Naseer-Proposal Report

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Thesis Proposal Report of Academic Degree Graduate of Beijing University of

学位级别: ■博士 □硕士

Academic Degree ■ DOCTOR □MASTER

学 号: B20190602W

Student Number

研究生姓名: Naseer Ullah


指导教师姓名: Hailou Yao

Name of Supervisor

专业名称: Mathematics


所在学院: Faculty of Science

开题报告时间:2020 年 12 月 25 日

Date of Proposal Report

Made by the Graduate School of Beijing University of Technology
注意:本表基本情况及报告正文由研究生本人填写,硕士不少于 3000 字,博士不少于
5000 字。格式要求:正文文字部分为 5 号宋体、单倍行间距排版,A4 纸双面打
Attention: The basic information and the content should be filled out in person. The graduate
students should write no less than 3000 words and the Doctoral students no less than 5000
Format requirements: The body part should be a font size of 5 of song style, single-spaced
layout, duplex printing and binding with A4 paper. The evaluation of the proposal report
should be written by the supervisor and the panel. At the end of the proposal report, one
should submit the original report to the Secretariat of Graduate School within one week.

一、 基本情况

Basic Information
研究生姓名 学 号
Naseer Ullah B20190602W
Name Student Number
院、系 指导教师姓名及职称
Name of College College of Applied Sciences Name and Title of Prof. Hailou Yao
or Department Supervisor
Mathematics, 入学年月
Discipline or Sep 2019
Pure Mathematics Enrollment Time
Date of Filling
1、 研究方向、论文选题范围:
Research direction and topic ranges:
Research direction:Representation theory of algebra
Topic Range:To study artinian algebras and their representation theory, especially for incidence algebras
and their representations. Meanwhile, to study tilting and cotilting theory including tilting and cotilting
2、 拟定论文题目:
Proposed thesis title
Research on some artinian algebras and their representations as well as the
related topics
3、 论文科研课题属于哪一级科研项目,经费来源及金额(课题来源选项分为国家计委、科委项目、国家经贸委项目、
The research belongs to which level of scientific research projects, the source and amount of funds ( The research
source can be the State Planning Commission, Science and Technology projects, the State Economic and Trade
Commission, the project of National Natural Science Fund project, other departments of the State Council department,
the competent department (ministerial) of projects, province projects, city projects, autonomous region projects,
international cooperation projects, the school level project, optional items, other)
National Natural Science Foundation of China
4、 论文类型(基础研究、应用研究、开发研究、其它)
Type of thesis (basic research, applied research, development research, other)
Basic Research
选题研究内容和意义简介(限 400 字):
Brief introduction about the research content and its significance (within 400 words)
The representation theory of artin algebras, as we be aware of it to-day, is a relatively new area of
mathematics, as most of the main developments have occurred since the late sixties. The
representation theory of artinian algebras is a classical and productive theory has provided us many
tools and results for years. Some work has been done on modules of infinite k-dimension, but most
attention has so far been given to the category of finitely generated (left) modules, which we denote
by mod . For equal to k, mod is the category of finite dimensional vector spaces over k. The

problems studied in the representation theory of artin algebras are mainly concerned with the additive
structure of the module category, like how modules decompose into a direct sum of indecomposable
modules. One should be aware that there are plenty of examples of finite-dimensional algebras which
arise in other parts of algebra; there are the incidence algebras of posets. We give a unified approach,
through incidence algebras, to the classification of a few significant kinds of representation:
distributive; thin; with finitely numerous orbits; or with finitely numerous invariant subspaces, just as

to a few types of algebras, for example, semidistributive, with finitely numerous ideals, or locally
hereditary. The key instrument is the presentation of a deformation theory of posets and incidence
algebras. We show that these deformations of incidence algebras of posets are accurately the locally
inherited semidistributive algebras, and they are classified regarding the cohomology of the simplicial
realizations of the poset. A series of application is derived. First, we have to study artinian algebras
and their representation theory, especially for incidence algebra and their representation, from a
representation theoretic viewpoint. The main result is the calculation of the incidence algebra for
representation theory of algebras. Consequently, we hope to study the tilting and cotilting theory
especially for studying tilting modules and cotiling modules.

关键词(用分号隔开、最多 5
个) Incidence algebra; Tilting and cotilting theory; Tilting modules; Cotiling
Keywords (separated by modules.
semicolons, at most 5 keywords)

The body of the report

(一) 选题依据与研究内容
Basis for selecting the topic and the contents for researching

1、 选题依据(研究意义、国内外研究现状等)
Basis for selecting the topic (significance of research, research status at home and

The representation theory of artinian algebra is one of the vital researches in functor categories, presented
in representation theory by Auslander (1971) [1] and Auslander (1974) [2] and utilized in their evidence of
primary Brauer- Thrall conjecture (Auslander 1978) [3] and later on, utilized systematically in his joint
work with I. Reiten on stable comparability and Reiten [4]. The Gabriel-Roiter measure has been
introduced by Gabriel [5], in order to clarify the induction scheme used by Roiter in his proof of the first
Brauer- Thrall conjecture. Ringel used the Gabriel- Roiter measure as a foundation tool for representation
theory of Artin algebras [6, 7]. The so called Gabriel–Roiter submodules of an indecomposable module are
indecomposable submodules with a certain maximality condition. Tilting theory arises as a universal
method for constructing equivalences between categories. Originally introduced in the context of module
categories over finite dimensional algebras, tilting theory is now considered an essential tool in the study of
many areas of mathematics, including finite and algebraic group theory, commutative and non-commutative
algebraic geometry, and algebraic topology. In particular, tilting complexes were shown by Rickard (1989)
[8] to be the necessary ingredient in developing a Morita theory for derived categories.
Tilting and cotilting modules have first been considered in the context of finitely generated modules over
finite-dimensional algebras. The category equivalences and dualities induced by them have provided tools
for exploring the structure of module categories over their endomorphism algebras, as well as the structure
of tilting torsion, and cotilting torsion-free, classes of modules. The pioneering works of Brenner et al [9],
Happel et al [10], Assem [11] and Smalø [12] have later been extended to the setting of (infinitely
generated) modules over arbitrary rings [13, 14, 15, 16, 17]. Similarly, the idea of left and right
aproximations of modules developed by Auslander et al [18, 19] for finitely generated modules over artin
algebras turned out to be useful for modules over arbitrary rings.
The classical notion of tilting and cotilting modules was first considered in the case of finite-
dimensional algebras by Brenner and Butler [20] and by Happel and Ringel [21] in the 80s. The
tilting (cotilting) modules considered in these papers are finitely generated and of projective
(injective) dimension one. In [22] Miyashita considered finitely generated tilting modules of finite
projective dimension, while generalizations of tilting modules of projective dimension one over
arbitrary rings have been =considered by many authors: Colby and Fuller [23], Colpi and Trlifaj

[24]. In [24] an infinitely generated module T is said to be tilting if where = is

the class of modules which are epimorphic images of direct sums of copies of T and T ⊥ is the class

of modules M such that This definition generalizes the classical notion of

tilting modules and its natural dual generalizes the classical notion of cotilting modules. In [25]
Angeleri Hügel and Coelho carry over an extensive study of infinitely generated tilting and
cotilting modules of finite homological dimension over arbitrary rings producing the important
result that tilting and cotilting classes provide for special precovers and special preenvelopes). In
this paper we generalize to the n-dimensional case the notions introduced by Colpi and Trlifaj in
the one-dimensional case and we prove that the classes of modules satisfying our new definitions
coincide with the classes of tilting and cotilting modules studied by Angeleri Hügel and Coelho.
Moreover, our results in the tilting case are generalizations of results in [26].
Tilting theory, originating in the work of Brenner and Butler [27], has been the subject of a large
number of investigations of the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras. Perhaps the
most readable accounts of the basic results on the theory are contained in the works of Bongartz
[28] and Happel. The principal reason for the existence of tilting theory is that if A is a hereditary
algebra with tilting module RT and B = End(AT) (such a B is called a tilted algebra [28], [29]) then
B-mod is determined by A-mod in a precise manner: Indeed, T induces a splitting torsion theory on
B-mod entailing a one-to-one correspondence between the indecomposable B-modules and the
indecomposable A-modules M such that HomA(T, M) = 0 or Exti(T, M) = 0. Thus in particular,
tilting theory provides new examples of algebras of finite representation type, some of which have
been calculated in [30] and [31], for example. Even in the simplest case, namely when A is an
upper triangular matrix ring over a field, Happel and Ringel [30] obtained an interesting class of
algebras of finite type by calculating the tilting modules and the corresponding tilted algebras. Here
we provide extensions of some of the known results on tilting and cotilting theory to more general
rings, and employ them to obtain descrip- tions of the tilting modules over noetherian serial rings,
their endomor- phism rings which we call serially tilted rings, and the categories S-mod and mod-S
for a serially tilted ring S. Miyashita [32] and Cline, Parshall, and Scott [33] have investigated
gener- alizations of tilting modules and have obtained generalizations of portions of the well known
Tilting Theorem (see [4], for example) for arbitrary rings. In Section 1 we present a rather complete
version of the Tilting Theorem (with simplified proofs) for an arbitrary ring R; and we prove that if
R is left hereditary and S = End(RT) then T induces a splitting torsion theory on S-Mod entirely
analogous to the algebra case. Colby [34] has investigated the notion of cotilting modules over
noetherian' rings and obtained a dual version of the Tilting Theorem. Building on his results, an
extension of Happel and Ringel's characterization of algebras that tilt to triangular matrix algebras
[30], Fuller and Haack's [35]. These rings are noetherian rings of global dimension who’s

finitely generated left and right modules are completely described by the tilting-cotilting theory and
Warfield's description [36] of R-mod for R a noetherian serial ring. Moreover, unlike the serial
case, their left and right structures bear little or no resemblance to each other.
Most of our terminology corresponds to that of [37]. Some special cases: We denote the category of
left, right, finitely generated left, and finitely generated right modules over a ring R by
respectively. If M is an R-module we write Add M

and add M for the collection of direct summands of arbitrary and finite direct sums of copies of M,
respectively. A module belongs to Gen M in case it is an epimorphism of a member of Add M. The

trace in R of M, is the ideal of R generated by the homomorphic images of M in

denotes the composition length of M and E (M) its injective envelope.

Incidence algebras were first introduced in the context of partially ordered sets (posets) by G. C.
Rota in [38] as a tool for proving combinatorial theorems via a common generalization of the
Principle of inclusion-exclusion and of Mobius inversion in number theory. A detailed
accounting of incidence algebras in combinatorics can be found in [39]. A good
Reference on the theory of incidence algebras is the book of Spiegel and O'Donnell [40].
The incidence algebra of a finite poset is in fact a basic finite dimensional algebra
and so it is also very natural to study them from the point of view of representation theory. Given a
finite poset (or quasi-ordered set) P, the incidence algebra I(P,K) of P over a field K is the algebra
with basis fxy indexed by pairs x ≤ y in P and convolution (incidence) multiplication given by

when . These algebras have a well established history; they

appear from many directions in mathematics and have thus been investigated by many authors,
from several (often overlapping) perspectives: combinatorial [41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46], topological
[47, 48, 49, 50, 51], algebraic [52, 53, 54, 55, 56], representation theoretic [57, 58, 59, 60]. This
certainly represents only a modest list. Incidence algebras of finite type play an important role in
representation theory of finite dimensional algebras, and implicitly appear, for example, in
Nazarova and Roiter’s work on the Brauer-Thrall conjectures, and Kleiner’s work on subspace
arrangements and finite type: any finite subspace arrangement can be completed with respect to
intersections, and can be regarded as a special kind of representation of a suitable poset, where
maps are all injective. Incidence algebras also provide a fertile ground for testing various
conjectures, due to flexibility in choosing the poset, and in this respect have also been known as
structural matrix algebras: that is, they can be defined as subalgebras of matrix algebras obtained by
considering the set of matrices having arbitrary entries at a set of prescribed positions (i,j) ∈ S and 0
elsewhere. In particular, this definition automatically gives a representation of the incidence algebra
which we call the defining representation.
An important property of incidence algebras is that they provide examples of distributive
representations, that is, representations whose lattice of sub representations is a distributive lattice
(i.e. A∩ (B +C) = A∩B +A∩C). This class of distributive modules has also been studied by many
authors. Indeed, the projective indecomposable modules of incidence algebra of a finite poset are
distributive [61, 46]. A module is called semi-distributive if it is a direct sum of distributive
modules. Hence, incidence algebra is left and right semi-distributive. Such modules show up
frequently when studying algebras of finite representation type, that is, algebras which have only
finitely many types of isomorphism of indecomposable modules up to isomorphism.
It is well known, that incidence algebras can be defined only for locally finite partially ordered sets
[62, 63]. At the same time, for example, the poset of cells of a non compact cell partition of a
topological space is not locally finite. On the other hand, some operations, such as the order sum
and the order product [63], do not save the locally finiteness. So it is natural to try to generalize the
concept of incidence algebra. In this article we consider the functions in two variables on an
arbitrary poset (finitary series), for which the convolution operation is defined. We obtain the
generalization of incidence algebr finitary incidence algebra and describe its properties:
invertibility, the Jackobson radical, idempotents, and regular elements. As a consequence a positive
solution of the isomorphism problem for such algebras is obtained.

The contents and goals of the study, and the research issues
1. To study representation theory of algebras.
2. The goals are to study the cotilting and tilting theory in the representation theory of algebras.
3. We hope to study algebras and their representation theory. Concretely, we aim to study the
incidence algebras and modules, to study tilting and cotilting theory especially for incidence
algebra and their representation.

2、 拟采取的研究方案(研究思路、技术路线或研究方法)及可行性分析
Proposed methodology (research idea, technical route or method) and the
feasibility analysis
1. Reading a lot of research articles and literatures, making the summary on the results in the
field of representation theory of algebras.
2. Taking part in seminar class and having the speaks about important literatures, having
communications with research teammates and advisor, making valuable research on the
3. Quivers methods and homological methods will help us research the related problems we infer
to. These two methods are very useful tools for studying the representation theory of artinian
algebras; we will use them to study the representation theory of algebras.

3、 本课题的特色及创新之处(限博士论文开题,硕士可根据课题取舍)
The unique or innovative points of the study (this is obligatory for doctoral
dissertation, while masters can make choice according to topic)
1. Studying Artinian algebra and finding properties of incidence algebras.
2. Developing tilting and cotilting theory in the representation theory of algebras.
3. Developing relative representation theory of artin algebra on incidence algebras.

4、 论文研究进度计划(含研究进度计划安排、研究经费预算及解决办法)、预期

Schedule of the study (including the plan for scheduling, the appropriation
budget and the solutions), and the expected results

2019.09--2020.12 I had read related work and literature.

2020.12--2021.12 Read a large number of books and literature and complete one or two related
2022.12--2023.06 Read the literature on the theory and sort out research results, complete the
writing of doctoral dissertation and prepare for doctoral dissertation defense.

(二) 论文研究工作基础及条件保障
Foundation for research study and the conditions for insurances

1、 工作基础(含入学以来取得研究成果、参与或承担的科研项目情况等)
Working foundation (including research achievements got during doctoral study,
and the details of participation and commitment in research projects)
Since entering the school, has participated in the tutor organization's discussion class, has
studied the basic algebra, homological algebra basic knowledge systematically, and the basis
of the theory of books, has a certain basis for research.

2、 工作条件(设备条件、实验场地条件、可能遇到的困难及应对措施)
Working conditions (equipment conditions, experimental conditions, the
difficulties and solutions)
1. Some documents are too early to be found easily. However, content of the original document
can be understood by other peoples.
2. Carefully study the relevant literature, and carefully deduce it, under the guidance of the tutor.

References (list the references with standard format, and label is needed in the
main body of dissertation)
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dimension and a generalization of ∗-modules, J. Algebra, in press.
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代数及其表示论的研究是目前国际上数学研究的热点之一。Naseer Ullah 同学通过对大量

时,这些问题也吸引着国内外许多学者的注意力和兴趣。我相信,Naseer Ullah 同学通过努
力,一定能完成研究计划,并能取得相应的成果。我同意 Naseer Ullah 同学进行开题报告

指 导 教 师 签 名 :
2020 年 12 月 20 日

开题报告会时间: 2020 年 12 月 25 日 下午 2 时— 5 时 地点:3 教 418

姓名 职称 所在单位及学科专长 博导/硕导
开 名
评 教授 理学部,小波分析 博导
题 章

刘有明 教授 理学部,小波分析 博导

家 彭良雪 教授 理学部,拓扑学 博导

告 杨士林 教授 理学部,量子群及其表示 博导

姚海楼 教授 理学部,代数表示论 博导

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□ 不合格, 年 月 日前重做开题报告。

评审组长签名: 2020 年 12 月
25 日

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