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Itema R9500-2

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1 Energy Saving 6 SK Weft Transfer 9 Optimized Ergonomy

The machine lubrication system and Designed for high speed and versatility The R9500² features a lowered front
main mechanical components have thanks to its exclusive streamlined and frame to facilitate machine accessibility
been optimized to guarantee a consider- ceramic coated rapier heads. for the weaver when carrying out daily
able energy consumption reduction. High machine performances and textile operations thus leading to an
superior fabric quality. optimized machine ergonomy.
2 Direct Drive Motor
with Oil Cooling 7 FPA—Free Positive
10 Latest Generation Console
The Itema R9500² is equipped in its Approach Weft Transfer The weaver has a complete machine
standard configuration with a direct control through the brand-new latest
No guiding elements in the shed.
drive motor with oil cooling which generation, high-performance, super
ensures a double valuable advantage: Ensuring a gentle treatment even of the sensitive console which guarantees the
reduced maintenance and energy saving. most delicate warp yarns. highest reactivity and maximum reliability.
Optimized Design.
3 Sturdy Machine Structure 11 New FPA Ergonomic
Outstanding versatility to weave the Rapier Opener
The sturdy yet compact structure provides widest range of fancy, multifilament
maximum reliability and no vibrations and monofilament yarns. Ensuring easy set-up operations
leading to superior machine performances. by allowing the weaver to carry out the
8 Unique Itema Shed necessary set-up operations in just a
4 Multiple Choice Geometry few, quick moves and without the need
of Weft Cutters of additional tools.
The Itema best-in-class shed geometry
Mechanical Weft Cutter is worldwide renowned for its unique- 12 iMANAGER
Traditional weft cutting system, reliable ness. Featuring the smallest shed in
and effective. its category, the Itema shed geometry Monitoring the Itema weaving machines
guarantees zero stop marks thus leading efficiency and performances has never
Rotocut Weft Cutter
to superior fabric quality and top fabric been so easy. Thanks to the brand-
Featuring a rotary blade, it allows a
hand-feel even when running at the new Itema plant management software
perfect cutting time—at the same
highest speeds. iMANAGER, the plant manager can
moment—of the filling yarns ensuring
easily control and access machines
best results and optimal efficiency.
data and statistics from computer or
MiCut Motorized Weft Cutter portable devices.
Ideal solution when weaving complex
styles and/or multiple weft configura-
tions, providing unbeatable versatility
and textile efficiency.

2 Year Warranty
R9500² Rapier Weaving Machine

The Itema absolute best-seller, the rapier R9500, comes Weaving has never been so easy,
to the market in its Second Generation. The most suc- and now with the peace of mind
cessful rapier machine in recent history has been further of our QRP seal of Quality, Reli-
optimized to guarantee superior performances and top ability and Performance.
textile quality. Itema’s R9500² rapier proudly
Launched on the market in 2012, the Itema R9500 quickly estab- carries the prestigious QRP seal.
lished a new reference point in speed, versatility and user-friend- We strongly believe in our weaving
liness. Market success has been outstanding, with an impressive machines, therefore, every QRP-
number of machines installed in more than 60 countries on all five certified Itema machine is guaran-
continents. Designed to guarantee best-in-class machine perfor- teed for a period of two years.
mances, the Itema rapier R9500 leveraged the well-known and
Itema is the only producer in the
worldwide recognized Itema know-how in developing in-house
world to extend the warranty.
its rapiers to ensure unbeatable fabric quality when weaving the
widest range of yarns and patterns. The best-in-class electronic Our unyielding commitment to R&D,
platform—ensuring maximum reliability—and the sturdy machine to innovation, and to our Customers
structure—guaranteeing no vibrations—, are other success fac- inspires us to excel in our extensive
tors that made the R9500 one of the most highly reputed and product testing.
successful rapier looms in the history of weaving. We are tireless in our search for
Now in its second generation, the R9500² is ready to establish ways to enable our Customers to
a new technological benchmark in rapier weaving by further im- meet and exceed their stringent ex-
proving key machine’s functionalities. pectations of product performance
and solid investment return.
Always working on improving our Customers’ benefits and to
make weavers’ life easier, we focused in implementing on the Itema Look for the QRP mark—our
R9500² key advancements that now make this machine the most testament to how we design,
energy efficient rapier weaving machine on the m ­ arket while en- develop, lean manufacture and
suring best-in-class textile performances and fabric quality. More- deliver our product, our unwa-
over, the R9500²—already renowned for its user-friendliness—has vering confidence in our prod-
been further optimized to ensure the best user-experience ever. uct and our guarantee to our
Itema R9500²: no limit to the best.
Sturdy, High Precision Machine Frame

Effective Centralized Lubrication Direct Drive Motor with Oil Cooling

Sturdiness, efficiency and cost savings

Considerable Energy Saving The motor is based on an electronic drive Sturdy, High Precision Machine
and brushless motor technology which Frame
The lubrication system and the main
provides easy machine speed adjustment The R9500² heavy-duty frames and
mechanical components, thanks to an
through the machine console. Traditional global structure promote practically no
extensive engineering study and to ad-
gearing and mechanical parts are mini- vibrations even at the highest speeds.
vanced machining equipment in our pro-
mized ensuring reduced maintenance. The solid drive, positioned in main lat-
duction plants, have been optimized to
Furthermore, thanks to a dedicated soft- eral frames, is engineered for extensive
guarantee a significantly reduced power
ware, no tools are required to change control of moving masses to significantly
consumption, thus leading to substantial
harness crossing, it works simply by set- process heavy patterns or unbalanced
cost savings for the weaver.
ting the desired parameters through the styles with minimal investment and main-
Direct Drive Motor user interface. tenance costs.
with Oil Cooling
Effective Centralized The sley and back rest modules repre-
Simple, reliable, maintenance free Lubrication sent key machine’s parts. The unique
and energy efficient. sley design ensures speed and versatility
Machine components are lubricated by
The R9500² features—as standard—a whilst the back rest module enables less
a Centralized Lubrication System—now
direct drive motor with oil cooling warp tension and a cleaner shed.
optimized to ensure reduced power con-
which ensures a double valuable advan- sumption, which provides oil from a main The R9500² flexible structure is prepared
tage: reduced maintenance and energy reservoir with double filter. Thanks to a to be equipped with fancy warp beam or
saving. The oil cooling system helps the special design and extensive testing of jacquardette.
heat recovery by dissipating and reduc- gearing and mechanical parts, the lubri-
ing the motor temperature, thus leading cation system promotes low oil tempera-
to an extended component lifetime and tures leading to an extended mechanical
to higher machine performances, includ- components lifetime.
ing a reduced energy consumption.
Maximum system reliability is further as-
Field measurements confirm that the sured by the Electronic NCP—New Com-
R9500² provides a considerable reduc- mon Platform—which maintains pressure
tion in energy consumption compared and temperature constantly monitored.
to previous machine model, thus making
the R9500² the most energy efficient ra-
pier weaving machine on the market.
Improved and Optimized Ergonomy

Enhanced Beating Motion

Sturdiness, efficiency and cost savings

The Most Compact and Improved and Optimized

Streamlined Weaving Machine Ergonomy
on the Market The R9500² features a lowered front
R9500² features the most reduced foot- frame to facilitate machine accessibility
print of the weaving industry. Choosing for the weaver when carrying out daily
to install R9500² in the weaving mill gives textile operations thus leading to an op-
our Customers the opportunity to maxi- timized machine ergonomy.
mize and optimize the available surface,
gaining more space for the machine fleet. Enhanced Beating Motion
The reduced machine dimensions, the The beating motion of R9500² is integrat-
minimal noise and vibrations and the ed in the main structure, with sley cams
best-in-class balance between con- located below the fabric, guaranteeing
sumption and performances are just a stronger beat-up force and leading to the
few of the reasons that make the Itema possibility to easily weave even the heavi-
R9500² the most sought-after rapier est fabrics.
loom on the market today.
Furthermore, the R9500² personifies sim-
plicity. User-friendly, ergonomic, with few
covers and latest advancements to allow
easy access for daily operations and
The Best Shed Geometry of its Category The Innovative SK Weft Transfer

The Turboprop: a Unique Rapier Drive System FPA Ergonomic Rapier Opener
Best-in-class Weft Insertion System

The Best Shed Geometry ensuring a longer life span even at the coupling high resistance of the rapier
of its Category machine highest speeds with an easier weft release.
The unique Itema shed geometry has • Standard direct lubrication of all slid-
The Versatile FPA Weft Transfer
been designed to guarantee a smaller ing parts as well as dynamic lubrica-
shed for maximum speed and superior tion are provided The FPA—Free Positive Approach—weft
textile quality. The Itema shed geometry, transfer combines the versatility of a
Customary to the design, the Turboprop
the smallest on the market, features two positive rapier system with higher perfor-
settings do not “drift” over time, eliminat-
main fundamental aspects: mances and efficiency, allowing our Cus-
ing the need for continuous settings and
tomers to weave with endless creative
• Positioning of the first frame closer to adjustments by maintenance personnel.
possibilities even the most sophisticated
the reed which allows a shorter stroke With reliable, low cost, sizeable perfor-
and complex fabrics.
providing higher speeds and longer life mances, the Turboprop embodies the
cycles for heddles and harness frames true essence of the Itema R9500² Rapier With the FPA System, thanks also to the
Weaving Machine. combination with the motorized weft
• The beating stroke is maximized to
cutter, it is possible to weave the widest
guarantee the highest beating force and
The Innovative SK Weft Transfer range of fancy, multifilament, metallic and
the capacity to weave heavy fabrics
The SK Transfer System with guided monofilament yarns.
All elements have been studied and ap-
hooks is engineered for high speed and Moreover, the FPA Weft Transfer System,
plied to guarantee a perfect fabric quality.
versatility. While providing for a wide array featuring a race board with no guiding ele-
The Turboprop: of weft yarns, the SK System is the most ments in the shed, ensures a gentle treat-
a Unique Rapier Drive System advanced transfer system on the market ment even of the most delicate warp yarns.
today. With an ultra-light, ceramic coated, The FPA Transfer is the perfect solution
The R9500² leverages the prowess of the
one piece design rapier, the SK System also in case of technical textiles with the
renowned Itema propeller drive system.
provides consistent, high speed perfor- finest yarn or with high tenacity, multiple
Thanks to the Itema Turboprop, the drive
mance and less wear. pick insertion fabric.
remains compact with minimal mov-
ing parts for top reliability and reduced Other key points:
FPA Ergonomic Rapier Opener
• The insertion gripper is positioned very
close to the reed promoting increased The R9500² is equipped with an ergo-
Additional device design features are:
efficiency and dependable quality nomic rapier opener which allows the
• The mechanism is secured into the side weaver to carry out the necessary set-up
frame to ensure stability and precision • The receiving gripper features a
operations in just a few, quick moves and
unique, patented opening system
• Carriage and swinging sliders are de- without the need of additional tools thus
based on a permanent magnet in-
signed with aeronautical grade alloys, leading to easy set-up and adjustments.
tegrated within the gripper, thus
Multiple Choice of Weft Cutters:
MiCut Motorized Weft Cutter

Multiple Choice of Weft Cutters: Rotocut Weft Yarn Selector

Best-in-class Weft Insertion System

Multiple Choice of Weft Cutters Weft Yarn Selector

The R9500², in order to fit all the weaving Available for 4, 8 or 12 colors configurations.
needs, offers multiple weft cutter options: Designed to promote the maximum ver-
Mechanical Weft Cutter satility and reliability, the device is main-
Traditional weft cutting system, reliable tenance free, driven and controlled by the
and effective with an essential operation- microprocessor. Fine tuning the stroke
al movement. of the selected finger promotes a gentle
movement and works to eliminate inter-
Rotocut ference with adjacent wefts. The com-
The Itema Rotocut features a rotary blade pact design allows the selected weft to
which allows a perfect cutting time of the be presented in close proximity to the
filling yarn. The device, after clamping the cutting position ensuring firm control.
filling, cuts all the weft yarns at the same The device is easily accessible for weav-
moment, due to the exceptional ease of ing and maintenance personnel reduc-
movement ensuring best results and op- ing downtime for weft repairs and style
timal efficiency. changes.

Motorized Weft Cutter

The Itema MiCut Motorized Weft Cutter has
been developed to satisfy even the most
demanding style requirements. Available
on request, it is the ideal solution to weave
complex styles and/or multiple weft con-
figurations. Based on innovative electronic
technology and controlled by the micropro-
cessor, the MiCut Motorized Weft Cutter
further ensures utmost versatility and textile
efficiency, allowing the valuable possibility
to set independent cutting times for each
weft/color. A precise, advanced tool de-
signed to increase efficiency, enhance ver-
satility and minimize the waste.
Enhanced Warp Let Off and Fabric Take Up

The Leno and Auxiliary Selvedge Device—ISD Superior Fabric Quality: Intuitive Menu
When Quality Goes Hand in Hand with User-friendliness

The R9500² is born to be versatile. The Superior Fabric Quality Quick Style Change
machine offers a comprehensive range of
The Itema unique shed geometry clearly R9500² has been designed and intended
configurations for numerous applications,
facilitates maximum weaving speeds and to drastically reduce downtime for style
ensuring the perfect solution to penetrate
superior fabric quality. changing. All machine’s parts involved in
new markets while maximizing quality,
Worldwide weavers recognize to the the process have been developed spe-
speed and efficiency.
R9500² the valuable advantage to cifically to allow an easy and quick style
eliminate stop marks leading to first change and to reduce setting time:
Enhanced Warp Let Off and
Fabric Take Up quality fabric, benefit enabled by • quick warp beam release and warp
the exclusive Itema shed geometry. stop motion are standard on all ma-
R9500² is equipped with electronic warp
Moreover, Itema developed a dedicated chine’s configurations
let-off and fabric take up. The gearing
software to prevent stop marks that can • DRC4 or DRC10 quick frame connec-
system is in an oil bath providing maxi-
be easily modified to meet complex fabric tion systems
mum reliability. Pick density can be ad-
construction demands. Quick machine
justed directly through the machine con- • the temples—being mounted on a sin-
start and stop with reed correct position-
sole. Multiple beam applications are all gle support—can be easily moved on
ing is guaranteed, thanks to the direct
electronically controlled. both sides drastically reducing the time
drive motor.
required for style setting and width
The Leno and Auxiliary Working in combination with the continu- adjustments
Selvedge Device—ISD ous monitoring of the let off and take up
position done by the machine micropro- • the warp beam is driven by the elec-
The R9500² weaving machine features a
cessor, the shed geometry practically tronically controlled let-off system
standard motion both for selvedges and
eliminates start marks. Without question, guaranteeing an easy warp beam fit-
leno binding.
the R9500² is strategically designed to ting and cloth roll doffing
The ISD provides independent setting
minimize off-quality fabric.
of the auxiliary selvedges crossing and
basic shedding patterns through the
machine console. Other than routine
cleaning operations, the brushless
motors eliminate the need for main-
tenance and adjustments.
Selvedge Options: Pneumatic Tuck-In Device Itema ActiveBRK Electronic Weft Brake

The Useful LoomCooler Electronic Shed Crossing

When Quality Goes Hand in Hand
with User-friendliness

Many Valuable Selvedge The Useful LoomCooler

The R9500² comes with the option of
The R9500² features a wide range of op- a useful and reliable electronically con-
tions for selvedge formation. In addition trolled cooling system, the LoomCooler.
to standard cutters, a melting device, as
Initially designed to provide maximum
well as mechanical and pneumatic tuck-
heat dissipation in weaving looms, the
ers are available.
LoomCooler has also proven an effec-
Pneumatic tuckers allow utmost fabric tive heat recovery enabling Customers
quality and the possibility to weave very to re-use thermal power that would have
narrow tucked-in selvedges leading to a been wasted in other processes, result-
substantial fabric waste reduction. ing in overall cost savings and greener
Multiple Electronic Weft Brake
Options Electronic Shed Crossing
Electronic weft tensioning devices are The shed crossing time can be easily ad-
available on request and suggested to justed from the machine console ensur-
assist when processing weak yarns. ing superior fabric quality.
Programmable through the user inter-
face, the electronic weft tensioning allows
a separate braking control of each weft.

The Itema ActiveBRK Electronic Weft

Besides the devices produced by differ-
ent suppliers, Itema developed the Itema
ActiveBRK Electronic Weft Brake, specifi-
cally designed to ensure different braking
areas during the weft insertion cycle.
Latest Generation Touch Screen Console On Board Diagnostics

iMANAGER—Your Itema Plant Management

The Innovative iPOS System
Outstanding User-Experience

Latest Generation Touch On Board Diagnostics iMANAGER—Your Itema Plant

Screen Console Management System
At Itema, we recognize time is money.
The R9500² is equipped with a latest This is why we equipped the R9500² with iMANAGER is the Itema latest mill man-
generation, super sensitive and extreme- our best diagnostic software ever! agement system that brings on a PC
ly powerful console. desktop all the relevant data and informa-
By simply accessing the touch screen, a
The Electronic NCP Platform reaches tion about the weaving plant. iMANAGER
functionality test can be selected for any
here the highest performance heights, provides an easy remote access to ma-
device or application on the machine—
due to the fast and immediate hardware’s chine data via computer and mobile de-
even circuit boards. Our Engineers spe-
reaction to users’ requests. vices, such as tablets and smartphones.
cifically designed this feature to be uti-
The full color touch-screen acts here as lized without tools or a background in Itema’s innovative decision-enabling suite
the user interface between the weaver electronics but by the people on the floor is made possible thanks to an embedded
and the machine, and the intuitive soft- who operate the machine. SIM card connection via a web server.
ware encourages dialogue with weavers It is now possible for you to see in real
and technicians. The interactive machine The Innovative iPOS time the actual status of your machines,
symbols ensure an user-friendly experi- iPOS—Intelligent Production Optimizing the textile data and settings, as well as
ence by guiding personnel to the desired System—is an optional feature designed to view and download machine statistics
information. to optimize machine productivity by mon- on an Excel spreadsheet, giving you es-
itoring machine speed and stop level. sential information about the operation of
State of the Art Technology By simply establishing stop and efficiency your weaving machine. Moreover, with
The machine utilizes “State of the Art” parameters, the iPOS will monitor ma- iMANAGER you can easily monitor plant
Microprocessor Technology with a PC
­ chine data over a given period of time. If efficiency and access your machines’
Board running Linux to drive the user in- the machine falls outside these param- styles archive to quickly replicate designs
terface. Ethernet connectivity, in combina- eters, the system automatically adjusts on different looms.
tion with one or more of Itema’s interac- machine speed to optimize productivity;
tive options, allows the R9500² to quickly increasing production and improving fab-
engage both the mill network and Internet. ric quality.
With a standard USB memory stick sav-
ing, changing or transferring machine
settings has never been easier.
Nominal Machine SK Transfer System 170-190-210-220-230- Warp Beam 800, 1000 or 1100 mm
Widths 260-280-300-320-340- Diameter
360-380-400-430-460- Twin warp beam for wide looms Optional
Top beam Optional
FPA Transfer System 170-190-210-220-230-
Double lower beam 600 + 600 mm or Optional
500 + 700 mm
Back-Rest Roller Single Standard
Width Reduction SK Transfer System Standard 60 cm
Optional 100 cm Double Optional
FPA Transfer System Standard 100 cm Reinforced double Optional
back-rest roller for
Yarn Range Spun Yarns Nm 200 – Nm 3
technical fabrics
With FPA Transfer
System up to Nm 1 Warp tensioner Optional
(Warp Beam 1000/1100)
Filament Yarns 22 dtex – 3,300 dtex
With FPA Transfer Warp Stop Motion 6 bar electrical 25 mm Standard
System as fine as or 30 mm pitch
8 dtex 8 bar electrical 16 mm
WEFT INSERTION 12 bar 12 mm pitch Optional
Electronic Weft 4, 8 or 12 colors Mini warp stop motion Optional
Selector for waste selvedge
Electronic Weft Itema ActiveBRK Optional
Tensioner Electronic Weft Brake
ROJ TEC Electronic Optional Electronic Internal cloth roller up Standard
Brake Controlled Take-Up to 550 mm
LGL ATTIVO Electronic Optional Prepared for external Optional
Brake batcher up to
1,500 mm
Weft Detector ROJ TE 500 Standard
Single press-roller Standard
DIGITAL Optional
Double press-roller Optional
MAESTRO Optional
Partially threaded Standard
Weft Cutter ROTOCUT Standard
fabric deviating bar
Mechanical Weft Optional
Smooth fabric Optional
deviating bar
Itema MiCut Optional
Rotating bar for low Optional
Motorized Weft Cutter
pick density
(programmable weft
by weft) Fabric Inspection LED lamp for reed area Optional
Area LED lamp for fabric Optional
Boosted Suction Unit Optional
Pick Density 5-400 picks/cm Standard
1-20 picks/cm Optional
R9500² at a glance


Main Motor Direct main motor with Standard ISD independent selvedge device Optional
oil cooling for dobby, Lateral and central pneumatic tuckers Optional
cam motion and
Lateral and central mechanical tuckers Optional
jacquard version
Thermo cutter Optional
Shedding Motion Heald frame Standard
connection DRC10 Full-width temple Optional
Heald frame Optional ELD electronic leno device Optional
On board diagnostic Standard
Heald frame Optional
Parallel interface: Optional
connection DRC4
for mono-directional data transmission
Automatic crossing Standard
Serial VDI interface: Optional
shed (standard)
for birectional data transmission
LoomCooler Optional
Ethernet interface for iMANAGER Optional
Shedding Machine Stäubli dobby model
Ethernet interface for other monitoring Optional
3020 or 3060
systems on request
(up to 20 shafts)
iPOS Optional
Stäubli dobby 3224
(up to 24 shafts)
Stäubli cam motion
model 1692
(up to 8 shafts)
Prepared for electronic Standard
jacquard with cardan
Prepared for electronic Optional
jacquard with
independent drive
Prepared for name Optional
selvedge jacquard
Reed Drive Conjugated cam units
(2, 3 or 4 depending on
machine width)
Machine Control Latest generation Standard
touch screen console
with color display
Options Power outlet on Optional
electrical panel
Push-button on Optional
electrical cabinet for
warp movement
Weaving width Machine width (A)
1700 mm 4300 mm
1900 mm 4500 mm
2100 mm 4700 mm
2200 mm 4800 mm
2300 mm 4900 mm
2600 mm 5200 mm
2800 mm 5400 mm
3000 mm 5600 mm
3200 mm 5800 mm
3400 mm 6000 mm
3600 mm 6200 mm
3800 mm (*) 6400 mm
4000 mm (*) 6600 mm
4300 mm (*) 6900 mm
4600 mm (*) 7200 mm
5400 mm (*) 8000 mm

(*) Machine width 3800 mm, 4000 mm, 4300 mm,

4600 mm, 5400 mm only with SK Weft Transfer System

Overall depth (B)

with 800 mm warp beam 1920 mm (**)
with 1000 mm warp beam 2062 mm (**)
with 1100 mm warp beam 2165 mm (**) B

(**) foot boards excluded

Dimensions (mm)
R9500² 190 D 4 S08

Nominal Machine Width (cm)

170, 190, 210, 220, 230, 260, 280, 300,
320, 340, 360, 380, 400, 430, 460, 540

D Dobby
C Cam Motion
J Jacquard

Weft Colors
4, 8, 12

Beam Arrangement
S08 Single Beam 800 mm
S10 Single Beam 1000 mm
S11 Single Beam 1100 mm
D08 Twin Beam 800 mm
D10 Twin Beam 1000 mm
D11 Twin Beam 1100 mm
S8S Top Beam 800 mm (*)
S1S Top Beam 1000 mm (*)

(*) a
 vailable in combination with
Single or Twin Beams above
The most successful rapier
weaving machine in recent
history now in its Second
Generation to further ensure
best-in-class energy
savings, fabric quality and

2 Year Warranty
We have 6
Itema Campus
Italy – Colzate
China – Shanghai
Japan – Osaka
USA – Spartanburg
India – Coimbatore
Pakistan – Lahore
We believe in a trusted and reliable partnership with our Customers, supporting them
throughout the whole life cycle of the weaving machine. Our dedicated after sales
market qualified team promptly satisfy in real time every Customer’s request to ensure
a win-win, long-term relationship.
The Itema skilled technicians and engineers provide:
– real time textile, electronic and mechanical assistance
– tailor-made upgrade kits
– analysis and consulting regarding machines performances, including running
costs and fabric quality
We recently launched a brand-new training center concept designed to provide tai-
lored and accurate courses in a highly technological and user-friendly location. The
Itema Campus is a fully functional center equipped with the latest loom models to give
our Customers a warm welcome and the right learning environment. A team of skilled
Itema technicians is fully dedicated to train the most demanding technical staff on how
to maximize the performance of your Itema machines.
An intensive course to acquire all the necessary technical and textile knowledge to get
the most out of the Itema weaving machines.
To facilitate and make even easier our Customers’ access to the Itema Campus Train-
ing Centers a dedicated online portal is available to easily and quickly book the desired
technical trainings.
Discover more at www.itemagroup.com/training
with the Itema R9500² Our Customers, our Pride
Scan the QR Code and listen to our Customers excellence story
Itema worldwide

Itema is a leading global provider of

advanced weaving solutions, including
best-in-class weaving machines, spare
parts and integrated services.
Our Company is the only manufacturer
in the world to provide the top three weft
insertion technologies: rapier, airjet and
projectile, with an ample product portfolio
and a commitment to continuous innova-
tion and technological advancement of
our weaving machines.
For more information about Itema, to con-
tact our Sales Team in your country, to
learn more about our weaving machines
or to order spare parts, please visit our
website www.itemagroup.com.

Itema S.p.A.
Corporate Headquarters
Via Cav. Gianni Radici 4
24020 Colzate (BG), Italy
Phone +39 035 7282111
Fax +39 035 740505
Specifications subject to change without notice. 49.04.09 Abb · EN
Italy · Switzerland · China · Hong Kong · India · Japan · USA · Dubai
[email protected]

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