04 Nervous Tissue
04 Nervous Tissue
04 Nervous Tissue
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Table of Contents
1.Nervous Tissue ............................................................................................................................. 2
2. Components of Nervous Tissue ............................................................................................... 2
2.1 Neurons ................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Schwann cells ....................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Neuroglial cells ................................................................................................................. 4
3. Peripheral Nerve ....................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Ganglia ................................................................................................................................... 6
4. Synapse and Nerve Endings ..................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Chemical Synapse ................................................................................................................. 6
4.2 Nerve Endings ....................................................................................................................... 7
A) Motor nerve endings.......................................................................................................... 7
4.2.1 Somatic motor nerve ending ...................................................................................... 7
4.2.2 Autonomic motor nerve endings ................................................................................ 7
B) 4.2.3 Sensory nerve endings .......................................................................................... 7
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1.Nervous Tissue
• One of the four basic tissues.
• Generates, conducts & transmits impulses.
• Organized anatomically into:
I. Central Nervous System (CVS) : Brain and spinal cord.
II. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) : cranial nerves, spinal nerves and ganglia, outside CNS.
- PNS is divided functionally into:-
1. Sensory component. (afferent, to the CNS) – have ganglia.
2. Motor component (efferent, from CNS to effector organs),
further subdivided into:
a. Somatic system: (directly from CNS to skeletal muscles via a single neuron)
b. Autonomic system: (CNS Æ ganglia Æ smooth or cardiac muscle, glands)
• A collection of nerve fibers in PNS: nerve.
• A collection of nerve fibers in CNS: tract.
2.1 Neurons
• Consists of:-
1. Cell body (Perikaryon)
2. Cytoplasmic processes:-
• Divided according to the number of processes arising from the cell body into:-
1. Bipolar: two processes (dendrite + axon). – Spindle (fusiform) shaped.
(e.g. specialized sensory cells, like olfactory epithelium)
2. Multipolar: More than two processes (many dendrites, one axon)
Most common form. Forms most of CNS
(e.g. sympathetic ganglia).
Can be: - star-shaped e.g. sympathetic ganglia, anterior horn cells
- pyramidal. e.g. motor area in cerebrum that controls skeletal muscles
Largest in soma diameter.
- pysiform (pear shaped). e.g. cerebellum
3. Pseudounipolar: (unipolar): One process dividing into two (e.g. spinal ganglia). – spherical shape.
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2.1.2 Dendrites
• Each dendrite arises from the neuron cell bodies as a single short elaboration that branches several times
(becoming thinner), tapering at the end.
• Contains: RER, SER, neruofibrils, and mitochondria. But does NOT contain golgi complex.
• Can be one or more in a neruron.
• Receive stimuli from sensory cells, axons and other neurons, and transmit impulses into the soma.
2.1.3 Axons
• A single, thin, long process extending from the cell body. (only one in a neuron)
• It carries impulse away from the soma.
• Arises at the axon hillock, which is a pyramid-shaped region of the soma with no ribosomes.
• Some axons have collateral branches.
• An axon may branch at the end forming terminal arbors.
• It ends by dilations known as axon terminals that synapse with other neurons, muscles or glands.
Axon terminals are also known as end pulps or terminal boutons. And contain a lot of mitochondria.
• Axoplasm (cytoplasm of axons) have SER, mitochondria, many microtubules and microfilaments.
lacks RER, ribosomes and golgi apparatus.
• They have Schwann cells (are neurolemmated) in PNS, and can be:
1. Myelinated neurolemmated axon (with myelin sheath) may be sensory or motor.
2. Unmyelinated neurolemmated axon (without myelin sheath) may be sensory or motor.
- E.g. postganglionic neurons.
• In CNS, they don't have Schwann cells around them (not neurolemmated)
Can be myelinated (white matter), or umyelinated (grey matter).
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2.2.1 Astrocytes
• The largest of all neuroglia with a star shape and a large nucleus.
• Have cytoplasmic processes which support neurons & the blood vessels
• Functions:
1. The hunt ions, neurotransmitters and other remnants released into the extracellular space.
2. Form the Blood-brain barrier
3. Provides neurons with nutrition by releasing glucose from stored glycogen.
4. Can divide & fill the places of damaged parts of CNS
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2.2.2 Oligodendrocytes
• Found in gray & white matter of the CNS
• Small cells with few cytoplasmic processes
• Each cytoplasmic process forms a separate myelin segment (internode)
• Darkest neruoglial cell.
• Rich in RER, ribosomes, golgi apparatus and mitochondria.
• Each oligodendrocyte forms myelin sheath for many axons in CNS (similar to
Schwann cells in PNS).
• Have no basal lamina.
3. Peripheral Nerve
• Contains parallel bundles of axons containing both motor &
sensory axons.
• Each bundle contains myelinated & umyleinated axons
• No nerve cell bodies
• Covered by connective tissue, which can be divided into:
1. Epineurium:- external layer of dense fibrous irregular CT
covering the nerve.
2. Perineurium:- dense CT (thinner than epineurium) lined with
several epithelioid cells layers of flat cells with tight
junctions (zonulae occludentes) & basal lamina. Surrounds
each bundle of axons.
3. Endoneurium:- innermost layer of loose areolar reticular CT
around each Schwann cell covering the axon. (usually
synthesized by Schwann cells).
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3 Gang
3.1 glia
• Ganglia are
a groups of S. (in CNS, ca
o neuron cell bodies outsside the CNS alled neuronss except basa
sal ganglia).
• Types off ganglia:-
1. Dorrsal root (spinal) ganglia
2. Auttonomic gang glia (e.g. Sym
mpathetic ganglia)
3.1.1 Dors
sal Root Ganglion
(Spinal Gangllion)
• Containss pseudounip polar neuronss in groups. (spherical) (sso no synapsse between ccells).
• Each neu uron is surroounded by a capsule
c of su ellite (capsulle) cells within irregular
upporting cells called sate
dense fib
brous CT.
• Containss myelinated axons
• Cell bodyy size is varia
able, shape is
i spherical with
w central nucleus.
• Fewer inn number tha an sympathettic ganglia.
• Sensory ganglion
3.1.2 Sym
mpathetic Ganglion
• Containss multipolar neurons
n sepa aces containing unmyelin
arated by spa nated axons
• Capsule of satellite cells
c is not thinner than in
n spinal gang
glia, because
e of dendritess scattering satellite
s cellss
• Cell bodiies contain eccentric
e nuclei
• It is a motor ganglion
• Containss synapses
4 Syna
4. apse and Nerve
e Endin
• Synapse is the point of contract between
b the end of the axon
a & anoth
her neuron, m muscle or gla
and cell.
• Synapse transmits immpulses from m the axon too another cell
• Types off synapses
1. Cheemical synapse:- (in CNS & PNS) Nee eds a chemica al (neurotran
nsmitter) to ttransmit imp
2. Elecctrical synapsse:- (Only in the CNS) ass gap junctio
ons between axon & the o other neuronn in CNS.
4 Chem
4.1 mical Synapse
• The chemmical synapsse consists off four compo onents:
1. Pressynaptic mem mbrane is the membrane e of the end of the axon
2. Posstsynaptic me embrane is th he membran ne of the otheer cell e.g. Neuron
3. Synnaptic cleft iss a space bettween the tw
wo membrane es
4. Synnaptic vesiclees in the axon e neurotransmitter into th
n secrete the he synaptic ccleft
• Types off Chemical Syynapses
1. Axoosomatic synapse It occurs between axon a & cell body.
2. Axoodendritic syn napse It occu
urs between axon & den ndrite.
3. Axooaxonic Synapse It occurss between axxon &
anoother axon.
Synaptic cleft
(junction between
the fo
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