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Thesis Proposal Report of Academic Degree Graduate of Beijing University of Technology

学位级别: ■博士 □硕士

Academic Degree ■ DOCTOR □MASTER
学 号: B20170608W
Student Number
研究生姓名: Azam Muhammad
指导教师姓名: Yang Shilin
Name of Supervisor
专业名称: Mathematics
所在学院: College of Applied Sciences
开题报告时间: 4 Jan 2019
Date of Proposal Report

Made by the Graduate School of Beijing University of Technology
注意:本表基本情况及报告正文由研究生本人填写,硕士不少于 3000 字,博士不少于
5000 字。格式要求:正文文字部分为 5 号宋体、单倍行间距排版,A4 纸双面打
Attention: The basic information and the content should be filled out in person. The graduate
students should write no less than 3000 words and the Doctoral students no less than 5000
Format requirements: The body part should be a font size of 5 of song style, single-spaced
layout, duplex printing and binding with A4 paper. The evaluation of the proposal report should
be written by the supervisor and the panel. At the end of the proposal report, one should submit
the original report to the Secretariat of Graduate School within one week.
一、 基本情况

Basic Information
研究生姓名 学 号
Azam Muhammad B20170608W
Name Student Number
院、系 指导教师姓名及职称
Name of College College of Applied Sciences Name and Title of Prof. Yang Shilin
or Department Supervisor
Mathematics, 入学年月
Discipline or September 2017
Fundamental Mathematics Enrollment Time
1 Jan 2019
Date of Filling
1、 研究方向、论文选题范围:
Research direction and topic ranges:
Research direction:Automorphism groups of some Hopf algebras.
Topic Range: To construct some particular non-commutative non-semisimple Hopf algebras, then we
compute the automorphism group of them, and classify all indecomposable modules. Finally, we give the
decomposition of the tensor product of two modules and establish the Green ring of these Hopf algebras.
2、 拟定论文题目:
Proposed thesis title
Automorphic groups of some Hopf algebras and there related topics

3、 论文科研课题属于哪一级科研项目,经费来源及金额(课题来源选项分为国家计委、科委项目、国家经贸委项目、国

The research belongs to which level of scientific research projects, the source and amount of funds ( The research source
can be the State Planning Commission, Science and Technology projects, the State Economic and Trade Commission, the
project of National Natural Science Fund project, other departments of the State Council department, the competent
department (ministerial) of projects, province projects, city projects, autonomous region projects, international
cooperation projects, the school level project, optional items, other)
National Natural Science Foundation of China
4、 论文类型(基础研究、应用研究、开发研究、其它)
Type of thesis (basic research, applied research, development research, other)
Basic Research
选题研究内容和意义简介(限 400 字):
Brief introduction about the research content and its significance (within 400 words)
In 1989 Richard G. Larson and David E. Radford studied the structure of finite dimensional
semisimple Hopf algebras over a field 𝑘 by using trace formula and the Nichols-Zoeller Theorem.
Siu-Hung Ng studied non-semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension 𝑝2 . Let 𝐻 be a finite-

dimensional Hopf algebra with antipode 𝑆 of dimension 𝑝𝑞 over an algebraically closed field of
characteristic 0, where 𝑝 ≤ 𝑞 are odd primes. Radford show that the group 𝐴𝑢𝑡𝐻𝑜𝑓𝑝 (𝐻) of Hopf
algebra automorphisms of 𝐻 is finite under the assumption that 𝐻 is a finite-dimensional
semisimple and cosemisimple Hopf algebra over a field 𝑘 of characteristic zero or positive
characteristic 𝑝 > 𝑑𝑖𝑚𝐻. This result is generalized to any finite dimensional semisimple and
cosemisimple algebras and many results remain to be further study. The topic of thesis is to

construct some particular non-commutative non-semisimple Hopf algebras, then we compute the
automorphism group of them, and classify their indecomposable modules. Finally, we give the
decomposition of the tensor product of two modules and establish the Green ring of these Hopf
algebras. The research of this topic is of great significance to the development of automorphic
groups of Hopf algebras and there related topics.

关键词(用分号隔开、最多 5 个)
Keywords (separated by Hopf algebras; automorphism groups; Green Ring; Tensor product;
semicolons, at most 5 keywords)
报 告 正 文

The body of the report

(一) 选题依据与研究内容
Basis for selecting the topic and the contents for researching
1、 选题依据(研究意义、国内外研究现状等)
Basis for selecting the topic (significance of research, research status at home and
Hopf algebras are an important topic of study in mathematics because of their wide range of
applications. Hopf algebras were originally used in topology in the 1941, but since then their
applications and popularity as a topic of study have grown tremendously. Hopf algebras are used in
combinatorics, category theory, homological algebra, Lie groups, topology, functional analysis,
quantum theory and Hopf-Galois theory. A general theory for them was beginning to emerge by the time
of Sweedler’s book in 1969. Against the background of its development, applications to other areas were
being discovered, for example to combinatorics and computer science. Other areas of mathematics were
being treated in the context of Hopf algebras, for example Galois theory. Ideas from ring theory were
being applied to aspects of Hopf algebra theory. Hopf algebra techniques were being used to provide
purely algebraic proofs of results on algebraic groups. Affine group structures were being studied as
algebraic objects related to Hopf algebras. The paper by Drinfel’d in 1986 on quantum groups opened
the floodgates for applications of Hopf algebras to physics, invariant theory for knots and links, and
representations closely connected to Lie theory. The Hopf algebras involved are referred to as quantum
groups, a term still lacking formal definition. Hopf algebras includes much more than quantum group
theory. A great number of mathematicians have contributed to the subject. The subject of Hopf algebras
continues to grow in many directions. More recent considerations have led to generalizations of the
notion of Hopf algebra. We do not pursue the threads of evolution here; a quick adventure into the
literature will begin to reveal them. Hopf algebras appeared in the study of cohomologies of Lie groups.
They naturally appear in algebraic topology [1,2,3] in the theory of algebraic groups [4,5], etc. Recently,
a new direction has been taken in the study of Hopf algebras, the theory of quantum groups. Its
development has been motivated by connections to physics. Another important motivation for
development of the theory of Hopf algebras has been the fact that construction of noncommutative
geometry is closely related to Hopf algebras as well as quantum groups. Hopf algebras are the subject
of the two monographs. The present survey covers the period from 1970 (when Sweedler's monograph
to the present). Our attention is directed primarily toward the structural theory of Hopf algebras. We do
not include material on algebraic groups. This area has already received broad coverage in monographs
and surveys. The survey is not concerned with the theory of cohomologies or connections with algebraic
topology, since these are subjects for specialized surveys. The author would like to express his deep
gratitude to Yu. P. Solov'ev and A. A. Davydov for helpful consultation and valuable advice. The
resulting quotient ring is called the Grothendieck ring of the double algebra 𝐻. [6] Lorenz has carried
out a systematic study of the Grothendieck ring. In general, the structure of the Grothendieck ring is
relatively simple, but when the Hopf algebra is not half a single, the structure of its representation ring
is quite complex, and the Grothendieck ring can not better reflect the structure of the tensor category of
Hopf algebra, so it is very important to study its representation ring. The modules representation on the
finite group indicates that the corresponding representation ring has achieved quite rich results. The
study in this area originated in Green ring [7], after which [8, 9] people, such as Benson and Carlson,
developed their work in this area. Their research shows that the structure of the representation ring is
closely related to the non-fractal Chemo theory and local representation theory of the modules
representation of the group. Domokos [10] studied the representation ring of quantum matrix algebra in
non-unit root situations. Andruskiewitsch and Dumas studied the algebra automorphisms and Hopf
algebra automorphisms of 𝑈𝑞+ (𝑔), the positive part of the quantum enveloping algebra of simple
complex finite dimensional Lie algebras of types 𝐴2 and 𝐵2 in [11]. Alev and Chamarie studied the
algebra automorphisms of the quantum enveloping algebras 𝑈𝑞 (𝑠𝑙2 ) in [12]. For more works on the
algebra automorphisms and Hopf algebra automorphisms of 𝑈𝑞+ (𝑔), and 𝑈𝑞 (𝑔), the reader is directed
to [13,14,15,16,17]. On the other hand, quantum polynomial algebras are useful tools to study quantum
groups; see [18,19,20,21]. Kirkman, Procesi and Small studied the automorphism group of the quantum
polynomial algebra 𝑘𝑞 [𝑥, 𝑥 −1 , 𝑦, 𝑦 −1 ] in [22]. Artamonov studied the algebra automorphisms of the
quantum polynomial algebra 𝑘𝑞 [𝑥, 𝑥 −1 , 𝑦] in [23]. However, for the automorphism groups of
coalgebras, the known examples are few in the literature. Ye studied the automorphism groups of path
coalgebras in [24]. The present work aims to investigate the coalgebra automorphism group of the Hopf
algebra 𝑘𝑞 [𝑥, 𝑥 −1 , 𝑦], which can be regarded as the non-negative part 𝑈𝑞 (𝑠𝑙2 ) ≥ 0 of the quantum
enveloping algebra 𝑈𝑞 (𝑠𝑙2 ). Hopf algebra was formulated for the category of vector spaces over a field
𝑘. Hopf algebras of this type, which we refer to as Hopf algebras over a field, were seen to arise in a
number of settings: as underlying algebras of affine groups in the theory of algebraic groups, as formal
groups in number theory, and as universal enveloping algebras in Lie theory. Let 𝑝 be a prime number
and 𝑘 an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0 . If 𝐻 is a semisimple Hopf algebra of

dimension 𝑝2 , then 𝐻 is isomorphic to a group algebra [25], namely 𝑘(𝑍𝑝2 ) or 𝑘[𝑍𝑝 × 𝑍𝑝 ]. For the

non-semisimple case, the only known non-semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension 𝑝2 are the Taft
algebras ([26, 27]). The question whether the Taft algebras are the only non-semisimple Hopf algebras
of dimension 𝑝2 has remained open. In fact, the question was asked by Susan Montgomery in several
international conferences. It was proved that if both 𝐻 and 𝐻 ∗ have non-trivial group-like elements
or the order of the antipode is 2𝑝, then 𝐻 is isomorphic to a Taft algebra provided 𝑑𝑖𝑚𝐻 = 𝑝2 . Also
for any non-semisimple Hopf algebra over 𝑘 of dimension 𝑝2 is isomorphic to a Taft algebra. Hence,
the Hopf algebras over 𝑘 of dimension 𝑝2 can be completely classified [28]. In [29] Radford display
that the group 𝐴𝑢𝑡𝐻𝑜𝑝𝑓 (𝐻) of Hopf algebra automorphisms of 𝐻 is finite below the assumption that
𝐻 is a finite-dimensional semisimple and cosemisimple Hopf algebra over a field 𝑘 of characteristic
0 or of positive characteristic 𝑝 > 𝑑𝑖𝑚𝐻 . This result is generalized to any finite dimensional
semisimple and cosemisimple Hopf algebra by means of Waterhouse [30]. It is exciting to take into
account the group of Hopf algebra automorphisms for non-semisimple or non-cosemisimple Hopf
algebras. Let 𝑞 now not be a root of unity and 𝑈𝑞 (𝑔) be the quantized enveloping algebra similar to
a finite dimensional semisimple Lie algebra g. In [31], the group of Hopf algebra automorphisms of
𝑈𝑞 (𝑔) is given. The result is likewise acquired through Twietmeyer [32] and with the aid of Braverman
[33]. In the case while 𝑞 is a root of unity (of odd order), all Hopf algebra automorphisms of 𝑈𝑞 (𝑔)
are computed in [34]. In [35], the companies of Hopf algebra automorphisms for a category of Ribbon
Hopf algebras 𝑈𝑁,𝛾,𝜔 are determined. Note that all the above Hopf algebras are not semisimple. The
decomposition of the tensor product of two arbitrary indecomposable modules over a Hopf algebra is
of high interest. Cibils [36] classified the indecomposable modules over 𝑘𝑍𝑛 (𝑞)/𝐼𝑑 and established
the decomposition formulas of the tensor product of two arbitrary indecomposable 𝑘𝑍𝑛 (𝑞)/𝐼𝑑 -
modules. Yang [37] determined the representation type of simple pointed Hopf algebras 𝑅(𝑞, 𝑎). All
indecomposable modules of 𝑅(𝑞, 𝑎) were classified. Moreover, the decomposition formulas of the
tensor product of two arbitrary indecomposable 𝑅(𝑞, 𝑎)-modules for arbitrary 𝑎 were given. Chen et
al. [38] constructed the Green rings of the Taft algebra. Li and Zhang [39] extended these results to the
case of the generalized Taft Hopf algebras 𝐻𝑛,𝑑 (𝑞) and determined all nilpotent elements in the Green
ring of 𝐻𝑛,𝑑 (𝑞). It is noted that some results of 𝑅(𝑞, 𝑎) were recently extended to more general case
of pointed Hopf algebras of rank one by Wang et al [40].

2、 选题的研究内容、研究目标以及拟解决的关键问题等
The contents and goals of the study, and the research issues
Research content, research goals
Our research goals to constructing some particular non-commutative non-semisimple Hopf
algebras. Then we computing automorphism group of them. Also we classifying all
indecomposable modules and give the decomposition of the tensor product of the two modules.
Then we establish their Green ring of this Hopf algebras and describe the structure of their Green
rings by the generators and the generating relations. These results extend some known ones about
Taft algebras and generalized Taft algebras.

3、 拟采取的研究方案(研究思路、技术路线或研究方法)及可行性分析
Proposed methodology (research idea, technical route or method) and the
feasibility analysis
1. Read literatures extensively, summarize and sort out the work done by predecessors, so as to get
a more profound conclusion based on the existing work.
2. Actively participate in dialogue instructions, file critical literature, communicate with tutors and
classmates extra, and do a little treasured studies work combined with domestic and foreign
studies trends.
3. Since my postgraduate, I actually have made complete use of the network resources of library
and laboratory, amassed relevant materials, study a number of literature, and actively attend in
discussion training. Thus collected positive theory basis and technique talent, has laid the best
algebra theory, foundation representation. I have complete my research work by guidance of my

4、 本课题的特色及创新之处(限博士论文开题,硕士可根据课题取舍)
The unique or innovative points of the study (this is obligatory for doctoral
dissertation, while masters can make choice according to topic)
1. To construct some particular non-commutative non-semisimple Hopf algebras and then to
compute the automorphism group of them.

2. To classify all indecomposable modules and give the decomposition of the tensor product of
two modules and then to establish the Green ring of this Hopf algebras.

5、 论文研究进度计划(含研究进度计划安排、研究经费预算及解决办法)、预期研究
Schedule of the study (including the plan for scheduling, the appropriation budget and
the solutions), and the expected results
From 2017.9 to 2018.12: I had read related works and literature.
From 2018.12 to 2019.12: Read a large number of books and literature and complete one or two related
2019.12--2021.8: Read the literature on the theory and sort out research results, complete the writing of
doctoral dissertation and prepare for doctoral dissertation defense.

1、 工作条件(设备条件、实验场地条件、可能遇到的困难及应对措施)
Working conditions (equipment conditions, experimental conditions, the
difficulties and solutions)
(1) Some documents are too early to be found easily. However content of the original document can
be understood by other people's articles.
(2) Carefully study the relevant literature, and carefully deduce it, under the guidance of the tutor.

References (list the references with standard format, and label is needed in the main body
of dissertation)
[1] H.X. Chen et al. The Green rings of Taft algebras. Proc.Amer. Math. Soc. 2014, 142:765-775.
[2] C. Cibils. A quiver quantum group. Commun. Math. Phys. 1993, 157:459-477.
[3] L.B. Li and Y.H. Zhang. The Green rings of the generalized Taft Hopf algebras, Contem-
porary Mathematics. 2013, 585:275-288.
[4] S.P. Novikov. The cohomologies of steenrod algebras," Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR. 1959, 128(5): 893-
[5] S.P. Novikov. Themods of algebraic topology from the viewpoint of the theory of cobordism’s. Izv.
Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Mat. 1967, 31(4): 855-951.
[6] N. Steenrod and D. Epstein. Cohomology operation. Princeton UniversityPress, Princeton. 1962.
[7] T.A. Springer. Linear algebraic groups," Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Nauk. 1989, 55: 5-136.
[8] J. Humphrey. Linear Aagebraic Groups [Russian translation], Nauka, Moscow. 1980.
[9] M. Lorenz. Representations of finite-dimensional Hopf algebra. J. Algebra. 1997, 188:476-505.
[10] D.J. Benson and J.F. Carlson. Nilpotent elements in the Green ring. J. Algebra. 1986, 104(2):329-
[11] N. Andruskiewitsch and F. Dumas. On the automorphisms of 𝑈𝑞2 , Quantum groups, 107-133, in:
IRMA Lect. Math. Theor. Phys., vol. 12, Eur. Math. Soc, Zürich, 2008.
[12] J. Alev and M. Chamarie. Derivations et automorphisms de queues algebras Qu antique, Comm.
Algebra. 1992, 20:1787–1802.
[13] W. Chin and M. Musson. The coradical filtration for quantized enveloping algebras. J. Lond. Math.
Soc. 1996, 53:50–62.
[14] S. Launois, On the automorphism groups of q-enveloping algebras of nilpotent Lie algebras,
arXiv:0712.0282. Proc. Workshop, From Lie algebras to Quantum Groups, Ed. CIM. 2007, 28:125–
[15] S. Launois and S. Lopes. Automorphisms and derivations of 𝑈𝑞+ (𝑠𝑙4 ). J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 2007,
[16] E. Twietmey. Real forms of 𝑈𝑞 (𝑔). Lett. Math. Phys. 1992, 24:49–58.
[17] M. Yakimov. The Launois-Lenagan conjecture. Math R.A, 1204(2):54-40.
[18] V.A. Artamonov. Quantum polynomial algebras. J. Math. Sci. 1997, 87:3441–3462.
[19] K.A. Brown and K.R. Goodearl. Prime spectra of quantum semisimple group, Trans. Amer. Math.
Soc. 1996, 349:2465–2501.
[20] E.E. Demidov. Quantum Groups. Factorial, Moscow, 1998.
[21] Y. Manin, Some remarks on Koszul algebras and quantum group, Ann. Inst. Fourier. 1987,
[22] E. Kirkman, C. Procesi and L. Small. A q-analog for the Virasoro algebra, Comm. Algebra. 1994,
[23] V.A. Artamonov. Actions of pointed Hopf algebras on quantum Torus, Ann. Univ. Ferra- Ra-Sez.
2005, 51:29–60.
[24] Y. Ye. Automorphisms of path coalgebras and applications. Math R.A, 1109(2):29-86.
[25] N. Andruskiewitsch and H.J. Schneider. Hopf algebras of order 𝑝2 and braided Hopf algebras of
Order 𝑝. J. Algebra. 1998,199 (2):430–454.
[26] E.J. Taft. The order of the antipode of finite-dimensional Hopf algebra. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.
USA. 1971, 68 (2):2631–2633.
[27] S. Montgomery. Classifying finite-dimensional semisimple Hopf algebras, in: Trends in the
Representation Theory of Finite-Dimensional Algebras, Seattle, WA, 1997, Amer. Math. Society,
Providence, RI. 1998. 265–279.
[28] Ng. Siu-Hung. Non-semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension 𝑝2 . J. Algebra. 2002, 255:182–197.
[29] D.E. Radford. The group of automorphisms of a semisimple Hopf algebra over a field
of characteristic 0 is finite, Amer. J. Math. 1990, 112: 331–357.
[30] W.C. Waterhouse. Automorphism group schemes of semisimple and cosemisimple Hopf
algebras. Amer. J. Math. 1993, 115: 691–698.
[31] W. Chin and M. Musson. The coradical filtration for quantized enveloping algebras. J.
London Math Soc. 1996, 53(2): 50–62.
[32] Twietmeyer and E. Real forms of 𝑈𝑞 (𝑔. Lett Math Phys. 1992, 24(1): 49–58.
[33] A. Braverman. On embeddings of quantum groups. C.R Acad Sci Paris, S.I. Math,
1994, 319(2):111–115.
[34] E. Muller. The coradical filtration of 𝑈𝑞 (𝑔) at roots of unity. Comm in Algebra.
2000, 28(2): 1029–1044.
[35] S. Gelaki. On pointed Ribbon Hopf algebras. J. Algebra. 1996, 181: 760–786.
[36] C. Cibils, A quiver quantum groups. Commun. Math. Phys. 1993, 157-477.
[37] S.L. Yang. Representation of simple pointed Hopf algebras. J. Algebra Appl. 2004, 3(1):91–104.
[38] H.X. Chen, F.V. Oystaeyen and Y.H. Zhang. The Green rings of Taft algebras. Proc. Am. Math.
[39] L.B. Li and Y.H. Zhang, The Green rings of the generalized Taft algebras. Contemp. Math. 2013,
585: 275–288.
[40] Z. Wang et al. Representations of Hopf-Ore extensions of group algebras and pointed Hopf algebras
of rank one. Algebra Represent theory. 2015, 18: 801–830.
[41] W. Chin and L. Krop, Representation theory of liftings of quantum planes. J. Algebra Appl.
2009, 8:259-287.
[42] X.W. Chen, H. L. Huang, Y. Ye and P. Zhang. Monomial Hopf algebras. J. Algebra.
2004, 275:212-232.
[43] H.L. Huang, H.X. Chen and P. Zhang. Generalized Taft algebras, Algebra Colloq. 2004,
[44] D.E. Radford. On the coradical of a finite-dimensional Hopf algebra, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
1975, 53:9-15.
[45] E.J. Taft. The order of the antipode of a finite-dimensional Hopf algebra, Proc. Nat. Acad.
Sci. USA. 1971,68:2631-2633.
[46] C. Kassel. Quantum groups. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995.
[47] H. Kondo and Y. Saito. Indecomposable decomposition of tensor products of modules over
the restricted quantum universal enveloping algebra associated to 𝑠𝑙2 . J. Algebra. 2011,330:103-129.
[48] L. Krop and D.E. Radford. Finite-dimensional Hopf algebras of rank one in characteristic zero. J.
Algebra. 2006, 392:214-230.
[49] C. Cibils. A quiver quantum group, Commun. Math. Phys. 1993, 157:459-477.
[50] Y. Li and N. Hu. The Green rings of the 2-rank Taft algebra and its two relatives twisted. J.
Algebra. 2014,410: 1-35.
[51] M.E. Sweedler. Hopf Algebras, Benjamin, New York, 1969.
[52] E.J. Taft. The order of the antipode of a finite-dimensional Hopf algebra, Proc. Nat. Acad.
Sci. USA. 1971, 68:2631-2633.


Note: the body of report should include all of the three parts above, and the details can be adjusted
according to the circumstances.

二、 开题报告评价(本项分别由指导教师及专家组填写)

Comments on proposal reports (this form should be filled out by panel and


Brief comments on reports by supervisor (this column should be finished by supervisor before the proposal report)

指导教师签名: 年 月 日
Signature of supervisor date(m/d/y)

开 开题报告会时间: 年 月 日 午 时— 时 地点:
Time for proposal report date (m/d/y) place:
题 评 博导/硕导
审 所在单位及学科专长 Supervisor
姓名 职称 (出席者)签名
报 专 Work unit and expertise in a for a PhD
Name title signature
家 subject area student or a
告 组 master
成 Profess Supervisor
Youming College of Applied Sciences
会 Members or for a PhD
Liu Wavelet Analysis
Proposal of student
report evaluation Hailou Profess Supervisor
College of Applied Sciences
experts Yao or for a PhD
Algebras Representation Theory
Liangxue Profess Supervisor
College of Applied Sciences
Peng or for a PhD
Yunzhang Profess Supervisor
College of Applied Sciences
Li or for a PhD
Wavelet Analysis
Shilin Profess College of Applied Sciences Supervisor
Yang or Quantum Group and their for a PhD
Representation student

评审意见: (由评审专家组填写)
review comment (filled out by panel)
□ (正常)通过;
□ Pass
□ 不合格, 年 月 日前重做开题报告。
□ Fail (a proposal report is needed again on (date) )
Supplementary Comments:

评审组长签名: 年 月 日
Signature of leader date

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