The Ministry of Winds: A Short Adventure For Four 6th-Level Player Characters

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The passage provides background information on the Obelisk of the Winds, a mysterious structure in the city that was once home to a group called the Ministry of Winds. It is now inhabited by possessed individuals who seek to harness the power of winds.

The Obelisk of the Winds is a strange granite structure in the city with no windows or doors that is surrounded by swirling winds. It was originally built and inhabited by a group called the Ministry of Winds over 200 years ago.

The original Ministry of Winds was a powerful group of four spellcasters who built the Obelisk of the Winds to save themselves from an impending apocalypse. They eventually sealed themselves off in the obelisk and its dungeon level.


the ministry
of winds
A short adventure for four
6th-level player characters


Monte Cook


Sue Weinlein Cook


Dennis Kauth

Web Production:

Julia Martin

Web Development:
Graphic Design:

Mark A. Jindra
Sean Glenn, Cynthia Fliege

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game by

E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and on the new edition of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich
Baker, and Peter Adkison.


trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The d20 logo is a
trademark owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Wizards characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are
trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America.
Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is
prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations,
places, or events is purely coincidental.
2001 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.

Deep in the heart of the city lies that strange edifice.

Everyone knows about it or, that is to say, everyone
knows it is there. No one ever really seems to have
much more information about the granite structure,
except that it has no windows or doors, and it is surrounded by swirling wind. Most people call it the
Obelisk of the Winds. Tales are told of its secrets, but
none of them seems to hold the truth.
This urban miniadventure can take place in just
about any city in your campaignjust set it in the part
of town that works best for your current needs. If you
have Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, the city can be
Hommlet; you might also suggest a tie between the
Ministry of the Winds described here and the Air
Temple in Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil (Area 73
in Chapter 5: The Crater Ridge Mines).

You, the Dungeon Master (DM), need a copy of the
Players Handbook, the DUNGEON MASTERs Guide, and the
Monster Manual to use this adventure. If you plan to tie
this scenario in with the Air Temple as mentioned
above, youll need the new Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil adventure.
Text that appears in shaded boxes is player information, which you may read aloud or paraphrase when
appropriate. Unshaded boxes contain important information for you, including special instructions. Monster
and NPC statistics are provided with each encounter in
abbreviated form or, where appropriate, the proper
page in the Monster Manual is referenced.
This adventure uses one of the Ruins 1 maps by
Dennis Kauth from the Official D&D Websites Map-aWeek feature (Aug. 31, 2000). Its reprinted on page 3.

The Ministry of Winds was once a powerful group of
four spellcasters that built the Obelisk of the Winds.
They lived in the area more than 200 years ago, eventually sealing themselves off in the obelisk and its dungeon level (see map of that level on page 3) to save
themselves from an impending apocalypse.
Years later, when some explorers named Narev and
Justina entered the dungeon level through the sewers,
the spirits of the original Ministry membersnow certain that the disaster they once feared had passed
exerted their influence upon the two, effectively pos-

sessing them. (See the sidebar on page 5.)Trapped for

decades, the original Ministry members have lost their
grasp on reality. In the delusions of their twisted
minds, they now seek to harness the power of the
winds to take over the city above.
To this end, Narev and Justina tricked a minotaur
named Traan and a barghest named Erin-kahnor into
coming to the obelisk, whereupon the newcomers
found themselves effectively possessed as well.
With the Ministry once again complete, the four
plot and scheme in their madness.

Use one of the following hooks to get the player characters (PCs) interested in investigating the obelisk:
The local wizards guild is perplexed by the place
and its obvious magic. They know its hollow, and
would like to know whats inside. They hire the
PCs to go in and report back about what they find,
offering to create for each PC a magic item worth
up to 2,000 gp market value in payment.
Narevs sister Nareis (LN female human, Sor4) is
looking for her missing brother, who once told her
he had been inside the strange Obelisk of the
Winds. She will pay any group of adventures 5,000
gp to bring her brother back to her. She can tell
them that Narev is a sorcerer like her and that he
has always been interested in history.
Deddin Knoc (N male half-elf, Clr5 [Obad-Hai])
knows about the Ministry of Winds. Not long ago
its members stole a sacred relic of his church called
the Scepter of Clouds, and he wants it back. He
offers a 5,000 gp reward for the scepter. He can
inform the PCs that the members of the Ministry
live under the obelisk and are interested in ancient
things and the elements, specifically air. He can tell
the party that the Ministry is made up of a human,
an elf, a minotaur, and a goblin
Notice that none of these hooks involves stopping the
evil Ministry before it meets its goal. Thats because the
Ministrys goal is absurd and its members are all insane.
Even though the Ministry thinks it can conquer all the
surrounding lands, and even though its members are dangerous, this is not a stop-the-apocalypse adventure.

Gather Information or Bardic

Knowledge Check
If the PCs take the time to ask around, or if a bard is
present, they can attempt to discern more information.

DC 10: A door occasionally appears at the base of

obelisk, when the winds die down. No ones ever
been brave enough to open the door.
DC 20: The supernatural winds around the obelisk
die down when real winds blow through town
with some strength.
DC 25: Long ago, a group called itself the Ministry
of Winds. The four spellcasters who made up the
group built the obelisk.
DC 30: Its likely that, if theres an underground
level to the obelisk, it joins up with the sewer system somewhere in the city.

The walls of the Obelisk of the Winds are smooth, 8foot-thick stone (hardness 8; 720 hp; Break DC 80). The
DC to climb them is 20.


When the PCs arrive at the obelisk, read the following
The obelisk rises to a height of about 120 feet
and measures some 40 feet on a side, growing
slightly thinner toward the top. The stone is a
mottled gray and brown granite, with no features. As you had heard, there is a strong breeze
here, almost as if the winds circle and eddy
around this strange edifice.

If a real wind blows (on any given day, theres a 1 in 12

chance per hour), the winds around the obelisk die
down and a door appears at the base. It is made of the
same stone as the obelisk (Stone Door: 4 inches thick;
hardness 8; 60 hp; Break DC 28) and is sealed with an
arcane lock. The gust of wind that brought the door into
existence lasts only 1d4 minutes.
A gust of wind spell directed at the obelisk also calls
the door into existence. In this case, the door remains
for 1d4 rounds.

Read or paraphrase the following text aloud:
This dark chamber is a little larger than 20 feet
across. The stone walls are covered in intricate
carvings. The floor is smooth, and the ceiling
looms high above in the darkness.

There is no map for this

simple chamber.
If someone examines the
carvings on the walls, the
character may attempt a
Knowledge (arcana) or a
Knowledge (history) check
with a DC of 25. A success at
either reveals that the carvings are part of an ancient
pictogram system that
melded magical knowledge
and philosophy to record historical events. A Decipher
Script check (DC 30) can
translate these pictograms,
although they are really just
boastful, poetic praises for
the power of the four winds (one pictogram for each
cardinal direction).
Those involved in the study may also make Search
checks (DC 20). Success means that the character
found a place where the carvings are deep enough to
allow one to climb up the wall (to Level 2). The Climb
check DC is only 10.
Further, anyone searching the floor can discover a
poorly concealed secret hatch (DC 15 to find) that lifts
and slides aside to expose a spiral stone stair leading


(EL 6)
Read or paraphrase the following text aloud:
At 60 feet above the floor of the entrance chamber, a small opening leads into the upper level of
the obelisk. Only about 15 feet across, this strange
room holds an interesting secret. The stone walls
of the obelisk on this level are somehow transparentyou can see the city sprawl around you from
up here! Before you can enjoy the view, however,
you realize that you are not alone.
A strange creature with ruby-red scales, a
mandibled head, and four arms sits in an elevated chair in the center of the room, writing
on a piece of parchment. It wears a loose yellow
cloak and keeps weaponstwo short swords
close at hand. Hundreds, if not thousands of
sheets of parchment lie scattered about the
floor around the creature.

The elevated chair sits 6 feet off the ground on wooden

supports. The one-way transparency of the walls is a
permanent magical effect.
Creature: Ssiigg is a civilized xill, but unlike most of
his kind, he is not terribly bloodthirsty and violent. In
fact, he is content to watch the events of the city and
record them. The Ministry of Winds provides him with
parchment, and he provides them with the highlights
of what he sees in his unsleeping vigil. If the PCs do
not make their presence known, Ssiigg does not stop
writing. If they interrupt him in any way, he leaps from
his chair and attacks with his two short swords and
claws. He fights to the death.
Xill: 34 hp; see Monster Manual page 187.
Treasure: The parchments, if gathered, would be worth
up to 1,500 gp to an interested buyer (they contain a lot
of information about happenings in the city over the
past eight months).

Each of the doors on this level is a sturdy wooden specimen (Wooden Doors: 2 inches thick; hardness 5; hp
20; AC 5; Break DC 23).
The ceilings are all 15 feet high.
Once the PCs proceed down the spiral stairs to the
Dungeon Level, the members of the Ministry of Winds
act according to the situation. Most likely, Narev and
Traan move to confront intruders as soon as they
become aware of them, while Justina, her wolf, and
Erin-kahnor move to Area 5 to defend the vault (Area 6).

Area 1: Clouds
Read or paraphrase the following text aloud:
The spiral stairs descend into the southern side
of a mostly round room almost 30 feet across.
The walls, floor, and domed ceiling have been
painted sky-blue and white, like a cloud-filled
sky. However, nowsurely many decades after
this handiwork was completedthe paint
looks faded and chipped.
This room is empty.

Area 2: Hall of History

Read or paraphrase the following text aloud:
This oddly-shaped hall is filled with large,
fluidly-carved alcoves. The walls are all covered in a strange mixture of abstract carvings
and a myriad of tiny images.
This carving is of the same pictogram language found
on Level 1. It tells the ancient history of the surrounding area and speaks of the great influence of the
Ministry of Winds in all affairs. A translationfollowing a successful Knowledge (history) check (DC
25)suggests that this is all wild, arrogant exaggeration. A successful Search check (DC 20) reveals that
some of the carvings, toward the west end, are very
new. If translated, they relate that, after a long
entombment, the Ministry of Winds has returned
and soon will conquer the lands that arose in their
absence, using the all-powerful Scepter of Clouds.
(This is, of course, mad ravingthe Scepter of
Clouds isnt even magical; see Area 4.) This carving
was completed by Justina.

Area 3: Hall of Sacred Wind (EL 8)

Read or paraphrase the following text aloud:
This hallway is filled with powerful winds,
blowing from west to east. There are 10 small
alcoves, each of which hides a shambling,
humanoid form that towers at least 8 feet high.
These creatures begin to lurch out of the
recesses and into the windy hall, brittle flesh
barely hanging onto ancient bone.

The continuous magically-generated winds of this hall

are such that characters must make Fortitude saves (DC
15) each round or suffer ill effects (as detailed in the
DUNGEON MASTERs Guide, page 87). If anyone attempts
to dispel the wind, treat the effect as though created by
a 15th-level caster.
Creatures. Ten Large-sized zombies (they all were
once ogres) occupy this hallway and attack anyone that
enters it, other than the members of the Ministry of
Winds. Because they are Large, they can ignore the
effects of the wind. They do not follow foes out of the
hall, however.
Zombies (10): 30, 15, 25, 42, 21, 38, 29, 35, 27, 34 hp;
see Monster Manual page 192.

Area 4: Ministry Quarters (EL 6 x 4)

There are four of these rooms, each the personal chamber of a single member of the Ministry of Winds. NW:
Justina, NE: Narev, SW: Traan, SE: Erin-kahnor. The
text below describes all these rooms; the northern
chambers boast lit oil lamps in addition to the standard
This chamber has a bed, a small table, a pair of
chairs and some miscellaneous belongings that
lead one to believe that this is a bedchamber
where someone currently lives.
The area south of these rooms and Area 5 collapsed
long ago due to age. The members of the Ministry have
cleared away all the clutter except where shown on the
map. The path south leads into the city sewersthis is
how the Ministry members move about, such as when
they raided the temple of Obad-Hai and stole the
Scepter of Clouds. Characters who learn about the
potential sewer entrance and investigate eventually
come in through this passage, giving the Ministry little
or no warning.
Creatures. These are the actual members of todays
Ministry of Winds. Each is possessed by an ancient
spirit that guides them but nevertheless does not alter
their abilities. For example, despite the fact than an
ancient cleric possesses Traan, he retains the abilities of
a normal minotaurno more, no less (except that he,
like the other members, can read and write in the
strange pictogram language mentioned earlier). The
possessing spirits merely allow these disparate individuals to work together toward the common goal of conquering the surrounding lands. This, of course, is an

insane goal for these four, but the possessing spirits are
too mad to realize it. . Despite the absurdity of their
goal, they are dangerous and will almost certainly pose
a threat to the citys residents eventually, if not stopped.
Narev: Male human Sor6; CR 6; Medium-size
humanoid; HD 6d4+6; hp 23; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11
(touch 11, flat-footed 11); Atk +3 melee (1d4/1920,
dagger) or +3 ranged (1d4/1920, dagger); SV Fort +3,
Ref +4, Will +6; AL CN; Str 11, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 12,
Wis 13, Cha 16.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +10, Knowledge
(arcana) +6; Knowledge (history) +10, Listen +5, Spellcraft +10; Lightning Reflexes, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus
(Evocation), Toughness.
Possessions: Ring of protection +1, potion of cure moderate
wounds, scrolls of gust of wind, see invisibility, and fly, two
daggers, pouch containing spell components, key to
Area 6.
Spells Known (6/7/6/4; base DC = 13 + spell level): 0
daze, detect magic, light, mage hand, ray of frost, read magic,
resistance; 1stendure elements, mage armor, magic missile,
shield; 2ndcats grace, invisibility; 3rdlightning bolt .
Because of Spell Focus (Evocation), the base DC for saves
against this spell is 15 + spell level.

Justina: Female elf Clr6 [Obad-Hai]; CR 6;

Medium-size humanoid; HD 6d8; hp 29; Init +1 (Dex);
Spd 20 ft.; AC 20 (touch 10, flat-footed 20); Atk +7
melee (1d8+3, +1 heavy mace) or +5 ranged (1d6/ 3,
shortbow); SV Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +8; AL CN; Str 15,
Dex 12, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +9, Knowledge (religion) +5; Listen +7, Search +2, Spot +5; Spell Focus
(Enchantment), Toughness, Weapon Focus (heavy
Possessions: +1 heavy mace, potions of cure light wounds
and levitate, masterwork plate armor, large steel shield,
shortbow, 10 arrows.
Spells Prepared (5/4+1/4+1/3+1; base DC = 13 + spell
level): 0create water, light, read magic, resistance, virtue;
1stbless, command, endure elements, obscuring mist*,
shield of faith; 2ndbulls strength, endurance (2), hold
person, wind wall* (2); 3rddispel magic, gaseous form*,
magic vestment, protection from elements.
* Domain spell. Domains: Air (turn earth creatures, command air creatures), Animal (animal friendship 1/day).
Because of Spell Focus (Enchantment), the base DC for
saves against these spells is 15 + spell level.

Dire wolf companion: 44 hp; see Monster Manual

page 57.

Traan (minotaur): 38 hp; see Monster Manual page

137. Uses a +1 huge greataxe (add +1 to attack rolls and
Erin-kahnor (barghest): 49 hp; see Monster Manual
page 49.

The Original Ministry

Tactics: A fight in the Hall of Sacred
forever in their fortress here,
Wind alerts these NPCs (unless the
the original members of the
battle is in a silenced area, or similar
Ministry of Winds are long dead.
precautions are used). Carefully count
Their memories linger on, however,
echoing through the chambers of
down the rounds that the Ministry of
the underground ruin. They are not
Winds has to prepare as follows. In
true ghosts, wraiths, or spectres
preparing for an encounter, Narev
although one might still refer to
casts cats grace on himself, Traan, and
them as spirits of a sort.
They are simply lingering memoErin-kahnor, and invisibility on himries
with strong wills. When Narev
self (saving the last two 2nd-level slots
and Justina entered the obelisk,
for further invisibility for himself ). If
they activated those memories and
time permits, he casts mage armor on
found themselves overwhelmed by
them. However, this possession
himself, Traan, and Erin-kahnor, and
will not happen again. PCs will not
shield on himself. Justina casts bulls
be taken over by the Ministrys
strength on herself, and endurance on
herself and Narev, then shield of faith,
On the other hand, not being
truly undead, the possessing memprotection from elements (fire), and magic
ories and wills of the original
vestment on herself.
Ministry members cannot be
In summary (if all preparations are
turned or affected by undead-affectcompleted, taking 9 rounds):
ing spells. A possessing spirit can
be forever banished from its host by
Narev: Add +4 armor bonus and
the following spells: dismissal, break
+7 cover bonus from shield to
enchantment, dispel evil, banishNarevs AC. Also add 1d4+1 points
ment, holy word, limited wish, miraof Dexterity and Constitution,
cle, or wish. Once banished, the
spirit disappears forever.
adjusting hp, AC, and saving
throws accordingly.
Justina: Add +3 deflection bonus and +2 enhancement bonus to Justinas AC. Also add 1d4+1 points
of Dexterity, Strength, and Constitution to Justina,
adjusting attack bonuses, damage, hp, AC, and saving throws accordingly.
Traan: Add +4 armor bonus to AC. Also add 1d4+1
to Dexterity and adjust AC and saving throws
Erin-kahnor: Add +4 armor bonus to AC. Also add
1d4+1 to Dexterity and adjust AC and saving
throws accordingly.
In battle, Traan wades into melee while Narev uses
lightning bolts and magic missiles. Erin-kahnor uses his
charm-related abilities and emotion power from a levitated position while Justina swings about with her
mace. She converts her remaining spells in battle to
healing spells if needed to help herself, her wolf companion, or Erin-kahnor.

Treasure. These characters have some gear, but no

other treasure. All of their valuables are kept in the
Vault (Area 6).

Area 5: Gathering Chamber

Read or paraphrase the following text aloud:
This long chamber once boasted beautiful tapestries on the walls, but now they hang in tatters. At the far east end sits a rectangular table
with four chairs around it; a lantern atop it
glows brightly.
Other than the table and chairs, this room is empty. The
table has a piece of paper scrawled in Common by one
of the Ministry members, describing how the original
Ministry of Winds sealed itself here until Narev and
Justina came and gave them new life, but it soon trails
off into mad delusions of grandeur.
The iron door to Area 6 is iron and locked (see
Development: If alerted, Justina, her wolf, and Erinkahnor wait here to defend the vault.

Area 6: Vault (EL 3)

The door to this chamber is iron (Iron Door: 2 inches
thick, hardness 10, 60 hp, Break DC 28) and locked (DC
30 to pickNarev has the key). It is also trapped with a
ward that goes off if someone opens the door without
first saying, The four winds reign supreme.
Glyph of Warding: CR 3; 5-ft. lightning burst (3d8);
Reflex save halves damage (DC 15); Search (DC 28);
Disable Device (DC 28).
Once past the trap and the door, the PCs are free to
loot this vault.
This cold, rough-hewn cave contains a large pile
of coins, valuable-looking items, and strange
miscellaneous trinkets.
Treasure: The strange pile of treasure includes 7,549 cp,
3,922 sp and 1,210 gp. It also features the following items:
The Scepter of Clouds (a blue scepter with small
white pearls worth 1,400 gp). Although it is a
sacred relic of Obad-Hai and thus has irreplaceable
religious value to that religion, it is not magical.
Nevertheless, the Ministry of Wind members in
their madnessespecially Justina, once a cleric of
Obad-Hai and acolyte of Deddin Knocbelieve it

to be magical (despite the mundane results of their

best efforts to test it).
Eight gems worth the following: 800 gp, 400 gp,
350 gp, 300 gp, 175 gp, 90 gp, 50 gp, and 10 gp.
A divine scroll of wind wall.
A dark blue vase worth 50 gp.
A broken ebony figurine of a bird (still worth
150 gp300 gp if a mend spell is used).
A masterwork heavy flail.
Two vials of holy water.
Three smokesticks.

This obelisk is actually an interesting site for the PCs to
occupy and adopt as their own if they defeat the Ministry. Otherwise, returning with the scepter, Narev
(subdued, most likely), or information about the place
(depending on which hook was used) gains the PCs
their reward. If the members of the Ministry were not
defeated conclusively, they begin plotting their
revenge upon the PCs.


Monte Cook started working professionally in the
game industry in 1988. In the employ of Iron Crown
Enterprises, he worked with the Rolemaster and
Champions games as an editor, developer, and
In 1994 Monte came to work at TSR as a game
designer. As a senior game designer with Wizards of
the Coast, he codesigned the new edition of
D UNGEONS & D RAGONS and authored the D UNGEON
M ASTER 's Guide. His newest release is Return to the
Temple of Elemental Evil.
A graduate of the Clarion West writer's workshop,
Monte has also published short stories and two
novels. In his spare time, he runs anywhere from one
to three games per week, holds a yearly game convention at his house, builds vast dioramas out of
LEGO building bricks, and reads a lot of comics.
Monte designed the June 2001 adventure, A Frigid
Demise, for the Official D&D Website. To read more
of his recent d20 work, visit his home page at

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