C 06 From Chromosomes To Genomes
C 06 From Chromosomes To Genomes
C 06 From Chromosomes To Genomes
From chromosomes to
6 genomes
In this topic, you will investigate:
From chromosomes to genomes
• the distinction between genes, alleles and a genome
• the nature of a pair of homologous chromosomes carrying the same gene loci and the
distinction between autosomes and sex chromosomes
• variability of chromosomes in terms of size and number in different organisms
• karyotypes as a visual representation that can be used to identify chromosome abnormalities
• the production of haploid gametes from diploid cells by meiosis, including the significance of
crossing over of chromatids and independent assortment for genetic diversity
Source: VCE Biology Study Design (2022–2026) extracts © VCAA; reproduced by permission.
6.1.1 Introduction
FIGURE 6.1 Chromosomes were
Do you share any characteristics with people around you at the discovered to carry genes — the
moment? If so, what are they? Do you share any characteristics with basis of heredity — by American
your parents or grandparents? Do you look like any siblings you geneticist Thomas Hunt Morgan
in 1910.
might have?
Answering these questions can be achieved through simple
observation. Seeking an explanation to these questions, however,
requires a knowledge of chromosomes, DNA, genes, alleles and
genomes. An intimate knowledge of these concepts was not achieved
until relatively recently and there is still much research being
conducted by scientists today.
In this topic, you will learn about the importance of genes, their
various forms and their contribution towards the genome of an
organism. You will learn how variability in chromosome number, size
and shape contribute towards genotypic and phenotypic differences.
You will also understand how autosomes are different from sex
chromosomes and the concept of homologous chromosomes. You
will examine the importance of karyotyping in identifying genetic
abnormalities and understand how meiosis produces variation in
haploid daughter cells.
6.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 352
6.2 BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE The role of chromosomes as structures that package DNA ...............................353
6.3 The distinction between genes, alleles and a genome ....................................................................................................... 357
6.4 Homologous chromosomes, autosomes and sex chromosomes .................................................................................. 369
6.5 Variability of chromosomes ............................................................................................................................................................375
6.6 Karyotypes ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 382
6.7 Production of haploid gametes .................................................................................................................................................... 392
6.8 Review ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 402
eWorkbook eWorkbook — Topic 6 (ewbk-3164)
Digital documents Key science skills — VCE Biology Units 1–4 (doc-34648)
Key terms glossary — Topic 6 (doc-34654)
Key ideas summary — Topic 6 (doc-34665)
FIGURE 6.2 a. Stained chromosomes are visible in salivary gland cells undergoing cell division.
b. SEM image of human chromosomes
a. b.
Nucleosome Chromosome
Linker DNA
Core of histones
The coiling of DNA around histones to form nucleosomes enables the huge quantity of DNA to condense.
This condensed DNA is now known as chromatin. Specific enzymes can control how tightly the chromatin is
packaged, which in turn can regulate how easily certain genes within these sections are expressed. Ultimately,
this coiling around the histones means the physical space into which the DNA can fit is dramatically reduced.
The integrity of the DNA is also maintained, meaning its chemical composition has not been altered, and so the
information encoded by the DNA is preserved in this process. The chromosomes formed can also be more easily
manoeuvred to the poles of the cell during cell division.
TIP: Be careful to ensure that you refer to the condensed DNA as chromatin. A common exam mistake is instead
writing chromatid, which is one half of a replicated chromosome. Many words in biology sound very similar but
have very different meanings.
If you have ever had to coil a long length of hose, you will know that it is
much easier to do if you have something to coil the hose around. This is
a useful model for how DNA is coiled around the histones.
Video eLesson Coiling and supercoiling of DNA (eles-4140)
FIGURE 6.4 a. Looping and twisting of DNA of the single circular chromosome in bacteria compared to human
DNA b.The bacterium E. coli surrounded by its supercoiled DNA, which has been released from the cell
a. Human DNA b.
Bacterial DNA
For both eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells, if the DNA is not packaged properly:
• it will not physically fit into the cell, resulting in the loss of genetic information
• the cell will not be able to distribute the DNA during cell division and so daughter cells will not receive the
correct genetic information.
mitochondria in eukaryotic
cells, organelles that are the
major site of ATP production;
singular = mitochondrion
1. Identify what the question is asking you to do. Both involve supercoiling to condense the DNA
This question asks you to both compare (find molecule, reducing the physical space that the
the similarities) and contrast (find the DNA occupies.
differences). Start by describing the
2. Contrast the two differences. When you Eukaryotic DNA is coiled around histones to
contrast, ensure that you address both cell produce nucleosomes. This condensed DNA is called
types, not just one. chromatin. However, prokaryotic chromosomes do
not contain histones and therefore do not contain
nucleosomes or chromatin. Eukaryotic chromosomes
are linear whereas prokaryotic chromosomes are
3. Bring both aspects of your answer together. The DNA in both cell types is highly twisted,
producing supercoiled DNA, which reduces the
physical space into which the DNA can fit (1 mark).
However, eukaryotic DNA is coiled around histones
to produce nucleosomes. This condensed DNA is
called chromatin. However, prokaryotic chromosomes
do not contain histones and therefore do not contain
nucleosomes or chromatin (1 mark). Eukaryotic
chromosomes are linear, however prokaryotic
chromosomes are circular (1 mark).
Extraction of DNA from kiwi fruit
To extract DNA from within the nucleus of cells in a kiwi fruit
• Chromosomes are condensed single molecules of DNA with associated proteins.
• Condensing of DNA allows a great deal of genetic information to be stored in a cell.
• Prokaryotic chromosomes do not contain proteins within their structure.
• Chromosomes that are highly condensed can be safely moved around the cell during cell division.
6.2 Exercise
1. State the two major components of eukaryotic chromosomes.
2. DNA is negatively charged but histones are positively charged. Explain why this is an advantage to the cell.
3. The human cell contains approximately 2 metres in length of DNA. Explain why E. coli cells cannot contain such
a large volume of DNA.
4. A mutation in the gene that codes for histone protein production has been found in a cell. Explain a
consequence of this mutation in the ability of a cell to package its DNA.
5. Suggest why cells undergoing replication with uncondensed DNA are more at risk of DNA damage occurring
during the cell division process.
6. Cells can control access to their DNA by modifying their chromatin so that some sections are more tightly
packed than others. For cells in the retina of the eye, explain whether the insulin gene is tightly packaged
or not.
Digital document Case study: DNA and its bases (doc-36101)
Every genetic instruction can be shown as a sequence of bases in the nucleotides that form the DNA of the
gene. The genetic material of all organisms is DNA and the structure of DNA is identical, regardless of whether
it comes from wheat, jellyfish, wombats, bacteria, insects or humans. In all organisms, genes are built of the
same alphabet of four letters, namely the A, T, C and G of the bases in the nucleotide sub-units of DNA. So the
genetic instruction kit of the great white shark, that of an oak tree and that of a human consists of thousands of
different instructions, each made up of DNA with different base sequences.
These proteins control nearly every aspect of cellular function. Some genes code for enzymes that catalyse
important chemical reactions such as those involved in cellular respiration or photosynthesis. Others produce
fibrous proteins such as keratin, which is the structural material present in hair, skin, nails, feather and horns.
Alternatively, regulatory genes code for proteins that are involved in controlling how other genes are expressed.
There are an estimated 20 000 to 25 000 genes in the human genome, but only around 1 per cent of our DNA
is classified as containing genes. The other 99 per cent of bases do not code for a protein and scientists are still
working to understand the specific function of the so-called non-coding regions.
FIGURE 6.8 Overview of protein synthesis. The DNA base sequence of each gene differs and therefore so
does the sequence of amino acids in a protein.
DNA sequence of gene
mRNA sequence of gene
FIGURE 6.9 Three pairs of chromosomes, each pair from a different individual and showing a different
combination of alleles. A and a are different versions of the same gene and therefore code for slightly different
A A a a A a
FIGURE 6.10 The combinations of the alleles for the TAS2R38 gene on chromosome 7. T indicates the allele for
PTC tasting and t is the allele for non-PTC tasting.
T T T t t t
FIGURE 6.11 Variations in eye colour, skin colour and hair shape are considerable due to multiple
genes controlling each trait. Each gene has multiple different versions or alleles.
TABLE 6.1 Multiple alleles of selected genes in various organisms. Not all alleles for each gene are shown; for
example, there are 12 alleles for eye colour in Drosophilia.
Gene function Multiple alleles and their action
Controls human ABO blood type IA Antigen A present
IB Antigen B present
i Neither antigen present
Controls white spotting in dogs S White spots absent
si Irish spotting (as in collies) (see figure 6.12a)
sp Piebald spotting (as in fox terriers) (see figure 6.12b)
se Produces extreme spotting (as in Samoyeds and Maltese terriers)
Controls pigment levels in cats C Intense pigment (as in a black cat, see figure 6.13a)
cb Burmese dilution (see figure 6.13b)
cs Siamese dilution (see figure 6.13c)
Controls colour intensity in rabbits C Intense pigment (as in solid black)
cch Chinchilla colouring (white fur with black tips)
ch Himalayan colouring (colour on ears, nose, feet and tail only)
c Albino (white fur and pink eyes)
Controls white markings in cattle S White band around middle (as in Galloways)
sh Hereford-type spotting
sc Solid colour with no spots (as in Belmont Reds)
s Friesian-type spotting
Controls eye colour in fruit fly w+ Red eye
(Drosophila sp.) wa Apricot
w White
TIP: Allele notation varies across scientific literature. They are commonly shown in italics, however, bold notation
can also be used.
a. b.
FIGURE 6.13 Cats showing a. intense black pigment; b. Burmese dilution, in which the black pigment is reduced
to brown; and c. Siamese pigment, in which the pigment is further reduced and restricted to the ears, face, feet
and tail. The order of dominance is C > cb = cs .
(a) b. c.
Genomes of eukaryotes
During fertilisation of an egg, two gametes fuse to form a zygote. The human zygote consists of 46 DNA
molecules (chromosomes) arranged into 23 pairs, where one in each pair is inherited from each parent.
The zygote cell is diploid (2n) and will divide by mitosis to form the cells of the human. Since the pairs of
chromosomes are essentially copies and almost identical, the information in a somatic cell is in duplicate.
To determine the sum total of an organism’s DNA — its genome — the haploid (n) number of base pairs is
measured. This ensures only the number of base pairs from one of each of the nearly identical chromosomes is
measured. Even so, in humans this number is still astonishing large — 3 234 830 000 base pairs — and includes
the relatively small quantity of DNA in mitochondria. If you stretched the DNA
genomics the study of the entire
out in one of your diploid somatic cells it would be about 2 metres long! If you genetic make-up or genome of a
did the same for all your cells and put them end to end, it would be approximately species
the same distance as twice the diameter of the solar system — a total of fertilisation the union of egg
575 billion kilometres! and sperm to form a zygote
gamete an egg (ovum) or a
Similarly, the genomes of other eukaryotes (animals, plants, fungi and protists) sperm cell
are the DNA of the haploid sets of their chromosomes. When we refer to the diploid (2n) having two copies
of each specific chromosome in
genome of a eukaryotic organism, such as the chimpanzee genome or the rice each set
genome, we are speaking about the nuclear DNA. We can also talk about haploid (n) having one copy of
the genomes of those cell organelles that contain DNA, such as the mitochondrial each specific chromosome in
genome or the chloroplast genome. each set
Each genome is the sum total of an organism’s DNA and is expressed as the base sequence of the haploid set of
The following statement appeared in November 2014:
Ultimately, the goal is for all of us to have our genomes sequenced and available as a medical reference for
our clinical care.
Kurt D Christensen and Robert C Green, ‘How could disclosing incidental information from whole-genome
sequencing affect patient behavior?’, vol. 10, no. 4, 10.2217/pme.13.24
Discuss with your classmates your thoughts about these statements. Identify any positive perspectives in favour
of the statements and any negative standpoints against the statements.
Weblink The Human Genome Project
1. Identify what the question is asking you to do. Cytosine always pairs with guanine (Chargaff’s rules).
Use previous detailed scientific understanding Therefore, there must be 35% guanine present.
as a basis for your answer, remembering
Chargaff’s rules for base-pairing.
2. When being asked to calculate, you need to 35% cytosine + 35% guanine = 70% (1 mark)
show your working. Therefore, the remaining 30% must be divided evenly
between the remaining bases of adenine and thymine.
= 15% adenine, 15% thymine (1 mark)
eWorkbook Worksheet 6.1 Exploring genes and alleles (ewbk-2898)
Worksheet 6.2 Genomes and the Human Genome Project (ewbk-2899)
• A genome is the sum total of an organism’s DNA measured in the haploid number of base pairs.
• A gene is a section of DNA, which is composed of the bases A, T, C and G.
• A gene codes for a protein.
• Alleles are alternative forms of genes.
• Variation in populations exists due to individuals possessing different genes and alleles.
6.3 Exercise
1. Distinguish between a gene and an allele.
2. If you saw the base sequence of part of a gene, could you identify if it came from a dog or from a flea? Briefly
3. State whether each of the following entries refers to a gene, or to the particular alleles of a gene:
a. The … that control(s) eye colour in humans
b. The … that produce(s) blue eye colour in humans
c. The … that produce(s) non-blue eye colour in humans.
4. Using the information in table 6.2, explain what colour a capsicum would be if it had the alleles r on one
chromosome and r on the other.
5. Explain why the genome of the eastern grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) must contain 12 per cent cytosine
if 38 per cent of the genome contains adenine.
6. A cob of corn consists of many individual cobs that are the offspring of a pair of parents. In one particular cob
it is seen that some of the cobs are smooth and swollen but a smaller number are wrinkled and shrunken. This
variation is due to the action of a single gene with two alleles. Using table 6.2, suggest which alleles of this
gene might give rise to these two phenotypes.
7. Explain why plants with very large genomes, such as Paris japonica, grow very slowly.
8. Sequencing the human genome began in 1990 and took 13 years to complete. Sequencing the genome
allowed scientists to obtain the specific base sequences present in a human and identify the locations of
specific genes. Today, an individual’s complete genome can be sequenced in just two days.
a. Suggest why a person may want their genome to be sequenced.
b. Despite possible benefits to sequencing a genome, some people were opposed to sequencing the genome
in the 1990s. Suggest two reasons why.
Size of genome
(approximate number of Number of genes
Species of organism millions of base pairs) (approximate)
Escherichia coli (bacterium) 4.6 3 000
C. elegans (nematode worm) 100 20 621
Fugu rubripes (puffer fish) 365 38 000
Mus musculus (mouse) 3 000 22 000
Homo sapiens (human) 3 300 22 000
Psilotum nudum (whisk fern, a fern 250 000 unknown
that grows in cracks in rocks)
Arabidopsis thaliana (flowering 100 28 000
mustard plant)
Question 2 (1 mark)
Source: VCAA 2006 Biology Exam 2, Section A, Q1
MC In eukaryotic organisms genes are
A. composed of DNA.
B. alternative forms of an allele.
C. composed of DNA and protein.
D. the same length as a chromosome.
Question 3 (1 mark)
Source: VCAA 2012 Biology Exam 2, Section A, Q2
MC The genome of the woodland strawberry Fragaria vesca has been recently sequenced to show a relatively
small genome of just 206 million base pairs. F. vesca is an ancestor of the garden strawberry and is a relative of
apples and peaches.
The complete genomes of many species have been sequenced. The genome size and the number of genes
present in the genome for several species are shown in the table.
Question 4 (2 marks)
Which organism listed in the table has the largest genome? Explain your choice.
Question 5 (2 marks)
A biology student stated that ‘The greater the number of chromosomes present in an organism, the larger its
genome’. From the information in the table, explain whether or not you agree with this statement and to what
FIGURE 6.17 a. Homologous chromosomes and b. non-homologous chromosomes stained to show banding
Same gene at
same loci Different genes
at same loci
Even though homologous chromosomes share the same gene loci, it does not necessarily mean the alleles are the
same. Remember that each chromosome has been inherited from a different parent and so the forms of genes on
those chromosomes may be the same or different (section 6.3.3).
As discussed above, the 46 human chromosomes can be arranged into 23 pairs of chromosomes, consisting of 22
matched pairs and one ‘odd’ pair. The 22 matched pairs of chromosomes present in both males and females are
termed autosomes. These different autosomes can be distinguished by:
• their relative size
• the position of the centromere, which appears as a constriction along the chromosome. In some cases the
centromere is near the middle, while in others it is close to one end.
• patterns of light and dark bands that result from special staining techniques. sex chromosomes a pair of
chromosomes that differ in males
In humans, autosomes are identified by the numbers 1 to 22 in order of decreasing and females of a species; allosomes
size; the number-1 chromosomes are the longest, and the number-21 and number-22 autosome any one of a pair of
chromosomes are the smallest (figure 6.18). The larger the chromosome, the homologous chromosomes that
are identical in appearance in both
more DNA it contains and usually the greater the number of genes that it carries. males and females
The members of each matching pair of chromosomes, such as the two number-5 centromere the position where the
chromosomes, are homologous. Non-matching chromosomes, such as a number-5 chromatids are held together in a
chromosome and a number-14 chromosome, are non-homologous. chromosome
FIGURE 6.18 An ideogram of human chromosomes. Only one chromosome from each homologous pair is shown.
The banding patterns are produced from staining the chromosomes and help in their identification.
Sex chromosomes
The remaining ‘odd’ pair of chromosomes are the sex chromosomes. In a human male with a normal set of
chromosomes, the ‘odd’ pair is made up of one larger X chromosome and a smaller Y chromosome. A
shorthand way of denoting this is: 46, XY. In a human female with a normal set of chromosomes, a similar
arrangement is seen, except that there are two X chromosomes and no Y chromosome. A shorthand way of
denoting this is: 46, XX.
FIGURE 6.19 Diagram representing sex cell formation from 44 + XX (female) and 44 + XY (male) cells. Half of the
sperm cells contain X chromosomes and the other half contain Y chromosomes.
22 + X
22 + X
46 46
22 + X
44 + 2X 44 + XX
22 + X
22 + Y
22 + X
46 46
44 + XY 44 + XY
Meiosis 22 + Y
22 + X Male
Since all egg cells contain an X chromosome, there is a 50 per cent chance the
resulting fertilised cell will be 44 + XX (female sex) and a 50 per cent chance it meiosis a type of cell division
that produces haploid gametes
will be 44 + XY (male sex). The 44 chromosomes are the autosomes. When these
autosomes are added to the sex chromosomes, it adds up to the 46 chromosomes
present in all human somatic (non-sex) cells.
FIGURE 6.21 Environmental sex determination is seen in the endangered green turtle.
1. Identify what the question is asking you to The Y chromosome (1 mark) has the gene SRY
do. When being asked to explain you need (1 mark).
to account for the reasoning why something
2. Your answer should include detailed scientific This gene codes for a protein that controls the
understanding. development of male sexual characteristics (1 mark).
• In humans there are 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes.
• Homologous chromosomes have the same gene loci but not necessarily the same alleles.
• Chromosomes that determine the sex of the organism are called allosomes or sex chromosomes. The other
chromosomes are called autosomes.
• In humans, the Y chromosome is much smaller than the X chromosome and its presence controls
the development of male sexual characteristics. Therefore, females are XX and males are XY for sex
• The genes that are carried on the autosomes are the same in both males and females.
• There is a 50 per cent chance of a sperm cell carrying an X chromosome and a 50 per cent chance it will
carry a Y.
6.4 Activities
To answer questions online and to receive immediate feedback and sample responses for every question, go to
your learnON title at www.jacplus.com.au. A downloadable solutions file is also available in the resources tab.
6.4 Exercise
1. Distinguish between the terms autosome and sex chromosome.
2. The image shows several autosomes that have been stained to show the banding patterns.
A 3
Question 2 (1 mark)
MC The genetic system of sex determination in Male ruby-throated
birds differs from that of humans. Male birds have hummingbird
two similar sex chromosomes, ZZ, while female birds Sex chromosomes
have a non-matching pair, WZ. are ZZ
Question 3 (1 mark)
MC Which statement correctly describes homologous chromosomes?
A. They carry identical alleles.
B. They have the same gene loci.
C. They come from the same parent.
D. Their DNA sequences are identical.
Question 4 (2 marks)
MC The horse (Equus caballus) has a diploid number of 2n = 64. Male horses have sex chromosomes X and Y,
while female horses have two X chromosomes.
a. b.
p arm p arm
q arm
q arm
1. Identify what the question is asking you Metacentric chromosomes have a centromere in
to do. In a describe question, you need to the middle of the chromosome (1 mark), whereas
clearly show factual recall and communicate submetacentric chromosomes have a centromere
a concept. If diagrams are allowed, they closer to one end, with the q arms being
should be included as they can communicate approximately twice the length of the p arms
knowledge very effectively. In your response, (1 mark).
clearly contrast the differences that exist
between the chromosomes. You must refer
to the centromere and p and q arms.
q arm
q arm
FIGURE 6.25 DNA indicating positions of genes (loci) with non-coding regions between
Non-coding DNA
TABLE 6.6 Comparison of number of chromosomes across a selection of different animal and plant species
Species Number of chromosomes
Chicken (Gallus gallus) 78
Butterfly (Lysandra nivescens) 190
Cat (Felis catus) 38
eWorkbook Worksheet 6.4 Chromosome variability (ewbk-2901)
Video eLesson Chromosome structure (eles-4373)
• Once chromosomes have passed through S phase of the cell cycle they replicate, taking on an X-shaped
appearance consisting of sister chromatids joined at the centromere.
• There are four major types of chromosomes based on centromere position: metacentric, submetacentric,
acrocentric and telocentric.
• Chromosome sizes vary in a eukaryotic cell and between cells of different species.
• Number and sizes of chromosomes can help to identify the species to which a cell belongs.
6.5 Exercise
1. Draw a submetacentric chromosome and label the centromere, sister chromatids, p and q arms.
2. The image shows all the chromosomes from the cell of an organism.
a. Using the data from table 6.6, identify which species the chromosomes
belong to. Justify your answer.
b. The geneticist examining the chromosomes classified them as being
telocentric. Explain whether you agree or disagree with the geneticist.
3. Explain the function of the centromere.
4. Compare and contrast the appearance of acrocentric and telocentric
chromosomes. You may use a diagram to assist in your answer.
5. Human chromosomes contain approximately 20 000 genes spread across
the 46 chromosomes. Bananas contain 36 000 genes spread across 33 chromosomes. What does this
suggest about the size of the non-coding regions in human chromosomes compared with the sizes of
non-coding regions in bananas, assuming all genes were the same size?
6. The non-coding regions that exist between genes are found in all chromosomes. Scientists have some
theories about their possible functions. Suggest a possible reason why non-coding regions exist.
Question 2 (1 mark)
MC The diploid number of the domestic cat is 38. It is reasonable to conclude that
A. somatic cells of the cat would each contain 38 chromosomes.
B. mature gametes of the cat would each contain 38 chromosomes.
C. the chromosomes of the cat in a non-dividing cell would contain sister chromatids.
D. 38 chromosomes would be visible in each somatic cell of a cat.
Question 3 (1 mark)
Source: VCAA 2012 Biology Exam 2, Section A, Q5
MC The following information shows the chromosome number in root tip cells from a range of plants.
Question 5 (2 marks)
Identify two features that can be used to distinguish different non-homologous chromosomes from each other.
6.6 Karyotypes
• Karyotypes as a visual representation that can be used to identify chromosome abnormalities
Source: VCE Biology Study Design (2022–2026) extracts © VCAA; reproduced by permission.
FIGURE 6.27 a. The random arrangement of chromosomes in a cell b. Coloured light micrograph of the human
female karyotype (XX), the complete set of chromosomes. Humans have 46 chromosomes: 23 inherited from the
mother and 23 from the father. The sex chromosomes (bottom right) show two XX chromosomes.
a. b.
FIGURE 6.30 a. A young man with Down syndrome b. A typical karyotype from a DS male. Which
chromosome is present as a trisomy?
a. b.
About one in 700 babies born in Australia has an extra number-21 chromosome, but the rate differs according
to the age of the mother (see figure 6.31). The risk of having a DS baby increases with maternal age; the risk for
mothers aged 20 is about 1/2300, while the risk for mothers aged 40 is about 1/100. Increased father’s age also
increases the risk, but to a lesser extent.
FIGURE 6.32 a. Fertilisation of normal gametes b. Possible gametes involved in fertilisation to produce a DS
zygote (Note that in both a and b the number-21 chromosomes are shown separately.)
a. Egg
n = 23
21 2n = 46
n = 23
Sperm 21 21
b. Egg
n = 24
21 21 2n = 47
n = 23
Sperm 21 21 21
The fertilisation of an abnormal gamete by a normal gamete will produce a zygote with an imbalance in its
sex chromosomes. Table 6.8 shows some possible abnormal outcomes, as well as the normal XX female
and the normal XY male outcomes. Remember that the ‘O’ does not denote a chromosome, it denotes that a
chromosome is missing. Gametes that are the result of a nondisjunction at anaphase II of meiosis are shown
in red.
FIGURE 6.33 a. The disjunction of a chromosome pair during an error-free meiosis. The duplicated pair of
homologous chromosomes in the cell in the top of the diagram undergoes two anaphase separations to produce
four gametes, each with a single copy of the chromosome. b. The result of a nondisjunction of homologous
chromosomes in anaphase II of meiosis
a. b.
TABLE 6.8 Possible outcomes, in terms of sex chromosomes, of fertilisation of an egg by a sperm. In some cases
one gamete is abnormal because of a nondisjunction of the sex chromosomes at anaphase II of meiosis (as
shown in red).
Egg of female parent Sperm of male parent Resulting zygote
X X XX, normal female
X Y XY, normal male
XX X XXX, triple X female
XX Y XXY, Klinefelter syndrome
X XY XXY, Klinefelter syndrome
O X XO, Turner syndrome
a. Duplication b. Deletion
Site of
Breakage deletion
Duplicated points
Normal Chromosome
chromosome with a segment
Normal deleted
Chromosome chromosome
with a segment
c. Translocation
Breakage New join
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 X Y
1. Check that all the homologous chromosomes Not all the chromosomes are in homologous pairs;
are in pairs. therefore a chromosomal abnormality is present.
Modelling karyotypes
To model and analyse different karyotypes
eWorkbook Worksheet 6.5 Analysing karyotypes (ewbk-2902)
Video eLesson Changes in chromosomes (eles-4201)
Weblink Online karyotyping
• Chromosome sets can be ordered into karyotypes.
• Chromosomal changes can occur, including:
• changes in the total number of chromosomes
• changes involving part of one chromosome
• changed arrangements of chromosomes.
• Additional or missing chromosomes can be readily identified by analysis of karyotypes.
• The sex of an individual can be identified from karyotype analysis.
6.6 Activities
To answer questions online and to receive immediate feedback and sample responses for every question, go to
your learnON title at www.jacplus.com.au. A downloadable solutions file is also available in the resources tab.
6.6 Exercise
1. Describe how the karyotype of a human male would differ from a human female.
2. Distinguish between the terms monosomy and trisomy.
3. Explain why all those affected with Turner syndrome are female.
4. Explain how nondisjunction may result in a female giving birth to a Down syndrome child.
5. A karyotype of a developing human embryo is examined. The individual is diagnosed with Edwards syndrome.
Describe how this karyotype would differ from a normal human karyotype and explain whether Edwards
syndrome can affect boys and girls.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 X Y
Question 2 (1 mark)
MC Which cell could provide the data to construct a karyotype?
A. An ovum
B. A sperm cell
C. A skin cell in metaphase
D. A liver cell during interphase
Question 3 (1 mark)
Source: VCAA 2011 Biology Exam 2, Section B, Q5a
The quarter horse, as a breed, originated by selective breeding. The first Australian quarter horses were imported
from North America in the 1950s. A genetic condition called Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthemia
(HERDA) affects certain individuals. HERDA horses have a reduced life expectancy. Affected horses have a
pedigree that is linked to an American stallion, Polo Bueno, which lived in the 1940s.
Which cells in the body of Polo Bueno were affected by the mutation allowing HERDA to be inherited?
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 x y
Source: MA Hill
Question 5 (4 marks)
Consider a karyotype with an additional copy of an entire chromosome, specifically chromosome X.
a. How would this chromosomal change appear in a human karyotype? 2 marks
b. Explain the differences that may appear between a male and female with an additional X
chromosome. 2 marks
embryo (2n)
Sperm (n)
Egg (n) to form diploid
zygote (2n)
In humans, the normal somatic cells have 46 chromosomes, while FIGURE 6.36 An egg cell with
sperm cells adhering. Only one
the gametes (either eggs or sperm) have just 23 chromosomes.
sperm will succeed in fertilising
Alternatively, dogs have 78 chromosomes, while their gametes have the egg.
39 chromosomes. The number of chromosomes in the gametes
is the haploid number and is denoted by the symbol n. Hence, in
humans n = 23 and in dogs n = 39. It is then reasonable to conclude
that the process of gamete formation in a person involves a reduction
division. In humans, a starting cell with 46 chromosomes gives rise
to gametes, either egg or sperm, that have only 23 chromosomes. This
reduction division is a process called meiosis. The fertilisation of an
egg by a sperm restores the diploid number (see figure 6.36).
We will see in the following section that meiosis is a non-conservative
division in which the chromosome number is halved and, as we will see
later, the genetic information on the chromosomes is shuffled.
A key feature of sexual reproduction is that offspring produced through
this mode of reproduction differ genetically from each other and also reduction division production
of gametes through cellular
from their parents. In contrast, asexual reproduction involves a cellular process division in meiosis I that reduces
called mitosis that is conservative, so it faithfully reproduces an exact copy of the the chromosome number from
genetic information of the single parent cell in the two daughter cells. diploid to haploid
• Sexual reproduction depends upon meiosis, which halves the chromosome number to produce gametes. The
offspring produced differ genetically from each other and also from their parents.
• Asexual reproduction involves a cellular process called mitosis that reproduces an exact copy of the genetic
information of the single parent cell in the two daughter cells.
46 Meiosis
23 Egg
Fertilisation Mitosis 46
Meiosis 23 Sperm
In order to create haploid daughter cells that are genetically different from each other, a series of carefully
coordinated stages of meiosis are necessary. Figure 6.38 shows how a diploid cell with a total of four
chromosomes (2n = 4) undergoes meiosis to produce four haploid gametes.
Crossing over
Meiosis produces variation because of two mechanisms:
1. Crossing over
2. Independent assortment.
Let’s look at these two mechanisms in more detail. Firstly, as mentioned briefly in the previous section, crossing
over occurs during prophase I. The homologous chromosomes become connected and are known as a bivalent.
While connected non-sister chromatids become entangled, the DNA breaks and recombines, causing new
combinations of alleles to form along the length of chromatids (figure 6.40).
Figure 6.40 shows three genes represented as different letters, each with two alleles
signified by upper- or lowercase text. The haploid gametes produced have different
combinations of alleles of the three genes. The parental diploid cell had alleles P,
Q and R on one chromosome and p, q and r on the other homologous chromosome, crossing over an event that
occurs during meiosis, involving
whereas the haploid daughter cells have the combinations shown in figure 6.41. the exchange of corresponding
segments of non-sister chromatids
It is possible to appreciate how this process alone could produce a huge genetic of homologous chromosomes
variety in the daughter cells. Remember that humans have 22 pairs of autosomes that independent assortment the
can all engage in crossing over, shuffling thousands of alleles. Therefore, the offspring formation of random chromosome
that result from fertilisation of two daughter cells do not look identical to their parents combinations during meiosis that
contributes towards producing
since they do not have exactly the same alleles that either parent had; instead they variation
have a combination of alleles from both parents. Similarly, siblings (unless they are bivalent a pair of homologous
identical twins) do not look identical because the gametes from which they arose were chromosomes that are held together
not identical. It is amazing to think that every sperm a male produces and every egg a by at least one crossover
female produces in their lifetime are likely to be unique.
A a
A Interphase: The DNA is replicated, producing the X-shaped
e chromosomes, each consisting of sister chromatids joined at the
E centromere (section 6.5.1).
Prophase II: During meiosis, another round of division occurs. The chromosomes may re-condense if
necessary and the nuclear envelope again breaks down.
A A a a
Telophase II: A new nuclear envelope reforms around each set of
e E E chromosomes. Cytokinesis occurs, forming four haploid daughter
b e
B B b cells (n = 2).
FIGURE 6.40 a. One pair of homologous replicated chromosomes (left) at interphase of meiosis. Note the genetic
information that they carry. b. The exchange of segments when crossing over occurs during prophase I of meiosis
c. The resulting recombination of genetic material
a. b. c.
P p P p P P p p
Q q Q q q q Q Q
R r R r r R r R
FIGURE 6.41 The combinations present in the haploid daughter cells resulting from the process shown in
figure 6.40
P P p p
q q Q Q
r R r R
P, q, r P, q, R p, Q, r p, Q, R
Independent assortment
Another source of considerable variation is independent assortment. This describes how pairs of alleles separate
independently from each other during meiosis. Let’s look at the example shown in figure 6.42, which has a cell
with just two pairs of homologous chromosomes (2n = 4).
FIGURE 6.42 Meiosis showing different outcomes from independent assortment of chromosomes in a cell
containing two homologous pairs of chromosomes
– RT
R T R T 4
r t
r t r t
r t 1
– rt
r t 4
r t
R t R t
– Rt
R t R t 4
R t
R t
r T
r T r T r T
– rT
r T 4
r T
Anaphase 1 Anaphase 2 Gametes
It is possible to imagine that with more chromosomes in a cell, a greater variety of chromosome combinations
would occur. In fact, for a human cell containing 23 pairs of chromosomes, there are over 8 million possible
chromosome combinations. This is given by the formula 2n (where n = number of chromosome pairs). We can
check this formula using the example in figure 6.42. There are two pairs of chromosomes, therefore 2² = 4. A
check of the chromosome combinations reveals there are indeed four possible outcomes.
The advantage of sexual reproduction comes from the genetic diversity that it creates in offspring. In contrast to
a population generated by asexual reproduction that is composed of genetically identical organisms, a population
of organisms produced by sexual reproduction contains a remarkable level of genetic diversity. The presence
of this variation within its gene pool means that such a population is better equipped to survive in changing,
unstable environmental conditions, in order to cope with an outbreak of a new viral or bacterial disease, or to
survive a disaster.
Genetic diversity
• Meiosis produces sex cells with almost infinite variation due to crossing over and independent assortment.
• Crossing over is the exchange of corresponding segments of non-sister chromatids of homologous
• Independent assortment is the formation of random chromosome combinations.
• The genetic diversity of the resulting offspring is the main advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual
reproduction, since this variation allows species to adapt to changing environments.
1. Look closely at the number and appearance of the chromosomes. A — prophase I
Cells with four chromosomes (A and D) must not have yet gone D — metaphase I (1 mark)
through one round of division and so must be in an earlier stage
of meiosis. Chromosomes still within a nuclear membrane and
undergoing crossing over (A) are in prophase I, which is before they
line up along the middle of the cell at metaphase I (D).
2. Cells with half the number of chromosomes have already undergone C — metaphase II
one round of division. During metaphase II the chromosomes again B — telophase II (1 mark)
line up in the middle of the cell. The nuclear envelope reforms at the
end of the process (telophase II).
Modelling and observing meiosis
To model the formation of haploid cells through meiosis and observe meiosis under the microscope
Investigating inheritance of chromosomes from grandparents
To observe how chromosomes are inherited across generations
eWorkbook Worksheet 6.6 The process of meiosis (ewbk-2903)
Video eLesson Stages of meiosis (eles-4216)
Interactivity Labelling the stages of meiosis (int-8129)
Identical twins are termed monozygotic — mono meaning ‘one’ and zygotic meaning ’the organism that develops
from the fertilised egg’.
FIGURE 6.43 Identical twins have the same genetic information as they result from the division of a single
• Apart from identical twins, every human is genetically unique.
• Meiosis is the process that produces haploid gametes from a diploid cell.
• Genetic variation in gametes results from crossing over and from independent assortment.
• Crossing over and independent assortment contribute to the recombination of genetic information in
• Increased genetic diversity from sexual reproduction aids species survival.
6.7 Activities
To answer questions online and to receive immediate feedback and sample responses for every question, go to
your learnON title at www.jacplus.com.au. A downloadable solutions file is also available in the resources tab.
6.7 Exercise
1. What name is given to the haploid gametes produced by human females?
2. An organism has a diploid number of 32.
a. How many chromosomes are present in a sex cell of this organism?
b. How many chromosome combinations are possible due to independent assortment? Show your working.
3. What behaviour of chromosomes in meiosis gives rise to the segregation of alleles of one gene into different
4. Using diagrams, draw the arrangements of chromosomes in a cell (2n = 4) undergoing anaphase I and then
anaphase II of meiosis.
5. Describe the process of crossing over and explain how it contributes towards genetic variation in a species.
6. Suggest why increased genetic diversity is beneficial to the survival of a species.
7. Horses have a chromosome number of 64 (2n = 64). Donkeys have a chromosome number of 62 (2n = 62).
Horses can breed with donkeys to produce mules that are infertile. Using the information of the number of
chromosomes of horses and donkeys, and your knowledge of meiosis, explain why mules are infertile.
answer answer
Question 2 (1 mark)
Source: VCAA 2015 Biology Exam, Section A, Q22
MC The following images show stages in meiosis in the order in which they occur.
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
Question 4 (6 marks)
Examine the diagram of the life cycle of a fern. Different stages of the fern’s life are indicated by the letters
A to D.
Sporophyte (2n)
Sporophyte (2n)
Gametophyte (n)
A Sori
Egg Gametophyte (n)
Spores (n)
of spore
Life cycle of a fern
a. Which letter indicates the stage in the fern’s life cycle that performs meiosis? Explain your choice. 2 marks
b. The diploid number of this fern is 2n = 148. The sperm fertilises the egg to produce the first cell of the
sporophyte. The sporophyte grows by mitosis. How many chromosomes would be present in the fern’s:
i. sporophyte cells 1 mark
ii. spores 1 mark
iii. gametophyte cells 1 mark
iv. sperm and egg? 1 mark
Question 5 (5 marks)
Source: VCAA 2011 Biology Exam 2, Section B, Q4
Species of the fruit fly Drosophila generally have four pairs of homologous chromosomes.
a. What is meant by the term homologous chromosomes? 1 mark
The number of chromosomes
sometimes varies from the usual
four pairs. Karyotypes of two
different Drosophila are shown in
the following diagram. Note that
one is a subspecies of the other.
b. Describe an event that could
have caused the chromosome
differences between D. nasuta 2 2 3 3 4 4
and D. nasuta subspecies X Y
albomicans. 1 mark chromosomes of chromosomes of
Drosophila nasuta Drosophila nasuta subspecies albomicans
A cross between a female D. nasuta
and a male D. nasuta subspecies albomicans results in offspring.
c. What would be the diploid number of these hybrid flies? 1 mark
d. Explain how chromosome differences between Drosophila nasuta and Drosophila nasuta subspecies
albomicans could result in their reproductive isolation and speciation. 2 marks
Alleles are
forms of genes
A genome is all
Genomes the DNA in an
pairs of
Homologous chromosomes
same gene loci Sex chromosomes:
biological sex of
an organism
Chromosomes have
‘X’ shape when the
DNA has replicated
Variability of Centromere
chromosomes positions vary
to genomes
Numbers of
chromosomes vary
dramatically in
different organisms
Image of homologous
paired together
Numbers of
chromosomes vary
dramatically in
different organisms
half the usual number
of chromosomes
two homologous
Production of
haploid gametes
from diploid cells
by meiosis New combinations
Crossing over
of alleles
assortment produces New combinations
new chromosome of chromosomes
6.8 Exercises
To answer questions online and to receive immediate feedback and sample responses for every question, go to
your learnON title at www.jacplus.com.au. A downloadable solutions file is also available in the resources tab.
Process Outcome
a. Meiosis A. Exchange of segments occurs between homologous
d. Independent disjoining of non-homologous D. Alleles of one gene segregate from each other
5. Using a diagram, show how crossing over can result in the production of chromosomes with new allele
All correct answers are worth 1 mark each; an incorrect answer is worth 0.
Question 1
Source: VCAA 2012 Biology Exam 2, Section A, Q1
This structure is
A. Telophase II
B. Cytokinesis
C. Prophase I
D. Anaphase I
Question 3
Telocentric chromosomes have a centromere position
Question 4
Source: VCAA 2016 Biology Exam, Section A, Q19
A biologist was working with a cell culture. He viewed a cell just before it entered mitosis and he counted 18
chromosomes. Later, the nucleus of one of the daughter cells was found to contain 19 molecules of DNA and the
nucleus of the other daughter cell contained 17 molecules of DNA.
A. the microtubules of the spindle apparatus did not connect to the centromeres of two of the chromosomes.
B. during anaphase, sister chromatids of one chromosome failed to separate.
C. during prophase, two of the chromosomes failed to line up.
D. at the end of telophase, cytokinesis failed to occur.
Question 5
A cell contains 11% cytosine.
A. 11
B. 27
C. 39
D. Impossible to determine
Question 6
Source: VCAA 2006 Biology Exam 2, Section A, Q5
The genome of the woodland strawberry Fragaria vesca has been recently sequenced to show a relatively small
genome of just 206 million base pairs. F. vesca is an ancestor of the garden strawberry and is a relative of apples
and peaches.
The red kangaroo (Macropus rufus) has 20 chromosomes in each of its somatic cells.
Question 8
What will be the haploid number?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 20
D. 40
Question 9
Which figure is closest to the number of possible chromosome combinations that could be produced during
meiosis from a cell of the red kangaroo?
A. 10 000
B. 100 000
C. 1 000 000
D. 10 000 000
Question 10
Source: VCAA 2011 Biology Exam 2, Section A, Q17
In leaf-cutting ants, a male develops from an unfertilised egg and a female from a fertilised egg.
Question 11 (5 marks)
Source: VCAA 2015 Biology Exam, Section B, Q6a, Q6bi, Q6bii, Q6c
The diagrams below show a pair of homologous chromosomes during cell division.
Figure 1 shows the whole chromosomes and Figure 2 is an enlarged view of the section circled in Figure 1.
Figure 1
Figure 2
a. Name the type of cell division that would be occurring for this arrangement of chromosomes to
be observed. 1 mark
b. i. What name is given to the process occurring in the circled area in Figure 1? 1 mark
ii. What is the outcome of this process and what advantage does the result of this process give
a species? 2 marks
c. Sometimes mistakes occur in this process. One such mistake is shown in the diagrams below.
Process named in part b.i. Result of process named in part b.i.
What will be the result of this mistake for the genetic makeup of the daughter cells? 1 mark
Question 12 (8 marks)
Some chromosomes, when present as a trisomy in a human, produce obvious signs of clinical conditions in the
affected person and are typically diagnosed soon after birth.
a. Give three examples of these chromosomes and state the name of each condition. 3 marks
b. How would these conditions be diagnosed? 1 mark
c. Briefly explain how a trisomy can be produced. 2 marks
Question 13 (6 marks)
The DNA from a patient is examined in a hospital laboratory. A karyotype is produced and analysed by geneticists
as shown.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 X Y
a. The chromosomes have been arranged into homologous pairs. Explain what is meant by the term
homologous chromosomes. 1 mark
b. This karyotype is from a male. Explain how the geneticists were able to determine this from only
the karyotype. 1 mark
c. The DNA in a karyotype is in the form of highly condensed chromosomes. Describe how the DNA is packaged
to form chromosomes. 2 marks
d. Explain how the karyotype from one of the male’s sperm cells would differ from the one presented. 2 marks
Question 14 (7 marks)
The sketch shown was made by a student who was observing a cell undergoing meiosis.
A a
B b
D d
Question 15 (9 marks)
Scientist A carried out an investigation to determine the mass of DNA in a human somatic cell. They examined a
cell from a human kidney and found it contained 6.69 picograms of DNA. Scientist B also carried out the same
investigation but chose to examine 1000 human cells from different organs. They concluded that 6.53 picograms
of DNA is present in each cell.
a. Explain why scientist B had chosen to examine 1000 cells from different organs rather than just one cell like
scientist A. 2 marks
b. Explain why neither scientist sampled cells from the sex organs. 1 mark
A third scientist, C, decided to repeat scientist B’s experiment. Seven cells were selected at random from their
experiments and their masses are shown in the table.
c. From the sample of results shown, which scientist’s results show the most precise data? Explain
your answer. 2 marks
d. The true mass of DNA in a human somatic cell is 6.57 picograms. State whether scientist B or C has
obtained more accurate results and explain why. 4 marks
eWorkbook Biochallenge — Topic 6 (ewbk-8076)
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Below is a full list of rich resources available online for this this topic. These resources are designed to bring ideas to
life, to promote deep and lasting learning and to support the different learning needs of each individual.
Digital documents
6.1 Key science skills — VCE Biology Units 1–4
(doc-34648) ⃞
Key terms glossary — Topic 6 (doc-34654) ⃞
Key ideas summary — Topic 6 (doc-34665) ⃞
6.3 Case study: DNA and its bases (doc-36101) ⃞
6.4 Case study: Comparison of gender and sex
determination (doc-36189) ⃞
Teacher-led videos
Exam questions — Topic 6
6.2 Sample problem 1 Comparing and contrasting eukaryotic
and prokaryotic chromosomes (tlvd-1753) ⃞
6.3 Sample problem 2 Calculating percentages in genomes
(tlvd-1754) ⃞
6.4 Sample problem 3 Explaining male sex chromosomes
(tlvd-1755) ⃞
6.5 Sample problem 4 Differences between metacentric
and submetacentric chromosomes (tlvd-1756) ⃞
6.6 Sample problem 5 Identifying sex and abnormalities
from human karyotypes (tlvd-1757) ⃞
6.7 Sample problem 6 Identifying the stages of meiosis
(tlvd-1758) ⃞