Use of - Based Interactive Learning Media Visuals I

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Journal of Education Technology

Volume 5, Number 4, 2021 pp. 563-570

P-ISSN: 2549-4856 E-ISSN : 2549-8290
Open Access:

Use of -Based Interactive Learning Media Visuals in Science

Uswatun Hasanah1*, Putu 2 Sudira
Prodi Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Masalah mendasar dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan pada jenjang pendidikan

Article history: adalah proses pembelajaran pada umumnya terlalu berorientasi pada
Received June 12, 2021 penguasaan materi pelajaran, bukan pada substansi, makna, atau nilai yang
Revised June 15, 2021
dikandungnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keberhasilan dari
Accepted September 12, 2021
Available online November 25, 2021 penggunaan media interaktif berbasis visual atau media gambar pada
pembelajaran IPA. Jenis penelitian True eksperiment dengan pendekatan
kuantitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 50 siswa yang terdiri dari 2
kelas terpisah, jumlah siswa perempuan 30 dan siswa laki-laki 20. Metode
Kata Kunci: pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dengan menggunakan hasil belajar siswa
Media Visual, Interaktif, IPA
pre test dan post test. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes hasil belajar dan
angket respon siswa. Teknik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data yaitu
Visual Media, Interactive, Science analisis deskritif kualitatif dan kuantitatif serta statistika inferensial. Hasil
penelitian diperoleh hasil skor rata-rata belajar IPA setelah penggunaan media
DOI: pembelajaran interaktif berbasis visual adalah 75,93 dengan standar deviasi
35364 16,19. Skor terendah pada siswa adalah 40 dan skor tertinggi adalah 99. Media
interaktif berbasis visual efektif digunakan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA
pada siswa. Implikasi penelitian yaitu media Media interaktif berbasis visual
daoat digunakan oleh guru dalam mengajar sehingga dapat membantu siswa
dalam belajar.



The fundamental problem in implementing education at the education level is that the learning process is generally too
oriented to mastery of subject matter, not to the substance, meaning, or value it contains. This study aims to analyze the
success of using visual-based interactive media or image media in science learning. This type of research is an actual
experiment with a quantitative approach. The subjects in this study were 50 students consisting of 2 separate classes, the
number of female students was 30, and the number of male students was 20. The method of data collection in this study used
student learning outcomes pre-test and post-test. The instrument used is a test of learning outcomes and student response
questionnaires. The technique used to analyze the data is the descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis and inferential
statistics. The results showed that the average score of learning science after using visual-based interactive learning media
was 75.93, with a standard deviation of 16.19. The lowest score for students is 40, and the highest score is 99. Visual-based
interactive media is effectively used to improve student learning outcomes in science. The research implication is that
visualbased interactive media can be used by teachers in teaching so that they can help students learn.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Copyright © 2021 by Author. Published by Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.

Educational technology that is oriented towards observing constant improvement in learning practices
by utilizing one of the visualization technologies that can improve students' perceptions in carrying out the
learning process in the classroom (Chen & Li, 2011; Lestari et al., 2021; Putrawangsa & Hasanah, 2018).
Interactive role in learning enhanced by current technological developments in education (Tuma, Malgor, &
Nassar 2021; Ran and Jinglu 2020). Education in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 with technological
sophistication that develops is can change various sectors, especially in the teaching and learning process of
teachers and students which in supporting the success of the learning process students are required to master
various subject matter delivered by the teacher, but the success of the material is marked by the ability to
Uswatun Hasanah1, Putu Sudira2 (2021). Journal of Education Technology. Vol. 5(4) PP. 563-570
teachers in managing and developing creative and innovative learning media to give birth to a quality generation
and able to compete globally (Mutohhari et al., 2021; Rusli et al., 2020; Sriyanti et al., 2021). Learning design is
sought so that students can carry out learning activities by utilizing currently developing technology (Buchori et
al., 2017; Nonthamand, 2020). One of the main factors for the lack of enthusiasm in students to participate in

* Corresponding Author: Hasanah: [email protected]

learning is that teachers are still difficult in developing a supporting media in learning and there are some
teachers who find it difficult to use the technology that is currently developing (Akyol & Garrison, 2011;
Fauyan, 2019). Thus a teacher must have a strategy that can arouse enthusiasm and activate students in the
classroom during the teaching and learning process so that there is interaction between the two teachers and
students (Alias et al., 2012; Filgona et al., 2017; Rosciano, 2015). This certainly affects the success of learning.
The expected learning is in the form of quality learning (Seibert, 2020; Suwana et al., 2013). In this case
previously a teacher only carried out a conventional teaching and learning process centered on the teacher,
presenting the material using the lecture method with students listening to the material and being given
assignments without any feedback (Li et al., 2021; Tsivitanidou & Constantinos, 2016). Improving
understanding, various ideas and arguments in students can increase self-confidence with interactive learning,
learning that is updated following the times and supported by learning media. Learning media can help the
development of student learning outcomes (Boyd, 2019; Buchori et al., 2017). Another fundamental problem in
the implementation of education at the primary and secondary education levels is that the learning process is
generally too oriented to mastery of subject matter, not to the substance, meaning, or value it contains (Nurlaily
et al., 2019; Toma et al., 2019). This means that the learning models that have been applied so far tend to be too
theoretical and not related to the environment, learning is more class-based with lecture methods and general
questions and experience which is more precisely still using conventional methods in managing learning (Batdi,
2014; Sallehhuddin et al., 2018). The use of less audio-visual media and the high dominance of teachers teaching
with the lecture method will make students bored so that it can cause low student learning outcomes. In addition,
student learning outcomes in science learning in class VII Mts YPUI Al-Ikhwan Topoyo are currently following
the applicable curriculum, namely the 2013 curriculum. Science learning usually includes reading, writing,
listening, and sometimes direct observation in the field identify questions and draw conclusions based on
evidence. There are several difficulties in learning science, such as students who lack concentration in listening
to the teacher's explanations, students who have difficulty finding examples of the material presented, and
teachers are more centered on what is conveyed by the lecture method, this is because one of them is learning
does not use the lecture method. learning media is the main support in the teaching and learning process.
A teacher must be able to provide services to convey his knowledge as best as possible to students so
that the knowledge of students changes and increases (Benavides-Varela et al., 2020; Fujiyanto et al., 2016).
Therefore, teachers are required to be able to create varied learning and by using learning media that support the
material (Mulyanto et al., 2020; Oktafiani et al., 2020). Of the many functions of media, one of the main
functions of learning media is as an intermediary capable of conveying messages or information so that they can
support and have a good impact on the quality of learning provided by educators, such as learning motivation for
students, encouragement to learn and emotional feelings students to take part in learning so that they can involve
students directly in their use (Buchori et al., 2017; Ja’ashan, 2020). Interactive multimedia is an intermediary tool
that conveys messages with collaboration from various elements that can create active learning so that messages
from the information conveyed can be well received. Multimedia can create active learning for students so that it
can influence students' thinking power and can provide input for the media (Lauc et al., 2020; Leszczyński et al.,
2018). This supports researchers to develop visual-based interactive learning media on science subjects in class
VII that utilizes image material in science learning. The use of this media is necessary because there is still very
little use of media in schools where researchers conduct research, especially interactive media (Khan & Masood,
2015; Majid et al., 2012). The concept of material in science learning, especially material that is more precise
about living things and their environment because this material visualizes the concept of pictorial material so that
students are easier to understand the material presented by the teacher which has been made using image media
by the needs of science learning material (Marnita & Ernawati, 2017; Widjayanti et al., 2019).
The main goal of the researcher is to develop visual-based interactive media so that students are more
active, interact with each other, are sensitive to the environment inside and outside the classroom. Able to digest
explanations from teachers and students can be sensitive that the learning environment uses learning media.
Media is designed to increase persistence in learning and provide convenience for teachers and listeners (Fauyan,
2019; Sittichailapa et al., 2015). In addition, in the delivery of science in an integrated manner, a facility and
devices that support science learning are needed (Manurung & Panggabean, 2020; Rahayu et al., 2012).
Multimedia is a combination of several media to present information holistically (Khamparia & Pandey, 2017;
Komalasari & Rahmat, 2019). The purpose of this study is to produce interactive learning using visual-based

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Uswatun Hasanah1, Putu Sudira2 (2021). Journal of Education Technology. Vol. 5(4) PP. 563-570
media with indicators of success from using visual-based media to see the completeness of science learning
outcomes, and student responses to science learning media. The use of learning media is very influential on
success in the teaching and learning process. Interactive multimedia is a collection of several media such as
texts, images, audio, video, visuals, and interactive animations that are used to convey information and as a
means for teachers to deliver learning materials to students.

This research can be classified as true experiment research with a quantitative approach. The research
subjects consisted of two classes, namely the experimental class and the control class. The treatment (treatment)
used visual media in the experimental class while the control class used conventional media. At the initial stage,
a pre-test was used to determine the level of mastery of students' abilities in mastering science learning for class
VII MTs YPUI Al-Ikhwan. The research design used in this study was a pretest-posttest control group design
with one type of treatment. The population in this study were seventh-grade students of MTs YPUI Al-Ikhwan
Topoyo which consisted of 3 classes, each class A, B and C. Pesantren-based schools for the learning process of
male and female classes were separated, male classes were divided 2 classes because in one there are only 20
students for the male class, while for the female class there is only 1 class. And the sample is class VII A and B.
Determination of this sample is done through a simple random sampling technique, that is, each individual in the
population has an equal opportunity to be selected as a member of the sample. The experimental class will be
given special treatment by using visual-based interactive learning media, while the control class will use
conventional learning methods. After the two classes were held such learning, then a test was conducted to
determine the differences in the learning outcomes of the two classes, both in terms of cognitive, affective, and
The grid in this research instrument : Is about cognitive tests in the form of pre-test and post-test
learning outcomes related to science learning materials related to the interaction of living things and the
environment, aiming to measure student learning outcomes before and after being given treatment. The form of
multiple choice questions and descriptions with 18 questions and Questionnaire of student responses to science
learning using visual-based interactive media by presenting questions and statements with 25 questionnaire
items, each indicator explaining satisfaction in learning using visual-based interactive media. Research data
analysis uses descriptive statistics that emphasize the discussion of data and research subjects by presenting data
systematically, such as data analysis of science learning outcomes for students and using inferential statistical
analysis. The data analyzed are test data at the beginning and end after the data is collected and processed to
calculate the test results using the F-test data analysis technique, namely normality, homogeneity and hypothesis


As described in the previous background, the purpose of this study is to describe the effectiveness of
using visual-based interactive learning media in science learning for class VII MTs YPUI Al-Ikhwan Topoyo
with Islamic nuances. To determine the effectiveness of using visual-based interactive learning media,
experimental research procedures and data analysis were carried out using descriptive statistics and inferential
statistics. The concept in this study is more about the use of visual-based learning media.The first stage:
Description of the Ability Test (Pretest) for the Experimental class. In calculations using SPSS version 18 on the
pre-treatment data (pre-test) in the experimental class, the number of valid samples is 27, the mean score = 73.67,
the mean = 72.00 , standard deviation = 16.20, standard deviation 16.20, minimum value = 40 and maximum =
Second Stage: Description of the Ability Test (Post-test) for the Experimental class After the post-test
treatment in the experimental class, the number of valid samples was 27, the mean score = 75.93, the mean =
75.00. Third Stage: Description The ability test (pre-test) of the control class in the control class obtained a valid
sample of 20, the mean score = 76.75, the mean = 80.00, the standard deviation is 90, the standard deviation is
19.47, the minimum value = 22 and maximum = 90. Fourth Stage: Description of the ability test (post-test) in the
control class, the number of valid samples is 20, the mean score = 70.80, the mean = 70.00, the standard
deviation is 80, the standard deviation is 17.01, the minimum value is = 22 and maximum = 85.
Fifth Stage: Description of Student Activity Observation Results in Visual-based Interactive Learning
The criteria for the success of student activities in this study are said to be effective if at least 75% of students are
actively involved in the learning process. Based on table 4.8, it can be said that student activities in this study
have been effective. This can be seen from the percentage of students who attend teaching and learning activities
during four meetings as much as 98.33%, the percentage of students who pay attention to the material as much as
95.83%, the percentage of students who can answer questions asked by the teacher about the material being

Use of -Based Interactive Learning Media Visuals in Science Learning 565

Uswatun Hasanah1, Putu Sudira2 (2021). Journal of Education Technology. Vol. 5(4) PP. 563-570
studied is 75%, students who ask questions about subject matter that has not been understood during the learning
process as much as 76.67%, students who can work together with their group friends as much as 93.33%.
Students who can make a material concept and look for alternative solutions to problems with their
group friends are 80.83%, students who record ideas and opinions during the discussion are 98.33%, students
who can explain concepts that have been made with their sentences and thoughts are as many as 70%, students
were able to develop an understanding of the concept into a concept map as much as 72.5%, from several
activities observed during four meetings, the average percentage of positive student activities was 84.54% of
students who were active in learning mathematics. From the table, it can also be seen that from the four meetings
observed, only 4.17% of students engaged in other activities during the learning process, and 2.5% of students
who left the classroom were in and out.
The pre-test and post-test data on learning outcomes for both the experimental class and control class
have a sig value > 0.05 obtained by the experimental class and control class from posttest to pretest, it can be
concluded that the data group normally distributed. The results of the homogeneity test of the research variables
are known that the pre-test calculated F value is 2.596 with a significant value of 0.093 while the post-test F
count is 0.724 with a significant value of 0.656. From the results of the calculation of the significant price of the
pre-test or post-test data greater than 0.05 (sig > 0.05), it can be concluded that the data in this study has a
homogeneous variance. The average pre-test value of the experimental class was 73.66 and the average post-test
score was 75.93, increasing to 2.27. Also found Ac count < Table at a significance level of 5% (0.131 < 2.055) and
has a p-value of <0.05, which means that it can be concluded that there is a significant increase in student
learning outcomes in the experimental group.
The average pre-test value for the experimental class was 76.75 and the post-test average was 70.80 so
that it experienced an increase of 5.95. It was also found that Ac count <Ttable at a significance level of 5% (0.702 <
2.093) and had a p-value of <0.05, which means that it can be concluded that there was a significant increase in
student learning outcomes in the control group. Based on the calculation results of the independent sample t-test,
it is known that the average increase in the experimental group is 75.93, while the increase in the control class is
70.80 so it is known that the increase in the experimental class's learning score is 5.13 greater than the control
class. It is also known that the value of Ac count is 0.807 with a significance of 0.000. The value of the T able is
2.014. So it can be concluded that Ac count < Table (0.807 < 2.014) and the significance value is more than 0.05 (p=
0.000 <0.05), so it can be stated that there is a significant difference in increasing the score of learning outcomes
significantly in the experimental group and the control group.

The results of the data analysis of student learning outcomes after learning science using learning media
showed that the class VII A students who did not reach the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) were 4
students or 14.8% this was because these students carried out more other activities during the learning process
and some students pay less attention to the application of the media. Meanwhile, 23 students, or 75.93% of
students have achieved the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) with the numbers obtained according to the
KKM standard. Interactive media can make students active and not just passive listeners. Integrated science
learning is one model of curriculum implementation that is recommended to be applied at the basic education
level, namely elementary and junior high schools (Ibrahim & Alqahtani, 2018; Rahayuningsih, 2020; Reskiani &
Supriadi, 2020). The implementation of integrated science learning requires adequate teacher professionalism
(Lai et al., 2019; Supriyadi et al., 2020; Suryawati & Osman, 2018). Teachers must have enough knowledge in
conveying science knowledge as a whole (Rubini et al., 2018).
In the school environment, not all teachers apply learning using media as a supporter in the teaching and
learning process, but if studied more deeply 91% of teachers agree with the development of technology media in
supporting learning. Because they see student development after applying visual-based media, student learning
outcomes increase (Hillmayr et al., 2020; Saisabila, 2018). To facilitate the teaching and learning process for
students, school teachers are increasing the number of interactive learning environments (ILE) in the classrooms.
With this students will be more active there is feedback from the teacher to students (Ceresia, 2017; Irawan &
Suryo, 2017). This interactive multimedia was developed to be used as a learning medium, especially material in
science learning related to living things and their environment in daily life by requiring visualization media so
that the material is more easily conveyed by the teacher to students (Fauyan, 2019; Marnita & Ernawati, 2017;
Nashirotun, 2020). Based on the above analysis, which has been linked between previous studies, it has been
proven that there is a significant difference between the use of visual-based interactive media and the comparison
using the lecture method without learning media in improving student learning outcomes and student responses
to science learning (Science of Natural Sciences) increase student interest and motivation as found by previous
researchers (Kartika et al., 2019; Manurung & Panggabean, 2020; Primamukti & Farozin, 2018). The thing that
causes learning using visual-based interactive learning media has a higher average and increase in the
distribution of values compared to learning using the lecture method because learning using media brings more
active students in the classroom in the learning process even though the presentation of visual media is less than
optimal, but participants students can be more active in presenting the material by using visual media.

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The results of learning science for Class VII A MTs YPUI Al-Ikhwan Topoyo students using
visualbased interactive media can be said to be effective with several supporting factors in designing and
designing visual media that are more prototaive and fun for students, where students who were previously bored
with the method Lectures delivered by the teacher when explaining the material, students can divert their
attention from various directions so that what is conveyed by the teacher is not absorbed properly. Therefore, to
overcome this, researchers seek to design learning materials in the form of prototaive images so that students can
play an active role in solving some of the problems they find during the provision of teaching materials.

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