Reading Essentials Chap 10 Meiosis
Reading Essentials Chap 10 Meiosis
Reading Essentials Chap 10 Meiosis
Read to Learn
Chromosomes and Chromosome
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All students in your class have characteristics passed on to After you have read this section,
them by their parents. Each characteristic, such as hair color, create a quiz based on what you
eye color, and height, is called a trait. have learned. After you have
The instructions for each trait are found on chromosomes. completed writing the quiz
Recall that chromosomes are found in the nuclei of cells. The questions, be sure to answer
DNA on the chromosomes is arranged in sections that control them.
the production of proteins. These DNA sections are called
Each chromosome has hundreds of genes. Each gene has a Applying Math
role in the characteristics of the cell and how the cell works.
Living things have thousands of genes. 1. Calculate the
Human body cells have 46 chromosomes. Chromosomes approximate number of
come in pairs. You have 23 chromosomes from your father genes humans have.
and 23 chromosomes from your mother, making 23 pairs of Show your work.
chromosomes. (Assume that each
chromosome has
1500 genes.)
69000 genes
Take a Look
2. Identify Circle a pair of
Take a Look
What is crossing over?
During synapsis, the chromosomes often swap pieces of 4. Label Circle the part of
DNA. Crossing over occurs when a section of one each chromosome that
chromosome changes place with a section of its homologous was swapped during
chromosome. This is shown in the figure below. The crossing over.
centrioles move to the opposite poles of the cell. Spindle
fibers form and bind to the sister chromatids at the
2 Prophase
I 5 Telophase
Centriole Equato
s r
9 Telophase
7 Metaphase II
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Products 2 5
identical, diploid cells nonidentical, haploid cells
Take a Look
10. Identify Underline Y Y
s s
the haploid daughter y y
cells. parent
S s
Y y
Possibility Possibility 3
1 sY
Y S Y s
Possibility 2 Possibility 4
Sy sy
y S y s
Think it Over
11. Compare How is Sexual Reproduction v. Asexual
inheritance different in
sexual reproduction? Asexual reproduction occurs when the organism inherits all o
In sexual reproduction the its chromosomes from one parent. The new organism is
offspring is not genetically genetically identical to its parent. Asexual reproduction does
identical to the parents not involve meiosis.
Bacteria reproduce by asexual reproduction. Plants and
Reading Essentials • Sexual Reproduction and
some simple animals can reproduce sexually or asexually.
Complex animals only reproduce sexually.