Post Lab 2
Post Lab 2
Post Lab 2
Post lab
[Top sheet]
Course code: EEE 101 Section: 2
Exp. No.: 02
Exp. Name: Kirchhoff s voltage and current laws.
Group no.: 04
Date of 06-03-2024
submission :
Circuit Diagram:
The objective of this experiment is to verify Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws in
the Lab.
2.DC ammeter
4. Trainer board
5.DC voltmeter
7.DC voltmeter
8.Power supply
Circuit Diagram:
Circuit Diagram:
In figure (1):
Vs1=5v, Vs2=3V
100 = 5−V
151 + R 2
3 3−V 3
⇒ V3=2.56v
V1= Vs1-V3 =5-2.56 =2.44v [From (i)]
According to ohm’s law,
I2=(Vs2-V3)/R2=9.5652×10^-3 A
I4=V4/R4=2/470=4.2553×10^-3 A
I5= I1+I4 [From (iv)]
=0.0162+(4.3290×10^-3) =0.0205A
I6=I2-I4 [From (v)]
=( 9.5652×10^-3) - (4.3290×10^-3)
=5.2362×10^-3 A
Answer to the Question No:3
Compare of calculated and measured values of voltages:
Circuit Variables Calculated values Measured Values
V1 2.44v 2.43v
V2 -0.44v -0.43v
V3 2.56v 2.53v
V4 2v 1.93v
Comment: Here we can see that the calculated values and the
measured values are not same. It has some errors. It could be
due to various reasons. As example measurement errors, circuit
loading, instrumental errors, temperature effects etc. Also due
to Environmental factors and hardware equipment, we have to
deal with this problem.
Circuit Diagram:
According to ohms law:
V1 2.43
R1= I 1 = 0.0158 =153.80Ω
V2 −o .43
R2= I 2 = 9.5 ×10 =45.26Ω
V3 2.53
R3= I 3 = 0.0255 =99.22Ω
V4 1.93
R4= I 4 = 4 × 10 =482.5Ω