314477-FLW Vaesen Water Leaper v1
314477-FLW Vaesen Water Leaper v1
314477-FLW Vaesen Water Leaper v1
Llyn Cyflen is a pleasant little lake, nestled at the foot CONDITIONS
of a majestic peak. Seeing fish leaping, I commented to my
guide that the lake must be a good source of fish for the □ Aggressive +1
local population. I was told that the lake was haunted by □ Irritated
savage creatures that destroyed coracles and drowned any
fisherman who dared venture onto the water.
□ On guard +1
Water leapers can live on lake fish, but seem to if they fail an AGILITY check.
prefer the meat of sheep, cattle, and humans. They will † Victim takes 1 point of venom damage
try to knock fishermen out of their boats by leaping at when hit and 1 more in the following round.
them. Their piercing shrieks can startle an unwary
fisherman or animal, making them easier victims.
Water leapers can be wounded and killed by
CHARACTERISTICS normal weapons.
The Gamemaster can decide whether water
leapers are simple animals in their games, or
MAGICAL POWERS whether they are more magical creatures. In the
latter case, water leapers will be vulnerable to
♦ Can breathe underwater
Christianity and it trappings, and can be repelled
♦ Has an extra action that can be used
for movement in water only by crosses and holy water. In ancient times, a
♦ LEAP: Can fly for 1 round, but must blessing from a saint or other powerful religious
spend the next round in the water person might drive them from a body of water,
♦ SHRIEK: The victim loses all actions and the same might be possible, but extremely
for the next round.
difficult, today.
♦ Thomas Jeffries disappeared while out ♦ While he waits for his father to die so he
fishing on the river Afon, a little way can inherit the estate, the Honorable
downstream from Llyn Hyfryd. His Henry Ffinch has developed a powerful
coracle was found grounded on a ford, interest in hunting and natural history.
with no trace of Thomas himself. While traveling through Wales collecting
Meanwhile, strange and blood-curdling specimens, he heard the cry of a water
screams have been head echoing across leaper as he skirted the shore of Llyn Du.
the waters of the lake. A group of a dozen Mistaking it for the cry of a water-bird,
or so water leapers has moved into the he became determined to track down the
lake, and threaten both the fish in the lake creature and present a specimen to the
and anyone who ventures out onto the Royal Zoological Society in London.
water. Heedless of danger, he set out on the lake
♦ On the orders of an absentee landlord in a hired coracle, armed with a brace of
from London, a stone bridge is being built shotguns and a sketch-pad. His valet
across the Afon Ysgrech river as part of a Evans, a native Welshman, worries for his
new road from the hills to the nearest master’s safety, and when Henry failed to
town. The project has been plagued by return from a day’s searching, he alerts
accidents and delays, until one day every the local police and sends a telegram
one of the hire laborers walk off the job, from the nearest town to Henry’s father
complaining of some evil in the water. — and perhaps to some trusted friends,
The landlord and his engineers would like the Player Character.
never understand, or admit to believing,
that water leapers are preying on the
workers, but tales of the creatures are
being whispered in local pubs and
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Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying, and its
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