Module 6
Module 6
Module 6
If we are looking for the number of two-digit numbers using the digits
3, 4, 5, and 6 when repetition of digits is not allowed, we can multiply
the total number of digits (which is the total number of choices for the
tens digit) to the total number of digits minus 1 (which is the total
number of choices for the ones digit). Therefore, there are 𝟒 × 𝟑 = 𝟏𝟐
two-digit numbers that can be formed.
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Factorial Notation
2 the notation 𝑛!, where 𝑛 > 0 and 𝑛! = 𝑛 𝑛 − 1 (𝑛 − 2) … 2(1)
Evaluate 3!.
3! = 3(2)(1) = 6
A counting problem asks
“how many ways” some
event can occur.
Ex. 1: How many three-letter codes are
there using letters A, B, C, and D if no
letter can be repeated?
Next slide
•Another way to solve is a factor
tree where the number of end
branches is your answer.
a c
b c
Fundamental Counting Principle
Suppose that a certain procedure P can be
broken into n successive ordered stages, S1,
S2, . . . Sn, and suppose that
S1 can occur in r1 ways.
S2 can occur in r2 ways.
Sn can occur in rn ways.
Then the number of ways P can occur is
r1 r2 rn
Ex. 2: An experimental psychologist uses
a sequence of two food rewards in an
experiment regarding animal behavior.
These two rewards are of three different
varieties. How many different sequences
of rewards are there if each variety can
be used only once in each sequence?
Using the fundamental counting principle:
3 X 2
1st reward 2nd reward
Try It!
5! = 5 4 3 2 1 = 120
Try It!
4! = 4 3 2 1 = 24
5! × 4! = 120 24 = 2 880
4 P3 = = 24
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1 ordered arrangement of a set of objects
The set of 3-digit numbers that can be formed using the digits
1, 2, and 3 is a set of permutations.
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Evaluate 6𝑃3 .
𝑛𝑃𝑟 =
𝑛−𝑟 !
6𝑃3 =
6−3 !
6 5 4 3!
= 6(5)(4)
= 120
Try It!
We need to determine the number of permutations of the 8
1. Identify 𝑛 and 𝑟.
𝑛𝑃𝑟 = 𝑛!
8𝑃8 = 8!
= 8 7 6 ∙∙∙ 2 1
= 40 320
𝑛−1 != 4−1 !
= 3!
n Cr =
r!(n − r )!
Order does
WhereNOT matter!
n & r are nonnegative integers & r < n
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2 a selection whose order does not matter from a set of objects
𝑛! 8! 8! 8∙7∙6
𝑛𝐶𝑟 = = = = = 56
𝑛 − 𝑟 ! 𝑟! 8 − 5 ! 5! 3! 5! 3!
4 C3 = =4
Try It!
1. Analyze the problem.
2. Identify 𝑛 and 𝑟.
3. Substitute 𝑛 and 𝑟 into the formula.
𝑛! 7! 7! 7 6 5 (4!) 210
𝑛𝐶𝑟 = 𝑛−𝑟 !𝑟!
= = = = = 35
7−3 !3! 4!3! 4!∙3 2 (1) 6
Try It!
Apportionment in the Philippines
House of Representatives
apportionment is based from the
1980 census.
297 representatives
234 district representatives
63 sectoral representatives
(party list)
Sectoral representatives
✓ Must have 2% of the total votes
✓ Maximum 3 seats per party
✓ Maximum of 20% sectoral rep.
Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑠
▪ Proposed by Alexander
Hamilton (1755-1804)
▪ First apportionment method
to be approved in the United
States of America Congress,
but was vetoed by President
George Washington in 1792.
▪ Hamilton’s method tends to
favor larger states
Steps in Hamilton’s Method
Example 1 (Solution)
Region Population Standard
NCR 12,877,253 31.880
CAR 1,722,006 4.263
Region I 5,026,128 12.443
Region II 3,451,410 8.545
Region III 11,218,177 27.773
Region IV-A 14,414,774 35.687
Region IV-B 2,963,360 7.336
Region V 5,796,989 14.352
Region VI 4,477,247 11.084
Region VII 6,041,903 14.958
NIR 4,414,131 10.928
Region VIII 4,440,150 10.992
Region IX 3,629,783 8.986
Region X 4,689,302 11.609
Region XI 4,893,318 12.114
Region XII 4,545,276 11.253
ARMM 3,781,387 9.362
Region XIII 2,598,843 6.429
Total 100,981,437
Copyright 2018: Mathematics in the Modern World by Winston S. Sirug, Ph.D.
Steps in Hamilton’s Method
▪ Proposed by Thomas
Jefferson (1743-1826)
▪ First used in US Congress in
1792 until 1840.
▪ Jefferson’s method tends to
favor larger states
▪ First steps are the same with
Hamilton’s method
Steps in Jefferson’s Method
Example 2 (Solution)
𝑑 =21,900.83
Example 2 (Solution)
Example 2 (Solution)
Example 2 (Solution)
• If the total from Step 3 was less than the total number of
representatives, reduce the divisor and recalculate the
quota and allocation. Continue doing this until the total in
4 Step 3 is equal to the total number of representatives.
𝑑𝑚 =21,500
State Population standard lower
quota quota
A 162,310 7.5493 7
B 538,479 25.0455 25
C 197,145 9.1695 9
Total 897,934 41
Adam’s Method
District 1 2 3 Total
Population 94,700 72,600 33,700 201,000
Example 3 (Solution)
Example 3 (Solution)
• If the sum of the upper quotas does not equal the total
number of seats to be apportioned, choose a modified
divisor greater than the standard divisor and calculate
3 the modified quotas and upper modified quotas.
𝑑𝑚 = 23,800
1. Determine how many people each representative should represent by calculating the
standard divisor.
2. Divide each state’s population by the divisor to determine how many representatives
it should have, aka standard quota.
3. Round all the quotas to the nearest whole number (but don’t forget what the
decimals were). Add up the remaining whole numbers.
4. If the total from Step 3 was less than the total number of representatives, reduce the
divisor and recalculate the quota and allocation. If the total from step 3 was larger
than the total number of from step 3 was larger than the total number of
representatives, increase the divisor and recalculate the quota and allocation.
Example 4
• Round all the quotas to the nearest whole number (but don’t forget
3 what the decimals were). Add up the remaining whole numbers.
• If the total from Step 3 was less than the total number of
representatives, reduce the divisor and recalculate the quota
4 and allocation.
𝒅𝒎 = 𝟑𝟐𝟑, 𝟎𝟎𝟎
City Population Modified standard Rounded
quota Quota
Quezon 2,936,000 9.090 9
Manila 1,780,000 5.511 6
Caloocan 1,580,000 4.892 5
Taguig 805,000 2.492 2
Pasig 755,000 2.337 2
Parañaque 666,000 2.062 2
Valenzuela 622,000 1.926 2
Makati 585,000 1.811 2
Total 9,729,000 30
Mathematics in the Modern World
Ezra Aguilar
Arturo Patungan
University of Santo Tomas
Voting in the Philippines: 1987
When do we Consider Voting?
1st choice B C B D B E
2nd choice C A D C E A
3rd choice A D C A A D
4th choice D B A E C B
5th choice e E E B D C
• Consider the voting of the 1000 employees to
choose the island for their company outing. They
were asked to write their 1st choice, 2nd choice and
3rd choice. The results are shown in the following
table preference table.
Number of Ballots Cast
1st choice A A B B P P
2nd choice B P A P A B
3rd choice P B P A B A
Example 1 (Solution)
1st choice A A B B A B
2nd choice B B A A B A
• Inspecting the table for first-choice row: A got 168 + 202 +90 = 460
votes, and B got 215 + 105 + 220 = 540 votes. So, B is the winner
with 540 votes, or 54%, which is a majority.