"Prophecy": Lessons For Senior Classes
"Prophecy": Lessons For Senior Classes
"Prophecy": Lessons For Senior Classes
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Lessons for Senior Classes,
1. GIVE a description of the great image of
Daniel 2.
2. What kingdoms are represented by its sev
eral parts ?
3. By what is the fourth kingdom to be suc
ceeded ?'
1. DESCRIBE the four beasts of Daniel 7.
2. What did the fourth beast symbolize ?
3. What did the ten horns denote ?
4. When was Rome divided into its ten parts?
5. While the prophet was considering- the ten
horns, what did he see coming up among them ?
Dan. 7:8.
6. How early, then, could the little horn arise ?
Ans.—Not earlier than A. D. 476.
7. What was to be the .character of the little
horn as compared with the ten ? Verse 24.
8. What was to be his most prominent work ?
9. What were the names of the three kingdoms
overthrown by the influence of this, power ? See
note A.
10. To what degree of arrogance was this power
to rise? Dan. 7:25.
11. How has it spoken against God? Note B.
12. To what extent has it worn out the saints?
Note C.
13. How has it sought to change God's law ?
Note D.
14. How long was the Papacy to have power
over the saints, times, and laws? Dan. .7: 25.
15. Where in the New Testament is the same
expression found? Rev. 12:14.
16. In what other words does the prophet speak
of the same period ? Verse 6.
17. What is the rule for reckoning symbolic
days? £26.4:3-6; Num. 14:34.
18. What event marked the close of the period ?
Note E.
19. In connection with what event was the domin
ion of the Papacy to be taken away ? Dan. 7: 26.
20. When did the Pope lose his temporal do
minion? Ans.—A. D. 1870. See note F.
21. By what means is the beast to be destroyed?
Dan. 7:11.
1. WHAT three kingdoms were plucked up to
make way for the establishment of the Papacy?
2. When was the last of these overthrown ?
3. What was the Papacy to do ?
4. What was it to think to do ?
5. How long was its oppressive work to con
tinue ?
6. What symbol is introduced in Rev. 12: i ?
See note A.
7. What other sign was presented to the
prophet? Verse 3.
8. For what purpose did the dragon (persecut
ing power) wait before the woman ? Verse 4.
9. What became of the child? Verse 5.
10. Who alone must be the child referred to?
Heb. 12:2; 1:3.
11. Who is the dragon ? Rev. 12:9. See note B.
. 12. What is the next symbol presented by the
prophet? Rev. 13:1.
13. How many elements of previous kingdoms
were included in this beast, as shown by its com
position ? Verse 2.
14. From whom did this beast receive his power
and authority ?
15. How long was this power to continue?
Verse 5. See note C.
16. In that time, what was this beast to do?
Verses 6, 7.
17. How much of the beast was wounded to
death? Verse 3.
18. How was this wound to be given ? Verse 10.
19. What power alone has carried on such a
work continuously for 1,260 years, and then been
led into captivity ? See note D.
20. How many has the Papacy had power to
lead into captivity ? Verse 7.
21. When and how was the papal'power
wounded to death ? See note E.
1. WHAT befell one of the heads of the leopard
beast ?
2. What was represented by this head?
3. When was the Papacy led into captivity ?
4. What was then seen to be coming up ? Rev.
I3 : i!-
5. What were the special characteristics of this
beast ?
6. What nation alone, with the gentle appear
ance mentioned, was coming up in 1798 ? Ans.—
The United States.
7. How much power does he exercise? Verse
12, first part.
8. What power was exercised by the preceding
beast ?
9. What was the two-horned beast to cause, by
the exercise of his power? Verse 12, last part.
10. How was he to cause this worship ? Verse
14, last part especially.
n. What has been the chief characteristic of the
Papacy? Ans.— A union of Church and State, or
a religious element dominating the civil power, to
further its own ends.
12. At what time was that union formed which
developed the Papacy? Ans.—During the reign
of Constantine, A. D. 312-337.
13. How was that union effected? 2 Thess.
2:3. See also note A.
14. What was sure to result from such a union ?
Verse 4.
15. When and by whom was the great Council
of Nice convened ? Ans.—In A. D. 325, by the
Emperor Constantine.
16. What was one of the principal objects in
calling that council ? See note B.
1. How was the two-horned beast to use his
power ?
2. What was the nature of the power, as repre
sented by the preceding beast ?
3. By what means did that power enforce its
decrees? Ans.—The church used the civil power
for the propagation of its dogmas.
' 4. If the two-horned beast makes an image to
the preceding one, then what will it do? Ans.—
It will have the church dominate the State, and em
ploy the civil power to enforce its dogmas.
5. Is there any prospect of the United States
doing such a work ? Ans. —Already an influential
organization, called the National Reform Associa
tion, has succeeded in having bills brought before the
National Congress, which, if passed, will secure
that result.
6. On what theory does this organization base
its work? Ans.—"Every government, by equit
able laws,, is a government of God; a republic thus
governed is of him, and is as truly and really a
theocracy as the commonwealth of Israel." Res
olution in Cincinnati National Reform Convention.
7. In view of such belief, what do they propose
to do ? See note A.
8. What do the National "Reformers and their
allies, the American Sunday Union, and the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union, especially