rolling shutter, door and
windows of aluminum
1. 1 64.0000 17,596.9800 17,596.9800 16,500.0000 13,500.0000 18,905.0000 16,000.0000
section and window grill of
iron should be provided
(Included in Cost). 3.
Plinth level of Pump house
should be min.1 meter
above GL. 4.Cost does not
include foundation for
pumping machinery. With
Gantry structure (Min
Height 4.5 M) At Pumping
Station At MHW

Subwork Name : SCHEDULE – B6 Compound Wall

CO. Submitted PVT LTD. PVT. LTD. Submitted
Item Estimated Rate(With Submitted Rate Submitted Rate Rate(With
S.NO No Item Description Quantity Unit Sor Rate Rebate) (With Rebate) (With Rebate) Rebate)
Excavation for foundation
including throughing the
1 . 1.0 excavated stuff up to a lead 54.0000 Rmt 89.1900 89.1900 90.0000 6,500.0000 99.5000 60.0000
50 m. 1) In hard & Dense
2 . 1.1 2) In hard Murrum 40.5000 Rmt 151.4100 151.4100 90.0000 6,500.0000 99.5000 100.0000
3) Soft Rock not requiring
3 . 1.2 40.5000 Rmt 157.6400 157.6400 90.0000 6,500.0000 99.5000 150.0000
Providing and casting in situ
mass cement concrete in
grade m-10 (approx.
corresp. to prop. 1:3:6)
4 . 2.0 using granite quartizite trap 31.5000 Rmt. 4,211.3000 4,211.3000 3,795.0000 2,200.0000 3,980.0000 4,000.0000
metal of size 12 mm to 25
mm incl. consolidation curing
etc. complete. Without
Providing and cast in situ C.
C. in grade M-20 (Proportion
as per mixdesign or as per
table IS 456 - 2000 in mass
by weigh batching) using
granite, quartizite trap metal
of size 6 mm to 20 mm for
RCC work, incl. scaffolding
centering form work, needle
5 . 3.0 vibrated consolidation, curing 17.4600 Rmt. 6,085.8000 6,085.8000 5,480.0000 2,600.0000 5,472.5000 5,500.0000
complete up to 6 meter
depth or high ( excluding
cost of reinforcement and
neat finishing ) with
centering and shuttering etc.
complete for structure other
than water retaining. (Below
GL) (a) Footing (without
form work ) 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 19 of 32

Providing and cast in situ CC

in grade M25 proportions of
ingrediants as per mix design
by weigh batching using
granite, quartzite trap metal
of size 12 mm to 20 mm and
or 6 mm to 12 mm including
scaffolding centering
formwork, needle vibrated
6 . 4.0 27.3400 Rmt. 10,574.2500 10,574.2500 8,460.0000 3,500.0000 5,472.5000 6,000.0000
consolidation, curing and
hydaulic testing etc.
complete (excluding cost of
reinforcement) with
centering and
shuttering/deshuttering etc.,
comp. upto 6 m height/depth
Av. GL for all water retaining
structures (b) Column (M25)
7 . 4.1 ( c) Beam & Braces (M25) 90.0000 Rmt. 9,599.0500 9,599.0500 7,680.0000 3,500.0000 5,472.5000 6,500.0000
Supplying Cutting bending
binding and placing in
position steel as per plan and
design and as per ISS 2502
including cost of steel and
binding wire for reservoirs /
Structure only including lift
upto 6 meter height or depth
8 . 5.0 below GL for all diameter. 8.0100 Kg. 84,189.2000 84,189.2000 67,355.0000 76.0000 64,675.0000 71,000.0000
Heigh yield strenght deformd
( HYSD) bars/ cold twisted
deform (CTD) bars
conformation to IS 1786
(latest) Fe - 415 grade.
Thermo mechanically trated
(TMT) bars Fe - 415 grade
for all diameter.
Brick work using common
burnt clay building brick
having crushing strength not
9 . 6.0 less than 35 kg/sq cm in 539.2500 Kg. 2,550.3500 2,550.3500 2,045.0000 335.0000 3,482.5000 5,000.0000
foundation and plinth in
cement mortar 1:6 ( 1
cement : 6 fine sand )
Filling the pipeline trenches
including ramming watering
10 . 7.0 consolidating, disposal of 104.0400 Nos. 81.5200 81.5200 70.0000 1,500.0000 19.9000 85.0000
surplus stuff as directed
within radius of 3 km
Providing 15mm thick
cement plaster in single coat
on Rough (Similar)side of
single or half brick walls for
11 . 8.0 interior plastering upto floor 1,280.0000 Nos. 102.2700 102.2700 85.0000 120.0000 248.7500 100.0000
two level and finished even
and smooth in (i) Cement
mortar 1:3 (1-cement:3-
Providing and fixing MS gate
of required pattern of MS
plate at required spacing &
12 . 9.0 Frame alround, square or 250.0000 Nos. 37.5000 37.5000 30.0000 565.0000 84.5750 120.0000
round bar with rounded
headed bolts & Nuts or by
Screw etc. complete.
Providing and fixing 1.20 mt
height high fencing with 2.0
mt. long MS angle posts 40
mm x 40 mm x 6 mm and oil
painting 3 coats fixed at 2.5
mt c/c with five horizontal
lines and two diagonal of
13 . 10.0 galvanised steel barbed wire 400.0000 Nos. 294.4800 294.4800 240.0000 235.0000 298.5000 400.0000
weighing 9.38 kg per 100
mt. strained and fixed to
posts with GI staples
including fixing the posts in
ground with 0.50 mt x 0.50
block in CC 1:5:10 etc

Subwork Name : SCHEDULE – B7 Approach Road

CO. Submitted PVT LTD. PVT. LTD. Submitted
Item Estimated Rate(With Submitted Rate Submitted Rate Rate(With
S.NO No Item Description Quantity Unit Sor Rate Rebate) (With Rebate) (With Rebate) Rebate)
Clearing and grubbing road
land including uprooting
rank vegetation grass
bushes,shrubs,sapling and
trees girth upto 300 mm
1 . 1.0 0.0400 Cum 42,934.7500 42,934.7500 25,000.0000 15,000.0000 99,500.0000 7,00,000.0000
removal of stumps of trees
cut earlier and disposal of
unserviceable materials(A)
By manual means in area
of light jungle

Excavation for foundation

upto 1.5 m depth including
2 . 2.0 sorting out and stacking of 157.5000 Cum 115.5200 115.5200 100.0000 80.0000 99.5000 120.0000
useful materials and
disposing off the excavated 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 20 of 32

stuff upto 50 Meter lead.

(A) Loose or soft soil
Supplying of graded stone
aggregate of following
sizes (for W.B.M. Road)(2)
3 . 3.0 70.0000 Cum 183.0700 183.0700 125.0000 2,600.0000 995.0000 200.0000
Hand broken stone
aggregate 40 mm to 63
mm size.
Providing, bedding incl.
ramming, watering,
4 . 4.0 consolidating etc.Murrum 52.5000 Cum 202.4000 202.4000 100.0000 1,500.0000 447.7500 225.0000
brought from outside lead
upto 2km
Spreading the stone
aggregate for rolling and
W.B.M. including filling the
interstices to required
5 . 5.0 camber and gradient 70.0000 Cum 152.4500 152.4500 150.0000 2,200.0000 1,492.5000 170.0000
(excluding spreading of
Blindage)(ii) 40mm to
63mm size aggreagates
Rolling and consolidation of
W.B.M including filling
indepression which occur
6 . 6.0 70.0000 Cum 16.2000 16.2000 10.0000 2,200.0000 49.7500 23.0000
during the process, with
power roller 8 tonne to 12
Providing and laying
cement concrete 1:3:6 (1-
Cement : 3- coarse sand :
6- hand broken stone
7 . 7.0 aggregates 40 mmnominal 35.0000 Cum 2,170.4200 2,170.4200 3,000.0000 2,200.0000 3,980.0000 2,500.0000
size) and curing complete
excluding cost of formwork
in (A) Foundation and
Plinth (upto 10 ton)
Providing and laying
controlled cement concrete
M.200 and curing complete
8 . 8.0 excluding the cost of 52.5000 Cum 3,092.9500 3,092.9500 3,100.0000 2,200.0000 5,472.5000 5,500.0000
formwork and
reinforcement for
reinforced concrete work
Providing TMT Bar FE
500/500D reinforcement
for R.C.C. work including
9 . 9.0 bending, binding and 1,575.0000 Cum 61.3000 61.3000 70.0000 95.0000 64.6750 70.0000
placing in position
complete upto floor two
level (upto 10 ton)

Subwork Name : SCHEDULE – B8 Part-1 Pumping Machinery

CO. Submitted PVT LTD. PVT. LTD. Submitted
Item Estimated Rate(With Submitted Rate Submitted Rate Rate(With
S.NO No Item Description Quantity Unit Sor Rate Rebate) (With Rebate) (With Rebate) Rebate)
Bill of Quantity for
Mechanical: HORIZONTAL
Installation,Testing &
Commissioning of
Horizontal Split casing
centrifugal pump motor
set of specified duty
parameters & guaranteed
efficiency of following
MOC with specified
capacity, horizontal foot
mounted TEFC squirrel
cage induction motor
(with minimum IE - 3
efficiency class), working
1 . 1.0 on three phase AC supply 6.0000 NOS 2,06,846.0000 2,06,846.0000 2,87,990.0000 4,95,000.0000 2,73,625.0000 4,62,000.0000
with 50 Hz ± 3%, 415 V ±
10%,rated speed 1450
RPM along with fabricated
MS base frame, coupling,
coupling guard,
foundation bolts etc. as
per relevant IS.M.O.C.:
Impeller & Wearing Rings:
CF8M, Casing: Cast Steel
WCB , Shaft: SS 410,
Shaft Sleeve: SS 410,
Mechanical Seal (above
30 kW), Base Frame:
MS.As per detail
specification. Minimum
Motor rating 22 KW,
Capacity: 200
m3/hr,Head: 27 mtrs


Providing, Supplying,
Erecting approved make
coupled vaccum pump set 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 21 of 32

with horizontal foot

mounted TEFC squirrel
cage motor having under
mentioned capacity
working on 3ph, 50hz,
415V±10%, with base
plate, DOL
starter,cable,GI medium
2 . 2.0 2.0000 NOS 52,440.0000 52,440.0000 60,310.0000 65,000.0000 22,885.0000 1,31,250.0000
duty suction pipes-10 mtr.
long, specials, valve, PVC
tank of 250 ltr,capacity
etc. complete.Material of
Constructions: Impeller-
SSCF8M, Shaft- SS410,
Casing-CIFG260 Rating: 5
HP (1W+1S).
VALVE: Supply,
installation, painting,
testing and commissioning
of double flanged, short
body, C.I. Sluice valve
confirming to IS 14846 PN
1.0 with Geared operated
bronze seat rings and SS
316 spindle with all
carbon steel hardware’s,
gaskets with required
accessories to be installed
on suction & delivery side
of each pump and bypass
pipe. The valves of size
300 mm and above shall
be provided with gear
arrangement with all
other necessary hot
dipped galvanized
3 . 3.0 hardware’s, etc. along 6.0000 NOS 17,007.9000 17,007.9000 19,560.0000 24,500.0000 11,442.5000 37,865.0000
with spare parts as per
data sheet and
specifications. Sluice
valves shall be electrically
operated with limit
switches, valve position
indicator, forward/reverse
integral and local & panel
mounted starter,
open/close indicating
lamps push button, cable
up to starter, hand wheel
for emergency operation
and all other necessary
hot dipped galvanized
hardware’s along with
spear parts as per data
sheet and specification.
Size: 250 mm NB-
Manually operated (on
suction side).
DPCV: Supply,
installation, painting,
testing & commissioning
of non-slam, spring
action, flanged Dual plate
check valve confirming to
API 594 & 598 PN 1.0
with C.I. body, spring
4 . 4.0 6.0000 NOS 14,087.9000 14,087.9000 16,205.0000 22,500.0000 13,930.0000 18,818.0000
steel spring, S.S. seating
with all carbon steel
hardware’s and other
accessories as per data
sheet and specification.
Size: 200 mm NB-
Manually operated (on
delivery side)
Size: 500 mm NB-
5 . 4.1 Manually operated (on 1.0000 NOS 1,36,270.7500 1,36,270.7500 1,56,715.0000 85,800.0000 59,700.0000 67,275.0000
header side)
Supply, installation,
testing and commissioning
of flanged metallic S.S.
expansion bellows
confirming to EJMA
6 . 5.0 6.0000 NOS 6,216.0000 6,216.0000 7,150.0000 22,500.0000 6,965.0000 10,121.0000
standard with PN 1.0
rating & all necessary
carbon steel hardware’s
as per data sheet. Size:
200 mm NB- (on delivery
Size: 500 mm NB- (on
7 . 5.2 1.0000 NOS 22,200.0000 22,200.0000 25,530.0000 95,000.0000 13,432.5000 32,745.0000
header side)
Supply, installation,
testing & commissioning
of double flanged cast iron
8 . 6.0 Butterfly valve on delivery 6.0000 NO 6,719.3000 6,719.3000 7,730.0000 24,500.0000 7,462.5000 8,514.0000
line of pumps as per IS
13095 of PN 1.0. Size:
200 mm NB-Manually
operated (on delivery)
Size: 500 mm NB-
9 . 6.1 Manually operated (on 1.0000 NO 47,992.7500 47,992.7500 55,195.0000 75,200.0000 1,990.0000 77,396.0000
header) 13/04/2023
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Tempor proof Flanged
double acting kinetic Air
Valve with Isolation Sluice
Valve as per IS 14845 PN-
1.0 & IS-14846 PN-1.0
respectively with SS304
float, gun metal nozzle,
complete hardware''s,
bolts, nuts & washers,
gaskets etc. including all
10 . 7.0 1.0000 NO 16,836.9000 16,836.9000 19,365.0000 22,300.0000 18,308.0000 12,075.0000
taxes, Insurance,
Transportation, freight
charges, Inspection
charges, loading,
unloading, conveyance to
departmental stores,
stacking, security etc. as
per IS and Specification.
Size: 100 mm NB - PN 1.0
(On Header line outside
the Pump house)
Manufacture, Supply &
Delivery of Electric
Resistance Welded (Up to
400mm)/Submerged Arc
Welded(Above 400mm)
M.S.Pipe having beveled
ends plate or coil
conforming to IS-3589-
2001 or its latest revision/
ammendment for
following thickness
outside diameter at
11 . 8.0 GWSSB store or site 18.0000 MTR 2,921.6500 2,921.6500 3,360.0000 6,500.0000 3,233.7500 120.0000
anywhere in Gujarat State
including all taxes,
freight charges, octroi,
inspection charges,
loading, unloading
conveyance to
Departmental stores,
stacking etc. all complete.
Size: 250 mm NB- 5.0
mm thick (on Suction
side)-As per site
Size: 200 mm NB- 5.0
mm thick (on Delivery
12 . 8.1 18.0000 MTR 2,882.4000 2,882.4000 3,315.0000 6,500.0000 2,985.0000 120.0000
side)-As per site
Size: 500 mm NB- 6.3
mm thick (on Header
13 . 8.2 30.0000 MTR 6,701.0500 6,701.0500 7,710.0000 7,500.0000 5,527.2250 120.0000
side)-As per site
Supply, installation,
testing and commissioning
of MS fabricated specials
with both side flanges like
Blind flange, Elbow,
tapers, bends, Y Joints,
14 . 9.0 Flanges, ductfoot bend, 2,100.0000 KG 98.0000 98.0000 115.0000 135.0000 99.5000 120.0000
Puddle pipe, Bell mouth,
Tee joint, Reducers, Nut-
Bolt, Gaskets Etc of
required size & in required
quantities as per relevant
IS for dilevery & suction
w.p chemical) Providing
and cast in situ C.C. in
grade M-20 (approx.
corresp. to prop. 1:1.5:3)
(proportions as per mix
design or as per table9 of
IS456 2000 in masses by
weigh batching ) using
quartzite trap metal of
size 12 mm to 20 mm and
or 6 mm to 12 mm
including scaffolding
15 . 10.0 centering form work, 20.0000 7,304.0000 7,304.0000 8,400.0000 3,500.0000 5,970.0000 5,000.0000
needle vibrated
consolidation, curing and
hydraulic testing etc.
complete (excluding cost
of reinforcement) with
centering and
etc. complete up to 6
meter height/depth from
Av. G.L. for all structures
with water proofing
compound. 1.Bottom slab
or floor slab with

Designing, Supplying,
cutting, bending, binding
andplacing in position 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 23 of 32

steel as per plan and

design and as per ISS
2502 including cost of
ssteel and binding wire for
reservior/structures only
including lift upto 6 meter
16 . 10.1 450.0000 Kg 73.2100 73.2100 85.0000 110.0000 73.6300 75.0000
height or depth below G.L
for all diameter. Do -
Thermo mechanically
treated (TMT) bars Fe 415
grade for all diameter.
( 30 kg per cum)
E.O.T CRANE: Providing &
erecting Single girder type
fully electrically operated
E.O.T. crane with
electrically operated hoist,
class II duty, geared
travelling trolley with
seven meter lift complete
with long travel rail track
(40 mm sq. bar), moving
or cross girder, all three
motions electrically
17 . 11.0 operated by suitable 1.0000 Nos 4,40,250.0000 4,40,250.0000 5,06,290.0000 2,25,000.0000 3,98,000.0000 4,71,264.0000
rating motor IP 54,
control panel & down
pendant control block,
brake, safety device,
cables form motor to
starter panel & other
required accessories &
tested as per IS
Specifications. Capacity: 1
Ton,span,long traveling
and lift as per site
DRAIN PUMP: Supply of
Horizontal Mono-
Submersible Pump set
(Drain pump) as per IS:
14220 / 1994 & its latest
amendments of following
duty parameters with
suitable submersible
motor as per IS: 9283 /
1994 & its latest
amendments working on
18 . 12.0 3 ø, 415 V ± 10%, 50 ± 1.0000 NOS 15,840.0000 15,840.0000 18,220.0000 95,000.0000 16,915.0000 16,275.0000
3% Hz power supply,
rated speed 2900 RPM of
following duty capacity.
Material of Constructions:
Impeller- High tensile
brass / LTB II; Casing- CI
FG 260; Pump & Motor
shaft- SS 304; Bearing
Bush- LTB III, Capacity:
20 m3/hr and Head: 10
Design, Supply,
Installation, Testing,
Commissioning of
Bourdon Type Pressure
Gauge, ±1% accuracy,
Direct bottom 1/2" NPT
(M) process connection, IP
67, Glycerine filled, SS304
Case with Bayonet Type
Bezel, SS316 L Bourdon
19 . 13.0 Tube, SS316 Movement 7.0000 NOS 1,412.0000 1,412.0000 1,625.0000 2,500.0000 1,562.1500 2,625.0000
material, Aluminium dial
with black graduation on
white background, Micro
Zero adjustable pointer,
neoprene gasket, Blow
out disc, shatter proof
glass, SS tag plate etc as
per IS 3624. (HSCF Pump
delivery & header).
Range : 0 - 10 kg / 150 mm dia.

FLOW METER (PN - 1.0):

Supply, Installation,
Testing, Commissioning of
Full Bore Electromagnetic
flow meter with factory
calibrated, Regular Power
Operated, flanged
connection, Flow sensor,
Indicator, transmitter and
totaliser with all
accessories viz. surge
arrestor, associated
cables, cabinets,
hardwares, etc complete
as per following
specifications: Flow
Meter/ Sensor: DC pulsed
type, IP 68 Protection,
Flanged process
connection as per IS 1538
or equivalent standard,
SS304/ Metallic Alloy Flow 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 24 of 32

Tube, SS316/ SS 316 L/

Hastelloy Sensor, SS316/
Hastelloy Grounding Ring/
Inbuilt Grounding
Electrode, Neoprene/
Polyurethane/ Hard
Rubber/ Rilsan lining,
SS304/ Die Cast
Aluminium/ Carbon steel
with Anticorrosive Paint
Coil Housing with Junction
Box, CS flanges. Flow
Transmitter/ Converter
( Remote Field Mounted):
Microprocessor based,
Modular design, 2 line
LCD for indication of
actual flow rate, forward,
reverse, sum totaliser
20 . 14.0 1.0000 NO 2,63,124.0000 2,63,124.0000 3,02,595.0000 4,75,000.0000 2,48,750.0000 3,28,903.0000
display, ±0.5% accuracy
at 0.3 to 4 m/sec velocity,
4 to 20 mA with
HART/Modbus output, one
scalable pulse, one status
output, IP 67 protection,
Die cast aluminium/
polycarbonate/ SS316
with Anticorrosive Paint/
PU finish with glass
window enclosure, Inbuilt
EEPROM and Data Logger,
30 meters cable length for
sensor to transmitter
communication etc.
alongwith wall mounted/
stand mounted cabinet.
Meter Size :500 mm (At
Bill of Quantity for
Electrical Work : SWITCH
Approved make Four Pole
LT Heavy Duty Switch
Disconnector Fuse Unit
Cubical type for panel
mounting complete with
21 . 15.0 1.0000 Nos 12,187.5000 12,187.5000 14,020.0000 19,500.0000 20,696.0000 19,425.0000
operating mechanism
suitable to operate on
415V A.C. With HRC fuses
of suitable load confirming
to IS. 13947 (Part I &
III). of following
capacities, 320 AMP cat-
BOARD : Supply,
installation, testing and
commissioning LV
Distribution Board (LVDB)
totally enclosed, dust &
vermin proof, indoor type,
fabricated from CRCA
sheet steel with minimum
thickness of 3 mm for
base frame/ channel/
gland plates, 2.0 mm for
load bearing members/
doors & 1.6 mm for
internal partitions,
minimum degree of
protection - IP 52 as per
IS: 2147, suitable for
operation on 3-Phase, 4
Wire, 415V, 50Hz, Neutral
effectively grounded, with
accomodating meters,
aux / protective relays,
LED type indicating lamps
& control MCBs as per
IS:13947, current &
voltage transformers as
per IS: 2705, air insulated
electrolitic grade
Aluminum/ Copper busbar
for three phase & neutral
system, GI earth bus for
entire length, power/
control wiring using
1100V grade, FRLS
insulated copper
conductor wires
conforming to IS: 694 &
8130, equipment fittings,
horizontally running
busbar compartment
height of minimum 300
mm, incoming & ougoing
cable connections for
1100V grade,Aluminium/
Copper conductor XLPE/
PVC insulated & PVC
sheathed armoured cable.
LVDB shall have required
incomming/ buscoupler/
outgoing modules of 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 25 of 32

following type & ratings.

Above 250A, upto &
including 400A, 4 Pole, Air
Break Fixed MCCB
conforms to IS/ IEC
60947-2 with trip free
mechanism, current
limiting type with
Microprocessor release
(O / C, S / C & E / F) with
adjustable settings &
having minimum
2NO+2NC potential free
auxiliary contacts with all
necessary Electro-
Mechanical protections &
interlocks etc. MCCB
module, when used as
Incommer, shall have
enclosure dimensions-
1800 (H) x 600 (W) x 600
(D) & following technical
features: 4 Pole MCCB,
415 V, ICS=100,MP
based, Add for No Load
Compansation KVAR
banks (APP type) with
detuned filters, MCCB,
Power Contractor , Auto/
manual control with
switching on delay timer,
housed in lower most
compartment of incomer/
buscoupler module(s).
KVAR bank, selected
based on kva rating of
associated transformer
10KVAR for 320A
incommer. R,Y & B phase
indicating lamp, On/off /
Trip indicating lamp, 3 Ph,
4 wire Multifunction
meter, class 1.0 or better,
flush mounting 96x96 mm
with RS 485
communication port.&
local / Remote selector
switch. Resin Cast
insulated Current
transformer double core
with CTR 400/1A, class
1.0, capacitor bank.
Outgoing feeders:- S.I.T.C
of LV MCC Panel totally
22 . 16.0 1.0000 Set 2,90,364.7900 2,90,364.7900 3,33,920.0000 5,75,000.0000 8,05,950.0000 6,56,250.0000
enclosed, dust & bermin
proof, indoor type,
minimum degree of
protection - IP 52 as per
IS: 2147, operation on 3-
Phase, 4 Wire, 415V,
50Hz, Neutral effectively
grounded, with
accomodating LED type
indicating lamps, control,
contactors as per IS:
13947, CT of accuracy
class- I as per IS: 2705,
relays, meters & control
MCBs, air insulated
electrolitic grade
Aluminum busbar for
three phase & neutral
system with incomming
breaker- microprocessor
based Air Circuit Breakers
(electrically operated
drawout type)/ air break
fixed type MCCB with trip
free mechanism, current
limiting type as per IS:
8828, Motor Contractor
(as per type -2
coordination), Overload
Relay with built-in single
phasing prevention
feature & auxiliary feeders
as per SLD drawings,
momentary contact type
push buttons, equipment
fittings, bus bars, cable
boxes, cable gland,
incoming & ougoing cable
connection for 1100V
grade, Aluminium/ Copper
conductor XLPE/ PVC
insulated & PVC sheathed
armoured cable, 10%
spare terminals, power
wiring using 1100V grade,
FRLS insulated copper
conductor wires
conforming to IS: 694 &
8130, cable
compartments/ alleys of
minimum 300 mm size,
GI earth bus bar for entire 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 26 of 32

length. MCC shall be

fabricated from cold
rolled, coled annealed
(CRCA) sheet steel &
minimum thickness of
various members shall be
as follows: Base Frame/
Channel/ Gland Plate - 3
mm, Load Bearing
Members/ Doors - 2 mm
and Internal Partitions -
1.6 mm. complete in all
respects as per SLD,
Specification, IS. 6 nos.
80 A MCCB, TP, 22 KW
(4W+2S) Auto
Transformer Starter with
MCCB, Contactor, O/L
relay, cast resin type CT,
Digital MFM, Analog
Ammeter, SPP, Timer
etc.with capacitor bank. 2
nos 32A MCB for Lighting
& spare, 1 nos 40A MCB
for EOT crane, 1 nos 20A
MCB for Instruments.
Lighting Distribution
Board (LDB) as under:
Providing and erecting
Sheet Steel powder
coated MCB distribution
board - flush / surface
mounted fitted with
busbar, neutral link, earth
bar and DIN rail,
Conforms to IS 8623-1 &
3, IEC 61439-1 & 3
without MCB to house
appropriate nos. of MCBs.
(The DBs should be used
23 . 17.0 1.0000 NOS 5,521.4300 5,521.4300 6,350.0000 15,000.0000 5,970.0000 18,690.0000
of same company of MCB
to be used) suitable for
Three phase incoming and
single phase horizontal
type outgoing Per phase
isolation type (PPI) single
door 6 way Prewired
Lighting Distribution
Board Suitable to house :
Incoming: 25A FP, ELMCB
(30mA), Cat-III,
Outgoing: 20A SP MCB (6
nos.), 16A SP MCB (6
CABLES Supply, laying,
testing & commissioning
1.1 kV grade, XLPE
insulated, stranded
Aluminium conductor,
galvanised steel flat strip /
round wire armoured,
extruded PVC type ST2
sheathed, heavy duty
cable (to be laid on wall
surface with necessary
24 . 18.0 100.0000 MTR 622.0000 622.0000 720.0000 535.0000 1,318.3750 1,150.0000
clamps / in existing cable
trench / cable trays /
conduit / pipe sleeves at
road crossing or floor as
per site requirement)
conforming to IS:7098
(Part-1) & IEC:60502
(Part-1) of following sizes:
3.5 c X 185 Sq.mmAL
XLPE Armoured (For
Incomer to SFU to PMCC
3 C x 25 AL XLPE
25 . 18.1 Armoured (For 22KW 300.0000 MTR 114.0000 114.0000 135.0000 510.0000 238.8000 192.0000
4 C x 6 CU XLPE
26 . 18.2 Armoured (For LDB,EOT 25.0000 MTR 195.0000 195.0000 225.0000 550.0000 338.3000 136.0000
3 C x 2.5 CU XLPE
Armoured (For TPN MCB
at PMCC room & Pump
27 . 18.3 50.0000 MTR 86.0000 86.0000 100.0000 560.0000 261.6850 78.0000
house maintenance floor,
dewatering pump, flow
meter etc.)
Providing & fitting heavy
duty brass cable glands
(nickel-plated) with
washers & rubber ring
conforming to IS, suitable
28 . 19.0 4.0000 NOS 522.0000 522.0000 605.0000 50.0000 1,381.0600 289.0000
for 3, 3½ & 4 core cables
of following type & sizes:
Double Compression Brass
Cable Glands 3.5 c X 185
Sq.mmAL XLPE Armoured
(For Incomer to SFU to
PMCC Panel) 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 27 of 32

3 C x 25 AL XLPE
29 . 19.1 Armoured (For 22KW 12.0000 NOS 203.0000 203.0000 235.0000 50.0000 318.4000 95.0000
4 C x 6 CU XLPE
30 . 19.2 Armoured (For LDB, EOT, 6.0000 NOS 107.0000 107.0000 125.0000 50.0000 253.7250 58.0000
3 C x 2.5 CU XLPE
Armoured (For TPN MCB
at PMCC room & Pump
31 . 19.3 10.0000 NOS 73.0000 73.0000 85.0000 50.0000 229.8450 58.0000
house maintenance floor,
dewatering pump, flow
meter etc.)
CABLE LUGS : Providing &
fitting crimping type Cable
Terminals (Lugs)
conforming to IS of
following types and sizes
32 . 20.0 16.0000 NOS 21.0000 21.0000 25.0000 50.0000 22.8850 53.0000
Aluminium Tubular
Terminals (in 3.5
c X 185 Sq.mmAL XLPE
Armoured (For Incomer to
SFU to PMCC Panel)
3 C x 25 AL XLPE
33 . 20.1 Armoured (For 22 KW 36.0000 NOS 3.0000 3.0000 5.0000 50.0000 8.9550 6.0000
4 C x 6 CU XLPE
34 . 20.2 Armoured (For LDB, EOT, 24.0000 NOS 7.0000 7.0000 10.0000 50.0000 6.9650 6.0000
3 C x 2.5 CU XLPE
Armoured (For TPN MCB
at PMCC room & Pump
35 . 20.3 30.0000 NOS 5.0000 5.0000 10.0000 50.0000 4.9750 6.0000
house maintenance floor,
dewatering pump, flow
meter etc.)
EARTHING: Supplying &
erecting funnel type
earthing having earth
plate of following size
burred in specifically
prepared earth pit 3 mtr.
below ground with 40 kg.
charcoal and salt with
alternate layers of
charcoal & salt,
20mm.dia. G.I. pipe with
Funnel with a wire mesh
for watering & bricks
masonry block, C.I. Cover
complete as per para 7.3
36 . 21.0 of IS 3043 with necessary 2.0000 Nos 2,678.5800 2,678.5800 3,085.0000 14,500.0000 6,905.3000 3,150.0000
length of double
Galvanised Iron / copper
earth wire No 6 SWG
bolted with lug to the
plate and covered in 12
mm dia. G.I. pipe 2.5 mtr
long complete connected
to the nearest switch gear
with end socket as per
direction & duly tested by
earth tester confirming to
IS (As per drawing) with
following specification
With 45 x 45 x 0.35 cms.
C.I. earth plate
G.I. Earth Strip: Supply,
laying and erection of
25mm(w) x 6mm(T) etc.
sizes as required, HOT
deep GI Strip including
supply & fixing using GI
spacers, saddles when laid
inside the building and
37 . 21.1 inclusive of excavation & 59.0000 KG 80.3600 80.3600 95.0000 165.0000 109.4500 95.0000
refilling of earth when laid
outside the building &
interconnection with earth
pit & all electro-
mechanical equipments.
(for panel) (25X6 G.I
Strip, 1.17 Kg/m,
Providing and erecting
Mains with 1.1 KV grade
FRLS PVC insulated ISI
marked stranded Copper
conductor wire in
following type of pipe to
be erected concealed
in /flushed on wall/ceiling,
38 . 22.0 50.0000 MTR 71.4300 71.4300 85.0000 110.0000 79.6000 95.0000
with 1.5 sq. mm copper
conductor FRLS PVC
insulated stranded wire of
green colour for earth
continuity of following size
with medium class Rigid
PVC pipe and accessories
Main wiring with 3 wire

and Commissioning of 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 28 of 32

Main wiring with 3 wire

39 . 22.1 2.5 sq. mm as per tender 50.0000 MTR 89.2900 89.2900 105.0000 110.0000 109.4500 107.0000
specification / IS
Point wiring for Light /
Bell with 2-1.5 &
earth wire of 1.5
(Green) both are of ISI
marked 1.1 KV grade
FRLS PVC insulated multi
strand copper wires up to
10 mtr length , in below
type of pipe erected with
6A Modular type switch /
bell push & accessories
and earth continuity of
following type, erected on
PVC / Metallic/Wooden
40 . 22.2 10.0000 NOS 375.0000 375.0000 435.0000 800.0000 318.4000 501.0000
box, single mounting base
frame covered with
front plate modules
erected on / in wall /
ceiling as per pipe
erected, with necessary
Lamp holder/ceiling rose /
H.D.Connector as
directed. with medium
class Rigid PVC pipe and
accessories erected
flushed on wall/ceiling
complete. Cat. iii.
Point wiring for Individual
Plug with & earth wire of
1.5 (Green) both
are of ISI marked 1.1 KV
grade FRLS PVC insulated
multi strand copper wires
up to 10 mtr length, in
below type of pipe erected
complete with Modular
type switch & 5 pin Plug
erected on PVC /
Metallic/Wooden box
covered with appropriate
41 . 22.3 4.0000 NOS 397.3300 397.3300 460.0000 600.0000 318.4000 390.0000
front plate modules
erected on / in wall /
ceiling as per pipe erected
with following type of
accessories. For 6A Plug
and 6 a switch with 2-1.5 Cu. Wire from
nearby switchboard/mcb
db board, with medium
class Rigid PVC pipe and
accessories erected
flushed on wall/ceiling
complete. cat.iii.
Point wiring for Individual
Plug with & earth wire of
1.5 (Green) both
are of ISI marked 1.1 KV
grade FRLS PVC insulated
multi strand copper wires
up to 10 mtr length, in
below type of pipe erected
complete with Modular
type switch & 5 pin Plug
erected on PVC /
Metallic/Wooden box
covered with appropriate
42 . 22.4 2.0000 NOS 598.2200 598.2200 690.0000 600.0000 407.9500 617.0000
front plate modules
erected on / in wall /
ceiling as per pipe erected
with following type of
accessories. For 16A Plug
and 6 a switch with 2-2.5 Cu. Wire from
nearby switchboard/mcb
db board, with medium
class Rigid PVC pipe and
accessories erected
flushed on wall/ceiling
complete. cat.iii.


Supplying and erecting
LED indoor fittings with
LEDs of wattage 0.2 Watt
to 0.5 Watt assembled on
single MCPCB, with
housing used as a heat
sink shall be made of
thick sheet Steel
conforming to IS:
43 . 23.0 513/CRCA/ aluminium die 6.0000 NOS 530.3600 530.3600 610.0000 22,500.0000 497.5000 2,625.0000
cast powder coated and
high U.V. & corrosion
resistance with diffuser
with company
mark/name, 120 to 300
V,Power Factor more than
0.9, THD < 10 %, CCT
3000 K to 6500K,
Luminaire efficacy> 85
lumens/watt ,LED
efficiency-110 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 29 of 32

lumens/watt, LED driver

efficiency > 85 %, CREE /
Lumileds / NICHIA /
SEOUL/Bridgelux make
LED used for luminaire.
( fitting required LM-79 &
LM-80 Certificates)(NOTE:
Below description have
shown ranges of Wattage
capacity of LED
fittings.The Engineer
incharge may select any
wattage capacity between
the ranges shown.) Tube
Light with integral driver,
22-24 Watts, Surge -
2KV,IP-20, 4 feet Cat. iii.
Providing and erecting
Approved make Ceiling
fan with double ball
bearing ISI mark with
condenser A.C. 23OV.50
44 . 23.1 c/s.1200 mm. sweep 1.0000 Set 1,517.8600 1,517.8600 1,750.0000 3,500.0000 1,791.0000 2,625.0000
complete, canopy erected
on existing hook or clamp
with earthing. [Make shall
be approved by Engineer
in charge]
Supplying and erecting
LED street light / Flood
light fittings with High
power White LEDs
wattage of 1Watt and
above assembled on
single MCPCB, efficiency
more than 130 lm/w and
corrosion free High
pressure die cast
aluminum housing with
smooth finish powder
coated and heat sink
extruded aluminium with
diffuser and Polycarbonate
optics/ lenses with
company mark/name
engraved or embossed
120 to 300 V,Power Factor
more than 0.95, THD <
10 %, CCT 3000 K to
5700K, Uniformity ratio
>0.45, Luminaire
45 . 23.2 efficacy> 100 3.0000 NOS 8,750.0000 8,750.0000 10,065.0000 15,500.0000 5,751.1000 3,565.0000
lumens/watt . LED driver
efficiency > 85 %.CREE /
Lumileds / NICHIA /
SEOUL/ BridgeLux
(U.S.A.) make LED used
for luminaire. ( fittings
required LM-79 & LM-80
certificates)(NOTE: Below
description have shown
ranges of Wattage
capacity of LED
fittings.The Engineer
incharge may select any
wattage capacity between
the ranges shown.) Flood
Light (IP-65), Surge -
4KV,Light must have
440VAC line supply
protection. It should
withstand 48 hours for
440VAC line supply.
Above 60 watts to 90
watts. Cat. iii.
BRAKET: Supplying and
erecting B class
galvanised iron pipe 32
mm outside dia 45 cm
long duly welded on 20
cm x 20 cm x 3 mm thick
46 . 23.3 3.0000 NOS 357.1500 357.1500 415.0000 1,200.0000 348.2500 1,671.0000
M.S. base plate, erected
on wall or corner for
mounting street light
luminaire with necessary
hardware materials duly

Subwork Name : SCHEDULE – B8 Part-2 Pumping Machinery

CO. Submitted PVT LTD. PVT. LTD. Submitted
Item Estimated Rate(With Submitted Rate Submitted Rate Rate(With
S.NO No Item Description Quantity Unit Sor Rate Rebate) (With Rebate) (With Rebate) Rebate)

Supplying & erecting ABC
powder type ''Ceasefire''
1 . 24.0 type Fire extinguisher as 2.0000 NOS 883.9300 883.9300 1,020.0000 6,500.0000 6,467.5000 7,766.0000
per IS 13849 or 1 Kg
capacity with necessary
clamp for erection on wall 13/04/2023
Welcome to (n)Procure Tender Management System Page 30 of 32

(for 2no. LT Room)

Supplying stand first AID
box with antiseptic cream,
medicine for use on
wounds due burn, crepe
bandage, gauge bandage,
medicated ready to use
bandage (Band-aid)
2 . 24.1 1.0000 NOS 312.5000 312.5000 360.0000 600.0000 248.7500 445.0000
adhesive tape for
medicinal user, Scissors,
anti-septic solution
(Savlon or similar) etc. (All
above contents shall be of
standard makes) (For
Pump house / LT Room)
Providing and fixing
printed instruction chart
both in English and
Gujarati and duly framed
with front glasses, for
3 . 24.2 1.0000 NOS 133.9300 133.9300 155.0000 150.0000 199.0000 167.0000
treatment of person
suffering from Electric
shock with minimum 50"
diagonally size.(1no. For
LT Room)
Supplying 4 mm rubber
matting of following
4 . 24.3 thickness as per 9.0000 Sq.Mtr 1,071.4300 1,071.4300 1,235.0000 1,500.0000 1,194.0000 857.0000
IS:15652/IEC 61111 (for
LT Panel)

Subwork Name : SCHEDULE – C Operation and Maintenance (For 5 Years)

Item Estimated Submitted Rate Submitted Rate Submitted Rate Rate(With
S.NO No Item Description Quantity Unit Sor Rate (With Rebate) (With Rebate) (With Rebate) Rebate)
1. Operation &
maintenance of
pipelines including
rising, gravity and
distribution pipeline of
various size and class
from various head
works for
augmentation of
Valsad Periphery
based for the Period
of 60 Months,
including Supply of
Skilled & Unskilled
Manpower, Materials,
tools & Plants articles,
Vehicles etc.,
including O & M
charges for all type of
Valves with Valve
Chamber. 2.
1 . 1.0 12.0000 Month 3,36,101.9200 3,36,101.9200 3,94,620.0000 2,00,000.0000 3,92,641.9250 12,000.0000
Maintenance & Repair
work for electro-
equipments such as
Crane, Switch Yard,
All types of cables,
termination kit and
lugs/glands including
cable trays/trenches,
Transformers, All
types of HT and LT
Panels, Starter
Panels, Capacitor
panels, Battery
Charger, All types of
earthing work and
other miscellaneous
works like instruction
chartes, rubber mat,
fire extinguiser etc
complete. (A) For 1st
2 . 2.0 Second Year 12.0000 Month 3,62,575.1900 3,62,575.1900 3,94,620.0000 2,50,000.0000 3,92,641.9250 35,000.0000
3 . 3.0 Third Year 12.0000 Month 3,91,695.7800 3,91,695.7800 3,94,620.0000 2,75,000.0000 3,92,641.9250 60,000.0000
4 . 4.0 Fourth Year 12.0000 Month 4,23,728.4300 4,23,728.4300 3,94,620.0000 3,00,000.0000 3,92,641.9250 95,000.0000
5 . 5.0 Fifth Year 12.0000 Month 4,58,964.3500 4,58,964.3500 3,94,620.0000 3,50,000.0000 3,92,641.9250 98,000.0000
6 . 6.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
7 . 7.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
8 . 8.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
9 . 9.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
10 . 10.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
11 . 11.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
12 . 12.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
13 . 13.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
14 . 14.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
15 . 15.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 13/04/2023
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16 . 16.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
17 . 17.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
18 . 18.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
19 . 19.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
20 . 20.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
21 . 21.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
22 . 22.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
23 . 23.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
24 . 24.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
25 . 25.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
26 . 26.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
27 . 27.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
28 . 28.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
29 . 29.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
30 . 30.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
31 . 31.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
32 . 32.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
33 . 33.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
34 . 34.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
35 . 35.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
36 . 36.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
37 . 37.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
38 . 38.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
39 . 39.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
40 . 40.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
41 . 41.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
42 . 42.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
43 . 43.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
44 . 44.0 Fake Item 1.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
45 . 45.0 Fake Item 2.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
46 . 46.0 Fake Item 3.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
47 . 47.0 Fake Item 4.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
48 . 48.0 Fake Item 5.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

SubWork Details
1 . treatment Plant at Main 21,837,314.9300 21,837,314.9300 20,000,000.0000 20,200,000.0000 24,500,000.0000 24,000,000.0000
Head works
SCHEDULE – B2 Part-1
2. 191,766,747.7390 191,766,747.7390 220,346,548.7000 200,334,086.6500 196,307,685.2500 211,151,723.0500
Pipe line Work
SCHEDULE – B2 Part-2
3. 15,504,047.8924 15,504,047.8924 4,151,210.0000 14,935,531.0000 17,265,274.0000 12,434,155.0000
Pipe line Work
4. 13,558,618.0900 13,558,618.0900 13,500,000.0000 12,500,000.0000 12,850,000.0000 22,500,000.0000
Water Sump
SCHEDULE – B4 Elevated
5 . Storage reservoir at Main 21,072,451.9500 21,072,451.9500 21,000,000.0000 26,000,000.0000 19,000,000.0000 24,000,000.0000
Head works
6. 1,126,206.7200 1,126,206.7200 1,056,000.0000 864,000.0000 1,216,000.0000 1,024,000.0000
7. 3,725,446.9683 3,725,446.9683 3,011,732.3000 2,129,053.5100 3,752,255.8000 4,576,238.4000
Compound Wall
8. 390,050.2650 390,050.2650 419,950.0000 924,075.0000 753,000.0000 572,722.5000
Approach Road
SCHEDULE – B8 Part-1
9. 3,729,868.2500 3,729,868.2500 4,597,985.0000 6,731,385.0000 4,485,892.0000 5,847,155.0000
Pumping Machinery
SCHEDULE – B8 Part-2
10 . 11,857.1600 11,857.1600 13,670.0000 27,250.0000 24,250.0000 23,857.0000
Pumping Machinery
SCHEDULE – C Operation
11 . and Maintenance (For 5 23,676,788.0400 23,676,788.0400 23,677,200.0000 16,500,000.0000 23,676,900.0000 3,600,000.0000

Grand Total * 296,399,398.0047 296,399,398.0047 311,774,296.0000 301,145,381.1600 303,831,257.0500 309,729,850.9500

Rebate (in %age) NA NA 0.0000 0.0000 0.5000 0.0000

Fixed Deduction Amount NA NA NA NA NA NA

Net Amount ((Added
Subwork Total * (1-
Rebate/100)) – Deducted 296,399,398.0047 296,399,398.0047 311,774,296.0000 301,145,381.1600 302,312,100.7648 309,729,850.9500
Subwork Total – Fixed
Deduction Amount)
Added Subwork Total : (S+S+S+S+S+S+S+S+S+S+S)
Deducted Subwork Total : ( + + + )

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