A2 Scheme of Work
A2 Scheme of Work
A2 Scheme of Work
Impact forces What happens to the impact 3.4.1 Application and How 8-10 Stretch and
force (and why?) if the science works challenge: Vehicle
duration of impact is - Vehicle safety crash – momentum
reduced? reminders and impulse
How do we calculate Δ(mv) Force–time graphs for Practical:
for a moving object which impacts Investigating impact
stops or reverses? Rebound impacts forces
What happens to the
momentum of a ball when it
bounces off a wall?
Conservation Is momentum ever lost in a 3.4.1 Newton’s third law of 11-13 WebQuest: Drive
of momentum collision? motion safer! (How science
What do we mean by The Principle of works)
conservation of momentum? Conservation of Practical: Testing
What condition must be Momentum conservation of
satisfi ed if the momentum of Testing conservation of momentum
a system is conserved? momentum
Head-on collisions
Application and How
science works
- Crash barriers
Explosions What energy changes take 3.4.1 Testing a model 16-17 Animation: Collisions
place in an explosion? explosion and explosions
What can we always say Practical:
about the total momentum of Investigating a model
a system that has exploded? explosion
What are the consequences
when, after the explosion,
only two bodies move apart?
Test yourself
Answers to examination-style questions
Motion in a circle
Uniform How can we recognise 3.4.1 Angular displacement 22-23
circular motion uniform motion in a circle? and angular speed
What do we need to measure
to fi nd the speed of an
object moving in uniform
circular motion?
What is meant by angular
displacement and angular
Centripetal Why is the velocity not 3.4.1 Centripetal force 24-25 Practical:
acceleration constant when a body is - Equation for centripetal Investigating circular
travelling uniformly in a force motion
In which direction does the
acceleration take place?
How can we calculate the
centripetal force?
On the road Why do we seem to be 3.4.1 Over the top of a hill 26-27
thrown outwards if a car On a roundabout
rounds a bend too quickly? - On a banked track
What happens to the force
between a passenger and his
seat on a curved bridge?
What forces provide the
centripetal force on a banked
At the When is the contact force on 3.4.1 The Big Dipper 28-29 WebQuest: A wild
fairground a passenger greatest on a The very long swing ride on the scream
‘big dipper’? machine
The Big Wheel
What condition applies when
a passenger just fails to keep Application and How
in contact with his seat? science works
- Safe rides
The principles What are the two 3.4.1 36-37 Animation: Simple
of simple fundamental conditions about harmonic motion
harmonic acceleration that apply to
motion simple harmonic oscillations?
How do displacement,
velocity and acceleration
vary with time?
What is the phase difference
between displacement and (i)
velocity (ii) acceleration?
Applications of What conditions must be 3.4.1 The oscillations of a 40-43 How science works:
simple satisfi ed for a mass–spring mass–spring system Oscillations
harmonic system or simple pendulum What determines the Practical: The simple
motion to oscillate with simple frequency of oscillation of pendulum
harmonic motion? a loaded spring? Practical: The
How does the period of a The theory of the simple oscillations of a
mass–spring system depend pendulum loaded spring
on the mass?
How does the period of a
simple pendulum depend on
its length?
Energy and In simple harmonic motion, 3.4.1 Free oscillations 44-46 Stretch and
simple how do kinetic energy and Energy–displacement challenge: Simple
harmonic potential energy vary with graphs harmonic motion at
motion displacement? the atomic level
Damped oscillations
How do these energies vary Practical: Damped
with time, if damping is Application oscillations
negligible? - A car suspension
What is the effect of damping
on the characteristics of the
Forced Under what circumstances 3.4.1 Forced oscillations 47-49 Practical: Resonance
oscillations does resonance occur? Resonance
and resonance What is the difference More examples of
between free vibrations and resonance
forced vibrations? - Barton’s pendulums
Why does a resonant system - Bridge oscillations
reach a maximum amplitude
of vibration?
Gravitational fields
Gravitational How can we represent a 3.4.2 Free fall in a gravitational 54-55
field strength gravitational fi eld? field
What do we mean by the Field patterns
strength of a gravitational - Is the Earth’s
field? gravitational fi eld uniform
What is a radial fi eld and or radial?
what is a uniform fi eld?
Newton’s law How does gravitational 3.4.2 How science works 59-61 Stretch and
of gravitation attraction vary with distance? - How Newton challenge: Finding
What do we mean by an established his theory of the mass of the
inverse-square law? gravitation Earth, the Sun and
How science works the black hole at the
Can we treat spherical centre of our galaxy
objects, such as planets, as - Cavendish’s
point masses? measurement of G
Satellite Under what condition is a 3.4.2 Geostationary satellites 66-67 WebQuest: Planetary
motion satellite in a stable orbit? Application and How data
What happens to the speed science works WebQuest: Car tax
of a satellite if it moves closer - SATNAV at work and location tracking
to the Earth?
Why must a geosynchronous
satellite be in an orbit above
the Equator?
Electric fields
Field patterns How can we charge a metal 3.4.3 Static electricity 72-75
object? Application and How
What does the direction of science works
an electric fi eld line show - Chips and charge
concerning a test charge? Field lines and patterns
How is the strength of an
electric fi eld represented by
field lines?
Electric field How, in principle, can we 3.4.3 Application and How 76-79
strength measure the strength of an science works
electric fi eld? - The lightning conductor
Is electric fi eld strength, E, The electric fi eld
a scalar or a vector, and between two parallel
does this affect the sign of a plates
test charge we should use? Field factors
Why should E be described
as the force per unit charge,
rather than the force that
acts on one coulomb of
Electric Why is potential defi ned in 3.4.3 The Van de Graaff 80-82 Animation: Electrical
potential terms of the work done per generator fields and potentials
unit + charge? Potential gradients Stretch and
How do we calculate the challenge: Electric
electric potential difference fields and lightning
between two points? Practical: Electric
How can we find the change field plotting (student
in electric potential energy sheet, teacher notes
from pd? and technician notes)
Why is potential (and pd)
measured in V?
Coulomb’s law How does the force between 3.4.3 Coulomb’s experiment 83-85
two point charges depend Application
on distance? - Why do salt crystals
How can we calculate the dissolve in water?
force between two charged Application and How
objects? science works
What does the sign of the Note on k = 1/4πε0
force (+ or –) indicate?
Point charges What equation gives the 3.4.3 - Electric fi eld strength 86-88
electric fi eld strength near a as a vector
point charge? More about radial fi elds
What equation gives the - Sparks and shocks
potential associated with a
point charge?
Why does E = 0 inside a
charged sphere?
Capacitance In terms of electron flow, 3.4.4 Charging a capacitor at 94-95
what is happening when a constant current
capacitor charges up? Application
How is the pd across the - Capacitor uses
plates of a capacitor related
to the charge on its plate?
What do we use capacitors
Energy stored Why does a capacitor store 3.4.4 Measuring the energy 96-97
in a charged energy as it is being stored in a charged
capacitor charged? capacitor
What form of energy is The energy stored in a
stored by a capacitor? thundercloud
If the charge stored is
doubled, what happens to
the amount of energy
Charging and What is the shape of the Q–t 3.4.4 Capacitor discharge 98-101 Simulation: Charging
discharging a charging curves? And the through a fi xed resistor and discharging a
capacitor Q–t discharging curves? Investigating capacitor capacitor
through a fixed Which circuit components discharge How science works:
resistor could be changed to make Application and How Capacitor discharge
the charge/discharge science works Stretch and
slower? - Applications of challenge:
What is meant by the time capacitor discharge Investigating an
constant of a capacitor- Charging a capacitor electronic flash
resistor circuit? through a fi xed resistor Practical: Capacitor
Magnetic fields
Current- How can we measure the 3.4.5 Magnetic fi eld patterns 106-109
carrying strength of a magnetic field? How science works
conductors in a Upon what factors does the - The Earth’s magnetism
magnetic field magnitude of the force on a The force on a current-
current-carrying wire carrying wire in a
depend? magnetic fi eld
How is the direction of the The couple on a coil in a
force found for a current- magnetic fi eld
carrying wire in a magnetic
field? Application
- The electric motor
Moving charges What happens to charged 3.4.5 Electron beams 110-112 WebQuest:
in a magnetic particles in a magnetic field? How science works Superconductors and
field Why does a force act on a - A high-energy collision magnetic levitation
wire in a magnetic fi eld (How science works)
Force on a moving
when a current flows along charge in a magnetic field
the wire?
What equation can we use - The Hall probe
to find the force on a moving
Charged What happens to the 3.4.5 - Thermionic devices 113-115 Animation: The large
particles in direction of the magnetic Application hadron collider
circular orbits force when electrons are - The cyclotron WebQuest: The
deflected by a magnetic physics behind the
field? Application and How
science works LHC (Stretch and
Electromagnetic induction
Generating What must happen to 3.4.5 Investigating 120-122
electricity aconductor (or to the electromagnetic induction
magnetic field in which it’s Energy changes
placed) for electricity to be
generated? How science works
- Michael Faraday
What factors would cause 1791−1861
the induced emf to be
greater? Understanding
electromagnetic induction
Does an induced emf always
cause a current to flow? The dynamo rule
The laws of What is magnetic flux, and 3.4.5 Coils, currents and fields 123-126 Animation:
electromagneti- magnetic flux linkage? Lenz’s law Electromagnetic
c induction How is the induced emf in a induction
coil related to the magnetic - Regenerative braking Stretch and
flux linkage through it? challenge:
Faraday’s law of Regenerative braking
What is Lenz’s law and electromagnetic induction
which conservation law - More about flux linkage Practical: The
explains it? magnetic field of a
Practical: Induced
The alternating Which two features of the 3.4.5 The alternating current 127-129 Animation: Motors
current output voltage waveform generator Practical:
generator change if the coil is turned Application Investigating back
faster? - Power station emf
Why is the output alternators
alternating? Back emf
Why is it preferable for
practical generators to have
fixed coils and a rotating
Transformers What is the purpose of 3.4.5 The transformer rule 130-132 Practical: The
transformers? Transformer efficiency differential
What energy changes take transformer
The Grid System
place in a transformer? Practical:
How is the efficiency of Transformer
transformers improved by efficiency
better design?
Safety features
How science works
- A nuclear future?
Radioactive waste
Chapter Electronic Resources:
Chapter map
Maths skills
On your marks
Test yourself
Answers to examination-style questions
Thermal physics
Internal energy What do we mean by internal 3.5A.3 Internal energy 198-201
and energy? About molecules
temperature What is the lowest possible Temperature and
temperature? temperature scales
What is a gas thermometer? About absolute zero
How science works
- The coldest places in
the world
- A thermometer test
Specific heat What do we mean by 3.5A.3 Heating and cooling 202-204 Simulation: Specific
capacity ‘heating up’ and by ‘cooling The inversion tube heat capacity
down’? experiment Practical: Measuring
Which materials heat and Specific heat capacity the specific heat
cool fastest? measurements using capacity of a metal
What is specific heat electrical methods
capacity? - Measurement of the
How do we measure it? specific heat capacity of
a metal
- Measurement of the
specific heat capacity of
a liquid
- Continuous flow heating
Change of What is latent heat? 3.5A.3 Latent heat 205-207 Stretch and
state How do we measure it? Temperature–time challenge: An old
graphs principle saves
Why does the temperature of energy
a substance remain steady
when it is changing state? Practical: Measuring
the specific latent
heat of fusion for ice
Chapter Electronic Resources:
Chapter map
Maths skills
Test yourself
Answers to examination-style questions
The What are the experimental 3.5A.3 Boyle’s law 210-211 Practical: Measuring
experimental gas laws? Charles’ law atmospheric pressure
gas laws How much does the pressure The pressure law Practical: Absolute
of a gas increase when it is zero
heated or compressed?
What is an isothermal
The ideal gas What is an ideal gas? 3.5A.3 Molecules in a gas 212-214
law Can we combine the The Avogadro constant
experimental gas laws? Molar mass
What is the origin of the The ideal gas equation
Avogadro constant? - Using the ideal gas
The kinetic Can we explain the increase 3.5A.3 Molecular speeds 215-218 Animation: Gases
theory of of pressure of a gas when it The kinetic theory How science works
gases is compressed or heated? equation WebQuest: The
How can we model the Molecules and kinetic bridge between
behaviour of a gas? energy macroscopic and
What does the mean kinetic microscopic
How science works
energy of a gas molecule - Making assumptions Stretch and
depend on? challenge: Kinetic
theory – the tennis
ball and electric
Chapter Electronic Resources:
Chapter map
Maths skills
Test yourself
Answers to examination-style questions
Answers to examination-style questions: End of Unit 5
Unit 5 – Optional topic: Electronic resources
A Astrophysics
Course notes: Astrophysics
Chapter map: Telescopes
Chapter map: Surveying the stars
Chapter map: Cosmology
Examination-style questions: Astrophysics
Answers to examination-style questions: Astrophysics
WebQuest: Astrophysics
Test yourself: Astrophysics
B Medical Physics
Course notes: Medical physics
Chapter map: Physics of the eye
Chapter map: Physics of the ear
Chapter map: Biological measurement
Chapter map: Non-ionising imaging
Chapter map: X-ray imaging
Examination-style questions: Medical physics
Answers to examination-style questions: Medical physics
WebQuest: Medical physics
Test yourself: Medical physics
C Applied Physics
Course notes: Applied physics
Chapter map: Rotational dynamics
Chapter map: Thermodynamic