Forsaken Rites

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Forsaken Rites

PG 147
Acquiring Rites return to the spirit world for a number of days equal to user’s Harmony
During Character creation, Players may opt to use their “free Gift
pick” to acquire a single dot in Rituals. That dot grants him access to the rites
that Uratha culture knows and teaches its members. Funeral Rite (*) (Harmony/ Extended [10 successes; rolls represent 15
One dot in Rituals grants a character a single one-dot rite, as chosen from minutes]) Performed after the death of a werewolf to provide proper honor
those listed here. Other one-dot rites may be learned during play through the to the spirit of the valiant dead, gives packmates, allies, and friends to
expenditure of XP. You may know as many rites as you like, provided you have make peace, and to speed the werewolf’s spirit on its way to the ancestor
the required XP to spend. You may not know rites with a dot rating that
exceeds your Rituals rating.
realms or next life. Performed: All participants smear small amounts of
More dots in Rituals can be acquired through play with XP as if the Rituals
their own blood onto the corpse and the location of final rest. Specifics
were a Gift list with which you have an affinity. vary but always include howls of mourning. The ritual ends with the
Each time you acquire a new dot of Rituals, you gain a new Rite of that level. interring of the corpse, whether underground, in a cairn, on a pyre, or into
the water. DF: Ritemaster dishonors deceased in some way. He suffers a -1
NEW RITUAL NEW DOT X 5 penalty on Social rolls towards attendees for a month. S: Speeds the
werewolf along to whatever awaits. ES: The rite is considered particularly
moving and effective. Ritemaster gains +1 Social bonus toward attendees
for the next month.
Rite Description

Rite of Dedication (*) (Harmony/ Extended [10 successes; rolls represent

Most rites have no cost in Essence (E) or Willpower (P); for those
that do, any invested points are lost if the rite is disrupted before completion. 1 turn]). Allows a werewolf to ritually tie mundane objects to his Essence
Although rites are often very formal in nature, they are never
which can then be change with the werewolf or merge with his flesh, as
considered rote actions. Rites that take more than an instant action to perform well as, the items can enter the spirit world with him. Performed:
may be disrupted. A rite fails automatically if the practicing werewolf is Involves cutting the recipient with a claw and smearing his blood on the
paralyzed, grappled, rendered mute, or otherwise sufficiently hindered to item in question, drawing a circular pattern. At the culmination, the item
break the flow of the performance. Each point of damage suffered in a turn absorbs the blood, leaving no stain. DF: The Rite fails. S: Target may have
during the performance of a rite is a penalty to the next casting roll made. Each one item per PU bound to him. He may choose to release a dedicated item.
failure incurs a cumulative -1 penalty per failed roll until a success roll is made, Items dedicated include a set of clothing and minor items within (they
at which points those penalties are voided (this equates to the performer
getting back on track), or a Dramatic Failure is made (DF).
must be within when changing or sidestepping) or a backpack and
contents already within. ES: The item doesn’t count towards the PU limit.
Teamwork is possible in performing an extended rite, but only if the
assistants also know the rite in question. Teamwork isn’t possible on instant
rites. Harmony is rolled for assistants, with all the relevant modifiers, and Rite of Renunciation (*) (Harmony/ Extended [50 successes; each roll
successes achieved for them are added to the rite performer’s roll. However, all represents 10 minutes) Allows a werewolf to leave current tribe formally
failures accrue a -2 penalty to the rite performer. while causing the least amount of offense to the tribe’s patron totem and
Exceptional Successes (ES) are gained if 5 extra successes beyond other werewolves of the tribe. Performed: The werewolf who renounce
the normal are acquired upon any roll that equals a rite has been successful. his tribe must perform this rite. Usually performed in the presence of an
elder of the tribe, but if none are able to attend, a summoned spirit of the
Modifier Situation tribal totem’s brood or effigy is substituted. The user begins with the ritual
+2 Ritemaster meditates successfully prior to ritual (that is, 4 speech of renunciation, praising the virtues of the tribe even as he admits
or more success are accumulated in a meditation Attribute his inability to hold to them. In variations of the rite, the user symbolically
task pg 51). sheds some token of tribal membership. At close of the rite, the user
+2 In the vicinity of a powerful locus (rated ****+) kneels, bows, or exposes his belly before the elder, spirit, or effigy as a
+1 In the vicinity of a locus (* to ***) final gesture of appeasement. DF: User makes an embarrassing gaffe and
+1 Ritualist has gained goodwill of local spirits. insults the tribe or totem and is likely to gain enemies. S: The Rite
+1 Ritemaster is in Dalu form. concludes and no longer is the user a member of the tribe. The user loses 1
+1 Ritemaster’s auspice moon is in the sky. dot of Renown in the category associated with his former tribe. ES:
-1 to -3 Performer suffers wound penalties. Closing plea is moving, and former tribemates will view him with more
-1 Local spirits are hostile to ritualist kindness and camaraderie.
-1 City suburb or town (only if rite is performed in physical
world). Shared Scent (*) (Harmony/ Extended [5 successes per packmate; each
-1 Distracting environment (powerful odors, noisy, heavy roll represents 1 turn) Werewolves learn how to hunt together by sharing
downpour). the scent as long as he’s tasted his prey’s blood. Performed: Gather pack
-1 Per point of damage taken during ceremony. within a small, quiet, area. The ritualist intones a howl to Father Wolf,
-2 Packmates are involved in battle. with members of the pack joining in as a chorus. At the peak, he who
-2 Dense urban area (only if rite is performed in physical tasted the prey’s blood cuts his tongue with a consecrated knife and passes
world). the knife around to the others. All those present “own” the scent and can
-2 Ritemaster is struck during rite but takes no damage. track the prey as though they had bitten him themselves. The rite only
-Varies Ritemaster is struck and takes more than 2 points of shares the most recent scent the ritemaster has captured and only within
damage equaling -1 penalty per point of damage.
the first 2 hours after he’s bitten his victim. DF: The ritual is tainted, all
-3 Rite is performed in a Barren.
involved have an added -4 to track target until the blood is tasted again. S:
-1 Cumulative Per successive failure rolled until such time as a success is
+4 to any roll to track prey and the scent stays with the Uratha for 1 year.
again gained (at which point all negatives are voided for
this situation). ES: As above but +5. NOTE: The target’s scent must still be found.
Gift write-up format: (Cost / Action / Activation Roll). DF = Dramatic Failure; S =
Success; ES = Exceptional Success. E = Essence, WP = Willpower. Rite of the Spirit Brand (*) (Harmony/ Extended [15 successes; each roll
represents 1 minute of effort) Another must perform this Rite for another
Banish Human (*) (Harmony vs. Resolve/ Instant or contested; resistance is to confirm, through a Lune, the right to greater standing among the Uratha
reflexive.) Forces living human or animal out of the spirit world. Many use and Spirits. Performed: User intones a chant honoring the subject’s
to interfere with Mages in the spirit world. Performed: Takes one turn and strength and wisdom. The wording may be poetic or modern, depending
must be in arm’s reach of the target but doesn’t have to touch him, he emits a on the ritemaster’s talents, but it must be respectful. As he chants, the
howl of rage and commands the subject to return to his home realm. Those ritemaster’s nails perform ritual patterns across the subject’s skin. As the
performing magic to stay in the spirit world, a contest resolve roll may be rite continues the patterns glow with silver light and take the form of spirit
had. DF: Cannot use in the scene. S: Banished to the nearest equivalent brands. DF: Seen as shameful; however, the ritemaster must start anew, if
location in the physical realm. If in a place with no earthly analogue, he the subject allows. S: Brands blaze and fade to the proper state (invisible if
returns to a random location such as home or birthplace. ES: Subject cannot
in the physical world). ES: The subject gains +1 to all Social rolls made to sound sleep though he enters something of a fugue state, though retaining
influence spirits for the duration of the scene. self-awareness. The subject receives a general idea of the distance to the
site, as well as the direction. He travels as quickly as possible, though the
Rite won’t compel him to empty a savings account to buy a car. The
Banish Spirit (**) (Harmony vs. subject’s Resistance) Forces, somewhat subject doesn’t show up until the ritemaster wins the contested ritual.
brutally, a spirit through the Gauntlet and into the Hisil. Performed: The Otherwise, the subject returns to his previous activities, all the while
target must be bound or physically prevented from moving more than a unconscious of where he was going or why. If takes the mortal more than
meter or two in any direction. The ritualist approaches the bound spirit and an hour to reach the site, the rite breaks down and the subject loses the
performs a brief snarl of exile and refusal, complete with similar gestures, compulsion (although curiosity might drive some humans to figure out
then slowly circles the spirit counterclockwise, and sprinkles it with salt what was going on).
water from each of the four cardinal directions. The key is, in First Tongue, Modifier Suggestion
repeat the phrase, “I banish you from this realm,” Galer za da sar, five-time +2 Subject is asleep.
throughout his performance. DF: This rite cannot be used against this spirit +2 Subject is wolf-blooded
again for a lunar month though the spirit may leave itself for the spirit wilds.
S: The spirit is banished from the physical world. ES: The spirit can’t return Cleansed Blood (**) (Harmony/ Instant) By enacting this rite, a werewolf
to the physical world for 1 lunar month. can lose a spiritual trail, perhaps to turn the tables on his hunter.
Performed: Performed on the shores of running water (of any type). The
Blessing of the Spirit Hunt (**) (1E/ Harmony/ Instant) Blesses the teeth subject can be human, werewolf, or another creature, and need not be
and claws of a werewolf, so that they can catch and rend an ephemeral spirit present for the performance. Take a handful of fur, hair, or feathers from
as if it were solid flesh. Performed: Cut with a claw, and use the blood to the subject, as well as a few ounces of the subject’s blood. These two
mark a glyph on the forehead and on the back of each hand while intoning a things are mixed together with water from the source while the ritualist
blessing in the name of Father Wolf and the Firstborn. The glyph remains utters a low change. Chant until the mixture is poured into the stream to
visible for the duration of the rite’s blessing, which may strike fear into any complete the rite. DF: May not try to cleanse the subject’s trail again for a
spirits who recognize them. DF: Cannot attempt again until the next night. S: full week. S: Any creature who could track by the taste of the subject’s
Ritemaster or subject pays the Essence and the subject can strike ephemeral blood, loses that taste. Normal tracking by scent or talent may be used, or
spirits as if they were solid, as long as he is using natural weaponry. This rite the taste of the subject’s blood may be reacquired. ES: Subject’s physical
can be used to directly affect a spirit within a Claimed victim, though scent fades slightly. Tracking by mundane scent suffers a -1 penalty.
harming the victim as well. As well, it may be used to strike blindly at Modifier Suggestion
ephemeral spirits (-5, ST option) in twilight for which they can feel when -1 Subject is human.
struck. The blessing last for one scene. -1 For each full moon that has passed since the subject’s
scent was taken.
Call Gaffling (**) (Harmony vs Spirit’s Resistance/ Extended [40 successes; -2 Subject is a prey animal (herbivore).
each roll represents 1 minute]; potentially contested) Summon a Gaffling,
generally unfriendly, and under no compulsion to cooperate. Performed: Fortify the Border Marches (**) (Harmony/ Extended [20 successes;
Mark out a sacred circle and sit in the middle. Next, consume a small amount each roll represents 10 minutes]) Mimics the ability of Azlu to affect the
of hallucinogen, stimulant, or depressant. Then place a few hundred grams of Gauntlet, though to lesser effect. Performed: An hour-long rite. Weave
chiminage on the ground before you (food, precious metal, gems, or other silk thread into a small patch of cloth (use tools to do such). The act of
substance appropriate to the spirit’s type. Chiminage may be burned, buried, weaving is important, although the patch of cloth is burned as an offering
or doused with water to bring it to the spirit’s attention. Lastly, perform the to the spirits that maintain the Gauntlet. DF: The Gauntlet’s penalty is
ritual howl of summons. A single Gaggling of the chosen type arrives within increased or decreased by 1 in direct opposition to the ritemaster’s intent;
several minutes of the rite, if all goes well. DF: Ritemaster must begin again. which last for one lunar cycle. S: The Gauntlet in a 2,500 square feet (a
S: Most Gafflings come automatically, unless doing so goes against 50’ x 50’ square or other similar area) is increased or reduce by 1. The
important duties. In this case a Resistance is rolled as a contested action. effect remains in place for 1 lunar cycle. The rite cannot be performed
Once a spirit is summoned, the ritualist must either bargain with or bind the multiple times on the same area. If one spot is overlapped by two uses, the
Gaffling to serve. ES: The loser suffers a -1 penalty to all subsequent rolls effect of only the most recent applies. ES: Effect lasts 2 lunar months.
(which is cumulative if one side achieves more than one ES.
Modifier Suggestion Hallow Touchstone (**) (Harmony/ Extended [40 successes; each roll
+2 Chiminage is very valuable to the spirit. represents 5 minutes]) The ritemaster can create a touchstone that bears a
+1 Spirit is particularly disposed toward ritemaster’s tribe or measure of the locus’ energy. It may be the final step when a locus must be
Auspice (an Elunim answering an Elodoth’s rite, a war- abandoned, thus denying their enemies that strength. Performed: Procure
spirit answering a Rahu’s rite). an appropriate physical vessel for the touchstone, something that is either
+1 Chiminage is particularly valuable to the spirit. a part of the locus’ physical form or a reflection thereof: shard of broken
+1 or more Werewolf outranks the spirit. glass from a warehouse, piece of bark from ancient oak, or a sliver of bone
-1 or more Spirit outranks the werewolf. from burial ground. The ritemaster sits at the heart of the locus’ area of
-1 Attempting to summon a specific individual spirit. influence and begins chanting and gesturing for about an hour. DF: The
-3 Attempting to summon a specific individual spirit from 1 chosen item can’t be made into a touchstone. S: Up to 3 Essence from the
mile away. locus may be placed in the hallowed touchstone. Any werewolf carrying
-5 Attempting to summon a specific individual spirit from the stone may drink the touchstone’s Essence as a reflexive action but only
10 miles away. 1 Essence may be drained before it loses it efficiency. Drinking as a
standard action, 1 Essence may be drained without losing any excess. A
Call Human (**) (Harmony vs Subject’s Resolve/ Extended and contested touchstone loses 1E per day. ES: Touchstone stores 5E.
[30 successes; each roll represents 1 minute]) Summons the nearest mortal
human within 5 miles. Only works within the physical world, though rarely Rite of Contrition (**) (Harmony/ Extended [10 successes per Rank of
used, these days, for ethical reasons, and cannot be used to call a specific the spirit; each roll represents 1 minute]) Performed to apologize to
human. Though it doesn’t call supernaturals, it can call wolf-blooded who another being for an act of dishonor. Used to rectify real offenses, such as
are more susceptible to it. Performed: Mark a specific location and remain violating totem’s ban or destroying a valued servant of the spirit in
close throughout the performance. Provide “mortal” chiminage: objects question. Performed: For several minutes the ritualist, first, chooses a sort
considered to be alluring to the local mortal population. Perform a howl of of spirit known to be favored by the subject of the rite. Unless the spirit is
summons while moving counterclockwise around the chiminage. Every 5 powerful enough to perceive from a distance, the spirit must be present
minutes, until the rite’s subject arrives, howl along with nearby packmates. for, although it may be on the other side of the Gauntlet. Second, an
DF: Inadvertently summons something powerful and hostile – not appropriate handful of food is burned. Third, the ritemaster describes, in
necessarily human (at ST’s discretion). S: A human feels an irresistible humble tones, the offense he committed and begs forgiveness, in First
compulsion to travel to the site location. It will wake that mortal out of a Tongue, while exposing his bare neck. Subject’s response is Ss’uthaf, “I
accept you,” or he turns his back to not accept. DF: Subject is offended. S: -3 Attempting to summon a specific individual spirit
Spirit is less ill inclined toward the werewolf. Social penalties may be from 1 mile away.
reduced by a die or two. ES: Hastens spirit’s forgiveness and ritualist gains -5 Attempting to summon a specific individual spirit
+1 to Socialize with the subject for a month. from 10 miles away.
Rite of Dormancy (**) (Harmony/ Extended [10 success per dot of locus Rite of Healing (***) (2E per Health point healed/ Harmony/ Extended (5
rating; each roll represents 1 minute]) Allows pack to leave a locus to 25 successes; each roll represents 15 minutes) Increases a subject’s
“sleeping,” greatly reducing its flow of Essence, making it hard to find. Best regeneration until they can overcome even the most severe wounds.
performed on a loci that a pack controls; though, could be used to Performed: Evenly spaced patients gather around the Ritemaster as he
temporarily shut down loci outside their territory; however, spirits are likely chants or sings an invocation to ancestor-spirits and spirits of strength and
to reactivate it after the pack leaves. Performed: Invoke appropriate spirits mercy while cleaning the patient’s wounds in pure water; although, some
around the locus’ spirit reflection. Chanting in First Tongue, in a low, lick the wounds clean. The Rite does no involve howls. DF: May not heal
monotone growl, and anointing the locus’ physical form with juice of given recipient(s) again until next night’s moonrise. S: May heal up to 5
crushed evergreen needles, pure water, or some other substance meant to Health lost to aggravated damage; each point regained cost 2E and
obscure scent. DF: Successes are lost; cannot be attempted again for 24hrs. requires 5 successes. Either the ritemaster or subject(s) may pay the
S: Locus goes dormant for 1 lunar month. Attempts to find it suffers a -4 Essence cost, or split the cost. All Essence is spent before the ritemaster
penalty. Cannot be tapped for Essence while dormant. A werewolf or spirit begins the rite, in order to charge the rite with added power needed.
who finds a dormant locus can revive it with an 1 Essence. ES: Dormancy is Multiple recipients may be healed if within arm’s reach of the ritemaster.
2 lunar months. Unconscious subjects may be tapped by the ritemaster, though he cannot
force conscious targets. The Rite may only be used once per day and only
Bind Human (***) (Harmony/ Extended [20 successes; each roll represents works on the Regenerative ability of the Uratha.
10 minutes]) Twofold function of securing location against unwanted human
intrusion or to bind a human to a location. Neither ritual is entirely foolproof Rite of Initiation (***) (Harmony/ Extended [10 successes; each roll
against a human. A) Used to bind a person to a location, the ritemaster represents 1 minute]) A newly Changed Uratha is given the opportunity to
provides a single means of escape from the bond; he must express that means join a tribe. A) The first part of the Rite is an ordeal either physical or
to at least two others – neither have to be the subject. Means of escape can be mental and may even cause death with harsh ritemasters. B) Enduring the
near impossible, but not a true impossibility. Phrased, “Once you accomplish ordeal, the subject swears the Oath of the Moon, including the vow levied
this task, you may depart.” B) Securing location, no “password” is required, by his new tribal totem. Once the oath is accepted, he becomes a member
though a specific action to allow human passage may be chosen. Example: a of the tribe in full. Performed: Varies from tribe to tribe and also from
human with a crow’s feather may pass. Effects: faint nausea, headaches, region to region. Most cases, it takes place in tribal gatherings but some
sense of vertigo, or a combination of unpleasant sensations. Subjects cannot are inducted by a solitary ritemaster. The applicant must have at least 1 dot
step beyond the area unless he resists the ward. Performed: A) Using claws, of Renown in the appropriate category to undergo the rite. 1) The tribal
the ritemaster draw a series of sigils (using muddy water and ash) to clearly totem is called and asked to watch the ordeal and determine if the new
mark out precise boundaries. B) As above, however, marks are placed on supplicant is worthy. Sometimes, the subject is sponsored. 2) The
every path of entry into the area. Outdoors, the sigils are repeated every few supplicant takes on the chosen ordeal. If the subject does his best to pass
meters to form a rough boundary. Either case, the area cannot be larger than the ordeal, but fails, the ritemaster may give the Rite again in a few
a 50yrds radius. Takes 1hr to complete. DF: Successes lost; the ward cannot months’ time. Those who choose to not complete or turn his back on the
be attempted for 24hrs. S: Human bound temporarily, though attempts to ordeal must find another Tribe or become Ghost Wolves. 3) The Oaths are
pass, roll Resolve + Occult – half the ritemaster’s Harmony (round up). 1 die given and treated like full members of the Tribe and the tribal totem
is added for ghouls and other supernatural humans. Supernaturals add teaches the new member a Gift shortly thereafter. DF: The ritemaster
appropriate resistance trait. Mortals get 1 to 3 extra dice when stated term is insults the tribal totem. He gets a -2 penalty to all Social rolls to influence
directly against their moral code. Otherwise, he cannot try to escape for his tribemates or the spirits of his tribal totem’s brood for 3 lunar months.
another hour (and subsequent hours if continue to fail). Each attempt after S: Subject is accepted into the tribe. ES: The totem is impressed with the
the first receive a cumulative -1 penalty (-5 max). Lasts for 24hrs, although subject who gains 1 die on all Social rolls to tribemates or spirits of his
each Essence spent increases the duration by 24hrs. Ritemaster dismisses by tribal totem’s brood for 3 lunar months.
erasing a portion of boundary with a claw. ES: Add 4hrs. Modifier Suggestion
+2 Subject performs exceptionally during the ordeal.
Bind Spirit (***) (Harmony vs. Spirit’s Resistance/ Instant [once circle is -2 Subject performs poorly during the ordeal.
completed]) Allows binding a spirit to a location or prevent a spirit from
entering a location. May be used to bind a spirit into a part of the Shadow or Rite of the Moon’s Love (***) (Harmony/ Extended [10 successes; each
physical world, thus it cannot cross the Gauntlet. A single means of escape roll represents 1 minute]) Prevents Lunacy from taking hold quite as
must be express to two others, within 1hr – neither having to be the subject. strongly as it otherwise might – at least, for those who share a measure of
Performed: Draw circle around fringes of an area before summoning a spirit wolf’s blood. Performed: Grasping the subject’s hands in his own, the
(requires 20 successes on extended Int + Occult roll; each represents 1min.). ritemaster leads him in a ritual chant in the First Tongue, begging for
The circle is marked with dozens of claw-sigils, while a half-howling chant acceptance. A single silver coin is laid on the ground between them as
is performed before the spirit summons. Once spirit has been summoned into chiminage to the Lunes. The ritualist cuts his finger and traces symbols of
the circle, the werewolf must complete the last notes of the howl before the the moon on the subject’s face. The last of the blood is smeared onto the
spirit realizes what is happening. To bind spirit already present, the werewolf silver coin (which disintegrates into smoke),, along with a final, pleading
completes aforementioned circle in secret or somehow wrap the subject 3 howl. The subject must have the Wolf-Blooded Merit. DF: Subject’s
times in silvered thread, then performs the aforementioned chant. The thread primal fears are intensified and he reacts to Lunacy as though his
can brake until the third loop is complete. After, it can only be broken if a Willpower was 2 lower (min. 1). May not be tried again for duration of
mistake in the chant is made. Rite doesn’t work on ghosts. DF: Circle/thread scene. S: Subject reacts to Lunacy as though his Willpower was 2 higher
is broken; spirit gains 1 Resistance the scene. S: Spirit cannot break free (max. 10) for the duration of the moon phase. ES: As above, however, as
except A) Ritualist states, “I release you.” B) Circle is broken or thread is if his Willpower was 3 higher.
snapped by an outside force. C) Expressed method accomplished. ES:
Opponent suffers -1 to subsequent rolls (cumulative per ES).
Modifier Suggestion
+2 Chiminage is very valuable to the spirit.
+1 Spirit is particularly disposed toward ritemaster’s tribe or
+1 Chiminage is particularly valuable to the spirit.
+1 or more Werewolf outranks the spirit.
-1 or more Spirit outranks the werewolf.
-1 Attempting to summon a specific individual spirit.
rite). Hostile spirits bound into fetishes will slowly corrupt that object,
perverting its function and powers. Broken fetishes free the spirit within.
Performed: An object is placed at the center of a ritual circle, or within a
hostile spirit’s binding circle before the Binding Rite begins. A small
Sacred Hunt (***) (Harmony/ Extended [each roll represents 1 min] for the amount of appropriate chiminage is burned as appeasement while the
rite itself. The hunt can take a matter of hours or all night and is considered ritualist expends Essence to bind the spirit in place, as he describes the
one scene for purposes of a Gift or rite’s duration.) Allows Uratha to ritually fetish’s purpose and powers in the First Tongue, all the while walking an
hunt spirits for Essence by placing a mark on a spirit and then chasing it ever-shrinking circle around the spirit and fetish. During the ritual, the
down; thereafter, the Uratha say a prayer of respect and gratitude for the spirit’s substance decays and is visibly pulled into the item where it is
spirit’s sacrifice. The hunt can take place in the Shadow or in the physical wholly bound. A 1 dot fetish can be created with a Gaffling, while a 3 dot
world. The ritemaster must have a spirit at hand or be able to summon one. requires a Jaggling, and a 5 dot requires a powerful Jaggling. DF: Object
The pack gives the spirit an hour before chasing it down. Spirits are rarely ruined, spirit freed. S: Fetish created.
willing volunteers but are given a promise that it will survive the experience. Modifier Suggestion
The spirit will not use Numina that cost Essence nor seek help or gain help. +2 Chiminage is very valuable to the spirit.
In the physical world, the pack must perform the Blessing of the Spirit Hunt +1 Spirit is sympathetic to the Uratha or his goals.
before beginning. Spirits who ride material beings forfeit guarantees of +1 or more The Uratha outranks the spirit.
surviving a hunt. Once caught, the Uratha may devour Essence as a spirit +1 Chiminage is particularly valuable to the spirit
would; however, they are bound by tradition to leave the spirit a small bit of +1 Fetish vessel is of fine quality
Essence so it may reform. Performed: The ritemaster draw a map or marks (decorated/embellished).
out a section of a map to represent boundaries of the hunting ground to +1 Uratha’s pack totem is of the same brood as the spirit.
which the spirit is bound. (This area can be no smaller than the entirety of the -1 or more The spirit outranks the Uratha.
pack’s territory, though it can be larger.) He then burns the map while -1 Item is of average quality.
offering chiminage appropriate to the spirit summoned. The packmates howl -2 Item is of average quality.
out a reminder of the ancient pact that binds lesser spirits to take part. DF: -2 Spirit is hostile to the Uratha or his goals.
Names the wrong spirit as quarry or attracts the attention of a more powerful -3 Spirit is an enemy of the Uratha’s pack totem or
and dangerous spirit from the Shadows. Even if the Uratha defeat it, they brood.
gain no Essence. No other attempts can be made in the same night. S: The
spirit is marked which last from the culmination of the rite until sun rise. The Rite of Chosen Ground (****) (Harmony/ Extended [50 successes; each
spirit leaves a physical trail in either realm. When the hunt is completed, roll represents 1 day’s effort]) This ritual infuse the spirit reflection of its
participants may divide the spirit’s Essence with any remainder going to the territory with the kind of Essence that members prefer, influencing the
ritemaster. Honoring the rite, the Uratha leave the spirit 1 Essence. area’s resonance and attracting specific spirits while repelling unwanted
Permanently destroying a spirit marked as sacred quarry is cause for a 3 die ones. Performed: Using a locus as the focal point, a pack uses varied
degeneration check for Uratha of Harmony 5 or higher. Cannot be used to methods to bring out wanted resonances with appropriate actions. The
mark other than lesser Jaggling spirits. ES: After the hunt, each participant pack engages in appropriate activity for 4hrs each night or day,
regains 1WP. culminating with 1hr of elaborate ritual led by the ritemaster. DF:
Powerful or multiple antagonistic spirits may attempt to claim the area. S:
Wake the Spirit (***) (Harmony/ Extended [15 successes; each roll The local flow of Essence is adjusted, bringing out the desired resonance.
represents 1 min]) Spirits awakened by this rite acts according to its nature – For the next year, all pack members and spirits that are either allied or
no more, no less (however, they can be asked questions). Performed: with the resonance in question gain a +1 to all rolls involving appropriate
Ritemaster drums, chants, dances or performs some other form of rhythmic activities. The effects of the rite apply over an area equal to 3 times the
noise and motion as he moves about the object or place to be awakened. DF: radius of a locus’ influence. The rite last for a year unless the area is
May not attempt to awaken particular spirit again for 24hr. S: Performed on neglected or appropriate changes in the territory take place. ES: The bonus
mundane item or place wakes the potential spirit within. The item then is +2 for 24hrs after the rite’s completion; thereafter, +1.
possesses a spirit analogue in the Shadow Realm. When performed on an
animal, a Gaffling related to that animal in the spirit world wakes. The Drawing Down the Shadows (*****) (10E +20E per lvl of the locus
Gaffling isn’t directly connected to the animal in question, though and it created./ Stamina + Occult [Harmony] every hour for the participants with
doesn’t have to remain in the animal’s area. A newly awakened spirit is penalties of -1 for each two hours after the first. Teamwork does not apply
always a Rank 1 Gaffling with average traits for its class. The rite doesn’t and failure gains another -2 for that character. A DF collapses that Uratha,
work on sentient creatures or objects and animal (spirit representation) while a DF for the ritemaster fails the rite./ Extended [20 successes +5 per
already awakened. The ritemaster gains a +1 to all rolls to influence the lvl of locus; each roll represents 1hr.]) This rite allows Uratha to pour
newly woken spirit, including Gifts and rites, for the duration of the scene. Essence into an object and create a locus. The object must be saturated
ES: Spirit is positively disposed toward the ritemaster for the first few hours. with spiritual energy before the rite’s power can forge it into a beacon of
Essence in its own rite. The rite incorporates the use of touchstones (Jasper
Ephemeral Eyes (****) (1E/ Harmony/ Instant) A dangerous and costly Rite or Basalt). Wise ritemaster will call strong local spirits but not those who
that allows ephemeral Shadow Realm Spirits in Twilight to be viewed. may prove powerful rivals. Performed: Find an appropriate object to be
However, spirits may also notice the eyes who view them with a successful the focus of the rite, then the pack piles their collection of touchstones
Resistance roll (thus taking notice of a Uratha in human or wolf form). around the object in something resembling a loose cairn. Each Uratha
Performed: Pricking the flesh, welling blood is dripped in the subject’s eyes participant cuts their palm and lets a measure of blood run onto the
after being imbued with Essence. The eyes of the subject radiates dull red touchstones. The ritemaster dips a claw into the blood and paints a series
and thus the Rite isn’t performed lightly and nor readily taught (Rank 3). of glyphs around the locus. Time-consuming and exhaustive series of
Many blindfold themselves, as this does not block their ephemeral sight. DF: chants, dances, howls and even impromptu ritual combat is half-
Subject goes temporarily blind for one hour, though visions of the dead may improvised. The ritualist knows the common themes to be included and
haunt him and Spirits may know of him. S: Subject sees ephemeral spirits leads the group through them, culminating in a great howl that lances
within sight for 30 seconds, at which time, the blood becomes diluted by across the Gauntlet (binding flesh with spirit in the form of a locus). Each
tears. ES: As success, though even the dead spirits of twilight may be viewed participant gain 1E per hour for the purpose of feeding the rite: up to 3E
when eyes become milky red (and they can peer back). Used in conjunction during the bloodletting, and 1E per hour of participation may be spent.
with Blessing of the Spirit-Hunt to effect spirits. ST determine ghostly and Doesn’t work in Barrens. DF: Rite disrupted and Essence lost. S: The
spirit reactions. object becomes a 1 dot locus, with each additional 5 successes and 20E
raining it by 1 dot.
Fetish Rite (****) (1E per lvl of the fetish to be created/ Harmony/
Extended [15 successes + 10 per lvl of the fetish; each roll represents 1 min])
A complex and subtle yet extremely varied ritual to create a fetish. A spirit
must be on hand or called, though if caught, it must be bound (Bind Spirit
observing it as if he were present. DF: False vision. S: Understand exact
area being shown, the ritemaster, for 5 minutes, clearly sees answers to his
question and implications for the surrounding area. ES: Vision also
indicates events leading up to the answer. +1 modifier to vision related
Rending the Gauntlet (*****) (Harmony/ Extended [20 successes; each roll rolls.
represents 1 min) Uratha may force their way through the Gauntlet even Modifier Suggestion
away from a locus. Performed: The ritemaster, in Dalu, claws the air in a +1 Local spirits or resonance is favorable to the Uratha.
series of passes, tracing mystical symbols. He begins to feel more resistance +1 Chiminage is valuable to the local spirits.
as the rite progresses. At the height of the rite, the Gauntlet becomes a soft -1 Local spirits or resonance is opposed to the Uratha.
membrane for which his pack may pass through. DF: A hostile spirit might -1 or more Answer to the question is deliberately obscured in
slip through before as the weakened spot heals. S: Temporary passage allows some way.
the pack to enter or exit the spirit world for 1 turn, after which, it reseals. -2 Uratha is of low Renown (highest trait rated 1 or 2)
Other denizens of the physical realm without Essence can attempt to pass
though it requires 1W and a Composure + Resolve roll. ES: The Passage Transfer the Spirit’s Blessing (*****) (2E per lvl of Gift [both
opens with great speed, which spirits will perceive as a powerful entity participants must spend the full amount]/ Harmony [taking part whether it
forcing its way through, making most spirits flee. Modifiers: Gauntlet’s succeeds or fails is a sin with a Harmony Threshold of 4. Parties will also
relative thickness applies to this rite. lose Purity Renown]/ Extended [20 successes + 10 per lvl of the Gift, each
roll represents 20 min.]) The ritualist rips a Gift’s Essence-mark from a
Lore of the Forsaken Uratha and grafts it to his own Essence. It is extremely painful and dazes
both participants. Those gaining a Gift feel unprepared for it and must
learn how to use it, while those losing a Gift have a hole ripped in his
Ritual Mind (*) (1E/ Harmony/ Instant) Redresses the ritualist’s Harmony
by petitioning Mother Luna to watch over their workings. Performed: Used Essence and must come to terms. Few know this rite and those discovered
with it are usually hunted. Performed: Done during a new moon, in open
to assist the ritemaster in another rite. All materials required for the other rite
must be collected before starting as both rites must be done in quick air before the sun rises. The ritualist aligns his Essence with that of the
other participant by joint howls, mad dancing, or sexual intercourse. A fire
succession. The ritualist faces Mother Luna and howls his need for clear
thought and balance to the four cardinal directions, turning clockwise. DF: built within a circle marked with chalk and saltwater, the rite is lead with
exhausting series of dances, while offering burned bribes to the local
the following rite suffers a -2 modifier, due to confusion. S: +1 to ritualist’s
Harmony for following rite (can be used only to offset penalties). ES: spirits with Essence. The manic action dissolves into howling nonsense to
the sky and spirits. As the fire burns out, participants cut their palms and
Ritualist gets 3 dice.
place them on the embers. DF: Essence lost and Harmony must be rolled.
S: Transfer takes place. The donor loss the Gift and can never re-learn it.
Fresh Scent (**) (Harmony/ Extended [10 successes, each roll represents 5
min.]) Rite cleanses the subject’s physical scent and make minor changes to The recipient gains the Gift but suffers a -1 upon the first few times of use.
Both parties suffer a -1 to all rolls for the next week as they slowly repair
all his forms, making him just different enough to evade anything hunting
him that hasn’t tasted his blood. Frequent use of the rite is seen as a sign of the damage from this rite. ES: Healing faster the -1 penalty lasts 2 days.
cowardice. Performed: Before a fire under an open sky, usually stoked with
green wood for lots of smoke. The ritualist casts items symbolic to the Blood of the wolf
subject – must be Uratha – into the fire, along with a lock of hair or tuft of
fur and other items that represent the subject as who he is. Once the smoke Bar to Birth (**) (Harmony/ Instant) Wards the womb and prevents any
takes the symbols, the ritualist extinguishes the fire and traces ash glyphs new life from taking root. Performed: During menstruation and when the
over the subject’s face while chanting to the spirits. Subject washes away the moon is in the sky, the ritemaster takes a dab the subject’s menstrual blood
ash revealing his new face. DF: Subject’s scent grows stronger and he is and writes Luna’s name in First Tongue above the subject’s womb. If
easier to recognize giving those who track him a +1.S: Target’s hair and fur successful, the blood evaporates. A ritemaster knowing this rite also
color and length, build, facial structure and scent all change by just enough knows how to lift the ward, which requires simple incantations and a
to make him appear to be different. There is no control over the new willing subject. DF: Cannot be tried till next menstruation. S: For one
appearance. Attempts to track the subject based on normal stats suffer a -5 month the subject cannot become pregnant; however, does not protect
for one week. Tracking by the taste of the subject’s blood is unaffected. ES: against conception of Ghost Children. ES: Lasts for 3 months.
Changes last for 1 lunar month.
Shadow Play (****) (1E per success/ Harmony/ Extended [1 to 100
Rite of the Bone Club (***) (Harmony/ Extended [25 successes, each roll successes, depending on Essence spent; each roll represents 5 min.]) The
represents 15 min.])The first ritual dedicated to war between Uratha, a bone Rite calls upon the location to replay a portion of its spiritual lifespan. The
club is used as a weapon. Performed: Intricate glyphs signifying death and ritualist can often learn of events or times when a particular place had a
war are carved onto bone of a foe’s victim. The ritualist lays the bone at the different resonance or of tragedies that occurred in the past. The rite can
center of a circle of fire while he howls litanies of the fallen and tales of his reach back centuries; although, it levies a terrible cost. What the rite shows
enemy’s actions to the sun. Blood from the ritualist is cast into the fire as he is how the place’s reflections has change over time in the Shadow, but not
howls, linking the bone to himself and his foe and ends the rite by smearing give a definitive answers to a question. Performed: Within the Shadow
his blood on the bone as he takes it from the circle. The bone is empowered Realm, the ritualist first determines the boundary of the area he wishes to
to kill the enemy named. Once the task is complete, or 3 sunsets pass, the perform the shadow play – leaving chiminage to the local spirits at key
bone crumbles to dust. DF: The bone breaks. S: The bone becomes tougher points. Then he performs a ritual howl and lapses into a trance, and though
than steel and functions like a club. When fighting the named enemy, the others in the spirit world begin to see strange bands of distortion, the
ritualist gains 3 dots of Health and the club deals aggravated damage. ES: As vision is only granted to the ritualist. In awakened areas, this ritual may
above, and against the enemy, the club gains a +1 modifiers. only be performed with the spirit’s acquiescence. DF: Spirits become
openly hostile. Rites performed by the Uratha suffer a -2, in this area, for a
Questioning Rite (****) (Harmony/ Extended [40 successes, each roll lunar month. S: Each success replays 5yrs in roughly 5 minutes, costing 1
represents 10 min.]) Used to ask spirits on the ritemaster’s territory 1 Essence. While he can attempt to search for particularly significant events,
question. If the pack neglected their territory or the local resonance is it is very difficult to control. ES: 50yrs of past history for 1 Essence.
unfavorable to the spirit, it may not answer honestly. Low Renown Uratha Modifier Suggestion
have harder times convincing spirits that his need is genuine and worthy of +2 Very valuable chiminage/ Spirit is connected to the
attention. Performed: Bury items as chiminage to spirits of the ritualist’s event in question.
territory. He sits in front of a bowl or pool of clear liquid and howls his +1 Area is connected (like territory) to the ritemaster.
question to the sky. Then he pours a strong-smelling liquid like urine or +1 Area has a strong reflection in the spirit world.
witch hazel on the ground, howls, drums or chants until the outside world +1 Ritualist is Cahalith.
fades from view. Lastly, he pours ink or blood into the water. As the water +1 Chiminage is valuable.
clouds, the surface shimmers and reflects a scene in answer to the question, -1 Area is equivalent to a house.
-2 Ritemaster attempting to locate a particular event. meant to be to the death. S: Lethal damage is downgraded to bashing,
-2 Area is equivalent to a building. though doesn’t affect natural weapons. If the circle is left or broken, the
-4 Area is equivalent to a city block. Rite ends. Rite effect lasts for a scene. ES: Aggravated damage from
weapons is downgraded to lethal, if incurred within the circle.
Forging Arms (****) (1E/ Harmony/ Extended [30 successes; each roll
Mark of the Death Wolf (****) (Harmony/ Instant) A secret Rite taught by represents 1 min.]) Bonds a spirit to a weapon and both to the lodge
Death Wolf that ensures a wolf-blood will become a ghost upon dying. If a member who will carry it for life. Performed: Once all elements are in
wolf-blood undergoes First Change, the spiritual mark, of this Rite, fades, place – the weapon built, a spirit captured and bound and the Uratha’s own
leaving a patch of darkened skin in Hishu form and visible as a patch of stark spiritual aspect exhausted by days of endurance – the rite begins.
white fur in other forms. Performed: A night when the moon is waning, the Commanded by the ritualist, the initiate carries out repeated sets of
subject is laid out on a stone slab and his forehead anointed with fresh blood, practiced forms with the weapon. The lodge members who built the
that traditionally, comes from a relative. The ritualist then speaks a prayer to weapon and trap the spirits chant words of the ritual with increasing
Death Wolf to mark the subject – that his soul be cloven to the Bone volume and speed. The initiate is expected to match them until reaching
Shadows after his passing (spoken in First Tongue). The blood vanishes, yet the brink of exhaustion. Just before his collapse, the ritualist speaks the
a symbol, like that of a Renown tattoo, is visible on his forehead. DF: The words of binding in First Tongue, thus the initiate and blade momentarily
wolf-blood spasms and dies in terrible pain. The ritualist checks against fuse, infusing each other with strength. Each participant in the rite, baring
Harmony loss. S: The subject becomes a ghost upon death. For every 2 the initiate, spends 1 Essence. DF: The Rite fails; if the subject also fails
successes, the ritualist may assign 1 anchor to him. Objects to become his Dex. + Performance roll, he cannot be inducted into the Lodge. S:
anchors are usually personal effects laid around the subject’s body during the Subject is successfully initiated and gains the requisite bond with his
Rite, but places or living beings can be anchors too. Destroyed anchors weapon (+3 mod.) ES: All participants regain spent Willpower. Modifier:
cannot be replaced. Spirits receive a -1 modifier to pierce the Gauntlet Subject rolls Dex. + Performance during course of the rite, each success
around the wolf-blood. ES: Spirit receive a -2 modifier to pierce the Gauntlet adds 1 die to ritemaster’s Harmony roll. A failure instead loses 2 die. A DF
around the wolf-blood. on this roll forbids him from joining the lodge.

~Rites of the Wild~ ~Lodge of Crows~

The Tremulous Howl (*) (Harmony/ Instant) A cry for aid that admits
weakness and may bring shame on the ritemaster, his pack, and his tribe. Carrion Messenger (**) (Harmony/ Extended [10 successes; each roll
Those who respond will always know they saved him. Using this rite when represents 1 min.]) Crows can send one another lodge member a crow
hope it truly lost and through no fault of one’s own can be seen as an act of messenger. Performed: Rolling carrion between thumb and fingers a
Wisdom. The Rite doesn’t compel Uratha to aid the source, though it ritualist sings a whispered song to a crow-spirit. The spirit is fed the
becomes infallible that something serious is going on. The Pure can interpret carrion as the ritualist tells it a message and the lodge member it’s to find.
the Rite and may choose to follow it to its source. For this reason, almost all DF: Crow-spirits will not serve the ritualist for 24hrs. S: The spirit
Uratha will drop everything in order to help. Performed: Nicking the throat manifests and carries a short message (30 words or less) to the fellow
for a trickle of blood and throwing arms and legs wide to reveal a vulnerable lodge member. It travels at roughly 200 miles per hour and will fly up to
belly before howling which can be heard up to 20 miles per dot of Primal 1000 miles. The messenger approach its target openly; it will whisper the
Urge. DF: Most certainly more trouble will come. S: As above. message in his ear without manifesting. ES: A motivated spirit will travel
250 miles per hour.
Rite of Winter’s Anguish (**) (Harmony/ Extended [10 successes; each roll
represents 10 seconds]) The Rite adjures spirits of snow, air, and cold to ~Lodge of Harmony~
leave the Uratha be. Performed: The subject must be completely bare to the
unkind elements. No protection that might separate him from the cold may Rite of Churned Earth (**) (Harmony/ Extended [10 successes; each roll
be had, though jewelry and fetishes that give no aid may remain on. He must represents 1 min.]) Roils the earth, forcing buried material to the top and
then be subject to the coldest thing possible, left out in below-zero weather. oxygenating the area of effect. This Rite also has the side effect of
Humbled before the spirits, they give their blessing. DF: For 24hrs the revealing buried secrets. This Rite does not work on earth with man-made
subject and ritualist suffer 2 times as much damage from cold. F: The subject structures atop. Performed: In Urhan and brushing his nose against the
may be on his way to hypothermia before the Rite ends. S: Completely ground in a symbolic imitation of Rooting Boar, the ritualist digs up a bit
immune for 1hr per dot of the ritualist’s Primal-Urge. Magical cold effects of earth with his paws. Then shifting to Dalu and placing his palm against
suffer a -4 to relevant dice pools. ES: Effects last for twice normal duration. the ground, he speaks an invocation to Rooting Boar to help cycle the
earth. If the land is tainted, the ritualist cuts or bites his hand and lets
Subduing Hungers Rite (***) (1E or more/ Harmony/ Extended [25 blood drip into the ground. The rite can only be used once in a 12hr
successes; each roll represents 1 min.]) Allows a Uratha to function as if fed period. DF: The ritualist suffer a -2 to all rites for the next lunar month. S:
and watered for a few extra days. Performed: Subject bites his tongue or lip, The ground for 1yrd per dot of the ritualist’s Harmony, in front of him,
or cuts himself and licks the wound, ingesting the blood. Then he burns his roils, and any foreign objects come to the surface. The earth becomes soft
feet just enough to raise light blisters. If the spirit hears him, he ceases to feel and loose until settles and anyone stepping in it sinks a bit (-2 to Physical
urges to eat or drink. At this point, the Uratha spends 1 Essence. DF: Feels actions requiring agility or body coordination within this area, and if wet,
hungry and thirsty and must immediately eat or fill fatigue. S: Does not need -3. ES: Ritualist’s Purity rating is added to determine area of effect.
to eat or drink for a number of days equal to Essence spent. After the effects
of the ritual dissipates, the Uratha’s body suddenly notices what it has been ~Lodge of Metal ~
missing and should consume food and drink immediately.
Rite of Corrosion (****) (Harmony/ Extended (3 successes per point of
Lodges: The Faithful Size of target object; each represents 1 min.]) This Rite doesn’t destroy the
object, but does highlight and enhance its weaknesses. Performed: Small
~Lodge of Arms~ handheld objects need just a ritualist, building will require an entire pack
of Uratha to howl and chant as they circle the object, attempting to scare
or unsettle the spirits within. Over the course of the Rite, the spirit and
Rite of the Duel (*) (Harmony/ Extended [15 successes; each represents 1
object are slowly worn away. DF: Rite will no not work again for 24hrs.
min.]) For Duels, the Lodge uses this rite to suppress weapons so that death
S: If the successes equal the object’s Size x3, for the remainder of the
is so frequent. Performed: A fire burns in the center of the dueling circle
scene, any roll made to break or destroy the object is subject to the “9
and the ritualist walks around the boundaries of the area, marked with
again” rule.
weapons, sticks or hands. Once the circle is complete, fire is doused, thereby
symbolically quenching the passion of spirits within the circle. Then the
ritualist growls in a manner of patient parent and invites the combatants into
the ring. DF: Participants are likely to interpret as a sign that the duel is
scourged, do not return; however, the werewolf must make a Karuth roll.
The ritual must be started over for remaining brands. S: Each 5 successes
~Lodge of Night~ equal 1 brand/Renown removed (and 1 lethal damage) with the ritualist
determining which goes first. Once all brands are removed, the Rite is
Rite of the Ghost Howl (*) (Harmony/ Instant) Serves as both a warning considered complete and the subject makes a degeneration check at 3 dice;
and a memoriam for fallen members. Howling long and hard, a faint “echo” the pain and change of the rite is sufficient to severely traumatizing,
is left in the area. Any spirit or Uratha entering the area might hear the faint disrupting inner balance.
ghost of a howl, conveying the message the ritemaster put into the howl. Modifier Situation
“Ghost howls” are left to linger in a region to warn hostile spirits that Uratha +2 Rite is performed by moonlight.
protect a territory, or to warn other Uratha that highly dangerous spirits are
near, and sometime it is used to mark the spot of a fallen lodge member or ~Lodge of Scrolls~
packmate. Performed: In Urshul, the ritualist howls a simple message
(understandable in First Tongue). The message can include identity and Rite of Comprehension (***) (Harmony/ Extended [10 successes; each
vague impression of reason the Rite was performed. DF: Echo will no take roll represents 1 min.]) Allows Uratha to read or hear a foreign language
in the region. A month must pass before he can try again. S: The howl lingers almost as if it were his own, for a limited period. Performed: The ritualist
in the air and is imprinted in the region of Shadow until the day of the sits in a calm, empty space, with the volume (or person) he wishes to
ritualist’s death. ES: The echo never fades from the Shadow. understand, a small fire and collection of writing materials in hand. In his
native tongue, he writes down a secret of his own using his blood, and
~Lodge of Ruin~ then burns the secret in fire, offering information to the knowledge-spirits.
DF: The Uratha forgets the secret he had offered up for 1 lunar month. S:
Rite of the Final Sunrise (***) (Harmony/ Extended [10 successes needed; Gains full literacy in written language or code he has chosen. The Rite
each roll represents 1 turn]) This Rite allows the ritualist and his pack to won’t crack supernaturally encoded material.
draw strength from entropy. Any object or living being very near death or
useless is required. A machine used in this Rite must have moving parts and ~Lodge of Stones~
require some type of outside fuel to work. During the course of the Rite, the
subject dies or shuts down permanently and a small amount of Essence is Rite of Angry Streets (****) (1E/ Harmony/ Extended [15 successes;
released, which can then be absorbed by the ritualist or participants. each roll represents 30 min.]) The very city itself seems to turn on the
Performed: Performed in the last moments of darkness before the sun rises. enemy, making even the simplest task, such as passing through a door or
The ritualist stands on the western side of the subject, facing east, and marks navigating the streets difficult. Doors jam and curbstones reach out to trip
him or it with rust, dirt, or blood. The ritualist then changes to Urshul or while urban animals attack from the shadows. Performed: The ritualist
Urhan and howls to the sun until the first ray of sunlight touches the target, walks the streets, making purposeful, physical contact with as many
so timing is important. The subject expires or falls apart as soon as the light buildings as he can. Some rest their foreheads to the objects they’re
touches. DF: Sunlight strikes the target and rejuvenates it as Coyote laughs talking to, while others lay palms flat against the surfaces, or run their
from somewhere in the spirit wilds. The subject will live or function for at fingers across, leaving angry spirits in their wake. The ritualist whispers of
least another day. This subject will never work as a focus for this Rite. S: the enemy they face and of the harm they will do to the city and to every
Subject dies or falls apart and all participants reap the benefit. Living beings animal he howls of coming predators. He must spend 30 minutes per area
give Essence equal to their max Health. Machines provide Essence based on the size of a city block. This rite cannot be performed more than once a
complexity: lunar month without offending city spirits. DF: Ritualist is -2 socially with
Machine Essence Reward any city spirit or Rite within the city for a lunar month. S: One target or a
Gun 1 multiple of targets (1 per point of Harmony) are bound together by
Computer 3 spiritual ties. For 24hrs, an area of the city, up to one block per point of
Car 5 Harmony, will become hostile to the named targets. The targets suffer a -2
penalty to all rolls that would ordinarily be subject to distraction penalties
~Lodge of Salvation~ while within the area, as the city interferes subtly with their actions.
Nominated blocks must be adjoining. ES: The penalty is raised to -3.
Rite of the Moon’s Veil (***) (1E or more/ Harmony/ Extended [15
successes; each roll represents 1 min.]) This Rite allows the ritualist to ~Lodge of Wendigo~
temporarily hide the subject from the Pure Tribes, masking him from any
supernatural attempts made by the Pure or their spirit allies. This Rite doesn’t Rite of Blood’s Revelation (*) (Harmony contested by victim’s Resolve +
work on targets with Auspices. Performed: The ritualist embraces the target PU/ Instant and contested) Rips memories from a victim’s mind and lets
as if to shield him, and softly sings a chant to Luna and her spirits, asking for the ritualist recall events as they happened to the victim. The ritualist has
her to return a wayward child. DF: Cannot be performed on target again. S: no control over which memories are stolen which end up being a clashing
Any supernatural attempt to detect the subject made by werewolf or spirit is mixture of recent events and long-buried recollections. Few victims forget
at -4 dice. Last for 24hrs, plus an additional 24hrs for each Essence beyond those memories taken. Performed: The ritualist must swallow some of he
the first spent. ES: Blessing increases to a -6 penalty to detect. subject’s blood within 24hrs. Then meditating on the act of consumption,
he unlocks the secrets of the victim’s life. DF: A flash of own memories
Rite of the Silver Scar (*****) (Harmony/ Extended [5 successes per dot of leaves the ritualist disorientated for the 12hrs gaining a -2 to all actions. S:
Renown to be removed; each roll represents 1 min.]) Removes Renown from Accesses a store of subject’s memories, which flow within the ritualist’s
a willing recipient, in effect re-baptizing him and preparing him to begin mind. Though aware that the events never happened to him, the ritualist
walking the path of Lunes. Without this Rite, a former Pure cannot join the may be confused at first. ES: The ritualist remembers subject’s memories
Tribes of the Moon; at best, he becomes a Ghost Wolf without an Auspice. that immediately relate to certain factors that interest him.
Performed: Subject exposes himself to the open sky, baring any areas of his
skin that are marked by brands of Pure Renown. The ritualist begins to chant Rite of Forbidden Flesh (***) (Harmony/ Instant) Cannibalizing a
a litany of sacrifice and forgiveness; the scar-like spirit brands become victim, the Wendigo can take their enemies’ power – be it intellectual or
visible, glowing with a dull golden light. The ritualist runs a fingernail across physical. The ritual is clearly unacceptable within the Forsaken culture.
the patterns of each tattoo as he continues to chant, anointing the brands with Performed: Swallowing a mouthful of their victim’s body within an hour,
a mix of pure water and powdered silver. The spirit brands glow with silver the ritualist meditates upon the act and beseeches the lodge totem for
light as they burn away from the subject’s flesh. The process is quite painful health and strength. DF: The ritualist automatically loses 1 Harmony from
and leaves ugly wounds on the subject; Uratha subject to this Rite have guilt and corruption of the deed. S: For 1hr the ritualist gains +1 Health
entered Karuth if too much Renown is scourged. When the Rite is complete, and +1 strength. ES: The effect lasts for 4hrs.
the subject heals wounds normally, though faint traces of scars remain. A
sufficient way to remove scars is to undergo the Rite of Spirit Brand to ~Lodge of Winter~
replace old marks with new brands of lunar devotion. DF: Any brands
Blinding the Eye (****) (Harmony/ Extended [5 successes; each roll Modifier Situation
represents 1 min.]) Used to strike enemies blind. Performed: Having an -2 Subject doesn’t live in the city.
item with a sympathetic link to the victim (the closer to the eyes the better, +1 Subject is wolf-blooded.
like an eyelash), the ritualist lets his blood fall on the focus as he chants the +1 Subject is well-known to the ritualist.
formal curse in the First Tongue. DF: The curse backfires and the user is +1 Ritualist born in the city.
blind for 10 minutes. S: The target rolls Resolve + PU – the ritualist’s +1 Ritualist lived in city for entire life.
successes; failure indicates that the target is blind for 1 minute per success; +1 Ritualist possesses image of the subject.
his vision becomes a blood-red haze that deepens to pitch black. Humans are +2 Ritualist possesses item of the subject.
more susceptible to this rite and lose their vision for 1hr per success. ES: 1hr +3 Ritualist possesses body part of subject.
per success (instead of 1 min.) and humans are permanently blind.
Modifier Situation Blood Ogham (*) (1E/ Harmony/ Instant) Using runic-style language, the
+1 Sympathetic material is vision-related. rite marks the boundaries of territories that is immediately recognized by
+1 Sympathetic material is part of target’s body. Uratha and wolf-blooded, but undetectable by mortals. Uratha seeing
-1 Sympathetic material is not a part of the target’s body. Blood Ogham know that they are trespassing on another pack’s territory.
Performed: The Uratha carves the Ogham runes for his pack’s name and
Rite of the Alpha’s Blessing (****) (Harmony/ Extended [10 successes per hunting ground into a solid surface. As he performs the rite, he repeats,
recipient; each roll represents 1 min.]) The rite offers power for power to “The Herd Must Not Know,” in First Tongue, until the runes are
those who are willing participants. Performed: Willing participants must completed. Afterwards, a few drops of his blood onto the runes. Thereafter
gather before the ritemaster in a fashion that demonstrates their willingness appearing as a bleeding symbol gouged into the surface. DF: Rite fails and
to obey (submissive posture). The ritualist anoints each subject with his own may not be used for another week. S: Uratha and wolf-blooded
blood and asks repeated oaths of loyalty from the recipients in First Tongue – instinctively understand the meaning of the markings. Mortals and
such as, “should I ask it, you will give me food” and “should I ask it, you supernatural creatures can never see the blood on the signs and are unable
will kill.” Each must respond, “ha sehah” – “I obey.” At the completion of to make out the meaning as other than nonsensical graffiti. ES: The runes
the rite the ritualist must give the subjects at least one command to prove to continue to bleed over time.
the spirits that the recipients will obey. DF: The spirits lash out and all who
participated take 1 aggravated damage. S: Each recipient receives a +1 to Rite of the Final Howl (*) (1E/ Harmony/ Instant)A last ditch attempt to
Wits and Resolve rolls for 24hrs or until one of the recipients disobeys the send a message for help. Performed: The Uratha bites his tongue hard
ritualist’s orders. Only he who disobeyed loses the boon of the rite, though enough to bleed, and swills the blood around his mouth for a turn. The
the ritemaster may not know of the disobedience. following turn, he roars out a single, long howl to the sky, containing
Modifier Situation rough details of his location, with an emotional undercurrent of impending
-1 Per recipient with a higher Renown than the ritualist. doom. A gravely serious rite few, even rival Uratha, would ignore. DF:
The user chokes on the blood for 1 turn. S: The howl carries for 5 miles
~Lodge of the Feast~ per success. Although, the roar does not reach the ears of mortals beyond
natural hearing, all Uratha within the radius hear the howl both in the
Communion of the Flesh (**) (Harmony/ Extended [10 successes; each roll physical and Shadow Realm.
represents 1 min.]) Though the lodge see themselves as the keepers of this
rite, it can be found by those who look for it. The rite doesn’t enable Beseech the Mother (**) (Harmony/ Instant) Used upon a Cahalith to
werewolves to eat human or wolf flesh with impunity; the rite makes the insight more sleep-vision beyond the first. This rite can be used as many
experience more “filling.” Performed: A series of ritual blessings are made times as the Cahalith desires, though each successive attempt after the first
before beginning a meal of human or wolf-flesh, usually performed in First a -2 penalty to the dice pool. Performed: The user spends 1hr in silent
Tongue. The culmination of the rite requires anointing the centerpiece of the reverence to Mother Moon, looking up at her face in an unclouded night
meal with salt and a small amount of alcoholic libation. Traditionally, this sky. If the moon is covered at any point, the rite fails. Afterwards, the user,
rite is performed at night. DF: The meal cannot be blessed and the rite in his own words, composes a short poetic verse honoring each of the
cannot be invoked for 24hrs. S: Those who eat the meal, regain 1 Essence Lune choirs. He then attempts to sleep under Luna’s gaze, for which the
and +1 to Stamina and Resolve rolls for 24hrs; however, they must make a moon can be obscured. DF: Offended, Luna does not garner prophetic
degeneration check, if their Harmony is sufficiently high to demand it. ES: dreams for an entire month. S: The Cahalith receives a prophetic dream.
Bonus to Stamina and Resolve are +2. ES: Luna blesses her child for seeking her wisdom and does no suffer the
Modifier Situation -2 penalty for the next time the ritual is used.
+1 Rite takes place at night
+1 Three or more participants Rite of the Cairn Stones (**) (1E/ Harmony [+1 per additional howler
-1 Performed in human tongue after the ritualist]/ Instant) A rite to honor the fallen Uratha. Performed:
-1 Performed under sunlight The packmembers cover the body of a dead friend with stones, gathered
from their hunting grounds, and build a cairn over the Uratha’s remains. It
is inappropriate to perform over an already buried packmate, for which, a
Shadows of the UK single stone is placed over the gravesite and pushed into the soil. Each
These rites are found and used primarily within the British Isles. member changes to wolf and howls a single emotion to the night –
~Lodge of London~ whichever emotion the Uratha feels toward the departed at the time. The
ritemaster, after his packmates howls fade, howls himself to beseech a
Eyes of the City (****) (Harmony vs. subject’s Resolve/ Instant) Might be spirit of memory to recall forever the cries of the bereaved. DF: The
used to divine locations of hated enemies or eavesdrop on dealings of a loved ritemaster may never perform the ritual upon the fallen again as no
one or contact. The images and sounds replace the user’s own senses and memory-spirit pays attention. S: In the Shadow, around the grave, a distant
only revert back to normal when the rite fails or the user speaks a word of sound of howling will always be heard. Uratha that listen carefully will
severance. The rite fails to function if used on supernatural creatures such as hear and recognize the emotions that drove those howls, and will
Ridden, vampires, mages and ghosts, though the rite works on wolf-blooded, understand the howl calling for remembrance of a packmate’s death. ES:
acolytes and ghouls. Performed: The ritualist gathers 1 or more items Upon the anniversary of the dead packmate, the howls can be heard faintly
related to the subject of the rite and howls to the spirit of the city, pleading to within the physical world.
be allowed to share the mortal’s senses. When the city-spirit establishes the
link, the user speaks a First Tongue work of breaking that will sever the
contact when desired; otherwise, it lasts for a number of hours equal to user’s Scarlet Messenger (**) (Harmony/ Extended [10 successes; each roll
Harmony. DF: Unable to use the rite upon the subject for 1 month. S: The represents 1min. of beseeching the spirit to awaken]) Creates a short-lived
ritualist loses his sense of sight and sound which is replaced by those of the messenger spirit capable of delivering a message to anyone, anywhere.
target. He hears and sees everything the subject experiences, though lacking Performed: The ritemaster cuts open his flesh and lets 33 droplets of
control over the target. ES: Lasts for Harmony x2hrs. blood drip onto the ground. At the end of this offering, the user beseeches
the blood to awaken and carry forth a single message, and speaks 1 sentence
aloud – no more than 33 words – and names the person who is to receive the
message. The user need not know the person personally, but must know his
name. The blood forms into a large raven-spirit, black but with red eyes and
a scarlet cast to its plumage when light catches at certain angles. It is only a
simulacrum of a spirit created by the ritual but is capable of flight in the
Shadow like a true raven-spirit and can cross the Gauntlet to or from the
physical world to deliver the message. Upon arriving at the named person, it
alights on his shoulder and caws loudly. The recipient understands these
caws perfectly, hearing the ritemaster’s message in the croaky sounds. The
raven waits 33 seconds to hear any reply to the message, which the raven
will carry back to the ritemaster and deliver. If no reply is forthcoming, or
after the raven has delivered a reply, the spirit lands on the ground and melts
into a small patch of the ritualist’s blood. DF: The Uratha takes 2 bashing
damage from his bleeding palms. S: The Uratha takes 1 bashing damage and
the Scarlet Messenger manifests and carries a message up to a mile per
success. ES: The messenger will fly twice the normal range.
Modifier Situation
+1 Recipient is well-known to the ritemaster.
+1 Recipient has tasted the ritemaster’s blood.
-1 Recipient has never met the ritemaster.
-2 Recipient is using a Gift to hide or disguise himself.

Bloody-Handed Hunter (****) (2E/ Harmony/ Extended [15 successes;

each represents 1min. of immersion in bloody water]) Developed to honor
the family lines and ancestry of some Blood Talons that reach back to the era
of the Celtic warriors, the “bloody-handed heroes.” Performed: Only the
ritemaster receives the benefits. He meditates on savagery shown by his
ancestor for no less than an hour before beginning the rite. Then he prepares
a bowl of purified water and cuts deeply into his palms with a sharp
implement. Then he immerses his hands in the bowl for a number of minutes
while swearing to Luna that he will bring death to any enemies he meets
before sunrise. DF: The ritualist suffers 1 lethal from Luna’s wrath. S: The
user’s hands are stained blood-red to the wrists for the rest of the night and
his claws create hideously painful wounds when they strike his enemies. All
damage by his claws are +1 aggravated until sunrise when the stains fade.
The rite can end whenever the Uratha desires. ES: The Uratha’s hands
continue to seep blood until sunrise, causing 1 lethal every 10 minutes but
dealing aggravated damage +3 until sunrise, when the rite ends. The rite’s
effect cannot be ended before dawn and can potentially kill the user.

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