MECH3004 Assignment2-3

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Volume 1, Issue 1, Oct 2023 MECH3004 Applied Numerical Engineering Macquarie University

Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Static Mixer

Assignment 2

Abstract— The act of combining fluids is a crucial stage depending on the requirements of the technique. In addition,
within the manufacturing procedure. Static mixers, often the components of a mixing process, which can include solids,
referred to as stationary mixers, have the ability to generate a liquids, and gases, may or may not be able to mix with one
highly efficient blend of fluids, whether they are single-phase another depending on their properties. When it is important to
or multi-phase in nature. Static mixers are being utilized more have a completely mixed and homogenous system in order to
frequently in various manufacturing settings to attain optimal obtain the intended outcome, mixing can have an effect on the
mixing efficiency while minimizing energy usage. There are quality of the finished product, the prices of the energy used in
two distinct approaches to enhancing mixing performance: the the process, and the throughput of the procedure.
first involves the development of a novel internal geometry, Mixing substances can be done with or without an agitator.
while the second entails the alteration of the current geometry The first method uses conventional mixers, whereas the second
of a static mixer. This task is to master using CFX to measure uses static mixers. An average mixer has rotors, impellers,
water speed and temperature as it leaves the static mixer. stirrers, and agitators. Mixers having moving parts, or dynamic
The selection of a static mixer with an open blade internal stru mixers, assist mixing. Electric motors propel dynamic mixers.
cture, such as the SMX model, for this particular task was base Dynamic mixers transform motorelectricity into rotating
d on its intricate geometry. The decision has been reached. mechanical energy. Flow regime determination holds
Incorporating ANSYS CFX, we included a range of significant importance in the selection process of a mixer.
perforations of different sizes and serrations of distinct shapes Dynamic mixing is a commonly employed technique when the
into the blades of the SMX mixer throughout the redesign flow is in a turbulent regime. The utilization of a dynamic
process. This was part of the redesign process. Some modified mixer incurs higher costs compared to a static mixer,
static mixer geometries have circular, triangular, or square particularly in scenarios involving laminar flow or the handling
serrations. Additionally, perforated SMXs with two or four of fluids with high viscosity. Static mixers, also known as SMs,
D/20 holes on each blade, the most D/20 holes, and the largest have been found to exhibit superior performance and reduced
number of D/20 holes are examples. ANSYS CFX software electricity consumption compared to conventional agitator
was used to run CFD simulations to evaluate which modified mixers, particularly when employed for the purpose of mixing
static mixer geometries function best. We compared each very viscous fluids within the laminar flow regime. Static
static mixer's mixing efficiency using dispersive and mixers (SMs) are sometimes referred to as "motionless mixers"
distributive mixing parameters. First, we characterize the due to their lack of moving components and low maintenance
pressure and velocity field in all static mixers using simulation requirements. Shape memory materials (SMs) depend on the
results, which accord with existing data for laminar flow and difference between the kinetic and potential energy of the fluid,
incompressible fluids. To assess dispersive mixing often known as pressure, to facilitate the movement of the
performance, static mixers are compared to typical SMX fluid. Velocity gradients are generated by harnessing the
mixers in shear rate and extensional efficiency. The momentum of the fluid in motion. Shape memory materials
incorporation of a binary cluster particle tracer into the flow (SMMs) can randomly or systematically split, shearing,
domain enables the quantification of the distributive mixing rotating, twisting, accelerating, decelerating, and recombining
capabilities of static mixers. The standard deviation of each streams to generate fluid flow patterns [1].
mixer determines its distribution contribution. The best static The feasibility of continuous operation of SMs is
mixer for polymerization is found by comparing dispersive contingent upon the specific requirements of the given process.
and distributive mixing simulation results. We test The utilization of SMs extends beyond systems involving
polyacrylamide synthesis in a static mixer in this study. CFD Newtonian fluids. In certain situations where spatial constraints
simulations determine the optimal SMX and modified static are a concern, conventional mixers may not be the most
mixer for homopolymerizing acrylamide based on total mixing optimal choice for accommodating a mixing gear. Some of the
performance. advantages of utilizing SMs instead of dynamic mixers include
Keywords- fluids; Static mixers; geometry; SMX mixers; reduced equipment expenses, decreased operational expenses,
binary cluster limited scaling and erosion, a narrow distribution of residence
time, behavior closely resembling plug flow, and enhanced
Mixing is a crucial phenomenon that plays a vital role in The major goal of this study is to examine how changing SM
both unit operations and unit processes, making it one of the geometries affects mixing quality and pressure drop. Koch-
most fundamental aspects of both processes. The process of Sulzer SMX and Chemineer Kenics static mixers are popular
mixing involves the combination of multiple distinct SM geometries. The enhancement of axial dispersion can be
substances in close proximity, facilitating their interaction and achieved by increasing the quantity of mixing elements, but
subsequent integration into a cohesive entity. It is possible to this approach is accompanied by a notable rise in pressure
employ either a single-phase or a multi-phase mixing system, drop. Hence, our analysis centers on the holes present in the
Volume 1, Issue 1, Oct 2023 MECH3004 Applied Numerical Engineering Macquarie University

mixing components. An alternative is to use triangular, square, Eq. (2) can be uncoupled from the NS equation now that
and half-circular serrations on each blade. Static mixer shape isothermal condition has been used for all the static mixer
with various serrations improves dispersion and distributive simulations in this study. Linear constitutive connection
mixing. The suggested modifications would also yield between stress and strain is required to solve (1). [5].
advantages through a decrease in pressure drop, resulting in a
subsequent reduction in energy expenses.
This project's main goal is to provide a refined SM …………………
geometry with exact dimensions for improved mixing. This ……………….4
study examines static mixer mixing effectiveness using The strain rate tensor, denoted by the letter S, can be written
computational inquiry. ANSYS CFX simulates perforated and as
serrated SMX geometries' CFD. SMX shape mixing
performance and CFD simulation results are compared.
Research shows that hole size and perforation density improve ……………………
mixing with low pressure loss. We simulate serrated SM ….5
geometries and analyse the results to discover the ideal The NS equation can be rewritten by simply changing the
serration pattern for efficient mixing. values of and S in the first equation to read as:
ANSYS CFX's CFD module solves static and dynamic two-
and three-dimensional models with a simple interface. The …………………6
CFD module has a lot of physical inputs that let you work Each number represents a distinct type of force acting on the
with fluids in a wide range of fluid regimes. Each physics link fluid, such as inertia (1), pressure (2), viscosity (3), and
has partial differential equations for different flows that have external volume (4).
already been set.. Accurate simulation results require proper Always solve these equations with the continuity equation.
physics interface, boundary conditions, and internal attributes
selection. All static mixer models in laminar flow used the
Single Phase Laminar Flow Interface from the CFD module.
When you use this GUI, you can solve problems for
momentum and mass conservation. [3]
The Navier-Stokes equations show how the principle of
When a Newtonian fluid is used as the physical variable of
momentum conservation works in math, while the continuity
interest, the Navier-Stokes (NS) equation [4] describes how
equation shows how the principle of mass conservation works
fluids move in a standing mixer. One way to look at it is as an
in math. Water is used as a working material in this study.
example of Newton's second law of motion being used with
Because water can't be squished, the continuity equation can
fluids.. The general form of the NS equation is indicated by
equations (1) and (2) when applied to compressible fluids,
be shortened to
As a result of this, there is a divergence in velocity.
from the viscous force term can be
removed. For all flow simulations, time independence

This shows the fluid's speed, pressure, density, viscous stress
has been used. These conditions produce the final
tensor, volume force vector, and dynamic viscosity. In terms
reduced NS equation of
of temperature, the second equation shows how the principle
of energy conservation works. In equation (5), S is the strain-
rate tensor, q is the heat flux vector in watts per square metre,
Q is the heat source in watts per cubic metre, and Cp is the ……………………………8
specific heat capacity in joules per kilogram at steady It is possible to solve the NS equation and its boundary
pressure.. conditions in the fluid domain. Laminar Flow Interface was
used to make the velocity profiles and pressure fields, so only
the inlet and exit boundary conditions were used. When
…………… volume force nodes are added as boundary conditions, they
…………………..3 show up on the right side of the momentum equation as "F.".
Gravitational influences as because the static mixer pipe
Volume 1, Issue 1, Oct 2023 MECH3004 Applied Numerical Engineering Macquarie University

section is flat, an outside volume force doesn't need to be

taken into account in any of the cases. There is no slip
boundary condition in any flow calculation. In this case, there …………………………
is no need for wall fluid flow. It can be seen that Reynolds …………13
number (Re) determines the flow conditions.
The validation assessment determines whether or not the
……………………………9 computer simulation is consistent with the real world. In
u is the average speed of the fluid, ρ is the density of the fluid, this project, a comparison is made between the theoretical
Dt is the width of the tube, and µ is the dynamic viscosity of underpinnings of the models and the empirical data
the fluid. If the Reynolds number is 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, obtained from trials. The experts are unable to come to an
1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100, flow models are agreement on a standard operating procedure for testing
run. These Reynolds numbers mean that the inlet boundary and validating CFD models. CFD is still a relatively new
condition of the fluid region is the same as the calculated fluid field despite the fact that it is developing. Computational
velocity (u). There is no pressure at the outlet (P=0). fluid dynamics, often known as CFD, is an advanced
Static mixer performance cannot be assessed solely by technique that describes theoretical and practical models in
velocity profile and pressure field. Velocity and pressure field a geometrically complex discrete domain using strongly
data are utilized to evaluate the static mixer's flow behavior, coupled non-linear partial differential equations. CFD is an
but not its distributive mixing ability. The conventional abbreviation for "computational fluid dynamics." An
experimental method involves injecting a tracer of particles exhaustive investigation into errors and ambiguities
and following their travel down the axis to investigate particle requires that one take into account all aspects of
mixing. Similar methods are used in simulations to visualize computational fluid dynamics (CFD): theory, experiment,
static mixer mixing ability using the Particle Tracing module. and computation. CFD's potential uses are continuously
Particle Tracing interface calculates particle motion in flowing expanding in tandem with the increasing capability of
fluids. By solving ODEs with Newton's law of motion, this computing devices. The fundamental structure for carrying
dedicated physic interface can follow particle trajectories and out this endeavor is provided by the AIAA standards for
provide a Lagrangian description of a problem. [5]. verification and validation.
Newton's second law [5] gives particle velocity in eq. (11).
Validation analysis verifies model consistency with reality.
The report compares model theories to experiment results.
…………………………..1 Experts say there is no standard way to validate and
0 authorize CFD models. Although new, CFD is evolving.
Where x is the particle's location, m its mass, and F its total Advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) uses highly
forces. Newton's second law says that in a fixed reference coupled non-linear partial differential equations to represent
frame, a particle's net force is equal to the rate at which its theoretical and practical models in a geometrically complex
linear momentum changes over time. Shown as well as discrete domain. To thoroughly examine mistakes and
uncertainties, CFD theory, experiment, and computing must
be considered. CFD applications are growing rapidly as
computing power increases. The AIAA's verification and
………………………… validation requirements drive this effort.
Where FD is the Drag Force
Eq. (13) is the viscous drag force equation for this physical This section presents the CFD model's numerical findings
interaction. for the static mixer geometries. An ANSYS CFX
multiphysics computational model with laminar flow and
particle tracer interfaces analyzes each SM's mixing
………………………… capabilities. The intake conditions and input model factors
….12 used in all static mixer configuration simulations can be
Let mp = particle mass (kg), seen in Table 1. Simulations test all SM geometries with
τp = particle velocity response time (s), Reynolds numbers between 0.001 and 100. All numbers in
v = particle velocity (m/s), Table 1 will remain the same except velocity, which is
u = fluid velocity (m/s). Definition of particle velocity determined based on Reynolds number. Table 1: Re-30
response time (τp) for spherical particles in laminar flow: Calculated Velocity.
Table 1 All static mixer geometries require inlet
conditions and input parameters.
Volume 1, Issue 1, Oct 2023 MECH3004 Applied Numerical Engineering Macquarie University

 Model Inputs  Value

 Flo  Temperature of the  285K

w fluid
 Viscosity of  0 (Pa.s)
working fluid
 Inlet velocity  2 (m/s)

 Outlet pressure  0 (Pa)

The CFD model's accuracy must be verified by comparing

simulated results to experimental data.
In this section, the results of the model flow field are first Figure 2 Static mixer configurations from 0.0001 to 100.
evaluated in terms of the Z factor, the pressure field contours,
and the velocity contours. After that, the results of the flow
field are described by a number of factors so that the
dispersive mixing ability of static mixers can be studied.
Pressure Drop
Pressure drop over a static mixer is a key
efficiency indicator. It also verifies CFD model
precision. Because static mixer pressure loss is related to
wasted energy, decreasing it is always best. All
simulations set pipe outlet pressure to zero (P=0). The
static mixer's pressure drop can be calculated by
monitoring pressure readings 0.1 cm upstream and
downstream of the first and last mixer elements.

Figure 3: Perforated SMX D/20, and SMX with circular

serrations. Static mixers.
SMX, perforated SMX, SMX with 4 holes, SMX with a
maximum of D/20 holes, D/30 holes, D/40 holes, SMX
with circular serrations, triangular serrations, and square
serrations are all represented by contour plots in the order
listed above.
Shear rate is important for analyzing dispersive mixing in
laminar flow. SM shear rates are highly uneven, as shown
by contour plots. Shear rates are low with few cross blades.
However, cross-blade zones have large shear rates. The
circular serrated SMX has the lowest shear rate. Basic
SMX mixers have heavy pressure drop and maximum shear

Figure 1 Static Mixer Geometries from Re = 0.0001

to Re = 100.
Triangular serrations reduce pressure drop by 30–31%
compared to SMX with D/20 maximum holes. Square serration
yields the same results as SMX geometry. It is not
recommended since it reduces pressure drop less than the other
two serrated SMX.
Volume 1, Issue 1, Oct 2023 MECH3004 Applied Numerical Engineering Macquarie University

Figure 5: Perforated SMX D/20 with triangular

Figure 4: SMX with circular serrations
A CFD model uses the Laminar Flow Interface to calculate
Perforated SMX with D/20 holes extends better than
the fluid's pressure field and velocity profile in the pipe.
triangular serrations. Understanding how static mixer
Simulation results are examined using contour plots. The
geometry affects elongational flow is crucial. Higher shear
contour graphs illustrate each SM's cross-section pressure
rate geometry may not necessarily increase elongational
variation after each mixer element (left to right). Complex
flow. Elongated flows converge, while compressed ones
static mixer design and shear stress fluctuations cause
diverge. Effective dispersion involves squeezing flow
strong transverse flows and pressure variations.
across 'X' cross joints instead of elongation. Breaking apart
and disseminating fluid requires elongational fluxes.
Circular serrations provide more elongated flows due to the
smooth flow transition between cross blades. At any
Reynolds number, circular serrated SMX has a better
extensional efficiency than ordinary SMX.

The fluid's speed curve also shows how it acts in the static The D/20 and D/30 perforations perform better in
mixer parts. From our tests, we can see that SMX has a distributive mixing, while all three serrated SMX designs
faster average volume speed than the other SMs. From perform worse than the baseline SMX. Static mixer
D/20 to D/30 and D/40 perforations, SM functionality goes distributive mixing cannot be assessed by contour plots
down. The volume average speed for circular SMX is the alone. Analysis must include standard deviation data. The
slowest. Triangular serrated SMX and D/20 punctured standard deviation change plot for Reynolds 30 is given in
SMX are next. The square serrated SMX has the fastest Figure 4.11. Figure 6 shows that SMX standard deviation
average volumetric speed. lowers to 54% after 8 mixing elements. If the red and blue
particles' original positions are 100% deviation above and
below the centre line, then a lesser standard deviation
should improve distributive mixing. A deviation of 0%
indicates even cross-sectional red and blue particle
Volume 1, Issue 1, Oct 2023 MECH3004 Applied Numerical Engineering Macquarie University

Figure 6 compares static mixer designs at Re = 30 by 5. MESH REFINEMENT & RESULT

scatter plotting the standard deviation and mixing
The SMX static mixer's distributive mixing capability is
increased by perforating its blades. As hole size decreases
below D/30, mixing capacity decreases. Round and
triangular serrated SMX minimise particle size standard
deviations by 24% and 27%, respectively. D/30 and D/20
perforations had 16% and 21% standard deviations,
respectively, which is not desirable. For distributive
mixing, square serrated SMX outperforms SMX mixer.
Distributive mixing inferred standard deviation values:
D/30 perforated SMX > D/20 > circular serrated > triangle
serrated. Distributive mixing increases with fluid velocity
and inertial effects. At Reynolds 30, the minimum
divergence was 16%. This value would change with each
case's cross-sectional plane grid size, but the standard
deviation pattern would remain the same.

Mesh construction is necessary after establishing the

simulation model. The discretization of CAD geometry creates
a numerical mesh. Mesh element size and distribution pattern
determine simulation performance. For CAD geometry mesh
creation or modification, the model's physics interface
definition is treated as an operation node. You attach nodes to
forms when making a mesh. These associated nodes track
physical interface properties. The first step in discretizing a
CAD model is simplifying the geometry to make meshing
easy. This research uses many static mixer geometries in three
dimensions, therefore addressing geometric faults is crucial.
The finer holes and serrations in the SMX form make model
modeling more complicated and time-consuming. The flow
Distributive and dispersive mixing of all static mixers are domain is partitioned into many small, regular, and connected
described. The static mixer comparisons end in Table 2. finite elements to calculate velocity and pressure profiles [5].
Shear rate is lowest in circular serrated SMX. Shear Mesh facets can be triangles, quadrilaterals, tetrahedra, or
generation provides the lowest pressure loss since it uses polyhedra. Triangles or quadrilaterals discretize 2D geometries,
less energy than other SMs. Static mixers with circular while mesh vertices discretize 1D geometries. Partition the
serrated SMX have the best dispersion and elongation. flow domain into three dimensions using tetrahedral,
Triangular SMX has larger pressure drop and worse hexahedral, prismatic, and pyramidal mesh components.
extensional efficiency than circular. D/20 perforated SMX Default mesh sequence of ANSYS CFX is used for all
performs poorly like triangular. Distributive mixing is simulations, and static mixer geometry is partitioned into
better with D/20 perforated SMX than circular and tetrahedrons. The distribution density of the default mesh size
triangular. D/30 perforated SMX has good distribution but matches fluid flow mechanics. The grid density is finer in
little dispersive mixing. locations with fluctuating flow conditions and large gradients
than in regions with stable flow conditions and lower gradients.
Table 2 Final Comparison of static mixers
The resulting mesh representing 3D SMX geometry included
Table 2's analysis of components shows that the chosen mixer 419276 vertex-counted tetrahedral components. Mesh is
should mix dispersively and distributively. Although not 1118,000 mm3 and element volume ratio is 4.784 x 10-6. The
suitable for distributive mixing, the circular SMX mixer is average mesh element growth rate is 2.475, peaking at 22.68..
better than the standard one. The circular serrated SMX mixer
Table 3. Grid Features
outperforms the standard SMX mixer and is the best static
mixer studied here. Triangular serrated and D/20 perforated
SMX would also outperform SMX. Triangular serrations
increase SMX dispersal, although D/20 perforations increase
distributive mixing.
Volume 1, Issue 1, Oct 2023 MECH3004 Applied Numerical Engineering Macquarie University

numerous processes, but the CFD model only depicts one.

Initiator type, solvent pH, temperature, etc. affect
polyacrylamide product. Despite using as much data as
feasible, the CFD model cannot accurately mimic the
experiment. A homopolymerization experiment is best for
producing PAM from circular serrated SMX. EOR uses
hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM), hence this work may
boost circular serrated SMX mixer HPAM manufacture.
The study's main goal was to improve static mixer mixing
efficiency by changing its architecture. This was done by
running ANSYS CFX simulations on the modified SMX
geometry and comparing the numerical results to the original
mixer. The CFD model's flow field and pressure drop for the
SMX geometry were compared to literature values to verify its
accuracy [7].
Circular serrated SMX mixers provide the lowest static mixer
pressure loss, saving 33–35% energy. Dispersion and
elongational flows were highest in the circular serrated SMX
across many mixer geometries. The triangular serrations and
D20 perforated SMX reduced pressure drop and increased
dispersive mixing, although they were less effective than the
circular serrated SMX. Distributive mixing was better with
D/20 perforated SMX than circular serrated. Particle
distribution is better than with circular serrations because D/20
perforated SMX blades give an alternative channel for
particles flowing through sms. D/30 perforated SMX mixed
most dispersively but least. Reducing whole size reduces
dispersive and distributive mixing performance.

Table 3 lists all static mixer sizes. Static mixer diagrams show
a four-element pipe configuration to simplify things. All CFD
tests inside the pipe use the 8-element mixing element
design.Every altered SMX shape has the same mixer element
size as before. The computer model assumes the fluid flow
profile does not change with pipe intake and output length. The
mixer is preceded and followed by open-ended pipe segments
the same length as the tube's diameter (Dt).
Altering the working fluid from water to glycerin and
undertaking more experiments with the SMX and circular
serrated mixer are also advised. ANSYS CFX settings limit
particle mobility and mixer transmission probability. This
keeps certain particles in the reactor pipe and others on the
mixer wall. Experimental glycerin fluid and particle tracer
experiments can circumvent these limitations. The results can
be compared to literature data for Re 1, 30, and 100 as particle
tracer loss is low [6]. Another distributive mixing analysis
reliability test.
The CFD model investigates the advantages of circular
serrated SMX mixers over regular mixers in acrylamide
polymerization. Experiment 82 creates polyacrylamide in
Volume 1, Issue 1, Oct 2023 MECH3004 Applied Numerical Engineering Macquarie University

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