ملخص مشروع تحضير نانوسيليلوز
ملخص مشروع تحضير نانوسيليلوز
ملخص مشروع تحضير نانوسيليلوز
Presented By :
Nanocellulose is a light solid substance naturally occurring obtained from plant matter
. That source material can be trees, various plants, algae, bacteria or even invertebrate
animals like tunicates.. This new material is a pseudo-plastic and possesses the
property of specific kinds of fluids or gels that are generally thick in normal
conditions. The lateral dimensions of nanocellulose range from 5 to 20 nm, and the
longitudinal dimension ranges from a few 10's of nanometers to several microns.
SCW Cellulose NC
1 40gm 30gm 3gm
2 80gm 50gm 5gm
3 100gm 75gm 9gm