Thanoon 2004
Thanoon 2004
Thanoon 2004
Received 17 April 2002; received in revised form 14 February 2003; accepted 9 March 2004
The paper describes the development of a new interlocking hollow block masonry system appropriate for load bearing masonry
wall construction. The developed system is an alternative to the traditional bonded masonry system where the blocks in the wall
are integrated through mortar layers. In the system developed, the blocks are stacked on one another and three-dimensional
interlocking protrusions are provided in the blocks to integrate the blocks into walls. This paper includes the background, concept
and procedure used to develop an efficient interlocking hollow block system, which may be used in the construction of load
bearing walls. Twenty-one different block models have been investigated and analysed with respect to weight, bearing and shear
areas, shape, ease of production, ability to accommodate vertical and horizontal reinforcing stabilising ties and efficiency of the
interlocking mechanism under imposed loads. The blocks, developed under the name ‘PUTRA BLOCK’, have been used to
construct a single-storey house at Universiti Putra Malaysia. The system provides a fast, easy and an accurate building system.
䊚 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Masonry system; Putra block; Interlocking load bearing hollow block; Dry construction; Modular coordination
0950-0618/04/$ - see front matter 䊚 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
446 W.A. Thanoon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 18 (2004) 445–454
Fig. 4. Modified ‘H’ (a) and ‘W’ (b) Block Masonry System developed at Drexel University w7x.
448 W.A. Thanoon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 18 (2004) 445–454
400(L) mm but these do not comply with the require- It is therefore necessary to develop an IHB system,
ments for modular dimensions. which overcomes the present limitations as indicated
From the above review on the development of the above. The newly developed system should satisfy the
interlocking hollow blocks in different parts of the strength requirements and have ease in production and
world, it can be concluded that: construction features.
Fig. 7. Different Interlocking Hollow Block Models, studied at Universiti Putra Malaysia.
sented in Ref. w11x. The investigations have led to the heavy. The weight may reduce productivity signifi-
following conclusions: cantly.
3. Most of the blocks provide sufficient interlocking
1. All of the blocks in Group 1 provide sufficient mechanism in two directions with sufficient resis-
bearing and shearing areas to resist the design vertical tance to the forces developed in the construction of
and horizontal forces, while blocks in Group 2 have one- to two-storey buildings.
a small bearing area sufficient for the construction 4. Some of the blocks are suitable for manual produc-
of partitions walls. tion but may require complicated moulds.
2. The weight of the Group 1 blocks is rather high
(greater than 20 kg) and for South–East Asian It needs to be emphasised that in addition to the
workers, the blocks may be considered as unduly strength requirements, the production of the blocks and
450 W.A. Thanoon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 18 (2004) 445–454
the constructability of the walls using the block are Based on the study of the above configurations and
equally important factors to be considered in the devel- to achieve the objectives of ease of production and
opment of the blocks. In the development of the new constructability as well as to satisfy modular coordina-
interlocking block system, the following featuresyadvan- tion requirements, a new configuration with different
tages are sought to be included: dimensions has finally been developed called Putra
Interlocking Blocks. These blocks have three different
● Efficient interlocking mechanism in different direc- configurations as Stretcher Block, Corner Block and
tions to withstand the different forces (shear and Half Block (Fig. 8). The interlocking mechanism in any
bearing), that develop under applied loads. direction is ensured through providing a protrusion of
● Self-alignment to ensure accurate and simple 20 mm height. The physical properties of different
construction. individual block types are presented in Table 1. The
● Meeting Modular Coordination requirements, i.e. the stretcher block is the main unit used in the construction
dimensions should fit into the modular dimensions, of the wall. The Comer block unit is to be used to fit
Table 1
The physical properties of different block units
Fig. 9. Interlocking mechanism along with the bearing and shear areas provided by the main block unit.
W.A. Thanoon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 18 (2004) 445–454 451
Fig. 10. Schematic drawing for stages of wall construction using the Putra Block System.
at the junctions and the end of the walls. While the Half controlling planes to be in modular dimension of 3M or
block is used to complete the courses of the wall so 300 mm, and the vertical controlling planes to be 1M
that vertical joints will be staggered. The interlocking or 100 mm. The Half Block with the length of 150 mm
mechanisms have been designed to obviate the need for can be conveniently put in the technical zones of 150
mortar layers, so that the construction speed may be mm. This allows other spaces in the house to have
increased. The self-aligning features add to the increase modular dimensions, thus facilitating the use of other
in the speed of construction. modularly coordinated components such as windows,
The block dimensions are in conformity with the doors and built-in cabinets. It could be seen also that if
modular design rules, which require that the horizontal the typical room heights of 2800 or 3000 mm are
452 W.A. Thanoon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 18 (2004) 445–454
Fig. 11. Schematic drawing for corner walls and walls with opening construction.
adopted, there is not a single block that needs to be to 0.39 (the average strength of the stretcher block is
broken to fit into the spaces required. There will be no equal to 15.2 Nymm2). This is complied very well with
wastage in the materials, and indeed, exact number of the strength ratio of traditional bonded masonry wall
blocks required for a specific house could be estimated panel. The strength ratio of the basic panel for bonded
from the architectural drawing. hollow block masonry with mortar layers of different
The configuration and the interlocking mechanism designation and block unit strength equal to 15 Ny
can easily be produced using a normal block making mm2 obtained using BS 5268: Part 1 w4x are 0.45, 0.4
machine giving special consideration to the mould used, and 0.38 for mortar designation (i), (ii) and (iii),
concrete mix and vibration time. The compressive respectively.
strength of the tested individual blocks is 94.6–118% The interlocking mechanism plays a significant role
of the concrete cube cast using the same mix. The in the distribution of the stresses developed in the block
developed blocks have been analysed theoretically w8x due to the applied load. The deformed shape obtained
and experimentally w3x. The theoretical analyses and from finite element analysis of the interlocking block
experimental results cover the structural behaviour of system under axial compression load (Fig. 9) shows
the prisms as well as full-scale wall panels under that, there is an interaction between different block units
vertical, lateral and eccentric loads. through their interlocking keys, which in turn leads to
The compressive strength of masonry walls is the higher stress concentration near the web-shell intersec-
most important parameter in the design of masonry tion. The connected parts of the blocks will resist the
structures and primarily depends on the strength of the stresses developed in the wall due to the applied load
block units. The strength ratio of the interlocking basic to integrate the blocks in the wall. The webs provide
wall panel whaving dimensions of 1.2 m (width)=1.2 lateral resistance to the shells and hence the deformation
m (length)x in terms of the average compressive strength near the web-shell intersection is minimised and high
of the main block (stretcher) unit is found to be equal stress is expected at these junctions.
W.A. Thanoon et al. / Construction and Building Materials 18 (2004) 445–454 453