Resolution of Vectors Using Triangle Law

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This is the introductory part of the study. The chapter begins with the Background to the

Study, the Perceived Problem, the Diagnosis (Evidence and Causes), the Statement of the

problem, the Purpose of the study, the Objective of the Study, the Research questions, the

Significance of the study, and the Definition of terms.


Vectors, one of such aspects of mathematics is very essential due to its frequent

application in our daily lives. Every now and then we either think of our movement in a

specific way or direction with some specific distance to the place of our interest or vice

versa. This mainly involves vectors.

The systematic study and use of vectors were a 19th and early 20th century phenomenon.

The Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton also contributed to the development

of the concept of vectors in mathematics.

Hamilton’s quaternions (the cardinal number that is the sum of three and one) were

written as, q = w + ix + jy + kz, (where w, x, y, and z were real numbers). He quickly

realized that his quaternions consisted of two distinct parts. The first term, which he

called the scalar and the other term (x, y, z) for its three rectangular components or

projections on three rectangular axes. He decided to call the trinomial expression itself, as

well as the line which it represents, a vector.

A vector according to the Oxford English Dictionary is a Latin word which means “one

who carries”; its’ Latin is “veho” which means “I carry”. This is the reason why we say

that a vector GH means the letter G is being carried to the letter H or one a movement

from the point G to the point H.

Dyke and Whitworth (1992), and Clarke (1974) share a common view on the definition

of a vector that, a vector is a quantity with both magnitude and direction. In other words,

a vector is a variable quantity that can be resolved into components or a straight line

segment whose length is magnitude and whose orientation in space is direction.

A statement like “a saloon car is parked outside the classroom and to locate it, move 30

meters” may provide enough information to stimulate your interest, yet not enough

information to find the car. The direction of the movement (displacement) required to

find the car has not been fully described.

On the other hand, suppose the statement is put like: “a saloon car is parked outside the

classroom; to locate it, move from the center of the classroom through the doorway 30

meters in a direction 45o to the west”, this statement provides a complete description of

the displacement vector, (that is both magnitude (30 meters) and direction (45o to the

west) relative to a reference of the starting position (the center of the classroom door).

Vector quantities are not fully described unless both magnitude and direction are listed.

Many fields of study and technological advancement like, deep-sea diving, quantity

surveyors, navigators, building contractors, aerographers, etc all apply the concept of

vector mathematics in their daily dealings. Aerographers apply vectors and resultant

forces primarily for computing radiological fallout and drift calculations for search and

rescue operations.

Despite the integration of vectors in our daily life activities, it is a mathematical concept

that terrifies many students and even teachers alike.

Few candidates who attempted questions on vectors in the Senior Secondary School

Certificate Examination showed lack of mastery of the topic, according to the Chief

Examiner’s Report of the West African Examination Council (WAEC: 2003) on the

Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination. The chief examiner lamented on the

fact that the few students who attempted the only question on vectors could not find

vectors AB and AC and so could not calculate angle ABC of the given question.

Vector resolution has been a problem of many senior high schools and teacher training

colleges in Ghana especially the second year students of Presbyterian College of

Education, Akropong – Akuapem.

My personal interview with students during lesson periods showed that they found the

concept very difficult because only theoretical aspects are presented to them.

Again careful study of students’ mathematics exercise sheets clearly revealed that few

exercises were done. This implies that students were not practicing well enough on the

concept to acquire the needed skills.

Also a questionnaire distributed to randomly selected students from 2F class evidenced

that, they were mostly given formulas to work with.

It is against this backdrop that I deem it expedient to look into as to why some students

have difficulties in solving vector problems especially resolution of vectors using the

triangle law and suggest ways by which students could be assisted to improve upon their

problem solving skills as far as resolution of vectors is concerned.


I realized through my unstructured interactions with some students at Presbyterian

College of Education, Akropong - Akuapem during my one year internship programme,

that most of them see vectors as a difficult topic. From the responses of the students,

though vectors is one of the most practically applied mathematical concepts, they see it to

be very abstract since it takes only very resourceful teachers to develop teaching-learning

materials for it’s teaching. Sometimes it is left untreated due to teaching-learning

materials or difficulty in concept development, and those teachers who attempt to teach it

either give only formulas to students or overlook some aspects like resolution of vectors.

Students remember techniques without understanding why and how it works and

therefore finding it difficult to apply the techniques in solving problems in vectors.

This creates conceptual gaps in many important ideas, thus making understanding of

other related topics difficult. This in one way or the other promotes rote learning in


The poor performance of students and the inability of most of the students to correctly

apply the triangle rule to resolve vectors have also necessitated this study.


This work was designed to find pedagogy to be used in teaching resolution of vectors and

to suggest suitable techniques for teachers to help make their teaching more stimulating

and effective in relation to vectors.

Another major purpose is to enable students with limited prior knowledge of using the

triangle rule to resolve vectors build on their informal knowledge to give meaning to



The main objectives of this work are:

• To enhance the use of the triangle rule in the resolution of vectors making the

learning of vectors more meaningful and applicable to solving real life problems.

• To assist students apply the triangle rule correctly to resolve vectors.


This research was designed to provide answers to the questions below:

• What real life situations or experiences could be associated to the topic to

make it more meaningful to aid students understanding of the resolution of


• How can student’s knowledge of the triangle rule be improved so that they

can apply it to resolve vectors correctly?


The study is expected to help students develop a positive attitude towards the learning of

mathematics in general and vectors in particular.

To make available to teachers additional techniques of teaching vector resolution.

On the whole, this work will serve as a source of reference to others who will be

researching into the resolution of vectors and other related topics.


The study covers a sample of second year Diploma in Basic Education (D.B.E) students

of the Presbyterian College of Education, (P.C.E) Akropong-Akuapem.


Pedagogy - The principles and methods of instruction or the activities of educating or

instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill

Semantics - The meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text

Syntax - The grammatical arrangement of words in sentences or a systematic orderly


Quaternions - The cardinal number that is the sum of three and one

Vector Mathematics – The aspect of mathematics that deals extensively with vectors




This chapter sought to review related literature on the topic under study. The chapter

highlights the work of other researchers whose research works has bearing on the

problem under discussion. The chapter is divided into three parts. These include:

• The Theoretical View Point

• The Empirical View Point
• Summary

The Theoretical View Point

Mathematics has evolved over the years through the use of abstraction and systematic

study of the shapes and motions of physical objects.

Abbiw, et al (1991) emphasized the fact that vectors unlike scalars have both magnitude

and direction. So if someone is asked to move from a point say A to another point B, it is

not enough to tell him the distance between A and B. He needs to know the direction of B

from A as well. The diagram below is in support of this argument: (Fig. 1)

N (0000)

0600 5cm


Figure 1

The figure (a circle) has its center A and radius 5cm. On its circumference are the points

B, C and D. They argue that the lengths are equal (i. e. |AB| = |AC| = |AD| = 5cm). The

only difference among them is the angle (bearing) from B, C, and D relative to A. It will

therefore be ambiguous to ask someone to move from one point A to another point B of

any distance without telling the angle, direction or sense of movement.

The conclusion that is drawn is that all though |AB| = |AC| = |AD| = 5cm, AB ≠ AC ≠

AD. Since their senses of movement are not the same, this presupposes that not until

students are able to make out these differences, operation on vectors would always be a


Turner (1986) uses triangle, parallelogram and ordinary quadrilateral to show the closure,

associative and commutative laws of addition of vector quantities. The introduction of

inverse of a vector and the zero vectors were defined by him. He again uses the same idea

of inverse vector to introduce subtraction of vectors.

Tallock (1970) has also given a straight forward definition of magnitude of a vector,

equal vectors and the unit vector. He expressed three essential features of a vector as


• Magnitude or length of a vector

• A direction in space of a vector

• A sense of a vector

Spiegel (1972) gives an outline of definitions which are fundamental to the analysis of

vector algebra. These were some of the definitions he gave;

• Two vectors a and b are equal if they have the same magnitude and direction

regardless of their initial positions.

• The sum or resultant of vectors a and b is the vector c, formed by placing the

initial point of b on the terminal point of a and then pining the initial point of c to

the initial point of a and joining it to the terminal point of b. This sum is written

as a + b = c.

Sharp, (1968) defined addition of vectors using a triangle. The author carefully stated

with an appropriate illustration that AB + BC = AC so that the sum of a vector is also a

vector. He explains that to construct a vector which is the sum of two vectors, either the

triangle method or the parallelogram method may be used.

The Empirical Viewpoint

Simon Stevin of Bruges published treatments of statics (i.e. the study of bodies at rest).

He was the first Mathematician of the 16th Century to continue the work of Archimedes

in statics which he used the triangle of forces to compound two forces.

Quansah J.E. (2004) in his research work also tackles some of the factors that hinder

successful solution to vector problems. He goes on to say that the use of concrete

teaching and learning materials in interpreting the vector diagrams and graphs to illustrate

the vectors concept to students must be adopted by teachers.

Biggs and Sutton (1983) in their book “Teaching Mathematics” stated that the addition of

vectors may be defined by the Triangle laws.

They argued that the sums of two vectors say a and b may be represented by the triangle

law by the two journeys: AB + BC = AC.

The figures below explains this argument: (Fig 2)



A a B
Figure 2

p q

P Figure 2.0

This is to show that to move from A to C, one can go through the straight line AC or

moving through line AB first and then followed by line BC to C. This implies that

AB + BC = AC (Triangle law).

Also in figure 2.0, you can go through the straight line PR (r) or through PQ (p) and then

followed by QR (q).

According to, (Brown University) a vector is a mathematical

object that has magnitude and direction, and satisfies the laws of vector addition. A

vector is often represented pictorially as an arrow (the arrow’s length is magnitude of the

vector, and it points in direction of the vector) and symbolically by an underlined letter

, using bold type or by an arrow symbol over the variable a.

The process of splitting a vector is called resolution of a vector. In simpler language it

would mean, determining the effect of a vector in a particular direction. The parts of the

vector obtained after splitting the vector are known as the components of the vector.

An example of resolution of a vector is the way a person walks. When a person walks,

he/she presses the ground obliquely, (i.e., at an angle to the ground) in the backward

direction. The ground offers an equal and opposite reaction in the opposite direction. The

vertical component of this reaction balances the weight of the person. The horizontal

component helps the person to walk.

Vector analysis (i. e the algebra, geometry, and calculus of vector quantities) can also be

considered in present day advanced mathematics as the ordered set of quantities with

appropriate rules of manipulation.


The learner’s ability to resolve vectors accurately is dependant greatly on how he/she has

really understands the above bits and pieces of guides presented.


Vectorial entity - Anything relating to a vector

Coefficient vectors – Vectors which lie in the same plane, having the equal magnitude

but opposite in direction.



This chapter also deals with the general research design which entails:

• Research design

• Research instrument

• Research procedure

• Intervention design and implementation


Presbyterian College of Education, Akropong-Akuapem established 1848 is one of the

ten training colleges in Ghana. It is known popularly as the mother of all training colleges

since it is the first training college to be established. Its current population is about 600

students comprising of boys and girls.

This constitutes the population of my research.


As an intern student, I was teaching three second year classes and one first year class.

In selecting the sample population, I took into consideration the class in which the

problem was evident. Therefore I restricted myself to only one out of the four classes I

was teaching which is Diploma in Basic Education 2F, due to time constraints. DBE 2F is

a Science class but most students in the class did not do elective mathematics in Senior

High School.


Considering the topic, its purposes and objectives as well as the subjects under coverage,

I found it appropriate to use questionnaire, pre-test and post-test for my data collection.


I used action research for the study because it s a means of injecting innovative

approaches or measures to teaching and learning into an on-going system


At this stage, I administered a questionnaire (Appendix A) and pre-test of five questions

(Appendix B) to the sample population, Diploma in Basic Education 2F students of

Presbyterian College of Education, Akropong – Akuapem, to ascertain the existence of

the problem. The pre-test scores were calculated and analysed and it came out that

majority of the students performed below average.


A remedial teaching approach was adopted to teach the topic using practical activity. The

topic was divided into four units. Unit 1 was taught in the first week taking two credit

hours. Unit 2 was taught in the second week also taking two credit hours and so were unit

3 and unit 4. For the activities student were taken through, refer to Appendix F.


A post-test of five questions were administered after the intervention was successfully

presented (Appendix D). This helped to find out if students had improved upon their

performance. This revealed that students performance have improved as compared to the

pre-test scores.


At the end of the forth week, students were given the pre-test and post-test and the results

analyzed and reported in the next chapter.




This chapter deals with the presentation and analysis of data obtained from the study. The

results obtained from all tests conducted and the questionnaires for the students were

analyzed and interpreted.


The table below shows the students’ responses to the questionnaire in Appendix A.

Table 4.1: Students responses to the questionnaire

Item Response Number of

YES (%) NO (%) respondents
1. 46 100 0 0 46
2. 0 0 46 100 46
3. 30 65.2 16 34.8 46
4. 27 58.7 3 6.5 30

5. 20 43.5 10 21.7 30

6. 3 6.5 43 93.5 46

It was observed from table 4.1 that, in spite of the fact that all the students had the

opportunity of being taught vectors either in the Junior High School or Senior Higher

School or both, none seemed to have been involved in any activity of a sort during the

teaching and learning process.

Again, out of the thirty students (representing 65.2%) who claimed to have been taught

the triangle law, three of them (representing 6.5%) claimed they were not taught how to

use it to resolve vectors. Maybe, they only heard of it being said or mentioned. Further

more, out of this same thirty students who claim to have been taught the triangle law of

vectors, about ten of them (representing 21.7%) used the triangle law to resolve vectors

without diagrams. How the law was used therefore becomes questionable. Regarding the

application of vectors in daily life, it has revealed that only three students were given that

exposure. This clearly proved the true existence of the perceived problem.

Table 4.2: Table for Pre-test and Post-test scores

Pre-test Post-test

Questions Number of Percentage of Number of Percentage of students

Students ( f1 ) Students (%) students ( f 2 ) (%)

1 20 43.4778 42 91.304

2 23 50 40 86.956

3 10 21.739 44 95.652

4 17 36.956 43 93.478

5 11 23.913 45 97.826

Table 4.2 shows clearly the performance of students in the five questions of the pre-test

and post-test.

Question 1.Twenty (20) students out the forty six (46) students in the class representing

approximately 43.5 % were able to solve this question compared to 42 students in the

post-test representing 91.3 %.

Question 2.Twenty three (23) students out the forty six (46) students in the class

representing approximately 50 % were able to prove the triangle law compared to 40

students representing 86.96 % who answered similar questions in the post-test

Question 3.Ten (10) students out the forty six (46) students in the class representing

approximately 21.74 % were able to solve this question compared to 44 students

representing 95.7 % in the post-test.

Question 4.Seventeen (17) students out the forty six (46) students in the class

representing approximately 36.96 % were able to find the specific vectors and resolve the

others compared to 43 students representing 93.5 % in the post-test.

Question 5.Eleven (11) students out the forty six (46) students in the class representing

approximately 23.9 % were able to solve this question on application of the concept of

vectors resolution, compared to 42 students representing 91.3 %.

Graph 4.1: A Graph of Pre-test and Post-test comparison

Number of Students

20 Post-test
1 2 3 4 5
Question Marks

Graph 4.1 provides a more vivid and clearer picture of the two results of the performance

of the students in the pre-test and post-test of the five questions test.

Table for Pre-Test and Post-Test Marks

Table 4.3: Total score obtained out of ten (10) marks by students in the 5 questions

Pre-test and Post-test conducted

Marks Pre-Test Post-test f1 x f2x

(x ) Number of Percentage Number of Percentage

students (%) students (%)

( f1 ) ( f2 )
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 6 13.043 0 0 6 0

2 7 15.217 0 0 14 0

3 7 15.217 3 0 21 9

4 9 19.565 5 6.521 36 20

5 6 13.043 4 8.695 30 20

6 4 8.695 7 15.217 24 42

7 3 6.521 9 19.565 21 63

8 4 8.695 7 15.217 32 56

9 0 0 8 17.391 0 72

10 0 0 3 10.869 0 30

∑f 1 = 46 ∑f 2 = 46 ∑ f x = 184
1 ∑f 2 x = 312

From table 4.3, the calculated mean for the pre-test marks ( x1 ) is 4.00 and that of the

post-test ( x 2 ) is 6.78.

Again from table 4.2, students scored total marks below 5 are 29 in number, representing

63.04% with the remaining 17 students representing 36.96% scoring marks of 5 and

above, indicating a weak performance in the pre-test.

However, in the post-test, 8 students scored total marks below 5, representing 17.39%

with the remaining 38 students representing 82.61% scoring marks of 5 and above, an

indication of a good performance in the post-test of the same magnitude.

The calculated mean for the Pre-test and Post-test are 4.00 and 6.78 respectively. The

difference of the mean scores is 2.78 which clearly signify the change of the

understanding of resolution of vectors of the forty six (46) students.

From the analyses above, the percentage of the students who obtained the correct answers

in the post-test is greater than the percentage of the pre-test. This shows that there has

been a tremendous improvement in the performance of students in the post-test over the

pre-test due to the application of the concept in solving real-life problems during the


Graph 4.2: Comparison of Pre-Test and Post-Test Percentage Scores



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

From graph 4.2, the pre-test percentage scores’ is skewed to the left (negative skewness),

indicating a true reflection of poor performance whilst the post-test percentage scores is

skewed to the right, (positive skewness) which is an indication of good performance. This

suggests that the students understanding of the concept of resolution of vectors using the

triangle law has improved.

From the above analysis, there is high statistical evidence that, the intervention was

successful as students’ performances were significantly improved at the end of the post-


This improvement in the performance can be attributed to:

• the step-by-step approach to the use of diagrams solving problems

• the knowledge of the practical application of the concept

• increase in the number of exercises and the strategies adopted in solving them


My one year internship teaching experience has shown me that when students are given

the appropriate approach to teaching of mathematics, they can demonstrate very good

problem solving abilities.

In spite of the fact that students in DBE 2F class have shown some successful problem

solving skills, I think there is more room for improvement.




This chapter seeks to look at the Summary of the whole research, Recommendations to

educators and all end users of the research and Conclusion drawn from the study.


The analysis of the responses from the students on the questionnaire revealed that a good

number of the students 34.8% have no idea about the triangle law used in resolving

vectors in the first place, let alone its applications. It was also revealed that those who

were fortunate enough to have been introduced to vectors had no idea or knowledge

whatsoever about the importance or significance of the study of vectors to stimulate their

interest in the topic. As to whether students were involved in activities, most students

responded no. These responses point to the fact that students only learned the topic by

memorization of formula or rote learning in order to pass their exams.

Also, results derived from the post-test revealed that the step-by-step explanations

coupled with the practical activity employed in the intervention teaching really helped

students to identify their individual shortcomings and deal with it. Also the knowledge of

the various applications of vectors in our daily lives is a motivational factor. No wonder

that there was a marked difference between the pre-test and post-test results.



What real life situations or experiences could be associated to the topic to make it more

meaningful to aid students understanding of the resolution of vectors?

I believe when the concepts in mathematics are related to real-life situations, its

understanding becomes easy. Also Mitchelmore (1968) used the Cartesian coordinate to

show that a vector can be written in the bearing form.

Atrige (1968) uses the game of golf i.e. an activity of golf to indicate that vectors move

with magnitudes and directions. J .S Jackson (1995) also used walking activity to

ascertain that equal vectors exist.

To add to this, David Poole uses the racetrack game to introduce several ideas that are

useful in the study of vectors. Some of the ideas are vectors in a plane, length and angle

of a vector, etc. I therefore engaged the students in football playing during my

intervention to enhance students understanding of the concept of vectors.


How can student’s knowledge of the triangle rule be improved so that they can apply it to

resolve vectors correctly?

Learning becomes permanent in the lives of students when they interact extensively with

objects in their immediate environment. It also aids students to solve problems involving

concept of vectors.

I was able to improve upon students understanding of the concept of resolving of vectors

using the triangle law by guiding them to relate the concept to most concepts they already

know. The concept of equidistance angles in Geometry was implored to enhance their

understanding. In relation to this, Quansah (2004) in his research work tackles some of

the factors that hinder successful solution to vector problems.


Upon the overall outcomes of the study and the analysis of its results, the researcher

would humbly want to make the following suggestions/recommendations to teachers


To begin with, teachers should do well to balance sound theory with effective pedagogy

and appropriate instructional techniques with activities and diagrams during mathematics

lessons especially when teaching resolution of vectors in particular. These combinations I

believe would go a long way to make the teaching of such topics easy, practical,

interesting and simple to understand by students independent of their differing learning

styles and abilities.

Mathematics teachers must represent topics in a more interesting way that will get

learners involved in the conceptualization process.

Again, students need to be taught the real-life application of vectors in general and the

triangle law and how best to represent it with a simple diagram to make solving of

problems on resolution of vectors easier and interesting.

More so, I would like to suggest that the students should be allowed to formulate and

explain their own steps/procedures in solving problems and such individual approaches

be encouraged in students for intrinsic motivational purposes.

Students should employ consistency in solving problems themselves through frequent

exercises, tests, assignments and also reading available textbooks ahead of time.

Notwithstanding, since mathematics is a language on its own, teachers should do well to

explain the meaning of certain terms (vocabulary) used in the particular topic or concept

to students to aid understanding. More importantly, students should be given enough

exercises for practice to consolidate the concepts or skills they have learnt.


The connectivity of things students learn is what the educator contemplates to the limit of

his capacity. No human capacity is great enough to permit a vision of the world as

simple. It is in this light that I opines that, if teachers would put in a measurable amount

of dedication and sacrifice into the teaching of vectors and vector algebra, adopt and

implement the suggestions given herein diligently, then the basic aim of the teaching or

mathematics as a means of sharpening the individual’s minds, shaping his reasoning

ability in developing his personality could be achieved.


Abbiw, M. K, Amissah, S.E (1991), Senior Secondary School Mathematics (Book 3)

Oxford University Press.

Atrige, D.C (1999), General Mathematics 2, Ginn and Co. McGraw – Hill Book


Biggs, E., Sutton J., (1983), Teaching Mathematics, McGraw-Hill Book Company Ltd.

Clarke, L. H., (1978), Ordinary Level Mathematics, London-Heinemann Education

Books, 6th Edition

Dyke, P., Witworth, R., (1992) Guide To Mechanics, The Macmillan Press.,

Jackson, J.S (1997), Ghana Mathematics Series Book 2, Ghana Publishing Corporation

and Curricullum Research and Development Division

Poole, D (2004), Factors Hindering Successful Solution to Vector Problems, University

of Education, Winneba

Pimm, D., (1987), Speaking Mathematically, London: Rutledge.

Prnett, J. D., (1995), The Humanities, Vol.55 No 7 –Social Success Umi Company, USA.

The West African Examination Council (W. E. A. C), (2003), Chief Examiner’s Report,


Quansah, J. E. (2004). Factors Hindering Successful Solution to Vector Problems,

University of Educatioin, Winneba

Sharp, J.N. C. (1968) Element of Mathematics for High School, 2nd Edition, Ginn

Spiegel, R. M. (1972) Theory and Problems Vector Analysis, Schaum’s series. McGraw –

Hill Book Company

Turner L. K (1986) Advanced Mathematics Book One (Second Edition) Including

Introduction of Vectors and Mechanics (Unified Course), Longmans Group Ltd

Tallock, J. C (1986) Advanced Mathematics Book 1, 2nd Edition, Longmans Group Ltd

Wren, B., Wren E., (1985), The Teaching of Secondary School Mathematics, USA:

Library Press.

Microsoft Encarta 2008. Microsoft Corporation 1993-2007


Search Engine:



This exercise seeks to identify some of the possible causes of DBE 2F students’ of P.C.E

difficulty in resolving vectors.

Kindly read through the questionnaire and respond either by ticking the boxes or

providing your own answers where necessary.

NB: your responses will be treated with the utmost confidentiality that it deserves.

1. Have you studied/been taught vectors before? Yes [ ] No [ ]. If yes, at which

level? Junior High School [ ] Senior High School [ ].

Others (specify)……………………………

2. Were you involved in activities relating to the concept? Yes [ ], No [ ]

3. Were you taught the triangle law of vectors? Yes [ ] No [ ]. If yes, proceed to

items 5 and 6 below. If no, go to item 7.

4. Were you taught how the triangle law is it used to resolve vectors? Yes [ ] No [ ]

5. Did you use diagrams in resolving vectors? Yes [ ] No [ ]

6. Were you thought the application of vectors in daily life? Yes [ ] No [ ]



 5  − 12 
1. If PQ =   QR =   find (a) RQ (b) |PQ|
 −1  6

 4 9
2. Given triangle ABC and the coordinates of A (3,-1), AB =   and AC =  
 2 5

find: (a). OB (b). |BC|

3. Given the of triangle XYX as X(3,1), Y(-2,4) and Z(-1,2), show that

XY + YX = XZ.

4. PQR is the vertices of the triangle below with M, N, O as mid-points of PQ, QR

and PR respectively. R



 − 3  1  
Given that MP =   , RP =   , and PO =  2  find (i) PQ (ii) NR (iii) OM
 1  − 6 2 
 

(iv) MN

5. Two ships a and b are such that ship a sails from port P, traveled 4km along the

east and then changed direction sailing a distance of 6km towards the north to

stop at port S. Ship b started sailing from port S to the west of ship a, covered

3km after which it changed direction and sailed 5km towards north-west to stop at

port T. Express the two journeys as a single vector.



 5  − 12 
1. Given that PR =   and QR =   ,
 −1  6

 − 12   12 
(a) RQ = -QR = -   =  
 6 −6 

(b) PQ = PR + RQ

 5   12   17 
=   +   =  
 − 1  − 6   − 7 

∴ |PQ| = 17 2 + (− 7 ) =
289 + 49 = 338 = 13 2 units.

2. Let O be an arbitrary origin of triangle ABC.



9  3  4
Given OA =   , AB =   and AC =   . From the diagram;
5  −1  2

(a) OB = OA + AB

 3  4 7
=   +   =  
 − 1  2  1 

(b) BC = OA – AB

9   4   5
=   −   =  
5   2   3

∴ |BC| = 5 2 + 3 2 = 25 + 9 = 34 units .


BC = OC – OB But OC = OA + AC

12   7   5   3   9  12 
=   −   =   =   +   =  
 4  1   3   − 1  5   4 

∴ |BC| = 5 2 + 3 2 = 25 + 9 = 34 units.

3. Let O be an arbitrary origin.


From the diagram;

XZ = XY + YZ

⇒ (OZ – OX) = (OY – OX) + (OZ + OY)

 − 1  3   − 2   3   − 1  − 2 
⇒   −   =   −   +   −  
 2  1   4  1   2   4 

 − 4   − 5   1 
⇒   =   +  
 1   3   − 2 

 − 4  − 4
⇒   =   ∴ XZ = XY + YZ
 1  1




 − 3  1  52 
Given that MP =   , RQ =   and PO =  
 1  − 6  2

 − 3  3 
(i) PQ = 2PM But PM = -MP = −   =  
 1   − 1

∴ PQ = 2 3  6 
 =  
 − 1  − 2 

1  1   − 1
(ii) NR = QR But QR = -RQ = −   =  
2  − 6  6

∴ NR = 1  − 1 =  −  1


2  6  3

(iii) OM = PM – PO (from triangle POM)

 3   52 
=   −  
 − 1  2 

 12 
=  
− 3

(iv) MN = MQ + QN (from triangle MQN)

Since M and N are the mid-points PQ and QR respectively,

PM = MQ and QN = NR

3   12   52 
∴ MN =   +   =  
 − 1  − 3   2 


c 3km


P 4km
Let ship a = a , ship b = b

The two journeys as a single vector is like a third ship say c sailing from port P straight

due north to port T.

 4  − 3
a =  , b =   . Let c be the distance between ports P and T.
6  5

 4   − 3  1 
Then c = a + b =   +   =  
 6   5  11



1. Triangle ABC is such that the coordinates of the vertices A and B are respectively

 6
(3, 1) and (-2, 5). If BC =   , find the exact value of |AC|.
 − 2

2. Two ships a and b are such that ship sails from port P, traveled 4km along the east

and then changed direction sailing a distance of 6km towards the north to stop at

port S. Ship b started sailing from port S to the west of ship a , covered 3km after

which it changed direction and sailed 5km towards the north to stop at port T.

Express the two journeys as a single vector.

3. PQR is the vertices of the triangle with M, N, O as midpoints of PQ, QR, and PR

respectively. If the coordinates of P is (3, 4), M is (-1, 2) and QR =   .
 4

Find (a) the coordinates of Q (b) MN (c) PR (d) OM.

3 −1 
4. If PR =   and QR =   , find (a) RQ (b) |PQ|.
 4  − 6

 4 9
5. Given triangle ABC and the coordinates of A (3, -1), AB =   and AC =   .
 2 5

Find (a) OB (b) |BC|



 6
1. Given the points A (3,1), B (− 2,5), and BC =  
 − 2

 − 2 3  − 5
AB = OB – OA =   −   =  
 5  1   4 

 − 5   6  1 
AC = AB + BC =   +   =  
 4   − 2  2

∴ |AC| = 12 + 2 2 = 1 + 4 = 5 units


c 3km


P 4km
Let ship a = a , ship b = b

The two journeys as a single vector is like a third ship say c sailing from port P straight

due north to port T.

 4  − 3
a =  , b =  
6  5
Let c be the distance between ports P and T.

 4   − 3  1 
c = a + b =   +   =  
 6   5  11

3. R



Given P (3, 4), M (-1, 2) and QR =  
4 

 x+3 y + 4
(a) Let the coordinates of Q be (x, y), then M =  ,  = (− 1, 2)
 2 2 

= − 1. ⇒ x+3 = −2. ∴ x = −5

=2 ⇒ y + 4 = 4. ∴y=0

∴ Q ( x, y ) = Q (−5, 0)
(b) MN = MQ + QN (From triangle MQN)

1 1 11  11   − 5   − 1  − 4 
But QN = QR =   =  2  and MQ = OQ – OM =   −   =  
2 2  4   2  0   2  − 2

∴ MN =  − 4  + 

  32 
 =  

     0
2 2

 − 5 3   − 8 
(c) PR = PQ + QR But PQ = OQ – OP =   −   =  
 0   4  − 4 

∴ PR =  − 8  + 11 =  3 
 − 4  4   0

 − 4 1 1 3   3 
(d) OM = PM – PO But PM = MQ =   and PO = PR =   =  2 
 − 2 2 2 0 0

  −112 
∴ OM =  − 4  − 
 =  

−  
     − 2
2 0

4. Let O be an arbitrary origin,



From the diagram; XZ = XY + YZ

⇒ (OZ – OX) = (OY – OX) + (OZ – OY)

 − 1  3   − 2   3   − 1  − 2  
⇒   −   =   −   +   −  
 2  1   4  1   2   4 

 − 4   − 5   1 
⇒   =   +  
 1   3   − 2 

 − 4  − 4
⇒   =   ∴ XZ = XY + YZ
 1  1

 5  − 12 
5. Given that PR =   and QR =   ,
 −1  6

 − 12   12 
(a) RQ = -QR = −   =  
 6   − 6

(b) PQ = PR + RQ

 5   12   17 
=   +   =  
 − 1  − 6   − 7 

∴ |PQ| = 17 2 + (− 7 ) =
289 + 49 = 338 = 13 2 units .






Students were guided to explain what a vector is, and the difference between a scalar

quantity and vector quantity, vector notation and the various ways by which vectors may

be represented in the OXY plane and what is meant be the magnitude/length/modulus of

a vector as follows:

• A vector quantity is any quantity which has both magnitude and direction.

Examples are; displacement, momentum, velocity, force, acceleration.

• A scalar quantity has magnitude only. Examples are; time, speed, distance, mass,

area, volume.

• Vector notation/representation: - Free vectors are vectors that can be represented

in space i.e. they are not restricted in any way. They are denoted by a pair of

uppercase letter with an arrow-head on top of it.

E.g. AB denotes a directed line representing a movement from A to B with A as the

starting point and B as the end point.


The length of the line represents the magnitude and the arrow shows the sense of

movement (direction).

• Representation

Vectors may be represented in 2-dimension by:

x a
II. The column/component form; e.g.   . Generally, for the vector AB=   , a and b are
 y b 

called the components of the vector AB. Where a is the horizontal component and is

measured along the x-axis and b, the vertical component measured along the y-axis

from A to B.

III. The magnitude and bearing form; e.g. (6km, 045).

IV. The row/Cartesian coordinate form; e.g. xi + yj , where i and j are unit vectors in the

direction of x and y respectively. E.g. 4i-j is the Cartesian form of the column

 4
vector   .
 −1

V. The position vector: a vector representing the position of a point relative to a fixed

initial point, usually the arbitrary origin is referred to as position vector. Thus position

vector of A relative to a fixed O is denoted by OA or a in figure 6.

Figure 1

Position vectors are denoted by lowercase letters printed in bold type, for example, a, b,

v, r, etc. Usually the small letters are underlined when written by hand.

Example: a, b, v, r , , etc

• The magnitude/length/modulus of a vector

This is the value of the vector and it is a positive number which is the measure of the

length of the vector. Thus if AB =   = ai + bj, then the magnitude of AB denoted by
b 

 2 3
AB = a 2 + b 2 (units). Example; If a =   and BC =   , find (a) a (b) BC
− 3  4

Expected answers:

2 
(a) Given that a =   , a = 2 2 + (−3) 2 = 4 + 9 = 13 units
 − 3

2  →
(b) Given that BC =   , BC = 3 2 + 4 2 = 9 + 16 = 25 = 5 units
 − 3



This time, students were guided to explain some types of vectors so that they can identify

and make use of certain relationships in vector theory. These were explained as follows:

Zero or null vector: - This is a vector with zero components i.e. O =   = 0i + 0 j and

has a magnitude of zero (0), and whose direction is indeterminate. For zero or null

vectors, the vectors, the initial and terminal points coincide. AA, BB, PP, etc are all Null /

Zero vectors.

Unit vector: - A vector whose magnitude is one (1) is called a unit vector and is

represented by a and reads as ‘a-cup’.

Equal vectors: - Two vectors r and v are said to be equal if they have equal magnitude

and have the same direction.

Thus if r = v:

(a) The direction of r = direction of v (i.e. the vectors r and v are parallel and have

the same sense of movement).

(b) r and v have equal magnitudes i.e. r = v.

Like Vectors: - Vectors that have the same direction or are in the same line of action.

Negative/inverse/opposite vectors: - Two vectors are said to be

negative/inverse/opposite if they have the same magnitude but are opposite in direction to

x  x  − x 
each other. Thus if AB=   , then BA = -AB = -   =  
 y  y − y



3  − 3
Example: If PQ =  , then QP = -PQ =  
 2  − 2

 − 4  4
Example: If CD =  , then DC = -CD =  
 3  − 3

Co-initial vectors: - Vectors that have the same initial point. For example: OB and OD

b D

Figure 2 d

Localized vectors: - These are vectors whose origin can be anywhere in space. E.g.

position vectors.

Free vectors: - These are vectors that can be represented anywhere in space (i.e. they

have no definite line of action). E.g. AB, DC

Co-planer vectors: - Vectors in one and the same plane.

Collinear vector: - Vectors that are parallel to the same line (their lengths may or may

not be equal) and one can be expressed as a scalar multiple of the other.

E.g. r = k v where k is scalar.




I divided the students into two groups to play football for fifteen minutes. After which I

assembled them at a point on the field picked three of them and labeled them A, B and O

respectively. The students were placed at different points on the field such that they form

a triangle as in figure 3. O


Figure 3

Students were then guided to explain that there are two ways by which a student from

group O can receive a pass from another student in group A; that is either by receiving a

direct pass from the student in group A, or indirectly from the student in group A through

another student in group B as shown by the arrows in figure 4:


Figure 4

We then established the fact that if we take point O as the origin and let OA = a, AB = b,

such that the terminal point of a is the initial of b , then the sum of the vectors a and b is

the vector OB represented as OB = OA = AB = a + b


A b
Figure 5

This is called the Triangle law of vectors. The vector OB is called the resultant of the

combined vectors OA and AB. Now taking OA from both sides of the equation above,

we have; OB – OA = OA + AB - OA. This becomes; OB – OA = AB. In this case OA

has been negated giving rise to figure 6:



Figure 6 A b=c-a


Other areas of application of vectors were discussed with students in other sporting

activities like hockey, tennis, pool (snooker), and golf, since they all involve targeting a

certain end-point through a defined distance (magnitude) and direction.



The previous week’s lesson was reviewed and students were assisted to establish the fact

that; the sum of two vectors AB and BC is defined as the single or equivalent or resultant

vector AC.


b c b c

a a

Figure 7 (a) Figure 7 (b)

From fig. 7 (a): AC = AB + BC From fig. 7 (b): AB = AC - BC

Students were then guided to resolve two given vectors.

 − 2 3
Example: - If XY =   and ZY =   , find XZ.
 3  2
Expected Answer:

Figure 8 X Z

From the vectors given:

 − 2
XY + YZ = XZ Now XY =  
 5

3   − 3 
YZ = -ZY = −   =   ∴ XZ =  − 2   − 3   − 5
+   =  
 2   − 2  5  − 2   3

Example 2: Given the coordinates of triangle ABC as A (5,-2), B (5, 3) and C (1,3), find

the following: (i) AB (ii) CB (iii) the resultant of vectors AB and BC.

Expected answer: from the question we have triangle ABC (Fig. 9)

C (1, 3)
3 B (5, 3)

O 2 4 5 6
1 1 3

2 A (5, -2)

Figure 9

From figure 9:

(i) OA + AB = OB

AB = OB – OA

5   5   0
AB =   −   =  
3  − 2 5

(ii) OC = OB + BC

OC – OB = BC

1   5   − 4 
∴ BC =   −   =  
3  3  0 

 − 4   4
But CB = -BC = −   =  
 0 0

0  − 4  − 4
(iii) AC = AB + BC =   +   =  
5   0   5 

At this point, students were assisted to established the fact that the coordinates of the

 5 5
point A (5,-2) is the components of the vector OA =   , B (5, 3) is OB =   and
 − 2 3

1 
C (1, 3) is OC =   . The students worked more examples and I went round marking to

obtain immediate and first hand information about students’ progress. Individuals with

specific weaknesses and misunderstanding were easily identified and corrective measures

were taken.


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