1992 Abhari
1992 Abhari
1992 Abhari
The accurate prediction of heat transfer in high-pressure transfer experience often does not follow that to be expected
turbine stages has long been recognized as a key to improved from steady, two-dimensional cascade flows (Sharma et al.,
gas turbine performance and engine life. To that end, a vast 1988, 1992). Rotor pressure side heat transfer may be the most
amount of engineering effort has been extended over the last different in this regard. Unsteadiness, three-dimensionality,
forty years to provide accurate experimental measurements of and nonuniform inflow all may be contributors to this dif-
the heat transfer distribution and to improve the accuracy by ference.
which that distribution can be predicted. This work has in- Unsteady effects in particular have been studied in some
cluded the measurement of two-dimensional airfoil heat trans- detail. Cascade experiments using rotating bars to simulate
fer in both steady-state (Turner et al., 1985) and transient NGV wakes and shock waves (Doorly and Oldfield, 1985;
cascades (Schultz et al., 1977) as well as stage measurements Ashworth et al., 1985; Johnson et al., 1989a, 1989b) have
in short duration test rigs (Dunn et al., 1984; Guenette et al., shown that wake impingement on the rotor can trigger laminar
1989). to turbulent transition, increasing the time average heat trans-
Progress in calculational techniques has been rapid over this fer to a level between that of steady-state laminar and fully
same period. Two-dimensional steady viscous calculations of turbulent. Experiments on low-speed turbine rotors tend to
the flow in turbines is now commonplace and three-dimen- confirm this observation (Blair et al., 1989; Dring et al., 1986;
sional steady techniques are also being applied. More recently, Sharmaetal.; 1988; Addison and Hodson, 1990a, 1990b). The
unsteady multiblade row codes have been developed (Rai, 1985), interaction of shock waves with the blade boundary layers can
including those capable of handling multiple blade rows with also increase rotor heat transfer. Rigby et al. (1989) constructed
arbitrary blade counts (Giles, 1988). a simple physical model explaining the unsteady heat transfer
It has long been observed that gas turbine engine rotor heat in terms of compressional heating in the boundary layer by
the moving shock waves.
'Current address: Textron Lycoming, Stratford, CT. The intent of this work is to examine the time-resolved aero-
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the
36th International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, Or-
dynamics and heat transfer in a transonic turbine rotor with
lando, Florida, June 3-6, 1991. Manuscript received at ASME Headquarters a particular emphasis on elucidating the difference between
March 4, 1991. Paper No. 91-GT-268. Associate Technical Editor: L. A. Riekert. the unsteady flow and the time mean design intent. This is
thick polyimide insulator (Fig. 2). The sensing area is rectan-
gular (1.0 x 1.3 mm), oriented such that the longer dimension
i_ is in the chordwise direction. The insulator is adhesively bonded
to, and completely covers, the blade profile (preventing thermal
BLADE PROFILE SURFACE discontinuities). At low frequencies, the temperature drop
across the insulator is a direct measure of the heat flux to the
(Not To Scale) wall (the device is essentially a thermal shunt). This direct
proportionality between heat flux and temperature difference
Fig. 2 Schematic of thin film multilayer heat flux gage; total
thickness is about 25 jim
extends from d-c to about 20 Hz, at which point the thermal
waves within the insulator begin to damp. Above 1 kHz, how-
ever, the 25-fim-thick insulator appears infinitely thick to the
done by a detailed comparison between time-resolved meas- top surface. Thus, above this frequency, a quasi-one-dimen-
urements and a viscous, multiblade row numerical calculation. sional assumption can be used to infer the heat flux from the
top surface temperature history (blade passing frequency is 3.6
Experimental Arrangement kHz). Using a numerical data reduction technique, the entire
frequency domain from d-c to 100 kHz is reconstructed. The
The test article (Fig. 1) is a 4:1 pressure ratio single-stage, gages were calibrated using a pulsed laser. The relative gage
0.5-m-dia, transonic turbine whose design parameters are given calibrations are accurate to better than 5 percent. Absolute
in Table 1. It was tested in the MIT Blowdown Turbine Facility. calibration accuracy is about 10 percent. Uncertainty is eval-
This is a short-duration (0.3 s test time) rig, which maintains uated for each transducer. Details of the gage theory, data
real engine similarity of Reynolds number, Mach number, reduction, and calibration may be found from Epstein et al.
Prandtl number, gas-to-wall temperature ratio, and flow ge- (1986).
ometry (Table 2). Corrected speed and weight flow are main-
tained constant to better than 0.5 percent over the test time. For the data presented herein, the signals from the heat flux
The turbulent intensity at the NGV inlet is less than 1 percent gages were digitized at a 200 kHz sampling rate. Unless oth-
for these tests. The stage results reported herein are for an erwise specified, the digital signal was then ensemble-averaged
uncooled geometry. More details may be found from Epstein for 360 vane passing periods (Guenette et al., 1989).
et al. (1984) and Guenette et al. (1989).
Temperature and pressure rakes measure the flowfield at The Numerical Procedure
the inlet to the nozzle guide vanes (NGVs) and the outlet of The numerical procedure used to model this flow was a two-
the rotor. Shaft rotational speed, rotor torque, and various dimensional, Reynolds-averaged, unsteady multiblade row Na-
wall static pressures are recorded as well. Of interest here is vier-Stokes code, UNSFLO. This is a coupled viscous/inviscid
the measurement of the time-resolved heat flux distribution code in which the thin shear layer Navier-Stokes equations are
about the rotor blade. This was done using thin film heat flux solved on a body-fitted boundary layer grid using an implicit
gages distributed about the blade profile. These transducers algorithm, while the Euler equations are solved on an outer
measure both the d-c and a-c components of heat flux. The in viscid grid using an explicit algorithm. The interface between
heat flux gages consist of two thin film (140-nm-thick) nickel the two regions is handled in a conservative manner. The code
temperature transducers mounted on either side of a 25-^im- utilizes an innovative space-time coordinate transformation,
-1 1
Suction Surface ° Pressure Surface
Fractional Wetted Surface
Fig. 5 Comparison of measured heat transfer with fully laminar and
fully turbulent steady-state calculations, and the time average of the
Fig. 3 Grid used in unsteady nozzle guide vane-rotor calculation unsteady multiblade row calculation for the design point
i 1000- Ai l^
= O-= =f * *i V.s
surfaces, the flow is highly unsteady in both the calculations
and the measurements, which are in qualitative agreement.
The exception to this is at the leading edge where calculation
shows a much larger degree of unsteadiness than do the data.
° ° ^? / (Note that the calculational result was averaged over the same
6 \s \ surface extent as is covered by the heat transfer gage.) The
unsteadiness in the flow is a result primarily of two physical
0. \ _, \.'"' interactions between the blade rows: NGV wake impingement
• ^ ^ 1 i I I
1 1 on the rotor and potential coupling, including moving shock
" Suction Surface ° Pressure Surface
Fractional Wetted Surface The complexity of the NGV-rotor shock pattern can be seen
Fig. 6 Comparison of measured heat transfer with fully laminar and in Fig. 9, which is an animation of the time unsteady calcu-
fully turbulent steady-state calculations, and the time average of the lational results (the times correspond to those in Fig. 8). At
unsteady multiblade row calculation for - 1 0 deg incidence
any moment, as many as six shock waves may be moving
through a single rotor passage—some traveling upstream, some
down, some strengthening, some attenuating. Simultaneously,
3000 -, there are interactions between the NGV wakes and the rotor.
— Design Incidence Calc. This is illustrated in Fig. 10. The wake convection is such as
o Design Incidence Meas.
— -10° Incidence Calc. to continuously keep an NGV wake along the rotor suction
A -10° Incidence Meas. surface. The pressure surface, however, sees intermittent wake
impingement. The overall complexity of the curved shock waves
2000. and convection of the wakes through the rotor are qualitatively
o similar to that observed in Schlieren photographs by Ashworth
Z (1987), using rotating bars to simulate NGV wakes and shock
waves upstream of a cascade of blades with the midspan rotor
V) profile.
1000- Although flow visualization is not available for the NGV-
rotor flow, time-resolved heat transfer data are (Fig. 8). The
calculational results can be used to help understand the flow
structure evident in the measurements. For example, the three
peaks in the heat transfer data on the crown of the suction
surface (Fig. 8c) can be seen to be the result of a shock wave
sweeping forward along the suction surface, Fig. 11. By using
•1 Suction Surface 0 Pressure Surface 1 the calculational results in such a way, many of the features
Fractional Wetted Surface in the time-resolved heat transfer can be quantitatively ex-
Fig. 7 Comparison between measurements and time-averaged un- plained.
steady calculations at design and - 1 0 deg incidence
0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2
Time/Blade Passing Period Time/Blade Passing Period Time/Blade Passing Period
(k) 800
Z 1600 (c)
(h) -A^^WV^W'""
0 1 2 0 1. 2 0 1 2
Time/Blade Passing Period Time/Blade Passing Period Time/Blade Passing Period
Fig. 8 Comparison of time-resolved measurements a n d calculations at the design point and at - 1 0 d e g incidence
where chord, and y the ratio of specific heats. The first term on the
(7-1) right-hand side of Eq. (1) represents the compression, while
g(s) = £lg(t)]=sW2£ (2) the second term is the isentropic heating in the sublayer. Thus,
the heat flux perturbation can be predicted from the static
pressure history. This was done using the unsteady wall static
The symbol 5 is the Laplacian operator and the subscript 0 pressure predicted by the computer code (Fig. 12) to evaluate
corresponds to the steady-state values. P is the static pressure, Eq. (1). Figure 13 shows that Eq. (1) predicts the same per-
Tg the gas temperature, T„ the wall temperature, p the density, turbation in heat transfer as does the code. This implies that
cp the specific heat, k the thermal conductivity, C the axial the problem with the code here lies in the prediction of the
Shock 2c
v/ V
0) 800-
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Blade Passing Periods
stantaneous ratio of turbulent to laminar viscosity predicted
by the code at that location. At t = 0.75, the local Mach
number is high, the turbulent viscosity high, and the heat
Time / Blade Passing Period transfer large. At / = 1.1, the calculation shows the local Mach
Fig. 12 Calculated static pressure history at suction surface number is reduced, the turbulent viscosity has dropped by an
location corresponding to Fig. 8(b) order of magnitude, and the heat transfer reduced by a factor
of two. This behavior is consistent with the limitations of an
algebraic turbulence model. On the pressure surface of a tur-
bine rotor blade, the influence of the turbulence convected in
by the wake is not modeled here. In the code, the boundary
5000 layer turbulence is only a function of the instantaneous local
velocity, which fluctuates rapidly. In the physical flow, how-
ever, the turbulence has a physical time constant, which serves
to keep the turbulence level more uniform with time, smoothing
4000 out the short-term response to inviscid flow variations such as
those predicted by the code. This is less of a problem on the
blade suction surface, where more of the turbulence is gen-
3000 erated in the boundary layer.
- Calculation
Time = 0.75
Time = 1.1
— i 1 1 1
0 1 2 o 5 10 15 20
Time / Blade Passing Period Turbulent / Laminar Viscosity
(a) Heat flux measurement (b) Mach No. distribution (c) Turbulent viscosity distribution
and prediction through the boundary layer through boundary layer
at t = 0.75 and t = 1.1 at t = 0.75 and t = 1.1
Fig. 14 Algebraic turbulence model only responds to instantaneous velocity fluctuations overestimating the drop in heat
transfer due to decreasing free-stream velocity on the rotor pressure surface
1 1 1
— i
12 24 36 0 2 Suction Surface Pressure Surface
Time / Vane Passing Period Fractional Wetted Surface
36 0 2
Suction Surface Pressure Surface
Time / Vane Passing Period
Fig. 15 Rotor blade heat flux distribution measured about the annulus
Fractional Wetted Surface
on the suction surface crown (location as in Fig. 8b) compared to that Fig. 16 Time-averaged heat flux about the rotor blade showing the
for the average NGV passage. There are 36 NGVs in this turbine maximum and minimum average (d-c) value corresponding to the pas-
sages illustrated in Fig. 15
this figure, we note two things. The first is that the passage- Inspection of the NGV ring revealed a ± 4 percent variation
to-passage variation in heat transfer due to shock impingement in nozzle throat area. The area ratio could not be readily
is quite noticeable, and the second is that there is a much wider checked to the necessary accuracy, but a ± 3 percent variation
variation at - 1 0 deg incidence ( ± 6 5 percent of mean) than would be within the manufacturing tolerances for this exper-
at design (±14 percent). The mean (d-c) heat flux averaged imental blade set.
over the passage varies by about ±13 percent at both inci- The influence of the throat area variation was examined by
dences. The magnitude of the passage variations about the running UNSFLO with a 4 percent change in throat area (nozzle
rotor is shown in Fig. 16, where the average as well as the pitch). At - 1 0 deg incidence, the predicted integrated heat
minimum and maximum heat flux averaged over each passage transfer about the rotor changed by 5 percent. The height of
is delineated. the shock-induced heat flux spike on the suction surface crown
We have considered two simple mechanisms that could ac- (Fig. 15) changed by 8 percent. Since this is much less than
count for the observed heat flux variations. The first is a the observed 13 percent change in integrated heat flux and 43
variation in NGV throat area, which would change both the percent change in peak-to-peak shock-induced heat transfer,
mass flux (and thus the rotor Reynolds number) and the NGV we conclude that NGV throat area variation alone is not re-
exit Mach number (and thus shock strength, since the choked sponsible for the observed differences.
rotor flow makes this a two-throat problem). The influence We have crudely estimated the magnitude of NGV area ratio
of Reynolds number would not be much different at the two effects as follows. From the one-dimensional continuity equa-
rotor incidence angles, however. A second source of heat flux tion (Shapiro, 1953), the change in Mach number (M) can be
variation could be differences in area ratio between the NGV related to the change in area (A) by
throat and trailing edge. This would change the strength of
the NGV trailing edge shock waves that impinge on the rotor dM1 2 + ( 7 - l ) M 2 dA
and enhance the heat transfer. Both mechanisms will alter the M M2-l A
rotor relative incidence angle. The pressure change, AJP, across a weak shock wave is
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