Eldritch Dedications - Lich

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Seeking Lichdom Lich Dedication


Feat 11

Few early practitioners of magic consider lichdom

Archetype: Lich
in their quests of enlightenment. However, great
threats on the horizon, the specter of death, self- Prerequisites: Master in Arcana, Occultism, or
superiority, scorn of the gods, or any such other Religion and ability to cast 6th level spells
severe shift can drive a spellcaster to seek
immortality through magic. Though most people Upon taking this feat you learn the Lich’s Ritual
think of liches as desiccated old wizards who (found below). This ritual is the surface
information needed to become a lich. You may
cursed their souls for power and knowledge, this is
a narrow view of the whole of what liches can be. enact the ritual as soon as you meet its
prerequisites, if you do so, your alignment will
immediately shift. Your law-chaos axis remains
Here we seek to define a lich as the following, unchanged, however, you immediately become
including no more and no less than the following: evil. This can be avoided if you provide an amount
of effort the GM deems appropriate to receive a
• A spellcaster of notable power non-evil version of the ritual, which otherwise
• Attaining elongated life (and soon undeath) functions the same, but does not require a “Vile
while maintaining one’s mind through Sacrifice”. As a unique ritual, you cannot teach
magical means this ritual to others, as it is tailored to your soul
specifically, anyone else using your version of the
• Having one’s soul adhered to a totem or ritual will almost certainly perish.
item known as a phylactery, which acts as
the lich’s anchor to their life/undeath.
Many liches are evil, as many of the secrets found Unique Evil Necromancy
to permeate a soul are rooted in vile magics Cast 1 hour; Cost a tiny vessel, item, or gem
created by horrid gods, uncaring ancient beings, worth 1,600 gp to act as your phylactery and a vile
and soul-eating daemons. This is is not the sacrifice (this is commonly an innocent humanoid,
entirety, however, there are ways to enter what is or similar as determined by the GM)
known as lichdom without staining one’s soul with
Primary Check Arcana (master), Occultism
evil, merely becoming walking anathema to the
(master), or Religion (master)
cycle of souls.
Requirements ability to cast 6th level spells

In this, you are granted the option early to take the You rip your soul from your own body,
easy path, the evil path. However, we encourage performing a vile sacrifice to anchor your
any GM to allow for characters that object to the existence. As you do you form a link between your
vile acts they learn of to, through story, discovery, body and soul, now stored in your phylactery as
and roleplay, discover alternate means of fulfilling negative energy fills your body, automatically
the next step of their apotheosis. killing you. Your vile sacrifice dies at this time as
Please note that many of these feats are derived and
extrapolated from the information found in the Lich monster
entry from the Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary (Pg. 220)
You gain the following benefits upon reanimation: Hand of the Lich Feat 11
Archetype: Lich
• Darkvision, if you did not already have it.
Prerequisites: Lich Dedication
• Negative healing
You gain a hand unarmed attack that deals 1d8
• Immunities: death effects, disease, paralyzed, points of negative damage for every three levels
poison, unconscious you have. This attack has the finesse and magical
• Resistances: cold 10, physical 5 (except traits.
magic bludgeoning)
• You gain the following ability: PARALYZING TOUCH FEAT 15
• Rejuvenation (arcane, necromancy) When ARCHETYPE CURSE INCAPACITATION NECROMANCY
you are reduced to 0 HP, Your soul Archetype: Lich
immediately transfers to your phylactery
and you can take no actions. You can be Prerequisites: Hand of the Lich [feat]
permanently destroyed only if your When you damage a creature with your hand
phylactery is found and destroyed. After Strike they must succeed at a Fortitude DC equal
one week, if your phylactery is intact, you to your spellcasting DC– 4. The creature becomes
reform in the nearest available space. If paralyzed for one round on a failure. On a critical
there is a corpse similar enough to your failure, the creature is paralyzed permanently, falls
original body within 10 feet per level you prone, and seems dead. A DC 25 Medicine check
reform in 24 hours and the corpse is reveals the victim is alive. This ability has a trait
consumed in the process. You may choose that matches your spellcasting tradition.
to not consume a corpse and wait to reform
instead. You may delay your reformation
as long as you wish. If someone casts harm {note for players and GMs, this effect can be
at 4th level or higher and your phylactery counteracted with remove paralysis or dispel
is affected, you reform immediately. magic!}
Critical Success: You immediately rise and gain
the benefits upon finishing the ritual; your body
still appears living until the first time you are DRAIN PHYLACTERY FEAT 11
reformed from your phylactery. ARCHETYPE
Archetype: Lich
Success: You rise as and gain the benefits 24
hours after completing the ritual. As long as your Prerequisites:
body remains relatively intact, it can decay or be Frequency: once per day
preserved as a normal corpse.
Failure: You rise and gain the benefits 24 hours You tap into your phylactery’s power to cast any
after completing the ritual. Your body becomes spell from your tradition up to the highest level
quite skeletal and you are obviously undead. you can cast, even if the spell being cast is not one
of your known or prepared spells. Your phylactery
Critical Failure: You die. doesn’t need to be present for you to use this
Special :You cannot select another dedication feat ability.
until you have gained two other feats from the lich
Archetype: Lich Archetype: Lich
Prerequisites: Prerequisites: Frigid Grasp [feat]
Range: 30 feet
When you damage a creature with your grasp
A creature that first enters within range of you Strike they must succeed at a Fortitude DC equal
must attempt a Will save against your spellcasting to your spellcasting DC– 4. The creature becomes
DC– 4. Regardless of the result of the saving slowed 2 for one round on a failure. On a critical
throw, the creature is temporarily immune to your failure, the creature is slowed 2 permanently. This
Frightful Presence for 1 minute. ability has a trait that matches your spellcasting
Critical Success: The creature is unaffected by
the presence.
Success: The creature is frightened 1. {note for players and GMs, this effect can be
counteracted with dispel magic!}
Failure: The creature is frightened 2.
Critical Failure: The creature is frightened 4.
Archetype: Lich
Prerequisites: Frigid Grasp [feat] or Hand of the
Archetype: Lich Lich [feat]
Trigger :You deal damage with you hand Strike or
Range: 10 feet grasp Strike
You are accompanied by a constant echo of You regain Hit Points equal to half the damage
blasphemous murmurs and tainted whispers. A dealt.
creature in the aura takes a –2 circumstance
penalty to saves against mental effects and can’t
take actions that have the concentrate trait unless GREATER LICH RESISTANCES FEAT 11
they succeed at a DC 10 flat check. Failing this ARCHETYPE
check wastes the action.
Archetype: Lich
You gain a +1 status bonus on saves vs.
ARCHETYPE positive, your resistance to cold
Archetype: Lich becomes 20, and your resistance
Prerequisites: to physical becomes 15 (except
magic bludgeoning)
You gain a grasp unarmed attack that deals 1d8
points of cold damage for every three levels you
have. This attack has the finesse and magical
Archetype: Lich

You are surrounded by an aura of death, drawing

forth souls to be consumed. Living creatures in the
emanation take a –2 status penalty to saves
against fear and death effects. In addition, any
creature that starts its turn in the area gains the
doomed 1 condition unless it succeeds at a Will
save against your spellcasting DC– 4.


Archetype: Lich
Prerequisites: Lich Dedication [feat], Primal
spellcasting tradition

You use primal magic to disperse your phylactery

into a natural setting of import, a grove, great tree,
beautiful spring, or similar facet of nature. Your
phylactery can not be destroyed while this place of
natural beauty exists, and it must be destroyed to Eldritch is Copyright © 2020
remove your phylactery without your permission. An Eldritch Dream Games, All rights reserved.
This may cause it to have natural guardians, or References to other copyrighted material in no
simply be imperceptible to most. In addition, you way constitute a challenge to the respective
take on physical features copyright holders of that material. An Eldritch
reflective of this place and so Dream Games, A.E.D.G., and associated logos are
long as you give natural trademarks of An Eldritch Dream Games.
denizens such as
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to be Open Game Content, as defined in the Open
Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d).

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