Open Ended Post Lab
Open Ended Post Lab
Open Ended Post Lab
Exp. No.: 05
Exp. Name: Open Ended Lab on Design, Implementation and
Verification of a Resistive Voltage
Divider Circuit
Date of 07-05-2024
submission :
OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this open-ended experiment are twofold. • First, to design a
resistive voltage divider circuit subject to given specifications. • Second, to design and conduct
an experiment to verify whether the designed circuit satisfies
1.Circuit Diagram
Circuit No-1
--- Operating Point ---
V(n002): 12 voltage
V(n001): 11.9126 voltage
V(a): 8.93448 voltage
V(b): 5.95632 voltage
I(R1): 0.0397088 device_current
I(R5): 0.0198544 device_current
I(R6): 0.0198544 device_current
I(R2): 0.0198544 device_current
I(R3): 0.0198544 device_current
I(R4): 0.0198544 device_current
I(R7): 0.0198544 device_current
I(V1): -0.0397088 device_current
Fig 1:
--- Operating Point ---
V(n001): 12 voltage
V(n002): 11.9121 voltage
V(a): 9.19387 voltage
V(n003): 7.31512 voltage
V(b): 5.996 voltage
I(R1): 0.0399734 device_current
I(R2): 0.0399734 device_current
I(R3): 0.0399734 device_current
I(R4): 0.0399734 device_current
I(R5): 0.0399734 device_current
I(V1): -0.0399734 device_current
Fig 2:
Spercification 1:
Va=9V error=0%<4%
Vb=6.08V error=1.33%<4%
Spercification 6:
P2= (0.036)2×69.10 = 0.08W
P3=(0.036)2×49.21 = 0.23W
P4=(0.036)2×35 = 0.04W
P5=(0.036)2×151.13 = 0.19W
So,all specifications are verified