Response Surface Methodology Based Multi-Objective Optimization of Stock Bridge Damper For Pump Induced Floor Vibration
Response Surface Methodology Based Multi-Objective Optimization of Stock Bridge Damper For Pump Induced Floor Vibration
Response Surface Methodology Based Multi-Objective Optimization of Stock Bridge Damper For Pump Induced Floor Vibration
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Abstract—This paper presents a review on getting a simultaneously. In most real engineering problem, all
Weighted Multi-Objective Optimization (WMO) of objectives may have the respective relative importance. This
Stockbridge Damper parameters based on Response Surface paper has concerns about the multi-objective optimization
Methodology (RSM) coupled central composite design and with relatively weighted objectives of Stock-bridge damper
Weighted Desirability Function (WDF) to attenuate the pump
based on RSM coupled central composite design (CCD) and
vibration of a steel floor. To optimize the parameters of the
damper, the frequency ratio and mass ratio were considered as desirability function considering the relative importance of
a design variable and the top displacement and frequency each objective. The multi-objective optimization of stock
response were considered as objective functions. The bridge damper system would be difficult due to the different
optimization has been carried out under pump which can functions having different units and different orders of
generate different frequency with different RPM (0-3000). The magnitude. Thus, it needs to make these objective functions
optimal Stockbridge Damper based on RSM shows better be on the same scale by applying desirability function. In
response among the different cases. It is concluded that the addition to this, each of different objective functions must
proposed response model offers an efficient approach have different importance in designing Stock bridge damper
regarding Stockbridge Damper optimization.
parameters depending on applications, requirements and so
Keywords: weighted multi-objective optimization; on. The multi-objective optimization problem is structurally
Stockbridge damper; response surface methodology; weighted similar to multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) process
desirability function; floor vibration. dealing with the problem of choosing an option from a set
of alternatives, which are characterized in terms of their
I. INTRODUCTION attributes. One of the most outstanding multi-criteria
Floor vibration of a structure can be happened in many decisions making (MCDM) approaches is the analytical
ways like as machine vibration or for any other mechanical hierarchy process (AHP) developed by L. Saaty (1990),
instruments, even people’s walking on floor may cause which has its roots in obtaining the relative weights among
floor vibration. Floor vibration often causes crack on the the factors and the total values of each alternative based on
floor. Long span column designed for architectural purpose these weights. This study constructed the relative weight of
is another major cause of such type of crack. Several design two objective functions by the AHP.
guide lines and standards are crated to evaluate such types
of susceptibility of floors in terms of general step The proposed optimization method is also expected to
frequencies. The acceleration response of the floor is find more accurate optimum properties of Stockbridge
usually compared with an acceptable limit to assess the damper. To find an optimal messenger cable length and tip
vibration and the design of the structure. This paper presents mass, the mass ratio and frequency ratio of the damper has
a work to introduce a stock bridge damper design and been considered as design variables while the response of
optimization of damper parameters to control the machine the structure has been taken as the objective function. The
generate floor vibration. To optimize the damper parameters optimization of Stockbridge damper is configured with
Response surfaced methodology based multi-objective pump vibration on the floor system.
optimization has been performed.
The response surface methodology (RSM) is one of the Stockbridge damper is a tuned mass damper which has
most widely-used statistical approaches that is useful for been invented in the 1925s by George H. Stockbridge
analyzing the data and optimizing the processes. L. Soto- (Stockbridge, 1925) used to suppress wind-induced
Pérez (2015) applied this to the optimization of cement vibrations on slender structures such as overhead power
paste mix design. A. Khan et al. (2016) investigated multi- lines (Markiewicz, 1995) and long cantilevered signs
objective optimization to optimize the cost-effective mix (Garlich and Thorkildsen, 2005) The dumbbell-shaped
proportioning of high strength self-compacting concrete by device consists of two masses at the ends of a short length
approximating material model and cost model by means of of cable or flexible rod, which is clamped at its middle to
RSM. Like other engineering problem, Stockbridge damper the main cable. The damper is designed to dissipate the
design is a multiobjective optimization problem. Thus, energy of oscillations in the main cable to an acceptable
Stockbridge design has to optimize multiple objectives level (Kiessling et al., 2014). Its distinctive shape gives it
the nickname “dog-bone damper” (Garlich and Thorkildsen, response, . The coefficients indicate the
2005). Fig. 1 illustrates the patent closeup of Stockbridge behavior of different factors on the response where various
damper. Stockbridge damper has been considered as models can be described. The interaction model:
continuous hysteresis system damper for vibration reduction
(Sauter and Hagedorn, 2002; Verma, 2002).
where = predicted response; a1, and a2 = coded
factors; b = coefficients; k = offset term.
For a design with three or more levels, a curvature is
observed. The response surface plots were generated using
Minitab to enable modeling of the response over an entire
range of varying factors with limited number experimental
runs. Analysis of Variance (regression ANOVA) was
employed to determine the model fitness and significance of
Fig.1. Stockbridge patent closeup (Stockbridge, 1925) various factors to minimize the floor acceleration and
displacement considering the sum of squares and residual
III. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN sum of squares. ANOVA was in addition performed by
The CCD of two factors involving mass ratio (a1) and differentiating the variances of linear regressions. All
frequency ratio (a2) is shown in Fig. 2. Where four corners statistical analysis was performed using Minitab.
of the square represent the factorial (+/- 1) design points
Four-star points represent the axial (+/- ) design points and V. MODEL QUALITY
0 represent replicated center point. The design consists of The regression coefficients, and adjusted , were
the factorial design with centre points and the star/axial calculated to determine the variation between the model and
points used to estimate the curvature. This allows the the experimental data (Tekindal,2012). According to
quadratic terms to interfere in the model for estimation of Weinberg and Abramowitz (1973), often overestimates
the optimum combination of factors. The total number of the model fit with excessive predictors therefore adjusted
experiments is calculated based on n = 2f + 2f +n where f is is recommended. The adjusted takes all independent
the number of factors and n is the replication of center point predictors into consideration and fixes the more
[24]. A value is defined as the distance between axial points accurately according to the number of predictors present in
and center point, α=(2f)1/4. As inscribed CCD is a scaled the model. usually increases with increasing predictors;
down of circumscribed CCD, the factorial design is further however, adjusted will only increase when that
divided by a, demonstrating a 1/α coded level in factorial
particular predictor has positive effects on the response.
Thus, the latter is particularly useful in comparing models
with different numbers of predictors (Frost J,2013). Both R2
and adjusted indicate the quality of the proposed models;
values closer to 1.0 demonstrate a good agreement between
the experimental and predicted responses (Demirel M,
Kayan B, 2012)
Table 2 shows the regression equation, R2 and R2adj for both of them are one and the first priority is to minimize
a full quadratic model of concrete and reinforcement cost better performance of Stockbridge damper.
response variables. The R2 values of the response surface
models for acceleration and displacement cost are 89.94% TABLE III. BEST GLOBAL SOLUTION FOR OBTAINING THE MINIMUM
and 87.91% for the full quadratic equation. The R2adj
values of the response surface models for acceleration and Items Goal Lower Target Upper Weight Importance
displacement are 89.90% and 87.84% for the full quadratic
equation. It is seen that R2 and R2adj shows a high Acceleration Minimize 1 Min 1.5 1 1
Displacement Minimize 0.001 Min 0.0035 1 1
correlation coefficient for the responses i.e. model shows a
good correlation between the measured values. Therefore, it
is evident that the established model is adequate and thus
can be applied for the predicted models. For the quadratic
model equation RSM, there are two factors (mass ratio,
frequency ratio) in the first equation frequency ratio is a
greater effect than the mass ratio on acceleration. In the
second equation is mass ratio has a greater effect on
displacement than frequency ratio. For both equation R2and
values are near to 90% which means the statistical
model quality is very good.
a) Surface plot of Accleration Fig 8 shows the Optimization plot of acceleration and
displacement is minimum with very good desirability value.
For the acceleration desirability 1, displacement desirability
is 0.96 and composite desirability is 0.976, this value
indicates that desirability is quite good for
optimization.Also show the optimum mass ratio and
frequency ratio which is 1.5286% and 1.0414