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Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2023

Creating an Education Game Using Wordwall: An Interactive

Learning Media for English Language Teaching (ELT)

Tira Nur Fitria

Institut Teknologi Bisnis AAS Indonesia
[email protected]

Wordwall is a web-based educational game to create fun quiz-based
games. This research describes the creation of an educational game
(quiz) by using Wordwall as an interactive learning media for English
Language Teaching (ELT). This research is descriptive qualitative
research. The analysis shows that creating/making an interactive
English quiz with Wordwall is easy. We type in the browser and click
https://Wordwall.net. Look in the upper right corner, if we have an
account, click Log In, while if we do not have an account, click Sign
Up. Fill in the requested personal data, namely Email address,
password, confirm password, and location/country. We tick “I accept
the terms of use and privacy policy”. Click Create Our First Activity
Now. There are 18 available templates for free. Select one of the Quiz
templates. Fill in the title of the activity/quiz and start filling in the
questions and answers. Add an image by clicking on the image icon.
Wordwall provides the images we need. Add a question for adding the
next question. We can add up to 100 questions. We can choose the
theme, font, and time and we can also change the quiz template. Click
share to share the quiz with students.
Keywords: English Language Teaching (ELT), interactive learning
media, learning media, Wordwall

INTRODUCTION learning system. It is necessary to

In the world of education, the use of engage in innovative learning to both
various learning support media is advance and simplify the learning
unavoidable (Mujahidin et al., 2021). process. so that teachers are forced to
Technology and information are be inventive by employing
developing rapidly, capable of technology as a medium that will
bringing the world of education to contribute to the achievement of
move in a more advanced direction, learning goals.
information and communication are According to Pamungkas et al.
increasingly accessible, especially in (2021), the problems that are often
the world of education (Khoriyah & faced in the world of education are
Muhid, 2022). Technology and weak learning processes. In the
information can help the learning process of teaching and learning
process carried out by educators to activities, more students learn in
expedite teaching and learning theory, which causes boredom in
activities and to make it easier for students. More in-class learning is
educators to adapt to something directed at the child's ability to

Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2023

understand the subject matter. While the media used in online learning as
the theory learned by students lacks it is today. In addition to being easy
application in everyday life. It is and cheap to use, this media also has
finally because students do not many choices in presenting material
understand the subject matter. In and questions. So that educators can
teaching and learning activities, use other choices as another variation
teacher presence is expected to be a in packing other subject matter. Fun
determining factor in developing and varied media will make students
potential and student creativity. So more active and more motivated to
that students can have more participate in the learning process.
knowledge not only of theory but can The results of the study indicate that
practice useful for the future. there is a change in attitude that
The use of media in education as occurs in students after learning to
a means of improving the quality of use word wall media (Nissa &
education is very important in the Renoningtyas, 2021).
learning process (Fitria, 2022c). The Learning media is one of the
use of learning media can help the most important factors in
process of student learning in determining the success of the
teaching and learning which in turn learning process because it can
can enhance the learning outcomes directly provide students with their
that he achieved. The use of learning dynamics (Nuraeni et al.,
instructional media can foster 2023). Learning media can be used
students' interest in learning new as a means to provide educational
things in the learning material material delivered by the teacher to
delivered by the teacher so that it can students. While the method learns to
be easy to understand. Because organize on organizing teaching
engaging learning materials can materials and delivery strategies. The
serve as a learning stimulant for use of media will support the
students. The benefits of learning teaching and learning process carried
media are expected to be motivating out. Learning variations can be
students to independent, creative, displayed easily by utilizing this
effective, and efficient learning. learning media. The expansion of
Aside from that, media learning this interest is strongly supported by
is anticipated to reduce student existing educational resources.
saturation because the majority of The existence of learning media
teachers use a face-to-face (lecture) will stimulate students to be active
method, which causes students to and creative in the teaching and
become weary and bored, thereby learning process so that the
decreasing their enthusiasm and optimization of students' abilities
motivation. Learning media can be will be easily achieved with optimal
used as a tool in learning activities. learning. Mastery of the material is
This statement is supported by easier and student learning maturity
Pradani (2022) that Wordwall increases. The use of learning media
learning media is one of the in the delivery of subject matter will
interactive media that is easy to use motivate students to be more
and can increase student interest and interested in the lessons to be
motivation in learning. Wordwall delivered. The use of learning media
learning media can be used as one of will lead to the enthusiasm of

Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2023

students as long as their use is for many educators. This is what

appropriate and follows the topic makes educators get an additional
being delivered. burden so they can present their
Educators must be creative and lessons so that they can be
innovative in their use of all interesting and not make students
available learning media to prevent bored and feel bored. There are
students from becoming tired of various kinds of digital applications
learning activities. Teachers must be that you can use in learning. Call it
inventive when conveying their the Kahoot.id, Quizizz, Google
knowledge (Fitria, 2021b). The Form, Educandy, and Wordwall
teacher must package learning into a platforms. One application that can
game. Games are played primarily be used to create interactive learning
for entertainment, and fun, but can media is Wordwall (Priyono et al.,
also serve as a means of training, 2023).
education, and simulation (Sentani et Rahardhian (2023) states that
al., 2022). Wordwall comes from English, the
Wordwall is an application that word means word, and wall means
can be used to create interactive wall. Wordwall is an application that
learning media. Wordwall is a web- was created to be able to improve
based application that can be used to student's vocabulary mastery. It is
construct learning materials such as undeniable, that Wordwall is an
assessments, matchmaking, pairing, interactive medium that can make
anagrams, random words, word learning more interesting. Wordwall
searches, and classification, among too can be used to enhance learning
others. Interestingly, in addition to activities in groups without having to
providing online access to the media meet face-to-face so that learning can
they have created, users can also be done actively. In addition, word
download and print it. This walls can also be used to improve the
application provides free access to reading and writing skills of learners.
dozens of activity templates, and Educators can create Wordwalls to
users can easily transition from one become material references.
activity template to another. Based on the results of the study
Teachers can also assign their from Arimbawa (2021), the
materials. application of interactive Wordwall
As a response to the influence of named Qugamee (Quiz and
technology and information in Educational Games) makes learning
education, we must be up to date in higher quality, more fun and
choosing learning media. The use of interesting, can stimulate students'
appropriate learning media will cognitive development, and students
affect maximum learning outcomes. respond well to its application in
Educators can utilize educational learning science-physics. Wordwall
digital media for educational quizzes, platforms offer various models of
reflections, fun games, and simple educational games for free or paid.
games to facilitate the delivery of Although the provided version is
teaching materials (Fitria, 2022b). paid, those who will only take
Making the teaching and learning advantage of the version free already
process more interesting and not have more than enough (Marlena,
boring is the most challenging thing 2021). Besides excellence from an

Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2023

economic point of view, this supports sharing games to various

platform supports a wide range of social media platforms and
use of foreign languages. Wordwall embedded code. Through Wordwall,
Application-Based Learning can we can design our online games or
increase cognitive creativity as seen use the games already available on
from the excellent learning outcomes the system (Yunita & Indrajit, 2022).
of English subjects for students who Wordwall has fulfilled the
use these learning media (Novyanti requirements of the gamification
et al., 2022). element because in it there are level
Wordwall offers various types of elements that must be completed by
interesting educational games that each player, completion of the
can be adjusted according to age and mission/challenge which is the
subject matter (Yoga, 2022). question submitted by the teacher,
Wordwall is an application in the points, and rewards as rewards for
form of a digital platform with web- activities what players have done
based which has a role in belong (Fitria, 2022d, 2022a).
educators in the new situation faced There are several previous
today. Wordwall can become a studies related to the use of
forum for educators to create more Wordwall in teaching and learning
innovative and creative as well as activities. Rochmada & Suprayitno
fun for learners, so students have an (2022) develop learning media
interest in the following era and Wordwall educational activities for
learning the new normal without fourth-grade historical heritage
boredom. This is caused by the many resources. The research employs the
interesting features that become ADDIE paradigm of development,
templates in this application. Besides which consists of five stages:
that, Wordwalls can also be used to analysis, design, development,
evaluate the comprehension of implementation, and evaluation. The
students of the material provided by results of the media validation test
the educator (Rahardhian, 2023). are 89.3 percent, while the results of
Wordwall (Wordwall.net/) is a the material validation test are 88.0
web application that contains percent. Students in the fourth grade
educational games based on were subjected to media tests based
interesting quizzes. Educators can on the results of questionnaires
create various quiz models according yielding an 83.5 percent response
to creativity (Mudrikah et al., 2022). rate. Based on the validation test and
This web-based application can be trial results, it can be concluded that
used to create a variety of learning the Wordwall educational game
materials, including assessments, learning media is feasible and
matchmaking, pairing, anagrams, effective for elementary school
arbitrary words, word searches, and students to use in learning historical
so on (Akbar et al., 2022). heritage materials. Inayati et al.
Wordwall is an interactive game (2023) developed the material and
that can be selected by the teacher to media expert validation
test the intelligence of their students. questionnaires regarding educational
games that are made to be played quizzes and games of Wordwall
offline with printable facilities showing an average feasibility
provided. In addition, Wordwall also percentage of 77.67 % and 74.67 %,

Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2023

respectively, which is classified as application for other materials.,

"Feasible." Utilized techniques for Wildan et al. (2023) state that (1) the
data analysis include feasibility product produced is GAULL
percentage analysis and correlation (Wordwall Educational Game), a
analysis. The outcomes demonstrated website-based educational Wordwall
that the product development of game presented in the form of a link
exams and educational activities combined with PowerPoint, (2)
utilizing Wordwall in online learning GAULL learning media has met the
and the absolute value equation for criteria validity (validation by
the linear form of class X was material experts by 88% and media
feasible. The implication is that the expert validation by 90%),
developed educational games and practicality (obtained a score of
quizzes can be used as instructional 90%), and effectiveness (obtained a
materials, and instructors are score of 0.93). The GAULL learning
encouraged to create additional media that has been developed meets
educational games and quizzes. the aspects of validity, practicality,
Parisa et al. (2023) state that quizzes and effectiveness, and is intended for
and educational games using educators to use this media for 5th-
Wordwall have been developed grade students at SDIT Bina Insani
following the ADDIE Model which on geometry material.
includes five steps, namely: (1) All previous studies above only
analysis, (2) design, (3) focus on paradigm development
development, (4) implementation, which consists of five stages:
and (5) evaluation. The results of the analysis, design, development,
validation show that (1) material implementation, and evaluation. The
experts assess the development of researcher is interested to simulate
this media as very feasible with an and describe how to create an
average percentage of 77%, and (2) educational game (quiz). Therefore,
media experts obtain an average the objective of this research is to
percentage of 77.33% with proper describe the creation of an
qualifications. At the implementation educational game in the form of a
stage, it obtained an average score of quiz by using Wordwall as an
in the limited trials 78.67% interactive learning media for
(including the very interesting English Language Teaching (ELT).
category) and the main field trials
84.14% (including the very METHOD
interesting category); and obtained a This research is descriptive
positive and significant correlation qualitative research. This type of
between student response qualitative descriptive research is to
questionnaire scores and learning describe existing phenomena or
outcomes through quizzes (r = 0.641 facts, both natural and human-made.
significant at the 5% significance (Fitria, 2021). Qualitative research
level). The implication. Quizzes and deepens and improves process use
games produced through this precisely by requiring more
research can be used as learning judgments and interpretations
tools. Therefore, it is recommended (Goodyear et al., 2014). In this
that teachers develop quizzes and research, the researcher describes the
games using the Wordwall research result descriptively. In this

Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2023

research, the method of collecting

data is by using documents.
Document analysis is a methodical
procedure for reviewing or
evaluating printed, electronic
(computer-based), and Internet-based
documents (Fitria, 2021a). In this
research, the researcher simulates
and describes the creation of a quiz 3. Fill in the requested personal
(educational game) by using an app data, namely Email address,
named Wordwall password, confirm password, and
(https://wordwall.net). The method location/country. We tick “I
of analyzing data uses qualitative accept the terms of use and
analysis including reducing data, privacy policy”.
displaying data, and conclusion as
stated by Miles et al. (2018). During
data reduction, data collected in the
field through observation are
summarized, selected, and focused
on important points. After the data
has been condensed or summarized,
it is then presented by using a
picture/figure. At the stage of data 4. Next, click Create Our First
description, researchers draw Activity Now.
conclusions supported by substantial


This research describes the creation
of an educational game in the form
of a quiz by using Wordwall as an
interactive learning media for
English Language Teaching (ELT).
5. Select the template we want, we
Findings can choose one of the Quiz
The steps to start creating/making an templates. There are 18 available
educational game (interactive quiz) templates for free in Wordwall
with this Wordwall are easy, namely such as Matching Game, Quiz,
as follows. Open the Box, Justify Sentences,
1. Type in our browser and click the Flash Card, Find a Match, Group
link https://Wordwall.net Sorting, Missing Word,
2. Look in the upper right corner, if Anagram, Game Show Quiz, The
we already have an account, click Chase in the Maze, Matching
Log In, while if we do not have Pair, Crossword Puzzle, Labeled
an account, click Sign Up. Chart, Random Card, Whack-a-
Mole and Balloon Burst.

Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2023

to see if there are any errors or not.

Then click done.
10. We can choose the theme, font,
and time and we can also change the
quiz template.
11. Click Share to share the quiz
with students.
6. Fill in the title of the
activity/quiz and start filling
in the questions and answers.

12. Choose relevant keywords and

click publish.

7. We can add an image by clicking

on the image icon. We do not have to
search for images in our browser and
copy them because Wordwall
provides the images we need.

The steps to start making educational
games with this Wordwall are easy.
To use the Wordwall application,
Register an account at
https://Wordwall.net/. Click Sign Up
then enter our name, email address,
password, and location. Select Create
Activity then select one of the
provided activity templates. Write
down the title and description of the
game. Type the content of teaching
materials according to the type of
game we want. In some types such as
quizzes, we are allowed to upload
8. To add the next question click to images. Click Done when finished.
add a question. Add questions The application is ready to be used
according to the desired amount. We and distributed to students. Click
can add up to 100 questions. share and click publish then later we
9. After finishing adding all the just have to copy the link and share it
questions and answers, check again with our students.

Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2023

Media Wordwall is media that that are likely to be used by that

can be used for language learning person to form new sentences
(Pamungkas et al., 2021). A Media (Agustina et al., 2022). This is
Wordwall is a collection of words evidenced by Emaliana et al. (2022)
displayed on a classroom wall, that in vocabulary learning, the
bulletin board, or blackboard. The Wordwall is known to have a
words are inscribed in large font so purpose to effectively improve
that they are visible from every students' vocabulary mastery.
student seat. Teachers and students The Wordwall application has
frequently referred to these terms been developed for a long time as a
throughout a variety of activities. website-based program to create
The learning process using this various views such as quizzes, word
media is more focused on scrambles, and other games that
emphasizing the child's full contain educational content. In
understanding of the vocabulary addition, this website-based
given through media Wordwall. The application also has many
meaning is made as clear as possible conveniences apart from having
through explanations from the access to media games that have
teacher's media Wordwall. It also been made online, games that have
describes tools for teaching been made can also be printed
vocabulary that can help the teacher conventionally. As an application
choose vocabulary for the Wordwall that was developed specifically to
in the class to be studied. (Idrus et make simple games that are more
al., 2021) prove the effective use of aimed at education, Wordwall also
Wordwall media to add to the makes it easy for its users in terms of
vocabulary of students. designing and create themes for
A classroom's Wordwall is a educational games that they want to
systematized compilation of make.
vocabulary displayed in large letters Wordwall is a web-based
and affixed to the wall (Agustina et educational game that is used to
al., 2022). Wordwall is an create fun quiz-based games. On
educational tool that must be Wordwall, teachers can create
utilized, not just displayed or viewed. various types of games education
This media can be designed to with various themes ranging from
enhance group study activities and quizzes, matches, find the match, and
engage students in production and others (Arni, 2021). Games that have
use activities. Students' English been made, can be shared and shared
vocabulary will increase on various types of platforms. In
considerably through the use of addition, there are at least 18 special
Wordwall without their having to templates for making games that can
rely on a dictionary or the teacher's be chosen by teachers in making and
explanation of each word. A designing an educational game that is
vocabulary is a collection of words interesting, including attractive, to
whose meanings are known and can attract students' interest in
be used by a language user. A completing the games that have been
person's vocabulary is the set of all made while at the same time
the words he or she understands or inserting educational messages in
all the words he or she understands each game. Another advantage is that

Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2023

apart from being able to be played different atmosphere in every lesson

online, educational games made we do.
through Wordwall can also be played Besides having various types of
offline, making it easier for students games, using the Wordwall game
to complete the game process application is also very easy, that is,
without having to be hampered by We only have to have an account
the availability of an internet because the Wordwall application is
network. a web-based application. With
In general, the games developed Wordwall, we can set the level of
at Wordwall are more educational the game we make and adjust it to
games with a quiz model but are the target audience or game players,
presented attractively through in this case, students. In addition to
various cute characters. By making these benefits, the Wordwall
educational games through this Educational game, which is an online
Wordwall as well, teachers can game application, makes it very
design models of learning simple for us to play it, namely by
approaches that are more interesting allowing us to share a link that
as well as different, especially in students use on their laptops and
assessing each student in the learning mobile devices.
process. Interesting learning material One of the benefits of Wordwall
design will increase our confidence is that it is free for fundamental
in learning. In addition, a colorful features and offers a variety of
screen display accompanied by a templates. In addition, created games
pleasant background song will make can be sent directly via WhatsApp,
it easier for students to remember Google Classroom, and other
teaching material. Through platforms. This software provides a
interesting games, the classroom variety of activities, including
atmosphere becomes more crosswords, puzzles, and random
interactive, students become cards, among others. The activities
enthusiastic about the material can also be printed in PDF format,
provided. Therefore, the ability to making it simpler for students with
make games or learning games is network issues to access them.
needed by educators in learning. Wordwall can facilitate student
The features or types provided comprehension of online content and
include match up, quiz, random is simple to use for assessing student
wheel, open the box, group short, achievement. Wordwall's
find the match, random cards, straightforward appearance makes it
matching pairs, missing word, simple for educators and students to
unjumble, anagram, labeled diagram, use; in addition, the supplied features
gameshow quiz, word search, include a variety of free templates,
whack-a-mole, maze chase, true or and students can immediately take
false, flip tiles. The many types of assessments without having to create
educational games provided by an account first. Noviana et al.
Wordwall allow us to present (2022) state that Wordwall games
educational games in learning with can provide learning that is more
various types that are suitable for meaningful and easy to follow by
each element (material) that we elementary school students,
study. This of course will create a especially low-grade students, and

Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2023

themes that can be adapted to interesting background sounds

learning styles. The assignment make students enthusiastic about
mode can be implemented in the learning. In addition, from the
Wordwall software, so students can point of view of educators,
access it themselves through their Wordwall can show your
own smartphone devices at home. authority and confidence in
Wordwall is one of the learning learning. From the student's point
media that we use to increase of view, an attractive learning
students' interest in learning. By environment provides comfort
increasing students' interest in and flexibility in following the
participating in the learning process, lesson.
it is hoped that it can improve 3. Improving logic and
student learning outcomes which is understanding of learners.
one of the goals of the learning Missing word games, true or
process. false, group sorting, and random
By varying the methods and cards can improve students'
teaching styles, students become cognitive abilities. They find it
unsaturated during learning. The use easier to respond to exposure to
of applications such as Wordwall teaching materials. Students are
opens up space for students to be encouraged to think logically and
creative and innovative during efficiently during learning.
learning. In addition, an unsightly 4. Interactive two-way educational
display of learning will increase the media. Using Wordwall is related
authority and trust of educators in the to the occurrence of two-way
classroom. One of the efforts to interaction between educators
create fun learning as above is to and students. This interaction
utilize the features in Wordwall as an makes it easy for students to
educational game. The following are convey their aspirations and
five functions and advantages of views on learning. Class
Wordwall as an educational game in dynamics like this make the class
learning. atmosphere come alive.
1. Stimulate the development of 5. Benchmarks for assessment and
thinking power and sensitivity of ability of learners. Quiz and
students. Game models such as game features determine right or
filling in gap sentences, matching wrong and can be used as
games, game show quizzes, assessment material for
anagrams, and matching pairs educators. Afterward, evaluate
can increase students' sensitivity the effectiveness of applying the
to teaching materials. The learning method. Thus, you get a
application of Wordwall is very new way of testing students'
relevant to learning grammar, abilities differently.
educational texts, and grammar. 6. Embed in website. Using HTML
However, of course, it can be code fragments, Wordwall
applied to various other subjects. exercises can be embedded on
2. Creating an interesting, creative, other websites. This operates
and innovative play environment. similarly to the video embedding
Screen displays that can be feature on YouTube and Vimeo,
varied accompanied by allowing you to include

Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2023

interactive content on your Find a Match, Group Sorting,

website. This is an excellent Missing Word, Anagram, Game
method to improve your blog or Show Quiz, The Chase in the Maze,
the virtual learning environment Matching Pair, Crossword Puzzle,
(VLE) at our school. Labeled Chart, Random Card,
While, the disadvantage of Whack-a-Mole and Balloon Burst. 6)
Wordwall games, is that when used Fill in the title of the activity/quiz
at a basic level it is prone to and start filling in the questions and
cheating, the font size cannot be answers. 7) Add an image by
changed and the size of the user's clicking on the image icon. We do
writing cannot also change the size not have to search for images in our
of the writing. This platform is more browser and copy them because
suitable for elementary-level Wordwall provides the images we
education because the learning need. 8) Add a question for adding
material is not too complex, so it is the next question. questions added
not suitable for learning material that according to the desired amount. We
is too complex and requires deep can add up to 100 questions. 9) After
understanding. finishing adding all the questions and
answers, check again to see if there
CONCLUSION are any errors or not, then click done.
The steps to start creating/making an 10) We can choose the theme, font,
educational game (interactive quiz) and time and we can also change the
with this Wordwall are easy, namely quiz template. 11) Click share to
as follows. 1) Type in our browser share the quiz with students. 12)
and click the link Choose relevant keywords and click
https://wordwall.net. 2) Look in the publish.
upper right corner, if we already Wordwall is an interesting
have an account, click Log In, while application on the browser. This
if we do not have an account, click application specifically aims to be a
Sign Up. 3) Fill in the requested fun learning resource, media, and
personal data, namely Email address, assessment tool for students. The
password, confirm password, and Wordwall page also provides
location/country. We tick “I accept examples of teacher creations so that
the terms of use and privacy policy”. new users get an idea of what kind of
4) Click Create Our First Activity creations they will create.
Now. 5) Select the template we want, Educational game Wordwall can be
we can choose one of the Quiz interpreted as a web application that
templates. There are 18 available we use to make fun quiz-based
templates for free in Wordwall such games.
as Matching Game, Quiz, Open the
Box, Justify Sentences, Flash Card,

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Kosakata Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Wordwall. Joong-Ki : Jurnal
Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1(2), 332–337.

Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2023

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