Comparative BOQ
Comparative BOQ
Comparative BOQ
SOR for the Year of : 2022-2023 Estimated Rate for the Year of : 2022-2023
Subwork Name : SCHEDULE – B1 Water treatment Plant at Main Head works
Item Rate(With Submitted Rate Submitted Rate Submitted Rate
S.NO No Item Description Quantity Unit Sor Estimated Rate Rebate) (With Rebate) (With Rebate) (With Rebate)
Conventional WTP -
Designing (hydraulic,
process, structural
and aesthetic),
constructing and
Conventional Water
Treatment Plant
consisting of all Civil,
Mechanical and
components of
various sub-works as
given below
including necessary
hydraulic testing,
structural testing,
equipment testing,
trial run for 3
months, etc.
complete as directed
by Engineer-in-
charge (turn-key
job). The design
shall conform to IS /
CPHEEO Manual.
Aerator Ventury
Flume/ Partial flume
With necessary flow
consisting of
indicator. Flash
Mixer Rapid mixing
device design
conforming to IS :
7090 of 1985.
Detenion time
60second, velocity
gradient 300-400
sec-1 with fans gear
and motor assembly
as per design.
Flocculator Design
confirming to IS :
7208 – 1974 (Type-
C). Detention period
30miutes with
flocculator paddles
with gear and motor
assembly as per
design. Clarifier
Circular tank with
horizontal flow
pattern, detention
period 2.5 hours,
overflow rate 30
cubic meter per
square meter per
day (to be
specified), Weir
loading not more
than 300 cubic
meter per meter per
day, with mechanical
sludge scraper
confirming to IS :
10313 – 1982 and 13/04/2023
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bridge of standard
make as per design
with gear and motor
assemblies. Rapid
Sand Filters and
Filter House Filter
designed for
filtration rate of
6,000 liters per
square meter per
hour, minimum 2
beds for plant up to
10 MLD, for larger
plants as specified,
pipe gallery and
platform minimum
5.5 meter in width.
a) Filter Media
Effective size of filter
sand 0.45 to 0.70
mm, uniformity
coefficient not more
than 1.7 nor less
than 1.3, depth of
fillter 0.75 M, free
board 50 cm, gravel
0.45 M in depth,
sand and gravel
conforming to IS :
8491 (i) – 77,
backwash by air
wash(if specified)
and hard wash by
water, standard
appurtenances (to
be specified), rate of
flow controller, filter
gauge, sand
expansion gauge,
etc. b) Wash Water
Tank Wash water
tanks of capacity
equal to 2% of
designed quality of
filtered water in a
day (+) 10% with 8
to 10 m head (as
specified) Wash
water tank shall be
constructed on RCC
column/slabs only.
c) Wash Water
Pumps Capacity to
fill water tank in 1
hour with 100%
standby. d) Air
Blowers Capable of
delivering 600 LMP
per square meter of
free air, of filter area
with pressure@ 0.4
kg/square cm at the
under drains (100%
standby). e)
Valves/gates Inlet,
outlet, wash water
inlet – outlet and all
types and sizes of
valves /gates as per
design (MOC of gate
shall be CI). f)
Gauges/meters All
types gauges and
meters required for
filter operations and
backwashing etc. as
per design. Chemical
House in Two Stories
(floor wise area as
specified) RCC
framed strcture with
brick masonary infill
walls. Ground floor
and first flour as per
shall be provided.
Minimum clear head
room for doors,
passages, galleries
etc. shall be 2.10 m.
It shall be 2.4 m in
case of Alum dosing
Tank. Ground floor
to accommodate 90
days alum
requirements and a)
Sundry storage b)
First floor to
accommodate alum
and lime tanks, etc.
c) Solution Tanks
Minimum 3 tanks
(one for preparation,
second for dosing
and third as
standby), each tank
capable of giving 8
hours maximum 13/04/2023
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dose without
minimum free board
0.30 M, trays for
dissolving, level
indicator, mechanical
agitation devices,
solution feed and
drain lines, solution
feed device
(constant head
device, strength of
solution up to 10%
only) confirming to
IS : 9222 Part –
1/1979. Store House
(area as specified)
Suitable for alum
storage of three
months requirement
in monsoon with
10% extra capacity
for other sundry
articles. Vacuum
feed type
Chlorinators – make
to be specified and
approved by
Confirming to IS :
10533 – A Part –
2/1983. b) Rate of
withdrawal shall be
as per clause 6.1
Table-1 confirming
to IS 10553 (2)-
1983. (c) Chlorinator
equipment and
container room to
confirm to IS 10533
Part - 1/1983. d)
100% standby shall
be provided. By pass
arrangements – for
inlet to CCT,
Clarifloculator to
Filter bed through
channel & Filter feed
channel to CCT - C.I.
or M.S. pipes (as
specified) of size as
per design Drainage
arrangements – RCC
pipes up to plot
boundary (as
specified) diameter
as per design.
(Backwash drain
with RCC pipe to
plant boundery or to
recirculation sump),
sludge removing
drain with RCC
pipes) Electric
installation. Both
internal and external
including entire plant
area (as specified).
equipments As per
requirement (to be
specified during
tendering). Sanitary
blocks. Sanitary
Block area – 15
square meter
minimum up to 25
MLD and 25 square
meter above 25 MLD
(or as specified).
Administrative block
and internal roads.
To accommodate
office room, chlorine
room, laboratory
room, panel board
room, blower room
etc. and asphalt road
to connect all units
from main gate of
plot. Dewatering
during entire work
using any technique.
Instrumentation and
control as per
specifications (for >
10 MLD WTP.) The
plant shall be
provided with
equipment for
measurement &
control functions,
indicated below as a
minimum, but not 13/04/2023
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limited to the
following: Rate of
Flow (ROF)
Measurement at WTP
Inlet Parshall Flume
and at each Filter
Bed Outlet. Flow
Meter shall be
Ultrasonic type with
remote display to
indicate level and
proportionate Flow
values on field.
Torque switch at
Clariflocculator for
alarm of Overload
and Trip function of
mechanism. Loss of
Head (LOH)
Measurement across
each Filters. LOH
Meter shall be
Ultrasonic type with
remote display to
indicate level values
and Head Difference
on field. Level
measurement at
each Sump/ Tank/
ESR. Level Indicator
shall be Float &
board type to
indicate level values
on field. Level switch
shall be
Displacer/Float type
with Low & High set
point to start/ stop
respective pumps.
Float & Horizontal
Scale type level
gauge at Chemical
dosing tanks to
indicate level values
on field. Pressure
Gauges at each
pump/ blower
delivery line and at
common header.
Constant Head Flow
Measurement at
Alum dosing tanks
1.0000 Job 2,18,37,314.9300 2,18,37,314.9300 2,00,00,000.0000 2,02,00,000.0000 2,43,77,500.0000 2,40,00,000.0000
with Float operated
flow meter. All
shall be provided in
instrument chamber
of MCC. pH indicator
cum Transmitter
(Online Analyzer) to
measure, display &
transmit pH Value of
Raw Water
(Location: WTP Inlet
Parshall Flume) and
Clear Water
(Location: CCT
Outlet). Turbidity
Indicator cum
Transmitter (Online
Analyzer) to
measure, display &
transmit Turbidity
Value of Raw Water
(Location: WTP Inlet
Parshall Flume),
settled water
outlet) and Clear
Water (Location:
CCT Outlet).
Chlorine Indicator
cum Transmitter
(Online Analyzer) to
measure, display &
transmit Residual
Chlorine Value of
clear water
(Location: CCT
Outlet) and Chlorine
Leak Detector at
Chlorination Room.
Sampling Pump for
Sampling to
Laboratory at Raw
Water Channel, At
Inlet to Filter &
Outlet to Filter. PLC
based control panel
with SCADA system
shall be provided in
central control room
of treatment plant
for monitoring,
control, recording, 13/04/2023
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quality water
proofing like china
mosaic flooring with
proper slope and
drainage for rain
water. Minimum
plinth height of filter
house shall be 0.6
m. Also outlet
channel RL shall be
at plinth level. Clear
walkway excluding
column and valve
operating valves
shall be 1 meter. Air
blower shall be
placed on ground
floor. Pipe gallery
shall be embedded in
flooring. Inlet pipe
from flash-mixture
to Clariflocculator
shall be epoxy
coated. Flooring of
Loading area like
tonner/alum store
etc. shall be of
Polished Kota stone
flooring and
open/other space
shall be of paver
block pitching. Notes
(1) Conditions from
Sr.No.1 to 1.16 &
2.1 to 2.20 shall
from a part and
parcel of the tender
and must be
incorporated in draft
tender papers of
treatment plants. (2)
Aerator must be
provided. (3)
Hydraulic design
criteria approved by
Technical committee
shall be referred and
item description shall
be modified
accordingly. (4)
Structural design
criteria approved by
technical committee
shall be applicable
for design. (5)
Design flow shall be
specified in
M^3/hour in data
sheet considering 22
hours WTP run time
in a day to treat
requirement water
quantity of a day
(i.e. 24 hours) of
population to be
served with design
rate of water supply.
No separate
provision shall be
kept in any tender
clause. (6) All other
details shall be as
per design criteria
and detail
specifications and as
directed by Engineer
in Charge. (7) The
following rates are
for sites falling in
seismic zone III For
sites falling in Zone
IV and V rates shall
be increased 5% &
8% respectively. (8)
The rates includes
excavation, refilling
and throwing away
extra stuff at all
lead. 9) The
Following rates are
for preliminary or
rapid estimate of
WTP :- Capacity of
WTP in MLD Cost of
15.5 MLD treatment
MHW (15.5 MLD) 13/04/2023
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taxes, insurance,
transportation, freight
charges, octroi, inspection
charges, loading, unloading,
conveyance to departmental
19 . 5.0 8.0000 Nos. 2,496.0000 2,496.0000 2,665.0000 9,500.0000 4,975.0000 3,600.0000
stores, stacking etc.
complete. Tamper Proof Air
valves. Air valves double
acting (DS2) Type 1) 50 mm
20 . 5.1 2) 80 mm Dia 22.0000 Nos. 3,660.0000 3,660.0000 4,000.0000 14,500.0000 7,960.0000 5,000.0000
21 . 5.2 3) 100 mm Dia 1.0000 Nos. 5,267.0000 5,267.0000 6,300.0000 16,500.0000 10,447.5000 6,000.0000
22 . 5.3 4) 150 mm Dia 28.0000 Nos. 12,384.0000 12,384.0000 10,295.0000 18,500.0000 13,432.5000 13,500.0000
Temper proof Air valves
23 . 5.4 With Isolating Sluice Valve 1.0000 Nos. 13,789.0000 13,789.0000 8,720.0000 19,500.0000 15,124.0000 9,200.0000
PN 1.0 1) 80 mm Dia
Excavation for pipe line
trenches for water supply,
sewerage line, manhole etc.
all with shoring and struting
if required as per required
gradient and line including
safety provisions using site
24 . 6.0 rails and stacking excavated 35,075.8300 Cum 102.3500 102.3500 70.0000 70.0000 94.5250 90.0000
stuff including up to all
required lead cleaning the
site etc. complete for all lifts
and strata as specified. 0.0
to 1.5 mt depth. a) In all
sorts of soil and soft
b) In hard murrum, boulders
25 . 6.1 21,045.5000 Cum 155.2500 155.2500 70.0000 80.0000 99.5000 111.0000
incl. macadam road.
c) In soft rock and/or
masonary in CM or LM or
26 . 6.2 14,030.3300 Cum 187.4500 187.4500 70.0000 105.0000 109.4500 165.0000
Lime Concrete.(20% of Total
Quantity of Excavation)
1.5 to 3.0 mt depth.b) In
hard murrum, boulders incl.
27 . 6.3 macadam road.(50% of 5,558.6800 Cum 170.2000 170.2000 70.0000 190.0000 109.4500 145.0000
Total Quantity of
c) In soft rock and/or
masonary in CM or LM or
28 . 6.4 4,446.9400 Cum 205.8500 205.8500 70.0000 105.0000 119.4000 200.0000
Lime Concrete.(40% of Total
Quantity of Excavation)
d) In hard rock and/or in
C.C. 1:2:4 or R.C.C. with
29 . 6.5 blasting and chiselling or by 1,111.7400 Cum 446.2000 446.2000 70.0000 300.0000 298.5000 420.0000
chiselling (10% of Total
Quantity of Excavation)
Providing bedding incl.
ramming, watering,
levelling, consolidating etc.
complete as per standard
30 . 7.0 and instruction of engineer 1,118.7300 Cum 202.4000 202.4000 10.0000 300.0000 348.2500 300.0000
incharge. As above with
Murrum brought from
outside including all lead-
For DI K-7
Lowering, laying and
jointing C. I. S & S Spun
pipes suitable for Tyton
joints / Mortar lined D. I.
Pipes of various classes with
CI / MS specials of following
31 . 8.0 3,110.0000 Rmt. 113.8500 113.8500 120.0000 150.0000 99.5000 160.0000
diameters in proper
position, grade and
alignment as directed by
Engineer-in-charge including
hydraulictesting etc. comp..
(1) 250 mm Dia
32 . 8.1 2)300 mm Dia 50.0000 Rmt. 178.2500 178.2500 130.0000 150.0000 124.3750 175.0000
33 . 8.2 3) 350 mm Dia 6,190.0000 Rmt. 216.2000 216.2000 150.0000 150.0000 124.3750 170.0000
34 . 8.3 4) 400 mm Dia 15.0000 Rmt. 258.7500 258.7500 170.0000 150.0000 134.3250 220.0000
35 . 8.4 7) 600 mm Dia 4,365.0000 Rmt. 464.6000 464.6000 200.0000 150.0000 199.0000 260.0000
36 . 8.5 7) 700 mm Dia 8,805.0000 Rmt. 589.9500 589.9500 250.0000 150.0000 248.7500 300.0000
Lowering, laying, fixing and
jointing PVC/uPVC/cPVC
pipes and specials of
following class and diameter
including cost of conveyance
37 . 9.0 from stores to site of works 510.0000 Rmt. 54.0500 54.0500 60.0000 100.0000 39.8000 60.0000
including cost of labour,
material, cement solvent,
giving satisfactory hydraulic
testing as per ISI code. (1)
225 mm dia. Pipe 13/04/2023
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Preparing structural
design of RCC Under
Ground / Partially
under ground /
above high ground
level Reservoir of
required capacity as
per relevant I.S.s
and constructing the
same, including
excavation in all
types of soil strata
(including rock)
including shoring
strutting if required,
for loose soil / to
protect from collapse
due to near by traffic
load, casting 100
mm thick P.C.C.
leveling course in M-
10, Refilling the pit
with proper soil and
disposing of the
surplus stuff within a
lead of 50 meters.
structural design of
RCC Under Ground /
Partially under
ground / above high
ground level
Reservoir of required
capacity as per
relevant I.S.
standards and
constructing the
same, including
excavation in all
types of soil strata
(including rock)
including shoring
strutting if required,
for loose soil / to
protect from
collapse, casting 100
mm thick P.C.C.
levelling course in M-
15, Refilling the pit
with proper soil and
disposing of the
surplus stuff at all
lead. Including
cement plaster in CM
1:2 with approved
water proofing
compound to all over
inside container (i.e.
walls, base, top
slab/dome bottom
etc. all). Including all
types of labour and
material charges of
lowering, laying,
erecting / hosting
and jointing of pipe
assembly to inlet,
and bye pass 13/04/2023
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arrangement as per
hydraulic design.
Providing and fixing
accessories, CI
Manhole frame and
cover,water level
indicator, adequate
cowl type ventilators
or lantern type
ventilator with
stainless steel jail.
RCC chambers for
valves.Providing and
applying three coats
of cement paint /
snowcem to the out
side face of
structure. It also
includes satisfactory
water tightness test
as per relevant I.S.
code and painting
name of scheme and
capacity on the tank
as per direction of
engineer in
cement plaster in CM
1:2 with approved
water proofing
compound to inside
water touching
surface to container.
Including all types of
labour and material
charges of lowering,
laying, erecting /
hosting and jointing
of pipe assembly to
inlet, outlet overflow,
washout and bye
pass arrangement as
per hydraulic
design.Providing and
fixing accessories
like MS / GI Ladder,
CI Manhole frame
and cover,water
level indicator,
adequate cowl type
ventilators or lantern
type ventilator with
stainless steel jail.
List of Indian
Standards for Design
of GSR / SUMP:- The
structural design of
GSR shall be in
accordance with
provisions relevant
I.S standards (1)
I.S. 3370 part I & II
2009 or Its latest
revision (1.1) I.S.
3370 part III & IV
1965 or Its latest
revision (2) I.S. 456
– 2000 or Its latest
revision. (3) I.S.
1893 – 2000 – 1984
or Its latest revision.
(4) I.S. 875, Part – 1
to 3, 1987 or Its
latest revision.
Specification :- (1)
Water depth in
container shall be
adopted as per data
of tender. Capacity
shall be calculated
excluding free board
of the reservoir. If
water depth is not
specified, the
suitable water
depth / acceptable to
field engineer in
accordance with
hydraulic (2) Shape
of container (in plan)
specified by in data
shall be adopted. (3)
Size shall be fixed as
per availability of
space (land area) at
site / acceptable
engineer in charge.
(4) Effect of
overlapping of
pressure bulbs on
soil due near by
structure and
proposed sump
should be
considered. (5) Care
shall be taken that
no damage should 13/04/2023
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occur to nearby
existing structure.
Compensation shall
be paid for the same
by agency. (6) The
minimum concrete
grade for RCC shall
be M-30. (7) HYSD
Fe 415 / 500 grade
reinforcing bars
confirming to I.S.
1786 / 1139 shall be
considered in design.
CRS / TMT bars shall
be provided. In
saline atmosphere
corrosion resistance
stainless steel / HCR
rebar shall be
provided. Any other
steel can be used
with approval of
C.E./ in situation of
non availability in
market without extra
cost. (8) Minimum
size (or thickness) of
various components
shall be provided as
per tender criteria /
specifications in
absence as per I.S./
Std. practice of
G.W.S.S.B. Minimum
dimensions specified
for various
components in
tender data /
specifications shall
be provided without
fail. (9) The safe
bearing capacity
(SBC) shall be
referred from SBC
test report. In
absence of report it
shall be referred
from data sheet. If
poor soil is found /
water table is met
with during
excavation SBC shall
be scientifically
ascertained and
1 1.0000 No. 1,35,58,618.0900 1,35,58,618.0900 1,35,00,000.0000 1,25,00,000.0000 1,27,85,750.0000 2,25,00,000.0000
design shall be
revise. No extra shall
be paid for increase
in quantity. (10) DI
pipes and special
shall only be used if
type is not specified
in tender. (11) The
rate shall include
cost of dewatering
during excavation
making all
arrangement when
water table meets
within depth. (12)
The structure shall
be designed properly
to resist uplift due to
ground water table
specified in data or
actual ground water
table meets with
during excavation. If
GWT / Uplift is
mentioned in tender
and during
excavation it dose
not meet 7.5% rate
shall be reduced.
(13) SS pipes railing
shall be provided
over sump perifery
when sump height is
= 1.5 meter above
ground level. (14.a)
RCC staircase/RCC
Steps should be
provided from GL to
sump top slab based
on the height of the
GSR above/below
the ground. (15)
Appearance of
structure should be
aesthetically good
looking acceptable to
authority. (16) Any
change in size,
shape, depth below
GL, height above GL,
water depth, F.B.,
size of member etc
can be permitted in
exceptional case due 13/04/2023
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to site condition or
hydraulic design
requirement by C.E.
No extra shall be
paid for change. (17)
Any change in data,
dimensions, shape,
water depth,
reduction in size if
permitted by
competent authority
and if it reduces
quantity then
payment shall be
reduced prorate.
(18) When capacity
of GSR / Sump is >
20 lakh litres two or
acceptable to
executive engineer
shall be designed
and provided. (18)
When capacity of
GSR / Sump is > 20
lakh litres two or
acceptable to
executive engineer
shall be designed
and provided. (19)
Agency shall engage
qualified (at least
graduate) consulting
engineer for
designing the
structure and he /
she shall visit the
site for guidance of
work. (20) 75% part
rate shall be payable
for concrete,
reinforcement and
plastering items of
container until
satisfactory hydraulic
testing for water
tightness is
performed as per
tender condition. Till
the work shall be
treated as
conditions / general
specifications Sr. No.
1 to 20 are part and
parcel of tender
(contact) and prevail
over other provisions
in tender. As above
rectangular sump
with water table
(Sub soil water level
foundation) ,Capacity
of GSR/Sump. At
Abrama MHW
(Capacity 5300000
Designing structurally
(and aesthetically)
complying provisions of
relevant Indian
standards and
constructing RCC
Elevated service
Reservoir of the
following capacity and
height , using latest Soil
Investigation Report of
proposed site , Seismic
zone, Wind speed Zone.
Including (1) Container
shape any suitable type
(or as specified), (2)
Staging consisting of
column brace trestle /
shaft / combination
column- brace trestle
and shaft as
appropriate(or as
specified) and (3)
Appropriate foundation
system. This includes
excavation in all types
of soil strata(including 13/04/2023
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hard rock,casting100
mm thick P.C.C.
levelling course in M-
10 , Refilling the pit
with proper soil and
disposing of the surplus
stuff at all required
lead. (4) This will also
include cement plaster
in CM 1:2 with
approved water
proofing compound all
over inside container
(i.e. walls, base, top
slab/dome bottom etc.
all).. (5) All types of
labour & material
charges of lowering ,
laying, erecting /
hoisting & joining of
pipe assembly of Inlet,
washout and bye pass
arrangement as per
hydraulic design are
including. (6) Providing
and fixing of any
CI Manhole frame and
covers, water level
indicator , lightening
conductor, GI Pipe
railing around walk
way, at roof level, at
gallery and around
landing of inside shaft,
Adequate cowl type
ventilators or lantern
type ventilator with
stainless steel jali. (7)
Scope of work includes
constructing RCC spiral
staircase with adequate
tie beams,staircase
footing ,Rcc chambers
for valves. ventilating
shaft and ventilators as
well as door in shaft,SS
grating to be provided
to outlet pipe (inside
container) for safety.(8)
including providing and
applying three coats of
cement paint/snowcem
1. 1 1.0000 Nos 2,10,72,451.9500 2,10,72,451.9500 2,10,00,000.0000 2,60,00,000.0000 1,89,05,000.0000 2,40,00,000.0000
(as specified) to the
whole structure. (9) It
also includes
satisfactory water
tightness test as per
relevant I.S. Code and
painting name of
scheme &capacity on
the tank as per
direction of engineer in
charge. List of Indian
Standards for design of
ESR:Note: The
structural design of ESR
shall be in accordance
with provisions of
relevant Indian
Standards.(1) I.S. 3370
part I & II 2009 or Its
latest revision. (1.1)
I.S. 3370 part III & IV
1965 or Its latest
revision . (2) IS 456-
2000 or Its latest
revision. (3) IS 11682-
1985 or Its latest
revision. (4) IS 1893-
2002 part I to V or Its
latest revision. (5) IS
13920-1993, or Its
latest revision. (6) IS
875 part I to III,1987
or Its latest revision.
(7) IS 11089- 1987 or
Its latest revision.
General specifications:
(1) The Min. concrete
grade for RCC shall be
M :30. Proportion of
concrete ingredients
shall be as per Mix
design using weigh
batching. (2) HYSD( Fe
415)or higher grade
reinforcing bars
confirming to IS
1786/1139 or CRS /TMT
bars shall be used as
per detailed
specification. (3) In
case of column –brace
trestle type staging
having more than 6
columns internal 13/04/2023
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horizontal bracing is
obligatory. One bracing
shall be at foundation
level in case of
Individual footings . (4)
Min. size/ thickness of
various components
shall be provided as per
Code ( or as per std.
practice). Capacity of
the ESR shall be
considered excluding
free board. (5)
Minimum dimensions
specified for various
components in tender
data /specifications
should be provided. (6)
The Safe bearing
(SBC) /allowable
pressure on soil shall be
referred from latest
SBC test report or
tender datasheet.
During execution If
poor soil strata or
ground water table is
encountered, the SBC
shall have to be re
ascertained and the
design should be
revised accordingly.(7)
Maximum spacing
between horizontal
bracings shall be 5 m
(storey height). (8) The
BB Masonry cabin with
MS door shall be
constructed when spiral
staircase is outside the
staging. (9) RCC
Staircase/ MS Staircase
shall be provided and
fixed for access to roof
when height of roof
from G.L. is up to 10 m.
For ESR having more
than 10 m height
proper RCC staircase or
suitable RCC spiral
staircase shall be
constructed. Railing
should be provided
through out the
staircase and around
the top ring beam. (10)
For ESR-having staging
height more than 15 m
the spiral staircase shall
be provided inside the
staging with effective
tie beams in more than
one direction. (11)
Water level indictor
shall be provided and
fixed float
type /electronic (as
specified ). (12) The
rate shall include
providing and fixing
pipes, specials, and
valves required for
inlet, outlet , wash out,
over flow and bye pass
arrangement. The
scope of work includes
constructing supporting
RC pillars, erecting,
laying ,fixing and
joining pipes and
specials etc up to 5m
length from face of
staging (outer most
column). (13) DI pipes
& specials shall only be
used . (14) The rate
shall include cost of
dewatering during
execution making all
arrangement with any
dewatering technique.
(15) The structure shall
be designed properly
for uplift due to Ground
water table specified in
data or GWT
encountered during
execution. No extra
payment shall be paid
for the same. (16)
Effective curing shall be
carried out up to
required period as per
specifications. (17)
Agency shall engage 13/04/2023
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Designing, Supplying,
cutting, bending, binding
andplacing in position 13/04/2023
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3 C x 25 AL XLPE
29 . 19.1 Armoured (For 22KW 12.0000 NOS 203.0000 203.0000 235.0000 50.0000 318.4000 95.0000
4 C x 6 CU XLPE
30 . 19.2 Armoured (For LDB, EOT, 6.0000 NOS 107.0000 107.0000 125.0000 50.0000 253.7250 58.0000
3 C x 2.5 CU XLPE
Armoured (For TPN MCB
at PMCC room & Pump
31 . 19.3 10.0000 NOS 73.0000 73.0000 85.0000 50.0000 229.8450 58.0000
house maintenance floor,
dewatering pump, flow
meter etc.)
CABLE LUGS : Providing &
fitting crimping type Cable
Terminals (Lugs)
conforming to IS of
following types and sizes
32 . 20.0 16.0000 NOS 21.0000 21.0000 25.0000 50.0000 22.8850 53.0000
Aluminium Tubular
Terminals (in 3.5
c X 185 Sq.mmAL XLPE
Armoured (For Incomer to
SFU to PMCC Panel)
3 C x 25 AL XLPE
33 . 20.1 Armoured (For 22 KW 36.0000 NOS 3.0000 3.0000 5.0000 50.0000 8.9550 6.0000
4 C x 6 CU XLPE
34 . 20.2 Armoured (For LDB, EOT, 24.0000 NOS 7.0000 7.0000 10.0000 50.0000 6.9650 6.0000
3 C x 2.5 CU XLPE
Armoured (For TPN MCB
at PMCC room & Pump
35 . 20.3 30.0000 NOS 5.0000 5.0000 10.0000 50.0000 4.9750 6.0000
house maintenance floor,
dewatering pump, flow
meter etc.)
EARTHING: Supplying &
erecting funnel type
earthing having earth
plate of following size
burred in specifically
prepared earth pit 3 mtr.
below ground with 40 kg.
charcoal and salt with
alternate layers of
charcoal & salt,
20mm.dia. G.I. pipe with
Funnel with a wire mesh
for watering & bricks
masonry block, C.I. Cover
complete as per para 7.3
36 . 21.0 of IS 3043 with necessary 2.0000 Nos 2,678.5800 2,678.5800 3,085.0000 14,500.0000 6,905.3000 3,150.0000
length of double
Galvanised Iron / copper
earth wire No 6 SWG
bolted with lug to the
plate and covered in 12
mm dia. G.I. pipe 2.5 mtr
long complete connected
to the nearest switch gear
with end socket as per
direction & duly tested by
earth tester confirming to
IS (As per drawing) with
following specification
With 45 x 45 x 0.35 cms.
C.I. earth plate
G.I. Earth Strip: Supply,
laying and erection of
25mm(w) x 6mm(T) etc.
sizes as required, HOT
deep GI Strip including
supply & fixing using GI
spacers, saddles when laid
inside the building and
37 . 21.1 inclusive of excavation & 59.0000 KG 80.3600 80.3600 95.0000 165.0000 109.4500 95.0000
refilling of earth when laid
outside the building &
interconnection with earth
pit & all electro-
mechanical equipments.
(for panel) (25X6 G.I
Strip, 1.17 Kg/m,
Providing and erecting
Mains with 1.1 KV grade
FRLS PVC insulated ISI
marked stranded Copper
conductor wire in
following type of pipe to
be erected concealed
in /flushed on wall/ceiling,
38 . 22.0 50.0000 MTR 71.4300 71.4300 85.0000 110.0000 79.6000 95.0000
with 1.5 sq. mm copper
conductor FRLS PVC
insulated stranded wire of
green colour for earth
continuity of following size
with medium class Rigid
PVC pipe and accessories
Main wiring with 3 wire
and Commissioning of 13/04/2023
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Supplying & erecting ABC
powder type ''Ceasefire''
1 . 24.0 type Fire extinguisher as 2.0000 NOS 883.9300 883.9300 1,020.0000 6,500.0000 6,467.5000 7,766.0000
per IS 13849 or 1 Kg
capacity with necessary
clamp for erection on wall 13/04/2023
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16 . 16.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
17 . 17.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
18 . 18.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
19 . 19.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
20 . 20.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
21 . 21.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
22 . 22.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
23 . 23.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
24 . 24.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
25 . 25.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
26 . 26.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
27 . 27.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
28 . 28.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
29 . 29.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
30 . 30.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
31 . 31.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
32 . 32.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
33 . 33.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
34 . 34.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
35 . 35.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
36 . 36.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
37 . 37.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
38 . 38.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
39 . 39.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,00,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
40 . 40.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 10,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
41 . 41.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 1,000.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
42 . 42.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
43 . 43.0 Fake Item 0.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
44 . 44.0 Fake Item 1.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
45 . 45.0 Fake Item 2.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
46 . 46.0 Fake Item 3.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
47 . 47.0 Fake Item 4.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
48 . 48.0 Fake Item 5.0000 No 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
SubWork Details
1 . treatment Plant at Main 21,837,314.9300 21,837,314.9300 20,000,000.0000 20,200,000.0000 24,500,000.0000 24,000,000.0000
Head works
SCHEDULE – B2 Part-1
2. 191,766,747.7390 191,766,747.7390 220,346,548.7000 200,334,086.6500 196,307,685.2500 211,151,723.0500
Pipe line Work
SCHEDULE – B2 Part-2
3. 15,504,047.8924 15,504,047.8924 4,151,210.0000 14,935,531.0000 17,265,274.0000 12,434,155.0000
Pipe line Work
4. 13,558,618.0900 13,558,618.0900 13,500,000.0000 12,500,000.0000 12,850,000.0000 22,500,000.0000
Water Sump
SCHEDULE – B4 Elevated
5 . Storage reservoir at Main 21,072,451.9500 21,072,451.9500 21,000,000.0000 26,000,000.0000 19,000,000.0000 24,000,000.0000
Head works
6. 1,126,206.7200 1,126,206.7200 1,056,000.0000 864,000.0000 1,216,000.0000 1,024,000.0000
7. 3,725,446.9683 3,725,446.9683 3,011,732.3000 2,129,053.5100 3,752,255.8000 4,576,238.4000
Compound Wall
8. 390,050.2650 390,050.2650 419,950.0000 924,075.0000 753,000.0000 572,722.5000
Approach Road
SCHEDULE – B8 Part-1
9. 3,729,868.2500 3,729,868.2500 4,597,985.0000 6,731,385.0000 4,485,892.0000 5,847,155.0000
Pumping Machinery
SCHEDULE – B8 Part-2
10 . 11,857.1600 11,857.1600 13,670.0000 27,250.0000 24,250.0000 23,857.0000
Pumping Machinery
SCHEDULE – C Operation
11 . and Maintenance (For 5 23,676,788.0400 23,676,788.0400 23,677,200.0000 16,500,000.0000 23,676,900.0000 3,600,000.0000
Years) 13/04/2023
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