Forbidden Lands Pregen NIghtkin
Forbidden Lands Pregen NIghtkin
Forbidden Lands Pregen NIghtkin
You sense unnatural phenomena before anyone
Your meddling with sorcery has attracted dark
beasts and demons over the years, and people
close to you tend to suffer for it.
Strength: 2
Agility: 3
You belong to the nightkin of the northern Fang-
Wits: 5
woods. As exiled cousins of the jovial halflings, you
Empathy: 3
protect their ignorant hides from the horrors of the
night, and the beasts of the forest. You have delved
deeply into the mystical arts of forest magic to pro-
tect the beings around you, but as the Blood Mist SKILLS
dispersed, you found that your lust for new forests Stealth (AGILITY) 1
and discoveries was greater than the need to pro- Marksmanship (AGILITY) 1
tect your distant relatives. With your old compan-
Scouting (WITS) 1
ion, a scarred and dark-bristled boar that goes by
Survival (WITS) 3
the name Drokk, you have travelled Ravenland
with a new tribe of untamed, and, for the most Insight (WITS) 3
part, naive adventurers. Healing (EMPATHY) 3