Topic 15 - Bonds
Topic 15 - Bonds
Topic 15 - Bonds
Paul Geertsema
1 Readings 4
3 Introduction 6
4 So what is a bond? 8
8 Accrued interest 19
13 Daycount conventions 34
• Read BKM Ch 14
• We will be following BKM for bond valuations. So the slides won’t
be as detailed as before - much of the detail is in BKM. Read it!
• The cash flows of a bond (interest and principal) are set out in the
documents that legally constitutes the bond
• Principal is usually repaid in a lump sum on a date known as the
Maturity Date.
• Interest aka coupons are usually paid periodically in arrears
• NB: Coupons are not paid on the day the bond is issued. Coupons
are (normally) paid on the maturity date, which is usually chosen
to coincide with an interest payment date
• My notation:
– F is the face value or par value of the bond in $. Usually $100
(NZ, UK) or $1,000 (US) per bond.
– C is the periodic coupon in $ paid by the bond on interest
payment dates. This corresponds to interest payments.
– c is the annual coupon rate, in %.
– ∆ is the length of the coupon period in years; it is the inverse
of the annual frequency of interest payments;
– Annual: ∆ = 1, Semi-annual: ∆ = 0.5, Quarterly: ∆ = 0.25,
Monthly: ∆ = 12 1
≈ 0.083333
– T is the maturity date of the bond (when principal is paid back)
and is measured in years from the valuation date.
– r is the annual discount rate used to calculate the present value
of bond cash flows, that is, the price of the bond.
– Bt is the value of the bond at time t
– Mt is the market value of the bond at time t
10 FINANCE 361 Class Notes – University of Auckland – Dr Paul Geertsema
Bond cash flow notation (cont.)
• Important: In my notation
– the discount rate r is always annual.
– the time index t is always in years
– this way we avoid some of the confusion that can arise when
dealing with bonds that pay monthly, quarterly, etc.
– it is also the way practitioners at hedge funds and banks typically
– I only stress this since its is different from the convention in
◦ In BKM r is the discount rate per coupon period (not per
◦ In BKM t is a count of coupon periods (not time in years)
– You are free to use either convention as long as you are consist-
ent (if you are not consistent, you won’t get the right answers)
• Or even matrix notation (C is a column vector of coupons and d
is a column vector of discount factors)
• B0 = C0d + F × dT
• Excel: “=sumproduct(<cashflowrange>,<discountfactorrange>)”
• B0 = F
+ 1 −
s where s = (1 + r)∆ − 1 is the
T /∆
periodic discount rate corresponding to the annual discount rate r
• (This formula looks different from that in BKM p 447; it is because
in my formula t is always in years and the discount rate r is always
annual. Try it, it works.)
• Example: Value the example bond as per the previous table
F C 1
1 −
B0 = T +
T /∆
(1 + r) s
(1 + s)
with s = (1 + r)∆ − 1 = (1.05)
4 − 1 = 0.012272234
100 2 1
1 −
= 2 +
(1 + 0.05) 0.012272234
(1 + 0.012272234)
= 90.7029 + 15.1514 = 105.8543
17 FINANCE 361 Class Notes – University of Auckland – Dr Paul Geertsema
Bond pricing with a constant discount rate (cont.)
• Accrued Interest
– Now consider a bond that pays annual coupons of 10% on each
December 15th, so the coupon per $100 face value is $10
– The clean price or flat price of a bond is the present value of
the bond cash flows (but EXCLUDING the next coupon
to be paid)
– The coupon record date is December 8th. On December 1st,
Person A sells the bond to Person B for $96 (the clean price,
equal to the present value of future bond cash flows – but ex-
cluding the next coupon – at that date). So Person B will be the
holder of record on December 8th and will receive the coupon
of $10.
– The problem here is that Person B receives the interest on the
bond from 15 December of the previous year until 15 December
of the current year, even though Person B has only owned the
bond for 15 days. One year of interest for investing money for
15 days!
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Accrued interest (cont.)
• A zero coupon bond is a bond that does not pay coupons (or
equivalently, has a coupon rate of c = 0%, hence zero-coupon
• A zero coupon bond (or zero) has only one cash flow - the return
of the face value of the bond at maturity (t = T )
• This simplicity makes zero’s attractive both in practice and as a
building block in theory
• The price of a zero is simply the present value of its face value
– Introduce notation: the price today (t = 0) of a zero coupon
bond maturing at t = T is Z0,T .
– Z0,T = FT × d0,T where d0,T is the discount factor for cash
flows occuring at time T
• In the US, zero coupon bonds can be “created” through a program
administered by the Treasury that allows coupon bonds to be de-
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Zero coupon bonds and the zero rate (cont.)
• Not all bonds pay a fixed coupon. Some bonds pay a coupon linked
to some index, often LIBOR.
– As an aside, there was a bit of a scandal around the manipulation
of LIBOR some years ago - google “LIBOR scandal”
• For instance, a bond with quarterly coupons may state that the
coupon payment will be calculated as
– Face value x (3-month LIBOR + margin)
– $100 x (0.75% + 0.30%) = $1.05
– Assumes the 3-month LIBOR fix on the fixing date was 0.75%
• A fixed coupon bond may be described as “TNZ 5% 15/3/2018”,
a floating rate note would be “TNZ 3mLibor + 0.65% 15/3/2018”
• Pricing FRN’s are outside the scope of this paper.
• So far we have assumed that bond cash flows are certain, safe and
risk free. Hence discount rates are the same as risk free rates.
• But even bonds that never default are only risk free from a credit
– Changes in interest rates will move the price of the bond, so
there is still interest rate risk
– Example: a safe 10 year government bond is only safe if held
for 10 years (then the cash flows and returns are certain)
– If a safe 10 year government bond is held for only 1 year, un-
predictable changes in future interest rates makes the price at
which the bond will sell after one year uncertain, hence the re-
turn is uncertain and it is no longer a risk free investment over
a 1 year horizon.
• Credit risk is the risk of a bond not paying what it should (interest
and/or principal); this is different from interest rate risk
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Credit risky bonds (cont.)
– ACT/365
– ACT/360
– 30/360
• It is all explained in detail in