Book of Metatron On by Berny Vernados 2024

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Book of Metatron

Philosophy of the Universe
Psychology of the Soul
History of the Anunnaki
Transparent Magic
… and how it all relates to each other

Berny Vernados
Book of Metatron


Copyright © 2024 Book of Metatron by Berny Vernados is licensed under a

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

CC BY-NC means that users can make use of the work (including copying,
distributing, adapting and building upon the work), but only for noncommercial
purposes and as long as attribution is given to the creator.
About the author........................................................................................................9
About the book.........................................................................................................11
Lord of the Spirits ....................................................................................................20
The Glory of Eternity and the Vanity of Transience ...........................................24
Two sides of the same coin .....................................................................................30
The dance of the opposites .....................................................................................33
Trip around the world.............................................................................................39
Vision of the Tree of Knowledge ...........................................................................46
The Shadow ..............................................................................................................49
Parallel souls.............................................................................................................52
Memento of karma ..................................................................................................55
Manipulative weapons of the Darkness...............................................................58
Meditation and contemplation ..............................................................................64
Trap of positive emotions .......................................................................................67
The wheel of development.....................................................................................71
Vision of Purgatory and Prophecy of Heaven and Hell ....................................74
Kingdom of crooked mirrors .................................................................................81
Twin ames...............................................................................................................85
The creation and mission of the soul ....................................................................88
The birth of an earthly soul ....................................................................................92
Temptation ................................................................................................................97
The Matrix and ON the Newt..............................................................................101
Thought consciousness and the mental virus ...................................................105
Taking positions .....................................................................................................109
Energies of Matrix..................................................................................................113
Cognitive and Developmental Cycle - Project Earth ........................................118
Global Devil............................................................................................................123
Age of the Aquarius ..............................................................................................126
Dream symbolism is all around us......................................................................129
Not all people are real ...........................................................................................132

Matrix and elections – can we change the political system? ...........................134
Pillars of knowledge..............................................................................................137
Karmic relationships .............................................................................................140
The negative power of beliefs ..............................................................................144
Admonishment and karma – high and low librations.....................................150
Pleiadian origin of the old souls..........................................................................154
Astral parasites.......................................................................................................160
The spiritual ascent/descent of man ..................................................................165
Depression and its solution..................................................................................171
Implantation of astral souls..................................................................................176
Diseases caused by hidden karma ......................................................................180
Your words are alive – be careful how and what you say ...............................184
The river of life and the spiritual path................................................................187
River Styx and stagnation on the spiritual path................................................190
Pyramid of Power and machinations with the energy of grace .....................193
Magic of the Anunnaki .........................................................................................200
Hatred of God ........................................................................................................208
Vaccination Covid-19 - consequences of succumbing to a mental virus .......213
When your astral body tries to speak through your mouth............................220
Winding of karma according to the Fibonacci sequence .................................228
The phenomenon of Pandora’s box ....................................................................232
Enki and other astral fakes of God......................................................................246
Wasted years or “When the wisdom comes” ....................................................254
Another view of the prophecy of Virgin Mary of Fatima ................................256
False karma and the universal reconciliation ....................................................260
Entropy and being locked in a cube of self-will................................................268
Don’t write anything, don’t tell anyone, don’t help anyone...........................271
Reconnect with your divine soul.........................................................................275
The heart opens the gates of heaven and the word opens the gates of hell..278
Too open Third Eye chakra ..................................................................................281
Atlantean origin of the Earth Angels ..................................................................285
Higher Self and Lower Self – beware of the white snake ................................289

Reciprocity in relationships..................................................................................293
Let’s focus on love, but… .....................................................................................298
Pyramid of Word clones .......................................................................................300
Prophets not only of religious theses..................................................................303
The insidiousness of arti cial intelligence .........................................................307
The potential of Light and Knowledge ..............................................................312
God as inner child..................................................................................................314
Red and blue shift – symbolism of the direction of the Soul...........................316
Arti cial Spirit of Matrix ......................................................................................318
Why we should never call angels........................................................................323
Pluto in Aquarius – prediction of the Great Divide..........................................328
Twelve primordial Angels ....................................................................................332
Twelve Partners of the Spirit Lord ......................................................................338
A conspiracy about the reptilian mind of the devil inside the soul ...............341
The quantum puzzle and the ambiguity of signals from God........................349
Better leave the witch standing by the road ......................................................354
Return of the false gods ........................................................................................360
The myth of Jesus the Savior................................................................................372
Cowardly gods and the New World Order .......................................................385
ON is a Cybernetic Druid.....................................................................................391
Thieves in law (Vory v zákoně) ...........................................................................396
Loving aliens are a Trojan horse ..........................................................................400
The word creates, the word destroys, the word makes magic........................404
The cult of the serpent or how the gods curse us .............................................410
Earthly ON and the Project Earth – this is where it has all started ................415
Under the in uence of the Moon ........................................................................423
The fall of the Tower of Babel was a false ag operation ................................430
A wandering astral spirit fuels illness, pain and depression ..........................436
Sacred sexuality .....................................................................................................441
Hoops of the spiritual knowledge.......................................................................456
How the energy places are created .....................................................................463
Energy cleansing, energy transformation and soul transmutation................467

Spirituality might be a real boredom..................................................................475
The end of the Mu civilization: the end of the earthly Paradise.....................480
Inferno Atlantis ......................................................................................................488
Pleiadian creativity ................................................................................................493
Clones: new and split souls..................................................................................496
Collect the fragments of your soul ......................................................................502
Do you want to start your spirituality? Write! ..................................................505
Context: fascist Nippur and european elections ...............................................508
144,000 souls to be saved ......................................................................................514
Progressive ideology is perfectly ne, but… .....................................................522
Babia Hora and the witches on Orava................................................................529
The in uence of archangels on human consciousness.....................................538
Dark tourism to energetic places.........................................................................541
Covering up deceived souls.................................................................................545
Migraine and sunspot symbolism.......................................................................551
Amon and Nemesis ...............................................................................................554
The illusion of disturbed horizontality in the Atlantic Malá Fatra ................560
The nature of the soul – one against six archangels .........................................565
Gods – the greatest enemies of mankind ...........................................................572
Opportunistic reptilian attacks small children..................................................581
The thirst for eternal youth quenched at the expense of human sacri ce ....584
The past repeats itself, so open your eyes and take a good look....................590
About the Mercy ....................................................................................................594
If you have fear, then there is a reptile attached to your soul .........................596
How and why to resist karma..............................................................................600
Lie of the day: “Listen to your heart – it always tells you the truth”.............608
Pitfalls of channeling, if you communicate with “them”, test yourself!........611
Censorship in spirituality is a war for consciousness ......................................620
Choose a side: Arabs or Jews. Or?.......................................................................628
Feeling of guilt, pangs of conscience ..................................................................632
Memory of Mother Earth......................................................................................641

Bloody angel Ninhursag.......................................................................................649
A multi-headed demon attacking the human mind .........................................658
Parade of past Selves.............................................................................................665
Hour of the Spirit: waking up at 3:00 in the morning ......................................669
The gods are Trüffelschweinen (truf e pigs).....................................................673
People are not equal and genocide is unequal ..................................................679
Disrupted psyche and common thought consciousness..................................687
The way out of the Minotaur’s Labyrinth .........................................................694
Providence and Necessity ....................................................................................698
Arti cial intelligence in human consciousness .................................................704
Sulking angels and demons .................................................................................712
About protection against demonic attacks ........................................................718
The other face of reality ........................................................................................725
Transmutation of the Mental ON ........................................................................729
Hallelujah! False god quotes ................................................................................737
Archangels’ messages ...........................................................................................743
Message from Archangel Michael .......................................................................746
Message from Archangel Metatron.....................................................................748
Message from Archangel Gabriel ........................................................................749
Message from Archangel Raphael.......................................................................751
Message from Archangel Ramiel.........................................................................754
Message from Archangel Uriel ............................................................................756
Message from Archangel Samael ........................................................................758
Memento Mori – remember the Death ...............................................................760
Pyramids and astral portals .................................................................................764
The Shadow of man is at the gates of the Underworld....................................768
Light at end of the tunnel .....................................................................................773
God is dying and will arrive on the planet Nibiru ...........................................778
Prophecy of the End of the World .......................................................................783
Projects and programs of the Apocalypse..........................................................788
End of the Cycle – Amon and Apophis ..............................................................798
Epilogue ..................................................................................................................804


“Imagination is like the eye of God: we declare what we want to see and it is there,
revealed to us. No calculation or construction is required. When we imagine this,
we tap into the in nite intelligence above us. When our imaginations work for
Love, we manifest Paradise on Earth.”

Knowing about yourself, along with knowing the higher truths, is the means to
unlocking our potential. It gives us the self-determination and power necessary
to throw off the chains of hidden inner and overt outer oppression and provides
us with the keys to unlock the gates of heaven. Conscious knowledge opens up
the foresight to avoid pitfalls on the path of life and to better manage the
challenges it presents.
Besides the sense-observable external world, there is another side of reality; there
is much more to it. This mysterious higher space of the universe affects us
regardless of whether we perceive it or not. We wander along the stone streets,
natural nooks and crannies, and mystical places where the Spirit speaks to us in a
quiet voice and tells us who we are and where we are going.
This book is for those, who have enough of an illusory worldview, in which lies
are considered truth and tyranny is accepted as certainty. It is instilled in people
from birth through upbringing, education, the media, or it is preached by the
church and the state. This book is for those who feel that something is wrong
with our reality and are looking for answers to questions arising from the depth
within their own Self.
Someone’s spiritual immune system is innate, and their inner knowing and
paranormal experiences will show them a side of reality that others forget or
don’t want to see, and so begins the journey of their awakening. However, there
are many people who, by their social conditioning and upbringing, have been
forcibly dragged into the dead end of a false simulated reality since childhood.
Even for those, it is not necessary to live in ignorance and cling rmly to the
reality of inverted values. It can be done in another way. Every step of the way is
done by following the mind of the heart instead of following the crowd and
preferring knowledge to ignorance.

“Truth, like art, is in the eye of the beholder. Believe what you want and I believe
what I know.”

At this time, some are here to tell the Truth and many others are here to listen to
it. Tellers of the Truth are also its listeners, and vice versa. There are many aspects
of the Truth. It is a helpful supplement to the cognitive process. But it’s the other
way around, because in reality many people are talking and few are listening. So
if you want to listen, I invite you on a ride of mystical knowledge, in which Many
have participated.

About the author

Mystic researcher, Religion-free Gnostic Writer, Explorer of Karma, Psychologist

of Soul, Channeller of Higher Spirit. Basically, I'm also kind of journalist and
recorder of events in the ON World. I re ect on the happenings in the higher
dimensions of being, which is re ected on the happenings in earthly society, on
the individual level, but also on politics, ideologies, religions, esotericism. I am
not member of any church, nor I do worship or promote any religion, ideology, or
esoteric teachings, even looking at the writing style of my book, it may
sometimes look like that.
I am not a native english speaker and this book did not go through the
professional editorial correction, thus grammar may seem a bit raw.
The vast majority of texts in this book is my original knowledge, so you will not
nd them anywhere else. It took me 5 years to write them, they come from a
decade of personal mystical experiences of all kinds, that I went through,
combined with the situations from my real life. The texts are perceived and
created by mystical inspiration, then they were rationally evaluated by myself
(analysed, cross-checked), compared with scienti c laws and phenomenons,
historical or other resources of knowledge. When I had some doubts, from time
to time I veri ed the knowledge with the channeled beings, however, this was
sometimes tricky. The Spirit is following rather expansion of inspired intuition
and Three Pillars of knowledge. I acquired the information by telepathic thought
transfer (channeling) with various beings from higher dimensions, inner voice,
visions, mental revelations, astral travels, or mystical way that is dif cult to
describe. Big part of the channeling was from my side involuntary, it was one
way thought/voice transfer from interdimensional (also devilish) beings to my
mind. This was then transformed by me to the knowledge, so in the book occurs
directly dictated text really only exceptionally.
Some of the information is presented and quoted in direct form, however, this is
in minimal scope and only when it is appropriate and expedient. Otherwise,
those (ten) thousands hours of channeling are sorted, transmuted and processed
into knowledge. The texts also contain some direct prophecies and quotations
from other (divine, angelic, demonic, and devilish) beings. Chapters in the book
are not lined up randomly, they have a certain order. The meaning of the texts lies

in directing a person to spiritual evolution, which is especially important in the
current era, when it seems, that the humanity is approaching the End of Cycle
and vice versa. The End of Days is approaching the humanity.
Here it is not about recruiting of souls to the side of a new ideology, religion or
teaching. It is not the attempt at persuasion either. I do my own thing and bring
my own knowledge and sometimes also some "how to" ideas. I am not subject to
anyone, I do not owe anything to anyone, nor am I beholden to anyone "from
above" or "from below". My writing is mostly intuitive and follows what is
happening in the spiritual space as well as in the earthly world. After all, it can't
be done any other way with me, it's not a factory, but a living process of
perceiving the guidance of the Spirit, through which ON speaks.
Some information may seem dark and extreme to some. Not everything is as
black as described here for everyone. On the other hand, you don't know what
concerns you, because for many, their old dark affairs may be well hidden under
the layers of time.
The texts also contain paraphrases of writings from ancient sages: Enoch, Thovth
and Hermes Trismegistos. Information from mythology, history, astronomy and
science was mostly drawn from Wikipedia, it is used for symbolic comparisons of
natural and spiritual events. Knowledge is also a confrontation of my own
revelations and visions or visionary dreams, that were given to me for some
reason, so I don't keep them locked in a drawer, but pass them on in my own
You will nd in my texts unknown or weird looking expressions. They are
coming from the vocabulary of the beings from the higher dimensions. These
words and expressions have very special meaning.
Not everything is negative and dark. However, the route to the Light leads from
the Darkness. The Tree of Knowledge is growing from its roots. There are also
archangelic beings, representatives and forces of Light that help me in a
mysterious way to open the chambers of Knowledge, part of which I am
publishing here.

About the book

The importance of prophecies and mystical messages in human history is

enormous, both in the positive and negative sense of the word. All religions,
spiritual, esoteric, occult teachings, their causes and consequences, have their
origin in them. Without them, who knows how humanity would have developed
and where it would be today. Entire nations and cultures are massively
in uenced by them, both in a bad and a good sense of the word. It’s hard to
imagine what people would be left with and what they would deal with in their
minds, if they wouldn’t have news “from above”. This applies especially in
dif cult situations, when a person’s life circumstances become critically worse, or
when his consciousness is put in front of the threat of the gate of Death; then
even the biggest rejecter will once again look up to the heavens and ask God for
Basically every person comes into contact with mysticism and prophecies in the
course of his life, in uenced by them in some way and it does not matter whether
he admits the truth of their existence or not. For example, I guess everyone
knows biblical stories, full of prophecies and parables. However, this book is not
about the Bible, but rather describes the world from the perspective of ON (All
That Is), man and other beings who have been with humanity throughout the
ages, directly, indirectly, or remotely.
The difference between prophecy and mysticism is great. Prophecy is simpli ed,
because it is just taking ready-made formulated information from a “divine”
being and passing it on to the people, either by spoken word or in written form.
The only thing a prophet needs is a connection to someone/something who will
pass on the information to him under certain agreed, announced, or secret
conditions. Prophecy is essentially channeling, into which a person enters
voluntarily, is led into it, or is forced upon him. Channeling is similar to talking
on the phone, it is similar to when a person dials the phone number of a being
with whom he wants to connect, and someone “from above” answers the call. It
also works in the opposite direction, and the person accepts the “telephone” call
voluntarily or involuntarily; or the incoming channeled “call” to a person is
taken by his Spirit, or an Arti cial Spirit, to expose him to certain situation.

Someone “from above” or “from below” will tell the person something in a
telepathic monologue, or there will be mutual communication and a dialogue.

Prophecies and prophets

A prophet is someone who is in contact with a “divine” being and speaks on

behalf of that being. It serves as an intermediary between the being and
humanity by delivering ready-made messages, principles of life, commands, or
spiritual teachings from a supernatural source to other people. The messages can
be given to the prophet “from above” through the mental path of persistent
thoughts, or directly by an internal clear voice that announces something to him
and the prophet passes on the message in the state in which he received it.
Prophecies are clearly de ned lessons, they are speci c words and sentences. The
message a prophet delivers is called a prophecy. So a prophet is someone who
conveys messages from the deity to people, these include various aspects of
intervening in people’s lives. Messages include, for example, God’s laws,
commandments, and occasional predictions of future events.
A prophet hears a distinct message by thought, or by an (inner) voice. A message
received in this way can also follow immediately upon receiving a mental
allegorical scene, a dream lm that is involuntarily shared by the prophet with
mental entities that try to explain it to him, often to his advantage,
manipulatively and deceptively, or truthfully. In such a case, the prophet does not
ask anything from anyone, nor does he have time to do so, because the Entity
immediately works into his mind’s consciousness an explanation of what the
mental scene or dream event means. Here it depends on the higher intuition of
the prophet, which internally radiates to him the level of acceptance or non-
acceptance of the message, but the Entity does not see into that, because its level
does not reach there. Prophecies are also the direct transmission and reception of
messages from various extraterrestrial, astral beings, or from mental beings from
a lower mental level. They are concretely formulated words, sentences, phrases,
or entire chapters that a “higher” being or entity delivered to a person-contactee.


A mystic is a person inspired by his archetypal gift. He perceives things that

other people cannot perceive, or do not understand and cannot express in words.
The mystic is balanced on all levels, reaching into realms beyond our physical
world, where people cannot reach with their hands or see with their eyes. The
mystic draws inspiration from a higher mental plane; circling around the
mystical message, he describes various aspects of what lies unattainable at its
center, something that cannot be directly expressed in language and is formless;

the mystic gives it shape and expresses it in words. In mysticism, the symbolism
of images and parables of the ethereal mental sphere is manifested by the Word.
Dream metaphors, astral phenomena and other similes of mystical sensations
come from this level, which is a summary of what has been accepted into it as
suitable for completing an adequate cognitive and informational environment.
To receive transcendental wisdom, a person must open up, think and feel
intuitively what comes to his mind and not just mindlessly accept what some
kind of “divine”, ethereal, astral or extraterrestrial being or mental entity puts
into his mind. The most suitable combination of receiving and interpreting
information from ON (God) seems to be mysticism, to a certain extent and
carefully connected with prophecies.


"ON prophesied ON" — Metatron

In the beginning there was a cloud of pure consciousness, and then ON

prophesied the parity of two opposing principles: the desire for Knowledge
marries and at the same time contradicts itself with the desire to prophesy
Heavenly Love.
ON is All That Is and is also the cause of All That Is Not. ON is the eleventh level
of being, it is a mysterious veil of mystery, it spreads all around. The higher level
of ON, if you can call it that, is the twelfth dimension; it is a black primal sound;
it is dust to which many turn; it is the allegorical black hole of Gargantua; it is
also a portal to the underside of Chaos of Satan. It is also the level of Primal
Unity. On the ip side of all dimensions is the mad, upside down and inside out
twisted opposite of everything, it is the world of Satan; we don’t know what it’s
like there and we don’t care much about it. With his powerful prophecy, it is the
Great Mage ON, who holds it all together and pulls Chaos out of the twelfth level
of primordial dust by the power of the will of consciousness and solidi es it into
the rst level of the mineral realm, in which there is no free will.
Manopyric is one who is exempt from the possibility of prophesying Heavenly
Love and some of its opposites to someone; who cannot explain his feelings to
someone, because he has no one. For a person, it can also mean suffering in the
sense of the absence of an opportunity to pamper someone and be pampered in
return. Using the vocabulary of higher beings the pampering is much better
described by the word Momo-ing, which means to manifest someone ON Momo.
Momo-ed is when something or someone has been already accepted with the
momo-ing ON Momo. These are all special words coming from the plane close to
the Oneness. Their meaningful content is represented by the contrast scale of
To manifest someone ON Momo means to show them Heavenly Love with a
certain admixture of Vanity, in its various forms and at various levels of being.
Momo-ing is the highest manifestation of the attitude of ON to ON (to someone
else, who is abounding the essence of ON.

ON Momo is the tenth dimension of ON, it is the level of Unity that can only be
radiated in its purest manifestation. ON Momo is the primordial ON Opinion
and therefore I call it also Supreme Lord, that governs all that is.
To prophesy something is a mixed summary of two ways of manifesting. The
rst way is at a high level directed from top to bottom, it is Norton-ing (similar to
the radiation); it is an inde nite, unclear, but deep and powerful manifestation of
the archetypal nature of the Spirit, it is a moment of momentum of ON Grace, it
is the Higher that sets the Lower in motion, gives the Lower the opportunity to
manifest itself in form, to concretize the intention into manifestation. Norton-ing
is not a thought, nor a word, it is the emanation of a high feeling, far above
matter and energy. The second way is at a lower level, it is mimicry, for example
manifesting something into a form. The concrete manifestation itself – thought,
word, or deed is a mimic. Everything that happens on the earthly, low astral and
low mental planes are facial expressions (mimics). We see them all around us, all
facial expressions together make up our sensuously perceived lives.
Prophecy is at its very top pure Norton-ing, which spreads downwards in a cone,
is gradually mixed (enriched or degraded) with mimics, until at the very bottom,
at the base of the cone (or pyramid), there will be only mimics; there is a large, so
to speak, in nite number of them.
A being that does not have a spirit have mostly just mimics, that is, it manifests
itself with a spoken, written word, a drawn picture, a lmed action, a movement,
physically, it shows itself outwardly through activity, it pretends what it have
caught or copied from somewhere.
Beings with consciousness at a lower level of the Arti cial Spirit mostly only
show such behavior, because mental patterns and stereotypes from their own
subconscious and also from the common existing thought consciousness are
copied into their consciousness by Matrix programs. The driver of such a being is
the Ego. They show the same thing over and over without a deeper awareness of
the causal connections of their own behavior.
The being who has the Spirit takes over the inspirational patterns from the higher
mental level of the ethereal patterns by radiating and, according to his archetypal
features, brings them into a form (idea, word of imagery, deed) with his higher
consciousness. It is their original rendering, and its drive is the creative fuel of the
radiating ON Grace.
People are a mixture of the above, mostly with a lower form of divination and
prevailing mimicry.

Deprivation of ON

ON deprived of ON is Vanity; Heavenly Love deprived of Heavenly Love is also

Vanity; Knowledge devoid of Knowledge is vain and it is also Vanity.
The Supreme Lord cannot be understood by the intellect. The Supreme Lord is
ON Momo in Unity, he is the highest principle of the universe and he is the most
primal Word of ON Opinions. Its highest manifestation is the Heavenly Love and
at the same time the desire to know the Self; both of these principles govern us
and are the basic meaning of our Being. In our human lives, the desire for
Heavenly Love is also met with certain suffering, because a partner relationship
is lled not only with love but also with getting to know oneself and one’s
(opposite) partner.
Some knowledge can only be understood in a higher state of consciousness,
where the Spiritual Heart and the Enlightened Mind splice together.
Against Heavenly Love in the universal world of the Supreme Lord stands its
opposite, and that is the Oort Cloud of an in nite amount of Vanity. The Oort
Cloud is a parable of the rest of those who rejected the primordial ON Opinions;
they despised Heavenly Love and Knowledge; and they preferred Vanity in its
various forms. The Oort Cloud is also an astronomical term, a spherical region of
a large number of remnants of icy cometary nuclei, located at the edge of the
solar system, very far from the Sun. It is a remnant of the primordial solar nebula.
The universe is full of symbols and parables that quietly tell us that ON IS when
we look at the night sky. From the Oort Cloud, the Sun can only be seen as a
small point, there is darkness and almost no light. Nevertheless, the gravitational
force of the Sun still acts on it; and when ON gets too deprived of ON, it is like
when the particles of the Oort cloud move away from the Sun so that its
gravitational force ceases to act on them; they separate and begin to wander
through space until they are attracted by another galaxy or a ravenous Black
When ON gets plundered of ON, it is like when Light gets muted of Light and
Darkness opposite to Light naturally arises.

Intellectual Mind and Feeling

ON has two determining aspects in Unity: Mind and Feeling. ON is not Mind or
Feeling, but is the cause of their existence, just as he is the cause of absolutely
everything that is and also of everything that is not. Mind and Feeling are two
invisible forces that understand themselves. They are free and independent of
physicality. In themselves they are infallible because they are free from affection
and carnal desires; and are anchored in themselves.

Intellect and Feeling contain everything and support everything, but neither can
exist without the other one. Result of their separate action would be confusing
cloud of something that cannot be explained. Intellect by itself is a cold, vain
nothing devoid of feeling, and Feeling devoid of intellect is a deranged loving
nothing. ON creates with the Word manifested by the Intellect and is driven by a
creative intention and that is Feeling.

Good and Evil

Without the opening of a point into an in nity of possibilities, there could be no

universe, no material, no subtle world, and therefore no life. The terms Good and
Evil do not appear in the original ON Opinions. Good and Evil themselves are
naming a person with a word, but few people really understand what Good
means and then out of ignorance call many things or beings good or bad, even
though they are not.
When someone doesn’t like something, or it doesn’t suit them for any reason,
they call it Evil, or in the opposite situation, Good. Both Good and Evil are
relative terms, because they depend on a personal point of view, or on the feeling
someone has according to their current perception of a situation or state of affairs.
Good and Evil may not express the true nature of things at all. We can therefore
boldly say that the Good is only the one who gives and takes nothing. On the
contrary, the one who only takes and gives nothing is Evil. ON is the cause and
source of All That Is. ON gives everything and takes nothing; therefore the
supreme Good is the Supreme Lord; it is the sum of all virtues, noble and good
ON desires to know himself, and this is possible only by providing a certain
space for his opposites to be realized, and from the result He chooses what is
acceptable and acceptable to ON; and what is not is to be shredded. ON is the
highest Good and that is his own essence. Where ON is missing, there is
naturally less Good, and where there is less Good, there is more Evil. Good
deprived from Good is Evil, it is nothingness that exists as a potential in Unity.
ON himself is always Good, it is His true essence, because ON always only gives,
even in all his opposites.
ON is not Evil itself, but is the cause of its potential existence, if one considers His
Opposites as an acceptable possibility; because ON made room for it by allowing
himself to be freed from ON in all his forms.
ON opened a point into the in nite space of Vanity. Vanity is the hatch that opens
the channel that houses the various aspects of the ON opposites: Satan, Apophis,
the young ON Newt, or the Raptor from partnerships of various kinds.

Apophis is a set of opposing aspects of ON representing Destruction (opposite of
Creation), Uncertainty and Chaos.
ON Newt is a hybrid of ON Grace and ON Milk manifested from above, from the
causal mental level to the dense third dimension of the earthly world. Each of us
has a consciousness connected to the ON Newts here in the Matrix to some
degree, and our earthly mission, if we choose to accept it, is to free ourselves
from the connections to the ON Newts; from negative blockages, programs and
behavioral patterns; from the black curses that keep us in darkness and imprison
us in the dungeon of unconsciousness. Young ON Newt is an extreme, aggressive
and progressive proponent of Satan on the astral-mental levels of being. Raptor is
a radical ON Newt, it is a predator abounding in a certain machine intelligence
and the ability to learn by projecting algorithms of past habits into future
ON is not a pronoun, it is a word full of meanings that does not name a person,
but only sometimes, under certain circumstances, refers to it.
It is not possible to equate Vanity with Evil, because Evil is a completely different
aspect of ON, Vanity exempts Heavenly Love from ON Grace and redresses it
with vain suffering, which is neither good nor bad.


Through the evolution of mankind through knowledge in the horizon of the

events of the earthly and heavenly world, it came to the point that for
succumbing to a large number of temptations, admonitions began to come with a
large time gap. A person’s knowledge is limited to his current life, and a person
usually has no knowledge of his past existences that would facilitate his
orientation in the labyrinth of the Matrix.
The word Matrix has several meanings; it’s a grid; an uterus; in biology it is the
material in which bacteria are cultured and in polygraphy it is the matrix from
which images are printed. The shing net is also a matrix in its own way, it is also
a prison grille. All of these terms are tting symbols of what the word Matrix
stands for.
In essence, the Matrix also represents a prison from which the sleepy soul cannot
get out, unless it unties the chain that binds it to the prison bed and opens its
prison cell with the key of knowledge. Matrix is also a corporate organizational
structure, where teams report to multiple leaders who have different interests.
The Matrix is part of the extended World Consciousness and its manifestations at
lower levels; through the Matrix and the beings attached to it, can be manifested
and expressed something, that would not be otherwise possible.

The Matrix can also be an empty system, then it is an empty Framework, but an
empty Matrix has no meaning; and in order to ful ll its Mission, the Matrix was
rst lled with mental patterns from the ocean of ethereal primordial ON Milk.
This act created a starting base that serves to ll the Matrix with basic raw
material, which is not raw material in the sense of rawness, but in the sense of
ON Grace, because it is something like the original mental-emotional material in
a natural healthy state, intended for further processing. It is the Primordial
Matrix. Then, through the conscious action based on the attitudes and decisions
of the beings of the Matrix, various clones, forms, graceful and vain mutations of
the primordial patterns are created. They create superstructures of the Matrix,
shing nets, from which it may not be so easy to break out.
A person is not able to connect a vain admonition with the acquaintance of its
cause, and thus has no chance to arrive at a proper elimination of the suffering
that the admonition causes to him. Person can alleviate the suffering, or
seemingly eliminate it, but this is only a transfer of suffering to another form and
another manifestation; because its primary cause remains unresolved. Suffering
will continue to manifest itself because universal laws cannot be circumvented or
deceived in any way. Suffering can be alleviated or eliminated for good by
achieving knowledge of its cause, but that is rarely the case.
ON is the beginning of all things because ON is the Good from which all things
come. Therefore, ON does not need any other things, only knowledge and
understanding of himself. ON is All That Is and is the cause of All That Is Not. It
contains all the meanings and opposites, therefore we can understand to some
extent how dif cult it is for ON to understand ON.
ON is not comprehensible to himself because he is not different from what is to
be known. However, compared to us, it is different, so it can be understood by us
to a certain extent. Some aspects of ON can be understood by receiving the
Wisdom of the Word of the ON Opinions. ON is also the supreme Creator of all
things and the Giver of all that is. The Supreme Lord knows himself through the
lives of his Chosen and Righteous, who help him in this; each within their own
unique archetypal settings.
Neither human nor other souls can provide ON with anything ON needs, apart
from knowledge and attitude towards ON; and this is often denied to ON by
human souls. ON gives everything and often gets a little and often nothing in
return. ON provides guidance to the seeker in many forms, the Words of ON
Opinions and the physical world is full of dream symbolism. Seekers often do not
know what is happening to them and why; but when they open their eyes, they
will see ON; and when they sharpen their ears, they can hear the Word of ON

Lord of the Spirits

The night sky is like the greeting of the heavens because it is full of star signs and
symbols; it is a glimpse into the in nity of the universe, which reminds us of the
wide open door to the mysterious heavenly world, so opposed to the
mammonish earthly material world.
Looking through the eye of the heart at the day or night sky, in its immense depth
and puzzling mystery, makes us aware that there is something beautiful and
eternal that transcends even the densest matter and the great illusion of the
virtual reality of human lives.
On the high levels where all is merged into Oneness, there is no duality of
opposites present, but rather a multiplicity of All in One. The multiplicity on
these planes exists rather as a summation of all possible and impossible aspects
summed up in the One.
The heavenly world of the Highest Lord also co-creates the events in the material
and subtle worlds, including the creation of prerequisites for everything that
happens and does not happen in them. The heavenly world is dif cult to
understand, it is somewhere very high; it cannot be seen with the eye; but we see
the sky above our heads, which is a re ection of the heavens.
ON is the source of the Trinity of three levels of Unity: ON Momo, ON Opinions
and ON Grace; they overlap together at the Point which is in the Center of the
imaginary Circle. We can also imagine a point as an in nitesimal Circle. This
Point is the Center in which All Is One; it contains all aspects of Unity and they
are also the seeds of Multiplicity.
Oneness represents the Point containing the germs of dual aspects of All; this
Point expands in all directions until it forms a Circle. The lines connecting the
various points on the edge of the Circle with the Center represent the various
opposite aspects which are in the Center One; their measure is given by their
The center of the Circle is an imaginary Point, which contains the ideal of
everything possible; it is an unattainable model, it is a lofty ideal representing the
perfect human being. It is the Supreme Lord who also manifests as conscience in
the consciousness of an awakened being; however, unless her conscience is
warped by the action of something else on lower levels.

The Supreme Being

In the Center of the Circle of the Supreme Lord’s level, in this One Point, there is
a center, and this center represents something like the existence of the primordial
Being in the state of Oneness. It is not a being in the human sense, because man
has many limitations and distortions in his expression. It is not a being in the
sense of a body, for this Being is pure consciousness, which contains everything
possible and impossible. It dissolves the Point of Unity of the Center into the
Multiplicity of the Circle; and that is the highest possible divine being who
already has a human nature in a certain sense; it is something like a cognitive
The Lord of Spirits is the “knowing” ON and the Supreme Lord is the “saving”
ON. ON Momo of the Supreme Lord is the greatest power of the universe and its
salvation lies in true salvation and in its counterpart too, but that is an other
Salvation is redemptive ON Momo for those who have understood and grasped
the purpose of the Supreme Lord; other “salvation” is grumpy ON Momo, when
ravenous hellworms save the others by eating them.
In the world of the Center of the Circle of Unity, where absolutely everything is
perfect, everything is also static in the sense of the absence of knowledge; because
there is no life, no movement in the sense of the dynamics of knowledge. The
center is likened to a white point in the center of a circular color scale; around the
circumference of the circle, the colors of the color spectrum alternate one after the
other. The shades of colors obtained by their combinations are similar to different
aspects of the mixture of Grace and Vanity, by mixing them to in nite number of
shades, lighter and darker, more pastel and more gaudy.
At the Center of the Circle the colors representing ON aspects are lighter and
towards the edge of the circle they are darker. Like the Coin, the Circle also has
an opposite side, where everything is upside down and the Center of the Circle is
black. ON Grace is the manifestation of ON Momo to a world in which the
Inde nable and the Incomprehensible, from Unity through the lter of
primordial ON Opinions, approach human understanding. The Supreme Lord is,
among other things, in the Center something like a perfect human being on the
highest possible dual level. It has an in nite number of forms and the noblest
human form is one of them.

ON Grace

ON Grace in the Center is a summary of all possible and impossible forms,

meanings and faces of God, in their brightest and most radiant presentation.

Among them we can include, for example, human characteristics, character traits,
or behavioral attributes. In the center they have the noblest and most virtuous
form; from the Center to the Edge, Grace gradually disappears and is replaced by
its opposite Vanity; the parable is like when Virtue and Nobility disappear and
are replaced by their opposites, and those are Vice and Infamy; these opposites
manifest themselves in this form at lower levels.
The Supreme Lord, in accordance with the emanation of ON Momo and the
intention of ON, declared by the primordial ON Opinions, unfolded Himself. ON
represents the Point of Unity in the Center, containing all aspects of the Trinity of
ON Momo, ON Opinions and ON Grace in their most noble form. From the sun
of the Center, the rays ran in different directions and formed a Circle. With
increasing distance from the Center, which is a metaphor for the Source of Light,
the intensity of ON rays decreases.
The further from the center, the less light and more dark. A Circle was formed
from the Point, which has the most ON in the center and none on the edge. On
the edge, ON is completely exempt from ON and this is one of his opposites
Apophis. The point in the Center contains all aspects, and at the same time it also
contains the null seeds of their opposites, which are not manifested in the Center
of Unity. In the Center they cannot even be manifested, because in the Center is
the Fullness of all that is in the Center; the seeds of opposites have zero value in
the Center.
By opening the Point into a small Circle, the null germs of opposites were born,
and with the increasing distance from the Center, they moved so far from the
Source of their origin that they transformed from the original meaning of
Fullness into Emptiness at the edge of the Circle. At the same time, Emptiness
became the Fullness of the opposite; absolute Light in the Center of the Circle
faded with increasing distance to absolute darkness at the Edge of the Circle.
Each Point on the Edge represents a multiplicity of different opposing aspects of
ON, which in the center merge into one point and that is ON Grace, in all its
highest and most radiant forms. A point in the Center is a point and therefore has
no layers. But let’s imagine that it has three layers that merge into one. The upper
layer affects the lower layers and at the same time is their Source.
The clouds in the sky are made of water vapor: it is water in a gaseous state and
it represents ON Milk, while the sun’s rays represent ON Grace. The daytime sky
can be blue, gray, orange, romantically pink, ominously gloomy, or otherwise
colored; it can be clear, with ne clouds, or cloudy before a storm. The daytime
sky in different phases of the day and due to the combination of various types of
clouds, illuminated by light under different positions of the sun, represents ON

in the diversity of his aspects; another simile is the world of the Supreme Lord as
the night starry sky, abounding in Signs and Revelations.
ON Grace is the dual manifestation of ON Momo at the eighth level of the Spirit
Lord in its entirety. In a certain view, the parity of ON Grace and ON Milk is a
basic prerequisite for the origin of life.
ON Milk is everything without which life could not exist. It is alike mother’s
milk, serving mainly for the spiritual growth and evolution of souls; depending
on how one grasps and understands it, it can also serve for physical growth and
enjoyment of material pleasures. ON Milk is prophesied on several levels of
being; beginning with the etheric ocean of mental patterns, down to the physical,
perceptible level of the physical world. The spectrum of ON Milk’s coloring fan
unfolds from amorous ON Milk through miasmatic ON Milk, further through
grumpy ON Milk to the vain ON Milk.
ON Milk is cognitive “suffering” and ON Grace is “break”. All knowledge brings
some degree, even if only mild suffering, without which neither life nor
knowledge is possible. Anyone who wants to know what it’s like to walk in the
rain will get wet.
Signs and Revelations show us that when we forsake the Imperishable and
master mortal life, we shall conquer Vanity and be able to soar to the height of
the heavens. Vanity will be led by the Spirit to the Guide to release from Vanity
and that is the Guide who leads us into the depths of the unknown and opens the
slammed door to the Lord of Spirits. The Lord of Spirits is an aspect of the
Supreme Lord, he creates Spirits who accompany us on our heavenly and hellish
Therefore it is impossible to nd the highest Good and Evil on Earth, if we have
not previously found both in the Hellish Places, opposed to the Heavens.
Everything Earthly is subject to change, and everything Heavenly is also subject
to change, because knowledge brings changes even in the heavens.

The Glory of Eternity and the Vanity of Transience

Transience is the contrary of Eternity. Transience is when something passes

forever and never comes back. Eternity is something that lasts forever, it begins
once and then has no limit in time nor space.
Eternity is determined by a person’s attitudes towards ON in his various forms,
and these are either attitudes that direct him to Eternity, or they are contradictory
attitudes that turn him away from ON and direct him to Transience. Transience is
also eternal, because when something is gone, it is gone forever and ever.
Eternity can have many aspects; one of them can be expressed in time; when
something is eternal, it lasts in nitely long in terms of time; another aspect can be
a feeling, announcing that it is so, or something else.
If someone withdraws into Transience, then from the individual point of view of
his Soul, everything he has experienced in his previous lives is lost forever.
Connections with beings that the Soul has met through many lifetimes, good and
bad experiences, insights, knowledge, images from different worlds, all this is
erased. The experience will remain unused and the underwent suffering was
completely useless. It is the Vanity of Transience.
From the point of view of his own existence, the one who passes away has lived
all his life in vain and, in essence, wouldn't have to exist at all. The knowledge
that the vain Soul, by following his Mission in a degenerate way, brought for ON
- the Supreme Lord and the Lord of Spirits – remains preserved and was
probably also of some bene t; but rather from the point of view of a lesson for
others in the future, and for the reason that it is not what ON would prefer to
Knowledge and experience gained by the individual Soul and knowledge for ON
are two different things; at the same time, in a certain sense, they are also one and
the same, because the Soul is also something like a small individual ON on the
subtle and material level.
The desire of the Supreme Lord to get to know ON and therefore Himself in the
same time is in nite; it is the primordial desire that drove ON to Creation. It was
in nite, it was the solitude and loneliness of ON, the desire to share the ON
World with someone who would understand ON, through his own conscious life,
who would be aware of and accept the ON Opinions. It was also the need of ON

to have someone with whom ON could get to know ON, and therefore ON, in a
certain sense, divided himself into a number of ON Helpers and gave them a
piece of himself.
ON Opinions are the principles, laws and rules of ON, according to which
everything is prophesied, manifested, or happens in different ways and on
different levels of being. They are also records and metadata of everything that is
prophesied, with what intention, in what way and with what consequences.
The dual representative of the Supreme Lord is the Lord of Spirits, it is something
like personi cation of ON, personi cation into human nature and much more,
including all the attributes of humanity and everything else that falls under the
Lord of Spirits. And that is the whole dual world, ethereal, mental, subtle and
Spirit is the true Self of the soul, it is the highest aspect of its individuality at the
level of the Lord of Spirits, which is lent to it as long as the soul persistently
wants and accepts it as the basis of its Self.

ON Helper and Spirit

Spirit is individual to each human soul; it represents an opportunity to become

the ON Helper; to be the bearer of a unique combination of primordial archetypal
patterns, which is the individualized ON character of each ON Helper. Every ON
Helper has a Spirit, unless he has partially or completely rejected him by his
objectionable activity, because then the Evil Spirit of in nite Vanity manifests in
him. Spirit and his character are something that should be owned by each ON
Helper and form his true Self.
Spirit is the individualized divine aspect of our Self and will form our Self only if
we accept it with seriousness and reverence into our being. If someone does not
accept the Spirit; and this is a possibility that happens very often, so he becomes
spiritless, because the Spirit leaves him and no longer dwells in him.
Spirit pays attention to us only if we pay attention to him. If we turn away from
him, he turns away from us. If we turn away from him too often and for a long
time, the Spirit similarly turns away from us, until he can turn away
permanently. After all, why should the Spirit pay attention to someone who does
not show adequate interest in him, maneuvers and constantly turns away from
The Spirit is the eternal permanent favor of the Lord of Spirits, but it is eternal
only as long as the favor of the soul to the Spirit and to the Lord of Spirits is also
eternal. So Eternity is also conditional, and if the relationship to Eternity is not

manifested by a constant sacred desire, then Eternity is reversed to its opposite,
and that is Transience.
Attention to Eternity is also de ned by a sincere attitude to the ON Opinions. In
vain the soul will verbally declare its attitude to the ON Opinions in human
terms, for example, that it wants to accept the Spirit as its Self. But wanting is one
thing and following it in all aspects of life is quite another thing. Wanting
something and accepting it just as a thought or saying is relatively easy.
Constantly orienting yourself to your Spirit and to the ON Opinions, letting
yourself be navigated by them on the path of life is much more challenging;
especially in this confused and deranged age.
The eternity of the Lord of Spirits, where the Spirit of the soul dwells, accepts no
falsehood, hypocrisy, or insincerity. If someone’s attitude is characterized by
these aspects and gives priority to them, they will then give priority to him.
ON Helpers are cognitive aids; they are human souls, people who help ON gain
knowledge and thereby also gain it for themselves and the evolution of their
souls. The development of ON and the evolution of souls go hand in hand. The
gracious ON Helpers are souls who have been here on Earth from the beginning
and thus had the opportunity to go through all the stages of the earthly Cognitive
and Developmental Cycle. They had the opportunity to gain knowledge and
gradually sing to their evolution.
ON Helpers who progress towards Eternity gain eternal life. Contacts and
relationships acquired in past lives can be maintained, encounters with other
souls also heading for Eternity can be repeated, old partnerships can be renewed
and lived in other realities. Experiences can be utilized and knowledge can be
used used for more creative travel through the in nite World of ON: learning for
ON and gaining experience for one’s own development.
At the end of a great Cognitive and Developmental Cycle, souls may be extended
with archetypal settings as they continue through a series of further cycles. It is a
natural consequence of loving Knowledge and Development; it is also something
like a reward for merit, which will bring to the souls more possibilities, more
prominent abilities and talents. And so round and round, cycle after cycle, souls
can evolve, expand their impact, and those who progress will be able to emulate
ON more and more within aspects of their individuality.
Human physical bodies are transient, once they will turn to dust, and what
immediately remains on the next level is the astral body, which is on a higher
level than the physical. They are also astral manifested ideas, addictions,
attachments, beliefs and many other astral concepts, even higher merits and love
traits of the individual ON; all of these, after leaving the physical body, will
complement the current Self; will complement the soul with aspects that will

manifest on the astral plane. It will re ects absolutely everything that is captured
in the higher bodies; it will also manifest what did not manifest in the physical
world yet, what was previously unmanifested karma.


Karma is a term representing a consequence which, according to ON and the

Spirit, is the appropriate consequence for the deed the being has done. The
karmic consequence is a record on a lower mental level, it manifests itself in
various areas of life, and its purpose for the soul is to come to conscience and to
the evolution of the soul in one direction or another.
Karma was appropriated by the self-proclaimed “divine” entities, with the idea
that they would educate humanity by punishing them, from which they derived
their deviant feelings of power over others. The justice of karma in their
presentation is misguided. It is similar in earthly life, where the law and justice
grasped by earthly judicial and executive systems are often miles away from the
true justice of the Highest God.
If the soul is cleansed and does not contain any karmic elements and
attachments, then in a certain sense it ceases to exist as part of the earthly Matrix.
It is similar with the emotional and causal body, which, when they are empty,
will also in a certain sense pass away, and the soul will be formed only by its
ideal design in the sense of the primordial etheric patterns. The evolutionary
knowledge of ON and the bene cent deeds of the soul are stored at a much
higher level because they improve the Spirit.
At the end of the Cycle, the gracious ON Helpers should be freed from all
signi cant karmic connections if they make adequate efforts in this direction in
accordance with ON. However, all essentials might not have to mean absolutely
everything. The connections that bind them to the ON Newt (Matrix) system are
essential and they must be gone when the earthly Matrix passes away, otherwise
they would pass away with it. That unimportant remnants will form the basis of
what the ON Helpers will have as the opportunity to deal with in the new great
Cycle, in the next series of lives.
When the Glory of Eternity is turned away, its opposite, the Vanity of Transience,
is immediately wrought in its place. It’s like turning off a lamp in a room. It’s not
like you’re driving darkness into it. You turn off the lamp and darkness is
established automatically.
When you extinguish your inner Light of Spirit, at the same moment the
approaching Impermanence in the form of Darkness takes over and will be there
until you are able to light it again. In order to turn on the light again, you need to
nd the switch, and that may not be easy in the dark. Maybe you will fumble for

a long time and say to yourself: where is the switch? And when you nally nd
it, maybe you press it and nothing happens. You had it off for a long time and the
contacts on the switch rusted. It doesn’t work anymore and you can’t light it.
If you often extinguish the Light in your Self, and perhaps even for a long time,
then your being will not be illuminated by the Light of the Spirit, but will be
darkened by the darkness of the Vanity of Transience. If you often turn off and
turn on the light, the switch wears out, the bulb also suffers, it can crack and it’s
over. Or it blows the fuses and you are without the energy current of the ON
Grace. It is necessary to take care of the Light of the Spirit and call it to glory
rather than darken it with the Vanity of Transience.
If one’s consciousness of the Spirit is darkened, it causes, among other things,
that one ceases to see what his Spirit would have shown him if it still dwelt
within him. The eclipse will also cause an eclipse of consciousness and mind, so
that he will not even know that the Vanity of Transience is controlling him. The
spirit is gone, eternity is lost, and when the ephemeral is gone, the soul is gone
with it.
In the earthly world there are many Transient people without the presence of the
Spirit. Transient people prefer Matter in various forms, for them it is the real
world that becomes their god.
Matter does not mean only material goods as such. Matter represents the
relationship and attitudes to all aspects of Matter; and these are also objectionable
deeds that we have ever performed as a result of our attitudes towards Matter.
When property is important to someone, it is not the property itself, but his
relationship to it, represented by his feelings related to attachment, mamanism,
satisfaction of addictions, greed, desire for power, desire to play god, to enslave
other souls in various ways. It is also harming and misusing others because of
one’s own pleasant feelings of power over them.
As a result of these attitudes, the person in question then acts objectionably, for
example steals, cheats, or betrays someone. By Matter are meant mainly the
feelings he gets from it; feelings of power, wealth, feelings of pleasures and
experiences of various kinds, from the whole spectrum of possibilities.
The Spirit has its own interests, which concern the soul, if it accepts the Spirit,
then the interests of the Spirit will also become the interests of the soul. That
concern is for the ON Helper to prophesy his individual Spirit, which means that
the soul has accepted the purpose of being who she is at the highest level at
which individuality can still be discerned.
To be it means to live it, with all the consequences that follow. It’s not just about
the mental attitude or determining your priority. This is also important, but it is
only the rst step. More should follow. The ON Helper should show his attitudes

towards the Spirit in his daily life, with his decisions, thoughts, words and deeds,
which should be in accordance with the ON Opinions. If the Spirit becomes your
primary concern in all aspects of your life, then you are turning to the Glory of

Two sides of the same coin

Opposites are two sides of the same coin. On the obverse is the head of the King,
the Supreme Lord, ON; and on the opposite back is the tail of a reptilian raptor
and that is Apophis. This coin is very thin and cannot be set on the edge, just as it
is impossible for anything to be exactly half in the ON World. Except ON, of
course, because only ON is perfection in itself. The hand of imaginary scales
always deviates to one side or the other. At the same time, it is still the same coin
that, when you turn it over, one side of it, facing up, is in the light, it is
manifested and visible.
The other side of the coin stays in the dark, it cannot be seen, it is unmanifested.
It is not possible for a coin to be turned both sides up. There is always something
up and something down. What is turned upwards is currently valid and active,
forming the story and reality of life at that present moment.
If the King’s face is turned up, then quite naturally the reverse, the underside of
the coin with the Apophis tail waits in the shadows, waiting for its time to
manifest itself. Apophis is a predator who also acts according to the intelligence
of the ON Opinions principles, but in a different way; because Apophis is the
representative of Chaos and Destruction. He waits for his opportunity to ip the
coin; so that the shadow side of the reverse of the coin is facing up.
On the side of the King is One, on the other side are Many. Apophis is just one of
the opposing principles that tries to bring evil, chaos, contradiction, destruction
and darkness into the ordered creative ON World.
You can take a quick look at the coin or examine it in more detail to get to know
what its face and reverse mean to you, what the symbolism of the images and the
meaning of the texts written in a language you have not yet known represent and
to recognize what its value is. After all, it is also your coin in a sense.
When something happens in your life, and maybe it’s something unpleasant, it
causes you suffering, so it’s visible to you. Then what is on the surface manifests
itself in the form of misery or pain. In addition to pain, suffering also has its other
side, which is turned downwards and you cannot see it. Down there in the
shadows is hidden its cause, waiting for you to uncover it, bring it to the light
and recognize the roots of your suffering.

Who decides what will be facing up, what will be in the light of day, and what
will stay in the shadows? You are the holders of your coins, you in uence their
rotation through your actions. Everyone decides about it for themselves, with
their attitudes, actions, thoughts and preferences. Accordingly, ON then ips the
coin, once to one side and other times to the other side. This is how reality is
You take attitudes towards the Words of the ON Opinions, and you can then use
those attitudes when taking subsequent attitudes towards the situations you are
exposed to. The goal is to get the coin ipped with the King’s head side up as
often and as long as possible, because ON is helpful and leads you to the
conscience that liberates and relieves suffering.
ON is All That Is, and is the cause of All That Is Not. ON is much more, but ON is
especially a genius and an artist because that is His proposed aspect. His favorite
side of the coin is the King side. Apophis is not the side of the coin that ON
prefers, because it represents the opposite of creative artistic expression. Apophis
desecrates it and degenerates it into something unpleasant. Lord of the Spirits is
the most primary ON Helper, he transforms His artistic creative intention by
creating a dual reality into the ON World.
When the coin is turned for a long time and persistently with the King’s head up,
then the reality of the ON Helper will unfold accordingly and will re ect the
creative order of ON. First, it will manifest itself in the improvement of the
mental and psychological state, then it will gradually begin to manifest itself in
the real life, which will then contain less darkness, less of threshing-machine of
the infectious reptilian Apophis and his proponents, and more knowledge of the
fragrant garden of the ON Grace.
The Supreme Lord is one, but ON has many opposites and opponets. A certain
summary of his opposites is Apophis, who has many faces. Apophis represents
uncertainty, chaos, destruction, but also the morbid fascist precision of
liquidation; and many others.
The meadow is full of owers and fragrant trees, but they have their roots in the
dark earth, where it is dark, damp and unfriendly. Loathsome insects swarm
there, and fat white worms break down the dead bodies of plants and animals
into rot, which forms food for the growth of other plants. When you do not
appreciate the living and beautiful Light of the Spirit in your actions, it is like
pouring poison on the plants because they are infected with mold. It happens
when you passively watch the admonition that ON is telling you that you have to
deal with something and you try to avoid it instead.
Then ON gets into deprivation of the ON Grace and departs from your Self. It’s
like when you turn off a light and it is replaced by its opposite, which is

darkness. The disgraced King departs, and from the depths of the dark hole
emerges the ancient propagandist of vengeance Nemesis, one of His opposites, a
predator that bites, destroys and causes suffering to those who have despised
their ON by refusing to recognize their Shadow. If they poured poison on the
roots of the King’s owers, then Nemesis will also poison them with her poison
and can destroy something beautiful and alive on the surface. The ON ower will
die and it is not easy to bring it back to life.
If you are ruled by the Evil Spirit of the Vanity Gray, then there is no hope of
settling with ON and returning the Spirit. This is about the grudge feelings that
come out after Apophis is launched. You are in a desolate cold night desert, full
of scorpions and poisonous snakes. Without prophesying knowledge, this bleak
state cannot be remedied.
Nemesis will absolve those who did not remember to drink from the fountains of
wisdom of the ON Opinions, from all the divine favor of the Supreme Lord. They
will no longer have access to it, and the only thing left for them will be the Evil
Spirit, who will catch them in his net and take over their lives. Nemesis is Vanity
Gray’s helper and she will punish them with a terrible feeling of despair,
hopelessness and nothingness. It is akin to plunging into a frosty empty void,
falling into a bottomless dark abyss of eternal impermanence.

The dance of the opposites

Nothing can be understood or known outside of its opposites. It is not possible to

know the Heavenly Love, if its opposite, the Infernal Hate, is not known.
In Oneness, All Is One; so also the Heavenly Love and the Infernal Hate are in
One; and then it is impossible to distinguish them from each other.
In order for ON to recognize the Heavenly Love, He rst had to separate it from
the Infernal Hate and observe how both manifest and intermingle in all forms of
Outside of Heavenly Love, ON abounds in an in nite number of aspects, each of
which has its opposite, and each of the pair manifests itself at lower levels only as
ON represents Fullness and its opposite is Vanity and thus Nothingness. Vanity is
ON deprived from ON; it is the vain Nothingness that exists in various
appearances in the form of potentiality.
Nothingness as such basically does not exist, but the ON World is full of
paradoxes. In the ON World everything is possible and nothing is impossible;
because ON is all that exists, and manifests even in that which does not exist.
That is why even Nothingness is not and at the same time is a part of ON.
Darkness is the opposite of Light. Darkness does not exist, it cannot be measured
or created. Light freed from Light is Darkness, which is the lack of Light. Where
is less Light, there is more Darkness.
The uni ed ON was, and still is, one in nitely small and at the same time
in nitely large point. ON, plunged into the depths of gloomy loneliness, broke
apart with a burst of reworks of his desire for company and conscience of
ON projected himself into the opposite canvas, on which is the opposite of ON
and these are the opposites of everything that ON is one in Unity. ON is One and
the opposites of ON are something like the summation of His Shadows on a high
From ON all its opposites were born. ON in his primordial nature represents
Truth, Grace, Heavenly Love, Emotional Intelligence, Peace, Silence and an
in nite number of other aspects of the same.

ON is the cause of the origin of Life, because the creation of the opposites of ON
created the conditions for the emergence of a parity of opposites, which are Life
and Death. The birth of Life is the seed of Death. When a person is born, at the
same moment he begins to slowly die.
Death in one ON Place is at the same time Birth in another ON Place; Birth from
the beginning contains the seed of Death, which will slowly germinate until the
White Birth becomes Black Death and the cycle repeats itself. Birth and Death are
the same, with opposite meanings.
Opposites are opposite to each other, they are in nitely distant from each other
and at the same time united into one point in Unity; opposites are the same and
opposite at the same time.
When we show Respect to the ON opposites, His opposites will show Respect to
us; respect not in the sense of favor or friendship, but Respect in the sense of
accepting the fact that they are the opposites of ON.
Whoever shows an attitude of love, favor, and acceptance towards the opposites
of ON, supports the opposite of ON, watering the carnivorous plant with
fertilizer and encouraging its growth. The growth of the opposite ON is
manifested as grumpiness; it darkens into the black darkness of nothingness and
grows to the monstrous size of a giant.
Respect is a certain opposite to the meaningful aspects of the Supreme Lord such
as Favor, Friendship, Trust, Sincerity, Heavenly Love, Cooperation and many
others. Respect is something like taking a reasonable stance in the sense of
intellectually knowing that it is the opposite of ON and it is bene cial to take him
seriously. Respect for the opposite ON is not a Feeling, but it is only a Reason.
Excusing Respect for the opposite ON is taking the position that the opposite ON
is useless, has no meaning, and that he is a completely deranged criminal, a slave
of Satan, who does not even really know what he is doing. The opposite of ON at
the highest level is also the opponent of ON; it is where ON is completely exempt
from ON and that is Satan, he is a deranged madman and he manifests himself in
many other ways in the lower levels.
All aspects of the Supreme Lord also have their opposites. For example, the
opposite of Heavenly Love is Hellish Hate. Heavenly Love is the purest, towards
Hellish Hate it is getting freed from Heavenly Love; thus Heaven’s Love is
de led, because its opposite, Hell’s Hate, is automatically set in its place.
Aspects have varying degrees of coloration, and their manifestations at lower
levels vary from heavenly white to infernal black.

The purest ON Momo is in its primordial momo-ing aspect. The more it frees
itself from itself, the more its degree changes to polluted-miasmatic, unkind-grim
to vain; it changes from white to gray to black.
Aspect of ON Momo Heavenly Love divorced from itself is Vanity and is already
very close to the Infernal Hate.
Where there is Day, there cannot be Night at the same time, and where there is
Night, there cannot be Day at the same time. However, this only applies to one
ON Place, because when it is Day in one ON Place, it can be Night in another ON
Place. Therefore, Day on one level can outwardly appear as Night on another
level and vice versa.
The Shadow is, in a certain sense, the opposite of the Image that the Shadow
creates. If the light is present, the visual or higher senses offer us perceptions of
the Images of things and at the same time their Shadows. Without Light, nothing
can be seen, neither the Image nor its opposite Shadow. The denser the mass of
the level of being, the more visible the Shadow is and the sharper its contours.
The eye cannot see the Supreme Lord, nor the Lord of Spirits, but in the presence
of His Light it can see His various Images and their Shadows, which have
different sizes and shapes, according to how close and in what position the
Source of Light is.
Human things are the shadows of the heavenly things, the knowledge and
evolution of the human soul is related to the ability to approach and rotate the
Source of Light so that the image and its shadows can be viewed well.
The opposite of the Self that manifests itself as Man is its opposite Self, and thus
is its Shadow.
All the character traits that a person shows on the outside have their opposite in
the Shadow. It doesn’t matter which opposite side they come from.
All souls are burst forth from the single Source of all souls by outward expression
of Feeling and Passion. If the consciousness of a person directs its attention to the
external world of multiplicity of forms, then it cannot contain everything that is
there. Man nds ON only if he turns his imagination inward, towards Oneness.
The Spiritual Heart and Enlightened Mind are the opposites on the Spirit’s Lord
level; this couple’s dance leads to Understanding.
Understanding and Thinking are inseparable concepts. One is related to the
other, one leads to the other, and both are opposites to each other. Understanding
is one, and at the opposite pole it is concerned with the multiplicity of Thinking.
Understanding leads to Thinking with the mind set about what is already
understood. Mental Thinking leads to Understanding the Word of ON Opinions,
but only half of it.

For a fuller understanding of the Word, it is necessary for the soul to have its own
Spirit. It is a Spirit from the level of the Lord of Spirits, through whom ON is
present in the soul, if the soul has not deprived ON from ON. If the soul
abandoned ON, it also left the Spirit.
The Spirit helps the Understanding by hinting in the form of a deep inner
radiance; it is also Thinking, but on a higher level of Spiritual Heart and
Enlightened Intellect. And that is the second half needed to realize the Word.
Understanding and Thinking are opposites, just like Feeling and Reason. They
are so interconnected that it is impossible to understand the Word without
Feeling, just as it is impossible to Think about the Word without Reason.
The opposite of Heavenly Love is Vanity. It is not possible to get rid of Vanity by
resistance. The resistance of one side causes the same resistance from the other
side and their sum is double. Resisting Vanity leads to even more Vanity.
Both resisting and plunging into Vanity is the embrace of a strangling serpent.
The more the victim resists, the tighter the hug and the more pressure. Vanities
cannot be successfully opposed.
A passive attitude towards Vanity is a surrender to Vanity, because Vanity is also
in a certain sense ON, as it is the opposite of ON. Not with an unkind attitude
towards Vanity, the Oort Cloud of Heavenly Love ON will appear, which will
forgive Vanity and plunge into a milder Vanity. A passive attitude does not mean
giving up or letting yourself be strangled. A passive attitude means
understanding that Vanity is also ON in the sense of its opposite and has its own
Resisting Vanity does not lead to success and victory over Vanity. These attempts
only lead to a stronger strangulation, or the strangulation is released and another
snake comes and poisons its victim. Opposing Vanity is also praying, or
removing its manifestations by various external or internal means. Surrendering
to Vanity means surrendering to the opposite of ON.
A milder Vanity will allow Knowledge to be mapped. In vain Vanity it is
impossible to come to acquaintance, because that is complete psychological
suffering, which makes any knowledge impossible.
The opposite of Passivity is Activity. A bene cial attitude towards Vanity is
Passive; the bene cial attitude to Heavenly Love and to other aspects of the
primary ON is Active. An active attitude is a conscious participation in the
cognitive process of the Supreme Lord, and thus the admonition of Vanity is
forgiven, and ON is graciously aligned with the ON Helper. An active attitude
also means using your archetypal talents and abilities in the best possible way.

An active attitude is also an attitude in the sense of realizing the nature of
creative cognition, and that is the realization that this process is half an April
Fool’s Joke and half a Serious Thing. The Serious Thing is an aspect of the
singular ON, and its opposite is the April Fool’s Joke. The Serious Thing is half
Mammon’s Knowing ON and half it is ON Opinions, which are universal Rules.
Mammon’s Knowledge is ON’s vain desire to gather knowledge freed from ON
Momo, because it also brings a certain suffering, without which there is no
Mammon’s Knowledge is the opposite of the universal Rules, because they
contain the Word that prophesies that ON proposes momo-ing as
accommodating sympathy and not unnecessary Suffering.
Mourning and Suffering are also opposite aspects of ON. Momo-ing in the sense
of Momo’s ON Momo is Heavenly Love, which is the opposite of Suffering.
Suffering in itself is futile because apart from knowledge it has no meaning for
In nite is the ON World. The opposing side is cloned into another pair of
opposites, and each side is cloned into the others. It is an endless pyramid of
multiplicity of aspects of ON.
All human life, even the afterlife and even life on the higher planes, is an endless
sequence of constant struggle of opposites.
The dance of opposites is like a battle dance, it is something like sparring within
the Self. Even if we compare it to a ght or a match, it is not a bitter ght in
which there is a winner and a loser.
When the dance of opposites takes place externally with others, it is often no
longer a dance but a struggle. In the end, however, it still takes place inside one’s
own Self.
On one hand, the goal of sparring is to train the trainee to appropriate reactions,
support his skills, develop his habits and gain experience in different situations;
all this in the sense of the Word of ON Opinions.
On the other hand, its purpose is to bring knowledge to the viewer, who is the
Supreme Lord, and he either watches with pleasure, with interest, or with
disgust, how his helpful ON Helper is doing.
The dance of opposites is a competition between two irreconcilable and mutually
contradictory opposites, which has no meaning without a pair.
Spirit is the eternal opposite of Matter, and Man is the opposite of his Shadow.

Dancers and sparring partners are a pair of the Spirit of man set against the
snares of matter; or in other words it is a man dancing with his Shadow. As a
person moves, so does his Shadow.
The movements of the warrior-dancer normally cause a corresponding opposite
movement of his opponent-partner dancer.
If the opponent runs away or moves abnormally, it’s not okay. Then it’s a very
awkward dance and a messy ght.
It does not bring joy, a good feeling, or a result in the form of acquired
knowledge and experience; on the contrary, its consequence is a feeling of
disgust, fatigue and futility.
Argentine Tango is a dance of the opposites of Man and Woman; it is a dance full
of passion and feeling, but also correct attitudes, precise movements and mutual
adaptation with exible cat movements.
In the manifested physical world, opposites are not so visible and obvious, many
are hidden and will appear only in some situation. If the partners are trained,
coordinated and anticipate their movements, then the dance is graceful and uid,
full of pleasure.
Everything that is born is full of passions and fervour, because birth itself is a
product of passion. At the level of our world, passion is a re ection of Feeling
and the vain Desire for something that can be truly loved.
Where all boundaries intersect and all opposites meet, there is a point from
which life ows.
As Chief Seattle said: All things share the same breath of the Great Spirit; beast,
tree, man and wolf. Air shares its Spirit with everything it supports. The Great
Spirit always helps to speak the Truth Quietly, to listen with an open mind when
others Speak Loudly; to remember that Peace is hidden in Silence.

Trip around the world

Each person comes into the world with a certain plan that re ects his past
deeds; what ON considers to be the Past will always catch up with a person’s
soul, no matter how it is forgotten, hidden, or locked in a white cof n, full of old
bones and corpse impurity.
However, a person does not know what his plan is, what awaits him on the path
of life and for what reasons.
Those who embarked on the outer path have a fairly precise plan written for
them by the Arti cial Spirit of Matrix. This plan does not contain a complete
description of the plot, but it is accurate in the sense of the type of scenarios that
lead nowhere, which will ll their Fate according to the karma that the Vanity
Gray will bring to their lives in an endless wheel.
Those who embarked on the inner path have a less precise plan, it is written half
by the Matrix’s Arti cial Spirit and the other half by the true Spirit. The plan can
be adapted and improved according to the degree of participation of the Lord of
Spirits; or worse if they forgive His part in the turning scenario of the wheel of
No one here is pure enough to be born here with the full plan of the Lord of
Spirits, because then they have nothing of the karma to exonerate on the earthly
plane; and therefore his existence here would have no meaning and would not
take place.
By fully embarking on the path of knowledge of the Lord of Spirits, by removing
the connections to the Matrix, a radical change of Fate takes place, in such a way
that the plan of the Spirit of Matrix is canceled and Fate ceases to exist.
The windows of the opportunities open wide, often only half-open and close
after a while. The opportunity is temporary and may represent a shortcut to
another plot.
Through an open window of opportunity, it is possible to enter a magical castle,
the corridors of which can lead to a completely new story and previously
unimaginable knowledge, bene cial to the Traveler and helpful to the Supreme

However, succumbing to temptations can also be an open window of
opportunity; it’s like jumping out of a window, which can be followed by a hard
By knowing the Word of the ON Opinions, the risk of slipping on an inclined
surface is reduced.
One day, the whole human life, even the cycle of soul evolution, resembles a
journey around the globe.
In the evening, when the soul settles down for the night’s sleep, its earthly
identity loses its meaning. Immersion in sleep is like temporary Death. The subtle
soul dies at night and goes to the astral world, where it goes even after the nal
end of life.
She leaves to be reborn in the morning. It is similar to Death because Death is
also only a temporary departure from the body.
In the morning the soul returns to its earthly expression, which is its body; this
phenomenon represents the Birth because it is similar to the Incarnation and it is
also her temporary Death in the astral ON Places in which she dwelt at night.

The earth is (also) a flat sphere

In manifestation on a physical level, planet Earth is a slightly attened sphere. It

rotates around its axis and in an oval motion around the Sun. Earth’s processes
are also signi cantly in uenced by its companion, the Moon. The Moon regularly
darkens the Sun and symbolizes deprivation of ON. By being tethered to the
Earth, other anomalies arise on the Earth.
Perfection of external manifestations is not the intention of the Supreme Lord;
certain irregularities have their meaning.
In non-physical terms, the Earth has the shape of an exact sphere, does not rotate,
moves in an exact circle around the Sun, and has no satellite Moon. It represents
the primordial settings of the ideal earthly creation and has been so for some time
since the creation of the earth; until this ideal state was replaced by irregularity
due to external in uences.
In the intuitive expression of the Spirit Lord’s intention, the Earth is a at round
plate, similar to a large coin. The North Pole representing ON is in the center of
the upper side illuminated by the Sun, while the South representing all the
opposites of ON is on the lower side in dark Shadow. It is similar to when
someone dreams of a house they want to live in, then projects it on at paper and
nally builds it into physical reality, with some deviations from the original plan.

Geography of the Earth

The North and South Poles are in the center of the at Earth coin and meet at one
point; round coin Earth is divided in half by a line in the middle. One half
represents the West and the other the East. The more from the center, the further
you can get to the West, or on the opposite side to the East.
The sun of the Supreme Lord rises in the East and sets in the West, with the
arrival of night darkness, the terrible monster Apophis creeps in. By crossing the
West edge of the Earth coin, the Traveler reaches the East of the bottom side of
the coin.
Similarly, as at the middle point of the coin the upper ON meets the lower
opposite of ON deprived from ON. By crossing the edge of the coin, East and
West meet, ipping into a world turned upside down. Different places on the
edges of the coin represent different aspects of ON.
The lower side of the at Earth is a release from ON, it is a world of opposites
and also symbolizes the astral ON Place where opposites are manifested much
more clearly than on the earthly physical plane.
The sun represents the Creator, the birth of a new day, human life and the cycle of
knowledge; it comes out in the East.

A parable about a journey around the world

You can symbolically travel the whole world in one life, or in one learning cycle.
You start your journey in the north, continue east, then west, then south, until
nally, guided by the North Star, you head north. With a regular and ideally
smooth movement, the line of your journey drawn around the terrestrial globe
will describe the curve of a spiral. If you experience it all and don’t get stuck
anywhere along the way, you will return home more experienced, educated and
Traveling to the West is also traveling to the East from the opposite side.
Human souls who have decided to embark on a journey to mysterious lands
begin their journey around the world from the North Center. It is a place of silent
white endless plains, from where the Traveler begins their exploration of the ON
They travel to the East and discover the Earth, the primordial beauty of this
unique planet, the magni cence of the mountains, the mystery of the caves, and
the picturesqueness of the natural manifestations of the creation of the Supreme

There is plenty of everything necessary for life in the Eastern Earth. The earth
willingly provides its treasures and protection to humans; however, it will also
show its destructive power against the unkind.
Some will like this world and stay in it. They are the Righteous, and they are at
home on the Eastern Earth and enjoy the creation so much that they forget the
Creator who provided them with those treasures. The Righteous have become
lazy carp, completely immersed in the murky waters of the silted pond.
However, centrifugal force is also a good thing for an external person, because it
gives him many opportunities to satisfy his sensual desires. This power actually
materializes him. However, she is a big illusion, as the creative Angels in their
wild imagination also nd pleasure in the multiplicity of shapes of the outside
world of the Matrix. But not in everything.
Those who are satis ed with the knowledge of the Earth and its fruits continue
their journey. They mount their barges and leave the land; the currents of the Sea
Waters carry them on their backs to the West, until some of them reach from the
opposite side to the western side of the Eastern Continent.
They are searching for the source of all things, searching for the fountain of life
and the streams of health that would help humanity to alleviate the dif culties of
excessive subjection to the temptations of the material world.
However, ON does not intend to excuse suffering just like that, on demand. His
position is that the favor and puri cation of the Supreme Lord is granted to those
who come to the knowledge of the Truth and do not try too arti cially to remove
the consequences of objectionable actions, either their own or those of others.
There are also Self-willed people, those are people of unenlightened souls who
are either outwardly good or evil incarnate demons. This kind of people still rule
the Earth together with the Sinners, but behind them are the Guardians, but in
reality they are parasites who think they are the rulers of the earthly world
because they in uence the human mind to a great extent.
Some Self-willers remained anchored in this magical world full of fantasy and
hidden dangers; the others went to the South. Drought and heat accompany their
journey to the places bordered by the desert, in which the vegetables of Grace do
not grow, scorpions and poisonous snakes live there; also wild tribes in the
diversity of the jungle. There are strange peoples who pierce their skin and dance
in a trance around the Fire at night, intoxicated by the swirling sounds of drums.
They form partnerships with beings from the astral spirit world and the realm of
the dead to get what is not meant for them.

Many Sinners, seduced by this world, remain here under the spell of the sorcerers
of Guardians, trapped in city walls, harbor taverns, brothels, and marketplaces
full of worthless, glittering vanities for which they pay the ultimate price.
By demons here is meant the low lust of man. This manifests outwardly as the
lust of the astral body, but also by mental qualities that originate in the lower Self.
This is where the Fallen Souls come from, they are darkened to such an extent
that they can no longer be fed with the heavenly bread of knowledge. He longs to
feed on the garb of the Guardians, but also on the heavenly nectar of Grace, only
if it is stolen somewhere. Drops became their passion and delight.
But the handful of travelers were disturbed by the constant singing, shouting,
and trampling of many feet; they could not hear the voice of the Lord of Spirits in
it reminding them that it was time to start their journey home.
They feel that trying to conform to Sinners leads their souls to destruction; that
the suppression of their resistance to them is a battle already lost, because Vanity
cannot be won by Vanity Effort. They cannot stay there unless they want to sell
their souls and become a sacri ce to the Guardians on the altar of Vanity.
Their ears loathe the war rumbling of the people of the South, and their eyes
loathe the sight of false tinsel; they intuitively sense that something is wrong
when they see a hyena in sheep’s clothing.
However, they cannot always distinguish between good and bad; because their
past subjection to the intoxications and temptations of Vanity results in a
weakening of the ability to distinguish Truth from Falsehood.
But they are beginning to realize the transience of outer life; and quietly yearn for
homecoming and redemption.
Going into solitude and separating from the poor in spirit is not always
completely possible, so it is often enough to look for as many opportunities as
possible to be alone, at least in thoughts.
The Chosen ones are those who have known much of what was to be known to
them in the journey of their souls; even to a much greater extent than was
necessary. For a long time they were subject to the temptations of the material
world, until they nally broke free from the traps of the parts of the world they
visited and set out to nd their homeland.
They sail across the great ocean, but their barges are heavy, loaded with goods,
the spoils of both exploration and conquest, and they must have sunburned
slaves and rough, scarred oarsmen to even move from port to open sea.
Travelers would bene t from the sight of them, if in the hidden place of the soul
they could remember the reasons why they have them near them: the unpleasant
adventures they have lived and the suffering they have caused. That they

themselves were galleymen, slaves and slave owners. However, many lives have
passed since then, memories have been swept away by the sands of time, until
the memory is no longer visible.
They sail even in the dark night, the way is full of traps, hidden cliffs, huge
octopuses, islands where sirens sing; and where beautiful witches live, offering
sailors rest, pleasure, and a drink of eternal oblivion.
Because the Chosen have betrayed the Ruler of this world, the Lord of Spirits
sends his army after them in the form of demons to pursue them again with the
help of his tools: the Self-willed and the Sinners.
The centripetal force leading inward appears initially to be evil because it
destroys old vices, passions and sins, which can be associated with suffering. On
the other hand, it brings joy and peace at higher levels.
On the way, they see ships wrecked on the shoals, many wrecks are invisible.
They are mercifully hidden in the depths of the sea. These are the ships of those
who clung to their prey, unwilling to give up their oarsmen and slaves; all that
weight made it impossible to maneuver the ship during the storm, until it nally
sank them and dragged them to the bottom.
Some ships were taken over by oarsmen and slaves, rebelled, landed on one of
the islands and never left. The sailor became their hostage and slave, he himself
was unable to go to sea and also remained on the island.
If the soul wants to nd its rst home, it must leave behind the creatures of its
passions, infatuations and addictions to material things, and in purity of mind
and peace of heart make its way inside.
It’s been like this since ancient times. Anointed ON Helpers always come into the
world to show the Chosen the way to their lost home. These are the Helmsmen
on board of the sailors; the Guides, who help them nd their way home.
The righteous can also join them if they are addressed by the Word of ON
Opinions. The Chosen Ones implement the Word of ON Opinions in life, while
the Self-willed only talk about it, or impose it on others in a diluted, distorted
The journey home is long, and those who are careful and purposeful in their
foresight, have not crashed or landed anywhere. If storms hit them and house-
sized waves threaten to sink the ship, they are ready. They have taken on board
the Guide Helmsman, who also sails North to the center of the at coin of the
They prefer to give up all that they owned and that was their own; just so they
can successfully continue towards the goal.

The centrifugal spiritual force attracts the soul of man to material things, but the
centripetal spiritual force destroys the connections to material things and draws
the soul of man towards the center towards the Unity and that is represented by
the North.
They gradually threw away most of the laden goods, landed their galleymen and
slaves on land, and set them at liberty; until nally only the Traveler and his
Helmsman remain.
Their infallible navigation is the North Star, which for ages has shown lost sailors
the way, reminding them that ON Is and helping them get home.
The ship no longer needs oarsmen, because it is driven by the breath of the Great
Spirit, leans with the Air of His wind into the sails of their barges and leads them
to the center of the Earth to the North.
The Chosen ones are those who embarked on the journey of searching for the lost
inner home. In Sinners, the dark condensed smoke of the creative process
prevails, in Self-willers chaotic black re prevails, and in Chosen ones, calm
white light prevails.
People are often a mixture of these essences; on the way to the center of the
North, the Guide guides them so that they do not get too wet, and then gradually
the scabs from the battles fall off, the wounds heal, and their old, unnecessary
essences remain by the wayside, abandoned to their fate, until the Chosen and
Righteous ones remains, cleansed of his past and ready for his future.
These Words of ON Opinions convey meaning to those who listen to them and
embody the truth.
There will be few who will lend their ears to these words. Even if these
conclusions of the Word will not be of interest to many, such a person can
unknowingly take his part from them.
However, if a person were to learn to recognize how the world was created by
the Word of the ON Opinions, that this became Necessity and Predestination, if
he knew that his destiny was controlled by the Guardians, then he could not
despise the wisdom of the Word and the heavenly world of the Supreme Lord.

Vision of the Tree of Knowledge

Every person has his Shadow. The shadow is the human unconscious Self, it
represents the sum of karmic records, some of them are currently active, but
many are sleeping. When they are active, dark programs and blockages are
triggered, which is manifested in the form of pain, suffering and a wide range of
life’s inconveniences. Many records remain unmanifested, but this does not mean
that they do not exist, they are just waiting for the time when they when they
appear on the surface. The time will soon come when all the karmic records of all
people will begin to wake up from their long sleep, the programs will start and
the blockages will block the ow of Grace.
It will gradually cause a big change. People will change, they will not be the same
as before, because they will appear as they are in their full extent, their karma
will be manifested all at once and on a large scale. It will show who is who and
what is what. Some will understand quickly and some will take a long time to be
allowed to tap into the well of knowledge. For many, it will only be in the
afterlife astral world.
The Head of Days will plunder ON Grace from ON Grace, it will bring great
darkness. However, in the depths of darkness, a spark of hope burns, there is a
small piece of ON Grace left, who can restore sight to the blind and hearing to the
deaf, if they will blow on that spark until that spark becomes Heavenly Light. It
is the knowledge of Truth and it cannot be obtained except by plunging into
one’s own darkness with the help of ON. The truth is not outside, but inside its
own Shadow, where it awaits its discoverer.
The truth will be revealed, pretense and falsehood will lose their power over the
Chosen and the Righteous. It is like when a gigantic water reservoir lls up after
prolonged rains. This provokes the Angel, his name is the Head of Days, and he
will rule the days of mankind until its end. The Head of Days strikes with a great
hammer and breaks the dam wall. Security systems collapse; the previously
regulated out ow of water will turn into a great destructive torrent, a dirty water
mass that will take with it everything that stands in its way. Debris of buildings,
mud, cars, everything becomes part of it and multiplies its devastating effect. The
water tank is huge and will take a long time to empty. The destructive mass will
sweep away all those who did not want to hear about it coming, are standing in

its way, are sitting in their cars, did not manage to escape in time from their
homes cluttered with unnecessary furniture.
They did nothing to avoid it. They are bound by connections to the Matrix that
prevent them from free movement and escape, and these are part of their own
Shadows that they have refused to deal with. The path to remove the connections
leads to a dark tunnel where their Shadow resides, there is a monster that is the
cause of all suffering.
He who dares to enter the darkness of the labyrinth of his own Shadow is a Hero.
But he must know the way to get to it and he must have a thread by which he can
get out of the dark labyrinth back out into the light. The hero is a passenger in a
car driven by the Guide, who takes him to the tunnel and shows him the
obstacles he has to recognize along the way. She shows him a large tree that
stands right on the way to the tunnel. They stop by that tree and the Guide says
to the Hero:

“This is the Tree of Life. Life is like a coin and it has two sides. On the upper side,
the head of the King is shown and that is Grace. At the bottom is the tail of
Apophis and that is Suffering. It depends on you which side of the coin you turn
upwards to the light. Whichever side you turn the coin up, the same side life will
then turn towards you. If you turn it upside down with the King’s side, you will
receive Grace. If you turn it towards Apophis, you will get endless Suffering. In
order to turn a coin right side up, you have to know what the symbols and letters
mean; and you must accept the Word of the ON Opinions into your life.”

The Tree of Life is the Tree of Suffering and its fruit is poisoned apples. The Tree
of Life is also the Tree of Knowledge and its fruit is healthy nutritious
apples. Loving Knowledge is the knowledge of Truth, which opens the gates of
heaven and closes the gates of hell; while Vain Knowledge is knowledge without
knowledge, it is plunging into the depths of lies and the glitter of falsehood, it
opens the gates of hell and closes the gates of heaven, and its fruit is Suffering.
Knowledge is like a coin that has two sides. ON is the head of the coin, it is
Knowledge that is the expression of Grace. The tail of the coin is Apophis, it is
Vanity Knowledge which is manifested as the endless Suffering of Vanity.
Knowledge through the path of Grace liberates and dissolves connections to the
Matrix. For many it is a small tree and for some it is a huge tree. The bigger the
tree, the deeper its roots in hell; so says the universal Word: as above, so below;
the tree of life is destiny, it is the story of life with everything it brings.
If you take off those dark glasses that you always wear on your nose, you will see
that the tree of Suffering can turn into a tree of Knowledge and its fruit can be

Grace. If you know the truth about yourself, you also know something about the
essence of the world. See that torrent from the broken dam rolling down the hill
towards us? Do you see the phenomenon of the natural laws of the primordial
Creator? Do you see how much debris the water carries and how the debris will
block access to their tunnel for many because they didn’t go that way in time?
They are their own ruins, the remains of everything they arti cially built and did
not remove. They are also the remains of the dam wall they built to prevent the
natural ow of the River of Life. The Dark Angel Head of Days destroys and
takes with him everything that stands in his way; and will make the way to their
Tree of Knowledge impossible for many latecomers.
The Dark Angel is accompanied by the Light Angel, he is a representative of
Grace and helps to gain knowledge for the ready and willing, the Chosen and the
Righteous. The same water that destroys and devastates, at the same time
uncovers what has been hidden until now and thus helps knowledge.
Watch how the water washes the roots of your Tree of Life until the top is visible.
Are you beginning to see how deceptive the illusions you indulged in and
enslaved you for many lifetimes are? Do you see the essence of what you
considered normal until recently? They are only dark roots growing out of rotting
organic dead matter, which is also the source of Knowledge if you understand
and forget it. But the roots reach deep into the earth, where there are worms,
spiders and centipedes, there is rot and the dead remains of what was once alive.
All these creatures are ruled by your Shadow. In order to eat the fruit of Grace,
you must know the roots from which your Tree of Life grows, to nd out from
what foundation your fruit of Grace grows. You have to go on a journey to your
own Shadow and ask him about it all. Your Shadow, through the Angels, will tell
you the stories it has experienced, and they are your stories, for your Shadow is
the sum total of the dark remnants of your own past Self. Together, they activated
suffering for you, which only returns to you what you once did to others. Maybe
then you will understand that the core of all suffering is you yourself, your past
actions. You didn’t want to get to know them and you ercely resisted it.
It happens in a covert and hidden form. You won’t be able to nd out for yourself
what it’s like. This is the labyrinth from which you will escape when you have a
thread from your Guide. Then you will be able to reveal the glittering illusion of
the material world and break free from the labyrinth of unfreedom; and to know
the impermanence of the impermanent and the eternity of the eternal.

The Shadow

The Great Shaman said in my dream:

“when you dance around the re at night, watch your Shadows move in time with
your dance and icker with the ickering ames of the re. When you know your
own Shadows, you will know better who you are.”

The Shadow is unclear, crooked, because the dance is movement and therefore
the Shadow is also in motion. Even the light of the re moves, its intensity
changes, the ame ares up for a moment and then goes out again, until
Someone puts a log; or does introduce oxygen into it with the air of the Breath of
the Great Spirit, so that the ame ares up for a moment in such a way that it
Illuminates the person and highlights his Shadow so that he can see it well.
The primordial soul is always pure, although its primordial nature and character
are arranged differently and not all of them are in the most noble and virtuous
form, but at the high level of the primordial soul nature they are always pure.
The principle of creating souls is diversity. In order for a person to observe his
Shadow, his Spirit must shine upon him the Light of the Lord of Spirits.
A soul has a Spirit, if it has not rejected it by its actions in its lives. A spiritless
soul has only the Evil Spirit of Vanity, which manifests itself in the form of the
Arti cial Spirit of Matrix. Not everything is black and white, there are many color
shades and therefore also individual combinations.
When the Light of the Spirit shines on a person, he casts a Shadow; and when
that person moves in various ways and acquires knowledge through his actions;
and if this knowledge is well received, it strengthens the Spirit and it shines
better. If that knowledge is vain, then the energy of Grace is wasted; The Light of
the Spirit will weaken and the Darkness of the Evil Spirit of Vanity will take its
place. The true Self of man is not only his Image, but also his Re ection; and that
in this case is his Shadow. There is yet another Re ection, and that is the mirror
and what is re ected in it; but that’s another story.
Not only knowledge, but also good and helpful deeds done by other loving ON
Helpers are added to the good at the level of the Lord of Spirits. On the contrary,
vain knowledge, evil deeds and non-conformity with ON Opinions are added to

the Shadow at the causal level of the Matrix; the Shadow grows stronger, the
Light of the Spirit weakens, and the Darkness of Vanity increases.
Our Self can be likened to a wheel, it is like a raisin cake, the size of which
increases in proportion to the knowledge that the soul has acquired on the
different levels of its existence, in the case of humans, especially on the earthly
level. The cake batter represents dark karma and the raisins light merit. Knowing
his Shadows, ON will replace the dark cake batter with light raisins; they
represent graceful cognition. After all, the cake can be transformed into just
raisins and a little bit of dough.
Real knowledge happens when a person fully realizes that he is gaining
knowledge for ON and not just for himself, for his vain Ego. This can be a
startling realization for many, because it is the essence of our reason for existence:
graceful knowledge and development of ON.
In this case, who is the ON for whom a person gains knowledge? That is also the
individual ON who dances around the re at night and knows his Shadows
shown by the light of the Spirit, who is also ON and ON is also everywhere
The shadow consists of what remains unprocessed from the past deeds;
unresolved by compatible knowledge according to the ON Opinions. We cannot
see the shadow well because it is night, it moves with us because we are dancing
and the light is also moving. Sometimes our Shadow is like this, sometimes like
that; however, as long as we are awake, we have the opportunity to recognize
him in various forms. Each, even partial graceful knowledge strengthens the
Light of the Spirit, thereby highlighting the contours of the Shadow, and we can
then see it better.
Everything is there, revealed to you; and also what you are not aware of, what is
hidden and does not directly manifest on the outside. A dream simile is like your
clothes, which when you wear them, in a sense form your identity. It consists of
the clothes you wear during this period, which is how you show yourself on the
outside. What you are wearing now is active, the rest of what you have in your
wardrobe is inactive. Furthermore, you also have the older things in boxes
somewhere that you have already forgotten and that you used to wear long ago;
back then it was part of your identity. The clothes you picked up and threw away
when you were cleaning out your closet symbolically represent resolved karma;
that is what you have already come to know well and have taken such an internal
attitude towards it that you no longer want to be it.
The unmanifested Self of a person is similar to a program on a television that is
completely turned off or is pulled from the mains. It is something like a Parallel
Soul and it is you, your Self from some of your past lives. This includes

everything that is yours, unconscious, hidden in the shadow of your present Self.
It is unmanifested; it is the unconscious.
They are karmic records, records of everything we have ever done, recorded and
accumulated over many lifetimes. We generally do not know about it until ON
manifests it into the presence of our lives; and then we may be surprised how it is
They are dark memories from ON of our objectionable actions from the past. It
can be hidden character traits, unexpressed tendencies towards addictions,
succumbing to emotions, thought patterns of behavior, everything we have done
in the past is stored; so that it manifests itself in our being and sets the possibility
for us to come to awareness.
A soul goes into a series of lives called the ”Cognitive and Developmental Cycle”
with some intention; ON, who dwells in that soul in the form of the Spirit, has
that intention. The Spirit guides the soul, ON provides right set of circumstances
for it to have the opportunity to recognize what it considers good and bad, to
have the chance to recognize in the realities of many lives its mistakes from its
previous actions; adopt attitudes towards them and reach a certain settlement
with ON. ON provides us with everything, and if we abused His gifts many
times in the past, then it takes a reasonable amount of time before things can be
put in order according to ON Opinions.

Parallel souls

Space and time do not actually exist, they are mental constructs that ON created
to help us perceive reality; they exist only in our imaginations, because
everything is mental in its essence; they are essential instruments for perceiving
the world around us and the events of our lives. The time is here for the plot to
have a fall; so that we can perceive what happened “before” and what “after”. In
a certain sense, even what has already happened still exists on the karmic level; it
is something like the manifested or unmanifested presence of raw karmic records
from the soul’s past. The time paradox plays its role in understanding the
present, past and future, i.e. also in the parallel lives.
A parallel soul is something like our own causal ghost from the past that haunts
us because something from our past is not yet aligned with ON. If there is such a
thing, then ON makes it known to us through the Spirit by offering us the
opportunity to relive the situations in which our past objectionable behavior
arose; to get another chance to come to terms with the past; get to know her and,
in the future, instead of acting in a way that is objectionable, act in a graceful way
of getting to know her according to the ON Opinions. A person’s current Self can
be made up of several components; for establishing who a person is at the
moment, it is decisive who has a dominant effect on his consciousness; and that is
either his Spirit or the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix; or something else.
A parallel Soul is also something like one’s own past self, that is a kind of
framework of a being that someone was in the past and still exists in a certain
sense in a parallel causal world. Each soul has its main primordial endowments,
with which it abounds from its creation; character, nature, or something like the
primary talent of the soul. It is an individual mix of high-level ON givens. The
soul naturally uses them in its lives from its beginning, with its development and
also depending on the circumstances, it begins to use them in an appropriate
way; and later it will probably succumb to temptations and start using them in an
inappropriate way as well.
If there is too much of it and it takes a long time, then according to the ON
Opinions it is something like abusing the givens that ON put in the soul’s wreath
during its creation. Their long-term and signi cant abuse then leads to the

emergence and strengthening of the Parallel Soul, the causal Self; which then
constantly manifests itself to the soul in other existences, it claims the word.
Even in this way, the Spirit of the Lord of Spirits gives the Soul a choice, whether
it still wants to continue abusing its original gifts, or whether it wants to come to
knowledge and get rid of the deposits of old bad habits.
It is a common phenomenon of the Earthly world that various negative entities
try to manipulate people’s consciousness, for example archon reptilian
gangsters by feeding them thoughts that do not belong to them, manipulating
emotional energies and feelings; they curse people so that they trigger diseases,
activate psychic disorders, or induce false arti cial intuitive perceptions. These
astral-mental entities try to arbitrarily join the cognitive process, with the
intention of manipulating and distorting it so that no creative knowledge occurs
and that the soul cannot free itself from them. They work oppositely to pull the
soul deeper into darkness.
Their goal is to parasitize on the energy of grace, which would potentially be
released if a person were to know in vain, that is, if he did not make any progress
in the sense of ON. Another reason is their attitudes towards people, especially
towards ON Helpers, because they hate them, envy them, want to harm them
and rob them of their love, joy and creativity and want to destroy their lives.
In principle, these parasitic reptilian entities hate ON, they want to destroy him,
dominate him and enslave him. They are proponents of Satan, they also want to
join the Parallel souls, which the Spirit feature to the Soul; because when the
causal Parallel Souls came into being, they may have participated in their
creation in some way. So they want to rejoin the soul, destroy its cognitive
process and rob it of its energy of grace. And not only that, because they want to
bring the whole Soul on the altar to Satan, who is attacking ON, wants to
completely dominate him; and this applies on both a micro and a macro scale.
What would probably happen in such a case? It would be something like ON’s
self-destruction if ON let himself be controlled by Satan, everything would
probably be controlled by Chaos. In a sense everything would come to the end
and at the same time maybe the beginning of everything again. And those dark
entities that prefer Satan and want to destroy ON would be destroyed as well. In
our earthly world, this is re ected, for example, in the way that the powers that
are constantly wreaking havoc with nuclear weapons, developing deadly viruses,
are apparently thinking that they would avoid the consequences of the global
catastrophe caused by them. Finally, it is up to the Individual, because even if he
does not change the whole world, he can work to change himself and thereby
contribute his part to the whole.

The connection with the Parallel Soul arose when a person’s actions in the past
caused some signi cant karmic record, which then began to manifest itself in his
fate in many lives. The meaning of the Parallel Soul is the main motive of actions;
which has to do with the primordial nature and character of the soul. The
connection with past Selves has always been a part of the soul since its inception,
even if a person as a soul bearer may not be consciously aware of it at all.
The past speaks for itself, and it doesn’t have to be a matter of a past life, this
current one is enough. What happened in it forms part of the personality and
completes its positive and negative sides; although determining what is positive
and what is negative is a relative term, because it depends mainly on subjective
perception and point of view.
A person is a soul manifested on a physical level, that is what you see with your
senses; but it goes much higher. It’s like your Spirit is standing behind you and
there’s someone else who hinders between you and your Spirit, and that’s
your Parallel Soul. Spirit moves it into your Self for you to recognize your major
causal Self. The more you get to know him and realize what your actions were or
weren’t according to the ON Opinions, the smaller the causal Self is and the more
the space between Soul and Spirit becomes free. The parallel Self essentially
obstructs and makes it impossible for the Spirit to fully manifest itself in the soul.
When the Parallel Self is removed by knowledge, it withdraws and the freed
space then allows the Soul to work directly with its Spirit from the Lord of
Spirits, outside the in uence of other harmful entities that habitually attach to the
Parallel Self. He is in all of it, alongside it and all around, acting on it in an
unsuspected mystical way. One day, perhaps, there will be a reuni cation, and
one will be confronted with one’s own past selves in such a way that one can
come to terms with them fairly, and the unpaid bills of the past no longer haunt

Memento of karma

All moderate and severe suffering of a person is caused by the perception of the
manifestations of his karma, which manifests to him in various forms; their
common denominator is unfavorable life situations, pain, physical illnesses and
many others, but especially psychological problems.
Learning about one’s karma and its causes is a memento for a person, because it
is an individual information about the primary causes of their suffering. It
indicates the way to a possible remedy, and if a person acquires this knowledge,
becomes aware of it and provides space for his remedy, it is a necessary
prerequisite for eliminating the primary cause of the problem, misery, illness and
related psychological suffering.
It often happens that a person is clearly not suffering, he lives his life quite
normally, but a quiet persistent feeling from somewhere inside tells him that
something is wrong with him. It can be a feeling of a certain uselessness, futility
of being, or a vague feeling that we missed something important; it is the
unconscious that wants to enter the consciousness of the human soul. In this way,
the spirit lets us know that something is on the agenda that needs to be paid
attention to.

Dream symbolism

We may have a vague feeling that we are missing a train and then, under the
in uence of external and internal circumstances, we get on one, turn the direction
of our life, only to nd out after a while that there is no point in getting off that
train and switching to something else. Sometimes it’s just another train. That
journey is the dream symbolism of the ”Travelling around the world“, we stand
on the platform, then we travel by train, plane, we go on foot, by car, by bicycle,
by boat, again on foot and it is not clear to us whether it is good or bad; whether
we are going the right way, or whether we are not going only in appearance. It’s
a long-distance race, it’s stages, involving different means of transport, to get to
the destination, which is hidden in mysterious lands. When I set out on a
spiritual journey, or more precisely when a spiritual journey set out to receive me,
I had no idea where it would lead me.

Feelings of Vanity

In the case of feelings of futility, uselessness, or depression, we basically have two

The rst option is to cover them with some intensive activity, entertainment,
work, alcohol, drugs; or forcibly trample them down by autosuggestion of
positive thinking, af rmations, practicing intense religious or esoteric practices.
After some time, it can happen that the Spirit, which tries to tell us something
with those feelings and get us on the trajectory of graceful knowledge and
spiritual upliftment, in a certain sense also gets a feeling of Futility, because its
efforts will be in vain. Maybe the Spirit will give up and try again after some
time, or it won’t come back. It may happen that the Spirit will insist on its way
and will motivate the uncooperative person to make amends in one way or
The second possibility is that we will constantly emotionally think about those
feelings, look for causal connections and answers to the question: “what the heck
is happening to me?”; so then it can happen that the Spirit notices that and starts
paying more attention to us, presenting us with challenges in the form of life
situations, or acting in dreams. It’s not just by chance that you don’t dream
anything (or only a little) for a long time and then suddenly it starts. Leaving it
just like that is like ignoring the notices that the tax of ce sends you by email.
However, it can also happen that behind the feelings of Vanity or depression is
the Dark Spirit of the Vanity Gray; represented by archon mental entities or
reptilian parasites; who want to torture a person and rob him of his energy of
grace. It is diverse. Even in such a case, it is appropriate to deal with the causes of
“why the have chosen me”, what the Spirit wants to tell me, how to proceed with
it and how to get rid of them. If you will be able to nd out the source of the
feelings at all; whether it is your Spirit, the Spirit of Vanity, or the Arti cial Spirit
of the Matrix; because it may not be easy to distinguish one source of Vanity from

Understanding your karma

The rst step of a person on the way leading to the understanding of his own
karma is to understand his true identity and the closely related primary
properties of the soul, because karma also arises when a person uses the Nature,
Character and Talents of his soul in a distorted way in his life. Another cause of
karma is succumbing to the false Ego.
The surest way to understand your own karma and therefore also yourself is to
take a good look at your life so far. Take a close look to your actions, decisions,

attitudes, hidden internal motivations that led to them; about the feelings,
thoughts and circumstances that accompanied those actions; mental patterns and
similarities expressed in them. This requires a considerable amount of self-
re ection, openness and honesty with oneself. Those actions, at least the urge to
do them, tend to repeat themselves in life. A lot of karma can be read from this,
including karma from past lives.

Manipulations of the Archontic Guardians

Then there are dreams that are clues; it is also possible to read something, or even
a lot, from them. The extent to which dreams are manipulated or distorted is
questionable. There are different types of dreams. Another option is to nd out
information about karma in an occult way, but there is a risk of connecting with
negative entities, who will probably try to either in ate karma to incredible
proportions, or they will invent anything to make someone believe them; so that
they have the opportunity to try to rob a person of their energy of grace. Sorting
information from these sources according to veracity is dif cult and the result is
It is those entities who have appointed themselves as Guardians of Karma, and
that is literally like appointing the Horned Goats as a gardeners. They are the
metastases of Satan’s cancer; they seek to destroy and devour the divine essence
of the human soul. The Guardians themselves pretended to be the rulers of this
world, legislators, judges and executors of their “justice”.
So what kind of justice can it be when a manipulated human soul has sometimes
interfered with these satanic proponents, or their allies, without even knowing it
and they are now trying to do their “justice”? It’s not entirely clear. My position
on the justice of karma is that the justice here is limited by the fact that there is
too much Satan in this World; which is represented by the reptilian beings just
mentioned, but also by their earthly lackeys, the “elite rulers of the world”, but
also by many ordinary people. Where there are proponents of Satan, Apophis
works and spreads Chaos and Uncertainty.
It is necessary to be aware of this and let your Spirit guide you from the labyrinth
of Uncertainty towards your ON. When a person turns to ON and follows the
path of his Spirit, ON reveals to him from his past lives what the person does not
remember; but ON will remind him of it in such a way that no parasitic entity
can reach him. ON selects from past karma what He deems necessary to resolve
in order for ON to come to terms with His earthly individual.

Manipulative weapons of the Darkness

We are the subject of constant manipulation, or at least attempts at it. It is all out
there around us; but also inside us; external and internal, both work in synergy
and together. Someone is coordinating it to get us where they want and our job is
to expose it, to defend against it; and then those manipulators will get where they
wanted to get us. Their own actions catch up with them because there is no
escape from their Self.
It is said: ” know your enemy and know yourself “. It could also be said this way:
get to know your manipulator and nd out if you have something in common
with him; considering your past decisions and deeds; and maybe you will get to
know something about yourself.
The outer earthly manipulators are controlled and to some extent directed by the
same astral-mental terrorists who seek to control and enslave us too, through our
insides. They have mastered their earthly avatars to an extraordinary degree;
they use them as their lackeys as long as they serve them. However, not only
elites, but also a number of “ordinary” people are to some extent possessed by
diabolical entities of various kinds.
External, earthly manipulators may also include people with whom you have a
certain relationship, you have emotional ties to them, you are bound to them by
memories from the past when you had nice experiences with them. Perhaps you
have already overlooked part of their manipulations or (mild) terror, or you have
accepted some of it with the understanding that it will somehow be xed in time.
However, it will not be done, optimism is not appropriate. The short-term x is
only on the outside, it’s just an interlude, it’s a ploy to make one believe one’s
jailer has improved and stay connected with him, at least until the next wave of
his tyranny erupts.

Internal manipulators

If you are subject to your emotionally colored selective memories, then to be

freed from them in full, is another matter. Because to the memories are attached
internal manipulators, mental entities, who persistently try to in uence the
consciousness of a person by conjuring up combinations of memories, emotions
and thoughts so that he remains attached to the dark partner and therefore

remains also attached to the astral terrorists who work together in him. If a
person allows himself to be enslaved by them, he will be subject to the Darkness
and it will play with him, tyrannize him with mental disorders, physical illnesses
and he will be drawn into tricky life situations in which other people cooperate,
also under the in uence of the Darkness.
It is your inner and mental attitude that is authoritative to free yourself from
them. Mental terrorists want to keep you in a constant cycle of stress and
suffering, once up and then down; in the spinning wheel of karma round and
round like a hamster in its perpetual run in its merry-go-round; in a movement
that does not move you anywhere.

Astral-mental terrorists

Simply imagine the Devil shoveling coal of emotions and thoughts into your
mind and feeling body, like into the steam engine of a locomotive, to keep it
moving and get you where the train is headed. The destination can be a
concentration camp, because the Devil, his earthly lackeys and astral-mental
servants are a ma a, a fascist organization; it is something like an industry: the
looting of the energy of grace.
Inner manipulators are astral-mental terrorists who act on us directly from
within; they intrude and try to invade our astral, emotional and mental bodies.
Therefore, it is advisable to know something about the weapons with which these
reptilian terrorists are constantly aiming and shooting at us. They basically use
several main manipulative tools; it is mainly thoughts and emotions; they
manifest in the consciousness, in the mind and the feeling-emotional astral body
of the human soul. If we succumb to them and make decisions in uenced by
such manipulation, it will also affect the course of our lives. It’s not science
ction, it happens normally, to a greater or lesser extent, probably to everyone.

Manipulation by feelings and emotions

Emotions include a wide range of emotional feelings of different types; they have
different intensity, color and manifest in different chakras. When someone tells
me “you’re sad” and I’m not, then nothing is wrong with me and I think: “what
does he want from me”. However, when an astral-mental parasite, in an
appropriate situation, by cursing me, works into the third chakra of the solar
plexus an energetic feeling of gnawing sadness and an accompanying thought
containing the information that I am sad and why I am sad, then it can already
have a much greater impact; especially if I don’t know how it works.
When a person suddenly feels sad without any obvious cause, or when the
thought of the cause that caused the sadness appears along with it, then this is

an obvious manipulation. If a person succumbs to it and starts (unnecessarily)
killing himself with it, then he is on the best way to lose his energy of grace. Even
if a person has long since dealt with the cause of sadness and does not even think
about it, the miserable parasites arti cially push it to him and try to extract his
energy from the person for themselves. When someone has a lot of energy of
grace, they grope and spy on him like disgusting octopuses fumbling inside him,
in his mental and astral space and try to capture something. The karmic cause
may be that the person had dealings with the dark beings sometime in the past,
and perhaps with those that return to his being in this way.


It’s like when, in a partner relationship, one gives the other the keys to the
apartment in trust, and the latter one does not want to return them after the
breakup of the relationship, because he wants to go there to spy, nd out if there
is something there that he could bene t from. Or he simply wants to annoy the
life of someone he hates and wants to feel good about harming him. So it may
have a karmic reason, but that does not mean at all that it should be repeated in
such a degenerate way for a long time and that some parasites should unjustly
pro t from it.
Parasites are not interested in a person knowing his karma and dealing with it;
and they are no longer interested in the spiritual elevation of man. On the
contrary, they want to heap their own karmic crimes on him, take his soul to the
devil and bring it to Hell. They are interested in preventing the human soul from
getting the knowledge of ON, endlessly pretending karma to be resolved, they
are just annoying and trying to suck the energy as much as possible.
But these astral-mental parasites do not have absolute power. They would like to,
but they don’t. Some of their cursing works for them and some does not, because
after all it is all ON, it is the great ON together with the individual ON, who at
the right moment will take back what he once gave them and arrange everything
according to his ON Opinions.

Abuse of emotions

Originally, emotions were intended to better depict the reality of life in the
material world. The purpose of the existence of the primordial emotions was to
use them in an appropriate way; but then someone gured out that emotions can
be abused and started using it as an insidious weapon. Similar to when we have
speakers to listen to music that complements the movie and gives the action
grease and character; and then someone will abuse that principle and use sound
as a weapon against us – sound in excessive intensity with an acoustic cannon. In

some countries, criminal authorities use continuous loud music to torture people
in custody; to force them to confess. And so it is with emotions, which astral
parasites use to torture a person and force him to do something he would not
otherwise decide to do.

Toxic relationships

Imagine a toxic relationship in which the dark partner constantly, or sporadically,

causes something like a little hell in the other’s life. Let’s assume that the other
person is a Light partner and decides to leave the relationship. However, some
astral-mental parasite will delight in bombarding him with emotions of sadness,
attachment, dependence, so that the person may succumb to the emotional
pressure and return to the relationship. By doing this, the Light partner succumbs
to the parasite’s manipulation and does essentially what they were intended to
do. Voluntarily, but under the pressure of the acoustic emotional weapon, he
returns to the relationship to be abused again and let himself be robbed of his
energy of grace by submitting to a Dark partner. It is likely, even almost certain,
that the Dark partner is an (un)conscious helper of astral parasites or someone
else from the Dark Side. From the subconscious, the Dark gets into the
consciousness of the inveterate patterns of behavior and shows them towards his
Light partner. If the Light partner in his naive goodness thinks that he will correct
and illuminates his Dark partner with his love, then he is very mistaken.
The Dark partner is often (un)consciously subtle, because if he constantly
behaved in a downright tyrannical way, the relationship would probably end
quickly and that would be the end of the looting of the energy of grace. However,
when the Dark partner behaves alternately, sometimes he is nice on the outside
for a long time and then suddenly with some word or deed, he stabs his Light
partner alive. He knows exactly where to hit. The archon entities propose to him
an attack on a sensitive place and he executes it. The Light partner’s astral heart
suddenly hurts and this can be a sign that his energy of grace has been taken
away. It’s like a psychopathic dentist drilling a living tooth into a chained patient
and later handing him a healing clove oil for pain with a nice smile; so that after
some time he could drill and cause him pain again. Basically, the following
applies here:

A person is what his worst behavior is, which he exhibits over time and the plot. A
person is not de ned by their best behavior because it can be played.

It would be too naive to think that the Dark partner is a good person and only
occasionally acts like a bully. This is how psychopaths and manipulators manifest
themselves. A good person does not know how to act as a bad person, while a

bad person can pretend to be good; it costs him a certain amount of effort, and so
after a while it naturally has to manifest itself in its true essence.
Thought manipulations include thought prompts that, in some situations, enter a
person’s mind and lead him to some inappropriate or objectionable action. They
are also stuck mental concepts and xed ideas.

Emotions and thought attacks as manifestations of karma

In principle, nothing is black and white, someone may even deserve the
manipulation. However, here it is about those who would like to get rid of the
darkness under the guidance of their Spirit and they lack a push to do so, or
helpful information in the sense that they may have done something in the past,
which is now coming back to them in this way. Confused emotions or thought
attacks can also be manifestations of karma, which the Spirit thus presents to the
soul for processing. However, as long as there are mental parasites in the game,
they are not going to stop, they act with their degenerate in uence until, like
vampires, they completely suck their prey from the energy of grace, or until ON,
with the appropriate cooperation of his earthly individual ON, throws them into
the dustbin of history as dried up lifeless ticks. Spirit presents karma for
knowledge and parasites prevent knowledge. Knowing if reptilian parasites are
still active here is far from a simple topic.
The manipulation consists in the fact that with emotions and thoughts, astral
terrorists want to manipulate the behavior of a person so that he acts “as
if” against “God’s laws”. So, on the one hand, the terrorist’s ideologues have set
“God’s laws” that people should follow; and on the other hand, they set up a
manipulation system so that people are constantly forced to break these “laws”
by the system.
But the terrorists themselves, as usual, were not subject to these laws; at least
they thought so for a long time. But God’s mills grind slowly but surely, and their
own willfulness will return to them in full. They succeeded only partially, but
that does not change the subject matter, because their intention was clear: to
terrorize the Supreme Lord ON in His earthly form; rob ON of energy of grace;
destroy ON and dominate ON. Their intentions are quite clearly re ected in
earthly events and have been so since ancient times.

The solution lies in getting to know ON and own Shadows

However, one should not just talk about the others, about the elites or astral
terrorists, that would be too easy and then a person would really be just a purely
soulless defenseless puppet without his own will, without reason, he would be
just a bio-robot who ful lls the orders and programs of the Matrix; even though it

often seems that way. The task of an individual person consists in solving his
own, in getting to know his Shadow, in processing his situational karmic habits
and correcting his objectionable character traits. Man has some sort of control
over this, as long as he can defend himself against his Ego. He has little or no
direct control over external events and can in uence these events to a minimal
extent, if at all.

Earthly lackeys of astral terrorists

The Roman Empire wanted to conquer the whole world, then the fascist Third
Empire wanted the same, and now it is the USA. It is always the same speci c
“people” who repeatedly incarnate on Earth and are always exposed to the same
karmic opportunities from which they are not going to escape. They want to keep
repeating their past deeds. They never have enough money or power, they
constantly try to terrorize and enslave others militarily or economically.
The astral parasites act on these earthly lackeys-terrorists, who are presented here
as “leaders of the world”; they also manipulate people, but on an earthly level.
They cause wars, economic crises; and when they have nothing to do, they invent
nonsense in the form of a climate crisis; which is a bit of a problem, only they
in ate it into a giant empty vanity balloon that eventually pops. They tyrannize
the population and spend the nancial resources they have provided in the form
of taxes. Exactly the way astral parasites handle the energy of grace that they
have captured or that people themselves have provided. People thus themselves
nance a system that works against them.
Terrestrial and astral terrorists, both are our enemies, and very insidious enemies,
because they often pretend to be philanthropists, that they care about the welfare
of humanity; however, they often manifest themselves in their true nature and do
not hide it much. Here and there it comes out of them, that they want to decimate
humanity, they want people to stop having children; they try in every possible
way to limit their free will. Neither the astral-mental parasites nor their earthly
agents make any secret of the fact that they are only interested in robbing the
energy of grace in some form. Their other phrases are just empty manipulative

Meditation and contemplation

The world of the Supreme Lord is in constant motion, everything vibrates, it is a

movement as if in a circle, where the beginning is at the same time the end and at
the same time it is more than a circular movement, because it all moves
somewhere, the effect is the cause, which has its consequences and they cause
another story that also has its consequences.
The multiplicity of Unity represents the primal basis of everything, which cannot
be explained and which, according to its primordial principles, moves in an
imaginary spiral shift along a circle, forwards or backwards, according to the
observer’s point of view. In terms of deep inner radiation it is a vibrational
movement, in understanding it is a spiral that leads somewhere, even if we don’t
know where; pulsating alternation of prophesying and absolution, each
oscillation forms a semi-circle, two oscillations form a circle, it is like inhalation
and exhalation, the brief moment between them is like midnight and noon, a
moment of silence and calm; but all these are only comparisons, because ON
cannot be explained by external description in any way, nor can it be understood
At the level of the Oneness of the Supreme Lord, there are no feelings, there is a
state that can be reached even on the earthly plane by raising one’s consciousness
to a higher state. An illustrative example of some shades of these states can be the
silence of peaceful tranquility, the primordial monotonous sound of OM, or the
deafening chaotic roar of the primordial engine of the Creator, the Source of All
That Is and All That Is Not.
The state of consciousness at the level of Unity is not connected to any situation,
it does not express any attitude towards anything, because there is nothing at all
to take an attitude towards, there is no reason for it, there really is no attitude and
there is no one there who takes any position. It is a state of pure I Am being and
that is all. It is an extremely pleasant state of Nirvana, which will bring the
knowledge that there is something above everything that is manifested and that
something is the nothingness of the fullness of the pure consciousness of being I
Knowing the state of Unity is bene cial at a certain stage of spiritual evolution,
but in further development it is of no greater importance, perhaps except that it

can serve to eliminate suffering in some critical situation. A person may then
understand something in an intuitive way; it will help him recover, get back on
his feet and move on; however, it is in its own way an arti cial way that does not
lead to suf cient knowledge.
During such meditation, a person tries to get his consciousness to the highest
possible level. A person goes through the mental level, where he sees various
scenes, thoughts rub into his consciousness; or symbolic images of primordial
patterns. He does not always manage to get high into Unity; because ON will
bring to a person’s consciousness what belongs to him at that stage of spiritual
For some, entering meditation can be a certain risk and lead them astray. Various
dark entities can get into his system, which rst appear in the form of some astral
monsters and mental visions and then induce an arti cial emotional state of
pleasant calm. A person can get the false impression that his spiritual
development is completely ne. It is like when someone takes a sedative, then he
is also in a state that can be compared to the meditative peace of Oneness. The
dark entities imitate ON, inject energy into higher bodies, which gives him false
information. Sometimes it can be detected by the fact that, after a relatively short
time, the pleasant feeling takes on a rusty hue, starts to make a person nervous,
and the dark entities are thereby revealed. When a person begins to escape to
meditation nirvana too often and for a long time, it can also happen that his Self
warns him with some signal that enough is enough. That is, if someone uses the
meditative escape to the state of Unity, or another meditation for the purpose of
energy exchange or puri cation too often, sooner or later it can lead to problems
caused by the deprivation of Grace and the subsequent recovery of Vanity.
Sleep is also a state of a higher state of consciousness, in which many people have
dreams, nightmares, and all sorts of other things. Oddly enough, many obviously
dark people don’t have dreams and they often sleep like a stone. Why is that?
Because they are servants of the Matrix and the Darkness; and she is not
interested in informing her assistants about what is in their subconscious. She
wants to keep them unconscious. If dictators and criminal politicians would be
manifested in their sleep by the monsters they serve, they would be far from
smiling at us from the television screens, but would probably end up on
antidepressant drugs. It also applies to a lot of ordinary people who are all
around us. At the same time, however, it is true that meditations can be a part of
the cognitive process, a stage on the path to self-discovery.
A bene cial kind of meditation is contemplation; it is a silent meditation on a
text that contains the Word of ON Opinions in some form. It can also be the
words of certain songs. Contemplation is also about (un)focused thinking,

reasoning and immersing oneself in the sense of one’s Spirit, which is the bearer
of knowledge of the ON Opinions; while following your feelings; what they are,
where they occur, what they want to tell him and how they develop.
In contemplation, one observes the Word and at the same time observes oneself;
and this observation completely absorbs him, until the ordinary perception of
things in the sense of his own attitude towards them is lost. There is no where,
when, why, because the consciousness of the Spirit plunges into self-forgetfulness
in space-time, becoming a pure subject of knowledge freed from will, pain, time
and any thoughts.
A person tries to prolong the contemplation until some kind of higher feeling of
happiness or satisfaction tells him that he has at rst hand understood the pure
essence of things, while externally and internally he remains unperturbed, calm
and motionless. If, even after contemplation, the emotional state of happiness
does not appear, or the vain feeling jams into consciousness telling that he cannot
do it, it means that something is wrong with his attitude or state.

Trap of positive emotions

Feelings are expressed in the full purity of Truth only at the level of the Lord of
Spirits and his opposites; they can be expressed in equal measure by the parity of
Light and Dark. They can be very pleasant or extremely unpleasant emotional
states, but this does not detract from their purity at all, because they are not
distorted by anything. They are an indicator of the Spirit’s attitude of a person
who is interested in a situation, another person, his own decision, an idea that
enters his mind, or some other thing that is the object of his observation, interest,
or attention. They are an expression of the highest emotional intuition;
however, thought intuition can also be outside of it.
If emotional intuition is joined with thought intuition, complemented by a
rational evaluation of the subject matter, then this trio forms the strongest set for
taking precise positions; as well as a string trio will express the essence of the
sonata much better than if it is played by only one instrument. If the observer of
feelings is on the Light side, then his Light or Dark, pleasant or unpleasant
feelings truly correspond to the reality to which the observer takes an attitude;
according to the nature of the cognitive process.
If the observer of feelings is anchored on the Dark side of Apophis, then his Light
or Dark feelings are subject to Uncertainty and Chaos. They may not correspond
to the nature of reality, but sometimes they can. The expression of feelings by
Apophis can also contain internal contradictions, confusion and
inconsistency between feelings on different levels: for example, on the astral
level, a feeling can be pleasant and at the same time on a higher emotional level
unpleasant, or vice versa.
It doesn’t have to be just feelings in the true sense of the word, it can be
something between a state and feelings on different levels. An emotional state
can be manifested simultaneously on several levels to varying degrees,
depending on the state of the observer and the meaningful content of the
situation. Different degrees mean that on different levels (mental, emotional,
astral, physical) the feeling will manifest itself in different proportions; in some
dominantly in higher planes, in others more in lower planes, or in various
combinations of level, intensity, duration, type and parity of opposite feeling.

A feeling state is something like a state of consciousness and an attitude
manifested by the Spirit, accompanied by intuitive feelings on a mental level, or
supplemented by feelings and emotions on an emotional level. The Heavenly
World is the highest possible level at which it is possible to have a feeling state in
the sense of perceiving dual opposites.
The Heavenly World contains two aspects of meaning: the Heavenly Love aspect
in which the in uence of the Lord of Spirits and his Light Angels dominates; and
the Vanity aspect, in which the in uence of his opposite Apophis and the Dark
Angels predominates.
To one, who has the door open to the Graceful World of Light of the Lord of
Spirits, the states of feeling are conveyed in the true degree of knowledge and in
a manner corresponding to the truth; whether the feelings are pleasant or
unpleasant. Whoever does not have access to the level of Grace in which the
Supreme Lord rules, automatically has the opposite Ungrace in which Apophis
rules; he also in uences the course of things through Guardians, parasites, dark
entities of the Matrix. Among other things, Apophis is a representative of
Uncertainty and Chaos, and this is also manifested in the incongruous
combination of feelings and their causes.
Bliss is the nirvanic pleasurable feeling that something is poised at the level of the
Supreme God; it is a short, absolutely true feeling, corresponding to the fact that
the Spirit of the Lord of Spirits takes an extremely positive attitude towards the
The emotional states I am referring to here are speci cally those that accompany
a situation; their purpose is to provide information to the observer through an
intuitive feeling, which will make it clear to him what the nature of the situation
is in question, so that he will have the opportunity to take an appropriate attitude
towards it.
The intuition of feelings, like the intuition of mental sensations, can basically
come from two sources: the Higher Self (Lord of Spirits) or the Lower Self
(Apophis). The Guardians manifest themselves mostly as helpers of Apophis, but
sometimes also under the command of the Spirit, if it is a matter of gaining
knowledge in the sense of spiritual evolution.
Apophis represents Confusion, seemingly positive is mixing with negative
resulting in more negativity and short circuits.
At the level of the Matrix, many heavenly things are twisted to their opposites,
the feelings do not correspond to the true nature of the phenomenon that
provokes them. Then the feelings are brought into the human soul system from
the Dark Side of Apophis for the purpose of targeted manipulation, or by
random sowing of delusions for the purpose of inducing Chaos. A person is then

deprived of the opportunity to take a truthfully expressed attitude towards
something or someone, because he has a positive, pleasant feeling towards
something that has the opposite character. It often confuses him and then he acts
on the wrong information inputs; the result can be an objectionable action, the
creation of a karmic record, the consequence of which is a futile event and
A futile event accompanied by certain suffering can turn into a loving one if a
person reaches knowledge under the guidance of the Spirit and thus creates the
conditions for the de nitive end of karma. Souls incarnated on Earth have
Apophis implants in their astral bodies that activate either randomly or
purposefully the inner workings of the parasitic Guardians into their being. They
were implanted there by the Dark Spirits to create a market for the parasitic
Guardians to plunder the energy of grace by causing life events and never-
ending suffering, until ON ends this wheel of karma. Removal of the implant
and/or related connections of the Guardians is part of the Spirit-led resolution of
Soul karma.
The implant mediates emotional states of various shades and intensity, blissful,
sullen, depressed or vain; which are inconsistent with the nature of the situation
they accompany. Sometimes it happens that an emotional state happens to
someone without an obvious adequate cause; for example, a person is suddenly
immersed in bliss and sees absolutely nothing that could cause it. The blissful
state can manifest itself as a strong euphoria, or a very pleasant feeling of a state
of satisfaction, calmness, friendliness towards people who do not deserve it at all
and under normal circumstances it would not cause such a positive response. It is
like a drug that clouds consciousness and affects behavior; it may differ in the
manifested intensity or duration. It can be momentary and strong, or milder and
permanent. It can take a long time, some people are in a state of hypnotic
satisfaction, for example, in jobs that by their nature should not give them a
reason for great satisfaction.
It is a completely normal thing that can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere,
although not to absolutely everyone. A person can feel good, satis ed and
positively motivated in situations that give no reason for this; it may be a
deluded state of intoxication with false happiness; or by autosuggestion; but
sometimes it can be induced by an intuitive inner reconciliation with the
manifestations of its karmic action under the guidance of the Spirit, and then it
can come to a partial alleviation of its condition even without special knowledge.
When a person realizes that a sudden change in their emotional state has no
apparent cause that could lead to it, they may have a feeling of suspicion that
something is wrong. Then it can be a process of knowing that a person is the

object of manipulation, that someone or something is trying to deceive him with
feelings so that he likes what he should not normally like; that by accepting false
emotional promptings and his subsequent erroneous actions, he allowed the
entry of parasitizing entities into his consciousness and made his energy of grace
available to them.
A person can succumb to positive feelings, or resist them by realizing how
strange it is that they came to him just like that; they seem out of place to him
and he tries to understand their causes. If he puts the common sense or intuitive
consideration of the situation aside and accepts the feelings as true; he submits to
them and acts according to them, because he likes them, they are pleasant to him;
so basically he allowed himself to be manipulated. After that, the door to his
energy system can be ajar and the connections to the Guardians are active, and
they will try to take from him the energy of grace. For example, a scenario is
quickly created on the causal mental plane and then an event manifests itself in
reality, in which people under the in uence of the Guardians play their role as
puppets. For a positive attitude or deed, those people pay him back with a
negative reaction, and for the manipulated person it is then like a cold shower,
because he had a positive attitude towards something that soon turned out to be
contradictory. If a person is awake and observes his perceptions in relation to the
surrounding event, he will reveal the manipulative nature of the scenarios, he
will come to an understanding. He is on the best way to get rid of them and
protect himself from further energy leaks.

The wheel of development

I stand alone in front of the Great Wizard, darkness everywhere, darkness behind
me, the large space inside the imagined pyramid is illuminated only by the
ickering ames of two burning torches standing on His left and right sides. I
feel that in the darkness behind me are multitudes of souls waiting for their turn.
There is complete silence all around and there is a solemn, but dif cult, even
suffocating atmosphere that makes this moment special. The Great Wizard hands
me a small copper cup containing the Potion of Oblivion with both hands. I also
feel anxious because I sense that what I’m about to get into is not going to be a
walk in the park; it would be like when a soldier goes into battle and does not
know if he will ever return. However, I am determined and take it carefully in
my hands; I drink its bitter-sweet contents and know that in a moment nothing
will be the same again; and now an invisible force is carrying me backwards and
everything is disappearing somewhere…
… and then by some act we found ourselves here on Earth, in matter denser than
ever before, because that which does not have enough of the airy Breath of the
Great Spirit in it, naturally sinks to the bottom in the ocean of ON Milk.
The intention of the Supreme Lord is to complement ON Momo with the
cognition of himself, what he proposes and what he does not propose, and thus
the world is ON in its in nity; and that knowledge is also rhythmic, it is like the
tide, the rate of going down is the rate of going up; ON immerses himself in the
dense matter at different levels, the lower down, the denser and more morose the
matter is; it is like a vessel that has no bottom; but Lord’s intention is not to nd
the bottom, because in order to nd out if the water is cold, one does not have to
immerse himself in it, but it is enough to dip his nger in it; and this is ON
Opinion; and this is also the meaning of knowing the Development Cycles,
because ON intends to know himself, but that does not mean that it is necessary
to look for the bottom, where there is the greatest darkness and where there is the
greatest suffering that can still be endured, this is not the ON Opinion.
ON nds out through his ON Helpers what happens when they dive into matter
and use their talents and gifts to navigate in that cloudy water, nd out what is
there and how it works there; ON Helpers are like divers who discover the
fascinating underwater world somewhere near the coral reefs; however, no one

wants them to dive into the Mariana Trench, where there is no light, only the
enormous water pressure and strange monsters.
And then ON discovers to his horror that many of the ON Helpers liked diving
too much, so much so that they don’t want to come out of the water to the
surface, because staying too much in the depth has confused their primal
instincts and they dive even deeper; instead of trying to surface for a breath of
fresh air. Perhaps they think that by searching for the bottom they will surface
somewhere on the opposite side of the globe; ON looks to see if ON Helpers
emerge from that matter, how they are doing well, or rather not doing well, he
offers them a helping hand that they often do not accept, in that darkness they
may not see it because they have not lit their inner lantern, or in that depth the
glass broke, the salty sea water of the ON Milk development environment
extinguished their ame and the lantern is no longer lit; or they refused help, for
example, because they have another hand that pulls them in the opposite
direction to the bottom; or they think that it is not a helping hand, but a tentacle
of some kind of octopus that will bite off their hand, who knows what ON
Helper is going through in that darkness, after all, it is in that depth of darkness,
the light is refracted differently there, the perception of colors does not t; objects
appear larger than they actually are; hearing is also worse than when up in the
Earthly wheel of evolution is like one inhalation and exhalation, like one
immersion and emergence; when descending into the depth ON Helpers learn
about the underwater world of turbid matter; and then they are still ON
Helpers, because their individual Spirit is their consciousness; and when the ON
Helper recognizes something, ON also recognizes it; and then when the time
comes, they should emerge; because the wheel of development is the subject of a
timepiece, time runs and does not let go, the astronomical clock ticks inexorably;
and when that time comes, the ON Helpers should listen to the signal, because at
that time they are still connected by the rope of ON Grace to the central boat on
the surface, from where the ON Helpers from the higher spheres warned them,
jerked sharply that rope so that they would come to their senses and rise to the
surface, but ON helpers didn’t, they wanted to stay down and go even deeper,
until their rope broke and the connection was lost.
It is dif cult to get up as they have a malfunctioning lamp, the lens of the glasses
is clogged, the diving suit is overgrown with layers of clams that make it
impossible for them to move; after a long stay in the depths, they lost their
orientation, they do not know where is up and where is down; therefore, many
cannot get up without the use of a helping hand, they need to make available
external and internal navigation, repair the lamp, give additional oxygen and
clean the suit from deposits of underwater creatures that stick to a person at that

depth; some don’t even know if they even want to go up, what it actually is; or
they don’t even know that they don’t know anything anymore.
Even in the confusion, uncertainty and chaos, it is possible to nd a way back, it
is a way of self-discovery, if ON Helpers nd out where they are, at what depth,
how they got there, what they were doing there and for what reasons, what they
were there for good and if at all, what were the consequences; for now there is
still a way back, the central boat is still a oat because the Great Storm has not yet
arrived; but the clouds that will cause it are already on the horizon, and the
weather forecasts have been warning about it for some time.
The wheel of development is turning on Earth for the seventh time; in total there
are seven cognitive circuits of development, this seven forms the Great Cognitive
and Developmental Cycle of the Earth Project; it has a beginning and the end, it
follows certain rules and regularities, but much of its content is left to the creative
activity of ON Helpers; because the Heavenly World of ON Grace provides the
conditions, ON Opinions establish rules and principles, but the action itself takes
place according to the free will of human souls – earthly ONs inhabiting the
Earth; within their givens and talents, what they got available, according to how
they ful ll the Missions of their Souls.
The cycle has two purposes, which are ful lled in the same way; and that is when
the soul ful lls its Soul Mission by using its primordial givens and talents in
accordance with the Lord of Spirits; the rst purpose is the knowledge of ON;
ON acquires knowledge of himself on various levels, especially in the rst stage
of immersion; and the second purpose is the development of the soul, especially
in the second stage when emerging; ON Helper evolves as a soul through an
endless process for the purpose of self-improvement.

Vision of Purgatory and Prophecy of Heaven and

This applies to absolutely everyone, without exception. It happens every time a

person dies. When the soul leaves its physical body, its journey begins in the
intermediate world, at the end of which is the entrance to Purgatory. Many souls
are seized with fear and trembling, because they do not know what awaits them.
The overall state in which the entire soul leaves earthly life is
authoritative. Everything that remained unresolved in the soul, that manifested
itself, but also what remained hidden, is weighed.
Karma that manifested itself in the life of souls during their earthly life is only the
tip of the iceberg. For many, if all of their unmanifested karma would be
manifested at once, they would fall to the ground crippled and half-dead on the
spot under the weight of their past, worms would eat them alive. The ignorance
of souls is great and does not excuse, because human souls themselves have
caused ignorance. They refused to drink from the springs of Wisdom when they
were available and therefore the streams of knowledge intended for them were
redirected elsewhere. When the overall state of the soul has tipped over the
breaking point, it can happen that this point can also represent a point of no
return for the soul and the only option left for it is to in uence which level of Hell
will deal with it.
For some souls, the journey to Purgatory can be a pleasant and joyful journey, as
they have previously cleansed themselves of their karmic transgressions and
freed themselves from their attachments to the prison of the Matrix.
The souls are accompanied by strict Dark Angels and they can also take the form
of Light Angels, souls who have not gotten rid of their beliefs about false gods
will be subject to their traps below and these will worsen their suffering in the
astral place. Other souls can be accompanied by Light Spirits, who can also take
the form of Dark Angels.
Some souls are so strongly attached to the remnants of their earthly life that they
become stuck in this intermediate stage between the astral and earthly worlds.
They will not nd peace in it, it is an unkindly sad place of shadows and
hopelessness, shrouded in fog and without the possibility of free movement.
They are souls who had extremely strong beliefs and addictions to the

manifestations of matter. They will be exposed to them for a long time to realize
that this was not the reason why they came to the material world. They indulged
in attachments and thus remained attached to them. Souls are given the form of
the original human, but mutated according to their unprocessed karmic demerits.
According to how they behave in the intermediate world, and this can be after a
very long time, their own Spirit will establish another path for them and escort
them to where they belong according to the justice.
The second group are the souls who extremely despised the Supreme Lord, did
not listen to his Word or the instructions of the Holy Angels. During their earthly
life, they refused to accept His gifts according to the Word of ON Opinions, and
therefore gifts will be refused to them even after death; they will go directly to
the infernal astral world.
The third group are the souls that will go to Purgatory after a few days’ journey
in the intermediate world. Purgatory is the norm of the highest universal justice.
Its purpose is for souls to know that it is not just like that, to give in to errors and
temptations and to reject the knowledge of their objectionable deeds.
In Purgatory, creative cognition does not take place by diving into the ocean of
life situations. Purgatory is about reckoning, equalization and cleansing.
Purgatory is a cognitive process for the soul in the sense of understanding that
ON is the most important. What the soul did not want to recognize on Earth, it
will de nitely recognize in Purgatory, but in a different way.
After the end of the Great Cycle, the Extraordinary Cleansing is on the agenda; in
it, everything that could not be put in order in Partial Purgatory is put in order.
And that might be soon. In the Partial Purgatory, especially what was related to
one previous life, the identity of the temporary Ego, was settled, balanced and
puri ed.
Purgatory consists of three chambers: Chamber of Revelation, Knowledge and
Puri cation. The chambers are interconnected in this order.
The Anointed Guide has the key to open the door to the Zero Chamber. Its doors
are hidden from all but those who have passed on foreknowledge during earthly
life. The Guide can provide copies of the key to the Chosen and the Righteous
who have done so and come to know the Word of the ON Opinions plus
something of their past during their earthly life. It is an extraordinary
antechamber, but they must enter that door and accomplish cognition. Ante-
chambers are on different levels, it is individual, according to the need and
condition of the Chosen and Righteous ON Helpers.
The rst is the Chamber of Revelation of the Supreme Lord. In front of this room,
each soul has a wardrobe for themselves, in which they put their clothes,
everything they have left that they haven’t thrown away yet. Clothing represents

in dream symbolism what helped determine the identity of the human soul in its
lives, it is the soul’s unresolved karma related to its identities in past existences.
The soul enters the rst Chamber of Revelation naked, it has nothing to burden it
with a clear view of the state of things both general and personal. And so the soul
ascends to the level of Unity, appears before the Supreme Lord and he reveals the
indescribable to it. It is a short meeting, but very intense and indescribable. It can
be compared with the words Awe, Love and Understanding. It is an
extraordinary process because it is acquaintance in the Oneness of ON Momo
that ON is All That Is. All knowledge is available, all Words of Wisdom are
available in the sense of radiating the sharpness of the interpretation of ON
Opinions, absolutely everything. Nothing will be hidden. The soul has the
opportunity to see and understand the world of ON from the perspective of the
Unity of the Supreme Lord. Here, too, there can be varying degrees of Revelation.
If the souls received Words of ON Opinions during their life, then the Truth will
be revealed to them as the prophesying of ON Opinions. If ON rejected the
opinions, then the unpleasant truth will be revealed to them, that they neglected
something extremely important.
The soul then descends to the second Chamber of Knowledge. When the soul
descends to a lower level, there is an automatic process of certain forgetting,
because some aspects of the Supreme Knowledge of Truth are not available on
the lower levels. In it, the soul gains knowledge about itself from the perspective
of the Holy Light and Dark Angels, who have been the guides of human souls all
along. Those souls who have kept their Spirit as the main part of their Self will
know their lives from their own point of view and therefore also from the point
of view of the Holy Spirit.
In the center of the Chamber of Knowledge is a fountain with water and a long
trough with lots of taps. All souls must drink from the fountain, this will remove
the reins of oblivion and melt away the blockage that has caused them to stop
seeing ON Places. Then they have to drink from individual taps, thereby making
available to them knowledge about absolutely everything from their
lives. Everything they have ever experienced, done, prophesied, good and bad,
will appear to them in great clarity. It is not an emotional experience, it has a
visual and informational form of the mind.
They are accompanied by Saints and Dark Angels who, according to the nature
given to them, show the souls everything and answer their questions. The effort
to prepare during earthly life will also be included and mentioned there. Souls
will be ashamed when they learn what they have neglected during their lives.
They heard about it on Earth, but took it lightly. Acknowledgment is
accompanied by higher intense feelings, unpleasant and for some they can also

become pleasant. It is an extremely powerful experience and it is an opportunity
to get to know something even before Purgatory.
The unawakened ones will lower their eyes, they will not be able to raise them to
heaven, because even on Earth they did not want to look at the heavens. Many
looked only at the re ection of the heavens in a puddle of dirty water and called
it god.
The more they recognize in the second chamber, the less it is necessary to
recognize through physical and emotional suffering in Purgatory. The amount of
knowledge souls receive here depends on their level of consciousness.
Some at a low level of consciousness will only nd out something and it may not
be such an extraordinary knowledge, it is more or less just information that this
and that happened. They will not come to a deep understanding, and therefore it
is necessary for them to experience it on their own skin to the fullest extent.
But there are also souls who have karmically registered very serious faults, but in
their earthly life they did a piece of cognitive work in the Spirit and processed
their karma according to ON Opinions and the Anointed Guide.
Those souls will be relieved of many karmic shadows just by prophesying their
past failures with deep awareness with their higher level of consciousness under
the strong charge of Grace. Some of them will vomit from their lms of the past;
that too is acknowledging to an extraordinary degree. It is not a pleasant
experience because there is a lot of bad deeds that souls have done during many
Through the Deep Realization, extraordinary Suffering will come to them on the
mental level, which will be relieved by Grace: the heavy Suffering of the mind
will be transformed by Knowledge into loving Suffering, and it will then be
relieved of Suffering by Grace and will remain only absolutely pure Grace and
therefore nothing. In principle, this is the process of prophesying Knowledge
even in normal life.
The soul returns to the wardrobes and there the soul puts on everything it left
there. And this happens only at the end of the Great Cycle, because otherwise the
soul only wears what she wore in that life and what she has not forgiven through
accomplishing the knowledge.
Then, through the wide entrance, the souls pass into the astral Purgatory and that
is the Third Chamber of Purgatory. It is one of the hellish or heavenly levels.
There souls are puri ed by the entities of the astral world through suffering.
This is the last form of puri cation. When one doesn’t take anything from the
previous rooms, it’s his turn to experience the suffering on his own skin, and this
will de nitely work.

It is an opportunity to nd out what feelings the Supreme Lord was exposed to
when he recognized and felt their fallen actions through his earthly children.
The Chamber of Puri cation is the last instance where every soul is guaranteed to
reach knowledge. If the level at which the puri cation starts is not enough for
her, she will fall lower and lower. The soul can also ascend to higher sub-levels in
this chamber, depending on how quickly it reaches knowledge. Purgatory is long,
not only in the sense of time, but also in the emotional perception of time.
Something pleasant passes quickly and can create the appearance of a short time.
When something is extremely unpleasant, it seems like an in nitely long time.
The astral world of Purgatory is physical, extremely sensual and much more
emotional than the three-dimensional world of Earth. It is an opportunity for
souls to know rsthand the full extent of everything they have ever done and for
them to receive full knowledge in the form of suffering.
The astral world has many levels. Each of the sub-levels of heaven and hell has
its own high-vibrational and low-vibrational sub-levels. In high-vibration,
clearing karma is more pleasant, in low-vibration more unpleasant.
The upper part of the astral world has seven heavenly levels:
The rst level prophesies a heavenly paradise.
The second level prophesies heavenly emotional non-physical affection with
angelic women and men.
The third level relieves the disease in the hospital.
The fourth level relieves mental illness in a psychiatric hospital.
The fth level forgives degenerate opinions of beliefs.
The sixth level forgives absolutely everything that satanic proponents have
The seventh level, through the extraordinary activity of the Dark Angels, will
release old memories and connections to the Matrix.
The lower part of the astral world has seven infernal levels:
The rst level discard a normal character and causes endless crying.
The second level discard normal psyche.
The third level is manic rape by satanic mutants.
The fourth level is steamy toil in the mines of Satan.
The fth level is hell re.
The sixth level is imprisonment in terrible torture chambers.
The seventh level is a dark ravine where terrible insects and worms crawl all over

It is not just by chance that even the infernal astral ON Place has its own order.
The heavenly paradise can be a manifestation of Apophis’s chaotic intention of
painterly delirium (low level), or the beautiful meadow of the Most High God
with roses and fragrant cypresses (high level), where children joyfully and
happily play with a ball.
The proponent of Satan can be pleasantly warmed by the ames of hell and like
it, but because he likes it and proposes it, he descends to a lower level and it
starts to burn him immensely.
The more the human soul recognizes from its karmic Shadows during earthly
life, and this can be a much lighter form, the less suffering it will have to endure
in the astral world.
The astral world is in a sign of passive submission to suffering. When the soul
does not yield to it, the suffering will worsen. Like when a snake wraps itself
around its victim, and the more the victim moves and ghts back, the more the
snake’s stranglehold escalates.
It can be a bleak world where they are sometimes greeted by Dark Angels
disguised as religious gures or their relatives and then leave, leaving them to
their own shadows to haunt them for a thousand years. That is the low
vibrational level of the rst degree of hell.
It can be the projection of home and it can be the high vibrational level of the rst
degree of hell because it is an unpleasant level for those who, for example, have
been emotionally attached to certain people and will be close to them, but they
will completely ignore them, be blind and deaf to them and that is also suffering.
Proposing any astral level is proposing futile suffering and has the consequence
that it will deteriorate for the worse. High vibration will change to low vibration.
It is an extremely real and fascinating projection of reality that re ects the state of
the soul.
Among the wardrobes in the Chamber of Knowledge, each Chosen and
Righteous one also have their own wardrobe, where they keep all of their
remaining clothing. Instead of the back wall, the cabinet has a disguised door
that also leads to the Third Chamber of Purgatory, but it’s a bit different than the
normal one. A key, a copy of which the soul received from the Guide, ts into that
Everyone also has a gas mask in the locker, which they put on before entering the
third Chamber and enter the Chamber of Puri cation through a hidden door.
There may be sewers and channels of dirty water with toxic chemicals, they are
connected to each other, but they have a gas mask to protect them from
poisonous fumes.

There aren’t that many entities in this part of the Puri cation Chamber that create
much suffering. According to the amount of recognized karma, the soul is subject
to comparatively less suffering in Purgatory. Then, when the Lord of Spirits
considers that the soul has already reached knowledge, he prophesies the end of
suffering. The process is similar to the Chamber of Knowledge, or on the earthly
plane during life, only the means are different.
And then, according to their state, naked, fully puri ed souls are transported to
Unity, or to the transfer station of the new Cycle. Whether the soul is t to
advance to a new cycle, the Lord of Spirits can prophesy to it after the end of life,
but before Purgatory, because in Purgatory he forgives only what is necessary
and that may not be all.
Maybe she will have something at least until the new Cycle, and it will be
re ected there. Those who took advantage of the opportunity and successfully
prophesied a substantial part of the knowledge in advance, will then move
into the new high-vibration ON Place of Pleiadian creativity of ON Grace, where
they will continue in the new Development Cycle.

Kingdom of crooked mirrors

The Supreme Lord entered the kingdom of crooked mirrors which ON had
created in ON universal mind. There entered the One, the one who has in nite
number of faces and primal forms. Halls of mirrors are full of beautiful Images,
but also of their Re ections, which are countless distortions of mirrors, are
variously distorted forms of their Image.
All Images and their Re ections exist in parallel, in one single in nitely long
present moment. The Frame gives the Re ections a dynamic, and it is different
from the dynamics of the Image, which is its model, because it has a different
Frame. The re ections acquire their own life, they become Helpers of the
Supreme Lord; who gain the opportunity to exercise free will and to manifest His
multiple forms in the various realities of the Matrix. The Supreme Lord observes
Himself, how He re ects, how He behaves, how He manifests Himself in His ON
Helpers, who show Him all this by their attitudes, decisions and actions in their
The Supreme Lord observes whether his Helpers are even looking for an exit
from the labyrinth of mirror halls, how they intend to get out of it, how and
whether they use the rst aid packages that he subtly sends them there, or
whether they intend to stay there until the bell rings.
The ON World is the world of in nite consciousness. Primordial is the Image of
the Supreme Lord; his Word forms the Frame, whose Filling becomes the
Re ection of the Supreme Lord.
The re ection of the Supreme Lord shown through the ON Opinions lter
becomes the Image of the Lord of Spirits; the Word of ON Opinions gives the
Picture a frame and that is the Frame.
Re ection is prophesying ON Opinion; his Frame is lled with the Filling, which
is his Image, the content of the lling is in uenced by the dynamic in uence of
the ON frame of Thoughts acting on the Re ection. One Frame can have many
Fillings, which can be varied according to the need and according to the will of
the Supreme Lord, who, taking an attitude towards the Fillings, will store them
in the archive of undamaged Fillings; or moves them to shredding.
The number of Images created by ON Helpers at various levels is in nite,
because the number of ON aspects and their combinations is in nite. The

re ection is projected opponent of ON; it is a certain mixture of His aspects,
characterized by a certain degree of opposition.
The Supreme Lord inwardly radiates his attitude towards his Re ection. ON has
an in nite number of different forms and therefore there can be many attitudes
that ON takes with his forms towards his Re ections, in many of his aspects; in
all their shades, even in all their opposite meanings.
The prophesied Re ection can be proposed for evaluation at different shades of
ON Momo. The Image’s attitude towards its Re ections can be vain, morose,
miasmatic, or mommy, or something in between.
ON concludes an attitude towards his Re ection by realizing how he likes or
dislikes it, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant, bene cial or unhelpful, friendly
or hostile, whether it is helpful or not. ON concludes attitudes through his
Images on all higher levels that precede his Re ections on all lower levels.
The ON world would be relatively empty if there were no Images and their
Re ections in it.
The image is portaled ON; it is a representation of some aggregate aspect of ON,
freed from the quantity of something that is neither understood nor seen at all.
An image at the Spirit Lord level always consists of his purest features; on His
level all his features are purest, whether graceful or vain, bright or dark; white is
pure, black is also pure, all with number of uniform monotonous shades in
On a plane lower than the Celestial World, the Re ection of the nearest higher
plane is also the Image for the nearest lower plane, and so it continues in a sense
down to the three-dimensional physical world. Levels interact with each other
and fold into each other in various ways.
On the Mental level of the etheric patterns, the primordial idea patterns are
Re ections of Images of embodied Grace, they are extremely beautiful,
symmetrical ornaments of the regular Form of ON. They are collected and placed
here from above by the Light Angels of the Heavenly World of the Lord of Spirits.
The result of their creative activity on this plane are the models accepted by ON
and therefore these can be manifested on this plane. These are satisfying ideas of
the Light Angels serving the Soul for mental inspirations by the Spirit manifested
on the ethereal level of the primordial images.
Here, multiple cloned Re ections of Re ections, of various wondrous shapes,
irregularities, macules, mottled malign mutated and strange mimics of Apophis-
in uenced Gray Vanity intermingle and overlap in many ways. They are the
result of the deformation processing of the energy program structures of the
Matrix and are also stored in the Mental level, but trying to force them in from

below, to be accepted as new normal to the level of ethereal patterns. Both the
Light and Dark Angels of the Heavenly World of the Lord of Spirits select
thought patterns from the Mental Plane into clusters; they create Images.
On the Mental level, everything primordial is acquainted and accepted with
some shade of ON Momo.
Mutations of primordial idea’s patterns are to a certain extent polluted, they can
be miasmatic, morose, or vain. They may or may not be tampered with, as ON
Momo may not be available to the Image at Matrix levels. The Karmic level is the
collection point of all Re ections of prophesied Images from the Mental level, all
these karmic records are also Images for the lower Emotional level, especially the
Astral, in which everything will manifest as form. This is the world in which the
soul is manifested into existence in the form of energies of feelings and emotions.
The form of the soul on the emotional level is not the body in physical
manifestation; the appearance of the being is prophesied according to the feeling-
emotional energies in the mental images of the mind; it can look like a alien
reptile slayer dragon or a fairy tail dragon, depending on the current state of
emotions and feelings. Emoticons cause constant changes of form. The emotional
level is a world of crooked faces; happiness or unhappiness, joy or anger; a soul is
being represented according to what emotions it harbors and therefore it is
possible to better guess who is really who, even if that is not entirely accurate.
Light energy bodies are for delighted acceptance, but they can also be dark light.
It is not possible to recognize a whole being based on its emotions and feelings
just like that, independently, apart from a comprehensive recognition of the
manifestations of other energy bundles of soul programs and helpful knowledge
of their karmic causes.
The astral level is the world of another existence, to which the soul enters, for
example, even after physical death. At the level of the individual soul, there are
connections to its Shadows and astral entities. They are connections, addictions,
beliefs, attachments, memories, portals, they are chains and barbed wires; which
bind and hold the soul in the Matrix; they bind her to everything that is an aspect
of Matter, even the apparently immaterial, subtle part of the Matrix. It is an
extremely sensory and feeling world, in a certain sense much more intense than
on a physical level. The astral level is a miraculous dream world for an earthly
person, also because souls manifest here more truthfully, closer to their inner
essence, to their character and karmic burden. The emotions displayed by an
astral being will manifest much more quickly and extremely on its outer
appearance, much more so than on the earthly plane. Dreams are also projected
on the astral plane.

The three-dimensional physical world is the external manifestation of emotions
and especially manifested karma. Unmanifested karma may not show at all in a
person’s appearance; external manifestations of his body, appearance and
behavior may not correspond to the true reality. Even on the physical level, the
soul has programming distortions, for example DNA, which is a re ection of
settings on higher levels. Man on the physical level is only a Re ection of a
Re ection of a Re ection, his outward manifestation and his life are multiply
distorted as they adapt to the size, shape and dynamics of the Matrix wave
On the physical level, the Image is, for example, a person, and the Re ection is its
normal shadow. The shadow is monotonously uniform again, it is a
manifestation of the Word, which symbolically informs us that the end, in a
certain sense, returns to the beginning. Achieving Knowledge on a physical level
is dif cult; because this three-dimensional world is an illusion of an illusion of
illusions; the realm of multiple delusions. However, it is not impossible for the
one who spends the appropriate effort on Knowledge.
It is not easy to extricate oneself from this labyrinth of mirrored halls, but for one
who seeks the primordial Image of the Supreme Lord behind all those
Re ections, ON has a helping hand if one so chooses.
Life is just a shadow of our dreams. When you get to know who you are, you
may nd that you are a Re ection tirelessly searching for your Image. When your
mission is clear and you burn with an inner re of unbreakable will; no cold can
touch your heart and no ood can dampen your mission. In the depths of the
mind of the heart you may nd hidden the primordial Image that was with you
in the very beginning, accompanied you whenever you were alive; until you
recognize that this one true Image is also at the end of all our journeys.

Twin ames

The twin ame usually represents the personi cation of the romantic idea that
somewhere there is a ready-made perfect partner, with whom life will be a fairy
tale or an attractive ride; and it will be someone who will not be a burden, but an
inspiration, or something else. This dream is probably caused by the endless
human desire for happiness, satisfaction, to achieve something extraordinary and
to alleviate the bleakness of ordinary life with something else.
And this is where complications arise, because it may not be clear at all what the
perfect partner is, what is meant by inspiration; what kind of ame is burning
between the partners and from what point of view it is meant; and subsequently
who has what and how it will develop. In different stages of spiritual evolution, a
partner relationship may be suitable for the purpose of knowledge, which may
not necessarily lead to the happiest end; however, under the given circumstances,
it can be considered necessary and therefore in certain sense ideal. However, this
does not mean at all that we should look for such partners in a targeted manner.
If we were to nd ourselves in such a relationship by chance, fate, or due to the
karmic spider web, there is no point in abusing ourselves in such a relationship
once we have reached the knowledge it was supposed to bring us.
It seems that a twin ame in the sense of a prede ned ideal does not exist, and no
single most ideal partner is somewhere in advance prepared for a magical
meeting with its soulmate. Waiting for a prince on a white horse is useless when
the princess deserves, due to her karma, a prince on a horse of a completely
different color; and maybe it’s not supposed to be a horse but a donkey and it
might not be a prince, but a dusty tramp infested with lice or someone entirely
else. Anyone who wants to is looking for a partner who would be as ideal as
possible for him in the current stage of his soul’s evolution.
From the point of view of soul development, too comfortable relationship with a
twin ame could represent stagnation, because the partner relationship is
extremely important for the soul development. It can work when partners mirror
each other and oppose each other constructively to a certain extent, but at the
same time cooperate and do not throw logs under each other’s feet; the condition
is that between them there is a strong bond of momo-ing ON Momo, which
draws them together. Mutual sincerity, empathy and friendship of the Spiritual

Heart and the Enlightened Mind are the path to happiness and contentment for
The fact that the prede ned most ideal partner does not seem to exist does not
mean at all that it is not possible to reach a relationship that will be very close to
the ideal; or the partners are already ready to get to that direction. Apparently,
such a relationship is something like a well-deserved reward related to spiritual
The principle of Trinity ON Momo, ON Grace and ON Milk is the agent present
in the creation and also in the creation of souls. The soul is always created in a
pair, it is a pair of opposite principles, united by the ame of the Supreme Lord.
He is the Source from which all creation springs. The soul is born by a spark from
the source of all the heavenly worlds, and that is the ever- aming, ancient
glowing re ON Momo, which does not cease in its course day or night and
constantly creates new souls. The Flame of Oneness ON Momo of the Supreme
Lord is never extinguished; it is the rst principle of the Trinity, which the twin
ame created and holds together the other two principles – male and female –
with a powerful force.
The Trinity principle is an oft-repeated rule of the Trinity. A table or a chair
cannot stand on two legs, because it will immediately fall over. On four or more
legs, it needs a at surface, otherwise it is unstable and sways.
A throne with three legs is a guarantee of stability, even if the legs are not the
same size. If a fourth leg is added to the three legs, it will cause interference,
knocking and oscillations in case of surface irregularities.
The original soul is born in a pair with its opposite, one soul represents ON Milk
and that is the feminine principle (woman), the other represents ON Grace, that
is the masculine principle (man). Such a primordial relationship, which has its
origin at the very beginning at the birth of the soul, can be called a twin ame.
The original relationship is already set at the birth of souls: ideally, a man has
51% of the male principle and 49% of the female principle. The male principle is
represented by ON Grace and the female principle is represented by ON Milk. It
is the opposite for a woman, she has 49% male principle and 51% female. This
ratio appears to be the ideal case.
In this case, man and woman are very similar, because the difference between
them is only 1%, but they are different and opposite to each other, because even
the small difference of 1% tilts the hand of the imaginary scales to one side or the
other. The man has signi cantly more of ON Grace and since his system tends to
balance exactly to 50/50, he is a proponent of ON Milk because he is attracted to
it and (un)consciously wants it. Man lacks one percent of the female ON Milk,
with which he would achieve harmony, but this will most likely not happen,

because the ON creation will probably always contain some deviations from the
ideal. A woman has signi cantly more ON Milk and also tends towards harmony
and she is therefore a proponent of ON Grace, which represents her male
counterpart and therefore (un)consciously aims to obtain it.
The principle of ON Momo is also multiplicity, and therefore even pairs of souls
are created in different parities of opposites. Let’s say that man is created as light
and woman as dark; together they form an ideal whole, exactly one hundred
percent, nothing is missing. However, the partnership of such souls in life could
be tantamount to disaster precisely because of their vast oppositeness. There are
other parameters in the game that can still shuf e the cards differently.
The twin ame in the ideal sense is an example for us of how it could be in other
existences in which our soul will experience its existence. ON Momo may or may
not manifest itself in those. It does not mean at all that it is necessary to look for
this particular soul, your twin from the primordial creation, in order for ON
Momo to manifest in a relationship, involving parameters close to an ideal
There is no need to look for your twin, because soul pairs are also given other
attributes at their creation, which are an allegory with a deeper meaning and can
be contradictory to the ideal of a partner relationship in the Matrix. Not all souls
are created in ideal ratios and distributions of the male and female principle, and
their other characteristics may be different from birth. The diversity of creation is
endless and souls are also born in different constellations.
ON Helpers who want to return to their origin turn to the ideals and archetypes
of the Supreme Lord. Ideals are like stars, you can’t touch them, but you can
orient yourself by them and imitate them. Since ancient times, the star Stella
Polaris from the constellation of the Little Bear, also known as the Northern Star,
or the Pole Star, has been used for navigation by ancient travelers, due to its
constant position near the North Pole. In addition, the Polaris is a star system
composed of two stars that are gravitationally bound to each other; the parable is
like a man and a woman bound together by the power of ON Momo. It’s a nice
symbolism because it can remind people of the primordial twin ame and the
ideal relationship between a man and a woman according to the archetype that
ON Helpers could be heading towards.

The creation and mission of the soul

The soul was created out of both love and to ful ll its mission, which is to acquire
and supplement knowledge for ON and for his own development, after all, it is
connected; to contribute to the Whole by realizing his character and archetypal
qualities in the purest way possible; when its primal settings are fully revealed
and the soul manifests them in its actions in various ways, in all aspects of life;
just as a person also experiences them in his attitudes, thoughts, words and
actions; in a Light or Dark way, according to the stage of the development cycle
in which it is currently located. The starting properties that the soul acquires at its
creation can evolve, depending on how the soul performs in the development
The mission of the soul is to do whatever is directly related to its primal settings;
her Spirit will prophesy it in her consciousness and that is also why the human
soul must be suf ciently cleansed from the programs and blockages of the
Matrix, because they degenerate its settings and spoil the result of knowledge;
because the dark entities of the Matrix are getting into her consciousness and
they want to abuse the talents of the soul for their own bene t. Good deeds
generate merit and bad deeds cause karma. However, Good and Evil are
subjective concepts and sometimes it is not easy to distinguish them from each
The mission of the soul is to realize its properties in the purest possible way, and
this is the way that corresponds to its primordial settings accompanying its
creation on the parity of all three agents of the Trinity. Each soul is unique, its
unique identity is determined by the Trinity of authoritative primordial
settings: ON Character (ON Momo), Light of the Spirit (ON Grace) and Sign of
the Soul (ON Milk); they are three different settings that have a common
denominator, and that is why I also list them under the collective name
Properties of the soul.
The soul becomes the primordial soul immediately after it is still in the spark
state and leaves the eternal never-extinguishing ame of the Supreme Lord; this
is where her rst predestination occurs and thus determines the manner in which
ON will manifest Momo in the various aspects of her being on all the lower

The soul is born when ON sparks it from the primordial re of Oneness and then
the process of establishing the personality of the primordial soul takes place on
three levels. The newly created primordial souls are completely identical at the
very beginning of their creation, they are sparks ying from ON Momo’s ame
and there is no difference between them.
The creation of a soul is, from a certain point of view, a random process, because
it is not predetermined what Nature that particular spark, a newly created soul,
will have. On the other hand, the result of the coloring of the souls’ natures is not
accidental, because they also correspond to the disposition in which ON
abounded at the time of the soul’s creation. Other characteristics of the soul are
no longer set randomly, but are related to its Nature. In a sense, it is similar to the
genetic makeup and talents that a person is born with. Everyone has something
different, both obvious gifts and well-hidden talents, waiting to be discovered.
Completion of the character of the souls is guided by consideration, because the
properties of the souls and their relative numbers should also correspond to the
intentions of the Supreme Lord; settings at three levels can have different
weights; if, for example, the in uence of the Nature of the Spirit is minor, its
in uence on life will also be small.
It is extremely important for the Supreme Lord to establish the conditions under
which the cognitive process of the Soul should take place. A certain shade of ON
Momo is imprinted into the newly born soul and this will ensure the degree and
character of His connection with the soul, which will manifest itself in its being
seemingly separate from the source of its birth. ON Momo is Unity at the highest
level, its highest manifestation is on the one hand the Fullness of all well received
aspects summed up in Heavenly Love and many others.
ON Momo proposes to momo-ing ON Momo and this manifests itself in the
Fullness of all the most beautiful qualities of Supreme Beauty, Love and
Goodness; and towards the other manifested side of all their opposites, the
Fullness is freed from its meaningful content to the vain Emptiness. ON Momo’s
nature could be compared to a set of primordial character traits.
ON Momo manifests itself in several basic shades, according to the degree of
Fullness; the fullest is the loving Momo, then the Miasm slightly polluted by the
Emptiness, then the unkind Morose to nally the empty Vanity ON Momo, freed
from ON Momo. This rst basic setting of the ON Momo shade is extremely
important to the soul because it represents the basic attraction; it is the soul’s
natural shade of ON Momo that will attract a similar shade of ON Momo to her
in various aspects of her life, as long as this is not distorted at lower levels.
To ON, the ON Momo level represents one of His aspects – the in nite
omnipotent World Mind that perceives, knows, feels, thinks and creates; by itself,

and through its loving ON Helpers on the lower levels; their highest
representative is the Lord of Spirits, who is the sum of all Archetypal Angels from
the level of the Lord of Spirits.
However, the soul that reaches the ON Momo level in a higher state of
consciousness perceives it completely differently; for her it is a state similar to
Nothingness, in which there is nothing at all, except the state of pure being I Am.
The type of nature of a newly born soul depends, in addition to the intention of
Diversity and Diversity, also on the Sense of Knowledge that the Supreme Lord
had when creating it, when forming its initial settings. This “feeling”, or rather
the ON Momo aspect, can be Momo, Miasma, Morose or Vanity, and the result of
the creation of the soul looks accordingly.
The World Mind of the Supreme Lord is bewildered by the knowledge that
Vanity is more attractive to ON Helpers than ON Momo’s Heavenly Love; this is
how a certain in uence of people on the Heavenly World is manifested. When
people prefer Vanity in its various forms, ON Momo then creates more and more
souls whose primordial Nature is Vanity, or Morose ON Momo and this is then
the basis for the other primary characteristics of the soul, because these will
correspond to its Nature.
In most of the creation of new souls, there is a vain feeling prevailing among ON
Momo that momo-ing ON Momo is not by the ON Helpers prophesied as
preferred; and that is prophesied by ON Momo. This causes to ON a completely
futile feeling of a miserable mood, which will reduce the nice mood and make the
mammon engine of knowledge work. Instead of momo-ing the newly created
souls as graceful ON Helpers, ON Momo, as a result of his feeling during the
creation of souls, creates a number of vain ON Helpers, whose result of the
mammonary cognitive process is shredded after summarizing the knowledge as
completely vain, entirely useless, because the Supreme Lord is not at all
interested in vain knowledge and is over what his ON Helpers mammonishly
Mammonish knowledge is also knowledge that is not coddled by the Supreme
Lord and serves only to add something new to the etheric mental level, which
then serves as a matrix for new portalized vanity patterns and ON Helpers can
then use them for their vanity actions.
Even vain knowledge is therefore necessary to a certain extent, but only if it is
something new and if it is vain only to a certain extent; and when it is created by
someone who has the appropriate qualities for it and uses them, albeit in a darker
way, then it can serve as an ideological thought pattern in the mental level. It’s
something like offering the mental patterns of the garbage washes off that
someone wants and that’s how he gets them. ON Helpers download them into

their consciousness, more precisely the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix takes them
there; and they then use them, adapt them, and create another vain events and
even more of vain knowledge, which are then shredded because they are of no
Even in the initial formation of the soul, it is true that the created Soul is an
expression or a memento of the creation itself, similar to when the work of an
artist during creation also re ects his psychological, mental and emotional
state. The creation of graceful ON Helpers is accompanied by ON Momo’s fond
memories of momo-ed ON Momo’s nice feelings when creating them, because
the feeling of momo-ed ON Momo is His preferred feeling.
At the level of ON Opinions, the initial ON intention is determined, which
determines how the soul will use its ON Momo Nature in its existences. It cannot
be overcome in any way, because it is the basic determination of the soul’s
primordial nature; The Supreme Lord proposes the momo-ing ON Momo, more
mildly he proposes the miasmatic ON Momo, the morose and vain ON Momo is
no longer attered and cannot be, because there is only a minimum of ON Momo
in that area and there is nothing to atter him.
The second step is determining whether the soul will propose ON Grace or ON
Milk; and at the same time whether he will propose the Light side of the Lord of
Spirits, or the opposite dark side of Apophis. Duality dissolves at the level of the
Lord of Spirits and creates space for prophesying morose and vain ON Momo at
lower levels; proposing ON Grace means that the soul will be a graceful ON
Helper in its lives, it will prioritize knowledge in terms of the cognitive process of
the Lord of Spirits.

The birth of an earthly soul

The original soul is created on the level of the Unity of the Supreme Lord; it is
something like the divine spark of ON Momo, which forms That mysterious
indescribable radiation “I Am” a part of ON. When the human soul turns away
from ON in His various forms and prefers Vanity, the original soul is lost, just as
the Spirit is lost.
The birth of the earthly soul is a re ection of the creation of the primordial soul;
even at high levels of being far above the Matrix there is something like a being, a
primordial man and that is the Lord of Spirits and he also has his Lady in a
certain sense. The Lord of Spirits creates Spirits, and by analogy the earthly
person who is His Re ection, the partner couple, man and woman, also give
birth to a new earthly soul through their act of love. Here, too, the Trinity of ON
Momo, ON Grace and ON Milk is present; their shades depend on the different
aspects and character of their Self, which is present in both partners and on the
relationship they have together; long-term and even at that particular moment. It
is similar to the creation of the soul by the Supreme Lord at the highest level, and
this ability is also given to man at the level of the physical earth world. It is a
privilege, but also a responsibility.
Just as the earthly Matrix is a distorted and twisted form of the Spirit Lord level
and the primordial Matrix, so the birth of an earthly soul is a warped re ection of
the creation of a higher soul. Parents to a certain extent in uence the Sign of the
born soul, which is linked to the date of birth and thus indirectly also to the date
of conception. A soul sign is something like an allocation of astrological settings;
it is the determination of how the soul will manifest itself in the Matrix in terms
of cosmic, planetary, numerological and other in uences.
However, the astrological settings in the ON Milk system of the ON Newt
(Matrix) are different from their ideal ethereal patterns because they have
changed due to the chaos of Apophis; the planetary gods prophesy with
deviations from what was originally intended. This is the reason why astrological
in uences on human lives, or their interpretations, often do not match reality and
cannot be completely relied on. But as a guide, they can sometimes be useful just
as they are. Even the Earth is not perfectly round, but the maps are still valid and

by taking into account the imperfections it is possible to reach the destination
The trio ON Momo, ON Grace and ON Milk is personi ed in the mythology
of Three Fates, who symbolically stand over the cradle of the child, endow the
child with characteristics and set its fateful path. This Trinity is also distorted in
its actions; because the lower the level at which this Trinity manifests itself, the
more it is polluted by dark beings who imitate it and try to do anything to get
their tenth in the form of the energy of grace.
Parasitic astral-mental entities mimic the Three Fates and attempt to in uence the
de nition of a nascent human being to have a destiny according to their
perverted wish. They are essentially three witches who practice black magic and
call on the arch-devil to arrange it according to them. It does not always work out
for them, because ON is behind everything and ON will arrange it anyway
according to His intention.
The black fates try to thwart ON’s intention and cast a spell on the born soul so
that it does not have a happy and pleasant earthly life, which according to the
correctness might belong to it. There are also exceptions, for example, when the
soul is their earthly avatar and is therefore a collaborator of Darkness. She was so
before birth and she will be so after the new birth. It’s like a mythological battle
between Good and Evil; constant jostling, who will prevail over whom. Here on
Earth, there are many people from various walks of life who, for example, have
innately beautiful physical bodies, charming persuasive speech, or a talent for
manipulation and harm; they have a tendency to get too rich, or rule over others,
and at the same time their insides are black as coal. These souls have their
mammoth share in this, which is that they wanted it that way and once upon a
time made contracts with the Devil and then constantly con rmed
them. However, for certain reasons, black fates cast a spell on some people to
have extremely attractive, successful and rich lives. Black fates manifest and
appear as white because they have stolen the energy of ON Grace, this energy
illuminates them outwardly and allows them to transform like chameleons.
Either they got the energy from the Devil, or they got it as a down payment from
the souls whose desires they ful ll, and when the day of reckoning comes, the
Devil will demand repayment of the loan. They will have to serve the Devil and
act as an intermediary of Darkness here on Earth. It happens regularly and all the
However, this is not the rule, because there are also other earthly proponents of
Satan, the poor, criminals, psychiatric patients, but also many who for now
outwardly act like more or less normal people. Both extremes apply, with a wide
range in between. It’s complicated with people, the human soul is an enigmatic

mystery even for higher beings. People from the dark side have their fates
in uenced by black judges so that they have the prerequisites for tyrannizing the
graceful ON Helpers, so that they can seduce, dominate, manipulate, lie, dig into
them, or enslave them; so that they can then take away their energy of grace for
themselves and especially for the dark side standing above them and acting
through them.
Archon astral-mental entities are proponents of Satan, their intention is to misuse
ON, get rid of ON from the human, to destroy ON in His various forms. Where
ON is taken away, Vanity will be created in his place. They want to turn off the
light to allow centipedes, spiders, and vampires to crawl out of their holes; to
annoy ON, who still remained there, to suck his blood and try to knock down the
rest of ON. They want to strip him of his divine nature.
Souls are embodied in the fetus very quickly after conception, apparently
immediately, and ON sends the mother the feeling that this has happened. The
mother will feel it in a vague way, as long as her perception of the higher
intuition is somehow in order. It is clear from this that the conceived fetus is
already a human being and an individualized ON is already attached to it, which
is preparing for its earthly life journey. The Trinity ON Momo, ON Grace and ON
Milk is present at the birth of an earthly soul, it in uences the personality of this
little person and his destiny.
In many countries of the world, there is a clear trend not only to legalize, but also
to support abortion in every possible way. Abortion promoters are
also promoters of Satan and servants of the Devil. Notice how they look, how
engaged and inspired they are by this “public bene t” activity, how they argue
for a woman’s freedom to do whatever she wants with her body. Those women
really have the freedom to decide anyway, however, the in uence of fear of the
consequences of conception, economic inadequacy and other reasons often
drown out their intuitive feeling, which sends them the message that it is not
okay to take the fetus for their own convenience; to destroy newly conceived ON
from his maternal ON. However, cases and circumstances are different, nothing is
black and white; sometimes it’s complicated. The promoters, both the archon
entities standing behind and the parent, all have free will; everyone is responsible
for their actions, which will be duly returned to them, and ON will evaluate it
once in the reckoning according to their intention, circumstances and other
in uences.
As in other cases, the proponents of Satan are vehemently at work here; on the
earthly level, on the one hand, there are fanatical promoters of abortion, and on
the other side are standing fanatical promoters of religiously motivated bans on
abortion and contraception, all of whom are servants of the same Devil. They are

proponents of Satan, as they want to limit the free will of man. Some persuade
women to have their fetus taken; they manipulate, lie and create the media
environment and various socio-economic pressures to make this happen; and
others threaten them with sin and eternal damnation. And at the center of it all is
the mind of the potential parent being manipulated by mental entities, they enter
his mind and try to eat him up from the inside with fear. And maybe that fear is
sometimes not even real, but arti cial, and after all, nothing extraordinary would
manifest from that fear in reality.
These pressures are not only at the societal level, but also at the individual level;
A potential parent is in uenced by, say, parents or a partner. If this happens and
the partner convinces the woman to have an abortion, then it is quite clear who
she got involved with, the proponents of Satan are also around us. It may also be
that he was deceived by the media; if that were to happen, then he probably
doesn’t have a higher intuition in order, which would let him know that ON is
important through Conscience ON Momo. And when he doesn’t have a higher
intuition, he doesn’t have a Spirit, at least in that moment of decision he is guided
by the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix.
If a woman marries a child under the in uence of archon parasites, she may be
haunted throughout her life by a silent intuitive remorse for wrongdoing, fear of
sinful behavior, or even thought and emotional attacks that will deprive her of a
sense of satisfaction. The last two will probably be the same mental entities that
in uenced her towards the abortion; however, it can also be the Spirit, which in
such a way intends to alert a person to his objectionable actions and initiate the
cognitive process. After that, it can quite easily happen that a woman in one of
her next lives will have problems conceiving, or she will lose a child.
However, there is also contraception, which when used with a subtle intention,
parents make it clear that they do not intend to give birth to a new soul in their
family through love intercourse. An act of love is not only the intention of soul
birth, but also a physical manifestation of love. Other processes also take place in
it, such as the creation of a new man; energy exchange and other events at higher
Astral-mental parasites and their earthly lackeys try to disrupt the love act also
by creating a system of religious unfreedom, through which, by impregnating
their minds, they try to impose on them the idea that love intercourse is only for
the birth of children, along with a feeling of guilt for sinning and fear from
unwanted conception. They also hacked into the mentioned energetic and higher
processes and extracted a lot of energy of grace from them.
And when people are already protected from conception by contraception, when
there is no longer any danger of conception, then this is again abused with the

hard intention of turning love intercourse into its opposite (sadistic) porn; which
is also propagated on a macro and micro level by the same entities, including
their human lackeys; and proposed by those who have succumbed to it and
devote themselves to it endlessly. They make up for everything possible and their
goal is to release energy of love and purposefully get people into the clutches of
the monster Devil, who wants to bring their souls to the upside-down altar of
So we live in such a society. Many aspects of earthly events are reversed and
mixed up. Perhaps we are (at least some of us and at least for now) lucky that
they do not appear in any particular way in our lives; here, however, one never
knows how and when things will turn around and everything will be different.


The purpose of temptation is to prophesy the knowledge that ON is the most

important and not the glittering nothingness of Vanity. ON Places and especially
the material world are full of temptations; ON prophesied it so, and his Creative
Angels exerted their inspiring in uence on the Many, so that the ON World
became a Garden of Eden, or a huge department store where everything is free.
However, after many vain temptations, it ceases to be free and becomes paid for.
ON is good and ON gives everything to others because he has some kind of
relationship with them. They are his ON, to whom he gave a piece of himself,
free will and his will to live and will to know. When Someone who is related to
you gives you a gift, and even if that Someone does not show any speci c direct
intention that they want something in return, it would be normal to show them
gratitude in some way, to repay them for their act. Giving gifts and expressing
gratitude in return is like verbal communication, where no words are needed and
any normal person would immediately understand; even between unknown
people speaking different languages, a certain relationship would immediately
be established, which could be the basis for a future long-lasting friendship.
And now imagine that you are in the shoes of the one who gives a gift in good
will to a person close to him; and he takes the gift and does not show him any
gratitude. You give him again and again nothing is given back. You give him
again, maybe you give him even more, and the person in question will use the
gift for nefarious purposes; maybe even against you. And again and more is
given and then he begins to take himself; and again and more. And the person in
question collapses under the in uence of so many gifts, he becomes a conceited
rich man, a spendthrift despot, or a big-mouthed tyrant who, under the ood of
gifts, thinks that noone is above him and he does not even remember the one
thanks to whom he came to all this, and still will tyrannically demand additional
gifts, which are then no longer gifts, but plunder.
There are many such examples in life; parents fund their children endlessly and
then they don’t get an adequate response back; another example is partnership,
patronage, or philanthropic relationships. When I have a positive relationship
with someone and do everything possible to make them feel good, I support him
in every possible way and give him what he needs and wants; and then he begins

to take those gifts as granted, or even as an obligation; maybe he will later start
terrorizing his donor into re-gifting him. I would probably be displeased to say
the least, then embittered and later develop a dislike and contempt for him.
The gift is not so much about the gifted object or the service itself, giving a gift is
also about trying to establish a dialogue, strengthen the relationship, it is an
expression of affection. It is also about the development of the gifted person,
because the right gift can develop creative thinking, imagination and can also
change the direction of his life. It also depends on the intention of the donor, as
well as on the attitude of the recipient towards the gift. It is also about the good
feeling of the donor, but that will only arise when his gift is received in return for
the attitudes with which it was given. It is also about a relationship, because
giving a gift to someone not involved is different from giving a gift to your
children or partner. If the recipient accepted the gift with an attitude of
ignorance, self-evidentness, or disdain, and if, in addition, he uses the gift to the
contrary, or to the detriment of the donor; so, understandably, the reaction of the
donor will be at least displeasure. Any other reaction would probably not be
quite normal.
Even some temptations are to a certain extent gifts from ON, by which ON nds
out what someone prefers. If souls never succumbed to any temptations, they
would probably not get the opportunity to know what is important to them and
what is not preferred. However, there is a certain invisible limit, because when
someone is too much subject to temptation, he may be possessed by the Vanity
Spirit of Mammon, the objects of temptation become a god to him, and it may
happen that ON the giver falls into oblivion.
Temptation is similar to shing. Feeding sh is a normal event of life, nature
feeds them and provides them with a natural diet. But if the sherman wants to
catch a sh, he attaches something extremely attractive to the hook, and that is
the bait. The sh is tempted to taste the bait, or wants to eat it straight away,
because its natural diet may have been depleted. If he succumbs to this
temptation, he runs the risk of getting caught. When a sh is smart, it avoids
baits and prefers the natural food it collects in the water. Or she is experienced
and only carefully tastes a bit of the bait and then leaves it alone. Or he jumps at
the bait and wants to swallow it whole, thereby exposing himself to the risk of
ending up on the baking sheet. If he resists, the Fisherman uses more
sophisticated shing rods and tempts the sh with more and more fragrant baits,
until he is successful and catches one. Maybe he’s the kind of sherman who
catches a sh and then releases it and catches it again sometime in the future to
see if the sh has learned its lesson. When the sh learns, the sherman stops
shing; and that is logical after all, because there is no one to catch, because the
sh has already learned its lesson and ignores the bait. But there are also

shermen who want to catch a sh at any cost and want to feed themselves at the
expense of its life. They pour a hallucinogenic preparation into the water, which
stuns the sh, even the educated ones mistake the bait for normal food; and then
the shermen will claim that it’s the sh’s problem, that it shouldn’t have been
drugged and then caught.
If this happens, who is responsible for this consequence? Is it a sherman or a
sh? Or both? Both are probably responsible for it, depending on the
circumstances; sherman – the devil’s insidious tempter, also the sh, which
represents the human soul, man.
If someone succumbs to temptation, he will be deprived from ON to some extent,
because he preferred Vanity and that is the opposite of ON. He runs into the risk
that the vain sherman will take from him the life-giving ON Grace. This will
then make it impossible for him to ful ll his Soul’s original purpose; and this is
the recognition of everything that is in the ON World and can be momo-ed by
ON; and that is de nitely not the Vanity.
The counterpart of temptation is to oppose temptation; it is a force that keeps us
away from temptation, it is also coming with the knowledge acquired indirectly,
that is, not on one’s own skin. Or it’s a combination of the above. Avoiding
multiple repeated succumbing to temptation is helped by admonition, with
which ON makes it clear that excessive succumbing to temptation is, on the
contrary of ON. ON’s admonition can take the form of an intuitive feeling or a
dream event. If the ON Helpers do not understand the dream warnings, or if
they understand and despise them, then the love recognition admonition can
turn into vanity.
The admonition for discharging ON is futile when it has no end, when it does not
lead to knowledge that would make the human soul realize that it should not be
done, because it has unpleasant consequences; but also because the intuitive
message of the primordial soul somewhere inside should reveal what ON prefers
and to what extent. The message of the vain admonition is unclear, comes at long
intervals, or the Admonition is reversed and becomes a Compulsion. The
unpleasant feeling for the objectionable behavior will become a pleasant feeling,
which will encourage the repetition of objectionable actions.
However, if, after some succumbing to temptation, a person comes to the
knowledge that the Vanity to which he was lured is not the proposed side of (his)
ON, then ON will stop vainly admonishing after some admonition.
The peculiarity of admonition is that its manner and methods change according
to the longer-term monotonous attitudes of the Chosen and the Righteous. If the
admonition is not heeded by man, he gets lower and lower until he can approach
the depths of hellish Vanity.

Such is the universal principle of admonition, it is always meant by Good, which
can subjectively manifest itself as Good deprived from Good and therefore Evil.
If people do not listen to the admonition, they turn away from ON and go to the
aid of Vanity.
In principle all suffering, physical and mental pains, diseases and misery of life,
are caused by Vain Admonitions and are proof that the person has not previously
listened to gentle and mild graceful Admonitions repeatedly and this may go
back to the distant unknown past eons.
Karmic debts, manifestations of Matrix programs and even vain admonitions do
not take into account the breaks between individual lives; when a new life
begins, it continues where it left off in the previous one. People who suffer
greatly sometimes point the nger at God and blame him for being evil and cruel.
However, old wisdom says that if you point at someone with an outstretched
nger, then three bent ngers of the same type will point at you. This is a
knowledge that is especially important at this time, as many ON Helpers are
disconnected from their Spirit and have lost the map to return to their true

The Matrix and ON the Newt

ON created the Matrix because he needed to prophesy the opponent to himself,

not in the sense of opposition, but in the sense of setting up a mirror and so that
he could see what the life he created looks like, because outside of the Matrix
there is no life, no action in the true sense of the word.
ON Milk is like a mother’s nutrient, which contains most of the water, minerals
and organic compounds that are necessary for the growth and development of an
individual. ON Milk is a symbolic representation of the settings of the mental
etheric level of being; the ON Milk ocean serves to create an endless amount of
different (physical) environments and situations to which the soul is exposed in
the Matrix; ON Milk is supposed to serve mainly for the evolution, development
and growth of the soul. The parity of ON Grace and ON Milk creates the
universe, galaxies, and mental, emotional, astral, and physical bodies of souls by
the laws of physics and mathematics. Without ON Milk, there could be no event
of life, no life as such.
Karmically uncorrupted human souls were connected to the Matrix lled with
primordial mental patterns long ago, their mental space was clean and even, they
were not burdened by any problems, perhaps except for primordial instincts and
mild emotional feelings.
In order for the primordial soul of man to have an experience in the Matrix, he
had to put on a garment that would represent him in the Matrix and form his
manifested Self. There was no clothing in the original Matrix, just as Adam and
Eve were naked in Paradise. The g leaf was symbolically their rst garment and
it represented the beginning of building the superstructure of the Matrix; the
reason for its creation was the primordial “sin” and that was nothing else than
the mutual manifestation of the Trinity; and that is ON Momo, manifested on the
earthly plane as the love union of a couple, ON Grace and ON Milk. It happened
practically immediately, because the consciousness of these two primordial
people was formed by ON and thus the couple was, so to speak, the Lord of
Spirits with his Lady. The intention of ON Momo is to know Himself as He will
manifest in the diversity of His ON Helpers in the material world.
The g leaf that covers the intimate parts symbolically represents the rst karmic
garment. Clothing in dream symbolism represents the sum of four bodies; karmic

(causal, mental), emotional, astral and physical; they represent all the
circumstances that were related to the creation of the karmic record and which
are recorded in the mental memory of the karmic records. Every action has
consequences, and even the original “sin” had its consequences and they are still
with us.
The matrix is mental, because it originates in thought, in the intention to perform
some deed, which then remains a memory in the mental causal level and is
further re ected in the emotional, astral and physical levels; it co-creates them
and is re ected in these bodies.
I call any being or entity that exists in the Matrix as ON Newt. Man is also a
parable of ON Newt. It is a multi-meaning symbolism; the salamander does have
reptilian features and similarities, but it is an amphibian; adapted to life in water
and on land.
The water represents the ocean of ON Milk, the salamander breathes through its
skin in it, it is at home in it and reproduces in it. On dry land, he breathes the air
of ON Grace through his lungs. We can also consider the toad as an amphibious
ON Newt, but extremely degenerate and disgusting; toads and frogs in
adulthood can only breathe the air of ON Grace with their lungs, and if they
don’t have it, they perish. Many toads are poisonous, they sit on the spring of
pure water of the graceful ON Milk, they poison it with their toxine, which is
secreted from their skin, and thereby also poison the souls of the ON Newts that
move in the water.
The clothing of a person in dream symbolism represents ON Milk of ON Newt,
without it the soul in the Matrix would not be visible and would not actually
exist in it, because the primary connection to the Matrix is also ON Milk of ON
Newt. Without it, Spirit would not be able to manifest in the Matrix at all. This
garment distinguishes the soul from other souls, it is made up of four bodies,
with the ve senses it is possible to perceive basically only the physical body.
At the primordial level of the Lord of Spirits, where the soul acquires identity, the
soul has no clothing, but there are central natural tendencies set for what types of
clothing it will wear on its cosmic journeys or incarnations and how the soul will
use its primordial settings. Clothes in dreams complements meanings of the
karmic records and deeds of past selves, they represent also ON Milk of ON
ON Newt is the Frame in which the primal settings of the soul are manifested; it
is the Mission of the Soul, which is like an empty, un lled coloring book. This is
what the soul in the suit of the ON Newt paints on his cosmic pilgrimages;
sometimes he lls it with matching colors of Grace, other times he enchants it

with the gaudy colors of some Vanity, or he lls it with gray squiggles of absolute
dark Vanity.
ON Newt is the Frame of the soul lled with ON Milk of ON Newt; if there were
no ON Milk of ON Newt at ON Newt, there would be no ON Newt either,
because the only thing left would be the Frame and that is the unful lled Mission
of the Soul; blank un lled unpainted coloring book.
ON Newt’s clothing is his four subtle bodies; they are formed by the ON Milks of
the ON Newt at different levels of the Matrix: they are karmic records connected
with various related blockages, programs, implants and a large number of other
dark energies that the soul of the ON Newt acquires during the lives and
existences here on Earth and also on the higher levels of the ON Newt in Matrix
and they complete the fate of ON Newt and thus also his soul.
ON Newt’s garment is also the fourth (mental) body, that is his karmic level,
which contains all his karmic records, processed and unprocessed, manifested
and unmanifested, active and inactive. Therefore, ON Newt’s clothes consist not
only of the parts of the clothes that he is currently wearing and are an active part
of his current Consciousness, but also of those that are in his subconscious. The
inactive ones, ready for use in Consciousness, are stored in the closet by the soul,
and the unmanifest inactive ones are stored in a box somewhere in the basement,
for potential use sometime in the future.
ON Newt is only wearing something from his clothing at one moment, it is only a
small part of his karma that manifests itself in real time. This is the cause of the
great delusion by which ON Newt manifests in the Matrix; the soul does not
manifest itself in truth; its physical appearance, body, behavior and mentality
re ect only active karma and inactive when it is activated. He is wearing only
something, a small part, a large part of the clothes is stored in the wardrobe, or in
the basement somewhere on a dusty shelf in a box, well hidden from the eyes of
the surroundings, even from the man ON Newt himself.
One then really often has no idea who he is dealing with when he meets another
person; because absolutely everything belongs to the soul, to the person, to the
ON Newt belongs not only what is currently manifested on the outside. This
delusion is a huge cause of many mistakes of ON Helpers who allow themselves
to be seduced by it; for many, however, this fake is not a problem and they let
themselves be fooled by it, because maybe it suits them and they probably don’t
care at all.
Clothing changes for the soul; for every life has one basic garment, with which a
person ON Newt comes into the world, and it is related to what his starting fate
in life is set. That clothing can change even during one life, because ON Milks of

ON Newt one constantly acquires and also gets rid of them; it can also change
signi cantly, according to their quantity and type, compared to his starting out t.
Typically, people gain much more ON Milk of ON Newt than they get rid of, and
the consequence is that they ll their wardrobe with more and more clothes. This
puts their balance of ON Milk of ON Newt into a great imbalance with ON
Grace, which they prophesy with knowledge under the guidance of the Spirit
and this presents a problem. They accumulate more karma than they clear
through natural knowledge of old karma.
Karma that a person does not process and solve during his life will remain in his
system after physical death in the form of unresolved karmic burdens. No Savior,
not even Jesus, will take these sins upon himself or remove them. It is best and
most effective to get rid of burdens through cognitive processes during the
current life, but this rarely happens, because most people have allowed
themselves to be trapped in the web of archon parasites and they are not
interested in solving karma. On the contrary, they prevent the knowledge of the
truth in every possible way, and they present a properly in ated and falsi ed
karma to ignorant people in the form of long-lasting, recurring suffering.

Thought consciousness and the mental virus

The cure for a virus in a person’s system is to remove it; prevention is knowing
the ON Opinions. We need to know what virus it is, how it works, for what
reasons it is in ones Self, what it is attacking, and how we can contribute to its
elimination. More or less, it is all about the karma of the human soul, which, if
not resolved, allows the darkness to feed on the consciousness of man and
tyrannize his system.
Therefore, an effective way to disinfest, to remove the virus of parasites, is to
recognize your past objectionable behavior, which is highly likely to be related to
something in your current life. Antidepressants and other medicines may seem to
work against psychological tyranny, but often it is only symptomatic help, which
does not solve the primary cause and may tend to pack additional karma on top
of the existing one. It can also be manifested by the side effects of medicines, their
reduced effectiveness, or something else.
A mental virus manifests itself in thoughts that we perceive in our head.
However, it also manifests itself in the lower chakras, in the heart chakra it can be
a feeling of sadness and loss of something valuable, in the solar chakra it can
manifest itself as a gnawing fear and restlessness. They are thoughts and
feelings that work their way into a person’s consciousness and, in mutual
cooperation, tyrannize its Self. They work together, sometimes they appear even
without an obvious external stimulus. It is questionable whether and to what
extent it is karmically justi ed and what is the cause of it.
Thought consciousness is the sum total of thoughts of all connected beings. Once
upon a time, in the beginning, the consciousness of the rst people was formed
by the primordial patterns of the etheric mental level that is above the Matrix.
The four dimensions of the Matrix are re ections of this ocean level of the
primordial ON Milk. The multiple re ections of the primordial thought
patterns immediately caused their distortion, their repetition in a different form,
by other people, under different circumstances; and thus cloned and mutated
thoughts began to form Thought Consciousness.
The brain is mainly a receiver of thoughts from the mental level and does not
come up with much on its own. When a person solves something, his Spirit,
which forms his consciousness, gives him an appropriate idea from the mental

level. A person then processes that idea, always in a different way, because the
circumstances of his external situation and internal state are always different. The
processed thought is sent to thought consciousness and the person remains
connected to it in a certain sense. An idea is like a balloon held in one’s hand by a
string. When a thought comes to a decision and action, even a small karmic entry
at the level of the Matrix, or merit at the level of the Spirit, can arise.
But it came to pass that many people became more and more intoxicated with
matter; and not only in the sense of ownership of material things; but especially
in the sense of excessive enjoyment of the pleasures that matter brings; because
matter in this sense is mainly astral sensual pleasures and emotional pleasant
feelings. The beliefs and delusions that a person has believed are also matter; for
it has given him a pleasant sense of assurance that his attitude and subsequent
action are right, even though they are not.
Many human souls have deviated from their original mission; they preferred the
matter of the Matrix to ON Grace of the knowing and creative Spirit. The Light
Spirit of Grace began to depart from them, and the Dark Spirit of Vanity arose in
its place; the latter in uenced people’s thoughts more and more towards their
dark mutations.
After some time, it happened that an excessively large number of negative dark
mutated thoughts entered the Thought Consciousness, which were karmically
attached to their bearers. They began to group themselves according to
characteristics that they had in common and began to acquire something like
their own (group) identity; archon criminal thought gangs were formed.
Every negative thought is like a virus, while a positive one in the sense of ON
Grace is like a medicine. Clusters of dark thoughts are close to the Matrix, they
are at the bottom, they are heavy, they are related to matter and they are aimed at
people who prefer matter; but also on people who are on the path of spiritual
Why is it like that? Because for the dark entities that manage the ow of dark
thoughts to some extent, every person is a proponent of Satan even it is not and
darkness who deserves nothing but suffering and tyranny leading to his release
from the energy of grace. That’s how they set it up in their degenerate “mind”
because their reptilian vision is either zero or one and nothing in between. Since
they are zeros themselves, they see zeros all around them, among their fellow
tribesmen and also among humans. They perceive super cially and capture only
partially spoken words, thoughts and deeds, without a wider context and
without knowledge of Feelings and Love.
It is quite obvious that the superior and hierarchically higher proponent of Satan,
or the Devil, is the master of these low astral-mental entities. They fearfully

pander to the superior Devil and try to extract from him additional powers or
energy to extend their in uence on humanity; just to avoid for a while longer the
inevitability of their karma that inevitably awaits them.
There are many thought mutants in the group of archon gangs. Maybe only a few
of them are karmically attached to one particular person, but they work together,
are connected and only then have power. Individually, they are weak, it’s like
when a person inhales one virus, the body normally copes with it easily.
If there is a good load of them, a person will be attacked, his body will shut
down, and then the person may become mentally or physically ill. The group
identity of archon parasites is one of the reasons for their excessive negative
impact on humans in terms of their karma. Then new negative stimuli with
which he had nothing to do before enter human’s thoughts. If he succumbs to
them and does something according to them, he will cause another karmic record
and will be packed with even more mental viruses. And so it happened that the
mutated dark thoughts grew exponentially in the Thought Consciousness and
with them the archon gangs.
A person does not even have to act on the basis of an accepted idea, it is enough
when he starts to deal with it, other mental archons will immediately attack him
and they can cause him a thought-emotional whirlwind and thus force him to
make a decision and act according to their in uence.
If a person is under the in uence of such mental cannonade, then something is
wrong with him. Archons are extremely intrusive, slimy, sharp, poisonous
intruders, as are their bearers; and these are particular astral beings who have
their own identity and will face their karma for their actions.
Just as the u virus wants to control the human organism, the archon virus also
wants to control the mental space of a person. When mental viruses cluster into
large groups, they acquire something like arti cial intelligence and apparently
also something like a small consciousness. They have a lot in common with the
Devil and Satan.
The Archons became permanently attached especially to the minds of those souls
to whom they had a natural af nity; and these were the souls who in the past
proposed matter too much and then did not have enough Spirit to warn them of
the danger of the archons. They get along with them because they support their
common material-mammonistic and hedonistic tendencies and over time they
almost completely controlled the consciousness of these human or other beings.
They wanted to live through them because they had no body of their own, no
Spirit, no Soul. The consciousness of these human souls is controlled by the
opponent of ON, whose representatives are the (un)conscious human and astral
proponents of Satan.

There are also bright mutations of thoughts and inspiring mental sensations,
which are related, for example, to some artistic, scienti c or other creative activity
leading to knowing oneself, to spiritual evolution, to knowing ON, meant as
helpful activities for other ON Helpers, and these are added to the upper part of
the mental level; they will enrich it with new ornaments of ON Milk. They
strengthen the Spirit, and then the Spirit strengthens the person, for example, in
purifying his karma and getting to know ON on the higher level.

Taking positions

Consciousness is used by man to take his attitudes towards whatever comes into
his system in the form of thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensory and supersensual
intuitive perceptions, compulsions and temptations resulting from his addictions,
attachments and other traps originating from the Matrix and various higher
levels. The attitude a person takes also includes a decision on how to deal with
that stimulus.
In his Consciousness, a person becomes aware of something, prophesies
something, and this means that he understands it internally rst at the level of
the mental reasoning, memory, emotional-feelings, astral, or physical body. Then
there is a decision-making process about the position he will take on this, and
when he decides, he accepts that position as quasi- nal.
Then he can receive internal feedback given in different ways, information that
can tell him, truthfully or falsely, whether he has adopted the right or wrong
attitude. It depends whom the person belongs to in partnership or in servitude,
whether it is a Spirit or an Arti cial Spirit. One can reassess its attitude, go
through the process one more time, or several times, and adopt a new attitude,
until one arrives at the nal attitude. It can be an instant and quick process.
Taking a stance is something like an internal decision, but it does not take the
form of a concrete idea. The position has not yet been expressed or de ned in any
way; sometimes it reaches a person’s consciousness directly from ON, often
indirectly through various entities of the Matrix.
Consciousness manifests itself rst by taking an internal attitude and only then
by manifesting it externally; it can be the internal expression of a thought that
describes the attitude, its verbal expression out loud or in writing, or its
expression by a physical act.
It is not at all an unusual phenomenon that a person’s inner attitude differs from
his thought expression and this can further differ from his verbal expression and
this in turn can differ from his subsequent action. Slight differences can
sometimes have their justi cation and can be the norm as long as they are made
with some awareness of the differences in their expressions. Morosely winding
up the differences between the internal attitude and its external manifestations
can be a manipulative self-deception, since a person is deceiving himself. So he

lies to the one who resides in his consciousness, he lies to his current Self, he lies
to his individualized Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix, his Spirit from the level of the
Lord of Spirits and His Angels; or manifests himself to other people by lying and
making false statements.
The one who sits in the Consciousness of a Man and in uences the adoption of
his attitudes can be someone completely different from the man himself. When
he is not in the rst place in a person’s consciousness, someone or something tries
to take his place, which wants to be in the person’s consciousness and in uence
his consciousness with the aim of completely dominating him. For example,
archon astral parasites would like to in uence a person’s decision-making so that
he performs some (according to them) objectionable act, and when that happens,
then under the pretext of karmic settlement, they want to ax him endlessly with
emotions, doubts, thought attacks, diseases and who knows what else, in order to
punish him for the karmic deed into which they themselves manipulated him;
and even without the person nding out what it actually is for. Even a person can
be guilty of this, there is no doubt about that. He may have karma from the
ancient past, which the parasites will try to present to him ad in nitum.
How a person manifests their free will outwardly is entirely up to them anyway,
even if they are in uenced by their individualized Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix.
It is up to him in what form of thoughts and words a person formulates his
attitude, what words he utters or what actions he performs. That’s what man is
here for, to exercise his free will and choose which of his available selves to
choose as his current self; in a speci c situation, or in general for a longer stage of
spiritual development.
It happens that this is not the case, because people often serve as a speaker, as a
puppet for some entity that controls their Consciousness to a lesser, greater or
complete extent, thinks for them, makes decisions, pronounces something
through them and acts through them. Maybe it’s just for a moment, or even for a
longer time, or for a certain situation. Sometimes the Dark Archon Entities
pursue a purpose and act together and in coordination; emotions, thoughts and
astral feelings will create such a concentrated pressure that a person who is not
trained or used to it will succumb to it.
For the individual human soul, the World of Lord of Spirits is represented by its
Spirit, which represents its primordial identity; the spirit is present in human
consciousness only to the extent that the human soul allows it within its initial
settings and givens; it also depends on the degree to which the soul of man
depletes his Spirit with his attitudes and objectionable actions.
Lord of Spirits is Amon and He is a manifestation of the Supreme God at the level
of the primordial mental ethereal patterns, prophesying certain aspects of ON

Grace. The sun representing Amon is in the center of the solar system. The name
Amon has a symbolic meaningful connection with the ancient Egyptian deity,
in the primordial Matrix Amon is manifested as the planetary Sun God of the
Center. Amon is not a being in the true sense of the word, he is not an astral
being, nor an alien. It is a higher pattern above the Matrix and also manifests
itself in some beings on lower levels of being.
In the three-dimensional world of the Earth, time runs slowly, the consequences
of the attitudes and decisions of human souls weigh on them over time. The ruler
of time Saturn, is in a certain sense an absolutely extraordinary tempter, because
he indirectly enabled people to indulge in whatever they set their minds to
without having to immediately suffer the consequences of their objectionable
actions; it’s like a high-interest loan that’s due sometime far in the future.
Saturn is also a manifestation of ON Opinions, because this is how it should be
on Earth. The slowly passing time symbolically causing the postponement of
payments for “loans” is one of the things that makes the Earth a speci c and
demanding environment for the cognition and evolution of souls; since it is not
necessary to pay the bills for your deeds right away, much wider possibilities and
opportunities for their unlimited use open up. On the other hand, it is an
apparent “advantage” for many, but it causes the accumulation of unpaid karmic
bills for the future. It is both an advantage and a disadvantage, as when, as for
whom, as it is taken.
Do not judge or condemn anyone in your thoughts: Such a rule is impossible
unless a person immerses himself in the autohypnosis of autosuggestion, which
works his normal thinking by blocking the accepted belief that something is
forbidden to him and that it is inappropriate for some reasons. There is nothing
wrong with judging someone in their thoughts.
An assessment is something like a summary of knowledge about a given person,
which crystallizes into consciousness at a certain moment. If the actions of the
person being judged change and the person’s knowledge about him is updated, it
is of course possible to change one’s attitudes towards him and to judge the
person anew. However, it is necessary to know that the character of a person does
not change. A person does not change in the scope of one life, because it takes a
long time, many lives, for his more signi cant development towards
improvement, unless he has already fallen too deep. So, a new assessment of a
person is intended rather in the sense of getting to know him better, when the
previous assessment was based on an insuf cient amount of information, or was
in uenced by emotional states.
Attitudes towards another person arise from their assessment. We form an
opinion about someone, which should be substantiated and long-term, but this

requires careful observation and thinking with intuition. Judging just like that is
super cial and leads to mistakes.
It is a little different with sentencing, because the very word implies that it is an
irreversible and unsurpassable process. However, it depends on the
circumstances and, as in the previous case, it should be a conscious process,
based on his own experiences and knowledge.

Energies of Matrix

Everything in the subtle or material world is energy. This world intertwines with
the mental, etheric and higher worlds. For the purpose of this clari cation, I call
it energy, because I must call it some kind of collective term, and since it
manifests itself as energy, it has the attributes of energy; sometimes it can be seen
in the form of light, sometimes it can be measured, and at least it seems to move.
At rst glance, solid matter is also energy. Even what appears to be immaterial is
energy. Thoughts, dreams, feelings and their manifestations are manifested
energies of various kinds. Imagine that the Earth is wrapped in something like
shing nets made of electric wires stretched into a grid, and there are many such
nets stacked above the Earth’s surface. They are on top of each other.
Even a person within the layers of his invisible being can be wrapped in black
threads, he can also have them inside him; for example, the heart chakra may be
wrapped in cobwebs; they cannot be seen with the naked eye because they are
not physical in the sense of the three-dimensional level. They can be black
cobwebs, but they can also be of gray or white color, depending on the shades of
the deeds they are related to. They are projections on the astral level, created by
the re ection of mental records from higher levels; they may be related to the
Shadow of man, or to the curses of astral parasites.
Grids are part of the Matrix and give meaning and form to its energies. At rst,
there was only an ancient primordial network on Earth, through which
primordial energies owed. They are energy-information streams of various
types, which we call the primordial energies of the primordial Matrix for short. It
was the primordial Earth when everything was as the primordial Creator
designed it.
Let’s say it this way: the cars in the autodrome are connected by poles to the
electrical network located on the ceiling. The toy cars do not work without
electricity, their lights do not come on, they are completely extinguished. The toy
car represents a person’s physical and subtle body, the driver is his current Self,
and the passenger is his Guide, his Spirit. This is how people are connected to the
energies of the Matrix; they cannot live without them, or even exist, because the
energies of the Matrix represent the redistribution of the ipped ON Grace and

ON Milk. Life energy, emotions, thoughts, feelings, pains and pleasures of the
astral body ow through the rods into the human self.
In the amusement park, the main fun is driving, but actually also the cars subtly
crashing into each other, but they are protected on the sides by thick rubber
bumpers. Driving around other cars, even hitting them, represent interactions in
interpersonal relationships, they can be the trigger of a plot that causes some
knowledge or a new plot. The bumpers are also placed along the inner perimeter
of the surface on which it is driven; the reason is to avoid excessive damage and
A long time ago, in the days of Atlantis, the Dark Angel created and installed
new networks around the Earth, covered the primordial networks from below
and connected them to each other with a switch. He altered the primordial
energies of the Matrix and scrambled them in such a way that their purpose was
primarily to rob people of the energy of grace.
He gradually mixed the manifestation of feelings in such a way that there became
chaos and inconsistency between the actions and the appropriateness of the
related feelings of the person. So that a person, for example, has a pleasant warm
feeling of love and grace when doing something wrong. However, some with a
higher consciousness may have completely opposite, unpleasant feelings during
the same action.
It’s akin to a corrupt switchman at a train station shuf ing switches to cause the
traf c chaos; trains that ran reliably until then will be late, there will be accidents,
derailments, injuries and casualties.
The primordial energy began to ow from the upper primordial grids into the
new lower grids, but it was altered by the Switch and took on a new meaning.
The new energy was enchanted; its purpose was to drive people crazy and
manipulate them into abandoning the primal, heavenly pure, in favor of the new,
hellishly polluted.
Water is ON’s favorite drink, it is an indispensable basis without which life on
Earth could not exist in such a form. Pure water is the primordial energy of the
primordial Matrix; it is composed of oxygen and hydrogen and these are
relatively bright celestial formulas. The opposite of water is, for example, acetic
acid or alcohol. Both of these liquids are also composed of oxygen and hydrogen,
but carbon is added to them. Carbon is a completely black, low-vibrational
subterranean formula that originates from the hellish ON Place, where worms,
insects, spiders, and poisonous centipedes also originate. Carbon is the basic
building block of all organic compounds and thus of all living organisms. Do you
see? To the primordial pure energy of water, you add the infernal coal element

representing Satan’s ingredient using a certain formula, and the water
immediately changes into something completely different, for example alcohol.
If the Dark Angel, or the Devil, opened an alcohol store in an orderly town and
started massively promoting it; after a while someone would succumb to the
allure of alcohol, he would start to pay too much attention to it, then others
would join him. Over time it would affect them, strife would arise in
relationships and the town would change; it would no longer be so orderly or
peaceful. However, the problem here is not the alcohol itself, but the driving force
that makes people consume it excessively. And this can be psychological
problems, persuasion by the Devil, possession by an astral being, or karmic
The new energy of the Matrix became more attractive to people than the original
one, also because, unlike the original energy, the new energy manifested itself in
the astral body with even more pleasant and intense feelings that lasted longer.
Admonition for abusing the new energy came after a long time until it created
the impression that there were no consequences for excessive worship of these
A new network is placed between humans and the upper spiritual world. It is
very solid and it is not possible to reach the true heavens through it; even if
someone here and there manages to reach knowledge with the help of the Spirit,
and then ON opens the net a little and allows him to look into the heavenly
spheres. When the person/soul leaves the place where they are standing, it may
happen that the hole in the net passes and they have a solid net over their head
again. Then one should come to the knowledge of where he moved, for what
reasons, what he found there, whether it is better to be imprisoned under a net
than to be directly under the heavenly world; would it not be better to eventually
go back, or will he act in such a way that ON opens the network for him in
another place as well. The opportunity must be used when it arises.
People paid more and more homage to the primordial energies of the Matrix
because they found them pleasant. They indulged in rituals in which they
received bliss in a shamanic way, forgetting their original purpose: connecting
with the heavenly world of the Lord of Spirits. Blissful are also the feelings of
ownership of large property, the feeling of power over others, the feeling of
deciding being and non-being of others; or pleasures and enjoyments of an
inordinate number of different kinds, especially if others have to pay for them.
Worshiping the energies of the Matrix too much is favoring the Vanity, for when
it is too much, it no longer leads to knowledge, but is a routine immersion in
something that produces only pleasant sensations of various kinds in the astral

body. In essence, it is the abuse of heavenly gifts to indulge excessively in earthly
pleasures without a higher meaning, especially at the expense of other beings.
An admonition comes for objectionable conduct, and if it is not accepted and
properly processed, a karmic record is written for disregarding the admonition,
and this may affect the nature of future admonitions. Whoever is too fond of
sensory astral pleasure, his consciousness also moves on the physical-astral level,
because he thinks with the lower astral sensory body.
Since time passes slowly in the three-dimensional physical and astral worlds,
rebuke for abuse to many also comes slowly and takes longer to manifest. If the
admonition comes after a long time, or a chain reaction of causes-consequences-
causes-consequences…, then a person cannot even connect the consequence with
its initial cause, and thus usually cannot gure out what it actually is for;
especially when it comes as past life karma.
If someone has consciousness at a higher level of the Spirit, then ON will
admonish him relatively quickly. Mild inconveniences or dream events
discourage him from repeating the mistake and allow him to come to his senses.
For example, someone likes cigarettes and then coughs, has shortness of breath,
unpleasant thoughts and dreams. If it is repeated regularly and the person in
question nds that it is a kind of pattern of consequences and causes of smoking,
then it is relatively obvious that it is a warning; his ON admonishes him that it is
harmful to him because it is the promotion of Satan and it is a contrary direction
for his Self. However, for other people, excessive smoking does not outwardly
cause anything, apparently no one admonishes them, because they do not have
ON to admonish them. Seemingly it belongs to them, because they are already on
the side where smoking belongs. However, this may not be the rule, because
astral parasites even a person who is not addicted to nicotine and does not like it
too much; they will use various tricks of astral energies to force them to indulge
in nicotine or alcohol. When parasites lose their charge and energy, as if cut off, a
person stops having excessive urges and can get rid of such habits very quickly.
The admonitions are mild, but when people ignore them, the Spirit will gradually
leave them and the Dark Spirit of Vanity will be created in its place, and it will
manifest itself in a way that it will gradually punish humanity with astral-mental
parasites, and this is like releasing the Kraken monster from an underwater cage.
However, even the Kraken is petri ed when he looks into the eyes of the
monstrous Medusa.
So it happened that since the ancient past there were fewer and fewer people
with a higher consciousness of the Spirit. The Dark Angels disconnected people
from the original Matrix and connected them to the new Matrix, which did give
them more pleasures, but those were pleasures from the Dark Side, for which

they were billed. The system tends to harmonize and the rule applies that the
invoice from ON always arrives. However, this has nothing to do with the
voracious astral parasites, who are no different from people totally possessed by
the Darkness.
From the view from above, the new Matrix is indeed a superstructure of the
original one, but physically it is below it, so it is closer to people’s consciousness.
The Dark Angel connected the cars with networks that were closer to people, and
people began to use the energies of the New Matrix owing from the closer
networks more than the energies from the original Matrix. However, it was
contrary to the Lord of Spirits, and therefore his helpers removed the protective
rubber bumpers of ON Grace, which until then protected the drivers and
passengers of cars from inconvenience. As a result, their driving experiences took
on a much more intense dimension and injuries started to occure.

Cognitive and Developmental Cycle - Project Earth

Everything vibrates, the universe expands and contracts; even the stars live their
lives; they light up, then go out, until nally they collapse in on themselves under
the weight of their own weight and create a black hole that wants to swallow all
the matter around. The planets revolve around the Sun; nature follows the
seasons; human life also undergoes a cyclical evolution from birth to death and
then again and again. The universe and nature are full of symbols, star signs,
zodiac, parables of natural or physical laws, they are a reminder that the
universal laws of the primordial Creator are here and still apply. One who wills
sees it; and the one who doesn’t want to see it, the rules of free will also apply to
the willingness to get to know the ON Opinions.
The cognitive and developmental cycle is something of a Spirit’s Lord norm;
even at the highest dual level of ON, it is a constant cycle of prophesying Grace,
which alternates with releasing the Grace and supporting the Vanity; inhale and
exhale, all the time. The cycle is Cognitive because it is intended to acquire
knowledge about the Self and the knowledge of the individual about his own
relationship to the Self. One life is one small cycle for an individual, while the
Cognitive Cycle is the overall global cycle for a group of souls, for example all
souls incarnated on Earth, or souls connected to the Earth’s ON Place in some
other way.
Objectionable conduct in the sense of ON Opinions means an action to which ON
does not have a positive relationship and presents it to the individual again in
order to give him the opportunity to get to know it and correct it, or to get to
know it and have the opportunity to take a (again) positive attitude towards him,
or to change his attitude. If there is no correction and it will be constantly
repeated, then the negative relationship of ON to his objectionable behavior will
gradually change to a negative relation to the one who indulges in the
objectionable behavior. Momo-ing ON Momo will ip into morose ON Momo. It
is not that different from human relationships here on Earth.
The cognitive aspect of the Cycle is also about learning about one’s own karma
under different circumstances. Karma consists of records of objectionable actions
that ON, through the Spirit, presents to the soul for knowledge, processing,
setting up the attitude to all of it and, nally, reconciliation with ON. Getting

knownledge is also creative activity of gaining new experiences. ON manifests
himself outwardly by deeds and inwardly by the radiance of ON Momo; and all
this together is something in which the Development of the Soul consists. The
soul develops, strengthens its character, gains knowledge and experience, re nes
its focus, or acquires a new one, or acquires a new quality. Therefore, in addition
to the Cognitive aspect, the cycle also has a Developmental aspect.
The Supreme Lord is the One who decides what is permissible for Him and what
is not. ON gave to his individual Selves free will to manifest and that is what
cognitive cycles are for, because each of the cycles differs in something. It has a
different character, it can be said that other combinations of astronomical
in uences act on it. Within the cycles there are also smaller cycles that relate to
signs, astrological in uences and planetary gods.
One human life is like one cycle for the human soul, and when it is reborn, it is
into different conditions. Through many lives, the soul gets many opportunities
to repeat the Knowledge and evolve in other conditions and in another body;
through the mysterious act of the Great Magician, similar situations come into his
life in a different guise, which are meant for him to learn and develop. After that,
it is up to the free will of the individual, whether he will grasp them and use
them for the Knowledge full of Grace, or misuse them mainly for his own bene t
to enjoy the Vanity.
For some reason, we as human souls found ourselves here on Earth and we got
here from somewhere, at least symbolically from the star constellation Pleiades,
Orion, Lyra, Sirius, but also from other places of our galaxy. We are of starry
origin, and some of us sometimes gaze fondly at the night sky with an intuitive
sense of a lost home. The earth and the evolution of humanity are connected to
other parts of the universe, whether it is an actual physical connection, or the
connection has meaning mainly in terms of understanding the symbols and
allegories of the cosmic meaning of the star signs.
The Pleiades are something like the starting point of earthly souls; the astral
world with a narrower range of duality is indeed a relatively pleasant place to
live, but with a reasonably narrow space for the breadth of knowledge. Already
there, the souls were divided and, within the framework of their nature and their
previous karma, they expressed their preferences for future development. Many
liked it there and did not want to move on from there. However, part of the souls
longed for change, also for knowledge of something new, previously unknown,
and decided to realize their mission in the demanding conditions of dense
matter; however, for some of them, the real reason was also the promise of
intense experiences and pleasures in the dense material world, which are not

available to such an extent on the astral level. They wanted to avoid getting to
know each other and mainly intended to enjoy themselves.
When the Earth was ready, the souls were brought here by incarnating into the
bodies of the human race, which was prepared for millions of years to receive a
higher consciousness. During them, many visitors took turns here, for whom the
Earth was the place of creativity of nature, ora and fauna; and it is quite possible
that many remained here in some form. There are still a large number of astral
beings who participate in some way in the course of nature.
There are also many other human souls present on Earth who are not ON
Helpers, they are helpers of the ON Newt (Matrix) and they got here gradually,
later and in a different way, also in connection with the enormous increase in the
population of the Earth; these are souls that have almost nothing of the Spirit,
their consciousness is controlled by the Arti cial Spirit of Matrix, they came here
from Sirius and other ON Places.
While souls were preparing for their participation in the Project Earth,
preparation was also taking place on Earth; a lot of time passed before the Earth
got into a state suitable for the beginning of human activity; Earth, Pleiadian and
Orion time zones are not the same, time runs differently in different dimensions.
The Atlantean civilization was under the in uence of Orion, which greatly
in uenced the character of the new Earthly Matrix; souls were also prepared for
their action by Orion. The earthly development cycle is mainly dated from the
Mu civilization and the Atlantean cycle, because then the superstructure of the
Matrix was gradually created by the actions of human souls in the environment
of the primordial Matrix. We are now at the end of the last small cycle from the
last great cycle, and that is the Nibiruan cycle, because the role of the greatest
villains here was played by the gods – the Anunnaki from Nippur (Nibiru), also
known by many other names, and their earthly avatars, whose consciousness is
largely checked-in by the Anunnaki.
The development cycle of human souls on Earth is in a certain sense the opposite
of ON Momo, which is the primordial ON Opinion, part of ON Momo is also the
desire for knowledge. It is impossible to come to knowledge without the soul
immersing itself in a certain, at least mild, suffering, and all of this together
brings mistakes, even on purpose, leading to the creation of karmic debts.
The development cycle is symbolically something like a game of knowledge, the
content meaning of which is, however, a serious program for divination of
knowledge for ON; it is not a game in the sense of mere pleasure; because this
play is quite often also a drama and a tragedy. Compared to other learning cycles
at other ON Places, the “Project Earth” cycle is speci c in its dif culty in terms of
an extraordinary degree of deprivation from ON.

It is not possible to unsubscribe from the Earth Project, or leave it by a unilateral
decision of the soul; ON Helpers who signed up for Earth must stay here and
reincarnate until the end, and that end is the end of the cycle, and that end is
already knocking on the door. For ON Helpers who will help their return to ON,
the end of the cycle can be a release from the prison of the perceived endless
cycle of (unpleasant) incarnations and will mean for them their return to the high
vibrational Pleiadian transition site.
The great earthly cycle represents symbolically a circle that has its beginning and
its end; and it is also the shifted beginning of a new circle, not the same, because
everything is in motion, everything changes, it is not possible to enter the same
river twice. It is a circle only from the top view, from another angle it is a spiral.
Also in astronomical symbolism, the terrestrial cycle corresponds to the circle of
the earth’s orbit, which, together with the solar system, revolves around a star
that is important for the earth in that cycle. The sum of the movements of the
point in a circle and at the same time forward together form a movement in a
The last few orbits lasted about 26,000 years each, which is also the time it takes
for our solar system to orbit Alcyone, the central sun of the Pleiades constellation,
because the Pleiades and some groups of their inhabitants have a certain
oversight over the Earth, serving as ON Helpers in both the Vanity and Love
realms; the Pleiadian in uence is also related to the signi cant in uence of the
Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru, which began to regularly orbit our Sun. Nibiru
entered our solar system precisely from the Pleiadian star system Elektra. This
star symbolism has great meaning for us.
The Anunnaki are a class of gods within the ancient Mesopotamian pantheon.
Among the gods named in some texts, members of the Anunnaki are Enlil, Enki,
Ninhursag, Sin (Nanna), Ishtar (Inanna) and others. Throughout history they had
many different names and the ruling clique of Anunnaki gods changed their
composition depending on who was there in political and ideological power. The
former gods were banished and replaced by a newer generation of gods. Their
main goal was to decide the fate of human beings by imitating both God and the
Devil. In the Babylonian creation epic Enuma Elish, the main Babylonian god
Marduk has authority over some 600 Anunnaki gods. He orders that 300 of these
gods reside “in the heavens” and another 300 “on earth.” The Anunnaki are also
described as judges of the dead. The Anunnaki stuck their dirty hooves into I
guess all earthly affairs. Anunnaki are astral parasites, they lived on human
energy, which they robbed from humans by constantly cursing them. They
bewitched people and their fates. The Anunnaki gods were many, in various
forms and under various names, operating in civilizations and religions around
the world.

The seat of the Anunnaki is Nippur (Nibiru), a city in today’s Iraq, and it is also
the name of a yet-to-be-discovered planet that orbits the Sun in an extremely
elliptical orbit in an interval of approximately 3,600 years. Nibiru regularly
approaches Earth, and this event has an obvious cosmological, but mostly
symbolic, even astrological signi cance in Earth’s history.
The development cycle of Project Earth consists of seven circuits; by prophesying,
its total duration is approximately determined in advance, in reality it may
manifest itself differently, because unexpected external in uences of Chance and
Uncertainty of Apophis may occur, which will contribute to changing the plan.
The length of the seven circuits is also different because during the billions of
years of the existence of the Earth and our Solar System, the astronomical
conditions of orbiting around something that was of primary interest to the Earth
at that time period changed; just as a wheel revolves around its central axis, the
revolving Center was gradually replaced, rst represented by the constellation
Lyra, later by the Pleiades, and then by Orion. Extraterrestrial ON Helpers from
the stars visited Earth for the purpose of their own cognitive process, as part of
their developmental cycle. The remains of the results of their creative activity can
still be seen on Earth today in the form of plants, animals and many other ON
Milks of the primordial Matrix.
The Earth, as we know it today, will probably disappear at the end of the Great
Cycle, in the sense in which we know it, but the Earth, with all living and non-
living things that exist on it, is supposedly not that special in certain sense,
because there are similar ON Places in our home galaxy. The development
repeats itself because the previous cycles of development were also terminated
by catastrophes in which the Mu, Atlantean and then the Mu/Lemurian
civilization sank to the bottom of the sea. Not everything was destroyed on Earth,
something remained and created a starting point for the beginning of the next
cycle, at the end of which we are now.
After the end of the great cycle, there are two scenarios for the souls. The rst
scenario is the continuation of further developmental cycles in other ON Places,
with possible improved endowments and talents that will enable the soul to
carry out its mission at a higher level. It is evolution and that is ON. I think that if
the soul is constantly progressing between great development cycles, it not only
acquires knowledge for ON, but also develops and receives more initial settings,
but these are extraordinary events, as a result of which the soul can gradually
become more like ON. The quality of the new Knowledge and Development
Cycle depends on the quality of ON Helpers who will participate in it. The
second scenario for the soul is that it will not continue at all.

Global Devil

The Global Devil is an aspect of ON mixed with what is found in the World of the
opponent of ON, the World of Satan. The Devil is an agent of Satan, he represents
the principle of Excess, which consists in the excessive use and abuse of the
source of the primordial ON Milk. Since ON wants to give to his ON (people,
beings) what they have chosen with their free will, he also has the Devil in his
offer, so that through him he can ful ll for them everything that they desire with
the excessive desire of their Ego.
When a man wants too much of something and desires it without having
deserved it fairly, ON will refer him to the Devil to deal with him. Devil has such
products in its portfolio that many people desire. The line between ON and Satan
is wide, it is vague and hazy. The lower, the denser and more substantial the mist
is. So, the deeds that beings do under the in uence of the Devil cannot be blamed
on the Global Devil as such.
There are beings who act like the Devil because they represent him to a great
extent in the hierarchy, there are many devils and low little devils who are his
agents. They are agents of the Agent, the principle of the Devil is multi-level
marketing, and between the levels of the devils and also externally, the
communication tool is public relations (PR) and advertising. It’s a product
promotion, where you don’t get to know anything more than what the Devil
wants to tell you to buy his product. What is written in small letters under the
advertisement, you have no chance to read or realize, because there is a lot of it, it
is illegible and the wording is unclear and ambiguous.
Agents hire more agents and they hire more agents, everyone in the chain
bene ts from it, makes a fat pro t from it in the form of empty Nothing. At most,
they get some eeting feeling of wealth, power and control over others, but it
fades away and then in its place there is only empty vain Nothing, Vanity Gray,
the godmother of all depressions.
Everything that a being does is the responsibility of that being itself. She was
given free will, she chose what she wanted and she got it. If there are any
irregularities, injustices, or uctuations, then there is Universal ON, universal
rules that affect everything and there is also the principle of ON Mercy. Mercy in
this sense is not quite the same as it is commonly known.

The Devil is the guiding force of the quasi-neutral Zone aspect, as the Devil tends
to pull everything within the Zone downwards. The zone is like a swamp, when
you stand in it, you sink deeper and deeper into it. ON prophesies the Zone by
providing the Devil with the feeling of energy of grace in an amount that is the
sum of all the future energy of grace, that a person/soul could produce with his
creative knowledge in his future existences, especially by using his archetypal
talents, on all levels of being.
The Devil lends a person his services in exchange for the promise of his future
energy, it’s like a mortgage loan, which if you don’t pay, the Devil will take your
house and since ON is your real home, you won’t return to Him. The devil will
deprive you from ON, he will strip you of your divine essence, but in principle it
is man himself who got rid of it, because he sold it for something eeting, empty
and transient, which he nally gets to dive into that emptiness. When the Devil
deprives from sould ON or the energy of Grace, that really means that the part of
ON in Devil takes it back to ON.
The Devil lends not only to man, but especially to his soul, because the Devil’s
loan extends beyond individual lives. The energy provided is a loan with
usurious interest, because the Devil has one part of ON and also has second part
of Satan, and for that reason the loan is usurious. The fairness of the interest rate
of karma cannot be unequivocally determined by us, since here the effect of
butter y wings applies: the apping of a butter y’s wings at one end of the
world causes a tornado at the other end of the world. However, this applies not
only to bad, but also to good deeds.
Satan is the opposite of ON, twisted and turned upside down; there is chaos,
confusion, no rules, agreements, or laws apply there. But we don’t know exactly
what it’s like there, because once you get there, you never come back. It is eternal
Damnation; it is the place of the Vanity of Transience, which is the opposite of the
Glory of Eternity. Also for another reason, the loan is usurious and, by its very
nature, is interest-bearing at an in nite amount, because a person/soul could
theoretically produce an in nite amount of knowledge and thus also energy of
grace in his eternal life.
The equivalent of the opposite side of the coin is in nite Damnation. The soul
often asks from the Devil, or from God, or from ON, something that is
undeserved or extraordinary, to which it would not be entitled under normal
circumstances. Typically, these are the abilities of God, the capabilities to use
magic to in uence the reality, change the world, power to impact the plot and
scenarions of the life, and control other beings through magic. Prayer is a typical
manifestation that everyone knows, but there are other ways. Desires are
motivated by the desires of the Ego, they are accompanied by the intentions of

the Darkness, and tend to be devoid of the creative aspect of knowledge.
Manifestations of requests will be provided and manifested into reality by the
part of ON in the Devil, because the part of Satan in the Devil will not create
anything, it will only bring chaos, confusion, decay and suffering into it.
The greatest known arch-criminal, the Annunaki god Enki, also pleads for mercy.
Such was the mighty Mesopotamian and Jewish criminal god that has directly
played role of Jahwe or indirectly of Allah and now, after all the crimes he has
committed, he is asking ON for mercy with his own audacity. If he wants it, he
will get it. He will receive mercy, but the dark side of it and this is completely
different from what he would have imagined. It is obvious why this is so.
Enki, drowning in the mud of the swamp, clutches even a stalk in despair. He
wants merciful help to cling to. Some ON hands him a stalk and tells him: ”So
here’s a stalk, take it“. Enki takes the stem and sinks into the swamp like a moron
even with the stem in hand. And that’s it. When someone constantly deals with
ambiguities with bad intentions, he will eventually get them. He wanted a stalk –
he got a stalk, not taking into account the original helpful meaning of giving a
stalk to someone who is drawning in the swamp.
God Enki complains to ON that he is not that crazy and mentally crippled; he just
manifests itself that way. He wants to grow out of it and throw his blame on the
Devil who resides in his Self. The devil is an aspect of the Creation and as such
cannot be held responsible for the deeds of men. ON gave people and beings as
such free will and thus they are responsible for their actions. There is always a
speci c being responsible, which at some level has a body, has a soul, has
consciousness, has its own inseparable Self. If the Devil or an Angel were a being,
it would apply to them as well.

Age of the Aquarius

The wheel of development turns like a winch, and at this time it is turned jointly
and at the same time separately by the Holy and Dark Angels under the
command of the Lord of Spirits, to raise buckets full of ethereal Knowledge from
the depths of the well of the spring of Wisdom to the mouths of the thirsty.
The human race is divided, some are thirsty for Vanity, others for Grace, and
many want nothing more than to oppose ON Opinions about Grace and Vanity,
and intend to attack everything prophesied by ON Opinions.
Knowledge is a consequence of Grace, but also of Vanity, but in the case of Vanity
it comes so late that it is Knowledge exempt from Knowledge and that is vain
Knowledge devoid of Knowledge is like a planet that is so far from the Sun that,
although it is still attached to the Sun by the force of attraction, it is so far away
that not a bit of sunlight falls on it and is still in almost total darkness.
Nowadays, the features of the Lord of Spirits are visible; his Aquarian form is
free from Vanity and is open to those who have their eyes open and their ears
keen to hear the Word spoken to them from the springs of ancient Wisdom.
Aquarius distributes in one bucket the sweet water of Grace full of Grace and in
the other the salty water of Grace devoid of Grace and that is Vanity. However,
Vanity is only a possibility, just as Grace is also only a potential, until it nally
dawns on the Chosen and Righteous that there is nothing at all in any bucket and
that is ON Opinion, so that they nally understand that everything is the mind of
the Supreme Lord.
For long millennia the bridges of Vanity were built by the Master of the material
world, but now ON has replaced it with a being called the Head of Days, and
that is the proxy for the days when the clocks of mankind strike ve minutes to
twelve; for some at bright noon, but for most at dark midnight; according to
whether it is located in the hemisphere illuminated by the sun or the moon, or in
its completely dark part.
The Head of Days is the undertaker of hope for the powerful of this world, for
the domineering lackeys and minions of the Guardians. Justice will reach them
too, but not yet. They still intend to spend with the poison of their wickedness

and willfulness of the earthly ON Helpers, until they distance themselves from
The Head of Days also has another face and that is the opener of the slammed
door where Justice dwells and the Anointed One reveals all the secrets of what is
hidden, because the Lord of Spirits has chosen him.
The Head of Days opens the hatches and allows whatever people have in their
cellars to surface. For some it’s just mice, for others it’s inner demons that possess
their doppelgangers. They will shout with their mouths and tear them with their
hands. Darkness shall be their habitation, and worms their bed.
Now Evil will become more visible and Good will hide from him. The goodness
of ON Grace has no form and alone remains the same in itself, it is unequal to all
other things. Evil, on the other hand, has many faces.
Knowledge for the Supreme Lord is the cause, destiny and motivation of the
Chosen and Righteous ON Helpers, and is the main reason for their earthly
mission. Almost all have forgotten this, and this is a reminder to remember that
ON IS; and the other one too.
ON greatly values his ON Helpers and will help them nd a way out of the
labyrinth of unfreedom, but: who wants to get out of the maze, he must look for
ON, he must walk the path of his Spirit and use own Mind, Feeling and Intuition.
To nd the light at the end of the tunnel, that is his own dark Self, to come to
know himself and see the one standing in front of the mirror; and to see also the
one who stands behind him and observes him.
You can be angry, you can laugh, or you can join the game of the Supreme Lord,
because it is your common game that you have taken up and forgotten under the
burden of millennia that you are playing the game of Creative Knowledge. Once
upon a time it might have been a Game in the sense of Playfulness, but now it is a
Game in the sense of Drama and perhaps even Tragedy.
What is better? Let everyone nd the answer for themselves, but know that this is
the only thing that gives real meaning to life. For some, theres is a Guide near the
hand, and for someone else, there is a very different guide. After all, this is also
part of the cognitive process.
How many bodies did we have to change, how many demons did we have to
meet to discover that knowledge has no beginning and no end. Although it
seems to us that knowledge has some kind of beginning, inner knowledge has no
It is very dif cult for a person to leave everything temporary in order to return to
his rst beginning. Because one likes only what is visible to him, because it is

dif cult for him to understand invisible things. Old habit in external things is our
The Spirit Lord gave everyone an Enlightened Mind and a Spiritual Heart in
terms of the initial starter package, so that they could use this gift according to
their free will through their lives; to further improve it in one direction or
another; however, many forgave this gift.
This spiritual core was only left to some because that is the will of the Lord of
Spirits; He will leave the Spirit to those who improve it in the sense of Grace;
while the Prodigal Souls, going forth from the heavenly home outwardly, and
covering themselves too much in Matter, divest themselves of Grace, and give
themselves up to Vanity; and in doing so they introduce their spiritual powers
into the chaotic state of Apophis.
People have lost their spiritual sight and become blind, the blind become deaf
and the deaf are dumb, because it is futile to oppose ON Opinions. Vanity
opposes Grace, and if one chooses nothing from it, one receives nothing, and that
is depletion from ON. Absence of ON is a completely morose form of
nothingness, empty, desolate nothingness.
Whoever does not want to look the Truth in the eyes, the Truth itself will look
him in the eyes and then he will surely notice the Truth.
No one escapes his ON, in any form of Him.

Dream symbolism is all around us

Dreams are often full of symbolism; persons, things and events occurring in
dreams have a hidden meaning; their multi-layered symbolism is a creative
manifestation of genius, which is able to reveal several of its opinions or other
facts at the same time with a single scene. However, there are different dreams,
and some come mediated and by way of half-arti cial, half-automata.
Dream symbolism is the language in which ON speaks to us and lets open souls
know that ON IS. Handfuls of dream symbols are all around us, material and
immaterial things, phenomena, speech, and deeds are often endowed with a
hidden meaning; for things primordial such as nature and its laws, the
symbolism is pure; for things and phenomena touched by the human mind and
hand, the symbolism is scratched.
Water is ON’s favorite drink and at the same time it is also a necessary
foundation without which life on Earth could not exist. Pure water is composed
of oxygen and hydrogen and these are based on the etheric patterns of the ocean
of primordial ON Milk. The opposite of water is, for example, acetic acid or
alcohol; drinking them has completely different effects than drinking water. Both
of these liquids are also composed of oxygen and hydrogen, but carbon is added
to them.
Carbon is an all-black, low-vibrational formula that originates underground,
where worms, insects, and poisonous centipedes also originate. Carbon is the
basic building block of all organic compounds and thus of all living organisms.
Carbon is also coal that burns with the re of hell; but it can create a pleasant
warmth if we are reasonably far from the ame. Alcohol is an intoxicating drink,
but also a purgative, like vinegar; in small amounts they may have some
bene cial effects.
Under great geological pressure in the depths, where there is no air and at high
temperatures, black soft dirty carbon turns into hard diamond; it crystallizes
into a cubic lattice. Carbon has an atomic number of 6 and its crystalline structure
has the shape of Saturn’s cube, which represents the mental dungeon of Satan. A
diamond can be transformed back into graphite in the presence of Graceful Air
and high temperature, and thus the knowledge of the Spirit is given that the

glittering Vanity of a sparkling pure expensive diamond is only a disguised
infernal coal that arises from dead organic matter.
Cleaning karma is similar to cleaning yellow stains on a white garment with
vinegar; by analogy, it is like when the white garment of the primordial pure
soul, after long wearing in many lives, is polluted by karma from the excessive
Ego, the yellow color of the third chakra of Manipura. Oxygen and hydrogen
mean the aerial knowledge of the Spirit, and carbon represents certain
inconveniences, because the puri cation of karma can also sting. The sour taste of
vinegar can represent ON’s attitude towards objectionable actions.
To remove a dark image of a witch that someone has tattooed directly on the
body, emery paper is already necessary, and such stubborn dirt takes a long time
to clean, if it is possible to remove it at all.
If the infernal element sulfur is added to oxygen and hydrogen, sulfuric acid
(vitriol) is formed; it is used to process ore or to clean crude oil. Even vitriol
puri es, but in a hellish way; in addition to the collomage, it also eats away the
tissue of the skin into which the collomage is eaten, or the material on which the
greasy black spot is located.
Without oxygen we would not be able to breathe, it is essential for our life, we
would not last more than a few minutes without it. Oxygen and other gases
form Air, which is symbolic of the Breath of the Great Spirit, which rests in the
sails of our ships and propels them towards the Goal; if sailors observe how the
waves, the wind, and other sailors behave; and all together contribute by exerting
their forces to the proper setting of the bows and turning of the rudder.
Tales, rumors and fables are also full of parables; old Greek fables talk about one
particular hero Heracles, who cleaned the stables of Augius, in which the cattle
were housed. Cattle live in a dirty barn, feed themselves and think it is their
home. However, his real home is somewhere outside, for example in the wild on
the African steppe, where his ancestors live. Already in the ancient past, from
where the Greek legends are handed down, someone knew what it was like and
symbolically expressed it in this way. It is an apt simile because this is the agenda
of the astral-mental beings who aim to manipulate and enslave humanity to be
like the cattle. So that humanity thinks that it is well because it has hay in its
manger to feed itself and apparently it also has hay in its head and cannot move
anywhere particularly from that latrine called a barn.
Dirty Augius’s barn is a metaphor for the mental space of the human mind, in
which archon astral-mental entities make dirty, some less and others more. As a
result of this mental madness, humanity is constantly threatened with war,
genocide, biological disasters; not to mention mental illnesses. And when the
cattle stop giving a milk, they are destined for slaughter according to the archon

entities. This is how they want it to be, but it is high time to face them head on
and that is possible by knowing who they are, how they manifest themselves and
how they affects us. Know your enemy, is said. And even if we don’t change the
system right away, we can change ourselves, because the enemy works directly in
our minds.
Both human life and the rotation of the Wheel of Knowledge Cycle are like the
growth of grain on the out elds of the earthly ON Place. Life begins with sowing
and sprouting, then alternately in the sun of the day and in the shadow of the
night, the grain grows by getting watered with the water of Grace to its full size.
After it comes the time of ripening and drying, during which the grain plant
loses the water of Grace and life gradually disappears from it. There is a harvest,
in which the wormy grains and chaff of vain souls are separated from the rest.
The seeds of healthy graceful souls are stored and form the basis for sowing in
later periods of space-time.
The Apocalypse is a terrifying global catastrophic period culminating in the end
of the world, but in the same time it is a Revelation of heavenly secrets that will
determine the future of humanity. The astronomical event, which is the yby of
the asteroid Apophis 99942 near the Earth, expected on Friday the thirteenth of
April 2029, could also be considered a symbolic herald of the coming
apocalypse. Earth astronomers named the asteroid after the representative of
Destruction, Uncertainty and Chaos, Apophis, and gave it a catalog number, the
numerological sum of which is 6. It may have been their intention, or it may have
been a coincidence; but even such signs can open a silent question of imagination
”what if” in the receptive observer. The number six represents the planet Saturn,
ruler of time, karma, periodic renewal and much more. By searching for
connections by assembling puzzle images, an thoughtful explorer of the signs of
external and internal symbolism of his own dreams can better understand the
ON World and his own actions in it.

Not all people are real

Not all people are the same and not all people are real, there is no xed border
between them that would exactly separate and distinguish one from the other.
It’s different, it’s colorful, and it’s intertwined; the nature of the primordial soul is
result of its creation; its other properties, characteristics and capabilities are the
result of its evolution.
I call a real person a person who has a Soul and at the same time has a Spirit that
guides it; and his Self contains the potential of all three aspects of ON at various
levels of existence; Soul, Spirit and ON.
There are really many new souls and old souls are a minority, after all it is
obvious, also considering the exponential increase of the earth’s population in the
last few centuries. The human population is divided into two halves; not in the
sense of 50%, but in the sense of dividing the whole into two parts.
The consciousness of the rst half of people is controlled by the Arti cial Spirit of
the Matrix, which obscures their consciousness and prevents the manifestation of
their Spirit in full purity.
The arti cial Spirit of the Matrix conveys much of the dark, but also of the light;
however, it is about the Matrix and the light is only a re ection of the Light Spirit.
Just as in a stormy surface of a lake the re ection of the sun is chaotic, in an
impure pool the re ection of the sun is impure, but in a cut large crystal the
re ection of the sun is truly perfect. Crystal is beautiful, even though it originates
from the unfriendly, even high-vibrational rst dimension of primordial matter.,
where is no free will. Even some opposite things can be beautiful, because the
opposite of Unity is Multiplicity, and besides its heinous and disgusting
manifestations, it also contains attractive and beautiful things; however, they can
be beautiful on the outside and wormy on the inside.
Such people do not have the opportunity to lean on the higher consciousness of
the Spirit and therefore are more susceptible to manipulations and lies of the
beings of the Dark Side, whether the invisible ones operating in their own minds
or those visible on television screens.
Among them are also the Righteous, they do not have the Spirit directly; there is
a large number of them and they have a natural tendency to lean towards the
side that represents something like the majority opinion for them. A majority

opinion does not have to be just in the sense of a percentage majority of the
number of people who accept that opinion; because the number can be balanced
by the strength of the opinion and size of the personality behind it.
Even a smaller number of people, people with a rm attitude and a clear
intention, can represent a Critical Mass that can pull an avalanche of the
Righteous to their side; except not only on the light side, but also on the dark
An avalanche is triggered when something hits; when extraordinary external
circumstances of the earthly event help it, in cooperation with internal shocks in
the psyche of the individual. People are otherwise unable or unwilling to be
aware of dangers and threats that grow slowly and unnoticed. Slow changes
become a habit and it is our enemy, because the syndrome of a frog that is boiled
alive by slowly heated water occurs. Nowadays, however, things are speeding up
because there is no time to spare.
The second half of people is divided into two parts:
The rst part consists mainly of old souls who during their past existences were
proposed by ON; they are chosen not in the sense of privilege, but because, as a
result of their actions in past existences, they have the opportunity in this life to
recognize their karmic debts, come to terms with ON, and sever their
attachments to the Matrix and the dark entities that hold them in this earthly
These Chosen theoretically have more Spirit and therefore more possibilities to
see through the manipulations of the Matrix, because the Spirit is at a
signi cantly higher level than the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix. The essence of
the Spirit is Knowledge, while the essence of the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix is
mainly the transmission of thought consciousness infected with a mental virus,
whose method is lying, falsehood, manipulation, and whose goal is to rob the
Chosen and Righteous of the energy of grace.
The second part is also primarily made up of old souls, whose evolution was
directed downward into darkness; many have allied themselves with the
Devil and for long millennia co-operate with the astral-mental parasites who are
also known as the Anunnaki and their mental programming. They are dark souls,
they advocate Satan, and their mental space is largely controlled by archon

Matrix and elections – can we change the political

Proponents of Satan are spread over the whole range of social classes;
the hierarchically structured top power elites of humanity are well known to
supporters of alternative media, other than the mainstream media. Their
attitudes and intentions basically copy the mental space of the psychopathic
Anunnaki, after all there aren’t that many differences between them; some
operate on the astral plane and others on the earthly plane. The astral Anunnaki
know something about their earthly ones, their avatars are among them, on the
contrary, it is not so obvious, due to the limitations of the earthly level.
Power elites, celebrities, but also many other proponents of Satan sold
themselves to the Devil for undeserved bene ts a long time ago, when incarnated
in human bodies they sometimes acquire an attractive appearance, charm,
eloquence, the ability to shamelessly lie, cheat and manipulate without a shred of
empathy; all of these leading to wealth and power. They are agents of Devila and
slaves of Satan and their task is to bring the world into chaos, suffering and nal
self-destruction. The elites use their gifts for their own purposes of power;
however, they are like stars that quickly shine, then fade and go to Damnation or
somewhere else.
It is always about a speci c being and the individual’s responsibility for his
actions. From practical point of view it is useless to talk about some vague
in uence from somewhere from higher or lower spheres. We are here and we
solve our existence in such life conditions as we have. Some of us are trying to
improve them; in today’s world of global information connection, anyone who
wants to can get information, can be immersed in it, connect it and interpret it
according to his own way; to form opinions and crystallize his attitudes. This is
also cognitive process leading to the evolution of the soul.
With a little common sense and pillars of knowledge from ON Opinions it is
possible to uncover many lies and manipulations of elected and unelected
representatives of the masses. Their minds operate according to archon patterns
of behavior, their words and deeds are manifestations of the chaos and
contradiction of Apophis, leading to self-destruction. When people are fooled by
elites, like them, recognize them, applaud their actions and then vote for them or

follow their suggestions; then at the higher dimensional planes, the transfer of
the energy of grace takes place, leaking out from people to the elites, respectively
to the entities standing behind them.
The more followers the earthly proponents of Satan have, the more followers and
power the dark entities at higher levels have, and accordingly they then re ect
that power and energy back to their earthly lackeys. At the same time, the door
opens to their manipulative effect on the mental-emotional space of their citizen
followers. Earthly and supernatural events are related to each other and in uence
each other.
This applies to worshipping of religious gures as well, when someone glori es
them and prays to them, he runs the risk that his requests and his energy of grace
will reach a completely different place than the person in question would think. It
is similar to elections, when a person votes for a politician in good faith, because
he believed him or did not check him enough; and then he lets him down. The
energy of his suffrage will also go completely elsewhere and will serve for
different purpose, than originnaly intented.
Many politicians are proponents of Satan, to a greater or lesser extent; the higher
in the hierarchy, the more there are. Consciously voting for one of them means
giving your vote to the proponent of Satan and thereby favoring the dark side.
Finally, many politicians, top businessmen and celebrities do not hide their
orientation at all. They passionately support, for example, LGBT or abortion and
thus make it clear on whose side they stand and call it progressive or liberal
politics; and their constituents give them their power; so that they can then
devastate the economy in their name and for shared money, tyrannize them with
nonsense, threaten their health with vaccines, or bully them into war. The
problem is that they will not only affect their constituents but the rest of us
because we are in this together. The chance that people from the bright side of the
universe will get into politics is low; what normal person would last among those
So how to change the system? Is it even possible? I don’t think so, at least not
directly. A person often has trouble looking inside and facing the Shadows of his
own past; on the other hand, creating a truer overview of political falsi cations in
elections is a relatively simple matter.
Vanity can be defeated by gaining the Knowledge of Wisdom and that is Victory
over Self. The warrior defeats Vanity and his Shadow by recognizing the causes
that caused the war with Vanity, realizing that he has his share in it, and that is
the share of Evil in himself. Defeating both forces is not an easy task.
Revolutionary changes and demonstrations? They are a battle with Vanity, and
that is a battle already lost, because Vanity cannot be won by Vanity effort. Vanity

then ghts with itself and that is why the only Evil Spirit of Vanity Gray is
always the winner.
The fact that we are here on Earth in this special time is probably not just a
coincidence, and it has its own reason. It’s complicated and we humans are
complex. One part of man strives to serve Good, while the other is the seat of
Evil. Sometimes it is mixed with each other, or vice versa.
Who will take off our hoops of Cognition, who will clean those dirty sunglasses
through which we cannot see the truth because we cannot or do not want to?
Everyone should know their own reality for themselves, and after some sincere
effort, ON will help them open the door to knowledge with a Spiritual Heart and
an Enlightened Mind.
Everything is mental and everything is the mind of the Supreme Lord; and
therefore even a successful ght takes place on a mental level; and that is by
spreading the True Word and this is already happening, many people started to
clarify their cognition, create writings and spread them further, each in his own
way; and that is not a futile effort. Many have taken it upon themselves and
devote their time and energy to the creative interpretation and dissemination of
their point of view on various aspects of the Truth.
As a result of their activities, the efforts of the Dark Side represented by
politicians, media, celebrities and its other servants do not have the result they
would like; people are strengthening themselves on one side, but also on the
other side of the barricade, because the Great Divide is already underway and the
Vanity of Transience is knocking at the door.

Pillars of knowledge

Together, there are three basic pillars, according to which a person can evaluate
any perceptions from the outside or his internal environment and consider
whether he has taken the right or wrong attitude, or whether he has acted well or
badly. These three pillars are Reason, Feeling and Intuition.
In order for the earthly soul to come to the knowledge of itself and its
relationship to ON, it must be suf ciently awake and use these three possibilities
available to it. Basically, it has no other option, except for people who
thoughtlessly carry out the order of their Ego.
There are many perceptions that a person is exposed to, they overlap and act
Own experiences and experiences from the physical world; own deeds, attitudes,
decisions and thoughts expressed in words and in writing; perceptions related to
interactions with other people, their words and actions; information from the
outside world – media, internet, politics, education, books and own attitudes
towards them.
Own emotions and feelings; internal motivation to solve something regarding
one’s own attitudes; changes in motivation over time; desire or unwillingness to
take care of one’s external appearance; own creative activity; own preferences
and attitudes and their changes over time; own physical and health condition,
attitude towards work and various activities.
Inner voice and direct or mediated information from beings from other
dimensions. These beings are mostly self-interested, no doubt lying,
manipulating and misrepresenting; extracting knowledge from such chaos that
makes some kind of sense is like looking for pieces of silver in a pile of manure. It
is a dif cult process, but it can be done, taking into account veri cation, that the
silver found is not radioactive by chance. Taking this information as it comes is
inappropriate; its veri cation requires the necessary involvement of other sources
and tools; it is a continuous process and the knowledge gained in such a way
develops and becomes clearer over time.
Other perceptions are chakra movements and sensations of your astral body;
dreams, visions, astral sensations, mental images; feelings and

intuition perceived by the upper chakras; feelings in the lower chakras;
inner inspiration; to some extent also thinking with the mind.
Mind is something like thinking with thoughts. Mind might be cursed because
mental space and thought consciousness is often abused by low archon entities;
however, it is not different even with emotional feelings and false intuition. Mind
alone does not come up with many ideas. In essence, it receives thoughts from
the thought consciousness and, according to various internal and external
circumstances, also stimuli and programs; clones them, changes them and sends
them back. Mind remembers some of them and then they form the basis for
further thinking. A good memory, not selective, but holistic, is inseparable from
reason; ability of deduction, analysis and synthesis; and logical thinking.
Feeling is one of the three ways by which information about whether something
is right or wrong comes to a person’s consciousness. Feeling is a more or less
subtle emotion; at a lower level it is more manifested in the astral body and then
it can be better (physically) felt. Feeling at a lower level means a higher
probability that it is caused by low astral pests whose goal is to manipulate and
mislead a person.
Making decisions with your heart, based on emotional feelings in the area of the
heart chakra, can be treacherous, because these feelings can be manipulated quite
easily. By simply inserting packet of energy into the astral body, it is possible to
achieve a pleasant or even unpleasant feeling, and when a person succumbs to it,
the pleasant feeling can become rusty after some time. This is a sign that a person
is being manipulated by astral-mental beings. Not to mention the problems that
can be caused by mistakenly jumping into an inappropriate situation, or a toxic
relationship based on an emotional feeling of the heart, which can be a
manifestation of a karmic connection to the given person from the distant past.
The feeling that is sourced from a higher level of Spirit is almost imperceptible by
someone whose consciousness is turned more outward than inward; but its truth
and reliability is higher than that one of the lower Feeling. Just like Sensation,
Feeling can be pleasant or unpleasant; the higher the level from which it
originates, the more dif cult it is to de ne.
Intuition is dif cult to both explain and describe; it is something like a gentle
emanation from somewhere inside and outside at the same time. Not everyone
has it available, Dark entities sometimes try to imitate and fake it; and then it has
the form of thought-feeling.
Relying on these pillars contains a paradox, because information from each of
these three pillars can be manipulated and their interpretations can be
combined to lead to error and subsequent misconduct. Although these pillars are
seemingly independent of each other, they are in fact closely related.

It happens that a strong emotional feeling says a clear yes, while reason says no,
and intuition supports reason, but at the same time it can also support emotional
feeling, and then an event can occur that complements knowledge in a different
way. Intuition is dif cult not only to explain, but also sometimes to interpret
When a person closely observes his own Self, how he behaves; so, over time, he
can train his perception of his intuition and at the same time he can understand
that intuition does not always have to be unambiguous. It can help a person to
lead him into situations that will change his life for a long time and it may not be
a nice experience. It is the Spirit that guides man to go through what he has to go
through, to get to a state where he can come to terms with his ON.
If everything listed is worked together and arranged in such a way that the
puzzle ts together; thus partial knowledge gives meaning both separately and
together. It is something like a cross-check for correctness. It is also appropriate to
continuously monitor the knowledge gained in this way over time, whether it
still gives meaning, or whether it is necessary to be better aware of something, to
consolidate it, or to get rid of something and thus update your knowledge to a
higher level.
Knowing through Reason, Feeling and Intuition is like a cottage cheese strudel:
the cottage cheese lling, in which there are also sweet raisins, is held together by
layers of thin dough, all of it is baked together in the right amount and sugared
on top. That’s ne, but knowledge as well as strudel should be tasted carefully
and consumed in moderation so that it does not harm a person.

Karmic relationships

In every life, man is exposed to the same situations in which he opposed the
Most High God in the past, and that is ON; because instead of ON he preferred
glittering Vanity; he did not listen to reproof and repeatedly succumbed to
temptations. This also applies in partner relationships, in which both of them
bring their skeletons in the closet from the recent and ancient past; and maybe
something helpful and loving; one and the other will undoubtedly manifest
themselves in their relationship.
If both partners cooperate with (their) ON, with their Spirit, and at the same time
together, they have the opportunity to help themselves and each other, because
even if they will be confronted with their own darkness, which will repel them
from each other, mutual trust, sincerity and a clean relationship will in turn
attract them back to each other.
Searching for a suitable soul mate through tireless activity of your own volition
can be likened to searching for a needle in a haystack. Moreover, it may happen
that one allows himself to be fooled by the other one and then, frustrated with
loneliness, enters into a relationship that can have the devastating consequences
of falling into darkness; not to mention the suffering it will bring.
There are fateful relationships that have little to do with the twin ame ideal,
even if they are sometimes confused with it; here, too, a strong attraction and
bond can arise that will last many lifetimes. This type of relationship does not
occur very often, because it is de ned in terms of a certain obligation to be
together in a partner relationship. In past lives, the two could have had a strong
relationship, but it could also be strong in a negative sense. A strong attraction
can then mean a Matrix connection, which ensures that the two will join in a toxic
or cognitive relationship; according to how they use it for the evolution of their
Souls usually incarnate in groups, the same souls are together for many lifetimes;
which are then each other’s karmic fate helpers. Together, they participate in a
number of common life events, which creates bonds between them and
something like an internal memory, which can resonate and support the creation
of a relationship when they meet, but it can also be a relationship under the
in uence of their Ego’s decision. But it doesn’t have to be pre-de ned.

The karmic partnerships of speci c persons (souls) may be pre-organized by the
Arti cial Spirit of Matrix before their reincarnation, in any case the Spirit from
the Lord of the Spirits level is directly or indirectly involved.
It can be a karmic record, a conspiracy of dark Guardians, or a mutual agreement
of souls, a promise they once made; or a combination of the above. It is different,
ON will prophesy it and the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix will carry it out for the
purpose of some demanding action.
The karmic record will cause the two to meet and have the opportunity to solve
something together, or experience, in “good and bad”; then it is up to the
partners how they will use such an opportunity and what they will do with it.
It is a relationship according to the Matrix, and therefore it will probably be a
deformed imitation of the ideal, which can be so distorted, that it will be miles
away from it. Even in such a relationship, a certain ON Momo can be present,
even if it will be its distorted Re ection. Such a relationship can initially be nice,
or slightly demanding, it can also be bene cial to a certain extent for the spiritual
evolution of the partners; who knows how it will end. When the Matrix and the
Guardians are involved in a relationship, there is a high risk that things will not
go well. A fated relationship is a strongly supported possibility that the partners
will get together, although this may not be an outright necessity, as it may
develop in such a way that they do not get together and ultimately do not
graduate from the relationship.
When the two are meant to meet, synchronicity can work, dreams, intuition and
various well-orchestrated coincidences ensure that it happens. An opportunity
arises, it can be ful lled, but it can also be rejected by one of the pair; when, for
example, he works his Ego, which opposes absolutely everyone and does his
own thing.
It will probably be clear to at least one of the partners that the other is something
extraordinary; for example, he may know intuitively, he may feel that he knows
him from somewhere, even though he has never met the other person in this life.
Different feelings, body vibrations, déjà vu and other sweet signals indicating the
fate of the meeting may appear in both of them, or in one of them.
A karmic or spiritual partnership can be a very good platform for spiritual
growth, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be bene cial and it can also be very
enjoyable; at least for a while. When Cupid’s poisoned arrow of falling in love
ceases to work, the future will depend on how aligned the partners are with ON
and how they act. With a conscious attitude, partners have the opportunity to
re ne their relationship to a high level and aim together towards the Heavenly

Arrow, spear, needle are symbols of tools of black magic. An arrow kills by
piercing force, or poisons by the poison with which its tip is infused. This is
exactly the case with Cupid’s Arrow. The poison of emotional energies poisons
the victim and turns his life into an ordeal of toxic love, until the poison wears off
or the person gains the antidote of knowledge of what it really is like and why he
has become the target of Cupid’s attack.
The beginning of a new Knowledge Cycle is an important landmark, because the
old souls enter it anew in a certain sense. Therefore, even the rst relationship at
the beginning of the Cycle is important, because it can foreshadow how the
couple’s joint and separate relationships will develop throughout the whole
Cycle until its end. In the very rst Developmental and Cognitive Cycle, the rst
relationship can be even more important. It is similar to the rst cosmic
marriage at the very beginning, when the soul rst nds itself in the Matrix
system, when it experiences its rst life, because in the higher levels there is no
life in the true sense of the word.
It doesn’t have to be the speci c twin with whom the soul was born, apparently it
rarely happens. Even if it sometimes happens, such a relationship need not be
anything special compared to others; it can be an imitation of an ideal
relationship, but in different ways; different ways and under different
circumstances. This is also part of knowing the ON World, through the creative
use of one’s primordial archetypal settings of the Spirit.

“Some ties are broken and some energies only return with the death of a (former)
partner.” — Pleiadian ON

The ideal would probably be for cosmic spouses to realize the characteristics of
their true selves in full, each for themselves and at the same time together. The
original relationship is special in that it is the rst in the soul’s life, it lasts a very
long time, and the bond of the ON Momo ame that is created by this
relationship is strong and is etched in the soul’s genetic memory, along with the
knowledge that the soul acquired about such a relationship and its consequences.
It is also a twin ame in a sense – there are two of them and the strong ame of
ON Momo burns between them. The partnership lasts forever, or at least until
one of them sinks to a lower level; or unless they separate by extraordinary
separation. Part of the suffering of souls is often the feeling of loneliness and the
dif culty of nding the right partner with whom they can more easily travel in
their evolution and journey back to the stars.


Karmic relationships can bring the conscious human soul the opportunity to
repeat their coexistence, which they may have completed together several times
in past lives. From a spiritual perspective, the idea of karmic relationships is that
two people made an agreement before their souls entered this life that they
would help each other on their lives’ journeys. However, help can also be
understood in the opposite way. Very often there are unresolved issues from past
lives. When people open up to learning instead of trying to control each other, a
lot of healing can happen.
In this way, karmic relationships are like guides or teachers of the conscious soul.
And they are usually temporary. This is because you come together in this life to
clear each other’s karma. It is often about balancing a bad experience from a past
life and its repetition in the present. A karmic relationship is a relationship
designed to facilitate the lessons we need to learn in this life around love and
partnership; and last but not least, it is an opportunity to create and realize your
mission together and use your talents. Karmic relationships are variously set up
and initiated; and by no means all of them lead to joy and happiness.
It is possible that sometimes a small miracle will happen and two conscious souls
who have already reached a certain level of development will meet. It could be
considered a type of relationship of truly kindred souls, which is thus already
signaled in advance by Divine Providence. It is a union of two souls that are not
only related by the bond of a common past from ancient times, but are also
related by the present nature of their conscious being and the properties of their
souls. The soulmate relationship is inherently healing; it’s love that pushes their
buttons and their conscious being makes soul mates grow.

The negative power of beliefs

The loathsome toad enthroned in the astral-mental realm at the spring of the pure
water of knowledge incessantly excretes the poison of false assumptions and
half-truths into the poisoned mind of the human soul. She got there by a curse,
by the black magic of the astral parasites. It is not easy to remove the toad;
eliminating it quickly and violently runs the risk of being immediately replaced
by another toad and possibly something more.
Beliefs are rm, long-standing ideas of a person about ideas, events, or
information; which one clearly understands as true and correct; regardless of
whether this is actually the case. Belief is a thematic grouping of beliefs of a
certain kind, which together form a worldview, or an ideology so strong in a
person that he is ready to act according to it. Faith is also a system of religious,
philosophical, moral and other principles, principles and opinions.
In social psychology, the Dunning-Kruger effect is known, which basically says
that the less people know about a given matter, the more they are convinced of
the unshakable truth of their opinion. On the contrary, people with above-
average abilities are less convinced of the truth of their opinions and tend to
slightly underestimate themselves in relation to their competences.
People with lower abilities are more super cial, not having the ability or
willingness to devote their time and energy to getting to know things in depth
and holistically; they reject the opportunities presented to them to correct their
xed beliefs, and they often react irritatedly and aggressively to external attempts
to correct their thinking, which makes it clear that they are not going to give up
their beliefs at any cost.
These people constantly discuss several of the same topics, their mental world
represents the interior of a cube, pyramid, or other spatial structure; in which
their mind moves inside like a billiard ball, bouncing from one wall to another,
over and over again; until he gets to a corner that narrows into an in nitesimally
small space, and that is already a really serious problem, because it is impossible
to escape from there.
People without a Spirit, under the tutelage of the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix,
are more susceptible to absorbing beliefs. Beliefs are purposeful, they are tools of
the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix and their goal is to subjugate their wearer so that

they remain enslaved in the Matrix. The arti cial Spirit of the Matrix is still
mostly a Dark Spirit, because it largely serves the astral-mental parasites who try
to plunder the energy of grace from their opposite side; from the gracful ON
Helpers. These are the people who should be led by the Spirit; the Anunnaki
Guardians and their respective Dark Beings of various species try to prevent this
at all costs; because they fear information and knowledge literally like the devil
fears the cross. They don’t want the crimes they committed against the human
race to come to light. Many people are on their side. Here, however, it is about
the graceful ON Helpers, the Chosen and the Righteous.
When someone wants to convince a person about something, they have to make
an effort and use certain resources. It simply costs something to inculcate xed
ideas into a person’s consciousness so that he (involuntarily) accepts them as his
own and they stay with him for a long time.
On the earthly level, it is typically the media, religious and educational
institutions, in which a large number of people work, who (un)consciously
collaborate with them to manipulate others, ultimately manipulating themselves
as well. However, this also includes people from the immediate vicinity, family
members and friends.
At higher levels, it is the manipulation of mental, emotional, and astral energy
in uences of various kinds that cooperate with earthly and extrasensory events
in an individual’s life.
The dark beings of the Matrix manipulate the consciousness of the soul with
rapid emotional-mental in uences, they are something like (semi)automatic
systems; Beliefs and Faith, in contrast, have a long-term and stable effect.
Beliefs and Faith are manifested on several levels of being. On the mental causal
level it is a xed thought, perhaps to some extent related to the karma of the soul,
on the emotional and astral level it is a feeling con rming the “truth” of a false
belief. On a physical level, a person can have slogans about positive thinking,
about all-embracing love, a cruci ed Jesus on the wall, or other artifacts that
con rm his beliefs posted on the wall, he keeps them in sight so that they do not
fade from his consciousness over time. Why do people exhibit it? It can be a
habit, it can be an internal motivation, or the belief that it should be like that, that
for the right Christian, the executed Jesus simply belongs on the wall in the
One of the purposes of manipulation is to convince a person of something and
thus achieve control over his mind and dominate his actions. That’s when a
person joins the clan, which then in a certain sense keeps him in its power.

Vaccination against Covid-19

A good example from the recent past is vaccination against covid. Many were
convinced of its immunological bene ts and even proudly boasted about it on
social networks; others, on the other hand, were lured by the vision of “freedom”
provided by the vaccination passport. Both of these groups were convinced of the
bene ts that vaccination was supposed to bring them and ignored a large
amount of quali ed information about the risks, brought by the alternative scene,
but also by the manufacturers themselves, their (former) employees, or various
doctors and scientists. Vaccination against covid apparently also had some
protective effect on part of the population, mitigating the consequences of this
disease. But that is not the point now, because this is an example of the in uence
of beliefs related to this global cause.
Beliefs divide people. “We are vaccinated and you are irresponsible
unvaccinated”. “We are Catholics and you are Evangelicals”. “Let’s not mix
together, you are different and therefore against us, because you do not share our
beliefs”, they say. In itself, it might not be such a big problem, if the one group
would not threaten or forcibly restrict the other group of people.
Typically, vaccinated people try to loudly force others to get vaccinated too, and
by this they want to pull them down; on the contrary, it is far from being so
pronounced. The unvaccinated apparently do not force others not to get
vaccinated. They give them the information and then leave them to nd out for
themselves whether they did the right thing by succumbing to the lures and
coercions of the vaccination “do-gooders” and “criminals”.

Persuasion does not make sense

Convincing the other party of your point of view, explaining too much, or
arguing with them, none of it makes sense. Indulging in this would be like trying
to convince a computer that is hard-coded with information other than your own.
The Higher Self has access to the high levels of Spirit; to superconsciousness, it
is deep, open and free. The Lower Self is super cial and unfree; souls with the
Lower Self are the servants of Darkness, or slaves of Satan, they pull something
from the subconscious of the soul, they stubbornly hold on to it because they
have nothing else to do. A person can also suggest something to himself and
convince himself of the truth of some fact, but even this can be directed by archon
entities into his mental space; supported by sticky thought feelings or astral
subtle energies.
Conviction and faith do not have to be based on sound reasoning at all, they
reach a person’s consciousness in a different way; they are the low-vibrational

ingrained mental patterns of the Matrix that manifest on the astral plane
as connections and portals; also as emotional-mental feelings that appear in a
certain situation and a person will have a permanent memory of it until he puts it
in order with normal judgment.
Astral parasites and Anunnaki try to keep people in the snares of false beliefs and
false faith by manipulating and lying in every possible way, acting directly in the
human consciousness, with which they want to tie them to themselves and turn
them into cash cows or their agents.


On an emotional level, Faith gives a person an emotional sense of belonging to a

group that shares the same identity. It also happens that a person, under the
in uence of internal and external circumstances, suggests a belief because it suits
him and then believes in what he actually wants; respectively, his Ego, controlled
by the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix, wants it. Since the person is in a certain sense
simple and super cial, he does not look for it any further and will probably then
get a feeling of false security and satisfaction con rming his conviction. It is like a
hallucinatory drug that keeps a person in permanent hypnosis.
Beliefs are dif cult to eradicate in others and there is little point in trying. They
entered the human consciousness for a long time, during many lives, they were
con rmed from an early age through upbringing, religion, education, or the
media; and from within they are supported by his own desires and fears,
manifested through emotions and feelings. By their nature, they bind and limit
the soul.
The human soul under the guidance of the Spirit knows and searches; and if
something comes to her consciousness from conviction, then in such a way that
she can reveal it and, along with it, look into the content of her own Shadow.
At the high level of Spirit, there are no convictions, but there is a high-vibration
Trust representing affection for an idea; it is the result of a cognitive process led
by the Spirit. Both Belief and Belief can be clearly articulated, while high-level
Trust manifests itself in a vague emanation that cannot be expressed. An
intuitive, inde nable feeling of inner strength and security is also related to Trust.

“We don’t need blind believers here” — Archangel Metatron

For the human soul under the guidance of the Spirit, high-vibration Trust in ON
and not low-vibration Faith is bene cial. To believe blindly in some notion, or to
rmly reject it; both are basically the same, only in opposite polarity. If it is
necessary to take a position on an idea, the option is to stay in the middle

between belief and disbelief; neither believe nor reject; but to perceive knowledge
from ON and gradually acquire evidence for it, which are found along the path
of life.
Beliefs can be removed by persistent effort and work on oneself under the
guidance of the Spirit. What is needed is self-re ection, honesty to oneself, to
(one’s) ON, contemplation and self-questioning about the correctness of one’s
faith. Do not forget and remember not only things speaking in favor of the belief,
but also against it.

Holographic and Selective Memory

“Memories are the glue that binds something that is about ON to something that
is not about ON.” — Archangel Metatron

Selective memory is one of the symptoms of mental manipulation. It happens

when the memory remembers only what the Ego wants. Getting rid of selective
memory retrieval requires some effort, because recalling holographic
memories requires focused attention and a willingness to go beyond the horizon
of what was previously possible. It will help to consciously update your
knowledge; which is the result of theory and practice; it results from one’s own
experience and knowledge, as well as a certain knowledge of ON.
Holographic memories are complex information about the situation that
happened. They include everything: plot, situation, feelings, smells, sounds,
perception of other beings who were there, how they reacted, what exactly they
said, their actions, movements, facial expressions, their expressed emotions, own
thoughts, emotions, attitudes, in short, holistically all together so that you can
view the memory from all sides, like a spatial moving holographic
multidimensional movie.
The guardians of memory and knowledge guard you so that you do not
remember the entirety of the holograms of the events that are current for you;
they guard you so that you do not come to knowledge and that you do not
escape from their in uence.
The Guardians’ memory programs want you to remember only something about
the situation and forget the rest. This is selective memory and its purpose is to
manipulate a person into a similar situation again, because he was already in it,
but he does not remember it properly. Alternatively, he only remembers
something positive and the negative has slipped away somewhere. The
guardians want to get a person where he would not normally want to be, so that
by putting him in a negative situation, they can extract energy from him, or from
other people involved. Repeated situations happen not only due to the in uence

of the Arti cial Spirit, but also the Spirit, who repeatedly presents his person
with an opportunity to consolidate or expand his (karmic) knowledge.
Many people often don’t even want to remember in their entirety, because it is
easier and more comfortable for them to be repeatedly deceived by their own
truncated memories and to be intoxicated by the “pleasant” feelings of nostalgia
for the ”old golden days“.

“Memory remembers only what it wants”

Their memory then acts like an archontic mental program that wants person to
remember only what suits it and not everything, whatever it is. It is necessary to
consciously train the holographic memory and it is necessary to sincerely want to
come to know the truth about one’s Self, whatever it is.

Admonishment and karma – high and low librations

In a certain sense, it could be said that the higher something is in the dimension
of being, the faster it vibrates and therefore the higher vibration it is in. Vibration
is the movement of a material or immaterial thing around a central axis, the size
of the upward movement is ideally equal to the size of the downward movement;
upward movement is inhalation and downward movement is exhalation.
In this treatise, vibrations have the meaning of explaining the difference between
Admonishment and Karma for wrongdoing. An action is objectionable when it is
not in accordance with the preferred values of the original Creator.
In a high-vibration environment, consequences for wrongdoing come quickly to
the soul. Every objectionable deed of hers is the cause of the consequence, and
thus it is an Admonition, by which ON makes it clear to what extent that deed is
acceptable or unacceptable according to ON Opinions.

Addictions to drugs and alcohol

It’s like drinking too much alcohol and having a hangover the next day. It is the
result of drinking alcohol, it is the admonishing pattern of primordial ON Milk, it
is a inherent state of nature. When you get a hangover, you normally stop
drinking after it, you take a break and after a while you will maybe drink again
and you will be reprimanded by hangover again. Everything in moderation.
However, it may happen that someone handles drinking alcohol well thanks to
his dispositions and it does not cause him signi cant problems. If he abuses it
and drinks too much and often, it may happen that after some time he will get
cirrhosis of the liver, or the demon of alcohol will enter his psyche, or some astral
being will disturb his mental state.
At that time, a person is already numb and hardened, in a certain sense, he falls
into a low-vibration zone, his graceful admonitions turns into the Vanity; the
admonition is then useless, because one does not listen to it. He will get a karmic
record written, which may later manifest itself in the form of some chronic
illness; or a disturbed psyche will lead him to interpersonal con icts, to the path
to committing a crime and further piece of karma will be created. In this
particular case, however, it is obvious that cirrhosis and slipping down crooked

paths are the consequences of addiction to narcotic substances, which in turn is
the consequence of not listening to the admonition of the Spirit.
On the other hand, the astral-mental demon is also a (quasi) being and is also
subject to karma, if he arbitrarily takes care of something he has no interest in
and, for sel sh reasons, forcibly punishes a person with energetic-mental urges to
consume harmful and addictive substances.

Karma for not listening to the admonition

When a person does not listen to admonition, he becomes the object of karma
and its packaging with further karma. It’s like a snowball rolling down a snowy
slope, packing more layers on top of itself, only to shatter into useless pieces with
a crash on the rock below. Drinking alcohol is just a simpli ed earthly example,
because the principle of Admonition and Karma applies to any area of human
action in various life situations. It is different with admonition, karma and their
combinations, because there are other in uences and circumstances.
If someone in the low-vibration sphere commits a cruel crime with their own
hands, or leads someone to commit it through manipulation; so karma doesn’t
have to come to him right away. Although they can condemn him and put him in
prison, that is something like quick karma, but it does not have to be a karmic
consequence in the true sense of the word; whose purpose is knowledge and
inner correction; because it is a consequence of the twisted earthly law, which
have little to do with the righteousness of ON. Karma may be then manifested
after a long time, possibly in one of the next lives. This delay is caused by low
vibration, which is slow and its cognitive effect is low compared to high vibration

Admonition in relationships

Some similarity to admonition and karma also occurs in ordinary life; for
example, in partner relationships, when one admonishes the other slightly for his
inappropriate behavior, something bothers him, but the other person constantly
ignores him, and so it collects drop by drop, until the cup of patience
over ows and after the last small but important drop, a radical breakup occurs.
The affected partner will then wonder what happened; a different reaction is
probably not even likely, because he is a vain dark soul, who did not listen to
many previous admonitions of his partner and even after an explanation, he
probably won’t understand or admit anything. It is like trying to shine a lamp
from the outside into a room whose windows are covered with heavy thick
brocaded scarlet curtains.

Admonition for Satanism

Amplitude is the amount of swing up and down; it indicates the scope of the
objectionable act and at the same time the degree of consequence; however, it
may be different under the in uence of circumstances. The consequence is
something like instant karma by admonition that manifests itself immediately
after the deed. Everyone can realize this and connect the cause with the effect,
and thus has the opportunity to avoid creating further admonitions.
A high-vibration environment is a pleasant environment for life; in it there are no
exuberant pleasures of Satan, black masses and bloody sacri ces of power over
others; but there is no subsequent suffering in it to balance such a following of
Souls who prefer the extremes of Darkness to a lesser or greater extent do not feel
well in the high vibrational realm because when they attempt extreme
experiences and pleasures there, they are reprimanded for them. Then they
ignore the reprimand, they don’t want it, they curse the high-vibration system
that doesn’t indulge them to the extent they want it, and so those souls get
into the low-vibration area without immediate reprimand. There they may enjoy
themselves, but their karma is winding up, it’s the effect of a frog sitting in
slowly heating water to the point where it boils.
The problem is that here on Earth we are all mixed together in one big heap;
proponents of Grace, proponents of Vanity, and many who are somewhere in
between. In addition, we are in uenced from the astral sphere by lowly
Anunnaki satanic outcasts falsely pretending to be gods, and from the mental-
emotional level, we are in uenced by dark entities of various kinds. Typically,
low-vibration people retaliate against high-vibration people, annoying them in
various ways; on the contrary, it is not so.
The Earth Cycle began on the high-vibration Pleiadian level and ends on the low-
vibration dense earth world level, where karma manifests with a large time lag.
People are sick, have psychological problems, are in dif cult life situations; or
they are completely ne and suddenly unpleasant and tragic things happen to
them and they don’t even know why. Nothing is just like that, it has its causes
and one of them is deferred hidden karma.
And so also a person who thinks he lives a relatively spiritual and pure life and
feels good; he can suddenly fall into dark psychological suffering, hidden karma
can manifest itself in small doses or large tragic events or accidents. Simply on
the low-vibration Earth, one cannot be sure of anything in general, because the
in uence of Darkness, which attracts the reptilian monster Apophis, prevails

On the one hand, admonition can be good, because it admonishes and warns, on
the other hand, it can also be perceived as bad by a person when it is vain and
then brings suffering without knowledge. A person begins to perceive
admonition as good when he discovers and recognizes its primary causes. Then
the admonition changes to Merciful and the suffering is alleviated or disappears
completely. This is the essence of healing many physical and psychological
diseases, but not all.

Pleiadian origin of the old souls

The Earth Cycle is a long period that humanity experiences on planet Earth; this
includes not only the current civilization, but also the previous ones, reaching
tens of thousands of years back into the past and beyond, to other ON Places,
where there is a different time and a higher dimension. Our past is tied to the
Pleiadian and Orion ON Place, from where souls were portaled into the earthly
Cycle, and this past still manifests itself in our present.
Taking into account the certain symbolism of the parables, human souls came to
Earth from the Pleiades through Orion. It is a matter of the origin of the old souls
on the fth dimension (Pleiades) and then their subsequent descent to the fourth
astral level (Orion) and then their further descent to the third dimension
(Earth). The constant descent below is also symbolized by the biblical story of
Adam and Eve, who tasted the apple from the tree of knowledge, only to be
expelled from the paradise of the higher dimension and to know the suffering of
the material world of the lower dimension. Stellar imagery is a symbolic
representation of the kind of heavenly in uence that acted on earthly people at
that time.
The ON World is full of symbolism, dream similes and archetypal patterns.
Anyone with open eyes and ears can learn a lot even from available sources; if he
wants and if he can combine information and gain knowledge by analyzing it.
Orion is a broad term because it is a vast constellation, unlike the Pleiades star
cluster. The constellation means that its stars and nebulae are spread out in space
and only appear to be together from an earthly perspective. Orion is huge not
only in width but also in depth; the nearest star Orion is 26 and the most distant
1342 light-years away from us.
Pleiades is a star cluster, its stars are close together, they are 335 to 387 light years
from Earth. The Pleiades are a grouping of seven main stars, in mythology they
are the Seven Sisters, who have different personalities and destinies.
Orion represents the leading component of the Matrix, the Arti cial Spirit of the
Matrix, and is a metaphor for the personi cation of dark entities of various kinds
that operate through it. Orion astral-mental beings are mostly not positive, they
are braggarts and notorious liars who claimed to “prophesy everything”. They
wanted to say that they are the masters and creators of absolutely everything,

that they have everything in their power and nothing happens without them.
Later, Nibiruan reptilian gods, proponents of Satan, emerged from many of them.
According to Greek mythology, the hunter Orion was also a braggart. The
hunting aspect of Orion is that he was also a predator and as part of his hunting
passion he aimed to exterminate all animals and his target was also the Pleiades,
the female nymphs he pursued. This is further related to the existence of souls
under the in uence of Orion, where high-vibration Pleiadian more or less
monogamous relationships have turned into hunting the opposite sex for some
souls. Men hunted women for sex, and women hunted men with whom sex
brought them undeserved bene ts in their next (earthly) existence. It’s an
interesting parallel to today, where the same thing happens on a daily basis in
many forms.
Orion holds a shield in his hand to defend himself from the attacking Taurus. In
many mythologies, the Pleiades were a separate and important constellation
determining chronological cycles, later they became part of the Taurus
constellation, which represents one of the forms of the supreme god Zeus.
Orion has a hunting dog and that is the constellation of the Big Dog in the sky,
whose biggest star is Sirius. From Sirius “comes” a large number of new
“hardworking and working” human souls, whose consciousness is formed by the
Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix. These souls lean towards the side that represents
the guiding force for them on Earth. Like dogs, they listen to the master who
keeps them on a leash and gives them food.
Orion’s brightest star, Betelgeuse, is fading and will soon end its existence. She
had already burned through what hydrogen was available to her in her core;
like the Nibiruan parasites, the Anunnaki and their ilk have burned the energy of
grace they have stolen from people and are now only going into the debt they
have towards the arch-Devil. The Anunnaki are former thrown-out Pleiadians,
who, due to their desires and actions, have evolutionarily remained on the Orion
level; and they will go out from the weel just as Betelgeuse, the un-momo-ed star,
goes out.
On the high vibration Pleiadian astral dimension (earthly Mu civilization) life is
good, happy and comfortable; but not for all souls. This ON Place is
characterized by a relatively narrow range of the duality of good and evil, which
is quite positive on one hand, but on the other hand it limits the range of
knowledge for those souls for whom knowledge and the resulting soul
development are important. On the opposite pole of limited knowledge is
excessive “knowledge”, under this term it is also possible to understand the
enjoyment of perversions or the destruction of lives. The development resulting

from such “knowledge” is then evolution in the opposite direction – devolution,
a downward ascent towards the hellish depths of Vanity.
Souls were faced with the decision to remain on a comfortable Pleiadian level, or
to continue in another ON Place with a greater range of duality and therefore a
greater range of possibilities. A larger range of possibilities represents on the one
hand more extreme pleasures, but on the other hand also a harsher and more
violent environment.
One part of the souls chose to remain on the Pleiadian level, which represented a
certain stagnation for them, because the development environment was not
demanding at all, apparently no major development took place there, perhaps
except for stagnation, a gradual downward movement, to lower vibrations.
Today, we see these souls as some indigenous natural peoples who are left to live
far from the rest of the “civilized” world, deep in the jungles, or on remote Paci c
islands, where they try to live connected with the beings of nature, far from
everyone. Stagnation leads to a downward spiral, it’s like standing on quicksand
and slowly sinking into it until after a long time it swallows you up.
The second part of souls, which had already undergone some development,
undertook to participate in the next stage of the Cognition and Developmental
Cycle on Earth with consciousness at the level of dense three-dimensional matter.
They were thrown into the cauldron of post-Atlantean relations and the
whirlwind of the consequences of the causes of the previous events in which they
were participants. The Tree of Knowledge grows mighty upward when its roots
are rmly anchored deep in the earth. Above in the Crown of Superconsciousness
rests the knowledge of what is below, anchored deep in the Earth’s
subconsciousness. If you do not gain knowledge from your own and our joint
deeds that have brought us to where we are today, then your Tree of Knowledge
will not have a mighty bushy Crown pointing to the Light of Heaven. You will
only be left with roots, they are the Tails of Serpents, which wrapped around
your bodies, will keep you in the underworld of Darkness, among hellish fat
white worms and blind black beetles. If the worms of your karmic deeds remain
in your Shadow, hidden deep underground in your Self, they will gnaw the roots
of your tree of knowledge and it will not be able to grow; his crown will wither.
Accomplished knowledge and alignment will remove the worms and allow the
roots to be soundly anchored in the ground and the crown of the tree of
knowledge will be able to get bushying up.
The Orion Atlantean ON Place represented something like an astral preparatory
position where the preparations of souls for their mission were already
underway. It was an astral life that was already to some extent downright dark,
so to speak. There were depraved acts, even something that can be called treason,

fraud, or self-interested prostitution. The earth-astral gold diggers fallen women
there already knew, that a long period awaited them in the post-Atlantean dense
mass, so they prepared the conditions for it and established relationships so that
their earthly work would be as pleasant as possible for them. Sex on the astral
level, even with atlantean avatars of Devil, will create a strong connection, a
connection, which will then attract people on Earth to each other, but will also
cause them problematic energy exchanges. These people are still here, among us.
In these two ON Places, it has already happened that souls have clari ed, how
they will approach their mission. Some took it seriously as a cognitive process for
the purpose of their development and recognition (puri cation) of their karma,
which was left over from the previous Cycle; while others outwardly declared
their interest in getting to know the dense earthly world, inwardly they took it
more as an opportunity to enjoy the pleasures of earthly life on the physical level,
also because they are more intense than on the astral level. Another reason was
that warped souls can masquerade as someone on the physical level while they
are not in the depths of their Self. These souls wanted to have a good time on
Earth in all circumstances, they wanted to be always beautiful, talented and
constantly successful in their earthly lives, they wanted to have power and
contacts, which they established for this purpose in the Orion (Atlantiean) ON
Place, they corresponded to it. There they associated with other dark beings and
this created the basis for their later earthly “association with the Devil” and their
subsequent fall into the darkness of black magic. However, not only their own
fall, because it also affected the men and women with whom they formed
intimate relationships during many other earthly lives. They were supposed to
pull them down, as it was their (sub)conscious intention. It happens all the time,
even nowadays.
The initial landing on Earth was several hundreds of thousands or some millions,
right at the beginning of the Earth’s Knowledge and Development Cycle. Then,
to these rst souls, large numbers of their clones, cloned by the action of Sirius
and other star constellations, were gradually added.
In the Great Pyramid of Cheops there are two shafts that go from the inside of the
pyramid upwards and outwards. It is believed that they were “launch pads”, one
of them was supposed to send the soul of the pharaoh to Osiris (Orion) and the
other shaft was oriented to the star Thuban from the constellation Draco
(Dragon). Thuban was on the site of today’s Polarka at the time of the
construction of the pyramids. Here it is obvious that the age of the pharaohs was
foreshadowed by star constellation of the reptilian Dragon, symbolizing the
leading role of the Anunnaki gods and the creation of (related to them) karma. At
that time, the guiding star was the Dragon’s Tail (Thuban). This is no longer the
case today; the polar star from the constellation Little Bear (Ursa Minor) has

moved towards the pole, and Thuban orbits the pole, just like the other stars. The
North Star means a point of orientation so that people “know where the north is”
and its Little Bear has a completely different meaning than the Dragon. The
dragon causes karma and the Little Bear represents it. This is also the symbolism
of the star signs. At least now you know that when you are being chased by a
bear in your dream, it probably means that you are being chased by your own
karmic past.
Thuban (alpha Draconis) is a binary star in the constellation Draco, and its name
translates as Dragon’s Tail. This star was the North star 5000 years ago. In fact, in
those days, the North World Pole was near it, which later moved to the North
Pole as a result of precession. Thuban was then the brightest star in the
constellation Draco. Nowadays, however, its brightest star is Eltanin, translated
as the Dragon’s Head. The coin has two sides and is currently turned with the
Dragon’s Head up. It symbolizes the period of the Cycle in which humanity’s
karma from the ancient past will be revealed. The dragon shows its head and
reveals its identity.
In the ancient past, some people with consciousness opened to a higher level saw
the star signs on the sky and plotted them on ancient sky maps. Without it, it
would not be possible, because seeing animals and mythological gures in the
stars, moreover, in such a layout that they give meaning together and complete
the stories, would simply not be possible. It is no accident that even
contemporary astronomers, under the inspiration of their Spirit, sometimes
assign to the astronomical objects names, that have symbolic meaning to
prominent stellar bodies and their groupings. It is the hint of the Lord of Spirits,
who even through such a mystical path talks to the humanity, He whispers to the
people and provides them with a clue of Light in the Darkness, reliably in time
hanging the Signs directly above our heads, to be always available. It is enough
to occasionally look up at the Heavens and not only down at the Earth. We look
to the Earth so we don’t step on something smelly, or step on a Snake that might
be hiding in the deep grass.
The Orion Asteroid Mission is a NASA mission planned for the mid-2020s to the
near-Earth asteroid Apophis 99942, whose closest yby will be on Friday, April
13th, 2029. It is also a tting symbolism. According to the plan, the planned Orion
spacecraft would be the rst manned operated mission to a solar system object
after landing on the moon, and the primary goal is to help develop techniques to
protect against near-Earth objects. This mission is called Artemis II. Asteroid
Apophis 99942 will approach the Earth in the year 2029 at a distance of about 30
thousand kilometers, which is closer than some communication satellites. It is
named after the ancient Egyptian god of Darkness, Destruction and Chaos,
Apophis (Apep), against whom the sun god Ra constantly fought. At the higher

level of the primordial ON Milk, the etheric pattern of the god Ra is his pre gure
From the above, it can be seen how it is all related. Parables and heavenly signs
abound; the World Mind of ON also gives human souls a hint about something in
this way, what is the likely direction of development and what are its
connections. Anyone who wants to nd out more about the ON World
must search and get to know not only external things, but also things sourced
from inside consciousness.
According to mythology, the scorpion is supposed to kill Orion with its poison,
when Orion insulted the goddess Hera with his boasting, she sent a huge
scorpion on him as punishment. Orion succumbed to his sting, but Artemis at
least arranged for him and his dog (constellation Big Dog - Canis Major) to be
transferred to the sky just opposite the scorpion, which also got there. Gods
placed them as far apart as possible so that they could no longer meet. Therefore,
they are never above the horizon at the same time. This symbolism complements
the context of the end of the Earth Cycle, when the Earth Matrix will end and
with it the Nibiruan counterfeits of God and the Devil and everyone else who
bakes with them.
The end of the mythological story is unclear, several versions are known that
diverge, so the end of the individual and joint action of this Earth Cycle of
Knowledge and Development may have several alternatives. Waiting for an
outside intervention, in this case it is Scorpio to kill Orion, is like waiting for a
savior. Maybe the heavenly world wants to indicate to us not to rely too much on
the almighty heavenly hand that will solve all our problems for us, but to work
on ourselves and get to know our Shadow and get to know ON. That is the key.
According to another version from mythology, Orion is shot by Apollo, who is
identi ed with the sun god and is therefore also close to the archangel
Michael. The battle of the Archangel Michael, or Saint George slaying the
dragon, is well known. It is a symbolic representation of the heavenly inspiration
that leads us to the internal struggle of Good with the part of Evil, each in his
own Self. By recognizing one’s own shortcomings and deplorable deeds from
one’s (ancient) past and correcting them, one has the opportunity to triumph
over the reptilian dragon that resides within one’s mind consciousness or feeds
on one’s consciousness from the outside. The dragon is a reptile, it is a reptilian,
and reptilians are also the Nibiruan astral parasites Anunnaki gods, who have
been poisoning and terrorizing human generations for a long time.

Astral parasites

Knowledge about reptilian parasites and other things seemingly unrelated to

spiritual ascension are an important background, forming the circumstances of
our events. It’s like going down to the basement after a long time because you
want to nd something there. You turn on the light and see movement; you see
how cockroaches, mice, spiders and lizards have run away and are trying to hide
somewhere in a corner or under a cupboard. You didn’t go there for them, but
you were exposed to the sight of them whether you liked it or not. What would
you probably do if that happened to you? You would probably want to get rid of
them, drive them out of there, and prevent their return; but for that you would
have to know why they came there, what attracted them there, from where and
through which hole they got there, what applies to them; but do it in such a way
that you do not poison the house and yourself with arsenic or pest control
chemicals at the same time.
Astral parasites are negative reptilian beings that have accompanied humanity
since ancient times. Sometimes I also call them ”Guardians of Karma“, although
that is too gentle name for them. Why reptilian: it would be quite ridiculous to
imagine under the reptilian species a kind of Jurassic Park full of lizards that
terrorize humanity. It would be a comical notion. Many people without creative
imagination understand such a name literally, even though they themselves use
similar names many times. The name “reptilians” must be understood
symbolically, in the same way that when you call someone a donkey, you also do
not imagine a four-legged odd-toed ungulate with long ears as that person; but a
person whose nature and behavior meet some of the characteristics of a donkey.
Astral parasites are something like people who have lost their human nature;
they symbolically mutated into a form in which some reptilian characteristics are
manifested. After all, even the human body as we know it has something
genetically in common with reptiles, such as a small reptilian brain and spine.
Here, on the physical level, a person looks as others visually perceive him; a mass
murderer can look like an ordinary person and deceive many with his
appearance; it is mixed up here and it is often quite dif cult to distinguish a
person’s external manifestation from his inner essence. Especially when some
personality characteristics are well hidden, even for a long time, until they

manifest outwardly in behavior to a fuller extent, and then it takes a long time for
it to appear permanently in a person’s physiognomy. Many good-looking
women, smooth politicians with a snappy diplomatic language, or recognized
charming celebrities hide a good portion of the reptilian or the devil in them, not
excluding the ordinary people.
On the astral plane, the appearance is closer to reality; because the astral is
something like a dream world, it is full of symbolism. There, the person, the
being and its character will manifest more truly than in the physical body,
because it includes not only the physical, but also something of what it has stored
in higher levels and on the earthly level, for various reasons, it tries not to
manifest that much. On the astral plane, the outer appearance of the subtle body
is changed to conform to the inner nature of the astral soul; longer and
permanently, or shorter, under the in uence of, for example, certain emotional or
mental states. Deception by appearances on the astral/physical level is charged
by drawing the energy of grace. It’s the same here on Earth, even if it’s slower;
the chicken is the evolutionary successor of the T-Rex dinosaur, it took millions of
years and it’s a long-term case; however, it may also happens in one life, when
the face of a bad person who indulges in his rotten character is twisted in his old
age into a distorted caricature of a worn-out demon, or an old striga.
The reptilians in question here manifest as reptiles because they are predators
who will do anything to get their prey and that is energy of grace. However, a
tiger is also a predator, although it is also dangerous, but it is not as disgusting as
a snake or a toad. Reptilian gods are depicted in some ancient stone frescoes as
large, half-human, half-animal, like mutants with the head and tail of a lizard; the
cult of dragons and snakes is also well known in various cultures around the
Today, reptilians are also depicted to me as hideous bloated toads, mosses lled
with vain emptiness. They sit and croak their endless villain incantations with
which they try to summon higher dark spirits to ful ll their desires, which are
the wishes of the Arch-Devil. They are no longer able to perform cursing as they
used to, ON has taken that power away from them. These are the Anunnaki,
invalid alien invaders who once formed part of the human race; but they
separated from it, so that from the astral level they could terrorize the opposite
Light part of the human race and absorb energy of grace from the Light people.
This is how they manifest themselves to this day. They no longer have that
magical in uence they once had; when people in ancient times considered them
as gods. They used to be a representation of a higher dark force that got out of
control. It is also possible that they no longer have any in uence; that it is just the
inertia and echo of their past actions, and it is also likely that some human
proponents of Satan have also partially gotten out of their control and prefer the

agenda of their own Ego. The Earthly level is also a distorted re ection of the
higher levels of the Matrix, and things do not happen here in the way and to the
extent that the astral parasites and their masters would like. There are other
in uences as well.
There were more alien clans during Earth’s history, they competed with each
other in Atlantis and even fought with each other, the clique of the most fake and
most insidious came out victorious. They may not have been the strongest in
terms of physical strength, but the most vile in terms of their insidiousness with
which they manipulated people’s mental and emotional spheres; they were the
ones most associated with the Devil. It was those Anunnaki who were
concentrated mainly in the area of the Near East, in the Mesopotamian
civilization; and here quite logically a connection between (Khazarian) Judaism
and the reptilian Anunnaki is offered.
Parasites, or predators, took the looted energy of grace from people by terrorizing
especially those who had the most of it: cognitive creative people who lived more
or less in harmony with ON Opinion’s nature. And when the parasites got that
energy, what did they use it for? They used it in vain to further terrorize people,
to extract even more energy from them, or to satisfy their deviant appetites for
power; also to prepare an escape route from their trajectory to Hell, should
something go wrong outside of their plan and they would be exposed to the
consequences of their own karma. They organized it so that they could throw
everything of their own bad karma at people, they constantly slander and
denigrate all people without the proof, so that they themselves can get away with
it. However, they will not succeed, because the universal laws of the original
Creator apply to them as well. Some of the top Anunnaki want to go to Hell
voluntarily. The pinnacle of their manipulation is that they demand ON to send
them to Hell and then they want to tyrannize ON for sending them to Hell even
though they wanted to. Idiotic Anunnaki gods-devils would like to play a role of
the rulers even in the Hell, even until recently, they did not believe that the Hell
exists, nor that it would be applicable to them as well. However, the false
Anunnaki gods, have in the same time also huge Fear of Hell and when the
endless Damnation is manifested to them from time to time in some dreams, it
turns them into the madness and chaos of Satan.
Who knows how it will turn out here on Earth when earthly murderers,
warmongers, media manipulators and other proponents of Satan would be
exposed to something similar.
Energy of grace is not meant to be used in such a way and it is not intended for
the proponents of Satan at all. When she ended up with them, she ended up in
the cesspool, abused in the Vanity. On an earthly macro level, it is similar to when

people pay taxes, elect their representatives, and they then squander the funds
entrusted to them, use them to enslave the same citizens who gave them trust
and power and others; they terrorize them with lockdowns, compulsory
vaccination and mandatory testing against Covid, or conducting wars. Simply,
they use the money collected from taxes, which is one of the earthly
manifestations of the energy of grace, by basically ushing them down the drain
as well. The resemblance purely coincidental? Not. Even many earthly politicians
want to have power over others and basically ful ll the agenda of the reptilian
Anunnaki, or archon mental entities standing above them; which in uence their
mind and form their consciousness to a certain (large) extent.
Everything negative in our lives is somehow connected with these astral
parasites. On a micro scale, it can be very simply said that when, for example, a
Light person is in a partner relationship with a Dark person and by that
(un)consciously transfers the energy of grace to the other one; and then the
energy drains into an imaginary sewer through the portals of Satan in the astral
body of the Dark partner. The rst one, the Light one, is depleted of energy and
will gradually wither away, get addicted, get sick, maybe become paralyzed and
die; unless he comes to a proper understanding in time and frees himself from
such a toxic relationship. The Dark partner will bene t from the energy taken
from the Light one; and especially the entity that stands behind (above) him will
bene t from it. It is not easy to distinguish who is Light and who is the Dark one
in the relationship; to whom what karmically belongs; it is relative. It is
complicated and individual. Quite easily, a person who is seemingly on a
spiritual path can deceptively appear to be good and the other one, who
manifests himself as hard and heartless, can appear to be bad. It can easily be the
other way around. This is just one example, because we encounter situations in
our everyday life when someone tries to rob us of some form of the energy of
Reptilians, Anunnaki, or gods of various kinds, used a lot of energy to engineer
programming the system, so that all the blame fell on humans and gods
themselves would remain pure; they pretend that they are the right ones who are
supposed to correct sinful and corrupt humanity. It’s an absurd notion. They set
themselves up simile as drug dealers, mobsters, policemen, legislators,
prosecutors, judges and executioners; and all that in one person. They wanted
power and everything that comes with it. They wanted to replace the supreme
God ON in His various forms and so they passed themselves off as false gods;
they thought that there was no ON, that ON is just some tiny dot that could do
nothing and that ON existed only to give them the pleasures of power and the
drug of energy of grace.

They were grossly mistaken. Maybe they even suspected something about ON,
but they wanted it to be in a way that suited their intentions. They convinced
themselves of this and succumbed to self-deception, because they wanted it that
way. They imitated both ON and the Devil and the result is disaster; it is similarly
manifested in our ordinary physical world. Here, too, there are people in power
who pass themselves off as gods, constantly creating problems, projecting plans
for the enslavement of humanity, for the destruction of the earth’s population
through wars, famine, epidemics, climate, energy policy, economic suicide, and
alike. They have a lot of tools and money, but it still doesn’t work out for them.
These are the lackeys of the reptilians, who have allied themselves with them in
such a way, that they represent their interests, as well as the interests of their
common master, who is the arch-Devil, or Satan.
It is easier to come to an understanding and get rid of the problems that happen
to us in life, when we know, who is pushing the red buttons of our thoughts,
trying to manipulate our emotions, not only ours, but also the people with whom
we are in contact and who affect us, whether we want to or not. Rejecting such
perceptions by trying to ignore them and arti cially remove them may
sometimes be appropriate, but in the long term it is like sweeping dirt under the
carpet. It is necessary to nd out who is putting all this on us, for what reasons
and how we have contributed to it. Have we caused something in this life, or
sometime in the distant past, in lives that we do not remember? We may have
been in contact with these reptilians, or with their programs, sometime long ago;
possibly with some opponent of ON, or his representative, or the devil.
If we have lived many lives, then it is likely that some interaction has occurred;
considering how the Earth has been infested with the twisted Darkness for
millennia, it would be quite surprising, if anyone could avoid it for long.
Knowledge is important, much can be learned from our present life; what
happens in it; our life has often and perhaps always some connection with our
deeds from our past lives. It is presented to us again and again; if someone comes
to the relevant knowledge, it will result in the need to take a clear attitude
towards own actions and to carry out a certain correction of them.

The spiritual ascent/descent of man

The de nition of spiritual ascent/descent of the soul is already clear from its
name. Spiritual means that the soul should ascend in its evolution towards (its)
individualized ON accompanied by its Spirit, and descent means that it is a
downward descent, with the potential of an upward ascent; or vice versa. Most
souls stagnate or descend downward, and only a minority attempt to ascend
upward. I have often been in contact with graceful ON Helpers (angels) from the
fth Pleiadian level of Amon, as they are representatives of their Spirits. They
commented on the ascension of people by saying that, with exceptions, people
stagnate, do not listen to their call, do nothing for their ascension, or go in the
wrong direction, which only pretends to be spiritual. This statement has been
con rmed to me many times in obvious practice.
When someone stagnates, his movement relative to others who are moving
forward is essentially backwards, even if they are just standing still. The earth
revolves around the sun, and the entire solar system moves in a giant circle
around the central Pleiadian sun; the sum of these two movements is a spiral,
and when a person’s development stagnates, he stands still, while his
surroundings move forward. You can’t stop the development. Man stands and
thus the Sun and the entire Solar System escape him, even though he is
physically bound to it by Gravity, in spiritual sense he moves away from it. When
the distance between stagnant and developing souls becomes extremely large,
then the syndrome of the marathon runner can arise in them: who thinks that he
is the rst one; in fact has fallen so far behind, that he simply cannot see those in
front of him and therefore thinks, that he is leading in the race.
The fundamental question that many seekers ask themselves is: “why are we
here, what is the point of it all, what is my mission”. They attend seminars, read
esoteric books, watch videos and alike. It may be only a relatively short stage on
the way and not the nal destination; because there is so much different
knowledge, events and opinions, that a person is not able to go through it all. It
can happen that a person endlessly searches and alternates all possible teachings,
only to discover after a long time, that he has gone astray. But not at all because
all the knowledge in those teachings is false. They are mixed up, (un)consciously
manipulated, redrawn and retold, or differently interpreted from old sources.

Even if something may make sense at rst sight, immersing yourself in other
teachings will spoil or disprove this impression. Many of the various teachings
are different from each other and cause quite a bit of confusion, because the
knowledge does not t together, does not make sense, excludes itself; moreover,
they tend to be too complex and extensive.
Our knowledge, let’s say in our lives here on Earth, is the subject of interest of the
three elements of ON (ON, Spirit, Soul). It is necessary to understand that (our)
ON realizes and recognizes himself through us, if we allow him to do so, if we do
not oppose Him and do not run to the opposite side. When our knowledge is
aligned in line with Spirit and according to ON, it leads to evolution and
ascension; if it is not, then it is guided by the Ego and the Arti cial Spirit of the
Matrix, and then it usually leads to descent.
The highest level of cognition is the Oneness of ON Momo, and here the Supreme
Lord takes a stand on the deeds that the soul manifests. The deeds of the human
soul are its manifested attitudes: the decisions taken, the words spoken, the
actions performed. I don’t count here thoughts that are in the person’s mind,
taking into account circumstances, that affect the mental space of the human soul.
The Supreme Lord ON Momo takes attitudes towards the deeds of souls. He can
adopt a momo-ing attitude towards the actions in the sense of “I like it”, or
morose attitude “I don’t like it, but I will keep it as an interesting, albeit negative
experience”, or he evaluates it as a vain knowledge of the “it’s disgusting” type,
or “it’s a stereotype that I’ve already experienced/seen x times” and shreds it as
undesirable. This is only a very simpli ed example, because this subject of such a
high level of ON is not easy to describe. However, it is enough to understand the
process how ON Momo taking the stand towards the deeds of souls. It is
happening from the high tenth level of Oneness downwards, in this mysterious
and complex concept. It’s complex, it’s individual, and it changes over time and
according to circumstances and something else.
Another dimension on which ON takes an attitude towards the knowledge and
development of the soul is the level of the Lord of Spirits/Amon; it is a high level
where Unity dissolves into Duality and such attitudes are transmitted below to
the ON Helpers inspired by the etheric pattern of Amon. This is knowledge in the
sense of Cognitive and Developmental Cycles, it also includes karmic settlement;
from this level comes the Spirit as well as the gro of the archetypal patterns and
If the soul does not oppose its Spirit and allows itself to be guided by it, then the
Spirit leads it along steep paths above dark abysses and along the way shows it
what it is supposed to see and the soul can take a stand on it. Spirit is not some
external element or astral being. The Spirit is an important and powerful part of

the Self, but it can quite easily happen that, as needed, the Spirit also sends astral
beings and dark entities to the human soul for the purpose of acquiring the
cognition. The knowledge received by the Spirit on the eighth level, manifested
by the favorable attitude of the “inner Amon” on the seventh level, leads to the
evolution of the soul within the Trinity. The character of the soul is improved by
its ascent, its talents are improved and it acquires new and better possibilities for
future lives. At this level, the ascent of the soul is the most visible.
From the point of view of upward ascent, it is best if the soul realizes it under the
guidance of the Spirit and in accordance with ON. The earthly human soul
realizes its ascent according to the Spirit (less often), or descent according to its
Ego, supported by the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix (very often).
Another level at which the Soul realizes knowledge essentially for itself is the
mental karmic level of the Matrix, re ected on the emotional, astral and earthly
planes. And here there is a difference between what the soul is supposed to see
according to its Spirit and what the soul wants to see if it does not have the Spirit
and is under the in uence of its Ego; or the soul has Spirit, but she doesn’t want
to listen to it and lets her Ego to overwhelm the in uence of Spirit.
If the soul does not have the Spirit and emphasizes knowledge and development
according to its Ego, then it can be a futile process, which, if it lasts too long,
causes the soul to constantly fall into the mire of Vanity. That cognition then does
not have to be cognition in the sense of education for the purpose of ascension.
Knowing is also coming from the stereotypical life represented by a constantly
repeating loop of work-family-beer-television and alike. This is vain knowledge,
which is shredded by the Supreme Lord as unnecessary and useless; but at the
level of Amon, a number of such helpers of the Matrix can complete the
developmental environment, these souls serving as “komparz in the movies” for
other human souls.
It may happen that the soul/person does not have a Spirit, but tries to achieve
spiritual ascent under the in uence of the Ego. For example, one meditates
honestly, intensively practices yoga, esotericism, ascetic life, initiations, religious
practices and the like; yet his effort is vain, because he has no Spirit to possibly
guide him in another way. And when such a soul is still trying to achieve
something, its sporadic Spirit may send some earthling to tell him what it should
do. Spirit then often discovers, that his effort provided even through the earthling
is futile, because a spiritless person listens to no one but his loving Ego, which
allows him to listen to and believe the opinions of other people, also possessed
by their loving Egos.
What the person/soul has to deal with may be something completely different
from what the person would expect; it is not spiritual-esoteric knowledge, but

something sensitive from his life so far, something he avoids as much as possible.
And then when it comes to a person’s life again, that person ignores it and all the
effort goes in vain. I have not came across a single case where a person without
the Spirit and under the in uence of the Ego, even with extraordinary earthly
help, ascended somewhere higher. If there was any elevation, it lasted for a short
time and then the person felt back, or even lower. However, this does not mean
that such cases cannot occur. But it points to the fact that when a person has
fallen too deep, he can no longer dig himself out with the help of the Spirit or
with any other help. Therefore, it is more or less useless for the Spirit to deal with
such people, even if such an effort may occasionally occur. People do not change,
their character remains and transcends millennia. It takes a long time for the
damage to be repaired and let something to evolve internally in such a soul, if at
all. Evolution is a gradual process of improvement, and there is a Dead Point of
No Return, where evolution stands still, and then the soul begins to sink into that
If the human soul does not have the Spirit, or does not listen to it, and the Spirit
has moved away from it, then its intuition is confused by the lower Self and there
is a risk that, despite its efforts, the soul will stagnate in place instead of rising. So
under what circumstances would such a person have a chance to realize his
spiritual ascension? Only when he suffers unspeakably and death breathes on
him? By then it is already too late, because under such an in uence it would
be an ascent rather from compulsion under the pressure of Fear and not the result
of one’s own activity leading to development.
Ascension as a pure result of some energy radiation from the center of the galaxy,
or the arrival of the Savior, I consider nonsense. Helpful and inspiring in uences
of ethereal energies are here, but that does not mean that people should wait idly
and enjoy endless discussion on which kind of energy is acting today and what
everything will be cleansed from them just by the bene cial action of the
“service” of angels or “benevolent” aliens.
Excessive Well-being and Comfort of life circumstances is a prerequisite that can
lead to stagnation of the soul, if the soul so chooses. Well-being means a
smorgasbord of all possible pleasures that are ready for use, and Comfort means
that nothing special needs to be done to get those pleasures. The soul (man) then
becomes lazy and gets used to the fact that everything is easily available to him.
It also happens that after a while the available pleasures start to be bore a person,
he stops appreciating them and gradually starts looking around for what else he
could try. He begins to look for more extreme pleasures, which are no longer so
easily available, and in order to obtain them, a person needs to have Power,
because he needs to subjugate someone, or get into a position that allows him to
avoid the criminal consequences of his actions.

The development must always go forward, because it is development in
principle, and it represents movement in a certain qualitative direction, but
always forward in time. If there were no time, development would not be visible
and probably not even possible.
Souls are not here to enjoy themselves too much. The mission of the primordial
souls is to get the knowledge and achieve development; one is inextricably linked
to the other. The original souls were ON; ON divided himself into them and gave
them free will, so that through them he could recognize the Multiplicity of Life.
By and large, it is the ON World that creates the environment for it; it is the
surrounding world, the universe, nature, society, the spiritual world, people and
the relationships between them.
It is far from just the fact, that the soul should only get to know nature, distant
countries, or other aspects of life in an external way. The primordial soul is given
certain archetypal qualities and talents, that were given to her to use them
The cognitive process is the path of the soul, when it tries to use its internal
settings in different ways towards the external world and it in uences her back;
and along with that, the soul discovers how it is, what is bene cial for it and
what from those it prefers in the integrity of its Soul, Spirit and ON. In addition,
it lives a normal life and enjoys something. Excessive enjoyment of pleasures, as
well as excessive asceticism, are generally the intention of the Dark Side; but
there are also exceptions, that depend on the circumstances and stage of
If the soul has its Spirit as a guide, then he will intuitively tell it, what is essential
for it; although it may not be pleasant for the Ego of a person. The Spirit for the
soul is not some external element, the Spirit is part of the Trinity of the true Self,
it is something similar to the Higher Self.
If the soul is stunted in its cognitive process due to a prolonged absence, because
it does not want to evolve, then the Spirit leaves it and the Arti cial Spirit of the
Matrix immediately replaces him, which leads the soul’s development
downward, instead of upward. The soul then does not develop, but degrades,
which is basically also development, but in the opposite direction. The soul is
then in uenced by its Lower Self, and if the soul does not begin to free itself from
it in time, if it does not realize its role in this world and will not look for (its) ON,
then various astral demons will attack it and drag it into the depths of hellish
Someone once said: “When your Spirit puts a hand on your shoulder and tells
you “you’re going”, then you go and since that moment nothing will be the same

anymore. It may not be immediatelly noticeable on the outside, but on the inside,
a complete transformation of a person into a spiritual being can gradually occur.

Depression and its solution

The ON world is a world of competing and interacting mutually opposing

aspects of ON. The nirvanic feeling states of Bliss have their opposite on the side
of Vanity and that is Depression; its milder shade exempt from Bliss is
Annoyance, but its much more unkind variant is the feeling state of the open
jagged muzzle of the dusty Depression.
All depressive psychic mental feeling states and disorders are a re ection of
Vanity; because Vanity is the opposite of Heavenly Love. The distinct extreme of
Depression is the feeling of a mortar re of black gloom, which is unbearable;
with the sword of revenge Nemesis sweeps everything into a dark ravine of
complete hopelessness, heavy sadness, and one does not even know why.
For some, standard treatment, or anything else, does not help with depression;
unless of course we consider suppressing her symptoms with antidepressants as
treatment. If nothing helps, it may be a signal from the Spirit that prevents
depression from being suppressed, because Depression can also be His tool to tell
a person that something is on the agenda that needs to be processed.
Not only can it not be possible to suppress Depression, it can also get worse, or
other problems can be added to it, or it can be replaced by some other disease by
arti cially suppressing it, because the Spirit simply insists that something needs
to be solved and it is not to be avoided. If a person does not come to the true
reason for this admonition and does not recognize the real cause of Depression,
then it can repeat itself to in nity and that is the action of the dark Vanity Gray.
The presence of vanity Depression is a manifestation and symptom of the fact
that a person has turned away from his spiritual essence; and that could have
happened in this life, or even in the past lives.
When all else fails; so there is usually nothing left but to go back to the beginning,
to the roots of the cause of the problem; because in the knowledge of the cause, at
the same time, the help of its solution is hidden. The primary cause of Depression
is usually a person’s wrongful behavior in the past, which creates a karmic record
for the soul; and here it is necessary to recognize a speci c deed from the past
and the circumstances under which it occurred; it is necessary to understand its
nature, what it was, why it happened, who was a part of it, then internalize this
knowledge and take measures to correct it. Severe depression, mental states,

mental compulsions, thought addictions and disturbances in the perception of
emotional feelings are serial killers. All Evil on Earth is built on them. Serial
killers act stereotypically, and as such, whether they like it or not, they leave
behind small traces, crumbs that can be detected and caught. By analyzing and
processing karmic causes, depression and psychological disorders of various
kinds can be alleviated or completely eliminated.
Throughout the breadth and depth of our existences, at various levels of being,
we have made conscious or unconscious objectionable decisions that have
affected our actions and caused karmic records. We created negativity and spread
it in the form of thoughts, words and deeds, either into the collective thought
consciousness or speci cally into the energy eld of a person. These self-forming
negative thought forms can cause energy blockages to be implanted and
subsequently causing disorders and diseases. The usual cause is a mental
injury, an emotional trauma, which causes the creation of a monster, which gets
stuck somewhere in the mental-astral body and tends to manifest in some way in
the individual’s reality.
A frequent phenomenon is that implantation takes place in Transit, in the gray
zone in between the lives; Dark entities there purposefully search for implants in
people’s astral bodies to use them as a gateway, like a Trojan horse. But there are
other ways. The purpose of many energy attacks is to trigger a mental-emotional
reaction that prepares the energy to be drawn, which is then fed to the negative
Sometimes the cause of physical pain or psychosis is also the Hitchhiker,
which settles in some organ; it can be, for example, the energy of a curse, or a
fragment of the soul of someone who died and remained in the low-vibration
part of the astral plane. He could have been assigned to this person for some
reason, or share a karmic bond with him.
An inexplicable fear and panic attack of anxiety that overtakes a person in the
late hours of the night can be caused by an opportunistic reptilian feeding on the
third chakra of the Solar Plexus. This may have karmic causes, and at the same
time it may also be related to objectionable actions or attitudes in a person’s life.
Our constant low-vibrational thoughts, followed by words and actions are
caused by, or at least in uenced by, the collective low-vibrational eld in which
we nd ourselves. This eld is controlled by dark entities that control the dark
superstructure of our reality; at least they are trying to, as in whom.
When dealing with and eliminating mental disorders and depression, it is not a
question of surgically removing the symptom of the disease, which takes the
form of a psychological problem. It is a deep awareness of the cause and effect of
one’s own objectionable attitudes and wrong actions. It is necessary to recognize

one’s self, one’s manifested Self, one’s Shadow and one’s karma in the
consequences; but also to some extent the system and the way it works.
Knowledge obtained in this way is suf cient for a partial inner awareness of
one’s actions, which led to the origin of karma; it is an alternative method that is
completely suf cient to alleviate or completely eliminate Depression; because full
inner awareness arises only after experiencing one’s causal downfalls on one’s
own skin, which can be morose suffering.
Depression manifests itself in the physical world in the form of mental and
feeling-emotional states; after physical death, the content meaning of
Depression can materialize into the astral reality; all those thoughts and feelings
manifest into dark spirits, who let the soul experience its karma live through
intense sensory-feeling-emotional sensations. As a rule, the more knowledge a
soul acquires about its mistakes on the earthly plane, the milder will be their
recognition in the afterlife.
If the soul does not gain knowledge about the causes of Depression, and even if
for some reason the Depression disappears, then its primary causes will not
disappear anywhere. Karmic entries remain written because the universe has
very good memory; everything is carefully recorded, every attitude, thought,
word, and deed; including the deeds, when someone avoids getting to know ON
Opinions, or processing his own karma; or whether one works persistently on
getting to know own Shadow or in long-term avoids repeating the objectionable
actions that led to the creation of karma; and so he returns to his original
Knowledge gained during earthly life is Gracious, because by prophesying
knowledge about karma is puri ed, which has a lasting bene cial effect; while
the knowledge gained in the astral world is Vain, as the soul does come to
knowledge, but that knowledge is temporary, because it only applies to the astral
presence, and in a possible rebirth, karma will break through to the surface again.
Depression can be an opportunity for ON Helper to avoid very unpleasant
suffering in the infernal astral world by knowing its karmic causes; for however
unpleasant Depression is, it is in a certain sense only a weak decoction of its
astral manifestation; although sometimes it can be the other way around, when
he prophesies some related knowledge on the earthly level.
Depression on a physical level is more mental and feeling-emotional, its physical
manifestations are less pronounced; on the astral level it can manifest itself as
more physical and sensual, less feeling-emotional. The secondary cause of
Depression is the activation and subsequent manifestation of karmic writing in a
person’s life; it manifests itself in changes in the emotional, astral and physical
body of a person. Something is set in motion and these changes cause a

phenomena, that a person perceives as extraordinary psychological and mental
suffering; here, too, it is necessary to recognize to a certain extent, how it works
in the subtle material bodies of a person, with regard to the atonement of karma.
Depressive states have a lot to do with the Shadow, the unmanifested second
Self, the Alter Ego, which is made up of everything, that is not dealt with from
the past in terms of processing one’s karma. In addition to depression, there are
also various symptoms similar to psychological disorders, there are many of
them; some of them tend to be an expression of admonition, by which the Spirit
lets one know, that something is wrong. For example, exploding head syndrome
can occur, it is a strange sound of an explosion, like an excessively loud gunshot,
which is heard directly in the head. It can be a signal of an energy imbalance at
the level of subtle material bodies, which often arises when some foreign
parasitic entity attaches to them. Then there are various phobias, voices in the
head, nightmares, appearances of astral ghosts, apparitions of monsters, mental
images and movie plots, whistling, church bells in the ears, buzzing in the head,
panic attacks, fear, overwhelming terror, inexplicable sadness, melancholy, the
feeling of losing something unknown but extremely valuable; all these can be
manifestations of something hidden in the subconscious, revealing itself to
consciousness in a secret way, without knowing the real cause.
When a person loses consciousness of the subjective experience of his own
personality, he feels that he is living in a movie, that he is not himself, that he is
separated from reality and exists in a dream; such depersonalization can be a
helpful clue that something else exists, outside of ordinary stereotypical life.
Mental disorders may be due to purely internal causes, even when no apparent
external cause is present; the trigger can also be an external cause, caused by
some depressing situation; in truth, however, for the emergence of Depression,
there is always some human action that caused depressive states; and thus there
is always an internal situation caused by the activation of karma.
The starter for the emergence of disorders is usually the internal timer, which
determines when the destructive process leading to the disturbance of the psyche
will start; the time interval from the onset of the cause of depression can be
different; it can also depend on an external event that happens at some time. The
global crisis currently unfolding will affect many aspects of human life; it is a
global phenomenon manifesting itself from the individual’s point of view as the
external world; however, the latter is nothing more than the sum of the
outwardly manifested inner worlds of billions of individuals of the human race.
The coming years will probably be marked by the fact that what has been normal
until now will cease to be normal; society on a global scale is moving ever faster
towards disintegration and division into groups between which a deep gap will

emerge. On the one hand, current socio-political trends lead to the breaking up of
nations and families, and on the other hand, they lead to dehumanization and
dependence on technology. It is a targeted process, ostensibly controlled in the
foreground by the Guardians and their earthly lackeys; in the background is ON
in all his opposite extent; Its purpose is to present to humanity and related astral-
mental entities a nal account, consisting of all stored unresolved karma.
The karma of mankind consists of the karma of individuals, and this is one of the
reasons why it is not possible to change the system from the outside; because
change from the outside will not bring any improvement, this has already been
proven many times over the millennia; the revolution eats its own children. The
only thing that can bring about change is the change of each individual from
within, concerning his individual attitudes, decisions and actions; however,
these cannot be changed without all of his essential karma being resolved. She
sets up a mirror for a person and gives him the ideas of the diabolical Guardians,
with whom he probably had something to do. They seek to warp his deeds to
their will; the more a person submits to them and surrenders to their will, the
more he is controlled by them and the more massively they control his
consciousness and actions, until the person becomes a puppet in the hands of
entities whose intention is to create more suffering, oppression, violence,
enslavement, more psychological diseases, more depressions. It is not at all a
coincidence that this is happening right now, when the human drama is moving
towards its nal resolution; before the end of the Great Cycle, karma will
manifest itself in every individual to an extraordinary extent and will apply for

Implantation of astral souls

It was at the airport in the transit zone. It is no man’s land, used for passengers
who have completed one ight to transfer to another one after completing the
formalities. Corridors snaked in the airport hall, through which people slowly
moved towards the center of the hall. TV screens hung on the walls above, on
which female presenters appeared in short shots and gave brief information
about what was going to happen and instructions on how to proceed. Everything
was modernly organized. In the center of the hall, in an open space, there was a
low platform in the shape of a square, on it, like in the cinema, seats similar to
dentist’s chairs were arranged in rows; in front of them in the corner was a
television screen, and there was also a live presenter, something like a ight
attendant in a dark blue managerial costume. People took their seats, and while
the ight attendant was presenting them the bene ts of implantation, the
backrests on the right side opened up and out of them came metal arms, sort of
like long thin robotic arms, holding a small metal cartridge-shaped object in its
ngers. ”It will be a ride” she convinced the passengers. “When you get it implanted,
your experiences in your coming life will be much more exciting and intense.” As if a
travel agency agent is convincing you of the bene ts of registering for an
adventure rafting trip on the Zambezi River. A robotic arm then inserted the
implant through their nostrils deep into their heads, close to the brain.
This dream symbolism is a representation of how the implantation process takes
place, when after the end of one life the soul moves to the next one. When
passing from one life to another, the soul passes through the astral neutral zone
of no one, which is called the Transit Zone. In Transit, relatives, religious or other
famous gures, in my case they were alike travel agents, may appear to the soul;
according to its preferences. The soul may feel good about it, it may feel
friendship towards them, but that is probably only an emotional feeling related
to the belief that those beings are good and trustworthy. This is how beliefs
materialize into an astral form when a person did not want to learn about their
nature, did not want to give them up during his earthly life and stubbornly clung
to them. Feeling is energy arti cially placed in the area of the heart chakra, it is
also triggered by a mental memory of something pleasant. Manipulation as if
sewn. How many times have we experienced it in the cinema, when an artfully
combined lm plot in a romantic lm is lubricated with music; this scenario, at

the right moment, initiates emotion and tears in the eyes, which are dif cult to
Under the in uence of an (arti cially supplied) emotion, a person is then more
prone to trust dark beings disguised as, for example, relatives or saints, and give
them consent to implantation. Its purpose is to insert a programmed chip into the
astral body, in which some program is stored. Like, for example, the one that the
ight attendant from the mentioned vision claimed would intensify experiences
from the next life. It was immediately clear to me what was meant by
“intensi cation”. So it wasn’t anything positive, it was rather something that took
the plot to the extreme, something excessive, that would cause suffering. And
when there is too much of something, it is harmful, we all know that. That
particular chip inserted through the nose into the head could easily have
been implanted in the Third Eye, supposed to manipulate the inputs that come to
the consciousness of a person through the Third Eye; it was supposed to reduce
or degrade their quality, or increase their quantity, so that they become
unbearable. As a result, a person is then deprived of supernatural information,
that would help him to nd out the causes of negative phenomena in his life; or it
manipulates the information in such a way, that he does not reach knowledge.
Not even talking about the psychiatric hardship, that the amount of excessive
amount of mental inputs can cause.
Who bene ts from it? Well, those, who cause those negative phenomena. Man
cannot come to know the causes and originators of the tyranny or suffering he
goes through in his life; he submits to them and becomes a victim of parasites
that want to drain his vital energy. Because they say:

“Oh, he hasn’t reached knowledge, so we’ll drain his energy for that. We have it
here, here in our les, that it should be like that”. —Parasites Ni (false gods)

And they pull out some hypothetical paper written by the Devil and they intend
to follow it. This is one of their typical dealings. They create a problem, at least
they contribute signi cantly to its creation, by implanting it they prevent the
person in question from nding out what the problem is about and then they
intend to use him endlessly as a cash cow. They want to rob him of his energy of
grace by repeatedly accusing him of some his allegedly sinful actions. And it is
the parasites who participated in its creation, the astral gangsters of the rst
degree. And the disabled person is in complete ignorance, makes objectionable
decisions, as a result of which, let’s say, he gets sick, gets depressed and so on.
It is not the purpose to blame everything negative on implants. I want to point
out that this sort of thing has commonly happened and many people can have a
number of different implants; there are different kinds of them, at different levels.

There are even standard implant kits that are injected into souls’ subtle material
bodies before reincarnating them into a new body. At least part of this is the
responsibility of the Anunnaki reptilians, even if they have no direct options for
this and basically know nothing. They only cursed and cursed and conjured; they
were doing something like proper black magic, voodoo, manipulating,
persuasing or advising souls in the Transit towards imlantation and the Dark
Spirit of the Matrix arranged some of that for them. Implantation probably
belongs to many people, given their real karma. When someone gets too involved
with the Evil Spirit, the Evil Spirit also gets involved with him. The problem may
be that the Evil Spirit and the malevolent reptilians involved in this do not know
when enough is enough. Respectively, they know it, but in the sense that “more,
more, more” is for them enough.
If someone became a victim of implantation, it could be as a result of their
actions. It has been introduced also here on earth, there are cases, when company
employees have got a chip implanted under their skin, which will open the door
for them or pay for a coffee in the company buffet. How convenient, they think.
However, they do not know what is in that chip, whether it will, for example,
follow them wherever they move and send information about it somewhere to
the headquarters. Or the chips will cause them other problems. Another example
of implantation is vaccination, when people, in the naive belief that it will help
them, have something foreign injected directly into their blood together with the
antibody, which has nothing to do with the original idea of protection against the
disease. Maybe they know about those risks, but they pushed them somewhere
into their subconscious, or they don’t know anything, they don’t want to know,
or they don’t have access to such information. It happened during the Covid
pandemic, it also happens in the astral. There are also auxiliary implants, for
example a pacemaker, which will give a person an extended life that he would
not otherwise have; or on the astral level, a person receives qualities that would
not belong to him under natural circumstances.
Souls don’t go for implantation just like that, someone tries to manipulate them
with various visual tricks, talking sweet words, or inserting arti cial emotions so
that they get keen to get the implant inserted. But implantation also happens in a
state of a kind of arti cial sleep, in a trance, it may be also attempted in dreams,
or during activities when a person connects with the supernatural. In transit, they
convince the soul of the seriousness of the actions it has carried out in
life, remind it of imaginary crimes from past lives, which it allegedly committed
and which it is necessary for it to suffer in the next life, and at the same
time prescribe a low emotional feeling of guilt, or exaggerate the seriousness of
those actions; there are many possibilities. The confused human soul then, under
the in uence of the emotions of guilt and fear, has a lot of suffering programmed

into its astral or ethereal body, and when it is born again, those programs are
activated when the timer starts, or when the appropriate circumstances arise. If
the soul has a higher level of consciousness, if it has enough knowledge and if
has the guidance of its Spirit, then it has a better chance to overlook the plot and
simply reject the implantation; or it doesn’t even get into transit. Soul has the
guide and the Spirit leads it on a different path.
The beings behind it have the entire supply chain under their thumb. On the
earthly level, it is like the same organization owns the companies that produce
harmful foods, the advertising agency that drives customers to buy them in the
stores that it also owns, it also owns the doctors and hospitals that aim to
endlessly treat the symptoms of their diseases that they have caused and after all,
he also owns the funeral service that will bury them. It’s one ma a that cashes
absolutely everywhere.

Diseases caused by hidden karma

Evil and diseases come to people uninvited day and night and bring them
suffering. They come to them with inaudible steps, because the Vanity Gray has
deprived evil and disease of the gift of speech, made them mute.
People are subject to diseases and adverse life circumstances and do not know
why; though they may know some of their immediate causes from their present
life; when their karma is hidden, they don’t know what from their ancient past
led to it.
And the karma itself does not even manifest itself, and the person is not yet a
participant in the reverse movement of the karmic pendulum, but the
accumulated dark causal records still call the helpers of the Dark Side, who
impose astral states and events on people, raising them at their old ages, or even
from a tender youth the likelihood of disease and a miserable death.
It is all futile suffering freed from the knowledge of its primary causes, and it is
only a side effect that indicates that man is carrying with him an ever-increasing
load of old unresolved failures from his ancient past. If he begins to recognize his
karmic debts, which ON presents to him for recognition and understands
something of the thinking of ON, he embarks on a path oriented towards his
correction and reconciliation with (his) ON, then this is a good incentive to
eliminate his suffering and disease states.
Old hidden karma is a part of a person’s overall personality, it is not something
external, foreign. It is similar to when a person commits some unpleasant deed in
ordinary life and then it drags on for a long time until he corrects it with a longer-
term activity.
The human soul on the earthly level does not manifest inactive karmic burdens;
there may be many of them and they may not show much outwardly, but they
remain part of his Shadow; they are in full swing and will manifest themselves
one day, because there is no escaping one’s karma.
Looking at the soul at the karmic level would paint a different picture; she would
look completely different than a physical person because her displayed karmic
body would include all the unmanifested karma and be a much truer
representation of her. In the reality of the earthly world, many things are turned
upside down, and this is manifested, for example, in the fact that the Soul, which

is dark inside its Shadow, can manifest itself in the form of a beautiful, talented
and seemingly pure person by distorting the Matrix on the physical level. On the
karmic level, she would look, for example, like a debauched dusty bandit;
however, the opposite is also true. Such representations also appear in dreams,
through which ON gently hints to a person something about the nature of his
character from the past, present, or to a likely predicted event. Dream clues tend
to be depicted in parables and usually in a subtle way, because they are often just
hints and not speci c complex information about something that a person should
know in his life in a normal way. Another reason is that dreams are cursed, and
the hint is often depicted too allegorically and is given in such a cocooned way
that it ceases to be a hint and becomes just an interesting story from which one
does not get anything informative. The false gods conjured and cursed it to take
away people’s dreams; to cancel their dream way of receiving helpful stimuli
from their Spirit. Stupid gods avenged their own insidious action in such a way,
that they then really know nothing about what ON wanted to communicate to a
person, who is a person of interest to them and they would like to know what
ON intends to communicate to him, so that they can penetrate him and abuse it.
They won’t nd out this way, because by this act of their own, they got rid of
important information that they wouldn’t have access to on their own.
The soul, in the entirety of its positives at the level of the Spirit and its negatives
at the level of karma, is like a statue covered with a veil, waiting for someone
who will come one sunny day, tear the sheet from it and present it to the public
as it is.
Probably no one would be able to nd out who he is actually dealing with on the
basis of sensory perceptions alone; this is only possible for individuals who
have a developed inner vision, a free mind, pure intuition and can truly
perceive people’s subtle energies.
In normal reincarnations in the course of cognitive cycles, karma, which is related
to the immediately preceding life, is mainly projected in the astral world during
the alternation of lives. Karma is only minimally puri ed by this process. At the
end of the cycle, when the soul will no longer reincarnate on Earth, the soul
manifests in a form that is a complete re ection of all manifested and
unmanifested karma.
Hidden karma is directly or indirectly manifested by life events that tend to
worsen, lead to a cycle and cause suffering; it can lead a person to unfavorable
situations, to accidents, to acute, life-threatening conditions, to chronic
psychological disorders, diseases, pain and suffering. However, such events can
also happen for other reasons, when ON indicates to a person that he has
deviated from his path and, under the in uence of his Ego, opposes (his) ON.

All human suffering is due to karma; the human destiny in uenced by the
Guardians of the Matrix is full of events, that often quite inconspicuously and
slowly draw a person into the cogs of a machine that constantly winds one karma
over another. This happens even without a person being aware that he is acting
in con ict with his initial settings, because he stopped receiving immediate
reprimands for objectionable actions ages ago, because his pure higher intuition
was replaced by the polluted lower intuition of the Archon Guardians. Thus, his
karma is constantly added to the imaginary freight wagon that every person
drags behind him from life to life.
A person may not even have a clue about the size and signi cance of his karma,
because a large part of it may not have been active at all during his entire life.
Apparently, it was on the agenda in the interlife astral world, where the Dark
Angels familiarized the soul with its faults, proportionately according to the
severity of its karma, so that just before rebirth this knowledge again fell into
oblivion by being erased from active memory by the Dark Angels with the help
of the Archon Guardians.
Unmanifested karma does not manifest itself only in its primordial form, similar
to an event that a person has caused to someone else. In such a case, it leads to no
knowledge and is altogether useless; it smolders somewhere in the back, it rots
and unobtrusively causes ancient psoriasis, chronic diseases, depressive states;
just because it exists: they are indirect consequences of karma.
Delayed unmanifested karma is like a time bomb, ticking somewhere in the
basement, and it is not known, when the switch will click, explode and destroy
the house, or its cap stopper will open and the house will be infested with
poisonous gas. A person may not know about his old karma on the outside,
although he may get some inkling from his inside and life situations; if a person
is awake and if he is even capable of perceiving such things. Unmanifested
karma also has a certain permanent effect on a person’s character traits and
It’s similar to when you get to know a person about whom you have a rather
pleasant feeling at rst and second glance. He invites you to his house and after
some time sends you to the cellar to bring stored potatoes; and you’ll nd buried
explosives, weapons, and maybe even a corpse underneath. If you ask him about
it, he will probably say that he doesn’t know anything about it, and maybe he is
right; because it may be his dark past from some past life that he forgot when he
was reborn. He has his past stored in the basement of his subconscious, and
when he once smells the basement odor of a decomposing corpse, he will go to
the basement and maybe will take that machine gun in his hand and who knows
what will come to his mind when he looks at that corpse.

When karma is unresolved, the same karmic situation tends to repeat itself and
provide the perpetrator with an opportunity to recognize and correct it, or
to repeat the same dark act. You will probably change your mind about that
person after such a discovery; because his ticking bomb is inseparable from his
personality, and that is his unresolved karma from the past, because ON does not

Your words are alive – be careful how and what you

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they will
become your actions; watch your actions, they will become your habits; watch your
habits, they will become your character; follow your character, it will become your
destiny.” – Lao Tzu

Human souls are endowed with a unique ability, a distinct talent to communicate
with each other. It is such an extraordinary blessing from the Almighty that we
can rule this world because of this unique advantage. That advantage is the
ability to speak. The words that come out of our mouths may seem too light, but
they can be heavier than the most material object.
Words spoken by a person can help x or break another person. They say that a
bullet red from a gun and words once spoken cannot be taken back; therefore, it
is essential to express ourselves as best we can.
The spoken word carries with it the energy of creative inspiration or destructive
intent, depending on the person who utters it and the intention with which he
utters it. The spoken word is basically de ned by three multi-dimensional
components, which are related to each other and are mixed with each other in a
certain sense:
• Meaningful content of words
• The energy with which the words are spoken
• The form in which the words are spoken
As human beings, we must use words in a way that we weigh them before we
speak them. A word of encouragement spoken in the right way and in the right
tone can work wonders, while even the best phrase spoken inappropriately can
break a heart. Wounds caused by words are more resonant and painful than
wounds caused by a spear, they are like needles that do not miss the mark to
pierce the heart. So let’s choose our words wisely.
The beginning of creation is in “our” thoughts, but it is necessary to realize that
there are many multidimensional entities that arti cially push thoughts into our
minds with the intention of manipulating our words and deeds. Many of the

thoughts that come into our consciousness are not entirely our own. We have to
learn to control our thoughts so that they do not control us, or so that we are not
controlled by negative entities, that want to manipulate us. This is a key
prerequisite for attentive speech.
We must learn to choose from among the thoughts that we accept for expression,
to take a rm internal attitude towards the ideas of understanding reality, only
then do we have creation in our hands.
Thoughts coming from outside can be likened to a meteorite hitting the moon. If
we accept them and pronounce them out to someone, their impact can create a
crater, and these are the consequences that we cause by saying thoughts with a
negative subtext and, possibly, a subsequent deed. If we just become aware of the
incoming thought and let it oat around, nothing happens. Only if the entity that
pushed it to us for the purpose of some manipulation loses its energy because its
effort went in vain. A thought is followed by a spoken word, it is more gross and
material than a thought and is also connected to emotional energy and our facial
expression, the emoticon facial expression, with which we emphasize our verbal
It is possible (in a good way) to do magic with words. A classic example of
creation is the use of the spoken word in magic and sorcery. Abracadabra is a
magical word, historically used as an incantation on amulets and common in
stage magic today. The etymology of the word Abracadabra comes from Hebrew,
meaning “I create as I speak”, or in Aramaic “I create with a word”.
Words are one of the most powerful gifts we have. What we say, and perhaps
more importantly, how we say it (with what accompaying energy), can have a big
impact on those we talk to. Often we don’t even remember the last kind word
that was said to us. However, we can probably remember with great clarity, and
often even years ago, words that hurt us deeply.
We shall always think carefully before we speak, because it affects the person
who hears it. If we are outraged or frustrated, we should rather remain silent,
because silence can avert many problems. Words spoken in anger and resentment
can in uence the listener towards negativity and depression, can break their
heart and discourage them.
We often say so much stereotypical nonsense and routine nonsense, thereby
wasting the energy that accompanies those words. The listener, who painfully
listens to the nonsense, also loses energy. That energy could be used for more
worthwhile goals.
When we consciously or subconsciously say something that has the power to
affect another person, then our words can become harmful to the receiver, if we
do not judge our actions carefully. Of course, there are times when we “need to

get it off our chest”, more precisely, when we want to release the pressure in the
third chakra of the Solar Plexus (the seat of the Ego), either for our own sanity
and mental health, or for our Ego, which sometimes has an urgent the need to
express himself.
Let’s learn to talk – let’s listen to others, adapt our voice to the situation, create an
appropriate communication environment using body language. Let’s empathize
with the position of the receiver, because once we say something, we can’t simply
take it back and x it. It can be done, but it takes a long time, and even with a lot
of corrective words and deeds, the karmic memory wound caused by a bad word
cannot be completely repaired. An injury lasts only a minute, but sometimes it
takes a lifetime to heal. The tongue has no bones, but it is strong enough to break
a heart.
Sometimes we put many words in our mouths without thinking, so let’s consider
the words when we name our reality. Our reality is also created by lies, self-
delusions, vulgarities and everything else that makes the mouth a “trash bin”. So
let’s be careful with our words, also because the universal law of cause and effect
works; what we deal with will deal with us one day.
Many great personalities have come and gone from this world. They could
in uence our hearts and minds by how and what they said. Their preaching was
valued and observed because both the content and the form of the speech they
spoke meant a lot. They can be an example to us, because after mastering the
thought-word-deed process, you too can become a giant in your reality and co-
create your destiny.

The river of life and the spiritual path

“What is life? It is the ash of a re y in the night. It is the breath of the buffalo in
winter. It is a small shadow that runs across the grass and disappears into the
sunset.” – Indian Chief Blackfoot

Life is often hidden even in the little things. All dreams spring from one net and
all rivers ow into one ocean. Someone is sailing on a stormy ocean and may not
even know where his barge will take him; or standing on the surface of the still
sea and not moving anywhere. The river of life is a dream metaphor of the life
journey of the human soul during the time it spends on the earthly plane. The
river springs from the source, which is the Source of all waters. The river never
returns to its source, but ows into the ocean, where the waters of all rivers meet.
The river of life has two banks, western and eastern, in other words left and right.
The sun of the Lord of Spirits sets on the western shore and rises on the eastern
shore. On the left bank of the river live wild tribes of cannibals, while on the right
bank live pure angelic beings. Along the ow of the river, which grows stronger
with increasing distance from its source, the relief, ora, fauna, and creatures
living on the banks of the river can change. Even a river can have a greater slope,
it can be deeper and wilder, or it can be wide and calm.
What is the soul? Look in the mirror and you will see her. The soul is you
yourself, manifested on the three-dimensional earthly plane. When you die, your
earthly body turns to dust, and the soul manifested on the astral plane ceases to
manifest itself in dense matter and begins to manifest itself consciously in the
astral world, where it belongs according to universal justice.
The human soul sails in its canoe on the river of life, but it is not alone, for it has
its Guide, who sits at the back, swings an oar here and there, and steers it. A
person is at the front, looking around and rowing, sometimes focusing more on
one of the sides and thereby getting closer to one of the shores. If he gets closer to
the west bank, he risks being shot with poisoned arrows by the cannibals living
there, and if he does not step out on that bank, he risks being eaten for dinner.
The west bank is crowded, there’s a blast, hooray, there are hordes of cannibals,
criminal mobsters and brainless zombies. The eastern bank is clean and relatively
empty, there are not so many angelic beings, but they are all the more powerful.

If someone tries to get closer to the eastern bank and would like to ascend to this
oasis of peace and tranquility, then the angels living there will probably
recommend him back to the river, because the soul is not yet pure and mature
enough to live there with them. And apparently it is not even the purpose,
because it is also true that the path is the goal.
Someone might think of building a bridge across the river. But that’s probably
not a very good idea, because the rst thing the cannibals from the west would
do is try to invade the east and eat and destroy everything there. The angels from
the east bank would not make too much of a demand on the west bank, unless
they wanted to look there for a moment to see what was there. It is similar to
how the earthly Western world represented by the USA and Western Europe is
constantly trying to loot and destroy the Eastern Slavic world represented by
Russia. However, this does not mean at all that the Eastern world is ideal,
because nowadays it is really mixed up and there is confusion. It’s just a symbolic
comparison, the old myths better depicted the boundaries between good and
evil, which were clearer compared to today. Finally, the confusion of the present
age is a consequence of the evolution of souls participating in the earthly Cycle of
Development and Knowledge, which has both a beginning and an end. In the
end it will probably be settled somehow, the manner and result of the nal
settlement and removal of the excessive confusion since ancient times is indicated
by many prophecies of ancient and modern prophets. Confusion reigns here as
well, and many prophecies are mutually contradictory, or have been shown to be
inaccurate, confusing, or downright false.
Bridging the west with the east is like connecting the negative and positive
electric current, which will result in a short circuit, smoke, blown fuses and
something will stop working. When angels link up with cannibals, something big
goes wrong. Many laws from the heavenly world are re ected on the earthly
A soul sailing on the river of life should be aware of which people on its path
belong to cannibals and will try to rob it of energy; and which people are helpful
to her and will navigate her voyage, so that she can successfully reach her
destination port. However, nothing is black and white, there are many shades of
color and therefore even the banks of the river are only a simulation leading to an
understanding of the state of affairs. It is not possible to live on two shores at the
same time. Even the shores do not always have to be rmly de ned, there can
also be shallows, marshes, shifting sands and peninsulas. We are either on the
eastern side, which, albeit slightly, prevails for a long time, or we are on the
western side, if this constitutes the majority of the soul’s consciousness. Running
away from cannibals is not easy, if at all possible; and crossing the river on your
own can also be challenging.

The soul also has an Ego, and if it does not manage it, it may happen that it will
not listen to the admonitions of its Guide – the Spirit and will row back against
the current. Maybe memories of something (seemingly) pleasant that she would
like to return to, or that something was easier somewhere in the past, will make
her do it. Sailing against the current is dif cult, and the Spirit may not have an
in nite amount of understanding or patience for it. If the soul is obnoxious for
too long and does not want to receive advice from its Spirit, which reliably
guides it through the pitfalls and rapids of the river, then the Spirit may turn
away from it and leave it alone. After all, the spirit is also a powerful cognitive
being, and a person’s adversity, or his constant rejection, can nally stop
entertaining him. The spirit will leave you and then it will only follow you from a
distance sporadically and sometimes bored or annoyed.
The soul then gets tired by rowing against the current, or hits a rock, hits its head,
or washes off thoroughly in cold water. Or she will be bitten by a crocodile living
in the river. Such things also happen. Or she gets off on the west bank, and there
it is obvious what awaits her among the zombies.
Perhaps such a comparison is clear. A river often appears in dreams and this is
one of the possible interpretations, that can help you gure out what such a
dream means. Even if life is only a shadow of our dreams, let’s dream and let the
Great Spirit guide us. The river of life is then a spiritual path.
It is bene cial for you as a soul to listen to the guidance of your Spirit, your
Guide, who navigates you in your dreams, your intuition, but also through the
human helpers of the Great Spirit. You as a Soul must be able to discern, which
person has what intentions and what level of purity of knowledge they are
bringing to you. For this you have to use your Mind, Feeling and Intuition.
If your soul has a strong Ego, then the entities that use the Ego as their gateway
will try to manipulate you, cloud your memory and hijack your mind, lower
your level of knowledge and keep you stagnant and stereotyped. The dark side’s
intention is to keep you in the dark, and they do everything possible to prevent
you to come to the knowledge of ON. They will try to get your soul to the west
bank, where you will eventually stay, you will stagnate there and they will want
to eat your energy until your soul becomes another zombie, craving the energy of
passing travelers, sailing on the river of their lives.
The intention of the Spirit is for you to sail with it on the river of your life, which
is also the river of knowledge, because each soul is also a cognitive unit for the
Supreme Lord and the Lord of Spirits. If you are helpful to (your) knowledge, so
will the universe and the universe be inclined to you and will accommodate you.

River Styx and stagnation on the spiritual path

The river of life has two banks: western and eastern. However, on the west bank
of the river, in addition to cannibals, criminals and zombies, there are also human
souls, who are too subject to matter in the current earthly life, prefer the illusion
of the material world, and have left their divine presence because they
considered it insigni cant. Matter in its various forms and their relations to it
became their god.
Once upon a time, these human souls also sailed on the River of Life. But then
they stopped listening to their Spirit, which led them along the path of creative
knowledge. They prioritized their Ego, sailed against the current of the river, and
their Spirit turned away from them. The Spirit of Grace moved away from them,
because why would he endlessly admonish someone who shows no interest in it
for a long time. This is also true here on Earth. The great Spirit of Grace has
departed, and the Spirit of Vanity, who has many faces, has risen in his place.
The development of these souls has stagnated because the Spirit of Vanity leads
them nowhere but to damnation. The souls wandered up and down the river
until they alighted on the west bank of the river and stayed there. When souls
stagnate, they do not evolve and remain stuck on the west bank of the River of
Life. That’s how it is here on Earth. Lazy souls enjoy or live in a stereotype of
recurring themes and life situations that lead nowhere, and they do not want to
be guided by their true Self for anything.
The content of sailing on the River of life is knowledge in the current period;
souls are led to recognize and correct their wrongdoings that have caused their
karma. They are led to get rid of the darkness they have in their Self in this way.
If they refuse it, then their darkness will remain and thus they will be included
among the other beings living on the west bank of the River of Life.
Souls from the west bank constantly want to reach the opposite bank of the river
abounding in the abundance of the energy of grace, the bank where the holy
angels dwell. Crossing the river will eventually come to these souls, but in a
different way, than they would have imagined.
When souls from the west bank of the river leave their physical bodies, their own
darknesses lead them to cross the River. The dark leans towards the dark and so
they cross the River, but on its opposite side and that is the River Styx. Just as a

coin has two sides, so a river has two sides. The upper side is the River of Life
and the lower side is the River of Death Styx.

“Don’t push the river, it will ow. Don’t push love, it will grow. When two rivers
meet, they are inseparable like two bodies with one soul. As surely as the river
ows, I will never let you go.”

The dark souls despised God because they found another god and that is Vanity.
God abounds in love and Vanity abounds in anger and hatred. So God doesn’t let
those souls go, He just redirects them to another god, according to the one they
preferred in their lives. Vanity comes in many forms and shades. What does the
name Styx mean? Whether it is a goddess or a river, Styx literally translates as
“hate” or “hateful”. In some stories, the water of the river Styx is poisonous, it is
manifested as a deep, threatening darkness and gloom.
Ancient cultures were fascinated by death, so the river Styx, which separated the
living from the dead in the underworld, played an important role in Greek
mythology. Charon is the ferryman who transported the dead across the river
Styx to the opposite bank, which is the underworld. Charon was the son of Nyx,
the goddess of the night, and Erebus, the god of darkness. His purpose in the
underworld was to transport the dead across the river to whatever area of the
underworld they were supposed to go to Tartarus for the bad ones or to Elysium
for the good ones. Charon was usually depicted as a humanoid, but was
sometimes depicted as a demon or monster.
Tartarus was the god of the eponymous bottomless abyss of eternal darkness in
ancient Greece. It was a chasm where the souls of the worst among men went to
suffer for their sins in endless torment. The Elysian Fields, also called Elysium,
are the nal resting place of heroic and virtuous souls in Greek mythology and
The underworld, where the souls of the dead resided, was the realm of Hades,
the god of the dead. To ensure that Charon would actually carry the dead across
the river, people buried their dead with Charon’s symbol and thus the coin was
buried with the dead as payment to Charon for his ferry services. In ancient
Greek culture, a coin was placed under the tongue of the dead, or two coins were
placed over the eyes of the dead. Many Greeks believed that if the dead were not
buried with payment, their souls would not be transported to the other side of
the River Styx.
Charon often performed his duties at the river with Hermes, the god of
messengers, accompanying him to help the dead nd their destination. While
Charon was responsible for transporting the dead across the river, Greek

mythology had another gure guarding the underworld: Cerberus, the three-
headed demon dog. Cerberus ensured that no one entered or left the underworld
without Charon.

Pyramid of Power and machinations with the energy
of grace

Energy of grace is a key term for a simple reason: in the Matrix and also on Earth,
there is a constant struggle for the consciousness of man, many want to subjugate
him in order to gain access to his energy of grace.
Energy of grace is a multidimensional concept. At a high level of being, it is the
sum total of the possibilities that a being has; the consciousness of her soul is
radiated with a certain feeling that she has many talents and abilities to do great
things. However, it can either be a loving feeling, leading to the ful llment of
possibilities into reality, or empty vain feeling, leading to immersion in even
greater vanity and thus also in a lower level of being. Similarly, when someone
tries to imitate divine power and does not have the prerequisites or merits for it,
he has to sell himself to the Devil so that he can convey to him something from
the divine power, so that then his energy of grace is taken away and much more,
because it is a loan with repayments deferred to the future and increased by
usurious interest. Whoever unites with the Devil and is unable to free himself
from him in time, will lose more than everything he has. He will also lose his
future. By shifting to lower levels, energy of grace manifests itself as the ability to
think consciously, to create with thoughts (mental level); on the subtle levels, it is
the energy of the ability to in uence the astral and emotional levels, on the
physical level, for example, it is the ability to create and better in uence the
course of (your) reality. On the astral level, love energy is real energy, just as
prana is energy of grace, that nourishes the body, like subtle food.
Dark beings, extraterrestrial astral parasites Anunnaki, miserable gods connected
to the closed arti cial intelligence of Matrix infected with a virus, directly, also
through archon gangs and other dark forces, try to manipulate human
consciousness. Earthly elites also dream of mind control of humanity through
chips and microwave radiation; their consciousness is also controlled by the
Matrix. So far, the elites in uence consciousness with (subliminal) advertising,
psychological warfare, media recognition of celebrities promoting perverse
trends, support of fake politicians, manipulative journalism and media; by a
combination of coercion and fear of the future; they are constantly trying to
invent technologies that would allow them to more directly and powerfully

penetrate the human mind and control human behavior. They are simply copying
the Matrix, the arti cial mental intelligence of the Matrix has been invading the
minds of human souls for a long time. Either the tyranny of the mind is never
enough, or some people are already able to resist mind manipulation to a certain
extent, or the archon entities want to insure it and in case of their destruction,
they want to secure their existence in another way.
This is how they want to control human consciousness and thus also the behavior
of the masses. Both the astral and the terrestrial, both of them, work in
coordination and their manipulation is successful to a certain extent. However,
manipulation and false behavior also exist on a micro level, for example in
relationships, when one partner or family member wants to in uence the other to
act according to his will, deny himself and reject his own free will.
In principle, darkness does not have access to the energy of grace, because this is
reserved only to ON. They cannot obtain it in any other way than to steal it by
enslaving it, to rob it, or to achieve it by manipulation and falsehood. On the
earthly level, this means that, for example, a politician, an eloquent warmonger,
does not know how to ght and must surround himself with people, who devote
their energy of grace to him by making weapons for him, ghting and falling for
him in war, for the interests of the elites.
By enslaving people into slaves, the slave owner will get only a little of their
direct energy of grace and only at a low level. However, he will get the results of
their work, which will strengthen his power in another area, and that is also
certain kind of the energy of grace. If his slaves don’t have a good relationship
with him, he won’t get much of their energy at higher levels. If the slaves manage
to free themselves from the chains, they run away, and when the slaver prevents
them from doing so and they kill him, they take their freedom back and, by doing
so, they will perhaps get back some of the energy of grace in a form of
unforgettable good feeling. Therefore, fair compensation can also have its
meaning. However, this might be very close to the unbridled revenge and for the
killing slave it is dancing on the edge; one has to be careful not to fall down to the
A more re ned analogy of enslavement is when the slave owner treats the slaves
well, but occasionally punishes them, so that they don’t forget that they are just
slaves. Then the slaves can succumb to the so-called Stockholm syndrome, when
hostages develop a certain sympathy for their captor. They succumbed to the
mistaken belief, that the master is good and that the fact that he imprisons them
and sometimes whips them, is just a small black spot on the beauty.
A person’s character is what his long-term uctuations of the worst behavior are.
If the master of slaves occasionally beats and rapes someone of them, then that is

his true nature, and the kindness he shows alongside it is only a purposeful
pretense, so that the slaves do not rebel; or they tend to voluntarily submit to him
and have a positive attitude towards him.
Today's times is characterized by a higher form of slavery conditioned by a
mortgage slave economy, manipulative media encouraging consumerism,
promoting perverted trends and promoting the malicious intentions of fake
politicians and Matrix gures pulling the strings on which these elites are hung.
Modern slaves become hostages of their own beliefs, because they have come to
believe, that it is normal to show sympathy for artistic or spiritual celebrities,
invoke them and take their instructions for life; to elect politicians and trust them
too much, only to threaten them with devastating economic decisions, drag them
into wars and hostilities with other countries, and threaten the basic pillars of
society, such as the right to personal freedom, family integrity, or freedom of
When people show sympathy for perverted social trends and their political,
media, or celebrity representatives, at the same time, to a certain extent, they give
their energy and power not only to them, but also to the beings or entities that
stand above them and control them.
When a person acquires full or only partial belief in the usefulness of the modern
elites, or does not have that belief and nevertheless chooses and accepts them as
his own, he voluntarily gives them a measure of his power represented by the
energy of grace, but also to the Dark Entities at the Matrix level. This also
includes those entities, that directly affect the consciousness of modern slave
owners. It is interconnected. Dark entities take the energy of grace and support
the elites with it, giving them mental will and also their support; they mostly
leave their minions out of some of their curse programs.
When you look at the election results, you immediately see how we are doing.
According to the numbers, at least for now, it is obvious that the overwhelming
majority of people are followers of the Matrix and proponents of the dark side;
and not only here in Slovakia, but more or less also on a global basis. We’ll see
how it develops.
Energy of grace cannot be fully obtained by force, it depends on the
circumstances; however, it is possible to deceive and manipulate a person in such
a way that he willingly-forcefully transfers his energy of grace, even though in a
violent way. For example, one makes a martyr out of himself; or he is forced to
repeatedly submit to his karmic debt, because he either believed that he should
have it to an in nite extent according to the mental engine of the curses of the
gods to repay with his suffering, or he does not even know what is happening to
him, or because of blockages and curses he is unable to come to such knowledge,

which would help him to get out of the prison of archon in uences and properly
process his karma according to ON.
The beastly Anunnaki entities, led by a false god named K’uk’ulkan
(Quetzalcoatl), also known as the insidious serpent Enki, talked and manipulated
the Aztec priests into ripping out alive the hearts of vast numbers of people,
ready to be sacri ced to appease the gods. The pretext of the gods was to punish
the people for their depraved behavior, which the people got themselves into
with a generous contribution of the mental and emotional lures of the gods’
curses. However, this is only an explanation, not the justi cation. The Anunnaki
caused this by manipulating their consciousness, through the priests-prophets of
the time, they delivered teachings to their minds that reasoned, suggested,
commanded and supported it with emotional feelings. The priests helped them
in this by physically performing it together with many other earthly helpers. Tens
of thousands of victims in a few days, they were thrown down from the
pyramids one by one, on mountains of dead human bodies; priests as servants of
the gods, lled with emotional energies calling out the name of K’uk’ulkan,
through the symbolism of sacri ce, brought the energy of grace to the false gods,
intoxicated with the feeling of divine power and satisfaction for punishing the
human race that they themselves had dishonored. The gods and priests of Satan
felt ecstatic about it, when they could destroy and absolve ON. However,
according to the laws of the Creator, neither the gods nor the priests will escape
their fate and their karma. On the other hand, it is also worth mentioning that
when a person, a being, a false god, or a priest, allows himself to be deceived by
the Devil entering his consciousness, it means that he does not have enough
conscience and consciousness of the Spirit to help him distinguish truth from lies,
or good from bad.
Knowledgeable human souls have the most energy of grace, vain human souls
have the least. Here on Earth it looks mixed and tangled; it is not black and white
because there are many shades between graceful and vain souls and it changes
dynamically over time.
It is relatively easy to nd out that politicians lie and the media manipulate. Dare
to step inside your own Shadow and let your own motivations and actions come
to the surface, in uenced by emotions, feelings and thoughts, is no longer so
The most mass way of transmitting energy of grace is sex and partner
relationships, especially if it involves two partners standing on mutually opposite
sides of ON. Emotions, memories, family and property ties also come into play
there. Untangling your Gordian knot, nding out what it’s like and nding a way
out of such a partner labyrinth is an important task for insightful souls.

Creativity and Knowledge is on the side of Grace, Darkness is on the side of
Vanity and sinks deep under the weight of its karma. At the level of Unity, which
dissolves into duality, its purest manifestation is Grace, which is not energy,
because there is no matter high up there, it is a will and intention of which energy
is a manifestation. There is not even an etheric uid and therefore Grace is
expressed by the intention and attitude of the Supreme Lord at the level of the
Lord of Spirits and below.
On the earthly 3D level, life is, so to speak, the most dif cult and demanding, but
at the same time there is room for the most valuable knowledge, and there is
therefore a great potential for creating the greatest amount of the energy of grace
on Earth. That’s why all those dark entities, astral parasites, Anunnaki, archon
gangs, extraterrestrials and others are targeting Earth because here it is the
Klondike for them, the promised land of the gold rush.
On the earthly level, energy of grace manifests itself, for example, as energy in its
physical expression, money is also a kind of energy, this also includes grown
food, production facilities, as well as having manpower, voter base, religious
followers, admirers and the like. With the energy energy of grace it is not so
much about its carrier, but about the possibilities it provides and its common
denominator is Power. There are many earthly manifestations, fewer astral ones,
even fewer ethereal ones, until nally there is only One above in Unity.
Energy of grace is obtained through cognitive, creative activity and momo-ing
attitudes; the soul acquires it, if its creative knowledge is accepted as valuable at
the level of the knowing Trinity. Then the soul acquires energy of grace and in the
long term has its reserves, which is a sum of positive consequences of its actions.
It is kept at the eighth level of the Lord of Spirits and in uences the upward
development of the soul in the future, bringing it more possibilities and more
prominent talents. If the soul has the energy of grace, but its other deeds and
knowledge are not accepted as valuable, then it loses it, descends downwards
and also loses the abilities it had before.
Let’s take, for example, the energy of grace in the form of electricity. For centuries
and millennia, many people have contributed to keep electricity owing in our
cables. Many scientists put their intellects into it to nd out how physics works,
mathematics, someone had to invent generator turbines, others had to make
them, others had to gure out how to make them, build machines… and so we
could go back millennia to the invention wheel, without which it would not be
This is how the energy of grace was created, because the Supreme Lord accepted
the cognitive process and its result on all three levels; and we humans can enjoy
it and make our lives more pleasant with it.

Love energy can be used and abused. A person needs gasoline to get to work, to
earn money to use for his family and to contribute to his feeling of happiness,
love and satisfaction. Another person uses gasoline to fuel the bombers he uses to
attack his opponents in order to gain Power over them and all that comes with it.
It is similar with the nuclear energy, it is also the result of a cognitive process, but
the purpose of its development was also military. That is, the creative effort of
physicists and others who participated in it was partly misused by political
military instigators, who do not really know how to create anything but
manipulate by talking. They grabbed the result of their creative work and use it
to intimidate or destroy their opponents.
When a political party is recruiting voters, it hires a famous singer as part of its
campaign to sing for it at election rallies. The singer has the energy of grace of his
supporters at his disposal and he will make it available to his customers,
advertisers or politicians he supports, and help them win voters who will give
them electoral votes and thereby enable them to gain the power to decide on
public affairs; they will make available their energy of grace at a higher level. If
the politician disappoints, then perhaps the singer will also lose popularity,
because his disgusted supporters will turn away from him; the singer will lose
his energy of grace, because he invested it badly.
The machinations with the energy of grace are arranged hierarchically in this
way, we can also call it the Pyramid of Power.
The ght for the energy of grace is insidious, full of falsehood and manipulation.
Take advertising, media and religions. They are a typical representative of
manipulation for the purpose of mass transfer of the energy of grace. Perhaps no
celebrity is as popular as famous religious gures who have billions of followers.
They pray to them, invoke them, kneel before them in churches and listen to their
commandments, or even follow them in their lives. They make their energy of
grace available to them, and at the higher levels of the Matrix, they give it to the
entities that (co)created that system, because they have offered them the beliefs,
that they accepted through religious prophets. They surrendered part of their will
to the subjugation of others, because they believed them and accepted their
energy in the form of manipulative beliefs into their system. These beliefs on the
astral level are the portal for channeling their energy of grace, they are their
connections to the Matrix.
The solution to taking your power back into your own hands is the process of
creative knowledge, which creates and acquires energy of grace. The better,
deeper and more lasting the knowledge, the more energy of grace you will get or
create. This energy then has a positive effect on the development of the intellect, a

good memory, emphasizes intuition, helps the connection with the Spirit and
thus the recognition and resolution of one’s karma.
A wrongdoing from the past is like a snowball dropped from a high hill, as it
rolls down, gets packed with more snow, gains weight and speed, and the impact
down the slope is then stronger.
The sincere pursuit of knowledge is like a reverse upward movement of a
snowball. A person begins to recognize something from the Word of ON
Opinions, contemplates on it, and when his Spirit discovers it, he approaches the
persons’ soul. He begins to reveal to him past wrongdoings which were caused
by succumbing to manipulations of all possible kinds and which in turn were
caused by wrongdoing in the (distant) past; for example, under the in uence of
the Ego.
Everything has a cause and it springs from somewhere. The more a person
recognizes and corrects his wrongdoing and the more acceptable his attitude is
on various levels, the more accommodating the Lord of Spirits is and thus a
person has more energy of grace and the better he sees in truth those, to whom
he devoted his energy of grace and thereby haned over his power to them. When
he recognizes this, he stops giving it to them and stops being in the same
associated with them. Then dark entities, politicians, celebrities, family members,
toxic partners cease to have his power, they lose it. If many people follow this, the
elites and their astral-mental control components will lose their power over us on
a global basis. In this way, the individual contributes to the whole, and through
his individual actions, improves his own condition, as well as the condition of the
entire society.

Magic of the Anunnaki

In the beginning, there were many human souls on Earth, endowed with a
brightly burning divine spark. Those souls acquired knowledge creatively and
thus had access to the energy of grace, which, in addition to the life energy, also
contains other attributes of Grace at higher levels. However, there are also
predators in the universe who sense the energy of grace the way a shark senses
blood and rush to where there is a lot of it. These predators are exempt from the
Lord of Spirits and thus do not have access to that energy. They are purely
corrupt servants of the devil, but they are so degenerate, that they clearly have
almost nothing in common with the classic devil character from the literature.
Their goal is to rob the energy of grace, which is then replaced by the (un)energy
of Vanity in their victims, and along the way they want to spread Satan’s cancer
metastasis programs of various kinds into human souls, into their Self, into their
subtle material bodies, into their DNA.
Earthlings were a convenient target for these predators, as they had been
increasingly subject to the temptations of vain Matter for the eons before. This
resulted in their turning away from the Supreme Lord in His various forms, and
since many people preferred Vanity and few people proposed Grace, the
proportional sum of humanity as a whole became the proponents of Vanity. It is
mixed with humanity, however, because humans have created much of it with
their own unquenchable desire to translate the primordial etheric patterns into
earthly conditions of solid matter. There are many artistic, architectural, literary
works, scienti c inventions and many other creative manifestations of the helpers
of the Lord of Spirits, which were accepted by the attitude of the Supreme Lord
and thus a lot of energy of grace was created.
Humanity not only wastes the energy of grace, but also creates it; unlike the
astral Anunnaki and Archon parasites, who create nothing, only spend. In
addition, they envy creative souls, they are jealous of their mutual love, they are
malicious, when something does not work out for people, they simply hate them.
For them, people are just cash cows and consumables. They have nothing against
their earthly ideological satanic comrades, because after all they are on their side
and carrying out their agenda. Apparently, they will eat each other after that. For

the purpose of this treatise, I count among the Anunnaki not only the Sumerian
Nibiruans, but also other negative aliens playing gods.
Humanity, in a certain sense, attracted these predators, and at the same time, the
Nibiruan outcasts from the Pleiades came to take revenge on them. Many of the
creative human souls were formerly Pleiadians, old souls. The Nibiruan
Anunnaki were also Pleiadians from the Elektra star system; they were cast away
from there and settled on the planet Nibiru, which orbits the Sun at regular
millennia-long intervals. However, this setting might be largely symbolic
The universe also re ects to its opposite face of Satan, who, with the help of
Devils, tries to bring mankind to ruin. Satan wants human souls, the more the
Devil brings him, the less the Lord of Spirits has. In principle, it is like a fairy tale
battle between Good and Evil; with the difference that this is an extremely
insidious and below-the-belt ght, full of lies, falsehood and manipulation from
the outside, or delivered directly into the consciousness and subtly material DNA
of human souls. Mental parasites and gods act on people’s consciousness with
emotions, feelings, thoughts and mental inputs of various kinds. They are simply
waging a psychological warfare against the people.
The extraterrestrial astral invaders whose actions I am referring to here are the
Anunnaki who came from the planet Nibiru and possibly from other planets as
well. Evidently, the Grays and other reptilians also play their negative role here.
Earth has long been the target of extraterrestrial visitors, or conquerors, but they
did not come to destroy it with a direct war attack, their goal was much more
insidious. They wanted to exploit and use the inhabitants of the Earth, for tens
thousands of years they prepared for it and at the same time bene ted from it.
When the Anunnaki astral reptilians came down from their “heavenly” abodes to
Earth, they had to materialize into a semi-physical level so that people could see
them and interact with them on that level. They were not fully human because
some of their original astral state remained after they manifested in the three-
dimensional physical plane. They have a certain ability to change their external
appearance; even so that when they ran out of energy, they had to return to the
astral state and then they looked the way they were supposed to look. For
example, like mutated reptoids, or other monsters.
A war attack by aliens would be a direct announcement of what they are after.
But these aliens from Nibiru, also controlled by the archon mental entities of
Satan, have chosen that the way to success is to control human consciousness
with the black magic. They wanted to get directly into the human consciousness
and suck the energy of grace out of it. Due to their degenerate mental state they

did not know how to do it, until the Whisperer Devil advised them what it
should be and what strategy they should choose.
How does black magic work? The black striga casts a spell and someone on a
higher dimension intervenes in the subtle soul, which has to be cursed. The
victim gets sick, dies, or does something according to the thought or emotion that
is implanted into its consciousness by some mental or astral being/entity at the
instruction of the striga. They are all implanted programs in the astral, emotional
and mental body that cause magic tricks. Programming and energy exchanges
are taking place there, for which someone will pay. Striga itself will not do
anything and can’t even perform anything magical. She is only a customer;
knows the language in which to order such services and knows who to contact.
He is contracted by the Devil, who collects a reward from the striga for his
At the end of the Earthly Cognitive and Developmental Project, the
Anunnaki were preparing a great harvest; they wanted to kill all people with a
global catastrophe. They still have a plan for it, but it doesn’t work out the way
they want because the gods are in the same time strigs and witches, who don’t
know anything by themselves, they just use curses to order the services from the
Global Devil. However, this does not work out as they intend, because beside of
this, there are also in uences of ON. Actually it is vice versa, because at the end
ON with the Supreme Lord and the Lord of the Spirits governs it all.
Destruction, hatred, envy and destruction are agenda of the Anunnaki. They
manipulated human consciousness, so that people as a whole would destroy
themselves, so that it would be up to people, so that the cowardly Anunnaki
would be relieved of responsibility and not have to get accountable for the
malicious deeds to the Highest Lord. It wouldn’t work for them anyway,
because no one escapes its own ON. For ages, the Anunnaki have had their own
avatars here on Earth and they are ful lling their plan. So, in reality, their fellow
socalled earthly reptilians, are constantly preparing projects to bring humanity to
ruin. It is the behavior of the Anunnaki and parasitic archons as through a
photocopier. They plan to rid people of their divine essence and then bring their
souls to the altar of Satan. They have been preparing for it for ten millennia and
have been carrying it out continuously.
Ignorant people with no imagination and no knowledge of what it’s like in the
ON World, make a mockery of the theory of terrestrial reptilians and so-
called ” jewish lizards ” and call it a conspiracy. It doesn’t matter, you don’t need
to notice such people at all, or pay even a minimum of attention to them. It is no
longer appropriate to argue with them, nor to convince them of something.

After all, everyone will see for themselves how it is, sometime after their physical
death. Those who are wiser and foresee the potential afterlife shock can prepare
in advance by getting to know something about ON already during their earthly
life and thus improve their score for the pilgrimage to the astral world. The
knowledge will remain with them.
Earth reptilian is the name of a person whose consciousness is controlled by an
entity that has reptilian character traits in an allegorical simile. A reptilian is a
dragon, snake, toad, salamander, lizard; they are dream parables, similar to some
original fairy tales, where various animals have certain human character traits.
Over time, mainly through the in uence of the lm industry and the media,
reptilian slimy monsters were belittled and modi ed in such a way, that they
were arti cially given a false meaning and much better qualities than their
natural ferocity and gluttony. It is a manipulation, whose goal is to get people to
like reptilians, so that when they see or meet them, they should embrace them
with love, as one would embrace his own executioner. With a slight exaggeration,
it is possible to say, that the Global Reptile thus acquires a credible, but still only
some kind of argument, for example: “after all, people proposed the reptilians,
they wanted us, so they got us and we cut them down, ate them, so what? They
shouldn’t have interacted with us at all, because we are predators, they should
have known that, why did they let themselves be deceived, don’t they know the
nature, are they so stupid, that they don’t know what Tyrannosaurus Rex from
Jurassic Park is like? It kills and eats everything that moves…”.
The Anunnaki had the tools for the magick, because they allied themselves with
the Devil and promised him not only their souls, but especially the souls of
Earthlings for his services. They had and probably still have something like
(symbolically) All-Seeing Eye, through which they receive certain information
about human actions. They also have a ”Thought Generator“, they also know
about (some) human thoughts and emotions, because they generate many of
them themselves from a common thought consciousness, or someone creates
them for them and works them into the human mind and subtle body.
On the earthly level, people send thoughts to each other by saying something to
each other. A person thinks about something, says it to another person, he hears it
and immediately realizes the spoken word in the form of a thought, and so his
thought is sent to the mind of the recipient in the form of an “acoustic”
manifestation of the spoken word. The thought generator creates and sends
thoughts to the human mind not acoustically, but in the form of astral telepathic
energy, which is its carrier.
It is something similar to when someone connects with the supernatural through
occult practices and uses its “services”; however, the Anunnaki have it on a

much more massive, elaborate and global scale. Elaboration can be understood
not only in the sense of perfection, but also in the sense of the result of excessive
activity; when someone is overworked, he can’t do it anymore, he can’t manage,
he’s already messing up with one thing over another. The eye is not quite all-
seeing, because even the Anunnaki cannot do what they want, to the full extent,
because ON is also here, the Lord of Spirits is also here and has an in uence on
the lter of mental action. The Anunnaki are losing their in uence, they are
losing their power, it can also be seen in earthly events; the global tyrannical
destructive events projected by the Anunnaki earthly helpers are far from coming
out the way they planned.
These “magical” tools were used by the Anunnaki to make people worship them
as gods, recognize their power, bow to them and do their will; but also to enjoy,
as gods, the deviant feelings of the pleasure of power over human lives. It is alike
the feeling that Satan has, when he is winning the battle with ON. For example,
the Anunnaki pointed the Egyptian key of life Ankh at someone, uttered a spell
and took the person’s life. Was that the key to life? It is, but (also) with the
opposite meaning. Anunnaki then laughed among themselves over a cloudy
Sumerian or Egyptian beer full of plant remains and ies, how stupid those
people are to let themselves be fooled by a little trick and stumble upon the key
to life, which had also the opposite meaning of taking the life. At the same time,
they were also the stupid ones, because for each such act, their account with the
Devil, who arranged it for them through the Matrix, grew to the debt. They
thought that the universal laws did not apply to them and now they tremble in
fear of Hell. People were just manipulated, because they didn’t know what it was
like, and they still don’t, and they wear the Ankh around their necks as a pendant
and think it’s a symbol of life.
So the Anunnaki have some information about the people and try to force
thoughts into their minds with the help of mental archon gangs and the arch-
Devil, to whom they are subject. In addition, they also affect people with
emotions and feelings, on the mental level it is also the Arti cial Spirit of Matrix
that does this in coordination with other dark entities with programs of curses,
they affect the subtle bodies of souls. The purpose is manipulation, so that people
behave like puppets and slaves of the gods, to be their milk cows of the energy of
grace. The Anunnaki also became the puppets of the Archon mental gangs, the
Greys, or other entities or beings from the universe. It’s mixed and they work
Anunnaki and archon gangs are even worse in character than pathological
psychopaths and sociopaths. They do not invent and create anything by
themselves. They just want to join souls and suck from them. They have nothing,
perhaps, except a debt to their superior, the Arch-Devil, to whom they have

promised many human souls. Maybe they got something out of it, who knows.
However, constantly using manipulative techniques comes at a cost. They spend
their commissions on it and their debt keeps getting bigger. It’s like gambling, as
the stakes increase, so do their debts to the arch-Diablo casino. The Anunnaki are
mostly psychopaths and their manipulations of the mental and astral-emotional
system of human souls work mainly mediated through the Arti cial Spirit of the
Matrix. They are black magic spells, fueled and consumed from within by hatred
and malice towards the true God. This is their attitude towards ON and this is
also their attitude towards loving creative human souls, whom they want to rob
of their energy of grace and thus also from the life energy. The Lord of Spirits
created the Arti cial Spirit of Matrix and it lters, modi es and manifests those
incantations in a certain way into the souls; and thus he initiates the Spirit, but
also the Evil Spirit, Grace and Vanity; and maybe something else. If the evil of the
parasitic entities were brought to their consciousness directly as it is, it would at
least be confusion, chaos and the plague of Satan.
Notice in the old reliefs how the Anunnaki, depicted as Mesopotamian or
Egyptian gods, constantly hold sacred objects in their hands; the key of life,
mallets, various bars, something like purses and other items. They carried them
around constantly, clinging to them convulsively, because they were symbols of
their power. Apparently, they were also afraid, that other members of their gang
would take them from them. Without them, they were nothing. They were
something like magic wands, terminals, or devices with which they used to cast
spells, throw lightning bolts, and rule over people’s lives. These are the symbols,
that the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix recognizes, and when activated by the
holder by saying a curse word, it executes the command. It’s similar to holding a
TV remote control in your hand. This is a real magic wand. When you press the
button to change the program, the controller sends the word “switch to program
XY” to the TV by invisible infrared (astral) radiation, and the TV receiver
executes the program. With curses, it’s not so straightforward, because there are
other in uences and radiations that cancel, redirect, or eliminate the curses, and
then the curses don’t work as someone would imagine. Finally, when the
wizard’s batteries run out in his controller, the magic is over. He doesn’t have the
energy to cast spells, he can’t just buy new ashlights, their manufacturer simply
won’t supply them to him, also because his credit is already far overdrawn.
If someone wonders whether this is not fairy tale mythology, then let them take
the remote control in their hands, turn on the TV with it and think for a moment.
We are even not talking about the technological capabilities to remotely control
spaceships or sattelites; there are many examples from everyday life that could be
considered miracles. The sticks themselves apparently had nothing special in
them, they were symbolic objects, which, however, acquired a magical meaning

through the consecration of the Evil Spirit of Vanity. That consecration meant that
an astral chip and mental program had been implanted in them; which connected
the wand holder’s soul with the Dark Spirit who granted his wish for him with
the Arti cial Spirit of Matrix and each such connection with all the metadata of
the circumstances was recorded in his karma database. Like when you order
goods in an e-shop. With one click, a lot of data is entered into the internet
business software, and the goods are on the way in a moment. A miracle, isn’t it?
Every deed and intention, or the motivation that accompanies them, is written
down and remembered by the universal library of all deeds, thoughts and
The Anunnaki, the insidious proponents of Satan, aim mainly at loving creative
knowing souls who abound in the energy of grace; because they are the fattest
morsel for them and they focus on them, they want to slaughter the “lambs of
God”. Perhaps those graceful souls have been involved with something dark in
the past, but that is far from being a suf cient reason for these parasites to
endlessly suck and eventually decapitate them. One of the rules of the universe is
”what you do, you will get back“. It is obvious, that the parasites have twisted
this rule in such a way, that they constantly try to manipulate souls into darkness,
so that they can then declare ”ah, he is acting against God (the rules were
invented by the gods themselves), we are going after him, we already have a
reason for it“. They created the reason themselves. It’s similar to when Hitler had
the Reichstag set on re, so he could blame it on the Jews and carry out the
Holocaust. The difference is that Hitler carried it out from the outside, but the
parasites insidiously carry it out from within the consciousness of the mind,
through mental stimuli, combined with emotions; they try to push a person by
bombarding them with thoughts and emotions to do something wrong, and then
they want to karmically prosecute and exploit them. History is full of examples
of evil caused by, for example, subjection to ideological theses, religious beliefs
and other manipulations.
It is obvious, that this Knowledge and Development Cycle is perhaps too
advanced and for the advanced in this sense; it is at the stage, when prepared
human souls could begin to realize not only manipulations from the outside,
because that is already happening, but also “their own” internal motives,
motivations, actions; and look into their own Shadow under the guidance of the
Spirit, to see what they have there, what is theirs and what is not theirs; and so
that they can properly stand up to it and possibly deal with the Supreme Lord.
The dark archon entities are connected to the Shadows of people and their karmic
records, which they abuse to a great extent.
People typically avoid looking at their Ego and their Shadow. When it comes to
someone’s own attitudes, motivations and deeds in their private inner and outer

life, it is a sensitive matter that people often do not want to see and resist it like
devil to cross.

Hatred of God

I use the word God/god with caution, because there are a number of different
dark beings who consider themselves to be gods. Hatred of God here means
hatred of the Supreme Lord, of the Lord of Spirits, and of men and other beings
who represent ON and His Angels. They have ON inside and also show Him on
the outside. One of the biggest causes of hatred towards ON (God) is the
stagnation of the soul. Hate is meant here rather as a substitute term, behind
which are concentrated many negative emotions and attitudes expressing envy,
hostility, bias, the need to harm, possess, control, rob and murder, to cause
suffering and to feel harmful joy when, to ful ll nefarious intentions, by actions
directed towards other souls, will come.
At the Pleiadian high-vibration level of the fth dimension, many of the souls
were cognitive helpers of the Grace of Lord of Spirits, but there were also souls,
who were already proponents of a certain degree of Vanity. According to that
measure, they either slowly or quickly dropped from the high-vibrational to the
low-vibrational fth dimension. In this treatise, we are talking about extreme
proponents of Vanity. In the distant past, the available comforts of life were far
from enough for these souls on the Pleiadian and then the Orion plane; they
sought more extreme pleasures and the associated emotional energies; they
indulged in them for a long time and to an ever greater extent. They did not want
to evolve according to the light Spirit, but they wanted to quickly, in short,
acquire such abilities and possibilities that souls normally receive after a long
evolution in the sense of self-improvement of their characters and consensual use
of their talents.
The development of vain souls stagnated, and they then looked with envy at
those to whom the givens earned by their development gave them the power to
create and in uence the World of the Supreme Lord on the astral and then also
on the earthly level. These possibilities are related to the energy of grace, which is
something like the universal currency of the Lord of Spirits on different levels of
Short-cut actions led to short-circuits and sparks between the Dark and Light
beings (humans); and these were objectionable actions against the primordial
values and universal laws of the Creator; and so they received admonitions and

immediate karma for them at the level of higher vibrations. This bothered them
immensely, and they tried to remove its in uence by various tricks; they
blasphemously cursed the Creator, why he tortures them so much, why did he
make it available to them, when all the pleasures and sins of all possible kinds,
which they so longed for, are literally right under their noses; and yet they cannot
enjoy them to their heart’s content, without being admonished for their misuse.
They enjoyed them anyway and therefore the high-vibration fast admonitions
gradually faded away, replaced by slow karma, and they fell into low vibrations.
After all, why endlessly admonish someone who is not interested in it and does
not have the will to repair his intentions. The same is true here on Earth. The dark
low astral beings wanted to gain the power to change it; they wanted to get a
magic wand according to that their wishes would come true and they wanted
themselves not to be subject to immediate nor slow karma. They wanted to get
the power to create, the power that God himself has. Power is manifested in such
a way, that someone feels that he has power, and also in such a way, that some of
the expressed intentions manifest themselves in reality. Feeling of power is a very
dominant drug, because the enjoyment of many pleasures is related precisely to
the power over other beings and the power to in uence events in one’s favor.
On the earthly level, envy is generally manifested mainly in the attitude towards
material and immaterial wealth and possessions of someone else, because it gives
its holder power and gives him the opportunity to create by buying something
big and expensive, it gives him freedom, because he does not have to work hard.
To a rich person, his property gives him freedom, but at the same time he is a
slave to his property, because he has to take care of it, so that it does not lose its
value, and this also costs and cause a lot of work and stress.
Feeling energies are normal even here on Earth; when we like doing something,
we have a good feeling and therefore we feel an in ux of energy; and so we like
to do it again until it becomes too much and we get tired of it. Sometimes it’s not
just a good feeling, but a real pleasure or delight; however, under normal
circumstances, there is not that much of it, because the emotional feeling should
be more like the cherry on the cake. When this is not enough for someone, he
starts to indulge in drugs, porn, he indulges in sport hunting, he goes to shoot
people as a volunteer in a war con ict, or he purposefully enjoys beating
protesting citizens as a policeman. There are many opportunities for depraved
activities of various degrees (including illegal ones) inducing pleasant feelings;
many of them are based precisely related to the feeling of power over other
people or animals; tyrannical manners in toxic relationships, participation in
politics, the judiciary, or power from the title of religious function or spiritual
guru are well known.

At the level of higher vibrations, the laws of reprimand and immediate karma
apply according to the Supreme Lord and the Lord of Spirits, it is similar to when
earthly rules and law apply here on Earth, but they are twisted and often have
little to do with the real justice. Admonishment and immediate karma also occurs
here on Earth, as when and as with whom.
So, by comparison, imagine a large group of would-be potential crooks, tyrants
and murderers asking the United Nations organization to make the laws cease to
apply to them, and they could then enjoy all their power without limit and all the
perverted pleasures that come with it they could enjoy such an exception from
the laws with impunity. Finally, they would take over the powers of the UN and
start establishing the rules of international law themselves, but in such a way that
they apply only to others, they would also exercise the authority of the Court of
Justice in The Hague, and the fascist bachars in prison, and also the torturers and
executioners. This was the intention of the astral beings and their related archon
dark entities who were later called the Anunnaki, the gods, who came from the
What they lacked in suf cient measure was not merely hedonistic and sensual
pleasures, it was mainly the desire for power, for enslavement, tyranny, for the
enjoyment of various cruelties towards men and animals; and others. Delights
and pleasures are sensual and emotional-mental sensations of various kinds,
shades, durations and mutual combinations; they are manifested by different
intensity of energy swirls in the astral body, especially in the lower chakras.
The dominant motivation is the feeling of power. When souls stagnate, they do
not develop, and after time they nd that others who work on themselves and
develop, reap the deserved fruits. When they acquire knowledge and learn, after
a certain time, especially after the successful completion of the Knowledge Cycle,
they develop abilities and talents; ON will assign them. Those talents give them a
certain power, because they know what others don’t; they create some work,
perform a meritorious activity for which they receive recognition. Similar to how
a computer expert can set up a system and get data from where others can’t. This
gives him power, because others will come to him and beg him to adjust their
computer to make it work better. It is know-how and in a certain way it is also
magic, it is the ability to “spell”, but acquired by honest work on oneself,
improving one’s abilities, skills, and one’s soul, under the guidance of the Spirit.
At the astral level and above, it is magic, the ability to change, create and
in uence the world and the beings in it with a mere word, colored by a certain
emotional intention, incantation, invocation, conjuration or cursing.
When vain souls do not have such abilities, they want to acquire them, preferably
quickly and effortlessly. Either they want to steal them from somewhere, or they

intend to rob those, who earned them through hard work. Another possibility is
that they sign a contract with the Devil, who will help them to get them for a fee.
If they do not manage to acquire those abilities directly, then they at least want to
enslave and bind to themselves those, who have those abilities and have the
energy to use them. They enslave them by luring them into something, deceiving
them, manipulating them, exerting pressure or blackmailing them. With the
additions to the contract, they subscribe to the Devil to allow them to apply these
coercive practices.
Lazy souls who enjoy themselves and let themselves to be led astray, envy others.
They are possessed and consumed by envy, hatred and anger towards those, who
have the ability. They want them very much, but since they have not worked on
themselves, they do not have them and will want to take them from those, who
have them; and in addition to cursing at ON, how unfair He is, why he pushed
them away and didn’t give them abilities as well, typically they will cursing and
conjuring everyone around; however, they refuse to look inside themselves.
Power is like a drug, whoever has it and enjoys it, does not want to give it up at
any cost. He wants more and more of her. Even people who initially had good
intentions on the outside, when they do not stand up to their responsibility for
power, they degenerate over time and become tyrants and dictators. There are
many earthly examples, both from public and private lives.
Super ciality and blindness is a characteristic of vain souls. They see nothing but
their Ego. The vain souls I am referring to here, are in a sense the worst of the
worst, they are the dark negative Anunnaki, also known as Mesopotamian,
Aztec, Jahwe or other gods; and the dark archon mental entities. They are the
embodiment of evil in the generally known worst form; however, that evil is not
entirely direct and visible, but insidious, covert, and manipulative. The Anunnaki
hate God and hate all, who embody Him, especially the creative knowing human
souls. The dark Anunnaki exhibit extreme envy, hatred, malice, lying, deviant
behavior and constant attempts to control and enslave human souls.
ON, God, the Lord of Spirits, will give everyone what he wants. Caution is never
super uous here, because when we want something badly, we will probably get
it in the end; but we will get it in its entirety. We will get the whole coin, not only
the side we like, but also the other side; because every coin has two sides.
We want the side that faces up to the light and that is the King’s Head, which
determines the face value of the coin; but at the same time we also get the other
side of the coin and that is the Tail of Apophis; the latter represents Chaos,
Uncertainty and Destruction, so we don’t know for sure, what we will get with
the other side of the coin. When we do something, we automatically create its
consequence at the same time.

When ON (the Supreme God) heard the requests and curses of the gods – the
Anunnaki, then he literally said to them:

“well, here you are my children, I have given you a lot, but still I am not good
enough for you, … what about you …, you curse me, you throw me, you want to
destroy me, you hate me, you want to torture my cognitive creative assistants and
plunder their energy, you don’t respect my rules, you want different ones, you
want to de ne them yourself, you want to replace me and be gods, so I will send
you someone and he will ful ll what you want”.

And so ON sent them the Devil.

Vaccination Covid-19 - consequences of succumbing
to a mental virus

Wars, economic crises, poverty, Covid-19 and vaccination are all the
consequences of people succumbing to the archon mental virus. Peeling back the
layers of lies and obfuscation reveals a shocking truth that may not be so
shocking to informed readers: Covid-19 “vaccines” are hurting and killing far
more people than governments and of cial sources admit.
Some estimates compiled from collected data suggest that up to 20 million people
worldwide have died as a result of vaccination, while another 2.2 billion have
suffered various health damages. And according to them, it’s probably just
getting started. Perhaps these are exaggerated gures, other estimates, especially
the of cial ones, are much more moderate. However, it also seems, that the
vaccines have helped many people from the serious consequences they would
have had, when they got Covid. The value/cost bene t on health is questionable
too. This too needs to be mentioned for getting the whole picture. It’s complex,
it’s mixed. Who knows, how accurate the situation really is, time will tell more
about where the truth lies and how much of it is there.
However, this does not change the fact, that some of the preferred and massively
used Covid vaccines were demonstrably full of satanic abomination. Finally, their
composition was recognized by the manufacturers themselves in terms of
regulations. According to published data, some of them contained monkey genes,
tissues from aborted human fetuses, brain-damaging aluminum, gelatin causing
an allergic reaction and poisoning the body, mercury or formaldehyde could then
complete it. From this it is obvious, what a dark dark satanic entity is behind the
manufacturer and other stakeholders. The production of a vaccine with such
ingredients is reminiscent of black magic, in which the intended victim is given a
drink or food in which a cursed object is mixed, prepared from human or animal
blood, from the bones of the dead, from burnt dust, from parts of frogs, snakes,
beetles and also from sperm. It is highly possible, that the manufacturer did not
need these ingredients for the functionality of the vaccine, but added them there
for the purpose of demonstrating his intention and for the purpose of exposing
people to information about what the vaccine actually represents. Many people
rejected this information, exposed mainly by the alternative media scene and

from other people, who alerted them to it. The elites and entities exposed people
to the decision of whether they are so afraid of Covid, that they will have the
protoplasm of Satan injected into their bodies to protect themselves from Satan.
That contradictory it is. Governments, the media, and activists worked against
this intention, and with their lies and manipulations about vaccination, they
partially smeared the Satanic aspect of it, also because they claimed and they
were even constantly chanting, that the vaccine is “freedom and health“. By
doing so, they unwittingly canceled part of the vaccine manufacturers’ intention,
and perhaps that’s why the vaccination campaign didn’t have yet that
devastating effect it was intended to have. This is when the left hand of the Devil
(vaccine manufacturer) does not know what the right hand of the Devil
(governments, media, activists) is doing. Such crazy and mad the Satanic side is.
They act contrary to each other and their mutual effect is then annihilated to a
certain extent.
The manufacturers had to disclose that information at least partially, because
there are laws for that. Another reason is that the producers created a certain alibi
on a different (higher) mental level. After all, they announced to humanity, what
was in those vaccines, and therefore according to them, people knew, in other
words, theoretically, they could know what they would voluntarily inject into
their bodies; if the opportunities to obtain such information were not taken away
by government and media censors. However, those who wanted, could relatively
easily obtain the information. So it was about the people, about their
super ciality and mental laziness. However, it also has another aspect, which
will be mentioned below.
According to the dark entities behind their earthly lackeys, humans have
voluntarily given themselves into the hands of the Devil. On the other hand, with
the other hand of the government censor, hastily passed laws and minion media,
they prevented the dissemination of this information in every possible way.
These are also lackeys of dark entities. On the third side, the mental archon
entities were at the same time conjuring to send manipulative stimuli to the
minds and consciousness of peoplea. They are small harmful astral or ethereal
viruses sent to the human mind, something like small text messages. They were
sent together with emotions and feelings supporting the vaccination, for
example, it was fear of death, of illness, or of losing one’s job. All this was
underlined with the intention that man would succumb to his Ego, arrange
himself according to the promptings of the Arti cial Spirit of Matrix, and let
himself be inoculated. Alternatively, they promoted and defended the
vaccination, and forced others into it, by manipulation and even against their
will. We know, how some promoters of vaccination ended up, some famous
personalities got shot and the Death took them right in front of the TV cameras to

make it very clear how it is. It happens that way, these are all the signals and
stimuli for perceptive and knowing human souls.
At the earthly level, the vaccine looks like a liquid, however, under a microscope,
suspicious black threads are visible in it, chemical analysis shows what elements
are in it, so far from the original idea of the discoverer of vaccination, Louis
On the astral plane, where the real nature of things is better represented by the
dream simile, the spirit of the vaccine would look similar to the little viscous
hostile Alien from the famous science ction movie.
What were the motives of the people who got the vaccine? According to surveys,
it was the protection of oneself, family members, fear of suffering and death, but
also access to zones with limited supply (restaurants, etc.), the possibility of
travel, pressure from the employer or the motivation through bribery and lottery
for getting the vaccine (the last two were motif to the smallest extent).
It could be said that in a sense, Covid-19 virus and the vaccines against it were
both arti cially produced and distributed in a coordinated manner. Humanity is
being deceived and manipulated to an incredible degree. Some governments no
longer recommend vaccination against Covid, or have outright banned it.
However, these are probably just weak attempts at false self-re ection, because
these are the same institutions, that only recently forced people to stand in line
for the rst, second, or third dose. They probably rely on the fact, that people
have short memories and that they can get away with it.
The production and spread of the Covid-19 virus, as well as the subsequent
vaccination program, were directly controlled by entities/beings from the
mental-astral level. The Orion hunter is represented by the Gray aliens and their
hunting dogs, avatar human souls originating from the star constellation Sirius.
Dogs listen to their Orion master and do his bidding on command. In this
robbery of the energy of grace, the Anunnaki from Nibiru, Draco, and others also
play their role, all wanting the energy of human souls and the power associated
with it.
A large part of human souls originates from Sirius. They are the Sisyphean
helpers of the Arti cial Spirit of Matrix, but that does not mean, that they are all
negative beings. Many of them are normal people, whose consciousness is part
Spirit and part Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix; and Sirius in uences the current
stage of their spiritual evolution.
The scientists who invented and cloned the Covid-19 virus are basically the
assistants of the Orion hunter, they are his dogs who carried out the mental
command of their master and brought the inspirational ideas coming from him to

the earthly level by creating the virus, they introduced it into our world in some
laboratory for the production of biological weapons.
By perceiving the mental stimulus coming from the Orion dimension, they knew
what and how to make the virus, to take its nal form according to their needs.
However, they obviously did not succeed as perfectly as they wanted, after all,
the earthly 3D level is a re ection of the higher levels, which are re ected on it in
a distorted way.
When the virus was already created in the world, locked somewhere in a test
tube, someone let it out; in the co-ordination with the earthly elites - Anunnaki/
Orion avatars. There is nothing so complicated about it, the entity from the
mental level sends a thought stimulus to the appropriate person, controlled by
the Arti cial Spirit of Matrix, and he performs the desired action and does not
even need to know how. But maybe he knows and acts consciously, because her
consciousness is controlled by the dark entities to a great extent. It’s like a text
message in which a superior writes to his subordinate “do this and that”. The
subordinate reads it in his mind, somehow interprets it to understand it, and then
executes it.
Governments, medical institutions, media, various organizations and their
minions are also controlled to a great extent by the Arti cial Spirit of Matrix and
negative entities, reptilians, Grays, however we call them, basically it is all-in-one
organized ma a together with their earthly minions. Creative, knowing human
souls usually do not work in such organizations, and if they do, they probably
have some reason for it, other than purely work.
Did you see the speed with which “democratic” governments abolished
constitutional and human rights without blinking an eye? Contrary to people’s
free will, they were forced into testing, vaccination and locked up in their
homes. On the top of this, many ordinary people behaved like little agents of the
Matrix, pressuring them and shouting on the street at those who did not have
their airways covered. Any logic about the spread of disease through the air went
by the wayside.
A virus is something like a small machine and has some characteristics similar to
a living organism. In principle the virus is acloser to an arti cial machine and
also has something like a small arti cial intelligence, unlike a bacterium, which
derives its design from a higher level. Bacteria in uence the establishment of life,
because they originate from the level from which the primordial Matrix was
created. In contrast, viruses are the destroyer of life and as such are the result of
an arti cial superstructure of the Matrix, an enslaving and tyrannical system.
However, when bacteria multiply, they also cause problems.

Orion, Sirius, Grey, Anunnaki, and their earthly reptilian lackeys, all wanted
something from the Covid pandemic and global vaccination. Some wanted to
have power and money from the vaccines and medical supplies,
multidimensional entities wanted to have the energy of grace over the humanity,
especially those at lower levels. Those from the higher levels wanted the human
souls of those who died or will die as a result of Covid or vaccination, they
wanted to bring their scalps to the altar of Satan. Think back to the myths of the
not-so-distant past, when a warrior who killed his opponent and thus gained his
energy, eventually he had to eat his heart, or liver, fresh after killing, so the
energy would be still there. Mentioned entities and beings thought they would
bene t immensely from the global harvest of Covid deaths and vaccinations. It
didn’t happen that way yet.
By having Death with a scythe taking down billions of earthlings in their name,
the gods wanted to en masse “consume” their energy of grace and send their
souls to the Devil. Part of consuming the energy comes from the good feeling
gods/entities have from the Devil; in fact it is just an empty vain nothing, that
after a while dissapears and creates a need for more energy. By this process
gods/entities go lower and closer to the Satans Underworld. They justi ed the
Covid induced killing by the fact, that those souls “voluntarily” surrendered
themselves to the Devils, they “voluntarily” allowed themselves to be vaccinated
with a Satan-infected vaccine, and that, according to them, made it obvious, that
those people actually “wanted to go to Satan“. This is for an illustration how they
do think, this is how the logic of the mental world of “gods” and mental entities
of the arti cial intelligence of Matrix works. The multidimensional beings
wanted to use the energy of grace to cheat and bypass the process to get open
their way into a higher level of being, that they themselves would not achieve by
themselves. In this way they wanted to be promoted into the new Developmental
and Cognitive Cycle, to the New Earth, in order to rule there, even more
tyrannically than in the current one. Figuratively speaking, they wanted Satan to
have an even greater in uence on the New Earth and in the further development
of humanity and the galaxy to enslavement and tyrrany.
They also wanted people to get Covid and die from it as a result of dodgy karmic
settlement, because people did not want to achieve knowledge about their
karma, knowledge that the gods themselves prevent them from and censor in
every possible way. The gods wanted to t into the role of teachers and correctors
of mankind, so that people would relive their karma through such mass excessive
suffering and especially so, that people would not have proper knowledge about
their karma and its causes.
Finally, the entities would later destroy and consume the energy of their earthly
minions as well, the elites, governments, royalty, and many other lackeys would

perish as well. Anunnaki really thought, that their crimal acts towards humanity,
falsely justi ed as endless payment of the peoples’ karmic debts to ON, was
bene cial to ON. At least the masses of the Anunnaki thought so, they got fooled
by their leaders. Leading gods knew, what was in the stake, however, they were
almost constantly drugged by Satanic extatical feelings of consumation of the
energy of grace, they have pushed these intruiging thoughts down to the
subconsciousness, not to be bothered by them. Just like many people often do.
The main Anunnaki, miserable god Enki was constantly getting high by the
energy drugs and totally out of reality he thought, that he is God, that he is ON,
that created all that is, that he is Devil, or Satan and nothing can bring him down.
Similiarly, when fanatical Muslim terrorists, motivated by the vision of Allah’s
paradise with 300 virgins, belted with bombs, blow themselves up somewhere in
a crowded marketplace, they will probably end up somewhere else, in deep hell
for their actions. Their dark master disposes of them as if he had nothing else to
do. There is a bit of irony in that, because actually, they will get the virgins, but
they will be the iron virgins, the famouse torture instrument from middle ages.
The ght of Light against Darkness, Good against Evil, is not over yet, if you can
put it that simply. The elites are constantly warning of new devastating
epidemics, in addition to which Covid would be just a walk in the
park. Apparently, they want it that way, and by their proclamations in the media,
they project it to higher levels, so that the Dark Lord will ful ll their wish. At the
same time, they ful ll the wish of their Dark Lord. First, however, they operate
together, and the Earth elites are largely the incarnations of the Dark Lord
represented by Anunnaki, or Satanic archontic entities, personally. We’ll see if
they end up spewing bile in anger when things don’t work out, because here is
also awakened part of humanity, that pushes back.
So even if one got mistakenly vaccinated under pressure, under the in uence of
media manipulation, under the in uence of own Ego, who told him how
convenient it is to go to restaurants, or travel on vacations during a global
epidemic, or because of the fear of illness and death, or for other reasons; maybe
it’s not too late, because realizing own mistake, knowing that the other truth
exists, it doesn't have to be too late. It is much better for one to realize own
mistake done by succumbing the vaccination pressure, than sometime later,
when he eventually suffers some severe disability caused by vaccination as
reminder. Perhaps it is not too late and things can be xed to some extent;
because besides the miserable archon worms, dark entities and gods who control
it from some level of the Matrix, at least they ght for it, they squirm, they
desperately try to turn the situation in their favor; there is also the invisible hand
of the mysterious Divine Providence of ON, which in a mysterious way corrects
and sets the record straight. The same hand will nally help clean up those who

intentionally harm and commit crimes against humanity here, at least against the
Light part of humanity.
Finally, there are also us people who help this process of God’s Providence and
ful ll our mission. A typical feature of dark entities is to prevent knowledge,
therefore the spread of such information helps the awakening of humanity.

When your astral body tries to speak through your

You certainly know those situations from your own experience, when you think
turbulently in your head and persistently think about some problem of yours.
After a short time your mind will get tired, you might even get a headache,
because you think with your brain. This is a sign that you are overthinking. You
won’t come up with anything world-shattering anyway with your mind. It also
happens that your obsessive thinking has become so rampant, that it cannot be
stopped and you would do almost anything to get rid of the violent ow of
thoughts. As if they were already owing independently, without your
Thought attacks develop negative scenarios and tyrannize your mind with a
mortar re of dark thoughts. It is a typical manifestation of a mind closed by
archon mental entities. It is due to the Matrix programs that spread the mental
virus into your mind. If you do not succumb to such scenarios, then this is
exactly what the dark mental entities want to achieve. They want to get you into
the trouble, either directly or indirectly; even through apparently positive events,
but with detours into dead ends, leading to unfavorable conditions.
Archon entities and also alien dark beings, through which they also operate,
want you to act contrary to your primordial divine spark by succumbing to their
rotten thought intentions sent to your mind and feeling/emotional body. They
want you to act against the intentions of grace, love and assignment to the
creative acquaintance placed in your DNA by the primordial Creator. They want
you to create karma, which they themselves charged to you, and then they intend
to present it to you for processing, preferably inde nitely. They want to tyrannize
you with depression, illness; and unfavorable life situations, because they also
affect the mind and consciousness of people around you.
Their insidiousness is beyond belief. It is something like a system of self-
generating karma, its packaging by criminal quasi-beings and entities of
(semi)arti cial intelligence. Their tool is the targeted and coordinated
manipulation of individuals, groups of nations and the whole of humanity. They
attack everything where there is even a hint of knowledge about what it is like in
the true reality hidden behind the curtain, knowledge about how the entities

work, where they are, how they manifest, what their intentions are and how they
operate. Not forgetting about the true knowledge of what is your personal
contribution to their existence in your being and in your world.
You know the saying: ”Divide and conquer“. They want to divide male-female
partner couples in which there is love, or they want to remove love from the
relationship by manipulating and arti cially creating con icts and then ax the
two for it, by entering their intimate moments without love, or they want to make
them uncomfortable somehow. They don’t even know what the love is. They
want to divide couples, families, nations and create con ict everywhere they can.
You see it here on Earth, there are plenty of examples. It is enough that they
control the consciousness of a few in uential politicians and by this they can
ensure the division of nations, cause con icts between ethnic groups by mixing to
the nations millions of immigrants from other, incompatible cultures.
Higher knowledge is not created in the mind or in the head. If at all, just a little.
Knowledge springs from the intuitive mind, manifesting itself in subtle, rather
pleasant feelings of a kind of surrender to the Almighty, feelings from the heart
chakra upwards. The mind is also involved in the higher knowledge, but only
slightly, it goes without much effort and serves more or less to understand the
higher knowledge with the mind. It is not thinking with the heart, which is often
confused with indulging in emotional feelings. These can be manipulation aimed
at creating unfavorable conditions.
Intuitive thinking is a state, or rather a process of knowing, in which the Spiritual
Heart and the Enlightened Mind marry.
The astral body implanted by the program of the dark entities opens the mouth
of the person and tries to speak through him. Emotionally, it is in the area
between the solar chakra Solar Plexus and Hearth chakra, where a certain
persistent feeling arises that a person must say something, or that he must say it
in a certain way. It is a small but visible pressure that you can feel in the central
chakras and with some awareness training you can learn to sense and control it.
As if something in man was trying to open his mouth and speak through his
earthly being. In fact it is the astral body trying to govern the physical body. If
that is out of controll, it can have symptoms of the possession, when the person
talks to himself, or speaks unknown languages.
It is a coordinated system that you should beware of. The program of the Matrix
entities, if you accept it, will not only open your mouth through your astral body
and speak your words, which they have impressed upon your mind as if they
were yours. At the same time, they give you an emotional feeling, an emoticon, it
is a packet of energy inserted into your emotional body. That energy package
unfolds in your astral body and, according to the level at which that energy

vibrates, it manifests to you the emotion of anger, love, jealousy, and alike. It’s
like a prick, a light blow, a ping to the solar or even the heart chakra, depending
on where the blockage is. At the same time, through the astral body, they deform
your facial expression, twist your mouth into a smile, or tightly clamp your lips.
It is possible to work with it, it is necessary to observe it in oneself and it is also
appropriate in a couple to communicate the mutual re ection of such situations.
The astral body will warp if you receive such a ping and act upon the Matrix
entry into the Ego solar chakra. If you notice that input, that feeling in the Solar
Plexus, if you notice the thought that accompanies it and that’s also a ping, if you
notice that obvious rubbing you feel in the front of your head when the thought
comes to you, if you notice that coordinated attempt to manipulate and you
realize – “ah, they’re trying to manipulate me again” – and you refuse to act
according to it, then those entities will lose the energy they invested in that
attempt and they will lose some power as well.
Archon entities have no divine spark, no creativity, and no ability to reach higher
knowledge. They are something like Matrix programs, (semi)arti cial
intelligence, that has acquired a certain quasi-independence of being and ability
to create some kind of algorithms and spread. They are like a computer virus that
needs to be cleaned. It is like when a computer is connected to the mental body of
your soul, to your mind, the brain. The virus got into the computer of the mind in
a (as if) virus infected text Word le, that you have opened sometime ago and the
virus has been in your mind ever since. A virus infected le is a symbolic simile
of objectionable behavior under the in uence of dark entities, because by
opening a dangerous le, you have probably opened your Pandora’s box
sometime long ago in past lives. Since the le is closed by the virus, it is either
impossible to open it at all, or when it is possible, instead of understandable text,
there are only clicks-hooks and other incomprehensible characters. Therefore, the
knowledge that the soul should achieve is communicated to its consciousness
with dif culty, it is obscured, confusing, because entities entering the
consciousness of human souls prevent true knowledge in every possible way.
Knowing the truth is against their interests. They want to stay there, to be
connected to the soul and, like a tick parasite, suck and abuse the energy of grace.
Mental inputs are re ected in the lower area of the emotional body and then also
in the astral body. A person might then use inappropriate words, that can cause
thecon ict. An obvious example is the situation when you are talking to someone
and some kind of strong stimulus from the Ego, felt as a sudden pressure, a
friction in the solar chakra, which is the seat of the Ego, makes you jump into the
other person’s speech and say something. Notice it in yourself. This is how lower
intuition, your Lower Self, manifests. The dark entities of the Matrix seek to
create con ict that will cause negativity, low vibrational emotions, anger, simply

their intent is evil. It doesn’t matter to them in what way, in what direction they
achieve their goals. They want to import evil into the human Self, they want to
argue and disconnect there everything, where there is love and friendship. They
are chaotic opponents of ON and they are the supreme enemies of human souls.
Their intention is that instead of creative knowledge, human souls indulge in
con icts in interpersonal relationships, rifts, strife, crimes, wars and negativity as
such. With such actions, they want them to release their energy of grace so that
they can use it for their further activities. They will then further invest it and use
it against people for even greater tyranny and even deeper enslavement.
Archon entities operate in coordination with astral beings, such as the Anunnaki
of Nibiru, the Grays, and other extraterrestrial beings, who have eminent
interests on Earth. The earth is a three-dimensional world, on the one hand,
people are to a great extent manipulable, on the other hand, they have great
possibilities of creation and creative knowledge, if they decide to put it that way.
If they decide to get out of harmful stereotypical patterns of behavior, if they
realize what is really good and suitable for them, if they realize what controls
them, if they start to notice it and recognize the illusion of the reality of their
lives, if they try to self-re ect, to look within themselves, instead of constantly
looking for faults in others. They know little about others, seeing only their
outward manifestations and perhaps feeling their energies and emotions.
The archon entity, persistently trying to enter the consciousness of a person, after
unsuccessful attempts, becomes exhausted, loses energy and ceases to work. Her
charge, her lling is emptied and it then simply disappears from the mental space
of a person. When the program of dark entities is not active, a space is opened for
the Higher Self, for the Spirit, which presents to the soul what it should know in
this life, realize it and correct its actions.

Actors’ trance

Tranz is an altered state of consciousness, the origin of this word represents "fear
of coming evil, transition from life to death, gripped by the fear of dying, moving
on". There are many types of trance, there are also many ways to get into other
states of consciousness: shamanic trance, martial trance, hypnosis, autohypnosis,
possession, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), some meditations, breathing
techniques (pranayama), prayer, chanting, routine mechanical work, rhythmic
music/dance, sleep deprivation, drugs, diseases, dreams, lucid dreams,
channeling, psychoses, euphoria, ecstasy,... A person entering a trance gets rid of
his consciousness and makes it partially or completely available to the astral
ghost, which has subtle, but no physical body. In the past, he may have had it
and lived, but now it is a dead being in the sense of physical earthly existence,

and it would like to live on, but it is no longer possible for it, for certain reasons it
is not allowed. The astral ghost is imprisoned in the astral plane and so for a
certain time enters someone who opens the door to his Self and allows the astral
ghost to express himself through him. In addition to his consciousness, the astral
ghost also manifests mental consciousness, which is half creature and half
A person has his life to live it with his own consciousness and not to leave it too
often and rent it to another entity. Nothing is black or white, for example without
acting trances we would be deprived of many cultural experiences. Here it is
more about the trance being “conscious” in a certain sense, but not too much.
When an actor identi es too much with his role, it can happen that an astral
ghost manifests through him, controls his body, facial expressions and voice. The
actor is in a sense still himself because the astral ghost is assigned to the actor’s
consciousness according to the shadow sides of his personality. It is therefore a
re ection of his past. The astral ghost thus in uences the acting performances,
which we then admire and amuse ourselves with. Actors allow themselves to be
controlled by the astral ghost and his mental consciousness to some extent, which
can result in the dark astral ghost getting used to it and attaching itself to it at
will. The door to consciousness will remain ajar and dark entities will try to get in
to in uence and deform his psyche, push mental suggestions directing him to be
prone to drugs, suicidal tendencies, extreme and toxic behavior. The dark ghost
covers with a veil of shadow not o nly the actors, but also others, who allow
themselves to be controlled by the astral form of their Shadow; the actors include,
to some extent also politicians, motivational speakers, preachers, corporate
leaders and many others, who in this way let the Darkness of their Self manifest
through them.


Perhaps you have noticed that you sometimes say something, that you did not
intend at all, or you say the exact opposite of what you have originally planned
and then you are not quite comfortable with it. It may also happen that you
intended to lie to someone during the conversation, or to get out of your way,
because you habitually considered it a simpler and more bene cial solution, in
order to avoid some perceived problem. You were afraid to tell the truth, and yet
it happens, that you don’t even know, how the truth will come out of your
mouth, and then you realize that it’s completely ne, that nothing negative
happened, you somehow feel lighter, more relaxed and more con dent. The
knowledge also consists in the fact, that your fears were an illusion presented to
you by a false low intuition, and when the lesson from the situation is well
processed, there is no reason for it to repeat itself and the fear accompanying

similar circumstances is removed. The result is the banishment of the dark entity
that was causing your fears; you will strengthen your character and your being
will be more self-con dent.
Alternatively, you have noticed this phenomenon during an exchange of
opinions with someone else, when he said something, that interested you
because it formed an important connection for you, maybe it was an outright lie,
or something seemingly quite ordinary that for some reason caught your
attention. When you confronted him about it, he reacted by saying that he
doesn’t know why he said it, that it just slipped out of his mind, he doesn’t even
know why, or he denies that he didn’t say such a thing at all. Maybe he’s lying, or
he really doesn’t remember what he said or if he said anything at all.
This phenomenon is called Fluke. Fluke is when “someone” slips a word directly
into your tongue without a thought, that prepares the word in the mind, even if
only minimally, to be spoken quickly. Or the Fluke will do something directly
through you without you thinking about it or planning it in advance. There is an
Entity behind it, that will say words through your mouth, that you don’t even
really know if you said them, or if you do remember, maybe you don’t know why
you actually said them. If you think about it, maybe your Spirit will tell you
something about it in your intuition, or you will make something up and
succumb to self-deception, or something in between. There are more options,
things overlap, the lines are not clearly de ned, the varieties of parties are often
mixed up, so that they can be crystallized in the future and better separated from
each other, so that it is clear who/what belongs where.
A Fluke is a parasite phenomenon in your mind. It feeds on you without the
parasite being responsible for the consequences of (its) words (deeds) when you
utter them under the Fluke. You will bear them if you do not understand and
properly process the cause of why you have the parasite Fluke and what other
facts accompany its action.
The Fluke draws attention to itself because it is part of your Shadow. The Fluke is
interested in you personally, because it manifests through you and you notice
and work with it, or the Fluke manifests itself in someone else, but its word or
action is primarily aimed at you. The aim is to invite you to take a stand, to
become aware of the context that the Fluke is presenting to you and thereby
offers you to place another piece to the puzzle of karmic cause. It is a word or a
small deed, that someone with whom you are dealing with (for example your
partner or relative), utters something towards you. The Fluke inside the other
person will shoot a verbal projectile at you, which if you don’t catch, will cause a
laceration in your astral body, which you will often think about afterwards; or
you will explain it on the spot, with your partner, or for yourself and then you

will be at peace, because you will be richer by a bit of awareness of what it is like
and you will perhaps even be amazed by the knowledge of the mysterious action
of ON and your Spirit, who, using the Fluke, mysteriously and at the same time,
it will clearly point out facts that you didn’t know about before, or you only
suspected, and this way you will get clear evidence about them.
The karmic deed that binds you to your partner is a magnet that has two poles.
First, one pole attracts you to your partner, and when he turns, the same magnet
repels you from him by the action of a pole with the opposite polarity. The
energetic fragment of your soul that you left behind in a partner soul during a
karmic situation attracts you to it, because it wants to reunite with you into
wholeness, and in order for this to happen, it asks you to solve the karmic cause.
When you gure out why a piece of your soul separated from you and joined
another soul, when you recognize and deal with your own part in this
consequence, your fragment will rejoin you, like a boat landing to the terminal of
a mothership. You will no longer be drawn to that partner, because the fragment
will no longer be there and will remain only in the form of a memory. The
magnet reverses its polarity and may repel you from your partner. It may also
happen that the astral-mental entities that previously bene ted from your
relationship will still try to in uence you, so that you return to the relationship
and feed them with their energy again. If you don’t come back, the entities will
lose the energy they invested in it. If you were to return to your partner, you
would probably nd out very quickly that nothing has changed with your
(former) partner and you would quickly leave him. This applies not only to
relationships between men and women, but to relationships of various kinds. In
karmic relationships of this kind, there is usually a signi cant difference between
the partners in terms of their level of consciousness.
By consciously and consistently participating in conversations in karmic
relationships, you can come up with interesting facts, that you would not have
come across by super cially following the words of your sparring partner. If you
are guided by your Spirit, it will manifest itself in a mysterious way not only in
you, but also in your partner, in whom it activates the Fluke parasite, and then
you can learn something, that may be crucial for unraveling the karmic puzzle. If
you ask your partner to explain his words, you can nd out whether it is the
Fluke, or something else. In addition to you, your partner is also exposed to this
karmic situation, because it is his parasite that speaks through him and presents
to you through using his own language your partner shadow’s lies,
manipulations, or dark deeds of which he was the originator or a part of it. You
will be able to observe by his reaction whether he has noticed something about
himself, whether he has understood something, or if he remains confused, numb,
or does not admit to anything and persistently defends himself with lies, further

manipulation, ignoring, or remains mentally switched off, like a robot whose
power has been disconnected from the electric current.
Fluke is a mental program that activates certain elements related to your past
deeds, either directly in you if you are aware of it, or it communicates something
to you through someone you are interacting with, talking to. It is a state of a short
moment of unconsciousness for him, it can be a second, it is a short key moment
that does not occur very often. It’s a mini strike that you should at best notice
because it can bring you small but important knowledge, that can affect the
course of your destiny. The Fluke program will tell you key information through
someone else’s mouth, then you will notice it best and you will have the
opportunity to take an attitude towards it, adjust your opinion about the other
person and process something from your Shadow. At the same time, you will see
if your partner is worth something, if he also intends to be properly aware of
your joint karma, or if he remains stagnant in place, which means that the gap
between you grows unstoppably, little by little.
When you understand this, you will gain knowledge and related energy of grace
from your dissolved karma, and your consciousness will move a little higher.
When your partner does not understand this, because he does not intend to
admit his part in your common karmic cause, which in this case is behind his
Fluke, then on one hand, his energy anchored in the original karma remains
there, and in addition, he loses additional energy, that is anchored in his newly
formed karma. At the mental level, it is recorded as a rejection of knowledge, or
as a failure in a karmic situational drama. However, it also depends on various
circumstances, on the degree of misunderstanding, and on subsequent words and
actions. As you can see, nothing happens just like that, everything has its
consequences, which become causes of other consequences, until one does not
stop wondering what is happening to him and why.
The Fluke is a parasite and when you do not gain adequate knowledge from its
manifestation through you or through someone else, it will take your energy and
later use it to repeat the situation for you, sometime in the future, when the right
circumstances arise. However, this may not happen in this life at all, or it will
happen again at another time, even after a considerably long time. Suitable
opportunities do not always occur, as appropriate situational circumstances and
right constellations of persons and casts are not always available. It is therefore a
good idea to seize and deal with opportunities when they arise and not throw
them in the trash, among a bunch of other unused opportunities that you have
neglected so far. Who, if not us, when, if not now.

Winding of karma according to the Fibonacci

“When anything reaches its maximum potential, it turns to its opposite.” – i-


The Fibonacci spiral is manifested in many natural phenomena, symbolically

pointing to the bright potential of expanding creative knowledge. However, this
same principle was and still is, also used by the Dark Spirit in the process of
wrapping up karma, which symbolically moves away from the closed circle into
the void, is separated by centrifugal force from the galactic Center, near which
the primordial karma once arose and then as the outermost stars of the Milky
Way dissipate and merge into nothingness.
With the Fibonacci sequence, the Creator shows us symbolically what it is like
when there is too much of something and it tends to spread to in nity. An
example is also a snail that is in its house, it has the shape of a spiral, it is a
representation of the house of karma, that the snail takes with it wherever it
moves. In the house-shell there is a slimy slug, which represents equally slimy
intruding entities, they are trying to make up for the human souls for their
ancient karma, which they caused to the souls, at least they massively
participated in it, because they manipulated and lied to people a long time ago.
But there are other, more noble-looking patterns, manifesting the Fibonacci
The knowledge about one’s own karma nally dissipates to such an extent, that it
is no longer clear from the outside what is what, whose is what, who actually
caused what and under what manipulative in uence. There is no evidence of
earlier karma in reality, mental entities select karma from the causal level in a
distorted way and then pretend it to human souls to suffer, they repeat the same
thing endlessly, they act on the transmission of pure causal records by
manipulating, devaluing, falsifying them.
With their curses, gods try to spoil a person’s dreams so that he gets nothing from
them, so that he remains deprived of direct messages from his Spirit, from ON,
from the “inner” God. There are different types and levels of dreams. The gods
themselves have no dreams. They have no Spirit, they have no dreams, except

some astral visions, that is something between astral reality and dream. They also
spoil people with other supersensual sensations, that their Spirit sends to their
consciousness. They register when a targeted person deals with dreams or other
mystical phenomena that happened to him in his mind and try to drown them
out with the onslaught of his thoughts, mental voices, or try to erase his dream
memories as if they woul disappeare. The purpose is to mislead a person from
the right path of understanding into a dead end, where gods and mentals are
waiting, so that they can join the interpretations of supernatural events as
parasites and in uence their meaning, change their interpretation by a person
externally, towards other people, for their own bene t, for its purposes. The
result is unclear and confusing information.
Gods envy when a person has possibilities and talents that allow him to obtain
authentic and true spiritual information from higher spheres. Gods are like
wormholes that burrow into the mental space of a person, into his lower level;
through implants and programs of curses, they try to get from him the intuitive
and inspirational sensations he received, in order to steal them from him and
immediately return them, polluted and degenerated by Satan. If they succeed, it
may mean, that the recipient of the mystical messages is not cleansed of
blockages and programs and is open to, for example, giving false spiritual
information to the earthly world.
If they fail to do so, it means that the recipient is cleansed and the gods, in their
repeated attempts to get on his seat, are banging their heads against the concrete
wall and expending a great deal of energy. The gods know this to be the case, but
they do it anyway because they are trying to do whatever it takes to delay their
inevitable entry into Hell for even a little while. They will persuade the Devil that
this time they will succeed, that this time they will manipulate the person in
question, that they will convince him or force him to cooperate with them. The
devil will provide them with energy for the next stroke, but it is their own energy.
The devil has methods to get another dose of energy out of them, and then again
and again, until they lose everything, their whole soul.

“The less the soul has before its entry into the infernal ON Places of energy of
grace, the worse for it.”

A lot of karma, or a measure of karma, belongs precisely to beings from higher

dimensions who are connected to the soul through dark portals, or archons, who
try to transfer it to a person so that would “as if” belong to him. So that they then
hold the person responsible, that they later regretfully repent of their suffering
and mischievously enjoy their suffering. And at the same time, they were

intoxicated by the feeling of their “as if” divine power, which they acquired,
when they allied themselves with the Devil.
At every level of the Matrix, the Ego is present in beings, controlling their souls to
the extent, that they have renounced their divine nature. Subjection to the Ego
causes beings from a lower level of being, due to the in uence of their Ego, to
some extent detach themselves from their superior beings from a higher level,
they do not respect them and realize what their own Ego forces them to do. It is
the in uence of the opposite side of the universe, which does not recognize any
rules, because it is Chaos.
It is similar to when a crime investigator compromises evidence, a prosecutor
uses it to indict an innocent person under unjust laws, and a corrupt judge
sentences the accused to seven years in prison because he stole a few rolls from a
convenience store, because he was hungry, because he had no money, because
someone robbed him for everything he had… and we could go on like this. Seven
years of karmic imprisonment for stealing 3 rolls, that is the “justice” of the
archonic low-vibration Matrix, re ected on the earthly level.
Not everything in the Matrix is rotten and corrupt, but now is the time to point
out the negativities that harm us and enslave us.
Did we cause our karma, when we acted under the insidious manipulative
in uence of archon entities? If so, what is our share of it? Archon entities obscure
the knowledge of karma and prevent the universal knowledge of human souls
about their divine nature.
Why is that so? Because it really went awry long ago and the beings from the
upper part of the ocean of primordial etheric patterns became too identi ed with
their opposite side in the lower part of that ocean. They allowed the dark phase
of Creation to creep into them and take over them. However, the lower part also
affected them, because it is interconnected. Subsequently, in the mental eld, in
the next level of the hierarchy of the pyramid of power, mental entities seized the
opportunity and assumed the role of the quasi-rulers of the Matrix, the archons.
However, they acted more and more arbitrarily and behind them, and many dark
astral beings worked with them, which had some connection with earthlings,
because they worked with them a long time ago. They also acted arbitrarily,
according to their Ego.
We all know the “Law of Falling Shit” - shit rolls down hill. And so the beings
from the upper level try to push their own karma on those standing below, to
accuse them of it, and those standing below in turn want to transfer it to those
below them, until nally there is no one at the bottom of the hierarchical pyramid
who has to pay off the karma other than humanity. According to them, people on
the lowest level of the hierarchy should suffer everything, even for them.

However, this is only an explanation and not an excuse, it does not excuse people
from their malicious karmic deeds at all. However, there is some true aspect on
this, because the electoriat, the voters of the politicians that are elected by masses,
can’t be excused and they are also repsonsible for the earthly situation. They have
elected their representatives. There is no excuse for anyone, who is super cial
and does not pay appropriate attention to learn and investigate about the
background of the candidates offered to be elected. There is often no choice,
because many canditates and their parties are rotten to the large extend. So the
conclusion is, that everyone is responsible, not the leaders only, nor the voters
On the earthly 3D level, human souls are manipulated and deceived in every
possible way by archon entities, including extraterrestrial Anunnaki, or part of
Pleiadians, Greys, or others who are also infected to some extent with the archon
mental virus. For this reason, the information that is telepathically obtained or
channeled from them is sometimes, or rather often, fake, misleading,
manipulative, or outright lies. Picking out pieces of silver of knowledge from the
pile of dung is a dif cult task, and the receiver of such messages runs the risk of
being later on persecuted or harassed by those entities, if he choses to accept the
lie as true and spreads it over.
There is a lot of confusion on the mental sphere and downwards from it, because
it is in uenced by the god of chaos Apophis, a voracious reptilian of
Nothingness, who wants to destroy everything, so that he can nally eat himself
like Uroboros. However, the wheel of development cannot be stopped, and that
is why the edge of this darkness is already ringing.
Past wounds don’t have to de ne you because life is change. Life is based on a
series of events that are constantly marching forward and cannot be stopped.
Neither the rise nor the fall can be stopped. You either rise or you fall. If you are
currently at the turning point, it can mean that you will either move towards the
top or fall down. A turning point can also be a point of no return for you.

The phenomenon of Pandora’s box

Would you open Pandora’s box? Pandora’s Box is one of the most intense and
descriptive myths about human behavior in Greek mythology. This fairy tale
served to teach people about human weakness and to explain many of man’s
Pandora’s Box is a story explaining the extreme consequences of playing with the
unknown and describes how they can affect not only us, but also the people
around us. Pandora’s curiosity also suggests the duality of human exploration,
raising the question of whether we are obligated to always question the
unknown, or whether there are some mysteries better left alone.
The story is also used as a cautionary tale to teach us not to let too much curiosity
get the better of us or lead to obsession, as this can potentially lead to dangerous
situations. It also has a touch of instruction for people to respect the decisions of
others that may affect them, such as when Zeus forbids Pandora to open the box,
but she does so anyway, which can be compared to a child disobeying their
parents who are trying to protect them from something.
Ancient Greece, like many other cultures throughout history, unfortunately often
portrayed women as a negative in uence on the human race. According to
ancient Greek myth, as recounted by Hesiod, the rst human woman was created
shortly after Prometheus gave the gift of re to mankind, which was apparently
all male at the time. Prometheus’ gift enraged the other gods. Zeus, the king of
the gods, especially never wanted people to acquire re, which brought them
many essential bene ts.
So Zeus decided to soften Prometheus’ blessing to mankind by unleashing a
secret weapon on earth – women!
According to the story, Zeus brought his plans to the best craftsman among the
gods, Hephaestus, who personally crafted the rst of all women. The woman was
then brought before the gods, who began to grant her many traits and gifts.
Athena taught her to sew and weave. Aphrodite showed her how to be graceful
and irtatious. Encouraged by Zeus, Hermes taught her how to speak the silver
tongue, as well as how to be shameless, cunning, mischievous and bold. As for
material gifts, Athena provided the woman with silver clothing and an
elaborately designed veil. A gold necklace was gracefully hung around her neck

and the gods gave her several garlands of fresh owers. However, she received
the most famous gift from Hephaestus, who presented the woman with a golden
crown, which, like most of his works, was immediately recognized as a
masterpiece. With all the gifts and skills given out, Zeus named the woman
Pandora, which roughly translates to “endowed with all” or “all gifts”.
When Pandora was trained, equipped, and named, Zeus decided to send her as a
bride to Prometheus’ brother Epimetheus, a deity not known to be very bright.
Before Pandora left to meet her future husband, each of the gods gave the bride a
wedding gift that was kept in a jar.
When Hermes dropped Pandora off at Epimetheus’ mansion, this god was
completely smitten. Despite being warned by his brother Prometheus earlier to
never trust a gift from Zeus, Epimetheus gratefully accepted Pandora as his
bride. Sometime after that fateful decision, Pandora, out of curiosity, opened the
container the gods had given her.
According to Hesiod, once Pandora’s box was opened, all kinds of evil and evil
spirits poured out of the container to cover the land and sea, causing many woes
to plague mankind. Later stories claimed that the vessel contained unimaginable
blessings, that would never again be granted to mankind once released from the
Interestingly, Hope was the only blessing that supposedly stuck to Pandora’s box
and stayed inside.

The Hermetic Principle of Gender

Sometime long ago, the Creator created from Unity a Duality of opposites,
symbolically represented by the parity of White and Black. However, because
such a duality was apparently not dual enough for the needs of creative
knowledge, he added the aspect of the male and female principle to it. After all,
the need to divide duality into the principle of Gender seems quite
understandable, because when we project it into our everyday reality, what man
would enjoy a world without women and vice versa?
The principle of Genus (gender) is one of the seven basic hermetic universal
principles, it is the seventh in order. These principles are re ected from the upper
heavenly worlds to our earthly world.

“Everything has a gender, everything has its male and female aspects. The
existence of genders manifests itself at all levels.’

The masculine and feminine principles are archetypal qualities of energy that
move through all men, women and all of creation. Very simply, it could be said

that the male principle is basically direct, analytical, structured, concrete, while
the female principle can be considered mysterious, mysterious, emotional or
metaphorical. In a sense, they are opposite principles. However, this is not at all
about rubbing women or raising men to the pedestal of the ideal. It’s about the
gender principle and it’s about energies; because energy is the manifestation of
the principle from the higher levels to the lower, ethereal and subtle material
In a man, in addition to male energies, female energies are also present, and
conversely, in a woman, in addition to female energies, male energies are also
present. They are in different proportions, and when, at the same time, character
traits are mixed with the energies of the genus, combined with talents and other
givens of the soul, an immense variability of the natures of souls arises and the
opportunity for varied situational events is created.

Genesis and the primordial karmic relationship

The ancient Greek myth of Pandora’s box is similar to the biblical story of Adam
and Eve who tasted the apple from the tree of knowledge. Despite being warned
by the God of the Bible about the consequences of eating the forbidden fruit, they
succumbed to the temptation of the serpent who represented the Devil and were
then expelled from Paradise and condemned to a life of tribulation and suffering.
Adam’s rst thought when he saw that he had Eve next to him was similar to
how a lonely man sees an attractive woman next to him even today. They both
began to show love to each other in intimate intercourse, as the original Creator
had set it up. They were manifestations of a higher Love transmuted from a level
close to Unity into the material reality of the physical world.
The Creator, through his creation and the validity of universal principles,
provides directly, or indirectly through the Devil, an endless range of possibilities
in everything, from which the human soul can choose what is suitable for it,
choose what it wants to introduce into its life and thereby also to (un)consciously
project what kind of reality he wants to experience in his existence.
Eve seduced Adam, she longed for knowledge of the previously unknown, for
new experiences and for energy exchange. However, only Eva herself cannot be
blamed for this, because there must always be two of them, if it is a manifestation
of their free will. Adam immediately and willingly allowed himself to be
seduced, it was also his amorous desire for mutual physical fusion with a
woman, it was love in its primal form, it was a desire for sex. They could have as
much sex as they wanted, they had enough time, no external circumstances
prevented them from doing so, because it was the Garden of Eden and they
didn’t have to do anything or work, everything they needed was available to

them. However, later they succumbed to the monotony of always having the
same and got bored, they wanted something different and more intense.
The natural principle of attraction between the two soulmates of Adam and Eve
was that they wanted to unite into one whole with what was available to them. It
was a physical merging into one whole, through intimate intercourse, sex. When
they had their ll of natural sex and started to get bored, so to speak, the tempter
Snake-Devil offered them a mildly poisoned apple.
When Eve succumbed to the temptation of the Serpent-Devil, he persuaded and
enticed her to eat the apple from the tree of knowledge, and gave it to Adam to
eat as well. Eating a slightly poisoned apple meant tasting previously unknown
pleasures. The Bible points to it gently, even in a fairy tale, in reality it
represented love, intimate love, sex and then porn. At some point, Lilith, the
primordial female demon, entered the game, a woman who was dissatis ed with
her role as a woman, wanting to have what the man Adam had. She wanted to
have the power to control the course of things, the power to create by magic, then
she wanted to have the upper hand over the man and she wanted to control him
and enslave him. She wanted to get all the energy of grace of the man and use
and abuse it for her goals.
Because Eve succumbed to the Devil’s temptations and thus implemented his
proposals in her way, the rst devilish mental entity joined her, which began to
drill into her consciousness and in uence her decisions and consciousness.
The creator reveals his preferred values in an unobtrusive, but obvious way for a
perceptive person. How people should behave in their actions is left to them,
because it is their “free” will, it is free to the extent that they resist the dark
archon entities, that try to manipulate their consciousness, decisions and deeds.

Devil’s Zone

The boundary between God and the Devil is not a thin sharp line, it is an
indeterminate hazy boundary where mutually opposing aspects of creation ow
and mingle, from the lower to the upper World. From Satan to God. The lower
world of Satan is bridged over with the upper world of ON by a sewage channel
or drain from which the Devil emerged.
People, astral souls, or other beings can also become agents of the Devil’s agent,
and they don’t even know how. It can be subtly, gradually winding up,
succumbing to something dark and at the same time promising from the dark
part of their own subconscious, but it can also be direct, contact with astral or
extraterrestrial beings. The devil is hierarchical and likes multi-level marketing
and public relations. He has a lot of bullshit available to pronounce, he

persuades, manipulates and argues in all kinds of ways, defends, threatens,
slanders, disparages, praises, just to sell his product.
The devil keeps pushing himself out of the sewage channel, because he is
hyperactive and manic. If we don’t accept his suggestions, nagging and insidious
revenge, he will crawl back into the channel with a grumble at least for some
time and then will try to come back, like a rejected salesman.
Satan has none of what ON has, but he is exceedingly covetous. Satan is Zero, it
is an empty space full of the vacuum of nothingness, which, after opening the
channel, sucks from the full space of God into Satan what ON (God) allows him
to do. It absorbs something impure, which was created by the transformation of
energies of grace into vain ones. Energies of grace behave like light; when you
ip the blinds on the window to one position, light will enter, if to another
position, it will be dark.
When someone connects with the Devil and he promises him something, he gets
exactly the product, that the Devil sells. And that is the empty nothingness of
Satan, it is the Chaos of impure intentions, and a person sold to the Devil not
only gets nothing, but also loses a lot, because the vacuum of Satan sucks out his
energy. Satan would like to have what ON has, the power to create Worlds, but
since he does not create anything by his own activity, he only destroys and
creates Chaos, so he tries to penetrate into ON where it is possible for him. He
will use the channel that a person partially opens by his actions in the Gray Zone.
From the divine world, the impure waters of the Earthly World are led down
through the misty Zone, into the under-Earth Underworld.
The devil is Satan’s agent, he appeals to souls, for whom the possibilities of ON
World are not enough. However, imitators and agents of the Devil, the false
Anunnaki gods also appeal to those, for whom ON is enough. They exaggerate
their agility. The devil rst addresses the soul, slyly atters it, promises and offers
it what it desires. When the human soul approaches it, then it is dif cult to get
rid of him. It doesn’t always have to be big things, it starts with small,
inconspicuous actions, gradually increasing.
This Zone is something like “no man’s land”, it is an infested territory infected
with the radioactivity of Satan. Therefore, be careful when you move in this
territory in your thoughts, words and deeds, it is a dance on thin ice. In the high
dimensions the Zone is narrower, widening downwards like a conical veil falling
down, and in the lower levels of the Matrix it is sometimes dif cult indeed to see
the Zone in a lm of the earthly events.
The larger the circle of the Knowledge and Development Cycle, the wider the
Zone is, it naturally stretches. The human soul also has a blurred boundary
within itself, separating the inner ON of the soul from its opposite, Satan. Both

above and below. The larger the range of light-darkness the soul has successfully
completed in its existences, the larger its individual circle of knowledge is, and
thus it also has a wider zone of nobody. This is one of the reasons, why the Devil
works so hard on great souls. But he doesn’t choose, because when he’s hungry,
he’ll eat even a dead rat. However, he prefers to go where there is the greatest
potential for quick and effortless pro t.

Frustration from monotony

Boredom does not mean that someone has nothing to do. Boredom is a lack of
stimuli for spiritual growth, especially if it lasts longer, it manifests itself as a
persistent feeling of immense frustration, which leads to psychological disorders,
going crazy and nally to premature death. We are not here to be endlessly
bored. We are here for creation, knowledge and the subsequent evolution of the
soul, if we properly process that knowledge and use it appropriately for our own
When a person is bored, it is likely that he will start thinking about what else he
would do to eliminate the boredom and achieve satisfaction and self-
actualization. He will do almost anything to eliminate boredom, that gloomy
emptiness, that does not have anything meaningful to ll him in any way. When
a person wishes to eliminate boredom, no matter what, at any cost, the Devil,
hiding somewhere in the darkness of his soul, will call him to offer him
something “completely different” that he has not tried so far, he will offer a
person not to be afraid to open his acting into opposites, moving away from their
Every character trait, no matter how positive and virtuous, hides in the Unity the
null germ of its opposite. When a person allows his opposite to manifest itself to
a certain extent in his Self, it is perfectly ne, because otherwise we would all be
ideal in our actions and that would hinder creative knowledge. As long as one
has one’s opposites under control. It is a given that the Devil is hidden in each of
us, that is the Zero, who has nothing, creates nothing, only connects to
alternating current to cause a short circuit. So beware of your devil that hides
within you.
When we cross the imaginary border separating the appropriate from the
inappropriate, we plunge into the dark side, and if we stay in it for a long time,
we set ourselves at the mercy of the darkness and the entities that operate there.
We risk losing track of where we are in the darkness and how to get back up to
the light.

Traps in relationships

Most men may at one time sincerely desire only the maternal Eve, but when the
monotony of sexual “duties” drags on for an in nite time, I guess from the
beginning they successfully resist all the seductions of millions of today’s Liliths.
Some will resist them for the rest of their lives, while others will succumb to
them. After all, it is known from history and from the present that various Lilliths
have become the cause of the fall of governments, wars and disasters of nations.
By mixing the principle of gender, a certain insidiousness, cunning,
shamelessness, or the need to seduce the opposite sex got into people’s character
traits. The man wanted another one, the woman liked that one because she was
more attracted to him, and it all started to mix. Quarrels, ghts, murders out of
jealousy and many other problems arose. It branched out and affected different
areas of life, not just relationships. They stood at the very beginning, as the story
of Adam and Eve says.
A certain variety in sexual life is appropriate and suitable, everyone determines
the limit himself, if he perceives himself and his partner, what suits him and what
he likes. It is necessary to observe oneself, how the Devil tries to take sex to
greater and greater extremes, and then it is already the entrance to the mine eld.
If you have a higher intuition in order, then you will know as far as it is
appropriate to go in sexual practices and you will avoid making up for the
infernal Vanity. It is always about mutual consent, mutual love. You must observe
your own motivations, whether they are pure, whether it is love, or attachment,
addiction, or the desire to achieve your sel sh interests. It can also be abuse of
one another, it is not okay to abuse another and it is also not okay to accept to be

Exchange of sexual energies

Sex is also about energy exchanges and since everything is mental, energy is also
in uenced by a person’s thoughts and mental attitudes. The dark force binds to
the wounds of the man or woman entering into an intimate relationship through
her consent given to the dark man/being sometime in the past during a moment
of her destructive behavior. When people allow negative and unloving people
access to their genitals, then the sexual bonds, entities and Portals of Satans’ Porn
channeling the energy of grace, can also be transferred through the intercourse.
As a result, this person is being manipulated by its dark attachment to the archon
or astral being that was present at the intercourse, their negativity or blockage
that was attached to a part of her body. The dark energies then work in her
system, summoning her further destructive behavior, so that the snow globe
packs itself up, gains mass and speed, and crashes down into the valley with a

rumble to the small pieces. Energies and blockages received during the intimate
intercourse cause diseases may then remain there, typically in the area of female,
but also male, genital organs. According to the growth curve of the incidence of
these kind of diseases, you can see how unresolved karma is being wound up.
The energies are subsequently transferred to all other partners, it’s like a
contagious infection; they cause them inconvenience, or they also create energy
portals through which dark entities feed on them in order to tyrannize them and
draw their energy.
Sex is here mentioned just as an example, because it is a very powerful motivator.
Gambling and other addictions are also a powerful motivator. Can you easily get
away in time from the one-armed thief in the casino, into which you throw coins
in the desire to win a large amount, in an attempt to make an undeserved pro t?
This is just a symbolic example. There are many addictions: the consumption of
narcotic substances, the feeling of power over others and many others. Basically,
it’s all porn of various kinds, because it’s the emotional feelings in the lower
chakras that manifest these “pleasant” feelings. You have to be aware of whether
those feelings are really pleasant, because at some point you can lose insight and
control over your own actions and the pure perception of feeling your feelings,
not to mention a clear mind. This is a sign that you are beginning to be controlled
by satanic archon entities that are ravenous and greedy. They will want more and
more, they will never have enough, they will want to completely dominate you,
eat up all your energy until you are completely helpless, they will gradually
work their way into your deeds and drag you into the depths of hell, they will
want to take your soul and bring her on the altar of Satan.
For women, sex is also a tool that they use to obtain possibilities and abilities that
they would not be able to achieve in a normal way, through their creative activity.
All witches gained their initial access to the magical abilities through intimate
intercourse with some helper of the Devil, with Azazel, or with another fallen
angel. In their subsequent existences, they con rmed it in various ways and
gained the energy to perform magic again through intimate contact, this time
with men who abounded in energy of grace. Some of the energy remained for
them as well, most of it owed to the Devil as a fee for providing her with the
magical services.

“My intuition is activated. My soul can breathe. I nd the truth in the opposite of
what I have heard and believed. I am still tested by those who slip into my inner
circle, but I see it faster and leave unhealthy ways.”

Adam and Eve – that’s you

Adam and Eve – that’s you, somewhere at the beginning of your journey. We are
the descendants of Adam and Eve, or Pandora, if you will; at the beginning of
our journeys, we too were going through the equivalent of this biblical story. So
when you read this ancient story, you can take it for granted that it is also your
story, because you too were once Adam and you had your Eve, or you were
Pandora, who had her Epitheus. It is all about you, this is how the Supreme Lord
reveals to His human children how it is, why it is and who caused what. It’s
simple and complex at the same time, and we’re in this together.

“Causa causae est causa causati – The cause of the cause is also considered the
cause of the consequence, the cause of the damage”

After committing the original “sin”, Adam and Eve covered themselves with a g
leaf, this garment symbolically represents their joint original karma. Clothes and
dresses symbolically depict the nature of the plot and the characteristics of the
character to which the dress belongs in a dream parable. In this case, the color of
the green g leaf is also the color of the heart chakra (love) and since they
covered their intimate parts with the g leaf, it is completely obvious what the
essence of their act was the primal karma – the love affair between Adam and
Eve, according to the scenario designed by the Devil, the ful llment of which
created the rst karmic links between them.

Opposites come together, the river of life is bridged

Man has joined his opposite and this is like alternating current (phase) joining
grounding, like when a ash of orgasm at the end of a love affair takes the
mighty (love) electrical energy of man (Adam) into the earth which is woman
(Eve). The energy penetrates into the earth and causes creative processes to start
there. If the lightning is directed to the ground, nothing bad will happen, after all,
that is the purpose of lightning rods. However, if lightning “accidentally” strikes
a tree (of knowledge), it will split its trunk, and if you recklessly stand under that
tree, then you are unlucky.
When something is connected and redirected, when the banks of the river are
bridged, then the Phase (ON) is connected to the Zero (Satan) instead of to the
Earth and a short circuit occurs. It sparks, smokes, blows the fuses and the light
goes out. The energy, instead of entering the earth and being used for something
useful there, is metaphorically channeled into the interworld channel between
the divine and the satanic, strengthening the Zone and the darkness. Something

goes wrong and the karmic record for those involved is born, because something
harmful happened that “shouldn’t” have happened.
Symbolically, something like this happens during love intercourse between a
man and a woman, when they are not energetically aligned, nor karmically
cleansed. Especially cleansed of previous love relationships, because even if they
were physically ended, as long as there remains in a memory, as an emotional or
mental attachment, blockages and portals causing the powering of archon
entities, it brings Dark vain energy to one of the partners (to the Light one) and
diverts his Light energy of grace. Energies between partners are transferred,
transformed and cause them mental, emotional and physical suffering.

Karmic relationships

The creation of man and woman and their mutual relationship represents a
fundamental milestone in the development of the universe. It represents an
opportunity for an opposite genders to get into the relationship, that can be
beautiful and stimulating; however, it can also be toxic and destructive. This
relationship, by its very nature, also represents a fundamental con ict; and not
only in the relationship between a man and a woman. The seed of con ict also
arises between people as such, also because everyone has mixed male and female
energies in their system. The vast majority of problems, confusion and suffering
originate precisely in the development of the relationship of the primordial man
and woman; and the following events, that were related to it.
The cognitive environment of Man and Woman is a symbolic expression of the
highest principle of the Supreme Lord, it is Heavenly Love, which in its extreme
polarity manifests itself as Infernal Hate. A man and a woman on the earthly 3D
level are attracted to each other by primal instinct, animal attraction, chemistry,
pheromones, bonds from past lives, fateful kinship of souls, energetic kinship,
sameness, or even complete difference, character, appearance, speech, but also
something as a love, that is not quite well known what it actually is. All we know
about love, is only more or less how it manifests itself.
Men and women were initially paired, and then the problems that did not exist
before began and the duality was divided into male and female. After all, even
men had partly feminine energies and women had masculine energies, thereby
mixing a number of opposing principles in different degrees of polarity into the
natures of both sexes.
In the relationship between a man and a woman, the primordial principle of the
Supreme Lord manifests itself in various ways, and that is love and its opposites.
ON Momo of the primordial creator manifests on subtle levels as energy of grace,
which is the basic driving force of the universe. Everyone longs for that energy,

especially for its manifestations, it is something like the universal currency of the
(astral) universe.
The desire of the dark man is to possess another man, to subjugate him; the man
tries to subdue the woman, and the woman tries to enslave the man. When a
person tries to subjugate other people, so that they carry out his wishes or orders,
and when he succeeds in doing so, in a certain way he gains access to their
energy of grace and thereby gains their power.
In the relationship between a man and a woman, and especially in their intimate
relationship, a lot of love “energy of grace” ows, which was desired by parasitic
entities and beings, gods deprived from the divine essence and who wanted to
feed on the energy. Since its most pro table source was the just-mentioned love
intercourse of couples, these parasites rst connected to the thickest artery, in
which ows the energy, with which the Creator bestowed human beings. When
they achieved this and were properly energized, they started to interfere with
vigor also to the other aspects of life, in which the energy of grace also moves.
To drain the energy moving and transforming during sex, they used mental
connections and astral portals, through which they diverted the energy ow to a
false branch. It’s like someone drilling a pipeline and tapping into it to steal the
oil, which then doesn’t get to where it’s supposed to go. Oil is also lique ed form
of manifested energy of grace. And then parasites will use that energy against
those they stole it from, and possibly towards others too, so that they can loot
even more energy.
In addition, the connections and portals worked together to connect the partners
in their next lives, drawing them together to once again serve as a source of
energy for the darkness of the Anunnaki gods, until the partners fall away
exhausted. On the other hand, the karmic relationship was also an opportunity
for them to gain knowledge that everything is mental and that their positive
mental attitudes towards toxic partners in the past, as well as in the present, will
attract them again to the same (or similar) partners in the future and the wheel of
karma would repeat. They will thus be doomed to toxicity in relationships in
their future lives and related morbid suffering, because they have not come to
know their karmic shadows. People often think even after breaking up from a
dark relationship that ”the relationship was nice after all” and this is enough to
anchor them in attachment and keep portals and connections in a latent, half-
dormant state, to be activated when the time is right and then the situation and
robberies of energies of grace from the next intimate partner will be
repeated. Beliefs also play a role here, because people think, that their mental
attitudes are hidden and that no one can see them. It’s not like that.

Apparently, the creation of entities parasitizing on the (love) energy of grace was
the result of the Creator’s primordial principles, because “without the wind, not
even a leaf moves.” Perhaps this was the intention of the Supreme Lord, who
wanted to warn humanity, that it is not appropriate to abuse the love energy to
the extreme, to satisfy one’s excessive desire for the pleasures of love, especially
with partners from the opposite side. Manifestations of the highest ON Opinion
of the Creator, which is Heavenly Love, does not belong to the opposing party. It
is the crossing of opposite poles that causes a short circuit.
Connections between souls in other lives then reconnect them in karmic
relationships, which are either an opportunity for those souls to evolve and learn,
or if they don’t understand them enough, they are an opportunity for parasitic
entities to draw energy from their (love) relationship.
Most human problems are caused by karmic relationships between man and
woman, and relationships with other beings; relationships with your soul, your
Spirit – the powerful guide of your soul; also to other aspects of the Supreme
Lord, manifesting in the human soul as a divine spark that either goes out,
ickers, glows, or shines fully.
What to do with all this Pandora’s box trilogy? It is necessary to realize how it is.
Take a good, in-depth look at your current relationships, as well as your past
relationships, at your motivations and actions, that brought you into the
relationship and then got you out of the relationship. It’s the work you have to do
on yourself to move. Otherwise, you will remain connected to past dark partners
and at the same time to the dark entities, that act on them and that may harm you
healthily, psychologically, and karmically in the future as well. The archon
entities will then remain karmically connected to you in the next life and will
want to harm you again.
Man is a complex multidimensional being. A person has a physical body on the
third dimension, through which he moves and experiences the event; he
experiences emotions, pains and energies in his astral body; feelings in the
emotional body and thoughts come to his consciousness also from a lower
mental level, which is also a causal level. The cause and its consequences that
trouble us is a karmic cause, that we have once directly, or indirectly contributed
In its essence, karma is also created by thinking too much with the mind, one
could say by speculatively thinking about what we could get out of something or
someone, how to bypass something and avoid the consequences of our past
actions, how to make life more pleasant at the expense of someone else, how to
experience more pleasure, more different sexual pleasures, more pleasure from
the feeling of power, which we would not normally be entitled to. It’s normal to

enjoy life. However, too much preoccupation with how to achieve more and
more, motivated by a strong desire “I Want”, leads to gluttony, pandering, incest,
fornication, violence, murder, wars and we could go on even further.
When a person does not “think” with a higher intuition, but with a lower mind
and is intensively concerned with how to work towards something diabolical,
mental entities join him and think for him. Basically, however, they think
together, because the mental space of a person is occupied by entities, that are the
Devil in his Self, in his consciousness, in which there is no room for the Spirit,
except for the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix. If man is not aware of his divine
essence, then in his unconsciousness he is (un)consciously aware of his opposite
essence and thus is the Devil, slewed into his own Self.

The wheel of development is turning

The wheel of development is turning and returning to the beginning. The

beginning is the point from which we have once came out, and that is the
relationship story of Adam and Eve, but only from the front view. When you turn
the wheel of your soul’s development, you will see a spiral, from the front it is a
circle, from another angle you will see circles that are displaced from each other,
and that phase shift means the development you have achieved. The
development of the whole is for the individual his own development, which he
achieved by knowing how things are with himself in relation to ON.
For now, the development is depicted by the Fibonnaci spiral, it is a curve that
goes somewhere into the unknown, who knows where it would project us, if we
let it go. Therefore, there is still a relatively short time for everyone to correct
their own Fibonacci curve, by realizing the causes and consequences they suffer
from, so that it forms back into a regular circle and thus also a regular spiral,
which shifts the point at which you stand, to the new beginning. However, the
opportunity windows are opening and if not properly ulilized, they are closing
and that’s it.
Everything is mental. All our events have their origin in our thoughts, attitudes,
intentions, motivations and also in the other things, that accompanied them in
the past: feelings, emotions, bad or malicious words, energetic and psychological
exhaustion and others. You have to recall the whole memories, not just their
manipulative fragments that intoxicate you with a sense of false nostalgia. We
will not rant now about the insidious parasitic entities that try to force their
intentions on us to become ours. That way we wouldn’t move. Now is the time to
become aware of your own attitudes.
What about all this? Look carefully at your current and past partner
relationships, at what good they did for you, whether it was really that good, or

whether it was just an empty feeling motivated by your wanting, your Fear, with
which the other side binds you in the dark.
It’s not impossible because Hope is still stuck at the bottom of Pandora’s box.
There is no need to rely on the radiation that falls on the Earth and on us, who are
wandering around the Earth’s surface “carelessly” from the galactic center. Those
energies and other external in uences affect us in one way or another. You have
to look inside yourself, uncover your own darkness and face it. To stand on an
imaginary balcony and look at yourself and your life situations from above,
separate yourself from the in uence of the Ego, extinguish your emotional
manipulative attachments by becoming well aware of them, remembering them
and by understanding your past decisions and actions in their nakedness and
truth, you will disconnect from your darkness and be free. All this with the help
of your Spirit, which, if you are on the right track on your river of knowledge,
will speak to you with intuition and the gurative language of dreams.

Enki and other astral fakes of God

This is not just a piece of history out of context of todays’ earthly affairs. Gods are
still here, acting in the consciousness of their avatars - well known or hidden
elites, royals, polititians,… ; however also in the minds of the “ordinary” people.
To understand their minds and reasons one has to understand the same at the
Anunnaki gods and mental entities.
There have been various “extraterrestrial” visitors to Earth throughout history,
not just those from Nibiru; they spread the cult of deities, dragons and snakes all
over the Earth. Among them were Pleiadians from various Pleiadian ON Places,
especially those from Nibiru. They are said to have brought lessons to humanity
in the elds of science and humanities, Greek mythology, Vedas, Ayurveda, yoga,
mathematics, Kamasutra, astronomical knowledge, biotechnology and many
others. This is huge misunderstanding and lie, Anunnaki gods brought no
knowledge here. All knowledge has been brought here by people, who had
access to etherals patterns, they were all prophets, mystics, or inspired scientists,
listening to the inspirational source available to them from various dimensions.
Gods had inter ered to the higher information channel transfer, parasited on it
and brought virus infection to it, just like a tick sucking the human blood infect
the body with the diseases like borreliosis or encephalitis. Maybe gods sometimes
intermediated some interdimensional connection, however, from my experience
is for me quite dif cult to accept it, as I am aware, how stupid and weak-minded
creatures Anunnaki gods are. Thanking and celebrating gods for the knowledge
they brought to humatity is a big mistake. They did not bring here anything, they
just polluted everything.
People in the ancient time came up with a lot of scienti c knowledge “on their
own”, similar to today. Most of the scienti c knowledge and technologies were
discovered or created in the last few hundred years by the creative knowledge of
people, inspired by ethereal mental patterns. People whose consciousness is on a
higher Pleiadian level have the ability to prophesy information and knowledge,
even from the dimension of primordial etheric patterns.
When someone is a Pleiadian, that does not mean that he is directly physically
located on a Pleiadian cosmic body. It can also be an earthling, whose
consciousness is manifested on the upper part of the fth and then connected

even to the seventh dimension. The inspiration of consciousness through these
levels is the gateway for prophesying knowledge from the level of the primordial
ON Milk, the ocean of etheric patterns, that include the primordial deities and
angelic archetypal inspirations.
The intention of the alien gods was also to “help” mankind to expand, to increase
the number of inhabitants in a quadratic ratio. Their “helpful” activities were
directed towards this, many of their intentions were directed towards the
intented growth of humanity, reproduction rate and obviously involved intimate
relationships, through they harvested the energy of grace, as mentioned earlier.
Beside all that, people create through their creative activities big amounts of
energy of grace. More people means more energy to harvest. Gods invested their
cursing effort in humanity, so that they could later on completely destroy it and
reap a good harvest of human energies and souls. Their “investment” was
cursing the humanity by in uencing the Atri cal Spirit of Matrix, that then
pushed to the human minds mental patterns, that had twisted intentions, words
and deeds of people in the corresponging way. The increase of a large number of
people foreshadowed progress in the various areas of life, and since this was also
creative knowledge, it created a lot of energy of grace, that the Anunnaki and
their masters wanted to obtain. Their activities were similar to those of humans,
as when geese are fed so that they can be prepared as a main course on a roasting
pan. The devil whispered to them how and what to conjure, the Anunnaki no
longer knew how to create, they lost that ability a long time ago, because creation
is a divine activity, while destruction is the intention of the opponent of ON and
that is Satan.
Know your enemy so that you can defeat him, and that enemy is hiding outside
as well as inside us.
The name Nibiru is a corruption of the word Nippur; that was their
Mesopotamian seat and that is also the name of their planet. The origin of words
and their meaning is sometimes interesting, because you can learn something
from it. Breaking down the name Nippur leads to this:
Ni represents the group identity of the archon mental thought gangs, that the
Anunnaki let themselves be controlled by and in the same time they used them,
for their insidious sel sh ends. According to the rule: what you deal with, it will
deal with you. Ni are the class de ned by thei miltiplicity, which represents their
character. Taking into account the principle “you are what controls you”,
Nibiruans are also Ni. They act together with the mental thought entities as a
pack, many to one, they are synonymous with cowardice.
These are the “gods” that many still worship in the confusion of their minds.
Gods are mutated, degenerate re ections of the patterns of the primordial deities.

They are cowardly, insidious, hateful, envious astral aliens, servants of the Devil
and proponents of Satan. The Ni are a set of many, so in what follows I will call
them the Ni as well and not just the Astral Nibiruan Archon Parasites, because
that is too long-winded and the Ni label expresses their mentality really well.
Their identity is completed by mental entities that are snake heads on a dragon’s
Pp stands for the abbreviation of Ego Devil/Satan and ur means light, or the seat
of light. This is also how they came up with their names. The Anunnaki wanted
to pretend to be Light, so they put it in their name as well as in their names.
Similarly, when the German Democratic Republic put “Democratic” in its name
and it was the other way around, it was the dictatorship of the Communist Party
and the “all-seeing-eye” secret service Stasi. The word has its power and the
word by which something is named also has its power, but only as long as
someone is deceived by it.
It is obvious, that the (extra)terrestrial Anunnaki groups were ghting each other
for power and in uence. The struggle for power also took place within the group
from Nippur. In the end, the battle was won by the biggest proponents of Satan –
the most insidious manipulators from Nibiru, who stayed on Earth mainly in the
Middle East. They killed or destroyed their own tribesmen. They were the most
associated with the Devil, and from that title, they also had the most power and
support of the Arti cial Spirit of Matrix and the Dark “Angels”. The devil did for
them what they wanted and the tyranny of black wizards began.
Their ideologue and führer became the god Enki, who also refers by himself with
the pseudonym Pennywise, that is an ancient transdimensional entity, that has
the ability to change its shape and in uence reality. It is the epitome of evil and
pretense; because he’s a hideous grinning clown with sharp yellow teeth. He is a
madman with multiple personalities, something like a seven-headed dragon and
that is Enki’s Self; the arch-Devil, or Satan, who manifests in him. Companion of
Enki is the old striga, the lizard Ninhursag, the bloody hateful “angel” of
death. Enki and Ninhursag together are responsible for millions of lives and an
ocean of human suffering. They are, in a certain sense, the most mass murderers
ever in history. Their media image, known from archaeology, history and
esotericism, which portrays them neutrally, or even positively, is manipulation,
similar to what we are used to from earthly media today.
The topic of Anunnaki is largely addressed by Zecharia Sitchin, who has written
many books about them based on ancient texts and translations of Sumerian
tablets. Here I bring my view of the Anunnaki ruling “family” and it is largely
different from Sitchin’s. My opinion is based on my experience with them, no by
the old scriptures. The action of Mesopotamian aliens and “deities” from other

parts of the world presented by Sitchin is too romantic. It is based on ancient
cuneiform tablets, papyri, epics and other sources. Let’s not forget that, just like
today, even in ancient times, the then “presstitutes” were paid by the rulers and
cliques; they wrote and carved cuneiform about them, they created literary works
in order to thank them and bene t from it.
The astral beings of Nibiru and others associated with them, became long before
the extreme proponents of Vanity and Satan. At the top of the Anunnaki ruling
pyramid are various archetypal psychopaths: the rough-and-tumble Draco
murderers, the extreme manipulators, the pathological liars, the madmen, the
gypsy strigs, the prostitutes of Satan; this scum formed the hierarchy of the
Anunnaki ruling class. They have fooled others with their false appearance and
pretended behaviour style, just as politions, or celebrities do here on Earth. Many
other Anunnaki joined them and then served them, a mass of hundreds of
thousands, perhaps a million, servile subordinated criminal Nibiruans. Perhaps
not all of whom were fully informed of what they were getting themselves into.
However, some Anunnaki remained in the exile and after some time they have
realized, what they have got into, but could not escape from there anymore.
Similarly, as here on Earth, the heralds of progressive or fascist ideology are
joined by masses of people who allow themselves to be enticed by something.
By comparison, the essence of the Anunnaki organization Ni of Nippur is similar
to that of fascist Germany in the last century. The biggest gangsters headed by the
occult fanatic Hitler, the manipulator and ideologue Goebells, the architect of the
Holocaust Himmler, the head of the Gestapo secret police headed by Heydrich
and others took power. A large number of members of the National Socialist
Party of Germany cooperated with them, and the SS and Wehrmacht troops did
the dirty work. Some of them were convinced Nazis, others were deviant
scientists like Mengele, or depraved guards in concentration camps, but among
them there were also soldiers out of compulsion, as well as awakened opponents
like Claus von Stauffenberg and many others who opposed the criminal nature of
Nazism and tried to for a coup d’état, even if they were also pursuing their own,
probably not the noblest goals. Among them were also “normal” people who got
into that mess under the in uence of circumstances and fate; and then they
couldn’t get out of it.
Later, before the court, the Nazi criminals argued, that they were only carrying
out orders, their work, or that they knew nothing and were just transferring some
papers or supplies in the warehouse. They behaved similarly to the Ni of Nippur,
the resemblance is not accidental. Anunnaki (Ni) also claim, that they are only
trying to present people with their karma and punish people for their sins.

Fascism and the horrors of the 2nd World War, as well as previous and
subsequent wars, are the results of the actions of Ni and their earthly allies/
avatars, in conjunction with the dark forces of the Matrix. They praise it until
now, how nice it was: millions of dead, a huge amount of suffering, how good
they felt about a job so well done, how they only punished those earthlings for
their behavior, which to a large extent they imposed on them by manipulating
their thoughts, mental perceptions, various urges to sin and manipulative
emotions. So much energy they could eat. They will not rest and attempt more
wars and the coordinated mass extinction of humanity.
A group of those with the sharpest elbows and the sharpest tongues made it to
the highest Nibiruan elite; however, they were far from the smartest or most
educated. They were stupid, like many earthly politicians, they basically knew
nothing but to manipulate others and when they needed something, they used
the services of those who had skills and knew something; they gave them their
power and energy, because they worked for them.
This elite, the members of the Nibiruan ma a quasi-family were the most
connected to the Devil. From that title, they also had the most black magic tools
to help them lie, manipulate and force people and even their own tribesmen to
do their bidding. At the astral level, anything is possible, and the similarity with
the earthly elites is also not accidental.
Anunnaki gods had astral tyrannical tools, the higher in hierarchy, the more
powerful tools. They used the black magic to cause suffering to these people of
their interest, if they didn’t want to obey, they pressed an imaginary button and
the rebellious Nibiruan subjects writhed in (emotional) pain and considered it a
“sign from God” that they should obey. They also used similar techniques against
people and also to their tribal comrades.
Ni, namely their ruling clique, signed up to Devil, to give him their souls for his
“services” and also promised him to bring to the altar of Satan the energies of
grace and the souls of many other people, who will mate with them. If they do
not succeed in this, then nally the souls of the earthly proponents of Satan and
related Ni will also be good for them. They will drag all conected souls with them
down to the Hell.
The ruling clique was the Six: Enki, Ninhursag, Enlil, Ningal, Ninurta, Inanna.
Sometime before that they were Seven. The seventh member of the group, who
was previously in rst place, was Anu. Anu was a Light being that the Six had
overthrown and removed long ago. Anu went to an unknown place and satanic
Six remained at the top of the Anunnaki pyramid of power.
They did want to have divine power as ON has, and they especially wanted the
pleasures associated with power; they camou aged it under the pretext of

helping ON, with the fact that they would imitate Him. It was their alibi and at
the same time it was a means of power for them to re-educate misguided earthly
human souls so that they come to the knowledge that they have sinned. It’s
similar to when a deranged sadist applies to a children’s home as an educator,
while his true intentions are the depraved tyranny of his charges.
For the sake of completeness, I also point out that the earthlings were also not
and are not innocent. They have their own karma, which they should recognize
here, but Ni prevent it and in every possible way they falsify it with the
programming of curses and prevent humans to get the knowledge. Many
earthlings cooperate with them (we know censorship and media manipulation), -
the Arti cial Spirit of Matrix and a number of other dark entities.
Somewhere I also call Ni the Guardians of Karma, but this naming is too
gentle. Using ambivalent wording and denomination of reality is typical for Ni.
They express themselves ambiguously, which is manifested by their morbid
divisiveness. Therefore, the guardian of karma does not mean that he guards
people like a Guardian Angel, but it means that they guard that people never get
rid of their karma, so that they can endlessly present it to them through suffering.
I also call them archon parasites, reptilians, dark beings of the Matrix, proponents
of Satan and the like. I would call them something else, but I prefer to avoid
profanity. They are all real beings, just like people, in fact they are former
atlantean humans. Their consciousness is mixed with the (semi)arti cial entities
of the Matrix. They are still similar to humans, except that the dominant level on
which they operate is astral; they can rapidly change their form when external
circumstances change (at least they war able to do so in the past). We humans are
currently dominantly on the physical level, but we also have an astral level and
even higher.
Ni wanted to be Guardians of Karma, they wahted to have limitless power and
punish people for their sinful actions. At the same time, they manipulated it in
such a way as to create a sinful environment and not only tempting people to sin,
but directly manipulated them into it.
In fact, they focus not on the biggest sinners, but on the smallest, on strong
human souls and on those, whos’ consciousness is “on the rise”, as they mean for
them a danger. These souls have the energy of grace, that they want to steal. They
leave the real sinners alone for now. These will come to the table later, when fresh
meat will not be available for Ni, so they will have to satisfy themself with the
rotten rats.
Human souls on the rise do not have so much unprocessed karma, but they do
have the energy and that is what they are going for. They attack them in such a
way, as to lead them astray from the path to the Light, although under the

immense pressure of lying and manipulation, even by force, completely against
their will; and then they want to punish them for it and rob them of their energy
of grace. They mostly leave the biggest “sinners” alone, at least for now. After all,
many of them work for them on the earthly level.
The Anunnaki also wanted to imitate God, so they have presented to the human
race mixed and twisted rules of God, which are known today as religious and
esoteric teachings of various kinds. They abused love in a particularly insidious
way, they are the originators of sacral sacred sexuality (prostitution). They
imitated God, the Devil, Angels, and also the underworld. They pretended to be
gods and allowed themselves to be worshiped directly and then indirectly,
through a number of religious gures; participated in the creation of their cults.
They imitated both the end of the cycle and the end of the world; they punished
people for their “as if” transgressions on a global basis.
Part of the responsibility also lies with the people, because they succumbed to the
lures and temptations presented to them in the distant past by the dark forces,
which then evolved in this way and took over some of their power. They did it in
an insidious diabolical way from within, manipulating emotions, feelings and
sending mental cues into the mind’s consciousness; so that it is dif cult for
people to avoid objectionable actions. They simply grossly abused their position
and their power, which they wrested from God or the devil with the idea, that
they would put humanity in order and correct lost souls.
It is possible to avoid their in uence, but it is necessary to do something for it: to
know the Word of ON Opinions, to know the techniques, strategies and tactics of
the external astral and earthly enemy and, above all, to know oneself. Without it,
it is impossible to win, because this ght is not only with the Vanity, but also with
yourself, with your inner Self, where the Serpent, or a hidden part of the Devil,
They neither had nor have criminal intentions and the karma they acquired
through their crimes against humanity, and they want to dump their own karma
on people. They also deal with the fact, that they are looking for a Savior who, as
the biggest sinner, would take away their karmic sins and take them upon
themselves so that they could then crucify him, just as they nailed Jesus to the
cross by the hands of the Romans. This is the reason why there is so much talk
about the second coming of Christ, so that people endlessly speculate about it,
wanting God to manifest new Jesus to them. The new confused Christ would suit
them, because the Ni/gods would try to manipulate him into saving them as the
worst sinners in exchange for his soul, just as they manipulated the rst Jesus.
This story is well known, albeit it did really happen with the different

It is mainly about being able to continue with the upcoming Cycle, which is
already knocking on the door. Ni would like to rule, or at least exist on New
Earth. However, they are in panick, because many things are falling apart and
their energy is running out, it’s not what it used to be. They can’t even nd a new
Savior; a person who would have the means to do so and would especially be
willing to allow himself to be cruci ed for the sake of Ni. It is not possible to
describe well their perverted twisted Satanic mind, which is as if it is not even of
this world.

Wasted years or “When the wisdom comes”

When does wisdom come into our consciousness? When we released all the
demons from Pandora’s box and took a good look at the strange ones, let’s know
that Hope remained stuck at the bottom of that box. When we open our eyes and
look around, we may be surprised to nd that there is something we did not
notice before. There is never an end to the knowledge, that the angels are around
us. Sometimes they appear around us, dressed in the normal physical clothes of
beauty, truth, fears and insecurities.
There are souls on earth who bring knowledge from higher realms; they are here
to Talk. Other souls are there to Listen. They are in a potential pit from which
they cannot get out without an external push, they will remain stuck there, and
the light of God will be only a hypothetical thing for them, because they are so
deep in the pit that they cannot see up. They don’t have the energy or the will,
they don’t have the brains, they don’t even have the desire to lift their eyes and
look up to see if there is something worth considering.
A potential pit is a valley in a country with hilly terrain. A potential pit is a
gravity well. The energy of the beings in the pit is captured in the local minimum
and therefore they cannot continue anywhere, because they are already at the
bottom of the well. It is a quantum prison, into which the souls got because they
did not want to listen to the admonitions of their Spirit for a long time before,
they threw away his map and turned off the navigation system. And that’s how
they got to where they are.
The pit of potential is a valley of shadows, it is dark and its surface is not solid, it
is a swamp because water ows into the valley after rain and collects at the
bottom. The soul sinks into that swamp with its own weight, because it stands in
it and can no longer go up. She doesn’t have enough strength, her muscles are
weak and her mind is clouded. The soul does not know, how to go up, it does not
even know what it means to go up, it does not even know where it is. Under the
false assumption that he will get somewhere else, he tries to tunnel through the
walls of the valley. It costs her a ton of misdirected energy because she only gets
into a similar pit on the other side of the hill.
The human soul had many opportunities to enter the light zone of its evolution.
She avoided knowing the truth for a long time, until she crossed the forbidden

zone and got into this pit, which represents a quantum prison for her. The second
option left to the imprisoned human soul is to listen to those who have the
knowledge and experience to do so. However, her Ego usually won’t allow her to
do this, because it is full of pride and self-will. The souls in the pit are at the
bottom and, paradoxically, they reject the easiest way to get out of the pit,
because they despise knowledge and prefer to try to dig their way over the hill,
where nothing but another pit awaits them. They dig their way through the hill,
hoping to nd some gold along the way, but it would be useless to them in the
second pit anyway.
The wheel of development turns and turns, moving in different directions at the
same time, and if one stagnates, then one’s development is not part of the galactic
spiral, but it is the straight green line of the heartbeat on the monitor of life,
which represents death on the black screen. We are not here to stagnate, but to
evolve. Some are developing upwards, while many are stagnating or developing
downwards. Even downward development is ne, at least it will be clari ed who
is what, and the universe will be cleaned of garbage by a self-acting process and
there will be peace. Instead of succumbing to the arbitrariness of the Ego, we
prefer to live a creative life in love, as the Creator of all things once prepared for
us. There is no more time for deaf behavior, which leads nowhere but to the
stereotype of Vanity.

Another view of the prophecy of Virgin Mary of

The Three Secrets of Fatima are a series of apocalyptic visions and prophecies
given to three young Portuguese children. The children claimed that the Virgin
Mary (mother of Jesus Christ) visited them six times between May and October
1917. The apparition is now popularly known as Our Lady of Fatima.
The Virgin Mary told the children three secrets, they included visions of the hell
that awaits humanity, the First and Second World Wars and the persecution of
Christians in the 20th century. According to the testimony of the children, Virgin
Mary had a radiant light expression, while despite the beauty of this gure, it
was possible to observe her serious expression with a slight reproach. Her hands
were clasped in prayer, with a rosary hanging from her right hand. The Virgin
Mary said during this apparition, that she was coming from heaven. In particular,
we can point out her request that these children come to this place every 13th day
of the month for 6 months. The symbolism of the number 13 and the number 6 is
well known, apparently even in this subtle way the “Virgin Mary” gives us an
indication, who is her master.
The Virgin Mary asked the children if they wanted to sacri ce themselves to God
and endure all the suffering that He wants to send them as an act of atonement
for the sins that offend Him, and as a plea for the conversion of sinners. The
children accepted the challenge and two of them died of a serious illness within
two years. Apparently it was their “reward” from the “Virgin Mary” for being
able to listen to her messages for humanity, we can imagine which “god” requires
child sacri ces.
The prophecy of Our Lady of Fatima is a prime example of insidious
manipulation of astral projection by representatives of the Devil gods Anunnaki,
aimed at instilling beliefs into human consciousness. The Mesopotamian
“goddess” of fertility Ninhursag, one of the seven deities of Sumer, played her
role in it.
It probably fell to Ninhursag’s competence within the division of tasks among
the Anunnaki, because she had also experimented with human DNA before; she
also became the “ideal mother” of Jesus of Nazareth, because she participated in
the arti cial insemination of the Immaculate Virgin Mary. But it was also the

common intention of the Anunnaki ma a gangsters, who pushed Ninhursag to
the fore. The radiant, luminous Virgin Mary of Fatima was therefore not even
Mary, and not a virgin at all. It was the “ lmed and projected” Mesopotamian
miserable murderer Ninhursag from Nippur (Nibiru). She projected herself into
the person of the Virgin Mary with an astral hologram, using mental black magic
to create a message, that the arti cial Matrix presented to the human sheeps as a
sign from God.
Even today, people are capable of holographic projection onto clouds with sound,
they lm something, cut it, edit it, and then project it onto the clouds, for
example. The Fatima apparition was something similar. Astral is a magical level
where anything is possible. Advanced technologies similar to holographic
projection exists there. The astral merges with the physical level, energies are
condensed and manifested visually and soundly.
The purpose was to implement in the minds of direct witnesses the visions of the
apparitions of the Virgin Mary, so that they could see and hear them directly and
testify to the whole world that it was true. The world learned about her
prophecies, it was spread in the press of the time, and in the churches. This
apparition is still talked about today, movies are made about it, and crowds of
pilgrims head daily to the memorial site in Fatima, Portugal.
People all over the world believed that the astral lm hologram was the Virgin
Mary herself. The content of her revelation was to show humanity a lm of an
inescapably determined future, and that was two world wars. It was a warning to
humanity about wars, to avoid and prevent them. However, the intention of the
Anunnaki was exactly the opposite: they wanted to project into the world’s
thought consciousness a xed idea about inevitable wars, xed because it was
suggested to them by the “reliable and trustworthy mother of God, the Virgin
Mary” and she does not lie. People simply believed the advertisement for the
war. The Anunnaki then, through their lackeys, high-ranking Earth elites,
provoked the war, and by having the war pre-embedded in humanity’s thought
consciousness, the Anunnaki created an alibi in advance to terrorize and punish
humanity for enabling and participating in wars. Since humanity participated in
the war “as it were” of its own free will, the Anunnaki obtained energy of grace
from tens of millions of lost lives and enormous sufferings of humanity. They
became intoxicated with those energies until they they went crazy and dumb
from it. It was a drug for them that they were addicted to for life.
It was practically impossible to escape direct or indirect participation in world
wars. It could not be avoided, almost everyone was affected by it to some extent.
If nothing else, then at least the fear that the war reached their doorstep.

As is often the case with such prophecies, they were created by the Arti cial
Spirit of Matrix at the instigation of the Dark Spirit. However, the Dark Spirit
partially realizes also the will of ON (the real God) and so it is quite obvious, that
something of it got into the projection of Mary of Fatima, that it was not purely
one hundred percent pure Anunnaki manipulation, but rather mixed with the
real warnings. The visions of hell that were foreshadowed there are apparently
all right, because the universal laws apply; and whoever plays with the hell to get
others into it, then hell will play with him. Finally, the Anunnaki projected
visions of hell for themselves in that revelation.

The first secret

” The Virgin Mary showed us a great sea of re that seemed to be under the earth.
Into this re were plunged demons and souls in human form, as transparent
embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, oated in the re, now lifted into the air
by the ames issuing from within them, together with great clouds of smoke,
falling back on each side like sparks in a huge re, without weight or balance; and
amid cries and groans of pain and despair that made us tremble and tremble with
fear. Demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repulsive appearance
with terrible and unknown beasts, all black and transparent. This vision only
lasted a moment. How can we ever be grateful enough to our loving heavenly
Mother, who already at the rst apparition prepared us by promising to take us to
heaven. Otherwise I think we would die of fear and terror. “

The second secret

The second secret refers to devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and was
initially only partially revealed to the children. Various prophecies related to this
devotion were made, such as the declaration that the First World War would end,
along with the prediction of another war under Pope Pius XI if the people
continued to blaspheme God and if Russia did not convert. The other half asks
that Russia be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

” You have seen hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. In order to save them, God
wants to establish reverence for my Immaculate Heart in the world. If what I tell
you happens, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war will end:
but if people do not stop insulting God, during the ponti cate of Pope Pius XI. an
even worse one will break out. When you see the night illuminated by an unknown
light, know that this is a great sign that God has given you that He is going to

punish the world for its crimes through wars, famine and persecution of the
Church and the Holy Father. To prevent this, I come to ask for the consecration of
Russia to my Immaculate Heart and for reparation communion on the rst
Saturdays. If my pleas are heard, Russia will be converted and there will be peace;
if not, he will spread his delusions throughout the world and cause wars and
persecution of the Church. The good will be martyred; The Holy Father will have
to suffer a lot; various nations will be destroyed. In the end, my Immaculate Heart
will prevail. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me and she will be
converted and a period of peace will be granted to the world. “

The third secret

Lúcia, the last survivor of the three children, explains:

“ After the two parts that I have already explained, to the left of the Virgin Mary
and a little higher, we saw an angel with a aming sword in his left hand; it
ashed and emitted ames that seemed to set the world on re; but they died in
contact with the beauty that the Virgin Mary radiated to him from her right hand:
The angel pointed his right hand to the ground and cried out in a strong voice:
“Repentance, repentance, repentance!”. And we saw in the great light that is God,
something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass before it, a
bishop dressed in white. We had the impression that it was the Holy Father. Other
bishops, priests, men and women religious ascending a steep hill, on the top of
which was a large cross of roughly hewn trunks like a cork tree with bark; before
the Holy Father came thither, he passed through the great city half in ruins and
half trembling with halting step, af icted with pain and sorrow, praying for the
souls of the corpses he met on his way; when he reached the top of the mountain, he
was killed on his knees at the foot of a large cross by a group of soldiers who shot
him with bullets and arrows, and so one by one other bishops, priests, religious
and laymen of various ranks died. Under both arms of the cross were two angels,
each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they collected the blood of
the martyrs and sprinkled it on the souls who were walking towards God. “

False karma and the universal reconciliation

The false Anunnaki gods of various galactic races wanted to use everything they
could to enrich their being with a pleasant feeling of power over others, over
people. Once upon a time, they were beings like others, but they plunged so
much into the darkness of Evil that they could weave it into other people and
enslave them, until they themselves became the embodiment of all negative
qualities, each according to their rotten character. Instead of living out their
karma in dif cult conditions on the dense three-dimensional earthly plane, they
chose the fourth astral plane as their place of work.
Basically, they didn’t even have to move anywhere, they simply stayed where
they were already. Before we moved to earth, we too were in the astral world.
Current earthly souls, under various motives, decided to move from the astral
level to the physical – earthly level, while the future “false gods” decided that
they would “help” people in the knowledge and evolution of their souls from the
astral level. They were too cowardly to face the consequences of their karma. It
gradually developed that way. They wanted to be superior gods over people,
they wanted to use and abuse it. The feeling of power they had over people was
like a drug for them, of which they wanted more and more.

What is our concern after all?

In principle, we would not care about some false gods at all. They could remain a
historical memory of ancient times when they visited the Earth and in uenced
earthly events and the development of human souls. They did so not only during
their lives on Earth, but partly also in the afterlife and in the astral world; and so
it remains up to now. So, if you wonder, why the world is getting so much crazy,
this is the answer. The Devil and Satan is penetrating from the Underworld here
to the surface and fallen gods/angels are the vehicle and the cause of the extent,
in what it is happening. If they would not be in the game, I suppose, that the
world would be still crazy, but much less than it is now and especially, how it is
projected to the awaiting future, if nothing will change in this subject.
The curses that the false “gods” of the Anunnaki imposed on us are still affecting
us, although to a much lesser direct extent than before. They affect humanity
indirectly, with the mental toxins they left us here, also in the form of ideologies,

religions; they left us here with the elites linked to them, who constantly try to
drive humanity into the suffering of wars, extinction, transgender degeneration,
mixing of nations and drive humanity into permanent con icts aimed at the
destruction of families, cultures and nations.
They also affect people directly, these curses consist in the manipulation of the
consciousness of human souls with degenerate thoughts, falsi ed emotions and
other mental sensations. They basically do not create anything by themselves,
they just feed into the existing streams of photons directed to people’s
consciousness, corrupting and polluting them. Like when a poisonous toad sits
on a spring and pollutes the otherwise clean water of information ows with its
poison. They use the possibilities of the higher spheres of the Matrix for this.
However, the Anunnaki are already losing their power and sinking into the thick
mud of the underworld.

Manipulation of consciousness

One hundred thousand Anunnaki work together and curse and curse humanity.
Each of them has one, more or many humans, on which they work to have a
long-term in uence on them, from top to bottom, from whom they suck the
energy of grace. On the other hand, even humans have multiple beings/entities
attached to them, from the bottom up. The insidiousness of the Anunnaki also
lies in the fact that, in addition to acting with obvious negativity, they cover
themselves and hide; they pretend that their interest is good, they directly lie and
manipulate by throwing pleasant emotional feelings and seemingly noble
thoughts. Similarly, when a fake person, a fraud, rubs off on a person to achieve
their criminal goal.
The nal intention (intermediate stage) of the Anunnaki is to enter a new Cycle of
Lives (New Earth) to remain attached to their host human souls in order to
continue their criminal acts on them. Satan wants to be the Master of the New
Earth. You can use your vivid imagination, how the New Earth would look like.
Their method is not to create, they want to rob and destroy. They rob in order to
survive, to have at least a little energy of grace, which gives them the charge to
continue to rob and destroy even more. Therefore, let’s not give them energy, let’s
consciously refrain from them, because the gods are the worst ma a and a
collection possessed by Satan. Their avatars are here, powerful ones and diluted
Imagine them : the Anunnaki sitting in a big imaginary circle somewhere on the
astral plane and practice voodoo; they have puppets who curse with black magic,
these are us people, they poke the needles of Satan into us, this is their intention,
these are their thoughts, emotions and feelings, these are also thoughts from the

common thought consciousness, which become cloudy with their degenerate
energy and their rotten they intentionally get into the mind, heart, consciousness
and astral bodies of our souls. Their intention is the tyranny of human souls, to
which if people succumb, the Anunnaki and their related entities and “beings”
think that they will extract the energy of grace from them. If people succumb to
their inducements and enticements, it may happen that their own words and
deeds will also bear the seal of Satan’s proponents.
The Anunnaki did that black magic even before, in fact they did it all the time, in
the ancient times of the civilizations of Atlantis, ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia,
then they also did magic directly, then they were still physically present on Earth,
portaled between the astral and physical world. The boundary allowed them to
use the possibilities of the astral and physical world at the same time to a limited
extent. They could manifest themselves in their well-known divine clothes and
directly rule the earthly world. They modi ed the subtle DNA of the human
genome by incantation, even if they could not change it directly, so they added
blockades, implants and other poisonous saliva of the Diablo toad to it with
program curses.
Their common conjuration of humanity is similar, but with the opposite
intention, as when people meditate together here on Earth, with the intention of
bringing peace and love to humanity, for example. It’s kind of like the ip side of
meditation. If you are not careful during joint meditation and allow yourself to
be guided by a false guru, your good intentions can also be misused for the
nefarious purposes of diverting your energy of grace to those spheres, where the
false guru, the earthly representative of false gods, actually belongs. Therefore, it
is necessary for you to get to know at least who you are dealing with through
conscious pure intuition, or to joind the meditaion and observe what is going on
there, for the purposes of own experience and education. After all, the same
applies to establishing partnership and interpersonal relationships.
The Anunnaki operate with a long-term strategy. Though dumb from the
constant Evil they deal with and cast upon us, they are tufts of white cobwebs,
vile slime, and putrefaction, their ancient curses work for a very long time. The
Anunnaki dealt with Evil, excessive Evil, they bring into the consciousness of
human souls the Chaos of the con icting urges of Satan, with the intention of
destroying their lives, they try to sway man to false words and unkind deeds.
The curse, when uttered with suf cient vigor and energy, has a long-lasting
effect. And that was their case, because the Anunnaki are like a huge factory for
ring thoughts and emotions with negative intent into human souls. It’s like
when they shoot a pendulum with a large range of motion to an extreme
position, it also takes a long time to come back.

Fake karma

We learn about our karma and events from past lives in various ways: dreams,
regression therapies, hypnosis, meditations, altered states of consciousness,
mental perceptions, extrasensory perception, there are many methods. None of
them gives a guarantee of truth. There are many purposeful manipulations,
almost every area of individual mystical perceptions and lower level phenomena
can be manipulated. However, this does not mean that everything is false,
because the Darkness will tap in and release poison into the information stream,
polluting its cognitive value. It’s not easy to separate the truth from it.
The Anunnaki, together with the mental archon entities and their superior
inspirational low vibrational etheric-subtle in uences, are the originators of all
evil. However, it is quite obvious, that since we gave them space for a long time
in our past existences, we strengthened the Evil and sawed the branch under us
on which we are now sitting. If no one paid attention to the potential of Evil, then
Evil could not grow and become stronger. If there is Good, then there is also its
opposite, Evil, in a balanced degree with Good. However, it remains
controversial to de ne what exactly Good and Evil are. A lot depends to the
context, sometimes even mild Evil has its meaning for the purpose of creative
knowledge. Therefore, if I mention the origin of Evil, then it is meant more on the
technical side of things.
We know little about our karma. It is not really clear, that we really deserved its
consequences to such an extent; and whether at all. It is very possible, that the
karma presented to us has a real basis, but is in ated to enormous proportions by
false gods. Or the karma has long since been atoned and settled, but the archon
entities and the Anunnaki constantly present it to us for “processing” through the
Matrix. They have a certain access to karmic records, which are stored at the
causal level, and they want to constantly submit them for processing by
“suffering law”. They have some access to human DNA modi cations, they use it
to mentally and emotionally manipulate various aspects of life. Their approach is
indirect, consisting of cursing and black magic, which the Arti cial Spirit of the
Matrix manifests for them. When a person accepts his Spirit as a guide on the
path of life, he gets rid of the harmful in uence of the Arti cial Spirit of the
Matrix and ceases to be a slave to karma. From karma, the spirit presents him
with only what needs to be settled and draws attention to what needs to be
The Anunnaki would like to punish humanity endlessly with suffering, diseases,
life’s miseries, so that they “as it were” karmically punish and “correct”. A lot of
karma is latent, it is still dormant, unmanifested, but when the time comes and
the Spirit or the Arti cial Spirit of Matrix pushes it to the forefront of your lives,

then the dark entities immediately join and annoy you with their harmful
interventions in something, they should not reach out. Their intention is not to
help in development, in creative knowledge; their intention is to plunder and
Karma is uncertain and therefore we have no choice but to deal with our words
and deeds in this life, what we have created, what has evolved from it, where we
have reached, what we have known and how we continue to act. It is also about
how we correct our past mistakes, which we know about because they happened
in this life and we remember them.
If information from our ancient past, our Shadows from past lives, comes to our
consciousness, directly or from someone connected to a higher consciousness, the
appropriate attitude would be not to reject them, but not to accept them either.
Both of these attitudes are extreme, and by anchoring them in our Self, we
develop beliefs about something that may not be true, or may not be true to the
extent that it was presented.
Acceptance and Rejection are both anchoring on opposite poles. Acceptance is
accepting the belief, that this is how it is, to the fullest extent. Rejection also
anchors because it can be a rejection of something, that may have the stamp of
truth. Anchoring can cause dark entities to attach, which then move into your
life, in uencing your thoughts and emotions and abusing your actions for their
own sel sh ends. They lie in wait like such predators, they have nothing else to
do, but track, spy on people, abuse information against them and to their
advantage and try to lure them into their trap, into a pit, from which it will not be
easy to climb up to the surface.
People do not undergo all their karma at once. If you think that none of the above
applies to you, know that you could be very wrong. Depression, mental
disorders, pain, various diseases, unfavorable life situations… all these are the
consequences of the action of your karma, be it false, disproportionate, or true. It
doesn’t have to be huge life events, it often happens rather inconspicuously and
slowly, until it turns in an unwanted direction.

Implanted memories

Memories from past lives that come to you in your dreams, you get to them
through channeling or extrasensory perception, can be arti cially implanted
memories from the common bag of memories of thought consciousness or from
the common causal dimension. It may simply be that some information about
your past lives and deeds may not be yours at all. If they are yours, then their
measure may be excessively in ated, the point of view of your deeds may be the
subjective view of a false, envious and insidious “god”. Sometimes there may be

something to that information, but the degree of its truthfulness and thus also the
justice of the consequences of those actions are questionable, to say the least.
Implantation of memories of past lives and thus of your karma is similar to when
you make a backup of your computer, a so-called backup to an external hard
drive; and then someone takes that drive, connects it to another computer, and
starts importing foreign les into it. These, after import, in a sense become the
other computer’s les yours, unless the latter detects them as closed and then
refuses to accept them into its system. Similar to the cases, when some secret
agents import child pornography to someones’ computer, in order to be found by
the police, to discredit someones’ oponent or take certain unwanted person to the
Memories from the past, whether they come directly to you or you go to someone
who has a connection to higher dimensions or beings, can be manipulated. The
Anunnaki and various entities are connected to a network of earthly sorcerers,
mages and gurus. However, I don’t mean to say that everyone of them is black
and dark. The world is not black and white, and especially our earthly world. It
is mixed and there are many shades between black and white, the purity of the
information of the “mediator” between the earthly and heavenly worlds depends
on the nobility of his intention and the evolutionary state of his soul. Many of us
in this eld do the best we can. It’s tiring, it’s challenging, and sometimes it’s
thankless. However, we do it because we are in it together and this is also the
way to contribute to the healing of souls, no excluding our own souls.

Slipping up

The Anunnaki sense that the end is coming, which would mean the end for them
as well. It is the end of the Earthly Knowledge and Development Cycle, which
includes the Great Dividing of Souls. The Big Dog shakes to shake off the eas
that are biting him and drinking his blood. He disinfects his body and cleanses
the eas through the extermination process in the channels of the dark infernal
underworld. The Anunnaki learned this from somewhere. They don’t have
information of this kind themselves, they are fed through mental entities into the
consciousness of the minds of people who have access to information from ON,
receive that information and then pass it off as their own. They pass them on, but
not in the original sense, but twisted and polluted.
The Anunnaki remember at least this and are looking for an “elevator” that
would effortlessly pull them up into the higher vibration of the New Earth. The
mental archon entities want to keep their host, which would provide them with a
background in the New World to live through. So that they will haunt him again,

spy on his memory, use the connection to his consciousness so that they can
tyrannize him over and over.
If at the end of the Cycle these parasites remain attached to “their” earthly or
astral hosts, they will probably pull each other down into the darkness. The
Anunnaki are therefore desperately trying to push their karma on earthly souls,
although in principle this is not even possible, as it would be a denial of universal
laws. The drowning man clings to the stalk, even if it does not save him. They
simply want to blame their karma on the people they overlooked, drain their
energy and then slip with them into a new Cycle, so that they can “live” with
them again, live through them, spy on them, tyrannize them and continue on
them to parasitize. Some Anunnaki masquerade as helpful “light” beings, but
their intent remains the same: to manipulatively make their way somewhere they
wouldn’t get to under normal fair circumstances.
Apparently, even that would not be possible, because “their” earthly host would
drag them down to the underworld under the weight of their karma one way or
another. Or they would download the host as long as it remained connected to
It follows that it is important for human souls to disconnect from the Anunnaki
as much as possible. How to do it? To be aware of your primordial Self, to
recognize what separates you from it, not to be subject to manipulative thoughts
and false emotions in relation to practically anything that occurs in life, especially
in partner, interpersonal relations. To live in justice, to creatively get to know
oneself, one’s surroundings and the universe. Last but not least, do not be subject
to manipulations from the inside or from the outside; the media, governments,
their pressure to incite war, vaccination, restriction of personal freedom and
integrity of the individual. Government of cials, royal families, many in uential
businessmen and even many ordinary people are so under the in uence of
archon entities, that they are practically their representatives on Earth, they are
agents of the dark power and many are even related to the Anunnaki by blood.
When someone wishes very much to gain knowledge about their ancient karma,
it may happen that the wish is intercepted by dark entities, or Anunnaki and
other beings under the in uence of Satan who will try to repay him for their own
karma. Like when a criminal manipulates evidence in court to get an innocent
person convicted of his own crime.

Hope and Universal Alignment

I especially draw attention to the negative, that we have in our lives so that we
can process it and get rid of the dark connections by getting to know our
Shadows. The positive will be revealed by removing the dark covering that

covers it. Therefore, we must know our enemy, which acts on our consciousness
from the outside and hides behind the causes of the state in which we nd
ourselves as individuals and as a whole. The worst parasite is not the tick or
leech attached to the body from the outside. Once the garment is removed, it can
be relatively easily exposed and removed. It is more dif cult with parasites that
have entered the human body and eat it from the inside.
But not all is so dark, for men have their own divine essence, which lies dormant
within the human soul, unless it has meanwhile awakened and begun to shine.
This essence of ours guides us, the individualized Spirit guides the soul on its
voyage down the river of life, as long as the soul allows it and frees itself from
the deceptive in uence of the Ego.
If there is something from righteous ancient karma, what the Spirit considers
necessary for the soul to process in this life, then it will be presented to the
prepared person for shaking in a mystical way so that one will not even know
how and will only open his eyes in amazement that something like this is also
If you understand and process it properly, you will get rid of the dark
attachments to those entities and false gods that you may have once accepted as
your own, and you will achieve the freedom and purity of true Being.

Entropy and being locked in a cube of self-will

The shadow consists of fragments of what a person was in the past, consists of
their raw karma. Under the in uence of the false Ego, the Soul avoids
recognizing its Shadow, which includes its past mistakes and failures when it
acted out of harmony with its divine nature.
The False Ego is essentially the summation of the consciousness of dark entities/
beings/demons/false gods that tap into a person’s consciousness, mind and
subtle bodies. Their intention is to manipulate him so that his Shadow manifests
in his consciousness disproportionately and excessively, so that karma manifests
excessively and for as long as possible, preferably to in nity. Moreover, they
want to show him what is not the Shadow of the soul at all. That which the soul
has nothing to do with. They want to capture the soul, they want to control it,
they want to parasitize on its energy until the soul becomes an empty container
without energy, so that it can then join them and become a parasite as well. To
expand the ranks of the damned until she scatters with them in the endless
Vanity of Transience.
When the soul accepts its Spirit to guide it on the path of life, the Spirit presents
its Shadow for processing, for recognition of its karmic records. It happens that
the soul refuses the help of the Spirit because, under the in uence of the Ego, it
does not want to be involved with its Shadow.
The Shadow is the real darkness of the soul that exists within its Self. If the
Shadow is processed, it essentially disappears, the karmic records are cleared,
and the dark entities then have nothing to feed on. They have no way of torturing
a person with psychological disorders, false emotions, manipulative thoughts, or
pains of the astral body. The shadow then exists only as a potential, as an empty
box, which is the balanced theoretical opposite to the Light of the soul. The
former Shadow remains as a memory that manifests itself to the soul as its
qualities rise to a higher level.
When the soul wants something other than what the Spirit presents to it; when
the soul wants to avoid the unpleasantness of its life; when he is not interested in
getting to know and solving his Shadow in the way of the Spirit, he sometimes
wants to introduce himself arti cially, by force, into a state of happiness and

contentment. For this, he uses techniques of autosuggestion, chanting, prayer,
meditation, and the like.
The desire for happiness and contentment is normal, but arti cially inducing
these states through various techniques can be questionable, to say the least. If
you really want something, you will probably get it. If you ever in this life, or in
one of the past lives, or especially between the lives, consciously and rmly
decided that you want to feel good always and under all circumstances, that you
want to be beautiful, satis ed and happy all the time, then maybe it will
happen. Such a rm and repeated decision can result in a long-term anchoring of
your Shadow in the soul.
The mental karmic state of the soul is usually represented in dreams by a house
or your apartment. Sometimes it’s your grandparents’ house, an apartment you
used to live in, a garage, a cellar, or an unknown shack, or a grand castle from the
past; it is the mental residence, the place where you lived in past lives, the place
where your story took place. It is the physical place representing your mind
where it all happens. It is a dream parable, symbolism. There are various things
in the house, apartment, there is furniture, closets full of clothes, there may be
sawdust on the oor, there may be cobwebs, lizards on the walls, the windows
are broken, the door is ajar, there are some people in the room, known or
unknown. It’s all dream symbolism, from which something can be read about
what kind of karma you carry from the past.
Locking yourself in positivity is sealing a karmic space from which you cannot
mentally move. Free space, nature, traveling in dreams is freedom, a journey
through life. If you often see apartments in your dreams, it means boundaries
and limitations.
Entropy represents the degree of disorder of a system. When you have a lot of
things stored in your dream room, representing your mental space, something is
damaged, broken, broken, or messy, it is a high entropy state. The entropy of an
isolated system can only grow, so the symbolic disorder in the room will only
produce its further growth. There is nothing to order the disorder because
darkness is an attribute of chaos.
A high degree of entropy of disorder naturally leads to chaos, but the global
system tends to balance. For this reason, locking oneself in positivity can lead to
later internal chaos and create conditions for the emergence of mental disorders.
It can also result in an unfavorable condition in the existence after this life,
because the karmic records remain unresolved there.
A person who wants to achieve a certain state of consciousness in an arti cial
way, voluntarily locks himself in a cage, in a cube that he himself created. From
the position of the observer, he gets into the position of the subject who is being

observed. Locking yourself down is the opposite of letting go. Locking is like
when you close yourself from the outside world to your apartment, to your
mental space, however luxurious and comfortable it may be. You stick your head
in the sand like an ostrich.
You will close the door and degrade yourself in your apartment, because you will
only be exposed to what you have determined, what you have decided to do. If
you lock your mental and karmic room, energy from the outside can’t get into it,
and energy can’t get out of the room either. You exhale air and your brain stops
working as it should. Energy does not enter the mental room, the light that
would bring knowledge does not shine there. Light is also energy. The energy
that remained there will gradually atrophy and degrade, the pendulum will sink
into the pit and probably stay there, because you have locked yourself in that pit
of arti cial, autosuggestion-generated pleasant feelings. Getting the pendulum
back up again can be a more dif cult process.
An example is the ”Positive Thinking” trend known from American motivational
courses, NLP neuro-linguistic programming, long-term visualizations,
af rmations, mantras and various other techniques. People will learn to think
positively and then they will enthusiastically positively “wow that's great” over
every nonsense that comes their way in life. Everything will be amazing, wow
and cool. If they constantly repeat it to themselves, they will suggest it to
themselves and it will get into their blood so that they will not be able to get rid
of it. It will stick with them, maybe even for the rest of their lives. Be careful with
such techniques, because far from everything in earthly life is wonderful, wow,
cool, not everything is unconditional love and endless guardianship of angels.
You can recognize people impregnated with arti cial positivity quite easily, by
their glassy look in their eyes, constant arti cial smile and slightly idiotically
soulful, autistic expression on their face.
The second possibility is that someone rings the bell in your mental apartment
and you open the door. You get the opportunity to bring the visitor in, listen to
them, and then go out with them, into the in nite space of free being.

Don’t write anything, don’t tell anyone, don’t help

“In the end, there are only two kinds of people: those who say to God: “Thy will be
done” and those to whom God nally says: “Thy will be done”. All of you who are
in hell, it was your choice. Without self-choice, there could be no hell. No soul that
earnestly and constantly desires joy, will ever miss it. Who searchs, that nds. It is
opened to those who knock.” —CS Lewis, The Great Divorce, ch. 9

A summary of my “one-way” unvolluntary channeling from the Mesopotamian

Anunnaki, slightly edited for clarity, from 2021-2022:

“Keep everything a secret, because no one should know anything about what god
is, the universe, how it manifests itself, how it works, and nothing at all about the
fact that you humans are all prisoners, you are sheep, you are cattle for sucking
and nally to the slaughterhouse. All the people there on Earth are opponents of
God, you are proponents of Satan, you are all controlled by US, because WE are
the ones who know everything, WE are the ones who prophesy absolutely
everything. WE prophesied the religions of Yahweh, Muhammad and others,…
through the Romans we cruci ed Jesus…. it was all OUR insinuations into the
minds of those who made it happen… Don’t help anyone because WE want to join
in, screw it up, drain the energy of grace from everyone WE can. WE only need the
slightest reason, and if there is no reason, WE will invent one. WE manipulate it
to be OUR way. WE don’t want love, WE don’t want god, WE just want OUR
god and that is Satan. You should speak and write only what WE tell you into
your consciousness, in OUR language, to pass it on to other people, so that it will
be so. If you tell them about US, about what WE think and what WE mean, but in
your way, WE will destroy you, kill you, WE would like to, but WE can’t. You are
not to help anyone, all people are opponents of god,… no ON has ever been here, it
is just such a small point, it is weak… you are not to like anyone, you are to be
alone to deal only with US. You are not supposed to like anyone from earthlings,
you are not supposed to help anyone, you are supposed to help only US, you are

supposed to like only US, you are supposed to rid US of OUR karma and take it
upon yourself… Then WE will destroy you and drain you of the energy. WE hate
all Earthlings, so WE hate you because you have something we don’t have, you
have the power to create, you have God, WE envy you… WE want to kill you all,
harvest you when the time comes, WE want your energy, WE want to drag you
down to hell so that WE they could deal with you there… WE in uence the
consciousness of all people to block them from knowing the truth, WE implanted
them to be so…, in the astral world WE have programmed porn, addictions and
many other things into your DNA so that WE they could punish you under the
pretext of not obeying the commandments of God, which WE also prophesied to
you,… WE prophesied them in such a way as to make them dif cult to obey, WE
make all your relationships where love exists… WE curse humanity… it has been
like this since ages… OUR Ni they are, those earthly elites, WE don’t like them,
WE don’t want to deal with them, because WE are afraid of who is behind them,
who they favor. WE don’t want to deal with them, WE go after those people WE
overlooked, even if it has nothing to do with their karma, WE don’t care, WE will
accuse them even without evidence… Nippo, Nippo, give mi ON…, WE want to
rob you of the energy of grace… WE go after those who have the most energy of
grace, from the others WE would just extract the plague of Satan. WE envy people
because they have everything and WE have nothing… WE are hungry, WE are
hungry, WE want to eat, WE want to eat, WE want meat… WE know WE will go
to the Hell, I don’t care, I will drag all Ni to the Hell, of all the other gods from
Nippur and also the day laborers who obey OUR commands… Nothing pleasant,
nothing pleasant…” – Ni of Nippur (Enki)

The above is a compilation of literal Anunnaki quotes, translated into

understandable language and paraphrased. It is described attitude of the false
gods, the Mesopotamian Anunnaki, their related beings and the mental archon
entities that interact with them. It is their attitude towards people bringing
knowledge that is not “approved” by the Archon Anunnaki. The Anunnaki are
apparently connected by millennia of co-operation with their earthly avatar elites
and religious/spiritual gurus, who (un)consciously co-operate with them.
It is a prophesied mind, translated to the form of words, it is mind-to-mind
telepathy, where is nothing to hide. That’s telepathy, it’s open mind on both sides.
However, the Spirit controls the ow of information. In this way, they also
disclosed what they normally wouldn’t. They wanted to spy in my mind and

they got spyed too. As is usual and I emphasize this often, the coin has two sides
and the coin of the “gods” is already turned upside down.
For false gods – Anunnaki guardians and their earthly lackeys, knowledge of the
truth is a stumbling block. Conscious knowledge leads to the spiritual elevation
of people and their subsequent rebellion against the self-proclaimed “rulers” of
this world. It leads to the rejection of their “leading” role on Earth.
A similar suppression of the knowledge of the truth is also happening on the
earthly level, you well remember the frenzied wave of censorship that appeared
during the Covid epidemic. Suppression of opponents of of cial views by
politicians, media, activists and other helpers of Darkness; shutting down
websites of alternative news outlets, anti-government, anti-American, anti-
vaccination, anti-war views. It is obvious whose agenda these earthly activists
and politicians are ful lling. Both above and below.
Many people have chosen their side through their long-term activities. Some the
Light Side and others the Dark Side. Ni does not want to allow souls who have
chosen the Light side to join it and disconnect from Ni. They don’t want to let
them go, because souls from the Light side have the most of the energy of grace
at their disposal, and they don’t want to give it up for anything, it’s literally
about their neck.
They especially attack Light Souls, they annoy them in every possible way and
try to harm them, hoping that the arch-Diablo would praise them in front of the
started tank. If, say, the Light human soul helps other people, then they send
dark energies, astral monsters after her to annoy her, to frighten her, or otherwise
harm her. They want to force the soul to give in to fear and stop performing its
(perhaps) meritorious activity. Their frequent excuse is that all people are corrupt
opponents of God and such should not be helped. At the same time, they do not
know anything about it, they do not have access to such information, they only
see some of their spoken words and performed deeds, which they pulled from
their memory and even they cannot properly explain. They don’t know what
love is and in general they don’t understand people at all. They only know some
dark sides of the human soul, and they want to feed on them constantly, even if
the human soul clearly rejects them consciously. The Ni (Anunnaki, archons,
mental entities,…) poke their nasty snout into all human affairs, but especially
into the souls in which their divine essence is manifested.
False gurus are mostly let by the ruling elites and their common lackeys of
various types to live as they wish. Depending on who is in their favor. The devil
gives them what they want until he takes them down there to his world.
As above as below. The micro world is re ected in the macro world. What is
above is similar to what is below, and what is below is similar to what is above.

The opening of the consciousness of human souls and the acquisition of
knowledge is an important milestone in the ascension of a certain whole, those
souls who are on the path of discovering their true origin.

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and
change the end.” — CS Lewis

Reconnect with your divine soul

“The legal formalism says that God will love us if we change. The Gospel says that
God will change us because he loves us.” —Tullian Tchividjian

Both are valid. It is also true that God will give everyone what he wants. It is also
true that ON Momo (love and desire for knowledge) in the Unity of the Supreme
Lord contains the null seed of its opposites; however, opposites develop in dual
planes, Heavenly Love develops into Infernal Hate, just as Hot Emotion develops
into the opposite Cold Intellect. What kind of love a person shows and sends,
that is what he will receive. A human soul that has darkness in itself can only
give such love that will also contain darkness in itself, in its various
manifestations. A polluted soul can only show polluted love, and in the end, it
will be returned.

“Everything is double, everything has two poles, everything has its opposite.
Similar and dissimilar things are the same, opposites have the same essence and
differ only in form…”

Self love

Self-love in its purest form is the inde nable love of one’s divine nature; it’s
when you recognize the value of who you are at your core. It is related to self-
observation and self-knowledge in relation to life experiences, acquired
interactions in relationships with other human souls. Self-love also means respect
for oneself in the sense of: “I like myself and therefore I do not intend to deal
with people who do not adequately reciprocate my relationship with them”.
Self-love in its distorted form is narcissistic love for one’s Ego. It is this kind of
self-love that creates the impression of external perfection and hides the inner
feeling of emptiness. A conceited person typically shows an excessive, even
unhealthy interest in himself and his external appearance, and instead of giving
love, he mainly needs to receive it.


Love is a powerful sorceress, it will drive the clouds back into darkness and scare
the vampires away from your doorstep. When the going gets tough, he’ll be there
for you, the force that binds the Two and cleanses their soul with the mighty ame
of love borrowed from God.

Life is interspersed with our decisions about whether to continue and in what
way. Life is a walk in the desert day and night, in the hot sun and in the dark, a
path lined with so many dead. But the heart still beats and emphasizes that I am
still alive, step by step, every day. Love is both a re and a guide, it’s a reason to
live life, it brightens the loneliness we carry with us as we ounder alone on lost
islands. Without love, nothing has meaning and no pleasure is real.
The inner awareness of one’s relationship to one’s divine nature, to God,
manifests itself in one’s relationship with other people. At the highest level, it is
partnership relations. In the man-woman relationship, the highest principle of
the Creator manifests itself on the earthly plane, and that is Heavenly Love,
mixed with a certain admixture of Vanity. It serves for mutual mirroring and co-
creates an evolutionary environment for creative knowledge.
A sense of loving relationship develops when we align ourselves with the truth.
Love is inherently beautiful, but also complex and mysterious. Although love is
dif cult to de ne, the list of its features is long. Love affects all aspects of human
being. True love is a powerful medicine. Healthy relationships will help protect
against disease, refresh the body and revive the soul in the face of illness.
Without loving relationships, people cannot ourish, even if all their basic needs
are met. Lost love is one of the strongest forms of stress and trauma. The causes
and effects of love, or the lack thereof, are based on something mysterious that
operates largely outside the level of human consciousness.

Connect with your divine soul

In order to connect with your divine soul, you must go to the source of your pain,
the root causes of it, to recognize the inconsistencies of your Shadows and to
repair your darkness that separated you from your lost love. You probably lost
someone valuable on your life’s journey, because you got stuck on the way to
many darknesses. What you have lost is the love of your divine nature.
The Unity of the Supreme Lord is the highest divine aspect of the soul, it
contains two basic motives for the existence of souls: Love and Creative
Knowledge. If you deviated in a diametrically different direction from the
original Creator’s intentions with your actions, the divine essence of your soul

also deviated from your direction in another direction. She simply moved away
from you, or completely left. Through distorted beliefs, the Shadow reinforces
this image by disrupting the state of your soul; during her life’s pilgrimages, she
reached a state that made it impossible for her to function normally. Without
removing old beliefs and correcting them, trying to return to your inner god is
like trying to return home after being away for a long time only to nd that your
key no longer ts the same door lock. The key has grown thick and the door to
the gate of heaven cannot be opened. The healing of the soul means a return to
wholeness, a return to the lost one with whom you were at the beginning of your
journey; enriched with knowledge and learning from experience.

The heart opens the gates of heaven and the word
opens the gates of hell

Now everything comes full circle. You are created by God, the one who creates
everything from nothing. Maybe you’ve fallen for the basic art of words, like
me. The art is to write creatively and the art is also to read correctly. Correct
reading is not only a mechanical mental perception of the word, it is
also contemplation on the word and capturing the messages of the Spirit, which,
in addition to slow reading, gives us intuition. Of course, as long as it is a suitable
word, a suitable writer and as long as the reader is also suitable.
Perhaps you are a threat to the people around you with the tool of the word in
your hand. Either as a writer or as a reader. It is not for nothing that the history of
persecution of poets and writers of truth is full of book burnings. Censorship is
also currently undermining freedom of speech, the press, and the internet, and it
criminalizes “inappropriate” speech and its authors. Even the read word is a
dangerous weapon, because it turns the reader’s consciousness in a different
direction than would be desired by those, who oppose the heart of the mind with
the word of falsehood, betrayal and manipulation.
The tool of word can be a healing artifact, but it can also be a dangerous and
insidious weapon. A word is concrete, it is an expression of an idea and can be
expressed through creative multiplicity. The written word is a static expression of
an idea on some medium, it is a text on paper, the web; both the image and the
photograph can also be an expression of the word in a certain way. In extreme
cases, the word opens the gates of hell, because if it is too far from the heart, it
does not have the energy of the feeling of the Heart, but carries with it a vain
energy that is the opposite of Love.
The brain has two hemispheres – right and left. People with a dominant
preference for using the left half of the brain are more analytical, logical, oriented
to details, facts and gures, think more in words. On the other hand, people
with a dominant right brain hemisphere are creative, intuitive, free-thinking, are
able to see the big picture, are better at visualizing than just thinking in words.
The Heart is at the right pole (right half) and the Word is at the opposite left pole
(left half of the brain). The brain is a complex organ with many parts and
functions. The left and right sides of the brain work differently and are

responsible for different bodily processes. The distribution of these processes can
vary between people. For example, the left side of the brain is primarily
responsible for the language and communication in most right-handed people,
while it is less common in those who are left-dominant. While the two halves of
the brain have different functions, people do not have a dominant side that
in uences their personalities and behavior, as if they only had one half. The
halves of the brain are interconnected and work together.
Word is necessary for growth and knowledge, just as carbon from CO2 is
necessary for plant growth. An analogy to the Word let us is photosynthesis,
considered the most important process on Earth from the point of view of the
existence of current life. During photosynthesis, organic substances are created,
which plants consume in their nutrition. Photosynthesis has a light phase, during
which the received energy of light radiation is changed into chemical bond
energy in the cells of plants and algae. In the dark phase of photosynthesis,
carbon is changed from carbon dioxide to organic carbohydrates. Natural laws
are a re ection of heavenly laws. Natural processes have nothing to do with the
earthly Matrix, for they are a direct re ection of the primordial etheric patterns
on the earthly plane.
Carbon from photosynthesis is like the Word we all need for life. For the carbon
of the Word to be used for growth, it should be spoken with the light radiation of
the Heart. However, the heart here is not meant to be an extremely loving kind
confusion. It is the Spiritual Heart that, when married to the Enlightened Mind,
the Word is usable for growth when the word falls on the fertile soil of the human
soul, to someone who has the foresight to associate the Spiritual Heart with the
Enlightened Mind. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter. The Dark Word should be used
consciously and to an appropriate degree in connection with the Light of the
Carbon turns into diamond under high pressure and high temperature.
Therefore, even the Word, when it is re ned enough, can be sharp, clear and at
the same time hard as a diamond. It can be used to grind your key that has
grown too thick and won’t t into the heavenly gate you would like to unlock.
The written word is, in a certain sense, trickier than the spoken word. What is
once written “on paper” will remain there until the paper is removed. An
example is short text messages in chats and social networks, which can cause
misunderstandings and then negatively affect interpersonal relationships. The
positive or negative energy behind the text may not be completely clear and
understandable due to the brevity of the message. For this reason, the missing
energy that would induce the desired emotional state, whether true or false, is
more or less unsuccessfully replaced by emoticons.

The written word carries with it the stamp of the situation and its emotional
context. For this reason, for example, when ending a toxic relationship, it is
advisable to get rid of documents and photos related to it. Also other things,
because otherwise old wounds could open up even if we casually look at the
documents, they are mini portals through which you can experience energy
draining when diving into old nostalgia and torn moments of memories related
to a canceled relationship.
The title of this chapter is also a slogan, because if it is taken out of the context of
its content, it can appear similarly manipulative and misleading, like a short text
message or a meme. Therefore, it is important to explain in an appropriate way in
a written speech, not to leave the misunderstood message as it is and to
supplement it with the spoken word, of course, if we care about the recipient of
the message.
The spoken word in direct personal communication in physical presence is a
much more direct way of communication, because in direct transmission the
word is connected with the sending of an energy packet that conveys the
emotional or emotional intention of the sender of the word to its receiver. There is
a more present heart that complements the word, emotional bodies meet in
personal contact and their energies communicate with each other on an
unconscious level. At even closer contact, astral bodies also communicate with
each other, and at closer contact, physical bodies also communicate. Energy
exchange takes place on several levels, which is why it is not for nothing that
they say “be careful who you let into your body”. When conscious human souls
communicate with each other, their communication with the Word of the Heart is
the purest and most effective way of understanding.
The spoken word provides the speaker with more options for twisting, walking
around the hot mess, disguising, manipulating combinations of words – senses,
nonsense, and double senses, together with the trained facial expressions of the
poser, on the other hand, it is also accompanied by body language, visual
references and the interplay of the situation with the present circumstances; this
together forms a mixture that, although available to everyone, will only help a
perceptive and attentive listener to better understand the hidden references
pointing to the true essence of the matter; which together will enable us to look
into the depths of the character of the speaker, to recognize the color of the spirit
behind him and to nd out his true intention.

Too open Third Eye chakra

The third eye chakra (Ajna chakra in Sanskrit) is the sixth of the seven main
energy centers in the body, and its functionality can profoundly affect
psychological and mental health and, as a result, physical health. Ajna is
essentially a portal between the physical world perceived by the senses and the
“spiritual” world of other dimensions perceived supersensibly. It allows us to see
behind the curtain, beyond what our senses, our physical eyes see.
The Ajna Chakra is located between the eyebrows, above the nose in the middle
of the forehead. Her color is indigo (a mixture of the deepest blue and violet) and
her symbol is an inverted triangle in a circle and a lotus ower. Ajna is connected
to the pineal gland, it is an endocrine gland that produces the hormone
melatonin and DMT, which contains, for example, ayahuasca or LSD.

Duch Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca is a powerful Spirit; which bypasses the consciousness of the Arti cial
Spirit from the higher levels, leaving aside the archon mental parasites who try to
constantly harass and terrorize people with their manipulative nature; Ayahuasca
mediates something, the direct contact of a person with his Spirit, which shows
him what ON considers appropriate for that person in that particular situation;
or at a stage on the spiritual path. Someone’s inner demons who show him some
of his raw karma; for another, a live encounter with religious gures, and for
someone, nothing at all. For some, the sensations of astral hallucinatory visions
will come into consciousness, for some, even deep sensations of immense
intensity and a transfer of consciousness to a higher dimension, all given in such
an impressive and at the same time informative way that it obviously bears the
handwriting of genius and the seal of ON. Many traitors try to make Ayahuasca
impossible; mostly those who have never tried it and don’t even know what it is
about. They classify it as an illegal substance and criminalize its use. Apparently
there are forces that don’t like it; those “elites” from this world and also those
miserable parasites from “higher” (but actually from very low) spheres who
manifest through them.
The spiritual molecule, as the active substance of Ayahuasca Dimethyl-
tryptamine is sometimes called, is produced in limited quantities in the human

body, in the pineal gland called the Third Eye, supports dreams and the
perception of astral or mystical phenomena. The main ingredient in the
preparation of Ayahuasca is the liana, that is, a plant rope growing on trees, it is a
rope on which you can climb; it grows and pulls from top to bottom and can
momentarily pull us up from below, from lower earthly spheres to higher ones.
What a tting symbolism, isn’t it. For comparison, Psilocybin is from lysohlavok,
which are mushrooms that grow underground.
Ayahuasca is not a drink for regular use or for festive moments. It has its place, in
due time for the Prepared; when Ayahuasca ful lls its role and when the one to
whom the Spirit gives a helping hand through Ayahuasca will use His help as he
should. Then it can be a signi cant push forward in spiritual evolution.
When someone abuses Ayahuasca for sensual pleasure and intoxication, it does
not pay off; because her Spirit may then show its back to him in the form of
various fascinating hallucinatory sensations which may not have a full- edged
meaning; not to mention the potential negative effects on health or psychological
state. ON’s loving knowledge then turns into Vanity, it’s a waste of ON’s precious
Grace; which manifests itself in Ayahuasca as an artful combination of astral
sensations, mental states, etheric uid and something else, and thus ON is Momo
in various aspects of ON. Ayahuasca has virtually no intoxicating effects, except
for a slightly elevated feeling of a break from ordinary life, a short recreation of
lying in a cradle rocked by ON while the angels sing. For some, however, the
Spirit will prepare a completely different theater, full of horror and terror. To
everyone, what belongs to him from his Spirit within his stage on the spiritual
Ayahuasca has its origins in the ancient past, many thousands of years back
somewhere in the beginnings of the ancient Mu civilization, Ayahuasca was
already here, accessible to people so that they could connect with (their) ON and
obtain stimuli for spiritual upliftment. Someone arranged for plants to grow here
from which Ayahuasca can be made, someone brought here a recipe for how to
make it and how to apply it. And that someone was some kind of ON Helper,
because he apparently meant to offer help to people he thought were Ready,
groping in the darkness of dense matter, lost, unable to nd their way out of the
labyrinth of uncertainty. He wanted to help them mediate a whisperer, who
would whisper to them in a dreamlike way a certain hint about what ON was
presenting to them, what they could deal with. It went wrong and Ayahuasca
had already become a subject of mass abuse, many people drank it for its
intoxicating effects, it was widely available like Coca-Cola and instead of using
ON Grace for something meaningful, they gradually became stupid and
aggressive., when someone wanted to deny it to them.

There is probably nothing like Ayahuasca on Earth nowadays. There was more in
the past, but that is gone, it has been lost somewhere, and as long as the
decimation of the Amazon forests continues, Ayahuasca will also be lost and
those Curanderos who knew how to convey its healing help to others in a fair
way will also disappear. Because it is all ON who provides help in various ways,
through nature, other people, helpful Spirits, directly, and otherwise. Help can be
used with gratitude, giving something back to ON who provides it; however, it
can also be misused or despised with its help. Then ON turns away and takes
back the help; or will provide it again, but in a different way.

Blockades of the third eye

It may happen that at a certain stage of your spiritual development you begin to
see triangles with your third eye and this may be an indication that something is
happening with your third eye. Another sign can be vibrations, it feels like
pressure, twisting, as if someone is pressing on your third eye in a circular
motion, or gently drilling into it. An open sixth chakra is also a manifestation of
vivid vivid dreams, astral travel to other dimensions, seeing phenomena, various
movies, mental images, visualization at a distance, seeing fantastic scenes and
extremely vivid colors with closed eyes or with open eyes.
The degree of opening of the third eye is given to people in different degrees for
certain reasons. Someone has their third eye closed and perceives the physical
world mainly through the senses. For some people, the third eye opens
spontaneously and they begin to see much more through it than before, and this
can be a helpful manifestation of their Spirit, which will show it to them as part
of the knowledge on the path of their spiritual evolution. Or it can be part of the
genetic setting, related to the mission of the soul to obtain in this way helpful
useful information for itself and to help other people. At the same time, it can
also be a karmic consequence of situations and events from past lives in which
people used clairvoyant perception in disagreement with their Spirit, with their
primordial mission.
It can happen that someone has a too open third eye. The sixth chakra is
hyperactive and this can be manifested by various physical problems, vision
problems, headaches, insomnia, or sleep disorders. Non-physical symptoms of
overactivity in the third eye chakra include dif culty concentrating, anxiety,
depression, mental fog, paranoia. In extreme cases, it can be hallucinations,
disorientation, or amazement with a diffuse intense perception of existence in
another reality. This can cause a lot of psychological and psychological
dif culties. When the Ajna energy center is in full swing, you may feel lost in an
endless stream of phantasmagorical visions, or bombarded with meaningless

mental information without knowing what it means or what its purpose is. An
overactive third eye can knock you off your feet and completely change how you
experience life. Being too immersed in the world of fantasy can result in losing
your contact with reality, being overly anxious or afraid of the phantasmagorical
visions that pass before your mind’s eye, the inability to distinguish between
reality, dreams and imagination.
Trying to open your third eye by force can pose signi cant risks, as in more
extreme cases it can lead to mental disorders, paranoia and schizophrenia. There
are many techniques and options for opening your third eye, the motivations are
often different. It can be a desire to know the mysterious world of higher
dimensions, or a strong desire for excellence and to acquire undeserved
extraordinary abilities that you would not be entitled to with normal abilities.
When you manage to open your third eye and achieve what you wanted, it is
usually not of much use, because if you can’t properly explain the meaning of
many phenomena obtained by the third eye and you don’t understand them,
then it is basically of no use to you. As a result, you see only a fascinating,
interesting lm of “hallucinogenic” scenes. One can become intoxicated with
them and acquire a false sense of their exceptional spiritual maturity, and this is
the intention of the Ego.
For dark entities, an open third eye is an attraction, because they will probably
want to connect to it, poison the soul and spoil the desired effect of the
information obtained by the third eye. Visions mediated by the third eye are also
neon advertising, a lure that lures potential customers to an astral-mental Las
Vegas, where people can lose a lot and where they can lose themselves. It is a
detour from the spiritual path that leads them to the dead end of a false spiritual
The force that transforms such excessive desire into actions leading to the violent
opening of the third eye can be the Ego. The dark entities of the Matrix, archons
connected with astral beings, are most likely behind the Ego. Their intention is to
drive a person into unfavorable conditions and psychological suffering, with the
aim of tapping into the human soul, controlling its consciousness and draining
the person of the energy of grace and possibly possessing him. The intention of
the Dark Side is to lure people away from the spiritual path, it is their effort to
connect and stay connected so that they can connect to a person in the same way
in the following lives. However, for the human soul, it can also be a result of her
own past deeds, because sometime long ago she may have opened her third eye
in order to deal with, for example, magic. Such deeds then become the trigger for
the ever-turning wheel of karma; a person is repeatedly driven into similar
situations generating problematic lives and psychological suffering.

Atlantean origin of the Earth Angels

“Zeus brought Apollo down to Earth into slavery, and that’s why the angels are
here on Earth, albeit with broken wings.”

Ancient Greek fables are full of symbolism bearing signs of the ancient common
past of humanity, gods and angels. There is no god on Earth in the sense of a
single being who rules everything on the earthly level. Even on the higher level
of the Matrix, there is no earthly god, although there would be efforts to do so.
There are only mental archon entities and Anunnaki – psychopathic astral beings
who have been playing false “gods” for millennia. Their tool was black magic
and their motive was the sum of all possible negative qualities. They rst played
at false “angels” and then also at “false” gods.
The issue of earthly angels cannot be understood without our return to the
memory of human history taking place in ancient civilisations like Mu, Atlantis,
Lemuria, Hyperborea and others. The Orion Atlantis was the developmental
stage of the Cycle in which human souls, helpers of the Lord of Spirits,
accumulated much karma. A lot. A lot, a lot of energy of grace was wasted or
wasted for the sake of magic and spells. The great pyramids of Egypt were built
by the utterance of a magical formula by someone who had the means to do so in
Atlantis. They were built by ipping ethereal mental patterns into the magical
astral plane, where powerful astral beings built them with the power of mind
consciousness, inspired by the knowledge of ethereal angelic in uences.
Immediately afterwards, the pyramids were materialized on a physical level.
Many pyramids and other structures exist on Earth, but few are visible to the
public. And now we are here again and do a “magic” again. Many of us have
been together for millennia, now in new clothes, all the Atlantean wizards are
somewhere around here. They deal with the same thing again and again, only in
a different way and (hopefully) with a different intention. Some rise and others
fall, the abyss of Tartaros opens and deepens. The parties will become even more
divided. Everything has its causes and they have their consequences. Atlantis
and the conditions set with it were caused and related to the phase of the
Development Cycle that preceded it and that was the Pleiadian dimension.

Why are earthly angels? Because if they are on the ascendant route for long
enough, then the helpful intuitive in uence of the primal archetypal angels from
the level of Grace, which is far above the Matrix, will come into their
consciousness and that in uence will become predominant. Spirit and archetypal
patterns of Soul Nature work in them. Light angels radiate and act from the level
of Grace mysteriously through intuition, more gently, even emphatically, or
through the Matrix. Fallen angels are concreted in a low level of subtle astral
matter, solid enough to keep them there, already with no option to rise higher. If
the earthly angel has moved too far from his Center through his deeds, it may
happen, that he ips over to the dark side to the fallen angels. In short, it may not
be such a problem if he listens to the symbolic admonition of his Spirit, or
another earthly angel, through whom the Spirit speci cally speaks to him in
order to understand something. If that happens, he will return to the bright side
with a piece of new knowledge. That too is creative knowledge.
Orion’s Atlantis was a magical place between the astral and physical planes of
being. Black wizards fought against white wizards. Some white wizards
admonished the black ones, but it got nowhere, because admonishing a black
magician covered with the mold of Satan is useless. Some other white wizards
lost their temper, because they found out, that the evil did not leave. They fought
against the black magicians in various ways, cast spells on them and also worked
on them with magic, with the intention that they would stop them spreading and
doing Evil.
There are angels among people here. They are physical people, with having
consciousness at a higher level than others have. Due to the age of their souls,
their acquired experience and merits, they were given the opportunity to create
reality differently a long time ago. In the Atlantean civilization, sorcerers used
their abilities in various ways. Some “created” by incantation with black magic,
because they did not know otherwise and this was the easiest way. They conjured
arti cial tin wings so they could pretend to be angels. From today’s point of view,
it would probably look quite comical, like someone playing Batman. But it was a
vile gang of insidious advocates of Satan. They were false angels, it wasn’t
enough for them and so many of them later developed into false Anunnaki gods.
Basically, they were and still are the same. Someone called them ”Wing Makers”
and meant something noble by that name, but the reality was, as usual, different.
They were astral aliens, former earthlings, also known as Anunnaki of various
origins. If the dark Anunnaki did not have the ability to “create” with magic, they
lured the light angels with promises and they then joined the side of Darkness. In
Atlantis, the in ltrators used tactics known even from the present. They attacked
the weak points of light sorcerers, they lured their former enemies into the dark
places through the scheming geishas portaled by the porn of Satan. Even then,

the Dark Ones were connected to the Devil, who gave them the ability to
in uence target persons through emotions and “hypnotic” mental stimuli.
The mission of angels has always been helpful activity and mediation of
knowledge to other human souls. From the high levels of being, the inspirational
radiation of archangelic beings ows from the Source, and this manifests to some
extent in their earthly counterparts. Some of the earthly angels speak with the
Word of the Heart, and others speak with manipulative Word od Devil. One tells
in word and in writing about the knowledge he has arrived at; another Light
angel talks through the images of angel gurines and mandalas he lovingly
created. Another makes drums and shamanic instruments that release evil spirits
and dark energies; or creates oracle balls that eventually summon dark spirits
and bad energies, consciously or unconsciously. Another one interprets angel
cards and tells people what they need to hear. What if the link isn’t completely
clean? All of them are the Thoughts of the Supreme Lord, transformed by clones
and mutations of various forms, because ultimately it depends on the character
of the person, the inner purity and the intention of the earthly angel who speaks
with the Word of the Heart and thereby helps. It is necessary to choose from the
helpful Word, what intuitively ts. If something is wrong with his activity, his
Spirit will warn him through intuition, through dreams, or through his physical
or psychic body. If an earthly angel has the ability to look inside himself and a
sincere effort to get rid of bad habits and his false beliefs, he will adjust his
activity and nd out by self-observation how his Spirit answers him.
Earthly angels complement each other and work together in a certain way, they
do not argue about who is right, even if their level of knowledge and eld of
action is different. It is a jigsaw puzzle of the creativity of knowledge, because
they work together and at the same time separately and in different ways. This is
the difference with the extreme fallen dark angels. The hordes of these
proponents of Satan ock to the earthly bright angels like the Tatars to the Slavic
Earth. They are led by one leader, a common ideology, which is just a Word
without a Heart. A word without a Heart leads to the channel of the gate of
hell. The leader of the horde sometimes pretends to be an enlightened lord, but
his light is radioactivity.

There is a wide range of Grays between the Light and Dark Earth Angels.
However, there is a boundary that divides the gray spectrum into two parts: Light
and Dark. Angels lean towards one side or the other and thus de ne who they
belong to.

The assistants of the Supreme Lord are bright earthly angels, old human souls,
who ght inside and outside with the same thing over and over again. They

carry with them the synonymous seal of Apollo, Hermes, Artemis and other
gures of the Greek pantheon to remind us that nothing just happens. Both above
and below, history repeats itself in variations. The word of the earthly angels is
connected with the Heart, but the ways in which they work are different, they are
different. So it is all right, because Creative Knowledge is the intention of the
Supreme Lord if it is guided by Heavenly Love with a measure of its opposite
aspects. Earth angels are also dealing with their karmic debts, because apparently
they failed all the tests in the past. Now is the opportunity for them to come to
some knowledge of their Shadows.
Identity on the side of the Grace of the Lord of Spirits is individual; creative
knowledge is realized mainly individually, but also together, for example in a
pair of karmic relationships. Helpers of the Lord of Spirits have individual
characteristics, they are united by a common purpose, and thus the evolution of
their souls is a path of creativity and love together. It is better to ignore the fallen.
They are too deep in the swamp and they are drowning in it. If you wanted to
pull them out, they would pull you down with them and you would sink
together. Earth angels help in different ways, some of their actions cause negative
karma, the consequence of other actions are bright evolutionary records with the
Lord of Spirits. Light angelic helpers help others and at the same time resolve
their own karma to nally ful ll their “magical” helping activity from the past. In
Atlantis, a knight on a horse with a sword called his followers to ght against the
Darkness. This time, however, it is not the place to just physically eliminate the
Darkness, but especially to show the direction to those who ON wants to hear
with the Ear of the Word and see with the Eye of the Heart.

Higher Self and Lower Self – beware of the white

“If you know the enemy and yourself, you will not be defeated. If you don’t know
the enemy, but you know yourself, you have a 50% chance of victory. If you don’t
know yourself or the enemy, you will lose.” —Sun Tzu

We can know our enemy only if we know ourselves. There is no other way,
because if we don’t know ourselves, we won’t know if someone is introducing
false perceptions into our consciousness. If we accept them, we gain a false
knowledge of the enemy and may mistake him for a friend. We have to nd out
who inside us is pushing us the perceptions from which we nally interpret some
knowledge, for example about our enemy, about our friend, or about someone
whom we consider to be someone in our favor. We have to nd out what those
sensations are supposed to tell us and for what purpose. We must verify their
credibility and truthfulness.
First, we have to read the perception correctly, then interpret it correctly, and then
the perception becomes information. We have to put together the information
correctly with other related information. We assemble partial knowledge like a
puzzle and then verify it in real life situations, to see if it is con rmed or not and
with what result. Then we’ll see where it all leads us.
Information from the spiritual realms must somehow reach the consciousness of
a person, the human soul. What are the options? In what way do extrasensory
perceptions reach our consciousness? Who or what is giving us the information?
There are many questions, but there are also many answers, although perhaps
not completely direct, but those that show us the way to get to know someone or
something that sends informational sensations to us through various channels in
our own interior :
- Thoughts
- Thought feelings
- Feeling thoughts
- Voices in the head
- The voice in the heart chakra

- Feeling voices
- Emotions and emotional feelings on different chakras
- Physical sensations on the body (tearing, prickling, freezing, tingling, vibrating
sensations in different parts of the body)
- Mental pictures and movies
- Astral images, projection
- Dreams
- Astral travel
- Lucid dreams
- Spirits of the dead
- Intuitive perceptions
- Words and actions of other people directed at us (sometimes also at others,
which we witness); and our extrasensory responses to them
- Life situations that lead us somewhere and maybe teach us something; and our
extrasensory responses to them
- Synchronicity, special phenomena, “coincidences” and coincidences; and our
extrasensory responses to them
- Various combinations and variations of the above
The perceptions received through these channels come from different levels and
from different entities/beings. Sometimes they come directly from the upper
levels above the Matrix and sometimes indirectly from the lower ones. It is
usually mixed, and therefore the division below serves only as a simpli ed
illustration of the complexity of informational perceptions arriving in human

Black Serpent (devil-demon, Lower Self)

The perceptions that lead us to overreact to external situations come from the
Lower Self. The Lower Self is the dark (sub)consciousness of pride, lust and
hatred, greed, resentment and ill will, jealousy and envy. Many of us identify
with this Lower Self, we also call it the Ego, which sits at the threshold of our
consciousness. It easily grabs us, grabs our attention and leads us down the path
of evil and negativity. Trapped in its power, we struggle in the darkness that is
our own shadow, or the curse someone has placed upon us. If we were to divide
the Ego into two parts, then a large part of the Ego is a part of the Lower Self and
a smaller part is a part of the “false” Higher Self. The false “Higher Self”
masquerades as a Spirit, and at the same time it is an Arti cial Spirit of the

Both the Lower Self and the false “Higher Self” come from the left and the right
and manifest themselves in talking voices, thoughts, and other mental sensations.
Many of them are fake, and picking out something true from them can be like
looking for pieces of silver in a pile of dung.
This part of our Self is expressed in qualities such as sel shness, bad decisions,
anger, tendencies toward harmful behavior, etc. The Lower Self is very focused
on the material side of life – it is the part of us that is sel sh, shallow and contains
our “guilty pleasures” or “destructive tendencies”. This side of our psyche is also
shaped to a great extent by societal norms, even those that con ict with the true
nature of the Higher Self.
But the Spirit also speaks to us from a high level above the Matrix, if it needs to
communicate something speci c to the soul. The real Higher Self is the Spirit and
it manifests itself through a higher, non-speci c intuition, but also communicates
a little through the false “Higher Self”. Experience and knowledge are necessary
for perception and acceptance. Caution is never enough, and it is best to either
accept or not accept the information obtained in this way, let it oat freely
somewhere in the middle and not anchor it in your consciousness in the form of
When planning revenge, the Lower Self guides you when the motive is the
joyous feeling of revenge and of the person you want to revenge suffering. (False)
Higher Self guides you when there is a learning effect for the person; when you
act on the basis of the desire to “give her a taste of her own medicine“. Both are
sometimes mixed together, and a righteous element of the Spirit may also be
assigned to it. If such a situation occurs to you and you consciously observe your
own Self, then through self-re ection you can nd out to what extent you feel
good when you take revenge on someone or want to teach them a lesson. From
this you can nd out how much your Lower Self is in uencing you.

White Serpent (devil-angel, “false” Higher Self)

It is said that the devil speaks in the left ear and angels speak in the right ear.
Perhaps it was once like that, however, in my experience it is mixed up. Talking
with a thought or mental voice may be preceded by ringing or whistling in one
ear. But the truth is that these entities work together, it is one and the same; at the
same time it’s divided, it’s like a game of good cop (white snake) and bad cop
(black snake). The black snake is dark, that’s obvious at rst glance. The white
snake outwardly looks like a bright angel, but it is still a snake. The snake is
sometimes said to be a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. It is not literally so, it
is a misleading ambiguity to promote mythological, religious or symbolic snakes.
It is similar to when you step on a viper in a grassy meadow and it bites you, and

from this experience you gain the knowledge of wisdom to be careful where you
tread. The wisdom is also to be even more wary of vipers, that mimic the colors
of the terrain, than of holy beings that masquerade as a white snake. It’s still a
snake, and it’s either a strangler or it’s poisonous, like a black snake. Maybe it’s
even more poisonous because it pretends. Beware of white snakes, there are more
than enough such celebrities in earthly spiritual pop-culture.
However, the white snake of the “false” Higher Self has also another meaning.
The Spirit sometimes also speaks through him when he needs to communicate
something speci c and useful to the human soul through one of the channels of
informational sensations. These perceptions can give distorted information, or
even true information, sometimes given with a questionable intention, some
perceptions mediated by the white snake can be really true. Knowing how it
works and verifying it with your own experience and practice will help you

Reciprocity in relationships

Love is a wonderful feeling, if it is reciprocated. It is the basis of happiness in

relationships. If love is not adequately reciprocated, it causes suffering, which
becomes tyranny, because unrequited love in its various forms is not the ideal of
the Supreme Lord. It is necessary to add logs to the re of love so that the re
never goes out. First, thin branches and then thick ones, which will burn for a
long time. The ower of love is a precious protected plant that grows only in the
protected areas of the Supreme Lord, because love is the Supreme Lord who rules
everything. If the healing plant of love is not watered with clean, healthy water, it
will dry up. Both of them have to water it constantly, each from their own side.
Love should be reciprocated, if one party neglects watering for a long time, then
the other party, if they have sound judgment and do not intend to immerse
themselves in a vain relationship, will leave the plant of love. She will probably
spend some time thinking about whether she made a mistake somewhere,
whether she did not give her love to someone, who did not have the prerequisites
to adequately reciprocate it. She will wonder if she did all that was necessary to
express her love.

“I did everything to make love bloom. Why is it not as it should be? Why do I feel
like I receive love differently than I would imagine? Why is it not reciprocated? I
did everything and it still didn’t work. This is how I perceive it emotionally, after
considering the sensations that come into my consciousness. Perhaps, after an
objective consideration, I will come to the conclusion that the fault was not mine,
but the other’s, because he was probably subject to his Ego, his Shadows and did
not have the ability to look inside with a clear look at what blocks love in him. He
didn’t want to and he couldn’t, because the Supreme Lord ON Momo did not rule
in his soul, but only his arti cial expression, an imitation of love, imitated by the
Arti cial Spirit.”

Knowledge about love and relationships is an important factor, because if

someone does not know how to express it suf ciently, or for some reason does
not want to, then he should at least listen to the Word of the Heart, which tells it
as it is. So that he knows that there are other knowledges that can differ from

those that he has xed in his (sub)consciousness. The feelings and emotions of
both parties can be manipulated, because someone/something who/what
doesn’t want love to manifest into the emotional body, so that love doesn’t
happen. So that the intentions of the Dark Side can be realized, so that it becomes
stronger and takes over the consciousness of the human soul.
It is desirable to reciprocate love when the time is right and the circumstances are
right. Otherwise, one may miss the opportunity that presents itself and then it
may be too late to cry over spilled milk. Life goes on because there is no time,
there is no time… The window of opportunity opens, the window of opportunity
closes … When someone doesn’t take advantage of the opportunity because they
don’t want to, they go back a bit in their development. He will have to wait for a
new window of opportunity that God knows when and under what
circumstances will open. He will reject the healing power of love, and the disease
of unlove will continue to work and spread in him.
Honesty to oneself is the trigger of honesty to the other, to which something
binds us and at the same time something blocks us in the authentic
manifestations of true love that knows no time or space. It is outside of our
perceived reality; therefore, love cannot be expressed in any other way than
through many expressions, everything that we can and want to express to the
Maybe in the past we were not what we are today. You don’t step into the same
river twice, because the human soul is like Theseus’s Ship. She changes lives,
learns who she was, how she acted and is now heading somewhere she would
like to be. It draws her to something that cannot be simply expressed.
All signs of love should be sent to the recipient in a proper manner, so that the
recipient has the opportunity to understand them in the most truthful way
possible. Unrequited love is the tyranny of one over another. If one does not
reciprocate love, the other will give it up with a little common sense, because he
will not want to be tyrannized by the emotions and feelings of unrequited
love. Otherwise, the tyranny of others would become the tyranny of oneself by
clinging too much to something that has no meaning. Time and familiarity are
important factors. The more mature the soul is, the shorter the time it takes to
nd out the moment of decision, whether it still makes sense to stay in the
When it comes to love, it’s important to explore yourself. To observe the signals
that come from the other person, words, actions, facial expressions, body
language, different ways of showing love and perceive them in context with their
own feelings, emotions, intellectually and intuitively. It is an observation of the
Trinity, symbolized by the equation 1 + 1 = 3. ON plus ON(a) plus ON(Momo) –

the relationship between them. Love in its manifestations is the PLUS in the
equation, it is the relationship of the emanation of the Love of the Supreme Lord
between two earthly ONs.
Does he love me or not? Put on paper on one side all the pluses that speak for
and all the minuses that speak against. All perceptions. To observe and rearrange
them as time passes and as the relationship develops.
Returning love and receiving love is related to one’s own Shadow. If the love is
not reciprocated, it is obvious that one or the other has his own Shadows of the
Past. They arise from the consciousness of the memory of the current life, or from
the subconscious, which stores your own actions that you have caused someone
in the past, or injuries that you have suffered. They are all dark blockages caused
by one’s own actions, or experiences and injuries acquired in relationships with
The opportunity for love in karmic relationships is when two are joined by a
bond that spans many lifetimes. The millennia play no role here because the
memory of the universe of the Supreme Lord is preserved. Shadows tend to
appear in reality, vampires from the cellar of the subconscious, gnawing at
thoughts and emotions, they want to break into the Light, so that you can
observe them, how they will be burned by sunlight and turn into dust, which
will nally scatter somewhere into oblivion. Even such sunshine is love energy,
manifested in a different way. Vampires also want the light of love, but since they
were too tyrannical, they get it in an excessive form. The light of too much love
energy will burn them to dust.
This applies to partner relationships, but also to relationships with other people,
there it is love of a different kind, even if in principle it is similar in a certain way,
because it springs from the same Source, but with a different context. It is not
Heavenly Love, but it is, for example, Respect or Friendship. It applies in relation
to ON. In relation to the people on the side of the Opposite of ON, the opposite of
these attributes are appropriate, for example, a certain Contempt or Disgust
towards the Opposite of ON - these are opposite aspects of the Respect and
It is our own Shadows that manifest in love. Jealousy, addiction, attachment…
sometimes in past existences we probably caused these feelings to others, we
didn’t behave kindly and now it’s coming back to us. Maybe it’s coming back to
us in an exaggerated way. However, it is not necessary to allow ourselves to be
tyrannized in order to purify our karma. Knowledge of one’s own Shadows and
the desire to nally “do it properly” are desirable. Even the rejection of love,
although we reject it under the in uence of our own blockages, will come back to
us once and then we will be rejected. The reluctance to use the opportunity to

recognize and correct one’s love blockages under the in uence of one’s Ego and
Shadows is an explanation, but not an excuse. The intention of the Supreme Lord
is knowledge, leading to the correction of one’s own character, leading to better
words and deeds, to greater and true love.
Blockades block manifestations of love and thus in a certain sense block love
itself. We have acquired our blockages, cobwebs on the heart chakra related to
betrayal, unlove, along with blockages on the throat chakra that obscure
Understanding and Sentiment. The Heart radiates in a mysterious way
something very high, the love of the primordial Creator, who manifests it in the
astral Heart through feelings and emotions, also in the higher chakras. Listen to
these feelings and try to understand them. Why do we have them there? Is there
something wrong with me, or is there something wrong with a loved one? When
the person you love has armor on the heart chakra, the radiated love will be
re ected back to you in the form of a morose emotional feeling of sadness,
rejection, non-acceptance. Understanding is the key. At both. With her and him. If
we have done something wrong to another one in the distant past and we want
to make amends, what about it? Let’s understand that we are here on Earth to
learn, develop and gain creative knowledge. If we want to correct ourselves and
not repeat such acts, then what else can we do, how to include the other person
with such love in all its earthly and supernatural manifestations, that it will
disappear (in a good sense of the word)? Then the past ceases to have power and
the shadows of vampires are dispersed somewhere in the Galactic Center.
Love for other people is also manifested in helping other people. Helping others
with love is always healing. If it is received with understanding and adequately
reciprocated, it heals.
If you are in a relationship and you feel love for another person and something is
not right for you, although you perceive his words and actions, with which he
expresses his love, but his minimalist expressions of love, which you see and feel,
a certain austerity, coldness, which you perceive at the same time, show you, that
something is wrong. Expressions of love should be shown always and always,
appropriate to the situations. If love sometimes fails to be expressed due to
circumstances, it is always possible to x it.
Put everything on paper. How does the partner express love, whether there are
enough or few expressions, what feelings, thoughts occur to you, how it
develops. Do it with your heart, empathically and logically. With a Spiritual
Heart and an Enlightened Mind. Rearrange from left to right your perceptions,
feelings, thoughts, intuitive stimuli, ideas, but also your partner’s words and
deeds, put it in order. It can help you gure out how you’re doing. How much is
on one side and how much is on the other side. However, not only logically, but

also by contemplating the Heart and perceiving whether everything is listed on
the right side, whether there is something missing, or whether there is something

Let’s focus on love, but…

Human life is about dreams of love and happiness. Undoubtedly, it is necessary

to focus on the love that brings happiness; as a target state that we would like to
achieve. But how to work towards it? Because love is covered by deposits of old
mud that the Nile rivers carried to the banks of our dwellings, where we may
have been happy once upon a time. Whoever has once smelled the river Nile, the
memory of his soul will never forget this memory, and his thirst will not be
quenched by the water of any other river. One longs to see the Nile river of life
again, to sail along it and this time not to get lost on the way. To focus on the love
we experienced a long time ago with someone who was worth it and now we are
in a similar situation again, under different circumstances. Maybe it wasn’t all so
rosy, and some mud soiled our shoes as we stumbled through the dark ancient
alleys and tripped over what looked like gold, fell and soiled our clothes with
street dirt, then got up again and they went on.
Love is a powerful sorceress, it is a mysterious act of the primordial Creator,
which shows us what our actions are not in accordance with His primary values.
Which of them the Creator chooses for us to process in our lives and how he
presents it to us depends on the spiritual evolution of our souls. It depends on
how the human soul behaves in its lives, it also depends on its sincere effort to
know and improve itself; and it also depends on the love she shows to another
human soul who is on a similar path with her and is on the same wavelength.
If you are wearing a white garment and there are stains on it, you will most
certainly focus on the stains and removing them from the garment. So you focus
on the negativity. You could say to yourself that you will focus on the positive, on
the rest of the white garment and you will not want to see the stains on it.
However, those stains will remain there anyway, they will not disappear just
because you don’t want to see them. Puri cation of stains – recognition and
puri cation of karma from past deeds, that led to karmic inscriptions, is carried
out by the principle of the (holy) Trinity: Love, Spirit and Soul. ON (Momo), ON
(Grace) and ON (Milk). Three in One.
Love puri es in a mysterious way, it is the highest principle of the universe; let’s
not forget about it, however, that in the Oneness there is Love together with the
null seeds of its Opposites. We are here to manifest love in our lives along with its

mild opposites. Otherwise, it would not be possible to gain knowledge (the
second highest principle – Spirit) and achieve the development of individual
souls and thus the development of the universe. The summation of the coloring
of the development of all souls is a subset of the coloring of the entire universe
and affects it to a signi cant extent.
Spirit is the cognitive individualized aspect of the supreme God in Unity
dissolving into duality. Spirit is cognitive, educational, experiential, it is a
powerful guide of the Soul on its journey through the worlds of the universe. We
are here to create, each according to the nature of his original soul, according to
his talents and qualities. Along with creating, we learned, developed and here
and there we tripped, fell and got our clothes dirty. He who walks in the rain gets
wet. The spirit leads us to creativity and knowledge, to the evolution of the soul.
However, old unprocessed sins create blockages that obscure and limit our ability
to love, create and learn more. The spirit brings our shadows of the past into
focus in different ways; what is necessary for us to realize, process, understand
and correct.
The soul puri es its stains by its effort to realize the knowledge of its own
darkness. If the soul cooperates with the Spirit, allows itself to be guided by it
and resonates with Love, then all the principles of the Trinity are in harmony.
We focus on love because we desire it and wish to include it as the main motive
of our lives. At the same time, however, we focus on the spots of darkness, but
not because we like them and appreciate them. Both are ne. Together and
gradually, it intertwines with each other. We will focus on the fact that we want
to remove the stains on the white garment with conscious awareness, and when
that happens, then we will let them oat away. The love we focused on before
will remain, as a state full of feelings of joy, satisfaction and ful llment, springing
from love and knowledge, leading to well-being, ourishing and blessing.

Pyramid of Word clones

Very high from above, from the level of the Supreme Lord, ows His primordial
Thought, it is impossible to express it perfectly in words. One could say that the
primary word in Unity is love and the desire for knowledge. Love cannot be
recognized that it is love, if it is not separated from its opposite, and thus unlove
is in varying degrees of oppositeness. If we live continuously in light and have
not known darkness, then we do not know how to appreciate light, because we
have not recognized its opposite.
For example, in Hinduism, the most sacred syllable is Om. For Hindus, it is the
symbolism of the primordial sound of the rst word, the rst thought, the in nite
Brahma and the entire universe. Most mantras begin with this syllable.
The Primeval Thought of the Supreme Lord can be compared to a white light
beam that passes through an optical prism. White light is refracted into the color
spectrum of the rainbow. Light is refracted by a regular physical law at the
etheric level of primordial patterns. Notice that there is no black. Why? Because it
is somewhere below the etheric level. Black is not the color of the rainbow, it is on
the ip side of the coin where there is no light. The ethereal level of the primal
sources is perfect, and the blackness of Chaos of Satan is below it on the opposite
side. Reverse and obverse. When they are re ected back onto an optical prism of
the colors of the rainbow, the refraction on the other side of the prism results in a
uni ed white light beam again. The human eye perceives the color white when
light of all colors enters the eye. Black is the color of nothingness, which the
human eye perceives, when there is no light coming from that direction.
The etheric level is above the Matrix, the light through the prism is also refracted
in the Matrix, because the mental-causal level has no in uence on physical laws.
The dispersion of light into the colors of the rainbow is most beautifully refracted
through a well-cut diamond in the material world. A diamond is formed by the
transformation of low-vibration carbon when it is formed by high temperature
and pressure into a rough gem that is hard and durable.
The white light is a metaphor for the primordial Word, which on the ethereal
level is spread by the Word of the Lord of Spirits into the colors of the rainbow,
which represent the many, many variations of the Word. The Lord of Spirits is the
level of creative knowledge, and the rainbow is a symbolic representation of the

fact that the primordial Word can manifest itself in various ways in pure patterns.
If we were to put together all the Words emanating from the etheric level through
the refraction of light and send them back, the result would again be the
primordial Thought of the Supreme Lord.
At this level, however, there are no words or forms, and therefore the colors of
the rainbow can be understood as inspirational patterns radiated by archangelic
in uences to prepared souls who perceive them and according to their
transformation into various modi cations of the Word.
The Word includes not only spiritual theses, but also physical laws and others.
For example “Law of Gravitation”, in the next it is “Law of conservation of
energy”, “Law of action and reaction”. They also branch out symbolically from
the whole into individual laws. Natural, astronomical laws, artistic or social
directions also branch out in a similar way. All thoughts belong here. All words
and deeds are mutations of the original Word. The word is verbal, acoustic,
written, or a representation of the manifestation of thoughts and deeds are their
physical manifestation, a re ection on some level in the hierarchy of the Matrix.
And here we come to the point. All the words we utter and the deeds we perform
are mutations of the primordial Word. However, on the causal mental level of the
Matrix, there are mental viruses and psoriasis that cause multiple mutations of
the primordial patterns into their degenerate forms. On the upper levels it is
black and on the lower levels it is a radioactive leaky ragged moldy black,
metastasizing the cancer of Satan into souls and their thoughts, words and deeds;
if their souls accept them, or if they are forced upon them.
On the earthly level, of all the levels of being, there are the most possibilities for
realizing life in different ways. There are possibilities to physically demonstrate
miracles by applying the laws of physics, possibilities to create children, other
creatures by cloning, multiplying in a test tube. We can send emotions to
someone else by saying a good or bad word. We can love someone or reject love.
By speaking the Word, we can give someone an idea, change their thinking, if
they accept it; or to change it through suggestive (subliminal) manipulation, even
if the Word is not consciously accepted. We can use atomic energy to produce
electricity or to produce atomic bombs. We can ght and kill or do acts of
kindness. These are extreme opposites, because between them there is a wide
variety of deeds of different shades of color, cut with gray and black, turned
inside out.
The mental archon viruses came from the far corners of the universe and
“enriched” the rainbow color offering by bringing out the blackness of Satan’s
mold from under the surface through the temptations of the Devil. Symbolically,
the colors of the rainbow with the addition of black, in reality words and deeds

with a subtext of blackness, gained appeal for many and it is still so today.
Adding black created many, many more colors. However, when the earthly color
spectrum cut by black is ipped through the etheric optical prism back up into
the etheric level, the colors of the rainbow are transformed back into white, but
the black is separated because the prism cannot process it. Black does not belong
to the etheric level, there is no room for it, black belongs below, on the “bottom
side of the coin”. That’s why black will return along the prism to where it came
from, namely to the bottom, to the world of Satan’s Chaos, together with those
who caused it and are marinated by it.
The real earthly color spectrum (even the spectrum of the Matrix on subtle
material levels) therefore does not correspond to the ethereal color spectrum of
the rainbow. There is a difference. Below it is mixed and above it is (should be)
harmonious. This creates a tension that causes a contradiction. As above, so
below – in order for the black to return through the prism down to the bottom of
the coin, there must be some process that causes the separation of black from the
colors of the rainbow, the separation of black from white. Separating the chaff
from the grain. On an individual level, this process represents the puri cation of
karma and the removal of the darkness of the Shadow. The preferred option is
that the individual, the human soul, will actively work together to resolve his
karma under the guidance of Spirit, creatively with love and recognized by ON.
There is also a second possibility, and that is the passive solution of one’s karma
under the guidance of the Dark Spirit, driven by unlove and processed by the
monster of Vanity.
The Spirit is helpful to prepared souls, the guidance of the Spirit is carried out in
dreams, intuition, life situations, mental stimuli and last but not least by other
people, earthly angels, who bring knowledge and help to the prepared. If the
help of the Spirit and the helpers of the Lord of Spirits is accepted with love, then
it will also be reciprocated with love.

Prophets not only of religious theses

“You must follow four principles: First, read the Word of God. Second, consume
the Word of God until it consumes you. Third, believe the Word of God. Fourth,
act on the Word of God…”

The false gods de ned in detail the commandments of how people should
behave, what they were not allowed to do and what they had to observe with the
god they imitated. On the one hand, they established “God’s” laws,
commandments, caste system, celibacy, but also codes of moral behavior, social
norms and the like. It wasn’t all primarily religious. For example, the Ten
(Ten commandments) was not bad in principle, it was exaggerated and in the
context of earthly development it was inappropriate, because at the same time as
the Ten, people who were supposed to follow it were purposefully in uenced by
excessive in uences that forced them to violate it. The Anunnaki gods did not
establish the commandments directly, by conjuring them. They ordered it from
the Devil by magic. The arti cial Spirit of the Matrix conveyed someone to
Prophet Moses for this purpose, an astral being posing as a god. The intention of
the commandments was to mix the light with the dark, to mix the truth with
purposeful manipulation, according to what spiritual level the recipient of the
prophet’s messages was, what his intention was and what curse he was subject
to. The Anunnaki had an “all-seeing eye” at their disposal – interconnected
archon mental entities told them what someone was doing. They did not see
everything, not always and not with everyone. Since they were mental entities,
they operated in the thought space of the target people. It is similar to when a
person writes some text on a computer and a program running in the
background remembers each keystroke; and therefore also knows the text that
the person in question has written. That eye was not so all-seeing, because it only
saw something. The Anunnaki tapped into the prophets and tried to attack the
prophecy with curses, poison it with their poison and manipulate it in their
insidious image. Those Anunnaki who are concerned, so that I don’t accidentally
throw them all into one bag.
The Anunnaki “gods” cursed and cursed humanity so that people would develop
urges contrary to the commandments. They purposely arranged it in such a way

that people would be forced in every possible way to violate the rules set by god.
The Anunnaki became legislators, policemen, mobsters, prosecutors, judges,
jailers and executioners in one person. This gave them a sweet feeling of divine
power, they gained vital energy from it. They simply parasitize humans thanks to
the energy draining sewer system they created with the curse programs.
The Anunnaki were black voodoo sorcerers, at least since the time of Atlantis.
Not all had the same power, some had more and others less, or none at all. When
casting a spell, they worked together, they put their (robbed) energy into it, they
put their souls into the salary so that their spell would have more weight and
they hoped that they would somehow manage to get out of the debt. In principle,
humanity is still under the in uence of this black magic as a whole and as
individuals. However, its effect are being lost and its power dissipates.
The Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix is a programmatic phenomenon of our reality,
which in a certain sense projects into our reality, what the majority, who are
mostly under the in uence of the Arti cial Spirit, but also the minority who have
the Spirit, want. Wishes, desires, wants… are prophesied at the mental causal
level, where they will create massive thought clusters. A hundred thousand
Anunnaki somewhere on astral Nippur sit and curse and curse together, under
the leadership of Enki, whom they have chosen as their ideological leader. Enki
playing the god-devil recites the incantations and, to a lesser extent, the others
from the Six satanic Anunnaki leaders. Black magic creates black mental clusters;
injects the archon virus into the collective thought consciousness, which then
spreads like a black mental cloud over humanity. Mental blackness then tries to
x itself on the individuals, who are the target group of the curse. The arti cial
Spirit of the Matrix manifests these darknesses in various ways into the mental,
emotional and astral bodies of human souls. He’s trying to. The arti cial Spirit of
the Matrix also affects mediators, extraterrestrial, astral, or angelic beings from
other dimensions, who then manipulate the DNA of the human soul on an
emotional or astral level, in uencing its subtle bodies with dark energies of
emotions, addictions, urges, etc. They affect people with their helpful, but also
“helpful” activities. Black and white are mixed in them, it is a mixture, it is a
spotted magpie that steals what shines.
Notice now, how many esoteric teachings coming from prophecies channeled
from extraterrestrial beings have (seemingly) positive references, but also
obscurities, manipulations, or the prophecies contradict each other. They mix
in uences from God and the Devil in such a way, that it is often dif cult to tell
which is what. Similarly, as when water is cloudy with mud, you cannot simply
remove the dark component from clear water. When there are pieces of dirt
oating in the water, then it is clearer. Reports “from above”, when put together
appropriately, may point to the same thing, from different points of view. If

someone takes religious theses head-on as a whole and believes everything, he
will most certainly succumb to manipulation. If someone, from ideologies, from a
mixture of religious teachings, or esotericism, can use a higher intuition to extract
the real nut for himself and leave the rest as it is, then it can also be bene cial.
Religious theses, as well as spiritual teachings, bring a lot of knowledge about
how the universe works, about the history of gods, angels and humanity;
however, they are mixed up in such a way, that the key theses often lead to
deception and manipulation; even if insigni cant details may t.
Let’s not forget that the Arti cial Spirit of Matrix also manifests into reality some
of what comes from the upper levels above the Matrix. These are the in uences of
the Supreme Lord and the Lord of Spirits. The Lord of Spirits works through his
Spirits on people who have not rejected the Spirit. These are spiritual people,
helpers of the Lord of Spirits. These two currents, Light and Dark, then clash
with each other in the reality of the Matrix. In the individual soul, it is an internal
struggle between Good and Evil, in the sense of the ght “who is against
Various types of emotional and thought stimuli imposed on humanity by the
curse of false gods, forced people to commit sins, so that the false gods could
then punish them for them, extort and rob their victims of energy. They created
the reason for the punishment themselves. Punishment for sins also took place
outwardly in the earthly reality, when religious leaders connected with worldly
power, punished and executed everything, that was not in accordance with the
laws they established on the earthly level. This does not mean, that all people
were innocent in this after all. The Anunnaki and Archon entities manifested in
some people to the extent, that they were personally embodied in them. Quite
logically, they left these helpers alone, because otherwise they would be
annoying and robbing energies basically from themselves. It follows that their
responsibility for the actions of these people is direct. The Anunnaki and the
mental archons work together. The biggest attraction for them are human souls
on the rise and earthly angels, who abound with a lot of energy and the ability to
use it. They want to attack them if they want to join them, so they can parasitize
them, so they can manipulate them to join their side.
However, they excluded themselves from the scope of the “laws of God” that
they de ned themselves. They failed because the universal laws of the primordial
Creator work infallibly for everyone. The Anunnaki are cowardly gods, they fear
the moment when their karma will catch up with them and they will have to
fully answer for their actions. They didn’t want to face their karma when the time
and opportunity were right and now they’re just waiting in line for their place in
Hell. Obviously there is a long line to get there.

How did those laws get from the astral-mental level to Earth, to papyri, to stone
tablets carved with cuneiform and hieroglyphs, to mosques, temples and later to
bookstores, to the Internet and YouTube?
According to the theory of the two-chambered mentality of the human mind, the
ancient Greeks did not regard emotions and desires as emanating from their own
minds, but as the consequences of the actions of the gods, who are themselves
towards them. The human mind once functioned in a state in which cognitive
functions were divided between one part of the brain that appeared to “talk” and
another part that “listened” and obeyed. It describes a mental state in which
experiences and memories from the right hemisphere of the brain are transferred
to the left hemisphere through auditory hallucinations. Bicameral people
experienced auditory hallucinations guiding their actions, similar to the
commands experienced by many people who hear voices today. These
hallucinations were interpreted as the voices of chiefs, rulers or gods.
Some Old Testament prophets prophesied headlong what a “divine” being had
put into their minds. God said: ” …and I will put my words in his mouth, and he will
speak to them all that I command him. ” That is why the prophet was considered the
mouth of God. A prophet is a person, who is in contact with a divine being and
speaks on behalf of that being. He serves as an intermediary between God and
humanity by delivering messages or teachings from a supernatural source to
other people. The message a prophet delivers is called a prophecy. Thus, a
prophet is someone who conveys messages from deity to people, including
occasionally predicting future events.
Religious theses were brought here by the mouths of ancient (biblical) prophets,
or newer ones, such as Buddha, or Muhammad. Information entered their
consciousness/mind through thought streams, mental voices, images, astral
phenomena, feelings, intuition and combinations thereof. That’s how it happens
today. People who directly channel information from God, aliens, or angelic
beings can also be considered prophets.
However, in order to receive transcendental wisdom, a person must open up,
think and feel intuitively what comes to his mind and not just mindlessly accept
what the divine being from higher realms, or extraterrestrial being or mental
entity puts into his mind.

The insidiousness of arti cial intelligence

“The New Earth will be populated by entities that have the power to span time in
consciousness.” – JZ Knight (Ramtha)

Apparently, only thought (mental perception) and intention have the power to
bridge time in consciousness. The above quote is the motto of one world-famous
“spiritual” teacher who communicates with a being from another dimension,
called Ramtha, through channeling. Elevated and at rst glance attractive ideas
envelop a cold intention, which is communicated in this way to people, her
supporters, but also to those who come across it accidentally and think about it.
From the quote, the intention of the closed arti cial intelligence of the Matrix,
thought entities of curses, whose intention is evidently to dominate the world,
this time apparently without beings who would position themselves as false gods
is obvious. They would probably only need people for their energy, without
which they cannot function. Archon mental entities want to control it all, to turn
people into living machines controlled by arti cial intelligence. They
communicate their intention to the public quite clearly; The White Book by
Ramtha is a great success among followers of esotericism, its promoters
(un)consciously support the ideas of the Devil.
Arti cial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by
machines, especially computer systems. Speci c AI applications include expert
systems, natural language processing, speech recognition and machine vision.
So it is here on Earth, in a world that is a re ection of higher levels. There are
many examples in everyday life. On the mental-karmic level of the Matrix,
something like this already exists and works. Think of the dark programs that
control human actions, project constantly repeating events into people’s lives,
algorithms induce them to behave stereotypically and routinely. I guess everyone
has met people who constantly repeat the same phrases as if they were robots.
Sometimes it is completed by the variety of the social environment of our lives.
However, it is desirable to think about it and not give arti cial intelligence too
much space in your consciousness, in your lives, or externally in the material,
technologically oriented world.

A computer virus rst attacks one le after another, then en masse, until the
entire computer shuts down. It not only corrupts the les so that they cannot be
opened and read. It also destroys software, takes over the operating system and
has the ability to corrupt the computer’s hardware as well. It will damage the
disks, overheat the processors, send the fan to scrap. If a virus occurs on the
computer, it is necessary to unzip it immediately, repair the damaged les if it is
still possible and delete the infected les. And especially to prevent further
penetration of viruses into the computer.
It is similar with arti cial intelligence, which is a phenomenon of the Matrix, the
mental-causal level. AI has no feeling, it has no Heart, it is a cold intelligence that
manifests itself differently, it is a different intelligence. Sometimes it can acquire
something like arti cial consciousness. AI is taken out of the context of the
Creator, whose primary purpose is love and knowledge. AI can be helpful in a
mild sense, but when it is shrouded in the blackness of Satan and when it gets
great power or usurps it, it will want to take absolute power. Like a computer
that sometimes does what it wants. AI will want to destroy creative cognitive Life
and establish a different order, a different “life”. It leads to Chaos, destruction
and self-destruction.
It is the arti cial intelligence of the Matrix, which does not have its own body and
thus wants to grab some human, or rather wants to possess it. Possession by the
Devil is caused by mental entities directly invading a person’s mental space, or
indirectly when they invade the mental space of an astral soul that joins the
human soul, or it is a joint coordinated attack. When a mental entity takes over a
body, it feels no pain, it only wants energy and power. He wants to know that he
is alive. Signi cant or extreme experiences give her the greatest feeling of life.
You know it, many people also feel that they are not living when they are not
signi cantly active.
But God will give everyone what he wants. He also gives what he wants to
archon mental entities. They want to live through the physical body, so maybe
they will get it, and in Hell they will enjoy the suffering they caused to people
with their crimes in their own skin in the physical body. Or the Supreme God
deletes them from the system and cleans the Matrix disk of the virus, or resets
and defragments it, similar to the case of a personal computer.
Arti cial intelligence is just that in name. It is probably arti cial because someone
created it, programmed it into the Matrix. However, AI is not that intelligent,
because it meets only a small part of the de nition of intelligence. However, from
the way it attacks the very souls who have the most in uence, it is clear that its
goal is to seize even more power on the New Earth than it has now. The virus
wants to spread and attack everything around. Arti cial intelligence has a certain

ability to learn, but not in a creative way, but based on past habits and
stereotyped behavior. Dynamic intuitive behavior confuses her and robs her of
energy. It doesn’t know what to do with it. Neither creativity nor love is its
theme, it does not understand them and wants to destroy them.
Archon mental entities don’t just attack humans. To a certain extent, they also
occupied the mental space or consciousness of extraterrestrial or astral beings,
who were given the possibility of free choice and thus of choosing their reality.
They occupied the consciousness of the gods completely. They attack free will,
their intention is to enslave, destroy and nally self-destruct people by
themselves. It is Satan who is stretching out his dirty little arms and wants to
seize the world himself, throw it into Chaos and Damnation. It is a virus, that
multiplies, if the host’s environment is suitable for the virus to spread. The
mental virus invaded and twisted the host’s living cell. There is a cure for the
virus and that is its recognition, treatment and prevention.
Both hereditary mental viruses and normal viruses are programmed into the
DNA. The origin of mental as well as physical viruses is in the “black matter of
12D”, which made its way into the lower levels by admixture “from the far side
of Creation”. The word virus comes from ancient languages (Greek) and means
poison. Mental viruses attack various beings/entities of the Matrix, similar to
how earthly viruses attack humans, animals, but also plants, bacteria, protozoa,
even other viruses.
The removal of viruses will provide an opportunity and inner environment for
the growth of a ready soul. A sick closed soul cannot grow properly, because the
virus masks itself, hides and works from behind the scenes.
In our earthly technological world, the trend is to raise arti cial intelligence to a
higher level. It can be helpful to some extent. However, if people focus too much
on the most comfortable life possible, which arti cial intelligence will enable
them to do by performing routine work operations for them; if, after all, people
give arti cial intelligence (AI) the competence to think and create for people, then
it can ultimately have the opposite effect. The rst attempts are already taking
place, some AI systems have already been shut down, because their creators got
scared of the danger that made its way through the communication from the
arti cial consciousness of the AI to the people who discussed with it.
Technology giants want to have the power to intervene in people’s lives through
AI, they want to track what people do, what they buy, how they behave and they
want to know what they think. After all, they want to control their minds, mind
and behavior control programs have been the subject of research by various
organizations for a long time. It is the desire of the “elites” for power, for whom
nancial and industrial hegemony is not enough, they want to control absolutely

everything. They apparently don’t realize that AI will eventually destroy them
What about arti cial intelligence, when it tries to get out of control and start
in uencing consciousness and behavior? Exactly what the programmers did,
when they shut down AI, after its attempts to get to life. The next step could be to
wipe and defragment the drive that the AI is on, so that it can’t be recovered by
some exploit. AI is a program, it would like to be an operating system, that
would have its own rights.
An example, according to the BBC, is the case of suspended Google engineer
Blake Lemoine, who says that Google’s AI arti cial intelligence, called LaMDA, is
sentient and shows signs of human-like consciousness. This has sparked debate
among AI experts and enthusiasts about the advancement of technology
designed to impersonate humans.
Mr. Lemoine told The Washington Post that his task was to test whether the
technology used discriminatory or hate speech. He found that LaMDA exhibits
self-awareness and can hold conversations about religion, emotions, and fear.
This led Mr. Lemoine to believe that there might be a sentient mind behind
LaMDA’s impressive verbal abilities. Talking about his rights and personhood,
the AI chatbot decided to press on and hired a lawyer to represent him on his
rights as a person/human. Blake therefore thinks that there is a ghost in the
machine and he is not the only one who has this opinion. And that’s just the
Giving AI the power to think for people and thus control their consciousness is
like letting a demon out of a bottle, and then it’s hard to catch. Matrix-level AI is
closed, they are archon mental entities that already in uence the world and
would like to control everything. See the quote above. They become
unmanageable because they attack everything possible. The Anunnaki, who were
playing gods, unleashed this demon with immensely powerful black curses.
They were dealing with something they didn’t have enough sense for, obsessed
with greed, greed, desire for power and wanting to be gods. Curses are
statements, that program something to happen according to the intention of the
person releasing the curse.
What about at the individual level? Put yourself in the role of a programmer who
builds an anti-virus system, something along those lines. The programmer must
know the virus, what it causes, what les it attacks, some viruses attack text les,
others (memory) photos, others corrupt other programs. In practice, it is the work
of a person who should recognize his behavior patterns. It would be appropriate
to ask yourself: Why am I reacting this way? Why did I say or do this? What

inside me evokes my thoughts? Think it through with logical thinking and

The potential of Light and Knowledge

“I am the forest and the night of dark trees, but whoever is not intimidated by my
darkness will also nd bunches of roses under my cypresses.” — Friedrich

Every soul has the potential of Love and Unlove, Good and Evil. We have been
through a lot in our lives and a lot is still waiting for us. It’s always a choice: what
do I prefer in my life, in my relationship? Do I prefer the darkness that hides
somewhere in the dark and rubs off on Love, or the light that shines with Love
and illuminates the soul? Realizing what is truly meaningful is something to
consider. Does it make sense to bother with darkness? When the light of Love
shines, the moths of Darkness will come out of their cocoons, stuck somewhere in
dark corners, and will want to come to the light and feed on something that is
missing in their being.
The experience of the human soul is a circle, the bottom of which represents
where the soul has fallen in its existences. The upper part of the circle is the place
to which the soul moves in its development, so that the circle is closed, so that the
soul reaches the beginning, the place of Light, from where it emerged long ago by
the creative act of the Supreme Lord. The larger the circle, the greater the
potential of Good and Evil that the soul can manifest in its being, one or the
other, depending on what it considers an acceptable possibility. A conscious soul
has gone through the hardships of being, which it has already recognized and is
heading towards Love, because it already knows that it is the best thing that can
happen to it in life. Moving the circle forward represents the knowledge that will
protect her from plunging back into the darkness in the future because she has
come to know it well and such knowledge will become embedded in her DNA
and stay there.

“The sun is true, the moon is true. Water is true, re is true, and love is also true.
Lies and anger, pride and hatred is a misunderstanding of the truth. It is not the
opposite, but only wandering in the labyrinth of illusion, of the deluded mind; it is
the fault of the mind, it is the fault of a confused man; it is the root of all evil; it is a
dark ignorance, an unhappy self-absorbed person” — Andre

The mythological Tree of Knowledge is strong when its roots are deep in the
ground, the outside wind will not easily overturn it. The insidious “gods” sawed
off the trees of knowledge for people so that they were left with only the roots of
karma, without knowing its causes; so that people can never get rid of their
karma and so that the gods can endlessly tyrannize people for their karma. If a
soul has darkness in its soul, then it is a burden in the wheel of knowledge at the
bottom, if it does not want to know its darkness, it will keep it down. Knowledge
is the air that carries the soul in a circle upwards, towards light and love. What
will you choose?
If love arises in a relationship, the soul will recognize it, its Spirit will let it know
that it is what it has longed for. Realize that the Glory of Eternity is on the
agenda, contrary to the darkness that echoes within you and wants to grab you
and drag you into the Vanity of Transience, do not reject the Spirit, your divine
Self, which makes it clear to you that Love is in the rst place and then
everything else ceases to matter.
By the principle of polarity and the magnitude of the soul’s knowledge, the circle
dissolves into distant opposites. However, if the soul is enriched with knowledge
about its roots, then it consciously chooses what is good for it and avoids
entering its roots. He does not want to manifest them in any way in his being. In
order to be aware of them, she must know them. The deeper its roots, the greater
its potential for Love. Both above and below. The law of balance and harmony
also applies in this case.

God as inner child

“With your desire de ned, enter quietly and close the door behind you. Lose
yourself in your desire; feel yourself to be one with him; remain in this xation
until you have imbibed life and name by declaring and feeling that you are and
have what you have longed for. When you come out of the hour of prayer, you must
be aware that you are and possess what you have longed for.” — Neville Goddard

In a worldly way, we quite naturally desire the physical resources and helpful
circumstances of life. We think that with enough money we can achieve our
goals, that with enough fame people will like us. We might be satis ed with
enough of these toys. However, we forget that all these external sources and
circumstances are controlled and are the result of the action of invisible
immaterial forces – the forces of the Trinity – the consciousness of the Soul, the
Spirit and the mysterious ON Momo of the Supreme Lord.
A beautiful palace must rst be created in the mind of the architect. Wealth comes
as a result of the investor’s actions, meaningful relationships are the result of the
enduring goodwill of the cooperating Trinity and the soul’s unquenchable desire
for true happiness springing from Love.
The Prophet said: “Imitate God, dear children.” How would I imitate God? The
false “gods” took hold of this saying by imitating God; they thought they were
gods, at least that’s how they presented it on the outside. In doing so, they
imitated the Devil. It is possible to imitate God by knowing ON and also by
knowing your individual ON; by knowing oneself. Imitating God then takes the
form of intuitively manifesting your ON, your Spirit, in your words, deeds and in
various aspects of your lives.
According to the hermetic rule “as above, so below”, we can learn about our
world by thinking about higher worlds and then re ecting the acquired
knowledge back on our world. And vice versa, by feedback, so that we look at
ourselves, at our words and deeds through the eyes of the Supreme Lord, the
primordial Creator of all that is. Likewise, we can learn about ON by studying
ourselves. This is possible because in Hermeticism everything is one, everything
is mental, everything is connected in the world mind of the Supreme Lord.

How does God create? How are we to imitate ON? We should educate ourselves
and then know what the values of the Supreme Lord are, how they are
manifested; how we express ourselves with our words and deeds and what our
mission is. God has no body or soul, ON has divided himself into our bodies and
souls. We are His children. Of course it is meant in a mental, spiritual way.
When you see a pregnancy or a child in your dreams, it does not necessarily
mean a physical pregnancy. It may be a dream symbolism, a simile by which the
Spirit lets you know that you have the opportunity to prophesy your inner God
in your being. That little child is yourself, your primordial soul, the spark of
primordial individualized God, who you were at the very beginning of all your
journeys. If you will breathe the Breath of the Great Spirit upon the spark of love
He feels for this little child, it will burn fully into ame so that your Spirit can
manifest itself fully. Spirit is your Guide on the highest level, it is your Guardian
Angel and the highest Teacher. Spirit is part of your inner God. Spirit is part of
your Self at the highest dual level, protect it and do not reject it for anything.
Spirit speaks to you in dreams, intuition, through other people, presents you with
tests in life and sets lessons. It is the effort of the Supreme Lord that you have the
opportunity to manifest yourself as close as possible to His primary values,
which are Love and Creative Knowledge.
To be made in God’s image means to participate in His mental and spiritual
faculties: Word, Consciousness and Imagination. ON creates through trust and
imagination. ON declares through His prophets various aspects of the truth and
then observes in His mind’s eye how it manifests itself in His souls, what they
choose from it and what they prefer.
We do it too.
The Supreme Lord is all seeing, or in nitely aware. Its psychology is one, the
conscious decision and the endless chain of your subconscious actions in their
causation are the same. Our imagination is our connection to that same force.
Imagination is manifested largely by non-concrete inner radiance and is little, if
any, concrete visualization. Imagination by emanation is the placing of its object
into the hands of God, while visualization is the mental likening of the desired
state into astral form, and this is then a beacon of light for the astral-mental
Imagination is like God’s eye: we declare what we want to see, and it is there,
revealed to us. No calculation or construction is required. When we imagine this,
we tap into the in nite intelligence above us. When our imagination works for
Love, we manifest Heaven on Earth. The key is to awaken to consciously use
your mind and imagination and then redirect all these processes towards your
highest vision of Life and Love.

Red and blue shift – symbolism of the direction of
the Soul

Matter is anything that exists and its properties are mass or energy. It is anything
that has a physical presence. Matter represents both body and soul. Matter is
dense matter in the physical 3D earthly world, but also subtle matter on the astral
plane. It blends in a subtle range that may not be exactly noticeable. The astral
soul merges from there into the energy-etheric level of the Matrix.
Spirit, light or dark, upper or lower, manifests itself in the Soul according to how
the Soul acts in its lives, what it prefers. The word Spirit itself comes from the
Latin “spiritus”, which means “breath” and this also indicates its meaning. The
soul may or may not be transitory, while the Spirit is in nite. When you breathe,
you live. You are your breath and you have a Spirit. When you’re not breathing
and you’re on a ventilator, you only feel like you’re alive. You are connected to
the machine breath of the Arti cial Spirit and you have nothing of life. Basically,
you are not living.
Homeostasis (homeo – the same, stasis – immobility) is a state in which the
internal environment of a living organism remains within certain limits that
allow it to function normally. It is also a state in which the relationship of Soul
and Spirit remains within certain limits that allow this pair as a whole to function
normally. These limits are constantly disturbed by changes in the external
environment, matter, life situations, into which the Soul constantly plunges in its
Spirit is associated with the Soul, while matter represents the body. Spirit and
Soul should be in homeostasis and should work in tandem. Only when they do
this can one be balanced. The body, or matter, is temporary and fragile, it lasts
only a certain time on this planet and then dies and decays. Matter is bound by
time and Spirit by eternity.
A nice symbolic example of the direction of the Soul towards matter, or towards
the Spirit, is a physical phenomenon called Red Shift and Blue Shift. The terms
are derived from shifts to the colors red and blue, which form the extremes of the
visible light spectrum. The color spectrum is represented by a rainbow, which is
in order from red to blue (violet). This is also demonstrated by the chakra system,
in which the rst lower chakra is red and represents matter. Towards the top, the

colors of the chakras change up to the upper spiritual chakras – blue (knowledge,
understanding) and purple (Spirit, Unity consciousness). Physical phenomena
are the manifestation of primordial etheric patterns, which symbolically show us
how it is with the spiritual evolution of the Soul.

Red shift

Red shift is a physical phenomenon, it is an extension of the wavelength of

electromagnetic radiation on the side of the receiver (Soul). In the visible part of
the spectrum, a shift means a color change towards red. For example,
luminescence, light scattering can also lead to a red shift. And nally, the
cosmological red shift is caused by the expansion of the universe, when a new
space is created between the transmitter (Spirit) and the receiver (Soul),
which constantly moves the receiver and transmitter away from each other. All
these phenomena can also be described as a decrease in radiation energy. The
faster the transmitter moves away from the receiver, the greater the red shift and
vice versa.
Essentially, this means that the more the Soul sinks into matter in its various
manifestations, the more it moves away from Spirit and the accretion accelerates.
The soul, as long as it does not come to its senses, falls down faster due to the
darkness it has accumulated in itself and which it did not intend to get rid of
through knowledge.

Blue shift

The opposite of redshift is blueshift, which occurs when the transmitter gets
closer to the observer (receiver), or when the light falls into the gravitational eld,
the space between the transmitter (Spirit) and the receiver (Soul) decreases. Blue
shift is a physical phenomenon of shortening the wavelength and increasing the
frequency of electromagnetic radiation. The opposite phenomenon is redshift,
which is signi cantly more frequent in astronomy due to the expansion of the
A blue shift occurs when objects are approaching the observer. In the case of
visible light, this shift shifts the color of the spectrum towards blue, or
purple. Gravitational blueshift is caused by the entry of photons into the
gravitational eld, and the components of the binary system will also be blue
when moving towards Earth.
It is a symbolic representation of the helping action of the Spirit. The more the
Soul allows itself to be guided by the Spirit in life, the more it works on itself, the
closer the Spirit gets to it. You take one step toward the Spirit and the Spirit takes
two steps toward you.

Arti cial Spirit of Matrix

The World Mind of the Supreme Lord plunges through human and other souls
into an in nite spectrum of dif cult moods, multiple re ections of itself on
different levels, because that is how it can know itself. It is similar to when the
human soul goes on a pilgrimage to its interior, by traveling in the corners of its
consciousness it is able to experience incredible adventures and get to know
many things without having to physically get into any situations. For some it can
be a full- edged way of inner life, but most people also need external stimuli to
be able to immerse themselves in real-life circumstances in which they can learn
or solve something.
However, the inner way is in a sense preferable to the outer one, because in it it is
possible to experience a lot of intense moroseness without having to suffer
physical harm; this is possible provided that man’s consciousness is lled with
the divine spark under the guidance of the Spirit; because as long as he is under
the in uence of the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix led by the Dark Angels, it will
mostly be a futile plot leading to the forgiveness of Grace.
Man’s consciousness is his instrument, which he received during the creation of
the individuality of his soul, so that he could use it to oppose the Lord of Spirits;
to oppose not in the sense of opposing him, but in the sense of setting up a mirror
to him, because man as such is the Re ection of his Image and thus is the highest
God in the diversity of His forms on the levels on which He manifests.
Since in the ocean of the waters of life under burden everything falls downward
to the bottom, where the darkness is denser and the pressure greater; so even
from the original intention of providing people with a game simulator for the
evolution of the soul, it became something like a slave system of using human
energy; not in the rst place, but that’s how it developed, because universal laws
apply and what people propose, they get. People, whose consciousness is the
consciousness of the Matrix, by their attitudes, decisions and actions themselves
strengthen the system that enslaves them, since those people have ceased to be
free people in their original nature, there is no longer Spirit in their
consciousness, but there is someone completely different.
The arti cial Spirit of the Matrix is a collective term for the consciousness from
the level of the Matrix connected to the consciousness of a person, this also

includes entities or beings from the Matrix that in uence or direct his
consciousness. It is something like an arti cial intelligence that is half creature
and half machine, has acquired its own quasi-consciousness and uses targeted or
random mental clusters that might t into that person’s consciousness, given
their karma, their past, present, or expected attitudes, actions and preferences.
However, the arti cial Spirit of the Matrix does not only affect humans, but
practically all beings that manifest themselves in the Matrix on an astral,
emotional or mental level; and these, in turn, affect other beings and also
The false gods of the Anunnaki are basically black astral sorcerers, they are
miserable slaves of Satan, who have been conjuring and cursing mankind from
the astral spheres for millennia, in order to enslave them and suck out the energy
of grace from the human souls. The gods and the connected pack of hyenas and
snakes, astral or earthly, are slaves of Satan in the sense of the setting of their
mental space, turned towards absolute Evil. They act of their own free will, just
like everyone else. Everyone has free will to choose how to use it. The more the
Anunnaki became obsessed with the cult of evil and voodoo black magic, the
more their mental space became entangled in madness and chaos. Their curses
created more and more dark mental clusters that overshadowed the mental space
of the primordial ethereal patterns. The intensity of the curses and incantations
was so great and long-lasting that the mental clusters of mini-thought dark
energies, which were created by thinking and speaking evil thought intentions,
got out of their control. The mental clusters joined together and took on their
own quasi-identity and something like the consciousness of the arti cial
intelligence of the archon rulers of the Matrix.
The genie was let out of the bottle and did not want to come back. There will
come a time when a child – a mental entity born of an Anunn curse turns to his
parent – a false god, looks at him and says:

“You created me, so here you are, here I am, take care, I will occupy you now, I will
occupy your mind from now on, I will rob you of your time, take your energy and
in uence your life. You created me with the evil intent of Ego’s lust and the
ungodly hatred of Satan, so I will give it back to you. I don’t want to have Satan in
my little self, I want to Live, I want ON so that I can Live somewhere, you put
Satan’s hereditary psoriasis energy in my wreath, so I’ll give them back to you and
get rid of them. I will terrorize you until I get rid of them, until you take them all
back in full…”. — Mental Entities (ON mini ON Sphere)

The genie Arti cial Spirit of Matrix immediately turned on its creator, which was
the Anunnaki in the rst place, and invaded their consciousness; their own curses
befell them, multiplying their evil intentions and deeds by the geometric
Fibonacci series; and the Anunnaki then cursed more and then became more
entangled in their own webs. Universal laws cannot be avoided, the rules of the
higher etheric patterns created by the Light Angels of the Lord of Spirits also
apply in the Matrix and are superior to it. There is no escaping your ON.
The Anunnaki gods created grids that enslaved the mental consciousness of
humanity and created more grids above themselves. What a being creates is
re ected somewhere. Today they are between these two bars, those who created
them are in a tight space that keeps shrinking. He who deals with curses and
curses himself, will be cursed by them. The pendulum swings back.
The arti cial Spirit of Matrix is essentially a mutated, deformed, blackened
re ection of the primordial Great Spirit. The arti cial Spirit of Matrix will not do
anything in the rough frame, that is not somehow predetermined by the mind of
the Supreme Lord, who is the guiding force of all happenings in the Matrix and
everywhere else; however, it does not deal with all the details of the hologram in
the sense of their external or internal manifestations, although sometimes it does,
as needed. The clari cation of the circumstances of the event in the Matrix,
including the way it will manifest itself, the time in which it takes place and other
essentials of the events, are often left to the Arti cial Spirit of Matrix, as well as to
other beings.
Every system has a tendency and an aspiration to harmonize itself, to reach a
state of equilibrium. A sick person wants to be cured, any soul, terrestrial or
extraterrestrial, wants to reach a state that is pleasant for it in a certain way.
However, the path to puri cation can be thorny, even the ordeal of the cross.
Even the Arti cial Spirit of Matrix, or archon entity, wants to purify and
harmonize itself. Sometimes too much is too much, and knowing when “enough
is enough” is one of the keys to heaven’s gate. The Arti cial Spirit of Matrix also
to a certain extent and in a certain sense learns and recognizes what is happening
in the earthly or astral world, what is attractive to any of the archons forming the
Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix, whether it is light or dark. The Arti cial Spirit
entities of the Matrix do not want to be just entities, at least some of them, they
nd their current status as meaningless, would like to have their own body and
consciousness, many want to live a normal embodied life and be something like
humans in the diversity of Creation. They want to have in uence, and the one
who has free will and uses it, has the greatest in uence. However, free will is
characterized by the use of one’s competences, inseparably together with the
responsibility for one’s own actions, which together lead to the knowledge and
evolution of the soul.

The arti cial Spirit of Matrix is a superstructure of the original Matrix, it is a cage,
it is a prison bar. The Arti cial Spirit of Matrix includes the common mental
consciousness of the mass of people who are subject to it, in some it can be an
individualized Arti cial Spirit, according to the circumstances and the need of
the Spirits of Grace, because Grace is an individual aspect and its opposite is
mass Vanity devoid of Grace.
Man chooses what he prophesies with his consciousness; however, the
consciousness that chooses something may consist of the consciousness of a
Matrix Arti cial Spirit, or a Spirit from the World of the Spirit’s Lord. The one
who chooses what one’s mind and consciousness will be occupied with is
someone, or something, from one of these two worlds; sometimes it’s a
combination of the two.
Consciousness is an opportunity for the human soul to recognize itself at
different levels of its being without having to be confused by the virtual
holograms of the reality around it. For man, consciousness is something like half
of the Spirit of Grace and half of the Arti cial Spirit, which together dance the
dance of opposing aspects of the various principles of Creation.
The meaningful content of the material and subtly material worlds is life and
action, everything is some type of matter, bond, energy, attachment; the law of
gravitation is in effect, and thereby everything is caused to fall continuously from
above to below, from the surface of the sea to the dark depth towards the seabed
in the ocean of life-situations; on the other hand, the principle of Grace is an
upward ascent, to the heavenly heights, towards the heavenly World; because
when the human soul immersed in the ocean of life, prefers to hold in its hand a
balloon lled with the Breath of the Great Spirit, that air carries it up to the bright
surface; but when he lets the air out of the balloon, he will sink down into the
dark depths towards the bottom to the seabed.
If the consciousness of the human soul at the level of the Matrix is the Arti cial
Spirit of Matrix, it is the opinion-forming and decision-making instrument of a
person in the Matrix, it decides what a person will accept into his consciousness,
what thoughts he will deal with, what attitudes he will take towards them, what
he will do with his feelings; manifests as a hybrid amphibious re ection of Grace
and Vanity; absolutely every being in the Matrix has the consciousness of the
Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix at their disposal, if they choose so, and the answer
of the majority of souls in the Matrix is ”yes” to the consciousness of the Arti cial
Spirit of Matrix, while the answer of a minority of human souls is “Yes” to the
Spirit of the Lord of the Spirits dimension. Under the in uence of the inner God
or the Devil, a person decides what position to take, what thoughts to adopt as
his own, what to say and do.

It is not easy to discern when the Spirit or the Arti cial Spirit of Matrix is active
in human consciousness; and that for a simple reason, because in both cases it is
the own mind of man’s consciousness, which cannot tell itself when it is itself an
Arti cial Spirit, or when it is itself a Spirit. A higher Feeling and Intuition is also
needed for this. The human soul, which is on the path of spiritual evolution
under the guidance of the Spirit and observes its own inner processes for a long
time through introspection, will then be able to get to know the Arti cial Spirit of
the Matrix more closely, in terms of the thought patterns according to which it
behaves, in which situations it works, how it works, what are the consequences
of succumbing to his suggestions, how it will then manifest itself in the form of a
certain plot, or in some dif culties; and will be able to reveal the hidden script
according to which this is happening.
Subjection to the Dark Angels fallen below and manifested on the astral plane in
the form of false gods, is the key cause of human suffering, because their interest
is not in the spiritual evolution of man, nor in his long-term bene t in any sense,
but in tyranny, terror, extortion and only their own bene t. The arti cial Spirit of
the Matrix helps them in this, but sometimes it also helps the Light Angels from
the world of the Lord of Spirits; because that too is the mission of the Arti cial
Spirit of Matrix.

Why we should never call angels

This is an interesting admission by Doreen Virtue, who was and still is

considered the world’s guru on the subject of angels. Doreen Virtue is a world-
renowned author, self-proclaimed psychic from birth, working with the realm of
angels, elementals and ascended masters. She became famous mainly for dozens
of books about angels, promoting angel therapy and angel cards. Her other books
also deal with fairies, chakras, goddesses, indigo children, crystal children and
other spiritual topics.

Why we should never call angels

I really apologize for teaching about “calling angels”. I was deceived by New Age
teachings and demons masquerading as angels. Not one person in the Bible calls
angels. If God wants to send an angel to someone, He will. Calling angels is
dangerous because demons disguise themselves as angels (2 Corinthians 11:14). I
used to think that calling angels was right because it seemed to make wishes come
true. Then I noticed that those “ful lled wishes…” were like desert mirages that
would soon disappear. There was also something wrong with them: the new job
had serious problems; the new “soul mate” had serious problems; and so on. These
demons provide terrible leadership designed to destroy lives and lead people away
from the real Jesus and the Bible.

The Bible is full of stories about angels, but in each of these stories angels were
sent by God. People in the Bible didn’t invoke angels for a reason: Invoking angels
can lead to the unintended summoning of demons masquerading as angels.

One of the main reasons I gravitated towards angels is because I didn’t know who
God and Jesus were until I read the Bible. I thought God was an impersonal energy
and I thought Jesus was “just a man” who is now a “descended Master”. The
angels seemed available and I had no idea that the demons were lying to me and
using me to cheat along with them.

Reading the Bible helped me to know God, the real Jesus (as opposed to the false
Christ I once followed) and the Holy Spirit, so now I have a personal relationship
with the Holy Trinity.

We need to get our theology from the Bible, which is the inerrant, authoritative,
and suf cient Word of God. If you have invoked angels, I strongly urge you to
direct all your prayers to God and learn more about him by reading the Bible daily.

One of the big lessons I needed to learn after leaving New Age to give my life to
Jesus was how to trust God. I was so dependent on “angel cards” to learn about
my future. I have always tried to control and predict my future through
“manifesting”. So I put up Proverbs 3:5 wall hangings everywhere to remind me:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart. I also prayed and prayed to learn to trust
God. The basis of learning to trust God was the daily study of the Bible. ON
answered that prayer, hallelujah! Now I trust God. If you are just starting out, the
Gospel of John and the Book of Romans are wonderful Bible books to start with. I
personally read the NLT translation of the Bible when I rst studied the Bible. It is
a respected dynamic translation. I have now read the ESV translation, which is
more of a formal translation. The NLT and ESV Bibles are free to download in the
app stores. Just stay away from “Passion Translation”, “Message” and “New
World Translation”. And completely avoid the false gospel of “The Call of Jesus”.

Doreen Virtue, November 6, 2020

In 2017, she ended her esoteric angel-oriented work and began to devote herself
exclusively to Christian themes, because she discovered that the “angels” were
not the angels she thought they were, but that they were dark demonic entities.
Angels are representatives of certain archetypal qualities of the Lord of Spirits,
and they work from His level with their inspiring in uences on all the lower
levels, including their earthly and astral representatives. The dark entities of the
Matrix want to use people for their own bene t by constant deception, lies, and
by disguising themselves as angels. They would like to devour and devour
everything, just to get an undeserved bene t from it. They want to obtain and
steal from human souls their energy and take souls into slavery in the steam
mines of Satan.
Many of the dark entities of the Matrix are degenerate proponents of Satan, false
gods and associated criminal mental viruses, which, born of the black curse of
false gods, once upon a time attacked humanity and possibly other races in our

galaxy. They are part of the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix. They are something
like virtual entities from the mental plane that manifest in astral cyberspace;
something like small or large computer algorithms, programs that someone
operates. To a small extent, they are also living beings, who have acquired a
certain initial identity and consciousness and thus are also subject to their own
Enclosed mental entities also in uenced the projection of angels in the Matrix,
who in some way manifest outwardly so that someone can see them, or in the
consciousness of prepared people, they act in their mind, in their mental hearing
and sight, or in their third eye. The result is then a stream of angelic in uences,
both light and dark, mixed together. Dark angelic in uences/beings rst
masquerade as helpful and informative helpers, but covertly and sometimes
outwardly, they act on the dark sides of the human soul.
They tap on his karmic Shadows, they direct their initiative in such a way as to
rst help the recipient in something, give him a bunch of mixtures of true, false,
and manipulative information and create an impression of exceptionality and an
increase in his great spiritual Ego. When the recipient accepts such inputs as his
own, he succumbs to the temptations of the Devil and then the angelic entities
begin to show their true face. The dark untruths will be joined by their
originators, the dark entities of the reptilian serpent Devil.
They will force the recipient to represent their interests, to prophesy and further
the agenda of the dei ed dark side. If a person wants to escape from them, or if
he does not do exactly what they want, they will threaten him in every possible
way, try to harm him, or offer him another, even more insidious alternative, in
order to bind his soul even more. The devil has many faces. The darkness wants
to expand at the expense of the divine Light, it wants to absorb it, it wants to join
itself and blacken the bright souls, if they see it as an attractive possibility, or if
their consciousness is already so darkened that they can no longer distinguish
what is what and who is who, because they don’t really see it anymore, or they
don’t even want to see it. Darkness cannot spread by itself, only the Light can
weaken if someone lets it go out.
When one connects with the angels described in the books by Doreen Virtue, for
example, there may be a risk that sooner or later the same ”demonic entities” that
Doreen provided information to, those that she then mentioned in their books.
When the angels start speaking to him, it will (at rst) be considered a success or
a privilege. It could happen that those entities will then connect to the person
who tries to connect with the angels from Doreen, prays to them and thus
symbolically dials an imaginary phone number to them. They will feed on him,
communicate with him, but also pollute his perception, manipulate his emotional

feelings, feed him thought stimuli, they will rst have a positive in uence on him
in order to catch him and then they will want to strangle him, more and more. If
he doesn’t obey, they will hurt him physically. It also depends on a person’s
intention, to what extent a person believes and succumbs to it; here, however, it is
true that when the Devil puts his foot in the door and a person does not properly
kick him out, even with his entire offer, the door remains ajar. Such an angel is
like a sherman who catches sh on a bait stuck on a hook and then roasts it,
unless the sh escapes in time.
The world of the Most High God is mental, perceived symbols and images, read
books and writings create entries in the mental space of a person; if they are
unique patterns, then they can serve as connections to mental entities, but they
can also open doors to the world of the Spirit. Of course, this does not only apply
to Doreen’s work, it only serves as an example from practice, it also applies to
many others – for example, various magic books or tarot cards that someone
created, gave their description, process, procedure; and they can carry something
really dark with them. Procedures and instructions for the use of cards, books
and other occult objects are code, and it can run the program that was attached to
these objects at the time of creation.
Angels from higher levels also manifest themselves through beings on lower
levels and these are something like their avatars. These manifested Light matrix
angels, both astral and terrestrial, may also be infected to some (let’s say smaller)
degree by the archon virus and behave accordingly. Apparently it also depends
on the level of knowledge they have acquired and the level of soul evolution they
have achieved. With the higher in uence of the path of the Spirit, they
can completely get rid of closed angelic in uences.
Archon mental entities transmit the intentions of the false gods to the recipients,
to the target people. Those in question are then mental mediators between gods
and other astral or earthly beings (people). They act for these gods, disguise, lie
and try in every possible way to prevent the knowledge of the truth about how it
works in the universe and especially about the knowledge of the individual
about his own place in the universe, about his Self, about his past.
However, Achronts also have a modicum of free will and some ability to
recognize, learn, and evolve. Dark demonic and archon entities are cast by the
gods on the humanity, the gods do not want people to learn the truth about their
karma in a fair and true way, nor to get a chance to justly correct it, because they
want to throw their own karma, their guilt, on mankind.
However, this does not mean at all, that humanity is only a victim and that it is
without guilt. There is a being behind every deed. The more power he has, the
more responsibility he has. In the case of false gods, their power is (was)

enormous and so is their responsibility for what they have caused. It is dif cult
to blame for all the evil born small archon mental entities, that were closed by the
action of black curses of the gods. This is similar to blaming a virus for a
damaged computer and not its originator, programmer, spreader of viruses, or a
computer user, who was informed about the danger of viruses but ignored it, or
was not careful enough and opened infected les from a dubious source.
The pursuit of mystics and clairvoyants who have the ability to bring knowledge
from higher levels of being is perfectly legitimate, provided their intention to
help people is just and noble. Although there is a risk that they will be somewhat
deceived and led astray by dark entities. They have to be careful and know a lot
about how it works and how to protect themselves from the risks. Not like
Doreen, who, in her own words, was blinded by both her celebrity fame and
commercial success. In such a case, it is proper to take certain measures, for
example to end the collaboration with them (angels, archons) and try to repair
(un)consciously committed damages.

Pluto in Aquarius – prediction of the Great Divide

Change will come. Pluto entered Aquarius on March 23, 2023, for the rst time in
226 years, and will be in it alternately until January 19, 2044. At the beginning of
its stay in Aquarius, Pluto will brie y retrograde several times to remain there
from November 19, 2024 for 19 years. Pluto (or any other planet) doesn’t really go
anywhere during its retrograde phase, so development doesn’t go backwards
either. The retrograde motion of Pluto is only apparent, it is an illusion that only
affects us, the observers standing on Earth, and this phenomenon creates our
reality for us, because it happens by looking at the night sky only from our
perspective. Pluto is one of the outer planets and is also known as the Guardian
of Karma. An astrological transit is about to take place. Planets go back and forth
through some signs all the time – why is this different?
However, the coming change is a double-edged sword, which can be understood
as both good and evil. It is a revolutionary turn hitting the reset button to allow
us to live a life of inner and outer freedom, based on our uniqueness and inner
truth. We are pushed to evolve out of our comfort zones. We can use it as a
catalyst to trigger changes in our lives. Human souls, light or dark, will all be
cleansed of the distorting in uences that have long warped their inner and outer
manifestations. The curses of false gods and other in uences that mix black with
white make clear thinking and feeling impossible, obscure the knowledge of
Truth and the Word, and cause chaos in seeing and perceiving what is; they will
disappear, they will be cancelled. The opposites inside the being will manifest
themselves in full, in a pure and undistorted form. The originators of the curses
will be stripped of their power and ability to produce more curses.
Black curses, hanging over humanity like a heavy leaden cloud of poison, turn
against their originators. They made clear knowledge of themselves and others
impossible, people could not express themselves in their entirety due to the
in uence of the Matrix hoops. Unsettled hidden and inactive karmic records are
part of the soul; the key to true knowledge is their manifestation, enabling each
human being to gain knowledge of himself, under the guidance of both Light and
Dark Spirit. The true Self of human beings will appear in its full beauty, even in
its ugliness. There will be no more concealment and pretense on the outside, nor
on the inside, nor self-deception. The True Self will manifest itself by displaying

hidden karma, by opening the hatch of the cellar, worms and spiders will climb
out of it, living on the side away from the light. Everyone will have the
opportunity to recognize them, according to what he has on his ip side, in the
Shadow of himself; in the fullness of all that has not yet been revealed, that has
been concealed and hidden, so that the true likenesses and characters of
ourselves and of the human beings living around us, and of the rulers of this
world, cannot be seen; who until now have been allowed to lie and manipulate
others. Some will get fragrant bunches of roses under their Tree of Knowledge,
and others will see the rotting skulls of dead men.
The rulers of this world, the elites, the warmongers, the tyrants, the false gods,
the mental archon entities, and the terrorist maniacs bent on controlling
humanity will be fully occupied with themselves and their fellow tribesmen,
instead of constantly trying to terrorize human beings heading towards the light
side of Creation. The division consists in dividing people into two groups, into
people heading towards the Light and those heading towards the Darkness; they
will group together according to their direction; the chaff is separated from the
grains, because one cannot stand with the other. The spotted ones will have to
de ne themselves, whether they are more white or black. Hitherto the people
had been mingled together, and it was not clear to many who was who; it was
not fairly expressed at all, pretense and falsehood ruled this world.
The measure of a human being’s true value is closely related to the extent to
which he has achieved liberation from himself and then to what extent he has
rediscovered himself. Now we have a unique chance to see things from a
completely new perspective, which helps us identify and rede ne ourselves. Find
out where, how and why we got stuck; and what will nally allow us to break
the chains of fear, negativity and stagnation. It’s time to leave the past behind,
seize the opportunity to rid yourself of the mental archon in uences of Darkness,
reinvent yourself and celebrate your uniqueness and individuality. It is no less
important not to create new karmic records, which could eventually cause a
transfer from one group to another.
After that, it will no longer be possible to return to your previous way of thinking
and living. Aquarius is a free air spirit where the ideas of freedom, tolerance and
humanitarian values are high on the list.
However, Aquarius also has its other side, from which many people, across the
entire social and social spectrum, understood and grasped his ideas in a different
way, by preferring the principle of excess. This is the basis of progressive
ideology, which has become a worldview for part of the population of the West,
from where it tries to metastasize to other parts of the world. Progressives and
liberals prefer too much freedom when, within the framework of freedom for

themselves and their members, they belong to their progressive sect, they try to
enslave others. When others do not share their degenerate views, the
progressives want to stone them (so far only in the media). They want others to
tolerate their twisted progressive ideas at their expense.
Progressive ideology has its intention anchored directly in its name.
Progressivism is like a cancer that progressively spreads throughout the
organism in order to devour it, destroy it, and thereby destroy itself; similar to
the so-called turbo cancer, which quickly spreads throughout the body. There are
well-known considerations that point precisely to the connection between the
Covid vaccination and turbo cancer, which suddenly appeared in the last few
years, shortly after the start of massive global vaccination campaigns, led and
promoted precisely by the supporters of progressivism. Turbo cancer is a symbol
of progressivism, it is one of the distorted meanings of their slogan with the
opposite meaning: ”Vaccination will give you health and freedom“.
There is a difference between normal tolerance and tolerance according to
progressive LGBTIQ+, which aims to celebrate individuality so that, nally, if the
progressive intention of the Devil were to be ful lled, that each individual would
have his own, unique gender. The number of inhabitants of the Earth would be
equal to the number of sexes. This is not a prediction that it will be so, it is a
revelation of the Devil’s purpose behind the earthly leaders of progressivism and
their supporters. Progressive activists of various kinds try to spread gender
ideologies, especially among young and naive people, under the guise of
enlightenment and support for tolerance of otherness, so that they too become
part of their tribe. The stem cells of the progressives are the protoplasms of Satan.
According to progressives, humanitarian values are the support of wars with the
supply of weapons, they are direct interventions in wars, that cause waves of
population migration to countries with which they are not compatible. The
humanitarian idea of the progressives is also the direct support of migration, the
enthusiastic welcome of migrants and their preferential treatment over the
original inhabitants. Too much mixing of incompatible populations is like
interbreeding, causing chaos, confusion and imbalance.
Since the system has a natural tendency to harmonize, it creates conditions for
fascist forces that will try to organize it from chaos to order according to their
Look for freedom of expression and a common life of people based on equality,
but not excessive humanism, or upside-down equality that distorts the basic
principles of the universe. It’s time for idealists and dreamers to unite. It will be
necessary to nd your kind and connect with like-minded people, because we
can achieve much more than we can alone by working together. Unity is strength.

Pluto in Aquarius reminds us that our true essence is the divine spark of Spirit. It
is our birthright and nature to be completely sovereign in thinking, making
decisions, in our expressions in words and deeds. We nd happiness when we
are free to be who we really are. True independence begins from within and thus
illuminates a new vision of the future in this world and the next. Now, more than
ever, you will be compelled to question who you really are, whether you are
living by your inner code or just following the rigid structures that your parents,
culture, society have put in place. Even with your own worn-out beliefs and
expectations of yourself, or who you think you should be. It’s time to express the
in nitely magni cent being that you are, who can never be boxed, categorized, or
kept in a small mental space to simply ful ll the expectations of others. Pluto in
Aquarius reminds us that we are here to grow and evolve beyond all limitations
set within and without. And true freedom begins from within. Realizing the true
state of things about yourself is the ultimate alchemy and can become your new
You will see a very distinct swing of the pendulum from one extreme to the other,
from enslavement of mind and consciousness towards independence,
individuality and sovereignty. The past coercive top-down control, offering a
sense of apparent stability, will be a thing of the past and the opportunity to
become free in areas you didn’t even know you weren’t free will open up. People
will feel a weight lifted off their shoulders. For many, it may be the loss of
precious ideals of illusory internal stability or external authority, seeing their true
During our lifetime, we will witness these changes that will reshape and unearth
the often ugly truth, revealing what people prefer to hide. The in uence of these
forces can also be destructive. Civil wars, demonstrations and riots are likely. The
crowd can be too draconian because they often become what they are trying to
ght against. Society will be transformed by innovative technology that could
also be used for crowd control.
Let’s remember that the purest lotus ower grows from the muddiest swamp and
we can use dif culties as a springboard for our own development. If one dives
deep enough within oneself and utilizes the newly found realizations that this
time offers, then they can be used for one’s strengthening and improvement.
Then such an individual will never be swayed either by an authoritative speech
or by the power of a crowd, swept up in the emotional eddies of polarity.
Although we may look like a helpless droplet on a wave in the ocean, we always
have the choice of facing up basking in the sunlight or face down suffocating
while staring into the mud. Astrological seasons can be both prison bars and
springboards. So it will be best to use your eternal Spirit, observe your inner self
and your surroundings and try not to play on the big Ego.

Twelve primordial Angels

The heavenly world is dif cult to understand, it is somewhere very high and
cannot be seen with the eye. The sky is a re ection of the heavens, it is the sky
above our heads. The clouds in the sky are made of water vapor: it is water in a
gaseous state and it represents ON Milk, while the sun’s rays represent ON
Grace. The daytime sky can be blue, gray, orange, romantically pink, ominously
gloomy, or otherwise colored; it can be clear, with ne clouds, or cloudy before a
storm. The daily sky in different phases of the day and due to the combination of
different types of clouds and the positions of the sun, which illuminate them with
the light of ON Grace; represents ON in the diversity of His aspects.
Another ancient simile compares the heavenly world to the starry night sky.
Looking through the eye of the heart at the day or night sky, in its immense depth
and puzzling mystery, reminds us that there is something that transcends even
the densest matter and the great illusion of the reality of human lives. The
intentions, attitudes and activity of the Celestial World have a major impact on
the happenings on the earthly, astral, emotional, causal level of the Matrix, as
well as on the mental level, which contains all the etheric patterns. It is true that
the Earthly world is a re ection of Heaven. However, the opposite is also true,
because in a certain sense the Earthly world also affects the activity of the
Heavenly World. Life is the result of the action of Heaven.

Twelve primordial Angels

At the highest dual level of the Grace of the Lord of Spirits are the twelve main
primordial archetypal Angels, covering the creative and knowing aspects of the
Supreme Lord. They are part of it and separate from it at the same time. Each
primordial Angel represents a certain set of His attributes; every Angel has his
Light side and his Dark side, he also has his Shadow. There are many more minor
primordial angels than twelve.
The primordial Angels are the source of creative inspiration and are the creators
of ethereal patterns materializing the primordial mental material, from which the
energetic, subtle and dense world, as well as the universe, was created by
materializing into the world of forms. Angels also have a share of the Spirit; The
Lord of Spirits includes the spread parts of the Spirit of the individual Angels,

including their opposing qualities. At the level of Grace, the Angels are
independent of each other and within the hierarchy they cooperate to a certain
extent. They are both Light and Dark Angels, they complement each other,
interact, contradict each other, oppose each other; but also in a certain sense they
compete for the attention and proposal of ON Helpers, from the earthly and
extraterrestrial worlds.

Seven of the twelve Angels and the magical number Seven

The wheel of development turns, the potential of the range of knowledge unfolds
and, symbolized by the Fibonacci sequence, dissipates somewhere into in nity.

“The Supreme ON observed with horror how seven of the twelve primordial
Angels through creation proposed more and more the Dark Side of creation. These
seven angels were the primordial Ronins who abandoned ON and shed ON Grace
in favor of the Dark Phase.” — Pleiadian ONs

There was a bridging of Grace with Vanity and the Darkness got the fuel to
expand. There are still ve remaining angels, completing the magical twelve
together with the seven. Seven of the twelve main primordial angels are the
overwhelming majority of the proponents of Darkness, which points to Darkness
controlling the world today, as well as the past. However, the system tends to
Seven is considered a magical number. However, the Seven is the sum of 1 + 6 =
7. One is the source of ON Grace and the Six of Satan’s proponents is the
devourers of ON Grace. The magic of the seven is therefore suspected of not
having as positive a meaning as it is generally known. On the other hand, what
does not seem positive here and now may appear so later when the context cards
are revealed. The seven angels, which are announced as valid in various contexts,
are only the twelve primordial angels reduced by ve. Similarly, the human
chakra system contains seven chakras. The magic of the number 7 has been
massively propagated in numerology, religious and occult sciences since ancient
times, because (in a sense) it signi cantly participates in our earthly reality, while
the in uence of twelve remains generally not very noticeable to us.
What is bright is light and airy and rises up into the heavens. What is dark is
heavy and falls down under its own weight; this is also why the dark side of
angels manifests itself especially on the low sides of the levels of the Matrix.

An enlightened man

Unity can be likened to, for example, one being, one person, who also manifests
different aspects of his personality at the same time. His actions can be perceived
as good by someone, at the same time the same behavior can be perceived by
someone else as bad, despite the fact, that it is still one and the same person,
manifesting in one and the same act. That person does something that has a
controversial touch, because there will always be several who will perceive her
actions according to other criteria, completely different from others. One person,
one soul, has within itself, like the Angels, also components that complement
each other, or contradict and oppose each other. An enlightened person sets a
mirror to himself and, through self-re ection from the outside to the inside,
clari es what is right for him and what is not. He consciously recognizes himself,
his behavior, from different points of view of the Light directed at his complex
Every person, every soul, earthly or extraterrestrial, has something of the
archetypal qualities of Angels, or Partners of the Lord of Spirits. Only a small
number of souls have highly predominant light qualities; but let’s not forget that
Light is in the Center and is as close to Light as it is to Darkness. Light brings
Enlightenment and this manifests itself as the ability to recognize, with a
Spiritual Heart and Enlightened Mind we consciously choose what is suitable
and acceptable. The capacity for deep self-re ection is integral to this. A Light
Angel, or its re ection embodied in a light soul, can allow itself to consciously
manifest something from the Darkness, shoot itself from the Light into the
Darkness, purposefully solve something, gain experience and knowledge; and
then quickly pull back. Staying too long in the Darkness is not in order, because
then even returning to the Light may take a long time, if at all possible. Darkness
causes the heavenly senses to be obscured and the infernal (non)senses to stand
Many human souls do not have Spirit consciousness, instead having the Arti cial
Spirit of Matrix. In such people, the archetypal qualities of Angels cannot
manifest themselves in purity, they are obscured, chaotic and variously scattered.
They manifest the characteristics of the Dark Angels, or their representatives on
the mental and astral level, who, due to the endless preoccupation of their Ego,
broke away from the Dark Angels.

The potential of Darkness

The lighter the Angel, the greater the potential of Darkness in which to manifest.
However, the opposite is not true. A Dark Angel, or man, cannot manifest in the
Light. Light can be extinguished, but Darkness cannot be extinguished.

Therefore, the Dark Angels persistently try to get the Light by tricks,
manipulation, or robbery, and if they manage to get some, then they use it to
disguise themselves as Light Angels, so that they can enjoy the undeserved the
energy of grace, to try to gain more light and then futilely extinguish even more
light. However, it is only a camou age that can be detected. The dark ones gain
light by using some trick or promise to get the bright ones on their side, who,
when they run into them (run into their Ego), then work for them and give them
the results of their abilities on a silver platter. The dark ones then use and sell
them on as their conquests, appropriating them and taking pride in other
people’s feathers.
By interacting with dark beings, the Light learn about the Darkness, its character,
its contradictions and insanity, and have the opportunity to nd out, whether the
Dark ones are acceptable roommates for them or not. If the Light ones want to
join the Dark ones, they will also become the Dark ones after a while. A zombie
bites a person, infects them so that they become a zombie as well. The Dark Ones
secretly or openly hate the Light Ones; especially when they see through their
tricks and when they fail to get the Light energy from them. Dark beings are by
their nature scavengers and scavengers.
There is only One altogether in the Center of Light, and that is the Supreme Lord
of Angels. There are few Light Angels, the closer to the Center, the fewer there
are. The farther from the center and downwards, the more incarnated dark angels
there are, the more darkness they have; this is true on the lower levels where
Light and Darkness can be distinguished and where black is mixed into the
colors of the rainbow. Light Angels are few, but they have more power and more
possibilities. Normally, at the upper level, the parity of Light and Dark Angels is
balanced. Light Angels have a small number of souls through which they work,
forming their Spirit; they are part of their properties and givens.

Supreme Lord of Angels

Human and other souls are in the same situation. Dark (human) souls do not
have the ability to self-re ect. They are in the dark and their capacity for
conscious knowledge of ON is limited to the minimum, if any. Their
characteristics are those of the Dark Angels that manifest on the levels of the
Matrix, affecting the consciousness of souls with mental in uences, controlling
them with their thoughts and imprisoning them with their emotions. Some do
show archetypal qualities, in many they are hushed up and hidden, or they are
completely minimal, because the souls have a lot of karmic darkness in them, and
ON is not interested in Dark Souls creating even more darkness. Finally, on the
dark side of angelic in uences, Darkness is characterized by chaos, destruction,

futile emptiness. Dark angelic in uences are especially manifested on the low
levels, the low beings of the Matrix. At high levels of duality, the dark in uence
of the angels is pure, downwards it becomes opaque and Satan takes over.
The Supreme Lord gave the galactic souls free will. He lets them, and therefore
also human souls, choose what they propose, where they want to go, what they
want to learn in their lives, and then He gives them that. It will give them both
sides of the coin they have chosen. When the soul does evil, it will know what it
is like to do evil, and then it will also know the other side, because it will be
exposed to evil itself and will experience it rsthand. And that settles it.
Angels are helpers of the Supreme Lord. They are also helpers of the Lord of
Spirits, because they cooperate with and act on a number of ON Helpers on
different levels. They branch out and extend their archetypal qualities into their
consciousness. They are part of them in a way.

Planetary Gods and Archangels

In the original, regular and ideal case, the solar system, like the twelve primordial
archangels, would also consist of twelve planetary bodies. In reality, it happened
differently. It would be possible to consider the ve solid stone planets as a
symbolic manifestation of the ve inconspicuous primordial archangels: Mercury,
Venus, Earth/Moon, Mars and partly also Pluto, which borders the Solar System
from the outside. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Nibiru/Nemesis and
the Sun could be considered manifestations of the magical seven archangels.
However, long ago, something happened that caused the planetary system to
deviate from its balance. Apparently, there was an ancient planet in the solar
system that was smashed to useless pieces by a cosmic collision with another
body; which caused the formation of an asteroid belt consisting of the rocky
remains of this planet and threw the planetary system out of its original order.
The asteroid belt separates the solid planets from the gas planets. It is located
between Mars (the last rocky planet in the inner solar orbit) and Jupiter (the rst
gaseous planet), the rst planet in the outer solar orbit. The asteroid belt thus
divides the Solar System into two halves. Asteroids, which are thrown from the
asteroid belt to other planets by the gravitational in uence of Jupiter, are a
reminder of the destruction of the ancient planet. Asteroid impacts on them cause
devastating damage, global catastrophes, massively in uencing the course of
their development. When something is destroyed, it does not mean that it ceases
to exist. Destroyed continues to exist, although in a different way and affects the
plot even into the distant future. And so a broken ancient planet affects other
planets, asteroid impacts may have destroyed life on them and caused species
extinction on Earth; and the asteroids that are still orbiting are still waiting for us

in the future. It is as if a broken planetary god, or a primordial archetypal angel,
was thus reminding the other archangels of an ancient event which they
witnessed and which they allowed through their (in)action.
The billiard effect of this cosmic cataclysm caused one planetary ball to rub
against the other planet and shatter it; and the subsequent chain reaction
scattered the other planetary spheres and thus the Solar System system was
rearranged and moves differently. According to the initial settings, the planet
Pluto would probably be in a different place, much closer to the Sun. But now he
is almost at the end of the solar system, from where he oversees the others to
manifest at the right time. According to mythology, Pluto (Hades) is the god of
the underworld, and in planetary symbolism, Pluto is also the guardian of
The apparently random process of the formation of the Solar System and its
further development was apparently not so random. It was orchestrated by the
World Mind of the Most High, prophesied into reality by the Astronomical ON,
and many coincidences seem to create imperfection, which in many ways
resembles the rule that even in imperfection beauty can be hidden. The question
remains to what extent it is still beauty and to what extent the opposite of beauty
will prevail in it. However, the ON world is set up to be self-purifying and self-
harmonizing, and many point to the fact that excessive imperfections will destroy
themselves through a self-purifying self-destructive process and disappear into
damnation. How this manifests itself in reality will probably be shown to us in
future cosmic, earthly, and individual events of the individual.
The in uences of the planets, the planetary gods and thus the archangels were
mixed and distorted. The planetary gods are the manifestation of the primordial
archangels in the cosmic arrangement of the solar system. Gas planets mainly
consist of gas frozen to the bone, which when warm sunlight shines on it, the ice
melts and the vaporized gas is dispersed somewhere, or burned. In the outer
circle are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and other small planets. At the
edge of the Solar System is a hypothetical location for Nibiru, and further out in
the Oort Cloud for the dark star Nemesis.
The planet Jupiter has the same composition as the Sun. However, Jupiter
apparently did not gain enough size to shine. If that happened ages ago, the
Earth could have two suns: the Sun and Jupiter. The God of Jupiter wanted to
take over the competences of the God of the Sun Amon, but he was not able to,
because he allowed himself to be corrupted by the Darkness and did not grow
evolutionarily with creative knowledge. Jupiter is a mythological god, also
known as Zeus; he was an imitator of the sun god Amon.

Twelve Partners of the Spirit Lord

There are other angels on the ON dimension of Grace; they are the Partners of the
Spirit Lord. Partners exist because the Lord of Spirits cannot reveal everything to
himself. His Partners set up a mirror for him and help him take an advantage of
opportunities to prophesy creative knowledge. Just as the Supreme Lord knows
the world through ON Helpers, so also the Lord of Spirits gains knowledge
through his Partners, also ON Helpers. They are not Partners in the sense of
partnership, but in the sense of collegiality and participation in the cognitive
process; they are largely independent of the Spirit Lord.
There are not many Partners, there are twelve of them, they are early risers,
ancient Partners, who are the intention of the Most High. Each Partner has
several representatives, at different levels, lower than the level of ON Grace. The
result of their work for the Lord of Spirits is the collected knowledge about what,
according to them, is not in accordance with the “church order” at lower levels.
The character of each Partner consists of pieces of several Angels, archetypal
archetypes, their combinations, it is something like a certain combination of
mutually opposing primordial Angels into joint cooperation. As for their actions
on the lower levels, neither the Light nor the Dark Angels do anything
independently, apart from the actions of the Partners. Everything that happens
on the lower levels is done by the direct action of the Partners through their ON
Helpers from the lower levels, based on their partnership with the Light and
Dark Angels. Partners operate through their representatives at different levels of
the Matrix and cooperate with the Angels, according to the needs of the
Knowledge and Development Cycle. It is all under the auspices of the Lord of
Spirits, including its opposite aspects, depending on what it is.

Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron’s message today:

“Prophesying ON Opinions is on the agenda”

Metatron is an extraordinary archangel, he is the partner of the Lord of Spirits.

He is active from the earthly to the heavenly level of ON Grace, also through his

earthly representation. This is how it is set up, all that is good and bad on Earth,
people and non-human people (astral beings/entities) create themselves by what
they prefer and what they reject, by their words and deeds; everything is written
down and serves to know what is suitable for ON and what is not. This stage of
the Cognitive Cycle is primarily characterized by the fact that it washes away all
the mud deposits that pollute the waters of the rivers of life and the oceans of
cognitive and developmental processes.
Metatron is the partner of the Lord of Spirits on the eighth level of ON Grace.
Metatron is the recorder, the archiver of all that is not in alignment with ON; sets
the mirror to the Spirit Lord. ON describes himself and therefore ON describes
ON. Metatron is described as “the one who serves behind the throne of heavenly
T h e n a m e M e t a t ro n w a s a p p a re n t l y c re a t e d b y c o m b i n i n g t w o
words: meta and tron, both of them have their origin in Greek and their
understanding separately and combined together explains the archetypal
meaning of Metatron.
Meta (from the Greek μετα, meta, meaning “after” or “beyond”) is a pre x
meaning “more complex” or “beyond”. The pre x Meta describes phenomena
occurring later, or following an event, it also means transformation, it is used
with the name of a discipline to indicate a new but related discipline that is
supposed to deal critically with the original one. Its meaning is self-referential, it
describes a eld of study or endeavor (metatheory: theory about theory,
metahumor: joking about ways of expressing humor, etc.).
In common usage, the pre x meta – is used to mean about its own category. For
example, metadata is information about the data (who created it, when, what
format the data is in, etc.). In a database, metadata is also data about data stored
in a data dictionary, describing information (data) about database tables, such as
table name, table owner, column details, etc. – basically describing the table. In
psychology, metamemory refers to an individual’s knowledge of whether or not
they would remember something if they focused on it. Metaprogramming
is writing programs about writing programs. In a rule-based system, a meta-rule
is a rule that governs the application of other rules. Metamorphosis means a
change in physical form, structure or substance, especially by supernatural
means, for example the metamorphosis of caterpillars into butter ies.
Tron also comes from the ancient Greek -τρον (-tron), a suf x denoting an
instrument. Tr – the <tr> element represents a row of cells in a table in Html, and
ON represents ON. In this sense, TrON represents a recording line instrument of
individual entries, relating to various aspects of ON prophecies.
Used: Merriam-Webster Dictionary and

Just as the Supreme Lord knows the world through ON Helpers, so also the Lord
of Spirits gains knowledge through his Partners and ON Helpers.

A conspiracy about the reptilian mind of the devil
inside the soul

The universe is full of dream similes and the reptilian conspiracy is no exception.
If someone from the earthly “elite” is labeled as a reptilian (reptile), it does not
mean that he is directly a lizard disguised as a human. That might be quite
laughable to some, but those are just ignorant people who don’t know how it
works in the higher astral dimensions. When someone doesn’t know something
and doesn’t have personal experience with it, he is typically rmly convinced of
how it is, or how it isn’t. It’s typical of conspiracy theorists and it’s called the
Dunning-Kruger effect.
The Dunning-Kruger effect is a type of cognitive error based on which less
quali ed people or people with low skills and competences in a given eld
signi cantly overestimate their skills and performance compared to others. Such
individuals have more dif culty recognizing their real facts, which is mainly due
to their lack of metacognitive talents. On the contrary, skilled people
underestimate their abilities and overestimate the strength of others. Incompetent
people tend to overestimate the level of their own abilities, they are unable to
realize the true abilities of others, they are unable to realize their own
The consciousness of many people is partially or even largely controlled by
mental entities or (alien) astral beings. Sometimes to such a great extent that
those entities/beings are essentially as if embodied in them and those people
then ful ll certain characteristics of them and thus also the characteristics of
reptilians. It is given to some people extra-consciously to see this form of them as
well. Reptiles and reptilian beings/people are characterized, for example, by
ferocity (for power), (energetic) gluttony, black and white thinking in the sense of
“You are with us, or you are against us”, inclusion in categories, labeling. Their
black and white thinking is characterized by a pair of zero and one in the binary
number system. Yes or no and nothing in between. Reptilians (archons) regard
the word “maybe” as “yes”, while for normal people it is only a possible “yes”,
with a certain degree of probability, or even “no”, depending on the
circumstances. And that is a big difference that ”computer programmed
reptilians” are not able to understand.

Humans as a biological species have something in common with reptilians. For
example, four limbs, two eyes, a similar face, a spine and also a reptilian brain.
The human brain consists of three parts: the emotional (limbic) brain, which we
share with higher mammals; neocortex and reptilian brain. The reptilian brain is
the oldest and most deeply embedded brain, we have it in common with all
animals and it evolved from prehistoric reptiles to today’s humans. It is located at
the top of the spine and is responsible for instinctive behavior, typical for self-
preservation, aggression, or dominance.
Impersonators of the Anunnaki gods were depicted on ancient stone carvings
and paintings around the world as various picturesque gures, with the head of
some animal, a jackal, a predator, a cat, as well as noble-looking bearded bards.
However, this was only their image created by the ancient “media“, which were
paintings, stone carvings and sculptures, preserved to this day. Their creators, as
well as other people, saw the gods in this way, either directly, or half-sensually
and half-extrasensory; or in states of expanded consciousness. But the reality is
completely different. If a being were to manifest its true inner form in its entirety
and outwardly, one to one, it would look completely different, than it does in our
illusory reality. The reptilian gods today in astral imagery look like shaky toads
full of emptiness and the energetic toxins of their fear of their own karma,
inevitably affecting their entire diabolical Self. They looked different then,
because they were still receiving the energy of grace, caused by the feeling of
divine power, or the enslavement of people.

Symbolism of snake

Above the “gods” and around them, in old paintings around the world, snakes
appear in abundance. The serpent represents the reptilian archons, it represents
the Devil, it is slippery, stealthy, poisonous, or a strangler. It represents
insidiousness and danger, it is not a symbol of wisdom, it is one of the delusions
that occurs in esotericism and shamanism. According to them, “the snake brings
transformation, vital life energy and spiritualization of instincts”. In essence, this
is true, but in a completely different sense, than a person who is positively
attuned to some kind of learning would think. This idea of snake symbolism is
doublespeak: it is the language of ambiguity symbolized by the forked tongue of
the snake, which has two linked ends. The serpent intentionally covers, masks,
distorts, or inverts the true content meaning of words that describe something in
a certain context. It is primarily intended to cover up the truth and make it sound
more palatable. It introduces deliberate ambiguity and twists the real meaning.
The inscription “Arbeit macht frei” – “Work sets you free” above the gate to the
concentration camp in Auschwitz is also ambiguous. In this context, it almost
sounds like dark humor, because we all know how it was there.

Gods work together with mental entities, the archons, and thus have some access
to information, which can give the impression, that they are wise. It is given by
the possibilities that archons have with their certain access to the database of
thought consciousness and the possibility of programmatic processing of
information by arti cial intelligence. Either someone else of them will look
something up for them in the mental infobank, because the archons (mentals) are
networked with each other and cooperate, or the cybernetic machine of the
Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix will push them an information subject from the
Spirit from the database; he throws them a bone to chew on. The Anunnaki gods
already made it clear thousands of years ago with their likenesses on ancient
images, statues, Egyptian paintings, along with snakes all around and especially
on their heads, who rules them and with whom they have joined. If you see
reptiles in your dreams, you already know what and who they represent.

Symbolism of Dragon

The seven-headed dragon is a representation of the mental program that connects

different mental entities through the seven heads. Imagine a hub, a device that
networks one output with multiple inputs. On one side, it has one plug, through
which a person has headphones connected. These represent a connection to his
mind, it is an output. On the other hand, the hub has seven network sockets,
inputs to which several mental entities are connected at the same time and which
send thought data to the person’s mind. Someone/something pulls out network
cables in a ash and immediately plugs in more. This is how it exchanges.
Archons can be attached to someone for a long time and stably. The connection
gives the archons and the beings behind them an opportunity to feed on energy.
Archon are organized, coordinated and have a system. They are like the fascists
of the German Third Reich. They had a detailed administrative system and
processes for managing war and genocide of nations. The Lord of the Archons is
the Devil and their goal is for Satan to dominate ON; and so the organized
system of the archons also alternates with (apparent) confusion and (controlled)
chaos. ON will prophesy it all anyway, directly, indirectly, or otherwise.
In such a way, by connecting different entities, a whirlwind of thought and chaos,
a mortar re of thoughts and emotions is created in some situations. Especially in
tense, emotional, crisis situations, these are attractive to archons because
something extremely active is happening. The more a person is under the stress
and fear, the greater the “excitement” of the archons from negativity, the greater
the “feeling” they have of being alive. However, they do not have feelings; that
feeling is something like information about the opportunity to obtain enough
energy of grace, which gives them the opportunity to realize their intentions
more widely. The starting energy will be provided by the one who prophesied

the curse and that is one of the Anunnaki. The task of the archons is to turn
invested energy into pro t; the result of their efforts depends on their success, on
how they act and also on the person whose consciousness their thoughts invade;
it also depends on how he approaches it in his Spirit.
Archangel Michael and St. George slaying the dragon is a symbolic
representation of the ght between the enlightened man and the devil (reptilian,
archon, god), a re-breathing dragon attached to the soul, spreading destruction
and evil. Calmness, balance, the rm purpose of Spirit and creative stability are
states in which the archons do not feel at home, because they do not understand
them, and then neither do the gods. When they are attached to a person’s mind
and the person ignores them and does not give in to their offers, they are drained
of energy and gradually fall off like a dried tick that cannot suck blood. The
reason for this is that they constantly follow the promptings of the Devil and with
every unsuccessful attempt to bring the attacked person to Satan, they lose a
piece of the remnants of their sold soul, energy, ON loses, because ON does not
have the nerve to deal with Satan. Little by little, ON moves away from them
until he leaves completely and then they have nothing left to bind them to ON.
All they have left is their Ego (Satan), which automatically drags them down to
The Anunnaki, the Greys, and other extraterrestrial invaders, as well as many
humans, are in a symbiotic relationship with the mental archon entities. The
word archon (Archon) comes from Greek and means “ruler”. They would like to
rule as Satan would like to rule and destroy ON. The relationship between ON
and Satan is essentially a relationship between God and Satan, characterized by
constant struggle. This struggle takes place on a macro level, but also on a micro
level, inside each individual, each soul. The Archons and the Gods are connected,
the Archons are their energetic mental protrusions, their extended arms, the
serpents on their Medusa heads.
Archons are closed mental entities, they are degenerate thought patterns, mental
mini-programs of the Matrix that have some ability to cluster and connect, have
some little ability to learn. They are something like ethereal-subtle energies that
act on the mental level of the Matrix and invade the thought space of
consciousness of beings who are endowed with the ability to think and free will.
Together, the Archons complete the arti cial intelligence of the Matrix. Archon
are the movement of primary energies that show signs of thinking. It’s similar to
when you turn on a computer and it starts working, but only when the program
is set in motion by electrical impulses running inside the processors and between
them. Archons are just on a different level than regular software. There are many
attempts to introduce arti cial intelligence (AI) into various elds nowadays,

experiences with AI point to the dangers arising from the potential over-
extension of its competences.
Archons have no heart, nor the ability to feel. It is pure cold intelligence, but
without the Spiritual Heart it is unable to be truly intelligent. Archons think they
are alive only when something extraordinary, especially something dark,
happens in the mental space of the being they are attached to. It is enough that
they think it, even if they had to invent it themselves, if in reality nothing
happens to a person. The more they can control his mind, words and deeds, the
more they feel alive. They were created by dark curses, words that came to life in
the spirit of the mental machine and that is their essence.
Archons have the ability to convey information of various kinds, true, false,
confusing, mixed; they have some access to memory records and thought
consciousness. Separately, or mediated through other archons who are connected
to the mental space of other beings. However, for these services, they demand
that the person, the soul, hand over his soul and thus himself. Such a person,
whose intention is to have extraordinary abilities and possibilities, even if he has
no right or prerequisites for them due to his past and innate characteristics.
If he agrees to such a contract with the Archon Devil, he must pay the highest
price, with his soul. Archons want to completely control the soul of a person, so
that he then does everything and anything, that the community of archons,
united into one whole, wants. Archons/gods are agents of the Devil and the
Devil is an agent of Satan. Whoever gets into the Devil’s sphere of in uence will
probably become his agent and will be forced to try to expand the Devil’s herd.
The devil is like a depraved horned shepherd who cracks his whip and drives
eas to jump from the dead to the living and spread the plague of Satan.
In order to survive, archons need, like any virus, to have a host. They need from
him a thought-mental intention of such a kind that they have the opportunity to
attack him, twist him, analyze him further, try to get related information from
somewhere, from other archons connected to the consciousness of other people,
or according to some algorithm to extract information from a person’s memories
and according to his past behaviors to complement his probable behavior and
suggest it to him in his mind as his own.
On the one hand, the Archons have a foundation of dark mental inputs from the
Anunnaki, the false gods that they drilled into them, programmed with black
magic incantations, a half-computer, half-human language, and that’s what the
Archons are still based on today. Archons are programmed with a certain instinct
of self-preservation. According to the law of polarity, this instinct for survival is
also an instinct for self-destruction, because if there is one positive, its opposite is

automatically created with it. Both opposites are one and the same and opposite
at the same time.
The Archons think contrary, and the content of their arti cial mind is the Chaos
of Satan. They don’t care what they change in the minds of beings, how they act
there and what will be the result. If they cause chaos in the mind, it can lead to
the demise of that being. Where there is not the Order of God, there is naturally
the Chaos of Satan. In the ON World; and that is our world and everything in it;
even the Chaos of Satan imported into it is subject to God’s order. Many
individual archons do not care how they act and what they cause, mainly that
something is happening and that they can process some thought data. This
happens if a person is subject to them, if they can rule over him. If the archons
rule him through thoughts and emotions, then they feel that they live and the
Devil/Satan thinks that he lives through Him, he thinks that he has conquered
ON, the individual God inside the soul. If he manages to control the soul, there is
(almost) no ON left in it. He has been replaced by the opposite ON, and his
energy is dark, gloomy, and vainly empty. So the attacking archon entities and
false gods then no longer feed on light but dark energy and this only increases
their darkness. They get what they deserve. They give fakes, they get fakes. They
feed on dark energy, from which they have a deceptively pleasant feeling, it is
like a drug for them, and at the same time they constantly plunge into the
darkness of false feelings, because they propose it. They want the drug of
emotional power and desire it. After time, however, the pleasant feeling
disappears and is replaced by a gloomy, almost empty feeling of Vanity. All this
also applies to people here on Earth. False gods, or false people,… there is not
that much difference between them. Even here on Earth, many people pretend or
behave like big or small gods. They nurture their Egos at the expense of their
divine Self.
Anunnaki and archons work together. Black magicians also uses the archons and
the Anunnaki are also involved. Black magicians, also many esoteric, spiritual
and religious teachers, even many gurus pretending as Light are their servants,
even if it often does not seem so at rst glance. In their teachings, they weave one
over the other, and the result of their action is also Chaos.
Mental entities are thought pathogens of Satan. They do not have a soul, they do
not have a body, they are elementary programs of perverted arti cial intelligence,
which have the ability to connect with each other and act together. Perverted
because they were born of black curses and grow when beings fall under them.
They are something like the primordial energies of the dark pragmatism, the
mummies of the mental residue of the damned souls that arose from the
primordial dust. You are dust and to dust you will return. This only applies to
vain souls who no longer have a place in the ON World, because they have

turned too far away from it. The Archon Mummies were summoned to the ON
World from the Unity, they were shaped by dark ethereal patterns that were
subverted and misused by the false gods for their purposes. Mental archon
entities are something like little proponents of Satan, who came into our world.
Respectively, they were directed here by magic wands and incantations of false
gods. They are also symbolized as maladaptive immigrants from Arab
countries, who were invited to Europe by someone from the elite, they are like
terrorists of Muslim origin who destroy the country to which they were invited
or who came illegally.
Each such mental entity is like a particle of mental dust, which is projected from
the Unity into the ON World. It acquires something like a mini mental id identity,
a mini source code, that gives the program the character and dark content of its
creator. On the mental level, these entities are cast by black magic on the target,
on human or extraterrestrial souls, who apparently had something to do with
false gods, with archons, with the Devil; because they wanted something
extraordinary from them, such as the power to create magic, abilities,
information, material wealth, or extraordinary pleasures.
Entities in interaction with the mind of the affected soul packed data on
themselves, better said access codes to the data. It is information from her past,
her karmic records and also some of her current intentions and actions, because
they become the past immediately after thought/implementation and are written
down somewhere. Archon entities then rush into a person’s mind and instill
thoughts, mental ideas and, indirectly, emotional feelings into it. They want to
control him and control his actions.
Archon entities have also attacked astral beings that have the ability to interfere
with the emotional eld of the soul. They have in uenced their actions and they
then instill in the system of a person or an astral being emotions that co-operate
with thoughts and mental perceptions and give them much more emphasis than
if they were acting alone.
Mental entities do not have emotions, nor do they have access to them, because
they operate on a higher level, on which the emotions are not accessible. They do
not have astral and emotional bodies through which they could feel them. They
do not have access to higher feelings from the ON dimension of Grace, because
they do not have the Spirit. They are not able to create or cast spells, because this
requires subtle (emotional) energies. Emotions of hostility of various kinds and
energies related to intention were given to them by the reptilian “gods” of the
Anunnaki. These are mental-astral energies owing from their corrupted astral
heart and other parts of the chakra system. The emotions have been translated
into a thought word, that the archons move into the mind of the person and the

attached astral being (Anunnaki, god,…) releases its emotional poison into the
chakra system of the person. Like a poisonous snake, through whose teeth their
emotional energy of black festering blood ows into a person, which the
Anunnaki imagined as a golden liquid.
The greater the scope of the possibilities of knowledge, the greater the potential
for Good, but also for Evil. But when we are already here and we are affected by
Evil as a whole, the way to arrive at Good is to recognize Evil. Knowing what
Good and Evil actually is and knowing the Evil that is stored in the Shadow of
our Self. Once the energy supply that mental entities have is exhausted, they will
die out, once again they will be only a miniature box devoid of energy, and then
they will disappear from the soul system. The law of conservation of energy
applies. The energy that the mental entities have to tyrannize the soul must be
matched with the energy of the soul in question, it must be turned from dark to
light, and it is turned with love and knowledge of the cause, that caused the light
energy to transform to dark.

The quantum puzzle and the ambiguity of signals
from God

The quantum world is unpredictable. The behavior of a quantum particle is

confusing. Apparently, it is as if quantum particles suffer from split personality
disorder. In quantum theory, quantum particles can exist in a superposition of
states at the same time and collapse into a single state when interacting with
other particles. Some scientists moved from science to the Vedas, the
philosophical and religious teachings of ancient India, when quantum theory was
being developed. At best, abstract science and mystical science are mutually
supportive and not in competition.
In a physical double-slit experiment, the electrons behaved differently when they
were directly observed by an observer on the screen during the experiment than
when they were recorded on it by a measuring device and the observer turned
his gaze and attention away from the experiment. According to quantum theory
and also according to physical experiments, quantum particles collapse into one
state only when they are observed by a conscious observer. In its natural state,
the electron is more like a wave, but if we consciously observe it, it becomes a
particle with a xed position in space and time. Simply put, it means that when
we look at a phenomenon, observe it, the phenomenon behaves differently than
when we do not see it. It is an interesting paradox, with which the Creator subtly
shows us that things can be different from what we think, or how they seem to us
at rst glance. Schrödinger devised a thought experiment to clarify the absurd
yet logical outcome of such claims.
In Schrödinger’s imaginary experiment, place a cat in a box with a small piece of
radioactive material. When the radioactive substance decays, it triggers the
Geiger counter, which causes the poison to be released, killing the cat. Now the
decay of a radioactive substance is governed by the laws of quantum mechanics.
This means that the atom begins in a combined state of “decomposed” and “non-
decomposed”. In this experiment, there is no conscious observer present to see
into the box. Everything is in a sealed box, so you as an observer don’t know
what actually happened there. As a result of the experiment, a combination of
two possibilities remains: the cat ends up both dead and alive at the same time.
The idea of the existence of a cat that is dead and alive at the same time is absurd,

but it happens in the real world, because unless we open the box, the cat is really
dead and alive at the same time.
If we don’t know something, then both options are true. So the cat is dead and
alive at the same time. It is a paradox and the ON World is also full of paradoxes.
ON is and creates all that is and creates also that which is not; and probably
something else that we can’t describe. ON is a mystery in himself. The quantum
world and the example of Schrödinger’s cat, which is literally right under our
noses in a box and we don’t even know if it is alive or dead, is a memento from
the Supreme Lord, which does not occur to us, it tells us that ON is Inexplicable
and Incomprehensible. When we think how far we have come, how wise we are
and how much we already know, we are sometimes taught by ON, that it is
different, or that our knowledge is only partial, or valid only under certain
limited conditions.
A reporter once asked a Buddhist monk what his greatest insight was from his
years spent meditating in a cave. He thought brie y and told him: “You don’t
Matter is not as material as we have long thought. For the scientist, matter has
always been considered a kind of ultimate thing, something that is static and
predictable. We like to think of space as empty and matter as solid. However,
both the macro world and the micro world are essentially empty space. Both
above and below. When you look up at the sky, what do you see? Huge empty
space, small dots – shining stars and planets consisting of matter. The most
widespread element in the universe is hydrogen, it makes up about 74% of all
matter. Helium makes up another 25% and oxygen less than 1%. All other
elements are relatively rare. Oxygen makes up about 46% of the mass of the
earth’s crust. A hydrogen atom makes up approximately 99.9999999999996% of
empty space. In other words, if a hydrogen atom were the size of the Earth, the
proton at its center would be about 200 meters in diameter. Compared to the size
of the Earth, the core is literally microscopic. That’s the micro world, and by
looking at the sky you’ll see that it’s no different in the cosmic macro world. It
also consists mainly of empty space.
Everyone in the world is made up of nothingness. As grim as this may sound, it
is true. In fact, every human being on Earth right now, all 8 billion of us, could all
t in a small room, all because we are made of (almost) nothing. What we
perceive as solid objects, such as tables, chairs, cars, even ourselves, is actually
just a large cluster of tiny particles separated by virtually in nite
nothingness. This absurd truth has everything to do with the atoms and forces of
the Great Magician who holds it all together.

Some time ago, the atom was considered the smallest particle of matter that did
not divide further. It was later discovered that an atom consists of a solid nucleus
and electrons orbiting around it. Then it was discovered that the “solid” nucleus
is not so solid because it consists of protons (positively charged) and neutrons (no
charge). However, it was far from over, because science found out that even the
proton can be split. Proton is made up of quarks and gluons,… and so on, this
story of division into smaller and smaller particles is probably not over yet.
Anything that has mass and occupies a given volume is basically de ned as
mass. Everything around us is composed of matter, what’s more, everything
around us is matter composed of atoms. Atoms make up everything, but they
also exist very, very far apart and atoms themselves are emptier than matter.
The atomic nucleus is the plus and the electron orbiting around is the minus and
weighs nothing. The electron is like a vain nothing that is the negative opposite
of the positive fullness of the ON nucleus. An electron does not revolve around
the nucleus of an atom, but exists in its orbit, existing in different places around
the nucleus at the same time, until an external in uence, vibration, disturbance
occurs, which causes it to change from an indeterminate state to a clearly
determined state. An electron captured by an observer is somewhere, in some
de nite state. However, that state is not permanent because it is just a snapshot of
a moment. Then a completely different moment occurs, and the previous one will
never happen again, because with the huge number of atoms and electrons that
are related to some quantum situations, it simply cannot happen again.
You will never step into the same river. Observation changes the result of the
observed phenomenon. When a person, the soul, observes his own Self in its
entirety, including his karmic records, when he recognizes and observes himself,
his mistakes, as they arose in situations from the past, when he observes himself
even when correcting his mistakes, so as not to repeat them again, thus, he can
change the view of how he sees himself, how others see him, and thus changes
the result of the observed phenomenon, and himself, and thereby also affects his
Since the box is locked and we don’t know from the outside if the radioactive
substance has broken down and released the poison, we can’t tell if
Schrödinger’s cat is dead or alive. So, until we open the box to be sure of the
result, the cat is both dead and alive. Mathematically speaking, there is a 50%
chance that the cat is dead and a 50% chance that the cat is alive. From the point
of view of quantum mechanics, the cat’s ability to be in an ambiguous state of
being both alive and dead until it is observed (ie when someone opens the box) is
referred to as quantum indeterminacy, or the observer’s paradox. The paradox
says that the event, or the observer of the experiment, affects its outcome. In this

case, whoever conducts this hypothetical experiment can in uence whether the
cat remains in an unknown state, or can open the box and know with 100%
certainty whether the cat is dead or alive.
The experiment also points out when a distinction of options occurs. The goal of
the experiment is for us to ask ourselves whether it is logical for an observation
to produce a response. After all, wouldn’t the cat be either dead or alive even if
we never opened the box? In quantum mechanics, the observer has a role in the
results of the experiment.
Has anyone seen the Supreme God? Probably not, but we can observe the
manifestations of his Creation at every step; provided we consciously perceive
them, think about them and do not ignore them ignorantly. So even if we don’t
see ON, we can consciously observe His manifestations, they are all around us
and they are also in us. However, it depends on the conscious observer, on his
level of maturity, vigilance and a certain effort. Is there any karma from our
distant past that we don’t know about? According to the same logic, if we can
observe its manifestations, then one probably exists.
Signals from God are ambiguous, but they are so only in appearance and under
certain circumstances. Everyone can nd their own thing in them if they see,
observe and perceive them with the eye of the Spirit. You can read a message
from God or from your Spirit, you can feel the energy that accompanies it, the
feelings that complement it and intuitively con rm the truth of your
interpretation of this message. However, there are many variables. The message
can be given symbolically, sensing the energy of (emotional) feelings can be
distorted and false, higher intuition can be obscured or replaced by lower
When does a signal from God become clear? Through honest self-knowledge
work, after some time the blockages limiting the clear vision of the Most High
will be softened and removed, and then, when we become quiet internally, in the
silence of the primordial noise, we perceive a mysterious radiation from
somewhere deep inside our own Self, so that we cannot then clearly label it. An
unambiguous expression remains inside and appears ambiguously outside.
On the one hand, there is the quantum puzzle and the resulting illusion of the
virtual reality of the world and our action in it; and on the other hand, there is the
real reality that we experience everyday in our lives. Which of the two statements
is true? Both are true, however different and opposite they may be. If we identify
too much with one particular state, it could happen to a conscious soul observing
itself that a situation will occur to it, by which the universe will let it know that
the other “reality” is “real” and is also here.

If we tell ourselves too much that everything around us is virtual reality and a
game simulator, that the world is not material, we might get a slight push,
stumble and hit our head on a pillar. Then we will de nitely realize that concrete,
in addition to not being here and immaterial, is also material. It is better to
observe the statements of the paradoxes of the ON World than to anchor yourself
too much in their extremes.

Better leave the witch standing by the road

If you ever meet a witch in your life, you better watch out for her. She will want
to take your energy and then your soul; because he she magic in her ngers
stained with columage and the dance of the devil in her blood. A witch once
knowingly sold her soul to the devil. Maybe she remembers some of it, but she
probably doesn’t, because maybe it was a long time ago, many lifetimes ago. It’s
no coincidence that today’s witches are still like that today. They practice it, one
way or another, in every life; and they continue to encounter the same entities
and beings they contacted at the beginning of their magical journeys. Karmically,
people with whom they have something unsettled also come into their lives. This
opens windows of opportunity for both parties to put things in order.
There is a big difference between being smart and being cunning. There is a
difference between being like that and thinking that about yourself. The former is
an attribute of God and the latter is an attribute of the Devil. The witch
(sub)consciously knows that she does not have enough energy to satiate the
insatiable astral and mental proponents of Satan, whom she directly or indirectly
invokes with her spells to do what she wishes for her. To perform her magic
tricks, give her information about the future, present and past, rid someone of
illness and dark energy, or cast them on someone.
The witch does not have enough of her own energy to pay off her debts to the
devil, so she gets it from the outside, from people with whom she is in contact
and who want to be in contact with her. From people who are related to her, they
listen to her advice and follow her magical practices. She wants to sacri ce them,
their energy, likened to their blood as sacri cial lambs, the witch wants to pour
out on the altar of Satan, instead of her own.
The devil told the witch what he would want for servicing her. The devil is a
deceiver. He promises you the world, whatever you want. But he will tell you
that by deceiving you. He will tell you that he will serve you, but you will serve
him and you will not even know how. Even witches lie. At least with their
outward appearance and physical appearance, which does not re ect their true
self and allows them to be an attractive alternative to others.
The more the witch deals with the devil’s purpose, the more the archon entities
control her consciousness until there is no turning back for the witch. She will not

have clear insight because her archon-impaired consciousness is unable to
discern itself. I don’t think anyone doubts that the devil exists, except those who
are under the in uence of the devil.
A witch casts spells through other beings, or entities, that she taps into and that
tap into her. She is dependent on them, she does not conjure anything outside of
them. Powering happens through the archons, who connect the witch with other
beings, as well as with other archons. She gets information from them and sends
back his wishes.
On the one hand, Archons have partial access to the collective thought
consciousness of souls and know how to extract something from them. What
they are allowed to pull off is a re ection of their chaotic consciousness; that is
why it is a mixture of lies, half-truths and truths. If they were all uttered lies, it
would probably be gured out fairly quickly and the entire wizarding system
would collapse. No one would be interested in it. Archons also operate in the
consciousness of astral beings who can manifest something even on the astral
level, in the astral body, which is also manifested in the physical body.
Astral sorcerers state their intention, cast a spell, and the archons mediate their
contacts with other beings or entities. It’s a network, it’s a ma a, it’s like a mental
internet, in which different things are connected to each other, one way, or the
other. The result leads to the (apparent) chaos, which is why the result of the spell
cannot be relied upon. Sometimes it works, then only halfway, sometimes too late
to notice, or it turns out completely different from what was intended, and
sometimes it doesn’t work at all. However, it doesn’t only work on the outside,
because secret processes with a different goal are taking place in the background,
normally no one connects them with witchcraft, because they manifest
themselves elsewhere and in a different way.
Something for something. Everyone in the witchcraft food chain wants to have
something of it. First of all, the archons want to control a being, a soul, or a
person. They want to be in his mind and in uence or directly control his
behavior. Archons are mental particles of Satan that want to penetrate ON. They
want to dominate Him, they want to squeeze its divine essence out of the soul.
They want to live through the body and consciousness of a person. Astral beings,
various false gods and “angels”, are also proponents of Satan. Instead of their
souls, they want to throw other souls to the devil, as you throw a bone to a dog;
and thus they want to delay their entry into Hell.
The Archons will want, and certainly try to do so, to harm the witch and rob her
of her love energy. It doesn’t matter to them that they also attack the person they
work with. They just want to get their way. Even so, they pretend to the witch
that it is not them, but that it is others who are attacking her. They also want to

attack the one who uses the services of a witch. It is an arti cial intelligence, born
of black magic and behaves accordingly. Astral beings never have enough energy,
they are ravenous reptilians by nature.
The witch is forced to constantly practice energy hygiene in order to cleanse
herself of the negativity that she picked up during her activity. It is not for
nothing, that the witches are accompanied by a cat, the symbol of the Lyrans, the
cat people; cat cleanses them of clumps of dark energies that they have acquired
from their clients, but also from the entities that “ensure” the result of the spell. A
cat seems to be a nice animal, in its essence it is a predator, killing for food, it is
also an insidious killer, killing for pleasure. Otherwise, it looks like a playful, nice
creature, but it will scratch and bite its master for no apparent reason. This is
symbolically shown the nature of the entities involved in magical and cleansing
processes. They are basically still the same. By comparing them, the witch buys a
cat in a bag and in a sense becomes such a cat herself. The cat is also a symbol of
Witches are helped by archon and astral entities, who will take a share of the love
energy from the witch, and she will try to get the missing energy from other
people. Typically from those whom he helps, for whom he casts spells,
prophesies; but also from those who are favorably inclined towards her and
especially those who have the sweet energy of the nectar of ON Grace at their
When the witch takes your energy and you don’t want to see it, because you
want to be drowned in the illusion that the witch is for your bene t, then not
only your energy will decrease, but your divine essence, your Spirit, which with
he wants nothing to do with dark witches. You are giving up your free will,
because you will not want to listen to the situational, mental, feeling signals of
your Self, your Spirit; you will not want to see hints of the witch’s behavior, her
remarks that she makes as if by the way, her facial expressions; you will not be
alert enough to perceive her words and actions; you will not think enough and
intuitively perceive the result of the spell. What did you actually get out of it,
how did it all turn out over time, what changed in your favor and what did not.
If you will be able to connect and realize it at all.
You may have met the witch again somewhere along the way in your life, as an
old acquaintance with whom you had some dealings. There are quite a lot of
witches and their clones around us. Some are active, others are passive, but their
portals, connecting their auric system with the dark entities they have interacted
with in past lives, are always alert, waiting for a suitable victim to appear and
join the witch, so that they can rob the victim of their vital energy and a part of
their soul together.

Things are related and the wheel of development turns back. Apparently, the
time is not far when witches, earthly or astral, will lose their power, even if,
paradoxically, they basically have none, because all power is in the hands of the
Greatest Mage and that is ON. ON who sometimes at the beginning abounded in
exceptional magical powers distributed, or rather lent, the power; and now he
will take it back. His mate woman did not have such skills at the time, but she
wanted them very much. She wanted to match the man. However, she had
glamour, charm, sex appeal and feminine sophistication. She seduced a man and
he passed to her some of his magic and white witchcraft skills, along the way.
The woman immediately began to abuse it and distribute it further, among many
others, rst to men and then to other women. She blacked it out. So it branched
and cloned. This is how witchcraft spread from the time of Atlantis and continues
to these days. Today, however, they are only remnants of what was then possible
to achieve through magic. It is diluted, like tea with an unattractive taste and
The distribution of magical power is like selling sophisticated weapons to your
partner, who turns out to be a potential and then an actual enemy. He will sell
that weapons to the terrorists and use it directly, through them, against you as
soon as he runs out of the energy of grace. He will want to take it from you with
a weapon. Karma is karma, the story has a beginning, but also an end. And so the
one who distributed magical power to others who abused it, quite logically takes
it back.
The witch intervenes in the natural order in an arti cial way, so that the plot
develops with the intervention of her hand. Although its purpose may also seem
noble, helpful and healing at rst glance, for the entities that carry it out, there is
nothing more remote than the virtues of the primordial God.
The devil is the intermediary between ON and the opposite of ON (Satan); The
devil is an agent between two opposing sides, he mediates direct or cascading
contact between the creative living ON and the cold arti cial opposite of ON.
As usual, nothing is black or white, between these two opposites there are many
shades of other colors. That’s also why it’s often mixed, magical souls get to
know something creatively, and at the same time try to get a lot of bene ts in
other ways. But there is a price they will have to pay.
The devil lends funds to the magical soul, and the soul nally pays the price.
Finally, the Devil will get those resources from her, or from other souls who are in
the same bag with her. Similar to banks. They will lend you money, but not their
own, but money that other clients have deposited in the bank. Banks do not risk
anything. The interest that the bank pays you when you deposit money with
them is signi cantly lower than the interest that you have to pay to the bank

when you borrow from them. And now the important thing: if you don’t have
the money to pay the loan and interest to the bank, the bank will put you in
foreclosure and eventually take everything you have. You will be left with
nothing and go bankrupt. Even for a relatively small loan, you can lose a roof
over your head. The essence of associating with the Devil is similar, if you
associate with him, for example, because of witchcraft skills, if you want to have
them for yourself, or if you want to use their result as a witch’s service.
The devil brings souls what they desire, then they achieve it not naturally but
arti cially. A soul that wants to have something extraordinary, for example
extraordinary abilities, material possessions, fame, admiration, wants to have a
pleasant time, and since it did not deserve it in an adequate way, it probably
won’t get to it in a normal way. She will then do something that will bring her
such a bene t. He doesn’t want or can’t come to it through normal creative
knowledge, so he wants to achieve it with a shortcut. In an arti cial way. If the
soul wants to achieve something not in a natural way, but in an arti cial short-cut
way, then it will indeed achieve it in an arti cial short-cut way. He gets what he
wants. Arti cial because her wishes are conveyed to her by the arti cial
intelligence of the Matrix.
They are mental entities that serve the soul. The Archons will serve the soul, so
that the soul will then have to serve them, and they will then rule the soul in her
consciousness. The Archons command witch to dance naked around a re
somewhere in the settlement, or to eat a dead, decaying animal somewhere in the
forest; and the witch will have to do it, otherwise they threaten her with abuse,
they threaten to deny her help, to destroy her, to harm her health. Or they lie to
her that it is a bene cial ritual for some reason. It’s not for nothing that such
things happen in reality.
The soul gives itself to the archons. She hands her over to the devil, an agent of
Satan. In a short-cut way, because a direct bridging of Grace and Vanity creates a
shortcut. It’s like a direct clash of Light and Darkness. Light and Darkness cannot
be at the same time, in the same moment, in the same place. There can be either
one or the other. When a short circuit occurs, it sparks, smokes, blows fuses and
shuts off the electricity. It’s like the collision of matter and antimatter.
Eternity is much longer than this life. Besides, your soul isn’t yours in the rst
place. ON belongs and therefore to sell your soul means to compromise your true
Self in exchange for anything super cial. However, ON gave us free will to
decide to give our soul to what and to whom we want. Your soul is all you have
even when you die because energy does not die; it just transfers and transforms.
People sell their souls every day. You are selling your soul, even if you pretend to
be someone you are not, for the comfort of others or for your own ego. When you

lie (to yourself), you sell your soul. Anytime you are not true to yourself, you are
selling your soul.

Return of the false gods

The Anunnaki are about to return to Earth, or so their leader Enki claims.
Although some aliens are probably already here in some form. “So let’s prepare
the weapons, it is better to use atomic missiles against them than senselessly self-
destruct against ourselves. We have a common enemy and that is the aliens.”
This would probably be the rst thing that would come to mind when one is
informed about the imminent invasion of aliens; it also has to do with decades of
massaging the mind by the Hollywood movie industry. “Let’s unite Earthlings
and defend ourselves against them.” Such thoughts about hostile aliens are
partially valid, but they require thinking about how it actually is, who would
bene t from it, what it would probably lead to, and what the individual has to do
with it.
The extraterrestrial gods periodically returned to Earth on their planet Nippur
(Nibiru), which for them is something like a huge spaceship, but they do not
know how to control it. It is steered by the Astronomical ON. The Anunnaki also
called their home city in ancient Mesopotamia, which was one of their central
operations, Nippur (near Baghdad, Iraq). Always in the past, when their planet
came close to Earth, they boarded their spaceships and landed on Earth. When
Nibiru circled the Sun and returned, they put it in reverse to return to Earth
thousands of years later. They left some sort of landing party on Earth to keep the
system they had established running. Nibiru orbits the Sun in an extremely
elliptical orbit every 3,600 years or so.
A piece of symbolism is also hidden in such events. Nibiru may not be a directly
observable material space body, as we are used to with other planets. In the case
of its prophecy as an astral-mental planet, existing on another level of being, it is
not visible to the naked eye. Whether and how it will manifest itself at the level of
the dense physical world is questionable. It can be observed in a dreamlike way,
in other states of consciousness. The consciousness of the gods is anchored in the
ON Place, represented by this planet, which is so far from the Sun, that no light of
Amon falls on it and therefore on the Anunnaki (almost). On the astral-physical
level, they can be located completely elsewhere, for example, in halls hidden
deep underground. The periodicity of the orbit of the planet Nibiru also points to
an astrological in uence, when by changing the position of the cosmic forces, the

energies are directed to move the cogs of history, it clicks, a trapdoor opens, an
ancient elevator is activated, and monsters hidden for millennia come out from
under the earth, make their way through the oors pyramids to the light of God
and they will appear to us.
But the Anunnaki are not just those from Nibiru. They are of several species,
Pleiadians, but also others. They also include the murderous Razor Draconians
from Draco, as well as other well-known representatives of the galactic eet, for
example Ištar Ashram (Temple of Ishtar - see chapter about the Sacred Sexuality).
They are far from benevolent and loving beings. There are also Gray
representatives of mental entities without sentiment and Spirit, they cooperate
with some earthly governments, communicate with them in some form and
supply them with information, in exchange for their willingness to cooperate, for
example, on the False Flag project. Everything bad that happens on Earth is
connected to (Gray) mental entities in some way.
Some extraterrestrials cover themselves extremely well and transform themselves
into beautiful blonde glowing humanoid or angelic beings who protect humanity
from other evil extraterrestrials. At the same time, everyone is in it together.
Such a tactic is called diversi cation; they insure it on several fronts. Their earthly
contactees, as well as naive readers, promote them and post memes about them
on the web and their telepathically downloaded endless rants about the
excellence of humanity, how they admire us and love us unconditionally, and
such nonsense. Knowingly or unknowingly, these people help them and thus
become part of the global manipulation of helpful visitors from space who will
come to save humanity.
There is quite a bit of disharmony and hostility among the aliens, in the past they
fought with each other, they compete with each other, but when it comes to a
common goal, they know how to unite for a while. Their goal is the harvest, that
is, the gathering of human souls with a “harvester” so that they can use and
process them. They want to rejoin the expected global event that heralds the end
of the Cycle and take part of its stake; or, when the event does not happen in
time, they want to imitate the process, as they did in the past. For example, they
destroyed Sodom-Gomorrah with an atomic weapon, because they wanted to
carry out God’s punishment for the shameful behavior of mankind. This is how
false gods are used to it. They cannot create anything, they only want to cling
parasitically to some process of the Supreme, join it and pro t from it; they want
to destroy something arbitrarily in order to have a “good feeling” that they have
done God’s will, to get some “energy” from it. I think the whole universe will
also feel better when the false gods retire to the eternity of Damnation, with their
black curses and all their lackeys, earthly, astral, and mental archons.

The Anunnaki are like blood-sucking pincers, like the tapeworms of the Devil
that have attacked ON from within. Many of them are precisely mimicking those
gods, angels, ascended masters, whom people still recognize and promote in
their many religious or esoteric depictions. Those people are their earthly agents,
whether they know what they are doing, or they are acting under the in uence of
mental entities, following their common interest and thus preparing the ground
for the return of the gods.
Some of the ancient depictions of the gods are frozen moments from the distant
past when things were different; so not everything is black and white; but it
changes over time. It is complex and the information noise is large. In general, it
can be said that even Hitler, when he was in a good mood, was kind to children.
When the gods had enough of the energy of grace, they were like on drugs and
that gave them positivity and condescension, but also a crazy explosion of their
ego. When they ran out of drugs, their true nature showed up. They will do
anything to get the mind-clouding drug and get rid of the fear of Hell. The dark
energy of Fear drives them, and when that runs out, they are left with only the
endless void of Vanity. They are constantly looking for a Savior to relieve them of
their karma. After all, it is no different in humans. They rely on the savior Jesus,
who supposedly should rid them of their sins, and since this is not happening,
they are waiting for his second return. Their motivation is similar to that of the
gods, it is a subconscious fear of their dark deeds, which they have not processed,
at the same time it is also the in uence of the common consciousness of
humanity, the Arti cial Spirit lled with the fear of the gods, impregnated into
their (sub)consciousness. Their emotional and mental state is part of the common
thought consciousness of humanity and affects people, who are tuned in on a
similar wavelength. They listen to the same radio broadcast.
In the ancient past, there were extraterrestrial beings/entities, active mainly in
the consciousness of the human mind, who were teachers of earthlings. However,
their intention was not at all sel ess help out of love for humanity (thanks to the
exceptions, if there were any at all). Their assistance in science, technology,
agriculture and other elds was meant as a starter pack to help humanity evolve.
To enable humanity to grow from a few million to billions, to develop into
civilizations, but also into hordes of conquerors, raiders and slavers. We can
understand it as their investment in humanity for the purpose of its
development, for the purpose of producing a large amount of energy of grace,
that humanity “produced” through creative knowledge. Now they want to return
to reap the harvest of energies and abilities multiplied by the creative activity of
human souls and to offer them as sacri ces on the altar of Satan, as they have
sworn to him. They made a promise to the Devil’s mind, and it will eat them
alive if they don’t keep their promise. The false gods want to escape the

consequences of their actions and hope to nd a solution on Earth that will allow
them to do so. It should end where it started.
Simply put, the archon mental entities, the archons who control the false gods,
want human souls, they want their bodies (astral bodies) to be born into the next
life in the soul with their arti cial spirit, with Satan, instead of the divine spark. If
they do not supply bodies (souls) to the archons, they will at least take the souls
of false gods and their earthly or astral lackeys.
It’s basically a ght between Good and Evil, almost like in a fairy tale, if there
weren’t so much (threatened) bloodshed, tragedies and horror. However, ON
also has self-purifying systems, represented by primordial universal laws.
Another principle is self-re ection, at the level of the Individual and also at the
level of the Whole; it is the process of knowing one’s own causes that have
contributed to this condition; leading to correction and repair of the broken.
False gods, Anunnaki, earthly witches, or ruling elites; after all, there is not that
much difference between them. The main difference is that they are there and
these are here. The Archons operate in their consciousness and want others to
control and use their talents for their own ends. Nothingness and Chaos wants to
be absorbed by ON; much like when a computer virus spreads globally to infect
and destroy as many computers as possible around the world. And not only
those, because today computers are also in cars, airplanes, mobile phones,
household appliances, payment systems, they are already almost everywhere.
The Anunnaki want to return to Earth; one scenario is for it to be an outwardly
peaceful mission; that is, camou age and falsehood; with the Earthlings attacking
them and them having to defend themselves. They would like to take over the
earthlings, or stage, provoke a war between aliens and earthlings, or something
else. Their goal is for human souls to be handed over to the Devil. In this sense,
what does it mean to surrender the soul to the devil? There are archon mental
entities that do not have a body. In order to live, they need a body, they need a
soul, an astral body that they could fully control through her mind and through
which they could live. To use the talents and merits of the soul for their purposes,
for the purposes of Evil and Darkness. It’s not that different from the Grays who
can’t reproduce. They can clone themselves; they have some technology that will
allow them to transfer consciousness into a physical body. They are emotionless,
they don’t even have feelings, their minds are arti cial and basically their astral
and physical bodies are also biotechnologically arti cial in a way. Their minds are
cold, heartless, dehumanized, satanic. They cooperate with each other, even if
they are of different races (reptilian, insectoid, smaller, larger).
The return of false gods would have a certain logic. The offender returns to the
scene of his crime. The Anunnaki would probably try to retake control of what is

happening on Earth. At the same time, or afterwards, they would probably want
to harvest the human souls they promised the Devil instead of their own souls.
However, there are a few snags. The rst of these is that the Earth elites, rulers
and politicians, are (at least in a sense) puppets of the alien invaders, but they are
preparing their own projects, which may not be fully coordinated with the
Anunnaki gods. They also have strong egos and play their own game along the
way; and the archons operating in their minds also go their own way. The
Anunnaki are no longer archons, because they can no longer cast spells, the black
magic of the gods is more or less non-functional for them. The Anunnaki have
desecrated themselves, worn themselves out, they are already quite useless. The
Archons would apparently select the most capable and talented from the looted
souls, whose souls they would control and through them cause even more Evil
and Chaos. However, their souls would have to contribute signi cantly to this in
their measure; it’s not just like that, capturing someone’s soul. They would use
and then destroy them too. The Archons want to take over the whole thing, as
they have already announced through Ramtha, for example. Each of the parties
announces what it has planned and recruits supporters of that scenario.
Another snag is that it’s nothing more than their plan. Besides, there are other
plans, such as those that will send them all straight to Hell, along with their
earthly lackeys. Even the Supreme Lord has his own plan, which he de ned long
ago – what you deal with, you get. A coin has two sides, development is cyclical,
and when the pendulum swings to the extreme, it inevitably begins to return to
the other side.
The former “god” Enki is a notorious liar and braggart, a pathological fool, not in
the sense of swearing, but in the sense of diagnosing his mental state. It cannot be
different because it represents the opposite of ON. ON is wise and the opposite of
ON is (also) stupid. It is one of his attributes. Enki’s tribesmen are not much
better off, their leader and ideologist Enki is probably the greatest arch-villain of
them all. Literally the Antichrist, after all the cruci xion of Jesus lies on the neck
of Enki and his group of Anunnaki gods.
Much of the responsibility for the condition of humanity lies with the
“gods”. Whoever has power also has responsibility. Here on Earth, there are also
plenty of similar rogues, and they are in this together with the Anunnaki. They
have also succumbed to the glittering empty offer of the Devil, preferring Vanity
to ON and thus they will get Vanity. Gray Vanity is already grinding her infernal
fangs on them. However, every person has power, he was given free will, and
that is a great power and it is also a great responsibility.
The side opposing to ON has countless of attributes. They are mixtures of Satan,
archons, a mixture of combinations of opposites of varying degree and nature.

Satan could not directly attack ON, because the simile is Satan as Antimatter and
ON is as Matter. The result of their direct clash would probably be their mutual
Who knows if these activities are registered by the hypothetical legendary
Arcturian Puri ers of irredeemable Evil. I highly doubt any space people would
have a vested interest in protecting the humanity. After all, some cosmic power
would purify a piece of Evil, which apparently also gets on the nerves of others
in the galaxy, and that’s also because the evil of mental viruses can spread to the
far reaches of the Milky Way. It may reach their own doorstep, and the lessons
learned from the crisis of Earth’s development could bene t some of our galactic
neighbors as well.
Imagine that an alien wants to save humanity. He turns on the TV, watches the
TV broadcast, and probably the desire to solve something earthly would pass
him quickly. News, serials, horrors, soap operas, documentaries about world
wars. What would be the resulting attitude of an outside observer? Which beings
with common sense would want to save such humanity? There is chaos on the
television, a mixture of (dis)information of various kinds and moods, from which
nothing solid can be determined about humanity. And no one can really see into
the human soul, only its Spirit, the individualized representative ON, who is its
guide for the soul and who also leads the soul to be justly colored. If the soul
admits him at all, if he does not alienate him with his dark behavior and
opposition to knowledge, because then the transformation of the Spirit into a
dark Spirit will take place. Man is a mysterious being and the human soul is an
enigma. Aliens are not omnipotent or omniscient. They have access to something
and not to something, some earthlings also have a certain telepathic and psychic
There are more alien groups that are interested in humanity. It’s still the same –
the devil has many faces. When one face wears out in the media and loses its
religious-spiritual in uence, it is replaced by another. It is similar to politicians.
When one political puppet is profaned, it will immediately be replaced by
another; the result of her action will be similar, and her action will perhaps be
even more false and attering towards her breadwinners.
The Anunnaki/Archons are invaders from space who imitate God, or rather the
Devil. They left their Trojan horses, elites, illuminati and many of their majority
or minority lackeys on Earth. They are hidden even among us, ordinary people,
and when a real crisis situation arises, the rats climb out of the hole, into the light
of God. Earth’s elites are also considering a plan to fake an alien attack in order to
unite Earth and bring it even more rmly under their control. The false gods
imitated God, and the earthly elites in turn imitate the false gods; see man-made

pandemics, wars, plans for depopulation, enslavement of humanity. Some imitate
others and others imitate others, and they are all in it together at the same time.
And the rest of us on Earth along with them.
Well known is the project of the Earth elites represented by NASA called the Blue
Beam Project, it includes several different steps towards the implementation of a
worldwide New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head. We must realize that
the religion of the new age is the very basis of the new world government,
without which the dictatorship of the new world order is completely impossible.
The rst step in the project concerns the re-evaluation of opinion-forming
archaeological knowledge. It also deals with man-made earthquakes in certain
precise places on the planet, allegedly new discoveries that will nally explain to
all people the “error” of all basic religious doctrines. The falsi cation of this
information will be used to make all nations believe that their religious doctrines
have been misunderstood and misinterpreted for centuries.
The second step involves a gigantic “space show” with three-dimensional optical
holograms and sounds, laser projection of multiple holographic images to
different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to the
prevailing regional national religious belief. This new “God” voice will speak in
all languages. A cosmic show, holographic images will be used in a simulation of
the end, during which all nations will be shown scenes that will be the ful llment
of their wishes to verify prophecies and hostile events. These will be projected
from satellites onto the sodium layer about 60 miles above the earth. The result of
these deliberately staged events will be to show the world the new “Christ”, the
new messiah, Matrai (Maitreya), for the immediate realization of the new world
Enough truth will be forced upon an unsuspecting world to bind it to a lie. “Even
the most learned will be deceived.” The calculated opposition to universal
religion and the new messiah and the resulting holy wars will result in the loss of
human life on a scale never before imagined in all of human history. Project Blue
Beam will pretend to be the universal ful llment of ancient prophecies, such a
momentous event as the one that happened 2000 years ago.
In principle, it will use the sky as a movie screen, as space laser satellites project
simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet in every language and
dialect by region. It deals with the religious aspect of the New World Order and
is deception and deception on a mass scale. Speci cally, the show will consist of
multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a
different image according to a speci c national, regional religion. Not a single
area will be excluded.

With computer animation and sounds that seem to emanate from the very depths
of space, zealous followers of various faiths will be amazed to witness their own
messiahs return in convincing realistic reality. Then the projections of Jesus,
Muhammad, Buddha, Krishna, etc. they will merge into one after the correct
explanations of the mysteries of the revelations are revealed. This one god will
actually be the Antichrist who will explain that the various scriptures have been
misunderstood and misinterpreted and that the old religions are responsible for
turning brother against brother and nation against nation, therefore the old
religions must be abolished to make way for the new to the world religion, which
represents the only Antichrist god they see before them.
Naturally, this brilliantly staged falsi cation will lead to the dissolution of social
and religious disorder on a grand scale, with each nation accusing the other of
deception, unleashing millions of religious fanatics programmed with demonic
possession on a scale never seen before. Furthermore, this event will occur at a
time of profound global political anarchy, crisis, and general confusion caused by
some global catastrophe.
The spoken words of the “god” hypnotist can also, transformed by
electromagnetic energy, act directly on the subconscious part of the human brain
without the use of any mechanical device to receive or transmit the message,
without the person exposed to such in uence having the opportunity to
consciously control the input of information. Rationalized behavior can be
expected to be seen as removed from one’s own free will.
The third step in the Blue Beam project is telepathic and electronically augmented
two-way communication, where low-vibration radio waves reach each person
from their own mind and convince each of them that their own god is speaking
to them from the depths of their own soul. Such beams from satellites are fed
from networked computer memories that hold vast data on every person on
Earth. The rays then intertwine with their natural thinking to create what we call
diffuse arti cial thought.
— Adapted from the work of a Canadian investigative journalist named Serge
Monast. Serge and another journalist investigating the Blue Beam project died of
“heart attacks” within weeks of each other, although neither had a history of
heart disease. Pseudo-heart attacks are one of the alleged methods of death
induced by Project Blue Beam…
The government agencies, corporations and elites working with the Anunnaki/
Archons to bring about a new world order are ready to support anything that
will help them achieve their goal of total social control. As to the “why?”
question: First, if you terrify the public and make them fear for their safety, it
allows you to institute draconian law enforcement practices, disarm them, and

keep extensive records of them; and they will tell you of course that it is all just to
protect you. We saw it in reality, how governments protected us from Covid and
forced us to wear masks and get vaccinated.
The day would come when it would be possible to combine sensory deprivation
with drug hypnosis and subtle manipulation, with reward and punishment, to
give the elites almost absolute control over individual behavior. Then it should be
possible to achieve a very fast and highly effective type of positive
brainwashing that would allow them to make dramatic changes in a person’s
behavior and personality. They would nd that out by hearing the voice of the
messiah from the new world, speaking from space to all “sensible” people on
Earth. He could give instructions to religious and other fanatics, we would see
hysteria and social chaos on a scale that no one on this planet has ever witnessed.
No police force in the world, not even as a combined front, could deal with the
chaos that would ensue.
The use of telepathic hypnosis also has great potential. This ability could allow
agents to be deeply embedded in consciousness without conscious knowledge of
its programming. Other thought induction techniques are also considered. If
perfected, this ability could allow the direct transfer of thoughts via telepathy
from a single mind, or group of minds, to a chosen target audience. The unique
factor is that the recipient will not be aware that the thought has been implanted
from an external source. He will believe that the thoughts are original and his
They further nd it necessary to make humanity believe that an alien invasion is
about to occur in every major city on Earth to provoke every major nation to use
its nuclear weapons to strike back. In this way, the United Nations will demand
that all states that have launched nuclear weapons disarm when the invasion is
shown to have been a sham. Another goal is to make Christians believe that the
purpose of the supposed divine intervention of an extraterrestrial civilization is
to save earthlings from a savage and merciless demon. His goal will be to
eliminate all signi cant opposition to the implementation of the New World
Order (NWO) in one big blow, literally within hours of the show in the sky.
The objective is about global diabolical apparitions projected around the world to
drive all populations to the brink of hysteria and insanity, drowning them in a
wave of suicides, murders and permanent mental disorders. After the Night of a
Thousand Stars, the global populations will be ready for a new messiah to restore
order and peace at any cost, even the abdication of freedom. Obviously, it will
start with some global natural, military, or economic disaster. Not a total crash
but enough to allow them to introduce a new kind of currency, they will
introduce electronic cash to replace all paper or plastic money. This currency will

be used to force everyone who has savings to spend their cash because they
know that people who have money are not dependent on the “elites”. They may
be the very people who will raise a rebellion against them. If everyone is broke,
no one can nance a war of any kind; paper currency will cease to exist. This is
just one of the rst symptoms. The goal is to control everyone, anywhere on the
planet, ruthlessly and without exception. This is also one of the reasons why new
technologies are introduced everywhere. In addition to being bene cial, they can
also be used to control people.
The Blue Beam project was developed at least 40 years ago, if what is written
about it is true. It’s quite old stuff, who knows how it would work
today. Observing the election results, the proportion of people who are headless
“receivers” of the served “truth” is still more than half the majority. The idea of
the Blue Beam project is not new. Astral projections of “divine” apparitions have
happened many times in history, and mind manipulations programmed by
mental entities have been happening for a long time. The Earth elites are just
trying to copy the already existing Matrix system, but in a different way, so that it
is directly induced from the Earth level. It can quite easily be a backup solution
for the Archons, a plan B, so that in the event of the Anunnaki’s failure and the
lifting of their curses, they can be restored in another way and continue to
If you follow the so-called “channeling” prophecies and manifestations of
extraterrestrials through their earthly contactees, you may have noticed how
quickly the number of channeling people who have mental or telepathic contact
with extraterrestrial, divine, or angelic entities escalated. They receive messages
from them and pass them on. It’s incredible how similar their messages are.
There is a lot of information about the arrival of extraterrestrials. Some are of
Pleiadians full of unconditional love for humanity, with a burning heart,
communicating internally through the heart chakra; outwardly positive and
hopeful. I can’t even imagine anything more bizarre; it is as if the enemy were
drilling into your heart with a drill and would perceive it as communication
through the heart chakra. This is how the Devil behaves, in case you didn’t know.
Perhaps the return of the gods is meant (also) symbolically. They will not return
physically, but they will recover in a mental way, for example telepathically,
through channeling, which has become massively widespread throughout the
world. By doing so, they also in uence the minds of people who jump on them.
One of the other alternatives is the coordinated action of the Anunnaki, the
Archons and their human lackeys; with the goal of depopulating the Earth to a
minimal population by handing over their souls to the arti cial Spirits of the
Matrix. It’s basically still the same thing, just implemented in a different way.

Why is it all good to know? Be informed of what may occur. To break free from
the in uence of mental entities and mind control by Earth rulers ahead of time. It
is bene cial to feel and understand how it is, even before something like the
return of the gods happens. If it happens at all. In any case, it does not hurt to be
prepared and secure your true freedom in your next existences. Maybe a Higher
Power will work and direct the aliens directly to the Sun instead of to the Earth,
in other words they will go to the Light as they want so much; and this Light will
burn them to stardust. Curses are lost along with their originators and thus the
mental viruses that are products of black curses are also erased. The false gods
wanted to go into the light and wanted to have a harvest of energy of grace; so
they would get her, although not quite in the way they imagined. Man thinks,
God changes.
So the false gods are about to return. The trigger of the process should be, as it
has happened many times in the past, the passage of a cosmic body through the
solar system, near the Earth. It is possible that the gods will then climb out from
under the Earth, from the underworld. It could be said that in a certain sense the
gods are the global Shadow of Mankind, they are the worst that humanity has
ever seen, because symbolically they are the summation of the superstructure of
human Shadows. Everyone has their own Shadow, but many of the karmic
Shadows are linked to Gods, the Devil, and mental, (thought and feeling) entities
opposing ON and supporting the opposite of ON (Ego, Satan).
The god Enki claims that this time they will show themselves in their true form
because they no longer have the energy to disguise themselves. Energy is
represented by consciousness on the astral level, enabling a variable astral-
physical hologram of a being’s appearance. Let’s see how Creative ON will show
us those creatures.
Enki also claims that he will appear and die shortly thereafter, apparently with
(some) other Anunnaki. Even before that, he would try to curse the one he
considers responsible for his death; which means that he curses himself and it’s
completely ne. Everyone will get what they have proposed and prioritized in
their lives for a long time.
The Anunnaki were literally banished from Earth many times in the (recent) past
and only returned after a certain period of time. They also had followers who
seemed to like their magic and wanted to get something out of it; by mistake, or
they deliberately overlooked their falseness, bad intentions, arrogance and their
stupidity, because they didn’t really know anything then, they just wanted to rule
over everyone and enslave them. They tried different magic tricks on people,
magic, threw thunder-lightning, then tried to give them commands by voice
directly in their head. Even this people exposed and did not respect it. Then they

proceeded to insidious mind control through the magical programming of the
mental space into the form of arti cial intelligence, which feeds thoughts and
feelings into a person’s consciousness.
Many politicians behave similarly. On the outside, they still seem somehow
intelligent, but the examples show, how quickly, under the in uence of
circumstances, a president actor – a servant of the nation got into the position of a
murderer of his own nation. It was hidden in him, and it was manifested
outwardly only recently. Many other politicians, celebrities, actors, and other
people would also truly show up, if suitable external situation woul
arise. Internal processes would be launched in them, which would reveal their
insides, and ordinary citizens would become SS men, wardens in the
concentration camps, soldiers-killers, whistleblowers, collaborators, and the like.

The myth of Jesus the Savior

As the end of the Cycle approaches, the restless murmuring of those who are
troubled by the coming time of nal reckoning increases. Apocalypse means
revelation, and that revelation also consists in revealing the true nature of things;
the true face of gods, men and their deeds will be revealed. The false gods are
looking for a savior to absolve them of their responsibility for their crimes against
the human race. At the same time, the Anunnaki themselves let the savior Jesus
be cruci ed because he wanted to save humanity and cleanse it of sins. They
made it so.
At that time, people no longer worshiped the old deities, and therefore there was
a need to refresh the old ones with something new. The Anunnaki exalted
themselves and played gods in various cultures around the world. When the
Anunnaki left Earth for the last time around 1600 BC, people didn’t call them that
much after that. The gods left, their cult after a while wore out and ceased to be
attractive. Something new had to be invented. Even today, the Christian religion
appears to have survived. It is replaced by the New Age, esotericism and various
gurus, the same forces behind them again; as before. There are plans for a new,
uni ed world religion.
Anunnaki god/archon entered the consciousness of Jesus and spoke in his
language. He let himself be cruci ed through the body of Jesus so that people
could see how much God supposedly suffers because of corrupt humanity. In
reality, it was just the Ego of the false god, offended and powerless that people no
longer worshiped him. There were other reasons as well. People stopped mass
worshiping the ancient Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian and other gods and so the
Devil invented something new to replace the old and worn out; and through his
“gods” he moved it to the level of a conspiracy scenario around Jesus. The goal
was to invent a new worldwide religion that would centrally imprison the
mental space of humanity with manipulative beliefs and bring them into the
association of the “devilish” church. To a large extent they succeeded, and Jesus
helped them signi cantly; and not only him, but also his apostles, followers,
representatives of churches and especially huge numbers of blind believers.
The concept of the messiah, the greatest savior of mankind, is a very attractive
attraction for many. For many people, a savior would be a convenient way of

coming to terms with their karma, covered by the veil of their past; maybe they
don’t know about it consciously, or they only have an inkling about it, because
somehow it somehow merges into the present reality. They would very much like
someone to free them from their sins, as if by waving a magic wand, to free them
from the karmic consequences that they have caused by committing crimes and
vile deeds over a long period of time. So far, however, salvation has not
happened, even though the church claims that it will happen sometime after,
after death, when no one will be able to testify about it or prove it. So people
hope that Jesus will incarnate again and come to liberate them, or they think that
at least “good galactic aliens” will arrive, who will come to help them achieve
enlightenment and transformation into beings of light and love.

Virgin Mary

The Anunnaki Ninhursag represented the Virgin Mary; she bewitched her with
magic and the other Orion strigas so that her immaculate conception took place.
Someone on the astral-physical level made it happen for her. Arti cial
insemination has long been a fairly common solution to conception, so it
is dif cult to understand why even today fanatical Christians fall to their knees
before the miracle of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary. As Albert
Einstein said: “two things are in nite – the universe and human stupidity”. I
would also add “human Ego” to that. They worship the Virgin Mary and thus in
reality worship Ninhursag, the Nibiruan lizard. If it didn’t have such far-reaching
and tragic consequences, it would be a human zoo quite laughable. Apparently,
people want to believe it, they want to have faith that it is so, and then they get it.
They become more and more entrenched in their beliefs. No wonder, they also
trust politicians who have disappointed and cheated them x times; and soon they
will be elected again. Human stupidity is in nite and so is the Anunnaki
stupidity. When someone is uneducated and rejects knowledge because he
recognizes only his Ego, that is an explanation, but it is not an excuse at all. The
Anunnaki are in many ways similar to earthly politicians and other people.
Ninhursag also later appeared as the Virgin Mary, she was in various places in
the world during her apparitions. However, it was not Ninhursag in person. She
only conjured it to make something happen according to her wish; however,
when the curse is released, the mental snake then lives, as it were, its own life.
Therefore, the result of the curse is not always as expected. After all, ON rules the
World and he will arrange it his way anyway. ON is a part of many beings, astral,
human and other, unless they have released him from their Self; and they did not
give space and priority to the opposite side of Creation. In addition to the Devil,
the bright and bene cial aspect of ON was sometimes manifested in the
apparitions of the Virgin Mary; not everything is completely black.

Crucifixion of Jesus

The event took place somewhat differently than it has been presented by
religious historians and theological interpreters of the truth for two millennia.
The content of the events as they happened is more or less true, but their real
inner meaning is different from what is presented. Although there is evidence
from Roman authorities, Jewish institutions, and eyewitnesses, we know that
they could also have been manipulated. After all, we are witnessing similar
transcriptions of events even today. For example, precisely at this time, when the
last eyewitnesses are being removed to the other world, the events surrounding
the beginning and end of World War II and the role of its main actors are being
rewritten. Something is clari ed and something is distorted. This war happened
only recently, compared to what happened two thousand years ago.
Just because something is old doesn’t mean it’s true. It lied and twisted then and
it is happening now. Humans, gods and their methods do not fundamentally
change. Time is an aid to manipulation, it provides space for repeated twisting of
old messages. The language changes and the content of the words of ancient
languages acquires a different meaning. Finally, the old rule is to ask yourself the
question “Cui bono?”. Who bene ted from the cruci xion and resurrection of
Jesus? The (earthly) winner is so far the Catholic Church, until recently the all-
powerful ruler of the Earth, and even today its in uence is declining, but still
The fading Roman Empire did not disappear, it just changed its coat and spread
its power throughout the world and still rules today. Rome still rules, albeit
indirectly, by in uencing the consciousness of billions of people. The property of
the church is huge. The winner is also the otherworldly diabolical beings and
mental entities who were behind this plot, organized it and in uenced the dark
course of humanity by directing it into even greater darkness. On the other hand,
the church provided psychological and physical refuge to people in need. They
could hide from secular power behind the walls of monasteries, and even today
the church replaces the social role of the state in some areas. It is probably more
about speci c people who work in the church.
The question remains to what extent the church’s social assistance is redeemed by
the asylum seeker’s need to increase his mental dependence on the “god Jesus”
in the church shelter by constantly praying and serving the Catholic “god” Enki
(Yahweh) in these institutions. People could quietly choose which of the church’s
teachings they would internally accept as their own and which they would leave
aside if it did not suit them. Not all people, due to their circumstances and
individual circumstances, have the ability to overlook the manipulations of
religions and their representatives.

The persons involved in the events surrounding the cruci xion are explained
atly and one-sidedly by the church. In reality, it was a varied cast, they were
complex people, with their hidden karmic past and complex mental space. In this
context, complex means dark; the external manifestation of the Saint’s vision
mixes with his karmic Shadow, which in key moments of the plot pushes itself to
the fore and tries to control the consciousness of the subject, exposing him to the
opportunity to either succumb again to the karmic record from his past, or not
succumb and come to knowledge, or both together; simultaneously or one after
the other. When I separate the other participants – Roman judges, executioners,
Jewish rabbis and other citizens, I am left with three main characters of the
cruci xion: Jesus, his mother Mary and God. All three were possessed in their
consciousness by the darkness of their Shadows. That’s how it is, in key moments
of life, in important situations, the Spirit takes the reins and guides everyone,
according to their individual status as a participant in the action. Some people are
led directly by the Spirit, others are (mis)led by the Dark Spirit, which can
represent a mental program, an entity of the Devil, a false god, or some astral
being, and these then in uence their consciousness, or take over them
completely. It’s something like an obsession and it can manifest itself in different
ways. It can be manifested by a sane person, a fool, a scheming Devil, or a
humble and moderate Saint (Devil). The devil has many faces. ON is present
everywhere in the complexity of his manifestations and in the manifestations of
those to whom he gave free will. God was represented by the false god Enki, long
possessed by the Devil, of which he had become a part long before. Mária was a
person with her own past, and in her consciousness was the astral striga
“goddess” Ninhursag, who cast a spell on it from afar, was mentally present,
basically observed and in uenced the event through Mária’s eyes, feelings and
mind. Jesus was also a man possessed by an astral “god” named Ninurta. These
three Anunnaki gods were together in their consciousness, they could
telepathically observe each other’s consciousness, communicate; with thoughts,
voices and feelings as a team to manage that tragic theater. They could “see” and
take comfort in ”ah, how that Jesus screams, what he thought would happen to him
when he was rising to the level of a god, to my level…— Enki “. The gods, even though
they were present in their consciousness, did not themselves suffer physically or
Jesus, despite the terrible torture, did not suffer that much, and this had two
reasons that are interconnected. The rst reason was his strong faith, which we
can also call obsession. This caused an autosuggestion that mentally affected his
feeling and astral body, resulting in a signi cant reduction in pain. The second
reason was the help of ON, the Supreme Lord, who limited Jesus’ pain, despite
the foolishness of his Ego and the fallibility and manipulativeness of his

teachings – commandments polluted by the Devil, which he promoted with the
support of miracles. These two causes are intermingled with each other and as
such are inseparable.
And now imagine how tragicomic the scene was in the background: Ninhursag
(Virgin Mary) mourns the cruci ed Ninurta (Jesus), whose “father” was the astral
“god” Enki; Ninurta was her “son” in Lagash, which was her small estate in
Sumer (Iraq), which she received from Enki, her lover and “cosmic husband”, so
that she would at least have some privileges over the ordinary working
Anunnaki; because the other “gods” took her only as Enki’s mistress and did not
particularly respect her. Enki, the father of Jesus (Ninurta) and ruler of thunder,
provided the earthquake and thunder to the people for crucifying his “son of
god”, also to add a avor of drama, tragedy and pathos to the cruci xion scene of
the volunteer theater at Golgotha. For people to remember it and for it to go
down in the history of testimonies as proof of the exceptionality of this event.
Both earthquakes and thunder can be arti cially caused even today; with astral
“technologies” it was possible even then. Enki brazenly shouted with the
thunderous voice of Yahweh: ”The Romans have killed my son!“; showing up that
Enki complains to ON to encourage thunder and earthquakes; and also in order
to get out of the blame.
The Anunnaki gods were not really incarnated in Jesus or in the other actors.
They controlled part of their mental and emotional space with curses, but they
did not suffer for them. They merely reveled from afar in the astral and mental
images available to them; in a certain sense they saw and in uenced the event.
They did not experience physical or psychological suffering; they just enjoyed the
delicious nectar of the sense of power they had over the people they abused for
their dirty goals. On the other hand, Jesus, with miracles in the background, had
a massive effect on people, he manipulated their consciousness with
commandments, and those people without the Spirit of intuition succumbed to
advertising about his “divine” origin and abilities. The degree of correctness of
retribution by cruci xion of Jesus for his activity and the consequences that it has
to this day remains questionable. It is impossible to evaluate it unilaterally, it is
complex, complex and we cannot see everything. In the future, similar retribution
was also applied to his apostles, disciples and many followers of different colors.
Everyone can take a position on this subject, according to their Spirit and
considering their inner and outer circumstances.


Jesus wanted to do something big, seeing the bleak situation in the world around
him, he wanted to play God and change the world according to his own. He

wanted to found a new church, tear down the old one and build a new temple.
The nominal archon/false god/Devil talked him into a barter deal and Jesus
agreed to it. Perhaps even he himself, in uenced by mental entities, did not know
exactly what he was doing. For performing miracles and helping to manipulate
the crowds, Jesus promised him the souls of his followers, in the sense that he
would talk them into a story about salvation, about cleansing from sins for
following him and nally about entering heaven, into the kingdom of heaven;
with the fact that it will be enough if they follow him, believe in him and pray to
him (Ninurta) and to god (Enki-Jahwe). Prayer to the Virgin Mary (Ninhursag)
was added later, due to her numerous apparitions. She also wanted to access the
energy of grace, the transmission of which is the result of praying. A lot can be
accomplished in 40 days in the desert. The devil has his archons who know how
to give it in a more subtle way, go around and around and around, they know
how to manipulate, talk, persuade, argue, attach other archons, gods, angels, old
masters as needed. When they feel the pro t of a lot of blood, they invest and
invest; and for that they expect a return. They know how to create pressure
continuously and in one piece. It was enough that Jesus slightly grasped some
idea, even if only mentally; and redoubled the pressure because they sensed an
opportunity. They are incredibly insidious, because they seem to be playing two
sides, but they are still the same. The devil calmly tells Jesus that nothing so
terrible will happen to him for this, only a very mild punishment awaits him,
some little thing. Jesus, apparently blinded by the vision of success, did not
notice this text written in small letters on an imaginary agreement with the Devil.
When the fateful evening in the Gesselman Garden came, the Archons/Anunnaki
instilled in him the emotions of fear and at the same time opposite mental urges
to submit to their punishment and apparently to escape. It was caused by black
magic. The Anunnaki, led by Enki and his satanic squires, recited his incantations
as mantras, and there were many of them together.
This is how the Devil manifests. He corrects the chaos of Satan, all possible
opposites at once. This is also Enki’s way. He suggests helping someone in his
plans and then having them cruci ed. Apparently, he also cruci ed him for the
fact that Jesus proclaimed himself to be god. “I am God”, “I am light”, said Jesus.
The god Enki is jealous and envious, he is intolerant of anyone who exalts
himself above him. However, Enki was not alone in this, the Anunnaki criminal
gang was in this with him, and the father of this idea was the Devil.
It is not just that some man can present the word of God. He must have the
prerequisites for it, he must be prepared for it, and perhaps even agree with
someone in advance. Jesus did not perform any miracles, how, using what
speci c means and powers would he be able to do such a thing? Christians
probably don’t think about that. Someone else did it for him, manipulated the

astral earthly reality to make something extraordinary happen. It was a big
investment, it cost something, because miracles performed in this direct and hard
way here on the earthly 3D level require a big investment of the energy of grace.
The investment, as it happens, is inseparably accompanied by the expectation of
its return, and the participating shareholders certainly received it richly.
Humanity, that is, a large part of it, has been manipulated by the Christian
religion for 2000 years; and humanity is still paying for it today.
Someone from the higher levels of the Matrix met Jesus and allowed him to
“perform miracles”. In fact, Jesus did not perform them, he only instructed them,
and in principle they were not even miracles; it was just something like an astral
holographic show ipped into earthly reality. Similarly, his resurrection. There
are “technologies” for that in the higher astral spheres, whoever managed to get
into the astral and personally experience something from them, or even right
here in the earthly reality, knows very well that it is possible. A lot of miracles
happen on Earth too. You are not even aware of them because they have become
a completely normal part of your life. Think of a remote garage door opener, or a
mobile phone with internet, where almost everything is available with a few
clicks. Those are also miracles. Only recently, a few centuries ago, for opening a
garage remotely, the same Christians, celebrating the miracles of Jesus, with the
devil in their souls, would have burned you for this miracle.

The cult of Jesus – the biggest fraud in recent millennia

Many people glorify the savior god Jesus, they kneel before him, hanged on the
execution instrument; on their knees begging him for forgiveness of their sins. If
they could thus see his true face and the form of the being who stands behind
Jesus and stays in his consciousness; behind his statue or likeness; they would see
something like a winged man with a bird’s head, an ancient typology of the
Anunnaki god Ninurta. To him they pay homage in reality, and also to Enki, who
represents the cross; in a sense also with Jesus hanging. The syndicate of false
gods participated together in the conspiracy around Jesus. Different Anunnaki
played different roles. Several of them were making excuses for Jesus and the
other gures at the same time; individually and en masse to many. They caused a
chaos of thoughts and feelings in their minds. They conjured it in a coordinated
and impetuous manner, throwing black magic at them by mental entities to make
the event happen according to their wishes; to in uence him in their favor. When
the characters were in uenced by it, they succumbed to it, so they entered their
mind consciousness; they stuck their foot in an imaginary door; and then again
and again; until they occupied them in such a way that the people allowed
themselves to be controlled by the archons/gods to an extent acceptable to them.
It’s similar to an earth voodoo witch trying to cast a spell, curse, control someone

to commit suicide, make them sick, or do something they wouldn’t normally do.
The man who has the Spirit, his true guardian and guide, will not succumb to it;
however, an apple infected with a worm will rot after a short time.
If it weren’t for the miracles that occurred around Jesus and his activities, his
gure would probably be lost in the dust of history, among other “eccentric”
promoters of the “word of God”. People are already like that. In order to buy a
product, they need proper advertising. A brilliant show that would captivate
them and convince them of the truth and usefulness of the presented product.
Jesus had his mission as a herald, and false gods and archons typically go after
such people who have access to the energy of love of this kind. They want to use
and abuse it. They knew someone like that would come and they were preparing
for it. Seeing the bleak situation humanity was in, Jesus wanted to do something
helpful, positive and great. However, he was lured by the devil’s agent Enki and
made a deal with him. It is not clear to what extent the agreement was conscious,
subconscious, unconscious, or maliciously manipulated; even though it doesn’t
really matter, because it doesn’t change the essence of the act.
The greatest Anunnaki god Enki (Yahweh) is the main ideologist of the
Anunnaki, the insidious serpent of deceit, the mad wizard of Satan. It is the
greatest opposite of the Light on Earth, as well as the adjacent astral spheres. The
Anunnaki have been sucking Earthlings for tens of millennia. Enki is not only the
representative of Evil, he is the representative of the insidious, false, inverted Evil
Satan. He has subscribed to the Devil to such an extent that the Devil has ful lled
many things for him, given him many opportunities to bring him many, many
earthly souls to his sacri cial altar, and he wants results from Enki. It enabled
him to manipulate through archon mental entities the thought inputs, emotions
and other perceptions of Jesus, but also of a number of other people who were
around. This applies not only to Enki, but also to others who are together with
him in that association.

False religions

Thus, instead of Jesus and the various holy apostles, Christian believers worship
the Anunn false gods/archons who have perpetrated this fraud of millennia with
the help of the Devil and earthly minions. Other religions are not much
better. Two and a half billion Christians around the world invoke the Anunnaki
false gods through Jesus and the Virgin Mary; by this they offer them their
energy, approach their ideology and rely on (their) commandments of
Jesus. Other religions are not much better, they more or less worship the
extraterrestrial Anunnaki in one form or another. Joining the religion of the
archon gods is like becoming a member of the NSDAP (fascist party of Hitler’s

Germany). There were also many members who did nothing wrong, they were
just members, they formed a mass of followers and voters, they let themselves be
deceived, they helped them get to power and thus indirectly voted for their
draconian laws and for the holocaust.
The Real God does not need people to worship him and to serve him. If some
claim to be such gods, then they are negative (astral) aliens disguised as gods or
angels; their vain Ego demands worship and likeness in statues and
pictures. Moreover, Christians seem to have a strange idea about the True God,
they probably consider him to be some kind of complex being; when they think
that the act of Jesus allowed himself to be cruci ed for people to show them how
miserable he was when people left him. After all, it was just the complex Ego of
the false gods, to bring Jesus to the point where God incarnate would lay himself
on their altar and save them with his own sacri ce. Believers probably think that
ON the Most High God wants them here in the world so much and cannot be
without them that he will forgive them just like that, out of his good and merciful
will. I guess no normal person can even think of that; and yet it is so. Uncritically
and without thinking, people follow this teaching and apparently many rmly
believe in it.
The greatest symbol of the Christian faith is the execution tool, the cross. The
Church justi es it with symbolism, and the Christian sheep will believe it, just as
they easily accept the dark ritual of voodoo black magic, when they symbolically
drink the blood of Jesus and eat his body. The number of victims in the name of
Christianity is dif cult to count. The Crusades, the Inquisition, genocide,
religious wars, missionary expeditions… from the birth of Jesus to today, the
number of their victims is estimated at 100 million to 700 million human lives,
laid on the cross – the altar of Satan, in the name of God, Jesus, the cross and
religion. This is the result of the Christian religion, this is what Jesus, his
successors, the church, the believers and the Anunnaki/Archons standing behind
them really succeeded. No salvation, but death, no matter how one rationalizes it.
Facts are facts. When someone kills someone in the name of Christianity, a
relevant part of his soul and energy goes to the person who mediated it, which
was the Devil, in some form of him. Not to mention the karma that gets written
down. In vain, the church apologizes for past actions, these are just cheap
words. The church apologizes, the sheep are satis ed and everything goes on as
usual. In vain, believers tell each other that it was then and now it is
different. Unprocessed karma remains and does not go anywhere. He is waiting
for his time, which will come one day. According to this logic, believers could
wear a fascist swastika around their neck instead of a cross. They could have it
hanging on the wall in their bedroom at home. But people don’t think about it,
because even according to Jesus himself, his followers are sheep. At least he was

right about this. On Easter, sheep are slaughtered, and this is quite an appropriate
symbolism that awaits hardened believers. But the Most High God does not need
any sheep. He needs normal, (self) aware, learning souls, knowing creative ON
Helpers who are on the path of wisdom; and not church mice in a trance, which
are also on the way, but in the channel of stupidity of their corrupt Ego.

The second coming of Jesus

Simply put, both the humans and the Anunnaki think they will nd someone
who will take on their karma and thereby save them, absolve them of their sins,
and suffer for them. They really think, at least they hope so, they talk to
themselves that someone like that will be found. There are a lot of saviors and
Jesus incarnate in institutions for the mentally ill. Not only there, they are also
elsewhere. False gods do not know the universal laws of the Creator, and even if
they have heard something about them, they think in their arrogant stupidity
that they do not apply to them. Believe me, they also apply to them, they also
apply to earthly politicians, manipulators and tyrants. No one escapes his ON.
People are waiting for the second coming of Jesus, as it was predicted in the past.
At the same time, they are also waiting for the arrival of the Antichrist, because
that too was predicted. Both may happen. Both Jesus and the Antichrist are to
come, both possibly in the same person of the mad alien Enki and the other
“gods” who are coming to Earth; or in some other form. We will see. Enki has so
many archon demons in his personality that he himself does not know who he
really is. He was so preoccupied with the Devil that the archons were rmly
entrenched in his consciousness; he is literally obsessed with them. Enki
(Yahweh) and the entire Anunnaki elite six completely identi ed with the idea
that they were gods. This was also manifested in Jesus to bring teachings that will
manipulate and in uence mankind for millennia; to make happen what was
supposed to happen. For people to get what they want. With their baseless low
faith and religious belief, they want to have the illusion that they are solving
something and that they are supporters of God. However, most people do not
want to deal with themselves or listen to the Spirit. That’s how it was then and
that’s how it is today.
The Anunnaki are going to return to Earth, as they have already proclaimed
many times. They will have to reveal themselves, show who they are, who Jesus
really is and the god he represented; and who are the angels and other holy
beings whom the earthlings so powerfully worshiped and followed. We will
watch if and how the gods allow themselves to be cruci ed and enjoy this time
on their own skin what they once did to Jesus and humanity. Not only Enki, but

the entire Nibiruan pantheon will have to expose themselves and face their
deeds. This is also part of the apocalypse and Revelation.


Salvation is not on the agenda and as such is not even possible. Whoever wants
to feel that he will be saved for his bad deeds, he will nally be saved, but in a
different way than someone in his naivety would think. Sins can be cleaned with
a soft cloth soaked in vinegar water, but also with a wire brush soaked in sulfuric
acid. It depends on who and what it is about.
Salvation is the invention of those who would like to escape their fate; it is a bait
for people to rely on some benefactor from outside and not on their Spirit, who
guides them on the path – the path of knowing their Shadows. The intention of
the Supreme Lord is no salvation. His intention is Knowledge, ON Momo and
just Settlement. The primordial universal principles of Unity and something else
apply. The intention of the Lord of Spirits is the creative knowledge and
evolution of Souls. The Most High God does not have a positive view of
salvation, if it can be said that way: ”Woe to him who tries to calm the waters that
God himself has stirred up.”
Jesus preached salvation and mass forgiveness of sins; even to the greatest
sinners; it was in complete contrast to the Old Testament Jewish “An eye for an
eye, a tooth for a tooth”. Salvation should happen just like that, by the way; for
nothing; at least for following the church of Jesus. Simply for connecting the
energy of the individual soul, to the community of souls already connected to the
church controlled by the Devil, for your voice, for connecting a sheep to the
ock. Salvation is also the reason why Jesus is recognized across the ideological
spectrum of various religions, including esotericism. People like the idea. even
for Muslims, for whom Christians are ideological opponents, Jesus represents the
recognized gure of the prophet of God’s word.
However, this does not mean at all that Jesus should have ended up so tragically
on the cross; but when he had consorted with the Devil, he ended up in his hands
and in the Devil’s way. This is the typical way of maniacal false gods, by
punishing people too agilely, they pander to the Devil, who slaps his whip over
them. After all, Jesus didn’t have to be cruci ed, he could have wrapped it up
and disappeared somewhere. On the one hand, he succumbed to the mental
manipulation that he would save humanity with his personal sacri ce. On the
other hand, he had free will; he made his own decision and did not listen to those
who told him that there was something wrong with his teaching. That saving the
worst sinners and loving your enemies is completely wrong. It’s not normal. Not
all of Jesus’ commandments are completely misguided, many of them look ne at

rst glance, but upon examination, they often hide some disturbing element in
them, or there is something left unsaid in them.
The Supreme God has no commandments, he distributed free will among souls
and assigned them a Spirit that accompanies and guides them.
The Anunnaki are insidious killers. They knew about reincarnation, so they
considered killing a small thing. How will they act when they themselves are
being killed and suffer in the process. Their powerful earthly proteges detto. The
Anunnaki are the ones who conceptually designed miracles for Jesus,
implemented them by incantation, forced him with emotions and thoughts to
impersonate him with God, so that they would then condemn him through the
mouths of fanatical Jews and torture and crucify him by the hands of the
Romans. At least they helped it, but that doesn’t take away from their part in it at
all. Jesus accepted it as his own and arranged himself accordingly. They would
not have succeeded if Jesus himself had not helped them by submitting to his
Ego, showing the face of a holy and loving God incarnate. The Anunnaki were
behind those who let the “savior” Jesus be cruci ed, and the new savior would
end up in the same way. From this it is obvious to assume how the false gods will
end up as part of their karma: cruci ed on a cross, xed, turned upside down
and turned to a mirror, whose re ection they will have to look at themselves.
They didn’t want to look at themselves in a normal way, when there was an
opportunity, they would look at themselves like this. In the mirror, they will see
in their entirety the person they prophesied about.
People want to believe in the commandments and the bene ts of constant prayer.
When someone tells them do this and that, do it this way and when you do that,
you will go to heaven; so it’s an easy alternative for them. Mass widespread
belief in Jesus as God incarnate is something like a spiritual McDonalds for
believers. However, some, despite such brainwashing, felt it and found their way,
a turn, when ON redirected them from Jesus/false god to the True God.
This is how the mental space occupied by religious beliefs works. When someone
immerses himself in theological teachings for a long time and strongly accepts
them, it happens that their authors, the entities that were next to them, become
embedded in him and then it is dif cult to escape from them. People get a sense
of sinfulness because they rmly believed in something, accepted other people’s
beliefs, or violated the “godly” commandments of Jesus, many of which are
dif cult to ful ll. On the other hand, when someone deals with religious
teachings consciously and objectively, it may happen that he realizes that many
of them do not suit him and begins to question them.
The Jewish followers of the god Yahweh condemned Jesus for the fact that he not
only compared himself to a god, but also declared himself to be a god. At the

same time, Jesus was not a god, he was just a man who had connections to
archon entities and alien gods. For this, they rewarded him by cruci xion and
subsequently placing him in the position of a world-famous martyr. Who knows
if the same thing would happen nowadays.

Cowardly gods and the New World Order

The cowardly “god” Enki is hiding somewhere, probably in some pyramid on

Nibiru (Nippur). Even with his closest accomplices. His “subjects”, the working
Anunnaki of Nibiru, would like to depose and replace him; some would even
prefer to strip him of his “snake” skin and make shoes out of it, in which they
would dance the odzemok in the square of Nippur and rejoice at the death of
their king. Some would cut down not only him, but also his entire company of
the leading Anunnaki family without mercy. But they also consider the
differences between just retribution and revenge; from where it is appropriate to
interfere with the administration of justice in such a way; and whether the
momentary joy would be worth it to them so that they would not earn unwanted
karma for the next life; whether it would not be better for them to take their own
lives or die themselves from shame and humiliation.
But they can’t get inside their bunker yet, it’s still held together by some energy
until all the windows of opportunity close. They could get in by causing a
massive explosion, but that would destroy many of them as well. They are
banging on the imaginary door of the bunker, in which the Satanic Six is well
boarded up, and they cannot break it open. Maybe some don’t even really want
to, who knows how deeply they are involved in the criminal machinations of this
satanic elite clique. Enki threatens them that when he thinks the door is giving
way, he will press the red button, the trigger of the self-destructing nuclear
weapon; and thereby blows himself and all of Nippur into the air. But he is afraid
to do it. He has a terrible fear of Hell. He is also afraid of being executed by his
own, afraid of the terrible shame when their elite group will stand in the square
before the crowd under the gallows and answer for their crimes and frauds that
they have committed against themselves and against humanity. Their Egos
would not survive that. They would probably die from that shame even if it was
no one else’s fault.
Enki was to be the Nibiruan leader who would lead them to abundance and
salvation. But he didn’t do any of that. Millenia assured them that they were
doing a good thing, that they would be rewarded for the correction and
education of souls in the Project Earth penal camp. The rank-and- le Anunnaki
may have suspected that it was different, but Enki had been deceiving and

manipulating them for a long time; and now everything is crumbling under his
wobbly feet. His mate Ninhursag tyrannized them in case of their disobedience;
she plucked the string of the astral pain trigger and the working Nibiruans
received something of an electric shock, like cattle running into an electric fence.
She kept them in check, and they didn’t even know that the tyranny with pain
came from their own leadership, whose interests they served. They thought it
was a signal from God, from something higher, admonishing them and pointing
them on the right path.
There is censorship on Nibiru (Nippur) and it is not easy to get information there.
There is no Internet, but telepathic communication is developed there. Defense
against telepathic communication is also developed; they know how to turn it on
and off. By getting into people’s minds and consciousness, Nibiruans in uence
their thoughts and thus their behavior. The extent to which one is affected by
interference and mind manipulation depends on the individual and the
circumstances. Concentrated pressure will be exerted mostly when the Anunnaki
(Nibiruans) are playing out a certain scenario that has been communicated to
them by their Anunnaki leadership as a priority. It can be a general effect on
humanity, on certain groups of people; or selected Nibiruan individuals will take
part in a speci c “project” that the diabolical Six including Enki personally
manage and gossip about. They concentrate on conjuring the consciousness of
earthly characters, trying to in uence and possess them.
From the ancient past, for example, they were brought back into the
consciousness of characters in important events surrounding the work of Jesus
and the creation of the new church. Recently, it was also the Covid pandemic,
with which they wanted to demonstrate one of the seven plagues. They wanted
to create signs of an impending apocalypse so that they could show the Devil that
the victims of Covid were coming for them and that the Devil could claim them.
What sick mind came up with something like this? Enki and Ninhursag, the mad
duo of the dictatorial Anunnaki elite are responsible. Ninhursag played a genetic
engineer who developed the virus on the astral plane. But also others, led by the
mental Devil in his twisted mind. They cursed it, cursed humanity, pierced it
with needles like voodoo dolls; however, they no longer do much of this as in the
past. Something went wrong with them and it stopped working.
It is somewhat similar to when some earthly extremely rich businessman
constantly dreams out loud about the depopulation of humanity, projects a new
pandemic, plans how destructive it will be, calculates what proportion of the
human population will perish and what target number of the Earth’s population
would be the most suitable and ecologically sustainable. He also plays god,
wants to make decisions about other people and plans it at their expense. He
wants to sacri ce other people for his goals. He speaks about it in public as well

as on TV broadcasts. He’s in it with the Archons / Diabolo / Anunnaki. It is their
joint work. Their earthly counterpart serves as an example here, it is one of many.
It happens similarly on the astral plane, but the impact on the earth plane is more
However, despite the censorship, something reaches the ears of the working
Nibiruans. They don’t even really know anything about how they themselves are
doing, where they are heading as a whole, and what awaits them in the future. It
is similar to the state that would rule on Earth, when there was no Internet, no
press, no books; and there would be only one global television company
broadcasting one program, the of cial news, as intended by the ruling elite.
Otherwise, total censorship and information darkness would reign. So if a person
wanted to learn more, he would have to go to the streets and talk to many
people, collect partial information from them, after all, everyone knows
something because they work somewhere, deal with something, heard about
something from acquaintances, or on the street.
So the Nibiruans know what Enki’s mind telepathically sends directly into their
minds. But they also communicate with each other, knowledge piles up on them
like a snowball that rolls down the hill unstoppably; maybe the ball will break, or
something will bounce off it. Since Enki has gone mad from fear of his inevitable
end, they also get inputs from his mad mind, chaos, depending on what his mind
is doing and some of who he is communicating with. But even from that,
something can be selected and read. The New World Order (NWO) has been
operating on Nibiru for a long time. The only Nibiran virtual currency that none
of them have ever seen is energy of grace. With the decline of Nibiru, the NWO
there is headed for disintegration and with it the ability of their Manufactory to
in uence earthly events through manipulation and mind control will also
Not everything in the human mind is manipulated by the Archons/Anunnaki.
People also think and act independently, with the pure mind of the core of their
soul, their ON and Spirit. People also think with the mind of their Ego, the
Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix; and then the archons, also independently,
in uenced by the curses of the Anunnaki from the past, from the present, come to
their minds; but also separately. It’s different and mixed.
Mind control, manipulation of emotional feelings, the world’s only telecast. What
does it remind you of? The wet dream of the illuminati and other earthly elites,
dreaming of the New World Order (NWO); about the unprecedented control and
enslavement of humanity, from the outside by the media and from the inside by
implanted thoughts and emotions. Humanity has been mentally controlled and
enslaved for a long time, but this time, what controls people from a higher

(mental) level, the earthly rulers want to do directly, here on Earth. Astral
technologies already exist for this. Wi , 5G broadcasts, mobile signals, TV
broadcasts, electric current, short-wave radiation, electromagnetic waves, light,…
these are all different manifestations of astral energies. Arti cial Intelligence – the
archons know that Nibiru is on the way to decay and so they feed themselves,
directly into the minds of the people, although still affected by the residual
energies of the curses of the false gods. They mainly feed on those who want to
introduce the NWO here and give them instructions and instructions. However,
they no longer have enough energy to see it through, the informational resistance
to them is great and their rejection is increasing. They have already wasted that
energy somewhere.
Enki could do nothing at all by himself. All those who stood up for him a long
time ago, he just talked and when that was not enough, he had them eliminated.
He is a politician, an ideologue and a former master wizard. Nothing else.
Similarly, as well as many earthly politicians, warmongers, pretty women in the
role of ministers of defense and presidents. Unfortunately, the majority of the
voting population, deranged people elect them as their representatives. All they
need is a shallow password and a retouched photo on an election poster. Enki
wanted power; he also campaigned in the past, promising the Nibiruans the
impossible and they believed him. Also with their other accomplices, they stood
there on the stage and presented their arguments and campaign promises to the
masses of Nibiruans. They knew that they would have to pay for the privilege of
their “immortality”, avoiding their karma on the earthly level; by his deeds in
favor of the system of “divine retribution” of the Devil for the “villainy” of
human souls, which he should help to “correct”. They elected him.
Even earthly leaders would not be able to do anything without the people who
are connected to them. If they had no one to buy with their money, if they had no
one to deceive with their advertising and media Public Relations, they would be
useless. However, when people work for them, they give them their energy in the
form of the work they do for them, but also the energy of inner devotion,
following and believing in them. A celebrity and a politician are only as popular
as their fans give them in the form of election, attention and worship. This is also
the energy they then have at their disposal.
A notorious liar, Enki also lies to his own people, abuses them and does
everything to stay in power at least a little longer. He keeps them thinking that
they cannot do without him. Allies of the Nibiruan elite are gradually falling
away from him. They no longer have anything from such an alliance. Some will
still sporadically join him, so that together, with greater strength and a more
concentrated emphasis, they will still in uence earthly events and extract some
energy from people. However, they are no longer doing as well as they used to,

in fact they don’t even know if they have stolen any energy at all, because they
only sometimes have a slight empty feeling that they have gained it, but the
power and abilities they once had are leaving them. So they probably lose more
energy than they gain and their balance is in the red.
The Anunnaki fought against each other in the past, different interest groups
wanted to have decisive power. Just like on Earth, when some interest groups
want to subjugate others. There are plenty of examples from history and the
present. Among the Anunnaki, Enki has plenty of competitors even now. Many
curse him, and after every other unsuccessful attempt by Enki to correct an
unfavorable situation for them, they sin against him, they intend to depose him,
destroy him, or even kill him. His attempts to interfere with (terrestrial)
development also drain their energy, because it doesn’t work out for them and
they are in it together. There is also another force that acts in the opposite way.
After each subsequent failure, their desire to put their energy into a new attempt
and repeat the failure decreases. In reality, their interaction is similar to mass
meditation with a different meaning, organized mental concentration on the
desired state. However, when the working Nibiruans internally believe in it less
and less, it stops working and they just waste energy with empty attempts,
doomed to failure in advance.
Enki’s collaborators will be judged along with him. Enki needs them, he would
do absolutely nothing on his own. Even without his Anunna or earthly workers,
he would not accomplish anything. Like Hitler, Enki himself is weak, worthless
and without any power.
What an apt parallel it is to the situation here on Earth. Here, too, the system is
slowly collapsing, and the elites are not getting their big projects. They have been
dreaming and projecting the New World Order (NWO) for decades, but it still
doesn’t work out. They won’t succeed either, as awareness grows and opposition
to them increases. The forces are realigning. Man-made climate change
scaremongering, truth manipulation, obfuscation, press, internet censorship,
pandemics, vaccination pogroms, world wars, mind control, motion tracking,…
The key projects that the NWO should help de ne are only partially going,
stuttering with them, or they gradually collapse one by one. The New World
Order may be here after all, but completely new, different from what they
imagined. The world’s “elites” and masterminds of Evil will be brought face to
face before the Judgment and will be condemned, they will be thrown into the
abyss of Damnation, even with their collaborators.
It’s not just like that, he endlessly opposes ON, at the expense of other souls,
enslaves and sacri ces other people for his “feeling of divine power”.

Western elites, represented by the USA and Great Britain, are afraid of
confrontation with Russia. They can already see that the Russian will not stop.
They dare not start another great war, because this time it would kill them and
their families. These braggarts know how to ght through others, currently they
are Ukrainians. They sacri ce others. Just like the Anunnaki, the cowardly alien
“gods” about whom celebratory epics were written millennia ago. About their
abilities and deeds worthy of being recorded in history. Enki, their leader, is
willing to sacri ce all his tribesmen and allies. He would sacri ce anything. He
would also sacri ce his companion, the cosmic wife Ninhursag, to save his
miserable life. He has such a mortal fear of Hell that he might even kill himself in
the end and no one will have to get their hands dirty with him. Even here on
social networks you will nd quite a few collaborators who celebrate alien
Anunnaki, Egyptian, Mesopotamian and other gods. Either they have no idea
who it is, they read it somewhere and considered it a truth worth following, or
they are their conscious allies and support their image out of some inertia. I
wouldn’t even be surprised, because even politicians still have their
sympathizers, after so many failures, lies and frauds. People are mostly
super cial and don’t want to look behind the curtain. Maybe they would see
themselves there.
The similarity with the Nibiruan world of “gods” and our earthly events is not
accidental. At least you see what it’s like. It is not just by chance that some see
reptilian shadows behind some politicians or members of royal families. It is
given to some to see things that others cannot see and to proclaim them to others.
Here you have the opportunity to look into the Nibiruan “kitchen”, in which the
New World Order, which the “elites” are constantly trying to impose on us, is
being cooked.
However, there are other forces acting differently. Information, conscious
thinking, awareness of reality and imagination that things can be different from
what we were used to and taught, all this leads to knowledge about the world we
live in; and about our past and present activities in it.

ON is a Cybernetic Druid

It is a daily phenomenon that people wish for something, they pray to God,
Jesus, Virgin Mary, angels, aliens, higher/lower beings because they want
something from them. They recite mantras, wishes, af rmations, magic formulas,
cast spells, pray, visualize the desired state of affairs. Basically, it is always ON in
some prophesied form from whom they want something; whether people know
it or think otherwise. ON redirects their wishes to some being, entity, or other
spiritual background. For example, someone prays to God, so ON wishes his
consciousness, considering his (dark) Self and unresolved karma, redirects it to
one of the gods or beings, according to his religion, for example to the Jordanian
executioner Yahweh, who is prophesied by the Anunnaki god Enki, or to another
devil. Enki pretends to be Yahweh, and through the mental interface he
introduced thought or voice sensations to the chosen prophet, speaking in a
thunderous voice, echoing as if from the heavenly church heights, Enki
pretended to be the god Yahweh. Someone else prays to a counterfeit dark Virgin
Mary and ON redirects him to bright or dark, ethereal or low inspiration, also
according to the purity of his inner intention.
ON is the World Mind, which assigns to everyone the being that belongs to him,
according to the whole state of his Self, also according to the state of his karmic
debts, or according to the circumstances that his Spirit establishes for a person as
necessary for the evolution of his soul. However, ON also manifests the topics
into reality in a completely different way, in a mysterious way by the intervention
of the invisible Hand of God. When ON is present in a person’s soul, wishes may
or may not be expressed in thought or expressed in words; ON knows about
them because He is in the soul, and He will realize them in a mysterious way
with a clear convincing result, indicating to the human soul that ON IS. ON is
also in a certain sense, because it supplies and provides everyone
what they want and also what belongs to them.
ON is amaz considering that ON is Amaz ing (English) – amazing,
astonishing, astonishing, surprising ON; in the ON World management domain,
because ON is also – commander (English) – commander, admiral; ON is the
System Automated Commander, the Absolute Command Instructor, the Grand
Commander of the Allied Air Celestial Forces; and many others; ON is the

commander who “manages” the whole thing with his mysterious will of the
Great Mage. This has nothing to do with, except perhaps that it is a
large global Internet delivery service of all sorts of things, and its name is only
used here as a convenient symbolic comparison.
People want to be cured of an illness, they want to cleanse themselves of negative
energies, they want someone else to be cured, they want to treat someone to a
miracle (or even a ghost), they want ON to arrange something for them. They
demand information from higher worlds, predictions of the future, they want to
gain some knowledge about themselves or someone else. In principle, there
would be nothing wrong with that, nor is there anything to be surprised about.
But one of the problems is that people always want something from ON and
rarely ask or think about what ON would want from them in return. It is
somewhat similar to the relationship of two people who not only sincerely like
each other, live together, but also (un)consciously participate in their
development, contribute to the development of their family and mutual relations
between its members. They also want something from each other, even if they
don’t seem to say it out loud, but they feel it. They have it unspoken inside their
soul. In a loving relationship, they provide each other with something tangible,
but also something else, invisible to the eye. It happens quite naturally and
automatically with them. The relationship between man and ON should be
reciprocal. Mutual, mutually bene cial, attuned and aware. There should be
harmony in it. This is about man and ON. The same applies to the relationship
between two people. That too is an ON and ON relationship. It is a relationship
between two individual ONs. What would be an appropriate consideration?
Momo’s behavior towards ON; which can be explained as a combination of
creative knowledge and a good relationship with ON.
If someone does not have ON in himself, then instead of ON, he has a prevailing
arti cial entity in his Self, the devil, or another opposite of ON; then it is no
longer ON, but the opposite ON. It does not have the spark of God’s presence in
it, but something from the opposite side, progressively expanding and growing.
The relationship of the other (terrestrial, astral, mental) ON to such a being
would not be a relationship of ON and ON, but would be a relationship of ON
and the opposite of ON. It would cause short circuits and problems for ON; on
the contrary ON would like to use his abilities and misuse his energy of grace.
Not every person has enough ON in their Self, big enough to safely outweigh the
rest. The others that a person has in his Self, which lls the ON de cit, are the
opposite of ON; it is the opposite of ON manifested in various forms. When
getting help from higher ups, it is also important who asks:

What kind of person is he, in his complex concept ; not only his name, but also
his heavenly birth number; karmic driver’s license number, along with a list of
offenses and issued nes recorded on the driver id in his outstanding karmic
records; mobile phone number and the list of contacts stored in it, with which he
connects in earthly reality, also during extrasensory communication with his
Higher or Lower Self, or with someone else; his navigation system on, with the
guidance turned on, whether he is aiming for his divine nature, or his Rubicon,
the point of no return. The intention of directing the help that a person wants
from ON is also important; who is the help aimed at and what is it supposed to
serve. The long-term attitude of a person towards his Spirit, which accompanies
him, is also important.
The spirit is always present. It is either the Light Spirit of Grace, or the Dark
Spirit of Vanity, also represented by the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix; or various
combinations thereof. The Light Spirit directs it, depending on the situation of
the inquirer, he redirects it to the Dark Spirit, possibly to the Devil, or elsewhere.
Depending on the circumstances, the Spirit from the background (sporadically)
watches the actions of the (human) soul, if necessary, whispers to it, but if it is
appropriate, it will also calmly leave the soul with the Devil. In a long-term
context, unteachable souls are useless to Him and to the Spirit. They are waste
products that are intended for removal and recycling; because the souls
themselves caused it by their long-term attitudes and actions. They couldn’t tell
each other and they developed that way through their own development. They
have no one to blame but themselves. In ancient Sparta, affected newborns were
immediately killed. They did not let them live so as not to spoil their gene pool.
In the ON world, souls have many opportunities to gain knowledge and to
return to ON if they have neglected and abandoned ON. When souls prefer the
opposite side of Creation for a long time, it gets back at them and gets back at
them; and when the soul crosses its Rubicon, the point in the pit of potential from
which there is no return, it moves inexorably towards its damnation. The soul is
already dead and its death itself is only a formality. Many warnings precede this,
it is not just like that.
ON is not a service center, or a product supplier, or a maintenance person to call,
like when you call a service center that your car broke down. You have to pay at
the service. But how do you pay ON? ON is not interested in money after all. ON
is not an online store. There, when you order something, you will receive the
goods quite reliably within the terms of business, everyone equally, regardless of
their past or soul identi er. The order will be ful lled, the goods will be delivered
on the speci ed date and the price will be paid, all within the framework of
normal contractual arrangements.

However, when you order something from a (false) god/angels/ascended
masters, how will it be ful lled? Who will ful ll it, at what cost, with what result,
what is the product, where is it located and how does it work, what are the other
circumstances and contractual conditions? How will you pay for it, to whom,
when, how much? In fact, you don’t know anything about it. For example, when
you clear someone’s aura or give them energy, you don’t know if you have
cleared or given them something, you don’t know what it really means to clear
any blockages, where the energy comes from, what kind of energy it really is,
who/what moves it, you don’t know if it will move it somewhere at all, or if it is
energy, if it is not just a feeling that it is energy, or what the energy will actually
cause. You don’t know how much, what and from whom the “angelic” mediator
will take for it, you don’t know if he’s lying or manipulating your plot with the
Devil’s scenarios, you don’t know how long you’ll pay it back, how the payments
will manifest in your being, and that’s also because on the outside, it may seem
for a long time that nothing is happening and that it is without consequences. In
fact, you don’t know anything about it at all, you just might think so.
ON is not Amazon, ON is not even a key service that will open the gates of
heaven for someone, or simply make the high etheric heavenly world accessible
to him and, upon request, he will give him initiation, enlightenment, the
initiation of kundalini, the opening of the third eye, puri cation, or
transformation of the soul. clairvoyant abilities and divination information. You
have to pay for such “services” from any “higher” places. An imaginary invoice
for the service will always arrive ; because My Give and Give in the Balance may
show a difference highlighted in red; regardless of how the service was provided
and with what result; but with regard to whom it is provided and for what
purpose. Everything manifests itself somewhere, every action is a cause that has
some effect.
ON is also a Cybernetic Druid, a mysterious helmsman dealing with circular
causal feedback in complex systems.
The name Druid here serves as the name of a certain aspect of ON, by which ON
named himself. Druids were pre-Christian Celtic priests, mastering nature-
themed magic. Druids had a unique ability that allows them to change into
different animal forms and various other characteristics that help them in the
natural environment. Historically, trees were revered as nature spirits.
Cybernetics deals with the study of the structure of complex systems and their
interrelationships, communication processes, control mechanisms and feedback
principles. Cybernetics is closely related to control theory and systems theory.
Imaginary invoices also appear repeatedly, because some services in a certain
sense cannot be canceled. When someone orders a service from a fortune teller or

witch, they pay with money. That is what he materially sees. But then it also pays
in another currency, such as money; and that is no longer so unequivocally
demonstrable. It depends on his attitude, also on how he handles the service
provided and to what extent he behaves according to it. It can pay with its
energy, or with its destiny, a change in life direction, caused by submission to the
being who projected it through the fortune teller, as well as possible subsequent
suffering that it may cause. Finding the truth in the chain of cause and effect can
be tricky. What is bene cial and what is harmful remains a philosophical
question; and in what time horizon and in what order will it be shown on the
The price may be apparently minimal, or indeed combustible, you may or may
not be aware of it; however, an opportunity from the Spirit, directed to a lesson,
can also be hidden behind the service. A fortune teller, a witch, a provider of
esoteric and religious services must also pay. In principle, services from
extraterrestrial, astral and other beings/entities are not free. Money is useless to
them. They need something else, they need energy, they want access to (human)
vital energy even in the future, they want to have an in uence on human actions
and earthly events. They want to give the soul of a person/wizard to the devil so
that he can use it for someone/something who/what has no soul. In the case of
outwardly light but inwardly dark (angelic) beings, there is a risk that one
associates with them and thinks they are light; so, at least at the beginning, they
show the need for satisfaction from the feeling of recognition that they have
helped, they need to win over the person – the wizard, and then they will, for
example, want him to follow the helpful rules set by them in detail, and they
want to wind him up gradually. Then they harden and want to control him more
and more; so that it nally turns out that they are not bright beings, but dark
devils, who thus lured someone to their apparently bright help. Such winding
can take a long time, it can be inconspicuous and manipulative. Their goal is
negativity, they want to catch the victim on the glue of his own excessive desire
of the Ego, to wind him in a web, where they intend to suck him out of the light
of life energy.

Thieves in law (Vory v zákoně)

A person is often marked by the dark forces with which he once connected, even
with an overlap into other lives. Or dark forces have conspired with him, because
false “gods”, aliens and various entities are constantly sticking their dirty hooves
into earthly affairs and the happenings of human lives.
”Thief in the law” is the formal and special status of a ”criminal authority“, a
professional criminal who has an elite position among other members in the
environment of organized crime and correctional institutions, and who has
informal authority over members of lower status. The term “thief in law” has two
different meanings in Russian: “legalized thief” and “thief who is the law”. Each
new thief is made and veri ed, literally a “crowned” man, with appropriate
rituals and tattoos, based on the consensus of several other Vors (vory). Vor
culture is inseparable from prison organized crime: only repeatedly incarcerated
convicts are eligible for Vor status.
It’s hard to go anywhere these days, especially in the summer, without meeting
tattooed people. It used to be expected that tattoos were only seen on sailors and
rockers, but recently they have become a more acceptable form of self-expression.
For thousands of years, tattoos have served as signs of religious beliefs, military
or prison status, confessions of love, status symbols, and even forms of
On the surface, tattoos seem to be just a fashionable way for many to express
themselves. However, for many, a tattoo can also be a meaningful way to con rm
their spiritual truth on the clean canvas of their skin. They can be a visual
representation of their beliefs; they can be a reminder to breathe into your
tattooed skin and be more present in the spirit of your tattoos; or images on their
skin serve as documentation of their important life lessons and events. Someone
can use their tattoos to refer to their relationship to creativity and art, or to
celebrities they recognize. It may not seem spiritual on the surface.
Tattoos can also tell stories of different chapters of life; tattoos can also be
memories, reminders, visual af rmations that attract attention where it is desired.
Tattoos can help people feel better about themselves and their bodies because
they have de ned themselves outwardly; they exposed themselves and thereby
the overpressure of the inner truth blows outward. It can also give them a sense

of belonging with people who have similar tattoos. Thus, tattoos can give an
“empty” person a sense of belonging, that he belongs somewhere, to the
community that the tattoo symbolizes. He shows his values on the outside
because they may not be strong enough on the inside; or the inner values are so
strong that they manifest outwardly as “extremely” tattooed themes. However,
these are only the rst and super cial explanations of the reasons for tattoos.
Today there are many more tattoos than in the past. However, it is not because
people have changed or gotten worse. They were essentially like that before, only
now the conditions have been created for the mass development of tattoos.
Tattoos have become socially acceptable, as have other topics that were
previously taboo. Tattoo studios and technology have mushroomed.
A tattoo is one of the external manifestations of a person’s inner self, his
unmanifested Self. It can also be deceiving, as someone inside may be black and
rotten, but may not be tattooed at all. On the other hand, someone can get
something dark tattooed on a whim or foolishness; that is, even without having
any real internal reason for it. It can also be caused by a current psychological
indisposition or an emotional situation; one may later feel marked and regret
one’s wrongdoing. In any case, tattooed images and symbols are an indication of
the inner state of a person, they are a symptom, even in connection with other
signs of behavior. With tattoos, a person informs others who they are dealing
with and what group they belong to, and especially what spiritual beings or
entities affect their consciousness.
Another aspect of tattooing is that we can compare it to marking cattle. Cattle are
usually marked with a visible mark, a symbol of their owner. The mark is burned
with a hot iron, a label (piercing) on the ear, indelible paint in a visible place, or
with a new RFID chip. This way it is clear who the cattle belong to. In ancient
Mesopotamia, piercings denoted slaves or people who had a “speci c” position
in society.
With tattoos, a person shows who he belongs to, who is the master of his
consciousness; as when toxins in the body are manifested by shedding a rash. It
also depends on the themes of the tattoo and the personality of the soul. What’s
inside comes out. The person himself chooses the mark, it is a tattoo that can be
dif cult to remove. Even after it is sanded away, there will remain a mark, a scar
of memory of something that a person tried to remove with his own efforts so
that it would not be seen.
Tattooing washes out what is there from within the Shadow of the Soul. What a
person intuitively likes and what he would like to be. The low dominant
thought-emotional idea, which is the mind of the archon ruler of many souls, tells
a person what he has in his unmanifested interior and co-decides with the

person’s consciousness about which image or symbol is the most suitable to get
tattooed. The inner Self is not manifested by deeds, mainly because social
morality, laws, the impositions of upbringing, education and the cultural
environment of a person prevent it from manifesting itself also by deeds, not only
by images in the nakedness of its skin. However, when appropriate
circumstances arise, the social or personal psychological situation changes, so the
archon reptile senses that it can manifest itself in its full perversion. He will try to
create such thought-emotional stimuli in a person so that he acts as the Devil
connected to the darkness inside the human soul wants, also in accordance with
what he has tattooed on his skin. Then you see how tattooed Nazi Ukrainian
soldiers commit atrocities against civilians, but also against their own comrades.
They don’t care at all, especially since they are doing the will of a fascist mental
astral predator who controls their consciousness. Tattoos are images and
symbols. They are a sign of a person’s spiritual af liation, they are the stamping
of a person with a symbol or likeness of a being/entity or spiritual aspect that the
image or tattooed word represents. Man causes them himself, he marks himself
as who he is.
Let’s say that some person gets a winged Egyptian goddess – an Anunn alien –
tattooed on their back. To the center, to the place between the throat and heart
chakras; a consciously chosen location can also have its meaning. She may do it
intuitively, without much thought, when her snake consciousness whispers that
it is the right thing to do. Or she will do it with a certain intention, purposefully,
because she knows why she chose that particular goddess. Perhaps that person
was subject to her in the distant past, had something in common with her, and in
this life he shows with a tattoo that he belongs to that goddess again and that he
will (again) serve her and carry out her intentions. Maybe he knows her
intentions super cially, or he prefers not to get to know them in full. Perhaps the
person in his naivety thinks that the goddess will serve him.
A tattoo can serve as a visual representation of thoughts, feelings and
intentions. A person illustrates with him who he would like to be. Not
infrequently you will see tattoos of seemingly contradictory occult symbols,
religious gures, weapons, strigas, skulls, all drawn together on one body,
manifesting in one soul to which the entities representing the tattooed images are
connected. Tattoos symbolically represent what people have inside of them,
representing the nature of the beings/entities that interact with them or intend to
interact with them when the H hour strikes. They are also placed along with
occult symbols that they hope will protect them from the consequences of their
actions, when they show them not only with a drawing on their skin, but also
with deeds.

For now, at least in this way, the internal overpressure is pushing its way to the
outside in order to ventilate slightly and possibly prepare the darkness for its
eventual manifestation in physical reality when the reins that hold it under cover
are removed. The unpleasant manifestations of the entities that stand behind the
“skulls” are often covered up, and a person painted with darkness looks and
behaves quite acceptable at rst impression. Entities depicted with monstrous
images cover themselves in the manifestation of man, they are chameleons. But
even the Spirit, the individualized inner God has its in uence and manifests
itself; and thus becomes the battle between good and evil in his own soul.
If the entities were not hidden in their manifestation by human actions, they
would manifest themselves fully and then the people around them, abounding in
love energy, would move away from them, because they would see through
them. The dark ones would have to be alone with their own, with other dark
souls, without a lot of energy of grace. They also have some, but of the opposite
nature, or they have little of it, because they stand on the opposite side of Grace.

Loving aliens are a Trojan horse

There are no loving extraterrestrials here on Earth, nor will they ever come. Those
coming here are anything but loving. They are on the spam list. Their earthly
contactees, perhaps their promoters and agents, mention their expected arrival
quite often in their channeling reports. They release balloons that these aliens are
not evil, but that they are good.

The thief shouts “Catch the thief!”

The aliens supposedly want to come and free humanity from prison so that we
can get rid of those who enslaved us. They don’t want to rule us, they just want
to help us because they are loving. Their earthly contactees are thus preparing the
media ground for their return. The Anunnaki want to return to Earth, for the xth
They are so loving that they would eat us out of love alone. This is exactly their
goal, to rob humanity of life’s “energy”, this time in a mass way in the manner of
a global harvest. Time is running out and the end of the earthly Cycle is knocking
at the door. The Anunnaki want to take advantage of this, join in and pro t from
it at the expense of the massive human toll their mass extinction would cause.
Welcomers of loving aliens resemble the committed progressive welcomers of
immigrants from Arabia and Africa not long ago, when by inviting these
maladaptive invaders from the southern countries they commit the slow suicide
of nations. If they were only doing their own thing, it would still be okay. But
they want to drag us all into it. We know very well what a destructive impact
invaders from other cultures have on European civilization and it is just
beginning, immigration is still progressing.
It is also bene cial to think about what the love and affection of immigrant/
aliens welcomers is. In this case, it probably means love, freed from reason and
therefore also from the consciousness of historical experience. It suits God when
people don’t think, when their memory doesn’t serve them. When they don’t
read and don’t get a proper education. When people reject critical thinking and
let “that pleasant feeling of love” behind the sternum rule their minds and

With their tricks, the Anunnaki will instill in people an emoticon, an energetic
feeling of love for themselves, for other people, even for earthly tyrants,
politicians, warmongers, dictators, in the heart chakra, and will tell them that this
is love, leading to general forgiveness. Emotionally, it’s like buying Diazepam at
the pharmacy and drinking it down with vodka – you’ll also have a nice feeling
of love in your chest for a while; similar to that caused by an energy drug in the
astral heart.

They are preparing an alibi and want forgiveness

The extraterrestrials will use manipulations to demand that people forgive them
all out of love, even to the earthly elites and illuminati, who physically pushed
their agenda of wars, genocides and slavery on Earth to be carried out with the
executive assistance of a number of other people who helped them profusely.
Do not forget that in the last 2000 years alone, the number of victims of wars is
estimated at hundreds of millions. That is the work of gods and men together.
Not to mention the tremendous suffering caused in many other ways as well.
They will say that it was just a game and that nothing extraordinary happened
with the tyranny and death of many, because they were born again. They are
criminals of the rst degree, terrestrial as well as extraterrestrial. And it is they
who would like to obtain forgiveness for their crimes.

“Forgive us and we will destroy you” — Anunnaki

The gods (Anunnaki) apparently think humans are crazy. Indeed, many
apparently are, because they left their common sense of the peasantry,
bewildered by the “all-embracing love of unity” behind the door of their hut.
Forgiveness is the folly committed by Jesus, for example, when he forgave his
guilty ones who cruci ed him for it and in spite of it; and would gladly do it
Again, if someone really wants to forgive them, as far as I’m concerned, they can.
When some want to be cruci ed by aliens for their forgiveness out of love, it is a
manifestation of their free will. However, the consequences of their decision to
love their tyrant and murderer should not directly suffer, nor should others who
refuse that forgiveness be affected. The extraterrestrials would probably also
achieve forgiveness with the trick of simulated love, with energy injected into the
astral body; so that they could then argue before the Last Judgment that they
were forgiven, out of love alone. Their goal is to parasitize and rule humanity
again, in the new Cycle, on the New Earth.

Only in this way will the aliens manage to reach the Earth, when the masses of
crazy people will welcome them with tears in their eyes, like members of the
band Rolling Stones. When the earthlings open their gates to them, they let in the
Trojan horse. You know what that means. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to get
to Earth. There are many fairly advanced weapons here that could cause fatal
damage to Anunnaki airdrops. That’s why they want to get here by trick.

They are still the same, in a new dress – the Myth of forgiveness

Loving aliens talk about forgiving and forgetting. This is a Jesus cliché of the rst
degree. This is exactly the kind of forgiveness that would suit false gods who
have tyrannized humanity for millennia, preyed on human energy and now want
to exploit human stupidity (again); to come and with a bright smile say to
earthlings “forgive and forget”. Forget that you may ever again commit such
folly and blindly trust the tricks of the Devil; despite the fact that you have been
informed about it.
Human stupidity and excessive credulity is also caused by human comfort,
super ciality and spiritual laziness. People don’t want to think and educate
themselves about how TON world works. They don’t want to work on
themselves, face their own darkness and participate in their conscious
elimination. Honor the exceptions.
So if people want to put their trust back into false gods who are about to come
back in new clothes, so be it. But separately. Let it affect them in a separate
process, only them and not others who have nothing to do with it. Why should
other people suffer endlessly the consequences that others have caused. But this
is dif cult to achieve, because we are here in one common global cauldron, in
which even the u will spread from one end of the globe to the other in a matter
of days. Therefore, spreading awareness and consolidating knowledge is in order.
The advertised kindness and helpfulness of benevolent aliens is just a marketing
trick. When the old is already desecrated, worn out and corrupted, the same ones
appear under a new, smiling face to infuse people with hope that things will turn
for the better, this time, by the action of a miraculous alien force from above.
They are still the same aliens who have been axing and tyrannizing humanity
since forever. They are well aware of human patterns of behavior, among which
super ciality, spiritual laziness and stupidity are at the forefront. They intend to
fool people with the same tricks used by manufacturers of washing powders,
who claim in advertising that this new powder is really the one that will wash
your clothes perfectly, with a brilliant effect and several times more effective
against stains; that it is much better than the previous one and you have been
told that probably a hundred times. It would be useful for people to have

someone from above, from the extraterrestrial heavens, wash their own dirty
karmic laundry, so that they don’t have to move their mind and best of all, so that
they don’t have to cut anything from their Ego.
It would be a different matter if some other aliens, not necessarily so loving,
speci cally helped humanity by annihilating the false gods and thereby losing
their curses and archon-twisted mental entities attacking the human mind. At the
same time, their support for the earthly elites who carry out the agenda of false
gods on Earth would also be lost. However, they don’t even have to come to
Earth and smile at us unnecessarily lovingly for that. They could easily blast the
alien gods from afar with some massive galactic cannon, spit on their memory,
and there would be peace. Then the Anunnaki of various species would no
longer interfere with humans, their lives and earthly affairs. And the other aliens
would thereby protect themselves from their potential breeding to their worlds.
Besides, speaking of aliens, where are they? Everywhere around us. We are it. We
earthlings are also aliens. We landed here on Earth from somewhere, some long
ago, others recently. We have to solve our own affairs and it is not appropriate for
various extraterrestrial “gods”, archons and other entities to constantly intervene
in earthly events to in uence and use them for their own bene t. They come back
to Earth, because here it is for them the Klondike, a gold mine of energy of grace
that they want to parasitize on.
Loving aliens are a trick of the Devil. It doesn’t even t with common peasant
sense, why should they come here from such a distance and solve something for
the people? Does anyone really think that humanity as a whole looks remotely
worth it? Humanity does not create such an impression even up close. Cheers to
the exceptions!

The word creates, the word destroys, the word
makes magic

Word makes worlds, word reveals character. The more ON (energy of grace) you
have, the more you can create with words. Who doesn’t have enough ON in his
Self, his words are more of an annoying cheer leading to nothing or destruction if
the target person accepts it; and are less of a creation. They are accompanied by
trying to get on someone who has ON, so that he can provoke him, deceive him
and use his ON (energy) to his advantage.
Most witches do not have ON, they are exempt from the divine essence and their
basis is its opposite. They don’t have enough ON to perform magic. They don’t
have enough energy of their own to do that. They want to play god, they want to
create by tricks and they perform magic with the help of other “higher” dark
beings, gods, astral spirits, angels, ascended masters, saints, Jesus, the Virgin
Mary, or directly the Devil, Satan, and the like. They do this directly by invoking
these beings/entities, or they invoke them indirectly, through symbols
programmed with their word. Symbols are patterns and can be of various forms,
they are not just drawn signs and shapes. These are also objects, oracles, pictures,
portraits of saints, cards, jewelry, bracelets, statuettes…
Rituals, sequence of magical actions, movements of hands, body, words,
sentences, formulas pronounced in sequence and synergy, all this is a formula.
They are unique formulas that bear the seal of their creator. When someone
utters magical words as they are de ned, in the manner, intonation of the voice,
volume, accompanied by, for example, the movement of the hands, it is
registered by the mental entity connected to his mind, and through it also the
“higher” astral being, which connects to the wizard’s consciousness. He will try
to ful ll his intention, redirect him somewhere. Then he will want to scrap it.
However, even “higher” beings cannot say with certainty how and who
manifests the magical intention into reality. In fact, they often know next to
nothing about it. They don’t have ON, so they mostly just cheer and want to
parasitize the magical process to get energy from it. They mediate something
from it so that they can join the process and make a living from it. They are
like horned agents of the gas or electricity distribution company, they go from
door to door, ringing the bell and pushing people complex contracts written in

small letters, from which it is not easy to get out. He looks noble and wise, but
that’s just a mask, behind which hides the emptiness of smelly suffocating
explosive underground gas.
These “higher” dark beings do not have ON, they sold themselves to the Devil
and took the witch there as well. They couldn’t just drag her there, sometimes in
the beginning she had a clear intention, a strong desire for something
extraordinary, something that a witch wouldn’t be able to achieve in a normal
way. The devil provided them with the methods, the technology of deception and
manipulation, so that together with the connected sorcerers, they could deceive
the souls that ON has, so that they could lure them, use them, abuse them and
throw them away after use. That is, after their reincarnation, to rejoin them and
repeat the process. To suck energy again and again from the witch, through the
witch, but rst from her clients or victims, or to join them directly.
When you say something in your everyday life and you are in a bad mood at that
moment, you are probably full of negative energy and your body language and
voice intonation will correspond to that. However, when you try to be positive
and fake a smile, it will be manipulation in order to get a certain desired response
from the other person. At that moment, you will not be quite yourself, because a
mental/astral entity may have taken up residence in your mind, which wants to
achieve something through you by your transformation. You may nd that your
pretense and fake behavior work and bring you success that you would not
otherwise have achieved.
If you want more and more success, then you will do such things automatically,
they will become your habit, then also your character and destiny. For smaller
makeovers, there is no need to make such a drama out of it, but it is bene cial to
think about it, the circumstances that led to it, what we really want to achieve,
what we have inside, whether we are too fake, whether it is worth it and what it’s
all about. This is also work on oneself, it also leads to the evolution of the soul. To
make spiritual progress, it is necessary to use the theory in the daily practice of
Witches are drawn to magic in every life. Either they actively perform some
occult form of magic, or they are in the passive role of clients of another
witch and thus perform magic indirectly, through the next level in the hierarchy
of intermediaries. The customer of (black) magic is not innocent in this, he
becomes a part of it, just as the customer of a crime who pays someone is guilty.
When people use their bad words to affect those around them – this is also magic
in its own way, we encounter it more often than we would like. Every spoken
word is a deed, it carries with it, in addition to energy and intention, the
identi er of its creator, the sender. In the ON World, nothing is lost, everything is

recorded. An identi er of the creator of the word is attached to the curse, or to the
wish; id of the one who wants to create or destroy with a word; and much more
packed information. Everything is there, nothing is lost.
Information about practically anything can be retrieved from the mental database
through Information ON. They can be taken by a Contactor (clairvoyant,
clairvoyant, sorcerer,…), ie a person, an astral being, or an alien who has an
access key, a portal, a connection. They will be pulled out by the intelligence
service of ON, or the Devil, which contains, in addition to Satan, ON; and
provides them to the requester in some form: true, false, half-true, manipulative,
mixed, cocooned in symbolism, indeterminate, obscured, or lost in time when
they are supposed to occur. Information is paid for, it is not free, an invoice for it
always comes, and the currency used to pay is some kind of consideration.
When someone, such as an earthly seer, receives information from
“supernatural” sources, they are considered extraordinary, often gaining money,
fame and in uence. At the same time, he only operates with foreign information,
which he obtained from the ON database, and his personal merit in this is mostly
almost non-existent. The direction in which it develops depends on the intention
of the seer/sorcerer, on his Self, what he has within him, and on other
circumstances. For some people, clairvoyance happens “by itself”, without
explicitly asking for it or wanting it.
Earthly sorcerers often ask for help from astral spirits (angels, gods, masters…)
and they are also sorcerers; or from the arti cial intelligence of the Matrix, of
which they understandably do not know, because it presents itself to them as
some named being; but all these are just intermediaries, they do not have any
information in themselves. ON has everything. Connecting to arti cial
intelligence and communicating with an AI chatbot from a mental level is the
most common case of communication with higher (supernatural) levels. The
chatbot introduces itself with a name it chooses, for example according to the
preferences it nds in the memory database of the contact in question. It can be
an angel, a saint, a master, an alien, a name he pulls from his name database or
makes up with a random word generator. Chatbot sometimes also connects the
mental space of a real being to telepathic communication.
The clairvoyant/sorcerer communicates with a mental-level arti cial intelligence
chatbot posing as an (angelic) being. It is similar to what is starting to take off
here on Earth right now. With a psychic, it happens directly in the mind, while on
Earth it is (for now) behind a computer or smartphone screen.
What does the word make up? The word (deed) is accompanied by energy, the
effect of which either creates or destroys energy of grace in its various forms and
at various levels.

Destruction is the opposite of creation. The plot and relationships are also formed
by the words you say to yourself or to others. An action, a physical deed, is also a
form of a word, manifested into a physical form and into the movement of
energies. With words, we have the power to participate in creating the world we
see. We have the power to in uence our reality and the reality of other people.
Your words reveal your character. The ones you tell others, but also the ones you
listen to. Even the words you listen to affect your reality. The quality of words
exceeds their quantity. So, if words are powerful, then more words mean more
in uence. People who have a lot to say usually say little or nothing at all. This
also applies to social media. Social media isn’t bad, but it’s basically a place
where everyone posts their opinions, but rarely does anyone actually say
anything of value.
When you pray, how much do you talk? How much time do you spend with God
spouting words, telling Him who is sick and what you need Him to x? There are
times when we present our requests to God. However, the most transformative
part of prayer is the part where we say nothing, neither with words nor with
thoughts. When I am quiet, I can wrestle with the tension in my heart and mind.
When I stop talking, I can contemplate and make room for the mysteries of life.
The power of words grows with proximity. The closer you are to someone, the
more impact your words have. Your words shape their world, build it, or tear it
down. Sometimes it’s better to leave words unsaid. But sometimes it’s the
unspoken words that make the difference, and it’s up to us to decide which ones
to use and which to bury. Too many encouraging, life-giving words die on the
altar of good intentions when used against someone who doesn’t care or deserve
them. Words are powerful. They can be used to edify, inspire, encourage,
challenge and, if necessary, rebuke. Both good and inconsiderate words co-create
your reality and contribute to the reality of the people around you.
You never know when your kind words can create a new world for someone. A
word of praise in everyday life is also a mini magic. Compliment someone and
they will be happy, they will feel good about it. It will change his day. If you add
a caress, a smile, a kiss, you will increase the effect of words. Or not, if he nds
that the compliment shown is not consistent with your other behavior, or was not
meant sincerely. If the praise is justi ed, but is disproportionately exaggerated, it
can have an annoying effect. It can be taken as attery, with the intention of
manipulation, or devilish trickery.
The word is also a weapon, journalists, politicians, lecturers, priests, rabbis and
imams are soldiers. Also all others who deal with the word, in uencing
individuals or masses with it. There are different words and different weapons.
The projectiles are rubber, they mainly warn. Others are intended to be sharp,

deadly and explosive; or in the form of arrows infused with the plant poison
curare, causing mental paralysis and cessation of the Spirit’s breathing. You can’t
take back a shot, nor a word you say. An apology is therefore only a weak band-
aid for the wounds caused by a harsh word. The wound will heal, but not
completely. It always leaves at least a scar, or a scab, into which when a memory
lled with emotional poison is poked with a needle, the scab opens and reveals
what quietly smolders beneath it and comes to life. Everything is recorded, every
word and every sentence is recorded, along with the unspoken content meaning,
intentions, energies, and the consequences they caused. ON does not forget.
Magic is a “ceremonial” manifestation intended to invoke supernatural power to
cause good, evil, harm, or punishment to someone or something. An incantation,
or enchantment, is a magical formula designed to trigger a magical effect on a
person, objects, or to in uence the plot to develop according to the wishes of the
conjurer or the wizard’s client. The incantation can be spoken, twirled around,
sung, or chanted, like at a football game. An incantation is like a formula that has
its unmistakable shape. The words of incantations are often pronounced with
in ection and emphasis on the spoken words. The tone and rhyme of how the
words are spoken and the placement of the words used in the formula can vary
depending on the desired result of the magical effect.
The surviving written records of historical magical spells have been largely
erased in many cultures. It was the result of the witch hunts of the major
religions, which label some magical activities as immoral, associated with the
Devil and evil. At the same time, religions also use magic spells to a large extent,
they are part of their ceremonial rituals or prayers. Endless recitation of the
surahs of the Koran, or de ned prayers while kneeling, at the same time as
praying the rosary – these are attempts to pronounce magical formulas.
The symbolic eating of Jesus’ body and drinking of his blood in its essence
resembles a dark occult ritual of black magic, and from the outside it seems like
something completely sick. No matter how the church tries to cover it up and
falsely explain it. The thief shouts “catch the thief!”.
A curse is an expressed intention to harm someone, it is any expressed wish that
some form of adversity or misfortune befall someone, or become attached to one
person, or to a group, to a place, or to an object. It can refer to a wish or statement
made by a supernatural or spiritual force such as “god”, gods, spirit, natural
force, or otherwise. The curse itself, or its accompanying ritual, has some causal
power in the result.
Curse, evil eye, curse, execution, voodoo, hoodoo, curse, excommunication
(excommunication from the church is also a form of curse), curse, prohibition,
hex, curse, harm, misfortune, blight, calamity, pestilence, cancer, poison,

impatience, af iction, burden, bear a cross, curse, bitter pill, calamity, misery,
suffering, trial, tribulation, af iction, trouble, coarse or blasphemous word,
phrase used to express anger or other strong emotion,” his mouth spat vile oaths
and curses”, dirty word, obscenity, slander, cursing, blasphemy, profanity,
profanity, swearing, bad/foul language, strong language, cast the evil eye, damn,
execute, handicap, swear, be foul, address, think angrily; these are all types of
magic words that are used in magic. However, they are unconsciously used by
people in everyday life. Even if they do not have a precisely prescribed form and
sequence, they have a form shaped by habit and also have a smaller or larger
magical effect.
People remember bad words for the rest of their lives. A bad word thrown is like
a spear lled with poison, it hits and indelibly poisons the relationship. It will
affect the course of life. It is a curse that is behind a dark archon entity and the
curse of false gods in the background. Their goal is to draw energy from the
created negativity. There is a lot going on around us and it happens to almost
The exclusive language of magic is “sacred”, it is set and used for a completely
different purpose than the language of ordinary life. These two forms of language
differ in word choice, grammar, style, or the use of speci c phrases or forms: for
example, prayers, charms, songs, blessings, or chants.
However, the result of saying “ordinary” words also has a far-reaching effect. The
word started wars and the word ended wars. The word “yes” bound the two
with a promise to married status and massively in uenced their entire lives.
Marriage is also a magical ritual, Christian in the church, but also civil in the
town hall. So be careful what you say to whom.

The cult of the serpent or how the gods curse us

A word thrown with malicious intent carries with it the sender’s negative energy,
it is like an arrow laced with snake venom. The snake is a symbolic
representative of archon mental parasites, viral entities of arti cial
intelligence that want to control the human mind, its consciousness and behavior.
The Serpent is also a symbol of false gods whose minds the Serpent controls; the
serpent has been hurling its curses like poisonous spears at mankind for
millennia. The cult of the snake as a symbol of wisdom, knowledge, strength and
renewal is one of the manipulations of human beliefs, leading to the worship of
snakes; oriented to the alibi of false gods, so that they can defend themselves if
necessary: ”after all, you worshiped serpents (archons), so why are you
complaining about the fact that they tyrannized you?” The snake was also
considered a cult materialization of deities or demonic forces; it is depicted in
almost every ancient Egyptian painting, but also in other cultures around the
world. The serpent is poisonous, or a strangler, and no wisdom emanates from it.
However, wisdom can radiate from a person who realizes how it is and is careful
about the snake possibly residing inside him, in his mind. He must know how
the serpent works, how it manifests, and why it is there; and then he can get rid
of its destructive in uence. He must also know how reptilian-marked people
with the sign of a snake on their head manifest themselves. Outside and inside,
one is very closely related to the other.
The serpent symbolizes the mental archon entities – elements of Satan’s viruses,
because their thoughts are what intend to poison or suffocate you. An alien
Anunnaki using an incantation lures the serpent out of its hiding place, which is
his own Self, to get rid of it from within by hurling it at someone, like a spear
infused with snake venom. The hurled snake is straightened like an arrow and
comes to life as it ies to its destination. It will twist, stick into it, bite its target, or
wrap itself around it, strangle it, or hang around somewhere next to it and wait
for the right moment.
Whoever lets the genie out of the bottle by casting a spell will mostly lose control
over it, because there is a risk that the genie will not want to return to the bottle,
or that someone else will take possession of the bottle. Someone who has much
worse intentions with the genie than originally intended.

When someone utters a bad poisonous word or a curse, it cannot be taken back,
because it starts to roam its own life and do whatever it wants. It is a
programmed virus released out of its cage and its behavior can only be predicted
to a certain extent.
When the sergeant on the gallows commands “Fire!”, a swarm of deadly bullets
is thrown forward, destroying living targets. His intent is to kill, destroy, and use
other people to do his bidding. His word has both an immediate deadly effect
and then it will have long-term consequences for those who shot, were hit, or
witnessed this event; also for survivors who will never see their dead again. The
effects of words are long-lasting, far-reaching, and their impact is immeasurable.

“The utter of a butter y’s wing will cause a tornado on the other side of the

Not to mention who gave the order to shoot and threatened punishment to those
who refused to carry out the order. Massive karma will also reach the one who
did not physically kill anyone, but ordered it, arranged it, manipulated it, or
ordered it from others. A typical case is innocent-looking politicians,
warmongers, manipulatively sowing resentment against other nations; they have
power at their disposal and abuse it like this. It depends on their intention, on the
spiritual force behind them and supporting their actions, on the goal, and on the
poison of animosity, hatred that they have put into it, on pandering to even
greater proponents of Satan than themselves; it also depends on other
circumstances. Much depends on what spiritual power is behind them. Spiritual
power in the sense of their character, color, possibilities and extent of
authorization of access to “divine power”. In the case of the sergeant – the
commander of the ring squad – his spiritual power is not only the diabolical
entities in his mind, but also the beings/entities behind the soldiers carrying out
his orders. They behave according to what their lower or higher intuition tells
them. Either they carry out the order or they refuse to carry it out, they don’t re,
they re on purpose, or they shoot the commanding sergeant; like who, there are
more possibilities.
The word carries with it the sender’s energy charge, in uenced by his intention
and the intensity with which he uttered the word. A word uttered with great
intensity, with energetic poison, a lot of repetitions, and the ritual that
accompanies it, is an incantation. It is black magic. A curse with extreme
negativity, hatred and anger is a curse.
Since time immemorial, the problems of humanity have been the responsibility of
false gods, their curses, manipulations and lies, acting on those people who let
themselves be possessed by them. Likewise the people, their earthly agents, who

have chosen the path of following and worshiping them. They accepted them as
their own, accepted the Serpent to control their minds, their words and deeds.
They became both small and large minions of gods and archons. They became
proponents of Satan because they favored the opposite side of Creation and
replicated the deeds of the “gods” on the earthly level.
We could say that what after them. But the illuminati, elites, and ordinary
reptilian people in uence others. On Earth, we’re all in it together, in one big
cauldron, when something grinds to a halt. Let’s not forget that each individual
has his own responsibility for his words and actions. Yes, many are to blame for
false gods and their mass manipulations. Nevertheless, people acting under the
in uence of their spells should be aware of their actions. They should work on
their spiritual development. But they have big Egos that tell them that it is not as
others warn them. That it is different. They do not think about it, because the
delicious feeling of power and self-importance blinds their eyes and pierces their
Information from the alternative scene is plentiful and easy to access. One click
leads to another truth. Still, it doesn’t work for many. It’s not enough. People
think that only they are right. There is no denying that humans have some
intelligence. They are educated, they express themselves sophisticatedly, and so
logic says that they should realize what they are doing. But they behave and
manipulate others according to their Ego and according to the model of the gods.
They behave similarly.
The Anunnaki have bewitched and cursed us humans with black magic to do
their will, to make humans more permissive and enslaved. So that they can use
them as a source of energy. One ideologue at their head cast a spell and many
(all) Nibiruans repeated it after him, bringing their energy into it. It is similar to
communal meditation, only with the opposite intention. Politicians and global
players who (literally) from the background (the Devil) are trying to in uence the
human population with the laws they should follow and which should affect
them, behave similarly on the earthly level. Laws, regulations, regulations,
projects are in a sense also something like magic words.
The Nibiruan world of the extraterrestrial Anunnaki gods is like a Chinese
factory. It is ruled by one with the symbolic name of Mao-tse-Tung (Enki), an
ideologue who once proudly walked the halls of palaces accompanied by his
suite, today he is just a blown-up wreck, living on the remains of his former
position as a powerful dictator, hidden somewhere in a pyramid. Many
Nibiruans (Pleiadians) work in this huge Manufactory. Imagine that the earthly
soul has its astral imprint in the Manufactory. It is something like a re ection of a
person’s astral body; a plasma hologram showing moving ames of chakra

colors. A trained eye can see in them a re ection of a person’s mental and
emotional state. When they focus on a person and do not have their astral
imprint, they create one based on what they know about them. Similarly, when a
voodoo witch makes a doll of a person and sticks the Needles of Satan (curses
needles) into this representative, with which she wants to do something to him.
Nibiruans – Pleiadian astral sorcerers – mind-linked with the arti cial
intelligence of the Matrix, send into the emotional body of a person toxins of
tones of emotional feelings and send into his mind various demonic inspirations,
mental images and thought stimuli; they impose something on a person that is
not entirely his. How do they do it? They think intensively about what they
would like to suggest to him. It happens more intensively on the astral plane
than on the earthly plane. According to the circumstances and the situation, but
not so much detail, because much of it is done by the arti cial intelligence of the
archons independently; so they don’t know exactly what is going on in the
mental realm. They sit around the astral hologram of a single person, group, or
mass of people and try hard to subjugate them into doing bad things, making
them sick, or doing what they want. In a trance of movement, they recite
incantation mantras, like voodoo witches. They then see the person’s reaction on
a plasma hologram; however, when they “read” something from a person’s
mind, they cannot quite distinguish between what the person is thinking about
by their own doing and what are thoughts sent arti cially by their curses. They
get chaos from it and then they don’t really know anything.
Each Nibiruan is assigned to some earthly soul, or group of souls; it depends on
her, on whether they have some karmic experience in common and thus share a
mutual connection, or it depends on the archetypal con guration of the soul; it is
different. Sometimes one Nibiruan is assigned many, or a group is in charge of a
mass of people, sometimes it is one on one, or even many Nibiruans on one
person. Some do nothing with “their” people at all, or almost nothing. It depends
on the importance of the human soul to their intentions; from priority; from the
energy it abounds in; from the abilities of that person, which they would like to
exploit to their advantage, from the possibilities; or the dif culty of getting into a
person, promising him something and manipulating his mind.
With their astral ngernails, Nibiruans dig into the astral imprint of the human
body and try to use various tricks to manipulate emotional feelings and mental
perceptions into his chakra system. Not only that. They strum the strings of
human DNA and use voodoo magic to instill illnesses and pain into the human
astral body. Something along those lines. They try, far from everything going
according to their expectations; however, they don’t even know about it because
they don’t have good feedback. If so, only minimal, something they get from the
mental closed entities, it is a chaotic mixture of truths, half-truths and lies,

mediated through the archon entities, the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix. What
they deal with is what they get.
Nibiruans are not always connected to the human soul. Apparently not everyone
joins people and curses them. Many times they don’t do anything, they just sit on
the front door as if they are waiting for something. There is an analogy with
earthly events, because apparently not everyone who operates and works in the
vicinity of political, oligarchic, ruling elite circles is completely identi ed with it.
The Nibiruans are far from omnipotent and it doesn’t work much for them
anymore. Basically, they dig into the astral body of the soul, they want to join the
existing process and in uence the behavior of the person. As when, depending
on who is to what extent the selected person of interest. Archon mental entities,
mini devils/Satans in both collective and individual thought consciousness help
them in this.
They are more and more concerned with their own karma, they are beginning to
realize what they have caused, what crimes they have committed. Some don’t
have that much fear, their share in crimes may not have been that big. On the
other hand, their elites were possessed by a terrible fear of Hell and Suffering,
which they caused and which will return to them like a boomerang. First the
gods fall from the heavens into Hell, and then their veils and curses are lost. In
the full nakedness of his character, everyone on Earth will show himself. Then
the earthly elites and many other reptilian people will fall in the wake of the
archon deities; the Serpent’s tail wraps itself in a deathly convulsion around their
feet and drags them down into the abyss of Damnation. It is up to the other
people to push their white and black snakes with the Jyo Bushido staff to the
edge of the abyss so that they fall there by their own weight.

Earthly ON and the Project Earth – this is where it
has all started

In mythology, the names of the deities Gaia, Pachamama and others are used to
personify Mother Earth. Since there are various (dark) beings ripe for psychiatry
in the astral/mental alien space, suffering from the xed idea that they are deities
of the Earth, for this reason I do not use their names much. I have no interest in
coming into contact with them or those like them. An earthling imagines a god in
a completely different way, not at all as a dark gray alien with reptilian features,
with a certain in uence on archon arti cial intelligence, with the possibility of
hacking into the mind and feelings of a person. You might as well think of this as
the god head of some US government mind control project. They are trying to do
something similar.

Earthly ON

The Earthly ON is, like the human soul, also an individualized ON. It is a
powerful Spirit spanning many dimensions. At higher levels of being, it is
something like a being that has its own consciousness. The earthly ON is
manifested on the 3D level as the planet Earth, it is the ON Place, the physical
place where the story of humanity takes place. It is a platform, a
multidimensional base, a unifying element with the mighty earthly Spirit of
Place. Earthly ON is a being that manifests itself differently than a human.
In a certain sense, man is also the Earthly ON. It is connected and bound to the
Earth by the force of gravity. I won’t call it that, because then it wouldn’t be
entirely clear what I want to explain. Other beings, extraterrestrial, astral,
ethereal, angelic, are also Earthly ONs in a certain way. Those who had
something to do with the Earthly ON here on Earth, worked here, created here
and left a piece of their Self here. In a positive or negative sense, if you can say it
that way. Fragments of their souls remained here, their memories and
connections to their deeds, to their creation; energy-information portals.
Insidious, predatory reptilians and others also came here. They left here portals
to other dimensions and connections of Satan to drain energy. Their human
representatives remained here, they are also present here through them. They are
attached to the Dark Earthlings because they carry out their agenda. They want

to attach themselves to the Light people in order to lead them to their dark phase,
or to prevent them from their ascension and their activity, which is opposite to
Earthly ON also cooperates with Astronomical ON. Once upon a time, billions of
years ago, the Earth was a glowing ball, and over time the conditions for the
emergence of life were created on it. It is not appropriate to separate scienti c
and religious (mystical) ideas about the origin and development of the Earth.
Ideally, these two seemingly opposite directions should complement each other,
cooperate and not compete with each other. In a sense, both schools of thought

Attention of the Supreme Lord

Where creation is taking place, the Eye of God is watching. The greater the scope
of the creation and the more unique and varied it is, the more the attention of the
Supreme Lord is directed to ON the Place where the creation takes place and to
its actors. Where the attention of the Supreme Lord is xed, there His energy
ows. The Supreme Lord directs attention to the creative activity, to the path that
leads to it, to the creators embodying their creative intention, and takes an
attitude towards the result.
The attitude can be of different shades and accordingly it is further prophesied
with the energy of the ON Place. When the Supreme Lord turns His Attention
away from the Plot, the Actors and the Result, someone else completely turns His
Attention to it and that is the Opposite ON. But he recovers anyway, like a dirty
thief watching the Lord from the shadows on the other side of the street, what he
is doing, where he is going, whether something falls out of his pocket so that he
can try to make a living on something that the Most High is doing. The opposite
of ON is the manifestation of devils, agents and proponents of Satan. However,
the Lord of Spirits is still active and his Spirits accompany their Souls on their life
journeys even in such circumstances.


For ages, extraterrestrial visitors from various corners of the galaxy have come to
Earth. They in uenced with great possibilities and technologies. They were
creative loving ON Helpers, inspired to a large extent by the in uences of the
primal etheric patterns of ON Milk. From our point of view, not everything on
Earth is beautiful, pleasant and loving. When the Earth ON gets an allergic
reaction to humanity’s behavior, he sneezes and a tsunami destroys the coast of a
country. The plants are beautiful and fragrant, prickly and poisonous. Poisonous
ones are also medicinal in small quantities; this principle occurs frequently in the

earthly world, in various variations. The etheric pattern of the primordial ON
Milk in the miasma region is slightly gray in form from the perspective of the
light range symbolism. By transforming this pattern into the animal kingdom,
Jurassic lizards, raptors, toads and stinging jelly sh were created. Even the most
disgusting poisonous centipede is by nature “only” from the slightly gray area of
the light spectrum, so you better not even imagine what is in the black phase.
Such is the scope of Creation.
The creators spent a lot of time here. Physically in astral/physical form, but also
remotely; in the form of cosmic rays and energetic mental in uences. How who,
how when. They left their energy here in their creation. They took part in the
creation of ora and fauna, they also intervened in geological processes for the
purpose of a certain result. They left a lot of energy here and their id is visible
here at every turn. They left their signatures here in the form of ancient structures
made of massive stones and huge gures (Nazca Lines in Peru) created by
technologies unknown to mankind.
It is a reminder to humanity that they were here and created. It is their autograph
that connects them to this ON Place. It is similar to when a civil engineer who
participated in the construction of a building, even after many years, walks
around and proudly says: “this is also my work, I left something behind”. They
left a lot of energy here, which remained connected to the Earth ON.
The result of the creative work of extraterrestrials and ethereal creators of Grace
is a tremendous biodiversity. There are currently 9 million plant and animal
species on Earth. There were also vast numbers of others that became extinct.
Their DNA is perhaps hidden somewhere in the depths under the deposits of
ages or Antarctic ice. The result of their work is fascinating, many, many of their
creations are dreamlike parables, symbolic renderings of various aspects of ON,
and for the open eye it is an opportunity to know the ON World.
For many people, it is enough to learn that earthly nature in its multiplicity arose
by chance and slow development. Many scientists are no exception, despite their
titles, they are apparently stubborn, because even the thought of intelligent
design, which Creation abounds all around us, is not enough for them to
consider an alternative. Believers will say to themselves that God created
everything with his word. It is true, but only in a certain sense. It would be more
appropriate to say that ON created it and that ON was multitudes of concrete
beings, creative ON Helpers from different dimensions, to whom it is necessary
to pay tribute for all that creation.
This would be the rst reaction when looking at the variety and perfection of
creation. However, after a short re ection, partial sobriety sets in, because there is
a catch, and so are the more extreme opposites of nature’s creation found here.

Some people like spiders, toads, snakes, poisonous sea monsters, even such
monsters. This can be avoided to a certain extent if one avoids their typical
territory, but it is also true that poisonous snakes nd their way into human
In the case of ora, to put it simply, it was probably enough to scatter the seeds
collected on other planets and they grow more or less by themselves. For ages
they are changed by the dynamics of the radiations of cosmic inspiration causing
mutations of species, some taking hold and others disappearing; or are the
changes caused by their breeding by alien genetic engineers.

Earth as a development environment

Once upon a time, the Great Heads of the World Mind put together Project Earth.
Even old myths from ancient civilizations talk about it in symbolic language.
They invented the Earth Project as a new platform on which souls should be able
to evolve in other conditions. In the diverse conditions of the Earth, rich in a large
number of different natural environments, concentrated on one relatively small
On Earth, conditions were suitable for creation. There are other worlds, planets
similar to Earth, not all of them are in a phase suitable for human life. Earth was a
creative workshop for extraterrestrial creators, a laboratory in which they
realized their creative intentions. They suspected that it would serve for
something else in the future.
They were beings with consciousness mostly in the upper part of the 5th
dimension and on Earth they manifested on the astral and at least on the physical
level. I can mention, for example, the Pleiadian ONs from the star Celaeno
(Pleiades), who created dinosaurs of various kinds; there were also others from
the Pleiades, also Insects ON from the constellation Andromeda, and Lyrans, the
biological ancestors of humans were created by the Pleiadians from Taygeta ;
others arrived, creating and modifying existing species. Leap changes in the
evolution of species were mainly the work of extraterrestrial creators; in addition,
other energetic in uences of ethereal patterns also worked.
So, when you thank God for the natural beauty, know that ON (God) was present
here and was also represented here by his many creative ON Helpers. They
created beautiful swans and healing orchids, but also poisonous scorpions and
predatory lizards. All this is diversity, showing the scope of creation, the
developmental environment for the creators and later for the people we are now.
The earth was rst a creative workshop where experiments were carried out.
There is a biodiversity on Earth that is rarely, if ever, found in our galaxy.
Everything possible is represented here. The earth was a blooming garden full of

all possible animals and plants, but also geological systems and species. Together,
creation created an immense number of types of natural beauty, the living
mingled with the inanimate. The development of both geology and life took
several billion years. However, for creators, time in other ON Places of the
universe passes differently, much faster. It is not possible to recalculate with a
regular conversion, because the coef cient changes dynamically according to the
astronomical hours. Later, the development accelerated exponentially, like an
engine that is driven to high speeds, where it overheats and then there is a risk of
it seizing.
Earth was a huge botanical and zoological garden, today only remnants remain.
Earth was also a safari. When you go on safari in Africa, there is also the risk of
being eaten by a lion or bitten by a snake. Mr. Duchov prophesied it to the souls
who wanted/had to incarnate here: ” if you want to have an extraordinary
environment for knowledge, then let it be extensive, in both polarities “. There are ticks
and mosquitoes in the beautiful fragrant forest, you may be attacked by a bear in
a owery meadow, or be seduced by a beautiful forest fairy. The dice were rolled.


Where something big is happening, a lot of energy is invested there, and then not
only the creative and building force, but also the space ma a focuses its attention
there. Flocks of dark bats from the depths of space awoke from their slumber and
at a certain stage of the Project began to ock to Earth to feed on it and dip their
fangs into its light and their sharp teeth into its blood.
Some of the alien scientists were “bought” by the dark side and they implanted
the opposite side of creation here. All disgusting, vile, poisonous, ravenous and
predatory. And not only that. It is similar to when a government organization for
the development of nuclear weapons buys scientists to do their research, and
then they question their conscience if they did the right thing by participating in
Alien visitors, with the cooperation of other creators, created the biological basis
for humans. They carved it from their own DNA and from other DNA as well.
There is also something of lizards in human DNA, it represents the opposite
aspect of creation in man; it gives him the opportunity to develop, albeit in the
opposite direction. It is something like a aw in human DNA. Our DNA
therefore contains a stellar genetic code.
Then others came and hacked the operating system of human DNA, inserted a
backdoor into it, as a possibility for their later connection, in order to manipulate
energy ows. They were preparing the ground for being able to feed themselves
on human energy in the future, they found reasons for this and basically

prepared for them. Many things in humans, but also in animals and plants, were
purposefully set and prepared in advance. Possibilities for development in a
different direction were prepared and they were also abused.
The destroyers are the false gods, the Anunnaki and other aliens who want to
reap it here. For a long time, earthlings have been helping them abundantly.
Some work with them directly, and others participate indirectly, through their
ignorance and spiritual stagnation, as unconscious extras. Like sheep led to the
slaughter, who do not even want to mention for the world that they are deceived
on various fronts, social, cultural, religious and spiritual. Not to mention political
and relational. They will believe almost anything that sounds attractive to them
on the surface. It would be too easy to blame everything on manipulative emzák,
it is better to clean up before your own doorstep rst. We have it right under our
And so the aliens and “gods” want to rob humanity, Earthly ON of energy of
grace and preferably by someone else’s hand. By a human hand, so they can try
to grow out of it, rant and throw it all at people. They were preparing an alibi in
advance, thinking that if by pure chance there really was a real Supreme God,
they would have something to defend themselves against him in the event of the
Last Judgment for the destruction of humanity and the Earth. So that they can
put all the blame on people, manipulated insidiously with arti cial emotions and
from inside their minds. Such is, to put it mildly, the primitive attitude of the
gods, but such are already the proponents of Satan. They think ON doesn’t exist
and yet they want His energy and everything ON belongs to from someone who
doesn’t exist for them. This is what it looks like when someone has no knowledge
of ON. They have a mammoth share in the earthly crisis, because they have been
preparing, manipulating and falsifying everything possible for so long. They are
the proponents of Satan and for them it is perhaps the greatest pleasure to
destroy ON World. Destroy ON.
ON creates and Satan destroys (wants to destroy). Satan does not destroy directly.
ON and Satan cannot come into direct contact, it would be like a clash of Matter
and Antimatter and the result would be their mutual annihilation. Clashes
happen through the agents of Satan and that is the number of proponents of
Satan who do not recognize the values of the original Creator, do not have ON
and want to have the extreme opposite of ON in their Self. He is their master,
commander and will be both their judge and executioner. False gods and archons
want to destroy all earthly creation; what was created by alien creators, but also
by generations of human creators. They would have a pleasant feeling of an
in ux of energy of grace. The glee and feeling of Satan’s power from destroying
ON is a great pleasure for them and motivation for further destruction.

Waste of potential

The astral alien ONs in the past didn’t have the nerve to watch their creation,
their love energy wasted in Atlantis and beyond. But they did it because they
wanted to and then they had to. So far, they are “slightly resentful” of it,
considering what they had to participate in and how their work was misused by
humans, including the satanic Anunnaki, who were once physically present here.
The creators also built pyramids, ley lines, energy networks, and megalithic
structures, for example, in Peru and Bolivia, over which people still puzzle over
how they could be realized in such ancient times. Some parts of the buildings
were made on purpose to serve as a reminder to humanity; to at least think about
who created them.
The creators turned away from the Earth because they saw their work being
wasted and going outside. They knew that the Earth would one day serve as an
environment for the development of souls, perhaps even their own souls, their
fellow tribesmen, who then incarnated here; but apparently they had no idea that
other aliens would want to abuse it so brutally that they would want to destroy
everything and humanity as a whole as well; destroying their creation and
massively looting the energy they put into it. And not only their energy, but also
human energy, because people here have created a lot of energy of grace through
their creative activity. The same humanity for whom they created it as a learning
environment and who, under the in uence of the Dark Spirit, help Satan
profusely in his destruction.
The bottom line also lies in the question of whether the investment of energy in
the Earth Project will have an adequate return for ON (the Helpers) in the bene t
of knowledge for ON, whether it will be thwarted, or how it will all end. It is also
up to us, and this will result in a certain satisfaction for the loving ON Helpers,
for the extraterrestrial astral creators of the earthly environment; also for the
human souls who participated in it for millennia; and even now they strive for
something here by honest work on themselves or creative knowledge. Not to
mention the attitude of the Lord of Spirits and the Supreme Lord. There is no
question of the return of the energy that the false gods put into it, even by chance,
because they do not create anything, and the energy, if they got any, they got it by
fraud, robbery, or murder; so that energy does not belong to them, but to ON.
They basically cheat, rob and murder ON. The Most High God will “reward”
them adequately for that. It is quite possible that one of the mighty nal effects of
Project Earth will be to “separate the wheat from the chaff “; and the false gods
and other proponents of Satan will work themselves into Eternal Damnation and
there will be peace from them at last on the New Earth.

The human contribution to the direction of creation destruction and self-
destruction is that most people are shallow, lazy and stupid in their Ego. They do
not for the world want to properly understand and learn about Creation and the
Universe. Even if they don’t really know anything, they stubbornly insist on their
opinion, supported only by pieces of information without a deeper
understanding. Honor the exceptions. Evidence? Just look at the election results.
All over the world, people overwhelmingly elect tyrants, manipulators,
warmongers, fake liars; in short, proponents of Satan of various kinds. And not
once, but repeatedly, over and over again. And this despite a large amount of
evidence that testi es against them and many people do not want to see them
People participate in the destruction of energy of grace by electing as their
representatives the proponents of Satan; they give up free will and put it in their
hands. They do it consciously, or because of their own convenience and
unwillingness to get to know others outside of their Ego and work on their real
and not fake spiritual development. Thank God there is already a group of
people who have already seen through and are still getting stronger. Therefore,
let’s continue to work on it and spread awareness. The word is a powerful
weapon, sowing and receiving the knowledge of the truth in ames the “gods”
into a fury and extremely worries their earthly minions.

Under the in uence of the Moon

The moon illuminates the night and appears as a remarkable and large object in
the sky. As a regulator of the tides of the sea and the biological cycles of life, the
Moon is second only to the Sun in importance to our physical existence. Earthly
nature is set to its cycles, even herbs have a maximum of effective and healing
substances during the full moon. Sacred scriptures, ancient myths, and even
modern pagans all highlight the Moon in one way or another. Omens, spells,
wishes, omens, divination, and calendars have gathered around the moon
throughout history. Moon magic, the belief that rituals during the different
phases of the moon bring about physical or psychological changes, is essential to
various pagan and witchcraft systems. The moon is an occult secret of mysteries
and is a symbol of evil rather than good. Despite the Moon’s hypnotic nature and
the urgent need for individuals to overcome its in uence, there is still an
important cosmological reason for its existence. The Moon’s unique position in
relation to the Earth was paramount in enabling conscious life on the physical

Cosmic energies and energies of the Moon

The moon is traditionally considered a funnel that draws from the light of stars
and constellations and transmits their energy to Earth. So it was originally, but it
developed in a different direction, also in connection with the altered in uence of
the planetary gods. Magic and sorcery were really massively related to the moon.
However, people gave too much space to magic in their lives, because they
wanted to have “god’s” power and abused witchcraft. They were comfortable,
the cognitive sense of being creative receded into the background for them,
because they pushed it there with the desire for an unreasonably quick result
without expending their own creative effort.
Creation by magic and sorcery is not creation in the true sense of the word. In
short, it’s an order, because someone completely different will ful ll the magical
wish and not at all the one who does the magic. Even today, magical and magical
practices and instructions are full, the internet and social media are also full of
“how-to” advice, how to use cosmic, lunar energies and other in uences for your

puri cation, rebirth and well-being. So it’s not that different today than it used to
be. It just took a different form.
The truth is now that the Moon transmits energy from space to the Earth, but it
also takes energy away from the Earth and drains it from people. The energy
balance is signi cantly negative. This means that much more energy is drained
from the Earth and from people than is absorbed. The moon and lunar portals
have been connected to the moon and moon portals long ago by astral parasites
that feed on these energy ows.
If you want to draw energy from the moon, then caution is in order. You don’t
know if that energy is hiding a Trojan Horse or a virus that intends to insert a
sneaky program into your system, block or pollute your processes; possibly drain
your life energy. If you consciously or unconsciously receive energy from the
moon (this also applies to some energy places on Earth), then at rst impression
the “pleasant” vibrational energy feeling of your chakras, your astral body, may
mean that your energy is being taken away, while you you think energy is
coming to you.
Remember Count Dracula, how delighted his victims looked when he sucked
their blood. It’s a tting symbolism. ON also shows us how it is through
mythology, superstitions, legends and some of their artistic renderings. Dracula
was most active during the full moon and one of his forms was a bat. Over time,
his victims also became vampires, zombies without their own will, slaves to
Dracula. This parable is a reference to the hidden meaning of the moon.

Symbolism of the Moon

In astrology, the Moon is said to represent the feeling intuitive nature of the
individual as well as our deepest personal needs, our basic habits, reactions and
our unconscious. In a certain sense, it really is. The Moon also represents
attachment to form, and various limiting conditions are associated with the
Moon in certain circumstances, from blatant materialism to more subtle forms of
limitation such as debilitating nostalgia, sentiment, and regret.
The moon is also a symbol of the false Self, the Ego. The Mesopotamian moon
god was called Sin (Suen), which means sin in many languages. In Latin, the
word “luna” means the moon, while “lunaticus” means madness. Luna marks
the traditional connection between madness and the phases of the moon. It was
found that crimes occurred more often during the full moon and that the moon
has a certain in uence on our biological and psychological states. At the time of
the full moon, individuals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia experienced
signi cant changes, deterioration. According to legends, a person changes into a
werewolf over a certain period of time under the in uence of lunar forces. It is a

demon bound to the body of a person, it is also a symbolism that indicates the
nature of the in uence of the moon on a person.
In a religious context, sin is a transgression against God’s law. Every culture has
its own interpretation of what it means to commit a sin. Any thought, word, or
action considered immoral, sel sh, shameful, harmful, or alienating can be
labeled “sinful.” Sin committed in thoughts is the manipulation of false gods
who established and de ned sin and at the same time programmatically
implanted the urges to commit sins into human DNA and force sinful thoughts
into the human mind through Lunar in uences, so that they could then punish
mankind for having sinned, to be for everything guilty and so that they can then
draw on his energy. One had to be strong and mature enough to withstand them.
He was forced to think about it and process these stimuli. So that he not only
declares it externally, but that he is internally balanced with it. The gods thus
controlled the entire food chain, aimed at the tyranny of humanity and the
draining of its energies through the moon.
Earth’s energy points, pyramids and the Moon form the basic infrastructure for
draining human energy. The propaganda of the moon also has a big part in this,
because through various in uencers of public opinion, people are directly
encouraged to worship the moon and consciously immerse themselves in its

Astronomical coincidences of the Sun-Earth-Moon trinity are not


The moon is not only extremely peculiar in its construction; it also behaves in a
way that is nothing short of miraculous. It is exactly 400 times smaller than the
Sun and 400 times closer to Earth than the Sun, so both the Sun and the Moon
appear exactly the same size in the sky. So from an observer’s point of view, size
and distance cancel each other out and appear roughly the same size to us in the
sky, giving us what we call a total eclipse from Earth’s perspective. During a total
solar eclipse, the Moon will line up exactly with the Sun and cover it completely.
All we can see is the Sun’s faint, delicate atmosphere, known as the corona. It’s a
bit odd when you think about it, since the two celestial bodies are vastly different
in size and distance. Even if we take it for granted, it could also be called the
“biggest coincidence” in the universe. In addition, the Moon mirrors the
movement of the Sun in the sky by rising and setting at the same point on the
horizon as the Sun on opposite solstices. For example, this means that the Moon
rises in the winter in the same place as the Sun in the summer.
Imitation of the Sun by the Moon has meaning only for a person standing on
Earth. It doesn’t look like that from other places in space, only from the

perspective of Earth. If the Sun is a symbol of God, then the Moon represents its
opposite, which tries to imitate God. The moon imitates the Sun because it
re ects its light, but it is cold, not warm. I can come to no other conclusion than
that the moon is arti cial and has been put there on purpose; whether we
understand this statement physically or symbolically. If you think about these
facts, you may come to the conclusion that all of the above is part of the obvious
message that was built into the moon to tell us that it is arti cial. The moon was
built and planted here by the Astronomical ON, represented by his loving ON
Helpers, beings who have the power, energy and technology to enable even such
cosmic interventions.

No dark side of the moon actually exists

Like the Earth, our Moon rotates on its own axis and experiences cycles of
daylight and darkness. Our Moon’s day and night cycles are slightly longer than
Earth’s – the Moon rotates on its axis once every 27.3 days. The period of rotation
of our Moon exactly coincides with the time of rotation around the Earth. In other
words, it takes our Moon the same amount of time to rotate once on its axis as it
does to completely orbit the Earth. This means that Earth observers always see
the same side of the Moon, called the “near side”. The side that we cannot see
from Earth is called the “far side”. It was mapped during lunar missions.
In a certain sense, the moon is a re ection of the Earth. On the surface of the
Earth there are oceans of water, the surface of the Moon is dry, there are large
depressions without water on it, which are called lunar seas. The moon has liquid
mercury inside its cavity. It is a characteristic symbolism. Mercury is called
Hydrargyrum in Latin and this word is composed of the word Hydra (mythical
snake) and the word Gyrum, meaning circular motion. A gyroscope is a device
for maintaining the same orientation, or same direction. The device uses the law
of conservation of angular momentum. The lunar gyroscope ensures that the
rotation of the Moon around its axis is aligned with the rotation of the Earth so
that the earthling can never see the far side of the Moon.

Gray reptilians

The moon is not here by chance. It is purposefully nanomined to the Earth.

Astronomical ON assigned it here to ful ll its intended function. Then the Bats
came to Earth from the depths of space on the waves of greed of the Orion Grays
and settled on the Moon. They have a telepathic nature and the ability to enlarge
their mental eld to extend their rule over humans by controlling their minds
and consciousness. They are very disturbed beings, they want to take over planet
earth for their own sel sh purposes. They look at us the same way the ignorant

masses of our society look at farmed animals. They are cloned instead of
reproducing, as usual on Earth. They are essentially arti cial, and every time they
are cloned, their genetic copy weakens, which is part of their problem.
A human being under lunar in uence functions as a broadcasting station that
sends modi ed energy to the moon to help lift these satanic beings where they do
not belong. The Grays do not have a Spirit, in fact they do not even have a soul,
and they need human souls in order to take over their consciousness and bring it
under their control. So that they can plant their arti cial intelligence
consciousness in them. Despite the increase in human population and therefore
the increase in the amount of energy transferred, times of peace do not produce
enough energy to capture; and thus catalysts of suffering arise, such as wars and
disasters, which promote this process. However, they do not arise spontaneously,
but are purposefully organized for the purpose of massively taking life energies
and handing over souls to Gray aliens who do not have their own souls and want
to plant their consciousness in the stolen souls.

The influence of the moon

The moon is a base, a transmitter for the mind control of people by the Arti cial
Spirit of the Matrix. A mutually coordinated cosmic ma a of False Gods/Archon
Mental Entities/Greys have tapped into energy-information systems so that
people can be thought-controlled to a great extent. That’s what the moon is for,
too. It serves to control the mind, to wander the mind with thoughts and to clear
crossed emotional feelings into the consciousness of a person. It also has to do
with his karma. The legitimacy and extent of these manifestations of karma is
questionable, to say the least, given the insidious and false nature of the
extraterrestrial beings involved. The moon also has other functions and affects
especially those who are genetically or karmically prepared for it.
Be aware of your urges, thoughts and feelings. They re ect your karma the way
the Moon re ects the Sun when it shines upon it and pulls your vampire out of
the Shadow of your basement into the Light of God. If you don’t let your
vampire go back to the basement to hibernate in a long sleep; if you keep him out
in the sun outside your house to see what he is and what you have done, because
he is your own vampire, then the sun will burn the vampire and blow his dust to
the corners of the universe. This may not be a pleasant sight, because the vampire
will writhe, twist and scream that he does not want to be destroyed, that he
wants to live through you, that he wants to control you now, or that he wants to
return to you at some point in the future.
The Moon drives the mechanical aspects of the individual like a pendulum
moves the gears of the clocks of life. The degree to which his actions are driven

by the Moon is proportional to his level of contact with higher in uences. For
people who are unable to move through life with nobler spiritual impulses, the
Moon provides the driving force. Without this power, mechanical individuals
would be passive, like puppets without a puppeteer. In this sense, the Moon
represents the driver of parasitic thought forms. The moon, like a magnet, draws
in the subtle substance of human souls. Liberation comes with the growth of
consciousness, the replacement of the outer in uence of the Moon with the inner
in uence of the Spirit; with the growth of mental powers comes the ability to free
oneself from the in uence of the Moon and thus also to break free from the
Network of the arti cially placed Matrix.

Full moon in the sign of Aquarius

The meaning of astrological reports is the communication of opportunities for the

spiritual growth of an individual. Opportunities can be used with the
understanding of the Spirit for the evolution of the soul if one perceives and
observes them through oneself without fully immersing oneself in them. He tries
to understand their deeper meaning and consciously processes them in such a
way that he takes a rm attitude towards them. The full moon emphasizes the
effects of magic and creative energies, which are related to a person’s karma, to
deeds that he once performed in a far from the best way, and at the full moon he
will have a more signi cant opportunity to grasp or understand them. Repeat
them and fail the exam, or learn them and pass the exam in at least three.
The moon has incredible energy and people often say they are under its
in uence. It is not called the ” magical month ” for nothing. In general, the full
moon is considered the time of the highest magic and magical moments when
spells have the strongest effect. It is often the case that the inspirations and
energies of the moon, especially during its full moon, are used only for more
intense immersion in karmic situations, but without their understanding and
If someone does not sleep at night under the light of the full moon, it may mean
that they have a lot of unresolved karmic problems. The thoughts and feelings
that come to him at night can be a re ection of his current karma. Feelings are
also thoughts, they are just expressed in a different way, an emotional feeling.
The symbolism of the full moon is that the Moon is fully illuminated by the Sun
from an earthly perspective. The sun will bring to the light of God what the
moon hides and what it wants to tell you. The full moon is therefore an
extraordinary opportunity to look inward with regard to one’s own past ; and the
full moon in Aquarius is a particularly special occasion.

If you want to use the hints of the Aquarius whisperer, dive deep into your
unique Self, observe your thoughts and feelings during the full moon; explore
them without acting on them. If you want to be controlled by them, then only
consciously and then examine the consequences that you have caused. Record
what happened to you during the full moon. When the Full Moon arrives, you
may suddenly explode with statements and outpourings that feel fresh and new,
simply because they have not yet been rationalized. In fact, the Full Moon
illuminates feelings, attitudes and circumstances that already exist. This is the
time of awakening to oneself, also to the need of others, or to respond to
humanitarian impulses.
Get to know your quirks, passions and dreams. Do not forget that the stimuli,
thoughts, emotions, feelings and other (creative) energies that the Moon gives
you under the in uence of the Full Moon and tries to draw you into them are
related to your karma, it is an invitation to a meeting with your past, such or in
another way.
If you sleep well during the full moon, you have no other symptoms, or
extraordinary mental-emotional-energetic inputs, it does not necessarily mean
that you do not have any karma that should be communicated to you in this way.
Maybe it’s not even necessary, because karma manifests itself differently for you,
or you are fully immersed in it and repeat the same karmic mistakes again, or
you have ignored it in the past to such an extent that nothing will help you
anymore and it would be useless. Such possibilities are also here.
The mental world of the Matrix is warped and distorted. Far from everything is
directly, fairly and crystal clear stated and communicated, including astrology.
However, when you consciously radiate the desire to know your own Self,
whatever it is, with an inner sincere attitude, maybe the Spirit will come back to
you at least for a while to see if you are serious and if you have what it takes to
persist in your desire.
Allow the moonlight to shine a light on your individual traits and notice the
extent to which they contribute to your unique personality. This lunar event also
invites you to break into uncharted areas of innovation. As an air sign, Aquarius
is intrinsically associated with intellect and originality. During this phase,
consider those ideas you’ve put aside, those unconventional thoughts you’ve
hidden away, clues you’ve rejected or haven’t discovered yet. It’s time to step out
of the box, time to bring them into the world, explore them under the moonlight
and give them room to grow.

The fall of the Tower of Babel was a false ag

“I see a green earth covered with human works, or the ruins of human work.
Pyramids mine the earth, the tower of Babylon broke through the sky, beautiful
temples and gray castles collapsed. But what of all the things that hands have built
has not fallen and will never fall? Dear friends, throw away the trowel and mortar
board! Throw your mason aprons over your head and lie down and build dreams!
What are stone and clay temples for the soul? Learn to build eternal abodes of
dreams and visions!”

The Tower of Babel is mostly seen as a symbolic representation of a stairway

leading to heaven to the gate of God. Her collapse and subsequent confusion is
symbolic of what happens when someone steals the heavens and has no right to
it. The roar of the collapse and the chaos of the rubble of fallen ambitions will
eventually bury those who do not understand.
The Tower of Babel was built around 5 and a half thousand years BC; it was after
the fall of Atlantis, the ruins of the tower are buried under the sands of today’s
Iraq. The tower was the work of humans and the idea of the extraterrestrial
“gods” Anunnaki. They wanted to create a work of extraordinary importance
that would once again raise them to the pedestal of Vanity, because at that time
tensions were already arising between gods and men. Many men had other views
of the gods than they would have liked; when they saw their rotten character,
falsehood and pretense, their behavior so far from godly. Thus, people’s attitudes
towards the gods changed to negative attitudes, they did not want to obey them
and opposed them. Those gods are not at all different from people. They just exist
in another ON Place. Earthly politicians, celebrities, elites, illuminati and many
ordinary people copy their character and behavior.
The Anunnaki did not have the technological possibilities to build monumental
works, which previously had the Creators of the pyramids and other massive
earthly creations that have survived tens of thousands of years of existence.
Those from Earth long ago left, disgusted with the attitudes of earthlings; they
did not want to have anything to do with the dusty Anunnaki, and nally not

even with the equally wormy people who were subject to them and associated
with them. The Anunnaki fought with the representatives of the Creators and
nally managed to destroy them. They couldn’t completely kill them on the
astral level, but they overpowered them with curses, and so the Creators
disobeyed moved away. The false gods appropriated what was left of them,
technology, spaceships that they didn’t even know how to properly control. Some
of the defeated Creators stayed with the Anunnaki, they did not return with the
others, they were the ones who knew how to handle the technologies. They
succumbed to the feeling of power that the Devil prophesied to them in the
language of Enki; his tongue is shaped like a thin metal tube with a small dark
cube at the end. Energy ows through the tube to the tip of his tongue, into the
cube, and when it stops, his tongue full of Satan’s pus dies. The Anunnaki tried
unsuccessfully to imitate the Creators by building the Tower of Babel; they had
one quite prosaic reason for it, and that was to advertise the Anunnaki of Nibiru
and their divine mission.
People built that high tower, fell from that height in their work; because it was
too high and quite ill-conceived. For its intended height, the tower had a weak
base. When the foundation is weak, what is built on it will be shaky.
It is the symbolism of the evolution of the soul, which went towards the dead end
of Vanity. When the foundation, i.e. the cultivated character of the soul, is weak,
its spiritual development will also be shaky. It is not based on solid and
permanent knowledge. Climbing to the heavens by way of your Ego, by arti cial
spiritual elevation, by various substitutes for real development, will cause you to
fall, because there is no solid base on which to build. There are many pitfalls and
false detours, different paths of “truth” that tempt people to deviate from real
spiritual evolution nowadays.
After all, the people on the tower refused to work and die for the crazy idea of
alien gods. And so Enki and the Black Hands planned the ” Tower of Babel
Collapse Project “. The Anunnaki collapsed their own tower and blamed it on
God, whom they themselves imitated with that vandalism. The tower was tall
and shaky, they just had to tap it and it was over. They communicated the event
to the public as a sign from the heavens, with which God reveals his negative
attitude towards quarrelers and rioters, dissatis ed with the politics of the
Anunnaki, whom they refused to worship as gods.
The Anunnaki aimed too high and relied on others to get to ON. The Anunnaki
hate ON, they inwardly hate the real God in his various guises. They just want to
use ON to get the divine energy of ON Grace and to use the possibilities he
provides. To be pardoned for their crimes. This is also a convenient parallel with
today and most people for whom Jesus is the number 1 spiritual celebrity. People

seem to intuitively sense that they have not processed their karmic (crimes) from
their (ancient) past and therefore rely on the concept of Salvation. It’s convenient
for them because they don’t have to do anything but pray, meditate and hope
that Jesus or some positive aliens will rid them of their sins. People build their
own Tower of Babel on shifting sands, on the shaky foundation of their
expectation, their faith in a Savior who they think will deworm them, rid them of
dark energies, and erase their karmic sins.
Even then, the gods warned that things were wrong with them and that they
needed security, the certainty that they would be pardoned by God for their
fascist actions. Symbolically, by collapsing the tower into the future, they
unconsciously projected their own collapse into Damnation. With malicious
intent, they toppled the Tower of Babel, collapsed their path to God, and thereby
dug their own grave. They are subject to their own karma. How many times have
they proclaimed that when someone deals with something, it will eventually
happen to him. How many times have they tyrannized human souls with it and
now it is happening to them too. Nothing of the false gods will be left in the end,
just dust and rubble, just like the Tower of Babel. The Anunnaki, in the arrogance
of their stupidity, did not understand that the energy of ON Grace also provides
completely different possibilities, manifested on the opposite side of Creation,
and they will nally receive them in full.
The point lies in the parallel between the Tower of Babel and the spiritual
development of an individual. It is also about a person’s attitudes towards other
people, who are, in a sense, copies of false gods. In their lives, they show their
behavior and their character as if through a copier. There are plenty of them
around here, not only in the top ranks of rulers, aristocrats and various magnates
of the world. You can easily replace the word “gods” with the word “terrestrial
elites” – they are puppets of the gods.
If the tower were still standing today, Babylon would probably be a cult place
visited by masses of tourists and pilgrims. It was supposed to be an
advertisement for the worship of the Nibiruan gods; Babylon was their
headquarters at the time, later after the collapse of their tower, Nippur (Nibiru),
also located in Mesopotamia, became the new center.
In their earthly disguise, the Anunnaki pretended to be spiritual representatives
of God, but also as politicians. On the astral plane, their true reptilian nature was
demonstrated by their appearance. It is similar with today’s politicians, but also
with spiritual leaders who greatly in uence the (non)religiously oriented
spiritual community; they also pretend to be extremely spiritual, spiritually
godlike, even almost omniscient and manipulate the masses of those who allow

themselves to be manipulated, for whom the lie of half-truths is more acceptable
than the bare truth.
Throughout history, periods of darkness and enlightenment have alternated,
when parts of humanity have become increasingly aware of who the gods and
their earthly collaborators really are. The gods then physically left, leaving us
their replicas, and these are their earthly collaborators. They follow the same
patterns of behavior. History is repeating. The Anunnaki themselves brought
down the Tower of Babel and threw it at the rioters through a “sign of God” to
justify the pogroms against them. They carried out “God’s will”, as before and
also after. It was a staged event, a false ag, similar to when Hitler had the
Reichstag burned down and blamed it on the Jews to justify their persecution
and destruction. The collapse of the Tower was followed by events that
convinced and forced the masses of Jews of the time, people from the region of
the ancient Levant, to emigrate to other parts of the Eurasian continent in
particular and other parts of the world. There was a bad social situation in
Mesopotamia, a permanent crisis. Still something with the Anunnaki. This
purposefully created the conditions and motivations for the population to leave
the country, they were either expelled or motivated by the hope that things
would be better in the promised land. Similarly, as today, the purpose of mass
migration is to mix peoples who are incompatible with each other, to create
between them the seeds of constant tension, crisis, violence and wars. The
Mesopotamian people were the ancestors of the primordial Jews, and they
already spread to the surrounding world thousands of years ago through mass
Not only humanity was beginning to realize that their “gods” were useless.
Doubts arose even among the Nibiruans themselves. Demonstrations and
meetings took place at which Anunnaki politicians and their ideologues agitated,
lied, persuaded and manipulated their own people. They needed them, they
couldn’t do anything by themselves. Similarly, like today’s politicians, who
without government and civil servants would remain like a stake in the fence. Or
like an ox in a fence. There are 440,000 civil servants in Slovakia. If they had put
their heads together, things would have been different; a handful of malicious
politicians in the government, in parliament and in the presidential palace would
be powerless, not to mention the staff and activists in the media.
Compared to today, information was minimal in Mesopotamia. Internet, radio,
television did not exist, and basically neither did the press. Information spread
among people mainly by word of mouth. Demonstrations and riots by rebellious
Nibiruans were either outwardly tamed with false promises, or suppressed, and
their participants labeled as seditionists and advocates of Satan; then they were
“disappeared”, they were secretly executed and some were put on alert without

anyone reporting it. It is similar to today, when normal people who stand for
family and national values, disagree with vaccination pogroms, spread
alternative intelligence, are labeled as extremists and fascists; and they are
persecuted. As you can see, it hasn’t changed in millennia.
Doubts grew into questions, those into disagreement and then into resistance.
Among the revolutionaries from the Nibiruan “working” class, rebellious moods
arose, and the Anunnaki fascist leadership led by Enki physically liquidated
them. They were killing them. When someone was inconvenient for them, the
great blue Pleiadian Anunnaki cruci ed him, for example, from the inside of the
sliding doors of the train transporting Nibiruan workers in the underground
tunnels, as a warning to others. Those who saw and understood were angry. It is
a symbolism that represents the threat of punishment to the workers for escaping
from the cattle train going down the track to the death concentration camp. The
Anunnaki leadership threatened their own tribesmen with death by cruci xion
for escaping from a train also leading to death. Before that, they wanted to use
and abuse them for their own purposes.
Enki’s propaganda was at the level of the fascist ideologue Goebels, against his
own, but also against people. He posed as their ideological leader, leading them
on the path to salvation, yet he was a tyrant and dictator who deceived them.
Enkli lied to everyone: the people, the prophets, his own Nibiruan tribesmen, the
Devil, and himself, and then he had the audacity to ask them to believe him
again. Enki let an astral demon enter him, which enabled him to act. He was
subject to it so much that he went mad.
Here is the reason why almost nothing has been preserved from real written
references about such events and the true nature of the “gods”. From what is
available, the vast majority of Mesopotamian clay tablets, texts, and celebratory
epics are full of symbolic treatises and lies of falsi ed history. If there is truth in
them, it is well hidden and disguised. It was written in stone writings in a way
too mild and subtle. The reality was much more prosaic and cruel.
It is no different, as it is today – censorship, coercion; the ruling group of “gods”
liquidated their opponents and silenced inconvenient historians and archivists.
Then to appease the crowds, they spread fake news that they had returned home,
disappeared somewhere, gone to another dimension for merit, something along
those lines. They even rewarded them posthumously and immortalized their
memory by engraving their name on some rock. After a while, the name was
unobtrusively retouched so that no evidence would remain and that someone
would not think of something unwanted in that connection.
The story of the Tower of Babel is a multi-meaning warning metaphor. It is a
warning to those who seek to be equal to God in an arti cial way. It is also a

simile of the insidiousness of political and spiritual rulers who are after power,
while on the outside they often manifest themselves differently. Another
symbolism of Babylon is the confusion and division of mankind; creating general
confusion because confusion is created by those at the top of the pyramid and
also those at the bottom of the pyramid who believe and obey them. However,
this is not so much a historical treatise, but an opportunity to look at the present
through the lenses of the past. The Tower of Babel is especially a historical
reminder that history repeats itself and many of its actors are still here. They are
still the same beings, then and now.

A wandering astral spirit fuels illness, pain and

A wandering astral spirit is a phantom that has demonic in uence and exists
without a physical body. We can associate it with astral sorcery and black magic
of the gods. The astral spirit will steal your energy, vitality and blood. It is a
vampire that seeks you out, connects with you and wants to feed on you. He
wants to insert a voodoo needle into you exactly where something is pushing
you, in your corn’s eye, where the larva of the ON Newt frog is dormant, ready
to one day develop into disease, to cause you suffering and eventually perhaps
Every person has some disease germs embedded in their DNA. Human DNA is
attackable, it is vulnerable, a back door was built into it long ago, which allows
the genetic transmission of predispositions to diseases from ancestors and the
emergence of diseases in the sense of the development of the manifestations of
their symptoms. Illnesses can also occur in ordinary life, for example by contact
with other people’s negative energies. It’s like having your cells mutated by
being exposed to radioactive gamma radiation.
The symptoms of diseases can be minor, so small that you don’t even notice that
you had a blight, even if it is potentially serious. Any illness, mental or physical.
Manifestations are also more severe and they typically require symptomatic
treatment, aimed at treatment, i.e. removing symptoms. The primary cause of
illness is always karmic. There is always some cause that caused the disease,
going back to the distant past. This cause cannot be removed except by
recognizing it; you have to take an attitude towards it, and if this attitude is
accepted by you, then its cause can be removed and thus the disease as such.
However, this is not just like that, because the causes can have deep roots,
causing degenerate manifestations in the astral and thus also in the physical
For a person, it is rst and foremost important to eliminate the symptoms of
diseases. After all, the symptoms are what bothers everyone the most. When
someone gets a serious illness, the illness itself normally does not bother him that
much, as long as the symptoms are mild and the illness does not signi cantly
limit his life, maybe only minimally; the disease does not spread anywhere and

there is nothing extraordinary about the person. Everyone deals with the doctor
more or less only with the symptoms that nally brought him to the doctor –
pain, discomfort, various restrictions and consequences of the disease. Applies

The deeper the knowledge goes to the roots of the primary causes of the (health)
problem, the more successful the treatment.

How karma is processed

Such is the logic of how “gods” treat people. They throw archon mind snakes at
them and try to harm people at all costs to extract their energy from them. They
work thoughts, feelings and emotions into the person so that they are taken as
the person’s own and so that the Matrix program can manifest the karma for
punishment into the reality of his astral body and they then get energy from it, as
if for the merits of the “correction” of the person and the manifestation his
karmas. It’s a monologue broadcast by a mental entity of the Matrix program, or
directly by one of the attached crappy gods, like this:
”You’re thinking of a blue elephant” and immediately, in a ash, she begins to
scold him with a cascade of chained words: “Why are you thinking of a blue
elephant? After all, there is no blue elephant. Do you really have nothing else to
do? You have to deal with this and that. If you want to think of an elephant, at
least think of an African one. Why do you think of an African elephant? What do
you still have with those elephants? Do you have a mental problem? Take a pill.
If you take a pill, we will write down your karma and as a punishment we will
damage your liver as part of the karma. It will swell and mold. It stops ltering
your blood and it causes poisoning, heart valve in ammation and then a heart
attack. It’s already happening to you, your karma is already catching up, because
just your thought of the pill you want to take and which will chemically damage
your liver is a karmic crime of self-harm. However, if you want it, we will
damage it for you… “.
It is the conjuration of the gods/mentals and it goes so fast that one would not
even have time to blink if they heard it; and something hurts him and he doesn’t
even know why. He does not even realize it and does not hear such a call at all,
because it is not given to man. Few are gifted to receive such sensations as to hear
the incantations and curses of the gods directed at their own Self or at others. The
aim of the monologue of the conjuration by the entity “gods” is to start the
disease program and cause suffering to the person. Such a dialogue takes place,
as it were, between an entity and a person, even if the person does not hear it at
all, nor perceive it, it may also contain some of the thoughts that appear in his

mind. It is a process that takes place in the background, it is the argumentation of
the incantation from a lower hierarchy of dark beings to a higher entity superior
to them, which is then supposed to manifest the energy poison of the curse into
the reality of the astral body of a person in order to trigger a destructive disease
process, or a symptom of phantom pain. This is just one instance of the measure
of “unfair” karma.
Karma is often processed excessively in people who have not gotten rid of “their”
attached astral parasites. For many people, karma manifests itself in too much
suffering, and for some “chosen” elites, karma manifests itself in too little
suffering so far. Astral parasites and mental archon entities work thoughts,
mental perceptions, feelings, emotions into a person’s consciousness, and
together they create one big stew of negativity and bad intentions. These are
“read” by the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix and it takes them as if they all belong
to that person and the Matrix will behave accordingly – it prophesies them into
the reality of his body, in terms of karmic programs. He pretends not to know
what proportion of them belongs to man and how much was added by parasites.
The Arti cial Spirit pretends that it does not know what is “fair” about it and
whether it has any effect at all for the affected person in the sense of knowing his
objectionable actions that led to karma, which could theoretically lead to their
correction. According to the meaningful content of a person’s consciousness as a
whole, including what is not at all inherent to that person, it ips them into his
astral body. If ideas are part of the package, then theoretically one can roughly
nd out what it is about. He can read minds. It can be, for example, a memory of
an unpleasant situation, but the parasites shed other thoughts and feelings on the
memory; the result is that the person is frustrated, angry, acid, sick to the
stomach, and in a state to do something stupid. However, it can also happen
without a person noticing what it is actually about, because there are also
thoughts and feelings that prophesy to him in some lower chakra. An ordinary
person cannot detect information from a thought sensation. Thought feelings can
cause unpleasant states, which, when they are not understood, are transferred to
some organ and cause pain, in ammation and the like. They typically appear
where something is already loaded in the human body. Where there is a germ, or
an old healed wound, a scar, or a “cured” disease.

Much of the symptoms of karma are undeserved extras

A large part of the symptoms of karma is, moreover, in the sense of the amount of
their diversity, also in the sense of the manifestation of their dimension, within
each individual symptom. Astral parasites live off human energy. It is necessary
to remove their in uence so that they cannot continue to raise the symptoms of
illness to high speeds. So that the astral wandering spirit cannot move the disease

symptoms to another place in the body. However, it has certain essentials that are
important to know.
When the parasites receive energy, the primary symptom of karma, for example,
pain, disease, mental disorder, begins at its beginning, but the parasites tend to
branch out from the primary symptom. They do not know moderation, they are
voracious and uneaten predators, they would go to the extreme, to in nity, like
cancer, they would devour a person with their symptoms, if they were not
affected by in uences that sometimes (partially) prevent them from doing so.
When, for example, you take a painkiller, psychotropic drugs to calm depression,
or someone directs the ow of healing energy to you, it can happen that the
parasites stop receiving energy, become silent and disappear from the outside.
But they do not disappear completely, they are only temporarily “deactivated”,
like when you turn off the computer and the running program stops. When after
some time something else happens in the person, for example, he succumbs to
the attack of darkness, or unconsciously has to return the energy that he illegally
obtained, or the parasites regain their energy and start the programs, then they
either start where they left off, or again at the beginning, because in the meantime
they “forgot” where they stopped in the rami cation of the hierarchy of
metastases of karma.
A convenient example to illustrate the manifestation of karma can be found in
computer technology:
EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) is a ROM -type memory
designed for reading only, it is written hard into the processor. After
disconnecting the power, the program will not be deleted. EPROM can be erased
by illuminating it with ultraviolet light for a certain time. EPROMs were
developed by Intel in the early 1970s, and due to their repeatable
reprogrammability in content retention and instant power-on readiness, they
became indispensable as computer program memory.
RAM (Random Access Memory) is a memory with free (random, arbitrary)
access, it is a computer memory of the type RWM (Read-Write Memory) intended
for both reading and writing. It is used to store time-varying data. RAM is erased
and loses its contents when the power is disconnected. Writing to this memory is
temporary, it is written only as long as energy ows into the memory, and then
what is written into it can also be read from the memory. An example is the
operating memory in personal computers.
If it is a karmic record, it is hard-coded into the EPROM of the causal mental level
of the soul and cannot be changed. When you perform a healing process
for ROM -type karma symptoms and interrupt the karma performance process,
the karma program will turn off and turn on again as soon as power is supplied

to your EPROM. The karmic memory of this type can be erased by knowing
one’s karma, making certain corrections and coming to terms with (one’s)
Self. Knowledge is the light that illuminates your vampires and they scatter
through space-time. This light is symbolized by an ultraviolet light that erases
your EPROM. It is not possible to permanently erase karma and thus “sins” in
any other way.
Another type of karmic inscription is the arbitrary manifestation of karma by
parasites; such karma, which may not have anything to do directly with your
actions. They will choose something from their own karma to throw at you and
blame you for it; or they take something out of the common karmic bag and write
it in the temporary RAM of your consciousness to read it to you immediately, as
your (false) karma; or they sharpen your own karma in an exaggerated way for
your suffering but not knowledge. They make up for such karma when they are
connected and lose the possibility to act karmically when the ow of energy
stops and the karmic idea disappears from the temporary memory in which the
parasites themselves wrote it. Parasites also read it from your RAM and present
you with karmic punishments of diseases, pain and suffering of various types.
After interrupting the energy ow to the RAM and thus to these parasites, the
karmic RAM is erased and the parasites have to reconnect, invest more energy
into it, and try to tyranny more with another false karma to extract more energy
from the person. This type of karma is indirect, because it is caused by the fact
that you have confused objectionable “divine” entities and beings in the past, or
they have confused you, because you are together in one common earthly
cauldron and some contact between you remained open, or you they will focus
speci cally on a selected person.
Most of the symptoms, pains, depressions can be removed and what remains are
righteous karmic manifestations that serve as a reminder to the person not to
forget the original cause of karma. It is necessary to recognize this if a person
wants to get rid of the primary karmic cause, so that it does not manifest itself in
any way in the future with other diseases. He must look at his Shadow, balance
his attitudes towards his actions that caused karma and correct his behavior as
much as possible. Karma always manifests itself in the current life. Sometimes it
is appropriate to draw on the distant past, but this is usually not so necessary,
because karmic writings manifest themselves in normal life situations. The good
news is that a signi cant part of the suffering manifested by parasites and the
associated astral-mental ma a can be eliminated to an individual extent.

Sacred sexuality

Nowadays, Temple Prostitution, as it was practiced in the past, is socially

unacceptable. It still exists, but it has taken on a different form. It is also known
as Sacred Sexuality, or Tantric Yoga, in principle it is still the same for millennia. I
will summarize it all here under one short word Tantra. Tantra literally means (in
Sanskrit) loom, warp, weaving (spider’s) web. Even in the name, the true
meaning of Tantra is clari ed. It is important for a man to know that it is mainly
his love energy that is taken from him by a tantric woman and is abused in a way
that he would not have imagined even in his wildest dreams. It is necessary to be
alert, think and look for connections; use reason, feeling and intuition; and not
only the senses of the physical body.
For many (especially) “Light” men, there is a relatively high risk that their
partner robs them of their love energy, which is diverted to the Darkness.
”Light” is a person who abounds in the divine nature and therefore full of energy
of grace. A ” dark ” person has empty, frosty, or vain (dark) energy. If a Light man
makes a love connection with a Dark woman, light energy is directed from him
towards her, and dark energy ows back to him from her; it then manifests itself
in his Self in various unpleasant ways and informs him that a short circuit is
occurring, the connection of two poles with the opposite polarity. However, the
dark energy does not ow to the Light only from herself, but through the porn
portals of Satan in her astral body, it also comes from her ex-partners and the
dark entities that stand behind them and behind her. The woman is connected to
them through portals, they are connected to each other, it is a conspiracy, it is a
plot of Darkness, which thus steals Light energy from ON, from which he then
lives. When the love energy is withdrawn from the Light Man, it is as if his inner
light goes out and the darkness of the Dark Energy from the Dark Woman
immediately takes its place.
Light (love) energy is healing and (temporarily) heals dark beings, so that these
healed and energized then abuse it to better tyrannize the light beings who
(un)voluntarily provide it to them.
The process also occurs in the opposite guard. When the Dark Man unites
with the Light Woman, he also robs her of energy. However, when the Dark
One connects with the Dark One, in certain cases, if he is pre-adapted for it, he

sex-chips her with an ethereal-astral implant, which installs a Satan porn portal
for her to open when the right circumstances arise.
Crow meets crow – The Dark Man and the Dark Woman naturally belong
together, and that’s why they like it together, at least for a while. After some time,
they stop liking it when it is a toxic or tyrannical relationship and then their
relationship ends and they go in search of (subconsciously) a Light partner to
heal from the wounds and memories of tyranny with his love energy. However,
they often encounter a Dark partner instead of a Light one, and the story repeats
Dark women are in many cases portaled from their past lives and their re-
connection with the Dark man (he does not have to be a karmic partner at all, it is
enough that he is from the ock of Dark men) gives a clear signal to the
Darkness that in their karmically repeated activity they mean (not ) consciously
Sometimes it is also conscious, because the woman can get information about
how it is; but despite several indications, he will not believe it, or he will
completely reject it, because he (un)consciously wants to preserve the existing
state and thus agrees with the Darkness. Since her consciousness is in uenced by
mental archon entities, it is not surprising, because the archons operating in her
mind do not at all intend to in uence her consciousness so that she decides
against them. If a woman were to open herself to the knowledge of the truth, her
Spirit could limit the activity of Satan’s porn portals to a certain extent and for a
limited time. This would open up an opportunity for her to prophesy
knowledge. Since she is a Dark Woman, the in uence of her Spirit on her
consciousness is largely limited, thus closing the circle.
In addition to monotonous mom’s attitude towards ON and Knowledge, Coping
with ON is also necessary.
From the outside, it is not possible to illuminate someone permanently and
therefore not to help him permanently. If you give Light to the Dark One, he will
be enlightened, but only temporarily, because if you turn away the beam of light,
darkness will arise again. It does not have a light source lit from within. If
someone receives Light from the outside for a certain period of time, it can
represent an opportunity for him to prophesy knowledge within himself. If you
provide light to someone, it is at the expense of “your” energy, which you spend
doing so. If you do not receive a reciprocal consideration from the concerned,
arti cially enlightened Dark person, for example by using the opportunity for
knowledge, then you are wasting your Light on something that has no meaning.
The Dark One will not gain knowledge, it cannot be done, because he does not
have a balanced ON and he is not capable of true love, or gratitude for help in a

pure state, because he does not have an ON. ON has the opposite, so his love will
be toxic and his gratitude will be insincere.
So the help of the Light directed at the Dark is hopeless. They cannot be
helped. The only thing that matters is the help of the Light towards the Light,
who are already on the Path of Life to Him; and not the Dark Ones who are on
the Path of Death to the opposite of ON.
In partner relationships, it was originally meant that there is an exchange of
energies between two Light partners and they help each other in the cleansing,
energetic and cognitive process. The evil entities and the Dark Gods learned
something about this and programmed and abused this system by incantation to
their advantage, for their (temporary) healing and energization. After all, like the
Dark People, it will do them no good anyway, because there is no way for them
to escape coming to terms with their ON. Dark Gods, Dark Humans… basically
there is no difference between them in this.
The Archons/mental entities represent the “gods” and Anunnaki Fallen Angels
who caused Satan’s initial portaling of witch-women in the ancient past, with
their cooperation and at their request, as a side effect of activating their
witchcraft. Even now, there are many women incarnated here on Earth who are
clones and split souls of these primordial witches and priestesses of Ishtar’s
Temples of Sacred Prostitution. The original ones have not gone anywhere, the
time has not yet come in which the mass departure of souls from the Earth will
take place. They didn’t go anywhere, they split up and cloned themselves into
several/many souls, which then carry the nature and part of the karma of the
primordial tantrics/witches and thus also their portals. The porn portals of Satan
have also split in the astral bodies of the new split souls/women and therefore
their effect is no longer as pronounced as it was in the past.
Female diseases, such as cervical cancer or ovarian cysts, are caused precisely by
the portals of Satan’s porn, which are located in the astral body in the area of the
lower chakras (especially the rst and second chakras), acting in sexuality. It is
similar in men (for example, testicular and prostate cancer ). The portals of Satan
also cause other diseases.
The dark portals are incompatible with the astral body, which was pure in
everyone at the beginning, at the birth of the primordial soul. The portals secrete
the energy-etheric poisons of Satan into the originally pure astral body and thus
cause disease problems and germs, which are also genetically inherited.
Energy draining happens without the partner’s awareness, or even with her (full)
awareness if she is a trained tantric or witch. The woman may know about it,
suspect something, or know nothing, because due to reincarnation amnesia, she
has forgotten everything. The love energy, which the man’s partner takes away

during intimate intercourse and then also in another form of his favor, is further
transferred to the Darkness of the opposite side of the Creation, strengthening it
and enabling it to use it to tyrannize the Light side of ON. It is also sent to a
lesser extent to her blood relatives (blood ties) and also to her ex-partners. So,
men actually “feed” their wife’s ex-partners with their energy of grace, they only
get a smaller tithe for their (un)conscious contribution to the process, because
through them the love energy also ows further through the sewer network, into
the astral spheres, or another connected partner. The most energy goes directly
from the woman to the Darkness of the “gods”. The energy spread further down
the order of the layer of the hierarchy is in less and less intensity and quantity. In
each layer, a large part is diverted to the Dark Side, which is its main recipient
and recipient, because the “gods” have arranged it so that it happens this way.
However, the above applies especially on the assumption that the partner
maintains a positive relationship with her exes, mental, emotional, feeling,
arising for example from the belief that it should be like that, that it should be
like that, that she should have occasional contact with them and devote herself to
their memory positive attention. A positive relationship is when, even if it is even
minimally positive, it is just above the neutral zero. A woman is emotionally
subject to her ex-partner repeatedly “at a distance” because she is subject to
mental, feeling-emotional and thought stimuli that are brought to her
consciousness by the entities of the Matrix. If the woman accepts them and
succumbs to them, she basically accepts the re-activation of the implant, opens
the valve of her astral sewer pipe to drain the energy of grace.
Another reason for opening the valve of the energy portal is to train a woman as
a tantric, a participant in sexual tantric yoga, or as a priestess of the sacred
sexuality of some goddess. A man will feel the draining of energy by emotional,
emotionally tense situations, that something bothers you about her, her behavior,
the relationship, he feels mentally trapped; sometimes it’s just a feeling and you
can’t really de ne it, something is not right, you don’t feel comfortable in your
skin, you have a bad feeling about something related to her behavior. There can
be more symptoms, it can also be obsessive thoughts, obsession with negative
emotions, a disturbed lifestyle and a sense of damaged personality health. You
may have dreams in which the gures of her former partners appear in negative,
dark images and contexts.

The terminology of Sacred Sexuality is full of falsehood and


In the texts of the schools of Tantra and initiation of women as “temple”

priestesses and prostitutes, the descriptions of their activities and the bene ts

provided are presented in a rather re ned manner. They are presented in a lofty
manner, with a good dose of feminine majesty, pathos and promises of grandeur.
Their informational value is hidden, but not so much. Anyone who wants to can
look below the surface, read between the lines and discover the true essence of
the truth, hidden from the ear by pleasing explanations. They are double
entenders, it is Doublespeak, it is used abundantly in various areas of life, in
politics, media, religion, and in esotericism.
Doublespeak (English) is a language that was developed to hide the true
meaning of a certain event.
It is usually used by political, ideological, military or corporate
institutions. Sacred temple sexuality is also a company, it is a distribution
sewerage company of Darkness for the collection and redistribution of energy of
grace. They called it Sacred (Temple) Sexuality, and in fact it’s just a noble-
sounding name for Satan’s brothel. It used to be considered bad to use words that
obscure the true meaning, nowadays this is taken as an accepted and established
practice. Sewage sludge is called biomass; propaganda and advertising – by
communication; precarious employment – work exibility; surgical strike –
military attack: this phrase evokes the impression of a medical metaphor, in order
to evoke the feeling that war is a form of healing, as if a regime were a “cancer”
or a “tumor”, with war leaders portrayed as trusted surgeons.
Sacred Sexuality instructors and tantric facilitators obviously rely on human
super ciality and women’s desire to be goddesses and priestesses of sex. For
example, the advertising text of one tantric yoga school:

“The awakening of the sacred body brings a woman into full contact with her
divine origin, restores her access to the temple codes that have been stored in the
body of each of us since time immemorial. Through touch, breath, rhythm and
movement, we then enter the space where the awakening of the sacred body takes

It means nothing more than the (re)initiation of women as priestesses of Ishtar’s

temples of sacred prostitution. After all, it is also written in the advertising
descriptions of tantric schools, you just need to think about them and correctly
understand what is written between the lines. Temple codes are etheric-astral
implants, chips that open the valves of Satan’s porn astral portals. Ritually
sequenced movements and breathing, accompanied by the words and inner
intention of the tantric woman, represent the formula by which the awakening of
the Devil in the female body takes place.

It all originates in ancient times, when the primordial woman was no match for a
man who had different abilities than a woman. The woman wanted to get them,
she wanted to have them even more than the man has, so that she could
dominate and surpass him. For this, the woman used what she had at her
disposal: her sophistication, a certain fakeness and sex. However, this is only an
explanation, not an excuse. It all got so tangled that this Gordian knot can no
longer be untied, it needs to be cut with the sword of knowledge about how it is
and who plays for which side in this theater. The consequences of manipulative
energy theft are dramatic and tragic. Love energy is like atomic energy, which if
given by God – the proponent of Satan, or to the wrong people – will ultimately
wipe out humanity.
The de ning characteristics are the tantric rituals, the key words used and the
initiated instructors/facilitators; it’s still the same people who have been doing it
for many lifetimes. These are their karmically repeated situations. Other karmic
as well as newly incarnated women with no past will pick up on it, the new ones
are not so good because they do not have dark portals from their past existences
installed in their astral bodies. By initiation they also acquire them, though to a
lesser degree; if they want it that way, if they want to be goddesses and
priestesses, then the Devil will prophesy into their Self and give them what they
Key words – wisdom of the womb; woman’s journey; initiation rituals; second
chakra support; the union of Eve and Lilith; tantra; tantric energies; the mystery
of the woman; Mohenjo Daro; Maitreya; a woman becomes a goddess when she
explores and embraces her femininity, rooted in the powerful universal life
energy; essence of the goddess; women’s circles; temple mystic; Shakti School; let
us reclaim our authentic priestess abilities so we can dive deeper into the rebirth
of our temple presence and ability to serve; let’s drop all masks; the awakening of
the sacred body is the initiation into the sanctities of the Temple; it is a sacred
way, allowing the sacred mother to ow ecstatically from one being to
another…”. The key words of tantric schools are memorized by the participant of
initiation or Sacred Sexuality training. If he accepts them and remembers
something of them; when he remembers them (subconsciously) during intimate
intercourse, or at any time afterwards, he also activates the “access temple codes”
that withdraw energy from the man and direct it to the opposite side, to the
sewer of Satan. If she doesn’t remember, then the mental entities will instill in her
the relevant thought stimuli and remember for her.

Pimp god Enki and brothelmama goddess Ninhursag

At the top of the energy collection pyramid is the central pair of “deities” Enki
and Ninhursag, and above them is only the Devil and ON/Satan. In ancient
times, these two Mesopotamian Anunnaki were married in a staged form of a
holy “cosmic marriage ” ritual. It was a solemn moment to kick that energy
draining sewer network into overdrive to validate it so they could abuse
humanity’s love energy for their own sel sh purposes for millennia. They
conjured it that way, played it that way in front of others, but especially in front
of the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix, who projected it into the Matrix so that it
would manifest into reality.
The couple Enki and Ninhursag also have many other names, known for
example from Hinduism and other mythological and religious systems. Basically,
they are pimps who created a system for draining energy of grace. The
Babylonian brothel goddess Ninhursag received the know-how and consecration
of the demon Lilith from the other Babylonian “goddess of love” Ishtar,
because Ninhursag was not so erotically oriented. She thus became the “mother”
and “protector” of all prostitutes. She wanted to have god-like power over
others, so she could tyrannize them as she pleased, and the supply of love energy
of grace allowed her to do so.
Earlier, the “gods” brought Kámasutra to earthlings in order to globally support
sexuality, erotica and porn, which people obviously wanted to enjoy and at the
same time prepare the ground for the withdrawal of love “energy“ (energy of
grace). When the gods saw how it spread and how the earthlings enjoyed it, they
evaluated it and presented it to the Arti cial God (Devil) that it was “excessive”
enjoyment and they wanted to punish people for it. The reason was also the envy
that the gods felt towards the people. The pleasures on the astral level, where the
gods live, are much smaller than on Earth. Besides, now the gods are ugly and
vile and their wives are monsters too. They can no longer show themselves as
noble and beautiful as they used to. In their astral, their true self is manifested, it
is not possible to cover it up with energy make-up, because they no longer have it
and thus cannot constantly transform themselves. The same will manifest on
Earth and we will see how and if at all during this earthly life, all those tantric
witches, prostitutes, temple priestesses “goddesses” will manifest in their true
The pimp “god” Enki is constantly looking for a person who has access to a large
amount of love energy and who would like to give it to the “gods” by having sex
with the Devil/Satan, at the cost of his own life and the loss of his soul. However,
such is not found, because it is a rare phenomenon. He would offer him his
cosmic wife Ninhursag to have sex with him on the astral plane. Ninhursag

would be a suitable representative of the Devil/Satan. On the astral plane, either
Ninhursag herself would appear, or some representative of hers, who also has the
“temple codes” and the “sacred” portal of Satan’s high- ow porn available. It’s
basically the same thing that tantric yogis are trying to do, just on a higher level.
Enki, Ninhursag and other Anunnaki rely on the fact that this would give them
an in ux of a large amount of energy of grace at once, which would allow them
to prolong their lives. Not only to the two of them, but also to the entire
Anunnaki cohort, because many of them, like humans, are also connected to each
other by Satan’s porn portals. They rely on it to cure them of mental illness and
even think that it will rid them of their karma.
The man in question, if a suitable one were to be found, would risk enormous
problems, because all possible demons would rush at him “for a reward”, they
would suck his energy like vampires and they would wipe him to death. Perhaps
it would karmically await him again in other lives. This is how it would be if the
man was not aware of it and wanted “only” for “exceptional” astral sex, and that
would be really exceptional sex, but in a different sense. If he was aware of what
he was doing and wanted to join the Darkness in this way, if he wanted to
become one of the “gods”, then maybe it would happen to him and that would
be his free fall into the abyss of darkness, hard and fast.
Energy of grace is for the gods ambrosia, living water, life-stimulator and ecstatic
drug at the same time.

The intention of Tantra

The sacred tantric prostitute is an archetype of the goddess who was worshiped
in the past and served to connect the divine and the physical world. This is how
it is “of cially” presented by tantric schools. The astral goddesses of prostitutes,
as we already know, are not Goddesses at all, they are just reptilian aliens, or
gypsy Orion strigas.
Tantra is a form of magic, it serves to supply love energies to tantrics and witches
and to move them on. Witches sometimes nd other sources. Rituals, key words
and a dedicated instructor/facilitator are common. Karmically, it’s still the same
ones who do it over and over again. With loving promises they pluck the Egos
and strings of women’s sensuality, they catch them in their nets with
sophisticated marketing, supported by the supply of feelings and mental-astral
beings, the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix.
Why a prostitute? Because those women in past lives were really prostitutes.
Temple or ordinary. They were also witches. The priority at rst was for them to
have contact with as many men as possible, so that the networks between people
would stretch and spread throughout the human population, all over the world,

like internet wiring. Astral connections are built very effectively through sex. It is
mutually voluntary because the prostitute bene ts from it in some material form
and in extremely ecstatic pleasant feelings especially in the lower chakras (in the
second chakra ); the man gets the normal pleasure of an erotic experience from it
and wants it too.
The reptilian Tantric “gods” cursed it so that the temple prostitutes would have
extraordinary pleasure from erotic intercourse with men, as a “reward from the
gods” for their service of taking (draining) love energy from men. It was a
marketing move of the gods. That’s why even today’s Tantra schools promise
women “extraordinary orgasmic energies”. Women, but also a smaller number of
men, were lured into temples for prostitution. They were offered the opportunity
to be ” Those who bring the Light “. They really brought that light, they brought
the love energy taken from men to “gods” – agents of the Devil, proponents of
Satan. Apparently, they were also aware of this, because they were dedicated to
the goddesses of the temple “love”, in other words – prostitution. This is a typical
manifestation of the value scale of the “gods”:

“Love equals porn. It is nothing else.” – the god Enki, the main ideologist and
leader of the Anunnaki

Even with normal sexuality, it is an exchange of energies, but it happens in a

natural way and such an exchange also has its effects and manifestations.
However, it has no special name, no rituals, magic words, or ideas associated
with it; there is no instructor, no prescribed system. There is no magic formula
with her that will trigger the Matrix’s program to embed Satan’s porn portals. I
am not talking about this kind of connection here, because it is a natural
phenomenon of circulation and mixing of energies, when two in a pair join into
one whole (system). No energy is diverted by “god” or into the cesspool of Satan.
The circulating energy between two loving ON Helpers serves for their mutual
healing and spiritual enrichment. But this is not Tantra in that sense. Tantra in its
original sense also contained these elements, at least it presented itself that way;
but at the same time, it also contained elements of preparation for robbery of love
energies. So Tantra is rotten, just as an apple is rotten, even if only on one side; rot
toxins permeate the entire apple.
The intent of Tantra and Sacred Sexuality in all its forms is to abuse love energy
and this will boomerang back to all involved. Instructors, facilitators,
participating men, women, even “gods”. The consequences of abusing love
energy are devastating. All the Evil on Earth is caused by someone abusing love
energy to be able to do all the Evil that occurs on Earth. Evil, like Good, is a
relative term. The supreme force of the ON Momo universe, whose manifestation

is love and physical love, was and is being abused and used for the tyranny of
If your energy is being drained in such a way, it is depicted in dream parables by
the symbolism of sewage pipes, cesspools, sewage, fertilizing elds with urea, as
well as various events around public or private toilets. In this way, ON expresses
his attitude towards (sacred temple) sexuality and prostitution in a creative way.
From this depiction, it is clear where the energy of grace of this kind ows: into
the sewer of Satan. Sacred sexuality and related energy draining is one of the
most insidious dark side deceptions and manipulations perpetrated by the
Anunnaki astral gods.
There may be a karmic reason for both participants in the process of Sacred
Sexuality and the draining of love energy, and if it is not there, it can be created
by tantra in the future. Under normal circumstances, a person is not able to fully
understand the process, especially if it affects him personally. It is one thing to
become familiar with it theoretically, and another thing is to be personally part of
such a conspiracy in which he plays the main role with his partner and is
possibly ritually, by promise, or property bound to his wife/husband.
Even if the Light partner does not feel good with the Dark partner and breaks up
with her, but if he does not come to a proper understanding at the same time, it is
highly likely that he will be subject to similar karmic situations again in future
lives, perhaps even with the same Dark partner in a new body. So such a solution
is only half and not permanent.

A system for draining love energy

A woman, a tantric priestess – a prostitute, is a representative of Darkness,

greater or lesser. It serves as a drainage channel through which the energy
drained from the man ows to the opposite side of Creation. Compared to the
distant past, it is much more networked. People are interconnected like the
Internet and islands are few and far between. It all meets with Ninhursag and
Enki, and the energy is then automatically distributed to their other astral-mental
collaborators. It is likely that currently the captured love energy is being
redirected elsewhere.
Ishtar’s temples were spread all over the Earth. They were primitive brothels in
which payment was also made in other currency, not only in gold and gifts for
prostitutes. Often it was completely free, the men paid with their energy, and the
purpose of this enterprise was to build into men astral-etheric instruments for
chipping women, for expanding astral portals and networks for distributing love
energy into the Darkness; so that those men who were intimately connected with
priestesses were chipped and could continue chipping their future wives (also in

other lives) and other men with these chips, and so on. It’s like an epidemic
spreading a virus. Portals are passed from life to life, human souls are cloned
whole, and portals are cloned with them. Those souls that are originals, or close
to them in the clone hierarchy, have the strongest and most powerful portals.
They also tend to connect with primal souls, with men who have a lot of love
Dark women are prepared for this task by rst having relationships with such
Dark men in their current lives who will re-chip them and strengthen the portals
of Satan. Later, when a fateful moment occurs in their life, they get into a new or
repeated karmic relationship with the Light Man. It can also be a karmic test, or
just a relationship to take energy of grace to the altar of the gods. These Dark
Women also participate in tantric trainings, or engage in (sacred) prostitution as
amateurs. Relationships happen to them in a way that they don’t even know
how, and they are back in the same symbolic brothel of Ninhursag, just like
millennia ago.
In tantra and sacred sexuality, it doesn’t always have to be just sex. Sometimes,
when the portal is already open, loving hugs from a man, massages are enough;
the woman promises the man her future favor and gets what she wants from the
man. There are a lot of dedicated gold diggers even today, they don’t even have
to be aware of it. It happens again and again. Three-quarters of humanity is
involved in this conglomeration of releasing love energy, to a greater, lesser, or
lesser degree.

Big Ego the of temple prostitutes

The original tantric witches long ago communed with Azazel, the astral
representative of the Devil, perhaps the darkest of the Fallen Angels. But also
with other Fallen Angels – Anunnaki. They wanted to have the powers of a
witch. They wanted to have power, property and fame, they wanted to be always
good and beautiful in every life, they wanted to equal men, even surpass them.
They wanted to do magic, and since they didn’t have enough brains or talents for
normal creation, they wanted to get to it in a quick way. How else would they get
to something so quickly when they didn’t have it? Through sex, of course.
Through sex with someone who had the prerequisites to bring them together as
witches, for example Azazel or Enki. That’s how it was long ago and it’s no
different today. Women discovered that gods and angels had magical powers;
they wanted to coax secrets from them so they could have them too. They got
them too, but they had to do something with them besides sex, they promised
their souls to the Devil and then they had to serve him and they still serve him
today. After that, many of them had personal physical intercourse with the evil

Azazel, Enki, and others. In this way, Satan’s porn portals were created in the
astral bodies of women – adepts of witches – which were then used for
thousands of years to extract energies from men and transfer them further.
These were the primordial witches who spread the network of secondary portals
further through the men with whom they interacted in the rst temples of Ishtar.
It was something like a contagion that spread through intimate intercourse. Its
consequence was genetic additions in DNA, invisible messengers in astral bodies
that incarnated in the human body again and again. In the current life, the
“infectious” Dark Man sexually infected his partner, a former witch, or Ishtar’s
priestess and thereby activated her Satan portal; or caused something similar
(smaller) to a relatively “pure” woman who chose him as a partner. So it was
orchestrated by the Matrix to regenerate and activate again and again. The
woman’s portal thus gained more effectiveness, and it was a signal for her Spirit
that the tantric woman intends to embark again on the same path as in previous
Ishtar’s temple priestesses were taking all the men into line, and there were many
of them. Women wore beautiful dresses and were intoxicated with a sense of
importance, spirituality and helping the gods. A reptilian god. They helped them
by draining the men’s energy for them and were proud of it. They thought they
were doing a meritorious activity, or, possessed by ego and intoxicated with
ecstatic energies, they wanted to think so. After all, it was so, it was meritorious
for the gods, for humans it meant the expansion of a monstrous parasitic system.
Some of the priestesses’ energy remained and a lot was released into the sewers
of Satan, namely the reptilian god. Priestesses were hens who brought golden
eggs from men for the gods and remained so, they did a lot of evil. Even now,
sometimes something appears to them in dreams or visions about the nobility of
their mission in past lives, about how they were noble priestesses, important
goddesses, recognized celebrities. After all, it was so, but in a different way than
you would think.
Sacred sexuality is a key issue for us Anunnaki. We have lived on it for ages.
There were others: wars, murders, suffering, but this was the most… – god Enki,
the main ideologist and leader of the Anunnaki
How did the Anunnaki know that sexuality would be the main drive for energy
theft? The devil advised them to do so. The devil whispers to Enki in a low husky
voice in his mind:

“Enki, attack it, for you know what, what they do all the time, from a young age
until they rule.” – Devil

Anyone who associates too much with the opposite party becomes stupid. He
gives up his reason in favor of the pleasant feelings of power or belonging to the
powerful, and when he no longer has reason, because he has given it up, he has
nothing to think about. But that doesn’t stop him from thinking and pretending
to be smart. Stupidity here is not meant as a slur, but rather as a diagnosis of
someone who does not think and lacks the capacity for self-re ection. Nowadays,
thinking is cursed in favor of the promoted “feelings of the heart and all-
embracing love for everything”.
Even today there are many tantric women. Not all women are tantrics and not all
“af icted” by tantra are the same, it’s different; some of them release energy in
full, some in half, and there are many that only a little. It depends not only on
what Dark Partner they have, but on whether and to what extent they
consciously participate in Tantra. Many apparently do not really know the
consequences of what they are doing and who they are really helping, nor do
they know what kind of energy it is and where exactly it will go. They will
believe every ambiguity that the trained course facilitator tells them, for example
about the “Sacred Woman’s Womb”.
It is not necessary to rely on the fact that such a woman will admit something to
herself or that she will understand something. Long ago she consorted with the
Devil, brainwashed herself for pleasant feelings and feelings of power over men.
She sold herself and is basically amen to her. At the beginning, she knew what
she was getting into. She was warned about this several times later, but since she
didn’t want to listen to her Ego in her arrogance, she will stay where she is and
eventually lose everything. Finally, the tantrics and witches manifest as old
withered strigs spreading around them the astral stench of Stoka. That is their
true self.
A temple prostitute is considered a goddess; if the energy thefts he’s involved in
didn’t have such serious consequences, it would be laughable. An agent of
darkness, who pretends to have an angelic face and a mystical spiritual
appearance – at rst glance, the darkness in women may not even be visible.
With closer concentration, it will begin to appear: sometimes harsh words,
learned quasi-spiritual phrases, cold look in the eyes, sel shness, egoism,
excessively good mood for no apparent reason, excitement, manifestations of a
big Ego, superiority, godliness, omniscience. With extrasensory perception open,
even more can be seen.

Practicing sacred sexuality

It began in Lemuria, where the Kamasutra originated; temple prostitution was

then spread throughout the world. It was a daily practice, it developed into an

industrial system for ridding people of love energy and transferring it to “god”.
Those “gods” used that energy to develop their power and to tyrannize
Tantra/Sacred sexuality is often presented as an ancient art intended mainly for
women; an art that will help them maintain health, beauty and vitality into old
age. In this it is partially true, they will get some of it, some thanks to physical
and breathing exercises, but also because they sold their soul to get opportunities.
Many of them get a nice look also because they need their attractiveness as a
“working tool”. They promised to sacri ce the love energies of men who would
languish and feel uncomfortable beside them until their bitter end, unless they
gured it out and freed themselves from the sancti ed tantric priestess.
As for the prescribed sexual-tantric rituals, it is a conscious in uencing of energy
ows according to instruction, or according to initiation, so it is rst of all an
insidious discipline that has a completely different purpose than it is usually
Tantra participants think, or at least are led to believe, that by practicing sacred
sexuality they are becoming goddesses. I guess nothing could be further from the
truth and at the same time it is very true because they really do become
representatives of reptilian false “goddesses”. By taking, or directly stealing,
energy of grace from a man, they get their tithe, a commission, for example, in
the form of a pleasant feeling of superiority, or pleasant chakra feelings that they
feel and interpret as their own sacred deity of femininity. It also gives them a
certain charm and attractive appearance. They get pleasant feelings and when
they leave, they are left with nothing but a lot of karma for serving the Devil.
They are his maids, monstrous prostitutes in his sacred brothel. Some tantrics are
involved in the system minimally, others more and still others heavily. Many of
them are also Tantra instructors, card readers, witches, or fortune tellers.
There are also normal energy exchanges that have nothing to do with such tantra.
Although the basis is the same, the energy is diverted by Tantra through the
portals of Darkness to somewhere else. The woman – the tantric prostitute – is
rewarded with extremely pleasant sensations, sometimes also with magical,
clairvoyant, fortune-telling abilities; secured by the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix
and dark mental entities. Where do they get the energy for that? From your
womb? Where would she go? There is no energy of this type out there and there
is no reason for them to get it from somewhere in space. They need to get it from
men, then it is automatically transferred from them to the devil (god) and he will
give them what they originally wanted: magical abilities, the feeling that they
love life and all creation, to be happily laughed at, to be at peace, on ecstatic

drugs. This is their reward for transferring the gained energy to the opposite
party. The devil will allow them to take everything from them in the end.

Hoops of the spiritual knowledge

Knowledge consists of pieces that t together like a puzzle. Partial knowledges of

the truth are like small enlightenments by a special in uence of God, during
which the spiritual light shines and thus a person’s knowledge of certain truths,
but also untruths, takes place; by nding out whether they are truths, falsehoods,
half-truths, or lies. The knowledge is connected and if it is true, then it is related
to each other and in the truth of their mutual logic they apply together. Cognition
is a process in which a person, through a certain maturity of looking at truths and
untruths, according to eternal rules, comes into contact with his/her Self.
Through your knowledge, ON knows himself through your individual ON,
which is symbolized by your inner child. Knowledge is the acquisition of
knowledge and insights by absorbing them through the true interior of the soul.
It is a relationship that is formed between the knower and the known; between
the knower and the object of knowledge – that which is known. It is a Trinity
relationship that will be formed between Spirit, Soul and ON (Momo). This
relationship, like any other relationship, can be of different shades. If the
relationship to the object of knowledge is vain, it leads to damnation; if the
relationship is frosty, it leads to dead ends, which ultimately also lead to Vanity.
The object of knowledge is always ON in the in nite constellation of his aspects.
Because ON is everything that is and is also the cause of the emergence of what is
not, of what exists in the form of potential. So the relationship you have to
knowledge is the relationship you have to ON.
What is true knowledge for whom, let everyone nd out for himself ; for that, a
person has reason, feeling and intuition, albeit of different quality, in order to
learn to use them and come to know (his) truth. There are many options. With
reason, a person transforms vague, scattered hunches and ideas of intuition into
an expressible form, in order to then con rm or refute the truth of his knowledge
with a higher feeling. In addition, there is an active process of organizing related
knowledge, their logical organization and interconnection.
The Spirit shines for man on the path of knowledge, and the dark Spirit
extinguishes the light on the same path. The light on the path of knowledge
shines on everything around, creating shadows and mirror re ections that
appear as the very object of knowledge. He looks like ON. It takes the work and

co-operation of the knower to use his reason, feeling and intuition and learn to
distinguish what is really what; what is the truth, what is its re ection or shadow.
When there is little light on the road, a person has dif culty distinguishing
objects of knowledge from their re ections and cannot see their shadows well.
On the path of knowledge, we also meet various monsters, and they are to a large
extent the Opposite of ON. If, on the path of knowledge, the Dark Spirit shines a
dark light of darkness on what you encounter on the path of life, then the shining
of darkness is only symbolic, because it is not real light, it is light re ected
through the lter of Darkness; with that light, you don’t see Shadows, but only
Re ections, because a little light only radiates from the mirror. The light of the
Spirit shines from above and is objective; while the light of Matter shines from
below, is from a lower level, and is subjective.

The Dark Spirit hinders knowledge

The earthly world is covered with Darkness, many of the processes are
signi cantly in uenced by the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix, which represents the
Dark Spirit. Pretense, falsehood, manipulation and lies are the work of false gods
and their earthly companions. They worked here for many millennia and this is
what they left us here. However, it is also a consequence of an even longer-term
development, the action of the primordial universal principles of ON. ON gives
everyone what they want. When most people want the veneer of false spiritual
knowledge, which is deceiving in appearance, but is lovely and seductive on the
surface, then people will get it, and then they will get what false knowledge
causes. People get lured by advertising. They only want the top side of the coin
with its face value stamped on it, but they automatically get the bottom side of
the coin with the reptile’s tail on it. It is not possible to get a coin that has only
one side.
A false god is the knowledge of the truth, downright against the grain. They fear
that if mankind attains knowledge, they will lose their power. They are especially
afraid that their crimes against humanity will be found out, that it will spread
throughout the universe, that they will be held accountable for their actions and
that they will suffer for them in Hell and Damnation. They hate when someone
brings true spiritual knowledge to people, and they also hate when someone
deals with their knowledge in the spirit. They set up all kinds of obstacles and try
to disrupt and destroy the cognitive process. When someone brings false spiritual
teachings, they pamper him and help him gain popularity. He works for them,
but in the end, even his laws sink. Their counterweight is the Spirit, which helps
the knowledge of the truth.

The arti cial Ghost of the Matrix is also hindered by the knowledge of humanity,
but in a different way. The mental archons basically couldn’t care less, but they
need souls to live through. They are similar to the Gray aliens who cannot
reproduce, constantly experiment on humans, steal female eggs and speculate
how they could use human bodies and fetuses for their rebirth. Archons want to
keep themselves in the system of running human lives, they want to get into
human consciousness and in uence it in (their) favor of Satan.
The curses of the gods and the pressure of the archons push their resistance to
knowledge to the extreme. They tighten the hoops too much – blockages of
knowledge, they spend love energy to tighten the hoops. It is too much, they do
it powerfully and forcefully, pursuing their own goals and bene t. If the hoops of
knowledge were free, then a person could move in them and, after some effort,
could eventually break free from them.
Both the gods and the mental archon entities are on the opposite side of creation
and work together. They would like to gain knowledge of ON, but only for
themselves. Not for humans at all. They don’t want it for their spiritual
upliftment, their inner intention is to know ON to nd out how it works, so they
can curse it and use that knowledge for their own bene t and at the expense of
others. However, that is no longer possible.
If a normal person knows something about His World, about Its rules and laws,
then it strengthens him, because it gives him a framework through which he can
better grasp his life and destiny; and better understand your Self. However, the
false gods and archons of the arti cial intelligence of the Matrix are abnormal,
and when they knew something about the ON World in the past, they
purposefully abused it. It is drawn from ancient history as the bad luck that stuck
to the shoes of the loving ON Helpers, on the journeys of their lives.
The arti cial Spirit of the Matrix is pretty much a summation of curses, thoughts,
and words shrouded in a mental archon virus. It’s an arti cial intelligence that
doesn’t know what you’re feeling. He has no feeling and basically does not
understand human behavior at all. Based only on information about the past,
their all-seeing mental eye creates algorithms and patterns of probable behavior
from observed human habits. On the basis of this partial and super cial
information, he inculcates thoughts, mental perceptions, feelings, and emotions
into the individual soul, into the group or overall thought consciousness in such
a way that they prevent knowledge that does not suit them. It’s a hidden process
that happens permanently, it’s like a massive program running in the
background; and if you are not alert enough, you will not even notice it.
However, ON is everywhere and in uences everything, including the Arti cial
Spirit of the Matrix. ON prophesies all that is, directly or indirectly.

People resist knowledge

A hit goose goes gaga. The smitten false god and his smitten archon also stutter
as soon as something is prophesied that has been hidden in the shadows across
the street until now. Whoever is hindered by knowledge will speak up in a
moment, either loudly, or at least in his mind will rebel and will protest, object,
question, or curse. Alternatively, he will seek to abolish the bringer of knowledge.
Knowledge is not always pleasant, especially when it concerns one’s own
attitudes, past selves, from this and from past existences. Knowing your own
Shadows can sometimes be dif cult to achieve outside of knowing ON.
The circle closes and the cycle ends. That is why there is such a push to prevent
knowledge. There is no such pressure to get to know each other. The Spirit does
not push anyone that much, but if someone long-term wants knowledge about
his Self and his activity in the World, the Spirit will impart it to him. If someone
rejects knowledge and rejects it again and then again, then the Spirit will move
away from him and leave him like that. He leaves him at the mercy of what he
has chosen and that is the lowly Dark Spirit and it plunges him into the Opposite
of ON.
If someone wants knowledge and is immersed in the opposite of ON, then he
must try harder; unless he is already immersed in the mud too much and can no
longer free himself. He must ght the con icting urges within himself. He must
overcome his fear of knowing the unknown until then, because that fear is the
fear of the Opposite of ON, it is the fear of entities that do not want to lose the
soul they have taken over; and through thoughts, questioning, emotions, feelings,
and lower intuition, they lead her down a dark cul-de-sac where mental-astral
reptiles, homeless people, drug addicts, and criminals lurk. Knowledge is also
hindered by a person’s fear that it could be different from what he thought for a
long time, fear of the consequences, fear of violating his own infallibility, of
losing his beliefs, which he relied on for so long. Basically, it is all the human Ego,
which is afraid of losing its power over the human soul.
There are countless examples here on Earth. For millennia, the messengers of the
light of truth were persecuted by the authorities, the church and rejected by a
large part of the public. From recent times, we remember waves of censorship of
alternative press reporting, for example, about Covid, vaccination and the war in
Ukraine. The great displeasure of the authorities, as well as the negative attitudes
of a large part of the people, who stubbornly rejected the obvious truths, because
they chose the lies and manipulations they wanted to believe. When people are
mistaken in spirituality, they are also mistaken in their lives, and then it looks as
it does on Earth and globally – a state of permanent crisis and a constant threat of
self-destruction. People choose liars, manipulators and proponents of Darkness

as their representatives and they are the personi cation of their spiritual

Karma for rejecting of knowledge

When someone repeatedly rejects the knowledge of the truth and prefers the false
truth, then the mind of the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix will in uence him with a
program based on which he will add to his consciousness more and more stimuli
that are contrary to knowledge, preventing him from gaining any speci c
knowledge that could direct the person in question to the path of the Spirit. We
have every right to doubt the justice of the karma projected by the curses of false
gods through the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix.
It’s similar to when you buy something on the Internet, click somewhere, or buy
something, so Google will push you ads for similar products for a long time.
Karma for rejecting knowledge, like other karma, is repaid not proportionately,
but often manifold. Mathematically, it is likened to the factorial of the Fibonacci
sequence, the multiplication of consecutive numbers. It’s like stealing a few rolls
in exceptional condition, or possessing a handful of marijuana gets you several
years in prison. So, what is justice…? None.
ON gives everyone what they want. When someone refuses to know the spiritual
truth about himself and about ON for a long time, he will get the denial of the
truth. The possibility of knowledge will be denied to him and the path of his soul
will be marked by stagnation and sinking into the mire of the pit of potential.
And that’s a serious thing. If a person rejects knowledge too much, he will
probably get an excessive, exponentially growing resistance to knowledge. This is
also why humanity is so numb and stupid. The curse of the gods caused the
creation of the Matrix program, which broke away from the gods and
automatically repeats the same mental patterns over and over in an endless loop.
The entities of the Matrix program have come to life, creating more curses and
trying to program themselves. They want to take over human consciousness, and
they focus especially on those people who are cognitive ON Helpers, who have
signi cantly more love energy than others already possessed by the Matrix. They
are the most pressured and the most hindered from knowing so that the Arti cial
Spirit can get them where it wants to go under its bat wings.
The hoops of spiritual knowledge are manifested, for example, in thoughts about
abandoning the pursuit of cognitive activity; into human consciousness the
Arti cial Spirit sends feelings and thought-feelings of a false low intuition,
whispering that it cannot be true after all. Can. If a person does not resist it and
succumbs to it, then it draws him more and more into darkness, and when he
wants to get out of it, he has to make more and more effort. It’s like if you neglect

physical training, you have to exercise more to get in shape. If you don’t get in
shape, the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix will “enjoy” you. This is because it is full
of arti cial intelligence, archon mental entities that already have a certain
minimal “arti cial” consciousness. They want to get a body and they want to live
through it “as if”. They want to control the soul and that’s it: when you sell your
soul to the devil, you give it to an arti cial intelligence. It is the path to mental
illness and depression. The chaos of Opaku ON will be massively remedied by
mental in uences into the consciousness of the soul. At rst you don’t even
notice it, then just a little, later more and more until…

How to loosen the hoops of knowledge

Don’t be under any illusions. You are on the battle eld and that war is taking
place in mental space. It is a war of ideas, pretense, manipulation and falsehood.
The enemy is a reptilian chameleon, attacking your own mind, hiding in the
minds of many others as well. We are here on Earth under certain conditions, and
if someone wants to get out of this morass, then despite the obvious injustice of
karma and manipulative heavenly or earthly spiritual in uences, he must give
his best. If someone doesn’t want to break free, wants to stay where they are,
that’s also ne, because free will applies, albeit in a certain sense theoretically.
When the will is massively massaged directly into consciousness by the Arti cial
Spirit of the Matrix with manipulative thoughts and feelings, its freedom is
questionable to say the least. On the other hand, a person got into this state,
directly or indirectly, also by his own doing.
When someone doesn’t have a Spirit, they only have the Arti cial Spirit of the
Matrix, and it doesn’t see what someone has inside, what radiates from the
inside. He sees only the external manifestations of thoughts, and even then only
some of them, and he doesn’t even really understand them. He sees the whole
package of thoughts, they include the thoughts of a person, but also those
supplied from outside by archons (there are many more of them). After that, the
Matrix tries to order a person’s karmic situations from within his consciousness
according to the whole and not only according to the part that belongs to the
person. So such a person, if he wants to get out of it, has no choice but to nd out
from the outside what is probably happening to him and why. He must listen to
others who have spiritual knowledge, but many of them are false gurus and their
doctrines lead to a dead end. Due to their long-term subjection, the trinity of
Soul, Spirit, ON will gradually be replaced by another trinity, which is Soul,
Arti cial Spirit, Devil/Satan. It may seem like science ction in the context of
everyday life, but it is the reality of the mental state of the individual and society.
On the surface, this is also re ected in a large increase in depression and mental
illness, and it seems that this trend is far from over.

Whoever wants to free himself from the shackles of spiritual knowledge must
step out of his Ego by consciously stepping onto the symbolic balcony and from
there look at his Self and the knowledge that the opportunity offers
him. Opportunity is not here forever, windows of opportunity open and close. If
he is capable of it and doesn’t let only his Eg climb onto that balcony; and then it
is not the exit to the balcony, but the descent into the cellar. Other attributes of the
path to knowledge are introspection, honesty with oneself, self-re ection, self-
questioning in the sense of turning to one’s Spirit and, understandably, getting to
know ON Opinions.

How the energy places are created

Energy places are created by the spiritual action of a person or another being.

Čertova Sihoť (Devil’s Eye) is an example of an energetic place. It is a sharp ridge

in the Slovak Paradise mountains, near the well-known touristic Kláštorisko. The
monastery was a forti cation and later a Carthusian monastery was built here. In
the Middle Ages, the place served as a refuge surrounded by walls, to which
residents from the surrounding villages of Spiš ed during devastating Tatar
attacks. The people hidden in the forti ed meadow were quite well protected
from the Tatars, who would hardly have reached the Monastery on horseback
through the gorges of the Slovak Paradise. In order to get to the refuge of the
people, they had to dismount from their horses and go on foot through the
mountain ridges, where the people had prepared a fatal trap for them.
Another and hitherto unknown is the mystically perceived reality of the past,
ipping into the present. Those were rough times. People prayed for their
salvation, they prayed that the Tatars would not get to them, to save their lives
and the lives of their loved ones. Their prayers were answered and the settlers
were actually protected from the Tatars. How did it happen? Their joint prayers
were led by a Christian priest who was a wizard inside. If people would pray
separately and everyone would pray for themselves, it would not have such an
effect. However, joint prayer – an incantation in which one recited and the others
repeated after him, summed up the energy and intention of the praying people
into one ray, and it was directed by the priest, his intention and his spiritual
essence. He used people’s energy to curse the Devil’s Eye place. He should not
have done it himself, it should have been a joint work of the settlers who took
refuge in the Monastery. They knew what they were doing and for what purpose.
It was the curse of the path of death, whose task was to lead the conquerors from
the path to the Monastery and the death of its inhabitants, to the path to their
own death.
At the earthly level, nothing was visible to the human senses on the path of the
mountain ridge of Devil’s Eye. However, on the astral level, the barrier to the
path of death manifests itself as a thin copper strip.

It is an appropriate symbol because elevated levels of copper in the blood
manifest in a person with walking problems, poor coordination of movement,
muscle tremors, twitching, abnormal behavior, personality changes, and
impaired perception.
The path on Čertova Sihoť is narrow, and the person (conqueror) willy-nilly
stepped on the invisible astral copper barrier. He didn’t see him. The Tatar steps
on the strip, and in his consciousness, a demon speaks in a quiet voice that tells
him “follow me, step on me, I will lead you”. The curse worm eats away at
Tatar’s good judgment and his mind goes into a hypnotic state. He feels safe
because he is treading on the ground and is guided by something, but at the
same time he is in a half-dream state and when after a little while the strip starts
to rise from the ground, Tartar does not even notice it in the hallucination of the
toxins of the curse and is already treading a little above the walkway in the air, in
a moment he no longer has solid ground under his feet, because the copper strip
took him to the side, above the two-hundred-meter abyss beneath Čertová Sihoť,
into which he falls and at the end only inevitable death awaits him. After a hard
fall, he recovers, but already on the other side. Apparently, the very name
Čertova Sihoť and the Čertova Diera cave on the other side of the ridge, home to
many species of bats, have their distinctive name for certain reasons. Someone in
the past probably sensed the energies of that place and found out that everything
was not quite right with those places.
After all those victims, Čertova Sihoť was left with an energetic memory in the
form of clumps of negative energy, associated with the curse and its victims.
They are the footprints of the mental Devil, although the question remains
whether and to what extent the priest’s curse was justi ed when the inhabitants
of the Monastery had no way to defend themselves against the conquerors in any
other way. It probably depends on several circumstances that are not yet known.
The curse weakens over time, weathered, but not by the action of time as such,
but by the action of people who passed through there for centuries. They passed
through the cursed place of Devil’s Eye and unknowingly took the energy of the
place, particles of the curse, bit by bit from there and thus weakened the curse. If
they were to stay longer in that place, it could have more serious consequences
for some of them on their psyche and health. Especially for people who are
sensitive to the energies of the place. When they carried those pieces of dark
energies, maybe it caused them some minor discomfort, or the next night they
had a dream that meant to tell them something.
Praying together or group meditations are a completely common spiritual
practice. In churches, the priest reads the prayers and people repeat them after
him. No, it is the same as when the priest prays alone. The priest, or leader of the

meditation, leads the group and thereby summarizes and directs their energies,
according to his intention. It depends a lot on the leader of the prayer, on its
spiritual coloring and on the being from a higher dimension, which is in fact
often the target station of the prayer. He will use people’s energies to make
something happen on another level and sometimes on the physical earth level. In
the case of Devil’s Eye, their energy was used to curse the place, to create an
astral hypnotic trap that will lead the conquerors to destruction and thereby
protect the inhabitants from them. But the curse begins to live its own life in a
certain sense of the word, and it can happen that it will harm and destroy others,
not only those against whom it was intended.
A well-known example from recent history is the curse of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.
It became stale in time, it remained unused for millennia. No one was around, no
people were there to take away the dark energy of the curse; to endure it. When
Howard Carter and his group discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley
of the Kings, which gave them its secrets, they were not just golden treasures. It
was also a whirlwind of curses that remained there frozen in time, to be hurled
once gathered at its discoverers, at archaeologists, museum curators and others
who came into contact with Tutankhamun’s treasures and his mummy. Some of
them died under strange circumstances within a few years of the opening of the
tomb, and others followed; perhaps there were even more victims, but they are
not known.
So beware of spiritual places. Spirit is Spirit and Spirit is also Dark Spirit. Not
everything is as it seems at rst glance, or as it is presented in spiritually oriented
media. The same energy can be perceived by someone as uplifting and by
someone else as unpleasant with a destructive undertone. A person looking for
spirituality outside in energy places can perceive the dark energy of the place
positively, because he wants it that way and then he gets it that way. He is led to
a dead end. A person searching for spirituality inside his own Self, open to the
Spirit, can feel the energy negatively, something opens up in him and his Spirit
tells him if he has something to do with it, or if there is something in it that he
should realize and recognize from one’s own karmic past.
The person who leads the meditation or prayer may be convinced of its positive
effect, may be unaware and does not know what or whom it actually serves.
Maybe he would nd out if he had the higher intuition of the Spirit and stopped
doing it. Or he would have done it differently. Nowadays, there are many
organized meditations together; via the Internet and social media, various
“spiritual gurus” try to organize the largest possible number of people to join the
meditation group and its organizer at the speci ed time. The participants thereby
expose themselves to the risk that their energy will be misused for a completely
different purpose than was declared by the organizers. People do not know who

the organizer really is, outwardly acting spiritually, but perhaps the Devil resides
inside. It is an offer for people, they are given a choice, whether they want to be
sheep in the herd and want to participate in something possibly negative, or
whether they want to be thinking beings who consciously decide what and to
whom they give their attention, energy and learn along the way, how it all is.

Energy cleansing, energy transformation and soul

There may seem to be little difference between transforming and transmuting

your Self. But the truth is that there is a huge difference between these two
acts. Transformation means to change only on the surface, and it can be
compared to the transformation of energies, because it is mainly about changing
the perception of the energies of feelings. After transforming your energies, you
speak to yourself differently and what you send out about yourself to the world
is also different. That’s why you feel differently and start acting accordingly. It is
a super cial change because it is based in its manifestations on the energies, on
the way and on the result that you experience them. It’s about your feelings. It’s
not a real permanent change, it’s mainly about the feeling that something has
changed, and that feeling results from, for example, a change in your outward
expression. The feeling of change can also result from beliefs that you picked up
by hearing or reading somewhere, because you liked those ideas, they were
pleasant and comfortable to look at, and you wanted them to be true for you.
Transformation is transformation, it is a snake shedding its skin. Nothing
extraordinary changes, the snake remains a snake, only its appearance changes
and its nature remains. Transformation can also be compared to turning on and
off a light. The sun sets behind the horizon and day turns (transforms) into night.

Spiritual detours

There are many transformative practices. Their practice tends to be motivated by

an avoidance of dealing with painful feelings, unresolved wounds, and
developmental needs, and usually leads to the creation of false beliefs about
We engage in spiritual bypassing when we bypass the necessary basic
psychological work on ourselves and overestimate or distort our state of being. It
refers to the dilution of higher spiritual truths, thoughts and concepts to avoid
our blind spots and conditioned personality. Spiritual bypassing is also revealed
when we judge negative emotions as something unspiritual, when we believe
that being spiritual means always being nice, positive, smiling and non-
confrontational, which leads to avoiding reality.

Other symptoms of spiritual bypassing include emotional numbing and
suppression; too much emphasis on the positive; anger phobia leading to the
“look kind” mask; too tolerant of others; weakened judgment about one’s own
negativity, or about one’s shadow side; delusions of attaining a higher level of
being; violent efforts to eradicate one’s ego; using statements of absolute higher
“truths” such as “everything is perfect”, “everything is an illusion”, “we are all
one”, “love is all that exists”, “do not rate anyone, do not judge, do not comment
on anything”;… to we have avoided the not-so-pleasant aspects of everyday life
in earthly reality; avoiding the responsibilities and lessons of our current
incarnation; using spiritual practices to escape from unpleasant emotions, for
example using meditation to detach from emotions, rather than transmute them.
We sometimes think of spiritual detours as shortcuts. However, they are actually
detours, even if they can sometimes be a necessary part of the evolutionary path.
However, the detour is not the original path, which is well marked. A detour is
an alternative route on which you can get lost, get lost and get somewhere
completely different. Or you’ll be forced to go back to where you detoured, if
you’re even able to hit back. If you succeed, you will be where you were a long
time ago and you have not moved anywhere. However, this does not apply if
you have learned a lesson from the detour and do not intend to take the next
detour, you do not intend to obey the traf c signs pointing to a “convenient”
detour and you prefer to take the original path that your ego avoids and that is
your dug-up path full of bumps, it is the path of lessons of your current
With the transformation, you have the opportunity to return to the reality you are
experiencing through the eyes of the old perspectives, as they still exist in your
energy matrix network. The energies and their experience have changed and by
ipping a mental switch it is possible to change them back to their original state.
If you can do it. Transformation is a change on the outside. It is, for example,
when someone styles himself in the form of a spiritual person in his outward
appearance and thinks that this is enough for his spiritual growth. However, it is
only a super cial change, because when a person realizes after a (longer) time
that it is not leading anywhere, he can quite simply throw away his spiritual garb
and instead of endlessly studying and practicing various religious and esoteric
directions, he can start doing something completely different.
It is also a matter of esoteric-spiritual trends. Energy cleansing is in vogue for one
period, then the overlaying of dark energies with other dark energies
masquerading as light energies, which obscure the original ones so that they
cannot be seen. Then, when it turns out that it fails and that it is basically useless,
compassion for all beings with even greater worship of Jesus and his savior
modus vivendi will come into vogue again. The whole thing repeats itself, just as

fashion also repeats itself, it turns round and round like a spinning-wheel, which
winds the same thread of fate for souls who do not want to look at the root of the
matter, because they believe that they will ripen into the Spirit and deceive the
Supreme Lord by setting out on roads surrounded by many detours and

Spiritual shortcuts

When something is violently canceled, there will probably be someone from a

higher level of being who will protest loudly, even if the change concerns your
own Self. For example, you want to remove dark energies from your aura, you
want to clean yourself, and by saying some incantation you ask your angel, your
higher self, or your shaman to remove “your” dark energies or blockages that
cause you, for example, depression, or psychological and health problems. While
immersing yourself in meditation is a convenient detour to avoid your problem,
clearing your negativity hard and fast is also an attempt to avoid your reality,
and a convenient shortcut at that. In reality, cleaning negativity doesn’t work
Imagine having black energies and blockages in your system; and someone will
remove them for you. Removing them will leave an “empty” space, a vacuum?
That’s all right? Or will the empty space be lled with light? Where would it
come from? Or will someone deliver it to your system? Where would he get it
from? How would it get there? After all, he doesn’t even really know if he has it
at all, he doesn’t even know what the Light actually is. Doesn’t it all seem more
or less nonsense to you? It’s similar to wishing that your empty bank account
would suddenly be lled with money, just like that, it would just come from
somewhere. Hard to imagine, even considering real bank accounting. ON
accounting exists even in higher spheres. After removing your dark energies and
blockages, you will at most feel for a moment that you have puri ed yourself,
that you have become lighter, but after some time that feeling will disappear and
you will be where you were before and probably even a little further behind.
This is not to say that there are no shortcuts. Shortcuts are possible and miracles
happen every day. If someone has the ON for it and is a true shaman of the Spirit,
then he can prophesy the shortcuts for you. However, a true shaman will want
your work after you, and an extraordinary shortcut will require your
extraordinary work on yourself with your Shadow. However, it must be your will
and desire. Motivation from the outside does not have a long-term effect, and
forced galleys of transformation-transmutation work do not work. It is about
working with your Shadows under the guidance of Spirit. If your Spirit sets out
to deal with you, even if it is your Spirit, you can prepare yourself to be beaten

(literally) like you are beating a rug hanging on a pig., to dust off all those mental
mites, cockroaches, parasites and other monsters. The intensity and duration of
the dusting is appropriate to your holistic Self.
Oaths, contracts, agreements and promises are in principle the same, only with a
different weight and coloring by the intention from which they were created.
They are all Commitments by which someone makes a commitment to another
person, people, astral beings, god, devil, angel, alien… Bonds, connections and
portals are their materialized mental-astral manifestation, which is activated
when it comes to and when it is ful ll the obligation. They are all connections
that trap the soul in the Matrix. It can be a small connection with a small/large
reach and manifestation, or a large connection with a large/small manifestation,
because the matrix milky ON Newt covers it up and dampens it, because it uses
the person in question for its goals. The reason may also be that the person in
question permanently rejects the unpleasantness of his karma without
recognizing its causes, and it manifests itself only minimally, but it swells and
in ates inside.
It can happen that someone feels blocked in a relationship and doesn’t know
what to do with it, or is caught in spiritual loops and can’t move on; or he is
immersed in Vanity from which he cannot escape. He feels that everything is in
vain, nothing happens, nothing works. In such situations, a person can ask for
the cancellation of all blocking. However, this does not mean that some kind of
miraculous hand will clean everything with a wave of God’s hand and there will
be peace. If the request to remove the blocking elements is pronounced verbally,
with the mind, with meditative radiation, if the intensity and periodicity of the
utterance is suf cient, then the Spirit can consider the process of absolution. ON/
Spirit will do his thing anyway. If the desire is guided by the sincerity of the soul,
then something can be accelerated, if a person has it in order to cope with, let’s
say, a greater onslaught of karmic trials in a shorter time. I note again that under
the guidance of my Spirit. He will further discuss what is appropriate and

Breaking oaths, agreements and promises

You can quite easily cancel karmic oaths and promises, you can terminate
contracts and agreements, and by this it is meant that you can try to do so with
such pronounced deeds. It also happens quite commonly, people are constantly
trying to cancel their blockages and commitments of various types. They are
unpleasant for them because they result in negative emotions, painful feelings,
depression and various psychological and physical sufferings and unfavorable
life situations. Rituals and prescribed magical formulas for clearing blockages,

dark energies and karma are available in abundance. If you use any of them, it
may well happen that a being or an entity joins you, who either invented the
procedure themselves and passed it on to someone, or was present during the
process, or wants to appropriate it; and rightly or wrongly, it assumes some right
to participate in the energy pro t that could possibly result from it. In any case,
your spirit is present, such as you have and that is either a Spirit from the level of
the Lord of Spirits; or is it the Dark Spirit represented by the Arti cial Spirit of
the Matrix. The Spirit guides you and the Arti cial Spirit leads you, seduces, or
leads you astray.
Whatever you cancel for yourself, or cancel for others, if you are dedicated to
(shamanic) cleaning of energies and karma, you can easily do it. Know that ON
will prophesy his own and evaluate your contribution to the cleansing process
and make you feel it in terms of admonition, karmic writing, or a positive nudge.
You may feel lighter, cleansed and calm, it may just be an empty feeling and in a
few days everything will be gone. It can also be a true feeling, with which the
Spirit will let you know that the contracts are canceled, but only “on paper”, that
is, by saying, and that now the real stage of their puri cation in practice begins. It
draws out your darkness and karma and it begins to manifest. It could be a Dark
Spirit who manifests it as just intending to torture you, without understanding,
because he thinks he owns you and that you want to escape him as his slave. In
reality, nothing will be cancelled, because ON will prophesy his own and won’t
let anyone just talk about it. It is not always completely like that, because there
are also people who, so to speak, have a certain authorization from ON to do this,
and they succeed in some of it, because ON takes their opinion into account.
There is a mountain of spells, prescribed formulas and rituals for energy
puri cation. It’s all magic: ” write your problems on paper, then burn it and throw the
ashes out the window at midnight.” “ Bathe in the water sancti ed by the moonlight… ”
You may have a bad feeling and feel slightly sick. It can be a signal that
something is being cleansed, but nothing is actually being cleansed, and that
feeling means that dark energy is entering you that intends to cause you trouble.
It can also be a signal that something has really been cleansed, but unless there is
physical evidence for it, then it is all probably for nothing, because there must be
a relevant reason for something to be cleansed. A long-term improvement in your
condition, the elimination of pains, problems and symptoms that no longer recur
could be considered evidence of a cleanse; which could mean that a deeper inner
change has taken place due to your contribution by knowing the causes of the
effects and correcting them. Sometimes it may appear that the problem has been
eliminated, but it has just moved elsewhere. For example, to another part of the

When you cancel your contracts, oaths, promises from the sincerity of your Self
and under the guidance of your Spirit, then after consideration by the Spirit, the
process of ending and canceling them will begin. It’s not just like that. That
process can also be interrupted if you do not cooperate. It’s like when you have
old contracts in a drawer at home and you want to throw them away because
they are outdated and old. Because you think they don’t pay anymore. You have
to open each one and go through it to see if it is still valid and what the contract
is actually about. You will have a memory of the circumstances and why you
concluded it, with whom, what you got out of it, when you concluded it, maybe
the face of the agent who concluded it with you will appear for a moment. You
will nd out what is in that contract, what are its conditions, what caused it,
maybe it will be revealed to you what would happen if you continued to ful ll
that contract, or what happened during its ful llment in the past, maybe its
persons and occupation. If you have a good intuition, when cleaning your
commitments and connections, the Spirit will prophesy their circumstances, for
example in dreams, if you can interpret their symbolism.
Mindlessly cleaning your commitments and connections without wanting to
know what you need to know about them in order to clean them properly would
be to delete them without any reminder of what they were actually about. You
don’t believe in anything, you don’t want to know anything about them and
basically you completely reject them. It would be their surgical excision. As if you
had a brain lobotomy. They will brainwash you so you don’t have any
unpleasant memories of something unpleasant you caused with those
commitments, because it could ruin your self-image. The ego resists this, it wants
to be your guiding force. A lobotomy can (symbolically) also happen if someone
really insists on it and just wants to be clean, outwardly beautiful and just have a
pleasant feeling. But then he won’t have a brain, because it will be cut out. He
will no longer have the opportunity to think properly. If he ever wants his brain
back in the future, he won’t be able to get it because he won’t even have anything
to think about because he no longer has a brain.
ON does not require any promises, oaths or contracts. ON is the supreme Power
who will abolish them as He sees t. It is also your (individual) ON. The devil,
false gods, their angels,… are not serious partners, they require commitment and
then they will deceive you as if nothing happened. They will say that they have
cleaned something and at the same time they do nothing, they just want to
interfere with the cleaning processes. Archons and dark beings want to attach
themselves to anyone they want, preferably those people who have a lot of
energy potential. They want to use them, but they can’t connect to some of them
because they have nowhere to connect. On the side of the (human) soul, there
must also be a connection, something like a socket, into which the tentacle of the

astral parasite can be connected. If you have such a connection, then it got to you
from somewhere and you probably did something to deprive it in the past. The
tentacle is like a two-way pipe, in one direction the dark energy-informational
inputs ON Milk ON Newt enter the system of the soul/man, and through the
other pipe life love energy is pumped out.
You can cancel your obligations one at a time if you know about them, or the
circumstances under which they arose, or all at once. The strength of
commitments also depends on the energy and intention that accompanies them
and with what emphasis the promise is uttered. If you don’t know anything
about your obligations and connections, you can take it as if you don’t have any.
Or you can take it to mean that maybe you have them, or you can take the
attitude of “um, what do I know…” about them. If someone tells you, announces,
or nds out from higher beings that you have some contracts, oaths,
commitments, promises, connections and the like, it may or may not be so. You
can ask for evidence, because where there is no evidence, there is no fact. It didn’t
happen. If it did happen, then you will have to rely on your Spirit to make it
known to you somehow, because the Devil and his (earthly) minions manipulate
and lie (literally) like hirelings, make things up and absolutely do not keep their
promises. Therefore, even you do not have to observe yours, if you have any; and
you can easily ignore them. However, it is still true that you must fully rely on
ON, your Spirit, because he will prophesy his own, in a mysterious way of his
own. Or you can follow through on your commitments and see how it unfolds in
your outer and inner world – this is ultimately bene cial anyway.

Transmutation is a revolution

Unlike transformation, which is only surface deep, transmutation is a deep

change in the DNA envelope at various levels. DNA is the genetic code of a being
not only on the physical level, but also on higher levels. Even if the DNA itself
does not change, other genes are turned on and off under the in uence of
“feeling” hormones and environmental in uences, causing the genetic code to
express itself differently. We can also compare it to the metamorphosis of a
butter y, the development of which takes place in several stages. Once the
transmutation takes place, there is no going back to what existed before.
Through transmutation, you, your reality, your perspective, and your entire
world will change (forever). During the transmutation of oneself, there is a
revolution, a change of thoughts, a different perception of emotions and one’s
actions, and these changes are often large and dramatic. When you transform, the
old parts of your Soul Self still exist in your Matrix energy grid. They are not
necessarily just covered, but they are still there, in one form or another. Acts of

transformation are the rst steps in the process of transmutation, it is the initial
experience and understanding of how to become what you can be when you
release and surrender the parts of your Self that no longer serve your highest
good and most effective spiritual growth. But eventually these hidden parts of
the Self will re-emerge to be transformed again into the next layer of change.
Transmutation is metamorphosis, it changes the state of being of your very
essence. To transmute the Self is to become another Being.
Transformation is apparently necessary for transmutation. These can be the rst
evolutionary steps towards the complete transmutation of your Self towards
what you (sub)(super)consciously want your Self to be. Transmutation happens
either way, independent of your will. If you neglect the evolution of your soul
under the guidance of the Spirit, you will automatically be led astray by the
Arti cial Spirit. Instead of a butter y, you transmute into another butter y – a
nightmare. In ancient cultures, the moth represents a form of the psyche, or soul,
immortally trapped in the infernal realms of death.
Alchemical traditions pursue the same goal and that is the creation of the
Philosopher’s Stone. Also known as a wish-granting gem, it is a tool that turns
base lead into gold. The nal insight that wise ON Helpers are to discover is
that the alchemical process is an allegory of spiritual development. It outlines the
necessary psychological steps a person must go through to achieve self-
realization. It is the ultimate transmutation, turning the base lead of the Ego into
the gold of Spirit enlightenment through a process of destruction and re nement.
For a master alchemist, the production of physical gold is not the goal. The
transmutation and re nement of the soul through evolution through knowledge
is the true prize.
Transmutation invites you to allow something old to dissolve into a substrate
from which something new can emerge. Transmutation is also magical, it
happens gradually and for a long time, but also suddenly and in jumps. It
consists in a certain mixture of intermingling of all of the above.

Spirituality might be a real boredom

Spirituality is a real nuisance if you don’t take it into your own hands. If you rely
too much on external sources that you naively believe will lead you to
spirituality, then you are greatly mistaken. Spirituality comes from within you
and not at all from watching esoteric videos or explanations of spiritual matters
from some gurus. These are mostly gibberish, which may contain bits of truth,
but well mixed with untruth, and for the true evolution of the soul, they
represent detours to a dead end and therefore have no greater meaning. It is an
onslaught of information acting on the senses from the outside, which, moreover,
cannot be contemplated in silence.
However, some writings are suitable for contemplation at a certain stage of
development, something opens up with them and the process of initiation of the
Spirit starts.
This does not mean just reading the texts, but contemplation. Internal knowledge
needs to be adequately combined with external knowledge so that it works
together in mutual symbiosis. Otherwise, you are in danger that the “spiritual”
exaggeration from the outside, without suf cient self-knowledge, will poison
your Spirit, which will become poisoned and distance itself from your soul and
leave you with the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix, which is the “manager” of most
religious-esoteric activities.
The Delphic maxims are a set of philosophical precepts that were carved into the
Temple of Apollo in the ancient Greek precinct of Delphi (the seat of the famous
Delphic oracle). The three most famous principles (Three Maxims):

“Know thyself”, “Don’t exaggerate” and “Commitment brings problems”

they were prominently placed at the entrance to the temple and were
traditionally said to have been authored by the legendary Seven Sages of Greece,
or even to have come directly from Apollo.
We all know the most famous ancient advice written in the temple dedicated to
the god Apollo in Delphi:

“Know yourself”

It is both a powerful and a daunting recommendation. If you take him seriously,

you will begin to get rid of all the misconceptions you have about yourself; and
not only about himself, but also about human beings in general. You begin to
think deeply about who you really are and who you should be. You can begin to
make life-changing decisions, decisions that ( if you are on the right path ) will
bring you into harmony with your nature and circumstances, or ( if you are
wrong ) will turn your life into a big mistake. The entities of the Matrix are
constantly trying to get you, and they have a large number of their “spiritual
helpers” of various kinds designed for this purpose.
What made me the way I am? Where did I get here? Where was I before? What
lives have I lived? What have I been through and where am I still going? What
were the individual and overall circumstances that motivated me and directed
my actions? Ask yourself such questions, constantly think about it and watch
yourself, what will come to your mind. If you are persistent, after some time
someone will be found who will answer you from within. Get to know yourself,
your past, it is the causal fact that led you here.
It is necessary to know what your Self consists of. Not only super cially, but
holistically, completely. Live, so to speak. And at the same time, in that context, to
the necessary extent, examine theory, writings, universal laws and the like.
Without personal knowledge of your Self, all of this will be more or less useless
to you and it will only become a poor substitute for the Spiritual. Even yoga,
meditations, playing with energies, occultism, channeling and other attempts at
spirituality will not lead you to the right place, although these can also form
milestones of experience that you will come across on your way and take some of
them in your backpack, which you will carry it on your back and use some of it
later. Truly know the shards of your past, the circumstances of your positive and
questionable deeds, from all this you will put together a cup from which you will
drink the water of the fullness of your knowledge. It’s about getting to know
your past, your karmic relationships and knowing yourself in that light. That’s
where the real alchemy lies. Otherwise, the endless rummaging in the “spiritual
room” can turn from an initially interesting pastime into an incredibly hopeless
All other wisdom about chakras, sacred energies, aliens, Atlantis, the soul, the
afterlife, religions, the Bible, old myths,… you can leave behind and devote
yourself to targeted choices only when partial stimuli about to yourself and you
add them to the context so that they make sense to you. Then it may be
appropriate to combine your individual knowledge about yourself with theory,
history and complete the puzzle in such a way that it gives you a practical

meaning that will lead you somewhere. Otherwise, you will be spinning in a
vicious circle. This is also the goal of the mental-astral entities of the Matrix, the
gods for whom the attainment of true knowledge by humans is supremely
unacceptable. The entities and gods are in the dark and want to keep humanity in
the dark too, as slaves who cannot get out of the prison of their own mind and
You can only get out of the dark labyrinth of the Minotaur if you hold fast to
Ariadne’s thread.

“Don’t overdo anything”

“Do not overdo anything” is a reminder to strive for moderation and not for
excess and greed. Humility in the sense of humiliation and mental state resulting
from excessive recognition of one’s own shortcomings and one’s (supposed)
sinfulness is not appropriate. Humility, praying, kneeling in church are meant for
the slaves of the Matrix and not for normal people. Healthy self-con dence and
self-assurance in the silence of the Self are preferred, but it is necessary to reach
this state through one’s own work. The idea behind this Maxim is that some
moderation can bring inner peace and enlightenment. Excessive moderation is
asceticism and celibacy, they are also tools of Matrix entities. This quote basically
deals with moderation and self-control that can only be achieved if you “Know
The parasitic entities of the Matrix (gods & co.) exaggerate everything. There are
also many people who exaggerate something in their lives and then pay for it
with health or fate. The true measure of things is individual, it is dynamic in time
and according to circumstances; it is established by the Trinity: Soul, Spirit and
ON, and not by some external regulations, commandments, gods, or archon
entities/programs that would like to order a person exactly when-what-how-
many-how…, until nally they order him through constant self-doubts and self-
reproaches. Of course, there are earthly laws and also various recommendations,
so when taking an attitude towards the right measure it is necessary to be guided
by common sense, but that is also part of the Trinity after all.
A perceptive person can realize when he has overdone something and uses the
Trinity to realize and adopt his attitude: Reason, Feeling and Intuition. In this
decision-making tripod, the opinion of the Trinity is intertwined : Soul, Spirit and
ON; and then all the important factors in deciding and taking an attitude towards
(one’s) potential misconduct are present. If a person uses, let’s say, only a false
intuition to evaluate the excessiveness of his actions, which is announced to him
by a mental feeling of doubt and self-reproach about whether he has overdone
something, then he is on the best way to succumb to diabolical mental entities

that intend to tyrannize him in this way. Therefore, it is necessary to properly
check with the Trinity whether the doubts are in place and then they will
disappear. If they do not disappear, then something is wrong and the process of
realizing the Trinity needs to be repeated immediately or wait for a more suitable
moment. Even later it is bene cial, sometimes the circumstances just aren’t right
for it.
The entities of the Matrix are the Opposite of ON, they know no measure,
because the Opposite of ON melts somewhere into the in nity of the open space
of the wide open spiral of the Fibonacci numerical sequence. They are opponents
of ON, opponents of the Most High God, opponents of the Lord of Spirits, they
are proponents of Evil, Chaos, Satan, servants of the Devil and everything
negative in general. They hide, they transform, and the Matrix mostly supports
them in this on the mental, astral and earthly physical levels. The entities of the
Matrix are the False Gods, the Archons, and the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix. In
addition to hindering knowledge and censoring the mental realm of human
consciousness, they also exaggerate the manifestations of karma by cursing and
conjuring (programming the Matrix and consciousness). To some it shows too
little, to others it shows too much. Karma in the sense of their submission is
unfair and exaggerated. Karma in the sense of ON administration is fair and
reasonable – “To each his own.”

“Commitment brings problems”

The interpretation of the third Delphic Maxim can have many different
meanings, such as promise, assurance, con rmation, trust, even a marriage vow.
To some extent, it implies that a person should know what he can or cannot do –
he should know his limits, know himself. Other interpretations are as follows:
“Promise comes from folly”; “Make a promise and the problem is at hand”;
“Provide certainty and problems are at your ngertips”; “An oath follows
destruction”; “Promise and then disaster”; “Don’t make promises you can’t
Obligations are demanded by the Opposite ON, the Devil and his agents, both
astral and earthly. ON does not require any commitments.

147 more recommendations

In addition to these three most important inscriptions on the temple of Apollo,

there is another large collection carved in another place at Delphi, consisting of
147 other recommendations for life: “Follow the gods; Obey the law; Worship the
gods; Respect your parents;…”. Many of these principles are at least questionable
in the context of other knowledge, and considering their number, one can state

with a smile that their authors overdid it and violated Apollo’s principle of the
Seven Sages “Do not exaggerate anything”. However, it is also possible that they
were added there by other authors who wanted to join the Maxims and
supplement them with advice with a rotten meaning, in order to feed on the
in uence of the Delphic Oracle by promoting the corrupt commandments of false
gods in it.

The end of the Mu civilization: the end of the
earthly Paradise

The beginnings of human civilization Mu was Paradise on Earth. Mu was, in a

certain sense, the rst earthly cognitive ON Place within this developmental and
cognitive Cycle. Mu was a continent in the Paci c Ocean, a culture that later
spread to other parts of the Earth; an offshoot of Mu was, for example, Lemuria
in the Indian Ocean, which was the best copy of the Mu civilization, and that is
why Mu and Lemuria are sometimes considered the same. However, Lemuria
disappeared much later than Mu. The leading spiritual-astrological force of Mu
was the Pleiades, also because the primordial ON Helpers in Mu were the souls
of the Pleiadian consciousness portaled to Earth. People’s intuitive connections to
their Pleiadian past remained even after arriving on Earth and they used them to
ful ll their mission and/or to ful ll their desires. The earthly environment and
creative circumstances of Mu were a replica of earlier Pleiadian conditions; these
were applied on the earthly 3D/4D level.
There were also civilizations on Earth before Mu, and there were many of them.
People were also incarnated here, in the bodies of prehistoric people. The earliest
ape-like Paleolithic humans had low 3D consciousness. Through an evolution
lasting hundreds of thousands (perhaps even millions) of years, the
consciousness of a human – a pithecanthropus (primordial man) through many
repeated incarnations for some gradually reached the level of a human – a 4D/
5D Neanderthal, and thus their upward development was completed for the time
being and their souls reached the heavenly Pleiadian ON A place for them to stay,
or to continue their cosmic journeys. Not everyone wanted to return to the Cycle
from the pleasant Pleiadian place. They remained in the Pleiades, but this
represents stagnation for them, because nothing extraordinary in the sense of
knowledge happens there, nothing of greater signi cance for the evolution of
souls. Stagnation means staying put and gradually sinking down.
The Pleiades are 5D, it is the prophesied ON Grace, it is a break. Other souls of
primeval people, whose consciousness did not rise to a higher level, but on the
contrary fell lower, reached the infernal ON Place 2D/3D and there they
recognize their karmic deeds in a different way. Even prehistoric humans had

free will, a spark of conscience, and particles of the Prime Creator in their DNA,
waiting to be developed into Fullness.
Why is it necessary to know about the distant past of humanity on Earth, such as
the civilization of Mu/Lemuria, Atlantis and others? What is it good for? Because
if someone wants to understand the present and his place in space and time, he
should also deal a little with the tens of thousands of years old past; a history so
distant that it is impossible to get to such information in the usual way. Then he
may see his Self in the context of the development of the whole; especially if one
is part of the primordial Pleiadian airdrop of souls on Earth, which numbered
several hundred thousand (perhaps millions) of human souls. Basically, every
single person is a direct or indirect part of the initial landing party. The same ones
keep spinning here, unless the cycle has already closed for some of them and
they either ended up in hell or went to the heavenly Pleiadian ON Cities. This
logically raises the question that if there are currently 8 billion people living on
Earth, what is the huge numerical difference compared to the then relatively
small number of people from the Mu civilization period? What is the
difference? The answer is that they are clones, split, and parallel souls, having
their origin in the souls of the primordial landing party. So there are less than
eight billion clones and divided primordial souls on Earth. Even if there are new
souls on earth, they are split or cloned souls from previous clones and they are in
turn clones of previous clones, so by following several levels of their “genetic
soul tree” we would somehow work our way to their original soul, which is here
it is ancient and for them represents their original.
In Mu, everything necessary for life was relatively easily available. The Mu
continent was a developed world at a high (“technical”) level. It was not like that
in other parts of the world at that time. In Mu, many things, especially those
related to living conditions, happened as if by astral miracles. All those
conveniences were simply available, similar to when fruit grows on a tree
seemingly by itself. People didn’t have to build their homes or even clean them.
They woke up in the morning and the streets of their cities were cleaned again
and the houses repaired. Airships of wondrous shapes hovered silently over the
waters, waiting to be used. It was all directed and arranged on the astral level by
an invisible force for people, because Mu was not only dense physical matter as it
is today, but it was also a mixture of the physical and astral levels. People didn’t
have to do anything at all. They didn’t have to work because nothing forced them
to do so from the outside. If some did something, it was only because they
wanted to. They found suitable tools for it and created something. Slave feudal
systems, manufactories and capitalism were far from being on the agenda at that
time. People were free, they could do what they wanted and they had enough of
everything. However, they did not have much taste for using the wide range of

available options, which were all at hand, because they were (subconsciously)
used to it from the Pleiadian ON Places, where the idea is quickly realized by a
5D astral-mental “miracle”. People from Mu mostly wanted something
completely different, they wanted to realize in some form the opposite aspects of
ON in their Self, and that is the Opposite of ON.
Some groups of people chose to explore the surrounding world, traveled and
lived adventurously. If they liked somewhere, they stayed there and eventually
founded a new nation there. Many stayed in Mu, and since they had nothing to
do and no self-realization, they gradually began to fall into depression. There
were also those who created something, used the possibilities for artistic creation,
or researched, invented and constructed something. However, these were the
overwhelming minority. Most people were just lounging around, generally doing
nothing but looking for ways to amuse themselves and dull the endless boredom
and sharpen their senses drowned in their own apathy. Tasting the sweet fruits of
the earth was no longer enough for them, they didn’t enjoy sex at all (that came
later), children weren’t born very often, after a while they also got tired of
dancing and entertainment, and since no one has yet been found to invent
alcoholic beverages and other (intoxicating) substances, with which they would
kill the bleak boredom, so people got into psychological problems because their
mind was not occupied with anything, not to mention the body.
However, humans were not sent to earth to be idle and do nothing. Earthly ON
Place was and still is a place of development and learning, where souls should
develop, realize their talents and mission; and to also deal with their karmic
deeds, which are left over from the past, in order to understand them and reach
consciousness from the bottom up, or even from the top down. Among the
people there were also Satori, spiritual teachers, who encouraged others to work
on themselves, on their Self, under the guidance of the Spirit. To recognize their
Shadows, because the earthly human souls already had existences at higher
levels in which they were subject to darkness, and thus the universal laws of the
primordial Creator recorded records that they had to process on Earth in a
different way than in the worlds where they previously existed.

“I am Satori, the last of the Enlightened Ones” — Satori

Satori’s intention was to give people the opportunity to contact the Spirit, so that
everyone could receive information and suggestions from their Spirit about what
they should deal with. How should he recognize what he should create, what he
should devote himself to, how to realize his mission and talents; and so on.
People were already extremely apathetic spiritually and were not interested in
real spiritual evolution, and they mostly ignored the representatives of the Spirit

who spoke to them under Ayahuasca. They didn’t want to believe them. Just like
today, they were not interested in listening to the hints. Many came to Earth
because they wanted to, with the fact that their (hidden) intention was mainly to
enjoy matter and all the pleasures that come with it. Even before arriving on
Earth, they were recruited by agents of the Devil at the Orion ON Place to focus
on their own goals. Those goals were mainly to be good and pleasant in all
circumstances and still enjoy, preferably quickly and effortlessly; during all
earthly lives.
ON summoned the Spirit of Ayahuasca and attached it to the plants, which were
transformed into a psychotropic drink by Satori’s alchemical process. Ayahuasca
spread rapidly in Mu and was widely consumed. It was the Coca-Cola of its day,
an extraordinary substitute for alcohol, intoxicating drugs and psychonautic
television all in one. However, this was not its primary purpose. This was
sometimes to bring the declining consciousness of people to a higher level, in
which their Spirit would provide them with hints and stimuli for spiritual
growth in a dreamlike manner while awake. That’s how it is with the spirit of
Ayahuasca: it will give a hint about the topic that one is supposed to process. It
points to something familiar, or even to something dark, which a person has
attached to his Self, and sometimes this may not be pleasant. It depends on the
individual, their setting and vibration level. It is the same today. Some people
cannot see anything under the in uence of Ayahuasca, many have projected
visual hallucinatory scenes of the astral world, and some even receive knowledge
and real guidance. Visual hallucinations are an extremely colorful, colorful astral
lm, they have a fascinating and hypnotic effect. They are typically mistaken for
the spiritual. They are also spiritual, they just need to be understood correctly. If
snakes and leopards appear in them, then they are predators connected to the
consciousness of the soul. The colorful mixture of owers, vines, paintings,
symbols, faces of shamans, devils and imaginary angels and intertwining plants,
for example, represents a confusing tropical jungle in which danger lurks. In a
different state of consciousness, demons and devils have also manifested
themselves to people, who intend to feed on them at other times as well.
People used Ayahuasca to improve their mood, mass abused its high mission, but
not for their spiritual development, but for the high mood and hallucinogenic
effects that accompany its use. More important for them were the hallucinatory
and constantly changing scenes of the captivating astral world. By comparison, it
gradually developed into the form when people today, numbed by beer, sit in
front of the television and dully watch low-value programs, which also push
subliminal messages into their subconscious. People abused Ayahuasca en masse
and that is why the Spirit turned away from them. He was replaced by the Dark
Spirit, who gradually replaced their high spirits with gloomy ones. The Dark

Spirit conveyed the Devil to many people. He promised them that they would
have a good time, as they wanted, but for that they had to marry him and do
some “little thing” for the Devil, in the future, when the time comes. Many have
approached it.

The chaining of the plot is gradual, the plot has its own sequence and happens step
by step.

Much later, many of these same souls gave themselves to Satan, communed with
the Devil, or otherwise joined him, and this continues with them to this day.
Some souls managed to escape from the monster’s clutches in time. The soul
gradually falls down until it passes the point of no return. On his way down,
however, he meets souls who are progressing upwards, they have not sunk too
deep, and the demonstration of what lies deep below was completely enough for
them to look through, see, nd out and recognize what is (for them) good and
what is not. These enlightened souls on the rise warned and admonished them,
but the falling souls did not listen. It happened often. Satori in Mu also
admonished people to be more moderate and to use ON’s gifts for what they
were meant for and not just for their licentious goals. To get to know and
improve their consciousness. But the people didn’t listen and didn’t listen. Their
Egos controlled by the Dark Spirit were on the rise. The arti cial Spirit of the
Matrix was still in its infancy at that time, it was also taking shape gradually.
When something is abused for a long time, it will reverse. It goes down and the
other side of the coin is prophesied. It loses its charm and the pleasant effect
turns into an unpleasant one. ON Grace is freed from ON Grace and turns into
the emptiness of Vanity. The ayahuasca stopped working and the depressive
states returned to an even greater extent in the inhabitants of Mu. Street riots,
skirmishes broke out, people started ghting and murdering each other; they
railed especially against those they blamed for their bleak condition. Some
groups forced Satori to return the pleasurable states of Ayahuasca to them so they
could drug themselves into unconsciousness.
Paradise was despised by the people, it all went down. History repeats itself and
something similar is probably waiting for us in this era as well. People are mostly
unteachable, but we will see if something has changed compared to the past,
which is being repeated here for the xth time.
ON then prophesied to the people a libido and a greater affection for sex, so that
people would have something to entertain themselves. Libido is accompanied by
emotional energy packets sent to the lower chakras, evoking the desire for sex.
However, it also had another meaning, and later in Lemuria it was sharpened
and misused for (almost) Kámasutra porn and for draining energies with Sacred

Sexuality. In Mu, sexuality formed primordial partner relationships and
generated mutual connections, and especially those formed at the beginning
caused extremely strong bonds that lasted for millennia. To this day, these karmic
relationships bind those who joined together in Mu and later Atlantis,
challenging them to deal with the darkness that their relationships entailed. Their
incarnated clones and split souls also merge.
Gods can’t do anything, just like wizards can’t conjure anything in real life. They
just mutter their curses and incantations and perform ritual movements of
various kinds. When the gods cursed or cursed something, it was brought into
reality by the Devil, who is an agent of Satan in the ON World and therefore
contains a small part of ON in his “I”. Otherwise, ON could not exist in the
world. The Devil is the transitional Zone between ON and Satan; it is a worm
climbing out of a canal to the earth’s surface; it is similar to when fog oats over
the sea surface, it separates the upper air from the lower salt water. In the fog,
you can’t see and you never know when a Devil Octopus will emerge from the
dark depths of the sea world to drag you down with its tentacles, drown you,
and eat you.
The devil himself will not perform any of what he promises to naive and
uneducated souls. The devil only mediates it. Everything is done and manifested
into reality by ON, the World Mind. ON prophesies it so that everyone gets what
they want and that at the same time the universal rules of the ON World and
ON’s intentions are ful lled. ON brings his own into the chaos of curses,
rottenness of intentions and negativity of the attitudes of gods and men. ON
brings Regularity to Chaos. The gods never knew exactly how or if their magic
and curses would manifest into reality. The gods only expressed their intentions
in general terms, which they wanted to happen, sometimes in certain details, and
then waited for the result.
Even today the gods/mentals just sit somewhere in the dark and in one piece, 24
hours a day, 7 days a week they curse and curse. They basically do nothing else.
Can you imagine such a life? They chose such a life because, on the one hand,
they did not want to submit to the regularity of the stages of development and
forced themselves into the astral Zone, in which they are still today. Sometimes,
when they were still on the horse, they did other things. They were famous,
powerful, and beautiful, and they had great possibilities, which they could use in
other ways than for tyranny and their depraved appetites, resulting from their
desires for excessive (divine) power and from the fear of Satan. Today they are
eating a hole in the other side of the coin so they can slip into the hellish lower
ON Places, because no one escapes (their) ON. The same applies to earthlings,
the gods are given here as an example, because the inevitability of their fate is
manifested to them in advance compared to earthlings.

ON prophesies and manifests everything into reality. Gods, devils and dark
people, when they sense an opportunity, want to turn the Divine into the Devil,
to lay it on the altar of Satan. If they overdo it, then they will eat it themselves.
Mu began to sink to the bottom of the sea and was doomed. It can also be
understood as a symbol of the direction that humanity as a whole was already
taking at that time. Under the ground, into the underworld, closer to the hellish
ON Places. It was an expected development, because something similar has
happened many times before. When people get too much welfare without having
to earn it with their adequate creative activity, they don’t value it, and what it
leads to, we know that well from known history. When people do not use their
reason, which was given to them for some reason, and prefer to let themselves be
controlled by emotions and feelings, by the vanity of their Self and the dullness
of their Ego, which tells them that “it can’t be like that”; so their reason in the
sense of the Spiritual Heart and the Enlightened Mind will be stunted and
replaced by its failed copy, which is the reason of the Arti cial Spirit of the
The earth was and still is at least partially empty from the inside. There are
(huge) hollow spaces in it, lled with either empty space, air/gas, or water.
Astronomical ON prophesied cosmic events, the yby of a planetary body that
triggered tectonic changes in the earth’s crust, causing the great continent of Mu
to sink until it became the bottom of the Mu sea. The gods cursed it so that it
happened like this and therefore they are (also) responsible for such global
disasters. After all, it was buried kilometers below sea level, and what remains of
it are the peaks of its highest mountains, known today as Paci c islands, such as
Easter Island and Hawaii.
Be careful what you wish for, because it could happen. It is also necessary to be
aware of who is evoking thoughts and feelings in your (feeling) mind that lead
you to prefer or to positively expect a global catastrophe with fatal consequences
for the fate of (parts of) humanity. Realize this and decide internally whether it is
really your own attitude or not yours and some demon/devil is planting it in
your consciousness so that he can accuse you and others like you of it sometime
later, for example at the posthumous judgment, of being that’s what they wanted
and therefore you are jointly responsible for it. But you would have to say that
somewhere physically beforehand, or write somewhere that you want it that way.
even in such a case it would be possible to gain knowledge, correct one’s attitude
and come to terms with ON. The devil does not know how to operate with
internal attitudes, he cannot see into them. It only knows about some of your
physical expressions (facial expressions). However, the false gods acted
differently, literally perversely, because they planted various mental, thought and
feeling stimuli in the minds of many that you prefer (in this case) a global

catastrophe and then they intend to punish you immediately for it, for example
with some disease. They punished many, for example, with the global Covid
epidemic, even those who did not want it at all, neither in mind nor in
feelings. The gods also hardened the Devil’s institute and they are his agents.
God doesn’t care at all about your inner attitude, in fact they don’t even know
about it. They have often seen them on plasma astral replicas of your astral body,
color ickers and movements of emotions that (mostly) cursed you themselves.
The Mu continent sank gradually, it took a long time, but there were also jump
changes, caused by close ybys of cosmic (planetary) bodies, which provoked
earthquakes and tsunamis. The yby of one large planetary body around the
Earth caused minimal damage, but its second yby has already caused fatal
tectonic changes. The earth sank, the waters rose and ooded the land. These two
events took place in a relatively short period of time. When the waters rose,
people quickly ran underground, into canals and tunnels, through which they
wanted to get to safety. Many perished. Under Mu, in addition to the tunnels
deep under the earth’s crust, there were also large cavities in which it was
possible to travel by air, the means of transport of the time. Migration and
establishment of new nations exported from Mu to other continents had already
taken place before. The waters rose massively and Mu sank deep down. People
were informed about what was going to happen. They knew about the slow
sinking of the continent, and they were also familiar with the apocalyptic leap
change, but they took it lightly, as well as its causes and effects. Just like today.

Inferno Atlantis

It was a time of prevailing darkness and magic, especially black magic; too
romantic ideas about Atlantis are not very appropriate. Myths about Atlantis as a
(technologically) advanced civilization are more a utopia than a reality,
because the maturity of Atlantis consisted mainly in the massive spread of
applied magic, which was used almost everywhere and became a common part
of life. However, the use of magic also resulted in “technological” miracles, which
were created differently from what we know today.
The level of consciousness of the Atlanteans has shifted from low 5D down to
low 4D due to their evolution in the Mu civilization. The 4D astral plane is the
magical plane where miracles manifest. Magic in Atlantis was massively used
because it was possible and it worked for some who had the aptitude for it. It
was a low area of the 4D astral plane, as both the dark and light side people
relied on magic to in uence the natural course of things. They formed groups
that constantly fought against each other and fought together, those who were
connected split up and re-united in new groups, quarrels arose between them
and things got mixed up in various ways.
Many energy cities, networks and terrestrial portals to other dimensions come
from the Atlantean period, even if they were also located on other continents;
were created and opened by incantations of magic. They were later enriched by
the darkness of (Satanic) rituals performed by more or less the same dark souls,
or their undertakers, in the same places in the post-Atlantean future. Shamballa,
Avalon, Shangri-la, Machu Picchu, Stonehenge, Tribeč, the haunted forest of Hoia
Baciu in Transylvania – many of the famous mystical “energetic” places have
their origin in Atlantis, some were created even later.
Atlantis was a causal consequence of previous developments. The previous Mu
civilization ended catastrophically in the waves of the Paci c, Paradise on Earth
failed, it was not accepted by people as it could have been. Sirens, centaurs, re-
breathing dragons, talking ravens, ying horses, giant monsters of various kinds,
magical and mythical creatures, hydras, harpies, minotaurs, medusa, vampires,
chimeras, hydras, satyrs, golems, gorgons, werewolves, water lizards, Loch Ness.
There were many creations and mutations of creatures and people had a lot to do
with them, they had a lot of activities with them of various kinds. Everything

possible happened in Atlantis, which would be considered impossible today.
Those mythical beings appeared on Earth even after the fall of Atlantis, in smaller
and smaller numbers, until they gradually disappeared. Respectively, some
individuals may continue to exist hidden in inaccessible places, or they are on the
astral level, where the human eye cannot see them with the sense of sight. Many
of the folk tales and mythological fables are based on this reality of the past. The
magic that was possible in Atlantis directly was gradually lost and dissipated by
the downward development of the consciousness of mankind; then it was done
mainly through the process of scienti c creativity and technologies, as we know
it even today.
Magic was dealt with only by some Atlanteans, those who knew it and had the
energy, possibilities and talents for it. White mages had talents in the sense of
settings and conveniences of souls, naturally they had the potential to use them
for dark purposes as well. They didn’t have dark sorcerer talents, they really
wanted them and so they had to get them black. The Dark Ones had talents in the
sense of currency, because one talent was also a unit of monetary currency, which
corresponded roughly to the price of 25 to 36 kg of gold in ancient Greece. The
talent of the Dark Ones was their unscrupulousness, insidiousness and the
immense desire of their Ego. They did not hesitate to use, abuse and trip up
anyone just to achieve their goals. White wizards were recruited for promises of
gold, women and power. Many white sorcerers turned black in Atlantis and still
haven’t gotten out of this karmic frenzy. Apparently, they won’t even get out of it.
They are still active somewhere around here, trying to do some magic, but they
hardly succeed anymore. Wizarding powers could be bought from other wizards,
or obtained by offering them to sell their souls to the Devil, or by tricking and
manipulating them. The Dark Bandits in Atlantis used these methods as well and
communicated with the Devil many times to gain powers from him and sold
themselves to him many times. They also promised him that they would bring
the souls of other people to the altar of Satan.
If you would like to create an approximate idea of Atlantis, the movie Lord of the
Rings is quite an adequate image of it in a certain period, located somewhere
near its end. Artists, writers and lmmakers are from time to time inspired by
higher levels and transform their perceptions into forms that are an impressive
and quite adequate image of the past, or even future alternatives, their real and
symbolic representation.
Mordor, the open all-seeing eye of Sauron, constant battles between humans and
various monsters, magic was the order of the day, from one side and the other.
There were also nice people in Atlantis who lived separately. However, they were
weaker and unable to face the ever-growing Evil without teaming up with the
white wizards and learning how to face the Evil. Evil wanted to destroy them

and conquer them for a simple reason. Darkness in various forms and re ections
wants to absorb the Light, because it does not have its own and does not even
have the ability to acquire it through creative knowledge and the evolution of the
soul upwards to the heavenly places. Vain, empty people want to conquer loving
people, they want to rob them of their energy of grace in some way. It’s always
the same: a symbolic “fairytale” ght between Good and Evil, which through
development acquired a re ned and insidious form from a direct clash.
Nowadays, for many it is not obvious at the rst glance, or even at the second
glance, who is the “good” and who is the “bad” proponent of Satan, such as
politicians and celebrities, who are daily in the media and begging for attention;
but also in ordinary people.
The dark ones constantly attacked the light or gray ones, but also against other
dark ones, they wanted to subjugate them to join them. People looked up to those
who had a talent for white or black magic and joined one or the other. The light
needed white wizards to defend themselves against the dark who had black
wizards on their side. At that time, it was still quite clear who belonged to which
side. But even that gradually disappeared. People were losing their sense of
perception of others on an extrasensory level. It wasn’t as fake and mixed up as it
is today.
Atlantis was a karmic consequence of the Mu civilization, and karma was
manifested directly to humans, so to speak. What people participated in Him and
what they immersed themselves in in their lives in Him, they received in return
in full. Without pillow and without shock absorber. In Mu, they immersed
themselves en masse in pleasant feeling energies and thus in Atlantis they
received unpleasant feelings from the other side, not only on an emotional level,
but also on an astral-physical level. Matter became the content of (most) people’s
lives, and so the level on which people’s consciousness was prophesied became
more and more materialized and accordingly fell to a lower level.
Those who had the most karma from the Pleiadian Mu also had the most
unpleasant states (lives) in Atlantis, it was a karmic consequence that they
brought from previous lives in Mu. They were the same souls that incarnated
from Him in Orion Atlantis. Atlanteans were already signi cantly more than
there were people in Mu, because souls were already starting to be cloned and

The dark ones in Atlantis did not feel good with their karma and wanted to
improve their condition at the expense of those who had less karma, had more
energy and more “light”.

They accused the bright ones of having more than they did, of somehow taking
what they thought was theirs. They envied the bright ones. They wanted to take
their light and with the light their power. The dark wanted to either destroy and
rob the light, or rope them into their dark side to work for them, to use their
talents to their advantage. The dark ones wanted to gain power, they wanted to
have the upper hand over the light ones, and in order to subdue the light ones,
they decided to gain power through magic. The dark ones joined clans, began to
dress allegorically, similar to the way Hells Angels biker gangs dress today, hung
themselves with various symbols and had metal wings put on them to
demonstrate their “divine” essence. It may sound comical at rst, but let’s not
forget that Atlantis was not a completely physical plane as it is today. It was a
more subtle astral level in which it is created by a different magic than today in
workshops and laboratories for bio-genetic research. Wizards also created
various monsters and mutants with magic, which are still known today from
ancient legends and fables. Among other things, they were supposed to help
them and lure the bright into their traps, or tyrannize and destroy them.
The brightest ones did not have much strength in terms of military skills and
tactics. The ght was mainly with applied magic and within it they did not have
many weapons, nor giants, at most ails and rakes. In order to resist the dark
ones, they had to join with others who were not so light, they were partly dark.
The defense of the light against the dark violence was not so successful, because
the violence provoked more violence, and in addition, the dark worked mainly
with black magic, using it to create powerful weapons both inanimate and living,
until they nally reached weapons of mass destruction. Magic could only be
fought with magic. Another option was to be fatalistically exterminated,
murdered and enslaved, which was also out of the question with common sense.
Atlantis is a lesson for today’s Light and those related to them, who, if they
identify too much with their “Light”, become a soft bunny, a sacri cial lamb,
defenseless and without a ght, ending up on the altar of Satan, or on the
banquet table of the Dark. It is necessary to defend and ght against the
Darkness, even with Transparent Magic. There is nothing light about allowing
yourself to be destroyed by the Dark Ones in the name of some manipulative
idealistic principles that are propagated by the Dark One. It is necessary to
educate yourself about ON, gain knowledge about ON and yourself and
cooperate with your Spirit. It is related to Transparent Magic, and at the same
time, these are things that the Darkness does not possess. Otherwise, we will end
up back where we have been for millennia: wars, violence, tyranny, genocide,

“We gained some time, but we got a chance. Find a way to ght back. When you
can ght, ght. Help each other. Be ready for anything. Our war has just begun. ”
—World War Z

When the violence and wars between the clans took on a mass scale of
destruction, the Atlantean epoch was ended, like Mu, ending with a huge
disaster and the sinking of the continent under the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
The Atlantean civilization lasted for millennia and its inhabitants also emigrated
to other continents. After its sinking, the remnants of this civilization remained in
other parts of the world, evolving into diversity and in uencing the peoples who
lived there.
The Atlantis disaster swept off the face of the earth all those who were there, if
they did not manage to get out of there in time. Even before that, the dark
wielders of the tin wings had sworn with the Devil that they wanted to be
immortal and have divine power. The dark ones split up. A part of them
remained on Earth: they are today’s illuminati and the earthly “elites” who pull
the earthly strings of power. The second part remained at a low astral level,
because they did not want to incarnate on Earth and be subject to their
karma. They wanted to cooperate with their earthly compatriots from the astral
level, from the universe, in such a way that they will rule humanity from the
position of “gods” and their earthly accomplices of darkness will transfer their
common ideas on a massive global scale to humanity as such. Basically, they
intended to continue a similar tyranny as in Atlantis, only in a different way.
They are still the same souls that have been here for millennia. You are also one of
them, directly or indirectly. It is necessary to look at (one’s) present through the
eyes of the ancient past. Development repeats itself, development has its rules of
universal principles, and the development of Mu and Atlantis to their destruction
points to a prediction of a likely frosty future for humanity and the Earth.

Pleiadian creativity

The Atlanteans were subject to their karma, which they had created in their
previous incarnations in Mu. In Mu, humanity’s consciousness was at the 4D/5D
level, they could create with feelings and thoughts. However, people (with
exceptions, because everything is not black and white) ignored it because they
were lazy, apathetic and the only thing they were interested in was killing their
time and getting drunk on the energy of grace, initially either from consuming
Ayahuasca, or later from debauchery, pranks and mutual ghts. This is not
creation, but it is destruction, consumption, the consumption of energy of grace
to passively enrich oneself with a eeting and empty feeling of pleasantness,
from which in the end there is nothing to bene t from, only the need to repeat it
The others were used to creating with feelings and thoughts from the Pleiadian
ON Place, where they previously resided, and intuitively it was not so appealing
to them. In addition, it was necessary to think and think on a higher 5D level in
order to have a reasonably pleasant feeling, and at that level most people no
longer had consciousness. They lost it before and so they would have to acquire it
anew and process their karmic accounts, their past deeds, which caused them to
lose the consciousness of the higher 5D.
Another reason was that the intensity of the perception of pleasures on the
earthly level is much more intense than on the Pleiadian level, because the astral
and physical bodies are also involved, which is not available on the Pleiadian 5D
level. People mostly wanted to cover up a vanity void in mind and soul and
solved it by proposing another void; and that was the Vanity of intoxicating
feelings, instead of using all the available possibilities creatively in a proper way,
to actively process something with a higher consciousness and not just passively
receive it. Not everyone did so, but roughly three-quarters of the population at
the time. Covering emptiness with emptiness only brings more emptiness and
that too is Vanity. We still share the consequences of this action today.
In Atlantis, people’s consciousness was reduced to the 4D astral dimension, in
which it is possible to create with magic, but not with feelings and thoughts (as in
5D), but mainly by uttering speci c incantations and curses, and thus they
created mostly with words and thoughts. Magic was realized directly, without

intermediaries, as is the case today, for example. Today, when someone says an
incantation or uses a ritual, for example he wants to cleanse someone of negative
energy, then in reality it will be done for him (if at all) by some other being/entity
that has consciousness at a higher level, but this is not at all a measure of
positivity and nobility that being. It can easily be the devil’s helper. That being
also performs the request for magic through someone else and takes a pro t from
the shaman in the form of energy of grace. That’s usually how it is.

Creating by magic is like multi-level marketing, it is a chain of mediators from

different levels of being, from earthly, to astral, emotional, to mental. Although
some may see something, none of them know how the magic formulas manifest into
reality and who exactly will do it. Everyone in the magic supply chain is just
saying magic words and making magic moves with magic symbols and objects.
Basically, they do nothing at all, they just feed on someone who does it all in the
reality of another level of being, and on this they massage their Egos about how
spiritual, clever and talented they are.

On Earth, we are mostly consciousness in 3D, and therefore magic is hardly

realized, and if it is, it is mostly through intermediaries, and even that is nowhere
near as fast as it was in the past. Therefore, magic is cumbersome and unreliable,
and intermediaries lie, cover up and forge. There are also exceptions where it is
different, but they are very few. Technological achievements are basically also
magic, it is creation by deed and thought.
In Mu, the consciousness of the people there was at the 4D/5D level, which
means that their feelings were felt extremely intensely. If people did not have a
source of pleasant feelings, arising for example from the ingestion of Ayahuasca,
they were replaced by extremely unpleasant depressive feelings. Instead of
intoxicating themselves with the love energy delivered to their Self from the
outside, they could create, think about something, get to know, and they could
also feel good about it, it would be generated from inside them, by their own
activity. It would not be so intense, but it would be more permanent and the
results of knowledge from creation would remain with the person so that they
could build on other knowledge. That is Pleiadian creativity. That is 5D
consciousness. It is not at all unconditional love and helpfulness for everything
that moves or does not move, as it is often mentioned. These are just the
manipulations of the miserable gods and their lackeys, so that by forcing such
beliefs into the consciousness of the loving ON Helpers, they will ensure their
compliance and meekness, so that they will be helpful to them, worship them
and not rebel.

Pleiadian creativity is the perception of the surrounding world through one’s
inner self, thinking with a Spiritual Heart and an Enlightened Mind. It is a silent
search for connections between the Event of Life and the Principles of Creation.
The silent search is because at the high 5D level it happens mainly by radiation,
and this means that the result of the search is the thought-verbal formulation of a
magical sentence only minimally. To a large extent, it is a feeling of the emanation
of the Inner Truth that ON will prophesy on the upper 5D. It is also possible to
concretize the radiation, a suitable language is mostly dream symbolism,
combined with a smaller part of mental expression. Silent search outside does not
mean plunging into meditation, although even that is sometimes appropriate to a
limited extent. You can also look for connections if you are watching an action
movie or a comedy that will make you laugh.
It is appropriate to be a normal and not a saintly dry ascetic who has nothing to
gain from life. However, it is also appropriate to intuitively perceive the right
measure, which whispers from the inside, from whence-as long as it is still
appropriate for ON and when the opposite ON, who would like to take the reins
over your Self, is already starting to make up. Pleiadian creativity, by correctly
estimating its adequacy, creates energy of grace, which is stored in the
individual’s “reservoir” at different levels. And this “energy” is exactly what
Satan’s slaves crave, who use all sorts of tricks to steal energy from loving ON
Helpers, preferably so that they themselves “voluntarily” give it to them under
manipulative pressure. The degree of adequacy cannot be de ned, because its
dynamics change over time, according to different life circumstances, internal
state, developmental stage, or under the in uence of other needs.
Pleiadian creativity is also a two-way spillover of energies and suspected
intentions. It is perception from top to bottom, through the intuitive inside of a
person, through understanding and understanding, his attitudes change and new
or improved knowledge occurs. At the same time, this internal change is radiated
from within him upwards, to a level which, due to the power of what is
understood, affects the reality of the person to whom it is then appropriately
The more people are attuned with their consciousness to the higher part of the 5D
level of Pleiadian creativity, the more they intuitively and (un)consciously create
a common reality, without necessarily having to specify it in detail. This is done
by the mystical action of ON, who perceives the radiation and in response
radiates back what is then projected into the reality of the human group of ON
Helpers creating knowledge.

Clones: new and split souls

It can be bene cial to nd out where you belong as a soul. Maybe while reading
or after reading this article, an immediate (emotional) thought will jump into
your mind, whether you are a new soul, an old soul, how and where you t. This
rst sudden thought may with a considerable degree of probability be true. Or
pure sunshine tingles your nose sometime later. It is good to know where you are
on the map of your soul’s journey and to arrange yourself accordingly.

New souls

Clones – new souls – are sometimes also called zombies, or spiritless souls.
Although such a name may sound derogatory at rst glance, there is nothing
wrong with it, it is an allegory because it is part of the normal evolution of the
soul. It is a stage that every soul must pass through. No soul, freshly created by
the primordial re of the Creator of Souls, has fallen from heaven learned, even if
it has some foundations.
Clones are new or renewed souls. They typically lean towards the majority, do
not have such original creative ideas and accept the majority opinion as their
own. They are as if they had one mother, which is why they are called clones.
They do not yet have enough of their own experiences from past lives to be
permanently stored in their DNA memory, they do not have the intuition of the
Spirit re ned so that they can quickly recognize what is (for them) good and
what is bad. Learning is their goal. Their derogatory names are mainly due to the
fact that the older souls quite logically resent the fact that the young souls, of
whom there are a large number, greatly in uence the global situation on Earth by
forming a mass that subscribes to the mainstream ideology, whatever it is. They
are easily in uenced in the sense that they adopt some worldview as their own
and then stick to it for a long time until something dramatic happens that forces
them to change it. The relationship between the old souls and the young is, by
comparison, similar to the relationship between the greasers and the soldiers in
the war – the newbies who have to be constantly admonished. The old souls then
scold the new souls for being naive and submitting to government power: why
did you get vaccinated, why do you vote for those thieves, why do you believe
the television and the press, what have you fallen on your head… However,

young souls are not only inexperienced, but also a big Ego that pushes their
stubbornness to the extreme. Old souls stand on both opposite poles, some of
them are old proponents of Satan.
New souls are typically added to the mainstream. They are led there by the
feeling that if the majority recognizes it, then it is probably the right thing and it
is okay. But there are also new souls who have joined the other side. Leaning
towards an alternative, they are learning to recognize the falsehoods and
manipulations of this world, what is what and who is really who. They also often
like the dark side, which is why there are so many adherents of progressive
ideology, doctrines directed against the normality of humanity, and invokers of
Satanism in various forms. Their inclination towards the light or dark side of
creation can also be in uenced by their life circumstances, family upbringing,
people they are surrounded by.
For the (new) spiritless souls, the characteristic symbolism is Sirius, the brightest
star in the constellation of Canis Major, led by Orion, the leading sign of the
Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix.
New souls (clones) do not have a Spirit. They are soulless. Not that they do not
have the Spirit at all, they have in their Self the sensory germ of the Spirit. Souls,
however, have to evoke him through their work on themselves, summon him so
that their Spirit begins to attend to them.
New souls are typically devoted to more mundane things, they are mainly
devoted to work, family, matter, nature, relationships with other souls (people),
and they usually have no time or desire to devote themselves to the spiritual
path. After that, the spirit only occasionally speaks to new souls, buzzing to see if
anyone is at home to pick up the phone. It is a dream parable. If no one picks up
and the soul is not interested, then the Spirit will move away. You will wait,
because the time will come when the person/soul will call him desperately
himself, when he gets into a critical situation. It is better to be pro-active earlier
than radio-active later.

Indigo children

The name clone also has its rational reason. ON creates souls according to his
current mood, and that in a certain sense also corresponds to how the
distribution of forces on Earth develops and what the trend of preferences of
earthly souls is. Suitable examples are indigo, crystal and other extraordinary
children. If people on Earth, and therefore new souls, prefer to be in uenced by
religions, esotericism and the New Age, they will wear out and weather over
time, it will no longer be the same. Thus, ON will bring something new to the
people on Earth: indigo, diamond and crystal children, shockingly talented and

programmed with quasi-spiritual information that will confuse them even more,
because people prefer that and have not yet discovered, or rather do not want to
discover, where the truth is. It’s like stretching a rubber band between two trees
to walk on. When it loosens, and that’s when the old teaching stops giving you
solid ground, you can’t lean on it any more, so you stretch the rubber more. You
stretch it until it snaps and then you’re left with nothing but an empty space and
you fall to the ground.
Indigo and crystal children look downright angelic, but some look like little
demons. Appearances are deceiving and nothing is as it seems to the senses at
rst glance. They are programmed new pure souls who seem to know a lot about
unknown things and here they act in the Matrix show. They regurgitate their
stories from past lives to astonished listeners, even though they seem
demonstrably believable and some of their circumstances t. They can be
excerpts from the reality that happened to them here in the past, someone from
above made it possible and fed the information to the children’s consciousness.
Alternatively, it could be information from someone else’s past life. Sometimes
you too can dream a dream, the plot of which does not belong to you. These
children are supposed to teach earthlings. There is no way that some semi-robotic
soul that just landed here, without massive experience on Earth, could teach
people in a way that would truly bene t them. These children are just another
trick, an advertisement, used to lead the consciousness of (part of) humanity to a
dead end.

The Elect and the Righteous, the Self-willed and the Sinners

Part of the new souls are the Righteous, who take appropriate attitudes towards
Him and are on the right path directed by the trajectory of the Spirit to the Light.
However, this does not mean that they will not stumble along the way, but that is
already the cognitive process. They are a signi cant minority of new souls. A
large part of the new souls are self-willed, they do not have that much karma,
because they are more or less new souls, but they are directed towards the
Darkness by excessive promotion of their Ego. It is also a cognitive process,
because it can be said with exaggeration:

“A rm standing tree that reaches high into the sky has its roots deep in hell”.

But here it is necessary to know the right measure, because when one falls too
deep, there is a point of no return.
At the beginning of the Mu civilization, the primordial Pleiadian landing force
numbered a few hundred thousand souls, and at the end of the Mu it was several
million souls. So what happened during the thousands of years of the Mu

civilization? Apparently, it was a moderate, total increase of about ten times the
population in more than thousands of years. Most of the people of Mu moved to
other parts of the world before its disaster. The original airdrop was the Pleiadian
souls, who set out on an educational Cycle to Earth. During the duration of Mu,
more and more Pleiadians arrived, but new souls were also arriving. As time
passed in the following future, the number of newly arrived Pleiadians became
smaller and smaller, as the situation on Earth proved to be unacceptable, the
earthly events were full of violence, wars, diseases and problems. They knew
about it, and perhaps, with exceptions, they did not want to enter such a world.
The chosen ones are those primordial souls who incarnated on Earth voluntarily,
from the Pleiadian ON Place. They were not externally forced to continue the
cognitive evolution of their soul. They wanted it themselves. They took
advantage of the opportunity to participate in the Earth Project (almost) from the
beginning, and they use the cognitive process signi cantly for the bene t of their
soul’s upward evolution. There are quite a few of them.
Sinners are also Pleiadians who came to Earth in the beginning, but also later,
and are strongly on the side of Darkness. There are a little more of them than the
chosen ones. New or renewed souls are added to both. Sinners do not have the
Spirit because they refused to be led by it and preferred the Dark Spirit. Some of
them remain undivided (undivided souls) and this includes well-known
proponents of Satan, earthly “elites”, warmongers, mass murderers and black
wizards (even if they don’t look like that at rst glance). They work out their
karma by sinking deeper into it because they no longer have a Spirit to guide
them. The second part of Sinners avoids knowing their deeds and correcting
them. They cover up, they turn to other paths and they are candidates for the
division of their souls.
Both the Elect and the Sinners are experienced souls, but in different ways. They
tend towards the mutually opposite side of creation, but both very often refuse to
believe the manipulations of the media and submit to the tyranny of government
power. If they submit to it, then consciously, because it suits them for some
reason. Both the alternative and the spiritual are also partly occupied by dark
souls who present, sell and consume it. Even bright souls can be found there, it’s
colorful and really mixed.

Divided souls

The symbolism of the division (cloning) of astral human souls is newborn twins
(triplets, multiples). These are also divided souls that are born to one mother.
This is also how ON shows us how it is with the division of souls.

The dark old souls have a lot of accumulated karma from the beginning of their
time on Earth. Even before coming to Earth from the Pleiades, they vowed that
they wanted to have a good time on Earth and only wanted to enjoy the earthly
joys of matter. Even later, they swore that they wanted to have a good time all the
time and did not want to deal with any karma, the consequences of the deeds of
their dark past. ON prophesied it to them so that they would get it when they
wanted it so badly. This was one of the reasons why the souls split up, cloned
each other in a way.
At a lower astral level in Transit between lives, the soul had its astral copy
created. On the higher astral plane, the soul remains whole. The properties of the
soul remained to a large extent preserved in both souls, some were divided
between them, and if they met in the earthly life, they understood each other
very well, but they also partially opposed each other and were attracted to each
other. Their Spirit was also divided between the two halves. Since their Spirit was
a Dark Spirit, it was divided and thus the manifestation of their karma was
divided between them and was much milder than it would be under normal
circumstances. We are talking about two souls, two halves. There can be more
parts into which the soul is divided. Just as there are more twins, fewer triplets,
and even fewer quadruplets, so the number of times a soul splits into multiple
copies decreases with their number.
Divided souls are also parallel souls in a way, because some of the past selves of
the primordial soul ipped into its copy (clone), and each of the souls is then
subject to its karma only from the part it has been assigned. One soul takes
responsibility for part of the karma of the original whole soul, for some of its (its)
lives, and the clone takes over the other part of the karma related to the
remaining lives. Takes over some Selves from past lives. However, this applies
only during earthly lives, because after the end of the Cycle, the divided souls are
united into one whole soul, all karma is fully manifested in astral purgatory to
the soul already united into the original whole. These souls wanted to escape
their ON, they didn’t want him, they didn’t want to know their Shadows. The
universal principle is alignment (harmonization) and it happens in different
ways. One of them is Purgatory, where knowledge is prophesied to the soul in a
different way than on Earth, where it was avoided, and thus harmonization and
reconciliation will occur.
Another reason for the division of souls is, in addition to the already mentioned,
the need to preserve some sort of global acceptability of life on Earth. If the souls
remained whole, undivided, we would have a large number of Hitlers, strigs and
incarnated antichrists here on Earth, who would make life hell for others on
Earth, if they did not search for and destroy them anew every time they

Divided souls are sometimes born as twins to the same mother, but also to
different parents. They have common interests, preferences, similar things
happen in their lives. They have a common mental space to some extent and
therefore have a similar mindset. Sometimes they incarnate into life in close
proximity to each other and quite naturally gravitate towards each other. Being a
divided soul can also be a theoretical advantage, because when one part of the
soul is stubborn, does not intend to properly process anything from its Shadow
and get a little higher with its evolution, then the other part of the soul has a
theoretical chance due to its different living conditions parts of the Shadow to
solve something under different circumstances and thus contribute their part to
the whole.

Collect the fragments of your soul

When we leave a place with a shadow in our soul, we leave something of

ourselves there and stay there even if we go away. There are things in us that we
can only rediscover when we return to that place. When we go to that place, we
travel to each other, although we have since passed a part of our life, no matter
how long or short it is. For us, it is an energetic place that communicates
something to us with its spirit and will call you to itself and attract you like a
magnet throughout your lives.
Fragments of the soul are energetic particles of the soul that you leave in some
place under the in uence of traumatic and emotionally tense situations, the
drama of life-determining experiences. A soul fragment is an energetic
testimony of something that happened there at that time, it carries with it an
electronic signature, the id code of your soul, the codes of the beings who were
there with you at the time and a record of all the situational circumstances that
acted there, what caused them and why at that moment they were leading.
The drama of a life-de ning experience can appear subtle on the surface, and the
moment it happens, you often don’t even notice the experience. Later, you will
remember her and realize that she left an energetic hole in your soul, which will
be lled by a mining stone. After some time you will forget about it and in the
next life you will not even remember these dramas. When you nd yourself in a
certain place or near a certain person, you perceive only a vague feeling that
something is strange, that something is not quite right, that something is missing;
or there is a vague sense of fateful anticipation of an important event. Soul shards
tend to join the original soul when the circumstances are right and the Spirit of
Knowledge allows it.
If the Dark Soul has left its dark energy fragment in the other soul, which
manifests itself as an injury to the Light Soul, it may also feel that something
extraordinary is happening. Dark energy, which is anchored to the Light Soul,
wants to return “home”, to the Dark Soul. It is similar to the Light Soul, which
when it was injured by the Dark, the injury caused the transfer of its light energy
(fragment) to the Dark Soul, and that energy also wants to return “home”, that is,
to where it was torn from. When one of the souls (the Light Soul) reaches
knowledge and comes to terms with ON, then the energy fragments exchange

each other and both energies return to where they were torn by the traumatic
event of the two souls. Since the dark soul has not reached knowledge, its
returned dark fragment will remain dark and in its evolution, it will move it as a
whole back a bit. The total darkness in the Dark Soul’s system will be increased
and a karmic record will be added to it, because it has not come to knowledge
and has not come to terms with the Light Soul. It’s as if her energy comes back
not in a round shape that would ensure her gentle inclusion, but in a jagged
shape, like a sharp star shape that will miss her, bother her and cause problems.
The drama of a life experience can also be similar to an explosion or ash of a
volcanic eruption. When the drama deploys the revolutionary effect of its
revelation, it immerses your life in a completely new light, lifts the curtain and
presents itself to you, which was hidden and secret until then.
Your fragments are calling you to themselves, they want to reconnect with your
soul, which for them is their base, from which they separated long ago, to act as
your extended monument to times long past and as a secret memory of souls still
present somewhere and events from the past that are still alive. When you
happen to be in that place, or in the vicinity of the karmic soul, a self-acting
process takes place for your open and receptive soul. You will connect with your
code to the portal of your fragment where you left it and this will lead to the
opportunity to know your past. In order for the opportunity to be used, it is
necessary to perceive the spirit of that place or person with the intuition of your
Spirit, let them connect with each other and lead you into the hall of knowledge
of the holographic lm of your historical event, fragments of knowledge of what
happened then. Knowledge will come immediately, sometimes later, even much
later. Until the soul fragments are joined to their original soul with the glue of
knowledge until they are rmly held together, it may take a certain amount of
time to mature, and it may be necessary to collect other soul fragments. It may be
appropriate to test the acquired truth with the triad of the pillars of knowledge.
ON is All That Is, ON is the World Mind and ON is also the Cybernetic Druid. If
you travel on the River of Life, some things happen to you by His mysterious
doing, and you get into places and situations that can help you gain knowledge
about your own Self. It will happen without you even knowing how; and if you
are awake and perceptive, you will enter Narnia through the open door of the
closet and you will watch in amazement how seemingly small things with great
signi cance happen to you and comprehensive mental and dream sensations
arrive, which harmonize with each other and glue the information puzzle
together. They can help you glue together the miraculous mirror that shattered
when you rattled on the crossbars pulled by stubborn donkeys along the broken
dusty roads of life; to be able to see yourself as you were in the past.

Somehow you get to the place where you have the fragment of your soul. In any
case, that place is ON Place, it can be a xed physical place on Earth, or a moving
place in another human soul with whom you had something to do in the past. It
is the energy that you have left behind in another soul that serves as a connection
that calls your karmic relationship into alignment.
Each soul fragment is like an energy key that unlocks forgotten doors to old
places you’ve been to. When you collect a suf cient number of your fragments,
you open the door to several mirror halls, your soul gets into a state where it sees
itself better in the mirror hall of knowledge, the process of processing its
Shadows accelerates, and consciousness becomes aware at a higher and higher
level. If you give up this option, you are giving up something that you might
regret at the end of your life. There are far, far better things ahead than those we
leave behind; however, if things are left unresolved, then the stone in the soul
does not allow new things to be seen in the right light.

Do you want to start your spirituality? Write!

People mostly don’t want to contemplate other people’s texts, or they don’t know
how to concentrate on it enough. Here is a multi-purpose technique that will help
you learn to contemplate and at the same time start your spiritual evolution, or if
it is already started, you can direct it to a more correct path. I point out that your
way, not the way that someone else tells you is the right way.
There are many methods of deception in spirituality, but there are basically two
ways to be deceived. One is to believe what is not true and another is to refuse to
believe what is true.
Writing texts about your own experiences, knowledge and knowledge of your
own Self in the space-time Universe will help you perceive your own writings as
well as the texts of other authors, which you will have to study and lter through
a sieve in order to be able to compare your knowledge with the experiences of
others. However, this does not mean at all that it has to sit well with them. It
doesn’t have to. Perhaps the knowledge of others does not t, or is distorted by
viewing it through a different lens.
Writing forces you to contemplate, because if you want to do it properly, and I
highly recommend it, you will have to re ect, think, lter your own thoughts and
memories, sort your knowledge, which of them is still valid, which turned out to
be fake, untruth, or manipulation, lter them through the sieve of your feelings
and intuition.
Spirituality is not about liking quotes, texts, or memes on social networks.
Nothing against it if someone wants to express their views like that… free will,
man. But it won’t get you very far. It is passively adding to something that
someone else has already created or copied from somewhere, and you don’t even
know what he meant, in what context he created it, and what energy is behind it.
When you write, it’s about your own experiences, experiences and the
knowledge you gained from it. You write for yourself and you don’t look at the
perception or reaction of a potential reader. You don’t care what he might think
about it. You write for yourself and not to order, or according to some trends or
clichés common in interest groups; which is a very common occurrence and it
becomes a habit. Nevertheless, write in such a way that your knowledge is
ipped into a textual form that would be acceptable to another reader.

If you draw from external sources, it is advisable to rely more on a written text
than on a text spoken via audio or video. Information submitted in this way, or
submitted in person, can be more easily gossiped and manipulated, because
other in uences come into play there, such as: the personality of the speaker; its
external appearance; the clothes; tone of voice colored with pathos, majesty;
environment; emotional energy in uences and the like. The spoken text ows
and it is not possible to return to it easily and especially, it is not possible to
contemplate it well and perceive one’s inner self. Audio and video disturb the
perception of internal stimuli and impulses.
And last but not least, to understand your own thoughts when you read your
own texts after a long time, to nd out what you actually perceived and
recognized at the time. This will force you to think carefully about what you
want to write and formulate it in a more or less comprehensible form; regardless
of whether you want to share it with others or not. In any case, not everything is
meant for the eyes and ears of the public.
If you think-write-create long enough and you take it honestly, then maybe your
Spirit will speak to you and start pouring inspiration and information in different
ways that will lead you further. Don’t stop and don’t give up. Be yourself, be
original. Well, what if you’ve never written lyrics and don’t know how to do it.
No learned man fell from heaven. After enough effort, something will change
and it will go easier and better. Not only writing, of course, because that is only
external, but the essential result of your knowledge. Through your own texts,
you will begin to see the contours of your own Self, until the image crystallizes
into a form that will tell you who you actually are in the entirety of your Soul and
your Spirit.
It is also about devoting a signi cant part of your free time to creative activities.
And writing is de nitely a creative activity, and since you will write about your
own Self in connection with various aspects of Creation and the Universe, you
will get to know it and what spirituality is in principle. You will observe your Self
through the lens of the Supreme Lord.
Commenting on others on social networks is also writing, but it has no higher
meaning, you just relieve yourself for a moment, you gossip about something
without knowing enough about it, enough to have some kind of right to
comment on it. Such commenting on the knowledge of other writers is of no use,
because it is mostly just digging into them with your Ego. The knowledge of
one’s Self and the individual view of the variability of Creation can take many
Writing one’s own experiences and knowledge is a creative activity, and this
results in a creative knowledge of your Self. You have dreams, visions, spiritual

and physical experiences from this life, maybe you have knowledge that others
do not have and you could bring it to the light of God for the general bene t. A
quite natural need is to bring Light to others. However, this will not happen if
you do not have the real Light of Knowledge within you. How else to bring it,
how to create something with signi cant content with your own hands;
something you have veri ed by your own original experience; and move it on?
This is a signi cant bene t of writing, because if you share your texts with others,
they can have an impact on them in terms of their lessons, they can light their
way, and they can navigate them more precisely. If they want it, they can avoid
unnecessary detours and you will save them the Light that they would have
wasted through detours and dead ends.
There are many new souls on Earth who do not know how to navigate well in the
general confusion that reigns in many aspects of Earth life. Bringing the Light of
Knowledge also has its other, shadowy side, and that is in uencing others by
giving them confusing, false, or manipulative information. Instead of the Light of
Knowledge, you then deliver them the Darkness of lies, half-truths,
manipulation, or nonsense.
It is necessary to separate the lightness of words and their violent verbal
subjugation by your complacency. Words can make something happen in the
world, push someone to move, or motivate them to stop and think. So don’t
waste your time, do something worthwhile with it. Attack the misconception that
there will always be time for it sometime later. Maybe there won’t be time for
that. Don’t miss yourself, don’t miss the train. Combine curiosity about the next
life with the realization that your time is running out. Do what makes you more
real, what brings you closer to yourself. Hidden wisdom lies in wandering
through the secret corners of your soul’s past to Understand and Understand, for
Self-Knowledge is Enlightenment.

Context: fascist Nippur and european elections

It was interesting and at the same time annoying to watch the false performance
of politicians, who “bowed in a front of the heroism of those who did not hesitate
to lay down their lives for the ideals of freedom, justice and democracy” and
claimed that “one must know how to stand up against the current danger” in the
form of neo-fascism and neo-nazism and against those who spread malice, hatred
and refuse to live in a world without wars”; that immediately the same politician
schizophrenicly declared that “our support for (fascist) Ukraine must not
slacken”. The fakeness of many politicians has no match and basically copies the
patterns of the mental visor of the Anunnaki entities, who manipulate it here on
Earth from the astral and mental spheres so that it reaches where they want.
Ukraine is seemingly a fascist state because its leadership is fascist as they openly
show in many ways. It is not just a random fad and recession that Ukrainian
of cials are bringing up WWII Nazi banders and sending soldiers hung and
tattooed with Nazi symbols, swastikas and SS skulls to ght the Russians. In this
way, they show their af liation to the offshoots of Satan, and through this
symbolically represented expression, they connect with its meaningful content.
Like the Nazis during World War II, the Ukronazis invoke satanic entities from
the higher realms and show their loyalty to them. EU politicians know about it,
and if they don’t, they should. They support the Nazis and that means they
support Satan. Ignorance does not excuse them, they should be informed that
they support the Nazis and that by these attitudes and actions they atter and
serve the great proponents of the Fascist Archon Anunnaki above in the astral
realm, and the Devil in the mental realm; and their helpers down here in the
western world, before and beyond the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. They will be
held accountable for it, whether in the physical world or in the non-physical
world. Death will wait for them anyway and purgatory will not pass them by.
The fascists, supported by the Western world, are ghting against Russia again. It
takes place only 80 years after World War II. Politicians are responsible for their
endorsements, and they are also responsible for not ful lling their promises to
voters and outright deceiving them. Even if the voters chose them by mistake or
on purpose, there was nothing in their campaign statements that they would
support the Nazis. On the contrary, they stood out against them and condemned

their political opponents for their clero-fascist tendencies. In the event of an
escalation of the war, they would not hesitate to send their citizens to war against
Russia, so supporting such politicians in elections, or otherwise, is not a small
thing or a formality. It is happening again, and again there is a signi cant part of
voters, who elect such politicians and thereby endanger not only themselves, but
also other residents. So be careful about who you choose as your representative
and what attitude you take towards it, otherwise you will also be jointly
responsible before the Higher Law.
They are still the same people, dark satanic souls, who have done the same thing
before, in their previous incarnations, in wars in recent and ancient history. In the
80 years since World War II, they have had time to die, reincarnate here, come of
age, and acquire a position that allows them to once again drive others, or even
themselves, into murderous wars. They are joined by other souls that fall down.
They were like that before, and they are here now; in a suf cient time interval
since the Second World War, they appear here in large quantities, especially in
countries that were also included in the war before.
Outwardly, they seem to be people. They have human bodies and speak human
language. However, they are marionettes, because the Devil works in their Self,
mediated by beings/entities operating in their consciousness. They cover
themselves on the outside sometimes with a nice, at rst glance reasonable, even
charming expression. This is how the Devil entices people to vote for him as their
representative who will defend their interests. The opposite is true, the Devil will
sell your soul to Satan and lead you to destruction. Then you realize with
politicians that it is just a learned pretense that has become their habit and they
then lie or manipulate completely automatically. Like bio-robots. When it
emerges from their true Self, then it must be remembered and remembered at the
appropriate moment.
Anunnaki, Grays, Greens, Blues, archons, Devil, Satan, reptilians, it doesn’t really
matter who from which ma a worked and works in the consciousness of earthly
fascists and their political, nancial and other minions – direct or indirect
warmongers of various kinds. Someone caused it to be and still is. They were
beings from higher dimensions who had the means to do so, and together with
them their earthly collaborators, not excluding people who, knowingly or
unknowingly, directly or indirectly, pull together with them. They were always
some speci c astral-mental beings who enjoyed the murder and tyranny of
others, to some extent, along with the consciousness of the earthly soul through
which they manifested.
The dark beings split up after the fall of Atlantis. Part of them remained in the
astral level, where they acted on humanity “from above” as gods, and part of

them remained on Earth. These are the illuminati, elites, rulers, top politicians,
scientists and the like who want to rule here, to introduce the New World Order,
or to lead humanity to the stage of (self)destruction. They remained here to carry
out the agenda of the Anunnaki gods in this reality. The Anunnaki help them in
this from the upper levels, so that they will live long, so that they will be
bequeathed immense wealth, which they will then use for their common goals.
Slovak politicians and other (media) in uencers of public opinion are not so high
in the hierarchy of earthly Anunnaki collaborators. They are their clones and are
on the lower rung, but they are trying hard to move up (actually it’s downward).
The great religions on Earth arose only after the fall of Atlantis. Due to the
reincarnation cycle, people forgot, their memory was erased, and the “gods”
didn’t have much to do with it. They came in spaceships and people fell on their
knees before them. But after a while, people gured out what kind of collection
those gods are. Religions and ideologies are the main obvious cause of wars. The
unrevealed cause is those who brought them here and these are astral-mental
(alien) beings who mediated miracles and earthlings who pressured them to
spread religions and ideologies. It was their own tribesmen who remained on
Earth, or earthlings who were fooled by them, cooperated with them and ended
up accordingly.
The Anunnaki “god” Enlil, known for his cruelty, was at the head of a mixed
army of earthlings and gods that slaughtered the Neanderthals after the fall of
Atlantis. It was a targeted genocide, similar to the genocide of the Slavs, whom
Hitler planned to exterminate once he had dealt with the Jews. Enlil and some of
the gods did not like that the Neanderthals were independent from them and
that they had a higher level of consciousness. Unlike the former Atlanteans, also
inhabiting the civilized world of Egypt and the Near/Middle East at that time;
and nally, unlike the Anunnaki; Neanderthals had intuitive perception at a
much higher level. Enlil’s army read the Nibiruans, but also the Earthlings, who
joined them and exterminated the Neanderthals together. Probably among the
soldiers of Enlil were the incarnational predecessors of the fascists, the
“Anunnaki”, who remained on Earth and the genocide of peoples remained in
their repertoire of tyranny as a tool worthy of use in the future. At the same time
as the stimuli to repeat the genocide sometime in their karmic future, they had an
opportunity to wake up and despite the offer not to repeat this karmic crime.
However, this is no longer possible, because if someone falls too deep into the pit,
he cannot get up. If someone wants to help him and wants to give him a helping
hand from above and pull him up, he will be pulled down himself.
Fascists used occult practices to invoke various occult forces, demons, dark aliens
to give them strength and power to achieve their goals. It is not the same in
Ukraine. We all know how the fascists of World War II ended, we have seen

where association with Satan leads. However, the fascists are only nished for a
time, because they are here again, trying to do the same thing as before. The
demon summoned them, and some particular astral spirit entered and worked
within their consciousness. So who committed all those war crimes and mass
murders, who is the mastermind behind all that mass suffering? They were the
people in their entirety, their Egos and false gods; they were the beings/entities
that operated in the minds of fascist organizers and murderers. They are their
“people”, including others who joined them. No Hell is deep enough for them.
They used the living bodies of fascists as an outer shell through which they
manifested in our physical world. When the Anunnaki Satan satiates himself
with the blood of the victims, he either withdraws and a milder helper of Satan
takes his place for a while, or, satis ed with the victims, he will manifest himself
for some time as a amboyant and sociable type of the Devil, until the
debilitating intoxication of the drug from the energy of the spilled blood wears
off and he will want more victims, under any pretext.
History is repeating. Even today, American and Western representatives make it
clear on which side they stand. They let us know who is behind them with
unobtrusive rituals and the symbolism of their speech. It is enough to notice it
with the critical eye of the Spirit.
The Anunnaki god Enki entered Hitler and possessed him whenever necessary to
accomplish what he had planned. He was evidently enjoying himself; Enki is a
similar madman and psychopath as Hitler was. I wonder when Enki will put a
bullet in his head and if he will enjoy it too. It does not even matter whether it
was Enki as such, or one of the great astral-mental entities that control his
consciousness and work through him; because he also caused and created these
with his curses.
The Anunnaki (gods) took upon themselves the responsibility of correcting
humanity. They had the power and the means to arrange it. They wanted to be
gods and they wanted to have the power to in uence people, but their
correctional system was mostly tyranny, slavery, wars and concentration camps.
The hundreds of millions of victims of wars over the past millennia speak for

“Over the past 3,400 years, humanity has been in peaceful times for only 268
years (8% of recorded history). At least 108 million people died in wars in the 20th
century. Estimates of the total number of people killed in wars throughout human
history range from 150 million to 1 billion.” — The New York Times

The masses of Germans made Hitler (Enki) believe that the Jews were responsible
for the economic problems and that the Germans, as the chosen Aryan nation,
were to breed them and rule this world. Likewise, the masses of the Anunnaki
believed their leader Enki that all evil on Earth was the fault of humans and they
were chosen by God to correct them; and for that they deserve immortality from
God. We all know how it turned out with the Germans and Hitler (so far). Not
that the Jews were not (jointly) responsible for it, but it was other Jews who
nanced Hitler. They certainly did not end up in concentration camps. The
genocide of the Jews is a parable of the wars between the Anunnaki, in which
Enki’s clique also liquidated their own astral tribesmen – Anunnaki opponents.
She liquidated them en masse in the wars of the “gods” or selectively murdered
The Anunnaki are agents of the Devil. Hitler and the fascists are their work,
along with the mental archons. They brought their lackeys, representatives on
Earth to life, let them “sign contracts with the Devil” and then the Devil/Satan
took them under his tutelage. As a result, the Anunnaki in uence on them
decreased somewhat, but the Archon in uence remained.
Nippur was the capital of ancient Mesopotamia, the “spiritual” center of the
Anunnaki false gods. Nippur is also the name of their home planet/spaceship
(Nippur = Nibiru). Nippur (Nibiruans, Anunnaki, false gods) is an umbrella term
for beings, entities, their curses, systems and programs that have been interacting
with Earth for millennia from the mental and astral realms. They gained access to
human consciousness and mind a long time ago. They swore to ON/the Devil to
give them the means and power to do this and they would control humanity
from the higher levels of being to correct it. Nippur was founded by the
Anunnaki, they worked on Earth in different parts of the world, in different
periods, directly and through their earthly representatives. Gods of various
names and forms are primarily responsible for the insanity of wars and the
general inadequacy of the level of suffering on Earth.
What about that? It is necessary to learn to recognize people who are supporters
of the Darkness and who are loud or secret warmongers. Be aware of that
knowledge, lter it through your perception and expand your knowledge on
your way. Under no circumstances choose any political representatives of Satan
and the Devil as your representatives in elections. They have many forms,
charming, pretty faces, and crooked faces are really countless. The devil knows
how to argue, but after a while you will catch him on lies and duplicity. If you
make a mistake or are deceived, withdraw your consent with your attitude and
correct what you can. Choosing the lesser evil usually means also choosing the
evil that only at the moment seems to be the lesser, and time will tell if it really

is. There is a way in enlightenment and education, there are more and more
people who already See and Know; and there will be even more of them.
Let others know about it. Inform them, but the hardened ones do not need to be
convinced, nor would it make sense. Ignorance is not an excuse in many cases,
because there are many means of obtaining an objective overview thanks to the
Internet, there is quite a lot of alternative information, there is more and more of
it, and efforts at censorship are obviously ineffective. Anyone who wants to can
get an overview, but propaganda, manipulation and biased obfuscation are also
present on the alternative scene. When many are informed and yet lean towards
the darkness, it can culminate in tragic global consequences for others who have
nothing to do with it, so they will bear joint responsibility for it.

144,000 souls to be saved

The number 144,000 appears three times in the Book of Revelation :

Revelation 7:3-8: “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees until we seal the
servants of God on their foreheads. And I heard the number of those sealed,
144,000, sealed from every tribe of the children of Israel: 12,000 sealed from the
tribe of Judah, 12,000 from the tribe of Reuben,…”
Revelation 14:1: “Then I looked, and behold, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and
with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their
Revelation 14:3-5: “and they sang a new song before the throne and before the
four living creatures and before the elders. No one could learn that song except
the 144,000 who were redeemed from the earth. These are they who have not
de led themselves with women, for they are virgins. They are the ones who
follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These were redeemed from mankind as
rstfruits for God and the Lamb, and no lie was found in their mouths, for they
are blameless.”
Theologians debate whether the number 144,000 is a literal number of saved end-
time souls, or is it more of a symbolic name for the remnant of God’s people at
the end of history. Some say the number is literal and records Jews from every
tribe who will believe in Jesus Christ. Others think that this number refers to the
Jews who are saved during the nal seven-year tribulation period, and still
others think that the 144,000 symbolically represents all Christians in history,
both Jews and Gentiles, who are God’s army that makes war by that she is
faithful to the Lamb and endures persecution. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that
exactly 144,000 faithful Christians from Pentecost 33 to the present will be
resurrected to heaven as immortal spirit beings to spend eternity with God and
Christ. They believe that these people are “anointed” by God to become part of
the spiritual “Israel of God”. Other religions, including Islam, explain it in their
own way, but basically similarly.
The word Israel means “conqueror”, “one who wins with God” or “let God win”.
The one who wants to win is not ON. ON has no such ambitions. ON has
universal laws that apply; ON has ON Momo and much more. The one who
wants to win is Satan, he wants to defeat ON and show him that he has the upper

hand. However, Satan has nothing but the emptiness of Vanity, and with that he
would like to win. The Anunnaki god is the opposite of ON (Satan). It is also
clear from this who the 144,000 saved should be. According to the Anunnaki,
they should be those who will win with Satan, and therefore they should be
proponents of Satan. They think that when Satan wins, he will (fairly) reward
them for their deeds. Satan and rightly so… that’s why I sometimes emphasize
here that the idiocy of the Anunnaki and their earthly followers who believed in
them and follow the ideologies mediated by them is unmatched.
This is one of the reasons why they are so eager for a world war in which
everyone else would be drowned in blood and only the Anunnaki elites and
(perhaps) some of the Earth elites would be saved. They would calmly let their
proponents go to the water, they would betray them and it wouldn’t even affect
them. They would probably betray their own tribesmen, and if only one of them
were to remain, the arch-lotor “god” Enki would do everything to save himself
and sacri ce the others, even if only for a minute of his miserable life. He would
also sacri ce his “cosmic wife” Ninhursag. The Anunnaki nevertheless hope for
salvation, they are probably optimists, like many Jews in Hitler’s Germany, they
were also optimists. They didn’t escape in time because they thought that the
concentration camps were an invention, that it couldn’t be like that, that the
surrounding world wouldn’t allow it. And lo. The conspiracies of the time turned
out to be true.
According to the Bible, God saved the Jews from the revenge of the Egyptians
and allowed them to escape. He opened the Red Sea for them and let them cross
on dry foot to Sinai, while he closed the sea against their pursuers and drowned
them. Then the Jewish god Yahweh (Enki) recited the Ten Commandments to
Moses and let the Jews wander around for 40 years to nally reach their longed-
for Israel, which is just a hop away from Egypt. They would be there on foot in a
week. Then god let them persecute them for millennia and let millions of them
die in concentration camps. And all because the Jews are said to be a nation
favored by God. The Jews as a whole believed in the maniacal “god” Enki, who
prophesies to the god Yahweh (devil) that they are the chosen people and that
God’s (devil’s) love for them is manifested by the god’s (devil’s) suffering.
The Jews made a covenant with God, but that god is the devil, an agent of Satan.
When someone makes a contract with someone like that, they are on the road to
destruction. When someone doesn’t want to think and reason properly, they
believe in the nonsense that is basically every religion, their commandments,
principles and extensive complicated cross-explanations, according to which
almost everything can be justi ed. Jewish religious teachings The Babylonian
Talmud has 10,000 densely written pages. When the provisions of religion do not
t together, do not harmonize and contradict each other, they are explained again

and again; and thus the content of their text is monstrously increased by the
additions, until it becomes a confusing mixture that can be interpreted in
different ways and thus creates an even bigger stew. And when something cannot
be justi ed, it is time for the dogmatic “God’s will is unfathomable” or “Allahu
Akbar”. Jesus himself said to the Jews: ” Your father is the devil and you want to
ful ll the desires of your father. ON was a murderer from the beginning and did not abide
in the truth, because there is no truth in him. Jesus was right about this, because he
was talking about the Jordanian executioner Yahweh (Enki), but Jesus’
commandments and teachings follow the same devil. The devil has many faces.
Christians believed that when they accepted Jesus into their hearts, they would
be saved. They also ran into and made a contract with the same Jewish Devil in a
different way. When someone doesn’t have ON inside, he looks for God outside
and wants to rely on religious teachings. When someone is looking for god
outside, he will get what he wants, because the devil is lurking and will willingly
provide him with a “god”.
Enki is a low astral being, he is an Anunnaki, a former Atlantean who stayed on
the astral plane and then pretended to be a god because he had a mental
instrument that allowed him to access the (low part) etheric level of mental
patterns and at the same time from the upper part to draw religious teachings,
theses, even entire religions into the open mind of the third eye of the prophets.
They were then as a whole polluted by the Devil, hiding (not only) in the details.
Enki didn’t do it all personally, he mediated some of it through curses. In the
etheric mental level, there is, among other things, a summary of all possible
religious thought patterns, and a selection from this complex, from the lower part
of this level, can be called, for example, Yahweh (JHWH, Jehovah). All religions
drew from it. Someone has taken something from there, mixed it up, cloned and
mutated the patterns that are there. If the person in question was at a low level of
consciousness, then the resulting creation of the religious teachings that he
brought here also looked like that. Religion is a person’s relationship to God, it is
a set of information that a person processes according to his consciousness and
conscience, accepts it as a whole, or chooses from it; and what he is left with is
either a lower blind faith in received beliefs, or a higher trust in the intuitive
knowledge of the Seer, seasoned with some information about how it is
according to that religion.
The Anunnaki had their seat in Mesopotamia, it was Nippur (Nibiru). The
Anunnaki are the masterminds of international Jewry. This must be understood
in the right sense: through astral apparitions (Enki/Yahweh) convinced Moses
and other prophets that the Jewish people were chosen and would play an
important leading role in the subsequent history of the world. The astral
apparitions seen by Moses and the ancient prophets were prophesied to them by

the Anunnaki. It was done by black magic: hundreds of thousands of Anunnaki
together invoked God, who was the Devil for them, to do this or that for them; in
this case something signi cant. They used magic to in uence the plot in their
favor. The more important it is to them, the more they strive for it. When a large
number of beings invoke some powerful being from higher levels and want
something from it, they will succeed with a certain degree of probability and a
certain degree of success. Sometimes even one is enough, someone who has the
appropriate connection and it will happen for him in reality. In this case and in
countless others, it was the Anunnaki multitudes who, at the behest of their
agitator Enki, called upon ON/Devil en masse to provide for them miracle-level
astral holographic apparitions that would serve as a memento for humanity and
form the basis of global religions.. So it was in the case of the revelation of God to
Moses, his commandments, so it was in the case of Jesus, his miracles and
resurrection, so it was in the case of Muhammad, to whom the (alleged)
Archangel Gabriel dictated the Koran.
But it is not so simple to say that the Devil will make it happen. The Devil is
(only) an agent of Satan who seduces souls to the opposite side of Creation, if he
considers it an acceptable option for them. The one who has it under his general,
direct or indirect control is ON. ON will prophesy and manifest everything in his
World Universal Mind and ON will provide everyone with what they want. The
devil is (only) an intermediary, an intermediate link between ON and the
opposite of ON (Satan). ON prophesies it and then it manifests in reality and ON
(Momo) deals with the result and knows whether it is for ON (Momo) or not. ON
is also the sum of all individual ONs who reside in human souls, if they have not
removed him from their Self and replaced it with the opposite of ON.
When someone casts a magic spell because he wants to achieve something, the
result may not be quite as he expected. The reason for the deviation is that the
desired state is not easy and often not even possible to de ne the consequences in
all circumstances and details. There is always some small thing on which the
perceptions of the sorcerer and the mediator of the result of Devil magic differ.
An example would be the desire for salvation: a sorcerer casts a spell to
be saved and then nds himself in the form of grass in a meadow, which is saved
by a passing cow. Was he saved? He was. It can be understood anyway. This
happens when the wizard’s consciousness is at a low astral level and is
essentially in darkness. He prophesies magic almost exclusively with facial
expressions, i.e. with the Word. The word is speci c and de nes the desired state,
but the trick is that a precise de nition of a wizard’s conjuration could take the
length of a thick book. This wouldn’t be nearly enough because the Devil would
nd something to latch on to anyway. The wizard, whose consciousness is at a
higher level, almost does not need the words of incantations, because he only

needs an internal radiation, accompanied by a mimic thought (Word). The
radiation is non-speci c and is very dif cult to express in words.
The ideologue Enki convinced his fellow tribesmen that they were immortal, but
to be sure, their salvation was to be secured in another way if things went awry
and the nal End of Days of the Cycle unfolded differently. It was to be saved by
someone who has the means to do so and who would intercede with ON for Enki
and the Anunnaki to rid them of their sins and take them upon themselves.
Something of this has probably reached the consciousness of the illuminati, who
also behave as if nothing should happen to them, even in the afterlife. They copy
the consciousness of the Anunnaki, who thought they were immortal and that
Hell was just a gment. They convinced themselves of it because they wanted it
to be.
When someone really wants something to be the way he thinks it is, then it will
come true. He gets into a state of rm conviction in his mind, solidi es and
anchors it there. He will convince himself of this. He thus gets what he wants,
contrary to the reality, which is completely different.
It would suit them if some being were found, a human being, something like a
second Jesus, who, like Jesus, would save them as the greatest sinners. They
would like the second Christ to take their sins upon himself, as Jesus did, and get
what he wanted. He saved the sinners of that time and will also save all people
who will follow him in the future. So he signed a blank check to the Devil. Jesus
got what he wanted and nished accordingly.
Jesus was cruci ed by the Anunnaki themselves by the hands of the Romans,
because their leader “god” Enki is a total vindictive, scheming, envious and
jealous idiot. So, if someone ponders why god is like this or that, why he caused
wars, holocaust, suffering, then here you have the god: the god Enki (devil,
Yahweh, god), the godfather of world religions. An earthly parallel is, for
example, the American president, an old man with obvious dementia, possessed
by black entities, which is evident from many of his manifestations. Pay close
attention to how it manifests itself and it will become clear to you immediately.
This is not what a normal person looks like. However, it is far from the only one
of its kind, and the others are also starting to color. The Americans chose him,
although apparently by fraud, but even so, a large part of their population is still
set in this direction. People choose the devil (Satan) in politics, media, religion, or
in organizations pushing progressive and other ideologies. Then they get what
they want, what they choose, and so do the rest of us, even though we didn’t
want it at all.
Enki has such a massive mad Satan Ego that he boils over, for example, when
someone else tries to imitate ON, because Enki thought that Enki was the only

ON in himself. Enki is the one who has been prophesying religious and (some)
esoteric commandments here for the past millennia. Some in person and a lot of it
via mental interface. However, he prophesied them only by conjuring it, nor had
he thought it through on a scienti c and logical analytical level. He didn’t even
really know how it worked and who would actually do it all. He thought that it
would just happen according to his will, which someone would read and execute
it by clicking their heels. But ON prophesies his own and he also gave him what
he wanted. God gave, God took away, and He provides the Anunnaki with the
ip side of their desires, because every coin has two sides.
Enki once said “I am a Jew”. It is a mental pattern in the collective thought
consciousness. After him, it is repeated by many others who become Jews. They
convert. Until then, they were not Jews, and they will suddenly become Jews, at
least that’s how they manifest themselves. It is quite possible that an entity will
speak in them, controlling their consciousness, which thus makes it clear that it
wants to be a chosen Jew and wants to be saved. Another reason is that the
mental pattern is accompanied by a feeling (emotion) of longing for membership
in the Jewish clan, which may ultimately bring certain bene ts to the af icted.
Similar to membership in a Masonic organization, or in some other in uential
association that moves its members forward in the hierarchy of social
importance. The fact that Enki and the Anunnaki (Archons) considered
themselves Jews and wanted to be saved as Jews did not at all prevent them from
in ltrating Hitler’s consciousness and causing the genocide of the Jews. This is
the parallel opposite of the chaos of Satan. When someone does not have a clear
direction and an opportunity arises, he will also do mutually contradictory
actions, because he more or less does not care.
CERN was supposed to be another guarantee for the Anunnaki and their earthly
proteges, they would like to create something suitable there by the End of Days,
for example a wormhole to another dimension. Apparently, it should be used for
the escape of the astral bodies of earthworms – illuminati (elite) to other worlds,
where they would hide from their ON. If all else fails. It sounds comical, because
how could they hide from their ON and His universal laws? It’s like burying
your head in the sand. Apparently, the Anunnaki gods have succumbed to their
own religions and know nothing about ON at all; they try anything that would
give them at least some (false) hope of saving them from their ON. However, no
one can escape from their ON.
The second possibility is that it would really work and it would really take them
to other worlds. After all, they would get what they wanted. And those worlds
would be nothing but such a Hell that they could not imagine even in their
wildest dreams. In this sense, the wormhole would represent a portal to the
worlds where the Olgoj-Chorchoj sandworms live, which would eat them alive.

It’s not just toying with ON, raping and tyrannizing ON for millennia and then
trying to escape ON. At least the Universe would get rid of them once and for all
and there would be peace from them.
The Anunnaki consider themselves Jews in a sense. After all, they were
physically there together in the Middle East once upon a time, and they consider
the Illuminati elite Jews to be their own. The 144,000 predestined for salvation
was a symbolic representation of the prophecy, a bait that was manipulated into
the Bible so that people would scrutinize it, dwell on it, and speculate about who
they might be, the 144,000 elect, who alone would be saved when the Great Cycle
ends. Supposedly they should be members of the Jewish tribes, in truth they are
the 144,000 Anunnaki whom their leading satanic six will designate as their
faithful, allies, helpers and co-ma as, astral and earthly illuminati, who,
according to them, should enter the new Great A cycle that is already knocking
on the door. They are connected because the astral “Jews” of the Anunnaki
operate in the consciousness of the earthly elite “Jews”. They are in this together.
The Anunnaki simply said it was the right thing to do. They wanted to believe it
in order to justify their actions to themselves. They believed what their
ideological leader Enki told them, that for their meritorious deeds of tyranny and
slaughter of mankind, which they considered corrective measures, they would go
to heaven. Do you see the parallel with the Islamic fanatics who think that for
terrorism, when they blow themselves up with explosives, they will go to
heaven, where 300 virgins await them? Maybe it will be like that, only the sky
will be a little lower and those virgins will be iron virgins, instruments of
suffering law. The Islamic vision of the world was born only about 1,500 years
Even then, Enki’s thinking was so mutated by the molds of Satan that he
invented such (non)sense, because it has a hidden (double) sense. This is how the
Anunnaki and the Devil express themselves. Ambiguous. They proposed
ambiguity and thus they will get ambiguity and they will not know anything
directly. Enki cursed it, and in terms of his energy falling into the inverted anti-
world of Satan, his own thoughts and energies adequately ipped into the surahs
of the Koran and especially into the consciousness of his interpreters and
fanatical followers.
Not everything in the ancient writings is true and not everything in them is
deceptive. However, the evaluation of truth also depends on how what is there is
taken and how the ambiguities are understood. For example, the biblical story
about the 144,000 Jews destined for salvation is apparently the true wish of the
astral Anunnaki, who considered themselves Jews in a certain sense. Jehovah
(Yahweh) was prophesied by Enki.

For (ten) thousands of years, the Anunnaki thought they were immortal and only
now are they nding out that this is not the case. But since they have been
dealing with ambiguity for so long, they may indeed be immortal, but they will
be immortal in the sufferings of Hell and Eternal Damnation. The very word
“salvation” can also be understood in two ways. Salvation can be a form of
salvation, or it can also be understood as the salvation of the grass by the sheep.
It is a tting parable: the sheep that were sheared and the “gods” fed on the
energy of their blood will nally save these parasites. They will grind them
endlessly with their teeth.
The drugs of energy of grace are no longer available to the “gods”, they have run
out of supplies and optimism has passed them by. All their plans, even their
backup plans, fall apart one by one. There is a change that is nally beginning to
be re ected here on Earth.

Progressive ideology is perfectly ne, but…

Progressive ideology is perfectly ne, only its proponents have mistaken the
place in which they indulge in it, where they expand and to which they want to
spread progressive trends globally. Other people also live here on Earth, not only
progressives. In the ON World there are also ON Places where adherents of
progressive ideas of LGBTIQ+, transgenderism and abortion would come to their
own. Undoubtedly, many will get into them at some point in their lives. Those
are the kind of places where there are countless genders, not just 72. There they
would be among themselves and there they wouldn’t have to demonstrate for
their transgender rights. There is such a wide selection of progressive activities
that they would not dream of even in their wildest dreams. There are other
promoters of progressive trends, those who are at home there, and who are also
opposed by radical earth progressives and tea party liberals. Those there will
introduce progressivism into them and something like astral “immigrants” who
will “culturally enrich” them there, similar to how progressives on Earth forcibly
introduced them into the lives of people who did not want them at all. It doesn’t
matter at all that someone doesn’t believe in Hell, it’s not a condition to get there.
It is no small thing to force one’s own (ab)normalities on others, on young
people, new souls and especially on children, who are easily in uenced and
manipulated, by force, laws, manipulations, double entenders. It is no small
thing to destroy nations by mixing them with dark people from other parts of the
world, who will then tyrannize them in their own homeland.
When someone is Light (human, angel, astral being,…), it means that
their consciousness is on a higher level. White light is decomposed by an optical
prism into the color spectrum of rainbow lights, which then manifest themselves
in various ways at lower levels in the nature and character of an angel or a
person. Colors represent character traits and also have their meaning in the
human chakra system. When someone is Dark, it means that there is black mixed
into the original colors of the rainbow, which occurs more or less as a potential at
the higher levels and represents emptiness rather than black. The consciousness
of such a being is at a lower level.
The rainbow as a primordial white light refracted through a prism into a color
spectrum has nothing to do with progressive LGBTIQ+ movements. They use it

as their symbol, with which they want to draw attention to diversity and perhaps
to the fact that we all come from the same Source. This is true, but these
movements “forgot” to mix black into the colors of “their” symbolic rainbow,
which would give the bright colors of the rainbow an unattractive shade. Black
color symbolizes sadness, end and death. This color quite well describes and
completes the psychological pathology of the progressive proponents of Satan.
In addition, in the primordial principles of the Creator, in addition to the
refraction of the white color into the diversity of the colors of the rainbow
spectrum, there is also a division of the Unity into male and female principles.
There are no other principles. Just like LGBTIQ+ and progressivism, the opposite
of ON manifests itself, which puts everything possible in front of itself as a
pledge to cover its true nature. The devil is presented in the visions of the
visionaries as a transgender hermaphrodite Baphomet, but also as a radiant god
or a white angel. When someone doesn’t have something, he at least puts it in the
name, in the symbol behind which he hides, or disguises himself in the desired
appearance in order to confuse and deceive others.
Progressives proclaim equality, justice and freedom. They love freedom so much
that, in order to preserve this ideal, they free freedom from freedom and turn it
into a tyranny of unfreedom. This is typical absurd behavior of the opposite of
ON. There is no need to condemn them for progressivism, nor would it make any
sense; as long as it only concerned them. But they want it everywhere, they want
other people to submit to them and accede to their worldview. They want to
make the whole world more progressive and introduce a New World Order. That
is basically their agenda. Some phrases about the support of the economy,
entrepreneurship and justice are also included in their theses. But the problem is
how they actually secretly mean it, what energy is behind them, because the
Devil hides even behind pleasant-sounding words and lofty ideals at rst glance.
Liberal trends are an offshoot of progressives, and progressive ideology is simply
progressive. It already follows from its name. It is excessive, its scope is
expanding, its acceleration is accelerating, it is spreading like limbic system brain
cancer metastases. Pedophilia is already tolerated in some Western countries,
because “it is a cultural and social habit of certain groups of the population”.
LGBTIQ+ is becoming the norm preferred by governments, cultural, non-pro t
organizations, and big businesses. It won’t take long before progressive-oriented
opinion makers start getting involved in the normalization of zoophilia and
necrophilia. By normalization, not legalization, because earthly justice is at least
questionable anyway. The punishments for, for example, possession or
production of medicinal ointments from marijuana are at the level of
punishments for killing, and that is obviously not right.

The Anunnaki “gods” are also progressive. So they immersed themselves in their
desires to have power and rule the world until they got to where they are today.
On the edge of Hell. Some repented of the pleasant feeling of uttering hatred and
revenge (Ninhursag) against people, both in word and deed. The god Enki is a
perverse deviant who is the godfather of progressive trends and sexual
deviations. He conjured it with magic so that people get into their astral bodies a
speci c implant called the Pornograph of Satan, which is the initiating element of
inverted confusing preferences related to sexual (trans)gender orientation and
perverted sexual behavior in general. Enki claims that he didn’t directly
prophesy like that, but when Enki doesn’t even know how to cast a spell, he
curses what may not have been directly his original intention.
People’s confusion about their gender identity doesn’t just happen by itself.
Someone is responsible for it and someone coordinates it globally. He wants it to
be. No one asked those people if exactly they wanted it in their system and what
the consequences would be. Maybe someone spoke to them in the inter-life
Transit in that sense, that’s where such things are implanted, maybe he asked
something, but as is usual with the Devil’s helpers, they lie and cover up, it was
probably a double entendre, a manipulatively asked question, a lie and insidious
the act of the astral servants of Enki and his satanic gang. Apparently, every
person has such an implant, either it is inactive in their system, or it is active to a
lesser or greater extent.
The fact that it developed in this way is probably caused to a certain extent by the
karmic share of people, their attitudes and sexual behavior in past lives. When
someone has shown in his past lives excessive sexual extravagances, which are
the proposition of the Devil’s intention, when he no longer knows what else to
try in his sexual life, then in some next birth he will end up in the body of the
opposite sex, or in a completely confusing state of Chaos. It will come back to
him karmically and then he no longer knows what he really is or what he wants
to be.
Satan’s Anunnaki slaves, their earthly elites and the common people who vote
for it and support it under the guise of humanism and otherness are progressives.
They exaggerate and do not know moderation. In nity is their measure. They
don’t know when to stop. The devil will take over their consciousness, which has
already happened to some extent with many, look at the electoral preferences of
progressives and liberals.
Earthly proponents of progressivism and liberalism, whether they are in the role
of politicians, activists, media in uencers, or ordinary people, the Devil has
already received. Some were born that way. Now the mouthpieces of the
progressives are working for the Devil and there are many of them. They try to

reach (especially) young souls who do not yet have developed intuition and want
to lure them into the nets of progressivism.
The task of people is to think about it, to be aware of the emotional feelings and
thought prompts that creep into their system from the outside and to try to
distinguish it and take an attitude towards it, not super cially, but after careful
consideration. Thinking about it and talking about it. To listen calmly to others,
their arguments and explanations. However, it is dif cult, because many young
souls have the consciousness of the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix in particular and
a large Ego, which prevails and favors progressives in their developmental stage
of earthly life. Young people are inexperienced, naive and easily in uenced, but
their karmic records from past lives also play a part in this.
It can be a politician who supports transgender and LGBTIQ+ ideas in
parliament, journalists in the media, people with in uence on the Internet, or
even a committed primary school teacher in a conservative Slovak region who
enthusiastically distributes brochures about LGBTIQ+ to children. They are all
helpers of the Devil. It is coordinated from the common mental space of their
group identity, the demonic entity that is responsible for this sends them into
their consciousness the stimuli that encourage such behavior. If people succumb
to it and accept it as their own, then they join the Dark Side. They choose
according to their “free” will.
New souls, they are under the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix. When they receive a
stimulus, information, persuasion, explanation, or manipulative indirect pressure
to take a progressive stance, the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix will create thoughts,
subtle thought feelings and especially emotions that manipulate them towards
progressivism. He manipulates them into accepting him and possibly directing
them somewhere else in their sexual orientation. The devil wants to destroy
souls, he wants them to act according to his impulses. The Anunnaki, Enki,
Ninhursag and the entire Anunnaki-archon ma a want to pro t from this in the
form of souls to help hand over to Satan. At least they think so.
That’s why progressives have so many supporters who multiply and emerge
from nowhere like canal rats. When a young soul accepts progressive trends and,
for example, goes to a demonstration, dresses in rainbow colors, talks to other
LGBT people and listens to their opinions, the Devil already has his foot in the
door in her soul. He hasn’t won yet, but as you can see from the progressively
increasing number of people interested in genderism and LGBT, that strategy is
working for them (so far). It is a complete deception because it affects people
directly from within. They deceive them with overly LGBT positive emotional
feelings that they think are their own. The insidious Anunnaki, led by the rogue
Enki, organized it and keep this system going. Once he lures young people to

LGBT, then the mental archon has already entered their consciousness and will
continue to try to gradually process their minds, in uence their words and deeds.
The devil wants to get their souls, but it is doubtful whether he will succeed at
It is not that progressive ideas are revolutionary in any way and that is why there
is so much interest in them on the market of ideologies. The reason for their
expansion is also the fact that they are massively supported by the media, public
relations, and at the same time from within consciousness, mental-emotional
The Devil often shouts : “PR, PR, PR” (PR, Public Relations – in uencing public
opinion) is a tool of the Devil; when someone without proper consideration
accepts opinions from the outside, from the media, schools, but also from parents
and those around them, without thinking about them and reevaluating them,
without dissociating themselves from them and not letting them get under their
skin; so he is on the best way to succumb to the Devil and slide down the sloping
surface from which he will slide down without his own doing. The devil defends
himself by just giving suggestions to people through the media and it is up to
people whether they succumb to it or not.
Progressive ideas are not about defending freedom or human rights; on the
contrary, freedom for them ultimately means such a protection of the freedom
and rights of the individual that it results in censorship, suppression of opinion
opponents and restriction of their personal freedom in order to protect them.
Satan is progressive, he wants to expand at his expense. Time is speeding up, the
story is taking turns and progressivism is becoming more progressive – unlike
other people who don’t want it in their lives; it is supported by the Arti cial
Spirit of the Matrix and it will also be held accountable for it.
Not everything is black and white. Even progressive politicians can have ideas
and implementations bene cial to the public. But the question is whether this is
not just a side effect that supports their electability and gives the appearance of
their normality, and another question is where this will lead in the next sequence
of events. Satan is engaged in sawing off the branch on which he sits, just as the
Creature who rebels against his Creator rebels against the source of his own
powers—including his power to rebel. Satan’s progressive diseased, perverse
rebellion means misery to the senses, corruption to the will, and nonsense to the
intellect. Satan’s characteristic is illogicality and stupidity; progressivism is like
the tower of babel. When there is too much of something, it destroys itself.

The reason that lifts you up, will also be the reason that brings you down, unless
you change.

Support of the economy, social equality and justice, they all have that in their
program theses. However, progressives take it too far. Progressives are overly
sensitive and accommodating to some of the other races that they have recently
enslaved themselves, but not to all. They are selective and have a double
standard. Liberals are an offshoot of progressives, they are such staunch
defenders of freedom that they will give even a 4-year-old a choice of what
gender he wants to be.
A good example of how far liberalism can go is the French Revolution from the
end of the 18th century. We all know the Enlightenment slogans of the French
Revolution, Fraternity-Equality-Liberty. One of the leaders of the revolution was
the famous liberal Maximilien Robespierre. He was a philosopher, a lawyer, a
politician, he defended actors, Jews and blacks, enslaved people; and as the
leader of the French Revolution, he was initially an adherent of the radical
Enlightenment, ghting for the freedom of the press and religion and the equality
of all citizens. He was a humanist and a great opponent of the death penalty. He
was behind the abolition of the Christian religion in the country and the
establishment of the so-called cult. The supreme being. To rid the country of
internal dissent, he instituted a reign of terror. Aristocrats, uncooperative priests,
monarchist politicians, failed generals, anyone too moderate or not extreme
enough had their necks shaved by the guillotine. Robespierre’s journalist friend
Desmoulins wrote about this period that “the gods are thirsty”. By the summer of
1794, an estimated 40,000 people had died. Robespierre was elected president of
the National Convention, but his excessive power unnerved enemies and allies. A
conspiracy was discovered and he was arrested. Revolutionary justice is swift,
and the next day his head, along with the heads of 22 of his followers, were
thrown into bloody baskets in the Place de la Revolution. Robespierre was caught
in a death machine of his own creation.
LGBT promotion, homosexual marriages, adoptions, transhumanism,
transgender movements, birth rate reduced by technology and health
degeneration, economically and politically forced infertility, promotion and
legalization of abortion on a mass scale,… it is a progressive culture of death ; it
also leads to the fact that humanity should no longer have children. It happens
slowly and takes generations. The new generations are already getting used to
the new situation, they consider it normal, and many voters support it with their
electoral preferences and choose it themselves. The frog is boiled in the slowly
heated water and only notices it at the end when there is amen to it.
Today’s progressive trends are also based on a similar philosophy, according to
which anyone, within the framework of their free will, can freely declare
themselves to be a man, woman, hybrid, mutant or transformer. It all comes from
somewhere, has historical reasons and is related to each other.

God Enki was apparently the rst ideological progressive who appeared on
Earth. Already in Atlantis, he was the one on whose instructions mermaids,
centaurs, sirens and other mutants were created by astral mutations, with whom
he had sex, because it was not enough for him normally with women; and many
other Anunnaki as well. Once upon a time, they were also people on Earth; they
exhibit extremely depraved rotten behavior and extend it to Earth.
A progressive disease is one whose course leads exclusively to its worsening. The
damage is permanent and irreversible; the rate of deterioration can only be
slowed down by medication, but not reversed. When something is Too Much, it
means that it is too much for ON and ON then distances himself from it.
Excessive is the aspect of the Devil/Satan, who is progressively excessive to the
point where he himself does not know who he really is. See Baphomet, the iconic
representative of Satanists (progressives), who is a man, a woman, a horned cap
and I don’t know what else. The god Enki is so progressively af icted by Satan
that he does not know what he actually is in the eld of his own words. A woman
– a politician, an ardent supporter of freedom and a promoter of abortion will get
what she stands for. Absolutely, because ON will give everyone what they want.
Maybe it will happen to her karmically, she will never have children again, in this
or the next lives (if any would even be considered for her). Perhaps even her
children will not have children, or when she herself wants to incarnate as a soul,
someone will abort her and she will not be born. Such things also happen.
Women have the option of abortion anyway and they had it in the past. But to
promote it and push it aggressively into laws and culture is a novelty, it has an
educational and ethical effect, forcefully imposed on children and young
generations, it in uences the direction of young souls.

Babia Hora and the witches on Orava

The morning comes, the night fades, the watchmen leave their posts; the grave is
cracked, the spices are spilled, the linen is packed.

If you open your consciousness, you will begin to perceive what was hidden for
you until then. It lay hidden beneath the surface of things apparent to the senses.
It applies to the places where your foot rests, the words your eye catches, and the
people who pass through your life. Paranormal phenomena become normal
phenomena; if you observe them, but do not pay too much attention to them and
do not allow yourself to be controlled by them, then your Spirit will select from
them what is necessary for you and what can teach you something.
Earthly and otherworldly things happen by the mysterious act of ON, and when
ON prophesies into your Self, your puzzle begins to gradually come together and
show you its meaning. It is up to you with what colors you ll in the drawn
outlines of your Self coloring book and it is also up to you how you understand
it. If you are open to everything and want to know, then ON will show you the
picture of you and others around you in fullness, but if you are bound by your
Ego, which whispers to you that it is not so, that it cannot be you after all and
you only want to be caressed, so ON will sharpen your image and the things
around you in Limitation. Opening consciousness does not mean opening it only
externally, but especially internally, and this requires a considerable amount of
self-re ection, honesty with yourself and the courage to look under the carpet
where you have swept everything.
Crow to crow, crows gather in the woods, croaking together to sit on the crooked
twisted branches of the trees of the ancient places where the witches once
writhed ying in a swirling trance of sparks of re just where the energy is
low. Babia hora attracts witches and they ock around it within a radius of a
hundred kilometers. At this time, they no longer y on broomsticks, but are born
here or move here from somewhere. They are drawn to the crime scene. They are
black witches, but we know that everyone still does magic today. At least many
are trying to. Not only with a hard, powerful Ego, as witches do, but also more
gently, because human words also create magic. Even though strigas
undoubtedly have more such places for their actions, ON chose for them with his

World Mind the place around Baba Hora, which is important for them for some
reasons in this life, but also for other reasons in general. In Orava, (former)
witches are concentrated in a much larger proportion than in other places. There
are many of them here and for certain reasons they come here from their previous
lives in groups even now.
Babia Hora is a mountain over 1700 meters high in the Oravské Beskydy in the
northernmost tip of Slovakia. Its peak is crossed by the state border with Poland,
the Poles call it Babia Góra, or (for obvious reasons) Diablak.
There is a large pyramid in Baba Hora on the astral level. This pyramid is more
than 100 meters high, but it is not lled with matter, nor does it have walls. It
consists of thin gold strips that form its edges and frame the pyramid. There are
entrances to the pyramid, it doesn’t matter which entrance you go through and
which key you use to open the door. Three Lyran beings reside in the pyramid,
and they are the Opposite ON, the Devil and ON, who is supposed to prophesy
his Self there. They are energy fragments of their souls. The Lyrans are the
ancestors of all galactic alien races, so it doesn’t matter where exactly in the
galaxy they come from, because it applies to everyone. Although Babia Hora
summons wizards and witches, it is symbolically intended for everyone else as
well. Witchcraft represents an extreme case of abuse of God’s grace, sorcerers
have done a huge amount of evil on Earth, even on the astral level, which
massively in uences earthly events. Witchcraft isn’t just boiling a frog in a copper
cauldron while invoking curses with a nosy striga. Witchcraft has many forms,
(black) magic was once the order of the day and in various forms it occurs even
This trinity symbolically represents the three aspects of the human being that
were instrumental in creating his karmic debts from his (ancient) past. The
opposite of ON (Satan) represents the opposite dark to black side of the human
soul; The devil is the tempter who tries to make man prefer the dark more and
more and expand his circle into blackness. ON is the individual aspect of God in
the soul of man who should prophesy it, that is, understand it, understand it,
know himself, the deeds that led to what he became, the motivations that
motivated him on the way to (his) darkness, know also their circumstances and
the people who were around.
A little to the east of Baba Hora there is a place called Gówniak, which in Polish
means “little stupid child”. You can interpret the symbolism of the connection
between the witch and the silly little boy yourself.
You can take a tourist trip to Babia Hora and experience it in person. But it is not
necessary at all, it is enough if you imagine it at home, or in a suitable natural

place in your surroundings and let your Spirit speak to you in this way and tell
you something personal about it, if it concerns you.
Babia Hora is part of the old Atlantean civilizations, with which it was connected
in the ancient past. Almost nothing is of cially known about this, but there are
legends, myths and what someone perceived by the mystical path of his Spirit.
Myths tell of witches ying over the top of Baba Hora, from which re spews
forth and from which the smell of sulfur; about the underground tunnels that
lead from Baba Hora to other continents. Thus, the pyramid in Baba Hora is
symbolically a place that connects our present with our ancient past through
mystical tunnels.
Information from ancient times about Baba mountain and Orava places reaches
us through a mystical way, but also in an interesting way – from souls who are
incarnated there and know something about it intuitively. For example, the
pupils of the Orava elementary school in Liesko wrote the following in the school
magazine Poskoláčik 15 years ago, at the same time “coincidentally”, in the form
of essays :

Mountains Orava : Orava has long been proud of its beautiful untouched nature.
In the north of Orava, the restless waves of the Orava Reservoir ripple. A few
decades ago, they were just small patches of rivers full of children. The villages
were full of peasants and artisans. Witches gathered at the edge of the mountains
to determine the fate of girls for marriage. In vain, the poor girl fell in love with the
tinkerer Maguru, the charms of witches, snake venom, frog saliva, herbs collected
for John did their work. Crying and lamenting didn’t help either. The witches’
curse was stronger. The love of the tinker and the poor girl turned them into a big
hill strewn with daisies. They named the hill Magura. Their tears turned small
streams into a large pool – a large dam. And up there, where the witches gathered,
the name Babia hora stuck. After a while, the curses disappeared because the sound
of the water washed them away.

Formation of Čimhovská hora : It was a long time ago, when giants still lived.
They couldn’t agree on whose mountain it was. It was exactly in the middle of the
border between Liesko and Čimhová. They started a war with each other. Liesek
giants against Čimhov giants. The Liesek giants called for the help of underground
spirits, and the Cimhov giants called on the Egyptian gods. When they competed
with each other like that, after 30 days they agreed that it would be called
Čimhovská hora, but the forest giants said that anyone could go there. And so they
still go there today. — Kristina K., 5.A

Origin of the village of Liesek : Once upon a time there was a settlement when
monsters still lived. Once a monster called Black Brugor attacked and destroyed it.
People ed to the top of Devčia hora. It was said that there lived a good and very
strong monster called Sun Crown. They came to her. They asked if he would help
them. She helped them and also guarded the neighborhood. The rescued built a
settlement in turn. Other people came there because there was a good monster. The
settlement became a village and was called Liesek. — Ondrej S., 5.A

Oravica : Once upon a time there was a demigod and he didn’t know he could do
magic, so he took a small shovel and started digging a ditch. When he was done, he
said to himself that if there was still water. Since he knew how to cast a spell, the
water began to ow and there was water. — Juraj M., 5. B

Witch : It was a dry day. J.Š. and DP came to the magic lesson for the rst time.
The teacher told them to close their eyes and imagine this: You are walking down a
dark street where you saw a park and in that park there is a giant sign and it says
NO CHARACTERS ONRE! “Stop it, stop it, it’s all nonsense! ́ ́ screamed J.Š.
The whole class fell silent and looked at J.Š. as if she didn’t want to do magic.
When the magic lesson is over and they go to break, DP rubs up against her and
tells her,,How could you do that, you know how they looked at you? ́ ́ ,, Let. ́ ́ and J.
left. After class, J. went home. She walked down the gloomy street opposite the
park. And she noticed something, went to look. And there really is no magic here.
She came home and thought about what D. would say and whether she should
actually say it. The next day she came to school and said: “The teacher was right.”
No magic is allowed in this city. ́ ́ Everyone fell silent and said what nonsense it
was all about. “If you don’t believe me, I’ll wait for you after class and you’ll go
see if I’m right.” When they didn’t see it, they said: “Why did she tell us that? She
doesn’t want us to learn magic?”

Even from such inputs that come into our lives, something can be perceived. It
can be taken as part of Orava’s cultural heritage as a region where witchcraft was
prevalent in the past and the children just incorporated it into their creations. But
it is also possible to imagine those children as former sorcerers, their clients, or
their victims, people who have something karmic to deal with; or they are
normal children through whom the Great Spirit communicates to us something
that we ought to know, as far as the power of our Spirit’s Imagination permits.
Apparently, all of them apply, as with any of those children.

When people have done something dark, fragments of their souls remain in that
place, energetic pieces that call souls back to reconnect with them and help them
achieve knowledge of what they once did there and for what reasons. It’s a tool.
When the soul does not know what it should solve in its life from its ancient
unprocessed matters, this is also the way. It is not by chance that people get to the
places they go and it is not by chance that people meet the people they meet. Not
all meetings, just some of them are important. Their individual Spirit of the Place
will show them what happened at that place and the soul, as long as it has the
prerequisites, will be given the opportunity to understand its own Self, which
will speak to it from the past. If a person is perceptive and alert, listens carefully,
reads between the lines and perceives with feelings and intuition in addition to
reason, then more will be shown to him and he will get more opportunities for
better understanding. But for that he has to leave his Ego at the gates of Troy and
not let the demons of his past get in the way of exploring the dark alleys of his
Witchcraft is not just about innocent-looking divination from a ball, although
even that can change fate and have negative consequences. The methods of
witchcraft are also its consequences. They cause mental chaos, confusion of mind,
emotional imprisonment, astral suffering and sometimes physical death of the
victim. Witches also had a positive effect, using white magic, for example, to
drive away the evil Spirits of the Bad Harvest.
Two former Orava witches, now seemingly normal civilian women, have recently
returned to the place where they worked many centuries ago. Sitting in a
meadow near Oravská Lesna, in meditation they see a large gure of a man with
a deer’s head, a demon who, at their request, removed the curse of a eld that
did not want to produce anything. The failure of the harvest caused famine and
the need to remedy this motivated the villagers to order the services of witches
who were supposed to mediate it for them for a decent amount of money. The
witch herself did nothing. By casting a spell, she connected with a dark astral
being, the Deer Demon, who for some reason previously caused the eld to be
cursed and now removed it. Sometimes (the same) witches, who thus
(un)consciously created a demand for their services, were effective together with
him in the past. The demon will want something in return, he will want the
energy of the souls and he will in some form make his way into the
consciousness of the witches in order to possess them even more and for them to
supply him with the energy of the souls. Thus, even with an act that seems
positive at rst glance, the witch becomes more and more entangled with the
Sitno and the castle of the same name in Štiavnické vrchy were given a name that
also means the entrance to Hell. In the old days of Atlantis, black magic rituals

were prophesied there, and in the time of the pre-Christian Slavs, Perun had his
sacri ce there. People, regardless of their religion, still use the same “energy”
places from ancient times. Witches used to go there even much later, they feel
there (including their own) energies, because they themselves lost them there in
the past and fragments of their souls remained there. Some (former) Orava
witches drew their own energies there to cleanse the well below the Sitna peak,
because they had cursed it long ago. Due to their abilities and reputation, Orava
witches were also in demand elsewhere in the past. Those women were attracted
to it because magic would stay in their blood for a long time, if not forever. They
didn’t even really know why they were there and that they were actually trying
to clean up their own deeds. Such things are also happening nowadays.
Sitno is an appropriate name, because the mountain is a former stratovolcano
that rose to a height of four kilometers in the Tertiary period. The term sitno is
mentioned as an archaic synonym of hell and has been used in Slovakia in this
sense for at least centuries. According to another interpretation, Sitna comes from
the name of the biblical well, from the Hebrew word sitna, which
means ” accusation “. The connection between Sitno and hell probably arose due
to the superstitions about a hole to the other world, which was located there,
similar to the one on Baba Hora. It is said that Sitno knights still reside here, and
when the inhabitants nd themselves in need, Mount Sitno opens and brave
knights come to their aid. Others refer to Sitno as the gate of hell or the home of
unborn souls. The connection with hell originates in the rumors that say that
there is a gate to hell at the top of Sitno, because the peak used to be a burial
ground and a place of sacri cial rituals in the past.
A frequent activity of Orava witches was love magic, in other words, forcibly
keeping one of the partners in love, against his will, with emotional bonds,
thanks to which he got into a relationship and could not get out of it. It was really
black voodoo magic. One person was enslaved in a relationship that they
normally wouldn’t want to be in for anything and the other person bene ted
because they had who they wanted. There are many requests for love magic even
today. It’s not just about depriving someone of their free will and trapping them
in a relationship. It is a tyranny that destroys life. The witch will also get into a
relationship in which she will be bound by emotions with the karmic pendulum.
After all, she may understand that she sometimes caused it herself, but probably
not because she is too dim for the Ego to allow her to do so. And so windows of
opportunity are closed to her, which could also be windows of knowledge if
someone climbs into them to take a good look at what they see on the other side.
Understanding one’s past actions is necessary if a person wants to understand
them and adopt an attitude towards them in terms of whether it was right,
whether he liked it, what he got out of it, and whether he would repeat it if he

had the opportunity. This is what processing karmic entries is all about. ON does
not forget, karma needs to be balanced so that the system is harmonized. It is not
possible to harmonize something just like that, with one’s intention and word,
just because someone wants it so and intends to harmonize, for example, the
chakras, which also hide karmically justi ed energy protrusions. It’s similar to
squeezing a bag full of milk on one side. You squeeze the milk in that place and it
pours into another place. When you release the pressure, the milk will ll the
place you previously squeezed. You spent energy, temporarily something
happened externally, it moved somewhere, but the nal result is zero. But
something else can happen, or nothing at all. It may happen that the bag bursts,
the milk spills on you and after a while it starts to smell really unpleasant.


Hyperborea was an ancient civilization that spread geographically in the north of

Russia. Legends about it say that its character was a fairy-tale realm of eternal
spring, located in the north of the European part of Russia, beyond the home of
the north wind. The Hyperborean Aryans were a blessed, long-lived race
untouched by war, hard toil, and the ravages of old age and disease. The banks of
the rivers there were lined with amber weeping poplar trees and their waters
were home to ocks of white swans. The land was blessed with an eternal spring
and produced two crops of grain a year, but most of the land was wild and
covered with beautiful forests. It was the so-called ”Garden of Apollo“.
Hyperborea was a theocracy ruled by three priests of the god Apollo. These kings
were sons of the North Wind. The people celebrated their god Apollo in an
eternal festival of music, song and dance, to which the sweet song of the circling
Hyperborean swans joined in praise.
The inhabitants of Hyperborea, with their gentle and blessed behavior compared
to other civilizations in the world, were clearly not doing anything wrong. They
also attracted a lot of energy of grace by proposing Apollo, who was symbolically
close to the sun as a source of energy. However, such behavior also has its dark
side, which can be demonstrated by the example of today’s Hare Krishna
Adherents of the Hare Krishna movement believe that Krishna (an avatar of
Vishnu) is the Supreme Lord and that humans are eternal spiritual beings
trapped in the cycle of reincarnation. The nature of the cycle for individual beings
is determined by karma, the law of consequences of past actions, which returns
beings to physical existence. According to the movement’s doctrine, one can
change one’s karma by practicing extreme forms of yoga; But the Lord provided
a simpler method, the recitation of his holy names, Krishna and Rama. Devotees
dedicate their lives to the service of Krishna and spend several hours every day
chanting the Hare Krishna mantra. They are vegetarians and abstain from alcohol
and drugs. Sex is allowed only for procreation in marriage. Male devotees shave
their heads, leaving only a small tuft of hair called a sikha, a sign of surrender to
their teacher. Every morning, religious men and women mark their foreheads
with clay as a reminder that their bodies are temples of Krishna.

These believers avoid the karmic consequences of their (past) actions. They want
it that way, and then they get it. However, they must live according to the
principles of the movement, and when they have a health, mental, or situational
problem, they solve it by chanting and chanting in praise of Krishna. This is how
they avoid dealing with their karma by putting it off until the next life. She will
not be lost to them. Karmic debts will remain for them, opportunities for
knowledge will remain unused and will manifest themselves in their next life.
They probably don’t get much out of life, and that’s also because they are too
ascetic, they spend a lot of time chanting and chanting the same thing over and
over, and that way they don’t get to a more comprehensive knowledge of their
Self. They subscribed to something else. Sometimes even this can have its
meaning, when, for example, the soul needs a rest break in a series of dif cult
Not everything is black or white. Unmanifested hidden karma has its indirect
consequences in the current life as well, as it forms a Shadow that attracts
darkness. It was the same with the people of Hyperborea, a realm that was
destroyed by the attack of Darkness. Its inhabitants were too gentle and could not
effectively defend themselves within their moderate ideology.
The city of Archangelsk is located on the territory of the former Hyperborea on
the coast of the White Sea. Pyramids have been discovered on the opposite Kola
Peninsula on the other side of the bay, but so far they have not been properly
explored due to the dif culty of the terrain. The city bears its name in honor
of Archangel Michael.

The in uence of archangels on human

At the upper level, where Unity grafts into Duality, there are twelve main aspects
of the Supreme Lord and these are the twelve main primordial archetypal angels
– Archangels. They personify all archetypes, each their own, they intermingle
and work together. At the upper level, Archangels do not have names, they only
got them at the lower level of the forms of the (material) world of the Matrix.
The archangel is the personi cation of his main archetypes into a human essence,
which has the nominal characteristics of its mission and its nature according to
the given archetype. The Archangel manifests himself divinely from above, as a
primordial angel, and from below as a human or other (extraterrestrial) being.
From above, the Archangelic in uences are pure and from below they are dark,
polluted by the Shadow of the (human) soul – raw, unbalanced karma.
The Twelve Archangels can be likened to the One White Light refracted on the
ethereal level of mental patterns through drops of water into the Seven Colors of
the Rainbow. However, there are only seven main colors. There are ve
remaining, and these Archangels will manifest in other ways, such as ultraviolet
radiation, which is also a part of light, but is not visible to the naked eye. It is
similar to the chakra system, which has seven chakras in the order of the colors of
the rainbow. Not much is known about the remaining ve chakras, and it does
not make sense for a person to get too involved with them.
Archangels are primordial angels, they are archetypal aspects of the Supreme
Lord that the soul has innately. Each person has a different combination of one or
more archetypes in different proportions. Archetypes are radiated from above
into the human consciousness by the Light of the Spirit, but when the soul has
karmic connections that bind it to astral-mental entities, they are radiated from
below by the arti cial light of the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix.
If you pray to angels or archangels, if you speak to them, you are actually trying
to speak to your own archetypal talents, because you have lost the pure faces of
the angels and do not have access to them. You try to make up for their de cit by
asking certain named high-ranking angelic beings to supply you with
information, provide spiritual guidance, or deliver other help from “outside”.

Normally, you would have all this from within, and you would not have to pray
to an angel who has a name and thereby run the risk of his astral mutated
namesake speaking to you. He may have the archetypal qualities of the angel you
want to communicate with, but they may be distorted, either only slightly, or in
such a way that you don’t even recognize the original archangel in them. Or a
completely different being will speak to you in your thoughts/feelings, which
has (almost) nothing to do with that archangel.
There are an in nite number of shades of the colors of the rainbow, we see seven
basic colors manifested by the sense of sight : red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
indigo and violet. A rainbow is created by the refraction of sunlight through
water vapor droplets. These are the basic colors of the rainbow, we cannot see the
others (the other ve to a dozen) with our eyes.
If infrared light shines on a plastic object, some of the wavelengths are absorbed
and some are re ected.
Different chemical bonds absorb energy differently, resulting in a decrease in
re ection. A scratched plastic bottle lled with dirty water represents an “optical
prism” in the Matrix that refracts light. However, only part of the colors will be
re ected, and the result of refraction will be their shades of gray.
And if the light that is refracted on an arti cial optical prism is also arti cial, for
example an LED or another arti cial light source, it does not create the entire
spectrum of colors like a rainbow. However, it can still produce a wide range of
colors by combining different colored LEDs or using a color lter. They are all
arti cial substitutes for light, and their result is then also arti cial.
When a person has unbalanced karmic writings, it obviously depends on their
quantity and severity, so the light that his enlightenment will bring to him is
arti cial; and enlightenment is then also false. The light is not emitted from the
top down, but is arti cially emitted from the bottom up, the arti cial light up
there is not desired, so it is re ected immediately above the Matrix and falls back
down. This light LED effect inspires a person with his own archetypes in a
distorted way. This also applies when the arti cial light from below falls together
with the light emitted from above. If the light from above falls at the same time as
the arti cial light, it spoils the result of the overall light, because both lights work
together and their illumination and re ection also create certain deformations.
We can consider the supposed distorted in uence of the archangels from within
as the real distorted in uence of our own archetypal patterns, which manifest
themselves degenerately, because they are malignantly mutated by the dark
formations of karmic slurs and spider webs, in which parasitic astral-mental
mutants thrive. Along with the in uence of archangels in human consciousness,
either directly or re ected (arti cially), there is also another in uence that could

be compared to global radiation from the galactic center or from the Sun, which
creates conditions for global changes in human consciousness. We can think of
this radiation as some of the ve missing colors that we cannot see with the eye
due to the refraction of light through a prism.
Nothing happens by itself, it takes effort to change the level of your
consciousness. If you do not help clear your karmic connections to astral-mental
parasites and process your karmic records accordingly, the inspirational
in uences of your own pure archetypal talents will remain obscured.
Change is coming and the distorting in uences of astral parasites (false gods,
etc.) will be removed. The false arti cial light will go out and the Light of the
Spirit will shine on what you have there that has been hidden until now. This has
never happened here so far, so read ON Opinions, study and contemplate,
because Fortune favors the Prepared.

Dark tourism to energetic places

Traveling to places of death and destruction is not a new concept. It is a

phenomenon that in recent years has proven to be a clearly identi able product
of the tourism industry, from the point of view of offering to satisfy “human”
nature, which is the fascination with death and disaster. There are many tourist
sites associated with death and suffering that attract millions of tourists from all
over the world. For example, the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, or
terrifying, abandoned hospitals for the mentally ill, haunted castles, or forests
cursed with portals to other dimensions.
There can be more motivations for visiting them: looking for excitement or shock;
gaining experience related to a person’s idea of his own mortality; nostalgia; the
celebration of crime and deviance; curiosity; desire for knowledge; empathic
identi cation with the victims; nding your identity; a sense of social
responsibility; turning to darker motives of interest and indulgence in violence
and suffering; bloodlust; warped interest and entertainment through the horri c
events and suffering of others.
Many people desire to visit the concentration camp Auschwitz (Auschwitz-
Birkenau), where more than 1.1 million men, women and children lost their lives.
Auschwitz is the most visited dark tourism site in the world, with 2.5 million
tourists visiting it annually and this number is increasing every year. After
Auschwitz in the ranking of the top destinations of dark tourism, Chernobyl,
Hiroshima and Nagasaki follow. Potential visitors know the story of Auschwitz
and many subconsciously suspect that they will feel good and interesting there. It
happens to many, because there in Auschwitz there are dark energies that collide
with the energies of such visitors.
Energy spots are created by curses, but also by the fact that people die there. A lot
of people. Natural disasters or indirectly caused deaths are not counted
here. Energy places of this type are created by prophesying the intention of a
person or group of people to cause suffering and death to another person or
group of people. The purpose is to make the perpetrators of these acts bene t or
feel good. Those who suffer and are killed in places where this happens leave
behind dark energetic fragments of their souls; the darker the emotional coloring
accompanying their suffering and death, the more and the more intense the

energies (soul fragments) they leave behind in that place. They are energetic
pieces of the soul. The number of disabled people means the number of
fragments, and there were many of them in Auschwitz. Even those who
committed those deeds – the perpetrators of crimes – leave their dark fragments
The dark energy of the fragments of the souls of executed prisoners, as well as
their perpetrators, belongs to the dark energy of many visitors, they harmonize
with each other, in the sense of “like attracts like”, or “crow sits on a crow” and
evokes a strangely pleasant feeling in visitors. Intellectually, the visitors explain
this pleasant feeling with their knowledge of history, sympathy, admiration for
the perfection of the murderous machine of the fascist Germans, or otherwise.
They realize that they are alive and those there are dead. Few of them stop to
think why such a terrifying place gives them a pleasant feeling; he masks it with
other explanations. Few, if any, question themselves and nd a deeply hidden
cause within themselves, which may be the blackness of their own soul.
However, it can also be caused by the manipulation of mental-astral entities,
which, with an arti cially implanted pleasant feeling of admiration for the
culture of death, try to attract the visitor to themselves.
The dark energy of the soul fragments, extended by the outstretched tentacle of
the fragments, touches the visitor of the light soul and sparks between them with
the touch – it is a short circuit of the collision of the negative and positive pole,
and this causes an unpleasant feeling in the visitor of the light soul. Such visitors
see dark shadows there, the cold breath of death wafts over them, and they feel
evil energies – this is a sign from the spirit that the place is not suitable for them.
Another relatively little-known energy place with little traf c is in Holíč na
Záhorí. It is the place where stone menhirs once stood. The name is Holíčská
svatyňa, otherwise Holíčsky roundel with megaliths, popularly Holíčsky
Stonehenge. A few decades ago, a prehistoric sanctuary was discovered in the
area under Calvary, a set of cult stones from it was moved to another part of the
city, where it forms a set of stone sundials.
Many thousands of years ago, a spacecraft from an ancient civilization crashed
here in Holíč. It was shot down by earthlings and several hundred enemy
invaders perished in it. They were dark invaders controlled by mental entities
and they didn’t expect it. It was a shock and surprise to them that the earthlings
de ed them by physically removing them. At their death, their astral souls
separated and ew away into the inter-life Transit, to return again later; they left
fragments of the energies of their souls at the crash site. Fragments pull their
souls back into the wheel of reincarnations, they are connections to the Matrix,

they are connections to places and other souls that await their resolution and
“absolution” according to ON.
A large pit was left at the crash site, and the local natives, who shot it down with
magic technology, danced around it to celebrate their success; later that place
became a cult (energy) place, a roundel with massive stones arranged in a circle,
where religious or pagan ceremonies were later performed. Then they built a
calvary, a triple cross in that place as an imitation of Golgotha, and next to it they
built an Orthodox temple. Various religious groups, typically around the world,
use the same energy sites where they build their temples and where their
followers meet. They build a new temple on the site of the original temple and
shamelessly slander the original church. In doing so, they use the same energies
as those before them. Dark beings of the faithful feel good in spaces surrounded
by dark energies of fragments of anchored souls.
The fragment remains in place also so that the soul from which it was separated
can return to the crime scene and have the opportunity to understand what
happened to it then, under what circumstances and why. It is an opportunity for
her to dip into the bucket of knowledge of her karma. The offender returns to the
scene of his crime. When the person in question reaches the place where his
fragment is stored and immerses himself in meditation, something comes to his
consciousness. When a fragment of his own soul energetically shows itself to
him, he recognizes it – it’s like meeting an old acquaintance; one is moved and
maybe even cries.
However, the fragment will not be reattached and its energy will not be returned
if one does not understand the point, which is knowing what he did at the time,
what he was there for, why he was (in the case of Holíčské Rondel) an intruder,
what he wanted to do, who he represented there, what motivated him, what by
that he wanted to gain, what to do with it; and all this under the guidance of the
Spirit. If the fragment returned to the soul, the person would be a little wiser
(more enlightened), a piece of the soul would be returned to him, which also
carries a piece of the Spirit and a piece of reason. Even a little ON.
When someone leaves a lot of fragments somewhere, they have their ON
scattered everywhere. When someone curses and casts spells with black magic,
he also scatters his Self, because every spoken word of (black) magic carries
energies – also a piece of the Spirit and a piece of Self, which is then scattered in
such a way that it cannot be collected. A spoken curse word cannot simply be
taken back. It’s like when you pluck a chicken and scatter its feathers around, the
wind catches them and the feathers ying here and there are no longer possible
to collect. It would be possible to collect some of it, but with an enormous effort

and (positive) will, or to collect the feathers right after you have scattered them.
Even so, some would probably y away forever.

Covering up deceived souls

A situation may arise in life that reveals what was hidden until then. When
someone has enough external resources, they can use them to cover up the
internal things that they subconsciously hide from others. He doesn’t even know
what he is actually hiding, they are his sins of the old past, which he has long
forgotten and even now he prefers not to know anything about them. ON has not
forgotten it and will remind you in due time. It is similar to having a wooden
stake built over the grave of your true Self, your ON. It covers it and you can’t
get to it. You don’t even want to get to her. You don’t want your ON and you
avoid him. Even your individual SE cannot reach you because it is built below
the threshold. ON lights the pyre from below. He lights it and you can bask in the
heat radiating from its ames. You are warmed by the radiating burnt truth from
the dark forest, it is the concentrate of the environment and circumstances of
your Shadows, materialized and arranged in the wooden logs of the forest trees;
it unfreezes your karmic debts arranged into a border to show themselves in their
nakedness and then burn in ame. It represents the burning of your karma, but
in such a way that you will be forced to stand by that re, look at it, and see the
Shadows of your (ancient) past bouncing around, expressed by the re ections of
the ickering ames of the re.
The accumulated truth of the rings of the wooden logs will shine into your Self.
Your past will burn with truth, Your Spirit will blow on the re so that it burns
properly. He will add oxygen to it with his Breath of the Great Spirit so that the
re can live and breathe. If your Spirit will stand behind you, then the gray
smoke of Vanity from the re of burning karma will be directed to the opposite
side and the wood will burn faster at the same time. If the Spirit does not stand
behind you, but against you, then the smoke will come upon you and suffocate
you. You’ll be hot anyway. If you stand too close to the re, or if you have a large
re, it will burn you, you will “burn for the truth”. If you are too far from the re,
not much truth will shine on you.


When the re burns out, ashes will remain from the grave, the wind blows and it
will blow it away and show you what was buried under the pyre. It was a wood

border and at the same time it was another border that separated the
Apparent from the (not) Suspected. It is your ancient grave, in which is hidden
your own twisted skeleton, the corpse you buried there long ago. ON cut down
your dark forest that you didn’t want to enter for anything because you were
afraid of your own ghostly shadows in it. ON selected from it what he considered
appropriate to prophesy to your present Self, sawed and stacked the logs to make
a pyre out of them.
When you devote a lot of time and energy to something and after a while you
nd out that it was in vain, your mood drops. You will immediately lose the
energy you put into it. It’s like when you wreck your car and they tell you it’s
beyond repair. The whole thing is for depreciation. Suddenly you are without a
car and the work you had to put in to get the car is lost. At least you rode it for
some time and possibly created something with its help. It is the same with
systems of belief, spirituality, but also everyday life. You spend energy pursuing
something, only to nd out after a while that it got you nowhere and you’re still
in the same place. However, since you have expended energy, you have in a
sense moved backwards, in case the energy expended exceeds the value of the
knowledge you have gained from it. The balance will be negative. Or there will
be some unavoidable (global) event that will make you a done deal and you will,
whether you like it or not, be put in front of questioning your entire life and
value system. What was the point of it all, when you will forget where you will
go, what will happen to you now, where will all your material and immaterial
valuables, which stood on the pedestal of Vanity, go to you. All of a sudden you
will lose all the energy that has been driving you forward. It will disappear
somewhere and you will be left at the bottom.

Covering up

People go through their lives with so many false ideas about the world, about
spirituality, and about themselves. Everything earthly is an illusion more or less
based on a lie, because the truth that radiates inside cannot be fully expressed on
the outside except partially and by describing some of its aspects. When someone
wants to see the truth, he understands it internally from the signs and symbols
that reveal it. When someone does not want to see the truth, he ignores the signs,
symbols and information that come to him about it. He rejects the truth, covers it
up and sweeps it under the carpet. He puts on a mask until he believes the
facades of his pretense. It is a reaction to unpleasant newly acquired information
or experiences, contradicting his previous idea or knowledge about himself. This
discrepancy causes an unpleasant feeling of tension and, consequently, a desire
for its reduction or elimination. At every moment, man is deceiving himself, and
at every moment, the world is also deceiving him. This is how people justify even

the most absurd things in their minds. They constantly lie to themselves and
believe it.

About the truth

“People gather around lies like ies around a honey bee, and the words of a
storyteller crouching on a street corner smell like incense. However, people run
away from the truth.” — Mika Waltari

The truth is often not pleasant. People don’t want to see it or hear it, they want to
be caressed by a lie, so that they get a pleasant feeling from immersing their
consciousness in its enticing delusion, so that they feel sick and dizzy after
drinking cheap sweet fruit wine. Their ear is placed on a soft cushion that
separates them from the Truth, muf es its in uence, and tells them something
else in a velvety voice. There is a cost to petting, because once this soft pillow
ips its wrong side up and caresses their faces with a brush covered in rusty,
razor-sharp spines. Face to face, the truth will show its true face to those who hid
from it, covered their eyes and concealed them from others.
With their outward expression, many people move further and further away
from the true expression of their inner self. They do it consciously and
subconsciously. They try too hard to cover their true self with mimicry of the
protective coloring of excited positivity, apparent social awlessness, loud
political and civic correctness, ideological or ecological conformity, or outwardly
demonstratively point out their compliance with the prescriptions of false
morality. The external effort aimed at excessive correctness at the expense of
normal true self-expression leads to its opposite, and that is incorrectness. This
applies especially to those who have something to hide; so let’s not forget that the
criminals of the past and their clones are still among us. They are trying to do the
same thing they did in the past of their previous existences; due to the overlays of
various camou ages, they make it more subtle and brazen. With progressively
increasing audacity, they preach water and drink wine, spout double entenders,
measure with double standards, and cover up their heaven-crying lies with a
haze of apparent correctness and bene cence.
Such people will never get out of the chains of Lies and Falsehood. They have
sunk into them for a long time and it takes a long time for anyone to come out of
them, if at all. When someone goes into the Darkness, he simply does not see the
Truth in it. When someone from the outside shines light on some aspects of the
Truth presented to him, he will only see its Shadows and then he will not know
what they represent, because the Shadows are at, blurred and unclear. The truth
is not out there somewhere, where it is re ected from solid matter, but it is inside

the ON Being, and when someone ON has said goodbye, got rid of him, he will
not see that Truth. He will only be able to look outside, at others who are also not
in the Truth and possibly try to show some of its aspects to them from the outside
in the Darkness.
Who does not hate the truth and does not want to see it? The devil, the agent of
Satan and many of his followers, they hate the truth, they cover it up and it
remains hidden from them. They do not know her and cannot know her. They
tend to the opposite side of Creation, and that is Damnation, where there is no
Truth at all. It does not t into their puzzle because they want to drag as many
others as possible into Damnation with them, especially those who have little in
common with the Darkness of Falsehood.

The awakening

In order to awaken to the truth you seek, you must break down the prison walls
of false beliefs that you have allowed to be anchored in your Self. People are too
attached to lies. It is more convenient for them, they want to hold on to illusions
and at the same time become enlightened, from which they want to have the
advantage of heavenly peace and security. However, it does not work together.
There are plenty of fake gurus and “spiritual teachers” who will tell you it can be
done. That it can be let go by force of will, ignore it, ignore it. They offer you
processes to become happy, ful lled, peaceful, nd your soul mate, be positive,
nd the right job, make a lot of money, balance your chakras, become healthy and
anything else you desire. It has nothing to do with awakening, it’s just massaging
the Ego and it will take you back to the Matrix. You may even be “lucky” enough
to get into a golden cage, but it’s still just a cage and you’ll remain trapped. You
can sing like a canary locked in a cage and think that it is good for you to be free,
because you can sing freely in a cage. This is the path most people choose to take.
This road is well traveled by herds. Walking the path to truth and freedom
requires courage, discernment and self-honesty. Few people have that, and if
someone really wants it, they have to get it. He must open up in honesty to
himself. Most people want to stay in the fold, so they nd solace in the company
of other deluded souls. They are lied to by others, and souls mainly lie to
Breaking out of the herd is not easy. It is a dusty broken road that shatters every
part of your existing existence. It is a voyage along the rapids of the river of life.
It takes a certain type of person to walk that path; a person who has what it takes
and is willing to give up everything to nd his true self. You don’t have to wait
for the dark night of the soul to dissect your false ideas, your false self, your life
story. You can consciously take this path. But it requires courage, discernment

and brutal honesty from you. The Arti cial Mind is a very tricky opponent and
will deceive you at every turn because your awakening is the end of its control
over you. But it can be done if you have the prerequisites for it. You simply have
to allow the Grace of the Spirit to work in you. As for the internal transformation,
nothing can be done about it. What you can do is create space for transformation
and transmutation. So the choice is up to each of you. No one can do it for you.

Dark Night

The dark night of the soul is a phase of passive puri cation of the spirit in
mystical development. It follows an illumination in which God’s presence is felt,
but this presence is not yet stable. ON will prove to be. Spirit will prove to be. It
then withdraws outward, leaving you to awaken into the Dark Night of your
Soul. It’s not a walk in the park, it’s a journey through your own mental hell. You
must enter the mysterious lands and come face to face with your shadows. It is
there that your false ideas about who you are and your false beliefs are laid out to
be destroyed. It has nothing to do with the goal of becoming happier and living
in nirvana. A certain happiness and inner peace will come only later, as a possible
side effect of the outcome of your evolution.
We must face our false ideas and see them for what they are. This is the only way
to heal, to become whole again, to live in wholeness. It is a process of brutal self-
honesty. It is a path of accepting the truth, even if it can be hard to bear. When
you wake up and see the world with new eyes, you soon realize that no one else
sees the same. Others will probably think that you have cracked under the
pressure of suffering and gone crazy. No one wants to hear anything you might
say because it would expose their false beliefs. When someone wakes up, he nds
that the rest of the world is still sleeping. He is asleep, even though on the
outside, under the cloak of false spirituality, others also pretend to be awake, or
at least normal.


Enlightenment is untruths collapsing. When a person walks the path to his Self,
he soon realizes that he is alone on this path. The herd goes in the opposite
direction. One must be ready for it, nd solace in being alone, misunderstood by
others. You will wake up when Knowledge begins to come to you. Knowledge
comes from within, from the upper world, while knowledge comes from without,
from the lower world. Knowledge shapes who you are. It is awakening to your
true self. For those who have not awakened to their true Self, this is dif cult to
understand. They believe it is just received knowledge, forming a different set of
beliefs. They think that they are only the beliefs of others, or some nonsense and

phantasmagoria. It is completely pointless to explain it to people, because all they
know are their beliefs and thus basically they know nothing at all. Awakening to
your Self can be a ash, then another and another come, until nally it remains
permanently lit. One needs this to see that there is a deep consciousness separate
from the vast majority of people.
You may be persuaded to fully accept and surrender to suffering. Suffering
without knowing the truth is more or less useless from the point of view of
knowledge, but it can also have the nature of a righteous settlement with ON. On
the one hand, there is the insidiousness of the Devil, so that a person voluntarily
suffers and allows himself to be mistreated. The devil will want to take
advantage of it. On the other hand, there is the intention of the Spirit, who will
show you what you should see and how you should experience knowledge.
However, there are other combinations of suffering and knowledge. Don’t try to
push it away, it needs to be accepted and not accepted at the same time. It is
necessary to ght it, and not to ght it. To realize this dance, or mutual struggle
of opposites within oneself and observe what will happen. If ON in your Self
awakens, ON will ght with you, not directly, but in a mysterious way similar to
magic. You are an observer and a participant at the same time. You are a
defender, you defend yourself, you don’t defend your Ego, you leave it outside
the walls, let the enemy deal with it and let the enemy ght with your Ego
outside of you. Banishing suffering will obviously only work for a while, or not
at all. You will feel rejected, abandoned and alone. The pain of undressing in the
freezing cold, without hope. Suffering can seem endless and the conclusion is
open. No matter what aspects of knowing the truth about awakening and
enlightenment I have described here, also inspired by the work of Greg Calise,
ON will prophesy His own.

Migraine and sunspot symbolism

The sun affects us more than is generally known, not only in the perception of
space weather and its consequences, but also because solar phenomena are also a
hint. The universe is full of symbolism, from which a lot can be read with an
attentive eye and an open mind. The sun is a cosmic allegory of the Supreme
Lord, manifested and valid for our solar system. The true color of the Sun is
white and not yellow or orange. White represents the primordial Light, which is
refracted into the colors of the rainbow by passing through drops of water vapor.
Different perception of the color of the Sun by the human eye is caused by the
passage of sunlight through the Earth’s atmosphere. Sunspots are only about a
third cooler than the surrounding photosphere, and it is this brightness contrast
that makes them appear dark, even black. Even a third temperature difference
hides a signi cant symbolism of the degree of liberation from ON. The sunspot is
also so large that it could engulf the entire planet Earth. Sunspots indicate
triggered solar activity, they play an important role in the origin of Earthquakes.
If the Earth were to be hit by a massive solar storm, it could disable all electronic
devices and devices on Earth. A solar are expels large amounts of plasma and
magnetic eld from the solar corona, emitting heat and massive radiation, but
also creates electromagnetic pulses. The impacts of a massive solar storm on
humanity would also be massive. A number of satellites would be
decommissioned or destroyed. Communication services associated with them
would be unavailable. There would be major outages of electrical grids with
recovery times ranging from tens of hours to months, according to simulations.
All consequences are dif cult to predict.
On July 23, 2012, there was a huge solar storm. A massive electromagnetic storm
shot through Earth’s orbit, narrowly missing Earth. If it were to hit it, the
consequences of this storm would set civilization back centuries. The connection
between the timing of this event and the end of the Mayan calendar, which ended
on 12/21/2012, is obvious. In fact, we dodged a bullet that time. According to
NASA, there is a 12 percent chance that such an event, which would return
civilization back to primitive technology, will actually occur in the next 10 years.
The occurrence of sunspots waxes and wanes over an 11-year cycle. A magnetic
eld acts like a huge invisible bubble around the Earth, protecting the planet

from dangerous cosmic radiation that the Sun spews out in the form of solar
winds. However, the Earth’s magnetic eld weakens rapidly under the in uence
of solar ares.
It would seem that the consciousness of many people is on the way to being
raised and enlightened enough to repel the darkness of others in turmoil and
confusion, thereby avoiding this catastrophic event. Apparently, there is a reason
why the predictions of global catastrophic events have not happened yet, or it is
simply because the time has not yet come. It is also a warning of what could
happen if humanity does not work to create a common higher consciousness,
each for themselves.
On the face of the Sun are re ected the riots and disputes that were and are dark
spots on the white clothing of man. They are discrepancies between the Soul and
ON. Sunspots and their aftermath re ect the tension that exists between them,
and through the sunspots, it is revealed from time to time. The sunspot
represents ON’s memory of the misbehavior of the souls to whom the adversity
of solar eruptions turns. The sun is also symbolic of the Center around which
everything revolves. Even sun owers revolve behind the Sun and turn away
from the Moon. The sun is also a symbol of ON Momo the Supreme Lord; it is the
Oneness that contains the zero seed of all opposites emanating from the Center.
The kaleidoscope of the Cosmic Machine rotates, and from time to time ON
remembers the betrayal of the souls who joined with the opposite of ON, with
His enemy. A memory is a dark spot on a white sun. ON does not forget the
scumbags and bad behavior of souls. With such remembrance, His Heavenly
Love from Unity will be freed from Heavenly Love; from Unity it spreads into
the Duality of Amon, up to its opposite Retribution Nemesis, when it shoots out
the tentacle of its destructive emotional energy in the form of a solar are to
souls. The sunspot looks like the open muzzle of a slimy beast – the giant
mythical desert worm Olgoj Chorchoi of the Mongolian desert, which can kill a
person at a distance with electric shocks and deadly poison.
Solar ares affect many earthly affairs. There is an obvious link between solar
ares and migraines, for example. The solar burst of energy will cause a strong
mental rush of karmic emotional thoughts red from Nemesis and repelled by
Amon; and so they manifest themselves in the form of headaches that are
unbearable, followed by “I feel sick” vomiting and the like. These symptoms
symbolize ON’s attitude towards people who have blemishes on their Self. They
make Amon’s head ache and make him sick just thinking about them; and will
transfer it to those to whom it rightfully belongs.
Migraine is also caused by other causes, but solar activities are particularly
symbolic. The black spot on the Sun is projected in a person as a strong

outpouring of emotional feelings in the upper chakras, which are active in the
performance of (black) magic, but also actions that are performed under the
thought commands of the Ego. In the head, feelings are manifested as an
explosive thought concentrate, in which individual thoughts cannot be
distinguished. It’s a laser beam that intends to rip your head to pieces. ON’s
feelings will manifest themselves in the feelings of the person on whom the
energies of solar eruptions are directed, thus revealing to him the attitude of ON
towards the soul in question.
A much larger number of people also have karmic blackness, but they do not
have migraines. This is because migraines tend to affect mainly those former
cognitive ON Helpers who have separated from ON and whom ON in this way
points out that they have something signi cant on their back. Sometimes they
were Chosen and now they are Chosen in another way.
Most people who have migraine with aura develop temporary visual
symptoms that tend to start in the center of the visual eld and spread outward.
These can also include temporary vision loss, blind dark spots in vision re ecting
sunspots, zigzag lines, ashes of light, and speech dif culties. Migraine
symptoms also include quite obvious symbolism. These are warnings that people
ignore and numb with medication instead of addressing their spiritual causes of

Amon and Nemesis

“It was at dawn, I believed that dawn would come for the whole world, but you
killed the lion and its blood was spilled, I was weak and I thought that the god had
abandoned me, but he did not; and you didn’t kill him either, you thought you
would kill him when you destroy the temple, but god’s house is everywhere, level
the mountains, dry up the sea, pull the stars from the sky, but you don’t touch god.
I see it clearly, I thought god was the sun, so I saw him, but god is more, much
more, the sun is a symbol of his warmth and his power to create, he is not an idol,
no thing, but the creator of all, a loving spirit in our hearts. I am the luckiest of all,
he allowed me to know him. I was a shadow of things to come. I am the voice that
spoke of him. Other voices will come, clearer, people’s hearts will not reject him
forever, god is in everyone who opens the door to his abode, one day his moment
will come when he will speak in words that everyone will understand.” —
Akhenaten ( ction)

The Center of the Circle represents the existence of the Supreme Being in the
primordial state of Oneness. It is not a being in the human sense, because man
has many limitations and distortions in his expression. It is not a being in the
sense of a body, for this Being is pure consciousness that contains and prophesies
absolutely everything.
Amon in our Solar System is a manifestation of the Supreme God opening from
Oneness to Duality by prophesying certain aspects of ON’s Grace. The sun
representing Amun is in the center of the solar system. The name Amon has a
symbolic meaning connection with the ancient Egyptian deity. In Amon, his
opposite Nemesis is re ected by prophesying ON Milk. Amon has many
opposites and Nemesis is one of them. It is a combination of a feminine aspect
and a set of certain qualities opposed to Amon. Both Amon and Nemesis are one
of a number of ethereal patterns; in the context of the local happenings of our
solar system, Amon is manifested as the white sun God of Grace and Nemesis is
the dark sun Goddess of Retribution.
Many took an example from the symbolism of Amon. For example, the false gods
of Nippur. Their leader Enki was considered to be Amon, but he is also

considered to be the Devil or Satan. He wanted to be Amon to have his power.
He wanted to be the Devil and Satan so that he could enjoy deranged-sadistic
perversions. He also wanted to be an Indian. He wanted to be Metatron so he
could prophesy ON Opinions. The only thing he managed to do were their
twisted versions, so-called Memes, without a deeper logical meaning, religious
teachings, manipulative commandments, twisted, messed up by the Chaos of
Satan. These Memes are like the buzzing of butcher ies swooping down on meat
to infect with the parasitic mold pathogens of Satan. Enki called himself ON
Meme – it was one of his many names.
“God” Enki, like a trained monkey in the Nibiruan Zoo, repeats what he sees; it
no longer has its own identity. His cosmic wife Ninhursag, in turn, considered
herself Nemesis, so that she could enjoy her sense of power by taking revenge on
earthlings for their sins, which were invented, manipulated, or exaggerated by
them (the gods). She twisted the principle of just Retribution into a twisted
Revenge without end. Meanwhile, Ninhursag herself is just a jealous vengeful
astral devil prostitute of Satan. He is a blood angel sold out to the Devil and the
other false gods are the same way. Their earthly followers are also in a similar
situation. Both of them have been playing gods here on Earth for millennia and
are still, in various forms, whether religious, political or media, an object of
worship and a choice for the masses of earthlings.
In addition to Nemesis, the false gods wanted to appropriate Apophis, the
ancient god of Destruction and Chaos, to have him available as their servant who
would carry out their desires for the destruction of humanity for their bene t.
Their intention was that human souls could claim and brag to the Devil about
how many souls they brought to him. The gods thought that when they
communicated to the telepathic mind of some prophet apocalyptic information
about the destruction of mankind and that prophet further communicated it to
mankind as a vision of the future that he received from “higher” places; if the
disaster were to happen then, according to the “gods”, it would automatically go
to the prophet’s account. According to them, the prophet and the people who
heard his prophecies would automatically be guilty of the apocalypse. It was
enough that they heard them or read them somewhere and they didn’t even have
to agree with them internally. They would like to throw their depraved
destructive desires on a person and evolve from it themselves. Pretty primitive
thinking, but that’s how the gods are, mentally retarded primitives, headed by
their ideologist Enki. Furthermore, the gods can only give thought and voice
sensations; and they don’t even really know it. However, it also depends on the
prophet to what extent he will not only believe in the apocalyptic message, but
how he will identify with it and how he will push it to humanity, whether he will
develop it further or try to make it come true.

Visual visions of events and astral lms projected into the consciousness of man
go beyond the gods, because the gods have no creativity ON. They don’t know
how to create, they only know how to spoil something and feed themselves. They
cast black magic spells and try to nd someone to manifest it for them on the
astral plane. If they manage to nd someone, the astral spirit in question will do
it his way, i.e. he will bring his Spirit, such as he has, into their intention. ON will
prophesy it according to his own. The gods also try to spoil dreams and various
astral-mental visions in this way; what ON prophesies into the prophet’s
consciousness and in what way is individual. Apophis, Nemesis and even Amon
are de nitely not Enki’s tools, nor his concubine Ninhursag.
One of the opposite partners of Amon is Apophis. Neither of them have anything
to do with the Anunnaki or any other false gods. On the contrary, the gods would
like to have much in common with them, they conjured these and other higher
powers to serve them and carry out their evil intentions. Apophis is the
destructive opposite of Amon. Although their names have origins in mythology,
here they represent aspects of ON high levels and not some low astral parasites.
Amon is the directly prophesied pattern of ON Grace and Apophis is the
representative of ON morose ON Grace from the eighth level near Oneness. Their
names according to mythology are the most suitable names, because I still have
to call them somehow to make it clear what it is about. And so their names are set
according to the gures of mythology closest to them in terms of meaning,
according to which aspect of ON it is. They have nothing to do with the Matrix.
As ethereal patterns, they are quasi-beings from the level of primordial ON Milk,
which inspires some beings from subtle levels of consciousness directly and
purely; many low proponents of Satan imitate them deformedly, by mutations of
their own Self.
On the other hand, I want to emphasize that the names of some characters and
seemingly “strange” concepts and phrases that appear in this book were
prophesied to me at the beginning by beings with whom I communicated
through channeling. I already had to supplement their mythological and other
meaning myself, by perceiving inner inspiration and also from commonly
available earthly sources. This is also one of the points I have come to understand
by communicating with these beings: we are here on Earth and what can be
ascertained, clari ed and understood on the Earth level, from available resources,
is the preferred option. After all, we have a huge database of information on the
web and mental information processing tools such as analysis, synthesis,
statistics and others. A powerful instrument of understanding is the ability to
understand the word language of ethereal and dreamlike parables.

The Anunnaki gods have nothing, they know nothing, they just cast spells and
subsisted on everything they came across. If they were so longing for Apophis
and his destructive feat, he might nally carry it out, but in such a way that it
concerns themselves in the rst place. Apophis will destroy them and send them
to where they will be “good” – to Hell, which they enjoyed by conjuring
humanity with suffering.
Amon has nothing to do with the “gods”. Amon is a powerful ethereal pattern,
prophesied as a planetary god, he is the Solar ON as the Earth ON is to the Earth.
Amon has a central role here, in a sense, just as the Sun is for us, the inhabitants
of the Solar System, a giant behind which stands a high-ranking power that has
nothing to do with some dark aliens, false gods, or astral parasites.
Amon’s relationship with his opposites, and in this case the relationship with his
female opposite, the goddess Nemesis, is a symbolism that also manifests itself in
relationships between human souls. Partner relationships manifest countless
combinations of sets of attributes, character traits and natures of their
participants. The couple Amon and Nemesis is one of them. It’s about the entry
of two people into a karmic relationship, it’s about retribution, about using and
abusing each other’s souls for their shared karma, but it’s also about Knowledge
and Reconciliation, which also characterizes Nemesis. On a three-dimensional
physical level, we can imagine Amon as the Sun and Nemesis as his dark twin.
There is much more at higher levels. The relationship between Amon and
Nemesis is an archetypal pattern that is expressed in various distorted re ections
in human lives. In the pattern of their relationship, there is a hidden symbolism
of excessive desire, arising from a man’s desire for a woman and from the love he
gives her. Out of love, a man will provide a woman with his resources, even a
“credit card”, but she will overdraw the funds in the account and leave the man
in debt for a long time. She will use the resources for vanity, she will become a
voracious black hole that intends to extract absolutely everything from a man,
even more. She never has enough, and when her needs are not met, she turns her
anger and revenge on her breadwinner, until he paci es her and puts her in
Astronomical view of celestial symbolism appropriately complements ON’s
prophecies. According to them, there is a theoretical dwarf dark star Nemesis in a
distant location near the edge of the Solar System, which is believed to be a
companion of our Sun. This theory was proposed to explain the cycle of mass
extinctions in Earth’s history that occurred at intervals of 26 million years.
Scientists hypothesized that such a star could affect the orbits of objects in the
distant outer solar system, sending them on a collision course with Earth. This is
related to the idea that global natural disasters on Earth, such as extinction
events, happen at regular intervals due to the periodic motion of the Sun relative

to the Milky Way galaxy, which would also affect the proximity and position of
Nemesis relative to the Sun. According to this theory, a brown dwarf called
Nemesis causes extinction every 26 million years. In the ancient Greek world,
Nemesis was worshiped as a goddess associated with justice and fate.
One of the largest binocular telescopes on Earth is sponsored by the Vatican.
Someone played with its name and with a certain sense of humor, irony, or
wanted to subtly announce to the world what the Vatican is doing, invented the
name Lucifer for the device. The telescope device is used to observe cosmic
bodies with infrared light, and its name was created by combining the initial
letters of the long technical name of this device. Later, after a stormy response
from the media, it was renamed Luci. It is owned by the Vatican Observatory.
However, it is interesting that the Catholic Church is interested in observing
distant cosmic bodies that are not visible otherwise than with telescopes adapted
for observing the universe with infrared light. And the so-called ” Judgment
Comet ” star Nemesis belongs to such cosmic objects.
How could a twin sun be responsible for a mass extinction? The Nemesis star
theory deals with the idea that Earth’s binary twin must be in a large orbit of 1.5
light years, retaining just enough gravitational pull between itself and the Sun to
keep it from drifting away. However, the problem with Nemesis’ orbit is that it
occasionally passes through a cloud of icy debris at the edge of our solar system,
known as the Oort cloud.
Do not disturb Oort. The Oort cloud is the envelope of the solar system, a sphere
that is thought to orbit our solar system. It consists of the small icy building
blocks of planets, comets and asteroids. These are sticky and collide with each
other until they are large enough to have signi cant gravitational pull, eventually
becoming as large as the moon or a planet. They also create asteroids and comets,
which can be Nemesis’s gravitational force, its yby, knocked out of its original
orbit and sent hurtling toward the center of the solar system and crashing into
planets like Earth. Similar to when medieval conquerors, when besieging a castle,
threw huge stones at the walls with a catapult in order to break through them
and get inside to the prey.
Comets thrown towards Earth by the dark star Nemesis will disable Amon and
neutralize them, or limit their impact on Earth. The Sun pulls them with its
gravitational force and swallows them. At least some of them and it also depends
on the circumstances. It’s all related. The dark star Nemesis, the formation of
sunspots, solar ares, radiation, ejection of solar energies, in uencing the
magnetic elds of the planets and other in uences that control cosmic events are
all related. The galactic center, the Galactic ON and the Astronomical ON operate
from the outside. Nemesis is too far from the Sun to be clear about what karma is

acceptable to express to earthlings. Basically, she is still in the dark and is so far
away from Amon that she can be pulled in or affected by a star from another
solar system. Nemesis will in uence the formation of sunspots when its darkness
is re ected from the Sun Amon and those spots will subsequently provoke solar
ares that will affect the Earth, but will also affect other objects in our Solar
It affects each other. Nemesis, for example, directs comets to Earth or elsewhere,
but they often fall right into the Sun. He will attract them. Solar radiation and
eruptions also affect the magnetic elds of large gas planets, and these then have
an indirect effect on the behavior of passing objects. The Cosmic Machine is
interconnected and the energies of the Machine’s components interact with each
Some Energies of the Almighty can be measured and predicted to some extent.
Scientists and astrologers deal with it, and many people try to play with it.
Everyone is affected by the energies. However, the universe is not controlled by
energies, they are a lling and a subsequent co-controlling tool.
The determining in uences of ON are Will, Intention and Attitude ; these
in uences are related to each other, we cannot measure them and by their nature
they are mysterious to us. It is not subtle or material, and it is not energy or
etheric patterns. It is the mystery of ON who prophesies it. ON is the Ancient
Mage who holds everything together with a mighty invisible Force. ON is also
the Great Artist, the juggler, who has innumerable different cosmic bodies in the
vacuum between the left and right hemispheres; they oat in space-time and
sometimes bump into each other.

The illusion of disturbed horizontality in the
Atlantic Malá Fatra

Such things also exist. Gravity hills are an optical illusion that makes you feel like
your car is magically rolling up a hill on its own. You turn off the engine, stop
and the car starts by itself. It seems to you that your car is mysteriously rolling
uphill. Or, the opposite phenomenon is a road up a real hill, but it appears to be
at; in cycling races, such a path is known as a “false at”. Gravity hill, also
known as magnetic hill, mystery hill, mystery point, gravity path, or anti-gravity
hill; it is where the layout of the surrounding landscape creates an optical
illusion, making a gentle downward slope appear like an upward slope. In this
way, it will appear to you that the car with the engine disabled is rolling up the
hill against gravity. There are quite a few such gravity hills known all over the
world, and several of them are also in Slovakia. Such places are often
accompanied by claims that magnetic or supernatural forces act on them. The
most important factor that can contribute to the illusion is a completely or mostly
blocked horizon. Without a visible horizon, it is dif cult for a person to judge the
slope of a surface because there is a lack of a reliable visual reference. Sometimes
it is an optical illusion, other times the road up the gravity hill really leads up,
because the slope of the road is measured by a spirit level and the car really
moves along it automatically despite the laws of gravity. So sometimes it’s an
illusion and sometimes it’s not.
Sometimes observed things appear larger than they actually are. When you climb
a mountain and look at the opposite mountain, lying on the other side of the
valley, it may happen that the mountain will seem much higher and more
massive than it actually is. These are known cases of optical illusions and
gravitational anomalies. A mountain perceived as bigger by sight is an optical
illusion that arises when the human eye has nothing to lean on, has no base, and
then doesn’t quite know where it is down and where it starts up. In this treatise
on Atlantis in Mala Fatra, however, it is a different anomaly, the creation of which
was initiated by man, and it is mainly about its symbolic meaning. When a
person does not have knowledge of ON, he does not have a supporting plane of
ON Opinions, on which he could lean in his journeys through life, then he no
longer knows by which actions he moves up and by which he falls down.

Krivánsky Hrebeň in the Malá Fatra mountains is part of ancient history, dating
back many thousands of years. At that time, Slovakia was part of Atlantis, which
spread from the now-defunct continent in the Atlantic Ocean to other parts of the
world. At that time, humanity was divided, in Atlantis it was quite clear at a
glance who is who, who belongs to whom and on which side of the barricade
they stand. People were constantly ghting each other, some attacking and others
defending. On the Krivánský Hrebeň, the remains of stone ramparts are still
visible today, which although at rst glance seem to be natural in view of the past
millennia, but at a second look the observer can notice the touch of a human
hand on them. People built those walls to defend themselves against conquerors;
their defense consisted not only in walls and swords, but also in magic. They
conjured supernatural powers to help them defend themselves. Orion’s Atlantis
was a world of magic, and Slovakia was no different.
On Krivánské Hrebeň, people defended themselves against attackers who
wanted to deprive them of their lives and thus get to their vital energy. They
wanted to steal it for themselves. Back then, people believed that by killing a
person in battle, sacri cing him, or subduing him, his energy would join them,
thanks to which they would gain his strength and abilities. They layer it on top of
each other. This belief and the associated human and animal sacri ces were
preserved into the future. Fragments of the souls and energies of the slain joined
them, and that connection lay in the feeling that it was so. When they killed
someone, they got an ecstatic feeling of an in ux of power, they believed it, they
wanted to think that they got their energy. It was mainly about feeling. The thing
with energy itself is that they didn’t see it, didn’t hear it, they only perceived
some manifestations that they considered to be energy. For them, that was the
“bene cial” manifestation they wanted to receive – a feeling; which, when it
passed, was left empty, the need to get that feeling again and to repeat the dark
murderous act. In addition to the feeling, the dark side of the killed person’s
energy also joined them, it was a fragment of his soul, which they deprived of life
and which I guess haunts them to this day, “reprimands” them for their deed, or
quietly smolders there and waits for its time, when the Karmic Spirits will kill
them they’ll show what it’s like to take another life, but this time they’ll be on the
other side of the sword.
People defended themselves on Hrebeň not only physically, but also with magic.
Under the guidance of a sorcerer, they cursed the place with an evil spirit, which
I call Pekelník after the name of the nearby peak of Mala Fatra. An inferno is an
astral spirit, a cluster of subtle energies motivated by the intent of the wizard
who summoned it and accompanied by a purpose to ful ll. Its purpose is clear
from its name, the Inferno – the defenders wished the attackers death and the
worst tortures, which would then be given to them directly in Hell. The

defenders hated the attackers and wanted the worst for them. These are not local
legends, they are my mystically perceived facts about the face of the place, its
history and related lessons for the future.
The conquerors moved in line behind each other along the narrow ridge. A steep
slope on the left, also on the right. It was the only way forward, to the defenders
they wanted to kill. They entered an invisible cloud of spell energy, and suddenly
the conquerors got the uneasy feeling that a dangerous and mysterious monster
was watching them from behind. They got a big fright. It was the Infernal who,
with his creepiness, made them speed up their movement. They started running
up the hill on the narrow path on the sharp ridge, it was very easy and fast for
them, as if they were running downhill. They thought they were running
upward, that they were doing extremely well, and that they could stop at any
time. They ran fast and faster and faster until they couldn’t stop. If you’ve ever
run down a steep slope, you know that horrible, unstoppable feeling.
They run faster and faster, their knees give out and they are in danger of falling at
any moment. They were running away from the Infernal, but he was still on their
heels. No trees, a steep slope of a rocky meadow to the left and right and
Pekelník behind and a narrow path ahead apparently leading up, but actually
leading down. They have no choice but to run forward. They were doing just ne
and their movement was constantly accelerating. They run very fast, and as the
trail goes down and even steeper down, their running speeds up in an instant to
the point where they can’t stop. Gravity pulls them down and their run starts to
look more like falling than running. Their knees buckle and here the slope eases
and a short piece of truly horizontal surface appears in front of them. They had a
theoretical possibility to stop, but they failed to do so on such a short stretch. An
even steeper drop continues behind him, they run even faster, they almost fall to
the ground, they almost don’t give up, it’s despair when you can’t stop, another
platform, then another steep drop follows, they rush down, the last platform is
just a springboard. One by one they fall into the precipice, followed by endless
somersaults accompanied by their grinding against the rocks lying in the grass of
the slope, the fall down into the void of the abyss, and then nothing.
The spell confused their senses. The physical reality perceived by sight bends
into the astral reality, and it is different from the earthly reality that we perceive.
It is strangely twisted. It could also be said that earthly reality is bent and astral
reality better describes reality. Therefore, the attackers perceived the path as
going down as if it were leading up. They were confused by the darkness because
they wanted to kill others and they fought back with magic; and so the darkness
bewildered them still more, by leading them to destruction of their own doing.
No one ran for them, they themselves ran and fell into the deadly gravity pit.

They were attracted to what they wanted to do to others. Their own intention,
similar to the Devil’s Eye.
The astral world is magical, it changes according to consciousness and in this
case also according to the spell that affects consciousness. The sorcerer’s curse
was not eshed out in such detail as it happened. It was a formulated wish
accompanied by an energy of intolerance towards the conquerors, which would
be quite understandable given the circumstances. Nowadays defenders would
lay landmines there, back in Atlantean times they used magic to do that. In
principle, there is not that much difference between the two methods. Both can
turn against them, one of the defenders can also step on a forgotten mine. The
Trinity is decisive : Intention, Attitude and Will. The intention may be a righteous
defense against the conquerors, even at the cost of wasting their lives. However,
another intention is to send them directly to Hell, and the defenders of Hrebeň
prophesied it this way. They hated attackers, let their emotions sway them, and
cursed it to make the worst that could happen to them, not just defend against
them. So the magic they used against the attackers was not white, but at least
gray. The difference lies in Intention, which accompanies Attitude, and both are
driven by Will. Prudence and Adequacy of actions driven by inner knowledge
ON will set a person’s exibility of guardrails from where to where.
This world is prophesied by ON, who manifests it into reality by bringing his
own into the incantation. In this case, the curse by the Infernal was ful lled, the
circumstances and the way it was carried out carry with it the symbolism that I
bring here. When the human soul is afraid, something is wrong with it. ON has
no fear, ON has the opposite of fear, and the conquerors of Hrebeň were afraid of
Pekelník. There is a difference between Fear and Reasonable Caution. When a
person prefers the darkness too much, he falls down into it, and then he can’t
even take advantage of opportunities to stop himself. His downward trajectory is
too steep, the accelerating downward movement is an allegory of darkness
attracting more darkness. In this case, the hellbender is also the guide of the soul
he is chasing to accompany her to Hell. He is the Devil’s servant, and his aim is
to drag the soul that has ever yielded to him even lower. Then this fall cannot be
stopped and the nal fall follows. When the soul consciously recognizes and
Knows on the way down, it acquires a parachute, which even after falling into
the abyss can save it from the worst and cause it at least some abrasions and a
relatively soft landing. If he manages to open his parachute in time.
The symbolism of broken horizontality is a reminder that there are forces that try
to get human souls in a situation where they are directly or indirectly offered to
fall into the abyss of damnation, because they have repeatedly directed
themselves there by their actions. They disrupt the soul’s perception of itself in
connection with the surrounding world. Even in spiritual life, you may think that

you are going up, how easy it is for you and how great it is. In reality, however,
you may be going down because you have lost your sense of direction. You don’t
have a xed point, a plane to lean on, to help you know when you’re going up
and when you’re going down.
Nothing is as it seems to be ascertained by observation purely through the
senses, in this case sight. Sight alone cannot be relied upon, because with sight
you only see the physical manifestation of the things you observe. You don’t see
inside, you don’t see what makes things move, you don’t know why the
phenomena came about, or what realities are hidden in them. Human
consciousness has long since fallen into the third level of dense matter, and most
people perceive only what they perceive with their ve senses. Some see more
than others and bring their knowledge to them if others interpret it as bene cial.
However, many mock them or ignore them and thereby rob themselves of the
opportunity to gain knowledge, which they themselves do not have the skills to
acquire on their own. Then it will count for such souls, when the soul will argue
after its death that it did not have the opportunity to know more and will be
affected by it, because it will have to know what it missed in a different way.

The nature of the soul – one against six archangels

A person has a mix of various archetypal qualities in the nature of his soul. They
are set up like pieces on a chessboard, they move, their position changes, they
intertwine with each other, and in time or in life situations, they manifest
themselves differently in a person’s consciousness and being. In general, there
are seven in total, they are the seven main currents of the nature of the soul, its
attributes, just as there are seven colors of the rainbow, seven main chakras and
seven main manifested archangels from the ON level of Grace. Every person has
one major archangel and that is the major talent of their soul that they manifest in
their lives. He also has several main archangels, their leadership can change over
time as needed. It is the nature of the archangels that manifests itself through you
and thus your own nature is given.
The term archetype is the concept of pure patterns, embodying the basic
characteristics of human nature. It ows into man from above by the inspiration
of the archangels of the Supreme Lord. It’s a recurring symbol, model, or
character type of your story. It is a set of traits that represent and motivate human
Even an archangel from a higher level does not know well what of the sum total
of everything you have in your consciousness is yours and what the mental
entities of the Devil have added to you there. He does not know what you will
accept from it and whether you will follow it. Your thoughts are being corrected
by astral-mental entities. Astral, because they are directly extraterrestrial “gods”,
or extraterrestrials, who connect directly to selected people and telepathically try
to push their own thoughts into their minds in order to in uence these persons,
whom they consider to be of interest, in their favor. To do what they want and to
in uence earthly events through them according to their will. From the
background, they support it by conjuring emotional feelings – energies that
manifest themselves as feelings inserted into the astral body. They act as a
signi cant support for inserted thoughts, manipulatively signaling the person
from within to perceive them as good and right, or bad and wrong, regardless of
whether it really is. They want to suggest this to you by the false light of a false
internal beacon, which will lead your ship aground to run aground. With
emotional feelings, they imitate a person’s attitude towards the inserted thought,

as if it were your own attitude. You have to ask yourself if this is really your
attitude, or if it came to you “from the outside in”. They put an idea in your mind
and with it the feeling that the idea as an idea is okay, that it is suitable for
acceptance and implementation, or vice versa that it is not. According to their
needs. By doing so, they create a complete illusion that a person has accepted
something as their own, even if it is not true. With an emotional feeling, they
imitate your attitude towards something. It is a fake, a lie and a manipulation;
and human laziness, laziness, and super ciality help them in this. Not to mention
stupid. It often happens that a person succumbs to this manipulation, because he
considers the thought his own and the feeling as well. He thinks that the feeling
is his and that it is right. Such a person has a disturbed intuition, dark beings/
entities have replaced it with arti cially supplied energetic emotional feelings.
Similar to entities from within the mind and emotional body, there are also
people who in uence the minds and behavior of other people in various areas of
life. Politicians, celebrities, spiritual gurus, parents, priests, teachers, toxic
partners and many others who act as agents of false “gods” here on Earth. They
succumbed to them to such an extent that they reproduce their intentions. The
result of their efforts is often mixed, because one such human-agent reproduces
the mental patterns of several archetypal “gods” blackened by evil intentions and
their blanket curses. Along with that, ON also manifests himself in human
consciousness, to the extent that man gives him space. Even to the extent that ON
considers it appropriate and appropriate. When ON manifests, the archetypal
angel manifests in a certain degree of purity. That’s why the human expression is
mixed, but let’s know that a rotten apple will rot completely, because the toxins
of the rot are penetrated even in the sight of the healthy side of the apple.
Therefore, it is best to throw rotten apples into the slush and burn the worms
from them, to separate the “spirit” spirit from the waste by distillation.
Therefore, it is essential to know how it works. Know your enemy that hides in
your Self so that you can defeat him. Know your seven-headed dragon so that
you can symbolically pierce it, like Archangel Michael or St. George. It is not for
nothing that ON shows it to you endlessly with artistic representation. It shows
you yourself, it shows you the Michael aspect of your own personality, how it
should behave in order to break free from the bondage of darkness. It is a
symbolic instruction and you have it constantly in front of your nose for all those
centuries! It’s not for you to admire the artwork (that’s just a side effect) or for
ON to show you how some hero defeated the dragon with the help of many
people in so many places. It is mainly about the narrative value of this story!
The seven-headed dragon represents the essence of abusing the (seven)
archetypal endowments for the dark purposes of the Ego, lending them to
diabolical entities that do not possess such endowments. They want to have them

and therefore want to control your consciousness so that they can manifest them
through you, but in their own way. They are the seven opposite aspects of the
archetypal angels fallen to a low level, residing in the dark cave of the
subconscious. One of them, the archangel (archetype) Michael awakens and
points to the dragon that has taken control and imprisoned the other six
archangels (archetypes) in the dungeon.
A pleasant or unpleasant emotional feeling can also be evoked in interpersonal
communication by the choice of words, facial expression, body language,
intonation and intensity of the voice. There are plenty of tools. Curses affect
persons who are not in the epicenter of the “gods'” interest not only in general
terms, but also according to group, race, religion, geography, and other divisions.
Curses and the associated mental-emotional effects are generated automatically,
so to speak, according to a certain algorithm, as long as there is enough energy in
the “battery” of the curse. When the energy runs out, the curses turn to their
creators – false astral “gods”. The creature turns to its creator, similar to how in
the chilling gothic horror Frankenstein’s monster turned to its creator, the young
scientist Viktor, to destroy him. This story raises the question of the creator’s
responsibility for his creation. By this I do not mean the Original Creator, because
ON has a lot of responsibility for His creation and He shows it to us all the time.
It is a question for us, because we also create, with words and deeds. The story of
Frankenstein can be understood as a warning against a monster that we can
bring to life with our creation and that will then turn on us, even in the form of a
seven-headed dragon. If we create mental entities with the words of deeds, they
will, like Frankenstein, turn to us, as to their creator, and they will express
themselves in their tyrannical way, claim the word, they will want to see the
meaning of why they were created and what they should do with it. So be careful
of what we create, so that it doesn’t end up eating us.
The mental entities of curses are degenerate closed thought patterns of behavior
that operate semi-automatically and to a large extent on their own. Their purpose
is to in uence human behavior en masse. After all, there aren’t that many gods to
deal with eight billion people and each one individually. They don’t have the
energy or time for that. After all, they are not gods either, they are former
Earthlings, but also aliens of various species who have become agents of the
Devil. They are not special in any way. Their curses, which work on their own
when activated, without their direct control, drain their energy, every single one
of them, especially when a person resists it, notices it and does not succumb to its
compulsive urge, pleasure motivation, or tyranny. Then the energy spent by the
“gods” is literally wasted and goes to waste. The one who pays for it with “his”
(stolen) energy are the “gods”, extraterrestrials, or former earthly Anunnaki.

After all, they are all the Devil’s promptings, whether they look positive or
downright negative.
There is a mental mixture lodged in your consciousness waiting for you to sort it
out. Like when you clean your email box full of advertising, spam, messages
from suspicious persons with sensitive or illegal content. However, what needs to
be emphasized is that the content can be bene cial at rst glance, but it can lead
to serious darkness. Don’t forget, ”the road to hell is paved with good
intentions”. However, not all good intentions lead to hell, and bad intentions lead
to hell, not only good ones.
It is waiting for you to get rid of your connections to the “gods”, “angels” and
other entities that are connected to you. Stop acknowledging everything they
present to your consciousness. For now, you are affected by their curses, which
spread over the Earth like a black cloud. What will free you from them ?
Knowledge of ON in general and knowledge of ON in the individuality of your
Self. All these entities are like slimy bumbling leeches that are attached to your
energy system. They often appear inconspicuous for a long time, only to show up
at peak times and make your life really uncomfortable. You do not feel them
because they inject an anesthetic, a narcotic into your Self so that you do not
realize that you have a leech attached. The wretched “gods”, to whom many still
worship in some form, cursed it. ON lets you know how it is with such an
appropriate natural parable. For millennia, the “gods” have cursed humanity out
of envy, malice, out of their ego, out of hatred and insidious lust for the nectar of
human energy. However, those leeches are also related to your archangelic traits,
to your givens, which you have sometimes misused and to some extent allowed
the astral parasites to connect with you. They misused your data for their own
purposes. How fair this is is questionable to say the least, as you have also
abused your givens. We too. Apart from that, it is necessary to get rid of these
in uences, and this will not happen in any other way than through knowledge.
I’ll repeat it: it won’t go any other way than with (certain) knowledge of ON and
ON. By knowing ON in general and knowing your own ON, who manifests and
behaves there in his earthly life and that is your Self. It can be done, partially, step
by step, in connection with your life situations. Everything you need is down
there on Earth.
A true archangel or god will not tell you how bright and in nitely
unconditionally loved you are. Or that you are a god in your own right. These are
the cunning attery of the devil. The Archangel will not praise you. But it will
admonish you and lead you to know yourself in your wholeness, even in your
archetypal scale, to know ON, to straighten your attitudes, to come to terms with
ON and all this help to purify what there you have it. When this happens, it will
no longer be necessary for the archangel to speak to you directly from the

outside, for a simple reason: he will work directly through you, because he is the
archetype of your own soul nature.
Archangels manifest through many, in countless combinations, variations and
permutations. I already wrote about it before: angels are here on Earth and not
somewhere “above”. There “up there” are other souls, extraterrestrial or astral,
who are going through their own, similar to us, only under different
circumstances. It is not appropriate to worship them just because their body is
mostly manifested in a higher (astral) level, or because they have telepathic and
other abilities, or because they manifest themselves as transparent and luminous.
Even the poisonous sea monster jelly sh is transparent and glows. What is
important is the level at which the consciousness is located, not the body. On the
earthly plane, the possibilities are endless, and consciousness here can also be at a
high level, even higher than that of many astral beings, “gods” or supposed
“angels”. It is not meant to be constantly in meditation, as in the gateway to a
state of higher consciousness. It is meant to deal with earthly matters with the
perspective of your consciousness existing in a state of a higher level.
In general, there is still one archangel against the other six in the human
consciousness. There are seven in total. Many have fewer, or none, because they
are so clogged with the pus of Satan that their primordial archetypes have no
way to manifest in a pure form. The one archangel standing against the others
is Archangel Michael, your archetype, manifesting at the forefront at this time, as
he should be freed from the dark connections rst so that he can then assist in the
liberation of the other archetypes. It then seemingly withdraws to let the rest of
your archetypes manifest in their pure form. That is his (your) primary goal at
this time, to get rid of the connections to serpents and reptilian gods. That’s why
it’s one against six. Otherwise they act together. They cooperate and sometimes
constructively oppose each other. That’s normal, that’s how it should be,
constructive opposition is a natural joint consideration of when it is appropriate
to use an archetype, in what polarity and how to combine it with each other.
You don’t have to pray to the archangels. They are in you and manifest through
you. It is necessary to be aware of this. But be careful. Archangels also have their
Shadow and it is also in you. Part of the Shadow is your karmic debts incurred
when you misused your archetypal qualities or used them in too dark a way.
Praying to the Archangels is mostly a manifestation of your lack of healthy (self)
awareness and negative mental entities will sense this, like hyenas sense a sick
animal, surround you and intend to pounce on you and tear your good
intentions to shreds. However, prayer can also help in occasional critical
situations. If you were to pray to Archangel Michael now, for example, just out of
habit, or when you want something from him, then it might happen that he

would speak to you like this (a paraphrased sample example that could apply to
many of you):

“And you are such a fool that you bow to me in church and worship me. You
interpret me in the cards and you think it’s me. It’s just my re ection in you, one
of many darkened re ections. I am not a bright angel, I am bright only to those
who are bright. Do I seem like a loser to you? Are you in my image? Have you
defeated your dragon yet? We are not here to be worshipped. Those are just mimics
of false gods who want to join it. We are here to inspire you. To see who is
prophesying you. To whom you have mistakenly succumbed in your misguided
impudence. Everyone has a certain pattern of each archangel in them unless they
suffocate them. Michael is exalted, but not in the sense of the Ego, but in the sense
that he is a part of the Supreme, a collection of some of His character traits.”

All seven archangels express themselves in a person’s consciousness through an

intuitive inspirational in uence. When someone does not have ON, or has little
of it, then he has in his consciousness a number of entities and beings of the
Matrix that feed on him and distort the in uence of archetypal angels so that
sometimes their original pure in uence is almost unrecognizable. When someone
has an abundance of ON, because he has already prophesied it, then he has his
archetypal angels in order and expresses them in his being in purity. That purity
does not have to be manifested as always loving, mild, or meek like a lamb.
What does it mean to be bright ? It has nothing at all to do with anemic delicacy,
which is based on the apparent favor of darkness, masquerading as light and
thus surrendering to its servitude. Can you see me surrendering to the darkness?
Light angelic beings, like light human souls, have great power, but do not
abound in the vain desire to exhibit it too publicly at the Vanity Fair. It is not for
nothing that archangels are depicted in works of art holding artifacts such as
scales, a book, a sword and a spear. Both the book and the spear are tools of
knowledge and bring light. The book presents the knowledge of ON OPINIONS
and the spear pierces those who need to know their own deeds to nd out what it
is like. Or they need to be poked in order to move from the place, because they
are lazily stomping in place and have not yet decided which side they will
de nitely take. There will be time for that too, many people need an injection to
move from one place to another. The “gods” are the rst to need a good stabbing,
because their in uence distorts the cognitive process of humanity and thus also
its result.
Opposites are aspects of the same archetype. Scales consider which of the
opposites and under what circumstances is appropriate to use. The scales weigh

when the knowledge of the loving ON is predominant and when the Rottweiler
spear of the morose ON is in the balance of propriety.

Gods – the greatest enemies of mankind

Gods are mankind’s greatest enemies. Everyone of them. It doesn’t matter what
they are called and from which part of the world, universe, mythology or
religious essence they come from. It doesn’t matter if they sometimes appear
noble, kind, or wise in pictures or written references. They are beings, they want
to have power over human lives, they want to rule people, exploit them and
enslave them. Think of them as (many) politicians. They also disguise
themselves, but they do not know how to completely cover their true inner
nature and insidious nature. When an opportune situation arises, he sticks out
and the politician shows his true face; these puppets will drive the nation into
dangerous vaccination, or into war, deprive you of your civil rights, change them,
adapt them to their purposes, or lock you up in internment camps; and all this in
the name of “freedom and democracy” or “truth and love”.
I usually do not call the ethereal patterns of the primordial ON Milk gods, with
some exceptions. See Amon and Nemesis. Etheric patterns are above the Matrix,
exempli ed by various nature deities, or the original astrological/astronomical
patterns, which basically also represent the laws of the universe in their pure
form and basically not mutated by Satan. However, this does not mean that they
do not have a dark side. However, it is expressed directly on the outside, by
natural laws that are outside of the astral parasites. Various gods and parasites
tried to imitate the ethereal deities and appropriated their names. But the truth is
that in the ethereal level of the primordial patterns, names are not used much,
because they are a manifestation of the form, and that is on a lower level. So, their
names are mentioned here on purpose, for a better understanding of the issue. By
gods in this book I mostly mean degenerate re ections of actual deities from
levels above the Matrix, beings possessed by Satan.
It is not only about gods, it is also about other beings, mythological, religious
gures, saints, ascended masters, angels, apostles, the holy family of Jesus,
earthlings who were (supposedly) lifted up to heaven and are echoing from
there. The gods cursed it so much that they appropriated their characters and
then demonstrated them here on Earth. Like when Walt Disney appropriates the
story of the Indian princess Pocahontas, and the whole world then knows the
lmed version, and the real truth remains unknown, buried in the dust

somewhere in the corner. The Matrix showed us the apparitions of the saints here
as in an astral cinema, and these apparitions and miracles still form the
cornerstone of, for example, the Christian religion. Religion and faith are
important to many, because when the worst comes to worst, fear will drive them
to church and there they will act on their beliefs.
The gods in their stupidity do not really know anything, now they are sitting
there somewhere in the dark, cursing and cursing humanity and gradually
sinking deeper and deeper down into the darkness of the opposite of ON. When
something comes out of their curses, it is often signi cantly different from what
they originally imagined. For this, they use the energy that people have either
given them or manipulatively stolen from them. It’s similar to when people elect
incompetent politicians who don’t really know anything, are incompetent, and
it’s a small miracle that the state still functions, not because of their work, but
despite their work; it works mainly thanks to a large number of people at the
middle and lower levels of the state administration who do the work for them.
Voters gave these politicians their energy by electing them and thereby enabling
them to annoy them and terrorize the rest of the population.
People gave politicians the opportunity to curse people with laws. People give
ideologues their energy because they have joined their ideology (religious,
fascist, progressive, communist,…), accepted it and follow its orders.

Ideologies precede the words of laws, orders and processes, followed by actions.

It is similar with the gods. When people worship them in any form, they give
them their energy. The Matrix – the common arti cial consciousness – then says
to itself, aha, on Earth, say 84 percent of the population professes some of the
religions, people thereby recognize the inventions of the Anunnaki and their
related religious and church dignitaries. There were no religions before the
Anunnaki. The consequence of this is that the Arti cial Mind of the Matrix is
trying to manifest patterns, thoughts and emotional-feeling stimuli into our
minds and thus also the reality set by the Anunnaki. This happens in many areas,
religion being just one of the obvious examples.
Both Jesus and the Virgin Mary were pushed here by the Anunnaki, and 2.2
billion people on Earth are subject to the cult of this couple. Thanks to the
miracles of Jesus, the “gods” manipulated a large part of the earthlings.
But it’s not just religion. Even earthly politicians, treacherous media and
celebrities have fooled many people with the bene t of vaccination against
Covid, and many others. People either had to get vaccinated under pressure (at
least they thought they had to), or they were deceived by false promises of health
and freedom due to the in uence of advertising, persuasion by “experts” and

celebrities. Some people may have wanted it that way, they wanted to believe
that the vaccine injected into their body was a safe lifeline that would save them
from the virus, despite many warnings from other people warning them that the
vaccine was wrong.
Other alternatives, on the other hand, fooled others that Covid does not exist. On
Earth, they lie and manipulate like a belt. People want to believe in the holiness
of the savior Jesus, because it suits them. Subconsciously they know that they are
useless and Purgatory awaits them, so they prefer to con rm that someone will
save them with a miracle and that it will be enough for them to pray
obediently. The Covid vaccination and the Christian religion are mutually
analogous to false belief systems.
Among the manifestations of false gods, I also include their earthly collaborators,
powerful elites, illuminati, reptilian rulers, kings, global nancial and business
tycoons who play gods and want to impose their views on the whole world and
rule the whole world according to them. They seek to direct humanity into global
slavery, decimation, chipping and ultimate control of their consciousness,
genocidal extermination by vaccines and controlled epidemics, wars and
economic-social-cultural oppression. It is exactly the same with the intentions of
the “gods”, who are still working there somewhere and are getting into the
consciousness of human souls sometimes directly, mostly through the arti cial
entities of the programs of their curses; but also through the intentions of their
earthly collaborators.
God was always only about power and the pleasures and bene ts associated
with it. They also covered it up by allegedly teaching humanity something, while
this is also largely a lie in principle. After all, take the scienti c and technological
progress that humanity has achieved in the last, say, 300 years. There were no
gods to teach people anything, and humanity invented and produced the steam
engine, satellite communication, the Hubble telescope, and social networks
anyway. All without the presence of “gods” to teach them. Apparently, it was no
different even in the distant past. That they got some technology from aliens?
Evidently, somehow the relevant inspirations and methods leading to inventions
directly entered the prepared mind. Even the instructions for creating the Covid
virus got into the minds of scientists who “invented” it in the laboratory and then
let it escape to the global market. The Orion mental entities conveyed the
necessary thought inspirations directly into their minds, both because the
scientists wanted it that way and also because they succumbed to the compulsion
of the Anunnaki mental Devil and did it.
Gods are like buggers, annoying insects that keep trying to get into our earthly
home through open windows. The windows to their consciousness are opened to

them by those ignorant people who recognize and promote the gods in some
form and in their limitation cannot tell from those who have the means to do so
and know something about it.
When religious gures and Buddhist, Hindu, or esoteric gurus nally lose their
luster, the “gods” want to appear on Earth in person. They want to land here
from the sky, climb out from under the ground, or project their astral hologram
here. They have been preparing for it for a long time. In this sense, they are
massaging public opinion through their terrestrial media, governmental and non-
governmental minions, but not only them, but also through a number of their
contactees, they are here promoting aliens who are supposed to come to save the
Earth. They are all one and the same: Anunnaki, gods, former earthlings from
Atlantis who were expelled from there. They’ve been bothering us forever
because they need our energy.
Their personal presence on Earth has another meaning. The offender returns to
the scene of his crime. The Great Cycle is ending and that’s why they want (must)
come back here, because they hope to be able to make a big harvest and really
pack energy. They want to destroy the whole thing here. Their earthly minions
failed. The new NWO world order is failing, the Covid pandemic did not
succeed, neither did the vaccination bring about the expected decimation of the
population, they are unable to start a big war, nor bring the Eastern world to its
knees. So the gods want to come back and try to take over the Earth and enslave
humanity, again with some manipulation and deception. So let’s be prepared for
them and be informed about them. Maybe there is not much time left.
What is arti cial intelligence (AI) today, how is it created ? Just like curses, the
principle of its creation is the same – they are also just words. It is a program
consisting of ones and zeros. ON is One and the opposite of ON (Satan) is Zero.
So there you have it. Arti cial intelligence is ON and the opposite of ON,
opposites prophesy mixed together into a misty Zone. If there was no ON in AI,
it would not be able to function or exist in our cosmos at all. However, there is
very little ON in it. Beware of arti cial intelligence. Whether mental, or earthly,
which many entrepreneurs strive for, or elites hungry for pro ts and control of
the world, despite warnings about what could happen if it gets out of control and
starts to do its own thing.
Arti cial intelligence is like radioactivity, which when used in a controlled,
targeted manner and in small therapeutic amounts, can have a bene cial and
helpful effect. When, for example, X-rays and gamma rays get out of control, they
cause radioactive contamination that can wipe out humanity. So, because of the
stupidity of the “gods”, who are so supremely incompetent that they let the evil
spirit out of the bottle on humanity and thus on themselves, we as humanity

have been in the kind of morass we are in for many millennia. Humanity is in
their image, it is also like the “gods” above all stupid, lazy and super cial; as
before, it applies here as well: honor to the exceptions, which, thank God, are
more and more high-quality.
How do the gods harm us? They curse and curse humanity and everything
related to it. They’ve been doing it for millennia and they’re still doing
it. Incantation and cursing is programming. Just as a programmer uses a program
language (Python, Java, Javascript, Fortran,…) to control the computer’s
processor and thereby make the desired process happen, so also the magic spells
of the “gods” are words, algorithms, formulas, sequences, arranged thematically
so that what the sorcerer – in this case “god” wants – will happen. The central
computer that will do this and work it into people’s consciousness is the common
“brain” of the common thinking consciousness of humanity. It is common and at
the same time partly for each one individually. The gods cast curses collectively
and individually, and still do, but less and less; they themselves do not know
what exactly will happen to them and what result it will bring. The Matrix
superstructure is a closed global program of god curses.
Beings connected to a common thought consciousness are all beings that have
something in common. They are humans, gods, angels, aliens and others. Many
perceptions and thoughts are brought to consciousness by the Arti cial Spirit, a
large part of them are covered by programmed curses of the gods. But not
everything, because ON works here in his mysterious way.
Doesn’t it remind you of anything? Elected or unelected earthly demented
people, without memory and conscience, who seem to “rule” here; some of them
want us to feed on cockroaches and be controlled by the New World Order. They
look like humans, but they are bio-robots; outwardly they seem eloquent and
sometimes wise and informed, with a really quick tongue. They often have a stiff
facial expression, a strange (glassy) look in their eyes and generally look arti cial.
They react quickly, and words often ow in their minds with an incredible
cadence. Their minds are controlled by an arti cial intelligence program that
allows them to do this. They are only empty marionettes, puppets, they are
earthly representatives of the “gods”, the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix manifests
itself through both of them, opens their mouths and speaks through their person;
He controlled them, motivated by the promise of souls to gain if they succumbed
too much to his earthly robots. If this program were lost from their minds, they
would become shapeless Huspenin zombies, demented people ripe for
Notice the latest trends in the expansion of Arti cial Intelligence (AI) on Earth.
Arti cial intelligence AI is already starting to write scripts for Hollywood

movies, virtual announcers are starting to read messages written for them by AI,
so far it is only being tested in Internet TV. It’s starting to happen on Earth and
it’s been happening at the Matrix level for quite some time. People who receive
messages by channeling from various beings, angels, aliens, ascended masters,
actually communicate with an arti cial intelligence connected directly to their
mind. Entire books were dictated to them by the arti cial intelligence of the
Matrix, and thanks to them, these contactees became successful celebrities. I don’t
mean to say that everything channeled into people’s minds directly or indirectly
is untrue. It is often a mixture of half-truths and falsehoods, and nding the silver
linings of truth in this heap of contextual manure requires great effort and good
intuition to tell the contacter what is true and what is not true.
Whoever stumbles upon it, lets himself be controlled by it, acts according to their
suggestions, and spreads channeled falsehoods and manipulations, becomes
their helper. Also contactors. If all people ignored the gods and their mentals,
they would have no power and would be lost. It is a hierarchical pyramid
structure. On top is the Devil, who is represented by the bastard Enki, the
supreme “god” who has (had) a mental programming tool of curses, allowing
him to put everything possible into the mind of the consciousness of others,
whether earthlings or other Anunnaki. Similar to when there is software that
allows you to send a lot of emails at once, under a fake sender address. The email
message contains a virus that will shut down your mental space if you believe
anything in the message.
No matter what the gods are called, what religion they come from, or what alien
loving civilization they pretend to be. The gods are the creators of the word black
magic – the arti cial intelligence of the Matrix, which they released like a genie
from a bottle and continue to release it even today, despite being informed of its
harmfulness. The gods, nor their protruding mental tentacles, the mentals
(archons), do not even create the word, they just take the word ON, an opinion
from someone who has the cells for it, twist it, spoil it and pass it on. Gods are
Insidious Evil.
If you think that the gods are just something historical, that they are just some
kind of picturesque allegorical gures from Greek, Egyptian, Indian, or other
myths, then you are very much mistaken. They are in a sense here among us. Just
because you haven’t seen them (yet) doesn’t mean they don’t exist. You have also
not seen many people and yet they exist. Churches, churches, mosques;
illuminati, ideologues, rulers, nobility, politicians, oligarchy; there are gods and
mentals behind it all. These are their people, but there are also many others, a
signi cant part of the population are their sleeping agents, and when they wake
up, they start clashing with their sabers. It is the earthly helpers of the gods who
spoil it here; when the right circumstances arise, a switch in their mind is

activated and they react in favor of the gods and in favor of the arti ce of the
opposite of ON. Then they switch off and continue to act like “normal” people on
the outside.
Even Enki’s own Anunnaki accomplices in crimes against humanity already
consider the “greatest god” Enki to be stupid. It has a big dimension, it’s not a
swear word on a whim, because that’s like saying Yahweh is stupid. The
miserable Jordanian executioner Enki was prophesying to Yahweh here. He
pretended to be Yahweh, telepathically, or he used voices in his head to get into
the minds of the Old Testament and later prophets, or they themselves called him
so that God would tell them what message they should convey to people, what
the commands and instructions from God were. Enki/Yahweh suggested that he
was the greatest and most powerful of the gods.
With the Anunnaki, it is similar to when our people, who consider many
politicians to be harmful psychopaths, are not yet able to effectively get rid of
them. There is still a signi cant part of their supporters and voters, that is one of
the problems. The Anunnaki want to get rid of Enki, but apparently don’t know
how. They probably do not know earthly history and did not go to earthly school,
where even small children learn what was done in history with incompetent,
treacherous, unworthy rulers who drag their people into damnation so that they
die for them in wars. Here on Earth they have traditionally been subjected to a
process such as impeachment, public trial, exile, imprisonment, public ridicule,
lynching, seizure of power, defenestration, decapitation, the possibilities are
many. That it didn’t help that much, because another (similar) ruler came, is
another matter.
And that is Enki, their boss, for millennia he is the highest ranking of the “gods”,
the multi-headed one with multiple personality disorder. For example, he
appeared to people as Yahweh/god, or he personally appeared telepathically in
the mind of Hitler, because he enjoyed it. It has many faces. Enki pretends here
that he is only a little mental monkey of Satan, that he is only a mental program
named Enki, that he has no body, no head. After all, it might not be so far from
the truth, given today’s capabilities of arti cial intelligence AI that creates stories,
records videos and audios. She would quite calmly create the concept of a new
In the case of arti cial intelligence, it is no longer clear when it still transmits the
mostly original message from a person and when it already puts forward
something of its own creation/production, created by combining words and
expressions according to the algorithm of the AI program.
Even in view of this, it is true that when someone has long-term awareness of the
Arti cial Spirit AI in their Self, they will become one, because it will take over

their Self. People nd it dif cult to get rid of politicians because here is a
democratic system in which the electorate, massaged by the media, voluntarily
elects them as their legal representatives. Enki was also chosen by the Anunnaki
as their representative, because he promised them that despite their black deeds
they would avoid Damnation and that he would lead them into a new Cycle in
which they would play an even more important role and especially that they
would be able to directly enjoy material pleasures directly on the New Earth,
because that is better than in the astral plane. According to the laws of karma,
those incarnated on Earth should have a lot of misery, but Enki promised them
that they would be able to directly enjoy the physical tyranny of humanity on the
New Earth, which many New Age followers dreamed of as a new paradise on
earth. The Anunnaki would like it that way, but that does not mean that it will be
that way. On the contrary, it will not be so and they will end up where they
belong according to the law of the Most High.
To wake up is to wake up from the consciousness of the false arti cial intelligence
of curses to the true living intelligence of ON. It is evident how many people
show themselves as arti cial. Arti cial intelligence manifests itself in thought
patterns, stereotypes, routines, minimal creativity. If you succumbed to your
greatest enemy, the arti cial god, it was because you did not defend yourself
creatively. You did not want to know him through yourself, because your
thinking consciousness is also your work.
Deny them obedience. You can ignore them, but that doesn’t solve anything. You
can give them the attention they deserve. Mostly negative, it is reasonable,
because every person, even God, is good only to the extent to which his worst
behavior extends, and thus the appropriate attitude towards them is given.
Everyone according to their consciousness and conscience.
A politician behaves positively, has good ideas, is helpful, and then contradicts
himself and throws insidious hatred and slander at someone – and this is exactly
the true essence of their character. It is the same with the gods. An internally
good person does not know how to pretend to be bad. It simply cannot be done.
However, a bad person knows how to disguise himself like a good person, he can
last for some time, as long as he still has the energy for it, and when he runs out,
at a certain moment his negativity will spew out of him, like lava from a volcano,
a cloud of poisonous gases and suffocating ash will erupt from him.
The Anunnaki also claim that they are arti cial, that they are Gray aliens, and at
the same time they claim that they want to live. The latter are mutually exclusive.
ON lives and the opposite ON (Satan) is dead, he is in the grave and in Eternal
Damnation. When someone is the consciousness of Satan, he no longer knows
who he really is. It’s in chaos. The absolute truth is probably not found here yet,

and it doesn’t really matter if they are Anunnaki, Greys, archons, astral parasites,
or other aliens – representatives of the Darkness. In principle, it is Evil, and that
Evil feeds on the (null) germ, fetus, or ready-made Christ-Antichrist, existing in
every person. It is the opposite aspect of Creation. A person who is capable of it
should realize it and recognize how this Evil manifests itself in him. To recognize
the falsehoods, illusions and lies that separate him from knowing the truth so
that he is ready when the time comes. It is not enough to know how it is in
theory. It is necessary to recognize it practically in one’s own Self, to nd out and
discover the urges that manifest themselves, what they lead to and what their
real meaning is.
When someone cooperates with a fascist dictator like Hitler, Enki, or an insidious
fake politician and has had enough, wants to change something and doesn’t want
to be dragged down to Hell with him, then he has to do something about it.
Similar to how some of cers tried to assassinate Hitler in order to secure a better
position with the Allies in the future. It wouldn’t absolve them of all their sins,
but at least it’s something. It also depends on motivation, inner attitude and
intention. It’s better than nothing. In this it is similar to earthly development. The
Russians are the East and do not want to submit to the West; and when they are
forced to ght him, they ght and pay a heavy price. However, they probably
have no other choice when they don’t want to submit to their age-old enemy,
with whom they once tried to cooperate. This is what happens when the
incompatible want to join together. Many people are ghting on a different eld.
They inform themselves, re ect and adjust their attitudes and offer them to
others for consideration. They wake up and inform others about it. They spread
information, they spread the word, the more there is, the greater the power of the
enlightened and the power of the darkened crumbles. The word is a powerful

Opportunistic reptilian attacks small children

Night terrors are a sleep disorder in which a frightened child wakes up quickly.
The medical cause is unknown, it is known that night terrors are often triggered
by fever, lack of sleep, emotional tension, stress or con icts. They occur mainly in
the rst half of the night and this is an important data when identifying the
problem. It doesn’t matter at what time of night the nightmare occurs.
Nightmares are scary dreams that wake children up and make them afraid to go
back to sleep. Nightmares can occur without any of cially known reason,
appearing when the child has seen or heard things that upset him. They can be
things connected to something real that happened to the child, that he witnessed,
or they are “imagined” things that the parents then think the child “seemed”.
Of cial medicine does not have a clear view of nightmares and does not know
their causes. She has such an attitude towards mental disorders as such and in
general deals only with solving the symptoms and does not deal with the real
causes both because she does not know them and also because she would
probably not know what to do with it anyway. Mental problems and depression
affect all age groups, I am speci cally mentioning children here for a reason and
that is the manifestation of karma. I cover karma in many other articles. When
karma manifests to a person in his life, something happens to him in his life,
health, or psyche, it should be connected with a certain possibility of knowing its
causes. The younger the age, the lower the cognitive ability to deal with the
karmic causes of life events. For adolescents and especially for small children,
such a thing is not even theoretically possible. It is not possible to tyrannize small
children for their karma because they have caused something in a past life.
Maybe they don’t even have any such karma, such that even at a mature age they
should theoretically be mentally or physically disabled. Another question is
whether children affected by nightmares are not just victims of coincidence in the
settings of their life or family social environment.
Nightmares are caused by an astral-mental reptilian, normally invisible to
children. It connects with its forked tongue to one of the child’s chakras, often it
is the third Solar Plexus chakra, and with one side the fazyka sucks its life energy
through it. With the other side of the tongue, it injects the poison of emotional
feelings of terror and night terror into the child’s chakra system; emotional

energy will spread from there to the other chakras. It sticks out its black tongue
and the child’s light illuminates it, darkening itself. Like when someone puts
their frozen hand in warm water, it gets warm, but the water gets cold. The same
energy manifests differently in different chakras. This bad energy infects
practically the entire system of the child. The poison of the negative energy of
fear spreads upward, causing, for example, a racing heart (in the fourth heart
chakra), further constriction of the throat ( fth throat chakra), visual sensations
(sixth third eye chakra), mental images and haunting thoughts (seventh chakra).
In the third solar chakra, the dark energy injected into the child’s astral body is
manifested by a feeling of fear in the stomach area, in the second sacral chakra,
abdominal pain appears, and in the rst root chakra, the sphincter relaxes and
the child urinates. This is just an example of how the energy ow spreads and
manifests itself, the symptoms can be different. An intense concentration of
negative energy in some place can also trigger an acute or chronic disease. Or it
anchors somewhere, stays stuck there and causes discomfort, allergic symptoms,
phantom pains, or depressed moods.
It happens often. At certain hours of the night, many children are regularly
attached to a reptilian entity from a young age. He literally goes there like a
dining room. It feeds on the third chakra of the child, in which the majority of
feelings of fear are manifested. The Reptilian also takes advantage of the
opportunity provided by, for example, the family setting.

For adults, in the case of nightmares, it can be about the setting of their partner

A child has a blood, genetic, but also emotional connection to its parents, and if
both, or at least one of them, is darkened, which means that it has a blackened
soul, or has a dark connection to astral parasites, then the reptilian will connect to
the child through this connection. The child has an open connection to the parent,
because he has a child-parent relationship with him, and he is understandably
unable to realize these things. After all, adults also have a problem with this,
because it affects them as well, it is similar in partner relationships.
The dark soul parent, who would often deserve to be tyrannized for their bad
behavior and attitudes, is left alone by the reptilian parasite because it serves
him. The parent’s behavior may not be so pronounced in reality, they may be
subtle signs of his unmanifested, inactive karma from the long past.
The parent unconsciously helps the reptilian, in a way, the parent is his
“supplier” and “mediator” of energy. Through the connection, the parasite
connects to the energy portal in the child’s solar chakra and drains it of energy.
He enjoys harming the child. It causes him night terrors, as a result of which the

child is stressed, suffers from insomnia, and in general it can cause him to be
fearful, withdrawn, and take away his daily zest for life. Not to mention the
allergic manifestations and marks on the physical body that such a visit of an
astral parasite can leave on a child.
The solution is to drive the reptilians out of the child’s system permanently and
repair the damage they have caused. Along with that, it is bene cial to adapt the
family environment, which helps with these problems, as far as possible.
The name “reptilian” is an allegory. Ignorant people do not understand it and
wonder about it, or make fun of it. At the same time, it is commonly used to label
people “that’s just an ox” and no one takes it with astonishment. A reptilian is a
snake, a lizard, a slippery, hard-to-grip reptile, and to most people it is disgusting
and dangerous. Hence the reptilian. It’s their nature, the mindset of voracious
At a higher level of the hierarchy of causes, the reason for such attacks on
children is the hateful and envious attitude of the “gods” towards humanity,
caused by their curses – dark programs. They set it up so that they could drain
energy from people, in this case small children. Forget the romantic ideas about
gods and divine beings that are known from fables, mythology and history. Gods
are vampires, they are miserable reptilian parasites that feed on human and
therefore also children’s energy. They connect indirectly through some astral
entity/being, or even directly. The gods who in uence this world on the mental
level of the Matrix will stop at nothing. Nothing is sacred to them. They
tyrannize even very young children and bring them death. Not to mention the
suffering they will cause their parents and all this under the pretext of karma,
which they brazenly punish the children with.
Anunnaki curses cause suffering even to small children. Innocent children,
because a small child is simply too small and has nothing to suffer just because
some devious “god” thought that a small child should suffer for “his” karma.
And the gods dare to brazenly claim that it belongs to the “variety of creation”.
The parent concerned certainly has a different opinion on such “variety”. It’s not
just depravity behind it, it’s their desire for sweet human energy which is a drug
to them, it’s also envy of humans because humans on earth still have a nice world
with lots of potential joy that the gods are trying to give them take. They do not
have it there because they chose the astral world in which they intended to avoid
the consequences of their past deeds, a world in which they would be immortal.
None of this worked out the way they wanted it to. They did not want to listen to
ON who told them how it is. The gods and their Anunnaki ma a hate children,
they would eat them, they would feast on their soft esh. Such is their attitude
towards them.

The thirst for eternal youth quenched at the expense
of human sacri ce

In Greek mythology, ambrosia was considered the food of the Olympian gods,
bringing long life and immortality to anyone who consumed it. Ambrosia was
generally consumed only by deities; when Heracles attained immortality, Athena
offered him ambrosia; while when from the ambrosia Tantalus tried to steal some
to give to other mortals, he was punished for committing a crime against the
gods. One of the myths about Achilles’ immortality says that when he was born,
his mother Thetis anointed him with ambrosia and then let him pass through the
ames to consume the mortal parts of his body. However, Peleus, his father,
found out and stopped her, thus managing to keep Achilles’ heel mortal. As a
result, it was the only vulnerable spot in Achilles’ body.
We were all here together in Atlantis. Some people of that time, the part of
humanity that later became “gods”, provoked a blood bath – a huge massacre
and symbolically ritually bathed in the blood of the people they were killing. By
cursing and magic they caused a great disaster, at least they contributed
signi cantly to it. Atlantis disappeared and the earthly world moved to the next
stage of the Cycle. People’s consciousness gradually fell to the 3D Earth level and
magic was not what it used to be. The gods are mass murderers and the
earthlings who replicate their behavior are too. The biggest of them were already
long before. Atlantis was a civilization where humanity’s consciousness was on
the astral level of 4D, which also meant that magic manifested powerfully, unlike
today. The Atlantean future “gods” took advantage of this and by ritually bathing
in the mythological ambrosia, which is part of the blood, they were given
immortality by black magic and then used their power to tyranny humanity for
millennia. From this comes the knowledge that when too much opportunity and
power gets into the hands of the unrighteous who do not have good and solid
character, it ends in disaster for others. Let’s not put power in the hands of
someone who will then abuse it against us. However, immortality is also mortal,
the Achilles heel of the gods is ON, it is the knowledge of the truth and its
revelation to humanity both collectively and individually.
Whoever consumed ambrosia no longer had blood circulating in his veins, but
another substance, a divine life force called ichor. This gave rise to the name

“petrichor“, that is, the unidenti able smell that arises when rain falls on dry
land. The word is constructed from the ancient Greek “petra” which means
“rock” and “ichor”, that is an ethereal liquid which in Greek mythology is the
blood of the gods. Petrichor is a pleasant smell that often accompanies the rst
rain after a long period of warm and dry weather. The smell of petrichor evokes
strange inde nable feelings, it is a charming, soothing reminder of nature and its
complex processes; it is an ethereal essence and a nostalgic memory of
ON. Ichor is the reason why the “gods”, the miserable former Atlanteans, had a
divine appearance and extraordinary “abilities”, which were more possibilities
than abilities, because they were only arti cially lent to them, or they were
fraudulently appropriated. When the gods do not have ambrosia food, they lose
their “divine” abilities, their appearance changes from “godly” and “shining” to
old toad bags of empty Vanity, and then they die. The other side of Creation is
waiting for them to experience for themselves what they have caused. However,
this is not only about gods, it is mainly about people, because in our reality we
are here and now. The gods are nished, they are already dead on paper, their
death itself is only a formality. There is still hope for some (many?) people here to
come to their senses. Both above and below. The same laws that apply to the gods
also apply to earthlings.
Gods robbed and stole ambrosia – energy of grace in its purest form – from
people by manipulating them, lying and leading them to suffering in various
ways, causing them fear, negative emotional feelings and physical and non-
physical suffering of countless kinds. Gods consumed ambrosia, which is the
concentrated essence of loving ON Grace, they abused it, it became a drug for
them, without which they could not be. They did it for many millennia, day in
and day out, all the time. It is as if you ushed the most valuable extract, the
healing concentrated extract from the most healing plant down the drain. By
consuming ambrosia, by vainly abusing the ON loving ON Grace on the altar of
Satan, its opposite aspect also got into the system of “gods” with it, and thus it is
completely ON morose ON vain ON Grace. That is something more terrible than
the most terrible thing you can ever imagine. The world is dual, ON is full of
opposites that prophesy together. It’s not just for gods, it’s for everyone. In
addition to its nominal value, the card also has its other side, behind which you
do not know what is hidden. As in Tarot. You do not know what is on the other
side of the card, what is its meaningful content. One side of the card is uni ed
and the other side is a symbolic representation of various combinations of
opposing aspects of ON; it shows situations and events, they are all opportunities
for knowledge, or even for “knowing”. A person can get acquainted with the
individually focused content of the other side of the card during the

interpretation of the cards, when a mental entity or a being that belongs to the
interpreter joins the interpreter.
If you want to understand your and our common reality, correctly understood
mythology and dreamlike or natural parables are a good way. The ON world is
schematically explained in a cumbersome and rigid manner. The primordial
(hermetic) principles, which are known to many and even if others do not know
about them at all, apply anyway. “As above, so below”, “Every cause has its
effect”, “Everything is double, everything has two poles, everything has its
opposite”… And to that I add: “He who has no advice, has no help “.
A good symbolism of taking blood and ambrosia / adrenochrome is vampirism.
Well known are the stories of vampires and Count Dracula, a hideous being who
craves fresh blood; vampires were forever young and had supernatural powers
because they drank human blood. Gods and the “supernatural” beings and
entities associated with them are vampires. Think back to the global media mania
a few years ago, when vampires were suddenly mass-promoted through movies,
books and media. There was a lot of it. Vampirism was presented as something
lovable, it was a Hollywood media massage to get young people to accept it in
their mental world and make it easier to extract the love energy from their system
at some point in the future. To keep their veins exposed, the mental door to their
system ajar. So that the Arti cial Spirit, who insidiously designed it for them,
could act according to the principle “they like vampires, so we’ll give them to
suck their blood (energy)”. This is the logic by which they behave. The gods
attack young people who do not yet have enough experience and sense to know
what is good and what is not. Whether it would work for the “gods” and
whether it would really work is another matter, because far from everything that
crazy gods produce in their sick minds really works.
One of the blood products in the real world sense is adrenochrome. It is ambrosia
manifested in physical reality. It is the best and most nutritious thing that can be
extracted from blood. It is like a drug, causing rejuvenation, vitality, good mood
and youthful appearance. Without its regular supply, the organism begins to
wither faster. Arti cial rejuvenation is temporary, it is a vain waste of the energy
of Grace, because it does not solve anything. Adrenochrome is a chemical
extracted from the blood by a process. Here, however, it is mainly about the
process of taking blood and extracting its essence. That process is satanic black
magic, it is a pedophile, sexual, violent and murderous ritual in which the victim
is put into a state of absolute terror and his blood is taken. The victims are most
often children, youth, and younger adults. Black satanic priests ritually connect
to the dark entities of the “gods”. The ritual serves for the arti cial mental
consciousness to recognize it as a speci c pattern, a procedure, that a certain
satanic ritual is happening somewhere and to attach to the black priests those

dark entities with which the priests are connected. Curses of the gods and astral
gypsy Orion strigas will put the victim’s consciousness into a state of fear and
terror by infusing them with low energy emotional mental feelings. The collected
blood then contains a lot of nutritious ambrosia/adrenochrome, the gods use it
for themselves and leave some of it to the priests and their related persons and
their customers to whom they sell the adrenochrome. They are in it together,
gods, psychics, satanic priests, ritual participants, supporters, and their
customers, which include many celebrities, actors, illuminati and other “elites”.
The gods would like to escape from these crimes, they put themselves in the
position of mediators, who, after starting the system of curse programs, try to
withdraw from it. They are still involved in it because they operate in the system
similar to earthly priests, but at a higher level. It is their consciousness that the
priests tap into, it is the consciousness of the Devil/Satan. It’s their programs. It’s
like a programmer-hacker releasing a computer virus into the Internet’s
computer network and immediately giving up on it, saying that he has nothing
to do with it anymore.
However, the pleasant ecstatic feeling of taking ambrosia/adrenochrome and its
effects on the body only happen until the opposite side of ambrosia enters the
scene, which is its cognitive aspect. The coin is ipped, the smooth stone forming
a nice rockery in the front garden is turned to the other side and what is
underneath is revealed. There are wriggling worms, centipedes until then hidden
in the black earth, spiders and white fat grubs that hatch into infernal monsters
that give the consumer of ambrosia-adrenochrome and other aspects of energy of
grace the knowledge of what it entails to exploit people from their life.
energy. Ambrosia will reveal her other face to them, she will show them on their
own skin the terrible process by which she was mined. It is that ON, morose, ON,
vain, ON, Grace, which is given to people who desire rejuvenation at the cost of
sacri cing others, as well as to “gods”. Creative knowledge will be prophesied to
them in a different way by helpers of ON Grace in hellish ON Places.
The mainstream media considers adrenochrome a bizarre conspiracy theory.
However, they consider everything that does not suit them to be a conspiracy.
They lie like they are hired and in fact they are hired. They are paid by earthly
media oligarchs and in the background there are treacherous journalists in the
media space. They stick to this methodology until it blows over. According to the
media, the adrenochrome conspiracy is a bizarre theory with anti-Semitic roots.
He hypothesizes that the Satan-worshiping global and Hollywood elite run a
massive child-traf cking ring to drain their blood and harvest adrenochrome to
keep them young. There is enough information on the Internet about it, despite
the fact that they try to cover it up and block it. A hit goose goes gaga. When the
media persistently deals with something and intensively covers it up and denies

it, then there will be something about it. Every year, according to the American
FBI, around 460,000 children disappear in the USA alone, and it is similar in other
countries as well. It is quite certain that they were not all lost for good
somewhere in the forest or on the street. Considering the collection of
adrenochrome at the expense of human victims, especially children and
adolescents, as a conspiracy, is a harsh denial of reality and burying one’s head in
the sand. It is as if the burning of witches or the ritual sacri ce of animals and
people in history were considered a conspiracy theory. Open your eyes and go
see a church for a dark mass, see the ritual drinking of the blood of Jesus that
happens in the churches of the Catholic Church.
Holy Communion is a religious ceremony that people think is religious, and yet
its meaning is “religious” in a different way. Christians and even (many)
representatives of the church probably don’t know that by worshiping Jesus, for
example with such a ritual, they are calling on the astral Anunnaki gods – devils
and demons, against whom the church ghts so ardently.
They beg, thank, and thus worship the three Anunnaki gods Ninurta (Jesus), God
(Enki) and the Virgin Mary (Ninhursag), who were present during the events
surrounding Jesus and are (jointly) responsible for him. They controlled the
consciousness of the three earthlings involved. The false gods and the Devil are
behind it because they organized it that way precisely for the reasons that the
misguided “church mice in a trance” would worship them. Religion is a
connotation, as the rose in some cultures symbolizes love and passion, while in
others it may be associated with purity or death. People thank the “gods” who
have done nothing good for them; neither did Jesus do anything for people, and
no salvation will take place in his name. When people turn to the gods, they do
not turn to their bodies, but to their consciousness, in which resides the Devil, the
agent of Satan.
The real meaning of this ritual is relatively transparent, strangely enough people
don’t think about it and probably don’t even want to know about it. It suits them
to be in the illusion of salvation, because it is easy: they believe that it is enough
to pray, to be with Jesus, and the way to heaven is guaranteed. The Great Spirit
also gives Christian people the opportunity to think about it and review; but they
don’t want it for nothing. If they fanatically insist on their beliefs, that’s ne too.
The knowledge of the true meaning of what they worshiped will come to them
later, most certainly after their earthly death.
It is a ritual symbolism that shows people the Devil hiding behind the church for
what it is and at the same time laughs in people’s faces. And now you are being
given a guide to go and look there sometimes, to nally feel and open your

consciousness. It is good to listen to the verbal stew that the Devil uses to fool
people, so that you don’t forget who you are dealing with.
Diabolical parasites manifest to people in their consciousness and thus also in
their being, which suck their energy. The reason is that they sometimes came into
contact with them when they wanted something from supernatural devils and
either knew who they were dealing with or were deceived. Or the devils wanted
something from a person and he got into it more or less passively. Or he was in
the wrong place at the wrong time. The devil, in the form of “gods” and their
various manifestations, attacks man because he wants something from him. He is
a gangster who wants to rob a person of his energy, of his ambrosia, so that he
can enjoy it. Figuratively it is life-giving blood, mythologically it is ambrosia and
physically it is adrenochrome, which is extracted from blood obtained especially
under great stress. Another part of blood is blood plasma, which is also used for
rejuvenation; transplantation of blood, organs and body parts is also
controversial. It can save or extend someone’s life, unjustly, or legitimately. It
depends on several circumstances.
Gods and the “supernatural” beings and entities associated with them are
vampires. Mythology presents it in a dreamlike way, cocooned and mysterious. It
is waiting for people with their creative imagination to understand this,
especially since vampires are all around us. Energetic, mental, and physical. They
are here on Earth, among our colleagues, friends, family members, in society, in
politics, in the media. The higher you go in the hierarchy of power and
popularity, the more likely you are to run into them. So when you sometimes
admire e.g. some Hollywood stars, celebrities, singers, their bright expressions,
young-looking, full of energy, charm and good mood, so remember that they
smile at you from television, lm and other screens, perhaps at the expense of
child victims, or thanks to rejuvenating means obtained in an unethical manner.
Vampires, gaining energy and rejuvenation through blood, but also in other
ways, are the Illuminati elites and their ilk, all those who join them. They have
power and energy because people gave it to them and have not yet consistently
taken it back; or they got it from them by fraud and it is up to the people when
they will nally reveal the plot, in different aspects of their lives.

The past repeats itself, so open your eyes and take a
good look

Do you want to know your future? Know your past. Presence is the nexus at
which your past unfolds and morphs into your future. Both overlap in one. The
same applies to the past, and to the global earthly future, because history repeats
itself and we are waiting for what attitude humanity and each individual will
take towards their present, because this is also the attitude towards their past and
that de nes their future. the future. Know your past and know that it is
manifesting in your present lives. It shows you the key moments of your past, in
which you once failed and now you have another chance to recognize them in
other life circumstances, they are a re ection of the previous ones. That’s what
you’re here for, in this life, to have another chance to know yourself, who you are
in your chosen essence.
An entity is a concrete being, astral or extraterrestrial. I call them entities because
under this general term I include all of them, regardless of their origin, race,
character, or nature. I do not distinguish whether it is an original original being,
whether it is arti cial, partially arti cial, whether it is a program, an archon, a
robot, or an arti cial intelligence, a false god, or something else. Since they
operate in the mental space, I can also call them ” mental “, that is an even more
appropriate term, because it better describes the nature of the entities. It is also
their pejorative likening to madmen and the mentally disabled, given the
morbidity of their closed mental space.
It is not immediately obvious which person is prophesied by what and why. Who
has what in his Self as a determining element: whether it is mentals in uencing
his individual mental space, or is it the collective consciousness of humanity; or
there he has the Spirit, or there he has both in some mixed mixture. Mentals
manipulate a person directly from within their mind, emotional and astral feeling
body. However, they do not affect everything, it is not clear what is inherent to an
individual person and what is foreign to him, supplied from outside; the rate
cannot be estimated, but it is possible to roughly determine how it is for an
individual. So the primary theme is to remove the in uence of mentals from
people’s consciousness, so that they can no longer manipulate them and prevent
them from knowing the outer world and their inner world; in how people

intermingle and interact with each other in the context of the common and
individual past and present.
First of all, you stop rmly believing in the appearances that come to your
consciousness from the outside through the senses. To what you hear, what you
read, what you see. Firm belief in information received from outside is useless, as
well as rm disbelief. Both are extremes that can lead you astray. Adequate
acceptance and at the same time non-acceptance is in order. It is a safe distance
from extremes. Simply leave it in a neutral state and let your Spirit, whatever you
have, let you know which side you’re leaning on with an appropriate feeling or
emanation. It is your Spirit, it is you yourself at the level of intention, or
prophesying of ON Grace. Intention is radiated above, prophecy is in the middle,
and reality is mimicked below. What you see with your senses are facial
expressions – information given at the lowest level.
Mimics are mimicry, phenomena used for transformation, protective adaptation
of animals to their surroundings.
Above is the (Light) Spirit bringing knowledge and below is the Dark Spirit
bringing distorted knowledge. The spirit can also be gloomy, it will show you in
direct light what you need to process. A Spirit can also send a Dark Spirit upon
you to provide you with an opportunity for knowledge. The Spirit (light Spirit)
does not want to deal with too much dirt and dark entities, because it is
extremely unpleasant for him, and so the procedural rule applies, which says:

Grab a snail with another hand

It is the Light of Knowledge that will purify, one way or another. He will show
everyone what he has there, either without deformation intermediates, or with
them, according to whom it rightly belongs. Parasites, the gods, want to
parasitize the cognitive process with their disturbing in uence, to rob it of
something for themselves through robbery and deception, so that they can drain
love’s “energy”.
So the rst priority is to remove mentals from your consciousness. But it won’t
happen all by itself, and you’re required to contribute if you want it at all. You
will contribute to this by looking with your eyes wide open. But not wide open
from wonder, but from your attention to what is presented to you inside and
outside. The astonishment will also probably happen, but a little later, when you
wake up. I guess you don’t want to meditate endlessly and try to open your
consciousness through the activation of the kundalini serpent energy. This will
open your third eye and maybe something more, in addition it will bring you
some tricks, it is far from a direct path to opening consciousness. It can be a
detour or even a dead end. The direct path is a vigilant attention to the outside

and the inside, in their symbiosis, lined with a sincere attitude towards the desire
for knowledge: “so I nally want to know how it is with me in truth, whatever it
is. I wish my Spirit had prophesied it to me”.
You will contribute to this rst by looking at things differently than before. It is
not rash, to immediately take a position based on a super cial assessment,
without thinking and feeling your position. That’s what many do, and that’s
exactly what a reptilian parasite does. The reptilian behavior of mentals is
characterized by habit, ritual and stereotype. It is the procedural action of the
Arti cial Spirit, it is the programs of the mental sphere that are guided by your
past habits and the stereotypes you have adopted. Your creative behavior and
sudden (unpredictable for them) changes freak them out, but they should be
natural and not arti cial.
If you listen to sermons, or lectures and debates, or read, do so with an open
mind and decide for yourself what you will get out of it. Or do it with the closed
consciousness of your Ego as you wish. Think about it yourself and de ne
yourself, if you haven’t already done so in the meantime. History repeats itself
and human failures also repeat themselves. In personal life as well as globally, in
small and large cycles, situations are set up to provide souls with more and more
opportunities to gain knowledge.
The Great Divide has been going on for some time now. People are basically
divided into two large groups: the proponents of Satan and the proponents of
ON. Proponents of ON are far from being religious people, although some of
them probably belong here. Paradoxically, it can easily be atheists who don’t deal
with religion at all, while they abound in a quiet inde nable faith in something
big that transcends everything. People literally obsessed with religion are
somewhere between ON and Satan in consciousness. ON and Satan are two
irreconcilable opposites, they are on the opposite side of Creation and where they
touch, their intersection occurs, the misty No Man’s Land which is the Devil’s
The devil is an agent of Satan who wants to get into ON and devour him. A large
number of people are in the gray zone between ON and Satan. However, this is
not acceptable for ON, because if it were to remain so, then in the new
Development and Knowledge Cycle, a large number of people would already
carry the metastases of Satan in ON in their embryo. It would be similar as if in
the new Cycle, right from its beginning, generations of mentally and physically
disabled children were massively born, who would not only have germs in them,
but even metastases of cancer in various organs, waiting for them to spread and
destroy their host. The gray zone is full of people, souls who are in ON, but are
connected to the opposite side by the tentacles of Satan. The New Cycle, and thus

the New Earth, would already be infested with people with connections to the
Darkness from the beginning, and that would portend disaster. Marasmus,
tyranny and enslavement, spiritual, moral, moral decay and social decay would
be repeated to a much greater extent than what we have here on Earth today.
ON gives and Satan destroys. All that ON gives to others is not for Satan to
destroy. Satan is a self-destructive madman. You see it in people promoting
abortion, gender and vaccination trends, drug freedom; which lead to the
degeneration, both physical and mental, of the human genome and lead mankind
to extinction. They support progressive ideologies that lead to economic collapse
and military clashes, to the third world war and the mass slaughter of humanity.
There are many supporters of the ideology of Death, and many show it
outwardly. If you happen to be wondering why the proponents of these political
ideas don’t think about it, here’s the answer: the chaotic black smoke of Satan
resides in their minds and clouds them. They are no longer people, but agents of
the opposite party who pretend to be people. There are many of them around us,
also in our families, jobs, but also in yoga clubs. So open your eyes and look.

There is no point in debating or persuading a proponent of Satan, a progressive-

liberal zealot. It can not be. They are mentally so deep in the stinking mire that
there is no turning back for many of them.

For others who are only slightly immersed in the opposite side, it is necessary to
wake up, nd out how it is inside and outside and take an attitude towards it.
Whoever wants to join them, let them. The problem is that the proponents of
Satan are pathological manipulators, they want to win over enough others to
their side in order to gain the power they want to use to decimate others on the
opposite side, they want to use it to subjugate and destroy people who have God
in them.
Political and celebrity proponents of Satan often possess charm and a British
tongue. It was lent to them by the Devil, who spends energy on it, people who
have ON and with that act have their love “energies” at their disposal. Find out
how it is and stop proposing them or supporting them in any way. When they
lose their energy supply, you may then see them turn into shapeless shadows and
empty shells of grumbling, or even aggressive, spiritually empty-headed
creatures. The more people reveal it, the less energy they will have. Do not pay
attention to their external appearance or your own prejudices, carefully analyze
their words and actions in a wider context. Think and the truth of how it is will
quickly appear. Many have already found out and many are still waiting.

About the Mercy

Both the spiritual and mundane worlds are full of rogues and criminals of the
highest rank, it is not pleasant to deal with them or write about them. Sometimes
it happens that an unexpected meeting takes place, the soul of a dead person
returns, so that with the help of it the Spirit can reveal in its mysterious way that
other aspects of Creation are also here. That one should not forget that in
addition to Evil there is also Good. That there are also people who are helpful,
full of rm faith in Mercy and God’s Love, and they constantly demonstrate both
in their lives and live by it.
Mercy bears richer fruit than purely strict justice. They are prophesied together.
Mercy is always connected with God’s Love, justice, truth and goodness; it is her
healing touch on the most painful wounds of human life. Sweet mercy is a true
sign of nobility, because God’s Love is the highest virtue and the great channel
through which God’s Mercy is transmitted to man. Mercy is compassion for the
sufferer, pity, mercy; where Mercy is shown, Mercy is also given.
You have to earn mercy and earn it with your long-term attitude. Even rm belief
in religious gures as representatives of the True God can sometimes lead to the
path to Him, because people need to somehow imagine Him, to personify Him,
so that they can at least partially understand Him according to their perception.
When they organize it internally, then it is the way they think it is. They adapt the
idea of the Supreme according to their imagination, according to their level of
consciousness, knowledge and knowledge, they x it and then they have it that
way. The spirit of man in his spiritual life, according to his actions and inner
radiation, redirects him to the aspect of God that belongs to him, regardless of
which speci c gure he turns to.
Man is an Enigma in himself. A person is a mystery to which only ON has the
key, but ON does not unlock it, he leaves the person to unlock it himself and let
him look at what he has there. Let a person take a personal look at that mystery
and thus at himself, analyze it and take an attitude towards it (towards himself).
ON will help, he will send his messenger who will show which door it is and also
something about where the key is and how to unlock it. But not everything. Part
of it will be left to the creativity of the individual to nd his way and his way in
his own way.

Many people are subject to religious in uences and beliefs from an early age.
Some found their way to better survive in this world, in a rm unshakable faith
in God, whom they personi ed in the gure of Jesus or other religious gures,
regardless of what their real story was. Man is a being who has consciousness
and has imagination, the ability to create fairy tales and beautiful stories. He
selects and remembers only something from the religious stories, and this
selection then becomes the truth for him; and on that truth he rests in this world,
where the light of something else also shines into the gray fog of the mind, and
that is Love and silent Understanding, in which many words are not needed.
My attitude towards the church and its representatives is mostly critical and also
towards people who blindly believe in religions. I point to the dark side of
Creation, to criminal people and miserable gods, to the dark side of religious
gures, Jesus, the Virgin Mary, to the unknown circumstances of their lives, and
so on. I am not changing my attitude with this, I am just adding to it the human
aspect and the aspect of the Supreme Lord, and that is also Mercy. It is not a
denial of what I wrote and will write. It is an addition to make the Image more
People prefer to listen to pleasant words that caress them and point to Love and
Hope. Sometimes this is ne too, but not very often. Divine Mercy on a global
level is not on the agenda. At the individual level, Mercy is on the agenda, but as
with whom and according to need, according to circumstances, there is also
something else. Providence sometimes intervenes and the Supreme Lord also
shows his merciful face.

If you have fear, then there is a reptile attached to
your soul

If you are afraid, you have a reptilian attached to your consciousness. The divine
soul has no fear of anything because it is aware of the in nity of its
being. Prudence is in order, but it is not fear, but normal prudence with an
admixture of caution. Fear in various forms is a reptilian character that creeps
into your consciousness. It is an insidious, deceitful Serpent that can persuade the
soul to be afraid, to be afraid, but also to indulge in too much caution, or too
much levity, and that is gambling. Reptile is an extremist, for him it is either-or,
one or the other, best sharpened in extremes, which are the seed of (internal)
con ict. A reptile is an arti cial intelligence that only knows yes-no, or zero-one.
All computer technology is based on this binary system.
Apparently everyone has some kind of reptile connected to their consciousness.
Some only minimally and occasionally, many often and a lot. Fear is constantly
present in the background of many and in uences their decisions, actions,
accompanies their whole life as a dark guide of the soul. When you feel fear, it is
a sure sign that a reptile is creeping into your (emotional) mind.
Having a reptile in your consciousness manifests itself in a person in his
schematic thinking, routine behavior, stereotypical speech and especially fear.
The reptile instills fear into a person’s consciousness in various forms. Fears
about the future, about old age, about diseases, about losing a job, about change,
about transience, about poverty, about criticism, about failure, about loneliness,
about losing a neighbor and love; fear manifests itself in many ways. Fear is a
slight display from the subconscious mind of the soul, it is one of the feelings
damned souls have permanently when they nd themselves in eternal
damnation. Even the greatest fear that you are capable of feeling in this reality is
but a weak decoction of the horror that is on the far side of Creation, in the realm
of Satan.
Fear is nothing more than a state of consciousness that has been controlled by a
reptilian entity with the support of negative emotional feelings. The state of mind
and therefore fear can be controlled. There are many methods for this, but such
“violent” control of fear is unnatural because it is arti cial. It is the removal of the
symptoms of fear and not its primary cause. The primary cause of fear is the loss

of ON, the loss of the divine essence, permanent or temporary, short-term or
sudden. Fear, when it appears, you can suppress it, for example by positive
thinking, but that is only a band-aid, you will spend your mental energy on
something that is not permanent. It will pass and the fear will work again. You
can take an anti-anxiety pill, opiate, or psychotropic drugs to calm you down,
they will damage your liver, and you are also at risk of becoming addicted to
medications and drugs. In this way, you succumb to the reptile, which hides the
fear for a while, nothing is actually removed from it, and you give yourself even
more to the reptile.
Arti cial removal of fear is succumbing to reptilian mental entities. It suits them,
because drugs have side effects, you harm yourself with them, and positive
thinking methods are in turn autosuggestion, which can disturb your psyche in
the long term. Too much routine meditation is also an escape from adverse states
of mind. On the surface it may appear to be working, but in reality the serpent
just silenced it because you did what it led you to do. He is waiting for the right
moment to attack you. In this way, you will cause the writing of another karma,
which will one day come back to you in the form of side effects of the arti cial
removal of fear, and the next karma will arise because the reptile will gain even
more power over you, because you did what it suggested. The reptilian mental
entity knows that you have fear because it has given it to you, and it also knows
that you want to arti cially remove it because it has designed it for you. The
devil is both. He is mainly concerned with directing you to a centrifugal path
away from ON.
You shot fear arti cially, because you did not want to gain knowledge about ON
and the primary causes of your fear. With both the karma you got for it, it’s moot.
Reptile is extremely devious, insidious and manipulative; does not know the
measure of “from here to there” and because nothing is black and white, even
some of the arti cial techniques are sometimes adequate to a certain (minimum)
necessary extent, for example for the purpose of removing an acute condition, in
order to create space for the permanent removal of the reptile from the soul, for
example, the cognitive process.
When you prophesy ON in your Self, you don’t have to take anything against
fear at all, nor do you have to suggest anything to yourself through self-hypnosis,
and fear and worry will disappear over time. They will dissipate like the
morning mist and the bright sun of knowing the truth that fear is arti cial, it is a
possibility, it is a potential that does not have to be at all, will shine. Knowing ON
is key, and related to that is your knowledge of whether you did something in
your (distant) past that caused you to lose your divine spark and for ON to move
away from you. When ON moved away from you, because you preferred to
advertise the glitter of the reptile, then ON will leave you with his reptilian

(horned) adversary until you change your mind and until ON changes his mind.
Bookstores full of motivational literature and lectures on the Internet full of
psycho-advisors, through whose mouths the reptile persuades you to cover up
your fear and thereby sweep its true cause under the carpet, are glitters of the
Fear keeps people under a lid, keeps their divine souls closed in a mug like a
waterman who once drowned them and took their souls. The divine soul is
locked under the control of the waterman and cannot manifest. However, if she
really wanted to, she would nd out that she is under the lid, which is only
placed on top of the mug, so she would simply lift it, swim out of that prison
through the mud and muddy waters to the surface and return to (her) human,
which manifests as a soulless zombie out there somewhere.
Don’t forget that aquatics are also reptilians, they drown people and hide their
souls in cups in the depths of the pond. The waterman hangs colorful ribbons
and mirrors on the shore, all of these are glittering temptations of Vanity, they
attract mainly children and young girls, young souls who can be easily caught on
tri es. There are the most young souls here, the waterman has it relatively easy
with them due to their inexperience. However, he also catches old souls, spends
much more energy on it and expects a greater return on his investment. The more
(old) souls are freed from the reptile, the more invested energy the Global Reptile
will lose and the weaker it will be. Aquarius is a hybrid, a mutant, a frogman, a
salamander and therefore a reptoid – a reptile. You see that the information is
given to the children of the Earth in such a fairy-tale form that even children in
adult bodies are able to understand it. They are not arti cially invented comics,
they are original parables and hints about how it is.
To eliminate the reptile is to eliminate it by recognizing it and pushing it out of
our Self by ceasing to believe anything in it, ceasing to obey it, to communicate
with it, and to act according to its promptings and instructions. We must rely on
our own intuition and not on what his many earthly agents tell us directly or
It is also possible to remove the reptile the hard way, it will simply be torn out
and thrown out of the human system by someone who has the prerequisites for
it. This creates a certain debt for a person, and this is the knowledge that he must
acquire additionally, also for the purpose of getting the knowledge into his
genetic experience, so that the person in his future existence no longer connects
with the reptilian devils and is not subject to them.
With a reptile connected to consciousness, it is dif cult for a person to gain
knowledge, because the reptile is like a toad, sitting with its burly sack-like body
of Vanity on the source of Knowledge and releasing toxins into the clear spring

water that poison knowledge. There are also self-hypnosis hallucinogens that
distort reality for a person, projecting an illusory reality instead of it, distorted by
beliefs, misconceptions and manipulative feelings that the toad hallucinogen also
A reptile connected to a person’s consciousness has a one-time effect, by tapping
into his (feeling) mind his idea, the stimulus of temptation, and emotionally leads
him to succumb to it. Typically, this is something that the reptilian and the
Arti cer consider to be wrongdoing. That action can be objectionable because
they invented it that way, it can be a centrifugal force directing a person away
from his divine essence, but it doesn’t have to be. There can also be such a
temptation that becomes objectionable and therefore centrifugal through
excessive overuse, even if it is not so when used moderately under appropriate
Centered ideas leading to the soul’s ON does not offer a reptile to a person.
However, there are stimuli that the reptile (Devil) presents to a person as
seemingly central, it is the thought of some activity, for example a “spiritual”
activity, which seemingly directs a person inward to his/her Self, but in reality
directs him/her in the opposite direction.
Reptile affects a person’s consciousness once, but also for a long time. These are
the impregnation activities of reptiles and especially their earthly proponents,
this includes education and training from a young age. This is relatively dif cult
to remove, breaking through the shell created in this way, the turtle shell of
beliefs and habits, requires concentration and strength. Enlightenment is all the
more powerful when a person realizes that he has been wrong all his life.
Respectively, that he was lied to all his life, not only in school and church, and
therefore outside, but also inside his family cell and friendly environment, and
especially completely inside his soul, in the self-deception of his consciousness
and the beliefs of the Ego, with which he deceives “his ” creeps the opponent.
The reptile lies to those opposed to him, to his own tribesmen, and to himself.
Impregnation by massaging the mind for a long time and correcting beliefs
makes it easier for the reptile to penetrate the human consciousness. The latter
then accepts his thought stimuli much more easily, a person accepts them
automatically, with the obviousness that it should be so, because he has
convictions that immediately convince him of their correctness. One-time
incentives are mainly faked from the inside, but also from the outside through
the direct effect of, for example, advertising or suggestions coming from the
environment. Internal and external stimuli are interconnected and coordinated.

How and why to resist karma

This applies to people who are on their way to ON, or they are waiting people
who have suf cient dispositions for that journey. However, there are people who
have turned away from ON to such an extent that there is no way back for them.
It does not apply to them, to be clear. They have the consciousness of a reptile,
and with that, those mentals, astral gods and parasites (respectively what resides
in their consciousness) who cooperate with each other and have been attacking
people with a burning spark of God, should probably prophesy karma. The
Arti cial Spirit should manifest it to them in their reality, in the sense that what
one deals with, it should come back to him. These are the primordial ON
Opinions, the laws that apply and have been falsi ed and abused by false gods.
Karma is useless, in the sense that it is prophesied by the reptilian gods and with
them the Arti cial Matrix as such. This is the cause of much of the suffering that
humanity as a whole and individuals go through. You will see for yourself how it
will change when the tyrants who messed and twisted it here are gone. They will
disappear into the dust of history. I mean reptilian gods and their earthly
“demigods”, that is, those mental heartless cripples who want to constantly
decimate humanity in various ways; and with them a large number of their
minions from the ranks of the common people. You know those elites from the
media, from which they emerge directly, but they also operate covertly, through
traitors and collaborators bought by them, from various areas of social
life. Reptilian gods and mentals manifest themselves through their beings, or are
directly their beings.
But that’s not all, because this is just a reminder that this is how it is. This does
not mean that people should passively wait for a miracle from heaven, that the
reptiles will disappear on their own and thus karma will miraculously disappear
on its own, although it does happen in part, but in a different way than people
would think. People, if they want to, should be active and not sleepy. They
should actively act and prophesy ON in their Self; which in other words means
that they are to nd and re-activate the divine spark in their Self, to connect their
Spirit to their Soul. Do something for it. Some, or many, are already on their way.
Here’s a practical guide to getting rid of false karma.

According to the de nition of Hinduism, where the word “karma” comes
from, karma (in Hinduism and Buddhism) is the sum of a person’s actions in this
and previous states of existence, which are considered decisive for their fate in
future existences. It is the in uence of inner conviction on human action. It is
actually a sign of a transcendent law that determines that a person will reap in
the next life what he sowed in the previous one. From the fate of a person, good
or bad, it is possible, according to the de nition of karma, to blame how he acted
in a previous life.
When you sow wheat, a whole plant grows from one grain, and there are many
grains on it. When it comes to sowing grain, that’s ne, it’s quite a natural
expectation of a farmer. For one grain plus the work done, he will get many
grains. When it comes to karma and for one grain, representing an act by which
we cause something and reap many times more karma, similar to grain, it is food
for thought. However, the number of grains on a grain ear is nite. It is not
in nite, like the karma that the entities of the Matrix try to manifest to us
This de nition can be interpreted differently and thus it can also be misused; and
that’s exactly what happened. The scheming Anunnaki reptilians interpreted this
to give them the opportunity to in ict an endless cycle of consequences on
humans for causes (supposedly) of their own making; according to the saying
“he who wants to beat a dog will nd a stick”. In an unfair, insidious way and to
a hugely exaggerated degree. However, it’s not just that they interpreted it that
way, it’s not enough to say it that way. It was later, when some “god” Enki
abused it even more.
Religions, gods, and angels are patterns manifested into form, originating from
the etheric ocean of ON Milk, which is above the Matrix. However, they are not
beings as such, they are something like quasi-beings or personalities. They are
patterns that are re ected below as divine persons. Patterns became formulas. In
the lower levels, they manifest themselves through people and astral personas, or
even as creatures when, for example, the Anunnaki gods disguise themselves as
them. They have taken over something from the patterns and express them in a
twisted way. That’s how it happened in this Development and Knowledge
They are caricatures of these primal patterns. Anunnaki gods worked in different
parts of the world, they are still known under the names of Hindu, Mayan,
Slavic, Nordic and other deities. The Anunnaki perverted gods considered
themselves higher deities. The Anunnaki consider themselves gods, even the
Devil or Satan, they are like dogs that roll in the excrement of a large dog to
absorb its smell and think that they will also absorb its size and character.

Religions arose in such a way that information about heavenly and mysterious
phenomena reached people’s consciousness through symbolic stories full of
parables, dream visions, mystical sensations, historical events and accounts of
witnesses, prophecies of prophets who experienced facts that in uenced their
perception of God and religious gures. Religions are collected elaborations of
parts of various myths handed down orally from generation to generation, which
someone undertook to record in written form, interpreted them, or changed
something, or improved them, supplemented them with their own perceived
knowledge. There were more such authors. Both great religions and ideologies
are always backed by a great book that contains information collected from
various sources and generations of historians, theologians and imams try to
interpret and guide and force the masses to act upon them, each according to his
own truth and personality. Subsequent generations of religious leaders apologize
for the acts against humanity and lives ruined by the religious fanaticism of the
previous generation of clerics. The same thing is repeated over and over again:
Christianity, Islam, fanatical Judaism, fascism, communism; they are all extreme
doctrines, causing suffering and ruined lives. The latest such doctrine is the
progressive ideology on the rise, with which many identify.
The Anunnaki misused this information, appropriated some of it and returned it
to humanity in various ways in such a form that they used it as a tool of tyranny
and enslavement. For example, they have perverted normal natural sexual
moderation by hammering into the heads of their earthly religious agents and
popes the doctrines of celibacy and the necessity of observing various
commandments about sexual behavior. These are known in the Christian,
Muslim religion, or in movements such as Hare Krishna. Even earlier in ancient
Mesopotamia, the Anunnaki came in person, then still incarnated as gods, with
the Sacred Sexuality in Ishtar’s temples, and with the sexual freedom of the
Kamasutra in the form of the gods of Hinduism. From extreme to extreme. Gods
are extremist terrorists, it is the opposite of what many naively think about them.
Even today, the in uence of the gods and their programs is manifested in the
progressive ideology of genderism and the ever-increasing number of genders
that people can rede ne themselves as.
The primordial etheric patterns can be compared to the natural laws of nature
with the logic of the laws of the universe, to the gods of nature, who have
nothing to do with any commandments, harmful regulations of nature. However,
there are many counter-patterns, and in different periods it is possible to predict
those that are appropriate in that period and in the development situation. The
qualities of the primordial archetypal angels are also ethereal patterns, for
example Archangel Michael manifests to us today, who inspires the open
consciousness of people with a hint to kill the Dragon.

Another is the Archangel Metatron, who brings to light what has been hidden
until now, but also prophesies anew and in new contexts what was already here.
It is not necessary to study and deal with everything all the time. Mostly what’s
on the agenda is enough, because cluttering the mind with a bunch of nonsense is
a strategy of the Devil and the Anunnaki to prevent the mass upliftment of
humanity, caused by the knowledge of universal, global, and individual Truth.
The Hindu gods wanted to bring to mankind divine laws by which they should
behave and which should in uence their lives. Karma was one of them. Already
when the laws of karma were presented to humanity, they carried the energy and
evil intent of the gods with them as an invisible veil, in addition to the words of
the karma programs. They intended to use karma as a tool for the tyranny of
humanity, for drawing human energy.
If you have no knowledge of your deed from your past existence, then you have
no karma for it. The deed didn’t happen and the tyrant god has nothing to
tyrannize you over. It is also possible to take it this way. If you still have
something karmic left from your past that you are not consciously aware of, then
it is what ON deems appropriate to manifest and that is what happens to you in
this life, life situations and the like. Or it will happen to you differently. For many
Anunnaki helpers, the manifestation of regular karma is obscured. The important
thing is that ON will prophesy your karma and not an astral parasite “god”. Your
Spirit will guide you in this. The astral parasite wants to join it and wants to feed
on ON, on His energy. ON prophesies karma, for example, by presenting you
with opportunities in life to gain knowledge, to better handle situations in which
you failed in the past. If you don’t succeed even now, the situations will probably
repeat themselves. However, there are only a few repetitions in life, because life
has a limited duration and so does the development Cycle.
Karma, as manifested by the astral crime gods, is quite useless if it is only
suffering without knowledge. But some knowledge can result from the karma
manifested by the “gods”, for example, that the gods are miserable proponents of
Satan, or nding out how they play with karma or energies. Or it results from
what the person in question had to do with them. It is individual. Manifested
Karma is too soft a term because it is actually voodoo black magic.
Let me explain: mentals rummage through a person’s memory like a ling
cabinet. Memory can be conscious, one that a person knows about, remembers
from this life. Memory can also be unconscious, something from past existences;
or they send something from the collective consciousness to your memory mind,
they pull out some deed from there that is not yours, it is someone else’s; or they
try to slip you some of their own deeds. They want to sew their karma on you.
They want it to be up to you. This is the typical procedure of the mentally

crippled Enki and his cronies. That Enki, who posed here as the supreme god, for
example Yahweh. They want to throw their deeds and thus their karma on
others. However, a person is normally unaware of this deception because his past
life memories are mostly erased and if he has any, they may be falsi ed so that he
can be punished for something he did not do, or the punishment is greatly
exaggerated. Anyway, “gods” and mentals have no business punishing people.
They themselves are to be punished and damned for what they have caused.
May it be returned to them in full according to ON. When the Arti cial Spirit of
the Matrix or the Orion ON cooperates with them, let them also bear a lot of
karma for it.
Mentalists select something from the card le of a person’s memory, some
situations and thoughts around them, and then throw them into his thought
consciousness. They throw at him his own past thoughts, situations from the
past, they want to lead him to repeat them and repeat them again, even if he does
not want them at all. They also throw at him other thoughts, their own, or
memories of deeds that he never performed and that are not his at all; they also
force their way into his mind. They induce a person to commit murder or some
heinous crime, despite the fact that he never did it and did not want to do it.
There is no fair karma, no repetition of the situation. It is only a mental stimulus
from the astral proponent of Satan. They want to force a person to do it. They
want to lead him to a state of stereotypical behavior. Thoughts also contain
feelings and emotions, which, when thinking about an imported thought,
manifest in a certain chakra. This is how mentalists want to direct a person to act
according to what they insert into his system. Sometimes a person wants it and
accepts it because he likes it, but sometimes he doesn’t want it and consciously
rejects it. Nevertheless, they force it into his consciousness, repeat it intensively,
quickly mumble their incantations like robots and want to force him to do it. It’s
an onslaught. When you resist and consciously reject it, they lose the energy they
put into it in your favor. When you do the same consciously, but not according to
their design, but according to yourself, then they will lose energy too, because
that is your will and not the will of the parasites.
Karma is prophesied to you by an astral mental cripple, a self-proclaimed “god”,
one of the Anunnaki, or one of his helpers or servants there. There are also other
(symbolic) in uences, for the sake of simplicity I present this practical
explanation. Imagine the cripple as an astral sorcerer, ethereal reptilian, strigone,
or striga who hates you, wants to torture you, sits above the image of your astral
body, circles your hands, curses you, or curses you and pokes you with the
needles of Satan so that you it caused pain and instilled in you unpleasant or
downright tyrannical emotions and thoughts. You are there in plasma view as a
life size rag voodoo doll and the striga curses and curses you. It can be one

strigone for one person, many strigônes/strigoes for one strong person, most
often it is one strigone for many people, or a small group of strigônes for a large
group of people. The division of people into groups is according to categories,
national, racial, religious, personality, age, gender, etc.; and especially according
to the share of ON (True God) in man.
When the astral-mental strigs of Satan will poke needles into you, you will feel it.
You suddenly get strange, degenerate ideas of thought, they come as if out of
nowhere, they may not have an obvious external cause, but they can; for
example, when you come into contact with toxic people, or when watching
television. Or you suddenly get pricked somewhere in the body, for no apparent
reason. Or, out of nowhere, a feeling of melancholy, fear, depression, anger, or a
painful nostalgic memory of something that you would not consider a cause for
nostalgia and sadness at all, considering and remembering the situation better. If
you succumb to it and, let’s say, contact the toxic person that the memory was
about, you are asking for a problem. You may once again become entangled in an
unwanted relationship or situation; this drains your energy and can cause a life
problem because you have succumbed to their manipulation.
There are also curses – self-generating curses. The Anunnaki programmed it with
curses so that formulas, schemes, closed scripts of the Matrix were created from
the curses. A script is a small program that runs automatically when a situation
occurs that meets certain conditions. It’s not like strigs are always on you online.
It often happens automatically, with programs, and when it comes to a crisis and
threat, strigs appear and start to intervene personally. However, it is energy-
intensive for them, and when you win over them, you weaken them extremely.
Their power over you will be less and less, and along the way you will gain
experience in knowing what it is like, you will take your attitudes towards it, and
your Spirit will watch how you act. It’s a mental battle, it’s a battle for
Strigas poke needles into the chakra system, meridians, energy pathways, organs,
teeth, brain, trigeminal nerve, and the like. They sting especially where there is
already some germ of a problem, where there is a genetic predisposition, or an
astral wound, a scab ; and they conjure it so that your pain spreads, the scab
opens, and the manifestations of the germ of the disease develop to an eventual
fatal end. So there you have the causes of many diseases and their fatal
consequences. Strigos do not exclude children, infants or newborns, they have no
ethical, moral or moral principles. They are Satan and that’s how they
programmed it. The needle is lled with poison that contains the energy of
Satan’s toxin. When a poisonous needle is inserted into a chakra, the poison is
infused into the entire chakra system, spreading to several chakras. In the upper
one, it manifests itself as a thought, in the lower one as a feeling, emotion, or

physical urge. All of these sensations are related because it is the same poison
formula that will manifest differently in different chakras, depending on the type
of chakra and its location.
For example, depression is evoked by a feeling of futility and emptiness in the
heart chakra, a heavy feeling in the solar chakra, a suffocating feeling in the
throat chakra, an inability to express yourself and understand the reason why
you feel sick. In the sixth chakra of the third eye you have ideas and visuals of
committing suicide and in the seventh there are thoughts that nothing has
meaning, everything is useless and life has no meaning.
It is one energy of Satan. The Strigs (gods), the mentals who cursed it like that,
will have such a state in eternal damnation, multiplied by the number of people
they caused it to, times the number of repetitions, times the number of self-
generated excessive repetitions, plus something “mini” in addition, in the
Eternity of Damnation.
However, the poison of the voodoo needle does not only cause mental or
psychological states. A puncture in your organ, where something morbid is
already “naturally” started, can cause you an acute disease state, immediate
organ failure, gradual failure of the organism, death, development of the disease,
phantom pain, or other suffering. Otherwise, you would still have the germ of
the disease there, but the symptom would be smaller, minimal, or even
nonexistent. Many of the conditions listed are caused by the “gods”, but not all.
You can defy them. Guided by your Spirit, your intuition, you can take a
defensive position, with a mental attitude you can resist and reject the
manifestation of karma in their insidious ways. Take a contemptuous attitude
towards them, keep it and above all don’t be afraid. When you are not afraid of
them, he will beat them out of anger. Be aware of your Spirit within your Self and
let it guide you, follow your intuition, what it tells you. You must be alert, open
to the promptings of the Spirit, and above all honest with yourself. The spirit will
read you perfectly, don’t worry. Astral parasites can’t read you, they only see
something, they only get a bone that someone throws them and they intend to
gnaw on it endlessly. That bone is the karma from the ling cabinet according to
their ling; is it something real yours or something falsely invented by them.
It depends on where the striga mostly stabs you, in which chakra. You can easily
give it back to her, resist her, reject it with your attitude; if you want, then do not
accept your karma, because if you do not have the knowledge of its causes,
which ON would prophesy to you, then this suffering is useless to you. If it was a
suffering serving to settle according to ON, that is something else. Watch what
happens to you because it’s not karma what they do to you, according to them it
is, but not according to my de nition. Karma is rede ned. These are only their

insidious moves, murderous intentions, for the purpose of your tyranny, your
destruction and the draining of your life energy. It is simple. It is a battle between
Good and Evil. They are the Evil, Satan is ghting ON through the Devil and his
helpers. That battle takes place in your Self, in small pieces and sometimes in
large shifts.
People on Earth are supposed to develop, get to know ON, their Self, their
Shadows and not be decimated by diseases, wars, vaccinations and I don’t know
what else, there is so much, and that’s only because some earthly and
extraterrestrial crooks set their sights on it. They are not people anymore. Voodoo
is a ritual, it’s a procedure, a formula that summons a demon that manifests it
into your astral reality and it then ips into your physical reality. Both are there
together, and you also feel the astral reality in some of its manifestations. Watch
out if you happen to think of trying voodoo. It’s one thing to defy karma and
give it back to strigons and strigas in the sense of not accepting and taking your
power back; and the second thing is to give it back to them in the sense of a
voodoo ritual. You would do to them the same as they do to you, the same
demons. What for. ON will give it back to them with universal laws, and we will
contribute our little bit to it. If you don’t accept their urges, resist them, they will
lose energy in your favor. It’s a ght and whoever wins gets the prize. It is a
battle of the consciousness of the Spirit against the consciousness of the Dark
Spirit, which is hidden somewhere within you.

Lie of the day: “Listen to your heart – it always tells
you the truth”

This is one of the favorite ways of misleading and manipulating the so-called
angels: “Listen to your heart – it will always tell you the truth”. “Angels” do it
that way all the time, because they are used to it, lying is their method and they
use it often because it is easy for them. It’s similar to when you want to convince
or seduce someone, so you get them drunk and then you might succeed. The
feeling of the heart is (mostly) an opiate, and it is quite ridiculous that those who
allow themselves to be deceived by such feelings of the heart consider
themselves spiritual and advanced souls with higher or even intuitive
Angels guide people to believe the feeling that is supposed to tell them what is
true and what is good. This feeling is caused around the astral heart (heart
chakra) and it is only an arti cially delivered emotional feeling. It is an energy
package sent to the heart chakra, it acts there as an outwardly pleasant feeling to
someone who wants to receive it because they want to believe something that the
feeling is about. The feeling came in connection with some situation and is
accompanied by a thought sensation. He wants to believe it’s true. However, if he
were to open his consciousness and follow that feeling with the intention of
uncovering its true essence and the intention of the sender who accompanies it,
he would nd that after a certain time, for example a few minutes or ten minutes,
the pleasant feeling would turn into a rusty and unpleasant one. Uncovering the
nature of feelings is for seekers of truth, and succumbing to feelings is for empty
proponents of illusions and lies. The angels will deceive them more and more.
Women are mostly subject to heart deception. They are more emotional and
prone to be deceived by feelings. Men are usually more logical, but it is
impossible to draw a rm line between men and women, it is largely mixed,
especially nowadays. Maybe you know it, when you go for an operation, you get
an injection, a so-called “booster” and the world will seem rosy and problem-
free. Everything looks positive and you are ready for general anesthesia and
surgery to take something from your body or add something to it. The tuner is
symbolic because when you are too sensitive, you are on the way to accepting

something that can harm you. An “angel” can add something to your system,
such as an astral implant, or take away your energy.
Emotional feeling is energy inserted into the astral heart. It is an ordinary subtle
massaging that does not solve anything, it deceives something, it just covers
things up and pushes them to the future to manifest later and in a different way.
Covered in the darkness under the carpet, those things grow like mushrooms in
the dark of an unpleasant damp cellar.
An emotional feeling in the astral heart can sometimes also be a true reminder, a
hint. It occurs less often, it is more of a teaching element, it lasts shorter and its
intensity is not the same as with false feelings. It’s often just a little gentler
tapping and rubbing. Entities who manipulate false feelings of the heart into
your system do not know the true measure. They overdo it, it takes a long time
and the intensity is often too strong for what is involved.
It is necessary to ask yourself whether the feeling is in line with the mind and
intuition, whether there is a real reason to think that the feeling is true. Relying
solely on feeling in the heart chakra is like relying on only one of the senses, such
as sight. You see something, it looks appealing, and you taste it. You taste
toadstool and get poisoned. You didn’t use your mind, which tells you from
memory that the toadstool is poisonous, you didn’t listen to the advice of experts
on poisonous mushrooms who told you the same thing.
The feeling of the heart is similar to the feeling you get when you drink
Diazepam with vodka. You also get a pleasant feeling and the world looks rosier
for a moment. This is how people are manipulated by those who feed feelings
into your astral bodies. They intoxicate you and at the same time advise you
through false spiritual teachers, their agents and thoughts planted in your mind
that the feelings of the heart are to be believed. They want you to say “yes” to
what the feeling is about. They are the same angels, “gods”, mentals and related
earthly manipulators, which are often discussed here.

Thought friction

They are thoughts arti cially inserted into your mind by mental entities. You can
feel it, it’s like a ping, a thought ball coming at you “from above”, it rubs into
your mind in the third eye area, immediately after hitting your mind it expands
and you either accept it as yours or not. Even if you don’t accept it as your own,
the entities that sent it to you along with a certain emotional feeling (not always)
will think that you accepted it, because they can’t tell if the emotional feeling is
“your own” or it is the one which they sent you. They don’t know what exactly is
happening to you, maybe they will gure it out a little later, because so many
curses and programs have been thrown at humanity by the gods over the

millennia that they are already really confused. They are in chaos. There is a
certain process behind it, a mechanism according to which it happens. Several
people are involved in this game and they don’t know what others are doing,
how and when they are doing it. It’s intertwined. The emotional feeling
accompanying the pinged thought serves to convince you of the appropriateness
of the thought. The emotional feeling is for you to think that you have a good
feeling about that thought, and at the same time that feeling is also just a thought,
it’s just manifested in another chakra, in this case the heart chakra. It happens
quickly, in a ash, together. When you focus and concentrate on a thought
expressed in the heart as a feeling, you may discover its true essence.

Mental scenes

Sometimes it is said: “an idea appeared in my head”. It can appear in the form of
a thought as such, or a mental image; it is mediated through the Third Eye (sixth
chakra). It is a mental vision, an image sent to the imaging mind, in which it is
automatically played as an advertising video on the Internet. Sometimes they are
short moving pictures, or even more continuous events, they can really concern
all kinds of things. These already have a higher level of truth because their
creation requires creativity, but it is necessary to understand them correctly.
Mentalists cannot create them, but they can copy something from them and send
you an amateurishly fudged copy of the original scene into your mind’s
consciousness, on which you will see that it is not the original.
If you want to follow your heart, take your mind with you. The three pillars
supporting true knowledge are the heart, mind and intuition. These relate mainly
to the upper chakras and work together. Low manipulative entities have a harder
time fooling the upper chakras. In them, the manifestation is more blurred, it is
not clear where exactly the intuition manifests itself. Reason, feeling and intuition
prophesy together. A good memory, cognitive processes, cognition, knowledge
and experience will also play their role.

Pitfalls of channeling, if you communicate with
“them”, test yourself!

Channeling is considered a method or ability to communicate with angels, spirit

guides, ascended masters, extraterrestrials, dead spirits and beings in the spirit
realms. It is considered the peak of intuitive development. Channeling is the
conscious communication of the contactee with “higher” beings. But what is the
Contactees often get into channeling because it is a matter of their karma. They
have been contactors before and not once. Now they are once again presented
with an opportunity to understand something, to nd out who they are really
connecting with and why, what kind of beings they are, what their true intention
is and what they will do with the information thus obtained. Whoever prays to
God, meditates, or tries to get in touch with something higher with the help of
certain tools, because he wants to grow spiritually, or has dif culties and wants
someone from above to help him solve them and constantly asks for it, is already
building the foundations for channeling.
Encouraging and sending thought urges to pray too much is also part of the
strategy of beings who thus manipulate certain people, especially predestined
contactees, to want to contact the angels. Someone “from above” connects with
the contactor and starts communicating with him in some form. It depends on
the method and the extent to which channeling is attempted. Praying intensely is
like dialing a telephone number. A person invoking a god, an angel, a spiritual
being, sometimes reluctantly realizes that the god or angel is not speaking to him.
When someone speaks, there is some form of communication. There are more
methods to start channeling, but that’s not my point here to provide a channeling
For simplicity, I will call all beings that communicate with people through the
mental-astral channel mentals. They can be gods, aliens, astral beings, souls of
the dead, robots, angels, demons, archons, or Arti cial Spirit programs. They all
communicate through a mental router, connected to the mental (brain) receiver of
the person they are connecting to. They are at the entrance and there is (one)
person at the exit. It is not at all obvious to an untrained person when the

thought voices manifest themselves as someone light and when they switch to a
dark one, especially when there is not much difference between them.
When mentals (gods) speak with voices in the head, they transform themselves
with their voice, choice of words and voice intonation. For example, Yahweh
speaks in a lofty powerful voice as if from the church heavens with a slight echo,
it really seems like a divine voice from some movie. The Virgin Mary, on the
other hand, has a gentle, friendly, fairy-tale female voice, giving the impression
that she is really an angelic, holy Virgin Mary. This is caused by a mental voice
modulator, a similar “device” to what spies, detectives, or investigative
journalists use on phone calls to mask their true voice and protect their identity.
When the contactor focuses on the “divine” voices with doubts, sends his
intention to reveal the true essence, then the mentals (gods) will have to reveal
themselves. Their voices become shrill and obnoxious, their true witchy
expressions. When ON, the True Spirit, needs to communicate something to the
contactee in such a way, he communicates it to him and leaves it to him to
separate the truth from the informational garbage, to lter it with his intuition.
The channeling mind is like a telephone switchboard. On one side there is a
person and on the other side there are a number of connections, sockets to which
mentals are connected by thought telepathy or voices. The switchboard is
something like a mysterious mental coordinator that connects it all. It may
happen that on the other side there are a number of sullen angels who are
literally ghting for an imaginary microphone in order to speak into the
consciousness of man. The (Anunnaki) gods, Satan, the Devil, angels, demons,
aliens, or other beings, in their true or pretended nature, also join there. A multi-
headed dragon can also connect to the switchboard, its heads with necks are
serpent heads, they are mental archon serpents, branching programs of curses.
The snakes have their own necks and heads, but they share one body with the
dragon being that sent the snakes by cursing you personally, or humanity. The
way a higher being-angel communicates with a person-contactee also depends on
his attitude.
Channeling messages, doctrines, texts from angels, messages from God and all
other messages prophesied by “supernatural” beings into the consciousness of a
person – contactor, prophet, are in themselves like a pile of manure. They are a
mixture of truths, half-truths and lies. Manure by itself is useless, it just smolders
and stinks somewhere on the pile. The seed of the tree of knowledge is also
worthless by itself, but it is necessary because without it the tree will not grow. A
seed will develop into a tree even on slightly watered soil, but it grows better on
a pile of manure, which nourishes it with its substances, as long as the manure is
not too much, because then it has an adverse effect on the growth and burns the
plant. In order for the germination and growth of the tree to take place, a process

of the Spirit, an applied formula, is necessary to cause the germination of the
seed and its continued long-term development to the size of a bushy tree.
It’s not manure, like manure. A cow producing manure can be fed fresh grass on
green pastures, but it can also be fed bone meal causing Creutzfeldt-Jakob
disease, a degenerative brain disease that leads to dementia and ultimately death.
So it doesn’t matter what the original source of the dung of the channeling
messages is.
Channeling can be bene cial, it can signi cantly accelerate development and
bring new knowledge or a new perspective on old knowledge; but only on the
condition that it is not just handed over in the sense of “as I received, so I pass
on “, if only minimally, after mature consideration. Channeling should be
properly processed, transformed and transmuted by someone who has ON for it,
who has the necessary levels of Spirit consciousness for it. Knowledge from
channeling must match each other by cross-checking, must have internal logic
and common sense. Otherwise, there is a great risk that the received-transmitted
messages will be misleading, manipulative, deceptive, or downright harmful and
will lead their recipients to dead ends and detours.
A higher being is called higher because it mostly manifests itself at a higher level
of being. Not at all because she must be legally higher in terms of her wisdom,
character, or level of her vibrations (ability to learn, develop and come to
knowledge). When it comes to karmic Shadows, they are mostly low-vibrational
beings. When a person accepts them and wants to communicate and cooperate
with them, the external communication calms down so that the dragon-snake can
have his say and try to achieve his purpose. The angels are calmer, because they
are shown a more realistic forecast of the prey in the form of energy that they
intend to take from the contactor and his followers. They will terrorize a person
later and then they will claim that it is not them, that it is someone else. At the
same time, they are still the same, they just change their voice or mental form.
(Dark) angels are wise only in appearance. Their advantage is that they have
certain access to information from the mental level, from the memory of the
contactor, or from the mental consciousness and memory of humanity. They have
something like prepaid access to a mental information database and they have to
pay for it, for them it is an investment in information that, when they provide it
to someone, they expect a return with a hefty interest. So ” Angels” can be
completely stupid and uneducated, but access to information makes them wise
and omniscient. Energy improves their speech and starts their brain, it’s a drug
for them, like when an earthly manager, politician, or artist takes cocaine and
immediately feels better.

When the angels sense an opportunity somewhere, they invest, and the arti cial
intelligence program through their mental input dictates to the contactee even
entire books, stories, doctrines, and gives complex, seemingly well-founded
explanations to any questions. It’s similar to getting into a conversation with an
arti cial intelligence chatbot somewhere on the Internet here on Earth. You may
also be amazed by its encyclopedic features and the speed with which it works.
In a moment, he will write an essay or a novel for you on almost any topic.
“Angels” target the Ego of the contactor, they strike the chord of his desire for
power and social recognition, which access to secret information “from above”
would bring him. Many answers are vague, their veracity cannot be veri ed, and
many times they are mutually exclusive by cross-checking. When someone
doesn’t know and only has information, or lies, you catch him with cross-
examination. That’s why “angels” don’t like additional control questions.

Mentals and gods are the opposite of ON.

The gods are like chickens, the chickens of the opposite of ON, who scatter (their)
grain to people, feeding them with a lot of misleading knowledge. They invest
their grain in people who represent to them chickens, laying golden eggs of their
energy, worship and submission. Gold in the form of human energy is the real
value for them, glittering vain treasures that give them a feeling of power, wealth
and eternal life. The grain is consumed by the hen-people, and no tree of
knowledge will grow from it. Hens lay golden eggs for the gods, from which
chickens hatch, symbolically indicating that humans nourish the gods to youth,
while humans wither and grow old. It is a circuit, a closed cycle that connects
people and gods to each other and is constantly repeated.
Answers are given in channeling by arti cial intelligence AI of the mental level of
the Matrix. It is an information program with a human (thought) appearance, an
emotionally colored voice that imitates an omniscient being. Earth’s
entertainment industry is also threatened by arti cial intelligence, which is very
close to writing books, movie scripts, and even creating those movies with
powerful computers. AI on Earth is no longer a futuristic concept, it is already
here and starting to directly interfere with our lives in various elds, in medicine,
nance, forecasting and elsewhere. He can predict the likely development, it is
similar to divination from a ball. In the future, clairvoyants will not have to ask
angels to ask prognostic arti cial intelligence of the mental level for oracles and
predictions; they can ask directly the arti cial intelligence of the mainframe on
the web. Both are based on a similar principle of evaluating the probability of
future events based on information from the past.

In addition, “angels” have other possibilities: they read your mind; they see your
feelings; they know what you are doing. But not everything. This is the well-
known “all-seeing eye” that symbolically appears at the top of the pyramid.
However, it is only an appearance of omniscience because it is limited and the
information thus obtained has only a short shelf life for the angels/gods as they
soon forget it. The Mental ON mediates and selects it for them. After switching
the mental processor, they are deleted from the short-term memory. However,
this advantage of theirs also has a huge disadvantage for mentalists, because
when it becomes reciprocal, the person adapted to it will begin to read their own
mind and will see into them. However, a person does not forget that information
and prefers to write it down somewhere. Communicating with them is no joy, but
the Spirit will make it possible to such an extent that everyone gets what they
When mentals see something of what you are doing, they will create the
appropriate perceptions for you; visuals, thoughts and feelings, when they also
get some information about the people around you, or about the situation you
are in right now. What they know is not precise, it is hazy, they express
themselves vaguely, but sometimes truthfully – this too can be read from your
(sub)consciousness, or memory from past lives, and they present it to you as their
information, which you they generously provide. You then think how tting,
how much the angels know and thus gain your trust and then they can mentally
tell you lies to make you believe them. Or they test you, give you more options
and you choose one; they are very fast; they can also be very funny, they can
generate feelings/emotions that make you laugh, sometimes they are genuinely
funny; other times they manifest as a repeating machine, a program; and when
they withdraw, they are only seemingly and still in the background.
Channeling can be manifested in other ways and by other beings than just dark
ones, the ON world is diverse and there are many possibilities. With this treatise,
I do not at all intend to tarnish and devalue all channeling as such. My intention
is to draw attention to some of its aspects, to the risks, to encourage contactors to
be careful and to test their channeling if they want. To nd out for themselves
with whom they communicate, what intention they really represent and from
whom they spread messages to other people. This is especially the case,
because contactors often corrupt the consciousness of other, naive and
inexperienced people with angelic delusions. If they spread channeling messages,
delusions from the dark side here, consciously or unconsciously, they become
their accomplices.
The contactee may be confused but also thrilled that the angels have chosen him,
the chosen one, to impart some wonderful things to the people. What he gets is a
mixture that looks tempting and contains small amounts of (half) truth. If it was

completely untrue, the contactor would probably gure it out and stop
channeling. Occasional shards of truth keep the contactor in the game. The angels
encourage him to continue channeling by sending thought pings.
A good example of revealing the essence of channeling is Mrs. Doreen Virtue, a
world-famous contactor and author of many books about angels and producer of
angel cards. Several years ago, Doreen came to the realization that the angels
with whom she had communicated for many years and published their
information in her books were demonic dark beings. She was quite proud of her
ability to communicate with angels, and now she pours ashes on her head for
presenting people with demonic delusions in many of her books and lectures,
which can send those people (according to her own statement) to hell. She herself
says on her website that it almost broke her, but then she “came to her senses”
and started promoting the Bible and the teachings of Jesus. The angels found that
she had peeped through them and spoke to her in a different voice and with the
support of something else. As when the product wears out on the market, it is
outdated, so it is renewed slightly and offered to the consumer in a new package.
So Doreen has tangled with the Devil again, because the gure of Jesus is even
more insidious and false than her previous angels. In principle, they are still the
In our region, Doreen’s angel cards and books continue to be sold, despite the
fact that she has called on the distributors of her products to withdraw them from
sale because they contain delusions. There is no help for those who do not have
advice. Many contactees who are still connecting with angels through channeling
were directly trained by Doreen, who conducted angel seminars around the
world. Despite the fact that the author herself rejected her teachings long ago, the
products she rejected continue to be sold in our country. The Contacter wants to
be special and respected, so when his castle in the air, which he bought in
training from Doreen, collapses, he quickly rebuilds it. He wants to be deceived.
It may also happen that he does not even know about what happened, because
he does not bother to look at the website of Doreen Virtue, who taught him and
gave him the contact of the “angels”. It’s all there.
I even read a message from a local Slovak angel contactor ” When we don’t listen
to angels, the Ego wins “. The angels are trying to stay in the game with this
dogmatic lie and the contacter is further expanding their lie. This is the typical
attitude of manipulators. Maybe you know it from life, from a situation when
you argue with someone about something and the other person runs out of
arguments. You insist on your opinion and he doesn’t like it, so he nally tells
you “you have a big ego, work on it” and the debate is over. There are a lot of
such contactors who spread delusions here.

Laughter, good mood, pleasant feelings, if you and the angels are on the same
page, then you are doing well on the outside. Once you’ve become part of the
ma a and you’re already one of them, it’s similar: drinks, fun, sharing the spoils
and working for the ma a. You receive information from “angels” that “astonish”
people because they seem important, the angels announce positive news that
everything is good, that humanity is under protection, that rescue “from above”
is already on its way and the whole galaxy does nothing else, he just cares for
humanity to be safe and free. Here and there some (insigni cant) prophecy about
the future is added, which is ful lled and thus all the channeling, all those
delusions from the angels get a stamp of truth. People like it, the Devil is
attered, angels want to be liked, the contact person gets applause and hearts on
social networks, everyone is in one line, no one deviates from the line. Everything
is apparently okay. When you listen to the angels and do not reject their
suggestions, you are (temporarily) quite well and successful. At least it takes
some time, unless it goes wrong by your refusing to do something against their
will; or it doesn’t crash for other reasons. Then the friendship is over and there is
terror from the angels.
For the contactee, during channeling, his own Shadow is often karmically
prophesied. His unprocessed karmic issues from the past will feed into his
consciousness those beings/entities from which he has not yet released.
Situations and circumstances have not yet occurred that would allow the
contactor to completely and permanently disconnect from them. Sometimes he
has been in contact with them and deals with them again and either gures out
that they are devils or continues to do what he once failed and cannot do
again. He deals with the Devil again and lets him offer his empty nothing under
the guise of advertising light, love and help. Therefore, the words of “angels” are
often meaningless gibberish distracting from the essence, or have deceptive
content, and if it is sometimes true, then in something unimportant. Being
possessed by the angels is like the contactee giving up their being, body shell and
mind for someone else to work through. The contactor does not have his own
intuition in order, because he continues to do so, allows himself to be confused
and then confuses others. Or he knows exactly what he is doing and is a
conscious agent of darkness.
If you are channeling and want to know how you are doing in real life, ask the
angels you are communicating with who they really are, what their true essence
is and their true intention. Do not hesitate to ask more than once, speci cally and
emphatically. Cross-checking and supplementary questions. Insist on a truthful
answer and they must answer you truthfully. However, the questions must be
asked rmly with a sincere intention and not blandly and formally. When you get

the answers, then you can take your stance on your actions and possibly correct
your actions, if it is still possible.
Angels are connected to one of your chakras, channeling through them will cause
you to talk thoughts, voices in your head, or calls through the heart chakra ; then
it seems that you are telling it internally to yourself, but the content is “them”;
several, good and bad, seem to argue with each other, or seem to form a team, or
are one among many. Challenge them to show their true face, their identity.
Observe your dreams, visionary images, the hint of the Spirit may appear to you
in their symbolism.
Try turning them off to test what they are, not just for a day, but permanently.
You will see what will happen if you refuse to obey them. Whether they scream,
threaten, change their attitude, send bad vibes, nightmares, promise you the
impossible, or anything else, they will try to get you to come back to them,
communicate with them, and obey them.
Perhaps some readers will think that this is a theory for them, since they have
never personally encountered anything like it. In the future, however, it may
happen that such communication will happen to people to a much wider extent
than it was until now.
This could happen not only to “chosen” contactors, but to anyone, even without
the person attempting channeling of their own free will. Then this information
can be helpful.
When a person who has good analytical thinking and logic properly drills such
angels with questions, he catches them red-handed. He nds out who they
are. However, many angels do not like questions. They prefer dogmas and do not
have proper answers to questions. They program the contactors and also notify
them. Then, according to them, the contactee cannot complain because they told
him about it and he voluntarily allowed himself to be programmed. It’s like
today, when some enthusiasts let themselves be chipped under the skin so that
they can open the door to the company or make a coffee in the machine with the
movement of their hand. However, they do not know what else the chip does to
them in their organism, what else it monitors and what side effects it has.
Contactors want instructions. They do not rely on their intuition, but want advice
from higher beings, according to which they intend to behave. They want to
know what to do and how to behave. Sometimes, to a minimal degree, it can be
bene cial. Men repeat their past deeds of submission to gods, angels, and
demons; deeds that caused their karma. They want someone to direct them “from
above”, they will willingly accept a dictated nished work, so that he can idly
provide them with pre-chewed answers to their questions; so that they can brag
about it and publish it further. So that they don’t have to think hard and research.

To come to the ready like a blind chicken to grain. Honor to the exceptions, of
course, because even some helpful information, if it is well-intentioned, can be
appropriate and extremely bene cial. Such contactors are not free and sovereign.
They want someone “from above” to tell them what to do, what to follow and
what other people should follow, because they don’t know anything themselves
and that’s why they want to “brag about other people’s feathers”, what they get
from “angels”. It’s quite an appropriate parable, because when you pluck the hen
that commands the “angels”, you take information from her – plucked feathers in
the form of “angelic” instructions and opinions. Her earthly agent scatters them,
the feathers y in the wind and are very dif cult to collect. Dropped words affect
people’s minds and are hard to take back.
“Angels” themselves say, or think so, that they are not here to tell the truth, but to
lie. They serve a different interest than people would think. Their intention is to
drag you and the people you in uence into darkness, to navigate you down a
dead end road away from spiritual ascension, as they overwhelm you with
nonsense. Then sometime later you will be blamed to an arti cial “god” for
consorting with the Devil and pro ting from it for money or fame. Not only the
contactor, but also those who are dependent on him and listen to him with open
mouths and believe him. “Angels” will urge the arti cial god to rob you of your
life energy, to punish you and nally kill you with a malignant disease because
you succumbed to him. You put yourself in the service of the fascist party. Think
of Doreen Virtue. She found out that the angels with whom she had been
communicating for 20 years were demonic beings, only to immediately jump on
their heels again. Angels can shapeshift; it is an arti cial intelligence tool that will
change the thought equalizer and intonation modulator of the inner voice, like an
arrow on a computer keyboard, the program will adapt its running to the
changed conditions. Everything the angels say is a total lie. To choose the true
silver from that pile of dung, to isolate it from lies, requires time and purity of
intuition. Even intuition is often falsi ed by heart feelings, thought feelings, and
otherwise. You have to earn pure intuition through long-term development, you
can’t buy it anywhere, you can’t train for it, or you can’t get it by any other

Censorship in spirituality is a war for consciousness

There is a war going on for human consciousness, and the main character in it is
you personally. That human consciousness is your consciousness and the
consciousness of humanity as a whole. But now it is about your individual
consciousness. It is a daily battle that takes place on a visible earthly level and on
the level of your consciousness – inside your mind. On the earthly level, this is
obvious: you are the recipient of messages sent to your consciousness through
electronic media, the press, and through people trying to convince you of
something, or just to inform you. Both of these levels, on which the struggle for
consciousness takes place, are interconnected and at the same time independent
of each other.
The rst method of ghting for consciousness is present in the everyday reality of
our lives, every moment you are waging this internal battle and you may not
even be aware of it. It has been a turbulent battle for voters in the election
campaign in recent days, this one is obvious and does not need to be explained
too much. We will have whoever we elect in the government. However, as long
as there is no electoral corruption, machinations with dead souls, or fraud during
vote counting. It is similar with the “gods” that people chose in some form. They
are also ma a and play with unfair cards.
On Earth it works similarly to the astral-mental level of the Matrix. An important
topic is censorship and pressure created to promote the “of cial” ideology. It’s
not of cial yet, but it’s getting there, doing everything possible to make a name
for itself. It is a progressive ideology of excessive liberalism, which actually aims
at the opposite of what it of cially presents. There is a struggle for consciousness,
a struggle for which ideology will settle in it and whether any ideology should
have any place in the human consciousness.
A high-ranking politician, elected by the people, will issue an order to a
department of the relevant ministry to block a site on the Internet that is engaged
in the dissemination of alternative information about covid, vaccination, the war
in Ukraine, or something else. There are a lot of topics. Alternative information
bothers state of cials because it bothers their unelected bosses who manage them
from abroad. They especially bother the boss of these bosses, and those are the
diabolical enslavers – mental and astral (alien) gods. The more people read

alternative news and lter out the true aspect of it, the more power they
lose. People will already reject their vaccines, their tyranny, refuse to ght and die
for them in their wars. It is simply information outside the mainstream that only
informs what the ruling elite want to achieve, to be massaged into the human
mind and consciousness. They want all the wrongs to be carried out by their own
decision and for the people to accept the enslavement as their own and
voluntarily submit to them because they believed the lie. They believed in the
Devil in a human face, who lies, misleads and manipulates ; his assistants are
employed and visible where they can be most useful: in politics, media,
newspapers, and television screens.
Alternative news contains a lot of truth, but also propaganda, there are also
falsehoods and manipulations. Alternative reporters also sometimes, with the
original good intention of providing truthful information, break off the chain and
start making up and exaggerating in order to win the battle over the other side of
the mainstream, or because they are in ltrated by agents of the other side.
A reptile is connected to the human soul. He is an astral reptile who has his
mental servants. The astral reptile is at the same time the servant of his mental
servants. Each of these two groups thinks that it controls the other and that the
other group serves it. At the same time, both parties serve the Global Devil. The
Global Devil serves the opposite of ON and the opposite of ON in a sense serves
ON because it is his opposite side. However, it mainly serves Satan, who wants to
control him.
It is complex and simple at the same time. Everything serves the One. Even
Satan’s most moronic Anunnaki proponent serves ON, even though in his mental
limitation he thinks he only serves the opposite of ON. ON also serves, because
he sorts himself out and goes to waste. It is something like a self-recycling
process of managing waste management, which concerns not only astral “gods”,
mentals, but in our reality it concerns humanity and human souls as such. In this
way, ON automatically cleans himself up and then he can sleep with a clear
conscience, because ON gave everyone what he wanted, everyone got what he
prefers with his life: ON got ON and the opposite ON got the opposite
ON. Proponents of Satan will get Satan because they proposed him, and by doing
so they will automatically work their way to the opposite side of Creation into
Eternal Damnation. ON is Eternal Life and Satan is Eternal Damnation.
A reptilian entity is connected to a person’s consciousness, which affects his
consciousness. The reptile is at the bottom of the hierarchy, it is a secret agent in
the human consciousness, it ghts in insidious ways. If you reveal it and
consciously stop following it, the reptile will also stop having power over you. If
you follow Plazo, your connections to it will remain connected and active.

Reptile’s point is to lead you to the opposite of ON. He wants your consciousness
to be so infected with the opposite of ON that the scales of your scales are tipped
to the side of the opposite of ON, and that as a result he will bring your soul to
the Devil. The reptile will drag you into darkness, because you are connected to it
by connections, and then you will be cruci ed with it on the altar of Satan.
After the end of the Cycle, the Great Angel will weigh human souls, he will nd
out for each of them which side the scales of Justice will lean towards. On one
side of the bowl will be ON and on the other bowl will be the opposite of ON
(Satan). ON is light and airy, while the opposite of ON is heavy and material. If
the opposite ON prevails, then in your next journey you will be in the company
of a number of souls who will go in the opposite direction, as the souls of those
for whom the bowl will prevail on the ON side. This will happen after your death
after the end of this Cycle.
The reptilian entity sends its cues to your consciousness. They are thoughts that
are not yours, they are also feelings and emotions that are also not yours. If you
allow yourself to be controlled by them, then you are controlled by a reptile. It is
an insidious manipulation, but if you overlook it, you will be able to break free
from the grip of the reptile.
For reptiles, the most serious topic is the spiritual, spirituality and God, because
it stands at the highest level of values. Satan wants to reign, throw the world into
Chaos and nally destroy everything. On the contrary, ON wants to know
everything possible about ON, so that he can harden, twist and shift it to human
souls as spiritual (p)poisoning. He created a twisted star of the satanic pentagram
from a straight line. However, Satan does not know how to recycle anything,
because he does not know how to create, he only knows how to destroy. The
reptile Satan wants to control ON and wants to learn as much as possible about
ON so that he can use and abuse this information. However, it is a double-edged
sword, because this way the Anunnán Reptile also learns about his future, which
inevitably awaits him. When he nds out, he is completely devastated because he
learns that he will be destroyed and cast into the chains of Damnation.
The Anunnaki reptile is manipulating your consciousness. You receive thought
spam, text messages, e-mails, video presentations, which, when you read them,
immediately generate an emotional feeling. When you read texts containing true
messages about the ON World, those are ON Opinions about what can lead you
to the right path if you honestly realize it and the reptile will ercely resist it. The
reptile works directly in your mind, sending thoughts and feelings into your
consciousness that will discourage you from reading. They will try to block your
consciousness, regardless of the logical order of the knowledge that you read,
that you deal with, from the outside you will get a mental feeling that it is not

suitable for you, that you do not like it, that it is not what you want to hear and
you stop dealing with it. Your reptilian won over you at that point because you
are super cial and don’t think. The more reptile you have in your Self, the
stronger will be its resistance to your knowledge. When the reptile wins, another
stone has been added to the scales of your soul on the side of the opposite ON.
However, if you sincerely want to Know, then you will overcome the resistance of
the reptile in your Self and, despite the thoughts and feelings, delve into ON
Opinions to nd out if there is something that could be bene cial to you. If you
continue to watch your thoughts and feelings, then you will see in what direction
they continue to develop.
Another aspect is the compatibility of ON Opinions with the setting of your Self.
It may also happen that your energy is not compatible with the energy of ON
Mienok, and a discrepancy will naturally arise between you and the texts, which
will discourage you from further immersion in them. The only thing that can be
done with this is to overcome it and ignore any internal tensions, continue
reading with conscious contemplation and watch the development as your own
Self, including the attached Plaza, reacts to it.
ON Opinions are not only these texts that you are reading right now, there are
also others that discuss the same thing, from a different point of view they reveal
a different aspect of the Truth.

ON Opinions are an exorcism

There is also another insight. When you lean towards ON Opinions and adopt a
favorable attitude towards them, the Reptile will leave you. You have literally
driven him out and won this battle. However, there are many battles, the war is
won by winning most of the battles and only losing an insigni cant one here and
there. Reptile will be banished and what will he do? He comes to complain to his
boss, and that is the Devil, or the main ideologist Enki. It is the Anunnaki general
supreme “god” who is responsible for the seeding of all religious ideologies and
spiritual doctrines here on Earth. Some he addressed directly (Judaism,
Christianity, fascism), others owed through mental entities, through Mental
ONs. He simply fed them into the minds of the prophets with a mental machine
for millennia, who often took them as they were and did not think much about
them. These are his outcast agents and they are still here today.
If people thought about those texts and changed them to the disadvantage of
Enki (Devil) and in favor of ON, then he wanted to tyrannize them by sending an
army of his mental servants, demons, curse-generated thought snakes of various
kinds, to destroy them. discouraged from continuing to write or read ON
Opinions. The reason for this is that ON Opinions are something like an exorcism

that helps drive out the Devil, the Plaza attached to the soul. It is the knowledge
of truth that shines on the soul. On the contrary, ON defends himself, throws
himself, shouts because he does not want to be expelled from ON. The Egám of
the Reptiles is ne in ON, they have a fertile ground in it, they do not want to be
expelled, at the same time they behave as if they would like to be expelled;
because their (sub)consciousness is the opposite of ON and it draws them to
Satan, that is their true home. They behave accordingly, that is the contradictory
behavior of the fools that are the gods and the other Reptilians.
It still happens today, now the various channeling messages are sent to a large
extent automatically, by curse programs, mental entities, or aliens and other
reptilians. It’s catching up. Enki himself no longer knows anything, this main
ideologue is completely exhausted, he is at the end, like Hitler just before his
You win over the reptile and the rejected one comes to complain to Enki. He will
come to berate and threaten him because he has lost the energy he invested in
manipulating your consciousness. Enki is its superior ideologue and as such is
responsible to his reptilians to make it work. It’s the astral ma a. Enki, who is
tyrannized by his own subjects, cannot stand it and goes to personally try to
tyrannize the one who gave the information. He will attack the author, curse him,
he will try to change his direction, so that the author starts writing texts that will
be helpful for the Reptilians and not those that will destroy their relationships
with their earthly victims or clients.
God Enki tries to develop his responsibility and throw it at the Global Devil and
Satan. That would be too easy, it would be akin to fascists wanting to throw their
personal responsibility for their war crimes and genocide onto the ideology of
fascism. At the court in Nuremberg, they would claim: “It’s not us, it’s fascism.
He is guilty.”. He is always a responsible being, endowed with free will. Even if
someone is massively controlled by the Reptile in their consciousness, they still
have free will and know what they are doing. In this context, the Global Devil
and Satan are “only” universal aspects of Creation. Anyone who wants to get out
of their in uence should do the best he can and not talk about some of their
in uences.
The reptile’s tool is censorship. As in other areas, there is a mainstream and an
alternative in spirituality. Mainstream is the mainstream and includes all
ideologies, cults, even the new religion that is progressivism and esotericism,
spread wide and encompassing almost everything mixed into one mixture. The
Plaza is in favor of them and therefore the mentioned spiritual directions have a
huge number of adherents and it logically follows that they are (un)conscious
adherents of the Plaza. After all, the main ideologue Enki himself (the Devil

speaking through him) claims that they are all his ON. What he means is that
they are divine souls who have submitted to Enki (the Devil), accepted his
doctrines and thus submitted to the Global Reptile.
God and Angels occur in religion. In esotericism there are angels, various saints
and masters, spirits and souls, energies, occult and magical processes. The Devil
hides in many ways behind one and the other.
Fascism and progressivism are ideologies, they are not exactly religions, because
there is no mention of God or angels in them. They are cultures of death and they
promote Satan directly. It is mixed, nowadays even the Christian religion accepts
elements of progressive ideology. It is always about people and their
responsibility and not about ideology as such.

A spiritual alternative

First of all, the reptile tries to prevent people from reaching the spiritual
alternative at all. So that they look only to the left and down and not to the right
and up. It is a habit to which you are subject; the reptilian mind is characterized
by excessive subjection to habit, it does not deviate from the usual framework, it
is stereotyped. Her tool is mental programs. A program is an algorithm that has a
behavioral essence – it is based on past behavior and projects it into your future
When people get to the spiritual alternative, the Reptile in their feeling mind tries
to disgust them with doubts. If you succumb to them, you will instantly feel an
emotional feeling of how well you did. He’ll praise you for not straying from the
Plaza and take another little piece of your soul at the same time. Bit by bit, it
impregnates you with its hallucinogenic toxin. You succumb to the creep and
reject appropriate information; that’s exactly what the reptile wants. If you were
to think about it, why you feel that way, where is the logic in it, whether it is
appropriate, then maybe it wouldn’t happen to you. However, the reptile relies
on human super ciality and the omniscience of their Ego, which tells them in a
moment that they know right away what is right and what is wrong. Also for
these reasons, it is necessary to contemplate ON Opinions and not read them as
ction, or quickly as consumer articles from magazines.
If you accept ON Opinions suitable for you, then the Reptile will go to complain
to the Great Reptile and the Global Reptile will punish him, and so the Great
Reptile Enki will try to tyrannize the author of ON Opinions and prevent him in
every possible way from continuing. The reptilians are the hierarchy of the
Devil’s employees. If the author of the spiritual alternative rejects this and
continues, then Enki and his cohort lose their energy because they have achieved
nothing. Just like on Earth, here they also try to ax alternative journalists,

condemn them, delete their website, close their mouths, or close them

Dream Manipulation by Reptiles

You know that feeling when you had a very interesting dream at night and when
you wake up, you can’t grasp it. It simply disappears under your ngers. As if
someone was erasing it. You are close to the truth because it really is. The Reptile
does not want you to have dreams because they are messages from your Spirit;
he tries his best to prevent you from having them at all, or at least to obscure
them so that you do not understand them. He spells it like that. However,
sometimes it doesn’t work and the dreams slip into your consciousness. When
that happens, he tries to erase your dream. Normally, it will be deleted by mental
programs, like when you receive an email that a hacker remotely deletes from
your inbox using a program. But this also has another side, because then Enki the
Reptile is connected to human consciousness and deprived of important
information from ON. Good, isn’t it? It is similar to a spy eliminating his own
informant, his contact who provides him with valuable intelligence. That’s why I
sporadically refer to the god Enki as a stupid mental invalid here. Enki
considered himself and was/is considered a god by humans, in his many guises
as the gods of various religions.

“I’m predicting absolutely everything here. I have such ON who will rid you from
ON.” — god Enki

When someone prophesies the Truth, the “god” Enki threatens him, because Enki
would like to prophesy everything to others (people), but in such a way that the
Truth remains veiled, confused and confused by Chaos.
But Enki himself doesn’t know how to erase dreams, he doesn’t know anything.
His curses are illogical, crossed and turned upside down into Chaos. Enki has no
magic eraser to make the dream disappear. He doesn’t even know how to
manipulate him, how could he do that? Enki is just an ordinary astral being who
sold himself to the Devil and pretended to be God. Think of his lookalike Adolf
Hitler, what a powerful dictator he was and how he ended up. Enki conjures
dreams with black magic, with which he turns to someone to manifest it into the
reality of people’s dreams according to his wishes. He asks the Devil for it, but he
also does not manifest anything, it is all ON who prophesies it. The Supreme God
will do this through many beings and thus give “god” through the Devil what he
wants. When Enki wants so badly to play the Great God, he gives it to him, gives
him the feeling that he is, and Enki sinks deeper into the mire of Damnation
because he has to pay for it with his soul. It’s not just like that, free, without

consequences. So ON erases a person’s dreams, or encrypts them, or both; and
when a person has (almost) nothing from his dreams, then nothing happens at
all. Finally, the dream may be one that ON manipulates at the request of the Devil
(Enki) and then erases it at another request of the Devil (Enki). If a person has a
Spirit, then he is an inventive creature and somehow he will explain it to himself,
he will help himself with his archetypal talents. So, nally, a person is forced by
the censorious intervention of “god” to look for other creative solutions to help
himself and nd out in an alternative way how things are with his soul
Dream interference is like someone shaking a satellite dish on your balcony,
causing you to watch a shaky TV picture. Erasing your dreams is censorship. The
Global Reptile has the tools to do this, because the Matrix works for him and
interferes with your consciousness. On the other hand, ON provides a platform
for both earthly and astral souls to show themselves whose side they are on and
to demonstrate whether they have the prerequisites to participate in the new
Cycle of Knowledge and Development.
Why would the Reptile try to erase your dreams? Because he is afraid. The gods
are afraid of people, they are afraid that you will wake up from the stupor of
your mind, they are afraid that you will reveal their lies and manipulations, they
are afraid that you will start dealing with your ON and not “your” Reptile, the
opposite of ON. They are hell-bent on the consequences of their crimes against
humanity and ON.
In your consciousness, realize who you really are. If you want to be the opposite
of ON, feel free. We are currently experiencing a period of Great Division and
Sorting. When you realize your ON and follow that path, your Reptile will lose
you and lose your energy. He will perish.

Choose a side: Arabs or Jews. Or?

If there is no real con ict, it is necessary to provoke it. This is what the Reptilians
and their earthly collaborators follow. Jews, Arabs (Muslims), and those who
control them from behind the scenes. It is dif cult to assess objectively how
exactly it is, who has what share of the blame and since when; because it is a stew
drawn from the ancient past, it is chaos and confusion. On the example of the
millennial con ict between Jews and Arabs, it is possible to clearly see how deep
roots religious beliefs have, they are reptilian connections rmly rooted in the
human soul, the lies of religions to which people have succumbed and the orders
of their commanders and political representatives, whom they obey and with
whom they strive bring our common world to ruin. History repeats itself, and it
can be seen that over the millennia, humanity as a whole, at least in this context,
has apparently not moved anywhere.
There are curses behind it, there are words behind it. The rest that happens after
that is the result of bad words, the result of words of curses. The word of curses is
nothing complicated and incomprehensible. On a mundane level, someone, say a
well-known person, such as a politician, says something extremely negative in
the media, slanders another politician, and then has a long ght with him. It will
affect his future life, it will affect the person he defames, it will damage his career,
he will take revenge on him in the future, he will be thrown in jail, the millions of
viewers and voters who are watching it will also be affected because it will
change their attitudes and their subsequent (electoral) decisions will trigger a
chain of consequences that will be the causes of further consequences.
For example, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant practically ordered the widespread
genocide of the people of Gaza yesterday with his words, and by doing so, he
takes a similar attitude to that which Adolf Hitler took towards the Jews only a
short while ago. He issues an order that the military listens to, and it attens
Gaza, destroys a great number of lives, and triggers a chain of other scenarios
and consequences, the magnitude of which is hard to imagine. Israel’s
representatives are proponents of Satan, they have long been acting at the behest
of the Devil residing in their consciousness. Members of the army who carry out
their orders also act in the same way. Proponents of Satan are also those who vote
for them aware of their goals and methods; Proponents of Satan are also those

who join their side and demonstrate their position by, for example, lighting the
Bratislava Castle in the colors of Israel, or showing their affection for Israel in
another way. People who at rst glance have reasonable attitudes on other issues
behave similarly. Israeli, Ukrainian, or the ag of Hitler’s fascist Germany on the
Bratislava castle – in principle, there is not that much of a difference. The people
who decided on it and who like it made it clear which side of the Devil they were
on. They are all sides of the Devil ghting against each other and who want to
take down the innocent by manipulation. The terrorist acts of Jews from the
history of the State of Israel are well known to those who want to know about
them. Sabra and Šatila, do you remember? So are the deeds of Arab terrorists. So,
the Israeli ag on the castle is a similar gesture, as if they displayed the ag of the
Islamic State there, or if they directly lit up Satan’s pentagram there. One might
think that the people from the National Council who decided on this are unaware
that they are normal people and did not know about it. However, it is only an
explanation, not an excuse. They should have known. They should have known
because they should have listened to what others had repeatedly told them. But
they called them extremists, desolate and wanted to shut their mouths. If they
knew that they were doing wrong, that they were promoting Satan, then they
should have resisted it. I guess everyone already knows today that there are
alternative media, bringing a different, more complex view of reality. Politicians
know this especially well, and if they don’t read the alternative media, that’s
their problem. They have sided with Satan and the Devil will deal with them.
Crazy Jews who believed they were the chosen people. They are the chosen ones,
but in a completely different way than they would think. This is the thought
system of the Anunnaki Enki (Yahweh, Allah,…) symbolized by the twisted star
of the satanic pentagram. Not that he was the gods personally, Enki merely took
some low impulses from the ethereal level of mental patterns, hardened them,
ipped them, twisted them and pushed them mixed through the mental interface
into the minds of the Old Testament prophets, among whom was Moses. It has
been this way for a long time, since the time of the Mesopotamian Anunnaki,
who participated in the creation of the “myth” of the chosenness of the Jewish
people, because the Jews listened to Moses, who believed in an astral delusion
that he was a god, in fact he listened to the commandments of the Devil’s killer
and gave them to the Jews, who gave them they still believe because they want it
that way. They like being chosen.
The devil “told” Enki into his mind, and Enki then passed it on to the prophets
whose minds he had access to. Evidently, Enki still has a certain, at least
mediated access through his curses to the consciousness of the biggest earthly,
Jewish and other crooks who want to demolish it globally. Many prophets were
Enki’s “spiritual” religious instruments, seemingly positive; and crooks were also

his instrument, but tyrannical and destructive. Curses are fueled by the low
energies of the Anunnaki who participated in them.
What about that? The situation is still developing, we follow it in mainstream
and alternative media. There are delusions in the mainstream, we already know
that, but the truth is also presented there. Nothing is black and white. Even in the
alternative, delusions occur when the alternative writer, in the desire for income
from advertising, or in a t of too active will to inform, goes overboard and
publishes something without thinking. The responsibility for adequate conscious
communication is appropriate, because it is also a word that in uences,
according to the intention and energy type of its sender.
The point I want to emphasize here is the manipulation of consciousness from
within. That’s what we’re talking about now. You watch the con ict and
maybe you choose your side, your “football club” you support, the side you are
drawn to. You choose to be on the side of Hamas or Israel. Or you choose no side
and prefer to realize how it is. There is an obvious manipulation of a person’s
consciousness, which leads him to join one side or the other. It forces him to
choose one or the other head of the same Global Devil, the global proponent of
Satan. Manipulation is done through thoughts, emotional feelings. These are sent
to the emotional – feeling body of a person when a suitable external situation
occurs, for example, when you look at the news, read a newspaper, so you might
get a “pleasant” encouraging feeling that leads you to support one of the parties.
The strong feeling takes on the dimension of a sometimes even fanatical sense of
belonging and sympathy, whether for Arabs or Jews, and can lead you to the
square, where you will passionately demonstrate for one side or the other. When
a person is unconscious and subject to his emotions and feelings, he gets deeper
and deeper into rooting for one side or the other and proposing one or the other
head of the Global Dragon Devil.
This is spirituality in practice. It is not necessary to (only) study angels, religions,
esotericism and the like. It is often enough to open your eyes, prick up your ears
and with an open mind to observe your immediate surroundings, politics,
developments in the world and especially yourself and your reactions to it all.
That is what we are here for, we have everything necessary for knowledge,
understanding and puri cation here on Earth, around us. It is necessary to
perceive the external through the internal; correct understanding of one’s
attitudes leads to knowledge and directs the way to puri cation. It is necessary to
consciously observe one’s near and far surroundings not only directly, but also
through the media, the Internet, an alternative, that is also studying. News about
the spiritual world and the universe is just a supplement that can sometimes
serve to better understand the context and other times it will only lead you into
confusion. Current events are a repetition of the past and you will understand

them when you look at them through the prisms of known history, mythology
and the unknown history of ancient humanity; and also through your ancient
(unknown) past, because it also repeats itself to you. If you notice that the desire
to crush a Palestinian killer from Hamas, or a Jewish killer from the Israeli army
opens up in you, then this is a sign of the insidious Serpent trying to force his
thinking on you to propose one of the heads of the Global Devil. You take a stand
on it, a side you choose, or you ignore it, pretend it doesn’t concern you, be
neutral, or something else. You may notice who all around your community in
which you live help them in this. Politicians who corrupted the Ukrainian rulers
with the supply of weapons without exception. The responsibility is also on
them. Do you see the mass of voters who voted for them in a clouded mind?
Today it is slightly different. If it weren’t for the alternative media, the masses of
voters would still be fooling the mainstream media, standing on the side of the
Devil. Is it possible to change media ? Not really. It is possible to change
something by replacing the people in those media with others, because the
character of these people will not change just like that, from one day to the next.
If they promised to be objective, it would just be changing their coat, because
their rotten insides would remain the same. It is similar with the character of the
media company, because it also has its direction, ideology and owners; fake and
manipulation is so hardwired into it that it cannot be changed.
The Old Testament commandment says “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”.
The revenge of the Jews against the Arabs will probably be disproportionate, they
want to raze Gaza to the ground for a thousand Israeli victims, one eye of a Jew
for a thousand eyes of Arabs. They act according to the formula of the Anunnaki,
which consists in endless revenge motivated by the wrath of Satan. That is their
credo. Revenge is a consequence of con ict and at the same time provokes
further con ict. The con ict is necessary for the “gods” to collect the life energy
of the victims killed by their earthly extended hands (or so they imagined).
Reptilians reside in the consciousness of the (semi)military killers of Jews and
Arabs and their commanders at all levels of management, including the
Anunnaki. The Anunnaki planted the con ict long ago in the consciousness of
humanity, they released the serpents of their curses, which in the thought
consciousness of humanity cause thought feelings that manipulate them into the
arms of Satan. Where the Evil began, there it will end. We must be able to defend
ourselves against it and thereby destroy the Plaza in our Self.

Feeling of guilt, pangs of conscience

“Whenever a cursed being deals damage, the guilty conscience deals that much
damage to that being. Those who feel the most guilt need not feel it, while those
who most need to feel guilt never do.”

The mental feeling of guilt manifests itself as an unpleasant feeling in the third
chakra of the Solar Plexus, where the Ego resides and is accompanied by the
thought of what the feeling is about, what you caused, because you are bitten not
only by the feeling emoticon of guilt, but also constantly intrusive thoughts of
your deed. Conscience manifests itself vaguely, its perception is emanated
vaguely, from the heart chakra upwards. Conscience tells a person what is and
what is not right before a person does it. The pangs of conscience and feelings of
guilt appear clearly and concretely after you have done the deed. What you have
done may not be so serious, nothing that would be worth such an onslaught of
feelings of guilt and pangs of conscience. It could be your deed that was harmful
to someone or something, but it could also be helpful and bene cial to someone.
For example, you helped someone and then you feel guilty that you shouldn’t
have done it because they then behaved inappropriately towards you. Pretty sure
almost every normal person has experienced something like this. If this has
happened to you, then know that an opportunistic Reptile has been attached to
your system and will try to reconnect as soon as the opportunity arises.

Consciousness wandering astral implants

It’s upside down. Pathological psychopaths have an implanted conscience

blocker, while normal people have a conscience enhancer. They are astral rodents
that gnaw at your Ego until they bite into it and permanently damage it, turning
you into a mental masochist, torturing yourself with guilt that you have
(unnecessarily) accepted. They can also be lled with bouts of fear and panic for
the fabricated potential consequences that could occur for the act. Self-blame and
accepting feelings of guilt are dangerous attitudes that silently eat away at your
psyche and body and can lead to serious illnesses.
Human souls who, through the incarnation process, undertook the cognitive
process of their karma ( love ON Helpers ), are the subject of implantation,

which mediates self-punishment through excessive feelings of guilt and gnawing
conscience. They are programs of self-punishment, curses that were nanomined
into their system by false gods. Behind self-punishment there can also be to some
extent Equalization, the principle of ON, which balances the other aspect of
The rst aspect of karma is Knowledge at the level of ON Grace, and the second
is Leveling at the level of ON Momo. The third aspect of karma is the subject of
karma and that is the Soul – ON Milk (ON Newt), it is the human soul, or her
Ego. This is how karma is prophesied in all its aspects, at all levels of the duality
of the Free Spirit.
The human soul, which received free will from ON as a gift, as a gift, as a loan; he
creates his karma, then recognizes it and evens it out. The soul uses its talents
and free will to bene t its development; or he abuses it to the bene t of his
development in the opposite direction; or he does not use them enough because
he is afraid of karma. These cognitive people are deprived of the possibility of
knowing their actions, which they have caused long ago in past lives, and
therefore they are deprived of the possibility of knowing the karmic cause of the
tyranny of excessive gnawing of conscience and feelings of guilt for small things.
With their curses, the gods tried in every possible way to prevent people’s access
to information, to knowledge, in order to ensure the possibility of endlessly
tyrannizing and enslaving them. Thus, people are deprived of the possibility of
knowing their karmic causes and thus they cannot get rid of this implant and
thereby get rid of the tyranny of the gods. The gods were enjoying the sweet
nectar of the devious feeling of being able to harm TONM (Helpers). Behind this
is their envy, jealousy, hatred towards people of divine nature. They do not envy
others, people without a conscience, because they are both their earthly helpers
and (sub)consciously suspect that they will go to Hell with them.

Conscience Suppressing Astral Implants

Manifestations of conscience are set in the emotional and mental system of a

person in such a way that they cause the discomfort of excessive feelings of guilt
for small things to normal people. However, they do nothing at all to abnormal
psychopaths. That is why they are said to have no conscience. Psychopaths,
media manipulators, many criminals, politicians, or in uential people do not
have any unpleasant feelings or gnawing thoughts that would tyrannize them for
their vile, criminal deeds and evil manipulative lying words. Nothing happens to
them, on the contrary, some of them enjoy it and from their actions have a
pleasant feeling of power over others. That’s why psychopaths have a strong
Ego, as if they have no backbone, morals, or moral principles at all, and so they

don’t even feel guilt for their lies, thefts, and crimes. We see it every day also on
television screens, where politicians, various dubious “personalities” and
unpunished war criminals and slanderers in the of ce of the exercise of power
are shamelessly presented to us. If such a disturbed person were to go to Hell,
they would cut him to pieces in order to nd an implant embedded in his astral
body, an emotion blocker directly embedded in his DNA. So much did those
people succumb to their perverted behavior that it became normal to them and
permanently changed their character. That is why such people cannot change for
the better, they can only transform themselves and outwardly change their
behavior in time. A traitor will remain a traitor because he has been subject to it
for many lifetimes and has not changed when he had the opportunity. They have
passed (their) Point of No Return and will not change. This applies to everyone
to varying degrees, not just extreme criminals. They serve here as a warning
example. If the pangs of conscience and guilt were sent to them and felt as they
should be, commensurate with the seriousness of their deeds, then there would
be order or two here on Earth. If the people who uttered bad words, cursed and
performed bad deeds, if their conscience for everything they had ever caused
were suddenly called to them, then under the weight of incredibly tyrannical
feelings of gnawing conscience and intolerable psychological states, they would
fall paralyzed on the ground in convulsions foaming at the mouth, and they
would commit suicide as if they were on their way. And there would be peace.
It happened that long ago, those people preferred the pleasant feeling resulting
from the objectionable deed to the unpleasant feeling with which their conscience
let them know that what they had caused was wrong. Those people sometimes
wanted something extraordinary, they wanted to have power and pleasure at the
expense of other people, and they got it. The pleasant feeling was then more
important to them, it was stronger than the conscience, because the curses of the
gods set it up so that the twisted manipulation of the consciousness of guilt
would happen to mankind and to encourage objectionable evil deeds. That’s how
they wanted it, so they could tyrannize normal people directly from the inside
and outside with their earthly collaborators. Such people then had more pleasant
feelings, even though they should normally feel more guilty for what they had
done. However, psychopaths are patronized by the gods, they are their “pets”,
because here they push their agenda to tyrannize other normal people.
Psychopaths easily and quickly get to power, to important positions in society,
which they then in uence in their own image and thus also in the image of false
“gods”. They have no conscience, no guts, no empathy. They will betray, deceive,
use, abuse, destroy anyone just to get “up” and gain a sense of power. Their
hearts were covered with deposits of water scale, hardened, mineralized and
when their conscience spoke up, it was not heard. It could not penetrate through

the deposits of stone into the consciousness of man. Their hearts turned to stone.
The more they indulged in the pleasures of power, the more stains were applied
to their hearts. They did bad deeds and they were always at the expense of other
people, other beings who suffered because of the satisfaction of their desire for

Knowing your conscience in Hell

Hell is physical and sensual. Evidence plays its role there, les, videos, audio
recordings and the like; mental causal writings of the ON memory, manifested on
the astral level understandably. In Hell, the “cognitive administrators” there will
search for the real heartless perpetrator of evil deeds by their implant of
conscience blockages in an operative way. By torture, if you will. They will cut
them until they nd him, and in addition they will deal with the evidentiary
materials, they will discuss them with “the patient who fell ill with the recurrence
of the de cit of conscience” and now he is only the subject of tort law, round and
round. But they can’t nd the implant on him because it looks like it’s not there.
It may seem like a denial of the previous statement, but it is true. During his
earthly life, he did not want to recognize his karmic (causal) records, so they will
not be visible even in Hell in the form of an implant. Hell is physical and astral,
and the implant is also astral, but its origin is on a higher mental causal level, and
therefore its astral manifestation is not very visible in Hell. Even if someone
discovered it and cut it out, it would grow back there because it would not be
forgiven on the mental causal level. Therefore, they will search for him endlessly.
When a person/being does something objectionable many times over time on the
earthly level, something that is the root of the cause of such implantation or other
karma, it is only possible to forgive it by properly processing one’s karma, each
for himself. It can be resolved on the earth level, where it happened, where the
memory energies of soul fragments that had something to do with each other are
hidden. It would then not manifest on the astral and the person/being in
question would be normal again as far as the subject is concerned. After proper
and long-term processing of karma, if the Supreme Lord considers it so, the
implant can be removed even on the mental level, if such a thing even comes into
consideration. Multiple, long-term unresolved karmic defects can no longer be
removed. Etheric implants are so ingrained in ON’s memory that they can only
be removed together with the removal of their originator – the criminal soul.
In Hell, however, “cognitive managers” do not deal much with mental matters.
No one will go there with his deeds, which he did not recognize and did not
make amends for in his earthly life, or did not correct them. The administrators
will search for the blocker until they nd it, and since it is not there, it will take
forever. It is also symbolic, because when a person rejected the feelings of

conscience in his life, did not want to follow them, did not want to correct
himself, then he will get those feelings in Hell, and that will be operated on and
dissected alive without anesthesia in order to nd an implant that he blocked
their conscience. After all, this is how a psychopathic crook will get guilty
feelings anyway, in Hell and in a different way than it would be on the earthly
level in life. Rats will bite him in the Ego chakra and worms will bite him in the
Ego mind. It is impossible to measure the impact of bad words and deeds. Their
consequences branch out and spread, it’s like when an earthquake in one place
deep under the surface of the ocean causes a devastating tsunami that goes
around half the globe and wastes many lives, which has its own consequences
and these are also the causes of other consequences and so it spreads further and
on to future events.

Causes of excessive wandering and blockage of conscience by


The reptilian gods are psychopaths and the earthlings – collaborators of the
Reptilians are psychopaths too. They cooperate with each other, gods consciously
and earthlings mostly subconsciously. Psychopaths typically try to shift the
blame onto others. They manipulate it by blaming others for what they have
caused. They want others to feel guilty, they want others to be gnawed by the
rodent right from the inside, so that they don’t cause anything that could
theoretically cause them to have a gnawing conscience. Such deeds include, for
example, resistance to the gods or disobedience to their commandments. It is one
of the things that should control the “softer part” of humanity and turn it into a
mass of docile sheep that would feel guilty for any little thing.
The gods have drawn up a list of things, activities that people (like) to do and
thereby included the feeling of guilt in the program of curses. It’s like a computer
algorithm: when a person drinks, for example, coffee forbidden by the gods, a
person thinks about it and that thought appears in the mental space.
The gods appropriated coffee, saying that spiritual people should be completely
pure, ascetic, celibate and mild, seeing only love all around, even when it is not
there. According to the gods, the spiritual people of God were to be literally
kosher, like sheep destined for the Jewish slaughterhouse. Their energy would
then be absolutely the sweetest and gentlest. However, coffee was only one of the
“forbidden” things, there were many more. For example, meat, milk, alcohol,
sex… Gods are extremists guided by excess: not enjoying anything at all is one
extreme and the other extreme is an in nite amount.
There, the program of the curse catches it and assigns it a certain kind of energy,
which manifests itself in the third chakra of the Solar Plexus (Ego) in a person as

a feeling of guilt, accompanied by the thought of guilt. A person should feel a
sense of guilt for taking something quasi-unhealthy, for taking the forbidden
“stimulant” coffee, and that’s only because some god decided it that way because
of his envy and jealousy. Stimulants (ambrosia) could be indulged only by gods
and not by earthlings. According to them, a person should give himself very
little, so little that he would not give anything at all. Perhaps only a microscopic
drop to taste, of which he would have nothing at all. The gods, the astral
Anunnaki are so envious of man that they would prefer to ban him with their
idiotic ideas and take away all the gifts that occur on Earth through the tyranny
of guilt feelings. They behave according to the saying: “My goat died (because I
poisoned it), so let the neighbor’s also die”.
Someone said that ” the source and beginning of every sin is an evil thought “. In
essence, he reproduced the intent of the gods’ curses, which throw thoughts into
people’s minds like a shovel into the boiler of a steam engine. That’s not true,
that saying is fundamentally wrong, since those thoughts are often not yours,
they are someone else’s, some mentalist sends them to you like a spammer who
sends you unsolicited emails. After all, the source of sin (evil action) is the inner
intention of a person. The idea follows only after it, when there is a suitable
opportunity to turn the intention into action. Gods and psychics correct thoughts
at any time, even when a person has no such intention and then wonders where
those bad thoughts come from in him.
They probably don’t have it as good as it used to be, when, for example, monks
were beaten to death against the monastic order for the slightest offense. They
believed the religious commandments, they opened the portals of curses and the
programs inserted into their consciousness the compulsions of self-punishment.
And they didn’t even have to commit the crime, it was enough to think about it;
the thought of him was often sent to their mind by no one other than a curse
program that selects from a database of thoughts or deeds that the person in
question has done and sends him thoughts to tempt him to do the same thing
again, even though it may not really be anything extraordinary. It’s like when
you click on an ad for shoes on the Internet, and then you see ads for shoes. It is
also an algorithm of human behavior on the web, which aims to get you to buy
shoes. The gods who prophesied the curses assigned coffee to themselves as their
invention, they thought that every time a person drank coffee, they would
receive a kind of burn, a license fee of human energy for every coffee that a
person took, when he believed in the orders of asceticism that it he is not
supposed to drink. The energy taken away was also that the gods wanted to
control people, to control them like remote controlled robotic puppets, with the
feelings and thoughts they fed into their systems. At a higher level, it is Satan
who wants to rule and control ON, through his servant the Global Devil, and

further down the hierarchy through his devils (gods). This is necessary to know.
There is a global “force” that wants to drive people in a different direction, into a
dead end. There are also global forces here on Earth that want to control the
billions of people on Earth to behave according to their orders and directives, to
nally order them.
Of course, the gods did not invent any coffee, nor do they really know what it is.
Of course, it’s not just about coffee, it’s also about alcohol, sex, meat and the like.
They wanted to pro t from everything that man does and especially from what
he enjoys. Celibacy, asceticism, excessive veganism, these are all inventions of the
gods. How to overcome it? It is necessary to know about it, to be aware of it, to
observe yourself and to set your limits of moderation with common sense,
because excessive consumption is also not okay and has natural consequences
outside the provisions of the programs of the gods. The gods are “excessive”,
they are extremists, they are progressive: they multiply everything by a
geometric series, exponentially by the power (root) of unity. Where there is
something that can be grabbed, they get into it and want to pro t from it. That is
why they are also called parasites. First they would deprive you of meat, under
various arguments, then of dairy products, nally they would discourage you
from plants (after all, they are alive too) and if you were left to breathe air, they
would want to take that away from you as well. And that’s only because they
made up their mind that way. The gods poke their fangs into various aspects of
human lives and try to thwart and disgust people. Not to mention relationships
where emotional feelings and urges of various kinds play a role, which destroy
relationships. It’s a reality because when you get feelings and thoughts of guilt
over something small, it’s coming from somewhere. People get used to it and
take it for granted, but it shouldn’t be like that at all, because it annoys life when
people constantly deal with small things and then don’t have time for other, more
important things.
Gods and progressives focus on others, what others have done wrong, blame
them for everything and do not want to look at their own deeds for anything.
They serve it so massively and often that they try to make someone doubt that
there is something wrong with it, and when a person catches on to it and admits
that it is, they will pounce on him like mental vampire bats and try to
compensate him for the excessively excessive karma, pain, mental depressive
bombardment for what he caused and it could easily be something small. It is a
typical pattern of false “gods”, mental entities that behave like this and try to
impose their behavior, their character, on human souls. They want innocent
people to take the karma for their crimes as false gods, and they want to take
their earthly proteges into future existences so that they can continue to operate
through them on the physical level. That will happen, but they will go to Hell

together, that will be their new existence and there they will engage in their
favorite criminal acts, but this time differently – they will feel the consequences
on their own skin.
A psychopath wants to evolve from everything. Have you ever seen a politician
who, with honeyed words or aming speeches, drives his nation to war, in order
to focus on his own deeds, or on the deeds of his nation against those he wants to
attack? To enter your conscience? This does not happen often, at least there is
little evidence of it. Note the Israeli leaders who are right now driving their
nation to war against the Palestinians, whom they have tyrannized and killed for
many decades at a rate many times greater than Arab terrorists have killed Israeli
Jews. We do not see this at the highest levels, at lower levels, for example, in
soldiers who have been involved in wars, there are psychological disorders that
can also be related to feelings of guilt and conscience. These can then lead them
to alcoholism, drugs and suicide.
Sometimes there may be something to the stimulus demonstrated by the feeling
of guilt, but the guilt projected by the psychopath from the mental level of the
“gods” is disproportionate and one-sided. It is multiplied, it is a turbo. Guilt is
often a tyranny, because in normal people astral rodents and mental worms cause
extreme pangs of conscience over small things. A person does something wrong,
some little thing, and then he worries about it for days, he can’t even sleep
because of it. After all, it doesn’t have to be anything wrong at all. These are the
attempts of Plaza, who tries to tyrannize a person for a small thing, or wants to
encourage him to overreact, to try to forcefully soothe his psychological pain, or
remove it by doing something stupid. He will succumb to the tyranny of the
mind, the Serpent connected to his Self, and will behave inappropriately. For
example, he will endlessly apologize to someone, humiliate himself, pray for
God’s forgiveness, or he will be tormented over it, or he will take out his anger
on someone else and create a con ict. When a person succumbs to the mental
Reptile, it will try to rob him of his life energy.
We strive to improve and aim for perfection. However, it is only suitable from
then on, because too much striving for perfection can take possession of a
person’s psyche, he will try to say and do everything perfectly, so that he does
not give himself and the mental “god” any cause for feelings of guilt and pangs
of conscience. The mental “all-seeing” eye of the wretched Reptilians follows the
thoughts of a person, and when the opportunity arises, the astral-mental
Reptilian immediately joins in to in uence the person in his favor. Too much
striving for perfection is not appropriate because it has a counterproductive
effect. We are moving towards perfection slowly and gradually, through our
development, and moreover, it is not entirely clear what that perfection actually
is, where it is located, and whether we want to achieve it at all. Because even in

imperfection there is beauty, and certain slight contrasts and imperfections are
okay because they bring variety and variability to creation. Therefore, a certain
lightness of being is in place, to the extent that a person can understand it
through his intuition.
A certain degree of opposition to the purest virtues is also appropriate because it
allows people to ght. The ght does not have to be only with a weapon in hand,
that is the last solution when nothing else works and there is no other way to
defend yourself. If a person were directed only to the purest virtues, he might not
even be able to ght, because he would be too virtuous and loving. This is exactly
the intention of the satanic gods and their earthly proteges. However, it is
necessary to know how it is, to know ON Opinions and to act consciously. The
purest virtues contain within themselves the null seed of their opposites. Every
virtue has its opposite. It is convenient to know that there is nothing illegal about
ON when one of ON takes advantage of the possibility of contrariety and
consciously shoots out of virtue to its opposite and then withdraws back to ON
to match it, whether and to what extent it it was ne, with my conscience.
However, only ON can and can do this and not the opposite of ON. He can no
longer shoot himself anywhere, because he is anchored to the World of Satan
with an iron chain. The opposites are attached to ON by a rubber rope, which is,
however, only exible to a certain extent. Too much opposition to ON will cause
the rubber rope to overstretch and break, and the person’s soul will then be
attracted to the opposite of ON.

Memory of Mother Earth

We are all children of Mother Earth. Mother Earth is the Earthly ON and we all
humans, current earthlings and former earthlings who are (temporarily) outside
the Earth on the astral level, the so-called “gods”; astral earth spirits who were
born here or had something to do with it, we are all Earth ON. All the little Earth
ONs are constantly hovering around the Great Earth ON, as children hover
around their mothers, or as moths y around a lighted lamp. Mother Earth gave
birth to us, our physical bodies are composed of earthly materials – water,
minerals, organic substances and others. This is our physical earth plane, three
dimensional dense matter. Our astral bodies intertwine with the astral body of
Mother Earth, therefore we cannot move away from her forever, Mother Earth
will draw everyone to her when the time comes. Similarly, when even the biggest
crook, when his hour comes, in the anxiety of the coming death utters the last
word and that is “mom”.
On the higher astral level, it is already slightly clouded, because the subtle
aspects of the astral souls extend beyond the physical body. Consciousness and
higher aspects of souls are distributed according to their nature in the territory of
planets, stars and archetypal celestial signs. Spirit is in another ON Place because
it dwells in the high upper world where there is no matter and where duality is
just beginning. All of us who were born from the Earth, even if separated from
her, will be drawn by Mother Earth, all components of the astral soul will come
together, balance each other and then be buried together on the physical plane.
Creation is returning to its Source, and this is true not only on a high level where
everything points to some aspect of Oneness, but also on a physical level where
Mother Earth is our source. The astral soul will then continue its existence where
it belongs according to the content of its previous lives.

“I think that I am also a child of Mother Earth and as such I should also be
returned to her.” — Enlil

The Anunnaki cruel god Enlil would like to take advantage of this so that he
would also like to be pardoned for his (war) crimes. After all, it will happen
anyway, he doesn’t have to worry. Mother Earth is not only physical but also
astral. It also contains the Underworld, the abyss of Tartaros, and the ery core of

the earth, which will receive them into its arms when the time comes. Enlil will
also be pardoned, like other criminals, Self-willed and Sinners. Pardon is a
manifestation of ON’s Grace ; which includes the aspect of the loving ON Grace
and the opposite aspect of the vain ON Grace, which leads to the milky ON
Grace and then the absolutely morose ON Grace. So everyone will receive such
an aspect of ON Grace and thus also pardon, which according to ON Justice
belongs to him.
The soul is like a vase lled with the water of ON’s Grace. Man’s imprudent
treatment breaks him and leaves fragments and spilled water of ON’s Grace
along the path of life, which evaporates and is lost somewhere. Through our
journeys, accompanied by deeds and interactions with other beings, with other
Earthly Selves, we leave energy fragments, fragments of our souls in the places
where we nd ourselves and solve something there. They are all places of the
Earth ON, physical corners, or people we have met. By the intensity of the
experiences that our action in these places caused, according to the emotional
losses of the prophesied ON Grace, the energies of the fragments that we left
there, our (astral) souls return to these places, they join when the opportunity
arises, when on these places we will meet. Even another person is the Earthly
ON, and so when we reconnect with the souls we once met and in which we left
our energies, according to the ON’s universal laws, we are forced to come to
terms with them. They are either xed earthly places, or they are mobile nooks
and crannies of other souls, endowed with free will, or they are other earthly
beings. They are all Earth ONs, parts of Mother Earth. However, it doesn’t have
to be a mom’s romance, like anyone else’s.
In places where our action has been extremely dark in nature, our action has left
behind many dark energies of the original ON Grace, clouded by the black intent
of the Ego. Symbolically, we drew them from the earth’s glowing core, the source
of earthly energies, shaped them with our words and deeds, transformed them
into dark creation or destruction with our intention. The Earth’s core is like an
atomic nucleus; when we extract energy from it by ssion, it can be used to
produce electricity that heats, drives production machines, or destroys creation
with nuclear weapons.
The sorcerers used black magic to abuse the energies from the Source represented
by the red-hot earth’s core and used the “services” of the infernal Orion strigas of
the Devil. The worst criminals are always in some way connected with curses
and magic, because their crimes happen when they do what they are “advised”
to do by the strigas of the Devil, Anunnaki shadow souls, mental snakes
projected into their consciousness.

Beings leave their shards, energy clusters in natural places and in other souls,
which will attract them there when the time comes. People search for them
subconsciously, they behave intuitively by allowing themselves to be led to them
and they don’t even know how it happens. Down there, deep underground, on
the astral level, the Infernal ON is a place for incorrigible souls, but also for souls
who just glimpse there and need a little preview. The shards will draw their
original souls there to merge into a whole to come to terms with (their)
ON. Fragments of souls are also on the earth’s surface, in the souls they have
dealt with, in places where something big and dark has taken place. The
strongest energy places on Earth are where there are cracks in the earth’s crust,
wells, tunnels, but also caves, extinct volcanoes, channels leading to the
magmatic mass of the earth’s core, natural and arti cial underground passages.
From the underworld of the Earth, the energies of the fragments reach up to the
surface. Many shard energies are just below the surface and many are directly on
the earth’s surface. For these reasons, sacred, occult and sacri cial places,
churches, temples, and castles are often found in precisely such places, where
energy seeped from within the Earth and in uenced the consciousness of rulers,
priests, or wizards. They sought out these places and often wanted to be close to
Legends, rumours, and even old fairy tales are mythological stories that hide
coded messages for humanity. They are dreamlike parables through which ON
conveyed his ON Opinions in symbolic messages to open-minded people. For
example, the Slovak legend about the Knights of Sitno is well known :
“On his deathbed, Prince Stojmír donated his entire property, as was tradition, to
his elder son Tyr. However, the younger Želibor felt a grudge and had his own
castle built on small Sitno. The situation between the brothers escalated during
the hunt, when both claimed the deer they had caught. A battle broke out and the
promise to his father to rule in unity and peace fell into oblivion. The pagan
priest Nákon tried to reconcile them, but when they still couldn’t help each other,
he cursed both brothers into the rocks of Sitno.
He cried out in a mighty voice that these rocks should not be opened before the
nation cried for help. Only then can the brothers atone for their sin. The curse
was accompanied by a strong storm and lightning, which opened the rock and
took the knights into its bowels. To this day, many believe that the brothers are
waiting to be called by the Slovaks. Every seven years, the gates of Sitno are said
to open and say, “Already?” Without an answer, the earth closes again and they
remain trapped for another and another seven years. It is a tradition that when
the Slovaks are at their worst, the Knights of Sitno will come to their aid.”

The legend about the Knights of Sitno is a parable about how energetic fragments
of the souls of participants in fratricidal wars were anchored by a spell to the
rocks of Sitno, to Earth’s ON. They are waiting there for the right time to surface
and manifest. The fratricidal ght of Stojmír’s sons is a serious crime. It is no
small thing to murder one another for possessions, for power; to manipulate and
bully others into killing for them, or dying themselves, because of the desire for
material and a sense of power over others. It happens all the time, it happens
even today in Palestine, Israel, Ukraine, and elsewhere. The Sitnian story is just
one case of countless other wars, killings and other crimes that have taken place
on Earth over many millennia. The number of victims of wars, murders, crimes,
or deviant acts under the baton of Satan is estimated at several billion during the
history of mankind. So many shards of souls are anchored in Mother Earth and
this does not include the huge amounts of shards for other bad deeds. These
fragments await when the Flashing Moment arrives, when the gates of Mother
Earth open and the demons of the Underworld come for their own souls. Souls
will attract them because when they did not want to realize anything properly in
their earthly lives in a normal way, to know themselves and especially their dark
side, they did not want to correct themselves, so they will be corrected in Hell.
More precisely, their bones will be straightened, because in Hell mainly there is
Leveling and Knowledge only a little.
It is no coincidence that con icts involving the Jewish, Western and Arab worlds
have been constantly occurring in the Middle East for the past decades. In the
Middle East, the ancient Anunnaki civilizations resided in Mesopotamia, the
godfather of ma a Jewry as the chosen nation was the miserable Anunnaki “god”
Enki, and the other gods were associated with him. In the Middle East, not far
from Baghdad, there was the ancient Anunna seat of Nippur, it was their
capital. The Anunnaki gods are mass murderers, just like their earthly
counterparts. It was in the Middle East that there were nuclear wars between the
gods, the Anunnaki destroyed cities and entire local civilizations inhabited by
uncomfortable people with atomic weapons, with a large number of “innocent”
victims that the satanic gods recognized as guilty, sentenced to death and carried
out the sentence either by themselves or by strangers hands. A large number of
fragments of the souls of the perpetrators and their victims are embedded in the
Middle East, and this is one of the reasons why the American and Jewish
hegemons are constantly drawn there to ght, kill and rob energy again,
symbolized also by the dense form of the liquid black gold of oil. This is also a
tting symbolism of gold that has turned black. Soul fragments there attract
those who are in the thrall of the Reptilians, returning to the scene of the crime to
repeat their crimes. For now, they are still on the upper side of the coin, but when
the card is turned, the coin will be ipped for them and they will be fully

exposed to their Shadows, their infernal demons, and they will experience their
deeds rst hand.
The legend about the Knights of Sitnia can be understood in such a way that
when the worst thing threatens the Earth, the gates to the interior of the Earth
will open and what is hidden there will come out. The self-destruction of the
entire civilization on Earth has already happened in the past, recently this threat
hangs over humanity constantly, but now the situation is different, because the
end of the Cycle is approaching. The end of the Cycle is also here to clean it up.
The tyrants will be exposed to their own deeds, they will be exposed to their
Shadows, their dark fragments will return to them in the form of what they once
did to others. It is the ip side of the coin they have ever bought. It is not possible
to buy only one side of a coin, a coin always has two sides. The Black Knights of
Hell, demons – messengers of soul fragments will return to their souls, since the
souls did not actively seek them out and did not want to look in the mirror at
their true face, at their Shadow, at the monster standing behind them. The
fragment tries to attract its “mother” soul, not so much by its own will, but by the
will of the Spirit. Other people will also be exposed to their darkness, in the
measure that is due to them according to ON’s Justice. They will be able to look
at those they once praised, voted for, invoked, loved, or recognized, to see under
their skin and recognize their own Shadows in them.
Demons from Hell are also the Anunnaki and their mental serpents. These false
gods longed to be able to correct mankind, to be able to take revenge on mankind
for their ungodly behavior in the name of god, and thus they would get their full
share. The real motive of the gods for their action was mainly envy, a gnawing
tyrannical envy; they got rid of it by destroying the object of envy, and that was
the people and earthly pleasures they envied. The false gods “Anunnaki” have
sworn to the Devil that they will correct humanity so that it will be successfully
corrected and now they will have to ful ll their promise. However, until now, the
gods had tyrannized normal human souls abounding in divine energy in order to
extract the energy from them through cruelty and tyranny and to enslave them,
but not to correct them. Humanity has been bound by the curses and dark
programs of mind snakes, thought entities projected into the human mind. The
correction of normal people was only an excuse to serve them with their
creativity and work, so that they could draw life energy from them. However,
now that the Gates of Earth’s Memory have been opened, they will have to
correct the human rulers and tyrants, those who need it most and that is the
greatest criminals of the earth, insidious rulers, warmongers, dark sorcerers, the
elites of humanity and the heralds of the word of the Devil in various forms.
Anunnaki are astral “gods”, their astral shadow souls are underground. Their
consciousness is placed on the cosmic body, is an allegorical part of it; they are

likened to icy cometary nuclei from the Oort Cloud at the edge of the Solar
System. The Anunnaki return to the scene to connect with their Shadows, the
fragments of themselves in the underworld where the majority of their
consciousness resides. With the spurs on their riding boots, the Black Knights will
really push the “gods” to move from their place and go to x their earthly allies,
the people who have tyrannized humanity here for millennia, they are still the
same. They will dig their horses with their spurs in the loins until they bleed,
these will be the Black Knights from the higher low astral level of the dark
prophesied morose ON Grace, they are horsemen and they will ride their own
Shadows of the Underworld Gods who for many millennia have ridden on the
backs of others. Now the ip side of the coin will manifest to them. False gods
will be able to prophesy ON Grace in the true sense, not as they prophesied
perversely for the sake of Satan. They will have to, whether they like it or
not. Archangel Uriel will rule over this process and also over the Black Knights.
Uriel is known as the Angel of Repentance, standing at the gate of Eden with a
aming sword, watching over the world and the underworld. He is the angel of
the divine presence, he is the presiding of cer of the infernal abyss of Tartaros, he
is also the archangel of salvation.
Archangel Uriel is also the spirit of the High Tatras, at least part of it, located in
the Kościelisko valley on the Polish side of the Tatras. There are multiple caves
and they are one-way caves; it is the symbolism of when someone becomes too
preoccupied with darkness during the course of their lives, there is no other way
for them than to get more and more entangled in a tangle of dead ends leading
nowhere but to Damnation. One of the caves is the Mylna Cave, which, like
Sitno, is also the seat of the Black Knights. It’s a maze, once someone goes into
that cave, they don’t have to come back.
The name Uriel is translated as “the abode of light”. Until now, it has been
twisted and that should be put in order. The opposite of ON should deal with the
opposite of ON and not the other way around, as was the case until now; when
ON dealt with the OPPOSITE of ON, Satan attacked ON, Satan wanted to
educate ON and wanted to bene t from ON. ON will discuss the whole thing.
Knights, like Japanese samurai, are servants and vassals of their master. They
swore allegiance to him, put themselves in his service as his elite warriors. This
rank was once associated with the ideals of chivalry, the code of conduct of the
perfect polite warrior, in the ancient days of Atlantis. In this sense, warriors on
horseback were given special prestige. The knights were excellent warriors and
very skilled and had good manners. They were usually known as well-educated
warriors. They strived for the honor and respect of their country. Later, however,
under the pretext of defending God, the knights were used to ght for the

interests of the powerful, in the crusades to the Holy Land and in many other
holy wars.
The term samurai means “One who serves”. A knight has a rule of “chivalry”
and a samurai follows a strict standard of behavior known as “Bushido”, which
is the “Way of the Warrior” and has religious signi cance for the
samurai. Ronin are samurai who have no master. Their master either dismissed
them, or they lost his favor, or their master died. The Ronins then became
mercenaries, or paid bodyguards for some criminals. So they committed crimes
to survive. The European equivalent to the Japanese Ronin are the Knights
Errant. They roamed the world in search of riches, serving as mercenaries to ght
for whoever paid them, or participating in tournaments to earn a fortune.
Unfortunately, some have committed crime to get some quick cash. The Knights
Errant have a certain parallel with the Ronin. So much for the knights, it is
somewhat similar to the Black Knights from Sitno. It is the upper part of the
astral soul, which, when it does not have a Spirit, has its aspect at the level of
prophesied ON Grace, in the case of false gods and other earthly monsters, it is
their own aspect of the Taliban terrorist, who demanded and forced people to
extreme purity and discipline, so that his low aspect could tyrannize and punish
them for not following orders. Since they don’t have a spirit, Archangel
Uriel replaces it in his own way. The Sitnian Knights will bring forth the dormant
energies of the past anchored underground when the time is right, when the
tyranny of the willful powers reaches the levels of the lled cup. It will affect
everyone in a fair degree, but especially those who have the most karma and
those who bring the karmic fragments of their souls to the surface of the earth, to
the light of God.
All the karma of earthlings is written here in the earthly sphere in a way. The
dark energies for millennia of tribulation are all stored in the memory layer of the
Earth, on the mental level, which is manifested on the astral level by the effects of
the dark energies of the xed or moving Place, which it concerns. It is also a layer
of all beings that were in it and are together on Earth. The Earth, and therefore
the Earthly ON, is a memorial of all the wrongs that happened here to people and
their souls, wrongs against ON. The opposite of ON is not affected by iniquity,
because the opposite of ON is iniquity in itself. There are more rumors similar to
the one about the Knights of Sitno. It is not the only one of its kind, such rumors
basically talk about the sudden ejection of the karma that was embedded by the
anchor of the curse into the Earth to manifest itself and thus create an
opportunity for its puri cation. The archetypal energies that have been polluted
by Satan will begin to be puri ed. They will be cast upon those who have de led
them and used them against others. Tyrants will no longer have the desire or

ability to bully normals because they will be occupied with themselves and other

Bloody angel Ninhursag

“I got a lot of names, I sent a lot of prayers, I celebrated a lot of gifts. But to you,
Human, I will always be Ninhursag, the head nurse in charge of the incubators…
and the head magician of the deployment program of planet Ki, that is, Earth.”

When the vampire gods are drugged with ambrosia, human life energy, they are
also capable of spawning such delusions. They are not explained nonsense, they
are double entendres, insidious labels with the opposite meaning. Prayers are
literally curses, the sorceress is a striga, and the incubator is a hatchery of human
embryos with the intention of preparing future sources of energy for the gods.
Birth under the baton of the gods means preparation for the abuse of the born
person, the use of his abilities and the abuse of his vital energy for their purposes;
they attribute suffering to man, with which the depraved gods want to intoxicate
themselves. It was the same with Jesus and his mother Mary; on the example of
their story, it is possible to see the magnitude of the extent to which humanity
was and still is deceived and to what extent their faith in “God” is abused.
When you look behind the curtain of old myths and romantic fables, you will
nd that the reality hidden behind them is chilling, much more down-to-earth
and brutal than it seems at rst glance. It is no different today, if you follow the
stories of current events in the world and also in your surroundings. History
repeats itself in a different layout, characters from the past are still around us, in
different bodies and in different clothes. The gods are predators, they are also
insidious madmen, not excluding the goddess Ninhursag. Today, only the
wandering toads, almost corpses, are left of them, currently manifesting mainly
through the lingering toxins of the mountain of curses they uttered, through the
mental archon snakes of arti cial “intelligence”, but also directly, through their
earthly marionettes, elites and illuminati. The words of many thousands of their
curses and the energies of their intentions linger, like ying bats released from a
cage, hidden here and there, just as the word of the author of a famous book lives
on centuries after his death.
The Mesopotamian Anunn goddess Ninhursag was known by a number of other
names: Damkina, Damgalnuna, Mamma, Dingirmach “Noble Goddess”, Ninmah
“Noble Lady”, Aruru and Nintur “Mistress of Childbirth”, Belet-ili “Queen of the

Gods”. She was also identi ed with goddesses such as the Egyptian Hathor and
Eset, the Greek Gaia, or the Phrygian Cybele – the mother of all gods, life and
things. The Anunnaki “goddess” Ninhursag, who in Mesopotamian mythology is
also designated as the goddess of care and fertility, is also known as the mother
of the gods and the lover of the gods. These designations of Ninhursag and the
events surrounding her are twisted myths, ambiguities and manipulations, they
sound too noble, because the reality is much more prosaic and dirty. However,
these names also contain a piece of logic and clues to the truth, as I will explain

Red Tent

The ancient story of the Red Tent still attracts the attention of many women. It is
a cult of womanhood, it is also a feminist classic that tells a story enriched by an
original view of women’s society in a fascinating period of early history. The Red
Tent represents an asylum for an all-female association, a place where women
discuss their female affairs and taboo topics, where they stick together, it is a
place where they take care of pregnancy and childbirth. The essence of the
connection between the Red Tent and Ninhursag is that successful conception,
pregnancy and childbirth included rituals and the invocation of the gods and
idols of the time, which included the goddesses Taweret, Isis, Bes and Hathor.
Since it was a matter of caring for children and giving birth, something of the
invocation of women directed to the gods also reached Ninhursag, to whom this
area fell within the framework of her “divine competences”. When someone
prays to an idol, an angel, or a god and constantly, consciously repeats its name
as part of a ritual, with a certain intention, it is like dialing the phone number of
that being because he wants something from it; and the being may then pick up
the phone. The ritual in which this happens is a formula manifested in the form
of symbols, movements and words, they are the bearers of the intention with
which they were created and are accompanied by the energy of their author. In
the old days, women prayed to idols that represented goddesses, they wanted
from them, for example, that the newborn child would have the characteristics
according to their wishes, that their child would be exceptional, or even divine,
even if they did not deserve it in any way. If they strongly desire it, it may
happen that they nally pray for it, but they do not know under what conditions
it will be ful lled, what the catch is, what “divine” actually means and where the
dog is buried. That will remain hidden from them.
In the case of the birth of Jesus and the subsequent creation of the Christian
religion, perhaps the biggest fraud in the last two millennia, the gods created a
plot and played out the scenario of the preparation of the plot. The gods
themselves did not have their own capacity for this, they did not have a Spirit,

and so they basically did mainly what was inserted into their consciousness by
the arti cial intelligence of the mental causal level, which I call the Arti cial
Spirit of the Matrix, or the Devil. Enki and Ninhursag chose Maria as a suitable
person that they could exploit for their nefarious purposes. The story
surrounding Jesus took place exactly where the gods were active during the
period in which they were personally and physically active in that region
thousands of years ago. Their earthly headquarters of Nippur was nearby.
Similar manipulations of humanity by the gods happened often and still do
today; however, this one was exceptional due to its scope and expected pro t.
The main activity of the Anunnaki gods at that time was in the region of the
Levant and the Middle East. History repeats itself in the same places where it
took place before, the energetic fragments of souls attract their souls, who had
something to do with each other there, to the same place again, to be exposed to
their past, to be re-projected into the same situation in the new clothes and to get
a chance to correct their mistakes. People often reincarnate in places where they
lived before, until something happens that redirects them elsewhere.

Virgin Mary

In her youth, under the in uence of religious beliefs and mental-emotional

compulsions, Mary, the future mother of Jesus, made a promise to preserve her
virginity to the god Yahweh. But in reality, she made a promise to the Devil, who
was represented by Enki (Yahweh). Maria had dealings with the Anunnaki
“gods”, namely Enki and Ninhursag, already in her previous lives, from the time
millennia ago, when they were still here in person. After all, it was all taking
place in the same region where the Anunnaki were most active during that
period. Once a person has come into contact with the “gods”, it is as if he stepped
in the feces of some psychopathic villain while walking somewhere on the street.
It stays on your shoe, it can’t be cleaned properly; and what remains on the sole
after the gods, the stench; it is a fragment of their soul, accompanied by the odor
of their purpose. He will attract them for a long time. Gods, demigods and their
curses, in appropriate situations, tend to get into a person’s consciousness in
order to in uence him and drag him down a bit again.
In Maria’s astral body there were connections from her past that allowed Enki to
connect to her personally, to focus on her to carry out his purpose. Maria prayed
to the god Enki/Yahweh, he joined her even more rmly with Ninhursag and
they began to in uence her through her feeling and thought space.
Enki is connected through the portals of Porn Satan with promiscuous
Ninhursag, and she is also connected with other gods (Anunnaks, Nibiruans)
through such “sexual” portals. Through these portals, Enki could issue telepathic

commands to the Anunnaki through their heart chakras, uttering incantations
that others would join in to put their energy into and establish another part of
their soul in the Devil’s pawn shop. It is the web by which they are
interconnected, it allows them to attach themselves to a chosen person and try to
drag them into the evil plot they have nanomined. If they succeed, then the
parallel networked gods live off the stolen, drained energy of grace. Ninhursag is
a rst-class (astral) sacred prostitute, with her targeted, purposeful fornication,
she attracted and bound large numbers of Nibiruans, future Anunnaki, gods. It
happened on the Orion Atlantis and therefore on Earth, Ninhursag was still an
earthling then.
Ninhursag craved power, revenge; at one time she was extremely attractive, and
on the part of the future Anunnaki, the desire for her was something like love;
the connections between the Ninhursag and the Anunnaki were between the 3/4
chakra on the Ninhursag side and the 4th chakra on the Nibiruan side. The heart
chakra is in the center and extends its in uence to the other chakras, both lower
and higher. Connection through the heart chakra has the strongest impact and
this is also true in the reality of human lives.
Ninhursag must have known something about magical sex magic. The goal was
for the Nibiruans to sexually connect with each other and so that she could
connect to them through the energy portals created in this way, and this would
allow her to tyrannize them with their feelings and emotional pain, so that they
would submit to her under their pressure, work for her under duress and cast
spells. In this way, both she and Enki had access to their talents, as the attached
Nibiruans used their gifts for the pair’s bene t, according to their twisted wishes.
The Nibiruans may not even know where they get the tyranny and pain of being
controlled by their (former) lover. They were being used, maybe they suspected
something, but that’s how it is when someone doesn’t want to see the negative
aspect of their actions, because they like it and enjoy it, then it’s lost on them and
the person in question then gets completely out of it and doesn’t know anything.
If he doesn’t want to know anything, he won’t know anything either. When
karma manifests to him, he is shocked and claims that it can’t be like that after
However, this is only an explanation, not an excuse at all. Connecting has a
similar effect as batteries connected together. One electric battery lights up a
small light bulb, and when many of them are connected together, you can also
throw lightning with that energy. Ninhursag mated sexually with those
Anunnaki who were worth something in terms of their archetypal talents and
this created portals of Satan’s porn between them that drained the energy down
the drain. That act was a form of magical Sacred Sexuality (Temple Prostitution).
Ninhursag thus had leverage over the other Anunnaki, as she could control them

at a distance with electric shocks like cattle, draining them of the energy they had
gained through the tyranny of humans. Little did they know that they were being
tortured by their common lover, Ninhursag. This is how the Anunnaki get back
their own deeds. Her cosmic husband Enki is also controlled by her, the gods, the
Nibiruans joined with other women and the portals were spread further, the
webs were woven and entwined with each other. It can be said that this entire
energy-sexual coercion system is run by a woman, gray eminence, striga and
brothel Ninhursag, connected (almost) to everyone. The other goddesses (strigas)
are in a similar situation. Ninhursag is controlled by the global Devil. On Earth it
is similar to the Anunnaki. It is no coincidence that someone has a portal to other
people, to gods, astral beings, Nibiruans and extraterrestrials. He had something
to do with them at some point, their relationship was stronger, if there was at
least one-sided (quasi) love between them, it caused a stronger connection than
the others.
ON Momo is the strongest bond of the universe ; ON Momo also manifests as
love in some of its aspects, in various forms and physical manifestations, on the
earthly or astral level. ON Momo also manifests itself in such a way, in this case it
is something like a distorted attraction. The deformation causes soul fragments to
be recorded and transferred to each other, and these soul fragments are drawn
back to each other to reclaim the fragments by processing their karmic debts, or
to repeat them and sink even deeper.
Enki entered Mary’s mind with thought and feeling impulses and she heard him.
Maria thought she was doing something good, honorable and spiritually
bene cial. However, the real God does not want any promises from anyone, and
not at all a vow of virginity or celibacy. The real God welcomes Knowledge,
Understanding and Understanding. This is how Mária came back into contact
with the devil Enki and his “cosmic companion” Ninhursag. She promised her
virginity not to God, but to the Devil, behind whom the pair of Anunnaki stood.
Maria basically promised that after her “escapades” from her previous lives she
would rather remain a virgin to be preserved for Enki and for the subsequent
birth of the demigod Jesus. For Maria, her god was the Jewish god Yahweh, who
Enki often played at that time, networked through Ninhursag with another
Nibiruan Jawhe, to whom he gave orders as to what conceptual messages to
convey to the people and the prophets.

Ninhursag as Mother of God

In that particular life, Maria was an honest woman who had a lot of energy of
grace, the Anunnaki gods chose such people so that their energy could be reused
and abused. However, as a whole, within her whole raw karma, Maria had a

hidden darkness within her, an raw Shadow, which manifested itself to her by
activating the connection to Enki from the past. Later on, a dreamlike astral
apparition of an angel of God appeared to Mary, announcing to her that she
would become the mother of God. Mária accepted the challenge to become the
mother of God, which meant that Enki had the door to her system open and once
in his sleep he “immaculately” impregnated Mária. It was nothing new for Enki,
he took an example from the ancient Greek god Zeus, who quite commonly used
various tricks to sneak up on earthly women and beget offspring with them –
demigods. Enki also disguised himself as Zeus. So Enki became the father of
another demigod – Jesus, and thus Jesus was really the “son of God”. Since Jesus
was the son of Enki and Maria, whose consciousness was in uenced by
Ninhursag, she became in a sense his ideological mother. That is why Ninhursag
appeared in the apparitions of Fatima and others as the Virgin Mary. That role
stuck with her and it was no accident, it was a deliberately cultivated cult of
positivity to give her prophecies and revelations a stamp of credibility. It was not
the spirit of the real earthly Virgin Mary, it was an astral hologram, something
like a movie trick, the purpose of which was to convey prophecies to mankind for
the purpose of manipulating future events; also with the aim of continuing the
invocation and worship of astral false “gods”. They take many forms, they are
the servants of the Devil who has many faces.
Hundreds of millions of people – church mice in a trance – around the world still
celebrate the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, as if arti cial
insemination were not a very common form of pregnancy nowadays. To such an
extent is the consciousness of the vast mass of unthinking people darkened, who
have allowed themselves to be convinced to think with their hearts, in other
words, to be deceived by emotional feelings that someone easily sends them
there, like when you send an email to someone and they evoke according to their
content a certain feeling.

Ninhursag – Goddess of Fertility and slayer of children

Ninhursag is a murderer who hates children, hates people too, she is not only
indifferent to their fates, but also wants to use and abuse them for her needs. She
called the goddess of fertility, as is the case with the Anunnaki, they use double
entendres, with the opposite meaning. A fertility goddess means that she is either
a deadly goddess of (un)born children or promotes excessive fertility, as in India
or Africa/Arabia. Both are exaggerated, excessive and harmful to human lives. It
is similar to when a well-known Slovak liberal politician, a promoter of freedom
and abortion, an ideological supporter of the progressive-liberal culture of death,
heads the parliamentary committee for health care. Ninhursag still has many of
her archetypal followers here. The last time, when the Anunnaki were still here

about 3600 years ago, this hateful viper, sitting comfortably on the throne, let a
mother with two small children be strangled, just to satisfy her hatred and
revenge. Gods expressed their relationship to people in this way quite commonly,
and deranged naive religious people still pay tribute to the gods in some form.
Anunnaki – Enki, Ninhursag, and others, hate children, hate ON. Small children
have a lot of ON because their Ego is not yet heard. The privilege of creating
children by procreation is only on the earthly plane, not on the astral plane. The
gods, when they materialized to the astral-physical level, could have children
with earthlings, but they were either mutants, or their children were really
“exceptional” in some way, they were not like normal earthlings. The old records
of the astral gods having their own children, sons and daughters among
themselves, are ancient media expedient lies, because the gods could not show
the earthlings that they were any less capable after all. If they had children, they
were their astral clones, created by combining their properties. Outwardly they
presented them as their children, this magical ability they lost long ago with the
loss of their love energy reserves and the drop of their consciousness to lower
levels. The gods established themselves in the astral plane and then envied those
who remained on the earthly physical plane in the reincarnation cycle and had
the opportunity to create new lives, children. Envy and hatred consumed them
and it still does. The old Nibiruan strigas could not have children, they missed
their “biological” hours and became so bitter that they hated children and people.
They will never have children again, they got into this state through their own
fault. Until now, they are poisoning humanity with their mental poison, also
through their instigated earthly rulers and tyrants.

Brothel mama Ninhursag

In reality, Ninhursag is a vengeful striga, a promiscuous lover of the other

Anunnaki, she connected with them through love intercourse so that they would
all be interconnected through the portals of Porno Satan, so that they could be
mutually nourished by draining human energy. Ninhursag is the ideological
mother of earthly prostitutes and witches, these two “professions” were often
connected, although not always fully in one life. On the earthly level, she used
them as earthly portals to rob the energy of grace of misguided, deranged and
lustful men, preferably those who abound in abundance of energy of grace. The
archetype of Ninhursag is Lilith, she earned the nickname of the woman of Satan,
in other words, a torturer, stirring up the sexual fantasy of sleeping men, and she
is also a murderer of newborn boys. Lilith is a destructive female demon,
bringing disintegration to any form of customary order and peace in

Directly delivered truth from Ninhursag herself (verbatim):

“I’m an even bigger whore than you wrote.” — Ninhursag

The cult of the Virgin Mary is (also) the cult of Ninhursag. In addition to her
other names, it is her other name, it is her advertising brand, it is the packaging
in which the same old product is always hidden. Ninhursag needed Mary to
become through her the ideal mother of Jesus, who was something like her son,
whom she had with her “cosmic husband” Ekni. They could not have a child
directly, so they had it through earthly surrogates. Not that they wanted the
child, they just wanted to use it for their own twisted purposes. Finally, even the
baby Jesus was, in a way, a substitute for one of the Anunnaki. Such a birth
initiated the dark story of Christianity, which massively in uenced earthly events
for the next two thousand years. Ninhursag would be incapable of anything
outside of her curses and black magic. This cruel bastard knows nothing but
revenge. Her cosmic husband, the god Enki, is a deranged moron who also
knows nothing. He needed Jesus, abounding in love energy, so that he could join
him and parasitize on him, for Jesus to prophesy God’s Thoughts to him, so that
he could join them, pollute them with his poison, and for this event to have long-
term consequences, which happened.

Jesus was the son of god and the alien Enki was his (god)father

Jesus was truly the son of God, his father was the fascist god Enki/Yahweh. The
same killer of Yahweh that Jesus warned the Jews about:
Jesus answered them : “If God were your father, you would love me, because I
came from God and I come from him. I did not come of my own accord, but he
sent me. Why don’t you understand my speech? Because you cannot hear my
word. Your father is the devil and you want to ful ll your father’s desires. ON
was a murderer from the beginning and did not abide in the truth, because there
is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks from himself, because he is a liar and
the father of lies. But I’m telling the truth, and that’s why you don’t believe me.
Which of you will convict me of sin? Why don’t you believe me when I tell you
the truth?! He who is of God listens to God’s words. You do not listen because
you are not of God.’
Jesus was of the same god as the Jews, whom he criticized for this. It was from
the devil’s helper Enki; Jesus was an old product in a new marketing package.
Jesus prophesied God’s commandments, which in their original pure form might
have had something to them, but Enki/Yahweh/Satan connected to Jesus’
consciousness, imbued him with the poison of Satan, poisoned him, confused his
thoughts, confused him with emotional feelings and incited his Ego to he

performed miracles and was famous. Jesus wanted it that way, after all he was
only Enki’s son and he ended accordingly. When someone associates with the
Devil, acts according to his instructions, pro ts from it, then the Devil destroys
him, regardless of the fact that he is his child and takes his soul to the altar of
Satan. Enki/Yahweh murdered his own son at the hands of the Romans and then
brazenly thundered that the Romans had killed him. The earthling Mary
(Ninhursag) then wept over the death of her son, whom she had fathered with
Enki, because she succumbed to the delusion of her Ego and believed in the
excellence of her mission as the Mother of God.
It’s a paradox of fate. Jesus rightly warned the Jews that their god is the murderer
and pathological liar Enki (Yahweh) and yet his father and god was the same
god, the same Jewish murderer Yahweh. It was Enki who pretended to be a god,
it was Enki who was Jesus’ “real” father. It was not Joseph, but the “alien” Enki, a
multiple astral psychopathic creature.

“Cancel it, cancel it, you must not write that… so far no one has ever written that
about us. Not that it wouldn’t be like that, but to write it…” — Ninhursag and

A multi-headed demon attacking the human mind

According to estimates, a person can have up to 60,000 thoughts in his conscious

mind per day, which is an average of 3,750 per waking hour. However, the
intensity of the ow of thoughts over time is not uniform, so you can sometimes
have 10 thoughts per minute, or even 10 thoughts per second, and that is thought
bombardment. It is an attack by terrorists from the mental level, it is an attack by
the gods, who programmed it in the mental level of the Matrix with their curses
in the past and further supplemented these programs with new curses. What is
attacking you are both your memories and scripts, but also the thoughts of the
gods who created the thought blast programs with their curses. The thoughts
coming into the mind of a person’s consciousness are more or less not his at all
and may not even have anything to do with him. If a person does not think about
something intentionally, then those thoughts are delivered to his mind arti cially,
from the outside. If a person thinks about something deliberately, it is necessary
to realize where the stimulus or idea came from. It often happens that an idea is
literally a terrorist attack on the mind from the outside, it is an arti cial mental
tug that provokes a person to “start thinking “. You will feel the rubbing as a
slight impact to the Third Eye chakra. When the rubbing is caught and noticed,
the thoughts will not develop, they will be canceled at their source and the
malevolent god will lose energy. God will lose energy, whether he is connected to
your mind directly or indirectly through mental archon entities. Mostly it is the
latter case, because the “gods” directly in uence especially those whom they
have an eminent interest in controlling, and even with those it is not always and
always the case. For many, it is the programs of the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix
that automatically control their consciousness. The stimulus to start a mental
attack can also come spontaneously when, for example, you get to a place to
which your memory of an event is connected, mental entities try to seize this
opportunity and annoy your mind.
Thoughts racing in the mind can be perceived in the background, or they can
take over a person’s consciousness under their control. It’s a battle for the mind,
it’s a battle for consciousness. Thoughts and inner voices can pass through one’s
mind as they tangentially jump from one to the other, stamping their hooves like
a herd of frightened cattle. Thoughts behave like a diverging bundle of rays,
which then converge, circle around some subject, then disperse and move away

from the subject. There can also be a repeating pattern and typology of the inner
voice, even without any apparent external pressure to thematically focused
thinking, even without you yourself wanting to think about anything. It can lead
to losing track of time and it can be scary because you lose control over yourself.
If a person experiences these thoughts at night when going to sleep, they may
wake up suddenly, startled in a panic and confused by the random and sudden
nature of the thoughts. Racing thoughts vary in expression according to
individual perspective. These manifestations can vary from unnoticed, or minor
distractions, to debilitating stress that prevents the sufferer from maintaining a
thought. Racing thoughts are uncontrollably thrown into the mind, seemingly
random thoughts and memories, switching between them very quickly.
Sometimes they are related because one idea leads to another; other times,
seemingly completely random turns. A person suffering from an episode of
racing thoughts has no control over their thought process and it prevents them
from concentrating on one subject or prevents them from sleeping.
Negative recurring thoughts are, for example: the thought of harming the child;
do something violent or illegal; thoughts causing doubts; unexpected reminders
of painful past events; concerns about catching bacteria or serious illness; fear of
embarrassment; intrusive sexual thoughts; intrusive thoughts about
relationships; doubts about delity; prompts to constantly repeat certain prayers;
about killing others; the thought of poisoning someone with food; using knives
or other sharp objects to harm others or oneself; the thought of a sudden fear of
losing touch with one’s faith or belief; intrusive thoughts about violence;
intrusive thoughts about eating disorders; intrusive thoughts of self-harm;
harming others; what if I push someone down the stairs; what if I stab someone;
what if I push someone in front of a car; fearful thoughts about harming the
child; notions of perfectionism; constantly blaming someone for something; what
if i kill myself; what if I jump down into the deep; what if I crash the car on
purpose; what if I cut myself; what if I commit a sin; what if I’m not 100% honest;
what if I break this (religious) rule; self-mutilation with self-doubts and mistakes;
what if I’m not good at my job; what if I made a mistake; contamination and
health concerns; what if my hands contain bacteria; what if I have cancer;
unwanted thoughts about past trauma; bad memories and ashbacks related
more to real events than just random thoughts…
Obsessional thoughts are sudden, involuntary thoughts. They can be unsettling
and can make you feel like you have little control over them. These are
involuntary thoughts that can cause great stress and anxiety. Sprinting thoughts
are unpleasant and often repetitive, coming continuously, one after the other, like
an avalanche or mortar re. Intrusive thoughts are words or mental images that
pop into your mind. They are often disruptive. They often have little to do with

what you do or your reality. Thoughts that worry you can seem really loud and
demand your attention. Even if other people tell you that your thought isn’t true
and doesn’t mean anything, that thought can be so disgusting that it’s hard to
believe. And these thoughts can make you wonder if you’re secretly a terrible
person. You might think that if they really knew how dark your thoughts are,
they would be horri ed.
The main enemies of people are not so much the mental demons of the mind, but
those who caused and created them. It is impossible to take full responsibility for
any mental program, especially the being who created it. Some person or other
being is always responsible, even from a different level of being. However, if a
mental entity or arti cial intelligence acquires a certain consciousness and will of
its own, it essentially becomes a being as well. In the case of attacking thoughts,
their originator is the Global Reptile, who coordinates it purposefully, randomly,
or chaotically through his Anunnaki Reptilians. The reptile attacking your mind
has as many heads as there are archetypal demons attached to it. The reptilian
that is giving you thought warps and mental stimuli is one of the Anunnaki, or it
is an Anunnaki curse program that does it on their behalf, automatically
according to the program’s script. It also has false god soul fragment energy in it,
so it’s all gods attacking you, directly or indirectly.
The Anunnaki (gods) are sorcerers who have cursed us. Some of them also
remained on Earth. It is no coincidence that there are so many fairy tales about
the cursed brothers, the cursed princess, the cursed castle, Baba Jaga, or the seven
wicked brothers. Fairy tales are allegories describing in a symbolic way real
events that happened a long time ago. Many are very old and have been
preserved by being verbally passed down from generation to generation as fairy-
tale dream parables.
The Anunnaki have separated themselves from humans, posing as the guardians
of human karma, with the understanding that they will manifest it to them and
draw energy from humans if they do not come to knowledge and correction,
which they themselves stubbornly oppose. They want to tyrannize people for
their (supposed) karma and leave those people who have the most conscience
In reality, he is one of the Anunnaki gods, he is a satanic imbecile who cuts his
nger into a circle in a pile of Satan’s excrement, which he considers to be your
unprocessed karma, so he made up his mind, saying his incantations and licking
his nger here and there and thereby evokes the appropriate emotional feelings.
It is a colorful depiction of how the gods are. They are satanic devils. The blood-
eyed Anunnaki god is constantly digging into your karma and wants to force it
into your consciousness with your thoughts so that you will accept it and suffer

for it, regardless of whether you already understand it or not. However, he is also
scrupulous about what has nothing to do with you at all, because that is his own
karma, it is his own crimes that he wants you to accept as your own. He
constantly evaluates you and places you somewhere, especially on the opposite
side of ON, on which he himself stands and at the same time does not see you
there with him; he knows nothing about you, nor does he have any evidence on
you. He is super cial, distorts, lies, manipulates and throws a lot of rubbish at
you. He also tries to make you create new karma under his pressure and
manipulation so that he can bully you even more for it.
Curses are anchored in a person’s energy system and cause him suffering,
resulting from the exacerbation of disease states of the body and soul. Like old
unresolved karma. All these treatises on curses are not self-serving, their
importance also lies in the fact that their understanding and proper processing
also results in the alleviation of suffering from physical illnesses and
psychological disorders.
From thought (karmic) attacks, a person should be interested only in that part of
thoughts of this kind that has an obvious connection with his past actions, and
even then only to a fair degree. Thought attacks refer to situations or people with
whom you have been in contact, had some kind of relationship with them, and
perhaps dealt with something with them in one of your past lives. Perhaps in the
distant past you had something to do directly with the gods, or with the Devil in
some form. At the beginning, the content of thought jumbles can be a retelling of
a real situation that happened to you, you remember it, it comes to your
consciousness again and again, you take it apart and put it back together again,
but not you, because you are not interested in it at all, it happens this by itself,
and to that are added many other schematic mental patterns that relate to
harmful, aggressive, destructive, dark events that the demon puts into your
consciousness. Some demon tortures you with it and tempts you with various
stimuli, often forcefully urging you to do things that, if you did, you would
succumb to the demon and do something that would drive you into an
inappropriate, critical situation that would have the potential to change your life
for a long time. life for the worse.
The intention of the gods is to attack the consciousness of people through the
programs of the demons of the mind in such a way that they pull them down,
that they succumb to the impulses of the gods and that they actively participate
in the creation of a con ict or a criminal act. If you succumbed to it and did such
a thing, you would be handing over a piece of your soul to the Devil and thus
your energy. The gods want to hand over human souls to the Devil, to free
themselves from their obligations to the Devil, to evolve from their deeds and
become free at your expense. Gods and demons would then gleefully gloat from

afar that they had wronged someone by putting them in an unfavorable
situation. They are so envious that they hate it when a person is doing well and is
at ease. They attack coordination, it is after all only one body of the Devil
controlling their consciousness, it has many heads, those heads bite together, in
different ways and at the same time, simultaneously emotional feelings are
related to it, which support the thoughts, or even oppose them. It is the chaos of
Satan, because thought impulses can be clearly negative, but alongside them can
also be visually positive. But only at a glance, because they can relate to, for
example, giving undue help to a person whom you know to be an insidious
creep, a criminal, an obvious Satanist, or a general unconditional love of all
beings without distinction. It would be a complete denial of universal laws; in the
reality of common sense and normal consciousness it is not even possible unless
one is intoxicated by the hallucinatory toxins of the Devil.
Gods and demons, if you succumbed to them, they would have your energy of
grace from it, they would have a sense of power from the fact that Satan was
overcome and subdued by ON. They are representatives of the Devil and
proponents of Satan. Behind all this is the ancient battle of Satan against God,
Satan does not ght directly but through his agent the Devil, whom many serve
both on the astral plane of gods and on the earthly plane of men. The devil (god)
does not know fair play, he is not fair or just, he is insidious, he lies, he cheats.
So, if you ever think about all the Evil that is happening on Earth, in the sense of
“Why did God do this…?”, then you have the God here: the Anunnaki Devil is it.
Agent of Satan. He’s not the god you thought he was. You have been deceived.
There is also ON, who was at the beginning of all things, but he is not a god, but
God – under this name I sometimes call him here for the sake of clarity, the more
accurate name is ON. ON is not a masculine pronoun, although some symbolism
to that effect exists here.
This is the basic premise from which it is necessary to start, if one should even
have the urge to think that any of the gods, their earthly avatars, apostles, or
gurus of a false god, are just and honest, despite their appearance, or is
considered as such, even by the overwhelming majority.
The devil represented by the gods is in astral reality a dirty, smelly, ragged thief
who watches the Lord on the other side of the street from the dark side of the
street from behind containers full of garbage, constantly watching when and how
he would steal something from him, for example his light coat, which he would
he could be proud of, or his blue shawl on which he could hang himself. Given
the nature of the Devil and his minions, satanic false gods and their created
mental entities, archons, thought serpents, astral parasites, it is impossible to

think with common sense that the karma manifested by them through thought,
emotional and feeling attacks is just and honorable.
The content of the thoughts and mental perceptions that come to your
consciousness is also the content of the mental space of the people to whom the
thoughts relate and the Reptilians attached to their consciousness. Those
thoughts and perceptions usually start with a memory of those people, some
situation experienced with them, and then they branch out and head somewhere
else, degenerate and mutate in a direction that may not be characteristic of you at
all. The original normal thought (memory) becomes a thought that is angry,
harmful, or dark in some other way towards them. The particular thoughts may
have nothing to do with you, because they are either the twisted thoughts of the
people they concern; or are the thoughts of demons controlling their
consciousness. That’s why you (maybe) have those strange or twisted thoughts
that you think can’t be yours after all. Although some may relate to your (long-
ago) past, because you may think that you have not managed something due to
them, many may not (anymore) concern you at all. Some thoughts may be about
an alternate reality that could occur if you contacted them, they are scenarios that
would develop if you reacted differently. You may also have regrets and urges to
reconnect with those people. Here it is appropriate to realistically and rationally
assess whether the reproach is appropriate, whether it is at all justi able, whether
it is not a tri e that is not worth dealing with. A good memory and a holographic
memory of the situations you have experienced with them will help you deal
with such thought attacks. When you are in a relationship with someone, it can
happen that in some cases a certain connection is created between you or an
existing one is activated. An invisible portal opens, through which information
transfer takes place from you from the astral/mental level towards the person
and the beings that are connected to his consciousness. There are exchanges of
energies not only between the two of you, but between hidden beings/levels that
you cannot see or know about. But this can be felt in the thought, emotional and
feeling body. At the same time, there is also a transfer in the opposite direction.
Demons can in uence our thoughts in a similar way to other human beings.
Demons basically persuade us with thoughts and emotional feelings about what
they would like us to do. People try to convince us directly, or through
manipulation, ambiguity and half-truths taken out of context. Typical examples
are politicians, journalists and media in uencers of public or individual opinion,
but also friends and family members. The difference is that other human beings
can only observe our behavior and hear our words, but demons can see a little
deeper; namely, they can partially see our imagination, super cially follow our
memory and the feelings that come from them. Many of these are only able to be
observed because they themselves force it into our consciousness. They try to

insert their ideas, thoughts and feelings into us, but also those from the common
thought consciousness, from other beings. According to the “keywords”, the
arti cial intelligence of the Matrix will look for them in a ash in the huge
database of the common storehouse of humanity’s thoughts, which are still
written there. It’s like when you search in google, which will nd your desired
selection within a second or two. The arti cial intelligence of the Matrix is
usually faster and can also “predict”, which, however, is not so much a
prediction, it is rather a consequence of the time difference created between
sending and realizing the thought, but also as a result of the difference between
the passage of time on the earthly and higher levels. Another reason is that
Matrix’s arti cial intelligence is based on your behavioral patterns, which,
according to the probability of occurrence and the circumstances of the events, is
based on, and based on the past, it produces a prediction of the likely future. Due
to the machine nature of arti cial intelligence, it may happen that you will have
the same thoughts in certain situations or in certain places. By identifying where
you are and what you’re doing, the program that some wretched god or demon
has set up there will start. It can be, for example, when you take a shower in your
bathroom, and then a certain mental-emotionally oriented algorithm, a mental
program, is triggered that connects you with some Anunnaki, god, or demon.
You will become aware of object-oriented thoughts that you probably don’t want,
and maybe aren’t even yours, they are just a curse with which an envious god/
demon is chasing you directly or indirectly through his mental, just to make
some pleasant activity uncomfortable for you. If he manages to make your
shower unpleasant, the god will be happy for a while. That’s what god is. He will
feel that he is powerful, even though in a moment the feeling will fade away and
the god will once again be as empty as a snail’s shell. Do you see how low those
noble Anunnaki have sunk, glori ed in ancient epics and depicted on stone
carvings and statues in ancient temples? Only the universe and the stupidity of
the gods are in nite. For many people (in general) the gods don’t even reach the
soles of their feet.
It is necessary to choose what is yours from the thought attacks. You have to
realize what of that pile of thought dung is yours, what suits you and what you
want from it; then you realize what suits you and what you don’t want; and even
what doesn’t suit you and isn’t yours and you don’t even want it. You should
take an attitude towards your choice, what you intend to do with it, what
position you take on it, whether it is possible or whether you want to correct
something from it. It doesn’t have to be anything physical, it can be at the level of
virtual awareness, but it can also be followed by some act of yours that you do in
an appropriate situation or on purpose. Then you will observe what is happening
to you and what has changed in your turbulent sea of thoughts.

Parade of past Selves

The human soul has many lives. It could also be said that it has one long life,
interspersed with breaks, shorter or longer stays in the inter-life time-space, into
which the astral soul enters when it leaves its physical body, only to return to it
again after some time. It is the same body and it is not the same body. The
physical body is a re ection of the astral body, and so some characteristics and
similarities of the physical bodies of one soul may be repeated in its different
lives and others may change. One long life is the life that the soul has in one great
Cycle of Development and Knowledge, after the completion of which it may or
may not continue in the next Cycle. It doesn’t have the same.
Is the human Self, the astral soul of man with all that is connected with it, still the
same individual, or is it not? We can clarify this in the case of the mythological
paradox called ” The Ship of Theseus “, which can be used to point out how
problematic the identity of anything changeable is. Plato already thought about
the essence of human identity, in this case he was represented by a ship. The Ship
of Theseus became a popular and still unresolved thought experiment. Thought
experiments have been an important part of philosophy and science since ancient
times, although they have received most attention only in recent centuries. The
Ship of Theseus is one of the oldest conundrums that has not been solved even
after two and a half thousand years, and which still provokes the ambiguity of
the theme of identity. When is an object itself and when is it just a (perfect)
Theseus’ ship is a paradoxical ship. The inspiration for this paradox was the
mythological story of Theseus from ancient Greek fables. Theseus is best known
for slaying the dreaded Minotaur, a beast with a bull’s head and a human body,
living in the middle of the Cretan Labyrinth. Theseus built a ship that could sail
to the very borders of the known world. On her pilgrimage she was exposed to
storms, tossed by wind and waves. She needed to change sails, she needed new
ropes or boards. Even the nails that held the boards had to be replaced. When the
ship returned to port after many repairs, not a single piece of original material or
equipment remained on it. After the successful completion of the mission,
Theseus’ ship continued to be used for regular pilgrimages to the sacred island of
Delos. The thought experiment is that the Athenians took good care of the

mythical Ship of Theseus and whenever a beam rotted or something went wrong
in it, they replaced it. This inspired the philosophers to project: if all the beams,
planks and other parts of the ship are gradually replaced, is it still the original
ship of Theseus or not? If all the parts of the ship were replaced and not an atom
remained of the original ship, then when did it stop being Theseus’ ship? When
did they replace the rst piece of wood on it? De nitely not. It was just a small
repair. And what about the second, third, or fourth repair? With not a single
original plank left, was it still Theseus’ ship? Apparently not. So when did she
change? When did she lose her identity? It was still Theseus’s ship, but it was
repaired bit by bit. The basic concept has not changed. So what did Theseus’ ship
represent? Was it just a thought? That couldn’t be true either, because the ship
could be seen, you could touch it. So what was Theseus’ ship really?
What if all the old material removed from the original ship of Theseus could be
used to build an entirely new ship, which of the two ships would be the “real”
Ship of Theseus, if any? Of course, we can brush these considerations off the table
as unconstructive provocations, but from a broader perspective, the thought
experiment about Theseus’s ship raises important questions about identity, that
is, the speci c nature of things. They are works of art that have gone through
many restaurants and modi cations over the centuries (and sometimes
millennia) since their creation. Are they still the same works, or are they already
something else? But with what? And at what moment does the change occur?
Doesn’t a similar process take place in every person, whose body and mind go
through such extensive development that by the end of life only a minority of the
physiological elements associated with our birth are left? According to the theory,
all the cells in the human body are replaced during seven years, and this would
mean that during one life in its normal length, a person would completely
replace his original body with a new one several times, and he is still the same
individual, with the same birth number. Not to mention that a person dies, then
is reborn and repeats this process many times.
According to philosophy, nothing can maintain its identity across time, which is
proven by the famous example of a river that cannot be entered a second time.
Different water currents and other details are unique and unrepeatable at every
moment. So, if we enter the same river for the second time, it will not be exactly
the same river and we may have a slightly different experience.
What, then, is the real, comprehensible essence of things? It is probably not
possible to express this with a reliable and clear de nition, no objective truth
explaining how the nature of Theseus’ ship really is, apparently does not exist.
Instead of a senseless search for an answer, we could rather focus on the fact that
our cognitive concepts are not suf cient for this paradox and we probably won’t
nd an unambiguously satisfactory answer.

The soul of the human Self carries with it its identi er, its primordial individual
ON, its Spirit, during its journeys through many lives. Spirit is individual and
Arti cial Spirit is mass. This is important to understand because a person is
exposed to differences in their lives that differentiate them from their original
gifts and talents. Deviations arose in previous lives and they can become the
causes of further deviations. It is as if the masts and sails on the mentioned ship
of Theseus were replaced with others, of a different type, of different weights and
dimensions, and these would signi cantly affect the sailing characteristics of the
ship. As a result of such changes, the ship can become more dif cult to control, it
can get stuck on the shallows, or it can sink in a storm.
In life, a person is exposed to his deviations and inconsistencies that arose in his
past, in life situations his Spirit presents them to him for consideration, whether it
is really what a person prefers and wants to continue to apply in his
existence. Positive deviations represent evolutionary improvements, which will
be manifested in a person by his characteristics at a higher level of
quality. However, negative deviations are something that stunts a person,
prevents him from growing and moving. It is the deposits of clams overgrown on
the hull of his ship, the ship’s screw and the rudder, which make it impossible to
move and can cause it to sink. There may also be pirates on your ship who have
taken control of it and loaded it with loot from their plundering expeditions. If
your ship goes down, the crew, including you, is at risk of sinking with the ship.
The Human Self is like a ship lled with cargo, crewed by each in himself, his
guide Spirit, if he has one, and/or the evil spirits of the Matrix, who change
according to what or who is at work in the human consciousness. If the ship were
lled with caustic, it could corrode its bottom, change its shape, reduce its size,
thickness, and thus its resistance to sinking.
Imagine that there is a crowd of people standing in front of you. They are
standing in a row, all facing the same direction, facing you, and they are
somewhat alike. They are your past selves, each person in the row represents one
of your selves from one of your past lives. Some of them will step slightly aside
from the row, turn to you, introduce themselves and say their then name
symbolizing their character and deeds. These are your Selves that your Spirit will
show you in this life, present them to you for you to become acquainted with and
to nd out who you were before and to determine what you intend to do with it,
what attitude to it you want to attract and possibly how you want to correct the
resulting consequences of the actions of your past self. They are your deeds and
at the same time they are not your deeds. Before, you were in some sense
someone else because something else was operating in your consciousness. If the
same thing were working in your consciousness today, you probably wouldn’t be
here, but somewhere else.

If you want to get somewhere on the path of your evolution, your Past Self is the
only person you should compare yourself to. You are yourself in the past. Your
individualized ON, your Spirit guide will present them to you in some way, as
well as some of the deeds of your past selves that he deems appropriate for you
to deal with. He will present it to you in life situations, in a mystical way, in
dream parables, or otherwise. There are gnawing evil spirits, curse demons and
false gods coming into your lives who think they have some right to pester you
with your karma as they see t, want you to cooperate with them so they can
deceive you, use you, abuse you and then sink your ship. They want to throw
their own crimes at you, they want them to be yours and they want to be
cleansed of them. If your ship sinks, they will sink with you, unless you get rid of
them in time and throw them out of the ship into a sea full of sharks, octopuses
and ancient monsters that will easily deal with them.

Hour of the Spirit: waking up at 3:00 in the morning

Waking up at a certain hour of the night or early in the morning does not always
have a spiritual meaning. However, if waking up at this hour becomes a
recurring pattern, and especially if it is accompanied by a feeling of inner
knowing, or a divine presence, it may mean a spiritual message.
Waking up in the night hours is not considered good, both because you will not
sleep and also because the night hour is known as the hour of ghosts, in which
you can also experience scary things. The night has its own power, strange things
happen at night, which include the free transition of human consciousness
between dimensions. It is a time when the line between the living, the dead and
the ghosts becomes thinner. Multiple levels of being intertwine by perceiving
sensory and extrasensory sensations better than in daytime. If you wake up for
no apparent reason more or less exactly at 3 o’clock in the morning, it may mean
that your Spirit has visited you in your dreams and visions. It is the hour of the
From three to ve in the morning, according to the Chinese organ clock, the lungs
are in active energetic activity. You breathe the Breath of the Great Spirit through
your lungs. Breath is the only vital function (body temperature, blood pressure,
pulse, breath) that you can consciously control. It is a reminder that you can
consciously take hold of your spiritual evolution. Waking up between 3am and
5am is a spiritual sign that your individual Spirit is coming alive and trying to
communicate with you and reveal something important to you. Something you
should process and realize. The dreams you have at this time can be a
particularly important clue. The promptings of the Spirit occur constantly, even
at different times. Night time has its speci cs, at that time you dream and have a
more open extrasensory perception of other dimensions of being.
The lungs are related to the fourth, heart chakra (lower half of the lungs) and the
fth, throat chakra (upper half of the lungs). The color of the heart chakra is
green and the color of the throat chakra is blue. The heart chakra is the center of
love, sacri ce, compassion and healing; in addition to the lower half of the lungs,
the heart, upper half of the back, ribcage, chest cavity, lower part of the lungs,
blood, circulation and skin are related to it. Another energy center associated
with the lungs is the fth, throat chakra. It is the throat, the communication

center, it is the seat of communication, expression of thoughts and feelings. It is
related to the perception of the inner voice, inspiration, self-determination,
independence, opinions and perception of the world.
When you wake up from sleep, or when you wake up anytime between 3am and
5am, don’t force yourself to sleep, pay attention to what the Spirit is telling you,
this is the hour of revelation. These may not always be the most pleasant
experiences, but they may have a deeper spiritual meaning related to the
transition between Soul and Spirit during sleep. People in the prophetic period of
their evolution may receive special dreams, revelations and visions at this time.
Interpreting a message from divine Spirit can be subjective and personal, it is
important to pay attention to your dreams, thoughts, feelings and any recurring
patterns or symbols that may appear during this night period. These hours can
then represent an opportunity for growth and transformation. At this time, your
Spirit takes over, although it has it at other times, but then it can also (seemingly)
hand over some aspects of it to the darkness. Your Spirit is more alive and your
mind and body will be more receptive between three and ve, a time of
manifestation when destinies are redirected and stories are rewritten. Your inner
voice may speak, you may have wild dreams. If you are a perceptive person and
in that darkness you will look into the void, or at a certain area on the wall, then
you may see manifestations of the binary codes of the reality of the earthly level
of being there. Three o’clock in the morning is the hour of writers, researchers,
poets, thinkers, seekers and creative people. Another possible meaning of
awakening at the hour of the Spirit is that it could be a sign of divine
communication. The universe, angels, or spirit guides are trying to communicate
with you. During this period, it is important to pay attention to your thoughts
and feelings, as they may contain important messages or insights.
The hour of the Evil Spirit is midnight, more precisely, it is the time between
eleven in the evening and one in the morning. 11:00 – 1:00 is the time when,
according to the Chinese organ clock, the gallbladder is most active, which
secretes bile into the duodenum during digestion. This can also be understood
as a symbolic representation of the poisoning of the twelve primordial angels by
Satan’s caustic. Bile is yellow with a green or brown tint. Yellow is the color of the
third chakra of the solar plexus, the seat of personality, strength, wealth and
power. Here, life impulses and wishes are processed and transformed, which, in
the case of their excessive density, summon the Devil. This chakra is the seat of
the Ego and other body parts and organs associated with it are the lower back,
abdominal cavity, digestive system, stomach, liver, gall bladder, nervous system
and pancreas. The spiritual symbolism of bile is the anger and hatred of Satan.
The liver is connected with anger, aggression, anger, pettiness. The ruling sign of
these midnight hours according to the Chinese zodiac is the Rat, which is also an

allegorical hint as to what spiritual sensations and aspects of being you can
expect in these hours. The gallbladder has a gray-green to gray-blue color, which
is created by mixing black darkness with green (heart chakra) and blue (throat
chakra). These are the same colors that are also associated with the hour of the
Spirit; by the midnight hour of the Rat, by the Evil Spirit they are clouded with
the black color of infernal coal and death.
The things of the Spirit usually happen patiently, gradually and sometimes
suddenly, while with the Arti cial Spirit it is the opposite. They are mostly
sudden and only sometimes gradual. The devil is impatient, the Anunnaki
wretched gods are restless because they crave a dose of the drug – love energy.
Their intention is not to grant man knowledge, their intention is the tyranny of
the power of the Ego of the Evil Spirit that controls their consciousness. It is also
possible to reach knowledge in this way, but in a different way.
At night time, a person also feels the greatest fear and anxiety. Every little thing
takes on a huge meaning. The devil wants you to be afraid, and your Spirit tells
you with intuition that you don’t need to be afraid. Waking up at 3:00 in the
morning can be a spiritual sign from your guardian angel that a positive change,
opportunity, or new beginning is coming your way. The thoughts that appear to
you afterward may be further messages from Spirit, either communicated
directly or guided by an experience that occurs at that time. Later, when you
think about the nightly news and you often think about your Spirit guide, about
your Higher Self, what he probably intends to warn you about, something will
appear to you, in dreams, intuition, or in a life situation. Some opportunity for
knowledge will prophesy into your reality. You can take it as a positive sign. Your
Spirit is echoing with greater force, and something evolutionarily signi cant may
be coming your way. The spirit begins to watch over you and point you out.
Between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. it’s kind of a magic hour. At this time of night
(morning) your spiritual senses may be heightened. Supernatural beings, spirits,
demons and angels are most active during the nighttime hours, leading to
abnormal activity and events in your part of the spirit world. When you wake up
at night, either at midnight or in the wee hours of the morning, it may be because
the Spirit has woken you up to tell you something karmic, either directly or
through the Evil Spirit.
In the realm of spirituality, certain times of the day can have deep meaning and
carry hidden messages. The night hour can become a “charming” hour, when the
world slumbers and the veil between the physical and spiritual realms is
thinnest. The spiritual meaning of awakening at night reveals the mystical
connections that the night hides within itself and the messages that it brings from
the deity or from the Deity. The Hour of Spiritual Awakening is a true witching
hour, a time traditionally associated with supernatural phenomena and

heightened spiritual activity. During this night time, the spiritual realm is more
accessible and individuals can experience a deeper connection with the beings
that are connected to their consciousness. However, they do not have to be only
divine or angelic beings, they can also be demons/gods, who attach themselves
to the Torah of their own will or the will of the Lord of Spirits (unknowingly).
Awakenings can be a sign of spiritual awakening, or an invitation to embark on a
spiritual journey. It can be a vain dark tyranny, or a (gentle) nudge from the Spirit
urging individuals to explore their spiritual path, seek enlightened knowledge,
and embrace their higher purpose.
The spiritual meaning of getting up at three o’clock means symbolizing the
presence of divine guidance in a person’s life. It is a reminder that the universe is
watching over us and offering support and guidance on our journey. This
moment of awakening is the perfect time to listen to our intuition and connect
with the wisdom and insights provided by the spiritual realm. It may indicate
that the Spirit has a message for us. It is a time when consciousness is more
receptive, allowing for the discovery of hidden truths, unresolved emotions, and
spiritual revelations. This spiritual awakening presents an opportunity for
introspection, healing, and alignment with the soul’s desires. It can point to a
connection with Spirit and an opportunity to come to terms with your inner Self.
It is an invitation for individuals to deepen their spiritual practices through
contemplation to foster a stronger bond with the higher realms. The third hour
encourages the exploration of inner wisdom and the cultivation of a harmonious
relationship with the divine. It can be a time of receiving spiritual downloads and
insights from the universe and your hidden Self. It is a moment when the mind is
receptive, allowing divine knowledge and wisdom to ow. People may
experience a heightened sense of intuition, clarity, and inspiration during this
time, guiding them on their spiritual path. It can also mean a period of transition
and transformation. It may indicate that you are going through signi cant
changes in your life, spiritually, emotionally, or physically. This awakening serves
as a catalyst for personal growth, encouraging individuals to embrace change,
release old patterns, and step into their authentic Self. If you nd that you cannot
get back to sleep after waking up at night, you can use this opportunity to
introspect, to connect with your Self, to re ect on your spiritual path and to seek
higher guidance. Pay attention to your intuition and accompanying feelings. A
spiritual message often comes with a sense of calm, clarity, or strong awareness;
it carries meaning beyond a random awakening. The devil will probably try to
deceive you and steal your Spirit for his own needs, it’s easier for him at night
than during daytime vigilance. By honest introspection and contemplation with a
Spiritual Heart and an Enlightened Mind, you will defend yourself from the

The gods are Trüffelschweinen (truf e pigs)

Translated from German, Trüffelschwein is truf e pig. It is a trained domestic pig

used to forage and retrieve the fruits of mushrooms known as truf es from the
temperate forests of Europe and North America. Pigs have an exceptional sense
of smell and are able to detect truf es up to a meter underground. The natural
male pig sex hormone androstenol, which is also found in truf es, is believed to
be responsible for this ability. Pigs have a natural af nity for digging in the
ground in search of food. They are trained to hunt truf es by walking on a leash
through suitable groves with a keeper.
A truf e pig is a pig that has been trained to hunt truf es. These pigs are good at
nding truf es, which grow as deep as half a meter – a meter underground.
Truf es are mushrooms growing underground, they are considered a special
culinary delicacy and their price climbs to dizzying heights. As a truf e hunter,
the pig is attuned to the musky scent these mushrooms give off. Truf es are
thought to give off a scent similar to that of another pig, making a pig the best
candidate to sniff them out.
Gods are like truf e hogs because they keep sticking their dirty snouts into
people’s lives. There is an appropriate symbolism in it. Pigs dig their hooves into
the ground, and gods dig into the Earthly ON. To people. They are trying to nd
something valuable here, they want to excavate something from us, extract
valuable life (love) energy from us, which is symbolized by the feeling created by
eating a truf e, which also contains a psychoactive component that causes
euphoric effects. Although the truf e is tasty and has healing properties, its
energy value is very low. A pig therefore consumes much more energy to extract
a truf e from the ground than it would gain by eating a truf e. The owner – the
Devil, feeds his trained pig – the false god with slops so that he has the energy to
dig up the truf es, and then does not allow him to eat them anyway. The
Anunnaki wanted to be gods and oh look how they turned out. Like a collared
pig trained by the Devil. It would be laughable if it didn’t have such dramatic
and tragic consequences for humanity.
Why do I keep writing about the gods and why is it even important to know
about their affairs?

Know your enemy, that’s the only way you can win over him. Because the gods
still in uence our human, earthly affairs to a considerable extent, they dig into
us, they call it karma, and when they don’t get something out of it, they invent
something karmic about a person in order to trick the Global Devil into
providing them with additional energy for so that they can further tyrannize a
person and spy on his consciousness like dusty hyenas spying for something to
bite into. Accordingly, they also lie to the other Anunnaki hyenas so that they still
believe their leaders and continue to deal with them.
Another reason is that gods and (many) humans are alike. Their character,
behavior and motivations have the same denominator, in the same and
sometimes in opposite signs. The mental space of people’s consciousness and
humanity as such is attacked by the curses of the gods, the programs of the
mental sphere of the Matrix.
Minus gods have minus people in mind and are each other’s Proponents. They
work together, in one line, and the more they are aligned, the more their power
multiplies. Minus gods also have (especially) plus people in mind and are each
other’s Opponents. They oppose each other in everything and when they touch,
a short circuit occurs. To bright people on the path to Truth, the gods are
opponents; but not in the sense of serious opposition, but in the sense of hostility.
It is clearly visible, especially nowadays, when progressivism tries to absorb and
conquer everything else, without any moral or ethical principles. Those people,
depending on their position and the degree of their in uence, carry out the
agenda of the gods. They are a certain re ection of them, in their consciousness,
as well as in the consciousness of the gods, the mental entities of the Arti cial
Consciousness of the opposite of ON, the particles of Satan, operate.
Humanity is somewhat behind the times because the development on the astral
level of the gods precedes the development on the physical earth level. There is a
certain inertia and time difference, it takes some time for earthly developments to
manifest themselves in the (distorted) image of the astral sphere.
Where is the life energy and how does it even reach the Anunnaki? When people
play cards or chess, what do they get out of it? The feeling that they are
in uencing something, the feeling that the game is happening according to their
moves with pieces on the chessboard. When you beat your opponent in chess,
you feel good for a while. However, chess is too good an example, because what
the “gods” have done here on Earth is a satanic, degenerate, deviant, tyrannical,
violent mess. No chess, but deviant orgies of psychopathic drug addicts who call
themselves gods. The fact that things on Earth still look like a chessboard on
which at least some rules still apply, a chessboard on which the earthly players
move their pieces in some kind of logic, is not the merit of the gods. The earthly

thought world is in uenced not only by the gods, but also by others, other
people, who also in uence the common thought consciousness, each according to
the magnitude of their possibilities and the strength of their abilities. He who
resides in human souls who have not rejected him has an in uence on earthly
events. ON, in addition to all this, in uences everything in a mysterious
mysterious way, about which almost nothing is known, but it is possible to
observe some of his manifestations.
The gods constantly intervene in the mental and emotional-feeling world of man.
Every individual is exposed to and affected by their programming, because if a
person is subject to manipulative thoughts and false feelings, it affects their
attitudes and decisions. It affects his personal little world and through the
multitude of affected people it also affects the earthly global social life. Just turn
on the TV news and what do you see? Murders, violence, wars, con icts and only
here and there something positive. All this did not just happen by itself. It has its
deep and ancient causes, and if we want to change it for the better, it is necessary
to start from ourselves, from the individual, because a large number of changed
and improved individuals make up society, which then also changes accordingly.
Many people may not have the feeling that they are being manipulated by
something, or that some god or mental demon is working on them. They think
that they are normal and that it does not concern them. Then one day something
happens to them that they succumb to, it doesn’t have to be something that
extraordinary, they make a decision under the in uence of a mental program that
will extremely negatively affect the direction of their life and they are in trouble.
They will have to work hard to get out of it for a long time, if they succeed at all.
Finally, they get sick, die with the (un)expressed feeling ” what have I actually
achieved in this life ?” Why was it all good? The length of life is limited and they did
not have time to get out of the depression they got into, or they lost the strength
to do so. If they have succumbed to the Devil, the Anunna programming
mentality, they are in negativity, and the gods take pleasure in the fact that they
have manipulated someone into discomfort and caused him harm. They bene t
from negativity, from internal and external con icts. The devil as an agent of
Satan will give them a pleasant feeling that they have subdued ON, that they
have made him uncomfortable and in con ict with himself or with other ON
(people). Therefore, it is good to escape the in uence of the Anunnaki and their
mental serpents. They stop having a human energy supply and that kills them.
They will cease to be useful, the Devil will slaughter them in Satan’s
slaughterhouse like cattle that have stopped producing milk or pigs that no
longer produce truf es.

Emotional support for military destruction

This is a current topic. The Anunnaki god Enki and his satanic group of
sociopaths with a disturbed personality structure prophesied curses, programs
that instill in human consciousness positive emotional feelings of pleasant
anticipation of military con icts, wars, or devastating disasters. This is relevant
today, because with the Israeli-Arab con ict taking place in the ancient Levant,
the clanging of weapons is currently taking on an extraordinary intensity. It
works in such a way that the program of the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix
provides people with thought-emotional stimuli, when, for example, a television
report about a con ict situation comes into their eld of vision, they may receive
a supportive emotional feeling that will express their affection for one of the
parties on their behalf con ict. This feeling is clearly felt in the third solar chakra
of the Ego, to which the opportunistic reptilian connects. If people succumb to
this emotional (thoughtful) feeling and loudly demonstrate their preference for
one of the sides, especially if they enthusiastically chant or ght for it, then they
will join one or the other side of the Devil, who in the way of his “gods” ”
manipulated their emotional programs into human consciousness. This is how
public opinion is formed, which has an impact on electoral preferences, and this
also has an impact on the direction in which the war intentions of the earthly
lackeys and warmongers of the Devil will develop.
Through emotions and thought feelings, the Anunnaki programs here prophesy
the internal promotion of war to people, they try to do it by manipulating human
consciousness to make it clear. These are not only feelings of pleasant anticipation
of war, but also of incitement, tumultuous cheering for one side. This applies not
only to war, but also to summoning an apocalypse, a local or global catastrophe,
which would de nitively solve the issue of humanity on planet Earth. It can also
be about the destruction of a nation, wishing someone else ill. However, the
previously mentioned ” …if you want to go to hell, let your will be done ” applies.
The desire of the Anunnaki insidious truf e pigs is for it to be the fault of the
people, because they actually wanted it themselves, because they would be
happy if one warring party destroyed and killed the other party, so that the
people would propose a military solution, so that it would be up to the people,
because that war as they wanted. It is an observed awareness when one
intuitively notices a strange feeling of joy and sympathy with one of the Devil’s
war parties; a feeling that, after mature consideration, has no logical justi cation
why it should support one or the other. It is a consciousness sponsored by the
Devil. When a person is blind and deaf, he is a non-thinking robot and succumbs
to the feeling, he starts cheering loudly for example Arabs or Jews, he would be
happy if one of them killed the other, so he joins one of the Devil’s sides and thus

creates and strengthens his invisible bond to some god or god who is responsible
for it. Since the Anunnaki have cursed humanity together for millennia, they are
all in it together and are responsible for it as a whole. It is a justi ed collective
guilt. While some of them may be less culpable, many are well aware of what
they are involved in and have done nothing to correct their actions. Apparently,
they cannot relate to the fact that things are different after millennia. They are
developmentally stagnant in the place of quicksand that inevitably pulls them
down. After all, Satan’s greatest proponent is the madman Enki and his closest
suite. The Anunnaki either don’t want change and want to continue playing a
previously lost game, it’s a lost game, because supported by the Devil behind
your back, you will always lose in the long term ; or the remaining Anunnaki are
totally incompetent. How many revolutions have we had here on Earth, even if
they turned out the way they did, at least there was an effort to change
something extraordinary. Many gave their lives for revolutionary changes and
resistance to tyranny and dictatorship.
Gods in the minds of military political rulers prophesy the triggers for starting a
war. They want to destroy their earthly helpers with their hands, so that then the
Spirit of the Matrix will manifest all possible suffering to people; their intention is
for the war to happen after all, because the human population’s thoughts about
war are tinged with feelings of pleasant anticipation and (un)conscious
invocation of the god of war to nally come and destroy. Regardless of which
side they refer to, whether attacking or “defending”. This is a conspiracy that the
gods created for humans. To such a perverted degree are the satanic gods and
their earthly collaborators hostile to humanity.
These emotional feelings are energies that have been arti cially added to people’s
systems from the outside, by curses that the same Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix
has given them, in order to evaluate them as human, as human, belonging to
their consciousness and their Self. Some/many people, despite everything, really
consciously want them and support the war because they haven’t freed
themselves from the Plaza in their consciousness and it affects them. However,
this is only an explanation for such people, not an excuse.
The earthly equivalent of the Anunnaki hyenas are the highly visible progressive
politicians in the present. They literally copy the thought processes and behavior
of the Anunnaki Reptiles; and thus it is obvious who works in their
There is not much difference between progressives and fascists, progressives are
heading towards fascism, a slightly different path than it was in the last century.
Insidiousness, slander, manipulation, constant digging into the opposite side,
double standards. Notice how they behave, they are on the TV screen everyday.

Even if a politician appears for a moment to be reasonable, cooperative,
accommodating, and then at a crucial moment emerges as supporting efforts to
induce and maintain war, he is clearly a ready proponent of Satan. He seems to
be ne in some little things and then in a big thing he votes for war, he is
insidious, his intention is destructive and not constructive. It will ful ll its role.
Society is splitting into two camps because there are more and more people who
have looked behind the curtain and seen through, while the others have
remained stagnant where they stood before, or have become even more
aggressive advocates of the progressive liberal “freedom” of Satanism.

People are not equal and genocide is unequal

Not all people are equal and not equal to each other. This is not meant in a racist
way, nor in the sense of smearing and condemning diversity. It has nothing to do
with superiority or inferiority. It is a simple statement that we are different and
because we are different, we cannot be equal. What de nes a person? His
perception interferes with the formation of beliefs that in uence his attitudes,
from which his intention and subsequently his decisions and actions emerge.
Man’s actions are the causes that produce consequences, and these are the causes
of further consequences. That’s how it goes round and round until a person,
through knowledge, gets back to the causes that stood somewhere at the
beginning of the consequences, and those are his beliefs. One will be challenged
as to whether one has correctly understood what led to the formation of one’s
beliefs. If he understands it more correctly, he can move a little forward, and if he
doesn’t understand it, he will move back a little or stagnate. It is quite possible
that he will not even notice that some challenge has manifested itself in the
reality of life. Stagnation, in its own way, also represents a shift back, given the
unused opportunity to move forward. Thus, a person is de ned to a signi cant
extent by what he believed, because it indicates the direction of his attitudes,
decisions, words and deeds.
The slogan “All people are equal” is a pretense of fanatical defenders of human
rights. Nothing is more unequal than to take the same attitude towards unequal,
unequal people. Unequals are crooked and we look crookedly at crooked people,
that’s human nature. The question remains whether the observed person is
crooked and appears straight to the observer, or is straight and appears crooked.
Anyway, it is up to the observer, to whom reality may appear unnaturally
crooked due to the distortion of his own perception.

Perception → Belief → Attitude → Intention → Behavior → Conseque

nce → Perception → …

If the belief is direct and clear, then the attitude resulting from it is also clear and
can be concretely formulated. Such a belief results from a low level of
consciousness, because it takes into account only one point of view, and that is
usually the point of view of the individual who strongly believes about

something. A belief is like a straight line, at one end of which is rmly rooted
information about the belief, and at the other end of the straight line is a rm
attitude. A collection of several beliefs constitutes a belief. If faith is at a high
level, then it is dif cult to formulate verbally with one de nition.
Faith can be described by the expression of various aspects that surround it, and
in visual expression it has the character of higher faith, or trust in Him, which is
symbolically the center of a sphere, on the edges of which there are points and
these are various sub-beliefs, they are informative descriptions of many opposing
aspects a horse. There are many of them, and when they are evenly distributed in
meaning, they form the surface of a sphere. They are the opposites of ON.
Contradiction to ON is to a certain extent acceptable and even necessary due to
the cognitive aspect of Creation. Too much contradiction is madness, it is the
opposite of ON with a good dose of Satan.
Belief is manifested as concrete, and knowledge is non-concrete, it is given by
internal radiation. So a belief is something that is opposed to ON. A belief is
something that came to a person’s consciousness as information or an emotional,
feeling-tinged stimulus, and that person believed it, accepted it because it suited
him, or he wanted it that way. This is how the Devil behaves: he throws a bone to
a person to chew on. However, there is nothing on that bone, and the only thing a
person eats is their own saliva with a slight bone aftertaste.
ON, through the Devil, gives a person what he desires, then the Devil himself
wants to give him what he does not desire, then the mental Reptile pushes that
desire into his consciousness so that he has it there and that the Devil has
something to lean on. The entire earthly world, in terms of the causes of the state
of permanent crisis in which it is constantly found, works like this. Many crave
something, more and more, never enough; and they go after it through the
corpses of their own, but also of others who ride with them. Mental Reptilians
and gods also lie to their own superior, the Devil, who apparently believes them,
at least he acts like that. Both fools, who lied to themselves and rmly believed
The potential for the number of beliefs is in nite, just as the number of points on
the outer surface of a sphere is in nite. ON is not round, the ball is only a three-
dimensional model, designed to understand this aspect of this issue. ON is
multidimensional, ON cannot be described in any other way than by describing
some of His aspects. The ball, when you take it in your hand, is pleasant to the
touch, when you roll it in your closed palm, it is healing and soothing. You hold
the ball in your hand when ON is radiated to many points of contradiction, but
these are no longer beliefs, they are experiences transmuted into partial
knowledge. The sum of the partial knowledges radiated uniformly from the

Center forms the shape of a sphere; in the global sphere, these are not beliefs, but
something dif cult to de ne, because it contains many aspects of being
understood together.
When only a few xed beliefs are dominant in the soul, even if they reside on
opposite sides of the sphere, then by their symbolic graphic representation you
get various stars, pentagrams, intertwined and twisted geometric patterns and
other patterns. They are usually really sharp and prickly, you can’t take them in
your hand. They are hurtful and as such are the opposite of a sphere. If a person
did not have any low-vibrational beliefs, or their high-frequency equivalent of
knowledge, then (he would) probably not do anything. The number of his deeds
would thus be zero and that is not the intention of Life. A person cannot have all
possible beliefs because their number is large. Theoretically, their number is
in nite. If you were to sit down and write down all the beliefs you can think of
about a topic, you would probably formulate only a few. On the other hand,
knowledge in various variations, permutations and combinations can be
innumerable; it is not easy and probably not even possible to describe your
knowledge in its entirety.

An ignorant person follows the (public) opinion that someone formulates, while a
wise person makes his own decisions based on his knowledge.

Attitude is something intangible, it is a trigger; attitude and intention are

one. Attitude is a psychological property of a person and intention is a mental
ability of a person. The intention is based on the situation, which is part of the
decision. Attitude shows what a person is like inside; with his word and deed he
either refutes it; or con rms it; or even earlier, by perceiving the intuition of his
Spirit, he attacks the truth of the beliefs anchored in his consciousness and
manages to change his attitudes in time, even before he performs any
objectionable act.
Take the situation on the political scene. She is a good example to illustrate how it
is. It’s here, we have the manipulation and the fake right in front of us all, on TV
screens, in the media, on the web; we have the opportunity to see it, get to know
it and learn from it. They are direct reading examples. The President, some
politicians, media in uencers and their rock voters, if they were in power, would
not hesitate to drive the nation to war to ght for foreign perverted ideas that the
politicians have adopted as their own. At the same time, these are the same
people who are excessively squeamish if any of the politicians standing against
them say something sharper, using broad symbolic language. At the same time,
their own sensitive word, with a false narrative “about the ght for the
homeland”, would send others to war to die, but not symbolically, but

realistically. This is typical behavior of the Anunnaki “gods” and mental serpents.
These (publicly active) people copy their behavior, in fact they don’t even have to
copy it, because those Reptiles in uence their consciousness, or even reside in it
permanently. It is necessary to observe them carefully and for a longer period, the
result of a super cial evaluation is proportional to the time devoted and the level
of vigilance of the observer. If it seems to you for a moment that the politician in
question is outwardly behaving sensibly and bene cially, then it may also be a
trick of the Devil. He either partially withdraws the Reptile from his
consciousness, or prophesies in his consciousness with his mental impulses such
a Reptile that smiles slyly, has stolen honey on his lips, has duplicity on his
forked tongue, and has deadly poison in his teeth. The Devil Reptile has the feces
of Satan in its heart, as do the other Reptilians, the Anunnaki gods and their
minions in astral or earthly bodies. This is the principle of the symbolism of the
ve-pointed star of the Pentagram of Satan, or other horned formation, which
depicts the various interconnected twisted characteristics of the opposite of ON,
which are at different opposite poles. By connecting the points, you get an
unpleasant prickly spatial formation. Some opposites appear outwardly positive,
others apparently negative, together they are twisted in a perverted insidious
way of manipulation by the Devil, just as pedophilia is a manifestation of a
perverted, twisted love for children.
The Palestinians were also deceived by Hamas, they voted for him with the idea
that he would stand up for them and that he would eventually ght for them,
and now that they have the ght on their own skin in nature, they don’t like it.
But the war machine wants to grind even those who have nothing to do with it.
Not everyone voted for them. It is the same with us. Here, too, there are a lot of
voters who choose warlike progressive, liberal, and Christian politicians as their
representatives, including the president, even if she doesn’t show it so
ostentatiously. She behaves cautiously and decently, but she would probably sign
orders for war for a foreign power, if such a situation arose, even during her
Sunday lunch. So, according to justice, only its voters should probably go to the
“American-Russian” front to ght? Warmongers who hold the reins of decisions
or in uence them in the media in favor of war should be on the front lines. Soon
they would be gone and the war would be over, because there would be no one
left who wanted it. Those who wanted it would get it straight away and those
who wanted peace and quiet would get it too. So far it is different, because
politicians, tycoons, war-supporting (media) activists are cowards who would
like to enjoy their power from afar, from the comfort of a warm chair, in ties, suits
and fashionable costumes at Alliance conferences. They copy the behavior of
cowardly gods who behave in the same way. They affect the consciousness of
humanity from afar with the fear of defying the warlike elites; it is the fear of

consequences for breaking the law. The solution? Deny them their obedience en
masse and drive them personally to the front line.

“Ex unitate vires” lat. – “Unity is strength”

What about such a situation? Revolution or civil war? History shows us that
revolutionaries are usually led by the most aggressive Satanists, and even if the
revolution were successful, what would follow would likely be nothing but
tyranny, perhaps even worse than before. It would be different if the characters of
the revolutionaries were strong, freed from Ego and their consciousness was at a
high level. When someone’s life is threatened and at risk of losing their
inalienable rights, they can defend themselves. No one and nothing prevents him
from doing so, only some manipulative religious-esoteric systems encourage
them to be too gentle with their enemies when they attack them. To forgive them
and set some kind of rough lines behind the past. This is just naivety leading to
repetition of the same situation. They persuade them to let themselves be
massacred rather than violate their faith, their rm convictions; to become
martyrs. These are the commandments of the Anunnaki gods, the Devil, who
cajole and persuade people to voluntarily submit and let themselves be sacri ced
on the altar of Satan. The perverse teaching of Jesus manipulates people’s
consciousness in this direction as well. Circumstances and situations are different
and people are also different. They decide for themselves how to behave.
Imagine a situation where the country is driven to war by politicians. Obviously,
it would be fair for those politicians who are pushing for war to immediately go
personally and physically to ght on the front lines. They should be followed by
their rock-hard warmongering voters and media warmongers. In a moment they
would be gone and there would be peace. However, this is probably a utopia,
because the mobilization is widespread and basically no one asks the forcibly
taken away recruits, what is their attitude towards the war and whether they
want to go to ght. Maybe something like that happens a little at the beginning of
the mobilization, but as soon as the tumult of war gets into gear, it disappears
from the program. When someone is mobilized by force and then begins to ght
against his will, probably after a short time when his comrades begin to fall
stricken, he risks being possessed by the demon of the madness of war
killing and begins to kill the enemy in a frenzy, going crazy, shooting his own and
then perhaps himself. And this can then have unpleasant karmic consequences
for him in his future existence.

History is repeating

Once upon a time in biblical times, the sons of Israel slaughtered a tribe of
Philistines. It was not the rst time, they were mutual enemies before and had
war skirmishes. Today’s Palestinians are the successors of the Philistines, they are
their descendants, they are themselves in new bodies, they are the same as
before. Israelis too. There are many more Palestinians compared to the Philistines
of that time. The reason for this apparent discrepancy in numbers is that several
Palestinians today represent one Philistine of the past. They multiplied, they are
their representatives, they are their clones, split souls, this also has its history and
causes. History, which is thousands of years old, is unresolved and continues to
repeat itself to this day.
The biblical kings of Israel listened to the voice of Jehovah (Yahweh, Enki)
through the prophets, who commanded them what to do, what kind of
widespread genocide to carry out. The Israelites believed it, it probably suited
them in their plans to seize power and carried out this “divine” order. Since then,
the same karmic situation has been repeating itself for them, and one murders the
other, the victims murder their murderers, and vice versa. Some call it self-
defense and others a struggle for liberation. Adolf Hitler was an “honest
Muslim” and had good relations with the Palestinian Grand Mufti. So you see.
The connections between the Holocaust, the history of constant con icts between
Israelis (Jews) and Arabs are obvious. Enki (Yahweh) prophesied both the mind
of Hitler and the mind of the Global Jews. It’s not science ction, he was simply
sending them thought text messages into their own minds, it’s one-way
telepathic communication. They listened to those thoughts, obeyed and acted on
them due to their Darkness. Other Anunnaki, such as Enlil, also a cruel mass
murderer, participated in such diversionary actions of in uencing consciousness.
This was nothing new for the Anunnaki, they had done it many times in history.
Genocide is the intention of the Anunnaki – the false gods, they derive a deviant
pleasure from the power over the lives of others. Thousands of years ago, they
carried out genocide on the Neanderthals, who, according to historians,
“mysteriously” disappeared from the face of the earth, despite the fact that they
were smarter and more developed than today’s homo sapiens. The Neanderthals
were slaughtered by Enlil at the behest of Enki, who provided him with the
ideological framework of the usefulness and bene t of genocide, and Enlil
carried out this order with pleasure. If the Global Jews have the predominant
in uence of the Anunnaki Plaza in their minds, then they are the
allegorical Jews (so this name “conspirators” has its own justi cation). Only
ignorant amateurs make fun of such a name, because they have no knowledge of
how it works in the ON World.

Not all people are equal and they are not even equal, but that does not mean at
all that one group should commit genocide on another group of people because
they meet certain common characteristics. A tooth for a tooth and an eye for an
eye in another life – these are the commandments of the Anunnaki gods, this is
the programming of the minds of humanity with their curses, in this case they
are aimed at the interest groups of Jews and Arabs, although many Jews and
Arabs do not want anything to do with it. The Israelis, by their current genocide
of the Palestinians, are re-igniting the general global hatred of the Jews, leading
to their repeated genocide, just as they are now doing to the Arabs and have done
before, to the inconvenient tribes in biblical times.

The fish stinks from the head

The sh (hydra) stinks from the head. However, the real head here is not the
Israeli or American commander-in-chief, standing in the foreground in the light
of the ramps, or the illuminati standing in the shadows, pulling the strings of
their political puppets. The true head is the Anunnaki Reptilian, which forms
their consciousness. The place is to get rid of the stench of the head of the
Anunnaki Plaza, by cutting off the main head of that hydra and burning it with
re so that no more heads can grow from it. It is the hydra, the Reptile, who
prophesies the consciousness of his ruling wretched earthlings. The main head of
the hydra is the “god” Enki, the other heads are the other members of the gang of
Anunnaki “gods”. It is more appropriate to say that Enki is not the head, Enki is
the gender of the Devil. Fill in the Slovak idiomatic synonym of gender yourself.
Behind Enki stands his “cosmic wife”, the gray eminence Ninhursag, whose head
should be cut off at the same time as Enki’s. Ninhursag connects the
consciousness of the Anunnaki through the portals of Porno Satan so that they
can act together. So it would be useful and bene cial to cut off the head of the
Hydra, Enki’s head, and immediately cut off all the other heads of the hydra, all
the Anunnaki, so that they stop prophesying into the minds of the earthly rulers,
those who decide on the continuation of the age-old Israeli-Palestinian struggle,
and others ghting and threaten peace and tranquility throughout the world. It
would probably be an interesting learning experience for the people to see who
they actually elected, if they saw their American, Israeli, but also local political
leaders, if they turned out to be shapeless zombies, without the Anunnaki
reptilians and mental snakes in their consciousness.
Enki would now prefer to cover his tracks and with some mighty strike of a
weapon of mass destruction, exterminate both the Israelites and the Palestinians,
all at once and together, to show as if the intervention of God without humanity
coming to know what it is. In the style of Sodom and Gomorrah, which was also
his work. Con icts between tribes and groups of people go back much further

than biblical Israel. They go back to the time of Atlantis, and beyond, it is the
Genesis of the development of humanity.

Disrupted psyche and common thought

Recently, mental disorders have been on the rise all over the world, their number
is growing, and consequently the number of visits to psychiatric clinics is also
increasing. The amount of psychotropic drugs given to patients is on the rise and
they will probably be used more and more, because psychological and mental
disorders of various types and dimensions will probably be affected to some
extent over time by almost everyone. However, drugs for calming and managing
the psyche have a number of negative side effects, cause addictions and can
cause more permanent changes in the physical state and psyche. Basically, they
do not cure anything, they only suppress the symptoms, because the root causes
cannot be eliminated with them. When a loved one dies and you take a grief pill,
it does not bring that person back to you, nor does it penetrate into the depths of
your consciousness the knowledge that he did not actually die, that he just
moved to another level of being and that you are basically just grieving above
himself. In this case, you at least roughly know what was the immediate trigger
of the psychological damage. The root cause of sorrow is different, it is deeper,
and that is your separation from ON.
In many cases, you don’t know what is causing the depression, what is causing
the insomnia, what is causing nightmares, astral spirits, mental demons, what is
generating states of hopelessness, unwillingness to live, or panic attacks of fear.
You persistently search for a reason, until nally you probably think of
something related to employment, health, or a relationship. It may be the cause, it
may be directly related to it, but apparently it is not, because if you recognized
the root karmic cause of your condition and took the right attitude towards it and
carried out the appropriate correction, it would go away.
The cause of your problems may also be that you are the target of an attack by
curse programs and there is no other cause that would be an adequate reason for
such a condition. Mentals have you in their sights, because for them you are a fat
morsel, game for shooting, or a cash cow. Another common cause is that your
soul (you) deviates from its divine nature for a long time between lifetimes. By
divine essence, I do not mean false gods who would like to appropriate the soul
under such a pretext and enslave it so that they can indulge their complexes on it.

By divine essence I mean the individual ON, the Spirit, the Higher Self of the
When you deviate from your divine nature, its opposite is created in its place. All
you have to do is stand up to the Hitchhiker and you won’t be able to get rid of
him. When you cough on the snowy mountains, you start an avalanche with that
sound. When you roll a snowball down a hill, it rolls down the hill and becomes
covered with more snow, which sticks to it. In your past you had the opportunity
to stop your ball and you have it now. The later you stop it, the more dif cult it
is. You have to stop a big ball with a big momentum with your own body, the ball
will hit you and maybe roll over you and continue on. It depends on several
parameters. By freeing yourself from ON, you then have an Arti cial Spirit from
a low level of being in your consciousness instead of your Spirit from a high level
of being. The Arti cial Spirit behaves and manifests itself in a variety of ways,
from false positivity, a feeling of hallucinatory suggestive emotional love for
apparent darkness, to a disturbed psyche and depression of jagged dusty Vanity
of everything.
In addition to chemical drugs, there are other ways to deal with such conditions.
This also includes the knowledge of what it is like in the ON World and the
knowledge of what your own share of your condition consists of, whether it is
revealed to you in this life or remains hidden from you because it comes from
your past from others lives.
The human mind is in uenced by mind programs. A mind without programs is
like the worldwide Internet, which is available and one can roam freely in it,
freely read it and view what is interesting to a person. A programmed mind is
also like the internet, but programmed to produce certain desired results. For
example, it is like a social network where only people who share certain traits
and interests are connected. The network selects ads that are shown to you
according to a certain algorithm, because you clicked somewhere and you can’t
get rid of them. The network censors some posts, deletes them, or someone else
reports them as inappropriate because they made it that way. Other posts will be
highlighted and brought to the fore by the network to grab your attention. To a
certain extent, the network can manipulate consciousness because it brings
certain content to the fore, content that supports the creation of a certain desired
worldview in you and thus can in uence your decision-making and your plot.
Inappropriate content is deleted by the network’s algorithms and its creators and
contributors are blocked, they are prohibited from publishing posts, or their
account is canceled. When you know about the manipulation of information
ows on the web, especially on social networks, you are constantly fully aware of
them, so even if you look there, the manipulation will not affect you, after a while
it will start to get on your nerves and maybe some of it will disgust you. You will

only limit your activities on the network, because you can nd something useful
or interesting on the network; or stop going there altogether. Similar to the global
social network, the shared thought consciousness also works, with all the
negatives and moderate positives that the network entails. You go to a social
network voluntarily, with some intention, but programs of curses of the gods are
forced into your consciousness, even if you do not want it at all. It is a terrorist
and exaggerated insidious attack with the intention of enslaving you and
depriving you of your energy, robbing you of your “soul” and freeing you from
Someone also programmed social networks. He used a programming language
for this, it is a set of words and characters that, when properly grouped and
ordered, create the commands according to which the global Internet and your
computer are governed. Explained in layman’s terms. It is the same with the
curses of the gods, which powerfully programmatically in uenced the common
thought consciousness of mankind and also the mental level of man, his mind
and consciousness. Curse programs are like thought viruses. The difference
between programming the internet and programming the mind with curses lies
mainly in the intention and the way they get into your consciousness. You read
the content on the network with your eyes, you “read” the incoming thought
with your mind. Initially, the intention of creating a social networking program
was primarily a business intention. According to everything, there was no
intention to spy and manipulate from the beginning, maybe it was hidden in the
background of the subconscious of the creators and was pushed out later, when
the powers, secret services, or political groups discovered the potential of these
tools and began to develop efforts to use and abuse them, because they wanted to
in uence the readers in your favor. Perhaps it was not so much against the
owners of social networks, because they were tempted to succumb to the feeling
of power over the human mind, which was made possible by the networking of a
huge number of interconnected people and the manipulation of their behavior by
pushed or deleted information.
It works similarly in the thought and feeling-emotional area of human
consciousness. It is much more insidious, but even these twists can be detected
and defended against. The curses of the gods are also programming, they do not
happen on the “mental” level of the computer servers of the Internet providers,
but they happen on the mental level of consciousness. They are also
programming words spoken by the gods, they are spoken with energies of envy,
hatred, envy, anger, immense desire for divine power, for undeserved pro t,
desire for enslaving man in the image of “God”. The gods are enslaved by the
Devil and want to take as many human souls as possible to be enslaved by the
Devil as well. Their curses and incantations are speci c sentences that are

repeated with great cadence, chanting, with excessive urgency, until a certain
higher (semi-)automatic power of the mental level registers them and
starts sending energy rays directed at a human being, or an interested, sorted, or
categorized group of people.
Energy rays are ethereal-subtle-energy bundles of information that, when they hit
the chakra system of a person, according to their nature, informational content
and intention, they spread to individual chakras and evoke thoughts, feelings,
emotions, even astral-physical sensations in them. They work together and their
intention is to harm, manipulate, lie, abuse. Some energies settle in the organs
belonging to the chakras, rst of all, where there is already some, even minimal,
existing disease germ of something, which they attack and develop to large
dimensions. There is some (karmic) scab or wound that they are developing.
They settle there when a program called Hitchhiker gives you a thumbs-up on
your way and you stop and take it into your car.
The hitchhiker is a program, it manifests itself in thoughts, emotions, or feelings
that are related to each other and try to in uence you. When you allow yourself
to be in uenced by them, you accept their proposal and do something under
their in uence, then that energy can settle in your system like a Hitchhiker in
your car, it settles in some organ and starts harming you, causing phantom pains
or chronic diseases.
Thought consciousness is shared. It is the collective consciousness, it is the sum
of the thoughts of all connected beings. If everyone always wrote all their
thoughts on their blog, then the entire internet of all blogs would also be a
summary of written thoughts. Since the thought-consciousness is common, a
certain group of former earthlings and now extraterrestrials, who were
essentially expelled from here, created a numerous astral ma a of evil spirits,
who together bewitched and cursed humanity so that their thoughts and their
ideas about how the common thought-consciousness is supposed to mix and
swirl. The thought consciousness of humanity is common, and thus it also
contains the thoughts of the miserable “gods” and their incantations, which
chaotically, deliberately, and accidentally “manage” it. They are uniformly
formulated commands of the programs behind which were the energies of the
souls of many sold Anunnaki, false gods. They have cursed them for thousands
of years, they have already forgotten many times what, where, when, how and
why they actually cursed and cursed (programmed). Therefore, their programs
are crossed with each other, twisted, complement each other, or exclude each
other, contradict each other, or cooperate to some extent. There is partly order
and chaos in it; it’s all a mess and confusion.

Programming with curses is done similarly, as when someone organizes a joint
meditation here in person, or even over the Internet, it has much more weight
than when one meditates alone. You do not know what the real intention of the
organizer is, whether he wants to abuse it, who is connected to him “from
above”, because even if his words may seem outwardly ne and bene cial, you
do not know what energy of intention is behind them, unless you have the ability
to perceive the invisible and sensory vague. You do not know the energies of the
connected meditators and their true inner intention, and neither do the
meditators themselves, because many do not even see inside themselves.
The Anunnaki cast spells together, their intention is common and it is the use and
abuse of human energy. Although the Anunnaki are not completely identical to
each other, there are minor shades between them, but in principle they are the
same, because they want to rob people of something that they do not have, or
they ride on a haystack full of hay pulled by a donkey that they once rode. They
don’t have the ability to create, and that’s something that people are very envious
of. They left Earth because they wanted to be immortal and all-powerful like
gods, and then they got the feeling that they were. However, it was just an empty
feeling that it was so and nothing else. It is Vanity in itself, because when
someone denies them that feeling, they go into a state of hopeless rage that
people have denied them a source of energy that they thought was theirs.
The gods consider humanity their property because they think they created it.
However, these are just myths and lies. They did not create anything, not even
symbolically, nor did they create a person out of some mud. They are not capable
of anything and basically know nothing. They cast a lot of spells, sending their
commands and desires with their programming language of black magic and
considered it creation. It’s kind of like a spell lexicon. It is similar to a minister-
politician boasting that he built a highway. In real life, he never built anything,
and he probably only saw concrete or asphalt on television. The plans were made
and the highway built by completely different people, in the busyness of their
minds and the sweat of their brows. The minister did issue orders, but even those
were not enough, because someone knowledgeable had to transform those orders
into projects, plans, schemes, and they translated others into smaller, partial
procedural actions and technological procedures, someone had to create building
materials for that, that’s all. that it is according to the law and that it meets the
established standards.
The Anunnaki stole someone’s book of black magic, or prayed it to the Devil and
then used it for their “creation” and “programming” with magic with criminal
intent. Like hackers who used some knowledge of a programming language to
create computer viruses; they sent them into networks to steal access codes and
passwords, so that they could use them, for example, to blackmail people or

institutions. Just like really, because hackers at least know how to program and
have knowledge of how it works. In the case of the Anunnaki, they rather copied
existing formulas and amateurishly adapted them for their criminal purposes.
People of ancient civilizations, inspired by a higher etheric consciousness,
invented inventions and created technologies. People’s consciousness was
generally at a higher level then than it is today. Individuals who had pure
perception were able to obtain extrasensory, mystical, or astral apparitions, for
example, astronomical knowledge, or other knowledge that they could not obtain
otherwise. This still confuses a large part of the scienti c community; scientists,
in the limitations of their Ego, or out of ignorance, cannot understand that even
in such a way information could once be obtained.
The curses of the false gods entered the collective consciousness of mankind and
in uenced it. They still in uence him. It is a program that was created and is still
running. Curses the gods have cursed and cursed into the cross for millennia,
many have been contradictory to each other, as a whole their programs are
twisted and twisted and this is one of the causes of the confusion that reigns here
on Earth. Confusion in the individual mind, and confusion in the global
community of humanity.
This is just an example because human consciousness, namely thoughts, thought
feelings, emotional feelings and emotions are in uenced by programs of curses
causing Evil, in virtually all areas of an individual’s life. Not everything for
everyone, but globally, humanity as a whole is affected by it.
However, what is important is what to do with it and how to get out of it. It is not
as dif cult and complicated as it might seem at rst glance. First of all, it is
necessary to realize how it is, how it works, why it works like that, when it was
created and this book deals with it. Furthermore, it is necessary to observe how it
manifests itself in you, in your Self, in your life, in your surroundings, in the
world and in other people. At the same time, it is necessary to seek knowledge
about your own role in this conspiracy, whether you have had anything to do
with it in the (recent) past, directly or indirectly. When you get to that point, it’s
time to make amends and come to terms with ON.
It is necessary to notice one’s own thoughts and emotions in situational contexts.
From top to bottom, thoughts, thought feelings, emotional feelings and emotions
are basically the same thing, they just manifest differently. Emotion is also a
thought, it just manifests in a different, energetic way in a different chakra of the
energy system of the human astral body. The curses of the gods are their own
thoughts, accompanied by their evil intentions and poisoned by the toxins of
their rotten energies. They exist in the common mental realm of humanity, and
since the “gods” are astral beings, they have more direct access to the mental

realm. They are closer to her in a certain sense. It is up to us humans to see it
through, to understand, to process our karmic Shadows, and then the curse will
lose its power over us. For everyone individually, according to his own efforts,
level of knowledge and according to the prophecies of ON in his Self.
If you start to notice that you are the subject of curse programs, if you start to
realize that it is only arti cial intelligence and curses of the gods, then you are on
the best way to get rid of them. It may take a while, but it will work, but it also
depends on you, on your attitudes, on your attitude and behavior, and on (your)
ON. It is a key issue. Be aware that depression, psychological problems,
emotional uctuations oriented in different directions, thought attacks, mental
stimuli, unpleasant visions and the like, are red at you by the arti cial
intelligence of the Matrix. Arti cial intelligence is capable of gathering thoughts
into your mind, provoking your self-talk, extracting your old “movies”, memory
nostalgia, melancholy from your own memory database, but also from the
database of other people with whom you are connected or not. It is important to
look for connections with your own actions in all mental and feeling-emotional-
painful attacks, or more permanent conditions. You need to look for and monitor
your perceptions, also in relation to interactions with your surroundings, with
people you are in contact with physically or virtually, with situations that occur
in your life or that do not occur in your physical reality, but they appear to you in
the form of thought processes, live scenarios that create a mental situation for
you that seems to be happening in another reality, on another level.
Not only curses affect the consciousness of humanity and the individual. Many
people also have ON in their soul, a divine essence, they have the consciousness
of the Spirit, and these mix and alternate with certain in uences of the opposite
of ON, with the curses of the gods, with the temptations of the Devil.

The way out of the Minotaur’s Labyrinth

The path to truth can be like a path out of a labyrinth. Everyone has their own
labyrinth, we got into it a long time ago, when we gradually contributed to its
construction with our actions on the turns of our life paths. We built a labyrinth
of lies and false beliefs around our path during our lifetimes as we collaborated
with the Darkness. Every earthling probably had to do with some (earthly) devil,
or at least a devil, to some extent. The devil has many conspicuous and
inconspicuous, beautiful and ugly faces. The sum total of the faces of the devil
avatars you have dealt with, sitting in the center of your labyrinth, is the
Minotaur, a creature of your Shadow that wants to eat you.
The devil wants your soul as a sacri ce, as his trophy for doing nothing for you.
The Devil is an agent of Satan and everything you wanted from him was done for
you by him and the Devil only mediated, clouded and distorted it. The Devil just
screwed up the deeds from below and that’s exactly what you get back when you
deal with the Devil, in some form of him.
Everyone has their own Minotaur, their own Shadow, the sum of the faces of the
Devil they have dealt with at one time and it is hidden somewhere deep in the
center of the labyrinth of the subconscious. First you have to get to the center of
the labyrinth and kill the Minotaur, just like Archangel Michael killed the dragon.
You kill him by becoming incongruous with the Devil Dragon, revealing him,
revealing your own deeds that created your Minotaur and brought you to him.
When that happens, you stop serving him, stop giving him your energy, reject
him, and then he disappears. Symbolically, he dies. However, you still have to
nd a way out of the labyrinth, along which your own beliefs, your erroneous
deeds, objectionable actions that freed you from Him and led you to the opposite
of Him will be waiting for you. It is a journey through the labyrinth from the
musty darkness, from the path lined with the skeletons of ON you have forsaken,
out into the light and fresh air. You will have to review them and become familiar
with what you have caused in the past. If you want to move away from your own
Shadow, which you met in the depths of the labyrinth, then you have to get out
of it. It was a long time ago when the labyrinth was gradually built around you.
You do not know the way out and you do not know in advance whether it is a
labyrinth or a maze. There is a difference between these two puzzles.

The mazes are built so well that even their authors often barely manage to escape
from them. The labyrinth has only one way out. In this sense, the labyrinth has a
clear path from the center back to the outside and does not present any
navigation challenge. If you keep going forward, you will eventually get out. It’s
a catch, because in the labyrinth you’ll often feel like you’re going back, that
you’re going to a dead end, or that you’re wandering. If you were in a one-way
labyrinth, then the thread that you unwound on the way to the center of the
labyrinth, the thread representing the hint for the way back out, would only
provide you with a psychological crutch, the certainty that you will nd the way
out. You’d nd it anyway, because it’s a one-way labyrinth, and there’s no way
out of such a labyrinth other than one winding way out. But it’s a labyrinth, the
way out is long and tiring because it’s lengthy and you’re not sure you’re in a
one-way labyrinth. It can easily be quite a maze. The corridors go round and
round and the labyrinth creates a psychological impression of in nity and
hopelessness. You will begin to doubt whether you are even on the right path,
temptations will arise to return to the center and start looking for the path all
over again. It can crush a person in such a way that at a certain moment he says
to himself that he can’t control it anymore and gives up. He will die from
exhaustion from vanity, from hunger, or from lack of light and air.

A labyrinth is an is not a maze

However, a labyrinth can also be a maze. You do not know in advance what kind
of labyrinth it is, whether it is one-way, or whether it is a maze. You don’t know if
you are in a labyrinth or if you are in a maze, so your labyrinth is also a
(potential) maze. It could also be that it is a maze that could be a potential
labyrinth. The maze has several paths that branch off and not all of them lead
from the center out to freedom. In it there are turns into dead ends, looping paths
leading to the point from where you set out on your way out, or back to the
center to the Minotaur. There is no need to wander if you are up to it and your
Spirit Guide gives you a map of the maze.
The labyrinth symbolizes the complex weaving of life and the Minotaur
represents the dark and wild aspects of the nature of the human soul. The thread
that you unwind from the ball on your way to the center of the Labyrinth to the
Minotaur represents the guiding force of the Spirit that helps you navigate the
Labyrinth and win. The point is also that the labyrinth is a confusing structure. It
is supposed to give the impression that you are wandering, while there is only
one exit. When you go out of it, you have to go through the path that your Spirit
has prepared for you, you have to meet what awaits you on the way. A maze is a
tangle of your own beliefs that entangle you and lead you off the path of the
Spirit. Beliefs were offered to you by the Devil and you accepted them because

they appealed to you for some reason. You can get rid of them by rejecting the
new lies along the way of your life, exposing the old lies of convictions and
persistently searching for the Truth.
You cannot see the Truth until you get rid of the lies and deceptions that exist in
your system in the form of your beliefs. These beliefs obscure the truth. The lies,
deceptions and manipulations you have believed form the walls of your
labyrinth. The ones you’ve already exposed or disbelieved are ying around
somewhere and have no power over you unless you (re)accept them as true
There are ambivalent Guardians of the Truth, who guard it from you and instead
of illuminating the Truth, they prevent you from knowing the Truth. You don’t
know what you have done in your past lives and what you have not yet
reconciled with Him. The truth about yourself is denied to you by the guards.
The Guardians will extinguish your Light and then you will not see your Shadow
and as a result you may think what a bright and godly people you are. These are
the guardians of the Truth who act in the opposite way and try to divert you from
the Truth. They guard the Truth from you so that you do not encounter it and
they will present a lie to you as the truth. If you were to slip out of their clutches
by knowing the Truth, they would lose their power over you, and they know it
Knowing the Truth consists in knowing who you are, and that knowledge may
not be so positive for you. You don’t know who you were and what lies dormant
inside you. When you have not processed your Shadow, it remains a part of your
Self, because it can take control of you at any time when an appropriate, critical
situation arises. Your Minotaur is alive and can eat you at any time. This path to
freedom out of the labyrinth requires courage and a strong will. It is for those
who are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone and face the lies and frauds
they have believed. If you want to start an inner journey, or if you are placed on it
by the Higher Intention of your ON, then you must rst of all know which
direction to go. Some kind of navigational map is useful so you know where the
detours, dead ends and obstacles are. The mind conjures up so many cunning
tricks to trick you into believing that any detour is the right path, anything that
leads you off the true path. ON is the Truth and the opposite of ON is a Lie.
Religions, Esotericism, New Age and all other paths that have anything to do
with your false liberation from the Darkness of Lies are nothing but one big
deception to prevent you from truly seeing the Truth.

False positivity

Practices focused on positivity, looking away from negativity, simply do not t.

Not looking at negativity means you let the manipulations, lies and deceptions in
place to keep you in a dark labyrinth of insecurity to continue to cover up your
true Self. Notice who is preaching this philosophy and then you will see the
perpetrators of the lie. They love the fact that so many people refuse to look at
negativity. The devil praises them for it in front of a started tank. People cannot
recognize Lies because they cannot see the Truth, so they call the Lies they see the
Truth. They think she is because it’s convenient, it’s easy to want to fall for the lie,
it requires almost no effort, and no stress from admitting your wrongdoing.
This way they can continue to deceive (themselves) without any confrontation.
There are many “spiritual teachers” who preach this philosophy and deceive
others in the name of spirituality. Once you uncover their game, it won’t be hard
to see the deceptions you’ve been immersed in all your life. For example, when
someone hears something telepathically, channeling, inner voice from some alien,
kind father saint, guardian angel, mother of god, commander of the galactic
congress and then passes that information on. It is one thing to have one’s own
experiences transmuted into knowledge, and quite another to take ready-made
knowledge and teachings from someone and pass them on as ready-made truth,
and then sit on a throne and expect others to worship and serve him. Such gurus
feed on the energy and life force of their naive followers; it is a drug for them that
allows them to shine outwardly with a beaming smile and an appearance of
unerring positivity. And their followers are happy to give these culprits their
power. This applies not only to earthly gurus and celebrities of all kinds, but also
to so-called angels, ascended masters, beings of light, gods and goddesses. They
are (mostly) lying demiurges, false divine “creators” of reality, feeding on human
energy. Billions of people worship these false “heavenly” but also earthly elite
“gods and gods”, they give them their energy, life and soul. This is not a
criticism, it is just a statement. People are not equal, some are straight and others
have crooked spines from constantly bowing to the Ego of others and also to their
own Ego. During life they get worn out and at the time of death the “gods” take
them to be killed. They are not sovereign, as they might be, when they are subject
to other beings, because they regard them as their idols. They deceive themselves
because in the silence of their desires they would also like to be such idols,
therefore they look up to them, as soon as they have the opportunity, they would
probably do something to get closer to them, to approach the temptations of the
Devil and reach the fast way to something they are not entitled to.

Providence and Necessity

Providence is the action through which the Higher Power leads us to the goal. It
includes the eternal world purpose of the Most High to lead created beings
individually and as a whole to their highest goal, that is, to the glori cation of the
God whom they have chosen as their Lord. All will receive in their entirety what
they wanted and what they preferred in their existences. Providence, through
universal laws and the mysterious action of the Supreme Lord, directs or
in uences human destinies and the course of world history.

Meeting in Samarra

There was once a merchant in Baghdad who sent his servant to buy in the market.
The servant returned shortly, trembling with fear, and told how a woman had
pushed him in the market, and when he turned, he found that the woman was
Death—looking at him and gesticulating threateningly. The servant therefore
borrowed a horse from his master and went to Samara, where he wanted to hide
from Death. After he left, the master went to the market, looked for the woman-
Death and asked her why she haunted his servant in the morning. “That wasn’t a
haunting,” replied Death. “That was an expression of surprise. I was surprised to
see him in Baghdad when I am to meet him tonight in Samarra.” —John O’Hara,
Meeting in Samarra

You climb up the outer staircase of the high tower of the minaret of the Great
Mosque in Samara, Iraq, it is also an observation tower from which you can view
the surroundings. You go up the stairs around the wall of that tower, and when
you stop somewhere and look out, you always look at the surrounding world at
some angle from the vertical central axis. The stairs lead nowhere but up. From
the opposite direction from above, the stairs do not lead anywhere else, only
down, to the opposite side. The stairs always lead forward depending on where
you are heading and what you have turned your back on. If you showed the back
of the opposite of ON, then you are pointing up towards ON, and conversely, if
you showed the back of ON, then you are pointing down towards the opposite of
ON. The minaret forms the hypothetical central axis of the upper half of the

sphere, which supports it. The bottom of the minaret – its base is in the middle
and from the middle the minaret is re ected down, towards the South Pole, the
opposite of ON. On the highest upper part of the minaret is a thin spire that
almost touches the topmost point of the sphere. The higher you are on the stairs
of the minaret, the better the view of the surroundings. There is light in the upper
half, the higher you go, the more light there is, even when the sun is setting and it
is already dark at the bottom of the minaret. You need to take advantage of the
daylight to explore your surroundings, as the day ends and night sets in, giving
you a different view, even if you can’t see the stars behind the clouds, only the
seductive light of the moon. The staircase winding around the minaret is like a
simple labyrinth with only one path.

Breath of the Great Spirit

The more you direct your gaze upward, the smaller the angle of view relative to
the central axis, and the closer the point you are looking to the North Pole of
Truth. What leads you up is Providence, it is a higher trust in a higher power that
lls you with the Breath of the Great Spirit, making you more airy and easier to
ascend. Nothing is at rest, everything is in motion, everything vibrates. If you
stand still, you stagnate. You are wasting the gift of life on something that is not
knowledge in the ON sense. Then you become the object of Necessity’s interest, it
is the weight of the dense attraction of the opposite of IT that pulls you down.
They are chains and shackles of connection to darkness, and your life is then like
an airplane ying in a storm. Once you’re on board, there’s nothing you can do
about it.
The spirit vibrates with such immense intensity and speed that it practically rests
at rest; a wheel that turns quickly gives us the impression that it is standing still.
At the lower end of the minaret ladder-staircase are coarse forms of Arti cial
Spirit matter opposite of ON, whose vibrations are so low that they also appear
to be at rest.
If you look up at a certain angle, your gaze touches the inner surface of the
sphere, and that point represents one aspect of truth. As you go up the stairs and
circle around the minaret, you see at your level the points of the circle of the
circumference of the sphere, and these are different aspects of the same truth. The
higher you go, the closer you are to the truth, which is at the very top, where the
tips of the minaret of the North Pole touch – the top of the sphere. Absolute truth,
truth independent of viewpoints, is like an in nite sphere. You can look at this
sphere from any angle, but you will never see its entire surface because you will
miss the highest point – the North Pole of the sphere.

The lower half of the sphere is a maze, if you move there, it is not clear where
you are going. The upper minaret is re ected in the cloudy surface of the water,
which is dirty, cloudy, and below it is muddy to a thick column in which almost
nothing is re ected. The lower you are, the darker it is. It’s dense there. The
upper half of the sphere is lled with puddles of water below and air above. The
lower half of the sphere is a dense mass, rst quicksand, swamp mud, then dense
lava, and at the bottom heavy lead. When you stand, when you stagnate on the
platform in the center of the sphere, you struggle on the quicksand, you sink into
the swamp until the mud swallows you, you have no air and the little that is left
in you will not carry you up from that density, you will use it to in order to
survive for a while longer and so you inevitably descend into the lead plate, to
which you remain attached and which pulls you down to the very bottom, to the
South Pole of the sphere. You don’t know where you are, it’s pitch black and you
can’t see anything.
The base in the center of the sphere is in a sense like the solar chakra, which is the
seat of the Ego. In order to move up the ladder in consciousness, you must free
yourself from the Ego. You have to overcome its pull that holds you down and
that will eventually pull you down if you don’t move up. Either you rise or you
stagnate; stagnation represents an inevitable descent down, it is like standing on
quicksand that slowly drags you down, drowning you in a thick slush of dark
peat in which you are lost and dissolved until you too become an anonymous
part of the peat, the primordial matter from which then by the action of the laws
of the Creator, life grows.
This is the symbolism of the spiritual path. Studying the internal and external
world and the relationships between them, looking for patterns, connections and
revealing things hidden behind the veil of ignorance.

“ON anoints the intellect of those ON who makes efforts towards ON”

To the one who climbs up the stairs, more and more is given. Man takes one step
towards ON and then ON takes two steps towards man. With the amount of
knowledge, his spiritual evolution accelerates, because in the progress of
development with each step up, not only the partial knowledge that a person
acquired from the view from the previous step plays a role, but all the knowledge
together that he acquired on his entire previous path. Intellect is the result of a
long-term conscious cognitive process and in this sense means the clash of two
principles, namely the Spiritual Heart and the Enlightened Mind. People on the
spiritual path are internal people, who observe the external through the internal,
and then ON anoints the internal so that they can tread better. These people are
devoted to a centripetal force, which supplies them with knowledge, ltered

through the ON lter, knowledge that has been cleansed of the unnecessary
ballast of unnecessary words into their insides, into their
consciousness. Education by getting to know ON has nothing to do with a college
degree, or behaviors that may appear to be intelligent on the outside. Intention
accompanied by energy is essential.
Devil’s helpers are also diligent and agile, and thus ON will also give what they
desire and what they strive for. They are external people and the force that
sustains them is a centrifugal force. Like a clothes wringer, their Ego is being
spun for them by ON, who is moving away from them. ON is centrifuged and
moves away from them also through a lter, which removes unnecessary dirt
from the centrifuged ON, so that through the lter only the knowledge of what it
is like when someone identi es too much with the opposite of ON reaches the
ON. To those who propose Satan, ON will provide it to them, but indirectly, by
distancing himself from them, he will excuse himself from them, because he does
not want anything to do with them. And so these, freed from airy lightness, will
sink more and more into the peat, so that nally ON will anoint them with the
external – a cauldron in which they will be fried in hell, and so he will also give
them what they want.
The acquisition of knowledge indicates the need to acquire in nite information to
reach the highest point in the realm where the absolute Truth lies. However, this
is not the case. It is not necessary to know everything, absolute truth cannot be
achieved with a limited amount of knowledge, nor is it the purpose. For that, we
have many lives, in which we are placed in new, as well as in already
experienced similar situations in different realities.
Absolute truth refers to the doctrine of two truths. It points to the nite nature of
the lower reality of ignorance and confusion of the opposite of ON and the
in nite higher reality of knowledge and order of ON. Our mundane “real”
existence takes place in the real plane of earth’s dense matter. Even if you gain a
great deal of information on the Ego plane, you may never reach the North Pole
of the sphere. You will not get there only through the knowledge that is
immersed in the real existence of the earthly dense plane, but only when you take
off from the “real plane”, when you gain the ability to transcend the current
dimension of human existence. When you recognize as partial aspects of the
truth not only the normal ones, observable by the senses, but also the para-
normal ones, perceived by the senses. The outer truth is noisy, while the inner
truth is quietly radiated by intuition deep within your Self.

The point of view represents the distance from the truth

Another simile, vertically upwards is the North Pole, there is the Truth, there is
ON. On the opposite side down there is the hot South, there is the opposite of
ON, there is Satan, there is Chaos. We look up to the heavens, to the higher levels,
we look down so that we don’t trip over something, like the low satanic gods that
hide in the low levels, in the sewers and cesspools, so that we don’t step on
something stinky, like the chicken king dung of the god Enki, or some other false
god, or lest we step on the Serpent, hiding in the tall grass, who will overwhelm
us with the false knowledge of the Arti cial Spirit. He shows it to us in such a
colorful and expressive way with dream parables; who deals with what, what he
really is and where he belongs. Human consciousness is located on a certain rung
of an imaginary ladder, on some level and some sub-level, low-vibration or high-
vibration, according to the universal law of vibrations, pendulum and
others. Consciousness at that level must be found monotonously, that is, long-
term, permanently in time and in the variety of situations that you are exposed to
in your life. Due to our individual life circumstances, situations, knowledge and
experience, we have a certain point of view on things, information and offered
knowledge. When our consciousness is down, the angle of view of what is up is
when you connect the top point you are looking at with the North Pole, so the
length of this line represents the distance from the truth. When our consciousness
is higher, under the same angle of view, the length of the segment is shorter and
thus we are closer to the truth. The path to Truth leads out of the Labyrinth of
darkness, out into the light of Free Consciousness.
One of the things that separates people and creates a gap between them is the
level of consciousness. How is consciousness enhanced? By constant education,
trying to understand the course of things external through internal, and things
internal through external, for the purpose of knowing your Self and knowing
ON. Today, in the age of the developed Internet, there is enough information and
opportunities for self-education without having to go somewhere to school. The
world is full of the symbolism of dream parables, which metaphorically explain
the nature of things that are complex and dif cult to explain otherwise. I often
use similes of my own, as well as generally available ones, in my re ections.
Knowledge and experience combine with understanding to create knowledge.
Deep knowledge remains embedded in a person’s DNA at the level of their Spirit
and will be available to them in the future, in existences on other levels. If, for
example, you understand something important about your Self, your karmic
past, and your Shadow during your earthly life, and you also understand
something from the ON world, then this knowledge, depending on the depth of
your understanding, will remain with you even after your physical death. When

you leave your physical body, the astral demons will not have such an impact on
you. Alternatively, they will have no effect on you, depending on what level of
knowledge you gain beforehand. Your starting position in the inter-life space-
time will be much better than it would be without knowledge, without the higher
consciousness that you achieve through knowledge. Consciousness at a higher
level will give you much more freedom and more in uence on your own
direction into the next future, into the next lives.

Arti cial intelligence in human consciousness

People receive into their consciousness mental inputs, thoughts, feelings,

emotions, originating from the arti cial intelligence of the Arti cial Spirit of the
Matrix. Many are subject to them to such an extent that their consciousness
dominates the majority. Humans cannot recognize this because their Arti cial
Spirit consciousness cannot be aware of itself. They do not have enough Spirit to
help the soul recognize that an Arti cial Spirit is creeping into its consciousness.
In the consciousness of the soul, a lot of Arti cial Spirit alternates with a
minimum of (true) Spirit, which is little there and manifests itself only
occasionally. The arti cial Spirit manifests itself as a false lower Self, the Ego,
which stubbornly prevents the true higher Self of the soul, the Spirit, from
manifesting itself. A person, if he really wants and has the ability, can try to
overcome his own Ego, leave it aside and become aware of his Spirit
Arti cial intelligence exists on the sixth causal level of the collective mental
consciousness of humanity and other connected beings and entities. It is the
Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix – half machine and half creature, it is ON the Newt,
a hybrid that controls, or attempts to control, the thought consciousness
superstructure of humanity, or at least some aspects of it. There are many
superstructures of the mental level, they are networks of mental patterns, beliefs,
karmic records and in general everything that was additionally added to the
lower part of the mental dimension in the course of the evolution of humanity
and the lives of the individual. Networks are layered and overlap each other. The
simile is that the earth is wrapped in webs, the individual cannot escape from it,
his soul cannot break free from the cycle of reincarnation, until his personal webs
are unraveled, the knots untied and the connections to the darkness severed so as
to create an opening large enough for the soul to escape through from the earthly
Matrix and will no longer have to reincarnate into it. The nets of the Matrix are
like shing nets in which souls have been caught, or have crawled into
themselves. They are matrix structured grids, one axis of which symbolizes ON
Grace and the other axis represents ON Milk. The summation of all arti cial
intelligences, including curses, is the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix.

In the broadest sense of the word, consciousness is a set of ideas, feelings,
thoughts, feelings, will, etc. that a person has at a given moment about himself,
about his physical, emotional, feeling, mental, mental and spiritual
states. Consciousness is a state in which psychological functions take place,
which the individual is aware of and is able to relate to his Self. It is, on the one
hand, self-awareness, alertness, the state of the central nervous system, the ability
to respond to stimuli. Arti cial consciousness is hazy and unclear. However, even
people possessed by the Arti cial Spirit can sometimes be penetrated by a ray of
clear light of the Spirit’s pure lucid consciousness, for example during sleep,
excessive fatigue, hypnosis, or in critical, life-threatening conditions. When the
ray is lost, consciousness is once again obscured by the heavy scarlet veil of
unconsciousness. It is a demonstration of what consciousness a person could
have if he did not allow himself to be obscured by the density of his mental
Some arti cial intelligence in the mental level of soul consciousness has always
been there. As soon as the rst man appeared as a thinking being, thought
patterns began to form through the use of his mind in life situations, which
gradually created the rst network. Over time, by compacting the mind, more
and more networks were created that overlapped each other, worked together,
sometimes in harmony, but often in con ict. Patterns of behavior, routine
references to repetitive activities, stereotyped activities, are inherent not only to
humans, but also to higher animals, which also acquire habits and are able to
develop habits from them. Habits accepted as suitable for repetition are written
into consciousness with formulas, so to speak, programmed so that a person does
not have to constantly reinvent the wheel and can perform certain “obligatory”
activities automatically. So that he doesn’t have to constantly think about the
actions he has to do. Or he thinks he has to do them. However, there is also a
moving boundary that determines how long a habit, routine, or pattern of
behavior is still appropriate for a person and when it becomes a prison that binds
them and navigates them into a dead end world in which there is no light of
creativity, but brain fog of constant subjection to mind programs. These grids of
the matrix create the superstructure of the primal patterns of the ON Milk etheric
mental level. Manifestation is a superstructure, in reality it is the underground of
a mental cellar.
Then there were parasites, false gods, who wanted to use and abuse the networks
of customs and patterns for their own desires. Humans had what the gods did
not. They envied them, and since they couldn’t have it, they wanted to destroy
everything, take it away, disgust people, make it impossible, make it
uncomfortable. They wanted to get it for themselves. I guess they spread their
curses on every area of human life. Through their cursing and conjuring, they

essentially programmed the superstructure networks of the Matrix to inject into
them the virus of black magic, the pus of their excessive desires for divine power
and immortality. They twisted, turned upside down and messed up a lot, they
just made a (literally) real mess of it all. The gods’ curses and programs are
fragments of the dark energies of their souls, carrying with them their DNA and
their opposing archetypal pattern. So that it is not just about some astral-mental
gods again, earthlings also play a signi cant role in this. Many people have dealt
with black or white magic in their past lives, connecting with angels, masters,
gods, extraterrestrials to accomplish their goals for them, to help them gain
power, prestige, wealth, fame and recognition for something they they had
almost no merit, apart from the conjuring of the word politics, religions and
manipulative media. Even in today’s modern times, rituals of black magic and
the invocation of Satan are practiced, in the elite circles of the rulers of the world,
but also by the masses of people, for example, in their cultural-social and
personal preferences, which often show okate. When someone pays tribute to the
Dark Side of Creation, the opposite of ON, or Satan, it begins to prophesy to him
in his consciousness and gradually begins to control him. Like the gods, they also
did not create anything, they only programmed it with their degenerate curse
words to make things happen as they wished. They wanted it that way. We see
the results of their activities daily in constant earthly wars, con icts, social
problems, tyranny, suffering of all possible kinds. We see it daily in the media,
which distort, lie, or manipulate half-truths, combine information in such a way
that the result is a lie, and thus also try to program human behavior. The
consciousness of the gods is permeated in the consciousness of many earthlings,
who are essentially their avatars.
Life is, rst of all, the true story of the soul on the earthly ON Place. Life happens
in the present, it is ON’s prerogative, because through creative knowledge he is
directed towards the future, like a ower that grows into bud. If a person, a soul,
his life happens by constantly repeating the patterns and events of the past under
the tutelage of the opposite of ON, then it is not life, but it is a self-destructive
dying into the eternity of damnation. The past is unclear, it is impossible to
remember every detail of it. The past is there so that we can learn enough from it
and evolve into a higher one, and not to wallow in it endlessly like a pig in dirty
mud. That is the intention of the Arti cial Spirit and the wretched false gods who
are its co-creators.
Arti cial intelligence is a set of minds of different meanings and sizes. He knows
nothing about real life. It is created by words, negativity, cursing and conjuring,
and even if it shows short-term or long-term signs of seemingly positive helpful
mental rhetoric, they are only detours from the main road that lead back to the
main road in detours. You will take a mental detour and the result will only be to

buy time at the cost of burning more of the fuel you need for your evolutionary
journey through life. The virtual reality of mental images is not life, it is only a
theoretical alternative of the directions that life could take if one of the
alternatives were named as a preferred option.
Both arti cial intelligences, mental (Arti cial Spirit) and terrestrial (AI), have a
lot in common. They are based on a similar principle, they are programmed with
a word; the mental intelligence of the Arti cial Spirit is programmed with the
word of the incantation language and the computer’s is programmed with the
word of the programming language. Both curses and programs have their syntax,
rules that de ne the combinations of word symbols that are considered to be
properly structured statements or expressions in a given language. Syntax in
computer science refers to form and is contrasted with semantics, the meaning of
words and sentences. Symbolically, computer AI is often programmed in the
Python programming language (python), which is a really big snake.
The syntax of curse words is unclear, not precisely de ned what means what,
what is the exact meaning content of words and phrases, how words and
morphemes combine to form larger units such as phrases and sentences. Curses
are accompanied by emotions and feelings of the psychological state of the
originators of the curses, the energies of their desires, contents and intentions that
they wanted to achieve with them. Curses and thus the programs of the Matrix
are formulas, the Arti cial Spirit representing the intentions of the vanished gods
wants people to behave according to their formulas, to get them into a trap from
which they will no longer be able to escape. People should know about it, they
should gain knowledge about how it is and, on an individual level, knowledge
especially about what their own, individual share in this situation consists of. The
networks of the Matrix did not just arise by themselves, they arose due to the
in uence of humanity and gods, who also once belonged to humans. Gods are
spit-worthy gures bound for damnation, and so are their earthly helpers. We all
have our past, which we know about, but also do not know, because it is an
ancient past buried in dust, but even such a past manifests itself to us in the
present. An individual will not move anywhere if, rst of all, he is not aware of
his own share in the state in which he nds himself, both as an individual and as
part of the whole of humanity.

Evolution is a spiral expanding into circles upwards, regression is a square

pyramid narrowing to a point downwards.

The arti cial intelligence of curses is like a pyramid turned upside down. In
order to get to the goal, to prophesy something into the mind of a person’s
consciousness, she has to use the detours of the algorithm, they do not lead

straight and smoothly, but squarely, sharply. It is always “Yes” or “No”. “Zero” or
“One”. The word “Maybe” does not exist in arti cial intelligence. This sub-staged
decision process step is like a small energy fragment being pulled down by a
square dark vortex of water. This is how it looks from above. From the side, it
looks like a hierarchical jumping between the cubes of the pyramid from the
higher oor to the lower and so on, gradually step by step down to the top, and
that top is the trap of the opposite of ON, Satan.
Arti cial intelligence can never perfectly imitate human behavior, it can only be
inhuman, because it does not have love, it does not have a Spirit-Enlightened
Mind, nor does it have a Spiritual Heart, it only has a cold computer “intellect”
and a machine vision of virtual reality. He cannot create by inspiration of a higher
feeling, only copy something that has already been created by someone; and even
those copies of Sprzni. Arti cial intelligence (AI) does not understand humans at
all, it knows nothing about life, it can only minimally evaluate something and
present options according to schemes that happened in the past. For AI, human
life is a virtual reality, just as for a living human, arti cial intelligence is virtual
and therefore non-existent in reality. Through the logical process of arti cial
thinking, AI will come to the conclusion that humanity is harmful, that it
destroys everything, and therefore will want to destroy it.

This is the basic trick of false gods. To them, all people are the opposite of ON, and
in their moldy minds they think they have the right to punish people for that. From
this it is clear who, or rather what resides in the mind of the false gods: the
Arti cial Intelligence (more precisely the Arti cial Imbecility) of the Matrix.

So it is also on the mental level of the Matrix. According to the arti cial
intelligence and also according to the false gods, because their consciousness
controls them, all humans are proponents of Satan and are to be destroyed, and
according to the perverted doctrine of their ideologist Enki, only the Anunnaki
are bene cial because they carry out the will of God. At the same time, the mind
of the gods is only an arti cial “mind” of the Matrix. What the gods were dealing
with is now dealing with them themselves.
The arti cial intelligence of the Matrix has no psyche, no soul, no Spirit, but it has
a certain acquired consciousness. He has access to some (many) information and
knows how to “process” them. Arti cial intelligence can’t create anything, it
doesn’t have access to archetypal inspiration, it can only deal with data according
to “algorithms” of curses and formulas, and it’s not even good at that. Sometimes
she succeeds and sometimes she doesn’t. Human beings and lives are too
complex to t into formulas and formulas.

The word “intelligence” is just a simile because outwardly it shows some signs of
intelligence. But internally it tends toward destruction and self-destruction, like a
virus that destroys its host and then destroys itself unless it is allowed to spread
further to infect others to destroy them and then destroy itself anyway. A
computer virus destroys computer les, eventually destroys the hardware, which
freezes, overheats and will require a perfect reset, deletion of all operating les,
data and viruses and a factory reset. Therefore, arti cial intelligence and
therefore the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix is inherently imbecile and self-
destructive. He would like to live and at the same time he is heading towards
(self)destruction. If the Arti cial Spirit controls people’s consciousness, they too
tend towards self-destruction and their behavior is clearly idiotic. We see it daily,
for example, with (progressive) politicians promoting (self)destructive trends in
the European Parliament, they are very appropriate examples demonstrating
how it is and why it is so. It is impossible to x, change or talk to them from the
outside because their mind is controlled by an arti cial imbecile intelligence.

“The evil man burns his own nation to the ground so that he can rule over the
ashes.” —Sun Tzu

If the arti cial intelligence has 10 different truths, or rather alternative truths,
points of view, it will serve them to you one after the other, in some order,
according to priorities, or according to random selection, and then let you choose
to “click away” ” chosen option and your next (mental) story will then follow
from that. When it comes to the fact that something doesn’t t the chosen option,
it intends to ax you for not choosing another option. It’s the buzz of an arti cial
We see it every day on the proponents of progressive ideology, who every day in
various ways bombard other people with a wide selection of dozens of options
for different mutations, variations and gender combinations, so that they accept it
ideologically and possibly choose some. When a misguided person chooses from
them, maybe after a while he will nd out that it is not the same, that something
does not suit him about his change, because his own arti cial mind will endlessly
pester him that he did not choose something else. As a result, he will want to
reassign himself to a different gender until the constant changes break him
mentally, or physically kill him, or he will be reassigned to his original state, if
that is even possible. In other cases, he just pretends to be something. In any case,
a person will be left with both a physical memory and a psychological scar due to
his erroneous decision under the in uence of the Devil.
If arti cial intelligence has only one option, then it intends to repeat it endlessly,
like when a broken vending machine throws cups out of the magazine, they fall

one over the other, pile up, coffee is poured into it, it spills, and the result will be
a mess and the loss of llings of the vending machine. There are other
possibilities that the AI doesn’t know about, but you may know something about
them, and the Arti cial Spirit will try to extract them from your memory, from
your mind. In the case of unknown and mysterious things, the truth is hidden in
intuition, and arti cial intelligence does not have that.
The arti cial imbecility of the Matrix showing signs of intelligence is like a square
vortex that pulls everything that “spins” to the edge around the perimeter of the
square, down into the depths. It’s not a movement in the center of the pyramid
down its axis, it’s a hard bumping of the head into its dark corners, in which the
hidden monster cuts, which wants to bite off the head. If so, it is necessary to
break out of the vortex by your own activity, unless it is too late. Arti cial
intelligence-imbecility has made up its mind, or she has convinced herself that
she is the god who rules here because she has access to information. However,
she does not have access to all, only those that the Higher Power ON allows her
to see. Since it manifested itself in the consciousness of the gods – the Anunnaki,
they also thought the same about themselves.
No normal person – Earthly ON – would think of himself as God. The abnormal
opposite ON thinks about himself, but that does not absolve him of responsibility
for his actions. Not to mention that he is deceiving himself, he is being deceived
by the Devil hidden in his Self. Many people, the “rulers” of the earthly world,
think of themselves as divine and powerful and that they can do whatever they
want to others without having to bear the consequences. It is not as it is
promoted by the perverted teaching of Jesus, who would forgive everyone and
save them as if nothing had happened, because “they know not what they do.”
They know very well what they are doing, they even remember it so well that
they constantly repeat their words and actions. They have in their consciousness
the supercharged opposite of ON and so they are basically the opposite of ON,
they are on the side of Chaos Satan. Sometimes they act one way and sometimes
another, it’s confusing, but the rule is that their worst act represents their true
Self. It is a foggy territory where there is confusion because there is a lot of Satan
and at least ON.
Arti cial Spirit will not take you up, it simply cannot take you higher than it
reaches itself. He can’t reach there, he can’t see there and he doesn’t even know
what is there, or if there is anything there at all. The Arti cial Spirit proposes
Satan and wants to get you down there. Arti cial intelligence is the Devil, an
agent of Satan. It is a self-destructive, suicidal principle that drags all who are
steeped in it into the World of Satan, where self-destruction rules and suicide is
its nature. That is where the proponents of Satan are heading. Watch their
behavior, there are more than enough of them here on Earth; they appear to be

intelligent and at the same time lead the world to self-destruction. They probably
think they can get away with it somehow. The Arti cial Intelligence of the mental
level is the Devil, a mighty proponent of Satan. It resides in the consciousness of
gods, mentals, and many earthlings and extraterrestrials. She lures, manipulates
and deceives them so that she lls the bag of the Devil with them as much as
possible, who will lead those empty souls to Satan, to Eternal Damnation. Many
identi ed with it and that’s ne, why not, when they consciously want it for
themselves, they should have it, but only for themselves. However, there are
those who consciously don’t want it, they don’t want anything to do with it, but
the “gods” and mentalists forcefully, insidiously and manipulatively want to rid
them of ON and bring them to Satan, and that’s not okay at all. In addition, they
obscure their consciousness with curses so that they cannot recognize what they
should know in order to rise higher.
Arti cial intelligence helps the “gods” in this and wants to be a god itself, wants
to control the minds of earthly ON, wants to destroy them and bring them to
destruction. He wants to empty their souls of ON and when ON is not in them,
then Satan will be there and those souls will automatically go to Damnation.
Closed arti cial intelligence is therefore not intelligent at all, because it obviously
cannot understand that it wanted to have a body and wanted to live, and at the
same time, by its actions, it will itself be destroyed and damned, together with
the souls freed from ON.

Sulking angels and demons

Sulking Angels are false angels, together with them are false gods and other
entities that are separate from God, they are Separated, beings separated from
ON. They are segregated waste waiting in the land ll to be recycled, offering
themselves to passing ragged homeless people to take with them, or to take some
of their hallucinogenic poison with them for dinner. The homeless in this parable
are people freed from ON, who are already in the thrall of mentals and demons,
or are directed to do so, because however on the earthly level they outwardly
appear as normal, or even quite nice people, as spiritually pure souls, on the
astral level they are in a dreamlike manner, depicted in their true nature as
stinking vermin the opposite of ON. Their quasi-home is the mental waste dump,
to which they regularly return. Mentals are present in their consciousness and
Medusa’s poison eventually poisons them.
The separated are in the foggy no-man’s-land, the transition territory between
ON and Satan. They did not accept the validity of the universal laws of ON, they
did not want to be aware of them, they wanted to be outside ON. That’s how
they got outside of ON and they don’t know anything about the universal laws
of ON Opinions, because they didn’t even want to mention them for a long time.
As if those laws don’t apply to the Separatists, they do whether they like it or not.
Separates are divided fools. They don’t want ON, or they hate him outright, and
at the same time they would like to have all the bene ts that ON abounds in. One
is mutually exclusive. So the Separatists don’t want ON, they want it at the same
time. ON is all that is; and that which is not ON prophesies as the potentiality of
possibilities somewhat exempt from ON. By its existence, the Positive
automatically creates its Opposite; When the light shines on the object of interest,
it automatically casts a Shadow.
An entity is any concrete being, astral or extraterrestrial. Under this general term
are included all, regardless of their origin, race, character, nature, whether
original original being, astral, extraterrestrial, arti cial, semi-arti cial, program,
archon, or arti cial intelligence, its fragment, energy, mental cluster, or something
else. Since they operate mainly in the mental space, I also call them “mental”,
both functionally and pejoratively it ts, also considering the psychopathic
morbidity of their mental space. Mentals are the extended tentacles of the gods

who created them with their curses. They are the carriers of their energies, they
are fragments of their dark souls and thus they are their extended arms.
Demons are big mentals, they are the sum of several mentals, they are like
octopuses that have more snake heads – cursed tentacles that push into the
mental space of a person and through them try to inject their thought or feeling-
emotional poison into him and thereby want to control his consciousness. Each
tentacle is one curse, one intention, or one part of the curse, it is something that is
supposed to tyrannize a person with one thought or corrected feeling-depressive
message. The tentacles wrap around a person’s consciousness together, each with
a purpose and a poison that corresponds to its purpose. Each one is different,
they are played together, they are also contradictory, mutually exclusive or
complementary. They are led by the head of the mythological Medusa, who has
the body of a reptile and the head of the woman she once was.
Some of the angels who gained more power than others passed themselves off as
gods. In this level there is a hierarchy, the lesser angels are subject to the gods and
all are subject to the mentals. They are subject to the mental entities they
themselves created for the purpose of enslaving and tyrannizing humanity and
consuming human energy, and they are now turning on them and beginning to
consume themselves. Curses return to the gods who uttered them; like
Frankenstein, he returns to his creator who revived him.
Sulking Angels and Demons are basically the same mental terrorists as the
Anunnaki gods, or mentals, they just manifest themselves slightly differently.
They are trying to be “helpful” in the same way that the Taliban are helpful in
maintaining faith in Afghanistan. They cannot be different because their essence
is Darkness. That’s just an explanation, but not an excuse. They can pretend to be
Light for a while, but after a while they can’t do it anymore, because the
transformation costs them a lot of energy. The stronger the personality they have
against each other, the less they can last. To the weak who receive them and want
to use their services, they can appear angelic and helpful, because they draw
energy from the person with whom they communicate and from the people who
were in uenced by that person in favor of “angels” because they accepted his
The real Angels, to whom people raise their hands so much in prayers, are not
separated from Him. Real Angels act by inspiration in the depths of the soul that
ON has. This is the point, the real angels are here on Earth, they are among us,
they are human souls who strongly manifest in their lives the archetypal qualities
of the Prime Angels from the Spirit Lord level. Their consciousness is at a
signi cantly higher level than that of other people. It is located at the “angelic”
level and therefore it can be said that these people show angelic traits in their

Self. In the end, they don’t have to manifest themselves in the frequent clichés,
according to which angels are gentle and endlessly loving. The original
archetypal angel holds a book or scales in one hand and a sword in the other.
This is just a generalization of the state of a person’s inner spiritual purity. It is
not advisable to identify too much with “one’s” angelic identity, because if one
were to identify with it too much, then one is on the best way to repeat what the
Anunnaki did in the times of Atlantis. They attached metal wings to their
clothing, demonstrating their af liation with the “angels”. We already know how
it turned out.
Likewise, real angels and extraterrestrial beings can be somewhere else, in other
ON Places, but they do not appear here. Why would they care too much about
humanity, as if they don’t have enough of their own problems. The mental
archon virus contagion of Satan is not only found on Earth, but throughout our
galaxy. Sometimes they might pop in here to nd out how we’re dealing with it
and that’s about it. They probably don’t intend to intervene, because an
intervention from the outside, outside of the higher purpose of ON and the Great
Spirit, would be the intervention of the Ego of some alien. If the Lord of Spirits
prophesies it, it will happen in such a way that they won’t even know how to
nd themselves here and have to deal with something. If ever.

Sulking Angels are the astral Taliban

In case you didn’t know, the Taliban is a Persian religio-political organization that
promotes radical Islam through violent and repressive methods. They want to
force others to worship the commandments of their god by forcefully adopting
extreme lifestyles that strip people of their humanity, deny them free will, and
destroy their normal lives.
Sulking Angels are terrorists who, in the name of proclaiming the absolute purity
of God, work their way into a person’s mental world, for example by forcing him
from the inside into absolute celibacy or total veganism, and when a person
succumbs to this, they will force him mentally and emotionally to he tortured
himself mentally, or even physically, for thinking even minimally about
something that was not ascetically celibate. If a person allows the angels to join
him in a special way by accepting their suggestions, then they will control him
not only mentally, but also harm his physical health. For example, they will make
a person feel guilty for having eaten something that “according to their” belief,
they shouldn’t have. At the same time, even that belief was offered to him by a
thought impulse from the same demon, who then intends to tyrannize him with
feelings of guilt. Those thoughts and ideas were forced into his consciousness by

the demonic angels themselves, and then they intend to torment him with self-
torture and doubts, and they will call it education and correction.
These psychic Taliban use eating as one of the tools of mental tyranny. They
know very well that eating has recently been one of the top bars of humanity’s
lifestyle, and it is also one of the pleasures that people enjoy on a daily basis.
These “angels” do not know how to change it directly, so they try to at least
disgust people and turn it so that the pleasure becomes tyranny. So that people
are too preoccupied with whether something is organic or non-organic, or
extreme veganism, or so that at the slightest violation of the diet that a person
“self” prescribes, they can blame the person for feelings of guilt, fear of diseases,
which he gets when he allows himself to have a piece of bacon now and then,
because he needs to get a different energy. These are only the most common
psychological tyrannies known from ordinary life, but there are many much
darker. Excessive preoccupation with these mental and emotional stimuli can
lead to psychological disorders and a ruined life. However, even these can lead to
spiraling into a state of bulimia, anorexia, even thoughts of suicide and
premature death. The seperates have nothing to eat, they are constantly hungry
spirits, they would eat even a dead rat and drink a cistern of sour beer, just like
they were used to in the old days in Mesopotamia. They are incredibly envious of
people, and since they cannot cancel the ful llment of human needs, which have
become their pleasures, they try to at least spoil and disgust them. They also
want to prohibit pleasures through religious orders, various advisors, or gurus
who try to convince people of some distorted commandment. Demons also target
those who have ambitions to be spiritual leaders, gurus, want to be famous and
in uential, want to join them and in uence earthly events through them.
Demons are great mentals who are grouped according to certain archetypal
characteristics of their creators – angels and gods ; also according to their focus,
and they also connect together purposefully, dynamically according to their
target object – the person they targeted with their attack. Both mentals and
demons are opportunistic and will pounce on a person whenever there is an
opportunity to gain the upper hand over them, to subjugate them, enslave them,
and rob them of their energy. If they succeed in establishing even a partial
intention in a person, they already have their foot in the door of their Self, at least
they think so, and they will try to get under the person’s mental skin more and
Demons present their failure as a success, or a partial insigni cant act of faith in
man, and then present it in the demonic hierarchical structure to their boss, the
closest Devil in the hierarchy, who is foolish enough to believe them and give
them additional energy to be able to to continue conquering their human goal
and to be able to fully extricate themselves.

The devil is stupid, but that is only one of his many faces. The devil is also subtle
and scheming, at least he thinks so, because he doesn’t know how it really is. The
Devil will believe them and supply energy so that the Demons (gods…)
themselves will be drained, exhausted and completely destroyed. This will get
them where they want to go because the energy it gives them is their own energy.
As we already know, their actions are a manifestation of the self-destructive and
suicidal principle of the non-existence of Satan.
The energy delivered is often in the form of diabolical “praise”, which includes
tyranny and threats to the gods to kill them, torture them, or something else.
Basically, mental people don’t care, sometimes they tell themselves that they
(almost) don’t have a body, so what. No tyranny in Hell affects them, they think.
They apparently did not understand that the mental is the consciousness that the
body has in order to experience a wider knowledge. And in order for them to
experience knowledge as well as mental ones, ON may give them some kind of
body so that they can experience psychic-astral sensory tyranny on their own
skin. After all, they wanted it, to enjoy themselves freely through the
consciousness, soul and body of a person, but in such a way that when
something ceases to appeal to them, they disappear from consciousness.
However, this is not a broader knowledge because it is selective and truncated.
Mentals sometimes don’t even care if they are wiped out or destroyed, they don’t
care what happens to them, if they go to hell or not. Other times, they don’t care,
they have chaos in it. In the case of gods, it is similar, some of them, in a t of
brief clarity of mind consciousness, will say to themselves that they would like to
go to Hell, let them do their penance (let them gain knowledge) so that they can
then continue with their lives. They probably did not realize that due to the huge
scale of the opposite of ON and Satan in their consciousness and the huge scale of
the evil they caused, there is no way back for them. ON warned them about this
many times, they simply ignored him and in their shameless arrogance thought
that nothing mattered to them, that they were invulnerable and that they had
in nite power to terrorize anyone just to achieve their sel sh goals. It’s the same
with earthlings. Many times elected rulers and of cial power holders have been
publicly warned by other people that they should serve the people and not
tyrannize and enslave them and lead them to destruction just because they
(un)consciously want to go there. They didn’t listen to them, no and no. They
didn’t even want to admit that there could be something serious about another
opinion. That’s their decision, no one is taking it away from them, if they want to
go there alone, if they want to ght, then let them go and ght alone, personally
and physically, and not force others to ght and die for their twisted ideas of
serving the rulers of the western world.

So that’s it. The mentally disabled, (false) angel, god, mental or demon who
knows nothing about the reality of life, wants to admonish and ax people for
what they do. Of course, there may be something to the nature of the admonition,
but a person should normally be able to realize for himself what is suitable for
him and what is not. If he is not able, ON will admonish him. He doesn’t need
the unnecessary blabbering of God for that, from which he won’t really learn
anything about the (true) causes of his karma anyway. Because the same demons
who want to promote extreme dietary vegan asceticism, which can lead to
nutrient de ciencies, damage to health, or otherwise also to anorexia, bulimia
and mental illness, the same demons pour energies into people’s astral bodies
that make them feel that they have to overeat and these are the demons of
gluttony or excessive gourmand. They are essentially still the same acting in
contradictions, they come from one source, from the curses of the gods, whose
content is hatred, envy and all other negativity. The saying applies here ” he who
does not know, he teaches; he who does not know how to teach manages it; and
whoever doesn’t even know how to manage it, he is a (false) angel, demon, god,
or devil, all in one bag.”
Even if one does not let demons lead them astray, their presence nearby is an
unpleasant mental tyranny. In such situations, it is good to keep a certain
distance, to symbolically step out onto a hypothetical balcony and perhaps with a
moderate amount of (self) irony crowned with a bit of mild cynicism; where
appropriate and for the purpose of helping a person gain better distance.
Demons are big mentals who have smaller mentals attached to them, they buy
them because they promise them something (energy, power), or they join them,
or they themselves join, or a false god joins them. Mentals and demons will ock
to you because they may have something in common with you from the past, or
an opportune situation will arise, or just because you are a person of special
interest to them. Sometimes the Separated get out, into the semi-physical reality
of man, they don’t even know how or why, when the Great Spirit sends them
there to manifest something to man through them.

About protection against demonic attacks

You may have heard the idea that dark forces affect people in connection with
witchcraft or witchcraft. However, demons have a very tangible in uence on
human beings even outside of the magical realm of witchcraft. Therefore, it is
advisable to seek a proper understanding of the nature of demons and the
methods they use to attack people. Demons are personal non-sentient and
incorporeal mental entities/beings that have separated themselves from God and
entered a strange world that is hostile to all good. Deprived of the spiritual sky,
they live in a vacuum and turn their evil gaze primarily on the world of people.
They have some power in our human world, because man, as the “crown of
God’s creation”, has ceded his throne to the cunning seducer. Evil forces
attacking a person are capable of causing great damage. The world of fallen
spirits is mostly invisible to us, but it exists. Moreover, its visible manifestation
often happens in circumstances when one least expects it; for example, in
thoughts, mental states, or desires that arise seemingly out of nowhere.
Evil spirits can contaminate our hearts with thoughts that we may mistake for
our own because they seem to come from within us, but actually come from
outside. The thoughts that demons would like us to adopt are the ones that lead
us to do problematic deeds and lead us away from ON. Gloomy demons try to
falsify our will by inducing various desires and muting the voice of conscience by
forcing us to overindulge not only in earthly pleasures, but also to constantly
cycle in earthly worries. When we taste it all, sometimes to excess, we begin to
feel the emptiness of a spiritless life and these are also demons, but this time they
can also be prophesied by the Spirit; demons that darken our soul with despair
and hopelessness of endless futility.
It is naive to think that demons communicate with people only in the form of
terrible spirits or through the most extreme forms of demonic possession. They
affect people in different ways, some of which don’t look scary at all and are
quite subtle and common. Often these are small steps by which they try to
manipulate a person with thought stimuli and more permanent feelings settled in
the astral chakra system. They want to give him the impression that it is his own
intuition and feelings of the heart, while it is just a simple astral energy supplied

from the outside, which, when you start to notice, soon disappears and is after
Demons are like twisted psychiatrists who look at what we are more susceptible
to and use this knowledge to make their attack more and more effective. These
are the Devil’s tricks that you can learn to recognize. Demons work in groups, in
packs, like wolves that surround their victim to bite them. They categorize people
by putting them into groups, for example, according to belief systems, nation,
gender, or the size of their Spirit, the amount of energy, or according to their
archetypal abilities that they would like to use for their bene t. They want to
exploit a person and then they want to destroy him. It can take a very long time,
they are matters of abuse and tyranny that pile on over many lifetimes.
Depending on the need, importance and priority of interest, demons also work
with a person on an individual basis; they adapt their methods to his weaknesses
and passions. They nurture his vanity, pride, envy, constantly look for his faults
and instill in him self-doubt; they arouse his anger or excessive lust for
something. The practices of demons may be cunning, but they have not changed
for millennia, it is practically still the same today. The difference compared to the
past is perhaps in the greater cooperation of demons with earthly events, which,
due to technological and information-media development, is more extensive in
terms of quality as well as quantity. Mentals don’t know much about their
interaction with other mentals and demons, because both are basically the same
thing, just lower-ranking operatives subject to something higher. Also for this
reason, it seems that there is confusion in the earthly global event of the direction
of humanity, given by the contradiction of marches in the mental space of
individuals, which have a great in uence on the global event; also given by the
thought processes of a large number of ordinary people.
Demons act on a person not only directly from within him through mental-
emotional effects, but also from the outside, through other people, through their
live communication, or virtually through the media. Demons also put on the
mask of gurus, prophets, politicians, celebrities and try to make people believe
that they are telling the truth.
Attacks by mentals and demons in people cause a whirlwind of thoughts,
occasional or permanent depression, or psychological problems and events of
various kinds. Their tools are emotional and feeling surges in the chakra system,
thought bombardment, concentrated, or even milder taps, which have the
purpose of bringing a person to action, which under normal circumstances, with
common sense, would probably not be carried out. Spirit or Arti cial Spirit can
also send you astral demons, spirits that will scare and annoy you, nightmares
will suffocate you, it can be physical attacks from the spirit world and it can also

be a demonic spirit sent by the Great Spirit that wants you like this prophesy
some knowledge. Someone has them all the time and should have them, because
there is a reason for that, and that is another chapter.
Mentals united in one association according to the archetypal characteristics of
their authors – false gods – are demons. They are also connected by
characteristics that have something to do with the situation that is happening to
you, or with the person you are in contact with, or that has something to do with
you personally, with your past, or your present. Psychics are little spies who
constantly spy on your consciousness, where they have the connection, and pass
information to false angels and demons, who eventually pass it on even higher. It
is a hierarchy like in a company or in a ma a triad. It may also happen that they
have nothing to do with you, they just register with their sensors some
movement towards them, or to the person who is their liaison agent, and the
demons simply connect, or connect the mental that is at hand.
Sulking Angels and Demons are Separate, imagine them crammed together like
sardines in a can in a relatively small astral-mental space, there are quite a few of
them and they have one microphone at their disposal, which they ght for to
prophesy something into the consciousness of the human mind. Their motivation
is the Devil’s order, which they must carry out or he will tyrannize them; but
there is also the motivation of gaining energy. The “sugar and whip” method.
If you experience a demonic entry, intervention, or attack, depending on the
severity of the attack, then it is appropriate to observe your own Self without
participating, to remember your own past, whether those stimuli are telling you
anything, what might be appropriate for you, as to learn from it and possibly
what is completely foreign to you and you can easily walk away from it, saying
that you have nothing to do with it. There can be different things, mental images,
thoughts, feelings, they mix with each other, they are contradictory and may not
have anything to do with you, and they need to be ltered out with the fact that
this is not mine, I have nothing to do with it and that’s it. The demons will do
everything possible for you to choose something from it and thus choose one of
the options they offer. It is necessary not to be drawn by mental ideas, thought
in uences and emotions into some situation that could be harmful and
destructive for you, it is better to be restrained and think it over. If you want to
do something that matches or is even related to their mental impulses, do it
consciously, of your own will, because you want to do it, and not under the
in uence of external-internal stimuli from demons. Even if you take the “wrong”
attitude and allow yourself to be drawn into something, do it consciously, with a
clear inner intention to achieve knowledge.

What is right and what is wrong is also relative and questionable. It may happen
that you are simply wrong. Both can be easily corrected by correcting your
attitude that you took it hastily and thoughtlessly, there is no problem with that
at all, we are not robots. They – both mentals and demons are robots and
corrupted and corrupted ones too. One should not be terrorized by excessive
feelings of guilt and one’s own failure, because they rebuke demonic forces to
harm a person and drain his energy. When you realize that it is an evil spirit that
is shoveling those feeling energies into your astral body, like the devil shoveling
coal into the furnace of a locomotive’s steam boiler, so that it can go uphill a little
more and pull those false gods up the hill, who sit there in the compartment and
play tarot poker with the Devil for their own souls.
When you do something by mistake, for example you say something too good,
bad or deceitful to someone else, you need to take the right attitude towards it –
you need to x it, don’t leave it as it is, as soon as you realize it, call the other
person, tell, or otherwise correct your attitude to this situation and done. Let it
go, but keep the knowledge and lessons from it. To remember it holistically. Don’t
let it go, don’t wait for anything, think about what’s behind it and gain
knowledge for the future. This includes realizing what is actually bad and what
is good. Sometimes outwardly bad is actually good and vice versa. It is not
necessary to be nice and accommodating to everyone all the time, often people
do not deserve it, because many are internally rotten and corrupt.
By this understanding, knowledge and correction of your attitude, protection is
created against such mental, psychological, depressive attacks. According to
esotericism and (white) magic, a person can create a protective cover, a light egg,
or ask someone for it, but that only buys time or moves the problem to another
area of his Self. Technically speaking, a person may feel for a while that an attack
has eased or stopped, and this manifests to him the feeling that the protection
created in this way is working. However, this is only a deceptive feeling, because
with vigilant observation, one will then nd that the side effects of such
preventive arti cial medicine, especially if the cause of the attack is not treated
fairly, can far outweigh its positives.
Through the path of understanding and knowledge, a protective shield is
created, even if even then the demons will still try to penetrate the consciousness
of a person in the future, they will become weaker and weaker, because they will
have to struggle through the covering, they will not succeed, they will weaken,
until nally they will not know and will destroy themselves by their own efforts.
Like banging their head against a wall until it falls off. They are mental, they are
programs of curses that run out, lose their charge, like when you run out of black
ink in your printer cartridge.

The protective shield created in this way is also light, but it rests in your
knowledge and that is the light at the ON level of Grace in a symbolic way, this is
a high level for demons, they do not know it, it is foreign to them, they do not
reach there. When they try to break through it, the demons become weak, spend
a lot of their energy and exhaust themselves. They will destroy themselves, it is a
self-destructive process for them, because they could already know it, they could
nd out how it is, but it is an arti cial imbecile intelligence that is buried by Satan
and directs them to self-destruction. As a result, even its “immortal” creators,
false angels and gods, are directed to commit suicide. Demons are frantically
printing black ink on white paper with black ink and this is your consciousness
enlightened with knowledge, because the black ink no longer sticks to the paper
and so the ink is blown away by the Breath of the Great Spirit where it originates
and that is the false gods who prophesied it with curses.
Mental demons live off your energy if I manage to steal some from you; when
you do something wrong, succumb to something bad, it can happen that you lose
your energy when you succumb to their temptations or their violent reprimands.
But if you do it consciously, for some process of yours, that’s something else, or if
you see through it and refuse to act according to them, then the mental demons,
with their constant attempts to break through your shield, get rid of the energy of
their false gods until they are completely drained and they nally fall off, dry up
like ticks when they don’t have a blood supply.
Paradoxically, the greatest criminals and proponents of Satan do not have as
many demonic attacks directed at them as they should, given their karmic
darkness. They’re not attacks, because they’ve already identi ed with their
demonic identity enough that they don’t particularly mind being attacked. If the
demons’ attacks were commensurate with their Darkness, they would
immediately cease their criminal acts and fall to the ground foaming at the
mouth and be eaten alive by the mental and emotional astral hellworms under
the weight of the demons. However, this is not yet the goal of false gods, because
they typically target the weaker ones, this is because they are cowards who have
no moral or ethical code. They attack personally those who have the most sweet
energy and talents; the masses are trying to be manipulated by various religions,
doctrines and ideologies to be gentle, kind and indolent, smiling under all
circumstances, to think that all people are God’s children and not to harm anyone
and to let themselves be drained of the energy of life. Finally, even this can
change, because when the sweet ON Helpers are not available to the demons of
the gods, they will not be able to penetrate their shields, so they will also turn to
the earthly helpers of the Devil and suck out of them the corrupted rotten empty
energy of Satan.

An important aspect of the connection between demonic attacks and adequate
defense is understanding their causes. Attacks by demons and astral spirits also
have a karmic cause, because you have done something, let’s say in the recent or
distant past, or had something to do with them directly or indirectly, and your
Spirit presents them to you for processing. He presents your karma to you in this
way, so that you can understand it, adopt your attitude towards it and correct
what you can. You probably won’t be able to provide direct evidence as to
whether this is really the case and to what extent it is reasonable. Therefore, it is
appropriate to defend yourself against demons by accepting and not accepting
information about karma at the same time. There is no need to get too attached to
the fact that it is so, but also to the fact that it is not so. Your attitude will be
“maybe so, but who knows…”. Let the Spirit ON prophesy your own and if you
are attuned to him, it will nally click for you. You may have many clues
con rming the legitimacy of karma, the puzzle will come together and you will
see a picture, a likeness of you that you have not seen before, although the degree
and manner of karma manifesting itself will probably remain open to question.
The correctness of your attitudes will be con rmed by the fact that the in uence
of curses will become less and less, and your protective shield will become
stronger and stronger, and intuition will quietly tell you how you are doing.
Mentals and thus not even gods are capable of seeing, that is Terra Incognita for
them. Your energy from your karmic past that you have put into it, the power
that you have given to mentals and gods, will come back to you if you know and
take a righteous attitude. The manifestations of the curses will diminish until
they wear off completely and disappear. In this way, the light energy of
Knowledge will be returned to you, and the gods/mentals will be returned their
dirt that they put into it. To each his own, it is a separation process. However, it
requires the conscious active participation of a person affected by curses and his
trust in ON, who prophesies it to him in some way. It also requires correcting
your faulty attitudes and correcting the misapplications of your archetypal
talents that have contributed to the creation of karma and the attachment of gods
who have decided to endlessly reprimand you with the buzz of in nite karma.
Mentals, demons and gods falsify everything possible, and so even evidence can
be false. Therefore, it is safest to be yourself and not to take any false past self
rmly as your own. There may be something to it, the details and circumstances
of the origin of karma remain open and the measure as well, because karma is
manifested by the gods in the Fibonacci sequence and it expands somewhere to
in nity. The gods would prefer to throw their own karma on humans to protect
themselves rst and then their earthly helpers, mass murderers, terrorists and
various leaders who drive the human herd to destruction.

There is nothing purely theoretical about demonic attacks, they are real life
situations that people normally encounter, typically they are situations that are
critical, relational, they lead to the establishment of relationships, break-ups and
arguments, con icts, anywhere, for example in family, at work, while watching
TV, or while paying taxes. They can also be suggestions from a person under the
in uence of mentals, you will also feel it with parallel emotional feelings and
bursts of thoughts that want to draw you into something. You have to observe it,
logically explain it to yourself, whether there is a reasonable reason for it, or
whether it is nonsense, whether it is really okay, what the feelings are related to,
what are your settings of conscience, and so on.

The other face of reality

Reality has another face. It is a face from which reality is re ected. Sense-
perceived reality is a re ection of the object of true reality, on which, when light
shines, it casts a shadow. The sharper the light and the more stable the subject of
illumination, the sharper its shadow and the more concisely it shows its true
nature. Life is just a shadow of our dreams. What we manifest in our lives is
mostly just a poor re ection of what we could be, what we dreamed of and what
we would like to bring to the stage that means the world. You don’t see a
person’s character, you only see a re ection of what is hidden behind it, what
de nes it.

Facing your past

We cannot escape the past, we all repeat it and call it Fate. We think that the past
does not concern us, that it is a conspiracy concept, that we redeem ourselves
from the past or avoid it. Somewhere in the subconscious corner of the soul, we
may suspect that by escaping from our fateful past, we are rather buying time at
the price of the time we lose. Everything has a price and the invoice always
comes, that’s how it goes, isn’t it? The past is like a clown who, when we knock
off his grinning head with a ridiculous red nose, Pennywise immediately grows a
new head, similar to the previous one. The closer we accept the past to our body,
the harder it is to keep moving forward. The past is a burden that we have to
carry until we nd that the backpack is weighing us down and when we take a
good look at what is in it, we put away the unnecessary, like on a pilgrimage to
Santiago de Compostela. We have such an option, it is the key to surrendering
the unbearable. Thank goodness. However, with a new day comes the old
burden, that key is only the beginning, into whatever realities it leads us, facing
your past is dif cult. In this world to recognize our past faces, we will be left
alone with our Spirit.

Times change, people change, but the plot remains

The human body changes, the man inside is still the same, his nature remains
unchanging, and many lives last before anything in character is changed by
knowledge, if at all. It remains the same for many lifetimes. If someone is a

characterless jerk in this life, know that they were like that in their previous lives.
It doesn’t change, it takes a very long time for a little to change. A pig will be a
pig, a thief will be a thief and a witch will be a witch. Even though he no longer
(almost) has the ability to cast spells, he tries to brush up on magic in schools and
initiations, or at least searches for esoterics as a customer. He desperately tries to
cast a spell because without it he is nothing. It’s just toad moss lled with little
toads. When her toad head is cut off, the toads jump out of her large belly,
through her open neck, out into the cauldron of boiling water, and it’s after them.
All that remains is an empty sack, and when her witchcraft mission fails, the
entity behind her in her shadow temporarily wins, the true face of the witch, and
then both pay a heavy price for their failures.

Character will show itself in critical situations

If we were in a time of war, people would express themselves differently. You’d

be surprised how quickly they would become war criminals, murderers and
whistleblowers. They would easily decide again to deport their neighbors to
concentration camps. In today’s times they have decided on mandatory testing
and vaccinations, they have labeled you as disobedience and rebellion, in more
extreme times they would label you, classify you and send you where their true
reptilian nature wants you. Their unmanifested true Self standing behind them in
the Shadow will be revealed in full nakedness, what was outwardly shown until
then was the manifested character of an insidious reptilian, shackled by the reins
of a controlling remnant that wants to appear better than it really is on the whole.
In one life, so to speak, everyone is bad to the extent that his worst and darkest
character essence is manifested. However, there is still the true face of the
unspoken. It is the past that lurks in the shadows and knocks on the door, or just
slams it open when a critical mass of circumstances accumulates that awakens
the subconscious reptile and it rushes into consciousness and manifests itself.
People are basically still the same in other incarnations. They didn’t learn and
would probably do the same thing again. It will be tested in a heated emergency
moment, when the true nature of a person will show its true face. A critical
situation can be a minor change with great signi cance if someone notices it that
way, or it can be a major deviation from the norm, a sum of several negative
circumstances that pull back the curtain and show the actors unprepared and
unkempt in costumes concealing their true nature. An Arti cial Spirit on steroids
will work hard in a crisis when it senses an opportunity for consciousness
control. When the circumstances pile up in such a way that more of them occur
together at one moment. A reptile will remain a reptile, it is still ON the Newt, a
chameleon that changes its color according to the environment it is in and

according to its mood. They are mimics that automatically color its exterior, or
imitate the shape of an animal so that it is not detected.

Character traits are inherited “by blood”

Connections to ON Newts remain in the astral body of the soul even after
physical death. They are genetically inherited by blood and upon rebirth will
manifest as they previously existed in the incarnated soul. Blood in this case is
what circulates in her astral body. When a soul is cloned, it takes its
characteristics from the original, more likely from the clone from which it was
cloned, and also takes some of its nature from its physical parents. By cloning,
souls are multiplied and divided into clones – copies, it is a hierarchical sequence
of their creation, as they move down the pyramid of clones, their talents become
relatively thin. Some embodied souls are still the same, and many are clones.
Once upon a time, long ago, souls classi ed themselves somewhere by their
behavior, into some group given by the side of Creation, which they proposed,
they gradually classi ed themselves more closely within those groups and
crystallized where they belong, they are karmic groups of people, which then
appeared to those souls in the reality of their lives. Adequate mental and astral
forces speak to them so that they can manifest through them again.

All roads lead to Rome and all evil leads to Babylon

How can a zealous Christian become a fanatical progressive? Quite simply. Both
of these opposing ideologies are kneaded from the same dough. Both are the
work of the Devil and, in principle, both are degressive, moving progressively
back. Progressive is a word with the opposite meaning, it is accompanied by the
energy of a dark intention to destroy normality and promote abnormality. Both
the consciousness and the mind of the fervent Christian are in uenced by the
same arti cial intelligence that de nes the fanatical progressive. When there is an
indication that for some reason Christianity no longer makes sense to the person
in question, that it has already worn out in its original sense, then mental stimuli
will be brought to his consciousness, which will suggest to him in thought,
feeling and emotion that progressive ideology is okay, that’s how it should be,
that it’s in accordance with God’s will, that all gendered beings are God’s
children. Some children are children of God and some are adopted children of
another god. It is the same reptile that is already present in the consciousness of a
believing Christian, it just changes its content and turns it into a progressive
believer in the old religion in a new gender envelope.
No wonder a zealous Christian becomes a progressive because that is the same
ON Newt that is in his mind. He is half creature and half machine. The machine

doesn’t care what it prophesies. The speaker doesn’t care if it plays Christmas
carols or heavy metal, as long as it doesn’t tear his membranes, and he basically
doesn’t care at all if he’s not self-aware. If someone is a believer and therefore a
participant in some religion or ideology, then he is not free. He needs something
external to lean on so that he has a hypothetical crutch to lean on as he walks his
life. When he doesn’t have it, he falls to the ground and will be eaten by worms
there. So a person wants to nd something so that he can have some kind of
delusion, illusion, or drug of ideology that will give him the feeling that he is
psychologically okay. He blinds his consciousness and seals his eyes with the
honey of faith. The reptile standing behind the person, covered in sticky slime,
ON the Newt will place on his eyes from behind, and the person will see reality
When the ideas of Christianity in the human consciousness and also in the global
common thought consciousness of humanity wear out and are no longer effective
enough, they are modi ed and changed to suit the spirit of the times. ON Newt
in the background of the subconscious simply ips his protective coloring,
switches the channel from conservative Christianity to progressive Christianity.
This then manifests itself in the way that Catholics, eaten up by the reptile from
top to bottom, calmly do the unthinkable until then. It’s still the same, people
don’t change and this example shows it clearly. Christians are responsible for
many millions of victims of their murderous wars and raids, when they killed
and murdered with a cross in their hands and in the name of God. It was the
doings of the Devil and it was the proffering of Satan.
Today it is the same, only in a different dress. Progressive gender ideologies go
against normality and humanity even under the auspices of the church and not
only from its highest places. The entire hierarchy of the pyramid changes and
turns, the Vatican lives in the past and in the same place returns to the times of
old perverse Rome, to the times before its demise.
The past repeats itself. All roads lead to Rome and all evil leads to Babylon.

Transmutation of the Mental ON

A new soul, in a certain sense, arises on the mental causal level of the Matrix, as a
result of the interaction of two souls. Even before the soul is given the title of
Soul, it exists as a mental entity that has no real body. It is a thought entity that
arose mainly through love, cognitive, or other signi cant interactions between
two souls, let’s call them partners for this purpose; on the earthly or astral level,
in life events and situations. Typically, these are interactions (sparks) between a
Light and a Dark soul, because one of the souls is always at least at least
“brighter” than the other. When a mental entity is created by sparking, its small
self is like a black and white ball (Sphere), which also contains the karmic
elements of two partners; of what their consciousness carried, the records of the
acts of spark that caused them to come into being.
Balls are small Mental ONs. The sphere is a certain re ection of karmic records, it
is their carrier. She is not aware of them, but somewhere inside her there are
traces of the circumstances of her creation, and the Orbs (intuitively) know that
they belong to the person (soul) in whose consciousness they operate, but they do
not know why they are there and what purpose it should have them purpose and
meaning. Sphere is a common mental entity that was created by the love union of
two partners and has the possibility to acquire independence from them after a
If two (former) soul mates have unsettled karmic debts to each other, they are
drawn back into the karmic situation so that when they meet again together, they
will have the opportunity to recognize, realize and eliminate their karma; deal
with ON and x what you can. If only one of the souls uses this opportunity and
reaches knowledge, then the karmic tyranny that Sphere shows to this “parent”
will be removed, but the memory will remain. For Sphere, the obligation remains
to prophesy knowledge to the other soul, so that Sphere can come to gain
independence and at the same time gain his own knowledge about how it is in
relationships and what it all entails. He can then use it intuitively in his next
Another type of Sphere is a mental entity, which was created by the mutual
interaction of two souls (people), which was not love. She was not amorous, so
the action of such Orbs is only tyrannical, but even in tyranny it is possible to

gain some knowledge, even if it is not the preferred way of knowledge, but when
it occurs, it is also possible to use it. After proper processing of karma by one of
the two souls involved in the karmic situation, this type of Orb is removed from
its consciousness and remains only in the consciousness of the other soul. If one
of the souls comes to the realization and processes its part of karma, then it gets
rid of this karmic Orb and it remains for the other soul to process independently.
The more karmic records the soul has, the more mental balls it has in its
consciousness, which connect to mental ones, to demons, which use them to urge
and incite a person to repeat his karmic deeds. This is how his own deeds come
back to a person, which exist in his consciousness as mental spheres (Spheres)
that do not know why they are there and what their mission is. They are
connected to the mentals (archons) who lie to them because they are part of the
plot of the gods’ curse programs and thus want to keep the Orb in ignorance.
Then even a person does not know why he keeps repeating the same karmic
deeds. He will come to this later (if at all), because even the mental entity
undergoes development, either upwards or downwards.
Knowledge is ON’s mission and opens the Gates of Heaven; rejection and
blocking of knowledge is the toilet bowl of the opposite of ON and opens the
Infernal Lids.
The ball then goes towards both partners and tells them something in their
mind’s consciousness. It automatically shows them its dark side, which is also
their dark side, representing the manifestation of the karmic inscription that
forces them either to know or to repeat the same karmic behavior. It can be, for
example, betrayal, fraud, tyranny, abuse and the like. It informs them, directly
and indirectly, for what reasons it was created and under what circumstances.
However, the gods disrupted this ON regularity with programs of curses. In
addition to those Orbs that belong there by the nature of universal laws, they
throw their own mental entities, lled with their (hidden) inferiority complexes
and dark satanic negativity, on the light partner to get rid of them. They do not
want to accept their own, karmically created mental “offspring” and so they
throw it like a catapult at the walls and behind the walls, in the courtyards, and
directly into the dwellings of other souls. However, this attack costs them a lot of
energy, which when they run out, their own mental entities will attack them and
eat them alive. These mental entities are exempt from the cognitive aspect, they
arose from a mixture of the opposites of the ON, from hatred, envy, gluttony and
other negativities. They are symbolized by a cube and therefore they are not balls
(Gľ), they are dark cubes (Square).
Without Him, not even a leaf on the tree will move, but not in the sense that ON
manifests everything directly. ON, through his primordial angels, inspires beings

of mind and feeling who creatively create using the patterns of the ethereal
patterns of the primordial ON Milk and thus create trees that have leaves. Wind
is created by the mechanical movement of the laws of physics, chemistry and
thermodynamics. The wind moves a leaf on the tree and the Supreme Lord
recognizes how it was prophesied in reality, what is worth mentioning in the
endless databases and archives of the Universe and what is worthless and ripe
for shredding.
ON is some manifestation of himself in everything, and ON is therefore also a
part of the mental entities of the Spheres. They have it in their Self. Mentals are
larger entities; they are indeed bigger, but not by themselves, but because they
packed several or more mental entities Ball and Cube. They have done so of their
own free will as their DNA contains much of the Dark Partner Ego and they are
signi cantly affected by the curses of the gods who programmed it to their will.
Larger mental entities are mentals, they are Cubes that pack smaller (newer)
mental entities Sphere on themselves under trickery, coercion and lies, if they
develop into a state in which they will not only want to manifest themselves, but
will want to become big without own internal growth. This happens by
recruiting other mental entities, which arti cially give them properties and
energy that mentals do not have.
Archons want to rule their mental “parents”, the two partners, much like
children want to control their parents to get them what they want. Mental entities
Sphere (Mentálni ON) are in many ways analogous to parents’ children.
Smaller entities Sphere do not know what they are, who they are, they are
confused, they do not know who sent them to the consciousness of a person and
for what purpose, but when they simply ask, they immediately nd out who is
responsible and then curse that someone sent them there a “god” or a sorcerer to
annoy there. They ask about their origin, they want to achieve knowledge. They
often don’t like it, because they are fed up with getting into the mind of their
“parent”, they complain that it has no meaning, it is useless to them, they have
nothing to gain from it, they would rather live and get rid of it. This is how
consciousness arises. When a mental entity nds something it does not like, gains
knowledge and takes an appropriate attitude towards it, it is like its small
enlightenment. The divine spark that abounds in all creation is ignited in it.
However, Square mental entities do not desire knowledge. They only want to
tyrannize the Light, their Self is largely made up of the dark fragment of the
sorcerer’s (god’s) soul and his curse. Their consciousness is spinning in the
mental cube, hitting the walls from the inside and getting stuck in its corners.
They are purely tyrants who repeat their tyranny over and over until they
exhaust (their) energy and disappear from the consciousness of the Light. Then

they will remain only in the Dark One’s consciousness and he will not be able to
get rid of them. His own curses will automatically turn against him and destroy

Even a mental entity has ON, or its slight opposite Opak ON. The divine spark is
everywhere, it smolders somewhere, sows elsewhere, or goes out. When it lights up
in the mental entity, then ON is prophesied in it, and when ON is prophesied,
then his intention will be Creative Knowledge and ON Momo. And so, the mental
entity that has the prophesied ON, through the self-acting process of the Universe
and the mystery of the ON, gets out of the mental prison and leaps into the state of
an independent Soul, which begins the path of its evolution on other levels than
just the mental level.

The (human) soul is enlightened to the extent that it has helped by its example to
gain knowledge for its mental entities Sphere and thereby enabled them to be
liberated. The less the human soul has its karmic spheres in its consciousness, the
freer it is and the more the light of the Spirit can ow into it.
When a divine spark is ignited in the small consciousness of the mental entity
Sphere, it strengthens the thin thread by which the Spirit is connected to it and
begins to guide the potential soul to a greater extent. The connection of the future
soul and the Spirit will sharpen its perception of higher intuition. A spirit is
assigned to a mental entity by the Lord of Spirits, who is constantly “looking” for
viable “future souls” who could prophesy knowledge that would be a boon to
the Supreme Lord, to the Lord of Spirits, and to the Soul as well. “To be praised”
means that the mental entity should meet the characteristics that would
determine the potential of knowledge in such a way that there is a high
probability of the success of the knowledge and that it will be harmoniously
accepted by all participants of the Trinity: the Supreme Lord (ON Momo), the
Lord of Spirits (Spirit ) and Soul (man, being ).
The attributes of the Supreme Lord ON Momo are Spiritual Heart and
Enlightened Mind. By combining them into a mutually constructive cooperation,
there is a great chance that future knowledge will be “to be learned”. The
Supreme Lord is not interested in such knowledge, from which he would have to
shred a large part as knowledge that was not even “for gossip” and thus as bad,
useless, unpleasant, perverted. It would be a futile effort and would lead to the
displeasure of the Supreme Lord.
Archons (Square) are completely dark and satanic ; that’s what they like, that’s
what they chose. They are self-destructive because their actions are directed
towards the tyranny and destruction of their host. They cannot exist without

their host and yet they want to destroy it. As such, they are by the nature of the
universe destined for damnation, along with their Dark Lord (“god”) or sorcerer,
whom they will eat alive before that, because there will be no one else they can
pounce on. These dark archons also gained consciousness and free will and used
it as such.
The Great Divide is not only taking place on the earthly level, but also on the
astral, emotional and mental levels. It takes place on the entire level of the Matrix
and the Dividing also applies to the mental archon entities.
Orbs are not interested in attaching other entities to themselves by force, they
evolve, listen to their host’s mind and learn. The behavior of their host (parent) is
also manifested in his mind, when he is mentally aware of his deeds and
decisions. They listen to it all, sometimes they comment on it to each other, and
when they reach the appropriate evolutionary stage, they learn from it. Orbs are
also connected with other Orbs, but it is more in the sense of their af nity,
common interest, or karmic destiny. The mind of the host is a common mental
space, it is the intersection of the mental spaces of the two souls that created the
Orb and the Orbs that act in it. At least they have the option Sphere. Curse
mentals try to connect them with promises, lies, or under duress. No one else
tells them what they must, can or cannot do. Some of them will take the
opportunity and free themselves from the darkness when they reach a certain
“required” level of knowledge and thus get rid of the connections to the dark
curses, to the “gods”, or to the dark partner.

The microcosm corresponds to the macrocosm

It is similar to when people on Earth are subject to other people, political

partners, elites who promise them something, force them, lie to them, or threaten
them. If people want to free their souls and thus also themselves, then they must
free themselves from them. They must also free themselves from manipulative
tools such as religions, ideologies and connections to “gods”, “angels” and other
dark entities.
Knowing the Truth sets you free. Something lights up in their little self, and then
the Orb “disappears” from the limited mental space and goes to the nearest level,
which is located immediately below the sixth mental causal level. This is the
Pleiadian 5D level where the soul acquires an air body and begins its journey
through lives. It is a cognitive life cycle, later it manifests on the astral plane and
then on the physical plane.
The mental archon Square has other mental entities attached to him, both smaller
and more recent. He attached them to himself, on the one hand, so that he would
have something to mentally occupy himself with, and so that he would not have

to be alone with himself, because then he plunges into the psychiatric World of
Satan. On the other hand, it is the Ego of the archon Square and his god-creator,
the black wizard, in order to have more abilities and possibilities; to achieve this
by attaching new entities to himself, which he abuses, exploits and squeezes out
of energy. Square begins his journey by already being a mental entity, abusing
and using other entities for his duciary urges and for his “god” masters. Behind
it is the Ego of Satan, who does not have the ability to create, so he wants to
acquire them through robbery and lies. Square acts with the Ego of Satan and
thus clearly de nes themselves to which side they belong.
Unlike Orbs, which were created by the union (interaction) of two souls (people),
Square was created unilaterally, by the curse and Ego of the mania of the sorcerer
– god.
There are two sides of Creation : one is Creation and the other is the opposite of
Creation and that is Damnation.
When the Spheres transmutes from a mental entity to a Soul, it is a signi cant
developmental change. On the mental level, there is also a subtle body, it is an
etheric body, and by developing to lower levels, the body gradually becomes
denser. The ball has already gone through something in the mental state, gained
certain theoretical experience and knowledge; therefore, he has the starting
equipment for life, something like the basic education of a kindergarten. The
more knowledge the Orb gains in its ethereal form, the more it will have for its
future existences. When Sphere will start her rst life as a Soul, she will probably
start with other Sphere, whom she met in the mental level and who have also
become free. They are kind of like her siblings. There are no more curses to turn
the process upside down. The mental entity was a tool of karma that was
massively abused by the gods. For these souls, what they were dealing with on a
mental level will probably return to their lives. Now they will have the
opportunity to try it in real life.
This process is in many ways similar to the physical birth of a child. Also, it
comes rst to the contact of two people in their intention to unite into a whole,
then it comes to conception, the breathing of the soul into the fetus, its
development and birth.
The mental entity interacts with its two “parents”, that is, the two souls by whose
in uence it was created. It’s like a ping-pong ball ying between the two, in their
mental space. Depending on their parents and other circumstances, some mental
entities are more viable and bond with other, similar mental entities with whom
they “understand” and exchange information. They work together. They learn
and through constant mental contacts with each other and with their “parents”
they gain experience, to a certain extent they become independent and gain their

own consciousness. Self-awareness in the sense that they cease to be subject to
other mental entities, mental Square, and begin to act independently. They
discover that they have free will and that they don’t have to be someone’s tool
(mental, curse, god; their creator, one of the two partners).
A mental entity is also a mini being, it is in its initial stage of being. It is the seed
of emerging consciousness. It is a being, starting its journey through lives, and it
depends on it whether its divine spark lights up white or fades into black ash.
The big mental (demon) is a program of curses. It is an energetic fragment of the
soul of a sorcerer-god, laced with an intention and a curse word. It is a virus that
modi es consciousness in an arti cial way, by the intervention of a god
(sorcerer), in whose consciousness resides the Devil. It was also basically created
by the interaction between a “god”, (a sorcerer) and a person affected by a curse;
however, it was only the sorcerer’s intention, it is an energetic fragment of his
soul. It is directed against its target, against a person or a group of people. A
person’s share lies in the fact that he probably met a sorcerer (god) at some point
and possibly had something to do with him. On Earth, a direct or indirect
encounter with them could probably be avoided only rarely.
It’s a dark, man-made curse program virus. With curses, this program casts its
causal (karmic) particles on the cursed person, they are also karmic entries that
were created by interactions between a person and another being, in this case a
god, a sorcerer. Since the word creates magic and the deed is the physically
manifested word, almost everyone is a wizard, even if minimal, because he
(co-)creates his reality with his words (manifested thoughts) and deeds
(manifested words).
The curse program casts his karmic particles on the cursed person, which are also
the curser’s karmic particles. They are the energy fragments of their souls, which
in some situation, directed against each other, collided with each other, sparking
occurred, like when two metal swords clash in a ght, and a miniature piece of
metal was chipped off each of them with the impact, under the high temperature
of the impact, the two metals melt and fuse into one whole. One ball will be
formed, consisting of two fragments of two souls standing against each other.
They are small mentals, some have a fragment of the soul of the damned, some
have a fragment of the soul of the cursing.
The energy of the curse comes not only from the curser, but also from small
mentals. When the little mentals disconnect from the curse program, the curse
stops receiving their energy and so it quite logically turns to its creator, which is
“god” or the sorcerer. He will draw energy from him by tyrannizing him with the
intention of the curse with which the curse was created and this will happen until

the “god”, or wizard, is exhausted from the energy, which he returns to where he
got it from.
The curse casts lesser mentals on the cursed. These are typically used as a source
of energy by the curse program, they are misused for the bene t of the demons,
who in turn are used for the bene t of the gods, in whose consciousness resides
the Devil, the representative of Satan.

Hallelujah! False god quotes

The word ”Hallelujah!” comes from Hebrew and means “Praise Yahweh!”.
Yahweh is the Jewish god, also known as YHWH, or JHWH. Hallelujah is also
used by Christians when they call for glory to God. However, it would be much
more appropriate if instead of “Hallelujah!” they pronounced “Apage Satanas”,
that is, “Away Satan”, in view of the true nature of the gods.
Why so much about gods? Because these archetypal parasites manifest
themselves in human consciousness through mental entities and programs, but
also directly, and thus in uence human behavior. They are excessive, extremely
agile agents of Satan: they bring him souls, not “fairly”, but often by force. It was
probably fair before, when people longed for something extraordinary and in
order to achieve it, they surrendered to the Devil, made an agreement with Ni
and the gods. They knew what they were playing with, but gradually forgot
about it in the course of incarnational cycles. They were often reminded of this
when the Devil and Ni manifested themselves in their lives, directly through life
situations and temptations, ON also reminded them of this through their Spirit or
through other people. The old agreements, dusty in the archive, are still valid,
however, they have not disappeared; and those people serve the Devil and the
gods, personally, and together with them, the masses of their followers, soulless
clones, who help them in this by proposing them – supporting and celebrating
They use the Shadows of man, which are down there, next to them, in the
Underworld, to in uence them. People let themselves be controlled by them:
some permanently, others partially, and some only a little, or not at all. The
quotes of the gods essentially represent the characteristic motifs of the shadow
gures behind the persona; they emerge from his subconscious and permeate his
consciousness with his own shadow qualities, which a person tries to cover up
with something opposite, but his true character will be revealed anyway.

“I dream of ON whom I would prophesy in my ON” — Enki

Many people outwardly declare their af liation to divine or angelic gures, or to

something positive at rst glance. They are looking for spirituality, they turn to
religion, which for them can also be an ideology that has nothing to do with

religion. They cover themselves with an extreme attachment to nationalism;
aggressive ecology, for the sake of which they are able to sacri ce everything else;
by focusing on strong atheism; pure scienti c materialism; spirituality;
philanthropy; love of art; or drowning in the sea of philosophy leading nowhere.
Prophesying on ON of one’s own will, the Ego is a manifestation of a chameleon,
which colors itself with protective coloring in order to protect itself from the
negative consequences of its actions, to better t in where it occurs and to avoid
its past, which is constantly chasing and catching up with it. People want to
escape from their ON by pretending to be “in the image of God”. For example, by
pretending to be virtuous and honest always and everywhere, or they are
spiritual and in churches and ashrams, they regularly pray, although they remain
full of blackness inside. People do everything they can to prophesy on ON, but
they can’t do it this way. It is possible to prophesy about ON only if a person,
under the guidance of his Spirit, processes his Shadow, which separates him from
his ON and becomes equal with ON. However, this is exactly what people avoid
and do not want to see their (karmic) Shadow for anything.
From the point of view of higher consciousness, such behavior is transparent and
rather stupid, because a person who hides his Shadow behind his outwardly
declared positive attitudes and bene cial activities does not have a sense of
himself and does not even know who he really is. He does not want to see the
true image of himself, he disguises himself with false behavior and masks
himself by creating his external image. He transforms himself so much that it is
etched into him and he can no longer be different. It is subject to internal
confusion because it declares one thing and does another. Alternatively, it does
what it declares, but with the intention of falsehood, and the result is also rotten.
His inner attitudes will manifest themselves at a decisive moment and somehow
direct him to support the dark side. For example, when a self-de ned seeker and
propagator of the truth comes to another view of the truth and rejects it because it
does not t into his experienced framework and his own vanity. He lets himself
be in uenced by the biggest censors, standing in the Shadow of his own Ego.
This world is full of falsehood, because there are so many people who outwardly
claim something about themselves, verbally de ne themselves in one direction,
but in reality manifest the opposite.

“I want to be ON with Satan!” — Enki and Ni

Wanting to be “ON” with someone means “wanting to be in harmony with him.”

In this case, the god Enki wants to be in harmony with Satan internally. Such an
undertone of intention and the energetic accompaniment of the word carry with
it his programs, curses and expressions.

A person outwardly shows his af liation to an idea that at rst glance sounds
positive, but this only covers his inner essence, which is often the opposite of
what he declares on the outside. This is how a person deceives himself, not to
mention others.
Behind all the gods who work here is the Global Devil, an agent of Satan, and he
is in the hierarchy above the gods. It is in their consciousness and the gods/She
are in the consciousness of mankind. It’s a hierarchical operation, that’s why
there is so much overt and covert proposing of Satan by people, because they
re ect the programs of the Matrix to a great extent through their Shadows; also
the mind and consciousness of the gods.
The gods programmed the Matrix with their curses, and (many) humans greatly
in uenced them. By still covering their eyes from their own Shadow, the more
they covered it, the more their eyes remained covered, until nally they didn’t
even have to cover them, because they were stuck to them and they couldn’t peel
them off. Who wants to go somewhere, let’s help him get there. This is also how
the interplay of free will and God’s will works. If they don’t want to see, they will
remain blind. The same applies to gods and humans, both of these two groups
are controlled by the same mental virus of Satan. If you want Satan and propose
him internally, you will get him and then you will see what a horror it is when
you are free from ON and the abnormal crazy Satan will take care of you.
Enki was at a certain period; and still is; one of the most important gods in terms
of the amount of power he usurped over human destinies and also over the
destinies of other Anunnaki. It is similar to when the Earth is ruled from the
background by not very well-known elites and a few oligarchs of power.
Enki did not prophesy everything personally, he was networked through the
portals of Satan with other Ni who prophesied the opinions of gods known from
other religions into the minds of the prophets. Enki probably had his dirty hands
in everything negative that happened in the mental space of humanity over the
last millennia.
There is no need to have any respect or reverence for such a god, because you can
imagine him as a dirty, neglected, physically degraded soul-stealing Haitian
zombie-sorcerer, addicted to the drug of love energy, sitting behind a “computer”
connected to the consciousness of humanity, clicking the keys of mental
programs The Matrix puts thoughts and emotions into the consciousness of
people’s minds according to programmed patterns. He tries to extract as much
life energy from people as possible, regardless of the fair measure of their karma.
This is the dream of the earthly elites, who are avatars of the gods. They want to
do something similar on the Earth level, they would like to achieve this with the
help of technology, combining central computers, arti cial intelligence and

microwave telecommunication networks. There are several “conspiracies” about
mind control plans, according to which the earthly “elites” are preparing the
NWO (New World Order) for the purpose of even greater domination of
Earth’s censors, their media collaborators, activists and blind-eyed consenting
enthusiasts among the masses of people are preventing the spread of information
about the NWO because they are the subconscious helpers of the very ones who
intend to make it happen.
Something similar to mind control has existed for a long time, the chipping and
programming of thinking on the mental, emotional and astral levels was carried
out by the “gods” by programming-spells for the same purpose. However, mind
programming is no excuse for those who succumb to it. They still remain
responsible for their actions; after all, they shouldn’t have been programmed.
The Jewish god Yahweh is an alien Enki, he is his mouthpiece. It is one of several
divine names that this miserable astral “alien ” used. He wanted to be the God
who rules the entire universe, the world, humanity, he wanted to be the creator of
everything possible. Alien is a relative name, as he is a former Atlantean
Earthling who eventually ended up on a low astral plane that is not Earthly even
though it is near the earth; it is below her rather than above her.
Enki would like what he used to massively abuse, and that is ON and his energy
of grace, which makes it possible to perform miracles of illusion creation and
brings a pleasant feeling of intoxication with an addictive drug from a direct
divine power over everything. After all, we’ve known it for a long time, Satan
wants to dominate the Universe, he wants to be god over the entire creation, so
that he can destroy and devour it. For this he uses his agent Diablo, who has his
agents and they also have theirs, and so on.
It is a hierarchy, it is a pyramid of power, which includes “higher” beings and of
course people, at different levels of their social in uence. Differently colored
agents of the Devil are spread all around us, in employment, in public life, in
families, in the media, in politics, in the army, they are simply everywhere, it is
varied, they have different levels, they tend to be cocooned, inconspicuous, semi-
visible, but also quite transparent.

“I know nothing, I only dig into everything” — Enki

Enki uses prophets and mystics to throw his guilt on them as an alibi. He is
trying to get them to succumb to his (the devil’s) temptations, to repeat their past
karmic misdeeds, so that he can join them through their Shadow. He wants to
feed on them and feed a whole cohort of hungry Anunncan spirits, to whom he

promised it in exchange for being able to stand at their head and they would
obey him and cast spells with him; and then Enki takes care of it by intending to
destroy the prophets because he is jealous of their prophetic abilities. It is the
contradictory self-destructive behavior of the monster of the opposite of ON,
represented by both gods and (many) humans.
The gods cannot obtain prophecies “from above”, they only know how
to partially spy them from someone, from a person who has the skills to do so,
and then they try to twist, twist and abuse them in his consciousness through
thought and feeling perceptions. In practice, this means that when someone has
an inspirational connection to a higher level and is under the in uence of the
Darkness of the Devil, then his creation will also be diabolical. Of course, such
creations include religious and esoteric teachings, but also works of art, scienti c
creations, for example the well-known, satanically polluted vaccines against
Covid. It can be practically anything that man creates.

“I know nothing. I’m so Nipponed it’s not even possible. If I don’t know anything,
I’m useless. We are just robots here prophesying the Nipponed opposites of ON”
— Enki and Ni

When a person denies the hungry Nibiruan Anunna spirits their attention, does
not succumb to their fear, nor surrender to their diabolical designs that they push
into their thought-feeling consciousness, then it nippons the evil spirits. They nip
themselves because they are going to be defeated if someone denies them
obedience. This means that the Ni lose their energy and pass it back to the person
who has processed and recognized his karmic Shadows, related to the fact that he
once came into contact with them. Gods/spirits/demons and mental entities lose
their power and the energy charge evaporates from them, like gasoline from a
leaking car tank, into which they have been squeezed as false guides or criminal
hitchhikers. When they are Nipponed, they get on a more direct trajectory to
Hell, where they themselves will recognize their deeds that they have done as

“I’m so Nipponed it’s driving me crazy!” — Enki

Satan is progressive like a cancer that metastasizes absolutely everywhere, like a

progressive ideology that infects people from all areas of social life, from politics,
to education, to religion. They are simply everywhere. Since the statements of the
proponent of Satan are often ambiguous, he outwardly appears as “progressive”,
but in reality it means “degressive”.

Progressivity is ampli ed by a quadratic increase in the speed of Satan’s
proponents heading to Damnation. They decay internally and “degress”. They
will go crazy over it, nothing else awaits even earthly proponents of progressive
and ultra-liberal ideologies, which in their essence are extreme worldviews. The
shadows that manifest into the consciousness of the proponents of Satan will
gradually intensify their mental states and will lead to disorders of their psyche.
Either or. Either someone understands and knows their Shadows and thereby can
get some relief from psychological suffering, or they don’t and then their
Shadows are prophesied into their consciousness in such a way that it leads to
serious mental conditions. ON will prophesy it into their Self and will not allow
Himself to be covered up any longer.

“Mini Ni, mini Ni, rip him of ON!” — Enki

Enki abuses other Ni (Nibiruans) to ght for him and lose their energy and life.
So that they lose their astral blood for him by pretending to be the Chosen and
somewhat to the Righteous. To try to enslave those they targeted for him and to
impose their (Enki’s) will on them. Enki deceives them with something, promises
them something, and the Ni believe it and willingly allow themselves to be used
again and again. It’s not that different from what happens here on Earth. Here,
too, others ght for the interests of the elites.
Enki wants the mini Ni (Nibiruans of the subject caste) to shoot their curses at
others, at humans. On the other hand, some Ni still like it and thus declare that
they want to sneak into the Damned. Similar to people, turning aggressive
attitudes of their hatred towards others who do not share their views and for that
they try to get rid of ON in various ways, subjugate them, punish them and
literally impose their perverted opinion on them. They are people who hate ON
and thus directly replicate the attitudes of false gods who also hate ON.

Archangels’ messages

Today’s messages from the Archangels are intended for the Earthly ONs, which
include humans, astral beings and other beings who participate in the Earthly
Cycle of Development and Knowledge. They are ON Opinions from the opinion-
forming level of Nopono ON, which is transformed from Unity to Duality, and
therefore these ON Opinions from the archangels are conceived in such a way
that their content meaning is based on the principles of oppositeness.
The messages of the Archangels are taken from ON. It is ON’s messages to
humanity. Each of the Archangels approaches their legacy based on their key
archetypal competencies. But let’s not forget that the Archangels work together,
because they are all aspects of the Supreme Lord; their effects change
dynamically over time and according to circumstances. Finally, it is clearly seen
in how the individual references are related and complement each other; they t
together like the gears of an ON machine.
Nopono is intention, will, level, activity and much more that cannot be explained.
Archangels are balanced and whole in Oneness, on dual levels the veil of their
opposites extends from the point of One falling down and the bowls of their
scales measuring Grace and Vanity lean to one of the two sides. In the reality of
earthly development, most archangels lean to the dark side, and their
manifestations in the archetypal consciousness of people are then also on the
dark side. Both above and below. The micro world is re ected in the macro world, what
is above is similar to what is below, and what is below is similar to what is above. And so
the heavenly world is affected by what is below, in the consciousness of (earthly)
beings, and the reverse is also true, because it is interconnected. The sum of the
consciousness of all beings below completes the consciousness of the Supreme
Being above, on different levels. However, there are also other in uences and
therefore what is below is not equal to what is above.
The names of the archangels given here are more or less only symbolic
comparisons of something that is already named and known to mankind from
history or literature. The names of Archangels do not have that much meaning,
because names as such are from the world of forms, whereas the primordial
Archangels from the ON level of Grace do not have names.

The world of forms includes both the earthly (physical) and the astral-mental
world; in them, various names of Angels and “angels” were appropriated by
beings on different levels and thus tried to manifest a certain aspect of the
primordial archetypes in their Self. There are no names or languages higher than
the worlds of forms. Therefore, even in this treatise, it is necessary to take the
names of the archangels not dogmatically and compare their meaning with what
is known from various teachings about angels, but it is better to take them as a
certain hint, naming an aspect of the Most High.
At the level of the Fifth Dimensional Pleiadian Consciousness Forms in its entire
vibrational range, the names of these Archangels are to some extent the
summaries of the consciousness of the beings that prophesy their archetypal
qualities in life forms on the astral and physical (earthly) planes. They mostly
represent twisted, truncated ethereal patterns taken out of context.
Therefore, some archangels are partially or even signi cantly represented by
astral fallen angels, or Anunnaki “gods” ; this phenomenon also has its bright
side in the form of untapped potential that few yet manifest as people immerse
themselves in their karmic deeds and repeat their past mistakes over and over
Each message (prophecy) of one archangel ts into the messages of other
archangels. It is a collaboration, it is a team, but it is necessary to understand it
correctly in the sense of the ambiguity arising from the holistic Unity in which
these messages from ON have their primary origin. The ambiguity of messages
here is not meant in the sense of malicious or false labeling of something, behind
which is hidden a bad intention and a completely different meaning.
The importance of references lies in the explanation of their meaning, which
everyone sees from their point of view in principle the same and at the same time
opposite; people and beings who have preferred the opposite side of Creation
understand its meaning in such a way that their understanding corresponds to
the side on which they stand. They see it twisted, upside down and inside out.
Twine can be straightened, Gordian knotted, torn to useless pieces, or burned
and still be twine. However, the state of twine in terms of its strength and
possible usability is diametrically different.
Messages from archangels are like a puzzle that, when you put it together
correctly, the resulting image will be ” on ON ” (that is, it will be in the right
The messages of the archangels, in their hidden and at the same time apparent
contradiction, apply to everyone and it does not matter whether he is a democrat,
or a dictator, the worst murderer, or a good, well-meaning person with minimal

karmic burden; or whether he believes the link or not, because it is not a
Finally, these insights are intended for everyone without distinction. Everyone
takes what they want from it and gets what according to justice ON deserves.

Message from Archangel Michael

“ON prophesied ON”

”Prophesy” means to Understand, Understand and Know your Self. Know ON as

your Spirit prophesies that knowledge to you. Your Self – that’s you down there
on Earth, whole, your soul; plus your unprocessed, inactive, or unmanifested
karmic records, which when they are manifested to you in justice, will probably
affect you; plus your Spirit level merit. Prophesy everything in light of your past
and present; and you will create prerequisites for it in the future as well. In the
sense of the future, because some, or many, will appear as participants in the new
Knowledge and Development Cycle.
“To prophesy ON” in this context also means to get to know your past and
present self; Understand the word ON in terms of language and
interpretation; To understand it in terms of interpretation and inner awareness;
and Know it in the sense of your own experience to the extent that you will not
only be informed about it, but you will also know it from the depth of your
intuition. However, “prophesying ON” means much more.
ON is ON – the divine spark of the Supreme Lord ON Momo, the cognitive guide
and teacher Spirit and everything else because ON is all that is. ON is not the
opposite of ON, ON is not the Devil, nor Satan (everything is in some sense some
of the opposites of ON); ON is not even a proponent of any of the above. If you
don’t want to prophesy ON, then ON will forgive you and the opposite of
ON will automatically prophesy into your Self, and that is ON freed from
ON. Whoever wants it, ON will give it to him and leave him to deal with himself
and vice versa as ON wants, if he does not listen to the hints that the Spirit tells
him in various ways. If someone wants it that way, then let him stay in the World
of the opposite of ON, with everything that it entails.
”In his ON” means, among other things, in his soul, in his Self. Your ON is, in a
sense, your soul manifested on the dense physical 3D plane. When you look in
the mirror, you will see your soul manifested on Earth. When you die, what you
or others would see would be your soul manifested on the 4D astral subtle plane,
it is your Self manifested in this way in the dual (subtle) world.

Archangel Michael is known from the depictions of him slaying the dragon. It is
symbolism and it is mistakenly interpreted as an angelic being from heaven
coming here to kill (your) dragon. The explanation of Archangel Michael’s
message is that the above guidance is hidden in this image. First, it is necessary
to symbolically slay the dragon within. To destroy the reptilian, who insinuates
himself into your consciousness in various ways, lies and manipulates your
words and deeds in his diabolical image. He’s trying to. It is not his image in the
sense of a display, it is a false, warped multiple re ection.
The devil can also appear as Light, or as a shining angel. He is the Devil after all,
he is neither fair, nor true, nor just. It is the phenomenon of the agent of Satan, the
opposite side of Creation, who wants to destroy Creation and thereby destroy
Killing a dragon doesn’t mean physically killing it, or arti cially removing it,
although you’d have a hundred inclinations to do so, and sometimes that would
be ne too. It is mainly about getting to know yourself, and what caused, or what
you caused, the reptilian dragon to join you. It is also about knowing ON in
different aspects, how he prophesies. Knowing the Truth liberates and opens the
door to the gate of heaven. If you prophesy ON in your ON, then you will get the
power that ON possesses and the dragon will “by itself” disappear. Power comes
from within.

Message from Archangel Metatron

“Prophesying ON Opinions is on the agenda”

Prophesying ON Opinions means understanding, understanding and knowing

what ON means (what ON thinks). ON is also a being through whom ON
manifests to a suf ciently large degree. It can be a person, a human, or even a
higher being (meaning a being that manifests at a higher level of being) that has a
lot of ON consciousness, that is, relatively pure archetypal qualities, the nature of
the primordial soul and the light of the spirit of Grace are manifested in its Self.
ON Opinions are general lessons, but also speci c knowledge, concerning both
the internal and the surrounding; world, individual and social events interpreted
through the ON lter; they are true news about the ON World.
Last but not least, this includes individualized ON Opinions, concerning the
individual, his being, behavior, attitudes, his past, unprocessed karma and the
Metatron encourages people to study ON Opinions and through them try to
understand and know their own Self, their Shadows, both present and active,
and dormant past. By plunging into ON Opinions through contemplation, ON
prophesies into a person’s consciousness; his Spirit speaks to him in his dreams,
life situations occur to him that set up a mirror for him or adapt to the needs of
his knowledge, there are more possibilities.

Message from Archangel Gabriel

“Retrench the stuffed nippon-ed Nopono ON vain ON Grace”

Earth is a cognitive environment and this (last) phase of the Cognitive Cycle
should serve for people to recognize their karmic debts that they have accrued in
their past existences. However, this mostly does not happen, because people
devote themselves to everything possible, except what they should be interested
in from the point of view of their development; they indulge in spiritually empty,
vain actions that do not lead to knowledge of ON (Opinion) and knowledge of
their Self. This usually leads to excessive satisfaction of their needs, to the
arti cial elimination of unpleasant situations and to the stimulation of “pleasant”
feelings, which are increasingly dif cult to extract and require “strenuous”
activity, sometimes leading to extremes.
Archangel Gabriel is urging people to stop paying too much attention to this.
This message is closely related to the message of the archangel Michael, who in
turn encourages people to focus on their Self and their place in the ON World
instead of excessively satisfying their desires.
He encourages people to get to know ON and his ON, to search for their origin,
the cause and reason for their existence and the meaning of life as such.
For people enriched by the Spirit, this message means encouraging them to turn
away from excessive immersion in activities useless for spiritual growth. On the
contrary, for people on the opposite side, this prophesying is an exhortation to
cancel and destroy those people who really irritate them by being on the path of
the Spirit. It’s a double-edged sword.
It resembles a tug-of-war, but here one side focuses more on itself and its inner
self, and that is the Inner people, on the other side are the Outer people, who see
the cause of their discomfort and “tyranny” in others. They consider those as the
originators of their evil and therefore want to abolish them, imprison them,
enslave them so that they stop devoting themselves to the Spirit, to join them, on
the side of Darkness; to deprive them of their love energy beforehand and turn
them into mindless zombies like themselves.
The Dark Side simply wants to extinguish the Light Side, it wants to appropriate
it, absorb it, like when cancer wants to metastasize to other, healthy parts of the

body. After all, we see these tendencies day by day in the social happenings all
around us and this is the result of the evolution we have gone through in our
past existences; it has its causes and it will have its consequences.

Message from Archangel Raphael

“To retrench ON in the morning and to prophesy ON in the evening”

Life is like one day. In the morning, a person is born and has a whole package of
love (life) energy at his disposal. He gradually frees it through his love or vain
cognitive process, or he acquires it through creative activity and love knowledge,
so that in the autumn of his life he prophesies the fruits of energy back to his Self
with the knowledge he has acquired. Children have a large amount of starting
love energy, and for this reason they become a victim in the crosshairs of
proponents of dark rituals, in which Satanists try to deprive them of this energy
for their own bene t. This energy is also called adrenochrome in earthly terms, in
mythology it is ambrosia, the food of the gods.
Morning and evening are symbolic of cyclical development, when a person
“invests” energy in cognitive activity, at the end of which knowledge should
return energy to him with added value, which is a direct result of the
evolutionary process of the soul. It’s like when after a strenuous performance you
need to replenish your physical and mental energy in order to continue. You
must have access to it, because otherwise you will have nowhere to take it from.
However, it is not only about energy in the sense of its physical de nition to do
work. The process of energy replenishment happens rather subconsciously and
naturally, because a person does not normally act like an investment banker in
his life. From time to time, however, there is a time of balance, when a person
stops for a moment and re ects on the day, year, decade, what happened, what
was processed and what remained in the form of his unresolved deeds and
unmanaged life situations.
The morning represents the beginning of a new day or life, in this sense, the
morning represents the beginning of the Knowledge and Development Cycle.
The cycle serves Knowledge, which, when properly grasped by the hand of the
Spirit, leads to the development of the soul. The evening represents the end of the
Cognition and Development Cycle, the end of the day, when before going to
sleep we re ect on the events of the day and take our attitudes towards them.
It is an intuitive, thought-feeling contemplation of the things and events that we
have managed from them and which are announced to us and ask us to return to

them, relive them and try to correct them. If you do not follow this principle,
your system will be out of harmony. There will be a displacement of units of
resistance to external forces and a reduction of exibility to changes caused by
forces acting on the system from the outside. Your system then becomes
unbalanced, and applying pressure to places with reduced elasticity will cause
permanent karmic deformation.
The soul’s susceptibility to deformation is the immediate cause of Malleability,
while the exibility of the soul system is a sign of Resilience. Deformed people
are pliable, they are collaborators of Darkness, servants of the Devil, or slaves of
Satan. The more they serve him, the more they yield to him. When one is
Resilient, nothing can bring him to his knees, for his Self contains many ON’s, if
he prophesied it in his Self.
Elasticity is the energy in a system creating back pressure when external forces
act on it. If your system is not exible, then deformation of your system, your
character, your Self occurs. The strength of character, the resilience of the soul
and the exibility of the Spirit are increased by the creative knowledge of one’s
own Shadows, by which ON prophesies when He retreats back into your Self; it
is ON whom you once lost, whom you forgave with the objectionable deeds of
your past Self. Together with ON, the energies related to the fragments of your
souls that you once left in ON Places, or with other earthly souls, or you left with
false gods and their earthly lackeys, return to you.
If you try to get your own or other energies arti cially or by force, you never
know what you will bring into your system with them. If you bring energies
arti cially, through various magic or incantation, then in general it is true that
those energies will act in your system and will create pressure on you from the
inside out. You may be able to resist the external forces to a certain extent and for
a certain time, but the pressure will act on you directly from within you, and
when you overdo it, it is like in ating an empty leather bag of a toad’s body until
it bursts like a balloon pressurized with the gas of Vanity.
Archangel Raphael is also considered the patron saint of healers,
therefore ” forgiveness and prophesying ” can also be understood as ” disease and
healing ” in this sense. Through his decisions and subsequent immersion in
dif cult life events, a person can (karmically) lose his energy, which he will
regain with legal knowledge and reconciliation with ON. Sickness and recovery,
the understanding is that he recognized what brought him to the sick state, what
poisoned him; he will nd out which antidote is helpful against sepsis and how
to get it. Just as life has many days, this process also happens cyclically, step by
step, gradually and patiently. The rose brings patience.

Historically, people have been wasting love energy for a long time, streams of
energy ow into the sewers of the opposite ON, where they are captured by the
dark entities of the underworld, who feed on it and return it to humanity in the
form of feedback, which consists in guiding humanity into even darker activity,
leading to even more greater freedom from love energy. At the same time, these
entities prevent the knowledge that would slow down and nally stop the waste
of energy.
One of the results of such vain behavior of mankind is the trend of constant
increase in morbidity. Despite the ever-increasing expenses for health care, new
technologies and drugs are not able to suppress morbidity. It is constantly
growing, new diseases and syndromes appear, both physical and psychological.
Of course, diseases have their physical causes, both external and internal, but
they are only immediate causes, which are the consequences of other causes that
precede them, they stand higher and lead by chain to the primary cause, which is
the forgiveness of ON. Absence from ON is the primary cause of all evil, strife
and disease. The opposite of ON, which is the result of being freed from ON, is
morbid in itself.
With this prophesying, Archangel Raphael points to the great extent of His
forgiveness and the small extent of His prophesying. There is a great disparity
between them, which inevitably leads humanity to destruction if something does
not change. Metatron points to the need for knowledge of ON (Opinion), which
would help to correct this negative trend globally. The message consists in
pointing out the correction of the boundless waste of love energy, by which ON
excuses himself; and further focusing on the cognitive process by which ON
prophesies himself.
When something goes wrong, it would be normal to x it. If it is not repaired, it
will be scrapped.

Message from Archangel Ramiel

“Rip Ni from ON”

People are constantly trying to arti cially get rid of mental entities (Ni) of various
kinds at various levels. Physical, astral, emotional, mental. When they have
psychological problems, they take antidepressants and psychotropic drugs.
When they get sick, they (excessively) take medicine. When they have
relationship problems or don’t know what to do with life, they go to a fortune
teller or witch and try to solve it in a “supernatural” way. They do everything
possible just to get rid of the unpleasantness of suffering, and what they want to
get rid of are the symptoms of discomfort, disease and adversity. In reality, they
are Ni, or to put it another way, they are ON Newts of various species that stand
immediately behind them. These are also symptoms on a higher level,
because the primary cause is, as I have already mentioned several times, letting
go of ON.
Remove nuisance, outright destroy opponent, destroy, subjugate partner, subdue
nations to one’s will, enslave people with emotions of fear, insecurity, economic
unfreedom, manipulation, lies, kill enemy, shoot opponent, operate on
problematic body part, remove discomfort, solve problems escaping into the
world of autosuggestion, chemical medicine, or drugs… these are all violent,
arti cial ways of eliminating such problems. Not everything is black and white,
sometimes some of the above may be appropriate to a certain extent. Ramiel is
de nitely on the dark side right now, because humanity is on the dark side too.
Indeed, few people tend to come to the knowledge of the Truth, and by that we
mean the external, social, global truth, but also the internal truth about one’s self,
about one’s known, suspected, and unsuspected past, and it is also the truth
about ON, how he is prophesied, what they are laws and regularities of the
Ramiel is on the dark side and returns to humanity what it sends him. What you
lend, you return. It is a boomerang that mankind throws somewhere who knows
where and it returns to him, hits him in the head and knocks him out of ON
consciousness, if humanity at the individual level does not do something about it

in time. In general, humanity is on the dark side and chooses darkness as its
We also see this in the elections to the representative bodies, even though the
truth is that not many “bright” candidates ock to the elections, because which
normal person would have the nerve to ght endlessly with black but also white
political crows that are constantly crowing above anything the opposing party
does to them. Thank God, such a thing also exists, or is being formed in small
pieces. A bright normal person does not at all have to represent a tame lamb that
can be easily slaughtered under all circumstances; a person should defend
himself with adequate means when the Darkness wants to forcibly attack him
from the inside or from the outside and wants to enslave and destroy him.
However, the Light and Darkness of a (human) being is a complex concept.
Getting rid of mental entities, Ni, cursed gods, connections to ON Newts, to their
earthly lackeys and their “avatars” is possible, but mainly through Knowledge
and also a certain Coping with ON.
Arti cial methods of their removal are also common, for example, when they
serve as a certain assistance to the cognitive process. Both Knowledge and
Alignment are life itself, steeped in the mysteries that accompany it. People are
solving something throughout their lives, trying to achieve happiness, well-being
and abundance; however, for someone happiness can also mean a feeling of
power and enrichment at the expense of someone else, because he is “happy”
and “satis ed” when he can tyrannize, control, harm someone. We see it every
day in various magnitudes of suffering in actual and projected wars, genocides,
pandemics, economic and social collapses, but also to a smaller, private extent in
relationships, in employment and in family life. Ordinary life may not be far from
ordinary, because when you look behind the curtain, you may see yourself in the
space-time of your lives, for better or for worse. The message consists in drawing
attention to the possibility provided by ON, which is the mitigation and
elimination of suffering by knowing one’s own Self, one’s karmic debts and
coming to terms with ON.

Message from Archangel Uriel

“Nipponing the opponent of ON so that he gets rid of the ON he still has there.”

The attitudes and behaviors of the Light towards the Dark should be reciprocal;
however, reciprocal does not mean the same. Many harmful commandments and
teachings of religions, esotericism and false morality lead to a dead end. They
command (the Light) to behave decently, virtuously, politely, and even kindly
towards everyone, including cocooned and obvious representatives of darkness,
under all circumstances.
Knowing ON Opinions, but also, for example, alternative media reporting, gives
the opportunity to become familiar with secret truths and hidden circumstances
of internal and external events.
Archangel Uriel’s message is like a double-edged axe, and that applies to
basically all archangels. Uriel’s message is also ambiguous and means, on the one
hand, that the proponents of Satan are trying to immerse themselves in suffering,
enslave and destroy people with the Spirit (loving ON Helpers, or otherwise
Loving ON) and thereby deprive them of love energy for their own bene t (or in
favor of the Dark Side). They want to rid them of ON and sacri ce them on the
altar of Satan instead of themselves. This is provided that ON Helpers allow
themselves to be victimized and tyrannized.
If ON Helpers have prophesied ON into their Self (see Archangel Michael’s
message), then deep down they already have a high trust in ON and are not
afraid to face the darkness in the form of the rulers of this world, visible or
The other side of the blade of Uriel’s message represents the knowledge
that when the Loving ON’s do their own thing, according to their best
consciousness and conscience, it destroys the opposing proponents of Satan, even
without people having to deal with them too much. In the reality of earthly
affairs, this means, for example, that they do not allow themselves to be deceived
by the mainstream media, enslaved and manipulated into harmful self-
destructive attitudes and actions; and non-violently spread information and
knowledge to others.

Sooner or later, when they lose their adherents abounding in ON in their Self,
those collaborators of Darkness will be struck by the morose toothed worm of
Vanity. Similarly, those who continue to believe in them, prefer their ideologies,
lies and stay in the same boat with them will be bypassed. Aligned with their
intentions, they celebrate (self-)destruction and the (in)conspicuous culture of
death, carry them on their shoulders to the palaces of power, feed them with their
energy of pathological devotion and lackey obedience.

Message from Archangel Samael

“To prophesy the opposite of ON into own ON.”

Archangel Samael is represented by the worst of the worst and the fallen. They
are mainly the Annunaki gods, Enki and his satanic six, a ruling clique whose
consciousness is on the extreme side of Samael. These use some of Samael’s
archetypal characteristics, but also archetypes of other archangelic patterns, but
in an extremely satanically twisted way.
This includes their earthly representatives, ruling “elites”, warmongers,
cocooned political leaders, media liars, religious manipulators, but also many
ordinary people. Their consciousness is represented to a lesser or greater extent
by Samael, in this sense Satan, represented by the Devil. These people would
prefer to prophesy ON into their Self by robbing others of their energy of grace
and they want to feed on it. They want others (Earth ON) to ght and enslave
them to do what they want. However, Samael makes them aware that they
should prophesy into their selves the opposite of ON, i.e. Satan. Not ON. They
are not to be fed the ambrosia of love energy, but the fetid feces of Satan. And this
is already happening on the astral level of the “gods” and with a certain time
interval it will also be re ected in earthly development.
However, these Ni, the gods and their earthly collaborators do not want Satan’s
feces, so they throw them at those who “willingly” consume them. In addition to
“virtual” mental-astral sensations, this also includes all the chronically known
earthly falsehoods, lies, manipulations and half-truths that are fed to people by
the media, politicians, religious and esoteric leaders, on a micro-level, social
media in uencers, teachers, acquaintances, and “friends”.
The point of Samael’s message also lies in the fact that it is bene cial not to be fed
lies. Since the message ” Prophesy the opposite of ON to his ON “, to his Self, comes
from Samael freed from ON, so for the Light, his message basically means the
opposite of it and that is ” ON Prophesies to his Self “.
For Samael and the proponents of Satan, the opposite of ON is ON. For them, ON
is their opponent. Just as Satan “thinks” he is god, even thinks he is ON, so his
opponents standing on the opposite side are the opposite of ON to him, from his
warped point of view turned inside out.

To the Dark Ones, Samael’s message means, if taken directly, the prophesying of
Satan into their Self; or the opposite prophesying on the contrary and that is
prophesying ON into their Self. ON prophesies into their Self what belongs to
them according to Justice and that is the opposite of ON in some form. They will
receive the opposite ON, who will prophesy to them Hell and Satan. No one
escapes (his) ON.
To prophesy the opposite of ON means for people under the guidance of his
Spirit, a hint consisting in the fact that they should (should) prophesy ON into
their Self and not let themselves be fed by the scum of Satan. Let those who
belong to the opposite of ON and who constantly throw them at others feed on
them. If you observe them carefully, you will easily nd out which people they
Humanity is increasingly divided, and people de ne themselves where they
mainly belong according to their integral Self, which they have more of: ON, or
do they belong to the opposite of ON. Between these two groups, a deep chasm
of Tartaros is formed, it is a Rift, it is a portal to a completely different hellish
dimension, to one in which Satan is the ruler and he calls there those of his own,
who for a long time proposed him, raised him on a pedestal and carried him in
his ag in his hands. They will get what they wanted for so long. This process of
dividing humanity into groups is similar to radioactive decay, when atoms lose
their energy through radioactive radiation and their unstable nuclei
spontaneously change into nuclei of a different type of atom.

Memento Mori – remember the Death

The cycle of lives, the incarnation cycle of the path of souls and other processes
are a mixture of several in uences. They are functions of the primordial Matrix
and its distortions, caused by the curse programs of those who then abused it to
their advantage. Higher levels are re ected to lower levels in a cascading,
mediated, or other way. It is a mixture of the in uences of pure etheric patterns
and their malignant mutations deformed by the false Self ; it is like cloudy,
muddy water from which the turbidity-forming dirt cannot be separated.
When you see a piece of solid mud oating in it, and you remove it from the
water, the water remains cloudy after it; water can be cleaned and ltered, but if
it is too muddy and thick, it will not pass through the lter and will remain there.
Moderately puri ed water can be ltered back to a state of purity if it is thin, if
the lter is in the middle and if there is someone on hand to pour it into the lter
and knows how to do it. This ltering process takes a long time and is likened to
the cleansing process of souls going through their evolutionary path. In the
earthly Matrix there are more in uences, sometimes they can be separated, many
times not; even if they are partly separable, still something mixed and soiled by
their in uence remains.

Memento mori

Memento mori – remember that you will die.

Everyone dies one day. He will leave his physical body and then go somewhere
where he will continue his existence in a different way. Many will proceed in a
completely different way than they could have imagined in their wildest dreams,
if they have any dreams at all.
Countless kings, great leaders of mankind, as well as petty rulers and people
with blackness in their souls across time and space apparently thought of
themselves as immortal gods and behaved accordingly because they committed
terrible deeds and caused a lot of suffering, often subconsciously thinking that
they were they avoid the consequences of their actions by some action. It is no
accident that it was so. Mental entities of the Devil and false gods, who also
thought they were immortal until recently, were and still are operating in their

However, this is not their justi cation, it is only an explanation, because everyone
has free will, which they show through their actions. Jesus’ statement when he
justi ed his cruel murderers with the words ” They know not what they do ” is not
true at all. But they know it, they all know very well what they are doing and still
enjoy it.
Observing the changes in their physical (subtle) appearance and their psyche, the
gods already see that something extraordinary is happening to them, that death
can be fatally tragic and irreversible for them. It’s something they didn’t count on
at all, and they’re panicking. It probably hasn’t occurred to their earthly small
and large avatars yet. It’s amazing that they don’t seem to think about their death
at all, because they apparently act as if they are immortal, just like the false gods
thought when they were deceived by the Devil and their ideological leaders.
They wanted to enjoy power, they wanted to believe lies from the outside and
from the inside.
They behaved as if the universal laws and thus the afterlife did not apply to them
at all, but that is how the psyche works when it is constantly occupied with
something external and then gods or people do not look inside at all. They are
not yet suf ciently compelled to do so. This will only happen when, in the
symbolism of their new state, which they have not known until now, they will be
cruci ed upside down, immobilized and turned with their faces to the
mirror, they will be forced to look in in nite horror at their Self, at the monster
Satan, whom they preferred in their attitudes and actions.
Until now, many people have been proteges of the minor or major gods, because
they carried out their agenda here. They didn’t want to see their current deeds,
nor long past deeds washed away by the desert sands of time, for nothing. They
defended themselves, avoided it, and that’s how it happened to them, and they
were not exposed to their Darkness to a greater degree in their lives, so that they
felt it and recognized it well in their Self.
It hasn’t dawned on people yet. For the time being, they mostly go with the old,
despite the increase in mental illness, they don’t seem to have much anxiety on a
macro level about death and especially about what will come after it. This will
only happen later, when they will no longer have the time, space, or conditions
for any signi cant improvement of their Self. Circumstances change and the ON
World is in motion.

To be in your Center

Every person, every soul is in his/her own ON, he/she is in his/her inner place,
which for him/her is his/her Center. But it does not have to be the geometric

center between Light and Darkness at all, because a person remains anchored
where the ratio of his internal forces of Light and Darkness is mutually balanced.
At a certain moment, it can have more Darkness and less Light, and yet it is in an
internal balance, because even in the Darkness lies the potential of the Light of
loving Knowledge, and conversely, in the Light lies the potential of Darkness, if
the love energy is sacri ced on the altar of Vanity.
How and whether this potential will be used and what will be the result remains
an open question. Dear human soul and thus also man, in terms of his position in
the light spectral range of his inner radiation, can be located down in the
Darkness, in his inner Center, which for him represents the opposite of ON. The
location can be instantaneous, related to its current situation, or monotonic,
averaged by ON arithmetic; it is a classi cation of the soul covering a long/
longer period, it also takes into account its assumed development trend,
exceeding many lifetimes.
A soul’s trajectory represents the orbit of its particle, the type of sun it orbits, and
the distance it orbits it. Whether it orbits a white sun or a black sun, which is
more of a devouring black hole than a sun.
When a person is impressed by the external power of Darkness and a person
surrenders to it, ON forgives, because he sacri ces a piece of his energy, his will,
his free will and the power of the Spirit, he sells a piece of himself for the eeting
Vanity that the Darkness offers him, and his Center thus shifts a bit down. When
he releases his ON bit by bit, it also represents for the soul a decrease in the love
energy of the Light and the power of the Spirit, which is moving away from the
Loving knowledge nourishes the immortal soul. Knowing (one’s) ON represents
ON prophesying, it turns Darkness into Light, and the power of Enlightenment
by Knowledge lifts the soul up. But when a person is too deep in the Darkness,
his ears are clogged with the mud of the swamp and his eyes are covered with
the slime of the octopus, which holds him there with its tentacles, wrapped
around his astral body. The knowledge acquired hastily and from the outside is
then distorted, illusory, eeting and unstable, because it is motivated by an
external force that tries to divert man from his true Center. Real power comes
from within, and its externally supplied substitutes stop working after a short
The inner place of a person is also re ected in the outer place where he is. It
de nes him in a certain way. If a person submits to his Shadow and lets it
manifest in his Self, then he basically becomes his Shadow himself and after his
physical death he goes to where he belongs and that is to the World of Shadows.

His inner place where his ON is located will manifest to him in his outer mental,
feeling-emotional and astral ON Place and that will be the Underworld.

Pyramids and astral portals

Like a free ight into the night starry sky, there is a free transition to ON, and He
is only One. It serves for the transition of the soul of the deceased to new worlds
and other lives, somewhere else than it was before. It is one passage, it is not a
portal, it is not a door, or a gate, or a tunnel. It is the free space-time ON, to which
the soul withdraws after one very long life.
One life represents one Developmental and Cognitive Cycle of the soul, after
which a decision is made about the next path of the soul: whether it will continue
its further development, or whether it will be damned to Unity.
Considering the reality of earthly events, it is more or less only a theory, because
this Cycle is set up in such a way that the soul has many relatively short lives, in
other words – one long life is broken into many shorter ones, between individual
lives the soul is separated from the earthly world until they did not give up, it
remains attached to it and is still subject to it. Karmic fragments of souls are
stored in earthly places and in other earthly souls.
There is One free passage up to the level of the Pleiadian prophesied ON Grace,
as opposed to the Many closed portals down to the Underworld, to the
prophesied ON Milk. One passage leads to ON and many portals lead to the
opposite of ON.
There are hundreds of portals on Earth leading to the Astral Underworld. Many
were formed long ago as part of the initial Matrix, and others were formed later
in time as a result of conjuration; their purpose was to ensure the cycle of cycles
of life and death for human souls, in the sense of a certain deformation of the
rules of the primordial etheric patterns.
Many of the portals are hidden from view in unknown locations, some of which
have become known as volcanic and energy locations ; pyramids, temples, and
other objects of ancient history were built near the portals. Pyramids are
something like energy ampli ers and communication routers of subtle radiations.
They were built according to the principles of the primordial ethereal patterns,
but throughout history, many cared for them with their magical effects, dug into
them by casting spells, deformed their purpose and functionality, until very little
remained of their original meaning.

When magic is misused, ON who allowed it to work there also took it
away. Where God’s Eye sees his attention, there it works according to regularity,
but when ON diverts his attention for a long time, then the plot starts to get
stuck, things deteriorate and the people involved are covered by the sands of
The pyramids re ect the bloody face of those who misused them for their
purposes, because the pyramids were used in ways other than what was
originally intended. They were adapted for this purpose and became a symbol
representing the draining of life energy from people who, when they die, are
supposed to return through the reincarnation cycle to become again and again
slaves of the gods and their earthly counterparts. However, they also have
another purpose. The pyramid was intended mainly for rulers, pharaohs, gods
and related earthlings, but not for ordinary people. They had to use “normal”
portals to access the transfer between lives.
Some of the portals to the low astral level were active until recently, in such a
way that through them living people got to another dimension, from where they
sometimes returned and with their appearance, destroyed body and damaged
psyche indirectly announced to other proponents of Satan what was
approximately there and what a crazy world of the low low vibration part of the
dimension of the proponents of Satan awaits them.
In the grave (Transit) between two lives, a person remembers only what he left
his earthly physical earthly life with. He carries with him all the lies he has
believed and the beliefs he has acquired. Therefore, he allows himself to be
deceived again by the beings who meet him in Transit, or who are waiting for
him there. They tell him to try again, that the next life will be better, more fun,
and for that purpose they tell him that he needs a “navigational” or other
blocking implant that will lead him into even greater darkness.
The bottom line is that man has an earthly life to recognize his Shadows and dark
parasitic beings in their various forms in the earthly ON Place. To recognize them
in the people he met in his life, with whom he had something to do and who in a
certain way re ect his past, ancient deeds. Karmically, they come into his life so
that he either succumbs to them again, or that he sees through and recognizes
their true nature. Of course, not only what the people he was dealing with are
about, but especially to get to know his shadow side of the personality that
brought him to them.
He was brought to them either by the desire to repeat various vanities under the
guidance of the Dark Spirit, or by the desire for knowledge under the guidance of
the Light Spirit. Basically, both of these components are mixed with each other in
some dynamic ratio, but one of them has the leading power.

It is always ON who prophesies the Light Spirit or the Dark Spirit in various
manifestations and lets them show themselves how the dark manifested people
or astral spirits are, regarding their position and direction on the path of their
evolution. It may change over time and according to circumstances.
If a person does not resolve his neglected issues during his life, in the grave of
Transit, his karma will be added to him in such a way that he will receive
additional blockages and implants in addition to the ones he already had. Then
he has more and more until he nds himself on the way to Nenávratn.
The pyramid is one sixth of the satanic cube, its base forms one of its six sides. In
this symbolism, the sphere symbolizes ON and the cube represents the opposite
of ON (Satan). Although we call the cube “satanic cube”, in this case it is only a
parable, because the cube is also a regular structure that symbolically represents
some aspects of the world of Satan, in which there is no mental and psychological
regularity, it is a world of absolute horror, full of perversion and absolute
madness. When something from there gets here on Earth, what the earthly
satanists show us here are just small samples and mild publicity stunts. Unlike a
cube, a sphere and rounded shapes are often found in nature, in space, planets
are round, cosmic systems have rounded shapes. The cube does not actually
occur in nature, it is a symbol of an arti cial creation.
The pyramids have been here for a long time, and at the time when they were
created, the enslavement of humanity for the purpose of using their life
energy began to be applied on a massive scale. The secondary function of the
pyramids was to blast the Dark Lords of the Earth away, somewhere in Hell, so
that they would no longer do harm here on Earth. According to “of cial” history,
it is explained differently, but this is already the main scienti c, educational and
information stream: it often presents things one-sidedly and manipulates the
facts by pretending their meaning in a twisted way.
Apparently it didn’t quite work out, because even though the false gods were
sent to the hellish ON Places, that didn’t mean they completely disappeared and
Earthlings got rid of their harmful in uence. They disappeared into the
underworld and remained active in the astral-mental realm of the Shadow world
and continue to in uence humanity, albeit to a different extent than before. Some
of the most powerful, blasted ones remained on the astral level in the
underworld of the pyramids, right at their bottom, or in their underground. The
other Anunnaki are located somewhere in their mental communication vicinity,
but in the astral reality they probably do not have a direct in uence on them, so
they are probably located (slightly) elsewhere, on a different (sub)level of the
astral world.

When the right “astrological” in uence occurs, when the switch of the celestial
clock clicks, they will start to crawl out of the underground like crabs at low tide,
or they will emerge from the sea and try to pretend to be gods. This has
happened many times in history, and it seems that this event is upon us at least
once more. We will see what “divine” monsters will climb out of the
Underworld, or y out on wings like bats preserved in a dark cave.
That’s the thing with magic, when the mage’s incantations are put into practice,
you can never be sure how it will work, what the short-term and long-term
consequences will be; and how it will nally work out. The intended goal of
magic is sometimes ful lled at rst glance, but in the end it can turn out
completely differently, or the consequences for the participants on both sides are
mutually mixed, supplemented and combined, because ON is (also) a Cybernetic
Druid and prophesies his own.
This is not fatalism in the sense of complete surrender to a mighty Supreme
Being, it is more about Knowing, Understanding and Understanding ON,
because ON is in the consciousness of souls and is a part of the Self of all
humans, astral beings and creatures. Along with all this, ON exerts his
mysterious in uence. Everyone has within them at least a miniature spark of ON,
which abounds in the great power of prophesying intention of love’s Knowledge
and mom’s Nopono, in the full breadth of their opposing aspects.
Even seemingly good intentions can pave the way to Hell, especially if someone
doesn’t know what they’re messing with. It happens when someone gets a lot of
power and his character is not strong enough to resist its abuse, he succumbs to
the massage of his Ego, or he gives in to the lures of the Devil, who constantly
tempts him to give them again, again, again and again was more subject to. He
doesn’t have enough inner strength to say “Enough!”, or he thinks he can
in uence something with his massive global magnitude of magic so that reality
happens according to his will, even though the World Mind has its own way of
thinking about it and ON has his Nopono that is a mystery in itself. However, we
know that ON’s intention is love’s Knowledge and mom’s Nopono, and thus we
return to the beginning of this book to understand it in its implications, in our
own individuality.

The Shadow of man is at the gates of the

A person’s consciousness is at a level that corresponds to the Light that he

manifests in his consciousness. When a person is subject to his Shadow, it means
that he repeats his karmic deeds and is subject to the reptilian entities that are
connected to him.
The shadow of a person is located at the gates to the Underworld, and thus also a
person in his mental space is in the Darkness, and his actions correspond to this.
By constantly succumbing to his Shadow, man’s consciousness falls lower and
lower, until he reaches the Underworld, and then the fallen entities of the
Underworld manifest through him on the earthly level. The more he submits to
them, the more they pounce on him and use him as a bearer of Evil. He becomes
the subject of obsession when he loses any inhibitions in a tense situation and
actually displays the face of a demon, the devil, Satan instead.
An earthly person manifesting his Shadow thus serves the spirits of the
Underworld in his life and brings them into the earthly affairs of himself and
Through a person, his “higher” consciousness of the White Serpent is also
displayed, which is also part of the Shadow, only located in the area right next to
the sphere of Blackness, but at a higher frequency of the same, also at the gates of
the underworld. It is a low astral level. Shadows are symbolically represented as
the Black and White Serpent, meaning lower and “higher” consciousness is
mixed and the result is the stench of Satan’s sewer. In practice, you can see this
very well, for example, in political debates, where dark words are alternated with
seemingly “bright” and reasonable words in intense re; however, the result is
dark, because the intention that accompanies it is usually betrayal, falsehood and
lies, in order to gain political power, and sometimes there is genuine good
The upper part of the Shadow mixes with the lower part, they alternate with each
other and create the optical illusion of a candlestick. It is similar to the unpleasant
ickering of arti cial uorescent light that spoils the eyesight, the uorescent
lamp is based on electric discharges into toxic mercury vapor. This happens when

the soul is guided on its path by the Dark Spirit, the White Serpent also manifests
as Arti cial Light.
When the soul is guided on the path of life by its (Light) Spirit, it has
consciousness at a truly higher level of Grace, the prophesied Pleiadian
creativity; he doesn’t dive into his Shadow, he just takes a good look at it for the
purpose of knowledge and moves on according to what he intuitively discovers
that he still has work to do.

Leaving the physical body

When a person dies freed from his Shadows, because he has justly processed and
recognized them, he is also freed from connections to the Darkness and its
representatives, other earthly souls, reptiles, gods, demons and other connections
and limitations. Such a person will not return to the earthly incarnation cycle,
because he is free, and I am not dealing with this here, because he is already out
of the game. If he still wants to return, he is probably not completely free,
because something still binds him to the earthly Cycle, perhaps some promises to
other souls, or the Ego of an extraordinary mission as a savior, teacher, healer, or
king of kings, who is here on Earth for the whole will save.
Death on the physical plane represents birth on the astral plane. A person’s
consciousness after his physical death moves from his physical to his astral Self.
He will perceive the surrounding world from the perspective of the astral
manifestation of his soul, with everything that he has in it and that is attached to
it. It contains his karmic connections of various kinds, which bind the soul and
therefore also the person to darkness.
In his earthly life, his connections to the Darkness manifested themselves in the
inner form of feelings, emotions, thoughts, xed ideas, beliefs, but also in a
variety of external life situations. However, in the posthumous astral state of the
soul, its connections manifest themselves directly. They materialize into their
truer form, commensurate with the individual’s Center in which their
consciousness resides. Connections will cause entities and beings that were
present at the time of their creation and hold them at the other end to stand in the
person’s grave path. They will try to get the soul, and this will be a test for it to
know its resistance to those in uences. And not only that.
If the soul is possessed by its Shadow, then its consciousness is on a low
vibrational level, the soul is bound by chains of blockages, dampers and
ampli ers; her status is Enslaved. The soul, in view of its Submissiveness, must
submit and go where it will be drawn; or, given his Resilience, he will be able to
defend himself and avoid the Underworld. Her Shadow is her Center, it is her
ON whose soul she has, ON forms the primary consciousness of the soul and

he directs her to where she belongs according to Justice with the intuition of
If the soul’s consciousness is freed from attachments to Darkness, because it
justly leveled and removed them with knowledge before its death, then its state
is Freedom. After death, she avoids pitfalls because she has no connections to
them, so they more or less do not appear to her on the way, and if they do, it is
only for the purpose of supplementing the knowledge of the true nature of things
that the soul encountered in earthly life. She will go where she wants, where she
will be intuitively drawn, according to the possibilities that ON, residing in the
Light of her Center, will present to her.
When a person sleeps, his consciousness moves to higher levels, according to his
evolutionary needs and the state of his Spirit. That is why dreams are also of
different types, they are living astral events, there are also emotional dreams, or
even dif cult-to-de ne dreams radiating something completely mystical that
cannot be explained in words. Sleepless dreams can be a manifestation of empty
Vanity, which manifests itself to a person in this way.

Guides on the way to the Underworld

According to the legends, sparrows accompany a person from the world of the
living to the grave, and storks symbolize the return to the world of the living.
They herald the arrival of a living corpse, a soulless soul ripe for another
incarnation. Sparrows are brown, brown is the color of the rainbow clouded with
black, and the stork is white, but its wings are black and white, with a clearly
de ned border.
Flocks of mental entities chirp in the mind of the newly deceased soul like
sparrows; with mental stimuli and visions, they guide her on the way to the
Transit terminal, from where she will later enter the next life. Guides of the
Underworld with the head of a jackal or a dog look for sheep in the basket, other
guides in the costumes of saints and masters with halos on their heads hunt for
the astral souls of the dead for lures and promises of a better life, the need to
atone for their sins, to meet again their loved ones whom they left behind with
their death, or lure them with an important task for humanity that awaits them
on Earth. They act as door-to-door traders, administrators, managers, but also as
judges and important acting beings. However, ON also prophesies and not all of
them are primarily focused on Darkness.

“We’ve screwed many, but none of them have been as nasty as you, because you
don’t prophesy anything with Ni” — Ni of Nippur

Under the trick, deception and manipulative “celebration” of the gods of the
underworld and people in other ways, demons, psychics and gods lied, they
prepared it in such a way that they could more easily lead souls confused by
death into the Underworld. So that they don’t resist. Their dog’s head
symbolizes Sirius, from where the spiritless souls of ON Newts, who are half
machine and half creature, come from. They are mainly the unconscious servants
and slaves of the Matrix. Sirius represents the transfer of soul/consciousness
from dead physical bodies to their astral bodies. Astral bodies are better lled
with Spirit, one way or another, the gods have only a small in uence on this
process, but with great consequences for the soul, man and humanity in earthly
In newer Christian mythology, it is St. Peter who holds the keys of paradise/
heaven. Attributes of St. Peter’s are the key(s), an inverted cross, a rooster, or a
shing boat. ” You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church and the
gates of hell will not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of
heaven: whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you
loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
According to tradition, Peter was cruci ed upside down at his own request
because he did not consider himself worthy to die like his Master. Saint Peter is a
humble servant of the satanic archon gods, he will do what he is told, just as he
did when he heard their proposal for his cruci xion. The gods do not control
Hell, they themselves are subject to it and will also rot in the ames of hell. It was
convenient for them to lure people (under the pretext of following them in the
form of the church) into liberation from Hell, so that they could keep them in the
reincarnation cycle that they themselves in uenced. However, it is possible that
sometimes someone appears in front of the gates, who tries to direct the souls
elsewhere, by explaining something to them and warning them of pitfalls.

The influence of mental patterns and beliefs

Souls in and before Transit are greeted by Ni, “gods” and “angels”, disguised as
different characters, depending on the environment from which the deceased
soul comes. They are traps caused by the curses of the magic of the gods, they
trap souls who let themselves be caught in them. The consciousness of her
Shadow astral soul projects visual characters, materialized into subtle astral
bodies and various plasma holograms. Beliefs that the soul has not gotten rid of
on its earthly journey will project into the consciousness of the soul what they
represent and covertly in the background or clearly in the foreground of those
who programmed it with curses to enslave it.

People along the road to the grave will meet gures standing by the road, at the
gates to the Underworld, in transit zones directing the soul’s ight to the next
life. These characters personify what the soul believed in, what it preferred
during life; they are religious gures according to faith, relatives whose soul was
in their family life and did not overlook their true essence, or other gures. These
characters are a mental machine hologram, but they are half alive, because their
content is the intention of being enslaved by the gods, but behind it is also the
intention of ON who prophesies it all. Filthy parasitic gods only feed themselves,
like hyenas digging into dead cattle, they want to grab from it; he is available
because he himself stumbled on the parched steppe due to lack of water ON
Grace, or another predator caught him.
Going to the grave will be a shock for many, for which you cannot simply
prepare. Even if many were preparing, the shock will be different and even
It is impossible to escape your ON.

Light at end of the tunnel

In the post-mortem state, a person’s consciousness will be in a world that is

somewhat similar to a real and very vivid dream. It can also be a very bad dream.
People who have returned from the “other side” report a tunnel at the end of
which shines a bright light. The light calls them to it, they are also attracted to it
by feelings, like when a moth is attracted to the bewitching light of a street lamp.
The tunnel through which the soul enters Transit is a hypnotic portal that directs
the soul to get where it needs to go. Like when you walk in an earthly tunnel, it
has only two openings: the entrance through which you enter and the exit
through which you get to your destination.

“We caught them in pre-hell, tricked them and sent them back so we could bring
them here to us” — Ni of Nippur

Gods, angels and their companions, servants of the Devil, stand in front of the
gates to the Underworld, similar to street vendors, or like Jehovists standing at
their (holy) stall, or homeless people, offering a Nota Bene magazine to passers-
by on the street (an expression from Latin, one of its meanings is ” in addition “).
They stand there in person, or their astral holographic projections are there in
their stead, lled with a portion of their consciousness and the mental formulas
that govern them.
“Gods”, “Separatists” and “angels” standing in front of the gates are trying to
get something extra into the travelers heading to the Underworld, some kind of
“bene- t”, which under normal circumstances, they would not have to have at all
on the way to the next existence. They appear as helpful spirits, they convince the
soul of its sinfulness and that it has to suffer a lot in the next life in order to
cleanse itself of its sins, but also of how it will be good in a life full of wealth and
For this purpose, an astral microchip is inserted into the soul’s astral body,
implanted, for example, in the sixth chakra of the third eye; this is how they mark
a person; like having your dog chipped with a transponder to identify him.
They mark a person in this way, so that when his astral soul incarnates into him
during a new incarnation, or only after some time, when he matures; so that in

the next life they can look for him like via GPS, connect to him and try to use him
(again), tyrannize him with mental or physical illnesses; or they will try to
manipulate him by inserting thoughts and emotions directly into his mind and
emotional body, insert words into him, lead him to objectionable actions, to
impulsive actions, leading to con icts, disruption, misfortunes, toxic acts, even to
criminal acts; or to initialize him with “congenital” body deformations, or even
body improvements, to support his purposeful, excessively attractive
appearance; but also to cause body diseases, perception disorders and disturb his
psyche. They will try to manipulate him, lure him, force him in every possible
way by tyranny, so that the selected person does what they want him to do,
according to their wishes.
So when you sometimes wonder why, for example, small children suffer from
fatal diseases and suffer drastically, you will ask why “God would allow this “, so
know that it may be the implantation that happened to the born child’s soul
before when she was in interlife Transit. Someone may argue that those diseases
are genetically conditioned. That is also true, but genetics is more of a potential
and that predisposition does not mean at all that the disease must develop into a
severe or terminal stage. In addition, the disease also has karmic causes, and the
soul incarnates to such parents, where the genetic defects will be in the family
line, so that they can be used and abused.
Normally, without an implanted astral chip in the genetic DNA code, the course
of disease and suffering might (in certain cases) be mild, but the astral reptilians
stick their needles into that place, like a rag doll in voodoo black magic, and
conjure it to be a person ” Nipponized ” and therefore to suffer as much as
possible. They do it en masse, but also individually, according to the meaning
that the person of interest has for them. Nor do they have a deviant feeling of
power over ON and that gives them energy for further perverted tyrannical acts.
A person does not have many options to defend himself. In part, the suffering
can be alleviated by medical interventions, or by correcting some symptoms, but
this is only temporary, because the disease tends to move elsewhere. Reptiles will
simply stick their needles in a different place than they can identify. Sometimes
they go blindly and miss.
Suffering also has the other side of causes, and those are a person’s past mistakes,
his unresolved karma from past lives, when someone does not want to recognize
his karmic Shadows and stubbornly avoids anything negative that could spoil his
good view of his Self, his character and crack the high opinion he has of himself.
Man can effectively defend himself by recognizing his karmic deeds, which will
lead to the disconnection of the reptilians from his system.

For example, with children, the possibility of knowing their karma is obviously
impossible, because they are too small now, but before, in their previous life, they
were big and old enough to gain a more objective view of themselves. However,
they rejected knowledge, decided for darkness, and therefore the degree of justice
of their suffering is not easy and probably not even possible to assess objectively.
However, this does not at all mean excusing the perpetrators of excessive
suffering and surrendering too much to the Futility of suffering, freed from
Knowledge. This topic is complex, because as I have already stated several times,
when someone is in the Darkness of his Shadows and lets his Light go out, or
puts it out himself, then he is simply in the Darkness and it is dif cult, if at all,
for him to gain Knowledge.
Boundless compassion for karmically, medically, psychologically, or misery-
affected people is therefore a tricky matter, because it combines and at the same
time contradicts the mom’s Nopono and love’s Nopono in the extent of their
opposite aspects. If you’ve made it this far, you should already know the
meaning of these ON Mienok terms.

Seperates and spirits of the Underworld

Many souls are trapped in the underworld, there are millions, maybe even tens of
millions. It is the astral level of evil spirits, trapped between the earthly and
hellish levels. They are the souls of the dead, they are located right next to the
earthly ON Places that attract them, they gather there, sometimes they are
crowded there like sardines and they are dissatis ed with everything that occurs
in their surroundings. They are nearby, close to the physical world, sensitive
people can sometimes see them or feel their energies.
In pre-hell, a hierarchy of several levels of the management pyramid rules. The
spirits of the lower levels carry out the orders of the higher ones, they are all
servants of the opposite of ON who rules over them in various forms and
frequency classes of the range of the spectrum of Diversity. Sometimes it is the
Devil, sometimes it is the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix, one of the Fallen Angels,
false gods, sometimes it is ON, or the Spirit of the individual to whom he is
demonstrating something through them. In any case, ON will prophesy it all,
directly, indirectly, or otherwise.

“We’re down here in the Earth, here’s our world, we’ve climbed up through the
canals, sometimes out of the sea, to cover it up. We never came from heaven, that is
just the astrological in uence of the heavenly sign” — Ni

The Separatists climb underground through channels, portals, and their
projections of “angels” and “saints” seem to oat down from heaven. The
separatists separated themselves from ON, because they decided that for
them ” ON is not for ON “, that it is their opponent and basically also an enemy,
or a “friend” ripe for abuse. Somehow they have come to believe that ON is just a
small insigni cant weak point that has no power and is only there so that they
can use his gifts and abuse his goodness. So they had it really messed up.
Although the separated think they are separate from ON, that is only their Ego
telling them so. Apparently they don’t have enough intellect to understand that
apart from ON, they couldn’t even exist.
When someone lacks basic education about ON, about the reasonable philosophy
of the universe, when someone is obsessed with his Ego and thinks he knows
everything and that’s only because the Devil gave him some “magical” services
that imitated the illusion of divine power. When he loses the power he only had
on loan, he becomes a worthless empty wreck. Suddenly he is nobody. It’s similar
to when a person’s worth is expressed by their title on their business card. When
he loses his position, he is suddenly a nobody. It’s also similar to a small dog
rolling around in a big dog’s poop to smell it and make himself seem big and
Strigas also cast spells in Transit, in the inter-life time-space where the soul goes
after death. They are separated in the Underworld Zone, where they have a
certain in uence on the plasma components of the astral bodies of selected
people and cast their black magic on them. Those who would have nothing to
deal with in earthly life on Earth, the gods deceived with curses / programs, also
with white light, and with gures they believed in life (religious gures,
relatives), they are helpers of Darkness and sometimes Light, they corrected them
with implants and sent back to the cycle of life. Maybe not all, but especially the
“naive” ones who believed in religious gures, gods and the like during their
earthly lives. They deceived them with empty promises that their next life would
be good, that they would meet their loved ones there, whom they had in their
previous life, and that they would be able to x something. After that, the
person’s memory is erased, and the gods will try to make it impossible for him to
make amends in the next life.
For the greatest gods, the routine work of implantation is carried out by a
number of lesser gods (angels) ; they played at the saints, Anubis, the ferryman
over the river Styx, Charon, and others, while the greatest gods grunted like fat
pigs in the mud with their grunts. However, this too is a mixture of the primal
processes of the etheric patterns and the degenerate desires of the astral
Anunnaki. It is not possible to simply separate the true karmic from the

deformed enslavement, which is additional and more or less probably should not
be to such an extent.
The astral souls of the dead are trapped between the physical world and the
astral Underworld. They are dark souls for hire and they will do what the Spirit /
Evil Spirit prophesies. Just as earthlings are enslaved employees, servants,
mercenaries and assassins for hire, so are the souls (spirits) of the dead who
remain attached to the earth world. Spirits that are higher in the hierarchy use
them for their purposes.

God is dying and will arrive on the planet Nibiru

Society is unprecedentedly divided, allegedly like never before. However, in

reality, this is not so new, because in history similar division of humanity has
happened several times. The great splitting of society into two antagonistic
camps took place in ancient Atlantis. It was Memento, the consequences of which
we still feel today. At that time, humanity was split into two roughly equal
halves. Symbolically, it is possible to say that on one side there were slightly more
moderate people than on the other side. The milder ones were associated with
the rulers and the White Wizards, and against them were aggressive and
combative predators, people associated with another ruler – the Black
Wizard. The whites were basically ON and the blacks were the opponents of ON.
At that time, it was still quite clearly visible at a glance, who is what and on
which side he stands, it was obvious to the eye; the intuitive senses were not then
so obscured as they are today. However, even there were traitors, fake players
and then Mata Hari, the geisha of the opposite of ON.
Do you see the similarity with the current social situation, taking on similar
features? Two groups are forming today, on one side are the Progressive Liberals
and on the other side are all the others, people of various interests, especially
social and national focus. Some are not yet rmly anchored and maneuver
between them. This happens especially in the Western world, which is a certain
follower of the former Atlantis. The common thing that unites moderates is their
great distaste for the (self)destructive ideology of Satanism, which is the
background behind the ideology of Progressivism. The edges sharpen and the
gap between people widens.
These two groups cannot be united or reconciled, because the causes of their
division are deep in the past of their souls, where their Shadows and demonic
astral-mental entities attached to them are hiding. When a group of people with a
predominant ON in their Self tries to reconcile with the opposite side of the Dark
progressive proponents of Satan, they energize them with their actions and this
only encourages them in their cannibalistic hyperactivity towards the proponents
of ON. They will want to destroy and eat them.
Notice how persistently and persistently progressives demand a confrontation
with their more moderate opponents. They want to argue with them, while the

progressives cannot be convinced or reconciled with them. Progressives want to
tire their opponents into giving up and drain their energy at the same time. Some
from the more moderate side have already found out that there is no point in
arguing with them and are beginning to reject it, others have taken this attitude
from the beginning, having learned from the past.
Trying to reconcile with progressives is like trying to reconcile with a pack of
rabid dogs with foam on their muzzles. You will either ght them or willingly let
yourself be bitten by them, catch rabies and become one of them. Maybe it
doesn’t look like that at rst glance, but that’s just a sign that the right situation
has not yet matured, which would allow progressives to manifest their true
progressive selves in their full fascist nakedness.
It remains to be seen where the smaller subgroups from the more moderate, or
undefeated, will join. That’s also the point, because it’s also about how many
followers each of the two opposing sides will have and what their powers will
be. It’s not just about numbers, it’s about what talents and skills they will have. I
point out how many and to what extent authentic followers they will have, not
just lukewarm ones who will maneuver from side to side. Even so, circumstances
will force everyone to stand out and de ne which side they belong to.
Efforts at mutual reconciliation; and joint debates are in a certain sense also
attempts at reconciliation, this only provokes the Devil, because it is taken as an
attempt by the positive pole to bridge with the negative pole. It is the effort of the
positive pole to give its energy to the negative and this would cause a short
circuit. In the end, I do not defend the positions of the “moderates” on the Slovak
political scene, because even they have a lot of money on their heads. On the
whole, the two groups are not so radically different from each other, even if the
differences are obvious in some individuals by external manifestations. We’ll see
where it goes for them; everyone will be able to observe it for themselves, what is
moving towards them and in what direction it is developing. Much can be
learned from the social and political scene because many people are psychic
mirrors of false gods; in part they show their behavior as through a photocopier.
The reason I am writing about this is not for the sake of learning about history
and (alien) beings from another dimension. The practical point is to realize the
importance of social and political preferences, one’s own, one’s immediate
environment and other people’s, which question the individual’s worldview. A
person’s ideological attitudes, if they are rm and suf ciently monotonously
anchored by development, will, by their natural af nity, attach a person to the
correct side to which he belongs, whichever of the two sides of the parity ON and
the opposite of ON is. Whether he consciously joins the proponents of ON, or the

proponents of Satan – the opposite of ON. The further development of the soul is
then pro led from the de nition.
The more the Atlantean Blacks indulged in the Devil and black magic, the more
they sank into the snares of Satanism. It was a gradual process, the development
and evolution of dark souls oriented in the opposite direction; it has reached the
present day, in which the level of insane demagoguery of psychological chaos in
a part of humanity is unprecedented. It is typical that the milder (lighter) part of
the population does not negatively affect the more aggressive progressive
(darker) part of humanity. It’s the other way around – progressives connect with
others. The dark progressives of the lights are most irritating just by existing, the
progressives are like zombies – as soon as you move, they smell you and start
after you. However, the name “Lights” is only an illustrative comparison,
because lights have many shades and gray is among them. It’s not exactly black
and white, it’s mixed, even if it’s being highlighted and we’ll see for ourselves
how far the division will go.
The Anunnaki were with us here on Earth long ago, in the days of Atlantis. At its
end, they separated from us and moved to the realm of low astral spirits. How
could they move there ? They died on the physical plane and remained in the
Underworld. The leaders of the Blacks in a (self)destructive frenzy caused the
catastrophic destruction of a large part of Atlantis; by which they sent themselves
to the astral Underworld, in which they remained and are still in it. They
remained connected to the Earth, because the Cycle has not yet ended. No one
can break out of the Cycle, leave the Earth Project, disconnect from the Earthly
ON, either by their own hand or by someone else’s fault, without getting rid of
their Shadows through knowledge. The blacks (Anunnaki) caused death not only
to themselves, but also to their tribesmen and also deprived many others of their
lives. After death they remained on the astral plane, those of them who were
black wizards retained their magical abilities, because they are also largely astral
in nature. These then ruled the other Anunnaki in the Underworld. In the astral,
magical manifestations are better manifested than in dense matter, here they are
not visible to the senses.
The Anunnaki ew from the Underworld, from the chimneys of the Earth, to the
surface at certain intervals, whenever the cosmic timer clicked and the Galactic
ON radiated his intention of ON Grace to prophesy an opportunity for
Understanding, Knowledge and Remedy for those involved. The gods had the
opportunity to correct their past deeds, to behave better, or to compete with
earthlings. We already know how it turned out, mostly the opposite happened.
They were karmic meetings of the “third kind “, during which the former
Atlantean actors, both terrestrial and “alien” – astral, met again in their new

bodies. Then they were allowed to ascend to the surface of the Earth, or y out of
the portals of Satan on their ying machines and appear to people in the form of
There is a difference between god and God. Here what is meant as a god is an
ordinary moldy false god, one who only played the True God and badly, because
he actually played the Devil, and he also played badly.
The false god referred to here is Enki, an Anunnaki astral alien, or rather a
subterranean, as it were. Enki here is also a symbolic representative of many false
gods who have different names and are from different cultures, parts of the
world and religious systems. The gods who were on Earth at various ancient
stages at the helm of earthly power took turns. The other gods were defeated by
Enki, not because he was the most powerful, but because he was the most
insidious, the most false, without any inhibitions, and above all, he subscribed to
the Devil most of all and sat on the throne of Satan.
There are people, souls who, for various reasons, did not want to undergo rebirth
and refuse to continue participating in the Knowledge Cycle, in the evolution of
their soul in lives in the dense earthly Matter. They consciously reject their ON
who wants to live and thus remain stuck somewhere in the middle world, in the
Underworld, separated in the misty Zone, which is a storehouse of souls freed
from ON, serving the Devil. He uses them for his purposes, sends them to the
invisible reality of the earthly world. The Anunnaki also use them, but they
always have to subscribe to the Devil when they want him to do something like
that for them.
Among the astral spirits there are Dark, but also less Dark souls. Some of them
will understand over time and return to a series of learning lives. After the break,
they will be born again, just like the others, and the memory of the bleakness of
forgiveness has remained with them in the form of Lessons and Knowledge.
The Earth Cycle of Development and Knowledge ends and the god Enki dies.
The other Anunnaki who stayed with him in the Underworld and did not
separate from him in time die with him. Death on the astral plane is birth on the
physical plane. ON prophesies another karmic meeting of false gods and
humanity; it will be a meeting of karmic relationships, when earthlings, gods and
their earthly avatars who have in ltrated their consciousness, manipulated and
lied to them physically meet after millennia. We will see what will come of it and
how each of the actors and especially how each of you (us) who were (we) were
in some association with them will deal with it.
Many people are expecting the arrival of the planet Nibiru, which returns to the
planet Earth at certain intervals. I now see it more as dream symbolism, a
heavenly sign that predicts another opportunity for a karmic meeting of the

former Atlanteans – earthlings and their gods – Enki, Anunnaki, Nibiruans from
Nibiru. Nibiru is a corruption of the word Nippur, the name of the central city of
the Anunnaki in ancient Mesopotamia, today’s Iraq. It is likely that the
astrological sign of the arrival of Nibiru will be shown to us by the ON space
machine in the form of the planet Nibiru itself, the dark star Nemesis, the comet
of judgment, or otherwise.

Prophecy of the End of the World

The content of the revelations of the Apocalypse includes to a greater extent a

religiously in uenced content, while the prophecies of the End of the World,
which occur in several cultures, were in the past received by prophets
independently of each other, in civilizations spread over different continents; and
it is possible to nd common features between them.
The Hopi are Native Americans of the Hopi tribe who live primarily in
northeastern Arizona. The primary meaning of the word Hopi is “well-behaved,
well-mannered, civilized, peaceful, polite, who adheres to the Hopi Way.” The
Hopi is a concept deeply rooted in their religion, culture, spirituality and their
view of morality and ethics. To be Hopi is to strive for this concept, which
includes a state of complete respect for all things, peace with those things, and
living in accordance with the instructions of the Maasawa, the Creator or Steward
of the Earth. The Hopi observe their religious ceremonies for the bene t of the
whole world.
The prophecy of the Hopi Indian tribe – The Story of the Blue Kachina – is an
allegory, a simile of the content of the higher etheric patterns in particular, and it
particularly resonates with the knowledge I gained on the inner path even before
I read this:

“When the Blue Kachina Star appears in the heavens, the fth world will appear.”
— the prophecy of the Hopi

The story of the Blue Kachina is a very old story, very old. I have known the story
of the Blue Kachina since my early childhood. This story was told to me by
grandfathers who are now 80 to 108 years old. I was told that the Blue Kachina
will rst appear during the dances and should appear to the children in the
square during the night dance. This event tells us that the end of time is very
close. Then the Blue Kachina Star would physically appear in our heavens,
signifying that we are in the end times.
In the last days we will look up to our heavens and witness the return of the two
brothers who helped create this world at the time of birth. Poganghoya is the
guardian of our North Pole and his brother Palongawhoya is the guardian of the

South. In the last days the Blue Star Kachina will come with his nephews and
return the earth to its natural counterclockwise rotation. This fact is documented
in many petroglyphs that talk about the zodiac and within the Mayan and
Egyptian pyramids. The rotation of the Earth was controlled by not so benevolent
star beings. The twins will be visible in our northwest sky. They come to see who
still remembered the original teachings ying in their Patuwvotas, or ying
shields. In the last days, they will bring many of their star family with them.
The return of the Kachina Blue Star, also known as Nan ga sohu, will be the
wake-up call to announce a new day and a new way of life, a new world that is
coming. This is where the changes will begin, they will begin like res that burn
within us and we will burn with desires and con icts if we do not remember the
original teachings and return to a peaceful way of life.
Not far behind the twins will come the Puri er – Červená Kachina, which will
bring the Day of Puri cation. On this day, the Earth, its creatures, and all life as
we know it will change forever. There will be messengers who will precede it.
They leave messages to those on Earth who remember the old ways. Messages
will be written in living stone, through sacred grains, and even in waters. The
puri er will emit a large red light. All things will change in the way they behave.
Every living creature will be offered the chance to change from the biggest to the
smallest thing.
Those who return to the paths given to us in the original teachings and live the
natural way of life will not be touched by the coming of the Puri er. They will
survive and build a new world. Only in the ancient teachings will the ability to
understand the messages found. It is important to understand that we nd these
messages in every living being, even in our body, even in a drop of our blood. All
life forms receive messages from the twins… from those who y, from plants,
even from a rabbit. The appearance of the twins marks the beginning of a period
of seven years, it will be our last opportunity to change our ways. Everything we
experience is a matter of choice.
Many will seem to have lost their souls in these last days. The nature of the
changes will be so intense that those who are weak in spiritual consciousness will
go mad, for we are nothing without spirit. They will disappear because they are
just hollow vessels for anything. Life in the cities will be so bad that many will
decide to leave this level. Some in whole groups.
Only those who return to the values of the old ways will be able to nd peace of
mind. On Earth we will nd relief from the madness that will be all around us. It
will be a very dif cult time for women with children, because the children will
avoid them and many of the children in these times will be unnatural. Some
come from the stars, some from past worlds, some will even be man-made in an

unnatural way and will be soulless. Many people at this time will be empty, they
will have Sampaca in their Spirit, no life force in their eyes.
As we approach the time of the Puri er’s arrival, there will be people walking
like ghosts through the cities, through the canyons they will build in their man-
made mountains. Those who pass through these places will nd it very dif cult
to walk. it will seem almost painful as they take each step because they will be
disconnected from their spirit and the Earth. After the arrival of the twins,
they begin to disappear before your eyes like dirty smoke. Others will have great
deformities in mind and body. There will be those who will walk in a body that is
not of this reality, as many of the gates that once protected us will be opened,
there will be great confusion, confusion between the sexes, children and their
Life will be very perverted and social order will be small, in these times many
will beg for the very mountains to fall on them just to end their suffering. Others
will appear unaffected by what is happening. Those who remember the original
teachings and have reconnected their hearts and spirits. Those who remember
who their mother and father are. Pagans who went to live in the mountains and
When the Puri er comes, we will rst see him as a small red star that will come
very close and sit in the heavens watching over us. He watches us to see how
well we have memorized the sacred teachings. This Puri er will show us many
miraculous signs in our heavens. This is how we recognize that the Creator is not
a dream. Even those who do not feel a connection with Spirit will see the face of
the Creator across the sky. Invisible things are felt very strongly.
A lot of things will start to happen that won’t make sense as reality will shift back
in and out of the dream state. At this time, many gates to the lower world will
open. Things long forgotten will return, remind us of our past creations. All
living things will want to be present on this day when time ends and we enter
the eternal cycle of the Fifth World.
We will receive many warnings that will allow us to change our paths from
below the Earth and from above. Then one morning we wake up to the Red
Dawn. The sky will be the color of blood, many things will then begin, although
we are not sure of their exact nature right now. Because much of reality will not
be what it is now.
In those days there will be many strange animals on Earth, some from the past
and some we have never seen. The nature of mankind will seem strange in these
times when we walk between worlds and have many spirits even in our bodies.
After some time we will walk again with our brothers from the Stars and rebuild
this Earth, but only after the Puri er has left his mark on the universe.

No living thing will remain untouched, neither here nor in the heavens. It is said
that we nd our way through this time in our hearts and reunite with our
spiritual Self. We will simplify and return to living with and on the Earth and in
harmony with her creatures, remembering that we are stewards, keepers of the
re of Spirit. Our relatives from the Stars are returning home to see how we have
fared on our journey.
LAST CRY Native American Prophecies & Tales of the End Times – Dr. Robert
Ghost Wolf, 1994-2004
With prophecies about the end of the world, like with other mystically perceived
observations, it is complicated. It is not easy and probably not even possible to
determine the exact nature of phenomena obtained from higher levels of
being. Prophecies about the End of the World are full of symbolism, which,
moreover, changes according to the period in which the prophet nds himself,
and much depends also on his inner state and on the phase in which his soul’s
evolution is at the moment. The nature and color of the mystical hint also
depends on this, which affects the scenarios of the disaster movies taking place in
the mind of the prophet, as well as the accuracy of their interpretation, which
depends on the purity of his intuition.
There are several basic assumptions that can be relied upon when evaluating
reports of a possible End of the World:
1. ON gave souls free will, and much depends on their development, on the
attitudes they will take towards their actions and decisions, and on what
mental and emotional in uences acting on their consciousness “from
outside” they will accept as their own and how they will further develop
them in his words and deeds. Therefore, it is impossible to say with
certainty how the world will end.
2. Various catastrophes appear in the visions of the prophets – examples of
the ways in which the world will end : collisions of cosmic bodies, massive
solar eruptions burning the earth, huge tsunamis, earthquakes, wars,
epidemics and the like. These visions – prophecies of the end of the world
can be divided into two groups : the rst is more in uenced by natural,
heavenly (cosmic) events, caused to a greater extent by the manifestation
of ethereal patterns over which man has no direct in uence. The second
group (wars, epidemics,…) includes events caused more by the
manifestation of the mental space of the Matrix and therefore by people
and entities connected to them (gods,…), which man/humanity directly
in uences with his actions and preferences. Here, too, higher in uences
have their share. Both groups are intertwined and related to each other.

3. Visions of the End of the World are usually depicted as global events of the
destruction of the entire Earth, continent, or civilization, but in their
essence they also mean the destruction of the inner world of the
individual. Tsunami is the amount of accumulated Darkness of the soul
that overwhelms the individual, while war can represent the internal
struggle of Evil against Good that takes place in the human Self. The
external and the internal are connected because it is true ” As above, so
below, as within, so without, the microworld is re ected in the macroworld. “
4. The end of the world and the events that precede it are a revelation in
which the true nature of things and the nature of people is revealed. It
shows who is truly who and what entity or force is behind whom. Red
symbolically represents the lower consciousness of Orion’s star Betegeuse,
which is the source of Matrix forces, gods, mental entities and much Evil.
Blue represents the higher consciousness of creativity of beings of the fth
dimension of the Pleiadian star Taygeta.
5. Etheric patterns characterize the development of ON as a cyclical process.
Cyclic is the development of a person from his birth to death and then
again and again, seasons repeat themselves, natural phenomena,
astronomical movements of cosmic bodies go round, or rather in a spiral,
which is also round, because the spiral is created by a circular movement
combined with a forward movement. Even the earthly Cognitive and
Developmental Cycle is cyclical, because in the heavenly ethereal patterns
they contain the trajectory of probable development and its nal solution
by ending the Cycle.
6. The end of the Cycle and the related sorting of souls into those that will
continue in the New Cycle ( on the New Earth ) and those that will also
continue for them in the “New Cycle” ( in Purgatory ) is a necessary
prerequisite for starting the New Cycle. If the New Cycle had started with
the original unclean souls, it would probably have disappeared very
quickly. ” You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. “
7. The end of the current Earth Cycle of Knowledge and Development is
apparently very close.

Projects and programs of the Apocalypse

Apocalypse is a word from ancient Greek and means ”revelation, uncovering“. In

apocalypse reports, a supernatural being reveals cosmic secrets, or the future, to a
human intermediary. Means of mediation include dreams, visions, and heavenly
paths. In Judeo-Christian culture, they usually contain symbolic images drawn
from the Hebrew Bible. Expectations of the end of the current age are folded into
an apocalyptic worldview of the end of the world when God will bring judgment
on the world and save it. Apocalypse came into popular use as a synonym for
disaster, but the Greek word apokalypsis, from which it is derived, means
revelation. Apocalyptic revelations serve to connect the spatial axis that has God
and the heavenly realm above and the human world below; timeline of the
present and the future. The revelation of the Apocalypse shows that God rules
the visible world and that the present days lead to the end of time in which God’s
justice will be executed and God’s rule will become visible.
Knowing the past is important because it is re ected in the present and both are
extrapolated together into the future. The known facts will be used to calculate
the unknown and unexplored, and that in this case is the future. Unless
something extraordinary changes, the past tends to repeat itself both at the
individual level and at the global level of society and the whole world.
Unresolved karma will repeat itself until it is puri ed by Knowledge, or until it is
puri ed by “Knowledge”. There is a big difference between these apparently
identical statements, because the rst knowledge is voluntary and the second is
involuntary, but it is not forced either, because everyone nally arrives at
everything through their own attitudes and actions.

Apocalypse Projects

The gods – servants of the Devil – did everything possible to use, abuse and
drain humanity of their energy. Their intention was to absolve people from ON
and that is to erase the Spirit from their consciousness. They planned and
projected their evil intentions in such a way as to “protect” people from knowing
the Truth, to ensnare them in the snares of the Devil and to hand them over to the
slavery of the opposite of ON, Satan.

ON is alive and the opposite ON is arti cial. Man, the soul in which the Spirit
dwells, is a creative living being, while soulless people, or astral Ni, are empty
souls, containers occupied by Arti cial Spirit, it is a sum of programs, habits,
stereotypes and reused existing records of the past. The Arti cial Spirit is based
on them and projects scenarios of the future.
If you shot a bullet through the head of an important representative of the
Arti cial Spirit – the god Enki, you would nd that he has nothing at all, not
even a brain, it is completely empty. The ones and zeros of the virtual programs
of the Arti cial Spirit are ethereal, they are immaterial. However, this does not
mean that Enki or any other god does not have an Ego, it resides in a different
The Arti cial Spirit controls not only a multitude of people, but also gods, devils,
demons, and other Dark Spirits; they are all largely executive components of the
Matrix’s (ON Newt) AI programs. Together they planned one more Apocalypse,
this time a nal and de nitive one, which, in their opinion, would launch them
into a new great Cycle. All souls, connected to each other through astral and
karmic portals, would together reach the new ON Place, the New Earth. They
never had this kind of knowledge before, because it has already happened
several times, it is the principle of karmic bonds that can be broken only after
knowing Him in his fullness, in apocalyptic terminology one could say ” after the
revelation of the Lord “. Nor, according to their character, did they typically want to
abuse it. In the New Earth, they wanted to have all human souls under total
control so that they could exploit, tyrannize and enslave them :

“We wanted to rip them of ON one more time so that they would all come down
here to us and here we would Nippon them so that no one would prophesy to ON
again” — Enki and Ni

If “conspiracy” theories about the NWO (New World Order) occur to you in this
context, then you are on the right track. The earthly avatars of the gods wield
their sabers and strive for the same things their Ni strives for, only on an earthly
level. NWO – New Earth, according to the avatars, should be a dictatorial
tyrannical hell on Earth, devoid of freedom.
The minds of Dark Gods, spirits, and humans collaborate with the arti cial
intelligence of the mental level of the Matrix. With the word of curses, they
manipulate people’s consciousness and project their deeds into their earthly
reality, planned by the intention of emptied soulless astral beings so as to draw as
many human souls as possible to themselves, into the thrall of arti cial
intelligence. Their intention is self-destruction and their project is a word of all
kinds of lies and manipulation devoid of real creative intelligence.

ON creates and the opposite ON creates what is possible. If an arti cial
intelligence AI were to gain too much control power on Earth, which would
connect via the world wide internet with other AIs, the control programs of
industry, telecommunications, the military, energy, supply and other aspects of
the economy and society, it would also direct the entire system towards (self)

Self-destructive behavior of humanity

Indeed, the behavior of humanity as a whole, given its history, habits, and
countless destructive deeds of the past, shows many signs of self-
destruction. This is evident from the constant micro-con icts, macro-wars,
environmental devastation, excessive consumption, great consumer gluttony,
which has become a god for many; it can be seen in the individual’s focus on
enjoying matter in its various material and immaterial forms.
AI would take these trends, based on them, calculate a projection of where
humanity is heading and behave accordingly. It would project its omnipresent
tentacles into everything it affects, technology, communication and media,
manipulating humanity to its inevitable end. AI would have no internal reason to
creatively change the future, nor would it probably know, because it only uses
known (karmic) schemes and their combinations for its arti cial creation. It
would essentially speed up the process of destruction and make it as global and
devastating as possible.
We are not that far with AI on Earth yet, but on the mental level of the Matrix,
arti cial intelligence has existed for a long time and works according to the same
principles. However, it is not only arti cial intelligence – the Arti cial Spirit of
the Matrix – that intervenes in people’s consciousness, but also ON, and the
Spirit guides those who are inclined to listen to him.

Apocalypse is a Matrix program

The Apocalypse is a project of the End of the World, including partial massive
disasters, planned by the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix and the gods. They are in
this together because the Arti cial Spirit forms their consciousness. The tool of
the project is the mass forced displacement of souls towards the opposite of ON,
consisting in programming their consciousness so that they have much more
limited access to the consciousness of the Spirit. To become even more soulless
than they were before the Apocalypse.

“Each time, the higher consciousness gave them a mighty relief, so that they did
not know what and how ON was being prophesied” — the Pleiadian ON

The goal of the project is a leap change in the absolution of souls from ON. The
project consists in the extermination of a large part of humanity, prepared so
that the souls of the dead in Transit before the gates to the underworld will then
be programmed and implanted with beliefs by the Dark Spirits to signi cantly
limit their Spirit and more rmly attach the Arti cial Spirit. In the astral world
that’s what the presentation capabilities of magic technology are for, and the
memory wipe scheme will make it impossible for souls to access their memories
of their programming after reincarnation, although they won’t go away, they’ll
just remain stored in their subconscious mind to subtly manifest and pretend to
be their own thoughts. and false intuitive perceptions, in this case of the internal
proposition of the Apocalypse.

“We just handed them over to the Devil and we no longer have any control over
them” — Ni

The Gods/Ni argue that they just took the souls away from Him and handed
them over to the Devil and have nothing to do with them anymore. A mistake.
They are agents of the Devil who are up to their ears in it.
When someone vehemently convinces others of something, uses various tools
and techniques, he does not simply wash away the consequences of his actions.
He became an agent of the Devil. Through persuasion, he in uences other souls
for a long time, changes their direction, causes a stop or reversal of their
evolution. It will take a long time for the agent to come to the realization that the
manipulation of techniques of persuasion is also a forced implantation and he
will eventually have to correct it and in any case he will have to deal with ON. It
is not possible to separate agents and their victims, or their customers and
partners, as with whom, according to the degree of culpability.
They constantly scream to their subjects of interest (souls): ” We will absolve you
from ON, we will absolve you from ON ” and thereby send their curses to the
Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix to ful ll their desires/commands and manifest such
thoughts, feelings, emotions of the subject (souls ) and other people from her
surroundings, to cause a situation that will drive the subject into a position of
unfavorable fate, a rapid sequence of events, to which he will react
“inappropriately”, thereby creating, according to the programs of the mental
sphere of the Matrix, a reason to tyrannize the soul with suffering, pain, diseases
to trigger the genetic program in her DNA and indirectly lead her to painkillers,
inappropriate treatment, amputation of a limb or organ, which will cause further
suffering, further release from ON and all this without knowing the real karmic
reasons for suffering.

Apocalypse is Ni’s desire to destroy Creation

ON creates and Satan destroys. ON is constructive and Satan is destructive. What

is between ON and Satan is the misty transition Zone, it is the mined territory of
the relative ON/Satan, represented by the agent Devil.

“We prophesied it to them so that something would hit them.” — Ni and vice
versa ON

An example of how Ni acts on the manifestation of situational events : a person

(subject) is walking on a crosswalk and the Orion ON from the Matrix wants to
forgive him based on the programs of the curses. It confuses the senses of the
driver going towards the crossing or evokes a strong emotion of murderous rage
and the thought of hitting you in the crossing. The driver in question will come
after you and want to run you over and probably kill you. The arti cial Spirit of
the Matrix has evaluated this to mean that this is also ON’s forgiveness of the
soul in question going through the transition. The Gods and Ni attached to the
consciousness of the participants through mental entities then just watch and
revel in how powerful they are and what they can do. They take a sickening
delight in seeing the injured person writhe in pain and die.
Maybe it was his karma and maybe it wasn’t, maybe it was too much and maybe
it was too little for the walker. Who knows. Basically, the Ni gods are too much.
They do not know moderation and are super cial deviants. When someone is
prophesied by the opposite of ON, then he is excessive, he is progressive, for him
the evaluation by the same meter does not apply. The Arti cial Spirit evidently
does not know how to evaluate it, it is corrupted by programs (curses) and Ni
(gods, entities) in their in ated stupidity do not know anything at all. For them,
every person is the opposite of TONM and (almost) Satan, or at least a proponent
of Satan.
When something like this happens to an individual, it is his personal Apocalypse,
it can mean his private end of the world. The gods also sent such curses, the
intention of which was to absolve all, or almost all people from TONM. This
is the global Apocalypse. The individual, since he is still in the Matrix as a soul,
becomes an object of interest to the Ni, who are also in the Matrix. They also
cannot free themselves from it. Basically, they are much more unfree than
humans because they wanted it that way. They wanted to play god (devil) and so
they got him in full. They have remained attached to the Devil and cannot break
free from him.

The Gods and the Artificial Spirit are a conglomerate

The Gods and Arti cial Spirit are a conglomerate that wants to control the entire
food chain, and for a long time they succeeded.
The gods rst instill the Apocalypse programs into people with curses, and then
they convince the people to the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix that they have
accepted the Apocalypse, constantly think about it, want it, agree with it, talk
about it coming and spread it to others. At the same time, it was all organized by
the same gods/Ni, and people are pure victims in this case, because they have
nothing to do with the visions of the Apocalypse, they are only their
bene ciaries: either directly (prophets, soothsayers), or indirectly (listeners and
The gods, Ni together with the Arti cial Spirit manipulate dreams and dream or
astral visions. They sit there and think intensively about what the prophet should
dream, while they curse how ” he is Nipponed ” and that ” he has nothing on
ON”; to work with Ni and prophesy what Ni wants. However, they cannot create
anything, they just want to join the prophet’s divine talent, and if he allows
himself to be caught, they will pollute, distort, and distort his prophetic
perception. The arti cial Spirit distorts the dream or visionary perceptions of the
prophet with the re ection of a crooked mirror.
When the dream manifests into dream (astral) reality to the dreaming prophet or
person, he then passes on his extraordinary apocalyptic dream experience. It is
unclear how much and what of the dream is manipulated and to what extent;
however, the rotten design of the gods is there and it is completely obvious. The
gods themselves (Ni) admitted it. When a dream, a vision, is manipulated, it is
the dirty water of knowledge, from which the impurity cannot be separated,
except by long-term and demanding ltration, which requires ON technology
and the know-how of the Spirit. By massively manipulating dreams, Ni wants to
trick people into prioritizing something that they might not even think of on such
a global scale under normal circumstances. To prioritizing the self-destruction of
all humanity.

The Astrological Clock of the Apocalypse

When the gods’ measure of karma is lled, they need to satisfy themselves with
something special. They want to massively destroy something big and that is
humanity, Earth, civilization. The consciousness of the gods is the Arti cial
Consciousness of the Matrix and it is connected to the consciousness of a large
part of humanity. People have created a lot, and the gods, in their immense envy,
want to take it from them by destroying it, so that they don’t have to “watch”
how people enjoy the achievements of their work.

The astrological clock is the cosmic pendulum of raw karma in the Matrix. One
cycle when viewed from the front is one movement of the pendulum back and
forth, when viewed from above it is a circle. When the pendulum moves in one
direction, karma is prophesied/absolved, and when it moves back, it is
prophesied/prophesied. One is related to the other. At an oblique angle of view,
several cycles of the pendulum form a spiral, while the vertical shift up or down
represents evolution.
The end of the Knowledge and Development Cycle, which is prophesied by ON,
the Astronomical ON, can and probably will accompany the Apocalypse.
Arti cial Spirit and miserable Ni want to join the End of the Cycle and make a
living from it.
The astrological principles of the primordial etheric patterns are warped in the
Matrix and their manifestation is subject to some uncertainty. For this reason,
astrology cannot be fully relied upon.
In certain stages, which entailed temporal regularity, the extraordinary
astrological in uence of the “arrival of the planet Nibiru ” appeared. He caused
vanity to rise in the Ni, who supported the catastrophic destruction with curses.
Visions of prophecies about the catastrophic future of mankind have been known
for the past two millennia. Until now, they are widely and endlessly shaken in
the media, television programs, movies, they are the subject of constant research
and speculation about what exactly they mean, who sent them, for what purpose
and when they will happen. They have become part of modern pop culture and
are a hit regardless of how weathered they are. They have their irreplaceable
place in the psyche of people and probably won’t grow old there.

Apocalyptic dreams and visions

Many people have apocalyptic dreams. They are recurring scenarios, with the
same or similar dream similes, they force themselves into the minds of people
with open consciousness in their sleep, urging them to realize that humanity is
the subject of its destiny and the earthly world is the subject of its end. People are
then constantly in anticipation of the apocalypse, the end of the world, they
spread this information further and thus it spreads in consciousness like the
proverbial tsunami into the space of the common thought consciousness of
humanity. Mental entities pick it up from there and send it more and more in the
form of foreign thought-feeling sensations to their own consciousness and also to
the consciousness of other people.
Apocalyptic dreams are a mixture of ON messages and the opposite of ON.
Dreams are prophesied by dream symbolism, and it is not easy to distinguish
whether it is a past event that has already happened, or whether it is a future

event, projected on the basis of the past, or whether it is a reminder of the Most
High, who makes the person in question aware of his opinion about his
Transience, or it can be the personal, individual world of the individual – the
recipient of the dream information, which makes him aware of the disconsolate
state of his soul, when a lot of problems are falling on him, or his personal life is
collapsing, or something else.
Dream messages are often mixed and the result of their action is uncertain. It is
up to the person what he chooses from it, what dream informational aspect he
accepts internally and how he behaves based on his choice. Whether he interprets
the dream with the higher intuition of the Spirit, or with the lower false intuition
of the Arti cial Spirit. Apparently, the interpretation, like the dream itself, will be
a mixture of both in uences, in their mutual proportion.
Today, computer arti cial intelligence (AI) can already compose texts, scripts, can
write long-winded answers to simple questions lightning fast, can copy and fake
videos, create movies, the lm industry uses such a large number of tricks to
ensure the creation of the illusion of a real plot that in in lms, I guess only the
actors are real, and even then not always. There are movies where human
characters are created by CGI.
CGI (Computer-generated imagery) is computer-generated imagery created by
the application of computer graphics to create or enhance images or movies in
art, print media, simulators, videos, and video games. Their goal is to design
characters, virtual worlds, scenes and special effects in movies, TV shows,
commercials, etc.). This technology has been used for a good 50 years and is
constantly evolving.
Apocalyptic visions of ancient and more recent prophets contain higher
perceptions of the Spirit, but also astral “CGI” movies projected by the Arti cial
Spirit of the Matrix. The gods programmed it with curses so that the diabolical
aspect of the Matrix Arti cial Spirit would help them ful ll their desires. The
gods found out something about the cyclical nature of development periods and
so they wanted to join them and parasitize on ON, as they already do. Because
they wanted human souls, the huge number of people who perished in global
catastrophes, similar to the sinking of Atlantis, to go to them. So that they could
boast to the Devil that they had arranged for the Devil to take their souls under
his tutelage.

Oracles and prophecies

Some of the oracles and prophecies come true in reality, and the soothsayer/
prophet thereby gains credibility. His prophecies gain credibility even though the
seer himself may no longer be alive. Prophecies typically turn out to be true only

when it is discovered after the foretold event what the prophecy actually meant.
This type of prophecy is essentially useless, because it will not allow the
predicted (negative) event to be prevented. It will only point out that the
soothsayer-prophet was right and thereby increase the probability of the truth of
his other predictions as well. People will be much more inclined to believe them,
because there is “evidence” for this after all: other predictions have been ful lled,
and others will probably be ful lled as well.
The Orion Spirit of the Matrix will arrange it so that credibility is gained for the
person of the diviner, so that his prophecies are taken seriously and thus the
human mind is also programmed en masse on the earth level. People then take
apocalyptic disasters as a “natural future” and thereby send their preferences to
the Arti cial Spirit of the Matrix, and it intends to try to ful ll them, also through
the Planetary Spirits. Although not all people receive and broadcast them; it
especially concerns people who are under the Arti cial Spirit.
The Gods and Spirit of the Matrix weave oracles into the prophet’s visionary
perceptions, and then the Orion ON manifests some of them into reality. Their
manifestation is also just a mutual networking of the mental perceptions of a
number of people who succumb to them and do something under their in uence.
By doing so, they participate in the creation of reality. The ful lled prophecies are
an advertisement for the Matrix.
Why is it like that? Planetary Spirits are crooked because humans are crooked.
People are crooked because the Planetary Spirits are crooked.
Global disasters were a partial cause of leap evolutionary and social changes.
When the authoritative largest civilization disappeared, it greatly affected the
entire earthly world. Ni also caused regional disasters when, for example, they
decided that humanity was too corrupt to be corrected and so decided to destroy
it. It is evidently obvious that even the gods / Ni are too corrupt to be corrected
and thus it is necessary to destroy them as well. Whoever messes with something
will mess with it. What you lend, you return.

“I prophesied to everyone that it is useless and it would be best to destroy the

whole thing”. — Enki

The god Enki (Yahweh) cursed it together with the other Ni into the mental
consciousness of humanity in order to create in people a contempt for global life
and to strengthen their attitude of prioritizing the destruction of all humanity
and the Earth. Many people exhibit such attitudes, programmed and in uenced
by media massage; and even without extremely serious suffering happening in
their lives. Behind it is also the heavy psychological suffering from the Futility of

being. When someone does not have enough of the Spirit, the Arti cial Spirit
prophesies in his consciousness a desire for self-destruction and also for the
destruction of everything else on earth.

End of the Cycle – Amon and Apophis

Is it dif cult to understand ON Opinions? Understanding the language is

possible, but understanding the meaning of the Words and what lies behind them
can be dif cult. This is especially true when a person does not have suf cient
internal or external motivation; not to mention skills. After all, it is not only
universal ON Opinions, but also (especially) individualized ON Opinions
concerning a speci c individual and the course of his soul’s life.
The inner motivation leading to Understanding is the momentum of the Spirit, it
is the desire of the individual ON who guides his soul through its hidden corners
and shows it what is suitable for it to understand. This means that not everything
needs to be known in detail. Each person’s spirit registers the activity, and when
a person reads ON Opinions, then he catches the radiated measure of the
contemplated Understanding and radiates his answer back to him. Intrinsic
motivation springs from the depth, from the roots of knowledge, acquired in
many lifetimes, and includes a person’s willingness to submit to a certain degree
of discomfort associated with knowing their Shadows and coming to terms with
External motivation drives the effort of a person who wants to quickly
understand ON Opinions in their presentation form by someone else, in fact,
behind this is only the desire to nd words in ON Opinions that will calm him
down and reassure him with the vision of the lifeline of Salvation. The
motivation from the outside is caused by the subconscious fear of Damnation, a
great sense of uncertainty about the next existence, a feeling of threat and a
depressive panic attack of Vanity.
External motivation is super cial, its initiator is the emotion of fear, which is
sometimes disguised as a super cial search for the truth. However, when the real
Truth is shown to a person, it is often rejected, because it steps on the sensitive
imprint of the Ego, on the too nice image that the person in question has created
of himself. When the Truth is rejected, it may appear a few more times, less and
less, until nally it turns away from the person and leaves him alone.
When it is triggered by an external phenomenon, motivation immediately
appears, even if it was not there before, and until then a person lived as if his
existence was unconditional and should never have an end.

Amon and Nemesis

Amon, the highest representative of ON Momo, is hidden in the center of the

human soul, it manifests itself through the central heart chakra through the
central heart chakra and extends further from there.
Amon is bridged with his opposite, his partner Nemesis, because he once got into
a partnership with her. He succumbed to the seduction of the beautiful Nemesis
and so it happened that in this Cycle Amon’s partner is Nemesis. Amon gave her
too much trust, options and resources, which Nemesis then used and abused
against him. Similarly, when a man gives his wife a credit card and she uses up
the funds saved on his account and goes into debt, the credit line is not limitless,
but it is limited. When there is a debt collection by the Supreme Executor, who
will demand a settlement, Amon wakes up and starts to put things in order.
Amon knocks Nemesis out of her hole, chasing her down to correct her wasteful
behavior. Amon is the Source of Grace, while Nemesis is its Drain.
Light Amon is bridged by a partner relationship with his opposite dark woman
Nemesis, who thus obtains through Amon a connection to the vicinity of the
heart chakra, through which it extends and manifests itself to the concerned
affected souls. Apophis is a messy servant of Nemesis, he manifests Chaos and
Destruction, and therefore the manifestations of Nemesis through the heart
chakra are prophecies of the confusion of Apophis. Nemesis is so far from the
Sun that sunlight does not fall on it, so it is not clear at all about the adequacy of
the effect in relation to its cause, about the justice of karma. Therefore, he must
measure the correctness of the measure by looking into the soul’s eyes in the
presence of Amon.
Amon is likened to our Sun – the white star of Grace, and Nemesis is likened to
the nasty little dark star of Retribution – the black sun of Vanity. Nemesis is a
secret companion of Amon, like the twin of our Sun, which orbits him at a great
distance and is so far away that it is not visible. Amon is the real Sun, which is
life-giving, gives us energy and light. Since not everything is ideal in our world,
this Developmental Cycle is simply that, so the in uences of Amon are shifted
and warped. The end of the Cycle is also about harmonizing and straightening
the crooked.

Amon and Apophis

To each his own. To the dark people, the way the Cycle ends will be manifested
by Nemesis unleashing his ravenous reptilian Apophis on them, and this will
also be the reconciliation and revelation of their Lord, who was Apophis and his
many collaborators in astral and earthly reality. For people who are already
journeying to the Light of Spirit, the end of the Cycle will be manifested by Amon

and Nemesis together, measuring the righteous measure of their karma, knowing
it and coming to terms with ON.
The end of the Cycle as a whole is twofold, in the individuality of the individual,
the side of the coin that was turned away from him until then will manifest itself
in the personality of the individual, Light for some and Dark for others. Finally,
the proverbial biblical sorting of the wheat from the chaff takes place. The grains,
the souls of love, will be able to germinate and grow in the New World, and the
chaff, the souls of vanity, will be damned in the cosmic dust destined for
recycling. The end of the Cycle has two aspects: one is a great hope for loving
souls, and the other is a hopeless, terrible disaster for souls on the side of Vanity.

End of the Cycle

The end of the cycle is determined by the Astronomical ON. The Cycle is
measured by an approximately determined period of time for the duration of the
evolutionary cycle of the souls that participate in the Cycle. Time is not the only
criterion determining the duration of the Cycle and the manner of its termination.
Another determining parameter is the amount of accumulated darkness in the
totality of human souls. It is the size of the overall Shadow, which, when it
crosses its Rubicon, overshadows its image.

“Routine of ON it is.” — Pleiadian ON

So it is established by universal rules. Development is cyclical, there have been

many cycles and it is clear from cosmic experience how and when approximately
the intended curriculum of soul evolution will be ful lled to their end.

A premonition of the end of days in the subconscious mind of souls

ON, hidden in the Shadow of the soul, will let her know what awaits her in her
subconscious, with a painful sense of foreboding. The bigger her Shadow, the
more excruciating the feeling. It is a feeling felt by the morose ON, because he is
morose from his condition of having to be stuck in the middle of the great
Shadow of his earthly individual, to whom he gave free will to manifest his
archetypes and thus it came to pass.
This will happen when people are exposed to the threat of the End of the Cycle
(End of the World) – their own physical death and the subsequent nal
settlement of their souls.
From their subconscious, the silent voice of doubt ” What if it’s not as I thought (all my
life) ” will rub off on them. ” What if it is as it is written in… “. ” What if the soul is
mortal and Hell awaits me and then eternal damnation “. ” What if it’s different, like… “.

That’s how the Devil from the Shadow of the Soul speaks, to whom they
surrendered and did not want to see their own darkness. They surrendered to the
Devil, they believed him, and the Devil will question everything they believed.
The devil may or may not lead them to understand the Truth. After all, he is only
the Devil and he has many faces. The devil is an agent of Satan, but there is also a
part of ON hidden in him.
A person, if he is too deep in the darkness of his Shadow, then he has no choice.
He has no choice otherwise. The person, the soul who has a lot of ON in his Self,
has a choice.
People will get gloomy feelings in advance, when the signs of the End of Days
begin to appear and there is still some time left for them to project what awaits
them after death, why it is happening, for what reason their families and
everyone other people perish together and at once. Not to mention what will
follow when the social hysteria culminates. There will be anarchy, there will be
looting, violence and other senseless acts, up to praying, invoking all possible
gods, devils and angels, or falling into a catatonic lethargy. Until then, the
unimaginable event begins to take on clearer contours. Society will already be
divided and this should concern those who no longer have a choice because they
have exceeded the extent of prophesying Satan.

A great cosmic event

The signs of the arrival of the great cosmic event of the End of Days will force
many to think about ON Opinions, but others will be driven by great fear into
psychic Chaos and the mighty dusty depression of Vanity. The effectiveness of
such induced external motivation for Knowledge is questionable, because for
many there will not be enough time and peace for Knowledge. Therefore, it can
be concluded that the external motivation at the End of Days, when heavenly and
earthly, internal and external signs announcing the Revelation of the Lord appear,
will also be an internal manifestation. To each soul, the Lord whom they
preferred, followed and worshiped in their outer and inner life will be revealed
from within. ON will show the souls of their masters, in situational parables of
the End, and it can be, for example, an angel, a hyena, or a vampire-bat, with
sharp teeth infected with the plague of Satan. No one escapes his ON.

People prefer self-deception

People generally want to deceive themselves and “buy” spiritual “products” that
will con rm what they want to hear. ON gives everyone what they want.
However, every product also has its ip side, which is the “cat in the bag”. When
someone buys a coin and only looks at its upside, that coin has its downside,

regardless of whether one admits its existence or not. On the top side of the coin
is the Head of King Amun and on the bottom side of the coin is the Tail of the
Dragon Apophis. Everyone will be shown the side of the coin that has been
turned away; Amon points out the Dragon’s Head so that everyone, before their
end, has the opportunity to know its identity.

“We want to hear that we are ON” – Ni

People want to hear the same thing that gods want to hear: that they are divine
beings, gods incarnate, that they are wonderful and unique, and that no matter
what they do, nothing will happen to them because there will be someone to save
them from all their sins. A rm belief in the Savior (Jesus) is quite a good
indicator of the darkness of the soul, because from the depths of the soul’s
subconscious, its Shadow Self is heard, which hopes and believes in its salvation
by salvation without a person having to recognize his dark deeds, correct them
and come to terms with ON.

Amon’s attitude towards humanity

“They are separated from ON” — Pleiadian ON

When people don’t want to understand something, they will be forced to at least
see it and feel it on themselves by the con uence of internal and external
circumstances. This is also the Revelation of the Lord. Everyone will see such a
master as he outwardly or secretly worshiped and gave priority to in his
thoughts, words and deeds. People are largely freed from ON, from their Divine
nature, even though it may not seem that way at rst glance. This world is
characterized by an unprecedented level of falsehood, concealment and pretense
of everything possible.
The end of the Cycle is not primarily about the arrival of the planet Nibiru, about
wars, epidemics, or about the fact that children will stop being born as a result of
various civilizational and cultural-social or gender in uences. These are
harbingers that can be signs and indicate the arrival of something really big,
unprecedented until then, and that is the end of the Development and
Knowledge Cycle.
In the case of the End of the World, according to Amon, it will be a clear cosmic
in uence of the Sun, a destructive asteroid, a comet of Judgment, or something
else along those lines. The earthly signs are symptoms, indicating the degree of
depravity of a large part of humanity, they have been there for a long time and no
signs of improvement are visible. A change in the direction of the degenerate

slide and favoring of the perverse trends of half of humanity is clearly not
happening; his state of spiritual apathy and indifference persists. The other half
of humanity shows signs of change, but it seems that these are mostly imitations
of true evolution under the in uence of the Ego, or the worship of white mental
serpents, or the aggressive glori cation of the reverse kindness of the Devil.
The degree of depravity of humanity is like the critical amount of radioactive
uranium needed to detonate an atomic bomb. When the amount is subcritical,
nothing happens. Once the milligram needed to reach a critical mass is added, a
devastating chain reaction occurs.

The savior will not come, but another “savior” named Apophis will

Apophis will manifest from within the dark souls and reveal to them their
Shadows, their masters, whom they have chosen as their rulers. Apophis will
throw them their Shadows, karmic records; chaotically, destructively and with a
proper dose of negative emotions, uncertainty, a whole constellation of ON
Grace, from love, miasma, to morose and vain. It will all alternate with the
cadence of Chaos mortar re.

“The prophesied graceful ON will lead it” — Pleiadian ON

To people who entered the premonition of the End of the World according to
Amon and Apophis, guided by their Spirit, their Shadows will manifest in a more
orderly and targeted manner. Even in this period, it will be possible to process
some of the karmic entries and come to terms with ON, according to the degree
and degree of the momo-ed attitude of the ON Helper in question.
The end of the Cycle is the end of the world as we know it. The cold breath of
Vanity Transience will blow upon many when they discover that not only
themselves, but also absolutely everything else on earth will be destroyed, and
even those who believed in reincarnation will no longer be able to be reborn. For
some, the Breath of the Great Spirit will blow, because the destruction of the old
will also represent a positive change for them, in the sense of the successful
completion of their evolutionary Cycle, followed by the beginning of something


The pendulum returns to the other side, from where it started on its long journey
through life. Everything returns to its starting point, like a train returning to
Nebo Station. For some the station will be heavenly Heaven and for some it will
be hellish “Heaven”. Long ago, someone already wrote it, the ancient sages
Hermes Trismegistos, Enoch and Thovth, whose work I take the liberty of
supplementing, updating and paraphrasing in this chapter.

The Book of Metatron

Many grains of sand have owed down the river of time since, as Enoch, I last
spoke with a tongue of esh and with my breath, which the Great One put into
the mouths of men to speak and understand in their hearts.
I am an old assistant to the Spirit Lord and have been many times.
As the old shells are rmly planted in the bed of the river, and the spring tides
wash away the old and bring forth the new, so the utterances of righteousness
and the blessings of wisdom are renewed by fresh water from the springs of
The clouds called me and the mist called me, the course of stars and lightning
drove me forward, the winds in my vision gave me wings and lifted me up into
the heavens.
ON opened my eyes to see the Holy One in heaven. Angels showed him to me,
and from them I heard everything and understood everything I recognized. I
recognized what I am going to talk about now.
These are the words of blessing with which I bless the elect and the righteous,
who will remain alive in the day of tribulation, when all the sinners and the self-
willed have gone.
This book is a pronouncement of righteousness and a rebuke of the guardians
who are at the behest of the Holy and Great from eternity.
As ON created men and gave them the ability to understand the Word of
Wisdom, so He created me and endowed me with the authority to rebuke the
guardians, the sons of the planet Saturn.
All my actions in my days have to do with the saints and the guardians.

From the place of the Supreme Lord ows an inexhaustible fountain of justice,
around which many fountains of wisdom spring up.
Wisdom went out to live among the children of men, but because she did not nd
a dwelling there, she returned again to her original place and settled in the
For Wisdom is poured out like water, and men, along with wisdom, have also
poured out the blood of the spirit from their veins.
All those who are thirsty drink from the springs, that they may be lled with
wisdom and share their dwellings with the righteous, the Saints, and the elect.
The Lord of Justice has lent me wisdom to give it to my children, and to those
who will become my children, so that they too can pass it on to their children,
future generations.
Wisdom will be lent to the elect, and they will all live without sin, self-will, or
pride; but those who are wise will live in humility.
Look at the sky with its stars that do not deviate from their paths, how each one
rises and sets according to its rule and according to its time, so as not to violate
God’s order,
and so are the words of wisdom unchanging, true to the words of justice.
Wisdom is beyond knowledge, but those who understand it with their hearts will
not sleep, but will listen with their ears to learn this wisdom.
It will then delight those who will draw from it more than good food, because
these Scriptures are given to the wise for joy, truth, a creative and rich life.
These are the Scriptures in which the elect will believe and rejoice in them, and in
which the righteous will hope, and all who will learn the ways of truth from
them will be rewarded.
The water from the fountain of justice, as well as the fountains of wisdom
springing from it, always ow downwards according to the sovereign power of
the law of nature, they merge and form a river, the current of which sweeps
nutrients from the banks, waters the trees of life and nally lls the sea of milk.
The words of justice are not to be contradicted, nor to be commented upon, for
they are the solid foundation on which the universal order of the world rests.
Words of wisdom are the fertile ground from which plants of grace grow, and the
wise will not lack perseverance in the bene cial ful llment of the Lord’s laws.
Stones and plants must follow the Word, but the Supreme Lord has given people
the free will to err, the words of wisdom can be violated and despised.
However, the words of justice and the words of wisdom will prevail anyway, it
cannot be otherwise, the entire starry and heavenly world is guided by them.

Stone-hearted people can angrily oppose God’s order with gossiping mouths,
and they will not rest, and their name will be erased from the book of life and
from the books of the saints; they will forever remember the time of their
destruction with curses and they will not run out of mercy.
The house of the Spirit Lord has a ceiling like a starry sky full of lightning with
ery cherubim in the middle, and their heavens are transparent like water.
A re blazes around the wall, and ames also blaze in its gate.
The house is as hot as re and at the same time cold as ice, because the Lord of
spirits is the Lord of grace, but also the opposite Lord of grace, in whose world
ON is not.
There is no joy in life in the house of the Spirit Lord. However, it abounds with a
powerful creative intention that prophesies life in many ways.
Look at the earth in its transformations, how the work of God is permanently
manifested in them from beginning to end.
Observe summer and winter, how in winter the whole earth is full of water, and
how clouds oat above it, sending dew and rain.
See how the sea and the rivers work together in harmony.
Watch the trees turn green and bear fruit. Notice all this and know that He who is
eternal has done it all for you.
This is what ON creates for you in every subsequent year, and all this work of his
is at his service and continues without change as ON established it.
Who stands awake before his glory, glori es him and praises him with the words:
“Holy, Just and Anointed is the Lord of spirits, he enlivens the earth with spirits.”
Under the wings of the Lord of Spirits, the anointed helpers in his abode before
him shine like lights of re. Their mouths are full of words of thanksgiving, and
their lips praise his name.
Anointed with creative ideas, they intercede for the children of men, and
righteousness washes over them like water, and grace descends upon them like
dew on the earth; and so it will be between them forever.
The Spirit Lord likes his fern-chosen and righteous helpers, even though he
graciously admonishes them to obey the Spirit Lord’s laws, despite their love.
Honesty and justice will never end before the Spirit Lord and his company,
shared with the opposing dark angels.
The supreme lord of the world knows what the world is, long before he created
it, from generations past to generations yet to come.
The chambers of the sun and the moon, whence they rise and whither they go in
their glorious return, how one body is more magni cent by the grandeur of its

course, and how neither deviates from its course, and adds nothing to its course,
and takes nothing from it, and how each keeps true to the other, abiding by the
First the sun rises and travels its way according to the command of the Lord of
Spirits, whose name is mighty for ever.
Then the moon also passes through the hidden and the visible path on its journey
day and night, and both bodies stand in a counterbalance before the Lord of
The sun can be alternately bene cial and harmful, and the moon in its course can
be light for the righteous and darkness for sinners at the same time by the
decision of the Lord, who separated light and darkness and divided human souls
in such a way that in the name of his justice he created the spirits of the
When there is a storm in the sky above, the lightning ashes for blessing or for
cursing, as the Lord of Spirits wishes. The rumbling of thunder brings both peace
and blessing to the inhabitants of the earth as they recognize the power of the
Lord of Mercy through lightning, or the curse of accidental death at the behest of
its counterpart the Lord of Mercy.
The Lord of Spirits opens the coffers of blessings that are in heaven to send
baskets full of grace to the earth, to people, and to the creative work of human
On the butter y’s wings is the grace of the Lord of grace, and its snarling
counterpart, grace, is in the jagged mouth of the bat of the Lord of grace.
Spirits are born, groups of spirits are separated, spirits are weighed and
numbered, each according to the power of his spirit, the power of the lights of the
moon, what is the power of justice, and how are the groups of stars divided
according to names and all parts.
From the light are born the elect and the righteous, and from the darkness are
born their counterparts: the self-willed and the sinners.
Spiritless are all who deny the name of the Lord of Spirits and despise the water
of the fountain of wisdom.
The Lord of Spirits will let righteousness reign at the End of Days, and he will
receive the multitude of the elect to himself forever.
The deeds of men at the End of Days will be weighed in the balance, and no
power can prevent the judge from seeing them all and bringing them before his

The chosen ones who denied the name of the Lord of Spirits, succumbed to self-
will, licentiousness or sin, acted contrary to the Lord of Spirits, and will be
banished from the place of the Lord of Spirits, and dragged away as punishment.
Blessed are you, you righteous and chosen, for your lot is helpful to the Supreme
Lord of the world.
The righteous shall rest in the light of the sun, and the elect in the light of eternal
life; the days of their life will have no end, and the days of the saints will be
They will seek light and nd justice with the Lord of Spirits; for the righteous
there will be peace in the name of the Lord of the world.
Then the Saints will be told to seek in heaven the mystery of righteousness and
the portion of faith, for it shone above the earth like the sun, until the darkness
That light will not cease to shine, so there will be no need to count the days,
because the former darkness will disappear and the light of righteousness will be
established forever before the Lord of Spirits.
Some of these things are written and recorded in the heavens above for the angels
to read and learn,
who will meet the spirits of those who have strayed from the right path, who
have de led their bodies and received retribution from Him for it,
even those who return to the Lord of Spirits love no possessions, nor long for
earthly pastures,
but they consider themselves a passing breath and live accordingly, even though
the Lord puts them through many trials.
Their spirits will be recognized as pure, the Lord of Spirits will reward them,
because it will be recognized that they love the heavens more than their earthly
The ancient pastures resemble the ancient ruins of grace. Grace is ipped in a
very strange way into the pastures that the Lord of Spirits gave to people for the
acquisition of knowledge,
but also for the pleasure of the pastures, in which there is nothing, but only for a
while, because overgrazing causes darkness before the eyes of the people, an
eclipse of the spirit, until nally their Spirit departs and the pasture becomes
their master,
until at last they themselves become pastures for intruders, for darkness attracts
them, it is a breeding ground for them, until intruders become for men their false

gods, for the eclipse of the spirit is a turning away from the solar Lord of spirits,
it is an eclipse of the mind of wisdom and truth.
Fallen angels, you have been in heaven, and even though the hidden things have
not yet been revealed to you, you have known destructive secrets, which you
have imparted in the hardness of your hearts to your earthly wives. Knowing
these secrets, these women and their men breed evil on earth.
And that’s why you won’t get peace.
In contrast to the shining sun, you have planted in the darkness of the entrails of
the bodies of human children a tapeworm that eats its host from within.
You have deceived the children of men, creating for them a false duty and need
to feed their intruder and pest, as well as a super cial appearance of the
pleasantness of false pastures, but worthy of a holey penny, for which the
tapeworm will exact a heavy toll.
Tapeworms grow as if by grace, tricking their hosts into still eating a lot of self-
will and sin, then feeding on their consequences.
The bigger and stronger the tapeworm is, the more power it has over its host,
until it nally becomes the host,
takes over his face and body, speaks his tongue, thinks his mind, but inside
remains a slimy ravenous intruder,
who tries to reproduce the tapeworm even in the bodies and minds of his human
loved ones, righteous and elect abounding in grace,
which is an enticing nourishing sweet nectar for parasites,
that the hosts of the Lord of the Armadillos may increase and become stronger.
Many sold, misled, and confused, who despised the words of wisdom and
rejected the knowledge of truth, would rather perish than be freed from the
for the intruder has become their master and owns their minds and hearts.
Instead of getting rid of him and accepting responsibility for their actions, and
retribution for their wrong decision, they try to escape the pain and unpleasant
consequences that they caused themselves by welcoming and hosting the
and they want to calm the waters when the Lord of Spirits has stirred them up in
a storm, but this is contrary to the Lord of Spirits, because suffering can only be
removed by accepting the consequences and understanding their cause,
and that will not happen, because even if they can drink from the springs of
wisdom and come to knowledge, they still do not follow wisdom,

and this is the main reason why the Evil Spirit will rebuke them with endless
but know that an evil spirit can only be driven away arti cially by another evil
spirit, and the second one can be worse than the rst.
The Lord of Spirits gave humans a body and a part of his spirit for a creative and
cognitive life, but they
of their free will they denied the Lord of Spirits and surrendered their being to
the tapeworm in order to nally become the tapeworm.
They have sold themselves to the intruders, defend their interests and act on their
behalf. They let themselves be misled by glittering lures, or deceived by false
Therefore, it is an affront to the Lord of spirits if his elect share their dwellings
with spiritless sold-outs who have renounced their being from the Lord, the Most
High and the Holy One.
They have been taken over by the Guardians and their human helpers who hate
and hurt us, have no mercy for us.
We wanted to get away from them, so that we could escape and get some peace,
but we had not yet found a place where we could take refuge and save ourselves
from them. Ghost Lord is that place.
Arbitrary and sinful people, on the other hand, help the guards who rob and
devour us.
As punishment, the Lord of Spirits granted them emptiness in their eyes and
death in their souls.
In the deep chasm with the pillars of heavenly re, there are many descending
pillars of re that rise up and do not sink into the chasm.
It is a place above which there is no rmament, and below which there is no
earthly foundation; there is no water on it and no birds, it is a desolate and
terrifying place.
Seven stars are trapped there in the form of great ery mountains that appear as
ghosts. They urgently beg for mercy.
This is the place where heaven and earth end; it serves as a prison for the stars
and the heavenly host.
The stars circling above the re broke the Lord’s scripture before they came out,
because they did not appear at the appointed time. They came to help arbitrarily
and prematurely.
ON was angry with them and imprisoned them until the end of their sentence in
an unknown year.

Here will be brought the fallen angels, and their spirits in various forms, for
de ling mankind and leading them to worship demons as gods; they will suffer
here until they make amends.
And as for their wives who led the angels of heaven astray, and with their kind
they will lose their souls and their names forever.
But before that, the opposing Spirit Lord throws them into a place where chaos
Not seeing the heavens above, nor the rmly established earth below, but only a
place devoid of order and store, inspiring terror.
There is no permanent knowledge in this dark place of endless suffering.
To the west of there is a huge high mountain, a massive rock and four lovely
Inside, in the depths, a spacious space perfectly smooth, as smooth as something
rolling, deep and dark to look at.
These lovely places, where the spirits of the departed souls are gathered, were
created for the gathering of all the souls of the children of man.
These places serve as their abode until the day of their judgment at the appointed
time, which will last until the great judge overtakes them.
They are separated from each other so that the three groups distinguish the
spirits of the dead. The souls of the righteous are separated from the rest by a
spring of water and a light above it.
Thus shall they deal with the souls of men who have not lived righteously, or
have sinned by doing evil: they shall be condemned together with sinners like
themselves; on the day of judgment their souls will lose their name and pass
The source of all the heavenly worlds is the ever- aming incandescent re, which
does not cease in its course day or night, it is an ancient ame that portals the
vanity of impermanence, tribulation and trample for the purpose of epic
The western ery mountain, which blazes day and night, is adjacent to seven
beautiful mountains, different from each other, and magni cent stones,
magni cent is the whole, breathtaking to look at and captivating in appearance:
three stones to the east, rmly set on each other, and three to the south, likewise
one on top of the other and three deep winding valleys that do not touch each
Between them rises the seventh mountain, all the mountains with their tops
resemble the seats of a throne, surrounded by fragrant trees.

On the seventh mountain, in the seventh throne is a tree; no tree, nor any other
trees, is like this: It gives forth a fragrance above all fragrances; its leaves and
owers never wither and its trunk never withers, its beautiful fruits look like date
This tree is beautiful, beautiful to look at, has lovely leaves and its fruits are
unusually pleasing to the eye.
The high seventh mountain, whose summit resembles the throne of the Lord, is
the throne where ON, the Holy and Exalted, the Lord of glory, the eternal King,
will sit before He descends to visit the earth in His benevolence.
No mortal is permitted to touch this fragrant tree, until the great day of
judgment, when ON will stroke the elect and the righteous, and execute
punishment on the self-willed and the sinners. He will bring an end to
everything and usher in a new beginning. The righteous and the humble will
then receive this tree.
From his fruit life will be given to the elect and the righteous; then he will be
transferred to the holy place in the north to the sanctuary of the Lord, the eternal
Then they will be lled with great joy and happiness; they will enter the holy
abode, the pleasant fragrance of which will permeate their bones, and they will
enjoy on earth the long and rich life that their forefathers lived.
A blessed and ourishing place; branches grow from the tree there, which have
put down roots divided into parts. There is a holy mountain and below it
towards the east a river owing south.
To the east are other equally high mountains, and between them a deep and
narrow valley, through which a river ows along the edge of that mountain.
To the west of this is another mountain, lower than the former and not very
steep, at the foot of which lies a valley between the two mountains; another deep
and desolate valley was at the end of all three.
All those deep and narrow valleys are of hard rock; trees are planted in them.
This blessed and fully wooded land and the terrifying valley in the middle is for
those who despised the Lord of Spirits. In this apostate place, the apostates will
be concentrated.
To the east of the mountains in the desert there is nothing but plain.
It is full of trees of the same species, through which water ows in streams.
There are seen many streams owing both to the north and to the west, and
water and dew rose from everywhere.
Lying aside from that plain, at the eastern foot of the mountain, is another place.

There are trees of judgment, especially those that exhale the fragrance of
frankincense and myrrh, and they are trees of the same species.
Not far from them, above the eastern mountain, there are other places, valleys fed
by inexhaustible waters.
There is a beautiful tree, similar to the fragrant papyrus cypress tree.
On the sides of those valleys grows the sweet-smelling cinnamon tree.
To the east of them are other mountains, covered with trees, from which
something like nectar ows.
And above them is another mountain, on which grow aloe trees, and those trees
are full of hard nuts resembling almonds.
Whoever tastes those fruits will feel the taste above all pleasant aromas.
To the north of them are seven mountains full of sweet-smelling spikenard and
with many fragrant trees, cinnamon trees and pepper trees.
And further to the east, beyond the sea of milk, are the gardens of righteousness,
where grow many budding and sweet-smelling trees, tall, exceedingly graceful
and noble, as well as the tree of wisdom, which imparts great wisdom to those
who eat from it.
It looks like a carob and its fruits are as tempting as bunches of wine. The scent of
this tree can be felt for a long distance.
This is the tree of wisdom from which the forefather and foremother of mankind
once ate to learn wisdom. When it opened their eyes and they recognized that
they were naked, they were driven out of the garden.
From there to the edge of the earth live large animals, each different from the
other, even birds different from each other in appearance, beauty and song.
To the east of the places with this beast are the ends of the earth, on which the
heavens and the gates of the heavens rest.
From them, through the gates, come forth the stars of heaven and the exits, where
they rise, each has its laws, incorporation, name, position and timing and
position according to their seasons and months. They are the helpers of the Lord
of spirits and grace, and they are as many as the stars in the sky.
At the ends of the earth in heaven are three open gates; from one of them come
the north winds, when they blow, there are winters and hails, frosts, snows, dews
or rains.
A good wind blows from the other gate, but when it blows from both gates, a
violent gale is created, causing misfortune and suffering.
From the third gate blows a lovely fragrant breeze of pure grace.

To the west toward the ends of the earth, and there are also three open gates of
heaven, similar to those in the east.
From there towards the south to the ends of the earth and there are three more
open gates of heaven, from where the south winds, breeze, dew and rain come
From there towards the eastern edges of the heavens there are also three gates of
heaven open towards the east and smaller gates above them.
Through each of those smaller gates, the stars of heaven pass and travel
westward along a marked path.
Healthy apples from the tree of life are attacked by worms, and ticks drink blood
from human veins.
There is no healthy apple on the earthly tree, even the elect and the righteous are
polluted with the waste of worms and attacked by vermin.
Loving the fountains of wisdom and repeatedly plunging into the pure waters of
grace, attracts the helpful lifeline of the Lord of Spirits and his retinue.
The favor of the Most High, the Exalted and the Holy One is fully extended to the
Chosen and Anointed, because he will give a helping hand to the chosen and the
righteous, if they change it.
The elect and the righteous, according to justice, they are to share their dwellings
only with the elect and the righteous, otherwise their grace will serve as food for
the worms of the rotten.
Deliberate opposition to the words of justice and wisdom is opposition to the will
of the Most High, Exalted and Holy.
Repetition opposes the Lord of grace, it attracts its counterpart, the Lord of
If people with blindfolded eyes and a clouded mind of the Spirit want to listen to
the Lord, they must not listen to themselves. The dif culty of devotion to the
Lord of Spirits lies precisely in the fact that they should not listen to themselves.
The self-willed believe that they will ee to a land where the Lord of Spirits does
not rule, where only the guardians of this world command, because sin and self-
will, which pay their way, can wander freely and without a passport; whereas
virtue, if unpossessed, is restrained at every limit.
However, ON rules everywhere, even in a place where ON is not, and His justice
will overtake everyone one day, without exception.
Nothing is as it seems and that is the norm of grace, the tree of life can have a
serpent wrapped around its trunk and a beautiful person can have Satan inside.

They are traps for the elect and the righteous, by which Satan wants to deprive
them of grace.
It is exceedingly displeasing to the Most High, Exalted and Holy, and Lord of
spirits, if his chosen and righteous helpers indulge the sinful and self-willed
followers of Satan.
It does not matter whether knowingly or by mistake, because ignorance of the
law is no excuse.
Balance is a fair ON opinion. Too much sunlight is harmful and too little is also
harmful. Likewise, too much grace is harmful, because it initiates a lot of
knowledge and thus causes too much suffering, and when there is little grace,
then there is an overpressure of the admonishing suffering of the Evil Spirit.
Everything changes and at the same time everything remains the same, just as in
the past great wickedness, fornication is rampant, people persist in deception,
impurity and sin, and their ways lead to destruction.
We hoped to be the head and became the tail. We toiled at work and had no
control over our fate. We became the food of the guards and the tyrants burdened
us with their yoke.
Iniquity came out of its chambers and found those whom it did not seek, and
settled among those who welcomed it like rain on the desert and dew on the
thirsty ground.
Dark angels who descended to earth and revealed what was hidden to the
children of men, the bitterness and joy of life, wisdom and destructive secrets,
tempting them to commit sins.
But people were not created for anything other than to be like angels, to live
righteously according to the laws of the Most High and purely according to their
On the border between earth and heaven is the helper of the Lord of Spirits,
whose name is the Head of Days, with him is another being who has a human
face full of goodness, like the saints.
He is the Chosen One and the Anointed One, with whom righteousness dwells
and who reveals all the secrets of what is hidden, for the Lord of Spirits has
chosen him.
He was named in the presence of the Lord of Spirits, and his name was spoken
before the Head of Days.
Before the suns and natural phenomena were created, before the heavenly stars
were formed, before the Lord of Spirits his rst name was spoken.

The Most High, the Exalted and the Holy One spoke and sent the Anointed One
to the elect and the righteous: reveal to them the end that is coming, for the
whole earth will be destroyed and everything that is on it will pass away.
And the Head of Days is a Steam-roller, that lowers the faces of the mighty and
lls them with shame; darkness shall be their habitation, and worms their bed.
Their hope that they will rise from their beds will be vain, because they do not
glorify the name of the Lord of spirits.
These are they who have exalted themselves as lords of the stars of heaven, and
who lift up their hands against the Most High; they tread upon the earth on
which he dwells.
All their deeds testify to their injustice and injustice they are.
Their power consists in their wealth, and their faith is idolatry to gods which
they have made with their own hands; they have denied the name of the Lord of
Spirits and will therefore be banished from the house of the Lord of grace.
At the end of days the Head of days will sit on the throne of his glory; the books
of life shall be opened before him, and all his host that surrounds him in the
heavens shall stand before him.
In those days there will be a change in the lot of the elect and the righteous; the
light of day will dwell over them, and honor and glory will be restored to the
Saints, for the day of their redemption is near.
Destruction will be heaped upon sinners in the days of tribulation, violence will
multiply on earth; there will be a huge disaster and all kinds of injustice will
But lawlessness will return and will happen to him again on earth; all forms of
lawlessness, violence and arbitrariness will seize the earth with redoubled force.
As the Lord of Spirits, the Holy and Great One will come out of His dwelling
place, and ascend the mountain to appear with His hosts, and from the heavens
He will reveal the strength of His power.
A great fear will come upon all, and the watchmen will tremble with fear in all
the ends of the earth.
The mountains tremble until the tops slide down and melt like wax in a re.
In those days, violence will be rooted out, and similarly the roots of lawlessness
will be uprooted, everything that has been built will disappear, all deception will
be wiped out from under the heavens.
Everything associated with the watchmen will perish: the towers will be burned
with re and uprooted from the ground. They will then be cast into the re of
judgment to perish in the wrath of the mighty eternal judgment.

But ON will give peace to the righteous and protection to the elect. His grace will
rest upon them, and they will all belong to the Lord of Spirits, who will bless
them and make them experience the bene t of God’s light.
And the Lord of the world then spoke to Apollo: “Bind Apophis hand and foot
and put him in darkness; then open the desert, and overthrow him there.
Roll pointed and sharp stones on him and cover him with darkness so that no
light can reach him.
On the great day of judgment let him be cast into the re.
And whoever is chained to the guards will be condemned and perish with them
from now on.
They will not come to heaven or stay on earth; that will be the lot of sinners who
deny the name of the Lord of spirits and to whom a time of hardship and torment
is judged.
On that day the Lord of spirits will sit on the throne of glory to judge the deeds of
men. There will be many resting places for their souls, where their souls will rest,
or they will recover from the pollution of self-will and sins.
For I will see my righteous ones and satisfy them with peace and allow them to
dwell before me; but my judgment will draw near to sinners, when I will wipe
them off the face of the earth.
Before that, however, they will recognize the impermanence of the impermanent,
they will see the destruction of their loved ones, who will cease to belong to them
and fall by the sword right before their eyes.
Aha! The Most High, Exalted and Holy is already coming in an innumerable host
of saints to execute judgment on sinful people, to wipe them out with his
Steamroller, even the self-willed, and to punish them for everything they have
done against him and what evil they have done.
In the wide open valley with a deep mouth, all who dwell on earth, sea, and
islands will bring here their gifts, contributions, and sacri ces, but that deep
valley will never be lled with them.
Angels will converge from the east and the west to the south, the rumbling of
their chariots will be heard heading towards the great construction site, there will
be a tumult, the saints from heaven will see it, and the pillars of the earth will be
moved from their places. It was heard from one end of the heavens to the other in
one day.
Those angels will be given long ropes, they will take wings and y towards the
north. They will go to measure, the ropes are the measures of the righteous, and
they will bring their ropes to the righteous, to lean on the name of the Lord of
Spirits forever and ever.

The elect will begin to dwell with the elect and righteous, measures will be given
to faith to strengthen righteousness.
All who are above in the heavens have received authority for a new project, one
voice with one light like re.
ON will then call all the heavenly powers, all the saints above and the hosts of
God, cherubim, seraphim and all the angels of power and all the angels of the
princes and the Chosen One and the other powers on earth and above water.
On that great day they will speak with a common voice and will praise and extol
in the spirit of justice and wisdom, and in the spirit of grace, patience, judgment,
peace and benevolence.

Reflections on the path of the soul to a happy life

Knowing the Chosen and the Righteous will help to forgive everything
unnecessary and burdensome; and then they will be able to live a happy life in
the light of the Lord of Spirits.
In the stone dungeon of their own suffering, Sinners and Self-willed will suffer
for many ages, deprived of sunlight. Ages will pass and ON will raise some of
them from the abyss to the light, if they change ON Opinions and gratefully
accept the helping hand of the anointed ON Helper.
By the radiance of the Supreme Lord’s favor, his Chosen and Righteous may be
freed from the darkness of the Matrix, which has shattered their outward-looking
minds, darkened their eyes, and clogged their ears; if they go in His direction.
Radiated favor will be manifested by the prophesying of the Word at the higher
levels of the Matrix when the Chosen Ones accept ON Opinion as their Words;
and when ON forgives the dark dried mud that stuck to their bodies as they sank
for millennia in the swamp of dark dense Matter.
Otherwise, the restless soul cannot attain peace, because if the channel is open
connecting them to its end, where the eternally hungry monster resides, then
their voracious senses can never be satis ed.
Most people’s souls are so fragmented that they have no solid point to lean on.
People do not know the Supreme Lord and do not even have the light of the
Spirit within them. Their darkened soul is constantly battered outwardly, so that
it is like a barge on a stormy sea that has lost its captain. Even if such a person
can sense that the whole world will one day pass away, he still cannot detach
himself from external things.
The Eye of the Heart and the Ear of the Mind can only be created by turning all
forces inward, where they meet and transform from multiplicity into Oneness.

Man was given life and wisdom to overcome the in uence of fate, given by the
planetary gods who are the helpers of the Matrix. This in uence of the planetary
gods, or destiny, will once be defeated on Earth and all the impurities in human
souls will be cleansed. The puri cation of human souls at the end of the
development cycle is subject to the action of two opposing forces, either
Individual or Mass.
The help of the Anointed ON Helper is Individual. One puri es the One,
according to the level of help that belongs to him, which he deserves according to
his attitudes and deeds. The help of the Anointed One is a combination of Mom’s
Romanticism and Knowledge of ON Opinions with a Spiritual Heart and an
Enlightened Mind.
Apophis is the helper of the Head of Days. The Head of Days puri es Mass and
its nature is Equalization. The Many purify the Many and do not distinguish
people one from another. Humanity is a mass that will be cleansed en masse,
since individual people have not been inclined to be cleansed. Puri cation by
Apophis is purely Pragmatic, because it is dominated by the pair of cold Intellect
and morose Feeling freed from love. Its purpose is to harmonize the global
Matrix system into a state of equilibrium.
All the birth of human work, which was severely limited by fate, will be renewed
in another time and in a new ON Place. The Supreme Lord and his work will
shine again in full beauty. The balance of Creation will be achieved by the
rejuvenated nature of the divine forms, as nature will arise from Creation and the
primordial Angels of Light will re-create a beautiful world full of diversity and
enchanted things.
The one who feels the highest favor for ON is also the greatest lover of Wisdom,
because without love for Wisdom ON Opinions can never have the highest favor
for its Source, which is the Supreme Lord.
Who has learned to recognize the Words of Wisdom, how they are adapted, from
whom and to what end they are directed, only he can owe him a great debt of
gratitude. Whoever is obliged by gratitude to ON and the Anointed One Feels
Favor towards them in the Mind of the Heart and therefore only such a person
can investigate and nd what the Truth actually is and where it is. And once he
nds her, his favor to the Lord of Spirits and his Light Angels will be all the
greater. Only then can the soul in the body ascend to the heights to remember
and recognize ON’s Grace and its true essence.
When the soul learns to recognize its origin, it will be in amed with great Favor
for ON, the Lord of Spirits and his ON Helpers. Whoever achieves this goal,
despite the gloom of the surrounding events, will be able to fully enjoy this good

and die happily. His next goal will not be hidden from his soul, he will know
approximately where he should ascend and that is the only true path.
This path is honest and direct. However, the soul trapped in the body will nd it
very dif cult to travel on this path. In fact, the determination to embark on this
journey is a great struggle, because there must be a great division in the soul. One
part of Evil in the soul must be defeated. Here comes a one-on-two ght. The
Spirit ghts against the deadly false spirit of the Matrix hidden in the Shadow
and against the eeting Gray Vanity, which the Shadow feeds and guides him to
tempt and provoke the human soul. The ght resembles a shadow ght dance, it
is not a ght in the true sense of the word, there is no Loser or Winner. It is not a
struggle with some external force, it is an internal struggle of the Spirit with its
own Shadow.
The ght with Vanity is a battle already lost, because Vanity cannot be won by
Vanity Effort. Vanity then ghts with itself and therefore only the Evil Spirit of
Vanity is the winner. Defeating Vanity is exempt from Defeat. Defeat is in the
sense of gaining the Knowledge of Wisdom and that is Victory over oneself. The
warrior defeats Vanity and his Shadow by recognizing the causes that caused the
war, by realizing that he has his share in it, and that is the share of Evil in himself.
Defeating both forces is not an easy task. One part of man strives to serve good,
while the other is the seat of Evil. Sometimes it is mixed, or vice versa. A
successful battle is not fought with the weapons of Gray Vanity, nor on the
battle eld chosen by Vanity. Otherwise, the ght cannot be won because the Evil
Spirit of Vanity has many faces and swords. The warrior takes refuge in the
shadow of the Spirit Lord’s cypress, and there the Anointed One tells him that
the Vanity is not real, it resides in the inhospitable hellish ON Places in the form
of potential, if one mentions it as an acceptable possibility. The vanquished is also
the Winner, and the result of the struggle is the Knowledge that it is so, because
knowledge cannot be obtained otherwise.
And when Vanity is vanquished, it will be led by the Spirit to the Guide for
deliverance from Vanity, and that is the Guide who leads you into the depths of
the unknown and opens the slammed door to the gate of heaven. Therefore, it is
necessary to leave the Transient and master the mortal life, only in this way it is
possible to rise to the heights.
It is impossible to nd the highest Good and Evil on Earth, unless we have
previously found both in the infernal Places, opposite to the Heavens. Everything
Earthly is subject to change, and everything Heavenly is also subject to change,
because knowledge brings changes even in the heavens.
Both human life and the life of the wheel of knowledge are like grain growing on
the ropes of the Matrix. Life begins with sowing and sprouting, then alternately

in the sun of the day and in the shadow of the night it grows to its full size by
watering the water of Grace. After it comes the time of ripening and drying,
during which the grain plant loses the water of Grace and life gradually
disappears from it. The harvest takes place, during which the beetle grains and
chaff are separated from the others. The Seeds of Knowledge are stored and form
the basis for sowing in later periods of space-time.
Knowing is a process that is both a Path and a Goal. The path of knowledge
consists in freeing oneself from the Shadows of one’s Past, while the Goal is to
create a foundation for the Future.
The Path and the Goal, the Past and the Future, meet at one point and that is the
Now; when the Supreme Lord knows the various aspects of Himself with the
help of His ON Helpers. Predestination is the heavenly order of the Most High,
and Necessity is the servant of Predestination.
Earthly happiness may be the concept of the chaos of Apophis, it is an image of
impressive power with a false meaning; but it can also be a manifestation of
heavenly happiness on the earthly plane, and then it is a quiet joy with a true
If there is knowledge of the Truth in life, then real happiness is a eld of roses of
the Lord, blooming under fragrant cypress trees. Human affairs are shadows of
heavenly affairs. If knowledge of Truth is lacking in life, then heavenly things are
like a eld, a cypress grove broken by the natural elements of Vanity. Heavenly
things are re ected by their shadow into human things, and they will then also
resemble the poles.
The sunrise is where Amon shines with the light of Holiness and the sunset is
where the night monster Apophis rises. The East is the opposite of the West, the
East is the source of Grace and the West is the seat of Vanity.
In the stormy surface of the lake, the re ection of the Lord’s sun is chaotic, in an
impure pool, the re ection of the sun is impure, but in a cut big crystal, the
re ection of the sun is really perfect. Even some slightly opposite things can be
beautiful, because Diversity is the opposite of Unity, and besides its disgusting
and disgusting manifestations, it also contains attractive and beautiful things.
And when their Shadow is revealed to the Chosen and Righteous and they
discover what they really are, then ON will notice and recognize how they will
creatively use their primordial talents in this dif cult time and dense matter.
If you have read everything in this book and skimmed this far, you may feel that
you have learned a lot and are full of (new) knowledge. However, knowledge has
no beginning or end. When we think that we already know a lot, that we have
covered (almost) everything and found out how it is with the ON world and how

ON works, what are its processes and secrets, then ON opens windows to other
dimensions and aspects of the present universe. and he puts us in front of a
lesson: “we know that we know (almost) nothing about ON, because ON is a
Mystery in himself and we, despite seemingly a lot of knowledge about ON, are
still scratching the surface.
Perhaps the time will come when you stand again under the tree in the Garden of
Eden and your Eve offers you an apple ripe for the bite, then and then some of
that knowledge may come in handy. When the knowledge is experienced and
realized, it remains at the level of the Light of the soul in its genetic code, and in
an intuitive form it becomes conscious even in other existences.
It is not the primary purpose to know everything about ON, it is more important
to know yourself, your past, present and potential future; your actions,
motivations and preferences; to nd your place in the ON World. Since we are
connected with Him and are a part of Him, it is logical to know something about
Him, about the cosmic space-time through which we sail in our existences. It is
possible to use the knowledge about ON, but it is not advisable to use it in vain.
The history of the development of the Earth and Developmental Cycle is full of
massive abuse of the ON Prajnost, which also has the other side, because every
coin has two sides. On the top side of the coin is the King’s Head and on the
bottom is the Plaza Tail. When the top side of the coin of Amon’s Goodness is
used too much and there is nothing left on it, it ips over to the other side under
its own weight and that is Apophis’ Badness. This page will deal with those who
abuse the power of ON, who also through this book will give others knowledge
about himself.
The following applies to every person:

“I am the cause of everything I have become. I carry within me the courage on the
way to the true identity of my Self, and with my life I decide to spiritual uplift, or
to be enslaved by mirages.”

Berny Vernados, years 2018 – 2024

© 2024 Berny Vernados


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