Exam 2005q

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Unit: ELEC321 Communication Systems (D2)

Day and Time: Tuesday, 22 November 2005, 9:20 a.m.

Time Allowed: Three hours plus 10 minutes reading time.

Total Number of Questions: SIX (6)

Instructions: Answer any FIVE (5) questions only.

Total marks for this paper: 100.

The questions are of equal value.
Use one or more examination booklets.
Non-programmable electronic calculators may be used.
ELEC321 2005 (D2) Page 1

1. Fourier Series; Sampling

(a) (5 marks)

Working from first principles, determine the Fourier series for a periodic waveform consisting of
rectangular pulses of height A and width τ , repeated at intervals of T . Choose the time origin so
that the waveform is an even function of time.

(b) (6 marks)

A signal p(t ) is given by the product of two signals s1 (t ) and s 2 (t ) :

p(t ) = s1(t ) × s2(t ) .

Show that the spectrum P(ω ) of p(t ) may be obtained by convolving the spectra S1(ω ) of s1 (t )
and S2(ω ) of s 2 (t ) .

(c) (5 marks)

A band-limited signal f (t ) is sampled at regular intervals of time T for a time interval τ , so that
during time intervals τ the sampled signal s(t ) is equal to f (t ) but is zero otherwise.
Use your answers to parts (a) and (b) to describe the spectrum of s(t ) .
Show how this result leads to the sampling theorem.

(d) (4 marks)

If the requirements of the sampling theorem are not satisfied, the phenomenon of aliasing may
occur. Give two simple examples of aliasing.
ELEC321 2005 (D2) Page 2

2. Analogue Modulation

(a) (10 marks)

Using circuit blocks to perform the functions of addition and multiplication, and quadrature-phase
networks capable of providing a phase shift of 90° at any frequency, show how signals modulated
using the following techniques may be generated from a carrier signal at angular frequency ω c and
modulation signal(s) at angular frequency ω m1 and/or ω m2 :

(i) single-sideband suppressed-carrier modulation (SSBSC);

(ii) narrow-band frequency modulation (NBFM); and
(iii) quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM).

(b) (10 marks)

For each case, explain whether the signal may be synchronously demodulated.
For each case, discuss whether synchronous demodulation is a practical method, or what better
method of demodulation is available.
ELEC321 2005 (D2) Page 3

3. Miscellaneous

(a) (6 marks)

Explain what the process of companding is, and why it is used in transmission of analogue signals
(e.g. voice) using pulse-code modulation.

(b) (7 marks)

Explain how eye patterns are used in testing transmission channels.

Illustrate your answer with sketches of typical eye patterns for channels which are
(i) band-limited;
(ii) noise-limited; and
(iii) comparably affected by band limiting and noise.

(c) (7 marks)

A differential-PCM transmission system uses a linear predictor; the predicted next value is obtained
by extrapolating the straight line through the last two values. It uses a 4-bit sign-magnitude code, to
cover values in the range ±7 × 0.1 V, (i.e., integral multiples of 100 mV from -700 mV to +700
mV). The input s ( t ) has been zero for a long time, but after t = 0 increases as shown below.

t (msec.) 0 10 20 30

s(t ) (V) 0.0 0.9 1.4 1.8

Explain how this system works, calculating the value of the 4-bit code sent by the transmitter at the
three sampling instants ( t = 10, 20, 30 msec.) in the above table.
ELEC321 2005 (D2) Page 4

4. Line Coding, Matched-Filter Detection and Waveform Shaping

(a) (2 marks)

Line coding involves converting (say) standard TTL/CMOS logic levels to a suitable
waveform for transmission. Describe the difference between a return-to-zero (RZ) and a
non-return-to-zero (NRZ) waveform format.

(b) (2 marks)

In digital transmission systems, a sequence of decimal symbols is often gray-coded for

transmission. Explain why Gray coding is preferable to binary coding.

(c) (12 marks)

A known signal f(t) together with additive white Gaussian noise with two-sided noise
power spectral density 2 Watt/Hz is applied to the input of a matched filter. If the filter
transfer function is H(ω ) and its output is sampled at time t0, use Parseval’s Theorem
and Schwarz’s inequality to show that the maximum peak signal-to-noise power at the
output of the matched filter is

A = n2E
N 0

where E is the energy of the input signal f(t), A is the amplitude of the output signal at
time t0, and N is the average output noise power.

(d) (4 marks)

A communication channel is used for transmitting audio signals in the range 600 Hz to
3000 Hz, using a 1800Hz carrier wave. If waveform shaping and phase-shift keying
techniques are used, show that it is possible to use 4-PSK signals with a raised-cosine
shaping filter to send data over the channel at a rate of 2400 bits per second.
ELEC321 2005 (D2) Page 5

5. M-ary AM-PM Link Error Probability

(a) (10 marks)

Consider an 8-point AM-PM signal and let P(si) be the a priori probability of transmitting
the signal symbol si for 1 < i < 8. Figure 5 shows the signal constellation diagram of the
8-point AM-PM signal. In the presence of additive white Gaussian noise, the expression
for the error probability can be derived from the signal constellation diagram. Without
deriving the expression, use Figure 5 to explain a technique to compute the error probability
of an 8-point AM-PM signal.

s2 s3
s4 s5
-d -d/2 0 d/2 d

s 6 -d/2 s7


Figure 5 8-point AM-PM signal constellation diagram.

(b) (4 marks)

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of M-point AM-PM signals as compared to

binary amplitude-shift-keyed signals.

(c) (6 marks)

Suppose that the information transmission rate of the 8-point AM-PM signals employing a
Nyquist shaping filter is 19.2 kbits/sec. Determine the transmission channel bandwidth if a
sinusoidal roll-off factor of r = 0.2 is employed by the shaping filter.
ELEC321 2005 (D2) Page 6

6. Information Capacity, Source Coding and Error-Control Coding

(a) (4 marks)
Consider a telegraph source having two symbols, dot and dash. The dot duration is 0.2 s.
The dash duration is 3 times the dot duration, the probability of the dot’s occurring is twice
that of dash, and the time between symbols is 0.2 s. Calculate the information rate of the
telegraph source.

(b) (2 marks)

Write down the Huffman encoding procedure for a discrete memoryless source with
symbols xi and corresponding probabilities pi, i = 1, 2, ..., m.

(c) (4 marks)

Consider a discrete memoryless source with symbols x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , x 4 , and x 5 , and

corresponding symbol probabilities p 1 = 0.4, p 2 = 0.2, p 3 = 0.2, p 4 = 0.1,
and p5 = 0.1. Construct a Huffman code for the source.

(d) (10 marks)

Consider the (15, 11) cyclic code generated by the generator polynomial
g(x) = 1 + x + x4.

(i) Determine the parity-check polynomial h(x) of this code.

(ii) Determine the generator polynomial and the dimension of its dual code.
(iii) Find the generator and parity matrices in systematic form for this code.

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