The Ministry of Winds: A Short Adventure For Four 6th-Level Player Characters
The Ministry of Winds: A Short Adventure For Four 6th-Level Player Characters
The Ministry of Winds: A Short Adventure For Four 6th-Level Player Characters
the ministry
of winds
A short adventure for four
6th-level player characters
Monte Cook
Dennis Kauth
Web Production:
Julia Martin
Web Development:
Graphic Design:
Mark A. Jindra
Sean Glenn, Cynthia Fliege
You, the Dungeon Master (DM), need a copy of the
Players Handbook, the DUNGEON MASTERs Guide, and the
Monster Manual to use this adventure. If you plan to tie
this scenario in with the Air Temple as mentioned
above, youll need the new Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil adventure.
Text that appears in shaded boxes is player information, which you may read aloud or paraphrase when
appropriate. Unshaded boxes contain important information for you, including special instructions. Monster
and NPC statistics are provided with each encounter in
abbreviated form or, where appropriate, the proper
page in the Monster Manual is referenced.
This adventure uses one of the Ruins 1 maps by
Dennis Kauth from the Official D&D Websites Map-aWeek feature (Aug. 31, 2000). Its reprinted on page 3.
The Ministry of Winds was once a powerful group of
four spellcasters that built the Obelisk of the Winds.
They lived in the area more than 200 years ago, eventually sealing themselves off in the obelisk and its dungeon level (see map of that level on page 3) to save
themselves from an impending apocalypse.
Years later, when some explorers named Narev and
Justina entered the dungeon level through the sewers,
the spirits of the original Ministry membersnow certain that the disaster they once feared had passed
exerted their influence upon the two, effectively pos-
Use one of the following hooks to get the player characters (PCs) interested in investigating the obelisk:
The local wizards guild is perplexed by the place
and its obvious magic. They know its hollow, and
would like to know whats inside. They hire the
PCs to go in and report back about what they find,
offering to create for each PC a magic item worth
up to 2,000 gp market value in payment.
Narevs sister Nareis (LN female human, Sor4) is
looking for her missing brother, who once told her
he had been inside the strange Obelisk of the
Winds. She will pay any group of adventures 5,000
gp to bring her brother back to her. She can tell
them that Narev is a sorcerer like her and that he
has always been interested in history.
Deddin Knoc (N male half-elf, Clr5 [Obad-Hai])
knows about the Ministry of Winds. Not long ago
its members stole a sacred relic of his church called
the Scepter of Clouds, and he wants it back. He
offers a 5,000 gp reward for the scepter. He can
inform the PCs that the members of the Ministry
live under the obelisk and are interested in ancient
things and the elements, specifically air. He can tell
the party that the Ministry is made up of a human,
an elf, a minotaur, and a goblin
Notice that none of these hooks involves stopping the
evil Ministry before it meets its goal. Thats because the
Ministrys goal is absurd and its members are all insane.
Even though the Ministry thinks it can conquer all the
surrounding lands, and even though its members are dangerous, this is not a stop-the-apocalypse adventure.
The walls of the Obelisk of the Winds are smooth, 8foot-thick stone (hardness 8; 720 hp; Break DC 80). The
DC to climb them is 20.
Read or paraphrase the following text aloud:
This dark chamber is a little larger than 20 feet
across. The stone walls are covered in intricate
carvings. The floor is smooth, and the ceiling
looms high above in the darkness.
Each of the doors on this level is a sturdy wooden specimen (Wooden Doors: 2 inches thick; hardness 5; hp
20; AC 5; Break DC 23).
The ceilings are all 15 feet high.
Once the PCs proceed down the spiral stairs to the
Dungeon Level, the members of the Ministry of Winds
act according to the situation. Most likely, Narev and
Traan move to confront intruders as soon as they
become aware of them, while Justina, her wolf, and
Erin-kahnor move to Area 5 to defend the vault (Area 6).
Area 1: Clouds
Read or paraphrase the following text aloud:
The spiral stairs descend into the southern side
of a mostly round room almost 30 feet across.
The walls, floor, and domed ceiling have been
painted sky-blue and white, like a cloud-filled
sky. However, nowsurely many decades after
this handiwork was completedthe paint
looks faded and chipped.
This room is empty.
insane goal for these four, but the possessing spirits are
too mad to realize it. . Despite the absurdity of their
goal, they are dangerous and will almost certainly pose
a threat to the citys residents eventually, if not stopped.
Narev: Male human Sor6; CR 6; Medium-size
humanoid; HD 6d4+6; hp 23; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11
(touch 11, flat-footed 11); Atk +3 melee (1d4/1920,
dagger) or +3 ranged (1d4/1920, dagger); SV Fort +3,
Ref +4, Will +6; AL CN; Str 11, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 12,
Wis 13, Cha 16.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +10, Knowledge
(arcana) +6; Knowledge (history) +10, Listen +5, Spellcraft +10; Lightning Reflexes, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus
(Evocation), Toughness.
Possessions: Ring of protection +1, potion of cure moderate
wounds, scrolls of gust of wind, see invisibility, and fly, two
daggers, pouch containing spell components, key to
Area 6.
Spells Known (6/7/6/4; base DC = 13 + spell level): 0
daze, detect magic, light, mage hand, ray of frost, read magic,
resistance; 1stendure elements, mage armor, magic missile,
shield; 2ndcats grace, invisibility; 3rdlightning bolt .
Because of Spell Focus (Evocation), the base DC for saves
against this spell is 15 + spell level.
This obelisk is actually an interesting site for the PCs to
occupy and adopt as their own if they defeat the Ministry. Otherwise, returning with the scepter, Narev
(subdued, most likely), or information about the place
(depending on which hook was used) gains the PCs
their reward. If the members of the Ministry were not
defeated conclusively, they begin plotting their
revenge upon the PCs.