Business Letter Writing Rubric

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Rubric for Letter Writing Assessment

Task Description: Make letter request to the Barangay Captain of Cadap-agan to use the covered court for the closing exercises
this coming May 28.


Components 4 – Exemplary 3 – Accomplished 2 – Developing 1 – Beginning

 Accurately uses correct  Mostly uses correct  A few noticeable errors in  Several noticeable errors
business letter format business letter format the business letter format in use of correct business
(heading, greeting, (heading, greeting, (heading, greeting, letter format (heading,
Organization 25%
introduction, body, introduction, body, introduction, body, greeting, introduction,
closure, signature, closure, signature, closure, signature, body, closure, signature,
enclosure, and copy) enclosure, and copy) enclosure, and copy) enclosure, and copy)
 Letter clearly states the  Letter clearly states the  Purpose of letter is  Purpose of letter is
purpose purpose unclear unclear
 Appropriate explanations  Some explanations or  More explanations or  Main idea is not
or facts used to support facts used to support the facts need to be used to supported by
Content 25% the main idea main idea support the main idea explanations or facts
 Easy to follow  Somewhat hard to follow  Hard to follow  Letter rambles; hard to
 Tone is appropriate for  Tone is generally  Tone is too informal for follow or understand
intended audience appropriate for intended intended audience  Tone is inappropriate for
audience intended audience
 Typed, using correct  Letter typed with few  Letter typed with  Letter not typed; wrong
Appearance 25% spacing, font, and format problems in spacing, font, frequent problems in format used and hard to
or format spacing, font, or format read
 Accurate use of  One or two mistakes with  More than two mistakes  Incorrect use throughout
punctuation and punctuation or grammar in punctuation or the letter of punctuation
Language  One or two spelling errors
25% grammar grammar or grammar
Usage  No spelling errors  More than two spelling  Frequent spelling errors
errors distract from letter

Writing Score = Final Assessment Score

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