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REC 501

RP 570 Protocol Description

Technical Description Manual
1MRS 750751-MUM EN
REC 501
Issued 97-09-18
Version A RP 570 Protocol
Checked SK
Approved HM Description
Data subject to change without notice

Contents Protocol RP 570 ............................................................................................................. 3

The lowest protocol levels .......................................................................................... 4
Messages .................................................................................................................... 9
Messages in direction FE - substation ................................................................... 9
Messages in direction substation - FE ................................................................. 10
Address space ........................................................................................................... 11
The highest protocol layers ...................................................................................... 11
Retransmission of messages ................................................................................ 11
Priority levels ...................................................................................................... 12
Polling principle ................................................................................................. 13
Protocol Implementation .............................................................................................. 14
Input Messages ........................................................................................................ 14
Output Messages ..................................................................................................... 15
Address Mapping of REC 501 ................................................................................. 16
IDM Type Addresses .......................................................................................... 16
AVM Type Addresses .......................................................................................... 17
DVM Type Addresses ......................................................................................... 17
PCM Type Addresses .......................................................................................... 17
GOM Type Addresses ......................................................................................... 18
SPM Type Addresses ........................................................................................... 18
CBX Type Addresses ........................................................................................... 18
TSTA Message Content...................................................................................... 19
TEV Message Content ....................................................................................... 19
FCOM Message Format ..................................................................................... 19
Communication Parameters ......................................................................................... 20
Configuration Example ................................................................................................ 20

Protocol RP 570 The RP 570 protocol is a high-level communi- "RTU Protocol based on IEC 57 part 5-1 (present
cation protocol used between the front-end com- IEC 870) version 0 or 1. The RP 571 protocol is
puter (FE) and the substation to be controlled. an extension of RP 570 and intended to be used
The protocol is based on the low-level protocol in gateway-type devices. The RP 570 protocol is
recommended by IEC TC57, format class 1.2. a standard protocol generally used by ABB in one-
The designation RP 570 is an abbreviation of level networks (Figure 1).


RP 571 RP 570
RP 570

Front-end computer
RP 570


RP 570 RP 570
Substation Substation

Figure 1. Network hierarchy according to RP 570 and RP 571 protocol specifications.

Compared to the ISO/OSI reference model the RP 570 protocol fulfills the layer division of a
stripped three-layer stack model as follows:

Physical layer Layer 1, physical layer
Link layer Layers 2 - 4, data link, network and transport layer
Application layer Layers 5 - 7, session, presentation and application layer

The other software of the device operates on layer model. The purpose of the protocol is to
the so called user layer located above the three- offer communication services for this layer.

The lowest The link layer determines the bit-level param- The frame structure defined by IEC is used
protocol levels eters. The protocol is an asynchronous proto- above the bit level. The frame consists of either
col, in which the message is transmitted one byte a fixed or a variable number of bytes. There are
at a time. The byte is specified as follows: two start characters: a decimal 16 for frames of
- start bit fixed length and a decimal 104 for frames of
- data bits variable length (Figures 2 and 3).
- parity bit, even parity
- stop bit
- in total 11 bits.

Transmission sequence

D7 (MSB) D0 (LSB)
Start character (16 decimal)
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Address (1st user byte)

Function (2nd user byte)


Stop character (22 decimal)

0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

Fig. 2: Frame of fixed length

When a frame of fixed length is used, both the the address and a function code byte. Simple
sender and the receiver know the length of the commands and acknowledgements, which do
message. The frame contains two data octets, not contain real data, are of fixed length.

Transmission sequence

D7 (MSB) D0 (LSB)
Start character (104 decimal)
0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
Header for
communication unit

Start character (104 decimal)

0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
Address (1st user byte)

Function (2nd user byte)

'LENGTH' information
.. ..
. .
0<=N<=253 user byte

Terminator for
Stop character (22 decimal) communication unit
0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

Fig. 3: Frame of variable length

A frame of variable length contains 2 - 255 data address and the function code at the beginning
octets. The double length field of the frame of the data part identify the message.
header indicates the length of the data part. The
The receiver of the message is identified by the The function octet depends on the message di-
address, which has to be unambiguous and in rection. The task of the octet is to provide in-
the range from 1 to 255. The address zero is a formation about the type of message concerned.
special case recognized by each device in the (Tables 1, 2 and 3). In addition, the byte con-
network. The device does not respond to a zero- tains encoded information defining the message.
address message received.

Function Command Explanation of command


XX100001 RA (Request A) Request of priority level 1

XXX00011 SPM (Set Point Message) Process value setting
XX100101 FTAB (Function TABle) Parameterization of substation
XXX00111 IHC (InHibit Command) Cancellation of command preselection
XX101001 RX (Request X) Request for specific process value
XX101011 CBXC (Check Back before Preselection of 2-step command
eXecute Command)
XXX01101 FCOM (Function COMmand) Control of internal substation functions
XXX01111 RSEQ (Reset SEQuence) Resetting of sequence number
XX110001 RB (Request B) Request of priority level 2
XXX10011 IXC (Immediate eXecute Command to be immediately executed
XXX10111 GOM (General Output Message) General command for setting a process value
XXX11001 TSI (Time Sync Instruction) Time synchronization
XX111011 EXC (EXecute Command) Execution of 2-step command
XXX11101 TDC (Transparent Data in Transmission of transparent message
Command Direction)
XXX11111 SCI (Status Check Instruction) Instruction for return of all data from
substation, i.e. status/data check

Table 1: Function code in message direction FE - substation

Function Response message Explanation of command

00000000 CCR1 (Cycle Complete Response, Sequence termination, highest priority

priority level 1)
00000010 CCR2 (Cycle Complete Response, Sequence termination, lower priorities
priority level 2)
00000100 EXRR (EXecute Response First message after restart
00000110 EXR (EXecuted Response) Positive acknowledgement
00001000 NXR (Not eXecuted Response) Negative acknowledgement
00001010 TSTA (Terminal STAtus message) Internal status of a device
00001110 TEV (Terminal EVent message) Change in internal status of a device
00010100 CBR (Check Back Response) Command preselection accepted
00010110 SYSM (SYstem Message) Return of internal substation fault codes
00011000 PRI (Polling Request Instruction) Polling start request using dial-up line
00011100 TDR (Transparent Data in Transfer of message transparent to protocol
Response direction)
00101000 AVM 12 bit P1 (Analogue Value Analogue value of high priority
00101010 AVM 12 bit P2, P3 (Analogue Analogue value of lower priority data P2, P3
Value Message)
00101100 AVS P1 (Analogue Value with High-priority analogue value with status
Status) information
00101110 AVS P2, P3 (Analogue Value with Lower-priority analogue value with status
Status) information
00110000 IDM P1 (InDication Message) Indication data of high priority
00110010 IDM P2, P3 (InDication Message) Indication data of lower priorities
00110100 IDS P1 (InDication message with High-priority indication data with status
Status) information
00110110 IDS P2, P3 (InDication message Lower-priority indication data with status
with Status) information
00111000 DVM P1 (Digital Value Message) Digital value of high priority
00111010 DVM P2, P3 (Digital Value Digital value of lower priorities
00111100 PCM P1 (Pulse Counter High-priority pulse counter value
00111110 PCM P2, P3 (Pulse Counter Lower-priority pulse counter value

Table 2: Function code in message direction substation - FE

Function Response message Explanation of command

01000000 ERMI (Event Recording Message Time-tagged status data

for Instructions)
01000010 ERMA (Event Recording Message Limit violation of analogue value,
for Analogue measured values) with time tagging
10000000 AVM, 12-bit, incl. CCR1 High-priority analogue value combined for
sequence termination (only if RA)
10000010 AVM, 12-bit, incl. CCR2 Lower-priority analogue value combined for
sequence termination
10000100 AVS, incl. CCR2 High-priority analogue value with status
information, combined for sequence
termination (only if RA)
10000110 AVS, incl. CCR2 Lower-priority analogue value with status
information, combined for sequence
10001000 IDM, incl. CCR1 High-priority indication data, combined
for sequence termination (only if RA)
10001010 IDM, incl. CCR2 Lower-priority indication data, combined
for sequence termination
10001100 IDS, incl. CCR1 High-priority indication data with status
information, combined for sequence
termination (only if RA)
10001110 IDS, incl. CCR2 Lower-priority indication data with status
information, combined for sequence
10010000 DVM, incl. CCR1 High-priority digital value combined for
sequence termination (only if RA)
10010010 DVM, incl. CCR2 Lower-priority digital value combined for
sequence termination
10010100 PCM, incl. CCR1 High-priority pulse counter value combined
for sequence termination (only if RA)
10010110 PCM, incl. CCR2 Lower-priority pulse counter value
combined for sequence termination

Table 3: Function code in message direction substation - FE

In the message direction FE - substation the general, the message is in the dialogue mode.
type of message is indicated with the D1 - D4 When the FE wants to send the same message
(F0 - F3) bits (Fig. 4, Table 1). The D0 bit is to all substations at the same time, it uses the
always one. Bit D5 (M/D) is a monologue/dia- monologue mode. Then the substation address
logue bit indicating whether the master device is zero.
wants its message to be responded to or not. In

D7 D0
Function code
S1 S0 M/D F3 F2 F1 F0 1

Fig. 4: Function code octet in message direction FE - substation

The D6 and D7 bits (S1, S0) indicate the se- In the message direction substation - FE the
quence number. For dialogue-mode messages whole octet length is used for identifying the
the sequence runs in the number order 0, 1, 2, message (Fig. 5, Tables 2 and 3), except for the
3, 0, 1, 2,... and the substation verifies that the D0 bit, which is constantly zero. The table
next number of the sequence of the request length is primarily increased by the fact that the
message is in order. Should the sequence number same message appears twice according to the pri-
be another than that expected, the substation ority level ( priority in the table: P1, P2 and
repeats the last message it sent with the con- P3). Secondly, if the device has no new message
cerned sequence. For certain messages, the se- to send after the present message, it can add the
quence can start from the beginning. In the sequence-ending CCR1 or CCR2 character to
monologue mode the sequence number is un- the message. The message checksum is calcu-
important. lated as an arithmetic sum over the data part.
Overflow is not considered in the calculation.
Irrespective of the type of message, a message al-
ways ends with the end character 22 (decimal).

D7 D0
Function code
F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 F0 0

Fig. 5: Function octet in message direction substation - FE.

Messages Above the messages to be used in the protocol The messages in the direction substation - FE
have been presented in connection with the are divided into the groups
frame structure (Tables1, 2 and 3). In the pro- - process data messages
tocol, the messages from the FE to the substa- - time-tagged event messages
tion are grouped as - response messages
- RTU messages - status messages
- data request messages - special messages.
- process commands.

Messages in direction The RTU message group includes a number of Via data request messages the master requests
FE - substation special messages for the control of the substa- the substation to send the new values of the
tion itself. process points that have changed.

- SCI, Status Check Instruction, is sent to the - RA, Request A, is the request message of the
substation when highest priority. The response to the message
- the FE wants to start polling the substation contains process data of the highest priority
- the substation does not respond to the polling alone.
- the FE wants all possible information from - RB, Request B, is a normal request message
the substation. used to poll the substation for new process
After restart, the substation approves no other - RX, Request X, the message refers to one pro-
message. The SCI sets the sequence number cess value.
to zero and so the first request message has
the sequence number one. If the substation
stops operating, and the communication with Process commands are used to instruct the sub-
the FE is interrupted, the FE starts polling the station to perform a specific action, which typi-
concerned substation for status information cally relates to the process to be controlled.
with repeated SCI messages. The SCI can be
received frequently, if there are disturbances - IXC, Immediate eXecute Command, is sent
on the channel and messages are lost. to the substation, when the FE wants the com-
mand to be executed at once.
- RSEQ, Reset SEQuence number is a message - CBXC, Check Back before eXecute Com-
to be used in test situations. This message mand, is the preselection of a command. In a
forces the sequence to start from the begin- two-step command the object is first selected
ning. The message arrives with the sequence (step one) and then the command is executed
number zero and the next message with the (step two).
sequence number one. - EXC, EXecute Command, executes a given
- FCOM, The Function COMmand message, command in the preselected object. If no ob-
is used for controlling the station itself. The ject has been preselected, the command will
substation incorporates a lot of functions, for not be executed.
instance, restart of the station, which can be - IHC, InHibit Command, allows the preselected
commanded by this message. command to be cancelled.
- FTAB, Function TABle, is intended to be used - SPM, Set Point Message, sets the setting value
for parameterizing the substation. There is a for the process value. The setting value can be
great number of tables which include very digital or analogue.
detailed parameters for handling various pro- - GOM, General Output Message, is a general
cess variables. All tables are sent with the same command used for setting a digital or analogue
function code and they are identified with a object relating to the process.
special subcode. - TDC, Transparent Data in Command Direc-
- TSI, Time Synchronization Instruction, syn- tion, transmits a transparent message to the
chronizes the calender time of the substation substation. This message may be a message of
with the FE time. The handling time has to another protocol, encapsulated in the data part
be compensated for in the substation by re- of the RP 570 protocol.
cording the local time when the receipt of the
message is started and adding it to the calender

Messages in direction With process data messages the substation com- By response messages the substation communi-
substation - FE municates the new values of changed process cates that it has received and accepted the mes-
data. sage sent.

- IDM, InDication Message. One- and two-bit - CCR1, Cycle Complete Response of priority 1.
status information can be packed as 16-bit The message is sent as a response to the FE,
blocks in the message. when the substation no longer has any mes-
- IDS, InDication message with Status. One- sages of the highest priority level. The polling
and two-bit status information can be packed sequence ends with this message.
as 16-bit blocks in the message. In addition, - CCR2, Cycle Complete Response of Priority 2,
the message contains status information about is sent as a response to the FE, when the sub-
each bit. Status value one indicates that the station has no more changed process point val-
status data is faulty or out of use. ues on levels below the highest priority level.
- AVM, Analogue Value Message, includes one A polling sequence ends with this message.
or more analogue values. - EXR, EXecuted Response, is given as an indi-
- AVS, Analogue Value message with Status, in- cation of positive acknowledgement.
cludes one or more analogue values. In addi- - EXRR, EXecuted Response - Restarted, is an
tion, the message includes status information acknowledgement of the first SCI message re-
of each data element, block. ceived after restart.
- DVM, Digital Value Message, includes one - NXR, Not eXecuted Response, is a negative
digital value. acknowledgement.
- DVS, Digital Value message with Status, in- - CBR, Check Back Response, is sent in response
cludes one digital value. In addition, the mes- to an accepted preselection made by the FE.
sage includes status information of the data The message contains an identification of the
element, block. command object.
- PCM, Pulse Counter Message, contains the
value of one pulse counter, and, in addition
status data and other counter-related informa- The most important status messages are TSTA
tion. and TEV.
- TDR, Transparent Data in Response direction,
is sent to the FE, when the substation wants to - TSTA, Terminal STAtus. This message is sent
send general information to it, typically, a mes- by the substation in response to an RA/RB
sage in response to a TDC message. The mes- request. The message may contain informa-
sage content is transparent to the protocol. tion about 16 internal status indications.
- TEV, Terminal EVent, is also sent in response
to an RA/RB request. By this message the sub-
Time-tagged event messages forward time- station reports on a change in the internal sta-
tagged information about changes in process tus of a device.
data. The messages are replies to the request
messages RA and RB.
The group of special messages includes one
- ERMI, Event Recording Message for Indica- message:
tion, transfers one time-tagged one- or two-
bit status data item after the change of a value. - PRI, Polling Request Instruction. This mes-
The message contains the new value. sage is used when the device is connected to a
- ERMA, Event Recording Message for Ana- public switched telephone network. The sub-
logue value, contains time-tagged information station dials up the FE, when it has reason to
about exceeding of an analogue process data communicate. Once the line is open the sub-
limit value. station sends the PRI message without a pre-
- ERMD, Event Recording Message for Digital ceding RA or RB request message. The FE
value, contains time-tagged information about identifies the calling substation by this mes-
exceeding of a digital process data limit value. sage

Address space Data to be read from the device is called blocks 1...255 (Table 3: Address spaces). It should be
and data to be written to the device is called observed that the address space starts from the
objects. Each message type has its own address address one and not from zero as in C language
space, the size of which, with the exception of indexing.
the command object space, can be in the range

Type of Format Possible address space


IDM 16 bits 1…255 indication

AVM 12 bits 1…255 analogue value
DVM 16 bits 1…255 digital value
PCM 32 bits 1…255 pulse counter
CBX 1 bit 1…2048 control
SPM digital value 15 bits 1…255 setting value
analogue value 12 bits
GOM digital value 1, 2 or 15 bits 1…255 general setting
analogue value 12 bits

Table 3: Address spaces

The highest Some rules for the operation of the protocol on cedures for retransmission of messages, priority
protocol layers the application layer have been specified for the handling and polling have been separately speci-
highest layers of the RP 570 protocol. The pro- fied.

Retransmission A message can be destroyed in the transmission The substation stores the function byte of the
of messages channel so that it does not pass the check in the last four messages correctly received, together
FE end or the substation end. Then the FE goes with the sequence number and the whole mes-
on requesting retransmission of the message, un- sage sent. The substation may receive a mes-
til the message arrives correctly or the maximum sage in which the sequence number does not
limit for retransmissions is reached. If all the follow the sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2… . In
messages received from the substation have been such a case the substation checks whether the
false, the substation is assumed to be out of op- same function byte has been stored with the se-
eration. In the monologue mode, on the other quence number of the received message and, if
hand, the FE does not necessarily notice that so, the stored message will be sent. The action
the message was not correctly received by the requested in the message will not be repeated.
If the substation receives a message that forces
The sequence number described before is used the sequence to zero, i.e. an SCI or RSEQ mes-
for the control of retransmissions (Fig. 4). sage - it destroys all the messages and function
bytes stored. However, such event-type mes-
If the FE does not receive a message that passes sages, which cannot be regenerated from e.g.
its checks, it repeats, with the same sequence the database have to be sent. Typically such
number the last message sent, until the repeti- messages are TEV, SYSM, ERMI and ERMA.
tion limiter trips. After this the substation con-
cerned is assumed to be out of use and the FE
starts sending SCI messages to the substation.
No other messages are sent to a substation be-
ing out of use.

Priority levels The process data messages from the substation and CCR1 and CCR2 response messages to
to the FE are identified by the type and the block specify the type of the next request message to
number of the message. Each message is of a be sent. On the basis of the same information it
specific priority level: P1, P2 or P3. P1 is the also decides which substation has to be polled
highest priority level. The priority of the mes- next.
sages IDM, IDS, AVM, AVS, DVM and PCM
is indicated by the function byte of the message Once the substation receives an RA or RB re-
(Fig. 4, Table 2 and 3). A priority defining field quest message it has to check the station data
for the messages TDR, ERMI, ERMA, TSTA, and return a response message. This response
TEV and SYSM has not been separately speci- message includes the process point value of the
fied. right process level, provided the value has
changed. Only process points of priority level
The priority has been specified for each process P1 are used to respond to an RA request mes-
data item. Messages sent in response to request sage (Fig. 6), whereas messages of any priority
message, i.e. IDM, IDS, AVM, AVS, DVM or level can be sent in response to an RB request
PCM, are generated according to priority. TSTA message. (Fig. 7). A value that has already been
and TEV messages are high-priority messages sent after a CCR1 or CCR2 message was sent
and always of priority level P1. ERMI, ERMA must not be used in reply to a request message.
and TDR messages contain less important data Of messages which always have a defined prior-
and are of priority level P2. SYSM messages are ity cannot be sent but one between CCR1 and
of priority level P3. The FE uses priority data CCR2 messages.

P1 cycle IND P1 AVM P1 DVM P1 ... TSTA TEV CCR1

Fig. 6: Example of RA sequence

IND P1 DVM P1 1 message

P1 cycle AVM P1 ... TSTA TEV from P2

1 message
P2 cycle IND P2 AVM P2 DVM P2 ... ERMI/A TDR from P3 CCR2

P3 cycle IND P3 AVM P3 DVM P3 ... SYSM

Fig. 7. Example of RB sequence

Polling principle The main principle of polling is that only data During the following sequence all the messages
that has changed since the previous poll is trans- of the highest priority level have to be given,
mitted from the substation. The FE uses a spe- provided that some of the values have changed,
cific method of using RA and RB request mes- and one message from one of the lower-priority
sages and controlling a number of substations. levels. It is permitted to send just one ERMI,
The substation knows nothing but how the pri- ERMA or TDR message from the P2 level. It is
ority levels behave and how to respond to RA also possible to send just one message from level
and RB request messages. P3, if higher-level messages already were sent.
Only one SYSM message is permitted during a
sequence. During an RB sequence no CCR1
RA sequence message can be sent (Fig. 7).

The RA sequence is a set of messages between

CCR1 messages. The substation responds to an Command messages
RA request message with one process data mes-
sage of priority level P1. The process point must The FE can send a command message to the
not be sent but once during a sequence. One TSTA substation between any request messages. Ac-
and one TEV message alone may be sent during a tions related to these have to be performed irre-
sequence. The sequence has to be terminated by spective of polling sequence.
sending a CCR1 message or adding the CCR1
data to the process data message (Fig. 6). For request messages the FE uses a special method
trying to collect as quickly as possible the most
important information from all substations. The
RB sequence substation has to be ready to receive any of the
request messages, however, so that the sequence
The RB sequence is a set of messages between is completed first.
CCR2 messages. The substation responds to an
RB request message with a process data mes-
sage of any priority level. The process point can-
not be sent in the process data message but once
during a sequence. All the messages of priority
level P1 and one from the next level are returned
during the sequence. The sequence is termi-
- by sending a CCR2 message
- by including CCR2 data in the process data
- automatically when one message of priority
level P2 or P3 has been sent.

Protocol RP 570 protocol of REC 501 accepts following input messages:
Command Meaning Notes
Input Messages
RA Request A. Polls priority 1 blocks

RB Request B Polls all blocks

IXC Immediate eXecute Just for Reset module status, C.

Command Block 5 of CBX type addresses

CBXC Check Back before Open/close select objects, V1-V2.

eXecute Command Blocks 1 and 2 of CBX type addresses

EXC EXecute Command Execute selected open/close object, V3.

Blocks 1 and 2 of CBX type addresses

IHC InHibit Command Inhibit selected open/close object, V3.

Blocks 1 and 2 of CBX type addresses

SPM Setpoint Message Object range 1-5 used

GOM General Output Message Object range 1-11 used

SCI Status Check Instruction

RSEQ Reset SEQuence number

TSI Time Sync Instruction

FCOM Function COMmand Only Function Command Number 1 and 4 accepted.

1 - Cold start
4 - Generate event message with PROM version

FTAB Function Table Types

- Basic Function Table, Indications NR 0x00
- Basic Function Table, Analogue Measured
Value NR 0x0A,
- Basic Function Table, Digital Value NR 0x14
- Basic Function Table, Pulse Counter NR 0x1E
Fields Block NR, Priority and Blocked/Deblocked
have a meaning, others are ignored.

TDC Transparent Data in Only message class 6 accepted, transparent SPA.

Command direction SPA message bytes cannot exceed 30 bytes.

Table 5: Accepted Input Messages

Output Messages RP 570 protocol of REC 501 uses following messages:

Command Meaning Notes

CCR1 Cycle Complete Response, Ends the poll cycle.

priority level 1 Each block may be sent once in a cycle.

CCR2 Cycle Complete Response, Ends the poll cycle.

priority level 2 Each block may be sent once in a cycle.

EXR EXecuted Response

EXRR EXecuted Response,

device Restarted

NXR Not eXecuted Response

CBR Check Back Response

AVM Analogue Value Message

without status

DVM Digital Value Message

without status

PCM Pulse Counter Message

IDM InDication Message

without status

TEV Terminal EVent message Only Event Numbers 1, 6 and 13 used.

SPA event E50 causes event number 1
FCOM #4 causes event number 6

NXR response also causes TEV 13.

One TEV per poll cycle

TSTA Terminal STAtus message Only TSTA ident 1 used.

Bits D4, D7, D8, D9, D13, D14, D15 used.
See Table 15.

TDR Transparent Data in Only message class 6 used, transparent SPA.

Response direction SPA message bytes cannot exceed 252 bytes

PRI Polling Request Sent spontaneously without RA/RB poll, when the
Instruction dial-up line is opened by REC 501 built-in modem
(if PSTN line used).

Table 6: Outgoing messages used

Address Mapping The addresses for values to be read from the The addresses are divided into four sub-areas.
of REC 501 device are called blocks. Addresses for values to The data is arranged according to the data type
be written to the device are called objects. so each message type has its own area. The fol-
lowing table collects possible message types,
address ranges used and formats.

Data type Format Used address range

IDM 16 bit 1…2 Indications

AVM 12 bit 1…4 Analogue values
DVM 16 bit 1…4 Digital values
PCM 32 bit 1…10 Pulse counters
CBX 1 bit 1…2, 5 Controls
SPM digital 15 bit 1…5 Setpoints
analogue 12 bit
GOM digital 1, 2, 15 bit 1…11 General outputs
analogue 12 bit

Table 7: Address Map

Data items type IDM, AVM, DVM and PCM Note that AVM 12 bit is 11 bit for value and
are used for process data read from the device. highest bit for sign. Value range is -2048...2048.
The value is sent to the master device as an ac-
knowledge message of the poll. The CBX type
is used for commands given by the operator and
SPM and GOM for parameters.

IDM Type Addresses

Block Bits in Priority Relevant SPA event or parameter

1 0-1 1 Status of an object on channel 1

(value represents new 2-state status), I3
1 2-3 1 Status of an object on channel 2
(value represents new 2-state status), I3
1 8 1 Battery voltage, I11
1 9 1 Power supply temp, I9 (overHeat)
1 10 1 Aux. Supply, I10 (acFail)
1 11 1 Cumulative or wrap-around pulse counting on channel 1
(0=cumulative, 1=wrap), S12
1 12 1 Cumulative or wrap-around pulse counting on channel 2
(0=cumulative, 1=wrap), S12
1 13 1 Heating, I12
1 14 1 Local blocking in channel 1 (0=not blocked, 1=blocked)
1 15 1 Local blocking in channel 2 (0=not blocked, 1=blocked)
2 0 2 Input X2 (1/2) (0=not active, 1=active), I4
2 1 2 Input X2 (3/2) (0=not active, 1=active), I5
2 2 2 Input X2 (4/5) (0=not active, 1=active), I6
2 3 2 Input X2 (6/5) (0=not active, 1=active), I7
2 4 2 Input X2 (7/8) (0=not active, 1=active), I8

Table 8: IDM Type Addresses

If any of the inputs I3, I4, I5 is connected to
operate as pulse counters, the application SW
will mask the input.

AVM Type Addresses
Block Bits in Priority Threshold Relevant SPA parameter
block (note 1)

1 0-12 2 5, V237 Temperature within enclosure, I1

2 0-12 1 10, V238 Battery charging voltage, I2
3 0-12 2 10, V238 Minimum battery voltage, V6
4 0-12 2 - Delta for sending battery charging voltage, V238

Table 9: AVM Type Addresses

General note: Note 1:

No scaling; always use 1 for block 1 and 10 for Threshold: delta for new value. If the change is
blocks 2 - 4. smaller, nothing will be transferred.

DVM Type Addresses

Block Bits in Priority Relevant SPA parameter

1 0-7 2 Event mask for inputs, V155

1 8-15 2 Event mask for inputs, V156
2 0-7 2 Event mask for counters, V157
2 8-15 2 Event mask for outputs, V158
3 0-5 2 Event mask for open/close channel 1, V159
3 8-13 2 Event mask for open/close channel 2, V159
4 0-7 2 Delta for sending enclosure temperature, V237
4 8-15 2 Modem diagnostic interval, V224

Table 10: DVM Type Addresses

PCM Type Addresses

Block Priority Relevant SPA parameter

1 2 Operation counter, channel 1, V5

2 2 Operation counter, channel 2, V5
3 2 Intermediate counter, channel 1, V11
4 2 Intermediate counter, channel 2, V11
5 3 Periodic counter 1, channel 1, V20
6 3 Periodic counter 1, channel 2, V20
7 3 Periodic counter 2, channel 1, V22
8 3 Periodic counter 2, channel 2, V22
9 3 Periodic counter 3, channel 1, V24
10 3 Periodic counter 3, channel 2, V24

Table 11: PCM Type Addresses

Blocks 5 - 10 will not be reported to the network normal sequence. They are reported only when
controller in response to a polling message on requested by interrogation command SCI.

GOM Type Addresses
Object Relevant SPA parameter and notes

1 Reset minimum battery voltage, V7 (only binary 1 accepted)

2 Reset pulse counter values on channel 1, V9 (only binary 1 accepted)
3 Reset pulse counter values on channel 2, V9 (only binary 1 accepted)
4 Cumulative or wrap-around pulse counting on channel 1, S12 (0=wrap, 1=cumulative)
5 Cumulative or wrap-around pulse counting on channel 2, S12 (0=wrap, 1=cumulative)
6 Event mask for inputs, V155
7 Event mask for inputs, V156
8 Event mask for counters, V157
9 Event mask for outputs, V158
10 Event mask for open/close on channel 1, V159
11 Event mask for open/close on channel 2, V159

Table 12: GOM Type Addresses

SPM Type Addresses

Object Relevant SPA parameter and notes

1 Operation counter on channel 1, V5

2 Operation counter on channel 2, V5
3 Delta for sending enclosure temperature, V237
4 Delta for sending battery charging voltage, V238
5 Modem diagnostic interval, V224

Table 13: SPM Type Addresses

CBX Type Addresses

Object Relevant SPA parameter and notes

1 Object on channel 1. Select, execute and inhibit. V1, V2, V3 and V4

2 Object on channel 2. Select, execute and inhibit. V1, V2, V3 and V4
5 Reset module status, C (IXC) (note 1)

Table 14: CBX Type Addresses

Note 1:
To be done via Event Handler. Clear event buff-
ers E50, E51 (and the rest, too).

TSTA Message Ident 1 is partly used by REC 501.
Ident Bit Bit meaning and relevant SPA parameter

1 4 1 = At least one output relay is faulty; V169

1 7 1 = REC 501 is faulty. Checksum error in RAM, ROM or EEPROM; V169
1 8 1 = REC 501 is active.
0 = The unit has been subjected to automatic reset.
Module status information, (note 1)
1 9 1 = REC 501 synchronised.
At least one synchronisation message received (note 2)
1 13 1 = AC fail, REC 501 running on backup battery supply; I10 = 1
1 14 1 = Battery low; I11 = 1 (low)
1 15 1 = No printer. Bit always set to 1.

Table 15: Module Status Information

Note 1: Note 2:
Module status information to be read via event REC 501 will always report "not synchronised"
handler, events E50. after disconnecting the SPA-configuration ca-
ble. This is because the RP 570 protocol will
be initialised on a change.

TEV Message Content REC 501 uses only events number 1, 6 and 13.

Event Meaning Additional info1 - info6

1 REC 501 restarted -

6 Program version info1 - info6 = program version identification.
The whole version number is expressed as 1MRS11xxxxy, where
1MRS11 is fixed, xxxx is a four-digit number and y is the version
letter. The last six characters, i.e. 1xxxxy are transferred .
13 Command failed info1: 1 - object command
2 - not used
3 - set point command
4 - general output command
info2 - info6: not used

Table 16: TEV message content.

FCOM Message REC 501 allows the priority and blocking in- All data types are blocked by the target block,
Format formation of the AVM, IDM, DVM and PCM also the IDM type.
type process point to be changed.

The function table includes several fields, but

only those mentioned below have a function in
REC 501, others are ignored:
- FTAB type; identifies the table
- block; identifies the target block
- priority; new priority for target block, in range
- blocked; 1 if target block is to be blocked.

Data Channel Para- Data Values Default
Parameters meter direction

Selection of active protocol 0 V202 R,W 0 = SPA protocol 0

(not valid at parameteri- 1 = remote protocol

Station address 0 V210 R,W 0…255 255

Data transfer rate 0 V211 R,W 0.3; 0.6; 1.2; 4.8; 9.6; 1.2
or 14.4 kBd

CTS delay 0 V213 R,W 0…255 = 0…2550 ms 3

RTS keep up delay 0 V214 R,W 0…255 = 0…2550 ms 1

Delta for spontaneous 0 V237 R,W 1...10° 5°

sending of enclosure

Delta for spontaneous 0 V238 R,W 0.1...5.0 V dc 1.0 V dc

sending of battery charging

Table 17: Communication parameters

Configuration The RP 570 protocol is to be used with a build- Further more, there is one pulse counter input
Example in modem. The REC 501 unit is to call the mas- with a counting period of 1 hour, local remote
ter once the temperature changes more than 4°C. switch, heating and one object to control.

Parameters to be set
• Remote communication parameters
• Modem communication parameters
• Functional parameters
• RP 570 application layer parameters

This configuration requires the following set-up:

V202 = 1 Remote protocol to be used.
V210 = 50 RP 570 device address 50.
V211 = 9.6 Communication speed 9600 Bd.
V220 = 1 Switched line in use.

V221 = ATV0X0E0S0=2
This sets the modem initialisation string. Refer to the modem manual.
V222 = ATH1d,1234567
This sets the dialling string. 1234567 is the phone number of the master station.
V223 = ~~~+++~~~ATH
Hang-up string.

S5 = 80 Default + input 4 pulse for counter.

S6 = 4 Input 5 is local / remote switch.
S8 = 8 Output 4 is heating.
1S11 = 60 Counting period 60 min.
V237 = 4 Delta for spontaneous sending of enclosure temperature 4°C.

All other settings are default values.

1MRS 750751-MUM EN

Substation Automation
P.O.Box 699
Tel. +358 (0)10 22 11
Fax.+358 (0)10 22 41094

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