Band Theory of Solids - NKJ
Band Theory of Solids - NKJ
Band Theory of Solids - NKJ
Neeraj K Jaiswal
Free Electron Theory
• Proposed by Drude and Lorentz.
• Electrons in the metals were considered to be free electron gas.
• This free electron gas moves freely throughout the metal in the
potential field of ion cores.
• The field due to other electrons is neglected.
• The field due to ion cores is assumed to be uniform in the entire
• Explains a number of observed properties of metals.
• Explains high electrical and thermal conductivity.
Failure of Free Electron Theory
V = IR
V = IR
= RA/L
Unit for is Ω-m.
Factors affecting Resistivity
total = t + i + d
i = A ci (1˗ ci)
Cu-Ni alloy
Electrical Conductivity
• The understanding of conductivity is very crucial to decide the
application of any material.
Band overlapping
Energy bands in solids: Direct & Indirect
Si band structure
GaAs band structure
Band gaps of few solids
How real band structures look like?
Metallic band structure
Insulator band structure
Spin Polarized
band structure
E = hc/
2 2
V (r ) E
Where, V is the potential in the solid such that
V(x) = V(x + a)
Bloch Theorem
• The solution of the Sch. Eq. is in the form of a plane wave i.e.
( x ) u k ( x )e ikx
, where uk ( x) is a periodic function
u k ( x) u k ( x a )