Pronouns in Danish
Pronouns in Danish
Pronouns in Danish
jeg I
du you
han, hun, den, det, man he, she, it, one (you in general)
vi we
I you
de, De they, you (polite)
Like in English, but unlike many other languages, the object form is also used in:
mig me
dig you
ham, hende, den, det, en him, her, it, you (general)
os us
jer you
dem, Dem them, you (polite)
Reflexive pronouns
mig myself
dig yourself
sig himself, herself, itself, oneself
yourself (general)
os ourselves
jer yourselves
dem, Dem themselves, yourselves (polite)
Possesive pronouns
Ex: Er det din taske? Er det hans ur? – Nej, han har sit ur i tasken .
pos. pos. pos.
Note 1: Min, din and sin are declined according to gender and number, like the
adjectives. Min stol, mit bord, mine nøgler.
Note 2: Sin is a reflexive function, like sig. It always connects to the subject and
verb of the same phrase. So the phrase:
Han kysser hans kone refers to for instance the wife next door.
s v
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