Ultrasound Quiz 1: First Nam e Last Nam e

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Ult r a sou n d Qu iz 1

~ Fir st n a m e ~ ~ La st n a m e ~

Sound can propagate as:

1 Longitudinal waves
Shear waves
Surface waves
All of the above

I n the transverse or shear wave, the particles:

2 Move in an elliptical pattern
Oscillate at a right angle to the direction of wave propagation
Oscillate parallel to the direction of wave propagation
Do not actually move

Longitudinal waves are also called:

3 Surface waves
Pressure waves
Compressional waves
Both B and C are correct

The ability to locate discontinuities that are close together within

4 the material is called:
Phase delay

Less damped transducers will exhibit:

5 A wide frequency range
A wide resolution range
A shift in frequency range
A narrow frequency range

Which of the following waves is able to follow a surface around a

6 curve?

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A longitudinal wave
A shear wave
A surface wave
A Lamb wave

Which type of transducer will have better resolution?

7 A slightly damped transducer
A small size and low frequency transducer
A highly damped transducer
All of the above

Some transducers are specifically fabricated to be:

8 Better transmitters
Better receivers
Used in high temperature applications
All of the above

Shear waves do not propagate in:

9 Solids
Both B and C are correct

What is used to support the active element and dampen the

10 transducers characteristics?
Backing material with a similar the impedance of the transducer
Any of the above will work

Surface or Rayleigh waves travelling along the surface of relative

11 thick solid material, penetrate to a depth of approximately:
One wavelength
Two wavelengths
Three wavelengths
Infinite wavelengths

Which of the following waves is only able to travel through a thin

12 section of material?

A longitudinal wave
A shear waves
A surface wave

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A lamb wave

I n order to have a reasonable chance at detecting a discontinuity,

13 the reflective surface of the discontinuity must have a dimension
that is at least as long as ________ wavelength.

The area in front of a transducer where there are extensive

14 fluctuations in the sound field is called the:
Far field zone
Surface field zone
Near field zone
Phase shift zone

Which type of screen presentation displays the amount of received

15 ultrasonic energy as a function of time?
All of the above

The terms used to describe a technique s ability to locate flaws

16 are:
Sensitivity and penetration
Space and time
Sensitivity and resolution
Frequency and size

The ability to locate a small discontinuity is called:

17 Resolution

Resolution generally increases:

18 With increased depth of a defect
With a decrease in the transducer frequency
When the transducer diameter is reduced
With an increase in transducer frequency

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As frequency increases, sound tends to:

19 Become more compressed
Scatter more from large or course grain structure
Convert to a different wave mode
Become more penetrating

When sound travels through a medium:

20 Its intensity diminishes with distance
It spreads perpendicular to the primary direction of wave travel
Its speed remains constant
All of the above

The combined effect of scattering and absorption is called:

21 Shear factor

Acoustic impedance is identified by the letter:

22 Z

When an ultrasound wave passes through an interface between two

23 materials at an oblique angle, and the materials have different
indices of refraction, it produces:
Reflected waves
Refracted waves
Interface waves
Both A and B

When a wave encounters an interface at an oblique angle, what

24 takes place at the interface due to the different sound velocities of
the two materials?
Beam spread
Beam impedance

The measure of how a signal from a defect compared to other

25 background reflections is called:

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Acoustic impedance
Signal to noise ratio

Which of the following could influence the behavior of a

26 transducer?
Electrical construction
Material construction
Mechanical construction
All of the above

Which type of calibration block is used to determine the resolution

27 of angle beam transducers per requirements of AWS and
An IIW block
A DSC block
A rompus block
An RC block

The active element of most acoustic transducers used today is:

28 Lithium
Piezoelectric ceramic

I mmersion transducers have:

29 An acoustical impedance matching layer
A large angle of refraction
A small angle of refraction
A large angle of reflection

When a longitudinal wave encounters an interface between two

30 material with different accoustic impedances, what occurs when
the angle of incidence is 90 degrees?
Mode conversion
Reflection and refraction

What Greek letter is used to represent wavelength?


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None of the above

Contact transducers often incorporate a:

32 Composite frequency adjustment
Vibration suppressor
Wear plate
Phase adjustment sensor

The sound that emanates from a piezoelectric transducer

33 originates:
From a point on the active surface
From most of the active surface
From a small area in the center of the active surface
From the edges of the active surface

Angle beam transducers and wedges are typically used to

34 introduce a:
Reflected shear wave into the part
Longitudinal wave into the part
Shear wave into the part
Compression wave into the part

The sound energy or ultrasonic beam is more uniform in the:

35 Far field zone
Near field zone
Interface between the transducer and plastic wedge
Band along the central axis

Beam spread is greater when using:

36 High frequency transducers
Low frequency transducers
Angle beam transducers
Larger diameter transducers

The bandwidth of a transducer is often determined by evaluating

37 the frequency domain plot of a transduce and determining the
frequences that are _______ below the amplitude of the peak

3 dB

6 dB

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9 dB

12 dB

M ode conversion, occurs when a sound wave encounters an

38 interface between materials of different acoustic impedance and:
One of the two materials is a liquid
The incident angle is greater than the first critical angl e
The incident angle is greater than the second critical angle
The incident angle is not normal to the interface

Which of the following would make a good couplant?

39 Water
All of the above

Contact transducers are used for direct contact inspections, and

40 are generally:
Used with an immersion tank
Used with an automated system
Used on complicated shaped parts
Hand manipulated

Which of the following ultrasonic techniques require the probe to

41 be held firmly against component?
Contact inspection
Weld inspection
Angle beam inspection
All of the above

When performing a contact inspection on a curved surface, what

42 pieced of equipment can be used to improve coupling?
A spherically focused transducer
A cylindrically focused transducer
A shaped shoe
A large diameter transducer

The frequency marked on a transducer indicates:

43 The center frequency at which the transducer operates
The range of the transducer's operating frequency
The highest fequency produced by the transducer
None of the above

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The total resistance that the cable presents to the electrical current
44 passing through it is called:

DACC stands for:

45 Distance Amplitude Correction Curve
Direct Application Correction Curve
Distance Area Correction Calculation
Distance Area Computer Controlled

What type of transducer contains two independently operating

46 elements in a single housing?
Crystal mosaic transducer
Dual element transducer
Liquid crystal transducer
Bi polar transducer

When a single element transducer is operating in the pulse echo

47 mode, the element:
Can not start receiving reflected signals until the element has
stopped ringing from its transmit function
Needs to have a high pulse rate
Should be used in the dual mode
Can only be made with lithium sulfate

Which type of transducer can be used to scan wide areas when

48 high sensitivity is not required?
Mosaic transducer
Single crystal transducer of small diameter
Composite transducer
Paint brush transducer

What is the material called that is used to improve the

49 transmission of ultrasonic sound energy from the transducer into
the part?
Contact paste

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Which type of screen presentation displays a profile or cross-

50 sectional view of the test specimen?
All of the above

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