Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain
Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain
Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain
Keywords: The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) and Green
Green Human Resource Management Supply Chain Management (GSCM) on the sustainable performance of the Bangladeshi textile sector. Specifically,
Green Supply Chain Management the study focuses on environmental and employee-related aspects. Additionally, we examine how environmental
Sustainability performance
performance and employee performance mediate the relationship between GHRM and GSCM. This study draws
Employee performance and Environmental
upon data collected from 450 employees across various textile enterprises in Bangladesh. Structural Equation
Modeling is employed using the Amos 24 software to analyze the relationships and interactions among these
variables. These findings demonstrate that using environmentally sustainable practices in human resource
management and supply chain management results in enhanced sustainability. The study indicates that envi
ronmental performance significantly influences the relationship between GHRM and GSCM regarding sustainable
performance. The study findings indicate that firms operating in the textile industry should implement GHRM
and GSCM practices to enhance their sustainability performance. Additionally, it is recommended that these
organizations prioritize the well-being and engagement of their employees. Implementing such a strategy can
bolster the organization’s comprehensive sustainability initiatives and raise its standing among stakeholders.
This study contributes to the expanding body of literature on textile sustainability by investigating the mediating
role of employee and environmental performance. It emphasizes the significance of GHRM and GSCM techniques
in improving sustainable performance. The findings provide valuable insights for firms seeking to develop more
effective sustainability initiatives.
1. Introduction increasingly essential for the textile sector to adopt more sustainable
methods. (Feng & Ngai, 2020; Masud, 2019).
Based on available research, the textile sector has significantly Bangladesh is a leading textile maker and exporter, but its natural
contributed to the worldwide economy for a considerable period. It has resources, skilled labour, and infrastructure are limited. This research
created job prospects, generated income, and stimulated economic explores this remarkable paradox, showing how a textile behemoth faces
expansion (Masud et al., 2021; Nabi et al., 2022). However, from the major internal issues. This brief introduction highlights Bangladesh’s
creation and consumption of water, energy, and chemicals to the crea success and internal challenges and sets the research’s emphasis.
tion of trash and pollutants, this sector is well recognized as having a (Holzberg, 2022; Masud & Mondal, 2017). Integrating Green Human
large effect on the natural environment (Bianco et al., 2021; Masud Resource Management (GHRM) and Green Supply Chain Management
et al., 2021). Considering the urgent worldwide issue of environmental (GSCM) have great potential to promote sustainability in Bangladesh’s
deterioration and the need to reduce the impact of climate change, it is textile industry. By incorporating these groundbreaking methodologies,
* Corresponding author at: Department of Management, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur 5200, Bangladesh.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Al masud), [email protected] (Md.A. Hossain).
Received 12 August 2023; Received in revised form 1 January 2024; Accepted 15 January 2024
Available online 18 January 2024
2772-3909/© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S.R. Ali et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 10 (2024) 100143
we expect a profound and positive effect on environmental conserva interested in improving the industry’s long-term sustainability by
tion, ethical obligations, and the firm’s long-term viability. This study investigating these concerns. The rest of the paper is structured as fol
aims to facilitate the development of an environmentally conscious and lows: In Section 2, a critical review of the literature on sustainable
socially responsible textile sector in Bangladesh, thereby promoting a performance, GHRM and GSCM practices, environmental performance,
more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. and employee performance is presented. The data collection and anal
Bangladesh’s textile sector is a dynamic contributor in the country’s ysis procedures are outlined in Section 3. The study’s findings are re
economy, making an important contribution to employment and Gross ported in Section 4. In Section 5, the results are discussed, their
Domestic Production (GDP) (Hasan et al., 2022; Nabi et al., 2022). significance is evaluated, and some recommendations for further
However, despite its phenomenal growth, there are significant envi investigation are provided.
ronmental issues and workforce management difficulties. By evaluating
the interactions between GHRM, GSCM, environmental performance, 2. Literature review and Hypothesis development
employee performance, and sustainable business practices, this study
seeks to fill the gaps in the literature, particularly in the context of As crucial sustainable business strategies, GHRM and GSCM have
Bangladesh. been gaining a lot of attention in recent years. In GSCM, environmental
GHRM and GSCM are two interrelated strategies that promote issues are systematically introduced into supply chain management,
ecological sustainability in the workplace by integrating environmental while in GHRM, environmental and sustainability concepts are incor
factors into managing human resources and supply chains. The objective porated into Human Resource (HR).
of GHRM is to ensure that employees have a thorough understanding of policies and procedures (Singh et al., 2019; Hossain et al., 2023;
and actively engage in environmentally sustainable practices in the Masud et al., 2023).The effects of GHRM and GSCM on long-term suc
workplace. (Saeed et al., 2018; Masud et al., 2017), GSCM is primarily cess have been the subject of a large body of research. For instance,
concerned with minimizing the environmental impact of a company’s Singh et al., (2019) looked at how combining green HR practices, GSCM,
supply chain. It achieves this by making ecologically conscious decisions and big data technology may improve business performance and boost
when purchasing, transporting, and engaging in other associated pro sustainable competencies through corporate commitment. Al-Minhas
cedures. These practices are regarded as crucial instruments for et al. (2020) defined GHRM as the incorporation of environmental
enhancing the sustainability of businesses. concepts into Human Resource (HR) policies and practices, whereas
Bangladesh’s textile industry must be productive and socially Tseng et al. (2019) performed a systematic literature review on GSCM.
responsible. Bangladesh exported the second-most clothes in 2022, Sustainable performance is a holistic approach that evaluates an
behind China. In 2021–2022, Bangladesh exported $42.6 billion in organization’s long-term impact on the economy, society, and the
garments, displaying its global economic power. Bangladesh’s economic environment, and encompasses environmental sustainability, social re
backbone is the RMG industry, which accounts for 82 % of export sponsibility, and financial stability (Masud et al., 2021; Masud et al.,
earnings (Qing et al., 2023) Textiles are crucial to the lives of about 4 2023; Wang et al., 2023). Therefore, by incorporating GHRM and GSCM
million Bangladeshis, or nearly 8 % of the population. Bangladesh into their business practices, organizations can improve their sustain
supplies essential markets like the US, EU, and Canada with ready-made able performance and contribute favorably to the world’s economy,
garments. Bangladesh exports 21.5 % of its clothing to America (Dhali society, and ecosystem.
et al., 2023). This study examines the complex relationship between
GHRM, GSCM, and industry success. This research aims to improve 2.1. Underpinning theory
GHRM, GSCM, and sustainable performance by investigating environ
mental and employee performance as mediators. The findings may help Theoretical statements indicate that the assumed connections be
Bangladeshi textile managers and policymakers. Understanding the tween the concepts in this study are positive and straightforward. GHRM
complex relationship between these practices and performance results and GSCM are recognized as crucial drivers for attaining sustainable
helps firms create and implement effective GHRM and GSCM programs performance in the textile industry. Given the facts we have provided,
for long-term success in the ever-changing sustainability context. The multiple theoretical frameworks could be appropriate for our study. The
significance of this work is immense. The textile industry holds a Resource-Based View (RBV): This idea highlights the significance of a
prominent position in Bangladesh’s economy, and enhancing sustain company’s internal resources and competencies in attaining a compet
ability performance within this sector will substantially positively affect itive edge (Hasan et al., 2022; Nabi et al., 2022). The Natural Resource
the nation as a whole. (Hasan et al., 2022; Nabi et al., 2022). Further Dependence Theory (NRDT) suggests that enterprises relying on natural
more, with the growing awareness among companies worldwide resources, such as the textile industry, are more inclined to embrace
regarding the importance of sustainable practices, comprehending the environmentally friendly methods to manage risks and secure long-term
influence of GHRM and GSCM on sustainability performance is crucial viability. Institutional Theory: This theory centers on the impact of
for managers and policymakers (Saeed et al., 2021). This investigation external institutions and norms on the conduct of organizations.
has the potential to assist those striving to enhance sustainability in the Implementing GHRM and GSCM techniques in the textile sector is driven
textile industry by examining the interrelationships among GHRM, by societal pressure and environmental legislation. This, in turn, is
GSCM, environmental performance, employee performance, and sus resulting in environmental and employee performance enhancements.
tainable performance. We utilized the theoretical framework of Normative Rationality Deci
The existing study provides valuable insights into the intricate sion Theory (NRDT); The RBV and Institutional Theory as proposed by
relationship between GHRM/GSCM practices, environmental and Singh et al., (2019 and Hossain et al. (2023) in our study. One of the
employee performance, and sustainable performance in Bangladesh’s crucial aspects for successfully implementing green supply chain prac
textile industry. However, there are still important questions that tices in the sector is the adoption of GHRM practices. These factors can
remain unresolved. This study aims to fill these gaps by addressing two affect the long-term success of the textile sector in Bangladesh, with
key research questions: (A) what is the influence of GHRM and GSCM environmental and personnel performance acting as potential in
practices on the long-term performance of the textile sector in termediaries. According to the hypothesis, it is believed that each of
Bangladesh? (B) How does Bangladesh’s textile industry’s sustainability these linkages will exhibit a positive and direct impact (see Fig. 1).
depend on employee and environmental performance? Bangladesh’s
textile industry’s sustainability relies on its employees’ performance and 2.2. Hypothesis development
the environmental practices implemented. This study aims to provide
innovative insights and practical recommendations for stakeholders The RBV theory provides a tactical viewpoint on the significance of
S.R. Ali et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 10 (2024) 100143
Fig. 1. Theoretical Model. Notes: GHRM: green human resource management; GSCM: green supply chain management; EnP: Employee performance; EP: Envi
ronmental performance; SP: Sustainable performance.
an organization’s distinctive resources and skills in gaining long-term societal, and economic outcomes. Likewise, in accordance with Bianco
competitive advantage (Lubis, 2022). In this context, we develop hy et al. (2021) research, it was observed that implementing GHRM prac
potheses linking GSCM, GHRM, and employee, environmental, and tices is essential for improving a company’s sustainable performance,
sustainable performance (Ziyadeh et al., 2023c). The GHRM and GSCM indicating a positive correlation between GHRM and sustainable
practices are regarded as important internal resources that influence practices.
performance within the RBV framework (Al-Alawneh et al., 2023). With Given the above-mentioned empirical evidence, we postulate the
the RBV’s emphasis on the strategic significance of internal assets, we following hypothesis:
will investigate how these practices affect environmental and employee Hypothesis 01: GHRM is positively related to Sustainable
performance. Performance.
2.2.1. GHRM and sustainable performance 2.2.2. GSCM and sustainable performance
The RBV theory posits that organizations can achieve sustained The RBV theory highlights the strategic significance of resources and
competitive advantage through the effective deployment of unique re capabilities, and GSCM practices can be considered valuable and unique
sources and capabilities (Ziyadeh et al., 2023b). In the context of GHRM, resources (Al-Alawneh et al., 2023). GSCM, which incorporates envi
the incorporation of environmental sustainability principles into Human ronmental sustainability principles into supply chains, has attracted
Resource Management (HRM) processes represents a distinctive much attention due to its potential to increase the social and environ
resource, as per Bianco et al. (2021). Implementation of GHRM practices mental performance of businesses (Green et al., 2019; Gazi et al., 2022).
can result in enhancement of an organization’s sustainable performance, According to Elbaz and Iddik (2020), GSCM integrates the principles of
as noted by Saeed et al. (2018). These practices can encourage ecolog environmental sustainability throughout the supply chain from the
ically conscious actions among workers and equip them with the source of raw materials through product disposal. According to the study
required information and abilities to function sustainably, as high by Green et al. (2019) and Liu et al. (2020), GSCM practices such as
lighted by Feng and Ngai (2020) and Green et al. (2019). GHRM involves selecting environmentally responsible suppliers, enacting green pro
incorporating environmental sustainability principles into key HRM curement laws, and reducing waste and pollution in the production
processes, including recruitment, training, development, retention, and process can improve sustainability performance. By implementing green
health monitoring (Masud et al., 2021; Gazi et al., 2023; Hossain et al., practices, businesses can reduce their negative impact on the environ
2023). The adoption of a sustainability culture through GHRM practices ment and improve their standing as socially responsible companies.
has the potential to enhance an organization’s economic, social, and Additionally, GSCM can contribute to the social performance of or
environmental outcomes (Pathak et al., 2020; Hossain et al., 2023). ganizations by promoting fair labor practices among suppliers and
Moreover, GHRM practices can also contribute to an organization’s so partners, thereby improving the well-being of employees and stake
cial performance by fostering employee well-being through various holders (Pathak et al., 2020). Adopting green logistics practices, such as
measures such as promoting work-life balance, providing access to using low-emission transportation and reducing packaging waste, can
support programs for employees, and encouraging further education and also reduce the environmental impact of organizations and enhance
training (Holzberg, 2022). their reputation as socially responsible entities (Green et al., 2019;
Numerous studies have explored the correlation between GHRM and Masud et al., 2023).
sustainable performance, and have provided empirical evidence sup Moreover, firms can achieve financial advantages by improving
porting a favorable association between the two (Bianco et al., 2021; supply chain efficiency and effectiveness through just-in-time inventory
Green et al., 2019; Holzberg, 2022; Masud et al., 2021; Pathak et al., systems and lean manufacturing processes. (Majumdar & Sinha, 2019;
2020; Saeed et al., 2018; Singh et al., 2019). One example is the study by Gazi et al., 2022). To recapitulate, the incorporation of eco-friendly
Saeed et al. (2018), A positive correlation was shown between GHRM procedures across the supply chain, advocacy of equitable labor prac
practices and the long-term viability of a business. Based on their tices, and enhancement of overall supply chain efficiency and efficacy
research, implementing GHRM practices can cultivate a sustainability- are imperative factors in promoting sustainable performance.
oriented mindset within a company’s employees. This results in adopt In alignment with the RBV theory, we propose the following hy
ing environmentally friendly activities and improved environmental, pothesis based on previous research:
S.R. Ali et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 10 (2024) 100143
Hypothesis 02: GSCM is positively related to Sustainable culture (Reche et al., 2022).
Performance. Furthermore, enterprises that accord significance to ecological sus
tainability using GHRM practices can entice and uphold proficient staff
2.2.3. GHRM and environmental performance members who are stimulated by the prospect of operating in an
Following the RBV theory, the implementation of GHRM methods ecologically responsible manner (Kumar & Rao, 2023; Kalyar et al.,
has a favorable effect on an organization’s environmental performance, 2019; Kalyar et al., 2019b; Masud et al., 2021). The positive link
at least according to the research currently in use (Rehman et al., 2021; observed between GHRM and employee performance suggests that or
Gazi et al., 2022). To implement GHRM strategies, all facets of human ganizations can derive benefits by implementing Green HRM practices
resource management, including hiring, orientation, training, develop to improve their overall performance. This led us to hypothesize that:
ment, and retention, must incorporate environmental sustainability Hypothesis 04: GHRM is positively related to Employee
principles. Additionally, employee well-being and commitment to the Performance.
organization’s sustainability goals must be evaluated (Bataineh, 2019).
Organizations can effectively mitigate their influence on the world by 2.2.5. GSCM and environmental performance
fostering eco-conscious behaviours among employees, implementing In contemporary times, there has been a worldwide change towards
training and education initiatives, and establishing policies and prac ecological sustainability, and corporations are not immune to this
tices that prioritize environmental sustainability (Kumar et al., 2023). transformation. Many enterprises have adopted GSCM tactics to
It is worth noting that compliance with environmental regulations is diminish their environmental impact and boost their overall environ
also an important aspect of GRHM practices (Freitas et al., 2020). mental effectiveness (Bianco et al., 2021). According to Feng and Ngai
Through training and education programs on environmental regulations (2020), the integration of eco-sustainability principles throughout the
and the implementation of policies and procedures that align with these supply chain process, starting with the procurement of raw materials
regulations, organizations can ensure that they comply with the relevant and ending with the promotion of final products, is an important
laws and regulations, thereby avoiding penalties or legal issues. Incor component of GSCM. GSCM Seeks to mitigate environmental harm by
porating environmental sustainability into HRM can be achieved in incorporating sustainable measures throughout the supply chain.
several ways, such as creating a culture of sustainability that benefits GSCM consults a significant benefit to organizations by facilitating
both the organization and its employees (Aldaas et al., 2022; Nabi et al., compliance with environmental regulations and mitigating legal risks
2021). According to Wongleedee (2020), organizations that cultivate (Holzberg, 2022; Amin et al., 2020). Adhering to relevant regulations
such a culture are inclined to accomplish their environmental goals by can be ensured by selecting partners and suppliers who are compliant
diminishing their environmental footprint and enhancing their standing with environmental regulations and by implementing policies and pro
as a socially responsible entity. This suggests that establishing an envi cedures that are in line with these regulations, which can prevent legal
ronmentally conscious culture can significantly benefit organizations in issues and penalties. Furthermore, the adoption of green logistics prac
terms of both environmental impact and reputation. tices, such as minimizing packaging waste and employing low-emission
According to Rehman et al. (2021), there exists a strong correlation transportation, can contribute to reducing the environmental impact of
between the implementation of GHRM and an organization’s environ organizations and improve their reputation as a socially responsible
mental performance. Adopting GHRM practices has been found to lead entity (Saeed et al., 2018).
to enhanced overall environmental performance. In order to further Moreover, Singh et al. (2019) have established a verifiable link be
improve their environmental performance, organizations must cultivate tween GSCM and improvements in environmental performance.
environmentally responsible practices among their staff, provide envi Through the encouragement of environmentally-friendly supply chain
ronmental education and training opportunities, introduce environ practices, the enforcement of compliance with environmental regula
mentally sound policies and procedures, and establish a culture of tions, and the integration of green logistics, GSCM facilitates businesses
sustainability, as suggested by Bataineh (2019). We therefore propose in improving their environmental performance. Hence, a robust link
the following: exists between GSCM and environmental performance, thereby leading
Hypothesis 03: GHRM is positively related to Environment to the formulation of the following hypothesis:
Performance. Hypothesis 05: GSCM has a positively related to Environmental
2.2.4. GHRM and employee performance
In line with the RBV theory, integrating environmental sustainability 2.2.6. GSCM and employee performance
concepts into various human resource management areas for oper Reche et al. (2022b) indicates that the adoption of GSCM methods
ationalizing GHRM practices, including recruitment, training, develop can have a beneficial effect on employee performance. Implementing
ment, retention, and monitoring employee well-being and commitment. GSCM involves incorporating principles of environmental sustainability
Academic studies in the field of sustainability and HRM support this into the entire supply chain, including sourcing raw materials, product
privilege. According to Elbaz and Iddik (2020), such practices have been design, and distribution methods. GSCM can improve employee per
associated with significant enhancements in employee performance. By formance by choosing suppliers and partners who prioritize fair labour
promoting environmentally-friendly behaviors among employees, practices. This ensures that employees are not negatively affected by the
providing training and education programs, and developing policies and organization’s operations, resulting in improved motivation, job satis
practices that promote environmental sustainability, organizations can faction, and attendance (Kumar & Rao, 2023).
create a culture of sustainability that benefits both the organization and Additionally, it is noteworthy that GSCM promotes a sustainable
its employees. workplace environment, which may potentially result in heightened
Research has shown that employees who understand and engage levels of employee engagement and motivation. By adopting eco-
with their organization’s sustainability goals may have higher levels of friendly practices and sustainable sourcing of raw materials, organiza
motivation, the implementation of this approach may result in enhanced tions can establish a positive work environment that attracts and retains
productivity, work quality, and attendance, as supported by scientific talented employees who are motivated to work in an environmentally
evidence. (Liu et al., 2020; Shou et al., 2020; Hossain et al., 2021). responsible manner. Furthermore, the incorporation of eco-friendly lo
Additionally, organizations that prioritize employee well-being by gistics methodologies and the placement of just-in-time inventory sys
encouraging a healthy work-life balance, providing access to employee tems may culminate in a more proficient and productive supply chain,
support programs, and promoting further education and training may thereby engendering better job performance among personnel.
experience lower turnover rates and a more positive organizational In synthesis, extant empirical studies have demonstrated a robust
S.R. Ali et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 10 (2024) 100143
affirmative association between GSCM and employee performance. Or financial results and worker happiness. Hence, based on the previous
ganizations that adopt GSCM practices are likely to experience a sig discussion, the present study proposes the following hypothesis:
nificant increase in worker productivity (Bianco et al., 2021; Feng & Hypothesis 08: Employee Performance is positively related to Sus
Ngai, 2020; Holzberg, 2022; Saeed et al., 2018; Singh et al., 2019; tainable Performance.
Masud & Hossain, 2019). The adoption of GSCM practices, which pro
mote just labor standards, establish a sustainable workplace, and 2.2.9. The mediating role of environmental performance and employee
enhance supply chain efficiency, can act as a driver for organizations to performance
achieve greater overall performance. Thus, this study proposes the Understanding the relationship between GSCM, GHRM, and sus
following hypothesis: tainability performance in the textile industry of Bangladesh requires an
Hypothesis 06: GSCM is positively related to Employee Performance. understanding of the critical roles played by mediating variables like
environmental performance and employee performance. Environmental
2.2.7. Environment performance and sustainable performance performance is the effect that business operations and products have on
Contemporary research suggests that firms can improve their sus the environment, and environmental performance may be improved by
tainable performance by adopting environmentally conscious activities including environmental considerations into HRM processes (De Souza
that reduce their adverse effects on the environment and comply with Freitas et al., 2020; Kumar et al., 2023). Asif et al. (2020) claim that the
environmental regulations and norms (Kalyar et al., 2019b; Rehman GSCM strategy strives to integrate environmental considerations into
et al., 2021; Masud & Ferdous, 2016). These practices include the sourcing, procurement, production, and transportation.
implementation of eco-friendly policies that promote responsible According to earlier studies Aldaas et al. (2022), GHRM and GSCM
resource usage, energy conservation, and waste reduction. Not only do have a favorable effect on environmental performance, and employee
they benefit the environment, but they can also attract and retain performance can mediate the relationship between GHRM and GSCM
environmentally conscious consumers, leading to improved economic practices and sustainable performance in the textile industry (Rehman
performance (Kalyar et al., 2019b). et al., 2021c; Paul et al., 2013). Employee productivity can also serve as
Furthermore, organizations can enhance their sustainable perfor a bridge between GHRM policies and long-term success, with GHRM
mance by aligning their policies and procedures with relevant regula practices boosting productivity by enticing supervise to get involved in
tions and standards, which also helps them avoid legal issues and the business’ environmental objectives.
penalties. By promoting the use of energy-efficient systems, reducing In the context of the textile industry in Bangladesh, mediation
waste, and promoting the sustainable sourcing of raw materials, orga analysis can reveal the underlying causal pathways linking GHRM and
nizations can create a more sustainable future and reduce costs associ GSCM practices to environmental performance, employee performance,
ated with energy and materials (Kalyar et al., 2019b). and sustainable performance. This critical analytical approach can shed
Based on empirical evidence and supported by previous research, light on the complex mechanisms at play and provide a scientific basis
there appears to be a substantial link between environmental perfor for understanding the relationships between these crucial variables.
mance and sustainable performance. Companies that exhibit robust Based on the literature review, the following hypotheses are
environmental performance are more inclined to attain improved proposed:
environmental, social, and economic performance, as stated by Rehman Hypothesis 09a: Environmental performance plays a significant role
et al. (2021). Therefore, the present study puts forward the following in the interplay between GHRM and sustainable performance.
hypothesis: Hypothesis 09b: Environmental performance has an influence on the
Hypothesis 07: Environment Performance is positively related to interplay between GSCM and sustainable performance.
Sustainable Performance. Hypothesis 10a: The interplay between GHRM and sustainable per
formance is influenced by employee performance.
2.2.8. Employee performance and sustainable performance Hypothesis 10b: The interplay between GSCM and sustainable per
According to Bataineh (2019), an employee’s performance is defined formance is influenced by employee performance.
by their level of competence in carrying out their duties, which includes
factors such as productivity, quality, and turnout. Through the facilita 3. Research methodology
tion of a work-life balance, implementation of employee support pro
grams, and provision of education and training opportunities, 3.1. Research design and operationalization of constructs
enterprises can enlarge workforce engagement and motivation, thereby
resulting in enhanced performance. This can positively impact organi Bangladesh’s textile industry’s toxic and hazardous waste was
zational performance by improving productivity, promoting fair labor quantified to assess its environmental impact. Cross-sectional surveys
practices, and creating a culture of sustainability that benefits both the were used to collect data from a representative textile manufacturing
organization and its employees. sample. Textile industry representation was achieved by stratified
Moreover, involving employees in the organization’s sustainability random selection. 700 textile factories in Gazipur, Savar, and Nar
goals and creating a culture of sustainability can improve employee ayanganj were targeted. 450 executives, managers, and directors from
performance by increasing motivation and engagement. GRHM prac supply chain, manufacturing, marketing, and operations participated.
tices, as proposed by Elbaz and Iddik (2020), can help organizations The list included 425 yarn mills, 796 fabric mills, and 240 dyeing mills.
incorporate environmental sustainability principles into all areas of Data collected from January to June 2022 provided a complete picture
human resource management, including recruitment, selection, of practices and perceptions. A standardized questionnaire was created
training, and retaining. By fostering pro-environmental behaviors, to gather respondents’ thoughts on their organizations’ environmental
delivering training and development programs, and implementing pol practices. Participants were randomly recruited from the identified in
icies and practices that support environmental sustainability, organi dustries to ensure diversity across textile production stages. The study’s
zations can empower their employees with the competencies and 64.28 % response rate indicates a solid and representative sample. This
awareness necessary to operate sustainably, limit their environmental degree of engagement improves dependability and generalizability. The
footprint, and enhance their overall environmental efficacy (Masud & main variables were environmental practices, and GHRM and GSCM
Alam, 2014). implementation. Environmental awareness, waste disposal, and sus
Thus, empirical research suggests a positive relationship between tainable practices in human resource management and supply chain
sustainability and employee performance. Firms with great employees operations were measured quantitatively. The associations between
tend to increase their sustainable performance, which improves variables were examined using descriptive statistics and inferential
S.R. Ali et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 10 (2024) 100143
S.R. Ali et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 10 (2024) 100143
Table 2 representation of the variables. Thus, the findings of this study suggest
Model estimates and factor extraction outcomes of the EFA. that the adoption of GHRM and GSCM practices may critically enhance
Items Mean Std. Deviation Factor Loadings sustainability performance in Bangladesh’s textile industry through the
critical mediating effect of environmental and employee performance.
1 2 3 4 5
This study applies the RBV theory to explore the relationship be
4.6. Model fit test
tween GHRM and GSCM in the Bangladeshi textile sector. It specifically
investigates how these practices influence sustainability performance.
Our assessment of overall model fit included established indicators
This research highlights the crucial significance of environmental and
such as GFI, AGFI, NFI, RFI, CFI, IFI, and TLI. To be deemed excellent,
employee-related aspects. Empirical evidence supports the conclusion
these should exceed 0.9 and be less than 3 (Bentler, 1990), while RMSEA
that implementing GHRM and GSCM has a beneficial effect on the sus
should be under 0.08 (Hu & Bentler, 1998). Our model met these
tainability performance of the textile industry in Bangladesh. The results
standards with CMIN/DF = 1.390, GFI = 0.942, AGFI = 0.928, NFI =
of this study confirm the hypothesis that GHRM is positively associated
0.965, CFI = 0.990, IFI = 0.990, TLI = 0.988, and RMSEA = 0.029 (see
with both sustainability performance (H1) and environmental perfor
Table 5). These statistics reflect a satisfactory and strong model fit.
mance (H3). Existing literature has previously demonstrated the sig
nificant impact of GHRM adoption on sustainability and environmental
4.7. Structural model analysis performance (Wongleedee, 2020; Masud et al., 2013). In addition,
GSCM has a positive relationship with environmental performance (H5),
We created a structural model to examine how our variables and previous studies have emphasized the role of GSCM in enhancing
impacted the results. Table 6 summarizes the model fit indices, indi sustainability performance (Al-Sheyadi et al., 2019). While previous
cating the model fits moderately well (CMIN/DF = 1.460, GFI = 0.938, studies indicate a positive relationship between GSCM and sustainability
AGFI = 0.924, NFI = 0.931, CFI = 0.988, IFI = 0.988, TLI = 0.986, and performance (Bonoli et al., 2021b; Hossain & Masud, 2012), our results
RMSEA = 0.032). (Fig. 3) illustrates the routes between components, do not support this hypothesis (H2) based on scientific critical analysis.
revealing that the model explains 55 % of environmental performance, The hypothesis that employee performance is favorably correlated
41 % of sustainability performance, and 49 % of employee performance. with sustainability performance (H8) was supported, and prior studies
These findings suggest reasonable predictability. confirmed that employee performance has a significant impact on sus
Table 6 presents the postulated interrelationships among GHRM, tainability. Contrary to the claims made by Wang et al. (2020) and Mira
GSCM, environmental performance, employee performance, and sus et al. (2020), we find no evidence that GHRM (H4) or GSCM (H6) have
tainable performance in the textile industry of Bangladesh. The critical any impact on employee performance (Al-Sheyadi et al., 2019). In
analysis revealed that GHRM exerts a significant and favorable impact contrast, a negative correlation between environmental performance
on both long-term performance and environmental performance, while and sustainability performance was discovered (H7), indicating that
its influence on sustainable performance and employee performance environmental performance is not a robust mediator. This study’s
was not statistically significant. Moreover, GSCM was observed to have a findings provide credence to the idea that GHRM and GSCM are critical
positive and acute effect on environmental performance. Furthermore, it to boosting sustainability outcomes in Bangladesh’s textile sector. And
was discovered that employee performance significantly and positively given the critical positive relationship between GHRM and sustainability
impacted sustainable performance, whereas environmental perfor performance, it is reasonable to believe that enterprises that adopt eco-
mance had a somewhat favorable impact. The fit indices of the structural friendly training programs and environmental responsibility initiatives
equation model suggest that it is a highly accurate and crucial will experience a corresponding increase in their sustainability
S.R. Ali et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 10 (2024) 100143
S.R. Ali et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 10 (2024) 100143
Table 4
Reliability and validity statistics.
Model fit indices: X2/d = 1.390, GFI = 0.942, AGFI = 0.928, CFI = 0.990, TLI = 0.988, IFI = 0.990, NFI = 0.965, RMSEA = 0.029, PClose = 1.000.
Note: bold diagonal values are the square root of AVE value.
S.R. Ali et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 10 (2024) 100143
95 % CI The results of this study suggest that textile firms in Bangladesh that
Indirect effect lower upper p-value use GHRM and GSCM methods can improve their sustainability perfor
GHRM- –>EnP- –>SP 0.014 0.000 0.047 0.034 Accept
mance. The study emphasizes the importance of environmental re
GHRM- –>EP- –>SP 0.008 − 0.006 0.039 0.316 Reject sponsibility training programs and other initiatives as examples of
GSCM- –>EnP- –>SP 0.017 0.001 0.051 0.022 Accept environmentally friendly human resource practices. This study high
GSCM- –>EP- –>SP 0.006 − 0.006 0.036 0.402 Reject lights the importance of adopting environmentally friendly HR practices
Note: *** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1, n.s. = not significant, CI = confidence by showing a favorable relationship between GHRM and sustainability
interval, the process repeated 5000 times. performance. Subsequently research has found a positive relationship
between GSCM and environmental performance, businesses may do well
to adopt GSCM practices such as dropping waste and emissions if they
Table 8 want to do their part for the environment.
Coefficient of determination. In addition, the findings point to the importance of employee’s
Constructs Coefficient of Determination (R2) happiness and motivation in driving sustainable success. So, businesses
Environmental Performance 0.55 should evaluate not just the environmental and sustainable effects of
sustainable performance 0.41 their activities, but also the effects on employee’s productivity. Busi
Employee Performance 0.49 nesses in Bangladesh’s textile sector would benefit from a holistic
strategy for sustainability that takes into explanation GHRM, GSCM, and
the health and happiness of its workforce as a whole.
importance of interconnectedness and synergy among different prac
tices and variables. Perceiving sustainability as a complex and inter
connected system rather than a set of isolated projects allows for 6.3. Limitations and future research
realizing more significant benefits regarding environmental, social, and
economic progress. Several suggestions must be considered while assessing the conclu
Moreover, the study emphasizes the crucial significance of employee sions of the study. Initially, the research findings were exclusively
performance in this integrated framework. Organizations can use their relevant to the textile industry in Bangladesh; hence, their applicability
human capital to catalyze sustainable growth by promoting employee to other sectors or countries may be limited. The second limitation is
involvement and enhancing their knowledge and skills in sustainability that the research relied on self-reported information, which might have
practices. This emphasizes the necessity of implementing GHRM inherent flaws. Furthermore, the research did not account for other
potential mediators of sustainability performance, such as technological
S.R. Ali et al. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 10 (2024) 100143
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