Cot Plan 2ND
Cot Plan 2ND
Cot Plan 2ND
Department of Education
REGION VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Bago City
Instructional Planning
PERFORMANCE The learners shall be able to prepare an action plan containing mitigation measures to
STANDARD address current environmental concerns and challenges in the community.
Most Essential Categorize the different biotic potential and environmental resistance (e.g., diseases,
Learning availability of food, and predators) that affect population explosion
Competency S11/12LT-IVhj- 29
Key Concepts/ Ecosystem Environment biotic abiotic biotic potential
Understandings to environmental resistance ecology symbiosis mutualism parasitism
be Developed: commensalism predation competition population
Value Focus By being aware of different biotic potential and environmental resistance, we can be able
to devise a plan how to handle such resistance.
1. OBJECTIVES At the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:
1. identify biotic and abiotic factors
2. differentiate biotic and abiotic factors
3. categorize the different biotic potential and environmental resistance that affect
population explosion and
ACTIVITY: (English, Math, Science, ICT) 15 minutes
Preliminary Activity: Indicator 1: The teacher
Prayer integrated various
House Rules learning areas such as
English, math, science
ANALYSIS: (English, Filipino, PE-test of agility, Math) 25 minutes
ACTIVITY 3: MAHAL KO O MAHAL AKO? Indicator 3: Applied a
Task: The class will be grouped into two (mahal ko o mahal ako) group. The range of teaching
Mahal Ko group symbolizes the living things while The Mahal Ako Group strategies to develop
critical and creative
symbolizes the non-living one. There is a box in front which is full of scratch
thinking, as well as
papers but with it were the examples of living and non-living things. Each group is
other higher-order
task to get the strips of paper containing examples under their category and thinking skills through
paste it on the board. The first to finish will be declared as the winner. In case inquisitive thinking and
that both teams are not yet done, the team with the most examples pasted shall collaborative approach.
be the winner and will receive a prize.
The teacher give a short discussion with students’ participation through
inquisitive thinking. Indicator 2: Used a
range of teaching
ACTIVITY 4: A PICTURE PAINTS A THOUSAND WORDS (Picture Analysis) – 2 minutes strategies that enhance
learner achievement in
literacy and numeracy
ACTIVITY 5: (Differentiated Activity) skills by increasing
comprehension and
GROUP 1: TELL ME, TELL ME, TELL ME, SOMETHING I DON’T KNOW! (By Pair – Buddy- vocabulary through
Buddy System) activities 4 and 5.
Tell something about each picture
Indicator 4: Displayed
proficient use of Mother
Tongue, Filipino and
English to facilitate
teaching and learning.
(Act. 3)
Indicator 7 Established a
learner-centered culture
by using teaching
strategies that respond
to their linguistic,
cultural, socio-economic
and religious
backgrounds. (Act. 5)
The fact that the teacher is
allowing the student to
formulate concepts based on
series of examples like video
clips gave way for the learner
to construct learning.
ABSTRACTION: 5 minutes
Indicator 6: Maintained
ACTIVITY 6: JUST ANSWER ME! learning environments
Refer to this illustration in answering questions A, B and C. that promote fairness,
respect and care to
encourage learning
through identifying
resistance that might
affect population that
would later affect
fairness and respect.
APPLICATION: 5 minutes
1. The year 2020 had been a tough and difficult time for many countries around the learning environments
world. What environmental resistance affects the Philippines? What measures that promote fairness,
will you do to protect the community? respect and care to
encourage learning
2. Talking about the measures that you will do, how can you promote fairness and
Cut and paste/ copy and paste or draw pictures of an ecosystem showing
environmental resistance and biotic potential.
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about
REFLECTIONS: your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be
done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional
supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask
them relevant questions. Indicate below whichever is/are appropriate.
h. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation